Bruker Toolbox, S1 TITAN and Tracer 5i

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Bruker Toolbox
With Bruker RemoteCtrl
And Bruker Instrument Tools

For version and higher

Bruker Toolbox User Guide

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5
2. Bruker RemoteCtrl Software ..................................................................................................................... 5
3. Bruker Instrument Tools (BIT) Introduction ................................................................................................ 7
4. Manipulating Files..................................................................................................................................... 9
5. Bruker Installer ....................................................................................................................................... 13
6. Instrument Definitions ............................................................................................................................ 14
7. Editors .................................................................................................................................................... 15
7.1. Sample ID Field Editor ................................................................................................................................. 17
7.2. Grade Table Editor ...................................................................................................................................... 20
7.3. Limits Editor ................................................................................................................................................ 23
7.4. User Accounts ............................................................................................................................................. 24
7.5. Manual Filters ............................................................................................................................................. 26
8. User App Preferences Viewer .................................................................................................................. 29
9. Spectrum Viewer .................................................................................................................................... 31
10. Report Generator ................................................................................................................................ 37
11. Result File Generator ........................................................................................................................... 41

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1. Introduction

Description This manual describes Windows programs and their features used to interact with a connected
instrument. Programs available in Bruker Toolbox are –
 Bruker RemoteCtrl
 Bruker Instrument Tools (BIT)

Contacting Email: [email protected]

Bruker Phone: +1 (509) 783-9850, Option 4
Address: 415 N. Quay Street
Kennewick, WA 99336 USA

2. Bruker RemoteCtrl Software

Description An instrument can be controlled from a PC, which is useful when the instrument is held in a fixed
position for measurement, hands-free.

Process To start and stop a measurement from a PC –

Step Action Result

1 Power on the PC and the instrument.
2 Connect the instrument to the PC with a USB cable
(Bruker part number 160.0012.01.0) or through Wi-Fi.
To enable USB or set up the Wi-Fi, see the Supervisor
Manual, Bruker document 030.0113.
3 On the PC, double-click the Bruker RemoteCtrl icon. A new window is displayed.

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4 Click File. A dropdown list is displayed.

5 Click Connect. The Connect popup is displayed.
6 Wait for the instrument ID to be displayed, click it, After a few seconds, the
and click OK. instrument screen is displayed
on the PC.
Note that when multiple instruments are on the
same Wi-Fi network, multiple IDs may be displayed.
Ensure that you click the correct instrument ID.
7 Use the mouse to move the cursor over instrument
buttons and click selections.
8 To start a measurement, at the Ready to Test screen, The instrument starts a
click Trigger Pull (F6) or press the F6 key. measurement, updating
displayed results every second.
9 To end the measurement, click Trigger Pull (F6) or The measurement ends and the
press the F6 key again. final results are displayed.

Menu Above the instrument screen as displayed on a PC, several menu items are available.
Item Description
File Connects and disconnects with Bruker RemoteCtrl, or exits.
Trigger Pull Toggles the trigger.
Display Selects a cursor (Local Cursor on the computer screen, Win CE Cursor on the
instrument’s touch screen, or Both), or captures the current instrument
screen image.
Help Displays the software version.

USB cable Subject Description

recom- Cable Cable quality affects data transfers. If possible, use Bruker recommended
mendations quality cables (Bruker Part Number 160.0012).
Firewalls Software firewalls may block a PC to instrument connection. It may be
necessary to temporarily disable firewalls or add the analyzer to the allowed
exceptions list. Refer to your firewall’s user manual and the Installation
Manual, Bruker Document 030.0061.

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3. Bruker Instrument Tools (BIT) Introduction

Description The remaining sections of this document explain the basic operations of Bruker Instrument Tools
(BIT) for all Bruker S1 TITAN and TRACER 5i instruments connected to a PC through a USB
connection or Wi-Fi.
User and Supervisor Modes in this manual refer to operators of BIT, not modes on an instrument.

User Mode Operators in User Mode can –

 Connect the instrument to a PC.
 Browse and view files from the instrument on the PC.
 Create folders on the instrument.
 Transfer files between the instrument and PC.
 Generate, save as .pdf file, and print results reports.

