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People v.

Cogaed o Upon arrival, they alighted from the jeepney and Dayao asked for his help in carrying his
July 30, 2014 | Leonen, J. things. He agreed because they were both going to the market.
o They were then approached by SPO1 Taracatac and when he was asked what was inside the
Respondent-appellee: The People of the Philippines bags, he replied that he did not know.
Accused-appellant: Victor Cogaed o Taracatac then talked to Dayap, however, Cogaed was not privy to their conversation.
o These facts were corroborated by an eyewitness who was standing across the parking lot
Doctrine: where Cogaed was apprehended.
 Stop and firsk searches are conducted to prevent the occurrence of a crime. It is necessary for law o At the police station, he said that Taracatac hit him on the head and that the bags were also
enforcement. The law enforcers are given the legal arsenal to prevent the commission of offenses. opened but he never knew what was inside.
However, this should be balanced with the need to protect the privacy of citizens. o He only learned that it was marijuana when he and Dayao were charged with illegal
 It is the police officer who should observe the facts that would lead to a reasonable degree of possession of dangerous drugs.
suspicion of a person. Anything less than this would be an infringement upon one’s basic right to  RTC:
security of one’s person and effects. o Cogaed and Dayao pleaded not guilty.
 A stop and frisk serves a two-fold interest: (1) the general interest of effective crime prevention and o Case against Dayao was dismissed because he was only 14
detection, which underlies the recognition that a police officer may, under appropriate o Cogaed guilty.
circumstances and in an appropriate manner, approach a person for purposes of investigating o Judge initially found Cogaed’s arrest illegal but stated that Cogaed waived his right to object
possible criminal behavior even without probable cause; and (2) the more pressing interest of safety such irregulairty when he did not protest when SPO1 Taracatac, after identifying himself,
and self-preservation which permit the police officer to take steps to assure himself that the person asked him to open his bag.
with whom he deals is not armed with a deadly weapon that could unexpectedly and fatally be used  CA affirmed.
against the police officer.
 Justice Bersamin’s dissent for Esquillo v. People: Police officers must nor rely on a single suspicious Issues/Held:
circumstance. There should be a presence of more than one seemingly innocen activity, which, 1. Whether there was a valid search and seizure of marijuana as against Cogaed.
taken together, warranted a reasonable inference of criminal activity.  For warrantless searches, probable cause is defined as a reasonable ground of suspicion
supported by circumstances sufficiently strong in themselves to warrant a cautious man to
Facts: believe that the person accused is guilty of the offense with which he is charged.
 Prosecution: o Malacat v. CA: it does not have to be probable cause, but it cannot be mere
o Nov. 25, 2005, 6 am: Police Senior Inspector Bayan (PSI Bayan) received a text message from suspicion. It has to be a genuine reason to serve the purposes of the stop and frisk
an unidentified civilian informer that one Marvin Buya would be transporting marijuana from exception.
Lun-oy La Union to the Poblacion of San Gabriel, La Union.  The stop and firsk search did not comply with all the requirements of reasonability required
o PSI Bayan organized checkpoints in order to intercept the suspect and ordered SPO1 by the Constitution.
Taracatac to set up a checkpoint in the waiting area of passengers from San Gabriel bound  See 1st doctrine. The balance lies in the concept of suspiciousness present in the situation
for San Fernando. where the police officer finds himself in. This may be undoubtedly based on the experience
o A passenger jeepney from Lun-oy arrived at SPO1 Taracatac’s chekpoint. The driver of the police officer. Clearly, a basic criterion would be that the police officer, with his
disembarked and signalled to SPO1 Taracatac indicatingthe two male passengers who were personal knowledge, must observe the facts leading to the suspicion of an illicit act.
carrying marijuana.  Cogaed was simply a passenger carrying a bag and traveling aboard a jeepney. There was
o He approached the two passengers who were later identified as Victor Cogaed and Santiago nothing supicious, moreover, criminal, about riding a jeepney or carrying a bag.
Dayao. Cogaed was carrying a blue bag and a sack while Dayao was holding a yellow bag.  The assessment of suspicion was not made by the police officer but by the jeepney driver.
o SPO1 Taracatac asked Cogaed and Dayao about the contents of the bags and they told him See 2nd doctrine.
that they did not know since they were transporting bags as a favor for their barriomate  See 4th doctrine. There was not a single suspicious circumstance in this case, and there was
named Marvin. no approximation for the probable cause requirement for warrantless arrest. The person
o Cogaed then opened the blue bag, revealing three bricks of what looked like marijuana. searched was not even the person mentioned by the informant. Even if it was true that
o SPO1 Taracatac arrested and brought them to the police station. There, they were requested Cogaed responded by saying that he was transporting the bag to Marvin Buya, this still
to empty their bags. Inside Cogaed’s sack was four rolled pieces of suspected marijuana remained only as one circumstance.
fruiting tops. Dayao’s yellow bag had a brick of suspected marijuana. 2. Whether the evidence obtained through the search should be admitted.
o Upon testing, it was found that the objects inside their bags were indeed marijuana.  The stop and firsk search being illegal, the objects obtained are inadmissible as eveidence.
 Cogaed:  None of the other exceptions to warrantless searches exist to allow the evidence to be
o He went to the Poblacion of San Gabriel to buy pesticide. admissible.
o He boarded a jeepney and recognized Dayao, his younger brother’s friend.  Cogaed silence or lack of aggressive objection was a natural reaction to a coercive
environment brought about by the police officer’s excessive intrusion into hs private space.
WHEREFORE, the decisions of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 28, San Fernando City, La Union and of the
Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR-HC No. 03394 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. For lack of evidence
to establish his guilt beyond reasonable doubt, accused-appellant VICTOR COGAED Y ROMANA is hereby
ACQUITTED and ordered RELEASED from confinement unless he is being held for some other legal grounds.
No costs.

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