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ST 3-20.


Chapter 1



The reconnaissance platoon leader and the platoon’s

noncommissioned officers (NCO) must be experts in the use of
organic weapons, indirect fires, land navigation, supporting fires,
demolitions, obstacles, communications, reconnaissance, human
intelligence (HUMINT) collection, liaison, and security techniques.
They must be familiar with infantry, mortar, and combined arms
tactics and be able to react to rapidly changing situations; they must
also know how to employ combat support (CS) assets that are
attached to or supporting the platoon. Because of the many missions
the platoon must be capable of performing, the reconnaissance
platoon leader and PSG must be proficient in tasks at all skill levels
of MOS 19D and familiar with the capabilities, limitations, and
deployment of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR)
assets, such as ground sensors and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

Platoon Leader
The platoon leader is responsible to his higher commander for the
discipline, combat readiness, and training of the platoon as well as
the maintenance of its equipment. The platoon leader must have a
thorough knowledge of reconnaissance and security tactics. He
works closely with his higher commander during the mission
analysis portion of the planning process.

ST 3-20.983

The platoon leader must be proficient in the tactical employment of

the platoon. A solid understanding of troop-leading procedures and
the ability to apply them quickly and efficiently in the field are
essential. The platoon leader must also know the capabilities and
limitations of the platoon’s personnel and equipment. He must be an
expert in threat organizations, doctrine, and equipment.
Most of all, the platoon leader must be versatile. He must be able to
exercise sound judgment and make correct decisions quickly based
on his commander’s intent and the tactical situation. He must ensure
that he, and every member of the platoon, understands and can
successfully accomplish the following leadership competencies:
• Troop-leading procedures.
• Deployment.
• Tactical movement.
• OP establishment and operation.
• Patrolling and local security.
• Proper use and maintenance of all organic communications,
to include digital assets.
• Employment of fires.
• Actions on contact.
• The multidimensional aspect of reconnaissance and
surveillance (R&S).
• Reporting procedures.
• Employment of ISR assets (e.g., PROPHET, GSR,
HUMINT collectors).

Platoon Sergeant
The PSG leads elements of the platoon as directed by the platoon
leader and assumes command of the platoon in the absence of the
platoon leader. During tactical operations, he may assist in the

ST 3-20.983

control of the platoon, requiring him to be proficient in each of the

platoon’s leadership competencies. The PSG assists the platoon
leader in maintaining discipline, as well as in coordinating training
and controlling the platoon. He supervises equipment maintenance,
supply operations, and other CSS activities.

Section and Squad Leaders

All leaders must have a thorough knowledge in reconnaissance and

security. Section and squad leaders must be experts in:

• Dismounted patrolling.
• Mounted operations.
• Employment of ISR assets.
• Conducting surveillance and establishing OPs.
• Employment of fires.
• Training and discipline of their sections.
• Tactical employment and control of the section, requiring
proficiency in the platoon’s leadership.
• Maintenance and operation of all vehicles and equipment
organic to their sections.
• Squad leaders have the same responsibilities for their
squads as section leaders have for sections.

HUMINT Collectors

HUMINT collectors are tasked with collecting information for

intelligence use from people or related documents. Their
responsibilities are covered in detail in Chapters 3, 5, and 7 (Urban
Operations) of FM 3-20.98. The HUMINT collectors must be
proficient in the following related procedures and operations:

ST 3-20.983

• Tactical questioning. This is an abbreviated form of

interrogation or debriefing used to collect information
related to the commander’s priority information
requirements (PIR) from human sources. The HUMINT
collector must be able to help the platoon leader develop
lines of tactical questioning to fulfill the commander’s PIR
and accomplish the mission.
• Interrogation and debriefing. These involve the systematic
questioning of individuals to procure information to answer
specific collection requirements. Sources, such as EPWs
and civilian detainees who are in the custody of US forces,
are interrogated. All others are debriefed, to include
friendly forces, civilian refugees, and local inhabitants.
(NOTE: The role of interrogation in the reconnaissance
platoon is limited to the initial questioning and evaluation
of detainees. Debriefing is limited to gathering information
from internal patrols.)
• Source operations. These intelligence collection operations
use recruited and registered HUMINT sources. The
registration of sources is a legal requirement in any
sustained use of a specific individual as a source.
(NOTE: The role of recce platoon HUMINT collectors in
source operations is limited to identifying potential
intelligence sources for exploitation by HUMINT assets at
higher levels.)

In reconnaissance platoons that do not have organic HUMINT

collectors, scouts should have an understanding of these functions of
information-gathering. A supportive civilian populous will likely
pass valuable information to the first soldiers with whom they come
into contact. In addition, all scouts should have an understanding of

ST 3-20.983

the roles and duties of HUMINT collectors because these assets may
be attached once the platoon is deployed even if they are not organic
to the platoon.

ST 3-20.983


Gunners in a Reconnaissance platoon are subject matter experts on

their vehicle and its weapons system. While serving as a gunner, a
soldier must mentor the other soldiers assigned to his vehicle. The
gunner is responsible for the operation of his assigned vehicle and
maintaining his and other scouts’ MOS proficiency in gunnery,
dismounted and mounted maneuver, and other 19D MOS skills.


Drivers in a Reconnaissance platoon are tasked to be technically

competent on their assigned vehicle and tactically proficient at
driving in all mission environments. The driver has initial
responsibility for operation and maintenance of his assigned vehicle
while maintaining other perishable reconnaissance skills. While
assigned to a vehicle, the driver is responsible for the following:

• Observation of his sector of responsibility.

• Maintenance for vehicle—PMCS.
• Maintaining and improving on all scout skills.
• Preparing himself for positions of increased responsibility
within the platoon.

