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Sixth Edition



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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Information Available

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Tuckman, Bruce W., 1938-
Conducting educational research / Bruce W. Tuckman and Brian E. Harper. — 6th ed.
p. cm.
Summary: “Conducting Educational Research helped students understand and
apply the most important principles of scholarly investigation. Now in its 6th edition,
this research textbook includes updates such as a completely rewritten Chapter 12, a
chapter devoted to statistical research without having to use the expensive program
SPSS. The text has been revised throughout to include recent technological advances,
simpler exercises, and visual elements to help the student understand the research
process”— Provided by publisher.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4422-0963-3 (hardback) — ISBN 978-1-4422-0964-0 (paper) —
ISBN 978-1-4422-0965-7 (electronic)
1. Education—Research. 2. Education—Research—Methodology. I. Harper,
Brian E. II. Title.
LB1028.T8 2012
370.7—dc23 2011041696

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Brief Contents

PART 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 1 The Role of Research 3
PART 2 Fundamental Steps of Research 21
Chapter 2 Selecting a Problem 23
Chapter 3 Reviewing the Literature 41
Chapter 4 Identifying and Labeling Variables 67
Chapter 5 Constructing Hypotheses and Meta-Analyses 85
Chapter 6 Constructing Operational Definitions of Variables 105
PART 3 Types of Research 121
Chapter 7 Applying Design Criteria: Internal and External Validity 123
Chapter 8 Experimental Research Designs 149
Chapter 9 Correlational and Causal-Comparative Studies 181
Chapter 10 Identifying and Describing Procedures for Observation
and Measurement 205
Chapter 11 Constructing and Using Questionnaires,
Interview Schedules, and Survey Research 243
PART 4 Concluding Steps of Research 287
Chapter 12 Carrying Out Statistical Analyses 289
Chapter 13 Writing a Research Report 315

■ v

PART 5 Additional Approaches 363

Chapter 14 Conducting Evaluation Studies 365
Chapter 15 Qualitative Research: Concepts and Analyses 387
Chapter 16 Action Research 417
PART 6 The “Consumer” of Research 437
Chapter 17 Analyzing and Critiquing a Research Study 439
PART 7 Appendixes 481
Appendix A Tables 483
Appendix B Worksheets for Performing Statistical Tests 495

References 503
Index 509
About the Authors 517

PART 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 1 The Role of Research 3

What Is Research? 3
Validity in Research 4
Internal and External Validity 5
Dealing With Reality 8
Survey Research 9
Characteristics of the Research Process 10
Some Ethical Considerations 12
Steps in the Research Process 15
Self-Evaluations 17

PART 2 Fundamental Steps of Research 21

Chapter 2 Selecting a Problem 23

Characteristics of a Problem 23
Narrowing the Range of Problems 25
Classroom Research Problems 29
Another Problem Framework 34
Programmatic Research as a Source of Problems 36
Specific Considerations in Choosing a Problem 37

■ vii

Chapter 3 Reviewing the Literature 41

The Purpose of the Review 41
Literature Review Sources 46
Conducting a Literature Search 55
Reviewing and Abstracting 60
Writing the Literature Review 61

Chapter 4 Identifying and Labeling Variables 67

A Research Question and Its Variables 67
The Independent Variable 67
The Dependent Variable 68
The Relationship Between Independent and
Dependent Variables 68
The Moderator Variable 71
Control Variables 74
Intervening Variables 76
The Combined Variables 78
Some Considerations for Variable Choice 80

Chapter 5 Constructing Hypotheses and Meta-Analyses 85

Formulating Hypotheses 85
Hypotheses Based on Conceptualizing 90
Going From Theory to Hypotheses: An Example 92
Meta-Analysis: Constructing Hypotheses
by Synthesizing Past Research 94
Some Further Illustrations 100
Testing a Hypothesis 101

Chapter 6 Constructing Operational Definitions of Variables 105

Why Have Operational Definitions? 105
Basing an Operational Definition on Observable Criteria 107
Alternative Ways of Generating Operational Definitions 107
The Criterion of Exclusiveness 112
Operational Definitions and the Research Process 114
The Research Spectrum 117

PART 3 Types of Research 121

Chapter 7 Applying Design Criteria: Internal and External Validity 123

The Control Group 123
Factors Affecting Internal Validity or Certainty 125
Factors Affecting External Validity or Generality 130
Controlling for Participant Bias: Equating Experimental
and Control Groups 132
Controlling for Experience Bias: Equating Experimental
and Control Conditions 136
Overall Control of Participant and Experience Bias 140
Appraising the Success of the Manipulation 142

Chapter 8 Experimental Research Designs 149

A Shorthand for Displaying Designs 149
Preexperimental Designs (Non-designs) 150
True Experimental Designs 152
Factorial Designs 155
Quasi-Experimental Designs 158
Ex Post Facto Designs 172
Designs to Control for External Validity Based on
Reactive Effects 172

Chapter 9 Correlational and Causal-Comparative Studies 181

Correlational Research 183
Steps to Conducting a Correlational Study 190
Causal-Comparative Research 191
Longitudinal Research 197
Threats to Internal and External Validity for
the Three Designs 199

Chapter 10 Identifying and Describing Procedures for Observation

and Measurement 205
Test Reliability 206
Test Validity 208
Types of Measurement Scales 210
Ordinal Scales 211

Describing Test Performances 213

Standardized, or Norm-Referenced, Tests 215
Criterion-Referenced Tests 217
Constructing a Paper-and-Pencil Performance Test 218
Constructing a Scale 222
Constructing an Observation Recording Device 228

Chapter 11 Constructing and Using Questionnaires,

Interview Schedules, and Survey Research 243
What Is Survey Research? 244
What Do Questionnaires and Interviews Measure? 244
Question Formats: How to Ask the Questions 245
Response Modes: How to Answer the Questions 247
Constructing a Questionnaire or Interview Schedule 254
Sampling Procedures 267
Procedures for Administering a Questionnaire 271
Conducting an Interview Study 274
Coding and Scoring 277

PART 4 Concluding Steps of Research 287

Chapter 12 Carrying Out Statistical Analyses 289

Measures of Central Tendency and Variability 289
Coding and Rostering Data 295
Choosing the Appropriate Statistical Test 298
Carrying Out Parametric Statistical Tests 301
Correlation and Regression Analyses 305
Carrying Out Nonparametric Statistical Tests 308

Chapter 13 Writing a Research Report 315

The Research Proposal 315
The Introduction Section 316
The Method Section 326
The Results Section 336
The Discussion Section 340
The References 349

The Abstract 350

Preparing Tables 351
Preparing Figures and Graphs 353
Getting an Article Published 358

PART 5 Additional Approaches 363

Chapter 14 Conducting Evaluation Studies 365

Formative Versus Summative Evaluation 365
A Model for Summative Evaluation 366
Defining the Goals of a Program 367
Measuring the Goals of a Program
(the Dependent Variable) 371
Assessing Attainment of a Program’s Goals 373
Design, Data Collection, and Statistical Analysis 376

Chapter 15 Qualitative Research: Concepts and Analyses 387

Characteristics of Qualitative Research 387
Identifying General Research Problems 390
Specifying the Questions to Answer 391
Research Methodology 393
Data Sources 395
Conducting a Case Study 404
Analyzing the Data and Preparing the Report 408

Chapter 16 Action Research 417

What Is Action Research? 417
Assumptions That Guide Action Research 419
The Process of Action Research 421
Evaluating Action Research 428

PART 6 The “Consumer” of Research 437

Chapter 17 Analyzing and Critiquing a Research Study 439

The Introductory Section 442
The Method Section 450
The Results and Discussion Sections 455

A Sample Research Report: Analysis and Critique 459

An Example Evaluation 468

PART 7 Appendixes 481

Appendix A Tables 483

Appendix B Worksheets for Performing Statistical Tests 495

References 503
Index 509
About the Authors 517
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The Role of Research


• Identify the role of internal validity.

• Identify the role of external validity.
• Describe the relationship between internal and external validity.
• Describe the characteristics of the research process.
• Identify the sequence of steps in the research process.
• Describe the ethical rights of participants in research studies.

■ What Is Research?

Research is a systematic attempt to provide answers to questions. It may

yield abstract and general answers, as basic research often does, or it may give
extremely concrete and specific answers, as demonstration or applied research
often does. In both kinds of research, the investigator uncovers facts and then
formulates a generalization based on an interpretation of those facts.
Basic research is concerned with the relationship between two or more
variables. It is carried out by identifying a problem, examining selected rel-
evant variables through a literature review, constructing a hypothesis where
possible, creating a research design to investigate the problem, collecting and
analyzing appropriate data, and then drawing conclusions about the relation-
ships of the variables. Basic research does not often provide information with
an immediate application for altering the environment. Its purpose, rather, is to
develop a model, or theory, that identifies all the relevant variables in a particu-
lar environment and hypothesizes about their relationships. Using the findings
of basic research, it is possible to develop a product—a concept that includes,

■ 3

for example, a given curriculum, a particular teacher-training program, a text-

book, or an audiovisual aid.
A further step, often called demonstration, is to test the product. This activity
is the province of applied research, which is, in effect, a test or tryout of the applica-
tion that includes systematic evaluation.

■ Validity in Research

Achieving validity in research is not an easy task, as the following examples

A science educator is designing a new instructional program for fifth-grade
science. He has at his disposal films, textbooks, lecture text, lab experiments,
and computer software, and he needs to decide which of these approaches to
use and in what combination. To make this decision, he plans to teach the first
unit, on force, using the lecture-textbook approach; he will teach the second
unit, on motion, using films. He can then see which method has the better
effect and guide later efforts according to this judgment. But the science educa-
tor has created logical pitfalls for himself.
Suppose that the unit on force were easier to understand than the unit on
motion. Students might perform better on the end-of-unit test for the force
material simply because they could more easily grasp the concepts covered in
the unit. It is possible, too, that films are particularly good tools for teaching
motion, because of the nature of the subject matter, but poor tools for teaching
force. Therefore, any generalization about the advantage of films beyond the
teaching of motion would lack validity. It is also possible that the particular
film the science educator has chosen for teaching motion is a poor one, and
its failure to instruct would not entitle him generally to condemn films for
instruction in elementary science. Of additional concern, the students’ learning
about force might help them to learn about motion, thereby predisposing them
to do better on the second unit, regardless of pedagogical technique. Even if
the two units were independent in subject matter, the sophistication gained in
the first unit might help students to master the second unit. Furthermore, one
of the end-of-unit tests might be easier or more representative of the learning
material than the other. Finally, the outcomes of the two instructional methods
might occur once but have little likelihood of recurring. Either might simply be
an unstable outcome due to chance.
How is a researcher to deal with these potential pitfalls? Let us dig the
holes a bit deeper with another example before trying to fill them.
A graduate student is interested in exploring the similarities and differ-
ences between teachers and inner-city students in matters of motivation and
values. She plans to collect data from two groups—150 inner-city students

and 150 teachers—all of whom are attending a university summer institute.

Findings will consist of verbatim reports of the subjects’ responses to open-
ended questions supplemented by attempts to detect any generalities or
trends without any system for data analysis.
Needless to say, the representativeness of the two samples is in serious doubt.
Students and teachers who have the motivation to attend a summer program at a
university probably differ in their perceptions and values from those who do not
attend such programs. The plan to draw conclusions based on visual inspection of
some 300 responses suffers from its own flaws. Aside from the obvious difficulty
and tediousness of such an approach, it creates a strong likelihood that the conclu-
sions would reflect the initial biases of the researcher; she may tend to see exactly
what she is looking for in the data.
One final example at this point may be helpful. A faculty group is interested
in assessing the effectiveness of a new teacher-education program for college
seniors. The group is specifically interested in how much students in the pro-
gram identify with the teaching profession. The students are asked to complete
a questionnaire dealing with occupational identification during their junior year
(prior to beginning the program) and again at the end of their senior year (after
completing the program). Unfortunately, the outcome is as likely to be a func-
tion of the students’ maturing over the intervening year as it is a function of the
program. Another university with a desire to evaluate a similar new program
was fortunate in having two campuses. Because only one campus was to imple-
ment the new program, an experiment compared the identification of the stu-
dents in that program with the identification of the students in the old program
at the end of their senior year. Sadly, however, it is impossible to be sure that the
research began with similar groups, because the students on the two campuses
were known to differ in many ways.
In the real world—as opposed to the laboratory—educational researchers
are confronted by such situations as those described in these examples. Because
they often lack opportunities to control what is to happen and to whom it is to
happen, they often proceed as did the researchers in the examples. It is the con-
tention in this book, however, that the research process, when properly under-
stood, provides a basis for dealing with such situations in a more adequate and
logical way.

■ Internal and External Validity

To understand the shortcomings in the above research situations and the

advantages of overcoming them, consider two principles: internal validity and
external validity. A study has internal validity if its outcome is a function of
the program or approach being tested rather than the result of other causes

not systematically dealt with in the study. Internal validity affects observers’
certainty that the research results can be accepted, based on the design of the
A study has external validity if the results obtained would apply in the real
world to other similar programs and approaches. External validity affects observ-
ers’ ability to credit the research results with generality based on the procedures
The process of carrying out an experiment—that is, exercising some con-
trol over the environment—contributes to internal validity while producing
some limitation in external validity. As the researcher regulates and controls
the circumstances of inquiry, as occurs in an experiment, he or she increases
the probability that the phenomena under study are producing the outcomes
attained (enhancing internal validity). Simultaneously, however, he or she
decreases the probability that the conclusions will hold in the absence of the
experimental manipulations (reducing external validity). Without procedures
to provide some degree of internal validity, one may never know what has
caused observed effects to occur. Thus, external validity is of little value with-
out some reasonable degree of internal validity, which gives confidence in a
study’s conclusions before one attempts to generalize from them.
Consider again the example of the science educator who was designing
a new program for fifth graders. For several reasons, his experiment lacked
internal validity. To begin with, he should have applied his different teaching
techniques to the same material to avoid the pitfall that some material is more
easily learned than other material. He might rather have taught both units to
one group of students using the lecture approach and both units to another
group of students using films. Doing so would help to offset the danger that
films might be especially appropriate tools for a single unit, because this special
appropriateness would be less likely to apply to two units than to one.
By using two different films and two different lectures, he would also
minimize the possibility that the effect was solely a function of the merits of a
specific film; it is less likely that both films will be outstanding (or poor) than
that one will be. In repeating the experiment, the science teacher should be
extremely cautious in composing his two groups; if one group contains more
bright students than the other, obviously that group’s advantage would affect
the results. (However, the use of two groups is the best way to ensure that
one teaching approach does not benefit from the advantage of being applied
last.) The educator should also, of course, ensure that his end-of-unit tests are
representative of the learning material; because both groups will get the same
tests, however, their relative difficulty ceases to be as important as it was in the
original plan.

The second example of research about attitude differences between inner-

city students and teachers poses some important problems in external valid-
ity. Both the student group and the teacher group are unrepresentative of the
universe of teachers and that of inner-city students. Thus, it would be difficult
to draw general conclusions from this investigation beyond the specific teach-
ers and students studied. With such a limitation, the study might not be worth
undertaking. The study as described also poses some problems with internal
validity. Converting subjects’ answers into data is an important part of the
research process. In effect, the researcher creates a measuring instrument to
accomplish this conversion. This instrument, like the instruments used in the
physical sciences, must possess some consistency. It must generate the same
readings when read by different people and when read by the same person at
different points in time. If, however, the instrument reflects the researcher’s
own biases or hypotheses, it may allow her to overlook some relevant occur-
rences, to the detriment of internal validity.
The final example of a study of identification by college seniors with the teach-
ing profession illustrates a common problem in achieving internal validity: Human
beings change over time in the normal course of development and as they acquire
experience. If a study involves the passage of time, then the researcher must use a
research design that separates changes resulting from normal human development
from changes resulting from the special experiences of the experimental treatment.
It is tempting indeed for a researcher to take measures at Time 1 and Time 2 and
conclude that any change was a function of conditions intentionally introduced
during the interim period. If, however, the researcher cannot prove that the change
was a result of the treatment tested in the experiment rather than a natural change
over time, then the researcher cannot claim to have discovered a change agent.

Evaluating Changes Over Time

When examining data from two points in time, researchers may be misled by over-
evaluating or underevaluating the effect of an intervening experimental manipula-
tion. The data from Time 1 may itself be the result of unusual circumstances that
render it nonrepresentative of the prevailing conditions. Moreover, phenomena
other than the manipulation may account for any change that occurs. Data from
more than Time 1 and Time 2 should be examined to evaluate any manipulation
between them.
Clearly, one must put time changes in a proper context. Certain changes will
normally occur over time, having little to do with conditions one has imposed
on the situation. One must distinguish between such ordinary changes over
time and those caused by an intervention.

Comparing Groups

A problem common to most experiments is the assignment of experimental par-

ticipants to groups. Internal validity depends, in part, on the condition that the
effect attributed to a treatment is a function of the treatment itself, rather than a
function of some other unmeasured and uncontrolled differences between treated
and untreated persons. Validity requires that an equivalent control group must
share the same composition as the group receiving the treatment. Before Teacher
A can say that a teaching technique works on her students based on a comparison
of their performance to that of Teacher B’s students, she must take into account
the fact that her students may be more intelligent, more motivated, or more some-
thing else than B’s students. It could be these other factors, alone or in combina-
tion, rather than the teaching approach per se that account for the superior per-
formance of A’s students.
In setting up a research project, it is necessary to strike a balance between
the two sets of validity demands, establishing enough internal validity so that
an experiment can be conclusive while remaining sufficiently within reality to
yield representative and generalizable results.

■ Dealing With Reality

The demands of internal validity, or certainty, are most easily met by confining
research to a laboratory, where the researcher can control or eliminate the irrel-
evant variables and manipulate the relevant ones. However, elimination of many
variables, regardless of their centrality to the problem in question, may limit the
external validity, or generality, of the findings. Success in the laboratory may not
indicate success in the real world, where activities are subject to the influence of
real variables that have been shut out of the laboratory. Thus, many research prob-
lems require field settings to ensure external validity. The crux of the problem is to
operate in the field and still achieve internal validity.
In some situations in the field, however, it is impossible to apply fully the
rules of internal validity. Often, for example, any proposed improvements in a
school must ethically be made at the same time for the whole school rather than
just for certain experimental groups. To evaluate the effects of such changes,
the researcher must choose some approach other than the recommended one
of applying the change to and withholding it from equivalent groups.
An incontrovertible fact remains, however, that research, even that carried
out in the field rather than in the laboratory, must impose some artificialities and
restrictions on the situation being studied. It is often this aspect that administrators
find most objectionable. Campbell and Dunnette react to such criticism as follows:

There are at least two possible replies to the perceived sterility of con-
trolled systematic research. On the one hand, it is an unfortunate fact of
scientific life that the reduction of ambiguity in behavioral data to toler-
able levels demands systematic observations, measurement, and control.
Often the unwanted result seems to be a dehumanization of the behav-
ior being studied. That is, achieving unambiguous results may generate
dependent variables that are somewhat removed from the original objec-
tives of the development program and seem, thereby, to lack relevant
content. This is not an unfamiliar problem in psychological research. As
always, the constructive solution is to increase the effort and ingenuity
devoted to developing criteria that are both meaningful and amenable
to controlled observation and measurement. (Campbell and Dunnette,
1968, p. 101)

■ Survey Research

A particular kind of research that frequently appears in the educational milieu

is survey research. In a school survey, a procedure common in education, vari-
ables frequently are studied using a simple counting procedure, with little or
no attempt to determine in a systematic fashion the relationship between those
and other relevant variables. Such analysis would require comparison data, and
often none are collected.
For instance, a school district is concerned with the kinds of students who
enroll in high school vocational education programs. A researcher goes into
high school vocational education classes with some form of questionnaire or
interview schedule and collects data, compiling them together in frequency
counts, and making statements such as “75 percent of the students who go into
vocational education also hold down jobs after school.” Does this statement
indicate that holding down a job after school is a necessary prerequisite and
predisposing factor to entrance into vocational education classes? The data do
not necessarily justify this conclusion, because this illustrative research study
has used an incorrect design. Were the researcher to ask the same questions of
a comparable group of high school students who are not enrolled in vocational
education classes, the results might reveal that both groups include the same
percentage of students who hold after-school jobs. Therefore, although this
precondition characterized the vocational students, it might, in fact, be equally
true of other students, too, so it could not be considered to be a predisposing
factor. The survey gets answers that match the questions asked, but the inter-
pretations of the answers may be misleading without a basis for comparison.
By including a control or comparison group of students who have not had the

experience being evaluated, the researcher can discover whether the interpreta-
tions of data correspond to the real situation.
Another type of research that often suffers from the absence of a designed
comparison is the follow-up survey. For example, studies of incomes and pro-
jected lifetime earnings of students who attend college suggest considerable
economic gains from a college education. However, to properly evaluate the
economic benefits of a college education, it would be necessary to compare
the projected incomes of students who attended college for less than 4 years
to the incomes of high school graduates in order to determine whether any
advantage accrues to the college student. Because earnings depend in some
degree on other factors besides, or in addition to, the program of study taken
by students, a researcher should not draw conclusions based on an exam-
ination of the graduates of only one program. Such a conclusion requires
comparisons between students who experience different types of education.
The term comparison should be stressed, because survey research limited
to a single group often leads to invalid conclusions about cause-and-effect
Perhaps because of its simplicity, survey research abounds in education.
A potentially useful technique in education, as it is in public opinion polling
and the social sciences, the survey has undeniable value as a means of gather-
ing data. It is recommended, however, that surveys be undertaken within a
research design utilizing comparison groups. When properly constructed and
when employed within a proper design, questionnaires and interviews may be
used to great advantage. This book discusses the survey as a research instru-
ment in Chapter 11.

■ Characteristics of the Research Process

Based on the preceding discussion, it is possible to list a set of properties that

characterize the research process, at least in its ideal form.

Research is a systematic process.

Because research is a structured process (that is, researchers conform to
rules in carrying it out), it follows that it is also a systematic process. The
rules include procedural specifications for identifying and defining variables,
for designing studies to examine these variables and determine their effects
on other variables, and for relating the data thus collected to the originally
stated problem and hypothesis. (Other equally systematic processes, such
as deduction, can be used for arriving at conclusions, but processes such as

“guesstimation” and intuition lack the systematic quality that characterizes


Research is a logical activity.

Research follows a system that employs logic at many points. By logi-
cal examination of the procedures employed in an experiment relative to the
requirements of internal validity, the researcher can check the validity of the
conclusions drawn. Applying logic, he or she may also check generalizations in
the context of external validity. The logic of valid research makes it a valuable
tool for decision making, certainly far superior to intuition or using “off-the-
top-of-the-head” observations for data.

Research is an empirical undertaking.

Research has a reality referent. Much abstract deduction may precede
research, but data are its end result. The collection of data identifies research
as an empirical undertaking. To determine the extent to which empirical find-
ings can be generalized beyond the immediate research situation, the researcher
must evaluate the external validity of the data. Other processes involved in
understanding the world or in making decisions within it may equal research
in their logic, but they fail to match its empirical quality.

Research is a reductive process.

A researcher applies analytic procedures to the data collected to reduce the
confusion of particular events and objects by grouping them into more general
and understandable conceptual categories. The researcher sacrifices some of the
specificity and uniqueness associated with the individual objects or events, but
she or he gains power to identify general relationships, a process that requires
conceptualization. This process of reduction translates empirical reality to
an abstract or conceptual state in an attempt to understand the relationships
between events and predict how these relationships might operate in other con-
texts. Reductionism thus enables research to explain rather than simply describe.

Research is a replicable and transmittable procedure.

Because it is recorded, generalized, and replicated, research generates
results considerably less transitory than those of other problem-solving pro-
cesses. Thus, individuals other than the researcher may use the results of a
study, and one researcher may build upon the results of another. Moreover,
the process and procedures are themselves transmittable, enabling others to
replicate them and assess their validity. This transmittable property of research
is critical to its roles both in extending knowledge and in decision making.

■ Some Ethical Considerations

The matter of ethics is important for educational researchers. Because the sub-
jects of their studies are the learning and behavior of human beings, often children,
research may embarrass, hurt, frighten, impose on, or otherwise negatively affect
the lives of the participants. To deal with this problem, the federal government has
promulgated a Code of Federal Regulations for the Protection of Human Sub-
jects (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1991). This code sets forth
specifications for Institutional Review Boards to review research proposals and
ensure that they provide adequate protection for participants under guidelines set
forth in the code. These protections are on the following pages.
Of course, one may ask, “Why do research at all if even one person
might be compromised?” However, the educational researcher must begin
by asserting, and accepting the assertion, that research has the potential to
help people improve their lives. Therefore it must remain an integral part of
human endeavor. Accepting the assertion that research has value in contrib-
uting to knowledge and, ultimately, to human betterment, it is still necessary
to ask, “What ethical considerations must the researcher take into account in
designing experiments that do not interfere with human rights?” The follow-
ing sections review these considerations and suggest guidelines for dealing
with them.

The Right to Informed Consent

First and foremost, a person has the full right not to participate at all in a study.
To exercise this right, prospective participants must be informed about the
research, and their formal consent to participate must be obtained. As set forth
in the federal code, informed consent requires that prospective participants be
provided with the following information:

1. An explanation of the purposes of the research, its expected duration, and

a description of the procedures, including those that are experimental
2. A description of possible risks or discomforts
3. A description of possible benefits, to the participant or others, resulting
from the research
4. A statement about confidentiality of records (see the following sections on
The Right to Privacy and The Right to Remain Anonymous)
5. An explanation of the availability of medical assistance (in studies of more
than minimal risk)
6. A statement indicating that participation is voluntary and may be discon-
tinued at any time, and that nonparticipation or discontinuance of partici-
pation will not be penalized

7. An indication of whom to contact for more information about the research

or in case of research-related harm (either physical or psychological)
8. A statement of the approximate number of subjects who will be participat-
ing in the research and how they are being recruited

A sample informed-consent form appears in Figure 1.1.

When prospective research participants are children, the code requires that
researchers solicit their assent in instances when they are deemed capable of pro-
viding it. In addition, permission must be obtained from a parent or guardian.

Right to Privacy

All participants in a study enjoy the right to keep from the public certain infor-
mation about themselves. For example, many people would perceive an invasion

FIGURE 1.1 Sample Informed Consent Form

I voluntarily and of my own free will consent to be a participant in the research

project entitled “A Study of the Relationship Between Attribution Beliefs and
School Success.” This research is being conducted by Luther Mahoney, PhD,
who is professor of education at East State University. I understand that the
purpose of the research is to determine whether the beliefs that college stu-
dents hold about causes for events influence their success in school. I under-
stand that if I participate in the research, I will be asked questions about my
beliefs regarding causes of events, and I have agreed to provide the researcher
access to my college grades. My participation will require filling out a question-
naire that will take no more than 20 minutes. In exchange for doing this, and
granting access to my school records, I (along with the other 99 students who
volunteer) will receive 10 extra credit points on the next Educational Psychol-
ogy examination. I understand that there will be no penalty should I choose
not to participate in this research, and I may discontinue at any time without
penalty. I also have been assured that all my answers and information from
my records will be kept entirely confidential and will be identified by a code
number. My name will never appear on any research document, and no indi-
vidual question answers will be reported. Only group findings will be reported.
I understand that this research may help us learn more about how college
students may attain greater success in college, and I retain the right to ask
and have answered any questions I have about the research. Any questions I
have asked have been satisfactorily answered. I also retain the right to receive
a summary of the research results after the project has been completed if I so
request. These assurances have been provided to me by Dr. Mahoney. I have
read and understand this consent form.

Participant_______________________________ Date_______________

of privacy in test items in psychological inventories that ask about religious con-
victions or personal feelings about parents. To safeguard the privacy of the sub-
jects, the researcher should (1) avoid asking unnecessary questions, (2) avoid
recording individual item responses if possible, and, most importantly, (3) obtain
direct consent for participation from adult subjects and from parents and teach-
ers for participation by children.

The Right to Remain Anonymous

All participants in human research have the right to remain anonymous, that
is, the right to insist that their individual identities not be salient features of
the research. To ensure anonymity, many researchers employ two approaches.
First, they usually want to group data rather than record individual data; thus
scores obtained from individuals in a study are pooled or grouped together and
reported as averages. Because an individual’s scores cannot be identified, such a
reporting process provides each participant with anonymity. Second, wherever
possible, subjects are identified by number rather than by name.
Before starting any testing, it is wise to explain to the subjects that they
have not been singled out as individuals for study. Rather, they should under-
stand that they have been randomly selected in an attempt to study the popula-
tion of which they are representatives. This information should reassure them
that the researcher has no reason to compromise their right to anonymity.

The Right to Confidentiality

Similar to the concerns over privacy and anonymity is the concern over
confidentiality: Who will have access to a study’s data? In school studies,
students and teachers both may be concerned that others could gain access
to research data and use them to make judgments of individual character or
performance. Certainly, participants have every right to insist that data col-
lected from them be treated with confidentiality. To guarantee this protec-
tion, the researcher should (1) roster all data by number rather than by name,
(2) destroy the original test protocols as soon as the study is completed,
and, when possible, (3) provide participants with stamped, self-addressed
envelopes to return questionnaires directly (rather than turning them in to a
teacher or principal).

The Right to Expect Experimenter Responsibility

Finally, every participant in a study has the right to expect that the researcher
will display sensitivity to human dignity. Researchers should particularly

reassure potential participants that they will not be hurt by their participation.
Although some studies, by their very nature, require that their true purposes
be camouflaged (or at least not divulged) before their completion, participants
have the right to insist that the researcher explain a study to them after it is
completed. This is a particularly important protection to overcome any nega-
tive effects that might result from participation.

■ Steps in the Research Process

The research process described in this book applies the scientific method: Pose
a problem to be solved, construct a hypothesis or potential solution to that
problem, state the hypothesis in a testable form, and then attempt to verify the
hypothesis by means of experimentation and observation. The purpose of this
book is to provide the potential researcher with the skills necessary to carry
out this research process. This section lists and briefly describes the steps in the
research process, which are discussed in detail in subsequent chapters.

Identifying a problem
Identifying a problem can be the most difficult step in the research process.
One must discover and define for study not only a general problem area but
also a specific problem within that area. Chapter 2 presents sample models for
helping to identify and define problem areas and problems for potential study.

Reviewing the literature

The steps of selecting variables and constructing hypotheses (discussed
below) draw heavily on significant work in the field preceding the proposed
study. Chapter 3 describes procedures for identifying and examining relevant
prior studies.

Constructing a hypothesis
After identifying a problem, the researcher often employs the logical pro-
cesses of deduction and induction to formulate an expectation for the outcome
of the study. That is, he or she conjectures or hypothesizes about the relation-
ships between the concepts identified in the problem. This process is the topic
of Chapter 5.

Identifying and labeling variables

After formulating a hypothesis, the researcher must identify and label the vari-
ables to be studied both in the hypothesis and elsewhere in the write-up of the
study. Chapter 4 reviews independent, dependent, moderator, control, and inter-
vening variables.

Constructing operational definitions

Because research is a series of operations, it is necessary to convert each
variable from an abstract or conceptual form to an operational form. Opera-
tionalizing variables means stating them in observable and measurable terms,
making them available for manipulation, control, and examination. After
establishing the need for operational definitions, Chapter 6 presents methods
for defining variables and discusses the criteria that guide researchers in con-
structing operational definitions.

Manipulating and controlling variables

To study the relationships between variables, a researcher undertakes both
manipulation and control. The concepts of internal and external validity, dis-
cussed in detail in Chapter 7, are basic to this undertaking.

Constructing a research design

A research design specifies operations for testing a hypothesis under a
given set of conditions. Chapter 8 describes specific types of true, quasi-exper-
imental, and ex post facto designs while Chapter 9 describes correlational and
causal comparative research designs. These chapters also diagram them in the
context of internal and external validity.

Identifying and constructing devices for observation and measurement

After operationally defining the variables in a study and choosing a design,
a researcher must adopt or construct devices for measuring selected variables.
Chapter 10 enumerates types of standardized tests and presents techniques for
developing achievement and attitude measures. Basic measurement concepts
are also covered.

Constructing questionnaires and interview schedules

Many studies in education and allied fields rely on questionnaires and
interviews as their main sources of data. Chapter 11 describes techniques for
constructing and using these measurement devices.

Carrying out statistical analyses

A researcher uses measuring devices to collect data to test hypotheses.
Once data have been collected, they must be reduced by statistical analysis so
that conclusions or generalizations can be drawn from them (that is, so that
hypotheses can be tested). Chapter 12 provides computer techniques for con-
ducting six basic statistical tests and a model for selecting a suitable test for a
given situation.

Writing a research report

Chapter 13 deals in detail with report writing, providing instruction and
examples. Its sections cover the construction of each section of a research pro-
posal and the construction of a final research report, with recommendations on
structure and format. Information about the construction of tables and graphs
is also presented.

Conducting evaluation studies

Although evaluation is not a discrete step in the research process, today’s
educational researcher must have a clear grasp of the technique. The two types
of evaluation, formative and summative evaluation, are described in Chapter
14, with an emphasis on the latter, because this type of evaluation is part of the
demonstration process.

Conducting qualitative research

Some research is carried out using observation, interviewing, and analysis of
recorded documents as its primary methodologies. The written results of these
methodologies become such a study’s data. Chapter 15 describes this qualitative or
case study approach and how to carry it out. Chapter 16 will also examine qualita-
tive methodology—specifically, the steps associated with Action Research.

Analyzing and critiquing a research study

Since professionals are users or “consumers” of research, they must be able
to read and understand articles that appear in journals covering their areas of
interest. They must also evaluate the quality of these articles in order to deter-
mine how seriously they should take the results. Chapter 17 provides a model
for this analysis and critique process along with a detailed example.

■ Self-Evaluations

This book includes a procedure for self-evaluation, that is, for measuring and
improving your learning of its content and for mastering its objectives in the
Competency Test Exercises that appear at the end of every chapter. Its exer-
cises correspond to the objectives listed at the beginning of the chapter. Addi-
tionally, there are supplementary materials that will allow you to evaluate your
understanding of key concepts in each chapter.

■ Summary

1. Basic research is concerned with the relationship between two or more

variables. When it results in a product, it may be followed by applied
research, also called a demonstration.

2. A research study has internal validity or certainty if its outcome is a func-

tion of the approach being tested rather than of other causes not systemati-
cally controlled for in the research design.
3. A research study has external validity or generality if its results will apply
in the real world.
4. In evaluating changes over time, researchers must distinguish between
those that have been caused by their intervention and those that occur
5. To establish certainty, it is important to compare results from treatment
and nontreatment groups whose members have been initially assigned to
ensure equivalence.
6. To establish generality, it is important to operate a study under conditions
that are as real to life as possible.
7. Survey research, although a popular tool, lacks certainty, because it usually
fails to incorporate a comparison group into its design.
8. In its ideal form, research is systematic (completed according to a pre-
scribed set of rules), logical, empirical (data-based), reductive or analytical,
replicable, and transmittable.
9. Anyone asked to participate in a research study has a right to decline. Any-
one willing to participate has a right to privacy, confidentiality, and ano-
nymity. Participants also have a right to expect experimenter responsibility.
10. The research process includes the following steps: (1) identifying a prob-
lem, (2) reviewing the literature, (3) constructing a hypothesis, (4) identi-
fying and labeling variables, (5) constructing operational definitions, (6)
manipulating and controlling variables, (7) constructing a research design,
(8) identifying and constructing devices for observation and measurement,
(9) constructing questionnaires and interview schedules, (10) carrying
out statistical analyses, and (11) writing a research report. In addition to
experimental and ex post facto studies, researchers may conduct evaluation
studies and qualitative studies. In addition to conducting research, profes-
sionals often need to analyze and evaluate published reports of research.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Consider the following experiment:

Research focuses on two first-grade classes in a particular school. One
first grade was taught readiness and then sight reading, while the second
was given a pre-primer and then a primer using the phonics method. The
second group earned higher scores at the end of the year on the Davis
Reading Test.

Below are five statements applicable to this experiment. Some repre-

sent threats to internal validity; some represent threats to external validity;
some do not represent threats at all. Write i next to threats to internal valid-
ity, e next to threats to external validity, and nothing next to all others.
a. No attempt to establish group equivalence.
b. Reading gain due to maturation.
c. Groups not representative of all first graders.
d. Teachers of the two classes have different styles.
e. Combinations of treatments are contrived.
2. Which one of the following definitions best describes internal validity, and
which one best describes external validity?
a. Ensuring that an experiment is reasonably representative of reality.
b. Ensuring that the results really occurred.
c. Ensuring that the experimenter followed the rules.
d. Ensuring that the results were really a function of the experimental
3. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between
internal and external validity?
a. If an experiment lacks internal validity, it cannot achieve external
b. Without external validity in an experiment, it cannot achieve internal
c. Internal validity and external validity are essentially unrelated.
4. I have just read about an experiment. I cannot apply the results, because I
cannot believe that the results are a function of the research treatment. The
conclusions do not seem warranted based on the design of the experiment.
The experiment lacks _______________ (internal, external) validity.
5. Describe (in one sentence) each of the following characteristics of the
research process:
a. Systematic
b. Logical
c. Empirical
d. Reductive
e. Transmittable
6. Some of the following statements represent steps in the research process.
Write numbers next to those statements to indicate their places in the
sequence of the research process.
a. Constructing operational definitions
b. Carrying out data analysis
c. Teaching students how to teach

d. Identifying a problem
e. Writing a final report
f. Constructing devices for measurement
g. Resolving discipline problems
h. Identifying and labeling variables
i. Constructing an experimental design
j. Adjusting individual initiative
k. Constructing a hypothesis
l. Reviewing the literature
7. Describe in one sentence each of the four individual ethical rights of a par-
ticipant in an experiment.

■ Recommended Reference
Sieber, J. E. (1992). Planning ethically responsible research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.



Selecting a Problem


• State a research problem as the relationship between two or more

• Select a research problem characterized by both practicality and
• Restate a research problem in clear terms.
• Evaluate a research problem according to five criteria.

■ Characteristics of a Problem

Although the task of selecting a research problem is often one of the most
difficult steps in the research process, it is unfortunately the one for which
the least guidance can be given. Problem selection is not subject to specific,
technical rules or requirements like those that govern research design, mea-
surement techniques, and statistics. Fortunately, however, some guidelines can
be offered.
A good problem statement displays the following characteristics:

1. It should ask about a relationship between two or more variables.

2. It should be clearly and unambiguously stated.
3. It should be stated in question form (or, alternatively, in the form of an
implicit question such as: The purpose of this study was to determine
whether . . .).
4. It should be testable by empirical methods; that is, it should be possible to
collect data to answer the question(s) asked.
5. It should not represent a moral or ethical position.

■ 23
24 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

Relationship Between Variables

The type of problem addressed in this book examines a relationship between

two or more variables. In this kind of problem, the researcher manipulates
or measures a minimum of one variable to determine its effect on other vari-
ables. In contrast, a purely descriptive study requires the researcher to observe,
count, or in some way measure the frequency of a particular variable in a par-
ticular setting. For instance, a descriptive study might state a problem as: How
many students in School X have IQs in excess of 120? This problem requires
only simple recording of observed frequencies of IQ scores higher than 120; it
makes no attempt to deal with a relationship between variables. The problem
might be worded in a different way, however: Are boys more likely than girls
to have IQs in excess of 120? The research would then involve the relationship
between the variables gender and IQ score.
For purposes of this book, a problem statement will require specification
of at least two variables and their relationship. The examples given in the next
subsection illustrate this point.

Stated in Question Form

A research problem is best stated in the form of a question (as distinct from
declarative statements of the hypotheses derived from the problem; see Chap-
ter 4). Consider some examples:

• What is the relationship between IQ and achievement?

• Do students learn more from a directive teacher or a nondirective teacher?
• Does any relationship hold between racial background and dropout rate?
• Do more students continue in training programs offering job placement
services or in programs not offering those services?
• Can students who have completed pretraining be taught a learning task
more quickly than those who have not experienced pretraining?
• Does the repetitious use of prompting in instructional materials impair the
effectiveness of those materials?
• Do students who are described unfavorably by their teachers tend to
describe themselves more unfavorably than students described favorably
by teachers?

Often, a problem is stated in the form of an implicit question:

• The purpose of the study was to discover the relationship between rote
learning ability and socioeconomic status.

• The study investigated whether the ability to discriminate among parts of

speech increased with chronological age and education level.
• The study examined whether students taught by the phonics method
achieved higher reading scores than those taught by the whole language

Empirical Testability

A research problem should be testable by empirical methods—that is, through

collecting data. In other words, it should be possible to construct a poten-
tial solution to the problem that can be verified by the collection of certain
evidence or disconfirmed by the collection of other evidence. The nature of
the variables included in a problem statement is a good clue to its testability.
An example suggests the kind of problem that wise researchers avoid: Does
an extended experience in isolated living improve a person’s outlook on life?
For such a problem, the variables (“extended experience in isolated living” and
“improved outlook on life”) are complex and vague, making them difficult to
define, measure, and manipulate.

Avoidance of Moral or Ethical Judgments

Questions about ideals or values are often more difficult to study than ques-
tions about attitudes or performance. Some examples show problems that
would be difficult to test: Should people disguise their feelings? Should chil-
dren be seen and not heard? Some problems represent moral and ethical issues,
such as: Are all philosophies equally inspiring? Should students avoid cheating
under all circumstances? These types of questions should be avoided. After
completing Chapter 6 on operational definitions, you may feel that you can
bring some ethical questions into the range of solvable problems, but in general
they are best avoided.

■ Narrowing the Range of Problems

Schemes for Classifying and Selecting a Problem

From the infinite number of potential problems for study, it is wise for
researchers to narrow the range of possibilities to problems that correspond to
their interests and skills. To accomplish this goal, some scheme for classifying
problems provides useful help. Two such schemes are offered in Figures 2.1
and 2.2. (These are only basic illustrations; you should feel free to use any other
scheme that more clearly fits your frame of reference.)
2 6 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

FIGURE 2.1 A Three-Dimensional Model for Problem


To use Figure 2.1, identify an area of interest in Column 1 and link it to

interests in Columns 2 and 3. However, you need not begin with Column 1 or
use all three columns. You may begin in any column and use only two. Thus, if
your major interest is career development (possibly a subcategory of meeting
individual needs shown in Column 3), you might link it to services (Column 2)
and then further refine services to highlight a particular interest of your own,
such as group guidance. Thus, you might ask: Is group guidance as effective as
individual guidance in facilitating appropriate career choices? Bringing in the
first column (prospective students), you might ask: Is group guidance more
effective in facilitating appropriate career choices among students with clearly
defined goals or among students without clearly defined goals?
Figure 2.2 identifies different sets or classes of variables that may be linked
in their effects on outcomes in a school setting. You might look at such teacher-
related variables as amount of education, knowledge of subject, or teaching
style and relate each variable to outcomes, or you might consider them in con-
junction with such student variables as socioeconomic status, intelligence, or

FIGURE 2.2 An Inquiry Model Patterned After One Proposed by Cruikshank (1984)

prior achievement. If your interest is context variables, you might look at class
size, amount of funding, or school climate. If your interest is content variables,
you might look at the nature and scope of the curriculum. Choosing instruc-
tion variables would mean looking at such aspects as time-on-task, the model
of instruction employed by the teacher, or the use or nonuse of computers.
Outcomes might cover a wide variety of learner areas, perhaps also dealing
with changes in any of the other categories (for example, teacher variables).
On the basis of this model, you could identify a large number of prospec-
tive studies and then evaluate each based on the conceptual considerations dis-
cussed in the next subsection. Models such as these, or others, may help you to
narrow the range of problems you want to consider.

Using Conceptual Models

A conceptual model is more than either a general classification scheme for

variables or a proposed set of linkages between classes of variables, like those
shown in Figures 2.1 and 2.2. A conceptual model is a proposed set of link-
ages between specific variables, often along a path from input to process to
outcome, with the expressed purpose of predicting or accounting for specific
outcomes. In other words, it is a complex proposal of all the variables and their
interconnections that make a particular outcome, such as learning or liking
oneself or delinquent behavior, happen. The example of such a model, appear-
ing in Figure 2.3, is aimed at predicting decisions to drop out of school by
nontraditional students.
A conceptual model supplies more than a set of variables to consider for
further research. It also provides specific instances of these variables and expec-
tations about relationships between them. From such a model, any number of
researchable problems may be identified. From the model shown in Figure 2.3,
for example, the following problem statements might be formulated:
FIGURE 2.3 A Conceptual Model of Racial Identity Development
Source: Adapted from Bean and Metzner (1985).

• Is the relationship between the quality of one’s support system and the
resolution of an encounter experience mediated by ego identity status?
• Do supportive communities produce citizens that are more likely to express
an expectation for racial harmony than do less supportive communities?
• Do more affluent individuals have support systems that are quantita-
tively more expansive and qualitatively more supportive than less affluent
• Does the resolution of an encounter experience affect one’s sense of agency?

■ Classroom Research Problems

A considerable amount of educational research, particularly in the study of

teaching and learning, involves classroom activities. Much of it focuses on
obtaining answers to the general question of whether one instructional method
is more effective than another at improving learning or attitudes under a given
set of circumstances. Researchers might group various methods, means, or
styles of carrying out instruction in a classroom under the term characteristics
of instruction, and a wide range of these characteristics may be the subject of
study. The circumstances under which instruction is given, ranging from stu-
dent and teacher characteristics to subject matter, can be considered the com-
ponents of instruction. The aspects of student performance on which the effects
of instruction might be measured are termed student outcomes. Taken together,
these three categories for classifying variables can serve as a model for generat-
ing researchable problems, as seen in Figure 2.4.

Characteristics of Instruction

A list of sample input variable categories (characteristics of instruction) is shown

in Figure 2.4. In classroom research, a major subset of all educational research,
these categories focus on instructional procedures or interventions introduced
for purposes of study. Treatment A may take the form of individualized instruc-
tion, direct instruction, team teaching, increased time on task, or any of a wide
variety of alternatives; often, the interventions represent instructional innova-
tions. Treatment B, by contrast, is usually typical, group-oriented instruction
methods within a self-contained, teacher-controlled classroom. Such instruc-
tional alternatives are operationalized by accurately and completely describing
the essential activities that must be instituted to put them into operation.
By properly operationalizing variables, classroom research can examine an
overall instructional program, such as individually guided education (IGE) or
individually prescribed instruction (IPI). An instructional program is a total
approach to instruction, often in a comprehensive, packaged form. It includes
3 0 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

FIGURE 2.4 Setting Up Variables for Classroom Research

variables not only of materials (or a curriculum) but also of equipment and of
the philosophy or plan for instructional management embodied in the teacher’s
Instructional materials may include the following kinds of resources:

• Published print (textbooks, readers, workbooks)

• Unpublished print (handouts)
• Multimedia resources (films, tapes, TV)
• Technological resources (computer-assisted, programmed)
• Participatory activities (games, simulations)
• Manipulable devices (apparatus, machines)
• Observable elements (displays, exhibits)

Some teachers use teaching styles that are student centered, some rely more
on lecturing; some teachers display warm attitudes, some more formal ones;

some are task-oriented, others emphasize social-emotional interactions. Impor-

tant sources of variability in classroom research are (1) the teacher’s philosophy
or orientation, (2) the manner in which the teacher manages the classroom, and
(3) how the teacher behaves toward students. Variables of teaching style and
strategy concern the teacher’s instructional role; in contrast, the variables of
instructional approach focus primarily on formal materials and systems.
Learning environment refers to the way in which the classroom is orga-
nized and the ways in which students interact with the sources of instruction.
Variables in the learning environment category focus not on the teacher or on
materials but on such considerations as the arrangement of the classroom, the
use of space and time, and the bases for decision making.
Learning activity refers to discrete and specific learning behaviors. Exam-
ples include student question answering, time spent on a particular instruc-
tional activity, amount of homework assignments completed, the extent of use
of particular instructional materials, student persistence at a task, and engaging
in selected art projects.
For example, in a learning activity study of college students, King (1990)
compared the results of using a reciprocal peer-questioning procedure to those
of a discussion approach for learning material originally presented in lectures.
In the reciprocal questioning approach, students developed questions individ-
ually and then worked in groups, answering those posed by other students. In
the discussion approach, group members simply discussed the lectures. Results
showed that reciprocal peer questioning as a learning activity led students to
ask more critical questions, give more explanations, and achieve better results
on tests than students whose learning activity involved participating in discus-
sions. Hence, the research demonstrated that the learning activity of asking
peers challenging questions about the content of a lecture can be an important
factor in improving student outcomes.

Components of Instruction

The general categories that define the three principal components of an instruc-
tional system are student, teacher, and materials (Figure 2.4). The complexity
of classroom activity and the fact that students, teachers, and materials may all
affect outcomes suggest strongly that researchers should simultaneously study
two or possibly all three of these sources. The variable of principal interest
becomes the characteristic of instruction, while the secondary and tertiary vari-
ables, that is, the components of instruction, allow the researcher to extend the
focus of a study from a single cause to multiple potential causes.
Student characteristics that influence the learning process include aptitude,
ability, prior achievement, IQ, learning rate, age, gender, personality, learning
3 2 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

style, and social class. Some students learn faster than others do. Still others
bring more prior experience in the instructional area and greater prior achieve-
ment to a learning situation. Either characteristic will affect learning outcomes
apart from any qualities of the teacher or instructional materials. Moreover, a
concern with individual differences, coupled with a realization of their extent
and importance, should compel an examination of at least one individual dif-
ference measure in each classroom study.
Teacher characteristics are often included in research studies as variables.
These may include such background information on the teacher as years of
teaching experience, degrees held, amount of specialized training, and age. An
alternative profile might cover teacher attitudes, benefits, perceptions, or phi-
losophies as measured by a test completed by the teachers themselves. A third
category of teacher traits addresses the styles or behaviors that characterize
their teaching; that is, the observed behavior of the teachers in contrast to their
own self-descriptions. A sample instrument for reporting on a teacher’s style
as observed by students is the Tuckman Teacher Feedback Form shown later in
the book in Figures 10.7 and 10.8.
The kinds of learning materials used in a classroom and the subject mat-
ter taught may affect instructional outcomes. The same instructional approach
may vary in effectiveness for teaching social studies as compared to teaching
science, for teaching factual content as compared to teaching conceptual con-
tent, for teaching unfamiliar materials as compared to teaching familiar materi-
als, or for teaching materials organized by topic as compared to teaching unor-
ganized material.
Rather than making the overgeneralization that Treatment A is better than
Treatment B for teaching anything, classroom researchers must restrict their
generalizations to the kinds of materials used in their studies or to particular
content or subject matter. To extend these generalizations, they can choose to
examine more than one type of learning material.

Student Outcomes

Figure 2.4 lists five categories of student outcomes (which are similar to the
categories listed by Gagné & Medsker, 1995). The proposed categories have
two noteworthy features. First, they relate to the ultimate recipient of influ-
ence in the classroom—the student. They represent areas in which students
may be expected to change or gain as a result of classroom experiences (the
input). Second, they represent a more complete set of differentiated outcomes
than the single category of outcome that is often the exclusive target of class-
room intervention research, namely, subject matter achievement. Hence, the

categories reflect a more complete range of possible effects of classroom pro-

grams on students.
Specific knowledge and comprehension, the first category of student out-
comes, is also the most traditional and most-often measured category. It
includes both the facts that the student has acquired and the student’s under-
standing of those facts. Facts often make up the bulk of the subject matter
that is transmitted in a classroom experiment, which typically varies alterna-
tive programs or approaches. Student acquisition of facts is measured by an
achievement test, either a published one or one developed by the teacher.
Such an achievement test reflects the content or objectives of the instruc-
tion. If not, Treatment A may be more effective than an alternative but produce
lower scores on the test! For this reason, the researcher must ensure that an
achievement test leaves no instructional objective unmeasured and contains no
item that measures something other than a given instructional objective. (This
concept, called content validity, is discussed in detail in Chapter 10.)
Another category of student classroom outcome, general knowledge and
comprehension, includes such variables as intelligence, general mental or aca-
demic ability, and academic or scholastic aptitude. These qualities are more
general than subject matter achievement and hence more difficult to alter by
means of classroom interventions or treatments (except perhaps in the earli-
est grades). They represent more stable and enduring qualities than specific
achievements, so researchers often treat them as components of instruction
rather than as outcomes.
The activities regarded as higher cognitive processes, thinking and prob-
lem solving, are often goal areas of classroom instruction. Due to difficulties
of measurement, however, they are usually neglected as outcome measures in
classroom research. Problem solving is the ability of students to identify and
describe solutions to problem situations they have not encountered before; the
solutions therefore cannot be simply recalled from memory. Such novel prob-
lem situations typically call for skills in analysis and synthesis. Researchers
studying the kinds of instructional innovation that transfer learning manage-
ment responsibility from teacher to student should include a problem-solving
measure if they can identify one germane to the situation in which it is used—
the measure should be of unfamiliar but relevant material.
In classroom research, the area of attitudes and values focuses primarily on
attitudes toward the instructional approaches under study. This variable may
take the form of attitudes toward school if the approaches under study domi-
nate the whole school experience—as they may at the elementary level. At the
high school or college level, this variable may take the form of attitudes toward
the subject matter, the course, or instructor.
3 4 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

Measures of self-concept are also relevant in some studies of classroom

effects. Attitudes toward self are relatively enduring characteristics and hence
are harder to affect than are attitudes toward school, particularly by instruc-
tional treatments, or instructors.
Many classroom studies overlook the satisfaction (or lack of it) that stu-
dents derive from an instructional approach. However, student preference is an
important ingredient of learning in the long run, and how students feel about
the way they are taught is an important outcome in a classroom study. An
instructional approach may need to affect student satisfaction before it can
generate learning gains.
The final area of student outcomes covers the variety of learning-related
behaviors that occur in or relate to the classroom. Some of these behaviors
can be recorded fairly automatically, such as attendance, tardiness, or disci-
plinary actions. Other behaviors still allow reasonably objective measure-
ment, although they are less obvious than the first group. These include per-
formance in a simulated situation, time devoted to learning (so-called time
on task), number of questions asked, and the like. Finally, other behaviors
require highly judgmental interpretations, including evidences of self-disci-
pline, motivation, initiative, responsibility, and cooperation, to name a few.
Measurement of these types of behaviors requires the construction of scales
or coding systems and the establishment of coder reliability, as described in
Chapter 11.
Behavioral outcomes can represent important instructional effects, which
instructional designers are hoping to maximize and classroom researchers
would do well to study. Although the study of these outcomes may pose some
methodological difficulties, these can be overcome through available observa-
tional rating and coding procedures and instruments. A study might also use
teachers’ judgments of student behavior, which are often reported on report
cards. In such an evaluation, however, the issue of reliability of judgment men-
tioned above becomes an important consideration.

■ Another Problem Framework

Another way to evaluate potential research problems involves the three cat-
egories of variables shown in Table 2.1. Situational variables refer to condi-
tions present in the environment, surrounding or defining the task to be
performed, and the social background of that performance. Tasks can vary
in their familiarity, meaningfulness, difficulty, and complexity, and on the
training, practice, and feedback that may be provided. They can also be per-
formed alone or in groups, and groups may vary in size, leadership, roles,
and norms.

TABLE 2.1 Another Problem Framework

Situational Variables Dispositional Variables Behaviors
Task Characteristics

Familiarity Intellectual Choice of activity

Meaningfulness (e.g., intelligence) Persistence
Difficulty Emotional Performance
Complexity (e.g., anxiety) Productivity
Importance Personality (e.g., introversion) Arousal
Training Interpersonal Satisfaction
Practice (e.g., honesty)
Feedback Artistic

Social Characteristics (e.g., musicality)

Alone (e.g., self-confidence)
With other Psychomotor
Group size (e.g., coordination)

Dispositional variables refer to characteristics of the individuals under

study, potentially varying across a wide number of categories, as Table 2.1
shows. Finally, a number of resulting behaviors may be studied as the joint
results of the nature of a situation and the disposition or characteristics of the
people studied.
Suppose, for example, that you are interested in stress among high school
athletes, particularly as they approach the performance of their events. What
conditions would you choose to evaluate in the situation that may affect stress
levels? In the Situational Variables column of Table 2.1, perhaps training would
be a good choice. Can you find a training program that seems likely to make
athletes experience low stress? If so, then you can compare its effect to results
without the program. Perhaps you feel that the social condition of training deter-
mines stress levels. If so, you can compare training alone to training with others.
Finally, you would want to look at tasks or events with high importance for
athletes, because those are the ones that seem likely to generate the most stress.
Now you are ready to choose a dispositional variable. Which aspect of an
athlete’s disposition seems most likely to affect his or her level of stress? From
studying the table, the emotional category seems most relevant, particularly
the athletes’ anxiety levels. Remember that dispositional variables refer to rela-
tively stable personal characteristics of individuals, so anxiety as a dispositional
variable refers to a person’s typical or everyday anxiety level (not how anxious
she or he may feel in a particular stressful situation). The choice would suggest
3 6 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

a comparison of athletes who are particularly anxious on a regular basis to

those who are not.
The last decision is to choose the behavior or behaviors you want to affect.
Do you want to apply a treatment intended to make the athletes less anxious
before competing? If so, choose arousal as the behavior variable to study. You
may also want to improve their performance, so choose that one, as well. You
are not limited to one variable from each column.
Clearly, models constructed to classify variables can be helpful in choosing
variables to study. Such models not only suggest numbers of possible variables;
they also suggest which variables may be particular sources of influence on
others. In other words, they suggest possible connections between variables
that make them worth studying.

■ Programmatic Research as a Source of Problems

Most researchers do not pursue isolated studies; they carry out related stud-
ies within larger programs of research, giving rise to the term programmatic
research. Programmatic research defines an underlying theme or communality,
partly conceptual and partly methodological, for component studies. Concep-
tual communality identifies a common idea or phenomenon that runs through
all the studies in the series or research program. Methodological communality
defines a similar approach for component studies, often typified by reliance
on a single research setting or way of operationalizing variables. Studies built
around reinforcement theory, for example, shared this common conceptual
framework and the common methodology of the Skinner Box to study the
effects of varying reinforcers or schedules of reinforcement on the strength of
the bar-pressing response.
Within programmatic research, one can generate individual studies by
introducing new situational, dispositional, or behavioral variables or new char-
acteristics of instruction, components of instruction, or student outcomes, to
use terms from Table 2.1 and Figure 2.4, respectively. After determining the
conceptual base and methodological approach of a study, numerous research
problems can be identified. Students undertaking research for the first time can
facilitate the process of generating a research problem by identifying an ongo-
ing program of research and “spinning off” a problem that fits within it.
Consider the following example, taken from the senior author’s own
work. The original research problem was to determine ways of helping college
students to learn from text resources, an important practical problem, since
college students are expected to learn much of the content of their courses
by reading textbooks. The obvious outcome choice would focus on course
achievement, as measured by scores on examinations. A review of the research

literature on learning from text revealed three important text-processing

strategies, called coding, elaborating, and organizing (or outlining). In the ini-
tial study, students were taught to use a combination of all three strategies,
termed the coded elaborative outline, or CEO (Tuckman, 1993), in contrast
to the traditional form of outlining that most students have learned to do.
Two studies followed closely from this original one. In the first, students were
taught only one of the strategies, and the three, taken singly, were compared
(O’Connor, 1995). In the second follow-up study, the CEO method was com-
pared to a method requiring students to construct test items on the chapter
topics or write papers about them; also, an additional outcome measure, read-
ing achievement, was added (Sahari, Tuckman, & Fletcher, 1996).
The original research idea also gave rise to another stream of research based
on the question of whether or not students already knew how to process text
but failed to do so because they lacked motivation. To this end, new research
examined the “spot quiz,” a seven-item test on each chapter, in contrast to a
basic text-processing strategy of identifying key terms, defining them, and cre-
ating an example for each (called TDE).A comparison of spot quiz and TDE
approaches was done, first across all students, and then by distinguishing stu-
dents at different levels of grade point average (Tuckman, 1996a). A second
study, similar to the first, distinguished students who differed in their tendency
to procrastinate (Tuckman, 1996b). Another study compared results for stu-
dents given both the spot quizzes and the TDE homework against those for
students given only the spot quizzes. This last study shed more light on the
importance of motivation versus text-processing strategy.
All the studies used the most constant possible student population,
course, content, and outcome measures. In an effort to test for generaliza-
tions, one study compared the spot quiz approach to a homework approach
among eighth-grade science students (Tuckman & Trimble, 1997). After each
study was completed, questions were raised that gave rise to new studies, thus
enabling the research program to expand.

■ Specific Considerations in Choosing a Problem

This section lists and discusses some critical criteria to apply to a chosen prob-
lem before going ahead with a study of it. Try these questions out on your
potential problem statements.

1. Workability. Does the contemplated study remain within the limits of your
resource and time constraints? Will you have access to the necessary sample
in the numbers required? Can you come up with an answer to the problem?
Is the required methodology manageable and understandable to you?
3 8 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

2. Critical mass. Is the problem of sufficient magnitude and scope to fulfill

the requirement that motivated the study in the first place? Does the study
target enough variables? Has it identified enough potential results? Will it
give enough to write about?
3. Interest. Are you interested in the problem area, specific problem, and
potential solution? Does it relate to your background? To your career
interests? Does it enthuse you? Will you learn useful skills from pursuing
the study? Will others be interested in it?
4. Theoretical value. Does the problem fill a gap in the literature? Will others
recognize its importance? Will it contribute to advancement in your field?
Does it improve upon the state of the art? Will it lead to a publishable
report? Does it help explain why something happened?
5. Practical value. Will the solution to the problem improve educational prac-
tice? Are practitioners likely to be interested in the results? Will education
be changed by the outcome? Will your own educational practices likely
change as a result?

In more general terms, the choice of a research problem depends on prac-

ticality and payoff. Practicality means that the study is neither too big for your
resources and schedule nor too small to satisfy the requirements for which you
are considering completing it. To make judgments of practicality, it is useful to
read other studies that have had to meet the same set of requirements—such as
doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, or journal articles—to develop a sense
of size and practicality. How many research questions are investigated? How
many variables are measured? How many subjects participate? How complex
is the design? Note the range into which the answers to these questions fall, so
that you can develop a sense of the appropriate range for your own purposes.
To make judgments of payoff from a proposed study, you must rely pri-
marily on information discovered in a literature review (covered in the next
chapter) and on your own experience. Your goal should be to carry out a study
that can provide answers to questions with importance in both theory and
application. Of all possible research problems, you should seek one that you
expect will yield a relationship between the variables of choice; such a study
gives more definitive results than come from one that finds no relationship. A
no-relationship finding may reflect a weakness in some aspect of the method-
ology rather than a verifiable outcome.

■ Summary

1. A research problem should clearly and unambiguously ask a question

(implicit or explicit) about the relationship between two or more variables.

It should not represent an ethical or moral question, but one that can be
tested empirically (that is, by collecting data).
2. Researchers employ schemes for narrowing the range of problems for con-
sideration. Among these tools, certain conceptual models lay out proposed
sets of linkages between specific variables. The input-process-output
model is one model.
3. Classroom research models typically classify variables as representing (a)
characteristics of instruction (such as instructional materials), (b) compo-
nents of instruction (such as teacher or student characteristics), and (c) stu-
dent outcomes (such as learning-related behaviors).
4. Another problem framework involves (a) situational variables (such as task
or social characteristics), and (b) dispositional variables (such as intelligence
or anxiety), as they affect (c) behaviors such as performance or satisfaction.
5. In choosing a problem, pay particular attention to its (a) workability or
demands, (b) critical mass or size and complexity, (c) interest to you and
others, (d) theoretical value or potential contribution to our understanding
of a phenomenon, and (e) practical value or potential contribution to the
practice of education.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Consider the research report Evaluating Developmental Instruction, a

long abstract of which appears at the end of Chapter 14. What problem
would you say this study investigates?
2. Assume that you are a classroom teacher teaching two sections of the
same course (choose any course you like at any level). Think about a
piece of classroom research that you might be interested in doing with
those classes. Consider a study involving an extracurricular activity, such
as homework, or an in-class instructional approach, such as individual-
ization. State a problem that you might choose to study with these two
3. Critique each of the research problems in Exercises 1 and 2 in terms of:
a. Its interest to you
b. Its practicality as a researchable problem
4. Show how the research problem you stated in Exercise 1 fits into the three-
dimensional model in Figure 2.1.
5. Show how the classroom research problem you stated in Exercise 2 fits
into the classroom research model in Figure 2.4.
6. Construct a problem statement with at least three variables that fits the
inquiry model shown in Figure 2.2. Label the category into which each
variable falls.
4 0 ■ C H A P T E R T WO

7. Construct a problem statement with at least three variables that fits the
attrition model shown in Figure 2.3. Label the category into which each
variable falls.
8. Critique the research problems constructed in Exercises 6 and 7 in terms of
a. Theoretical value
b. Practical value

■ Recommended Reference
Cronbach, L. J., & Snow, R. E. (1981). Aptitudes and instructional methods (2nd ed.).
New York, NY: Irvington.

Reviewing the Literature


• Describe purposes and strategies for searching the literature.

• Identify literature sources and their characteristics: for example,
ERIC, PsychLIT, indexes, abstracts, reviews, and journals.
• Describe procedures for conducting a literature search, that is, for
locating relevant titles, abstracts, and primary source documents.
• Demonstrate the technique of reviewing and abstracting.
• Evaluate a literature review.

■ The Purpose of the Review

Research begins with ideas and concepts that are related to one another through
hypotheses about their expected relationships. These expectations are then
tested by transforming or operationalizing the concepts into procedures for
collecting data. Findings based on these data are then interpreted and extended
by converting them into new concepts. (This sequence, called the research
spectrum, is displayed later in the book in Figure 6.1.) But where do research-
ers find the original ideas and concepts, and how can they link those elements
to form hypotheses? To some extent the ideas come out of the researchers’
heads, but to a large extent they come from the collective body of prior work
referred to as the literature of a field. For example, reference to relevant studies
helps to uncover and provide:

• ideas about variables that have proved important or unimportant in a given

field of study;

■ 41

• information about work that has already been done and that can be mean-
ingfully extended or applied;
• the status of work in a field, reflecting established conclusions and poten-
tial hypotheses;
• meanings of and relationships between variables chosen for study and
• a basis for establishing the context of a problem;
• a basis for establishing the significance of a problem.

Every serious research project includes a review of relevant literature.

Although some may regard this activity as relatively meaningless and treat it
lightly, it is in fact a significant and necessary part of the research process.

Discovering Important Variables

It is often difficult to formulate a researchable problem, that is, to select vari-

ables to study that are within the scope of a particular set of interests and
resources and that will extend the field in meaningful ways. One may be able
to specify a general interest area, such as teacher education or science instruc-
tion, without forming a clear idea of variables operating within that area that
are either amenable to study or of potential importance. An examination of the
literature often provides helpful ideas about defining and operationalizing key
variables. A literature survey can reveal variables and their relationships that
are identified in relevant research as conceptually and practically important.
An examination of the current literature also provides an indication of
areas that currently hold the interest of researchers and, presumably therefore,
educators. One such list results from an informal examination of the contents
over the past few years of an important educational journal that publishes both
quantitative and qualitative studies spanning a wide variety of content areas:

• Bilingual education
• Cooperative learning
• Cultural differences/multicultural education
• Educational goals/goal setting
• Grouping for instruction
• Mathematics learning and achievement
• Preschool interventions
• Heading instruction
• Restructuring schools/shared decision making
• School climate
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 4 3

• Self-regulated learning
• Teacher as researcher
• Teacher efficacy
• Teacher preservice training
• Writing instruction

This list reflects an interest in classroom diversity brought on by the grow-

ing number of ethnic and language groups in school classrooms and by dif-
ferent education strategies for dealing with this diversity. It also includes the
“three Rs” which never seem to lose their currency, especially given the growth
in diversity. Locating variables of interest in these areas would ensure a degree
of currency to one’s research work. Reading current journals such as those
listed later in the chapter in Figure 3.3 is a good way to keep abreast of interest
trends in broad areas of education.

Distinguishing What Has Been Done From What Needs to Be Done

In situations that call for original research, it is necessary to survey past work
in order to avoid repeating it. More importantly, past work can and should be
viewed as a springboard into subsequent work, the later studies building upon
and extending earlier ones. A careful examination of major studies in a field
of interest may suggest a number of directions worth pursuing to interpret
prior findings, to choose between alternative explanations, or to indicate useful
applications. Many studies, for example, conclude with the researchers’ sug-
gestions for further research. The mere fact that a study has never been done
before does not automatically justify its worth, though. Prior work should
suggest and support the value of a study not previously undertaken. This point
will be discussed further in Chapter 5.

Synthesizing and Gaining Perspective

A researcher can acquire much valuable insight by summarizing the past work
and bringing it up to date. Often, such activity yields useful conclusions about
the phenomena in question and suggests how those conclusions may be applied
in practice. Many researchers choose to review literature specifically to reduce
the enormous and growing body of knowledge to a smaller number of work-
able conclusions that can then be made available to subsequent researchers and
practitioners. The constantly expanding body of knowledge can retain its value
if it is collated and synthesized—a process that enables others to see significant
overlaps as well as gaps and to give direction to a field.

Determining and Supporting Meanings and Relationships

Variables must be named, defined, and joined into problems and hypoth-
eses. This is a large task, made both more meaningful and more manage-
able when undertaken in a broader context than a single research situation.
That context comes from the literature relevant to a chosen area of study. If
every researcher were to start anew, constructing entirely original meanings
and definitions of variables and creating his or her own hypothetical links
between them, knowledge would become chaotic rather than a summative
undertaking. Synthesis and application would become difficult if not impos-
sible to achieve. The mere act of creating all these original thoughts itself
subjects one to enormous difficulty, especially for the novice. To do a mean-
ingful study, prior relationships between variables in the chosen area must be
explored, examined, and reviewed in order to build both a context and a case
for a subsequent investigation with potential merit and applicability. Such a
review process will help both in understanding the phenomena in question
and in explaining them to a report’s readers. It will also be an invaluable
asset in suggesting relationships to expect or to seek. It will provide useful
definitions, suggest possible hypotheses, and even offer ideas about how to
construct and carry out the study itself. It will save much unnecessary inven-
tion while providing insight into methods for applying critical inventiveness
in building upon and extending past work.
A brief example may be helpful. Sutton (1991) reviewed and synthesized a
series of studies on gender differences in computer access and attitudes toward
computers from 1984 to 1990. The relationship between gender and access as
reflected in 15 studies is shown in Table 3.1.
As the last two columns of the table show, three comparisons had deter-
mined that boys had significantly more access than girls to computers in
school, and they had significantly more access to computers at home in 10 of
the comparisons. This synthesis reflects a clear relationship between student
gender and computer access during this period—a balance shifted in favor of
A subsequent figure later in the same article depicted the results of 43
studies (reporting 48 comparisons) relating student gender to attitudes toward
technology, using the same format as Table 3.1. Of the 48 comparisons, 26
showed significantly more positive attitudes by boys than by girls. Consider-
ing those results together with those in Table 3.1 suggests a possible explana-
tion that attitudes toward new technologies like computers are based on access
to them. The results presented in this review have the potential for generating
a number of hypotheses for further research.
TABLE 3.1 Summary of Research on Gender Differences in Computer Access in School and at Home
Study Ander- Becker Martinez Chen Linn Fetler Miura Swad- Camp- Arenz Collis, Col- Culley Johnson Levin &
son, & & Mead ener & bell & Lee Kass, & bourn & Gordon
Welch, Sterling Jarrett Kieren Light
Study Year 1984 1987 1988 1986 1985 1985 1986 1986 1989 1990 1989 1987 1988 1987 1989
Location U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. Califor- Califor- Califor- Califor- Colo- Okla- Wiscon- Canada Britain Britain Britain Israel
nia nia nia nia rado homa sin
Total N 15, 000 265* 24,000 1,138 51,481 7,343 400 259 1,067 306 3,000 56 984 144 222
Grade 3rd, 7th, K-6th 3rd High High 6th 6th-8th 4th-8th 7th-12th Middle 11th Middle High High 8th – 10th
11th Middle 7th School School 12th school school
High 11th
School 0 + + 0 + - - # - - # - - - *
Access + +
+ +
Home - - + # # # + # # # * * + *
Access + - #

* Sample size is of teachers, not students
# Significant differences, favoring boys
0 No significant difference
+ Data favoring boys, no significance reported
- Data not provided by study

Source: Adapted from Sutton (1991).


Establishing the Context of a Problem

The context of a research problem is the frame of reference orienting the reader
to the area in which the problem is found and justifying or explaining why
the phenomenon is, in fact, a problem. This information appears in the open-
ing statement of any research report, and it may draw upon or refer to prior
published or unpublished work. This reference appears, not to justify specific
hypotheses, but to identify the general setting from which the problem has
been drawn.

Establishing the Significance of a Problem

The statement of a problem should ordinarily be enhanced by a theoretical

justification, an applied justification, or both. Researchers usually refer to the
justification of a problem as its significance, and research articles on the subject
may use literature citations in support of the justification. Sometimes prior
studies suggest the applicability of research yet to be carried out; this infor-
mation may help uncover a problem and may support judgments about its
significance, as well.

■ Literature Review Sources

The Educational Resources Information Center

The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a national net-

work of decentralized information centers. It is a major repository of docu-
ments on education, primarily unpublished ones, furnishing copies of docu-
ments in either microfiche (reduced-size film plates) or paper form at nominal
cost. It provides interpretive summaries, bibliographies, and research reviews
on selected topics. It also furnishes lists of titles and abstracts (searches) on
request, also at a cost. ERIC is currently supported by the U.S. Department
of Education. It is composed of clearinghouses in different parts of the coun-
try (primarily at universities), that cover the following 16 areas: career educa-
tion; counseling and personnel services; early childhood education; educational
management; education of handicapped and gifted children; higher education;
information resources; junior colleges; languages and linguistics; reading and
communication skills; rural education and small schools; science, mathematics,
and environmental education; social studies/social science education; teacher
education; tests, measurement, and evaluation; and urban education.
Most major libraries have access to the entire ERIC file and subscribe to a
publication that catalogs newly added documents. This publication, Resources
in Education (RIE), is published monthly, with cumulative indexes issued
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 4 7

semiannually in the middle and at the end of each year. RIE identifies all docu-
ments identified by ED numbers, listing them in numerical order in the Docu-
ments Resume section. The number listings are accompanied by short abstracts
and sets of descriptors, key words that identify their essential subject matter to
aid searches and retrieval. These descriptors are taken from the Thesaurus of
ERIC Descriptors, which lists and defines all descriptors used by the system.
RIE also catalogs each entry into a subject index (by major descriptor), an
author index, and an institution index. A sample entry appears in Figure 3.1.
Each major descriptor in ERIC is identified by an asterisk. For example,
the descriptor “*Student Motivation” appears next to last in Figure 3.1. Any

FIGURE 3.1 Sample ERIC Entry

ED 331 860 TM 016 383

Tuckman, Bruce W. Sexton, Thomas L.
Motivating Student Performance: The Influence of Grading Criteria and Assign-
ment Length Limit.
Pub Date—Apr 91
Note—15p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association (Chicago, IL, April 3–7, 1991).
Pub Type—Reports-Research (143)—Speeches/Meeting Papers (150)

EDRS Price-MFO1/PCO1 Plus Postage.

Descriptors—Analysis of Variance, Assignments, *College Students, Comparative
Analysis, *Education Majors, *Grading, Higher Education, *Performance Fac-
tors, Predictor Variables, Self Efficacy, *Self Motivation, *Student Motivation,
Test Items.
Identifiers—*Self Regulation

Two studies of influences on self-regulated performance were conducted. The

purpose of the first was to determine if the level of performance of college stu-
dents would be higher if the allowable length of the assignment was greater or
smaller. Subjects were 126 education majors at a large state university participat-
ing in an extra-credit program called the Voluntary Homework System (VHS) as
part of a course in educational psychology. The maximum number of test items
prepared for extra credit that could be submitted each week was set at 100 for
one group and 25 for a second group. Students gave self-reports of their own
competence. Analysis of variance indicated that length limit and perceived self-
competence level affected performance, with a significantly lower level of perfor-
mance produced by the 100-item limit. In a second study, 63 students from the
same course had a 25-item length limit and were graded according to preset cri-
teria of 300 points for a single bonus and 450 points for a double bonus. Other
aspects of the VHS were identical. The grading criteria tended to affect per-
formance differently for the different self-competence levels. Its overall impact
was not great, but students low in perceived self-competence tended to receive
the greatest motivational boost. Implications for instruction are discussed. Four
tables present study data. (SLD)

document classified by this descriptor might also be cross-referenced by some

of the following related descriptors, taken from the thesaurus: Academic Aspi-
ration, Student Attitudes, Student Characteristics, or Student Interests.
You can search the ERIC file by paging through semiannual index issues of
RIE and looking up entries under a major descriptor that corresponds to your
area of interest. Such a search yields a list of titles and ED numbers classified
under the major descriptor you have chosen. You can then look up ED num-
bers in the specified monthly issues of RIE and read their document resumes to
determine which are most relevant to your needs. Those that seem particularly
valuable can be ordered in either microfiche or paper copy from the central
supplier using the form at the back of RIE, or they can come directly from
your library if it has the necessary duplication capability. (In many cases you
will find the document resumes in RIE sufficient for your purposes.)
Because ERIC is an enormous collection of documents, you may find such
manual searching an unwieldy process. For example, a recent issue of RIE
lists three documents under the heading “Student Motivation” added in only a
1-month period. It is also difficult to do a manual search if you wish to review
more than one descriptor at a time, a recommended procedure to maximize
the relevance of the documents located to your specific area of interest and to
increase the likelihood of stumbling on something good.
More practical than a manual search is a computer search using the resources
of the library in which the ERIC file is housed. For a fee, you can obtain a list-
ing of all titles in the file classified according to a given set of descriptors. The
list includes a short abstract and a list of descriptors accompanying each title.
Adding descriptors within a simultaneous search reduces the list of titles and
returns more documents relevant to your needs. For a larger fee, the search
can include full resumes of each document listed. In some libraries, you can
avoid the fee by doing an online search yourself using a computer that has
been dedicated to this use or a personal computer equipped with a modem. The
computer search is a highly practical and affordable approach if you are able to
provide a number of descriptors that result in combination in a list of reason-
able length and relevance. (Single-descriptor lists usually number well into the
hundreds of titles.) Less refined searches are time-consuming and may discover
many documents of no relevance to the searcher. You may find fewer than
half of the documents located under a single descriptor to be useful because
of the breadth of the descriptor categories (for example, Teacher Education).
Another searching strategy is to use descriptors that are narrow in their scope.
For example, the descriptor Self-Motivation in Figure 3.1 is cross-referenced
with no other descriptors, so it will yield fewer documents than the descriptor
Student Motivation.
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 4 9

Remember that virtually all documents submitted to an ERIC clearing-

house are classified into the system with little or no screening for quality.
However, the vast ERIC file contains documents rarely cataloged elsewhere;
thus, the serious researcher cannot disregard its contents.


ERIC may be the principal abstracting service relevant to educational research,

but it is not the only one. The Council for Exceptional Children, based in Res-
ton, Virginia, publishes the quarterly Exceptional Child Education Resources
(formerly Exceptional Child Education Abstracts), which includes abstracts of
articles in almost 200 journals devoted to exceptional child education.
Fields of specialization related to education also have their own abstract
collections. Unlike ERIC, these abstract collections cover published rather
than unpublished articles (since journal publication is a conventional route
for dissemination of research results in these fields). Listings include reference
citations along with abstracts of the articles themselves. Located in the library’s
reference section, these abstract collections include Psychological Abstracts
(Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1927–), Sociological
Abstracts (New York: Sociological Abstracts, Inc., 1954–), and Child Devel-
opment Abstracts (Washington, DC: National Research Council of the Soci-
ety for Research in Child Development, 1927–). In the past, these collections
allowed only manual searches, but now computer searches can provide (at a
cost) lists of titles and abstracts based on specified subject descriptors.
Other organizations are joining the information dissemination field to
meet the rising demand. The Smithsonian Science Information Exchange offers
services in the behavioral sciences, including education, allowing customized
literature searches of its file (at a cost) based on specified descriptors. It also
sells up-to-date research information packages and completed searches (com-
plete with titles and abstracts) on specific topics such as intelligence and intel-
ligence testing, computer assisted instruction, and environmental education.
These prerun searches are less costly than customized ones and give broad and
complete coverage of common fields of interest.
A major research source in education is the doctoral dissertation, account-
ing for an estimated one-third to one-half of all educational research. Because
of its size, researchers cannot ignore this important source, which they may
access through Dissertation Abstracts International (Ann Arbor, MI: Uni-
versity Microfilms, 1938–; University Microfilms is a subsidiary of Xerox).
Educational studies are cataloged under Item IIA on the Humanities List,
and education dissertations are sorted into 39 subject categories (for example,

middle school, social sciences, theory and practice) that replace the descrip-
tors of the other systems. Titles, abstracts, and order numbers are provided.
Volumes of these abstracts appear monthly, with cumulative author indexes
spanning a year. Computerized searches of dissertation abstracts are provided
through DATRIX (the computer retrieval service of University Microfilms)
guided by key words, which match words appearing in the titles or subject
headings of the dissertations. Compounds of these key words allow research-
ers to limit searches to specific information. Such a search returns a list of dis-
sertation titles and order numbers fitting the key words. Dissertations on the
list may then be ordered from University Microfilms.


PsychLIT is a computerized version of the printed index Psychological

Abstracts. Its database contains summaries of the world’s serial literature in
psychology and related disciplines, compiled from the PsychINFO database
and copyrighted by the American Psychological Association in 1990. This
source covers over 1,300 journals in 27 languages from approximately 50 coun-
tries. The files are stored on two discs, one covering 1974 through 1982, and
another from 1983 through the current (quarterly) update.
In the database, each reference to an article is called a record. Each record is
divided into categories of information called fields. A typical record includes the
following fields (also illustrated in Figure 3.2); (1) article title (TI), (2) author(s)/
editor(s) (AU), (3) author affiliation (IN), (4) journal name, date, page (JN),
(5) journal code number (IS), (6) language (LA), (7) publication year (PY), (8)
abstract (AB), (9) key phrase (KP), (10) descriptors (DE), (11) classification
codes (CC), (12) population (PO), (13) age group (AG), (14) update code (UD),
(15) Psychological Abstracts volume and abstract number (AN), (16) journal code
(JC), and (17) record number within the set of records found on the subject.
PsychLIT is available in most university libraries, where students can
receive instructions for simple searching (limited to a single word, phrase, or
descriptor), advanced searching (further limiting the search to a specific field),
and complex searching (using multiple terms or descriptors). Each of the two
available discs may be searched, and results may be viewed, printed, or down-
loaded to a disc. An available thesaurus lists possible descriptors. PsychLIT
provides high-speed searching of a vast, potentially relevant literature.


A research index lists study titles cataloged according to headings or descriptors,

but it does not provide abstracts or any other descriptions of the documents.
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 5 1

FIGURE 3.2 Sample record from PsycLIT

 1. TI: The benefits of in-class bibliographic instruction

 2. AU: Baxter,-Pam-M.
 3. IN: Purdue U, Psychological Sciences Library, West Lafayette
 4. JN: Teaching-of-Psychology; 1986 Feb Vol 13 (I) 40–41
 5. IS: 00986283
 6. LA: English
 7. PY: 1986
 8. AB: Discusses students’ needs for knowledge of reference tools and the utility
of bibliographic instruction by librarians in the psychology classroom.
Advantages of such instruction include (1) introduction of basic reference
tools, (2) maximization of general skills by presenting a logical process of
topic definition, and (3) introduction of the librarian as an intermediary/inter-
preter. (PsychLIT Database Copyright 1987 American Psychological Assn. all
rights reserved)
 9. KP: need for references & bibliographic instruction by librarians; college stu-
dents in psychology classes
11. CC: 3530; 35
12. PO: Human
13. AG: Adult
14. UD: 8707
15. AN: 74-20100
16. JC: 1921
17. 2 of 10

The Education Index (New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1929–), for example,
appears monthly, listing studies under headings (for example, CLASSROOM
MANAGEMENT), subheadings (for example, Research), and occasionally
sub-subheadings, titles, and references.
This source covers all articles in approximately 200 educational journals
and magazines. A search of the May 1989 issue combining the example head-
ings above discovers the following entry:

Discipline [assertive discipline; symposium] bibl Educ Leadership 46:72–

75+ Mr’89

This citation indicates an article and bibliography on pages 72–75, with

continuation on later pages, of the March 1989 issue (volume 46) of the maga-
zine Educational Leadership. Major categories are likely to contain lengthy
lists of titles. In June of each year a cumulated volume appears, indexing all

entries covering the 12 months from the preceding July. In both monthly and
yearly volumes, entries are indexed both by subject and by author.
A useful monthly index is the Current Index to Journals in Education
(CIJE) (Phoenix, AZ: The Oryx Press, 1969–). Set up in a manner parallel to
RIE (including descriptors and one-sentence abstracts), this source indexes the
contents of almost 800 journals and magazines devoted to education and related
fields from all over the world. By using the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors,
this index allows coordinated literature searching of published and unpublished
sources. Volumes of CIJE appear monthly with cumulated volumes appearing
semiannually in June and December.
A useful index for tracing the influence or for following the work of a
given author is the Social Sciences Citation Index (Philadelphia: Institute for
Scientific Information, 1973–). This index lists published documents that refer-
ence or cite a given work by a given author. If you find an important study in
your area of interest that was completed a few years before, you may want to
see if any follow up work has been done by the same or other authors. You can
do this by looking up the important study (by its author’s name) in the Cita-
tion Index, where you will discover titles of later documents that have referred
to it. You can then track down these more recent articles. This index is the only
resource for tracking connections between articles forward in time.
Finally, Xerox’s Comprehensive Dissertation Index lists dissertation titles
indexed by title and coordinated with Dissertation Abstracts International and


Reviews are articles that report on and synthesize work done by researchers
in an area of interest over a period of time. Reviewers locate articles relevant
to their topics; organize them by content; describe, compare, and often cri-
tique their findings; and offer conclusions and generalizations. Of course, such
a review includes full references of all articles on which it reports.
The principal review journal in education is the quarterly Review of Edu-
cational Research (Washington, DC: American Educational Research Associa-
tion, 1931–). This journal presents comprehensive reviews of a wide variety of
educational topics, with an emphasis on synthesis and updating. As an example
of its coverage, a recent issue contains the following titles:

• Questioning in classrooms: A sociolinguistic perspective

• Learning with media
• The instructional effect of feedback in test-like events
• Research on reading comprehension instruction
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 5 3

The article by Sutton on gender and computer access discussed above came
from this review journal.
Review articles are excellent sources for researchers who wish to locate the
bulk of work in an area of interest without having to search it out themselves.
Many disciplines related to education have their own review journals (for
example, the Psychological Bulletin; Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association, 1904–).
Review articles are found not only in review journals but also in hand-
books, yearbooks, and encyclopedias. The best-known of these resources for
education and cognate fields are:

• Annual Review of Psychology (Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews, Inc.,

• Current Research in Elementary School Science and Current Research in
Elementary School Mathematics (New York: Macmillan, 1971–)
• Encyclopedia of Education (New York: Macmillan and Free Press, 1971)
• Encyclopedia of Educational Evaluation (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass,
• Encyclopedia of Educational Research (London: Macmillan, 1941–)
• Handbook of Academic Evaluation (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1976)
• Handbook of Research on Teaching (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1973–)
• Handbook on Formative and Summative Evaluation of Student Learning
(New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971)
• Mental Measurements Yearbook (Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska
Press, 1938–)
• Report of the International Clearinghouse on Science and Mathematics
Curricular Developments (College Park, MD: University of Maryland,
• Review of Educational Research (Washington, DC: American Educational
Research Association, 1931–)
• Review of Research in Education (Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock Publishers,
• Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1902–)

Journals and Books

Journals and books are primary sources in educational research. They con-
tain the original work, or “raw materials,” for secondary sources like reviews.
Ultimately, researchers should consult the primary sources to which abstracts
and reviews have led them. Also, these primary sources themselves contain

literature reviews (although often short ones) in which researchers will find
useful input for their own planned work. Moreover, as educational research
proliferates, increasing numbers of books attempt to review, synthesize, and
suggest applications of the work in an area.
One distinction separates research journals from other types of journals
or magazines. A research journal publishes reports of original research stud-
ies, including detailed statements of methodology and results. These journals
are refereed; that is, prior to publication, articles are reviewed and critiqued by
other researchers in the area, whose judgments guide decisions about inclusion
and exclusion (or improvement) of submissions. Because they maintain such
high standards, these journals usually reject at least half of the manuscripts they
receive. Non-refereed journals usually contain discursive articles with occasional
reviews or primary research articles included, but these reports may be written
in a less technical manner than research journal articles to meet the needs of their
readers. Researchers interested in technical accounts and actual research results
should consult research journals for information about studies that interest them.
A partial list of research journals in educational areas appears in Figure 3.3.

FIGURE 3.3 Widely Referenced Research Journals in Educational Areas

• Anthropology and Education Quarterly (Washington, DC: American Anthropol-

ogy Association, 1977–)
• American Educational Research Journal (Washington, DC: American Educa-
tional Research Association, 1964–)
• Educational Administration Quarterly (Columbus, OH: University Council for
Educational Administration, 1965–)
• The Elementary School Journal (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1900–)
• Journal of Counseling Psychology (Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association, 1954–)
• Journal of Educational Psychology (Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association, 1910–)
• Journal of Educational Research (Washington, DC: HELDREF Publications,
• Journal of Experimental Education (Washington, DC: HELDREF Publications,
• Journal of Reading Behavior (Bloomington, IN: National Reading Conference,
• Journal of Research in Science Teaching (New York: Wiley, 1964–)
• Psychology in the Schools (Brandon, VT: Clinical Psychology Publishing Co.,
• Reading Research Quarterly (Newark, DE: International Reading Association,
• Research in the Teaching of English (Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers
of English, 1967–)
• Science Education (New York: Wiley, 1916–)
• Sociology of Education (Albany, NY: American Sociological Association, 1927–)
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 5 5

The Internet

The Internet is a global network linking together thousands of computer net-

works that share a common language and procedures so they can communi-
cate. Users obtain information over the Internet by accessing servers through a
client computer. A part of the Internet that enables clients to access graphically
oriented information is the World Wide Web (WWW). The Web is made up of
websites that provide information from individual sources.
To gain access to the Web, a user needs a particular kind of software called
a browser. Using the browser, a client computer can access a website much as
a person would locate a book in a library. Every website has a unique address,
just as books in a library have unique numbers. The address enables the client
to gain access to the specific website.
Some websites offer access to research literature in specific areas of inter-
est, functioning like ERIC does for the wide area of research in education. For
example, titles of articles and abstracts that cover adolescent health and preg-
nancy prevention can be accessed at a website provided by Sociometrics Cor-
poration at the address This site also includes informa-
tion on aging, drug abuse, and AIDS.
Information about research grants can also be obtained from websites. For
example, information on grants in science education from the National Science
Foundation can be found at All government organizations’
website addresses end with the designation or domain name “.gov” while addresses
for all educational institutions end with “.edu” and those for commercial organiza-
tions end with “.com.”

■ Conducting a Literature Search

The process for a literature search involves (1) choosing interest areas and
descriptors, (2) searching for relevant titles and abstracts, and (3) locating
important primary source documents.

Choosing Interest Areas and Descriptors

A successful literature search requires a direction and a focus. As a search

becomes more general, its outcome usually becomes less useful. Therefore, an
important first step is to identify an interest area and the descriptors within
it. Interest areas are themselves fairly general when considered individually,
but they become more specific when you combine two or more. If interest
and sub-interest areas are stated as descriptors (from within the Thesaurus of
ERIC Descriptors), their simultaneous consideration will narrow the focus of
the literature search.

The matrix of interest areas shown in Figure 3.4 illustrates one simple way
of considering at least two interest areas at once.
For example, consider a researcher studying incentives for changing the
instructional behavior of elementary school teachers as a function of their per-
sonalities. A search of the ERIC system on the Elementary School descriptor
by itself would locate titles numbering in the thousands; such a general search
would be a waste of time and money. Instead, a researcher could request a search
of all articles that simultaneously contained the descriptor Elementary School
(or Elementary School Teachers) plus various combinations of the following
descriptors: Behavior Change, Changing Attitudes, Change Strategies, Change
Agents, Intervention, Incentive Systems, Locus of Control, Credibility, Beliefs,
Personality, Reinforcement, and Diffusion. The resulting search yielded 69 titles,
most of which were highly relevant to the study under consideration.
The key is the choice of descriptors—in various combinations. Begin with
interest areas, such as those shown in Figure 3.4, and then consider two major
sources of descriptors: relevant concepts (for example, Reinforcement, Behav-
ior Change) and variables (for example, Personality, Locus of Control). Gener-
ate as many relevant descriptors as possible. Be sure to consider the potential
variables of your study as a basis for selecting descriptors.
Consider another example where the use of multiple descriptors greatly
narrows the range of articles located, making for more useful and manageable
search results. Suppose you were interested in a topic in health education such
as using counseling as a means of reducing students’ school-related stress. If
you were to do a search of titles using one of the three relevant descriptors: (1)
Stress, (2) Counseling, or (3) Health, you would obtain a list represented by
one of the three circles below.

If, however, you were to combine two of the descriptors, such as Stress
plus Counseling, the search result would be much smaller and more on target,
reflected by the shaded area where the two circles below overlap. Using all
three descriptors at once would yield an even smaller and even more relevant
set of articles, as reflected by the overlapping part of the three circles below.
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 5 7

FIGURE 3.4 A matrix of possible interest areas defined by the intersection of two
sets of descriptors

 8. Development and Socialization

 7. Measurement and Evaluation
 5. Student Personnel Services
 4. Instructional Approaches
 3. Teaching and Learning

10. Finance and Facilities

 6. Climate and Context

 9. Teacher Education

 2. Administration
 1. Philosophy

 1. Elementary Education

 2. Secondary Education

 3. Higher Education

 4. Vocational and

Technical Education

 5. Special Education

 6. Bilingual Education

 7. Early Childhood


 8. Reading, Language,


 9. Mathematics and


10. Social Studies/

Social Science

11. Arts and Music

12. Physical Education

13. Adult Education

14. International Education

15. General

Searching for Relevant Titles and Abstracts

A good search should include three major categories of documents: (1) pub-
lished articles, (2) unpublished articles, and (3) dissertations.1 An ERIC search
is a must, because it provides access not only to the ERIC file of unpublished
documents (which are identified by ED numbers) but also to journal articles
(that is, published papers) cataloged in the Current Index to Journals in Edu-
cation (CIJE; identified by Ej numbers). For example, the 69 titles discovered
in the search on teacher change and personality included 13 articles and 56
unpublished documents. Although the journal article titles can be located via
a manual search using the Educational Index, Psychological Abstracts, Socio-
logical Abstracts, and so forth, or by searching through issues of CIJE, this
slow and tedious process still would not yield unpublished documents, which
are largely inaccessible from any source other than ERIC. Hence, the second
step in the search after selecting descriptors should be to conduct a computer-
ized search of the ERIC file including CIJE.
The next step should be to carry out a dissertation search. After you con-
tact DATRIX and input a set of key words (its counterpart of descriptors),
it will generate a list of relevant dissertation titles. Again, remember that the
cost of a search is a function of the number of titles located; to minimize this
cost, combine key words rather than searching for single matches. Specificity
increases relevance and reduces cost.
The last step in the general search process is to locate handbooks, year-
books, and encyclopedias in the reference section of the library and read the
relevant sections, taking particular notice of the references provided. The
Review of Educational Research is a particularly useful source of this kind of
reference material on specific topics. Starting about 5 years before the cur-
rent issue, read through the index of all titles to locate any review articles
that seem relevant to your subject. Locate these articles and select from them
the references most relevant to your area of interest. These references will
primarily cite journal articles that previous reviewers have selected for their

Locating Important Primary Source Documents

Titles and abstracts provide limited information about past work. The ERIC
search provides titles and very short (often single-sentence) abstracts. The
DATRIX search provides only titles. Review articles provide titles of sources
they discuss along with descriptions (also usually of limited length) in their
text. Both ERIC and DATRIX provide document identification numbers that

1. Another useful source, meta-analysis, is described in the next chapter.

R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 5 9

can lead you to full abstracts in RIE and in Dissertation Abstracts Interna-
tional, respectively. However, the only complete description of a resource is to
be found in the original (or primary) source document itself.
Expense and time constraints prevent full consideration of all the titles
yielded by the various searches. The researcher must be selective, choosing titles
that seem most relevant for further examination. Consulting abstracts, where
available, will help in identifying the most potentially useful and relevant arti-
cles. These articles must then be located or obtained. Unpublished documents
identified through the ERIC search can be purchased either in microfiche or on
paper from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service; simply fill in the form
and follow the procedures described in the back of RIE. Often, these docu-
ments can also be obtained from a library housing the complete ERIC collec-
tion. Microfiche copies are considerably less costly than paper copies, and they
may, in fact, be the only ones available from the library.
Dissertations chosen for further examination can be ordered in microfiche
or on paper from University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Paper
copies are convenient but costly; thus, one should avoid purchasing a large
number of them. Journal articles must be located directly in the journals in
which they appeared. Libraries are the major sources of journal collections
(although reprints of recent articles can often be obtained by writing directly to
their authors). Once a search locates articles, a researcher can photocopy them
for convenient access.
Of the three types of documents—journal articles, dissertations, and
unpublished reports—journal articles are the most concise and the most tech-
nically valuable sources, because they have satisfied the high requirements for
journal publication. Dissertations are lengthy documents, but supervision by
faculty committees helps to ensure good information. Unpublished reports are
usually lengthy and typically are the poorest of the three types in quality—
although, conversely, are of the greatest usefulness to the practitioner, in con-
trast to the researcher (Vockell & Asher, 1974). Hence, journal sources should
be examined most closely and completely in the literature review.
Primary documents reveal not only potentially useful methodologies and
findings but also additional references to relevant articles. This interconnected-
ness of significant articles on a topical area enables a researcher to backtrack
from one relevant study to others that preceded it. This backtracking process
often leads to the richest sources of useful and important work in the area of
interest, loading to studies that have been singled out by other researchers for
review and inclusion. Hence, one researcher builds a study on his or her previ-
ous work as well as on that of other researchers, adding to the research in an
area. Finding your way into this collection of interlocking research often deliv-
ers the whole collection for your discovery and review. This access is the payoff

of the literature review process—enabling you to fit your own work into the
context of important past research.
Dissertation searching can also have its payoff. Because a dissertation com-
monly contains an extensive review of the literature of its subject, locating a
relevant dissertation can provide you with a lengthy list of significant titles.
These can be tracked down and examined for inclusion in your own review.

Using Primary Documents as Literature Sources

Another viable strategy for searching the literature is to start with a journal
article, review article, or dissertation highly relevant to your area of interest
and then search out, locate, and read all of the sources in its reference list. In
this way, you can find the most relevant ones. Each will include a list of refer-
ences that can then be located and read, and you can continue following up
references in each of the next batch of articles. Cooper (1982) calls this model
of tracking backward to locate antecedent studies the ancestry approach.
Another approach, mentioned previously, is to locate an important article
of interest, and then to locate all of the articles that cite it in their reference
lists using the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Cooper (1982) calls this
method the descendancy approach, since it focuses on the studies that have
“descended” from a major one. For example, when Tuckman and Jensen (1977)
were asked to determine the impact of Tuckman’s (1965) theory of small-group
development on the field, they went to SSCI to locate all the subsequent stud-
ies that had cited the original article. The researchers then reviewed the find-
ings of those later studies.