Supervisor Operators in Supervisor Mode can perform User Mode functions plus –
Mode  View spectra and run assays.
 Delete, rename, or overwrite files on the instrument.
 Edit libraries.
 Manage passwords.
 Manage manual filter entries.
 Install software upgrades and application packages provided on CD or from the website.

Connecting Connecting an instrument to a PC through BIT is separate from connecting through RemoteCtrl. It
is possible to be connected to both at the same time for different purposes.
To connect an instrument to a PC –
Step Action Result
1 Power on the PC and the instrument.
2 Connect the instrument to the PC with
a USB cable or through Wi-Fi. To enable
USB or set up the Wi-Fi, see the
Supervisor Manual, Bruker document
3 On the PC, double click the BIT icon. The Bruker Instrument Tools window opens.

4 On the PC, click Device. A dropdown menu is displayed.

5 Click Connect. The Connect dialog box is displayed.
6 Click the appropriate device name and The dialog box is removed, the PC and
click Connect. instrument are connected, the instrument’s
Note that when multiple instruments file system is displayed, and User Mode
are on the same Wi-Fi network, options are available.
multiple IDs may be displayed. Ensure
that you click the correct instrument ID.

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Log in as At any point, once the BIT window is open, the mode can be changed in BIT to Supervisor to
supervisor access specific options in BIT. Note that Supervisor Mode on the instrument is different from
Supervisor Mode in BIT.

To log in as a supervisor –

Step Action Result

1 On the PC in the BIT menu bar, click A dropdown menu is displayed.
2 Click Login…. The Login dialog box is displayed.
3 Log in as a Supervisor with the password The dialog box is removed and Supervisor is
(root123) and click OK. displayed in the title bar. Supervisor Mode
stays in effect until BIT is closed.

Switch to To switch the mode from Supervisor to User, close BIT and reopen.
User Mode

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Change To change the supervisor password –

Step Action Result
1 On the PC in the BIT menu bar, click Tools. A dropdown menu is displayed.
2 Click Login. The Login dialog box is displayed.
3 Click Change Password. The Change Password dialog box is
4 Enter the Old Password, the New The fields fill with asterisks.
Password, and the new password again
(Confirm Password).
5 Click OK. The Login dialog box is displayed.

4. Manipulating Files
Description This section describes how to –
 Download files from the instrument to a PC.
 Create a file or folder on the instrument.
 In Supervisor Mode, rename or delete a file or folder.

Unsaved Files in the following folders are not saved on the instrument once it is powered off:
files  Temp
 Program Files
 My Documents
 Network
 Recycled
 Application Data
 Network

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Copy by To download files from the instrument to the PC using the Download button –
button Step Action Result
1 From the instrument’s file list
displayed on the PC, highlight one or
more files to be copied to the PC.
2 Click Download on the toolbar. The Browse for Folder dialog box is displayed.
3 Select a destination folder on BIT’s The selected files are copied from the
lower panel (below the horizontal line), instrument to the PC.
click OK, and wait for the download to
4 Refresh changes by closing, and Copied file names are visible.
opening again, the destination folder.

Cancel To cancel a download in progress, click Cancel.


Copy by To download files from the instrument to the PC by dragging –

Step Action Result
1 Navigate folders on BIT’s lower panel (below the
horizontal line) until the desired destination folder
is visible.
2 From the instrument’s file list displayed on the PC,
click and hold file names to be copied to the PC.
3 Still holding the mouse button, drag the selection to The file is copied from the
the destination folder on BIT’s lower panel and instrument to the PC.
release and wait for the download to complete.
4 Refresh changes by closing, and opening again, the Copied file names are visible.
destination file.

Copy and To download files from the instrument to the PC by copying and pasting –

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Step Action Result
1 From the instrument’s file list displayed on the
PC, highlight files to be copied to the PC.
2 Right click inside the highlighted area. A dropdown menu is displayed.
3 Click Copy. The dropdown menu is removed.
4 Right click the destination folder on BIT’s lower A dropdown menu is displayed.
panel (below the horizontal line).
5 Click Paste and wait for the download to The selected files are copied from
complete. the instrument to the PC.
6 Refresh changes by closing, and opening again, Copied file names are visible.
the destination file.

