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Sabbath School Lesson

Third Quarter, 1946

The Work of the

Holy Spirit.
SEve. I I _

3031 kflr I > H

SACRA V. • •

Religious Liberty Publishing Association

42 Prospect Road, Summer Hill,
N.S.W., Australia.
Lesson No. I-Sabbath, July 6, 1946

r'" "ttmoWaRK of..xlfEJioLY.sriiuT AT t I

I ~ 'I.
1. Wh'ere was the 'HolYI'.gpir~t l\lready present? 1n what
condition was the ea,l'th at that time? Gen. 1:2.
/ / .,' . ,.-... "
2. What questions concerning the Holy Spirit is raised
~ -,
_ _, _ by the prophet Isaiah? In what proportion is He ~o
, ~ be compared with all earthly wisdom? Isa. 40 :13, 14.
. .... . ... /.'
V ;J. (W~h 's the Holy Spirit f~r th~ rbeliever7 .-:I\or ",JIat
J"_ purpose. was He given to·,the apostles? ," What is also
our great need a't this time? Acts 1 :8.
u r .. . \.- h "'r'"'1
!.!\ NOTE: "The' .Jlature of .theI I;IQly;- li)piri·t is a myst.e:vy..
1M en cannot explain ·it,. because the Lord' has not revealed
it to them."-A.A., p. 52.
( :«JI
4. Who received the first man when he was created? G:~fl.
2:7. After the resurrection of Christ, what was g~ve-n
to the discipl'es? John 20:22. What is the breath of
• life? EccI. 12:7.
5. Which special power gives Iifoe ~nd mov-es all thi~~;?
1 John 5:7, 8. •
I" cl . ,_,.{) r;.~1
What did Elihu say concerning his creation? Job &~:4.
WJ\o alone can give true spiritual life?:..John 6:33.
7. What record is given concerning the co-operation of
the Holy Spirit at the birth of Christ? What rePort ps
also given about John the Baptist? Luke 1:30-35, 15,
, I
8. Who reveals the mysteries of God? 1 Cor. '2 :9, 10.
Heb. 9:14. '
-r r· 9. What wonderful and divine attributes are found in1<j;he
'~ -'" Holy Spirit? . What power accomplishes the new birth?
Isa. 11:2; John 3:5, 6••
_tJ. '1;' hhJ.i I .i.,..,,;;. tltJJ,c.·'; L ",? !f:.. I

By what are thelholy"Scriptul'l&s given? 2 Tim. lll<l,6;

John 6:6.3. What dQ,(!ILth!LI{Qly Spirit bring to those
that accept Him? Rom. 15 :13. /" L '"

GC Archive
~ ;. v 3
11. By whom are all things created, and how ·are the gifts
of the Jloly Spirit· d!~ided.unto .the beIieverSl?" , 1, Cor.
12:111. ~" .J r

Lesson No.2-Sabbath, July 13, 1946

.•. ~ J i l l . n sO' i
n d ' ."f,..HOL¥ SPIRIT f , ) ';JI
I,l-- l ~\r' ]
i I' r}f -{J
1. Who was to be the leader and teacher, of man on
earth? Why did God withdraw His Spirit from the
anlediluvilin wt»tld? .;; Gen: 6:3\\ . . ,hI
1.1 )I"IIlI,· 1o, 10. !iL • .\ -.0"
NOTE: "The inhabitants of the ant~iluvian world
turned from ,r~ refusing to do His holy will. They
followed thei~ own :unholy- imagination and pervetted ideas.
It ,J was' because ~of, tl1leit wiakedness that they were" des-
troyed; andr to-day tile woltld jig: foIlo.ving the same way."
-D.A., p. 633.
2. How does the Lord distinguish the people, and who
'only Shall inherit· the kingdom of' God'll' }John 3:5, '6.
e - . ) . • 1
3. By what is ,the spiritual 'birth accomplish~d? With
what 'does the Lord compare it? -J~hn' 3:5, 8. f (See
also Acts 2:37-39.) ~ Is,
4. 'nat is l"evealed through the gospel? FO'1' what pur~
pose is this power given,' and,' wl\.6 shall receive it?
Room 1:t6; John 1:12~14. -
5, By whom were the prophets of all times led in search-
ing the Scriptures? ,"lcpeter 1'1:10'-12. Which work
also is to' be accomplished ,in the earth at this t-in\'e,
and what ·must accompany the Lord'g., messengers?
Mark~ 16:15,' ·1~. . ",,"
6. What preparation was n'8cessary in order to receive
the gift of the Holy Ghost? Acts 2:37-39. What is
the Holy Spirit first to'tlieoeliever? Eph. 1:13, 14;
2 Cor. 1 :22. '
7. How do we show that we love Jesus, and what will
He pray the Father to give unto us? ;Tohn 14:15-1 •
8. By what spiritual power were men abl-e to prophecy
and preach the worlj. of God? 2- }>1eter 1 :20, 21.
NOTE: "The Saviour knew that no argument, how-
ever logical, would melt hard hearts, or break through
the crust of worldliness and selfishness. He knew that His.
disciples must receive the heavenly endowment; that the
gospel would be effective only as it was proclaimed by ....
hearts made warm and lips made eloquent by a living
,knowledge of Him who is the way, the truth, and the life.
The work committed to the disciples would ~
efficiencYffor the tide of evil ran deep and strong against'
em. vigilant, determined leader was in command of
the forces of darkness, and. the followers of Christ could
battle for the right only through the help that God, hy
His Spirit, would give them."-A.A., p. 31-
9. What must be fir'st preached to man in order for him
..A. to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? Mark 1:1~ 15;
, Acts 2 :38; 3 :19. .
10. Wlhat do we become if we have reC'liiV'ed the gift of
the Holy Spirit? 2 Cor. 5:17. What image and charac-
ter is reflected by those who are truly born again?
Eph. 4 :22-24.
NOTE: "That regenerating power, which no human
eye can see, begets· a new life in the soul; it creates a
new being in the image of God. While the work of the
SpIrit is silent and imperceptible, its .fffects are manifest.
If the heart has been renewed by the Spirit of God, the
life will bear witness to the fact. . . . The things they
once hated, they now love; and the things they once
loved, they hate. The proud and ,self·assertive become
meek and lowly in heart. The vain and supercilious be-
come serious and unobtrusive. The drunken become sober,
and the profligate pure. The vain customs and fashions
of the world are laid aside."-S.C., pp. 61, 63.
11. What is the first condition to be met in' order to re-
ceIve e 0 y In e . a' are 0 s
servan s 0 0 a sInners may get ready for th'e
reception of the. Holy Spirit? Acts 10 :42-48.
!.- 5

