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<<Contents>> <<Index>>

General Model VP6H2411

Exaopc OPC Interface Package (for HIS)
Specifications Model VP6H2412
CENTUM Data Access Library
GS 33J05F10-01EN

[Release 6]

n GENERAL Functional Specifications

This document describes about Exaopc OPC interface The Exaopc OPC interface package provides an
package which provides process data server function interface compliant with the OPC specifications.
with the Human Interface Station (HIS). Exaopc
enables the client application accesses the process Data Access (DA) Server
data and events via the OPC server. With this DA Server is adopted to read and write process data
package, CENTUM VP can easily be connected with using item IDs as identifiers.
Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software Alarms & Events (A&E) Server
or Plant Information Management System (PIMS) A&E Server notifies the following alarms and events
software. that asynchronously occur in plants. (*1)
By using the CENTUM’s data access library, the client • System alarm messages
application can be developed efficiently. • Process alarm messages
• Mode/status change messages
• Sequence messages
n VP6H2411 EXAOPC OPC • Operation guide messages
INTERFACE PACKAGE (FOR HIS) • Engineering maintenance messages
The Exaopc OPC interface package (for HIS) provides • Operation record messages
an interface that is compliant with the OPC standard • Server internal errors
interface developed by the OPC Foundation. It also *1: The Exaopc OPC Interface Package
has Yokogawa’s proprietary functions to act as a more (NTPF100-S6) is required for receiving alarms
advanced interface. and events generated by Consolidated Alarm
Exaopc is an OPC server, which can be connected to Management Function (CAMS for HIS).
a variety of Process Control Systems (PCSes) and Historical Data Access (HDA) Server
provides an OPC client with process data via OPC The OPC client is enabled to access PCS data by
interface. With the package, the OPC client can acquire connecting to the HDA Server.
and define process data from DCSes and receive alarm
and events. Batch Server
Batch Server is adopted to read and write common
This General Specifications covers the specifications of
blocks and recipe data.
the Exaopc OPC Interface Package.
Major Applications
The Exaopc OPC Interface can be used in a wide
variety of the OPC client applications.
• Yokogawa’s MES packages such as Exapilot
(Operation Efficiency Improvement Package)
• User applications created by Visual Basic or Visual C#

Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J05F10-01EN

2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan ©Copyright Feb. 2015 (YK)
5th Edition July 5, 2018 (YK)
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 2
System Configuration
Server/Client Composition
Two client/server configurations are available as shown below:
• The OPC client is installed in a computer with the Exaopc.
• The OPC client is installed in a different computer from the one with the Exaopc.
Multiple Clients
Users can access one Exaopc from multiple OPC clients.
Multiple Servers
Users can access multiple Exaopc from one OPC client.

Computer Computer

client client



VP6H2411 VP6H2411
OPC server OPC server
Exaopc for HIS Exaopc for HIS

Control network

OPC interface
Process data

Figure Configuration of VP6H2411 and OPC clients

Application Capacity
DA Server HDA Server
Number of clients (Number of server objects): Number of clients (Number of server objects):
4 clients 4 clients
Number of groups (Number of group objects): Number of browser (Number of browser objects):
20 groups 8 browser/server object
Number of Item IDs: 32 browser/all server objects
1000 item IDs/group Number of item IDs: 1000 item IDs/group
20000 item IDs/ all groups Max. historical data save period: Not restricted
Cache update period (Data gathering period): (Depends on trend definitions)
1 to 3600 sec Batch Server
Throughput of data access: Number of clients (Number of server objects):
Max. 500 item IDs/sec 4 clients
A&E Server Number of groups (Number of group objects):
Number of clients (Number of server objects): 5 groups
4 clients Number of item IDs: 1000 item IDs/group
Number of event-registered objects:
Max. 20 objects
(Max. number of event subscription

