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BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the following persons who helped

and made this wire communication design possible.

First of all, to the Almighty God who gave the authors the knowledge and strength to finish this

book review.

To their friends and classmates for the help and encouragement imparted to them.

To their adviser Engr. Jaime P. Licuanan who assisted and taught them the necessary

information in order to correctly summarize the Electronic Communications Systems by Wayne


And to those whom they forgot to mention, their sincerest and deepest thanks to all of you.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


Electronic The fundamental purpose of _______________ is to transfer
Communication information from one place to another.
It can be summarized as the transmission, reception, and processing
Electronic of information between two or more locations using electronic
Communication circuits.

Are time-varying voltages or currents that are continuously

changing such as sine and cosine waves.
Analog signals
This are voltages or currents that change in discrete steps or levels
Digital signals
The process to transfer the information in the form of dots, dashes
and space between a simple transmitter and receiver using
transmission line consisting of a length of metallic wire.
Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson were the first to
successfully transfer human conversation over a crude metallic-
Telephone wire communications systems using this device.

Is a logarithmic unit that can be used to measure ratio.

Decibel ( dB )
Is a unit of measurement used to indicate the ratio of a power level
with respect to a fixed reference level (1mW).

Electronic Communications Time Line

American scientist and professor Joseph Henry transmitted the first
1830 practical electrical signal.

Samuel Finley Breese Morse invented the telegraph.

Alexander Bain invented the facsimile.
Johann Phillip Reis completed the first nonworking telephone.
James Clerk Maxwell released his paper “Dynamic Theory of the
Electromagnetic Field” in which concludes that light, electricity
and magnetism are related.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Dr. Mahlon Loomis became the first person to communicate

1865 wireless through earth’s atmosphere.

First transatlantic telegraph cable was installed.

Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson Invented the
1876: telephone.

Thomas Alva Edison invents the phonograph.

1880 Heinrich Hertz discovers electromagnetic waves.
Heinrich Hertz discovers radio waves.
Marchese Guglielmo Marconi demonstrates wireless radio wave

Heinrich Hertz detects and produces radio waves.

Heinrich Hertz conclusively proved Maxwell’s prediction that
electricity can travel in waves through earth’s atmosphere.

Marchese Guglielmo Marconi builds his first radio equipment, a

1894 device that rings a bell from 30 ft. away.

Marchese Guglielmo Marconi discovered ground wave

1895 propagation.

Marchese Guglielmo Marconi established the first radio link

1898 between England and France.

American Scientist Reginald A. Fessenden the world’s first radio

1900 broadcast using continous waves.

Marchese Guglielmo Marconi transmits telegraphic radio messages

from Cornwall, to Newfoundland. Reginald A. Fessenden transmits
the World’s first radio broadcast using continuous waves. First
successful transatlantic transmission of radio signal.

Valdemar Poulsen patents an arc transmission that generates

continuous wave transmission 100-kHz signal that is receivable 150
miles away.

First radio transmission of music at Graz, Austria.

Marchese Guglielmo Marconi invents the directional radio antenna.
Reginald A. Fessenden invents amplitude modulation (AM).First
1906 radio program of voice and music broadcasted in the United States

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

by Reginald Fessenden. Lee DeFrorest invents triode (three-

electrode) vacuum tube.

Reginald Fessenden invents a high- frequency Electric generator

1907 that produces radio waves with a frequency of 100 kHz

General Electric develops a 100-kHz, 2-kW alternator for radio

1908 communications.

The Radio Act of 1910 is the first concurrence of government

1910 regulation of radio technology and services.

The Radio Act of 1912 in the United States brought order to the
radio bands by requiring station and operators licenses and
assigning blocks of the frequency spectrum to the existing users.

The cascade-tuning radio receiver and the heterodyne receiver are

1913 introduced.

Major Edwin Armstrong develops the superheterodyne radio

1914 receiver

Vacuum-tube radio transmitters introduced.

1919 Shortwave radio is developed.
Radio Station KDKA broadcasts the first regular licensed radio
transmission out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Radio Corporation of America (RCA) begins operating Radio
Central on Long Island. The American Radio League establishes
contact via shortwave radio with Paul Godley in Scotland, proving
that shortwave radio can be used for long distance communications.

Vladimir Zworykin invents and demonstrates television.

A temporary five- member Federal Radio Commission agency was
created in the
United States.

Radio station WRNY in New York City begins broadcasting

1928 television shows

Major Edwin Armstrong patents wide- band frequency modulation

1931 (FM).

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) created to regulate

telephone, radio, and television broadcasting.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Commercial FM radio broadcasting begins with monophonic

1935 transmission.

Alec H. Reeves invents binary coded pulse-code modulation.

1937 (PCM)

National Broadcasting Company (NBC) demonstrates television

broadcasting. First use of two-way radio communications using

Columbia University Radio Club opens the first regularly

1941 scheduled FM radio station.

Television is born. FM is moved from its original home of 42 MHz

1945 to 50 MHZ to 88 MHz to 108 Mhz

The American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)

inaugurated the first mobile telephone system for the public
called MTS

John Von Neumann created the first store program electronic

digital computer. Bell Telephone Laboratories unveiled the
1948 transistor, a joint venture of scientist William Shockley, John
Bardeen and Walter Brattain.

First transcontinental microwave system began operation.

Sony Corporation offers a miniature transistor radio, one of the first
1952 massproduced consumer AM/FM radios.

RCA and MBC broadcast first color television transmission.

The number of radio stations in the world exceeds the number of
newspapers printed daily.Texas Instruments becomes the first
company to commercially produce silicon transistors.

First transatlantic telephone cable systems began carrying calls.

Russia launches the world’s first satellite. (Sputnik)
Kilby and Noyce develop first integrated circuits.NASA launched
1958 the United States first satellite

FCC approves FM stereo broadcasting, which spurs the

development of FM. Citizens band (CB) radio first used.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

U.S. radio stations begin broadcasting stereophonic sound.

T1 (transmission 1) digital carrier systems introduced.
First commercial communications satellite launched.
High-definition television (HDTV) introduced in Japan.
First commercial use of optical fiber cables.
Cellular telephone networks introduced in the United States.
HDTV standards implemented in the United States.
Digital Television (DTV) transmission began in the United States.
A power loss is sometimes called.
A collection of one or more electronic devices or circuits that
converts the original source information to a form more suitable for
Transmitter transmission over a particular transmission medium.

Provides a means of transporting signals between a transmitter and

Transmission Medium a receiver.

Is any unwanted electrical signals that interfere with the

System Noise information signal

A collection of electronic devices and circuits that accepts the

transmitted signals fro the transmission medium and then converts
Receiver those signals back to their original form.

Because it is often impractical to propagate information signals

over standard transmission media, it is often necessary to modulate
the source information onto a higher- frequency analog signal called
a ______.

The process of changing one or more properties of the analog

carrier in proportion with the information signal.

A system in which energy is transmitted and received in analog

form (a continuously varying signals such as a sine wave).

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It is the term covers a broad range of communications technique,

Digital including digital transmission and digital radio.
A true digital system where digital pulses (discrete levels such as
+5V and ground) are transferred between two or more points in a
Digital Transmission communications system.

The transmittal of digitally modulated analog carriers between two

or more points in a communications system.
Digital radio
A modulation technique where the information signal is analog and
Amplitude Modulation the amplitude (V) of the carrier is varied proportional to the
( AM ) information signal.

A modulation technique where the information signal is analog and

Frequency Modulation the frequency (f) of the carrier is varied proportional to the
( FM ) information signal.

A modulation technique where the information signal is analog and

the phase () of the carrier is varied proportional to the information
Phase Modulation signal.

A modulation technique where the information signal is digital and

Amplitude Shift
that amplitude (V) of the carrier is varied proportional to the
information signal.
( ASK)
A modulation technique where the information signal is digital and
Frequency Shift
the frequency (f) of the carrier is varied proportional to the
information signal.
( FSK )
A modulation technique where the information signal is digital and
Phase Shift Keying the phase () of the carrier is varied proportional to the information
( PSK) signal.

Quadrature Amplitude
A modulation technique where both the amplitude and the phase of
the carrier are varied proportional to the information signal.
( QAM )
Modulation is performed in a transmitter by a circuit called?
The reverse process of modulation and converts the modulated
carrier back to the original information.
Demodulation is performed in a receiver by a circuit called?

2 Reasons why modulation is necessary in electronic communications :

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

1. It is extremely difficult to radiate low-frequency signals from an antenna in the form of

electromagnetic energy.
2. Information signals often occupy the same frequency band and, if signals from two or
more sources are transmitted at the same time, they would interfere with each other.

A specific band of frequencies allocated a particular service.

Process of converting a frequency or band of frequencies to another
location in the total frequency spectrum.
Frequency Translation
The purpose of an electronic communications system is to
communicate information between two or more locations
Stations commonly called?

The number of times a periodic motion, such as a sine wave of

voltage or current, occurs in a given period of time.
Each complete alternation of the waveform.
Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum is divided into
_____________ with each band having a different boundary.
Subsections or bands
International Is an international agency in control of allocating frequencies and
Telecommunications services within the overall frequency spectrum.
Union ( ITU )
Federal In the United States, assigns frequencies and communications
Communications services for free-space radio propagation.
Commission ( FCC )

Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum

Radio Frequency Band Optical Fiber Band

Terrestrial Microwave
AM FM Satellite Gamma Cosmic
radio TV and radar Infrared Visible Ultraviolet X-ray ray ray

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Frequency (Hz)

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Designation

Band Number Frequency Range Designation
2 30 Hz - 300 Hz ELF (Extremely Low
3 0.3 KHz - 3 KHz VF (Voice Frequency)
4 3 KHz - 30 KHz VLF (Very Low Frequency)
5 30 KHz - 300 KHz LF (Low Frequency)
6 0.3 MHz - 3 MHz MF (Medium Frequency)
7 3 MHz - 30MHz HF (High Frequency)
8 30 MHz – 300 MHz VHF (Very High Frequency)
9 300 MHz – 3 GHz UHF (Ultra High Frequency)
10 3 GHz – 30 GHz SHF (Super High Frequency)
11 30 GHz – 300 GHz EHF (Extremely High
12 0.3 THz – 3 THz Infrared Light
13 3 THz – 30 THz Infrared Light
14 30 THz – 300 THz Infrared Light
15 0.3 PHz – 3 PHz Visible Light
16 3 PHz – 30 PHz Ultraviolet Light
17 30 PHz – 300 PHz X-Rays
18 0.3 EHz – 3 EHz Gamma Rays
19 3 EHz – 30 EHz Cosmic Rays
Extremely Low Are signals in the 30Hz to 300Hz range and include ac power
Frequencies ( ELF ) distribution signals (60Hz) and low frequency telemetry signals.
Are signals in the 300Hz to 3000Hz range and include frequencies
Voice Frequencies
generally associated with human speech.
( VF )
Are signals in the 3kHz to 30kHz range which include the upper
Very Low Frequencies
end of the human hearing range.
( VLF )
Are signals in the 30kHz to 300kHz range and are used primarily
Low Frequencies
for marine and aeronautical navigation.
( LF )
Are signals in the 300kHz to 3MHz range and are used primarily
Medium Frequencies
for commercial AM radio broadcasting (535kHz-1605kHz).
( MF )
Are signals in the 3MHz to 30MHz range and are often referred to
High Frequencies
as short waves. Used for most two-way radio communications.
( HF )
Are signals in the 30MHz to 300MHz range and are used for
Very High Frequencies mobile radio, marine and aeronautical communications,

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

( VHF ) commercial FM broadcasting (88 to 108MHz) and commercial TV

broadcasting of Ch 2 to 13 (54MHz to 216MHz).

Are signals in the 300MHz to 3GHz range and are used by

commercial television broadcasting of channels 14 to 83, land
Ultrahigh Frequencies mobile communications services, cellular telephones, certain radar
( UHF ) and navigation systems, and microwave and satellite radio systems.

Are signals in the 3GHz to 30GHz range and include the majority
Super High
of the frequencies used for microwave and satellite radio
communications systems.
( SHF )
Are signals in the 30GHz to 300GHz range and are seldom used for
Extremely High
radio communications except in very sophisticated, expensive, and
specialized applications.
( EHF )
Are signals in the 0.3THz to 300THz range and are not generally
referred to as radio waves. Used in heat seeking guidance systems,
Infrared electronic photography, and astronomy.

Includes electromagnetic frequencies that fall within the visible

range of humans (0.3PHz to 3PHz).
Visible Light
Light-wave Used for optical fiber systems.
The length that one cycle of an electromagnetic wave occupies in
space (i.e., the distance between similar points in a repetitive
Wavelength wave).

Radio transmitter classifications according to bandwidth,

modulation scheme, and type of information.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Emission Designation

 The first symbol is a letter that designates the type of modulation of the main carrier.
 The second symbol is a number that identifies the type of emission.
 The third symbol is another letter that describes the type of information being


First Unmodulated

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

N Unmodulated Carrier
A Double-Sideband Full Carrier (DSBFC)
B Independent Sideband Full Carrier (ISBFC)
C Vestigial Sideband Full Carrier (VSB)
H Single-Sideband Full Carrier (SSBFC)
J Single-Sideband Suppressed Carrier (SSBSC)
R Single-Sideband Reduced Carrier (SSBRC)
Angle Modulation
F Frequency Modulation (Direct FM)
G Phase Modulation ( Indirect Modulation)
D AM and FM Simultaneously or Sequenced
Phase Modulation
K Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
L Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
M Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)
P Unmodulated Pulses (Binary Data)
Q Angle Modulation During Pulses
V Any Combination of Pulse-Modulation Category
W Any Combination of two or more of the above
forms of modulation
X Cases Otherwise Covered
Second 0 No Modulating Signal
1 Digitally Keyed Carrier
2 Digitally Keyed Tone
3 Analog (sound or video)
7 Two or More Digital Channel
8 Two or More Analog Channel
9 Analog or Digital
Third A Telegraphy, Manual
B Telegraphy, Automatic (teletype)
C Facsimile
D Data, Telemetry
E Telephony (Sound Broadcasting)
F Television (Video Broadcasting)
N No Information Transmitted
W Any Combination of Second letter
The two most significant limitations on the performance of a
Noise and Bandwidth communications system are?

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It is the range of frequency over which the operation of a system is

guaranteed satisfactory.
The bandwidth of a communications channel is the difference
between the highest and lowest frequencies that the channel will
Passband allow to pass through it.

A highly theoretical study of the efficient use of bandwidth to

propagate information through electronic communications systems.
Information Theory
The measure of how much information can be propagated through a
communications system and is a function of bandwidth and
Information Capacity transmission time.

The most basic digital symbol used to represent information.

Binary Digit / Bit
The number of bits transmitted during one second and is expressed
in bits per second (bps).
Bit Rate
In 1928, R. Hartley of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed a
Hartley’s Law
useful relationship among bandwidth, transmission time, and
information capacity.
I Bxt
Shannon limit for
information capacity


In 1948, mathematician Claude E. Shannon published a paper in the

Bell System Technical Journal relating the information capacity of
a communications channel to bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio.
I = Information
B = Bandwidth
= Nsignal to noise ratio
Any undesirable electrical energy that falls within the passband of
Electrical Noise the signal.

Noise present regardless of whether there is a signal present or not.

Uncorrelated Noise
Noise that is generated outside the device or circuit.
External Noise

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Noise that is naturally occurring electrical disturbances that

Atmospheric Noise originate within Earth’s atmosphere.

Atmospheric noise is commonly called?

Static Electricity
Noise consists of electrical signals that originate from outside
Extraterrestrial Noise Earth’s atmosphere.

Extraterrestrial noise is sometimes called?

Deep-Space Noise
Noise generated directly from the sun’s heat.
Solar Noise
Noise sources that are continuously distributed throughout the
Cosmic Noise galaxies.

Cosmic Noise is often called?

Black-body Noise
Noise that is produced by mankind.
Man-made Noise
Man-made noise is most intense in the more densely populated
metropolitan and industrial areas and therefore it is sometimes
Industrial Noise called?

Electrical interference generated within a device or circuit.

Internal Noise
Noise caused by the random arrival of carriers (holes and electrons)
at the output element of an electronic device.
Shot Noise
Any modification to a stream of carriers as they pass from the input
to the output of a device produces irregular, random variations.
Transit-time Noise
Associated with the rapid and random movement of electrons
within a conductor due to thermal agitation.
Thermal Noise


 Thermal Noise, because it is temperature dependent;

 Brownian Noise, after its discoverer;
 Johnson Noise, after the man who related Brownian particle movement of electron
 White Noise, because the random movement is at all frequencies;

A thermal noise source is sometimes called?

White Noise Source

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Electrical Noise Source Summary

Correlated Noise (Internal)
Nonlinear Distortion
Harmonic Distortion
Intermodulation Distortion
Uncorrelated Noise
Transient Time
Noise Power

N = noise factor
B = bandwidth (Hz)
K = Boltzmann’s proportionality Johnson proved that thermal noise power is proportional to the
T = absolute temp.(Kelvin) product of bandwidth and temperature.

A form of internal noise that is correlated (mutually related) to the

signal and cannot be present in a circuit unless there is a signal.
Correlated Noise “No signal, No noise! “

Is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.

Occurs when unwanted harmonics of a signal are produced through
nonlinear amplification (nonlinear mixing).
Harmonic Distortion
Another name for harmonic distortion.
Amplitude Distortion
The generation of unwanted sum and difference frequencies
produced when two or more signals mix in a nonlinear device.
The original signal and also called the fundamental frequency.
First Harmonic
A frequency two times the original signal frequency.
Second Harmonic

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A frequency three times the original signal frequency.

Third Harmonic
Characterized by high-amplitude peaks of short duration in the total
Impulse Noise noise spectrum.

A form of external noise and as the name implies it means to

Interference disturb or detract form.

Noise produced when information signals from one source produce

frequencies that fall outside their allocated bandwidth and interfere
Electrical interference with information signals from another source.

Signal-to-Noise Power
Ratio ( S/N )
The ratio of the signal power level to the noise power level.

Figures of merit used to indicate how much the signal- to-noise

Noise Factor ( F )
ratio deteriorates as a signal passes through a circuit or series of
Noise Figure ( NF )



NF (dB) = 10 log F

It is used to calculate the total noise factor of several cascaded

Friiss Formula

Friiss Formula
F2 1 F3 1 Fn 1
A1 A1 A2 A1A2 An

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Note that to use the Friiss formula, the noise figure must be converted to noise factor. The total
noise figure is simply

N FT (dB) 10 log FT

Equivalent Noise
A convenient parameter often used rather than noise figure in low
noise, sophisticated VHF, UHF, microwave, and satellite radio
( Te )
receivers. It indicates the reduction in the signal-to-noise ratio a
signal undergoes as it propagates through a receiver.
Te = T ( F – 1 )



The amplitude changes continuously with respect to time with no

Analog Signals
breaks and discontinuities.

The amplitude maintains a constant level for a prescribed period of

Digital Signals
time and then it changes to another level.

Quaternary Digital
A four-level digital signal.

Are voltage- or current-time variations that can be represented by a

Electrical Signals
series of sine or cosine waves.

Is the mathematical analysis of the frequency, bandwidth and voltage

Signal Analysis
level of a signal.

Periodic Wave
A wave that repeats at a uniform rate.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Time Domain Is a representation of signal with respect to time.

Signal Waveform Is an amplitude-versus-time representation of the signal.

Frequency Domain Is a description of signal with respect to its frequency.

Nonsinusoidal, Is any repetitive waveform that is comprised of more than one

Complex Wave harmonically related sine or cosine wave.

Used to analyze a complex periodic wave, developed in 1826 by the

Fourier Series
French physicist and mathematician Baron Jean Fourier.

Is a mathematical tool that allows us to move back and forth between

Fourier Analysis
the time and frequency domains.

Duty Cycle Is the ratio of the active time pulse to the period of the waveform.

Harmonic Is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.

Is the first harmonic and equal to the frequency of the waveform.

Wave Symmetry Describes the symmetry of the waveform in the time domain.

A symmetric periodic voltage waveform that is said to have axes or

Even Symmetry

A symmetric periodic voltage waveform that is said to have point or

Odd Symmetry

A symmetric periodic voltage waveform which has a first half cycle

Half-Wave Symmety that repeats itself except with the opposite sign for the second half

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Consists of all the frequencies contained in the waveform and their

Frequency Spectrum
respective amplitudes plotted in the frequency domain.

Bandwidth Is the range of frequencies contained in the spectrum.

Rectangular Pulses Used to analyze electronics communications circuits.

Is the rate at which energy is dissipated, delivered, or used and is a

Electrical Power
function of the square of the voltage or current.

Changing the signal’s frequency content and, thus, the shape of its

Is the process of combining two or more signals and is an essential

process in electronic communications.

Occurs when two or more signals combine in a linear device, such as

Linear Summing
a passive network or a small-amplifier.

Occurs when two or more signals are combined in a nonlinear device

Nonlinear Mixing
such as diode or large-signal amplifier.

It is when the generation of harmonics is undesired in nonlinear

Harmonic Distortion
amplification of a single frequency.

Frequency It is when the generation of harmonics is undesired in nonlinear

Multiplication amplification of a single frequency.

Intermodulation It is when the produced cross-products are undesired when two or

Distortion more frequencies mix in a nonlinear device.

Modulation It is when the produced cross-products are undesired when two or

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

more frequencies mix in a nonlinear device.

 The dc component is equal to the pulse amplitude times the duty

 There are 0-V components at frequency 1/Ƭ hertz and all integer
Characteristics of a multiplies of that frequency providing T = nƬ, where n = any odd
Repititive integer.
Rectangular Wave  The amplitude-versus- frequency time envelope of the spectrum
components take on the shape of a damped sine wave in which all
spectrum components in odd-numbered lobes are positive and all
spectrum components in even-numbered lobes are negative.

v(t) = V sin(2π ft + θ) or v(t) = V cos(2π ft + θ)

i(t) = I sin(2π ft + θ) or i(t) = I cos(2π ft + θ)

Single-Frequency v(t) = time-varying voltage sine wave
Voltage and Current i(t) = time-varying current sine wave
Waveform V = peak voltage (Volts)
f = frequency (Hertz)
θ = phase shift (Radians)
I = peak current (Amperes)
2πf = angular velocity (Radians per Second)

f(t) = A0 + A1 cos α + A2 cos 2α + A3 cos 3α + . . . An cos nα

+ A0 + B1 sin β1 + B2 sin 2β + B3 sin 3β + . . . Bn sin nβ
Fourier Series

f(t) = dc + fundamental + 2nd harmonic + 3rd harmonic + . . . nth

Harmonic Equation

Even Symmetry
Even Functions : f(t) = f(-t)

Odd Symmetry
Odd Functions : f(t) = -f(-t)

Half-Wave Symmetry
Half-Wave Functions : f(t) = -f(T + t) / 2

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Duty Cycle DC = (Ƭ / T)

%DC = (Ƭ / T) x 100

Duty Cycle Percent Where:

DC = duty cycle as a decimal
%DC = duty cycle as a percent
Ƭ = pulse width of the rectangle wave (seconds)
T = period of the rectangular wave (second)

v(t) = (VƬ / T) + (2VƬ / T)[(sin x / x)(cos ωt) + (sin 2x / 2x)(cos 2ωt)

+(sin nx / nx)(cos nωt)]

Fourier Series for

Rectangular Voltage
v(t) = time-varying voltage wave
Ƭ = pulse width of the rectangular wave (seconds)
T = period of the rectangular wave (seconds)
x = π (Ƭ / T)
n = nth harmonic and can be any positive integer value
V = peak pulse amplitude (volts)

V0 = ( V )(Ƭ / T)

V0 = ( V )(DC)
Waveform with
0 Hz (dc) Component
V0 = dc voltage (volts)
DC = duty cycle as a decimal
Ƭ = pulse of the rectangular wave (seconds)
T = period of the rectangular wave (seconds)

Amplitude of the nth Vn = (2VƬ / T)(sin nx / nx)

Vn = (2VƬ / T)[(sin(nπƬ / T)) / (nπƬ / T)

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Vn = peak amplitude of the nth harmonic (volts)
n = nth harmonic (any positive integer)
π = 3.14159 radians
V = peak amplitude of the rectangular wave (seconds)
Ƭ = pulse width of the wave (seconds)
T = period of the rectangular wave (seconds)



Oscillate Is to fluctuate between two states or conditions, to vibrate or change.

Oscillating Is the act of fluctuating from one state to another state.

Oscillator Is a device that produces electronic oscillations.

Electrical Oscillation Is a repetitive change in a voltage or current waveform.

Also known as free-running oscillators, wherein the changes in

waveform are continuous and repetitive, in other words, they occur a
periodic wave.

Also known as triggered or one-shot oscillators, are those who

Not Self-sustaining
requires an external input signal or trigger to produce a change in the
output waveform.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Is an amplifier with a feedback loop. It generates an ac output signal

Feedback Oscillator of which a small portion is fed back to the input, where it is

States that, for a feedback circuit to sustain oscillations, the net

voltage gain around the feedback loop must be unity or greater, and
Barkhausen Criterion
the net phase shift around the loop must be a positive integer
multiple of 360°.

