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Framework Management Layer

User's Guide
Management Framework 8.5.1

Table of Contents
Framework Management Layer User's Guide 4
Introduction to Management Layer 6
Components 8
Architecture 10
Management Layer Functionality 11
Solution Control and Management Functions 12
Logging Functions 15
Alarm-Signaling Functions 22
Fault Management Functions 26
SNMP Support Functions 32
Monitoring and Control Functions 33
How to Monitor Solutions, Applications, and Hosts 34
How to View System Performance 35
How to Manage Third-Party Applications 36
How to Avoid an Unnecessary Switchover 44
How to Handle Stuck Calls 45
How to Manage Environments with HA Configuration Servers 51
How to Manage Environments with Configuration Server Proxies 52
How to Use the mlcmd Utility 54
Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions 61
How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions 62
How to Use Startup Files 67
Centralized Logs 69
How to Configure Logging 70
Customizing Log Events 72
How to View Centralized Logs 74
How to Manage Log Records 76
How to Trace Interactions 78
How to Set Up and Use an Audit Trail 79
Log Format 81
Log Specifications 88
logmsg Command-Line Utility 89
Alarms 91
How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions 92
E-Mail Alarm Reactions 101
Predefined Alarm Conditions 104
SNMP Support 115
SNMP Interface 116
SNMP Managed Objects 122
SNMP Traps 138
Configure SNMP Monitoring 146
Genesys MIB File Changes 150
Troubleshooting 151
Framework Management Layer User's Guide

Framework Management Layer User's Guide

Use this guide to introduce you to the concepts, terminology, and procedures relevant to this layer of the Genesys

The Management Layer Management Layer Functionality

Functions Solution Control and Management

Management Layer Components Logging

Management Layer Architecture Alarms

Troubleshooting Fault Processing

SNMP Support

Monitoring and Control Functions Starting and Stopping Applications and

Using the Management Layer, including how to: Solutions

How to:

Monitor Solutions, Applications, and Hosts

Manage 3rd-Party Applications Start and Stop Applications and Solutions

Manage HA Configuration Servers and Use Startup Files

Configuration Server Proxies

and more ...

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 4

Framework Management Layer User's Guide

Centralized Logs Alarms

Setting up a centralized log system, including

how to:

How to Configure Alarm Conditions and


Configure Logging E-Mail Alarm Reactions

Manage and View Logs Predefined Alarm Conditions

Trace Interactions and Set Up an Audit Trail

Understand Log Formats and Specifications

and more ...

SNMP Support

SNMP Interface

SNMP Managed Objects

SNMP Traps

Genesys MIB File Changes

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 5

Introduction to Management Layer

Introduction to Management Layer

The Management Layer of Genesys Framework 8.5 provides the following functions:

• Solution and application control and monitoring—You control and monitor all solutions and applications from a single
point. The Management Layer displays the real-time status of every configured Solution object, and you can activate
and deactivate solutions and single applications from this layer. This control and monitoring also includes user-defined

• Centralized logging—Applications log maintenance events in the unified log format and the events are recorded in one
central location. That format enables easy selection of required log records and centralized log storage for convenient
access and solution-level troubleshooting. With centralized logging, you can also track individual interactions, audit
activities in your contact center, and store alarm history.
• Alarm signaling—Flexible alarm signaling triggers alarms based on application maintenance events, thresholds for
system performance variables, or Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) variables. Solution Control Server
communicates alarms to Genesys Administrator and can write alarms to system logs. You can configure the system to
convert alarms into SNMP traps and send them as emails to a specified email address. (The latter automatically
enables paging notifications.) The Management Layer automatically associates alarms with the solutions they affect
and stores alarms as active conditions in the system until either they are removed by another maintenance event or
you clear them. Alarms are visible only if you have access to the application that generated the alarms.

• Application failure management—Fault-management functions consist of detection, isolation, and correction of

application failures. For non-redundant configurations, the Management Layer automatically restarts applications that
fail. For redundant configurations, this layer supports a switchover to the standby applications and also automatically
restarts failed applications.

• Built-in SNMP functionality—Extended SNMP support enables both alarm processing and SNMP data exchange with
an SNMP-compliant network management system (NMS). This means you can integrate a third-party NMS with a
Genesys system to serve as an end-user interface for system control and monitoring and for alarm signaling.

The SNMP functionality of the Management Layer is controlled by the Genesys licensing system. Refer to the Genesys
Licensing Guide for information about ordering licenses that activate this functionality.

• Individual host monitoring—host parameters are monitored, including records of CPU and memory usage and
information about currently running processes and services.

• Support for geographically distributed environments—a special mode in Genesys Solution Control Server simplifies the
operation of a geographically distributed installation that uses a single Configuration Database.

The Management Layer support for geographically distributed environments is controlled by the Genesys licensing system.
Refer to the Genesys Licensing Guide for information about ordering licenses that activate this functionality.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 6

Introduction to Management Layer

See Architecture for information about the Management Layer components and Management Layer Functionality
for more detailed information about Management Layer functions.

Refer to the Framework Deployment Guide for configuration and installation instructions.

Refer to the Management Framework Migration Guide for information about component compatibility, and for
instructions about migrating between different releases of Framework components.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 7

Introduction to Management Layer Components

This topic describes the components that make up the Management Layer of Management Framework.

Local Control Agent

Local Control Agent (LCA) is a daemon component that monitors, starts, and stops Genesys server applications as
well as third-party server applications that you have configured in the Genesys configuration environment. In
addition, LCA detects failures of Genesys servers and communicates their roles in redundancy context.

The LCA Installation Package (IP) also contains the Remote Deployment Agent (not shown in the diagram above)
that deploys Genesys IPs as directed by Genesys Administrator Extension. Starting in release 8.5.1, the Remote
Deployment Agent is no longer installed by default when installing LCA. Refer to the Framework Deployment Guide
for more information about installing the Remote Deployment Agent.

Message Server
Message Server provides centralized processing and storage of all maintenance events that Genesys server
applications generate. Events are stored as log records in the Centralized Log Database (also referred to as Log
Database) where they are available for further centralized processing. Message Server also checks for log events
configured to trigger alarms. If it detects a match, it sends the alarm to Solution Control Server (SCS) for immediate

For usability reasons, Genesys does not recommend that you configure multiple Message Servers for one Log
Database, with each Message Server assigned to handle logs for different applications. To view logs processed by
a particular Message Server and therefore generated by a given application, you still have to filter the logs based on
the application that generated them.

Some solution components may also exchange messages via Message Server. You can find
more details on this Message Server function in solution-specific documentation.

Solution Control Server

Solution Control Server (SCS) is the processing center of the Management Layer. It uses Local Control Agents to
start solution components in the proper order, monitor their status, and provide a restart or switchover in case of
application failure. SCS also processes user-specified alarms.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 8

Introduction to Management Layer Components

Log Database
The Log Database stores all log records, including interaction-related records, alarm history records, and audit

SNMP Master Agent

SNMP Master Agent (an optional component also not shown in the diagram above) is an interface between the
Management Layer and an SNMP-compliant network management system (NMS). It distributes:

• SNMP traps, which are converted from alarms, from Solution Control Server to NMS.

• SNMP commands, which a user enters from an NMS interface, back to SCS for further processing.

For more information, refer to SNMP Support.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 9

Introduction to Management Layer Architecture

The following figure shows interactions between Management Layer components and an application. To enable the
Management Layer’s solution-control and fault-management capabilities, you must install Local Control Agent on
each host on which a monitored application (whether a Genesys server or a third-party application) is running. To
enable the Management Layer’s centralized-logging and alarm-signaling capabilities, you must configure each
Genesys server application with a connection to Message Server.

Management Layer Architecture

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 10

Management Layer Functionality Architecture

Management Layer Functionality

This section describes the Management Layer capabilities that help you optimally manage the Genesys software
serving your contact center, as follows:

• Solution Control and Monitoring Functions

• Logging Functions

• Alarm-Signaling Functions

• Fault Management Functions

• SNMP Support Functions

You can also manage Management Layer components such as Message Server, Solution Control Server, and
SNMP Master Agent, via the Management Layer, as discussed in this section.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 11

Management Layer Functionality Solution Control and Management Functions

Solution Control and Management Functions

Use the Management Layer’s control and monitoring functions to:

• Start single applications or entire solutions through a single control operation from Genesys Administrator.

• Shut down single applications or entire solutions in the same manner.

• Start all or a set of configured solutions.

• View the current runtime status of applications and entire solutions via Genesys Administrator.

• View all processes currently running on any host.

• View CPU and memory usage data for any host.

• View CPU usage data for each thread of a given process of an application.

• Manually switch operations from a primary server to its backup.

• Monitor the health of the NTP service, and change the signature of the NTP service or daemon.

For efficient solution maintenance, you should also use the monitoring functions for both solutions and applications.
However, under normal circumstances, Genesys recommends that you always perform control functions over entire
solutions as opposed to single applications. This ensures the correct logical order of application startup and
shutdown and eliminates unnecessary error log events. In redundant configurations, the solution-level control
operations also take into account the configured backup servers and start them up or shut them down automatically
along with the primary servers.

Regardless of what level of control—applications or entire solutions—you choose to implement, the same
architecture provides the control and monitoring functions. It consists of:

• Solution Control Server (SCS).

• As many instances of Local Control Agent (LCA) as there are computers with Genesys servers and/or with
Management Layer–controlled third-party servers.

• Genesys Administrator, through which the control and monitoring capabilities are available directly to a user.

A single SCS should be assigned to handle no more than 250 hosts and their applications. In this
environment, SCS can handle the simultaneous failure of up to 50 hosts, while reflecting the
actual runtime statuses of the hosts and affected applications in 15 seconds or less. If an SCS has
to handle more than 250 hosts, the time to respond to host status changes might increase,
especially if more than 50 of its hosts experience failures simultaneously. If you need SCS to
handle more than 250 hosts, Genesys recommends that you configure multiple Solution Control
Servers in distributed mode to limit the load on each SCS. Refer to the Framework Deployment
Guide for information about setting up a distributed SCS environment.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 12

Management Layer Functionality Solution Control and Management Functions

Manual Switchover
The Management Layer provides an additional control function, a manual switchover of an application’s operations
to its backup application. Use this function, for example, for test purposes, during application upgrades, or during
some hardware maintenance procedures. You can perform a manual switchover for any pair of redundant
applications on which both primary and backup are running. During the switchover, the Management Layer changes
the mode of the selected backup application to primary and the mode of the primary application to backup. The
switchover mechanism is described in detail in Fault Management Functions.

You cannot manually switch over applications of these types:

• Configuration Server

• Database Access Point

• Solution Control Server

NTP Service Monitoring

Starting in release 8.1, the Management Layer can monitor the health of the NTP services on supported platforms.

LCA collects information about the state of the daemons at startup, and updates it periodically thereafter, when
checking the state of third-party applications. Log events 00-08008 and 00-08009 report that the NTP service is
available and is not available, respectively. Refer to the Framework Combined Log Events Help file for a description
of these log events.

You can also configure the signature of an NTP service/daemon. Use the signature option in the [ntp-service-
control] section of the Host object for which you want to configure the signature. Refer to the Framework
Configuration Options Reference Manual for detailed information about this option.

To use Genesys Administrator to monitor solutions and applications, the user must have Read permission for the
corresponding objects in the Configuration Database. To perform any control operations on solutions and
applications, the user must have Execute permission for the corresponding objects. To receive alarm reactions
related to applications and hosts, the user must have Read permission for the corresponding objects in the
Configuration Database. For more information about security settings, see the Framework Deployment Guide.

Remember that the Management Layer is a multi-client environment that makes solution-control functions available
to an unlimited number of users simultaneously. The proper and responsible use of these functions is crucial for
normal solution operations. Consider using the security capabilities of the Configuration Layer to limit access to
these control functions to the trained personnel directly responsible for the contact center environment.
Furthermore, schedule all control operations to occur during off-peak hours, preferably when the contact center is
not processing any interactions, to ensure the availability of the customer interaction functions.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 13

Management Layer Functionality Solution Control and Management Functions

Controlling Third-Party Applications

You can apply the Management Layer control and monitoring functions to third-party applications that meet the
necessary prerequisites.

These applications include, but are not limited to:

• SQL servers.

• CRM services.

• ERP services.

On Windows platforms, the Management Layer attempts to start an application without analyzing
whether the application can run on an unattended computer (for instance, on a Windows computer
with no user currently logged in) or whether the application can operate without a console window.
Because the LCA that starts applications is always installed as a Windows Service, all processes
start without a console window.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 14

Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions

Logging Functions
The Management Layer collects Genesys application logs of defined levels and stores them in a centralized

Log Levels
Genesys applications can report log events at five levels of detail: Alarm, Standard, Interaction, Trace, and Debug.
Only the first four are intended for on-site analysis by a user. Log events of the Alarm, Standard, Interaction, and
Trace levels feature the same unified log record format and can be stored in the Centralized Log Database.

Logging During Normal Operation

For complete specifications of log events reported at the Alarm, Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels, see
Framework Combined Log Events Help.

Alarm Log Level

The Alarm-level logs contain only log records of the Alarm level. SCS generates Alarm log events on behalf of other
applications when receiving from them log events configured as Detection Events in Alarm Conditions. Using this
level, Solution Control Server reports the occurrence and removal of all alarms to the Centralized Log Database.

This level contains the Management Layer translations of log events of other levels into Alarms.

Standard Log Level

Permanently enable only the Standard level of logging during solution operation in regular production mode. It
contains high-level events that report both major problems and normal operations of in-service solutions.

An event is reported at the Standard level if it satisfies one of these criteria:

• Indicates that an attempt to perform any external operation has failed

• Indicates that the latest attempt to perform an external operation that previously failed has succeeded

• Indicates detection of a condition that has a negative impact on operations, actual or projected

• Indicates that a previously detected condition, which had a negative impact on operations, no longer exists

• Indicates a security violation of any kind

• Indicates a high-level data exchange that cannot be recognized or does not follow the expected logical sequence

• Indicates inability to process an external request

• Indicates successful completion of a logical step in an initialization process

• Indicates a transition of an application from one operational mode to another

• Indicates that the value of a parameter associated with a configurable threshold has exceeded that threshold

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 15

Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions

• Indicates that the value of a parameter associated with a configurable threshold that earlier exceeded the threshold
has returned to its normal range

Interaction Log Level

The Interaction-level logs report the details of an interaction processed by solution components that handle
interactions. The log contains information about the processing steps for each interaction by each solution

An event is reported at the Interaction level if it:

• Is a recognizable high-level data exchange with another application about an interaction.

• Indicates a change in real-time state of an interaction handled by the application (unless such a change is visible from
the high-level data exchange).

The specific criteria depend on a particular component and its role in interaction processing.

Use the Interaction-level log records to analyze and troubleshoot new interaction-processing scenarios, especially
when you introduce new solutions or enable new functions within existing solutions. Note that Interaction-level
records contain the interaction attributes, such as Interaction ID, that you can use to search for log events related to
the same interaction but generated by different applications.

Using the Interaction level generates a higher number of loggingevents on the network and that
may adversely affect the performance of the DBMS, Message Servers, and interaction-processing

Trace Log Level

The Trace-level logs report the details of communications between the various solution components. The log
contains information about the processing steps for each interaction by each solution component.

An event is reported at the Trace level if it satisfies one of these criteria:

• It is a recognizable high-level data exchange with another application.

• It is a recognizable high-level data exchange with an external system.

• It indicates a change in real-time state of user-level objects that the application handles (unless such a change can be
seen from the high-level data exchange).

Use the Trace-level log records to analyze and troubleshoot new interaction-processing scenarios, especially when
you introduce new solutions or enable new functions within existing solutions.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 16

Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions

Using the Trace level generates a higher number of logging events on the network and that may
adversely affect performance of the DBMS, Message Servers, and interaction-processing

Logging During Irregular Operation

Standard-level, Interaction-level, and Trace-level log events do not contain all the details you or someone else may
need to analyze and troubleshoot solutions malfunctions. That is why Genesys Customer Care might ask you to
provide relevant Debug-level logs when you request their assistance.

Because the Debug-level log events do not have a unified format, are not documented, and can only be stored in a
text file, they are only useful to Genesys Customer Care. Logging at this level is likely to adversely affect application
performance. Enable this log level only when a Genesys representative requests it. Keep in mind that running
Genesys servers with the Debug level of logging is highly resource-intensive and, as such, is not recommended
when you are in production mode.

Before you set a logging level more detailed than the Standard level, carefully consider whether a situation (such as
the initial deployment or first signs of technical problems) really calls for it. Then, test for how more-detailed logging
affects the network loads in a lab or controlled environment.

Note that changing the log level of a running application does not interrupt solution operations.

In addition to asking for Debug-level log records when you report a problem to them, Genesys Customer Care might
also request that you reproduce the problem because:

• During regular operations, many contact-center systems, such as DBMSs, IVRs, and switches, do not employ logging
at the level of detail required to diagnose serious technical issues.

• Reasons other than application failure can contribute to interaction-handling errors. For example, a call can be
misrouted (delivered to a wrong DN) despite the fact that applications are functioning properly.

Reliability Logging
Starting in release 8.5, Genesys software supports a level of reliability logging, most notably to provide information
for estimating product availability. This information is available from some log events, to which appropriate
information has been added or made available. At the Management Framework level, three common log events
(00-05090, 00-05091, and 00-05064) have been enhanced with the addition of application name, type, and
DBID as extended attributes. Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of these log

Centralized Logging
The centralized logging function provides a number of advantages over the more traditional logging to a text file:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 17

Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions

• Keeping log records of all applications in one place and presenting them in the unified log record format provides for a
comprehensive view of the solutions’ operations history.

• Using a relational DBMS such as the central log storage enables quick access to the required records and allows for
advanced record selections, which you can base on a variety of search criteria.

• Viewing, via Genesys Administrator, the logs stored in a Centralized Log Database gives you an integrated view of the
solutions’ maintenance history and complements the solution-control and alarming capabilities.

• Deleting the obsolete logs or logs of a particular solution, host, or application makes the Log Database management
more convenient.

Given these advantages, Genesys recommends using the centralized logging as the primary method for storing
Standard-level log events of all applications. When enabling the log output for Interaction and Trace logs, store log
events of both levels in the Centralized Log Database in addition to log events of the Standard level. Genesys does
not recommend the simultaneous use of both local and centralized logging options except for some special,
temporary purpose.

The centralized logging system consists of:

• One or more Message Servers that collect log events from applications.

• One or more Log Databases.

• Genesys Administrator.

Provided that the Standard level of log output is routinely used under normal production conditions, always limit the
centralized logging system to one Message Server and one Log Database for all but large and geographically
distributed interaction management networks.

If any part of the centralized logging system becomes unavailable, the log outputs of the affected applications are
temporarily redirected to local binary files. Upon restoration of normal functioning, the applications automatically
resume logging to the Centralized Log Database. The log records accumulated in the local binary files are
automatically transferred to the Log Database.

If the connection between the Message Server and the Log Database is unavailable, messages are stored in a
queue. When the connection is restored, the messages in the queue are written to the Log Database. See the
“Message Server” section of the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual for more information.

The format of records kept in the Log Database is specified in Log Formats.

Viewing Log Database Entries

Although you can use any general-purpose DBMS client to make advanced selections from the Log Database,
Genesys Administrator’s log-viewing capabilities may actually meet your needs just as well. In either interface, you
can view an entire log. They also provide a number of predefined selections from the Log Database, which are
based on the most typical maintenance-selection criteria:

• Records generated by components of a selected solution.

• Records generated by applications located on a selected host.

• Records of a specified output level.

• Records containing a specified combination of symbols in text.

• Records generated within a specified time interval.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 18

Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions

• Records containing specified values of certain extended attributes.

You can use these predefined selection criteria in any combination.

To delete obsolete log records, you can use Genesys Administrator.

Logging and Application Performance

Follow these recommendations to increase an application’s performance while enabling the application’s logging:

• Always enable buffering of the log output when sending logs to a log file. Refer to the “Common Log Options” chapter
in the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.
• Store log files on the local disk of the computer running the application rather than storing them using network file
systems. Such systems may not perform very well and the added network traffic for this storage can affect application

• Configure only log events of the Standard level to be sent to the Log Database. For log events of other levels, consider
using the memory output as the safest output in terms of application performance.

• Directing log output to the console (by using the stdout or stderr settings) can affect application performance.
Avoid using these log output settings in a production environment.

Logging Resilience
Starting in release 8.5, Genesys logging incorporates additional functionality specifically aimed at maintaining the
integrity and usefulness of the logging system, including the Centralized Log, without causing input/output or run-
time logging issues from affecting normal operations or causing the application to terminate unexpectedly.

Without this feature, logs are written to output by the application’s main thread. Any delay or bottleneck in the log
output system takes up processing time and space for non-log operations using that thread.

This problem is greatly resolved, if not eliminated, by the logging resilience feature. The feature is configured at the
application level, and consists of two elements:

• An internal log queue, for which a dedicated thread processes log messages for output.

• A throttling mechanism, which only when a performance problem is detected, changes the verbose level of the log
system (as specified by the verbose option in the log section). This element cannot be activated unless the
dedicated process thread is active.

When logging resilience is activated (as specified by enable-thread=true in the log section), all log messages
generated by the application are moved to an internal queue, from which they are written to output using the
dedicated thread. This negates output problems backing up into regular processing.

Once the internal queue is established, the throttling mechanism can start (if configured to do so). This throttling
mechanism works by monitoring the size of the internal log queue, and changing the value of the verbose option to
increase or decrease the number of logs being generated, as follows:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 19

Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions

• When the queue size approaches a configured threshold (specified by a non-zero value of the throttle-threshold
option in the log section), the value of the verbose option is reduced by one level to reduce the number of log
messages generated.

• When the queue size decreases to 50% or less of the threshold, the value of the verbose option is increased by one
level to increase the number of log messages generated.

The verbose level is maintained at this level until both of the following conditions occur:

• A configured period of time (called the throttle period, and specified by the throttle-period option in the log section)
expires. This timer is reset each time that throttling (up or down) occurs.

• One of:

• The queue size increases and approaches the threshold, at which point the verbose level is throttled again. This
can only occur until verbose=none, at which point there are no logs being processed for output.

• The queue size drops to 50% or less of the threshold, at which point the verbose level is increased by one level.
This can only occur until the value of verbose is back to its originally configured value.

Throttling is an optional part of the Logging Resilience feature, it can be disabled or stopped without interfering with
the internal log queue.

For detailed descriptions of the three options used for and by this log resiliency functionality, refer to the “Common
Configuration Options” chapter of the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.

The Management Layer uses the Centralized Log Database to store detailed and structured information about
Alarm activation and clearance. (See Alarm-Signaling Functions for more information about how alarms are
generated.) Solution Control Server generates alarm-related information as log events of the Alarm level for each
Alarm activation and clearance event. Solution Control Server attaches a set of extended attributes to each Alarm
log event; in particular, the ID attribute uniquely identifies each Alarm.

For complete specifications of Alarm log events that SCS and Message Server report, and for information about
extended attributes for each log event, see Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.

Audit Trail
The Management Layer also uses the Centralized Log Database to store Audit-Trail records (from here on referred
to as Audit records) that Framework components (in particular, Configuration Server and SCS) generate for
configuration changes and control actions performed over processes, solutions, and alarms. Starting in release 8.1,
the Audit records also include the name of the client application and details about the host on which the client
application resides. This is to ensure compliance to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) 10.3.

Framework components generate Audit records as log events and, if available, attach extended attributes to Audit
log events.

For information about setting up an audit trail and viewing the Audit logs, see How to Set Up and Use an Audit Trail.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 20

Management Layer Functionality Logging Functions

For complete specifications of Audit log events that Framework components report and for information about
extended attributes for each log event, see Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.

History of Configuration Changes

Starting in release 8.5, Configuration Server keeps a history of configuration changes, including a record of new
and previous values. For more information, refer to the Framework Deployment Guide.

Interaction Tracing
You can configure Framework components to send Interaction-level log events to the Centralized Log Database.
You can later retrieve from the database all records related to a certain interaction, enabling you to trace its
progress in the contact center.

Storing Interaction-level log events in the Log Database might affect application performance, so
Genesys does not recommend it in production environments.

Framework components might attach a set of extended attributes to each Interaction log event. In particular, each
such event contains a unique identifier of the contact center interaction in the IID extended attribute.

The set of extended attributes for Interaction-level log events may vary depending on a particular
interaction’s properties and the component that generates the log event.

For complete specifications of Interaction-level log events that Framework components report, and for information
about extended attributes for each log event, see Framework Combined Log Events Help, available on the Genesys
Documentation wiki.