View a file To view on your PC a file from the instrument, double click the name OR –

Step Action Result

1 Right click the file to be viewed. A dropdown menu is displayed.
2 Click View. The file is displayed.

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Create To create a folder on the instrument –

folder Step Action Result
1 Locate the instrument directory for the
new folder.
2 Right click in the white space to the right A dropdown menu is displayed.
of the directory.
3 Click New Folder. New Folder is displayed in a new box.
4 Enter a name for the folder and press The folder name appears in the directory. If
Enter. not, click the Refresh button in the toolbar.

Rename To rename a file or folder –

Step Action Result

1 Log in Supervisor Mode (Tools->Login). Supervisor is displayed in the title bar at
the top of the window.
2 Right click the file or folder to be renamed. A dropdown menu is displayed.
3 Click Rename. The field is ready to be edited.
4 Enter a name and press Enter. The new name is displayed. If not, click
the Refresh button in the toolbar.

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Already If that file or folder name already exists, a warning message is displayed. Click OK and start over.

Delete NOTE: Once deleted, files and folders CANNOT be retrieved.

To delete a file or folder –

Step Action Result

1 Log in Supervisor Mode. Supervisor is displayed at the top of the window.
2 Select a file or folder to delete.
3 Right click it. A dropdown menu is displayed.
4 Click Delete. The message Permanently delete file/folder? is
5 Click Yes. The message and the selected file or folder is

Refresh To refresh a folder, click Refresh in the tool bar or collapse and expand the folder.

5. Bruker Installer

Description Bruker Installer is a tool within BIT for updating instrument software or application packages.
Over time various packages, including Service Bulletins with detailed instructions, become

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6. Instrument Definitions
Description The InstrumentDef.idf file on the instrument contains instrument configuration information.
Clicking Instrument Definitions displays the Instrument Definition window, which displays data
from that file. To expand information, click the triangle to the left of a name.

Never edit this file. Errors may cause damage or prevent the instrument from initializing.

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7. Editors
Description BIT provides Editors to edit, add, and delete –
 Sample ID fields.
 Grade tables.
 Limits.
 User accounts.
 Manual filters.

Most files on the instrument can be viewed in BIT User Mode but can be edited only in BIT
Supervisor Mode. The exception is the password file, which can be viewed and edited only in BIT
Supervisor Mode.

Opening To open a file from the instrument to work with in an Editor on the PC –
files on
the Step Action
instrument 1 Log in using Supervisor Mode.
2 Open Bruker Instrument Explorer.
3 Navigate to the desired file.
4 Right click over the file name and click View. The file type determines which Editor
opens. The Editor is displayed with the file data loaded.

Editor BRUKER Folder File Type

Sample ID Field \AutoID *.xml
Grade Table \System *lib.csv
Limits \System limits.csv

Opening To open a file from the PC to work with in an Editor –

files on
the PC Step Action
1 If one is not already available, copy an appropriate file to the PC.
2 Open the appropriate Editor window.
3 Click File and Open.
4 Navigate to an appropriate file on the PC and double-click it. The file is loaded into the
Editor window.

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Exiting At any point while in an Editor, to exit and display instrument directories –
Click File, then Exit.
Click the smaller X in upper right corner.


Save When finished editing, the following save options are available under File, the last two if the file
options was accessed from the instrument (via View) rather than the PC (via Open):

Option Saves the Open File…

Save On the PC, writes over the existing file.
Save As On the PC, saves to a new file name.
Save On Instrument On the instrument, writes over the existing file.
Save As On Instrument On the instrument, saves to a new file name.

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7.1. Sample ID Field Editor

Description Data in sample ID fields are stored with saved measurement results in the Results.csv file
(summary results) and in a .pdz file (raw data). See the S1 TITAN and TRACER 5i User Manual,
document 030.0112, for how to edit sample ID fields directly on the analyzer.