■ Reviewing and Abstracting

All primary documents located in a literature search should not necessarily

be included in a literature review. Slavin (1986) recommends a process of best
evidence synthesis, which chooses only best-evidence articles for inclusion. He
identifies best-evidence studies on the basis of the following criteria: (1) ger-
maneness to the issue at hand; (2) minimization of the methodological biases
that cause a reduction in internal validity or certainty, as discussed in Chapter
7; (3) maximization of external validity or generality, also discussed in Chapter
7. Literature reviewers should clearly state their criteria for including studies.
After thoroughly reading a document or article and deciding to include it in
your literature review, it is useful to prepare your own abstract to summa-
rize the methodology and findings of the study it reports in a way germane
to your own needs and interests. Most journal articles are preceded by short
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 6 1

abstracts of 100 to 200 words. Although you may incorporate this information
into your own abstract, for an important article, it is preferable to prepare a
more detailed version.
The abstract should be headed by the full reference exactly as it will appear
in your final reference list. (Reference format is described in Chapter 13.) The
abstract itself should be divided into the following three sections: (1) purpose
and hypotheses, (2) methodology, and (3) findings and conclusions. You will
probably not use all of this information in writing your review, but because
you do not know what and how much you will need, it is wise to have it all
(particularly if you borrow copies of the articles and have to return them).
Identify and summarize in a sentence or two the purpose of the study you
are reviewing. Then locate the hypotheses or research questions, and record
them verbatim if they are not too long. If they are lengthy, summarize them.
Underline the names of the variables. In the second paragraph of your abstract,
briefly describe the methodology of the research, including sample characteris-
tics and size, methods for measuring or manipulating the variables, design, and
The final paragraph should include a brief summary of each finding and a
clear, concise statement of the paper’s conclusion. Do not trust to memory for
recalling important details of the article. Because you will be reviewing many
studies, their details will become blurred in your memory. Any information
that seems important should be put in the abstract.
Because you will ultimately want to categorize the study when writing up
your literature review, it is useful at this time to generate a category system.
Categories usually reflect the variables of the proposed study or the descrip-
tors used in locating the source document. Write this category name at the top
of the card and file it accordingly for easy use. A sample review abstract of a
journal article is shown in Figure 3.5.

■ Writing the Literature Review

The literature review appears as part of the introductory section of a research

report. (See Chapter 13 for additional details.) In addition to helping sup-
port and justify the researcher’s selection of variables and hypotheses, litera-
ture citations also help to establish both the context of the problem and its
When writing a literature review, make sure to satisfy several important
criteria: (1) Adequacy: Is the review sufficiently thorough? (2) Clarity: Are the
important points clearly made? (3) Empirical orientation: Are actual findings
cited rather than just opinions? (4) Recency: Are the citations up to date? (5)

FIGURE 3.5 A Sample Review Abstract of a Journal Article

Variables Affecting Motivation

Tuckman, B. W. (1990a). Group versus goal-setting effects on the self-regulated

performance of students differing in self-efficacy. Journal of Experimental Educa-
tion, 58, 291–298.
Purpose and Hypotheses. This study compared the effects of (a) working in
groups, to those of (b) setting goals, and to (c) doing neither on the self-regu-
lated or self-motivated performance of students at high, middle, and low levels of
self-efficacy (or self-confidence). Students at middle and low levels of self-effi-
cacy were expected to perform more in both group and goal-setting conditions.
Methodology. A self-regulated performance task called Voluntary Homework
System or VHS offered 126 college students the opportunity to write different
types of test items for extra credit bonuses in an educational psychology course,
the amounts of the rewards depending on the magnitudes of their performance
relative to that of their classmates. Top-third performers got double bonuses,
middle-third single bonuses, and low-third no bonuses. Self-efficacy was mea-
sured at the start of the 4-week performance period.
Finding and Conclusions. Although no performance differences were found
among the three conditions overall, the data revealed a strong interaction
between performance condition and individual level of self-efficacy. The group
condition showed the greatest enhancement of performance in students of
middle level self-efficacy relative to the other conditions, whereas goal-setting
had its greatest effect on the performance of low-self-efficacy students relative
to the other conditions. Neither condition affected the performance of high-self-
efficacy students. It was concluded that students’ self-beliefs must be taken into
account when choosing a condition to function as a performance motivator.

Relevance: Do the citations bear on the variables and hypotheses? (6) Organi-
zation: Is the presentation of the literature review well organized with a clear
introduction, subheadings, and summaries? (7) Convincing argument: Does
the literature help in making a case for the proposed study?
The literature search should be a systematic review aimed at both relevance
and completeness. An effort should be made not to overlook any material that
might be important to the purpose of the review. Fortuitous findings are likely,
but on the whole systematic planning yields better results than luck does. The
process begins with the smallest traces of past work—titles—and then expands
to more detailed abstracts and then to the complete articles and documents
themselves. Finally, these complete sources are reduced to relevant review
abstracts that you yourself write in preparation for a review article, if that is
your purpose. The final reduction produces a set of references, which appear at
the end of your report.
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 6 3

FIGURE 3.6 The Literature Review Process in Schematic

A schematic portraying the entire sequence appears in Figure 3.6. (Proce-

dures for writing the literature review and for preparing the list of references are
described in Chapter 13 as part of preparing the proposal or research report.)

■ Summary
1. The literature review provides ideas about variables of interest based on
prior work that has contributed to an understanding of those variables.
Prior work contributes to the development of new hypotheses.
2. Literature sources include major computerized collections of abstracts
such as ERIC for education, PsycLIT for psychology, and DATRIX for
dissertations. Additional sources include indexes such as the Education
Index and Citation Index, review journals such as the Review of Edu-
cational Research and Annual Review of Psychology, and original source
documents such as journals and books.

3. To conduct a literature search, follow these steps: (1) Choose interest areas
and descriptors (that is, variable names or labels that classify studies in
literature collections such as ERIC). (2) Search by hand or computer for
relevant titles and abstracts. (3) Locate, read, and abstract relevant articles
in primary sources.
4. In preparing an abstract of a research article, briefly describe its purpose
and hypotheses, methodology, and findings and conclusions.
5. A good literature review section should be sufficient in its coverage of the
field, clear, empirical, up-to-date, relevant to the study’s problem, well
organized, and supportive of the study’s hypotheses.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. State six purposes for conducting a literature search.

2. Why do you think a researcher prepares a literature review—separate from
any experimental research he or she might be engaged in—like those found
in such review journals as the Review of Educational Research?
3. Match the literature source on the left with the kind of information it pro-
vides on the right.
1. ERIC a. Lists titles and reference information for
journal articles
2. Resources in Education b. Journal index for ERIC
3. PsycLIT c. Provides full texts of dissertations
4. DATRIX d. Lists documents that reference
given pieces of work
5. CIJE e. Provides lists of relevant dissertation titles
6. Education Index f. A catalog of ERIC documents
g. A repository for educational documents
7. Citation Index h. Abstracts of psychological documents
4. List three review publications, handbooks, or encyclopedias in education
or related fields. List three research journals in educational areas.
5. Suppose that your area of research interest is the teaching of high school
liberal arts subjects and the characteristics of teachers who are effective
for this teaching. Describe the procedure you would use for identifying
relevant search descriptors, and list five descriptors you might choose.
6. Starting out with the five descriptors listed in Exercise 5, describe (in
detail) three searches you would make to locate articles relevant to those
7. Starting with the searches described in Exercise 6, describe procedures for
obtaining primary source documents.
R E V I E W I N G T H E L I T E R AT U R E ■ 6 5

8. Turn to the end of Chapter 14, and find the long abstract of a study enti-
tled, Evaluating Developmental Instruction. Prepare a 100-word abstract
of this study.

■ Recommended References
Cooper, H. M. (1989). Integrating research: A guide for literature reviews (2nd ed.).
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Cooper, H. M., & Hedges, L. V. (Eds.). (1994). The handbook of research synthesis.
New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

Identifying and Labeling Variables


• Identify variables and label them according to five types: indepen-

dent, dependent, moderator, control, or intervening variables.
• Describe the characteristics of each type of variable.
• State several factors to be considered in labeling variables as one of
the five types.

■ A Research Question and Its Variables

Consider this research question: Among students of the same age and intelli-
gence, is skill performance directly related to the number of practice trials, the
relationship being particularly strong among boys, but also holding, though
less directly, among girls? This research question, which indicates that practice
increases learning, involves several variables:

Independent variable: Number of practice trials

Dependent variable: Skill performance
Moderator variable: Gender
Control variables: Age, intelligence
Intervening variable: Learning

■ The Independent Variable

The independent variable, a stimulus variable or input, operates either within

a person or within his or her environment to affect behavior. Formally stated,

■ 67

the independent variable in a research study is the factor that is measured,

manipulated, or selected by the experimenter to determine its relationship to
an observed phenomenon. If a researcher studying the relationship between
two variables, X and Y, asks, “What will happen to Y if I make X greater or
smaller?” the question identifies Variable X as the independent variable. It is the
variable that the researcher will manipulate or change to cause a change in some
other variable. It is independent, because the research focuses only on how it
affects another variable, not what affects it. The study treats the independent
variable as an antecedent condition, a required condition preceding a particular
consequence. In other words, the independent variable is the presumed cause
of any change in the outcome. Moreover, it may be manipulated or measured.

■ The Dependent Variable

The dependent variable is a response variable or output. It reflects an observed

aspect of the behavior of an organism that has been stimulated. Formally, the
dependent variable is the factor that is observed and measured to determine
the effect of the independent variable; it is the factor that appears, disappears,
or varies as the researcher introduces, removes, or varies the independent vari-
able. When the researcher asks, “What will happen to Y if I make X greater
or smaller?” Y is identified as the dependent variable. It is the variable that
will change as a result of variations in the independent variable. It is consid-
ered dependent because its value depends upon the value of the independent
variable; its variations represent consequences of changes in the independent
variable. That is, it represents the presumed effect of the independent variable.
Researchers always measure the dependent variable and never manipulate it.

■ The Relationship Between Independent and

Dependent Variables

For the purpose of explanation, this section deals solely with the relationship
between a single independent variable and a single dependent variable. How-
ever, it is important to note that most experiments involve many variables,
not just a single independent-dependent pair. The additional variables may be
independent and dependent variables or they may be moderator or control
Many studies utilize discrete—that is, categorical—independent variables.
Such a study looks either at the presence versus the absence of a particular
treatment or approach, or at a comparison between different approaches.
Other studies utilize continuous independent variables. The researcher’s obser-
vations of such a variable may be stated in numerical terms indicating degree or
I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 6 9

When two continuous variables are compared, as in correlation studies,

researchers make rather arbitrary decisions as to which variables to call inde-
pendent and which dependent ones. In fact, in such cases the variables are often
not labeled as independent or dependent precisely because no real distinction,
like one as cause and the other as effect, separates them.
Independent variables may be called factors, and their variations may be
called levels. In a study of the effect of music instruction on ability to concentrate,
the difference between an experimental treatment (music instruction) versus no
experimental treatment (no music instruction) represents a single independent
variable or factor (namely, amount of music instruction). The variable contains
two levels: some music instruction and no music instruction. A study of teaching
effectiveness might compare (1) programmed instruction versus (2) instruction
by lecture alone versus (3) instruction combining lecture and discussion. This
study would include a single independent variable or factor (type of instruction)
that contains three levels. Be careful not to confuse a single independent variable
with two levels for two independent variables, or an independent variable with
three levels for three independent variables, and so on.
Figure 4.1 illustrates the relationship between a discrete independent vari-
able and a dependent variable.

Some Examples of Independent and Dependent Variables

The following list reports a number of hypotheses drawn from studies under-
taken in a research methods course; the independent and dependent variables
have been identified for each one.

• Research Question 1. Under intangible reinforcement conditions, will

middle-class children learn significantly faster or more easily than lower-
class children?
Independent variable: socioeconomic status (middle class versus lower class)
Dependent variable: ease or speed of learning
• Research Question 2. Do girls who plan to pursue careers in science display
more aggressive, less conforming, more independent attitudes, and express
stronger needs for achievement than girls who do not plan such careers?
Independent variable: career choice (science versus nonscience)
Dependent variables: aggressiveness, conformity, independence, need for

1. It is difficult if not impossible to determine whether career choices cause observed

personality characteristics. Thus, only an arbitrary distinction separates independent and
dependent variables. In such cases, research imposes no real need to label the variables other
than for discussion purposes, and then labeling may be based on presumed causality.

FIGURE 4.1 Relationships Between Independent and Dependent Variables

• Research Question 3. In a group of children at elementary school age, will

those above average height be more often chosen as leaders by their class-
mates than are those below average height?
Independent variable: height (above average versus below average)
Dependent variable: selection as leader by classmates
• Research Question 4. In a middle-class, suburban, public school district
in which a child is expected to meet the standards of a set curriculum, will
a child who is under 5 years of age upon entrance to kindergarten be less
likely to be ready for first grade in 1 year than a child who is 5 years of age
or more at the time of entrance to kindergarten?
I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 7 1

Independent variable: age upon entrance to kindergarten (under 5 versus

5 and over)
Dependent variable: readiness for first grade
• Research Question 5. Will students who are taught to read using a phonics
approach attain a higher level of reading achievement than students taught
by a whole language approach?
Independent variable: method of teaching reading (phonics versus whole
Dependent variable: level of reading achievement attained
• Research Question 6. Will students who receive peer counseling prior
to a test experience less test anxiety than students who receive no peer
Independent variable: pretest peer counseling versus no peer counseling
Dependent variable: level of test anxiety

Consider also the following two examples drawn from journal sources:

• Research Question 7. Are perceptions of the characteristics of a “good”

or effective teacher in part determined by the perceiver’s attitudes toward
Independent variable: perceiver’s attitudes toward education
Dependent variable: perceptions of the characteristics of a “good” or effec-
tive teacher
• Research Question 8. Will students who are required to take a quiz on
each chapter score higher on course examinations than students who are
required to complete an outline of each chapter?
Independent variable: chapter assignment: taking quizzes versus complet-
ing outlines
Dependent variable: score on course examinations

■ The Moderator Variable

The term moderator variable describes a special type of independent variable,

a secondary independent variable selected to determine if it affects the relation-
ship between the study’s primary independent variable and its dependent vari-
ables. Formally, a moderator variable is a factor that is measured, manipulated,
or selected by the experimenter to discover whether it modifies the relationship
of the independent variable to an observed phenomenon. The word modera-
tor simply acknowledges the reason that this secondary independent variable
has been singled out for study. A researcher may be interested in studying the

effect of Independent Variable X on Dependent Variable Y but suspects that

the nature of the relationship between X and Y is altered by the level of a third
factor, Z. The study may include Z in the analysis as a moderator variable.
Consider two illustrations. First, suppose that a researcher wants to com-
pare the effectiveness of a visual approach (based mainly on pictures) to an
auditory approach (based on audiotapes) for teaching a unit on ecology. The
researcher suspects, however, that one method may be more effective for stu-
dents who learn best in a visual mode, while the other may be more effective
for those who learn best in an auditory mode. When all students are tested
together for achievement at the end of the unit, the overall results of the two
approaches may appear to be the same, but separating results for visual learn-
ers from those for auditory ones may show that the two approaches have dif-
ferent results in each subgroup. If so, the learning mode variable moderates
the relationship between instructional approach (the independent variable) and
teaching effectiveness (the dependent variable). This moderating relationship
(usually established via analysis of variance or regression analysis) is shown
graphically in Figure 4.2 (which reflects fictional data).
A second illustration (borne out by real data) comes from a study of the
relationship between the conditions under which a test is taken (the indepen-
dent variable) and test performance (the dependent variable). Assume that the

FIGURE 4.2 Relationship Between Instructional Approach (Independent Variable)

and Achievement (Dependent Variable) as Moderated by Student Learning Mode
I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 7 3

researcher varies test conditions between ego orientation (“write your name
on the paper, we’re measuring you”) and task orientation (“don’t write your
name on the paper, we’re measuring the test”). The test taker’s previously mea-
sured test-anxiety level, a “personality” measure characteristic, is included as a
moderator variable. The combined results show that highly test-anxious people
functioned better under task orientation, and people of low-test anxiety func-
tioned better under ego orientation. This interaction between the independent
variable, the moderator variable, and the dependent variable is shown graphi-
cally in Figure 4.3.
Because educational research studies usually deal with highly complex
situations, the inclusion of at least one moderator variable in a study is highly
recommended. Often the nature of the relationship between X and Y remains
poorly understood after a study because the researchers failed to single out and
measure vital moderator variables such as Z, W, and so on.

Some Examples of Moderator Variables

A number of hypotheses drawn from various sources can help to illustrate the
variables. The moderator variable (along with the independent and dependent
variables) has been identified for each example below.

FIGURE 4.3 Relationship Between Test Conditions (Independent Variable) and Test

Performance (Dependent Variable) as Moderated by Test Anxiety Level
74 ■ C H A P T E R F O U R

• Research Question 1. Do situational pressures of morality cause nondog-

matic school superintendents to innovate, while situational pressures of
expediency cause dogmatic school superintendents to innovate?
Independent variable: type of situational pressure (morality versus
Moderator variable: level of dogmatism of the school superintendent
Dependent variable: degree to which superintendent innovates
• Research Question 2. Do greater differences in achievement remain
between good readers and poor readers after they receive written instruc-
tion than after they receive oral instruction?
Independent variable: type of instruction (written versus oral)
Moderator variable: reading level (good versus poor)
Dependent variable: achievement
• Research Question 3. Do firstborn male college students with a Machia-
vellian orientation get higher grades than their non-Machiavellian coun-
terparts of equal intelligence, while no such differences are found among
Moderator variable: It is optional whether birth order (firstborn versus later-
born) or degree of Machiavellian orientation (Machiavellian versus non-
Machiavellian) is considered the moderator variable; the other then
becomes the independent variable.
Dependent variable: grades
• Research Question 4. Do more highly structured instructional procedures
provoke greater achievement among students who practice concrete think-
ing and less structured approaches provoke greater achievement among
students who practice abstract thinking?
Independent variable: level of structure in instruction (more versus less)
Moderator variable: thinking style of students (concrete versus abstract)
Dependent variable: achievement

■ Control Variables

A single study cannot enable one to examine all of the variables in a situa-
tion (situational variables) or in a person (dispositional variables); some must
be neutralized to guarantee that they will not exert differential or moderat-
ing effects on the relationship between the independent variable and the
dependent variable. Control variables are factors controlled by the experi-
menter to cancel out or neutralize any effect they might otherwise have on
observed phenomena. The effects of control variables are neutralized; the
I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 7 5

effects of moderator variables are studied. (As Chapter 7 will explain, the
effects of control variables can be neutralized by elimination, equating across
groups, or randomization.)
Certain variables appear repeatedly as control variables in educational
research, although they occasionally serve as moderator variables. Gender,
intelligence, and socioeconomic status are three dispositional variables that are
commonly controlled; noise, task order, and task content are common situ-
ational control variables. In constructing an experiment, the researcher must
always decide which variables to study and which to control. Some of the bases
for this decision are discussed in the last section of this chapter.

Some Examples of Control Variables

Control variables are not necessarily specified in a hypothesis statement. Often,

the choice of factors treated as control variables is discussed only in the meth-
ods section of a research report. The examples below, however, specifically list
at least one control variable in each hypothesis statement.

• Research Question 1. Do firstborn college students with a Machiavellian

orientation get higher grades than their non-Machiavellian counterparts of
equal intelligence, while no such differences are found among later-borns?
Control variable: intelligence
• Research Question 2. Among boys, is physical size correlated with social
maturity, while for girls in the same age group, do these two variables show
no correlation?
Control variable: age
• Research Question 3. Does task performance by high-need achievers
exceed that of low-need achievers in tasks with 50 percent subjective prob-
ability of success?
Control variable: subjective probability of task success
• Research Question 4. Among lower-class children, do tangible reinforce-
ment conditions produce significantly more learning than intangible rein-
forcement conditions?
Control variable: social class

Each of these illustrations undoubtedly includes other variables—such as the

subjects’ relevant prior experiences or the noise level during treatment—that
are nor specified in the hypothesis statements but that must be controlled.
Because they are controlled by routine design procedures, universal variables
such as these are often not systematically labeled.

■ Intervening Variables

All of the variable types described thus far—independent, dependent, modera-

tor, and control variables—are concrete factors. Each independent, moderator,
and control variable can be manipulated by the experimenters, and each varia-
tion can be observed as it affects the dependent variable. By manipulating these
concrete variables, experimenters often want to address, not concrete phenom-
ena, but hypothetical ones: relationships between a hypothetical underlying
or intervening variable and a dependent variable. An intervening variable is a
factor that theoretically affects observed phenomena but cannot be seen, mea-
sured, or manipulated; its effect must be inferred from the effects of the inde-
pendent and moderator variables on the observed phenomena.
In writing about their studies, researchers do not always identify their
intervening variables. Even less often do they label those variables as such. It
would be helpful if they did explicitly state underlying variables. Consider the
roles of the intervening variables in the following research questions.

• Research Question 1. As task interest increases, does measured task per-

formance increase?
Independent variable: task interest
Intervening variable: learning
Dependent variable: task performance
• Research Question 2. Do children who are blocked from reaching their
goals exhibit more aggressive acts than children not so blocked?
Independent variable: encountering or not encountering obstacles to goals
Intervening variable: frustration
Dependent variable: number of aggressive acts
• Research Question 3. Do teachers given many positive feedback experi-
ences have more positive attitudes toward children than teachers given
fewer positive feedback experiences?
Independent variable: number of positive feedback experiences for teachers
Intervening variable: teachers’ self-esteem
Dependent variable: positive character of teachers’ attitudes toward students

In these examples, the concrete, observed values of the operationalized

dependent variables represent abstract characteristics or qualities affected by the
independent (and moderator) variables. For example, in Research Question 1,
increased task interest (independent variable) leads to or causes observed and
measured increases in task performance (dependent variable), which in turn
reflect a presumed increase in learning. The study directly measures task perfor-
mance, not learning, but the researcher infers that learning has occurred and has
affected task performance.
I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 7 7

Researchers must operationalize variables in order to study them, and they

must conceptualize variables in order to generalize from them. Researchers
often use the labels independent, dependent, moderator, and control to describe
operational statements of their variables. The term intervening variable, how-
ever always refers to a conceptual variable—a factor affected by the indepen-
dent, moderator, and control variables that, in turn, affects the dependent
For example, suppose that a researcher plans to contrast the techniques of
presenting a lesson on closed-circuit TV versus presenting it via a live lecture.
The independent variable is mode of presentation; the dependent variable is
some measure of learning. The choice of an intervening variable emerges from
the question, “What underlying characteristic of the two modes of presentation
should lead one to be more effective than the other?” This question amounts to
asking what the intervening variable is. The likely answer (likely but not cer-
tain, because intervening variables are neither visible nor directly measurable)
is attention. Closed-circuit TV will not present more or less information, but it
may stimulate more or less attention. Thus, the increased attention could lead
to better learning.
Why bother to identify intervening variables? Researchers take this step to
allow them to generalize about causes rather than simply pointing out mutual
variations among variables. If the researcher in the example identifies attention
as the intervening variable, then the study must examine how this factor affects
learning, and the data function as a means to generalize to other situations and
other modes of presentation. Researchers must concern themselves with why
as well as what and how.
Consider the following statements:

1. Students taught by discovery (a) will perform better (b) on a new but
related task (c) than students taught by rote (a2).
2. Students taught by discovery (a1) will develop a search strategy (b1)—an
approach to finding solutions—that will enable them to perform better
on a new but related task (c), while students taught by rote will learn
solutions but not strategies (b2), thus limiting their ability to solve trans-
fer problems (c).

The symbols a1 and a2 refer to the two levels of the independent variable,
whereas c refers to the dependent variable. The intervening variable (presence
or absence of a search strategy) is identified as b1 and b2 in the second statement.
Intervening variables can often be discovered by examining a hypothesis
and asking the question, “What characteristic of the independent variable will
cause the predicted outcome?”

■ The Combined Variables

The relationship between the five types of variables described in this chapter is
illustrated in Figure 4.4. Note that independent, moderator, and control vari-
ables are inputs or causes: the first two types are the causes being studied in the
research whereas the third represents causes neutralized or “eliminated” from
influence. At the other end of the figure, dependent variables represent effects
while intervening variables are conceptual assumptions that intervene between
operationally stated causes and operationally stated effects.

Example 1

Consider a study by Tuckman (1996a) of the difference in achievement in a

course between two groups of college students. Members of one group are
motivated to study by the presence of an incentive, but they are not taught any
learning strategy; students in the other group are taught a learning strategy and
required to use it, but they receive no motivation to study. In addition, stu-
dents are classified for analysis purposes according to high, medium, and low
prior academic achievement in college.

• The independent variable is the condition: incentive motivation versus

learning strategy.

FIGURE 4.4 The Combined Variables

I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 7 9

• The moderator variable is prior academic achievement in college.

• The control variable is education level: college students.
• The dependent variable is achievement in a course.
• The intervening variables are the desire to gain an incentive and the quality
of information processing. (The study includes two, because each condi-
tion provokes one state and not the other.)

Example 2

Consider another study of the impacts of a mastery learning instructional

model and a student team learning instructional model, separately and com-
bined, on mathematics achievement among urban ninth graders. The research
question asks whether the mastery learning approach will be more effective
when combined with the student team approach than when used alone, par-
ticularly among students of low prior achievement.

• One independent variable is instructional approach regarding mastery. It

contains two levels: mastery versus non-mastery.
• The second independent variable is instructional approach regarding
teams, also with two levels: teams versus no teams.
• The moderator variable is student prior achievement, with three levels;
low, middle, and high achievement.
• The control variables, while not necessarily spelled out in the research
question are grade level, urban or rural residence, quality and content of
instruction, subject-matter area, and instructional time. The urban context
yielded low scholastic achievement and a predominately minority sample.
• The dependent variable is how much of the appropriate mathematics con-
tent students achieve.
• The intervening variables include ability to understand instruction (the
key feature of mastery learning) and the incentive to persevere (the key
feature of student teaming).

Example 3

Consider a study designed to provide feedback for teachers about their in-
class behavior from (1) students, (2) supervisors, (3) both students and super-
visors, and (4) neither. Students’ judgments are again obtained after 12 weeks
to determine whether teachers given feedback from different sources have
shown differential changes of behavior in the directions advocated by the
feedback. Differential outcomes are also considered based on years of teach-
ing experience of each teacher.

• The independent variable is source of feedback. Note that this single inde-
pendent variable or factor includes four levels, each corresponding to a
condition (labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4).
• The moderator variable is years of teaching experience. This single factor
includes three levels (1 to 3 years of teaching experience, 4 to 10 years, and
11 or more years).
• Control variables are students’ grade level (10th, 11th, or 12th grade),
students’ curricular major (vocational only), teachers’ subject (vocational
only), and class size (approximately 15 students).
• The dependent variable is change in teachers’ behavior (as perceived by
students). The purpose of the study is to see how feedback from different
sources affects teachers’ behavior.
• The intervening variable could be identified as the responsiveness of the
teacher to feedback from varying sources, based on the perceived motiva-
tion and perceived value of feedback for each teacher.

Example 4

Consider a research study reported by Tuckman (1990a, p. 291) “to compare

the effect of working in groups, goal-setting, and a control condition on the
self-regulated performance of (college) subjects at high, middle, and low levels
of self-efficacy.”

• The independent variable is working condition, with three levels: (1) in

groups, (2) with goal-setting, and (3) with neither (the control group).
• The moderator variable is level of self-efficacy, with three levels: (1) high,
(2) middle, and (3) low self-efficacy.
• The only control variable identified in the hypothesis statement is subjects’
level of education: college.
• The dependent variable is amount of self-regulated performance.
• The intervening variable might be structure or assistance required for

■ Some Considerations for Variable Choice

After selecting independent and dependent variables for a study, the researcher
must decide which factors to include as moderator variables and which to
exclude or hold constant as control variables. He or she must decide how to
treat the total pool of other variables (other than the independent) that might
affect the dependent variable. In deciding which variables to include and which
I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 8 1

to exclude, the researcher should take into account theoretical, design, and
practical considerations.

Theoretical Considerations

In treating a variable as a moderator variable, the researcher seeks to learn how

it interacts with the independent variable to produce differential effects on the
dependent variable. The theoretical base from which the researcher is working
and the information he or she is trying to gain in a particular experiment often
suggest certain variables that seem highly qualified as moderator variables. In
choosing a moderator variable, the researcher should ask:

• Is the variable related to the theory with which I’m working?

• How helpful would information about any interaction be? That is, would
this result affect my theoretical interpretations and applications?
• How likely is such an interaction to occur?

Design Considerations

Beyond the questions already cited, a researcher might ask questions that relate
to the experimental design chosen and its adequacy for controlling for sources
of bias. The list should include the question:

• Have my decisions about moderator and control variables met the require-
ments of experimental design for dealing with sources of invalidity?

Practical Considerations

A researcher can study only so many variables at one time. Human and finan-
cial resources limit this choice, as do deadline pressures. By their nature, some
variables are harder to study than to neutralize, while others are as easily stud-
ied as neutralized. Although researchers are bound by design considerations,
they usually find enough freedom of choice that practical concerns come into
play. In dealing with practical considerations, the researcher must ask ques-
tions like these:

• What difficulties might arise from a decision to make a variable a modera-

tor as opposed to a control variable?
• What kinds of resources are available, and what kinds are required to create
and evaluate moderator variables?
• How much control do I have over the experimental situation?

This last concern is a highly significant one. Educational researchers often have
less control over their situations than design and theoretical considerations
alone might necessitate. Thus, researchers must take practical considerations
into account when selecting variables.

■ Summary
1. An independent variable, sometimes also called a factor, is a condition
selected for manipulation or measurement by the researcher to determine
its relationship to an observed phenomenon or outcome. It is the presumed
cause of the outcome, and manipulation creates discrete levels. (Measure-
ment may also enable the researcher to divide it into discrete levels.)
2. A dependent variable is an outcome observed or measured following
manipulation or measurement of the independent variable to determine
the presumed effect of the independent variable. It is usually a continuous
3. A moderator variable is a secondary independent variable, selected for
study to see if it affects the relationship between the primary independent
variable and the dependent variable. It is usually measured, and it often
represents a characteristic of the study participants (for example, gender or
grade level or ability level). It too is often divided into levels.
4. A control variable is a characteristic of the situation or person that the
researcher chooses not to study. Its presence and potential impact on the
dependent variable must be canceled out or neutralized.
5. An intervening variable is a factor that theoretically explains the reason
why the independent variable affects the dependent variable as it does. This
concept is created or influenced by the independent variable that enables it
to have its effect. It is a hypothetical variable rather than a real one, as the
other types are.
6. Independent, moderator, and control variables all may affect the depen-
dent variable, presumably by first affecting an intervening variable.
7. Researchers must decide how to deal with potentially influential variables
other than the independent variable. No variable that may affect the depen-
dent variable can be ignored. Each must be treated as either a moderator
variable, and hence studied, or a control variable, and hence eliminated.
8. Choosing to treat a variable as a moderator variable is based on (a) theo-
retical considerations (How likely is the variable to affect the independent
variable-dependent variable relationship?), (b) design considerations (Will
the choice allow adequate control?), and (c) practical considerations (Can
the researcher call on sufficient resources and manageable techniques for
accomplishing it?).
I D E N T I F Y I N G A N D L A B E L I N G VA R I A B L E S ■ 8 3

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Connect the terms in Column A with those in Column B.

a. Independent variable 1. Avoided
b. Dependent variable 2. Inferred
c. Moderator variable 3. Cause
d. Control variable 4. Modifier
e. Intervening variable 5. Effect
2. Consider a study of the relationship between parents’ occupations in a sci-
ence or nonscience field and the tendency to elect science courses in high
school by males and females. In this study, identify the:
a. Independent variable
b. Moderator variable
c. Control variable
d. Dependent variable
e. Intervening variable
3. Suggest an additional moderator variable for the study in Exercise 2. Also:
a. State a theoretical consideration that might lead a researcher to include
or exclude this variable as a moderator.
b. State a practical consideration that might lead a researcher to include or
exclude this variable as a moderator.
4. Research Question: Holding age constant, will left-handed children with
perceptual motor training perform better on eye-hand coordination tasks
than left-handed children without this training, whereas such differences
will not appear among right-handed children?
a. Independent variable:______________________________
b. Moderator variable:_______________________________
c. Control variable:__________________________________
d. Dependent variable:________________________________
e. Intervening variable:________________________________
5. Research Question: Are inexperienced social studies teachers more likely
to change their attitudes toward teaching after receiving televised feedback
than without receiving feedback, and experienced social studies teachers
equally likely to maintain their attitudes either with or without televised
a. Independent variable:_____________________________________
b. Moderator variable:______________________________________
c. Control variable:_________________________________________
d. Dependent variable:_______________________________________
e. Intervening variable:______________________________________

■ Recommended Reference
Martin, D. W. (1991). Doing psychology experiments (3rd ed.). Monterey, CA: Brooks/

Constructing Hypotheses
and Meta-Analyses


• Identify specific and general hypotheses and observations, and

describe their differences.
• Construct alternative directional hypotheses from a problem
• Determine the appropriateness of a hypothesis using deduction and
• Given operational statements, identify concepts that can aid in gen-
erating hypotheses.
• Identify testable hypotheses based on the results of meta-analyses.
• Construct a null hypothesis from a hypothesis given in directional

■ Formulating Hypotheses

What Is a Hypothesis?

The next step in the research process after selecting a problem and identifying
variables is to state a hypothesis (or hypotheses). A hypothesis, a suggested
answer to the selected problem, has the following characteristics:

• It should conjecture about the direction of the relationship between two or

more variables.
• It should be stated clearly and unambiguously in the form of a declarative

■ 85

• It should be testable; that is, it should allow restatement in an operational

form that can then be evaluated based on data. (This subject is addressed in
Chapter 6.)

Thus, hypotheses that might have been derived from the problem state-
ments listed on pages 24 and 25 are:

• IQ and achievement are positively related.

• Directive teachers give more effective instruction than nondirective teachers.
• The dropout rate is higher for black students than for white students.
• Programs offering stipends are more successful at retaining students than are
programs that do not offer stipends.
• Speed of learning a task is directly proportional to the amount of pretraining
that learners complete.
• Repetitious prompting in a learning process impairs the effectiveness of pro-
grammed materials.
• As a teacher’s descriptions of a student become increasingly unfavorable, the
student’s self-description becomes increasingly unfavorable, as well.
• Error rate in a rote learning task is inversely related to socioeconomic status;
that is, middle-class youngsters make fewer errors in a rote learning task than
lower-class youngsters make.
• The ability to discriminate among parts of speech increases with chronological
age and educational level.
• Students taught by the phonics method achieve higher reading scores than
those taught by the whole language approach.

Observations Versus Specific and General Hypotheses

Hypotheses are often confused with observations. These terms refer, however,
to quite different things. Observation refers to what is—that is, to what can be
seen. Thus, researchers may look around in a school and observe that most of
the students are performing above their grade levels.
From that observation, they may then infer that the school is located in
a middle-class neighborhood. Though the researchers do not know that the
neighborhood is middle-class (that is, they have no data on income level), they
expect that most people living there are of moderate means. By making explicit
their expectation that schools of advanced learners are in middle-class neigh-
borhoods the researchers make a specific hypothesis setting forth an anticipated
relationship between two variables—academic performance and income level.
To test this specific hypothesis, the researchers could walk around the neigh-
borhood, observe the homes, and ask the residents to reveal their income levels.
C O N S T R U C T I N G H Y P O T H E S E S A N D M E TA - A N A LY S E S ■ 8 7

(They would also need an operational definition of moderate income level to

guide this judgment; see Chapter 6.) After making the observations needed to
evaluate their specific hypothesis, the researchers might make a general hypoth-
esis: Areas containing high concentrations of good learners are characterized by
high incidences of moderate incomes. The second hypothesis represents a gener-
alization from the first, and researchers must test it separately by making obser-
vations, as they did for the specific hypothesis. Because they could not practi-
cally (or even possibly) observe all neighborhoods, the researchers would take
a sample of neighborhoods and reach conclusions on a probability basis, that is,
on the likelihood that the hypothesis states a true relationship. (Researchers can
test a specific hypothesis based on fewer observations than they would need to
test a general hypothesis. To allow testing, they reformulate a general hypothesis
to construct a more specific one.)
Formally, then, a hypothesis is an expectation about events based on gen-
eralizations of the assumed relationship between variables. Hypotheses are
abstract statements concerned with theories and concepts, whereas the obser-
vations used to test hypotheses are specific data based on facts.

Where Do Hypotheses Come From?

Given a problem statement—Are A and B related?—researchers can construct

three possible hypotheses:

1. Yes, as A increases so does B.

2. Yes, as A increases, B decreases.
3. No, A and B are unrelated.

Of course, as more variables are simultaneously considered, the number of

possible hypotheses dramatically increases. Also, these basic possibilities are lim-
ited to simple linear relationships; refinements could conceivably produce more
possibilities, perhaps as A increases, B initially increases and then levels off.
After deciding that the research problem will focus on the relationship
between Variables A and B, the researcher can draw upon two logical processes in
developing a hypothesis: deduction and induction.
Deduction proceeds from the general to the specific. In deduction, general
expectations about events (based on presumed relationships between variables)
give rise to more specific expectations (or anticipated observations). For exam-
ple, consider two general statements:

1. People spend less time on activities they perform well.

2. People spend more time on activities they perform well.

From the first statement, the researcher may, for example, deduce the spe-
cific hypothesis that people spend less time doing whatever they do well because
they achieve efficiency at that activity. From the second general statement, the
researcher may instead deduce that people spend more time doing what they do
well because they enjoy doing it. The specific hypothesis deduced depends on
the more general assumptions or theoretical position from which the researcher
In induction, in contrast, the researcher starts with specific observations
and combines them to produce a more general statement of a relationship,
namely a hypothesis. Many researchers begin by searching the literature for
relevant specific findings from which to induce hypotheses (a process consid-
ered in detail in Chapter 3). Others run exploratory studies before attempting
to induce hypothetical statements about the relationships between the vari-
ables in question. One example of induction began with research findings that
obese people eat as much immediately after meals as they do some hours after
meals, that they eat much less unappealing food than appealing food, and that
they eat when they think it’s time for dinner even if little time has elapsed since
eating last. These observations led a researcher to induce that for obese people,
hunger is controlled externally rather than internally, as it is for people of nor-
mal weight.
Induction begins with data and observations (empirical events) and pro-
ceeds toward hypotheses and theories; deduction begins with theories and
general hypotheses and proceeds toward specific hypotheses (or anticipated

Constructing Alternative Hypotheses

From any problem statement, it is generally possible to derive more than one
hypothesis. As an example, consider a study based on the problem statement:
What is the combined effect of student personality and instructional procedure
on the amount of learning achieved? Three possible hypotheses that can be
generated from this statement are:

1. More structured instructional procedures will provoke comparably greater

achievement among students most comfortable with concrete concepts, while
less structured approaches will provoke comparably greater achievement
among students most comfortable with abstract concepts.
2. Less structured instructional procedures will provoke comparably greater
achievement among students most comfortable with concrete concepts, while
more structured approaches will provoke comparably greater achievement
among students most comfortable with abstract concepts.
C O N S T R U C T I N G H Y P O T H E S E S A N D M E TA - A N A LY S E S ■ 8 9

3. More structured and less structured instructional procedures will provoke

equal achievement among students most comfortable with abstract con-
cepts and those most comfortable with concrete concepts.

Both induction and deduction are needed to choose among these possi-
bilities. Many theories, both psychological and educational ones, deal with
the relationship between student personality and the effectiveness of differ-
ent teaching techniques. The match-mismatch model described by Tuckman
(1992a) suggests that when teaching approaches are consistent with students’
personalities, students learn more from the experiences. Because a student
most comfortable with concrete learning prefers structure, and one most com-
fortable with abstract learning prefers ambiguity, the logical deduction is that
Hypothesis 1 is the most “appropriate” expectation of the three. Moreover,
observation tends to confirm a strong relationship between what students like
and their personalities. In other words, empirical evidence provides support
for the induction that Hypothesis 1 is the most appropriate choice.
Consider a study based on a problem to determine the effect of group-con-
tingent rewards in modifying aggressive classroom behaviors. (Group-contin-
gent rewards result from an arrangement that aggressive action by one group
member causes rewards to be withheld from all members.) At first glance, these
three hypotheses might be offered:

1. Group-contingent rewards will decrease aggressive classroom behaviors.

2. Group-contingent rewards will increase aggressive classroom behaviors.
3. Group-contingent rewards will not affect aggressive classroom behaviors.

Ample evidence from previous laboratory studies suggests that group-

contingent rewards effectively reduce aggressive behavior (Hypothesis 1).
Induction from the laboratory findings that substantiate a relationship between
group-contingent rewards and behavior change, combined with deduction from
the assumption that the effects of group-contingent rewards observed in laboratory
settings will apply also (though perhaps more subtly) in real classroom settings,
leads to the logical conclusion that group-contingent rewards will indeed demon-
strably reduce aggressive classroom behaviors.
Consider one further example of a choice among possible hypotheses. A
researcher interested in the possible relationship between birth order and achieve-
ment motivation asks: Are firstborn children more likely to pursue higher educa-
tion than later-born children? Three possible hypotheses may result:

1. Firstborns are more likely to pursue higher education than later-born


2. Firstborns are less likely to pursue higher education than later-borns.

3. Firstborns and later-borns are equally likely to pursue higher education.

Available data indicate that, in specific studies, firstborn children sought

parental approval more than later-borns. Moreover, the researcher has observed
specific occasions when educational accomplishment was a source of parental
approval: Parents were likely both to approve and to reward the educational
attainments of their children. Based on the specific observations that firstborns
seek parental approval and that such approval may be gained from educational
pursuits, the researcher induces the more general expectation that firstborns
are more education oriented than later-borns (Hypothesis 1). From this general
hypothesis, arrived at inductively, the researcher may deduce that this year’s
graduating class at Harvard will include more firstborns than later-borns.
Researchers formulate hypotheses using deduction and induction, thus giv-
ing due consideration both to potentially relevant theory and to prior research
findings. Because one goal of research is to contribute to generalizable bod-
ies of theory that will provide answers to practical problems, any researcher
should try, where possible, to work both out of and toward a general theo-
retical base. Hypothesis construction and testing enable researchers to general-
ize their findings beyond the specific conditions in which they obtained those
The decision to pursue a particular study is usually based on consider-
ations of the potential importance of definitive findings and the likelihood of
obtaining them. Because hypotheses are formulations of anticipated findings,
researchers are advised to develop hypotheses as a means of demonstrating to
themselves and their readers the importance and achievability of their studies.
Moreover, by helping to integrate relevant research and logic, the formula-
tion of hypotheses helps researchers to introduce their studies and discuss their

■ Hypotheses Based on Conceptualizing

Researchers deal with reality on two levels, the operational level and the con-
ceptual level. On the operational level, they must define events in observable
terms in order to operate with the reality necessary to do research. On the
conceptual level they must define events in terms of underlying communality
(usually causal relationships) with other events. At a conceptual level, research-
ers abstract from single, specific instances to general ones and thus begin to
understand how phenomena operate and variables interrelate. The formula-
tion of a hypothesis very frequently requires movement from the operational
C O N S T R U C T I N G H Y P O T H E S E S A N D M E TA - A N A LY S E S ■ 9 1

(concrete) level to the conceptual (abstract) level. This movement to the con-
ceptual level allows generalization of the results of research beyond the specific
conditions of a particular study, giving the research wider applicability.
Research requires the ability to move from the operational to the concep-
tual level and vice versa. This ability influences not only the process of con-
structing experiments but also that of applying their findings.
Consider the following hypothetical study. The staff development depart-
ment of a large school district has decided to run three in-service workshops
for all the schools in the district. The purpose of the workshops is to help
teachers and administrators work together in establishing priorities and pro-
grams for helping inner-city students develop communication and problem-
solving skills.
Label these Workshops A, B, and C. At first glance, the research problem
might seem to compare the relative success of each workshop in helping par-
ticipants to plan programs. However the researchers may set more ambitious
goals than merely concluding that one workshop was more successful than the
others; they may want to determine how the workshops differed in order to
discover what characteristics of one led to its superior effectiveness.
Two dimensions or concepts were identified to classify these workshops.
The first was the concept of structure, that is, predesignated specification of
what was to happen, when, and for what purpose.

The second concept dealt with the task orientation of the workshops,
that is, what kinds of problems they addressed. The researchers distinguished
between cognitive problems (those dealing with thinking and problem-solv-
ing) and affective problems (those dealing with feelings and attitudes).

Workshop A used a very traditional approach, marked by a highly devel-

oped agenda and focusing on generating solutions to preordained, real-world,

cognitive problems. Workshop C was almost entirely oriented toward human

relations and followed no set agenda. Participants dealt with emotional and
attitudinal (affective) problems as they emerged. Workshop B was in the mid-
dle, dealing with both “in-the-head” and “in-the-heart” problems and observ-
ing a somewhat specific agenda.
The study hypothesized that Workshop B would be the most effective
one, because it provided structure without eliminating the possibility for
changes in the agenda, and because it dealt with both cognitive and affec-
tive concerns. Confirmation of this hypothesis would suggest that moderate
levels of structure and a mixed orientation are most conducive to success in
such sessions, so developers of very different kinds of workshops and other
training programs may be able to apply the results to their situations. They
could generalize beyond the specifics of each workshop to the underlying
dimensions on which the workshops differed. Generalizability depends in
part on conceptualization.
Consider a second example of a study comparing computer-assisted
instruction to traditional instruction. Computer-assisted instruction and
traditional instruction are operational terms. To enhance the ability to gen-
eralize results, these operational terms should be examined for underlying
conceptual similarities and differences. (This process of making conceptual
contrasts between operational programs is called conceptualizing or dimen-
sionalizing.) Dimensions useful for contrasting computer-assisted and tra-
ditional instruction might be degree of feedback, rate of positive reinforce-
ment, uniqueness of presentation format, control of pacing, size of instruc-
tional units, and influence of student performance feedback on instructional
design. These six dimensions or concepts could apply to any classification of
an instructional model and comparison to other models. Such classification
and comparison of dimensions at this abstract level would help with con-
struction of a hypothesis about whether Instructional Model A will be more
effective than Model B on certain specific criteria. This classification and
comparison would also help theorists to begin to understand why Model A
would give better results and thus to build its strengths into other instruc-
tional procedures.

■ Going From Theory to Hypotheses: An Example

The theory of mastery learning (Bloom, 1976) states that if learners possess the
necessary cognitive and affective entry behaviors for a new learning task, and
if the quality of instruction is adequate, then they should all learn the task. The
theory can be diagrammed as follows:
C O N S T R U C T I N G H Y P O T H E S E S A N D M E TA - A N A LY S E S ■ 9 3

Hypotheses can be generated by identifying one set of student characteris-

tics and linking them to one learning outcome to get examples such as:

• Achievement at any point in time is related to prior achievement.

• Aptitudes developed prior to instruction are consistent predictors of
achievement following instruction.
• Academic self-concept prior to instruction predicts subsequent

However, researchers are more interested in the hypothesized impact

of quality of instruction on the link between cognitive entry behaviors and
achievement. Therefore, they construct alternative hypotheses:

• Following corrective instruction (mastery learning), the relationship

between original learning and corrected learning will be zero.
• Given equal prior learning, corrective instruction (mastery learning) will
produce greater achievement than noncorrective instruction.

In fact, a number of studies have tested these hypotheses (e.g., Slavin &
Karweit, 1984; see pages 351–368; 723–736).
Thus, with its multiple components and theoretical linkages and connec-
tions, a theory is a bountiful source of hypotheses for researchers to test. The
collective result of their inquiries serves as a test of the validity of the the-
ory. Theory, therefore, represents a good source from which hypotheses can
be derived. Its benefits come from helping to ensure a reasonable basis for
hypotheses and because tests of the hypotheses confirm, elaborate, or discon-
firm the theory.

■ Meta-Analysis: Constructing Hypotheses

by Synthesizing Past Research

Meta-analysis refers to any method that combines the probabilities, outcomes,

or effects from two or more studies testing essentially the same directional
hypothesis to help reveal the overall effect size or likelihood of relationship
between the tested variables. In other words, meta-analysis is an analysis of
other analyses. Glass, McGaw, and Smith (1981, p. 21) describe the process as

The approach of research integration referred to as meta-analysis is noth-

ing more than the attitude of data analysis applied to quantitative summa-
ries of individual experiments. By recording the properties of studies and
their findings in quantitative terms, the meta-analysis of research invites
one who would integrate numerous and diverse findings to apply the full
power of statistical methods to the task. Thus it is not a technique; rather
it is a perspective that uses many techniques of measurement and statistical

Meta-analysis, therefore, is a systematic, quantitative way of summariz-

ing or integrating a body of literature about the relationships between a set of
variables. It includes the following three steps:

1. Conducting a complete literature search to locate all previously published

studies that have investigated the relationships between the variables in
2. Describing and coding the studies to determine those with appropriate
designs to merit inclusion.
3. Either summarizing the statistical results of the different studies in tabular
form (for visual comparison) or, more typically, computing and presenting
the results of each study in terms of its effect size. In this second method,
the analyst divides the mean difference between treatment and control
groups by the standard deviation of the control group (Cohen, 1988; Glass,
1977), and then summarizes or averages effect sizes across all of the studies.

An example of meta-analysis conducted by Bangert-Drowns, Kulik,

Kulik, and Morgan (1991) considered the instructional effects of feedback.
They report statistical results of 10 studies, shown in Table 5.1, confirming that
feedback following an incorrect response consistently improves subsequent
performance. (Note all the pluses in the last row of the table.) On the other
hand, feedback following a correct response has little effect on subsequent per-
formance (indicated by relatively few pluses in the third row).
TABLE 5.1 Comparison of Probabilities of Correct Answers on Criterion-Item-Given-Correct or –Incorrect Answers During Instruction

Lhyle & Kulhavy, Peeck, Roper,

1987 Bosch, 1977
Kulhavy, Newman Van Den,
Yekovich, & Wil- Peeck & & Kreu-
Carels, Chanond, & Dyer, liams, Tilema, peling,
Study 1976 1988 1976 Study 1 Study 2 1974 1979 1985 Study 1 Study 2
Correct During Feedback .85 .67 .76 .87 .89
No Feedback .83 .54 .83 .86 .88
Significance* ? 0 ++ - 0 0 + +

Incorrect Dur- Feedback .75 .56 .62 .49 .51 .53 .57
ing Instruction No Feedback .25 .41 .17 .21 .42 .13 .20
Significance* ++ ++ + ++ ++ + ++ ++ + ++

* Statistical significance of the comparison of feedback and no-feedback probabilities
++ Statistically significant and positive
+ Nonsignificant and positive
0 No difference
? Nonsignificant with no reported direction
- Nonsignificant and negative

Source: From Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, Kulik, & Morgan (1991).


The same authors also report effect size values from eight studies comparing
different types of feedback, as shown in Table 5.2. When subjects are informed
only of whether their answers are right or wrong, effect sizes (the first row of
numbers) are small and mostly negative, averaging –0.08. This figure reflects an
average mean difference only 8 percent the size of the standard deviation. Since
Cohen (1988) considers 0.2 to be a small effect size, 0.5 a moderate one, and 0.8
a large one, the negative average indicates essentially no effect. However, when
subjects are guided to or given the correct answers when they give the wrong
responses, effect sizes (the second row of numbers) are larger and positive, aver-
aging 0.31. Adding explanations to the feedback produces varying effect sizes
(the last row of figures), ranging from almost no effect (0.05) to a substantial one
Based on these and other results, the authors present the following five-
stage model of learning, which suggests the varying role of feedback: (1) ini-
tial state— including prior experience and pretests, (2) activation of search and
retrieval strategies, (3) construction of response, (4) evaluation of response, and
(5) adjustment of cognitive state. The most positive impact of feedback has
appeared in the fourth stage, when it affects the evaluation of the correctness
of a response and guides changes to it, if necessary. However, the model itself
can be used as a source of research hypotheses about the possible impact of
feedback at different points in the learning process. For example, studies might
test two hypotheses:

• The effect of feedback is greater for relatively complex content than for
comparatively simple content.
• The effect of feedback is greater when students receive relatively few cues,
organizers, and other instructional supports than when they receive exten-
sive supports.

A second example is the meta-analysis conducted by Schlaefli, Rest, and

Thoma (1985) to answer the question, “Does moral education improve moral
judgment?” In the course of their meta-analysis of previous studies, these
authors identified many variables that could be included in future research,
such as (1) the specific nature of a moral education program (for example, an
emphasis on peer discussion of controversial moral dilemmas versus an emphasis
on self-reflection to enhance personal psychological development); (2) exposure
versus no exposure to a theory of moral development within a moral education
program; (3) ages of the subjects (for example, junior high, senior high, col-
lege, adult); and (4) the duration of the program (for example, 1 week versus 1
TABLE 5.2 Effect Sizes in Studies Comparing Different Types of Feedback
Arnett, 1985
Farragher & Sassenrath &
Study 1 Study 2 Bumgarner, 1984 Szabo, 1986 Heald, 1970 Hirsch, 1952 Roper, 1977 Gaverick, 1965
Right/Wrong 0.38 -0.58 -0.19 -0.24 - -0.08 0.26 -
Correct Answer - - 0.49 - - 0.20 0.76 0.58
Repeat Until - - - - 0.81 - - -
Explanation 0.36 0.05 - 0.18 1.24 - - 0.33

Source: From Bangert-Drowns, Kulik, Kulik, & Morgan (1991).


The authors found positive but modest effects of moral education, and
their discussion suggests several testable hypotheses for further study, such as:

• Students who begin a moral education program with positive expectations

experience a greater increase in moral judgment than do students who
begin with negative expectations.
• Experiencing a moral education program produces greater moral develop-
ment than does simply reading material about moral development (such as
the classic philosophers).
• Experiencing a moral education course produces greater moral develop-
ment than does experiencing a traditional humanities course.
• Experiencing a moral education program produces more moral real-life
behavior than does experiencing a lecture program in philosophy.

A final example of the use of meta-analysis provides a basis for identify-

ing and explaining some of the criticisms and potential pitfalls of this method
of synthesizing a body of literature. Indeed, meta-analyses are not uniformly
accepted; some provoke controversy, particularly when such a synthesis
addresses a topic of strong theoretical interest, and the meta-analysts attempt
to summarize it with a single conclusion.
Responding to the position that reward or reinforcement causes a reduc-
tion in intrinsic or internal motivation, Cameron and Pierce (1994) published a
meta-analysis of the relevant literature, basing their analysis on the results of 88
studies. They reach the following conclusion (Cameron and Pierce, 1994, p. 391):

When all types of reward are aggregated, overall, the results indicate that
reward does not negatively affect intrinsic motivation on any of the four
measures. . . . When rewards are subdivided into reward type . . . , reward
expectancy . . . , and reward contingency, the findings demonstrate that
people who receive a verbal reward spend more time on a task once the
reward is withdrawn; they also show more interest and enjoyment than
nonrewarded persons.

In 1996, three published articles challenged the procedures that Cameron

and Pierce (1994) used in their meta-analysis. These articles do not provide
incontrovertible evidence of error in the procedures or conclusions of Cam-
eron and Pierce, but they do illustrate that the meta-analytic approach is
not without pitfalls and controversies. One of these critical articles (Lepper,
Keavney, & Drake, 1996), includes a list of potential pitfalls that provides a
good illustration of the kinds of judgments that a presumably systematic sta-
tistical technique like meta-analysis requires:
C O N S T R U C T I N G H Y P O T H E S E S A N D M E TA - A N A LY S E S ■ 9 9

1. Starting with the answer. Meta-analysis often begins with the intention to
support or discredit a theoretical position rather than merely to discover.
This creates the possibility of bias (both in the meta-analysts and in the
responses of critics).
2. Selecting a straw man. If a researcher begins with a theoretical bias, then
the opposing bias becomes the straw man to be knocked down by the
3. Averaging across competing effects or different groups. This problem is a major
issue in meta-analysis, which often averages results of studies that may not be
comparable, thus overstating some effects and understating others. Averag-
ing, the core procedure in meta-analysis, can obscure contingent relationships
between variables, depending on which studies are averaged. For example, if
tangible rewards diminish intrinsic motivation while verbal rewards enhance
it, then averaging across studies that evaluate these two conditions may
give the appearance that rewards exert neither helpful nor harmful effects.
4. Selectively interpreting results. By reporting averages of results, and even
averages of averages, rather than reporting more detailed results, meta-
analysis can obscure important differences.
5. Falling prey to the quality problem. Meta-analysts sometimes give equal
weight to methodologically sound studies and those with methodological
6. Falling prey to the quantity problem. Meta-analysts sometimes lump stud-
ies of unique variations together with those of more common variations,
because the researchers cannot find enough of the former to form a group
or cluster. This choice obscures the effects of unique variations and the
possibility of using these results to refine the interpretations of more com-
mon variations.
7. Combining confounding variables. If variables are correlated or tend to
occur together, then they cannot be separated. Such a situation prevents
grouping treatments of specific variables in multiple studies.
8. Disregarding psychological “effect size.” Meta-analysis should weight
results according to the difficulty of obtaining them. For example, results
obtained by observing real behavior under naturally occurring circum-
stances should carry more weight than those where the subjects merely
report to the experimenter what they think they would do; the former
more accurately portray real psychological processes than the latter do.
(Of course, applying the weights would require that the meta-analyst make
judgments, thus increasing the likelihood of bias.)

With their sharp focus on and delineation of variables across studies in

a given area, and with the quantitative summaries they yield, meta-analyses

can be highly useful sources of information to aid in formulating hypotheses.

However, while meta-analysis was created to replace researcher judgment with
a seemingly more straightforward statistical combination of results, many areas
of judgment remain, sometimes rendering controversial conclusions.

■ Some Further Illustrations

Illustrations of hypotheses in this section are drawn from the classroom

research setting.

Classroom Research Hypotheses

In its simplest form, a hypothesis for research in the classroom can be stated
as follows:

• Treatment A will increase Learning Outcome X more than will Treatment

B. Treatments A and B may take a variety of forms of interest to research-
ers, many of which were described in Chapter 2. Similarly, Learning Out-
come X can be one of many learning outcomes of interest to researchers,
also described in Chapter 2. If, for example, Treatment A was individu-
ally guided education, Treatment B was so-called conventional classroom
instruction, and Learning Outcome X was reading achievement, the sample
hypothesis would read:
• Students who receive individually guided education will demonstrate
greater gains in reading achievement than students who receive conven-
tional instruction.

In constructing hypotheses for classroom research, it is often desirable to

formulate hypotheses that include student characteristics, as well. A researcher
might elaborate upon the above example to reflect this additional consideration:

• Poor readers who receive individually guided education will demonstrate

greater gains in reading achievement than poor readers who receive con-
ventional instruction, while no such differences in reading achievement
will occur between good readers who receive one or the other instructional

Stated differently:

• Among poor readers, those receiving individually guided education will

outgain those receiving conventional instruction on reading achievement,
while among good readers, no differences will occur.
C O N S T R U C T I N G H Y P O T H E S E S A N D M E TA - A N A LY S E S ■ 1 0 1

The first format included two variables; the second and third included a
third variable, as well.
These formats could accommodate many specific hypotheses for class-
room research. A change to a specific variable also changes the hypothesis;
however, the formats can be used repeatedly by inserting different variables.

■ Testing a Hypothesis

The purpose of testing a hypothesis is to determine the probability that it is

supported by fact. However, because a hypothesis expresses a general expec-
tation about the relationship between variables, a researcher could conceive
an extremely large number of instances under which to test it. One could not
practically attempt to gain support in all of those instances.
For instance, consider the hypothesis that nondirective teachers instruct
students more effectively than directive teachers do. One would have to test
this assertion for many groups of teachers, in many subjects, in many set-
tings, and with many criteria before accepting it. If, however, on the basis of
limited testing the hypothesis fails to yield confirming results, it would be
fair to reject it.
Because it is extremely difficult to obtain unequivocal support for a hypoth-
esis, the researcher instead attempts to test and disprove its negation. The nega-
tive or “no differences” version of a hypothesis is called a null hypothesis.
Consider the three possible hypotheses concerning a comparison of the effec-
tiveness of directive and nondirective teachers:

1. Nondirective teachers instruct students more effectively than do directive

2. Directive teachers instruct students more effectively than do nondirective
3. Nondirective and directive teachers instruct students with equal effec-

Hypothesis 3 is the null or no-differences hypothesis. (In fact, in each

of the three sets of hypotheses stated on pages 88–90, Hypothesis 3 is the
null hypothesis.) Although the researcher has developed a rationale for
Hypothesis 1 (nondirective teachers instruct students more effectively than
do directive teachers), it implicitly becomes the null hypothesis (nondirec-
tive and directive teachers instruct students with equal effectiveness) to allow
a statistical test of it. The null hypothesis suggests that minor differences
can occur due to chance variation, so they do not represent real differences.
(This concept is considered further in Chapter 12.) The null hypothesis can

be rejected if tests find differences large enough to indicate real effects. That
is, a researcher can conclude that it is untrue that nondirective and direc-
tive teachers instruct students with equal effectiveness if one group is shown
clearly to teach more effectively than the other does. Those results would
not, however, justify a conclusion affirming the directional hypothesis that
nondirective teachers instruct students more effectively than do directive
teachers, because variables other than the characteristics of the teachers may
have contributed to the observed outcomes. Although the test allows the
researcher to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the effectiveness of
the two groups of teachers is not equal, one should not then conclude that a
specified hypothesis is absolutely true or false; if so, different kinds of errors
may lead to acceptance of hypotheses that are false or to rejection of hypoth-
eses that are true.
Researchers can evaluate a hypothesis without stating it in null form; for
ease of discussion and understanding, they may prefer to state it in directional
form. However, for purposes of statistical testing and interpretation, they
always evaluate the null hypothesis.
In addition to the null hypothesis (A1 = A2) and each of the two possible
directional hypotheses (A1 > A2, A2 > A1, researchers must also acknowledge
what might be called a positive hypothesis (A1 ≠ A2). This position states, unlike
the null hypothesis, that the treatment levels will vary in their effects, but it dif-
fers from the directional hypotheses by not stating which treatment level will
produce the greatest effect. In other words, it is a nondirectional hypothesis. As
such, it adds little to a research document. Directional hypotheses are preferred
because they go beyond merely saying that “something will happen”; they say
exactly what will happen. This specificity helps researchers to determine that a
study provides a basis for accepting or rejecting expectations of differences.
Offering directional hypotheses helps to give a rationale and a focus to
a study, although statistical tests actually evaluate null hypotheses. Hypoth-
esizing a difference without specifying its direction, as in a so-called positive
hypothesis, adds little or nothing to the process.
This chapter’s discussion of hypotheses has featured words and phrases
such as effective and structured instructional procedures. As you may have rec-
ognized, words and phrases such as these do not lend themselves to experimen-
tal testing. A hypothesis, even a null hypothesis, is not directly testable in the
form in which it is generally stated. Its very generality, a distinguishing char-
acteristic, limits its direct testability. To become testable, therefore, researchers
must transform it into a more specific or operationalized statement. A hypoth-
esis is operationalized (made testable) by providing operational (testable) defi-
nitions for its terms (variables). But before variables can be defined, they must
be labeled. Approaches to this task are the subject of the following chapter.
C O N S T R U C T I N G H Y P O T H E S E S A N D M E TA - A N A LY S E S ■ 1 0 3

■ Summary

1. A hypothesis is a suggested answer to the question posed in a research

problem statement. Since it represents expected outcomes, a hypothesis
differs from an observation, which represents outcomes actually found.
2. A specific hypothesis is the explicit expectation that is tested in a study.
A general hypothesis is the broader and more conceptual version about
which the researchers draw conclusions.
3. Researchers arrive at hypotheses either by deduction, that is, deriving them
from more general statements like theories, or by induction, that is, deriv-
ing them from combinations of specific observations or facts.
4. A study testing the relationship between two variables always allows three
possible hypotheses: As one variable increases, so does the other; as one
variable increases, the other decreases; one variable has no relationship to
the other.
5. To help them formulate hypotheses, researchers conceive of variables con-
ceptually, that is, as broad ideas, rather than operationally, or as specific
manipulations or measures. Theories, which are very broad, complex sys-
tems of concepts, provide excellent bases for deriving hypotheses.
6. On the other hand, collections of prior research studies, analyzed together
using a procedure known as meta-analysis, also provide good sources of
7. Researchers deal with three kinds of hypotheses. A directional hypothesis
specifies that one variable will either increase or decrease when the other
increases; in other words, it prespecifies the direction of the outcome. This
kind of hypothesis is preferred for discussion purposes, because it gives a
study direction and meaning. A positive hypothesis simply states that vari-
ables are related, without specifying direction. This kind of hypothesis has
no value in research. A null hypothesis predicts no relationship between
variables; researchers need not specify this expectation, because, in fact,
when they apply statistical tests, it is this that is being tested in an effort to
disprove it.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Indicate which of the following three statements is a specific hypothesis,

which is a general hypothesis, and which is an observation:
a. Jane has never been tested, but it is expected that she has a high IQ.
b. Girls of Jane’s age have higher IQs than boys of the same age.
c. Jane was just given an IQ test, and she obtained a high score.
2. Indicate which of the following three statements is a specific hypothesis,
which is a general hypothesis, and which is an observation:

a. The phonics approach to reading is better than any other teaching

method currently in practice.
b. The Johnson Phonics Reading Program worked better in Cleveland
schools than any other tried there.
c. The Johnson Phonics Reading Program should work better in the Mar-
tin Luther King School than any presently in use there.
3. Indicate briefly the difference between the two types of hypotheses and
4. Consider a research problem to find out whether the children of parents
in science-related occupations are more likely to elect science courses in
high school than the children of parents in non-science-related occupa-
tions. Construct three hypotheses based on this problem.
5. Consider a research problem to find out whether students who use this
textbook will learn more about research methods than students who use
the Brand X textbook. Construct three hypotheses based on this problem.
6. Evaluate two hypotheses: (1) Team teaching is more effective than individ-
ual teaching. (2) Team teaching is no more effective than individual teach-
ing. Which of these hypotheses would you judge to be more appropriate,
given the following conditions:
a. All students cannot be expected to like all teachers.
b. Research has shown that perfect models and coping models are both
important in socialization.
Why did you choose the hypothesis you did?
7. Which of the statements (a or b) in Exercise 6 reflects a deductive process
for constructing a hypothesis? Which reflects an inductive process?
8. Rewrite the following hypotheses in null form:
a. Youngsters who read below grade level will find school less pleasant
than those who read at or above grade level.
b. Intelligence and ordinal position of birth are positively related; that is,
firstborn children are more intelligent than their later-born siblings.
c. A combination of reading readiness training and programmed reading
instruction will teach reading more effectively than will normal class-
room instruction in sight reading.

■ Recommended References
Hunter, J. E., Schmidt, F. L., & Jackson, G. B. (1982). Meta-analysis: Cumulating
research findings across studies. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Snow, R. E. (1973). Theory construction for research on teaching. In R. M. W. Travers
(Ed.), Second handbook of research on teaching (pp. 77–112). Chicago, IL: Rand

Constructing Operational
Definitions of Variables


• Identify reasons and situations that justify constructing operational

definitions of variables.
• Distinguish between operational definitions and other types of
• State minimal observable criteria to include in an operational
• Construct three different types of operational definitions.
• Distinguish between operational definitions according to their exclu-
• Construct predictions from hypotheses.

■ Why Have Operational Definitions?

“You say I was speeding?”

“Yes, you were going over 15 miles per hour. The speed limit is 15 miles per
hour in a school zone; according to the radar gun, you were going 20.”
“The children are all in school, and no child was along the street. How
could my speed have been unsafe?”
“The law is the law. Here is your ticket.”
An everyday situation may involve operational definitions of terms. The
officer is correct that the law defines “speeding in a school zone” as: A car mov-
ing at more than 15 miles per hour in an area marked by appropriate signs. The
law guides the officer’s judgment. Determination of a violation depends only
on simple observation of the cars moving within a marked school zone and

■ 105

measurement of their speeds; if they exceed 15 miles per hour, the driver receives
a speeding ticket.
In contrast, the driver tries to use a different operational definition of
speeding in a school zone: In a marked school zone, a car is speeding only if the
speed exceeds 15 miles per hour when children are near or on the street. Accord-
ing to the driver, a car is speeding in a school zone if (1) its speed exceeds 15
miles per hour, and (2) children are near or on the street. The driver believes
that the speed of the car is important only when children are present.
Another operational definition, but an impractical one, might define speed-
ing in a school zone on the basis of outcome after the fact: If a car going at any
speed in a school zone hits a child and hurts him or her, then the car was speed-
ing. Thus, if a child hit by a car is injured, the car was speeding, but if the child
gets up and walks away uninjured, the car was not speeding, even though it ran
into a child. For obvious reasons, this operational definition does not provide
a useful criterion for judgments of speeding in a school zone.
Consider an illustration nearer to the subject at hand. Suppose that you
are the school principal and a teacher asks you to remove a youngster from the
class due to aggressiveness. Suppose also that you respond by indicating that
you like aggressive learners and you feel that aggressiveness (that is, active chal-
lenging of the relevance of instructional experiences) is a useful quality to bring
to the learning situation. The teacher responds by saying that aggressiveness
means being “filled with hate and potentially violent.”
These illustrations suggest some conclusions:

1. Some situations require operational definitions.

2. An operational definition identifies observable criteria for that which is
being defined.
3. A concept or object may have more than one operational definition.
4. An operational definition may apply exclusively only in the situation for
which it is created.

The examples described so far illustrate communication problems; the

same word or phrase can have different meanings for different people. Research
is a communication process, although some think of it in different ways. A
researcher employs certain techniques to find out something about the world
and then attempts to communicate these findings to others. This communica-
tion requires a precision of language far more exacting than that demanded of
a novelist, poet, or everyday conversationalist. A novelist or poet often tries
purposely to evoke a range of reactions to selected words and images, while
participants in everyday conversations often share a common language back-
ground. A researcher, however, must convey meanings in sufficiently precise
C O N S T R U C T I N G O P E R AT I O N A L D E F I N I T I O N S O F VA R I A B L E S ■ 1 0 7

language so that any reader from any background understands exactly what is
being said and in sufficient detail to allow replication of the research.

■ Basing an Operational Definition on Observable Criteria

People can develop a variety of ways to define something. Many definitions

simply give synonymous names; others state conceptual understandings, pro-
viding hypothetical descriptions of what or why something is. Formally stated,
an operational definition is a characterization based on the observable traits
of the object being defined. The word observable is the significant element of
this definition. If a researcher can make some relatively stable observations
of an object or phenomenon, then others can repeat those observations, thus
enabling them to identify the object so defined. The important standard for
this process comes from the nature of the observations upon which operational
definitions are based, how they are made, and how they are measured.
A conceptual definition, on the other hand, identifies something based on
conceptual or hypothetical criteria rather than observable ones. Defining the
ego as the sense of self is one example; defining effective teaching as instruc-
tion that promotes learning is another. A conceptual definition establishes the
meaning of a concept by reference to another concept rather than by refer-
ence to observable characteristics of reality, as an operational definition does.
Conceptual definitions play important roles in the processes of logic associ-
ated with hypothesis formulation. However, they contribute little to efforts to
bridge between the domain of the hypothetical and general and that of the real
and specific. Instead, operational definitions perform this function. Ultimately,
a concrete investigation requires operational definitions for the concepts it
Another form of definition cites synonyms. Being irate is defined as being
mad or angry. Being aggressive is defined as being forceful, pushy, or demand-
ing. Being intelligent is defined as being smart. Such definitions do provide some
information, but they cannot effectively link one thinker’s concepts to observ-
able phenomena. Finally, dictionary definitions cite many potential meanings in
an attempt to clarify every word in a way that would be of some use to every-
one. Again, although dictionary definitions offer useful and informative input,
they are no substitute for formal operational definitions that clearly spell out the
observable criteria associated exclusively with some object or state.

■ Alternative Ways of Generating Operational Definitions

Researchers employ three approaches for constructing operational definitions,

theoretically allowing them to construct three operational definitions for any

object or phenomenon. The three approaches are based on (1) manipulation,

(2) dynamic properties, and (3) static properties.

Operational Definitions Based on Manipulation

The first type of operational definition can be constructed to correspond to

the operations or manipulations that researchers must perform to cause the
defined phenomenon or state to occur. In an experiment, a researcher causes
the phenomenon being studied to occur by applying a certain procedure. The
description of this procedure forms the first type of operational definition.
(This type of operational definition is often more appropriate for defining a
phenomenon or state than for characterizing an object.)
Consider some examples of operational definitions based on manipulation.
Frustration may be operationally defined as the emotional state that results
when an individual is blocked from reaching a highly desired goal that is close
to attainment. A child may be shown a piece of candy that is held out of reach;
this operation would fulfill the manipulation-based operational definition
of frustration. A drive may be operationally defined as the mental state that
results when a person is deprived of a needed substance or activity. Hunger
may be operationally defined as the result of deprivation of food for 24 hours.
Using this definition, observers would all agree on whether a person was hun-
gry by determining when he or she had eaten last. Finally, a manipulation-
based operational definition of aggression might cite the behavior of a person
who has been repeatedly blocked from reaching a highly desired goal. Note
that an operational definition for this term based on dynamic properties may
be more appropriate for research, as the next section explains.
In an educational context, individualized instruction can be operationally
defined as instruction that the researcher has designed to be delivered by a com-
puter (or book) so that students can work on it by themselves at their own pace.
This definition contrasts the term with group instruction, operationally defined
as instruction designed to be delivered verbally by a live instructor to a number
of students at the same time. As part of a study, the researcher would then create
samples of these two kinds of instruction and impose them on different students.
This creation and systematic imposition of different instructional conditions
represents the research manipulation.
In each case, a manipulation-based operational definition is a statement of
what manipulations or preconditions experimenters create or require as indica-
tors of a certain phenomenon or state. Experimenters define that phenomenon
operationally by stating the preceding operations or events that have reliably led
to its occurrence. Although the label of the state or phenomenon may be some-
what arbitrary, the preconditions are quite concrete and observable activities, so
C O N S T R U C T I N G O P E R AT I O N A L D E F I N I T I O N S O F VA R I A B L E S ■ 1 0 9

they constitute an adequate definition for scientific purposes. Often, more than
one operational definition can be constructed for a single variable, but each must
be sufficiently operational to meet the criterion of exclusiveness, as discussed in
a later section.
Review a few additional examples of manipulation-based operational

• Fear is the emotional state produced by exposing a person to an object that

the person has indicated is highest in his or her hierarchy of objects to be
• Conflict is the state produced by placing two or more people in a situation
where each pursues the same goal but only one can attain it.
• Positive self-expectation of success is the condition produced by telling stu-
dents that the results of an intelligence test indicate they will likely achieve
academic success.
• Assertiveness training is a program designed for women to (a) present them
with model responses to apply in a variety of challenging and stressful
social and job situations in order to stand up for their own interests, and
(b) give them opportunities to practice these responses.

Because these operational definitions tell what manipulation a researcher

will use to induce a particular observable state, they are useful for defining
levels of independent variables; they function as prescriptions for the experi-
menter’s actions. The same variable may, of course, be operationally defined by
more than one type of definition, but someone seeking to define an indepen-
dent variable to be manipulated by the experimenter must develop this type of
operational definition.

Operational Definitions Based on Dynamic Properties

The second type of operational definition can be constructed by stating how

the particular object or thing being defined operates, that is, what it does or
what constitutes its observed properties. An intelligent person can be opera-
tionally defined as someone who gets high grades in school or someone who
solves symbolic logic problems. Operationally defined, a hungry person might
be considered any person who depresses a lever at the rate of 10 times a minute
to get food. A directive teacher might be operationally defined as one who
gives instructions, personalizes criticism or blame, and establishes formal rela-
tionships with students.
In educational research, operational definitions based on dynamic proper-
ties seem particularly appropriate for describing types of people (those that

display certain qualities or particular states). Because the dynamic properties

of people are manifested as behavior, this type of definition describes a par-
ticular type of person in terms of concrete and observable behaviors associ-
ated with the identified characteristics or state. While a manipulation-based
operational definition of aggression might cite the behavior of a person blocked
from attaining a goal, for example, aggression can also be operationally defined,
based on dynamic properties, as speaking loudly or abusively or fighting. The
definition based on dynamic properties may be more restricted or specific than
its counterpart based on manipulation.
To clarify, review a few additional examples of operational definitions
based on dynamic properties:

• Subject matter preference is the characteristic of reliably selecting to exam-

ine or use materials from one subject matter more frequently than from
others available, given a room containing materials from different subject
matter areas in equal numbers.
• Motor activity is any excursion by a student from his or her assigned seat.
• Sensitivity is the tendency of a teacher to smile at, touch, or exchange pleas-
antries with students during class.
• Motivation is the persistent attendance of students in school; alternatively,
a motivated person is one who manifests persistent school attendance.
• Arithmetic achievement is demonstrated competency attainment in arith-
metic, including mastery of basic skills (addition, subtraction, multiplica-
tion, and division), fractions, decimals, and whole numbers.

Although researchers may construct them for other variables, definitions

based on dynamic properties are particularly useful for characterizing depen-
dent variables to be evaluated based on observations of the behavior of partici-
pants in the study.

Operational Definitions Based on Static Properties

The third type of operational definition can be constructed by specifying what

an object or phenomenon is like, that is, its internal properties. A sensitive per-
son can be defined, for instance, as someone who describes himself or herself as
having a strong concern for the feelings of others and who reports trying not to
hurt or upset those feelings. Operational definitions based on static principles
utilize reported structural properties of the objects.
In educational research, many operational definitions are based on the
characteristics observable in or attributed to people or phenomena. To assess
the internal characteristics and states of people, researchers often rely on
C O N S T R U C T I N G O P E R AT I O N A L D E F I N I T I O N S O F VA R I A B L E S ■ 1 1 1

self-reports from their subjects; the subjects might, for example, fill out ques-
tionnaires or attitude scales to report their own thoughts, perceptions, and
emotions. Thus, one static-property operational definition of course satisfac-
tion might be the perception—as reported by subjects on questionnaires—that
a course has been an interesting and effective learning experience. In contrast, a
dynamic-property operational definition of course satisfaction would be based
on observable behaviors, such as recommending the course to friends, enroll-
ing in related courses, or enrolling in other courses taught by the same teacher.
Note that static-property operational definitions describe the qualities,
traits, or characteristics of people or things. Thus, researchers can construct
them to define any type of variable, including independent, dependent, and
moderator variables (those not manipulated by the researcher). When such a
definition specifies a person’s characteristic, it cites a static or internal quality
rather than a behavior like that specified by a dynamic-property definition.
Static-property operational definitions often lend themselves to measure-
ment by tests, although feasibility of testing is not a requisite part of the
definition. However, operational definitions are statements of observable
properties—traits, appearances, behaviors—and statements of such proper-
ties are prerequisites to measuring them. For people, a static-property defi-
nition is measured based on data collected directly from the subjects of the
study, representing their self-descriptions of inner states or performances.
To clarify, consider a few additional examples of static-property opera-
tional definitions:

• Introversion is the expression of a preference to engage in solitary rather

than group activity (to view oneself as a “loner”).
• Attitudes toward school are the self-reported receptiveness and acceptabil-
ity of school activities, school rules, school requirements, and school work.
• Subject matter preference is the expressed choice of one subject matter over
another in response to a request to rank order them.
• Teacher enthusiasm is the report by teachers of how excited they are by
teaching and how much they look forward to doing it.

Many researchers refer to scores on tests or rating scales as static-property

operational definitions. Such instruments do not themselves constitute opera-
tional definitions, but they must embody operational definitions. Thus, anxi-
ety might be measured by a particular test according to a definition based on
self-reported symptoms such as fearful thoughts and physically uncomfortable
sensations like sweating and heart palpitations. Although the test itself mea-
sures these symptoms, the specifications that explicitly identify them constitute
the operational definition. After settling on such an operational definition, the

researcher would set out to uncover or develop a test or measurement procedure

suitable for measuring the state, symptoms, or trait as operationally defined.
The typology of operational definitions is offered as an aid in constructing
them, in recognizing them, and in understanding why a single state or object
may be operationally defined in more than one way. Although the classification
of an operational definition into the typology may reflect somewhat arbitrary
distinctions, the construction of the operational definition is a definite process.
The researcher uses the operational definition best-suited to bringing concepts
and variables to a sufficiently concrete state for study and examination. Indeed,
the notion of classifying an operational definition is often an after-the-fact con-
sideration. The principal concern is the manner in which the defined object or
state is examined in a research study.

■ The Criterion of Exclusiveness

A researcher may operationally define an aggressive child as one who gets

into a fight. Another might operationally define an aggressive child as one
who habitually gets into fights. Still another might specify one who habitu-
ally gets into fights without provocation. Each of these operational definitions
identifies an increasingly exclusive set of observable criteria associated with
aggressiveness compared to the one preceding it. As an operational definition
increases in exclusiveness, it gains usefulness, because it conveys progressively
more information, allows the researcher to exclude undesired objects or states
from consideration, and increases the possibility that others can replicate the
sense of the variable. However, extreme exclusiveness restricts the generaliz-
ability of a concept by restricting its external validity. Researchers must try to
strike a “happy medium” between the demands of internal validity, which call
for increasing exclusiveness, and the demands of external validity, which call
for relaxing exclusiveness.
Researchers would not be wrong to define school learning as presence in
a classroom. However, many students present in a classroom are not learning,
so the definition would lack exclusiveness. If the researchers were to enlarge
the definition to include the appearance of enjoyment, its exclusiveness would
increase but it still would not exclude students who are happy but not learn-
ing. Thus, the operational definition would still offer only limited usefulness. It
would have to specify some observable characteristic of the learners, such as their
achievement, change in behavior, or gain in skills, to effectively distinguish the
learners from the nonlearners. Thus, school learning might be defined as increase
in ability to solve specific types of problems following presence in a classroom.
C O N S T R U C T I N G O P E R AT I O N A L D E F I N I T I O N S O F VA R I A B L E S ■ 1 1 3

When formulating any operational definition, researchers should consider

how completely the observable criteria it specifies distinguish the defined con-
dition from everything else.


Tuckman (1996a) studied the different effects of a condition labeled incentive

motivation and one labeled learning strategy on achievement in a course. The
incentive motivation approach was operationally defined for the study as a
method based on a weekly quiz on the information covered. The operation
of giving a quiz was expected to yield incentive motivation to study, because
the quiz would provoke the desire to demonstrate competency and to obtain
a high grade or avoid a low one in the course. The learning strategy approach
was operationally defined as a method based on completing a text-processing
homework assignment on the information covered; students identified key
terms, defined them, and elaborated on their definitions. These examples are
manipulation-based operational definitions.
The study operationally defined achievement in the course as performance
on two multiple-choice examinations. It defined another variable, prior aca-
demic performance, as grade point average for coursework in the upper divi-
sion. Both are dynamic operational definitions.
For another example, Slavin and Karweit (1984) conducted a study of two
instructional variables—mastery learning versus its absence and team learning
versus its absence—each specified by manipulation-based operational defini-
tions. This study was discussed as Example 2 in Chapter 4’s section on combin-
ing variable types. (Note that only one level of each variable is operationally
defined: the presence of the experimental approach):

In group-paced mastery learning initial instruction is followed by a forma-

tive test. Students who do not pass this test . . . receive corrective instruc-
tion, followed by a summative test. Students who fail the test may receive
further instruction until all students finally pass, or the teacher may decide
to move on when a specified portion of the class has demonstrated mas-
tery of the unit. . . .
[Student team learning] refers to a set of instructional methods in
which students study material initially presented by the teacher in four-
member heterogeneous learning teams, and are rewarded based on average
team performance on individually administered quizzes or other assess-
ments. (p. 726)

The operational definition of the treatment that features neither mastery

learning nor team learning, called focused instruction, is a “procedure consist-
ing of teaching, individual worksheet work and tests” (Slavin & Karweit, 1984,
p. 728). The operational definition of the combination of mastery and team
learning simply joins the two separate operational definitions. In this way, the
researchers set out operational definitions for each of the four instructional
possibilities they wanted to study.
As a third example, consider a study by Prater and Padia (1983) of the effect
of three modes of discourse on student writing performance. The researchers
operationally defined three modes of discourse, or ways to categorize writing,
as follows:

• Expressive discourse: Writing in which the writer is asked to tell the reader
how the writer feels about or perceives something.
• Explanatory discourse: Writing in which the writer is asked to present
actual information about something to the reader.
• Persuasive discourse: Writing in which the writer is asked to take and sup-
port a position and attempt to convince the reader to agree with it.

These examples illustrate manipulation-based operational definitions.

Note that they cite the researchers’ instructions to study participants.
Further consider a study of the relationship between teacher enthusi-
asm and pupil achievement. Teacher enthusiasm was operationally defined
as the intensity of the following teacher behaviors: (1) vocal delivery, (2)
eye movements, (3) gestures, (4) body movements, (5) facial expressions, (6)
word selection, (7) acceptance of students’ ideas and feelings, and (8) overall
energy level.
Although this operational definition appears to emphasize dynamic prop-
erties in that it describes observable behaviors, it was actually a manipulation-
based definition, since the researchers attempted to train teachers to carry out
those behaviors. Were the behaviors merely observed, the definition would be
a dynamic one, but when the researchers tried to cause the behaviors to occur,
they utilized a manipulation-based operational definition.

■ Operational Definitions and the Research Process

Within the process of testing a hypothesis, the researcher must move repeat-
edly from the hypothetical to the concrete and back. To get the maximum value
from data, he or she must make generalizations that apply to situations other
than the experiment itself. Thus, the researcher often begins at the conceptual
or hypothetical level to develop hypotheses that articulate possible linkages
C O N S T R U C T I N G O P E R AT I O N A L D E F I N I T I O N S O F VA R I A B L E S ■ 1 1 5

between concepts. A research study, however, operates in reality, requiring the

investigator to transform the conceptual statements of the variables as they
appear in the hypotheses to operational statements. For example, a researcher
might construct a hypothesis such as, “Students prefer nondirective teachers
to directive teachers.” To design a study to test this hypothesis, the researcher
must pose the questions, “What do I mean by prefer?” and “What do I mean
by nondirective and directive teachers?” The answers to these questions take
the form of operational definitions.
Preference may be operationally defined as a student’s expression of liking
a specific teacher relative to other teachers. (This is a static-property defini-
tion.) Preference may be ultimately measured by asking students to rank order
all their teachers according to how much they like each one. Using a dynamic-
property operational definition, a directive teacher may be defined as a teacher
who exhibits the following behaviors:

• Formal planning and structuring of the course
• Minimizing informal work and group work
• Structuring group activity when it is used
• Rigidly structuring individual and classroom activity
• Requiring factual knowledge from students based on absolute sources

• Enforcing absolute and justifiable punishment
• Minimizing opportunities to make and learn from mistakes
• Maintaining a formal classroom atmosphere
• Maintaining formal relationships with students
• Taking absolute responsibility for grades

In designing the study or experiment, operational definitions of all rel-

evant variables must be transformed into a specific methodology and a spe-
cific set of measuring devices or techniques. In fact, the methods section of
a research report is really a detailed set of measurement specifications based
on operational definitions. However, the process of formulating operational
definitions must be completed before deciding upon the details of measure-
ment techniques. Thus, operational definitions of the concepts introduced in
the hypotheses should appear in the introductory section of a report. (The
organization of a report is considered in detail in Chapter 13.)
After completing a study, the researcher then relates operational findings
back to the concepts included in the original hypotheses of the study, lead-
ing to generalizations from the results. Thus, the processes of conceptualizing

and operationalizing have been combined and recombined in the total research


The testability of any hypothesis depends on whether researchers can construct

suitable operational definitions for its variables. For example, a researcher
might hypothesize that junior college deans trained in programs designed spe-
cifically for administrators at that level will be more effective administrators
than will those trained in programs designed for administrators in universi-
ties or secondary schools. He or she must then construct a useful operational
definition for effectiveness of a junior college administrator. One possibility
is to refer to perceptions of effectiveness by other administrators, but this
approach leaves much room for error. Developing a dynamic-property defini-
tion might give more useful guidance to the study, beginning with the question:
Which behaviors of effective administrators differentiate them from ineffective
administrators? After compiling a list of such behaviors and tightening it to
reduce overlap, the researcher could define effective administrators as those
who can make decisions quickly, can delegate responsibility, are well liked by
their superiors and subordinates, and receive reactions of confidence and trust
from teachers and students.
The administrator’s role can be operationalized in many ways, including
individual task functions (or decision-making responsibilities), group task
functions (or delegating responsibility), and sociability functions (or relations
with teachers). Thus, an adequate operational definition of the effective admin-
istrator paves the way for testing hypotheses that include the concept.


In defining the variables in a hypothesis to make it testable, a researcher con-

structs a prediction. A prediction is a statement of expectations, in which oper-
ational definitions have replaced the conceptual statements of the variables in
the hypothesis. Thus, a prediction is a testable derivative of a hypothesis. In
fact, to use terminology developed earlier, a prediction is a specific hypothesis.
Because variables can have different operational definitions, alternative predic-
tions (or alternative specific hypotheses) can be derived from any one general
Consider the following examples:

• Hypothesis. Attitudes toward school and aggressive behavior in school are

inversely related.
C O N S T R U C T I N G O P E R AT I O N A L D E F I N I T I O N S O F VA R I A B L E S ■ 1 1 7

• Prediction: Students who see the school as a place they enjoy and where
they like to be will be less frequently cited for fighting or talking back to a
teacher than those who see the school as a place they do not enjoy.
• Hypothesis. Programs offering stipends are more successful at retaining
students than are programs without such payments.
• Prediction: The dropout rate among adults enrolled in training and retrain-
ing programs will be smaller in programs that pay stipends to students who
attend than in comparable programs that do not pay stipends.
• Hypothesis. Performance in paired-associate tasks is inversely related to
socioeconomic status.
• Prediction: Students whose parents earn more than $50,000 a year will
require fewer trials to perfectly learn a paired-associate task than will stu-
dents whose parents earn less than $20,000 a year.
• Hypothesis. In deciding on curricular innovations, authoritarian school
superintendents will be less inclined to respond to rational pressures and
more inclined to respond to expedience pressures than will nonauthoritar-
ian school superintendents.
• Prediction: In judging curricular innovations, school superintendents who
react to the world in terms of superordinate-subordinate role distinctions
and power and toughness will less frequently acknowledge the opinions
of subject matter experts as sources of influence and more frequently
acknowledge input from their superiors than will superintendents who do
not react to the world in these terms.

■ The Research Spectrum

The researcher has now developed operational definitions of the variables and
restated the hypotheses in the operational form called predictions. He or she is
now ready to conduct a study to test these predictions and thus the hypotheses.
The next step requires a decision about how to control and/or manipulate the
variables through a research design.
The schematic of the research process in Figure 6.1 places the steps and
procedures already described in perspective relative to those covered in the
remainder of this book. It also outlines the sequence of activities in research
that form the basis for this book.
Note that research begins with a problem and applies both theories and
findings of other studies, located in a thorough literature search, to choose
variables that must be labeled (these points were covered in Chapters 2, 3, and
4) and construct hypotheses, as described in Chapter 5. These hypotheses con-
tain variables that must be then operationally defined, as described in this
chapter, to construct predictions. These steps might be considered the logical

FIGURE 6.1 The Research Spectrum

stages of research. These stages are followed by the methodological stages,

which include developing a research design and measurement devices. The final
or concluding stages of the research process cover data analysis and write-up,
culminating in the presentation of findings. The processes of designing a study
or experiment and developing measures are the subjects of the chapters to fol-
low: two on design and three on measurement. Following that material, two
chapters (Chapters 12 and 13) deal with analyzing data and reporting results.

■ Summary

1. Operational definitions refine variables to emphasize the observable char-

acteristics of phenomena under study. These definitions enable researchers
to convey the meanings of variables with sufficient precision that others
can understand and replicate the work.
2. Researchers employ three types of operational definitions. The manipula-
tion-based definitions, used only for independent variables, specify vari-
ables according to the operations or manipulations that the researchers
apply to cause the phenomena to occur. For example, the variable mastery
learning is operationally defined as an instructional method that gives stu-
dents repeated opportunities to succeed.
3. The technique of dynamic-property operational definition defines a vari-
able according to how it behaves or operates. For example, enthusiastic
C O N S T R U C T I N G O P E R AT I O N A L D E F I N I T I O N S O F VA R I A B L E S ■ 1 1 9

teachers are those who move around a lot and talk loud and fast to
4. The technique of static-property operational definition specifies a variable
according to how people describe themselves based on self-reporting. For
example, self-confidence is confirmed in your statement that you believe
you will succeed.
5. Operational definitions can be evaluated based on exclusiveness, that is,
the uniqueness of the variables that they define. An operational definition
that simultaneously fits a number of variables lacks exclusiveness.
6. Although researchers begin at the conceptual level with broadly defined
variables and hypotheses, to study those variables and test those hypoth-
eses, they must operationalize them. Formulating operational definitions
is an activity that occurs between conceptualizing a study and developing
the methodology to carry it out. Operational definitions help researchers
to make hypotheses into testable predictions.
7. A prediction (previously called a specific hypothesis) is a hypothesis in which
the conceptual names of the variables have been replaced by their opera-
tional definitions. Predictions are then tested by the methods designed for
research studies.
8. The research spectrum treats predictions as the bridge between the logical
and conceptual stage described in previous chapters and the methodologi-
cal stage described in subsequent chapters.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Which of the following definitions is operational?
a. Scientific occupation—Any occupation that falls under Category VI
(science) of Roe’s (1966) classification of occupations.
b. Scientific occupation—Any occupation with activities in the field of
c. Scientific occupation—Any occupation involving the use of the scien-
tific method as a way of reasoning.
2. As stated, which of the following are observable characteristics of a teacher?
a. A person who is confident
b. A person who stands in front of a classroom
c. A person who identifies himself or herself as a teacher
d. A person who is liked by students
3. Below are three operational definitions. Identify the three types:
A—manipulation-based; B—dynamic-property; and C—static-property.
a. Scientist—A person trained in a doctoral program in biology, chemis-
try, physics, or a related field

b. Scientist—A person who chooses “scientist” to describe herself or him-

self from a list of occupations that includes it
c. Scientist—A person who engages in laboratory analyses and determina-
tions involving live, chemical, or physical matter and then publishes the
4. Below are three more operational definitions. Again, label the three types.
a. Interest—A state evidenced by a person’s own admission of concern for
a subject
b. Interest—A state provoked by showing someone something that he or
she has said would appeal to him or her
c. Interest—A state evidenced by increase of activity and attention to a
new stimulus
5. Construct a manipulation-based operational definition of (a) achievement
motivation and (b) cohesiveness (group solidarity).
6. Construct a dynamic-property operational definition of (a) achievement
motivation and (b) cohesiveness.
7. Construct a static-property operational definition of (a) achievement moti-
vation and (b) cohesiveness.
8. Hypothesis: Socioeconomic status and academic ability are positively
related. Rewrite this hypothesis as a prediction.
9. Hypothesis: As classroom climate becomes progressively more unstruc-
tured, students demonstrate greater creativity. Rewrite this hypothesis as
a prediction.

■ Recommended Reference
Martin, D. W. (1991). Doing psychology experiments (3rd ed.). Monterey, CA: Brooks/



Applying Design Criteria

Internal and External Validity


• Identify the reasons for incorporating a control group into a research

• Identify and describe the sources of internal and external invalidity
that induce researchers to rely on control groups.
• Describe the procedures for guarding against the various sources of
• Identify procedures within a given study for controlling against the
various sources of invalidity and evaluate the adequacy of these
• Describe procedures for gauging the success of an experimental

■ The Control Group

The essence of experimental research is control. No researcher can make a valid

assessment of the effect of a particular condition or treatment without elimi-
nating or limiting other conditions that also influence the observed effect.
To eliminate those other factors, researchers incorporate control groups
into the designs of their studies. A control group is a group of subjects or par-
ticipants in an experiment whose selection and experiences are identical in
every way possible to the experimental group except that they do not receive
the treatment. (See Table 7.1.)

■ 123

TABLE 7.1 Experimental and Control Groups in an Experiment

Experimental group Control group
Environmental stimuli Subjects’ responses Environmental stimuli Subjects’ responses
Sx Rx S0 R0
S1 R1 S1 R1
S2 R2 S2 R2
S3 R3 S3 R3
S4 R4 S4 R4
Sx: Independent variable (Level 1); So: Independent variable (Level 2)a
S1, S2, S3, S4: Control variables (arbitrary number)
Rx, R0: Dependent variable (amounts)
May be either absence of treatment or comparison treatment.

To clarify this difference, suppose that a curriculum developer believes she

has found an approach for teaching fourth and fifth graders who have never
learned to read properly, causing them to read at grade level. In order to test
the effectiveness of her instructional approach, she would design an experiment
with that teaching method as the independent variable and the reading level of
the subjects who experience this teaching as the dependent variable. If she were
simply to try her approach on some group of students, perhaps 100 poor read-
ers, and then measure their reading level a second time, she might have trouble
interpreting data that showed a significant increase in reading level.
The curriculum developer could not attribute the increase in reading level
to her approach, because she would not know whether the reading levels of the
subjects would have risen even without exposure to it. She might have found
similar results if the subjects were more highly motivated the second time they
took the reading test (the one given after experiencing the approach) than they
were the first time. Further, the entire group might have received better instruc-
tion in school, more attention from their teachers, or more encouragement at
home because they were known to be under observation as part of the research.
Any of these possibilities and many more, might have been responsible for the
apparent increase in reading level.
To deal with this problem, the experimenter would form a control group
also made up of poor readers in the fourth and fifth grades. These students
would also experience an educational “treatment” at the same time as the first
group, although the control group would undergo a neutral treatment. (This
experience performs the same function in the research design as the placebo
or salt tablet in a drug evaluation study.) None of the subjects would know
whether they were receiving the real experimental approach or the neutral
one (both of which would differ from their previous experience in school).
They would be operating in the blind. Because the person administering the
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 2 5

instruction to be evaluated, the “teacher,” can subtly reveal the distinction

between the approach under study and the neutral one, he or she also remains
uninformed about which is which. The study presents each option as the new
instructional approach being tested. Thus, the teacher also operates in the
blind, creating what is referred to as a double-blind condition.
A control group allows a researcher to cancel or neutralize the effects of
extraneous variables only if all conditions other than the independent and mod-
erator variables remain constant for both experimental and control groups. (The
moderator variable is controlled by treating it as an independent variable and
systematically examining its effects.) To ensure this similarity between groups,
researchers identify and classify variables that would prevent valid conclusions
about the outcome of an experiment without adequate control. These variables
can be organized into two broad categories: those that pose threats to internal
validity and those that pose threats to external validity.

■ Factors Affecting Internal Validity or Certainty

To ensure internal validity or certainty for a study, the researcher must estab-
lish experimental controls to support the conclusion that differences occur as a
result of the experimental treatment. In an experiment lacking internal validity,
the researcher does not know whether the experimental treatment or uncon-
trolled factors produced the difference between groups. Campbell and Stanley
(1966) identified classes of extraneous variables that can be sources of internal
bias if not controlled.
This section reviews such factors, dividing them into three groups: (1) expe-
rience bias—based on what occurs within a research study as it progresses; (2)
participant bias—based on the characteristics of the people on whom the study
is conducted; (3) instrumentation bias—based on the way the data are collected.

Experience Bias Factors

In research, the term history refers to events occurring in the environment at
the same time that a study tests the experimental variable. If a study tests a
specific curriculum on a group of students who are simultaneously experienc-
ing high stress due to an external event, then the measured outcomes of the
experimental test may not reflect the effects of the experimental curriculum but
rather those of the external, historical event. Researchers prevent limitations on
internal validity due to history by comparing results for an experimental group
to those for a control group with the same external or historical experiences
during the course of the experiment.

In addition, experimental group participants and members of the con-

trol group must experience a comparable history within the experiment in all
aspects other than the experiences being tested. Specifically, materials, condi-
tions, and procedures within the experiment other than those specific to one of
the variables being manipulated (that is, independent or moderator variables)
must be identical for experimental and control subjects.
One common source of history bias, termed teacher effect, results from a
comparison of results for Teacher A teaching by Method A to those for Teacher
B teaching by Method B. In such cases, analysis cannot possibly separate the
effect of the teacher from the effect of the instructional method.

