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Tel Dan Israel:

A summer archaeology adventure

When King Solomon died his two
sons Jeroboam and Rheaboam
differed on how to rule, thus in 930
BCE the latter stayed in Jerusalem
while Jeroboam led a northern seces-
sion from Judah and settled in Dan
where a temple was built to keep
northern peoples from making pil-
grimages to Jerusalem’s temple. From
Israel’s twelve tribes, nine went north
becoming the Kingdom of Israel and
three stayed in Jerusalem and be-
came the Kingdom of Judah. Tel Dan
is the only surviving temple complex
I arrived at Tel Dan, Israel on June from the biblical kingdom of Israel. During the eighteenth century BCE,
27, 2018 after driving one hundred It is located on the Northern border the first peoples of Dan built a mud
fifty miles north from Jerusalem. I brick city gate on the cities eastern
live in the dry deserts of Utah and side. It is called the Canaanite gate
I imagined Israel to be much of the and pre dates Roman arches by near-
same but was surprised at the high ly a millennia making it the earliest
humidity and abundance of agri- archway nearly four thousand years
culture. Inland only twenty-five old.
miles from the Mediterranean Sea
explained the humidity though it The high humidity and winter rains
was Israeli ingenuity and their need cause the area to be very susceptible
to feed its own population without to erosion, thus excavations must
reliance on imports that turned a be completed quickly and preser-
desert into an Eden of fruit and vations such as the canopy over the
vegetables. It seemed that all usable Canaanite gate must be placed and
land was bursting with orchards or maintained.
monoculture crops, though along the
borderlands near Syria, Lebanon and
other armistice lines that land lay I was able to work with a great team Tel Dan, Israel
fallow as they still are populated with of fellow archaeology students, pro- June 25 - July 17, 2018
devastating land mines. fessors and esteemed archaeologists. All photographs taken and owned by
The focus of the excavation was to
find artifacts that could date the area
and its inhabitants. Ceramics found
could narrow the search but it was
seeds and pollen found for the first
time at the site that will be carbon
dated giving more precise period

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