Use Genesys Administrator to display all Interaction-level records from the Centralized Log Database. Use
predefined selection criteria to search for all records with a particular Interaction ID.

For information about viewing Audit records with Genesys Administrator, see Framework Genesys Administrator

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 21

Management Layer Functionality Alarm-Signaling Functions

Alarm-Signaling Functions
Maintenance events that the user may want to become aware of and react to immediately are communicated as
Standard-level log events that Genesys applications generate. Each log event is assigned a unique number, which
identifies the situation being reported. Thus, the alarm-signaling function of the Management Layer is based on the
capability to detect the log events that have been pre-configured to trigger alarms and to send them to an alarm-
processing center. In addition, the Management Layer monitors certain system and SNMP variables, which you can
also use for alarm signaling.

This topic describes how the Management Layer implements an alarm system, and what is required to incorporate it
into your configuration. For specific instructions, refer to Alarms.

Alarm Detection
The Management Layer detects alarms by matching the following against the alarm conditions you have configured:

• Log events coming from all applications

• The thresholds of the system performance variables (such as CPU or memory usage) and of local or remote SNMP
variables. (SNMP threshold monitoring is available only when you have enabled SNMP functionality.)

SCS provides the same alarm-reaction processing for both Alarm-detection mechanisms.

Using Log Events for Alarm Detection

To use a log event to trigger an alarm, you must configure an object of the Alarm Condition type and associate it
with a log event ID in the Configuration Layer. When you configure an Alarm Condition, you do the following:

• Specify the log event that should trigger this alarm during runtime.

• Assign an alarm category.

• Define the source of the alarm.

• Set conditions for automatic alarm clearance.

The source of an alarm can be a specific application, all applications of a particular type, or all applications of the
interaction management network. In each case, the resulting alarm message contains the application name. So,
you can know the exact source of the alarm.

You can also use log events of the Standard, Interaction, or Trace levels to trigger an alarm

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 22

Management Layer Functionality Alarm-Signaling Functions

Each application that can generate an alarm must be configured with a connection to Message Server to which it is
able to send log events of the appropriate level. Otherwise, the Management Layer is unable to detect the log
events. Once configured, an alarm condition automatically triggers an alarm in response to an occurrence of the log
event on which the alarm condition is based. If the same log event occurs subsequently while the alarm is active,
the clearance timeout is reset.

As previously noted, the alarm detection takes place in Message Server, so you must connect the potential sources
of alarms to Message Server for alarm signaling to operate. If you are planning to use the recommended centralized
logging function, your applications should already be connected to Message Server. Otherwise, you need to set up
Message Servers and configure your applications to connect to them specifically for alarm-detection purposes.

If you are using Genesys Administrator 8.1.3, you can use the by using the Alarm Condition
Wizard in Genesys Administrator. For more information, see the Framework Genesys
Administrator Help.

The Configuration Layer also provides a number of preconfigured alarm conditions based on the events that cause
service degradation in any environment. Before configuring your own alarm conditions, see if they may have been
predefined in the Configuration Layer. For more information about predefined alarm conditions, see Predefined
Alarm Conditions.

Using System Parameters and SNMP Thresholds for Alarm Detection

The alarm-detection mechanism for thresholds for system performance variables or SNMP variables is similar in
many respects to the log-event-based mechanism. In particular, you must configure certain alarm conditions in the
Configuration Database that indicate the values for the Management Layer to monitor.

When you are using thresholds for system performance variables, the Management Layer detects an alarm by
periodically comparing the current value of the specified performance variable with the specified limits. If a change
in the variable’s value exceeds the specified limit, the Management Layer triggers an alarm.

When you are using SNMP variables as thresholds, the Management Layer detects an alarm by periodically
comparing the current value of the specified SNMP variable, as identified by OID, with the specified limits.
Currently, the following two SNMP variables are supported for this purpose:

• gsClientExistNum in table gsInfoTable

• tsCallsExistNum in table tsInfoTable

If a change in the variable’s value exceeds the maximum limit of the specified minimum to maximum value range,
an alarm is triggered. When the variable’s value falls below the minimum limit of the specified range, the active
alarm is cleared.

The Rising Threshold, which triggers an alarm when crossed only if the value is rising, must be a higher number
than the Falling Threshold, which clears the alarm when crossed only if the value is falling. For example, if the
Rising Threshold is 300 then the Falling Threshold must be less than 300.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 23

Management Layer Functionality Alarm-Signaling Functions

This mechanism provides alarm signaling with both local SNMP variables—that is, variables from the Genesys MIB
file, implemented locally in SCS—and with remote SNMP variables—that is, variables provided by third-party SNMP

To monitor a variable of either type, use Genesys Administrator to create:

• An Alarm Detection Script

• A new Alarm Condition based on the Alarm Detection Script

For more information, see Framework Genesys Administrator Help.

Default Alarm Processing

Once it detects an alarm, Message Server sends it to Solution Control Server for processing. SCS processes the
detected alarm in this way:

1. Stores the alarm in the system as active until it is removed manually, expires based on the configurable timeout, or is
cleared by another log event, which you can optionally define in the Alarm Condition object as an automatic removal

2. Generates log messages about every alarm detection and its removal.

3. Passes the alarm information and a list of all the running solutions that the alarm may affect to Genesys Administrator
to display them for the user. SCS only passes alarm information about objects (such as applications or hosts) that the
user currently logged in to Genesys Administrator has permissions to view. If necessary, the user can then take the
appropriate action.

For alarm processing to take place, you must connect SCS to the Message Servers that detect the alarms.

Whenever you start Genesys Administrator, it automatically displays all active alarms currently registered in SCS as
long as you have permissions to view the objects associated with the active alarms.

For more information, see Genesys Administrator Help.

Customized Alarm Processing

In addition to relying on the default alarm-processing actions, you can configure other actions (called Alarm
Reactions) that the Management Layer is to take when it detects a specified alarm, such as:

• Shutdown a specified application.

• Start up a specified application.

• Restart the application that reported the alarm.

• Start up a specified solution.

• Send an email message with detailed information about the alarm to specified Internet addresses.

• Switchover operations from the application that reported the alarm to its backup application, for applications running in
primary, backup, or either mode.

• Send an SNMP trap with detailed information about the alarm to a general-purpose network management system.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 24

Management Layer Functionality Alarm-Signaling Functions

• Execute an operating system command.

• Change the value of a configuration option of a specified application, including the application that reported the alarm.
(If the proposed change to an option is for a section or option that does not exist, the system creates both.)

Most of these reactions do not require any special arrangements. However, the switchover reaction type requires
that the application in question have a backup application configured and running. The application restart and
switchover mechanisms are described in detail in Fault Management Functions.

If you wish to use SNMP trap capabilities, you must install an SNMP Master Agent and configure your Solution
Control Server to connect to it. You can use Genesys SNMP Master Agent or a third-party SNMP Master Agent you
already have within you network management system—as long as it is compliant with the AgentX protocol. For
instructions on these procedures and for detailed specification of the SNMP trap to which the Management Layer
converts the alarms, see SNMP Support.

Though the Management Layer itself does not provide paging notifications, you can arrange these through the
supported email or SNMP interfaces using your email server or network management system, respectively.

An alarm reaction is configured in the Configuration Database as a Script object of the Alarm Reaction type. For
runtime execution of a particular alarm, you must associate the alarm reaction with the corresponding Alarm
Condition object. You can configure any combination of supported reactions with respect to any alarm condition.
The easiest way to do this is by using the Alarm Condition Wizard in Genesys Administrator.

You can configure alarms in the Management Layer that execute alarm reactions not only at alarm activation, but
also at alarm clearance. To achieve this, add the alarm reaction Scripts that should be executed when the alarm is
cleared to the Clearance Scripts list of the corresponding Alarm Condition object. You can also use the Alarm
Condition Wizard in Genesys Administrator to accomplish this.

You can also use the mlcmd utility to clear all active alarms raised by an application or on the basis of a specified
Alarm Condition.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 25

Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions

Fault Management Functions

Faults—accidental and unplanned events causing a system to fail—present the biggest challenge to solution
availability. The functions that detect, isolate, and correct various types of faults are partly incorporated into every
Genesys component and partly implemented in the Management Layer of the Genesys Framework. The role of the
Management Layer in application failure management is described in detail in this section.

Application Failures
A complete application failure may be a result of either an internal defect (for example, an infinite loop) or an
external event (for example, a power failure). It may manifest as either a process non-response or termination.
Typically, if a solution component stops working, the solution is no longer available to process customer

Since the application that fails cannot perform any functions, you must employ an external mechanism for both
detection and correction of faults of this type. The Management Layer serves as such a mechanism. To detect an
application failure, the Management Layer uses a simple monitoring component called Local Control Agent (LCA),
which continuously maintains a connection with the application, confirming both its existence and ability to
communicate. To make sure an application failure is never confused with a connection failure, the LCA that
monitors a specific application always resides on the computer on which the application itself is running.

LCA is installed on a one-per-host basis and can connect to all Genesys applications located on the host. When a
connection is broken, LCA generates a message to Solution Control Server, where an appropriate recovery action
is chosen and executed according to the system configuration. SCS uses the Advanced Disconnect Detection
Protocol (ADDP) to recognize a loss of connection with LCA. A loss of connection is interpreted as a failure of the
host (that is, as failures of all Genesys components running on that host).

ADDP is, by default, enabled for the connection between SCS and LCA, with the ADDP timeout set to 9 seconds.
With the default settings, SCS can detect and handle application failures in 20 seconds or less.

However, if there is a particular risk of network delays, Genesys recommends setting ADDP
timeouts to values equal to or greater than 10 seconds, rather than relying on default values to
avoid false detection of disconnection. You can modify ADDP parameters for the connection
between SCS and LCA in the Host object of the computer that runs LCA. For more information
about these settings, refer to the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual. For more
information about ADDP, refer to the Framework Deployment Guide.

If you have not configured a backup application for the failed component, the correction procedure normally
consists of attempts to restart the failed process, if so configured. The same LCA component that detects
application failures starts any Genesys application located on the host upon a command from SCS. If the
application in question is a server, the clients automatically reconnect to this server once it is restarted and

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 26

Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions

Genesys recommends that you configure an automatic application restart procedure for all
daemon applications.

Stopping an application via the Management Layer is not considered an application failure.
Therefore, the Management Layer does not restart applications that it has stopped unless you
have configured an appropriate alarm condition and alarm reaction for them.

If a backup application is configured and started, the Management Layer automatically switches operations over to
that application, given that you have a high-availability (HA) license (see the following notes). If the application is a
server, the clients automatically connect to the backup server.


• HA licenses are required only for those components that support automatic switchover.

• HA licenses are not required for manual switchover, either via the application-specific menu, or by stopping the primary
server. All applications can be switched over manually.

The Management Layer currently supports warm standby between redundant components within the layer. It also
supports switchovers between redundant client applications, regardless of the redundancy type specified by those
applications. You must have an HA license to support either type of redundancy.

The Management Layer does not support Cold Standby redundancy type.

The Management Layer also provides more robust switchover capabilities, and, in particular, allows detection of
situations when a running application is unable to provide service and treats this situation as an application failure.
The Service Unavailable application status serves this purpose.

When an application reports that its status has changed to Service Unavailable, and a backup server for this
application is configured and started, the Management Layer automatically switches operations over to the backup
server. Respectively, when both primary and backup applications are running with the Service Unavailable status,
the backup application may report that it can now provide the service (that is, the backup application status changes
to Started). In this case, the Management Layer automatically switches operations over to the backup application.
As with a switchover resulting from an application failure, you must have an HA license to perform a switchover
related to service unavailability.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 27

Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions

While some applications support the Service Unavailable status and report it under appropriate
circumstances, others do not. (For instance, when T-Server loses its connection to the CTI Link,
T-Server changes its status to Service Unavailable). The Management Layer operates based on
the information supplied by an application and cannot automatically detect an application’s inability
to provide service. Refer to application-specific documentation to determine if the Service
Unavailable status is supported on the application side.

Warm Standby Redundancy Type

Genesys uses the term Warm Standby to describe the redundancy type with which a backup server application
remains initialized and ready to take over the operations of the primary server. Inability to process interactions that
may have originated during the time it took to detect the failure is reduced to a minimum. Warm Standby
redundancy type also eliminates the need to bring a standby server online, thereby increasing solution availability.

The standby server recognizes its role as a backup and does not process client requests until its role is changed to
primary by the Management Layer. When a connection is broken between the primary server and the LCA running
on the same host, a failure of the primary process is reported. As a result, the Management Layer instructs the
standby process to change its role from standby to primary, and the former standby starts processing all new
requests for service.

To switch to primary mode, the backup Configuration Server must have an active connection to
the Configuration Database during the failure of the primary Configuration Server.

While normal operations are restored as soon as the standby process takes over, the fault management effort
continues. It consists of repeated attempts to restart the process that failed. Once successfully restarted, the
process is assigned the standby role.

If Solution Control Server detects a loss of connection with the LCA of a host, SCS performs switchover for all
applications located on the host, if backup applications are configured. There are two exceptions to this:

• A Configuration Server in backup mode ignores the switchover command if it detects another Configuration Server in
primary mode. In other words, if the LCA residing on a host with a Configuration Server in primary mode goes down,
the SCS requests that a Configuration Server in backup mode, on another host with an available LCA, switch over to
primary mode. When the request is received, this Configuration Server checks whether the Configuration Server in
primary mode is down, as indicated by a lost connection between the two Configuration Servers. The Configuration
Server in backup mode switches over to primary mode only if this connection is down. If the connection still exists, no
switchover occurs.

• An SCS in backup mode does not try to switch itself over if it can still detect the SCS that is in primary mode. In other
words, if an SCS in backup mode loses its connection to an LCA residing on a remote host with an SCS in primary
mode—either because the LCA went down or a network timeout caused the SCS to drop its connection—the SCS in
backup mode checks whether it is still connected to the remote SCS in primary mode. If that connection is also lost,
the SCS switches over and runs in primary mode.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 28

Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions

Hot Standby Redundancy Type

Genesys uses the term Hot Standby to describe the redundancy type with which a backup server application
remains initialized, clients connect to both the primary and the backup servers at startup, and the backup server
data is synchronized from the primary server. Data synchronization and existing client connections to the backup
guarantee higher availability of a component. Configuration Layer and Management Layer components do not
support Hot Standby between pairs of redundant components. They do support switchover between client
applications configured with this type.

Hot Standby redundancy type with client connection support is only implemented in T-Servers for most types of
switches and is not implemented in applications of other types. For a complete description of the hot standby
redundancy type, refer to the deployment guide for your specific T-Server.

Hang-up Detection
Starting in release 8.0, LCA can use hang-up detection to detect unresponsive Genesys applications supporting this
functionality. Users can then configure appropriate actions, including alarms if required.

To enable hang-up detection, use the configuration options heartbeat-period and heartbeat-period-thread-class-
<n> to set the time interval in which a heartbeat message must be received before the application itself, or a thread
of the application, is considered to be unresponsive for each application. A third option, hangup-restart, can be
used to set the action that LCA takes when it deems the application to be non-responsive, either automatically
restarting the application or just generating a notification of the situation.

For more information about these options, refer to the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.

Use this functionality with great care, and only with those applications for which support of this
functionality has been announced. Failure to use it properly could result in unexpected behavior,
from ignoring the options to an unexpected restart of the application.

To determine if your application supports hang-up detection, refer to application-specific documentation. Support by
Management Framework components is indicated in the following table.

Component Application Level Thread Level Hangup Thread

Class Name
Yes Yes 1 auth thread
Configuration Server
Yes Yes 1 confserv_thread
Solution Control
Yes Yes 1 mailer thread

DB Server a Yes No N/A N/A

Message Server Yes Yes 1 dbthread
SNMP Master Agent Yes No N/A N/A

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 29

Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions

DB Server is no longer required by Management Framework starting in release 8.5.1, but can be used in place of
the new internal database access system implemented in 8.5.x if desired. Refer to the Framework Database
Connectivity Reference Guide for more information.

• The option hangup-restart does not apply to Solution Control Server.

• The option heartbeat-period-thread-class-<n> does not apply to SNMP Master Agent.

• Solution Control Server must be running if the hangup-restart option is used.

Remote Site Failures with Distributed Solution Control Servers

Starting in release 8.0, any Solution Control Server in the distributed environment can also detect the failure of a
remote site controlled by another Solution Control Server in the environment and generate an appropriate log

Solution Control Server considers a remote site to have failed if it stops receiving polling messages from the
Solution Control Server (or primary and backup Solution Control Servers, if configured) controlling the remote site
within a specified time period. The time period is specified by the configuration option alive_timeout, configured on
each Solution Control Server. Refer to the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual for a detailed
description of this option. In this case, the primary Solution Control Server generates log event 43-20600.

If the remote site recovers and the Solution Control Server (or primary and backup Solution Control Servers, if
configured) controlling that site starts to send polling messages, the primary Solution Control Server generates log
event 43-20601 to indicate that the remote site is back in service.

For additional information, refer to the following documents:

• Framework Deployment Guide for more information about distributed Solution Control Servers, and for detailed
instructions for configuring them

• Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual for a detailed description of the option alive_timeout
• Framework Combined Log Events Help for a full description of Solution Control Server log events 43-20600 and

Site Failure (Disaster Recovery)

Starting in release 8.5, Genesys software provides some Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity functionality, which
enables you to continue operations and prevent data loss if the main site fails because of a natural, man-made, or
unintended situation.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 30

Management Layer Functionality Fault Management Functions

When the main site fails, the active Log Database is automatically replicated into the dormant Log Database
installed at the remote site. The dormant Log Message Server is started and connects to that now-active Log
Database. Another dormant Message Server is started and provides communication between the SCS at the failed
site and the SCS at the remote site.

Refer to the Framework Deployment Guide for more information about this functionality.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 31

Management Layer Functionality SNMP Support Functions

SNMP Support Functions

The Management Layer provides you, as a network administrator, with a way to monitor and control Genesys
applications when using an SNMP-compliant third-party network management systems (NMS) user interface. This
functionality is available in two implementations:

• Built-in support using the Genesys SNMP Master Agent component.

• Net-SNMP, an open-source tool that is configured using the Genesys SNMP Master Agent Application object.
Available starting in release 8.5.1, this implementation provides the same SNMP functionality as the built-in support of
Genesys SNMP Master Agent.

Both implementations provide support for an SNMP-compliant NMS, which means that Solution Control Server not
only converts Genesys alarms into SNMP traps, but also processes various NMS commands and generates SNMP
traps based on changes in the current status of an individual application.

The following requirements apply to the components that integrate Genesys 7 or later with an SNMP-compliant
third-party NMS:

• Solution Control Server must contain or be connected to SNMP functionality.

• An SNMP Master Agent application must be compliant with the AgentX protocol. Use either Genesys SNMP Master
Agent (available on the Management Framework 8.5.0 or earlier product CD) or one provided by a third-party.

• The license file must contain licenses that enable the SNMP functionality of the Management Layer. Refer to the
Genesys Licensing Guide for information about how to order licenses and set up the licensing system.

Depending on the type of NMS you are using, you may also need to modify it to ensure a successful integration.
For example:

• Make sure that your NMS knows the communication port number of the SNMP Master Agent.

• If you use several SNMP Master Agent applications, make sure their communication port numbers are unique and are
known to the NMS.

In addition, check documentation for your NMS to find out if:

• You must load a copy of the Genesys MIB file into NMS so that your NMS can monitor and control Genesys

• You must modify your NMS as needed so that it can display and process SNMP traps that an SNMP Master Agent
generates on behalf of Genesys applications, including SCS.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 32

Monitoring and Control Functions SNMP Support Functions

Monitoring and Control Functions

This chapter provides additional information and hands-on tips for using the following Management Layer
monitoring and control functions, including information about involved applications and reference documents:

• Monitoring solutions, applications, and hosts

• Viewing system performance

• Managing 3rd-party applications

• Avoiding an unnecessary switchover

• Handling stuck calls

• Managing environments with redundant Configuration Servers, also referred to as high availablity (HA) configurations

• Managing environments that include one or more Configuration Server Proxies, also referred to as distributed
Configuration Server configurations.

• Using the mlcmd Command-Line utility to assist you in monitoring and controlling your configuration.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 33

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Monitor Solutions, Applications, and Hosts

How to Monitor Solutions, Applications, and

The monitoring function of the Management Layer allows a user to view the current runtime status of configured
hosts, daemon applications, and entire solutions. The monitoring function requires the installation of:

• Solution Control Server (SCS)

• An instance of Local Control Agent (LCA) for each Genesys host computer

• Genesys Administrator

For SCS to monitor an application, you must specify the name of the executable file of the
application in the properties of the Application object.

Genesys Administrator
Starting in Management Framework release 8.0, you can monitor solutions, applications, and hosts through
Genesys Administrator, a centralized Web-based user interface. The Dashboard, located on the Monitoring tab
under Environment, displays the count and status of all applications and hosts that currently are configured. You
can view the status of individual Solution, Application, and Host objects by selecting the appropriate category under
Provisioning > Environment. Refer to Genesys Administrator Help for more information.

mlcmd Utility
Also starting in Management Framework release 8.0, you can also use the mlcmd command-line utility to view the
status of hosts, application, and solutions. For detailed information about this utility, and instructions for using it, see
How to Use the mlcmd Command-line Utility.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 34

Monitoring and Control Functions How to View System Performance

How to View System Performance

The monitoring function of the Management Layer allows a user to view the performance characteristics of
configured hosts. System performance viewing requires the installation of the same components as for host
monitoring. You can monitor a host computer that runs any Genesys-supported operating system as long as Local
Control Agent is running on that computer.

Starting in release 8.5.1, you can also monitor how the growth of your configuration environment affects system
performance by monitoring the number of configuration objects and identifying those objects with large
configuration option sizes. This is done with database scripts that are run against the Configuration Database. For
more information about these scripts, refer to "Monitoring Performance of Configuration Environment" in the
Framework Deployment Guide.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 35

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

How to Manage Third-Party Applications

In Genesys terms, a third-party application is an application not instrumented with Genesys libraries. This chapter
describes which Management Layer functions you can use with third-party applications and how the Management
Layer processes the related commands. It also lists the software prerequisites for and describes how to configure
these applications.

In Genesys terms, a third-party application is an application not instrumented with Genesys libraries. The
Management Layer can monitor, start, and stop a third-party application as long as that application:

• Supports startup from a command line.

• Starts if the computer it runs on is unattended (for instance, on a Windows computer with no user logged in); however,
this is not mandatory.

• Works without a console window on Windows; however, this is not mandatory.

• Is registered in the Configuration Database as an Application of the Third Party Server type.

• Runs on an operating system that Genesys supports.

You cannot perform the centralized logging and alarm-signaling functions (including switchover)
over a third-party application because they require built-in support on the application side.

Required Components
If you have configured third-party applications in the Genesys Configuration Database, Management Layer can
control, monitor, start, and stop them. Even if you do not use the Management Layer to start a particular application,
the application’s runtime status is displayed. This functionality is also supported for:

• Third-party applications installed as Windows Services

• Third-party applications started with a script.

Managing third-party applications requires the installation of:

• Solution Control Server

• An instance of Local Control Agent (LCA) for each host computer running third-party applications

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 36

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

• Genesys Administrator

The monitoring views and control commands are available through Genesys Administrator, just as they are for
managing Genesys applications. Framework Genesys Administrator Help provides detailed instructions for viewing
the applications, and starting and stopping them.

Configuring Third-Party Applications

You must create an Application object for each third-party application that you want to use,
and configure it appropriately. [+] Show steps


To create and configure an Application object for a third-party application using

Genesys Administrator.

• Management Layer components are installed and running.

• The third-party application is installed.

• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.

Start of procedure
1. Register the third-party application in the Configuration Database as an Application
object of the Third Party Server type.

2. In the Server Info section of the Application object’s Configuration tab, specify the

• Working Directory— The full path to the directory from which the application

• Command Line— The command line used for starting the application; usually, it is
the name of the executable file.

3. (Optional) If you want to start and stop the third-party application using the
Management Layer, do the following:

a. In the Server Info section of the Application object’s Configuration tab, in the
Command Line Arguments field, specify any additional parameters used to start
the application.

b. If the application is started with a batch file or script, specify the name of the
command used for launching that file or script. In the Annex list of the Application
object’s Options tab, create a section named [start_stop] and an option named

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 37

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

c. As a value for this option, specify the command that launches the batch file or
script, including the full path to the executed file or script. (The start_command
option may also contain the command to start the executable file.)

d. If the application is stopped with a batch file or script that performs the correct
shutdown of the application, specify the name of the command used for launching
that file or script. In the Annex list of the Application object’s Options tab, create
(or open) a section named [start_stop] and create an option named
stop_command. For its value, specify the command that launches the batch file or
script, including the full path to the executed file or script.

