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Select the
Marcar para Revisión
(1) Puntos
reason (best
practice) why
a Customer
(CUA) would
activate Auto
Approve for a
There is no reason for the CUA to actively
review a request for ANY Support Identifier,
so using Auto Approve is always the best
approach for any request
To quickly provide generic access to
knowledge base and My Oracle Support
Community functions for user requests. This
allows users to immediately begin using My
Oracle Support, while the CUA manually
reviews requests for advanced functions
such as SR Create privilege. (*)
This is a security risk; therefore, a CUA
would never use this feature
To stop receiving email notifications from
users requesting access
None of the above

2. A Support Identifier (SI) is a numeric value that
Marcar para Revisión
identifies the products your company has
(1) Puntos
purchased. It is required to access My Oracle
Verdadero (*)

3. Joe is a CUA for his company. His team
Marcar para Revisión
members are globally located (and so are his
(1) Puntos
assets). As a result, he has multiple SIs and is
struggling to easily manage the SIs and assets.
What feature in My Oracle Support can help
There is nothing available in My Oracle
Support. Joe has to call his Oracle Sales
Representative to get this fixed.
Joe can make use of the features in
Administrative, Support Identifiers to Create
New SI where he can co-locate users and
assets. (*)
Joe has to log a Non Technical Service
Request and Oracle Support will set up a
new SI for him.
None of the above

4. It is a recommended best practice to automate
Marcar para Revisión
the full details from your Service Request
(1) Puntos
updates in email. How can you receive the full
Service Request update in an email?
The CUA performs this step after the User
enables SR Details: Administrative, Support
Identifiers, Service Request Details in Email.
The feature is now fully enabled.
My Oracle Support user performs this step:
Personalization, Service Request Details in
Email Turn On. The feature is now fully
This is a one-step process that the CUA
completes under Administrative functions in
My Oracle Support
A two-step process is required: The CUA
can ONLY perform the SR Details update on
the SI (and then the User enables this feature
under My Account) (*)
None of the above

5. It is an Oracle recommended best practice to
Marcar para Revisión
have multiple CUAs for each Support Identifier
(1) Puntos
(although you are allowed to select only one per
Verdadero (*)

6. Who approves End Users and sets their access
Marcar para Revisión
levels for My Oracle Support?
(1) Puntos
Oracle Support
Your Organization
Your Customer User Administrator (CUA)
You do not need approval for access
None of the above


Knowledge Search and Browse

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
7. You know you can find the E-Business Suite
Marcar para Revisión
Patch Utility by accessing the Get Proactive
(1) Puntos
Portfolio. What is another recommended
approach to easily locate this resource?
Log a Service Request and ask for Oracle
Support to send you the information
Search My Oracle Support using the global
search. For the most targeted search, type
R11i patch wizard or just patch wizard and
locate the Patch Wizard Utility from the top
of your results. (*)
Post a question in the EBS Community
asking where you can find a document with
everything you need to know about EBS
Read the E-Business Suite installation
Search in the global search box with the
term EBS
8. Mary is aware of PowerView filters. Is there
Marcar para Revisión
another recommended way to quickly search for
(1) Puntos
content in My Oracle Support based on product?
Use the (Search & Browse) feature on the
Knowledge tab to select your product and
enter your search term. (*)
Check the Certifications tab
Use the global search bar
Post a thread in My Oracle Support
9. After performing a search, your results are
Marcar para Revisión
displayed. What options are available to further
(1) Puntos
refine your search results?
You can select one or more knowledge
collection types, add more words, and select
a product, version or platform (*)
Turn off Search Term Suggestion in
knowledge preferences
You can filter the results by clicking the
down arrow next to the knowledge source
Once the search has run, you would need to
create a new one with more filters.
10. You want to maximize your search approach in
Marcar para Revisión
My Oracle Support to make sure you find
(1) Puntos
relevant content quickly and easily. How many
search terms should you use?
There is no exact number. You should enter
a phrase (rather than a single term). If you
are looking to include a specific term (i.e.,
My Oracle Support Training), use quotes
around the full term you want included (*)
More than 10 search terms is recommended
You should include 5 search terms for the
best possible result
Only use ONE search term to ensure you get
all possible replies
11. Amy and Joe are searching for performance
Marcar para Revisión
information in My Oracle Support. When they
(1) Puntos
compared results, Amy saw that Joe was getting
a longer list of search results. If Amy wants to
increase the number of search suggestions for
future searches, she can go to the Settings tab,
Knowledge Preferences and can UPDATE her
current setting (Number of Search Suggestions)
from 5 to 10. She also would want to make sure
this preference is set to ON.
Verdadero (*)
12. A common problem that Users can experience in
Marcar para Revisión
My Oracle Support when searching: The user
(1) Puntos
ONLY enters a single word in the global search
box for the search and gets a huge list of possible
results. User cannot quickly or easily find the
desired information, although it may be in the
Verdadero (*)


