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● Lucas Adamson and AMC sold 131,897 common shares of stock in Adamson and Adamson, Inc.
(AAI) to APAC Holding Limited (APAC). The shares were valued at P7,789,995.00.On June 22,
1990, P159,363.21 was paid as capital gains tax for the transaction
● On October 12, 1990, AMC sold to APAC Philippines, Inc. another 229,870 common shares of
stock in AAI for P17,718,360.00. AMC paid the capital gains tax of P352,242.96
● On October 15, 1993, the Commissioner issued a Notice of Taxpayer to AMC, Lucas G. Adamson,
Therese June D. Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes, informing them of deficiencies on their
payment of capital gains tax and Value Added Tax (VAT)
● On October 22, 1993, the Commissioner filed with the Department of Justice (DOJ) her Affidavit
of Complaint against AMC, Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D. Adamson and Sara S. de los
Reyes for violation of Sections 45 (a) and (d), and 110, in relation to Section 100, as penalized
under Section 255, and for violation of Section 253, in relation to Section 252 and of the
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)

● AMC, Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D. Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes filed with the DOJ a
motion to suspend proceedings on the ground of prejudicial question, pendency of a civil case
with the Supreme Court, and pendency of their letter-request for re-investigation with the
Commissioner. The Motion for Reconsideration against the findings of probable cause was
denied by the prosecutor
● Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D. Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes were charged before the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Makati They filed a Motion to Dismiss or Suspend the Proceedings.
They invoked the grounds that there was yet no final assessment of their tax liability, and there
were still pending relevant Supreme Court and CTA cases. Initially, the trial court denied the
● A Motion for Reconsideration was however filed, this time assailing the trial courts lack of
jurisdiction over the nature of the subject cases. On August 8, 1994, the trial court granted the
Motiont ruled that the complaints for tax evasion filed by the Commissioner should be regarded
as a decision of the Commissioner regarding the tax liabilities of Lucas G. Adamson, Therese
June D. Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes, and appealable to the CTA.
● It further held that the said cases cannot proceed independently of the assessment case
pending before the CTA, which has jurisdiction to determine the civil and criminal tax liability of
the respondents therein
● On October 10, 1994, the Commissioner filed a Petition for Review with the Court of Appeals
assailing the trial courts dismissal of the criminal cases
● THE CA reversed the RTC’s decision. It held that, in a criminal prosecution for tax evasion,
assessment of tax deficiency is not required because the offense of tax evasion is complete or
consummated when the offender has knowingly and willfully filed a fraudulent return with
intent to evade the tax.
● On March 15, 1994, AMC, Lucas G. Adamson, Therese June D. Adamson and Sara S. de los Reyes
filed a Petition for Review with the CTA. They assailed the Commissioners finding of tax evasion
against them. The Commissioner moved to dismiss the petition, on the ground that it was
premature, as she had not yet issued a formal assessment of the tax liability of therein
petitioners. On September 19, 1994, the CTA denied the Motion to Dismiss
● CA sustained the CTA’s dismissal of the Commissioner’s motion, hence the present action
Whether or not the Court of Tax Appeals has jurisdiction to take cognizance of both the civil and
criminal aspects of the case

● Yes, under Sec(7) of RA 9282, the CTA has jurisdiction on criminal cases arising from
violations of the tax laws
● However, there is nothing written on RA 9282 changing the jurisdiction of the CTA to
entertain an appeal only from a final decision or assessment of the Commissioner, or in
cases where the Commissioner has not acted within the period prescribed by the NIRC.
In the cases at bar, the Commissioner has not issued an assessment of the tax liability of
private respondents

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