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The Rum Bible

Welcome to the Rum Barrel! We have

sailed the seven seas to compile the most
comprehensive rum selection and are
proud to present the finest collection
of rums in the world. Whether you
are an aficionado or a novice,
we believe you’ll enjoy tasting
the libation that embodies the
history, character and spirit of
the Caribbean. So kick back, relax
and be merry!

The Rum Barrel crew
Rum 101
Rum is a distilled beverage made
from sugarcane by-products – such Sugar cane - the main
as molasses and sugarcane juice ingredient of rum - was
– through a process of fermentation brought to the Caribbean,
and distillation. The distillate, a clear where most of the famous
liquid, is then usually aged in oak spirit is now produced, by
and other casks. While there are rum Spanish explorers. It is
producers in places such as Australia, believed that Christopher
India, Reunion Island, and elsewhere Columbus planted it on
around the world, the majority of rum his second voyage to Cuba
production occurs in and around the and Hispaniola (now
Caribbean and along the Demerara Haiti and the Dominican
river in South America. Republic).

Rum is produced in a variety of styles. Light rums are commonly

used in mixed drinks, while golden and dark rums are appropriate
for use in cooking as well as more elaborate cocktails. Premium
brands of rum are also available that are meant to be consumed
straight-up or on the rocks.

Rum plays a part in the culture of most islands of the West Indies,
and has famous associations with the British Royal Navy and
piracy. Rum has also served as a popular medium of exchange
throughout history, providing economic incentive for Australia’s
Rum Rebellion and the American Revolution.

The Origin of Rum

rum n. (r m)
1 : an alcoholic beverage distilled from a fermented cane product
(as molasses)
2 : alcoholic liquor <the demon rum>

The origin of the word rum is unclear. A common claim is that

the name was derived from the word rumbullion, meaning, “a
great tumult or uproar.” Another claim is that the name comes
from the large drinking glasses used by Dutch seamen known as
rummers, from the Dutch word roemer, a drinking glass. Other
theories suggest that it is a contraction of the words saccharum
(Latin for sugar) or arôme (French for aroma). Regardless of the
original source, the name had come into common use by May 1657
when the General Court of Massachusetts made illegal the sale
of strong liquor, “whether knowne
by the name of rumme, strong water, In 1740, British Vice-
wine, brandy, etc., etc.” Admiral Edward Vernon,
the father of grog, was
In current usage, the word for rum is nicknamed “Old Grog”,
often based on the its place of origin. because he always wore
For rums from Spanish-speaking a waterproof cloak made
locales, the word ron is used. A ron of grogam - a thick
añejo indicates that a rum has been material of silk, mohair,
significantly aged. Rhum is the term and wool. Vernon was
used for rums from French-speaking the first to issue an order
locales, while rhum vieux is an aged that the rum rations to
French rum. his crew would be diluted
with water. He wanted
Some of the many other names for to put an end to the
rum are rumbullion, rumbustion, straight rum commonly
Barbados water, rumscullion, devil’s issued to sailors aboard
death (or “Kill-Devil”), Nelson’s British vessels because
blood, and rumbo. A version of rum it frequently caused
from Newfoundland is referred to by displays of drunkenness
the name screech, while some low- and discipline problems.
grade West Indies rums are called British sailors soon
tafia. began to call their
watered down rum “grog”
Rum Categorization as an irreverent tribute
to their commander.
Dividing rum into meaningful
groupings is complicated by the fact
that there is no single standard for what constitutes rum. Instead,
rum is defined by the varying rules and laws of the nations that
produce the spirit. The differences in definitions include issues such
as spirit proof, minimum aging, and even naming standards.

