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January sales

© BBC Learning English 2008

January sales: let’s go shopping!

Read the text below and do the activities that follow.

For shopaholics, the post-Christmas period means only one thing – sales!
Across the country, prices are slashed on clothing, electronics, home
furnishings and more, but London is the place for serious shopping, and you
can certainly pick up some amazing bargains.

The sales start on Boxing Day - 26th December, and continue for the month of
January, but the keenest bargain hunters get there early to be first through
the doors. In Oxford Street queues formed outside shops ahead of pre-dawn
openings for the start of their sales. At Brent Cross, in north London, more
than 1,000 people were queuing at 3.30am for the ‘Next’ clothing store’s sale
which began at 4am. Some hardy individuals even camped outside the
shops to be first in the line.

Consumers who hit the shops were rewarded with discounts of as much as
80% as department stores joined the sales frenzy. The shops are absolutely
heaving as the sales got into full swing, with more than half a million
people converging on London's West End.

Famous sales include the biggest, most prestigious shops such as Harrods,
Selfridges, Liberty and John Lewis. Department stores are always a good
bet – you're likely to find everything you need under one roof, including
much-needed refreshments!

It's a good time to stock up on cheap gadgets, and there's no better time to
invest in some designer threads.

Some people are taking their partners shopping with them, and buying their
Christmas presents in the sale – a practical but unromantic way of making
sure you get the gift you really want. For a less exciting but less stressful
shopping experience, online retailers are also getting in on the act with
January sales of their own.

The most organised of all are those who are already doing their present
shopping for next Christmas, in the January sales!

© BBC Learning English 2008


shopaholics - people who are slashed - greatly reduced

addicted to shopping

bargains - goods on sale at a bargain hunters - shoppers who

lower price than their true value visit many shops to find

pre-dawn - very early in the hardy - strong enough to bear

morning, before the sunrise extreme conditions or difficult

individuals - people, persons camped - put up tents and

stayed in them

hit the shops - went to shops in frenzy - feeling extremely

large numbers and with the excited
determination to buy a lot of

heaving - with a lot of people got into full swing - if an event

moving around gets into full swing, it has
already been happening for a
period of time and there is a lot
of activity

department stores - very large a good bet - something that

shops which sell all kinds of would be useful to do

under one roof - in the same to stock up on - to buy a lot of


gadgets - small devices or threads - clothes (colloquial)

machines with a particular

unromantic - with no getting in on the act - here,

romance/love participating in the sales

© BBC Learning English 2008

1. Reading Quiz

Are these sentences true or false? Circle the correct answer.

1. The January sales actually start before the end of December.

True / False / Not given

2. The shops opened for the sales at 9am. True / False / Not given

3. Only small retailers have January sales. True / False / Not given

4. Around 200 thousand people went shopping on Oxford Street at the

beginning of the sales. True / False / Not given

5. Gadgets, clothes and home furnishings can all be bought in the sales.
True / False / Not given

© BBC Learning English 2008

2. Expressions

Can you put these words in the right order to make slang expressions
used in the text?

1. the to shops hit

2. full swing into get to

3. bet a good

4. up to on stock

5. on in act get to the

© BBC Learning English 2008

3. Correct the mistake

Each of the following sentences has a mistake in them. Can you find
the mistake and write the sentence correctly below?

1. Bargain hunters are queue up outside the shops early.

2. In some sales, you can get discounts to as much as 80%.

3. A department shop is a good place to buy lots of different things.

4. I like to stock up with new clothes in the sales.

5. Shopping in the sales in the shops can be stressfuller than online shopping.

6. People who buy their presents for next Christmas in the January sales are
the organisedest.

© BBC Learning English 2008

4. Wordsearch

Try to find the words associated with the January sales in the puzzle

There are ten words to find. Words can be written horizontally (g),
vertically (i) or diagonally (m)

p w q u t y u o b g a s

p r e s e n t s p a s t

h r e a h g i h b d r o

j i e t o p f o a g d r

b q k b a r g p r i c e

a l u z x i c v b n m l

r s y e p s l q u e k s

g a d g e t o e g h j a

a f l h g u t r r d f l

i d w e l k h p j s y e

n b q u e u e k m t o v

h j m d a r s l d n r e

sale retailers bargain shop queue

store presents clothes price gadget

© BBC Learning English 2008


1. Reading Quiz 2. Expressions

Are these sentences true or false? Circle the Can you put these words in the right order to
correct answer. make slang expressions used in the text?

1. The January sales actually start before the end of 1. to hit the shops
December. True
2. to get into full swing
2. The shops opened for the sales at 9am. False
3. a good bet
3. Only small retailers have January sales. False
4. to stock up on
4. Around 200 thousand people went shopping on
Oxford Street at the beginning of the sales. Not 5. to get in on the act

5. Gadgets, clothes and home furnishings can all be

bought in the sales. True

3. Correct the mistake 4. Wordsearch

Each of the following sentences have a

mistake in them. Can you find the mistake
and write the sentence correctly below? p r e s e n t s t

1. Bargain hunters queue up outside the shops early. e h o

t o r
2. In some sales, you can get discounts of as much
as 80%. b a p r i c e
a i c
3. A department store is a good place to buy lots of
different things. r l s

4. I like to stock up on new clothes in the sales. g a d g e t o e a

a t r l
5. Shopping in the sales in the shops can be more
stressful than online shopping. i h s e
n q u e u e
6. People who buy their presents for next Christmas
in the January sales are the most organised. s

© BBC Learning English 2008

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