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Baluarte, Tagoloan, Misamis Oriental


Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 9

Prepared by:

Joel I. Tadeo
BSED – 4 English

Submitted to:


Detailed Lesson Plan in English IX
Grade IX – Hope
10:12 AM – 11:00 AM
September 10, 2018

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students are expected to:
A. Identify the different types of communicative styles.
B. Perform the different types of communicative styles.
C. Value the importance of communicative styles in their everyday lives.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: “Communicative Styles”
B. References:
Books: English Communication Arts and Skills through World Literature
6th Edition
Milagros G. Lapid, Josephine B. Serano
C. Instructional materials:
- Flip board
- Pictures
- Video presentation
D. Teaching Strategies: Collaborative, Exploratory, Deductive Method

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer Good morning sir/ma'am!
- Good morning class!
(Students will stand up)
- Please stand up for a prayer.
(Students will pick up pieces of
- Please pick up pieces of papers and arrange their chairs
papers and arrange your properly)
chairs properly.

2. Beadle kindly check the Beadle: Yes sir/ma'am!!

attendance first!

3. Review Last meeting sir/ma’am, we

Before we start our lesson for tackled about the different types
today, who can give me a and levels of communication. We
recap about what we did last learned that there are 4 types and
meeting? levels of communication:
Interpersonal communication,
Intrapersonal communication,
Group communication, and Public

Very good!

B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
Before we will start our lesson,
let us watch first a short video

The teacher presents a short

video clip on the different
types of communicative styles.

What have you observed on

the video you just watched? /
What was the video all about?

2. Presentation
Today we will discuss
about the different
communicative styles.

The teacher will present

the different communicative
styles by using the Flip board
and by showing pictures.

3. Discussion
There are five language
registers or styles. Each level
has an appropriate use that is
determined by differing
situations. It would certainly be
inappropriate to use language
and vocabulary reserve for a
boyfriend or girlfriend when
speaking in the classroom.
Thus the appropriate language
register depends upon the
audience (who), the topic
(what), purpose (why) and
location (where).

a. Static Register
This style of
communications RARELY
or NEVER changes. It is
“frozen” in time and
content. e.g. the Pledge of
Allegiance, the Lord’s
Prayer, the Preamble to the
US Constitution, the Alma
Mater, a bibliographic
reference, laws.

b. Formal Register
This language is used in
formal settings and is one-
way in nature. This use of
language usually follows a
commonly accepted
format. It is usually
impersonal and formal. A
common format for this
register are speeches. e.g.
sermons, rhetorical
statements and questions,
pronouncements made by
judges, announcements.

c. Consultative Register
This is a standard
form of communications.
Users engage in a mutually
accepted structure of
communications. It is
formal and societal
expectations accompany
the users of this speech. It
is professional discourse.
e.g. when strangers meet,
communications between a
superior and a subordinate,
doctor & patient, lawyer &
client, lawyer & judge,
teacher & student,
counselor & client.

d. Casual Register
This is informal
language used by peers
and friends. Slang,
vulgarities and
colloquialisms are normal.
This is “group” language.
One must be member to
engage in this register. e.g.
buddies, teammates, chats
and emails, and blogs, and
letters to friends.

e. Intimate Register
communications is private.
It is reserved for close
family members or intimate
people. e.g. husband &
wife, boyfriend & girlfriend,
siblings, parent & children.

4. Formative Check Students:

-So what are the different -Static, Formal, Consultative,
communicative styles? Intimate and Casual.

-The teacher will then ask the

students to give examples of
the communicative styles.

5. Application
The class will be group into
five. They are going to make a
short presentation portraying
different communicative styles.

Group 1: (Static)
Group 2: (Formal)
Group 3: (Consultative)
Group 4: (Intimate)
Group 5: (Casual)

6. Generalization
-So class what have you
learned in our lesson?
-Why is it important to
understand the different
communicative styles?

The teacher will ask further

situations related to their daily

7. Evaluation

Directions: Read each

sentence carefully and identify
what communicative style is
appropriate for each situation.

1. Mary and Joy unexpectedly

met in a mall one day, they
were good friends since
childhood who had never
communicated for a long
time. There, they talked
about their lives as
married individuals.
2. Allen and Dave were both
lawyers and friends. At one
time they talked about the
amnesty of Sen. Trillanes
and the legal procedures
that comes with the issue.
3. Will went to the hospital to
see Dr. Joe for his follow-up
check-up. In Dr. Joe’s office,
Will was advised by the
former to always take his
medication on time to avoid
4. Kris and Tine are friends
who decided to apply for a
job at a certain firm. They
were interviewed by the HR
Head of the firm regarding
their scholastic and personal
5. Pho and Bei are in a
romantic relationship for 5
years. Pho, being the guy,
proposed to his girlfriend Bei.
Bei was very happy knowing
that Pho wanted to marry
her. In a fine dining
restaurant, they planned their

IV. Assignment

Find and read short stories that depict the 5 communicative styles. In a
whole sheet of paper, write the situations or scenes in the stories you will
read that depict the 5 communicative styles. You can choose 1 story for each
communicative styles.

V. Remarks:

VI. Reflection:

Prepared by:

Tadeo, Joel I.
Cabrera, Allen Dave P.
Limos, Phobe Jane N.
Laiza, Mary Joy B.
Eduave, Kristine Q.

BSED – 4 English

Checked by:



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