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<b>Instruction Booklet</B> Page 1 of 7

The Powermid(tm) Pyramid

Let us first congratulate you on purchasing your Powermidtm. Please don’t be mislead by its simplistic and
compact appearance. This amazing metaphysical tool is a technological “Powerhouse”, in and of itself. Over
twenty-two man hours goes into making each and every Powermidtm Pyramid. Do not mistaken it with other types
of pyramids out on the market today. It is totally in a class, by itself. You will find, in the next coming days, weeks
and months, as you use and become more familiar and proficient with it, that it is a super and powerful
pschycotronic tool. Its limits are only up to the person using it. If you want to reach up to the sky, you can. If you
want to go beyond, you can. Your mind is what will limit you, not the device. Remember, this device/tool is the
most versatile, dynamic, powerful and compact piece of esoteric/intuitive device/tool ever developed, since the
Pendulum and Orgonite®! So think big! Please read the whole Instruction Booklet first, before using your
Powermidtm Pyramid.

Now let’s first go over assembly and disassembly of your Powermidtm. There are a total of eight copper tube
sections, for all sizes. Four of them join together and form the base (Base Tubes) of the pyramid and the other four
join together and form the apex of the pyramid (Apex Tubes), these four apex sections are also slightly longer then
the base sections. As shown in the enclosed pictures (3, 13) lay out tubes as shown (for all sizes) first (35, 36 &
37), then bolt the corner base sections as shown (13, 38 & 39), forming a square (see picture 30 & 36) and
sandwiching the straight and longer end of each apex section between both bent end base sections (forming each
of the four corner’s of the Powermidtm Pyramid) See pictures (37, 38 &39) and then loosely tightening all four
corner sections, as shown (13 & 39). Then loosely bolting the other bent ends of the apex sections to the apex
block, matching the two “H” sections together, on same bolt and the two “L” sections on the same bolt. See
pictures (14, 18 & 40) The “H” sections go through the Higher hole while the “L” sections go through the Lower
hole, on the apex block, as shown in picture (14). (The “L” and “H” letters are stamped onto the corresponding
ends, as well as, the apex block. Simply match the “L” on the Apex Tube to the “L” on the Apex Block and the “H”
on the Apex Tube to the “H” on the Apex Block, for the both pairs) Once finished adjust sections as square as
possible then tighten all wing nuts to bolts carefully not to over-tighten them, just loosely tighten, is all that’s
needed. You are now done assembling your Powermidtm. See pictures (4 & 41) To disassemble it, simply reverse
the above procedure. To can also semi-disassemble it by just removing the two apex block wing nuts. This will
allow for all the sides, of the Powermidtm, to fold down flat. See picture (30). In this flat configuration, you can
store it (i.e. suitcase, draw, bed, etc.) for later use and assemble it faster then if it was totally disassembled.

Principle of Operation: The Powermidtm is constructed of eight specially polished 3/8”-1/2” OD pure copper tubing.
These tubes are special because of the way they have been made. Each tube has in it, (if ordered with this option)
a special patent pending processed orgone producing material/matrix. This in and of itself causes each tube to act
as a compact yet powerful type of orgone accumulator and some may even consider it a generator, as we do. By
then putting these compact and powerful generators in a precise pyramidal form ratio, this further augments the
some of the parts to a gestalt structure of paramount proportions. In addition to this, we also imprint the structure
(with RTI’s very own proprietary process) to be even more powerful in producing its powerful vortex of pure white
light/orgone energy, like no other. As illustrated in picture (32), the Heliognosis meter clearly shows the power of
such a combination. That is why even when using part of the Powermidtm (i.e. when Y or L-Rod Dowsing) you still
get amazing results. Over twenty-two man hours go in to producing each and every Powermidtm Pyramid.

If you purchased the personalized imprinting option, you are directly connected to your Powermidtm on a subtle
energy level, as well. This option will even further augment your results in everything you use it for (especially with
anything having to do with your esoteric/intuitive work) by being more connected with it. Most commonly when
using it in any of the on top of the head techniques. If you ordered this option, you will notice a small “c” stamped
on one of the ends of each of the 8 copper tubing’s. If you purchased your Powermidtm without this option, and
later decide that you want it, it can be returned to us and we can imprint it to your personal subtle energy aura, for
an additional charge of $99.95 plus S/H.

Now that you have assembled your Powermidtm for the first time, let’s go over some basic functions/procedures
on some of the things you can use it for.

You may find by first holding/touching your Powermidtm Pyramid for a minute or so, prior to any esoteric work, will,
in a sense, “charge it” sort of speak, as to allow/help it be more “in tune” with your subtle energy level/vibrations.