Invalidity due to testing results when experience of a pretest affects subsequent
posttest performance. Many experiments apply pretests to subjects to deter-
mine their initial states with regard to variables of interest. The experience of
taking such a pretest may increase the likelihood that the subjects will improve
their performance on the subsequent posttest, particularly when it is identical
to the pretest. The posttest, then, may not measure simply the effect or the
experimental treatment. Indeed, its results may reflect the pretest experience
more than the experimental treatment experience itself (or, in the case of the
control group, the absence of treatment experience). A pretest can also blur
differences between experimental and control groups by providing the control
group with an experience relevant to the posttest.
Researchers often seek to avoid testing problems by advocating unobtru-
sive measures—measurement techniques that do not require acceptance or
awareness by the experimental subjects. In this way, they hope to minimize
the possibility that testing will jeopardize internal validity. (If subjects do not
directly provide data by voluntarily responding to a test, they do not experi-
ence a test exposure that could benefit their performance.)
In more traditional experimental designs, the problem of testing can be
avoided simply by avoiding pretests. (In fact, they are often unnecessary steps.)
The next chapter presents research designs that avoid pretests. Apart from
introducing possible bias, pretests are expensive and time-consuming activities.

A treatment may appear to increase learning effectiveness as compared to that
of a control or comparison group, not because it really boosts effectiveness, but
because either the experimenter or the subjects believe that it does and behave
according to this expectation. When a researcher is in a position to influence
the outcome of an experiment, albeit unconsciously, he or she may behave in
a way that improves the performance of one group and not the other, which
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 2 7

alter results. So-called “smart” rats were found to outperform “dumb” ones
when experimenters believed that the labels reflected genuine differences. Such
experimenter bias has been well-documented by Rosenthal (1985).
Subjects may also form expectations about treatment outcomes. Referred
to by some as demand characteristics, these self-imposed demands for perfor-
mance by subjects, particularly by those experiencing an experimental condi-
tion, result from a respect for authority and a high regard for science. Motivated
by these feelings, the subjects attempt to comply with their own expectations
of appropriate results for the experiment. Expectancy effects can be controlled
by use of the double-blind techniques described earlier in the chapter.

Participant Bias Factors

Many studies attempt to compare the effects of different experiences or treat-
ments on different groups of individuals. Bias may result if the group experi-
encing one treatment includes members who are brighter, more receptive, or
older than the group receiving either no treatment or some other treatment.
Results for the first group may change, not because of the treatment itself, but
because the group selected to receive the treatment differs from the other in
some way. The personal reactions and behaviors of individuals within a group
can influence research results. In other words, “people factors” can introduce
a bias.
Random assignment minimizes the problems of selection by ensuring that
any person in the subject pool has an equal probability of becoming a member
of either the experimental group or the control group. Because experimental or
control subjects assigned randomly should not differ in general characteristics,
any treatment effects in the study should not result from the special charac-
teristics of a particular group. In research designs that call for selection as a
variable (for example, intelligence) under manipulation, subjects are separated
systematically into different groups (for example, high and low) based on some
individual difference measure, thus providing for control.
Obviously, if a researcher fails to control selection bias, he or she cannot
say that the outcome of the study does not reflect initial differences between
groups rather than the treatment being evaluated. Detailed procedures for min-
imizing selection bias are described in a later section of this chapter on equating
experimental and control conditions.

Maturation refers to the processes of change that take place within subjects
during the course of an experiment. Experiments that extend for long periods

of time often lose validity because uncontrolled processes occurring simulta-

neously, such as developmental changes within the subjects, confound their
results. Because people (especially students) are known to change through nor-
mal development, a study’s final outcome could well result from this change
rather than from any experimental treatment. To avoid such problems an
experimenter may form a control group composed of comparable persons who
can be expected to have the same (or similar) maturational and developmen-
tal experiences. This precaution enables the experimenter to make conclusions
about the experimental treatment independent of the confounding maturation

Statistical Regression
When group members are chosen on the basis of extreme scores on a particular
variable, problems of statistical regression occur. Say, for instance, that a group
of students takes an IQ test, and only the highest third and the lowest third are
selected for the experiment, eliminating the middle third. Statistical processes
would create a tendency for the scores on any posttest measurement of the
high-IQ students to decrease toward the mean, while the scores of the low-
IQ students would increase toward the mean. Thus, the groups would differ
less in their posttest results, even without experiencing any experimental treat-
ment. This effect occurs because chance factors are more likely to contribute to
extreme scores than to average scores, and such factors are unlikely to reappear
during a second testing (or in testing on a different measure). The problem is
controlled by avoiding the exclusive selection of extreme scorers and including
average scorers.

Experimental Mortality
Researchers in any study should strive to obtain posttest data from all subjects
originally included in the study. Otherwise bias may result if subjects who
withdraw from the study differ from those who remain. Such differences rel-
evant to the dependent variable introduce posttest bias (or internal invalidity
based on mortality). This bias also occurs when a study evaluates more than
one condition, and subjects are lost differentially from the groups experiencing
the different conditions.
As an example, consider a study to follow up and compare graduates of
two different educational programs. The researchers may fail to reach some
members of each group, for example, those who have joined the armed forces.
Moreover, one of the two groups may have lost more members than the other.
The original samples may now be biased by the selective loss of some indi-
viduals. Because the groups have not lost equally, the losses may not be ran-
dom results; rather, they may reflect some bias in the group or program. If the
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 2 9

purpose of the follow-up study were to assess attitudes toward authority, for
example, graduates who had joined the armed services would differ systemati-
cally from other graduates on this variable. Failure to obtain data from these
individuals, then, would bias the outcome and limit its effectiveness in assess-
ing the attitudes produced by the educational program. Data from a represen-
tative sample of the graduates might support conclusions quite different from
those indicated by the more limited input.
To avoid problems created by experimental mortality, researchers often
must choose reasonably large groups, take steps to ensure their representative-
ness, and attempt to follow up subjects who leave their studies or for whom
they lack initial results.

Interactive Combinations of Factors

Of course, factors that affect validity may occur in combination. For example,
one study might suffer from invalidity due to a selection-maturation interac-
tion. Failure to equate experimental and control groups on age might create
problems both of selection and maturation bias, because children at some ages
mature or change more rapidly than do children at other ages. Moreover, the
nature of the changes experienced at one age might be more systematically
related to the experimental treatment than the changes experienced at another
age. Thus, two sources of invalidity can combine to restrict the overall validity
of the experiment.

Instrumentation Bias
Instrumentation is the measurement or observation procedures used during
an experiment. Such procedures typically include tests, mechanical measur-
ing instruments, and judgment by observers or scorers. Although mechanical
measuring instruments seldom undergo changes during the course of a study,
observers and scorers may well change their manner of collecting and record-
ing data as the study proceeds. Because interviewers tend to gain proficiency
(or perhaps become bored) as a study proceeds, they may inadvertently pro-
vide different cues to interviewees, take different amounts and kinds of notes,
or even score or code protocols differently, thus introducing instrumentation
bias into the results.
A related threat to validity results if the observers, scorers, or interviewers
become aware of the purpose of the study. Consciously or unconsciously, they
may attempt to increase the likelihood that results will support the desired
hypotheses. Both the measuring instruments of a study and the data collec-
tors should remain constant across time as well as constant across groups (or

Chapters 10 and 11 review ways in which researchers can minimize the

potential bias from problems with subjects, raters, environment, and so on.
Some of the major points covered in these chapters are itemized here to pro-
vide an overview in the context of internal validity.
Researchers employ many tactics to control instrumentation bias:

1. Establish the reliability or consistency of test scores over items and over
time, thus showing that a test consistently measures some variable.
2. Use the same measure for both pretest and posttest, or use alternate forms
of the same measure.
3. Establish the validity of a test measure, thus showing that it evaluates what
you intended to measure.
4. Establish a relative scoring system for a test (norms) so that scores may be
adapted to a common scale.
5. Gather input from more than one judge or observer, keep the same judges
or observers throughout the course of study, and compare their judgments
to establish an index of interjudge agreement.

Researchers can employ other techniques for controlling instrumenta-

tion bias, but these five are the most commonly encountered. The subspecialty
called psychometrics focuses essentially on dealing with instrumentation bias in
behavioral measurement.

■ Factors Affecting External Validity or Generality

The term external validity, or generality, refers to the generalizability or rep-

resentativeness of a study’s findings. A researcher carries out an experiment
hoping that the results can be applied to other people at other times and
in other places. For findings to have any generality, which allows broader
applications outside the experimental situation, the research design must give
consideration to external validity. At least four factors affect this question of
generalizability: the reactive effects of testing, the interaction effects of selec-
tion bias, the reactive effects of experimental arrangements, and multiple-
treatment interference.

Reactive Effects of Testing

If pretesting activity sensitizes the experimental subjects to the particular treat-

ment, the effect of the treatment may be partially the result of the pretest. In
another set of conditions without the pretest, the treatment would not have the
same effects. For example, a study might seek to evaluate the effectiveness of
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 3 1

a message intended to produce attitude change; if it were to begin with a pre-

test to gauge initial attitudes, the participants could become sensitized to the
attitudes in question and therefore pay more attention to the message, leading
them to show more attitude change when tested than they would have shown
without experiencing the pretest. A design that presented the same message
without a pretest would most likely produce different results, especially if the
pretest were to act as a necessary precondition for effective change based on
the message.
Also, subjects often try to “help” an experimenter by providing the result
they think he or she is anticipating. Therefore, they may react differently to the
treatment after a pretest because it indicates the experimenter’s aim.1

Interaction Effects of Selection Bias

If the samples drawn for a study are not representative of the larger popu-
lation, a researcher may encounter difficulty generalizing findings from their
results. For instance, an experiment run with students in one part of the coun-
try might not yield results valid for students in another part of the country;
a study run with urban dwellers as subjects might not apply to rural dwell-
ers, if some unique characteristic of the urban population contributes to the
effects found by the experiment. Thus, the desire to maintain external validity
demands samples representative of the broadest possible population. The tech-
niques for accomplishing this are described in Chapter 11.

Reactive Effects of Experimental Arrangements

The arrangements of the experiment or the experience of participating in it

may create a sufficiently artificial situation to limit the generalizability of the
results to a nonexperimental test of the treatment. An anecdote illustrates how
subjects behave differently in experimental settings.
To study the effects of stress from near-drowning, two experimenters fas-
tened a subject to the side of a swimming pool as it filled. They then forgot that
they were carrying out the experiment for a time and returned to the pool just
in time to turn off the water before the subject drowned. The experimenters,
quite frightened by this experience and somewhat in a state of shock, pulled the
subject from the pool and loosened him from the bonds. Upon being asked by

1. The work of Welch and Walberg (1970) tends to indicate that pretesting may threaten
validity less seriously than previously assumed. The point bears reemphasizing, however:
Pretesting is a costly and time-consuming process, and researchers may prefer to avoid it in
certain situations (see Chapter 8).

the experimenters, “Weren’t you frightened?” the subject calmly replied, “Oh,
no. It was only an experiment.”
Often a curriculum produces results on an experimental basis that differ
from those in general application because of the Hawthorne effect. This effect
was discovered and labeled by Mayo, Roethlisberger, and Dickson during per-
formance studies at the Hawthorne works of the Western Electric Company
in Chicago, Illinois, during the late 1920s (see Brown, 1954). The research-
ers wanted to determine the effects of changes in the physical characteristics
of the work environment as well as in incentive rates and rest periods. They
discovered, however, that production increased regardless of the conditions
imposed, leading them to conclude that the workers were reacting to their role
in the experiment and the importance placed on them by management. The
term Hawthorne effect thus refers to performance increments prompted by
mere inclusion in an experiment. This effect may lead participants, pleased by
having been singled out to participate in an experimental project, to react more
strongly to the pleasure of participation than to the treatment itself. However,
the rested conditions often yield very different results when tried on a nonex-
perimental basis.

Multiple-Treatment Interference

Research sometimes subjects participants to a number of treatments simulta-

neously, some of them experimental and others not. In such cases, the treat-
ments often interact in ways that reduce the representativeness of the effects
of any one of them. For example, if students serve as subjects, they experience
a variety of other treatments as part of their normal school activity in addition
to the experimental treatment. The treatments in combination may produce
effects different from those produced by isolated application of the experimen-
tal treatment.

■ Controlling for Participant Bias:

Equating Experimental and Control Groups

By selecting a control group made up of people who share as nearly as pos-

sible all the idiosyncrasies of the experimental group subjects, the researcher
minimizes selection invalidity—that is, the risk that the outcome of an exper-
iment depends as much on uncontrolled individual differences (or more) as
on the treatment.
Because selection problems are a common source of consternation for
researchers, a number of approaches have been developed to deal with them.
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 3 3


Randomization (also called random assignment) is a procedure for control-

ling selection variables without first explicitly identifying them. According to
this method, a researcher avoids introducing a systematic basis of selection by
reducing to chance the probability that the experimental in comparison to the
control group includes more of one type of person than another.
A researcher randomizes by randomly assigning members of a subject pool
to the experimental and control groups. Operationally, this may be accomplished
by drawing names out of a hat or by arbitrarily assigning numbers to subjects
(Ss) and using a table of random numbers (see Appendix A) to assign subjects
to groups. With 50 Ss, for example, a researcher might alphabetize the list and
number each person from 1 to 50. Then he or she would go down the random
numbers list looking only at the first two digits in a column. If the first number
began with 22, Subject 22 would be assigned to the experimental group. If the
second number began with 09, Subject 9 would be assigned to the experimental
group. The procedure would continue in this manner until half of the Ss were
assigned to the experimental group. The remainder would then be assigned to
the control group, to maintain the desirable goal of equal group sizes.
In a study designed to collect pretest data on the dependent variable, ran-
domized assignment of Ss to conditions should be undertaken independently
of pretest scores. That is, Ss should be assigned to conditions on the random
basis described above rather than on the basis of pretest scores. Pretest scores
may be subsequently examined, but it should not lead to group reassignments.
Pretest scores could be used in analyzing research data by designating them as
a covariate in an analysis of covariance, by examining change scores (posttest
minus pretest), or by comparing group pretest scores after the fact as a check
on the distribution of selection factors across groups. In another method, Ss
may be paired on pretest scores, and then one member of each pair, chosen ran-
domly, would be assigned to the experimental group, the other to the control
group. This procedure is described in a later section of the chapter on matched-
pair technique.
To ensure random assignment, the researcher either must assign Ss to
conditions or determine that no bias affected such an assignment, undertaken
independently of the research. Even when researchers believe that assignments
were not undertaken on any systematic basis, they should often avoid relying
on the expectation that groups have been randomly composed; the researchers
themselves must find some objective basis for concluding that no bias affected
assignments to conditions.
Designating intact classes (that is, classes to which students have been
assigned by their school prior to an experiment) as experimental and control

groups poses a particular problem. Although researchers often feel tempted to

consider these classes as randomly assigned groups, they usually should treat
them as nonrandom groups and proceed with specific designs for use with intact
groups (described in Chapter 8). Researchers can sometimes demonstrate that
random processes determined assignment to such intact groups, but when in
doubt they should assume non-randomness.
Researchers often carefully assign Ss randomly to groups and then double-
check the distribution of control variables by comparing the groups to assess
their equivalence on these variables. This comparison amounts to an after-the-
fact check, though, rather than an assignment technique (such as matching

Matched-Pair Technique

To form experimental and control groups according to the matched-pair

technique, a researcher must first decide which individual difference vari-
ables present the most prominent sources of problems (that is, the most
likely sources of internal invalidity due to selection) if left uncontrolled.
Such a list often includes gender, age, socioeconomic status, race, IQ, prior
school performance, pretest achievement, and various personality measures.
To complete group assignments, the researcher identifies within the subject
pool the pairs of Ss who most closely approach one another on the specific
variable(s) for which control is desired. Thus, an 11-year-old male of low IQ
(as defined operationally) would be paired with another 11-year-old male of
low IQ. Through similar links, all Ss in the pool eventually would be paired
with others. This process would reduce the pool of 50 individual Ss to 15
pairs of Ss matched on the chosen selection measures. One member of each
pair, chosen randomly from among the two members, would be assigned to
the experimental group and one to the control group until all of the pairs are
split. The researcher can then consider the two resulting groups as reason-
ably equal on the measures in question, thus providing control over selec-
tion variables
Matches between individuals can also be based on a pretest measure of the
dependent variable. If the dependent variable was, for instance, mathematics
achievement, pairs could be matched according to their initial levels of math-
ematics achievement. Random assignment of pairs to separate groups would
then control for initial level on the dependent variable. This procedure is an
alternative to the randomization procedure described in the preceding sec-
tion, which provides no specific matching or sorting on any measure. Of the
two, random assignment by itself is preferred because it does not force the
researcher to reject subjects who cannot be matched.
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 3 5

Matched-Group Technique

A similar but less extensive matching procedure calls for assigning individuals
to groups in a way that gives equal mean scores for the groups on the critical
selection variables. Thus, two groups might be composed to give the same mean
age of 11.5, or between 11 and 12. Individuals might not form equivalent pairs
across groups, but the groups on the average would be equivalent to one another.
Groups can also be matched according to their average scores on a pretest mea-
sure of the dependent variable; this technique guarantees average equivalence of
the groups at the start of the experiment.
Often, researchers must complete statistical comparisons to ensure that
they have produced adequately matched groups. Note, however, that this tech-
nique, as the previous one, may lead to regression effects, as described earlier
in the chapter; experimenters should avoid it in favor of random assignment
in other than uncommon circumstances. (It is, however, appropriate to com-
pare the composition of intact groups after the fact, to determine whether they
match one another.)

Using Subjects as Their Own Controls

If all subjects serve as members of both the experimental and control groups,
then researchers can usually assume adequate control of selection variables.
However, many situations do not allow this technique, because the experimen-
tal experience will affect performance in the control activity, or vice versa. In
learning and teaching studies, for instance, after completing the experimental
treatment, the subject no longer qualifies as a naive participant; performance on
the control task will reflect the subject’s experience on the experimental task. In
other words, this technique controls adequately for selection bias, but it often
creates insurmountable problems of maturation or history bias. Subjects in the
control and experimental groups may be the same individuals, but the relevant
history of each person, and hence the present level of maturation, differs in
completing the second task because of experience of the first.
In instances where Ss can serve as their own controls, careful researchers
must control for order effects by counterbalancing. Half of the Ss, chosen at
random, should receive the experimental treatment first, while the remainder
first serve as controls. (A later section of this chapter discusses counterbalanc-
ing in more detail.)

Limiting the Population

The population is the entire group that a researcher sets out to study. The sample
is the group of individuals chosen from that number to participate in the study.

By narrowly restricting the population (for instance, to college sophomores in

universities with graduate psychology departments), a researcher can control
for a number of possibly confounding participant selection variables. In fact,
most studies set some boundaries on their populations of subjects. However,
overly restrictive boundaries may increase internal validity via selection at the
price of greatly reduced external validity. Severely limiting a study’s population
may limit application of its conclusions to that restricted group, interfering
with generalization of the conclusions.

Moderator Variables as Selection Tools

If a particular individual difference measure is likely to influence the hypothe-

sis that a study is designed to test, the researcher can both control it (as a source
of confounding or bias) and study it (as it interacts with the independent vari-
able). To accomplish these goals, the researcher uses the measure as a modera-
tor variable within the study by comparing the results of participants whose
scores on it fall into different levels. A factorial statistical design (described in
Chapter 8) allows a researcher to control a variable in a study by making it a
moderator variable. Such a design is an important means of dealing with selec-
tion variables, because it enables the researcher to examine interactions, that is,
effects on the dependent variable that result when the independent and mod-
erator variables act in combination.

Using Control Variables as Covariates

Researchers can also apply a statistical procedure to eliminate the potential

effect of a particular selection factor. This procedure, called analysis of covari-
ance, is described in most statistics textbooks. It differs from the technique of
selecting group members according to moderator variables; instead, it treats
the potentially confounding variable as a control variable (one to be neutral-
ized) rather than as a moderator variable (one to be studied).
Analysis of covariance separates out the effect on the dependent variable
of potentially biasing characteristics of participants that may vary in an uncon-
trolled way from group to group by treating measures of these characteristics as

■ Controlling for Experience Bias:

Equating Experimental and Control Conditions

Differing only in their experiences of the independent variable, the control and
experimental groups should share as much as possible the same experiences or
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 3 7

history in every other respect. Researchers face serious difficulty ensuring that
the experiences of the two groups will be comparable outside the experimental
setting; realistically, the maximum amount of control they can exercise comes
from simply establishing a control group with members drawn from the same
population as the experimental group. However, within the experiment itself,
control efforts must also target many potentially confounding variables (that
is, sources of internal invalidity due to history). A number of methods of such
control are available.

Method of Removal

Where possible, extraneous influences should be entirely removed from the

experiences in both the experimental and control conditions. Researchers
should scrupulously avoid extraneous noises, interruptions, and changes in
environmental conditions. For example, researchers may avoid possible con-
founding from subjects’ questions and resulting answers during either the
pretest or the posttest by disallowing questions. The double-blind technique
described earlier is another way of preventing an administrator from influenc-
ing a subject’s responses.

Method of Constancy

Experiences other than those resulting from the manipulation of the inde-
pendent variable should remain constant across the experimental and control
groups. If the manipulation includes instructions to subjects, these should be
written in advance and then read to both groups to guarantee constancy across
conditions. Tasks, experiences, or procedures not unique to the treatment
should be identical for experimental and control groups. Experimental settings
should also be the same in both cases. In an experiment that contrasts an expe-
rience with its absence, the researcher must not leave uncontrolled the factors
of time, involvement in the experiment, and exposure to materials. To main-
tain constancy on these factors, the control group should experience an irrel-
evant treatment (rather than none at all) that takes as long as the experimental
treatment and provides the same amount of exposure, thus providing the same
amount of involvement. A design appropriate for controlling the Hawthorne
effect, a risk if experimental Ss are treated and control Ss ignored, is discussed
in Chapter 8.
Researchers encounter difficulty, not in deciding how to provide constancy,
but in determining what experiences require constancy. If they fail to main-
tain constancy on potential confounding variables, their designs lack internal
validity and fail to justify conclusions. Variables such as amount of material

exposure, time spent in the experiment, and attentions from the experimenter
are occasionally overlooked as control variables.
Teacher effect can be controlled by keeping the teacher constant, that is,
by assigning the same teacher to both treatment and control classes. (This
approach does limit the generality of the study, however.)

Method of Counterbalancing

In experiments that require Ss to perform multiple tasks or take multiple tests,

researchers often must control for the effects of order. They must account for
apparent progressive shifts in Ss’ responses as they continue to serve in the
experiment. These shifts may result from practice or fatigue (so-called con-
stant errors). This risk is particularly relevant when Ss serve as their own con-
trols—that is, when the same Ss at different times form both the experimental
and control groups, as previously explained. Order effects have equally serious
implications when a study’s design requires multiple treatments or multiple
dependent measures.
Where a study utilizes two tasks (A and B) and Ss must perform each task
once, counterbalancing is achieved by randomly dividing the group in half and
giving each half the tasks in the opposite order:
Group I: A then B
Group II: B then A
When participants must take two tests, the same approach can prevent bias
due to order of experiences.
When participants undergo each of two experiences twice or more, a coun-
terbalanced order A B B A equalizes the constant errors across experiences.
Where Ss are to react to pictures of dogs and cats, for example, the order can be
A study that assigns a single, constant task order (A B) must independently
assess the effect of this order as a potential source of history bias. Because
such assessment requires difficult and burdensome analysis, a constant task
order should be avoided. In counterbalancing task order, researchers gain input
from which to assess task order effects within the experiment, allowing them to
determine if such effects occur and how they affect the treatment. By random-
izing task order, however (that is, giving the tasks in a randomly chosen order)
researchers can neutralize task order effects.
If task order effects interest researchers, they should practice counterbal-
ancing to make task order a moderator variable. Most often, however, these
effects are not of specific interest. Researchers can then control them most
easily by randomizing the order of the tasks or tests across Ss. In this way,
order effects are neutralized rather than systematized. Moreover, randomizing
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 3 9

simplifies subsequent statistical analyses, reduces needed sample sizes, and

avoids the need for assumptions by the researcher about order effects.

Method of Multiple Counterbalancing

The counterbalancing technique applies to research designs in which each sub-

ject completes two tasks two or more times. Some studies need to equate or
order more than two tasks or experiences across Ss, however; the technique
of multiple counterbalancing (also called systematic randomization) performs
this function. This technique is merely a complex or multiple form of coun-
terbalancing that simultaneously reorders many activities, as an example will
Taylor and Samuels (1983) conducted an experiment in which Ss serving
as their own controls read two passages each, and then were tested on their
recall. The passages varied in each of two ways: (1) normal versus scrambled
structure, and (2) Content A or B. Thus, the researchers had to control the fol-
lowing factors:

1. The number of times each passage structure was experienced

2. The number of times each passage content was experienced
3. The order in which the two passage structures were experienced
4. The order in which the two passage contents were experienced

Table 7.2 shows that the study defined four groups and assigned two expe-
riences per group to provide the required controls. Each group experienced
each passage structure once and each passage content once, while each passage
structure was paired with each passage content twice. This method produced
four possible orders of the structure/content combination, and each group
experienced one of these orders.
The experiment could not systematically control some combinations of
experiences, because to do so would have required either too many groups or
too many experiences per group. For instance, unique combinations of struc-
ture and content would ideally require that each group experience each of the
four possible combinations rather than just two. For practical reasons, Taylor

TABLE 7.2 Multiple Counterbalancing of Passage Structure (Normal Versus

Scrambled) and Passage Content (A Versus B) in the Taylor and Samuels (1983)
Time 1 Normal A Normal B Scrambled B Scrambled A
Time 2 Scrambled B Scrambled A Normal A Normal B

and Samuels could not include all possible structure-content-order combina-

tions in their research design for each group. However, they developed a fully
adequate approach.
Variations of this method allow for assigning teachers to instructional treat-
ment conditions. Researchers can either randomly assign participating teachers,
or designate multiple teachers, so that each one teaches one treatment class and
one control class. Both approaches represent ways to control for teacher effect.

■ Overall Control of Participant and Experience Bias

Table 7.3 summarizes procedures for controlling both participant effects and
experience effects as they affect the internal validity (certainty) and external
validity (generality) of a study. To understand applications of these principles,
consider a study of teacher enthusiasm and its effect on student achievement
(McKinney et al., 1983).
The following quotations provide the necessary information:

The students were randomly assigned to one of three treatment groups,

defined by three levels of teacher enthusiasm—high, medium, and low.
Teachers trained to exhibit the specified levels of enthusiasm administered
the treatments, using scripted lessons covering three topics in social stud-
ies, (p. 249)

TABLE 7.3 Maximizing Control of Participant and Experience Bias: Four “Windows”

ING WITH: Certainty Generality
Participants Control all individual differences Make the sample as representative as
between groups on IQ, prior achieve- possible of population from which it
ment, sex, age, etc., by: is drawn by:
1. Random assignment: group/ 1. Random selection: sample/
group population
2. Matching 2. Stratified sampling (See
3. Establishing equivalence statisti- Chapter 10)
cally after the fact
Experiences Control all differences in experiences Make experimental conditions as
between groups, other than the inde- representative of real-life experi-
pendent variable, by: ences as possible by:
1. Employing a control group 1. Remaining as unobtrusive as
2. Providing each group with com- possible
parable subject matter or tasks 2. Minimizing the salience of the
3. Equalizing teacher effects across experiment and experimenter
groups 3. Utilizing double-blind procedure
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 4 1

Treatments and lessons were rotated and counterbalanced to control for

possible effects of time of day, order of treatment, and teacher effect,
(p. 251)

The study included six teachers, each one teaching each of the three treat-
ments (high, medium, and low enthusiasm) across three different social studies
topics (cultural diffusion, arable land, and tertiary production), as shown in
Table 7.4 (McKinney et al., 1983, p. 251).
This approach effectively controlled for history bias from sources such
as content of lessons, order of treatment, teacher effect, and time of day. Such
strict controls maximize internal validity, but they also raise other issues, as
noted by the authors:

Although scripted lessons raise questions of external validity, we were

more concerned with maintaining tight controls and establishing internal
If teachers are allowed to develop individual lessons, several other vari-
ables, such as allocated time and degree of explanations are introduced. . . .
The problem of external validity can be dealt with through replication,
(p. 250)

Finally, the authors faced problems of experimental mortality, as “68 of

the original 228 subjects were dropped . . . because of absences on one or more
days of the study or for lack of reading scores” (p. 251). However, analysis
led the authors to discount this situation as a problem because “reading scores
for the remaining 160 subjects indicated that pretreatment differences among
experimental groups were small and nonsignificant” (p. 251).

TABLE 7.4 Rotation Schedule of Treatments, Teachers, and Lessons in School 1*

Rotation Order Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Teacher 1 High Cultural Arable Land Tertiary
Medium Diffusion Production
Teacher 2 Medium Arable Land Tertiary Cultural
Low Production Diffusion
Teacher 3 Low Tertiary Cultural Arable Land
High Production Diffusion
*Design repeated for School 2, and Teachers 4 through 6.
Source: Adapted from McKinney et al. (1983, p. 251).

■ Appraising the Success of the Manipulation

Some experiments allow straightforward manipulation of the independent

variable: Introduce a particular experience to the experimental group, and
withhold it from the control group. If the independent variable is operation-
ally defined by a dynamic-property or static-property definition (Chapter
6), a researcher can simply find an appropriate measuring device to detect the
observable criteria associated with the levels of this variable. However, a study
design that creates an independent variable (that is, one that forms an opera-
tional definition based on manipulation) usually requires a researcher to verify
during the experiment that the created state displays the intended dynamic and
static properties.
Suppose, for example, that you are interested in studying the effect of fear
on behavior. You tell your experimental group a story intended to produce fear
in them. At this point, a wise researcher would verify that the manipulation
(the story) has produced the desired effect (fear). To accomplish this goal, you
might give both your experimental and control groups an emotional symptom-
atology questionnaire or measure their palmar skin electrical conductivity to
check for expected differences between the groups.
A study by Slavin and Karweit (1984), detailed in Chapter 6, compared mas-
tery learning to team learning. It provides an example of methods to appraise
the success of the manipulation, discussed under the heading “Implementation
Checks.” Trained observers monitored each of four treatments to determine
whether the teachers followed the operational definitions of the variables. In the
mastery-learning treatments, for example, minimum requirements included for-
mative quizzes, corrective instruction, and summative quizzes; the team-learning
treatments were expected to include heterogeneous teams, team scores, and team
recognition. All treatments that included focused instruction (the control) were
expected to follow regular schedules of teaching, worksheet completion, and
quizzes. “All teachers were found to be using these major components of their
assigned treatments adequately, although the quality of implementation varied
If the independent variable requires that individuals, such as teachers,
behave or perform in a specified way (that is, according to a manipulation-
based operational definition), the study’s outcome depends on how effectively
their behavior or performance conforms to the instructions. Increasing devia-
tion from required behavior standards reduces the likelihood that the treat-
ment will yield the desired or anticipated effect on the dependent variable.
The study of mastery learning versus team learning, for instance, would
have encountered problems if (a) a certain percentage of teachers who were
assigned to use mastery instruction had failed to follow their instructions
for implementing it, or if (b) a certain percentage of teachers who were not
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 4 3

assigned to use mastery instruction implemented the method anyway. These

occurrences would have prevented effective distinctions between the two lev-
els of the independent variable—mastery versus nonmastery instruction. They
would have overlapped, causing additional variability in any outcome associ-
ated specifically with one of the two levels. Such a lack of distinction between
levels of the independent variable could have resulted in a failure to obtain
differences on the dependent variable, even if it really were related to the inde-
pendent variable.
Whenever a variable is defined by means of a manipulation-based opera-
tional definition, any researcher should carefully appraise and report the suc-
cess of the manipulation.
For another example, reconsider the study of teacher enthusiasm and stu-
dent achievement mentioned in the previous section. For control purposes,
six teachers were trained to exhibit three levels of enthusiasm using a manip-
ulation-based operational definition. The researchers specified descriptors
for each level of each facet of enthusiasm to aid the participating teachers in
accomplishing their appropriate performance:

For instance, low enthusiasm in vocal delivery was defined as “mono-

tone voice, minimum vocal inflection, little variations in speech, drones
on and on and on, poor articulation.” Medium enthusiasm on the same
item was defined as “pleasant variations of pitch, volume, and speed, good
articulation.” High enthusiasm was defined as “great and sudden changes
from rapid excited speech to a whisper. Varied lilting, uplifting intonation.
Many changes in tone, pitch.” (McKinney et al., 1983, p. 250)

Teachers were trained for 11 hours, working with four observers:

The four observers received additional training on the use of Collins’

instrument. Samples of teaching were scored using the instrument and
the ratings compared across observers. Disagreements were discussed and
resolved. Training continued until observers reached perfect agreement.
(p. 250)

In the final task, the observers appraised the success of the manipulation,
assuring themselves that teachers indeed manifested high, medium, and low
enthusiasm as required in the design:

Observers were present during each treatment period in the course of the
study to verify that the treatments were followed. They were not told at
which level of enthusiasm the teachers would be teaching, and they were

rotated each day so that each observer rated all of the teachers in the par-
ticular school. (p. 250)

Based on these observer ratings, the researchers then evaluated the success
of the manipulation. As Table 7.5 confirms, it clearly was a success.

■ Summary

1. Researchers try to eliminate factors other than their experimental treat-

ments that may affect the dependent variable. As part of this effort, they
define control groups, or groups of subjects whose selection and experi-
ences arc identical to those of the treatment group except that they do not
receive the treatment.
2. Three categories of factors may affect the internal validity or certainty of a
study: (1) those that come from the participants or subjects, (2) those that
come from the experiences, and (3) those that come from the measurement
process. (The third category is primarily covered in later chapters.)
3. Participants affect internal validity through selection or assignment effects
(changes related to the characteristics of the individuals selected for or
assigned to different groups or experiencing or displaying different levels of
the independent variable), maturation (naturally occurring changes in study
participants over time), statistical regression (changes caused by exclusion
of middle-level scorers), and experimental mortality (changes caused by the
characteristics of people who discontinue their participation in a study).
4. Experiences affect internal validity through history (changes caused by
environmental variables other than the independent variable and operat-
ing at the same time), testing (changes caused by the sensitizing effects of a
pretest), and expectancy (changes caused by preexisting biases toward the
outcome in the researcher or the participants).
5. External validity or generality is also affected by participant factors, such
as bias in the selection of the sample, and experience factors, such as reac-
tions by subjects to the experimental arrangements rather than to the basic
character of the variables.
6. Threats to internal validity based on participant factors can be controlled
by several techniques: random assignment of subjects to experimental and
control groups, matching pairs of subjects on major control variables and
then randomly assigning one member of each pair to a group, matching
groups on major control variables, using subjects as their own controls,
limiting the population, using the moderator variable as a selection device,
and using control variables in analysis of covariance.
7. In addition to comparing results for an experimental group to those for a
control group, researchers can control for threats to internal validity based
TABLE 7.5 Intrateacher and Interteacher Observation Data.

Source: Adapted from McKinney et al. (1983), p. 251.


on experience factors by removing extraneous influences, keeping extrane-

ous influences constant across conditions, counterbalancing the order in
which multiple tasks are experienced, and counterbalancing the combina-
tions of task order and other extraneous variables.
8. Threats to external validity based on participants can be controlled by ran-
dom or stratified random sampling from the broadest possible population.
Similar threats based on experiences can be controlled by keeping the treat-
ments and the measurements as unobtrusive as possible and ensuring that
the data collector remains as unaware of the specifics as possible.
9. When manipulating the levels of an independent variable, a researcher
should collect data to indicate whether the manipulation has successfully
produced the intended conditions. He or she can perform this evaluation
dynamically, by observing the results of the manipulation, or statically, by
asking subjects what they are feeling or experiencing.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. A coach has given some youngsters training in swimming. Which of the

listed distinctions would not be a valid indicator of the need for a control
group to evaluate the effects of the training?
a. Some youngsters might have begun with superior potential for becom-
ing good swimmers.
b. The coach may not have sufficient free time to continue the training
c. The experience in the water may have contributed more to success than
the training per se.
d. Normal physical development may have accounted for any improve-
2. Youngsters initially showing highly aggressive behavior toward teachers
and classmates have reduced this aggressiveness considerably after a spe-
cial counseling program. Which of the listed distinctions would not be a
valid indicator of the need for a control group to evaluate the effects of the
a. Judgments of aggressive behavior following the program were biased
by the judges’ desire to see the program succeed.
b. The oldest of the problem children never completed the program.
c. People running the program were well-trained counselors.
d. Special attention given to these students may have accounted for their
change in behavior.
3. Six of the eight choices in Exercises 1 and 2 (1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d) rep-
resent sources of internal invalidity. Label each choice according to its source
A P P LY I N G D E S I G N C R I T E R I A ■ 1 4 7

of internal invalidity, leaving blank the two chosen as answers for Exercises
1 and 2. (Possible sources of internal validity are history, selection, matura-
tion, testing, instrumentation, statistical regression, experimental mortality,
stability, expectancy, and interactive combinations of factors.)
1a: ____________________________________________________________
1b: ____________________________________________________________
1c: ____________________________________________________________
1d: ____________________________________________________________
2a: ____________________________________________________________
2b: ____________________________________________________________
2c: ____________________________________________________________
2d: ____________________________________________________________

4. You are interested in determining the effect of programmed mathemat-

ics material on the level of mathematics achievement. What steps would
you undertake to control for history, maturation, testing, instrumentation,
selection, regression, and mortality biases?
5. In the study described in Exercise 4, what steps would you take to control
for the various sources of external invalidity?
6. You are interested in determining whether a film about careers increases
the tendency of students to make career decisions. What steps would you
take to control for history, maturation, and selection biases?
7. You have designed an experiment to compare the effectiveness of directive
and nondirective counseling. You are using the same counselors in both
conditions, but have trained them to counsel differently for each condition.
How would you verify that your participating counselors were behaving
directively and nondirectively in the appropriate conditions as instructed?
8. You are interested in studying the effects of anger on problem solving. You
attempt to make Ss angry by finding fault with their behavior and yelling
at them. What can you do subsequent to this anger manipulation to deter-
mine whether the desired result has occurred?

■ Recommended References
Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (1979). Quasi-experimentation: Design and analysis
issues for field settings. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally.
Mitchell, M., & Jolley, J. (1992). Research design explained (2nd ed.). Fort Worth, TX:
Harcourt Brace.
Rosenthal, R., & Rosnow, R. L. (1969). Artifact in behavioral research. New York, NY:
Academic Press.

Experimental Research Designs


• Distinguish between preexperimental designs, true experimental

designs, and quasi-experimental designs based on how adequately
they guard against different threats to validity.
• Construct true experimental designs (including factorial designs),
given predictions.
• Identify circumstances that call for quasi-experimental designs.
• Identify the threats to validity that are not completely controlled by
each of the quasi-experimental designs.
• Construct quasi-experimental designs given predictions and specific
circumstances that preclude the use of true experimental designs.
• Construct designs to control for reactive effects, given predictions
and situations in which such effects may operate.

■ A Shorthand for Displaying Designs

This section reviews the system of symbols used in the chapter to specify
research designs.1
An X designates a treatment (the presence of an experimental manipula-
tion) and a blank space designates a control (the absence of a manipulation).
When treatments are compared, they are labeled X1, X2, and so on. An O

1. This system was originated by D. T. Campbell and J. C. Stanley (1966).

■ 149

designates an observation or measurement. Each O carries an arbitrary sub-

script for ease of identification and referral (O1, O2, and so on).2
The letter R indicates that the design controls for participant bias fac-
tors (for example, selection) using randomization or some other technique
described in Chapter 7. Finally, a dashed line shows that intact groups have
been used, indicating incomplete control of selection bias.

■ Preexperimental Designs (Non-designs)

Unfortunately, all too many researcher studies employ three common research
procedures that do not qualify as legitimate experimental designs, because they
do not control adequately against the sources of internal invalidity. These are
referred to as preexperimental designs, because they are component pieces or
elements of true experimental designs. Because they are inadequate as they
stand, they are also called non-designs. Because students gain from knowledge
of what they should not do as well as what they should do, this section reviews
these unacceptable designs.

One-Shot Case Study

The one-shot case study can be diagrammed as: X O.

Such a “study” tries some treatment (X) on a single group and then makes
an observation (O) on the members of that group to assess the effects of the
treatment. The lack of a control group (a group that does not experience X)
and the lack of information about the Ss who do experience X violate most of
the principles of internal validity in a design. Results of a one-shot case study
provide no justification for concluding that X caused O.
Consider an example. Suppose that a school institutes a free lunch program
(X). After the program has been in operation for 6 months, teachers report in
interviews (O) that they have encountered only minimal instances of disruptive
classroom activity. The school principal may then conclude that the school lunch
program is reducing student tension and aggression. However, the principal does
not know (1) whether specific experiences or occurrences other than the lunch
program (history) have contributed to the observed behavior change, (2) whether
current observations have detected a real change relative to past behavior and, if
such a change truly occurred, whether it is stable, or (3) whether students par-
ticipating in the lunch program were likely to change anyway as a function of
selection or maturation.

2. These subscripts function solely for differentiation; they have no systematic meaning
regarding sequence.
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 5 1

One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design

The one-group pretest-posttest design can be diagrammed as: O1 X O2.

Such a study differs from the one-shot case study design by beginning with
a pretest, which provides some information about the sample. However, this
design (or non-design) fails to control for the effects of history, maturation,
testing, or statistical regression, so it cannot be considered a legitimate experi-
mental technique. Although it provides some information about selection,
because the pretest describes the initial state of the selected Ss on the dependent
variable, it falls far short of handling the other sources of internal invalidity.

Intact-Group Comparison

The intact-group comparison (also called static-group comparison) can be dia-

grammed as shown:

X O1

A control group that does not receive the treatment (X) acts as a source of com-
parison for the treatment-receiving group, helping to prevent bias from effects
such as history and, to a lesser extent, maturation. Validity increases, because
some coincidental event that affects the outcome will as likely affect O2 as O1.
However, the control group Ss and the experimental group Ss are neither
selected nor assigned to groups on a random basis (or on any of the bases
required for the control of selection bias). The dashed line between the groups
indicates that they are intact groups. Moreover, by failing to pretest the Ss, the
researchers lose the ability to confirm the essential equivalence of the control
and experimental group Ss. Thus, this approach is an unacceptable method,
because it controls for neither selection invalidity or invalidity based on exper-
imental mortality. That is, it gives no information about whether one group
was already higher on O (or some related measure) before the treatment, which
may have caused it to outperform the other group on the posttest.
Although differences between O2 and O1 probably do not result from dif-
ferent histories and rates of maturation during such an experiment, researchers
should not simply assume that the observed outcomes are not based on differ-
ences that the Ss bring with them to the experiment. Because the intact-group
comparison does not satisfactorily control for all sources of invalidity, it is
considered a preexperimental design. By virtue of their shortcomings, this and
the other non-designs do not eliminate potential alternative explanations of
their findings, so they are not acceptable or legitimate experimental designs.

■ True Experimental Designs

Several other research techniques qualify as true experimental designs, because

they provide completely adequate controls for all sources of internal invalidity.
They represent no compromise between experimental design requirements and
the nature and reality of the situations in which studies are undertaken. Two of
these true designs are described in this section.

Posttest-Only Control Group Design

This experimental method offers potentially the most useful true design. It can
be diagrammed as:

R X O1

R O2

The posttest-only control group design provides ideal control over all threats
to validity and all sources of bias. The design utilizes two groups, one that
experiences the treatment while the other does not, so it controls for history
and maturation bias. Random assignment to the experimental or control group
prevents problems of selection and mortality. In addition, this design controls
for a simple testing effect and the interaction between testing and treatment by
giving no pretest to either group.
Data analysis for the posttest-only control group design centers on com-
parisons between the mean for O1 and the mean for O2.
Recall from the previous chapter the discussion of a study by McKinney
et al. (1983) on the effects of teacher enthusiasm on student achievement. This
research project illustrates the posttest-only control group design. It examined
the independent variable, teacher enthusiasm, by establishing three levels: high,
medium, and low enthusiasm. Subjects were randomly assigned to treatments,
taught a prescribed unit, and tested to determine their achievement on the unit.
The design would be diagrammed as:

R X1 O1 (high enthusiasm)

R X2 O2 (medium enthusiasm)

R X3 O3 (low enthusiasm)

Another example of the useful posttest-only control group design comes

from a study by Helm (1989, p. 362):
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 5 3

The purpose of this study was to determine if selected students who were
absent from school and who received calls to their homes from the princi-
pal via a computer message device, would have a better school attendance
record than those students whose homes were not called.

This sentence gives the problem statement of the study. Subjects were ran-
domly assigned to either the to-be-called or not-to-be-called conditions, and a
“posttest” evaluated their attendance after the eighth month of the school year.
The researchers designated a control or comparison group and randomly
assigned Ss to conditions, providing suitable control for internal validity. The
posttest-only control group design may be used where such requirements can
be met.

Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design

The pretest-posttest control group design can be diagrammed as:

R O1 X O2

R O3 O4

Two groups are employed in this design: The experimental group receives a
treatment (X) while the control group does not. (Random assignment is used
to place Ss in both groups.) Both groups are given a pretest (O1 and O3) and a
posttest (O2 and O4). The use of a pretest is the only difference between this
design and the previously discussed one.
By subjecting a control group to all the same experiences as the experi-
mental group except the experience of the treatment itself, this design con-
trols for history, maturation, and regression effects. By randomizing Ss
across experimental and control conditions, it controls for both selection and
mortality. This design, therefore, controls many threats to validity or sources
of bias.
However, administration of a pretest does introduce slight design difficul-
ties beyond those encountered in the posttest-only control group design. The
pretest-posttest control group design allows the possibility of a testing effect
(that is, a gain on the posttest due to experience on the pretest); this potential
for bias may reduce the internal validity. Also, the design lacks any control for
the possibility that the pretest will sensitize Ss to the treatment, thus affecting
external validity. In other words, the design does not control for a test-treat-
ment interaction. Moreover, it lacks control for the artificiality of an experi-
ment that may well be established through the use of a pretest.

In summary, then, an evaluation of the pretest-posttest control group design

is that it incorporates effective controls for all the simple sources of invalidity.
The pretest prevents control for sources of invalidity (both simple and inter-
active) associated with testing, and these influences may plague such studies.
Still, the design offers a useful format when a researcher feels a strong need to
collect pretest data on the dependent variable and has little fear that the pretest
will provide a simple posttest gain or a differential sensitivity to the treatment.
However, when the researcher has a reason to suspect that the pretest may intro-
duce such bias, he or she should favor the posttest-only control group design.
Indeed, under most circumstances the posttest-only control group design should
be used, because random assignment of Ss to conditions is generally considered
an adequate control for selection bias. Avoidance of a pretest also saves time
and money. Obviously, however, an experimenter needs pretest data for a study
intended to assess degree of change in the dependent variable.
In analyzing the data from the pretest-posttest control group design, the
researcher can compare gain scores for the two groups. That is, a comparison of
the mean of O2 minus O1 with the mean of O4 minus O3 indicates whether the
treatment had a differential effect on the groups. Analysis may also compare
means of the groups on the pretest (O1 versus O3 ). If the groups are equivalent,
the posttest means (O2 versus O4 ) can be compared to evaluate the treatment.
A third possibility is to compare posttest scores of the groups (O2 and O4)
through analysis of covariance using corresponding individual pretest scores
(O1 and O3 ) as a covariate. This approach is illustrated in a study by Reiser,
Tessmer, and Phelps (1984) to determine whether children would learn more
from watching Sesame Street if the adults who watched with them asked ques-
tions and provided feedback than they would learn from watching the program
without this adult interaction. Preschool children were randomly assigned to
either an experimental condition, in which they were asked to name the letters
and numbers shown on each of the three shows while they were watching, or a
control condition, where they watched with adults but were not asked to per-
form. Children were both pretested and posttested on a measure designed to
assess their ability to identify the letters and numbers presented on the shows.
The statistical procedure analysis of covariance, referred to above, allowed
comparison of the two groups’ posttest performance. This evaluation used the
pretest scores as a control variable (or covariate) to control for initial group dif-
ferences. This method gives results preferable to those of a direct comparison
of gain scores (posttest minus pretest) for the two groups, because gains are
limited in size by the difference between the test’s ceiling and the magnitude
of the pretest score. Children who experienced adult interaction while they
watched were found to learn more than children who did not interact with
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 5 5

■ Factorial Designs

Factorial research designs modify the true experimental designs described in

the previous section. They incorporate further complications by adding inde-
pendent variables (usually moderator variables) to supplement the treatment
variable. One such design might modify the pretest-posttest control group
design with one treatment variable into a factorial design with one treatment
variable and one moderator variable. The moderator variable is indicated by
the letter Y with two levels, Y1 and Y2, in the diagram:

R O1 X Y1 O2

R O3 Y1 O4

R O5 X Y2 O6

R O7 Y2 O8

In this example, two groups receive the experimental treatment and two
groups do not. One group receiving the treatment and one group not receiving
the treatment are simultaneously categorized as Y1, while the remaining two
groups, one receiving and one not receiving the treatment, are categorized as
Y2. Thus, if Y1 represented a subgroup receiving oral instruction and Y2 a sub-
group receiving written instruction, only half of each subgroup would receive
the treatment. Moreover, random assignment determines the halves of each
subgroup to experience or not experience the treatment.
It is equally possible to create a factorial design by modifying the posttest-
only control group design, as illustrated in the diagram, again for a two-factor

R X Y1 O1

R Y1 O2

R X Y2 O3

R Y2 O4

Any design with an independent variable and a moderator variable must

recognize that, when the moderator variable is an individual difference mea-
sure, Ss cannot be randomly assigned to the different levels of the modera-
tor variable. However, Ss within each level on the moderator variable can be

randomly assigned to each condition or level of the independent variable to

ensure random distribution of all participant characteristics other than that
indicated by the moderator variable across conditions within each level of
independent variable experience. Figure 8.1 diagrams the design for a study
of instructional effects using the factorial version of the posttest-only control
group design. It incorporates two intact-group moderator variables.
All comments about the true experimental designs apply equally to related
factorial designs. In addition, the factorial designs allow researchers to deal
systematically with multiple independent variables. That is, within the factorial
designs more than one variable can be manipulated and thus studied.
Within a factorial design, a researcher can assess the separate effect of each
independent variable as well as their conjoint or simultaneous effects.3 This
approach shows how one of the variables might moderate the others. A dia-
gram effectively illustrates the relationship between the various observations
of the dependent variable and the levels of the two independent variables being
studied. (One of these latter variables is typically called a moderator variable.)

By comparing the observations under X1 (that is, Ox1) to the observations

under X0 (that is, Ox0 ), a researcher can contrast the effects of the treatment with
the control. By comparing the observations in the Y1 row (that is, OY1) to those
in the Y2 row (that is, OY2), he or she can contrast the effects of Level 1 of the Y
variable with those of Level 2 of the Y variable. Furthermore, by contrasting the
individual cell effects, O1 versus O3 and O2 versus O4, the researcher can identify
any simultaneous effects of the X and Y variables.
Suppose, for example, that X1 is an intensive program to improve mem-
ory, while X0 is a control condition including reading but no memory train-
ing. The moderator variable (Y) might then be immediate memory span, with
Y1 designating subjects high on this measure and Y2 designating subjects low
on this measure. The findings might be something like those illustrated in
Figure 8.2.
The data graphed in Figure 8.2 suggest that the training has an overall
salutary effect (O1 and O3 are higher than O2 and O4, respectively). Further,
subjects with high memory span values performed better than those with low
memory span (O1 is higher than O3 and O2 is higher than O4 ). In addition, the
3. The appropriate statistical procedure for this determination is analysis of variance. The
illustrated study would require a three-way analysis of variance (see Chapter 12).
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 5 7

FIGURE 8.1 Factorial Design (4x2x2) for an Instructional Study with Two Intact-Group
Moderator Variables

FIGURE 8.2 Results of a Memory Experiment

Y variable seems to moderate the X variable. That is, training produces more
pronounced effects for subjects with high memory spans than for those with
low memory spans. Thus, the two independent variables seem to generate a
conjoint effect as well as separate effects. (Of course, these conclusions would
have to be substantiated by an analysis of variance.) The factorial research
design allows the researcher to identify both simultaneous and separate effects
of independent variables. That is, it allows a researcher to include one or more
moderator variables.

A study may incorporate multiple outcome measures but analyze each one
in a separate evaluation. In such a case, time or trials function, not as modera-
tor variables, but merely as multiple dependent variables. The research design
is repeated for each dependent variable.
Sometimes, however, a study bases a moderator variable on repeated or
multiple measurements of a single dependent variable, such as multiple perfor-
mance trials or an immediate retention test followed by a delayed retention test.
A design should explicitly indicate simultaneous analysis of data from multiple
times or trials, but no common notation has been presented for this purpose. To
represent repeated measurement of a dependent variable (also called a within-
subjects variable), notation should include multiple Os following the representa-
tions of independent and moderator variables. For example, in a study, randomly
assigned subjects might experience either real practice (X1) or imaginary practice
(X2) in shooting foul shots. They would then complete five test trials of 20 shots
each, and the researcher would evaluate the outcome as a moderator variable.
The design would look like this:

R X1 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5

R X2 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10

■ Quasi-Experimental Designs

Quasi-experimental designs are partly—but not fully—true experimental

designs; they control some but not all sources of internal invalidity. Although
they are not as adequate as true experimental designs (because the sources of
bias are not completely controlled), they provide substantially better control
of the threats to validity than do preexperimental designs.
Quasi-experimental designs suit situations in which conditions complicate
or prevent complete experimental control. The real world that confronts an
educational researcher is fraught with practical limitations upon opportuni-
ties to select or assign Ss and manipulate conditions. School systems may not
accept new programs for experimental testing; decision makers may not allow
disruptions of intact classes or division into groups necessary to designate ran-
dom or equivalent samples; policies may prohibit researchers from adminis-
tering a treatment to some and withholding it from others; a situation may
not provide an opportunity for pretesting in advance of the implementation of
some program or change.
Researchers should not throw up their hands in despair or retreat to the
laboratory. They should not advance upon the uncontrolled and uncontrol-
lable variables of the educational milieu with only preexperimental designs as
their inadequate tools. They should instead employ quasi-experimental designs
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 5 9

to carry experimental control to its reasonable limit within the realities of par-
ticular situations.

Time-Series Design

Some conditions prevent incorporation of comparison or control groups in

experiments. When a change occurs throughout an entire school system, for
example, identifying a control group might require the impossible step of find-
ing a second school system that (1) is in most ways comparable to the first,
(2) has not also incorporated a similar change, and (3) is willing to cooperate.
Change often occurs without leaving any undisturbed control group for the
researcher to utilize. Faced with this predicament, she or he might consider the
inferior one-shot case study or one-group pretest-posttest designs. However, a
third solution, the time-series design, provides better control:

O1 O2 O3 O4 X O5 O6 O7 O8

The time-series design differs from the one-group pretest-posttest design by

administering a series of pretests and posttests rather than a single administration
of each. Over a period of time, such a series allows good control of maturation
effects and some control of history—two important sources of internal invalid-
ity left totally uncontrolled by the one-group pretest-posttest design. The time
series also controls for testing effects, because repeated exposure to a single pre-
test is likely to lead to adaptation or desensitization, while any testing effects that
do occur may not be expected to persevere through the series of posttests.
This design does not allow a researcher to rule out history as a source
of invalidity, but its effect usually can be minimized. In general, any effects
of extraneous events should occur across all of the observations, allowing
researchers to infer these effects from an examination of O1 to O8. Histori-
cal bias would invalidate conclusions from such a study in the possible (but
improbable) event of an external event occurring simultaneously with the
application of the treatment X (neither preceding it nor following it, but fall-
ing just coincident with it). (See Figure 8.3.)
Although the time-series design does not control for history as well as
a true experimental design does, it helps a researcher to interpret the extent
of historical bias. Thus it gives more adequate control than alternative single-
group designs. In addition, the time-series design controls other threats to
validity (except, perhaps, instrumentation bias).
One practical limitation in the use of this design is the unavailability of
data for multiple pretest observations (O1 through O4). A researcher often
depends on the school system to collect these data as a regular part of its assess-
ment program. If such data represent achievement outcomes, they are usually

FIGURE 8.3 Some Possible Outcomes Using the Time Series Design

available as a regular part of school records (perhaps standardized achievement

test scores). However, if such data represent attitudes, the researcher would
have to plan well in advance of the treatment to begin to collect these data.
If attitude data were regularly collected and made available, the time-series
design would increase in practicality. Eliminating advance planning and test-
ing would also reduce the likelihood that testing would function as a source of
external invalidity by sensitizing participants to the treatment.

Equivalent Time-Samples Design

Like the time-series design, the equivalent time-samples design suits situations
when only a single group is available for study and the group requires a highly
predetermined pattern of experience with the treatment. The second condition
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 6 1

means that the researcher must expose the group to the treatment in some sys-
tematic way:

X1 O1 X0 O2 X1 O3 X0 O4

This design, too, is a form of time-series. Rather than introducing the treatment
(X1) only a single time, however, the researcher introduces and reintroduces it,
making some other experience (X0 ) available in the absence of the treatment.
The equivalent time-samples design satisfies the requirements of internal
validity, including controlling for historical bias. In this regard, it is superior to
the time-series design, since it further reduces the likelihood that a compelling
extraneous event will occur simultaneously with each presentation of the treat-
ment (X1). Thus, a comparison of the average of O1 and O3 with the average
of O2 and O4 will yield a result unlikely to be invalidated by historical bias.
Moreover, the analysis can be set up to determine order effects, as well:

First Second
Administration Administration
X1 O1 O3
X0 O2 O4

Consider the following example application of this design. An art teacher

wishes to determine the effect of a museum field trip on the attitudes and
knowledge of students in a particular art class. The teacher takes this class to
the local art museum (X1) in lieu of the regularly scheduled art class for the
week (X0). Following the trip, the teacher administers a test of art knowledge
and a measure of attitudes (O1 ). The following week the teacher holds the regu-
lar art appreciation class (X0 ) and subsequently measures knowledge and atti-
tudes toward art (O2). In the third week, the class again visits the local museum
and concentrates on another portion of the collection (X1). Knowledge and
attitudes are again measured (O3 ). The last week involves normal class activity
(X0) and measurement (O4).
The analysis of the data from this study is set up as shown above. A com-
parison of O1 and O3 with O2 and O4 allows the teacher to contrast the results
of the two experiences. The interaction between the four measurements pro-
vides a check on differential changes over time. Simple time effects can be
determined by comparing O1 and O2 to O3 and O4. Selection and other partici-
pant factors are controlled by using the same Ss in both conditions (using the
Ss as their own controls).4 History bias is unlikely to affect the museum trips
in ways different from the regular classes, particularly since the treatment is

4. This procedure for controlling selection threats to validity was described in Chapter 7.

experienced on two separate occasions. Other sources of invalidity do not pose

any major threat to this design.
As a second illustration of the equivalent time-samples design, consider
a study comparing rewards for an individual’s performance to those for the
group’s performance, where a single group of subjects serves as its own con-
trol. The control condition (X0 ) involves an incentive system that distributes
rewards and punishments to individual students; the experimental condition
(X1) distributes the same rewards and punishments according to group contin-
gency criteria. The control (X0 ) is administered in Phases I and III, whereas the
experimental treatment (X1) occurs in Phases II and IV. Observations (O2, O3,
O4, and O5) are made following each phase, as well as prior to the start of the
series (O1). The result looks like this:

O1, X0 O2 X1 O3 X0 O4 X1 O5

A third illustration of this design is a study by Taylor and Samuels (1983) that
compared children’s recall of normal and scrambled passages. The same children
read both types of passage, but half, chosen at random, read the normal passage
first and the scrambled passage second, while the other half read the passages in
the reverse order: scrambled first and normal second. (Refer back to Table 7.2.)
By reversing the sequence of the experiences, the researchers avoided possible
bias due to order effects. Because the same subjects experienced both treatments,
that is, read both types of passage, the study required two separate passages. If
the same passage content were used twice, students might remember it the sec-
ond time, thereby introducing history bias and reducing internal validity. Sub-
jects read two passages, Passage A (about bird nests) and Passage B (about animal
weapons). Both passages included the same number of words and were evaluated
to be at the same reading level. Half of the subjects, randomly chosen, read a nor-
mal (N) version of Passage A and a scrambled (S) version of Passage B while the
other half reversed this arrangement: scrambled A and normal B. The treatment
therefore required four test booklets, each with two passages as follows: SA/NB,
NA/SB, SB/NA, NB/SA; one-quarter of the subjects received each test booklet.
This precaution allowed researchers to avoid possible threats to internal validity
while using subjects as their own controls.
The equivalent time-samples design shows some weakness in external
validity. If the effect of the treatment differs in continuous application from
its effect when dispersed, the results will not allow generalization beyond the
experimental situation. That is, if the effect of X1 when administered over time
(X1 →)is different from the effect of X1 when introduced and reintroduced (as
it is in an equivalent time-samples design: X1 X0 X1 X0 ), then the results of such
a study would not justify valid conclusions about the continuous effect of X1.
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 6 3

Moreover some treatments lead to adaptation as a function of repeated presen-

tation, again reducing the external validity of this design.
Thus, the equivalent time-samples design offers improved ability to control
for history bias as compared with the time-series design, but it introduces certain
problems of external validity that weaken its applicability, if particular conditions
prevail. Like all quasi-experimental designs, this one has strengths and weaknesses,
and researchers must match it to situations that maximize its strengths.
The equivalent time-samples design can also be used with a single subject
or participant rather than a group, as discussed later in the chapter under the
heading Single-Subject Design.

Nonequivalent Control Group Design

Educational researchers often find themselves unable to assign Ss randomly

to treatments. Although school principals may be willing to make two math
classes available for testing, they are not likely to permit researchers to break
up the classes and reconstitute them; rather, administrators generally prefer to
maintain intact groups. Although researchers may have no reason to believe
that these classes were originally composed on some systematic basis (which
would create a bias, invalidating research results), they still must be concerned
about validity when working with such intact, possibly nonequivalent groups.
They can deal with the problem of possible nonequivalence by implementing
the nonequivalent control group design:

O1 X O2
O3 O4

This design is identical to the pretest-posttest control group design in all

respects except for the randomness of the assignment of Ss to conditions. If
the experimenter does not make this assignment, then he or she cannot assume
randomness without demonstrating satisfactorily that the school’s scheduling
staff employed randomizing methods. Any doubt or suspected bias creates
conditions favoring this design rather than a true design. The procedures for
this design are the same as those for a true design, except that intact groups
rather than randomly assigned ones experience the treatments, creating a con-
trol problem for selection bias. This problem mandates the use of a pretest to
demonstrate initial equivalence of the intact groups on the dependent variable.
The use of intact, nonequivalent classes rather than randomized or
matched groups (shown by the dashed line between groups and the absence of
the R designation) creates potential difficulty in controlling for selection and
experimental mortality bias. To overcome the potential for selection bias in this

design, the researcher can compare the intact groups on their pretest scores (O1
versus O3) and on their scores for any control variables that are both appropri-
ate to selection and potentially relevant to the treatment; examples include IQ,
gender, age, and so on.
Note that the pretest is an essential precautionary requirement here as
compared to its optional role in a true experimental design. The recommended
posttest-only control group design includes no pretest. In the pretest-posttest
control group design, the pretest merely establishes a baseline from which to
evaluate changes that occur or incorporates a further safeguard, beyond ran-
dom assignment, to control for selection bias. The nonequivalent control group
design must employ a pretest, however, as its only control for selection bias.
Only through a pretest can such a study demonstrate initial group equivalence
(in the absence of randomized assignment).
Lack of random assignment to groups necessitates some basis for initially
comparing the groups; the pretest provides the basis. Thus, a researcher might
begin working with two intact classes to compare the process approach to
teaching science with the traditional textbook approach. At the outset of the
experiment, she or he would compare the groups primarily on knowledge of
that material they are about to be taught but also possibly on prior science
achievement, age, and gender to ensure that the groups were equivalent. If the
pretest establishes equivalence, the researcher can continue with diminished
concern about threats to internal validity posed by selection or mortality bias.
If the pretest shows that the groups are not equivalent on relevant measures,
alternative designs must be sought (or special statistical procedures applied).
More often, however, pretesting uncovers (1) bias in group assignment on
irrelevant variables but (2) equivalent pretest means on the study’s dependent
and control variables; such results confirm the nonequivalent control group
design as a good choice. This design is not, therefore, as good a choice as the
pretest-posttest control group design, but it is greatly superior to the one-
group pretest-posttest design.
In one situation, however, researchers must exercise caution in implement-
ing the nonequivalent control group design: where the experimental group is
self-selected, that is, the participants are volunteers. Comparing a group of vol-
unteers to a group of non-volunteers does not control for selection bias, because
the two groups differ—at least in their volunteering behavior and all the moti-
vations associated with it. Where the researcher can exercise maximum control
over group assignment, he or she should recruit twice as many volunteer sub-
jects as the treatment can accommodate and randomly divide them into two
groups—an experimental group that receives the treatment and a control group
from which treatment is withheld. Effects of the treatment versus its absence
on some dependent variable would then be evaluated using one of the two true
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 6 5

experimental designs. When the volunteers cannot be split into two groups, the
separate-sample pretest-posttest design (described later in this section) should be
used. The nonequivalent control group design is usually inappropriate, however,
where one intact group is composed of volunteers and the other is not. Although
the design is intended for the situations that cause some suspicion of bias in the
assignment of individuals to intact groups, it gives valid results only when this
bias is not relevant to the dependent variable (demonstrated by equivalence of
group pretest results). The bias imposed by comparing volunteers to non-volun-
teers is typically relevant to almost any dependent variable.
A study conducted by a group of three students in a research methods course
illustrates the use of the nonequivalent control group design. The researchers
undertook the study to assess the effects of a program to improve handwriting
among third graders. The school in their study made available two third-grade
classes, but no evidence suggested that the classes had been composed without
bias. The school principal was not willing to allow the researchers to alter the
composition of the classes, and they could not undertake treatment and con-
trol conditions in the same classroom (that is, the treatment was a class activ-
ity). Consequently, the nonequivalent control group design was employed. A
random choice (flipping a coin) determined which of the two classes would
receive the treatment. A handwriting test to measure the dependent variable
was administered both before and after the subjects experienced either the
treatment or the comparison activity. Moreover, the researchers confirmed
equivalence of the two intact classes on a number of control variables: gen-
der, chronological age, standardized vocabulary test score, standardized read-
ing comprehension test score, involvement in instrumental music lessons, and
presence of physical disorders. Thus, the researchers satisfactorily established
that the possible selection bias due to differences between the groups was not
strongly relevant to the comparisons to be made in the study. The effect of the
treatment was assessed by comparing the gain scores (that is, posttest minus
pretest) of the two groups on the dependent variable. Analysis of covariance is
another commonly used tool in such cases.
A study by Slavin and Karweit (1984) evaluating mastery learning versus
team learning illustrates a factorialized (2 × 2) version of the nonequivalent
control group design:

O1 X1 Y1 O2 (mastery and teams)

O3 X2 Y1 O4 (teams alone)
O5 X1 Y2 O6 (mastery alone)
O7 X2 Y2 O8 (neither mastery nor teams)

In summary, the nonequivalent control group design gives researchers a

capability to control for selection bias midway between those of the unac-
ceptable intact-group comparison (a preexperimental design) and the pre-
test-posttest control group design (a true experimental design). It offers less
validity than the true design, because it fails to assign Ss randomly to groups;
it gives stronger validity than the preexperimental alternative by including a
pretest that provides initial data on the equivalence of the intact groups on
the study’s dependent and control variables. Where intact groups (that is,
groups whose members were not assigned by the researcher) serve as experi-
mental and control groups, the researcher can partially control for selection
bias by demonstrating their initial equivalence on relevant variables.

Systematically Assigned Control Group Design

What happens to validity if the Ss in the group receiving an experimental

treatment have been systematically preselected and assigned because they
share some characteristic, and all of the preselected Ss experience the treat-
ment? This situation occurs if, for example, the treatment is a remedial pro-
gram required of all students who score below a certain point on an entry
or screening test or who fail a course. Rather than haphazard selection bias
influencing assignment, such a situation establishes systematic “selection
bias” by assignment based on a preselection factor. Low scorers become par-
ticipants, and high scorers are excluded. (Alternatively, if the treatment was
appropriate for subjects with high capabilities, high scorers would partici-
pate, and low scorers would not.)
A chart might designate this design with a double-dashed line between
groups to indicate that they were intentionally and systematically nonequiva-
lent by assignment:

O1 X O2
O3 O4

This alternative amounts to a variation of the nonequivalent control group

design. However, it leaves no doubt about the basis for group assignments; the
researchers know initially that the groups differ on their pretest performance
(O1 versus O3 ).
Evaluation of the treatment in this design should focus on determining
whether the treatment group shows a stronger improvement in posttest per-
formance relative to its own pretest performance than does the nontreatment
group. The nontreatment group may still outperform (or underperform) the
treatment group on the posttest, because it started higher (or lower), but its
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 6 7

gain from its initial position of superiority (or inferiority) should not be nearly
so great as the gain of the experimental group.5
This design allows researchers to compare a treatment to a control when-
ever assignment to groups has resulted from systematic evaluations of test or
performance scores. When treatment Ss have been drawn exclusively from
among those scoring on one side of a cutoff point and control Ss from among
those scoring on the other side, this design can be usefully applied.

Separate-Sample Pretest-Posttest Design

In some research situations, studies cannot provide the experimental treat-

ments to all subjects at the same time. For instance, a training program planned
for 1,000 students may accommodate only 100 participants at one time. Thus,
the program would have to run continuously, filling its ranks anew each time it
started over again. (Many training and remedial treatment programs do, in fact,
operate in this manner.) Because all students in a group experience the pro-
gram at some time, they cannot be assigned to training and non-training condi-
tions; thus no true design fits this situation. Because each participant receives
the treatment only once and then becomes unavailable for advance testing, the
equivalent time-samples and time-series designs could not be used.
To deal with a situation that at first glance seems uncontrollable, research-
ers might gather valid results by taking an inadequate design, the one-group
pretest-posttest design, and applying it twice:

O1 X O2
O 3 X O4

By applying the one group pretest-posttest design (O1 × O2) twice,

researchers can overcome one of the major shortcomings of this preexperi-
mental design: its failure to control for history bias. Recall that the one-group
pretest-posttest design fails to eliminate the possibility that some other event
occurring simultaneously with X causes O2. Using the separate-sample pretest-
posttest design, if O2 > O1 and O4 > O3, researchers gain confidence due to
the unlikelihood that some other event occurred simultaneously with X on
both administrations of the treatment, lending validity to the conclusion that X
caused O. Although the “other-event theory” (that is, history bias) remains a
possibility, it is an unlikely one.
5. The statistical test for this type of comparison is analysis of covariance of posttest
scores, with pretest scores serving as the covariate or control variable. Regression analysis
also allows researchers to compare the slopes of the lines relating posttest scores to pretest
scores for the two groups.

The separate-sample pretest-posttest design is vulnerable, however, to

three sources of internal invalidity. The first of these is a simple testing effect
brought on by the use of a pretest. Because a pretest is an essential element of
this design, since it helps to control selection bias, the researcher must avoid
the use of highly sensitizing pretest measures.
A second source of invalidity is maturation. The major control comparison
in this design is O3 versus O2. However, the second group usually shows less
maturation (that is, is younger) at the inception of the treatment than the first
shows at its completion (is older). If a group of students begins a 1-year train-
ing program at an average age of 18, then O2 occurs at an average age of 19 for
the group, while O3 occurs at an average age of 18. Comparing 19-year-olds
to 18-year-olds creates the possibility that maturation will threaten validity.
Researchers can compensate for this threat by converting measurements for
one of the groups in the separate-sample design to a kind of time-series design
as follows:

O1 X O2
O5 O3 X O4

Note the addition of O5, which makes this version of the separate-sample
design also a version of the nonequivalent control group design. However,
researchers often cannot make such a change, because one of the conditions
necessitating the use of the separate-sample design is restriction of opportuni-
ties to test subjects only immediately before and after the treatment.
The threat posed by maturation to the validity of a separate-sample pre-
test-posttest design is illustrated in a faculty study (mentioned early in Chapter
1) of the effects of student teaching on students’ perceptions of the teaching
profession. To control for the history bias encountered when this kind of study
lacks a control group, the faculty researcher used this separate-sample design:

O1 O2 (juniors)
O3 O4 X O5 (seniors)

The Ss experienced student teaching in the spring of the senior year. The
researcher recognized the difficulty of evaluating the effects of student teach-
ing on students’ perceptions of the profession without comparing it to a con-
trol group. Students not in the teacher education program would make poor
control group members, because their perceptions of teaching as a profession
would likely differ from those of students in the program. A longitudinal
study, perhaps involving the time-series design, would have required more
time than most research projects can be expected to take. The researcher solved
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 6 9

the problem by designating juniors in the teacher education program as a con-

trol group, creating a variant of either the separate-sample or nonequivalent
control group designs. Although this control group eliminated threats to inter-
nal validity without creating insurmountable bias based on selection, its design
left maturation as a major threat. Seniors are older and have accumulated more
educational experiences than juniors, so they might be expected to differ on
perceptions of their chosen profession simply as a function of maturation.
To check this possibility, the researcher added O3. A finding of equivalence
between O4 minus O3 and O2 minus O1 would indicate comparable matura-
tion for juniors and seniors. In such a situation, juniors could serve as a valid
comparison group for seniors. Therefore, a comparison of O5 minus O4 to O2
minus O1 would indicate the effect of X independent of maturation.
A third source of invalidity affects the separate-sample pretest-posttest
design through the interaction of selection and maturation. Little can be done
to offset this possibility.

Patched-Up Design

The separate-sample pretest-posttest design was essentially built on applying a

preexperimental design (O X O) twice. The patched-up design combines two
different preexperimental designs, neither of which gives valid results by itself,
but which in combination can create an adequate design. The hybrid is espe-
cially useful in situations like those previously described where a particular
training program runs continuously with new participants as students grad-
uate and enter, leaving the researcher no opportunity to withhold treatment
from anyone. Moreover, the patched-up design shown here allows the study
to begin in the middle of a training program rather than only at its inception.
Recall that the one-group pretest-posttest design (O1 X O2) provided some
control over selection effects, but it totally failed to control for confound-
ing due to history, maturation, and regression. Recall also the intact-group

X O1

It controlled for maturation and history effects but not at all for selection bias.
The patched-up design shown below combines these two preexperimental
designs to merge their strengths and overcome their shortcomings:

Class A X O1
Class B O2 X O3

The comparison O2 versus O1 contrasts results for intact groups, and

it cannot be explained away by maturation or history. O3 versus O2 is the
one-group pretest-posttest comparison, and it cannot be explained away by
selection. Reasonably comparable superiority of O1 over O2 and O3 over O2
indicates that neither history, maturation, nor selection account for the treat-
ment effect.
This design illustrates the creative process of generating quasi-experimental
designs, particularly from the building blocks of the preexperimental designs,
to deal with situations that prevent total experimental control (a prerequisite
for true experimental designs). This patched-up design subjects all participants
to the experimental treatment, a common requirement outside the control of
the experimenter. However, the experimenter can control when and to whom
the treatment is given at a particular point in time. Thus the groups get the
treatment sequentially and their results are compared: The pretest score of the
second group is compared to its own posttest score and to the posttest score of
the first group.

Single-Subject Design

While most educational research studies involve groups of participants or subjects,

primarily to maximize stability, in some situations researchers want or need to study
individual subjects or to present data for one subject at a time. Studies in special
education, for example, or those evaluating behavioral modification techniques often
use single subjects, because of the participants’ uniqueness or the nature of the data
to be collected.
In the single-subject design, the subject must serve as his or her own con-
trol, since researchers can identify or have available no real equivalent. Obser-
vation methods involve repeated measurement of some behavior of the single
subject under changes in some condition. Recall that this feature characterizes
the equivalent time-samples design. In fact, the second study discussed in the
section on that design (which alternated reward and punishment phases on
an individual basis with control phases on a group basis and observed results)
would serve as an illustration of the single-subject design if a researcher were
to run it with an individual rather than a group of subjects.
A single-subject design incorporates two necessary phases. During the
control or baseline phase, the researcher measures the subject’s behavior under
normal or typical conditions. During the experimental or treatment phase, he
or she measures the subject’s behavior under the special conditions targeted for
investigation in the study. Normal versus experimental conditions represent
the two levels of the independent variable in this design, and only one level can
be studied at a time.
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 7 1

The single-subject design allows three variants. In the first, the subject
experiences the control or baseline (A) and experimental (B) condition once
each (creating the A-B design). In the second variant, the subject experiences
the baseline condition twice and the experimental condition once (creating
the A-B-A design). The third variant gives each experience twice (A-B-A-B
design). Multiple repetitions enhance the internal validity of the design (which
is already somewhat limited; as described earlier in the chapter) by increasing
the stability of the findings. Results of repeated trials substitute for compari-
sons of results across subjects, an impossibility in the single-subject design.
An example of results using the A-B approach (also represented as X0 O1
X1 O2 ) are shown in Figure 8.4. The researcher monitored a single subject, a
seventh-grade boy in a class for emotionally handicapped students, on two
measures over a 16-week period: (1) rate of chair time out (the solid line), and
(2) percentage of escalated chair time out (the dashed line). A chair time out
(CTO) served as a punishment for three disruptive behaviors. A student disci-
plined in this way was required to sit in a chair at the back of the classroom for
5 minutes. If the recipient continued disruptive behavior, the consequence was
an escalated CTO, which meant continuing to sit in the back of the classroom,
with the added consequence of it being regarded as a more serious offense. If a
student received more than one escalated CTO, he or she lost the privilege of
participating in a special end-of-week activity.
The researcher observed the subject for 10 weeks under normal conditions,
termed the baseline, before the onset of a 6-week treatment. The treatment

FIGURE 8.4 Results of a Single-Subject Design: The Effect of a Behavioral

Intervention on Two Measures of Disruptive Behavior

awarded bonus points to the subject for receiving no CTOs and no escalated
CTOs for an entire day. The bonus points could be exchanged for prizes dur-
ing the special end-of-week activity. The results clearly show that the treatment
was accompanied by a reduction in disruptive behavior by the subject.
The single-subject design suffers from weak external validity. Many ques-
tions surround any effort to generalize to others results obtained on a single
subject. To increase external validity, such a design should be repeated or
replicated on other subjects to see if similar results are obtained. The results
of each subject may be presented in individual reports. Adding subjects will
ultimately render the design indistinguishable from the equivalent time-sam-
ples design.

■ Ex Post Facto Designs

The term ex post facto indicates a study in which the researcher is unable to
cause a variable to occur by creating a treatment and must examine the effects
of a naturalistically occurring treatment after it has occurred. The researcher
attempts to relate this after-the-fact treatment to an outcome or dependent
measure. Although the naturalistic or ex post facto research study may not
always be diagrammed differently from other designs described so far in the
chapter, it differs from them in that the treatment is included by selection
rather than manipulation. For this reason, the researcher cannot always assume
a simple causal relationship between independent and dependent variables. If
observation fails to show a relationship, then probably no causal link joins the
two variables. If a researcher does observe a predicted relationship, however,
he or she cannot necessarily say that the variables studied are causally related.
Chapter 9 covers two types of ex post facto designs—the correlational design
and the criterion-group design.

■ Designs to Control for External Validity

Based on Reactive Effects

Any study that tests an innovation or experimental intervention of any sort in

a real environment such as an educational system may find an effect that results
not from the specifics of the intervention but rather from the simple fact that
the experiment is being conducted. This phenomenon has been termed the reac-
tive effect of experimental arrangements, and it constitutes a common threat to
external validity. The Hawthorne effect, based on industrial studies completed
in the late 1920s in the Western Electric Hawthorne works in Chicago, is a
widely recognized reactive effect. The Hawthorne studies showed that work-
ers’ productivity increased during their participation in an experiment regard-
less of other experimental changes introduced. Apparently workers changed,
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 7 3

because they knew that they were being observed and felt increasingly impor-
tant by virtue of their participation in the experiment.
Many school-system studies compare results of experimental treatments
to no-treatment or no-intervention conditions. They risk recording differences
based not on the specifics of the interventions, but on the fact that any inter-
ventions took place. That is, observed benefits may not accrue from the details
of the interventions but from the fact that the subjects experienced some form
of intervention. The effects may not be true but reactive—that is, a function of
the experiment—which reduces external validity.
Similar problems in experiments can result from expectations by certain
key figures in an experiment, such as teachers, about the likely effects of a treat-
ment, creating another reactive effect. Such expectancies operate, for instance,
in drug research. If someone administering an experimental drug knows what
drug a subject receives, he or she may form certain expectancies regarding
its potential effect. For this reason, such a study should ensure that the drug
administrator operates in the blind, that is, remains unaware of the kind of
drug administered to particular subjects in order to avoid the effects of those
expectancies on the outcome of the experiment.

Designs to Control for the Hawthorne Effect

Rather than identifying the two familiar groups to test an intervention (the
experimental group and the control group), researchers may gain validity by
introducing a second control group that specifically controls for the Hawthorne
effect. What is the difference between a no-treatment control and a Hawthorne
control? A no-treatment control group like that typically employed in inter-
vention studies involves no contact at all between the experimenter and the Ss
except for the collection of pretest data (where necessary) and posttest data.
The Hawthorne control group, on the other hand, experiences a systematic
intervention and interaction with the experimenter; this contact introduces
some new procedure that is not anticipated to cause specific effects related to
the effects of the experimental treatment or intervention. That is, the researcher
deliberately introduces an irrelevant, unrelated intervention to the Hawthorne
control group specifically in order to create the Hawthorne effect often associ-
ated with intervention. Thus the experimental and Hawthorne control groups
experience partially comparable interventions, both of which are expected to
produce a Hawthorne or facilitating effect. However, the Hawthorne control
condition is unrelated and irrelevant to the dependent variables, so a compari-
son of its outcome with that for the treatment group indicates the differential
effect of the experimental intervention.
For example, a study might seek to evaluate a technique for teaching first
graders to read, identifying as the dependent variable a measure of reading
1 74 ■ C H A P T E R E I G H T

achievement. The Hawthorne control intervention might take the form of

playing games with the children while the experimental group experiences
the reading training. The no-treatment control condition, on the other hand,
would involve no contact whatever between experimenter and Ss.
The Hawthorne control group contributes considerably to the external
validity of an experiment. Because studies often involve some artificiality and
confront subjects with novel experiences and people (or those they normally
encounter in different contexts), any experiment will likely create some Haw-
thorne effect (a typical reactive effect) above and beyond the specific effects of
the intervention. The Hawthorne control enables the experimenter to separate
the “true” effects based on the specific experience of the intervention from
reactive effects resulting from the Ss’ participation in any experiment and their
interaction with the experimental staff. Such assessment of the Hawthorne
effect is impossible with only a no-treatment control group.

Designs to Control for Expectancy

An additional threat to external validity comes from the effect on a study’s

outcome produced by the agent of change, simply by virtue of his or her expec-
tation regarding that outcome. Such an outcome would result not from the
intervention alone but from a combination of the intervention and the expec-
tation of the agent of change. This influence is another reactive effect. In a
typical educational experiment, the agent of change is the teacher. If the teacher
forms certain expectations for the outcome of a particular educational treat-
ment, then he or she can unconsciously and unintentionally affect the outcome
of the experiment in the anticipated direction.
To control for the invalidating effects of expectancy, a researcher could
include four rather than two conditions in a study’s design. Instead of the dual
design including treatment and no-treatment conditions, she or he would des-
ignate two treatment and two no-treatment conditions. In one of the experi-
mental treatment conditions, the teacher would believe that the experimental
innovation would successfully produce the expected effect. The outcome then
would be a combination of the treatment plus the teacher’s expectation for suc-
cess. In the alternative treatment condition, the teacher would be led to believe
that the treatment was only a control condition; thus the design would gather
results from a combination of a treatment expected to succeed and a neutral
one without any expectation of success. Similarly, the teacher administering
one control condition would be led to believe that it served only control pur-
poses, which, in fact, would be the truth. The teacher administering the other
control condition, however, would be led to believe that it was actually an
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 7 5

experimental intervention that should result in success or benefit to the experi-

mental participants. This design appears in Figure 8.5.
Because the pure, no-treatment control would involve no interactions
between experimenter and subject, this arrangement leaves little possibility of
making teachers believe that they were participating in the experiment. (Teach-
ers would certainly be hard pressed to believe that some benefit would accrue
to Ss who experienced no intervention.) However, as for a Hawthorne control
group, a group designed to control for expectancies could experience an irrel-
evant interaction between Ss and the experimenter. Such an arrangement would
increase the likelihood of inducing teachers to believe that the students were
participating in an experimental treatment (which, of course, they were not) in
order to create positive teacher expectation in the absence of the experimental
Thus, the four conditions displayed in Figure 8.5 are (1) an experimental
procedure with positive teacher expectations, (2) the same experimental pro-
cedure with a neutral or no teacher expectation, (3) a Hawthorne control with
positive teacher expectation, and (4) a Hawthorne control with a neutral or no
teacher expectation. These four conditions would allow a researcher to con-
trol for or systematically assess the effects of both the Hawthorne phenom-
enon and teacher expectancy. By using the statistical technique of analysis of
variance (described in Chapter 12), he or she could determine independently
the effect of the experimental procedure versus the control and the effect of
teacher-positive expectation versus neutral or no expectation. Similar analysis
could determine the interaction between the expectation phenomenon and the
experimental procedure.
This design is particularly recommended for situations in which teach-
ers function as agents of change in an experimental procedure, because such

FIGURE 8.5 Experimental Design With Controls for Reactive Effects: Hawthorne and
Expectancy Effects

R   X   Ep   O1
R   X   En   O2
R   H   Ep   O3
R   H   En   O4

X Experimental (relevant) treatment

H Hawthorne control (irrelevant experience)
Ep Positive teacher expectation created
En Neutral teacher expectation created

procedures often show some effects of teacher expectancy To establish external

validity that allows a researcher to generalize from the results of an experi-
ment, the experimental design must separate the effects of the treatment from
both kinds of reactive effects—teacher expectancy and Hawthorne effect. The
design described in this section allows just this separation. In addition, this
design helps with anticipation of effects expected from the experimental treat-
ment in nonexperimental situations in the absence of both Hawthorne effect
and positive teacher expectation, neither of which may apply in a nonexperi-
mental setting.

■ Summary

1. Preexperimental designs or non-designs do not control for threats to inter-

nal validity based on both participants and experiences. The one-shot case
study (X O) controls for neither source of bias; the one-group pretest-
posttest design (O1 X O2) controls for participant bias, although it lacks
a control group; it does not control for experience bias. The intact group
comparison, which lacks a pretest, controls for experience bias but not par-
ticipant bias.

2. True experimental designs control for both types of threats to internal

validity. This category includes two types of designs, the posttest-only
control group design (on the left), and the pretest-posttest control group
design (on the right).

R X O1 R O1 X O2
R O2 R O3 X O4

3. Factorial designs include additional independent or moderator variables as

part of true experimental designs. These designs allow researchers to evalu-
ate the simultaneous or conjoint effects (called the interactions) of multiple
variables on the dependent variable.
4. Some situations prevent researchers from satisfying either or both of the
two basic requirements of a true design: freedom to give and withhold the
treatment and freedom to assign subjects to conditions. In such circum-
stances, quasi-experimental or partly experimental designs may be used. In
the time-series design (O1 O2 O3 X O4 O5 O6 ), multiple observations are
made both before and after the treatment is administered. In the equivalent
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 7 7

time-samples design (X1 O1 X0 O2 X1 O3 X0 O4 ), the treatment (X0 ) is intro-

duced and reintroduced, alternating with some other experience (X0 ). In
the commonly used nonequivalent control group design (shown below),
the comparison of intact groups requires pretests to partially control for
potential participant bias.

O1 X O2
O3 O4

5. Other quasi-experimental designs include the systematically assigned con-

trol group design (same as the nonequivalent control group design, except
that Ss are systematically assigned on the basis of some criterion to treat-
ment and control groups). Researchers can also employ the separate-
sample pretest-posttest design:

O1 X O2
O3 X O4

Also, a patched-up design resembles this one, but it omits O1. The last
three designs can be factorialized by the addition of one or more modera-
tor variables.
6. In the single-subject design, a variation on the equivalent time-samples
design, a single subject serves as his or her own control. Variations of base-
line or control (A) and experimental treatment (B) include A-B, A-B-A,
and A-B-A-B, depending on how many times the subject experiences each
level of the independent variable.
7. When the independent variable is not manipulated, ex post facto designs
are used. These designs lack the certainty of experimental designs since
they cannot adequately control for experience bias (see Chapter 9).
8. A research design may need provisions to control for external validity based
on experiences (namely the Hawthorne effect and other reactive effects). In
place of a normal control group, such a study would incorporate a Haw-
thorne control group whose members received a treatment other than the
one being tested. This group would experience the same reactive effects as
the treatment group, but would not experience the experimental treatment.
A second approach, to control particularly for expectations, would include
expectation as a moderator variable, with one level each of the treatment and
control carrying positive expectations, and one level of each carrying neutral

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Rank order the three designs according to their adequacy for controlling
for history bias:
1. Most adequate a. Time-series design
2. Next most adequate b. One-group pretest-posttest design
3. Least adequate c. Pretest-posttest control group design
2. Rank order the four designs according to their adequacy for controlling for
selection bias:
1. Most adequate a. Patched-up design
2. Next most adequate b. Intact-group comparison
3. Next least adequate c. Posttest-only control group design
4. Least adequate d. Nonequivalent control group design
3. Prediction: Student teachers who are randomly assigned to urban schools to
gain experience are more likely to choose urban schools for their first teaching
assignments than student teachers who are randomly assigned to nonurban
Construct an experimental design to test this prediction.
4. Prediction: Students given programmed math instruction will show greater
gains in math achievement than students not given this instruction, but this
effect will be more pronounced among students with high math aptitude
than among those with low aptitude.
Construct an experimental design to test this prediction.
5. Which of the following circumstances create the need for a quasi-experi-
mental design? (More than one may be a right answer.)
a. Experimenter cannot assign Ss to conditions.
b. Experimenter must employ a pretest.
c. Experimenter must collect the data himself or herself.
d. The program to be evaluated has already begun.
6. Which of the following circumstances create the need for a quasi-experi-
mental design? (More than one may be a right answer.)
a. The study includes more than one independent variable.
b. No control group is available for comparison.
c. The pretest is sensitizing.
d. Every member of the sample must receive the treatment.
7. Prediction: Student teachers who choose urban schools to gain experience
are more likely to choose urban schools for their first teaching assignments
than student teachers who choose nonurban schools.
a. Why must researchers employ a quasi-experimental design to test this
b. Construct one.
E X P E R I M E N TA L R E S E A R C H D E S I G N S ■ 1 7 9

8. A school decides to implement a dental hygiene program for all students. It

predicts a reduction in cavities among students as a result of this program.
a. Why must researchers employ a quasi-experimental design to test this
b. Construct one.
9. Prediction: An after-school dance program will improve the physical and
social skills of first graders.
a. Why does a study to test this prediction call for a Hawthorne control?
b. Construct a design for testing it.
10. A researcher has just designed a special program made up of a series of
classroom lessons to increase verbal IQ scores She wants to try it out in
some schools.
a. Why would a Hawthorne control be a good idea?
b. Why would teacher expectancy controls be a good idea?
c. Construct a design to test this program.

■ Recommended References
Keppel, G. (1991). Design and analysis: A researcher’s handbook (3rd ed.). Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Mitchell, M., & Jolley, J. (1992). Research design explained (2nd ed.). Fort Worth, TX:
Harcourt Brace.
Trochim, W. M. K. (Ed.). (1986). Advances in quasi-experimental design and analysis.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Correlational and Causal-

Comparative Studies


• Identify the purpose of correlational, causal-comparative, and longi-

tudinal research designs.
• Explain the process of interpreting correlational, causal-compara-
tive, and longitudinal data.
• Compare and contrast designs for correlational, causal-comparative,
and longitudinal research.
• Select from among correlational, causal-comparative, and longitudi-
nal research designs the appropriate design for a proposed research

Dr. Christopher Jacobs supervises several preservice teacher interns placed

in high schools throughout the city. Students earn their degrees by complet-
ing field experiences in urban, suburban, and rural schools, in addition to
two years of preparatory coursework. Dr. Jacobs’s university emphasizes the
preparation of urban teachers, which means that interns are given careful
preparation with respect to the issues and challenges they can be expected to
face in urban schools. The university itself advertises that they “recruit and
prepare teachers to be effective with diverse populations.”
Over his ten years at the university, Dr. Jacobs has never doubted this
assertion. Recently, however, he has had reason to question just how effective
he has been in preparing his students. Specifically, Dr. Jacobs noticed that his
suburban students in particular were reluctant to complete rural and urban

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field placements, while his urban students expressed a similar discomfort when
they entered suburban and rural sites.
Dr. Jacobs decided to investigate this issue more closely. He located an
instrument that asked preservice teacher interns to rate their confidence level on
a scale from 1 to 100 with respect to classroom management, planning lessons,
and building relationships with students. The instrument required that interns
evaluate their confidence across these three areas for urban, rural, and suburban
field placements. At the beginning of the semester he administered it to all of his
students who were planning to enter a field placement. Instead of asking them to
provide their names, Dr. Jacobs asked that they indicate the area of the country
where they’d grown up and attended school.
After collecting data across several semesters, Dr. Jacobs then compared
the average confidence rating for each area between interns who lived in rural,
suburban, and urban areas. Just as he suspected, he found that interns were less
confident across the board when they entered a field site that was different from
the area in which they had lived, despite the coursework they’d completed. It
seemed that, despite the university’s claims to the contrary, students who were
not raised in an urban environment still felt unprepared to teach urban students.

Dr. Rebecca Ballard was a new assistant professor of education at the large
urban university in her city. In addition to helping to prepare preservice ele-
mentary school teachers, she conducted research that helped her undergradu-
ate students teach and apply study strategies. Dr. Ballard was quite surprised to
find that just a couple of weeks into her first fall semester at the university, her
own college students were struggling. Specifically, while her undergrads were
quite adept and memorizing key names and terms, they failed to connect what
they were learning with actual classroom situations. As a result, when they
were tested on the application of theoretical contexts, they did quite poorly.
Dr. Ballard came up with an interesting idea. First, she provided her ten
students with a list of terms on which they would be tested later that week.
She then offered extra credit for a short story that described how each term
applied to students’ own everyday lives. On the day of the exam, she col-
lected each student’s story before administering the test. Using a spreadsheet,
she took note of the number of stories each student completed and his or her
grade on the exam:

Number of stories written (grade on exam)

Cameron: 9 (79) Mya: 27 (95)

Gracie: 22 (96) Aaron: 23 (92)
Chloe: 2 (74) Phillip: 1 (48)
Jake: 11 (84) Carl: 3 (59)
Armya: 0 (62) Ricky: 30 (98)
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Using aliases to protect students’ identities, Dr. Ballard presented these

data to her students. After a moment or two of shocked silence at the grades,
she asked them if they could see any relationship between the number of
application stories each student had written and that student’s grade on the
exam. Hands flew up all over the room. Armya was first to respond: “It
seems that the more stories students wrote, the better they did, and the fewer
they wrote, the lower their grade on the test.” Dr. Ballard nodded in affirma-
tion as Armya continued:
“Do you think we can get the chance to write stories again for next
week’s terms?”

HE SITUATIONS presented above illustrate two research designs
described in this chapter: correlational design and causal-comparative
design. We will begin by describing the purpose and methodology that
guides correlational research, presenting examples to clarify the specific steps to
conducting and interpreting a correlational study. We will then describe causal-
comparative research, specifically outlining the applications of this methodol-
ogy. We will close by describing a third research methodology—longitudinal
design, drawing comparisons among the three with respect to the strengths and
weaknesses of each design.

■ Correlational Research

In a correlational study a researcher collects two or more sets of data from a group
of subjects for analysis that attempts to determine the relationship between them:

O1 O2

Consider the study by McGarity and Butts (1984) that examined the relationship
between the effectiveness of teacher management behavior and student engage-
ment in 30 high school science classes. Effective teacher management behavior was
operationally defined by observer judgments on a list of 10 behavioral indicators.
Student academic engagement was operationally defined by the number of stu-
dents out of 10 observed per minute who were attending to instruction, working
on seatwork, or interacting on instructional content.
The study found a high correlation between the two measures. Note that
the researchers did not assign teachers to management behavior conditions or
otherwise directly affect any of the targeted variables. Hence, the high correla-
tion does not indicate whether teachers who effectively manage their classes

cause students to engage in learning, or whether classes of students likely to

engage in learning cause teachers to be seen as especially effective managers.
This type of research is often used to help predict future outcomes based
upon what we know about existing relationships. For example, researchers have
established a relationship between scores on the SAT examination and college
grade point average. Specifically, students who earn higher scores on the SAT
tend to also earn higher grades. Consequently, many universities, who wish to
admit students who will do extremely well, make enrollment decisions based at
least in part on SAT scores, giving primary consideration to those who do well
on the test.
A second purpose of correlational research is to help researchers and prac-
titioners to understand complex or abstract concepts. For example, a number of
researchers have investigated motivation—the factors that promote or impede
it and the way in which it influences behavior. Educational settings don’t easily
lend themselves to experimental studies. Randomization is nearly impossible
in a classroom, as a researcher seldom has the opportunity to put the types
of controls in place that would promote internal validity. A number of cor-
relational studies, however, provide important conceptual insight with respect
to motivation. We now know that students’ confidence relates to how much
effort they will put forth; how long they will persevere in the face of challenge;
and ultimately, how well they will perform. Also, we know that the greater
the level of interest a student has in a particular topic, the more effort she will
expend toward mastering that topic. Additionally, we know that the more stu-
dents value an academic goal and the greater students’ perception of the useful-
ness of an academic goal with respect to their future expectations, the harder
they will work toward achieving that goal. Taken together, these relationships
help to clarify a very complex phenomenon. We now know that motivation
can be understood, at least in part, as a function of confidence (called efficacy),
interest, and goal orientation.
In correlational studies, the variables themselves are not influenced by the
experimenter; he or she is instead interested in the nature of their association.
Because of this, it is important to note, a correlational study will not determine
causation. In other words, while a study may determine that two or more vari-
ables are related to one another, it does not necessarily mean that one variable
has caused a fluctuation in the other. Because no manipulation of the variables
has taken place, the experimenter merely describes the nature of this relation-
ship. Only an experimental investigation, in which an independent variable is
intentionally manipulated, will determine a causal relationship.
A correlational investigation will yield a correlation coefficient, or a numeri-
cal representation of the strength of the association. Specifically, this number
will fall within a range between +1 and -1. These data will present one of three
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possible outcomes: (1) that there is no relationship between or among the vari-
ables of interest, (2) that there is a positive correlation between or among the
variables of interest, or (3) that there is a negative correlation between or among
the variables of interest.
Some correlational studies will determine that certain variables do not
relate to one another. A practical example of this would be a research study
which investigates the relationship between students’ ratings of the quality of
school lunches and their sophomore social studies grade average. These hypo-
thetical data are displayed in Table 9.1.
One way to represent these data is to use a scatterplot. For our fictional
example, we will plot school lunch ratings on the x-axis and sophomore social
studies grades on the y-axis, yielding representative data points for each stu-
dent. A scatterplot allows researchers to visually represent the direction and
the strength of the relationship between variables. A scatterplot for this data set
is displayed in Figure 9.1.