Monitoring Third-Party Applications

Monitoring functionality is provisioned by the ability of Local Control Agent to determine whether:

• A third-party application is started.

• A third-party application is stopped.

Determining Whether Applications Are Started

LCA uses the so-called command–line matching mechanism to determine if a third-party application is started. This
means that LCA periodically retrieves a list of all currently running processes, and then compares command lines of
all processes from that list with possible command lines of the third-party applications being checked.

LCA uses the following command–line matching rules for this comparison:

• The command line of a process is equal to the set of these elements:

Working Directory + Command Line [+ Command Line Arguments]
where Working Directory, Command Line, and Command Line Arguments are the properties of the Application
object in the Configuration Database. If the Command Line Arguments property is empty, it is not used.
The processes started with the full path specification are evaluated based on this rule.

• The command line of a process is equal to the set of these elements:

Command Line [+ Command Line Arguments]
where Command Line and Command Line Arguments are the properties of the Application object in the
Configuration Database. If the Command Line Arguments property is empty, it is not used.
The processes started without the full path specification are evaluated based on this rule.

• For Windows operating systems only, the command line of a process is equal to the set of these elements:
+ Working Directory + Command Line [+ Command Line Arguments]
where Working Directory, Command Line, and Command Line Arguments are the properties of the Application
object in the Configuration Database. If the property Command Line Arguments is empty, it is not used.
The processes started with the full path specification are evaluated based on this rule when the path contains spaces.

If LCA finds a process whose command line matches that of a third-party application, LCA assumes that the
application has started and then:

1. Stores the PID (process identifier) for that application.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 38

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

2. Sets the application status to Started.

3. Sends a notification to SCS.

Determining Whether Applications Are Stopped

LCA uses the so-called PID-check mechanism to determine if a third-party application is stopped. This means that
LCA tracks the PIDs (process identifiers) for all currently running processes. Using relevant operating system
commands, LCA determines if a process with a particular PID is running. If not, LCA considers the corresponding
third-party application stopped and:

1. Sets the application status to Stopped.

2. Sends a notification to SCS.

Starting Third-Party Applications

You can start a third-party application in the following ways:

• User command from Genesys Administrator

• Alarm Reaction

• Automatically at host start-up

• Auto-Restart

When the Management Layer receives a request to start a particular third-party application, SCS generates a
command line and passes it to LCA, which executes the required operating system function.

SCS generates the command line based on the parameters you configured for a specific third-party Application
object in the Configuration Database, which may include:

• Working Directory—as specified in the Application object’s properties.

• Command Line—as specified in the Application object’s properties.

• Command Line Arguments—as specified in the Application object’s properties.

• Start Command—as specified by the start_command option of the Application object’s Annex.

If you have not specified values for the first three listed parameters or have not created a start_command option
and provided a value for it, the Management Layer cannot start the application. For more information about these
parameters, refer to Configuring Third-Party Applications.

Solution Control Server forms the command line as follows:

• If you have specified the start_command option, SCS uses its value to form the command line and ignores the other

• If you have not specified the start_command option, SCS uses the values of the Command Line and Command Line
Arguments to form the command line, while LCA executes an appropriate operating system function in the directory
specified as the Working Directory for this application.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 39

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

LCA passes all required parameters to the operating system function (CreateProcess on Windows or execvp on
UNIX) and calls the function, after which two scenarios can occur:

• The operating system function returns an error. In this case, LCA passes the error to SCS, which retains the Stopped
status for the third-party application.

• The operating system function does not return an error. In this case, LCA determines the status of the third-party
application and passes the status to SCS. (See Determining Application Status for a description of the methods LCA
uses to determine the application status.)

Whichever scenario occurs, the startup process is then considered finished.

Starting Third-Party Applications Automatically

Management Layer supports the automatic start-up of third-party applications. You must be aware of, and correct if
necessary, the configuration of the startup timeout for automatically started third-party applications.

The Management Layer must know the correct status of the third-party application at the exact moment when
determining if the application is stopped and is to be started, that is, when the startup timeout for the third-party
application expires.

Incorrect configuration of the automatic third-party application start-up configuration can cause multiple instances of
the same application to be started.

Restarting Third-Party Applications Automatically

The Management Layer also supports the automatic restart of third-party applications following an unexpected
termination. You must select Auto-Restart (in the Application's properties) when configuring the application. Note
that the startup timeout is not used when restarting third-party applications.

Determining Application Status

The method LCA uses to determine the current status of a third-party application depends on the method SCS uses
for forming the startup command line:

• If you have not configured the start_command option, SCS uses the values of the Command Line and Command
Line Arguments to form the command line. In this case, LCA stores the PID returned by the operating system
function and immediately passes the Started status to SCS.

• If you have configured the start_command option, SCS uses the value of this option to form the command line. In this
case, LCA passes the Pending status to SCS and determines if the application has started successfully, as described
in Determining Whether Applications Are Started.

Ensuring Command Line Correctness

If you want to monitor a third-party application, use the running process and its arguments as a model for the
command line and command line arguments in Genesys Administrator. Follow these steps:

1. Use a system tool (for example, the UNIX tool ps) to display the running process and its arguments.

2. In the third-party Application object’s properties, do the following:

a. In the Command Line field, enter the exact value of the running process.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 40

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

b. In the Command Line Arguments field, enter the exact value of the running process arguments.

Stopping Third-Party Applications

You can stop a third-party application in the following ways:

• User command from Genesys Administrator

• Alarm Reaction

The Shutdown Timeout does not apply to third-party applications.

The Management Layer can only stop a third-party application that has a status of Started; that is, LCA knows the
PID for this application.

When the Management Layer receives a request to stop a particular third-party application, SCS passes it to LCA,
which executes the required operating system function.

LCA processes the request as follows:

• If you have not configured the stop_command option and the application runs on UNIX, LCA sends the SIGINT signal
to the process with the PID corresponding to the third-party application. Then, LCA sets the application status to
Stopped and notifies SCS.

• If you have not configured the stop_command option and the application runs on Windows, LCA calls the
TerminateProcess function for the process with the PID corresponding to the third-party application. Then, LCA sets
the application status to Stopped and notifies SCS.

• If you have configured the stop_command option, LCA either executes the specified operating system command or
launches the specified script or batch file. LCA sets the status of the third-party application to Pending and then
determines the actual status of the application, which, when determined, it passes to SCS. (See Determining Whether
Applications Are Stopped for a description of the methods LCA uses to determine application status.)

At this point, the process of stopping a third-party application is considered finished.

To demonstrate how you can use the Management Layer to control a third-party application, such as License
Manager, running on a Windows-based computer, do the following:

1. Install License Manager to directory d:\flexlm. Use the License Manager installation procedure for Windows described
in the Genesys Licensing Guide.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 41

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

2. Create two *.bat files, one (named lmgrd_run.bat) for starting License Manager and the other (named
lmgrd_stop.bat) for shutting down the application. The file content should be as described in Start Script and Stop
Script Content.

3. Save both files to the d:\flexlm directory.

4. Create an Application object of the Third Party Server type and name it FLEXlm. Refer to the configuration procedures
in Configuring Third-Party Applications.

5. In the third-party Application object’s Startup Info section, set the parameters as follows:

• Specify d:\flexlm as the value for Working Directory.

• Specify lmgrd as the value for Command Line.

• Specify -c d:\flexlm\license.dat as the value for Command Line Arguments.

Make sure that the combined string
<Working directory> + <Command Line> + <space> + <Command Line Arguments>
matches the command line in the lmgrd_run.bat file, which is

d:\flexlm\lmgrd -c d:\flexlm\license.dat.

6. Start lmgrd_run.bat manually. After 20 or so seconds, check the Application object’s status. Its status should be

7. In the FLEXlm Application object’s Annex:

a. Create a section called start_stop.

b. Create two options, start_command and stop_command, in this new section.

c. Specify full paths to the appropriate *.bat files as the option values:
start_command = d:\flexlm\lmgrd_run.bat
stop_command = d:\flexlm\lmgrd_stop.bat

d. Save configuration changes.

8. Try to stop and start the FLEXlm application using appropriate commands in Genesys Administrator.

Start Script and Stop Script Content

The content of the lmgrd_run.bat and lmgrd_stop.bat files depends on whether you run License Manager as a
regular application or as a Windows Service.

For a regular application, the file content should be as follows:

• lmgrd_run.bat @echo "Starting FLEXlm License Manager" d:\flexlm\lmgrd -c d:\flexlm\


• lmgrd_stop.bat @echo "Stopping FLEXlm License Manager" d:\flexlm\lmutil lmdown -q -c


For a Windows Service, the file content should be as follows:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 42

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Third-Party Applications

• lmgrd_run.bat net start <FLEXlm Service Name> d:\flexlm\lmgrd -c d:\flexlm\license.dat

• lmgrd_stop.bat net stop <FLEXlm Service Name>

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 43

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Avoid an Unnecessary Switchover

How to Avoid an Unnecessary Switchover

You can minimize the chance that a network problem causes a switchover between a functioning primary server
and its backup. When disconnected from an LCA running on any host, SCS initiates a switchover for all applications
running on the same host with the LCA. However, the disconnect can result from either long-term issues (such as
the host being down or LCA terminating) or temporary issues (such as slowness of the network or a temporary
network problem).

You can configure SCS to verify the connection status in a few seconds to confirm whether the connection issue is
resolved. To do so, create the disconnect-switchover-timeout option in the general section on the Options tab
of the SCS properties. Set the option value to any positive integer, which means the number of seconds, and
depends on your typical network conditions. When SCS initiates a switchover process, it waits the interval you
specified and checks the LCA connection:

• If the problem has been temporary, the connection is restored and the applications on the LCA host are in Running
status. In this case, SCS does not perform a switchover.

• If the problem is serious, the LCA remains disconnected and the status of the applications on the LCA host is
unknown. In this case, SCS proceeds with the switchover.

The disconnect-switchover-timeout option setting has no effect on a manual switchover, a
switchover resulting from an alarm reaction, or a switchover resulting from service unavailability at
the primary server.

Refer to the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual for detailed option descriptions.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 44

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Handle Stuck Calls

How to Handle Stuck Calls

This topic describes the procedures related to detecting and ways of dealing with calls that appear to be stuck.

A stuck call occurs when information about the release of a call in the communication system fails to reach one or
more of the components of a CTI solution. One possible cause is the temporary loss of communication between CTI
applications and devices, such as switching and interactive voice response systems, in the communication

Having missed the call release information, CTI applications continue to treat such calls as active, which results in
less efficient operation and inaccurate reporting.

Because T-Servers are directly involved in communications with the switching systems, they play a critical role in
detecting and handling stuck calls.

Which Method To Use?

Stuck calls can be handled by any of three methods:

1. Using T-Server switch-specific functionality

2. Using the SNMP interface in the Management Layer

3. Using the gstuckcalls utility in the Management Layer

T-Server Switch-Specific Functionality

This method offers stuck calls detection and cleanup built-in to T-Server.

This is the basic form of using the stuck call feature in T-Server that provides for minimal customization and
provisioning from the user’s perspective.


• A simple, timeout-based detection mechanism is used internally in T-Server.

• This method does not utilize Management Layer capabilities—no automatic reactions to be executed upon detection of
stuck calls.

• You must set up and manage each T-Server manually and individually, using Genesys Administrator.

• Unwieldy for managing multiple T-Servers.

See Using T-Server.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 45

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Handle Stuck Calls

SNMP Interface in the Management Layer

This method provides an SNMP interface, good for SNMP-based installations and in an SNMP-oriented application.


• Relies on external SNMP-aware applications (such as SNMP Perl scripts) to monitor and detect stuck calls in T-

• Stuck call detection logic is highly customizable; information such as filters and timestamp properties lies in the new
SNMP tables.

• The script provides for a central point of management, and can be tailored to manage a single or multiple T-Server

• Does not utilize the Management Layer capability to monitor and react to alarm events; the script must do it.

• Requires SNMP licensing.

See Using the SNMP Interface.

gstuckcalls Utility
This method has the advantages of the second method but does not require SNMP.


• The stuck call detection logic is highly customizable.

• This method is integrated with the Management Layer. A stuck calls event can be configured and reacted upon when
corresponding log messages are received by SCS.

• This method does not require an SNMP license.

• The scripts in this utility generate an XML file with a summary of all calls retrieved from T-Server, which makes it useful
as a quick-look diagnostic tool.

The gstuckcalls utility uses the logmsg utility, which allows sending specified log messages to trigger and clear
Management Layer alarms based on conditions external to the Management Layer.

See Using the gstuckcalls Utility.

The Stuck Calls functionality requires that Perl be installed on the SCS host computer. The
following table lists the names and minimum versions of Perl extension modules required.
Users may need to install some or all of them, depending on their current Perl installation.
[+] Show table
Perl Module Recommended Version
HTML::Parser 3.25 and higher

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 46

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Handle Stuck Calls

Perl Module Recommended Version

SOAP::Lite 0.60 and higher
XML::DOM 1.43 and higher
XML::Parser 2.34 and higher
XML::SAX 0.12 and higher
XML::NamespaceSupport 1.08 and higher
XML::RegExp 0.03 and higher
HTTP::Cookies 1.39 and higher

These modules are available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) website

The Framework stuck calls functionality—including the Perl scripts and, and the above modules—were tested using Perl version 5.6.1.

Using T-Server
To support stuck calls handling in T-Server, a set of configuration options has been introduced. These options
control stuck call detection, notification, and automatic cleanup. For more information, refer to the “T-Server
Common Configuration Options” chapter in the latest version of the Deployment Guide for your T-Server.

To support stuck calls handling in the Management Layer, a set of log messages have been added to the T-Server
Common Part. Download the Framework Combined Log Events Help for more information.

To support stuck calls handling in client applications of T-Server, a new property has been added to the T-Server
events that define the end of the call (EventReleased and EventAbandoned). See the Genesys Events and Models
Reference Manual for more information.

Based on a specified timeout, T-Server waits for call information being updated. After the timeout is expired, T-
Server considers a call as a stuck call and reports a standard log message.

Processing of timeouts and notifications is implemented in the T-Server Common Part, but the actual call cleanup
involves interaction with the switch-dependent part for each T-Server.

Configuration Options Summary

Three new options must be configured in the section call-cleanup.

• notify-idle-tout: This option specifies the time interval that T-Server waits for a call being updated from its last update.
After this time elapses, if no new events about the call are received, T-Server reports this call as a stuck call.

• cleanup-idle-tout: This option specifies the time interval that T-Server waits for a call being updated from its last
update. After this time elapses, if no new events about the call are received, T-Server clears this call as a stuck call
either by querying the switch (if a CTI link provides such capabilities), or by deleting call information from memory
unconditionally. The option description in the Deployment Guide for each T-Server reflects the actual implementation
for that particular T-Server.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 47

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Handle Stuck Calls

• periodic-check-tout: This option specifies the time interval for periodic checks for stuck calls (affects both notification
and cleanup functionality) by checking the T-Server’s own call information with call information available in the switch.
For performance reasons, T-Server does not verify whether the notify-idle-tout or cleanup-idle-tout option has
expired before performing this checking.

T-Server Common Log Events

Three T-Server common log events support stuck calls management: 01-20020, 01-20021, and 01-20022.
Refer to the latest Framework Combined Log Events Help for detailed specifications of these log events.

EventReleased on special DN
The value of the TReliability parameter indicates that the update was forced by external request:

• TReliabilityExternal = 3

• TReliabilityExternal - cleared by an external SNMP request

Using the SNMP Interface

The following tables in the T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects support management of stuck calls using the SNMP
Interface in the Management Layer. These tables allow you to retrieve only those call instances that were defined
by the filters in the tsCallFilterTable table thus reducing network traffic and increasing application performance.

• tsCallFilterTable provides the interface for setting call filter criteria for the tsCallInfoTable table. It also provides the
interface for clearing calls by the call’s Connection ID.

• tsCallInfoTable stores the latest snapshot of active calls from a given T-Server, and contains information about active
calls filtered by conditions set in the tsCallFilterTable.

Using the gstuckcalls Utility

The gstuckcalls utility contains two stuck calls management scripts, and, which support the detection and automatic clearing of stuck calls. Both scripts use the
gstuckcallsscript.cfg configuration file, also part of the utility.

How to Install the Utility

If you installed Solution Control Server, the gstuckcalls utility containing the stuck calls scripts and configuration
file is already installed, and is located in the same folder in which Solution Control Server was installed.

Starting in 8.1.2, you can install the Solution Control Server utilities without installing Solution Control Server itself. If
you have not installed the utilities, use the procedure Installing the Solution Control Server Utilities in the
Framework Deployment Guide. After the utilities are installed, the gstuckcalls utility is stored in the location that
you specified during the installation.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 48

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Handle Stuck Calls

How to Run the Utility

To start the stuck calls utility:

• In Windows, enter gstuckcalls.exe on the command line.

• On UNIX, enter gstuckcalls on the command line.

The utility will automatically run the scripts. Script

The script performs these functions:

1. Retrieves all the information about all T-Servers from the configuration.

2. Queries each T-Server for stuck calls according to the specified filter using the gstuckcalls utility.

3. If stuck calls are found, sends log message 0095000 on behalf of the T-Server.

4. If stuck calls are not found, sends log message 095010 on behalf of the T-Server.

If you require alarming for stuck calls, schedule this script for periodic execution by using tools provided by your
operating system, such as Scheduled Tasks for Windows and Cron for UNIX. Script

The script clears stuck calls in the specified T-Server. If you need to clear stuck calls
automatically, use this script as an alarm reaction for the active alarm Stuck Calls Detected. This script performs the

1. Connects to the specified T-Server.

2. Uses the gstuckcalls utility to clear all stuck calls according to the specified filter.

gstuckcallsscript.cfg Configuration File

The and scripts use this configuration file. It has the following format:

username = <username>
password = <password>

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 49

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Handle Stuck Calls

Stuck Calls Alarm Log Messages

The following alarm log messages have been added to support detection and automatic clearance of stuck calls:

• 09500: Stuck calls detected

• 09501: Stuck calls not detected

Configuring the Alarm Condition

To enable automatic stuck calls detection, configure the corresponding Alarm Condition with the following settings:

For Detect Event:

• Log Event ID set to 9500

• Selection Mode set to Select By Application Type

• Type set to T-Server

For Cancel Event:

• Log Event ID set to 9501

See Using Log Events for Alarm Detection for more information.

The active alarm Stuck Calls Detected is communicated when log message 9500 is received. This happens when
the script detects stuck calls in a T-Server. Scheduling the script for
periodic execution (for instance, once per day) ensures automatic stuck calls detection and alarming.

To clear stuck calls automatically, follow these steps:

1. Configure the alarm reaction type Execute OS Command for the Alarm Condition Stuck Calls Detected.

2. Configure this alarm reaction to execute the script.

The script clears stuck calls at the corresponding T-Server and sends log message 9501 to the Management
Layer, which then clears the active alarm Stuck Calls Detected.

Stuck Calls Scripts Flow Chart

The following figure provides a flow chart to help you better understand the scripts.

Stuck Calls Script Flowchart

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 50

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Environments with HA Configuration Servers

How to Manage Environments with HA

Configuration Servers
The Management Layer is designed to operate with one running Configuration Server (one primary-backup pair of
Configuration Servers). That is, you must connect the Management Layer components and all the applications that
it controls to the same Configuration Server.

If you need to use the Management Layer capabilities in an environment with two running Configuration Servers
(two primary-backup pairs of Configuration Servers), you must use an independent Management Layer installation
for each running Configuration Server (each primary-backup pair). To make two Management Layer installations
independent when a host computer serves two configurations, install two Local Control Agent applications on such
a computer, one LCA communicating to one Management Layer installation and the other LCA communicating to
the other, and make the LCA port numbers unique.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 51

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Environments with Configuration Server Proxies

How to Manage Environments with Configuration

Server Proxies
The Management Layer fully supports the distributed configuration environment available when using Configuration
Server Proxy.

The term Configuration Server Proxy is used to identify a Configuration Server instance running in so-called Proxy
mode. Refer to the Framework Deployment Guide for more information.

This support means that the Management Layer:

1. Displays the current real-time status of Configuration Server Proxy and performs its startup, shutdown, or automatic
switchover to the backup Application just as for any other Genesys Application.

You cannot manually switch over Configuration Server Proxy Applications.

2. Correctly starts Applications that are clients of Configuration Server Proxy.

When receiving a request to start an Application, the Management Layer determines whether the Application is
configured as a client of Configuration Server or of Configuration Server Proxy. For this purpose, the Management
Layer checks the list of connections configured for an Application.

The Application is considered a client of Configuration Server Proxy when both of these conditions are met:

• The Application’s configuration contains a connection to an Application of the Configuration Server type.

• In its turn, the Application of Configuration Server type contains in its configuration a connection to another Application
of the Configuration Server type.

The Application is considered a client of Configuration Server when either of these conditions is met:

• The Application’s configuration contains no connection to an Application of the Configuration Server type.

• The Application’s configuration contains a connection to an Application of the Configuration Server type, but this latter
Application’s configuration does not contain a connection to an Application of the Configuration Server type.

Genesys recommends that you configure connections to Configuration Server for Applications that
are clients of Configuration Server in an environment with Configuration Server Proxy.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 52

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Manage Environments with Configuration Server Proxies

If the Management Layer finds the Application to be a client of Configuration Server, the Management Layer uses
the Configuration Server parameters to start the Application. For more information, see Processing the Start
Command for Applications.

If the Management Layer finds the Application to be a client of Configuration Server Proxy, the Management Layer
also checks the configuration to determine whether a backup Application is configured for this Configuration Server

• If no backup Application is configured, the stand-alone Configuration Server Proxy is considered to be running in
Primary mode.

• If a backup Application is configured, the Management Layer identifies which Configuration Server Proxy of the
primary-backup redundancy pair is currently running in Primary mode.

Then, the Management Layer starts the Application that is a client of Configuration Server Proxy. SCS generates a
command line and passes it to LCA, which executes the command. The command line contains:

• The Application’s working directory as specified in the Application object’s properties.

• The host name of Configuration Server Proxy currently running in Primary mode.

• The port number of Configuration Server Proxy currently running in Primary mode.

• The Application name as specified in the Application object’s properties.

Make sure that Configuration Server Proxy is running during its client startup.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 53

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

How to Use the mlcmd Utility

You can use the mlcmd command-line utility to :

• Query the status of hosts, applications, or solutions.

• Start, stop, and gracefully stop applications and solutions.

• Send a custom command to an application.

Installing the Utility

If you installed Solution Control Server, the mlcmd utility is already installed, and is located in the same folder in
which Solution Control Server was installed.

Starting in 8.1.2, you can install the Solution Control Server utilities without installing Solution Control Server itself. If
you have not installed the utilities, refer to the section "Solution Control Server Utilities' in the Framework
Deployment Guide. After the utilities are installed, the mlcmd utility is stored in the location you specified during the

Using the Utility

All mlcmd command parameters are made in a single command. The general syntax is as follows:

mlcmd <mandatory parameters> <optional parameters> <command parameter>

You must provide all the mandatory parameters and one operation parameter. The parameters are listed in the
following table. Starting in release 8.1, you must authenticate yourself with mlcmd by logging in to the utility. If
authentication is successful, you can use the utility as part of operations. The parameters are listed in the following

[+] Show table

Parameter Description
-help Prints the version of the utility and its usage.
-cshost hostname Mandatory. Configuration Server host name.
-csport portnumber Mandatory. Configuration Server port number.
-csuser username Mandatory. Username of user.
-cspassword password Mandatory. The password of the user.
Mandatory. Application name of the interface used to
-csappname application_name access Management Framework (that is, Genesys
Administrator or Genesys Administrator Extension).

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 54

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

Parameter Description

-scshost SCS_host_namea Optional. Solution Control Server host name.

-scsport SCS_port_namea Optional. Solution Control Server port number.

Optional. Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) that
the utility will wait for SCS to perform the requested
action. If SCS does not respond within the specified time,
-timeout seconds the utility will return an error. Minimum value permitted =
10 seconds. Default value = 60 seconds. If the specified
value is less than 10, the command will use the default
Optional. Specifies that a secure connection should be
used by clients when connecting to SCS.
Optional. Use only if -secure is used.
-cert certificate On Windows, specifies the security certificate thumbprint; on UNIX,
specifies the path to the host's security certificate.

Use only if -secure is used.

