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By Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor

Developed by Rowan, Rook & Decard

Games design: Grant Howitt, Christopher Taylor
Narrative Direction and Additional Writing: Chris Gardiner
Editing: Olivia Wood
Playtesting: Helen Gould, Paul Gregory,
Mary Hamilton, Xalavier Nelson, Haley Uyrus,
Hannah Flynn, James Chew, George Lockett,
Olivia Wood, Harrison Amor, Chris Holmes, Crock272
Gamebook Graphic Design: Haley Uyrus
Art by: Paul Arendt, Toby Cook, John Aggs
Inspired by: The Witch Is Dead, Apocalypse World,
Lady Blackbird

Based on Sunless Skies, a literary RPG for Mac, PC and Linux.

Sunless Skies is available on Steam and GOG.

The Fallen London universe is deep, dark and marvellous.

If you’ve enjoyed this game, try the free browser RPG that
started it all at

©2018 Failbetter Games LTD. Sunless Skies is a trademark of

Failbetter Games Ltd, 2018.
By Grant Howitt and Chris Taylor

The High Wilderness stretches out ahead of you; cruel, unwelcoming, and filled with
opportunity. London fell beneath the earth, but Queen Victoria brought it up, up into the
heavens. Here you make your living as a Skyfarer, working on board a locomotive jury-rigged
to fly through these cold skies and raging winds. Your captain has taken you to the Reach, a
frontier on the edge of civilisation, in search of fame, fortune and adventure.

Listen! You will change out here, where the Empire’s light falters and casts deep shadows, where
rebels stake their claim on fragments of sky-rock riddled with fungus, where pillagers dig into
ruins built by the now-dead sun. Who are you in the dark?


Skyfarer is a roleplaying game designed to let you and If you want to learn more about
your friends tell stories of adventure, dark humour, the world of Sunless Skies (or
and celestial horror in the world of the videogame Sunless Sea and Fallen London, its
sister games), the best sources
Sunless Skies. Playing a roleplaying game (or RPG) is
are the games themselves,
pretty straightforward:
and there are a number of
• First, get a group together. The minimum number of resources available online.
people you can play with is two, and you play with as But don’t feel like you need to
many as you want – but we’d recommend a group of have encyclopedic knowledge
about four or five. of the setting before you start
• All but one of the players will create and take on the to play! The heavens are filled
role of a character. This is someone the player will with cosmic aberrations and
control in the fictional world of the story the group ethereal wonders, and you and
will tell together. The character will have a few specific your players are free to invent
traits: skills, abilities, desires, beliefs, and so on. whatever you desire when you
• One player will be the Gamesmaster (GM) – they’re tell your stories together.
in charge of keeping the story moving, knowing
the rules, and finding excitement and challenge in RESOURCES
whatever the player characters do. They also describe
the world to the players, and play every other
character in the world.
• Everyone gathers together (in person, or online, via
The FBG Forum
Discord, Skype or Roll20, etc.) and the game begins.
The Failbetter Games Discord
The GM sets the scene for the players and describes
Sunless Skies on TV Tropes
the world as it stands. The players act and react. The
game is a back-and-forth conversation with some
rules in place to make it more exciting.
• The game ends when you decide it ends. Maybe you
want to play out a quick story over an hour or two;
maybe you want to tell an epic saga over multiple

We’re writing this as though the gamesmaster (GM) is reading it, so when we say ‘you’,
we’re referring to the GM.

Once you’ve got your players together – in person or online – you’ll need to make
sure each has a character sheet (located at the end of this document). If you’re playing
in the same room, you should have the sheets printed out, and some dice on hand
(six-sided (D6) and ten-sided (D10) are required). It doesn’t hurt to have some pens
and pencils on hand, too.

You’ll also need around twenty tokens to represent Tenacity. Poker chips are good, as
are glass beads, but you can use coins or even matchsticks – or just keep track with
pencil and paper. We find that having a big pile of tokens to draw from improves the
play experience.

You’ll also need to familiarise yourself with the whole document before starting a
session. Once everyone’s ready to start, guide them through the character creation
process – this should only take a few minutes.

Each player should do the following (we’ll explain more about these steps later):

• Pick a profession – this is the role their character has on the crew.
• Make up or choose two qualities that describe their character.
• Make up or choose a name for their character.
• Rate their abilities (Iron, Mirrors, Veils and Hearts). The player must set one at
-1, one at 0, one at 1, and one at 2. Higher numbers are better. (There is more
information about the abilities in the Abilities section below.)
• Make up or choose two Integrities for your character – these are beliefs that they
hold, and that will probably change as they explore the Reach.


