GEL 1503 Ass 02

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Student number : 64589196

Semester : 02

Assignment : 02

Unique code : 745863

Course name : Life and Environmental Sciences

Course code : 98366

Module name : GEL 1503

Type of task : Assignment

Heading : Most reliable to Earth quake and Geomorphology.

Due date : 21 // 09 // 2018


1 Divergence.

2 Transform boundary.

3 Colliding.

4 Earthquake that shallow along the continental margin (asthenosphere ).

5 Submarine mountain ranges.

6 Great rift valley.

7 Andes mountain range.

8 San Andreas fault.

9 Zone of earthquake.

10 Transform plate boundary.



1 – Weathering and erosion.

2 – Transportation and deposition of sediments.

3 – sedimentary rock.

4 – Deformation and metamorphism.

5 – Metamorphic rock.

6 – Melting.

7 – Magma from the molten crust.

8 – crystallisation of magma.

9 – Igneous rock.

10 - Weathering of rocks at surface.


1, Hardness.

2, Crystal shape.
3, Fracture.

4, Tenacity.

5, Density.

6, Streak.



A normal faults.

B Reverse faults.

C Strike-slip faults.

D normal faults.


A Tension.

B Compression.

C Shearing.

D Shearing.



 Earthquake is the sudden violent shaking movement of the earth's surface. This hazard result in
an bid destructions on the ground.
 This hazard may occur all over the world, either along the plate edges or along fault but it's
mostly occur along the edges of the oceanic and continental plates.
 This process occurs when huge rocks underground of the earth suddenly breaks along the earth
faults. Then this sudden movement will produce energy that is going to form SEISMIC waves
that makes ground to shake. This shaking occurs once TWO plates rubbing each other.
 Earthquake is measured in magnitude and intensity. The components that they use to measure
earthquakes is called RITCHER SCALE in ……..
 P-waves are the fastest seismic waves, they can move through solid rocks and fluids. It pulls or
pushes rocks while moving through it. Particles moves towards direction of this wave. S-WAVES
are the seismic waves that have lower frequency than body waves. They are easily
differentiated when using seismogram. But this type of wave is being reduced in deeper
earthquakes. Then SURFACE WAVES are also have lower frequency like S-WAVES but this wave
result in damaging and destructions that associated with earthquakes in the earth's surface
although it’s also reduced in deeper earthquakes.
 Earthquakes are associated with the following primary hazard, there will be very fast shaking of
the ground, liquefaction is also attacks the land's surface. It forms the reptured in utility lines.
 The damages by earthquake can be prevented or reduced when people can secure their
belongings. Put latches on cabinets doors and file cabinets. Store hazardous materials in a sturdy
place .


 Slump mass movement – This type of mass movement occurs when mass of huge rocks and soil
quickly slips down slopes and just move Once with a very big chunk , its usually occur when
water soaks bottom of Clay soil.
 Creep mass movement – This movement moves very lazy and slowly downslope on hills with
movement of rocks and soil, that is being caused by freezing ices and thawing in rocks under or
below soil's surface. then the objects within the soil become tilted from each other in left right
sided areas, e.g. fence post .
 Mud flow mass movement – it occurs rapidly result in downhill movement when water , rocks
and soil being mixed together and form a mixture. It mostly occur after heavy rain falls while in
normal dry areas being caused by earthquake.


6.1 Ionic bond is a type of chemical bonding that involve the electrostatic attraction between oppositely
charged ions . for an example (table salt ) consist of sodium and chloride , while covalent bond is a
chemical bond that involve sharing of electron pairs or two non metallic atoms that is characterised by
the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms and other covalent bond. Example , carbon dioxide.


A Inner core .

B Outer core .

C Mantle .

D Oceanic current .

E Asthenosphere .

F Continental crust .

G Lithosphere .

H Oceanic crust .


7.1 submitted via UNISA envelop

 Volume of water .
 Channel shape .
 Riverbed's gradient .
 Stream flow .
 Smooth and rough channels .



A Rock pedestals – being caused by wind .

B Sand dunes – being caused by wind .

C Desert pavement – being caused by wind .

D Yardangs – being caused by wind .


 Linear dunes .
 Parabolic dunes .
 Transverse dunes .
 Star dunes .


9.1 Glaciers are being formed when snow is spreaded over land's surface and remain a long time in
same area for many times , in such a way that enough snow accumulate and transform into ice . in every
year , new layers of snow bury and compress the previous layers. Then this compression will cause soil
to recrystallize, then FIRN is going to be formed . then that will cause ice that is going to survive more
than 50 years .


 Valley glaciers.
 Ice fields.
 Constrained.
 Ice sheets and ice caps.
 Out let.
 Unconstrained.

1 HAYLEY AMES Born in NORFOLK (united kingdom )

Accessed on 17 //09 //18.

2 https;// accessed on 17//09//18 .

3 https;// accessed on 19//09//18 .

4 accessed on 19//09//18 .

5 mind the gap grade 12 study guide accessed on 19//09//18 .

6 focus in geography grade 12 text books , accessed on 19//09//18 .

7 internet (Google) accessed on 19//09//18 .

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