Product Certifications
(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
13. The Certifications tab in My Oracle Support is
Marcar para Revisión
able to directly answer most of your certification
(1) Puntos
questions. The exception is older information
that may not be included.
Verdadero (*)

Older products and

some new products
are NOT available
in the Certifications
tab; however, there
may be content if
you use global
search. If not, post
your question in the
community for
your product.
14. You type a search for Oracle E-Business Suite,
Marcar para Revisión
Release 12.2.4, and leave Platform as ANY.
(1) Puntos
Your Certification search results will show a list
of Oracle-E-Business Suite 12.2.4 certifications
with components like Operating Systems,
Application Servers, and Databases. You will be
able to drill into the details using the links under
Number of Releases and Versions.
Verdadero (*)

15. What is the definition of a certification?
Marcar para Revisión
(1) Puntos
A combination of Oracle and third-party
products, operating systems, or hardware
that Oracle believes should work together
A combination of Oracle and third-party
products, operating systems, or hardware
that Oracle has tested and should work
together. (*)
A testing matrix that Oracle provides via the
Certifications tab that allows you to compare
combinations of Oracle and third-party
None of the above

16. You need to search for certification data to
Marcar para Revisión
prepare for your team meeting. However, you
(1) Puntos
are NOT sure of the exact product name to use in
the Certifications tab. What is the recommended
approach to find what you need?
Open a new technical Service Request with
Oracle Support
You may be able to find your product by
typing a portion of the name. Try a few
possible names for your product, including
abbreviations. As you type, you can select
your desired product from the options
displayed. Many Oracle products are
findable with aliases (*)
Create a new discussion and ask the
Certifications community
Check your SI to find out exactly how to
input the product name
None of the above

If the product is not

listed, it indicates
the product is not
available. Select
the Feedback
button to alert the
Certifications team
to investigate and
possibly add the
17. Your team is planning to upgrade your Oracle E-
Marcar para Revisión
Business Suite installed product. You are a
(1) Puntos
couple releases behind the latest version. You
can use the Certifications search to compare
certifications for multiple releases to make a
recommendation to your team.
Verdadero (*)

18. Is there any reason to check the Certifications tab
Marcar para Revisión
on a regular basis if your company has NOT
(1) Puntos
upgraded any of your products?
Yes, to check the support dates to
understand when your products stop being
supported and track this information in your
upgrade plan (*)
No, you would only check during an active
upgrade planning cycle
No, there is no new information on the
Certifications tab unless you received a Hot
Topics E-Mail
None of the above


Patches and Updates

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
19. Your colleague, Jane, needs to find a patch in
Marcar para Revisión
My Oracle Support. She wants to know a fast
(1) Puntos
and easy way to locate a patch for Primavera.
You recommend that she click on the Patches &
Updates tab and then use the Product or Family
search. She can input the product name and use
the filters to search.
Verdadero (*)

20. Patch Plans are available for all products and do
Marcar para Revisión
NOT require the use of configurations.
(1) Puntos
Falso (*)

21. Regardless of your specific Oracle products, the
Marcar para Revisión
general process to download patches in My
(1) Puntos
Oracle Support is usually the same.
Verdadero (*)