One such example is Colombia, where rum is required to possess

a minimum alcohol content of 50 ABV (alcohol by volume), while
Chile and Venezuela require only a minimum of 40 ABV. Mexico
requires rum be aged a minimum of 8 months; the Dominican
Republic requires one year; and Venezuela requires two years.
Naming standards also vary, with Argentina defining rums as
white, gold, light, and extra light. Barbados uses the terms white,
overproof, and matured, while the United States defines the
variations as rum, rum liqueur, and flavored rum.
Despite these differences in standards and Since the middle of
nomenclature, the style of rum production the 18th century,
can generally be grouped according to the the Lieutenant of
language that is traditionally spoken in the Watch would
the country of origin. observe the mixing
of a quart of water
Spanish-speaking islands traditionally with a half-pint
produce light rums with a fairly clean of rum, which
taste. Rums from Cuba and Puerto Rico the sailors would
are typical of this style. enjoy twice a day.
Limes were added
∑English-speaking islands are known to prevent scurvy
for darker rums with a fuller taste that and the daily ration
retain a greater amount of the underlying of grog continued
molasses flavor. Rums from Jamaica and as a British Naval
the Demerera region of South America tradition until 1970.
are typical of this style.

∑French-speaking islands are best known for their agricultural rums

(rhum agricole). These rums, being produced exclusively from
sugarcane juice, retain a greater amount of the original flavor of
the sugarcane. Rums from Martinique and Guadeloupe are typical
of this style.

Many countries produce spirits similar to rum. Cachaça is a spirit

similar to rum that is produced in Brazil. The Indonesian spirit
Batavia Arrack, or Arrak, is a spirit similar to rum that includes
rice in its production. A spirit known as Aguardiente, distilled
from molasses infused with anise, with additional sugarcane
juice added after distillation, is produced in Central America and
northern South America.

Rum Production
Unlike some other spirits, such as Cognac and Scotch, rum
has no defined production methods. Instead, rum production
is based on traditional styles that vary between locations and
Sugar Cane
In 1758, George
Rum distinguishes itself from other
spirits by the plant from which it
campaigned using
is made. Sugar cane, a member of
75 gallons of free
the grass family, has its origins in
rum distributed
Papau New Guinea; but this hearty
to the voters of
plant is grown in tropical climates
Virginia, who
around the world. The sweet juice
elected him to the
of the mature plant is extracted by
House of Burgess.
pressing the hard stalk in mechanical

Some distilleries use this fresh juice while others use the by-product
of the sugar refining process – known as molasses – as the raw
material for the fermentation process.


The addition of yeast to the sugar cane juice or molasses

converts the available sucrose to alcohol in a process called
fermentation. Typically this takes about a day, but some distilleries
use yeast that takes as much as ten days to ferment.


To concentrate the alcohol in the sugar cane wine, the wine is boiled
while the vapor is collected and condensed. While the earliest pot
stills resembled a tea kettle with a long spout and were capable of
distilling only a few liters of alcohol at a time, modern continuous
stills are vertical columns about 10 meters high and are capable of
distilling as much as 20,000 liters per day.

In the French islands, spirits made from sugar cane juice are
typically distilled to a relatively low distillation purity, resulting
in a heavier-tasting spirit.

Since molasses contains higher amounts of sulphur than does sugar

cane juice, spirits distilled from fermented molasses are generally
distilled to a high distillation purity in order to reduce the congeners
(impurities) that have been concentrated in the molasses.

Immediately after distillation the fresh

or raw spirits contain small amounts Following the battle
of hydrogen sulfide gas, formed during at Trafalgar in 1805,
fermentation, which gives the spirit Lord Nelson’s body
a hot harsh taste. Although some was placed in a full
connoisseurs prefer fresh rum, most barrel of rum for
consumers prefer the more elegant taste preservation. Once
of an aged spirit. Today, almost all rum the sailor’s learned
is aged in previously used oak barrels of this unusual
that once held whiskey or bourbon. resting place, they
Aging can last from one to thirty years drank the contents of
or more, making rum one of the most the barrel leading to
varied of the distilled spirits. During rum’s new nickname
the aging process the rum acquires a “Nelson’s Blood”.
golden color that changes to a dark
brown with time.

Blending and Bottling

Although some rum is bottled directly from the still, most rum
is aged and then blended before it is bottled for consumption.
Once the spirit is bottled, the aging process is arrested and
little change occurs.

