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Original Cervical lymph node metastases of

squamous cell carcinoma from an unknown
primary: Outcomes and patterns of failure
Mistry RC, Qureshi SS, Talole SD1, Deshmukh S
Departments of Head and Neck Services, 1Biostatistics, Tata Memorial Hospital, Ernest Borges Road,
Parel, Mumbai, India.

Correspondence to: Dr Rajesh Mistry, E-mail: [email protected]

CONTEXT: Management of cervical lymph nodes metastases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) from primary of unknown
origin (PUO) is contentious and there is insignificant data from India on this subject. AIMS: To present experience of
management of these patients treated with curative intent at a single institution. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: Retrospective
study of patients treated between 1989-1994 in a tertiary referral cancer centre. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty-nine
patients were evaluated in the study period and their survival compared with patients with common sites of primary in the
head and neck with comparable node stage. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS USED: Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: The
clinical stage of the neck nodes at presentation was N1 in 11%, N2a in 28.5%, N2b in 22.5%, N3 in 35% and Nx in 3.4%
patients. All patients underwent surgery and 70 patients received more than 40Gy postoperative radiotherapy. Twenty-
nine (32.6%) patients had relapse of which 19 (21%) were in the neck. Postoperative radiotherapy did not influence the
neck relapse (p=0.72). Primary was detected in 13 patients (14.6%) on subsequent follow up. The overall five and eight-
years survival was 55% and 51% respectively. The overall five-year survival was better compared to patients with known
primary with comparable node stage. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with cervical lymph nodes metastases of SCC from PUO
have reasonable survival and low rate of development of subsequent primary when treated with surgery and radiotherapy.
The overall survival is comparable to that of patients with known primary and hence an attempt at cure should always be

Key words: Cervical metastases, head and neck, squamous cell carcinoma, unknown primary.

Introduction randomized studies involving patients managed with

various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and
Metastases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) to cervical institutional policies.[2,4,5,8,9] Although sufficient data exist
lymph nodes from primary of unknown origin (PUO) in the literature on the subject, reports from India are
represent 1% to 2% of head and neck cancers.[1-3] The deficient.[10]
explanations for this unusual form of presentation are of
speculative nature: spontaneous regression of the primary The paper presents the experience at the Tata Memorial
and inability to detect a small primary particularly Hospital with treatment of patients with SCC metastatic
in the nasopharynx, which is known to metastasize to cervical lymph nodes from PUO.
to nodes at an early stage. Unlike metastatic lymph
nodes from PUO at other body sites, the prognosis in Materials and Methods
metastatic cervical nodes is not discouraging. The five-
year overall survival rates range between 40% to 60% The study included 89 patients with metastases of SCC
in recent series.[3-7] However, the optimal management to cervical lymph nodes from PUO treated with curative
of these patients remains controversial. The lack of intent between 1989 to 1994. The study excluded
randomized studies comparing treatment options has patients who received palliative therapy because of
led to therapeutic decision based on retrospective non- advanced or comorbid disease, with histology other than

54 Indian Journal of Cancer | April–June 2008 | Volume 45 | Issue 2

Mistry RC, et al.: Cervical nodes metastases of unknown origin

SCC and distant metastases at the time of diagnosis. software. Survival was computed by the Kaplan-Meier
method and compared by log-rank testing.
The median age of patients was 55 years (range 28 to
84 years). There were 78 men and 11 women. Forty-six Results
patients had involvement of right sided cervical nodes
and 43 had left sided nodes. The frequency of metastatic In six (7%) patients none of the nodes were metastatic;
lymph nodes at various neck levels were as follows: level all of them had open biopsy before neck dissection. In
1, 9 patients (10%); level 2, 67 patients (75%); level 3, six (7%) patients nodes were involved at a single level
46 patients (51.7%); level 4, 12 patients (13.5%); level and in seven (8%) patients, nodes were involved at all
5, 1 patient (1%). All patients were staged according to levels in the neck [Table 1]. Details of the level at which
the 2002 American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) nodes where involved is listed in Table 2. Extra nodal
system for nodal disease in the head and neck region.[11] disease was reported in 59(66%) patients.
The clinical stage of the neck at presentation was N1 in
10 patients (11%), N2a in 25 patients (28.5%), N2b Fifty-one patients were alive at the time of review.
in 20 patients (22.5%), N3 in 31 patients (35%) and Ten patients died due to recurrent disease, ten died
Nx in 3 patients (3.4%). The diagnosis of SCC in neck of subsequent primary, nine patients died of distant
nodes was confirmed by FNAC in 50 patients (56%) metastases, one patient had recurrent disease and distant
and by open biopsy performed elsewhere in 39 patients metastases and in eight patients the cause of death was
(44%). not known.