The BIT Sample ID Field Editor is a PC based alternative for creating or modifying Sample ID
fields. The editor provides flexibility for customized fields and field types, and is helpful when
multiple, complex fields or lists are set up for the first time. Field names and values are listed in
the Report Generator.

Defining Column Name Description

sample ID Include If checked, this field is displayed and stored with the Results.csv file.
Field Name In the Results.csv file, this is the column header.
Field Value User-entered text, maybe the sample name, lot name, barcode, location, etc.
Is Counter If checked, Field Value increments for each assay, and does not have to start
with 1.
Is List Field If checked, Field Value can be a list of options, rather than a single entry.

Editing To edit a field –

Step Action Result
1 From the Sample ID Field Editor The row is highlighted and the field is boxed.
window, click a field.
2 Click the field again. The cursor is in the box.
3 Delete and add text as needed. The field reflects the changes.
4 To leave the field, click another field.

Selecting To select a field value from a list –

field values
Step Action Result
1 From the Sample ID Field Editor window, click The row is highlighted.
a field value where Is List Field is checked.
2 Click the field value again. A dropdown list is displayed.
3 Click a field value name. The list is removed and the selection is

Adding To add field values to a field with Is List Field checked –

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field values
Step Action Result
1 From the Sample ID Field Editor The row is highlighted.
window, click a field value.
2 Click the field value again. A dropdown list is displayed.
3 Click <Edit>. The Auto Id Generator window is displayed.
4 Unselect any text by clicking anywhere The existing field names are unhighlighted.
in the window.
If field values are unintentionally
deleted, click Cancel.
5 Enter field values, separated by the Field values are added to the list.
Enter key.
6 Save edits by clicking OK. The Auto Id Generator window is removed.

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Edit To access edit options –

options Click the Edit tab.

Right-click anywhere within the Sample ID Field Editor window.

Option Description
Add Row Adds a new row to the bottom of the list. Enter a field name and click OK.

Delete Rows Removes highlighted rows.

Close Close (File->Close) removes the loaded template but leaves the Editor window open.

Creating a To create a sample ID file –

Step Action Result
1 From the Sample ID Field Editor window,
add fields as necessary.
2 Click File and Save As. The Save As window is displayed.
3 Navigate to a desired folder, type a file The template is saved on the PC.
name, and click Save.
4 Copy the file to the instrument in
5 Reboot the instrument. The sample ID template is available on the

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7.2. Grade Table Editor

Description The Grade Table Editor can be used to create or modify grade libraries. Any *lib.csv file can be
copied from the instrument to the PC.

Edit only libraries that have been copied and renamed, not ones supplied by Bruker. Bruker may
upgrade libraries through a Service Pack.

Library All Grade libraries must end with lib.csv. If a Grade library name lacks this suffix it is not
suffix recognized as a Grade library. It must be renamed with a lib.csv suffix before it can be edited or
used in data collection as a grade library.

Tramp TrampResidual.csv is not a grade library but helps determine the best grade match. Do not
Residual change the name of the this file.

New grade To create a new grade table, open the Grade Table Editor (Tools->Grade Table Editor) and edit
table this window. Navigate by clicking on a field or pressing the Tab key.

Editor The Grade Table Editor is divided in 4 sections that define –

window 1. Sample name and group.
2. Library and version number.
3. Grade by element ranges.
4. Whether the grade contains SMART details for matching and displaying the alloy.

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Define the In section 1 of the Grade Table Editor, samples are defined by data entered in the fields. These
sample data are not displayed on the instrument.

Field Description
Base The element of the highest concentration within the grade definition. This must
be defined for alloy identification.
Alloy Group Grouping for data sorting, usually the alloy class, such as Stainless.
Comment Place to enter details for future reference, but can be left blank.
Alloy ID The name displayed on the instrument if the measurement matches the
UNS Id If the Alloy ID’s definition comes from the Unified Numbering System (UNS), the
UNS’s name.

Edit menu Use the options under the Edit menu to manipulate grade definitions.