Our Rum Offerings
The Barrel’s rum index is presented by country
of origin. All rums can be served to your liking.
Some suggestions include: straight, on the rocks,
with a lime wedge, or with a glass bottle of Coca-
Cola or other mixer.

The Rum Sampler

Why try only one? Select any 4 rums from our

fine offerings and enjoy a 1.
Located in the Caribbean east of Puerto Rico, and about half the size
of Washington, D.C., Anguilla’s economy is mostly based on salt,
fish and lobster, but rum has always played an important role in the
islands’ history.

Pyrat Blanco 80
Perfect white rum for mixing, soft mouth feel and delicious velvety
smooth taste.

Pyrat Cask 32
Ultra premium, limited edition rum aged up to 40 years, excellent
dark amber color blended with the finest Caribbean rums, perfect
for sipping.

Pyrat Pistols
Light amber hue, soft and drinkable.

Pyrat XO Reserve
Select blend of fine, 15-year-old Caribbean rum, smooth and
delicious taste, complemented by a rich amber color.

“Rum all out...Rogues a’plotting.”

Blackbeard (aka Edward Teach)
Rum has been produced in Barbados for over 350 years, and
Barbados rum is recognized as one of the finest (and strongest!) in
the world today.

Malibu Coconut
Coconut-flavored light rum with intense taste and aroma.

Mount Gay Mango

Imported amber rum from Barbados, blended with natural mango
flavors, fruity and smooth.

Mount Gay Vanilla

Sweet, creamy vanilla taste with hints of custard and butter, layered
with vanilla bean notes.

Mount Gay Eclipse

Amber in color, long lasting, slightly sweet aftertaste, aroma of
nut, oak and vanilla.

Mount Gay Reserve

Mount Gay Reserve is a full-flavored rum that is enjoyed as a

Mount Gay Extra Old

Dark blend of single- and double-distilled rum aged 5 to 12 years in
Kentucky bourbon barrels. Light body, smooth, rich character.
Any statement about Bermuda and rum begins and ends with
Gosling’s. A family business for nearly 200 years, Gosling’s is today
the only company that blends and bottles in Bermuda, and is the
largest exporter of a Bermuda-made product.
Gosling’s Black Seal
Rich, full-bodied dark rum, deep amber color, intense spicy flavors,
sweet aftertaste of sugarcane.

Gosling’s Family Reserve Old Rum

Sipping rum made like Gosling’s Black Seal, but aged longer for a
more intense experience.

Gosling’s Gold
Rich, golden amber, robust flavors with hints of citrus, tropical
fruits and nutty undertones.

“Don’t talk to me about naval

tradition. It’s nothing but
rum, sodomy, and the lash.”
Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Colombian distilleries are famous for producing “cahacha,” rustic
rums that blend well in drinks and cocktails.

Ron Viejo de Caldas

Classic 3-year-old with unique character, enjoyed by sophisticated
palates, ideal in traditional rum drinks.

“Where we find rum, we find action,

sometimes cruel, sometimes heroic,
sometimes humorous, but always
vigorous and interesting.”
Charles William Taussig in Rum, Romance and Rebellion (1928)
Dominican Republic
Dominican rum is ranked among the best in the world. The fertile topsoil
is extraordinarily deep and is surrounded by a lush and wet landscape.
Dominican rum is produced through a more natural process of distillation,
while aging is often done in special American white oak kegs. This makes the
rum a little heartier and a little less sweet than other rums made in places like
Jamaica and Barbados.

Barcelo Anejo
“Superior Blend” from a select group of premium rums, aged naturally for up
to 4 years, with smooth golden tones and a soft aroma.

Barcelo El Dorado
Smooth, enticing golden color, aged for up to 18 months in oak bourbon

Barcelo Imperial
Aged for 10 years in Kentucky oak bourbon barrels using the finest

Barcelo Gran Anejo

Amber in color, citrus aromas, aged up to 4 years in oak bourbon barrels.

Brugal Anejo
Wonderfully aromatic and sultry, amber in color, smooth and mellow taste.

Cubaney Anejo
Aged 3 years in oak barrels, amber in color, smooth and mellow taste.