The provisional diagnosis of neck node metastases with The five and eight-year overall survival for all patients
unknown primary was made after a comprehensive was 55% and 51% respectively, with median survival
clinical examination of the upper aerodigestive tract of 98 months [Figure 1]. Patient with N1 neck stage
failed to detect a primary lesion. All patients underwent at presentation showed a trend towards better survival
chest X-ray, barium swallow, X-ray of the nasopharynx as compared to N2 and N3 together at 30 months
and paranasal sinuses. Computerized Tomography (CT) [Figure 2], although this was not statistically significant
was performed as a routine in the later years of the (P=0.16). Similarly extra nodal spread also showed a
study. Subsequently patients underwent a meticulous weak evidence of having an impact on survival (P=0.07).
examination under anesthesia with panendoscopy (direct However, postoperative radiotherapy, prior open biopsy
laryngoscopy, oesophagoscopy, nasopharyngoscopy and of the node and involvement of nodes at multiple levels
bronchoscopy) and palpation of nasopharynx and base in the neck did not have any impact on the survival.
of tongue. Random biopsies and washings for cytology
from tonsil, base of tongue and/or nasopharynx was not
Table 1: Number of histologically involved nodal
performed. If these investigations failed to reveal the
primary tumor, diagnosis of cervical node metastases
Number of Levels Number of patients (%)
from PUO was established.
None 6(7)
All patients underwent neck dissection and were advised 1 6(7)
postoperative RT. Ten patients did not take RT and nine
2 15(17)
patients did not complete RT for various reasons. Thus
19 patients (21%) had none or less than 40 Gy and 3 42(47)
the remaining 70 patients (79%) had 40 Gy or more 4 13(15)
of postoperative RT. The RT portals were unilateral,
5 7(8)
bilateral or antero-posterior depending on the discretion
of the treating radiotherapist.
Table 2: Topographic distribution of metastatic
Patients were followed-up at regular interval; endoscopy lymph nodes
and/or imaging were performed if patient was Level Clinical (%) Pathological (%)
symptomatic or clinical examination raised suspicion of
I 9(10) 21(23.6)
primary. Follow-up were completed by letters, telephone
calls and home visits. II 67(75) 76(85.4)
III 46(51.7) 74(83)
The survival was measured from the date of diagnosis
IV 12(13.5) 59(66.3)
to the last day of follow-up or to death. The data was
analyzed using SPSS for windows version 11.5 statistical V 1(1) 16(18)

Indian Journal of Cancer | April–June 2008 | Volume 45 | Issue 2 55

Mistry RC, et al.: Cervical nodes metastases of unknown origin

1.0 1.0

.9 .9

.8 .8


.5 N2 & N3

Cum Survival
Cum Survival


.3 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Figure 2: Overall survival according to node stage at
Figure 1: Overall survival of 89 patients presentation

Twenty-nine patients (32.6%) had relapse of disease. The in this study underwent routine blind biopsies and yet
site of relapse was neck in 19 patients (21.3%), distant the rate of detection of primary on subsequent follow-
in nine (10%) patients and neck with distant failure in up was no higher than reported in the literature, thus
one patient. Four of the 19 patients (21%) who received questioning the role of these investigations in the work
less than 40 Gy postoperative RT and 15 of 60 (25%) up for PUO. Similar conclusion can be drawn for CT
patients who received more than 40 Gy of post-operative scan. In gastrointestinal cancers CT is considered to
RT developed a neck relapse (P=0.72). Only three of be less sensitive in identifying small peritoneal deposits
the 29 patient with relapse of disease were alive. and superficial liver metastases. Hence the importance
of laparoscopy, wherein there is direct visualization of
The primary was detected in 13 patients (14.6%) on the abdominal cavity is substantial.[16] Akin to this in
follow-up. Two of these patients received less than 40 cervical metastases from PUO, the primary, if there is
Gy and 11 had more than 40 Gy of RT. The mean time one, is likely to be small the best investigation would
to detection of the primary was 24 months. In two
patients, the primary was detected in less than a year
and could represent missed primaries. The commonest Table 3: Location of the primary (n=13)
site of the primary was oropharynx; none presented Site of primary Number of patients
with primary in nasopharynx [Table 3]. All, except three Nasopharynx Nil
with primary in hypopharynx, larynx and oral cavity,
Oropharynx 6
died of disease.
Pyriform sinus 2
The survival of patients with known primary site treated Larynx 2
in Tata Memorial Hospital is reported in the Hospital
Lung 2
Registry. [12] The five-year survival of patients with
common sites of primary in the head and neck area was Oral cavity 1
compared with the patients reported in this study. For
comparable node stage the overall survival was better
Table 4: Comparison of five-year survival of
for patients with unknown primary [Table 4].
patients with known and unknown primary*
Discussion Site of primary N0 N1 N2 N3
Tonsil 21 14 - 5.5
The diagnosis of cervical node metastases from PUO Oropharynx 24 4 14 6
is made after thorough assessment fails to reveal the
Pyriform sinus 30 17 8 4
presence of tumor in the upper aerodigestive tract. In
addition to the array of investigations, many reports Nasopharynx 25 21 29 19
have advocated tonsillectomy, blind biopsies and/or Unknown - 63 63 32
washings for cytology from nasopharynx, and base *Comparison based on survival of patients with known primary reported in
tongue.[1,13-15] However, none of the patients reported the Hospital Registry.[12], Figures are in percentage

