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Pump up on practice questions 309

After thyroidectomy
• Monitor vital signs every 15 to 30 minutes
until the client’s condition stabilizes. Stay alert
for signs of tetany secondary to accidental
parathyroid injury during surgery. Keep 10%
calcium gluconate available for I.M. use, if
needed. These measures help prevent serious
postoperative complications.
• Assess dressings frequently for excessive
bleeding to detect signs of hemorrhage.
• Monitor for signs of airway obstruction,
such as difficulty talking and increased swal-
lowing; keep tracheotomy equipment handy.
The airway may become obstructed because of
postoperative edema; tracheotomy equipment
should be handy to avoid treatment delay if the
airway becomes obstructed.

Teaching topics Pump up on practice

• Explanation of the disorder and treatment
plan questions
• Medication use and possible adverse
effects, including understanding the need 1. The nurse is assessing a client with
for lifelong thyroid hormone replacement hypothyroidism and finds the client has a
therapy if permanent hypothyroidism occurs temperature of 94° F (34.4° C) and exhibits
• Watching for and reporting signs of hypo- hypotension and hypoventilation. Based on
thyroidism (lethargy, restlessness, sensitivity these findings, which nursing diagnosis is
to cold, forgetfulness, dry skin)—especially most appropriate for this client?
if he has Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which com- 1. Impaired gas exchange
monly causes hypothyroidism 2. Hypothermia
• Recognizing the need to watch for signs 3. Disturbed thought processes
of hyperthyroidism, such as nervousness and 4. Deficient fluid volume
palpitations Answer: 1. Hypothermia, hypotension, and
hypoventilation are manifestations of myx-
edema coma, a potentially life-threatening
complication of hypothyroidism. Impaired gas
exchange is the most significant nursing diag-
nosis because a client with myxedema coma
may suffer from hypoventilation, bradypnea,
and respiratory failure caused by respiratory
muscle weakness and coma. Ensuring and
maintaining a patent airway always takes
precedence. Hypothermia occurs in a client in

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310 Endocrine system

myxedema coma due to decreased metabo- 3. uptake increases in both hyperthy-

lism. Disturbed thought processes may result roidism and hypothyroidism.
from reduced cerebral perfusion secondary 4. uptake decreases in both hyperthy-
to reduced cardiac output. Deficient fluid roidism and hypothyroidism.
volume may result from impaired free water Answer: 1. Iodine is necessary for the
clearance. synthesis of thyroid hormones. In hyper-
thyroidism, more iodine is taken up by the
➽ NCLEX keys thyroid so more thyroid hormones may be
Client needs category: Physiological synthesized. In hypothyroidism, less iodine is
integrity taken up because fewer thyroid hormones are
Client needs subcategory: Physiological synthesized.
Cognitive level: Analysis ➽ NCLEX keys
Client needs category: Health promotion and
2. A client comes to the clinic because maintenance
she has experienced a weight loss of 20 lb Client needs subcategory: None
(9.1 kg) over the past month, even though her Cognitive level: Comprehension
appetite has been “ravenous” and she hasn’t
changed her activity level. She’s diagnosed 4. A client is diagnosed with hyperthy-
with Graves’ disease. What other signs and roidism. The nurse should expect clinical
symptoms support the diagnosis of Graves’ manifestations similar to:
disease? Select all that apply. 1. hypovolemic shock.
1. Rapid, bounding pulse 2. adrenergic stimulation.
2. Bradycardia 3. benzodiazepine overdose.
3. Heat intolerance 4. Addison’s disease.
4. Mild tremors Answer: 2. Hyperthyroidism is a hypermet-
5. Nervousness abolic state characterized by such signs
6. Constipation as tachycardia, systolic hypertension, and
Answer: 1, 3, 4, 5. Graves’ disease, or hyper- anxiety—all seen in adrenergic (sympathetic)
thyroidism, is a hypermetabolic state that’s stimulation. Manifestations of hypovolemic
associated with rapid, bounding pulses; shock, benzodiazepine overdose, and
heat intolerance; tremors; and nervousness. Addison’s disease are more similar to a
Bradycardia and constipation are signs and hypometabolic state.
symptoms of hypothyroidism.
➽ NCLEX keys
➽ NCLEX keys Client needs category: Physiological integrity
Client needs category: Health promotion and Client needs subcategory: Physiological
maintenance adaptation
Client needs subcategory: None Cognitive level: Analysis
Cognitive Level: Analysis
5. A client with a history of mitral valve
3. In interpreting a radioactive iodine replacement and chronic warfarin (Couma-
uptake test, a nurse should know that: din) usage is diagnosed with hypothyroidism
1. uptake increases in hyperthyroidism and prescribed levothyroxine (Synthroid).
and decreases in hypothyroidism. The nurse should expect the need for the war-
2. uptake decreases in hyperthy- farin:
roidism and increases in hypothy- 1. dosage to be decreased.
roidism. 2. dosage to be increased.