Cubaney Anejo Reserve

Aged 5 years in oak barrels, golden blend of rich aged rums with a mellow
taste and rich aroma.

Cubaney Gran reserve

Aged in oak barrels for 12 years, ideal for sipping.

Cubaney Solera Reserve

Aged in oak barrels for 8 years. Aged to deliver a fullness of deep warmth and
smoothness reflected in the translucent color.

Matusalem Clasico
Possesses distinctive quality and exceptional smoothness, full-bodied gold
rum with a taste of roasted nuts and caramel.

Matusalem Gran Reserve

15-year-old Solera blend, the “Cognac of rums,” full body, spicy oak finish.

Guyana is justly famous for its rich, heavy Demerara Rums, named
for a local river, which are produced from both pot and column
stills. Demerara Rums can be aged for extended periods (25-year-
old varieties are on the market) and are frequently used for blending
with lighter rums from other regions. Neighboring Surinam and
French Guyana produce similar full-bodied rums.

El Dorado 5-Year Old

Matured in 45-gallon oak casks, superb color, smooth taste, and
fragrant aroma.

El Dorado 12-Year Old

Fantastically smooth premium rum with superb color, taste, and
full fragrant aroma.

El Dorado 15-Year Old

Rich copper color, complex nose, full body, silky dry caramel finish.

El Dorado 25-Year Old

Matured in oak casks for 25 years and blended to perfection. This
a rum of great distinction and will be a delight to connoisseurs of
good spirits.

“One of sour, two of sweet, three of

strong, and four of weak.”
Formula for rum punch in Martinique, where you are given a slice of lime
(sour), a small bottle of syrup (sweet), a bottle of rum (strong), and a jug of

water (weak) to mix yourself.)

Guatemala is noteworthy in Central America where a variety of
primarily medium-bodied Rums from column stills that lends
itself well to aging. They have recently begun to gain international

Ron Zacapa Centenario

Hand wrapped in royal palm trees and aged over 23 years, the pride
of Guatemala.

Zaya Gran Reserve 12-Year Old

Rich Mahogany, subtle toffee and oak nose. Has a bourbon character
with the additional sweetness of aged rum, making it a rather
cordial-like spirit.

“I like Malibu - coconut rum and

pineapple juice. Something
nice and ladylike.”
Alicia Keys
Haiti follows the French tradition of heavier Rums that are double-
distilled in pot stills and aged in oak casks for 3 or more years to
produce full-flavored, exceptionally smooth- tasting Rums.

Barbancourt 5 Star 8-Year

Pot stilled from fresh sugarcane juice, barrel aged in white oak
casks. Candy finish with nice clarity.

Barbancourt 15-Year Reserve

Complex and long finish with tones of caramel and honey, 86 proof,
aged in Limousin French oak casks.

Rum is the preferred drink

of the Gods at Haitian
Voodoo ceremonies
providing a powerful
alternative to holy water.
Jamaican Rum is naturally fermented for about 3 weeks, meaning
yeast from the air settles on the surface of the mash. The rum is then
distilled twice in pot stills and aged in oak casks for a minimum of
five years. Though Jamaican Rum is dark; it gets most of its color
from added molasses not from the cask.

Appleton 21-Year Old

A rare blend of some of the world’s finest rums, smooth sipping
rum, aged at least 21 years, delicate, complex, and aromatic.

Appleton Extra
Distilled in traditional copper pot stills, medium body, gold rum,
mild and smooth.

Appleton Special Gold

Blend of full flavored pot still rums, medium body, gold rum, mild
and smooth.

Appleton VX 5-Year Old

Deep, amber color, full body, medium sweetness, creamy and mellow

Appleton White
Crisp, medium body, aged up to 2 years in oak barrels.

Myers Original Dark

#1 imported dark rum in the United States, 100% Jamaican
molasses blended with up to nine rums, dark brown, bronze color,
semi-sweet flavors with a hint of cocoa, chocolate aftertaste.

Aged 8 years in old pot stills, incredible mouth feel with a subtle
aroma and finish.