ST 3-20.983


Soldier Data
• Contact (phone, address) • Driver Records

• Counseling / working
Weapons Qualifications
(personal and crew)
• Pre-Deployment • Family Information (Spouse,
Preparation Information children, other dependants)
• APFT Data • DEROS / PCS / ETS dates

Sensitive Items / Weapons List

• Weapons • Ampilfier
• Night Vision Devices • FBCB2
• Sensors • ANCD
• Radios • Field Telephones
• Manpacks • VAA
• Any other sensitive items

Vehicle information
• Vehicle Serial Numbers • Assigned equipment
• Records of last • Copies of last 5988E
turret/hull/gun services
• Mileage •

Training Plan
• Platoon Training Calendar • Troop Training Calendar
• Platoon Training • Squadron / Battalion Training
Assessment Calendar

Post Agencies that support Soldiers and their Families

• ACS • Medical / Dental
• AER • Emergency Contacts
• Financial • Installation / Unit Emergency
Operations Center (EOC)
• Educational • Medical
• Legal (JAG)

ST 3-20.983

• Chaplain •

Many platoons are not prepared to perform their mission effectively
because of inadequate planning. To prevent this from happening, the
reconnaissance platoon must be proficient in troop-leading
procedures. These are the basis of the dynamic process by which
units develop plans and orders at every level of leadership. The
troop-leading process consists of eight steps, which are discussed in
this chapter in the traditional order. The process, however, is not
rigid, and the steps are not necessarily sequential. The tasks
involved in some steps (such as initiate movement, issue the warning
order, and conduct reconnaissance) may recur several times during
the process. Although listed as the last step, activities associated
with supervising and refining the plan and other preparations occur
throughout the troop-leading process.

Operational Considerations
The following points summarize important factors involved in troop-
leading procedures:
• Time management.
• IPB.
• Understanding the mission.
• Effective orders.
• Rehearsals.
• Precombat checks and inspections.
NOTES: For additional information on crew orders, rehearsals,
PCCs, and PCIs, refer to the discussion of the “supervise

ST 3-20.983

and refine” step of troop-leading procedures later in this

See Chapter 19 for detailed information on precombat
The key to success is that the platoon is prepared to move by the
time specified in the order with operational weapons and equipment
and the basic load of supplies as specified by the order and/or the
platoon leader. All personnel must be able to explain the higher
unit’s mission, the higher commander’s intent, the platoon mission,
and their specified tasks and duties to support the mission. All
attachments must be received, briefed, and inspected.

Military Decision-making Process (MDMP)

Decisions are the means by which a commander or leader translates
the information available to him and his vision of the desired end
state of an operation into the actions necessary to achieve that end
state. Decision making is a conscious process for selecting a COA
from two or more alternatives. As outlined in FM 5-0 [101-5], it is a
learned skill of knowing if to decide, then when and what to decide.
The process includes an understanding of the consequences of each

The MDMP is the Army’s adaptation of this analytical approach to

decision making and problem solving. It provides the commander or
leader with a valuable tool in developing his estimate of the situation
and his plan. Although the process begins with the receipt of the
mission, the analytical aspects of the MDMP continue at all levels
throughout the operation. FM 5-0 [101-5] provides a detailed
examination of the MDMP.

At platoon level, many actions associated with the MDMP are based
on SOPs and standard unit drills; these include evacuation of

ST 3-20.983

wounded soldiers, rearming and resupply procedures, and individual

crew responsibilities. This allows the platoon to operate quickly and
efficiently without constant guidance from the platoon leader. SOPs
are especially critical in helping to maintain combat preparedness
when leaders are tired as a result of the stress of continuous
operations. Because SOPs are so critical, it is absolutely necessary
that everyone in the platoon know and understand them.

Conduct of Troop-leading Procedures

Troop-leading procedures begin when the platoon leader receives

the first indication of an upcoming operation (often by warning
order from higher) and continue throughout the planning,
preparation, and execution phases of the mission. The platoon leader
maximizes the available planning time by starting as soon as the first
bit of information becomes available. He normally uses one-third of
the available time to plan, prepare, and issue the order; his vehicle
commanders then have the remaining two-thirds of the time
available to conduct their own troop-leading procedures. This
system of time allocation is known as the “one-third/two-thirds”
rule of planning and preparation.

Figure 1-1 lists the eight troop-leading steps and illustrates their role
in relation to the MDMP, which plays an important role in the troop-
leading process. The following discussion provides a step-by-step
overview of troop-leading procedures.
NOTE: Refer to the appropriate platoon-level mission training plan
(MTP) for the training and evaluation outline (T&EO)
covering the task of conducting troop-leading procedures.
The task, included in Chapter 5 of the Reconnaissance
Platoon MTP (ARTEP 17-97F-10-MTP), includes
procedures involved in each of the troop-leading steps.

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Figure 1-1. Relationship of troop-leading procedures

and the military decision-making process.

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Receive and Analyze the Mission

The reconnaissance platoon leader normally receives his orders as an
oral, written, and/or digital OPORD, as a FRAGO, or as a warning
order. Upon receipt of the order, he begins analyzing the mission
using the factors of METT-TC: mission, threat, terrain (and
weather), troops, time available, and civilian considerations. Mission
analysis is a continuous process. The platoon leader constantly
receives information during the planning phase and must decide if it
affects his mission. If it does, he then decides how to adjust his plan
to meet this new situation.

Initial actions. Although mission analysis is continuously refined

throughout the troop-leading process, the platoon leader’s initial
actions are normally based only on the initial warning order from
higher. These include an initial METT-TC analysis covering the
terrain and the threat and friendly situations.

The platoon leader may also conduct his initial time analysis,
develop an initial security plan, and issue his own initial warning
order to provide guidance and planning focus for his subordinates.
At a minimum, the initial platoon warning order should cover the
threat and friendly situations, movement instructions, and
coordinating instructions such as an initial timeline and security
plan. (NOTE: The initial analysis is normally conducted as quickly
as possible to allow the platoon leader to issue the initial warning
order in a timely manner. He then conducts a more detailed METT-
TC analysis after the initial warning order is put out.)