For charging items (i.e. Crystals, Amulets, etc.) simply place them on/in apex block compartment (you can also
invert the apex block, so as to increase the depth inside it to better accommodate your items inside, see pictures
(1, 16)) or on charging plate (see picture 24) and either leave it there for a set amount of time or dowse for time
limit. Usually, at least an hour or two is adequate for smaller items but feel free to experiment. Feel free to use
clear tape or elastic to help hold, in place, any object placed in or on the apex block, if needed. Depending on
what you are charging, may also vary the time needed to fully absorb the Powermid’s pure white light vortex of
orgone energy. We found that you could also “double charge” your item by following the apex method with a base
method. You would then place your object under/inside the powermidtm, centered under the apex. (See pictures
2, 9, 17, 23, 25)

When using Sigils, Talismans, etc., for projecting their effects/energies/consecration onto a person, place or thing.
Place your Witness (i.e. Blood Spot, Polaroid, Hair, etc.) under/inside the apex. (see picture 2) Then place your
Intent/Action (i.e. Sigils, Talisman, etc.) over it either directly or on top of the apex and dowse for time limit or set
your own time limit. Many have found that by, also, shining a light unto your Talisman, Sigil, etc., once under your
Powermidtm, adds even more power to your intent/desire. One last thing, people have reported, when energizing
your Talisman, Sigil, etc., by also visualizing its purpose via a thoughtform, will increase its power/outcome, even
greater 10/11/2010
<b>Instruction Booklet</B> Page 2 of 7

FYI: For Psychic Protection of a person, place or thing, simply draw the Star of David (a Hexagram, 6 pointed
star ) by making a triangle then rotate it 180 degrees and draw another one over the first one. (see picture 35) This
makes a perfect Hexagram (Star of David), however, make it big enough so that your witness will fit in the center
of it. Then place the object (witness) you want to protect via a picture (i.e. of a building, person or place), hair,
blood, etc., in the center of the Star. Place both under and center them to the apex block and have the
Powermidtm facing magnetic North (shining a light unto it will also increase the intention). Dowse for the
appropriate time frame needed. The above configuration makes for a great stress reducer, as well. Next time your
under a lot of stress, setup the Star with a witness of yourself in it, placed under the Powermidtm then walk away
and see how you feel in a little while afterwards,

When using your Powermidtm as a Scalar Antenna, this can be done generally in two basic ways. Passively or
actively. Passively is when it is used alone. Actively is when it is used in conjunction with other equipment/devices.
We will mention some of the ways, but feel free to use it for other ways as well, don’t let this instruction booklet
limit you in anyway. Just because we don’t mention it here does not mean you can try or do it yourself, please,
always feel free to experiment with it, there are no absolutes here, be creative, you’ll be amazed at what you
may/can come up with in using this unique device. What’s mentioned here is just “the tip of the iceberg” and is just
to get you started.

When using it actively with a Radionic device or similar devices, you can place your Powermidtm directly over the
whole device. (see pictures 5, 7, 8) While placed directly over the device, this will cause an overall considerable
increase in function/power/effectiveness of all the features the device has to offer, in most cases. You can also
connect your Powermidtm to either the output (Target/Witness) or input (Intent) plate/well or both for even creating
a better/more powerful link to either or both elements. Obviously, you would need two Powermids to connect to
both plates/wells, concurrently. If one wants to participate in the link by using Thoughtforms/Creative
Visualizations (a type of Cyborg effect), you can place a powermidtm overhead while attached to either plate/well,
if you like, grab both base sections with both hands and further project your intent into the established link, as well.
This is an amazing feature that the Powermidtm has to offer its user, to be able to do. The connection to the
plates/wells can either be hard wired or, if overhead, by user just touching the plate with his or her hands, while “in
sink with your link”. In this scenario, you can experiment as to what you can/want to do. If the link is to a person,
try to project an intent to them. Remember to use all five of your senses not just visual. Try to also smell,
feel/touch, taste and hear your projections/desires. The more you become a part of it, the more potent/successful
the results and be able to gain/manipulate the access to the Target. Over time, it may almost feel like you’re there
and at some levels you are! Practice makes perfect, so don’t get discouraged right off, if nothing happens, work at
it and you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish, in a rather short time, if you stick with it. The above is used
when performing Remote Viewing/Influence, in a more direct nature. Also, remember to be relaxed, sit up straight
and have it quite and comfortable in any of the overhead uses of the Powermidtm procedures, especially when
used in Mediation. Past experiences have showed us that the more relaxed one is the more success one can
expect to achieve. Focus/concentrate on your target and don’t let your mind wander. When it does, say “no
wandering” and focus back on the objective. This too will get better with practice. Placing some crystals and/or
magnets in the apex block while using it with a Radionic device, as stated above, will add even more of a power
boost to it. In this situation, one can even shine a laser onto the crystals, further exciting their structure/mineral
frequency, for even better results! Many people have even reported a sudden increase in tactilization on their
radionic rubbing plates when using the Powermidtm over their devices, as well.

When using your Powermidtm directly overhead, either actively or passively, and having your eyes closed, slightly
elevate them up to ~20 degrees, toward your “Third Eye”, as this will increase stimulation/activation of the “Third
Eye’s” function. Use it in this position, to also stimulate/awaken your own overall psychic powers, when used
consistently on a daily basis, over time.