TABLE 9.1 Students’ Ratings of School Lunch With Sophomore Social Studies Grades
Ratings of School Lunch (0–100) Sophomore Social Studies Grades (0–100)
56 95
76 89
99 60
40 75
71 60
68 90
30 59
91 94
80 40
72 94

FIGURE 9.1 Lunch Rating by Social Studies Grade


You will immediately notice that the data points seem to be randomly scat-
tered throughout with no clearly discernable pattern. If the points portrayed
a trend, they would more closely form a line running either from the bottom-
right corner to the upper-left corner of the graph or from the upper-right cor-
ner to the bottom-left, depending on the nature of the relationship. Instead, if
one were to draw a line connecting each point on the graph, it would almost
resemble a circle. This suggests that there is probably a very weak or nonexis-
tent relationship between these two variables.
A more precise way to describe this relationship would be to calculate
the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient is a statistical represen-
tation of the relationship between two variables. Researchers who wish to
know the strength of a relationship between two variables will use a bivari-
ate correlation coefficient, while those who wish to explore the relationship
among three or more variables will use a multivariate correlational method.
In both instances, the purpose of a correlational coefficient is to mathemati-
cally express the degree of the relationship along a range from –1.0, which
indicates a perfect negative correlation, to 1.0, which indicates a perfect posi-
tive correlation. A coefficient of 0 indicates that the variables of interest are
not related. In this case, the coefficient is .01. This indicates that there is no
relationship between the two variables. Simply stated, a student’s rating of
the quality of lunch does not vary systematically with his or her social studies
The story of Dr. Rebecca Ballard that we used to open this chapter is an
excellent example of the second possible outcome of a correlational study. Dr.
Ballard asked her underperforming students to write application-based sto-
ries to help them remember key terms and concepts. She then administered a
weekly examination, recording the scores of each study as well as the number
of stories they completed. Table 9.2 summarizes these data.

TABLE 9.2 Number of Stories Written by Grade on the Weekly Examination

Number of Stories Written Grade on the Weekly Examination
9 79
11 96
2 74
11 84
0 62
27 95
23 92
1 48
3 59
30 98
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A preliminary glance at these data suggest a trend: it seems that the greater
the number of the stories a student has written the higher his or her grade on
the examination. A scatterplot, (displayed in Figure 9.2) confirms this visually.
Compare this scatterplot to the first example. In that instance, there seemed
to be no clear pattern to the data points; a high social studies grade was just as
likely to correspond with a low lunch rating as it was with a high one. This
example is clearly different. Lower scores on the exam, as measured on the
y-axis fall on the left side of the x-axis, while higher scores fall on the right side
of the x-axis. Visually, if one were to draw a line connecting every data point
within, it would resemble a diagonal line from the bottom right hand corner to
the upper right.
Thus far, this examination of the data suggests a positive correlation. As
one variable increases, the other variable decreases proportionately. Again, it is
important to note that correlational studies do not suggest causation—the fact
that two variables move in tandem suggests a relationship, but does not necessar-
ily mean that one variable is causing a change in the other. In this case, it would
seem that students who wrote more questions also did better on the exam. At
this point, we do not know if writing more questions caused students to perform
better on the exam, only that the number of stories written correlated positively
with exam grades.
Calculating a correlation coefficient for this data set further confirms this
relationship. As we stated earlier, a positive correlation will yield a coefficient
between –1.0 and 1.0. A weak positive correlation would fall between .1 and .3
(with the corresponding weak negative correlation falling between –.1 and –.3),
a moderate positive correlation would yield a correlation between .3 and .5
(the corresponding negative falling between –.3 and –.5), and a strong positive
correlation would be between .5 and 1.0 (or –.5 and –1.0 for a strong negative
correlation). These data yield a coefficient of .90, which suggests a very strong

FIGURE 9.2 Exam Score by Number of Stories Written


positive relationship between number of stories written and exam grade. As

illustrated in our story, this correlation is of particular interest to both Dr. Bal-
lard and her students—it motivates not only Dr. Ballard’s decision to continue
to encourage students to write practical application stories but also the stu-
dents’ enthusiasm about writing those stories.
A third possible outcome of a correlational study takes place when two
variables vary inversely with one another. This is called a negative correlation.
Consider Jessica Ina, a twelfth-grade chemistry teacher at the local high school.
Like all teachers, she loves her subject matter and wants her students to adopt
a similar enthusiasm for science. Since she was very young, Jessica has relished
spending hour after hour reading and talking about chemistry. Consequently,
she favors lecture as the predominant teaching strategy for her seniors, despite
her colleagues’ suggestions that she consider other collaborative and student-
centered approaches.
On the suggestion of a colleague, Jessica decided to test the effectiveness
of her lectures with respect to her students’ comprehension and retention of
key material. Each week for a 10-week period, she varied and kept track of
the number of hours she chose to lecture. Some weeks she lectured almost
exclusively; during others she lectured for part of the time while incorporating
other, more hands-on teaching strategies throughout. At the end of each week,
she graded her students on a lab experiment that required they independently
apply the principles they had been taught to successfully design, implement,
and reflect upon a set of experimental chemical reactions. The data she col-
lected read as shown in Table 9.3.
A quick look at the data suggests a troubling trend for our fictional chem-
istry teacher. The highest average class grades are associated with the two
weeks in which she spent the fewest hours lecturing, while the lowest average
lab grades were earned in the two weeks that were exclusively lecture. A scat-
terplot of these data confirms this (Figure 9.3).

TABLE 9.3 Average Class Lab Grade and Weekly Hours Spent Lecturing
Number of Hours Spent Lecturing That Average Class Grade on the Weekly Lab
Week (Out of 10 Total Class Hours) (0–100)
9 79
10 69
2 88
4 84
6 75
10 62
2 92
5 90
3 93
7 74
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FIGURE 9.3 Lab Grade by Weekly Lecture Hours

Again a clear trend is evident in the scatterplot. With respect to the two
extremes, the higher lab grades fall on the left hand, or lower end of the lecture-
hours continuum, while the lower grades fall on the right, or higher end of the
lecture-hours continuum. Mid-range grades correspond to weeks of moderate
lecture. The calculated correlation coefficient is –.88, which indicates a very
strong negative correlation between the number of hours Jessica Ina spent lec-
turing each week and the corresponding week’s lab grade. Specifically, as the
hours spent lecturing increase, lab grades decrease, and as the number of hours
spent lecturing decrease, the class’s average lab grade increases.
In summation, a simple correlational study focuses on the relationship
between two variables. While correlational studies do not establish causation,
they are useful to either predict future behavior or explain complex phenom-
ena. An investigation of the relationship between two variables will yield one
of three possible outcomes: a finding of no relationship, a positive correlation,
or a negative correlation between the variables.

Multiple Correlation Studies

Thus far we have discussed only studies that focus on the relationship between
two variables. While this is helpful in interpreting the direction and strength of
a relationship, it does not truly represent the majority of correlational research
studies. Many studies are interested in the relationship among several variables.
This is consistent with the two purposes of correlational studies: to explore and
predict. Researchers who conduct explanatory studies may examine the rela-
tionship among multiple variables, ultimately omitting those relationships that
are found to be weak or nonexistent. Stronger relationships between variables
suggest the need for additional research.
Researchers who conduct predictive studies wish to use what is known
about existing relationships to anticipate change in a particular variable. This
may be represented mathematically:

y1 = a + bx1

This is known as a prediction equation. Here, x stands for the predictor vari-
able. The predictor variable is used to make a prediction about the criterion
variable (y). Both a and b in this equation are constants that are calculated
based upon the available data. Assume we wish to predict a basketball player’s
professional scoring average based upon her scoring average in college. If she
averaged 19.4 points per game in college, and we assign a = .25 and b = .72, her
first year scoring average would be .25 + (.72 × 19.4), which equals 14.22 points
per game as a professional. Later, we can compare the criterion variable with
the player’s actual performance to determine the accuracy of the prediction
Many research studies use a technique called multiple regression, which
investigates the relationship between multiple predictor variables on a criterion
variable. This is done using the following equation:

y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + b3x3

Again, in this formula, y stands for the criterion variable, or that which the
researcher wishes to predict based upon the existing correlational data. x1, x2,
and x3 represent the multiple predictor variables of interest. One doctoral stu-
dent, for example, wished to investigate the variables that contribute to first-year
teachers’ confidence. She collected a number of different data sources: under-
graduate grade point average, teachers’ ratings of the school, student teaching
evaluations, ratings of teachers’ knowledge of subject matter, and each teacher’s
age. Each of these variables can then be entered into the multiple regression equa-
tion, which will enable the researcher to not only predict changes in the criterion
variable (in this instance, teacher confidence) but also learn the independent con-
tribution of each to changes in a teacher’s confidence level.

■ Steps to Conducting a Correlational Study

There are five basic steps to conducting correlational research:

1. Selecting a problem. As stated earlier, correlational studies are conducted

for one of two purposes—to predict future outcomes and to explain com-
plex concepts. Problem statements reflect these principles by addressing
the relationship between two or more variables, the manner in which that
relationship can be used to predict future outcomes, or the way in which
correlations can be interpreted. Some examples of typical problem state-
ments used in correlational research are listed below.
C O R R E L AT I O N A L A N D C A U S A L - C O M PA R AT I V E S T U D I E S ■ 1 9 1

• Is there a relationship between years of teaching experience and peda-

gogical competence?
• Do students who work more hours in their part-time jobs also have lower
grade point averages?
• Might those high school students who take advantage of a greater num-
ber of sports and extracurricular activities report liking school more than
those who participate less?

2. Defining the sample. Participants are identified and selected from the desired
target population. The population of interest is determined by the problem
statement. Researchers who wish to investigate the relationship between the
use of study strategies and academic achievement would obviously select
participants from among an age-appropriate student population. This sam-
ple should consist of at least 30 participants to ensure the accuracy of the
relationship, though larger numbers of participants is desirable.
3. Choosing an instrument. When considering what instrument to use in
a correlational study, the most important consideration is validity. An
instrument should yield data that accurately measure the variables of
interest. It is also important to recognize what type of data is sought.
Table 9.4 outlines five basic correlational statistics that correspond to
one of four data types: continuous, rank-ordered, dichotomous, and cat-
egorical. Researchers must understand what type of data an instrument
measures to ensure that they are correctly calculating and interpreting the
correlational statistic.
4. Designing the study. Most correlational designs are quite straightforward.
Each variable is measured in each participant, which enables the correla-
tion of the various scores. Data collection usually takes place in a fairly
short period of time, either in one session or in two or more sequential
5. Interpreting the data. As explained in our earlier examples, correlation
coefficients are the statistical means of interpreting data. Should a relation-
ship between variables emerge, it is important to note again here that cor-
relation does not imply causation; that is to say, an existing relationship may
be due to the influence of Variable 1, that of Variable 2 or a third, unknown

■ Causal-Comparative Research

When a researcher is working in an ongoing educational environment, particu-

larly one focused on generating hypotheses about the causes of a specific state
or condition, it is often helpful to begin by contrasting the characteristics of

TABLE 9.4 Correlational Statistics

Correlational Statistic Variable 1 Variable 2 Example
Product-moment Continuous Continuous Examining the relation-
correlation ship between GPA and SAT
Rank-difference Rank ordered Rank ordered Examining the relationship
correlation between class rank and stu-
dents’ Likert-scaled percep-
tion of school
Biserial correlation Dichotomous Continuous Examining the relationship
between gender and GPA
Phi Coefficient Dichotomous Dichotomous Correlating two true-false
items from an instrument
Contingency Coefficient Categorical Categorical Examining the relationship
between categorical grades
(i.e., A, B,C, D, F) and
categorical ratings of ability
(i.e., high, moderate, low).

one state with those of its opposite. The causal-comparative design provides a
format for such analysis. A criterion group is composed of people who display
a certain characteristic that differentiates them from others, as determined by
outside observation or judgment, or by self-description.
Suppose, for example, that a researcher is interested in studying the fac-
tors that contribute to teaching competence. Before conducting a true experi-
ment intended to produce competent teachers by design, she or he would need
some ideas about what factors separate competent and incompetent teaching.
The causal-comparative design requires the researcher to identify two criterion
groups: competent teachers and incompetent teachers. This distinction might
reflect students’ or supervisors’ judgments. The researcher would then observe
and contrast the classroom behavior of these two groups of teachers in order
to identify possible outcomes of teacher competence. The researcher could also
examine the backgrounds and skills of these two teacher groups looking for
ideas about factors that give rise to competence in some teachers.
Consider again the correlational study of teacher management behavior and
student engagement by McGarity and Butts (1984). These authors also divided
the students into groups defined as those taught by teachers judged to be “com-
petent” in teacher management behavior and those taught by teachers judged to
be “incompetent” in that behavior. The study then compared these two criterion
groups, competent and incompetent teachers, in terms of the amount of their
engagement with students. The competent teachers’ students were found to be
more engaged in learning than were incompetent teachers’ students.
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Teachers judged competent in management behavior were found to engage

in more interaction with students than were teachers judged incompetent in
management behavior. However, because the association between competence
in management behavior and student engagement was identified after the fact
rather than through manipulation, the researchers could not reliably conclude
that competent management behavior causes student engagement in learning;
one could correctly conclude only that the two occur together.
To establish a causal relationship, further research would have to create
a training program in management techniques. It would then compare the
strength of student engagement in learning for pupils of teachers who have
completed the program with that of students of teachers trained in some other
The causal-comparative design can be diagrammed as follows:

C O1 O1 C O2 C1 O1
————— ———
or or
O2 O3 O4 C2 O2

Rather than X, which stands for a manipulated experience or treatment, the

diagram includes C, which stands for selection of an experience according to
a criterion. Such an approach is used in instances where researchers randomly
select Ss with criterion experiences from among larger groups of Ss who qual-
ify on the criterion variable or in studies of intact groups of Ss, which include
both criterion and non-criterion individuals. Similarly, the causal-comparative
approach can be used in a factorial design:

C1 Y1 O1
C2 Y1 O2
C1 Y2 O3
C2 Y2 O4

To illustrate this approach, return again to the McGarity and Butts (1984)
study of teacher management and student engagement. These authors were
interested in determining whether the effect of competent versus incompetent
teachers on student engagement depended on student aptitude. To accomplish
this analysis, students were divided into three levels of aptitude: high, medium,
and low (Y1, Y2, Y3); they were then compared on engagement for competent
(C1 ) and noncompetent (C2) teachers.

The causal-comparative approach thus facilitates research in a number of

contexts. In the first context, it helps researchers to identify characteristics
associated with a criterion group that have presumably caused the criterion
behavior; examples include previous training of people who display the crite-
rion, other prior experiences they share, their common personality traits, and
so on. Although the design gives ambiguous information about causality, it can
help researchers to identify potential causes that often can then be tested more
directly by manipulation.
Suppose, for example, that you want to determine the origins of creativ-
ity. To this end you might administer to a group of students a battery of tests
designed to measure their creativity levels. On the basis of those test scores you
would then identify a criterion group of students with high scores on these tests
as well as students with low scores. You might then administer a questionnaire to
the parents of both groups to identify particular experiences common among Ss
in the high-creativity criterion group but lacking in their low-creativity counter-
parts. Without randomly assigning Ss to experiences, and because you have not
created those experiences by manipulation, you could not conclude that those
specific experiences have caused creativity differences. You might, however,
generate some testable hypotheses from this criterion-group approach (some of
which might be testable using additional criterion-group research and others that
would require a quasi-experimental or true experimental design).
The causal-comparative design also works in a second context. Researchers
identify one criterion group (for example, competent teachers) and its coun-
terpart (incompetent teachers), then they assess the differential effects of these
groups (criterion and non-criterion) on an entirely different group (for example,
students). In this context, the criterion-group approach analyzes a differential
“treatment,” but it too has limitations in the identification of causality. Because
the experimenter does not create observed conditions, he or she cannot be sure
whether the characteristics of the criterion group (that is, teachers) have caused
the behavior of the other group (students) or whether observations have resulted
from the reverse relationship. Although the former inference is often more likely
than the latter one, the relationship is not beyond question.
In a third context, the causal-comparative approach helps researchers to
explore the behavioral implications of classification into different criterion
groups. In other words, they employ the design to find out how members of
different criterion groups behave in a situation.
Another use of the causal-comparative design is to make inferences about
development by comparing individuals of different ages or grade levels. When
the causal-comparative design serves this purpose, it is called a cross-sectional
design. Suppose, for example, that you were interested in determining whether
students felt an increasing need for independence as they progressed from
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elementary school to middle school to high school. As one way to accomplish

this purpose, researchers could administer a measure of need for independence
to randomly selected members of three groups: fifth graders, seventh graders,
and ninth graders. This method would create a variation of the criterion-group
design with three levels. If the ninth graders scored higher than the seventh grad-
ers, who in turn scored higher than the fifth graders, then the results would sup-
port the inference that need for independence increases with grade level (or age).
The cross-sectional version of the design could be factorialized, as well.
Comparisons between genders, for example, could be included in the design by
differentiating between boys and girls at each grade level as a moderator vari-
able. The design, shown below, looks like one previously shown, except that it
incorporates two more groups reflecting a third level of C:

C1 Y1 O1
C2 Y1 O2
C3 Y1 O3
C1 Y2 O4
C2 Y2 O4
C2 Y2 O5
C3 Y2 O6

Because the study compares three different groups of students, rather than
evaluating the same individuals at three points in time, this design shows some
weakness in internal validity due to selection bias. This weakness can be some-
what reduced by including control variables such as socioeconomic status in
selecting the samples. However, collecting data on all three groups at the same
point in time would lessen the possible effect of history bias.

Steps to Carrying Out Causal-Comparative Research

Identifying the Problem

The first step in conducting causal-comparative research is to identify an area
of interest as well as possible causes for its existence. For example, a researcher

who is interested in academic motivation may question what causes some stu-
dents to be more motivated than others. Why are students selectively motivated
to pursue certain tasks? He or she might then speculate as to possible answers
to this question. Perhaps academic motivation is determined by goal orienta-
tion or attributional tendencies. This leads to the development of a statement
of purpose, which identifies the rationale for the research effort. For example,
a researcher may wish to identify the sources of academic motivation, which
allows for the investigation of multiple hypotheses.

Selecting the Sample and an Instrument

Next, a researcher will want to select a subsample of individuals to be studied
and an instrument to collect data. The sample should be chosen with respect to
the variables under study. If, for example, a researcher is interested in identify-
ing causes of academic motivation, he or she will wish to select a homogeneous
sample in reference to the hypothesized sources of academic motivation. In
this instance, that would probably mean defining participants who are similar
on an important domain, perhaps selecting students with high and low lev-
els of interest in a topic or students who express mastery and performance-
goal orientations. The instrument that is selected to measure differences in the
dependent variable may then yield quantitative data (i.e., questionnaires) or
qualitative (i.e., interviews).

Designing the Study

Causal-comparative designs compare two criterion groups that differ with
respect to a variable of interest. Generally this means selecting two groups;
one that possesses a characteristic that is hypothesized to cause a change in the
dependent variable and a second group that does not possess this characteristic.
One strategy that has been used to accomplish this is a matching procedure. In
our fictional example, this would mean that for each student who expressed a
high level of interest in math who is chosen for the study, we would select a
corresponding student who expressed a low level of math interest who is also
similar to the high interest student on other possibly relevant variables (e.g.,
gender, age, grade point average, etc.). While this procedure might be time con-
suming, it does help to assure the internal validity of the research study.

Analyzing the Data

Data analysis for a causal-comparative study usually means comparing group
means and determining whether or not the criterion groups differ significantly
with respect to the dependent variable. A t-test may be used to determine the
difference between sample means for two groups. For research studies that
establish more than two criterion groups, an analysis of variance would be
C O R R E L AT I O N A L A N D C A U S A L - C O M PA R AT I V E S T U D I E S ■ 1 9 7

appropriate. Multiple t-tests or analyses may be used if groups are compared

on many different variables; researchers should be cautious when using this
exploratory method however, because the potential for making a Type I error
(determining that significant differences exist when the differences are due to
chance) increases as the number of tests run also increases. We will review the
t-test analysis and Type I error in more detail in Chapter 12.

■ Longitudinal Research

For making inferences about development, a longitudinal design offers an alter-

native to the cross-sectional design. A longitudinal design compares subjects at
different points in time. For example, a longitudinal design might test the need
for independence of fifth graders, then 2 years later test seventh graders, and 2
years after that test ninth graders.
Three versions of the longitudinal design would enable one to study dif-
ferent samples of students. If the students sampled each time come from the
same general population, then the design is called a trend study. For example,
a trend study might test different individuals in seventh grade 2 years after
the initial assessment of fifth graders, as long as all participants came from the
same general population (that is, they were students). Similarly, the ninth-grade
group tested 2 years later would include another completely different sample
from the same general population. In studying national issues such as public
attitudes toward the quality of education, this approach achieves reasonable
validity. For the example detailed, however, this approach would be strongly
susceptible to both selection and history bias.
A better approach for the example study, called a cohort study, would fol-
low students from the same specific population of students originally tested.
If the original sample of fifth graders was drawn from a single school, then
the seventh graders sampled 2 years later would be drawn from subjects who
were fifth graders in the original school at the time the fifth-grade sample was
drawn. After another 2 years, the study would draw a sample of ninth graders
from the same original group. The three groups tested might include some, but
probably not all, of the same students originally tested, but all three samples
would be drawn from the same cohort or specific population. This precaution
ensures that the students in each sample remain similar to one another, reduc-
ing selection bias.
A third longitudinal approach, called a panel study, tests exactly the same
people each time as a way to minimize selection bias. However, all of the same
people may not be available for each assessment, which would give rise to some
selection bias due to experimental mortality. If some students’ families moved
after fifth grade, researchers might lose the possibility of collecting data from

the same students each time. If those moving formed a random subset of the
original group, then that activity would not create a problem. But if, for exam-
ple, those who moved disproportionately represented children of military or
upwardly mobile families, or families experiencing divorce, then the loss of
their input might distort results by eliminating their systematic differences
from the rest of the group on the dependent variable: need for independence.
This effect would introduce considerable bias into the findings.
The cohort study offers the most practical way to control for various
selection biases in a longitudinal design, since this method is less susceptible
to selection bias than the trend study and less susceptible to experimental
mortality than the panel study. However, researchers must recognize that all
versions of the longitudinal design are susceptible to history (or experience)
bias, since the passage of time brings not only naturally occurring develop-
mental changes, which are the subject of study, but also changes in external
circumstances for society at large, a source of confounding influences. For
example, the nation could go to war, which might cause profound changes in
independence strivings, particularly among older children. Therefore, as for
all ex post facto designs, users should be careful to avoid making strong con-
clusions about cause (development) and effect (whatever dependent variables
are studied) based on longitudinal studies.

Important Considerations for Carrying Out Longitudinal Research

Bauer (2004) outlines several specific practical considerations for longitudinal

research designs:

• Make sure a longitudinal design is appropriate for the research ques-

tion. Longitudinal studies hold several advantages over cross-sectional designs.
They enable researchers to determine causality. Because they do not rely on
self-report measures, the researcher has the freedom to modify data collec-
tion or make changes to the focus of the study, emphasizing different variables
while de-emphasizing variables originally thought to be of importance for the
research question. Longitudinal studies, however, are usually more expensive
to conduct than cross-sectional studies, may be vulnerable to attrition, and
may take a long time to yield findings. Consequently, researchers must be
sure that this design fits the research objectives. A longitudinal design is usu-
ally appropriate when the researcher is concerned with pinpointing variables
(events or characteristics) that bring about change over time. He or she must
also be in a position to gather and explore data at multiple points throughout
the research effort.
C O R R E L AT I O N A L A N D C A U S A L - C O M PA R AT I V E S T U D I E S ■ 1 9 9

• Carefully plan and organize the research effort. Longitudinal stud-

ies require a sustained research effort, as opposed to many cross-sectional
designs, which can be executed in a much shorter time period. A number of
factors should be considered when planning and carrying out a longitudinal
study. Research staff should be specifically trained in the duties that they will
be expected to perform. Another consideration is attrition, both in terms of
subjects and staff. All participants should be made aware of the timeline and
their expected contribution prior to beginning participation in the study. When
recruiting a cohort of participants, it may be necessary to offer an incentive to
guard against staff or cohort mortality. As such, yet another important element
of the planning process is to establish the budget, which may need to cover
incentives, training, and compensating staff and time/resources for data collec-
tion and analysis.
• Manage the data collection process. It may be very difficult to maintain
cooperation for research subjects over an extended period of time. Certainly
you will begin by obtaining consent from all participants and agencies (if appli-
cable). Be sure to plan strategies for data coding and checking prior to this time
as well. It is also helpful to inform participants of the importance of their par-
ticipation for the research effort and to establish procedures (i.e., keeping the
same research team and maintaining consistent face-to-face contact through-
out the process). Begin with as large a sample size as possible so that if partici-
pants are lost due to attrition, data collection can continue. Finally, all relevant
personnel should be kept informed of the status of the project throughout.
• Analyze the data. As with all research studies, analysis of data should
be done with an eye toward allowing the raw data to speak to the research
question. Longitudinal researchers must carefully consider how they will ana-
lyze change over time. As such, the method of statistical analysis should be
appropriately applied to the raw data. It is important to determine the linear
relationship (or lack thereof) between variables of interest and potential cohort
effects (i.e., age or period effects) and testing effects and to determine possible
causes of change over time. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) is often used
for this purpose.

■ Threats to Internal and External Validity for the Three Designs

There are a number of ways to address threats to internal and external validity
with respect to the correlational, causal-comparative, and longitudinal designs as
shown in Table 9.5. Inexperienced researchers who use the correlational design
often randomly select a number of variables, collect data, and run multiple corre-
lations. This is problematic for two reasons. First, as the number of correlations

run increases, so also does the likelihood of committing a Type I error. Secondly,
there should be a theoretical basis for the investigation to ensure that any correla-
tion that emerges between variables is not due to chance. Also, poorly selected
or improperly administered instruments may compromise the internal validity
of a study. As is the case with all research designs, the instrument that is to be
used must be carefully selected to reflect the research question, and all research
staff must be carefully trained to ensure that it has been administered properly.
Finally, while it may be tempting to interpret causality, it is important to note
that while two variables may be related to one another, this relationship does not
necessarily imply causality.

TABLE 9.5 Addressing Threats to Internal and External Validity

Threats to Internal Validity
Design and External Validity Addressing Potential Problems
Correlational design Selection of variables Establishing a theoretical basis for
the correlation
Data collection issues Careful training of research staff
Improper interpretation of Correlation does not imply
results causation
Causal-comparative Improper sampling procedures Form homogeneous groups
Confounding variables Control for initial differences
Longitudinal design Selective sampling Sample from a representative
Instrument effects Careful training of research staff
Attrition Consistently recruit, track, and
follow up

Similarly, the internal and external validity of causal-comparative research

are also vulnerable to design flaws. Researchers who do not form homogeneous
groups, or who fail to form proper subgroups based upon key demographic vari-
ables, may find that the interpretation of their results has been compromised.
This can be addressed by carefully defining the group under study. To begin,
establish an operational definition for the group. For example, a group of interest
may be “unmotivated students”; a more precise way to determine membership
in this group may be to use an instrument with a cutoff score that will distin-
guish “motivated” students from those who are “unmotivated.” Next, group
membership should be further defined by establishing a narrower criterion
for investigation. For example, while unmotivated students may not differ a
great deal from motivated students when viewed globally, clear differences
may emerge when differentiating between the two groups in a narrow domain
such as mathematics. Here, the formation of subgroups allows the researcher
C O R R E L AT I O N A L A N D C A U S A L - C O M PA R AT I V E S T U D I E S ■ 2 0 1

to more clearly and confidently attribute differences on the dependent variable

to differences in the group criteria.
Improper sampling procedures, subject effects (i.e., generational effects or
testing effects), and attrition (both in terms of staff and subjects) can all negatively
impact both the internal and external validity of longitudinal designs. Fortu-
nately, there are some steps that can be taken to address these issues. With respect
to selecting a sample, researchers should take great pains to include participants
from a representative demographic set in order to allow for generalization of the
study’s results to the target population. Instrument effects may be addressed by
carefully training those who will collect longitudinal data to ensure that develop-
ment over time is a function of true change in the study’s participants as opposed
to changes in the individual who collects and/or analyzes the data. Finally, with
respect to guarding against attrition, researchers should initiate strategies for
recruitment, tracking, and follow-up. Specifically, researchers should take pains
to build rapport with study participants and create and update the participant
database frequently to assure that contact information is current and correct.
Interviewers should be recruited with the understanding that they will remain
with the project for the duration; participants are more likely to continue when
personnel remain consistent. Finally, all correspondence should be carefully
worded to assure that participants are made aware of the importance of their
role in completing the study.

■ Summary

1. In a correlational study a researcher collects two or more sets of data from

a group of subjects for analysis that attempts to determine the relationship
between them.
2. While correlational studies do not establish causation, they are useful to
either predict future behavior or explain complex phenomena.
3. Correlational studies will yield one of three possible results: a finding of no
relationship, a positive correlation, or a negative correlation.
4. Researchers who conduct predictive studies wish to use what is known
about existing relationships to anticipate change in a particular variable.
5. The causal-comparative design provides a format for generating hypotheses
about the causes of a specific state or condition; it is often helpful to begin by
contrasting the characteristics of one state with those of its opposite.
6. The causal-comparative design can help researchers to identify potential
causes that often can then be tested more directly by manipulation.
7. Longitudinal designs also support inferences about development by tak-
ing measurements over time on either (a) individuals from the same gen-
eral population (called a trend study), (b) individuals from the same specific

population (called a cohort study), or (c) the same individuals (called a panel
study). These three approaches vary in both practicality and ability to con-
trol for selection.
8. Users should be careful to avoid making strong conclusions about cause
and effect based on longitudinal studies.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Match up the items on the left with those on the right:

a. positive correlation 1. Correlational coefficient of 0
b. negative correlation 2. Test all people the same way
to minimize selection bias
c. no relationship 3. Loss of subjects over time
d. biserial correlation 4. Likely relationship between hours
spent studying and grade point average
e. criterion group 5. Correlational coefficient of –.87
f. matching procedure 6. Composed of people who display a
similar characteristic
g. attrition 7. Used with dichotomous and
continuous data
h. panel study 8. Means to assure proper group
2. Describe the two purposes for conducting correlational studies.
3. Describe the key differences between cross-sectional and longitudinal
research designs.
4. A researcher collects the following data with respect to the math and lan-
guage portions of the SAT examination:

Student Math Language

James 480 540
Sarah 600 620
Alicia 710 740
Cole 440 400
William 520 520
Jadene 600 590
Marvin 400 500
Teena 690 690
Kandis 520 550
Yvonne 410 410

a. Plot these data using a scatterplot. How might this help you to under-
stand the relationship between math and language scores?
b. What type of relationship (if any) exists between students’ scores?
C O R R E L AT I O N A L A N D C A U S A L - C O M PA R AT I V E S T U D I E S ■ 2 0 3

5. What is meant by the phrase, correlation does not imply causation?

6. What type of data is yielded through a causal-comparative design that
would not be gleaned from a correlational study?
7. What is a trend study? How does it differ from a panel study?

For the next series of questions, choose the design that is most appropriate.

8. A researcher is interested in tracking the development of language in mod-

erately autistic children from age 2 until adulthood.
a. correlational study
b. cross-sectional study
c. longitudinal study
9. A researcher wishes to investigate the differences between collegiate ath-
letes and nonathletes with respect to study habits.
a. correlational study
b. cross-sectional study
c. longitudinal study
10. A researcher is interested in predicting future earnings using college grade
point average.
a. correlational study
b. cross-sectional study
c. longitudinal study

■ Recommended References
Bauer, K. (2004). Conducting longitudinal studies. New Directions for Institutional
Research, 121, 75–88.
Jaccard, J., Becker, M., & Wood, G. (1984). Pairwise multiple comparison procedures:
A review. Psychological Bulletin, 96, 589–596.
Lancaster, B. P. (1999). Defining and interpreting suppressor effects: Advantages and
limitations. In B. Thompson (Ed.), Advances in social science methodology (pp.
139–148). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.

Identifying and Describing

Procedures for Observation
and Measurement


• Identify and describe techniques for estimating test reliability.

• Identify and describe techniques for estimating test validity.
• Distinguish between four types of measurement scales: nominal,
ordinal, interval, ratio.
• Identify different techniques for describing performance on tests,
including percentiles, standard scores, and norms.
• Describe procedures for test identification using the Mental Mea-
surements Yearbook.
• Identify different categories of standardized tests, and highlight spe-
cific tests in each category.
• Describe procedures for constructing a paper-and-pencil perfor-
mance test and for performing item analysis on its contents.
• Describe procedures for constructing and using attitude scales of
the Likert, semantic differential, and Thurstone types.
• Describe procedures for constructing and using recording devices
such as rating scales, coding schemes, and behavioral sampling

■ 205
206 ■ CHAPTER 10

■ Test Reliability

Test reliability means that a test gives consistent measurements. A ruler made
of rubber would not give reliable measurements, because it could stretch or
contract. Similarly unreliable would be an IQ test on which Johnny or Janie
scored 135 on Monday and 100 on the following Friday, with no significant
event or experience during the week to account for the discrepancy in scores.
A test that does not give reliable measurements is not a good test regardless of
its other characteristics.
Several factors contribute to unreliability in a test: (1) familiarity with the
particular test form (such as multiple-choice questions), (2) subject fatigue, (3)
emotional strain, (4) physical conditions of the room in which the test is given,
(5) subject health, (6) fluctuations of human memory, (7) subject’s practice
or experience in the specific skill being measured, and (8) specific knowledge
gained outside the experience evaluated by the test. A test that is overly sensi-
tive to these unpredictable (and often uncontrollable) sources of error is not a
reliable one. Test unreliability creates instrumentation bias, a source of internal
invalidity in an experiment.
Before drawing any conclusions from a research study, a researcher should
assess the reliability of his or her test instruments. Commercially available stan-
dardized tests have been checked for reliability; test manuals provide data rela-
tive to this evaluation. When using a self-made instrument, a researcher should
assess its reliability either before or during the study. This section briefly dis-
cusses four approaches for determining reliability.

Test-Retest Reliability

One way to measure reliability is to give the same people the same test on more
than one occasion and then compare individual performance on the two admin-
istrations. In this procedure, which measures test-retest reliability, each person’s
score on the first administration of the test is related to his or her score on the
second administration to provide a reliability coefficient.1 This coefficient can
vary from 0.00 (no relationship) to 1.00 (perfect relationship), but real evaluations
rarely produce coefficients near zero. Because the coefficient is an indication of
the extent to which the test measures stable and enduring characteristics of the test
taker rather than variable and temporary ones, researchers hope for reasonably
high coefficients.
The test-retest evaluation offers the advantage of requiring only one form of
a test. It brings the disadvantage that later scores show the influence of practice
1. This relationship is usually computed by means of a correlation statistic, as described in
Chapter 13.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 0 7

and memory. They can also be influenced by events that occur between testing
Because the determination of test-retest reliability requires two test admin-
istrations it presents more challenges than do the other three reliability testing
procedures (described in later subsections). However, it is the only one of the
four that provides information about a test’s consistency over time. This qual-
ity of a test is often important enough in an experiment to justify the effort to
measure it, particularly when the research design involves both pretesting and

Alternate-Form Reliability

Alternate-form reliability is determined by administering alternate forms of a

test to the same people and computing the relationship between each person’s
score on the two forms. This approach requires two forms of a test that parallel
one another in the content and required mental operations. The alternative test
instruments must include carefully matched items so that corresponding items
measure the same quality.
This approach allows a researcher to assess the reliability of either of the
two test forms by comparison with the other. It also supports evaluation of the
extent to which the two forms parallel one another. This second determination
is particularly important if the study’s design incorporates one form as a pretest
and the other as a posttest.

Split-Half Reliability

The two approaches to reliability testing described so far seek to determine the
consistency of a test’s results over time and over forms. A researcher may also
want to make a quick evaluation of a test’s internal consistency. This judgment
involves splitting a test into two halves, usually separating the odd-numbered
items and the even-numbered items, and then correlating the scores obtained
by each person on one half with those obtained by each person on the other.
This procedure, which yields an estimate called split-half reliability, enables a
researcher to determine whether the halves of a test measure the same quality
or characteristic. The obtained correlation coefficient (r1 ) is then entered into
the Spearman-Brown formula to calculate the whole test reliability (r2 ):
208 ■ CHAPTER 10

The actual test scores that will serve as data in a research study are based
on the total test score rather than either half-test score. Therefore, the split-half
reliability measure can be corrected by the formula to reflect the increase in
reliability gained by combining the halves.

Kuder-Richardson Reliability

When a researcher uses an untimed test assumed to measure one characteristic

or quality, she or he may want to evaluate the extent to which the test items all
measure this same characteristic or quality. For a test with items scored with
mutually exclusive categories a or b (for example, right or wrong), this judg-
ment can examine individual item scores rather than part or total scores (as in
the split-half method) followed by application of a Kuder-Richardson formula.
This formula (known as K-R formula 21) is equivalent to the average of all pos-
sible split-half reliability coefficients:2
M (n – M)
KR21 1–
n × SD2
where n refers to the number of items on the test, M to the mean score on the
test, and SD2 to the variance (standard deviation squared).

■ Test Validity

The validity of a test is the extent to which the instrument measures what it
purports to measure. In simple words, a researcher asks, “Does the test really
measure the characteristic that I will use it to measure?” For example, a test of
mathematical aptitude must yield a true indication of a student’s mathematical
aptitude. When you use a ruler to measure an object, you do not end up with a
valid indication of that object’s weight.
This section discusses four types of validity. A test’s manual reports on
these forms of validity so that the potential user can assess whether the instru-
ment measures what the title says it measures.

Predictive Validity

Validity can be established by relating a test to some actual behavior that it is

supposed to predict. If a test’s results can be expected to predict an outcome
2. The K-R20 formula on which this one is based is:

where pi and qi refer to the proportions of students responding correctly and incorrectly,
respectively, to item i.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 0 9

indicated by some performance or behavior criterion, then a researcher can

evaluate its predictive validity by relating test performance to the appropriate
behavioral criterion. For example, a test intended to predict student “staying
power” in college could be validated by administering the instrument to stu-
dents as they begin their freshman year and then measuring the percentage of
high scorers who survive four years of college and the percentage of low scor-
ers who drop out.

Concurrent Validity

Establishing predictive validity is a difficult challenge for some tests, particu-

larly those that measure characteristics or qualities, because an analyst cannot
easily identify specific performance outcomes related to that characteristic or
quality. In this case, the judgment of validity usually tries to relate performance
on the test with performance on another, well-reputed test (if any exists). This
procedure gives an index termed concurrent validity. A new, experimental
intelligence test, for example, is often validated concurrently by comparing a
subject’s performance on it with the same person’s performance on an older,
more established test.
Another procedure tries to establish the concurrent validity of a test by
comparing qualities or performance as assessed by that test with those assessed
by another procedure, such as human judges. For example, results of a test
intending to measure the extent of a neurotic condition could be compared
with judgments of the same sort made by a panel of clinical psychologists who
are not aware of the test results (that is, working in the blind). Agreement
between evaluations from the test and the judges would indicate the test’s con-
current validity. (This last example is sometimes termed criterion validity.)

Construct Validity

A test builder might reason that a student with high self-esteem would be more
inclined than one with low self-esteem to speak out when unjustly criticized by
an authority figure; this reasoning suggests that such behavior can be explained
by the construct (or concept) of self-esteem.3 Such a proposed relationship
between a construct and a derivative behavior might provide a basis for deter-
mining the construct validity of a test of self-esteem. Such an evaluation might
seek to demonstrate the relationship of self-esteem test scores to a proposed
derivative behavior (such as speaking out in self-defense).

3. To relate the term construct to familiar language, this validity measure might indicate that some
independent variable causes self-esteem—an intervening variable or construct—which in turn leads
to the speaking-out behavior.
210 ■ CHAPTER 10

Construct validity, therefore, is established by relating a presumed mea-

sure of a construct or hypothetical quality to some behavior or manifestation
that it is hypothesized to underlie. Conversely, such a validity index might
relate a behavior to a test of some construct that is an attempt to explain it.
As another example, a test maker might expect that relatively sensitive
teachers would express more positive feelings toward their students than
would less sensitive teachers. An assessment of the construct validity of a test
of sensitivity might compare the number of times that positive feelings toward
students were expressed by teachers scoring high on a test of the construct
sensitivity with the number observed for teachers with lower scores.

Content Validity

A researcher administers a test in an attempt to determine how a subject will

function in a set of actual situations. Rather than placing individuals in each
actual situation, a test offers a shortcut to determine their behaviors or per-
formances in the total set of research situations. Thus, constructing the test
involves selecting or sampling from situations in the total set. On the basis of
the individual’s performance on these sample situations, the researcher should
be able to generalize regarding the full set of situations. A test has content
validity if the sample of situations or performances it measures is representa-
tive of the set from which the sample was drawn (and about which the research
will make generalizations).
For example, suppose a researcher constructed a performance test of secre-
tarial skills to be used by companies for screening job applicants. The content
validity of this test could be established by comparing (1) the skill areas it cov-
ers and the number of test items devoted to each with (2) the skill requirements
of the job and the relative importance of each (for example, time generally
spent on that task). If the sample on the test is representative of the set of real-
life situations, then the test has content validity. Similarly, a final exam for an
Algebra I class should be representative of the topics covered in the course and
of the proportions of the total class time devoted to individual topics.4

■ Types of Measurement Scales

A measurement scale is a set of rules for quantifying a particular variable,

or assigning numerical scores to it. Measurement scales (hereafter simply
called scales) can quantify data by either nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio

4. A further example of a method for establishing content validity appears in Chapter 14.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 1 1

Nominal Scales

The term nominal means “named.” Hence, a nominal scale does not measure
variables, rather it names them. In other words, it simply classifies observations
into categories with no necessary mathematical relationship between them.
Suppose a researcher were interested in the number of happy and unhappy
students in a class. If an interviewer classified each child as happy or unhappy
based on classroom conversations, this classification system would represent a
nominal scale. No mathematical relationship between happy and unhappy is
implied; they simply are two different categories.5 Thus, the happiness variable
is measured by a nominal method.
When a study’s independent variable includes two levels—a treatment con-
dition and a no-treatment control condition (or two different treatments)—the
independent variable is considered a nominal one, because measurement com-
pares two discrete conditions. For example, splitting IQ scorers into high and
low groups would make IQ into a two-category nominal variable. Although
high and low denote an order, so they could be considered ordinal variables (as
discussed in the next subsection), they can also be treated simply as category
names and handled as nominal data. (For statistical purposes, two-category
“orders” are usually best treated as nominal data, as Chapter 12 discusses.)
The behavioral sampling form later in the chapter in Figure 10.9 gives an
example of a nominal scale. One discrete behavior is checked for each student

■ Ordinal Scales

The term ordinal means “ordered.” An ordinal scale rank orders things, cate-
gorizing individuals as more than or less than one another. (For two-level vari-
ables, the distinction between nominal and ordinal measurement is an arbitrary
one, although nominal scaling, especially of independent variables, simplifies
statistical analyses.)
Suppose the observer who wanted to measure student happiness inter-
viewed every child in the class and then rank ordered them from highest to
lowest happiness. Now each child’s happiness level could be specified by the
ranking. By specifying the rank order, the researcher has generated an ordinal
scale. If you were to write down a list of your 10 favorite foods in order of
preference, you would create an ordinal scale.
Although ordinal measurement may require more difficult processes
than nominal measurement, it also gives more informative, precise data.
Interval measurement, in turn, gives more precise results than come from
5. These categories may be scored 0 and 1, implying the simplest sort of mathematical rela-
tionship, that is, presence versus absence.
212 ■ CHAPTER 10

ordinal measurement, and ratio measurement gives the most precise results
of all.

Interval Scales

Interval scales tell not only the order of evaluative elements but also the inter-
vals or distances between them. For instance, on a classroom test, one student
scores 95 while another scores 85. These measurements indicate not only that
the first has performed better than the second but also that this performance
was better by 10 points. If a third student has scored 80, the second student has
outperformed the third by half as much as the first outperformed the second.
Thus, on an interval scale, a distance stated in points may be considered a rela-
tive constant at any point on the scale where it occurs.
In contrast, on the ordinal measure of happiness, the observer can identify
one child as more or less happy than another, but the data do not indicate how
much more or less happy either child is compared to the other. The difference
from any given child to the next on the rank order (ordinal) scale of happiness
does not allow statements of constant quantities of happiness.
Rating scales and tests are considered to be interval scales. One unit on a rating
scale or test is assumed to equal any other unit. Moreover, raw scores on tests can
be converted to standard scores (as described in a later section) to maintain interval
scale properties. As you will see, most behavioral measurement employs interval
scales. The scales later in the chapter in Figures 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, and 10.7 all illus-
trate interval measurement.

Ratio Scales

Ratio scales are encountered much more frequently in the physical sciences than
in the behavioral sciences. Because a ratio scale includes a true zero value, that is,
a point on the scale that represents the complete absence of the measured char-
acteristic, ratios are comparable at different points on the scale. Thus, 9 ohms
indicates three times the resistance of 3 ohms, while 6 ohms stands in the same
ratio to 2 ohms. On the other hand, because an IQ scale evaluates intelligence
according to an interval scale, someone with an IQ of 120 is more comparable to
someone with an IQ of 100 (they are 20 scale points apart) than is someone with
a 144 IQ to someone with a 120 IQ (they are 24 scale points apart). The intervals
indicate a larger difference in the second case, even though the ratios between the
two sets of scores are equal (120:100 = 144:120 = 6:5). This result occurs because
the IQ scale, as an interval scale, has no true zero point; intervals of equal size
indicate equal differences regardless of where on the scale they occur. Were the
IQ scale a ratio scale (which it is not), the two pairs of scores would be compara-
bly related, because each pair holds the ratio 6:5.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 1 3

However, educational researchers rarely employ ratio scales, except for

measures of time. Therefore, this book is not concerned with these measures as
a category separate from interval scales.

Scale Conversion

A researcher who is interested in measuring the extent of happiness among a

group of children might evaluate this variable in different ways:

1. Count categories (happy versus unhappy children)

2. Rank order children in terms of happiness
3. Rate each child on a happiness scale

If the researcher decides to rate each child on a happiness scale (Choice 3),
and thus collects interval data, later data processing can always convert these
interval data to rank orderings (ordinal data). Alternatively, the researcher
could divide the children into the most happy half and the least happy half,
creating nominal data. Educational researchers typically convert from higher
to lower orders of measurement. They seldom convert from lower to higher
orders of measurement.
To select the appropriate statistical tests, a researcher must identify the
measurement scales—nominal, ordinal, or interval—for each of a study’s vari-
ables. Chapter 12 gives a more detailed description of the process of converting
data from one scale of measurement to another under the heading “Coding and
Rostering Data.”

■ Describing Test Performances

Interpretation of an individual’s test score improves when a researcher places

it in perspective by defining some standard or basis for comparison. Certain
techniques allow such a comparison between one test score and others within
a single group of test takers and between one score and others within a larger
group of people who have previously taken the test. Explanation in depth of
such approaches would exceed the scope of this book. However, this section
briefly mentions some of these statistics or labels for describing and comparing
test scores.


A single test score can be expressed as a percentile (an ordinal measure) by

describing its relative standing among a group of scores. A percentile is a num-
ber that represents the percentage of obtained scores less than a particular raw
214 ■ CHAPTER 10

score. It is computed by counting the number of obtained scores that fall below
the score in question in a rank order, dividing this number by the total number
of obtained scores, and multiplying by 100. Consider the following 20 test

95 85 75 70
93 81 75 69
91 81 74 65
90 78 72 64
89 77 71 60

The score of 89 is higher than 15 of the 20 scores. Dividing 15 by 20 and

multiplying by 100 yields 75. Thus, the score of 89 is at the 75th percentile.
Although the scores themselves are interval measures, the percentile (in
this case, 75) is an ordinal measure: It indicates rank order by reflecting that the
score of 89 exceeds 75 percent of the scores in the group; in turn, 25 percent of
the group’s scores exceed 89. The percentile does not indicate by how much the
score of 89 exceeds or is exceeded by the other scores.
Now, suppose another class of 20 achieved the following scores on the
same test:

98 93 88 80
97 92 86 80
95 91 85 79
94 91 83 77
94 89 81 75

The same score of 89 exceeds only 10 of the 20 scores in this group, plac-
ing it at the 50th percentile. This illustration shows the benefits of interpreting
scores relative to other scores.6

Standard Scores

Standard scores express individual measurements as deviations or variations from

the mean or average score for a group according to standard deviation units.7
A standard deviation unit is a unit of magnitude equal to the standard devia-
tion, a measure of the spread of a group of scores around their average score.

6. Technically, a score of 88.5 would fall at the 75th percentile in the first example (with 5
scores above it and 15 below it) and at the 50th percentile in the second example (with 10 scores
both above and below it). The actual score of 89 must be defined as the midpoint of a range of
scores from 88.5 to 89.5.
7. See Chapter 12 for a more complete description of these terms and their determination.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 1 5

This statistical device allows a researcher to adjust scores from absolute quanti-
ties to relative reflections of the relationship between all the scores in a group.
Moreover, standard scores are interval scores, because the standard deviation
unit establishes a constant interval throughout the scale. An absolute raw score
is converted to a relative standard score by (1) subtracting the group mean on
the test from the raw score, (2) dividing the result by the standard deviation, and
(3) adding a constant (usually 50) to avoid minus signs and multiplying by 10 to
avoid decimals. (This procedure is described by Thorndike and Hagen, 1991.)
By converting raw test scores into standard scores, a researcher can compare
scores within a group and between groups. She or he can also add the scores
from two or more tests to obtain a single score. This illustrates the relationship
between standard scores and the normal distribution curve. Raw scores falling at
the mean of the distribution are assigned the standard score of 50; scores falling 1
standard deviation above the mean are assigned the score of 50 plus 10, or 60; and
so on. Each standard deviation defines a span of 10 points on the standard scale.
This system gives scores a meaning in terms of their relationship to one another
by fitting them within the distribution described by the total group of scores.


Interpretation according to norms describes a test score in relation to its loca-

tion within a large body of previously collected scores. Rather than relating a
group of 10 scores only to one another, a researcher can relate them to a larger
group of scores from other people who have previously taken the same test.
Norm tables appear in the manuals for standardized tests. The terms stan-
dardized test and norm-referenced test indicate instruments for which norms
are available, as is information on reliability and validity. The Piers-Harris test
manual expresses norms as stanines and as percentile scores. A stanine score is a
standard score with a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 2, defining a range of
nine scores. A comparison may utilize either stanines or percentiles, but the lat-
ter generally prove more advantageous because each percentile spans a narrower
range. When interpreting scores for a sample from a population on which no
norms are available, researchers must test a sufficiently large number of individu-
als to generate their own norms, or they must utilize raw scores. Without norms,
one may have trouble judging how high or low a particular score is.

■ Standardized, or Norm-Referenced, Tests

Instruments that refer to norms as standards for interpreting individual

scores are called norm-referenced or standardized tests. The most complete
guide to standardized tests, the Mental Measurements Yearbook, is gener-
ally found on library reference shelves. This volume is a compendium of
216 ■ CHAPTER 10

more than 1,000 commercially available mental and educational tests. It has
appeared regularly over the past 30 years, and new, updated versions are reg-
ularly published.
An entry from the Yearbook includes the name of the test, the population
for which it is intended, the publication date, and the test’s acronym. Informa-
tion about norms, forms, prices, and scoring is also given, as well as an estimate
of the time required to complete the test and the names of the test’s author and
publisher. You can order specimen test kits for this and most other tests by
contacting the publishers at the addresses listed in the back of the Yearbook. In
addition, the compendium presents reviews of some of the tests by psychome-
tricians and cites studies using them.

Achievement, Aptitude, and Intelligence Tests and Batteries

Achievement batteries are sets of tests designed to measure the knowledge that
an individual has acquired in a number of discrete subject matter areas at one
or more discrete grade levels. Widespread use of such standardized batteries
facilitates comparisons of learning progress among students in different parts
of the country. Because such batteries serve an important evaluative func-
tion, many elementary and secondary schools (as well as colleges) adminis-
ter achievement batteries as built-in elements of their educational programs.
The Yearbook describes such batteries as the California, Iowa, and Stanford
achievement tests.
It also describes multi-aptitude batteries intended to measure students’
potential for learning rather than what they have already learned. Whereas
achievement tests measure acquired knowledge in specific areas (such as math-
ematics, science, and reading), aptitude tests measure potential for acquiring
knowledge in broad underlying areas (for example, verbal and quantitative
areas). Among the multi-aptitude batteries described in the Yearbook are the
Differential Aptitude Test and SRA Primary Mental Abilities.
The concept of intelligence or mental ability resembles that of aptitude,
each being a function of learning potential. General intelligence is typically
taken to mean abstract intelligence—the ability to see relations in ideas repre-
sented in symbolic form, make generalizations from them, and relate and orga-
nize them. The Yearbook includes group, individual, and specific intelligence
tests. Among the group tests, that is, those that can be administered to more
than one person at the same time, are the Cognitive Abilities Test, Otis-Lennon
Test of Mental Ability, and Short Form Test of Academic Aptitude. Among the
individually administered intelligence tests are the Peabody Picture Vocabu-
lary Test, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children. So-called specific intelligence tests measure specific traits thought to
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 1 7

relate to intelligence (such as creativity)—for example, the Kit of Reference

Tests for Cognitive Factors.
Other tests measure achievement or aptitudes in a variety of discrete and
specified subject matter areas. The Yearbook lists tests in business education,
English, fine arts, foreign languages, mathematics, reading, science, social stud-
ies, and many other areas.

Character, Personality, Sensory-Motor, and Vocational Tests

Character and personality tests measure subjects’ characteristic ways of relating

to the environment and the people in it, as well as their personal and interper-
sonal needs and ways of dealing with those needs. These tests can be subdi-
vided into non-projective and projective types. Non-projective tests are typical
paper-and-pencil instruments that require subjects to respond to written state-
ments by choosing appropriate responses. Projective tests present either words
or pictures intended to elicit free or unstructured responses. (One type, for
example, invites a subject to look at an inkblot and tell what it represents;
another asks one to look at a picture and make up a story about it.) Among
the better-known non-projective character and personality tests listed in the
Yearbook are the California Psychological Inventory, Guilford-Zimmerman
Temperament Survey, and Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire. Among
the best-known projective character and personality tests covered there are the
Bender-Gestalt Test, Rorschach test, and Thematic Apperception Test.
Also included in the Yearbook are sensory-motor tests, including tests of
hearing, vision, and motor coordination. These tests are intended to measure
an individual’s sensory capacities and motor abilities. Some examples are the
Granson-Stadler Audiometers and the Test for Color Blindness.
The Yearbook also includes vocational assessments, that is, tests of voca-
tionally relevant skills and knowledge and those intended to determine a per-
son’s interests as an aid to making a vocational choice. (Such interest tests
typically present sets of three activities, and the respondent must indicate his or
her preference.) Tests of vocations include clerical, manual dexterity, mechani-
cal ability, and specific vocation tests; selection and ratings forms; and interest
inventories, including the Kuder General Interest Survey and the Strong-
Campbell Interest Inventory.

■ Criterion-Referenced Tests

When scores on a test are interpreted on the basis of absolute criteria rather
than relative ones, psychometricians refer to the process as criterion referenc-
ing. Rather than converting to standard scores or percentiles on the basis of
218 ■ CHAPTER 10

norms or performances relative to that of all test takers, criterion-referenced

interpretation refers only to the number of correctly answered items. This
number may then be evaluated through comparison with a preset criterion (for
example, 80 percent, 65 percent) or examined in light of the proportion of all
test takers who correctly responded to a specific item (called the p-value).
Four principal features distinguish criterion-referenced tests: (1) They are
constructed to measure specific sets of operationally or behaviorally stated
objectives. (2) They attempt to maximize content validity based on that set of
objectives. (They are often referred to as objective-referenced instruments.) (3)
They are considered to represent samples of actual performance. (4) Perfor-
mance on them can be interpreted by reference to predetermined cutoff scores.
Because most research involves comparisons of data between groups, even
criterion-referenced test results can be evaluated through comparative analysis.
Teacher-built or researcher-built tests, unless standardized, can be considered
criterion-referenced instruments. Hence, the choice between norm-referenced
and criterion-referenced tests may exert an important influence on individual
student evaluation, but the distinction is less important for researchers.

■ Constructing a Paper-and-Pencil Performance Test

Construction of a performance test must begin, obviously, with the perfor-

mance that it should measure. A test maker first constructs a list of instructional
objectives for the course, program, treatment, or subject area the instrument
will evaluate (if such a list does not already exist). The process then outlines all
performance capabilities that students should display after successful instruc-
tion. Following this content outline, the test maker should write performance
items and develop scoring keys. The content outline should establish content
validity; that is, test items based on the outline should assess or sample the mas-
tery of the content that they are intended to test. To ensure content validity, it
is necessary to develop a content outline.8
This process should generate more items in each specific content area than
the test will ultimately use. These items should modify the specific examples
used in teaching the content to gauge the transfer of skills beyond rote learning.
For example, if Shakespeare’s Macbeth has been used in teaching iambic pen-
tameter as a meter of writing, examples from Hamlet might be used in testing
students’ knowledge of this meter.
The items generated in this way should then be administered to a pilot
group. The next step would be to calculate total subjects’ scores on such mea-
sures as number of items passed. Performance on each item should then be
compared to total scores using a procedure called item analysis.

8. Another illustration of this procedure appears in Chapter 14 on evaluation.

P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 1 9

Item Analysis

Item analysis is the analysis of responses on a multiple-choice test undertaken

to judge the performance of each item on the test. Good items contribute to the
reliability of the test, and item analysis can provide the information needed to
revise items in order to improve a test’s overall reliability.
This analysis yields four kinds of information about each item:

1. Difficulty, as represented by the difficulty index or the percentage of test-

takers who gave correct answers;9 a difficulty index between 50 and 75 is
2. Discrimination, as represented by the discrimination index, or the differ-
ence between the percentage of high performers on the total test and low
performers on the total test who correctly answered a specific item; a dis-
crimination index above 20 is recommended.
3. Distractibility of each distractor, as represented by the percentage of test-
takers, particularly low performers, who chose each distractor; a distract-
ibility of at least 10 for each distractor is recommended.
4. Clues about the reason for weakness in an item, represented by the distri-
bution of responses across item choices.

Item analyses are usually accomplished by computer. Any item analysis,

by computer or by hand, requires completion of some basic steps:

1. Compute a total score on the test for each student in the sample.
2. Divide testing subjects into two groups based on total test scores: (a) an
upper group of those who scored at or above the sample median, and (b) a
lower group of those who scored below the sample median.
3. Array the results into the format shown in Table 10.1 to display the per-
centage of students in each group, upper and lower, who chose each poten-
tial answer on an item.
4. Compute the difficulty index, or the percentage of students who correctly
answered each item.
5. Compute the discrimination index, or the difference between the percent-
age of upper group and lower group students who gave the right answer
for each item.

The results of the item analysis for five items are shown in Table 10.1. Each
item allows five answer choices (A, B, C, D, E), and the correct one is marked
with an asterisk. Separate percentages are reported for the upper half and lower
9. The index of difficulty is computed as the number of subjects who pass an item, divided by the
total number in both groups; computed in this way, it should actually be called the index of easiness.
220 ■ CHAPTER 10

TABLE 10.1 Item Analysis

Item 16 A B C D *E Omit
Upper ½ 0 17 0 0 79 4 43 students responded to the item
Lower ½ 0 42 0 11 47 0 65 percent or 28 of 43 students tak-
ing the test responded correctly
All students 0 28 0 5 65 2 32 percentage points separate the
upper and lower group on the cor-
rect answer

Item 8 A *B C D E Omit
Upper ½ 9 91 0 0 0 0 43 students responded to the item
Lower ½ 5 95 0 0 0 0 93 percent or 40 of 43 students tak-
ing the test responded correctly
All students 7 93 0 0 0 0 -4 percentage points separate the
upper and lower group on the cor-
rect answer

Item 4 A B C *D E Omit
Upper ½ 13 8 4 58 17 0 43 students responded to the item
Lower ½ 0 26 5 53 16 0 56 percent or 24 of 43 students tak-
ing the test responded correctly
All students 7 16 5 56 16 0 5 percentage points separate the
upper and lower group on the cor-
rect answer

Item 1 A B *C D E Omit
Upper ½ 21 0 67 8 4 0 43 students responded to the item
Lower ½ 21 16 42 0 21 0 56 percent or 24 of 43 students
All students 21 7 56 5 12 0 taking the test responded correctly
25 percentage points separate the
upper and lower group on the
correct answer

Item 52 *A B C D E Omit
Upper ½ 42 21 29 8 0 0 43 students responded to the item
Lower ½ 42 21 26 11 0 0 42 percent or 18 of 43 students
All students 42 21 28 9 0 0 taking the test responded correctly
0 percentage points separate the
upper and lower group on the
correct answer
*Indicates correct answer choice.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 2 1

half of subjects taking the test, those designations based on their overall scores.
The analysis presumes that upper-half students are the more knowledgeable ones,
indicated by their high scores on the total test. The table also reports the percentage
of students in each group who omit each item (that is, who do not answer it), as
well as the percentage of all students choosing each option. Alongside data for each
item, the table reports three summary statistics: the number of students responding
to the item, the percentage correct or difficulty index, and the difference in perfor-
mance by upper-half and lower-half students, or the discrimination index. From
this display, judgments about each item’s performance can be made.
Consider the data for Item 16 in Table 10.1. This item had a difficulty index
of 65 and a discrimination index of 32. Despite the fact that two of the distrac-
tors lacked distractibility, the item would be considered a good one. Distractor B
contributes to this quality level by distracting 42 percent of lower-half subjects.
Now look at data for Item 8. It was a very easy item; 93 percent of the sub-
jects gave the correct answer. Such easy items always lack discrimination. This
item will not contribute to the reliability of the test and should be rewritten. A
good place to start would be to attempt to make the distractors more plausible
in order to increase their distractibility.10
Item 4, the third one listed in the table, poses intermediate difficulty (56
percent gave the right answer) which is good, and its distractors all worked,
another good trait. But the item lacked discrimination (only 5 percent), so it
does not contribute to reliability. Choice A distracted upper-half subjects but
not lower-half ones, so rewriting it may improve its discrimination.
Item 1, the fourth item in the table, has the same difficulty index as Item
4 (56) but a much higher discrimination index (25), and all of the distractors
worked. This is another good item. Finally, Item 52, with a difficulty index of
42 and a discrimination index of 0, is the worst item of the five. It should be
discarded and replaced by a new item.

Overall Summary for Test Construction

In summary, the process of building a performance test requires two essential


1. Outline content areas to be covered to ensure content validity.

2. Try out the test on a pilot group to obtain data for item analysis to gauge
item difficulty and discrimination.
10. An item gotten right by a greater number of low scorers than high scorers receives a nega-
tive index of discrimination. These items should ordinarily be discarded. Sometimes an extremely
easy item like Item 8 does no harm in a test. Because it is uniformly easy, it may have motiva-
tional value, and because of its uniform ease for both low and high scorers, it will not affect the
relative distribution of scores.
222 ■ CHAPTER 10

You may also gather useful data by administering any other comparable or
related test to your pilot group to see how your test relates to the other one. If
this comparison shows a relationship between results from your test and those
from another performance test, you have confirmed concurrent validity. (The
relationship is usually tested by means of a correlation, a measure of the extent
to which two sets of scores vary together. Correlation techniques are described
in Chapter 12.) If your results relate to those of an aptitude test (as an example),
this finding may contribute to construct validity. Finally, if classroom perfor-
mance records are available, you can complete additional validity tests. For a
performance test, however, the establishment of content validity (a nonstatistical
concept) and the use of item analysis are usually sufficient to ensure effective test
Attempts to establish forms of validity other than content validity are usu-
ally unnecessary for tests of performance, although efforts to establish their
reliability give useful input. Although an item analysis contributes to the estab-
lishment of internal reliability, the Kuder-Richardson formula can also serve
this purpose, as discussed earlier in the chapter.

■ Constructing a Scale

As explained earlier in the chapter, scales are devices constructed or employed

by researchers to quantify subjects’ responses on a particular variable. A scale
can help researchers to obtain interval data concerning Ss’ attitudes, judg-
ments, or perceptions about almost any topic or object. The most commonly
employed scales are:

1. Likert scale
2. Semantic differential
3. Thurstone scale

This section describes and illustrates each one in turn.

Likert Scale

A Likert scale lays out five points separated by intervals assumed to be equal dis-
tances. Because analyses of data from Likert scales are usually based on sum-
mated scores over multiple items, the equal-interval assumption is a workable
one. In the Thurstone scaling procedure, on the other hand, items are scaled by
Ss and chosen to satisfy the equal-interval requirement. This procedure is con-
siderably more complex than the Likert scale approach. It is formally termed an
equal-appearing interval scale. This scale allows subjects to register the extent of
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 2 3

their agreement or disagreement with a particular statement of an attitude, belief,

or judgment. An example appears below:
Primary emphasis in schools should be placed on basic skills.

strongly agree agree undecided disagree strongly disagree

The respondent indicates his or her opinion or attitude by making a mark

on the scale above the appropriate word(s).
On the sample Likert-type attitude scale in Figure 10.1, the respondent is
instructed to write in letter(s) indicating his or her self-description. This scale
was built by first identifying the attitude areas (or subtopics) included within
the topic of procrastination.
This initial exploration defined subtopics such as:

1. Tendency to delay or put off tasks (e.g., Item 3, When I have a deadline, I
wait until the last minute).
2. Tendency to avoid or circumvent the unpleasantness of some task (e.g.,
Item 31, I look for a loophole or shortcut to get through a tough task).
3. Tendency to blame others for one’s plight (e.g., Item 20, I believe that other
people don’t have the right to give me deadlines).

Following this content analysis, specific items were written for each sub-
topic. Some items were written as positive indications of procrastination (e.g.,
Item 1, I needlessly delay finishing jobs, even when they’re important) so that
agreement with them reflected a tendency toward procrastination. Some items
were written as negative indications (e.g., Item 8, I get right to work, even on
life’s unpleasant chores) so that agreement with them reflected a tendency away
from procrastination. An item phrased as a positive indication of procrastina-
tion was scored by the following key:

SA = 5, A = 4, U = 3, D = 2, SD = 1

An item reflecting a negative indication of procrastination was scored by the

following key:

SA = 1, A = 2, U=3, D = 4, SD = 5

The reason for writing items in both directions was to counteract the
tendency for a respondent to automatically and unthinkingly give the same
answer to all questions. By reversing the scoring of negative indications of
224 ■ CHAPTER 10

FIGURE 10.1. Sample Likert Scale

Tuckman Procrastination Scale. This scale has been prepared so that you can indicate
how much each statement listed below describes you. Please write the letter(s) SA
(strongly agree), A (agree), U (undecided), D (disagree), or SD (strongly disagree) on
the left of each statement indicating how much each statement describes you. Please
be as frank and honest as possible.

______  1.
I needlessly delay finishing jobs, even when they’re important.
______  2.
I postpone starting in on things I don’t like to do.
______  3.
When I have a deadline, I wait until the last minute.
______  4.
I delay making tough decisions.
______  5.
I stall on initiating new activities.
______  6.
I’m on time for appointments.
______  7.
I keep putting off improving my work habits.
______  8.
I get right to work, even on life’s unpleasant chores.
______  9.
I manage to find an excuse for not doing something.
______ 10.
I avoid doing those things that I expect to do poorly.
______ 11.
I put the necessary time into even boring tasks, like studying.
______ 12.
When I get tired of an unpleasant job, I stop.
______ 13.
I believe in “keeping my nose to the grindstone.”
______ 14.
When something’s not worth the trouble, I stop.
______ 15.
I believe that things I do not like doing should not exist.
______ 16.
I consider people who make me do unfair and difficult things to be rotten.
______ 17.
When it counts, I can manage to enjoy even studying.
______ 18.
I am an incurable time waster.
______ 19.
I feel that it’s my absolute right to have other people treat me fairly.
______ 20.
I believe that other people don’t have the right to give me deadlines.
______ 21.
Studying makes me feel entirely miserable.
______ 22.
I’m a time waster now but I can’t seem to do anything about it.
______ 23.
When something’s too tough to tackle, I believe in postponing it.
______ 24.
I promise myself I’ll do something and then drag my feet.
______ 25.
Whenever I make a plan of action, I follow it.
______ 26.
I wish I could find an easy way to get myself moving.
______ 27.
When I have trouble with a task, it’s usually my own fault.
______ 28.
Even though I hate myself if I don’t get started, it doesn’t get me going.
______ 29.
I always finish important jobs with time to spare.
______ 30.
When I’m done with my work, I check it over.
______ 31.
I look for a loophole or shortcut to get through a tough task.
______ 32.
I get stuck in neutral even though I know how important it is to get
______ 33. I never met a job I couldn’t “lick.”
______ 34. Putting something off until tomorrow is not the way I do it.
______ 35. I feel that work burns me out.

Note that the attitude topic or characteristic should not appear in the heading when
the scale is administered because an awareness of the topic may influence responses.
Items in bold type represent a short form of the scale.

Source: From Tuckman (1990b).

P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 2 5

procrastination, the scale provides a total score that reflects the degree of pro-
crastination. A person with a tendency to procrastinate would agree with the
positive indications and disagree with the negative ones, whereas a non-pro-
crastinator would respond in exactly the opposite manner.
The total pool of 35 items was then administered to a pilot group of Ss.
The responses they gave to each individual item were correlated (a statistical
procedure described in Chapter 12) with the total scores they obtained on the
whole scale. This item analysis procedure provides an indication of the degree
of agreement or overlap between each individual item and the total test, that
is, the extent to which each item measures what the total test measures. By
identifying items that best agree with the overall scale, the designer achieves
the greatest possible internal consistency. This procedure identified the 16 best
items, that is, those items showing the greatest amount of agreement with the
total score. (The choice to select 16 items was based on a determination that
those items showed high agreement with the total score and would make up a
scale that could be completed in a reasonably short time.)11
The same procedure used to develop the Tuckman Procrastination Scale was
used to develop the Likert scale shown in Figure 10.2, which measures students’
attitudes toward mathematics. In this case, the subtopics were (1) emotional
reaction to math, (2) competence in math, and (3) preference for math.

Semantic Differential

The semantic differential scale is an attitude-measuring tool developed by

Osgood, Suci, and Tannenbaum (1957). A sample semantic differential contain-
ing 30 bipolar adjective scales is shown in Figure 10.3. This technique enables
a researcher to measure judgments of the dimensions of a concept in a fairly
circumspect way.12 The respondent is instructed to rate the word or concept
highlighted at the top of the page (in the example: “MY TEACHER IS”) on
each of the bipolar adjective scales by marking one of the seven points.
A researcher may want to measure attitudes toward some concept on a
general, evaluative factor (rather than creating a new set of factors). He or she
could consult Osgood et al. (1957) to find a list of evaluative adjective pairs and
choose the number of them appropriate for the task at hand.
Judgments on the semantic differential are quantified on a 1-to-7 scale (as
described in Step I of the scoring procedure in Figure 10.4) with 7 representing

11. These 16 items are shown in bold type in the figure; they may replace the 35-item
complete scale if time limitations require an adjustment. These 16 items all measure the same
topic area, namely no tendency to delay or put off tasks, and their selection as a single, short
form of the scale was verified by a statistical procedure called factor analysis.
12. These dimensions are also identified by the statistical process known as factor analysis.
226 ■ CHAPTER 10

Math Attitude Scale. Each of the statements below expresses a feeling toward math-
ematics. Please indicate the extent of agreement between the feeling expressed in each
statement and your own personal feeling by circling one of the letter choices next to
each statement: SA = strongly agree, A = agree, U = undecided, D = disagree, or SD=
strongly disagree.

SA A U D SD 1. Trying to do well in math class is awfully hard.

SA A U D SD 2. It scares me to have to take math.
SA A U D SD 3. I find math to be very interesting.
SA A U D SD 4. Math makes me feel secure.
SA A U D SD 5. My mind goes blank and I can’t think when doing math.
SA A U D SD 6. Math is fascinating and fun.
SA A U D SD 7. Doing a math problem makes me nervous.
SA A U D SD 8. Studying math makes me feel uncomfortable and restless.
SA A U D SD 9. I look forward to going to math class.
SA A U D SD 10. Math makes me think I’m lost in a jungle of numbers and can’t get out.
SA A U D SD 11. Math is something I’m good at.
SA A U D SD 12. When I hear the word math, I have a sense of dislike.
SA A U D SD 13. I like studying math better than studying other subjects.
SA A U D SD 14. I can’t seem to do math very well.
SA A U D SD 15. I feel a definite positive reaction to math.
SA A U D SD 16. Studying math is a waste of time.
SA A U D SD 17. My mind is able to understand math.
SA A U D SD 18. I am happier in math class than in any other class.
SA A U D SD 19. Math is my most dreaded subject.
SA A U D SD 20. I seem to have a head for math.

FIGURE 10.2 Another Example of a Likert Scale

the most positive judgment. Adjective pairs are phrased in both directions to
minimize response bias.

Thurstone Scale

A Thurstone scale is a series of items ordered on a continuum from most posi-

tive to most negative. Items that appear to measure the quality of interest to a
researcher are administered to a sample of “judges,” who sort the items into 11
“piles” based on their judgments of the strength of positive or negative con-
notations. (Each pile carries a predetermined point value as follows: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.) After removing items whose placement varies extensively
between judges, a scale value is computed for those that remain by determining
the median point value of the judgments for each one. Thus, each item appears
on the scale at a point determined by its median value assigned by the ‘judges.”
The final scale includes items whose medians are spaced equally along the con-
tinuum. This procedure, as well as those for constructing the other types of
attitude scales, is described in more detail by Anderson (1981).
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 2 7

FIGURE 10.3 A Sample Semantic Differential

228 ■ CHAPTER 10

Person Observed _________________________   

Observer _________________________
Date ____________________

Tuckman Teacher Feedback Form Summary Sheet

A. Item Scoring Instructions

I. Each response choice on the answer sheet contains one of the numbers
This gives a number value to each of the seven spaces between the 30 pairs of
II. Determine the number value for the first pair, Disorganized–Organized. Write it
into the formula given below on the appropriate dash under Item I. For example,
if the student darkened in the first space next to “Organized” in Item I, then write
the number 7 on the dash under Item I in the summary formula below.
III. Do the same for each of the 30 items. Plug each value into the formula.
IV. Compute the score for each of the 5 dimensions in the Summary formula.

B. Summary Formula and Score for the Five Dimensions

I Organized Demeanor
Item Item Item Item Item Item Item
[(1 + 14 + 30) – (2 +4 + 16 + 25) + 25] ÷ .42
II Dynamism
Item Item Item Item Item Item
[(20 + 24 + 29) – (3 + 11 + 22) + 18] ÷ .36
III Flexibility
Item Item Item Item
[(15 +23) – (10 +21) +12] ÷ .24
IV Warmth and Acceptance
Item Item Item Item Item Item Item
[(13 + 19 + 27 + 28) – (8 + 12 + 18) + 17] ÷ .42
V. Creativity
Item Item Item Item Item Item
[(5 +7 + 17) – (6 +9 + 26) + 18] ÷ .36

FIGURE 10.4 Scoring Instructions for the Sample Semantic Differential Shown

in Figure 10.3

The final Thurstone scale presents the selected items in order of their scale
values, and respondents are instructed to check one or more with which they
agree. The scale or point values of those items (if subjects indicate more than
one) can then be averaged to obtain individual attitude scores. An illustration
of a Thurstone scale (actually five scales) appears in Figure 10.5.

■ Constructing an Observation Recording Device

Researchers rely on basically three devices for recording observations: rating

scales (or checklists), which summarize occurrences; coding systems, which
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 2 9

FIGURE 10.5 Five Thurstone Scales for Measuring Different Aspects of Mood

collect occurrence-by-occurrence accounts; and behavior sampling, which

selects some occurrences.

Rating Scales

A rating scale is a device used by an observer to summarize a judgment of

an observed activity or behavior. Such a scale may lay out 3, 5, 7, 9, 100, or
an infinite number of points on a line with descriptive statements on either
end, and perhaps in the middle, as well. (Scales of 3, 5, and 7 points are the
most common.) Following a selected period of time, an observer (often after
completing pretraining) records his or her impressions on the scale, provid-
ing a quantitative estimate of observed events. Some examples are shown in
Figure 10.6.
Figure 10.7 shows an example of an entire rating scale from Tuckman
(1985). To apply this scale, observers—in this case, non-teaching personnel—
worked independently and described teachers by filling out the 23 scale items.
This scale was designed to assess a teacher’s style on the directive-nondirective
dimension, based on the operational definition given near the end of Chapter 6.
230 ■ CHAPTER 10

FIGURE 10.6 Sample Rating Scales

When human beings act as measuring instruments by completing rating

scales, their perceptions are subject to many influences. One of these influences,
the halo effect, reflects observers’ tendency to rate people they like positively
on all scales, so the scales measure simply how positive a general perception
the observer has formed of the subjects. Any extremely strong relationship
between a series of somewhat unrelated scales should raise a researcher’s suspi-
cions that the ratings are subject to the halo effect.
Because a rating scale reflects the judgments of human recorders whose
perceptions are subject to influences, the scales themselves may reveal a num-
ber of inconsistencies or errors. Because these errors constitute threats to
internal validity due to instrumentation bias, a researcher must determine the
consistency or “accuracy” of such a rating procedure. Most accomplish this
goal by employing two (or more) raters, each of whom completes the same
scale, and then correlating the two ratings to obtain a coefficient of interrater
reliability. (See Chapter 12 for a description of correlation procedures.) A suf-
ficiently high correlation (arbitrarily, about 0.70 or better) usually indicates
that individual differences in rater perceptions are within tolerable limits, thus
reducing potential internal invalidity based on instrumentation.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 3 1

FIGURE 10.7 A Rating Scale to Measure Teacher Directiveness

Teacher Directiveness of Teacher-Student Interaction

Teacher directs. 123456789 Teacher uses structuring and


Teacher reacts with per- 123456789 Teacher reacts with performance

sonal criticism. feedback.

Teacher reacts on a com- 123456789 Teacher reacts on an individual

parative basis. basis.

Teacher imposes values. 123456789 Teacher espouses value


Teacher espouses private, 123456789 Teacher espouses cooperative

subjective values. values.

Teacher continually offers 123456789 Other than when engaged in

unsolicited remarks. group or individual instruction or
when giving feedback, teacher
makes few unsolicited remarks.

Teacher is cold and critical. 123456789 Teacher is warm and accepting.

Teacher is conventional 123456789 Teacher is original and creative.

and noncreative.

Teacher is passive. 123456789 Teacher is forceful and energetic.

Teacher is disorganized 123456789 Teacher is organized and alert.

and preoccupied.

Teacher maximizes barriers 123456789 Teacher minimizes barriers

between self and students. between self and students.

Teacher encourages stu- 123456789 Teacher discourages students

dents to revere her/him. from revering him/her.

One activity at a time is 123456789 A variety of activities occurs

pursued by all students. simultaneously.

Teacher does not monitor 123456789 Teacher uses a system for moni-
student progress. toring student progress.

Teacher does not encour- 123456789 Teacher encourages students to

age students to select their select activities within context.
own activities.

Teacher does not prespec- 123456789 Teacher prespecifies goals.

ify goals.

Teacher does not encour- 123456789 Teacher encourages students to

age students to organize organize their own work sched-
their own work schedules. ules in ways that are consistent
with goals.

232 ■ CHAPTER 10

FIGURE 10.7 Continued

Teacher limits activities 123456789 Teacher does not limit activi-

to those that have been ties to those that have been
predesignated. predesignated.

Teacher does not provide 123456789 Teacher provides vehicles

vehicles whereby students whereby students can evaluate
can evaluate themselves. themselves.

Teacher habitually uses 123456789 Teacher makes use of a variety of

one mode of imparting means for imparting information.

Students work on activities 123456789 A variety of student groupings

in a single class unit. occur simultaneously.

Space is used in an inflex- 123456789 Space is used in a flexible and

ible and single-purpose multipurpose manner.

Physical movement, talk- 123456789 Physical movement, talking, and

ing, and groupings by stu- grouping by students are allowed
dents are not allowed. and encouraged.

Source: From Tuckman (1985)

As a further recommendation, a researcher should incorporate the average

or mean of the two sets of rater judgments as data if rating scale results become
data for an actual study. This precaution helps to ensure that conclusions reflect
data more reliably than the independent ratings from either judge alone would
provide. Because the mean is more reliable than either judgment alone, research-
ers who calculate mean ratings across judges may choose to modify reliability
correlation coefficients using the Spearman-Brown correction formula presented
early in this chapter. Many studies draw input from two or more raters specifi-
cally to increase the reliability of the data they analyze. Moreover, a comparison
of the judgments made by the raters allows determination of interrater reliability
to measure the accuracy of the ratings.
Although rating scales offer an efficient and ubiquitous recording tech-
nique, their results are highly subject to human error. Consequently, analysis
must check for error by the humans who apply such a scale, and this error must
be reported, thus helping both the researcher and the reader assess the threat
that instrumentation poses to the validity of a study.
A variation of the rating scale is an observer checklist, which simply pres-
ents a series of statements (such as might appear on a rating scale). An observer
indicates which of two statements more accurately describes observed behav-
ior. The checklist is a series of 2-point rating scales, where a check means that
the named activity occurred, and no check means that it did not occur. A
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 3 3

checklist limits an observer to describing what has or has not transpired (pres-
ence or absence of an event) rather than indicating the degree of the behaviors
in question (as a rating scale would allow).

Coding Systems

A coding system offers a means for recording the occurrence of specific, prese-
lected behaviors as they happen. Essentially, it specifies a set of categories into
which an observer classifies ongoing behaviors. Like rating procedures, coding
techniques attempt to quantify behavior. If a researcher wants to determine the
effect of class size on the number of question-asking behaviors in a class, such
a system would code question-asking behavior during a designated block of
time in large and small classes in order to establish a measure of this behavior
as a dependent variable.
Rating and coding schemes convert behavior into measures. Rating scales
are completed in retrospect and represent observers’ memories of overall activ-
ities; coding scales are completed as coders observe (or hear) the behavior. A
coding system records the frequency of specific (usually individual) acts pre-
designated for researcher attention, whereas rating scales summarize the occur-
rence of types of behavior in a more global fashion.
Researchers employ two kinds of coding systems. Sign coding establishes
a set of behavioral categories; each time an observer detects one of these prese-
lected, codeable behaviors, he or she codes the event in the appropriate category.
For example, if a coding system included “suggesting” as a codeable act,
the coder would code an event every time a subject made a suggestion.
An example of such a sign coding system for teacher behavior appears
in Figure 10.8. The scheme lists 37 behaviors. Whenever a trained observer
encounters one of these 37 behaviors, she or he records the occurrence by cat-
egory. The behavior would be coded again only when it occurred again.
The second kind of coding, time coding, involves observer identification of
all preselected behavior categories that occur during a given time period, such
as 5 seconds. An act that occurs once but continues through a number of time
periods is coded anew for each time period, rather than only once as in a sign
coding system.
Compared with rating as a means of quantifying observations, coding has
both advantages and disadvantages. On the negative side, it exposes a study to
difficulties training coders and establishing intercoder reliability; coders must
complete a difficult and time-consuming process to carry out coding activi-
ties (often based on tape recordings, which introduce other difficulties); at the
completion of coding, a researcher may have little data besides a set of category
tallies. However, on the positive side, data yielded from coding approaches
234 ■ CHAPTER 10

FIGURE 10.8 A Sample Instrument for Coding Teacher Performance

Domain Effective Indicators Freq Freq Ineffective Indicators

 1. Begins instructions Delays


 2. Handles materials in an Does not handle mate-

orderly manner rial systematically

 3. Orients students to Allows talk/activity

class work/maintains unrelated to subject
academic focus

 4. Conducts beginning/

ending review
tion and  5. Questions Asks Poses multiple questions
Develop- academic single asked as one
ment of compre- factual
Instruction hension/
Requires Poses nonacademic
analysis/ questions/procedural
reasons questions

 6. Recognizes response/ Ignores students or

amplifies/ gives cor- response/expresses sar-
rect feedback casm, disgust, harshness

 7. Gives specific aca- Uses general, nonspe-

demic praise cific praise

 8. Provides for practice Extends discourse,

changes topic/no

 9. Gives directions/ Gives inadequate direc-

assigns/checks com- tions/no homework/no
prehension of assign- feedback
ments/gives feedback

10. Circulates and assists Remains at desk/circles

students inadequately

11. Treats attri- Gives definition or exam-

butes/examples/ ples only

12. Discuss cause-effect/ Discusses either cause

uses linking words/ or effect only/uses no
tion of
applies law or principle linking words
Matter 13. States and applies aca- Does not state or apply
demic rule academic rule

14. Develops criteria/ States value judgment

evidence re: value with no criteria/evidence
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 3 5

15. Emphasizes important


16. Expresses enthusiasm/

Verbal and
challenges students
Communi- 17. Uses vague/scrambled
cation discourse

18. Uses grating/monotone/

inaudible talk

19. Uses body behavior Frowns/deadpan/

that shows interest/ lethargic
smiles/ gestures

20. Stops misconduct Doesn’t stop

Manage- misconduct/
ment of desists punitively
21. Maintains instructional Loses momentum/
momentum fragments/overdwells

Source: Adapted from Tuckman (1985)

more closely than that from other methods to what physical scientists call
“hard data.” Coding techniques may generate somewhat more objective pic-
tures of true events than do rating-scale techniques.
Considering both sides of the issue, researchers may prefer to avoid cod-
ing in favor of rating unless well-developed coding systems are available, and
unless they can call on the resources required to hire and train coders who will
listen to lengthy tape recordings.

Behavior Sampling

In behavior sampling, actual behavior samples are collected by systematic

observation. This technique requires a much lower level of concentration from
an observer than that necessary for coding, and it demands much less exten-
sive inference than rating methods require. An example of behavior sampling
can illustrate its application to classroom research: A researcher develops a
sampling plan that specifies the number, duration, and timing of samples or
observations. He or she randomly selects a number of students (between four
and six) from the class roster before each observation session. In any given ses-
sion, the observer records a specific aspect of the behavior of each student on
an appropriate form. A sample form to record the behaviors from Tuckman
(1985) appears in Figure 10.9.
236 ■ CHAPTER 10

FIGURE 10.9 Instruction Activities Behavior Sampling Form

Child Observed
1 2 3 4 5 6
Listening to teacher
Listening to peer
Reading assigned
Reading for pleasure
Writing on pro-
grammed materials
Writing in a workbook
or worksheet
Writing creatively
(or on a report)
Writing a test
Talking (re: work)
to teacher
Talking (re: work)
to peer
Talking (socially)
to teacher
Talking (socially)
to peer
Drawing, painting,
or coloring
Constructing, experi-
menting, manipulating
Utilizing or attending
to AV equipment
Presenting a play or
report to a group
Presenting a play or
report individually
Playing or taking a
Distributing, monitor-
ing, or in class routine
Disturbing, bothering,
Waiting, daydreaming,

The user checks the box that indicates what each child being observed is doing
Source: Adapted from Tuckman (1985)
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 3 7

Over the period of time that the observations are made (for example,
three 5-minute observations a day, every day for a week), the series of
entries recorded should show a pattern across and within classrooms. Even
though the pattern for each classroom will be unique in some ways, data
may reveal an overall trend across all of the classrooms for a given condition
or treatment.
Techniques for behavior sampling are described in more detail by Tuck-
man (1985). The relationship between behavior sampling, coding, and rating
procedures is illustrated by a chart:

Coding Behavior Sampling Rating

Microscopic Macroscopic
Molecular Compound
Concentrated Diffuse
Exact Impressionistic
Disconnected Inseparable

■ Summary

1. Test reliability refers to a test’s consistency. Unreliability creates instru-

mentation bias.
2. Researchers can establish reliability in four ways: (1) a test-retest proce-
dure, in which they give the same test twice to the same sample of people
and compare the results; (2) an alternate-form procedure, in which they
prepare two forms of the test, giving both to the same people and compar-
ing the results; (3) a split-half method, in which they compare the results
on an instrument’s odd-numbered items to those on its even-numbered
items, eventually correcting the result to cover the whole test; (4) a Kuder-
Richardson method, in which they apply the formula:

3. Test validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what it purports
to measure. Invalidity creates instrumentation bias.
4. Researchers can establish validity in four ways: (1) predictive validity,
established by comparing test scores to an actual performance that the test
is supposed to predict; (2) concurrent validity, established by comparing
test scores to scores on another test intended to measure the same char-
acteristic; (3) construct validity, established by comparing test scores to
a behavior to which it bears some hypothesized relationship; (4) content
238 ■ CHAPTER 10

validity, established by comparing test content to the specifications of what

the test is intended to cover.
5. Researchers rely on four types of measurement scales: (1) nominal scale,
which represents scores as classification categories or “names” into
which they are classified; (2) ordinal scale, which represents scores as
rank orders; (3) interval scale, which represents scores as units of equal-
appearing magnitude; (4) ratio scale, which represents scores as units of
equal magnitude beginning at a true zero point. Scores can be converted
from a higher-order scale (e.g., a ratio scale) to any lower order one (e.g.,
a nominal scale).
6. Test performances can be described in relative terms using norms, which
detail the distribution of scores achieved by a representative sample. An
ordinal score of relative standing is called a percentile. A score expressed in
terms of standard deviation units is a standard score.
7. Commercially available tests for which researchers can obtain norms are
called norm-referenced or standardized tests. They can be located by list-
ings in the Mental Measurement Yearbook, which includes achievement
and aptitude-type tests as well as character and personality type tests.
8. A paper-and-pencil performance test should be constructed from a con-
tent outline; once developed, it should undergo pilot testing and item
analysis to determine whether items display satisfactory difficulty and
9. Three types of scales can be developed to quantify responses on a spe-
cific variable, such as an attitude toward a particular topic: (1) A Likert
scale is a 5-point scale of equal-appearing intervals that covers specific
subtopics within a topic, incorporating both positively and negatively
phrased items. (2) A semantic differential is a 7-point bipolar adjective
scale with alternating positive and negative poles that covers specific
dimensions of the topic. (3) A Thurstone scale is a series of statements
scaled from most positive to most negative based on the responses of a
sample of “judges.”
10. Three types of systems can be constructed to record observations of behav-
ior. (1) A rating scale sets up an equal-appearing interval scale on which
observers record their judgments. (2) A coding system defines a set of pre-
determined categories into which observations are categorized, based on
individual occurrences (sign coding) or occurrences during a given time
period (time coding). (3) Behavior sampling is a system of observing ran-
domly preselected subjects and classifying their behavior using a category
coding system. All three systems require that researchers establish interob-
server reliability.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 3 9

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Match up the items on the left with those on the right:

a. Test-retest reliability 1. Odd versus even items across test
b. Alternate-form reliability takers
c. Split-half reliability 2. Scores at Time A versus scores at
d Kuder-Richardson Time B
reliability 3. Direct comparison of item scores
by formula
4. Scores on Form A versus scores on
Form B
2. Describe procedures for determining test-retest reliability as compared to
split-half reliability.
3. Match up the items on the left with those on the right:
a. Predictive validity 1. Test adequately samples from the
b. Concurrent validity total range of relevant behaviors
c. Construct validity 2. Test of concept correlates with a
d. Content validity hypothetically related behavior
3. Test correlates with behavior it is
presumed to predict
4. Test correlates with another test of
the same thing
4. Describe procedures for determining the concurrent validity of an IQ test
as contrasted to its construct validity.
5. Match up the items on the left with those on the right:
a. Nominal scale 1. More apples, fewer apples
b. Ordinal scale 2. Two apples, three apples
c. Interval scale 3. Apples and oranges
6. Match up the items on the left with those on the right:
a. Percentile score 1. Deviation score from the mean
b. Standard score 2. Number of scores that a particular
c. Norms one exceeds
d. Norm referencing 3. Set of relative scores
e. Criterion referencing 4. Absolute interpretation
5. Relative interpretation
7. Go to the library and find the most recent Mental Measurements Yearbook
available. Identify each of the following details for the “Pictorial Test of
Bilingualism and Language Dominance”:
a. Test number
b. Page number(s)
240 ■ CHAPTER 10

c. Author(s)
d. Publisher
e. Time to complete the full test
f. Age range
g. Number of scores
h. Number of forms
i. Cost for the complete kit
j. Date of publication
8. Recent Mental Measurements Yearbooks include tests of sex knowledge.
Which of these tests would you use if you were doing a high school study
of sex knowledge? Why?
9. Consider the following test scores of six people on a four-item test
( ✓ = right, X = wrong):

strongly agree agree undecided disagree strongly disagree

1 2 3 4 5

Item 1 ✓ X X ✓ X
Item 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Item 3 X X ✓ ✓ ✓
Item 4 ✓ X X ✓ X

Calculate the indexes of difficulty and discrimination for each item. Which
item would you eliminate? (Do your calculations on only the two highest
and two lowest scorers on the total test; eliminate the middle two scorers.)
10. In constructing a paper-and-pencil performance test, a researcher com-
pletes the following steps. List them in their proper order.
a. Perform an item analysis.
b. Eliminate poor items.
c. Develop a content outline.
d. Collect pilot data.
e. Establish content validity.
f. Write test items.
11. To test the items on a Likert-type attitude scale, the items are administered
to a pilot group and then correlations are run between _____________.
12. The semantic differential, when used in a general way, measures the factor
of _____________.
13. Two raters evaluating the same set of behaviors obtained an interra-
ter reliability of 0.88. This can be converted to a corrected reliability of
_____________ by averaging their judgments.
P R O C E D U R E S F O R O B S E R VAT I O N A N D M E A S U R E M E N T ■ 2 4 1

■ Recommended References
Conoley, J. C., & Impara, J. C. (Eds.). (1995). The twelfth mental measurements year-
book. Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.
Oosterhof, A. (1994). Classroom applications of educational measurement (2nd ed.).
New York, NY: Macmillan.
Oosterhof, A. (1996). Developing and using classroom assessments. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Wittrock, M. C., & Baker, E. L. (Eds.). (1991). Testing and cognition. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Constructing and Using

Questionnaires, Interview Schedules,
and Survey Research


• Identify the purpose of survey research.

• Explain how a target population is identified and an appropriate
sample is selected.
• Describe how questionnaires and interviews are used to collect data.
• Describe the method for coding and analyzing survey data.
• Describe the methodology for following-up with survey research

Dr. Candace Flynn looked sadly around the near-empty auditorium. As the
head of the student government council, she was responsible for the plan-
ning of a number of extracurricular activities for undergraduate students.
This particular event, an alumni guest speaker, was poorly attended, as were
all of the events scheduled thus far.
“I just don’t’ get it,” Dr. Flynn commented to a colleague who had taken
the time to stop by, “I thought more students would be interested.”
“It’s tough to get them to come out,” Dr. McLaughlin replied.
“I’m obviously out of touch with what our students want to see and
do,” Dr. Flynn continued, “Perhaps I need to find out more about how they
spend their time on campus.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” answered Dr. McLaughlin. “Let me know if
I can do anything to help.”

■ 243
244 ■ CHAPTER 11

■ What Is Survey Research?

Survey research is a useful tool when researchers wish to solicit the beliefs
and opinions of large groups of people. Data collection involves introduc-
ing a number of related questions to a target population in order to find
out how a group feels about an issue or event. Our fictional Dr. Flynn,
who is concerned about poor student attendance to her scheduled events,
would benefit from creating and administering a survey, one that asks stu-
dents about the types of events they would be likely to attend and enjoy.
This example illustrates a major reason why survey research is conducted:
to describe the beliefs of a population. Obviously, it would be impossible to
gather responses of every member of a population—survey research instead
asks questions of a representative subsample. Through careful selection pro-
cedures put in place to assure that the group reflects the key demograph-
ics of the overall population of interest, researchers who conduct survey
research hope to infer the beliefs of the larger group from the representative
responses of this sample. In this chapter, we will examine the key steps in
conducting survey research, including identifying procedures for creating
and administering research instruments, identifying the target population
and selecting an appropriate sample, coding and scoring data, and following
up with respondents.

■ What Do Questionnaires and Interviews Measure?

Questionnaires and interviews help researchers to convert into data the infor-
mation they receive directly from people (research subjects). By providing
access to what is “inside a person’s head,” these approaches allow investigators
to measure what someone knows (knowledge or information), what someone
likes and dislikes (values and preferences), and what someone thinks (attitudes
and beliefs). Questionnaires and interviews also provide tools for discovering
what experiences have taken place in a person’s life (biography) and what is
occurring at the present. This information can be transformed into quantitative
data by using the attitude or rating scales described in the previous chapter or
by counting the number of respondents who give a particular response, which
generates frequency data.
Questionnaires and interviews provide methods of gathering data about
people by asking them rather than by observing and sampling their behav-
ior. However, the self-report approach incorporated in questionnaires and
interviews does present certain problems: (1) Respondents must cooperate to
complete a questionnaire or interview. (2) They must tell what is rather than
what they think ought to be or what they think the researcher would like to
hear. (3) They must know what they feel and think in order to report it. In

practice, these techniques measure not what people believe but what they say
they believe, not what they like but what they say they like.
In preparing questionnaires and interviews, researchers should exercise
caution. They must constantly consider:

• To what extent might a question influence respondents to show themselves

in a good light?
• To what extent might a question influence respondents to attempt to antic-
ipate what researchers want to hear or learn?
• To what extent might a question ask for information about respondents
that they may not know about themselves?

The validity of questionnaire and interview items is limited by all three of

these considerations. However, certain information can be obtained only by
asking. Even when an alternative is available, simply asking subjects to respond
may be (and often is) the most efficient one. Thus, the advantages and disad-
vantages of a questionnaire or interview as a source of data must be considered
in each specific case before a decision can be made to use it or not to use it.

■ Question Formats: How to Ask the Questions

Certain forms of questions and certain response modes are commonly used in
questionnaires and interviews. This section deals with question formats and the
following section addresses response modes.

Direct Versus Indirect Questions

The difference between direct and indirect questions lies in how obviously the
questions solicit specific information. A direct question, for instance, might
ask someone whether or not she likes her job. An indirect question might ask
what she thinks of her job or selected aspects of it, supporting the research-
er’s attempt to build inferences from patterns of responses. By asking ques-
tions without obvious purposes, the indirect approach is the more likely of
the two to engender frank and open responses. It may take a greater number
of questions to collect information relevant to a single point, though. (Specific
administrative procedures may help a researcher to engender frank responses
to direct questions, as described later in the chapter.)

Specific Versus Nonspecific Questions

A set of specific questions focuses on a particular object, person, or idea about

which a researcher desires input regarding an attitude, belief, or concept;
246 ■ CHAPTER 11

nonspecific questions probe more general areas. For example, an interviewer

can ask a factory worker (specifically) how he likes operating a lathe or (non-
specifically) how he likes operating machinery or working at manual tasks.
An interviewer can ask a student (specifically) how much she likes a particular
teacher versus (nonspecifically) how satisfied she feels with a particular class
taught by the teacher. Specific questions, like direct ones, may cause respon-
dents to become cautious or guarded and to give less-than-honest answers.
Nonspecific questions may lead circuitously to the desired information while
provoking less alarm by the respondent.

Questions of Fact Versus Opinion

An interviewer may also choose between questions that ask respondents to

provide facts and those that request opinions. A factual question might ask
a respondent the type of car he or she owns or to specify marital status. An
opinion question might ask about preference for Ford or Chevrolet models or
reasons why (or why not) a respondent thinks that marriage contributes to a
meaningful relationship between a man and a woman. Because the respondent
may have a faulty memory or a conscious desire to create a particular impres-
sion, factual questions do not always elicit factual answers. Nor do opinion
questions necessarily elicit honest opinions, because they are subject to distor-
tions based on social desirability; that is, respondents may reply in ways that
show themselves in the most socially acceptable light. With both fact and opin-
ion questions, questionnaires and interviews may be structured and adminis-
tered to minimize these sources of bias.