NOTE: The technique of using multiple warning orders is a

valuable tool for the platoon leader during the troop-leading
process. He can issue warning orders for several purposes:
to alert subordinates of the upcoming mission, to initiate the

ST 3-20.983

parallel planning process, and to put out tactical

information incrementally as it is received (ultimately
reducing the length of the OPORD). Refer to FM 3-90.1
[71-1] for a discussion of how multiple warning orders are
employed at various stages of the troop-leading procedures.
METT-TC analysis. The following discussion provides detailed
information on the six METT-TC factors. (NOTE: METT-TC
factors are not necessarily analyzed sequentially. How and when the
platoon leader analyzes each factor depends on when the
information is made available to him.)
Mission. After receiving an essential task and purpose, either
in a warning order or the OPORD, the platoon leader can then begin
the analysis of his own mission. He may use a refined product to
better visualize the interrelationships of the terrain, the threat, and
friendly forces. These may include a MCOO and/or the situational
template (SITEMP), if available. The platoon leader’s goal in this
analysis is to clarify what the platoon is to accomplish and why the
platoon must accomplish it. Key considerations in the analysis
include the following:
• What is my task and purpose for this operation?
• What is the commander’s intent?
• What are the specified tasks for the operation (those that the
commander stated must be accomplished)? (NOTE: These
tasks are outlined in paragraph 3 of the OPORD, which
comprises the commander’s intent, concept of the
operation, tasks to subordinate units, and coordinating
• What are the implied tasks for the operation? These are
other tasks, not specifically noted by the commander, that
must be accomplished to achieve the purpose or specified

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• What are the essential tasks for the operation? These are all
tasks, both specified and implied, that are absolutely
required to ensure mission success.
• What is the focus of the operation?
• What is the tempo of the operation?
• What are the engagement criteria for the platoon? For the
troop? For the squadron/battalion?

Enemy (threat forces). The platoon leader’s analysis of the

threat situation should focus on the areas outlined in FM 3-90.1
[71-1] (doctrinal analysis and objectives, composition and
disposition, capabilities, weaknesses, anticipated COAs, and factors
that can influence these COAs) as well as FM 2-01.3 [34-130],
which covers IPB. The analysis can focus on the following
• What types of threat units is the platoon up against?
• Where are these units? (NOTE: If possible, these locations
should be templated to vehicle level.)
• What is the threat doing?
• How strong is he?
• What kind of equipment does he have? What are his
weapons types and effective ranges?
• What are his capabilities and weaknesses?
• Where is he vulnerable?
• Where are his engagement areas?
• What are the threat’s intentions, doctrinal objectives, and
most probable COA(s)?
• How will he react to the eight forms of contact? These are
the following:
− Visual contact.

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− Physical contact (direct fire).

− Indirect fire contact.
− Contact with obstacles of threat or unknown origin.
− Contact with threat or unknown aircraft.
− Contact involving NBC conditions.
− Situations involving electronic warfare tactics (such as
jamming, interference, and imitative deception).
− Situations involving nonhostile elements (such as
• What can the threat do in response to friendly actions?

Terrain (and weather). The platoon leader analyzes the

terrain using the factors of OCOKA: observation and fields of fire;
cover and concealment; obstacles; key terrain; and avenues of
approach. The following discussion focuses on questions the platoon
leader can use in his analysis.
Observation and fields of fire. The platoon leader should
cover the following considerations in his analysis:
• Where can the threat observe and engage my platoon, and
how do I counter this capability?
• Where can I establish OPs to maximize my ability to see
the battlefield?
Cover and concealment. The platoon leader should include
the following considerations in his analysis of cover and
• What routes within the area of operations offer cover and
concealment for my platoon or for threat elements?

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• What dismounted and/or mounted routes offer my platoon

the best available cover and concealment?

Obstacles. In his terrain analysis, the platoon leader first

identifies existing and reinforcing obstacles that may limit mobility
(affecting such features as objectives, avenues of approach, and
mobility corridors).
Existing obstacles include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Gullies, ravines, gaps, and ditches over 3 meters wide.
• Streams, rivers, and canals over 1 meter deep.
• Mountains or hills with a slope in excess of 60 percent.
• Lakes, swamps, and marshes over 1 meter deep.
• Tree stumps and large rocks over 18 inches high.
• Forest or jungles with trees 8 inches or more in diameter
and with less than 4 meters of space between trees.
• Man-made existing obstacles, including built-up areas such
as towns, cities, or railroad embankments.
Reinforcing obstacles include, but are not limited to, the following:
• Minefields.
• Antitank ditches.
• Road craters.
• Abatises.
• Wire obstacles.
Based on the degree of obstruction posed by obstacles, terrain is
further classified in one of the following categories:
• Unrestricted. This is terrain that is free of any restriction
to movement; no actions are required to enhance mobility. For
wheeled vehicles, unrestricted terrain is typically flat or moderately
sloped, with scattered or widely spaced obstacles such as trees or

ST 3-20.983

rocks. This type of terrain generally allows wide maneuver and

offers unlimited travel over well-developed road networks.
• Restricted. This is terrain that hinders movement to some
degree. Little effort is needed to enhance mobility, but units may have
to zigzag or make frequent detours. They may have difficulty
maintaining optimum speed, moving in some types of combat
formations, or transitioning from one formation to another. For
wheeled vehicles, restricted terrain typically encompasses moderate to
steep slopes and/or moderate to dense spacing of obstacles such as
trees, rocks, or buildings. Swamps and rugged ground are examples of
restricted terrain for dismounted infantry forces. Logistical or rear area
movement in this type of terrain may be hampered by poorly
developed road systems.
• Severely restricted. Terrain in this classification severely
hinders or slows movement in combat formation unless some effort
is made to enhance mobility. This could require commitment of
engineer forces to improve mobility or deviation from doctrinal
tactics, such as using a column rather than a line formation or
moving at speeds much lower than otherwise preferred. Severely
restricted terrain for wheeled vehicles is typically characterized by
steep slopes, densely spaced obstacles, and/or the virtual absence of
a developed road system.
Key terrain. Key terrain is any location or area whose seizure,
retention, or control affords a marked advantage either to friendly
forces or to the threat. The platoon leader’s analysis should include
these considerations:
• Where and what is the key terrain?
• How can the platoon use key terrain to support the mission?
• How will the threat use key terrain to support his mission?
Avenues of approach. These are areas through which a unit
can maneuver. The definition of an avenue of approach is an area

