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Creation Date: November 19, 2009
Last Updated: November 19, 2009
Document Ref: <Document Reference Number>
Version: DRAFT 1A


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BP.040 Current Process Model Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
November 19, 2009

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<Subject> Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable 9 of 4

File Ref: 41629403.doc (v. DRAFT 1A )
Company Confidential - For internal use only
BP.040 Current Process Model Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>
November 19, 2009


Document Control.....................................................................................................................

Enterprise Process Model.........................................................................................................

Core Process Models.................................................................................................................

Process Flow Diagrams.............................................................................................................

Event Catalog.............................................................................................................................
Descriptive Overview for <High-Level Business Function>.......................................
Event Catalog for <High-Level Business Function>.....................................................
Process Descriptions for <High-Level Business Function>.........................................
Process Relationships for <High-Level Business Function>.......................................
Performance Measures..............................................................................................................

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable........................................................................

Open Issues..........................................................................................................................
Closed Issues.......................................................................................................................

<Subject> Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable 9 of 4

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Enterprise Process Model

Fin an c ia l Re p o rts Qu a lity Pla n

Enterprise: Enterprise Description: Enterprise Process Diagram Updated By: Oracle Corporation 12 May, 1999 Rev. 2.0
Pro du c ts / Se rv ic e s
Re q u e s ts fo r Pro d u c ts / Se rv ic e s
In fo rma tio n Qu a lity
Se rv ic e s Information IT Pla n
Ma rk e t Da ta / Id e a s Enterprise Quality
Management Management

Stra te g ic Op e ra tio n Pla n

In v o ic e s Customers Pro ble m Re s o lu tio n

Pro bl e ms / Su p p o rt Is s u es
Pa y me nts
Sa les Ord e rs

Pro du c t De v e lo p me n t Qua lity Da ta

W a ge s

HR SM OF PD Pro d u c t De s ign Fe e d b a c k
Po s t Sale s
Co rre c tio n To Pro d u c t Des ig n Qu a li ty Da ta
Human Resource Sales & Market Cu s to me r In fo rma tio n Product Post-Sales
Order Fulfillment
Management Management Sa les Ord e r Fe e d b a c k Development Service
Sa le s Co mmis s io n Da ta Fo rec a s t Da ta

Pro du c ts / Co mp o n e n ts
L a b o r Av a ila bi lity
L a b o r Re q u ire me n ts ATP/
Pa y ro l l In v o ic e Da ta En g in e e rin g
Da ta Sa le s Ord e r Da ta En g in e e rin g
Ch a n g e Ch a n g e
Co lle c tio n Da ta Ord er
Ma teria l So u rc e Re q u ire me n ts Re q u e s t
De s ig n

FM Pa y a b le s / Pay me n ts
PR PF MM Ra w Ma te ria ls & W IP
In v oi c e fo r
Financial Pa y me nt Planning and Materials Op e ra tio n s
Fin is h ed Go o d s
Procurement Operations Qu a lity Da ta
Management Forecasting Management
Ma te ria l Re q u ireme n ts
Pro d u c ts Tra ns p o rta tio n
(Dro p Sh ip ) Pla n

Ex tern al
Re p o rts Pic k in g / Sh ipp in g Da ta Carrier
Ex tern al
Re p o rts
Ma te ria l Qu a lity Da ta

Suppliers Ma te ria ls /Su pp lie s

Pu rc h a s e
Ord ers
Regulatory / Pa y me nts
Statutory Agencies
Sh ip p e d Sa le s Ord e rs
Co s ts
Sta tu to ry / Re g u la to ry Po s t Sale s Billin g a n d Co s tin g Da ta
Re p o rtin g

Ev e n t Te mp o ra l Ma n u a l Au to ma te d Ex p a n d a b le De c is io n Da ta Sto re External Agent

Ev e n t Pro c e s s Ste p
Pro c e s s Ste p Pro c e s s Ste p Su b -p roc e s s
Na v ig a tio n

Co p y ri gh t © 1 9 9 8 Ora c le Co rp o ra tio n , All ri g hts re s e rv e d

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Core Process Models

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OF: Order Fulfillment Description: Order Fulfillment Process Diagram Creator: Oracle Corporation 5/12/99

Conf igured Order

Cust omer Ret urns Request

I ssue RM A
Issue Cont ract EM IT QM
Order Acknowledgment Information
Enterpris e Qu ality
Tec h nology
Sales Orders Ma nage ment Ma nage ment
Ma nage ment

