Non Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulation The Future of Anticoagulation Following Mitral Reparative Surgery

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International Journal of Innovative Surgery

Open Access | Editorial

Non vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulation- The

future of anticoagulation following mitral
reparative surgery
Ishtiaq A Rahman*; Hunaid Vohra
Bristol Heart Institute, University Hospital Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol, England, UK

*Corresponding Author(s): Ishtiaq A Rahman,

Specialist Registrar in Cardiac Surgery, Bristol Heart

Institute, University Hospital Bristol NHS Foundation
Trust, England, UK

Email: [email protected]

Received: Feb 27, 2018

Accepted: Apr 12, 2018
Published Online: Apr 16, 2018
Journal: International Journal of Innovative Surgery
Publisher: MedDocs Publishers LLC
Online edition:
Copyright: © Rahman IA (2018). This Article is distributed
under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
international License

Editorial Currently there is no definite consensus on the management

of anticoagulation after mitral valve repair. The latest American
Warfarin has established itself as the anticoagulation of College of Cardiology/American Heart Association (ACC/AHA,
choice following mitral valvular surgery in the absence of ben- 2014) guidelines for the management of patients with valvular
eficial effect in randomised controlled trials. Although being heart disease do not provide recommendations [2] and neither
cumbersome to the patient its role has been secured in part do the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) guidelines
due to the lack of a suitable alternative option. In 2013, around [3]. There are no randomised controlled trials on this subject.
2000 mitral valve repairs were performed in Great Britain and The European Society of Cardiology has suggested considering
Ireland [1] with an associated mortality ranging from 1.09% oral anticoagulation for 3 months (Class IIa) after mitral valve
(isolated mitral valve repair) to 2.79% (combined mitral valve repair based on expert consensus (Level C). It is widely acknowl-
repair and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)) [1]. edged that many surgeons do not follow this guideline.
The arrival of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticolagulants Currently, vitamin K antagonists are the only anticoagulants
(NOACs) has renewed interest in the potential for an alternative approved for long term treatment of cardiac valve replacement
option to provide enhanced post-operative recovery and reduce and target international normalised ratio (INR) is adapted to
healthcare costs compared to the current standard warfarin in the characteristic of the prosthesis and the patient. Warfarin
mitral valvular surgery. requires regular blood testing, controlled alcohol consumption,

Cite this article: Rahman IA, Vohra H. Non vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulation-the future of anticoagula-
tion following mitral reparative surgery. Int J Innov Surg. 2018; 1: 1001.

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is associated with major bleeding complication rate of 1%/year possibility of a potential alternative to warfarin.
resulting in significant lifestyle considerations. As non-vitamin
K antagonist oral anticoagulation have demonstrated superior NOACs have been designed to overcome warfarin limitations
efficacy and reduced length of hospital stay [4] in non-valvular by administering in fixed doses and not requiring routine coag-
AF management, when compared to warfarin, there has been ulation monitoring. However, the absence of laboratory moni-
growing interest in widening their application to post-cardiac toring makes adherence more difficult to assess. Conversely in
surgery patients. The thromboprophylaxis effect of Dabigatran those requiring urgent surgery or with life threatening bleed-
in a swine model after mechanical mitral valve replacement was ing the lack of an antidote, to reverse NOAC effect, has raised
found to be promising in a recent study. Compared to warfarin, concerns [14]. Recently, Idarucizamab [15] has received FDA ap-
a significant mortality benefit as well as less incidence of bleed- proval for the reversal of dabigatran and promisingly antidotes
ing was observed [5]. Disappointingly though, these findings for oral factor Xa inhibitors are under development [16]. Cost
were not translated into humans receiving mechanical valves considerations do exist, though cheaper than LMWH, the NO-
in the randomised RE-ALIGN study which showed an excess of ACs are more expensive than warfarin.
thrombo-embolic and bleeding events in the Dabigatran group Appropriate patient selection is critical for optimal use of the
[6]. Whether an alternative NOAC agent in a non-mechanical NOACs. NOACs, particularly dabigatran, should be used with cau-
mitral valve setting (mitral valve repair or tissue bioprosthe- tion in patients with a creatinine clearance of less than 30mL/
sis) would be efficacious and safe has not been investigated to min, and NOACs should not be used in those with a creatinine
date. clearance of below 15mL/min. In patients started on a NOAC,
In a retrospective review of patients undergoing mitral valve follow-up is needed to monitor renal function, particularly in
repair or mitral valve bioprosthetic replacement at a single those with impaired kidney function at baseline, and to ensure
academic US institution a comparison revealed those receiving adherence [17]. Not all patients are candidates for NOACs. Con-
four to six weeks postoperative warfarin (n=315) did not alter traindications include those with mechanical heart valves [6],
the incidence of stroke, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion or pregnant women and nursing mothers due to the potential for
bleeding complications compared to those receiving no warfa- NOACs, as small molecules, to pass through the placenta or to
rin (n=257). Propensity adjusted (Kaplan-Meier) data did not be excreted in breast milk.
demonstrate any long term survival benefit [7]. These findings A review of the current literature and international guide-
have been corroborated in a retrospective review of 249 mi- lines would suggest that the short term use of NOACs, for exam-
tral valve repair or bioprosthetic replacement patients. 77% of ple Apixiban, following mitral valve repair would be safe to use,
patients received warfarin postoperatively and the remainder potentially more efficacious than warfarin in thromboprophy-
did not. Thirty day mortality from the index hospitalisation and laxis and could reduce bleeding complications, hospital length
overall survival was similar for the two groups, with 1.2% and of stay, 30 day mortality, overall costs and improve long term
84% respectively, as was bleeding complications [8]. Indeed in survival. To this end we would recommend this to be the focus
the setting of tissue mitral valve replacement a comparison of of future research endeavours.
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