-key key On UNIX, specifies the path to the file with the private key; not used on

Use only if -secure is used.

-ca-cert ca-cert On UNIX, specifies the path to the file with the CA certificate; not used
on Windows.

WARNING! Specify only one of the following command parameters and any associated sub-parameters in a single
invocation of the utility command.
Requests the object type, DBID, status, DBID of the Alarm
-getallalarms Condition, time it was triggered, time it expires, and
message text of all active alarms.
Requests the DBID, status, and runmode of all
Requests the status of the application specified by
-getappstatus Application Name | DBID [-usedbid] Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is
Requests the status and runmode of the application
-getappstatus-runmode Application Name | DBID [-
specified by Application Name (the default), or the DBID
if usedbid is specified.
Requests the status of the host specified by Host Name
-gethoststatus Host Name | DBID [-usedbid]
(the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Requests the status of the solution specified by Solution
-getsolstatus Solution Name |DBID [-usedbid]
Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Clears all active alarms raised by the Application specified
-clear-app-alarms Application Name | DBID [-usedbid] by the Application Name (the default), or the DBID if
usedbid is specified.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 55

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

Parameter Description
Clears all active alarms raised on behalf of the Alarm
-clear-cond-alarms (-dbid Alarm Condition DBID) | (-name
Condition with a DBID specified by Alarm Condition DBID
Alarm Condition Name)
or with the name specified by Alarm Condition Name.
Starts the application with the specified Application Name
-startapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
(the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Starts the application with the specified Application Name
-start-initapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid] (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified, without
waiting for the status to change to Initializing/Running.
Stops the application with the specified Application Name
-stopapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid]
(the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Switches over the application with the specified
-switchapp Application Name | DBID [-usedbid] Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is
Gracefully stops the application with the specified
-stopapp-graceful Application Name | DBID [-usedbid] Application Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is
Starts the solution with the specified Solution Name (the
-startsol Solution Name | DBID [-usedbid]
default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Stops the solution with the specified Solution Name (the
-stopsol Solution Name | DBID [-usedbid]
default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Gracefully stops the solution with the specified Solution
-stopsol-graceful Solution Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Name (the default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
Requests information about a given process of an
application with the specified Application Name (the
default), or the DBID if usedbid is specified.
-get-app-performance {Application Name | DBID [-
usedbid]} [-result xml file name] The information, including CPU Usage for each thread, is stored in an
XML file named application name_Performance_time stamp.xml, if xml
file name is not specified, or <xml file name>.xml if it is.


Sends custom commands to the application with the
specified Application Name (the default), or the DBID if
usedbid is specified.
Name | DBID [-usedbid]
Must be used with one or both of the -custom-subcommand and -
custom-data parameters.

Use only with the -custom-command option.

Both of these options specify the content of a custom data packet as
-custom-subcommand subcommand where subcommand
• If the -custom-subcommand option is used, the
is a number
subcommand value is converted to a 4 B value
-custom-data path where path is the path to a data file (network byte order) and added to the custom data

• If the -custom-data option is used, the contents of the

file given by path is added to the custom data packet.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 56

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

Parameter Description

The custom data packet is then sent to the application with a custom

Use only with the -custom-command option.

Specifies the path to the file in which the response to the custom
-custom-response path
command is to be stored. If this parameter is not used, the response is

Use only with the -custom-command option.

Specifies that the first 4 B of the custom response must be converted
from network byte order into a decimal format and sent to the standard

If -scshost and -scsport are not specified, and if authentication is successful, mlcmd will
retrieve the SCS connection parameters from Configuration Server. If there is more than one
SCS, the utility will select the first SCS it finds, and retrieve the host and port information
from the application object for that SCS.

Utility Output
For all parameters, the utility returns a numeric code when it has finished, regardless of whether execution was
successful. This code can then be used in downstream processing as necessary. See Return Codes for a full list of
return codes.

If any errors occur when processing this utility, a log message is generated and sent to stderr. Output is never sent
to stdout unless the -help or -custom-print-response parameters are specified.

The parameter get-app-performance enables you to output CPU Usage data in an XML file. See XML Data Output
for Information Query.

Return Codes
A zero-value (0) or a positive two-digit return code indicates that processing was completed successfully. If the
command included one of the parameters used to retrieve the status of a host, application, or solution, the return
code indicates the status. A negative return code (or on UNIX, a positive value in the range of 247 to 255) indicates
that processing did not complete successfully. Success and failure return codes are given in the following tables.

[+] Show tables

Success Codes Returned by mlcmd Utility
Parameter Used Code Description
0 Host status is UNKNOWN
-gethoststatus 1 Host status is DISCONNECTED
2 Host status is RUNNING

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 57

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

3 Host status is UNAVAILABLE

4 Host status is UNREACHABLE
0 Application status is UNKNOWN
1 Application status is STOPPED
Application status is
Application status is
Application status is
Application status is
6 Application status is RUNNING
7 Application status is INITIALIZING
Application status is
9 Application status is SUSPENDING
10 Application status is SUSPENDED
0 Solution status is UNKNOWN
1 Solution status is STOPPED
2 Solution status is STOP_PENDING
3 Solution status is START_PENDING
Solution status is
-getsolstatus STOP_TRANSITION
Solution status is
6 Solution status is RUN_PENDING
7 Solution status is RUNNING
8 Solution status is STARTED
0 Execution completed successfully

-getappstatus-runmode The code returned by -getappstatus-runmode is a combination of the

application status and the runmode. See the following table "Codes Returned
Using -getappstatus-runmode Parameter" to separate the two elements.
All others not mentioned previously 0 Execution completed successfully

Codes Returned Using -getappstatus-runmode Parameter

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Application Status
(see -get_appstatus in the table above)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 58

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

Execution completed successfully.
Error Codes Returned by mlcmd Utility
Code Description
Cannot connect to Configuration
-1 255
Server and/or SCS.
Unexpected disconnection from
-2 254
Configuration Server and/or SCS.
-3 253 Timeout expired.
-4 252 No specified object found.
Management Layer cannot execute
-5 251
the operation.
-6 250 Incorrect parameters specified.
-7 249 Internal utility error.
-8 248 Command execution failed.
User does not have correct
-9 247 permissions to execute the

XML Data Output for Information Query

When you use the get-app-performance command, the results are stored in an XML file named as follows:

• Default: <application name>_Performance_<timestamp>.xml

• User specifies name in command: <User-specified name>.xml

The format of the record in the XML file is as follows:

[+] Show format

<AppName> <!—The Application name-->
<!-- This section can be absent if application is on host with old version of LCA -->

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 59

Monitoring and Control Functions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

<tid>1st thread ID</tid>
<pctcpu>1st thread CPU usage</pctcpu>
<tid>2nd thread ID</tid>
<pctcpu>2nd thread CPU usage</pctcpu>
<tid>Nth thread ID</tid>
<pctcpu>Nth thread CPU usage</pctcpu>

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 60

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Use the mlcmd Utility

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions

This section gives hands-on tips on how to start and stop applications and solutions using the Management Layer,
including information about the applications involved and reference documents:

• How to start and stop Applications and Solutions manually and automatically

• Using startup files

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 61

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions

How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions

With the control function of the Management Layer, you can start and stop individual applications with a single
control function through Genesys Administrator. You can also use the control function to start and stop solutions,
with one exception: you must use Genesys Administrator to start and stop a solution of type Default Solution Type
or Framework.

Starting with release 8.0, you can also stop applications and solutions gracefully, also called Graceful Stop or
graceful shutdown. See Graceful Stop for more information.

The control function requires the installation of:

• Solution Control Server (SCS)

• An instance of Local Control Agent (LCA) for each Genesys host computer

• Genesys Administrator

Genesys recommends that you start and stop entire solutions as opposed to starting and stopping
single applications.

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions Manually

To manually start and stop applications and solutions, use the start and stop commands in Genesys Administrator,
locate as follows:

• Start, Stop, and Graceful Stop buttons on the toolbar

• Start, Stop, and Graceful Stop commands in the Tasks panel

Genesys Administrator Help provides detailed instructions on how to start and stop solutions and applications.

Starting in Management Framework release 8.0, you can also use the mlcmd command-line utility to start and stop
applications and solutions. For detailed information about this utility, and detailed instructions for using it, see How
to Use the mlcmd Utility.

Starting Applications Automatically

Solution Control Server starts applications without a user command (that is, automatically) when:

• SCS starts

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 62

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions

• The computer running the applications is restarted

If you do not modify an Application object as described in this section, SCS automatically starts the application only
at the application’s host restart, given that the application has been running prior to the host restart.

To enable this, you must configure the autostart option for each application, as described in
the following procedure. [+] Show steps

• The Configuration Layer has been installed and configured, and is running.

• Either the Application object that you want to configure already exists, or you are
performing this procedure while you are configuring it.
• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.

Start of Procedure

To enable SCS to start an application automatically every time SCS establishes a

connection with LCA and the latter does not report the Started status for the

1. In Genesys Administrator, go to Provisioning > Environment > Applications, and

double-click the application to open its Configuration tab.

2. Click the Options tab, and select Advanced View (Annex) from the View drop-down

3. If there is a section called sml, select it.

4. Click New.

5. In the New Option dialog box, specify the following:

a. In the Section field, type sml, unless it is already displayed.

b. In the Name field, type autostart.

c. In the Value field, type true.

6. Click OK.

7. Click Save and Close.

To disable an automatic application startup in scenarios in which SCS starts or in which an application was not
running prior to its computer restart, either delete the autostart option or set its value to false.

What Happens During Start and Stop?

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 63

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions

Processing the Start Command for Applications

When the Management Layer receives a request to start a particular application, SCS generates a command line
and passes it to LCA, which executes the command. The command line contains:

• The working directory of the application as specified in the Application object’s Properties.

• The host name and port number of Configuration Server currently running in Primary mode.

If you are using Configuration Server Proxy, SCS substitutes the host and port parameters of Configuration Server Proxy,
where appropriate. For more information, see How to Manage Environments with Configuration Server Proxies

• The application name as specified in the Application object’s Properties.

Be sure that the working directory, executable (or startup) file name, application name, and startup timeout
parameters are specified correctly in the Application object’s Properties; otherwise, the Management Layer will be
unable to start the application.

Unless an application is explicitly configured with a connection to Configuration Server Proxy, SCS starts the
application against the Configuration Server to which SCS is currently connected. The port for connection to
Configuration Server which SCS provides to the application is determined as follows:

• If the application is configured with a connection to Configuration Server, SCS starts the application using the same
PortID as that configured for the connection between the application and Configuration Server.

• If the application is not configured with a connection to Configuration Server, SCS starts the application using PortID =

Processing the Start Command for Solutions

When the Management Layer receives a request to start a particular solution, SCS via LCA starts all applications
included in the solution, in the order specified in the Solution object. The solution is considered Started when all
mandatory applications that belong to it or their backup applications start successfully. When a mandatory solution
component does not start, SCS determines if the solution configuration contains a backup server configured for this
application. Then, one of the following happens:

• If the solution configuration does not contain a backup server, SCS interrupts the solution startup procedure and the
solution status remains Stopped.

• If the solution configuration contains a backup server, SCS attempts to start the backup application:

• If successful, the solution startup procedure continues through completion. Then, the Management Layer applies
the restart mechanism to applications that could not start.

• If unsuccessful, SCS interrupts the solution startup procedure and the solution status remains Stopped.

Note that after starting a mandatory application, SCS attempts to start a backup server configured for this
application. This only happens when the backup server is included in the same solution. If the backup server
application does not start while the primary server application is running, SCS proceeds by starting the next
mandatory component.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 64

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions

At SCS Startup
When SCS starts, it:

1. Establishes connections with all LCAs in the system and receives current statuses of all configured applications.

2. Checks the applications’ configurations in the Configuration Database to determine whether you have enabled the
autostart option.

3. For applications that have Stopped status and have the autostart option enabled, SCS:

a. Waits for the interval specified in the Startup Timeout property of a particular Application object.

b. Checks whether the application’s status changes after the timeout has expired. If not, SCS starts the application
as described in Processing the Start Command for Applications.

At Computer Restart
When a computer restarts, and on which Management Layer–controlled applications are installed, SCS:

1. Establishes a connection with the LCA running on that computer.

2. For applications that were running (that is, had Started or an equivalent status) prior to the computer restart, SCS:

a. Waits for the interval specified in the Startup Timeout property of a particular Application object.

b. Checks whether the application’s status changes after the timeout has expired. If not, SCS starts the application
as described in Processing the Start Command for Applications.

3. Identifies applications that were not running (that is, had Stopped status) prior to the computer restart.

4. Checks the applications’ configurations in the Configuration Database to determine whether you have enabled the
autostart option (using the procedure in Starting Applications Automatically).

5. For applications that have Stopped status and have the autostart option enabled, SCS:

a. Waits for the interval specified in the Startup Timeout property of a particular Application object.

b. Checks whether the application’s status has changed after the timeout expires. If not, SCS starts the application
as described in Processing the Start Command for Applications.

As a result, both the applications that were running prior to a computer restart and the applications that were not
running but whose configuration contained the autostart option set to true are started automatically after you
restart a computer.

Starting Third-Party Applications Automatically

Management Layer supports the automatic start-up and restart of third-party applications as described above.
However, control and monitoring of third-party applications is performed in a different manner than that for Genesys
applications. For details about how third-party applications are controlled, refer to How to Manage Third-Party

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 65

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Start and Stop Applications and Solutions

Graceful Stop
When you stop an application or a solution, it shuts down, ceasing all processing immediately. This can have a
detrimental effect on the rest of the system. Starting with release 8.0, you can stop an application or a solution
gracefully in a manner known as a graceful stop, or graceful shutdown.

You must use Genesys Administrator to stop solutions of type Framework or Default Solution

Applications that are being stopped gracefully refuse any new requests, but continue to process their current
requests. Applications are stopped only after they have finished processing all of their requests.

The graceful stop command can be issued to any application. Applications that support this functionality process
the command as described in the preceding paragraph. Applications that do not support the graceful stop
functionality are stopped ungracefully.

For each application, you can specify a timeout with the suspending-wait-timeout configuration option in the
Application object’s Annex. If the status of the application does not change to Suspending after the graceful stop
command but before the timeout expires, the application is considered not to support graceful shutdown, and is
stopped ungracefully.

The Shutdown Timeout does not apply to third-party applications. See Stopping Third-Party

For a solution to stop gracefully, the graceful stop command is issued to each of its composite applications. How
each composite application handles the command depends on whether the application supports the graceful-stop

Because a number of solutions can share the same applications, some solution components may
continue to have a status of Started after you stop the solution.

For more information about graceful stop, refer to Genesys Administrator Help. For details about the suspending-
wait-timeout configuration option, refer to the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 66

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Use Startup Files

How to Use Startup Files

Some Genesys applications require special scripts to start and stop the application. Refer to the deployment
procedures of your specific product to determine if separate start and stop files must be configured.

For Genesys applications that require both start and stop scripts to function properly, you must configure these
scripts instead of single batch files. For Application objects that have the commands start_stop.start_command
and start_stop.stop_command specified in their Annex, the specified values are used to start and stop the
application on the target host. If these parameters are not specified, by default, system termination signals would be
sent to the running process when the stop is issued. But if the stop_command is specified, an external script will
be invoked instead for those applications that require special handling for termination.

For Genesys applications for which the command line, command line argument, and
start_command are all specified, the value in start_command would take precedence.

If your application requires startup files, do the following:

1. Modify the application to use a start up file. [+] Show steps

• Configuration Layer components are installed and running.

• An Application object exists for the application that is use a startup file.

• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.

a. In Genesys Administrator, open the Configuration tab of the Application object.
b. In the Server Info section, modify the following properties:

• Command Line property—Instead of the application executable file or startup file name, specify the command
prompt name (cmd.exe) with the full path to it. For example:

• Command Line Arguments property—Instead of the Configuration Server parameters and application name,
specify the startup file name (startServer.bat) with the full path to it, preceded with the /c command line
parameter. For example:
/c D:\GCTI\MessageServer\startServer.bat

c. Click Save to save the configuration changes.

2. Modify the startup file for each application. [+] Show steps

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 67

Starting and Stopping Applications and Solutions How to Use Startup Files

• The applications must be configured to use startup files, as described in the previous step.

a. Using the text-editor of your choice, open one of the following files that are located in the applications’ directories:

• On UNIX—

• On Windows—startServer.bat

b. If necessary, modify the existing line, or insert a new line specifying the application’s executable file name with the
full path to it, followed by this sequence of symbols:
%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6
For example, for a Message Server application installed in the GCTI directory on the D drive, the content of a
startup file to use with the Management Layer looks like this:
D:\GCTI\MessageServer\MessageServer.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6

c. Save the file.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 68

Centralized Logs How to Use Startup Files

Centralized Logs
This section gives hands-on tips on how to use the Centralized Log system, including information about involved
applications and reference documents:

• How to configure logs

• How to customize logs

• How to view logs

• How to manage log records

• How to trace interactions

• How to set up and use an audit trail

• Log formats

• Log specifications

• How to use the logmsg command-line utility

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 69

Centralized Logs How to Configure Logging

How to Configure Logging

The logging function requires the installation of:

• One or more Message Servers that collect log events from applications.

• One or more Log Databases, and one or more DB Servers, which connect Message Server with the DBMS in which
you have set up the Log Database.

To configure logs, configure log options for a single application in Genesys Administrator on the Options tab of the
respective Application object. For more information, refer to Genesys Administrator Help. The log options
themselves are described in the “Common Configuration Options” section of the Framework Configuration Options
Reference Manual.

Log levels are defined in Logging Functions. Changing the log level of a running application does not interrupt
solution operations. The exception to this rule is Configuration Server, as follows:

• You must configure options for Configuration Server in its configuration files.

• You must restart Configuration Server for the new values to take effect.

• You cannot use the Log Wizard for Configuration Server.

For complete specifications of log events reported at the Alarm, Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels, see
Framework Combined Log Events Help.

LCA Logging
Unlike with other server applications, you do not configure an Application object for LCA. However, you can change
the default settings for common log options for LCA.

Starting in release 8.5, the LCA configuration file, called lca.cfg,is created automatically during installation of the IP,
and stored in the same directory as the LCA executable file. Edit the file directly to specify new values for
appropriate options. The configuration file contains only the log section.

You can also specify a custom name for the configuration file. To start LCA with a custom name
use the following format:
executable_name port -c configuration_file_name

On UNIX, for example:

lca 7117 -c lca_custom.cfg

Where lca_custom.cfg is the user defined configuration file.

The LCA configuration file has the following format:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 70

Centralized Logs How to Configure Logging

<log option name>=<log option value>
<log option name>=<log option value>

For more information about common log options and the LCA configuration file, refer to the Framework
Configuration Options Reference Manual.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 71

Centralized Logs Customizing Log Events

Customizing Log Events

Log levels are defined in Logging Functions. Each log event has a default log level. You can customize log events
for any application by changing the default log level of an event to a more appropriate level, or by disabling the
event completely.

You can toggle the customizations on and off, without deleting them. This enables you to specify the customized log
levels at any time, but only use them when appropriate. Note that this option enables or disables all of the
customizations; it cannot be applied to specific ones.

Customizations are unique to the application in which they are created. For example, application A customizes a set
of log events. application B does not customize any log events. If the feature is activated, the log events will have
the customized properties of the application which generated them—if generated by application A, the log events
will be customized as specified by A; if generated by application B, the log events will not be customized. If
application B was to customize the same set of log events, but with different custom definitions, the log events
generated by application B would be customized as specified by B.

Use caution when making these changes in a production environment.
Depending on the log configuration, changing the log level to a higher priority may cause the log event to be logged more
often or to a greater number of outputs. This could affect system performance.

Likewise, changing the log level to a lower priority may cause the log event to be not logged at all,
or not logged to specific outputs, thereby losing important information. The same applies to any
alarms associated with that log event.

In addition to the precautionary message above, take note of the following:

• When the log level of a log event is changed to any level except none, it is subject to the other settings in the log
section at its new level. If set to none, it is not logged and therefore not subject to any log configuration.

• Changing the log level of a log using this feature changes only its priority; it does not change how that log is treated by
the system. For example, increasing the priority of a log to Alarm level does not mean that an alarm will be associated
with it.

• Each application in an HA pair can define its own unique set of log customizations, but the two sets are not
synchronized with each other. This can result in different log behavior depending on which application is currently in
Primary mode.

• This feature is not the same as a similar feature in Universal Routing Server. In this Framework feature, the priority of
log events are customized. In the URS feature, the priority of debug messages only are customized. Refer to the
Universal Routing Reference Manual for more information about the URS feature.

• You cannot customize any log event that is not in the unified log record format. Log events of the Alarm, Standard,
Interaction, and Trace levels feature the same unified log record format.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 72

Centralized Logs Customizing Log Events

Predefined log events of the Debug level are also in the unified log record format, and therefore can be assigned to another
log level. However, any application can generate a raw text stream and call it a debug log event. Such non-unified log
messages cannot be reassigned.

Refer to Genesys Administrator Help and the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual for instructions
and detailed examples of customized logs.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 73

Centralized Logs How to View Centralized Logs

How to View Centralized Logs

With the Management Layer logging function, you can view the log records stored in Centralized Log Database,
filter log records by their level, and search for records meeting the specified criteria. The log-viewing function
requires the installation of:

• One or more Message Servers that collect log events from applications

For usability reasons, Genesys does not recommend that you configure multiple Message Servers for one Log Database,
with each Message Server assigned to handle logs for different applications. To view logs processed by a particular Message
Server and therefore generated by a given application, you still have to filter the logs based on the application that generated

• One or more Log Databases

• Genesys Administrator

Log filtering can be enabled and disabled for individual applications. Refer to the "Hide Selected
Data in Logs" section in the Genesys Security Deployment Guide for more information.

For complete specifications of log events reported at the Alarm, Standard, Interaction, and Trace levels, see the
Framework Combined Log Events Help.

Before you view Centralized Log records, make sure that:

• Management Layer components are installed and running.

• Centralized Logging is enabled.

• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.

Then follow these steps:

1. In Genesys Administrator, do one of the following, as appropriate, to display a list of log records in the Details panel:

• To view all log records stored in the Centralized Log Database, go to Monitoring > Environment > Centralized

• To view all log records for a specific Application object, go to Provisioning > Environment > Applications and
select the Application.

• To view all log records for all applications running on a specific Host object, go to Provisioning > Environment >
Hosts and select the Host.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 74

Centralized Logs How to View Centralized Logs

2. To view an individual record or a subset of records, do one or both of the following:

• Define one or more filtering criteria using the query builder fields above the list of log records.

• Select a log record and, with one button, define a filter based on the value of certain fields in that record.

Refer to Genesys Administrator Help for more information about viewing contents of the Centralized Log Database.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 75

Centralized Logs How to Manage Log Records

How to Manage Log Records

You can manage records in the Log Database by:

• Using Genesys Administrator.

• Creating your own scripts for automated database purging.

Log records also contain alarm history. Be careful not to delete current alarm history records when
you remove log records from the Log Database.

The log-managing function requires the installation of the same components as for the log-viewing function.

Using the Log Database Maintenance Wizard

You can use the Management Layer logging function to manage log records stored in the Centralized Log
Database. With the Log Database Maintenance Wizard available in Genesys Administrator, you can specify
criteria—through a custom SQL statement or individual selections—for the search and removal of log records from
the database. Available criteria categories include log type, log level, log generation time, log source, or extended
attributes. Log source can be a particular application, applications that belong to a particular solution, or
applications that run on a particular host computer.

Launch the Log Maintenance Wizard from Environment > Centralized Log under the Monitoring tab, and follow
the instructions for each step. Genesys Administrator Help contains more information about the Wizard.

Automating the Purging Functionality

This section describes how to automate the removal of obsolete log records from the Log Database. Database
purging involves the periodic, automated execution of appropriate SQL statements within your SQL server.

To enable automated purging:

1. Prepare SQL statements that remove log records. [+] Show more information
As you create SQL statements that delete records from the Log Database tables, keep in mind that these SQL statements must contain one or more
criteria for selecting the log records you want to remove. You can base the selection criteria on the values of the log record fields, such as log record
generation time, application name, host name, and so forth. For example, you might remove older log messages from the G_LOG_MESSAGES table
and their corresponding attributes, if any, from the G_LOG_ATTRS table with the following SQL statements (in the order specified):



Framework Management Layer User's Guide 76

Centralized Logs How to Manage Log Records

WHERE (TIMEGENERATED > <start datetime>)
AND (TIMEGENERATED < <end datetime>)
WHERE (TIMEGENERATED > <start datetime>)
AND (TIMEGENERATED < <end datetime>)

Refer to the structure description in Log Format for more information about Log Database tables and fields. Combine the selection criteria to achieve
the level of purging that suits your environment.