ST 3-20.983

that provides sufficient ease of movement and enough width to

allow passage of a force large enough to significantly affect the
outcome of the battle. The platoon leader’s analysis should include
these considerations:
• Where are the most favorable mounted and dismounted
avenues of approach for threat and friendly forces?
• Where are the best air avenues of approach for threat
Weather. The platoon leader analyzes weather conditions as
part of his evaluation of the terrain. The following considerations
should be included in this evaluation:
• What are the light conditions (including percentage of night
illumination) and visibility?
• What are the times for beginning of morning nautical
twilight (BMNT), sunrise, sunset, end of evening nautical twilight
(EENT), moonrise, and moonset?
• How has recent weather affected the area of operations?
• Will weather become better or worse during the mission?
• How will fog, rain, dust, heat, snow, wind, or blowing sand
affect the troops and equipment of both friendly and threat forces
during the mission?
• How will weather conditions affect the employment of
chemical weapons and/or smoke?
Troops. The platoon leader’s analysis of troops available for
an operation includes an assessment of the platoon’s vehicles and
equipment. Considerations in the analysis include the following:
• What is the present condition of the platoon’s soldiers,
vehicles, and equipment?
• What is the supply status of ammunition, fuel, and other
necessary items?

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• What is the turnaround time for resupply operations (time

between transmission of the request and delivery of supplies)?
• What is the state of training of the platoon?
• What is the state of morale?
• How much sleep have the soldiers had?
• How much sleep can they get before and during the
• Does the platoon need any additional equipment to support
or accomplish its mission?
• What attachments does the platoon have (or require) to
accomplish its mission?
• How many OPs (mounted/dismounted and long-/short-
duration) can be manned with the available assets?
• How big a frontage can be covered with the available
Time available. The platoon leader’s analysis of the time
available for an operation begins with the “one-third/two-thirds” rule
of planning and preparation discussed earlier in this section. This
principle allows the platoon leader to use one-third of planning and
preparation time himself, then to allocate the remaining two-third to
subordinates. Additional considerations in the analysis should
include the following:
• How much time is available to plan and conduct
• How much time is available for rearming, refueling, and
• How long will it take the platoon to move to planned OPs,
to the line of departure (LD), and/or to the objective?
• Is there enough time for rehearsals?
• How much time is available to the threat for the activities
listed in the previous items?

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• How does the potential threat timeline for planning and

preparation compare with that developed for friendly forces?
Civilian considerations. In his analysis of how the platoon
will handle situations involving the society and infrastructure, the
platoon leader should assess the following considerations:
• How will existing civilian considerations affect the
mission? What are the potential negative effects of civilian contact?
• What are the applicable rules of engagement (ROE) and/or
rules of interaction (ROI)?
• What procedures and guidelines will the platoon use in
dealing with refugees, prisoners, and other civilians?
• Will the platoon be working with civilian organizations,
such as governmental agencies, private groups, or the media?
• Will the platoon conduct stability operations (such as peace
operations or noncombatant evacuation) or support operations (such
as humanitarian or environmental assistance)?
NOTE: Refer to paragraph 1 (Situation) of the OPORD on page 34
and to FM 3-20.98 for a thorough explanation of civilian
Information sources. In planning and preparing for the mission,
the platoon leader may find that he requires additional sources of
information to help answer some of the questions raised in the
analysis of METT-TC. The platoon can receive and/or request
information from a variety of sources to assist in planning and
understanding the operational area, including the following:
• Paragraph 1 of the OPORD (especially those portions
covering the threat and the applicable terrain and weather).
• UAV imagery and video (such as photos/video of a route or
danger area to assist with the METT-TC assessment).

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• Satellite imagery (for example, showing locations of

increased military traffic).
• Engineer database information on terrain, such as from the
TERRABASE program.
• HUMINT reports from brigade and higher, such as a
human density overlay.
• Assessments on the operational area.
• Signal intelligence (SIGINT) and measurement and signal
intelligence (MASINT) reports from the surveillance troop.
Risk management. Leaders must make a thorough risk assessment,
identifying and evaluating hazards the platoon will face during the
operation. They then develop risk management controls and ensure
that all subordinate leaders and individual scouts implement them to
eliminate or reduce the risks.
Reverse planning and timeline development. After completing
his METT-TC analysis, the platoon leader conducts reverse planning
to ensure that all specified, implied, and essential tasks can be
accomplished in the time available. He develops a reverse planning
schedule (timeline), as illustrated in Figure 1-2. Beginning with
actions on the objective, he works backward through each step of the
operation and then through preparation and planning activities to the
present time. This process also helps the platoon in making efficient
use of planning and preparation time.
NOTE: Simultaneous planning and preparation are key factors in
effective time management during the troop-leading process.
The next five steps (issue a warning order; make a tentative
plan; initiate movement; conduct reconnaissance; complete
the plan) may occur simultaneously and/or in a different
order. As noted, the final troop-leading step, supervise and
refine, is on-going throughout the process.