Edit Option Description

options Add Creates a new grade definition at the bottom of the list.
Insert Creates a new grade definition above the selected grade.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the selected grade. Rename and define the grade. The
copied grade does not contain the elemental definition.
Delete Removes the selected grade.
Reset Balance Resets the Balance function, if used.

Define the In section 2 of the Grade Table Editor, libraries are defined by the data entered in the fields.

Field Description
IsSmart Toggles between using (True) or not using (False) SMART logic for
measurement timing parameters. The SMART library disables user input for
phase timing and depends on the grade match for test instructions.
To toggle, click the field, click the down pointing carat, and click an option.
LibraryName Name of the library stored within the *lib.csv file.
VersionNo Library revision number.

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Define the In section 3 of the Grade Table Editor, element ranges are defined by the data entered in the
grade fields.

Field Description
Element Name The element containing a definition. If Base (in section 1 of the Grade Table
Editor) is not defined, it MUST be entered as a Balance.
Min The lower limit of an element’s range definition in percent.
Max The upper limit of an element’s range definition in percent.
Balance To assign the remainder of a grade definition (so it adds up to 100%) to an
element, click the corresponding radio button under Balance. If another
element was already selected, this unselects the previous balance element
and resets its values, most likely to 0,0.

The checkbox in the header can only uncheck. It is helpful if the balance
element has scrolled off the screen.

The remainder is calculated as follows:

Min = 100 – (1.05 x SUM of Max elements)
Max = 100 – (0.95 x SUM of Min elements)

Advanced The following options are available in section 4 of the Grade Table Editor:

Field Description
Nominal If True, the range mid point for each defined light element below Titanium,
in the best grade match, is calculated and added to the results list. Then
concentrations of all elements are normalized to 100%.
Beam1 If True, this grade ID is considered during phase 1. If False, it is not
considered as a solution.
Beam2 If True, this grade ID is considered during phase 2. If False, it is not
considered as a solution.
Phase 1 Time Specifies measurement time in seconds. This is specific to SmartGrade.
Phase 2 Time Specifies measurement time in seconds. This is specific to SmartGrade.
First Grade Time Specifies the time in seconds required before displaying the matched

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7.3. Limits Editor

Description Limits Testing on the instrument compares elemental results to PASS or FAIL thresholds. See the
S1 TITAN and TRACER 5i User Manual, document 030.0112, for how to apply this option. The
Limits Editor can be used to create or modify the Limits library.

Shaded Note that IEC limits for RoHS compliance screening (shaded fields in the editor) cannot be edited,
limit files copied, or deleted.

Limit types The Limits Editor defines a limit type by –

 Parent, User Limit, Limit Name, and Material Name (left side of the screen).
 Element ranges defined by Min and Max in parts per million (PPM) (right side of the

Editing To edit limit sets –

Step Action Result
1 Open the Limits Editor and Limits file. Limit sets are displayed in the Limits Editor.
2 Click Edit Sets or Edit Elements. A dropdown menu is displayed.

Edit Edit Sets and Edit Elements have the following options:
Option Description
Add Under Edit Sets, Add inserts a new limit set name at the bottom.
Under Edit Elements, Add inserts one element to one limit set at the bottom.
Insert Select a limit definition. Creates a copy of the limit definition above the selected one.
Delete Removes the selected limit definition.

Navigate Move between fields by mouse clicking or pressing the Tab key.

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Field Field Name Description

descriptions Parent Top-level limit set that can be toggled within the software. All limits not
defined are dependent upon the Parent of the same limit name. It is possible
to have specialized limits for each material group, but only one selected limit
set. This is important when the Automatic Calibration Selection option is
used with the Restricted Materials Application.
User Limit If checked, User Limits that can be edited.
Limit Name Name displayed when selecting a limit set on the instrument.
Material Name Classes of materials defined by the factory, linked to the Application and
Method selected on the instrument. The options are –
 Polymers.
 Composits.
 Materials.
 Blank.

Field Name Description

Element Name Unique identifier.
Min/Max The minimum and maximum content in PPM allowed in the limit set for that
element or EasyCal module.