 Amplification – an oscillator circuit must include at least on active

device and be capable of voltage amplification.

 Positive Feedback – an oscillator circuit must have a complete path for

a portion of the output signal to be returned to the input.
Four Requirements
for Feedback  Frequency-determining components – an oscillator circuit must have
Oscillator to Work frequency-determining components such as resistors, capacitors,
inductors, or crystal to all the frequency of operation to be set or

 Power Source – an oscillator circuit must have a source of electrical

energy, such as a dc power supply.

Regenerative Also called as positive feedback, where its phase aids the oscillation
Feedback process.

Degenerative Also called as negative feedback and supplies a feedback signal that
Feedback inhibits oscillations from occurring.

Open-loop Voltage Is the voltage gain of the amplifier with the feedback path open
Gain circuited.

Closed-loop Voltage Is the overall voltage gain of the complete circuit with the feedback
Gain loop closed and is always less than the open-loop voltage gain.

The transfer function of the feedback network. For a passive

Feedback Ratio
feedback network, the feedback ratio is always less than 1.

Oscillator Is an unturned RC phase shift oscillator that uses both positive and

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

negative feedback. It is a relatively stable, low-frequency oscillator

circuit that is easily tuned and commonly used in signal generators to
produce frequencies between 5 Hz and 1 MHz.

Is a reactive voltage divider in which the input voltage is divided

Lead-lag Network between Z1 (the series combination of R1 and C1) and Z2 (the
parallel combination of R2 and C2). A frequency selective network.

Automatic Gain Is a network added in a circuit to compensate the imbalances in the

Control (AGC) bridge (Wien) ajd variations in the component values due to heat.

Is an oscillator circuit that utilizes tuned LC tank circuits for the

LC Oscillator frequency-determining components. Tank circuit operation involves
an exchange of energy between kinetic and potential.

Is an oscillator circuit comprising of two inductors connected in

Hartley Oscillator series and capacitor that is connected in parallel with the two

Is an oscillator circuit comprising of two capacitors connected in

Colpitts Oscillator series and an inductor that is connected in parallel with the two

Is an identical circuit of Colpitts oscillator with the addition of a

Clapp Oscillator
small capacitor placed in series with the first inductor.

Is the ability to remain at a fixed frequency and is of primary

Frequency Stability
importance in the communications systems.

Short-term Stability Affected predominantly by fluctuations in dc operating voltages.

Is a function of component aging and changes in the ambient

Long-term Stability
temperature and humidity.

Crystal Oscillators Are feedback oscillator circuits in which the LC tank circuit is
replaced with a crystal for the frequency-determining component.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Is the study of the form, structure, properties, and classification of


Occurs when oscillating mechanical stresses applied across a crystal

Piezoelectric Effect
lattice structure generate electrical oscillations and vice versa.

Natural crystal  Quartz

substances that
 Rochelle Salt
exhibits piezoelectric
 Tourmaline

Positive Temperature If the direction of the frequency change is the same as the
Coefficient temperature change.

If the change in frequency is in the direction opposite to the
temperature change.

Crystal Oscillator Consists of a crystal-controlled oscillator and a voltage-variable

Module component such as a varactor diode.

Is a free-running oscillator with a stable frequency of oscillation that

depends on an external timing capacitance, timing resistance, and
control voltage.

Ex: XR-2207
Monolithic Voltage-
controlled Oscillators
An integrated circuit featuring excellent frequency stability and a
wide tuning range.

Monolithic Precision
Oscillators Ex: XR-2209

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A monolithic variable-frequency oscillator circuit featuring

excellent temperature stability and a wide linear sweep range.

Is an extremely versatile circuit used extensively in modern

electronic communications systems for performing a wide variety of
functions, including modulation, demodulation, signal processing,
Phase-locked Loop
carrier and clock recovery, frequency generation, frequency
synthesis, and a wide variety of other electronic communications

Sometimes called a phase detector, is a nonlinear device with two

Phase Comparator
input signals: an external input frequency and the VCO input signal.

 Free running
3 Operating States of
 Capture
 Lock

Either there is no external input frequency or the feedback loop is

Free Running State

There must be an external input signal, and the feedback loop must
Capture State
be complete.

The VCO output frequency is locked onto (equal to) the frequency
Lock State
of the external input signal.

Acquisition Time or
The time required to achieve lock.
Pull-in Time

Is defined as the band of frequencies centered around the VCO

natural frequency where the PLL can initially establish or acquire
Capture Range
frequency lock with an external input signal from an unlocked

Is defined as the band of frequencies centered on the VCO’s natural

Lock Range
frequency over which a PLL can maintain frequency lock with an
external input signal. Also known as tracking range.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Hold-in Range Is the lock range expressed as a peak value.

Sometimes called as a phase comparator, is a nonlinear device with

Phase Detector two input signals: an external input frequency and the VCO output

Is simply the product of the individual gains or transfer functions

Loop Gain for PLL
around the loop.

Used to track digital pulses rather than analog signals, such as in

Digital PLL
clock recovery circuits.

Synthesize Means to form an entity by combining parts or elements.

Used to generate many output frequencies through addition,

subtraction, multiplication, and division of a smaller number of fixed
frequency sources.

Multiple-crystal Uses nonlinear mixing and filtering to produce 128 different

Frequency Synthesis frequencies from 20 crystals and two oscillator modules.

The minimum frequency separation between output frequencies for a


Single-crystal Uses frequency addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to

Frequency Synthesis generate frequencies (in 1 Hz steps) from 1 Hz to 999,999 Hz.

fO = 1 / 2πRC
Frequency of
Oscillation (fO ) for Where:
RC Oscillators R = R1 = R2
C = C1 = C2

Frequency of fO = 1 / 2π√LC
Oscillation (fO ) for
Hartley Oscillators Where:
L = L1a + L1b

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

C = C1

fO = 1 / 2π√LC
Frequency of
Oscillation (fO ) for Where:
Colpitts Oscillators L = L1
C = (C1aC1b) / (C1a + C1b)

Δf = k (fn ΔC)

Change of Frequency
Δf = change in frequency (Hertz)
in Crystal
k = temperature coeffiecient (Hz/MHz/°C)
fn = natural crystal frequency (Megahertz)
ΔC = change in temperature (degrees Celsius)

Frequency Operation
fO = fn + Δf
of Crystal

Series Resonant
Frequency of Quartz f1 = 1 / 2π√LC1

Parallel Resonant f1 = 1 / 2π√LC

Frequency of Quartz
Crystal Where:
C = the series combination of C 1 and C2

Cd = C / √(1 + 2 l Vr l )

Capacitance of
Varactor Diode
C = diode capacitance with 0 V reverse bias (Farads)
l Vr l = magnitude of fiode reverse-bias voltage (Volts)
Cd = reverse-biased diode capacitance (Farads)

Formula for
Determining Two f1 = 1 / R1 C

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Frequencies of f2 = 1 / R2 C
Operation of a
Monolithic Function Where:
Generator R1 = resistor connected to pin 7
R2 = resistor connected to pin 8

Frequency of f = (1 / RC)(1 + (R / RC)([1 - VC] / 3)) (Hz)

Oscillation Related to
VC Where:
VC = Control Voltage

K = (Δf / ΔVC) = (-0.32 / RCC) (Hz / V)
Conversion Gain K

fO = fn ± Δf

Output Frequency of
fO = VCO output frequency (Hertz)
fn = VCO natural frequency (Hertz)
Δf = f1 – fn (Hertz)
f1 = external input frequency (Hertz)

Ko = Δf / ΔV

Transfer Function of Where:

VCO Ko = input-versus-output transfer function (Hertz per Volt)
ΔV = change in the input control voltage (Volts)
Δf = change in the output frequency (Hertz)

θe = θi – θo
Phase Difference or
Phase Error in Phase
θe = phase error (radians)
θi = phase of the VCO output signal voltage (radians)
θo = phase of the external input signal voltage (radians)

Transfer Function for

a Square-wave Phase Kd = Vd / θe = 2Vd / π
Comparator for

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Phase Errors between Where:

0° to 180° K d = transfer function or gain (Volts per Radian)
Vd = phase comparator output voltage (Volts)
θe = phase error (θi – θo) (radians)
π = 3.14 radians

KL = KdKfK aKo

K L = PLL open-loop gain (Hertz per radian)
PLL Open-loop Gain
K d = phase comparator gain (volts per radian)
K f = low-pass filter gain
K a = amplifier gain
K o = VCO gain (Hertz per volt)

±Vd(max) = [θ e(max)](Kd)

= ± (π / 2)rad x (K d)
Maximum Phase
Comparator Output
±Vd(max) = maximum peak change at the phase comparator output
K d = phase comparator transfer function

Maximum Change in
VCO Output ±Δfmax = ± (π / 2)rad x K dKfK aKo

Capture Range capture range = (2√Δfmax ) / RC

lock range = 2Δfmax = 2πK L

Lock Range
K L = K dKfKo for a simple loop with a PLF, phase comparator,
and VCO
= KdKfKaKo for a loop with an amplifier

VCO Running fn = f (1+ (0.6 / Rx ))

Frequency = (200 / Co )(1+(0.6 / Rx ))

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

fn = VCO free-running frequency (Hertz)
f = VCO output frequency with pin 10 open circuited (Hertz)
Rx = external resistance (kiloohms)
Co = external timing capacitor (microfarads)

Ko = (700 / Co Ro ) (rad/s) / V
VCO Transfer
K o = VCO conversion gain (radians per second per volt)
Co = capacitance (microfarads)
Ro = resistance (kiloohms)

Av = -Rf / (Rs + Rp )

Voltage Gain of Where:

Operational Av = voltage gain
Amplifier Rf = feedback resistor (ohms)
Rs = external resistor connected to pin 1 (ohms)
Rp = internal 6 kΩ impedance at pin 1 (ohms)

Kv = (K dKaK o ) / n
Open-loop Gain for
the Frequency
n = factor of open-loop gain reduced by frequency divider



The process of impressing low-frequency information signals onto a

high-frequency carrier signal.

Demodulation The reverse process of modulation where the received signals are
transformed back to their original form.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The process of changing the amplitude of a relatively high frequency

carrier signal in proportion with the instantaneous value of the
modulating signal.

Frequencies that is high enough to be efficiently radiated by the

Radio Frequencies
antenna and propagated through free space.

AM Envelope The modulated output waveform from an AM modulator is?

AM DSBFC Sometimes called conventional AM or simply AM.

The band of frequencies between fc – fm(max)

Lower Sideband
and fc

Lower Side
Any frequency within the lower sideband is called.

The band of frequencies between fc and

Upper Sideband
fc + fm(max)

Upper Side
Any frequency within the upper sideband is called?

Coefficient of The term used to describe the amount of amplitude change

Modulation (modulation) present in an AM waveform signal.

Percent Modulation The coefficient of modulation stated as a percentage.

The maximum percent modulation that can be imposed without

causing excessive distortion.

The _______ in a transmitter where modulation occurs determines

whether the circuit is a low or a high-level transmitter

Modulation The modulation takes place prior to the output element of the final

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

stage of the transmitter.

High-Level The modulation takes place in the final element of the final stage
Modulation where the carrier signal is at its maximum amplitude.

The amplitude of the output signal depends on the amplitude of the

Emitter Modulation
input carrier and the voltage gain of the amplifier.

A class C modulator capable of nonlinear mixing and the modulating

Collector Modulator
signal is applied directly to the collector.

Used to translate the low-frequency intelligence signals to radio-

Up-converter frequency signals that can be efficiently radiated from an antenna
and propagated through free space.

Are used for observing the modulation characteristics of AM

Trapezoidal Pattern

A form of amplitude distortion introduced when the positive and

Carrier Shift negative alternations in the AM modulated signal are not equal
(nonsymmetrical modulation).

Complex waveforms comprised of two or more frequencies.

Complex Repetitive Are complex waves made up of two or more harmonically related
Waveforms sine waves and include square, rectangular, and triangular waves.

A form of AM where signals from two separate information sources

Quadrature modulate the same carrier frequency at the same time without
Amplitude interfering with each other. The information sources modulate the
Modulation same carrier after it has been separated into two carrier signals that
( QAM ) are 90 out of phase with each other.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi



The reverse process of AM modulation.

AM Demodulation
The first stage of the receiver of which primary functions are
RF Section detecting, band limiting, and amplifying the received.

This section down-converts the received RF frequencies to

Mixer / intermediate frequencies (IFs).
This section primary functions are amplification and selectivity.
IF Section
This section demodulates the AM wave and converts it to the
AM Detector original information signal.

This section amplifies the recovered information. Comprises several

Audio Section cascaded audio amplifiers and one or more speakers.

A receiver parameter that is used to measure the ability of the

Selectivity receiver to accept a given band of frequencies and reject all others.

The ratio of the bandwidth 60dB below maximum signal level and
Shape Factor bandwidth 3dB below maximum signal level.

The most prevalent form of noise and is directly proportional to

Thermal Noise bandwidth.

Bandwidth Noise reduction ratio achieved by reducing the Bandwidth.

Noise Figure The corresponding reduction in the noise figure due to the reduction
Improvement in bandwidth expressed mathematically in dB.

The ________ of a receiver is the minimum RF signal level that can

Sensitivity be detected at the input to the receiver and still produce a usable
demodulated information signal.
Also known as receiver threshold.

Defined as the difference in decibels between the minimum input

Dynamic Range level necessary to discern a signal and the input level that will
overdrive the receiver and produce distortion.

1-dB Compression Defined as the output power when the RF amplifier response is 1 dB
Point less than the ideal linear-gain response.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A measure of the ability of a communication system to produce, at

Fidelity the output of the receiver, an exact replica of the original source

Any frequency, phase, or amplitude variations that are present in the

Distortion demodulated waveform that were not in the original information

The total phase shift encountered by a signal and can generally be

Absolute Phase Shift tolerated as long as all frequencies undergo the same amount of
phase delay.

Occurs when different frequencies undergo different phase shifts and

Differential Phase ay have a detrimental effect on a complex waveform.
Insertion Loss Defined as the ratio of the power transferred to a load with a filter in
( IL ) the circuit to the power transferred to a load without the filter.

Equivalent Noise A hypothetical value that cannot be directly measured. A parameter

Temperature that is used in low-noise, sophisticated radio receivers rather than
noise figure.
Coherent / The frequencies generated in the receiver and used for demodulation
Synchronous are synchronized to oscillator frequencies generated in the
Receiver transmitter.

Either no frequencies are generated in the receiver or the frequencies

Noncoherent / used for demodulation are completely independent from the
Asynchronous transmitter’s carrier frequency.

One of the earliest types of AM receivers and are probably the

Tuned Radio simplest designed radio receivers available today.
A phenomenon at radio frequencies where current flow is limited to
Skin Effect the outermost area of a conductor.

A technique where TRF receiver’s instability can be reduced

Stagger Tuning somewhat by tuning each amplifier to a slightly different frequency,
slightly above or below the desired center frequency.

Means to mix two frequencies together in a nonlinear device or to

Heterodyne translate one frequency to another using nonlinear mixing.

A broad –tuned bandpass filter with an adjustable center frequency

Preselector that is tuned to desired carrier frequency.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The most common intermediate frequency used in AM broadcast-

455 kHz band receivers is ________.

Consists of a series of IF amplifiers and bandpass filters and is often

IF Section called IF strip.

Refer to frequencies that are used within a transmitter or receiver that

Intermediate fall somewhere between the radio frequencies and the original source
Frequency information frequencies.

Means that the two adjustments are mechanically tied together so

Gang Tuning that a single adjustment will change the center frequency of the
preselector and, at the same time, change the local oscillator

High-side Injection / When the local oscillator is tuned above

High-beat Injection the RF it is?

Low-side Injection / When the local oscillator is tuned below the RF it is?
Low-beat Injection
The side frequencies undergo a sideband reversal during the
Sideband Inversion heterodyning process called?

The ability of the local oscillator in a receiver to oscillate above or

Tracking below the selected radio frequency carrier by an amount equal to the
intermediate frequency throughout the entire radio frequency band.

Tracking Error The difference between the actual oscillator frequency and the
desired frequency.

Any frequency other than the selected radio frequency carrier that, if
Image Frequency allowed to enter a receiver and mix with the local oscillator, will
produce a cross-product frequency that is equal to the intermediate

A numerical measure of the ability of a preselector to reject the

Image-frequency image frequency.
Rejection Ratio
Occurs when a receiver picks up the same station at two nearby
Double Spotting points on the receiver tuning dial.

A high-gain, low-noise, tuned amplifier that, when used, is the first

RF Amplifier active stage encountered by the received signal.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Low-noise Amplifier High-performance microwave receivers require a ________ as the

( LNA ) input stage of the RF section to optimize their noise figure.

MEsa Semiconductor A FET with a metal-semiconductor junction at the gate of the device,
FET Semiconductor called a Schottky barrier.
NE / SA5200 A wideband, unconditionally stable, low-power, dual-gain linear
integrated-circuit RF amplifier manufactured by Signetics

Mixer / This section purpose is to down-convert the incoming radio

Converter Stage frequencies to intermediate frequencies proportional to bandwidth.

Conversion Gain The difference between the level of the IF output with an RF input
signal to the level of the IF output with an IF input signal.

Self-excited Mixer A configuration where the mixer excites itself by feeding energy
back to the local oscillator tank circuit to sustain oscillations noise

NE / SA602A A low-power VHF monolithic double-balanced mixer with input

amplifier, on-board oscillator, and voltage regulator.

Intermediate Are relatively high-gain amplifiers that are very similar to RF

Frequency amplifiers, except that IF amplifiers operate over a relatively narrow,
( IF ) Amplifier fixed frequency band.

Inductive or The most common technique used for coupling where the voltage
Transformer that is applied to the primary windings of a transformer is transferred
Coupling to the secondary windings.

Inductance Ability of a coil to induce a voltage within its windings.

Mutual Inductance Ability of one coil to induce a voltage in another coil.

Coefficient of The ratio of the secondary flux to the primary flux.

The transfer of flux from the primary to the secondary windings and
Flux Linkage is directly proportional to the coefficient of coupling.

The point where the reflected resistance is equal to the primary

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Critical Coupling resistance an d the Q of the primary tank circuit is halved and the
bandwidth doubled.

Is caused by the reactive element of the reflected impedance being

Double Peaking significant enough to change the resonant frequency of the primary
tuned circuit.

The coefficient of coupling approximately 50% greater than the

Optimum Coupling critical value yields a good compromise between flat response and
steep skirts.

IF transformers come as specially designed tuned circuits in

IF Cans groundable metal packages
called _______.

A differential cascoded amplifier designed for use in

CA3028A communications and industrial equipment as an IF or RF amplifier at
frequencies from dc to 120 MHz.

The function of this circuit is to demodulate the AM signal and

AM Detector recover or reproduce the original source information.

A simple noncoherent AM demodulator using a diode. Also called as

Peak Detector diode, shape, or envelope detector.

A distortion in the detection process where the RC time constant is

Rectifier Distortion too short, the output waveform resembles a half-wave rectified

A distortion in the detection process where the RC time constant is

Diagonal Clipping too long, the slope of the output waveform cannot follow the trailing
slope of the envelope.

Automatic Gain A circuit that compensates for minor variations in the received RF
Control signal.
( AGC )
It prevents the AGC feedback voltage from reaching the RF or IF
Delayed AGC amplifiers until the RF level exceeds a predetermined magnitude.

Is similar to conventional AGC except that the receive signal is

Forward AGC monitored closer to the front end of the receiver and the correction
voltage is fed forward to the IF amplifiers.

Its purpose is to quiet a receiver in the absence of a received signal.

Squelch Circuit

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Are used to remove sporadic, high-amplitude noise transients of

Limiters / short duration, such as impulse noise in the audio section of a
Clippers receiver.

Signal-to-Notched A method of measuring signal strength relative to noise strength

Noise Ratio where an RF carrier modulated 30% by a 1-kHz tone is applied to the
input of the receiver.

LM1820 A National Semiconductor Corporation linear integrated circuit AM

radio chip that has an onboard RF amplifier, mixer, local oscillator,
and IF amplifier stages. An LIC audio amplifier, such as the LM386,
and a speaker are necessary to complete a functional receiver.

This receiver would need only two external components: a volume

PLL Receivers control and a station tuning control.

The ratio of the demodulated signal level at the output of the receiver
Net Receiver Gain (audio) to the RF signal level at the input to the receiver, or the
difference between the audio signal level in dBm and the RF signal
level in dBm.

Includes all the gains and losses incurred by a signal as it propagates

System Gain from the transmitter output stage to the output of the detector in the
receiver and includes antenna gain and transmission line and
propagation losses.



AM Single-sideband A form of amplitude modulation in which the carrier is transmitted at

Full Carrier full power but only one of the sidebands is transmitted.
AM Single-sideband A form of amplitude modulation in which the carrier is totally
Suppressed Carrier suppressed and one of the sidebands removed.
AM Single-sideband A form of amplitude modulation in which one sideband is totally removed
Reduced Carrier and the carrier voltage is reduced to approximately 10% of its unmodulated
( SSBRC ) amplitude. Sometimes called single-sideband reinserted carrier.
It is the reinserted carrier in SSBRC for demodulation purposes.
Pilot Carrier

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

AM Independent A form of amplitude modulation in which a single carrier frequency is

Sideband independently modulated by two different modulating signals.
( ISB )
________ is the picture portion of a commercial television broadcasting
VSB System signal.

Are obvious advantages of single-sideband suppressed- and reduced-

Conservation and
carrier transmission over conventional double- sideband full-carrier
Power Efficiency transmission.

Are obvious advantages of single-sideband suppressed- and reduced-

carrier transmission over conventional double- sideband full-carrier
Signal-to-Noise Ratio

With double-sideband transmission, the two sidebands and carrier may

propagate through the transmission media by different paths and therefore,
Selective Fading experience different transmission impairments. This condition is called?

A condition in double-sideband transmission where one sideband is

Sideband Fading significantly attenuated.

A form of selective fading where there is a reduction of the carrier

Carrier-Amplitude level of a 100%-modulated wave that will make the carrier voltage
Fading less than the vector sum of the two sidebands.

A condition where the relative positions of the carrier and sideband

vectors of the received signal change, causing a decided change in the
Carrier or Sideband
Phase Shift
shape of the
envelope, causing a severely distorted demodulated signal.

A product modulator where the output signal is the product of the

AM Modulator modulating signal and the carrier

Modulator circuits that inherently remove the carrier during the

DSBSC Modulators modulation process.

A circuit that produces a double-sideband suppressed-carrier signal.

Balanced Modulator

A balanced modulator that is constructed with diodes and transformers.

Balanced Ring Sometimes called balanced lattice modulator.

The small carrier component that is always present in the output

Carrier Leak
signal of a balanced modulator.
The operation of this balanced modulator as the balanced ring
modulator is completely dependent on the switching action of diodes
Balanced Bridge
D1 through D4 under the influence of the carrier and modulating
signal voltages.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

LM1497 / 1596 A double-balanced modulator/demodulator that produces an output

Balanced Modulator signal that is proportional to the product of its input signals.
The circuit where the carrier is reinserted.
Linear Summer

Filter, Phase-Shift, Three methods for single-sideband generation.

and Third Method
Crystal Lattice, Types of single-sideband filters.
Saw Filters
A mechanically resonant transducer that receives electrical energy, converts
it to mechanical vibrations, and then converts the vibrations back to
Mechanical Filter
electrical energy at its output.

Filters that use acoustic energy rather than electro-mechanical energy

Surface Acoustic
Wave Filters
to provide excellent performance for precise bandpass filtering.

Destructive Reflected energy that cancels and attenuates the incident wave energy.
Constructive Reflected energy that aids the incident wave energy.
Unidirectional A transducer which launches the acoustic wave in only one direction.
Any difference between the transmit and receive local oscillator
frequencies produces a _______ in the demodulated information
frequency offset error

Fifty hertz or more offset is distinguishable by a normal listener as a

tonal variation _______.

A narrowband PLL that tracks the pilot carrier in the composite

Carrier Recovery SSBRC receiver signal and uses the recovered carrier to generate
Circuit coherent local oscillator frequencies in the synthesizer.

An SSB receiver that uses a PLL carrier recovery circuit and a frequency
Multichannel Pilto synthesizer to produce coherent local and beat frequency oscillator
Carrier frequencies.

Amplitude- Systems that provide narrowband voice communications for land-

Compandoring mobile services with nearly the quality achieved with FM systems and
Single-Sideband do it using less than one-third the bandwidth.
The process of combining transmissions from more than one source
and transmitting them over a common facility, such as metallic or
optical fiber cable or a radio-frequency channel.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Single-Sideband A transmission that can be used to combine hundreds or even

Suppressed-Carrier thousands of narrowband channels into single, composite wideband
Transmission channel without the channels interfering with each other.
Peak Envelope Single-sideband transmitters are rated in _______ and ________.
( PEP ) &
Peak Envelope
( PEV )



FM and PM
Two forms of angle modulation.

It was first introduced in the year 1931 as an alternative to amplitude

Angle modulation modulation.