In Dowsing, if your Pendulum has a string, tie a loop and loop it over one of the apex’s bolts/wing nuts. (See
picture 6) If you like, you can center your pendulum even more by removing one of the apex block’s bolts and pass
it through the loop of the pendulum string and re-attach/tighten the wing nut. (See pictures 18, 19). Now grasp the
Powermidtm as shown in picture (6) and face one of the base’s flat sides, of the Powermidtm towards magnetic
North and have it level. Relax and focus on what you want to ask/Dowse for. If you don’t have much/any
experience in Dowsing, I suggest reading up on the subject, at the end of this booklet is some suggested reading
on it, to get you started. By using this method to Dowse, the Powermidtm acts as a type of antenna/amplifier to
better communicate with the universal energy/realm that surrounds us all the time. This in turn helps both directly
and indirectly the three most important elements that play a role in our Dowsing abilities. 1) Our consciences, 2)
sub-consciences and 3) super-consciences/universal intelligence. It has also been reported that by placing a
Powermidtm in the over-the-head position, it has been known to increase the user’s dowsing sensitivity and/or
response. By using your Powermidtm, overall, it will better help inter-relate/bring together the above three
important elements, more soundly, in hopes of achieving better and faster results for all your Dowsing needs and

In using the Powermidtm for Meditation, Remote Viewing/Influence, Astral Projection and other altered states of
consciousness, in the-over-the-head position (See picture 12), most people may initially feel a “light-headiness”
feeling or other sensations. Pyramids have been proven to stimulate Theta and Alpha brain waves activities.
Remember that you are putting your head directly into the vortex field of energy that this device produces. The
human brain, in most people, will be somewhat sensitive to this in the beginning. This may also depend on the
time of day, the direction you are facing (magnetic North works best and keep it level as possible), your position,
frame of mind, your metabolic and physiologic state, just to name a few. As time goes on, you will built a sort of
immunity/tolerance to it and feel it less and less. Placing your Powermidtm in this position, also gives the user
several other benefits:

1.) It can help reduce headaches.

2.) It has been known to help reduce stress, anger and feeling “uptightness”

3.) It can help increase vitamin assimilation/absorption up to 5x!

4.) When using the larger Powermids, it’s been known to reduce labor pains during delivery.

5.) Detoxifies the brain and body.

6.) Balances your electrical energy.

7.) Raises your vibrational frequency in blood which in turn, strengthens your immune system.

8.) Helps eliminate auto toxicity – This occurs when irritated areas of your colon are exposed to germs from layers
of fecal material and you poison yourself again.

9.) Helps you further develop you clairvoyant spiritual powers that we all posses which have been suppressed by
these toxins. Have more intense Meditation sessions!

10.) Helps develop super concentration.

11.) Increases your overall energy level. 10/11/2010
<b>Instruction Booklet</B> Page 3 of 7

Remember, the brain develops toxicity very early in life. It’s a gradual process, often mistaken as “the aging
process”, but it is reversible. When using a Powermidtm, it will help cleanse the blood, detoxifying all body parts,
especially in all areas of the brain. Make sure to drink plenty of water to further aid the liver in the
cleansing/flushing out process of all these toxins in your bloodstream. Some people may experience some mild
pain/headache or dizziness in the beginning. This is perfectly normal. Temporally, stop using your Powermidtm,
overhead, and increase your fluid intake, until these symptoms subside. In addition, several grams of Ester C (a
form of vitamin C) a day, will also help cleanse the body, a lot quicker.

Another position you can try is by placing the apex of the Powermidtm (apex block) over the “Third Eye” region
(just above and between the eyebrows) and elevate your eyes ~20 degrees up toward your eyebrows, either
closed or open, your preference. This orientation will augment your innate telepathy power for numerous functions,
(i.e. Remote Viewing/Influencing, Manifestation, Thoughtforms, etc.). Here too, you may experience a slight
“dizziness” or “light-headiness” in the beginning. (See picture 31) Adding crystals and/or magnets to the apex
block can also add to its power, here. When using it this sort of way, with or without additional devices, think of it
as a sort of powerful “Amplifier,” in a sense, amplifying anything you are trying to accomplish with your mind. (i.e.
visualizations, thoughts, desires, intentions, concentrations, telepathy, etc.) Whatever the case, you will find that
your Powermidtm will help you achieve a heightened mental awareness and a new sense of inner freedom, when
used during regular periods of Meditation and relaxation. In this way, it will also enable you to access an “Infinite
Field of Wisdom” (Gain knowledge - Past, Present and Future) via your own super-conscience mind. Remember,
all of the above suggestions, when doing so, as well. Don’t get dismayed in the beginning; it may take some time,
in most cases. Some people will progress faster then others to achieve your goals. Remember everyone has the
potential/ability in being able to do any of these things and the Powermidtm will help you get there faster and more
effectively, just stick with it! In most cases. the greater the frequency of use, the less time it will take to achieve
your goal.

In Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection or any technique that involves lying down (prone) position, you can have the
Powermidtm close to your head while sleeping or when performing your procedures in the prone position.
However, by rigging up some sort of device that would enable you to hang it over your head, while in this position,
would be even more beneficial in producing better results. While over the head through the night, you will also find
that you will need fewer hours to achieve complete rest. When its time to wake up, you will be fully awake and
ready to go. People have reported a heighten feeling of vitality and well-being to a much “finer tuned” body energy,
back to its normal state. Experiment in different positions, surroundings, layouts and see what works best for you.
You can use the Powermidtm alone or incorporate additional items in or on it, for varying results. Remember, as
usual, anything goes here.

For localized internal environmental control, simply place your Powermidtm, table height, in the center of an
average size room, you can also use it with the enclosed Orgone Generator. If you like you can also add your
favorite oils, herbs, crystals, candles, etc., inside or on top of it (in apex block or charging plate) for a little added
touch. Over the next several hours, the orgone levels will increase in the room. (Increasing OR and decreasing
DOR) Some people may begin to feel more alert, relaxed, calmer, and some even more energetic, depending on
what they have added to their Powermidtm, as well as, the different types of peoples physiologies. Experiment
with it and see what works best for you, if you decide to use it this way, at all.

FYI: The Pyramid is a natural psychic amplifier; any mental energy put into it will be amplified and sent out. This
fact makes the Powermidtm an excellent device for projection. Using it to project an effect/intent onto someone or
something is simple. This effect/intent can be anything from love, healing, etc., to angry, hate and yes, even death.
So use common sense when performing such procedures. The latter feelings (anger, hate) can be used to rid your
house from, say, mice. You would use their droppings as the target/witness in this procedure. To perform this
technique, you simply use an ordinary quartz crystal, or better yet a quartz crystal pyramid, to store your
feelings/energy vibration. (you may want to place it under cold running water first for a few minutes, to rid out any
negative energies, visualize any negative energies coming out of the crystal and down the drain) This is done over
the next week or two by holding it in your hands and projecting/visualize your feeling/intent into it, everyday,
especially at a time when you actually feel that way. Your energy vibrations will build up and be stored in the
crystal during that time period. Keep the crystal in a silk or black leather bag when not in use to protect it from
contamination of any other vibrations. When ready, place the crystal over the witness/target you want to effect (i.e.
picture, hair, sample, etc.). Then place the Powermidtm over both of them, facing one of the base sides to
magnetic North. Now, leave it that way everyday while further projecting/visualizing your feeling/intent onto the
target/witness, under the Powermidtm or until the feeling/intent has been carried out. Another way you can speed
up and amplify the projection of the effect/intent is by using a focused light source (i.e. flashlight) or better yet a
laser pointer. Shine it onto the witness/target, while under the Powermidtm and project/visualize your intent/feeling
into the actual beam of light coming from the source and going onto the witness/target. Remember, a focused
beam of light will carry and amplify any mental energy put into it. Also, remember that the effectiveness of this
process largely depends on the clarity of the thought projected into it, as well as, the emotional energy behind it.
Therefore, spend sometime on concentrating on why you want it so, to build up enough energy thought to obtain
your goal/final outcome. You can also charge the light source prior to use via a Radionic output plate with your
intent into it. This will even further augment your success in whatever you want to accomplish with it. You can also
place both the witness/target and quartz crystal on top of and centered to the enclosed Magnetron drawing, in this
booklet, for even faster and more effective results.

Remember the “Triple P Position” (PPP) which stands for the Powerful Powermidtm Position. (See picture 34)
While the Powermidtm is set up in the above configuration or similar, simply place both hands onto the intended
object/target under/inside the Powermid’s apex region, while facing magnetic North. Then bend forward and place
your “Third Eye “ region onto the top part of the Apex Block of the Powermidtm. In this position, focus your
intention onto the object both from your hands and from your “Third Eye” region, simultaneously, for several
minutes at a time. Try to actually see the white light of energy coming from both your hands and your forehead
projecting onto the intended object. Do this several times a day, as needed, or until you get your intended results.

Disclaimer: RTI will not be held responsible or liable, in any way, for any and all outcomes, direct or
indirect, in the use and/or implementation of this powerful esoteric device/tool. Whether it be good or bad.
Therefore, use it carefully and responsively. No minors, please.

If you would like to try L-Rod or Y-Rod Dowsing (for 12” models) with your Powermidtm. An L-Rod can be formed
by attaching two base sections together, forming a right angle. (See picture 20) When using it this way, you may
find by placing both ends that you hold the L-Rods at, in a 6 inch in length, ½ inch diameter copper tubing, will give
you more sensitive results. The Y-Rod can be formed by sandwiching one of the straighten ends of an apex
section between two base sections, forming a Y structure. (See pictures 21, 22). Once formed, you use it the
same way you would normally would. However, don’t be surprised as the sensitivity will be considerably greater in
most if not all cases.

