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G.R. No.

177752 February 24, 2009


Sometime in December 1999, in the City of Manila, Philippines, appellant commit sexual abuse and
lascivious conduct against [AAA], a minor, 13 years of age. Appellant pleaded not guilty during
arraignment. During trial, AAA testified that appellant, her mother’s live-in partner, had been sexually
abusing her since she was seven years old. Whenever her mother was working or was asleep in the
evening, appellant would threaten her with a bladed instrument and force her to undress and engage in
sexual intercourse with him.

BBB (mother) corroborated AAA’s testimony. She testified that she knew about appellant’s
dastardly acts. However, because he would beat her up and accuse AAA of lying whenever she
confronted him, she kept her silence. Thus, when she caught appellant in the act of molesting her
daughter on December 25, 1999, she immediately proceeded to the police station and reported the

According to Dr. Guerrero-Manalo, AAA confided to her that appellant had been sexually
abusing her for six years. This was confirmed by AAA’s physical examination indicating prior and recent
penetration injuries.

The RTC concluded that appellant had indeed sexually abused AAA. A young girl would not have
exposed herself to humiliation and public scandal unless she was impelled by a strong desire to seek
justice. In a decision dated November 25, 2003, the RTC found appellant guilty of committing the crime
of rape under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code in relation to Section 5, Article III of RA 7610 against

The Court of Appeals affirmed but modified the penalty and award of damages. In view of the
enactment of RA 83537 and RA 9346,8 the CA found appellant guilty only of simple rape and reduced
the penalty imposed to reclusion perpetua. The SC affirmed the decision of the CA with modifications.

Whether the crime is simple rape or a violation of section 5(b) of RA 7610

Under Section 5(b), Article III of RA 7610 in relation to RA 8353, if the victim of sexual abuse
is below 12 years of age, the offender should not be prosecuted for sexual abuse but for statutory
rape under Article 266-A(1)(d) of the Revised Penal Code and penalized with reclusion
perpetua. On the other hand, if the victim is 12 years or older, the offender should be charged
with either sexual abuse under Section 5(b) of RA 7610 or rape under Article 266-A (except
paragraph 1[d]) of the Revised Penal Code. However, the offender cannot be accused of both
crimes for the same act because his right against double jeopardy will be prejudiced. A person
cannot be subjected twice to criminal liability for a single criminal act. Likewise, rape cannot be
complexed with a violation of Section 5(b) of RA 7610. Under Section 48 of the Revised Penal
Code (on complex crimes), a felony under the Revised Penal Code (such as rape) cannot be
complexed with an offense penalized by a special law.

In this case, the victim was more than 12 years old when the crime was committed against her.
The Information against appellant stated that AAA was 13 years old at the time of the incident.
Therefore, appellant may be prosecuted either for violation of Section 5(b) of RA 7610 or rape
under Article 266-A (except paragraph 1[d]) of the Revised Penal Code. While the Information
may have alleged the elements of both crimes, the prosecution’s evidence only established that
appellant sexually violated the person of AAA through force and intimidation by threatening her
with a bladed instrument and forcing her to submit to his bestial designs. Thus, rape was

Indeed, the records are replete with evidence establishing that appellant forced AAA to engage in
sexual intercourse with him on December 25, 1999. Appellant is therefore found guilty of rape
under Article 266-A(1)(a) of the Revised Penal Code and sentenced to reclusion perpetua.

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