22. You have a question about a patch you are
Marcar para Revisión
downloading. What is the option that Oracle
(1) Puntos
Log into My Oracle Support Community,
locate your product and post your question
Locate the patch via search on the Patches &
Updates page; select the patch number to
view the patch details, and select start a
discussion or reply to a discussion based on
what is available (*)
Call Oracle Support and ask a Support
Submit a Service Request with your question
as the summary
23. The product name used by the patch system in
Marcar para Revisión
My Oracle Support is the same as the product
(1) Puntos
name used for service requests or the Knowledge
base. To find the product name, start entering the
product name that you are looking for in the
Product box and the product selector will narrow
down the choices to help you find the right
Verdadero (*)

24. How do you download a patch from the Patch
Marcar para Revisión
Details page? Please select all answers that
apply. (1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
From the patch search results, click on a
patch number to view the patch detail, then
click Download (*)
Search the knowledge base for an article on
patching for your product and click the
download links
From the patch search results, highlight a
row, then select Download from the option
bar (*)
Open a Service Request to ask Oracle
Support to download the patch from this site
A user cannot directly download a patch
from this site

My Oracle Support Community

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
25. Sally has as some ideas to improve the Oracle
Marcar para Revisión
Support Accreditation series. How can she share
(1) Puntos
her ideas with other users and the Accreditation
Use the Create, Idea option and select the
Oracle Support Accreditation (MOSC)
community to post her ideas (*)
Post her ideas as questions on the Using My
Oracle Support Community
Log a Non Technical Service Request via
the Contact Us process.
Call her Oracle Sales representative and
provide feedback.
26. Your Community e-mail box is quickly filling up
Marcar para Revisión
with emails. You need to easily get it back under
(1) Puntos
control. What actions can you take to resolve this
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
From the dropdown next to your name,
select (Preferences) and review your Email
Preferences. Make changes to best meet your
objectives. (*)
Make sure you FOLLOW only top-level
communities to reduce emails
There is nothing you can do to filter the
number of emails you receive
Validate that you are NOT following the
top-level My Oracle Support (MOSC)
Community as you get email for EVERY
update in every space. (*)
27. As an experienced user, you are familiar with
Marcar para Revisión
spaces and sub-spaces in Community. Is the
(1) Puntos
following example correct? Oracle Database
(MOSC) is a top-level space and Database
Networking (MOSC) is the sub-space you select
to post a database networking question.
Verdadero (*)

28. The same Oracle Support Engineers that resolve
Marcar para Revisión
technical Service Requests also participate in My
(1) Puntos
Oracle Support Community to share their
knowledge and expertise as part of this trusted
Verdadero (*)

29. If you have general questions about My Oracle
Marcar para Revisión
Support and have not found answers in the help
(1) Puntos
menu or in the knowledge base, a best practice is
to post your question to Using My Oracle
Support Community.
Verdadero (*)

30. You have a question regarding Oracle Database.
Marcar para Revisión
You are new to the community framework and
(1) Puntos
are not sure how to locate a relevant Database-
oriented community. What is your best
approach? Check all that apply.
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Open a non-technical Service Request
You can type in your Database question in
the search bar and drill into likely answers to
identify a Database Community for your
area of interest. (*)
Post this question in the Using My Oracle
Support Community
Using the banner navigation, click the Space
List down arrow, locate the Oracle Database
MOSC space and click it view the related
sub-spaces (*)

Best Practices for Hardware and Software

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
31.Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) is part of Oracle's
Marcar para Revisión
proactive services.
(1) Puntos
Verdadero (*)

32.The Oracle Toolbox we highlighted in the learning content
Marcar para Revisión
is a catalog of product-based and generic tools. It offers a
(1) Puntos
single source to quickly start building your diagnostics and
health toolkit.
Verdadero (*)

33.Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) is a new service you
Marcar para Revisión
can register for in order to have all your SRs automatically
(1) Puntos
created for you.
Falso (*)

34.If you wanted to run a health check against Oracle E-
Marcar para Revisión
Business Suite, what tool is the right choice?
(1) Puntos
Oracle Services Tools Bundle (STB)
Oracle Service Request (ASR)
ORAchk (*)