For use in Thoughtforms/Creative Visualization, place your less dominant hand inside the Powermidtm directly
under the apex block. Placing some of your favorite Amulets, Crystals, Talismans, etc., in/over the apex block is
optional here. Now see the Universal/Astral Energy coming from all around, originating up from above and
funneling/vortexing down into the top of the apex block. Then visualized this energy flowing down into your hand
from the apex block. Feel/see this powerful energy coming into your body from that hand and use/focus it, to do as 10/11/2010
<b>Instruction Booklet</B> Page 4 of 7

you wish. (i.e. Formulate an actual thoughtform in front of you; focus it on an intention, etc.) Remember with this
energy formulation “in one hand and out the other” where applicable and the old computer saying “Garbage In,
Garbage Out” when focusing/using it on a particular object/item/intent. So see/feel only the purest of white/whitish
blue light of energy coming into this circuit and spin it into a fine beam of pure and powerful light/energy plasma.
Try to, not only feel it, but actually see it, as well. With some practice and over just a short period of time, you will
be amazed in what you can actually accomplish with just this one simply yet powerful technique, alone! But always
remember, use it responsively!!!

We have heard a number of instances were people have used the Powermidtm Pyramid in managing/alleviating
their Arthritis and other injuried/ailing conditions. (see picture 33) (Please remember to always see a medical
doctor first, before trying/undertaking any/all non-conventional therapeutic method/treatments.) Placing it on top of
the effected area facing it toward Magnetic North and directly under the apex block at the base section level, for a
certain amount of time, has been known to relief the localized pain and inflammation. Also, by place a quartz
crystal over the effective area, during that same time, try to “see/visualize” any negative energy/light coming out of
the area and being absorbed into the crystal. (The bigger and clearer the crystal, the better) Once finished, to
clear/clean the crystal, for future use, simply rinse crystal under cold running water and visualize any negative
energy/light down the drain, to be rid of and ground it away. Laying it outside, on the ground/dirt, in direct sunlight
is another way to clear/clean it. We personally have not tried this Arthritic technique yet but feel free to experiment
with it yourselves. Let us know, if you get any relief/results with it and maybe we’ll mention it in our next updated
Instruction Booklet and/or website.

Another useful technique in using your Powermidtm is for “Harmonizing” your bottled water or other
solutions/beverages. (See picture 11). By placing it directly on top and setting it there for a certain amount of time.
Usually, several hours will service. “Harmonizing” a solution, naturally purifies it to a certain degree, as well as,
increase’s its shelf-life and helps further maintain its original taste/flavor/consistency. This will vary, to some
degree, depending on a number of things like, the type of solutions used, the container it is stored in and it’s
immediate surrounding environment, just to name a few.

Experiments have been performed that indicate Quartz crystal, being composed of 46% Silica and 53% Oxygen,
have the greatest potential for storing the pyramid’s energy for several weeks, once fully charged. This is most
likely due to its high Oxygen content. This, also, causes it to emit a very unusually strong magnetic field. These
crystals have been used by Oracles for centuries, who were often called “Crystal Glazers”. Ancient Magi and
Priests of Egypt would place these crystals, once charged, on their foreheads, in the “Third Eye” region, with
resulting Psychic Visions, Astral Projections and Heightened Healing abilities have been reported.

FYI: There is an ancient and amazingly powerful psychic developing and balancing exercise called the “Middle
Pillar” exercise from the Qabala. It will also help open your higher faculties of perception. By using sound in the
form of an ancient Hebrew God names, visualization and breathing to encapsulate the aura with surrounding
energy. By cleansing and stabilizing, it will help in holding you grounded. While facilitating vision of any/all your
spirit guides. It can be used prior to or after any type of meditative practice.

First, start in a seated position. Totally relax your whole body and close your eyes. Visualize a glowing bright white
ball of light coming down from the cosmos (heavens), coming to rest on the top of your head (Crown). Quietly and
syllable by syllable say the God’s name EHEIEH (Eh-Huh-Yeh). Feel the top of your head (Crown) come alive with
energy while doing this. Repeat eight to ten times.

Following the above, visualize a beam of bright white light coming down from this ball to form a secondary ball, in
the region of brow. Speak softly, the God name JEHOVAH (Yah-Hoh-Vah). Visualize and feel the sound fill that
region of the body. Feel your third eye come alive with the energy. Repeat this for eight to ten times, feeling the
energy grow each time.

From this last ball, visualize another beam of bright white light come down to form a third ball of bright light, in the
region of the throat. Speak by vibrating the God name JEHOVAH ELOHIM (Yah-Hoh-Vah-Eh-Loh-Heem).
Visualize and feel this ball of bright light come alive, vibrating and getting even brighter and brighter, while doing
so. Repeat this eight to ten times.

From this ball of bright light, form another beam of light from it, coming down to the heart region and forming a
fourth ball of bright white light. See it come alive with each speaking of the God name JEHOVAH ALOAH VA
DAATH (Yah-Hoh-Vah-El-Loh-Vuh-Dahth). Repeat this eight to ten times.