He developed the first successful FM radio system in 1936, and in July

Major E. H.
1939, the first regularly scheduled broad-casting of FM signals began in
Armstrong Alphine, New Jersey. Also developed the superheterodyne receiver.

A modulation that results whenever the phase angle () of a sinusoidal

Angle Modulation wave is varied with respect to time.

Angle Modulated wave is expressed mathematically as:

= angle modulated w ave

= Peak carrier amplitude (volts)
= carrier radian frequency (angular velocity)
= instantaneous phase deviation (radian)

Varying the frequency of a constant-amplitude carrier directly

Direct Frequency
proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal at a rate equal to
( FM )
the frequency of the modulating signal.

Direct Phase Varying the phase of a constant-amplitude carrier directly proportional

Modulation to the amplitude of the modulating signal at a rate equal to the
( PM ) frequency of the modulating signal.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The relative angular displacement (shift) of the carrier phase in radians

Phase Deviation
in respect to the reference phase.
( )

Frequency The relative displacement of the carrier frequency in hertz in respect to

Deviation its unmodulated value.
(F )
The original unmodulated carrier frequency in the resultant angle-modulated
Carrier Rests

The instantaneous change in the phase of the carrier at a given instant of

Instantaneous time and indicates how much the phase of the carrier is changing with
Phase Deviation = respect to its reference phase.
( rad)
Instantaneous The precise phase of the carrier at a given instant of time.
= +
The instantaneous change in frequency of the carrier and is defined as
Instantaneous the first time derivative of the instantaneous phase deviation.
Frequency Deviation
= rad/sec

Frequency The precise frequency of the carrier at a given instant of time and is
= rad/sec defined as the first time derivative of the instantaneous phase.

It is define as angle modulation in which the instantaneous deviation is

proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal voltage and the
instantaneous frequency deviation is proportional to the slope or first
Phase Modulation
derivative of the modulating signal.

For a modulating signal the phase and frequency modulation are

Phase modulation = =K
Frequency modulation = rad/sec

Are the output–versus- input transfer functions for the modulators,

which give the relationship between what output parameter changes in
Sensitivities respect to specified changes in the input signal.

Peak Phase It is the radian for the phase modulated carrier.

Peak Phase Deviation is sometimes called?
Index of Modulation

The change in frequency that occurs in the carrier when it is acted on by

Frequency Deviation a modulating-signal frequency.

Carrier Swing The peak-to-peak frequency deviation (2f) is sometimes called?

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The ratio of the frequency deviation actually produced to the maximum

Percent Modulation frequency deviation allowed by law stated in percent form.

Percent modulation is

modulation =

A circuit in which the carrier is varied in such a way that its

Phase Modulator instantaneous phase is proportional to the modulating signal.

The unmodulated carrier is a single frequency sinusoidal and is commonly

Rest Frequency called?

A circuit which the carrier is varied in such a way that its instantaneous
Frequency phase is proportional to the integral of the modulating signal.
Frequency modulator is often called?
Frequency deviator

Four commonly used equivalences are as follows:

 PM modulator = differentiator followed by an FM modulator

 PM demodulator = FM demodulator followed by an integrator
 FM modulator = integrator followed by a PM modulator
 FM demodulator = PM demodulator followed by a differentiator

It is the first kind for several values of modulation index provides the
Bessel Function number of side frequency pairs and their corresponding magnitude.

The carrier component goes to zero is called?

First Carrier Null
The carrier component once again disappears is called?
Second Carrier Null

A side frequency is not considered significant unless it has an amplitude

1% equal to or greater than ____ of the unmodulated carrier amplitude.

Low-index Case
The modulation index is less than 1.

Medium Index
Modulation indices greater than 1 and less than 10.

The modulation index is greater than 10.

High-index Case

Narrowband FM
Low-index FM systems are sometimes called?

Carson’s Rule

B =2( )Hz A rule which is an approximation and gives transmission bandwidths

that are slightly narrower than the bandwidths. It defines a bandwidth

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

= modulating signal that includes approximately 98% of the total power in the modulated
= peak frequency wave.

The worst-case modulation index and is equal to the maximum peak

Deviation Ratio frequency deviation divided by the maximum modulating-signal
( DR ) frequency.

Deviation Ratio

DR =
DR = Deviation Ratio (unit less)
= maximum peak frequency deviation (hertz)
= maximum modulating signal frequency (hertz)

The FCC has assigned the commercial FM broadcast service a _______

20 MHz band of frequencies that extends from 88 MHz to 108 MHZ.

The 20–MHz band is divided into 100, ________ wide channels beginning at
200 kHz
88.1 MHz.
To provide high-quality, reliable music, the maximum frequency
75 kHz ; deviation allowed is _______ with a maximum modulating-signal
15 kHz
frequency of _______.
The highest side frequencies from one channel are allowed to spill over into
Adjacent Channel
adjacent channels, producing an interference known as?

It is the wide of the guard band is usually on either side of each

200 kHz assigned channel.

The average power in the unmodulated carrier is

= carrier pow er (w atts)

= peak unmodulated carrier voltage (volts)
R = load resistance (ohms)
The noise voltage at the output of an FM demodulator increases linearly with
frequency. This is called?
FM Noise Triangle

The high-frequency modulating signals are emphasized or boosted in

Pre-emphasis amplitude in the transmitter prior to performing modulation.

The reciprocal of pre-emphasis that restores the original amplitude-

De-emphasis versus-frequency characteristics to the information signals.

A circuit that provides a constant increase in the amplitude of the

Network modulating signal with an increase in frequency.

Break Frequency
It occurs at the frequency where and equal R.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It is a angle modulation in which the frequency of the carrier is varied directly

by the modulating signal.
Direct FM
When the frequency of the carrier is modulated by the information
Direct FM
( Indirect PM ) signal, _______ results.

When the phase of the carrier is modulated by the information signal,

Direct PM
( Indirect FM ) _______ results.

Varactor Diode,
FM Reactance, Three common methods for producing direct frequency modulation.
Linear IC
It is used to transform changes in the modulating signal amplitude to
changes in the frequency.
Varactor Diode
Varactor Diode Direct frequency modulator used for low-index Applications, such as
Direct FM two-way mobile radio.
FM Reactance A direct FM modulator using a JFET as the active device.
Linear IC VCO Can generate a direct FM output waveform that is relatively stable,
and Function accurate, and directly proportional to the input modulating signal.
Angle modulation in which the frequency of the carrier is deviated
Direct PM indirectly by the modulating signal.

Varactor Diode
and Transistor Two common methods for producing direct phase modulation.
Direct PM
Frequency Up- The process of up-converting the frequency of the modulated carrier
Conversion after modulation has been performed.

Heterodyning and
Frequency Two basic methods of performing frequency up-conversion.

An up-conversion method where a low-frequency modulated carrier can

Heterodyne either be up- or down- converted to a different location in the frequency
Method spectrum without changing its modulation properties.

An up-conversion method where the modulation properties of a carrier

can be increased at the same time that the carrier frequency is up-

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Direct FM Transmitters that produce an output waveform in which the frequency

deviation is directly proportional to the modulating signal.
A circuit that compares the frequency of he non crystal carrier oscillator
to a crystal reference oscillator and then produces a correction voltage
Frequency Control
proportional to the difference between the frequencies.
( AFC )

Frequency A frequency-selective device whose output voltage is proportional to

the difference between the input frequency and its resonant frequency.
When you remove the modulation from the FM wave is called?
Wipe Off

A voltage added to the modulating signal to automatically adjust the

dc Correction master oscillator’s center frequency to compensate for the low-
Voltage frequency drift.

A transmitter that uses a phase-locked loop to achieve crystal stability from a

Wideband FM
VCO master oscillator and at the same time, generate a high index, wideband
FM output signal.
FM Modulator It is preceded by a differentiator generates a PM waveform.

Transmitters that produce an output waveform in which phase deviation

Indirect FM
is directly proportional to the modulating signal.
It is preceded by a integrator produces an FM waveform.
PM Modulator
Probably the most significant advantage of angle modulation over
Noise Immunity
amplitude modulation transmission.
It allows a receiver to differentiate between two signal received with the
Capture Effect same frequency.



In this receiver, the voltage at the output of the audio detector is

FM Receivers
directly proportional to the frequency deviation at its input.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

In this receiver, the voltage at the output of the audio detector is

PM Receivers
directly proportional to the phase deviation at its input.

A modulation where the information is impressed onto the carrier in

Angle Modulation
the form of frequency or phase variations.

A method used to remove amplitude variations caused by noise from

Limiting the composite waveform simply by clipping the peaks of the
envelope prior to detection.

Pre-selector The section that rejects the image frequency in FM receivers.

The section that establishes the signal-to- noise ratio and noise figure
RF Amplifier
in FM receivers.

Mixer / Converter The section that down-converts RF to IF.

IF Amplifiers The section that provide most of the gain and selectivity.

Detector The section that removes the information from the modulated wave.

Frequency The envelope (peak) detector common to AM receivers is replaced
Discriminator and in FM receivers by a ________, ________, and ________.
De-emphasis Network

The circuit that extracts the information from the modulated wave.

Are frequency-dependent circuits designed to produce an output

FM Demodulators voltage that is proportional to the instantaneous frequency at its

Slope Detector,
Foster-Seely Circuits used for demodulating FM signals.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Ratio Detector,
PLL Demodulator,
Quadrature Detector
Circuits that convert FM to AM and then demodulate the AM
envelope with conventional peak detectors.

A tuned-circuit frequency discriminator that has the most nonlinear

Slope Detector voltage-versus- frequency characteristics and, therefore, is seldom

Balanced Slope Is simply two single-ended slope detectors connected in parallel and
Detector fed 180 out of phase.

Foster-Seeley Sometimes called a phase shift discriminator that is a tuned-circuit

Discriminator frequency discriminator whose operation is very similar to that of a
balanced slope detector.

The typical voltage-versus-frequency response curve for a Foster-

Seeley discriminator.

An FM demodulator that is relatively immune to amplitude

Ratio Detector
variations in its input signal.

This FM demodulator requires no tuned circuits and automatically

compensates for changes in the carrier frequency due to instability in
the transmit oscillator.

Sometimes called a coincidence detector that extracts the original

Quadrature FM information signal from the composite IF waveform by multiplying
Demodulator two quadrature (90 out of phase) signals.

A special circuit that removes the unwanted amplitude variations

since with FM, the information is contained in frequency variations.

Quieting, or The limiter circuit produces a constant-amplitude output for all input
Capture Level signals above a prescribed minimum input level, which is often

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

called the ________.

FM Thresholding, The improvement in the S/N ratio when the peaks of the signal have
FM Quieting, or the limiter so far into saturation that the weaker noise is totally
FM Capture Effect eliminated.

The inherent ability of FM to diminish the effects of interfering

signals. Also, the ability to differentiate between two signals
Capture Effect
received at the same frequency.

Is the minimum dB difference in signal strength between two

Capture Ratio of an
received signals necessary for the capture effect to suppress the
FM Receiver
weaker signal.

An improved monolithic low-power FM IF system manufactured by

NE/SA614A Signetics Corporation. It is a high gain, high frequency device that
offers low-power consumption and excellent input sensitivity at 455

A multiplier cell similar to a mixer stage, but instead of mixing two

Quadrature Detector different frequencies, it mixes two signals with the same frequencies
but with different phases.

A low-voltage, high-performance monolithic FM IF system similar

NE/SA616 to the NE/SA614A except with the addition of a mixer/oscillator

A monolithic integrated-circuit FM radio system manufactured by

TDA7000 Signetics Corporation for monolithic FM portable radios. A
complete FM radio receiver on a single integrated-circuit chip.

Frequency-Locked- A circuit that is used to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD)
Loop by compressing the IF frequency swing (deviation).

With this transmission, the information signal is spatially divided
into two 50-Hz to 15-kHz audio channels (a left and a right).

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Communications Used to broadcast uninterrupted music to private subscribers, such as

Authorization department stores, restaurants, and medical offices equipped with
( SCA ) special receivers; Sometimes cordially refer to as “elevator music”

Frequency Division The process of placing two or more independent channels next to
Multiplexing each other in the frequency domain (stacking the channels), and then
( FDM ) modulating a single high-frequency carrier with the combined signal.

60 kHz The primary audio channel remained at 50 Hz to 15 kHz, while an

To additional SCA channel is frequency translated to the _______
74 kHz passband.

The SCA subcarrier may be AM single- or double- sideband

7 kHz transmission or FM with a maximum modulating-signal frequency
of _______.

19 kHz The frequency of the pilot carrier of FM stereo transmission.

Direct PM When the phase of the carrier is modulated by the information

( Indirect FM ) signal, _______ results.

A monolithic FM stereo demodulator that uses PLL techniques to

XR-1310 derive the right and left audio channels from the composite stereo

Two-Way Mobile
Half-duplex, one-to-many radio communications with no dial tone.

Provides 26.96 to 27.41 MHz public, non-commercial radio service

Class D Citizens Band for either personal or business use utilizing push-to-talk AM DSBFC
( CB ) Radio and AM SSBFC.

Amateur ( HAM ) Cover a broad-frequency band from 1.8 MHz to above 300 MHz.
Radio Designed for personal use without pecuniary interest.

Broadcasting Provides 2.8 MHz to 457 MHz. ABS disseminates information for
Service the purposes of air navigation and air-to-ground communications

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

( ABS ) utilizing conventional AM and various forms of AM SSB in the HF,

MF, and VHF frequency bands.

Mobile Telephone
Full-duplex, on-to-one radio telephone communications.

Personal Provides worldwide telecommunication service using handheld

Communications telephones that communicate with each other through low earth-orbit
Satellite Service satellite repeaters incorporating QPSK modulation and both FDMA
( PCSS ) and TDMA.

Two-Way FM Radio Is used extensively for public safety mobile communications, such
Communications as police and fire departments and emergency medical services.

The maximum frequency deviation for two-way FM transmitters is

5 kHz ;
typically ________, and the maximum modulating-signal frequency
3 kHz
is ________.

Push-To-Talk Transmissions are initiated by closing a ________ switch, which

( PTT ) turns on the transmitter and shuts off the receiver.

It was used as early as 1921 when the Detroit Police Department

Mobile Radio
used a mobile radio system that operated at a frequency close to 2

Electronic It was used rather than a simple mechanical switch to reduce the
Push-To-Talk static noise associated with contact bounce in mechanical switches.

Voice-Operated Transmitters equipped with ________ are automatically keyed each

Transmitter time the operator speaks into the microphone, regardless of whether
( VOX ) the PTT button is depressed.


BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Is the transmission, reception, and processing of information with the
use of electronic circuits.

Is defined as knowledge or intelligence that is communicated

Information between two or more points.

Is the transmittal of digitally modulated analog signals (carriers)

between two or more points in a communication system.
Digital Modulation
System involving the transmission of digital pulses.
Digital Transmission
Amplitude Shift The information signal is digital and the amplitude (V) of the carrier
Keying is varied proportional to the information signal.
( ASK )
The information signal is digital and the frequency (f) of the carrier
Frequency Shift is varied proportional to the information signal
( FSK )
The information signal is digital and the phase (θ) of the carrier is
Phase Shift Keying
varied proportional to the information signal.
( PSK )
A modulation where both the amplitude and the phase are varied
Quadrature proportional to the information signal.
( QAM )
Performs level conversion and then codes the incoming data into
groups of bits that modulate an analog carrier.
Is a highly theoretical study of the efficient use of bandwidth to
propagate information through electronic communications systems.
Information Theory
Is a measure of how much information can be propagated through a
communications system and is a function of bandwidth and
Information Capacity transmission time.

Binary Digit / The most basic digital symbol used to represent information.
In 1928, _________ of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed a
useful relationship among bandwidth, transmission time, and
R. Hartley information capacity.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

In 1948, mathematician _________ (also of Bell Telephone

Laboratories) published a paper in the Bell System Technical Journal
relating the information capacity of a communications channel to
Claude E. Shannon
bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio.

Simply represents a digit that corresponds to the number of

conditions, levels, or combinations possible for a given number of
M binary variables.

Refers to the rate of change of a digital information signal, which is

Bit Rate
usually binary.
Refers to the rate of change of a signal on a transmission medium
after encoding and modulation have occurred.
Sometimes called a symbol and could be encoded as a change in the
amplitude, frequency, or phase.
Signaling Element
The minimum theoretical bandwidth necessary to propagate a signal.
Nyquist Bandwidth
According to ________, binary digital signals can be propagated
through an ideal noiseless transmission medium at a rate equal to
H. Nyquist two time the bandwidth of the medium.

The carrier is either “on” or “off” which is why amplitude- shift keying is
On-Off Keying referred to as ________.

A logic 1 frequency (fm) for FSK.

A logic 0 frequency (fs) for FSK.
The mark and space frequencies are separated from the mark and space
Peak Frequency frequencies are
Deviation separated from thecarrier frequency by the _________ and from each of by 2
(f) f.

_______ is the peak frequency deviation of the carrier and is equal to

the difference between the carrier rest frequency and either the mark
or space frequency.
A type of FSK detection wherein there is no frequencyinvolved in
the demodulation process that is synchronized either in phase,
Noncoherent frequency, or both with the incoming FSK signal.
A type of FSK detection wherein the incoming FSK signal is
multiplied by a recovered carrier signal that has exact same

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Coherent Detection frequency and phase as the transmitter reference.

Is binary FSK except the mark and space frequencies are

Continuous-Phase synchronized with the input binary bit rate.
( CP-FSK )
A signal state-space diagram is similar to a phasor diagram except
Constellation that the entire phasor is not drawn. Only the relative positions of the
Diagram peaks of the phasors are shown.
Is a product modulator; the output signal is the product of the two
input signals.
Balanced Modulator
Detect and regenerates a carrier signal that is both frequency and
Coherent Carrier phase coherent with the original transmit carrier.
Recovery Circuit
Also known as quadrature PSK that is another form of angle-
Quaternary PSK
modulated, constant-amplitude digital modulation.
( QPSK )
A group of two bits.
It modulates the carrier that is in phase with the reference oscillator.
I Bit
It modulates the carrier that is 90 out of phase or in quadrature with reference
Q Bit carrier.

Is two BPSK modulators combined in parallel.

QPSK Modulator
The highest fundamental frequency present at the data input to the I or the Q
balanced modulator is equal to _______ of the input data rate.
The fastest output rate of change (baud) is also equal to ________ of the input
bit rate.
The outputs of the product detectors are fed to the________, where
they are converted from parallel I and Q data channels to a single
Bit Combining binary output data stream.
Is a modified for of QPSK where the bit waveforms on the I and Q
channels are offset or shifted in phase from each other by one-half of
Offset QPSK
a bit time.
The advantage of OQPSK is the _________ that must be imparted
Limited Phase Shift during modulation.

With ________, three bits are encoded, forming terabits and

8 PSK producing eight different output phases.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Group of 3 bits.
Also known as maximum distance code used to reduce the number of
Gray Code errors.

Converts the I/C and Q/C bit pairs to serial, Q, and C output data
Logic Circuit
Group of 4 bits.
16-PSK can undergo only a _______ phase shift during transmission
and still retain its integrity.
11.25 .

Is an M-ary encoding technique where M=8. The output signal from

this modulator is not a constant-amplitude signal
8 – QAM
The process of introducing transitions (pulses) into the binary signal
using a prescribed algorithm.
It uses the same algorithm for scrambling to remove the transitions.
Is an alternative form of digital modulation where the binary input is
Differential Phase- contained in the difference between two successive signalling
Shift elements rather than the absolute phase.
( DPSK )
Data transmission rates in excess of 56 kbps can be chieved, over
Trellis Code standard telephone circuits using an encoding technique called
Modulation ________.
( TCM )
__________ at IBM Zuerich Research Laboratory developed TCM,
which involves using convolutional (tree codes, which combines
encoding and modulation to reduce the probability of error, thus
Dr. Ungerboeck improving the bit error performance.

Defines the manner in which signal-state transitions are allowed to

occur, and transitions that do not follow this pattern are interpreted
Trellis Coding in the receiver as
transmission errors
The distance between symbols on the constellation of the TCM
coding scheme on standard QAM.
Euclidean Distance

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Is the ratio of the average carrier power (the combined power of the carrier
and its
Associated sidebands) to the thermal noise power.
Power Ratio
Is simply the energy of a single bit of information.
Energy Per Bit
FCC approves FM stereo broadcasting, which spurs the development
of FM. Citizens band (CB) radio first used.
Antipodal Signaling
Noncoherent U.S. radio stations begin broadcasting stereophonic sound.
( Asynchronous )
( Synchonous )

T1 (transmission 1) digital carrier systems introduced.

Noncoherent FSK
First commercial communications satellite launched.
Coherent FSK



Is the transmittal of digital signals between two or more points in a

Digital Transmission
communications system.

_________ developed the first digital transmission system for the

AT&T purpose of carrying digitally encoded analog signals, such as human
voice, over metallic wire cables between telephone offices.

The primary advantage of digital transmission over analog

Noise Immunity

Multiplexing Digital signals are also better suited than analog signals for
processing and combining using a technique called _____.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Digital Signal Is the processing of analog signals using digital methods and includes
Processing bandlimiting the signal with filters, amplitude equalization, and
( DSP ) phase shifting.

Digital transmission systems are more resistant to analog systems to additive

Signal Regeneration
noise because they use ________ rather than signal amplification.

Consist essentially of sampling analog information signals and then converting

Pulse Modulation those samples into discrete pulses and transporting the pulses from
a source to a destination over a physical transmission medium.


The four predominant methods of pulse modulation.

Sometimes called pulse duration modulation (PDM) or pulse length

Pulse Width
modulation (PLM), as the width (active portion of the duty cycle) of a constant
amplitude pulse is varied proportional to the amplitude of the analog signal at
( PWM )
the time the signal is sampled.

Pulse Position The position of a constant-width pulse within a prescribed time slot
Modulation is varied according to the amplitude of the sample of the analog
( PPM ) signal.

Pulse Amplitude The amplitude of a constant-width, constant-position pulse is varied

Modulation according to the amplitude of the sample of the analog signal.

Pulse Code
The analog signal is sampled and then converted to a serial n-bit
binary code for transmission.
( PCM )

__________ is credited with inventing PCM in 1937 while working for AT&T
Alex H. Reeves
at its Paris laboratories.

A circuit that periodically samples the analog input signal and
converts those samples to a multilevel PAM signal.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The transmission line ________ are placed at prescribed distances to

regenerate the digital pulses.

Codec An integrated circuit that performs the PCM encoding and decoding
( Coder / Decoder ) functions.

The function of a _________ in a PCM transmitter is to periodically

sample the continually changing analog input voltage and convert
Sampling Circuit those samples to a series of constant-amplitude pulses that can more
easily be converted to binary PCM code.

The sampling process alters the frequency spectrum and introduces an

Aperture Error
error called _________.

The ________ of the capacitor is called the A/D conversion time

Storage Time because it is during this time that the
ADC converts the sample voltage to a PCM code.

Aperture Distortion If the input to the ADC is changing while it is performing the
conversion, _______ results.

_________ theorem establishes the minimum sampling rate (fs) that

Nyquist Sampling
can be used for a given PCM system.

The binary codes used for PCM are _________, where n may be any
N-Bit Codes
positive integer greater than 1.

Most Significant Bit

The sign bit in a sign-magnitude code.
( MSB )

Is the process of converting an infinite number of possibilities to a

finite number of conditions.
Is the process of rounding off the amplitudes of flat-top samples to a
manageable number of levels.

Folded Binary Code

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A type of code where the codes on the bottom half of the table are a
mirror image of the codes on the top half, except for the sign bit.

The magnitude difference between adjacent steps.
Interval or Quantum

If the magnitude of the sample exceeds the highest quantization

Overload Distortion
interval, ________ (also called peak limiting) occurs.

Quantization Eror
Any round-off errors in the transmitted signal are reproduced when
(Qe )
the code is converted back to analog in the receiver.
Quantization Noise
(Qn )

Is the ratio of the largest possible magnitude to the smallest possible

Dynamic Ratio magnitude (other than 0V) that can be decoded by the digital-to-
analog converter in the receiver.

During times when there is no analog input signal, the only input to
the PAM sampler is random, thermal noise also called as
Idle Channel Noise
__________, that is converted to a PAM sample just as if it were a

Midtread A way to reduce idle channel noise wherein the first quantization
Quantization interval is made larger in amplitude than the rest of the steps.

Companding Is the process of compressing and then expanding.

-Law and A-law

Two methods of companding:

Involves compression in the transmitter after the input sample has

Digital Companding been converted to a linear PCM code and then expansion in the
receiver prior to PCM decoding.

When digitizing speech signals only, special voice

encoders/decoders called _______ are often used

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A _________ coder extracts the most significant portions of speech

Linear Predictive information directly from the time waveform rather than from the
frequency spectrum as with the channel and formant vocoders.

_________ modulation uses a single-bit PCM code toachieve digital

transmission of analog signals

Slope Overload and Two problems associated with delta modulations that do not occur
Granular Sudivision with conventional PCM.