Payment s Custom er s

Quot at ion
Accept /
Decline Quotation

OF - Order Fulfillment


Order Cont ract

Order Validat ion Ord er En try & Co ntrac ts
Sp ec ific ation & Sales Order Informat ion
Sc he duling Adminis tration
Co nfigu ration Cont ract New Cont ract Information

Replacem ent Product I nf ormation

Cust omer I nform at ion

Hu man Res ourc e Sa les & Ma rk e t Order Book Data Produ c t Po s t Sa les
Mana gemen t Ma nage ment Dev e lop ment Serv ic e
Sales Order Feedback

RMA Dat a
Cust omer Ret urn Credit Cus tome r
Returns Received
RMA It em

Repair I nform at ion
Internal Requir ements
Inv oic in g & Order I nformat ion
Drop Shipment Requir ement s Co llec tion
Credit Holds & Refunds
Shipping I nformat ion
Credit Approval

Receivables Balances

I nvoice Data

Writ e Of f''s / CashApplicat ion

Collection Dat a

Cust omer Ret urn Credit

Released Product

Est im at ed Costs

+/- Sales Order Adjustm ent

Dem and
FM PR Management PF MM OP

Fin anc ial Demand Data Plann in g a nd Shipping Materials

Pro c uremen t Data Operatio ns
Ma nage ment Forec as ting Ma nage ment
Shipping Dat a

Sales Order Dat a

ATP/ CTP Promise

ATP/ CTP Request

Cont ract Dat a

Product I nst all Dat a

Conf igured Sales O rder

Product Informat ion

Regulatory /
Em ployees Consum ers Stockholder s Suppliers Carrier
Statutory Agencies


Event Tem poral Manual Automat ed Expandable Decision Data St ore External Entity
Event Process Step
Process St ep Process Step Sub-process

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Process Flow Diagrams


OF1069: Enter Orders Description: The process of taking customer orders and entering them onto the system. Updated By: Oracle Corporation 12 May, 1999 Rev. 2.0

OF1069.1 OF1069.2 OF1069.3 OF1069.4 OF1069.5 OF1069.6 OF1069.7

Verify the
Order Determine Is this a new customer's Verify that sales
whether this is a Verify order Verify payment Verify customer's Is PO on file? Yes
Submitted customer? Enter the order purchase order order matches
new customer prices terms tax status
has been PO
Enter Customer obtained
Info Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders Enter Orders

Customer Service Representative

OF1069.8 OF1069.9 OF1069.10 OF1069.11

Determine Is this an Determine Verify that a valid Is a valid Submit export
whether order is international Yes whether a letter export license is export license No license to
being shipped to shipment? of credit is on file on file on file? appropriate
another country agency


whether any other Do any holds
holds should be apply to this No
placed on the order?

Yes No

OF1069.13 OF1069.14 OF1069.15 OF1069.16

Notify the
Place the Determine Is this a rush Order
Yes Customer Service File the order
appropriate holds whether this is a order? Entered
Manager of the documentation
on the order rush order
rush order

Temporal Manual Automated Expandable Decision Data Store External Agent
Event Process Step
Event Process Step Process Step Sub-process

Copyright © 1998 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved

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Event Catalog
This component describes each of the high-level business functions and the
processes that it performs. Each business function contains the following sections:

 descriptive overview
 event catalog
 process descriptions
 process relationship

Descriptive Overview for <High-Level Business Function>

<Enter a descriptive overview of the functions performed by this business area.>

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Event Catalog for <High-Level Business Function>

ID Name Type Description Responding Process

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Process Descriptions for <High-Level Business Function>

<Enter a description for each of the processes within this business function.>

Event Process Title Description of Process Output

Process Relationships for <High-Level Business Function>

<Enter a description of the relationships between the various processes.>

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Performance Measures
This section lists the performance measures used to measure current process
performance for each core process.

Core Process Measure Area Current Measure Description

Materials Management Quality 85 % “Perfect Orders”

Materials Management Quality 900 # of Invoice Adjustments Due
to Inaccurate Deliveries
Materials Management Quality 3 % Handling Damage
Materials Management Quality 100 # of RMAs due to improper
Materials Management Quality 89 % Cycle Count Accuracy

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Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

Closed Issues

ID Issue Resolution Responsibility Target Date Impact Date

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