7.4. User Accounts

Description User Accounts provides a way to –

 List users and passwords stored on the instrument.
 Change passwords.
 Change their mode, user or supervisor.
 Add users.
 Delete users.

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Displaying To list users and their passwords –

Step Action Result
1 Log in Supervisor Mode. Supervisor is displayed in the title bar at the
top of the window.
2 Click Tools and User Accounts. The User Accounts window is displayed.
3 Click File. The dropdown menu is displayed.
4 To open the file on the instrument, click Users, their passwords, and their mode are
Get From Instrument. displayed.

To open a file on the PC, click Open. The Open window is displayed.
5 Navigate to password.csv or previous The file is opened.
alternate name and double click it.

Adding To add a user to the instrument –

users in
instrument Step Action Result
file 1 From the User Accounts window with users The bar turns blue.
listed, click the white field below the last user
2 Type a new user name. The field turns white and the new
name is displayed.
3 Tab to or click the new Password field and The field turns white and the new
type a new password. It must be – password is displayed.
 Unique.
 All numbers.
 Up to five digits.
4 To give the new user access to supervisor The box is checked.
options, click the checkbox under Supervisor.
5 Click File and Save On Instrument. The new user account is saved on the

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Saving to To save user accounts and their settings to a file on the PC –

the PC
Step Action Result
1 From the User Accounts window with users If user account data are being saved
listed, click File and Save or Save As. for the first time or if Save As was
selected, the Save As window is

If Save was selected and the file

already exists, the file is updated.
2 Navigate to the desired folder, type a file User account data are saved to the
name, and click Save. new file.

Deleting To delete a user account from the instrument file –

Step Action Result
1 From the User Accounts window with The bar turns blue.
users listed, click a user name.
2 Click Edit and Delete. The user account is deleted from the
instrument file.

7.5. Manual Filters

Description The Manual Filter Editor maintains a list of manual filters used in calibrations. When a calibration
with a new filter is created, the new filter’s name and composition should be added to
ManualFilters.csv before taking an assay.

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Displaying To list manual filters –

Step Action Result
1 Log in Supervisor Mode. Supervisor is displayed in the title bar at the
top of the window.
2 Click Tools and Manual Filters. The Manual Filters window is displayed.
3 Click File. The dropdown menu is displayed.
4 To open the file on the instrument, click Manual filters and their descriptions are
Get From Instrument. displayed.

To open a file on the PC, click Open. The Open window is displayed.
5 Navigate to ManualFilters.csv or The file is opened.
previous alternate name and double
click it.

Adding To add a filter and save it in the instrument file –

filters in
instrument Step Action Result
file 1 From the Manual Filters window,
click the Filter Name field and type
a name for the new filter.
Click on a Filter Name from the The selected filter’s information populates the
table. fields in the upper part of the window.
2 Under Element, click a down A list of element symbols drops down.
pointing carat.
3 Use the scroll bar to navigate to the The droplist is removed and the selected
desired element symbol and click it. element symbol is displayed in the field.
4 Click the corresponding Thickness The value is displayed in the field.
field and type the thickness.
5 Repeat steps 2-4 as necessary.
6 To remove a layer, clear the
thickness field.
7 Click Add. The new manual filter is displayed in the table.
8 Click File and Save On Instrument. The manual filters file is saved on the instrument.

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Saving to To save the manual filters file on the PC –

the PC
Step Action Result
1 From the Manual Filters window with filters If manual filter data are being saved
listed, click File and Save or Save As. for the first time or if Save As was
selected, the Save As window is

If Save was selected and the file

already exists, the file is updated.
2 Navigate to the desired folder, type a file Manual filters data are saved to the
name, and click Save. new file.

Deleting To delete a manual filter from the table –

Step Action Result
1 From the Manual Filters window with The bar turns blue.
filters listed, click a filter name. The
blank filter should not be deleted.
2 Click Edit and Delete. The selected filter is deleted from the table.

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8. User App Preferences Viewer

Description The User App Preferences Viewer, available under Tools, displays selected preferences for
applications loaded on the instrument. This is a viewer only; editing is not possible.