Then visualize a beam of light come down from the heart region to form a fifth ball of bright white light in the region
of the groin. See it grow with each utterance of the God name SHADDAI EL CHAI (Shah-Dye-Ehl-Kye). Repeat
this eight to ten times.

Now see a beam of bright white light from this fifth ball, down to the feet. Here a sixth ball of bright white light is
formed, visualizing the beam of light formed, passing through it and into the earth (ground), grounding and
balancing you, while doing so. Speaking the God name ADONAI HA ARETZ (Ah-Doh-Nye-Hah-Ah-Retz), see this
sixth ball of bright white light come alive.

You have just formed the “Middle Pillar” of balance which originated from the heavens, through you and then to
the heart of the earth. This amazing and powerful ancient mystifying procedure activates your inner centers of
light, strengthening and protecting you along with awakening further, all your psychic abilities.

When not in use, your Powermidtm Pyramid can also be used in prolonging the shelf-life of all your fruits,
vegetables, cheeses, wine, liquors, tobacco, coffee beans, plants, juices, candies, crackers, cookies, rice, flour
etc., (See picture 26) even pet’s have been known to get/feel better when subjected to the Powermidtm Pyramid’s
energy field. Believe it or not, you can even store, under your Powermidtm, your knifes, razor blades, axes or
anything else with a blade. By doing so, will increase the life of the sharpness of that blade for almost, in many
cases, indefinitely. Save $$$ and get more use out of these items. Over time, this use alone can pay back what
you spent on your Powermidtm. (See pictures 27, 28, 29) for proper positioning.

An important point to always remember, affecting all the uses of your Powermidtm Pyramid. Keep it at least four to
five feet away any strong EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) devices, (i.e. TV’s, Refrigerators, etc.) or any thing that
has a heavy electrical influence. As these devices can and will interfere/affect with the Powermid’s energy field.

Another very popular use for your Powermidtm is using it to reverse/cancel out negative energy or EMF’s in the
area or in/around an object. This is done by first attaching a wire to the Apex Block region of your Powermidtm.
Then attach the other end of that same wire to a very good and strong ground. This part is very important. Either a
water pipe or even better by placing a metal stake in the ground outside and attaching the wire to it. Now, you can
either hang your Powermidtm, if it’s a smaller one, in the area you want to clear or attach another wire to the Apex
Block and attach the other end to the object/appliance you want to neutralize. (ie, Refrigerator, Freezer, TV, Dryer
etc.) When attaching it to a Refrigerator or similar, you can attach it to one of the sheet metal screws in the back.
You will note that whatever is attached to this end of the wire will run more effectively and efficiently. (ie. The food
in your Refrigerator/Freezer will taste better and stay fresher longer, by knocking down and drawing out the
negative EMF emissions from it) Try it and see for yourself. If you have any problems, the first place to check is
the grounding, it has to be very strong, that’s why the metal stake in the ground is the preferred method. If you
have more then one Powermidtm, simply daisy chain them from Apex Block to Apex Block for even a stronger
negative energy cancellation effect. This negative cancellation effect feature alone will pay for the cost of your 10/11/2010
<b>Instruction Booklet</B> Page 5 of 7

Powermidtm in no time.

Eventually the pure copper tubes will begin to form tarnish (oxidized), more in some areas then others. Usually,
most often caused by finger prints/marks. Depending on the user’s specific prints, these may cause the copper to
oxidize (tarnish) more rapidly then other users, over time. It has to do with their overall body chemistry/metabolism
(i.e. acid/alkaline state, tissue salts/oils, etc.). You can occasionally, clean/wipe/polish your Powermidtm Pyramid
with a high quality metal polish or cleaner. But make sure you remove all of the residue left by the solvent. We like
Nevr-Dull magic wadding polish, by The George Basch Co. in Freeport, New York 11520 USA. However, a natural
way to clean your Powermidtm is by the use of a half of lemon sprinkled with salt over it. Simply wipe the salted
half lemon over any tarnish/discolored spots then rinse and dry, thoroughly. Believe it or not, rust will not form on
any object left under your Powermidtm. The energy produced by it causes an electromagnetic dehydration
process to occur and any moisture content of matter is dissolved.

Remember the above “Principle of Operation” of this device; it’s up to you to use/guide it to your benefit. The
Powermid’s energy innately flows in two basic directions, 1.) Through the apex block and down and
simultaneously 2.) Through the apex block and up. Which, incidentally, makes it the perfect tool for transmitting
and receiving all subtle/etheric energy/information, depending on what is called for, at the time. Focus your mind
and thoughts on that and you can do almost anything you set your mind out to do with it. It’s there for the taking,
so take it and use it for all your life’s needs. You’re in control of you. Especially, when you have a Powermidtm to
help you focus better your intent on anything you want/need in life. Don’t be afraid to use it. It’s your birth right to
be happy, healthy and prosper while here on this physical plane of existence we call earth. So enjoy and good
luck to everyone from here on in with your Powermidtm. Remember, this is just the “tip of the iceberg,” on what
you can do with it, so experiment, try new things and most importantly have fun!