You don’t need to come up with a story! A lot of roleplaying games require that
you plan out an adventure for the players to go on before you begin; this is time-
consuming and liable to go wrong – as the player characters have to ‘find’ the story
you’ve written, or you have to guide them into it.

Instead, come up with three things:

1) The Captain – who’ll you be playing – has a mission. What is that mission? Are
they transporting something dangerous, or illegal? Are they rescuing someone from
imprisonment? Are they set to collect a valuable cargo from some shady customers?

2) What’s going on when the game starts? As in: where are the player characters? Are
they on board their engine, or in port? Are they under attack from enemy fire? Are
they about to be inspected by over-zealous customs officers? Whatever’s happening,
it’s a problem that the players have to try to fix.

3) Who else is involved? Think of two or three people, places or factions that have a
stake in the mission that the Captain was given. Who wants the mission to go ahead,
and what will they do if it fails? Who wants to subvert the mission and profit from it?
Who is caught in the middle?

Who are they? How were they involved in this trip? (GM also
decides what’s happened to the captain to remove them from the
action) Some suggestions:

1. Scarred, grizzled, obsessed with a quest for vengeance or

validation, and prepared to sacrifice everything to achieve it.
2. A disgraced Navy captain, reduced to smuggling and bounty-
hunting, bitter at his old follies and sacrifices.
3. A fervent scholar, paranoically protecting the secret
experiments he is conducting in the hold.
4. A defeated soldier, still waging old, failed battles according to
his uncompromising code of honour.
5. An ex-Zee-captain, who saw things on the Sunless Sea that
no one should, and is still plagued by old nightmares.
6. An infamous Revolutionary, embarked on an urgent, secret
task for the anarchists’ mysterious Calendar Council.
7. A representative of Her Renewed Majesty’s government, with
an expansive mandate.
8. A poet, resolved to capture the magnificence and horror of the
heavens, but plagued by tireless vices.
9. A bright-eyed missionary belonging to the New Sequence sect
of the Church of England, determined to spread word of the
Clockwork Sun to heathen corners of the heavens.
10. The leader of a mutiny against the locomotive’s prior captain,
increasingly unprepared for command.

Names: Brannigan, Patel, Andrews, Smythe, Ali, McMann,

Jones, Nguyen, Lovell, Kaur

What is the status of the players at the start of play?
Some suggestions:

1. At the mercy of a Star-Maddened Explorer.

2. Hiding amidst tumbling sky-rocks while Marauders
hunt for them.
3. Caught in the pull of the well-winds while a Caged
Cage, broken loose from the hold, rampages through
the engine.
4. Enduring a determined search from the Excisemen
as they grow ever closer to the one thing they can’t
afford them to find.
5. Hunting a Scorn-Fluke or Aeginae.
6. Drifting towards something deadly, after someone
barricaded themselves in the engine room.
7. In the midst of a mutiny led by a mysterious cult
whose symbol is an eye.

Allies and Antagonists

Who has an interest in the players’ current situation? They
needn’t all the on the locomotive, but they should all be
invested in its fate. Some suggestions:

1. A coterie of hapless Bohemians, trying to keep a

valuable secret.
2. A formidable Deniable Constable and their hound, on
the trail of treason.
3. An avaricious manager of the Windward Company,
with too much invested to turn back now.
4. A battle-scarred Tackety veteran, fighting a war
others would rather ignore.
5. The merciless commander of an Enduring
Dreadnought, avidly pursuing his mission.
6. A desperate aristocrat carrying an old family secret
that might turn the sky upside down.
7. A smuggling gang, organised and loyal to their oaths,
but brooking no collaboration with the authorities.
8. A Star-Maddened Explorer, consumed by the
obsessions the starlight awoke in him.
9. A hunted devil, carrying an unusual selection of souls.
10. An ancient fungal sentience, which colonises humans
and infects then with strange impulses.

Once you know these three things, you’ve got enough to start. (You can ask the
players for help with coming up with stuff, if you find yourself struggling.) Don’t
try to plan too far ahead: react in the moment in whatever way you feel is the most
exciting, interesting, or appropriate – or would make the best story!


All the player characters have been hired to take part in a perilous and unpredictable
journey into the the Reach, a lawless area of the heavens where frontier-folk seek
to secede from the British Empire. They are on board an engine – a locomotive
designed to fly through the harsh, unwelcoming skies using steam-powered
propulsion systems.

