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Official Errata, October 2018

The following errata correct errors in the General’s Page 69 – Chaos Allies, Slaves to Darkness
Handbook 2018. The errata are updated regularly; when Add ‘Monsters of Chaos’ to the list of Slaves to
changes are made any changes from the previous version Darkness allies.
will be highlighted in magenta. Where the date has a
note, e.g. ‘Regional update’, this means it has had a local Page 69 – Allies table, Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle and
update, only in that language, to clarify a translation Tzeentch allies lists
issue or other minor correction. Change to:
Slaanesh: Beasts of Chaos (excluding Khorne
Page 60 – Places of Arcane Power, Objectives units), Everchosen, Monsters of Chaos, Nurgle,
Change the second paragraph to: Slaves to Darkness (excluding units with mark of
‘The normal rules for controlling an objective are not Khorne), Tzeentch
used in this battle. Instead, a player controls an objective
if a friendly Hero with an artefact of power, or a friendly Khorne: Beasts of Chaos (excluding Slaanesh units),
Wizard, is within 3" of the objective at the end of any Everchosen, Monsters of Chaos, Nurgle, Slaves to
type of move apart from a retreat move. The player loses Darkness (excluding units with mark of Slaanesh)
control of the objective if the Hero or Wizard is not
within 3" of it.’ Nurgle: Beasts of Chaos (excluding Tzeentch units),
Everchosen, Khorne, Monsters of Chaos, Slaanesh,
Page 62 – Pitched Battle Profile, Introduction Slaves to Darkness (excluding units with mark
Add the following section: of Tzeentch)
If a faction army does not have a set of allegiance Tzeentch: Beasts of Chaos (excluding Nurgle units),
abilities, then you can use its Grand Alliance allegiance Everchosen, Monsters of Chaos, Slaves to Darkness
abilities instead. For example, if you had an Eshin army (excluding units with mark of Nurgle)
you could use the Grand Alliance Chaos allegiance
abilities, and if you had an Order Draconis army you Page 71 – Death Pitched Battle Profiles, Legions of
could use the Grand Alliance Order allegiance abilities. Nagash, Black Coach
Note that if allegiance abilities exist for a faction army, Change the name to ‘Legion Black Coach’
you must use them.’
Page 80 – Idoneth Deepkin, points
Page 65 – Chaos Pitched Battle Profiles, Clans Some of these points costs are incorrect – use those
Verminus, Stormvermin below instead. These match the points costs printed in
Change the maximum unit size to ‘40’ Battletome: Idoneth Deepkin, which are correct.

Page 66 – Chaos Pitched Battle Profiles, Disciples IDONETH DEEPKIN

of Tzeentch UNIT
Add the following new pitched battle profile: Akhelian Leviadon 380
Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of 400
the Storm
Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of
Tzeentch Chaos Spawn 1 6 50 440
the Sea
Isharann Soulscryer 100
Akhelian Morrsarr Guard 160
Page 66 – Chaos Pitched Battle Profiles, Everchosen
Akhelian Corps 100
Change the unit name ‘Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch’
Namarti Corps 100
to ‘Gaunt Summoner on Disc of Tzeentch’ Royal Council 140

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – General’s Handbook 2018, Errata 1

Page 99 – Summon Daemons of Tzeentch
Change the first sentence of the second paragraph of
rules to:
‘If you have 10 or more Fate Points at the end of your
movement phase, you can summon one or more units
from the list below onto the battlefield, and add them to
your army.’

Page 129 – Liber Bubonicus

Change the rules text to:
‘The bearer can use the Pestilent Prayers ability from
the Plague Priest warscroll. If the bearer can already use
the Pestilent Prayers ability, then it can use the Pestilent
Prayers ability twice in your hero phase.’

Page 130 – Warpstone Sparks

Change the third bullet point to:
‘Add 1 to the damage inflicted by 1 successful attack
made by a friendly Skryre model with a missile weapon
or melee weapon.’

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – General’s Handbook 2018, Errata 2

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