Please Note: Some of the copper tubes used in the Powermidtm structure may appear slightly bent and notched.
(Not perfectly straight) Please understand, these tubes are pure copper and being such, are softer then regular
copper tubing. With this in mind, please remember to handle them with care, as well. These pure copper tubing
comes, initially, coiled and is then meticulously cut, hand-straighten, inserted, pressed, stamped, grinded, sanded,
polished/hi-speed buffed and then a hole is hand-punched and ends are precisely digitally goniometricaly bent, for
use in the Powermidtm Pyramid.

On the larger Powermids™ pyramids, upon first inspection, you may note some occasional small dark marks,
streaks, or blemishs, located of various areas of the copper tubing. This is nothing more then some emery polish
residue left on the tubing, following the buffing process. Simply wipe it off with some soft teri-cloth material. Please
also note that there may be some small dark patches/marks/streaks, at any of the flatened ends of the copper
tubing. This is just residuals from the Kneeling Process performed, to further harden the copper tubing, once it was

FYI: There is another amazing ancient and powerful technique/excercise called the “Mystic Marriage”, this
exercise helps activate and aligns the upper four charka centers of the body. It will increase the flow of energy to
them and it enables greater use of our intuitive and higher-self capabilities. This is what helps induce the altered
state or ”Alpha Brain Wave” state which will enable you to be more psychically open/receptive to many many
things. First off, bring your attention/consciousness to the region between your eyebrows. This area is referred by
many as the “Third Eye” region. It is the foundation of our intuitive perceptions. It is the region that facilitates
physical vision of the subtle realms of life. Visualize this region as a glowing brilliant ball of light. As you breathe in,
feel/see this area getting warmer and brighter. Hold it for the count of eight. Then let the air out slowly, and repeat
three times. Now, as you breath-in, draw the light rearward from the brow area through the head to the region of
the crown of your head. This is your “Crown Charka”. This region awakens higher –self consciousness. As you
visualize this ball of light moving rearward, also visualize a bridge of rainbow light being formed between the Brow
and Crown Charkas. Feel it warm and shimmering with energy. Breath-in slowly and hold/focus the ball of light in
the Crown area for a count of eight, then let it out slowly. Repeat this three times. Feel the warmth and energy
filing your whole head. Now bring your attention/consciousness, in the form of that brilliant light down to your throat
region. Again, see a rainbow bridge of light extending from the Crown Charka to the Throat Charka. This charka
helps align our creative will and ability for clairaudience. As you breath-in, feel/see this center come alive with
lighted brilliance. Hold it in for a count of eight, then let it out slowly. Repeat three times. Imagine/visualize/feel the
energy and light intensify with each breath. Now bring your attention/consciousness and energy flow down to your
heart region. Extend the rainbow light bridge to this area. Feel this region warm and begin to radiate with lighted-
energy. Breathe-in slowly for a count of eight. While holding this breath, see/feel the energy further intensify and
as you breathe-out, see/feel the link that has formed with the other three charkas/energy centers. Repeat three
times. You have now activated the higher centers of perceptions. You must now complete this circuit by drawing
your attention/consciousness upward from the Heart Charka back to the Third Eye region, completing the rainbow
bridge that connects all four centers. Feel/see it grow with new intensity and energy from having activated and
aligned itself with the other three. This completes the exercise.

Feel free to call/email us, at anytime, with any questions you may have. We’re always here to help and periodically
check our website for Instruction Booklet updates and other interesting/amazing products.

Just For Fun

Place a bitter drink, (i.e. grapefruit juice, certain coffees, even pickles, etc.) under your Powermidtm for ~30-60
minutes. Somewhat, if not all, the bitterness will be reduced by the Powermid’s energy field, by lowering the acidity
content of the solution.

Place a glass of wine under your Powermidtm (make sure that the flat base section is facing magnetic North in all
of these examples) and another glass in a separate room. Wait ~ 30-60 Minutes and see if you can taste any
difference in the two. In some cases, you may even begin to see some slight bubbling in the glass, under the
Powermidtm. As it has actually been known to re-stimulate the fermentation process. This is one way you can turn
cheaper wine to more expensive tasting wine.

Treating fresh produce for ~2 hours with the Powermidtm will last, on an average, twice as long as untreated
produce. Also, before freezing your food, treat it for ~2 hours under the Powermidtm. It will be more resistant to
freezer burns and taste better, after it is defrosted.

Storing fresh fruit and even cheeses, under a Powermidtm will cause them to last a whole lot longer. They will, in
most cases, eventually dehydrate before they will rot, under these circumstances.

Before and after freezing and thawing steaks, subject one of them to a Powermidtm for a few hours. Once fully
cooked, see if you can taste any difference between the treated steak and an untreated one.