Questions Versus Statements

To gather input on many topics, an interviewer can either ask a respondent a

direct question or provide a statement and ask for a response. To a question, a
respondent provides an appropriate answer. For a statement, the respondent
indicates whether he or she agrees or disagrees (or whether the statement is
true or false). Applied in this manner, statements offer an alternative to ques-
tions as a way of obtaining information. In fact, attitude measurement instru-
ments more commonly present statements than ask questions. Consider an

• Do you think that the school day should be lengthened? YES ˜˜˜˜ NO


• The school day should be shortened. AGREE ˜˜˜˜ DISAGREE


These two formats are indistinguishable in their potential for eliciting honest
responses. Usually, researchers choose between them on the basis of response
mode, as discussed in the next section.

Predetermined Versus Response-Keyed Questions

Some questionnaires predetermine the number of questions to be answered;

they require respondents to complete all items. Others are designed so that sub-
sequent questions may or may not call for answers, depending upon responses
to keyed questions. For example, a keyed item may ask a respondent if he is a
college graduate. If the response is no, the respondent is instructed to skip the
next question. The decision whether or not to answer the question is keyed to
the response to the previous question.
Consider another example of response keying. An interviewer asks a
school superintendent if her district is using a nationally known curriculum.
Two possible questions are keyed to the response. If the superintendent says
that the district is using the curriculum, the next question asks about its effec-
tiveness; if the superintendent says the district is not using the curriculum, the
next question asks why.

■ Response Modes: How to Answer the Questions

Besides asking questions in a variety of ways, responses can take a multiplicity

of forms or modes. This section reviews a number of different response modes.

Unstructured Responses

An unstructured response, perhaps more commonly referred to by the term open-

ended question (although the response, not the question, is open-ended), allows
the subject to give a response in whatever form he or she chooses. Open-ended
and non-open-ended questions may target identical information. The difference
between an unstructured (open-ended) question and a structured one centers
on the type of response that the respondent is allowed to make. For instance, a
question might ask if a respondent thinks that schools should not grade assigned
work; if the respondent says yes, another question asks why he thinks so. The
resulting unstructured response might take several minutes and include a series
of arguments, facts, ramblings, and so on. A structured response format would
offer, say, five reasons and ask the respondent to choose one.
Here are some examples of questions in the unstructured response mode

• Why do you think you didn’t try harder in high school?

• What led you to go to college?
• Describe your feelings as you think of your mother.
248 ■ CHAPTER 11

Items II and IV in Figure 11.1 provide additional examples of questions in the

unstructured response mode.
Thus, the unstructured response mode is a responsive form over which
the researcher attempts to exert little control other than by asking questions
and limiting the amount of space (or time) provided for the answers. Once
an unstructured question is asked, the response may be stated in the way the
respondent chooses. Allowing the respondent such control over the response
ensures that the respondent will give his or her own answers rather than simply
agreeing with one provided by the researcher.
However, the unstructured mode does raise problems in quantification of
data and ease of scoring (discussed in detail in the last section of the chapter,
which covers coding and scoring procedures). In contrast, more structured
response modes simplify quantification.

Fill-In Response

The fill-in response mode can be considered a transitional mode between

unstructured and structured forms. Although it requires the subject to gen-
erate rather than choose a response, it typically limits the range of possible
responses by limiting the answer to a single word or phrase. Consider the fol-
lowing examples:

• What is your father’s occupation?

• In what school did you do your undergraduate work?
• Looking at the above picture, what word best describes the way it makes
you feel?

Note that the unstructured response mode differs from the structured, fill-
in mode in degree. The fill-in mode restricts respondents to a single word or
phrase, usually in a request to report factual information (although the third
example elicits a response beyond facts). The very wording of such a question
restricts the number of possible responses the respondent can make and the
number of words that can be used.

Tabular Response

The tabular response mode resembles the fill-in mode, although it imposes
somewhat more structure because respondents must fit their responses into a
table. Here is an example (figure 11.1):

FIGURE 11.1 A Sample Questionnaire

Would be a
serious con-
Might stop me sideration but
Would stop from making wouldn’t stop Wouldn’t mat-
me change me ter at all

Endanger your

Leave your
family for
some time

Move around
the country
a lot

Leave your

Leave your

Give up leisure

Keep quiet
about political

Learn a new

Work harder
than you are

Take on more

I. Suppose you were offered an opportunity to make a substantial advance in a job

or occupation. Place a check opposite each item in the following list to show how
important it would be in stopping you from making each advance.

II. Looking at your present situation, what do you expect to be doing 5 years from

III. What are your chances of reaching this goal?

____ excellent ____ good ____ fair ____ poor ____ very poor

IV. What would you like to be doing 5 years from now?


V. What are your chances of reaching this goal?

____ excellent ____ good ____ fair ____ poor ____ very poor
250 ■ CHAPTER 11

Typically, a tabular response requires numbers, words, or phrases (often

factual information of a personal nature), but it may also allow respondents to
reflect their degree of endorsement or agreement along some scale, as shown in
Item I in Figure 11.1. (This use of the tabular mode is described in more detail
in the following section on scaled response).
A table is a convenient way of organizing a complex response, that is, a
response that includes a variety of information rather than a single element.
However, it is otherwise not a distinct response mode. The tabular form orga-
nized either fill-in responses (as in the example) or scaled responses (as in
Item I, Figure 11.1).

Scaled Response

A commonly used structured response mode establishes a scale (a series of gra-

dations) on which respondents express endorsement or rejection of an attitude
statement or describe some aspect of themselves. Item I in Figure 11.1 (which
uses the tabular form of organization) illustrates the scaled response mode.
Note that the question asks the respondent to consider each potential obstacle
to job advancement and indicate on the scale the effect of that concern on his
or her acceptance of a new job:

Specify Type
Next Previous of Work Name of
Job Title Performed Employer Annual Salary From To

would might serious consideration would not

stop me stop me but would not stop me matter

This example illustrates a four-point scale of degree of influence, from total

influence at the left to no influence at the right.
Consider also Items III and V in Figure 11.1. Identical in wording but refer-
ring to different goals, they ask the respondent to assess his or her likelihood of
reaching a goal, using the following five-point scale:

excellent good fair poor very poor


By choosing one of these five categories, the respondent indicates the

degree to which he or she sees goal attainment as a likely prospect.
The Career Awareness Scale is an example of a questionnaire that uses
a scale to indicate frequency. (See Figure 11.2.) The instrument presents a
descriptive statement about career-seeking behavior to a respondent, a high
school student, and asks for an indication of the frequency with which this
behavior occurs, using the following four-point scale:

always often seldom never

occurs (A) occurs (O) occurs (S) occurs (N)

The scale is used primarily to assess whether a high school student has
engaged in behaviors intended to learn about careers.
All scaled responses measure degree or frequency of agreement or occur-
rence (although a variety of response words may indicate these quantities).
They all assume that a response on a scale is a quantitative measure of judgment
or feeling. (Recall that Chapter 10 discussed priorities for constructing such
a scale.) Unlike an unstructured response, which requires coding to generate
useful data, a structured, scaled response collects data directly in a usable and
analyzable form. Moreover, in some research situations, scaled responses can
yield interval data.1
For example, the difference in frequency between N and S on the Career
Awareness Scale would be considered equivalent to the differences between
S and O and between O and A. Provided other requirements are met, such
interval data can be analyzed using powerful parametric statistical tests. (These
statistical procedures are described in Chapter 12.)

Ranking Response

If a researcher presents a series of statements and asks the respondent to rank-

order them in terms of a particular criterion, the question will generate ordi-
nally arranged results. Consider an example (figure 11.2):

• Rank the following activities in terms of their usefulness to you as you

learn how to write behavioral objectives. (Assign the numbers 1 through 5,

1. See the early part of Chapter 8 for a discussion of the types of measurement scales.
252 ■ CHAPTER 11

FIGURE 11.2 A Frequency Questionnaire: The Career Awareness Scale

Instructions: All of the questions below are about what you actually do. If you “Always”
do what the statement says, circle the 1 for A. If you “Often” do what the statement
says, circle the 2 for O. If you “Seldom” do what the statement says, circle the 3 for S. If
you “Never” do what the statement says, circle the 4 for N.

There are no right or wrong answers for these questions. We are interested only in what
you actually do.

 1. I think about what I will do when I finish

school. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 2. I read occupational information. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 3. I visit my guidance counselor to talk about my

future. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 4. I attend “career days” held in school. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 5. I think about what it will take to be successful

in my occupation. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 6. I talk to workers to learn about their jobs. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 7. Before I go on a field trip, I read whatever

information is available about the place I am
going to visit. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 8. I look at the “Want Ads” in order to find out

about jobs. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

 9. I visit factories, offices, and other places of

work to learn about different kinds of jobs. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

10. I take advantage of opportunities to do differ-

ent things so that I’ll learn about my strengths
and weaknesses. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

11. I keep myself prepared for immediate employ-

ment should the necessity arise. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

12. I talk with my parents about my choice of

career. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

13. I work at different kinds of part-time jobs. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

14. When the school gives an interest or career

aptitude test, I take it seriously. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

15. I consider my own values, my own abilities,

and the needs of the job market when I plan
my career. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

For example, the difference in frequency between N and S on the Career Awareness
Scale would be considered equivalent to the differences between S and O and between
O and A. Provided other requirements are met, such interval data can be analyzed
using powerful parametric statistical tests. (These statistical procedures are described
in Chapter 12.)

with 5 indicating the most useful activity and 1 indicating the least useful
one. If any activity gave you no help at all, indicate this by a 0.)
___ Initial presentation by consultants
___ Initial small-group activity
___ Weekly faculty sessions
___ Mailed instructions and examples of behavioral objectives
___ Individual sessions with consultant

Ranking forces respondents to choose between alternatives. If respondents

were asked to rate (that is, scale) each alternative or to accept or reject each one,
they could assign them all equal value. A request for a ranking response forces
them to give critical estimates of the values of the alternatives.
Typically, ranked data are analyzed by summing the ranks that subjects
assign to each response, giving an overall or group rank order of alternatives.
Such an overall ranking generated by one group (for example, teachers) can be
compared to that generated by a second group (for example, administrators)
using nonparametric statistical techniques. (See Chapter 12.)

Checklist Response

A respondent replies to a checklist item by selecting one of the possible choices

offered. This form of response does not, however, represent a scale, because
the answers do not represent points on a continuum; rather they are nominal
categories. Consider two examples:

• The kind of job that I would most prefer would be (check one):
___ (1) A job where I am almost always certain of my ability to perform
___ (2) A job where I am usually pressed to the limit of my abilities.
• I get most of my professional and intellectual stimulation from (check one
of the following blanks):
___ A. Teachers in the system
___ B. Principal
___ C. Superintendent
___ D. Other professional personnel in the system
___ E. Other professional personnel elsewhere
___ F. Periodicals, books, and other publications

Respondents often find the nominal judgments required by a checklist

easier to make than scalar judgments, and they take less time to give such
254 ■ CHAPTER 11

responses. At the same time, those responses yield less information for the
researcher. Nominal data are usually analyzed by means of the chi-square sta-
tistical analysis (described in Chapter 12).

Categorical Response

The categorical response mode, similar to the checklist but simpler, offers a
respondent only two possibilities for each item. (In practice, checklist items
also usually offer only two responses: check or no check on each of a series
of choices, but they may offer more possibilities.) However, the checklist
evokes more complex responses, since the choices cannot be considered inde-
pendently, as can categorical responses. Also, after checking a response, the
remaining choices in the list leave no further option.
A yes-no dichotomy is often used in the categorical response mode:

• Are you a veteran? Yes____ No____

Attitude-related items may give true-false alternatives:

• Guidance counseling does not begin early enough. True____ False____

Analysis can render true-false data into interval form by using the number
of true responses (or the number of responses indicating a favorable attitude)
as the respondent’s score. The cumulative number of true responses by an indi-
vidual S on a questionnaire then becomes an indication of the degree (or fre-
quency) of agreement by that S—an interval measure. Counting the number of
Ss who indicate agreement on a single item provides a nominal measure. (See
the section on coding and scoring at the end of this chapter to see how to score
this and the other types of response modes.)

■ Constructing a Questionnaire or Interview Schedule

How do you construct a questionnaire or interview schedule? What ques-

tions should you ask and in what formats? What response modes should you
employ? To answer, begin by asking, “What am I trying to find out?”

Specifying the Variables to Measure

The questions you should ask on a questionnaire or in an interview reflect the

information you are trying to find, that is, your hypotheses or research ques-
tions. To determine what to measure, you need only write down the names of

all the variables you are studying. One study might attempt to relate source
of occupational training (that is, high school, junior college, or on-the-job
instruction) to degree of geographic mobility; it would have to measure where
respondents were trained for their jobs and the places where they have lived.
A study might compare 8th graders and 12th graders to determine how favor-
ably they perceive the high school climate; it would have to ask respondents
to indicate their grade levels (8th or 12th) and to react to statements about the
high school climate in a way that indicates whether they see it as favorable or
not. A study concerned with the relative incomes of academic and vocational
high school graduates 5 years after graduation would have to ask respondents
to indicate whether they focused on academic or vocational subjects in high
school and how much money they were presently earning.
Thus, the first step in constructing questionnaire or interview questions is
to specify your variables by name. Your variables designate what you are trying
to measure. They tell you where to begin.

Choosing the Question Format

The first decision you must make about question format is whether to pres-
ent items in a written questionnaire or an oral interview. Because it is a more
convenient and economical choice, the questionnaire is more commonly used,
although it does limit the kinds of questions that can be asked and the kinds
of answers that can be obtained. A questionnaire may present difficulties in
obtaining personally sensitive and revealing information. Also, it may not
yield useful answers to indirect, nonspecific questions. Further, preparation
of a questionnaire must derail all questions in advance. Despite the possibility
of including some limited response-keyed questions, you must ask all respon-
dents the same questions. Interviews offer the best possibilities for gathering
meaningful data from response-keyed questions.
Table 11.1 summarizes the relative merits of interviews and questionnaires.
Ordinarily, a researcher opts for the additional cost and unreliability of inter-
viewing only when the study addresses sensitive subjects and/or when person-
alized questioning is desired. (Interviews are subject to unreliability, because
the researcher must depend on interviewers to elicit and record the responses
and often to code them, as well.) In general, when a researcher chooses to use
the unstructured response mode, interviewing tends to be the better choice
because people find it easier to talk than write; consequently, interviews gener-
ate more information of this type.
The choice of question format depends on whether you are attempting to
measure facts, attitudes, preferences, and so on. In constructing a question-
naire, use direct, specific, clearly worded questions, and keep response keying
256 ■ CHAPTER 11

TABLE 11.1 Summary of the Relative Merits of Interviews Versus Questionnaires

Consideration Interview Questionnaire

Personnel needed to collect Interviewers Clerks
Major expense categories Payments to interviewers Postage and printing
Opportunities for response Extensive Limited
keying (personalization)
Opportunities for asking Extensive Limited
Opportunities for probing Possible Difficult
(following leads)
Relative magnitude of data Great (because of coding) Mainly limited to rostering
Number of respondents Limited Extensive
Rate of return Good Poor
Sources of error Interviewer, instrument, Limited to instrument and
coding, sample sample
Overall reliability Quite limited Fair
Emphasis on writing skill Limited Extensive

to a minimum. In constructing an interview schedule, you may sacrifice speci-

ficity for depth and use indirect, subtle probes to work into an area of ques-
tioning. Response-keyed questions—those whose answers guide the choices of
subsequent questions, if any, to ask—are also recommended as a labor-saving

Choosing the Response Mode

No specific rules govern selection of response modes. In some cases, the kind
of information you seek will determine the most suitable response mode,
but often you must choose between equally acceptable forms. You can, for
instance, provide respondents with a blank space and ask them to fill in their
ages, or you can present a series of age groupings (for example, 20–29, 30–39,
and so on) and ask them to check the one that fits them.
The choice of response mode should be based on the manner in which
the data will be treated; unfortunately, however, researchers do not always
make this decision before collecting data. It is recommended that data analy-
sis decisions be made in conjunction with the selection of response modes.
In this way, the researcher (1) gains assurance that the data will serve the
intended purposes and (2) can begin to construct data rosters and to prepare
for the analyses. (See Chapter 12.) If analytical procedures will group age data
into ranges to provide nominal data for a chi-square statistical analysis, the
researcher would want to design the appropriate questionnaire item to collect
these data in grouped form.

Scaled responses lend themselves most readily to parametric statistical

analysis, because they often can be considered interval data. Ranking proce-
dures may provide less information, because they generate ordinal data. Fill-in
and checklist responses usually provide nominal data, suitable, unless other-
wise coded, for chi-square analysis. Thus, the ultimate criterion in choosing a
response mode is the nature of your variables and your intentions for statisti-
cally testing your hypotheses. If the statistical tests for data analysis are not
determined in advance, the best rule of thumb is to use the scaled response
mode, because the interval data so collected can always be transformed into
ordinal or nominal data. (See Chapter 12.)
Certain other practical considerations also influence the choice of response
modes. Respondents may need more time to provide scaled responses than
they would take to give true-false responses (and the researcher may spend
more time scoring scaled responses). If your questionnaire is already lengthy,
you may prefer the true-false response mode for additional questions in order
to limit the burden upon the respondent. Fill-ins offer the advantage of not
biasing the respondent’s judgment as much as the other types, but they carry
the disadvantage of difficulty in scoring or coding. Response-keyed questions
provide respondents with response flexibility, but, like the fill-ins, they may be
more difficult than other alternatives to score and do not provide parallel data
for all respondents. Some of these considerations are summarized in Table 11.2.
Thus, selection between response modes requires consideration of several

1. Type of data desired for analysis. If you seek interval data to allow
some type of statistical analysis, scaled and checklist responses are the
best choices. (Checklist items must be coded to yield interval data, and
responses must be pooled across items. An individual checklist item yields

TABLE 11.2 Considerations in Selecting a Response Mode

Response Type of Chief Chief
Mode Data Advantages Disadvantages
Fill-in Nominal Limited bias; expanded Difficult to score
response flexibility
Scaled Interval Easy to score Time-consuming;
potential for bias
Ranking Ordinal Easy to score; forces Difficult to complete
Checklist or Nominal (may be Easy to score; easy Limited data and
categorical interval when totaled) to respond options
Note: The tabular mode is just a way of organizing fill-in or scaled responses, so this table
omits it as a distinct category.
258 ■ CHAPTER 11

only nominal data.) Ranking provides ordinal data, and fill-in and some
checklist responses provide nominal data.
2. Response flexibility. Fill-ins allow respondents the widest range of choice; yes-no
and true-false items, the least.
3. Time to complete. Ranking procedures generally take the most time to
complete, although scaled items may impose equally tedious burdens on
4. Potential response bias. Scaled responses and checklist responses offer the
greatest potential for bias. Respondents may be biased not only by social
desirability considerations but also by a variety of other factors, such as the
tendencies to overuse the true or yes answer and to select one point on the
scale as the standard response to every item. Other respondents may avoid
the extremes of a rating scale, thus shrinking its range. These troublesome
tendencies on the part of respondents are strongest on long questionnaires,
which provoke fatigue and annoyance. Ranking and fill-in responses are
less susceptible than other choices to such difficulties. In particular, rank-
ing forces respondents to discriminate between response alternatives.
5. Ease of scoring. Fill-in responses usually must be coded, making them
considerably more difficult than other response types to score. The other
types of responses discussed in this chapter are approximately equally easy
to score.

Preparing Interview Items

As pointed out earlier, the first step in preparing items for an interview sched-
ule is to specify the variables that you want to measure and then construct
questions that focus on these variables. If, for example, one variable in a study
is openness of school climate, an obvious question might ask classroom teach-
ers, “How open is the climate here?” Less direct but perhaps more concrete
questions might ask, “Do you feel free to take your problems to the princi-
pal? Do you feel free to adopt new classroom practices and materials?” Note
that the questions are based on the operational definition of the variable open-
ness, which has been operationally defined as freedom to change, freedom to
approach superiors, and so on. In writing questions, make sure they incorpo-
rate the properties set forth in the operational definitions of your variables.
(Recall from Chapter 6 that these properties may be either dynamic or static,
depending on which type of operational definition you employ.)
A single interview schedule or questionnaire may well employ more than
one question format accommodating more than one response mode. The
sample interview schedule in Figure 11.3 seeks to measure the attitudes of the
general public toward some current issues in public education such as cost,
quality, curriculum emphasis, and standards. The interview schedule is highly

260 ■ CHAPTER 11

structured to maximize information obtained in minimal telephone time. One

of the questions is response keyed. All of them are specific, and all responses
are precoded in scaled, categorical, or checklist form.

Preparing Questionnaire Items

The procedures for preparing questionnaire items parallel those for preparing
interview schedule items. Again, maintain the critical relationship between the
items and the study’s operationally defined variables. Constantly ask about
your items: Is this what I want to measure? Three sample questionnaires appear
in Figures 11.4, 11.5, and 11.6.
The questionnaire in Figure 11.4 was used in a follow-up study of com-
munity college graduates and high school graduates who did not attend col-
lege. The researcher was interested in determining whether the community
college graduates subsequently obtained higher socioeconomic status (that is,
earnings and job status) and job satisfaction than a matched group of people
who did not attend college. The items on the questionnaire were designed to
determine (1) earnings, job title, and job satisfaction (the dependent variables
[Items 1–7]); (2) subsequent educational experiences, in order to eliminate or
reclassify subjects pursuing additional education (a control variable) as well
as to verify the educational status distinction of 2-year college students versus
those who completed high school only (the independent variable [Items 8–15,
23]); (3) background characteristics, in order to match samples (Items 16–20,
24, 25); and (4) health, in order to eliminate those whose job success chances
were impaired (Items 21, 22).
The researcher intended for all respondents to complete all of the items
except Item 7, which was response keyed to the preceding item. (Items 12 to
15 also have response-keyed parts.) The result is a reasonably simple, easy-to-
complete instrument.
The sample questionnaire in Figure 11.5 employs scaled responses in an
attempt to measure students’ attitudes toward school achievement based on
the value they place on going to school and on their own achievement. This
questionnaire actually measures the following six topics related to a student’s
perceived importance or value of school achievement:

1. Quality of school performance (Items 2, 3)

2. Importance of school (Items 1, 4, 8, 18)
3. Enjoyment of school (Items 5, 6, 7)
4. Pride taken in school performance (Items 9, 10, 14, 19)
5. Enjoyment of class participation (Items 11, 12, 13)
6. Importance of performing well (Items 15, 16, 17)

FIGURE 11.4 A Follow-Up Questionnaire

 1. What is the title of your present job?

From ____________   To ____________
 2. What is the title of your next previous job?
From ____________   To ____________
 3. Check one of the following to show how you think you compare with other people.
A ____ I like my work much better than most people like theirs.
B ____ I like my work better than most people like theirs.
C ____ I like my work about as well as most people like theirs.
D ____ I dislike my work more than most people dislike theirs.
E ____ I dislike my work much more than most people dislike theirs.
 4. Check one of the following to show how much of the time you feel satisfied with
your job.
A ___ Most of the time B ___ A good deal of the time
C ___ About half of the time D ___ Occasionally E ___ Seldom
 5. Put a check before the category which most accurately describes your total, per-
sonal income in 1975 before taxes.
A ____ Less than $5,000.00 B ____ Less than $10,000.00
C ____ Less than $15,000.00 D ____ Less than $20,000.00
E ____ $20,000.00 or more
 6. Was there anything unusual (e.g., sickness, layoffs, promotions, unemployment)
about your income in 1975 as reported in question #5 above?
If YES, please explain_____________________________________
 7. If you answered YES to question 6 above, put a check before the category which
most accurately describes your total, personal income in 1974 before taxes.
A ____ Less than $5,000.00 D ____ Less than $20,000.00
B ____ Less than $10,000.00 E ____ $20,000.00 or more
C ____ Less than $15,000.00
 8. Are you a high school graduate? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO
What high school? _____________________________________________________
 9. Have you successfully completed one, two, or three college courses as a part-
time student?
10. Have you successfully completed more than three college courses as a part-time
11. Have you attended a 2-year college as a full-time student without graduating?
12. Have you earned a 2-year college diploma?
If YES to 9, 10, 11, or 12, what college? ______________________________________
13. Have you enrolled in a 4-year college and successfully completed one, two, or three
If YES, how many years and what college? __________________________________
14. Have you earned the bachelor’s degree?
If YES, what college? __________________________________

262 ■ CHAPTER 11

FIGURE 11.4. Continued

15. Have you earned a degree beyond the bachelor’s?

If YES, what degree and what college? __________________________________
16. What was your father’s job title at the time you graduated from high school?
17. What was your mother’s job title at the time you graduated from high
18. How many brothers and sisters do you have? CIRCLE ONE:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
19. How many brothers and sisters are older than you? CIRCLE ONE:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
20. Are you a veteran? CIRCLE ONE: YES NO
Dates of service: from____________   to____________
21. Describe your health since graduation from high school. CIRCLE ONE:
22. How many months have you been out of work because of illness since graduation
from high school?
CIRCLE ONE: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 NONE OTHER
23. Did you receive your training for the job in which you are now employed: (CHECK
____ high school ____ armed forces
____ technical institute ____ in-plant training
____ 2-year college ____ apprenticeship
____ 4-year college ____ other please explain _________________
24. Marital status. CHECK ONE (or more):
____ single ____ separated
____ married ____ remarried
____ divorced ____ other
please explain____________________________________
25. Do you consider yourself a member of a minority group?
If YES, check one: Black ____ American Indian ____
Chicano ____ other ____ please explain_______________________________

Source: Adapted from Butler (1977)

Note that for each of the 19 items, the questionnaire provides a 4-point
scale for responses employing the statement format. (This sample resem-
bles the standard Likert scale shown in Chapter 10, except that it omits the
middle or “undecided” response.) Note further that some of the items have
been reversed (Items 2, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14). These questions have been written
so that disagreement or strong disagreement indicates an attitude favoring
the importance of school achievement; on all the other items, agreement or
strong agreement indicates such an attitude. Agreement with Item 10 for
example, indicates that the respondent takes pride in school progress and
performance, a reflection of a positive attitude toward school achievement.
Disagreement with Item 9 indicates that the respondent does not feel that

FIGURE 11.5 A Questionnaire on Students’ Attitudes Toward School Achievement

Instructions: All questions are statements to which we seek your agreement or dis-
agreement. If you “Strongly Agree” with any statement, circle the 1. If you “Agree,” but
not strongly, with any statement, circle the 2. If you “Disagree,” but not strongly, circle
the 3. If you “Strongly Disagree” with any statement, circle the 4.
There are no right tor wrong answers for these questions. We are interested only in
how you feel about the statements.

 1. I believe it is important for me to par- 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

ticipate in school activities.

 2. I do poorly in school. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

 3. I think I am a good student. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

 4. I believe education can offer many 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD


 5. Schoolwork is uninteresting to me. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

 6. Schoolwork bores me. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

 7. I am happy to be a student. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

 8. I believe school is challenging. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

 9. Grades are not important to me. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

10. I take pride in my progress and perfor- 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

mance in school.

11. I enjoy volunteering answers to teach- 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

ers’ questions.

12. I feel good when I give an oral report. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

13. I dislike answering questions in school. 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

14. Success in extracurricular activities 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

means very little.

15. I feel depressed when I don’t complete 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

an assignment.

16. I feel good when I am able to finish my 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

assigned homework.

17. I believe it is my responsibility to make 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

the honor roll.

18. School offers me an opportunity to 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

expand my knowledge.

19. I do well in school so that my parents 1. SA 2. A 3. D 4. SD

can be proud of me.
264 ■ CHAPTER 11

FIGURE 11.6 A Course Satisfaction Questionnaire

grades are unimportant, another reflection of a positive attitude toward

school achievement.
Reversing direction in some items is a protection against the form of response
bias caused when an individual simply selects exactly the same response choice
for each item. This tendency to mark a single choice for all questions out of
boredom, disinterest, or hostility is referred to as acquiescence response bias. Item
reversal guards against respondents creating erroneous impressions of extremely
positive or extremely negative attitudes, because responses to items written in
one direction cancel out or neutralize items written in the other.
To maximize the effectiveness of this safeguard, half of the items should be
written in each direction. Note that in the sample questionnaire in Figure 11.5,
only 6 of the 19 items have been reversed.
The likelihood of this form of response bias is lessened also by the elimina-
tion of the “undecided” response alternative from the basic Likert scale format.

The possibility of noninvolvement or “fence sitting” is avoided by omitting the

“undecided” response choice.
Note also that the sample questionnaire obscures its true purpose some-
what by measuring multiple features of the topic in question rather than a
single one. As a questionnaire’s purpose becomes more transparent or obvi-
ous, the likelihood increases that respondents will provide the answers they
want others to hear about themselves rather than the truth. This tendency to
respond in a way that shows oneself in the best possible light is referred to
as social desirability response bias. It can be minimized by not revealing the
true name or purpose of the questionnaire prior to its completion, by includ-
ing items that measure a variety of topics or aspects of a single topic, or by
including filler items—questions that deal with areas unrelated to the one being
measured. The sample questionnaire combines the first approach (carrying the
title “Questionnaire” when actually administered) and the second (including
multiple topics). No filler items appear in this version of the questionnaire, but
some may appear in longer versions. However, a questionnaire about attitudes
toward school achievement may not benefit from efforts to disguise the nature
of the attitude being measured, so some responses can be expected to reflect
social desirability bias rather than true feelings.
A third sample questionnaire is shown in Figure 11.6. The Satisfaction Scale
is used to determine the degree of students’ satisfaction with a course. Items
are scaled using a 5-point scale as the response mode. Note the format, which
features a question followed by the response choices stated in both numbers
and words.
No attempt has been made to counteract response bias by reversing the
direction of some of the items or by disguising their meanings; each item has
been written so that a 1 indicates a positive response on a single topic. Obvi-
ously, these items are susceptible to biased response based on considerations
other than the respondent’s judgment.

Pilot Testing and Evaluating a Questionnaire

Most studies benefit substantially from the precaution of running pilot tests
on their questionnaires, leading to revisions based on the results of the tests. A
pilot test administers a questionnaire to a group of respondents who are part
of the intended test population but who will not be part of the sample. In this
way the researcher attempts to determine whether questionnaire items achieve
the desired qualities of measurement and discrimination.
If a series of items is intended to measure the same variable (as the eight
items in Figure 11.6 are), an evaluation should determine whether these
items are measuring something in common. Such an analysis would require
266 ■ CHAPTER 11

administering the scale to a pilot sample and running correlations between

response scores obtained by each person on each item and the scores obtained
by each person across the whole scale. (See the discussion on item analysis in
the previous chapter.) As the correlation between an item score and the total
score rises, it indicates a stronger relationship between what the item is mea-
suring and what the total scale is measuring. Following the completion of this
item analysis, the researcher can select the items with the highest correlations
with the total score and incorporate them in the final scale. For example, con-
sider 10 items to measure a person’s attitude toward some object, giving the
following correlations between each item score and the mean score across all
10 items:

Item Number Correlation

1 .89
2 .75
3 .27
4 .81
5 .19
6 .53
7 .58
8 .72
9 .63
10 .60

Based on these data, the researcher should decide to eliminate Items 3 and
5 which fall below .50, and to place the other eight items in the final scale, con-
fident that the remaining items measure something in common.
Item analysis of questions intended to measure the same variable in
the same way is one important use of the data collected from a pilot test.
However, item analyses are not as critical for refining questionnaires as
they are for refining tests. Responses to questionnaire items are usually
reviewed by eye for clarity and distribution without necessarily running an
item analysis.
A pilot test can uncover a variety of failings in a questionnaire. For
example, if all respondents reply identically to any one item, that item prob-
ably lacks discrimination. If you receive a preponderance of inappropriate
responses to an item, examine it for ambiguity or otherwise poor wording.
Poor instructions and other administration problems become apparent on a
pilot test, as do areas of extreme sensitivity. If respondents refuse to answer
certain items, try to desensitize them by rewording. Thus, pilot tests enable
researchers to debug their questionnaires by diagnosing and correcting these

■ Sampling Procedures

Random Sampling

A researcher administers a questionnaire or interview to gain information

about a particular group of respondents, such as high school graduates, school
administrators in New England, or home economics teachers in New Jersey.
This target group is the study’s population, and the first step in sampling is to
define the population. The researcher then selects a sample or representative
group from this population to serve as respondents. As one way to ensure that
the sample is representative of the larger population, a researcher might draw a
random sample, because random selection limits the probability of choosing a
biased sample. For example, you are interested in obtaining information about
presidents of 2-year colleges. The population is 2,800 presidents, from which
you want a sample of 300. Which 300 should you choose? To draw a random
sample, you might write the names of all the 2-year colleges in alphabetical
order giving each a number in the sequence. You could then select 300 numbers
by matching schools’ assigned numbers against a table of random numbers
like the one in Appendix A. The resulting list of 300 colleges, each with one
president, is a random sample of the population from which it was drawn.
Systematic biases in selection or selectees can be minimized by this procedure.
However, when certain sample variables are of special interest to the researcher
(for example, age) stratified sampling should be employed, defining variables
of interest as sampling parameters. (See the section on stratified random sam-
pling later in the chapter.)

Defining the Population

The population (or target group) for a questionnaire or interview study is the
group about which the researcher wants to gain information and draw conclu-
sions. A researcher interested in the educational aspirations of teachers, for
example, would focus on teachers as the population of the study. The term
defining the population refers to a process of establishing boundary conditions
that specify who shall be included in or excluded from the population. In the
example study, the population could be defined as elementary school teachers,
or public school teachers, or all teachers, or some other choice.
Specifying the group that will constitute a study’s population is an early
step in the sampling process, and it affects the nature of the conclusions that
may be drawn from a study. A broadly defined population (like “all teachers”)
maximizes external validity or generality, although such a broad definition may
create difficulties in obtaining a representative sample, and it may require a
large sample size. Conversely, defining the population narrowly (for example,
268 ■ CHAPTER 11

as “female, elementary school teachers”) may facilitate the selection of a suit-

able sample, but it will restrict conclusions and generalizations to the specific
population used, which may be inconsistent with the intent of the study.
The most reasonable criteria for defining a study’s target population
reflect the independent, moderator, and control variables specified in the
study design along with practical considerations such as availability of sub-
jects or respondents. When a control variable in a study deals with a popu-
lation characteristic the researcher must systematically include or exclude
individuals with this characteristic in defining the population. (Chapter
7 discusses priorities for limiting a study’s population.) For example, a
researcher might want to make a comparison between academic high school
graduates and vocational high school graduates, but only for students who
had attended one or the other school for 3 consecutive years; the population
for this study would be defined to exclude all graduates who had switched
from one school to the other. In studying school superintendents in urban
and rural settings, a researcher might define the population to exclude all super-
intendents who have not yet completed their second year in their districts, thus
controlling for longevity, a potentially important control variable. (Longevity
might also be controlled through stratified sampling, as discussed later in the
In addition to design considerations, practical considerations affect the
definition of the population. In Slavin and Karweit’s (1984) study of mastery
learning, for example, the availability of inner-city children might have influ-
enced the researchers to define their population as “urban” children. However,
because of the variables of interest, both urban children and suburban children
might have been included in the definition of the population, had both been
available, allowing the researchers to evaluate residence as a moderator vari-
able. In general, independent and moderator variables require that a popula-
tion include individuals with certain characteristics, whereas control variables
require exclusion of particular groups.
Thus, an early step in sampling is to define the population from which to
draw the sample. By referring to the variables of interest and by taking into
account practical considerations, the researcher chooses characteristics to be
included in and excluded from the target population.

Establishing Specifications for Stratified Random Sampling

Techniques of stratified random sampling permit researchers to include param-

eters of special interest and to control for internal validity related to selection
factors through applications of moderator or control variables. In addition,
stratification represents a good operational strategy for screening members of

the population into and out of the study and for reducing the variability of the
The first step in stratified sampling is to identify the stratification param-
eters, or variables. Each stratification parameter represents a control variable,
that is, a potential source of error or extraneous influence that may provide an
alternative explanation for a study’s outcome. Assume that you want to con-
trast the teaching techniques of male and female elementary school teachers.
The study would restrict the population to elementary school teachers, because
that is a specified control variable, and it would sample across male and female
teachers, because gender is the independent variable. You are concerned, how-
ever, that teaching experience may be an extraneous influence on your results.
To offset this potential source of error, first you would determine the distribu-
tion of years of experience for male and for female elementary school teachers;
then you would select the sample in proportion to these distributions. (The
selection of specific subjects within each stratum or proportion would be done
randomly.) The other control variables would be treated in a similar way.
Consider sampling procedures for national political polls. Results are usu-
ally reported separately for different age groups and for different sections of
the country. The studies treat age and geography as moderator variables and
define separate samples according to them. However, within each age and geo-
graphical group, such a study may control for gender, race, religion, socioeco-
nomic status, and specific location by proportional stratification. If half of the
young people in the northeastern United States are male, then males should
constitute half of the sample of northeastern young people. If 65 percent of the
southeastern middle-aged group is poor, then poor people should make up 65
percent of the sample of this group. (Of course, terms like middle-aged and
poor must be operationally defined.) The pollsters then consider these sub-
population differences in evaluating the outcomes of their studies.
Consider the example on sampling 300 presidents of 2-year colleges. Some
bias may still affect results in spite of this random selection due to overrepre-
sentation of private colleges. To control for this factor, use it as a variable or
parameter for stratified sampling. Suppose one-quarter of the 2-year colleges
are private schools and three-quarters are public institutions. In proportional
stratified sampling, you would embody these percentages in your sample. In a
sample of 300 college presidents, you would want 75 from private, 2-year col-
leges and 225 from public ones (the specific individuals in each stratum being
randomly chosen). These specifications ensure creation of a sample systemati-
cally representative of the population.
To accomplish this stratified sampling method, you would make two sepa-
rate alphabetical lists, one of private colleges, the other of public schools. You
would then use your table of random numbers to select 75 private and 225
270 ■ CHAPTER 11

public colleges from the two lists, respectively. Of course, you could go further
and control also for factors such as urban versus rural setting or large ver-
sus small colleges. However, in considering stratification, remember that each
additional control variable complicates the sampling procedure and reduces
the population per category from which each part of the sample is drawn. The
sampling plan for this study is shown in Figure 11.7.
Random choice is the key to overcoming selection bias in sampling; strati-
fication adds precision in ensuring that the sample contains the same propor-
tional distribution of respondents on selected parameters as the population.
Where stratified sampling is used, within each stratum, researchers must choose
sample respondents by random methods to increase the likelihood of eliminat-
ing sources of invalidity due to selection other than those controlled through
stratification. The combination of stratification and random selection increases

FIGURE 11.7 A Sampling Plan for Sampling 2-Year Colleges

Population: All 2-year colleges in the United States

Variables controlled by exclusion:

(1) College must have graduated a minimum of one class
(2) President must have held position for a minimum of one year

Variables controlled by stratification:

(1) Private- 25% private 75% public
(2) Urban- 15% urban 10% rural 60% urban 15% rural
(3) Size of 5% large 10% small 1% large 9% small 48% large 12% small 3% large 12% small

For a sample size of 300 the breakdown would be as follows:

Sample Population

private, urban, large 5% 15 140

private, urban, small 10% 30 280
private, rural, large 1% 3 28
private, rural, small 9% 27 252
public, urban, large 48% 144 1,344
public, urban, small 12% 36 336
public, rural, large 3% 9 84
public, rural, small 12% 36 336
_______ ________ ________
100% 300 2,800

Large = more than 2,000 students; small = fewer than 2,000 students.

the likelihood that the sample will be representative of the population. Because
it controls for selection invalidity based on preselected variables in a system-
atic way, stratification is recommended for use with the variables identified as
representing greatest potential sources of selection bias. For information about
determining sample size, see Chapter 12.

■ Procedures for Administering a Questionnaire

This section focuses on procedures for mailing out a questionnaire, following it

up, and sampling from among those in the sample who do not respond (here-
after called nonrespondents).

Initial Mailing

The initial mailing of a questionnaire to a sample of respondents typically includes

a cover letter, the questionnaire itself, and a stamped, return-addressed envelope.
In some instances, it may be appropriate to create an online survey—there are
several programs that are compatible with available statistical software. In this
instance, you will instead indicate an appropriate link in an e-mail message to
potential respondents. For electronic questionnaires, you will still include a
cover letter.
The cover letter is a critical part of the contact, because it must establish the
legitimacy of the study and the respectability of the researcher. The cover letter
should briefly make its case for participation, focusing on the following points:

1. The purpose of the study. To satisfy the intellectual curiosity of potential

respondents and to allay any doubts that participation will threaten their
privacy or reputations, the researcher should disclose the ultimate uses
of the data. Therefore, the cover letter should indicate the purposes and
intentions of the study. It is often impossible, however, to give respondents
complete details about the purposes of the study, because such knowledge
might bias their responses.
2. The protection afforded the respondent. Respondents are entitled to know
how a researcher will treat their privacy and confidentiality; thus the letter
should indicate whether respondents must identify themselves and, if so,
how their identities and responses will be protected. If questionnaires will
be destroyed after rostering, and if rostering will be done by number rather
than name (both recommended practices), the cover letter should include
this information.
3. Endorsements of the study. Because respondents will feel secure about par-
ticipating if they know that recognized institutions are behind the study,
272 ■ CHAPTER 11

the cover letter should appear on university or agency letterhead. If a study

will evaluate respondents as part of a professional group, then the coopera-
tion and endorsement of this group should be obtained and mentioned in
the letter. If the study is undertaken as a doctoral dissertation, mention the
dissertation advisor by name and/or ask the dean of the school to sign or
countersign the letter. If any agency or organization is providing financial
support for the study, then this connection should be acknowledged.
4. Legitimacy of the researcher. Say who and what you are. Identify yourself
by both name and position.
5. Opportunities for debriefing. If respondents can obtain the results of the
study or additional explanations of its purpose at some later date, tell
them so.
6. Request for cooperation. The letter constitutes an appeal from you for the
respondent’s help. If you have identified any special reasons why they
should help (for example, the importance of the study for their profession)
be sure to mention them.
7. Special instructions. The questionnaire should be self-administering and
self-contained, although general instructions may be contained in the
cover letter. Be sure to set a deadline for returning completed instruments,
and caution against omitting answers to any items.

These seven points are important considerations in any research adminis-

tration conducted by mail or in person. A personal interview should begin, in
effect, with an oral cover letter. Figure 11.8 is an example of a cover letter.
The initial mailing may include more than one cover letter. For example, a
letter of endorsement from a funding agency or from an organization to which
the respondent belongs may help to gain the cooperation of prospective par-
ticipants. A wise researcher does not print each respondent’s name on his or her
copy of the questionnaire to avoid causing alarm about the confidentiality of
the study. Assignment of code numbers is a much better method of identifica-
tion. Because filling out a questionnaire is, at the very least, an imposition on a
respondent’s time, both it and the cover letter should be as brief as possible.


After a period of about 2 weeks to a month has elapsed, a researcher should

correspond with recipients who have not yet returned their questionnaires
(that is, nonrespondents). This second mailing can consist simply of another
letter soliciting cooperation. It should also include another questionnaire and
another stamped, return-addressed envelope in case the respondent cannot
find the original ones.

FIGURE 11.8 Sample Cover Letter

Source: From Forsyth (1976). Reprinted by permission of the author.

2 74 ■ C H A P T E R 1 1

Ordinarily, about one-third to two-thirds of the questionnaires sent out

will be returned during the month after the initial mailing. Beyond this period,
about 10 to 25 percent can be stimulated to respond by additional urging. If
the second mailing (the first follow-up letter) fails to stimulate a response,
some researchers send a third mailing. This second follow-up typically takes
the form of a postcard and follows the second mailing by about 2 to 3 weeks.
Most researchers are unwilling to accept a return of less than 75 to 90 percent
(and rightly so). Additional mailings, telephone calls, and a large sampling of
nonrespondents (as discussed later) often help to elevate the return. Telegrams
or telephone calls may be helpful in generating responses. If a study is worth
doing, it is worth striving for the greatest return possible. An example of a
follow-up letter is shown in Figure 11.9.

Sampling Nonrespondents

If fewer than about 80 percent of people who receive the questionnaire com-
plete and return it, the researcher must try to reach a portion of the nonre-
spondents and obtain some data from them. Additional returns of all or critical
portions of the questionnaire by 5 or 10 percent of the original nonrespondents
is required for this purpose.
This additional procedure is necessary to establish that those who have
not responded are not systematically different from those who have. Failure
to check for potential bias based on nonresponse may introduce both external
and internal invalidity based on experimental mortality (selective, nonrandom
loss of subjects from a random sample) as well as a potential increase in sam-
pling error.
Obtaining data from nonrespondents is not easy, since they have already
ignored two or three attempts to include them in the study. The first step is
to select at random 5 to 10 percent of these people from your list of nonre-
spondents, using the table of random numbers (Appendix A). Using their code
numbers, go through the table of random numbers and pick those whose num-
bers appear first, then write or call them. About a 75–80 percent return from
the nonrespondents’ sample may be all that can be reasonably expected, but
every effort should be made to achieve this goal.

■ Conducting an Interview Study

Procedures for conducting an interview may differ from those involved in

obtaining data by questionnaire, but the aim is the same: to obtain the desired
data with maximum efficiency and minimum bias.

FIGURE 11.9 Sample Follow-Up Letter

Source: From Forsyth (1976). Reprinted by permission of the author.

276 ■ CHAPTER 11

Selecting and Training Interviewers

Researchers would obviously prefer to select previously trained and experi-

enced interviewers, but this is an elusive goal. Consequently, many studies
employ graduate and undergraduate students. The necessary level of skill will
depend on the nature of information you are trying to elicit: personal, sensitive
material will require skilled interviewers.
The task of an interviewer is a responsible one, both in the manner of con-
ducting an interview and in willingness to follow instructions. In training, a
potential interviewer should observe interviews proceeding in the prescribed
manner and then should have the opportunity to conduct practice interviews
under observation. Some practice interviews should involve “live” respondents,
that is, potential subjects from the study’s sample. Practice sessions should also
include interviews that the researcher has arranged to present certain typical
situations that the interviewer will encounter. These “rigged” interviews pres-
ent trainees with a range of possible situations.
Training should also familiarize prospective interviewers with the forms
that will be used in recording responses and keeping records of interviews. To
control the sampling, the trainees must learn to determine whom they should
interview. They also must know how to set up interview appointments, how
to introduce themselves, how to begin interviews in a manner that will put the
interviewees at ease, how to use response-keyed questions and other nonlinear
approaches, how to record responses, and (if the job includes this task) how to
code them.
All interviewers should receive similar training experiences where pos-
sible, for differences in interviewer style and approach represent a source
of internal invalidity due to instrumentation bias. Interviewers are instru-
ments for collecting data, and, as instruments, their own characteristics
should affect the data as little as possible: Interviewers should reflect their
respondents and not themselves. Of course, it is impossible to make perfect
mirrors out of human interviewers, but if they are chosen from the same
population and receive the same training and instructions, they should tend
to become standardized against one another as a function of their training.
Research may also benefit if the trainers divulge no more about the study
to the interviewers than is absolutely necessary; training should not subtly
make them confederates who may unconsciously bias the outcomes in the
expected directions.

Conducting an Interview

The first task of an interviewer may be to select respondents, although some

studies give interviewers lists of people to contact. Unless the interviewers

are both highly trained and experienced, study directors should give them the
names, addresses, and phone numbers of the people to be interviewed, along
with a deadline for completion. The interviewer may then choose the inter-
viewing order, or the researcher may recommend an order.
Typically, an interviewer proceeds by telephoning a potential respondent
and, essentially, presenting a verbal cover letter. However, a phone conversa-
tion gives the interviewer the advantage of opportunities to alter or expand
upon instructions and background information in reaction to specific concerns
raised by potential respondents. During this first conversation, an interview
appointment should also be made.
At the scheduled meeting, the interviewer should once again brief the
respondent about the nature or purpose of the interview (being as candid as
possible without biasing responses) and attempt to make the respondent feel at
ease This session should begin with an explanation of the manner of recording
responses; if the interviewer will record the session, the respondent’s assent
should be obtained. At all times, interviewers must remember that they are
data collection instruments who must try to prevent their own biases, opin-
ions, or curiosity from affecting their behavior. Interviewers must not devi-
ate from their formats and interview schedules, although many schedules will
permit some flexibility in choice of questions. The respondents should be kept
from rambling, but not at the sacrifice of courtesy.

■ Coding and Scoring

Objectively Scored Items

Many questions, such as those presented in the form of rating scales or check-
lists, are precoded; that is, each response can be immediately and directly con-
verted into an objective score. The researcher simply has to assign a score to
each point on the list or scale. However, data obtained from interviews and
questionnaires (often called protocols) may not contribute to the research in the
exact form in which they are collected. Often further processing must convert
them to different forms for analysis. This initial processing of information is
called scoring or coding.
Consider Item 13 from the Career Awareness Scale, the sample question-
naire that appears in Figure 11.2:

13. I work at different kinds of part-time jobs. 1. A 2. O 3. S 4. N

You might assign never (N) a score of 1, seldom (S) a score of 2, often (O) a
score of 3, and always (A) a score of 4. You could then add the scores on all the
items to obtain a total score on the scale.
278 ■ CHAPTER 11

Sometimes items are written in both positive and negative directions to

avoid response bias. Consider the following two items on a questionnaire mea-
suring attitudes toward school:

• I enjoy myself most of the time in school.

strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree
• When I am in school I usually feel unhappy.
strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree

If you score strongly agree for the first item as 4, then you have to score the
strongly agree response for the second item as 1, because strong agreement with
the first item indicates that a respondent likes school whereas strong agreement
with the second item indicates a dislike for school. To produce scores on these
two items that you can sum to get a measure of how much a student likes
school, you have to score them in opposite directions.
Often a questionnaire or overall scale contains a number of subscales, each
of which measures a different aspect of what the total scale measures. In ana-
lyzing subscale scores, a scoring key provides extremely helpful guidance. Typ-
ically such a scoring key is a cardboard sheet or overlay with holes punched
so that when it is placed over an answer sheet, it reveals only the responses to
the items on a single subscale. One scoring key would be required for each
subscale. Using answer sheets that can be read by optical scanners and scored
by computers makes this process much easier.
Thus, in scoring objective items, such as rating scales and checklists, the
first step is identification of the direction of items—separating reversed and
non-reversed ones. The second step is assigning a numerical score to each point
on the scale or list. Finally, subscale items should be grouped and scored.
By their very nature, ranking items carry associated scores, that is, the rank
for each item in the list. To determine the average across respondents for any
particular item in the list, you can sum the ranks and divide by the number of
respondents. All ranking items can be scored in this way. This set of averages
can then be compared to that obtained from another group of respondents
using the Spearman rank-order correlation procedure (described in the next
Some scales, such as those using the true-false and yes-no formats, lend
themselves primarily to counting as a scoring procedure. Simply count the
number of “true” or “yes” responses. However, you must still pay attention
to reversed items. A “false” answer on a reversed item must be counted along
with a “true” response on a non-reversed item. On a positively phrased item,
for example, a “yes” would get a score of 1, and a “no” would get a score of 0.

In contrast, on a negatively phrased item, a “yes” would get a score of 0, and a

“no” would get a score of 1.
In another scoring procedure, a researcher can count people who fit into a
particular category. For instance, if a questionnaire asks respondents to identify
their gender, a scorer counts the number who indicate “male” and the number
who indicate “female.”
Generally speaking then, four scoring procedures apply to objective items:

1. Scale scoring. Where the item represents a scale, each point on the scale is
assigned a score. After adjusting for reversal in phrasing, you can add a
respondent’s scores on the items within a total scale (or subscale) to get his
or her overall score.
2. Rank scoring. A respondent assigns a rank to each item in a list. Here, typi-
cally, average ranks across all respondents are calculated for each item in
the list.
3. Response counting. Where categorical or nominal responses are obtained
on a scale (such as true-false), a scorer simply counts the number of agree-
ing responses by a respondent. This count becomes the total score on the
scale for that respondent. Response counting works for a scale made up of
more than one item, all presumably measuring the same thing.
4. Respondent counting. Where a questionnaire elicits categorical or nominal
responses on single items, scoring can count the number of respondents
who give a particular response to that item. By properly setting up the
answer sheet in advance, mechanical procedures can complete respondent
counts. Respondent counting enables a researcher to generate a contingency
table (a four-cell table that displays the number of respondents simulta-
neously marking each of the two possible choices on two items) and to
employ chi-square analysis (described in the next chapter). An example of
a contingency table is provided in Figure 11.10.

FIGURE 11.10 An Example of a Contingency Table

280 ■ CHAPTER 11

Fill-In and Free-Response Items

Although a scorer can apply any one of the four techniques described above
to process fill-in and free-response items, the most common is respondent
counting. However, before counting respondents, the scorer must code their
responses. Coding is a procedure for reducing data to a form that allows tabu-
lation of response similarities and differences.
Suppose, for example, that an interviewer asks: Why did you leave school?
Suppose, also, that the following potential responses to this question have been
identified by the researcher:

____ Couldn’t stand it (or some other indication of strong dislike)

____ Wasn’t doing well
____ Waste of time
____ Better opportunities elsewhere
____ Other:__________________________

To maintain efficiency, researchers often establish such precoded response

categories for fill-in and free-response items. Although respondents never see
these responses (if they did, the item would be a checklist), they appear on the
interviewer’s answer form; while the respondent is talking, she or he judges
which one gives the best fit. Thus, these precoded response categories become
a nominal checklist enabling the interviewer to code immediately the unstruc-
tured response into checklist form. As an alternative, the interviewer might
indicate which of those reasons a respondent gave and rank their apparent
importance to the respondent. Coding, therefore, represents a superimposition
of a response format onto a free or unstructured response.
Often coding occurs before data collection by supplying interviewers
with precoded interview schedules. While they ask open-ended questions
and respondents give free responses, the interviewers attempt to catalog the
responses into one or more category sets. Here are two examples to illustrate
this point:

• Question: Whom do you consult when you have a problem in school?

Answer: Mainly I go to my friends, especially my best buddy. Sometimes
I talk to my rabbi.
Coding: ____ Parents __X_ Friends
____ Teacher(s) __X_ Others: clergyman
____ Counselor
• Question: What about school do you like least?
Answer: I would say the work. I don’t find my subjects interesting. They
don’t have anything to do with what I’m interested in.

Coding: ____ Teachers

____ Organization
____ boring
__X_ irrelevant
____ too easy
____ too hard

Of course, the coding scheme you employ in converting a response into

analyzable data will be a function of the problem and the hypotheses with
which you are working. Consider a hypothesis that youngsters in the upper
third of the high school IQ distribution will be more likely to find their school
work irrelevant than will youngsters in the middle or lower thirds. To test this
hypothesis, you must find out how youngsters view their school work and
then code their answers in terms of perceived relevance. The second example
above represents an attempt to gather such information.
The extent to which precoding is possible is an indication of the extent to
which the question is likely to yield relevant information. Precoding has the
additional advantages of eliminating coding as a separate step in data reduction
and providing the interviewer with an easy format for data collection.
Any attempt to design response-scoring codes must focus on the basic
consideration of the information that you want to find out from the question.
If you are testing to see whether tenured teachers are more or less interested
in teaching effectiveness than nontenured teachers, you might ask: How inter-
ested are you in the objective determination of your teaching effectiveness?
The interviewer could be provided with a rating scale such as:

After listening to the teacher’s free response to this question, the inter-
viewer could summarize his or her opinion by placing a check on the rating
scale. This method is an example of a scale-scoring approach to coding and
scoring an open-ended response. An examination of the ratings indicated by
the responses of the two groups of teachers would provide data to determine
whether tenured or nontenured teachers are more interested in teaching effec-
tiveness. Alternatively, the response could be precoded as simply: ______
seems interested, ______ seems disinterested. This application represents the
respondent-counting approach: Simply count the number of teachers in each
282 ■ CHAPTER 11

group (tenured and nontenured) who were seen as interested as well as those
seen as disinterested, and place the findings into a contingency table:

interested disinterested
in teaching in teaching
effectiveness effectiveness

tenured teachers

nontenured teachers

The discussion of coding so far has focused on applications of precoded

categories. The same kinds of coding procedures can work in coding after data
collections. Precoding has the advantage of greater efficiency than postcoding,
which requires interviewers to record free responses verbatim (usually by tape
recorder) or summarize them as respondents speak. These recordings are then
transcribed by a typist and finally coded. However, coding after data collection
has the advantage of careful preservation of coder reliability.
The reliability of coding judgments becomes an important issue here, just as
the previous chapter considered the reliability of rating and coding techniques
that describe behavior. If interviewers code every response, data analysts have
no way to check the reliability of those coding decisions, because they lack any
record of the responses. When interviewers do all the coding during the inter-
views rather than making verbatim records of responses, a researcher should
be concerned about coding unreliability as a threat to instrumentation validity.
To ensure this important priority, at least 20 percent of the responses should be
recorded verbatim and then coded by at least two judges or interviewers, thus
providing a sample of responses to assess intercoder reliability.
In postinterview coding, the response transcripts allow a second coder to
code a sufficient number of protocols to establish reliability with the first coder
or for two coders to code all protocols to increase the reliability of the data.
Both first and second coders should be trained in the use of the coding sys-
tem and complete practice trials under the scrutiny of the researcher. In such
instances, reliabilities in the 0.70–0.90 range would be sufficient to prevent
instrumentation bias in coding.

■ Summary

1. Questionnaires and interviews provide self-reported data from respon-

dents. Such data reflect what is inside a respondent’s head, but they may
be influenced by both self-awareness and the desire to create a favorable

2. Questionnaire items represent five formats: (1) direct or obvious questions

versus indirect or subtle questions; (2) specific or highly targeted questions
versus nonspecific or relatively general questions; (3) fact versus opinion
questions; (4) questions versus statements designed to stimulate agreement
or disagreement; (5) predetermined questions versus response-keyed ques-
tions (those that depend on answers to previous questions).
3. Researchers employ seven response modes: (1) unstructured or open-
ended responses; (2) fill-in responses; (3) tabular (table fill-in) responses;
(4) scaled responses, in which respondents place themselves along a 5- (or
more) point rating scale; (5) ranking responses, in which they rank order
certain elements; (6) checklist responses, in which they check one or more
selections that apply; (7) categorical responses, in which they check the one
of two options that applies.
4. To construct a questionnaire or interview scale, a researcher completes the
following five steps: (a) specifying the variables to be measured, or what she
or he wants to find out; (b) choosing the question format(s) after consider-
ing the relative merits of each; (c) choosing the response modes depending
on the type of data desired; (d) preparing either interview or questionnaire
items; (e) pilot testing the instrument and evaluating the results using item
5. Sampling procedures begins with a definition of a study’s population (set-
ting its boundary characteristics). From this group, the researcher then
draws a sample through simple random or stratified random sampling
techniques, the latter requiring the establishment of sampling specifica-
tions. This careful process helps researchers to avoid subject selection bias
that can affect external validity or generality.
6. Administration of a questionnaire requires (a) an initial mailing to a sam-
ple of respondents, accompanied by a cover letter to describe the study’s
purpose, protective measures for respondents, endorsements, legitimacy,
debriefing, needed cooperation, and special instructions; (b) one or more
follow-ups to those who do not respond; and (c) a systematic attempt to
get responses from 5 to 10 percent of the remaining nonrespondents (to
evaluate the degree of potential mortality bias).
7. Conducting an interview study requires (a) selection and training of inter-
viewers and (b) interviewing a sample of respondents.
8. Interview and questionnaire responses become usable data only after scor-
ing or coding. For objectively scored items, scorers carry out four proce-
dures: (1) scale scoring—totaling up scale points; (2) rank scoring—aver-
aging ranks across respondents; (3) response counting—adding up the
number of agreeing responses; (4) respondent counting—counting up the
number of respondents who agree. Scoring for fill-in and free-response
284 ■ CHAPTER 11

items requires a response-coding system that converts each response to

quantitative data. The coded results may then be scored by any of the four
procedures, most typically by respondent counting.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Which of the following statements does not describe a purpose for which
researchers use interviews and questionnaires?
a. Finding out what a person thinks and believes
b. Finding out what a person likes and dislikes
c. Finding out how a person behaves
d. Finding out what experiences a person has had
2. Which of the following limitations is not a shortcoming of a questionnaire
or interview?
a. The respondent may not know anything about the interviewer.
b. The respondent may not know the information requested.
c. The respondent may try to show himself or herself in a good light.
d. The respondent may try to help by telling you what you expect to
3. Match up the question types with the descriptions.
a. Indirect question 1. Declarative sentence form
b. Specific question 2. Requests reaction to a single object
c. Question of opinion 3. Next question depends on the response
d. Statement to this one
e. Response-keyed 4. Requests information for inferences
question 5. Asks how the respondent feels about
4. Match up the response types with the examples.
a. Scaled response 1. My favorite subject is (check one):
b. Fill-in response _____ English
c. Ranking response _____ Chemistry
d. Tabular response _____ Calculus
e. Checklist response 2. My favorite subject is calculus, (yes, no).
f. Unstructured response 3. How do you feel about chemistry?
g. Categorical response 4. English is a subject I (like a lot, like
a little, dislike a little, dislike a lot)
5. My favorite subject is _________.

6. English Chem Calc



7. My order of preference of subjects is:

English _________ (1,2,3)
Chemistry _________ (1,2,3)
Calculus _________ (1,2,3)
5. In the list of considerations, write I next to those suited to an interview and
Q next to those suited to a questionnaire.
a. I want to collect data from at least 90 percent of my sample.____
b. I want to keep my problems of data reduction to a minimum.____
c. I do not have very much money to conduct this project.____
d. I want to collect highly reliable data in this study.____
e. I’m not sure what questions respondents will likely answer.____
f. I have to ask some intensive questions, which may lead into sensitive
6. In the list of considerations, write F next to those that support or describe
the use of the fill-in response mode, S for those that support scaled response,
R for ranking responses, and C for checklist or categorical responses.
a. I do not have to anticipate potential responses. ____
b. I want to gather ordinal data. ____
c. This response mode does not provide for degrees of agreement, so it
allows too few options. ____
d. I’ll have a big scoring job. (Prescoring will be a difficult task.) ____
e. I may get response bias away from the extremes. ____
7. You are interested in finding out about the attitudes of teachers toward their
school administration, particularly with regard to procedures for ordering
classroom supplies. Construct three sequential interview questions.
8. You are interested in finding out about the attitudes of administrators toward
teachers, particularly as regards their application of procedures for ordering
classroom supplies. Construct three questionnaire items (using three differ-
ent structured-response modes other than fill-in) to accomplish this goal.
9. You are planning to draw a stratified random sample of 200 from a high
school population that contains 60 percent males and 40 percent females.
Among the males, 40 percent are college prep majors, 10 percent busi-
ness majors, 20 percent vocational majors, and 30 percent general majors.
Among the females, 50 percent are college prep majors, 25 percent business
majors, 5 percent vocational majors, and 20 percent general majors. How
many respondents would you need in each of the eight categories?
10. You are going to interview 60 teachers in a school system of 200 teachers.
The total includes 100 elementary school teachers—20 men and 80 women;
50 junior high school teachers—20 men and 30 women; and 50 high school
teachers—30 men and 20 women. How many teachers in each of the six
categories would you include in your sample of 60?
286 ■ CHAPTER 11

11. Which of the following subjects is not ordinarily discussed in a cover letter?
a. Protection afforded the respondent
b. Anticipated outcome of the study
c. Legitimacy of the researcher
d. Purpose of the study
12. You are planning to do a study of the relationship between a teacher’s
length of teaching experience and his or her attitudes toward discipline of
students. You are sending out a questionnaire including an attitude scale
and a biographical information sheet. Construct a sample cover letter to
accompany this mailing.

■ Recommended References
Berdie, D. R., Anderson, J. F., & Niebuhr, M. A. (1986). Questionnaires: Design and use
(2nd ed.). Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press.
Fowler, F. J. (1993). Survey research methods (2nd ed.). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Lavrakas, P. J. (1987). Telephone survey methods: Sampling, selection, and supervision.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.


= C H A P T E R T W E LV E

Carrying Out Statistical Analyses


• Choose a statistical test appropriate for different combinations of

variables and different levels of measurement.
• Calculate a mean, median, and standard deviation.
• Code and roster data.
• Analyze data using parametric and nonparametric tests

HIS CHAPTER will respond to Dr. Richards’s problem, namely
the systematic analysis of data. In doing so, we will review the basic
principles that allow us to draw conclusions concerning the issues of
interest in research studies. Research studies consider many different types of
environmental observations; to accurately reflect the goals of our investiga-
tions, it is important to select the proper techniques to interpret these data.
We begin this chapter with a review of measures of central tendency and vari-
ability, then turn to the coding and rostering of data, and close by describ-
ing different statistical tests that may be used to address different types of
research questions.

■ Measures of Central Tendency and Variability

Measures of central tendency serve a very important purpose—they allow us to

make summary statements about a particular collection of observations. This is
beneficial for researchers who wish to identify a typical observation point. This
point would serve as a concise yet informative description of a data set.

■ 289
290 ■ CHAPTER 12

Dr. Fred Richards smiled contentedly to himself as he munched on his

chicken salad sandwich. He was enjoying lunch with a colleague, Dr. Jan
Auswar, to celebrate the completion of their first full year as associate profes-
sors at the local state university.
“Are you working on any new and exciting projects?” asked Dr. Auswar
as he dug his fork into a tasty garden salad.
“Still trying to work through the old ones,” replied Dr. Richards, as he
cleared his mouth. “I’m having a devil of a time making sense of my data.”
“Not a terrible problem to have,” answered Dr. Auswar. “Tell me about
the project.”
“I was interested in investigating the relationship between teacher and
student communication and academic achievement,” started Dr. Richards,
“and I have been collecting both qualitative and quantitative data for about
six months. I have overall grade point average data, individual test scores, and
student ratings of efficacy and outcome expectations. I also have individual
student journals on which they have reflected about their experiences in the
classroom over the course of the semester. I suspect that there are real revela-
tions as to my research question hidden among these data, but I don’t have a
plan as to how it should be interpreted.”
“Have you given any thought to the types of statistical tests that you
may want to run?” asked Dr. Auswar as he took another sip of his iced tea.
“Some,” responded Dr. Richards. “It’s just hard to know where to begin.
I tell you this, though,” he concluded with a heavy sigh, “I’d better figure it
out soon, before the project loses all momentum.”


Within a particular data set, you may find clusters of observations. For exam-
ple, a high school teacher who collected mathematical efficacy ratings for her
first-period class prior to the marking period’s first big exam, gathered the fol-
lowing data:

75, 82, 45, 75, 69, 75, 90, 80, 75, 70, 75, 89, 83, 75, 77

It is useful for this teacher to know which score occurred most frequently
because this value indicates the efficacy level of the largest number of students.
This information suggests a trend within a distribution, namely that a group of
students feel the same way. This measure of central tendency is called the mode.
It is easy to calculate: simply determine which value (or values) appears most
often within a distribution of scores. In this example, the mode or modal value
is 75, as six students report this level of efficacy, far more than any other single
report. It is important to note that though these data provide only one modal
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 2 9 1

value, it is possible for a distribution of scores to have two modal values; in this
instance, we refer to the data as bimodal.
While the modal value does reveal a vital characteristic of a distribution
and it is very easy to calculate, other measures of central tendency are needed
to provide additional analysis of data. We will next introduce the most impor-
tant of these measures, mean.


The mean, or average, is computed by adding a list of scores and then dividing
by the number of scores. It is also more commonly known as the average of a
set of observations, often denoted as Mx, signifying the mean of a set of scores,
represented as X. Its algebraic formula is:


where the mean, ∑X is the sum of the Xs, or individual scores, and N is the
number of scores.
Consider an example. Fifteen students took a mathematics exam, earning
the following scores:

98 89 78
97 89 73
95 84 70
93 82 60
90 82 50

To determine the mean score on this math test, add the 15 scores (that is, ∑X =
1,230), then divide that sum by N (15) to give 82.0.
The mean reveals more about a particular distribution of observations than
the modal value because it considers every data point in a set, while the mode
considers only the most common value. Because of this, however, the mean is
subject to the influence of outliers, or scores that are far below or far above a
central point. Let us consider a further example of a set of test scores from our
fictional mathematics class:

98 89 30
97 89 73
95 84 70
12 82 60
90 82 50
292 ■ CHAPTER 12

Using our formula for mean, we calculate an average of 73.4 (1,101 divided
by 15). This statistic should be interpreted with caution, however; clearly, the
average scores were dramatically influenced by two exceptionally low scores
(“12” and “30”, respectively). A teacher who relies solely on the mean to con-
clude that her students did not do well on this exam would be in error. There is
a need for an additional central tendency measure that will not be as sensitive
to outlying scores.


The median is the score in the middle of a distribution: 50 percent of the scores
fall above it, and 50 percent fall below it. In the table of 15 scores, the median
score is 84. Seven scores are higher and seven are lower than that one. In a list
containing an even number of scores, the middle two scores would be averaged
to get the median.
The median is not as sensitive to extreme scores as is the mean. In fact,
this is the value of the median as a statistic of a measure of central tendency;
unlikely scores that are unusually high or unusually low in a distribution do
not influence the median to the same extent that they do the mean. The mean
defines the “middle” of a set of scores considered in terms of their values,
whereas the median defines the “middle” of the distribution in terms of the
number of scores.
In our second set of scores, we identify a median of 82. Note that the mean
of the 15 scores is lower than the median, because two or three extremely low
scores reduce the total. In this case, the median score is a more accurate rep-
resentation of the performance of the class as a whole than is the mean, which
was artificially lowered by a couple of lower scores.

Skew of a Data Distribution

Researchers should consider the mean, median, and mode in tandem, as the
combination of these statistics reveals vital truths about the distribution of
observations as a whole. In doing so, it will become apparent that the distribu-
tion can be described in one of three ways. In a symmetrical distribution, the
mean, median, and mode are values that occur very close together. In this case,
a researcher should use the mean value to draw inferences about the distribu-
tion of scores. In a positively skewed distribution, the mode is the lowest of
the three statistics and the mean is the highest. This happens when a few high
outliers are within a data set. A practical example may be a set of scores on
an examination where most students do poorly but one or two students earn
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 2 9 3

exceptionally high scores. In a negatively skewed distribution, the mean is the

lowest of the three statistics and the mode is the highest. Here, the mean is
lowered by a few exceptionally lower data points. Again using our fictional
math class, a negatively skewed distribution may represent an exam that most
students found to be “easy”; most students scored well, but the class average
was pulled down by a couple of students who didn’t do well. In instances of
both a negatively and positively skewed distribution, it is advisable to con-
sider either the mode or median rather than the mean to draw conclusions
about a data set.

Range, Standard Deviation, and Variance

In addition to knowing the mean, median, and mode of a data distribution, it

is helpful to know how far each individual score is from measures of central
tendency. We can determine this by first calculating the range, or the difference
between the lowest and highest values. Returning to our original hypothetical
data set (mathematics efficacy scores), we have a low point of 45 and a high
point of 90. The range would then be determined by calculating the difference
between these points (90 – 45), which equals 45. This would indicate that the
scores in this distribution extend over 45 points.
In most cases, we need a more precise measure of the variation in a data
set. While range does indicate the distance between the highest and lowest data
points, it does not account for differences in central tendency. Consider the
following two data sets:

28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

28, 34, 34, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35

While both distributions report a range of 7, they should be interpreted

quite differently, given where the scores fall within that range. In this instance,
we must consider other statistical techniques. One such strategy is to calculate
the variance, which can be described using the following formula:

Sum of squared deviations


Specifically, we would begin by identifying the mean for a particular sam-

ple. That mean is then subtracted from each individual score. The resulting dif-
ference represents the deviation from the mean for each individual data point.
This difference is then squared for each score and added, which yields the sum
294 ■ CHAPTER 12

of squared deviations. In this formula, “N” represents the total number of

scores, from which we will subtract 1. Let us consider the following data set:

X X–M (X – M)2
9 -3 9
11 -1 1
12 0 0
13 1 1
15 3 9

Based upon a mean of 12, we can now calculate the sum of squared devia-
tions for this data set, which, using the steps above, is calculated as 20. Plugging
this number into the formula, we find that the variance for this data set is 5, that
is: 20 / (5 – 1) = 5.
The variance indicates how spread out a distribution may be. We can see
the usefulness of this measure quite clearly when we compare our two recent

(a) 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35

(b) 28, 34, 34, 34, 34, 35, 35, 35

At first glance, it would seem that sample (a) is distributed more “widely” than
is sample (b), where scores seem to cluster around the top end of the range.
Though the range statistic for each sample is the same, calculation of the vari-
ance confirms that sample (a) does have a wider distribution, with a variance
statistic of 6, while sample (b) produces a variance statistic of 5.4.
Many times it is helpful also to know where individual scores may fall
within a distribution. This can be discovered by calculating the standard devia-
tion, which is simply the square root of the variance statistic. For samples (a)
and (b), the standard deviation statistics are 2.45 and 2.33 respectively. Typi-
cally, increasing standard deviation reflects wider dispersion from the mean of
the highest and lowest scores.
The standard deviation statistic is particularly useful when you are working
with a normal distribution of scores. For example, IQ testing in this country
has yielded a mean IQ score of about 100 with a calculated standard deviation
of about 15. For a normal distribution, this means that the majority of the
population (68%) will have IQ scores that fall within one standard deviation
of the mean (between 85 and 115).
Thus far, we have discussed statistics of central tendency and variance that
are useful in identifying key trends in a data distribution. We now turn our
attention to the process of preparing your data for more advanced analyses—
that of coding and rostering.
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 2 9 5

■ Coding and Rostering Data

Ordinarily, a researcher does not analyze data in word form. For instance, a
data-processing device cannot conveniently record the fact that a subject was
male or female through the use of those words. The solution is to assign a
numerical code: Perhaps each male subject would be coded as 1 and each female
subject as 2. The numerical code gives another name to a datum, but one that
is shorter than its word name and therefore easier to record, store, process, and
Such codes are used regularly in data processing. Similar techniques allow
you to code characteristics like the subject’s name, gender, socioeconomic sta-
tus, years of education completed, and so on. Consider the simple data codes
shown in Table 12.1.
Note that the data are collected in nominal categories designated by word
name (e.g., single, married, divorced) and that the word name of each category
is then replaced by a number. The researcher makes an arbitrary choice of
which number represents which word. Typically, however, consecutive num-
bers are chosen; when appropriate, one number (usually the last in the series) is
reserved for a category labeled “other” or “miscellaneous.”
Numerical data codes are essential for nominal data, which are typically
collected in word form and must therefore be coded to obtain numerical

TABLE 12.1 Simple Data Codes

Gender Marital Status Hair Color
= male = single = brown
= female = married = black
= divorced = blonde
= widowed = red
= other


Years of Education Occupational Categoriesa Subject Matter
= some high school = professional, technical, and managerial = English
= high school graduate = clerical and sales = Social studies
= some college = service = Mathematics
= college graduate = farming, fishery, forestry, and others = Science
= professional or graduate related
training = processing
= machine trades
= bench work
= structural work
= miscellaneous
From the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
296 ■ CHAPTER 12

indicators of categories. These codes can also be assigned to interval data (or
ordinal data) if, to facilitate data storage or analysis, you desire to replace a long
series of numbers with a shorter one, or if you choose to convert these data to
nominal form. (Coding produces nominal data because it groups scores into
categories.) For instance, if your subjects’ ages run from a low of 16 years old
to a high of 60 years old, you can replace an interval scale of 45 possible scores
(individual ages) with a compressed scale of five categories (which would then
be considered nominal categories for computations): Ages 11 to 20 receive the
code 1; ages 21 to 30 receive 2; ages 31 to 40 receive 3; ages 41 to 50 receive 4;
and ages 51 to 60 receive 5.
To summarize, researchers have several options with interval data. They
can retain them in interval form and use the two-digit numbers collected for
subjects’ ages, or they can treat the data as classes or categories by coding them
into nominal form. If they choose to use a statistic requiring nominal data, such
as chi-square analysis, they would have to adopt the second option.
Coding can also define ordinal categories within a series of scores. Thus, 1
might represent scores in the high 20 percent of a series, 2 those in the second
highest 20 percent, and so on, down to 5 for those in the lowest 20 percent.
Consider an example of scores from a class of 25 students:

98 84 79 70 60
96 84 78 69 58
94 84 77 68 53
92 80 77 68 42
87 80 71 65 30
Code 1 2 3 4 5

This coding system ensures that an equal number of scores will fall into
each coding category; it offers an attractive system for a study that requires
equal numbers of scores in a category. (It can also be used to compare the dis-
tributions of two independent samples using chi-square analysis.)
Some examples of more complex coding systems for converting interval
scores to ordered categories appear in Table 12.2. Computations based on such
categories are still likely to treat them as nominal variables. Note that the cod-
ing schemes avoid labeling any category as 0. It is recommended that a coding
category begin with 1 or 01 and that 0 be used only to designate no data. Note
also that in each case, the number of digits in the code must be the same as the
number of digits in the last category of the coded data. Because the number 10
in Example 2 has two digits, a two-digit code must be used from the beginning.
A coding scheme for 350 categories would require three-digit codes, because the
number 350 has three digits.
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 2 9 7

TABLE 12.2 Complex Data Codes

Weight in Pounds Number of Correct Responses
1 = under 121 01 = 0–5
2 = 121–140 02 = 6–10
3 = 141–160 03 = 11–15
4 = 161–180 04 = 16–20
5 = 181–200 05 = 21–25
6 = 201–220 06 = 26–30
7 = over 220 07 = 31–35
08 = 36–40
09 = 41–45
10 = 46–50

Grade Grade
1 = 90 and above 1 = top 10% (percentile 91–100)
2 = 80–89 2 = next to top 20% (percentile 71–90)
3 = 70–79 3 = middle 40% (percentile 31–70)
4 = 60–69 4 = next to lowest 20% (percentile 11–30)
5 = 59 and below 5 = lowest 10% (percentile 1–10)

It is important to emphasize that all data should not be automatically coded.

Actual data values may be rostered and analyzed. Data codes are assigned (1)
when interval or ordinal data have been collected but discrete data categories
(nominal data) are desired for analysis purposes, or (2) when the data them-
selves come in nominal form (that is, as words).
The step between data collection and data analysis, data rostering, is the
procedure by which data are recorded for use in a statistical analysis. In fact,
the following discussion of data rostering is predicated on the expectation that
the next step will be analysis.
Suppose that children participating in a study concerning reading methods
were grouped as follows: (1) eight children were given readiness instruction
and then sight reading training, (2) eight children received sight reading train-
ing only, (3) eight children received readiness instruction only, and (4) eight
children received reading training using a phonics approach. Type of treatment
represents the major independent variable in this study. As a moderator vari-
able, half of the children in each treatment group were boys. As a second mod-
erator variable, half of the boys and half of the girls in each treatment group
had scored above the group mean on the Stanford-Binet IQ test. The parents’
income served as a control variable. Codes necessary for rostering these data
appear in Table 12.3.
298 ■ CHAPTER 12

TABLE 12.3 Data Codes for the Reading Study

Subject Number Treatment Sex IQ Parents’ Income
01= Johnny J. 1 = Readiness and sight reading 1 = male 1 = high 1 = under $12,000
02= George T. 2 = Sight reading only 2 = female 2 = low 2 = $12,000–$25,000
03= Nancy R. 3 = Readiness only 3 = over $25,000
• 4=Phonics approach

32 = Blair Z.

Once you have prepared the coding scheme, the next step is to either pre-
pare a data sheet or enter the data into a computer. It is helpful to indicate on
a separate piece of paper the independent, moderator, control, and dependent
variables for each analysis.
The dependent variables in this study include rate, accuracy, and compre-
hension scores on the school’s own reading test and scores on the Picture Read-
ing Test. In addition, the number of days absent from school were rostered, as
well as the scores on a group IQ test administered at the end of the experiment.
The sample roster sheet appears in Table 12.4.
Note that the first five items on the roster have been designated by codes,
while the remaining six are actual scores. Decimal points can be eliminated
when they are in a constant position for each variable and add nothing to the
data. However, maintaining them, as in the grade equivalency scores on the
Picture Reading Test in Table 12.4 (next to last column), often aids interpreta-
tion of the data roster and subsequent results.

■ Choosing the Appropriate Statistical Test

Recall that the purpose of a statistical test is to evaluate the match between
the data collected from two or more samples. Further, statistical tests help to
determine the possibility that chance fluctuations have accounted for any dif-
ferences between results from the samples.
To choose the appropriate statistic, first determine the number of inde-
pendent and dependent variables in your study. (For statistical purposes, con-
sider moderator variables as independent variables.) Next, distinguish nominal,
ordinal, and interval variables. (These terms are explained in Chapter 10.)
Notice in the table that if both independent and dependent variables are
interval measures, correlation techniques (parametric correlations) may be
employed. Ordinal measurement generally calls for nonparametric techniques.
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 2 9 9

TABLE 12.4 Data Roster for the Reading Study








01 1 1 2 00 21 07 18 2.4 115
02 1 1 3 01 19 10 16 3.1 095
03 1 2 3 01 09 04 17 0.9 101
04 1 2 1 05 17 02 10 1.6 097
05 2 1 2 00 22 14 04 1.8 122
06 2 1 2 1 14 06 11 2.0 124
07 2 2 1 08 13 12 18 1.1 110
08 2 2 1 07 16 03 16 1.2 104
09 2 1 1 1 01 11 04 17 0.3 122
10 2 1 1 2 04 18 09 12 0.9 100
11 2 1 2 1 01 25 02 14 2.9 101
12 2 1 2 2 03 23 12 15 1.0 099
13 2 2 1 3 06 11 08 10 2.1 133
14 2 2 1 3 09 17 11 14 2.1 130
15 2 2 2 2 06 29 14 11 1.0 129
16 2 2 2 1 00 13 08 16 2.0 103
17 3 1 1 3 02 15 10 12 3.0 092
18 3 1 1 1 06 17 10 09 2.8 104
19 3 1 2 2 08 27 06 23 2.0 101
20 3 1 2 2 10 25 14 17 1.7 093
21 3 2 1 1 01 13 12 16 2.2 109
22 3 2 1 1 02 24 09 21 2.7 131
23 3 2 2 2 06 31 10 14 2.5 105
24 3 2 2 3 03 15 15 18 2.9 108
25 4 1 1 2 05 19 10 17 1.8 111
26 4 1 1 1 11 13 12 18 0.6 130
27 4 1 2 2 01 25 08 12 1.5 090
28 4 1 2 1 10 30 09 13 1.9 100
29 4 2 1 3 07 19 19 24 2.6 119
30 4 2 1 1 03 11 15 23 2.0 124
31 4 2 2 2 03 18 10 20 3.5 101
32 4 2 2 3 09 24 15 15 2.1 095
300 ■ CHAPTER 12

Researchers rely on a basic tool kit of six commonly used statistical tests.
If you are dealing with two interval variables, use a parametric correlation
called the Pearson product-moment correlation. When dealing with two ordinal
variables, most researchers use a Spearman rank-order correlation. With two
nominal variables, they use the chi-square statistic. For a study with a nominal
independent variable and an interval dependent variable with only two condi-
tions or levels, use a t-test; use analysis of variance to evaluate more than two
conditions or more than one independent variable. Finally, the combination of
a nominal independent variable and an ordinal dependent variable requires a
Mann-Whitney U-test (a nonparametric version of the t-test).
Researchers often transform variables to render the data they collect
suitable to specific statistical tests (which may differ from those originally
anticipated for the studies). For instance, if interval performance data are
available in a two-condition study, but they do not satisfy the conditions for
a t-test (normal distribution, equal sample variance), you could transform the
interval dependent variable into an ordinal measure and use a Mann-Whitney
Consider another example. Suppose you are studying the effect of pro-
grammed science materials on learning, with student IQ as a moderator vari-
able. One of the independent variables is a nominal variable—programmed
learning versus traditional teaching—whereas the second, IQ, is an interval
variable. The dependent variables, you decide, are subsequent performance on
an achievement test (interval) and attitudes as measured by an attitude scale
(interval). How should you proceed? The first step is to convert the second
independent variable (IQ) from an interval variable to a nominal variable.
(Recall from Chapter 10 that you can always convert from a higher order of
measurement to a lower order—from interval to ordinal or nominal, or from
ordinal to nominal—but that converting from a lower to a higher order of mea-
surement is not advised.)
To convert an interval variable to a nominal variable, separate the students
into groups based on their scores on the interval measure. Place the scores on
IQ (or another interval variable) in numerical order (that is, essentially, recast
the interval data in ordinal form) and locate the median score. You can then
label everyone above the median as high IQ and everyone below the median as
low IQ, thus assigning Ss to a high category or a low category. As an alternative,
the students could be broken into three groups—high, medium, and low—by
dividing the total group into equal thirds, or tertiles. Categorical assignment to
groups represents nominal measurement.
This chapter will next review five commonly used parametric and non-
parametric statistical tests. Table 12.5 describes the application of each to its
appropriate research investigation.
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 3 0 1

TABLE 12.5 Examples of Parametric and Nonparametric Analyses

Parametric/ Sample Research

Nonparametric Data Type Question
Analysis of Variance Parametric IV: Categorical Do freshmen, juniors
DV: Continuous and seniors signifi-
cantly differ in scores
on the state profi-
ciency exam?
Correlation Parametric IV: Continuous Is there a significant
DV: Continuous relationship between
efficacy score and
grade point average?
Regression Parametric IV: Continuous To what extent can
DV: Continuous grade point average be
predicted by teacher
quality rating?
Mann-Whitney U Nonparametric IV: Continuous/ Do males tend to
Ordinal outperform females in
DV: Continuous/ mathematics?
Chi-Square Nonparametric IV: Categorical Is the distribution of
DV: Continuous student grades consis-
tent with a normal or
expected distribution?

■ Carrying Out Parametric Statistical Tests

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of variance allows a researcher to study the simultaneous effect

of almost any number of independent variables, but its typical applications
include two, three, or four.
Let us first consider the theoretical structure and implications of ANOVA.
A hypothetical college professor wishes to assess the impact of different instruc-
tional strategies on overall class performance. He then creates three conditions:
(1) a lecture-only instructional condition; (2) a cooperative learning–only condi-
tion; and (3) a combination of lecture and cooperative learning. He plans to mea-
sure class performance by grade in the course, so he administers weekly exams
on a 100-point scale, which he plans to average at the conclusion of the semester.
In conducting this study, our fictional professor has clear expectations
for its outcome and assumptions that guide his statistical analysis. First, obvi-
ously, he expects that his “treatment”—in this case, the differing instructional
strategies—will correspond to a measurable change in exam scores for his stu-
dents. This corresponds to the first assumption in following this procedure,
302 ■ CHAPTER 12

that the treatment should have an impact on student grades that outweighs the
differences between individual students in the class. He also assumes that his
instructional strategies will have a specific impact on each of his students; that
is to say, that the scores they produce on his exams will be independent of one
another. Finally, our fictional professor assumes that exam scores will be nor-
mally distributed; that is, the scores his students produce will fall on the normal,
bell-shaped distribution curve.
The different instructional strategies produced the following average exams
scores for the three classes:

Lecture Only Cooperative Learning Only Lecture and Cooperative

72 79 91

At first glance, it would seem that the combined-instruction position pro-

duced a measureable impact on student grades that was different from that of
either the lecture-only or cooperative learning–only conditions. Can we safely
come to this conclusion? What of the difference between lecture-only and
cooperative learning–only conditions? To determine the statistical significance
of these differences, we can conduct an analysis of variance.
Basically stated, the analysis of variance is a way to statistically compare the
variance within groups to that between groups. In doing so, it enables a researcher
to determine whether there are meaningful differences between groups on a vari-
able of interest. While a t-test allows you to compare two means to determine the
probability that the difference between them reflects a real difference between
the groups of subjects rather than a chance variation in data, ANOVA is useful
because it can accommodate more than two variables at a time.
ANOVA tests the hypothesis that there are no differences among group
means. It is described in terms of F, the formula for which is as follows:

F = MS between / MS within

Here, F represents the ratio between the differences between groups and the
differences within each group (also known as “error”). Simply stated, an F sta-
tistic that is higher than 1 indicates the presence of a treatment effect (though
the statistical significance of that effect is a bit more complicated).
The first step in calculating the ANOVA for a data set is to calculate the
total sum of squares (SST), which is the sum total of the difference between
each data point and the mean for the data set. This can be defined as follows:

SST = Σ(Xi – MG)2

C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 3 0 3

Consider the following data set

Cooperative Lecture and

Lecture Only Learning Only Cooperative Learning
72 80 90
44 80 93
70 82 93
80 79 88
68 74 91
79 72 92
78 78 96
84 83 90
83 85 84
62 77 93

As we stated earlier, the mean scores for the three groups are 72, 79, and
91, respectively (we’ll use these later). The total mean for this data set is 80.67.
Calculating the total sum of squares would simply be a matter of inserting each
data point and mean into the formula.

SST = Σ(Xi – 80.67)2

SST = 3404.67

This statistic represents the total amount of variance that will be explained
by the sum of the treatment (between groups) and error (within groups). We
must next consider the degrees of freedom (df), or the number of options that
will vary within a particular investigation. This is calculated quite easily. The
degrees of freedom are always calculated by the total number of scores used to
calculate the sum of squares minus 1. For the dfm (model degrees of freedom)
simply subtract 1 from the total number of comparison groups. For this study,
we simply subtract 1 from 3 (lecture, cooperative learning, lecture/cooperative
learning), which yields a df of 2. For the dfT (total degrees of freedom) we
simply subtract 1 from 30 (the total number of participant scores), which yields
29. For the dfR (residual degrees of freedom), we subtract the model degrees of
freedom from the total degrees of freedom, which yields 27.
Our next step is to calculate just how much of the total sum of squares (vari-
ance) can be explained by the treatment conditions. This statistic, also known as
the model sum of squares, can be calculated by using the following formula:

SSM = Σ n(M – MG)2

Here n equals the total number of subjects in a particular group, M equals the
mean for a particular group, and MG equals the total mean for the sample.
304 ■ CHAPTER 12

When we consider our individual group means (72, 79, and 91) and our total
group mean (80.67), we calculate the following statistic:

SSM = 751.69 + 27.89 + 1067.09

SSM = 1846.67

Our next step is to calculate the residual sum of squares, or the amount
of variance that was not explained by the treatment. This is done by subtract-
ing the model sum of squares from the total sum of squares (in this example,
3404.67 – 1846.67), which for our fictional study gives us 1558.00.
By simply observing these numbers, one would conclude that there is a
greater degree of variability between groups than within each group. We must
next calculate the mean sum of squares (MS) for both the model and residual
sum of squares. This statistic is calculated by simply dividing each of the model
sum of squares and residual sum of squares by their respective degrees of free-
dom. This statistic is calculated as follows:

dfm = 1846.67 / 2
dfm = 923.33

dfR = 1558 / 27
dfR = 57.07

Returning to our original formula, we can now calculate the F statistic:

F = MS between / MS within
F = 16.00

Statistical tests are major tools for data interpretation. By statistical testing,
a researcher can compare groups of data to determine the probability that dif-
ferences between them are based on chance, providing evidence for judging the
validity of a hypothesis or inference. A statistical test can compare the means
in this example relative to the degree of variation among scores in each group
to determine the probability that the calculated differences between the means
reflect real differences between subject groups and not chance occurrences.
By considering the degree of variation within each group, statistical tests yield
estimates of the probability or stability of particular findings. Thus, when a
researcher reports that the difference between two means is significant at the .05
level (usually reported as p < .05), this information implies a probability less than
5 out of 100 that the difference is due to chance. (That is, the likelihood that the
distribution of scores obtained in the study would occur simply as a function of
chance is less than 5 percent.) On this basis, a researcher can conclude that the
differences obtained were most likely the result of the treatment.
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 3 0 5

In statistical applications by behavioral scientists, the 5 percent level (that

is, p < .05) often is considered an acceptable level of confidence to reject the
null hypothesis (which implies equality between the means of the control and
experimental groups). Nothing magic requires setting significance at the .05
level, though. It is simply an arbitrary level that many researchers have chosen
as a decision point in either accepting a finding as reliable or rejecting it as
sufficiently improbable to prevent confidence in its recurrence. Occasionally,
research studies produce mean differences that are significant at the .01 confi-
dence level. Differences at this level indicate a probability of only 1 out of 100
that chance alone would account for the differences.
This is crucial for determining the statistical significance of a treatment.
Recall that the F statistic is the ratio of treatment-related variance to within-
group variance (error). The statistical significance of an F statistic is determined
by considering both the model degrees of freedom (in this case, 2) and the
residual degrees of freedom (in this case, 27). Using these statistics, we can
then determine whether or not an F score can be determined to be statistically
significant by consulting a table of significance (found in Appendix A). Using
this information, we find that an F of (2, 27) = 16.00 produces a p value (sig-
nificance) of less than .001. We would then conclude that there is a statistically
significant difference between treatment conditions for this data sample.

■ Correlation and Regression Analyses

Correlational studies describe the relationship among two or more variables.

They not only address the existence (or lack thereof) of a relationship, but also
the strength and direction of that relationship. Specifically, this type of research
investigation results in one of three outcomes:

1. No relationship exists between or among the variables.

2. A positive correlation exists between the variables.
3. A negative correlation exists between the variables.

Calculating the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient (rxy), the statistic that

determines the strength and direction of the relationship, is done using the fol-
lowing formula:

ΣXY – (ΣX)(ΣY) / n

Consider a psychology professor who is interested in the relationship

between self-efficacy (confidence) and exam score. She administers a 10-item,
10-point Likert-scaled efficacy instrument and calculates the semester average
for each of her 10 students. She records the following set of scores:
306 ■ CHAPTER 12

Efficacy (out of 100) Exam Average (out of 100)

78 82
82 90
69 52
91 91
70 85
65 90
92 88
80 82
85 79
80 89

To calculate the coefficient statistic, she will first need to perform a few
simple calculations. For ΣXY, multiple each X value (efficacy) by its corre-
sponding Y value (exam average) and sum the total. For both (ΣX) and (ΣY),
simply sum the totals for each variable. For (SSx) and (SSy) it is a bit more
complex—you will need to use the following formula:

SSx = SX2 – (ΣX) 2


SSy = SY2 – (ΣY) 2


This requires that we calculate both SX2 and SY2 as well as squaring the SX and
SY. The resulting table should resemble the following:

Efficacy Exam Average

(out of 100) (out of 100)
X X2 Y Y2 XY
78 6084 82 6724 6396
82 6724 90 8100 7380
69 4761 52 2704 3588
91 8281 91 8281 8281
70 4900 85 7225 5950
65 4225 90 8100 5850
92 8464 88 7744 8096
80 6400 82 6724 6560
85 7225 79 6241 6715
80 6400 89 7921 7120
ΣX = 792 ΣX2 = 63464 ΣY = 828 ΣY2 = 69764 ΣXY = 65936
(SX)2 = 627264
(SY)2 = 685584
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 3 0 7

With this information, we can now plug the appropriate numbers into the

65936 – (792)(828)
兹 (737.6)(1205.6)

rxy = .38

In this instance, the correlation coefficient informs the researcher that there
is a moderately strong positive correlation between efficacy and exam score for
this sample.
Using this information, we can also calculate a line of best fit, that is to say,
a linear regression. This statistic allows us to predict values for one variable
using a fairly simple equation:

Y = mx + b

The slope (m) for the regression line can be calculated using many of the
statistics we calculated for the correlation coefficient:

n(ΣXY) – (ΣX)(ΣY)
n(ΣX2) – (ΣX)2

Similarly the intercept (b) can be calculated as follows:

ΣY – m(ΣX)

By plugging in the data from our efficacy/exam score study, we can easily cal-
culate the regression equation:

10(65936) – (792)(828)
10(63464) – (792)2

m = .49

828 – .49(792)

b = 43.99
308 ■ CHAPTER 12

This leaves us with a regression equation of Y = .49X + 43.99. In our hypo-

thetical example, this allows us to predict and plot the value for either exam
score or efficacy rating by using only one of the two variables.

■ Carrying Out Nonparametric Statistical Tests

Mann-Whitney U-Test

The Mann-Whitney U-test is a popular nonparametric test that compares two

samples for possible significant differences. The U-test is not bound by the
same restrictions as the t-test (its parametric counterpart). Like all other non-
parametric tests, it eliminates the requirement for parametric statistics for nor-
mally distributed data with equal sample variances.
The U-test calls for a nominal independent variable (such as a distinction
between treatment and control groups) and an ordinal dependent variable. If
the dependent variable is an interval measure, it is easily transformed to an
ordinal measure by casting the scores into ranks and then analyzing the ranks.
The U statistic is calculated by using the following formula:

n1(n1 +1)
U1 = R1 –

In this equation, n1 represents the sample size for sample 1, while R1 represents
the sum of ranks for sample 1. When calculating U for multiple samples, the
smallest of the U values is used when consulting significance tables.
An example might consider a physical education teacher who wishes to
investigate whether girls or boys in general post faster 50-yard-dash times.
After testing 20 students, he ranks them in order of finish:


Using this rank-order information, we can calculate the U statistic for both
boys (U1) and girls U2):

10 (10 +1)
U1 = (1+2+3+5+6+10+11+13+14+18) –
U1 = 26

10 (10 +1)
U2 = (4+7+8+9+12+15+16+17+19+20) –
U2 = 72
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 3 0 9

For purposes of analysis, we would use the smaller U1 statistic (26) when con-
sulting the significance table (See Appendix A). A finding of significance for
this investigation would suggest that males tend to run faster 50-yard-dash
times than females.
A worksheet for the U-test appears as Figure IV in Appendix B. This
worksheet has been set up for experiments involving fewer than 20 and more
than 8 observations in the larger of two samples. For larger sample sizes, use
techniques described in Siegel (1956).

Chi-Square Statistic

A second, commonly used nonparametric statistical analysis is the chi-square

analysis, which is used to investigate differences between variable distribu-
tions. Specifically, chi-square is used to determine if a particular distribution is
consistent with frequencies we would expect to see with a normal distribution
of data.
The formula for calculating chi-square is as follows:

(observed – expected)2
χ2 = Σ

Let us assume that we wish to determine whether the distribution of grades

in a particular class is consistent with our expectations for males and females
with respect to a normal dispersal of A’s, B’s, C’s, D’s, and F’s. For one particu-
lar course, we take note of the following reported grades:

Males Females
A 4 9
B 8 9
C 7 4
D 6 2
F 5 2
Totals 30 26

Assuming a normal distribution of scores, we would expect that of 30

males enrolled in the class, 4 students each would earn an A or F, 8 students
each would earn a B or D, and 6 would earn a C. Plugging each of the values
into the equation will yield the following:

((3 – 4)2 / 4) + ((8 – 8)2 /8) + ((7 – 6)2 /6) + ((3 – 8)2 / 8) +((4 – 4)2 / 4))
χ2 = 3.80
310 ■ CHAPTER 12

The significance of this statistic would then be evaluated with respect to

the degrees of freedom, which corresponds to the number of groups being
investigated (See Appendix B). A finding of significance would indicate that
the grade distribution for males is significantly different from the expected val-
ues for each grade band.

Types of Statistical Errors

Two kinds of hypotheses are important in using and understanding statistics:

the null hypothesis and its alternative, the directional hypothesis. The null
hypothesis, represented by H0, predicts no differences between means for the
experimental and control groups, while the directional hypothesis, represented
by H1, predicts a difference between means. The null hypothesis is held to
be true unless evidence suggests another conclusion. In that case, researchers
speak of “rejecting the null hypothesis.” In the absence of such evidence, they
accept the null hypothesis. Keep in mind that statistics allow a researcher to
test the null hypothesis and determine whether evidence suggests rejecting or
accepting it. If statistical results justify rejecting the null, then they provide
support for the directional hypothesis.
However, such a conclusion can be affected by two types of statistical
error. The first, called alpha, or Type I error, is the risk of rejecting the null
hypothesis (H0 ) when it is, in fact, a true statement. This error represents a false
positive result, the term for incorrectly attributing a difference to the means of
two groups when they reflect the same value. In contrast, a beta, or Type II
error, represents the risk of accepting the null hypothesis when it is, in fact, a
false statement. This error represents a false negative result, the term for incor-
rectly believing the means of the two groups to be the same when they differ.
The two types of errors are not independent of one another. A smaller Type I
error corresponds to a larger potential Type II error, and vice versa.