ST 3-20.983

Issue the Warning Order

After the platoon leader has analyzed his orders and worked out his
mission and related tasks, he must quickly pass this information to
his subordinate leaders. This is accomplished through the warning
order. As a minimum, the following information must be included:
• Elements and individuals to whom the warning order applies.
• Threat situation as stated in the higher unit’s order.
• The time and nature of the operation.
• The earliest time of movement.
• Coordinating instructions, including an initial timeline.
• The time and place the OPORD will be issued.
If possible, the platoon leader issues a conventional (analog) and/or
digital overlay of the area of operations. In the absence of further
orders, this gives the platoon an idea of the scope of the operation.
Also, the platoon leader should inform his subordinates of the results
of his reverse planning process and delegate appropriate preparation
tasks to the PSG and to the section and squad leaders. If possible, he
should also include the task organization of the platoon. In addition
to accounting for all required preparatory tasks, the reverse planning
schedule should include a sleep plan. (NOTE: The sleep plan should
be a 24-hour plan with the goal of maximizing available time in the
planning, preparation, and execution phases of the operation. It
covers all platoon members.) All elements should acknowledge
receipt of the warning order.

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Figure 1-2. Example reverse planning timeline.

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Make a Tentative Plan

Based on results of his mission analysis, the platoon leader develops
a tentative plan that addresses all specified, implied, and essential
tasks using the OPORD format.

Initiate Movement
After issuing a warning order and making a tentative plan, the
platoon leader may choose to initiate movement. The platoon leader
should at least be able to determine when the platoon will move. He
announces this in terms of a readiness condition (REDCON) level.
Each REDCON level indicates critical tasks and time available to
prepare for future operations. Refer to Chapter 12, Communications,
for definitions of REDCON levels.

Conduct Reconnaissance
This step of the troop-leading procedures allows the platoon leader
to confirm the validity of his tentative plan and to refine the plan.
The platoon leader should conduct the reconnaissance with his
subordinate leaders. This will allow them to see the terrain and
develop a better visualization of the projected plan. At a minimum,
the platoon leader conducts this step as a detailed map
reconnaissance. He should at least confirm his initial march route to
the LD or start point (SP) and check initial positions. If possible, he
should also check some of the area beyond the LD; this may require
permission from the commander.
If the platoon leader cannot personally conduct on-site
reconnaissance, he should make the most efficient use of available
time by tasking his subordinates to accomplish specific
reconnaissance requirements. An example of this is tasking a squad
leader to reconnoiter and time routes to the SP. The platoon leader
must conduct the reconnaissance with an open mind; not everything

ST 3-20.983

he sees will match his tentative plan. He must be flexible enough to

change and competent enough to work out new plans rapidly.

Complete the Plan

The platoon leader refines his plan based on the results of the
reconnaissance. He then completes the plan using these results and
any new information from his commander and members of his
platoon. He should keep the plan as simple as possible, at the same
time ensuring that it effectively supports the commander’s intent.

As he completes and refines his plan, the platoon leader should

consider delegating planning responsibilities to other members of
the platoon. He can then use the information developed by these
soldiers in developing his order and in establishing an effective
platoon SOP. Examples of delegated planning responsibilities
include the following:
• The HUMINT NCO researches and briefs the
threat/civilian situation.
• A section sergeant researches and briefs the terrain and
• The PSG researches, plans, and briefs CSS considerations
(such as MEDEVAC and vehicle recovery operations).
• An NCO sets up rehearsals.
• An NCO translates graphics to FBCB2 and overlays.
• Section sergeants plan specific reconnaissance patrols in
support of the overall mission.
• An NCO plans and briefs occupation procedures for such
positions as ORPs, OPs, and surveillance sites.
• An NCO plans and briefs specific communication issues
(paragraph 5 of the OPORD).

ST 3-20.983

• An NCO plans and briefs specific coordinating instructions

(such as the collection plan, actions on contact, special
equipment, linkup tasks, and methods of handling EPWs).
• A leader finalizes the risk management process.
Using this type of planning delegation will help the platoon leader to
ensure that his subordinate leaders are in synch with the plan. It also
facilitates a more rapid planning process. The platoon leader must
remain fully aware of all facets of the plan and of the activities of his
subordinates. He must also give clear guidance for this technique to
be successful.

Issue the Order

The platoon leader issues his finalized order in the five-paragraph
OPORD format. He refers to notes to make sure he does not forget
anything. He ensures that all subordinate leaders understand the
entire plan as well as their particular portion of it. To ensure
complete understanding of the operation, the platoon leader should
end the order with a briefback of key points by his leaders.

Whenever possible, the platoon leader should issue his order to the
entire platoon. At a minimum, he should issue the order to his
subordinate leaders and vehicle commanders. Once everyone has
arrived at the place and time specified in the warning order, the
platoon leader or PSG should ensure that everyone has recorded the
applicable graphic control measures. The platoon leader should issue
the revised operations overlay before he starts; he should have a
copy of the graphics for each of his leaders. The PSG ensures that
each subordinate leader’s overlay matches the platoon leader’s
overlay. To use his time most efficiently, the platoon leader should
use a walk-through rehearsal as part of his briefing of paragraph 3 of
the order.

ST 3-20.983

If he can issue the order from a favorable vantage point, the platoon
leader can physically indicate the ground over which his scouts will
maneuver. If a vantage point is not available, he can use a terrain
cloth, sand table, or map as a reference. The platoon leader should
have a briefing kit available to build a model of the area of
operations; items in the kit might include the following:
• Nylon rope and nails or spikes.
• Preconstructed Plexiglas squares for units and equipment
(blue for friendly elements, red for threat forces).
• “Micro” armor vehicles or other models.
• Pens and markers.
• Stakes.
• Engineer tape.
• Operational symbol cutouts.
• Dry eraser board.
In extreme situations, FBCB2 allows the platoon leader to issue the
OPORD to his sections or squads when they are widely dispersed
and cannot gather at a central point. The platoon leader must alert
his elements (via FM voice) that a new order is available on the
FBCB2 and direct each element to acknowledge receipt of the order.

Supervise and Refine

Flexibility is the key to effective operations. The reconnaissance
platoon leader must be able to refine his plan whenever new
information becomes available. If he adjusts the plan, he must
inform the platoon and supervise implementation of the changes.
Once the operation has begun, the platoon leader must be able to
direct his platoon in response to new information and new situations.