Viewing To view preference settings for an application from a file on the instrument –
file Step Action Result
1 Log in Supervisor Mode. Supervisor is displayed in the title bar.
2 Using BIT, navigate to The view is displayed.
and double click on it.

Viewing PC To view preference settings for an application from a file on the PC –

Step Action Result
1 Log in Supervisor Mode. Supervisor is displayed in the title bar.
2 Click Tools. A dropdown menu is displayed.
3 Click App Preferences Viewer. The App Preferences Viewer window is displayed.
4 Click File and Open. The Open window is displayed.
5 Navigate to the appropriate file
on the PC and click Open.
6 To open details, click right
pointing triangles.

Figure In the following figure, one application, [9] Standard Alloy, is expanded.

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Expanding Under Options, Expand All displays information for all applications, not just a selected one.
Conversely, Collapse All lists only application names.

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9. Spectrum Viewer

Description The Spectrum Viewer allows spectra to be viewed in various ways.

Viewing a To view a spectrum –

Step Action Result
1 Log in Supervisor Mode. Supervisor is displayed in the title bar.
2 Click Tools. A dropdown menu is displayed.
3 Click Spectrum Viewer. The Spectrum Viewer window is displayed.
4 Click Options. A dropdown list is displayed.
5 Click File Selector. The Spectrum Viewer File Selector window is
6 Navigate the folders to display .pdz File names are highlighted.
files to add and select the files.
7 Click Add Files. File names are copied to the right side of the
window and their spectra are displayed in the
Spectrum Viewer.
8 To delete a file from the Add list, The file name is removed from the list and the
click it and click Delete Files. spectrum is removed from the viewer.
9 Click OK. The window is removed.

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Line types Line Type Significance

Bold Currently selected spectrum, or Active Spectrum. To display a list of spectra, click
the menu for the Active Spectrum in the toolbar.
Solid Data collected during phase 1 of an assay.
Dashed Data collected during phase 2 of an assay.
Dash dot Data collected during phase 3 of an assay.

Mouse Mouse Control Steps

panning/ Zoom Click in the spectrum and drag. Release to zoom. Right click to unzoom.
zooming Vertical scale Roll the mouse wheel upward and downward.
Horizontal scroll Drag the mouse across the horizontal axis.

Right click To access the following options, right click in the spectrum.

Option Description
Reset Returns the spectra to their original forms.
UnZoom Incrementally returns the spectra to previous forms.
Normalize Specifies the current cursor location as a reference point from which to compare
multiple spectra. This is helpful if measurement durations varied.
Add Label Displays a field to type a label name.

Keyboard Keyboard Control Steps

panning/ Vertical scale Page up (PgUp) and page down (PgDn) keys.
zooming Horizontal scale Scaling occurs around the cursor line.
1. Place the vertical cursor by clicking on the spectrum.
2. Expand or contract the spectrum by using the Ctrl+Arrow keys.
Horizontal scroll Shift+Arrow keys.

Active To select an active spectrum, click the downward pointing carat to the right of Active Spectrum and
spectrum click a spectrum name. The active spectrum has a bold line.

Copying To save the spectra panel to the clipboard to then be copied to Microsoft Office, click the spectra
spectra panel and use Ctrl+C OR click Edit, then Copy.

Additional Under the Options tab, the following choices are available:

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Option Description
Atomic Table Displays the atomic table.
(also an icon Click each element to display
in the toolbar, the energy lines in the
) spectrum. K, L, or M lines can
be displayed, with or without

Cursor Info Displays current cursor

(also an icon position information.
in the toolbar,

Spectrum Info Displays currently selected

spectrum information.

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Option Description
Image Gallery Scrolls through images
stored with the selected
pdz file. To Copy/Paste, use

Show In Opens the Report

Report Generator. See Report
Generator Generator, page 37.
General Provides Spectrum Viewer
Options display options.

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Option Description
Print Prints the Spectrum
Viewer area from the
selected printer.

Set (This option displays if the

Illumination PC is connected to an
instrument.) Defines
illumination options.