TABLE 12.6 Two Types of Statistical Errors

State of Affairs in the Population
Decision H0 True H0 False; H1 True
Reject H0 Type I (α) error No error (power)
(false positive)
Do not reject H0 No error Type II (β) error
(false negative)

If the two types of errors were considered to be equally serious, research-

ers would set equal significance levels for both. But Type I error is considered
to be a more serious risk, because a false positive conclusion may lead people
to rely on results that do not reflect true conditions. Because of the seriousness
C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 3 1 1

of a Type I error, it is ordinarily set at 5 percent, or the .05, level, meaning that
researchers accept only 5 chances out of 100 of making such an error. If the
Type I error were considered to be four times more serious than the Type II
error, then Type II error would be represented by a significance level of .20.

One-Tailed and Two-Tailed Tests

A two-sided or two-tailed statistical test compares the null hypothesis that the
means of two distributions are equal (H0 ) against the alternative that they are not
equal—meaning that the first may be either larger (H1 ) or smaller (H2) than the
second. This term implies that the two tails or two sides of the normal distribu-
tion contribute to estimates of probabilities. A two-tailed test is concerned with
the absolute magnitude of the difference regardless of sign or direction.
A researcher concerned with the direction of such a difference might
employ a one-tailed or one-sided test. However, the one-tailed approach is
a much less conservative evaluation than the two-tailed approach. A given
degree of difference between means indicates half the likelihood that it resulted
by chance in a one-tailed test as the same difference indicates in a two-tailed
test. In other words, a difference that yields a p value at the .05 level in a one-
tailed test will yield a p value at the .10 level in a two-tailed test. A one-tailed
test thus doubles the probability of a Type I, or false positive, error. For this
reason, two-tailed tests are recommended.

■ Summary

1. Statistical tests enable a researcher to compare groups of data to deter-

mine the probability that chance variations have produced any differences
between them.
2. Type I (or alpha) error is the probability of rejecting the null or no difference
hypothesis when it is a true statement. It represents a false positive result, and
researchers usually set the possibility of making such an error at .05. Type II
(or beta) error is the probability of accepting the null hypothesis when it is
a false statement. It represents a false negative result, and researchers usually
tolerate a .20 chance of making such an error. Power, or the probability of
getting a significant difference, equals 1 minus the Type II error.
3. A two-tailed test, the most common type of statistical evaluation, includes
scores from both ends or tails of the normal distribution. A one-tailed test
includes scores from only the tail of the distribution covered by a hypoth-
esis. The same statistical outcome that yields a .05 alpha error on a one-
tailed test will yield a .10 alpha error on a two-tailed test.
4. Sample size is based on alpha level, power (the reciprocal of beta level), and
effect size (the ratio of mean differences to standard deviation). Alpha level
312 ■ CHAPTER 12

is usually set at .05; power at .80; and effect size at .2 (small), .5 (medium),
or .8 (large). A medium effect size requires two groups of 64 subjects each.
5. Nominal data should be coded numerically and all data rostered, either by
hand or electronically, prior to analysis.
6. Analysis of variance provides a statistical tool for partitioning the variance
within a set of scores according to its various sources in order to determine
the effects of variables individually (main effects).
7. The Spearman rank-order correlation compares two sets of ranks to deter-
mine their degree of equivalence.
8. The chi-square (χ2) test uses contingency tables to identify differences
between two distributions of nominal scores.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. You have designed a study with an independent variable (experimental

treatment versus control), a moderator variable (IQ), and a dependent vari-
able (performance on a criterion test). Which statistical test should you
employ to analyze your data?
a. t-test
b. correlation
c. analysis of variance
d. chi-square
2. You are analyzing the results of an experiment comparing the performance
of Ss assigned to experimental and control groups. Your dependent mea-
sure is a score that, for purposes of analysis, has been converted to a rank
assignment relative to the scores of other Ss. To statistically compare such
experimental and control group scores, you should conduct a:
a. Mann-Whitney U-test
b. Spearman rank-order correlation
c. chi-square
d. t-test
3. The following data have been collected:

36 92 74 85 39
98 41 40 90 45
47 73 58 70 22
49 62 67 71 52
54 68 81 78 50

Develop a five-category coding scheme, and assign each score to a category.

C A R R Y I N G O U T S TAT I S T I C A L A N A LY S E S ■ 3 1 3

4. Prepare 20 sets of data, each including a subject identification number, gen-

der code (1 or 2), age, experimental condition code (1 or 2), and two-digit
scores on each of 10 dependent variables. Roster these data on a roster
sheet or by computer.
5. For the remaining exercises, refer to the following scores of two groups of
Ss (N = 20 in each) on a performance measure:

Group 1 Group 2
a. 75 k. 81 a. 72 k. 79
b. 88 l. 89 b. 81 l. 83
c. 80 m. 77 c. 70 m. 73
d. 85 n. 84 d. 80 n. 85
e. 78 o. 88 e. 70 o. 82
f. 90 p. 93 f. 85 p. 90
g. 82 q. 91 g. 73 q. 80
h. 88 r. 81 h. 82 r. 78
i. 76 s. 85 i. 72 s. 81
j. 82 t. 87 j. 78 t. 74

Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of the scores in

Group 1.
6. Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of the scores in Group
7. Compare the means for Groups 1 and 2 using a t-test. Report the t value and its
level of significance (if any).
8. Compare the scores for Groups 1 and 2 using a Mann-Whitney U-test.
Report the smaller U value and its level of significance (if any).
9. Compare the scores for Groups 1 and 2 using a chi-square (χ 2) test. (Split
the scores into two categories.) Report the χ 2 value and its level of signifi-
cance (if any).
10. Consider the data from Exercise 5. Assume that Group 1 is the experimen-
tal group, Group 2 is the control group, and together they constitute Vari-
able A (the independent variable). In addition, assume you have a mod-
erator variable, Variable B (high versus low IQ, for example). Alternating
members of each group (a, c, e, g, . . . s) are low on Variable B; the remain-
ing members (b, d, f, h, . . . t) are high on that variable. Run a two-way
analysis of variance and report mean squares and F ratios for each source of
variance (A, B, AB, error). Also report levels of significance (if any). (Note:
If you do it by hand rather than by computer, you can use the forms for
unequal ns even though this analysis has equal ns.)
314 ■ CHAPTER 12

11. Now use the data given in Exercise 5 in a slightly different way. Instead of
thinking of Groups 1 and 2 as they are labeled, think of them as Tests 1 and
2, administered to a single group of Ss. The letter appearing alongside each
score is now the subject identification code. Compute a Spearman rank-
order correlation between the scores for the 20 Ss on Test 1 (the Group 1
data) and the scores for these same Ss on Test 2 (the Group 2 data). Report
the r, and the level of significance (if any).
12. Again, consider Groups 1 and 2 to be Tests 1 and 2, respectively, as you
did in Exercise 11. But this time only consider the first 10 Ss. (Again use
the letters alongside the scores as identification codes.) Compute a Pearson
product-moment correlation between the Test 1 and Test 2 scores for the
first 10 Ss. Report the r value and the level of significance (if any).

■ Recommended References
Glass, G. V., & Hopkins, K. D. (1996). Statistical methods in education and psychology
(3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Linn, R. L. (1986). Quantitative methods in research on teaching. In M. C. Wittrock
(Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Macmillan.
Tatsuoka, M. M. (1988). Multivariate analysis: Techniques for educational and psycho-
logical research (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Macmillan.
Winer, B. J., Brown, D. R., & Michels, K. M. (1991). Statistical principles of experimen-
tal design (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Writing a Research Report


• Write a research proposal including an introductory section and a

method section.
• Write a final report including the following sections: introduction,
method, results, discussion, references, and abstract.
• Prepare tables to illustrate experimental designs and results of data
• Prepare graphs to illustrate the results of data analysis.

■ The Research Proposal

Proposal preparation is a significant part of the development and pursuit of a

research project. In fact, whether a planned research project is accepted by a
dissertation committee or funding agency often depends on the quality of the
A research proposal consists of two parts: an introduction and a method
section. Because these sections appear in both the proposal and the final project
report in virtually identical form, this explanation would gain little from sepa-
rate descriptions of proposals and final reports. Consequently, this chapter is
devoted to preparation of a final research report.
Note that the parts of research proposals and reports discussed here, and
their order of presentation, are guidelines, not absolute requirements. Differ-
ent types of studies and different writing styles may yield somewhat different
parts in somewhat different arrangements.

■ 315
316 ■ CHAPTER 13

■ The Introduction Section

This and the next five sections deal with the preparation of the parts of an edu-
cational research report in the form of either a dissertation or a journal article
This section describes the preparation of the introductory section. Depend-
ing upon the length of the section, subsection headings may or may not appear
(for example, “Context of the Problem,” “Statement of the Problem,” “Review
of the Literature,” “Statement of the Hypotheses,” “Rationale for the Hypoth-
eses,” and so on).

Context of the Problem

The first paragraph or two of the introduction should acquaint the reader with
the problem addressed by the study. This orientation is best accomplished by
providing its background. One accepted way to establish a frame of refer-
ence for the problem is to quote authoritative sources. Consider the following
opening paragraphs of introductions from each of two articles in the American
Educational Research Journal:

Context of the Problem1

The number of children in special classrooms is likely to be approximately
one-half to one-third the number in regular classrooms. This is likewise
true for mentally retarded children who are placed in resource rooms, at
least for that part of their school day that is spent in direct resource room
instruction (Sargent, 1981). Research on effects of class size, done primar-
ily in regular classrooms, has frequently been inconclusive, but recent
meta-analysis suggests generally positive effects for smaller classes in
both learning (Glass & Smith, 1979) and behavior (Smith & Glass, 1980).
The mean size of most special classrooms, however, tends to be generally
smaller than that of most regular classrooms studied. That fact, coupled
with the arguably different nature of instruction of special classrooms,
raises questions as to the validity of the “smaller is better” theory applied
to special classes for the mentally retarded. [Forness & Kavale, 1985, pp.

Context of the Problem

Mathematics is a subject in which males continue to outperform females.

1. Because the use of headings is optional, the original material cited as examples often
lacks these headings. When missing from the original, the appropriate headings have been
added for clarity.

Although controversy exists as to both the size and antecedents of the

differences, male superiority in mathematics is seen in upper elementary
years and increases throughout high school. Male superiority increases as
the difficulty level of mathematics increases and is evident even when the
number of mathematics courses taken by girls and boys in high school is
held constant (Fennema, 1984). The Second and Third National Assess-
ments of Educational Progress (NAEP) have provided specific informa-
tion about these sex-related differences (Fennema & Carpenter, 1981;
NAEP, 1983). The largest differences exist, as early as fourth grade, in
tasks of high level cognitive complexity, that is, those tasks defined by
NAEP that can be classified as requiring understanding (which “refers to
explanation and interpretation of mathematical knowledge”) or applica-
tion (which “relies on processes of memory, algorithm, translation, and
judgment”) (Carpenter, Corbitt, Kepner, & Keys, 1981, p. 6).
While there is an increasing body of knowledge about variables asso-
ciated with sex-related differences in mathematics (Fox, 1981), little is
known about characteristics of classrooms or teachers that contribute to
these differences. [Peterson & Fennema, 1985, pp. 309–310]

Note that each introduction identifies the area in which the researchers find
their problem. Additionally, they state their reasons for undertaking the projects;
the introductions point out that the problems have not been fully studied or that
the current studies promise useful contributions to understanding. These illus-
trations are short because each was drawn from a journal that emphasizes brevity
of exposition. In other forms of research reports (and in some journal articles, as
well), context statements may run somewhat longer than these examples. How-
ever, three paragraphs is recommended as a maximum.

Statement of the Problem

The next element of an introduction is a statement of the research problem.

Although some writers prefer to state their problems late in the introductions,
a writer may gain an advantage by stating it early as a way to provide readers
with an immediate basis from which to interpret subsequent statements (espe-
cially the review of the literature). Placing the statement of the problem near
the beginning of the introduction helps readers to determine quickly the pur-
pose of the study; they need not search through the introduction to discover
what problem the study examines.
The statement of the problem should identify, if possible, all independent,
moderator, and dependent variables, and it should ask, in question form, about
their relationships. At this point in the exposition, it has given no operational
318 ■ CHAPTER 13

definitions of the variables, so the problem statement should identify the vari-
ables in their conceptual form rather than in operational form. The variables
should be named, but no description of measurement techniques is necessary
at this point.
One or two sentences will normally suffice to state a research problem.
Often the statement begins: “The purpose of this study was to examine the
relationship between . . .” or “The present study explored . . .”2 Here are prob-
lem statements for the two previously quoted studies:

The purpose of the present study was to determine if any differential effects
occur in the behavior of mildly mentally retarded children in EMR class-
rooms as a result of variations in class size. Does class size make a difference
in the relative frequency of significant classroom behaviors such as atten-
tion, communication, and disruption? [Forness & Kavale, 1985, p. 404]

We addressed these issues by asking the following questions:

1. Do fourth grade girls and boys differ significantly in mathematics

achievement on low level and high level items, and do they differ sig-
nificantly in their achievement gains over a 6-month period?
2. Do fourth grade boys and girls differ significantly in the percentage of
time that they are engaged in various types of activities during math-
ematics class?
3. Do significant relationships exist between the type of mathematics
classroom activity in which girls and boys are engaged and their low
level and high level achievement, and do these relationships differ sig-
nificantly for boys and girls?
4. Are there significant sex-related differences in engagement in class-
room activities between classes that show low level and high level
mathematics achievement gains that are greater for boys than girls,
greater for girls than boys, and do not differ for boys and girls? [Peter-
son & Fennema, 1985, p. 311]

As additional examples, consider some problem statements taken from stu-

dents’ research projects:

2. In a research proposal, is or will be would be substituted for was, and explores or will
explore would replace explored. A proposal is written in the present or future tense and a
final report in the past tense.

The purpose of this study was threefold. An attempt was made to test the
differential effects of the verbal praise of an adult (the type of reinforce-
ment most often utilized by classroom teachers) (1) on a “culturally disad-
vantaged” as opposed to a white middle-class sample, (2) as a function of
the sex of the agent, and (3) as a function of the race of agent and recipient
of this reinforcement.

The purpose of this study was to determine whether girls who plan to
pursue careers in science are more aggressive, more domineering, less con-
forming, more independent, and have a greater need for achievement than
girls who do not plan such careers.

It was the purpose of this study to determine what differences, if any,
existed in the way principals of large and small schools and principals
(collectively) and presidents of teacher organizations viewed the level of
involvement of the principal in a variety of administrative tasks.

Review of the Literature

The purpose of the literature review is to expand upon the context and back-
ground of the study, to refine the problem definition, and to provide an empiri-
cal basis for subsequent development of hypotheses. The length of the review
may vary depending upon the number of relevant articles available and the
purpose of the research report. Dissertations are usually expected to provide
more exhaustive literature reviews than journal articles. Although some dis-
sertation style manuals recommend devoting an entire chapter (typically the
second) to a review of the literature, building the review into the introductory
chapter has the advantage of forcing the writer to keep the review relevant
to the problem statement and the hypotheses that surround it. This section
examines the task of writing a literature review according to the procedures
described in Chapter 3.
A good guideline for selecting the literature to cover in the review sec-
tion is to cite references dealing with each of the variables in the study, paying
special attention to articles that deal with both variables. Literature concerning
conceptually similar or conceptually related variables should likewise be cited.
Subheadings should reflect the major variables (key words) of the literature
review. The review should expand its descriptions of articles as their relevance
to the study increases. Remember that the purpose of the literature review is to
320 ■ CHAPTER 13

provide a basis for formulating hypotheses. In other words, review articles not
for their own sake but as a basis for generalizing from them to your own study.
Consider the following organization of subheadings for the literature
review section in a study of the relationship between teacher attitudes and
teaching style:

Teacher Attitudes
Overview and Definitions
Open-Minded versus Closed-Minded: General Studies
Open-Minded versus Closed-Minded: Relation to Teaching
Humanistic versus Custodial: General Studies
Humanistic versus Custodial: Relation to Teaching

Teaching Style
Overview and Definitions
Directive versus Nondirective: General Studies
Directive versus Nondirective: Relation to Teacher Attitudes

Organizing the literature review section by subheadings helps readers to

follow this information. Consequently, a lengthy review benefits from fre-
quent subheadings to facilitate organization and meaning. To be most mean-
ingful, these subheadings should reflect the study’s variables and the general
research problem (that is, their relationship). The subheadings should also be
your guide to the searching process as well as to the reviewing process. The
organization of the literature review section to support the problem statement
enables you to work toward establishing hypotheses, thus providing a logic for
both the reader and yourself. Consider an example:

An alternative approach to improve academic achievement is to enhance

cognitive engagement by assuring that a particular learning strategy is used.
One such strategy is the identification of key terms, along with their defini-
tions, listed in outline form, which then can serve as an advance organizer
for subsequent text processing (Mayer; 1987), or as a means of construct-
ing meaning from text (Cook & Mayer, 1983). This approach has been
shown to enhance recall and understanding (Weinstein & Mayer, 1986;
White, 1988). Another learning strategy is elaboration, which involves
having learners generate their own images or examples for main ideas.
This strategy, too, has been shown to enhance recall and understanding
(Gagne, Weidemann, Bell, & Anders, 1984; Gagne, Yekovich, & Yekovich,
1993; King, 1992). Elaboration also improves near- and far-transfer (Don-
nelly & McDaniel, 1993) and academic achievement (Wittrock, 1986). In

a synthesis of research on elaboration conducted over 2 decades, Levin

(1988) concluded that it is an effective learning strategy because it prompts
active information processing on the part of the learner, In other words,
it activates processes required for knowledge construction. [Tuckman,
1996a; pp. 198–199]

It is also recommended that the subsection under each subheading begin

with a sentence introducing the purpose, content, or relevance of the literature
to be reviewed in the subsection. Each subsection should end with a sentence
summarizing the conclusions or trends evident from the literature it reviews.

Statement of the Hypotheses

Repeated recommendations throughout this book (particularly in Chapter 5)

have urged development of hypotheses that describe the anticipated relation-
ships between variables. Hypotheses help to focus a study and to give it direc-
tion. Statements of these expectations often help readers to follow the report
of a study. The introduction need not state hypotheses operationally, but it
should articulate them clearly and concisely in conceptual terms for greatest
generality. They may also be underlined or italicized for emphasis and to help
readers locate them.
Although examples of hypotheses have been given in Chapter 5, here are
two more examples:

The specific hypotheses investigated were:

H1: 1. There will be a difference in cognitive achievement between agents

using paired/cooperative CAI and agents using CAI individually
which will be influenced by agents’ prior CAI experience and
familiarity with the topic.
H2: 2. There will be a difference in time spent on the lesson between
agents using paired/cooperative CAI and agents using CAI indi-
vidually which will be influenced by agents’ prior CAI expe-
rience and familiarity with the topic. [Makuch, Robillard, &
Yoder, 1992, p. 201]

Thus, in the case of computers, we expected individuals’ attributions about
how much they enjoy using computers to decline significantly over time.
We also expected gender to play a significant role with girls’ assessments
322 ■ CHAPTER 13

of computer enjoyment being significantly lower than boys’ over time. In

addition, based on previous work on the relationship between grade level
and computer attitudes, we predicted that younger students’ enjoyment of
computers would be significantly higher than older students’ enjoyment
over time. That is, we anticipated a negative relationship between grade
level and computer enjoyment. [Krendl & Broihier, 1992, p. 218]

Rationale for the Hypotheses

Hypotheses may be justified on two grounds—logical and empirical argu-

ments. Logical justification requires a researcher to develop arguments based
on concepts or theories related to the hypotheses; empirical justification
requires reference to other research. A research report’s introduction must
provide justification for each hypothesis to assure the reader of its reasonable-
ness and soundness. (Justification is especially critical in a proposal for a study
that requires approval.) To provide logical arguments in support of hypotheses,
describe or allude to appropriate premises, concepts, or theories. For empirical
justification, you may refer to literature cited in the review section, although
perhaps omitting some detail from the first description.
Inexperienced researchers often neglect to provide clear rationales for their
hypotheses. All too often, they assume that the reasoning behind a hypothesis
is obvious, an assumption that leads to confusion on the part of readers. Some
may react by saying to themselves, “Whatever led you to expect that,” or “I
don’t believe it.” After reading the results, some may scoff, “You must have
made this one up after you collected the data!” A strong rationale with logical
and empirical support, contiguous to the statement of the hypothesis, mini-
mizes the likelihood of such reactions.
Construct your hypotheses and establish their logical and empirical sup-
port prior to data collection and analysis, not after. Hypotheses are tools for
helping researchers see the relationships between their theories and the work to
be done; writing hypotheses after seeing the data makes hypothesizing a sterile
activity (although such a review may identify hypotheses for future study).
Consider an example:

Accordingly, the specific purpose of the present training study was to
examine the role of knowledge of information sources in children’s ques-
tion-answering abilities through the examination of an instructional pro-
gram designed to heighten their awareness of information sources. It was
predicted that as a result of training, (a) students’ awareness of appropri-
ate sources of information for answering comprehension questions would

be heightened, (b) students’ strategies for providing answer information

would be consistent with their identification of question-answer relation-
ships, and (c) the quality of their answers would improve. Finally, it was
predicted that these outcomes would vary with the students’ reading lev-
els, given the differential performance of students of varying levels in both
the Raphael et al. (1980) and the Wonnacott and Raphael (1982) studies.

Although the studies by Raphael et al. (1980) and by Wonnacott and
Raphael (1982) suggested that knowledge about the question-answering
process and sources of information for answering comprehension questions
is important, both studies were essentially descriptive. Thus, they cannot
provide causal explanations of the relationship between students’ strategic
(i.e., meta-cognitive) knowledge and actual performance. Belmont and But-
terfield (1977) suggested that training studies can provide such informa-
tion about cognitive processes. They proposed that successful intervention
implies a causal relationship between the means trained and the goal to be
reached; that is, one can learn if a component of a process is related to a
goal, or cognitive outcome, by manipulating the process. Similar sugges-
tions were proposed by Brown, Campione, and Day (1981) in their discus-
sion of “informed” training studies where students are taught about a strat-
egy and induced to use it and are given some indication of the significance
of the strategy Finally, Sternberg (1981) provided an extensive discussion
of prerequisites for general programs that attempt to train cognitive skills,
including suggestions such as the need to link such training to “real-world
behavior” as well as to theoretical issues. [Raphael & Pearson, 1985, p. 219]

Operational Definitions of the Variables

A useful element of a study’s introduction is a brief statement of operational

definitions of the independent, moderator, and dependent variables. Although
the method section that follows provides a detailed operational statement spec-
ifying exactly how the study will manipulate or measure variables, a reader
may benefit from an early idea of what the variables mean. It is not considered
necessary to operationally define all terms, just the principal variables.
Many examples of operational definitions are offered in Chapter 6. Two
additional examples may add to that material:

Operational Definitions
Rhetorical Questions: Questions that do not expect some participation
by the reader. Such questions never require the student to do anything,
324 ■ CHAPTER 13

mentally or otherwise. Example: “But when a single cell enlarges, what

Factual Questions: Questions that ask the reader to recall or recognize
specific information (facts, concepts, laws) which were read previously in
the text. Example: “What are some organisms that have a thin, thread-like
Valuing Questions: Questions that ask the reader to make a cogni-
tive or affective judgment or to explain the criteria used in an evaluation.
Example: “How tolerable would life be under these conditions?”
Hypothesizing Questions: Questions that ask the reader to predict
the outcome of or give a specific explanation for a question, problem, or
situation. Example: “With the emergence of predatory organisms, would
increased size and complexity result in traits with real survival advan-
tage?” [Leonard & Lowery, 1984, pp. 378–379]

Operational Definitions
One of the most promising of these methodologies is the method of
repeated readings (Dowhower 1989; Samuels, 1979). In this approach,
readers practice reading one text until some predetermined level of flu-
ency is achieved. . . .
A related technique used to improve reading fluency is repeated lis-
tening-while-reading texts. This method differs from repeated readings in
that the reader reads the text while simultaneously listening to a fluent
rendition of the same text. [Rasinski, 1990, p. 147]

Operational Restatement of the Hypotheses (Predictions)

Although not absolutely essential, an introduction may aid reader understand-

ing by restating hypotheses in operational form to provide a concrete picture
of the aims of the study.3 Because the hypotheses have already been stated con-
ceptually and operational definitions of all the variables have been provided,
this section of the introduction can easily restate the hypotheses in operational
terms. Such operationalized hypotheses are often referred to as predictions.
Consider these examples, which restate general expectations (hypotheses) as
specific predictions about expected behaviors or performances:

It was therefore predicted that teachers labeled as innovative by virtue
of their applying for funds to develop an innovative classroom program

3. Restatement is more appropriate in dissertations than in journal articles, because space

is at a premium in the latter.

would perceive their working environment to be more open as character-

ized by greater participation by teachers and students in the decision pro-
cess, greater control by teachers over their own classroom behavior, and
greater tolerance for dissent.

Specifically, teachers displaying more liberal political attitudes as mea-
sured by the Opinionation Scale and the Dogmatism Scale (both devel-
oped by Rokeach) were expected to show more liberal tendencies toward
the treatment of students as evidenced by a greater emphasis on autonomy
for students and allowing students to set their own rules and regulations
and enforce them.


1. There would be a significant change in Vocational Identity, Occu-

pational Information, and Barriers scores from pre- to post-course
administrations of the My Vocational Situation (the outcome measure
described in the method section).
2. There would be a greater change in Vocational Identity, Occupational
Information, and Barriers scores over the first half of the course than
over the last half.
3. There would be interactions between instructor and student charac-
teristics and increases in Vocational Identity, Occupational Informa-
tion, and Barrier scale scores (i.e., student and instructor characteris-
tics would have an impact on the effects achieved). [Rayman, Bernard,
Holland, & Barnett, 1983, p. 347]

Significance of the Study

Readers of a research proposal or report are usually concerned with the relevance
of the problem it addresses both to practice and to theory. Many people highly
value research that makes primary or secondary contributions to the solutions
of practically oriented educational problems. The field of education also needs
research that establishes and verifies theories or models. To these ends, a report
introduction benefits by indicating the value or potential significance of the prob-
lem area and hypothesized findings to educational practice, educational theory, or
both. Again, some examples are offered:

Significance of the Study

Thus, the purpose of the present study was to explore the effect of examiner
familiarity on handicapped and nonhandicapped preschool and school-age
326 ■ CHAPTER 13

children. In doing so, this investigation extends previous research (a) by

determining whether examiner unfamiliarity affects handicapped and non-
handicapped children similarly, or biases test results against handicapped
populations, and (b) by exploring whether handicapped preschoolers’
poorer performance with strange testers primarily is a developmental issue
or whether it is more consistently related to the nature of being handi-
capped. [Fuchs, Fuchs, Power, & Dailey, 1985, p. 186]

Significance of the Study

Finally, the relations between motivation, self-regulated learning, and
student performance on classroom academic tasks were examined. The
focus on classroom assessments of student performance reflects a con-
cern for ecologically valid indicators of the actual academic work that
students are asked to complete in junior high classrooms (Doyle, 1983).
Most students spend a great deal of classroom time on seatwork assign-
ments, quizzes, teacher-made tests, lab problems, essays, and reports
rather than on standardized achievement tests (Stiggins & Bridgeford,
1985). These assignments may not be the most psychometrically sound
assessments of student academic performance, but they are closely
related to the realities of instruction and learning in most classrooms
(Calfee, 1985). If we are to develop models of student motivation and
self-regulated learning that are relevant for much of the academic work in
classrooms, then it is important to examine student performance on these
types of academic tasks (cf., Doyle, 1983; Pintrich et al., 1986). [Pintrich &
De Groot, 1990, p. 34]

■ The Method Section

This section discusses a recommended set of categories for describing the meth-
ods and procedures of a study. Each category may correspond to a subheading
in the research report. Such a high degree of structure for the method section
is recommended, because this section contains detailed statements of the actual
steps undertaken in the research.


The purpose of the proposal or report section entitled “Subjects” is to indicate

who participated in the study and how many it involved. Where relevant, this sec-
tion should also indicate whether or not the subjects were volunteers (that is, how
their participation was arranged), how they were selected, and what characteris-
tics they displayed. Characteristics typically reported include gender, age, grade,

and IQ (median and/or range). All potential sources of selection bias covered by
control variables should be identified in this section.
Providing such information allows another researcher to select a virtually
identical sample if he or she chooses to replicate the study. In fact, the entire
method section should be written in a way that provides another researcher
with the possibility of replicating your methodology.
Consider some examples:

The participants were 109 juniors and seniors in college, all preparing to
be teachers. They were enrolled in three sections of an educational psy-
chology course required for teacher certification during the summer term.
The course lasted 15 weeks. All three sections met once a week (on con-
secutive days) at the same time of day, covered the same content (learning
theories), used the same textbook, and were taught by the same instruc-
tor (the researcher). For the students in each section, the average age was
between 20 and 22, the average percentage of females was between 65%
and 70%, and the average score on the reading subtest of the College Level
Academic Skills Test (CLAST) was between 315 and 320. A comparison
of the three classes on age, gender, and CLAST scores showed them to be
equivalent (F < 1 in all three cases), thus satisfying the requirements for a
quasi-experimental design. Correlations between CLAST reading scores
and achievement in this course have been found to be about .5 (Tuckman,
1993). [Tuckman, 1996a, p. 200]

The sample consisted of 53 eighth-grade subjects (34 girls, 19 boys) attend-
ing a public middle school. Subjects were judged most likely to be from
middle-class families and were predominantly white (87%). The subjects
were classified into two groups: good and poor readers. Subjects were
primarily classified on the basis of stanine scores obtained on a reading
subtest of the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS), which had been
administered in the spring of the previous school year. Subjects were clas-
sified as poor readers (n = 27) if their stanine score on the vocabulary and
comprehension reading subtest of the CTBS was 3 or below. Subjects were
classified as good readers (n = 26) if they had stanine scores of 6 or above.
Subjects with stanine scores in the 4 to 5 range were thought of as aver-
age readers and unsuited for this investigation. Subjects were also rated
by their teachers as either good or poor readers according to such criteria
as fluency, oral reading errors, and comprehension. Ages for the subjects
ranged from 12 years, 4 months to 14 years, 11 months. No emphasis was
328 ■ CHAPTER 13

placed on sex because similar studies in the past generally reported a non-
significant difference between the sexes in points gained due to answer
changing. [Casteel, 1991, pp. 301–302]

Tasks and Materials

Some studies (but definitely not all) incorporate certain activities in which all
subjects participate or certain materials that all subjects use. These tasks and
materials represent neither dependent or independent variables; rather than
being treatments themselves, they are vehicles for introducing treatments. In
a study comparing multiple-choice and completion-type response modes for
a self-instructional learning program, for example, the content of the learning
program would constitute the task, because Ss in both groups would experience
this content. Apart from the content that remained constant across conditions,
one group would experience multiple-choice questions in its program, while the
second would experience completion-type questions. Program question format
is thus the independent variable, and it would be described in the next report
section (on “Independent Variables”). Program content is the task and would
be described in this section. Activities experienced by all groups are described in
this section; thus, if the content of a program or presentation were constant for
both groups, it would be described under “Tasks.” Activities experienced by one
or some but not all of the groups are described in the “Independent Variable”
section. Frequently, however, studies include no common activity or task, and
the report on such a study would entirely omit this section.
Some examples suggest the information appropriate to this section:

Tasks and Materials

Instructional program. Two computer-based lessons developed by Car-
rier and her associates were used (Carrier, Davidson, Higson, & Williams,
1984; Carrier et al., 1985; Carrier & Williams, 1988). Both lessons teach
four defined concepts in advertising—bandwagon, testimonial, transfer
and uniqueness. According to Carrier et al. (1984), the definition for each
concept was based on an assessment of its critical attributes, and an instance
pool for each concept was generated. Each instance pool was tested with a
group of 35 sixth graders to test difficulty level and to eliminate confusing
instances. [Klein & Keller, 1990, p. 142]

In this study, all Ss received the same instructional material; the only differ-
ence consisted in the conditions under which it was used. In the study excerpted
in the next quote, all Ss received the same tasks but with differing instructions,
allowing the researchers to solicit the dependent variable measures:

Tasks and Materials

Three paired-associate lists, each consisting of 10 concrete noun pairs,
were constructed. Within each condition, seven subjects each received a
given list as the first, second, or third list presented. Two additional lists,
one consisting of 5 pairs and one of 10 pairs, were used to assess long-term
maintenance of the effective strategy. A practice list of 3 pairs was also
constructed. [Ghatala, Levin, Pressley, & Lodico, 1985, p. 202]

In another study, each student learned the subject matter described in the
next excerpt. However, in the different conditions of the independent variable, the
instruction was controlled in different ways. This process is described in detail in
the first example in the later section of this chapter on “Independent Variables.”

Tasks and Materials

The instructional task selected for this study was a mathematics rule lesson
concerning divisibility by two, three, and five. This content had not yet
been taught to the target students. Each treatment consisted of the same
basic tutorial CAI program, designed to teach the rules for divisibility by
two, three, and five, and the application of these rules to five and six digit
numbers. The lesson structure was based on the “Events of Instruction”
and adapted to CAI (Gagne, Wager, & Rojas, 1981). Three versions rep-
resenting different CAI design strategies were developed. [Goetzfried &
Hannafin, 1985, p. 274]

Independent Variables

In this section, the researcher report should describe independent (and mod-
erator) variables, each under a separate heading.4 Researchers generally must
explain two types of independent variables—manipulated and measured
variables. The description of a manipulated variable (often referred to as a
treatment) should explain the manipulation or materials that constituted the
treatment (such as, what you did or what you gave). Be specific enough so
that someone else can replicate your manipulation. Identify each level of the
manipulation or treatment, itemizing each for emphasis.
This example describes a manipulated independent variable with three lev-
els or conditions:

4. Recall from Chapter 4 that a moderator variable is a secondary type of independent

variable, one that is included in a study to determine whether it affects or moderates the
relationship between the primary independent variable(s) and the dependent variable. A
moderator variable is, therefore, a special type of independent variable, and the write-up
treats it as an independent variable but labels it differently, for purposes of clarity.
330 ■ CHAPTER 13

Incentive motivation condition. One class (n = 36) took a seven-item,
completion-type quiz at the beginning of each class period. A sample
item is: “A consequence of a response that increases the strength of the
response or the probability of the response’s reoccurrence is called a (an)
_____” (ans.: reinforcer). The quiz covered the textbook chapter assigned
for that week. It was projected via an overhead projector, and 15 min were
allowed for its completion. No instruction on the chapter had been pro-
vided before the quiz. The only information resource for the student was
the textbook itself. Following the quiz, students exchanged papers and the
instructor discussed the answers so that students could grade one anoth-
er’s tests. Students were informed that the average of their quiz grades
would count for one half of their grade for that segment, the same as the
end-of-segment achievement test. Each segment of the course involved 5
weeks of instruction and covered from four to five textbook chapters.
Learning strategy condition. One class (n = 35) was given the home-
work assignment of identifying the 21 most important terms in the
assigned chapter and preparing a definition of each term and a one-sen-
tence elaboration of each definition. A list of approximately 28 terms was
predetermined by the instructor for each chapter, and students’ choices
had to fit this list. The text included many signals so that it was not dif-
ficult for students to identify each term and information about it. The
text did not include a list of major terms in each chapter or a glossary,
so students had to identify the important terms on their own. For exam-
ple, in the chapter on reinforcement theory, reinforcer was identified as a
key term. An example of a student definition would be “something that
increases the likelihood of occurrence of the response it follows,” and the
student’s elaboration might be “getting something good to eat after doing
my homework.”
Students were given 1 hr of training, including examples and practice,
before they started and another hour after having done two assignments.
They were also given feedback on all aspects of each assignment so their
proficiency would improve. Each assignment was graded (A, B, or C)
based on number of correct terms included, correctness of definitions, and
appropriateness of elaborations. The grades were averaged and counted
for half of the segment grade, the same as the average of quiz grades in the
incentive motivation condition.
Control condition. One class (n = 38) heard only lectures in class on
the chapters. No quizzes were given, and no homework was assigned. This
is the manner in which the course is typically taught. [Tuckman, 1996a, pp.

The second form of independent variable is a measured variable, that is, a

variable based on test scores or observational data. A study may include such
measured variables in addition to or instead of a treatment variable. In describ-
ing the measured independent variable (such as intelligence, personality, apti-
tude), the research report must indicate what instrument the researcher used to
measure it. If a standardized test was used, provide a published reference source
for it, such as the test manual, and indicate the test’s reliability and validity. If
the assessment used a homemade instrument, indicate whatever psychometric
properties were determined and place a copy of the homemade test instrument
in an appendix to the report.
Consider a description of a measured independent variable, in this case a
moderator variable:

Moderator Variable
Formal Operational Reasoning Test (FORT). This paper-and-pencil test
constructed by Roberge and Flexer (1982) was used to evaluate subjects’
logical thinking abilities. It contains subtests that can be used to assess
subjects’ level of reasoning for three essential components of formal oper-
ational thought: combinations, propositional logic, and proportionality
(cf. Greenbowe et al., 1981).
Roberge and Flexner illustrated the content validity of the FORT
by describing the relationship between each of the FORT subtests and
the corresponding Inhelder and Piaget (1958) formal operations scheme,
and they presented factor analytic evidence of the construct validity of
the FORT. Furthermore, Roberge and Flexner reported test-retest reli-
ability coefficients (2-week interval) of .81 and .80 for samples of seventh
and eighth graders, respectively, on the combinations subtest. They also
reported internal consistency reliability coefficients (K-R Formula 20) of
.75 and .74 for samples of seventh and eighth graders, respectively, on the
logic subtest; and internal consistency coefficients of .52 and .60 for sev-
enth and eighth graders, respectively, on the proportionality subtest.
Subjects also were classified as high operational or low operational
on the basis of their performance on the FORT. To be classified as high
operational, the subjects had to correctly answer at least 60% of the items
on two (or more) of the FORT subtests. Subjects whose scores did not
meet this criterion were classified as low operational. [Roberge & Flexner,
1984, pp. 230–231]

This example might have given more detail about the measure than was
required. The amount of detail reported varies as a function of the familiarity of
the instrument, the requirements of the readers, and the report’s space allocation.
332 ■ CHAPTER 13

Dependent Variables

Each dependent variable should also be described. Because a dependent vari-

able is typically a measured variable, it is necessary to describe the behavior
measured, the instrument for measuring it, and the scoring procedure. Review
two examples:

Dependent Variables
1. Mathematics Achievement. The Mathematics Computations and Con-
cepts and Applications subscales of the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills
(CTBS) were the achievement criterion measures. Fourth graders took
Level 2, Form S, while fifth and sixth graders took Level H, Form U. Stan-
dardized rather than curriculum-specific tests were used to be sure that the
learning of students in all treatments was equally likely to be registered on
the tests. The CTBS Computations scales covered whole number opera-
tions, fractions, and decimals, objectives common to virtually all texts
and school districts, and the Concepts and Applications scales focused on
measurement, geometry, sets, word problems, and concepts, also common
to most texts and school districts.
District-administered California Achievement Test (CAT) scores were
used as covariates for their respective CTBS scores. That is, CAT Computa-
tions was used as a covariate for CTBS Computations, and CAT Concepts
and Applications was a covariate for CTBS Concepts and Applications.
Because of the different tests used at different grade levels, all scores were
transformed to T scores (mean = 50, SD = 10), and then CTBS scores were
adjusted for their corresponding CAT scores using separate linear regres-
sions for each grade. These adjusted scores were used in all subsequent
analyses. Note that this adjustment removes any effect of grade level, as
the mean for all tests was constrained to be 50 at each grade level.
2. Attitudes. Two eight-item attitude scales were given as pre- and
posttests. They were Liking of Math Class (e.g., “this math class is the
best part of my school day”) and Self-Concept in Math (e.g., “I’m proud
of my math work in this class”; “I worry a lot when I have to take a math
test”). For each item, students marked either YES!, yes, no, or NO! Coef-
ficient alpha reliability estimates on these scales were computed in an ear-
lier study (Slavin et al., 1984) and found to be .86 and .77, respectively.
[Slavin & Karweit, 1985, pp. 355–356]

Dependent Variable
A 50-multiple-choice-item test, matched to instructional content, was given
to measure end-of-segment achievement. The test had a K-R reliability of
.82. Virtually all the test questions related to key terms, a central feature of

the assignments in the learning strategy condition; however, they measured

comprehension rather than factual recall. In other words, the test questions
represented a higher order cognitive task than the homework assignment
did. Students typically were asked to identify the concept that fit a given
example or the example that fit a given concept. For instance, “According
to the PREMACK PRINCIPLE, which of the following reinforcers would
be most appropriate for the given group? a. Money for adults; b. Tokens
for inner city children; c. Playing for third graders; d. Praise for teenagers.”
(The answer is c. because the Premack principle applies only to activity rein-
forcers and playing is the only activity among the four choices.)
The test questions were equally unlikely to favor the incentive moti-
vation group because the quiz questions assessed factual recall using a
completion-type format. Moreover, the quiz questions focused on details
and specific points in the chapter such as illustrations and activities. Thus,
there was minimal overlap between test questions and quiz questions.
[Tuckman, 1996a, pp. 201–202]


The procedures section should describe any operational details that have not
yet been described and that another researcher would need to know to repli-
cate the method. Such details usually include (1) the specific order in which
steps were undertaken, (2) the timing of the study (for example, time allowed
for different procedures and time elapsed between procedures), (3) instructions
given to subjects, and (4) briefings, debriefings, and safeguards.
Consider some illustrations:

Standardized mathematics scores were gathered for each student before
the study. The 20th percentile was the median score for the 47 students
and was used to classify students as “below average” or “low” in prior
mathematics achievement. Those students below the 20th percentile were
classified as low achievement, and those above the 20th percentile were
classified as below average achievement for purposes of this study.
The students were randomly assigned to one of the three treatment
groups, stratified to ensure [that] approximately equal numbers of males
and females with low and below average achievement were assigned to
each treatment. Each student received a brief review of computer oper-
ation and was instructed to proceed with the lesson. At the conclusion
of the lesson the elapsed time was noted and the immediate posttest was
administered. One week later students were given the parallel retention
test in their classroom. [Goetzfried & Hannafin, 1985, p. 275]
334 ■ CHAPTER 13

Students participated in research sessions lasting 55 minutes a day for 11
days. Each condition was assigned a separate classroom comparable in
size. The curriculum unit used for instruction was a science unit on the
ecology of the wolf. Each day the teachers would explain the day’s task to
the students, distribute the appropriate materials, and review the condi-
tion’s nature. The teachers followed a daily script detailing what they were
to say and do each day. [Johnson & Johnson, 1985, p. 245]

After permission to conduct the study was granted, we searched school
records to obtain student-ability scores for each subject. All subjects were
given the IAR questionnaire to measure their beliefs in internal versus
external control over academic responsibility (Crandall et al., 1965). This
measure was given to subjects in their English classes several days prior to
receiving the treatment.
Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the two treatment con-
ditions. One half of the subjects completed the learner-controlled les-
son, and the other one half completed the program-controlled lesson. To
receive the treatment, we brought subjects in groups of 14 to an Apple
computer lab for 1 hour on 3 consecutive days. Seven subjects using the
learner-controlled lesson and 7 using the program-controlled lesson were
represented in each group.
On the 1st day, we told the subjects that they would be using a com-
puter lesson to learn about some ideas used in advertising. On each day,
subjects were asked to work through the lesson until they were finished
and to raise their hands to indicate when they were done. At the end of the
lesson on the 3rd day, all the subjects completed the confidence measure
and then took the posttest. A formative evaluation of these procedures
was conducted prior to the actual study. No problems were found at that
time, and none occurred during the study. [Klein & Keller, 1990, p. 142]

Data Analysis

The data analysis section of a research report describes the statistical design
used and the statistical analyses undertaken. It is usually not necessary to
describe these procedures step-by-step. If the study relied on common sta-
tistical tests (such as analysis of variance, t-tests, chi-square analysis, correla-
tion), the test may simply be named and its source referenced. More unusual
approaches require more detail.
These points are illustrated in some examples:

Design and Data Analysis

This study used a 3 × 2 × 2 between-subject factorial design with two addi-
tional within-subject factors. The between-subject factors included three
levels of CAI strategy (adaptive control, learner control with advisement,
and linear control), two levels of achievement (low and below average), and
sex of student. The within-subject factors included test scale (rule recall and
rule application) and test interval (immediate and retention). Rule recall and
application data, as well as learning efficiency data, were analyzed using
MANOVA procedures for repeated measures designs. ANOVA proce-
dures were used to examine effects for differences in time on task. Com-
parisons among treatment means were accomplished using Newman-Keuls
pairwise contrast procedures. [Goetzfried & Hannafin, 1985, pp. 275–276]

Research Design and Statistical Analysis

The proposed study compared the effectiveness of two stress reduction
methods in interaction with the locus of control of the participating teach-
ers. The independent variables in the study were (a) treatments—an LDW
and SDT, and (b) locus of control—internal and external. The dependent
variables were scores on stress posttests after a 5-week treatment pro-
gram. The fundamental research design was a 2 × 2 factorial, however,
with an attached control group. Analysis of covariance was used to test the
hypotheses. Those pretest measures that correlated significantly with the
posttest measures were used as covariates. Hypothesis 1 was tested at the
.05 level of significance, whereas hypothesis 2 was tested at the .10 level of
significance. A more liberal alpha level was adopted for testing the inter-
action hypothesis in order to improve the probability of detecting (i.e.,
power) the interaction effect. [Friedman, Lehrer, & Stevens, 1983, p. 570]

For purposes of interpretive clarity, scores on the memory tests were con-
verted into percentages. Means and standard deviations for each test (i.e.,
FR, FIB, and MC) as a function of role group (teacher vs. learner) and
verbal ability (high vs. low) are presented in Table 1.
To assess performance differences between groups, a 2 × 2 × 3 within-
subjects analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed on test scores using
type of test (FR, FIB, and MC) as the within-subjects measure. Role condi-
tion (teacher vs. learner) and verbal ability (high vs. low) were the between-
groups factors. [Wiegmann, Dansereau, & Patterson, 1992, pp. 113–114]

A proposal or final research report (such as a dissertation) may need to pro-

vide more detail in each category of the method section than is evident in the
336 ■ CHAPTER 13

examples. (The examples chosen for this text were selected in part for their
brevity. Moreover, the examples were drawn from journal sources, which place
a premium on space, thus resulting in a terse style.) To obtain some idea of
length and level of detail, read research reports of the same form that you are
about to prepare (that is, dissertations, master’s theses, journal articles), paying
particular attention to form. Occasions will undoubtedly arise when a particu-
lar study will require more or fewer categories or a different order of presenta-
tion than that shown in this section.

■ The Results Section

The purpose of the results section in a research report is to present the out-
comes of the statistical tests that were conducted on the data, particularly as
they relate to the hypotheses tested in the study. However, the results section
omits discussion, explanation, or interpretation of the results. These functions
are carried out in the discussion section, which follows. Tables and figures are
usually essential to a results section, with the text briefly describing the con-
tents of those visual displays in words.
The best structure for the results section relates its information to the
hypotheses the study sets out to test. The first heading announces results for
Hypothesis 1, the second for Hypothesis 2, and so on. (Such subdivisions
would not be necessary, of course, in a study with only a single hypothesis.) In
general, each heading would then be followed by several elements:

1. A brief restatement of the hypothesis, with a clear indication of the depen-

dent variable
2. An indication of descriptive statistics (usually means and standard devia-
tions on the dependent variable for each treatment group) with a reference
to a specific table, if the number of means is sufficient to warrant a table
3. An indication of the statistical tests employed to evaluate the hypothesis
(for example, analysis of variance, t-tests, correlations)
4. The alpha level set for testing the hypothesis (usually p < .05)
5. A brief statement identifying the statistical assumptions examined (for
example, normality of the score distribution, homogeneity of variance in
the treatment groups on the dependent variable)
6. The anticipated effect size, if desired, including the number of subjects per
condition, and the power of the statistical test used
7. The results of the statistical tests, including a verbal description of their
findings along with actual results of the statistical tests (for example,
F-ratios, t-values, correlations, degrees of freedom, and probability values,
paralleling, in brief, the table in which these data are listed)

8. The magnitude of the effect obtained, if it proves significant and the

researcher desires to report it, expressed as an effect size or proportion of
variance in the dependent variable accounted for by the independent variable
9. An indication of whether the data justified acceptance or rejection of the

Following the report of results bearing directly on the hypotheses, inciden-

tal results should be reported, using a format similar to that just described for
reporting results of hypothesis tests. The general order for presenting results
would be first, tests of major hypotheses; second, tests of minor hypotheses;
and third, incidental results or research questions for which no hypotheses
were formulated.
A general rule calls for providing sufficient detail so that the reader can
comprehend the results by reading the text without consulting the tables or
figures. Similarly, tables and figures should be prepared so that they can stand
alone as descriptions of the outcomes of the study.
The following seven examples were drawn from the results sections
included in journal articles. Each example represents only a portion of a
report’s section, typically pertaining to a single finding or cluster of related
findings. Each refers to a table or figure or both, and each illustration proceeds
to identify the relevant statistical findings as set forth in the table or figure with
little explanation or embellishment.

Declarative Knowledge
On the pretest, no differences on the declarative knowledge variables were
found between subjects. On the immediate posttest, there was an effect of
the dispersion of the examples on the number of characteristics of wind-
flowers mentioned on the declarative knowledge test, F(1, 45) = 4.62, p <
.03. Subjects in the narrow-dispersion conditions remembered more char-
acteristics than did subjects in the wide-dispersion conditions (see Table
4). On the delayed posttest, no effects were noticed. [Ranzijn, 1991, p. 326]

Table I shows the means and standard deviations for rule recall and appli-
cation. A significant difference for prior achievement was found, F(1, 34)
= 16.74, p < .0005. A prior achievement-by-scale interaction was also
detected, (1, 34) = 6.63, p < .01. Below average students scored higher
across both the rule and application scales, but proportionally higher on
application items.
A significant difference in instructional time was found for CAI strat-
egy, F(2, 38) = 15.80, p < .001. As shown in Table II, the linear strategy
338 ■ CHAPTER 13

averaged less time to complete than both the externally controlled adap-
tive strategy, p < .05, and the learner advisement strategy, p < .01. The time
differences between the adaptive and advisement strategies were also sig-
nificant, p < .01. A significant effect was again detected for prior achieve-
ment, F(1, 38) = 4.88, p < .05. Below average students used less time to
complete treatments than low achievement students. [Goetzfried & Han-
nafin, 1985, p. 276]

Table II presents the mean learning scores, rote and conceptual, for the
experimental and control groups (maximum scores on each part were 24).
Subjects who learned in order to teach evidenced significantly greater con-
ceptual learning than subjects who learned in order to be tested (t = 5.42;
df = 38; p < .001), although the two groups did not differ on rote learning
(t = 1.39).
As indicated earlier, subjects were asked to keep track of how long
they spent learning the material, after it was suggested that they spend
approximately 3 hours. Results revealed no difference in the amount of
time spent (t = .69); the experimental group reported spending an average
of 2.55 hours working on the material, and the control group reported
spending an average of 2.71 hours. [Benware & Deci, 1984, p. 762]

Procedural Knowledge
A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and subsequent univari-
ate analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed no significant effects on the
pretest nor on the immediate posttest. On the delayed posttest, there was
a significant effect of the dispersion of the examples on the number of cor-
rectly classified color pictures of windflowers (COL.WIND), F(1, 45) =
8.14, p < .006, on the number of correctly classified windflowers (WIND.
TOT), F(1, 45) = 4.81, p < .03, and on the total number of correctly clas-
sified flowers (TOTAL), F (1, 45) = 3.52, p < .06. This means that subjects
who were presented with the widely dispersed video examples classified
more flowers correctly than did subjects who were presented with the
narrowly dispersed examples (see Tables 2 and 3).
The analysis also showed an interaction between the number and dis-
persion of the examples, F(1, 45) = 3.86, p < .05. This means that subjects in
the Narrow-4 condition performed less well than did subjects in the Nar-
row-1 condition on the delayed posttest. However, subjects in the Wide-4
condition performed better than did subjects in the Wide-1 condition.
[Ranzijn, 1991, pp. 325–326]

The results of the analysis revealed a significant three-way interaction, F(2,
72) = 3.48, p ≤ .05. Analyses of simple effects (Kirk, 1982) revealed that
high verbal ability participants in the learner-role condition outperformed
both high ability participants in the teacher-role condition, FR: F(1, 72)
= 4.76, p ≤ .05; FIB: F(1, 72) = 16.90, p ≤ .01; MC: F(1, 72) = 6.33, p ≤ .05.
High verbal ability participants also outperformed low ability participants
in the learner-role condition, FR: F(1, 72) = 7.29, p ≤ .05: FIB: F(1, 72) =
45.07, p ≤ .05; MC: F (1, 72) = 17.05. p ≤ .05. In contrast, low verbal ability
participants in the teacher-role condition outperformed low verbal par-
ticipants in the learner-role condition on the FR test, F(1, 72) = 3.37, p =
.07, and the FIB test, F(1, 72) = 19.30, p ≤ .01, but not on the MC test. (MSe
= 60.81 for all interactions.) There were no significant differences between
high and low ability participants in the teacher-role condition. No other
comparisons were made. [Wiegmann et al., 1992, p. 114]

The achievement test performance of each experimental group was as fol-
lows: (a) incentive motivation group mean = 82.8% (SD = 9.3), (b) learn-
ing strategy group mean = 71.6% (SD = 9.4), and (c) control group mean =
66.9% (SD = 12.6). The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the difference
between the three group means yielded F(2, 106) = 21.69, p < .001. The
Newman-Keuls test revealed that the incentive motivation group earned
a significantly higher test score (p < .001) than did either of the groups
in the other two conditions. The effect size was near or above 1.00 for
each comparison with the incentive motivation group. The mean score of
the learning strategies group exceeded that of the control group (p < .10).
[Tuckman, 1996a, p. 202]

Additional Results
The number, percentage, and type of revised answers made by the two lev-
els of readers on the multiple-choice test are presented in Table 4. Among
the 53 students in the investigation, 652 revisions were made in answers on
the 76-item test, of which 415 or 64% represented changes from wrong to
right answers, resulting in a net gain in the scores. On the other hand, 139
or 19% of those revisions made were from right to wrong answers, which
lowered scores accordingly. There were 4,028 total responses. Group dif-
ferences with respect to the three types of response changes were small.
Poor readers were more likely than good readers to make a revision of
wrong to right.
340 ■ CHAPTER 13

Ninety-eight percent of all subjects (96% good and 100% poor read-
ers) changed at least 1 answer; almost two-thirds of the subjects changed
responses to at least 11% of the 76 items. The ratio of subjects gaining to
subjects losing points was 10:3 for poor readers and 5:1 for good readers.
Moreover, the ratio of changes for gains to changes for losses was about
2:1 for both good and poor readers. Simply stated, when subjects of both
groups made revisions, their changes resulted in a net gain in points twice
that of points lost through revision. [Casteel, 1991, p. 306]

■ The Discussion Section

The discussion section of a research report considers the nuances and shades of
the findings; finally, this material gives scope for displaying the perceptiveness
and creativity of the researcher and writer. A critical part of the research report,
this section is often the most difficult to write, because it is the least structured.
The details of the research dictate content in the introduction, method, and
results sections, but not in the discussion section.
The discussion section, however, does have a frame of reference: It follows
the introduction section. Elements of this discussion must address the points
raised in the introduction. But within this frame of reference, the writer is free
to use whatever art and imagination he or she commands to show the range and
depth of significance of the study. The discussion section ties the results of the
study to both theory and application by pulling together the theoretical back-
ground, literature reviews, potential significance for application, and results of
the study.
Because a research report’s discussion section is such a personalized
expression of a particular study by a particular researcher, it would be unwise
to recommend definite categories for this section like those provided for previ-
ous sections. It may be helpful, however, to identify and describe the various
functions of the discussion section.

Discussion to Conclude or Summarize

One very straightforward function of the discussion section is to summarize

the findings of the study in the form of conclusions. If the study has been set
up to test specific hypotheses, the discussion section must report the outcome
on each hypothesis, along with ancillary findings. A useful discussion section
often begins with a summary of the main findings (numbered as the original
hypotheses when reports articulate multiple, numbered hypotheses) under the
heading “Conclusions.” As a starting point, this presentation enables readers
to get the total picture of the findings in encapsulated form, and it also helps to

orient them to the discussion that follows. Three examples of conclusion sum-
maries appear below:

Classroom behavior appears to differ as a function of size of EMR class-
rooms. These differences are most apparent in communication of EMR
pupils and are furthermore in the direction that might be expected, that
is, more verbalization or gestures in smaller classrooms, less in medium-
size classrooms, and least in the largest classrooms. In attending or nonat-
tending behavior, subjects apparently tended to be more attentive in either
large or small classrooms, as compared to medium-size classes. In class-
room disruption, post hoc differences suggested significantly less misbe-
havior by subjects in smaller classes compared to subjects in medium-size
classrooms, when such behavior involves teachers; but, when it involves
peers, misbehavior appeared significantly less often in medium-size class-
rooms but only when these are compared to larger classrooms. [Forness
& Kavale, 1985, p. 409]

The results of this study show, as expected, that presenting subjects
broadly dispersed examples in an instruction for natural concepts had
a positive effect on the development of procedural knowledge. Subjects
who received broadly dispersed examples classified more objects correctly
on a delayed posttest than did subjects who received examples that were
centered around the prototype. Further, it was shown that the number of
visually presented examples in the instruction did not significantly influ-
ence classification skill. [Ranzijn, 1991, pp. 326–327]

The results indicate that enhancing incentive motivation by giving quizzes
helps students, primarily those with low GPAs, perform better on regu-
lar achievement tests than a prescribed learning strategy that is aimed at
improving text processing. This finding suggests that poorly performing
students do not necessarily lack text-processing skills. Rather, they lack
the motivation to process the text. [Tuckman, 1996a, p. 206]

Discussion to Interpret

What do the study’s findings mean? What might have been happening within
the conduct of the study to account for the findings? Why did the results turn
out differently from those hypothesized or expected? What circumstances
342 ■ CHAPTER 13

accounted for the unexpected outcomes? What were some of the shortcomings
of the study? What were some of its limitations? The discussion section must
address these kinds of questions.
It must offer reasoned speculation. It may even include additional analy-
ses of the data, referred to as post-hoc analyses, because they are done after
the main findings are seen. Such analyses are introduced into the discussion
section to support the interpretation and to account further for findings that
on the surface appear inconsistent or negative with respect to the researcher’s
For example, in one study, a researcher hypothesized that, among students
whose parents work in scientific occupations, males are more likely to choose
an elective science course then females. No mention was made of students
whose parents do not work in scientific occupations. The hypothesis was not
supported, however; students whose parents worked in scientific occupations
were as likely to choose a science elective whether they were male or female.
This finding contradicted other researchers’ prior findings of gender differ-
ences. To try for clarification, the researcher ran a post-hoc analysis of students
whose parents were not employed in science fields and presented the results in
the discussion section. As in the prior studies, the researcher found that males
chose science more frequently than did females. Because this analysis was not
planned in advance but occurred after and as a result of seeing the planned
analyses, it was considered post hoc and placed in the discussion section.
Review some further examples:

The results of this study showed that working in groups increased the per-
formance of middle self-efficacy subjects whereas the performance of high
and low self-efficacy subjects decreased. Why should shared outcomes or
shared fate have the effect of helping those subjects average in self-efficacy
while hindering those either high or low in self-efficacy? It is not uncom-
mon for groups to have an averaging or leveling effect on the performance
of individual group members. High believers are discouraged from work-
ing up to their level of expectation because their extra effort may bear no
fruit if their teammates perform at a lower level. Low believers may feel
that their effort is unnecessary because their teammates will “carry them.”
Only those in the middle may see the benefits of having partners and the
benefits of performing at a level higher than they might if they were work-
ing alone. [Tuckman, 1990a, pp. 295–296]

There is at least one alternative explanation for the handicapped stu-

dents’ differential performance: Examiners may have been prejudiced in
favor of their familiar examinees, awarding them more credit than their

performance was due. Such an explanation receives some support from a

large and enduring literature on rater bias (e.g., Guilford, 1936; Kazdin,
1977; Rosenthal, 1980). However, two points reduce the plausibility of
this notion. First, previous research (Fuchs & Fuchs, 1984), conducted
with a comprehensive language test requiring similar types of examiner
judgments as the test instrument employed in the present study, indicates
handicapped children performed better in the familiar examiner condition,
regardless of whether examiners or independent observers of the test ses-
sions completed subjects’ protocols. [Fuchs et al., 1985, p. 194]

An alternative explanation for the present findings is that low ability stu-
dents benefited from assuming the teacher role simply because the role
allowed them to be more of a leader or more in charge of the sequence of
activities during the interaction. Therefore, the teacher role simply served
to disinhibit low ability students from contributing to the interaction and
motivated them to learn the material. On the other hand, high ability stu-
dents benefited more from assuming the learner role because the role not
only removed the burden of teaching lower ability students but also pro-
vided them with a partner who was more likely to contribute to the inter-
action. [Wiegmann et al., 1992, p. 114]

Another issue that affects the interpretation of the results is whether the
quizzes functioned as a direct training aid or targeted study guide for the
achievement tests rather than as an incentive to study. Unavoidably, some
quiz items covered content also covered on one of the exams, as did terms
that were studied in the homework assignments in the learning strategy
condition. However, the nature of the items was quite different in the two
experimental conditions. In the quizzes, students were given the definition
of a conditioned stimulus and asked to supply the term conditioned stimu-
lus as the correct answer. In the homework assignments, the students were
asked to both define and elaborate on the term conditioned stimulus. On
the achievement test, students were given one actual, unfamiliar example
of conditioning in a natural environment and asked to identify one of its
elements, namely, the conditioned stimulus. If the quizzes were merely
study guides, they should have helped students at all three GPA levels,
particularly those at the middle and low levels. Although they did help the
low-GPA students substantially, they had no effect at all on the middle-
GPA students. [Tuckman, 1996a, pp. 208–209]

How can the differences between these findings and previous research
be explained? It might be that at least some of the differences lie in the
344 ■ CHAPTER 13

measure of the dependent variable, departmental quality. Almost all previ-

ous studies have measured quality on the basis of departments identified in
reputational peer ratings. Since most faculty raters of departmental quality
in reputational studies probably had little knowledge about the overall
quality of the programs they were evaluating, it seems likely that their
assessment of the quality of various departments was based principally on
their judgment of faculty scholarly reputation and productivity. In turn, it
does not seem surprising that previous studies have been able to isolate a
small number of correlates—many related to faculty scholarly productiv-
ity and reputation—that explain much of the variation in quality.
In this study, however, the measure of departmental quality was
extracted from the comprehensive reports of reviewers that were clearly
aimed at judging overall departmental quality. Since these peer judgments
were based on a broad base of information, it does not seem unusual that
when factors previously found highly correlated with departmental qual-
ity were correlated with those peer judgments they did not have the same
strength of association found in previous research. The fact that other
important correlates and dimensions of quality were identified here may
be due in part to the measure of the dependent variable as well as to the
fact that these correlates had not been previously investigated. [Conrad &
Blackburn, 1985, pp. 292–293]

Discussion to Integrate

Not only must the discussion section of a research report unravel findings and
inconsistencies, as part of its interpretation function, but it must also attempt to
put the pieces together to achieve meaningful conclusions and generalizations.
Studies often generate disparate results that do not seem to “hang together.”
A report’s discussion section should include an attempt to bring together the
findings—expected and unexpected, major and ancillary—to extract meaning
and principles. Some brief examples illustrate this kind of material:

These findings may be contrasted with those of Johnson and Johnson

(1975) and Slavin (1983), who found an advantage for cooperative condi-
tions over competitive and individualistic ones. In work by these authors,
students were not differentiated in terms of self-beliefs so that reactions
of students who differed in self-efficacy may have been obscured by the
averaging process. Another possible difference is that in the “traditional”
cooperative learning paradigm, students actually work together under
conditions imposed by the teacher, whereas in this study students who
shared a common fate did not necessarily work cooperatively. Hence, the

ability of students to influence one another may have been weaker than in
past cooperative learning studies. [Tuckman, 1990a, p. 296]

Although theoretical statements about strategy-monitoring metamemory

relationships abound in the literature, there are few studies that include
unconfounded examinations of strategy instruction and monitoring
instruction (e.g., Lodico et al., 1983). When the data presented here are
combined with the Lodico et al. (1983) results, there is solid evidence that
monitoring training per se makes an important contribution to efficient
strategy instruction. This evidence bolsters the case for including moni-
toring instructions in multi-component strategy training packages aimed
at producing durable strategy use (e.g., Brown, Campione, & Barclay,
1979; Day, 1983; Palinesar & Brown, 1983; Schleser, Meyers, & Cohen,
1981). [Ghatala et al., 1985, p. 212]

Discussion to Theorize

When a study generates a number of related findings, it occasionally becomes

possible not only to integrate them into some superordinate point or principle
but to integrate them into an already existing theory or to use them to formulate
an original theory. The goal is to make your findings part of a comprehensive
body of theory, either by working within an existing theory or by generating
original theory. (In the former case, you should state in the introductory sec-
tion the existing theory that will serve as the study’s frame of reference.) Some
examples show the introduction of theory to the discussion section:

More theoretically, results seriously question the fundamental and still pop-
ular Galtonian view that a test is no more or less than a sample of the exam-
inee’s responses to a standard nonpersonal stimulus. Although the present
study required examiners to administer the CELF in accordance with the
user’s manual, the dissimilar performance of handicapped, but not non-
handicapped, children across familiar and unfamiliar tester conditions sug-
gests that the two groups attributed different meanings to the tester and test
situation. This suggestion that the “standard” test condition was perceived
differently by the handicapped and nonhandicapped seems reasonable if it
is appreciated that, by requiring the speech- and/or language-impaired chil-
dren to respond to the CELF, handicapped subjects were asked to reveal
their disabilities. In contrast, nonhandicapped subjects, by definition, were
presented with an opportunity to demonstrate competence. Such a concep-
tualization is consonant with Cole and Bruner’s (1972) theoretical work,
which argued that, despite efforts to objectify tests, select subgroups of the
346 ■ CHAPTER 13

population will subjectivize them in ways that reflect their unique experien-
tial backgrounds. [Fuchs et al., 1985, pp. 195–196]

If poorly performing students lack the motivation to process the text, why
would regular quizzes activate motivation? Overmier and Lawry’s (1979)
theory of incentive motivation states that incentives can motivate perfor-
mance by mediating between a stimulus situation and a specific response.
Assuming that students in the incentive motivation condition value doing
well on quizzes (and based on informal discussions with students follow-
ing Experiment 1, it would appear that they do), they would be motivated
to apply their existing text-processing skills and thereby learn more. The
text-processing homework assignments, although performed well by the
students in the learning strategy condition, apparently had less incentive
value to motivate students to achieve success or avoid failure. The goal of
completing homework was primarily its completion. It was not associated
with the same consequences for success and failure as quizzes. [Tuckman,
1996a, pp. 206–207]

The affective variable of locus of control, which was used to represent an

aspect of motivation, also had a positive relationship with performance and
confidence. Regression analysis indicated that locus of control accounted
for approximately 5% of the variance in posttest performance and about
6.7% of the variance in confidence scores. The canonical analysis indi-
cated that locus of control and the linear combination of performance and
confidence were positively related. These findings provide support for
the assumption that the motivation to learn, including expectancies for
control, makes a difference in performance and motivation (Keller, 1979,
1983). Social learning theorists (Phares, 1976; Rotter 1966) suggested that
locus of control will influence student performance in unfamiliar environ-
ments. Subjects may have viewed the task used in the present study as unfa-
miliar, thus the relationship between locus of control and performance. In
addition, the positive relationship between locus of control and confidence
supports attribution theorists who contend that locus is related to affective
outcomes (Weiner, 1979, 1980, 1985). [Klein & Keller, 1990, p. 145]

Discussion to Recommend or Apply

Because education is essentially an applied field, research in education should

yield some recommendations for alterations in educational practices.5 In the

5. Dissertation writers often choose to follow the “Discussion” section with a sepa-
rate “Conclusions and Recommendations” section, highlighting their conclusions and
recommendations based on the results their studies produced.

discussion section, typically toward the end, you should examine your findings
in the light of suggested applications, as these examples illustrate:

From an applied perspective, the findings of this study leave the potential
motivator of students in a quandary. How does one tailor-make or customize
motivational conditions to the needs of students differing in levels of self-
efficacy? If using groups helps those in the middle self-efficacy level, using
goal-setting helps those at the low level, and leaving them to their own devices
helps those at the top, how then can all three techniques be employed at the
same time? The answer may lie in not trying to affect all students in the same
One suggestion is to identify those students who are low in academic
self-efficacy based on their past lack of self-regulated performance and
work with them separately, possibly after class, to engage them in the goal-
setting process. Such efforts should focus on helping these students to set
attainable goals and to specify when and where they will engage in neces-
sary goal-related performance. As the students least likely to perform on
their own, these would be the ones on which to expend one’s primary
Cooperative group assignments on self-regulated tasks should per-
haps be used on a voluntary basis so students can choose whether or not
they wish to bind their fate to others or to work alone. This would enable
students of average self-efficacy to gain the support of group members
without simultaneously hampering those at either high or low self-efficacy
levels. The recommendation, therefore, is to personalize or individualize
motivational enhancement efforts to the greatest degree possible. [Tuck-
man, 1990a, pp. 297–298]

Based on the results of this study, it is recommended that the expository

examples in the first phase of concept teaching should be selected in such a
way that they closely resemble the best example and each other. In the sec-
ond phase of concept teaching, the selected interrogatory examples should
form a widely dispersed set in order to focus attention on the range of the
variable attributes and to allow the students to elaborate their knowledge
base (Christensen & Tennyson, 1988). Further; because it is suggested that
the number of expository examples should at least be equal to the number
of defining characteristics of the concept (Merrill & Tennyson, 1977), it
seems that the number of interrogatory examples should at least be the
same as the number of expository examples to prevent undergeneraliza-
tion. More research needs to be performed on the ratio between the two
types of examples. [Ranzijn, 1991, p. 328]
348 ■ CHAPTER 13

The results of the two experiments suggest that achievement among stu-
dents of college age, particularly those who tend to perform poorly, can
be enhanced by increasing their incentive motivation to study the text on
a regular basis and that frequently occurring quizzes, as used in this study,
may be an effective technique for enhancing incentive motivation. Because
quiz grades appear to constitute a strong study incentive for college stu-
dents, frequent testing may be a better inducement for effective and timely
processing of textbook content than using homework assignments as a
required strategy for this purpose. [Tuckman, 1996a, p. 209]

Discussion to Suggest Extensions

Often the discussion section of a research report concludes with suggestions

for further research, replications, or refinements, thus indicating directions
that future research in the area might take. Such suggested extensions can be
offered in general or more specific forms:

The findings of this study have some implications for researchers of

learner-control questions. Future research into learner control should
attempt to determine student perceptions toward their feelings of control
over instruction and should investigate the relationship between these
perceptions and motivation and performance in actual instructional set-
tings. Future studies also should continue to delineate specific aspects of
control, using them individually and in combination, to determine the
critical features of control that influence performance and motivation.
The effects of instructions should be investigated. In both real world and
in studies of expectations, people are sometimes told what to expect in
regard to personal control. The effects of these instructions in conjunc-
tion with actual variations in learner control should be studied. [Klein &
Keller, 1990, p. 145]

Finally, further work may help in understanding the areas discussed here.
One important project would be applying the analyses used here to data
from earlier years. It could also be important to look at underachievement
in specific courses, to determine other variables that influence variations
in underachievement, and to examine the long-range implications of ado-
lescent underachievement, especially its relation to educational and occu-
pational attainment. [Stockard & Wood, 1984, pp. 835–836]

Second, if it is assumed that findings can be attributed to examiners award-

ing spuriously high scores to familiar examinees, why was differential

performance obtained for handicapped, but not nonhandicapped, sub-

jects? Future research might explore whether examiner familiarity and the
handicapped status of examinees interact so that examiners inflate handi-
capped students’ test scores more than those of nonhandicapped pupils.
Since the current study employed only speech- and/or language-impaired
subjects and a single language test, further research also might attempt
operational replications of present findings on subjects with different
handicapping conditions and with diverse test instruments. [Fuchs et al.,
1985, pp. 194–195]

■ The References

Research reports display a variety of different formats for their references,

only one of which is covered here. The one used in this book is the style used
in the psychological journals, such as the Journal of Educational Psychology.
This format is described in detail in The Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed., 2009, pp. 193–224). This format does not cite
references in footnotes. Rather, references are cited in the text by author’s sur-
name and year of publication. A section headed “References,” appearing at the
end of the report, includes the full publication information for each citation in
alphabetical order according to the senior author’s surname. A journal reference
would appear as follows:

Casteel, C. A. (1991). Answer changing on multiple-choice test items

among eighth-grade readers. Journal of Experimental Education, 59,

A book would be referenced as follows:

Tuckman, B. W. (1997). Theories and applications of educational psychol-

ogy (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Every item in the reference list must be specifically cited in the text and vice
versa. To see how this format treats other types of references (for example,
dissertations, government reports, convention papers), obtain a copy of The
Publication Manual of the APA or examine references for articles appearing in
the Journal of Educational Psychology. Many journals outside of psychology
now use The Publication Manual of the APA as a stylistic guide (for example,
American Educational Research Journal).6

6. Additional information about referencing as well as about preparing research reports

can be found in Campbell and Ballou (1990).
350 ■ CHAPTER 13

■ The Abstract

Journal articles and other research reports typically require accompanying

abstracts written according to well-delineated standards. An abstract usually
must fit within a limited number of words. A dissertation typically requires a
summary or what may be called a long abstract—often between 600 and 1,000
words. The rules for writing such a long abstract are essentially the same as
those for writing a short one, as Campbell and Ballou (1990) explain.7
A short abstract for a journal article or research paper should run between
100 and 175 words. It should be written in block form (that is, without inden-
tations) and in complete sentences. The abstract should contain statements of
the study’s (1) problem, (2) method, (3) results, and (4) conclusions. Results
are vitally important to readers, so every abstract should state at least the trend
of the results a study has generated. Another recommended component is a
statement of the number and kind of Ss, the type of research design, and the
significance levels of the results. Results and conclusions may be itemized for
brevity. Standard abbreviations and acronyms should be used where possible.
An example helps to illustrate the priorities for writing an abstract.

Abstract. Two experiments were conducted to determine the relative

effectiveness of increasing students’ incentive motivation for studying and
prescribing a text-processing strategy for them to use in studying. The
incentive motivation condition involved administering a weekly quiz,
and the learning strategy condition involved homework assignments that
required students to identify key terms in their textbook chapters, write
definitions of them, and generate elaborations of their definitions. The 1st
experiment spanned a 5-week period in an educational psychology course
and included a control group. On the achievement posttest, students in the
incentive motivation condition substantially outscored the learning strat-
egy group and the control group. The 2nd experiment involved the same
course in a subsequent term, but this time over a 15-week period. Also,
students were divided into high, medium, and low groups on the basis of
prior grade point average (GPA). As in the 1st experiment, the incentive
motivation condition was generally more effective than the learning strat-
egy condition, but the advantage accrued primarily to low-GPA students.
The findings were interpreted to mean that college students generally have
acquired learning strategies that are suitable for studying textbook con-
tent, but their use of these strategies depends on their motivational level.
[Tuckman, 1996a, p. 197]

7. An example of a long abstract or research summary appears as a sample evaluation

report at the end of Chapter 14.

■ Preparing Tables

Tables are extremely useful tools for presenting the results of statistical tests as
well as mean and standard deviation data. The results of analyses of variance
and correlations (when sufficient in number) are typically reported in tabular
Table 13.1, an analysis of variance table, indicates the source of variance
along with many supporting data: degrees of freedom (df) associated with each
source, sums of squares of the variance, mean squares of the variance for effects
and error terms, F ratios for both main effects and interactions, and p values.
The study from which this table came evaluated two treatment methods (reader
type and response type) as they affected the number of test answers revised
by students. The same author also prepared Table 13.2, an example of a table
of means, and a statistical comparison of results combined into a single table.
Similarly, Table 13.3 combines means and statistical results but also includes
standard deviations. Table 13.4 displays analysis of variance results, while Table
13.5 provides accompanying means and standard deviations. Table 13.6 is an
example of a tabular display of correlations.
Two additional examples illustrate tabular presentations of other kinds
of results. (The samples shown in this chapter do not necessarily illustrate all

TABLE 13.1 Analysis of Variance for Reader Type and Response Type

(reader type x Within-subject
Source Reader type Response Type response type) (error) Total score
df 1 2 2 153 158
SS 2.02 832.96 6.45 2241.0 3082.5
MS 2.0 416.4 3.2 14.6
F 0.14 28.43 0.33
p 0.71 0.05 0.80
Source: Data from Casteel (1991).

TABLE 13.2 Tukey (HSD) Pair-Wise Comparisons of Mean Number of Revisions by

Response Type of Good and Poor Readers
Response Type M Poor Good
Wrong to right 7.8a 8.2 7.4
Right to wrong 2.6b 3.0 2.2
Wrong to wrong 1.8b 2.0 1.7
F statistics from nested ANOVA; b Significance probabilities for F statistics
Notes: Group means sharing common notation within are not significantly different from one
another. Critical Q value = 3.312, rejection level = 0.05; critical value for comparison = 1.7261;
standard error for comparison = 0.736; error term used: Reader × Response × Subject, 153 df.
Standard error for comparison = 0.736; error term used: Reader × Response × Subject, 152 df.
Source: Data from Casteel (1991).
352 ■ CHAPTER 13

TABLE 13.3 Univariate Tests for Six Academic Performance Tasks

Task 1 2 3 4 5 6
Experimental M 20.55 14.79 13.45 9.62 15.10 8.97
(n = 29)
SD 0.91 0.67 1.18 0.62 1.01 0.18
Control M 18.89 14.00 11.26 8.00 12.33 7.85
(n = 27)
SD 3.65 1.41 2.61 1.17 1.92 1.51
F 6.33 7.26 12.06 36.01 50.42 4.31
P .04 .03 .01 .0005 .0002 .07
F statistics from nested ANOVA; b Significance probabilities for F statistics
Source: Adapted from Mahn and Greenwood (1990).

TABLE 13.4 ANOVA Results for Each Achievement Test and the Combined
Achievement Tests, by Condition and GPA level
Condition GPA Level Interaction Error
Test (df = 1) (df= 2) (df = 2) (df = 109)
Test 1
MS 4.82 56.23 41.31 11.95
F 0.04 4.71b 3.46b
Test 2
MS 32.54 82.94 24.61 7.58
F 4.29b 10.94c 3.25b
Test 3
MS 51.91 91.40 17.21 12.88
F 4.03b 7.10c 1.34
MS 185.05 667.29 213.65 65.64
F 2.82a 10.16c 3.25b
p < .10; bp < .01
Source: Tuckman (1996a).

possible kinds of tables.) Table 13.7 shows a contingency table used in con-
junction with a chi-square analysis, and Table 13.8 shows a table of frequency
For further information on preparing tables, see The Publication Manual
of the American Psychological Association (6th ed., 2009). This source also gives
instructive guidance for preparing figures. For further input, examine tables
and figures that appear in journal articles.
Tables often play a useful role in a research report’s method section by
depicting a complex arrangement among conditions, an experimental design,
a sequence of procedures, or numbers and characteristics of subjects in a com-
plex study. Table 13.9 illustrates an application of a table to display the number

TABLE 13.5 Means and Standard Deviations for the Incentive Motivation and
Learning Strategy Groups on the Three Achievement Tests and the Combined
Achievement Tests
Condition 1 2 3 Achievement Tests
Incentive motivation
(n = 56)
M 73.0 79.6 76.5 76.5
SD 11.0 8.5 9.7 9.7
Learning strategy
(n = 59)
M 73.0 75.7 72.0 73.6
SD 11.9 10.5 13.9 12.1
Source: Tuckman (1996a).

TABLE 13.6 Zero-Order Correlations Between Motivation and Self-Regulated

Learning Variables and Performance
Motivation components learning components
Intrinsic value Self-efficacy Test anxiety Strategy use Self-regulation
b b b c
Grade 1 .25 .34 –.24 .18 .32c
Seatwork .21b .19a –.14 .07 .22b
Exams/ .20b .24b –.24b .20b .28b
Essays/ .27a .25b –.14 .19a .36c
Grade 2 .30c .36b .23b .20b .36c

Note: N = 173
p < .05; bp < .01 ; cp < .001
Source: Adapted from Pintrich and DeGroot (1990).

of subjects by grade taking part in a large, complex study as well as the means
and standard deviations for the separate groups on a number of control vari-
ables. This type of table should appear in the method section under the heading
“Subjects” to help clarify the details of complex studies.

■ Preparing Figures and Graphs

Figures often provide useful tools for presenting research results, as well. Data
collected over time are often amenable to graphic presentation, as are data dis-
playing statistical interactions, means, and so on.
354 ■ CHAPTER 13

TABLE 13.7 Percentages of Mentorships as a Function of Sex of Professors and

Students and the Resultant as Chi-Square
Female Male Total
Students Female 39.46% 24.74% 64.20%
Male 10.54 25.26 35.80
Total 50.0 50.0

χ2 (1) = 9.43, p < .01

Source: From Busch (1985).

TABLE 13.8 Number of Pupils and Teachers in the St. Louis Metropolitan Area;

Source: From Mark and Anderson (1985).

TABLE 13.9 Characteristics of Students at Each Grade Level and for the Total Sample
Age IQ
Number of
Grade Sample Size Mean SD % Females Mean SD Valid N Ability Streams
7th 236 12.3 .5 50 99.6 13.9 225 10
8th 223 13.4 .5 44 100.7 14.3 219 10
9th 181 14.4 .6 41 101.3 12.9 11 10
10th 189 15.3 .5 47 102.2 11.4 180 73
11/12th 77 16.7 .8 57 110.6 11.4 66 3
Total 901 47 101.6 13.4 851

Source: From Marsh, Parker, and Barnes (1985).

356 ■ CHAPTER 13

Figure 13.1 illustrates the use of a bar graph to display means in a way that
highlights an interaction between an independent variable (condition: incen-
tive motivation versus learning strategy) and a moderator variable (grade point
average: high versus medium versus low). The figure shows how these vari-
ables affected the study’s dependent variables (scores on three achievement
tests). Representing three variables simultaneously can be a difficult job, but it
is done with great clarity in this illustration.
Figure 13.2 shows another complex interaction of variables. The graph
clearly illustrates the interaction between the two variables in question (that
is, handicapped versus nonhandicapped and familiar versus unfamiliar testing
conditions) on the dependent measure (CELF score). Certainly, a report writer
might struggle to say in words what this graph depicts with relative ease.
Figures can also be used effectively in the method section to illustrate
tasks or other aspects of methodology. Figure 13.3 illustrates the types of test
items used to measure each of two dependent variables, high-level mathematics
achievement and low-level mathematics achievement.

FIGURE 13.1 Mean Test Scores for the Two Treatment Groups on Each of the Three
Tests Across Three Levels of Grade Point Average (GPA)

Source: From Tuckman (1996a). Reprinted by permission of the author and publisher.

FIGURE 13.2 Display of Interaction:

CELF scores of handicapped (dashed
line) and nonhandicapped (solid line)
children in familiar (F) and unfamiliar
(U) testing conditions
Source: From Fuchs et al. (1985).
Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

FIGURE 13.3 Examples of Low-Level and High-Level Mathematics Problems

Source: From Peterson and Fennema (1985). Reprinted by permission from the publisher.
358 ■ CHAPTER 13

■ Getting an Article Published

Most journals print sections called “guidelines for contributors” or “instructions

to authors” in each issue, usually on an inside cover or a page near the end. Look
for a listing in the issue’s table of contents. These guidelines or instructions often
describe the purpose of the journal and the kinds of articles it publishes, the
length limits of manuscripts, and the desired format. Formatting requirements
are typically set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed., 2009). Journal guidelines also suggest the length limit of the
abstract (usually 150 to 250 words), the number of paper copies that must be
submitted (usually between three and five), whether or not the author is required
to include a copy on disk as well, and to whom these materials should be sent.
This information indicates whether the journal reviews articles blind (that is,
without identifying the author) and how authors should prepare manuscripts to
facilitate this process. It also states an expectation that authors will not submit
the same manuscripts to more than one journal at the same time. In addition,
specific journals may set specific requirements of their own, such as requiring
authors to calculate and report effect sizes for all significant results. (For addi-
tional details, see Chapters 2 and 8 of the APA Manual.)
To prepare a manuscript for publication, follow the general rules described
in this chapter and adhere closely to the format set forth in Chapter 8 (pp.
225–243) of the APA Manual. Pay particular attention to the “Checklist for
Manuscript Submission” at the end of the chapter. Try to keep the manuscript
to a maximum of 25 pages from start to end, make sure the abstract is no longer
than 120 words, and keep the title to 10 words, if possible.
At the APA Style website (, there is also a supple-
mental section about converting a dissertation into a journal article. An expanded
version of this information can be found in Calfee and Valencia (1991).
To find a suitable journal, first consider those in the specific content area
in which the manuscript would most likely fit (for example, reading, teaching
English, educational administration, physical education, or special education).
To reach a wider, more general audience, consider submitting your article to
journals that cover a wide range of topics such as the Journal of Educational
Psychology, American Educational Research Journal, Journal of Experimental
Education, Journal of Educational Research, or Contemporary Educational
Psychology. If you are not very familiar with the journal, get a recent copy and
skim through it to get an idea of the types of articles it publishes.
Much research has a limited shelf life; a study’s currency comes into ques-
tion within a short time of its completion. Therefore, you should not wait
too long after finishing a research project to write it up and submit the report
for publication. You may want to test its appeal by first submitting it to a

convention or annual meeting for presentation before submitting it to a jour-

nal. This process may also provide some useful feedback.
Journals evaluate submitted manuscripts according to the criteria described
in the appendix of the APA Manual. Most reviewers judge a research report
according to a few major concerns: (a) the theoretical base of the study, (b) the
adequacy and validity of the methodology for meeting the purposes of the study,
(c) the quality and applicability of the findings, and (d) how well the manuscript
is written, particularly its clarity. As a general rule, journals rarely publish articles
that do not report significant and important findings. Part of the author’s respon-
sibility is to establish the importance and relevance of the findings, but if they
include no significant effects, this is exceedingly difficult to do.
Typically, journals require about 3 months to respond to a manuscript sub-
mission. The authors are notified of whether the manuscript is accepted for
publication (with or without revisions), rejected, or whether a revised manu-
script may be submitted without guarantee of acceptance. Regardless of the
decision, authors are supplied with a list of reasons, usually in the form of com-
ments from two reviewers (and, sometimes, by the editor as well). If the article
is accepted pending revision or recommendations for revision are provided
with an invitation to resubmit, the author should closely follow the reviewers’
and editor’s recommendations in preparing a revision. If the article is rejected,
the author is advised to use the criticisms offered by the editor, where possible,
to make revisions, and then to submit it to another journal.

■ Summary

1. A research proposal consists of (a) introduction and (b) method sections,

following the same guidelines as for preparing a research report.
2. The introduction section contains parts covering several topics: (a) context
of the problem (acquainting the reader with the study’s frame of refer-
ence); (b) problem statement (identifying all variables); (c) literature review
(expanding on the problem and providing an empirical basis for hypoth-
eses); (d) statement of hypotheses (anticipated relationships between vari-
ables); (e) rationales for hypotheses (logical and empirical justifications for
these expectations); (f) operational definitions (brief statements of how
variables were manipulated or measured); (g) predictions (operational
restatements of the hypotheses); (h) significance of the study (potential rel-
evance to theory and practice).
3. The method section contains parts covering additional topics: (a) sub-
jects (description of the participants in the study); (b) tasks and materi-
als (experiences in which all the subjects participate); (c) independent (and
moderator) variables (techniques for manipulating or measuring them); (d)
360 ■ CHAPTER 13

dependent variables (techniques for measuring them, including validity

and reliability); (e) procedures (any operational details not yet described);
(f) data analysis (design and statistical analyses).
4. The results section is best structured in terms of the study’s hypotheses.
Statistical results for each hypothesis should be described, and tables and
figures provided where needed.
5. The discussion section should fulfill the following functions: (a) to conclude
or summarize, based on the study’s findings; (b) to interpret those findings,
that is, to explain or account for them, especially the unexpected ones; (c) to
integrate the findings to produce generalizations; (d) to theorize about what
the findings mean; (e) to apply the findings or make recommendations for
their use; (f) to suggest extensions or possible future studies.
6. The references should be consistent with a recommended format such as
American Psychological Association style.
7. The abstract, between 100 and 175 words long, should summarize the
study’s problem, method, results, and conclusions.
8. Tables are useful tools for presenting statistical results such as means, stan-
dard deviations, and analysis of variance outcomes.
9. Figures and graphs are also useful ways to present results such as group
10. To get an article published, prepare the manuscript in accordance with the
style defined in the APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) and with specific
instructions given in the journal to which you submit it. Consider the eval-
uative criteria set forth in Chapter 17 of this text.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Write a brief paragraph illustrating the significance of a study to relate

teaching style to the degree to which children learn self-control and inter-
nal motivation.
2. You have hypothesized a positive relationship between ratings of a young-
ster’s aggressiveness by the school psychologist and the number of demer-
its each youngster has accumulated in school. A study found a correlation
of .875 for 10 students; write a brief paragraph describing these results.
3. A study has shown that youngsters in high-ability groups have better
school attendance records than youngsters in low-ability groups. Write a
brief paragraph interpreting this finding.
4. A study evaluated the teaching styles of 24 teachers, 12 who taught voca-
tional subjects and 12 who taught academic subjects. Based on a personality
test, half of each group of teachers was classified as abstract personalities
and half as concrete personalities. Students then completed a questionnaire

describing how directive they perceived their teachers’ teaching styles.

Means were computed on directiveness for each group of teachers (a higher
mean corresponding to a more nondirective teacher). Among the voca-
tional teachers, those with abstract personalities had a mean directiveness
rating of 53.8 compared to 55.3 for concrete-personality teachers. Among
the academic teachers, those with abstract personalities had a mean direc-
tiveness rating of 44.5 compared to 46.3 for concrete-personality teachers.
Analysis of variance of directiveness scores as a function of teachers’ sub-
ject area and personality yielded a significant result for subject area (MS =
504.17, df = 1, 20, F = 45.22, p < .01), but not for personality (MS = 16.67,
df = 1, 20, F = 1.49). The interaction also failed to achieve significance (MS
= 0.17, df = 1, 20, F = 0.01), relative to an error mean square of 11.15 (df =
20). Construct an analysis of variance source table to shows these results.
Make sure to give your table the proper title.
5. Construct a table to display the cell and marginal means for the analysis
in Exercise 4 (and for which the analysis of variance source table was con-
structed). Make sure to assign a proper title to your table. Indicate signifi-
cant mean differences that you know from the analysis of variance.
6. Draw a graph to illustrate the cell means listed in the table you created in
Exercise 5. (Be sure to title it and label the axes.)
7. Draw a graph of the scores given in Competency Test Exercise 3 of Chap-
ter 11. Do not distinguish between groups. Plot all the data together in bar
graph form, showing the frequency distribution of each score or group of

■ Recommended References
American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication manual (6th ed.). Washing-
ton, DC: American Psychological Association.
Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal
publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Campbell, W. G., & Ballou, S. V. (1990). Form and style: Theses, reports, term papers
(8th ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
Dees, R. (1993). Writing the modern research paper. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Henson, K. T. (1995). The art of writing for publication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Locke, L. F., Spirduso, W. W., & Silverman, S. J. (1993). Proposals that work: A guide
for planning dissertations and grant proposals (3rd ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Turabian, K. L., & Honigsblum, B. B. (1987). A manual for writers of term papers, the-
ses, and dissertations (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.



Conducting Evaluation Studies


• Distinguish between formative and summative evaluation.

• Design a study to evaluate a treatment or intervention utilizing the
concepts of identification and operational definition of variables,
research design, and observation and measurement.
• Analyze and interpret the data from an evaluation study, and draw
appropriate conclusions.

■ Formative Versus Summative Evaluation

The labels formative and summative describe two types of evaluation. Forma-
tive evaluation refers to an internal evaluation of a program, usually under-
taken as part of the development process, that compares the performance of
participating students to the objectives of the program. Such analysis attempts
to debug learning materials or some other form of program under develop-
ment by trying them out on a test group. Such tryouts enable the developers to
tell whether the materials work as expected and to suggest changes. Formative
evaluation often leads a program developer “back to the drawing board.”
Summative evaluation, demonstration,1 is a systematic attempt to determine
whether a fully developed program is meeting its objectives more successfully
than might be obtained from alternative programs (or no program). Summa-
tive evaluation uses the comparison process to evaluate a fully implemented

1. When Chapter 1 linked the terms evaluation and demonstration, it was referring to
summative evaluation.

■ 365
366 ■ CHAPTER 14

program, whereas formative evaluation is part of the development process and

thus precedes summative evaluation.
The varied techniques that researchers employ for formative evaluation are
less systematic than those for summative evaluation. Because the purpose of
formative evaluation is to help program developers to judge the adequacy of
the materials under development, it often incorporates questionnaires or per-
formance tests completed by pilot subjects. The developer then evaluates the
success or failure of the materials and makes appropriate revisions. By com-
parison, summative evaluation should proceed in a more systematic fashion,
conforming to some model and providing a basis for comparison between pro-
grams or products.
This process accommodates a variety of summative evaluation methods.
The one described in detail in this chapter conforms to the logical research
process described in this book, and yet it is general enough to be applied in a
variety of situations.

■ A Model for Summative Evaluation

The model presented here for evaluating an intervention or program is based

on the model of experimental design described in detail throughout the preced-
ing chapters of this book.2 This model includes the techniques of formulating
a hypothesis, identifying variables, constructing operational definitions, build-
ing a design, developing measuring instruments, and conducting statistical
analyses. The research design model supports summative evaluation in three
ways: (1) It offers a logical and consistent approach. (2) It allows a researcher
to establish cause-and-effect relationships (or at least, to make inferences
about cause and effect). (3) It provides the conditions conducive to systematic
The overall evaluation model illustrated in Figure 14.1 includes five steps,
each described in detail in the preceding chapters. The first step identifies the
dependent variables of the evaluation study, namely, the aims of the interven-
tion or experimental program. The second step transforms these aims into oper-
ational definitions by stating them in behavioral terms. The third then develops
tests or measuring devices for the dependent variables that ensure content valid-
ity. The fourth step establishes an independent variable that distinguishes an
experimental group (the group receiving the intervention) and a comparison or
control group. In addition, establishing experimental and comparison groups

2. This chapter makes no attempt to survey the literature on evaluation and describe all
possible evaluation models. Rather, it explains one model for evaluating educational pro-
grams. Of course, a researcher might choose to implement alternative models described by
Tuckman (1985).
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 6 7

requires a researcher to ensure or demonstrate the equivalence of both groups

on selection factors. Finally, in the fifth step, the researcher undertakes data
collection and statistical analyses to provide a basis for drawing conclusions.
Each of these steps is described in detail in the next section of this chapter.
Note that omitting Step 4 transforms this model into a procedure for for-
mative evaluation. Because formative evaluation attempts to determine whether
a program is successfully meeting its own objectives, it may be carried out by
specifying these objectives, operationalizing them, building a test to measure
them, and then administering this test to a group of subjects that are completing
the program. This streamlined process differs from summative evaluation in its
lack of a control or comparison group (defined in Step 4). This difference will
also be reflected in the fifth step: design, data collection, and statistical analyses.

■ Defining the Goals of a Program

Identifying the Aims of the Intervention: The Dependent Variable

People who introduce an intervention3 in a school system—whether it is a spe-

cific course of study, a new facility, or some special piece of equipment—usu-
ally launch the project with the goal of achieving certain aims or objectives,
or at least with expectations for certain outcomes. These objectives or antici-
pated outcomes differ for different specific interventions. Some educational
programs aim to help students master the content of certain courses of study,
whereas others aim to produce very specific influences on students’ future
lives. Vocational programs, for example, often set objectives related to specific
trade competencies and skills for entry-level jobs or potential advancement.
The decision concerning aims and objectives should rest with people who
implement an intervention. Those who decide to try the interventions must
determine their expectations for it. They must ask themselves, “What do we

FIGURE 14.1. An Evaluation Model

Step 1 Identification of the program’s aims and objectives (the dependent variable)
Step 2 Restatement of these aims and objectives in behavioral terms (an opera-
tional definition)
Step 3 Construction of a content valid (or appropriate) test to measure the behav-
iorally stated aims and objectives (measurement of the dependent variable)
Step 4 Identification and selection of a control, comparison, or criterion group
against which to contrast the test group (establishing the independent
Step 5 Data collection and analysis

3. The terms program and intervention are used interchangeably, although an educational
program is only one form of intervention.
368 ■ CHAPTER 14

expect of students who have completed the experience that we do not expect of
students who have not?” They may look to the developer of the intervention
to help them answer this question.
Thus, the first step in the summative evaluation process is to approach the
people who will implement the intervention and ask, “What aims and objec-
tives should this intervention accomplish? What abilities do you expect stu-
dents to gain by experiencing the program?” In response to such questions,
they may respond in several ways; examples include: (1) The program will help
the students develop an appreciation of art. (2) It will help them to enhance
their understanding of themselves. (3) It will provide them with the skills they
need to enter the carpentry trade. (4) It will increase their chances of becoming
constructive citizens. (5) They will know more American history than they did
before they started. (6) They will increase their interest in science.4
Each of these statements is an example of the kinds of aims that program
implementers identify and their likely ways of expressing their intentions.
Thus, Step 1 identifies the dependent variable of the evaluation, but largely in
conceptual (vague and ambiguous) terms that are difficult to measure.