~ f'JP. Lesson No.3-Sabbath, July 20, 1946

1. Who took a prominent part in the selection of God·s
messengers in the first Christian church? Whic·h
words of admonition are given by the apostle Paul as
h'e departed from the church at Ephesus? Acts 13:2
4; 20:28.
2. How aile we to distinguish b'etween those who are sent
by the spirit of the Lord and the self-sent messengers?
1 John 4:1-6; 2 John 6:10; John 7:16-18.
NOTE: "I saw that the quick work that God wrs
doing on earth would soon be cut short in righteousness,
and that the; messengers must speed swiftly on their way
to search out the scattered flock. An angel said: 'Are all
messengers?' Another answered: 'No, no; God's messen-
ers have a messa e;' "-E.W., p. 50.
3. What questions did Paul once advanc'c, andl what duty
should every servant of the Lord to-day realize if
faith cometh by preaching the word of God? Rom.
4. Who directs the preaching of the gospel and the plan
of redemption? By whom·al'e th'e people convicted c2
the truth? Acts 16: . O.
NOTE: "The arguments of the apostles· alone, thougJ.,.
clear and convinc"ing, would not have, removed the prejr.
dice. that· had withstood so much evidence. But the Holy
Spirit sent the a~,uments home to hearts wlivir.e
o e. The words of the apostles were as sharp arrows.
o e Almighty, convicting men of their terrible guilt in.
l'ejecting and crucifying the Lord of glory."-A.A., p. 45.
5. W'ho is also taking a part in th'c preaching of the
gospel and in directing the Lord's messengers? Acts.
8 :26. ~9. '0(. • ' -

NOTE: "This message is declared to be part of the'
"everlasting gospel.' The work of preaching the· gospel
has not been committed to angels, but has been ·entrusted
to men. Holy angels have been emPloted in· directing
this work,
, they have III charge the grea movements. tor
the salvation of men.; but the actual proclamation of the
gospel IS performed bY the servants of Christ upon the I •

