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Secretary of DPWH vs Heracleo  When a property is taken by the government for public use,

jurisprudence clearly provides for the remedies available to a

Facts: landowner. The owner may recover his property if its return is
Spouses “Heracleo” are the co-owners of a land which is among the private feasible or, if it is not, the aggrieved owner may demand payment of
properties traversed by MacArthur Highway in Bulacan, a government project just compensation for the land taken. For failure of respondents to
undertaken sometime in 1940. The taking was taken without the requisite question the lack of expropriation proceedings for a long period of
expropriation proceedings and without their consent. In 1994, Heracleo time, they are deemed to have waived and are estopped from
demanded the payment of the fair market value of the property. The DPWH assailing the power of the government to expropriate or the public
offered to pay 0.70 centavos per sqm., as recommended by the appraiser use for which the power was exercised. What is left to respondents
committee of Bulacan. Unsatisfied, Heracleo filed a complaint for recovery of is the right of compensation. The trial and appellate courts found that
possession with damages. Favorable decisions were rendered by the RTC and respondents are entitled to compensation. The only issue left for
the CA, with valuation of P 1,500 per sqm and 6% interest per annum from determination is the propriety of the amount awarded to
the time of filing of the until full payment. The SC Division reversed the CA respondents.
ruling and held that computation should be based at the time the property  Just compensation is "the fair value of the property as between one
was taken in 1940, which is 0.70 per sqm. But because of the contrasting who receives, and one who desires to sell, x x x fixed at the time of
opinions of the members of the Division and transcendental importance of the actual taking by the government." This rule holds true when the
the issue, the case was referred to the En Banc for resolution. property is taken before the filing of an expropriation suit, and even
 Petitioners insist that the action is barred by prescription having been if it is the property owner who brings the action for compensation.
filed fifty-four (54) years after the accrual of the action in 1940. They  The Court has uniformly ruled that just compensation is the value
explain that the court can motu proprio dismiss the complaint if it of the property at the time of taking that is controlling for purposes
shows on its face that the action had already prescribed. Petitioners of compensation. In Forfom, the payment of just compensation was reckoned
likewise aver that respondents slept on their rights for more than fifty from the time of taking in 1973; in Eusebio, the Court fixed the just compensation by
years; hence, they are guilty of laches. Lastly, petitioners claim that determining the value of the property at the time of taking in 1980; in MIAA, the
value of the lot at the time of taking in 1972 served as basis for the award of
the just compensation should be based on the value of the property compensation to the owner; and in Republic, the Court was convinced that the taking
at the time of taking in 1940 and not at the time of payment. occurred in 1956 and was thus the basis in fixing just compensation. As in said cases,
 Respondents filed a Complaint for recovery of possession with just compensation due respondents in this case should, therefore, be fixed not as of
damages against petitioners, praying that they be restored to the the time of payment but at the time of taking, that is, in 1940.
possession of the subject parcel of land and that they be paid  Both the RTC and the CA recognized that the fair market value of the
attorney’s fees. Respondents claimed that the subject parcel of land subject property in 1940 was ₱0.70/sq m.40 Hence, it should,
was assessed at ₱2,543,800.00. therefore, be used in determining the amount due respondents
instead of the higher value which is ₱1,500.00. While disparity in the
2013 SC DECISION: above amounts is obvious and may appear inequitable to
 The instant case stemmed from an action for recovery of possession respondents as they would be receiving such outdated valuation
with damages filed by respondents against petitioners. It, however, after a very long period, it is equally true that they too are remiss in
revolves around the taking of the subject lot by petitioners for the guarding against the cruel effects of belated claim. The concept of
construction of the MacArthur Highway. There is taking when the just compensation does not imply fairness to the property owner
expropriator enters private property not only for a momentary alone. Compensation must be just not only to the property owner,
period but for a permanent duration, or for the purpose of devoting but also to the public which ultimately bears the cost of expropriation.
the property to public use in such a manner as to oust the owner and  For said illegal taking as petitioners had been occupying the subject