ST 3-20.983

Crew orders, rehearsals, and inspections are essential elements of the

supervision process as the platoon prepares for the mission. The
following discussion covers these procedures in detail.

Crew orders. The platoon leader and PSG make sure all
crewmembers have been briefed by their leaders or vehicle
commanders and understand the platoon mission and concept of the
operation. All members of the platoon must be familiar with the
formats of warning orders, OPORDs, and FRAGOs.

Rehearsals. The platoon leader should never underestimate the

value of rehearsals. They are his most valuable tools in preparing the
platoon for the upcoming operation. Refer to FM 5-0 [101-5] for a
detailed discussion of rehearsal types, techniques, and procedures.
The platoon leader uses well-planned, efficiently run rehearsals to
accomplish the following purposes:
• Reinforce training and increase proficiency in critical tasks.
• Reveal weaknesses or problems in the plan.
• Synchronize the actions of subordinate elements.
• Improve each soldier’s understanding of the concept of the
Rehearsal types. The platoon leader can choose among
several types of rehearsals, each designed to achieve a specific result
and with a specific role in the planning and preparation timeline.
The following discussion focuses on the five rehearsal types.
Confirmation brief. The confirmation brief is, in effect, a
reverse briefing process routinely performed by subordinate leaders
immediately after receiving any instructions, such as an OPORD or
FRAGO. They confirm their understanding by repeating and
explaining details of the operation for their leader. In the
reconnaissance platoon, the platoon leader should conduct

ST 3-20.983

confirmation briefs after his subordinate leaders have received the

OPORD, but before other phases of the platoon rehearsal begin.

Backbrief. Leaders perform this type of rehearsal throughout

the planning and preparation timeline to help clarify their intent for
their subordinates. The backbrief allows the platoon leader to
identify problems in his own concept of the operation and his
subordinates’ understanding of the concept; he also uses the
backbrief to learn how subordinates intend to accomplish their

Support rehearsal. Support rehearsals are normally

conducted within the framework of a single operating system, such
as fire support or CSS, or a limited number of operating systems.
The goals are to ensure that support elements can achieve their
missions within the higher commander’s plan and that their support
plans are synchronized with the overall maneuver plan. The
rehearsals are conducted throughout the planning and preparation

Battle drill or SOP rehearsal. This type of rehearsal is used

to ensure that all participants understand a technique or a specific set
of procedures. The platoon initiates battle drill and/or SOP
rehearsals as soon as possible after receipt of the mission; he then
can continue to conduct them as needed throughout the planning and
preparation timeline. This rehearsal does not necessarily cover a
published drill or SOP, giving the commander or leader flexibility in
designing the rehearsal. For example, the platoon leader could
rehearse procedures for marking obstacle lanes or establishing local
security. (NOTE: It is recommended that drills for actions on
contact be rehearsed frequently during planning and preparation.)

ST 3-20.983

Rehearsal techniques. The platoon leader can choose among

several techniques in conducting rehearsals, which should follow the
crawl-walk-run training methodology to prepare the platoon for
increasingly difficult conditions. As noted in FM 5-0 [101-5],
techniques for conducting rehearsals are limited only by the
resourcefulness of the commander or leader; that manual outlines six
basic techniques (full dress, reduced force, terrain model, sketch
map, map, and radio). The following discussion covers these
techniques, which are listed in descending order in terms of the
preparation time and resources required to conduct them.
Considerations in selecting a rehearsal technique include the

• Time. How much time will be needed for planning,

preparation, and execution?
• Multiechelon employment. How many echelons will be
• Operations security (OPSEC). Will the rehearsal allow
the threat to gain intelligence about upcoming operations?
• Terrain. What are the applicable terrain considerations?

Full force rehearsal. This rehearsal produces the most

detailed understanding of the mission, but is the most difficult to
conduct in terms of preparation and resources. It involves every
soldier and system participating in the operation. If possible, units
should conduct the full force rehearsal under the same conditions
(such as weather, time of day, terrain, and use of live ammunition)
that they will encounter during the actual operation.
Reduced force rehearsal. This rehearsal normally involves
only key leaders of the unit and is thus less extensive than the full
dress rehearsal in terms of preparation time and resources. The
commander decides the level of leader involvement. The selected

ST 3-20.983

leaders then rehearse the plan, if possible on the terrain to be used

for the actual operation. The reduced force rehearsal is often
conducted to prepare leaders for the full dress rehearsal.

Terrain model rehearsal. This is the most popular rehearsal

technique, employing an accurately constructed model to help
subordinates visualize the battle in accordance with the
commander’s or leader’s intent. When possible, the platoon leader
places the terrain model where it overlooks the actual terrain of the
area of operations or is within walking distance of such a vantage
point. Size of the model can vary, but it should be large enough to
depict graphic control measures and important terrain features for
reference and orientation. Participants walk or move “micro” armor
around the table or model to practice the actions of their own
vehicles in relation to other members of the platoon.

Sketch map rehearsal. Units can use the sketch map

technique almost anywhere, day or night. Procedures are similar to
those for the terrain model rehearsal. The sketch must be large
enough to allow all participants to see as each subordinate “walks”
through an interactive oral presentation of his actions. Platoon
elements can use symbols or “micro” armor to represent their
locations and maneuver on the sketch.

Map rehearsal. Procedures are similar to those for the sketch

map rehearsal except that the commander or leader uses a map and
operation overlay of the same scale as he used to plan and control
the operation. This technique is useful in conjunction with a
confirmation brief or backbrief involving subordinate leaders and
vehicle commanders. The platoon leader uses the map and overlay to
guide participants as they brief their role in the operation.

ST 3-20.983

Radio rehearsal. The commander or leader conducts this

rehearsal by having his unit simulate critical portions of the
operation orally and interactively over established communications
networks. The radio rehearsal may be especially useful when the
situation does not allow the platoon to gather at one location.
Subordinate elements check their communications systems and
rehearse events that are critical to the platoon plan. To be effective,
the radio rehearsal requires all participants to have working
communications equipment and a copy of the OPORD and
applicable overlays.