Like a character, the engine has a name and two qualities; the group can work out
what these are and note them down, or select from this list:

Heavily armoured, Imposing, Jury-rigged, Blessed, Overcharged, Beautiful, Capacious, Tiny,

Dangerous, Noisy, Up-gunned, Close-ranged, Haunted, Cursed, Quick.

When a character interacts with the engine – steering it through a blockade, manning
the guns to fire at swarms of chorister bees, picking a course to navigate it through
uncharted territory – they can tag the engine’s qualities as though they were their
own, to add or subtract from their score. Like a character, an engine can receive
temporary conditions that impact its performance. (More on scores, qualities and
conditions later.)

There are several roles on board the engine that players can select as their character’s
profession. They are:
First Officer
Manages the engine’s crew day-to-day, acting as the Captain’s second-in-command
Acquires and distributes supplies; manages the engine’s funds
Maintains and fires the engine’s weapons in attack or defence
Ensures the engine keeps running, fixes problems as and when they arise
Communicates with other engines, ports, and creatures found in the heavens
Plots optimal routes through the heavens and understands local customs
Keeps the engine’s furnace fuelled with coal, and maintains a decent speed
Cheers up the crew, catches small animals, and delivers nasty bites


The captain is played by the GM, not a player. This is to ensure that everyone in the
player group has roughly equal authority, especially in their given fields, and avoids
one player giving orders to the others and expecting to be obeyed.

In addition, the Captain is unable to carry out their normal duties for much of the
game. This is to give the players freedom of choice in how to approach the challenges
they face, but also to avoid them leaning on the Captain for advice. Otherwise, there’s
a risk they will end up simply performing actions that the GM asks of them – which
isn’t much fun!

Why is the Captain out of action? That’s up to the GM.

Maybe the Captain is...



actually someone else in disguise,





mysterious and taciturn,

in hiding,

a ghost,

revealed to be a cannibal,

a hallucination shared by the crew.


When a player creates a character, they should choose or make up some Integrities
for the character. Integrities are what make a character tick – fundamental statements
about themselves that they know to be true – or, at least, they believe to be true.

When a character starts play, they have two Integrities: deep-seated beliefs that the
character has, and ones that they’re keen to display to the world. When a player
character acts in accordance with their integrities, they earn Tenacity. (They’ll spend
Tenacity to keep themselves out of trouble, which we’ll explain more about in the
Peril section later on.) GM, it’s up to you to determine how much Tenacity they
receive based on how interesting the player’s action is and where it takes the story:

+1 Tenacity Example
The action causes minor or no
Philip’s character, Staines, has the
inconvenience to the crew, or it doesn’t
integrity ‘Never Let An Insult Go
make for a particularly interesting story Unavenged’. During a diplomatic
encounter, a rival Vizier makes a
+D3 Tenacity snide remark concerning Staines’
The action causes moderate hat. If Philip has Staines make
inconvenience, or pushes the story in a snide remark in return, the
interesting directions. (For a D3 result, GM reckons that’s worth a point
of Tenacity. If, instead, Staines
roll a D6 and halve the outcome. If it’s an
marches up to the Vizier and
odd number, round up the half number.) slaps him clean across the face,
demanding a duel, that’s an easy
+D6 Tenacity D3 Tenacity – it’s pushed the story
The action causes serious inconvenience, in an interesting direction. Finally,
or leads the story in a totally unexpected if Staines immediately begins a
weeks-long campaign to drag the
and exciting direction.
Vizier’s name through the mud in
the papers, that’s a solid D6 right
there (if it pays off).

However; out in the Reach, people change. Once per session of play, a character can
change one of their Integrities to reflect the emerging truth behind their motivations.
When they do so, they remove the original Integrity and replace it with an inversion,
reflection, or continuation of the original concept. Replacing an Integrity is a
moment of revelation – and refills the character’s Tenacity to its maximum value.

However, a character cannot change an Integrity that they’ve never used to earn


Pick one or make up your own:

The crew member sitting to my right
Inactivity and indecision
People who take advantage of others
Being lied to
Being cooped up for long periods of
time in the engine room


After a few sessions of play (and a long-winded slander campaign in several broadsheets) Philip decides
that Staines’ has learned a thing or two from their experiences. As the Vizier’s enforcers surround the
engine, looking for blood, Staines has a change of heart – maybe it’s better to let some things slide, in the
long run. Philip changes ‘Never Let An Insult Go Unavenged’ to ‘Forgive And Forget’, and refills Staines’
Tenacity to its maximum value, which will probably be useful in the impending brawl.