Operationally Defining the Dependent Variable:

Behavioral Objectification

In completing the first step, the researcher has identified the dependent variable
for the evaluation. He or she has also made substantial progress toward formu-
lating a hypothesis about the dependent variable, stating that it should attain a
certain magnitude after the subjects experience the intervention exceeding that
for comparable subjects who have experienced some other or no other inter-
vention. The next step is to produce an operational definition of this dependent
variable, which will move the evaluator one step closer to the concrete terms
and dimensions on which he or she can base the development or selection of
valid measures.
In completing this second step, the evaluator asks some questions of himself
or herself and the program’s implementers (and occasionally of its developers):
How can we tell whether the aims and objectives of the intervention, outlined
previously, have been achieved? What observable and measurable behaviors
will the students exhibit if these aims and objectives have been achieved that
they will not exhibit if these aims and objectives have not been achieved? At
this stage, the evaluator does not ask, “How will they be different after the
intervention?” Instead, she or he asks, “What difference can we see in them?”
4. The subsequent measurement stage should also look for unintended or unanticipated
outcomes, because these often occur, and information about them helps in the evaluation
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 6 9

Unfortunately, no one can look inside the heads of the students to deter-
mine whether they appreciate, understand, are interested in, or are motivated
by the program under evaluation. Judgments are limited to their overt actions
and self-reports—that is, an evaluator can only study their behavior. Any con-
clusions about thoughts, fears, and the like can only be inferred from some
study of behavior. Thus, the aims and objectives of the intervention must be
operationally defined in behavioral terms. The conceptual (vague and ambig-
uous) statements of aims and objectives must be replaced by statements of
In practice, an intervention of any size will likely have many aims or
objectives, rather than just one. Moreover, in transforming these objectives
into statements of behaviors that define them or imply their presence, evalua-
tors often must deal with a number of behaviors associated with each aim and
objective rather than with one behavior per objective. For this reason, evalua-
tion requires that they articulate a series of behavioral objectives that will rep-
resent the identified dependent variables.
The first criterion for such an operational definition requires an explicit
statement in specific behavioral terms. That is, the definition must include an
action verb, as in the following example: “Upon completion of the program,
the student will be able to (1) identify or point to something with specified
properties; (2) describe or tell about those properties; (3) construct or make
something with those properties; or (4) demonstrate or use a procedure of a
particular nature.” Words like identify, describe, construct, demonstrate, and so
on are action verbs that indicate behavior. They are required elements of oper-
ationally defined behavioral objectives. To specify something in behavioral
terms, use behavioral words that specify doing rather than knowing. Words
such as know, appreciate, and understand are not action verbs for behaviors, so
they should not appear in operational definitions.
Figure 14.2 lists some suggested action verbs originally compiled by the
American Association for the Advancement of Science. (The specific illustra-
tions of the use of each one have been added by the authors.) By basing opera-
tional definitions on these action verbs, researchers can be sure they are writing
behavioral objectives. In addition, this standardization enables researchers to
compare objectives with a degree of certainty that a specific word has the same
meaning in various experimental situations.
The second element of a behavioral objective is the specific content in
which students will show mastery or competence. What should a student be
able to identify after completing the program under evaluation? What should a
student be able to describe? What should a student be able to construct?
The third element of the objective is a specification of the exact conditions
under which the student will exhibit the expected behavior: “Given a list of 20
370 ■ CHAPTER 14

FIGURE 14.2 A List of Action Verbs for Constructing Behavioral Objectives

IdentifyGiven a list of eight statements, the student shall identify all that are instances
of hypotheses.

DistinguishGiven a list of eight statements, the student shall distinguish between

those that are hypotheses and those that are inferences.

DescribeThe student shall describe two characteristics that distinguish a hypothesis

from an inference.

NameThe student shall name four statistical tests for comparing two treatments with
small n’s and outcomes that are not normally distributed.

State a RuleThe student shall state a rule limiting the transformation of interval, ordi-
nal, and nominal measurements, one to the other.

OrderGiven a list of ten statements, the student shall order them in the correct
sequence to represent the research process.

DemonstrateGiven a set of data, the student shall demonstrate the procedure for
their analysis using analysis of variance procedures and a worksheet.

ConstructGiven the following set of data for processing by analysis of variance, the
student shall construct computer instructions for an ANOVA program.

Apply a RuleGiven the following set of interval data, the student shall convert them
to nominal measures (high, middle, and low) using the rule of the tertile split.

InterpretGiven the following set of analyzed data and hypothesis, the student shall
interpret the outcome of the experiment and the support it provides for the hypothesis.

items, the student shall identify . . .” or “Using the following pieces of equip-
ment, the student shall construct or demonstrate . . . .” These examples illus-
trate how an operational definition must specify conditions.
Finally, if possible, a behavioral objective should specify the criterion for
judging satisfactory performance, such as the amount of time allowed for a stu-
dent to complete a task and how many correct responses he or she should make
in that amount of time. However, at this stage of behavioral objectification, an
acceptable operational definition may include only an action verb, a statement
of content, and any specific conditions.
Evaluators should not discourage those who implement a program from
stating creative and imaginative goals for the evaluation simply to avoid the
difficulty in restating them in behavioral terms. For instance, an objective for a
program intended to heighten students’ awareness of form in art should emerge
from identified behaviors that would indicate attainment of this goal. (“Given a
painting, a student will describe it in part by identifying its form.”) Because the
program implementers often look for subjective evidence of the attainment of
these creative or imaginative goals, the evaluator must work with them or other
experts to identify behaviors associated with these outcomes.
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 7 1

Thus, the second step in the suggested evaluation model is to convert the
aims and objectives that represent the dependent variable into concrete and
observable statements of behavior—that is, to transform the dependent vari-
able statement into operational definitions or behavioral objectives.

■ Measuring the Goals of a Program

(the Dependent Variable)

Now that the program’s goals—the dependent variable—have been trans-

formed into operational definitions stating behavioral objectives, the next step
in evaluation is to devise an instrument to measure those behaviors. Build-
ing a test from behavioral objectives is a relatively straightforward process.5
Figure 14.3 illustrates a few behavioral objectives and test items that measure

FIGURE 14.3 Sample Behavioral Objectives and Content-Valid Test Items for Each

1. Demonstrating a Procedure for Expressing Mixed Numbers as Improper Fractions.

Express 1 1⁄16 as an improper fraction.
2. Describing the Function of Information Conveyed in a Purchase Order. Circle the let-
ter next to the correct answer.
A purchase order is used when:
A. A retailer orders merchandise from a wholesaler.
B. A retailer orders services from a consumer.
C. A wholesaler orders merchandise from a retailer.
D. A foreman orders stock from inventory.
3. Demonstrating an Interest in the Study of Science.
List any books or articles you have read on your own that concern science. Do
you own a chemistry set? A microscope?
Did you get these things before or after beginning your new science program?
4. Demonstrating a Procedure for Preparing Permanent Microscope Slides.
Below is a sequence of steps for making a permanent microscope slide of a tis-
sue specimen. Arrange the steps in their proper order.
A. Soak in baths of progressively lower alcohol content
B. Fix and mount
C. Section
D. Stain
E. Soak in baths of progressively higher alcohol content
5. Constructing a Magnetic Field Using Electrical Current.
Identify the materials you would need to construct a magnetic field using electri-
cal current, and describe the procedure you would use.

5. Researchers ordinarily think of tests as tools for evaluating individuals and their per-
formance. However, when a group of individuals who have commonly experienced an inter-
vention or training program take a test, one can pool their test data and examine them as
group indicators. Analysis with proper comparisons (as discussed in the next section) allows
such test data to contribute to an evaluation of the intervention or program.
372 ■ CHAPTER 14

Some program objectives appear to require evaluations based on physical

performances by students. Effective evaluations may still employ paper-and-
pencil tests that accurately and efficiently, albeit less directly, measure attain-
ment of objectives that involve physical performances. However, in attempting
to replace performance items with paper-and-pencil items, one must carefully
preserve the essential characteristic that the item intends to measure. Items 4
and 5 in Figure 14.3 illustrate how an evaluation can accomplish performance
judgments appropriate for objectives that call for demonstrations and construc-
tions using paper-and-pencil instruments with identifications and descriptions.
The critical quality that an instrument for testing a program’s behavioral
objectives must possess is content validity. (See Chapter 10.) The test must
reflect accurately upon the intervention or program, and it must evaluate the
skills, competencies, aims, and objectives previously set for the program. By
systematically delineating each program objective and then mapping out mea-
surement items for each objective, an evaluator can guarantee that such test
items, taken together, will accurately represent the program’s outcome and
thus achieve content validity. This concept is illustrated in Figure 14.4.
As the figure illustrates, the process of developing a test that represents the
program content begins by breaking down the program into its separate units.
The evaluator then identifies the competencies and skills to be obtained from
each unit and develops test items to measure each competency or skill. As a
test more accurately represents the program content, its content validity rises.

FIGURE 14.4 A Schematic Representation of Content Validity

C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 7 3

Without a content outline or breakdown, it is difficult to identify areas that

the test must cover or to determine that completed test items accurately repre-
sent the program’s content or objectives. The content outline and its objectives
guide construction of test items that accurately reflect the effect of exposure
to that content. A test so written will have content validity. That is, the test is
appropriate for measuring the objectives.
To evaluate an instructional intervention, the major dependent vari-
able usually represents the amount of student achievement resulting from
instruction. Often, however, evaluators are interested in assessing the effect
of the intervention on students’ attitudes toward the subject taught or on
students’ satisfaction with the instructional experience; these are typical goals
of instructional developers. To accomplish these purposes, refer to four instru-
ments that have appeared in previous chapters: (1) Math Attitude Scale (Fig-
ure 10.2), (2) Mood Thermometers (Figure 10.5), (3) Attitudes Toward School
Achievement (Figure 11.5), and (4) Satisfaction Scale (Figure 11.6).

■ Assessing Attainment of a Program’s Goals

Identifying a Comparison Group: The Independent Variable

Up to this point, the chapter has explained a process that in and of itself could
serve as a formative evaluation. The next step, the comparison process, truly
distinguishes formative from summative evaluation. The important differ-
ence is that summative evaluation is more than an attempt to describe behav-
iors that a student has acquired as a result of specific program experiences;
it goes further and judges the level of performance of these acquired behav-
iors against some standard of success or effective performance. Thus, unlike
formative evaluation, summative evaluation distinctly implies comparison of
some sort.
Evaluators can contrast results for three kinds of groups with those of the
experimental group to assess the effect of the treatment or intervention: con-
trol, comparison, and criterion groups. A control group is a group of Ss who
have not experienced the treatment or any similar or related treatment. A con-
trast between a treatment and a control group attempts to answer questions
like, “Would the behavioral objectives of the program have been met even if the
program had not occurred? Can these objectives be expected to occur sponta-
neously or to be produced by some unspecified means other than the program
under evaluation?” Students who complete a program may show more abili-
ties than they showed before they completed the program due to the effects of
history or maturation—sources of internal invalidity. To ensure that neither
history nor maturation is responsible for the change and pin down responsi-
bility to the intervention or program, an evaluator can compare results for an
3 74 ■ C H A P T E R 1 4

equivalent group of individuals who have not experienced the program against
results for those who have experienced it. This is control group contrast.
Very often, however, problems in evaluation take a somewhat different
form, posing the question, “Is the treatment or program producing stronger
behaviors or the same behaviors more efficiently than would be possible with
alternative programs or interventions?” When stated in this way, the prob-
lem moves beyond control to involve comparison. Thus, the evaluator could
compare results for an intervention or program group to those for a group
of students who have presumably been trained to attain the same behavioral
objectives in a different (and in many cases more traditional) way. A compari-
son of performance results for the two groups would answer the question, “Is
the new way better than the old way?”
Occasionally, evaluation questions take even a third form in which the
standard for judgment refers to some ideal state that students should attain.
Such a question might ask, “Have vocational students developed job skills suf-
ficient for reasonable success in the occupations for which they were trained?”
If the objective of a program is to develop enough competence in calculus to
allow students to solve specific problems in physics and aerodynamics, an eval-
uator might ask, “How does the students’ knowledge of calculus compare to
that of people who succeed at solving physics and aerodynamics problems?”
Questions like these ask for contrasts, not with results for a comparison group
that has completed an alternative experience, but with results for a criterion
group that displays the behavior in another context, namely, applications of
the knowledge to be acquired in the treatment (that is, calculus) to physics and
aerodynamics problems.
Very often evaluations of vocational or professional programs seek to eval-
uate progress toward objectives of preparing individuals for on-the-job com-
petence. To make this judgment, the evaluator chooses a criterion group from
among workers who demonstrate such competence in practice. Of course, he
or she must identify these individuals as a criterion group using a measuring
instrument other than the one developed to evaluate the intervention. Typi-
cally this group is chosen on the basis of criteria such as supervisors’ judg-
ments, promotion rates, salaries, or indications of mastery other than direct
measurement of competence and skill.

Questions of Certainty

An important consideration in assessing goal-attainment is the degree of cer-

tainty provided by selecting participants. In selecting a control, comparison,
or criterion group, an evaluator must control for individual differences in
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 7 5

potentially relevant characteristics to avoid participant bias. Evaluation studies

often cannot use random assignment for this purpose, because individuals have
come to participate in the procedure or its alternatives on a voluntary basis or
on some basis other than assignment by the evaluator. The evaluator arrives
after completion of these assignments and loses the opportunity to randomly
assign half of a pool of subjects to the treatment and half to the control. More
often, the evaluator begins with an intact group of subjects, possibly volun-
teers, who are already experiencing the treatment (or will soon begin it). Begin-
ning with an intact group, the evaluation study thus calls for the nonequivalent
control group design. However, sometimes the evaluator does not arrive on the
scene before the program starts and thus cannot give the posttest instrument as
a pretest (as is typically done in this design). She or he must then select a con-
trol or comparison group that is as similar as possible to the treatment group.
When you begin evaluation with an experimental group that has already
been composed, you should attempt to select control Ss by random methods
from the same population as the experimental Ss. As an alternative, you could
select them systematically to establish a group reasonably equivalent to the
experimentals. Where you have reason to believe that experimental group
assignment has been essentially unbiased (although completed prior to your
arrival as the evaluator), control group assignment should be random where
the situation allows. Where either, or both, treatment and comparison groups
have been preassigned, you can compare the groups on selection factors after
the fact to determine their equivalence. Age, for instance, is an important vari-
able for comparison, as are gender, IQ (or some other measure of ability or
aptitude), socioeconomic status, and prior achievement. Effective evaluation
requires treatment and control groups, treatment and comparison groups, or
treatment and criterion groups as equivalent as possible on all potentially rel-
evant individual difference measures. In addition, where possible, all groups
should be pretested on the dependent variable measure developed in the pre-
ceding step.
Ideally, of course, potential Ss should be assigned randomly by the evaluator
to experimental and control (or comparison or criterion) groups; however, this
procedure often proves an impossibility. Thus, when conditions prevent use of
a true experimental design (or pretesting to measure the dependent variable), the
evaluator must make every effort to show that experimental and control groups are
equivalent on all potentially relevant individual difference measures to minimize
selection threats to certainty or internal validity. This goal is best accomplished
by random selection of control Ss from the same population as experimental ones
and after-the-fact comparisons of the presumably equivalent groups. This process
is discussed in expanded detail under the section heading “Sampling,” below.
376 ■ CHAPTER 14

Determining That the Independent Variable Was Implemented

An evaluator cannot assume that one or more classes received a set of experi-
ences while others did not. Simply because teachers are told to teach in a certain
way for example, or are even trained to teach that way, one cannot automati-
cally state that they did in fact teach that way. Nor does it assure that teachers
not so trained will not themselves manifest the same teaching behaviors as the
trained teachers out of habit or previous experience.
Evaluators must assure themselves that the independent variable has indeed
been fully implemented. To accomplish this goal, they must observe or oth-
erwise measure the characteristics that represent the essentials of the inter-
vention or treatment to ensure that those characteristics were always present
in the treatment condition and always absent in the control or comparison
condition. (Refer again to the last section of Chapter 7 for a discussion of this

■ Design, Data Collection, and Statistical Analysis

The method of summative evaluation involves methods described in preceding

chapters for selecting a sample and tasks; deciding how to measure or manipu-
late independent, moderator, and dependent variables; selecting a design; and
choosing suitable statistics.
This section focuses on sampling, establishing reliability, choosing designs,
collecting data, and choosing and interpreting statistical tests. The discus-
sion focuses on applying these familiar processes to summative evaluation of
instructional approaches in a classroom setting.


A researcher who has access to a single class often chooses to test an instruc-
tional intervention on that class. This situation would be a convenient setting
for naturalistic observation and exploratory work, but summative evaluation
requires the opportunity to control variables, which is difficult with a single
class. Some researchers may identify two sections of the same class and apply
the intervention in one while teaching the second by conventional methods.
This is another difficult situation to treat fairly; the researcher’s biases may be
showing by the time he or she gathers final results. Comparing one’s own class
taught experimentally to a colleague’s taught conventionally does not permit
the separation of treatment effects from teacher effects or student selection
effects. A better evaluation method would randomly assign two pairs of classes
to the experimental and control conditions:
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 7 7

However, this procedure for assigning classes to conditions is not the best
to control for invalidity due to student selection. In effect, it uses the class as
the unit of analysis, because that is the unit of assignment, and reduces the total
number of observations to four. A better procedure would pool all the students
and then randomly assign each to one of the four groups. This random assign-
ment adequately controls for student selection effects:

A compromise between the two methods starts with intact classes, but it
randomly divides each class in half and then exposes one-half of each to the
control condition. Normal classroom circumstances often create difficulties,
however, for teaching each half of a class in a different way.


All measuring instruments contain errors that affect their accuracy. Error
is quantified as a reliability coefficient, as explained in Chapter 10. Evalu-
ation, in particular, involves observational variables and instruments. To
establish reliability of judgment on these observational instruments, follow
these rules:
378 ■ CHAPTER 14

1. Combine observations by more than one observer (preferably not your-

self, if possible).
2. Train all observers to use the instruments in live situations with the maxi-
mum possible agreement.
3. Assign at least two observers together to make at least 20 percent of the
observations as the basis for the reliability calculation.
4. Ensure that observers do not know whether any teacher or classroom they
observe is part of the experimental or control group. (Have them observe
5. Prepare an observation schedule that distributes the assignments of each
observer over all teachers in both experimental and control groups.
6. Revise your instruments and train your observers until adequate reliability
is obtained in a pilot study.

Design and Data Collection

The recommended research design for an evaluation study is a factorialized

version of a true design or nonequivalent control group design. Although other
designs may fit specific situations, the two shown in Figure 14.5 are best for
summative evaluation of instructional approaches.
An evaluation study using this design might involve four classrooms with
students assigned randomly to each. One teacher (Y1 ) would teach one section
experimentally (X1) and the other as a control (X2 ), and the other teacher (Y2 )
would do the same. Dependent measures would be taken at the end of the term.
This description fits Design A in Figure 14.5.
A second design might evaluate audiovisual aids by contrasting results for
a group that experiences them (X1) with those of a group that does not (X2) in
each of two intact classrooms, both taught by the same teacher. (This study
treats the teacher assignment as a control variable, not a moderator. That is, it

FIGURE 14.5 Sample Designs for Evaluation Studies: (A) Posttest-only control group
design; (B) Nonequivalent control group design
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 7 9

neutralizes or equalizes teacher effects across treatments instead of systemati-

cally varying and studying them. For a discussion of control variables, refer
to Chapter 4.) All the students in the evaluation might take a standardized
achievement test in reading, with results defining two subgroups—better read-
ers (Y1) and poorer readers (Y2 )—with each class likely to include approxi-
mately half of each. To control for prior achievement in the topic taught with
and without audiovisual aids, a pretest would be administered (O1, O3, O5, O7).
At the conclusion of the evaluation a posttest for achievement and an attitude
measure would be given (O2, O4, O6, O8 ). During the evaluation, data would
be collected indicating whether students experienced the audiovisual aids and
attended to them. This description fits Design B in Figure 14.5.

Statistical Analysis

The type of design advocated above suits an analysis of variance (ANOVA)

statistical approach.6 Both designs in Figure 14.5 can be diagrammed to fit a 2
× 2 ANOVA layout:

This analysis would yield information on three effects: (1) the main effect
of X—that is, whether the innovation (X2) was more effective overall than the
comparison (X1); (2) the main effect of Y—that is, whether the high group on
the moderator variable (Y2) overall outperformed the low group (Y1); and (3)
the interaction of X and Y—that is, whether the group high in the moderator
variable experiencing the innovation (X2Y2) differed as much from the group
high in the moderator variable receiving the comparison condition (X1Y2) as
the group low in the moderator group experiencing the innovation (X2Y1) dif-
fered from the group low in the moderator variable experiencing the compari-
son (X1Y1). When an interaction effect occurs, the result looks like Graph A or
B in Figure 14.6; when it does not occur, it looks like Graph C.7
6. Where after-the-fact comparisons show nonequivalence between the groups on rel-
evant selection factors, a researcher can adjust somewhat for differences by analysis of
covariance procedures.
7. Following the analysis of variance, it would be possible to do multiple range tests such
as the Newman-Keuls Multiple Range test or the Scheffé test in order to compare the three
means simultaneously using the error term from the analysis of variance. These techniques
are aptly described in Winer, Brown, and Michels (1991) and other statistics books. Where
pretest data are available, a researcher may conduct analysis of covariance of the posttest
scores with pretest scores as the covariate.
380 ■ CHAPTER 14

FIGURE 14.6 Graphs of Sample Interaction Effects

The method for summative evaluation described in this chapter is an

application of the research approach described and advocated in this book.
The consistent and systematic research model often allows the researcher
to attribute cause and effect or to make inferences. Because decision mak-
ers must determine cause and effect, this information provides invaluable
assistance to them. Where necessary, quasi-experimental designs may be
employed for evaluation purposes. Although alternative evaluation models
(which do not include the many requirements of research design) are prob-
ably more efficient and easier to use, they are also further removed from
cause and effect and thus rely more heavily on judgment or intuition. The
purpose of this chapter has not been to contrast these approaches but to
develop an approach that is a natural outgrowth of the rest of the book. In
that sense, this chapter summarizes and illustrates the research approach
developed in the book.

C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 8 1

Illustration of a Summative Evaluation Study

Evaluating an Individualized Science Program

Suppose that you designed an individualized, community-college-level

course to teach basic science, consisting of chemistry and physics. Further-
more, you put this course into operation with a group of 40 freshmen and
were now interested in evaluating the outcome.8
The first step in evaluation would be to identify the aims and objectives
of the course. Broadly speaking, the course sought to enable students to mas-
ter the content of basic science. A more specific objective would be to enable
students to perform and apply the course content in physics and chemistry.
A second objective might be to develop positive attitudes toward science in
community college freshmen.
The second step in implementing the evaluation model would be to con-
struct an operational definition of the dependent variables. For example, the
dependent variable, “mastery of course content” might be defined opera-
tionally as “constructing answers to questions requiring knowledge of basic
chemistry and physics with 70 percent accuracy.” This particular behavioral
objective could then be broken down into 10 components:

1. Constructing answers to questions about the structure of chemical sub-

stances with 70 percent accuracy.
2. Constructing answers to questions about the periodic table of elements
with 70 percent accuracy.
3. Constructing answers to questions about chemical bonding with 70 per-
cent accuracy.
4. Constructing answers to questions about writing chemical formulas
with 70 percent accuracy.
5. Constructing answers to questions about balancing chemical equations
with 70 percent accuracy.
6. Constructing answers to questions about scientific notation with 70 per-
cent accuracy.
7. Constructing answers to questions about the principles of motion with
70 percent accuracy.
8. Constructing answers to questions about the principles of energy with
70 percent accuracy.
9. Constructing answers to questions about the principles of light and
sound with 70 percent accuracy.
10. Constructing answers to questions about electricity with 70 percent

382 ■ CHAPTER 14

(continued from p. 381)

The second aim of the study might be stated operationally as student

agreement with 70 percent of the positive statements about the study of sci-
ence and disagreement with 70 percent of negative ones.
A third evaluative step would require building tests to measure the
dependent variables. A paper-and-pencil achievement test could be con-
structed to measure knowledge in the 10 content areas and an attitude scale
could be constructed to measure attitudes toward science. Both tests could
be tried out to establish their reliabilities using techniques described in
Chapter 10.
The fourth step, the identification of comparison groups, might involve
the following approach: Teach some basic science (chemistry and physics)
classes using the conventional method of lecture and discussion, and compare
the results with those of a class that experiences individualized instruction,
in which students complete unitized modules at their own pace before tak-
ing a self-assessment test to determine whether they can move on or require
additional instruction. Another possibility would be to teach half of the basic
science course the traditional way and half the individualized way, with the
chemistry half of the course taught one way and the physics half taught the
other. In addition, the order in which the two types of instruction are experi-
enced should be alternated between classes. Alternating both the content and
order of each instructional method is necessary to control for various effects
of history (or experience) bias.
By exposing each class to both types of instruction, you would equalize
selection factors as well as potential Hawthorne and expectancy effects. In this
way, you would use subjects as their own controls or comparisons. The only
potential shortcoming is in history bias, which can be overcome by alternating
the content and order of the two instructional methods across classes.
The fifth and last step in the evaluation would be to collect and analyze
data. Administer the achievement and attitude tests developed in the third
step to the students in the basic science classes after each half of the course,
and compare the results following individualized instruction to those fol-
lowing conventional instruction. For these comparisons, you would conduct
t-tests unless more complex designs across the two content areas or various
orders of instructional method make analysis of variance the more suitable
statistical test. If, for example, (1) content area were treated as a moderator
variable, (2) some classes were taught the chemistry portion the conventional
way and the physics portion the individualized way, and (3) the other classes
were taught physics the conventional way and chemistry the individualized
way, comparisons might look like this:
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 8 3

Type of Instruction
Individualized Conventional
Content Area Physics


Suppose your results revealed that the main effect for type of instruc-
tion was significant for both knowledge and attitude, and that it was based
on superior performance following individualized instruction in contrast to
conventional instruction. You could then conclude that the individualized
basic science course was more effective in improving science knowledge and
attitudes in community-college students than was the conventionally taught

This illustration represents an actual evaluation. (See Tuckman and Waheed, 1981.)

■ Summary

1. Formative evaluation refers to the internal evaluation of a program,

accomplished by comparing student performance outcomes to the pro-
gram’s own objectives. Summative evaluation, or demonstration, refers to
an external evaluation of a program, accomplished by comparing perfor-
mance outcomes of students experiencing the program to those of students
experiencing an alternative or comparison program.
2. The experimental model for summative evaluation begins with a definition
of the program’s goals. The first step is identifying its aims or objectives as
dependent variables, often accomplished by asking its designers and imple-
menters. The second step is operationally defining each aim by writing it in
behavioral or measurable terms using action verbs such as identify, describe,
and demonstrate. The behavioral objective should include, in addition to an
action verb and an indication of content, the conditions under which the
behavior will be performed and the criteria for evaluating it.
3. The next stage in evaluation is to devise a way of measuring the program’s
goals, that is, a test. Basing test items on the program’s behavioral objec-
tives helps to ensure content validity.
384 ■ CHAPTER 14

4. Assessing attainment of a program’s goals comes next. This process begins

by identifying a comparison group to represent the second level of the
independent variable (the program under evaluation defining the first
level). The comparison group should include subjects trained in some fash-
ion other than the evaluated program to achieve the same goals as those of
its subjects. Occasionally, the program group may be compared to students
receiving no training (a control group) or to people who already display
proficiency on the relevant skills (a criterion group).
5. In selecting a comparison group, an evaluator must carefully control threats
to certainty that may result from selection of participants. To accomplish
this goal, volunteers should be avoided; groups should be equated on con-
trol variables such as gender, age, aptitude, and socioeconomic status; and
subjects should be pretested on the dependent variable. It is also important
to complete a manipulation check to ensure that program subjects have
received the program and comparison subjects have not.
6. Design, data collection, and statistical analysis constitute the final stage of
evaluation. Where possible, classes and/or students should be randomly
assigned to conditions. Teachers should also be assigned in such a way
as to minimize the bias of teacher effects. Reliability between observers
must also be established for observational instruments. Where true designs
cannot be used, evaluators should try to use quasi-experimental designs
(rather than nondesigns). Statistical comparisons can often employ analysis
of variance.

■ Competency Test Exercises

All but the last question below are to be answered on the basis of the sample
evaluation report, “Evaluating Developmental Instruction,” which appears

1. What dependent variables did the evaluation include, and how closely did
they fit the goals of the program under evaluation?
2. How accurately were the dependent variables measured?
3. What treatment was evaluated, and to what was it compared?
4. What evidence, if any, was offered that the treatment operated as intended?
5. What experimental design did the evaluation implement? How well did it
suit the situation, that is, how adequate were the controls?
6. Did the evaluation include a moderator variable? If so, name it.
7. What statistical test would you have used for this design?
8. Design an evaluation study to evaluate this book. Describe each step in the
process, being as concrete as possible.
C O N D U C T I N G E VA L U AT I O N S T U D I E S ■ 3 8 5

Sample Evaluation Report:

“Evaluating Developmental Instruction”

The project, modeled on the British infant school approach, was tested in two
elementary schools and included Grades 1 through 3 in one and Grades 1
through 5 in the other. For comparison purposes, the evaluator identified regu-
lar classrooms in Grades 1 through 5 of a matched control school in the same
community. The study was aimed at comparing developmental classrooms to
regular classrooms in terms of both process, that is, the behavior of teachers
presumably resulting from training, and product, the behavior of students pre-
sumably resulting from the behavior of teachers.
The study attempted “conversion” of teachers to the developmental
approach by means of in-service training and ongoing supervision. An initial
trip to England was followed up by visitations, and regular evening programs
throughout the year. Teachers so trained were expected to foster more diver-
sity and flexibility in their classrooms than would regular classroom teachers.
Hence, their teaching was expected to yield more positive student attitudes and
higher achievement.
Two classrooms at each grade level (1 through 5) in each school were ran-
domly selected from among available classrooms. Subsequently, comparisons
were made for grade levels 1 through 3, with two experimental schools and
one control, and grade levels 4 and 5, with one experimental school and two
controls. (Grades 4 and 5 in one of the experimental schools served as a second
control in the Grade 4 and 5 comparison.) The table summarizes the experi-
mental design:

School 1 School 2 School 3

1 Expt. Expt. Control Expt. 1

2 Expt. Expt. Control

Grade 3 Expt. Expt. Control


4 Expt. Control Control Expt 2.

5 Expt. Control Control

The behavior of teachers was examined by means of systematic classroom

observations conducted by trained observers using (1) the Flexible Use of
Space Scale to measure flexibility in use of space, (2) simultaneous Activity and
Grouping Measures to measure diversity of student classroom activities, and
(3) the Tuckman Teacher Feedback Form to measure teacher style. These rating
forms and behavior sampling procedures were designed specifically to measure
386 ■ CHAPTER 14

space, organization, and teacher characteristics. Interrater reliabilities on all

measures centered around 0.85. Student outcomes studied included problem-
solving ability on a Bruner-type concept identification task, attitudes toward
self as measured by the Self-Appraisal Inventory, attitudes toward school as
measured by the School Sentiment Index, and standardized achievement as
measured by the California Achievement Tests given as both pretests and post-
tests. The preexisting tests provided adequate reliabilities, as reported in their
Findings reflected clear differences between developmental classrooms
and regular classrooms in some areas. Developmental classroom teachers were
more flexible in their use of space and made greater use of small-group instruc-
tion, but they relied as much as regular classroom teachers on workbook-type
activities as a mode of “individualization.” Developmental classroom teach-
ers were rated by observers as more creative and more warm and accepting
than their control counterparts, but they received equal ratings as organized
and dominant. Students in both developmental classrooms and control class-
rooms manifested equal problem-solving skills, but developmental classroom
students’ results on the self-appraisal and school sentiment measures demon-
strated significantly more positive attitudes toward both themselves and school
than did control students. Analyses of achievement data showed only slight,
scattered differences with no clear trends in either direction.
Project goals focused on changing teacher behavior and consequently on
improving student achievement and attitudes. Considering the limited amount
of time and teacher training offered, teachers made significant changes in some
of their organizational and personal qualities to help children develop posi-
tive views of themselves and their school experiences. That is, no doubt, an
important beginning. Unfortunately, the goal of superior achievement was not
attained in the evaluation time frame.

■ Recommended References
Gredler, M. E. (1996). Program evaluation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Sanders, J. R. (1992). Evaluating school programs: An educator’s guide. Newbury Park,
CA: Corwin.
Worthen, B. R., & Sanders, J. R. (1987). Educational evaluation: Alternative approaches
and practical guidelines. New York, NY: Longman.

Qualitative Research
Concepts and Analyses


• Identify the characteristics of qualitative research, including research

problems and questions suited to this method.
• Describe the qualitative research methodology, including various
data sources.
• Describe procedures for conducting case studies or ethnographic
research, including data analysis and report preparation.

HIS BOOK has so far focused on methods for systematic, objective, and
quantitative measurement of variables and their relationships. Although
no researcher can ever carry out a totally systematic or totally objective
study, the procedures described have aimed at mirroring variables as objectively
as possible by representing them as numbers or quantities. In some situations,
however, researchers choose to rely on their own judgment rather than quantita-
tive measuring instruments to accurately identify and depict existing variables
and their relationships. This chapter discusses such qualitative research.

■ Characteristics of Qualitative Research

Bogdan and Biklen (2006) ascribe five features to qualitative research: (1) The
natural setting is the data source, and the researcher is the key data-collection
instrument. (2) Such a study attempts primarily to describe and only second-
arily to analyze. (3) Researchers concern themselves with process, that is, with
events that transpire, as much as with product or outcome. (4) Data analysis

■ 387
388 ■ CHAPTER 15

emphasizes inductive methods comparable to putting together the parts of a

puzzle. (5) The researcher focuses essentially on what things mean, that is, why
events occur as well as what happens.
This type of research methodology, also called ethnography, is said by Wil-
son (1977) to be based on two fundamental beliefs: (1) Events must be studied
in natural settings; that is, understanding requires field-based research. (2) A
researcher cannot understand events without understanding how they are per-
ceived and interpreted by the people who participate in them. Thus, participant
observation is one of the method’s major data-collection devices.
Ethnography relies on observations of interactions and interviews with
participants to discover patterns and their meanings. These patterns and mean-
ings form the basis for generalizations, which are then tested through further
observation and questioning.
The application of the qualitative or ethnographic approach to the field of
evaluation has been termed responsive evaluation (Stake, 1975) and naturalis-
tic evaluation (Guba & Lincoln, 1981).1 In such an evaluation, the researcher
visits a site or field location to observe—perhaps as participant observer—the
phenomena that occur in that setting. The researcher also interviews people in
and around the setting. These activities focus on identifying the chief concerns
of the various participants and audiences and assessing the merit, worth, or
meanings of the phenomena to the participants. To accomplish these goals, the
researcher must determine the effects of the setting, the participants, and the
observed phenomena on each other.
Patton (1990) identifies ten themes of qualitative research, shown in Fig-
ure 15.1. These themes reflect a rather sharp contrast between qualitative and
quantitative approaches.
Guba and Lincoln (1981) point out some methodological concerns associ-
ated with the qualitative approach, including the need to set boundaries and the
importance of finding a focus to ensure a credible, appropriate, consistent, con-
firmable, and neutral process. In an attempt to meet these criteria, which col-
lectively provide rigor in qualitative research, the case study or ethnographic
approach described here is structured as much as possible within certain gov-
erning principles described in the following subsections of the chapter.

Phenomenological Emphasis

All ethnographic research projects involve a study of phenomena or occurrences

as seen through the eyes of those experiencing them, rather than through the eyes
of outside observers. While the study’s observers record what people say and do,

1. Both labels aptly describe the case study or ethnographic research methodology
described in detail later in this chapter.
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 3 8 9

FIGURE 15.1 Themes of Qualitative Research

 1. Naturalistic inquiry An observational study of real-world situations that is

inconspicuous and nonmanipulative; lacks predeter-
mined constraints to control outcomes
 2. Inductive analysis A research process that begins by exploring open
questions rather than deriving deductive hypotheses;
categories and relationships emerge from specific
data later allowing for theories to be formed
 3. Holistic perspective The whole environment, culture, and phenomenon
under study is considered a complex system that can-
not be simplified to limited variables or linear relation-
ships; focuses on multifaceted interdependencies
 4. Qualitative data Data collected as nonnumeric and thorough descrip-
tions; often through direct quotations which reflect
individual’s experiences and perspective
 5. Personal contact The researcher’s personal experiences and
and insight insights are important to the study and its conclu-
sions, as the researcher has direct contact with sub-
jects and phenomena throughout the process
 6. Dynamic systems Qualitative research that assumes change is continu-
ous; and gives attention to the research process
 7. Unique case Researcher’s perspective that assumes each case
orientation is special; takes into consideration if the first level of
inquiry captures the details of individual cases; cross-
case analysis is dependent on the quality of these
initial, individual case studies
 8. Context sensitivity Acknowledges the study’s findings exist within a social,
temporal, and historical context; considers the value of
generalizations across differing environments
 9. Empathic neutrality A research quality that recognizes absolute objectiv-
ity is impossible; attempts to neutrally understand the
world’s complexities without influence from personal
agendas or theories; researcher takes a nonjudgmen-
tal attitude toward data and content
10. Design flexibility Study allows for the adaptation of inquiry, as situations
transform and phenomena become more understand-
able; prevents researchers from becoming trapped
with a predetermined and unresponsive design

Source: Adapted from Patton (1990).

they attempt to do so through the perspective of the participants they observe.

Hence, they try to capture the subjective or felt aspect of experience. To accom-
plish this goal, ethnographic researchers attempt to follow some general rules:

1. Avoid beginning observations with a priori assumptions about the phe-

nomena under study. (That is, do not attempt to explain them before observ-
ing them.)
390 ■ CHAPTER 15

2. Do not attempt to reduce a situation of great complexity to a few variables.

3. Do not allow the methods used for collecting data to influence or change
what you are trying to study.
4. Consider alternative explanations for what you observe; in other words,
allow theory to spring from observations rather than allowing predeter-
mined theory to influence what you observe.

Naturalistic Setting

Ethnographers carry out their research in naturally occurring situations, such

as classrooms, schoolyards, and board rooms; such a setting constitutes the
study’s “field.” They observe and interview rather than manipulate variables
or measure variables by externally introduced instruments. An ethnographer
examines the behavior under study in the context in which it occurs through
description, rather than attempting to abstract it from the context through the
use of tests, surveys, or questionnaires. For this reason, ethnographic research
findings must be considered in reference to their contexts, and generalization
to other contexts requires caution.

Emergent Theory

Ethnographic research does not set out to test hypotheses. Rather than formu-
lating specific hypotheses on the basis of prior research or preconceived theo-
ries, the ethnographic approach calls for theories and explanations to emerge
from, and therefore remain grounded in, the data themselves (hence the term
grounded theory). Data, taken in context, come first; then the explanations
emerge from intensive examination of the data, providing a natural basis for
interpretation rather than an a priori one. Such an approach is also termed
holistic research, since the data are examined as a whole to find a basis for expla-
nation for observed phenomena. To support appropriate explanations, data
must incorporate “heavy” or detailed description of observations and events
from multiple perspectives so that situations can be reconstructed and reexam-
ined by the researcher after they have occurred.

■ Identifying General Research Problems

Listed below are a number of research problems that constitute a cross-cultural

outline of education as identified by Jules Henry (1960). Qualitative study
would expand insights into these general issues:

1. On what activity does the educational process focus? (For example, on

social manipulation? On use of the mind?)
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 3 9 1

2. By what teaching methods is information communicated?

3. What are the characteristics of the people who do the educating (status,
expected rewards, relationships to learners)?
4. How does the person being educated participate? (For example, are stu-
dents accepting, defiant, competitive, cooperative during the process?)
5. How does the educator participate, and what attitude does he or she
6. What is taught to some people and not to others?
7. Does the educational process include any discontinuities?
8. What limits the quality and quantity of information a child receives
from the teacher? (For example, teaching methods? Time? Equipment?
9. What forms of conduct control (discipline) are used?
10. What is the relationship between the intent and result of the child’s
11. What self-conceptions are reinforced in the students?
12. What is the duration of formal education?

Wiersma (1995, p. 253) suggests a number of typical ethnographic studies in


1. A study of life in an urban classroom

2. A study of decision making in an inner-city high school
3. A study of student life in law school
4. A study of student relations in an integrated school
5. A study of peer interactions in racially mixed classrooms of a suburban
high school
6. A study of racial attitudes of children in a desegregated elementary school
7. A study of interaction patterns among faculty in a private prep school
8. A study of writing instruction in an elementary school
9. A study of socialization in a rural high school

■ Specifying the Questions to Answer

A case study or ethnographic research project may seek to answer specific

questions about occurrences and their explanations similar to those answered
by the quantitative research methods previously described in this book. The
differences between the methods reflect the kinds of data needed to answer
those questions and techniques for collecting and analyzing those data. Even
though the researcher serves as the data collector and analyst, the process is not
entirely without structure. To maintain neutrality and to use limited time in
the most efficient possible way, the process is structured to some degree. This
392 ■ CHAPTER 15

principle suggests that some of the questions to be answered should be speci-

fied in advance as should the general data-collection procedures employed to
answer those questions.
Building some structure into the case study or ethnographic research pro-
cess enhances its confirmability. Confirmability, in this instance, means that
other researchers using essentially the same procedures to examine the same
phenomena in the same setting would likely arrive at similar conclusions.
The questions that a qualitative study sets out to answer must relate to
the data-collection procedures described later in this chapter. These questions
help to determine (1) what specific events constitute the observed phenomena
and (2) to what extent these events are related to one another. In a classroom
setting, for example, it may be helpful to think of outcomes in terms of the
four categories discussed in Chapter 2—specific knowledge and comprehen-
sion, thinking and problem solving, attitudes and values, and learning-related
Qualitative researchers also gain important clarification by trying to deter-
mine what events are influencing observed outcomes, including not only the
details of observed behavior but also the reasons behind or causes of such
behavior. In a classroom setting, again, an ethnographer might consider both
input and process (that is, the implementation of input) within the categories
of Chapter 2: instructional approach, teacher behavior, environment, subject
matter, and student input.
Analysis of inputs and processes should consider both their intentions and
their actuality. In other words, a researcher should examine and report not only
the behavior that took place but also the reasons or plans behind the behavior.
Thus, she or he may want to ask:

• Did some plan (or intention) shape the observed behavior?

• What specific intentions exerted influence?
• What was the likelihood that the behavior would achieve the intentions?
• To what specific extent was the behavior carried out as intended?

A qualitative researcher should explore these questions in addition to basic

ones such as: Who was present in the setting? What did they do? What hap-
pened next? How do these aspects relate to one another? Thus, the questions
basically take this form:

• Who were the participants?

• What was the setting?
• What roles did the participants play?
• What intentions motivated participants in the different roles?
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 3 9 3

• What behavior did participants in the different roles actually display?

• What results or effects did this behavior produce?
• What were the relationships between roles, intentions, behaviors, and
effects among the different participants?

■ Research Methodology

Dobbert (1982) identifies a particular sequence of steps as the methodology of

ethnographic research:

1. Statement of research questions

2. Situations and problems that led to those questions
3. Background research and theory that helped to refine the questions
4. Study design
a. Knowledge of the setting before the researcher’s entry
b. How initial entry was accomplished
c. How the researcher acquired a feel for the setting
d. How the researcher’s presence was explained to the participants (expla-
nation of the researcher’s role)
e. Specification of each research technique used (sample, sequence, timing)
f. Relations between the researcher and setting members (for example,
volunteers, paid, willing)
g. Problems encountered, their eventual disposition, and their effects on
validity and reliability
5. Presentation of data
6. Conclusions

Another qualitative research methodology, termed ethnoscience, is designed to

uncover and interpret the mental maps that groups of people follow in navigat-
ing through daily life. Ethnoscience is oriented toward answering questions
such as:

• What do people see themselves and others doing?

• How do they see and interpret the world around them?

Ethnoscience addresses these questions in four steps:

1. Description: Conduct open-ended interviews of informants to ask about

the whole situation.
2. Discovery: Learn what categories informants use in making their mental
394 ■ CHAPTER 15

3. Classification: Determine the principles for classifying phenomena in each

category. (Seek the definitions of categories and their boundaries.)
4. Comparison: Uncover the relationships between categories.

Consider, for example, the culture of the college classroom and, in par-
ticular, the behavior and performance of the professor toward the students. In
the description step, an ethnoscience researcher would ask students to describe
their teachers: how they teach, how they react to students, what they are like.
Students are also asked to give their opinions of their teachers. The researcher
also attempts, through interviews, to discover what categories students use
in determining what teachers are like and in formulating opinions of them.
For example, students may describe their teachers as using handouts, course
outlines, and schedules, leading to the discovery that students categorize the
behavior of teachers as organized or disorganized; a professor described as
soft-spoken and noncritical may be categorized by students as accepting, and
so on.
In the classification step, the researcher would refer to these categories in
drafting direct, probing questions to determine all the cues and characteristics
that students consider in deciding whether a particular professor is or is not
organized, is or is not accepting, is or is not flexible, and so on. Students would
be asked to classify their professors in terms of the categories discovered in the
previous step.
Finally, the researcher would make comparisons between classifications.
For example, connections might become evident between how organized a
professor is and how much he is liked by his students, or between how dynamic
a professor is and how much students feel they have learned from her or him.
Professors who differ in popularity can be compared in terms of students’ clas-
sifications of them on dimensions such as organization, flexibility, and so on.
In this way, the study would seek to learn not only how students think about
or categorize their professors but also about the connections between the qual-
ities that students perceive in their professors. Thus, it would reveal the mental
representations or maps that college students form of professors.
Bogdan and Biklen (2006) describe the constant comparative method as a
search by a researcher for key issues, recurrent events, or activities that then
become categories of focus. Further observation looks for incidents that reflect
the categories of focus to determine the diversity of the dimensions under the
categories. Such incidents are continually sought and described, guided by the
categories, in an effort to discover basic social processes and relationships.
In the example of the college classroom, the categories of focus may be dif-
ferent kinds of interactions between professor and students, such as asking ques-
tions, offering explanations, building relationships, and maintaining barriers.
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 3 9 5

Interactive incidents would be observed and related to each of the categories to

build a “theory” of the social processes through which professors and students
build relationships.
Glaser (1978) lists the following steps for implementing the constant com-
parative method:

1. Begin collecting data.

2. Look for key issues, recurrent events, or activities in the data that become
categories of focus.
3. Collect data that provide many incidents of the categories of focus with an
eye toward the diversity of the dimensions under the categories.
4. Write about the categories you are exploring, attempting to describe and
account for all the incidents detailed in your data while continually search-
ing for new incidents.
5. Work with the data and the emerging model to discover the bases for social
processes and relationships.
6. Engage in sampling, coding, and writing as the analysis focuses on the core

Of course, not all qualitative designs are so open-ended that the problem
of study emerges entirely from the data. Many researchers identify problems
they want to study and seek to obtain qualitative data that bear on those issues.

■ Data Sources

Case study research usually gathers data from three types of sources: (1) inter-
views of various people or participants in the setting who are involved in the
phenomena of study; (2) documents such as minutes of meetings, newspaper
accounts, autobiographies, and depositions; and (3) direct observation of the
phenomena in action. The researcher collects data in any of these three ways to
acquire information related to the phenomena. This section discusses each of
these data sources in turn.


One direct way to find out about a phenomenon is to ask questions of the
people who are involved in it in some way. Each person’s answers will reflect
his or her perceptions and interests. Because different people experience situ-
ations from different perspectives, a reasonably representative picture of the
occurrence and absence of a phenomenon may emerge and provide a basis for
interpreting it.
396 ■ CHAPTER 15

To maximize the neutrality of a study’s methods and the consistency of its

findings, the researcher often follows an interview schedule. To gather varying
perspectives on the same questions, she or he often asks the same questions
of different people. These prepared questions are embodied in the interview
schedule (described in detail in Chapter 11).

Types of Interviews
Researchers conduct four types of interviews as described by Patton (1990).
They range from totally informal, conversational exchanges to highly struc-
tured sessions asking closed-end, fixed-response questions. The type of inter-
view chosen depends on the context of the study and the kinds of questions to
be asked.
The first of these types of interview are described as informal interviews.
They are characterized by questioning strategies that are not predetermined;
that is to say, interview questions emerge in the natural flow of interpersonal
interaction. Though this methodology is less systematic, which may lend itself
to difficulties with analysis, it is particularly useful in that the interview itself
can be designed to fit the demands of an individual or particular circumstance.
The second type of interview is described as a guided approach, in which
the interview resolves issues of questioning, sequence, and topic coverage in
advance of the actual interview in the form of an outline. This approach lends
itself to somewhat systematic data collection because it does utilize a format,
though it may occasionally result in the unintentional omission of important
interview topics since that format is not strictly standardized.
The third type of interview is described as a standardized, open-ended
approach, which differs from the guided approach in that the specific interview
issues (questioning, sequence, topic coverage, etc.) are definitively worked out
in advance (rather than simply considered and described in outline form). This
methodology is highly systematic, which leads to uniformity in data collection
and ease of analysis, though it may be somewhat rigid.
A final type of interview methodology is described as closed and fixed.
Here, interview questions are worked out in advance and structured so that
interviewees respond to questions from among a set of predetermined alterna-
tives. Data collection using this method is fairly simple and straightforward,
though the validity of interviewee responses may be somewhat compromised
due to the limitation of response choices.

Specific Questions
In selecting questions, an interviewer should ask not only about intentions
but about actual occurrences. Information about occurrences and outcomes
can also be obtained from source documents, as described later in this section.
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 3 9 7

However, interviews often prove the major sources of information about peo-
ple’s intentions and other subjective elements of observed phenomena. Con-
sider a sample list of such interview questions and directives:

1. Describe the behavior that is going on here. Describe your own behavior.
Describe the behavior of other participants.
2. Describe the reasons behind the behavior that is going on here. Why are
you behaving the way you are? Why do you suppose others are behav-
ing the way they are? How are these reasons interrelated? How are they
affected by the setting?
3. Describe the effects of the behavior that is going on here. Describe the
effects of your behavior. Describe the effects of the behavior of other par-
ticipants. Are these effects interrelated?

These questions are posed in generalized form as illustrations. An actual

case study would tailor them to fit the specifics of the phenomena in question.
Suppose, for example, that a study in a high school classroom uncovers an
incident in which a student had apparently verbally threatened a teacher and
then stormed out of the room. The researcher interviews some of the students
in the class, first asking them to describe the incident. Later questions elicit
their suggestions about the reasons behind the incident; in response, students
detail previous in-class encounters between the teacher and the particular stu-
dent in which the teacher ridiculed the student in front of classmates for lack
of preparation. The effect of that ridicule on the students being interviewed
was, by their own admission, to be sure to prepare for class. However, this
ridicule did not have the same effect on the student who talked back. Rather,
the ridicule affected him by causing him to behave toward the teacher as the
teacher had behaved toward him. The researcher has gathered information that
the effect of ridicule as a motivational device is not uniform across all students
but depends on their reactions to it.
This line of questioning would be suitable for participants in a given
phenomenon. Their answers may suggest further lines of related questions,
perhaps increasingly standardized ones, that the researcher could ask. These
additional questions need not be preplanned in specific form; the topics would
emerge from answers to preplanned questions. Experience in interview situa-
tions teaches a researcher to recognize worthwhile but unanticipated lines of
The specific questions posed to participants in a phenomenon may not
be suitable for other respondents, such as observers. Incomplete awareness of
the reasons behind the participants’ behavior would limit outsiders’ efforts
to contrast intentions and actual events. However, observers could describe
398 ■ CHAPTER 15

actual events from their own perspectives, allowing the researcher to make the
contrasts in later analysis. Moreover, although outside interpretations of intent
give only speculative suggestions, and evaluation must treat them as such, the
interpretations of other observers might help a researcher formulate an under-
standing of the intentions that underlie the observed behaviors of participants.
Again, a list of examples must state them in extremely general language. Real
situations call for the most specific possible questions.

1. How did you come to observe the phenomena in question? What is your
role in these events? Under what conditions and circumstances did you
observe the phenomena?
2. Describe what is going on here. Identify the participants and the behavior
of each one.
3. Why do the participants behave as they do?
4. What effect does the behavior of the participants produce on one another
and on future events or outcomes?

Because each observer views phenomena from a different perspective, all

of these questions could reasonably be preceded by the phrase, “In your opin-
ion . . .” However, interviews questioning a number of observers may reveal a
pattern in apparently diverse responses.
It is important to recognize that participants in a set of phenomena might
occupy distinctly different roles. Often, roles can be differentiated into two
levels: providers and recipients, or agents and clients, or authority figures and
followers, or adults and children. In dealing with the latter group (often stu-
dents, in a classroom study) useful questions might ask:

1. Describe your experiences. Tell about what actually happened. How did
the teacher behave? How did you behave? How did the other students
behave? What was the sequence of events?
2. What caused things to happen as they did? Why did you behave the way
you did? Why did the teacher behave the way he or she did? Why did the
other students behave the way they did?
3. Did any incidents, either good or bad, occur that stand out in your mind?
4. Did you enjoy the experience? Was it an interesting one? Did you learn
from it?

The first set of questions deals with actual behavior, so it parallels the
questions asked of other participants and observers. The second set of ques-
tions concerns the reasons behind behavior, again in a parallel pattern. The
third question represents the critical incident technique, in which respondents
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 3 9 9

are asked to recall critical or outstanding incidents that can guide researchers,
either in forming hypotheses about outcomes or in illustrating generalizations
of results or conclusions.
A fourth set of questions represents a way of evaluating outcomes or phe-
nomena based on the subjective reactions of the participants. This set of ques-
tions aims to identify three levels of evaluation from their perspective:

I. Did the intended or expected experience occur? (Did you get what you
II. Were you satisfied with what you received? (Was it what you wanted?)
III. Did you change as a result of the experience? (For example, did your
knowledge and/or competence improve?)

This fourth set of questions attempts to reveal whether the participants felt
satisfied with their experiences. Even when an interviewer asks participants
whether they have learned or improved, these questions really only ask for
their opinions of an experience’s worth, which essentially reflect their satis-
faction. Any attempt to actually test whether their knowledge and/or com-
petence improved would require some measurement of their level of relevant
knowledge or competence at the conclusion of the experience. The researcher
would then have to compare current levels to the levels prior to the experi-
ence, and to contrast the difference with that of a group who did not have
the same experiences. But that analysis is a quantitative approach quite differ-
ent from qualitative research. Satisfaction and self-estimates of change are by
definition subjective evaluations “measured” by asking participants for their
Finally, useful further interviews might seek input from people who are nei-
ther participants or direct observers, but who are aware of a set of experiences
through secondhand information. In school research, such secondary sources
could be parents, for example. If a phenomenon is having an effect of great
enough magnitude, parents will be aware of it. Their impressions are worth
gathering, because subsequent experiences (that is, whether or not a program is
continued) may depend on them. Also, some studies may lack opportunities to
locate people who either participated in or observed events. Those researchers
must rely on secondary sources for answers to certain questions:

1. Are you aware of a particular event (or experience or phenomenon)? If

so, how did you find out about it? (If not, it is pointless to ask further
2. What are your impressions of what actually transpired? How did you
arrive at this information (stated in the most specific possible terms)?
400 ■ CHAPTER 15

3. What are your impressions of why events happened as they did? How did
you arrive at these judgments (stated in the most specific possible terms)?
4. What was the result or outcome of the event? How did you determine that
this was, in fact, the result?

Interviewing Children
Qualitative researchers often must implement some special procedures for con-
ducting successful interviews with children. Questioning must accommodate
the limited verbal repertoires of children from preschool age through adoles-
cence. It must also anticipate the paradox that children seldom give responses as
socially controlled as the statements of adults, but on occasion they do strictly
censor their responses according to rigid rules. Moreover, because other, more
structured approaches like questionnaires are often impractical for research
with children, the interview becomes the data collection device of choice.
A primary goal in interviewing a child is to establish rapport, that is, a
positive relationship between the interviewer and the child. Exchanges based
on feelings of warmth, trust, and safety help to increase both the amount and
accuracy of the information that young subjects provide. Boggs and Eyberg
(1990) provide the comprehensive list of communication skills to guide the
adult interviewer.
The purpose of acknowledgement is to provide feedback to assure the
subject that the interviewer is listening and understanding. This input influ-
ences children to continue talking. The level of subtlety of the acknowledging
response must be matched to the child’s social development.
Descriptive statements of what the child is doing show the child that the
interviewer is accepting of the child’s behavior. This input also helps to focus
the child’s attention on the current topic and encourages the child to offer
further elaboration. Descriptive statements such as “That’s a hard question to
answer, isn’t it,” can be particularly helpful when a child responds to a question
only with silence. Reflective statements, when delivered with the proper inflec-
tion, demonstrate acceptance and interest in what the child says and convey
understanding. They can also prompt additional, clarifying statements by the
child. To avoid being seen as insincere, especially with adolescents, praise state-
ments should be offered only after establishing rapport, and then they should
be “labeled” to specify exactly what the interviewer is encouraging. Properly
introduced, especially in age-appropriate language, praise can greatly increase
a child’s information-giving on a particular topic.
Questions make explicit demands upon a child. Interviewers may ask open-
ended or closed-ended questions, but open-ended ones are preferred, because
they yield more information than the typical “yes” or “no” response to a
closed-ended question. Children often respond especially readily to indirect
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 0 1

questions, that is, declarative statements preceded by “I wonder . . . ,” because

they perceive these invitations to speculate as less demanding than direct ques-
tions. A reflective question, that is repeating a child’s statement with an inter-
rogative inflection, may help to clarify the statement. “Why” questions are
typically counterproductive, because they call for justification rather than
description. Questioning children about moods often yields little information,
as well. Questions should be kept simple and deal with individual points.
The most direct way of requesting information from a child is to give a
command, but this method should be used sparingly, and then only to elicit a
response that the child is developmentally able to provide. Responses to com-
mands should be praised. Summary statements can effectively prompt a child
to elaborate upon or continue talking about a particular area of content. They
can also introduce entirely new topics. Finally, critical statements should be
carefully avoided. When a child displays inappropriate behavior during an
interview, an interviewer should ignore it in order to preserve rapport.
Boggs and Eyberg (1990) also describe five stages or steps of a child inter-
view, and the strategies employed within each. First, the interviewer should
prepare by reviewing relevant literature while gathering and reviewing all rel-
evant background information about the child being interviewed. Next, the
interviewer should formally introduce him- or herself to the family of the child
being interviewed, making them aware of the structure of the interviewing and
answering any questions they may have. As a third step, the interviewer should
describe the interview procedure to the child, explaining processes of ques-
tioning and confidentiality and answering any questions the child may have
about the interview itself. At this point, the interview process itself may begin;
the interviewer should begin with less sensitive or distressing topics and build
gradually to issues that may cause dissonance or discomfort. It is also a good
idea to structure the interview setting so that interruptions or intrusions will
be prevented. Finally, the interview process will close; the interviewer should at
this time summarize the process, answer any questions the child or family may
have, and express appreciation for the child’s participation.
While these stages correspond most closely to the clinical interview setting,
they can be generalized to any data-collection situation. The interviewer should
come to the interview with a prepared set of questions (see Chapter 11 for more
information on preparing interview questions) and an understanding of the kinds
of behaviors and response patterns typical for the child’s age group. The setting
should also be prearranged to ensure comfort and to minimize distractions, espe-
cially if the interview takes place in a classroom in the presence of other children.
In nonclinical interview settings, especially in schools, a child interviewee will
not be alone, so arrangements should maintain privacy. A familiar playroom or
classroom offers the advantage of putting the child at ease, but the interviewer
402 ■ CHAPTER 15

must arrange for separation between the child interviewee and classmates. At
the onset of the meeting, the interviewer should practice the kinds of behaviors
described earlier to establish rapport with the child.
The interview is likely to be a new experience for the child. At the outset,
the purpose should be explained and the child given an opportunity to ask
questions. Any rules to be followed during the interview (e.g., no playing with
toys) should be made explicit at this time, and confidentiality should be assured.
The interview itself should move from least to most potentially distressing or
difficult topics; when and if the child shows resistance, the interviewer should
move to another topic and attempt to return to the more difficult one later in
the interview. The interviewer should respect the child’s ultimate decision not
to answer a particular question.
When the interview is complete, the interviewer should express apprecia-
tion for the child’s cooperation and give the child an opportunity to add any
unsolicited information. Successfully engaging a child in the interview pro-
cess requires good planning and skillful communication of an interviewer. The
interviewer must often be prepared to follow a less direct route in acquiring
information from a child than from an adult.


In addition to conducting interviews, a qualitative researcher may also gather

information about an event or phenomenon from documents that participants
or observers have prepared, usually in the form of minutes or reports.
Minutes are written descriptions of the actions considered and taken dur-
ing a meeting. They are usually official records of all transactions and proceed-
ings by the members of the organization holding the meeting. They state all
discussion items and motions for action and the dispositions of those motions.
They also indicate which of a meeting’s participants offered specific discussion
and motions. Minutes can give an accurate picture of official events, but these
records usually lack the detail to help you understand why.
Reports of events may also be written by either participants or observ-
ers. The most common observers’ reports are newspaper accounts. If an event
is deemed important or newsworthy enough, a newspaper prints an account,
usually written by an observer. This account may be both descriptive and inter-
pretive, although its principal intent is description. Groups also sometimes
issue reports, recommendations, or proceedings of their own that describe pro-
cesses, results, or both. This information may vary depending on the formality
of the group and its task.
Reports may take other forms, usually incorporating additional detail.
One form, which is prompted by the motivation of an eyewitness, is an
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 0 3

autobiography. An eyewitness account may describe events with more limited

scope. This is a description of an event by one in attendance as either a partici-
pant or an observer. A researcher reading this kind of information receives no
absolute assurance about its accuracy.
Another form of report, prompted by forces other than the observer’s moti-
vation, is a deposition. In such a statement, given under oath, a person answers a
set of questions usually describing an event or occurrence in which he or she was
a participant or observer.
All of these written accounts attempt to describe and occasionally to
explain events or phenomena that have taken place. In no instance, however,
can the researcher confidently assume that such an account accurately portrays
events or conditions. Any such conclusions should rest on information from
accounts by multiple sources.


Observations, the third qualitative data source, can also provide quantita-
tive data, depending upon the techniques for recording observational data. If
observers record events on formal instruments such as coding or counting sys-
tems or rating scales, the observation will generate numerical data; hence they
form part of quantitative research. If an observer simply watches guided only
by a general scheme, then the product of such observation is field notes, and
the research is a qualitative study.
The target for observation is the event or phenomenon in action. In quali-
tative educational research, this process often means sitting in classrooms in the
most unobtrusive manner possible and watching teachers deliver instructional
programs to students. Such an observer does not ask questions as part of this
role, because that is interviewing. (Questions can be asked either before or after
observing.) An observer just watches. But the watching need not totally lack
structure. She or he usually watches for something, primarily (1) relationships
between the behaviors of the various participants (Do students work together
or alone?) (2) motives or intentions behind the behavior (Is the behavior spon-
taneous or directed by the teacher?) and (3) the effect of the behavior on out-
comes or subsequent events (Do students play together later on the playground
or work together in other classes?). Observers may also watch to confirm or
disconfirm various interpretations that have emerged from the interviews or
reports and to identify striking occurrences about which to ask questions dur-
ing subsequent interviewing.
The critical aspect of observation is watching, taking in as much as you can
without influencing what you watch. Be forewarned, however, that what goes
on in front of you, the researcher, will represent—at least in part—a performance
404 ■ CHAPTER 15

intended to influence your judgments. This is an inevitable element of observa-

tion. Increasingly frequent and unobtrusive observations reduce the likelihood
that they will influence what occurs before you.

Transcribed Conversations

Interactive events may also be tape recorded to provide exact evidence of

each participant’s statements. Tape recordings can then be transcribed into
typed copy, and transcriptions can be subjected to conversation analysis. A
sample transcription notation appears in Figure 15.2, and a transcribed inter-
view fragment appears in Figure 15.3. (Analysis of this fragment appears later
in the chapter.)

■ Conducting a Case Study

The next section of this chapter deals with specific procedures for conducting
a qualitative case study.

FIGURE 15.2 Transcription Notation Form

– a dash signals a slight pause, generally less than .2 seconds

(0.0) parentheses show longer pauses, timed in tenth of seconds
^ a caret shows rising intonation
a subscripted caret shows falling intonation
superscripted os enclose passages that are quieter than the surrounding
brackets enclose simultaneous talk, marking onset and resolution
___ words underlined are given stress by the speaker
( ) parentheses show transcriber’s doubt, or inaudible passages
(( )) double parentheses note occurrences in the setting, not necessarily part
of the talk
>< arrows show passages spoken at a much quicker rate than surrounding
= latches show where no one speaker begins immediately after the pre-
ceding speaker with no pause
: colons show elongated sounds; generally, each colon represents a beat
CAPS show talk that is louder than surrounding talk
•h shows an audible in-breath
h shows an audible exhalation

Source: This protocol was derived from work initially done by Gail Jefferson and reported in
“Explanation of Transcript Notation,” in Studies in the Organization of Conversational Interac-
tion, ed. K. Schenkein (New York: Academic Press, 1978), xi–xvi.
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 0 5

FIGURE 15.3 Transcript Fragment

 1 Vern: um, but once again if you were going to have them up
 2 there, you might’ve taken a more proactive role in seating
 3 them. (0.8) I don’t know if y- a boy girl boy girl
 4 pattern will be better, or the ones who you know are going
 5 to interact here, you do that. It’s like a seating chart=
 6 Doug: um hum um [hum yeah
 7 Vern: you kn]ow? AND um, um (1.0) I did it with
 8 ninth graders so the likelihood that you’d have to do it
 9 with first graders would be great.
10 Doug: um hum
11 Vern: OK?
12 Doug: yeah, that would be a good idea hhh ((nervous laugh))
13 Vern: WHAT, WHAT YOU NEED is to expand the repertoire of
14 skills that you can use to ensure classroom management.
15 and [whatchu h ]ad going on
16 Doug: um hum
17 Vern: up front was less than productive classroom management
18 because there were a number of times you had to
19 go Tim (0.8), you know, Zack, um m-m-m, you know,
20 whatever the names were or wha- whatever. u- w-
21 yo[u ha ]d to go on with
22 Doug: um:
23 Vern: that a few times. So that w- would be of something
24 you really need to focus on. The second thing that I
25 would mention here is is (3.0) oand in an art lesson, I
26 might add, there there isn’t an easy way of doing this,
27 but it’s something for you to think about.o (0.8) UM (2.3)
28 THE OLD, we’ve talked about this before, the old (0.7)
29 never five more than three directions to k- anybody at one
30 time=
31 Doug: =um hum=

Source: From Waite (1993, p. 683).

Obtaining Needed Documents

The first step in conducting a qualitative study is to obtain copies of all available
documents describing the event or phenomenon (or its background) and carefully
study them. This preparation is the best and most objective way to orient yourself
to the situation that you are about to research. In reading the documents, take
particular note of (1) the setting, (2) the participants and their respective roles,
(3) the behaviors displayed by the various participants, (4) your perceptions of
the participants’ motivations or intentions, (5) the relationships between inten-
tions and behaviors, and (6) the results or consequences of the behavior.
406 ■ CHAPTER 15

The information that you glean from background documents will help you to
prepare your own plan for direct information gathering as part of your case study.

Conducting a Site Visit

To collect some data for a qualitative or case study, you will have to accomplish
fieldwork during a site visit. This is ordinarily a period of time during which
the researcher enters the setting in which the event under study has occurred or
is occurring. Of course, a particular study may incorporate more than a single
visit, and the research may be conducted by more than a single researcher. To
use the time on site most efficiently and effectively, a researcher should plan as
specifically as possible how the time there will be spent. This planning should
include developing a visitation schedule and interview instruments.
A visitation schedule includes a list of all the people the researcher wants
to see and the amount of time intended to spend with each. Efficient use of
limited time calls for a visitation schedule made up of specific arrangements to
see specific people, such as teachers involved in a particular project. It should
also set aside time to make observations or to see people without specific
A visitation schedule also helps with advance preparation of interview
questions, although you need not attempt to write in advance every question
you might ask.
After reading the documents and reviewing this chapter’s earlier discus-
sion about interview questions, you should be able to prepare a general line
of interview questions. Each scheduled interview may require a separate set of
questions, in which case each session should be sketched out in advance.
Preparation should also include development of a mechanism for recording
responses to interview questions. You may want to tape record each interview
to prevent the need for taking notes. If you choose to tape record, you must
request in advance permission from each interviewee, and you may record only
when this permission is granted. In place of or in addition to tape recording,
you should prepare a notebook for taking fieldnotes. Systematic prior mark-
ing of the notebook pages with interview questions or question numbers will
aid in taking and interpreting fieldnotes. A notebook should allow a page for
each observation’s fieldnotes by listing the date, time, teacher, and other, more
specific entries for the phenomena you will be observing. A sample page of
fieldnotes appears in Figure 15.4.
Good planning also should allow for observation. This preparation may
include a set of questions that you hope to answer as a result of the observation,
or it may list critical incidents. You may simply prepare to describe the activi-
ties of students and teachers during your visit.
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 0 7

FIGURE 15.4 A Sample Page of Fieldnotes

Date: November 24, 1992

Time: 10:20–11:20 AM
Teacher: Mrs. Hitchcock
Class: 4th grade. (Wynn School, Room 112)
Program: Developmental
Subject of Observation: classroom management

1 Class returned to classroom after P.E. Mrs. H. had set up room for project work
and greeted children upon return by reminding them that they would now
work on their projects.
2. Without further direction, children dispersed to desks after taking project
“books” out of their regular storage area. (Projects were nature “books” done
on an individual basis, to relate personal experience, interest, and natural sci-
ence theme.)
3. Some children work alone, quietly, drawing or writing or pasting. Some talk in
pairs about project work. Some show work to teacher and ask for help. Some
scurry around looking for materials. [It is amazing to see how many things are
going on at once in an orderly yet comfortable fashion without the teacher
exerting overt management behavior. It is a stark contrast to children seated
in rows listening—or at least being quiet.]
4. At 10:55 teacher interrupts by striking gong and without any further instruc-
tions children gather around her for reading. Teacher proceeded to read a
story to entire class punctuated often by teacher asking questions and stu-
dents answering enthusiastically.

The site visit merits important emphasis, because it is the data-collection

phase of a case study. It requires effective preparation and organization. Help-
ful planning tools include (1) a specific, preset list of appointments and (2) a
procedure or mechanism for taking the fieldnotes that constitute your observa-
tion and interview data.
Also, prepare to answer the kinds of questions that the people you visit
and observe may ask regarding your data-collection activity. Bogdan and
Biklen (2006) list five of the most frequently asked questions: (1) What are
you actually going to do? (2) Will you disrupt the activities you study? (3)
What will you do with your findings? (4) Why us? (5) What will we get out
of this? Those authors suggest honesty as a general rule to follow in answer-
ing all questions. They also offer the following suggestions regarding your
behavior: (1) Do not take personally what happens. (2) Set up your first visit
so someone present can introduce you. (3) Don’t try to accomplish too much
the first few days (a rule that cannot be followed if you have only that much
time or less). (4) Remain relatively a noncontroversial presence. (5) Adopt a
friendly attitude.
408 ■ CHAPTER 15

An Illustration

A study of teacher-supervisor conferences (Waite, 1993) followed this


1. Conducted three interviews with each of three supervisors

2. Shadowed supervisors as they interacted with teachers
3. Conducted informal ethnographic interviews with each of four teachers
4. Recorded five supervisory conferences (each lasting from 5 to 28 minutes)
5. Made nonparticipant observations in the schools
6. Made participant observations at the university
7. Accompanied each of the three supervisors on at least one classroom visit
8. Met with the teachers in district seminars and at university program
9. Transcribed and analyzed conference tapes using a conversation analysis
notation protocol (See Figure 15.2.)

■ Analyzing the Data and Preparing the Report

The data for the qualitative research project include the fieldnotes that you
bring back in your notebook and in your head, interview transcripts, plus any
information gleaned from program documents. Analysis of these data means
using the data to answer the questions the research set out to answer.

Analyzing the Data

Fieldnotes contain both descriptions and reflections. Descriptions, say Bogdan

and Biklen (2006), may include: (1) portraits of subjects, (2) reconstructions of
dialogue, (3) descriptions of physical settings, (4) accounts of particular events,
(5) depictions of activities, and (6) notes about the observer’s behavior. Reflec-
tions may deal with (1) analysis, (2) method, (3) ethical dilemmas and conflicts,
(4) the observer’s frame of mind, and (5) points of clarification. Hence, field-
notes serve both descriptive and interpretative or analytical purposes. They
relate not only what happened, but often why and wherefore, as well. They
also may include conclusions based on descriptions and reflections.
Turner (1981) identifies eight stages of development for organizing data:

1. Review the data you have collected and develop category labels for classify-
ing them.
2. Identify enough specific examples of each category in the data to com-
pletely define or saturate each category, clearly indicating how to classify
future instances into the same categories.
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 0 9

3. Based on the examples, create an abstract definition of each category by

stating the criteria for classifying subsequent instances.
4. Apply the definitions you have created as a guide to both data collection
and theoretical reflection.
5. Attempt to identify additional categories that suggest themselves on the
basis of those already identified (e.g., opposites, more specific ones, more
general ones).
6. Look for relationships between categories, develop hypotheses about these
links, and follow up on them.
7. Try to determine and specify the conditions under which relationships
between categories occur.
8. Where appropriate, make connections between categorized data and previ-
ously articulated theories.

Figure 15.5 illustrates the process of analyzing qualitative data. The researchers
were attempting to study the role of school peer groups in the transmission
of gender identities. As a data-generating device, they interviewed 10 fifth-
and sixth-grade students in a single public school using an approach called the
“talking diary,” and tape recorded the responses.
From the stream of responses, they identified a number of “facts” (some
of which have been italicized in Figure 15.5 for illustrative purposes) as well as
some of the data on which these facts are based. These facts are conclusions or
generalizations based on the specific answers students gave to the researchers’
questions. Based on these facts and others, the authors concluded that “gen-
der identities and relations were the primary focus of the peer groups. . . . In
a sense, a world of female students and a world of male students existed [and]
cross-gender contact . . . was interpreted in romantic terms only” (Eisenhart &
Holland, 1985, p. 329).
In an ethnographic study of teacher-supervisor conferences, Waite (1993)
relied most heavily on analysis of transcriptions of a number of such confer-
ences with four teachers. An example of one transcript fragment appeared
earlier in Figure 15.3. In this fragment, the teacher (Doug) meets with his
supervisor (Vern). As the transcript shows, he always agreed with, or at least
never disagreed with, the advice he received. (See Lines 6, 10, 12, 16, 22, and 31
of the figure.)
Based on his analysis, Waite (1993, p. 696) summarized his findings as

Analysis of the conferences here presented concerned at least three distinc-

tive teacher roles in supervision conferences: the passive, the collaborative,
and the adversarial. The teacher who enacted a passive conference role,
410 ■ CHAPTER 15

FIGURE 15.5 An Illustration of Qualitative Data and Interpretation

Data from the talking diary interviews revealed that in addition to engaging in
gender-segregated activities and indicating friendship depending on gender,
boys and girls made differing judgments in their normative statements. Girls,
especially, were prone to comment on the interpersonal styles of other girls. For
white girls, it was important to be seen as “nice,” “cute,” “sweet,” and “popular.”
Positive remarks referred to a girl who did not act stuck up, overevaluate her
assets, or flaunt her attractive features in front of her friends. Among black girls,
it was also important to be “nice” and “popular,” although the meanings of these
terms were somewhat different. For blacks, these terms referred to a girl who
demonstrated the ability to stand up for herself and who assisted others when
they were having difficulty or were in trouble. For them, girls who did not demon-
strate an intention to stand firm and help friends in the face of verbal or nonver-
bal challenges were criticized.
Girls, both black and white, also spent a great deal of time talking about their
appearance. They advised each other on such things as how often to wash one’s
hair, how to get rid of pimples, and how to dress in order to look good and be in
Especially by the sixth grade, a large proportion of what girls talked about to
each other concerned romantic relationships with boys. Almost every lunch and
breakfast conversation included at least some mention of who was “going with”
whom, how to get boys to like you, how to get someone to “go with” you, what
to do if someone was trying to break up with you, how to steal someone else’s
boyfriend, what to wear on a date, where to go and how to get there, and who
was attractive or ugly and why. In the following examples taken from the notes,
girls advise one another on their romantic ventures. In the first example, Tricia
describes how she coaches one of her girlfriends to get a boy to take her to the
end-of-the-year banquet held for sixth graders.

I tell her what to say, how to do, how to dress . . . like how to fix her hair in the
morning, how to talk, how to laugh . . . just culture . . . everything culture tells
you to do, you do it. Then she’ll turn around and coach me back, with Jackson.

Another example concerns Jackie and her efforts to get Bob to take her to the

Jackie frequently called Bob at night, arranged to run into him in the hall, and
sent notes to him via her friends. Bob was not particularly responsive to these
overtures. Finally, in desperation when he appeared on the verge of asking
someone else, Jackie discussed her problem with some of her girlfriends. One
friend suggested that Jackie had been too pushy and, as a result, Bob did not
like her anymore, though he had at one time. The friend suggested that the
way to catch a boy was to let him think that you are shy. The friend pointed
out that all the girls who had steady boyfriends were shy at school (Clement
et al. 1978: 191).

In this context, girls who were not interested in romantic relationships were con-
sidered strange. Ruth, for example, expressed her feelings of being “weird” as
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 1 1

I like boys, but I don’t like to go with anybody. Most girls are crazy about boys,
but I’m a little on the funny side. I like this boy who lives near me: I like to play
with him, but I don’t like to do anything with him [i.e., I don’t want him to be
my boyfriend].

Boys’ talk also revealed a concern with being liked by girls. For example, at a
skating party given by the researchers for the students, Joseph was overheard
telling Edward how to be successful in dealing with women: “You have to be
Although boys gave attention to their interpersonal styles, boys also talked fre-
quently about their abilities in sports and in getting away with things at school.
Boys also wished to be seen as strong. As with some of the girls, a boy’s abil-
ity to defend himself, especially in contests with equals, was highly valued. One
of the girls, for example, made the following criticism of a male classmate:

I don’t want nobody to see me if I was a boy . . . wouldn’t want nobody seeing
me fighting a girl, but won’t fight a boy.

Another expression of this value came from a boy who was shorter than most of
his classmates;

Like if a big boy comes messing with me, Vernon’ll take him, but if a little
shrimp-o comes messing with Vernon, I take care of ’em. If one a little taller
comes messing with me, Joseph takes care of ’em. . . .

Boasting about their proficiencies in these areas competed with romantic

relationships and being well liked as topics among the boys at Grandin. These
male/female differences in conversational interests were reflected in a comment
made by one sixth-grade boy about girls:

I like ’em, but not as much as I like boys. . . . I just can’t talk to them the way I
can boys . . . they don’t like sports, they don’t like to do nothing fun. . . . I be
nice to ’em because my mom says you’re spose to be polite.

These differences in the valued identities of girls and boys are reminiscent of the
findings of Coleman (1965). He reports that in the context of adolescent peer
groups, girls learn to want to make themselves attractive to others, especially
boys. Boys, on the other hand, develop interests in task-oriented activities, such
as sports, as well as learning the importance of being well liked.

Source: From Eisenhart & Holland (1985).

412 ■ CHAPTER 15

Doug, mainly acknowledged the supervisor’s remarks, encouraging the

supervisor to speak more. Due to his passivity, he was unable or unwilling
to forcefully counter the supervisor’s direct and indirect criticisms. The
teachers who enacted the collaborative conference role, Kari and Ed, did
so by timing and phrasing their utterances so as not to appear confron-
tational. This requires a high level of active listening and communicative
competence. Still, these two teachers successfully advanced their agen-
das. The teacher who enacted an adversarial conference role, Bea, did so
through marked competition for the floor and actions that demonstrated
her reluctance to accept either what her supervisor, Faye, had to say or her
role as her evaluator. She broke the frame of the conference and enlisted
tenets of teacher culture and other, absent teachers in her defense.

Protocol Analysis

In order to study the thinking process students apply to learn or solve prob-
lems, researchers have developed a technique that asks students engaged in the
learning or problem-solving process to think aloud, that is, to say out loud
what they are thinking as they progress. These statements are tape recorded
and transcribed, representing what is called a protocol. These protocols are then
examined and coded to identify characteristics of the thinking process. This
technique, called protocol analysis, has been described in detail by Ericsson and
Simon (1993).
The coding scheme for a set of protocols can vary, depending upon what a
particular researcher is interested in determining. For example, Chi, DeLeeuw,
Chiu, and LaVancher (1994) were interested in finding out whether a special
form of mental construction, called a self-explanation, would improve acquisi-
tion of problem-solving skills. Self-explanations were defined as spontaneously
generated explanations that one makes to oneself as one studies worked-out
examples from a text. While such an example provides a sequence of action
statements, it lacks explanations or justifications for the actions chosen.
The researchers were interested in determining whether the number of self-
explanations students generated while studying the examples would be related
to the amounts they learned.
After reading each sentence of a 101-sentence text passage about the func-
tions of the human circulatory system, students were asked to think aloud
about the meaning of the particular sentence. Students’ statements about their
thinking were coded using protocol analysis. A statement was coded as a self-
explanation if it went beyond the information given in the sentence, that is,
if it inferred new knowledge. For example, students read, “These substances
(including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and glucose) are absorbed from the
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 1 3

digestive system and transported to the cells”; expressions of thoughts like “the
purpose of hepatic portal circulation is to pick up nutrients from the digestive
system” or “eating a balanced diet is important for your cells” would be coded
as self-explanations. For another example, students read the sentence, “Dur-
ing strenuous exercise, tissues need more oxygen”; a self-explanatory thought
might be “the purpose of the blood is to transport oxygen and nutrients to the
The findings of the study showed that generating self-explanations did
indeed contribute to superior learning.
Another study using protocol analysis was done by Wineburg (1991). He
was interested in identifying differences, if any, in the ways that experts and
novices reasoned about historical evidence. He asked a group of working his-
torians and a group of high school seniors to think aloud as they reviewed a
series of written and pictorial documents about the Battle of Lexington. He
analyzed their protocols of the pictures using the following coding categories:

1. Description: Included descriptive statements that made no reference to the

purpose or function of the feature being described.
2. Reference: Included statements that related some aspect to the subjects’
overall impressions or that referred pictures to one another.
3. Analysis: Included statements that related to the point of view, intentions,
goals, or purposes of the pictures.
4. Qualification: Included statements that qualified other statements (e.g.,
judged them, stated their limitations).

For the protocol analysis based on the subjects’ processing of the documents,
Wineburg applied three “heuristics” for coding: (a) corroboration—comparing
documents with one another; (b) sourcing—looking at the document’s source
before reading it; and (c) contextualization—placing the document in a con-
crete context with regard to time and place. Wineburg found that historians
employed much more sophisticated thinking processes than those of students,
making much greater use, in general, of qualification and contextualization.
These historians also used the other coding categories differently than did the
students. Protocol analysis enabled Wineburg to get a picture of the differences
in information processing by the two groups of people he studied.

Preparing the Report

The last step in qualitative research, as in any type of research, is preparing

the research report. The process for preparing research is explicated clearly in
Chapter 13.
414 ■ CHAPTER 15

■ Summary

1. Qualitative research takes place in the natural setting with the researcher as
the data-collection instrument. It attempts primarily to describe, focuses
on process, analyzes its data inductively, and seeks the meanings in events.
2. This category of research methods includes ethnography, responsive or
naturalistic evaluation, and case study research, to cover a variety of themes
dealing with unique, whole events in context. The researcher’s experience
and insight form part of the data.
3. Qualitative research (a) displays a phenomenological emphasis, focusing
on how people who are experiencing an event perceive it; (b) occurs in a
naturalistic setting based on field observations and interviews; (c) accom-
modates emergent theory, since explanations come from the observations
4. Research questions typical in qualitative studies focus on culture, experi-
ence, symbols, understandings, systems, underlying order, meaning, and
ideological perspective. Problems studied in this way include plans, inten-
tions, roles, behaviors, and relationships of participants.
5. Qualitative methodology involves a set of research questions, a natu-
ral setting, and people behaving in that setting. Data collection focuses
on describing, discovering, classifying, and comparing through a process
often referred to as the constant comparative method.
6. Data sources include interviews, documents, observations, and transcribed
conversations. Interviews range from highly informal and conversational
exchanges to highly structured sessions that elicit fixed responses. Partici-
pants may be asked to describe behavior (their own and others’), reasons
behind or causes of behavior, and effects of behavior on subsequent events.
Participants or direct observers can also report on critical incidents, as well
as offer their opinions. Secondhand information can also be solicited.
7. Interviews with children require special skills regarding the following com-
munication actions: acknowledgment; descriptive, reflective, and praise
statements; questions; commands; and summary and critical statements.
The child interview itself includes the following stages: preparation, initial
meeting, beginning, obtaining the child’s report, and closing.
8. Transcribed conversations are tape recordings of interviews or conferences.
9. Qualitative researchers often review documents, including minutes,
reports, autobiographies, and depositions. Formal or informal observa-
tions provide additional data.
10. A qualitative study involves obtaining documents, conducting interviews,
and making observations. The data typically take the form of fieldnotes, or
transcripts of interviews, made during site visits. While on site, a qualita-
tive researcher should be prepared to answer questions (honestly) about
Q U A L I TAT I V E R E S E A R C H ■ 4 1 5

the study activities and to remain as passive, noncontroversial, and friendly

as possible.
11. Fieldnotes contain both descriptions and reflections, thus representing both
the data and its analysis. Conclusions and generalizations are also often
included. Interviews are typically transcribed, leading to transcript analysis.
12. Another method of collecting qualitative data asks students to “think
aloud” as they solve problems. Their spoken thoughts are transcribed to
produce protocols, which are then analyzed to look for the kinds of mental
constructions the researcher is interested in studying.
13. The last step in qualitative research is preparation of a report. The types
and focuses of these reports vary depending on their intended uses.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Write an L next to each characteristic below that describes qualitative

research and a T next to each one that describes quantitative research.
a. Data are analyzed inductively
b. Focuses on input-output relationship
c. Concerned with explanations
d. Descriptive
e. Data are analyzed statistically
f. Primarily concerned with process
g. Concerned with outcomes
h. Causal
i. Naturalistic
j. Uses measuring instruments
k. Uses subjective observation
l. Manipulated
2. Which of these questions states a qualitative research problem?
a. Do suburban teachers earn higher salaries than urban teachers?
b. How does a teacher in an urban classroom control the behavior of
c. Does some relationship link school socioeconomic status and school
3. One approach to qualitative research is to try to uncover and interpret the
mental maps that people use. This approach uses four steps: description,
discovery, classification, and comparison. Give a one-sentence description
of each step.
4. You have just heard of an incident in a classroom involving the behavior of
a student and the response of a teacher, which culminated in the student’s
expulsion from the classroom. You are now interviewing the teacher. State
three questions that you might ask.
416 ■ CHAPTER 15

5. Following the incident mentioned in Exercise 4, state three questions that

you might ask a student in the class who observed the incident.
6. A group of teachers has just completed a 6-week, after-school, in-service
workshop on using questioning as part of the teaching process. You are
conducting an exit interview of the teachers to evaluate the workshop.
State three questions that you might ask each teacher.
7. What are four elements of the necessary preparation for a site visit?
8. “Students in classrooms using the developmental teaching approach were
seldom alone, seldom in their seats, and seldom quiet. They were usually
clustered in small groups around some object of inquiry, talking away fast
and furiously.” State one conclusion about developmental teaching that
you might draw from this observation.

■ Recommended References
Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (2006). Qualitative research for education: An introduc-
tion to theory and methods (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Eisner, E. W. (1991). The enlightened eye: Qualitative inquiry and the enhancement of
educational practice. New York, NY: Macmillan.
Fontana, A., & Frey, J. H. (1994). Interviewing: The art of science. In N. K. Denzin &
Y. S. Lincoln (Eds.), Handbook of qualitative research (pp. 361–376). Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage.
Glesne, C., & Peshkin, A. (1992). Becoming qualitative researchers. New York, NY:

Action Research


• Define Action Research

• Identify Assumptions That Guide Action Research
• Describe Steps Involved in an Action Research Study
• Evaluate Action Research and Describe Its Elements: Epistemology,
Self-Regulation, and Challenge

■ What Is Action Research?

Action research allows stakeholders to reflectively evaluate their own perfor-

mance so that they can ultimately revise and improve practice. It is usually
described as a practical (rather than purely theoretical) research methodology
that seeks to address a specific concern or set of concerns. Action research is
used quite often in the classroom, where an emphasis on accountability encour-
ages teachers, counselors, and administrators to investigate the strengths and
weaknesses of their approach to working with students. Data they collect allow
them to address the real problems they face each day. Action research helps to
bridge the gap between theory and practice.
This approach seeks to involve individuals and groups in problem solving.
The opinions, observations, and reflections of stakeholders are actively sought
throughout the research process. While the opinions of outside consultants
may be solicited at times to advise or support action research, the success of the
project is largely dependent upon the stakeholders themselves. For that reason,
it is important that the research problem to be studied is one that researchers
find important and relevant.

■ 417
418 ■ CHAPTER 16

Katie is a first-year art teacher in a local high school. As a new faculty mem-
ber, she is eager to get to know her students and nurture their talent and
creativity. On her very first day she is called in to the principal’s office where
she is told how important it is that her 10th-grade students do well on the
national standardized exam, especially in math, where last year’s students
struggled. In response, Katie works with the math department to design les-
sons that incorporate important mathematical concepts in her lessons on
form, function, and the creative process. She is confident that her students
will not only come to understand the relationship of math to art, but also that
they will perform well on the upcoming standardized test. How might Katie
research the effectiveness of this approach?

Researchers play an important role in the community; as a result, they are

uniquely positioned to initiate the research process. In this way, action research
differs from traditional research designs; the researcher is an active participant,
rather than an outsider administering a treatment. He or she then receives a
direct benefit from the results of the study, specifically, knowledge about the
efficacy of a particular intervention or approach.
There are several types of action research studies. A single researcher may
conduct an independent action research study. Independent action research
studies allow a single stakeholder to address an issue in the immediate environ-
ment. A history teacher who is concerned about the off-task behavior in his
third-period class may wish to test the effectiveness of a token reward system
on student attentiveness. He might then establish a baseline measure of the
frequency of student disruptions, introduce this intervention, and later mea-
sure off-task behavior again. This history teacher may find that a token reward
system is, in fact, quite effective in improving the behavior of his third-period
class. Individual action research studies are fairly simple to design and imple-
ment, and they usually reveal important trends about a specific environment
or group. These results, however, are not generalizable; just because a strategy
was effective with one particular group does not necessarily mean that it will
be equally effective in other settings with different people.
In collaborative action research studies, small groups of stakeholders work
together to investigate the same issue. Katie, our fictional art teacher, works
together with the math department to help prepare her students for a standard-
ized exam. Their combined efforts encourage the team to investigate, address,
and evaluate the approach to the problem from multiple perspectives. Here,
the teacher is not an isolated practitioner, but instead a member of a team. Col-
leagues who engage in collaborative action research studies may focus on one
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 41 9

particular classroom or unit, or seek to evaluate and improve practice across an

entire department. While a bit more complex to initiate and implement than
individual action research studies, collaboration among stakeholders encour-
ages multiple perspectives with regard to addressing a particular problem.
Large-group action research studies involve many stakeholders working
collaboratively. In educational settings, school-wide or district-wide studies
may investigate a particular issue. Rather than focus on one individual class-
room or student, large-scale resources are directed toward a community-based
issue. Calabrese et al. (2010), researchers from the Ohio State University, acted
as consultants to stakeholders from a rural Midwest school district who looked
to collaborate more closely with the surrounding community. Administra-
tors and teachers in the district wished to investigate the impact of improved
community relations on climate. Representative participants from the school
district were instructed as to how they should structure the research inquiry,
collect data, and interpret results. The authors found that in four weeks, the
participants were empowered, inspired to action, and mobilized to transform
their school and community. Symbolically, the superintendent announced at
the meeting that she and her husband purchased a “paint-fatigued” home in
the town center. “They were going to renovate the home for discounted rental
to a family. Our work as participant/observers neared conclusion; the partici-
pants’ work was just beginning. We witnessed the deep human capacity for
self-transformation” (Calabrese et al., 2010, p. 261).
Large-group action research studies have the potential to inspire lasting
change. While it may be difficult to coordinate large groups of stakeholders,
large-scale transformation is possible when stakeholders throughout an orga-
nization have the opportunity to be contributors.
There are a number of benefits to conducting action research studies. First,
individuals across professions can participate in the research process. It is a user-
friendly, practical approach to learning more about best practice. Studies can
be conceptualized and carried out almost anywhere. Secondly, action research
helps to improve practice. Those who carry out action research studies benefit
from the knowledge gained about a particular intervention or approach. Lastly,
action research improves the system of communication within an organization.
Individuals are motivated to share what they learn from the research process,
which inspires further collaboration.

■ Assumptions That Guide Action Research

Action research focuses on an intervention, its impact, and the subsequent

change that it motivates. It further emphasizes the active role of the practitioner
as an initiator and agent of this transformation. This is based upon the premise
420 ■ CHAPTER 16

that those within an organization are most qualified to not only understand
its inner workings, but also to hold insight on ways to improve. The research
effort may originate in a single classroom or unit, but ultimately its impact may
extend to entire buildings and organizations. Conducted and applied correctly,
it inspires a reflective cycle in which an approach is considered, amended, and
then reconsidered with respect to data. Ultimately, all stakeholders will come
to understand ways to refine practices.
Regardless of the number of participants involved, all action research stud-
ies are guided by three principles:

1. Participants hope to understand current practice. Action research studies

first help stakeholders to understand the strengths and shortcomings of what
is presently being done. Researchers carefully consider not only what is being
done, but both why and how it is done. They are then in a position to identify
and target problems with the current approach.
2. Participants hope to improve current practice. It is not enough to under-
stand what is being done; those who participate in action research studies hope
to also make the situation better. Tabachnick and Zeichner (1998) prepared
and presented a seminar in action research for prospective elementary and sec-
ondary teachers. The seminar introduced action research methodology that,
the authors believed, would inspire reflection and ultimately change the way
teachers thought and behaved in the classroom. In describing the purpose of
action research for preservice teachers, the authors wrote that:

Reflection, as it applies to teaching, is not merely thinking about teaching

by yourself; teachers can too easily delude themselves into being satisfied
with the way things are or into being dissatisfied and despairing. Reflec-
tion includes sharing your own ideas, listening and reacting to someone
else’s ideas, listening to colleagues’ reactions to your ideas, and trying to
integrate these into your thinking. Reflective teaching is not merely think-
ing and talking about ideas. It includes doing something about the ideas
in a classroom; that is, taking some action. (Tabachnick & Zeichner, 1998,
p. 310)

3. Participants hope to improve the community. Action research inspires

change. This impact of change should then extend throughout an organiza-
tion. As data are shared among members of the community, many stakeholders
benefit from what is learned. As the insights gained from action research are
shared, the overall community of practice improves. Briscoe and Peters (1996)
describe the benefits of collaboration within and across schools:
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 2 1

Because change occurs in a social context, it is influenced by interac-

tive processes between teachers as well as the personal learning process.
The strong influence teachers have on one another’s perceptions regard-
ing classroom change, and whether it is to be valued, make it particularly
important that teachers find support for change among their peers. These
planned opportunities for collaboration among the teachers had the poten-
tial to foster reflection on what happened as changes were implemented
throughout the district to enhance their understanding of new practices.
(Briscoe & Peters, 1996, pp. 52–53)

■ The Process of Action Research

Action research is a systematic, orderly process toward bringing about change

from within a community. It encourages careful reflection and planning as pre-
cursors to action. Researchers move through a series of stages that guide their
decisions. The process begins with careful observation and reflection, moving
to the creation and implementation of the research design, and then moving
to the interpretation and dissemination of data. This can be described in two

FIGURE 16.1 Steps Involved in an Action Research Study

422 ■ CHAPTER 16

phases: Arm, the preparatory process, and Act, the execution of the research
agenda. It is a cyclical process—the application of data-driven strategies should
lead to further investigation to refine the process in question. Action research-
ers arm themselves through observation and reflection and then subsequently
act on what they have seen, heard and read.

Phase 1: Arm

Ask: Formulating a Research Question

Action research is guided by a core research question. The question is inspired by
the researcher’s intimate knowledge of the research environment. It is inspired by
careful observation; usually, the researcher will identify a shortcoming of current
practice and look for ways to improve. The resulting question will then reflect
ways to address the problem. Katie, our fictional art teacher from the beginning
of this chapter, begins by considering what she knows about her students and
subject area. She speaks with her colleagues and reflects on the integration of
mathematics and art. This provides the basis for her research effort.
A music teacher who sought to determine the impact of class size on stu-
dent performance described the process in this way:

The reflection process was the most important piece of my classroom

action research. This opportunity gave me the time to think over what is
truly going on in my music classes. . . .
Large group or small group? It presents a dilemma of sorts. Do I stay
in the larger group setting because I have better control of the classes?
I can see at a glance whether students are engaged in the activity. I can
see faces with eyes that hear each others’ voices and rhythmic patterns
and notes played on the recorder. I have always preferred the large group
experience in music, chorus, band or orchestra as performer, accompanist
or director. Perhaps reality sets in when my students arrive in music after
gym, lunch or recess and the clock says 24 minutes and counting. The
physical demands become greater for me when I work in small groups.
With a demanding schedule and the need to pace myself, I find the large
group to be the best setting to accommodate my classes. Should my sched-
ule dictate whether I teach in the large group or small group? I believe a
broader spectrum of music can be taught in large group where more of
the students’ individual experiences can be recognized, shared and embel-
lished. (Armstrong, 2001, p. 10)

Good research questions identify both an intervention and an end state.

The researcher considers the impact of an action on learning or performance.
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 2 3

After careful reflection, this particular action research study addressed the
question: “How might small group instruction influence elementary students’
willingness to sing, dance, and play during music class?” It identifies both the
treatment/intervention (group size) and end state (student willingness to par-
ticipate in class).
Consider a seventh-grade teacher who is concerned about her students’
transition from elementary to middle school. Over several years, she has
noticed young people struggling to cope with the increasing academic and
self-regulatory demands of the new school year. The general question that will
guide her research might be:

How might I help my students adjust to the demands of middle school?

This then forms the basis for a potential research question:

Will teaching students self-regulatory strategies help them to improve

their academic performance?

Read: Examining Literature

The reflective process should be informed by what is known about best prac-
tice. While step one involves knowing the environment in which the research
study will take place, it is equally important to understand the work that has
been done in a particular area. It is likely that previous researchers have consid-
ered and written about issues of interest. By reviewing the existing literature,
you establish the context for your research.
The literature review is usually the opening section of the written research
study. It is where the researcher demonstrates that he or she is knowledge-
able about a particular area. Reviewing the existing literature requires that the

TABLE 16.1 Tips to Keep in Mind When Writing a Research Question

Always Never
Construct high-order questions Write simple yes/no questions

Construct questions that focus on an area Write questions that are not relevant for a
of interest particular environment

Construct manageable questions Write questions that are overly complex

Construct questions that can be researched Write questions that cannot be researched in
a particular environment
424 ■ CHAPTER 16

researcher search for existing studies, read the studies critically, and organize
existing research into coherent subsections. These steps allow the researcher to
convey expertise.
Searching for existing studies. Research articles, reports, and books can all
be sources for the literature review. Sources that are selected for the literature
review should reflect what is known in a particular area. Relevant research is
that which examines the key concepts of the proposed action research study.
It introduces existing theories and their relationship to current practice. Katie,
our fictional art teacher, is interested in the integration of math and art and the
way it may improve student performance on standardized examinations. She
can begin by searching for data on high-stakes testing or curriculum integra-
tion. Investigating pedagogical strategies in both mathematics and art may also
be helpful. Simply stated, articles that are ultimately accepted to be a part of the
literature review should clearly correspond to the variables of interest for the
research study.
Reading critically. Once potential sources have been identified, they must
be evaluated with respect to veracity and relevance. The reader must first iden-
tify the purpose of the study. What theory undergirds the research? How is it
relevant to the authors’ action research study? What particular insights does
it suggest with respect to variables of interest? Next, the reader should ana-
lyze the author’s methodology. What research questions were addressed? How
were data collected? From whom? What steps did the author take to assure the
validity and reliability and limit bias? Finally, the reader should address the
author’s interpretation of the data. Did the author draw appropriate and rea-
sonable conclusions? How do they apply to the variables that will be examined
in the action research study? While not every article is suitable for inclusion in
the literature review, a critical review of the literature will certainly inform the
research design.
Organizing research into coherent sections. Your literature review is
driven by the ideas that inspire the research study. These issues provide the
basis for the organizational framework for the literature review. Literature
reviews usually begin with an introduction, which reveals the key topic
and organizational pattern for the review. Next, the body of the literature
review outlines relevant reading. Many literature reviews are arranged the-
matically, categorizing research into groups that correspond to important
study variables. They may also be arranged sequentially, which entails out-
lining research studies chronologically. This approach is often used when it is
essential to understand a historical description of a particular field. Lastly, the
literature review usually concludes with a summary statement, followed by
research questions and hypotheses. Regardless of the organizational pattern,
action research study literature reviews are usually written for an audience of
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 2 5

practitioners. Language should be clear and straightforward, avoiding exces-

sive use of jargon.