Inspections. Precombat checks (PCC) and precombat inspections

(PCI) allow leaders to check the platoon’s operational readiness. The
key goal is to ensure that soldiers and vehicles are fully prepared to
execute the upcoming mission. The platoon leader makes sure the
entire chain of command conducts PCCs and PCIs in accordance
with the commander’s guidance or his own SOP.

Precombat checks. See Chapter 19, Precombat Checklist.

Precombat inspections. Leaders in the reconnaissance
platoon conduct PCIs to ensure that subordinate leaders and soldiers
have executed the necessary PCCs. Obviously, leaders cannot
possibly check everything. They should focus on key pieces of
equipment and details of the plan that are critical to mission
accomplishment. The platoon leader and PSG should coordinate
their inspections to make optimum use of available time and to avoid
redundant inspections. PCIs must be completed in time to fix
deficiencies before mission execution begins.

ST 3-20.983


Orders Group

When the situation permits, the platoon leader assembles

subordinate leaders for detailed oral orders and rehearsals. The
orders group consists of the following:
• All team and squad leaders.
• Gunners from the platoon leader's and PSG's vehicles.
• Leaders from any attached or operational control (OPCON)

The Warning Order (WARNO)

The reconnaissance platoon leader will use warning orders to alert

his platoon of upcoming missions. The guidelines and directions in
the warning order will allow the platoon to begin its planning and
preparation activities. The platoon leader then uses a series of
warning orders to provide additional information to the platoon as he
receives it or as he further develops his plan. The warning order
provides answers to the following questions:

• WHO is involved in the mission?

• WHAT is the nature of the mission and what are we tasked
to accomplish?
• WHY are we performing the mission?
• WHEN is the earliest starting time expected for the
• WHERE is location of the area of operations and where
and when will the OPORD be issued?

ST 3-20.983

At a minimum, all platoon warning orders will include the following


• Situation. The warning order covers the following

situational factors:
− Threat. Define the area of operations and the area of
interest. Give a brief description of the terrain layout
using OCOKA factors.
− Friendly. State your intent and the mission statements
for the next two higher levels. Explain the next higher
commander’s concept of the operation and provide a
copy of the available operational graphics.
• Mission. Give the restated reconnaissance platoon mission.
• Coordinating instructions. Provide the platoon with all of
the limitations identified up to this point and any other
instructions that will allow for proactive planning and
preparation, including priorities of work. The following
elements are included:
− Timeline. Update your earlier timeline(s). Outline all
known beginning and ending times, to include those
for the next higher unit.
− Rehearsals. Specify what type of mission-specific
rehearsals or drills you expect subordinate units to
conduct within the framework of the timeline.
− Security. Brief the security plan.
− Service support. Address any changes to the support
requirement for which the platoon may have to plan,
such as attachment of an engineer platoon or infantry

ST 3-20.983

The Operation Order


a. Enemy forces (brief from the situational template). Ensure

this subparagraph contains information that describes the most
probable course of action the enemy will adopt. Include
identification, activity, location, disposition, strength, composition,
and other information critical to the operation. List all enemy forces
that can influence the platoon's mission, including enemy FS
weapons and aircraft. This subparagraph also covers the following:

(1) Weather. Include light data, weather forecast for

the operation, and effects of weather and light conditions on
operations (trafficability, visibility, effect on lasers and thermal
sights, effect on air operations).

(2) Terrain (brief from the map). Identify the effect of

terrain on operations. Include the aspects of OCOKA (observation
and fields of fire, cover and concealment, obstacles, key terrain, and
avenues of approach) as well as specific features such as hills,
valleys, road types and conditions, streams, rivers, bridges, towns,
and engagement areas.

b. Civilian considerations (brief from map and/or situational

template). This subparagraph includes the following:

(1) Society Overview: The center of gravity during

operations may be the civilian inhabitants themselves. Leaders can
decide whether civilian presence and/or density represent a
significant risk to the accomplishment of their mission. If civilians
are the primary focus of the operation, analysis may help to
determine the decisive points. Considerations are population

ST 3-20.983

demographics, language, religions, government, ethnic/cultural

considerations, history, economy, politics, and key individuals.

(2) Infrastructure. Urban infrastructures are those

systems that support the inhabitants and their economy and
government. Some elements are communications (wireless,
telegraphs, radios, television, computers, newspapers, magazines,
etc.), transportation and distribution (highways and railways, to
include bridges, tunnels, ferries, and fords), energy (system that
provides the power to run the urban area), commerce (includes
business and financial centers), human services (includes hospitals,
water supply systems, emergency services and governmental

(3) Potential effects on military operations: This may

include food and water shortages, refugees, urban elite (groups that
carry more power than the local or state government and have major
power over the area’s politics and economic activities), disease and
pollution, insurgencies, and crime.

c. Friendly forces (brief from operations graphics). This

subparagraph includes the following:

(1) Mission of the higher unit and a clear statement of

the higher commander's intent.

(2) Any additional subparagraphs to state the mission

of units to the immediate left, right, front, and rear and of FS, air,
and other critical units.

d. Attachments and detachments. Do not repeat information

already listed under task organization. State when the attachment or
detachment is to be effective (if different from the full duration of

ST 3-20.983

the operation); examples include on order, on commitment of the

reserve, and so forth.

2. MISSION. (Brief this paragraph from operations graphics.)

Ensure the mission is a clear, concise statement of WHO does
WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY. This should be the result of the
essential tasks stated in the battle sequence developed during
mission analysis. Do not include "be prepared" missions in the
mission statement. This paragraph has no subparagraphs.