The player characters are scoping out a library to try to steal a valuable book which might have the cure
for their captain’s terrible malaise. Hannah’s character, Xavier, has the Integrity ‘I always have a wink
and a smile for a pretty boy’. The GM has noticed that Hannah hasn’t been involved much in the game so
far, so they insert a floppy-haired young librarian with a nice smile to bump into Xavier and accidentally
drop all the books he was carrying. Hannah feels more involved in the game, and Xavier gets to chat up a
hot bookworm – everyone’s happy!


Keep a note of your players’ Integrities. If you’re ever struggling for something to do,
or want to throw a complication into a scene to make it more interesting, give one (or
more) of your players an opportunity to tag an Integrity. After all, when a player picks
an Integrity, they’re communicating to you that they’d like to have scenes involving
that thing.

A player character’s ability scores determine their basic aptitude when acting in
certain ways – one of them is added to (or subtracted from) every roll that their player
makes. There are four ability scores:

IRON: Confront and overpower. Use Iron when you’re kicking down a
door, restraining a thief, or smashing your engine through a blockade.

MIRRORS: Investigate and discern. Use Mirrors when you’re scanning

an island for resources, finding clues at a murder scene or figuring out
whether someone is lying to you or not.

VEILS: Deceive and misdirect. Use Veils to disguise yourself as an

officer of the law, convince the port guards that you’re not a smuggler
(when, in fact, you definitely are) or to pickpocket the key from a
wealthy warehouse owner when he’s not looking.

HEARTS: Convince and endure. Use Hearts to rally the crew with a
rousing speech, hold your breath while enveloped by curious winds, or
drink your paymaster under the table.

At character creation, a player rates their character’s ability scores at -1, 0, 1 and 2
– they can allocate them however they wish. A player can increase their character’s
ability scores through advancement (see below).

Qualities define a character’s behaviour, personality and quirks – when a player
makes a character, they pick or create two qualities attached to them. In mechanical
terms, a quality makes an action more or less likely to succeed – more on that below.

A good quality has the capacity to be double-edged: positive in some situations, and
negative in others. For example, a Strong-Willed character would find it easier to
remain calm in a crisis and make difficult decisions, but they’d struggle to change
their mind when presented with new evidence or back down from a conflict.

Here are some example qualities that players can choose from or use for inspiration:

Headstrong, Fun-Loving, Drunk, Subtle, Curious, Perfectionist, Mysterious, Loquacious,

Irritating, Educated, Noble, Smarmy, No-nonsense, Intimidating, Rotund, Towering,
Audacious, Striking, Bulky, Book-smart, Grizzled, Honest, Kind-Hearted, Innocent, Wiry,
Sneaky, Salt-of-the-Earth.

When a player character attempts to do something that’s difficult but not impossible,
and you think it might be interesting if the character failed, you can ask their player
to roll a D10 to see if they succeed or fail.

When a player rolls to see if they succeed, they roll a single ten-sided dice and add
the relevant ability score to the result – or subtract it, if it’s a negative value.

If their character’s profession relates to the action in question, they roll an additional
ten-sided dice and choose the one that rolls highest.

If their character has a quality or condition that’s beneficial to the action, add 1 to the
result scored on the dice. (You can only apply one condition in this way per action.)

If their character has a quality or condition that would make the action more difficult,
subtract 1 from the result scored on the dice. (You can only apply one condition in
this way per action.)


The GM determines the number that the player will have

to roll equal to or over, to succeed at any given action,
and tells them this number before they roll. Here’s a
rough guide to assigning difficulty numbers:

To succeed at a basic challenge, the player will need to

roll 6 or higher once all modifiers have been factored in.

To succeed at a difficult challenge, the player will need to

roll 8 or higher once all modifiers have been factored in.

To succeed at a truly nightmarish challenge, the player

will need to roll 10 or higher once all modifiers have
been factored in.

Feel free to set a difficulty at 5, 7 or 9 if it makes sense

to do so.


If a player’s roll is equal to or higher than the difficulty number, their character has
performed the action successfully! Work with them to determine what happens

If a player’s roll is lower than the difficulty number, their character has failed to
perform the action properly. What went wrong? Why did they fail, and what happens
as a result? As before, work with them to figure out what happened. If a character fails
a dangerous action, their Peril increases. (See below for more details.)