earth."-G.C., p. 312.
6. In what condition was the church of Christ after. the
• conver~ion of Paul? How were the apostles directed
to thos'8 who were longing for salvation through
Christ? Acts 9 :31; 8 :29.
7. What power accompanied the prophets, and what en.
abled our Saviour to carry out His wonderful mission?
Isa. 48:16; 2 Chron. 20:14-17; 15:1; Isa. 61:1.
8. How was the power of the Holy Spirit revealed by
the baptism of Jesus and on various other occasions?
Matt. 3:16; 4:1; Acts 8:39, 40.
9. By whom is the Holy Scripture given? Only in which
way are men enabled to come to a right knowledge
of the truth? 2 Tim. 3:16, 17.
NOTE: "God intends that, even in this life, truth shall
I be ever unfoldin to his eo Ie. There is only one way
'in which this knowe ge can be obtained. We can attain
to an understanding of God's word only through the illu-
mination of that Spirit by which th6 word was given.
"The things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of
God; 'for the Spirit searched all things, yea, the deep
things of God.' And the Saviour's promise to His fol-
lowers was, 'When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will
guide you into all truth. . . . For he shall receive of
mine, and. shall show it unto you."-Vol. 5, p: 703. ~
10. Only who 'reooives a blessing and will be saved~ev.
1 :3. Who prepares our hearts that we may be able t{t
study the .Bible right?
ANSWER: "The Bible should,.•n6ver be studied with-
out prayer. The Holy S'pirit alo e can caus~ u.s. to feel
the Importance of those thirtgs e 'i'litlerslhod, 'or
~~~bJ~ from wJ;:e§.· s 1 CU 0 comprehen-
sion. It IS the office 0 eavenly ange s 0 prepare the
hearts so to comprehend God's word, that we s all be
charmed with its beauty, admonished by its warnings, or
animated and strengthened by its promises."-G.C., pp.
599, 600.
Lesson No.4-Sabbath, July 27, 1946
1. Where will the Holy Spirit dwell? What are w'e if
we keep God's commandm'ents? 2 Cor. 1:22; 1 Cor.
3:16.. v (.
2. W,hereby are we led if we are God's children? Rom.
NOTE: "The Holy Spirit works with those who will
be worked, moulds those who i be moulded, fashions
those who ~ be fashioned. Give yourselves the culture
of spiritual thoughts and holy communings."-G.W., p.
3. Against what should God's children be closlely guarded,
and what should they do in order to receive the
heavenly treasure? Eph. 4:30-32.
. ."
NOTE: "I am instructed to say to my fellow-workers,

If you would have the rich treasures of heaven, you must

hold _s~on with God. Unless you do this, your
soul wiTI be as .destitute of the Holy Spirit as were tbe
hills of Gilboa of dew and rain."-G.W., p. 272. '
4. For what did Paul strive? What admonition did ..he j.
gLve to Timothy? Acts 24:16; 1 Tim. 1:19-, 20. c
5. What exclamation is ofttln made by God's children?
Rom. 7:'214. What are we counselled to do at Ruch
times? , ... .
ANSWlER: "Said th-e angel, 'Gird the armour about
thee, and ~bove all, the shield of faith; for that will guard
the heart, the very life from the fiery darts of the
wicked.' If the enemy can lead the desponding to take
their eyes off from Jesus, and look to themselves, and
dwell upon their own unworthiness, instead of dwelling
upon the worthiness of Jesus, His love, His merits, and
His great mercy, he will get away their shield of faith,
and gain his object; they will be exposed to his fiery
temptations. The weak should therefore look to Jesus,
and believe in Him; they then exercise faith."-E.W., p.
6. To whom does the Holy Spirit always anifest him-
.117, self? What will take place if we dlo n t heed the
cou els of the ord? 1 Sam 10: ; 24:9.
NOTE: "It is a perilous step 'to ~light the reproofs
and warnings of God's word or of His Spirit. Many, like
Saul, yield to temptation until they become blind to the
true charactel' of sin. They flatter themselves that they
have had some good object in view, and have done no
wrong in departing from the Lord's requirements. Thus
they do despite to the spirit of grace, until its voice is
no longer heard, and they are left to the delusions which
they have chosen."-P.P., p. 635.v.\
7. Of what sin were most of t e Israelites guilty? Wltat
did God at last say? Isa. 63 :10; Hos. 4 :17. r- ~ C
8. What spirit of opposition was manifested by the Jews
in the days of the apost1es? W;hat counsel had Christ
a r'eady given before? Acts 7 :!~1; Matt. 15 :14.
9. What sin is not forgiven, and what does Paul say of
those who commit this sin? Matt. 12 :31; 1 Tim.
10. How great is the sin against the Holy Ghost? What
is not flound for this sin? Reb. 6:5, 6; 10:26, 27.
• ow

Lesson No.5-Sabbath, August 3, 1946

1. Wherewith was the Old Testament temple lighted?
Lev. 24:2-4. Of what was this temple a symbol? Matt.
2. What commllnd was given to th'e childl1en of Israel
fi 'I .J concerning this? Ex. 27 :20, 21.
<c '" NOTE: "Everyolle who connects himself with the
a~ C<' church makes in that act a solemn vow to work for the
interest of the church, and to hold that interest above
every worldly consideratien. ~t is his work to prese.rve
a living connection with God, to engage with hellrt and
• soul in the great scheme of l'€demption, ·and to show, in
his life and character, the excellency of God's command-
ments in contrast with the customs and precepts of tht'
world. Every soul that has made a profession of Christ
has pledged himself to be an than it is possible for him
to be as a spiritual worker, to be active, zealous, and effi-
dent in his Master's service."-Vol. 5, p. 460.