Check the Log Database Maintenance Wizard in Genesys Administrator, for examples of the records-removal SQL statements that the Wizard
prepares. The Wizard provides the graphical interface through which you specify various log-records selection criteria, and it displays the resulting
SQL statements.

2. Schedule automated execution of the SQL statements. [+] Show more information
To enable automated purging of log records, schedule the periodic, automatic execution of the SQL statements you have prepared (for example,
once a week). The simplest way to do this is to use either SQL server utilities or operating system services.

Using SQL Server Utilities

If you decide to use SQL Server utilities, refer to your SQL Server documentation to determine whether that server provides tools for automatic
execution of SQL statements.

Using OS Services
If you decide to use scheduling tools available in your operating system, you should:

1. Prepare a command (either an executable file or a batch/shell file) that executes your SQL statements.

2. Use an operating system tool that enables you to schedule the specified command for execution.

To prepare a command that executes your SQL statement(s), use either a batch file or shell script. A command like this
usually calls an SQL Server–specific tool to execute command-line SQL statements and passes an SQL statement to
this tool as a parameter. For example, you can use the following tools to execute command-line SQL statements:

• isql.exe (a Microsoft SQL tool)

• sqlplus (an Oracle tool)

To schedule a specified command for execution with the required frequency, consider using these tools:

• cron on UNIX platforms

• at on Windows platforms

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 77

Centralized Logs How to Trace Interactions

How to Trace Interactions

You can trace interactions by using Interaction-level log records. You can view these logs using Genesys
Administrator. The installation requirements for enabling the Interaction view are the same as for the Centralized

Before tracing interactions, make sure that:

• Management Layer components are installed and running.

• Centralized Logging is enabled.

• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.

Then do the following:

1. In Genesys Administrator, select Monitoring > Environment > Centralized Log, and select the Interaction tab.

2. To view a single Interaction log record, click the triangle to the left of the record.

3. To view all Interaction-level log records for a specific application or host, do one of the following:

• Filter these records by entering the name of the application or host in the Application or Host field, respectively.

• Select Provisioning > Environment > Applications or Hosts > <name of object>, and select the Interaction

For more information, refer to Genesys Administrator Help.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 78

Centralized Logs How to Set Up and Use an Audit Trail

How to Set Up and Use an Audit Trail

You can use Management Layer’s centralized logging functionality to set up an audit trail using audit logs.

Setting Up the Audit Trail

Audit logs are log messages of type Standard or Trace that are marked as audit-related, and are logged in
response to some action or event that requires an audit. To determine which logs are actually Audit logs, refer to
Framework Combined Log Events Help. This help file identifies Audit logs for each component.

To set up the Audit trail, use the log configuration option verbose, and set the output to network to ensure that the
logs will be stored in the Log Database, ready for viewing.

For more information about the options used in setting up an audit trail, refer to the Framework Configuration
Options Reference Manual. For more information about log levels, see Log Levels.

Standard-Level Audit Logs

To set up an Audit trail using only Standard-level Audit logs, configure the following options:

• In the Application objects representing the components that have Audit logs and for which you want to set up an audit


and optional, but recommended:


• In Message Server:


This will ensure that log events of Standard level will be stored in the Log Database, ready for viewing. Use the
Framework Combined Log Events Help to identify which of the logs are Audit logs.

Standard- and Trace-Level Audit Logs

Trace-level logging generates a significantly greater number of logs than Standard-level logging,
and may affect the performance of your system.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 79

Centralized Logs How to Set Up and Use an Audit Trail

To set up an audit trail with Standard- and Trace-level Audit logs, configure the following options:

• In the Application objects representing the components that have Audit logs and for which you want to set up an audit


and optional, but recommended:


• In Message Server:


This will ensure that log events of Standard, Interaction, and Trace level will be stored in the Log Database, ready
for viewing. Use the Framework Combined Log Events Help to identify which of the Standard- and Trace-level logs
are Audit logs.

Viewing Audit Logs

You can view Audit logs using Genesys Administrator. Do the following:

1. In Genesys Administrator, select Monitoring > Environment > Centralized Log, and select the Audit tab.

2. To view a single Audit log record, click the small triangle to the left of the record.

3. To view all Audit log records for a specific application or host, do one of the following:

• Filter these records by entering the name of the application or host in the Application or Host field, respectively. If
the Filter panel is not visible, click the binoculars icon in the far right end of the Filter bar.

• Select Provisioning > Environment > Applications or Hosts> <name of object>, and select the Audit tab.

For more information, refer to Genesys Administrator Help.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 80

Centralized Logs Log Format

Log Format
A log record is a data record that stores information communicated in a single log event. Log records are stored in
the Centralized Log Database in the following tables:



The G_LOG_MESSAGES table consists of one row for each log message. The structure of
the table is described in the following table: [+] Show table structure
Structure of the G_LOG_MESSAGES Table
Field Name Type Description
The unique identifier of the record
ID numeric
stored in this table.
MESSAGE_ID integer The unique identifier of the event.
The time when the record was written
to the database, in GMT format.
The time when the record was written
to the database, in GMT format.
The log level of the reported event.
This field can have one of the
following values:
2—Trace-level events. The Trace level of
logging reports the details of communication
between the various solution components and
contains information about the processing
steps for each interaction by each solution
3—Interaction-level events. The Interaction
PRIORITY integer level of logging reports the details of an
interaction process by solution components
that handle interactions and contains
information about the processing steps for
each interaction by each solution component.
4—Standard-level events. The Standard level
of logging contains high-level events that report
both major problems and normal operations of
in-service solutions.
5—Alarm-level events. The Alarm level of
logging reports the events related to alarm
detection, processing, and removal.

ORIGIN integer Reserved for future use.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 81

Centralized Logs Log Format

Identifies the type of the log record

and can have one of the following
CATEGORY integer
0—for application-related log events
2—for audit-related log events

DATALEN integer Reserved for future use.

APPDBID integer Reserved for future use.
The type of application that reported
APPTYPE integer the event. Refer to APPTYPE Field
Values for a list of the valid values.
The name of the application, as
APPNAME string specified in the Configuration
Database, that reported the event.
The name of the host, as specified in
the Configuration Database, on which
the application that reported the
event runs.
Text defining and describing the

APPTYPE Field Values

The following table provides the valid values for the APPTYPE field in the
G_LOG_MESSAGES table. [+] Show values
Application Types for APPTYPE Field in the G_LOG_MESSAGES Table
Value Application Type
Applications of all types when reporting log events
common to all Genesys applications
01 T-Server
01 Programmable Gateway Framework
02 Stat Server
03 Billing Server
06 Voice Treatment Server
08 DB Server
09 Call Concentrator
10 CPD (Call Progress Detection) Server
11 List Manager
12 Outbound Contact Server
15 Universal Routing Server
21 Configuration Server
23 Third Party Server

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 82

Centralized Logs Log Format

26 DART Server (Obsolete)

28 Custom Server
29 External Router
31 Virtual Routing Point
32 Database (Obsolete)
33 Web Option
34 Detail Biller
35 Summary Biller
36 Network Overflow Manager
37 Backup Control Client
38 CC Analyzer Data Sourcer
40 IVR Interface Server
41 I-Server
42 Message Server
43 Solution Control Server
46 DB Server
48 WFM Data Aggregator
50 WFM Schedule Server
52 ETL Proxy
54 GVP-Voice Communication Server
55 VSS System
58 CC Analyzer Data Mart
59 Chat Server
60 Callback Server
61 Co-Browsing Server

62a SMS Server

63 Contact Server
64 E-Mail Server
65 Media Link
66 Web Interaction Requests Server
67 Web Stat Server
68 Web Interaction Server
69 Web Option Route Point
74 Voice over IP Controller
77 HA Proxy
78 Voice over IP Stream Manager
79 Voice over IP DMX Server

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 83

Centralized Logs Log Format

80 Web API Server

81 Load Balancer
82 Application Cluster
83 Load Distribution Server
84 G-Proxy
85 Genesys Interface Server
86 GCN Delivery Server
88 IVR DirectTalk Server
89 GCN Thin Server
90 Classification Server
91 Training Server
92 Universal Callback Server
93 CPD Server Proxy
94 XLink Controller
95 K-Worker Portal
96 WFM Server
97 WFM Builder
98 WFM Reports
99 WFM Web
100 Knowledge Manager
101 IVR Driver
102 IVR Library
103 LCS Adapter
104 Desktop NET Server
105 Siebel7 ConfSynchComponent
106 Siebel7 CampSynchComponent
107 Generic Server
108 Generic Client
109 Call Director
110 SIP Communication Server
111 Interaction Server
112 Integration Server
113 WFM Daemon
114 GVP Policy Manager
115 GVP Cisco Queue Adapter
116 GVP Text To Speech Server
117 GVP ASR Log Manager
118 GVP Bandwidth Manager

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 84

Centralized Logs Log Format

119 GVP Events Collector

120 GVP Cache Server
121 GVP ASR Log Server
122 GVP ASR Package Loader
123 GVP IP Communication Server
124 GVP Resource Manager
125 GVP SIP Session Manager
126 GVP Media Gateway
127 GVP Soft Switch
128 GVP Core Service
129 GVP Voice Communication Server
130 GVP Unified Login Server
131 GVP Call Status Monitor
132 GVP Reporter
133 GVP H323 Session Manager
134 GVP ASR Log Manager Agent
135 GVP Genesys Queue Adapter
136 GVP IServer
137 GVP SCP Gateway
138 GVP SRP Server
139 GVP MRCP TTS Server
140 GVP CCS Server
141 GVP MRCP ASR Server
142 GVP Network Monitor
143 GVP OBN Manager
144 GVP Self Service Provisioning Server
145 GVP Media Control Platform
146 GVP Fetching Module
147 GVP Media Control Platform Legacy Interpreter
148 GVP Call Control Platform
149 GVP Resource Manager
150 GVP Redundancy Manager
151 GVP Media Server
152 GVP PSTN Connector
153 GVP Reporting Server
154 GVP SSG (formerly GVP ASG)
155 GVP CTI Connector
156 Resource Access Point

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 85

Centralized Logs Log Format

Workspace Desktop Edition (formerly Interaction

158 Advisors
159 ESS Extensible Services
160 Customer View
161 Orchestration Server
162 Reserved
163 Capture Point
164 Rules ESP Server
165 Genesys Administrator
166 iWD Manager
167 iWD Runtime Node
168 Business Rules Execution Server
169 Business Rules Application Server
170 VP Policy Server
171 Social Messaging Server
172 CSTA Connector
173 VP MRCP Proxy
174 UCM Connector
175 OT ICS Server
176 OT ICS OMP Infrastructure
177 Advisors–Contact Center Advisor
178 Advisors–Frontline Advisor
179 Advisors–Advisors Platform
180 Advisors–Advisors Genesys Adapter
181 Advisors–Advisors Cisco Adapter
182 Federation Server
183 Federation Stat Provider
184 Genesys Administrator Server
185 Web Engagement Backend Server
186 Web Engagement Frontend Server
187 WebRTC Gateway
188 LRM Server
189 Recording Crypto Server
190 Genesys Knowledge Center Server
191 Genesys Knowledge Center CMS

Prior to release 8.0, this value was used for the Application type IS Transport Server. In
release 8.0 and later, this value is used for the Application type SMS Server.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 86

Centralized Logs Log Format

Some log events also contain Extended Attributes that an application may attach for audit purposes. The
G_LOG_ATTRS table contains one row for each extended attribute. The structure of the table is described in the
following table:

[+] Show table structure

Structure of the G_LOG_ATTR Table
Field Name Type Description
The unique identifier of the record
ID numeric
stored in this table.
The unique identifier of the log record
stored in the G_LOG_MESSAGES
LRID numeric
table to which this extended attribute
MESSAGE_ID integer The unique identifier of the event.
ATTR_NAME string The name of the extended attribute.
The value of the extended attribute in
string format.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 87

Centralized Logs Log Specifications

Log Specifications
The Framework Combined Log Events Help contains descriptions of all log events generated by Genesys
components. This file is available for download from the Genesys Documentation website. It is regularly updated as
new and updated Genesys components are released.

To obtain the latest version, download it from the Genesys Documentation website and extract the contents.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 88

Centralized Logs logmsg Command-Line Utility

logmsg Command-Line Utility

The logmsg utility enables you to configure log messages to be sent to a specific Message Server on behalf of the
specified application. For example, if a specific situation occurs, you can call logmsg to send a log message to a
specific Message Server for information purposes or to perform an appropriate action. You can also use logmsg to
generate and clear Management Layer alarms based on conditions external to the Management Layer.

The logmsg utility was developed to serve the need of customer scripts to raise alarms in the Management Layer.
It is packaged with Solution Control Server, and uses existing Management Layer functionality to generate and
clear Management Layer alarms based on conditions external to the Management Layer. When an external alarm
condition is detected, such as by a script, logmsg is called to send a log message with the corresponding Log
Event ID. SCS then triggers an active alarm specified by the Alarm Condition identified by the Detect Log Event ID.

logmsg is used by the stuck calls scripts (see Handling Stuck Calls). However, you can also use it independently of
the stuck calls scripts, as described in this section.

Installing logmsg
If you installed Solution Control Server, logmsg is already installed, and is located in the same folder in which
Solution Control Server was installed.

Starting in 8.1.2, you can install the Solution Control Server utilities without installing Solution Control Server itself. If
you have not installed the utilities, refer to the section "Solution Control Server Utilities" in the Framework
Deployment Guide. After the utilities are installed, logmsg is stored in the location you specified during the

Using the Utility

logmsg is located in the same folder in which Solution Control Server was installed.

All logmsg command parameters are made in a single command. The general syntax is as follows:

logmsg -h <host> -p <port> -lmid <ID> -aname <name> -atype <type> -adbid <dbid> -hname <host>[-urgent
<level>] -lmtext <text> [-lmattfile <filename>]

The parameters are described in the following table, and are mandatory unless stated otherwise in the table.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 89

Centralized Logs logmsg Command-Line Utility

[+] Show parameters

logmsg Parameters
Parameter Description
The name of the Host on which is running the Message Server to which you are sending the
-h <host>
log message.
-p <port> The Message Server port through which logmsg communicates with Message Server.
-lmid <ID> The ID of the log event to be sent.
-aname <name> The name of the application on behalf of which the log message is being sent.
-atype <type> The type of the application on behalf of which the log message is being sent.
-adbid <dbid> The DBID of the application on behalf of which the log message is being sent.
-hname <host> The name of the host on which the application is running.
Optional. The urgency level of the log message, as follows:
0 - NONE
-urgent <level> 2 - INFORMATION

-lmtext <text> The text of the log message.

Optional. The name of the file containing the log message attribute pairs, with each pair
-lmattfile <filename>
consisting of an <attribute_name> and an <attribute_value>.

Configuring Alarms for Events External to the Management Layer

You can also use logmsg to generate and clear Management Layer alarms based on conditions external to the
Management Layer. For example, you may configure an alarm to be triggered in response to a stuck call.

When an external alarm condition is detected, such as by a script, call logmsg to send a log message with the
corresponding Log Event ID. SCS then triggers an active alarm specified by the Alarm Condition identified by the
Detect Log Event ID.

Before you use this utility for this purpose, you must configure one Alarm Condition object for each condition for
which an alarm is to be triggered. Each condition must specify a Detect Log Event ID and a Cancel Log Event ID.

Detect and Cancel Log Events created in this situation must have an event ID in the range of
9600–9800; this range is reserved for custom alarms.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 90

Alarms logmsg Command-Line Utility

This section gives hands-on tips on how to use alarms, including information about the applications involved and
reference documents:

• How to configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

• How to configure email Alarm Reactions

• Pre-defined Alarm Conditions included in your Genesys software

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 91

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm

Although you can configure Alarm Condition objects and Alarm Reaction scripts manually, using Genesys
Administrator, the Management Layer provides an automated procedure.

You can configure new Alarm Conditions based on either source for their detection:

• Log Events—These Alarm Conditions trigger an alarm when an application or applications generate a specified log

• Alarm Detection Scripts—These Alarm Conditions trigger an alarm when a certain system variable changes in a
specified manner.

For alarms based on log events, alarm detection takes place in Message Server. Therefore, if you configure log
event–based Alarm Conditions, you must configure your applications to connect to Message Server.

Using Log Events for Alarm Detection

To configure alarm conditions or alarm reactions in Genesys Administrator, create the alarm condition or alarm
reaction under Provisioning > Environment > Alarm Conditions, being sure to specify the appropriate log event
on the Configuration tab. You can also use pre-configured Alarm Condition objects. Refer to Genesys
Administrator Help for detailed instructions about creating and using these necessary objects.

You can also use the Alarm Condition Wizard to associate Alarm Reactions with the Alarm Condition you are

For complete specifications of log events reported at the Alarm, Interaction, Standard, and Trace levels, see
Framework Combined Log Events Help.

Using Detection Scripts for Alarm Detection

Management Layer provides an additional alarm-detection mechanism, called Advanced Alarm Detection. Through
this mechanism, you can configure Alarm Conditions:

• Based on the threshold for a system performance variable (CPU or memory usage).

• Based on the threshold for a local or remote SNMP variable (available only when you have enabled SNMP

Set alarms based on the Advanced Alarm Detection methods using Alarm Detection scripts, and then associate
them with corresponding Alarm Conditions. When an Alarm Condition object refers to an Alarm Detection script, the
alarm detection for this Alarm Condition is performed as specified by the Alarm Detection script, regardless of
whether any log event is specified as a Detection Event.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 92

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

Using Alarm Detection and Reaction Scripts with Alarm Conditions

To configure an Alarm Detection Script, do the following:

[+] Show steps

1. Log in to GAX if required.

2. Configuration > Environment > Detection/Reaction Scripts.

3. Navigate to the folder in which you want to store the new script, and click New.

4. Enter the following information for the new script:

a. Enter the Name of the script.

b. Make sure that State Enabled is checked.

c. From the Script Type drop-down list, select Alarm Detection.

d. From the Detection Types drop-down list, select one of the following tabs and proceed accordingly. Note that you
must have SNMP functionality in your environment to monitor SNMP variables.

Host System Variable Threshold

To monitor a performance variable for a given Host, provide the following information:

i. Enter the DNS or IP address of the Host to be monitored.

ii. From the Select Monitored Resource drop-down list, select the resource to be monitored, either Host CPU
Usage (%) or Host Memory Usage (MB).

Application System Variable Threshold

To monitor a performance variable for a given Application, provide the following information:

i. Select the Application to be monitored.

ii. From the Select Monitored Resource drop-down list, select the resource to be monitored, either Process
CPU Usage (%) or Process Memory Usage (MB).

Local SNMP Variable Threshold

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 93

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

You must have SNMP functionality configured in your environment to monitor SNMP variables.

To monitor a local SNMP variable, enter the oid of the variable in Specify Local SNMP Variable.

Remote SNMP Variable Threshold

You must have SNMP functionality configured in your environment to monitor SNMP variables.

To monitor a remote SNMP variable, provide the following information:

i. Select the SNMP Agent Application in which the variable is used.

ii. Enter the name of the variable to be monitored in Specify Local SNMP Variable.

e. In Specify Sample Interval, specify (in seconds) the frequency with which to take a sample of the required

f. In Specify Falling Threshold, specify the level at which the monitored attribute must fall below to clear the alarm.
Your entry must be in the same units of measure as the units of measure specified for the resource or variable
that you are monitoring.

g. In Specify Rising Threshold, specify the level at which the monitored attribute must rise above to trigger the
alarm. Your entry must be in the same units of measure as the units of measure specified for the resource or
variable that you are monitoring.

5. Click Save.

If there is a specific automated action that you want to happen as a result of the alarm, configure an Alarm Reaction
script. For example, to generate an SNMP trap when this alarm is triggered, do the following:

[+] Show steps

1. Log in to GAX if required.

2. Configuration > Environment > Detection/Reaction Scripts.

3. Navigate to the folder in which you want to store the new script, and click New.

4. Enter the following information for the new script:

a. Enter the Name of the script.

b. Make sure that State Enabled is checked.

c. From the Script Type drop-down list, select Alarm Reaction.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 94

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

d. From the Alarm Reaction Types drop-down list, select Send an SNMP trap. You must have SNMP functionality
in your environment to monitor SNMP variables.

e. Click Save.

To create the corresponding Alarm Condition object, follow these steps:

[+] Show steps

1. Log in to GAX if required.

2. Configuration > Environment > Alarm Conditions.

3. Navigate to the folder in which you want to store the new Alarm Condition, and click New.

4. On the General tab, enter the following information for the new script:

a. Enter the Name of the Alarm Condition.

b. (Optional) Provide a short Description of the Alarm Condition.

c. From the Category drop-down list, select the severity of the Alarm Condition, either Critical, Major, or Minor.

d. In the Detect Script field, specify the name of the Alarm Detection Script that you created above, using the
provided browser control if necessary.

e. In the Cancel Timeout field, specify the time interval (in seconds) after which the alarm will be cleared by SCS. If
the host CPU is still not normalized, the alarm will be generated again.

f. In the Detect Log Event ID and Cancel Log Event ID fields, enter any numeric dummy value. These two fields
are not used if you are using an Alarm Detection Script, and while ignored by the Management Layer in this case,
are still mandatory.

g. From the Detect Selection drop-down list, select the mode for event selection that the Management Layer uses
for Alarm Condition analysis. Refer to Alarm Conditions in GAX Help for a detailed description of this field.

h. Make sure that State Enabled is checked.

5. If you have created an Alarm Reaction Script for this Alarm Condition, link the Reaction Script to this Alarm Condition,
as follows:

a. On the Reactions Scripts tab, click Add.

b. Navigate to, and select, the Alarm Reaction Script that you created above.

6. If you have created an Alarm Clearance Script for this Alarm Condition, link the Clearance Script to this Alarm
Condition. In this case, an Alarm Reaction of type "Send an SNMP trap" also acts as its own Alarm Clearance Script,
since there is no waiting involved; that is, once the Alarm Reaction is complete, the Alarm can be cleared—the trap
has been sent. So, you just need to specify the same script as the Clearance Script, as follows:

a. On the Clearance Scripts tab, click Add.

b. Navigate to, and select, the Alarm Reaction Script that you created above.

7. Click Save.

Types of Alarm Reactions

You can configure alarm reactions of the following types:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 95

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

• Start a specified application

• Stop a specified application

• Restart the application that generated the alarm

• Start a specified solution

• Send an email

• Send an SNMP trap

• Switch over to the backup application

• Execute OS command

• Change application option

The configuration procedure for most of the alarm reactions is self-explanatory in the Alarm Reaction Wizard. You
must supply information for these configuration parameters:

• A unique name for the Alarm Reaction configuration object (for all types of alarm reactions).

• A name of the application or solution the alarm reaction is configured for (for alarm reactions of such types as Start a
specified application, Stop a specified application, Start a specified solution, and Restart the application that
generated the alarm).

You must provide additional information for alarm reactions of the following types:

• Switchover

• Send an E-Mail

• Send an SNMP Trap

• Execute OS command

• Change application option


You must have a high-availability (HA) license to enable Solution Control Server to successfully
process an alarm reaction of the Switchover type. The lack of the license prevents the switchover
between primary and backup applications of any type.

When configuring an alarm reaction of the Switchover type, you can specify whether Solution Control Server should
perform the switchover when an application, which generates an alarm, is running in a particular mode:

• Select primary if you want SCS to perform a switchover only if the application that has generated an alarm is
currently operating in Primary mode.

• Select backup if you want SCS to perform a switchover only if the application that has generated an alarm is currently
operating in Backup mode.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 96

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

• Select perform switchover always if you want SCS to perform a switchover regardless of the operating mode of
the application that generates the alarm.

You might use these options, for instance, when associating an alarm reaction of the Switchover type for T-Server
with the CTI Link Disconnected log event. Selecting primary for the alarm reaction configuration may prevent an
unwanted switchover if the T-Server that produced this log event currently operates in Backup mode.

Send an E-Mail
To configure an alarm reaction of type Send an E-Mail, specify the recipients of the email in the Alarm Reaction
Wizard. Then, compose the subject and text of the email message, using reserved variables. See Genesys
Administrator Help for detailed instructions on configuring the email script, including an example. See E-Mail Alarm
Reactions for more information about the email interface itself.

Send an SNMP Trap

To configure an alarm reaction of the Send an SNMP Trap type, specify a Name for the Alarm Reaction
configuration object. All necessary information is automatically provided by SCS, given that the SNMP Master Agent
application is configured correctly.