The amount by which the roll exceeds, or falls under, the difficulty number can be
used as a prompt to show how well the action went.


Don’t be afraid to push against the players!

Your job as a GM is to provide interesting
challenges. It won’t be a very exciting story
if the characters succeed at everything they

Even if a player character fails to perform

an action, make sure something happens
in the story. Don’t treat failure as a story
block; push the player into more decisions
and action. If a character fails to pick a
lock open, instead of just saying, “No, you
can’t do it,” on a failure, have guards come
in and interrupt the player; or have their
tools break off in the lock thanks to their
cheap manufacture; or have an alarm go
off, alerting the building to their infiltration.
This makes stories much more exciting.

Remember: whenever you trigger a

challenge, the story should change in some
way – something always happens. If you
can’t think of anything, ask the players what
they think should happen.

The Skies are a dangerous place to be. When a character attempts a dangerous or
risky action and fails, their Peril score increases. Peril is an abstract measure of how
much trouble the character is in, and can represent rival forces, bad positioning,
terrible weather, injury, exhaustion, and so on – it’s all dependent on the situation,
but it’s never good. ERI


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The GM determines how risky or dangerous the action was, and the player increases
their Peril by an appropriate amount:

+1 Peril: Tense (Bar brawl, argument)

+D3 Peril: Dangerous (Engine-to-engine combat, Rooftop chase)
+D6 Peril: Hugely Dangerous (Climbing around the outside of an
engine, Communing with a fungus hivemind)


When a player rolls to see if they succeed or fail, and their result (after modifiers have
been applied) is equal to or less than their Peril score, they suffer the consequences
and are In Danger. The ‘In Danger’ check is done before the Peril score is adjusted,
not after. If the adjustment takes the Peril above the action roll, this is not an issue till
the player’s next action. It is, however, possible to become In Danger even when the
player succeeds on a roll, if the player’s Peril is high.

When a character is In Danger, they’re

trapped, outnumbered overwhelmed by
nightmares, humiliated, terrified, knocked
out, or otherwise rendered unable to act. A
character who’s In Danger is at the mercy
of the elements and their enemies – unless
another player character helps them out
of their predicament with an appropriate
action, they’re out of the story, and are
dead, lost, imprisoned, disheartened or
otherwise permanently useless.

If a player loses a character in this way, they

can make a new one to replace the old one
– introduce them into the story when it
makes sense.


The other way a player can save their character from Danger is to spend Tenacity. If
a dice roll means they would be put In Danger, they can immediately spend Tenacity
to lower their Peril on a one-for-one basis. If their Peril is no longer equal to or higher
than the number they rolled, they do not become In Danger – and the player should
tell the group how their reserves of willpower, gumption and guile helped them
escape disaster at the last second.

When a player spends Tenacity to avoid becoming In Danger, their Peril is
permanently lowered by the amount they spent – although they can certainly gain it

The GM determines when Peril is lowered in other cases. For example, if the crew are
in a fight with a rival engine and they win, at the end of the battle the GM can declare
that they’re out of danger and their Peril scores are reset to 0. On the other hand, if
that rival engine was part of a larger fleet, the GM could declare that the other vessels
are trying to track them down, and only lower everyone’s Peril to 2 (unless it’s already
lower) because they’re still in trouble.

In short: running away from, destroying, or solving your problems can remove Peril.

When it’s appropriate, you should give player characters ‘conditions’. ‘Appropriate’ is
just what is dictated by the fiction, and is generally when someone succeeds or fails
on an action. A character can’t have more than three conditions active at one time –
if they’d acquire a fourth, it replaces an existing one (usually the one they’ve had the

Conditions represent temporary penalties or benefits that a character possesses.

For example, if their heart is stolen by a beautiful young man they might be ‘In Love’; if they
have one too many brandies at the bar they might be ‘Drunk’; if they grab a sheet of metal and
charge into danger, they might be ‘Shielded’. Conditions can even refer to items or temporary
relationships that the character has.

In mechanical terms, when a character has a condition that’s beneficial to the action
they’re performing, they add 1 to the number rolled on the dice – and if they have a
condition that’s detrimental, they subtract 1.


Instead of adding a new condition to a player character, the GM can elect to remove
or modify a condition that the character already possesses. Generally, conditions stick
around on a character until it makes sense to remove or modify them due to things
that happen in the story.