Differential PCM With ________, the difference in the amplitude of two successive
( DPCM ) samples is transmitted rather than the actual sample.

Ringing test The secondary lobes are called __________.

Inter symbol
_________ causes crosstalk between channels that occupy adjacent
time slots in a time-division- multiplexed carrier system.
( ISI )

Special filters called _________ are inserted in the transmission path

Equalizers to “equalize” the distortion for all frequencies, creating uniform
transmission medium reducing transmission impairments.

A ________ is simply the superposition of a series of harmonically

Pulse Modulation related sine waves with specific amplitude and phase relationships.

Crosshairs The decision levels for the regenerator are represented by

The _______ has an effect on the symbol timing (clock) recovery

Jitter circuit and, if excessive, may significantly degrade the performance
of cascaded regenerative sections.


BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


Multiplexing Transmission of information from one or more source to one or more

destination over the same transmission medium (facility).

Space-Division Unsophisticated form of multiplexing that simply constitutes

Multiplexing propagating signals from different sources of different cables that are
contained within the same trench.

Trench Considered as transmission medium.

Form of phase-division multiplexing (PDM) where to date channels (the I and

QPSK Q) modulate the same carrier frequency that has been shifted 90◦ in phase.

I – Channel Bits Modulates a sine wave carrier.

Q – Channel Bits Modulates a cosine wave carrier.

Three most predominant methods of multiplexing signals.

 Time-Division Multiplexing
 Frequency-Division Multiplexing
 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing

Time-Division Transmissions from multiple sources occur on the same but not on the
Multiplexing same time.

PCM Most prevalent encoding technique used for TDM digital signals.

Use an 8-kHz sample rate and an eight-bit PCM code, which produces a
DS-O Channel 64 kbps PCM line speed.

Multiplexer Simply an electronically controlled digital switch with two inputs and one

TDM Frame One eight-bit PCM code from each channel (16 total bits).

Frame Time Time it takes to transmit one TDM frame.

Digital Carrier A communications system that uses digital pulses rather than analog signals to
System encode information.

T1 or Transmission Specifies a digital carrier system using PCM encoded analog signals.
T1 Lines Special conditioned cables.

Used to maintain frame and sample synchronization between TDM transmitter

Framing Bit & receiver.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Digital Channel PCM encoders & decoders with a seven-bit magnitude.

Signaling Supervision between telephone offices, such as on hook, off hook, dial pulsing,
and so forth.
Signaling Frame Only seven-bit resolution.

Extended Super Consist of 24 193 bit frames, totaling 4632 bits, of which 24 are framing bits.
Frame Format
CRC-6 ( Cyclic
Redundancy It is used for an error detection code.
Checking )
Signaling Channels These signaling bits streams are sometimes called A, B, C and D.

Fractional T Carrier It emerged because standard T1 carriers provide a higher capacity than most
user require.

384 kbps The minimum data rate necessary to propagate video information?

Data Service Unit

/ Digital interface that provides the physical connection to a digital carrier
Channel Service network.
Multiplexers / Upgrade from one level in the hierarchy to the next higher level.
Digital Cross Provides a convenient place to make patchable inter connects and perform
Connect routine maintenance & trouble shooting.

Provides frequency shifting for the master group signals and dc restoration for
Signal Processor the television signal.

Picturephone It is a low quality video transmission for use between non-dedicated


Identify when transitions occur in the data and whether that transition is from a
Three-Bit Code 1 to a 0 or vice versa.

Three-Bit Code
 1 bit = Address bit
nd st nd
 2 bit = the transition occurred during 1 half (0) or during the 2 half (1)
 3 bit = indicates the sign or direction of the transition.

Digital Line Converting standard logic levels to a form more suitable to telephone line
Encoding transmission.

Six Primary Factors must be considered when selecting a line encoding format

 Transmission voltages and DC component

 Duty Cycle
 Bandwidth considerations
 Clock and Framing bit recovery
 Error Detection

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

 Ease of detection and decoding

Transmission It can be categories as being unipolar or bipolar.

Unipolar Involves the transmission of only a single nonzero voltage level.

Bipolar Two nonzero voltages are involved (a positive voltage for a logic 1 and an
equal-magnitude negative voltage for a logic 0 or vice versa).
Duty Cycle It is a binary pulse can be used to categorize the type of transmission.

Nonreturn to Zero If the binary pulse is maintained the entire bit time, this is called?

Return to Zero If the active time of the binary pulse is less than 100% of the bit time, this is

DC Wandering Produces a condition in which a receive may lose its amplitude reference for
optimum discrimination between received 1’s & 0’s.

Digital Biphase Popular type of line encoding that produces a strong timing component for
clock recovery and does not cause dc wandering.

Manchester Code or Digital Biphase is sometimes called?

Uses one cycle of a square wave at 0◦ phase to represent logic 1 and one
Biphase cycle of a square wave at 180◦ phase to represent logic 0.

Biphase M Used for encoding SMPTE(Society of Motion Picture and Tele vision
Engineers) time-code data for recording on videotapes.

Biphase L Commonly called the Manchester Code and specified in IEEE standard 802.3
for Ethernet local area networks.

Forms of delay-modulated codes where a logic 1 condition produces a

Miller Codes transition in the middle of the clock pulse, and a logic 0 produces no transition
at the end of the clock intervals unless followed by another logic 0.

Used for the transmission of PCM-encoded time-division multiplexed digital

T Carriers signals.

Amplifier / Filters and shapes the incoming digital signal and raise its power level so that
Equalizer the regenerator circuit can make a pulse-no pulse decision.

Recovery circuit reproduces the cocking information from the received

Timing Clock data and provides the proper timing information to the regenerator so
that samples can be made at the optimum time, minimizing the chance
of an error occurring.

Regenerative A threshold detector that compares the sampled voltage received to a

Repeater reference level and determines whether the bit is a logic 1 or a logic 0.

This system is designed to combine PCM and TDM techniques for short -haul
T1 Carrier Systems transmission of 24 64-kbps channels with each capable of carrying digitally
encoded voice-band telephone signals or data.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

T1 Carrier It has a transmission bit rate of 1.544Mbps, including an 8-kbps framing bit.
And has a length of range from about 1 mile to over 5o miles.

Ones Density It ensured that sufficient transition occur in the data stream is sometimes

It is substituted into the second least significant bit, which introduces an

A1 encoding error equal to twice the amplitude resolution.

Binary Eight Zero It ensures that sufficient transitions occur in the data to maintain clock
Substitution (B8ZS) synchronization.

The carrier time division multiplex 96 64 kbps voice or data channel into a
T2 carrier system single 6.312 Mbps data signal for transmission over twisted- pair copper wire
up to 500 miles over a special LOCAP ( Low Capacitance ) metallic cable.

Binary Six Zero T2 carrier system uses an alternative method of ensuring that amplitude
Substitution (B6ZS) transition occurs in the data.

The carrier time division multiplex 96 64 kbps voice or data channel for
T3 carrier system transmission over a single 3A-RDS coaxial cable and it has a bit rate of 44.736

Binary Three Zero The coding technique use in T3 carrier system is called?
Substitution (B3ZS)
E-Lines Different version of T carriers used in Europe.

Time Slot 0 Used for frame alignment pattern and for an alarm channel.

Digital carrier frame synchronization

 Added-Digit Framing
 Robbed-digit framing
 Added-channel framing
 Statistical framing
 Unique-line code framing

Bit Interleaving & The two methods of Interleaving PCM transmissions are?
Word Interleaving
Statistical Time- Used more often for the transmission of data when they are called
Division asynchronous TDM, intelligent TDM, or simply stat muxs.
Large-scale integration (LSI) chip designed for use in the
CODEC telecommunications industry for private branch exchanges.

Three functions of codec

 Analog Sampling
 Encoding / Decoding
 Digital Companding

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It can provide the anolog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions and the

Combo Chips transmit and receive filtering necessary to interface a full-duplex voice
telephone circuit to the PCM highway of a TDM carrier system.

General Operations of Combo Chips

 Bandpass filtering of the analog signals prior to encoding and after decoding
 Encoding and decoding of voice and call progress signal
 Encoding and decoding of signaling and supervision information
 Digital companding

Time Slot Strobe Used to gate the PCM word onto the PCM highway when an external
Buffer buffer is used to drive the line.

Burst Mode Data are input and output for a single channel in a short burst.

Variable-Data-Rate Allows for a flexible data input and output clock frequency .
Data from the PCM highway are clock into the codec on the next eight
Shift Register Mode consecutive negative transitions of DCLKR.

Supervisory It can be used only in the fixed-data-rate mode.

Frequency Division Multiple sources that originally occupied the same frequency spectrum are
Multiplexing each converted to a different frequency.

Stacking The process which accomplished without synchronization between stations.

Short Haul; AT&T’s communications network is subdivided into 2:

Long Haul
Message Channel Basic building block of the FDM Hierarchy.

It is the next higher level in the FDM hierarchy above the basic message
Group channel and consequently, is the first multiplexing step for combining
messages channels.

It is formed by frequency-division multiplexing five groups containing 12

Basic Supergroup channels each for a combined bandwidth of 240 kHz (5 groups x 48 kHz /
group or 5 groups x 12 channel groups x 4kHz/ channel).

It is formed by frequency-division multiplexing 10 supergroups together for a

Basic Mastergroup combined capacity of 600 voice-band message channel occupying a
bandwidth of 2.4 MHz (600 channels x 4kHz/channel or 5 groups x 12
channels/groups x 10 groups/supergroups).

Basic Mastergroup can be further multiplexed in mastergroup banks to form

Larger Groupings jumbogroup (3600 VB channels), multijumbogroup (7200 VB channels) and
superjumbo group (10800 VB channels).

Baseband It described the modulating signal in the communication system.

Composite Band It is the final output of the FDM multiplexer.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

These are necessary because the demultiplexing process is accomplished

Guard Band through filtering and down converting.

Quality Factor The guard band reduces the _________ which is required to perform the
necessary filtering.

Radio Channel It comprises either a single L600 mastergroup or up to three U600

mastergroup (1800 voice-band channels)
Wavelength Is a network mechanism for telecommunications routing, switching and
Division selection based on the wavelength begins a new era in optical
Multiplexing communications.

Demultiplexers / Separate signals with different wavelengths in a manner similar to the way
Splitters filter separate electrical signals of different frequencies.

Add / Drop Similar to regular multiplexers and demultiplexers except they are
Multiplexers / located at intermediate points in the system.
Direct signals of a particular wavelength to a specific destination while not
WDM Routers separating all the wavelengths present on the cable.

Enable more efficient utilization of the transmission capabilities of optical fibers

WDM Couplers by permitting different wavelengths to be combined and separated.

Three basic types of WDM couplers

 Diffraction Grating
 Prism
 Dichroic Filter

Diffraction Gating The specific wavelength is separated from the other optical signal by reflecting
or Prism them at different angles.

It is a mirror with a surface that has been coated with a material that permits
Dichroic Filter the lights of only one wavelength to pass through while reflecting all other

Synchronous Multiplexing system similar to conventional time division multiplexing.

Optical Network
(Synchronous Has a 51.84-Mbps synchronous frame structure.
Transport level 1)
OC-48 Second level of SONET multiplexing.

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Guided Provides a conduit in which electromagnetic signals are

Transmission Media contained.

Emitted then radiated through air or a vacuum.
Transmission Media

Cable Transmission Used to propagate electromagnetic signals between

Medium two locations in a communications system.

Cable Transmission Most common means of interconnecting devices in local

Systems area networks.

Metallic conductor system used to transfer electrical

Transmission line energy from one point to another using electrical current

longitudinal and
Two basic kinds of waves.

Frequency The rate at which the periodic wave repeats.

Metallic circuit Currents that flow in opposite directions in a balanced

currents wire pair.

Currents that flow in the same direction.
Common mode
Cancellation of common mode signals.

Single-ended or One wire is at the ground potential, whereas the other is

unbalanced at signal potential.

balun A circuit device used to connect a balanced

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

transmission line to an unbalanced load.

transmission lines Most common metallic cables used to interconnect data
and coaxial communications systems and computer networks.
transmission lines.

Formed by twisting two insulated conductors around

each other.

Unshielded twisted
pair and Shielded Types of twisted pair.
twisted pair

Coupling that takes place when a transmitted signal is

Near-end crosstalk coupled into the received signal at the same end of the

Pair 1: blue/white
stripe and blue
Pair 2:
orange/white Standard color code specified by the EI A for CAT-5
stripe and orange
Pair 3: green/white
strip[e and green
Pair 4: brown/white
stripe and brown

Braid Woven into a mesh.

Name given to the area between the ceiling and the

Plenum root in a single-story building or between the ceiling and
the floor of the next higher level in a multi-story building.

Used for high dat a transmission rates to reduce losses

and isolate transmission path.

Shielding Refers to the woven stranded mesh that surrounds some

types of coaxial cables.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

One layer of foil insulation and one layer of braided

Dual shielded shielding.

Rigid air-filled; solid Types of coaxial cables.

Uniformly distributed throughout the length of the line.

Transmission characteristics of a transmission line.

Surge impedance Impedance seen looking into an infinitely long line.

Propagation Expressed the attenuation and the phase shift per unit
constants length of a transmission line.

Ratio of the actual velocity of propagation of an

Velocity factor. electromagnetic wave through a given medium to the
velocity of propagation through a vacuum.

Dielectric constant Relative permittivity of a material.

Conductor loss,
radiation loss,
dielectric heating Several ways in which signal power is lost.
loss, coupling loss
and corona

Voltage t hat propagates from the source toward the

Incident voltage

Voltage that propagates that propagates from the load

Reflected voltage
toward the source.

Flat or non

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

resonant line Transmission line with no reflected power.

Vector quantity that represents the ratio of reflected

voltage to incident voltage or reflected current to
coefficient incident current.

Matched line Incident power is absorbed by the load.

Unmatched or
Incident power returned (reflected) to the source.
mismatched line

Standing wave Two travelling waves set up an interference pattern.

Ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage or

the maximum current to the minimum current of a
standing wave on a transmission line.

Quarter- Used to matched transmission lines to purely resistive

wavelength loads whose resistance is not equal to the characteristic
transformers impedance of the line.

Time domain A technique that can be used to locate an impairment

reflectometry (TDR) in a metallic cable

Echo Return signal.

Simply a flat conductor separated from a ground plane

by an insulating di-electric material.

Simply a flat conductor sandwiched between two

ground planes.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi



Fiber Optics A branch of optics that deals with communication by transmission of light
through ultrapure fibers of glass or plastic.

Fiber Optic System Is a communications system that carries information through a guided fiber

Optical Fiber Dielectric waveguide used for the propagation of electromagnetic energy at
optical frequencies.

Optical Fiber communication Link


analog or voltage-to- source-to-

input digital current light source fiber
interface converter interface

Glass or Plastic Optical Fiber

repeater repeater

current to analog or
feber to ligh light voltage digital output
detector detector converter interface


Analog / Digital It matches impedance and limits input signal amplitude.

Voltage to Current It serves as an electrical interface between input circuitry and light source.
Light Source IT either an LED (light Emitting Diode) or ILD (Injected Laser Diode); amount of
light emitted is proportional to the amount of drive current.

Source to Fiber A mechanical interface; couples light into the optic fiber cable.
Fiber-to-Light A mechanical coupler; couples as much light as possible from the fiber cable
Detector into the light detector.

Light Detector It’s either a PIN diode or an APD (Avalanche Photodiode); both convert light
energy to current.

Current to Voltage It transforms changes in detector current to changes in output signal voltage.
Analog or digital It is an electrical interface; matches impedance and signal levels to the output
Interface circuitry.

Information- Electronic communications system is directly proportional to bandwidth.

Carrying Capacity
Bandwidth It is common to express the bandwidth of an analog communications system

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Utilization Ratio as a percentage of its carrier frequency.

Device constructed from mirrors and selenium detectors that transmitted sound
Photophone waves over a beam of light.

Alexander Graham He experimented with an apparatus called photophone.

Flexible fiberscope Used extensively in medical field.

Laser (light Invented in 1960, which relatively high output power, high frequency of
amplification by operation, and capability of carrying an extremely wide bandwidth signal make
stimulated emission it ideally suited for high-capacity communications system.
of radiation)
Karpon, Keck and In 1970, they developed an optical fiber with losses less than 2dB/km.

Three Regions of Optical Fiber

1. Core – a transmission area of the fiber; typical diameters: 50 to 500 µm.

2. Cladding – surrounds the core, has a different index of refraction; defines the optical boundary
of the core and makes sure that the total internal reflection occurs at the core outer skin.

3. Coating – specially formulated plastic coating that provides a first level shock and abrasion
resistance for the fiber; typical thickness is 250µm to 1000µm.

Types of Optical Fiber

1. Plastic Core and Cladding
 Flexibility and ruggedness
 Easy to install
 Less Weight
 More economical
 Can withstand stress
 High attenuation
 Inefficient
 Limited for short distance applications
2. Glass core with plastic cladding (PCS; Plastic Clad Silica)
 Less affected by radiation
 Attractive to military applications
3. Glass core and glass cladding (SCS fiber; Silica -Clad Silica
 Susceptible to increase in attenuation when exposed to radiation
 Least rugged
 Easier to terminate

Advantages of Optical Fiber cables.

1. wider bandwidth and greater information capacity

2.immunity to crosstalk
3. immunity to statistic interference
4. environmental immunity
5. safety and convenience
6. lower transmission loss
7. security

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

8. durability and reliability

9. economics

Disadvantages of Optical Fiber cables.

1. interfacing cost
2. strength
3. remote electrical power
4. optical fiber cables are more susceptible to losses introduced by bending the cable
5. specialized tools, equipment, and training

Stress corrosion Reduces the possibility of the occurrence of a detrimental phenomenon.

Protective coating and which provides the additional protection against

Buffer jacket abrasion and shocks.

Strength member Increases the tensile strength of the overall cable assembly.

It described the photoelectric effect, which state, “When visible lights or high
Plank’s Law frequency electromagnetic radiation illuminates a metallic surface, electrons
are emitted”.

mode (path) of A stable propagation state in an optical fiber. The number of modes a fiber can
propagation transmit depend on its numerical aperture as well as the wavelength.

Index Profile A graphical representation of the refractive index of the core.

Classifications of Optical Fibers

1. Single Mode (Monomode)
 Only one path for light to take down the cable.
 Core diameter of a single mode fiber is extremely small (2 to 4um diameter).
 Extremely wide bandwidths and low losses. This gives the highest and longest
distances but it requires powerful and precisely aligned light sources.



2. Multimode Fibers
 The light wave rays take many paths between the source and the far end of the fiber.
 The fiber core diameter must be large enough to permit propagation in several modes.
 Since some paths are longer than the others, the original sharp pulse at the source is spread
out in time at the receiver. This pulse spreading reduces the bandwidth and the maximum data
rate of the system.

Two Types:

a. Step Index
 The core has a uniform index of refraction providing an abrupt change in refraction
index at the core-cladding interface.
 These types of fibers have relatively high dispersion making it useful only at lower
rates and shorter distance.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi



b. Graded Index
 The core has index of refraction that changes continuously from the center to the
 This core is made out of many thin layers, each with lower index of refraction than the
adjacent inner one. The effect of this grading is that light waves are propagated by
refraction so they are bent in a sinusoid like curve about the fiber.


Spontaneous decay
or spontaneous Process of decaying from one energy level to another energy level.
Absorption The process of moving from one energy to another energy level is called?

Photometry Science of measuring only light waves that are visible to human eye.

It is a complex concept that can be expressed in either photometric or

Light Intensity radiometric terms.

Optical power Measures the rate at which electromagnetic waves transfer light energy.

It is the equivalent to joule per second and is the power that is measured
Radian Flux electrically or thermally in watts.

This phenomenon that cause rainbows, where water droplets in the

Prismatic atmosphere act as a small prism that split the white sunlight into the various
Refraction wavelength, creating a visible spectrum of color.

Simply the ratio of velocity of propagation of a light ray in free space to the
Refractive index velocity of propagation of a light ray in a given material.

The refractive index (η)



Vacuum 1.0

Air 1.00029

Water 1.33

Ethyl Alcohol 1.36

Fused Quartz 1.46

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Glass Fiber 1.5 – 1.9

Diamond 2.0 – 2.42

Silicon 3.4

It explains how a light may react when it meets the interface of two
transmissive materials that have different indices of refraction using the law
which states that:

Snell's law 1 sin  1  2 sin  2

w here: η1 = refraction index of material 1

η2 = refraction index of material 2
1 = angle of incidence
2 = angle of refraction

 When a light travels from a less dense material into a more dense
material, the wave is refracted towards the normal.
 When a light ray enters a less dense material, the ray bends away
from the normal.

Normal It is simply a line drawn perpendicular to the interface at the point where the
incident ray strikes the interface.

refracted ray;
toward normal
1  2

1   2
2 unrefracted ray

refracted ray;
2 away from normal
1   2
medium 2
medium 1

normal line

Angle of incidence Angle at which the propagating ray strikes the interface with respect to the

Angle of refraction Angle formed between the propagating ray and the normal after the ray has
entered the second medium.

It is defined as the minimum angle of incidence at which a light ray may strike
the interface of the two media and result in a angle of refraction of 90 degrees
or greater.
Critical Angle 
 c  sin1 2
where: η2 < η1

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Acceptance Angle Maximum angle in which external light rays may strike the air/fiber interface
or Acceptance and still propagate down fiber.
Cone Half Angle
 in  sin1 12  2 2
( in )
A figure of merit used to measure the light gathering or light collecting ability of
the optical fiber.
Numerical aperture NA  sin  in
NA  12  2 2
It is a key parameter that describes the mode structure of a fiber.
2a 2
V 1 2 ; multimode V  2.405 1  ; single-mode
 g
w here:
12   2 2 ; fractional change in the index of refraction of multimode-mode step index

V Parameter (V) 1   2
 ; fractional change in the index of refraction of multimode-mode graded index
a = radius of the core of the fiber
λ = w avelength
η1= index of refraction of core
η2 = index of refraction of cladding
g = gradient of graded fiber
= 2; parabolic profile
= 1; triangular profile
=  ; step index profile
Number of Modes N ; V >> 2.405 (for multimode step index)
 g  V 2 
N     ; for multimode graded index
 
 g  2  2 
This is due to imperfections in the fiber that are formed during manufacturing
Scattering Losses process. Cooling process of glass irregularities, imperfections such as tiny
bubbles, and imperfections in the internal uniformity causing light rays to be
diffracted (dispersed) or to escape.

Linear scattering The power transferred from a wave is proportional to the power of the wave.

Rayleigh Scattering The light interacting with inhomogeneities in the medium that are much smaller
than the wavelength of the light.

Mie Scattering Inhomogeneities that is comparable in size to a wavelength.

Significant power to be scattered in the forward, backward, or sideways

Nonlinear directions, depending on the nature of the interaction.
Modulation of the light by the thermal energy in the material. The incident
Brillouin Scattering photon of light undergoes the nonlinear interaction to produce vibrational
energy (phonons) in the glass as well as scattered light (as photons).

Raman Scattering The nonlinear interaction produces a high-frequency phonon and a scattered

Absorption Losses Impurities in the fiber absorb the light and convert it to heat.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Types Of Absorption Loss

 Ultraviolet Absorption – light ionizes the valence electrons into conduction; ionization is
equivalent to a loss in the light field.

 Infrared Absorption – photons of light absorbed by atoms of the glass core are converted to
mechanical vibrations typical of heating.
 Ion Resonance absorption – caused by OH ions from water molecules trapped in the glass
during manufacturing process.
Spreading of pulse out in the time domain, changing its shape so that it may
Dispersion merge into the previous and succeeding pulses. The pulses maybe separated
by spacing them out at the transmitter but this means reducing the maximum
bit rate.

Types of Dispersion

 Material or Chromatic or Wavelength Dispersion – light sources emit light that contains a
combination of wavelengths. Therefore, different wavelengths do not arrive at the same.

 Waveguide Dispersion – attributed to the dependence of the phase and group velocities on
the geometric characteristic of the waveguide.

 Modal Dispersion – it is caused by the different path lengths associated with each of the
modes of a fiber. Caused by the difference in the propagation times of light rays that take
different path down a fiber; occur only in multimode fibers. A portion of the light energy
traveling in the cladding.

Coupling Losses

1. Lateral Misalignment

2. Gap Misalignment or Longitudinal Displacement

3. Angular Misalignment

4. Imperfect Surface Finish

Light Sources A light source is any material or device which gives off energy with a
wavelength from about 300 microns down to 0.5 microns.

Requirement of Light Source

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

 Their light must be as nearly monochromatic (single frequency) as possible.

 Capable of being easily modulated; PCM for better noise immunity

 High intensity light output so that sufficient energy is transmitted to overcome the losses
encountered during transmission down the fiber.

 Devices should be small, compact, and easily couple to the fibers so that excessive coupling
losses do not occur.

 Must be inexpensive to manufacture

 Non-coherent injection light sources which are low-cost, low heat light
sources and are the most promising light sources for optical
Light Emitting transmission.
Diodes (LED)  LEDS have the necessary reliability, life expectancy, and simplicity for
optical transmission purposes.
 It emits light over a rather large angle thus coupling less power into the
 LEDS are able to couple about 100uW of power with a coupling
efficiency of 2%.