3. What meaning has the vision of Zechariah: The candle_
stick and the two olive trees? What is symbolized
by the contaipers and pipes? Zech.., cha-pter 4.
4. What has the Lord prOm~sed to His church? Jnto
what will His Spirit lead us? John 14:16, 26; 16:L3.
5. What spirit of devotion and sacrifice was prevailing in
the early Christian' church, and how did thoe believers
work for the salvation of' souls? Acts 4 :32-37; 1 Thess.
1 :6-10.

6. What is therefore the duty of ,every member in God's

'church? To what is the remnant church called? 2
Cor. 5:18-20.
NOTE: "God has called His church in this day, as
He called ancient Israel, to stand as a light in the earth.
By the mighty cleaver of truth, the messages of the first,
second, and third angel~ He has separated them from
the churches and from the world to' bring th6m into a
sacred nearness to Himself. He has made them the deposi-
taries of His law, and has committed to them the great
truth of prophecy for this time. . . . Nothing is to be
permitted to hinder this work. It is the all-important
work for time; it is to be far-reaching as eternity. The
love that Jesus manifested for the souls of men in the
sacrifice which He made for their redemption, will actuate
all His fol1ow~s."-Vol. 5, pp. 455, 456.

7. How did the apostl~s preach the gospel, and how

should we proclaim it to-day? 1 Thess. 1 :5.
8. WJhat does Jesus require of His followers? Only who
can have success in the work of saving souls? John
15 :4-7.
NOTE: "The preaching of the word is of no avail
without the presence and aid of the Holy Spirit; for this
Spirit is the only effectual teacher of divine truth. Only
when the truth is accompanied to the heart by the Spirit,
will it quicken the conscience or transform the life."-
G.W., p. 284.
9. Whereby is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts 1
Rom. 5:5.

10. What is the command of· Jesus to His church, and

His followers? Mllitt. 28:;19, 20; John 15:16.

11 ~ How may the church become the light of the world?

ANSWJER: "Christ's followers are to be more than a

light in the midst of men. They are the light. of the world.
Jesus says to all who have named His name, You have
given yourselves to Me, and I have given you to the world
as My represe,ntatives."-M.B.; p. 66.

Lesson No.6-Sabbath, August 10, 1946

1. What prom,ise did God give to the early church? How
was this promise fulfilled? Isa. 55 :10, 11; .Joel 2 :23.
2. Through what experience was the early church to pass?
John/6 :20-2~.
3. How long was their sorro.w to be, and in what name
could they now pray to the Father? John 16:24; Hos.
4. What blessed fellowship was among the discip1es after
Christ's l'esurrection and His ascension to heaven? Acts
1 :12·14.
NOTE: "These days of preparation were days of deell
heart-searching. The disciples felt their spiritual need,
and cried to the Lord, for the holy unction that was to
fit them for the work of soul-saving. They did not ask
for a blessing for themselves merely. They were weighted.
with the burden of the s~lvation of souls. They realized
that the gospel was to be can:ied to the world, and they
claimed the power that Christ had promised,'·-A.A., p.
5. What came down from heaven in answer to their
earnest prayers? What prophecy was then clearly
understood by them? Acts ~:1-4; 14.18; Hos. 6:3; Zech.
NOTE: "The Spirit came upon the waiting, praying
disciples with fL fulness that reached every heart. The
Infinite One revealed Himself in power to His church. It
was as if for ages this influence had been held in re-
stramt, and now Heaven rejoiced in being able to pour
out upon the church the riches of the Spirit's grace. And
under the influence of the Spirit, words of penitence and
confession mingled with songs of praise for sins forgiven.
Words of thanksgiving and of prophecy were heard."-
A.A., p. 38.
6. What special gift did they receive at the outpouring
of the Holy Spirit? Acts 2 :4.
NOTE: "The Holy Spirit, assuming the form of
tongues of fire rested upon those assembled. This was
an emblem of the gift then bestowed on' the disciples,
which enabled them to speak with fluency languages with
which they had been heretofore unacquainted. The ap-'
pearance of fire signified the fervent zeal with which the
apostles would labor, and the power that would attend
their work."-A.A., p. 39. "-
7. How successful was the preaching of the gospel in
a very short time? How was th'e word of God pro-
claimed?, Acts 2 :37.41; 4 :4, 33.
8. What signs were to follow thoe believers, and how did
this come about? Mark 16:15-18; Acts 3:6-9; 8:6-8;
10 :43·46; 28 :4·6. .
9. What was the real object of speaking in tongues?
Who only could understand the speaker? Acts 2:6-
8; 1 Cor. 14:10-18.
10. What other gifts did th'e early Christian church re-
ceive? For what should we p"i"ay to-day? 1 Cor.
12:28-31; Acts 11:27,28; 13:8.11.
NOTE: "Ghrist promised the gift of the Holy Spirit
to His church, and the promise belongs as much to us
as to the first disciples. ~t like eve~ other romise ·it
is given.. on_ conditions."-G.W':';'" p. 2"84~
Lesson No.7-Sabbath, August 17, 194'6
1. What mes-
Acts 17:30.
2. God?

0..>. What



What are the works of the flesh, and what can those
who are carnal never inh'erit? Gal. 5 :19-21.
5. WJtat admonition does Paul give to the believers of all
times after they have found grace by God? Gal. 5:1&;
Tit. 2 :11-14.
6. What invitation does Christ extend to 'every soul, and
what should the penitent sinlier do? Matt. 11 :28-30.
NOTE: "God takes men as they are, and educates