35.EXAchk supports all supported hardware types, operating
Marcar para Revisión
systems, firmware versions, and Oracle versions for
(1) Puntos
specific Oracle engineered systems.
Verdadero (*)

36.Based on what we covered in the learning content, why
Marcar para Revisión
should you make the Oracle Toolbox a favorite for your
(1) Puntos
personalized toolkit? What is the direct benefit to you?
You can easily find this resource again to review and
access the suggested diagnostic tools for generic and
product-specific use (*)
You will have access to diagnostic tools only available
through this resource
This allows you to easily download the Oracle
Toolbox to your desktop
Making it a favorite will automatically download any
of the tools if they are updated with newer versions

Create and Manage Service Requests

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
37.When should Severity 1 be selected for your Service
Marcar para Revisión
(1) Puntos
To get immediate attention to your Service Request
When your business has stopped functioning due to an
issue on your Oracle System, Software, or Application
When your testing system is down
When you are considering calling management
attention to your issue
All of the above
38.You were able to resolve a Service Request before Oracle
Marcar para Revisión
Support came back with a suggested solution. What should
(1) Puntos
you do?
Click on Close SR and provide a detailed comment
(Update Detail) on the solution you found to help
Oracle Support improve the knowledge base (*)
Just close the SR with no further updates
Call the Support Engineer for advice
Ask your CUA to initiate an auto-close of this SR
since you have a solution
None of the above

39.Which of the following is the best example of a complete
Marcar para Revisión
Service Request Problem Summary?
(1) Puntos
MySql (using JDBC eWay) is experiencing a
connection problem: ClassName not found (*)
Application is slow in the afternoon
Blue screen
MySql is experiencing a connection problem

40.Users create a new Service Request by moving through a
Marcar para Revisión
structured step-by-step process that starts by asking the
(1) Puntos
User to identify the Severity BEFORE describing the
Falso (*)

41.If your systems are down and you select Severity 1 for
Marcar para Revisión
your issue, you will need to provide a management contact
(1) Puntos
in the workflow, and your identified manager will be
contacted by Oracle Support.
Verdadero (*)

42.Management attention is about bringing the right resources
Marcar para Revisión
to your Service Request, improving the communication
process, and creating an action plan to resolve your issue. (1) Puntos
Verdadero (*)


Oracle Support Policies

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
43.What is the RECOMMENDED approach to resolve the
Marcar para Revisión
issue of not being able to download a specific patch for a
(1) Puntos
Product (after the Support Date has passed).
Log a Service Request and ask Oracle to send it to you
Contact your Oracle Sales representative and ask them
to call Oracle Support and send you the patch
Contact your Oracle Sales representative and purchase
Extended Software support for your product that needs
patching (*)
Use Google to see if the patch is available somewhere
on the Internet
44.The Lifetime Support Stages for your Oracle Products are:
Marcar para Revisión
Premier Support, Extended Support, and Sustaining
(1) Puntos
Verdadero (*)

45.What is the BEST method to stay informed about the latest
Marcar para Revisión
information on Oracle Technical Support policies?
(1) Puntos
Set up Hot Topics E-mail notifications and select
Support Policies as the KM document type
Log a Service Request and ask Support to provide
information about support policies
Download the Oracle Technical Support Policies and
use these as your reference guide
Bookmark the Oracle Support Technical Support
Policy page and visit it when you have a question (*)
46.You want to see a Support Benefits comparison table to
Marcar para Revisión
understand what is covered in Premier, Extended, and
(1) Puntos
Sustaining Support. What is the recommended approach to
access the table and complete your review?
Post a question to the Using My Oracle Support
Mark the Oracle Lifetime Support Policies (Document
971415.1) a favorite in My Oracle Support
Locate the Lifetime Support Benefits table on the
Oracle Lifetime Support Policies page to review the
details in the comparison table (*)
Log a non-technical Service Request

47.For some product and release combinations on the
Marcar para Revisión
Certifications tab, you may be able to view Ongoing
(1) Puntos
Support information related to availability of patches for
that combination.
Verdadero (*)