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J05F10-01EN June 1, 2016-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 3
l Supported OPC Specifications VP6H2412 CENTUM DATA ACCESS
The Exaopc OPC interface package provides the OPC LIBRARY
client an interface with the following specifications:
DA Server l General
• OPC Data Access Custom Interface Specification CENTUM Data Access Library processes all the
Version 2.05A OPC communication protocols within the library and
• OPC Data Access Automation Specification Version provides an interface to access process data. With
2.0 this library, users are enabled to develop applications
• OPC Security Custom Interface Specification more efficiently since coding for complicated OPC
Version1.0 (*1) communication protocols, which demands lots of
A&E Server resources, are no longer needed.
• OPC Alarms and Events Custom Interface
Specification Version 1.10 l Functional Specifications
• OPC Security Custom Interface Specification The CENTUM Data Access Library is provided as
Version1.0 (*1) a library control for Microsoft Visual Basic.NET and
HDA Server Visual C# with the following functions:
• Yokogawa Electric Corporation’s proprietary
Station information (DA server)
specification. The HDA server refers to a server
Acquires a list of stations defined by the system
dedicated for the CENTUM data access libraries.
configuration definition and other station information
• OPC Security Custom Interface Specification
such as models and operating statuses.
Version1.0 (*1)
Tag information (DA server)
Batch Server
Acquires a list of tags contained in control stations
• Yokogawa Electric Corporation’s proprietary
and other tag information such as tag comments and
specification. The batch server refers to a server
instrument names.
dedicated for the CENTUM data access libraries.
Tag data item information (DA server)
*1: When connecting each OPC server with an OPC
Acquires a list of tag data items as well as other tag
client, a log-in user can be authenticated by user/ data item information (e.g. engineering units and item
password. comments), current values, and quality codes. Values
for tag data items can also be set.
l Operating Environment Common Block information (Batch server)
VP6H2411 Exaopc OPC Interface Package (for HIS) Acquires a list of common blocks defined in the
The operating environment is the same as Model system.
VP6H1100 Standard Operation and Monitoring Common block data item information (Batch
Function. server)
Necessary Software: Acquires a list of common block data items as well
VP6H1100 Standard Operation and Monitoring as other common block data item information (e.g.
Function engineering units and item comments), and current
values. Values for the common block data items can
OPC Client be set.
A computer with Windows OS
Recipe information (Batch server)
Windows OS and Service Pack (abbreviated as SP) Acquires information related to recipe headers (e.g.
conform to the operating environment for VP6H1100 recipe names, recipe product names), as well as
Standard Operation and Monitoring Function. lists of names of recipes defined by the system and
The following Windows OS is also supported. control recipe batch IDs.
• Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32-bit) Messages (A&E server)
• Windows 10 Pro (32-bit / 64-bit) Acquires historical messages and generates operator
guide messages using arbitrary character strings.
Trend data (HDA server)
Acquires a list of item IDs (“tag name, tag data item
name, and data acquisition cycle”) of target historical
trend data as well as historical trend data during the
specified period.
Closing data (HDA server)
Acquires a list of item IDs (“tag name. tag data item
name”) of target closing data, and closing data during
the specified period.
HIS Startup information (A&E server)
Acquires the start date and time of the HIS which is
the target of the OPC server.
Event (A&E server)
Acknowledges the occurrence of sequence
messages, operator guide messages, and HIS
shutdown as events.

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J05F10-01EN July 5, 2018-00
<<Contents>> <<Index>> 4
l Operating Environment l Application Capacity
User Application Development Environment The same application capacity as the VP6H2411
The following user application development Exaopc OPC Interface Package (for HIS) applies.
environments are supported.
• Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Visual Basic (*1) n MODEL AND SUFFIX CODES
• Visual Studio 2012 Visual Basic (*2)
• Visual Studio 2013 Visual Basic (*2) Exaopc OPC Interface Package (for HIS)
• Visual Studio 2017 Visual Basic (*3)
• Visual Studio 2008 SP1 C# (*1)
• Visual Studio 2012 C# (*2) Exaopc OPC Interface Package
Model VP6H2411
• Visual Studio 2013 C# (*2) (for HIS)
• Visual Studio 2017 Visual C# (*3) -V Software license
Note: The CENTUM data access library can be used by Suffix
1 Always 1
32-bit or larger applications. Codes
Programs must be developed as 32-bit 1 English version
*1: Visual Studio 2008 is supported by R6.05 or CEMTUM Data Access Library
before. But it does not support Windows 10 by
R6.04 and R6.05. Description
*2: Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 is supported by
R6.05 or before. Model VP6H2412 CENTUM Data Access Library
*3: Visual Studio 2017 is supported by R6.06 or later. -V Software license
But it does not support Windows 10 Enterprise
2016 LTSB and Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2016 1 Always 1
1 English version
User Application Execution Environment
An HIS or a computer connected to the network.
As for Windows OS and associated Service Packs, n ORDERING INFORMATION
the operating environment must conform with the ones Specify model and suffix codes.
for VP6H1100 Standard Operation and Monitoring
Function. The following Windows OS can also be used
for computers other than HIS. n TRADEMARKS
• Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32-bit) • CENTUM and Exaopc are either registered
• Windows 10 Pro (32-bit / 64-bit) trademarks or trademarks of Yokogawa Electric
VP6H2412 CENTUM Data Access Library
• All other company or product names appearing in this
The same operating environment for as the VP6H1100
document are trademarks or registered trademarks of
Standard Operation and Monitoring Function is applied.
their respective holders.
Necessary Software:
VP6H1100 Standard Operation and Monitoring
Function, VP6H2411 Exaopc OPC Interface Package
(for HIS), and VP6H6660 (*1) Process Management
Package are required.
*1: Required when accessing batch data (common
blocks and recipe data). Batch data access is not
supported for CENTUM CS system.

User Application
Library Interface



User Application

VP6H2411 OPC Server

Exaopc for HIS

Control Network

OPC Interface FCS

Process data

Figure HIS or a computer where user applications

are performed

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2015, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 33J05F10-01EN July 5, 2018-00
Subject to change without notice.

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