56 Indian Journal of Cancer | April–June 2008 | Volume 45 | Issue 2

Mistry RC, et al.: Cervical nodes metastases of unknown origin

be thorough examination of all the mucosal areas in the whom primary was detected later did poorly as compared
upper aerodigestive tract rather than relying on CT scan to those who continued to be free of disease.[5,14]
which is not ideal for detecting small lesions.
Postoperative RT did not help in controlling the
Hence we believe that imaging of the neck, if disease in the neck for 21% patients who had less than
performed, should be to define the extent of nodal 40 Grays versus 25% in those who had 40 Grays or
disease and its resectability rather than search for a more of radiation (P=0.72). This is contrary to the
primary. However, Sinnathamby et al and other authors experience at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital
recommend routine imaging so as to avoid missing an where postoperative radiation failed to influence the
occult primary and unnecessary radiation to mucosal overall survival but helped in improving the local
areas.[2] Lately newly introduced diagnostic methods control.[23] Iganej also described a similar experience
have also been endeavored. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) with postoperative RT.[7]
positron emission tomography (PET) or single-photon-
emission computed tomography (SPECT) have been Numerous factors have been recognized influencing
utilized. However, limited data has suggested that they the overall survival including node stage, number of
are useful only in small subsets of patients. [1,14,15,17] histologically involved nodes, grading, presence of
Laser-induced fluorescence imaging, Epstein-Barr virus extra nodal disease and performance status.[1-4,24] In our
(EBV) evaluation in metastatic lymph nodes by in situ study presence of extra capsular disease had a minor
hybridization, Human papilloma virus (HPV) detection impact on survival and nodal stage at presentation
by polymerase chain reaction, microsatellite mutation showed a trend towards better survival although it did
analysis of metastatic nodal tissue and samples of normal not achieve statistical significance. None of the other
pharyngeal mucosa were also proposed.[18-21] factors studied (open node biopsy, presence of metastatic
nodes at multiple levels, tumor grade and postoperative
The management of patients with cervical metastases radiotherapy) had impact on the overall survival.
from PUO evokes considerable controversy and has
not been standardized. Nieder et al,[1] in their review The five-year survival of 55% is comparable to published
have suggested surgery alone in selected patients with results.[3,5,6,23-25] We compared the overall survival of these
N1 disease without extracapsular extension and with no patients with that of patients with known primary at
history of incisional or excisional biopsy based on their common sites in the head and neck region as reported
finding of an appearance rate of the primary tumor of in the hospital registry.[12] For comparable node stage,
25%, median nodal recurrence rate of 34% and overall patients with occult primary appear to fare better than
five-year survival rate of 66%. The application of RT patients with known primary [Table 5]. This observation
has ranged from RT alone to postoperative RT and the should be interpreted with caution as the comparison is
portals included spanned from ipsilateral neck nodes to with historical data. Jones et al, on similar comparison
bilateral neck nodes and the putative primary sites.[2-7,22] did not find any difference in the survival between the
There is evidence that patients receiving postoperative two groups.[26]
RT to bilateral neck nodes and potential primary sites
have higher reported control odds and survival rate than The limitation of this study is its retrospective nature.
patients receiving postoperative ipsilateral RT or RT However all the patients had similar histology and
alone.[5] Nevertheless, considering the lack of comparative treatment was uniform in all patients. Based on this,
studies, the optimal radiotherapy strategy remains to it appears that routine blind biopsies from upper
be delineated. Similarly, the role of chemotherapy in aerodigestive tract may not be necessary. Nodal stage
the management of PUO with cervical metastases is at presentation and extra capsular disease has a role in
also indistinct. In fact, in the review by Nieder et al,[1] outcome of these patients.
substantial data supporting the use of chemotherapy
was deficient. In conclusion, the optimal diagnostic and therapeutic
approach still eludes us. The first randomized trial
The incidence of subsequent primary in our series (15%) proposed by the European Organization for Research
is in agreement with incidence reported by other studies on Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Radiation Therapy
where postoperative RT was routinely administered. Oncology Group (RTOG), and other cooperative groups
We did not include any patient with metastases from Australia, Canada, Denmark and Germany (study
of undifferentiated carcinoma in the study. This could 24001-22005) is ongoing.[1,14] The results of this trial
explain why none of the primary was found in the will help in expounding several questions regarding
nasopharynx. As reported in the literature, patients in passable management of cervical metastases from PUO.

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Mistry RC, et al.: Cervical nodes metastases of unknown origin

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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

58 Indian Journal of Cancer | April–June 2008 | Volume 45 | Issue 2

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