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Pump up on practice questions 311

3. frequency to be decreased. Answer: 1. Cushing’s syndrome results from

4. frequency to be increased. excessive glucocorticoids. This excess can
Answer: 1. Levothyroxine enhances the occur from frequent or chronic use of cortico-
effects of warfarin; therefore, the warfarin steroids such as prednisone. Theophylline,
dosage would need to be decreased. metaproterenol, and cromolyn don’t cause
Cushing’s syndrome.
➽ NCLEX keys
Client needs category: Physiological ➽ NCLEX keys
integrity Client needs category: Physiological integrity
Client needs subcategory: Pharmacological Client needs subcategory: Pharmacological
and parenteral therapies and parenteral therapies
Cognitive level: Application Cognitive level: Application

6. A client with thyroid cancer undergoes 8. During treatment of a client in addiso-

a thyroidectomy. After surgery, the client nian crisis, it’s most appropriate for the nurse
develops peripheral numbness and tingling to administer I.V.:
and muscle twitching and spasms. The nurse 1. insulin.
should expect to administer: 2. normal saline solution.
1. thyroid supplements. 3. dextrose 5% in half-normal saline
2. antispasmodics. solution.
3. barbiturates. 4. dextrose 5% in water.
4. I.V. calcium. Answer: 2. A client in addisonian crisis
Answer: 4. Removing the thyroid gland can has hyponatremia. It’s most appropriate to
cause hyposecretion of parathormone leading administer normal saline solution. Hydrocor-
to calcium deficiency; indicated by numb- tisone, glucose, and vasopressors are also
ness, tingling, and muscle spasms. Treatment used to treat addisonian crisis. Administering
includes calcium administration. Thyroid dextrose 5% in half-normal saline solution,
supplements will be necessary following thy- dextrose 5% in water, or insulin would be inap-
roidectomy but aren’t specifically related to propriate for this client.
the identified problem. Antispasmodics don’t
treat the problem’s cause. Barbiturates aren’t ➽ NCLEX keys
indicated. Client needs category: Physiological integrity
Client needs subcategory: Pharmacological
➽ NCLEX keys and parenteral therapies
Client needs category: Physiological integrity Cognitive level: Application
Client needs subcategory: Pharmacological
and parenteral therapies 9. A client with type 1 diabetes mellitus is
Cognitive level: Application learning foot care. The nurse should include
which teaching point?
7. A client with intractable asthma 1. “It’s OK to go barefoot at home.”
develops Cushing’s syndrome. This complica- 2. “Trim your toenails with scissors
tion can most likely be attributed to chronic regularly.”
use of: 3. “Wear tight-fitting shoes without
1. prednisone. socks.”
2. theophylline. 4. “Wear cotton socks and apply foot
3. metaproterenol. powder to your feet to keep them
4. cromolyn (Intal). dry.”
Answer: 4. The nurse should instruct the
client to apply foot powder and to wear cotton
socks and properly fitting shoes. The nurse

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312 Endocrine system

should also instruct the client to avoid going

barefoot to prevent injury and avoid using
scissors to trim his nails.

➽ NCLEX keys
Client needs category: Physiological integrity
Client needs subcategory: Reduction of risk
Cognitive level: Application

10. Which nursing diagnosis is most likely

for a client with an acute episode of diabetes
1. Imbalanced nutrition: More than
body requirements
2. Deficient fluid volume
3. Impaired gas exchange
4. Ineffective tissue perfusion
Answer: 2. Diabetes insipidus causes a pro-
nounced loss of intravascular volume. The
most prominent risk to the client is Deficient
fluid volume. Nutrition, as exchange, and
tissue perfusion are also at risk beause of
diabetes insipidus but this risk is a result of
the fluid volume deficit caused by diabetes

➽ NCLEX keys
Client needs category: Physiological integrity
Client needs subcategory: Reduction of risk
Cognitive level: Application
It’s the end
of the endocrine
chapter! Aren’t
you “gland”
you’re done?

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