3. EXECUTION. (Brief this paragraph from operations graphics.)

This paragraph begins with a brief statement of the commander's
intent, his vision of the mission. The intent is optional at platoon
level; it describes the WHY of the entire mission, but it does not
summarize the concept of the operation or describe subunit
missions. The remainder of the execution paragraph is made up of
the following elements:

a. Concept of the operation.

(1) Maneuver. Provide a clear, concise narrative of

the scheme of maneuver from the beginning of the mission to its
successful completion.

(2) Fires. Describe the "scheme of fire" to support the

overall concept of the mission. Establish priority of fire support.
Include the fire support execution matrix. Explain specific use of
fire support assets such as combat observation lasing teams (COLT).

(3) Engineer. Describe the effort needed to support

the overall concept. Indicate priority of support and priority by type
of engineer mission (mobility, countermobility, and/or
survivability). Explain specific uses of engineer assets.

ST 3-20.983

(4) Other operational functions as needed.

b. Tasks to teams. State missions or specific tasks to be

accomplished by each team. Do not list tasks that affect two or
more teams; these should be in the coordinating instructions.
Platoons should have subparagraphs for the following teams, to
include who is in the team and what equipment is to be used:

(1) Deliberate dismounted patrol teams.

(2) Search and enemy prisoner of war (EPW) teams.

(3) Nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) teams.

(4) Obstacle reconnaissance and/or breaching teams.

(5) Route evaluation teams.

c. Coordinating instructions. These cover the following


(1) Movement instructions, including SP time,

formation and movement technique, order of march, route of march,
and alternate route(s).

(2) Operational exposure guidance (OEG).

(3) Air defense weapons status and warning status.

(4) Mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP)


(5) Rally points.

ST 3-20.983

(6) Time or conditions when a plan becomes effective.

(7) Passage of lines information, including contact

points, passage points, passage lanes, and identification procedures.

(8) Debriefing procedures.

(9) Priority of targets for organic weapon systems.

(10) Uniform and equipment, to include weapon and


(11) Actions on the objective.

(12) Actions on contact (visual, physical, indirect fire,

obstacles, air, NBC, electronic warfare, nonlethal).

(13) Actions at danger areas.

(14) Rehearsals, including time and place.

(15) Inspections, including time and place.

(16) Rules of engagement (ROE).

(a) Rules of interaction (ROI).
(b) Graduated response.

(17) Any instructions not provided in the concept of

the operation or tasks to teams subparagraphs.

(18) Entire reverse planning schedule.

ST 3-20.983


a. General. This portion includes organization of trains

(combat, field), location of trains (initial location), and movement of
trains (movement instructions).

b. Material and services.

(1) Supply. This covers Class I (ration cycle), Classes

II and IV, Class III, and Class V (including what is to be taken and
where it is to be picked up). It also covers logistics package
(LOGPAC) instructions, including the location of the logistic release
point (LRP).

(2) Transportation. Identify the main supply route


(3) Services (if available). This covers clothing

exchange and bath; mortuary affairs, including handling of
personnel killed in action (KIA); and locations of water points and
deliberate decontamination sites.

(4) Maintenance. List such information as repair time

criteria, repair/evacuation procedures, location of unit maintenance
collection points (UMCP), priority of support, authorization for
cannibalization, priority of support for recovery/evacuation, and
repair/recovery of contaminated vehicles.

c. Medical evacuation and hospitalization. This includes

location of the aid station, displacement procedures for the aid
station, location of the clearance station, aeromedical evacuation
(MEDEVAC) information, handling of contaminated wounded in
action (WIA) personnel, and evacuation procedures for WIAs.

ST 3-20.983

d. Personnel. This covers EPW handling and disposition

instructions, EPW guard instructions, location of the unit EPW
collection point, location of next higher headquarters' EPW
collection point, number of expected personnel replacements, and
cross-leveling procedures.

e. Miscellaneous. This covers any other CSS requirements

not included in previous subparagraphs.


a. Command. This portion covers the location of the platoon

leader and PSG throughout the mission; location and composition of
command groups; location of the CP; location of next higher
headquarters' CP; succession of command; and axis of displacement
of the CP, to include primary and alternate locations.

b. Signal. This subparagraph lists signal instructions, such as

codes words, procedures if jamming occurs, call signs and hand-and-
arm signals within the unit, challenge and password procedures, use
of pyrotechnics, and edition of the signal operation instructions
(SOI) to be used and days it is in effect. The order should cover all
communications contingencies.

NOTE: Many units include a doctrinally unofficial Paragraph 6 to

discuss both Safety and Risk Management. Leaders may
want to include such a section in their OPORD.

ST 3-20.983

The Fragmentary Order

The FRAGO is a brief oral or written order that serves to update or

clarify a previous order. During the execution of an operation,
FRAGOs are the medium of battle command. The commander uses
them to communicate changes in the threat or friendly situation and
to retask his subordinate elements based on changes in the situation.
FRAGOs can serve any of the following purposes:
• Implement timely changes to existing orders.
• Provide pertinent extracts from more detailed orders.
• Provide instructions until a detailed order is developed.
• Provide specific instructions to subordinates who do not
require a complete order.

The content of each FRAGO will depend on the specific operational

and tactical situation. In general, reconnaissance platoon FRAGOs
will include the following information:

• Situation: Updated threat or friendly situation

• Mission: Ensure platoon tasks and purpose are clear
• Concepts: Discuss the platoon’s scheme of maneuver and
interaction with neighboring units
• Tasks: Discuss specific events and instructions as


A leader must provide subordinates with a basic five-point

contingency plan whenever he detaches elements from the platoon
or team to conduct separate operations. These operations may

ST 3-20.983

include outposting, clearing of danger areas, and obstacle

reconnaissance, to name a few. The contingency plan covers the
who, what, when, where, and why by covering the following points:
• Who the leader will be taking with him.
• What actions are taken if the leader fails to return and the
actions of the unit and the leader on chance contact while
the leader is gone.
• When the leader is leaving and how long he will be gone.
• Where the leader is going (to include routes there and
• Why the leader is leaving (his mission).


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