See SNMP Interface for more information about enabling the SNMP alarm signaling.

Execute OS command
To configure an Alarm Reaction of the Execute OS Command type, specify the name of the operating system
command that is to be executed when an alarm is detected. If necessary, include the full path to the executed

Although you can specify any valid command name, use alarm reactions of this type with caution.
To avoid unauthorized actions, limit access to Solution Control Server and Genesys Administrator
to the Administrators group.

SCS executes all alarm reactions. In the case of an alarm reaction of the Execute OS Command type, SCS
executes the specified command on its own host computer. Therefore, a currently logged in user must have
sufficient permissions to execute the specified operating system command.

SCS passes information about a detected alarm to the operating system command to be executed. For this
purpose, SCS adds command-line arguments (listed in the table below) to the command line you specify in the
Command property when you configure the alarm reaction.


Framework Management Layer User's Guide 97

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

Some applications started as a result of the Execute OS Command alarm reaction may not
recognize the command-line arguments added by SCS. This means that these applications might
not work properly in this circumstance; for example, they might exit. To make them work, you can
call such applications indirectly; for instance, from within a script that passes correct command-
line parameters to these applications. You then specify name of this script in the Command
property of the alarm reaction.

Additional Command-Line Parameters

The following table describes the additional command-line parameters that are added to the Command property
when you configure an Execute OS Command Alarm Reaction.

[+] Show table

Additional Command-Line Parameters for Execute OS Command Alarm Reactions
Parameter Description
-msgid ID of the log event that resulted in the alarm
-msgtext Text of the log event that resulted in the alarm
-condid Alarm Condition ID
-condname Alarm Condition Name
-conddesc Alarm Condition Description
ID of the application that generated the log event that
resulted in the alarm
Name of the application that generated the log event that
resulted in the alarm
Name of the application host that generated the log event
that resulted in the alarm


The following are examples of how to use and configure Execute OS Command Alarm
Reactions. [+] Show examples
Example 1 - Filtering by type of log event

To log occurrences of certain log events to a database other than the Genesys Log Database, create a *.bat file
that provides logging in to your independent database. Name this file process_alarm.bat. Then using the Alarm
Reaction Wizard, configure an Alarm Reaction of the Execute OS Command type and set the Command property


When a corresponding alarm is detected, SCS executes the following operating system command:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 98

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

/home/Genesys/SCServer/scripts/process_alarm.bat -msgid 20002 -msgtext "CTI Link

disconnected" -condid 103 -condname "CTI Link Failure" -conddesc "Failure of
connection between any T-Server and a switch." -appid 120 -appname "T-
Server_Application" -hostname “NameOfHost”

If a specified operating system command normally would result in a screen display, the alarm
reaction is performed, but the screen output cannot be enabled and, therefore, cannot be seen.

Example 2 - Collecting information about alarms

A script called, for the bash UNIX shell, saves information about each alarm in the reaction.log
text file located in the /home/genesys/logs/ directory:

echo `date|cut -c4-16` : msgid=$2 : msgtext=$4 : condid=$6 : condname=$8 :

conddesc=${10} : appid=${12} : appname=${14} >> /home/genesys/logs/reactions.log

Example 3 - Filtering by the host that generated the alarm

To save information about alarms generated by a specific host, you must create a script that writes only those logs
generated by a specific host. The following sample script, for the bash UNIX shell, writes only
those alarms generated by HostA to the HostA_reactions.log text file located in the /home/genesys/logs/

while [ 0 -lt "$#" ]; do

case "$1" in
"-msgid") shift; MSGID="$1" ;;
"-msgtext") shift; MSGTEXT="$1" ;;
"-condid") shift; CONDID="$1" ;;
"-condname") shift; CONDNAME="$1" ;;
"-conddesc") shift; CONDDESC="$1" ;;
"-appid") shift; APPID="$1" ;;
"-appname")shift; APPNAME="$1" ;;
"-hostname")shift; HOSTNAME="$1" ;;

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 99

Alarms How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm Reactions

if [ $HOSTNAME = "HostA" ]; then
echo `date|cut -c4-16` : msgid=$MSGID : msgtext=$MSGTEXT : condid=$CONDID :
condname=$CONDNAME : conddesc=$CONDDESC : appid=$APPID : appname=$APPNAME >>

Change application option

Management Layer allows execution of Alarm Reactions not only at Alarm activation, but also at Alarm clearance.
To achieve this, add the Alarm Reactions that are to be executed when the Alarm is cleared to the Clearance
Scripts list of the corresponding Alarm Condition object. You can also use the Alarm Condition Wizard to
accomplish this.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 100

Alarms E-Mail Alarm Reactions

E-Mail Alarm Reactions

This chapter describes how the Management Layer processes alarm reactions of the E-Mail type and how to
configure an email system for this function.

Alarm Reactions of the E-Mail Type

You can configure the Management Layer to send the content of an alarm as an email message to one or more
email addresses. Simply create an alarm reaction of the Send an email type for a corresponding alarm condition.
See the recommendations for configuring alarm reactions in How to Configure Alarm Conditions and Alarm

An alarm is a message generated by a Genesys application when a certain alarm condition is met.
For more information, refer to Alarm-Signaling Functions.

The following diagram illustrates the message flow through the Management Layer when such an alarm is
triggered. That flow includes the email system for your environment, which you must configure for the host running
Solution Control Server.

E-Mail Alarm Reaction in Management Layer

Configuring E-Mail Systems

This section describes how to configure a UNIX- and a Windows-based email systems to send the content of an
alarm message in an email.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 101

Alarms E-Mail Alarm Reactions

On UNIX operating systems, Solution Control Server can use either the sendmail command or Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to send email messages. Depending on the protocol you prefer:

• You must correctly configure the sendmail command on the host computer running SCS.

• You must configure SMTP server host and port for SCS as values for the smtp_host and smtp_port configuration
options. For more information about these options, refer to the "Solution Control Server" section of the Framework
Configuration Options Reference Manual.

On Windows
On Windows operating systems, Solution Control Server can use either the Messaging Application Programming
Interface (MAPI) or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).


To enable the operation of email alarm reactions via an MAPI email system, you must install the system and
configure it properly on the host computer running Solution Control Server. Also install Microsoft's CDO
(Collaboration Data Objects).

The simplest way to set up an MAPI email system is to install Microsoft Outlook on the host computer for SCS. SCS
then uses the default MAPI profile to connect to the system and send messages.

If you have installed SCS and are running it as a regular application (as opposed to a Windows Service), SCS uses
the credentials of the user who is currently logged into Windows to open the default MAPI profile. So you must set
permissions that allow users to use the default MAPI profile.

If you have installed SCS as a Windows Service, you must explicitly specify a user account
to log on to Windows for this service. That account must have sufficient permissions to use
the default MAPI profile. [+] Show steps

• SCS must be installed and configured.


1. In Windows, open the Control Panel.

2. Double-click the Services button to open the Service window.

3. Select the Genesys Solution Control Server service.

4. Click the Startup button.

5. Select This Account and specify user account information.

6. Click OK and close the Service window.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 102

Alarms E-Mail Alarm Reactions


To enable the operation of email alarm reactions via an SMTP email system, you must configure the mailer
section. Specify the SMTP server host for SCS as the value for the smtp_host configuration option smtp_host, and
specify the SMTP server port for SCS as the value for the option smtp_port.

For more information about Solution Control Server configuration options, refer to the Framework Configuration
Options Reference Manual.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 103

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

Predefined Alarm Conditions

Genesys software includes several predefined alarm conditions that are available immediately after you set up
Framework. The conditions under which alarms are generated, the actions automatically taken by the system to
cope with or recover from the failure, and the maintenance actions appropriate in each situation are discussed for
each alarm condition.

The following alarm conditions are predefined:

• Connection Failure

• Application Failure

• Licensing Error

• CTI Link Failure

• Host Inaccessible

• Service Unavailable

• Host Unavailable

• Host Unreachable

• Unplanned Solution Status Change

• Message Server Loss of Database Connection

Connection Failure
The Connection Failure Alarm Condition reports that the specified connection between any two applications has
been lost. It is always reported by the client application and might indicate one of the following:

• The connection was intentionally closed by the server (for example, in response to an overload situation).

• The connection was closed by a networking software (for example, in response to a long interval without any data
exchange through the given connection).

• The server terminated.

• The server stopped responding.

• The server host failed.

• A network connectivity problem occurred between the computers that run the given client application and the server.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Connection Failure Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Connection Failure

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 104

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

The connection between any two Genesys components

has been lost.
Category Major
00-04504: Connection to [server type] [server
Detect Event name] at host [host name] port [port
number] lost
Selection Mode Select By Any
00-04503: Connected to [server type] [server
Cancel Event name] at host [host name] port [port
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

• If a backup server for the specified server is not configured, the client application that reported the connection failure
periodically attempts to reconnect to the specified server.

• If a backup server for the specified server is configured, the client application that reported the connection failure
attempts to connect interchangeably to the specified server and the backup server.

The number of reconnect attempts is unlimited.

• After a successful reconnect attempt, the alarm condition is automatically cleared.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

1. Check the condition of the server host computer.

2. Check the condition of the server.

3. Check the server log to see if the given application has disconnected intentionally. Look for log events with ID 04523.

4. Check the network connectivity between the computers that run the given application and the server.

Application Failure
The Application Failure Alarm Condition Reports that the specified application has either terminated or stopped
responding. It might indicate one of the following:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 105

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

• The application terminated because of an internal condition.

• The application was closed by means other than the Management Layer (for example, with an operating system

• The application entered a no-response condition.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Application Failure Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Application Failure
Failure of any daemon Genesys component monitored by
the Management Layer
Category Major
00-05064: Application terminated due to
Detect Event
internal condition
Selection Mode Select by any
00-05090: Application start detected by
Cancel Event
Management Layer
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

• If a backup application for the specified application is not configured and Auto-Restart is selected in the application’s
properties, the Management Layer attempts to restart the specified application.

• If a backup application for the specified application is not configured and Auto-Restart is not selected in the
application’s properties, no automatic recovery action takes place.

• If a backup application for the specified application is configured and Auto-Restart is selected in the application’s
properties, the Management Layer switches operations over to the backup application and attempts to restart the
specified application in Standby mode.

• Upon a successful attempt to restart the specified application, the alarm is automatically cleared.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

1. Using Genesys Administrator, locate the exact source of the alarm and check the current status of the application. It is
likely that the fault has been eliminated through an automatic recovery action.

2. If the alarm is still active, check the status of the application through the operating system tools.
3. If the application is running but not responding, restart the application with an operating system command.

4. If the application is not running, start the application with an operating system command.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 106

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

5. Ensure that SCI shows the status of the application correctly.

6. Verify that the Auto-Restart check box for this application is selected.

Licensing Error
The Licensing Error Alarm Condition reports that a licensing error has occurred. Possible violation types are as

• License information is invalid.

• Licensable feature has expired.

• Feature usage level has been exceeded.

• Licensing system has experienced a general failure.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Licensing Failure Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Licensing Failure
Description Any licensing error identified by any Genesys component
Category Critical
00-07100: Licensing violation is identified,
Detect Event
the violation type [type]
Selection Mode Select by any
Cancel Event None
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for a full description of the Detect Event.

Automatic Recovery Actions


Suggested Maintenance Actions

Depending on the value of the error code:

• Check the condition of License Manager. If the type of license you have requires License Manager, it should be
running and accessible by the Genesys applications. Check that the host and port of License Manager are specified

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 107

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

• Make sure that the actual location of the license file or license server corresponds to the location specified in the
command-line parameter used for application startup.

• Make sure that the specified license file is the exact copy of the license file received from Genesys.

• Locate the exact source of the alarm and apply to Genesys for an extension of the license.

• Locate the exact source of the alarm and check the current usage level against the usage level stipulated in the
license. Either decrease the usage level or apply to Genesys for a new license that covers the increased usage

CTI Link Failure

The CTI Link Failure Alarm Condition reports that the connection between the specified T-Server and its switch has
been lost. It is always reported by T-Server and might indicate one of the following:

• The connection was intentionally closed on the switch side (for example, as an automatic defense action).

• The control system of the switch failed.

• A network connectivity problem occurred between the T-Server host and the switch.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
CTI Link Failure Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name CTI Link Failure
Description Failure of connection between any T-Server and its switch
Category Major
Detect Event 01-20002: CTI Link disconnected
Selection Mode Select by application type T-Server
Cancel Event 01-20001: CTI Link connected
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

T-Server attempts to reconnect to the CTI link.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

• Check the condition of the control system of the switch and of its CTI link.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 108

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

• Check the network connectivity between the control system of the switch and the computer running T-Server.

Host Inaccessible
The Host Inaccessible Alarm Reaction reports that the Management Layer cannot contact the Local Control Agent
on the host on which Genesys daemon applications are running. It might indicate one of the following (in the order
of probability of occurrence in a typical production environment):

• The connection between SCS and the LCA of the specified host failed.

• LCA is not started on the specified host.

• LCA is listening on a port that is different from the one specified in the configuration.

• The LCA of the specified host has terminated or stopped responding.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Host Inaccessible Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Host Inaccessible
The Management Layer cannot access a host computer
on which Genesys daemon applications run.
Category Major
00-08000: Host [host name] inaccessible. LCA
Detect Event
is not listening on port [port number].
Selection Mode Select by any
00-08001: Host [host name] operates in normal
Cancel Event
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

By default, this failure is treated by the Management Layer as a failure of every Genesys application running on the
given host. For the applications located on the given host that have redundancy, the Management Layer makes
their backup applications primary. After that, Solution Control Server makes repeated attempts to restore
connection with the LCA of the specified host. Once the connection is restored, the Management Layer attempts to
start all applications that were running before the alarm occurred.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 109

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

Suggested Maintenance Actions

1. Check the condition of LCA. If LCA terminated or stopped responding, restart LCA. Notify Genesys Customer Care
about the LCA failure.

2. Verify the LCA command line parameters and make sure that LCA listens on the same port as the one specified in the
Configuration Database.

Service Unavailable
The Service Unavailable Alarm Condition reports that a Genesys component cannot provide service for some
internal reasons.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Service Unavailable Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Service Unavailable
A Genesys component is unable to provide service for
some internal reasons.
Category Major
00-05094: Application is not able to provide
Detect Event
Selection Mode Select by any
00-05093: Application is ready to provide
Cancel Event
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

If a backup application for the specified application is configured, the Management Layer switches operations over
to the backup application.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

This alarm occurs because of internal application reasons. Examine the log of the application that signaled the
alarm to determine and eliminate the source of the problem.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 110

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

Host Unavailable
The Host Unavailable Alarm Condition reports that a host on which Genesys daemon applications are running is
unavailable (turned off). It might indicate one of the following (in the order of probability of occurrence in a typical
production environment):

• Specified host has failed or has been turned off.

• Network problems prevents SCS from connecting to LCA at the specified host.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Host Unavailable Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Host Unavailable
A host on which Genesys daemon applications are
running is unavailable (turned off).
Category Major
Detect Event 00-08002: Host [host name] unavailable.
Selection Mode Select by any
00-08001: Host [host name] operates in normal
Cancel Event
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

This failure may occur when an SCS attempt to connect to the LCA at the specified host fails. This failure is
determined based on the error code returned by the networking subsystem. No automatic recovery actions are
performed when this failure occurs.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

1. Check the condition of the host. If the host failed, take measures to restore its normal operating condition. Once the
normal condition is restored, the Management Layer automatically brings up all Genesys applications that are
supposed to be running.

2. Check the condition of the network. Make sure that it is possible to reach the host of interest from the host on which
SCS is running.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 111

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

Host Unreachable
The Host Unreachable Alarm Condition reports that the Management Layer cannot reach the host on which
Genesys daemon applications are running (no route to the host). It might indicate the following:

• Network configuration is incorrect: there is no route to the host of interest from the host on which SCS is running.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Host Unreachable Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Host Unreachable
The Management Layer cannot reach the host on which
Description Genesys daemon applications are running (no route to
the host).
Category Major
Detect Event 00-08003: Host [host name] unreachable.
Selection Mode Select by any
00-08001: Host [host name] operates in normal
Cancel Event
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

This failure may occur when an SCS attempt to connect to the LCA at the specified host fails. This failure is
determined based on the error code returned by the networking subsystem. No automatic recovery actions are
performed when this failure occurs.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

Check the condition of the network. Make sure that routing is configured correctly in the network and that it is
possible to reach the host of interest from the host on which SCS is running.

Unplanned Solution Status Change

The Uplanned Solution Status Change alarm Condition reports that a solution status has changed from Started to
Pending without any requests to stop the solution. It might indicate the following:

• Failure of one or more of the solution components.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 112

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields
Unplanned Solution Status Change Predefined Alarm Condition
Field Name Value and Description
Name Unplanned Solution Status Change
Solution status has changed from Started to Pending without any requests to stop the solution. This
may indicate a failure of one of the solution components.
Category Major
43-10385: Solution [solution name] nonplanned change of state from Started
Detect Event
to Pending.
Select by any
Cancel Event 43-10370: Solution [solution name] is started.
48 hours
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

If this alarm occurred because of the failure of one or more of the solution components, the Management Layer
performs the same automatic recovery actions for each failed application as described for the Application Failure
alarm condition.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

For each failed solution component, perform the same Maintenance Actions as suggested for the Application
Failure alarm condition.

Message Server Loss of Database Connection

The Message Server Loss of Database Connection reports that Message Server has lost connection to the
Centralized Log Database. It might indicate one of the following (in the order of probability of occurrence in a typical
production environment):

• Failure of the DB Server used by Message Server to access the Centralized Log Database.

• Failure of the DBMS that stores the Centralized Log Database.

The following table describes the fields of this Alarm Condition. [+] Show fields

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 113

Alarms Predefined Alarm Conditions

Message Server Loss of Database Connection Predefined Alarm Condition

Field Name Value and Description
Name Message Server Loss of Database Connection
Message Server has lost connection to the Centralized
Log Database.
Category Major
Detect Event 00-11051: Connection with DB Cluster lost.
Selection Mode Select by application type Message Server
00-11050: Connection with DB Cluster
Cancel Event
established ([host name]:[port number]).
Cancel Timeout 48 hours
Reaction Scripts None
Clearance Scripts None
State Enabled True

Refer to Framework Combined Log Events Help for full descriptions of the Detect and Cancel Events.

Automatic Recovery Actions

If this alarm occurred because of the failure of DB Server used by Message Server to access the Centralized Log
Database, the Management Layer performs the same automatic recovery actions for DB Server as described for
the Application Failure alarm condition.

Suggested Maintenance Actions

1. In the case of Log DB Server failure, perform the same Maintenance Actions as suggested for the Application Failure
alarm condition.

2. Otherwise, make sure that the DBMS that stores the Centralized Log Database is operating in normal condition.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 114

SNMP Support Predefined Alarm Conditions

SNMP Support
This section describes Management Layer support for network management systems (NMS) that comply with the
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). It also describes how to activate this function. In particular, it
focuses on how the Management Layer distributes SNMP commands from an NMS and how it processes alarm
reactions of the SNMP Trap type. It also describes the layout of the Genesys Management Information Base (MIB)
file and the format of the SNMP traps, including the abbreviations for the Genesys application types.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 115

SNMP Support SNMP Interface

SNMP Interface
The Management Layer provides support for SNMP-compliant third-party NMS. Solution Control Server (SCS)
processes various NMS commands and generates SNMP traps based on changes in the current status of an
individual application. With this support for SNMPv1–v3, you can access Management Layer functions through your
existing NMS interface.

The Genesys built-in SNMP implementation, provided by the Genesys SNMP Master Agent
component, for SNMPv1 passed all the tests developed and published by CERT/CC for this sort of
application. For information about tests with which you can check your system against vulnerability
to SNMPv1 malformed SNMP packets, go to

The Management Layer provides you, as a network administrator, with three ways to monitor and control Genesys
products via an NMS user interface:

• You can start, stop, and monitor the status of any Genesys or third-party application that the Management Layer
monitors and controls. In addition, you can modify log options for Genesys server applications.

• You can retrieve application-specific SNMP statistics and data as defined in the MIB file for those Genesys server
applications that support application-specific SNMP requests.

• You can receive alarms from any Genesys server application in the form of SNMP traps.

With all three options, the communications between SCS and NMS require an SNMP Master Agent application that
is compliant with the AgentX protocol. If your NMS does not contain such an application, you can use Net-SNMP
(release 8.5.1 and later) and/or Genesys SNMP Master Agent to integrate the Management Layer into your NMS.
The Genesys MIB file, which the NMS uses, defines the communication interface between the Management Layer
and the NMS.

SNMP Command Processing

The figure below illustrates how the Management Layer processes the SNMP commands it receives from an NMS.
The commands include:

• Start and stop commands for any Genesys or third-party application that the Management Layer monitors and

• Change of log options settings for Genesys server applications.

With this architecture, you can also:

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 116

SNMP Support SNMP Interface

• View the configuration of any Genesys or third-party product that the Management Layer monitors and controls.

• Monitor the current status of an application (see if it is running or not) and, for redundant configurations, view the
current redundancy mode (Primary or Backup) of a running application.

• View the configuration and status of any host registered as a Host object in the Configuration Database, including the
LCA configuration of that host.

• View configured solutions and their statuses (see if solutions are running).

Management Layer Processing of an SNMP Command from

an NMS

Requesting SNMP Data

In addition to its application-monitoring functions, you can use the Management Layer to retrieve some SNMP data
particular to applications of a given type. For example, you can request from T-Server the number of calls it is
currently handling.

You can only retrieve SNMP data and prompt application-specific SNMP traps for applications built with the
Genesys management library, such as:

• Call Concentrator

• Configuration Server

• Universal Routing Server

• T-Server

The following diagram illustrates how these applications interact with an NMS. All requests from the NMS and data
and traps from the applications come through Solution Control Server.

Consult product-specific documentation to see if your product supports SNMP.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 117

SNMP Support SNMP Interface

SNMP Information Exchange Between Some Servers and


Alarms and SNMP Trap Processing

To transmit the content of an alarm message to an SNMP-compliant third-party NMS, the Management Layer
converts that information into an SNMP trap. An alarm is a message generated by a Genesys application when a
certain Alarm Condition is met. For more information about alarm signaling, see Alarm-Signaling Functions and
Genesys Administrator Help.

The following diagram illustrates how the Management Layer reacts to an alarm of type Send an SNMP trap.

Management Layer Processing of an SNMP Trap Alarm


How to Activate SNMP Support

You must make some changes in your Genesys installation to enable SNMP communications between the
Management Layer and your Network Management System.

As already mentioned, the communications between SCS and NMS require an AgentX-compliant SNMP Master
Agent application:

• If your NMS already contains such an application, configure an Application object for it in the Configuration Database.
See the Genesys Administrator Help for instructions.

• If you want to use Genesys SNMP Master Agent or Net-SNMP, deploy it as described in the Framework Deployment

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 118

SNMP Support SNMP Interface

For either configuration, order licenses that enable the SNMP functionality of the Management Layer and modify the
licensing system as needed. Refer to the Genesys Licensing Guide for more information.

Stand-alone or Redundant SNMP Master Agents

The Management Layer supports two types of configuration—stand-alone and redundant. Stand-alone
configuration consists of a single SNMP Master Agent. Redundant configuration consists of two SNMP Master
Agent applications, one primary and one backup. When Solution Control Server loses a connection with the primary
SNMP Master Agent, SCS switches all NMS communications to the backup SNMP Master Agent.

You must use 8.5.1 or later versions of SCS and LCA to be able to configure multiple SNMP
Master Agent applications as HA pairs that SCS will recognize and connect. With earlier versions
of Management Layer components, you must configure each SNMP Master Agent as standalone
and make sure autorestart is enabled to allow the automated restart of SNMP in case of failure. In
this situation, SCS will always use a single configured SNMP MA to report its status over AgentX

Both Net-SNMP and Genesys SNMP Master Agent implementations of SNMP support redundant configuration
when used with SCS and LCA 8.5.1 or newer. A redundant configuration consists of two SNMP Master Agent
Application objects, one primary and one backup. When SCS loses a connection with the primary SNMP Master
Agent, SCS switches all NMS communications to the backup. The only difference is in the redundancy type set in
the primary Genesys SNMP Master Agent Application object—Hot Standby for the Genesys SNMP Master Agent
implementation, and Not Specified for Net-SNMP.

The mode for both the primary and backup SNMP Master Agents in the HA pair is displayed as

Refer to the Framework Deployment Guide for detailed instructions about deploying both stand-alone and
redundant SNMP Master Agents.