Here’s another test you can try. – Place a bunch of artificially various flavored hard candies (i.e. butter scotch,
lemon, grape, orange, lime, etc.) in a bowl. Treat the bowl with a Powermidtm for ~ 2 hours. Now, blind fold
yourself and others (if you like) and see if you can taste the difference in the assorted flavors. In most cases, you 10/11/2010
<b>Instruction Booklet</B> Page 6 of 7

will have a very hard time in doing so, (except maybe peppermint) having only tasting the natural sweetness of the
sugar, mostly. The point we are trying to show is how the Powermidtm energy field has a strange (altering)
affect/reaction to artificial or chemically induced flavors and seems to be the case on all food substances. The
Powermid’s energy field seems to “Return to Life” organic cells and to return the molecule structure to their natural
or original state.

Plants thrive, as do most other living things, under a Powermidtm. Remember, plants have an electrical field of
their own. Many types of animals seem to sense and are attracted to, this pyramidal energy field.

Water seems to be able to hold and store the Powermid’s energy. Making it possible for you to transfer that energy
to your plants. In most cases, the plants act as though they had been grown under the Powermidtm Pyramid itself.
Water seems to store the energy for an indefinite period of time. Treating a glassful takes ~ 30 minutes; a full quart
takes about 2 hours. Anything larger, should be left over night under the Powermidtm.

Using water for your tropical fish and keeping your Powermidtm over the fish tank, when you are not using it, will
cause the fish to thrive in this energized water state. Even you’re other pets (i.e. dogs, cats, etc.) Will love this
emerged water. For some reason, they are able to tell the difference.

Another use for Pyramidal energized water, that’s been reported, is for mosquito bites. In many cases, when
applied, have been known to stop the itching.

One can even preserve a bouquet of flowers by placing it upside down under your Powermidtm for a couple of
weeks. All the sap and resins will go down into the flower, preserving its original luster. It also allows the flower to
dry out without the chance of bacteria affecting it, which will normally cause decaying and shriveling. After a
couple of weeks, bring the flowers right side up and spray them with some lacquer and it will last forever!

One last test you can try. Take a menthol cigarette and place it under a Powermidtm for ~1 hour. In most cases,
the Powermidtm will de-mentholize the cigarette, illustrating, again, how the Powermid’s energy field eliminates
artificial flavors.

Something else to ponder, by connecting a wire to the apex of your Powermidtm, the energy produce from it will
run along such wire. This fact is given, just in case, anyone would like to conduct further experiments with its
energy. (i.e., running the wire under several roots of plants, has been known to achieve almost the same benefits,
as placing a Powermidtm directly over it).

A few people have reported that in some instances, when placing an item inside and under the apex region, by
elevating it approximately one-third to one-half of the way up, closer to the apex, have even gotten slightly better

Bibliography and Some Related And Suggested Reading:

1.) The Art of Dowsing by Richard Webster

2.) The Dowsing Process by Ron Warmoth

3.) Knowing your Intuitive Mind by Dale Olson

4.) The Pendulum Bridge to Infinite Knowing by Dale Olson

5.) The Silva Mind Control Method by Jose Silva

6.) Quantum-Touch by Richard Gordon

7.) The Professional’s Complete Dowsing Course by Russ Simmons

8.) The Guide to Pyramid Energy by Bill Kerrell & Kathy Goggin

9.) Pyramid Power by G. Pat Flanagan

10.) Magic of the Future by Karl Welz

11.) Pyramid Power by Max Toth and Greg Nielsen

12.) Astral Projection for Beginners by Edain McCoy

13.) Practical Guide to Astral Projection by Denning & Phillips

14.) A Llewellyn Practical Guide to Creative Visualization by Melita & Osborne Phillips

15.) Flying Without A Broom by D.J. Conway

16.) Mastering Astral Projection (A 90-Day Guide to OOBE Experience) by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer

17.) Your Pendulum by John Living

18.) Easy Astral Projection by Keith Morgan

19.) The Remote Viewing Training Course by David Morehouse

20.) Magical use of Thought Forms by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki & J. H. Brennan

21.) The Mind Accelerator by Volition House

22.) Creating Magickal Entities by David Michael Cunningham

23.) How to: Meet & Work with Spirit Guides by Ted Andrews

24.) Practical Guide to Psychic Powers by Denning & Phillips

25.) The Psychic Power of Pyramids by Bill Schul & Ed Pettit

26.) The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 10/11/2010
<b>Instruction Booklet</B> Page 7 of 7

27.) Your Psychic Powers & How To Develop Them by Hereward Carrington

28.) Rays of Truth – Crystals of Light by Dr. Fred Bell

29.) Shamanism for the New Age a Guide to Radionics & Radiesthesia by Jane E. Hartman, N.D., Ph.D.

30.) - Great 3 CD course in developing your psychic abilities.

31.) Remote Viewing and Influencing both CD courses by Gerald O’Donnell,

32.) True Magick, A Beginner’s Guide by Amber K

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Oradell, NJ
USA 10/11/2010

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