Injection Laser ILDs make the most efficient use of electric energy. This coherent light source
Diodes (ILD) can couple a few milliwatts of light power into a fiber since it has a more direct
radiation pattern.

Advantages of ILDs over LED

 Reduced coupling losses
 Greater radiant output power
 Can be used at higher bit rates
 Reduced wavelength dispersion; monochromatic

Disadvantages of ILD’s
 Expensive
 Shorter lifetime
 Temperature dependence
 Requires automatic level control circuit to protect the device from power Supply transients:

Homojunction A p-n junction made from two different mixtures of the same types of atoms is
LED’s called?

Epitaxially grown Generally constructed of silicon-doped gallium-arsenide.

Planar diffused Homojunction LED’s output approximately 500 µ at a wavelength of 900 nm.

Heterojunction This are made from p-type semiconductor material of one set of atom and an
LED’s n-type semiconductor material from another set.

Edge Emitters The light emitted from the edge of the material is called?

Planar It is quite similar to the epitaxially grown LED except that the geometry is
Heterojunction LED designed such that the forward current is concentrated to a very small area of
the layer.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Advantages of heterojunction devices over homojunction devices

 Increase in current density generates a more brilliant light spot.

 Smaller emitting area makes it easier to couple its emitted light into a fiber.

 Small effective area has a smaller capacitance, which allows the planar heterojunction LED to
be used at a higher speed.

PIN diode Depletion-layer photo diode and is probably the most common device used as
a light detector in fiber optic communications system.

Light Detectors

 PIN (Positive Intrinsic Negative) diodes - When photons are absorbed by intrinsic layer’s
electrons in the valence band, they add sufficient energy to generate carriers in the depletion
region and allow current to flow thru the device.

 APD (Avalanche Photo Diode) - Light enters diode and is absorbed by the thin, heavily
doped n-layer causing a high electric field intensity to be across i-p-n junction thus ionization
occur and continues like avalanche.

Advantages of APD over PIN

 APD's give better sensitivity over PIN
 APD's provides larger amplification

Disadvantages of APD
 High bias requirement
 Temperature dependence
 Long transit time

Characteristic of a light detector.

 Responsivity
 Dark currents
 Transit time
 Spectral response
 light sensitivity

Laser Technology deals with the connection of light into a very small, powerful beam.

Types of Laser
 Gas Laser – use a mixture of helium and neon enclosed in a glass tube.

 Liquid Laser – use organic dyes enclosed in a glass tube for an active medium.

 Solid Laser – use a solid cylindrical crystal, such as ruby, for the an active medium.

 Semiconductor Laser – are made from semiconductor p-n junction and are commonly called

Optical Fiber System Link Budget

 Cable Losses – it depends on the cable length, material and material impurity.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

 Connector Losses – if mechanical connection is not perfect, light energy can escape,
resulting in a reduction of optical power.
 Source to Cable Interface Loss – the mechanical interface used to house the light source
and attach it to the cable is seldom perfect.
 Cable to Light Detector Interface Loss - the mechanical interface used to house the light
source and attach it to the cable is also not perfect and therefore, prevent a small percentage
of power leaving the cable from the entering the light detector.
 Splicing Loss – if more than one continuous section of cable is required, cable section can be
fused together.
 Cable Bend – when an optical cable is bend at too large an angle, the characteristics of the
cable can change dramatically.


Propagation of electromagnetic waves often called radio-frequency

Free-space (RF) propagation or simply radio propagation.

Electrical energy that has escaped into free space.

Electromagnetic wave

The orientation of the electric field vector in respect to the surface of

Polarization the Earth.

Polarization remains constant

Linear Polarization

Polarization and Forms of Linear polarization
Vertical Polarization
Polarization vector rotates 360◦ as the wave moves one wave-length
through the space and the field strength is equal at all angles of
Circular Polarization

Field strength varies with changes in polarization.

Elliptical Polarization

Used to show the relative direction of electromagnetic wave

Rays propagation.

Formed when two points of equal phase on rays propagated from the
Wavefront same source are joined together.

A single location from which rays propagate equally in all directions.

Point source

Magnetic Field Invisible force field produced by a magnet, such as a conductor when

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

current is flowing through.

Strength of a H
magnetic field (H)
Invisible force fields produced by a difference in voltage potential between
Electric fields two conductors.

Electric filed strength 2

Dielectric constant of the material separating the two conductors.

Permittivity of air or 8.85 x 10 -12 F/m

free space

The rate at which energy passes through a given surface area in free
Power density space.

Intensity of the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic

Field intensity wave propagating in free space.

Power density P = €H W/m2

It is equal to the square root of the ratio of its magnetic permeability
to its electric permittivity.
Zs = (µo 0 )1/2
Point source that radiates power at a constant rate uniformly in all
Isotropic radiator directions.

Power density is inversely proportional to the square of the distance

Inverse Square Law from the source.

Propagation medium.
Isotropic medium

Waves propagate through free space; they spread out, resulting in a

Attenuation reduction in power density.

Reduction of Power.
Absorption Loss

Reduction in power density with distance is equivalent to a power

Wave attenuation loss.

Spherical spreading of the wave.

Space attenuation

Homogeneous One with uniform properties throughout.

Inhomogeneous Absorption coefficient varies considerably with location, thus creating
medium a difficult problem for radio systems engineers.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Refraction, Optical properties of Radio Waves.

Diffraction and
Bending of the radio wave path.

Refractive index; n = Square root of the dielectric constant and is expressed in:
Relative to free space (vacuum).
Equivalent dielectric
K = (1- 81N/f2 )1/2

Boundary between two media with different densities.


Imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the interface at the point of

Normal incidence.

Angle formed between the incident wave and the normal.

Angle of Incidence

Angle formed between the refracted wave and the normal.

Angle of Refraction

Ratio of velocity of propagation of a light ray in free space to the

Refractive Index velocity of propagation of a light ray in a given material.

Perpendicular to the direction of propagation (parallel to the

Density gradient waveform)

To cast or turn back.


Ratio of the reflected to the incident voltage intensities.

Reflection Coefficient

Power transmission Portion of the total incident power that is not reflected.
Fraction of power that penetrates medium 2.
Absorption coefficient

Incident wave front strikes an irregular surface, it is randomly

Diffuse reflection scattered in many directions.

Specular (mirrorlike) Reflection from a perfectly smooth surface.

Surfaces that falls between smooth and irregular.
Semirough surfaces

Semirough surface will reflect as if it were a smooth surface whenever

Rayleigh criterion the cosine of the angle of incidence is greater than λ/8d, where d is the
Cos θi > λ/8d depth of the surface irregularity and λ is the wavelength of the
incident wave.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Modulation or redistribution of energy within a wavefront when it

Diffraction passes near the edge of an opaque object.

Diffraction occurs around the edge of the obstacle, which allows

Shadow zone
secondary waves to “sneak” around the corner of the obstacle.
States that the total voltage intensity at a given point in space is the
Linear Superposition sum of the individual wave vectors.

Electromagnetic waves travelling within Earth’s atmosphere.

Terrestial waves

Terrestial radio Communications between two or more points on Earth.

Used for high-frequency applications.
Sky waves

Earth –guided electromagnetic wave that travels over the surface of

Surface wave earth.

Relative Conductivity

Seawater Fair
Flat, loamy soil
Large bodies of freshwater Poor
Rocky terrain

Conductivity of
Earth Surfaces

1. Ground waves require a relatively transmission power.

2. Ground waves are limited to very low, low, and medium
Disadvantages of
surface waves.
3. Requiring large antennas.
4. Ground losses vary considerably with surface material and

1. Given enough transmit power, ground waves can be used to

Advantages of ground
communicate between any two locations in the world.
wave propagation.
2. Ground waves are relatively unaffected by changing atmospheric

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


Travel essentially in a straight line between the transmit and receive

Direct waves antennas.

Line-of-Sight (LOS) Space wave propagation with direct waves.

The curvature of Earth presents a horizon to space wave propagation.
Radio Horizon

Occurs when the density of the lower atmosphere is such that

Duct propagation electromagnetic waves are trapped between it and Earth’s surface.

Lowest layer of the ionosphere and is located approximately between

D Layer 30 miles and 60 miles (50 km to 100 km) above Earth’s surface.

Located approximately between 60 miles and 85 miles (100 km to 140

E Layer km) above Earth’s surface.

The upper portion of the E layer.

Sporadic E layer

Made up of two layers, F 1 and F 2 layers.

F Layer

Highest frequency that can be propagated directly upward and still be

Critical frequency returned to Earth by the ionosphere.

Maximum vertical angle at which it can be propagated and still be

Critical Angle refracted back by the ionosphere.

A measurement technique used to determine the critical frequency.

Ionospheric Sounding

Height above the Earth’s surface from which a refracted wave appears
Virtual Height to have been reflected.

Highest frequency that can be used for sky wave propagation between
Maximum Usable
Frequency (MUF)
two specific points on Earth’s surface.

MUF = critical frequency/cosθi

Secant law
Operating at a frequency of 85% of the MUF provides more reliable
Optimum Working
Frequency (OWF)

Minimum distance from a transmit antenna that a sky wave at a given

Skip distance frequency will be returned to Earth.

The area between where the surface waves are completely dissipated
Quiet, or skip, zone
and the point where the first sky wave returns to Earth.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Formed by the ionosphere is raised, allowing sky waves to travel

Ceiling higher before being returned to Earth.

Define as the loss incurred by an electromagnetic waves as it

propagates in a straight line through a vacuum with no absorption or
Free-space path loss
reflection of energy from nearby objects.

Occurs simply because of the inverse square law.

Spreading loss
Variation in signal loss.


A metallic conductor system capable of radiating and capturing
Antenna electromagnetic energy.

Couples energy from a transmitter to an antenna or from antenna to a

Transmission Lines receiver.

A special type of transmission line that consists of a conducting metallic tube

through which high-frequency electromagnetic energy is propagated.

Electrical energy that has escaped into free space in the form of transverse
Radio Waves electromagnetic waves

The plane parallel to the mutually perpendicular lines of the electric and
Wavefront magnetic fields.

The ratio of radiated to reflected energy.

Radiation Efficiency
Antenna wherein two conductors are spread out in a straight line to a total
Quarter Wave
length of one quarter wavelength.
Vertical Monopole or Another name for quarter wave antenna.
A half-wave dipole.
Hertz Antenna
A special coupling device that can be used to direct the transmit and receive signals
and provide the necessary isolation.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A polar diagram or graph representing field strengths or power densities at

Radiation Pattern
various angular positions relative to an antenna.

Absolute Radiation
Radiation pattern plotted in terms of electric field strength or power density.
Radiation pattern plots field strength or power density with respect to the
Relative Radiation value at a reference

The primary beam of an antenna.

Major Lobes
The major lobes that propagates and receive the most energy.
Front Lobe
Lobes adjacent to the front lobe.
Side lobes
The secondary beam of an antenna.
Minor Lobes
Lobes in a direction exactly opposite the front lobe
Back Lobe
The ratio of the front lobe power to the back lobe power.
Front to Back Ratio
The ratio of the front lobe to a side lobe.
Front to Side Ratio

The line bisecting the major lobe, or pointing from the center of the antenna
Line of Shoot or Point
in the direction of maximum radiation.
of Shoot
Omni-directional Antenna that radiates energy equally in all directions.
Radiates power at a constant rate uniformly in all directions.
Isotropic Radiator
The direction in which an antenna is always pointing.
Maximum Radiation
It is defined as an equivalent transmits power. It stands for Effective Isotropic
EIRP Radiated Power.

The equivalent power that an isotropic antenna would have to radiate to

achieve the same power density in the chosen direction at a given point as
RadiatedPower (ERP)
another antenna.
or (EIRP)
The power density in space and the actual power that a receive antenna
Captured Power
produces at its output terminals.
It describe the reception properties of an antenna.
Capture Area
Another name for capture area.
Effective Area
The relationship of captured power to the received power density and the
Directly Proportional effective capture area of the received antenna.

It refers to the orientation of the electric field radiated from the antenna.
The angular separation between the two half-power(-3dB) points on the
Antenna Bandwidth major lobe of an antenna's plane radiation pattern.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The frequency range over which antenna operation is satisfactory.

Antenna Bandwidth

Another name for antenna input terminal

Antenna Input The feedpoint presents an ac load to the transmission line.
The simplest type of antenna.
Another names for elementary doublet
 Short Dipole,
 Elementary Dipole
Elementary Doublet
 Hertzian Dipole

Any dipole that is less than one-tenth wavelength.

Electrically Short
Hertz antenna is name after him and he was the first to demonstrate the
Heinrich Hertz existence of electromagnetic waves.

A single pole antenna one quarter wavelength long, mounted vertically with
the lower end either connected directly to ground or grounded through the
Marconi Antenna
antenna coupling network.

Must be close to the Main disadvantage of Marconi Antenna.

A technique use to increase the electrical length of an antenna.
A coil added in series with a dipole antenna which effectively increases
Loading Coil antenna's electrical length.

A loading coil approximately increases the radiation resistance of the

5 Ohms antenna.

An individual radiator, such as a half or quarter wave dipole Two

types of antenna elements
 Driven
 Parasitic
Antenna Element
Two Elements of a single antenna
 Two Wire
 Folded Dipole

Its purpose is to increase the directivity and concentrate the radiated power
Array within a smaller geographic area.

Elements that are directly connected to the transmission line and receive
Driven power from the source.

Elements are not connected to the transmission line; they receive energy
Parasitic only through mutual induction with a driven element.

A parasitic element that is shorter that its associated driven element.

Radiation pattern depends on the relative phase of feeds.
The simplest type of antenna arrays.
Broadside Arrays

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A widely used antenna commonly uses a folded dipole as the driven element
Yagi Uda and named after two Japanese scientists.

Typical directivity of a yagi-uda antenna.

7 dB and 9 dB
Formed by placing two dipoles at right angles to each other.
Turnstile Antenna
A class of frequency-independent antennas.
Log Periodic

A broadband VHF or UHF antenna that is ideally suited for applications for
which radiating circular rather than horizontal or vertical polarized
electromagnetic waves are required.
Helical Antenna
Modes of propagation:
 Normal
 Axial

Antennas having half power beamwidths on the order of 1 or less.
Three important characteristics:
 Front-to Back Ratio,
 Side-toSide Coupling
Microwave Antenna
 Back-to-Back Coupling

Antenna that provides extremely high gain and directivity and are very
popular for microwave and satellite communications link.
Parabolic Reflector Two main part
 Parabolic Reflector
 Feed Mechanism

The effective area in a receiving parabolic antenna and is always less than
Capture Area the actual mouth area.



Communications Process of conveying information from one place to another

Telecommunications Is a long-distance communications

One of the most remarkable devices ever invented.
Public Telephone Anyone who uses a telephone or a data modem on a telephone circuit is part
Network of a global communications network .

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The PTN is comprised of several very large corporations and hundreds of

smaller independent companies jointly.
Alexander Graham
The telephone system as we know it today began as an unlikely collaboration
Bell and Thomas A.
of two men with widely disparate personalities:
Plain Old Telephone
The simplest and most straightforward form of telephone s ervice.
Subscriber Loop or
Most fundamental component of a telephone circuit.
Local Loop
An unshielded trwisted-pair transmission line consisting of two insulated
Local Loop
conductors twisted together
Comes from the Greek word "tele" meaning from afar and phone, meaning
sound, voice, or voiced sound.
Butterstamp The first telephone set that combined a transmitter and receiver into a single
Telephone handheld unit was introduced in 1878
Sidetone or
Helps prevent the speaker from talking too loudly.
Local Loop The pair of wores connecting.
RJ or Registered A series of telephone connection interfaces that are registered with the U.S.
Jacks Federal Communications Commission.
The most common telephone jack in use today and can have up to six
An apparatus that creates an exact likeness of sound waves with an electric
Telephone Set
Is originally an electromagnetic bell, placed directly across the tip of the ring of
Ringer Circuit the local loop.

Alert the destination

party of incoming Purpose of a Ringer.
On/Off Hook Circuit Sometimes called a Switch Hook.
Equalizers Helps solve an important transmission problem in telephone set design.
Microphone Is the transmitter of the telephone.
Converts acoustical signals in the form of sound pressure waves from the
caller to electrical signals that are transmitted into the telephone network.
Dialing Circuit Enables the subscriber to output signals representing digits.
Signaling messages can be subdivided further into one or four categories:
Controlling, and
Alerting Signals Indicate a request for service.
Supervising Signals Provide call status information.
Controlling Signals Provide information in the form of announcements.
Addressing Signals Provide the routing information..
Is strictly for signaling between a subscriber's location and the nearest
telephone office or message switching center.
Are used to transfer digits and control signals between switching machines.
Are combinations of two frequencies that fall within the normal speech
MF Tones
bandwidth so they can be propagated over the same circuits as voice.
Congestion Tone or Occurs whenever the system is overloaded and more calls are being placed
No-Circuit-Available than can be completed.
Is sent from a central office to a subscriber whenever there is an incoming

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It is when the produced cross-products are undesired when two or more

Ringing signal frequencies mix in a nonlinear device.



Telephone Circuit It comprised of two or more facilities, interconnected in tandem,

to provide a transmission path between a source and a destination.

Message The information transferred in a telephone circuit

Message Circuit The circuit used in transferring information in a telephone circuit.

4 kHz The network bandwidth for a standard voice-band message channel.

Guard Bands Unused frequency bands located between information signals.

300 Hz to 3000 Hz Effective channel bandwidth for a voice-band message signal.

The only facility required by all voice-band circuits, as it is the means

Local Subscriber
by which subscriber locations are connected to the local telephone

Two components
found on local loops: The primary cause of attenuation and phase distortion on a telephone
Loading Coils
Bridge Taps

Feeder Cable (F1)

The largest cable used in a local loop, usually 3600 pair of copper wire

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

placed underground or in conduit.

Serving Area A cross-connect point used to distribute the larger feeder cable into
Interface smaller distribution cables.

Distribution Cable A smaller version of a feeder cable containing less wire pairs.

Subscriber or
A device that serves as the demarcation point between local telephone
company responsibility and subscriber responsibility for telephone
Network Interface

Drop Wire The final length of cable pair that terminates at the SNI.

That portion of the local loop that is strung between poles.

Distribution Cable
and Drop The location where individual cable pairs within a distribution cable
Wire Cross Connect are separated and extended to the subscriber's location on a drop wire.

Loading Adding inductors periodically in series with the wire.

Loading Coil The inductor in loading technique.

Bridge Tap An irregularity frequently found in cables serving subscriber location.

Bridging Loss A loss that allows signals to split and propagation down more than
one wire introduced by bridge taps.

C-Message Weighting network introduced by AT & T to accomplish equal

Weighting magnitude of noise signals.

1000 Hz
The most annoying frequency to human (i.e. the best frequency

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Decibel (dB) The basic yardstick used for making power measurements in

Transmission The optimum level of a test tone on a channel at some point in a

Level Point communications system. It is used for voice circuits.

Transmission Level The ratio in dB of the power of a signal at that point to the power the
(TL) same signal would be at 0 dBm transmission level point.

0 dBm The reference for TLP.

Data Level Pint A parameter equivalent to TLP except it is used as a reference for data
(DLP) transmission.

dBmO dBm reference to a zero transmission level point.

reference noise (rn) dB reference value for noise reading.

dBrn dB level of noise with respect to reference noise

(- 90 dBm).

dBrnc Similar to dBrn except it is the dB value of noise with

respect to reference noise using C-message weighting

Noise readings taken with a filter that has a flat frequency response
dBrn 3 kHz Flat
from 30 Hz to 3 kHz

dBrncO The amount of noise in dBrnc corrected to a 0 TLP

Interface Transmission parameters which include terminal impedance, in band

Parameters and out of band signal power, test signal power and ground isolation.

Facility Parameters
Transmission parameters which includes noise measurements,
frequency distortion, phase distortion, amplitude distortion and non

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

linear distortion.

The difference in circuit gain experienced at a particular frequency

with respect to the circuit gain of a reference frequency.
Distortion Another names attenuation distortion:
 Frequency Response,
 Differential Gain
 1004-Hz Deviation

Envelope Delay An indirect method of evaluating the phase delay characteristics of a

Distortion circuit.

Basic Voice-Band It satisfies the minimum line conditioning

Channel requirements

Basic 3002 Channel Another name for basic voice-band.

Specifies the maximum limits for attenuation distortion and envelope

delay distortion.
Classifications of C-type:
 C1
C-type Conditioning
 C2
 C3
 C4
 C5

Classification of C-type conditioning pertains to two point and multi

C1 and C2
point circuits.

C3 C-type conditioning used for access lines and trunk circuits associated
with private switched networks.

C-type conditioning pertains to two point and multi point circuits with
a maximum of four stations

C-type conditioning pertains to two point circuits only

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Private Branch A relatively low-capacity switching machine where the subscribers

Exchange are generally limited to stations within the same building or building
(PBX) complex.

The frequency response of a transmission medium referenced to 1004
Hz test tone.

Linear Phase vs.

A requirement for error free data transmission.

The difference in phase shifts with respect to frequency that signals

Delay Distortion
experience as they propagate through a transmission medium.

Propagation Time The time delay encountered by a signal as it propagates from source to
a destination.

Phase Delay The delay measured in angular units.

Absolute Phase The actual time required for a particular frequency to propagate from
Delay a source to a destination through a communications channel.

The time required to propagate a change in an AM envelope through a

Envelope Delay
transmission medium.

Envelope Delay
The phase difference at the different carrier frequencies.

D-Type Line It sets the minimum requirements for signal to noise ratio and
Conditioning nonlinear distortion.

9600 bps The data transmission rate when D type conditioning is mandatory.

1004 Hz Telephone industry standard test tone frequency

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

C-message Noise Measurement that determine the average weighted

Measurement rms noise power.

Loaded A communications term that indicates the presence of a signal power

comparable to the power of an actual message transmission.

Impulse Noise Characterized by high amplitude peaks of short duration having an

approximate flat frequency spectrum

A sudden, random change in the gain of a circuit resulting in a

Gain Hit
temporary change in the signal level.

A decrease in circuit gain of more than 12 dB lasting

longer than 4 ms.

Phase Hits (Slips) A sudden, random change in the phase of a signal.

A form of incidental phase modulation - a continuous, uncontrolled

Phase Jitter
variation in the zero crossings of a signal.

Single Frequency The presence of one or more continuous, unwanted tones within a
Interference message channel.

Spurious Tones Unwanted tones within a message channel.

Frequency Shift The frequency of the signal changes during transmission.

It occurs in coherent SSBSC systems when the received carrier is

Phase Intercept
not reinserted with the exact phase relationship to the received signal
as the transmit carrier possessed.

Phase Intercept It occurs in coherent SSBSC systems when the received carrier is not
Distortion reinserted with the exact phase relationship to the received signal as
the transmit carrier possessed.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Hybrid Set A four wire circuit an interface.

Terminating Set Another name for hybrid set.

Any disturbance created in a communications channel by signals in

other communications channels.

Annoying and objectionable because the listener

Intelligible crosstalk
senses a real or fancied loss of privacy

It does not violate privacy, although it can still be annoying.

A direct result of nonlinear amplification in analog communications

Nonlinear Crosstalk

Electromagnetic coupling between two or more physically isolated

Coupling Crosstalk
transmission media.

Transmittance Interference caused by inadequate control of the transfer

Crosstalk characteristics or transmittance of networks.


It uses the largest computer network in the world to interconnect
Public Telephone
millions of subscribers in such a way that the myriad of companies
Network (PTN)
function as a single entity.

Identifies and connects the subscribers to a suitable transmission


BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Signaling Supply and interpret control and supervisory signals needed to

perform the operation.

Service Providers The public telephone companies.

Equipment and facilities that are available to

Common Usage
all public subscribers to the network.

Dial-Up Network Another name for Public Switched Telephone

Network (PSTN).

The transmittal of digital information between two pieces of digita l

Data Transmission

Instrument Any device used to originate and terminate calls and to transmit and
receive signals into and out of the telephone network.

Station Equipment The instrument is often referred.

Station The location of the equipment.

Subscriber The operator or user of the instrument.

Local Loop The dedicated cable facility used to connect an instrument at a

subscriber's station to the closest telephone office.

Trunk Circuits Similar to local loop except trunk circuits are used to interconnect
two telephone offices.

A central location where subscribers are interconnected, either

temporarily or on permanent basis.

Switching Machines Programmable matrices that provide temporary signal paths between
two subscribers.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Local Exchanges Exchanges connected directly to local loops.

The first commercial telephone switchboard began operation New

January 28, 1878
Haven, Connecticut.

Switchboards The first local telephone exchanges

A system of sensors, switches, and other electrical and electronic

Automated Switching
devices that allows subscribers to give instructions directly to the
switch without having to go through an operator.

Allowed subscribers to manually dial the telephone number of the

Mechanical Dialer
party they wished to call.

Strowger Switch Commonly called for stepper or step-by-step (SXS).