A character who’s ‘Stunned’ will recover after a few minutes, maybe an hour. This will remove
the condition. A character with a ‘Good Bottle of Wine’ removes the condition once they drink
it (or changes it to ‘Drunk’, depending on how many people they share it with). A character
who gets their gun knocked out of their hand during a firefight could change the ‘Armed and
Dangerous’ condition to ‘Disarmed.’

Characters advance when they see or experience something wondrous. Out in the
Reach, there are no end of such things: ancient beasts that ride the winds, colonies
built on plants of impossible size, kingdoms of fungoid sentiences, and so on. If
the GM and players feel like a character has experienced something incredible this
session, the character advances. (It may be appropriate for some players to advance
and others not to; this is fine.)

When a character advances, they do one of the DREADFUL AND

• Gain a new Integrity (maximum 4 Integrities total)
The light cast by a Judgement, a
• Add 1 to one of their ability scores (maximum 3 in
living star of inestimable power,
any score)
that can drive a man mad if
• Increase their maximum Tenacity points by 2
observed without smoked goggles
(maximum 10) or lenses

The Scrive-Spinsters, who

When a player advances their character, they
wear the tattered pages of their
should state how what they’ve seen has changed doomed library as cloaks, and can
them. tear apart an engine with their
bronzewood claws
After she saw a crew of marauders rush from the ferocious
Bedivere-class locomotive to ransack a port for souls, Veronica’s A roving locomotive filled with
character – Battleford Woods – advances. Determined to never thousands of black, slug-like Guests
abandon another port to these scoundrels again, Veronica adds in search of a new home – they’ll
fill your locomotive up, grinding
1 to Battleford’s Iron score.
you to paste

Regardless of whether a character has advanced, Glimpses of the grand leviathans

they can also do one of the following at the end of that scud through the belly of the
the game: heavens, their mountain-range
backs breaking the clouds
• Change one of their qualities to a different quality
• Swap two of their ability scores around
Beds of Pardoner eels colonising
• Change an Integrity to a different Integrity an old wreck adrift in the sky

People change over time, and as players spend The secrets of the Verdance, the
more time with their characters they might want wild fungal intelligences of the
to explore different parts of their character’s Reach, left to grow unchecked in
the now-starless kingdom
personality. This way, they can tweak their
characters so that they enjoy the game more, or to The mushroomy gardens of
reflect their character’s actions. Hybras, fetid and fecund, a
struggling colony mired in a copse
Veronica felt that Battleford’s Integrity ‘I hate having to spend of gargantuan fungus
time at the opera’ was too specific to bring much to the game.
She might broaden it out to ‘I hate having to endure fancy Sentient winds that buffet the
etiquette’, to make it more broadly applicable. Or, she could ship and bring with them wild,
swap it out entirely to reflect actions that happened in the game uncontrolled growth, missing time,
or baying hunger
and change it to ‘I hate those d_mned marauders’.


Finally, here’s some advice for making an enjoyable story happen:

• Whenever a player rolls dice, change something in the game world

regardless of whether the player succeeds or fails

• Give out Conditions freely and liberally to players; make players work to
get rid of them

• Look to your player characters’ Integrities for tips on what sort of scenes
your group would enjoy, then steer them into those scenes

• When a character attempts an action and fails, that isn’t the end of the
story. Try to let failure introduce more elements to the narrative and
add complications, rather than block off avenues of exploration and

• If something sounds boring, skip it. Don’t get stuck narrating a very
tedious journey where nothing happens

• Try to find the adventure in everything the player characters do;

whatever they attempt, come up with obstacles, challenges and
difficulties to make it more exciting

• That said, don’t make everything a challenge; only do it when failure

could be interesting. This is not a game where you are trying to beat the
players, and vice versa

• Try to make your characters distinctive from each other. Perhaps they
can sit differently, speak differently, use different mannerisms or be
interested in different things

• Play Sunless Skies for inspiration; if you like a particular port, event, or
monster, steal it!

• If you need a few minutes to work out what happens next, explain this to
your players and take a short break

• The most important thing when running a game is: make sure that
everyone is comfortable with what is happening. If someone isn’t, talk to
them, and see what you can change to help

“The windows of your locomotive are stained glass, spilling panes of
lush colour across you. In the High Wilderness, the light of the stars is
enchanting. Looking too long can stir consuming obsessions, or wild
fascinations. The coloured glass offers some small defence.”

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