t"e for His er-vice" if they will yield themselves to Him.
Spil'lt of 0 , received into the soul, quickens all its
f '.culties."-G.W., p 285.
? Only how can sinners overcome their sinful nature and
change th,eir character? Rom. 8:1, 12, 13.
NOTE: "It is the Spirit that causes to shine into
('~rkened minds l'lg t beams of the Sun of Righteools-
r 'ss; that makes men's hearts burn within them with an
: 'vakened realization of the truths of eternity; that pre-
, s eIo'i'e the mind the great standal'd of righteous-
! 'ss, and convinces of s~n; that inspires faith in Him who
~ 'one can save from sin; that works to transform charac-
t2r by withdrawing the affections of men from those things
which are te:mporal and perishable and fixing them upon
the eternal inheritance. The Spirit recreates, refines, and
sanctifies human beings,· fitting them 0 Ceome ,memb:!rs
of the royal. family, children of the heavenly King."-G.W.,
p. 286, 287.
8. What should we do with our sinful traits of charac-
ter, and what important admonition is given us? Col.
3:1.10; Phil. 2:12-4.
9. What are the fruits of the spirit? Gal. 5 :22, 23.
NOTE: "The Spirit that reveals, also works in him
the flilits of l'ighteousness. . . . Those who have this
Spirit are earnest workers together with God; the heavenly
intelligences co-operate with them, and they go weighted
with the Spirit of the message that they bear."-G.W., pp.
287, 288.
10. How should those who belong to Christ conduQt them-
selves, and hooW should they p:erform all their duties
in every respect of their lif'e? Col. 3:12.-17.
NOTE: "The meekness of Christ, manifested in the
home, will make the inmates happy; it provokes no quar-
rel, gives back no angry answer, but soothes the irri-
tated temper, and diffuses a gentleness that is felt by all
within its charmed circle. Wherever cherished, it makes
the families of earth a part of the one great family
.above."-M.B., p. 32.

Lesson No.8-Sabbath, August 24, 1946

1. How did God commune with the patriarchs, and in
what manner did He reveal Himself to them? Gen.
12:1, 7; 15:1; 18:1, 2; 22:1, 2; .26:24; 28:12.
2. How was Mos'eS chosen as a prophet and leader, and
how did God reveal Himself' to him? Ex. 3:1.-6, 10.
3. Through whom were the children of Israel led forth
out of Egypt? By whom were the prophets chosen?
Hos. 12:13; Judges 4:4; Jer. 1:4, 7; Amos 7:14, 15.
4. How did kings and priests inquire of and give honour
to the prophets when the people were standing right?
What resulted when they were rejected and pelI"secuted?
1 Sam. 9:9; 10:1; 1 Kings 22:7; Num. 12:1., 2, 10,/11_
5. In what manner does God speak with the prophets,
and what is their condition while in vision? Num_
12:6-8; 1 Sam. 3:3.10; Dan. 10:5-9; Acts 9:3-7; Num.
6. What warning has God given us, and how many shall
be deceived by false prophets? Matt. 24 :11, '2'13-26; 2'
Peter 2:1-2; Matt. 7:15; 1 Kings 13:11-22; Jude 11.
7. How did God speak through men in ancient times and
through whom did He speak later? How does He speak
to us now? Heb. 1:1, 2.
8. What m'essage should be given to the Laodicean
church? What is the testimony of Jesus which the
remnant church will have? Rev. 3:14-17; 12:17; 19:
NOTE: "I saw that the testimony of the True Wit-
ness has not been half heeded. The solemn testimony
upon which the destiny of the church hangs has been
lightly esteemed, if not entirely disregarded. This testi-
mony must work deep repentance; all who truly receive it
will obey it, and be purified.':-E.W., p. 270.
9. What has been especially given us for this last time,
and what gift has God placed in the last church? 2
Peter 1:19.
NOTE: "From this time, up to December, 1844, my
joys, trials, and disappointments were like those of my'
dear Advent friends around me. At this time I visited
one of our Advent sisters, and in the morning we bowed
around the family altar. . . . While I was praying, the
power of God came upon me as I had never felt it be-
fore. I was wrapt in a vision of God's glory, and seemed
to be rising higher and higher from the earth, and was
shown something of the travels of the Advent people to
the holy city. . . . ".-E.W., p. 13.
10. Through whom are the visions and testimonies given?
ANSWER: "God has given me a marked, solemn ex-
perience in connection with His work, and you may be
assured that so long as my life is spared, I shall not
cease to lift a warning voice as I am impressed by the
Spirit of God, whether men will hear or whether they
will forbear. I have no special wisdom in myself; I am
only an irustrument in the Lord's hands to do the work
He has set for me to do. The instructions that I have
given by pen or voice have been an expression of the
light that God has given me. I have tried to place be-
fore you the principles that the Sph'it of God has for
y.ears been impressing upon my mind and writing on my
.heart."-Vol. 5, p. 691,

Lesson No.9-Sabbath, August 31, 1946

1. What command did Jesus give to His disciples as He
sent them forth to proclaim the gospel message? Matt.
10:7, 8.
2. Who was, to appear before the first advent of Christ,
and what prophecy was made concerning him? Isa.
40:3-8; Mal.. 4:5, 6.
3. How did Jesus explain the .coming of Elijah? How is
this to be understood? Matt. 17:11-13. <-
NOTE: "John the Ba tist went forth in the spirit and
power of EliJa, 0 prepare the way of the LOTd, and to
turn the people to the wisdom of the just. He was a
, representative of those living in these last days, to whom
God has entrusted sacred truths to present before the
people, to prepare the way for the second appearing of