Start Live (This option displays if the

Spectrum PC is connected to an
instrument.) Starts and
stops an assay.
Exit Closes the Spectrum

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Taking an To take an assay through Spectrum Viewer –

Step Action Result
1 Connect the instrument to the PC Spectrum Viewer is displayed.
first, then open Spectrum Viewer.
2 Click Options and Set Illumination. The Illumination Selector window is displayed.
3 Adjust settings as necessary.
4 Click Verify and Apply. The settings are saved and the window is
5 Ensure the instrument is Ready to
6 To start an assay from the PC, click The instrument begins the assay, displaying
Options and Start Live Spectrum. results on the touch screen and the spectrum on
Or, on the keyboard, press F6. the PC.
7 To stop an assay from the PC, use The assay ceases.
the same controls.



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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

10. Report Generator

Description With Report Generator, specific measurement data can be selected and compiled into a report
to view or print.

Exiting At any point while in Report Generator, to exit and display instrument directories –
Click File, then Exit.
Click the smaller X in upper right corner.

Editing the To edit the report template –

Step Action Result
1 From the BIT menubar, click Tools. A dropdown menu is displayed.
2 Click Report Generator. The report template is displayed.
3 To change the logo, double click it. A dialog box is displayed.
4 Browse to the desired logo file, any The selected file is used in the logo box.
.bmp, .jpg, or .png image file, and
select it.
5 Edit the Address, Notes, and Name Changes become part of the template for all
fields as needed. generated reports and are remembered for the
next session.

pdz files To select specific .pdz files to include in a report –

Step Action Result

1 Click Tools. A dropdown menu is displayed.
2 Click Report Generator. The report template is displayed.
3 Click File. A dropdown menu is displayed.
4 Click Import pdz files. The Import Data window is displayed.

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

5 Click Browse for pdz files. The Browse For Folder window is displayed,
listing folders on the PC.
6 Navigate to the desired folder, click it, All .pdz files within the selected folder are
and click OK. loaded into the Import Data window.
7 Check the box for each file to include in A report is generated for each .pdz file.
the report and click OK.
8 To view different pages, note the
dropdown list in the toolbar.

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Image If the report includes an image, use the left and right pointing triangles to display a different one.

View To adjust viewing options –

Step Action Result
1 Click File and Options. The Report Generator Options window is
2 To change the value for EnableLOD A down pointing carat is displayed on the
(display limits of detection) or right.
ShowImage (display pictures taken with
the instrument camera, one, two, or
none), click the option.
3 Click the down pointing arrow. A drop box is displayed.
4 Click the preferred option. The change is displayed.
5 To change the MatchNumberCutoff, The number is highlighted.
select the number.
6 Type a number between 0 and 10. The value is displayed in the field.
7 Click OK. The report reflects any applicable changes.

Print To print results –

Step Action Result
1 From the page number list box in the
toolbar, click the desired page number.
2 Click File and Print or click Print in the The Print window is displayed.
3 Click an option under Select Printer and
click Print.

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

Convert to To convert results to a .pdf file –

.pdf file
Step Action Result
1 From the page number list box in the tool
bar, click the desired page number.
2 Click File and Convert to Pdf. The Save Print Output As window is
3 Navigate to the desired folder, type a File The message Pdf Converted is displayed.
name, and click Save.
4 Click OK. The message is removed and the .pdf file is
saved to the specified folder.

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Bruker Toolbox User Guide

11. Result File Generator

Description When assay data are copied to a PC, Result File Generator can recreate a Results file from .pdz
files on the PC.

Generating To generate a Results file –

a Results
file Step Action Result
1 Click Tools and Result File The options Run and Enable LOD are displayed.
Generator. Run displays the Browse For Folder window.
Enable LOD toggles between displaying low-
concentration elements as <LOD (checked) or their
concentrations (unchecked).
2 Click Enable LOD to toggle. The options and the Tools dropdown menu are
removed and the toggled option is saved.
3 Click Run (Tools -> Result File The Browse For Folder window is displayed.
4 Navigate to the folder with the The Browse For Folder window is removed and a
.pdz files from which to generate Results.csv file is created in the specified folder.
a Results file and click OK.

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