Setting Configuration Options

The Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual describes configuration options and their values for
SNMP Master Agents. You can alter trap configuration (target host, port, community, and multiple trap destinations)
by modifying SNMP_TARGET_MIB, which you maintain externally with SNMP commands through SNMP Master
Agent. Refer to RFC 2273 (SNMPv3 Applications) for further information about how to configure traps via standard
management MIBs.

Solution Control Server reads the configuration settings of the SNMP Master Agent Application object and uses
option values from the [agentx] configuration section to connect to SNMP Master Agent. This is true for both
Genesys SNMP Master Agent and a third-party SNMP Master Agent. Therefore, if you are using a third-party

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 119

SNMP Support SNMP Interface

SNMP Master Agent, make sure that the option values configured for the SNMP Master Agent Application object in
the Configuration Database match the actual configuration settings in your third-party SNMP Master Agent.

How to Use Contact-Center Graceful Shutdown Script

Management Layer provides authorized users with capability to gracefully shut down contact-center software. This
functionality, implemented in the form of a PERL script, operates through the Management Layer SNMP Interface.

The Contact-Center Graceful Shutdown script (called does the following:

1. Enumerates all currently running T-Servers.

2. Determines if there are ongoing interactions in the contact center by querying the number of active calls from each T-
3. If there are active calls, waits one minute and then checks again.

4. When there are no more active calls, shuts down T-Servers.

Installing the Script

If you installed Solution Control Server, is already installed, and is located in the same folder in which
Solution Control Server was installed.

Starting in 8.1.2, you can install the Solution Control Server utilities without installing Solution Control Server itself. If
you have not installed the utilities, use the procedure “Installing Solution Control Server Utilities” in the Framework
Deployment Guide. After the utilities are installed, is stored in the location you specified during the

The SCS installation package also includes all additional PERL modules necessary to utilize the Management
Layer SNMP Interface with PERL scripts.

Using the Script

Start the script file with the command line in this format: [<parameter> <value>] [<parameter> <value>] ...

Separate parameters from their values with a space.

The script accepts the following command-line parameters:

Contact-Center Graceful Shutdown Script Parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
SNMP Master Agent host name or IP
-h localhost
-p SNMP Master Agent SNMP port 161
-c Community string public

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 120

SNMP Support SNMP Interface

-v SNMP version (v1 or v2c) v2c

Polling timeout—Time, in seconds,
the script waits for the end of data
-pt 60
tables refresh; should be equal to or
greater than 5.
Maximum number of idle polling
cycles the script waits before exit. An
-mic idle polling cycle is one when no 100
shutdown requests are sent. Should
be equal to or greater than 1.
SNMP timeout—Timeout, in seconds,
during which the script waits for a
response after a request is sent. Note
-st that when a request is retried, the 2
timeout is increased by the SNMP
backoff factor (-sb). Should be equal
to or greater than 1.
SNMP retries—Number of attempts
that the script prompts for a reply to
the SNMP request. If no response is
received within the timeout specified
-sr 5
in value -st, the request is resent and
a new response awaited with a longer
timeout. Should be equal to or
greater than 1.
SNMP backoff factor—Used to
increase the timeout every time an
-sb 1
SNMP request is retried. Should be
equal to or greater than 1.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 121

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

SNMP Managed Objects

This section describes the MIB file and the SNMP objects and tables used in the Management Layer to support

MIB File
The Genesys MIB file, located in the root of the directory in which SCS is installed, contains all SNMP objects
available to the NMS. Genesys MIB utilizes the SMI-v2 Row-Status mechanism and the control/data-tables concept
to facilitate management of multiple Genesys servers simultaneously.

RowStatus—a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION defined in IETF’s SNMPv2-TC—is commonly used to control the dynamic
creation and deletion of rows in SMIv2 defined tables. A conceptual SMIv2 table using RowStatus also acts as a
control table or configuration table. Using the control table, the NMS application configures the information to be
monitored. A separate data table holds the information that is gathered. One control entry (one row) is linked to the
data that is gathered. Each control entry contains control parameters that specify which data or statistics you want
to access and collect.

Genesys MIB uses one control table and several data tables. Data tables are organized based on their functional
areas and divided into two main groups: server-generic data tables and server-specific data tables. Each data table,
whether it is server-generic or server-specific, is assigned a unique identifier. (See TableID ::= Textual
Convention in the Genesys MIB file, for the complete list of tables and their identifiers.) This table identifier, along
with the Genesys server identifier (server DBID number), is used as an index in the control table. Thus, each row in
the control table gathers particular data from a particular Genesys server.

You can enable an automatic refresh of MIB tables. When you set up a row to gather data from a particular table,
you have a choice of automatic or manual refresh for the table. If you select Automatic Refresh mode, specify the
time period, in seconds, after which Solution Control Server is to refresh the table.

In addition to control and data tables, you can access a group of server standard objects independently of the
control/data-table mechanism.

The following sections present information about each object set:

• Standard SNMP Objects describes the standard Genesys SNMP objects.

• gServerControlTable describes the Control Table objects.

• T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects describes the SNMP objects specific to T-Server.

For information about supported traps, see SNMP Traps.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 122

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

Standard SNMP Objects

The tables in this section describe standard Genesys SNMP objects by object group, as follows:

• gServersTable—Contains information about server environments. The following table describes objects that belong to
gServersTable. [+] Show table
gServersTable Table of Standard SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Type Access Level Description
The time, in minutes, the
agent should keep rows in
the gsControlTable and
consequently in related
data tables if there were
no requests to objects of
this row or corresponding
gsCleanupTimeout Unsigned 32 read/write rows from data table(s).
After the timeout, the
agent should
automatically delete
unattended rows. A value
of 0 (zero) specifies that
MIB clean up should not
be performed.
Specifies a sequence of
gServersTable sequence read
the following objects.
Uniquely identifies a
Genesys server.
Corresponds to the
number assigned to an
object in the Configuration
Database to identify the
gServerId integer read
object among all objects
of the same type. The
gpServerCurrent object
uses this value to switch
from one Genesys server
to another.
Specifies the application
name of a server
gServerName string read application as configured
in the Configuration
Specifies the current
operational status of a
server. The possible
gServerStatus string read
settings are UP or DOWN,
which indicates if the
server is running or not.
Indicates the type of a
gServerType string read server; that is, the
application type specified

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 123

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

for this application in the

Configuration Database.
Specifies the current
version of the running
server; that is, the
gServerVersion string read application version
specified for this
application in the
Configuration Database.
Specifies the server’s
working directory; that is,
the working directory
gServerWorkDir string read
specified for this
application in the
Configuration Database.
Indicates the full command
line used to start this
server, as specified in the
gServerCommandLine string read Configuration Database.
For example:

scs -host host1 -port 4135 -app SCS_

Specifies the process ID of

gServerPID string read the server that is currently
Specifies the command to
start, shut down or
gracefully shut down a
server. Accepts the
following values:
gServerCommand integer read/write
• 1 start

• 2 shutDown

• 3 shutDownGracefully

Sends a delete-client
command to the server.
gServerDeleteClient integer read/write
Enter the socket number
of a client as the value.

• gServerControlTable—Configures the information to be monitored and controls the data-refresh process. The
following table describes objects that belong to gServerControlTable. [+] Show table
gServerControlTable Table of Standard SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
gServerControlTable sequence read
the following objects.
An index. Specifies the
gsCtrlServerID integer not-accessible DBID of the server to be
managed by this control

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 124

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

row. The valid DBID

number used to set rows
in this control table is
retrieved from
An index. Specifies the
data to be gathered for
this server. Valid values
and the tables they
represent are as follows:

• 1 – gsLogTable

• 2 – gsInfoTable

• 3 – gsClientTable

• 4 – gsPollingTable

• 5 – tsInfoTable
gsCtrlTableID integer not-accessible
• 6 – tsCallTable

• 7 – tsDtaTable

• 8 – tsLinkTable

• 9 – tsCallFilterTable

• 10 – tsCallInfoTable

• 11 – tsLinkStatsTable

Follow the links for detailed

information about these tables.

Indicates refresh status of

corresponding data table
as specified by
gsCtrlTableID. The
following refresh statuses
are reported:

• 1 – dataNotReady

• 2–
gsCtrlRefreshStatus integer read-only dataRefreshInProgress

• 3 – dataReady

• 4–

• 5 – dataRefreshFailed

Refer to the Genesys MIB file for

detailed descriptions of these

Specifies the time in

gsCtrlLastRefreshed timetick read-only
hundredths of seconds

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 125

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

since the row was last

successfully refreshed.
Controls and manages
row creation and row
deletion. Initiates data-
refresh process for a data
table managed by this
gsCtrlRowStatus RowStatus read/create control row, and reports
the status of this row.
Refer to the Genesys MIB
file for a detailed
description of the way this
object is manipulated.

• gsInfoTable—Contains miscellaneous statistics and data about a managed server. The following table describes
objects that belong to gsInfoTable. [+] Show table
gsInfoTable Table of Standard SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
gsInfoTable sequence read
Indexed by
Indicates the number of
gsClientsExistNum Unsigned32 read clients currently
connected to a server.
Indicates the total number
gsClientsTotalNum Unsigned32 read of clients connected so far
to a server.
Indicates configuration file
gsServerConfigFile string read name, if any, used to start
a server.

• gsPollingTable—Specifies a heart-beat feature; that is, a periodic signal sent over a network to the NMS. The
following table describes objects that belong to gsPollingTable. [+] Show table
gsPollingTable Table of Standard SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
gsPollingTable sequence read
Indexed by
Specifies the amount by
which each polling signal
increases over the last
one. The initial polling
gsPollingID Unsigned32 read/write event equals the same
integer. For more
information about this
variable, see Table 19 on
page 106.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 126

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

Specifies the interval, in

seconds, between two
subsequent polling
gsPollingInterval Unsigned32 read/write
signals sent from a
server. Can be set to any
Specifies the last trap
value of a polling signal
sent to the NMS. For
gsPollingLastTrap string read
more information about
this variable, see Table
19 on page 106.
Activates or deactivates
the server polling feature.
Values are ON and OFF.
Value ON causes a server
gsPollingStatus string read/write
to send periodic SNMP
signals to SCS, which, in
turn, converts these
signals into SNMP traps.

• gsLogTable—Contains information about log option settings. Values of the SNMP objects in this table correspond to
values of configuration options specified in the log section in an Application object’s Options. The following table
describes objects that belong to gsLogTable; check information in the Description column for the name of the
particular option to which an object corresponds. [+] Show table
gsLogTable Table of Standard SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
gsLogTable sequence read
Indexed by
Log level. Filters output of
messages by their
logVerbose string read/write
priorities. Corresponds to
the verbose log option.
Lists the set of log outputs
for the log messages of
logTrace string read/write the Trace level.
Corresponds to the trace
log option.
Lists the set of log outputs
for the log messages of
logStandard string read/write the Standard level.
Corresponds to the
standard log option.
Lists the set of log outputs
for the log messages of
logDebug string read/write the Debug level.
Corresponds to the
debug log option.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 127

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

Lists the set of log outputs

for the log messages of
logAll string read/write
all levels. Corresponds to
the all log option.
Turns on/off OS file
buffering. Buffering
increases performance of
file output; however, log
logBuffering string read/write messages may appear in
the log with a delay after
they have been logged.
Corresponds to the
buffering log option.
Sets the mode of log
output segmentation.
Currently implemented
only for the file output.
When a currently opened
log segment exceeds the
logSegment string read/write
size set by this option, the
current segment is closed
and a new one is created
(an empty new segment).
Corresponds to the
segment log option.
Sets the expiration mode
for old files (segments);
that is, specifies whether
logExpire string read/write to remove old files when
new ones are created.
Corresponds to the
expire log option.
Sets the name of the file
that defines log messages
specific to applications of
logMessageFile string read/write
this type. Corresponds to
the messagefile log
Specifies the format of log
record headers that an
application uses when
logMessageFormat string read/write writing logs in the log file.
Corresponds to the
message_format log
Specifies how to represent
in a log file the time when
an application generates
logTimeFormat string read/write
log records. Corresponds
to the time_format log

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 128

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

Specifies in which system

an application calculates
the log record time when
logTimeConvert string read/write generating a log file.
Corresponds to the
time_convert log

To change log option settings for a particular application via SNMP, you must first associate both the Application object and
the Solution Control Server Application object with the account in the Configuration Database having permissions to modify
configuration object properties. In other words, the account must have Change permissions for Application objects. Do the
following steps:

1. Associate Solution Control Server with an account that has permissions to change Application objects. This
association will enable you to change log option settings via SNMP. [+] Show steps

• Management Layer components are installed and running.

• The Solution Control Server Application object has been installed and configured.

• Genesys Administrator is started.


a. Log into Genesys Administrator under a user account having Full Control permissions.

b. Go to Provisioning tab > Applications, and click the SCS application to open its properties.

c. In the Server Info section of the Configuration tab:

i. If the Log On As SYSTEM checkbox is checked, clear it.

ii. In the Log On Account field, click the Search icon and select any user account (Person object) from the
Browse window. This can be one of the following:

• An account that belongs to the Administrators default access group.

• An account that belongs to the role-specific Access Group with the Change permissions you have
created for this purpose.

• An individual account to which you will grant Change permissions in any Access Group.

d. Click Save or Save and Close to save configuration changes.

2. Associate applications with the same account you designated in Step 1 for SCS. [+] Show steps

• Management Layer components are installed and running.

• The Solution Control Server Application object has been associated with an account with application change
permissions. See step 1 above.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 129

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

• You are logged in to Genesys Administrator.


a. Select the Application object which you will be associating with the account you selected in Step 1. You can
also select a folder or subfolder that contains Application objects, in which case permissions change for all
Application objects in the selected folder.

b. Open the properties of the Application object and click the Permissions tab.

c. Add the user account you designated as This Account for SCS as follows:

a. Click Add User in the toolbar, and select the user from the Browse window.

b. Click the entry in the Access column for this user and select Change.

d. Click Save or Save and Close to save your changes.

You could grant change permissions for Application objects to the SYSTEM account, but doing so (and making all servers connect to
Configuration Server with change permissions) might impact data security.

• gsClientTable—Gathers statistics about server clients. The following table describes objects that belong to
gsClientTable. [+] Show table
gsClientTable Table of Standard SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
gsClientTable sequence read
Indexed by
Specifies the client’s
gsClientAppName string read
application name.
Specifies the client’s level
gsClientAuthorized string read
of authorization.
Specifies the number of
gsClientGotEvents Unsigned32 read events the client has
Specifies the number of
gsClientSentReqs Unsigned32 read requests the client has
Specifies the socket
number through which the
gsClientSocket Unsigned32 read
client is connected to the
gsClientType integer read Specifies the client’s type.

• gsAlarmObjectsTable—Specifies how the Management Layer converts the alarms it generates to SNMP traps and
sends them to the NMS. The following table describes objects that belong to gsAlarmObjectsTable. The following lists
Genesys application types as they appear in alarm-related traps. [+] Show table
gsAlarmObjectsTable Table of Standard SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 130

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

Specifies the last trap

value sent to the NMS.
For information about
gsServersLastAlarm string read traps that use this
variable, see the table in
SNMP Traps.
Specifies the last server-
gsServersLastTrap string read status (server up or down)
trap sent to NMS.
The unique identifier of the
Alarm Condition name as
gsAlarmID Unsigned32 read
configured in the
Configuration Database.
The text of the log event
gsAlarmLogText string read
that triggered this alarm.
The unique identifier of the
gsAlarmMessagesIds string read log event that triggered or
removed this alarm.
The name of the
application that reported
gsAlarmApplicationName string read this alarm as specified in
the Configuration
The type of application
that reported this alarm as
gsAlarmApplicationType string read
specified in the
Configuration Database.
The alarm category as
specified in the
gsAlarmCategory string read
Configuration Database:
Critical, Major, or Minor.

T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects

The tables in this section summarize the SNMP objects specific to T-Server. These objects give you access to
internal T-Server tables that contain information about call states, addresses, and CTI links.

• tsInfoTable—Collects miscellaneous data and statistics specific to T-Server. The following table describes objects
that belong to tsInfoTable. [+] Show table
tsInfoTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
tsInfoTable sequence read
Indexed by

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 131

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

Specifies the current

tsCallsExistNum Unsigned32 read number of calls being
handled by T-Server.
Specifies the number of
tsCallsTotalNum Unsigned32 read calls T-Server has
handled since it started.
Specifies the command to
be sent to T-Server.
tsLinksCommand string read/write
Note: Reserved for future use.

Specifies the server name,

link name, and link’s new
string read status.
Note: Reserved for future use.

This object is specific to environments with X.25 links.

• tsCallFilterTable—Supports stuck calls functionality by providing the interface for setting call filter criteria for the
tsCallInfoTable table, and for cleaning calls by their ConnectionID. The following table describes objects that belong to
tsCallFilterTable. [+] Show table
tsCallFilterTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Uniquely identifies a T-
gsCtrlServerId ServerDBID not-accessible
Server application.
Reports the calls that were
created earlier than a
specified number of
fltCallCreatedBefore Unsigned32 read-write seconds counting from
the time of the request. A
0 (zero) value means the
filter is not used.
Reports the calls that were
created later than a
fltCallCreatedAfter Unsigned32 read-write specified number of
seconds counting from
the time of the request.
Reports the calls that were
last time updated earlier
fltCallUpdatedBefore Unsigned32 read-write than a specified number
of seconds counting from
the time of the request.
Reports the calls that were
last time updated later
fltCallUpdatedAfter Unsigned32 read-write than a specified number
of seconds counting from
the time of the request.
Connection ID (converted
clearCallByConnId DisplayString read-write
to string by

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 132

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

function) of the call to be

• tsCallInfoTable—Supports stuck calls functionality by storing the latest snapshot of active calls from a given T-
Server, and contains a set of attributes that facilitates the discovery of stuck calls. The following table describes
objects that belong to tsCallInfoTable. [+] Show table
tsCallInfoTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Uniquely identifies a T-
gsCtrlServerId ServerDBID not-accessible
Server application.
Reports the call instance
callInfoInstanceID Unsigned32 not-accessible
callInfoType Unsigned32 read-only Reports a call type.
Reports a call creation
callInfoCreationTimestamp Unsigned32 read-only
Reports a timestamp of
Unsigned32 read-only the last update on this
callInfoInternalParties DisplayString read-only Reports an Internal DN.

• tsLinkStatsTable—Stores information about the current statistics for messages sent and received over a T-Server
link. The following table describes objects that belong to tsLinkStatsTable. [+] Show table
tsLinkStatsTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Uniquely identifies a T-
gsCtrlServerId ServerDBID not-accessible
Server application.
Uniquely identifies a T-
LinkID Unsigned32 read-only server link to which these
statistics apply.
The time (in seconds) that
have elapsed since the
timeElapsedSec Unsigned32 read-only
last statistics were
The number of CTI
messages that have been
numberMessagesTx Unsigned32 read-only sent by T-Server over this
link since the last
statistics were measured.
The rate at which CTI
messages are sent by T-
Server over this link.
rateMessagesTx Unsigned32 read-only
Literally, the ratio of
numberMessagesTx to

The number of CTI

numberMessagesRx Unsigned32 read-only
messages that have been

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 133

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

received by T-Server over

this link since the last
statistics were measured.
The rate at which CTI
messages are received
by T-Server over this link.
rateMessagesRx Unsigned32 read-only
Literally, the ratio of
numberMessagesRx to

• tsCallTable—Contains data about telephony calls being processed by T-Server. The following table describes objects
that belong to tsCallTable. [+] Show table
tsCallTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
tsCallTable sequence read Indexed by
gsCtrlServerID and
Automatic Number
Identification. Provides
calling party information
callANI string read (typically, the telephone
number or billing account
number) to the called
Specifies the current call
callCallID string read identifier that the switch
has assigned to a call.
Specifies the identifier that
callConnID string read T-Server has assigned to
a call.
Specifies the Customer
callCustomerID string read (Tenant) identifier used
when a call was initiated.
Directory Number
Identification Service.
Identifies to the called
callDNIS string read system the last three or
four digits of the number
actually dialed by the
Specifies the DN on a
remote T-Server from
callFirstTransferDN string read
which a call was first
Specifies the location of
callFirstTransfer-Location string read
the remote T-Server from

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 134

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

which a call was first

Specifies the instance
callInstanceID counter read
number for each call.
Specifies the DN on a
remote T-Server from
callLastTransferDN string read
which a call was last
Specifies the location of
the remote T-Server from
callLastTransfer-Location string read
which a call was last
Specifies the number of
callNumParties string read parties currently involved
in a call.
Specifies a list of parties
callPartiesList string read
involved in a call.
Specifies the reference ID
callReferenceID string read
of a call.
Specifies the timestamp of
when the call was
callTimeStamp string read created, in seconds
starting from January 1,
callType string read Specifies the type of a call.
Specifies the current state
callState string read
of the call in question.

• tsDtaTable—Stores information about all registered DNs. The following table describes objects that belong to
tsDtaTable. [+] Show table
tsDtaTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
tsDtaTable sequence read Indexed by
gsCtrlServerID and
Specifies the digits field of
tsDtaDigits string read
the DTA structure.
Specifies the instance field
tsDtaInstanceID counter read
of the DTA structure.
Specifies the mode field of
tsDtaMode string read
the DTA structure.
Specifies the state field of
tsDtaState string read
the DTA structure.
Specifies the type field of
tsDtaType string read
the DTA structure.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 135

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

tsLinkTable—Contains information about the CTI links that exist between T-Server and switches, and the attributes
of those links. The following table describes objects that belong to tsLinkTable. [+] Show table
tsLinkTable Table of T-Server-Specific SNMP Objects
Object Name Value Access Level Description
Specifies a sequence of
the following objects.
tsLinkTable sequence read Indexed by
gsCtrlServerID and
Specifies the address of
tsLinkAddress string read
the link.
Specifies a link reconnect
a delay in the case of an
tsLinkDelay string read
unsuccessful attempt to
reconnect to the line.
Specifies the DTE class
tsLinkDTEClassa string read
for the X.25 connection.
Specifies the name of the
tsLinkName string read
Specifies the link identifier.
a integer read
tsLinkID Note: Reserved for future use.

Specifies the mode of the

tsLinkModea string read
Specifies the link’s
tsLinkPIDa string read
process ID.
Specifies the physical port
tsLinkPort string read
number of the link.
tsLinkProtocol string read Specifies a protocol type.
Specifies the socket
number through which the
server is connected to the
tsLinkSocketa string read link.
Note: Reserved for future use.

Specifies the current

status of the link. The
status property is used in
fault monitoring,
providing the NMS with
information about which links are
tsLinkStatus string read currently established and which
links have lost physical or logical
Valid values:

• 0 – Link is not
configured properly.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 136

SNMP Support SNMP Managed Objects

• 1 – No physical or
TCP/IP connection
between T-Server
and the switch.

• 2 – Both physical and

logical connections
are OK.

• 3 – Physical
connection exists
between T-Server
and switch, but the
logical connection is

Specifies a template for

tsLinkTemplate string read
the connection.
Specifies the X.25 device
tsLinkX25Devicea string read
connected to the link.
Specifies the local address
tsLinkX25LocalAddressa string read
for an X.25 connection.
This object is specific to environments with X.25 links.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 137

SNMP Support SNMP Traps

SNMP Traps
There are two types of SNMP trap messages you can receive from Genesys applications:

• Application-generated—SNMP traps that only those server applications listed here and built with the management
library can generate.

• Alarm-related—SNMP traps that SCS generates on behalf of any Genesys server it monitors.

This section describes both types of SNMP traps, and lists the application types for server applications as they are
displayed in SNMP traps.

Application-Generated SNMP Traps

Application-generated SNMP traps are generated only by those server applications that are listed here and that are
built with the management library.

Application-Generated SNMP Traps

String Format and Valid
Trap Variable Name Description
Reports that a server was
down but is running again.
The <server name> in the
String format: <server message is the server’s
gsServerUpTrap gsServersLastTrap
name>:server is UP application name in the
Configuration Database.
For example:
tserver_1:server is UP

Reports that a server has

gone down.
The <server name> in the
String format: <server message is the server’s
gsServerDownTrap gsServersLastTrap
name>:server is DOWN application name in the
Configuration Database.
For example:
tserver_1:server is DOWN

Reports that a server has

encountered an alarm
situation. A server itself
String format:
generates this trap. Do not
gsAlarm gsServersLastAlarm <server name>:0:<alarm confuse with
code>:<alarm message> gSmlSCserverAlarm
which is generated by
Solution Control Server
based on log events it

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 138

SNMP Support SNMP Traps

receives from other

String format: server
<server name>
(<server number>) -
link <link name> Reports that T-Server link
tsLinkStatusTrap tsLastChangedLinkStatus
status has been changed.
status changed -
<0,1> (<DOWN,UP>)

Sent in response to a
polling signal from the
server. If the polling ID
status is set to ON (see
gsPollingTable), the
server’s polling ID
increases by a set amount
every time the server
sends the polling signal.
The server then sends the
String format: <server new value to SCS. The
name>:<value> new value becomes the
gsPollingSignal gsPollingLastTrap value inside of the variable
Valid Value: Any positive integer gpPollingLastTrap, which
SCS sends to NMS as the
trap gpPollingSignal.
The server name in the message
is the server’s application name in
the Configuration Database.
For example: tserver_1:122</br>
This message means that the last
SNMP polling signal, which the T-
Server application named
tserver_1 sent to the SCS, was
number 122.