Christ. John was a reformer. . . . His diet, )?urely
ve eta Ie, or-locus s an wild honey, was a rebuke to the
m u gence of appetite, and the gluttony that everywhere
prevailed."-Vol. 3, pp. 61, 62.
4. How' closely is health reform connected with the
third· angel's message?
ANSWER: "God has shown that health reform is as
closely connected with the third angel's message as the
hand is with the body."-T., Vol. 3. p 62.
5. What was God's purpose for Israel in the wilderness
in. giving them manna<? For whom is the history of
anci'ent Israel written1 Deut. 8:3; 1 Gor. 10:6, 11.
6. What commission is given unto us through the spirit
of prophecy? In what should our churches and fami-
lies be educat'ed?
ANSWER: "As a people we have Deen given the work
of making known the principles of health reform. There
are some who think that the question of diet is not of
sufficient importapce to be included in their evangelistic
work. But such make a great mistake. . . . The light
that the Lord has given on this subject in His word is
plain, and men will be tested and tried in many ways to
see if they will heed it. Every church, every family, needs
to be instructed in regard to Christian temperance."-G.W.,
pp. 347, 232.
7. W.hat message for His people was given to God's chosen
ANSWER: "Keep the work of health reform to the
tront, is the message I am instructed to bear. Show so
plainly its value that a widespread need for it will be
felt. Abstinence tl'om all hurtful food and drink is the
fruit of true religion:'-G.W., p. 348.
8. What is the purpose of God for His people, and what
position do those who continue to eat fl'esh.-food take
toward the light"?
ANSWER: "Greater reforms should be seen among
the people who claim to be looking for the soon-appear-
ing of Christ. Health reform is to do among our people
a work which it has 0 et done. There are tbose who
ought to be awake to the danger of meat-eating, who are
still eating the flesh of animals, thus endangering the
physical, mental and spiritual health. Many who are nJW
only half converted on the question of meat-eating will
go from God's people, to walk no more with them."-C.H.,
p. 575.
19. What law do we transgress if we do not obey the laws
of health? .
ANSWER: "It is just as much sin to violate the laws
of our being as to break one of the ten commandments, for
we cannot, do either without breaking God's law."-Vol.
2, p. 70.
!I. 7
10. What is nhe great aim of health reform?
ANSWiER: "As we near the close of time, we must
r,ise higher and still higher upon the question of health
refo.rm and Christialil temperance, presenting it in -a more
positive and decided matw. . . . I was again shown that
e ea th reform is one branch_ of the t woJ::k which
is to jit..a ~ple -for the coming of tbe ord."-Vol. 6,
p. 112;- o. ,p. TIl .

Lesson No. 10-Sabbath, September 7, 1946

1. To what is every m'ember of the La'odicean church
called? Only who will sit with the Fathe'l" on His
throne? Rev. 3:21, 22.
2. Through whom may we be victorious, and what conn-
sel will be heeded by the .overcomer? Phil. 4 :13; 1
John 5 :4, 5; 2 Tim. 2 :25, 26.
3. What was Paul's desire, and what aim did he keep in
mind? Phil. 3:10-15; 1 Cor. 9:24-27.
4. Through whom and how can man be overcomers? ROIll.
1 :17; John 15":5.
5. Where is the battle for victory to begin? Is i't pos-
sible for us to be overcomers?
ANSWER: "With Christ, as with the holy pair in
Eden, appetite was the gro,und of the first temptation.
Just where the ruin began, the work of our redemption
must begin. As by the indulgence of appetite Adam fell, so
by ·the de:l'lial o! appetite Christ must overcome. . . .
TiRere was in Him nothing that responded to Slltan's
sophistl'Y. He did not consent to sin. Not even by a
thought did .He ,yield' to tempt,ation. So' it m8¥ be with·
us:'-D.A., lPp. 117, 123. .
6.. What ,is expected of eyery serVl:,lnt ,-of the Lord,? J
. Tim. 4:11-16. For .what should ev~ry .worker strive?
ANSWER: "And those who would be workers to-
gether with God must strive for perfection of every organ
! ,~

of the body and quality of mind. True education is the
preparation of the physical, mental, and moral powers for
the perfOl'mance of every duty; it is the training of the
body, mind, and soul for divine service. This is the edu-
cation that will endure unto eternal life."-C.O.L., p. 330.
7. What testi.mony did Paul bear at the end of his lif'e?
What mark should \Vie all determine to reach? 2
Tim. 4:7, 8; 2 Cor. 7:1.
8. What is the condition of victory of the 144,000? What
will they receive? Rev. 14:5, 15:2.
9, What should God's children never say, and what should
they keep in niind?
ANSWER: "Let no one say I can not remedy my
defects of character. If you come to this decision, you
will certainly fall of obtaining everlasting life. The im-
possibility lies in your own will. If you will not, then
you cannot overcome. The real difficulty arises from the
corruption of an unsanctified heart, and an unwillingness
to submit to the control of God."-C.O.L., p. 331.
10'. Of what should woe never lose sight if we desire to
have a character according to Goj.'s will?
ANSWER: "He who would build up a strong sym-
metrical character, he who would be a well-balanced Chris-
tian, must give all and do all for Christ; for the Redeemer
will not accept divided service. Daily he must learn the
meaning of self-surrender. He must study the word of
God, learning its meaning and obeying its precepts. Thus
he may reach the standard of Christian excellence. Day