48.What are the recommended ways to locate content about
Marcar para Revisión
the End Date of support for a product? Select all that apply.
(1) Puntos
(Seleccione todas las respuestas correctas)
Call your Oracle Sales or Account Representative
Log a Service Request and request information about
support dates
Access and locate the technical and
lifetime policies under the Support tab (*)
Use the Certifications tab and review the support-
specific content (*)

Mobile My Oracle Support

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
49.The two main functions you can accomplish in Mobile My
Marcar para Revisión
Oracle Support are to VIEW and UPDATE Service
(1) Puntos
Requests and search the knowledge base
Verdadero (*)

50.You are a CUA for your company. You are currently in a
Marcar para Revisión
three-day organizational meeting and are concerned about
(1) Puntos
getting behind on new user requests for access to My
Oracle Support. Unfortunately, you will not be able to
approve any requests through the mobile application as it
ONLY allows you to search the knowledge base.
Falso (*)

51.How do you access Mobile My Oracle Support?
Marcar para Revisión
(1) Puntos
There is a button on My Oracle Support home page
that allows you to jump to the mobile application
There is a unique URL for Mobile My Oracle Support
access. (*)
You have to download the app from the primary portal
and load it to your smart phone
You open a Service Request and ask for special
52.What is the best description of Mobile My Oracle Support?
Marcar para Revisión
(1) Puntos
A new type of My Oracle Support Community
intended for users who want to review discussions
with their mobile device
A version of My Oracle Support that you can
download to run on your desktop
My Oracle Support web-based application optimized
for mobile devices (*)
A new messaging system that emails you SR updates
via your smart phone
None of the above

53.The Mobile My Oracle Support application is only
Marcar para Revisión
available to Users with the Customer User Administrator
(1) Puntos
(CUA) role
Falso (*)

54.The Customer User Administrator (CUA) for your
Marcar para Revisión
organization is able to utilize Mobile My Oracle Support to
(1) Puntos
REVIEW access requests with just a smart phone and
Internet access.
Verdadero (*)


My Oracle Support Introduction

(Responder todas las preguntas de esta sección)
55.My Oracle Support has pre-set dashboard configuration
Marcar para Revisión
options based on role. For example, you can go to the
(1) Puntos
Customize link and select (Hardware User) to
automatically add the regions to your dashboard associated
with this user type.
Falso (*)

56.In the learning content, what best practice recommendation
Marcar para Revisión
was highlighted with regard to the regions on the
(1) Puntos
The regions on each tab are standard, so take a few
minutes to understand the options
You are able to change the regions on each tab only
one time
You need to alert your CUA that you want to
customize your dashboard
Make sure you are aware of the regions available on
each tab. If it’s been a long time since you updated
your regions, take a few minutes to preview (*)
57.You can easily review feature updates in the latest release
Marcar para Revisión
of My Oracle Support. Mark the document “My Oracle
(1) Puntos
Support Resource Center” (Doc ID 873313.1) a Favorite
and set up Hot Topics Emails to notify you about updates
for the product, My Oracle Support. When the release
notes are updated, you will get an automated email.
Verdadero (*)
58.What is the benefit of generating an SR Report in My
Marcar para Revisión
Oracle Support?
(1) Puntos
You can easily update any SR from your customized
You can click a button to send this report directly to
your CUA for analysis
If you have a lot of SRs, this option makes it easy to
sort and analyze them and also review with your team
59.If you have more tab options than the space available in
Marcar para Revisión
My Oracle Support, they are located under the More tab.
(1) Puntos
Verdadero (*)

60.Your colleague, Li, is new to My Oracle Support. You
Marcar para Revisión
have been asked to show him how to get up to speed
(1) Puntos
quickly on the basic core functions of My Oracle Support.
What is the recommended FIRST step for Li?
You advise Li to just use the phone to log Service
You direct Li to complete My Oracle Support
Accreditation as his FIRST step in learning about the
Li should access My Oracle Support Community and
post all his questions about the portal there
Li needs to get basic training, so you suggest that he
set aside time to complete the foundational My Oracle
Support How To training videos (*)

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