Sea Wynde
Delicious mellow rum distilled like a cognac. Sipping rum
with fragrant subtle aromas and lingering honey aftertaste.

Rum surprisingly outsells tequila in Mexico and the country
produces well over 10 million gallons a year. However at least at the
moment I do not have any examples listed here. Though like mezcal
there are plenty of rum labels to warrant it’s own tour or website for
that matter, Mexican rum is not as accessible here in the U.S. due to
a monopoly on the market from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands
in the form of duty free exports.

Infused with citrus and spicy vanilla flavors.

High quality, triple distilled, single cane rum.

The origin of the Daiquiri was believed to be in the

town of Daiquiri, Cuba in 1898, where the town’s
doctors used local rum as malaria medicine. To
make their dose of medicine taste better, American
engineers who were working for a Cuban mining
company added lime juice and sugar to the rum.
Netherlands Antilles
Netherlands Antilles are two island groups in the Caribbean Sea —
one includes Curacao and Bonaire north of Venezuela and the other
is east of the Virgin Islands. Rum is in Netherlands Antilles blended
from imported rum.

Rum Jumbie
A rich blend of aged rum, orange, grapefruit, lemon, passion fruit
and spices. Can be enjoyed on the rocks, as a flavorful addition to
fancy cocktails.

“Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest,

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done the rest,
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!”
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), in Treasure Island
Nicaragua is noteworthy in Central America where a variety of
primarily medium-bodied rums from column stills lend well to
aging and have recently begun to gain international recognition.

Flor de Cana 12-Year centenario

Mellow, balanced, dried fruit and honey flavors, aged in small used
bourbon barrels.

Flor de Cana 21
Limited edition premium rum made for the 21st Century, aged at
least 15 years, dark mahogany color, full body.

“There’s nought no doubt so much the

spirit calms as rum and true religion.”
Lord Byron
Panama Jack Spiced Rum
A potent blend of aged Panamanian cane rums crafted by Valera
Hermanos of Panama, the Central American nation’s oldest
licensed distillery, circa 1903.

Cohete Roja
Smooth and gold in color, distilled in copper.

“I pity them greatly, but

I must be mum,
For how could we do without
sugar and rum?”
William Cowper (1731-1800)
Puerto Rico
Rum is the national drink, and you can buy it in almost any shade.
Puerto Rico is the world’s leading rum producer; 80% of the rum
consumed in the United States hails from the island. Puerto Rico
is known primarily for light, very dry Rums from column stills. All
white Puerto Rican Rums must, by law, be aged a minimum of one
year while dark Rums must be aged three years.

Admiral Nelson Spiced

Gold rum blended with spice, pale bronze copper color, subdued
spicy aroma, clean, mild finish.

Bacardi 151
Gold rum with substantially higher proof than most others.

Bacardi 8-Year Old

Slightly sweet, complex, and well balanced with nuances of vanilla,
toffee, and honey, 80 proof.

Bacardi Anejo
Perfect gold rum for sipping, aged in oak barrels for 6 years.

Bacardi Big Apple

Crisp flavor of fresh apples combined with Bacardi rum.

Bacardi Ciclon
Gold rum infused with blue agave tequila and a twist of natural lime
flavor, ciclon is the Spanish word for hurricane.

Bacardi Coco
Coconut flavored rum, clean taste, elegant aroma, moderately

Bacardi Gold
Smooth amber rum, full body, wood flavors, charcoal filtered before
aging, aged in oak barrels for up to 2 years.

Bacardi Light
Light rum, clear color, charcoal filtered before aging for smoothness,
semi-dry, candy aroma, peppery finish, aged in oak barrels for 1

Bacardi Limon
Natural citrus flavor, intense citrus aroma, sweet lemon finish.
Bacardi Orange
Orange and tangerine flavored rum, clear color.

Bacardi Raspberry
Raspberry flavored rum, balanced with slightly tart taste, clear
color, fruity aroma.

Bacardi Select
Dark rum blended with select aged rums, charcoal filtered for
smoothness, aged in oak barrels for 1 to 4 years, bronze color.