by day God works with him, perfecting the character that
is to stand in the time of final tes,t."-A.A., p. 483.
11. What condition are we to reach before we can receive
the latter rain?
ANSWER: "I saw that none could share the 'refresh-
ing,' unless they obtain the victory over every besetment,
over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every
wrong word and action. We should, therefore, be draw-
ing nearer and nearer to the Lord, and be earnestly seek-
ing that preparation necessary to enable us to stand in
.the battle in the day of the Lord. Let all remember that
God is holy, and that none but holy beings can ever
dwell in His presence."-E.W., p. 71.
Lesron No. ll-Sabbath, September 14, 946


(o/t. .~ THE DISPOSAL FOR ALL) (: .. 1(' /.1.1• .z
r:; L" L-,j-r;!T~, QUESTIONS 1\..-- _

1. How does .Jesus-Christ admonish us? What assuranl.,"e

does H give to h~ b'elievers of all ti es? Matt. 7 :7,
8."~ : ,~" d / / ' / J . f',#. •

NOTE: "Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the

secret of spiritual power. No other means of grace can
be substituted, and the health of the soul pl'eserved,
Prayer brings the heart into immediate contact with the
Well-spring of life, and strengthens the sinew and muscle
of the religious experience."-G.W., pp. 254, 255.
2. Who is our only example' in this res~t? How did
Chri s d uch of . is ti ? Matt. 14:32; Luke
6:12 t> """ ;?C:
3. What should ~ccompany our prayers if we expect them
to be answered? How are the pro is of the ~ord?
Mark 11:24; Matt. 7:8; Luke 1:37. ~

4, What c.9unsel has been given us concerning prayer?

How te hould we pray? m. l:l:12; 1 Thess.
5~17. c ch r,
5. When should we p,ray, and for whom are we also to' h
pray? E e 6:18, 19; Matt. 6:5, 6. 4 ~ t fi
6. What should w' do before w>e offer our prayer? At
what time do the saints praY? Ps 3 :5, 6; att.
5 :23-25; Mark 11 :25, 26. ~

~ l~nlY when has prayer power? What is the reason

<pif1J that there is no more faith and power in Israel?' How
r~' df~ Elijah pray? James 5:16·18.

~ / NOTE: "I asked the angel why there was no more

~ faith and power in Israel. He said, 'Ye let go of the
-arm of the Lord too soon. ess your petitions to the
throne and h I on stron alth. The promises are
·sure. Believe ye receIVe e mgs ye ask for, and ye
'shall have them."-E.W., P. 73.
<jf' f. , J't 20
8 . What is to be 'built again?
spected in every family which
God? Isa. 58;6.12; Ps. 55:17.
NOTE: "In every family there should be....a. Jj,x,elJ
time for_mllrning and eV!i1lli.n,g wOl'sh~. How appropriate
iriS for parentst o gather their chi dren about them ~
fore the fast is brok~ to thank the heavenly' Father
ror IDs protectIon d'urmg the night, and to ask Him for
His help and guidance and watch-care during the day!
How fitting, also, when evening comes, fo,r parents and
children to, gather once more before Him and thank Him
for the blessings of the day that is past."-Vol. 7, p.
9. What blessings will come to a praying family, and
What oondition of watchfulness will then exist and
.counteract unkind words? .!3. 10~
10. For what Should~e,on every occasi'on, send oUl'
petitions to God? • •
ANSWER: "Those ho were bowed before the throne
would offer up their prayers and look to Jesus; then He
would look to His Father, and appear to be pleading
with Him. A light would come from the Father to the
Son, and from the Son to the praying company. Then
I saw an exceeding bright light come from the Father
to the Son, and from the Son it waved over the people
before the throne."-E.W., 55. ~ •

Lesson No. 12-Sabbath, Septem,ber 21, 19,,6



" • I I

Under what conditi'On will ,(';od cause show.ers ,of rain

to fall upon us? Lev. 26:3, 4.
Y'":if} 2. EXpilain the two early MId the
latter -rain? '
N0\l'E: "It is true hhat in the time of the end, when
od's iWork in the earth is ciOiling, the earliest efforts put
forth by consecrated believers under the guidance of the
Holy Spirit, are to be accompanied by special tokens of
divme favor. Under the figure of the early and the
latter rain, that falls in Eastern lands at 'seed-time and
harvest, the Hebrew prophets foretold the bestowal of
spiritual grace in extraordinary measures upon God's
church. The outpouring of the Spirit in the days of the
apostles was the beginning of the early, or former rain,
and glorious was the result. To the end of time, the
presence of the Spirit is to abide with th~ church."
. -A.A., pp. 54, 55.
3. What preparations llire God's to make for' the
latter rain? Luke 12 :35-40.
4. What earnest desire did Jesus have before His ·cruci.
fixion? Luke 12:50; Matt. 20:23.
NOTE: "I also saw that many do not realize what
they must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord,
without a high priest in the sanctuary, through the time
of trouble. Those who receive the seal of the living God,
and are protected in the time of trouble, must reflect the
image of Jesus fu "-E.W., p. 71.
5. What prop;hecy conceming' the ,fulness of the Holy
Spirit was already made thousands of years ago, and
what will the Lord then give fo His servants? Joel
2:28, 29; Deut. 28:12•
.6. Who helps us to overcome our infirmities, and who is
.our advocate in prayer? Rom. 8 :26, 27.
7. For what purpose is the Holy Spirit given us? Gal.
5:25, 26.
NOTE: "The impartation of the Spirit is the impar-
tation of_the life of Christ. Those only who are thus
taught of God, thos"ly who posses§ the inward work-
ing of the Spirit, ;~-in whose life the Christ-life is
manifested, can stand as true representatives of the