Alarm-Related SNMP Traps

Alarm-related SNMP traps are SNMP traps that SCS generates on behalf of any Genesys server it monitors.

Application-Generated SNMP Traps

String Format and Valid
Trap Variable Name Description
The unique identifier of the
Alarm Condition name as
gsAlarmId integer
configured in the
gsMLAlarm Configuration Database.
The text of the log event
gsAlarmLogText string
that triggered this alarm.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 139

SNMP Support SNMP Traps

The unique identifier of the

gsAlarmMessagesIds string log event that triggered or
removed this alarm.
The name of the
application that reported
gsAlarmApplicationName string this alarm as specified in
the Configuration
The type of application that
reported this alarm as
gsAlarmApplicationType string
specified in the
Configuration Database.
The host name of the
gsAlarmAppHostName string application that reported
this alarm.
The alarm category as
specified in the
gsAlarmCategory string
Configuration Database:
Critical, Major, or Minor.
The unique identifier of the
gsAlarmGUID string Alarm Clearance Trap with
Alarm Creation Trap.

Application Types in SNMP Traps

The following tables lists application types for server applications—their database IDs and abbreviations—as they
are displayed in alarm-related SNMP traps. The table also presents the application type names as displayed by the
Configuration Layer.

Application Type Representations

Type ID Type Abbreviation Type Name
01 TServer T-Server
01 N/A Programmable Gateway Framework
02 StatServer Stat Server
03 BillingServer Billing Server
06 VoiceTreatmentServer Voice Treatment Server
08 DBServer Database Access Point
09 CallConcentrator Call Concentrator
10 SDialer CPD Server
11 ListManager List Manager
12 OSServer Outbound Contact Server
15 RouterServer Universal Routing Server
21 ConfigurationServer Configuration Server

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 140

SNMP Support SNMP Traps

23 ThirdPartyServer Third Party Server

26 DARTServer Obsolete
28 CustomServer Custom Server
29 ExternalRouter External Router
31 VirtualRP Virtual Routing Point
32 Database Obsolete
33 NetVector Web Option
34 DetailBiller Detail Biller
35 SummaryBiller Summary Biller
36 NACD Network Overflow Manager
37 BackUpControlClient Backup Control Client
38 InfomartStatCollector CC Analyzer Data Sourcer
40 IVRInterfaceServer IVR Interface Server
41 IServer I-Server
42 MessageServer Message Server
43 SCS Solution Control Server
45 SNMPAgent SNMP Agent
46 RealDBServer DB Server
48 WFMDataAggregator WFM Data Aggregator
50 WFMScheduleServer WFM Schedule Server
52 ETLProxy ETL Proxy
54 GVCServer GVP-Voice Communication Server
55 VSSSystem VSS System
58 CCAnalyzerDataMart CC Analyzer Data Mart
59 ChatServer Chat Server
60 CallbackServer Callback Server
61 CoBrowsingServer Co-Browsing Server

62a SMSServer SMS Server

63 ContactServer Contact Server
64 EmailServer E-Mail Server
65 MediaLink MediaLink
66 WebInteractionRequestsServer Web Interaction Requests Server
67 WebStatServer Web Stat Server
68 WebInteractionServer Web Interaction Server
69 WebOptionRoutePoint Web Option Route Point
74 VoIPController Voice over IP Controller
77 HAProxy High Availability Proxy

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SNMP Support SNMP Traps

78 VoIPStreamManager Voice over IP Stream Manager

79 VoIPDMXServer Voice over IP DMX Server
80 WebAPIServer Web API Server
81 LoadBalancer Load Balancer
82 ApplicationCluster Application Cluster
83 LoadDistributionServer Load Distribution Server
84 GProxy G-Proxy
85 GIS Genesys Interface Server
86 AgentDesktopDeliveryServer GCN Delivery Server
88 IVRDT IVR DirectTalk Server
89 GCNThinServer GCN Thin Server
90 ClassificationServer Classification Server
91 TrainingServer Training Server
92 UniversalCallbackServer Universal Callback Server
93 CPDServerProxy CPD Server Proxy
94 XLinkController XLink Controller
95 KWorkerPortal K-Worker Portal
96 WFMServer WFM Server
97 WFMBuilder WFM Builder
98 WFMReports WFM Reports
99 WFMWeb WFM Web
100 KnowledgeManager Knowledge Manager
101 IVRDriver IVR Driver
102 IVRLibrary IVR Library
103 LCSAdapter LCS Adapter
104 DesktopNETServer Desktop NET Server
105 Siebel7ConfSynchComponent Siebel7 ConfSynchComponent
106 Siebel7CampSynchComponent Siebel7 CampSynchComponent
107 GenericServer Generic Server
108 GenericClient Generic Client
109 CallDirector Call Director
110 SIPCommunicationServer SIP Communication Server
111 InteractionServer Interaction Server
112 IntegrationServer Integration Server
113 WFMDaemon WFM Daemon
114 GVPPolicyManager GVP Policy Manager
115 GVPCiscoQueueAdapter GVP Cisco Queue Adapter
116 GVPTextToSpeechServer GVP Text To Speech Server

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 142

SNMP Support SNMP Traps

117 GVPASRLogManager GVP ASR Log Manager

118 GVPBandwidthManager GVP Bandwidth Manager
119 GVPEventsCollector GVP Events Collector
120 GVPCacheServer GVP Cache Server
121 GVPASRLogServer GVP ASR Log Server
122 GVPASRPackageLoader GVP ASR Package Loader
123 GVPIPCommunicationServer GVP IP Communication Server
124 GVPResourceManager GVP Resource Manager
125 GVPSIPSessionManager GVP SIP Session Manager
126 GVPMediaGateway GVP Media Gateway
127 GVPSoftSwitch GVP Soft Switch
128 GVPCoreService GVP Core Service
129 GVPVoiceCommunicationServer GVP Voice Communication Server
130 GVPUnifiedLoginServer GVP Unified Login Server
131 GVPCallStatusMonitor GVP Call Status Monitor
132 GVPReporter GVP Reporter
133 GVPH323SessionManager GVP H323 Session Manager
134 GVPASRLogManagerAgent GVP ASR Log Manager Agent
135 GVPGenesysQueueAdapter GVP Genesys Queue Adapter
136 GVPIServer GVP IServer
137 GVPSCPGateway GVP SCP Gateway
138 GVPSRPServer GVP SRP Server
140 GVPCCSServer GVP CCS Server
142 GVPNetworkMonitor GVP Network Monitor
143 GVPOBNManager GVP OBN Manager
144 GVPSelfServiceProvisioningServer GVP Self Service Provisioning Server
145 GVPMediaControlPlatform GVP Media Control Platform
146 GVPFetchingModule GVP Fetching Module
GVP Media Control Platform Legacy
147 GVPMediaControlPlatformLegacyInterpreter
148 GVPCallControlPlatform GVP Call Control Platform
149 GVPResourceManager GVP Resource Manager
150 GVPRedundancyManager GVP Redundancy Manager
151 GVPMediaServer GVP Media Server
152 GVPPSTNConnector GVP PSTN Connector
153 GVPReportingServer GVP Reporting Server

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 143

SNMP Support SNMP Traps


157 InteractionWorkspace Interaction Workspace
158 Advisors Advisors
159 ESSExtensibleServices ESS Extensible Services
160 CustomerView Customer View
161 OrchestrationServer Orchestration Server
162 Reserved
163 CapturePoint Capture Point
164 RulesESPServer Rules ESP Server
165 GenesysAdministrator Genesys Administrator
166 iWDManager iWD Manager
167 iWDRuntimeNode iWD Runtime Node
168 BusinessRulesExecutionServer Business Rules Execution Server
169 BusinessRulesApplicationServer Business Rules Application Server
170 VPPolicyServer VP Policy Server
171 SocialMS Social Messaging Server
172 CSTAConnector CSTA Connector
173 VPMRCPProxy VP MRCP Proxy
174 UCMConnector UCM Connector
175 OTICSServer OT ICS Server
176 OTICSOMPInfra OT ICS OMP Infrastructure
177 Advisors-CCAdviser Advisors–Contact Center Advisor
178 Advisors-FAAdviser Advisors–Frontline Advisor
179 Advisors-AdvisorsPlatform Advisors–Advisors Platform
180 Advisors-AdvisorsGenesysAdapter Advisors–Advisors Genesys Adapter
181 Advisors-AdvisorsCiscoAdapter Advisors–Advisors Cisco Adapter
182 FederationServer Federation Server
183 FederationStatProvider Federation Stat Provider
184 GenesysAdministratorServer Genesys Administrator Server
185 WebEngagementBackendServer Web Engagement Backend Server
186 WebEngagementFrontendServer Web Engagement Frontend Server
187 WebRTCGateway WebRTC Gateway
188 LRMServer LRM Server
189 RecordingCryptoServer Recording Crypto Server
190 GenesysKnowledgeCenterServer Genesys Knowledge Center Server
191 GenesysKnowledgeCenterCMS Genesys Knowledge Center CMS

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 144

SNMP Support SNMP Traps

Prior to release 8.0, this value was used for the Application Type IS Transport Server. In
release 8.0 and later, this value is used for the new application type SMS Server.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 145

SNMP Support Configure SNMP Monitoring

Configure SNMP Monitoring

Configuring SNMP Monitoring for T-Servers and SIP Server requires the skills and knowledge of a system
administrator, and knowledge of the Genesys installation that is running on your site. Ideally, you or a current
colleague installed the Genesys software, so you have—or can easily find—information that you need, such as the
location of certain files. You also need an MIB Editor; ideally, one that you have used before.

Before you configure

Verify or perform these requirements:

• Your Genesys software installation must include a current Media Layer SNMP license. Verify with your Genesys
marketing representative.

• The applications SNMP Master Agent and Solution Control Server must be installed, configured and running. [+]
Show steps

The Framework Deployment Guide describes how to deploy and configure the Solution Control Server (SCS) and the SNMP Master Agent. See
steps 5 and 6 in Deployment Summary.

• The SIP Server(s)/TServer(s) that you wish to monitor must be provisioned with <TServer>\management-port and
For each SIP Server and T-Server, configure <TServer>\management-port. Follow the steps on page 653, and

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 146

SNMP Support Configure SNMP Monitoring

the option settings on page 657, of the SIP Server 8.1 Deployment Guide.
[+] Show steps

You can change T-Server common configuration options in the Options section of the Application object (for example: SNMP-MA, for the master

Find the Application object in this directory:

• If you use Genesys Administrator: Application object > Options tab > Advanced View

• If you use Configuration Manager: Application object > Properties dialog box > Options tab

Option: management-port
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: 0 or any valid TCP/IP port
Changes Take Effect: after T-Server is restarted
This option specifies the TCP/IP port that management agents use to communicate with T-Server. If set to 0 (zero), this port is not used.

• The Network Management System (NMS) must be connected to the SNMP Master Agent.
See How to Activate SNMP Support.

• Import the file GENESYS-SML-MIB-G7.txt to NMS.

Find this file in the working directory of the Solution Control Server application; the person(s) who installed Genesys
for your company should know the location. This file contains Genesys-specific SML, MIB, and G71 definitions.


For each SIP Server / TServer...

1. Query the gServersTable and record the value of:

gServerId (<index>).

2. Set the value 4 (createAndGo) for:

Name/OID: gsCtrlRowStatus.<index>.5;

3. Set the refresh timeout. For example, 5 seconds for:

Name/OID: gsCtrlAutomaticRefresh.<index>.5 for tsInfoTable

Consider the three steps above as general directions which you can execute in the most efficient way for you. The
Summary is intentionally generic because every MIB editor is different.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 147

SNMP Support Configure SNMP Monitoring

Consider the five steps below as an example of how one system administrator might configure SNMP Monitoring for T-
Servers and SIP Server. The real steps that you use to access SNMP data will depend on your site's NMS
implementation and on your MIB editor.

Example of configuring SNMP monitoring

Your actual steps will be similar:

1. With the MIB Editor, Load the imported file GENESYS-SML-MIB-G7.txt.

2. Inside GENESYS-SML-MIB-G7.txt, find and read the DESCRIPTION for gServerControlTable and gsCtrlRowStatus.
The description contains information about a table's contents, purpose, and behavior—and how to request data from
[+] Show table description

gServerControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
"Control table containing a set of parameters to set up and control data collection from Genesys server(s). This table facilitates the monitoring of
multiple Genesys servers.

The following data tables defined in this MIB module are controlled by the gsControlTable:




Framework Management Layer User's Guide 148

SNMP Support Configure SNMP Monitoring









Entries in the above tables are created on behalf of an entry in the gServerControlTable. If a control row is destroyed, then corresponding row in the
respective data table is destroyed too.

Some tables defined in this MIB module may just be used to perform some management function on a server (for example,gsPollingTable). When a
management station creates a row in the control table for such a table, the agent will create a row in the corresponding table thus making it ready to
be used to perform a management function for a selected server. This way, we are allowed to create multiple instances of a management object
that can be used to perform a management function for multiple servers.

For example, in case of gsPollingTable a manager will be able to perform reconfig command for multiple Stat Servers."

3. Get the value of gServerId(s) of SIP Server(s) / TServer(s) from the gServersTable.
[+] Show steps

Scan the Table view for T-Servers or SIP Servers (in the column gServerType) that have "start" in the gServerCommandLine column. These should
appear in the topmost rows of the Table View.

In the partial screen shot above, Line 2 reads "T-Server" in the gServerType column and "start" in the gServerCommandLine column. So that line
contains the information that you need.

The T-Server in this row of data has an identifying number that appears in both the gServerId column and the Index column. You will need that value

In the example, that value is: 102.

4. Then set the value 4 (createAndGo) for Name/OID: gsCtrlRowStatus.<index>.5;

…where <index> is the value of gServerId from the step above, to initiate the data collection for tsInfoTable.
Set other tables in the same way. For example: gsCtrlRowStatus.<index>.6 for tsCallTable(6).

[+] Show steps

Go to this directory: MIB Tree > > private > enterprises > genesys > servers > genericServer >
gsCleanupTimeout > gServerControlTable > gServersEntry > gsCtrlRowStatus

Select Set from the Operations drop-down. In the SNMP Set dialog box, find the OID field and append the number in it with this: ".102.5" (102 is the
gServerId for the T-Server that you found in the previous step.

In the value field, enter 4 (for and ".4" ( for createAndGo).

5. Set the refresh timeout to 5 seconds for Name/OID: gsCtrlAutomaticRefresh.<index>.5 for tsInfoTable</tt>
Use a similar method to set other tables, for example:
gsCtrlAutomaticRefresh.<index>.6 for tsCallTable(6). </ol>


Framework Management Layer User's Guide 149

SNMP Support Genesys MIB File Changes

Genesys MIB File Changes

The Genesys 7 MIB (Management Information Base) file used for SNMP support is built into the latest release of
Management Layer. This file is installed automatically, and resides in the root directory where Solution Control
Server is installed.

This section lists the differences in Genesys MIB files between releases.

Changes in 8.5
There are no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 8.5.

Changes in 8.1
There were no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 8.1.

Changes in 8.0
In release 8.0, the Genesys MIB file was modified as follows:

• apps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genesys 200 } was added to provide an extension point for applications.
This enables an application, such as Genesys Voice Platform, to register additional MIB regions that are controlled by
the application itself (not by Solution Control Server).

• The gServerStatus object was extended with the following new status levels:

• statusSuspending(7)

• statusSuspended(8)

• The table tsLinkStatsTable was added to provide current statistics about the T-Server Link.

Changes in 7.6
There were no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 7.6.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 150

Troubleshooting Genesys MIB File Changes

This section contains suggestions on how to identify and handle the most common mistakes made when you are
enabling the Management Layer functionality.

Major Checkpoints
The Management Layer must be configured correctly to function properly. When you are configuring the
Management Layer, ensure that it operates properly by using the following checklist:

• SQL server is running and configured properly.

• Configuration Server is running.

• Solution Control Server (SCS) is running.

• Local Control Agent (LCA) is running with sufficient permissions on each monitored host.

• At least one instance of Message Server is running.

• Message Server, used for centralized logging, has the db_storage configuration option set to true. (Check the
messages section on the Options tab of the Message Server Application object.)

• The Log Database scripts have been executed successfully.

• The user account that is specified in the DB Info section of the Database Access Point Application object, and is used
for accessing the Log Database, has Write permissions configured in the Database Management System (DBMS).

• All monitored applications have the verbose configuration option set to a value other than none. (Check the log
section in the Options tab of the Application object.)

• All monitored applications have the network output type specified. (Check the log section in the Options tab of the
Application object.)

• A connection to Message Server is configured in the Application object’s Connections.

• A connection to Message Server is configured in the SCS Application object’s Connections.

• In Genesys Administrator:

• A connection to the correct SCS is configured in the Configuration Manager Application object’s Connections.

• The same Database Access Point Application object is specified in the Connections of both Configuration
Manager and Message Server Application objects.

Refer to the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual for configuration option
descriptions and information about their valid values.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 151

Troubleshooting Genesys MIB File Changes

Application Start/Stop
This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling Management Layer’s control functionality.

Applications Cannot Be Started

• Make sure that LCA is running on the host on which the application is installed.

• Check the SCS log to make sure that connection to the LCA running on the application’s host is established.

• Make sure that the command-line parameters are specified in the Application object’s properties.

• Make sure LCA has sufficient permissions to start an application.

• Make sure that the application is installed on the host specified in the Application object’s Start Info section in
Genesys Administrator.

Applications Cannot Be Stopped

• Make sure LCA has sufficient permissions to stop an application.

Connectivity Failure and Microsoft’s Media-Sense Feature

In the Microsoft Windows XP operating system, when a host is disconnected from the network, LCA may start
second instances of Solution Control Server and Configuration Server even though these components are already
running. That in itself is harmless because Framework detects and terminates the additional CS instance and the
additional SCS instance never connects to Framework.

The probable cause of this effect is Microsoft's media-sense feature, included with Windows XP system, which
enables a NIC (Network Interface Card) to detect if a network cable is connected to it. The default setting of this
feature (on) has these effects:

• If any cable is disconnected, Windows disables the protocols on the adapter, which affects TCP/IP (although loopback
of in your HOSTS file still works). This affects applications that require IP connectivity to remain constant;
for example, laptops.

• If a network cable is disconnected, Windows also disables the entire network protocol stack, which means that you
cannot reach network addresses on your own system.

If you find these effects undesirable, you should disable media-sense. Use the following steps to do this for systems
that use TCP/IP.

1. Start the registry editor (regedit).

2. Move to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters

3. From the Edit menu select New - DWORD value.

4. Name the new item DisableDHCPMediaSense and press Enter.

5. Double click the new value and set it to 1.

6. Click OK.

7. Reboot the computer.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 152

Troubleshooting Genesys MIB File Changes

Point your browser to, and search for media-sense to read more information about disabling
this feature.

This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling Management Layer’s alarm-signaling

No Active Alarms in Genesys Administrator

• Check the configuration of the Alarm Condition Application object and make sure that the correct Detect Log Event ID
is specified.

• Make sure that the log message appears in a local log file.

• Make sure that all monitored applications have the network output type. (Check the log section in the Application
object’s Options tab.)

• Make sure that the verbose configuration option is set to send log messages of the needed level.

• Check the Message Server log to make sure that Message Server receives log messages.

• Make sure that the correct Message Server is configured in the SCS Application object’s Connections.

• Check the Message Server log to make sure that Message Server sends messages to SCS.

• In Genesys Administrator, make sure that the correct SCS is configured in the Configuration Manager Application
object’s Connections.

No Alarm Reactions Executed

• Make sure that the alarm is triggered (see No Active Alarms in Genesys Administrator).

• Make sure that a Script object of the Alarm Reaction type is specified on the Reaction Scripts tab of the Alarm
Condition’s properties.

No Alarm Reactions “Send SNMP Trap” Executed

• Make sure that the alarm is triggered (see No Active Alarms in Genesys Administrator).

• Make sure that a Script object of the Alarm Reaction type is specified on the Reaction Scripts tab of the Alarm
Condition’s properties.

• Make sure that the Genesys or a third-party SNMP Master Agent is installed and configured as required. See SNMP

No Alarm Reactions “Send E-Mail” Executed

• Make sure that the alarm is triggered (see No Active Alarms in Genesys Administrator).

• Make sure that a Script object of the Alarm Reaction type is specified on the Reaction Scripts tab of the Alarm
Condition’s properties.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 153

Troubleshooting Genesys MIB File Changes

• Make sure that the email system is installed and configured as required. (See Configuring E-mail Systems.)

• Make sure that the correct email address is specified for the Alarm Reaction Script object.

Alarm Reaction
This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling alarm reactions of the Send an email and Send
an SNMP Trap types.

• Make sure the host on which SCS is running has an email system, which is installed, configured, and running correctly.

See also E-Mail Alarm Reactions.

SNMP Traps
• Make sure that the SNMP Master Agent Application object is configured in the SCS Application object’s Connections.

• Make sure that the host and port parameters are specified correctly on the SNMP Master Agent Application object’s
Server Info section in Genesys Administrator).

• Make sure that the configuration options are set correctly in the SNMP Master Agent Application object’s Options tab.

See also SNMP Traps.

This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling Management Layer’s logging functionality.

No Application Logs
• Check the log section in the Application object’s Options tab and make sure that the verbose configuration option is
set to a value other than none.

• Check the log section in the Application object’s Options tab and make sure that at least one output type is specified.

No Log Messages in Genesys Administrator

• Check the log section in the Application object’s Options tab and make sure that the verbose configuration option is
set to a value other than none. Then check the value of the configuration option that corresponds to the value of
verbose and make sure that it is set to network.

• Make sure that Message Server is configured in the Application object’s Connections.

• Check the messages section in the Message Server Application object’s Options tab and make sure that the
db_storage configuration option is set to true.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 154

Troubleshooting Genesys MIB File Changes

• Make sure that a user with Write permission is configured in the DBMS and that the same user account is specified in
the DB Info section of the Database Access Point.

• In Genesys Administrator, make sure that the same Database Access Point Application object is specified in the
Connections of both Configuration Manager and Message Server.

Distributed SCS Functionality

This section suggests actions to take if you have difficulty enabling Distributed mode for Solution Control Servers
that control your environment. Refer to the Framework Deployment Guide for detailed instructions and information
about configuring distributed Solution Control Servers.

Incorrect Message Server Configuration

• Make sure you have a Message Server dedicated to support communications among Distributed Solution Control
Servers. Verify that the signature configuration option is set to the scs_distributed value in the MessageServer
section in that Message Server Application object’s Options tab.

Incorrect SCS Configuration

• Make sure that the distributed_mode configuration option is set to the ON value in the general section in each
configured SCS Application object’s Options.

• Make sure that the Message Server Application object that you dedicated to support Distributed SCS communications
is specified on each configured SCS Application object’s Connections.

Incorrect SCS Role Configuration

• If you decide not to have a main Distributed SCS control all unassigned configuration objects, make sure that the
distributed_rights configuration option is either not configured or not set to the MAIN value in the general section in
each configured SCS Application object’s Options.

• If you decide to have a main Distributed SCS control all unassigned configuration objects, make sure that the
distributed_rights configuration option in the general section is set to:

• The MAIN value in the Options of the SCS Application object you designate as the main Distributed SCS.

• The DEFAULT value in the Options for the rest of the SCS Application objects.

Incorrect Configuration of Controlled Objects

• If you decide not to have a main Distributed SCS control all unassigned configuration objects, make sure that you
assign a particular SCS to each Host, Application, and Solution object:

• For Host objects, specify a Distributed SCS for the Host object.

• For Application objects, specify a Distributed SCS for the Host object with which the Application is associated.

• For Solution objects, specify a Distributed SCS for the Solution object.

Framework Management Layer User's Guide 155

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