Circuit Simply the path over which voice, data, or video signals propagate.

A programmable matrix that allows circuits to be connected tom one

Circuit Switch

Telephone call completed within a single local

Intraoffice Call

Telephone calls placed between two stations that are connected to

Interoffice calls
different local exchanges.

Interswitch Calls Another name for interoffice calls.

Trunks or Interoffice Telephone switching machines in local exchanges are connected to

Trunk other local exchange office.

It is used to interconnect local offices that do not have interoffice

Tandem Office trunks directly between them. An exchange without any local loops
connected to it.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Tandem Switches that interconnect local offices only.

Tandem Trunk or
Trunk circuits that terminates in tandem switches.
Intermediate Trunk

Interstate long distance telephone calls require a special telephone

Toll Office

North American
Telephone Provides telephone numbering system for the United States, Mexico
Numbering Plan and Canada.

It allows many subscribers to share a limited number of lines to a

central office switch.

A path between two subscribers and is comprised of one or more

switches, two local loops; and possibly one or more trunk circuits.

A call that calls cannot be completed because the necessary trunk

Blocking circuits or switching paths are not available, the calling party receives
an equipment busy signal.

Class 5 End
A local exchange where subscriber loops terminated and received
dial tone.

Class 4P Switching
Class 4 office having only outward and inward calling service.

Class 4 office provided human operators for both outward and

Class 4C
inward calling service.

Class 3 Primary
Center Switching office that provides service to small groups of class 4
offices within a small area of a state.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Sectional centers that could provide service to geographical regions

Class 2 Sectional
varying in size from part of a state to all of several states.

Regional centers were the highest ranking office in the DDD network
Class 1 Regional
in terms of the size of the geographical are served and the trunking
options available.

Intermediate Links Toll trunks in tandem, excluding the two terminating links at the ends
of the connection.

Common Channel
Signaling System No. A global standard for telecommunications defined by the ITU.
7 (SS7 or C7)

Refers to the exchange of information between call components required to

and maintain service.

An architecture for performing out of band signaling in support of

common telephone system functions.

Point of Presence
Long distance access is now accomplished through an access point.

A telecommunications term that describes the legal boundaries for the

POP responsibility of
maintaining equipment and transmission lines.

Provide access to the SS7 network, access to databases used by

Signaling Points
switches inside and outside the network.

Codes that are carried in signaling messages exchanged between

Point Codes signaling points to identify the source and destination of each

Service Switching

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Points Local telephone switches equipped with SS7 compatible software

and terminating signal links.

Signal Transfer
The packet switches of the SS7 network.

Service Control
It serves as an interface to telephone company databases.

Signal Control Points Another name for service control points.

Primitive Provides access from one level of the protocol to another



Mobile Telephone
The term for mobile telephone services which began in 1940s and are
Manual System
sometimes called Manual telephone systems.

35 MHz-45MHz The frequency used by MTSs.

Push-to-Talk (PTT) Switch that was used by MTS to activate the transceiver.

Improved Mobile It was introduced in 1964 which used several carrier frequencies and
Telephone System could, therefore, handle several simultaneous mobile conversations at
(IMTS) the same time.

Mobile The term suggested any radio transmitter, receiver, or transceiver that
could be moved while operation.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The term that described a relatively small radio unit that was
handled, battery powered, and easily carried by a person moving at
walking speed.

It is similar to two-way mobile radio in that most communications

Cellular Telephone
occurs between base stations and mobile units.

It operates on half duplex and use PTT transceivers.

examples of two-way radio:
Two-Way Radio
 Citizens Band (CB)
 Public land mobile radio

A one to one system that permits two-way simultaneous

Mobile Telephone transmissions and operates the same way as the standard wire line
telephone service.

E.K. Jett Hinted of a cellular telephone scheme that he referred to as simply a

small-zone radio telephone system in the July 28, 1945.

AT&T and
On June 17, 1946, they introduced the first American commercial
mobile radio-telephone service to private customers.

Highway Service. A radio telephone service introduced by AT&T in 1947.

Unveiled the most famous mobile telephone to date: the fully mobile
Don Adams shoe phone in 1966 in a television show called Get Smart

The year when FCC granted AT&T the first license to operate a
developmental cellular telephone service in Chicago.

Iridium A satellite-based wireless personal communications satellite (PCSS)

Cellular Radio Another term for cellular telephone.

A large geographic market area.

Coverage zone

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It is employed to increase the capacity of a mobile telephone

Frequency Reuse

The shape that was used because it provides the most effective
Honeycomb transmission by approximating a circular pattern while eliminating
the gaps present between adjacent circles.

Large cells that typically has 1 mile and 15 miles radius with base
station transmit power 1W and 6 W.

Microcells The smallest cells that typically has radius of 1500 feet or less with
base station transmit powers between 0.1 W and 1 W.

The process, in which the same set of frequencies can be allocated to

Frequency Reuse
more than one cell, provided the cells are separated by sufficient

A geographic cellular radio coverage area containing three groups of


Cluster size Typically equal to 3, 7, or 12.

The process of finding the tier with the nearest

First Tier
co-channel cells

Co-channel cells Two cells using the same set of frequencies.

The interference between the co-channels cells.

Adding radio channels to a system:

 Decreasing the transmit power per cell
 making cells smaller
 filling vacated coverage areas with new cells

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Adjacent Channel Channel next to one another in the frequency domain.

Adjacent-Channel It results from imperfect filters in receivers that allow nearby

Interference frequencies to enter the receiver.

Most prevalent when a mobile unit is receiving a weak signal from

Near-Far Effect
the base station.

Cell Spliting The area of a cell, or independent component coverage areas of

cellular system is further subdivided thus creating more areas.

Maximum Traffic Occurs when number of the number of subscriber wishing to place a
Load call at any given time equals the number of channels in the cell.

Blocking A condition occurs when a new call is initiated in an area where all
the channels are in use.

Smaller areas when a single omnidirectional antenna is replaced by

Sectors several directional antennas, each radiating within smaller area.

Sectoring Using directional antennas.

Space Diversity Placing two receive antennas one above the other.

A means of avoiding full-cell splitting where the entire area would

otherwise need to be segmented into smaller cells.

A means of avoiding co-channel interference, although it lowers the

capacity of a cell by enabling reuse inside the reuse distance which is
normally prohibited.

The locations of radio-frequency transceivers. It serves are central

Base Stations
control for all users within that cell.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Cell-Site Controller It handles all cell-site control and switching functions.

Occurs when a mobile unit moves from one cell to another

company’s service.

It controls channel assignment, call processing, call setup and call

Different Names:
Mobile Telephone  Electric Mobile Exchange (EMX)- Bell Lab.
Switching Office
 AEX- Ericcson
 Switching Mobile Center (SMC)
 Master Mobile Center (MMC)-Novatel
 Mobile Switching Center- PCS netwroks

The transfer of a mobile unit from one base station’s control to

another base station’s control.

Four stages:
Handoff (Handover)
 Initiation
 Resource reservation
 execution
 completion

A connection that is momentarily broken during the cell-to-cell

Hard Handoff
transfer. It is a break before-make process.

Soft Handoff A flawless hand off with no perceivable interruption of service.

It is used by computers that are based on variations in signal strength

Handoff Decision
and signal quality.

Either the mobile unit or the network determines the need for a
handoff and initiates the necessary network procedures.

Reservation Appropriate network procedures reserve the resources needed to

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

support the handoff.

The actual transfer of control from one base station to another base
station takes place.

Completion Execution Unnecessary network resources are relinquished and made

available to other mobile units.

Interoperator Roaming from one company’s calling area into another company’s
Roaming calling area.

Stands for Electronics Industries Association/Telecommunications

Industry Association, developed the IS-41 Protocol.

It aligns with a sub protocol of the SS7 protocol stack that facilitates
communications among database other network entities.

CITA Stands for Cellular Telecommunication Industry Association.

The process where a mobile unit notifies a serving MTSO of its

presence and location through a base station controller.

Components of Cellular Telephone System:

Autonomous  Electronic switching center
 a Cell-site controller
 radio transceiver
 system interconnections
 mobile telephone units
 common communications protocol

Electronic Switching A digital telephone exchange located in the MTSO that is the heart of
Center a cellular telephone system.

X.25 A datalink protocol at a transmission rate of 9.6 kbps.

Base Station Another name for cell-site controller.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


It manages each of the radio channels at each site supervises calls,

Cell-site Controller turns the radio transmitter and receiver on and off, injects data onto
the control and voice channels, and performs diagnostic tests in the
cell-site equipment.

BTS Stands for Base transceiver station.

A part of base station subsystem that can be either narrowband FM

Radio Transceiver analog system or either PSK or QAM for digital systems with
effective audio frequency.

Receiver Diversity The radio receiver that detects the strongest signal.

It governs the way telephone calls are established and disconnected.

Communications Examples of Protocol:
 IS-54
 IS-136.2
 IS-95

The actual voice channel where mobile users communicate directly

User Channel with either mobile or wireline subscribers through a base station.

It is used for transferring control and diagnostic information between

mobile users and a central cellular telephone switch through a base

Transmit on base station:

 forward control channel
Control Channel
 forward voice channel

Receive on base stations:

 reverse control channel

 reverse voice channel

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

types of calls:
 Mobile to wireline
 mobile to mobile
 wireline to mobile


Stands for Standard Cellular Telephone Service
An acronym for Personal Communications System.
Stands for Personal Communications Satellite System.
An acronym for Advanced Mobile Telephone System.

Bell Telephone
Proposed the cellular telephone concept in 1971.
A standard cellular telephone service (CTS) initially placed into operation on
AMPS Oct. 13, 1983.

Narrowband It was used by AMPS cellular telephones with usable audio-frequency band
Frequency from 300 Hz to 3 KHz and a maximum frequency deviation of + 12 KHz for
Modulation 100% modulation.
Correspond to an approximate bandwidth of 30 KHz.
Carson’s Rule
Full Duplex A transmission with simultaneous transmission in both direction.
(FDX)or Duplexing
It is used in AMPS and occurs when two distinct frequency bands are provided
to each user.
division Duplexing
A special device used in each mobile unit to allow simultaneous transmission
and reception on duplex channels.

Transmissions from base station to mobile units.

Forward Links
Transmissions from mobile units to base stations.
Reverse Links
Another name for forward links.
Down Links

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Uplink Another term for reverse link.

Additional frequencies of 10 MHz to the original40 MHz band which increased

the number of simplex channels by 166 for a total of 832 (416 Full duplex)

Serving Areas Specified frequencies in a small geographic area.

Metropolitan Defines geographic areas used by marketing agencies.
Statistical Area
A technique used by standard telephone subscriber to access the AMPS
Frequency system.
Multiple Access

A 34 bit binary code which in the U.S. represents the standard 10-digit
telephone number.
Number (MIN)
Electronic Serial
Number (ESN) A 34 bit binary code permanently assigned to each mobile unit.

Stands for Vehicle Identification Number.

An acronym for Network Interface Card.
A four bit code which indicates whether the terminal has access to all 832 AMPS
Station Class Mark
channel or only 666.
A 15 bit binary code used by FCC to an operating company when it
System Identifier
issues it a license to provide AMPS
It is one of the three analog frequencies (5970 Hz, 6000 Hz, or 6030 Hz) that helps
Supervisory Audio
mobile system distinguish one base station from a neighboring base station.
One of four binary codes, also helps mobile system distinguish one base station
Digital Color Code
from a neighboring base station.
One set of channels dedicated for exchanging control information between
Control Channels mobile units and base stations

Also termed as Voice channel, used for propagating actual voice

User Channel conversations or subscriber data.

Setup or Paging Another name of control channels.

Sometimes called as Camped.

Dotting Scheme Sometimes called as Camped.

Synchronization A unique sequence of 1s and 0s that enables the receiver to instantly acquire
Word synchronization.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It controls or command mobile units to do a particular task when the

Mobile Station
mobile unit has not been assigned a voice channel.
Control Messages
It is used to indicate the current status of the reverse control channel.
Busy-idle Bits
It contains the following:
 System parameter overhead messages
 global action overhead messages
 control filter messages

Overhead Typical mobile-unit control messages:

Message  Initial voice channel designation messages
 directed retry messages
 alert messages
 change power messages

Transmitted at a 10-kbps rate.

Control data includes:
Control Data  page responses
 access request
 registration requests
Transmission of voice.
Data transmission.
The entity of SS7 interoffice protocol that distinguishes thephysical
components of the switching network.
Switching Network:
Intelligent Network  Signal Service Point
 Signal Control Point
 Signal Transfer Point

A family of mobile or portable radio communications services which

provides services to the individuals and business and is integrated with a
variety of competing networks.
Personal Differences in PCS and cellular telephonesystem:
 Smaller Size
System (PCS)
 all digital
 additional features

Acronym for Personal Communications Network.
Telephone It is assigned to everyone which is stored the on the SS7 network.
Intelligence It determines where and how the call should be directed.
Network (AIN
A database that stores information about the user, including home subscription
Home Location information
Register (HLR) and what supplementary services the user is subscribed to.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Equipment A database that stores information pertaining to the identification and type
Identification of equipment that exists in the mobile unit.
Registry (EIR)
It allows all calls to pass through the network to the subscriber except for a minimal
Available Mode
of telephone numbers that can be blocked.

All calls except those specified by the subscriber are automatically forwarded to a
Private Mode forwarding destination without ringing the subscriber’s handset.

No calls are allowed to pass through to the subscriber.

Unavailable Mode
PCS operating in the 1900 MHz range.
PCS 1900
Interference avoidance scheme which uses voice companding to provide synthetic voice
Interference (MRI) channel quieting.

A narrowband AMPS system that increased the capacity of the AMPS system in large
cellular market.

United States It is developed with the intent of supporting a higher user density within a
Digital Cellular fixed bandwidth frequency spectrum.

Cellular telephone systems that use digital modulation.

Digital cellular
Time-division Allows one mobile unit to use a channel at the same time by further dividing
Multiple transmissions within each cellular channel.

A database that stores information about subscriber in a particular

Visitor Location
MTSOserving area, such as whether the unit is on or off
Technique used that allows more mobile-unit subscribers to use a system at virtually the
same time within a given geographical area.
It stands for Electronics Industries Association and Telecommunications Industry
EIA/TIA Association.

It specifies that a mobile station complying with the IS-54 standard must be capable of
Dual Mode operating in either the analog AMPS or the digital (USDC) mode for voice transmissions.

It is often called North American Time Division Multiple Accessing.

It was introduced to provide PSK rather than FSK on dedicated USDC control channels
increase the control data rates and provide additional specialized services such as
IS-54 Rev.C
and short messaging between private mobile user groups.

Allows for brief paging-type messages and Short e-mail messages that can be read on
Short Message
the mobile phone’s display and entered using the keypad.
It was developed to provide a host of new features and services, positioning itself in a
IS-136 competitive within the newer PCS systems.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It is used by mobile units to request access to the cellular telephone system. It is a

Random Access
unidirectional channel specified for transmissions from mobile-base units only.
SMS point-to-point
Paging and access
It is used to transmit information from base stations to specific mobile stations.
response Channel
It is dedicated to delivering pages and orders.
It transmit :
 paging messages
Paging Channel  message-waiting messages
(PCH)  user alerting messages
 call history count updates
 shared secret data updates

A logical subchannel of SPACH used to carry assignments to another res ource

or other responses to the mobile station’s access attempt.
Access Response

SMS Channel It is used to deliver short point-to-point messages to a specific mobile station.
It refers to: F-BCCH, E-BCCH and S-BCCH logical sub channels.
Channel (BCCH)

Fast Broadcasts
Broadcasts digital control channel structure parameters.
Control channel
Broadcasts Carries less critical broadcast information than F-BCCH intended for mobile
Control Channel units.
SMS Broadcasts
Control channel Individual mobile units. A logical channels used for sending short messages.
Stands for Digital speech interpolation.
Digital Traffic
Carries digital voice information and consists of RDTC and FDTC

Coded Digital
Verification It consists of an eight bit digital voice color code number between 1 and 255
Color Code appended with four

Mobile-assisted handoff
A blank-and burst type of transmission that replaces digitized speech
Fast Associated
information with control and supervision messages with in a subscriber’s time
Channel (FACCH)
Vector sum exciter
linear A special speech coder.
predictive (VSLP)

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Digital Signal A special microprocessor that is implemented onthe telephone handset.

They are transmitted when a mobile unit begins operating in a larger diameter
Shortened Burst cell.

An access method used with standard analog AMPS which use frequency
channelization approach to frequency spectrum management.

Code Division It allows users to differentiate from one another by a unique code rather than a
Multiple frequency or time assignment.
Accessing (CDMA)
Stands for Qualcom 9600bps Code-Excited Linear Predictive coder.
The concept is to break the message into fixed sized blocks of data with each
block transmitted in sequence except on a different carrier.
high bit pseudorandom code is added to a low-bit rate information signal to
generate a high bit rate pseudorandom signal closely resembling noise that
contains both the original data signal and the pseudo random code must be
Direct-Sequence known.

It is a study group which is sometimes referred to as Pan-European cellular

system. This is now known as the Global System for Mobile

Classification of GSM telephone services:
 Bearer Services
Groupe Special  teleservices
Mobile (GSM)  supplementary services

Three primary subsystem of GSM:

 Base Station Subsystem
 Network Switching Subsystem
 Operational Support Subsystem

All-digital data Network.
Digital Network
Sometimes known as radio subsystem, provides and manages radio frequency
Base Station transmission paths between mobile units and the mobile switching center
Subsystem (BSS) (MSC)

It manages switching functions for the system and allows MSCs to communicate
Network Switching
with other telephone networks.
Subsystem (NSS)
Absolute Radio-
Frequency The available forward and reverse frequency bands are subdivided into 200
Channel Numbers KHz wide voice channels.
Mobile Satellite It provides the vehicle for a new generation of wireless telephone services
Systems called Personal Communications Satellite System (PCSS)

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It uses low earth-orbit (LEO) and medium earth orbit and MEO thar
communicates diretly with small, low-powered mobile telephone units.
key providers in PCSS market:
 American Mobile Satellite
Communications (AMSC)
 Celsat
Personal  Comsat
Communications  Constellation Communications (ARIES)
Satellite System  Ellipsat (Ellipso)
 Loral/qualcomm (global star)
 TMI communications
 TWR (Odysse)
 Iridium LLC

An international consortium owned by a host of prominent companies, agencies

Iridium LC
and governments.

The largest commercial venture undertaken in the history of the world.

Iridium Project
A satellite based wireless personal communications network designed to permit
Iridium a wide range of mobile telephone services, including voice, data, networking,
facsimile and paging.

FCC issued a report and order Dockett # 92-166 defining L band frequency
October 14, 1994
sharing for subscriber units in the 1616 MHZ to 1626.5 MHz band.

1.616 GHz to L-band subscriber-to-satellite voice links.

1.6265 GHz
19.4 GHz to 19.6 Ka-band gateway downlinks.
29.1 GHz to 29.3 Ka-band gateway uplinks


Information that is stored in digital form. Information that has been

Data processed organized and stored.

Knowledge or intelligence.
The transmission, reception, and processing of digital information.
Data Communications

Data Communications It is to transfer digital information from one place to another.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A set of devices interconnected by media links.
Data Systems of interrelated computers and computer equipment and can be as
Communications simple as a personal computer connected together through the PTN
Automatic teller machine
One of the earliest means of communicating electrically coded information
1753 occurred

In 1833, he developed an unusual system based on a five-by-five matrix

Carl Friedrich representing 25 letters. The idea was to send message over a single wire.
The first successful data communications that was invented in 1832. Dots and
Telegraph Dashes

He invented the first practical data communications code which is called Morse
Samuel F.B. Morse Code.

1. Sir Charles Allegedly invented the first telegraph in England.

2. Sir William
In 1874, he invented the telegraph multiplexerwhich Emile allowed up to six different
Emile Baudot telegraph machines to be transmitted simultaneously over a single wire.

Telephone It was invented in 1875 by Alexander Graham Bell

Guglielmo Marconi He succeeded in sending radio telegraphmessages.

Telegraph The only means of sending information across large spans of water until 1920.

A German engineer, demonstrated a computing machine sometime in the late

Konrad Zuis 1930s.

J. Presper Eckert Developed the ENIAC computer on Feb. 14, 1946

John Mauchley
A technique that process one job at a time.
Batch Processing
Built in 1951 by Remington Rand Corp., was the
UNIVAC Computer First mass-produced electronic computer.

A public data communications network used by millions of people all over t he world
Internet to exchange business and personal information.

Intranet Private data communications networks used by many companies to exchange

information among employees and resources.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Data Any system of computers, computer terminals or computer peripheral equipment

Communications used to transmit and receive information between two or more locations.

A set of equipment, transmission media and procedures that ensures that a

Network specific sequence of events occurs in a network in the proper order to
Architecture produce the intended results.

Broadcasting Messages are intended for all subscribers on the network.

Messages are intended for a specific group of subscribers.

Defines the procedures that the systems involved in the communications
Protocols process will use.

Data Sets of rules governing the orderly exchange of data within the
Communications network or a portion of the network.

Protocol Stack The list of the protocols used by a system.

Layered Network It consists of two or more independent levels.

Connection A logical connection is established between the endpoints prior to the
Oriented transmission of data.
or Connectionless
Connection- They are designed to provide a high degree of reliability for data moving
Oriented through the network.

A connection process that occurs between two stations before any data are
actually transmitted.
Another terms:
Handshake  Sessions
 Virtual circuits
 logical connections

It refers to the structure or format of the data within the message,

Syntax which includes the sequence in which the data are sent.

Guidelines that have been generally accepted by the data communications

Data industry.
Communications Types of standards:
Standards  Proprietary system -open
 open system

Generally controlled and manufactured by one company.


BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

International The international organization for standardization on a wide range of
Standards subjects.
Organization (ISO)
American National The member of ISO from the United States.
Institute (ANSI)

International It is formerly CCITT; one of four permanent parts is based in Geneva,

Telecommunications Switzerland.
Modem interfaces and data transmission over the telephone lines.
V series
Data transmission over public digital Network, e-mail and directory services.
X series
Institute of An international professional organization founded in the United States and
Electrical & is comprised of electronics, computer and communications engineers.

Electronics Industry A non-profit U.S. trade association that establishes and recommends
Association (EIA) industrial standards.

Telecommunications The leading trade association in the communications and information

Industry Association technology industry.

Advanced Research The research arm of the Department of Defense in 1957.

Projects Agency
Internet A large international community of network designers, operators, vendors
Engineering and researches concerned with the evolution of the internet architecture and
the smooth operation of the internet.
Task Force (IETF)

Internet Research It promotes research of importance to the evolution of the future Internet by
Task creating focused, long term and small research groups working on topics
related to internet protocols.
Force (IRTF)

Protocol data Unit A unit of data.

Encapsulation/ The process of adding and removing the PDU information.
Encapsulate It means to place in a capsule or other protected environment.

Decapsulate It means to remove from a capsule or other protected environment.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Service Access Point Defines which entity the service is intended.

The name for the set of standards for communicatingamong computers

Seven OSI layers:

Open Systems  application
Interconnection  presentation
(OSI)  session
 transport
 network
 data link
 physical

Responsible for the actual propagation of unstructured data bits through a

Physical Layer transmission medium.

Responsible for providing error-free communications across the physical link

Data Link Layer connecting primary and secondary stations within a network.

Provides details that enable data to be routed between devices in an

Network Layer environment using multiple networks, sub network, or both.

Controls and ensures the end-to-end integrity of the data message

propagated through the network between two devices, which provides
Transport Layer reliable, transparent transfer of data between two endpoints.

Responsible for network availability.

Session Layer
Provides independence to the application processes by addressing any
code or syntax conversion necessary to present the data to the network in a
Presentation Layer common communications format.

It provides distributed information services and controls the sequence of

Application Layer activities within an application.

An endpoint where subscribers gain access to the circuit.

Another term of station which is the location of computers, computer
Node terminals, workstations and other digital computing equipment.

Facilities Interconnects digital computer equipment.

Source Provides means to enter data from humans.

Transmitter Encodes a wireless radio system without being converted to analog first .

Transmission Carries the encoded signals from the transmitter to the receiver.
Converts the encoded signals received from the transmission medium back
Receiver to their original form.

It could be a mainframe computer, personal computer workstation or virtually

Destination any piece of digital equipment

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Parallel by Bit or A type of transmission where all four bits can be transmitted simultaneously
Serial by Character during the time of a single clock pulse.

Transmission where four clock pulses are required to transmit the entire
Serial by Bit four-bit code.

Two-Point It involves only two locations or stations

Multi-point It involves three or more stations.
Simplex Data transmission is unidirectional where information can be sent in only
one direction.
Simplex Lines Also called Receive-Only, Transmit Only or One-way-only Lines

Data transmission is possible in both directions but not at the same time.
Another term:
Half Duplex  two way alternate lines
 either way lines

Transmissions are possible in both directions two stations. simultaneously ,

but they must be between
Full Duplex Another terms;
 Two-way simultaneous
 duplex
 both-way lines

Transmission is possible in both directions at the same time but not between
Full/Full Duplex the same two stations. It is possible only on multipoint circuits.