Bacardi Tropico
Gold rum, exotic fruit flavor, mango, passion fruit, and guarana

Bacardi Vanilla
Vanilla flavored rum, clear color, vanilla bean aroma.

Captain Morgan Spiced

Blend of rums, spices, and other natural flavors, honey aromas,
creamy texture, long tropical fruit finish.

Captain Morgan Silver

Blend of rums, spices, and other natural flavors, lighter spice taste.

Captain Morgan Parrot Bay

Blend of rum and coconut flavor.

Captain Morgan Private Stock

Premium spiced rum, medium amber/orange color, more mature
and less spicy aromas, spice and vanilla flavors complement this
sweet rum.

Don Q Cristal
Clear, subtle, very dry, medium body, tropical aroma with sugarcane
and dried herbs.

Don Q Gold
Full body, mellow flavor, aged 1 to 5 years.

Old Havana Club Anejo Reserve

Medium body, subtle balanced taste.

St. Kitts
Brinley Gold Mango
Higher proof than most flavored rums, clean aroma of ripe mangoes
with strong citrus undertones.

Brinley Gold Vanilla

One of the smoothest flavored rums in the world. Clear, sweet,
creamy, vanilla, and coffee bean aromas, light to medium body,
moderately sweet.

“Among the expected glories of the

Constitution, next to the abolition of
Slavery, was that of Rum.”
George Clymer
Trinidad produces mainly light rums from column stills and has an
extensive export trade.

Fernandes 19
Black label rum, rare angostura Royal Oak Rum.

Plantation Rum
Exotic and complex aroma, subtle and earthy taste, long semi-sweet

“Well, there’s nothing so rum it

might not be true.”
William Herrick Macaulay
United States
The United States has a handful of rum distilleries in the south,
producing a range of light and medium-bodied rums that are
generally marketed with Caribbean-themed names.

Prichard Cranberry
Made with pure Ocean Spray cranberry juice.

Prichard Crystal
Distilled five times in copper stills with the finest molasses; very
smooth and mild flavor.

Whaler’s Rare Reserve

Deep, golden amber color with aroma and flavors of brown sugar.
Superb classic dark rum.

Venezuela’s coastline shares the Caribbean with these islands, yet
with all the attention focused on its petroleum industry, few people
outside of Venezuela are aware that some of the world’s finest rums
are produced there. Unlike most rums sold in the U.S., which are
mixed and un-aged, rum in Venezuela — where the spirit is serious
business — must be aged a minimum of two years in order to be
called rum. That makes even the less expensive Venezuelan rums
available in the States of high quality.

Pampero Anniversario
100% dark rum with a blend of several rums aged 2 years in white
oak casks.

Santa Teresa Gran Reserve Anejo

Aged in limousin oak barrels and casks for 2 to 5 years using the
highest purity and quality. Smooth, golden color, light aroma,
fruity and firm finish.

Santa Teresa 1796 Solera

Careful blend of the finest rums matured over 15 years representing
the 200-year anniversary of Santa Teresa rum, aged in Limousin oak
Virgin Islands
Making rum for local consumption was a lucrative business as it
was the custom (and still is) to have copious amounts of alcoholic
spirits anywhere two or more gathered, for whatever the occasion.
There was rum at funerals and weddings, baby christenings, boat
launchings or the dedication of a new home or public building. From
planters to laborers, there was always a cause for libations. Indeed,
a bottle of rum, which was believed to have curative properties,
was even kept on hand for first aid purposes. Virgin Islands rum is
usually dry, light bodied rum close to Puerto Rican rum.

Conch Republic Dirty White Rum

Aged 4-8 years in charred oak barrels, bottled directly from the cask
without charcoal filtration. Originally produced by the Old Florida
Rum Company, Conch Republic Rum is now owned by Cruzan

Cruzan Banana
Banana flavored rum, clear medium body.

Cruzan Black Strap

2-year-old barrel-aged rum, rich in flavor from adding the thickest
and darkest molasses or blackstrap, intense aroma of molasses
and coffee. Rich in taste and aroma and darker in appearance than
traditional rums.