Saviour."-G.W., p. 285. .
8. What will th'e Lord bring ab'out among His people to
cause His children to leave the fallen churches? What
will Satan do at the same time to counteract God's
work? _ '
ANSWE.R: "Before the final visitation of God's judg-
ments upon the earth, there will be, among the people of
the Lord, such a revival of primitive godliness as has not
been witnessed ~ince apostolic times. 'The Spirit and
power of God wUl be pourl'ld out upon His children. At
that time \nany will s'epaTate themselves from these
churches in 'which the love of this 'world has supplanted
loVe for God and His word. Many, both of ministers and
people, will gladly accept those great truths wllich God
hils caused tb be pro,claimed at this time,' to prepare a
people for the Lord)s coming, .The enemy of souls desires
to hinder this work; fil).d Jiefore the time for such a move-
ment shall come, he will endeavour to prevent it, by intro-
ducing a counterfeit."-G.C., p. 464.
'),' 1 , C).,. ;. \.t 11;. (HJ f j

9. For what purpose will tPe latter rain be given? Who

only will R~ve a in this work? Hos. 10:12; Luke
',(1l:13!~ /I" -., '. ,:.1 , '. 'J 4.

OTE: "Onl those who have withstood and overcome
tem t'atf6n in t e stren tb of t'he Mighty One will be per-
mtl; eJ tol'act :;ilpart 'i~ p'roclaiming this niessage when' it
sh.lI:l1\ Rave' 's'welled ~nto' the loud cry."-"R~view· and
He'talrl;":'Ndv.' i9, '1908:' . I. ' •
~.:--' T I"~'" ·il(· "c'

Lesson No. 13-Sabbath, September 28, 1946

C'9 t J~ 1 ~ \] l\1111r I )lj; j


LAODleEA~H'D !fe-H"
11"".~ I·"
1. What messagtl is given to the Laodicean church? Rev.
1'3:14.. 17. "CiV)" t.. to! , ')' , e In.,,

2. What is the ~reat need of tft'is church? How does the

'TiUe .Witness describe her conditioh, and' what counsel f

J i~ giV'erf '1ter?,'I'"Re~:- 3:18, ,g:' '~. ,I ',-

'·;;;~.Ti·; ~,~ wa~ ~ho~ -that the ~timony to the Lao-

diceans •applies' I to God's people' at the present time, and
the reason it has not accomplished a greater work is be-
cause of the hardness of their hearts, But God has given
th~ '1rtessagt! i1 'time' to do its work. The heart must be
puriH~d from '!liTIs which have so' long shut out'
Thts'!feaffdl message will do its work."-..:VoI. 1, p." 186.
3. Wh~t ~as G~d·~iv.en His I?eople to ~~lp t~?m in the
COnilI~'~- co\i.fbct? ' 'What wIll' be the resu1.t when the
{lktrtnonites ate believed and acc'8pted? What is the
. result' of unbelief? ' . ; .. r " •
" .. 23
ANEW,ER:':"I knew that a crisis must come. God has
given this people plain' and: pointed' te\'timo'rii~s tb pre-
vent thi.s state of things. Had F,hey' obeyed th~ voice (of
the Holy Spirit in warn'in'g, cou'nse\, a'Nd entre'li'tY: they
wo~ld ,J;l,OW ~p'joy unity and peace.{.. Bu~ t~~.e t~stiJ¥0nies
have not beEln heeded by those w~o...., profes,s to, bel,ie~e
~hem, and as a resul~ there has b~ep i} .WI4.~ ,I dep~rture
from God, and the wIthdrawal of His 'blessing."-Vo). 5,
p. 46.
4. What position do ~any meni.b'e'rs ~~eof lao'dic-ean
church take against the testimonies and th'e niessage
they bear?
C ' . # . , ( 1,\ ..•..,
ANSWER: "They see no n.ej;essi~y', io,r. refoI:m, ..~nd.l3o
'ohey reject thE;) words of the Lord, and hate him who re-
proveth at the gate. .This ve'ry ref\lsal to 'liee'd 'tHe aa·
monitions which the Lord senas, gives 'Satan eVery ad-
v~ntage ;to make them the bit~ere~t., those. who
hav.e toJd them the tru~~. They, \ie'Cwne, f~l,slfirf,s ~fr ~h~se
who have",borne to them the message from tlie LOra.'-
T.M:, p. 408.
5. HaV'~ tile testhp.onies of waiIiiihgs oeeJ{ aocepted or
neglected? Wlien will th'e true vallie agaIn be 'placed
upon the testimonies?
ANSWER: "There is a marked neglect of the cautions
and warnings that have been given from time to time.
When there is a seeking of the Lord and a confessio of
!An; when the needed reformation takes place, n I e
a~ will be shown in restorin wh s en
w~-Vol. 8, p. 89,

6, Who only should be '~tJ! as a teacher--or minis-

ter? What warn'
vant give many
I ~n,oerrllng this did God's ser-
,go? .
!?hquI~ ,b~ set apart as a teacher
of the people, while his own teaching or example contra-
dicts the testimony God lias given His servant to beat".
. "-Vol. 6, p. 378.
7. How may we recognize those who have accepted the
Laodicean message?
• • •
ANSWER: "Those who come up to e-v:ery point, and
tand every t~st, and overcome, be the pr,ize what it
ay, have heeded the counseL of the True Witness, anq
they will receive the latter rain, and thus be fitted for
translation."-Vol. 1, pp. 187, 188,
8. What has God called to take place among His people?
ANSWER: "Unless there is a decided reformation
among the people of God, He will turn His face from
them,"-Vol. 8, p, 146,
9. What work is to be accomplished under the direction
of the fourth angel? Rev. 18:1-4.
NOTE: "The angel who unites in the proclamation
of the third angel's message, is to lighten the whole earth
with his glory. . 0 0The work will be similar to that of
the day of Pentecost."-G.C., p. 611.
100 What will God's servant do during the time of the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit?
ANSWER: "Servants of God, with their faces lighted
up and shining with holy consecration, will hasten from
place to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By
thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning will
\le given. Miracles will be wrought, tIie sick will be
healed, and signs and wonders will follow the believers."
-GoC., p. 612.
.J..J..,-1.././II~/,.u. &",2.

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