The process of sharing resources between computers over a data communications

Networking network.

The manual technique of moving data on disks.

Sneaker Net
Computers that hold shared files, programs and the network operating
Servers system.

Client Computers that access and use the network and shared network resources.

Transmission Media The facilities used to interconnect computers in a network.

Shared Data Data that file servers provide to clients.

Shared Printers and Hardware resources provided to the users of the network by servers.
BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Network Interface An expansion card and prepares and sends data, receives data and controls
Card data flow between the computer and the network.

Local Operating Allows personal computers to access files, print to a local printer and have
System and use one or more disk and CD drives that are located on the computer.
Network Operating A program that runs on computers and servers that allows the computers to
System (NOS) communicate over a network.

Peer - to - Peer One in which all computers share their resources.

Server Network
Dedicated One computer is designated the server and the rest of the computers are
Client/Server clients.
Network Topology Describes the layout or appearance of a network.

Describes how the network is actually laid out

Physical Topology
Logical Topology Describes how data actually flow through the network

Star Topology A multipoint data communications network where remote stations are
connected by cable segments directly to a central located computer.

A multipoint data communications circuit that makes it relatively simple to

control data flow between and among the computers.
Bus Topology

A multipoint data communications network where all stations are

Ring Topology interconnected in tandem to form a closed loop or circle.

Every station has a direct two-point communications link to every other

Mesh Topology station on the circuit.

Hybrid Topology Combining two or more of the traditional topologies to form a larger, more
complex topology.

Local Area Privately own networks in which 10 to 40 compute share data resources with
Networks one or more file server.

Metropolitan Area A high-speed network similar to a LAN except the are designed to
Networks (MANs) encompass larger areas, usually that of an entire city.

Wide Area Network Provides low-speed, long distance transmission of data voice, and video
information over large and widely dispersed geographical areas such as
WAN) country or an entire continent. It interconnects cities or states.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Bit rate of WANs.

1.5 Mbps-2.4 Gbps
Global Area Provides connects between countries around the entire globe.
Building Backbone A network connection that normally carries traffic between departmental
LANs within a single company.

A network connection used to carry traffic to and from LANs located in

Campus Backbone various buildings on campus.

TCP/IP Protocol Developed by Department of Defense, comprise of several interactive

Suite modules that provide specific functionality.

Internet layer/ The network layer of TCP/IP.

Internet work Layer
Transport layer of TCP/IP.
User datagram
Protocol (TCP)

Provides a means of physically delivering data packets using frames or

Network Access cells.
Internet Layer Contains information that pertains to how data can be routed through the

Services the process and internet layers to handle the reliability and session
Host-to-Host Layer aspects of data transmission.

Provides applications support.

Process Layer
Defines a three layer logical hierarchy that specifies where things belong,
how they fit together and what functions go where.

Cisco Three-Layer
Model Three layers:
 Core layer
 Distribution layer
 access layer

The core of the network as it resides at the top of the hierarchy and is
Core Layer responsible for transporting large amounts of data traffic reliably and quickly.

The communications point between the access and the core layers that
Distribution Layer provide routing, filtering, WAN access and how data packets are allowed to
access the core layer.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Another term for Distribution layer

Workgroup Layer
Access Layer Controls workgroup and individual user access to internetworking resources.

Another term for Access layer.

Desktop Layer



Often used to represent characters and symbols such as letters, digits

and punctuation marks.
Data Another terms:
Communications  character codes
Codes  character sets
 symbol codes
 character languages

Sometimes called the Telex Code was the first fixed length character
Baudot Code
developed for machines rather than for people.

A French postal engineer who developed the baudot code in 1875 and
Thomas Murray
named after Emile Baudot, an early pioneer in telegraph printing.

Fixed Length Block

Fixed-length source code.

Stands for United States of America Standard Code for Information

Exchange, better known as ASCII-63.

The standard character set for source coding the alphanumeric

ASCII character set that humans understand but computers do not
(computers only understand 1s and 0s).
It is a seven bit fixed-length character set.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Fixed Length
Fixed-length source code.
Block Code

Extended binary coded decimal interchange-code, an eight bit fixed

length character developed in 1962 by International Business
Machines Corporation.

Omnipresent block and white striped stickers that seem to appear or

virtually every consumer item in the US and most of the rest of the
Bar Codes

It has spaces or gaps between characters. Each character is

Discrete Code
independent of every other character.

It does not include spaces between characters. An example is

Continuous Code
Universal Product Code.

It stores data in two dimensions in contrasts with conventional linear

2D code
bar codes which stores data along only one axis.

It uses an alphanumeric code similar to ASCII code. It contains 9

vertical elements (5 bars & 4 spaces). It consists of 36 unique codes
representing the 10 digits and 26 uppercase letters.
Code-39 Other Names:
 Code 3 of 9
 3 of 9 code

Universal Product A continuous code since there are no interchangeable spaces. Each
Code UPC label contains a 12-digit number.

Start & Stop Guard

It consists of a 101 (bar-soace-bar) sequence, which is used to frame
the 12 digit UPC number.

Center Guard Frame

It separates the left and right halves of the label and consists of two

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

long bars in the center of the label.

Caused by electrical interference from natural sources

Classification of Data Com Errors:

 single bit
Transmission Errors  multiple bit
 burst

Categories of Error Control :

 Error Detection
 Error Correction

Single Bit Errors Errors with only one bit within a given a given string is in error.

Multiple-bit error Errors with two or more non-consecutive bits within a message.

Burst Error Errors when to or more consecutive bits within a given data string are
in error. It can affect one or more characters within a message.

The theoretical (Mathematical) expectation of the rate at which errors

Probability of Error
will occur.

Bit-Error Rate The actual historical record of a system’s error performance.

The process of monitoring data transmission and deter mining when

Error Detection errors have occurred. It neither corrects errors nor identifies which
bits are in error-they only indicate when an error has occurred.

Adding of bits for the sole purpose of detecting errors

Types of redundancy checks:
Redundancy  vertical redundancy checking,
Checking  checksum,
 longitudinal redundancy checking
 cyclic redundancy checking

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Redundancy A form of error detection by duplicating each data unit for the
purpose of detecting errors.

Parity An error detection bit.

Vertical Redundancy The simplest error-detection scheme and is generally referred to as

Checking (VRC) character parity.

Parity Bit An error detection bit in each character.

Marking Parity The parity bit which is always a 1.

Ignored Parity The parity bit which is not sent or checked

Checksum Form of redundancy error checking where each character has a

numerical value assigned to it.

Redundancy A redundancy error detection scheme that uses parity to determine if
Checking a transmission error has occurred with n a message.

Message Parity An error occurred within a message.

Block or Frame of DataThe group of characters that comprise a message

Block Check
Sequence (BCS) or
The bit sequence for the LRC.
Frame Check
Sequence (FCS)

A convolution coding scheme that is most reliable redundancy

Cyclic Redundancy
checking technique for error detection. Almost 99.999% of all
transmission errors are detected
Types of Error Messages.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Lost Message
Damaged Message

Lost message One that never arrives at the destination or one that is damaged to the
extent that it is unrecognizable.

Damaged Message One that is recognized at the destination but contains one or more
transmission errors.

It includes enough redundant information with each transmitted

message to enable the receiver to determine when an error has

 Parity bits
 block and frame check characters
 cyclic redundancy characters

It includes sufficient extraneous information along with each

message to enable the receiver to determine when an error has
occurred and which bits is in error.
Codes Two primary methods for error correction:
 Retransmission
 Forward Error Correction

When a receive station requests the transmit station to resend a

message when the message is received in error.

A two-way radio term which automatically a retransmission f the

Automatic Repeat entire message.
Request (ARQ) or Types of ARQ:
 Discrete
 Continuous

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

The recipient of data sends a short message back to the sender

acknowledging receipt of the last transmission.

Acknowledgement Types of acknowledgements:

 Positive
 Negative

A receive station becomes the transmit station such as when

Line Turnarounds acknowledgments are sent or when retransmission are sent in
response to a negative acknowledgment.

It uses acknowledgments to indicate the successful or unsuccessful

Discrete ARQ
reception of data.

It can be used when messages are divided into smaller lock or frames
Continuous ARQ that are sequentially numbered and transmitted in succession, without
waiting for acknowledgments between blocks.

Retransmission The sending station does not receive an acknowledgment after a

Time-Out predetermined length of time.

The destination station asynchronously requests the retransmission of

Selective Repeat specific frame of data and still be able to reconstruct the entire
message once all frames have been successfully transported through
the system.

Forward Error
The error-correction scheme that detects and corrects transmission
errors when they are received without requiring a retransmission.

A mathematician, who was an early pioneer in the development of

Richard W. Hamming
error-detection and correction procedures, developed the Hamming
Code while working at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

An error-correcting code used for correcting transmission errors in

Hamming Code
synchronous data streams. It requires the addition of overhead to the
message, consequently increasing the length of a transmission.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Hamming Bits Inserted into a character at random locations.

Hamming Code The combination of the data bits and the hamming bits.

Synchronize It means to harmonize, coincide, or agree in time.

Character Involves identifying the beginning and end of a character with in a

Synchronization message.

Asynchronous Its literal meaning is “without synchronism”.

In Data Com, it means “without a specific time reference”

Asynchronous communications is called as such because each data

Start-stop Transmission
character is framed between start and stop bits.

A condition when the transmit and receive clocks are substantially

Clock Slippage

It occurs when the transmit clock is substantially lower than the

Under slipping
receive clock.

Occurs when the transmit clock is substantially higher than the

receiver clock.

It involves transporting serial data at relatively high speeds in groups

Synchronous Data
pf characters.

POTS Plain old Telephone system

Data It is comprised of three basic elements:

Communications transmitter (source)
System  transmission path (data channel)
 receiver (destination)

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

3 fundamental components of endpoints:

 data terminal equipment
 data communications equipment
 serial interface

Data Terminal It can be virtually any binary digital device that generates transmits,
Equipment (DTE) receives, or interprets data messages. It is where information
originates or terminates.

Devices used to input, output and display information such as

keyboards, printers and monitors

Basically a modern-day terminal with enhance

computing capabilities

High-powered, high capacity mainframe computers that support


Servers It functions as modern-day host.

A general term use to describe equipment that interfaces data

terminal equipment to a transmission channel, such as a digital T1
carrier or an analog telephone circuit. It is a signal conversion device,
as it converts signals from a DTE to a form more suitable to be
Equipment (DCE) transported over transmission channel.
Data Communications
Types of DCE:

 channel service units (CSUs)

 Digital service units (DSUs)
 data modems

Data Circuit-
Terminating EquipmentAnother term for DCE.

Data Modem
A DCE used to interface a DTE to an analog telephone circuit

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

commonly called POTS.

It controls data flow between several terminal devices and the data
Cluster Controller
communications channel.

Station Controllers
Line control units at secondary stations.

Universal Asynchronous Receiver/transmitter it is designed for

asynchronous data transmission.

A special purpose UART chip manufactured by
Interface Adapter

Asynchronous Data It means that an asynchronous data format is used and no clocking
Transmission information transferred between the DTE and the DCE.

Status Word An n-bit data register that keeps track of the status of the UART’s
transmits and receive buffer registers.

Transmit Buffer Empty

Transmit shift register has completed transmission of data character.

Receive Parity Error

Set when a received character has a parity error in it.

Receive Framing
Set when a character is received without any or with improper
number of stop bits.

Receiver Overrun Set when a character in the receive buffer register is written over by
(ROR) another receive character.

Receive Data A data character has been received and loaded into the receive data
Available register.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


Detection Error The difference in time between the beginning of a start bit and when
it is detected.

It is used for synchronous transmission of data between a DTE and a

Functions of USRT:
 Serial to parallel and parallel to serial data conversions
 Error detection by inserting parity bits in the
transmitter and checking parity bits in the receiver.
Universal Synchronous
 Insert and detect unique data synchronization (SYN)
 Formatting data in the transmitter and receiver.
 Provide transmit and receive status information to the
 Voltage-level conversion between the DTE and the
serial interface and vice versa.
 Provide a means of achieving bit and character

It should provide the ff:

 A specific range of voltages for transmit and receive
signal levels
Serial Interface  Limitations for the electrical parameters of the
transmission line.
 Standard cable and cable connectors
 Functional description of each signal on the interface.

Electronics Industries
In 1962, standardized the interface equipment between data terminal
Association (EIA)
equipment and data communications equipment.

RS It means “Recommended Standards”

Interface Between
Data Terminal
Equipment and The official name of the RS-232 interface
Data Communications
Equipment Employing
Data Communications

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Equipment Employing
Serial Binary

In, 1969, the third revision which was published and remained the
industrial standard until 1987.

Sometimes referred to as the EIZ-232 standard Versions D and E of

the RS-232 standard changed some of the pin designations.

It is a sheath containing 25 wires with a

DB25P-compatible male connector (plug) on one end and a DB25S-
compatible female connector (receptacle) on the other end.
RS-232 Cable
Two full-duplex channels:
 Primary data-actual information
 secondary data-diagnostic information and
handshaking signals

It is designed for transporting asynchronous data between a DTE and

9-pin Version of RS-232
a DCE or between DTEs .

25 pin Version It is designed for transporting either synchronous or asynchronous

data between a DTE and a DCE.

It is designed exclusively for dial-up telephone.

It is used for transporting asynchronous data between a DTE and a
DCE when the DCE is connected directly to a standard two-wire
telephone line attached to the public switched telephone network.

Voltage-Leveling It converts the internal voltage levels from the DTE and DCE to RS-
Circuits 232 values.

Driver A voltage leveler wherein its output signals onto the cable.

Terminator It accepts signals from the cable.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

RS-232 PINS Protective ground, frame ground, or chassis ground.
Pin 1

Pin 2 Transmit data or send data.

Pin 3 Receive data (RD or RxD)

Pin 4 Request to send (RS or RTS)

Pin 5 Clear to send.(CS or CTS)

Pin 6 Data set ready or modem ready.(DSR or MR)

Pin 7 Signal ground or reference ground.

Pin 8 Unassigned and non-EIA specified often held at +12V

Receive line signal detect, carrier detect or data carrier detect (RLSD,
Pin 9
CD or DCD)

Pin 10 Unassigned and often held at -12 Vdc for test purposes

Pin 12 Secondary receive line signal detect, secondary carrier detect or

secondary data carrier detect (SRLSD, SCD, or SDCD)

Pin 13 Secondary clear to send.

Pin 14 Secondary transmit data or secondary send data

Pin 15 Transmission signal element timing or serial Clock transmit.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Pin 16 Secondary received data

Pin 17 Receiver signal element timing or serial clock receive

Pin 18 Unassigned is used for local loopback signal

Pin 19 Secondary request to send

Pin 20 Data terminal ready.

Pin 21 Signal quality detector.

Pin 22 Ring indicator (RI)

Pin 23 Data signal rate selector (DSRS)

Pin 24 Transmit signal element timing or serial clock


Unassigned. It is sometimes used as a control signal from the DCE to

Pin 25
the DTE to indicate that the DCE is in either the remote or local loop
back mode.

It specifies a 37-pin primary connector DB37 and a 9 pin secondary

connector DB9 for a total of 46 pins which provides more functions,
faster data transmission rates and spans greater distances than the RS-
RS-449 Serial Interface

Primary goals of RS-449:

 Compatibility with the RS-232 interface standard
 Replace the set of circuit names and mnemonics

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

 Provide separate cables and connectors

 Reduce crosstalks
 offer higher data transmission
 longer distances over twisted pair cables
 loopback capable
 improve performance and reliability
specify a standard connector

Two categories:
 Category I
 Category II

Used by the DTE to request a local loopback from the DCE.
1.Local Loopback

2.Remote Loopback Used by the DTE to request a remote loopback from the distant DCE.

3. Select frequency Allows the DTE to select the DCE’s transmit and receive

4.Test Mode Used by DTE to signal the DCE that a test is in progress.

5. Receive Common Common return wire for unbalanced signals

propagating from the DCE to the DTE

6. Terminal in ServiceUsed by the DTE to signal the DCE whether it is operational

Used by the DTE to request that the DCE switched to standby

7. Select Standby

Used with a modem at the primary location of a multipoint data

8. New Signal

RS-530 Serial Interface It was intended to operate at data rates between 20 kbps and 2 Mbps
using the same DB25 connector
BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It is used to interface computers, computer networks

Data Communications to analog transmission media
Modem Alternate names:
 datasets
 dataphones
 modems

A contraction derived from the words Modulator and Demodulator.

Primary Block of a Modem:

 Serial interface Circuit
 Modulator Circuit
 Bandpass filter and equalizer circuit
 telco interface circuit
 demodulator circuit
 carrier and clock generation circuit

Data communications modems designed to operate over the limited

Voice-band Modem
bandwidth of the PSTN.

Broadband Modem It is able of transporting higher bit rates.

DAC Digital to analog converter.

ADC Analog to digital converter.

It is a rate of change of signals on the transmission medium after

encoding and modulation have occurred

Bit Rate
Refers to the rate of change of a digital information signal.

It is classified as low-speed voice-band modems

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Isochronous Synchronous data transported by asynchronous modems.


Synchronous Modems It uses PSK or quadrature amplitude modulation to transport data.

Training Sequence A special, internally generated bit pattern in transmit modem.

Compromise Located in the transmit section of a modem and provide pre-

Equalizers equalization

Adaptive Equalizer Located in the receiver section of a modem where they provide post-
equalization to the received signals

The first internationally accepted standard for 9600bps data

ITU-T V.29
transmission rate.

It is intended to provide synchronous data transmission over four-

V.29 Standard
wire leased lines.

Quin bits Five bits.

Echo Cancellation A technique for full-duplex operation over two wire switched
telephone lines.

It addresses asynchronous-to synchronous transmission conversions

V.32 Specification and error control that includes both detection and correction. It
specifies a new protocol called Link Access Procedures for Modems.

It is the next generation data transmission with data rates of 28.8

Kbps without compression possible using V.34. V.34 Innovations:

 Nonlinear coding
 multidimensional coding and constellation shaping
 Reduced complexity
 precoding of data
 line probing

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

An enhanced standard adopted by ITU in 1996.

It adds 31.2 kbps and 33.6 kbps to the V.34 specification.

Developed by ITU-T in February 1998 during a meeting in Geneva,

Switzerland. It defines an asymmetrical data transmission technology
where the upstream 33.6kbps and downstream of 56kbps.

A new modem standard in 2000 which offers 3 improvements over

V.90 that can be achieved only if both the transmit and receive
modems and the internet Service Provider (ISP) are compliant.
Recommendation It offers:
 upstream transmission rate of 48 kbps
 faster call setup capabilities
 incorporation of a hold option



Network The primary goal of __________ is to give users of a network the tools
necessary for setting up the network and performing data flow control.
A set of rules implementing and governing an orderly exchange of data
Data-Link Protocol between two layer devices.

The transmitting station in a data link protocol.

Master Station
The receiving station in a data link protocol.
Slave Station
Peer-to Peer Data link network wherein all stations have equal access to the network.
Functions of Data- Discipline, Flow Control and Error Control.
link Protocol
Coordinates hop-to-hop data delivery where a hop may be a computer, a
Line Discipline network controller, or some type of network-connecting device

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Determines which device is transmitting and which is receiving at any point

Line Discipline in time.

Coordinates the rate which data are transported over a link and generally
Flow Control provides an acknowledgement mechanism.

Specifies means of detecting and correcting transmission errors.

Error Control
Enquiry/Acknowled Two fundamental ways that line discipline is accomplished in a data
gement(ENQ/ACK) communications network.
and Poll/Select
It determines which device on the network can initiate a transmission and
ENQ/ACK whether the intended receiver is available and ready to receive a message.

The initiating station begins a session by transmitting a frame, block, or

Enquiry(ENQ) packet of data called _________, which identifies the receiving station.

Positive The response of the destination station when it is ready to receive.

Negative The response of the destination station when it is not ready to receive.
Centrally Controlled The best application of the poll/select line discipline.
Data Network
A solicitation sent from the primary to a secondary to determine if the
Poll secondary has data to transmit

A set of procedures that tells the transmitting station how much data it can
send before it must stop transmitting and wait for an acknowledgment from
Flow Control the destination station

Stop-and Wait Flow The transmitting station sends one message frame and then waits for an
Control acknowledgement before sending the next message frame.

Sliding Window A source station can transmit several frames in succession before receiving
an acknowledgement.
Flow Control
It refers to imaginary receptacles at the source and destination stations with
Sliding Window the capacity of holding several frames of data.

Primary advantage of sliding window control.

Network Utilization
Complexity and Primary disadvantages of sliding window flow control.
Hardware Capacity
Interpret a frame of data as a group of successive bits combined into
Character Oriented predefined patterns of fixed length, usually eight bits each.
Byte-oriented Another name for character oriented protocols.
A discipline for serial by bit information transfer over a data communications
Bit Oriented channel.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Asynchronous Data A character-oriented protocols generally used on two point networks using
asynchronous data and asynchronous modems.
link Protocols
Developed the first file transfer protocol designed to facilitate transferring
Ward Christiansen data between two personal computers in 1979.

Cristiansen's protocol which is relatively simple data link protocol intended

XMODEM for low-speed applications.

Synchronous Data- Remote stations can have more than one PC or printer.
Link Protocols
A group of computers, printers, and other digital devices.
Binary Synchronous A synchronous character-oriented data link protocol developed by IBM.
Another name for BSC.
Format or line turn Another name for enquiry (ENQ) character.
The __________ uses longitudinal redundancy checking (LRC) with ASCII-
Block Check
coded messages and cyclic redundancy checking.
Character (BCC)
Synchronous Data- A synchronous bit oriented protocol developed in the 1970's by IBM for use
Link Control in system network architecture environment.
Transient, Idle and Three transmission states.
Flag Fields, Address Field, Control Field, Information and Frame Check
SDLC Frame Fields Sequence Field are __________.

It is used for the delimiting sequence for the frame and to achieve frame and
Flags character synchronization.

It is used for polling, confirming previously received frames, and several

Control Field other data link management functions

Information, Three frame formats with SDLC.

Supervisory and
Unnumbered A command or a response that is used to send unnumbered information.
Information (UI)
Set Initialization A command that places a secondary station into the initialization mode.
Request A response sent by a secondary station to request the primary to send a
Initialization Mode SIM command.
Set Normal A command that places a secondary into the normal res ponse mode.
Response Mode

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A response transmitted from a secondary station if the primary attempts to
Disconnect Mode send numbered information frames to it when the secondary is in the normal
(DM) disconnect mode.

Request Disconnect A response sent by a secondary when it wants the primary to place it in the
disconnect mode.
An affirmative response that indicates compliance to SIM, SNRM or DISC
An exchange of frames between the primary station and a secondary
TEST station.

Turnaround A flag followed by eight consecutive logic 0's.

A SDLC subcommand causes all previously set functions to be cleared by
Clear the secondary.

A SLDC subcommand causes the secondary receiving it to turn on or turn

Beacon Test off its carrier.

A SDLC command causes the addressed secondary station to pace itself

Monitor Mode into the monitor mode.

A SDLC command causes a secondary station to loop its transmission

Wrap directly to its receiver input.

A SDLC command causes the addressed secondary to initiate a series of

Self-Test internal diagnostic tests.

Zero Bit Insertion or The transparency mechanism used with SDLC.

Zero Stuffing
It is used prematurely terminate an SDLC frame.
Message Abort
Invert-On-Ze ro The encoding scheme used in SDLC.
Standard that defines the frame structure, delimiting sequence, transparency
ISO 3309 mechanism and error detection method used with HDLC.

Normal Response Operational Mode of SDLC.

Mode (NRM)
Asynchronous A mode of operation logically equivalent to a two point private line circuit
where each station has equal data link responsibilities.
Balanced Mode
Public Switched A switched data communications network similar to the public telephone
Data Network network except a PDN is designed for transferring data only.
It is used when making a standard telephone call on the public telephone
Circuit Switching network.

Is a form of store and forward network.

Message Switching

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Hold and Forward Another name for packet switching.

A user interface as the international standard for packet network access.
SA logically equivalent to a two point dedicated private line circuit except
Permanent Virtual
Circuit (PVC)
A logically equivalent to making a telephone call through the DDD network
Virtual Call except no direct end to end connection is made.

Identifies whether the packet is a new call request or a previously

Format Identifier established call.

A 12 bit binary number that identifies the source and destination users for a
Logical Channel
given virtual call.
This four bit gives the number of digits that appear in the calling address
Calling Address filed.
Called Address This field is the same as the calling address field except that it identifies the
number of digits that appear in the called address field
This field contains the destination address.
Called Address
This field is the same as the called address field except that it contains up to
Calling Address 15 BCD.

This field identifies the number of eight bit octets present in the facilities
Facilities Length
This 32 bit field is reserved for the subscriber to insert user level protocol.
Protocol Identifier
Integrated Services A proposed network designed by the major telephone companies in
Digital Network conjunction with the ITU-T.
Customers gain access to the ISDN system through a local interface
Digital Pipe connected to a digital transmission medium.