Cruzan Clipper 120

Blend of older aged rums achieving a distinct oak flavor and aroma.

Cruzan Coconut
Coconut flavored rum, clear medium body, flavors of coconut
and banana.

Cruzan Cream
Blend of rum married with smooth cream liqueur.

Cruzan Dark
Dark rum aged at least 2 years in charred oak bourbon barrel, triple
distilled to remove all impurities. Light to medium body with a
slightly darker color, dry clean taste.
Cruzan Diamond Estate
Rum aged at least 5 years in charred oak bourbon barrels, deep
amber color with a copper cask, medium body.

Cruzan Junkanu Citrus

Soft mango, orange, and pineapple flavors create a sweet citrus

Cruzan Light
Light rum aged 2-5 years in charred oak barrels, triple distilled
to remove all impurities. Light body, dry clean taste with vanilla

Cruzan Mango
Mango flavored rum blended with natural fruit flavors.

Cruzan Orange
Orange flavored rum blended with natural fruit flavors.

Cruzan Pineapple
Pineapple flavored rum blended with natural fruit flavors.

Cruzan Single Barrel

Blend of rums aged up to 12 years with a second aging in a single
oak cask.

Cruzan Vanilla
Vanilla flavored rum blended with natural fruit flavors.

Rich and full bodied, higher alcohol content, dark navy rum, distilled
in wooden pot stills.

Pussers 95 Proof
“Trafalgar Bicentenary” ship decanter, aged 15 years, dark navy rum,
full and rich, distilled in wooden pot stills.

Ron Carlos Black

Dark and strong black Rum distilled by Cruzan.

Sailor Jerry Spiced Navy Rum

Sailor Jerry’s original spiced rum recipe blends vanilla and lime
and is followed by a spicy fiery aftertaste. Named after Sailor Jerry
Collins who is known to be the most famous tattoo artist of his

Rum-Running and “The Real McCoy”
It wasn’t long after the first taxes
were levied on alcoholic beverages
that someone began to smuggle them.
The British government had “revenue
cutters” in place to stop smugglers as
early as the 1500s. Pirates became the
most prominent and best suited rum-
runners making extra money running
rum to the heavily taxed colonies while
pillaging and plundering the high seas.
There were also times when the sale of
alcohol was limited for other purposes,
such as laws against sales to American
Indians in the old West, or local Rum-runner
prohibitions like the one on Prince William S. McCoy
Edward Island between 1901 and 1948.

By far the most famous period of rum-running began in the United

States with the 18th Amendment (ratified January 16, 1919) and
the Volstead Act (passed October 28, 1919). Prohibition began
on January 16, 1920, when the Eighteenth Amendment went into

At first, there was little action on the seas, but after several months
the Coast Guard began reporting increased smuggling activity. This
was the start of the Bimini–Bahamas rum trade and the introduction
of Bill McCoy.

Captain William S. McCoy was a boat builder and excursion boat

captain in the Daytona Beach, Florida, area from 1900 to 1920. He
was also reputed to be a non-drinker. With the start of Prohibition
he began to bring rum from Bimini and the Bahamas into south
Florida. The Coast Guard soon caught up with him, so he began to
bring the illegal goods to just outside of the U.S. territorial waters
and let smaller boats and other captains take the risk of bringing it
into shore.

The rum-running business was very good, and McCoy soon bought
a Gloucester knockabout schooner named Arethusa at auction
and renamed her Tomika. He installed a larger auxiliary, mounted
a concealed machine gun on her deck and refitted the fish pens
below to accommodate as much contraband as she could hold. She
became one of the most famous of the rum-runners, along with his
two other ships hauling mostly Irish and Canadian whiskey, as well
as other fine liquors and wines, to ports from Maine to Florida.

In the days of rum running, it was common for captains to add

water to the bottles to stretch their profits, or to re-label it as
better goods. Italian sparkling wines became French champagne;
unbranded liquor became top-of-the-line name brands. McCoy
became famous for never watering his booze, and selling only real
top-quality product. Soon all the swells of the “Roaring ‘20s” were
looking for “the real McCoy”, and the phrase lives on to this day.

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