deprive him of all beneficial enjoyment thereof. property for more than fifty years without the benefit of
expropriation proceedings, respondents are entitled to adequate being called for only when such literal application is impossible. To entertain
compensation in the form of actual or compensatory damages which other formula for computing just compensation, contrary to those
in this case should be the legal interest of six percent (6%) per annum established by law and jurisprudence, would open varying interpretation of
on the value of the land at the time of taking in 1940 until full economic policies – a matter which this Court has no competence to take
payment. cognizance of. Equity and equitable principles only come into full play when
 WHEREFORE, premises considered, the pet1t10n is PARTIALLY a gap exists in the law and jurisprudence.
GRANTED. The Court of Appeals Decision dated July 31, 2007 in
CAG.R. CV No. 77997 is MODIFIED, in that the valuation of the subject Applying the aforequoted doctrines to the present case, considering that
property owned by respondents shall be F0.70 instead of ₱1,500.00 respondents-movants were deprived of beneficial ownership over their
per square meter, with interest at six percent ( 6o/o) per annum from property for more than seventy (70) years without the benefit of a timely
the date of taking in 1940 instead of March 17, 1995, until full expropriation proceedings, and to serve as a deterrent to the State from
payment. failing to institute such proceedings within the prescribed period under the
law, a grant of exemplary damages in the amount of One Million Pesos
2015 MR SC EN BANC: (₱1,000,000.00) is fair and reasonable. Moreover, an award for attorney's
Issue 1: W/N the taking of private property without due process should be fees in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (₱200,000.00) in favor
nullified of respondents-movants is in order. In sum, respondents-movants shall be
No. The government’s failure to initiate the necessary expropriation entitled to an aggregate amount of One Million Seven Hundred Eighteen
proceedings prior to actual taking cannot simply invalidate the State’s Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Eight Pesos and Thirty-Two Centavos
exercise of its eminent domain power, given that the property subject of (₱1,718,848.32) as just compensation.
expropriation is indubitably devoted for public use, and public policy imposes
upon the public utility the obligation to continue its services to the public. To All told, We hold that putting to rest the issue on the validity of the exercise
hastily nullify said expropriation in the guise of lack of due process would of eminent domain is neither tantamount to condoning the acts of the DPWH
certainly diminish or weaken one of the State’s inherent powers, the ultimate in disregarding the property rights of respondents-movants nor giving
objective of which is to serve the greater good. Thus, the non-filing of the premium to the government's failure to institute an expropriation proceeding.
case for expropriation will not necessarily lead to the return of the property This Court had steadfastly adhered to the doctrine that its first and
to the landowner. What is left to the landowner is the right of compensation. fundamental duty is the application of the law according to its express terms,
interpretation being called for only when such literal application is impossible.
Issue 2: W/N compensation is based on the market value of the property To entertain other formula for computing just compensation, contrary to
at the time of taking those established by law and jurisprudence, would open varying
Yes. While it may appear inequitable to the private owners to receive an interpretation of economic policies - a matter which this Court has no
outdated valuation, the long-established rule is that the fair equivalent of a competence to take cognizance of. Time and again, we have held that no
property should be computed not at the time of payment, but at the time of process of interpretation or construction need be resorted to where a
taking. This is because the purpose of ‘just compensation’ is not to reward provision of law peremptorily calls for application. Equity and equitable
the owner for the property taken but to compensate him for the loss thereof. principles only come into full play when a gap exists in the law and
The owner should be compensated only for what he actually loses, and what jurisprudence. As we have shown above, established rulings of this Court are
he loses is the actual value of the property at the time it is taken. in place for full application to the case at bar, hence, should be upheld.

Issue 3: W/N the principle of equity should be applied in this case WHEREFORE, the motion for reconsideration is hereby DENIED for lack of
No. The Court must adhere to the doctrine that its first and fundamental duty merit.
is the application of the law according to its express terms, interpretation

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