System ISDN objectives that ensure universal access to the network.

Said objectives that allow customers to use a variety of protocols and
Separating ISDN should not provide services that preclude competitiveness
Variety of Provide private-line and switched services refer what objectives of ISDN.
Addressing Cost- ISDN services should not be directly related to cost and independent of the
Related Tariffs nature of the data.
Provide a smooth transition while evolving.
Multiplexed Support Provide service to low capacity personal subscribers as well as to large

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


Translation between non-ISDN data protocol and ISDN is performed in this

Terminal Adapter device.

Network A boundary to the network and may be controlled by the ISDN provider.
Termination 1
Refers to interfaces between the common carrier subscriber loop and the
U-Reference Point central office switch

The media interface point between an NT1 and the central office.
U Loop
It is defined by ITU-T as a service that provides transmission channels
Broadband ISDN capable of supporting transmission rates greater than the primary data rate.

Distribution Information transfer is primarily from service provider to subscriber

Codes the data information into smaller packets used by the BISDN network
Broadband Node
A connection between a source and a destination, which may entail several
Virtual Channel ATM links.

Once data have entered the ATM network, they transferred into fixed time
Cells slots called ________.

Generic Flow Controls the flow of traffic across the user network interface (UNI) and into
the network.
Control Field (GFC)
Payload Type The first three bits of the second half of byte 4 specify the type of message
in cell.
Information fields that are designed to accommodate PCM-TDM traffic,
Constant Bit Rate which allows the ATM, network to emulate voice or DSN services.

Public ATM A portion of a public service provider's switching system where the service
provider could be a local telephone company or a long-distance carrier.
Local Area Provides the most effective and economical means of handling local data
communications field.
Networks (LAN)
A communications system that allows users to send messages to each other
E-Mails through their computers.

Star, Bus and Ring LAN Topologies.

Network Access It describes how users access the communications channel in a LAN.
Access method used primarily in bus topology.
It two stations transmit at the same time, ________ occurs.

Propagation Delay The time it takes a signal to travel from a source to a destination.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A base band transmission system designed in 1972 by Robert Metcalfe and

Ethernet David Boggs.

Its purpose is to establish clock synchronization.

Start Frame It is simply a series of two logic 1's appended to the end of the preamble.
Consists of six bytes the corresponds to the address of the station sending
Source Address the frame.


Microwaves Electromagnetic waves with frequencies that range from approximately 500
MHz to 300 GHz or more.

1 cm and 60 cm The wavelengths for microwave frequencies, which is than infrared energy.
slightly longer
“Microwave” The name given to microwave signals, because of their inherently high
waves frequencies, has short wavelengths.

Full-Duplex Each frequency is divided in half with the lower half identified as the low
(Two-way) band and the upper half as narrow band.

Short Haul Communications system used to carry information for relatively short
distances such as between cities with the same state.

Microwave systems that is used to carry information for relatively long

Long Haul
distances, such as interstate and backbone route applications.

It propagate signals through Earth’s atmosphere between transmitters and

receivers often located on top of tower spaced about 15 miles to 30 miles

Advantages of Microwave Radio:

 Radio systems do not require a right-of way acquisition
Radios between stations.
 Each station requires the purchase or lease of only a small
area of land.
 Because of their high operating frequencies, microwave
radio systems can carry large quantities of information.
 High frequencies mean short wavelengths, which require

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

relatively small antennas.

 Radio signals are more easily propagated around physical
obstacles such as water and high mountains
 Fewer repeaters are necessary for amplification.
 Distances between switching centers are less.
 Underground facilities are minimized.
 Minimum delays are introduced.
 Minimal crosstalk exists between voice channels.
 Increased reliability and less maintenance are important

Disadvantages of Microwave Radio:

 It is more difficult to analyze and design circuits at
microwave frequencies.
 Measuring techniques are more difficult to perfect
and implement at microwave frequencies.
 It is difficult to implement conventional circuit components at
microwave frequencies.
 Transient time is more critical at microwave frequencies.
 It is often necessary to use specialized components for
microwave frequencies.
 Microwave frequencies propagate in a straight line, which
limits their use to line-of-sight applications.
Satellite Systems Propagates signals outside the Earth’s atmosphere and are capable of
carrying signals much farther while utilizing fewer transmitters and receivers.

Frequency t is used in microwave radio systems rather than amplitude modulation

Modulation because AM signals are more sensitive to amplitude nonlinearities inherent
in wide-band microwave amplifiers.

Intermodulation Major factor when designing FM Radio systems. It is caus ed by repeater

amplitude nonlinearity in AM, while in FM, it is caused by transmission gain
Noise and delay distortion.

The composite signal that modulates the FM carrier

and may comprise one or more of the following:

Baseband  Frequency-division multiplexed voice-band channels

 Time-division-multiplexed voice-band channels
 Broadcast-quality composite video or picture phone
 Wideband data

It provides an artificial boost in amplitude to the higher baseband

Preemphasis Network

Frequency modulation index used in the FM deviator. Typically, modulation

indices are kept between 0.5 and 1.

Narrowband FM FM signal that is produces at the output of the deviator with a low-index
frequency modulation.

Microwave A receiver and a transmitter placed back to back or in tandem with the
Repeaters system.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It receives a signal, amplifies and reshapes it, and then retransmit the signal
to the next repeater or terminal station down line from it.
Types of Microwave repeaters:
Repeater Station  IF
 Baseband
 RF

The received RF carrier is down-converted to an IF frequency, amplified,

IF Repeater
reshaped, up-converted to an RF frequency, and then retransmitted.

Baseband Generally less than 9 MHz

IF frequencies The range id 60 MHz to 80MHz.

Another name for a Local oscillator is considerably lower in frequency than

Shift Oscillator
either the received or the transmitted radio frequencies.

Line-of Site Transmission used by microwave systems wherein a direct signal path must
exist between the transmitter receiver .
Radio Fade A temporary reduction in signal strength which last in milliseconds for
several hours or even days.

Diversity It suggests that there is more than one transmission path or method of
transmission available a transmitter and a receiver.

It is simply modulating two different RF carrier frequencies with the same IF

Frequency Diversity
intelligence, then transmitting both RF signals to a given destination.

The output of a transmitter is fed to two or more antennas that are physically
Space Diversity separated by an appreciable number of wavelengths.

Polarization A single RF carrier is propagated with two different electromagnetic

Diversity polarizations. It is generally used in conjunction with space diversity.

Receiver It is more than one receiver for a single radio-frequency channel. With
frequency diversity, it is necessary to also use receiver diversity because
Diversity each transmitted frequency requires its own receiver

Another form of Hybrid diversity and undoubtly provides the most reliable
transmission but most expensive. It combines frequency, space, and
Quad Diversity polarization and receiver diversity into one system.

A specialized form of diversity that consist of a standard frequency diversity

path where the two transmitter/ receiver pairs at one end of the path are
Hybrid Diversity separated from each other and connected to different antennas that are
vertically separated as in space diversity.

Alternate facilities temporarily made to avoid a service interruption during

Protection Switching periods of deep fades or equipment failures.
types of protection switching arrangements:
 hotstandby

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

 diversity

Hot Standby Each working radio channel has a dedicated backup or spare channel.
A single backup channel is made available to as many as 11 working
Head-End In hotstandby protection, it splits the signal power and directs it to the
Bridge working and the spare (standby) microwave channels simultaneously.

Diversity Protection It has two working channels, one spare channel, and an auxiliary channel.

Auxilliary A low-capacity low-power microwave radio that is designed to be used for a

Channel maintenance channel only.

Reliability It is where the number of repeater stations between protection switches

Objectives depends.
of the Systems
Points in the system where baseband signals either originate or terminate.
four major sections:
 baseband
Terminal Stations  wireline entrance link (WLEL)
 RF sections

Repeater Points in a system where baseband signals may be reconfigured or where

Stations RF carriers are simply “repeated” or amplified.

WLEL Stands for WireLine Entrance Link, it serves as the interface between t he
multiplex terminal equipment and the FM_IF equipment.
A balanced modulator that, when used in conjunction with a microwave
Transmod generator, power amplifier, and band-pass filter, up-converts the IF carrier to
an RF carrier and amplifies the RF to the desired output power.

It must be capable of amplifying very high frequencies and passing very

wide bandwidth signals for microwave radios.
devices used in microwaveamplifiers:
Amplifiers  Klystron Tubes
 Traveling-wave tubes (TWTs)
 IMPATT (Impact avalanche and transit time)

Microwave It provides the RF carrier input to the up-converter. It is called as microwave

generator rather than an oscillator because it is difficult to construct a stable
Generator circuit that will oscillate in the gigahertz range.

Crystal- It operates in the range 5 MHz to 25 MHz, used to provide a base frequency
controlled that is multiplied up to the desired RF carrier frequency.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

A unidirectional device often made from ferrite material. It used in

Isolator conjunction with a channel-combining network to prevent the output of one
transmitter from interfering with the output of another transmitter.

AGC Stands for Automatic Gain Control, is a circuit in an IF amplifier.

It occurs only when three stations are placed in a geographical straight line
Multi-hop in the system.
High/Low- It prevents the power that “leaks” out the back and sides of a transmit
Frequency antenna from interfering with the
signal entering the input of a nearby receive antenna.

Ring around The signal entering the input of a nearby receive antenna.

V Channels It means that this channel is propagated with vertical polarization.

The line-of-sight directly between the transmit and receive antenna. Also
Free-Space Path called as the Direct Wave.

Surface Wave It consists of the electric and magnetic fields associated with the currents
induced in earth’s surface.

The portion of the transmit signal that is reflected off Earth’s surface and
captured by the receive antenna.
Reflected Wave
The portion of the transmit signal that is returned back to Earth’s surface by
Sky Wave the ionized layers of earth’s atmosphere.

Free-Space Path The loss incurred by an electromagnetic wave as it propagates in a straight

Loss line through a vacuum with no absorption or reflection of energy from nearby

Spreading Loss A phenomenon wherein electromagnetic energy is spread out as it

propagates away from the source resulting in lower relative power densities .
Fading The reduction in signal strength at the input to a receiver.

The difference between the nominal output power of a transmitter and the
System Gain minimum input power to a receiver necessary to achieve satisfactory

Sometimes called as Link Margin, is essentially a “fudge Factor” included in

Fade Margin system gain equations that considers the non ideal and less predictable
characteristics of radio wave propagation and terrain sensitivity.

He described ways of calculating outage time due to fading on a non

W.T. Barnett diversity path as a function of terrain, climate, path length, and fade margin,
in April 1969.

From Bell Laboratories, he derived formulas for calculating the effective

Arvids Vignant improvement achievable by vertical space diversity as a function of the
spacing distance, path length, and frequency in June 1970.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Carrier-to-Noise The ratio of the wideband “carrier” to the wideband noise power.
Ratio (C/N)
Receiver Also called Receiver Sensitivity, is the minimum wide band carrier power at
Threshold the input to a receiver that will provide a usable baseband output.

Pre-detection Signal The carrier-to-noise ratio before the FM demodulator.

to-Noise Ratio
Postdetection The carrier-to-noise ratio after the FM demodulator.
to-Noise Ratio
Noise Factor (F) A ratio of input signal-to-noise ratio to output signal to noise ratio.

Noise Figure The noise factor stated in dB and is a parameter commonly used to indicate
the quality of a receiver.



Satellite A celestial body that orbits around a planet.

Communications Man-made satellites that orbit earth, providing a multitude of communication

Satellites functions to a wide variety of consumers, including military, governmental,
private and commercial subscriber.

Transponder A satellite radio repeater is called?

It consists of one or more satellite space vehicles, a ground-based station to

Satellite System control the operation of the system, and a user network of earth stations that
provides the interface facilities for the transmission and reception of terrestrial
communications traffic through the satellite system.

Bus It includes control mechanism that supports the payload operation.

Payload The actual user information conveyed through the system.

Passive Reflector A type of satellite wherein it simply “bounces” signals from one place to

Moon A natural satellite of Earth, visible by reflection of sunlight having a slightly

elliptical orbit.

Radio Beacon Used by passive satellites for tracking and ranging purposes.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Launched by Russia, the first active earth satellite in 1957. It transmitted

Sputnik I telemetry for 21 days.

A type of satellite capable of receiving, amplifying, reshaping, regenerating and

Active Satellite retransmitting information.

Satellite launched by U.S., it transmitted telemetry information for nearly five

Explorer I months.

Satellite launched by NASA in 1958, a 150-pound conical-shaped satellite. It

Score was the first artificial satellite used for relaying terrestrial communications.

The score is type of satellite were in the received transmission from earth
Delayed Repeater station, stored them on a magnetic tape, and then rebroadcast them later to
Satellite ground station farther along in its orbit.

Launched by the NASA in junction with Bell Telephone Laboratories and the
jet Propolusion Laboratory. It is passively reflected radio signal it received from
Echo large earth station antennas and it was simple and reliable radio signal but
required extremely high power transmitter at the earth station.

In 1960 the Department of Defense launched a satellite which was the first
Courier transponder type satellite and has transmitted 3W of power and lasted only 17

Telstar I The first active satellite to simultaneously receive and transmit radio signals.

Launched in 1963, and was used for telephone, television, facsimile and data
Telstar II transmission and accomplished the first successful transatlantic video

Launched in February 1963, was the first attempt to place a geosynchronous

Syncom I satellite into orbit.

Syncom III The satellite used to broadcast the 1964 Olympic Games from Tokyo Japan.

Syncom The satellite that demonstrate the feasibility of using geosynchronous satellite.

It was the first commercial telecommunications satellite. It launched from Cape

Intelsat I Kennedy in 1965 and used two transponders. Also call ed as Early Birds. It
stands for International Telecommunications Satellite.

Molniya Domestic satellite launched by former Soviet Union in 1966. It means


Johannes Kepler A German astronomer who discovered the laws that governs satellite motion.

Kepler’s Law

 The planets move in ellipses with the sun at one focus.

 The line joining the sun and the planet sweeps out equal intervals of time.
 The square of the time of revolution of a planet divided by the cube of its mean distance fromthe sun gives
number that is the same for all planets.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Enunciated with the first law in 1609, is known as law of area, this law states
Kepler’s Second that for equal intervals of time a satellite will sweep out equal area in the orbital
Law plane, focused at the barycenter.

Perigee The point in an orbit closest to earth.

Apogee The point in an orbit farthest from the earth.

Harmonic Law or It states that the square of the periodic time of orbit is proportional to the cube
Kepler’s Third Law of the mean distance between the primary and the satellite.
a = AP
a = semimajor axis
P = mean solar earth
A = constant
Geosynchronous High-altitude earth-orbit satellites operating primarily in the 2-GHz to 18 GHz
Satellite frequency spectrum with orbits Satellite 22,300 miles above earth’s surface.

Advantages of Geosynchronous Satellite:

 It remain almost stationary in respect to a given earth station.

 Available to earth within their shadows 100% of the time.
 No need to switch from one geosynchronous satellite to another as they orbit overhead
 The effects of Doppler shift are negligible

Disadvantages of geosynchronous Satellite :

 It requires sophisticated and heavy propulsion device onboard to keep them in a fixed orbit
 Much longer propagation delays
 Requires higher transmit power and more sensitive receivers because of the longer distances
and greater path loss.
 High precision spacemanship is required.

Nonsynchronous Satellite that rotates around the earth in an elliptical or circular patterns .

Progeade or If the satellite is orbiting in the same direction as earth’s rotation and at the
Posigrade angular velocity greater than the earth that orbit is called?

Retrograde If the satellite is orbiting in the same direction as earth’s rotation and at the
angular velocity less than the earth that orbit is called?

The satellite operates in the 1.0GHz to 2.5GHz frequency range and utilizing a
Low Earth Orbit 66-satelite constellation orbiting approximately 48 miles above the earth’s
(LEO) surface.

Medium Earth Orbit The satellite operates in the 1.2GHz to 1.66GHz frequency band and orbit
(MEO) between 6000 miles and 12000 miles above the earth.

Geosynchronous The satellite are high altitude earth orbit satellite operating primary in the 2GHz
Earth Orbit (GEO) to 18 GHz frequency spectrum with orbits 22,300 miles above the earth’s

Geostationary Those that orbit in a circular pattern with a angular velocity equal to the earth.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Near-Synchronous It is slightly lower than 22,300 miles above earth, the satellite orbit time is
lower than earth’s rotational period.

Major Axis The line joining the perigee and apogee through the center of the earth and
sometimes called line of apsides.

Minor Axis The line perpendicular to the major axis and halfway between the perigee and
apogee it is sometimes called semiminor axis.

All satellite rotate around the earth in an orbit that from a plane that passes
Geocenter through the center of the gravity of earth is called?

Are virtually all orbits except those that travel directly above the equator or
Inclined Orbits directly over the north and south poles?

The angle between the earth’s equatorial plane and the orbital plane of a
Angle of Inclination satellite measured counter clockwise at the point in the orbit where it crosses
the equatorial plane traveling from south to north called the ascending node.

The point where a polar or inclined orbit crosses the equatorial plane traveling
Descending Node from north to south is called?

Line of Nodes The line joining the ascending and descending nodes through the center of the
earth is called?

When the satellite rotates in an orbits directly above the equator, usually in a
Equatorial Orbit circular path.

When the satellite rotates in a path that takes it over the north and south poles
Polar Orbit in an orbit perpendicular to the equatorial plane.

Station Keeping The process of maneuvering a satellite within a preassigned window is called?

Arthur C. Clarke He first suggested its existence in 1945 and proposed its use for
communication satellite.

Antenna Look Azimuth angle and elevation angle are jointly referred to as the?
The location that is identified by a point on the surface of the earth, it has no
Subsatellite Point latitude and longitude is called?

It is the vertical angle formed between the direction of travel of an

Angle of Elevation electromagnetic wave radiated from the earth station antenna pointing directly
toward a satellite and the horizontal plane.

It is the horizontal angular distance from a reference direction, either the

Azimuth southern or northernmost point of the horizon.

Azimuth Angle Is defined as the horizontal pointing angle of an earth station antenna.

Which determine the fastest satellite away that can be seen looking east or
Limit of Visibility west of the earth station longitude?

It uses the angular momentum of its spinning body to provide roll and yaw
Spinner stabilization.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

Three-axis The body remains fixed relative to earth’s surface, while an internal subsystem
Stabilizer provides roll and yaw stabilization.

The required spatial separation is dependent on the following variables:

 Beamwidths and side lobe radiation of both earth station and satellite antenna.
 RF carrier frequency
 Encoding or modulating technique used
 Acceptance limits of interference
 Transmit carrier power

Footprint The geographic representation of a satellite antenna’s radiation pattern is


Effective Isotropic
Radiated Power The effective power transmitted is called?

They concentrate their power to very small geographic areas and therefore
Spot beam typically have proportionately higher ERIP than those targeting much larger
area because a given output power can be more concentrated.

Hemispherical An antenna typically target up to 20% of the earth’s surface and therefore,
Downlink have EIRP that are 3dB or 50% lower than those transmitted by spot beams
that typically cover only 10% of the earth’s surface.

Frequency Reuse The different beams of the same frequency can be directed to different
geographical area of the earth.

The different information signals can be transmitted to different earth station

Dual Polarization receivers using the same band of frequency simply by orienting their
electromagnetic polarizations in an orthogonal manner.

High-Power It is used in earth station transmitters and the traveling-wave tubes typically
Amplifiers used in satellite transponders.

Back-off loss The amount the output level is backed off from rated level is equivalent to a
loss and is appropriately called?

Saturated output The output power of a typical satellite earth station transmitter is much higher
power than the output power from terrestrial microwave power amplifiers.


BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


Also called as Multiple Destination, It implies that more than one

user has access to one or more radio channels within a satellite
communications channel.

Multiple Accessing Multiple Accessing Arrangement:

 Frequency-division multiple accessing (FDMA)
 Time-division multiple accessing (TDMA)
 Code-division multiple accessing (CDMA)

Pre- A given number of the available voice-band channels from each

assignment(dedicated) earth station are assigned a dedicated destination.

Demand Assignment Voice channels are assigned on an as-needed basis.

The method of assigning adjacent channels different

Frequency Reuse electromagnetic polarizations and is possible by using orthogonal
polarization and spacing adjacent channels 20 MHz apart.

Anik Eskimo word meaning “little brother”.

communications Domestic Satellites operated by Telsat Canada.

FDMA A method of multiple accessing where a given RF bandwidth is

divided into smaller frequency bands.

Multiple channels per carrier formats assigned and remain fixed
for a long Period of time.
Access (FAMA)

Demand-Assignment Assigning carrier frequency on temporary basis using a statistical

Multiple Access assignment process.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

An acronym for Single-channel-per-carrier PCM multiple Access

Demand-assignment Equipment.

SCPC Stands for Single-Carrier-Per-Channel.

Common Signaling
A time division-multiplexed transmission that is frequency
division multiplexed.

The predominant Multiple-access method of time-division

TDMA multiplexing digitally modulated carriers between participating
earth stations within a satellite network through a common satellite

An RF-to-RF repeater that simply receives the earth station

Transponder transmissions, amplifies them, and then re-transmits them in a
downlink beam that is received by all other participating station.

Reference Burst
It is where transmissions from all earth stations are synchronized.

Carrier Recovery
It is where all receiving stations recover a frequency and phase
coherent carrier for PSK demodulation

An acronym for Conference of European Postal and

Telecommunications Administrations, is commonly used TDMA
frame format for digital satellite system

Sometimes referred to as Spread-Spectrum Multiple entire

Code-Division Multiple
allocated bandwidth Access, the transmissions can spread
Access (CDMA)

Chip Code A unique binary word that each earth station’s transmissions are

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

It compares two signals and recovers the original data.

Digital non interpolated

It assigns an individual terrestrial channel (TC) to a particular
satellite channel (SC) for the duration of the call.

Digital Speech It assigns a terrestrial channel to a satellite channel only when

Interpolated Interface speech energy is present on the TC.

Time-Assignment A form of analog channel compression that has been used for sub
Speech Interpolation oceanic cables for many years.

The art or science of plotting, ascertaining or directing the course

of movements, in other words, knowing where you are and being
able to find your way around.

It is the most ancient and rudimentary method of navigation and

simply continuing to travel about until you reach your destination,
assuming of course that you have one.

Earliest effective means of navigation wherein direction and

Celestial Navigation distance are determined from precisely timed sightings of celestial
bodies, including the stars and moon.

Method of navigation by means of fixing a position and direction

with respect to familiar, significant landmarks such as railroad
tracks, water towers, barns, mountains and bodies of water.

Dead Reckoning A navigation technique that determines position by extrapolating a

series of measured velocity increments.

The term derived from the word “deduced” and not necessarily
from the fate of the people who used the technique.

Charles Lindbergh

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

He used dead reckoning successfully in 1927 during his historic

33-hour transatlantic journey.

She attempted to make the first around-the-world in 1937 using the

Amelia Earhart
dead reckoning technique.

Navigation technique wherein the position is deter-mined by

Radio Navigation measuring the travel time of an electromagnetic wave as it moves
from a transmitter to a receiver.

Decca A radio Navigation system for terrestrial surface broadcast.

Omega Radio Navigation system that provides global coverage and

terrestrial surface broadcast.

LORAN Also a terrestrial surface broadcast.

Navy Transit GPS Low-orbit satellite broadcast provides global coverage.

Navstar GPS Medium-orbit satellite broadcast also provides global coverage.

Means of radio navigation in which receivers acquire coded

LORAN signals from two pairs of high-powered, land based transmitters
whose locations are precisely known.

An acronym for Navigation System with Time and Ranging.

An abbreviation for Global Positioning System.

GPS Two levels of service or accuracy:
 Standard Positioning Service
 Precise Positioning Service

A satellite-based open navigation system which simply means that

Navstar GPS it is available to anyone equipped with a GPS receiver.

Consists of three segments:

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi

 a space segment
 a ground control segment
 user segment

April 27, 1995 It is when the Navstar was declared as fully operational by the U.S.
Air Force Space Command.
Navstar Satellite
It was completed in 1994 and is maintained by the United States
Air Force.

Standard Positioning
A positioning and timing service that is available to all GPS users
on a continuous, worldwide basis with no direct change.

Sometimes called Space Segment, consists of 24operational

Satellite Segment
satellites revolving around Earth in six orbital planes
approximately 60° apart with four satellites in each plane.

Cesium Atomic Clock It produces highly accurate timing signals for satellites.

Pseudorandom Noise A unique integer number that is used to encrypt the signal from
(PRN) Code Number that satellite.

A term associated with a table showing the position of a heavenly

body on a number dates in a regular sequence, in essence, an
astronomical almanac.

Clock Bias Error Error in the receiver’s clock which affects the accuracy of the
time-difference measurement.

The Navstar control segment.

Operational Control It consists of :
System  Fixed-location ground based monitor stations
 Master Control Station
 uplink transmitter

It makes standard GPS more accurate. It works by canceling out

Differential GPS most of the natural and man-made errors that creep into normal
GPS measurements.

BOOK REVIEW IN COMMUNICATIONS Electronic Communications System By Wayne Tomasi


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