Make a Plan: Creating a Plan/Design

After reviewing relevant literature, the next step is to determine what methods
will be used to address the research questions. The design of the research study
must closely match the goal of the inquiry. In other words, the research plan
will specify exactly what data will be collected, how they will be collected, and
the method of analysis that will be applied to the data.
As opposed to traditional research designs, which utilize large samples,
many action research studies focus on smaller sample sizes. Individual action
research studies sometimes focus on the impact of an intervention on a single
classroom. The active role of the researcher, particularly in action research
studies conducted in schools, does raise questions about internal validity, how-
ever. The initiator of the study is also a stakeholder and not only is aware of
the goals of the study, but also has an interest in a particular outcome. Sub-
sequently, the potential for data-collection bias, which may distort a study’s
findings, is quite real. Additionally, the small sample size makes generalization
to larger populations quite difficult, as the study’s findings may be due to the
nuances of a specific environment.
Nonetheless, the research design can be structured to address these internal
and external validity concerns. Researchers may wish to solicit the assistance
and feedback of colleagues throughout the data collection process to guard
against bias. For example, when conducting classroom observations of a par-
ticular behavior, a teacher may invite a colleague to observe as well to ensure
interrater reliability. Also, it is important for the researcher to frequently reflect
upon practice throughout the process to ensure that he or she does not deviate
from the research plan due to bias. Finally, the nature of action research does
not automatically lend itself to generalizability; successful interventions should
be replicated in other settings.
In addition to who (the sample) and what (the data to be collected), the
research design should reflect how data collection will proceed. It must indicate
the timeline for the study, the points at which data will be collected, and the
type of data that is to be collected. Several key questions should be addressed
in the plan:

1. What type of data will be collected? Researchers may wish to collect quan-
titative (surveys, questionnaires, school records, scaled data, etc.) or quali-
tative data (observations, journals, reports, etc.).
2. How often will data be collected? Studies may utilize a single data collec-
tion point, to be compared to a baseline (as may be the case with art teacher
426 ■ CHAPTER 16

Katie, who will use standardized test scores for her students as the data col-
lection point and compare them to previous years’ scores). They may also
use multiple data collection points, to establish change over time.
3. What is the timeline for data collection? Data collection may take place
over days, weeks, months, or even years. The timeline will be determined
by the goals of the study.
4. From whom will data be collected? Data may be collected from an entire
unit classroom or section, or only from a small subgroup within the larger

A thorough research plan enables the research study to proceed in an

orderly systematic manner. Establishing clear parameters helps to focus the
researcher on the goals of the study.

Phase 2: Act

Analyze: Collecting and Analyzing Data

Researchers will begin the Act phase by collecting data. This process is
informed by the research design. Data collection determines what subsequent
action should be taken. There are also a number of different methodologies
that may be used to gather data. These may include interviews, surveys, jour-
nals, records, or samples of student work, to name a few. Researchers may
also develop their own instruments to meet the specific demands of a research
study. Multiple sources of data are sometimes collected, a strategy called trian-
gulation. In an academic setting, for example, student records may be bolstered
by observations or samples of student work. This helps to ensure the validity
of a study’s findings.
Data collection is a systematic process. Disorganized data collection will
prevent a researcher from arriving at clear answers to the research question.
Because the researcher is also a stakeholder, it is also important to guard against
the potential for bias during the data collection process. Table 16.2 outlines a
number of potential biases and ways to address each. Awareness of these pit-
falls is the first step toward prevention.
Data that have been collected then need to be summarized and interpreted.
Again, the research question will guide data analysis. In returning to this ques-
tion, researchers should keep in mind what is known about the context in
which the research study is conducted: specifically, the individuals under study,
the specific actions they perform, and the varied environmental influences that
inform both people and behavior. Researchers should take time to reflect, both
alone and in collaboration with other stakeholders, to assure that data have
been interpreted properly.
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 2 7

TABLE 16.2 Preventing Data Collection Bias

Data Source Bias Prevention
Questionnaires Asking leading, vague, Pretest (pilot) the instrument
or improperly worded
Observations Observer bias—missing Observers should work in
critical information pairs to establish interrater
Interviews Poorly conducted Interviewers should be
interviews/biased carefully selected and trained
Records Poorly kept record-keeping Use triangulation to confirm
systems the validity of data

Course of Action: Sharing the Data

Data collection and interpretation should culminate with a written report.
First, the stakeholders who expressed interest in the problem to be studied
and participated in the conceptualization of the research should also be made
aware of its results. Additionally, results of the action research study should be
shared with colleagues who will benefit from knowledge gained. The report
should be written for an audience of practitioners, using clear, straightforward
language with an eye toward practical application. It may consist of the follow-
ing subsections:

1. Introduction—describes the significance of the problem addressed by the

research study as well as the physical context in which the problem is situ-
ated. Here, the purpose of the study is justified in light of its contribution
to a particular field.
2. Literature review—describes previous work that informs the treatment/
implementation employed to address the problem.
3. Research question(s) and hypotheses—specifies the question(s) that guide
the study.
4. Description of research cycle—describes methodology phases with respect
to the research question(s). This includes a detailed description of the sam-
ple, instruments, and other data-collection procedures.
5. Results and reflection—describes outcomes of research and the way they
can be applied to the problem being studied.

There are a number of ways that this information may be disseminated.

Professional conferences are certainly a way to share with colleagues in your
field. In academic settings, faculty or departmental meetings provide an informal
428 ■ CHAPTER 16

vehicle through which data may be communicated as well. Also, professional

reports can be posted electronically or e-mailed to colleagues. There are many
options for dissemination—it is essential that what is learned be shared with
others who may profit from the information.

Try It Out: Putting the Results Into Action

Action research should bring about transformation. The ultimate goal of action
research is to initiate a cycle of reflection and action that will bring researcher
and participants closer to best practice. Consequently, the results of the research
effort must suggest a plan for follow-up on the part of stakeholders. Data will
suggest what, if any, changes need be made to current practice.
There are a number of considerations with respect to putting the results of
an action research study into action. First, when instituting change, it is impor-
tant to only address one variable at a time; this will enable researchers to deter-
mine the relationship between an intervention and the outcome as revealed by
the data. Also, it is a good idea to reflect with other stakeholders on the research
process before initiating concrete change. Thinking about the strengths and
weaknesses of the study will help to streamline the implementation process and
identify components of the intervention that require further tweaking. Be sure
to communicate regularly with colleagues who will be affected by any proposed
changes. Substantial transformation requires buy-in on the part of all stakehold-
ers; keeping individuals aware of not only what will be done but the research
basis for the change will help to assure this. Finally, understand that the initia-
tion of an action plan is not the end. It restarts the action research cycle, as new
interventions inspire further reflection and additional questions for review.

■ Evaluating Action Research

We close this chapter by reviewing a sample study (Harper, 2006), which will
illustrate the process by providing examples of the specific elements of action
research that we have introduced throughout the chapter.

Action Research Questions

Problem Statement
As we introduced earlier in this chapter, there are two purposes of action
research: to understand classroom phenomena and to improve current prac-
tice. Specifically, this study examines why many students avoid challenging or
difficult tasks. As an active member in the research environment, the author of
this study understands the importance of helping his students improve current
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 2 9

FIGURE 16-2 Sample Action Research Study

Epistemology, Self-regulation, and Challenge

Brian E. Harper, Cleveland State University

For prospective teachers, the development of self-regulatory behaviors—those
which embody an incremental framework—is vital. This study examines the self-
beliefs and academic behaviors of pre-service teachers. The results of this inves-
tigation suggest that high-achieving pre-service teachers endorse more strongly
held incremental views and are more likely to exhibit academic self-regulatory
behaviors in the face of challenge than are their lower-achieving counterparts.

A mastery-oriented motivational pattern is a key component of academic
success. Such a perspective incorporates self-regulatory strategies towards
confronting and overcoming task-related setbacks. For more than a decade,
numerous research studies have lauded the effectiveness of this approach,
which leads to both greater persistence and greater performance (e.g., Pintrich
& Garcia, 1991). Unfortunately, even high-achieving students often retreat in the
face of challenges and obstacles. In spite of a substantial list of efficacy-building
successes, many students quickly withdraw from difficult, high-level tasks. Why
might this be so?
Dweck and her colleagues have introduced a framework which helps to
explain this conundrum. In this model, self-beliefs and goals create a motivational
framework which shapes the manner in which an individual will consider and
approach various tasks (Dweck & Leggett, 1988). Specifically, this theory identi-
fies two opposing ways in which an individual may consider a personal attribute;
from the perspective of an entity theorist, which holds that the attribute is rela-
tively fixed, or that of an incremental theorist, who holds that the attribute is
adaptable (Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Dweck et al., 1995; Hong et al., 1999; Dweck,
2000). The adoption of either perspective holds important ramifications for aca-
demic self-regulation (Dweck, 2000).
Those who express views consistent with that of an entity theorist are likely
to set different goals in achievement situations than those who embrace the
perspective of an incremental theorist. In a study of college students’ theories of
intelligence, Hong and her colleagues (Hong et al., 1998) discovered that students
who hold a fixed view of intelligence (entity theorists) were more likely to express
a performance-goal orientation and less likely to exhibit effortful, self-regulatory
behaviors in instances in which there was a threat of exposing their shortcomings
than students with a malleable view of intelligence (incremental theorists). Since
self-regulated behavior is predicated upon the strategic, goal-directed effort one
puts forth in a given situation, entity theorists who are faced with complex tasks
certainly face a higher level of risk for learned-helplessness and failure than do
incremental theorists (Dweck, 2000).
Additionally, in a study of Norwegian student teachers, Braton and Stromso
(2004) suggested that those who believed intelligence to be a fixed attribute were

430 ■ CHAPTER 16

FIGURE 16-2 Continued

less likely to adopt mastery goals and more likely to adopt performance-avoidance
goals than were incremental theorists. Further, Sinatra and Cardash (2004) report
that those teachers who endorsed incremental views—specifically, those who
believed that knowledge evolves—were more likely to embrace new ideas and
pedagogical strategies than were those who expressed more static views of intel-
ligence. This study will extend the literature by investigating pre-service teachers’
epistemological beliefs and patterns of specific self-regulatory behaviors on highly
self-determined and more challenging academic tasks.

Specifically, this empirical investigation sought to answer the following questions:

1. Do academically high-performing pre-service teachers differ from their peers

with respect to epistemological beliefs?
2. Might the self-regulatory behaviors of these two groups differ in the face of
highly self-determined tasks?
3. Does this pattern of commitment change when each of these groups is faced
with an academically challenging task?

Participants in this study were those who voluntarily elected to participate from
among all students enrolled in two sections of an undergraduate educational
psychology course at a medium-sized Midwestern state university. The two
sections were taught at different times on the same day; they were otherwise
identical with respect to content and instruction, using the same textbook, syl-
labus, and PowerPoint-driven lectures. The course, which introduced theories of
motivation and learning to pre-service teachers, was regarded as a general edu-
cation requirement for undergraduate education majors. Students indicated their
desire to participate by signing and returning a consent form that outlined the
objectives for this study. Of the original target group of 48 students, 39 student-
participants were identified. This final group was comprised of 21 males and 18
females. Twenty students (10 males and 10 females) from the morning section
of the course chose to take part in the study, while 19 students (11 males and 8
females) self-identified as participants from the evening section. All were classi-
fied by the university as education degree–seeking, undergraduate students. The
mean age for the student participation was 26.61. The mean grade point average
for student participation was 2.85.

In week one of the semester, students were administered the Theories of Intel-
ligence Scale (Dweck, 2000). This is a four-item instrument designed to inves-
tigate perceptions of the malleability of intelligence. Student-participants
completed this instrument by responding to four items on a 6-point Likert scale
which ranged from strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (6). The four items of
this measure depict intelligence as a fixed entity (i.e., “You have a certain amount
of intelligence and you can’t really do much to change it”); confirmation and vali-
dation studies suggest that disagreement with these items reflects agreement
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 3 1

FIGURE 16-2 Continued

with incremental theory. Previous data suggest that, with respect to construct
validity, this measure is distinct from those of cognitive ability, self-esteem, and
self-efficacy (Dweck et al., 1995). Chronbach alpha reliability for this version of
the scale was established as .80 (Hong et al., 1999).

As a regular feature of the educational psychology course, four objective exami-
nations were administered. These examinations consisted of 50 multiple-choice
Praxis-type items which were electronically scored. For comparative purposes,
the mean average of these four examination scores was utilized to create the
independent variable, enabling the comparison of the highest-performing stu-
dents in the course (those who scored at the 75th percentile or above) with their
relatively lower-scoring peers. Students were also made aware of a feature of the
course through which each student was given an opportunity to write and sub-
mit short-answer and multiple-choice questions for textbook chapters covered in
each week’s instruction. This methodology served two purposes for students in
the course: (1) this self-regulatory strategy helped them to learn the material and
prepare for the upcoming Praxis examination and (2) students were able to earn
extra-credit points towards their final grade in the course. The points earned for
writing a question and supplying the corresponding answer could then be used
to bolster a student’s mean grade in the course. Points earned were based upon
the cognitive complexity of the question: completion items were worth one point
each, multiple choice items measuring knowledge were worth two points each
and multiple-choice items measuring comprehension were worth three points
each. At the beginning of each week, students were also asked to indicate how
many items they expected to write for a particular week and, on a 10-point scale,
both how important it was for them to obtain bonus points and how confident
they were in their ability to complete this self-regulatory task.
Initially, students were informed that they were free to select from any of the
three question formats when composing their questions. For the final one half of
the course, (after the administration of exam 2) students were then informed that
only multiple-choice items measuring comprehension (3-point items) would be

Results from tests 1 through 4 were recorded and averaged for each student,
yielding a mean score. This score was then used to classify students into one of
two groups; those who scored at the 75th percentile or above (n=11) and those
who scored below the 75th percentile (n=28). For this sample, the mean score
for the four objective examinations was 78.42; those scoring at or above the 75th
percentile achieved a mean score of 86.00 or higher. See website
Table 1 displays mean values for the Theories of Intelligence Scale. For each
item, those students whose average score was at or above the 75th percen-
tile expressed more strongly held incremental views (as evidenced in a higher
score for each item, which expresses a higher level of disagreement with entity

432 ■ CHAPTER 16

FIGURE 16-2 Continued

beliefs and a greater endorsement of incremental beliefs) than those whose

average examination score was below the 75th percentile. As there were only
two groups of interest being examined in this study, an independent sample
t-test was utilized. Equal variances for the two groups were determined by
a Levene’s test of Variance (as the F value equaled 1.11, yielding a p value of
greater than .05). The result of an independent sample t-test of group differ-
ence is displayed in Table 4; this mean difference approached statistical sig-
nificance (as the t(32) value equaled 1.93, yielding a p value of less than .07).
Thus, the tendency for higher-scoring students to express more strongly held
incremental views of intelligence than their lower-scoring peers approached
statistical significance.
For the first half of the course, students who elected to write text-related
questions for extra credit were free to select from among the three formats pro-
vided. Table 2 displays mean values for the number of free-format questions pre-
dicted, those written and the percentage of those written with respect to those
predicted for the two groups of interest in this study. Again, group differences
were investigated using an independent sample t-test. A Levene’s test of Vari-
ance reflected differences in within-group variance among the two groups (as
the F value equaled 22.84, yielding a p value of less than .01); subsequently, anal-
ysis of the mean scores were analyzed in light of standard mean error differences
(which are reported as .31 and .51 for the higher- and lower-performing groups,
respectively). As is displayed in Table 4, the independent sample t-test suggests
that there is no statistically significant difference between those who scored at
or above the 75th percentile on the examinations and those who scored below
the 75th percentile with respect to the mean percentage of free-format questions
written as per the number predicted (as the t(8.31) value equaled 1.35, yielding a
p value greater than .05).

Theoretical Framework
The author uses the work of Carol Dweck as a framework to guide the research
plan. By focusing on epistemological beliefs, as defined in Dweck’s work, the
author has specified what type of data will be collected. In this section, the
reader is introduced to key terms (i.e., the distinction between entity and incre-
mental thinkers) and the ways in which this may help to address the problem
at hand.

Research Questions
Here, the researcher specifies the goals of the investigation. While directional
hypotheses are not provided, they are implied in the theoretical framework;
namely that students who internalize and express an incremental view of intel-
ligence will exhibit more self-regulatory behavior, which in this instance is
manifested in differences in the academic performance and frequency of self-
regulatory behaviors of his students.
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 3 3

As is true of most action research studies, the author focuses on a small sample
size, in this case, students enrolled in two sections of an educational psychol-
ogy course. This will decrease the likelihood of generalizing the study’s results
to other student populations. This, however, is not the goal of the study. The
author wishes to evaluate the impact of self-beliefs and self-regulatory behav-
iors on academic achievement.

The methodology for this study is informed by both the problem statement
and theoretical framework. Using Dweck’s framework, students’ beliefs about
intelligence are recorded. This allowed for the classification of students into
one of two groups; high- and low-scoring students. This classification then
allowed students to be compared on a self-regulatory task (the creation of
study-guide questions) and academic performance (exam scores). This allows
the author to investigate at least one possible explanation behind the problem
statement (why students avoid challenging tasks).

Data Collection
Data collection is a systematic process informed by the research design. This
researcher collected three sources of qualitative data: examination scores, num-
ber of questions written, and scores on the Theories of Intelligence Scale for
each student-participant.

As with all research studies, the interpretation of results is done with an eye
toward improving the research environment itself. These data suggest that
students who express a more incremental view of intelligence relative to their
classmates tend to exhibit more self-regulatory behaviors and score better
on classroom assessments. The author suggests two concrete changes to the
classroom environment in light of these findings: (1) to work toward helping
students develop a more malleable view of intelligence and learning and (2)
to teach students specific self-regulatory skills to aid in the retention of new

■ Summary

1. Action research allows stakeholders to reflectively evaluate their own per-

formance so that they can ultimately revise and improve practice.
2. Independent action research studies allow a single stakeholder to address
an issue in the immediate environment.
434 ■ CHAPTER 16

3. In collaborative and large-group action research studies, groups of stake-

holders work together to investigate the same issue.
4. All action research studies are guided by three principles: participants hope
to (a) understand current practice, (b) improve current practice, and (c)
improve the community.
5. Action research is guided by a core research question, drafted after careful
reflection about the research environment.
6. The reflective process should be informed by what is known about best
practice. While the first step involves knowing the environment in which
the research study will take place, it is equally important to understand the
work that has been done in a particular area.
7. As opposed to traditional research designs, which utilize large samples,
many action research studies focus on smaller sample sizes. Individual
action research studies sometimes focus on the impact of an intervention
on a single classroom.
8. Because the researcher is also a stakeholder, it is also important to guard
against the potential for bias during the data collection process.
9. When instituting change, it is important to only address one variable at a
time; this will enable researchers to determine the relationship between an
intervention and the outcome as revealed by the data. Also, it is a good idea
to reflect with other stakeholders on the research process before initiating
concrete change. Substantial transformation requires buy-in on the part of
all stakeholders; keeping individuals aware of not only what will be done,
but the research basis for the change will help to assure this.
10. Finally, understand that the initiation of an action plan is not the end.
It restarts the action research cycle, as new interventions inspire further
reflection and additional questions for review.

■ Competency Test Exercises

1. Match the quote to the proper action research design stage.

Ask A. “How can we use this info to help student
Read B. “Based on what I know about my students,
how can I best help them?
Make a Plan C. “I will now collect the daily student writing
journals so that I see how they are doing”
Analyze D. “Why don’t my students achieve to their
potential in writing?”
Course of Action E. “I wonder what others have written about this
AC T I O N R E S E A R C H ■ 4 3 5

Try It Out F. “I can see how much students have improved as a

result of the daily writing journals I have asked
them to complete.”
2. Identify a practical classroom problem that would inspire an action research
3. Express this problem as a research question to be investigated.
4. Describe an intervention that may potentially address this particular
5. Identify the data that will be collected to measure the effectiveness of this
6. Describe the process that will be used to analyze these data.
7. Describe a plan for implementing this intervention, should it prove to be

■ Recommended References
Armstrong, J. (2001). Collaborative learning from the participants’ perspective. Paper
presented at the 42nd Annual Adult Education Research Conference, June 1–3,
2001, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.
Briscoe, C., & Peters, J. (1996). Teacher collaboration across and within schools: Sup-
porting individual change in elementary science teaching. Science Education, 81,
Calabrese, R. L., Hester, M., Friesen, S., & Burkhalter, K. (2010). Using appreciative
inquiry to create a sustainable rural school district and community. International
Journal of Educational Management, 24(3), 250–265.
Harper, B. (2006). Epistemology, self-regulation and challenge. Academic Exchange
Quarterly, 10, 121–125.
Tabachnick, B., & Zeichner, K. (1998). Idea and action: Action research and the devel-
opment of conceptual change teaching of science. Idea and Action, 14, 309–322.



Analyzing and Critiquing

a Research Study


• Analyze and critique the following parts of a research study: prob-

lem, problem statement, literature, variables, hypotheses, operational
definitions, methods for manipulating and controlling variables,
research design, methods for observing and measuring variables,
statistical analysis, presentation of results, and discussion.

LL OF THE chapters preceding this one have discussed designing
and conducting a research study as preparation for carrying out that
activity. However, researchers (and nonresearchers, as well) are also
“consumers” of research when they read and attempt to understand research
articles appearing in journals. In fact, even a dedicated researcher typically
spends more time reading studies done by others than designing and conduct-
ing new research. Particularly in planning a research study, one needs to find
and read relevant literature.
When reading a research study, it is necessary to understand it, compre-
hending its problem, methodology, and results, in order to interpret and use its
findings. This understanding requires knowledge of what problem the study
investigated, what variables and operational definitions it articulated, how it
controlled for potentially confounding variables and measured or manipu-
lated variables of interest, what research design it employed, how it analyzed
data, what those data indicated, and what meaning the researcher found in the
results. These determinations require analysis of the study into all of its com-
ponent parts and elements.

■ 439
440 ■ CHAPTER 17

Additional helpful input comes from careful judgment of the effectiveness

with which the researcher implemented the various steps and aspects of the
study. This judgment provides particularly important help in deciding how
much confidence to place in the results and the conclusions drawn from those
results. Before incorporating a prior study into a literature review or using it as
a basis for formulating a new hypothesis, a critique of that study must be made.
Hence, an intelligent reading of the literature requires both analytical and criti-
cal evaluation processes.
Analysis and critical evaluation of a research study require applications
of many principles already presented in this book—but from the slant of
the reader rather than the researcher. The reader of a research study applies
almost all the knowledge learned so far in this book. Such analysis provides
the designer of a research study with a set of skills to apply to that process, as
well, by playing the role of analyst and evaluator of his or her own work. The
result should be a better study than one designed without a critical eye on both
analysis and evaluation. In other words, self-analysis and self-evaluation can
only improve a developing piece of research. In fact, Tuckman (1990c) advo-
cated providing researchers with analysis and critical evaluation skills in order
to improve the quality of published research.
A word now about how this chapter will proceed. For purposes of analysis
and critique, a research article will be divided into three parts: (1) the introduc-
tory section, (2) the methods section, and (3) the results and discussion sections.
(However, the reader is encouraged to read an entire article before attempting
to analyze and critique any part of it, because “clues” that clarify the beginning
of the article may appear in the middle or end, and vice versa.) Successive sec-
tions of the chapter will discuss criteria for analysis and critical evaluation of
these sections of a research report in turn. In the introductory section, an ana-
lyst/evaluator examines the problem and problem statement, literature review,
hypotheses, variables, and operational definitions. In the method section, she
or he examines the processes of manipulation and control, research design, and
measurement. In the results and discussion sections, the analysis focuses on
the statistical tests, nature and presentation of findings, and functions of the
In discussing each topic, the chapter will pose a series of questions to guide
analysis and critical evaluation of a research study or article. These questions
will be numbered sequentially, section after section. The resulting set of ques-
tions combined in Figure 17.1, provide an overall model or approach for the
analysis and critique.
Following the description of the analysis and critical evaluation process,
the chapter presents a study to be analyzed and critiqued in its entirety. The
remaining segment of the chapter offers an analysis and critique of this study
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 4 1

FIGURE 17.1 Questions to Answer in Analyzing and Critically Evaluating a Research


 1. (a) Does the research report articulate a problem statement? If so, (b) what does it
say? (c) Is it a clear statement? (d) Is it introduced prior to the literature review?
 2. Does the problem statement give a complete and accurate statement of the prob-
lem actually studied, or does it leave out something?
 3. Does the study’s problem offer sufficient (a) workability, (b) critical mass, and (c)
 4. (a) Does the problem studied offer theoretical and practical value? (b) Does the
report establish these criteria?
 5. Does the literature review present a high-quality overview? Does it achieve ade-
quate (a) clarity, (b) flow, (c) relevance, (d) recency, (e) empirical focus, and (f)
 6. Does the literature review include technically accurate citations and references?
 7. (a) Does the introduction offer hypotheses? If so, (b) what are they? Are they (c)
directional, (d) clear, (e) consistent with the problem, and (f) supported by effective
 8. What actual variables does the study examine? Identify: (a) independent, (b) mod-
erator (if any), (c) dependent, and (d) control variables (only the most important
two or three).
 9. (a) What intervening variable might the study be evaluating? (b) Was it suggested
in the research report?
10. What operational definitions did the researcher develop for the variables listed in
answering Question 8?
11. (a) What type of operational definition was used for each variable? (b) Was each
definition sufficiently exclusive to the corresponding variable?
12. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent possible bias to
certainty introduced by the participants it employed, and (b) did these precautions
completely and adequately control for those effects?
13. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent possible bias to
certainty introduced by the experiences it presented, and (b) did these precautions
completely and adequately control for those effects?
14. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent possible bias to
generality introduced by the participants it employed, and (b) did these precautions
completely and adequately control for those effects?
15. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent possible bias to
generality introduced by the experiences it presented, and (b) did these precau-
tions completely and adequately control for those effects?
16. (a) Which variables did the study manipulate? (b) How successfully did the
researcher carry out the manipulation?
17. (a) What design did the study employ, and (b) how adequately did it ensure
18. For each measurement procedure in the study, (a) what evidence of validity does
the research report provide, and (b) does this information indicate adequate
19. For each measurement procedure (including observation) in the study, (a) what evi-
dence of reliability does the research report provide, and (b) does this information
indicate adequate reliability?

442 ■ CHAPTER 17

FIGURE 17.1 Continued

20. (a) Which statistics did the study employ, (b) were they the right choices (or should
it have used different ones or additional ones), and (c) were the procedures and
calculations correctly completed?
21. (a) What findings did the study produce, and (b) do they fit the problem
22. Did the research report adequately support the study’s findings with text, tables,
and figures?
23. How significant and important were the study’s findings?
24. Did the discussion section of the research report draw conclusions, and were they
consistent with the study’s results?
25. (a) Did the discussion section offer reasonable interpretations of why results did
and did not match expectations, and (b) did it suggest reasonable implications
about what readers should do with the results?

using the questions in Figure 17.1 to illustrate the process. Readers are encour-
aged to attempt an analysis and critical evaluation of the study prior to reading
the explanations that follow.

■ The Introductory Section

The introductory section is the first section of an article. It usually does not
follow a heading because none is needed to tell the reader where the section
starts. The abstract, which precedes the introduction, is a condensed version
of the entire article rather than a part of any of its sections. The introductory
section typically introduces the reader to the problem and presents a literature
review. It may also offer hypotheses.

Problem and Problem Statement

The problem is the question that the study seeks to answer. The introduction
presents or communicates it as a problem statement. The two are separated
here, because the statement of the problem does not always correspond to the
problem actually studied. Four criteria govern an evaluation of the problem
statement: location, clarity, completeness, and accuracy. The first step in ana-
lyzing and evaluating a problem statement is to read through the entire article
and locate every version of this statement. Such a sentence generally begins:
“The purpose of this study was . . .” or words to that effect. After identifying
the problem statement, analysis seeks to answer some questions about it.

1. (a) Does the research report articulate a problem statement? If so, (b)
what does it say? (c) Is it a clear statement? (d) Is it introduced prior to
the literature review?
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 4 3

A study should explicitly enunciate a problem statement, and the reader

should be able to find it and underline it as a major point of reference. After all,
the problem statement tells the reader what subject the study addresses. Also, if
the report presents multiple versions of the problem statement, they all should
state equivalent problems.
Clarity is an important criterion for a problem statement. If readers cannot
understand the problem statement, they may not understand much else about
the study. A good general test of clarity is rewriting a statement in one’s own
words. When this revision requires some guessing, then the problem statement
has achieved unacceptably low clarity. When it can be done easily, then the
researcher has achieved high clarity.
Analysis should also consider the location of the problem statement.
Since this statement orients readers to the study by telling them what subject
it investigates, after the abstract, the statement should appear initially in the
introductory section, preferably prior to the literature review. A less effective
arrangement places the problem statement as the last sentence of the introduc-
tory section; an ineffective format places it in the middle or final sections.

2. Does the problem statement give a complete and accurate statement of

the problem actually studied, or does it leave out something?

The first issue to consider here is completeness. A researcher may leave

introductions of questions to study or variables to include until the middle of
the methods section, or even the results section, without ever mentioning them
in the problem statement. Such late additions appear to represent omissions
or afterthoughts. Unprepared for these late introductions, readers may miss
them. For example, data might be analyzed by gender or by grade level (as
moderator variables), although the problem statement indicated that the study
was designed merely to compare a treatment condition to a control condition.
The problem statement might list achievement as the dependent variable and
then analyze four different kinds of achievement never previously mentioned
or enumerated.
Any introduction of new variables or new comparisons not initially men-
tioned in the problem statement is a delicate matter. Accepted practices for
legitimate research allow addition of what are called post hoc, or after-the-fact,
analyses only with a strong written justification. Simply adding elements to a
study after delineating the problem statement is not generally considered an
acceptable practice.
After looking for possible incompleteness, the analytical reader determines
whether and to what degree the problem statement fits the problem. This ques-
tion concerns the problem statement’s accuracy. If a researcher gives a name
444 ■ CHAPTER 17

to the variables that does not represent the variables actually studied, then the
problem statement is not an accurate one. Occasionally, researchers name their
independent variable in a way that better represents a possible intervening vari-
able (for example, calling “exercise” by the name “physical fitness” or “choos-
ing to continue a task” by the name “motivation”). This practice diminishes the
accuracy of the problem statement. Sometimes researchers talk about the mod-
erating effect of a variable and then do not apply statistical analysis that tests
for that effect, creating problems with inaccuracy of the problem statement.
Often, the true problem of a study is revealed only in the description
of data analysis techniques and results. These representations list the actual
variables and reveal the relationships actually tested. Tables, in particular, can
reveal a great deal about the problem actually studied.
The criteria for evaluating a research problem itself have already been men-
tioned in Chapter 2, so this discussion will only briefly review them.

3. Does the study’s problem offer sufficient (a) workability, (b) critical
mass, and (c) interest?

Minor considerations to a reader (as opposed to a researcher) are work-

ability, critical mass, and interest value. If the study has been completed, then
it must be a workable one. (Readers may consider the amount of work done in
typical research studies as a guide for their own research choices.) If the study
is in print, then it must have sufficient critical mass. (On occasion, however,
readers may wonder how a journal or thesis committee could have accepted
such a “thin” or “skimpy” project.) If researchers have chosen to complete a
study, then it must interest them as well as others who have chosen to read the
report, although individual readers might assess the study’s degree of general

4. (a) Does the problem studied offer theoretical and practical value? (b)
Does the report establish these criteria?

The two most important criteria for evaluating a problem from the read-
er’s or reviewer’s perspective are its theoretical and practical value. Theoretical
value reflects a study’s contribution to a field’s understanding of a phenom-
enon. It addresses the question: Why did it happen? Then it attempts to answer
this question by articulating a theoretically based intervening variable. If no
one has studied the problem before or others have recommended that someone
study it, these facts do not provide a study with theoretical value. This value
comes from the study’s contribution to efforts to choose between alternative
explanations or to settle on one developed on the basis of prior theoretical
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 4 5

work. References to a theory in the study’s literature review and citations often
indicate that it builds on an established theoretical base. The study’s author
should explicitly demonstrate that base, rather than expecting readers to do
this on their own, to establish the study’s theoretical value. This background
should preferably be laid down in the introductory section of the article.
Practical value reflects the study’s contribution to subsequent practical
applications. Do the results of this study have the potential to change practice?
In an applied field like education, this value may result in potential changes in
the way people teach or study or administer institutions or counsel.
Theoretical and practical value represent the significance of a study,
the justification for undertaking it prior to seeing the results. Therefore,
the author should explicitly establish a study’s anticipated value or signifi-
cance in the introductory section so that the reader need not guess at or
imagine potential benefits. Studies in education and other applied fields
often promise practical value, but considerably fewer aspire to theoretical
value. However, the link between research and theory gives research its
explanatory power. Therefore, theoretical value should not be overlooked.

Literature Review

The literature review represents the bulk of a research report’s introductory

section, although it may run only 12 paragraphs or less, given the overall brev-
ity of journal articles. Analysts refer to two major criteria to evaluate a litera-
ture review: quality and technical accuracy.

5. Does the literature review present a high-quality overview? Does it

achieve adequate (a) clarity, (b) flow, (c) relevance, (d) recency, (e)
empirical focus, and (f) independence?

The quality of a literature review depends primarily on its clarity and flow.
It should lead the reader through relevant prior research by first establishing
the context of the problem, then reviewing studies that bear on the problem,
and ultimately providing a rationale for any hypotheses that the new study
might offer. One way to determine the sequence and flow of the literature
review, indeed of the entire introductory section, is to number its paragraphs
and then, on a separate sheet of paper, write a single summary sentence that
states the essence of each paragraph’s content. If a researcher can adequately
summarize information in this way, the process provides evidence of the clar-
ity of the literature review. Then by reading over these summary sentences in
order, she or he can evaluate the degree to which the literature review presents
a reasonable, logical, and convincing flow.
446 ■ CHAPTER 17

The quality of the literature review also depends on the degree of relevance
of all studies reviewed or cited, that is, how closely their topics are related
to the current study’s problem. “Name dropping” or “padding” by including
irrelevant citations reduces quality rather than enhancing it. Another useful
analysis tries to determine whether a literature review omits any relevant work,
but this determination of omissions is challenging for any reader not intimately
familiar with the field.
Finally, quality also depends on the recency of the work cited. Except for
“classic” studies in the field, a literature review should cite research completed
within 10 years of the study itself. An analyst evaluates the empirical focus of
the work cited in a literature review by determining whether most of it is data-
based as opposed to discursive. Judgments of the independence of the work
cited reflect the common expectation that a substantial portion of the citations
refer to studies by researchers other than the current study’s own author(s).

6. Does the literature review include technically accurate citations and


This evaluation is based on three considerations; (1) that the reference list
includes all articles cited in the text, (2) that the text cites all articles in the ref-
erence list, and (3) that all text citations and references display proper forms
according to some accepted format such as that in the Publication Manual of
the American Psychological Association (APA, 2009). Despite the usual editing,
surprising numbers of errors in these three areas come to the attention of care-
ful readers. These errors may cause difficulties in following up on particular
studies cited in an article’s literature review.


Identifying a study’s variables is an entirely analytic effort rather than an evalu-

ative one, but this process helps the reader considerably to understanding the
subject of a study.

7. What actual variables does the study examine? Identify: (a) indepen-
dent, (b) moderator (if any), (c) dependent, and (d) control variables
(only the most important two or three).

Independent, moderator, and dependent variables should be evident in

the problem statement, although an ex post facto study may apply arbitrary
labels to variables treated as independent and dependent. Most studies refer
to moderator variables as additional independent variables, so the reader must
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 4 7

judge their individual status (secondary to the major independent variable) and
the researcher’s reasons for including them (to see if they mediate or moder-
ate the relationship between the main independent variable and the dependent
Inspection of the method of analysis, tables, and results can often help a
reader to identify variables. The number of variables (or factors) in an analysis
of variance, for example, reveals the number of independent plus moderator
variables, while the numerical value of each factor reveals the number of lev-
els it contains. Thus, a 2 × 3 analysis of variance would include a two-level
independent variable and a three-level moderator variable. Variable names can
often be determined from analysis of variance source tables (when they are
provided) or from tables of means. The number of analyses that a study runs
often provide a clue to the number of dependent variables.
Analysis usually requires information from the method section of a research
report to determine the important control variables. A baseline or pretest score
on the dependent variable is often a study’s most important control variable.
Also, pay particular attention to gender, grade level, socioeconomic status, race
or ethnicity, intelligence or ability, time, and order.
Analysis to identify variables must avoid confusing variables and levels. A
categorical or discrete variable divides conditions or characteristics into levels.
A treatment versus a control condition would be two levels of a single variable
rather than two variables. High expectations versus low expectations would be
two levels of a single variable rather than two variables. Encouraging feedback
versus neutral feedback represent two levels of a single variable, as do good
versus poor readers . In order to vary, a variable must contain at least two
Continuous variables are not divided into levels. They contain numbers of
scores. Most studies include continuous dependent variables, while many (but
not all) include categorical or discrete independent and moderator variables.
A reader must also recognize the distinction between variables a study
measures and those it manipulates, a distinction clarified in the operational
definitions. Dependent variables are never manipulated, while other types can
be either measured or manipulated.

8. (a) What intervening variable might the study be evaluating? (b) Was
it suggested in the research report?

To determine the intervening variable, examine the independent variable

closely and try to imagine what kind of internal process the subjects might
experience as a result of its various levels. For example, a study might compare
encouraging feedback, an experience likely to stimulate the subjects’ internal
448 ■ CHAPTER 17

process of self-confidence, to neutral feedback, an experience unlikely to have

the same effect. (Reports that they did something well should enhance the
confidence of subjects given encouraging feedback and thus their ability to
perform.) Hence, degree of self-confidence would be a plausible, even likely,
intervening variable for that study. Remember, determination of intervening
variables is based on judgment rather than fact, but some judgments fit specific
circumstances better than do others. Moreover, the study’s authors may sug-
gest some possible intervening variables if they speculate on possible reasons
to explain anticipated or observed changes in the dependent variable.


9. (a) Does the introduction offer hypotheses? If so, (b) what are they?
Are they (c) directional, (d) clear, (e) consistent with the problem, and
(f) supported by effective arguments?

Hypotheses serve a useful purpose in justifying a study and giving it direc-

tion. For this reason, analysts hold a study that explicitly states one or more
hypotheses in higher regard than one that requires the reader to “read between
the lines” to figure out what relationships its authors expect. Explicitly stated
hypotheses usually are introduced by the phrase: “It was expected that . . .” or
words to that effect. Analysts and evaluators should look through the intro-
ductory section to locate a hypothesis statement and, if one is found, underline
it. Some research reports offer statements of hypotheses only in the results
sections, but a more appropriate structure introduces them in the introduction
(usually toward or at the end of this section).
Analysis of a study’s hypothesis, if the report offers one, may then determine
whether it is directional, clear, consistent with the problem, and sufficiently sup-
ported by evidence and reasoned arguments. A directional hypothesis specifies
the direction of an expected difference between the experimental and control
groups. (For example, “Treatment A will result in greater achievement than
Treatment B.”) By specifying an anticipated outcome, a directional hypoth-
esis offers infinitely more informative value and utility than either a positive
hypothesis (one that predicts a difference without specifying its direction) or
a null hypothesis (one that accommodates statistical testing by predicting no
difference). The hypothesis statement should, moreover, articulate the study’s
focus clearly enough that readers can easily restate it in their own words. It
should remain consistent with the problem by positing an expected answer to
the problem actually studied. The statement should provide sufficient support
from logic and literature that it represents more than a seeming guess by the
study’s authors (or a conclusion written after examining the study’s results).
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Operational Definitions

Analysis of a research report’s introductory section may benefit by determin-

ing operational definitions of the independent, moderator, dependent, and
important control variables. However, journal articles seldom provide formal
operational definitions, particularly in their introductory sections. Therefore,
even though this discussion of that section considers operational definitions,
readers usually identify them from information given in the method section.

10. What operational definitions did the researcher develop for the vari-
ables listed in answering Question 7?

Analysis of an article should not seek to provide a complete description of

methodology for testing each variable, but to provide a one-sentence statement
of how the researcher operationalized each variable (that is, what she or he did
to manipulate or measure it). This sentence provides a concrete statement of
what the variable “means.” For example, encouragement or encouraging feed-
back means feedback that tells students what tasks they performed well, while
neutral feedback simply tells them how many tasks they completed. A research
report should give information necessary for constructing an operational defi-
nition for the variables studied.

11. (a) What type of operational definition was used for each variable?
(b) Was each definition sufficiently exclusive to the corresponding

Another useful analytical step tries to classify each operational definition

by type. Did the researcher manipulate the independent variable rather than
measuring it? If so, then the study utilizes an experimental approach. If the
operational definition specifies a dynamic or static independent variable, oper-
ationalized by measurement, then the study follows an ex post facto approach.
A study that employs static independent and dependent variables (that is, all
measures are self-reported), provides no external or behavioral referent, requir-
ing caution in judging the accuracy of its results. Remember that dependent
variables can never be manipulated; manipulation can produce only indepen-
dent variables. Also, moderators are usually dynamic or static variables.
Finally, analysis should evaluate the exclusiveness of each operational
definition. How well does the operational definition fit the related variable as
opposed to some other variable? Could the authors of a study apply the term
encouraging to any feedback praising success, for example, or would a more
exclusive operational definition restrict the term to feedback that explicitly
450 ■ CHAPTER 17

stated in words the specific aspect of the performance that made it an outstand-
ing example? As an operational definition becomes more exclusive, it supports
a stronger conclusion that a researcher studied the intended phenomenon and
not something else.

■ The Method Section

The method section is the middle section of a research article, typically pre-
ceded by the heading “Method.” It describes subjects, subject selection pro-
cesses, methods for manipulating or measuring variables, procedures followed,
and the research design. (This section sometimes describes statistical tests, but
we will defer the discussion of evaluating statistical procedures until the next
section.) Rather than analyzing and evaluating each of the topics described in
this section, a more meaningful analysis and evaluation would judge methodol-
ogy in terms of its adequacy for controlling any sources of bias that threaten
internal validity (certainty) and external validity (generality). Hence, the sub-
sequent presentation will be organized along these lines.

Manipulation and Control

Remember that a study can either manipulate or measure its variables. Con-
sider, first, the issue of variable manipulation. Researchers manipulate variables
for two purposes: (1) to control extraneous variables (influences called control
variables in this book) in order to maximize certainty and generality, or (2) to
create independent variables that represent the results of a manipulation. An
evaluation of the first purpose for manipulation follows the model defined in
the four windows shown in Table 7.3. The first two questions asked in analyz-
ing this aspect of a study deal with certainty.

12. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent
possible bias to certainty introduced by the participants it employed,
and (b) did these precautions completely and adequately control for
those effects?

This question corresponds to the first window of Table 7.3, Certainty/

Participants. This part of the analysis asks for a description of the procedures
used in the study; evaluation then asks about their adequacy and complete-
ness. One might restate this evaluation question: Did the study control for all
possible sources of participant or subject bias, and were the methods of con-
trol sufficient to prevent a confounding influence on the results from these
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 5 1

Remember the sources of potential participant bias described in Chapter 8:

selection, maturation, experimental mortality, and statistical regression. These
biases are affected by the manner in which subjects are selected and assigned to
conditions and by losses of members from the different groups studied. These
biases are generally controlled by avoiding systematic elimination of a portion
of the sample, by random assignment to conditions, or, for studies that deal
with intact groups, by either establishing pretest equivalence or using subjects
as their own controls.
These techniques work for studies that manipulate their independent
variables, as in the example above with encouraging feedback versus neutral
feedback. Studies that measure their independent variables can control for par-
ticipant bias only through sampling or selection, and with imperfect results
at best. How can a study ensure, for example, that good and poor readers are
otherwise equivalent in physical development, motivation, and other internal
characteristics without the possibility of random assignment to groups, that is,
without arbitrarily deciding who is a good reader and who is a poor reader?
Students cannot be assigned to reading abilities; a study can only sample from
students of given reading abilities. In fact, such a study provides no assurance
even of gender equivalence across reading ability samples. Moreover, if readers
sampled are either the best or the worst in the population, it creates potential
bias due to regression toward the mean.

13. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent
possible bias to certainty introduced by the experiences it presented,
and (b) did these precautions completely and adequately control for
those effects?

This question corresponds to the second or lower-left window of Table 7.3,

Certainty/Experiences. This part of the analysis asks for a description of the
procedures used in the study; evaluation then asks about their adequacy and
completeness. One might restate this evaluation question: Did the study con-
trol all possible sources of experience bias, and were the methods of con-
trol sufficient to prevent a confounding influence on the results from these
Experience bias is often introduced by the order of experiences presented
to subjects, the time periods provided for them, the manners of their presenta-
tion (for example, who presents them), and the conditions under which they
are presented. Experience bias reflects the possibility that some experience
other than the one evaluated in the study may account for the results. Tech-
niques to control experience bias focus primarily on contrasting results for the
experimental group with those of a control or comparison group. In addition, a
452 ■ CHAPTER 17

researcher may try to remove variables, hold them constant, or counterbalance

them across conditions.
A study might, for example, establish a comparison condition (neutral
feedback) as a contrast to the experimental condition (encouraging feedback).
Students in both encouraging and neutral feedback conditions should experi-
ence the same instruction from the same instructor, and all students should
receive some form of written feedback. Such a study ensures adequate control
of possible experience bias by comparing two feedback conditions and provid-
ing the same experiences other than the content of feedback to both groups.
On the other hand, a study lacking a manipulated independent variable could
not ensure that encouraging feedback alone, rather than the way these students
received the feedback, was responsible for observed differences in classroom
The second two questions about the study deal with generality.

14. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent
possible bias to generality introduced by the participants it employed
and, (b) did these precautions completely and adequately control for
those effects?

This question corresponds to the third or upper-right window in Table 7.3,

Generality/Participants. Effects related to participants or subjects can bias or
limit generality when a study draws its sample from a narrow population. The
description of the sample of subjects reflects upon the population of which it
is representative. Most studies use samples of convenience made up of avail-
able participants, thus limiting generality. Many research reports give insuffi-
cient information about samples to accurately determine the populations they
A study that samples college students, juniors and seniors, mostly white,
mostly women, all prospective teachers clearly limits the study’s generality. A
study that tells nothing more than the size of the city and geographical region
from which the sample came also limits a reader’s confidence in the study’s

15. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent
possible bias to generality introduced by the experiences it presented,
and (b) did these precautions completely and adequately control for
those effects?

This question corresponds to the fourth or lower-right window of Table 7.3,

Generality/Experiences. Generality of experiences depends on unobtrusive
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 5 3

operationalizing of variables, data collection, and researcher interactions with

the sample, which give assurance that the same outcome would be likely to
occur in the “real world.” Manipulation-based studies often lack this kind of
generality. Readers must judge this quality after reading the descriptions of the
manipulation in the methods section of a research article. Like generality based
on subjects, lack of information often limits this judgment.
One weakness a study may have in controlling for extraneous effects is
the possibility that subjects may somehow perceive the manipulation of a vari-
able. For example, students in a study of encouraging feedback versus neutral
feedback conditions might “compare notes” and conclude that some arbitrary
condition was influencing the feedback they received. There may be no way to
evaluate this possibility other than to note that it is not supported by the find-
ings of the study.
Readers typically face a more challenging task in evaluating the generality
of a study than in evaluating its certainty based on the information and descrip-
tions that authors provide. Descriptions of methods for manipulating variables
and procedures employed in conducting a study generally cover internal con-
ditions far more extensively than relationships to external ones.

16. (a) Which variables did the study manipulate? (b) How successfully
did the researcher carry out the manipulation?

The final issue under manipulation and control deals with the effectiveness
of manipulations in creating the states or conditions required by the variables
being manipulated. Such a so-called manipulation check is a recommended part
of conducting a research study that employs a manipulation-based variable. In
the study of teacher enthusiasm described near the end of Chapter 7, teach-
ers were trained to display three different levels of enthusiasm. To determine
whether they did, in fact, create the intended levels as instructed, the research-
ers observed and rated the levels of teaching enthusiasm. (Table 7.5 reported
the results.) Data like this help readers to appraise the success of the manipula-
tion. Without any such evidence, readers are left guessing about the manipula-
tion’s success; they can only form critical opinions regarding the absence of
such important information.

Research Design

Identifying the research design implemented in a study helps with the task of
evaluating its certainty, while also clarifying its procedures. This analytical task
resembles that of identifying the different types of variables in a study in that
both help to clarify a study’s subject and how the researcher proceeded with the
454 ■ CHAPTER 17

investigation. Since the research report seldom names the design model imple-
mented in a study, the reader must figure it out from available information.

17. (a) What design did the study employ, and (b) how adequately did it
ensure certainty?

The first clue for identifying the design is whether the independent variable
was manipulated or measured. If the independent variable was manipulated, then
the study employed an experimental design; if the independent variable was mea-
sured, then it implemented an ex post facto design. Assume that the independent
variable was manipulated. Then the next clue is whether or not the researcher
presented a pretest, followed by whether subjects were randomly assigned to
levels of the independent variable, intact groups served as samples, or subjects
served as their own controls. The combination of these determinations differ-
entiates preexperimental, true experimental, and quasi-experimental designs and
their specific variations. A final determination checks for inclusion of moderator
variables, and if so, how many the design accommodated and how many levels
each one contained. This information helps a reader to identify factorial designs.
If the independent variable was measured, then the analytic reader seeks
to distinguish between correlational and criterion-group designs by determin-
ing whether or not this variable was divided into levels. (Only criterion-group
designs divide independent variables into levels.) If a perceptive reader finds
levels, then she or he must search further for moderator variables (a step pre-
sumably completed earlier) to determine whether the criterion-group design
was factorialized.
After determining all of these details, a useful additional step is to attempt
to draw the design, representing its exact particulars using the notation pro-
vided in Chapter 8.
As a way of evaluating a design, a reader can judge the degree to which
it contributes to or detracts from the study’s certainty. Additional speculation
could ask how the design might be improved. Occasionally, adding a pretest or
a moderator variable could provide such an improvement. For example, a study
that treated procrastination tendency as a control variable could have divided
up that variable into two or three levels and used it as a moderator variable. In
other words, the experimental design could have been factorialized. (Chapter 4
discusses considerations affecting the choice of whether to simply control a vari-
able or to study it as a moderator variable.)

Measurement of Variables

After considering manipulated variables, should a study include any, the next
step of the analysis considers measured variables, examining the quality of
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 5 5

that measurement as a way of evaluating instrumentation bias. Measurement

devices to be evaluated include not only tests, but any sort of observation sys-
tem that produces systematic data. The analyst should look for a description
of the procedures used to measure or observe each variable (other than the
manipulated ones) in the method section of the research report. Note that any
one study may incorporate many measured variables. The analyst must find
descriptions of all such measurement procedures. Finding and noting these
descriptions constitutes the analysis portion of the task.
The evaluation portion of the task focuses on two characteristics or quali-
ties of all measurement techniques, validity and reliability, both of which were
described in Chapter 10. After determining the measurement procedure for
each measured variable, check to see whether the authors provided evidence or
information about the technique’s validity and reliability. In other words, try
to answer Questions 18 and 19.

18. For each measurement procedure in the study, (a) what evidence of
validity does the research report provide, and (b) does this informa-
tion indicate adequate validity?

Validity requires a comparison of test results to some independent crite-

rion, such as another test, or actual behavior. Articles often describe the mea-
sures that studies employ without discussing their validity. Without evidence,
a critical reader may have trouble concluding that the tests used actually mea-
sured the variables they were intended to measure.

19. For each measurement procedure (including observation) in the study,

(a) what evidence of reliability does the research report provide, and
(b) does this information indicate adequate reliability?

This characteristic of measuring devices is reflected in their reliability coef-

ficients. Reliability of observations results from agreement between observers.
Reliability of tests results from their internal consistency or consistency over
time. A critical reader should look for these reliability coefficients and then
evaluate their magnitude. Observational reliabilities should be at .75 or above;
test reliabilities should be at .75 or above for achievement tests and .50 or above
for attitude tests.

■ The Results and Discussion Sections

Because evaluations of these sections of a research report must consider fewer

criteria than those of other sections, this chapter will deal with them together.
456 ■ CHAPTER 17

Concerns in these sections will focus on statistical tests, the nature and presen-
tation of results, and functions of discussion.

Statistical Tests

Analysis and evaluation of a study’s statistical techniques focuses on three


20. (a) Which statistics did the study employ, (b) were they the right
choices (or should it have used different ones or additional ones), and
(c) were the procedures and calculations correctly completed?

The first part (a) is the analysis element of Question 20. It simply deter-
mines the statistical tests that the study applied to its data. This information
usually appears in the results section of a research report. For example, a study
may detail the choice of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in both the meth-
ods and results sections.
To answer the second part (b), first refer to the problem statement to see
if it specifies statistical tests to answer the question or questions it poses. If
this statement specifies a moderator variable, for example, then statistical tests
should have analyzed that variable together with the independent variable. As a
further step, look for some typical examples of questionable practices: continu-
ing to perform additional, subordinate statistical tests despite failure by initial,
superordinate ones to yield significant results; using parametric tests without
evidence of normally distributed data or with categorical data; not including
both levels of a moderator variable in the same analysis.
Check to see whether data bearing on all of the problems posed were actu-
ally subjected to statistical analysis in order to provide adequate answers. See
whether statistical tests actually completed the comparisons specified in the
problem statement. A researcher may, for example, test whether differences
in the independent variable affect the dependent variable but fail to follow up
this analysis by making direct comparisons between levels of the independent
The question of whether the study correctly carried out its statistical
tests (part c) requires a difficult judgment; often a reader cannot answer this
question from available information. A definitive answer requires sufficient
tables to allow confirmation of various aspects of the statistical approach.
This evaluative judgment also requires a reasonably strong background
in statistics. When a study provides analysis of variance source tables, for
example, check the entries to confirm that sources have not been overlooked
(that is, determine that the variance has been correctly partitioned), and that
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 5 7

mistakes have not been made in computing degrees of freedom and sums of

Nature and Presentation of Results

A critical reader must answer a number of questions about the results of a study.

21. (a) What findings did the study produce, and (b) do they fit the prob-
lem statement?

Answering Question 21(a) requires both analysis and evaluation. First,

the findings must be found and summarized, an analytical task. The research
report must state them clearly enough to tell the reader what the study deter-
mined. Hence, the reader must evaluate its clarity of presentation. A study is
not very useful if its readers cannot tell what the researchers found.
The question about the fit between the results and the problem statement
(part b) was asked earlier as a way of evaluating the accuracy and completeness
of the problem statement. It can be turned around and repeated as a way of
evaluating the results.

22. Did the research report adequately support the study’s findings with
text, tables, and figures?

Readers find explicit numbers to be very helpful elements of research

reports, and these numbers are far easier to follow when they appear in tables
or figures than when they are only quoted in text. Tables and figures also pro-
vide clues to help readers answer many other questions posed earlier in this
process (such as the names and types of variables). An adequate presentation of
findings usually requires tables, and figures can give helpful support, as well.
In many studies, readers particularly appreciate tables of means and standard
deviations, so they can see the basis for differences. Inferential statistics, par-
ticularly analysis of variance and covariance, are easiest to understand and
interpret when a report provides source tables. At a minimum, means tables
and source tables should appear, and both should give complete information.
Other kinds of statistical results, as well, are most easily understood when a
report presents various types of summary tables.

23. How significant and important were the study’s findings?

This is the key question. Did the research discover anything of substance?
Did it reveal any significant differences? To find nothing is to prove nothing.
458 ■ CHAPTER 17

The quality of the methodology becomes relatively unimportant if the report

cannot present significant results. To check significance, review the text and
tables to find whether they report differences that equal or exceed the preset
alpha level, usually .05. If any are reported, check to see if they represent the
major question that the study investigated or some subsidiary question, per-
haps even one posed after discovering that results did not match expectations.
Authors sometimes change directions after the fact when tests of their original
hypotheses yield insubstantial results. Such post hoc procedures and results
call for close evaluation.
Beyond the question of significance of a study’s findings is the question
of their importance. In studies with large sample sizes, even seemingly trivial
differences can achieve statistical significance. A second test of a study’s results
utilizes a measure called effect size. Effect size is represented by the ratio of
the size of a difference between the means of two distributions to their aver-
aged standard deviations (or the larger of the two). According to Cohen (1992),
mean differences that amount to 80 percent of the average of the relevant stan-
dard deviations qualify as large differences, those that amount to 50 percent
are moderate differences, and those that amount to 20 percent are small differ-
ences. Others have suggested that a ratio of two-thirds (67 percent) indicates
an important difference. In other words, the difference in the relative effects of
two procedures must be at least two-thirds as large as the average of the vari-
ability within each one before an evaluation can conclude that they really pro-
duced different impacts. Authors seldom report effect sizes: The reader must
approximate them, and the research report must give information necessary for
this purpose.

Functions of the Discussion

The discussion section of a research report performs three major functions: to

draw conclusions, to interpret the study’s results, and to present implications
of the results. These considerations combine in two relevant questions.

24. Did the discussion section of the research report draw conclusions,
and were they consistent with the study’s results?
25. (a) Did the discussion section offer reasonable interpretations of why
results did and did not match expectations, and (b) did it suggest rea-
sonable implications about what readers should do with the results?

Chapter 13 provided a number of examples of conclusions, interpretations,

and implications. A critical reader should look for all three functions in the dis-
cussion section of an article, noting their presence or absence. For a report that
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provides this discussion, each should be evaluated. Evaluation of conclusions

looks for consistency with the study’s findings. Occasionally, authors draw
conclusions that lack support in their findings. Evaluation of a researcher’s
interpretations looks for reasonable elaborations. Readers must judge whether
an interpretation offered in a research report is likely to apply. An author may
say that an uncontrolled variable would not likely have affected the results and
then offer some reason in support of this statement. The reader may judge that
the reason is not sufficient, however, and that the uncontrolled variable may
indeed have influenced the study’s outcome. Evaluation of a researcher’s impli-
cations also focuses on reasonableness. An author may assert that a technique
to teach reading will work in the public schools, but the reader may feel that
the study’s methodology has not achieved sufficient generality to justify the
author’s implication.

■ A Sample Research Report: Analysis and Critique

Read the study reprinted in this section (Tuckman 1992b). The remainder of
this chapter will analyze and critique this study as an example.

The Effect of Student Planning and
Self-Competence on Self-Motivated Performance

Bruce W. Tuckman
Florida State University

This study evaluated the self-regulated performance of 130 collegiate

teacher education majors assigned to either the condition of being
given forms to plan their performance on a specific task or to the
condition of being given no planning forms. The task enabled stu-
dents to earn various exam grade point bonuses for writing test items
related to weekly reading assignments in a required educational psy-
chology course. Students were divided into high and medium + low
perceived self-competence groups based on their self-rated capabil-
ity for writing test items before the task began. Planning form users
earned significantly more grade bonuses than did students not given
the form, but this finding was true only for students of medium +
low perceived self-competence. Planning appeared to provide those
unsure of their own capability with the strategy necessary to perform
well on the task.
460 ■ CHAPTER 17

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of planning on stu-
dent motivation—in this case, the amount of effort put forth by college
students on a voluntary, course-related task. A second purpose was to
determine whether planning effects varied for students whose beliefs in
their own level of initial competence at the task varied from high to low.
Student motivation becomes an increasingly important influence on
teaching and learning outcomes as students progress through the grades.
As students get older, school requires them to exercise far greater control
over their own learning and performance if they are to succeed. Tuckman
and Sexton (1990) labeled the amount or level of performance self-regu-
lated performance and used it as an indication of motivation. In contrast to
quality of performance, which depends on ability, quantity of performance
can be assumed to represent the amount of effort students are willing to
apply to their assignments and school responsibilities. Because students
are not able to modify their ability levels in the short term, effort becomes
the prime causal attribute to modify if school outcomes are to be success-
ful (Weiner, 1980).
Self-regulated performance is posited to be different from self-regu-
lated learning, the latter being comprised of both competence and choice,
whereas the former primarily reflects choice. McCombs and Marzano
(1990) define self-regulated learning as a combination of will—a state of
motivation based on “an internal self-generated desire resulting in an inten-
tional choice,” which is primary in initiating self-regulation—and skill—“an
acquired cognitive or metacognitive competency” (p. 52). Self-regulated
performance is viewed as the result of a state of motivation that is based
considerably more on will than on skill (Tuckman & Sexton, 1990).
Self-regulated performance is largely a function of students’ self-beliefs
in their competence to perform (Bandura, 1986). However, it is affected
by external forces such as informational feedback and working in groups,
both of which tend to enhance self-regulated performance but primarily
among persons who believe themselves to be average in self-competence
(Tuckman & Sexton, 1989). Goal setting tends to motivate those low in
perceived self-competence (Tuckman, 1990), whereas encouragement
influences students at all self-competency levels to perform (Tuckman &
Sexton, 1991).
An important variable that would seem to affect self-regulated per-
formance is planning, yet little attention has been paid to it in research on
student motivation. The focus instead has been on goal setting, which is
only one aspect of planning. Other features of planning for goal-directed
performance include (a) where and how performing will be done, (b) the
reasons for performing, (c) the manner of dealing with potential obstacles
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 6 1

and unexpected events, and (d) the specification of incentives, if any, that
one will provide oneself for goal attainment (Tuckman, 1991a).
Some studies of goal setting have included some of the above features
(Gaa, 1979; Locke, Shaw, Saari, & Latham, 1981; Mento, Steel, & Karren, 1987;
Schunk, 1990; Tuckman, 1990), but not systematically, and have found pos-
itive effects on self-regulated performance. There have been, however, no
findings about the combined effect of all of the above aspects of planning
on motivation. There has also been no research on whether planning is dif-
ferentially effective for students varying in perceived ability.
Because research has shown a positive effect of goal setting on per-
formance, planning, which incorporates goal setting, was expected to
enhance the amount of performance of students in this experiment. This
enhancement effect was expected primarily for students whose percep-
tions of their own competence to perform the task was low to average.
This prediction is based on prior findings that external influences minimally
affect students who perceive themselves to be high in competence (Tuck-
man, 1991a).

Subjects were 130 junior and senior teacher education majors in a large
state university. The majority were women, and the mean age was 21 years.
All were enrolled in one of four sections of a required course in educational
psychology, which covered the topics of test construction and learning
theory. All sections were taught by the same instructor.
The course included a procedure for allowing students to earn extra
credit toward their final grade. The procedure was called the Voluntary
Homework System or VHS (Tuckman & Sexton, 1989, 1990), and it served
as the performance task for this study. Subjects were given the opportunity
to write test items on work covered in that week’s instruction. Completion
items were worth 1 point each; multiple-choice items, 2 points each; and
multiple-choice comprehension items, 3 points each. Point values reflected
the effort required to produce each type of item. Submitted items were
loosely screened for quality and returned for corrections where necessary.
VHS extended over the first 4 weeks of a 15-week course, and the
points earned each week were cumulative. Subjects who earned 350
points or more received a full-grade bonus for the first third of the course
(e.g., a B became an A); subjects who earned between 225 and 349 points
received a two-thirds grade bonus (e.g., a B became an A-); subjects who
earned between 112 and 224 points received a one-third grade bonus (e.g.,
a B became a B+); and subjects who earned fewer than 112 points earned
no bonus (nor were they penalized). Bonus received, a reflection of the
462 ■ CHAPTER 17

amount of self-regulated performance, served as the dependent variable

in this study.
Students in two of the sections, chosen at random, were given a form
called the VHS Weekly Performance Plan (see Appendix) at the begin-
ning of each week and were asked to complete it. They were also asked to
return all four forms at the end of the 4 weeks. The form provided planning
instructions by giving places for students to indicate the number of items
they planned to write each day along with the daily time, location, and self-
reward for item writing that day. The form also asked students to identify
their reason for item writing, the obstacles they might encounter, how they
would overcome them, their bonus goal, their self-assessment of progress
toward that goal, any changes in procedure from their last plan, and to
whom and why they assigned the responsibility for item writing. Students
in the remaining two sections were not given the form to complete. Using
the planning form versus not given the planning form, therefore, was the
independent variable in this study.
Students were asked to complete a VHS form at the start of the course
before attempting to write any items. On this form, they used 9-point
scales to judge (a) their own capability or competence to write test items
and (b) their certainty in this judgment. The product of judged capability
times certainty was used as a measure of perceived self-competence. This
computational procedure was recommended by Bandura (1977) based on
his view of self-efficacy as a combination of judgments of its level and
Scores on the perceived self-competence scale were used to rank sub-
jects into high, medium, and low groups. Medium and low groups were sub-
sequently combined because the limited sample size made the use of three
levels impractical. This combining of groups is supported by prior research
that showed that the performance of high self-competence subjects was
largely unaffected by external conditions, whereas the performance of
medium and low self-competence subjects was similarly enhanced by
external facilitation (Tuckman, 1990; Tuckman & Sexton, 1989).
Subjects also used the VHS form to rate the importance to them of
earning a bonus. They also completed the Tuckman Procrastination Scale
(Tuckman, 1991b) and the Advanced Vocabulary Test II (French, 1963) at the
start of the course. The former has been shown to be a valid and reliable
measure of the tendency to delay starting or completing a task, and the
latter has been linked to mental ability. Both have been shown to measure
variables that affect self-regulated performance (Tuckman & Sexton, 1991)
and hence were used to provide measures that could be used to test the
initial equivalence of the classes.
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 6 3

The initial equivalence of the four classes was determined by comparing
them on self-competence level, outcome importance, procrastination ten-
dency, and advanced vocabulary. None of the differences approached sig-
nificance (F = 0.34, 1.00, 0.17, 0.33; df = 3/129, respectively), leading to the
conclusion that the classes were equivalent. Hence, the design of the study
can be regarded as quasi-experimental with adequate control for potential
selection bias.
Eighteen subjects from the two sections that were given the planning
forms either failed to return them at the end of the 4 weeks or returned
them with little or nothing written on them. Their reasons for not doing the
planning, when asked, ranged from “no time” to “not necessary.” Therefore,
they were not included in the data analysis for the planning form group.
They were compared on perceived self-competence and on all of the control
variables with subjects who used the planning form and with subjects who
were not given forms; they were found not to differ significantly from either.
None of these 18 subjects earned double or triple performance bonuses.
Of the 54 subjects who used the planning form, 27 (50%) earned either
double or triple performance bonuses, compared with 16 (27.5%) of the 58
subjects not given the planning form. This comparison yielded a chi-square
value of 5.03 (df = 1, p < .05).
The effects of planning forms for subjects at two levels of perceived
self-competence (high and medium + low) were compared. Slightly more
than one-third of the high self-competence subjects in the planning form
group and the no planning form group earned double and triple bonuses.
Among the medium + low self-competence subjects, 21 of 37 subjects
(57%) in the group that used the planning form received double or triple
bonuses, compared with 9 of 38 subjects (24%) who did not use planning
forms. This comparison yielded a chi-square value of 7.24 (df = 1, p < .01).

It can be concluded from the results of this study that using the planning
form had a strong positive effect on the self-regulated performance of
students to perform, particularly among students who believed that their
own performance capability was low to average. In fact, the use of the
planning form resulted in a greater percentage of students of medium and
low self-competence obtaining item-writing bonuses than students high in
Even when the planning form was used, it was surprising to see stu-
dents with low and medium perceived item-writing self-competence
464 ■ CHAPTER 17

writing more items than students whose perceived self-competence was

high. Some insight into this finding is provided by examining self-compe-
tence judgments for exam performance. At the outset of the study, stu-
dents were asked to judge the level of their anticipated exam grade and
the certainty with which this judgment was made. Because the reward for
item writing was a bonus to be added to the exam grade, the value of this
reward would be contingent on whether or not students felt they would
need it. Two-thirds of students who judged themselves to be high in item-
writing competence anticipated getting a high exam grade, whereas only
one-quarter of students who judged themselves to be low or medium in
item-writing competence anticipated getting a high exam grade. Hence,
the poorer self-judged item writers could be expected to have a greater
interest in writing items than those who judged their item-writing compe-
tence to be high.
The observed effects of planning forms are remarkably consistent with
past findings on the effects of other external variables on students at the
different self-competence levels. Students who view themselves as com-
petent seem least affected by performance conditions (Tuckman, 1991a).
They appear to be “internally programmed” to regulate their own perfor-
mance and do so under a variety of conditions (Bandura, 1986). It is pos-
sible that many of these highly self-competent students planned out their
own task performance, regardless of whether a form was provided for this
purpose. By contrast, students of medium and low perceived self-compe-
tence required a formal, external process to plan their performance.
The findings also can be explained in terms of various theories of
human agency in the self-regulation process. Bandura (1989) argued that
the belief in one’s capability to perform is key to the initiation of self-reg-
ulated performance and that motivation can be enhanced through the
exercise of forethought and self-regulating activities such as goal setting.
McCombs and Marzano (1990) offered the self-system as the basis for a
real-time processing framework in which self-goals, self-beliefs, and self-
evaluations mediate between the self and the external world. They argue
that students need to be taught metacognitive and affective strategies to
activate and use this framework. In this study, students of high perceived
self-competence seemed able to activate their own self-systems for pur-
poses of self-regulation, whereas students of low and medium perceived
self-competence clearly required the strategic elements provided by the
planning form. It would appear that being helped to systematically plan for
subsequent performance can overcome a student’s limitations in motiva-
tion to perform based on a lack of self-competence.
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 6 5

Appendix: VHS Weekly Performance Plan

Name Date Class: M T W Th
No. of items Time of day Place I Reward for
I will write I will write will write writing
I am writing items because

To do so I will have to

I will be able to follow my plan


I will make it easier for myself to write by

My final bonus goal, as of today, is: triple double single none

So far, relative to my final goal, I am doing
What I have changed from my last plan is

The responsibility for writing items is
466 ■ CHAPTER 17

There are some methodological issues to consider in evaluating the

results of this study. To what extent was the enhancing effect of the plan-
ning form created by its goal-setting function and to what extent by other
planning functions? It is hard to do planning without goal setting (although
the reverse can be done) so that planning can be regarded as a strategy
that subsumes goal setting. Prior work on goal setting (Tuckman, 1990)
has shown that it affects students low in self-competence substantially
more than average students. The addition of planning to goal setting may
have been the critical element in this study that extended its effect to the
average group.
There is also the question of the students who failed to use the plan-
ning form despite the fact that it was provided. Regarding the initial level
of motivation of these students, comparisons of their procrastination
tendency, judged importance of getting the bonus, and perceived self-
competence with students who used the form suggest that they were not
initially different. Yet none of these nonusers put forth the effort to earn
large bonuses, whereas half of the form users did. As in past studies (cf.
Tuckman & Sexton, 1991), it appears that a small percentage of students
resist external efforts to facilitate their self-regulated performance.
Finally, there is the question of the degree to which students’ ability
to write items may affect the amount of effort required. More skilled item
writers may be able to write items that are worth more points than less
skilled item writers with the same amount of effort. Although the groups
were shown to be initially equivalent on a measure of verbal ability, this
may not necessarily equate to item-writing ability. In future research, it
may be useful to have students indicate on the planning form the type of
items they intend to write, since comprehension items require more effort
to write than knowledge items. However, the fact that more than three-
quarters of the students wrote exclusively multiple-choice items to mea-
sure knowledge would mitigate against the importance of this factor.
The findings of this study suggest that teachers should provide their
students with formal assistance in planning their self-regulated perfor-
mance, for example, in planning for doing their homework, reading assign-
ments, and other studying tasks. This assistance is likely to be most helpful
for students who doubt their own competence to perform.

Author’s Note
This study was reported on at the annual meeting of the American Educa-
tional Research Association, Chicago, IL, 1991.
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 6 7

Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavior change. Psycho-
logical Review, 84, 191–215.
Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Bandura, A. (1989). Human agency in social cognitive theory. American Psychologist, 44,
French, E. P. F. (1963). Test kit of cognitive factors. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing
Gaa, J. P. (1979). The effect of individual goal-setting conferences on academic achieve-
ment and modification of locus of control orientation. Psychology in the Schools, 16,
Locke, E. A., Shaw, K. N., Saari, L. M., & Latham, G. P. (1981). Goal setting and task perfor-
mance: 1969–1980. Psychological Bulletin, 90, 125–152.
McCombs, B. L., & Marzano, R. J. (1990). Putting the self in self-regulated learning: The
self as agent in integrating will and skill. Educational Psychologist, 25, 51–69.
Mento, A. J., Steel, R. P., & Karren, R. J. (1987). A meta-analytic study of the effects of
goal-setting on task performance: 1966–1984. Organizational Behavior and Human
Decision Processes, 39, 52–83.
Schunk, D. H. (1990). Goal setting and self-efficacy during self-regulated learning. Edu-
cational Psychologist, 25, 71–86.
Tuckman, B. W. (1990). Group versus goal-setting effects on the self-regulated perfor-
mance of students differing in self-efficacy. Journal of Experimental Education, 58,
Tuckman, B. W. (1991a). Motivating college students: A model based on empirical evi-
dence. Innovative Higher Education, 15, 167–176.
Tuckman, B. W. (1991b). The development and concurrent validity of the Procrastination
Scale. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 51, 473–480.
Tuckman, B. W., & Sexton, T. L. (1989). The effects of relative feedback and self-efficacy
in overcoming procrastination on an academic task. Paper presented at the meeting
of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.
Tuckman, B. W., & Sexton, T. L. (1990). The relation between self-beliefs and self-regu-
lated performance. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 5, 465–472.
Tuckman, B. W., & Sexton, T. L. (1991). The effect of teacher encouragement on stu-
dent self-efficacy and motivation for self-regulated performance. Journal of Social
Behavior and Personality, 6, 137–146.
Weiner, B. (1980). Human motivation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Reprinted from the Journal of Experimental Education, 60, (1992) 119–127, by permission.
468 ■ CHAPTER 17

■ An Example Evaluation

This section presents an analysis and evaluation of the preceding study in order
to illustrate the process. Readers should attempt the process themselves before
reading further, and then check their “answers” against the information in this
section. Each of the 25 questions in Figure 17.1 will be considered in turn.

1. (a) Does the research report articulate a problem statement? If so, (b)
what does it say? (c) Is it a clear statement? (d) Is it introduced prior to the
literature review? Yes, the article gives a clear problem statement in the first

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of planning on stu-
dent motivation—in this case, the amount of effort put forth by college
students on a voluntary, course-related task. A second purpose was to
determine whether planning effects varied for students whose beliefs in
their own level of initial competence at the task varied from high to low.

The study is quite satisfactory on this question.

2. Does the problem statement give a complete and accurate statement of
the problem actually studied, or does it leave out something? Assessing accu-
racy raises some question about the use of the term planning to describe one
level of the independent variable. Can “use of a planning form” and “planning”
be equated? Although researchers commonly label variables in such broad
conceptual terms, often seeming to represent intervening variables rather than
actually manipulated ones, this practice can lead readers to overgeneralize the
An assessment of completeness determines that the problem statement is
a good one, since it reflects both questions of interest, and therefore includes
all variables. It fails, however, to specifically mention the other level of the
independent variable, “not planning” (or more accurately, “not given a form
on which to plan”). This comment may be more than a minor criticism, since
most readers will infer a comparison of “planning” to “not planning,” when in
fact the study compares it to lack of a formal opportunity to plan.
In addition, no single analysis compared performances by students at the
different levels of self-competence; the study conducted separate analyses.
Hence, the study achieved its second purpose only indirectly (i.e., by “eye-
balling” the results).
The study falls somewhat short of satisfactory on this question.
3. Does the study’s problem offer sufficient (a) workability, (b) critical mass,
and (c) interest? The study employs a sufficiently large sample and enough
variables, yet it remains workable due to the researcher’s access to the necessary
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 6 9

number of classes from which to draw subjects. (Without this access, such a
study would be a relatively unworkable project.) The topic studied is also of
considerable current interest. The study is satisfactory on this question.
4. (a) Does the problem studied offer theoretical and practical value? (b)
Does the report establish these criteria? The study promises some theoretical
value, which the article attempts to establish in the fourth paragraph of the dis-
cussion section by relating planning to self-beliefs, self-system, and metacog-
nitive strategies. A better arrangement would have mentioned this theoretical
base in the introduction. The study has obvious practical value, demonstrating
that planning is a highly practical strategy, but no mention of this value appears
until the last paragraph of the discussion section. The study seems to offer sat-
isfactory value, but the report does not clearly establish its importance in the
5. Does the literature review present a high-quality summary? Does it
achieve adequate (a) clarity, (b) flow, (c) relevance, (d) recency, (e) empiri-
cal focus, and (f) independence? Of the introduction’s seven paragraphs, the
middle five constitute the literature review. (Literature is also cited in the dis-
cussion section, but these references do not constitute part of the literature
review.) The first paragraph of the literature review (the second paragraph of
the introduction, the first being the problem statement) attempts to show that
the study focused on motivation, as reflected in self-regulated performance.
The next paragraph distinguishes between self-regulated learning and perfor-
mance, while the following one cites studies relating various external condi-
tions and one internal propensity to self-regulated performance. The next
paragraph introduces and describes planning, the focus of the study, but cites
no reference directly related to it. The final paragraph of the literature review
discusses the impact of goal setting on motivation to perform.
An evaluation detects a striking absence of cited research on planning, a
failure to establish a theoretical base for the study, and a preponderance of
citations of work done by the study’s author. While the literature review is
reasonably clear and flows well, it shows substantial weakness in its omissions.
It must be evaluated as a considerably less than satisfactory element.
6. Does the literature include technically accurate citations and references?
The literature review follows a technically accurate format, except perhaps for
citing and referencing a paper presented at a professional meeting by year as
opposed to year and month (Tuckman & Sexton, 1989, August) as required
by the American Psychological Association (2009) reference format. However,
the procedure used was appropriate at the time the article was published, under
guidelines provided in an earlier edition of the publication manual.
7. (a) Does the introduction offer hypotheses? If so, (b) what are they? Are
they (c) directional, (d) clear, (e) consistent with the problem, and (f) supported
470 ■ CHAPTER 17

by effective arguments? The last paragraph of the introduction states two

directional hypotheses:

. . . planning was expected to enhance the amount of performance of stu-

dents. . . . This enhancement effect was expected primarily for students
whose perceptions of their own competence to perform the task was low
to average.

Paraphrasing the first hypothesis, it expects that students who plan will
outperform those who do not plan. The second hypothesis asserts that stu-
dents low to average in self-competence will gain a greater benefit of planning
than will students high in self-competence. The introduction supports the first
hypothesis with statements that “research has shown a positive effect of goal
setting on performance,” and “planning . . . incorporates goal setting.” It sup-
ports the second hypothesis by noting “prior findings that external influences
minimally affect students who perceive themselves to be high in competence”;
planning is one such external influence.
The study rates as excellent on this question.
8. What actual variables does the study examine? Identify: (a) independent,
(b) moderator (if any), (c) dependent, and (d) control variables (only the most
important two or three). The independent variable is planning versus no plan-
ning, a manipulated variable with two discrete levels.
The moderator variable is self-competence, a measured variable initially
continuous that is subsequently divided into two levels: high and medium
plus low. Note, however, that the levels changed from the original formulation
(from three to two), and that the levels were not compared in the same analysis,
a requirement for testing a variable’s moderating effect.
The dependent variable is performance, a measured variable, but one that
is cast into discrete categories as the number of bonuses a student earns.
One major control variable is initial self-competence level. (In addition to
serving as a moderator variable, it served as a control variable to establish the
equivalence of the classes.) Other control variables included outcome impor-
tance, procrastination tendency, and mental ability. All are measured, continu-
ous variables.
9. (a) What intervening variable might the study be evaluating? (b) Was it
suggested in the research report? The use of a system or metacognitive strat-
egy, particularly one that might not otherwise have been self-initiated or self-
regulated, is a possible intervening variable. In other words, the planning form
may have caused students to use a strategy they may not have implemented on
their own. This possibility is suggested in the discussion section.
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 7 1

10. What operational definitions did the researcher develop for the variables
listed in answering Question 8?
11. (a) What type of operational definition was used for each variable? (b)
Was each definition sufficiently exclusive to the corresponding variable? Plan-
ning versus no planning was operationally defined as receiving and using a plan-
ning form versus not receiving the form. It was a manipulation-based variable.
Self-competence level was operationally defined as subjects’ judgments of their
own task performance capability times their self-ratings of confidence in those
judgments. It was a static variable. The dependent variable, performance, was
operationally defined dynamically as number of performance bonuses earned
on an item-writing task. Outcome performance and procrastination tendency
were static judgments without explicit operational definitions. Mental ability
was a dynamic measure of vocabulary skill.
In evaluating exclusivity, one might question whether not receiving a plan-
ning form equates to not planning, and whether vocabulary skill equates to
mental ability. However, the use of a manipulation-based independent variable
and dynamic dependent variable gives the study a strong operational base.
12. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent pos-
sible bias to certainty introduced by the subjects it employed, and (b) did these
precautions completely and adequately control for these effects? The study con-
trolled possible subject bias affecting certainty by establishing the equivalence
of the four intact classes on initial self-competence level, outcome importance,
procrastination tendency, and mental ability, all of which were presumably
related to performance on the task, the dependent variable. The best possible
design would have randomly assigned students to planning and no-planning
conditions, but apparently the researcher was not in a position to alter the com-
position of the classes, and both treatment levels could not possibly have been
carried out in the same class. Pretesting students on actual task performance
would have given stronger control than pretesting them on the other control
variables, but the researcher could not have done this, since the planning forms
were given out prior to the introduction of the task. A better procedure would
have started the task 1 week prior to the introduction of the forms in order to
obtain a pretest measure of task performance. Lacking a direct pretest measure
of the dependent variable, the author resorted to establishing initial equiva-
lence on possible performance-related measures, but this precaution does not
ensure equivalence between the groups. The control efforts gave better assur-
ance than doing nothing, however.
A second problem is introduced by the elimination of subjects, creating
possible mortality bias. Data analysis eliminated 18 students from the plan-
ning group, because they did not fill out and return the forms as instructed.
472 ■ CHAPTER 17

To assess possible mortality bias, the researcher determined their reasons for
failing to comply and compared them to the students who did comply on the
four control variables, finding no differences. (See the second paragraph of the
results section and the sixth paragraph of the discussion section.) However,
none of those 18 subjects earned double or triple performance bonuses, while
50 percent of those that complied with instructions did earn such bonuses. In
eliminating those 18 noncompliers, did the researcher introduce a major bias
into the results, because they were motivationally different from the remain-
ing 54 students who actually filled out and returned the forms? Does their
equivalence with the larger group on the four measures ensure that they were
motivationally the same? The study gives no way to answer these questions
with certainty.
A third possible certainty/participant bias is introduced by possible dif-
ferences in the academic capabilities and related grade expectations of the
participating students, particularly as related to the moderator variable, task
self-competence. The motivation for writing test items was to obtain grade
bonuses. Students who expected, based on their past academic performance,
to get high grades would be less motivated to write items than students who
expected lower grades. If self-competence for item writing equated to self-
competence for grades, then the difference in performance of self-competence
groups on the task would relate less to planning than to characteristic motiva-
tion. The author speaks to this issue in the second paragraph of the discussion
section, indicating recognition of a relationship between self-competence for
item writing and self-competence for grades. Because of this link, a critical
reader must seriously question the certainty of the moderating effect being
a function of item-writing self-competence, as opposed to a function of task
Finally, an evaluation must consider the question of students’ actual item-
writing capability (in contrast to their self-judged capability), which the study
did not assess as a control variable. Without random assignment, the researcher
cannot assure equal distribution of this capacity across groups. (The author
raises this question himself in the next-to-last paragraph of the discussion
These criticisms reveal a weakness in the study in its control for threats
to certainty, because it failed to control adequately for participant or subject
13. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent possi-
ble bias to certainty introduced by the experiences it presented, and (b) did these
precautions completely and adequately control for those effects? The researcher
controlled for experience bias as a threat to certainty by including a control
group whose members did not receive the planning form in order to assess the
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 7 3

impact of planning on performance. The combination of a manipulation-based

independent variable with a control group makes a considerable contribution
to certainty. However, “not receiving the planning form” does not necessar-
ily equate to “not planning.” Even without the form, students may have con-
ducted some planning as part of their normal practice. Therefore, the reader
cannot be certain that group differences are based entirely on the planning
form. However, planning by students not given the form would have reduced
the differences between the two conditions, increasing the possibility of a false
negative error rather than a false positive one. Since the study found significant
differences, the reader can effectively conclude that students using the form
were more likely to plan than those not using it. Hence, the possibility of plan-
ning without the form did not adversely affect certainty, and the study can be
deemed quite satisfactory on this question.
14. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent pos-
sible bias to generality introduced by the participants it employed, and (b) did
these precautions completely and adequately control for those effects? “Subjects
were 130 junior and senior teacher education majors in a large state university.
The majority were women, and the mean age was 21 years.” The sample, young
college women preparing to become teachers, is clearly not representative of a
broad population. It is highly selective in terms of age, gender, education, and
career plans. For this reason, the study must be considered very limited in its
generality, at least as regards subjects.
15. In controlling for extraneous effects, (a) how did the study prevent pos-
sible bias to generality introduced by the experiences it presented, and (b) did
these precautions completely and adequately control for those effects? The study
was conducted within the setting of a regular college class and was introduced
as a normal part of that class. In comparison to the typical laboratory experi-
ment or one that pulls students out of classes to help someone carry out some
“experiment,” this study must be considered much less obtrusive, and hence
much higher in generality. Although college courses generally did not involve
the practices that defined the study’s dynamic dependent variable (that is, writ-
ing test items to get grade bonuses), it also constituted a normal part of the
course used in the study. This integration of research manipulations with nor-
mal course expectations also contributes to generality. The only procedure that
may limit the study’s generality was the requirement that subjects return the
planning forms. Any generalization about the potential effectiveness of using
planning forms to enhance performance would have to include some account-
ability procedure, such as this study’s requirement that students return the
completed forms.
With this sole limitation, an evaluation finds satisfactory generality in the
study based on its experiences.
4 74 ■ C H A P T E R 1 7

16. (a) Which variables did the study manipulate? (b) How successfully did
the researcher carry out the manipulation? The study manipulated its inde-
pendent variable, planning versus no planning, by giving a planning form to
one group but not the other. It confirmed that the planning group actually
used the form by collecting returned, completed forms at the conclusion of the
study period. The researcher apparently made a reasonable assumption that
filling out the planning form constituted planning. (This variable was further
operationalized by eliminating data for students who did not return filled-out
forms.) For this level of the independent variable, the manipulation must be
considered a success.
The control group members received no planning forms, but the study
made no attempt to determine whether and to what extent they engaged in
planning without the forms. It might have gained useful insight by surveying
students at the end of the study period to determine the degree to which they
planned their item-writing activity.
17. (a) What design did the study employ, and (b) how adequately did it
ensure certainty? Based on the author’s description, this study followed the
nonequivalent control group design, diagrammed as:

O1 X1 O3
O2 X2 O4

However, since O1 and O2 were not pretest measures in the strict sense of
the term (that is, they measured, not the dependent variable, but other, presum-
ably performance-related variables), then the design can be considered to be an
intact group comparison:

X1 O1
X2 O2

If the reader as evaluator settles on the second design, then he or she attri-
butes low certainty to the study; if the reader accepts the first design as the
correct one, then it achieves adequate certainty. The decision hinges on the
question of threats to certainty imposed by subjects. Clearly, this question
points out a major weakness of the study.
The design ran tests three times: (1) for all students, (2) for students high
in self-competence, and (3) for students medium and low in self-competence.
Since no single analysis compared students at the high versus medium plus low
self-competence levels, the design cannot be considered a factorial one.
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 7 5

18. For each measurement procedure in the study, (a) what evidence of
validity does the research report provide, and (b) does this information indicate
adequate validity? The dynamic dependent variable, level of bonus earned, was
based on performance on the item-writing task. The measure, number of points
earned, translated directly into bonus level based on preset criteria. This mea-
sure must be considered a highly valid indicator of performance, since it varies
directly with behavior and requires relatively little judgment for its assessment.
(The only judgment concerns the acceptability of the written items, which, the
author explains, were “loosely screened for quality and returned for correc-
tions where necessary.”)
Self-competence and outcome importance, both static variables, were mea-
sured by answers to direct questions, ensuring validity as long as students give
reasonably frank and self-aware responses. Procrastination (another static vari-
able) was measured by a scale that the author confirms as valid by quoting
a reference. Mental ability (a dynamic variable) was measured by a vocabu-
lary test to which it has been “linked,” according to the author, citing another
The measures are judged to be valid ones, with possible questions about
aspects of mental ability other than just vocabulary.
19. For each measurement procedure (including observation) in the study,
(a) what evidence of reliability does the research report provide, and (b) does
this information indicate adequate reliability? The research report gives no
specific evidence of the reliability of any measure. However, the dependent
measure of bonus earned is based on an objective measure of points that stu-
dents earned by writing items, so its reliability is not at issue (except perhaps
if judgment influenced item screening). The report characterizes the procras-
tination measure as a reliable measure without giving any specific numbers.
That leaves the measures of self-competence and outcome importance, the first
apparently based on two items, the second on one item, without any mention
of reliability. The article should have provided some indication of reliability for
these two measures.
20. (a) Which statistics did the study employ, (b) were they the right choices
(or should it have used different ones or additional ones), and (c) were the
procedures and calculations correctly completed? Initial class equivalence was
established by four one-way ANOVAs across the four classes, one for each
control variable. The study tested the overall effect of planning versus no plan-
ning by means of a chi-square test, the same test it applied to gauge the effect of
planning versus no planning on subjects low and medium in self-competence.
The researcher completed no statistical comparison among students high in
self- competence, presumably because the same approximate number in plan-
ning and no planning conditions earned double or triple bonuses.
476 ■ CHAPTER 17

The chi-square test requires nominal variables as both independent and

dependent variables. The independent variable was inherently so: planning ver-
sus no planning. The dependent variable was apparently recast into two levels:
(1) double or triple bonus; (2) single bonus or none. The intended moderator
variable was recast into two levels: (1) high and (2) medium plus low. The article
indicates that the measure of self-competence was divided into two rather than
three levels because of limited sample size. Presumably the same reason led the
researcher to combine the four levels of the dependent variable into two, but the
article does not say so. The chi-square test does require a reasonable number of
entries in each cell, so collapsing cells in this way is not an uncommon practice.
Some question remains about whether chi-square analysis was the best way
to test the hypotheses. Since the study measured performance on a continuous
or interval point scale, and the second hypothesis expected results to reveal
a moderating relationship or interaction, a better statistical approach would
have employed two-way analysis of variance. In this way, the study could have
directly tested the hypothesized interaction between planning/no planning and
levels of self-competence on performance (indicating the moderating effect of
student self-competence), rather than evaluating this relationship indirectly, as
it did.
Although the statistical tests applied in the study appeared correctly com-
pleted, the reader must question the choice of the statistics by which it tested
the hypotheses.
21. (a) What findings did the study produce, and (b) do they fit the problem
statement? 22. Did the research report adequately support the study’s findings
with text, tables, and figures? The research report explains the findings: (1)
Overall, 50.0 percent of subjects who used the planning form earned big per-
formance bonuses compared to 27.5 percent of those not given the form. (2)
Among subjects high in self-competence, the same amount (about 33 percent)
in both planning and no-planning groups earned big bonuses. (3) Among sub-
jects middle or low in self-competence, 57 percent of form users earned big
bonuses compared to 24 percent of those not given the form.
These findings fit the problem statement, with two reservations: (1) Did
access to the planning form or lack of access constitute a good indicator of
planning or no planning? (The discussion of Question 2 raised this issue earlier
in the evaluation.) (2) Did the study effectively test student self-competence as
a moderator variable?
The article presented no tables, and none seemed necessary since the find-
ings were well described in the text. It did include a figure—a bar graph that
clearly showed the findings.
23. How significant and important were the study’s findings? The overall
difference between the planning-form condition and the no-form condition
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 7 7

was significant at the .05 level. The difference for medium plus low self-com-
petence students was significant at the .01 level. Two facts suggest that the find-
ings were not only significant but important, as well: Almost twice as many
planning-form students earned big bonuses as those not given the form, and
among subjects medium and low in self-competence, more than twice as many
form users as nonusers earned big bonuses.
24. Did the discussion section of the research report draw conclusions, and
were they consistent with the study’s results? The article presents the research-
er’s conclusions in the first paragraph of the discussion section. This mate-
rial restates the findings more than articulating broad conclusions. The author
restricted his conclusions to the effect of the planning form rather than extend-
ing them to the effect of planning. These conclusions were indeed consistent
with the study’s results, but they might have drawn inferences somewhat
broader than the results.
25. (a) Did the discussion section offer reasonable interpretations of why
results did and did not match expectations, and (b) did it suggest reasonable
implications about what readers should do with the results? Much of the dis-
cussion was devoted to interpretations, with particular emphasis on meth-
odological issues. (This evaluation has already referred to most of the issues,
particularly in answering the questions on control.) All interpretations seemed
to offer quite reasonable suggestions.
Although identified as a “methodological issue” in the fifth paragraph of
the discussion, a substantial and important question arises about the specific
way in which the planning form affected performance. Since use of the form
apparently involved subjects in a number of processes, among which was goal
setting, the article leaves difficult if not impossible questions about the critical
activities that affected performance. Perhaps more interpretation could have
been provided on this point.
Only one clear implication was offered in the discussion section’s last para-
graph. More detailed treatment of that one reasonable implication would have
improved the article.
Despite the potential for improvement, the discussion section seemed ade-
quate for the study’s results.


Evaluation of the study has found the most important weaknesses in two areas:
the accuracy and completeness of the problem statement (based on the con-
fusion between planning and using the planning form), and methods of con-
trolling for participant or subject bias, which might have affected certainty.
Changes in statistical methods might have strengthened the study (although
478 ■ CHAPTER 17

many readers value simplicity). The reader must consider the serious possibil-
ity that the results may have been unduly affected by subject bias.
On the positive side, the study used a manipulation-based independent
variable and a dynamic dependent variable, both contributing to its validity.
It also included a moderator variable, offered hypotheses, and obtained strong
findings. Unfortunately, stronger steps might have more effectively controlled
for potential subject bias.

■ Summary

1. The first step in evaluating a study focuses on its problem statement. A

reader identifies this component, notes its location, tries to rewrite it (to
develop evidence of its clarity), and compares it to the rest of the study to
determine its accuracy and completeness.
2. Evaluation of the problem itself considers its workability, critical mass,
interest, theoretical value, and practical value.
3. The literature review, which occupies most of the introductory section,
is then evaluated for its quality (primarily clarity and flow) and technical
accuracy (agreement between citations and references).
4. Next, the reader looks for hypotheses and determines whether any found
are directional, clear, consistent with the problem, and supported by effec-
tive arguments.
5. The variables studied are noted and labeled as independent, moderator,
dependent, control, and intervening variables.
6. Operational definitions of variables are then identified, classified by type,
and evaluated for their exclusiveness to the variables they define.
7. An important part of the evaluation reviews the methods or techniques
used in the study to control for potential threats to certainty that result
from bias in selection of participants and the experiences presented to
them. A critical reader pays particular attention to judgments about the
adequacy of these control methods and the degree of certainty that they
provide to the study.
8. A similar review evaluates control methods for potential participant and
experience biases affecting the study’s generality.
9. For a study that manipulates any variables, evaluation must assess the
nature and success of that manipulation.
10. Techniques for measuring variables must be evaluated to judge both their
validity and reliability.
11. A reader identifies statistical tests employed in the study and evaluates
their appropriateness and correctness.
A N A LY Z I N G A N D C R I T I Q U I N G A R E S E A R C H S T U DY ■ 4 7 9

12. After determining what findings the study produced, an evaluating reader
compares them to the problem statement, checks for needed tables and
figures, and assesses their significance and importance.
13. Finally, the discussion section of the report must be evaluated for reason-
able conclusions, interpretations, and implications.
14. A study on planning provided a sample for evaluation. Consideration of
this study revealed principal weaknesses related to the accuracy and com-
pleteness of the problem statement and the effectiveness of controls for
potential subject bias affecting certainty.

■ Recommended References
Hittleman, D. R., & Simon, A. J. (1997). Interpreting educational research (2nd ed.).
Columbus, OH: Merrill.
Katzer, J., Cook, J. H., & Crouch, W. W. (1991). Evaluating information: A guide for
users of social science research (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.




TABLE I Random Numbers

22 17 68 65 84 68 95 23 92 35 87 02 22 57 51 61 09 43 95 06 58 24 82 03 47
19 36 37 59 46 13 79 93 37 55 39 77 32 77 09 85 52 05 30 62 47 83 51 62 74
16 77 33 02 77 09 6l 87 25 31 28 06 24 25 93 16 71 13 59 78 23 05 47 47 25
78 43 76 71 61 20 44 90 32 64 97 67 63 99 61 46 38 03 93 22 69 81 21 99 21
03 28 28 26 08 73 37 32 04 05 69 30 16 09 05 88 69 58 28 99 35 07 44 75 47
93 22 53 64 39 07 10 63 76 35 87 03 04 79 88 08 13 13 85 51 55 34 57 72 69
78 76 58 54 74 93 38 70 96 92 53 06 79 79 45 82 63 18 27 44 69 66 92 19 09
23 68 35 26 00 99 53 93 61 28 53 70 05 48 34 56 65 05 61 86 90 92 10 70 80
15 39 25 70 99 93 86 52 77 65 15 33 59 05 28 22 87 26 07 47 86 96 98 29 06
58 71 96 30 34 18 46 33 34 37 85 13 99 24 44 49 18 09 79 49 74 16 32 23 03
57 35 27 33 72 24 53 63 94 09 41 10 76 47 91 44 04 95 49 66 39 60 04 59 81
48 50 86 54 48 22 06 34 73 52 83 21 15 65 20 33 29 94 71 11 15 91 29 12 03
61 96 48 95 03 07 06 34 33 66 98 56 10 56 79 77 21 30 27 12 90 49 22 23 62
36 93 89 41 26 29 70 83 63 51 99 74 20 52 36 87 09 41 15 09 98 60 16 03 03
18 87 00 43 31 57 90 12 02 07 23 47 37 17 31 54 08 01 88 63 39 41 88 92 10
88 56 53 27 59 33 35 72 67 47 77 34 55 45 70 08 18 27 38 90 16 95 86 70 75
09 72 95 84 29 49 41 31 06 70 42 38 06 45 18 64 84 73 31 65 52 53 37 97 15
12 96 88 17 31 65 19 69 02 83 60 75 86 90 68 24 64 19 35 51 56 61 87 39 12
85 94 57 24 16 92 09 84 38 76 22 00 27 69 85 29 81 94 78 70 21 94 47 90 12
38 64 43 59 98 98 77 87 68 07 91 51 67 62 44 40 98 05 93 78 23 32 65 41 18
53 44 09 43 72 00 41 86 79 79 68 47 22 00 20 35 55 31 51 51 00 83 63 22 55
40 76 66 26 84 57 99 99 90 37 36 63 32 08 58 37 40 13 68 97 87 64 81 07 83
02 17 79 18 05 12 59 52 57 02 23 07 90 47 03 28 14 11 30 79 20 69 22 40 98
95 17 82 06 53 31 51 10 96 46 93 06 88 07 77 56 11 50 81 69 40 23 72 51 39
35 76 22 42 93 96 11 83 44 80 34 68 35 48 77 33 42 40 90 60 73 96 53 97 86
26 29 13 56 41 85 47 04 66 08 34 72 57 59 13 82 43 80 46 15 38 26 61 70 04
77 80 20 75 82 73 82 32 99 90 63 95 73 76 63 89 73 44 99 05 48 67 26 43 18
46 40 66 44 52 91 36 74 43 53 30 82 13 54 00 78 45 63 98 35 55 03 36 67 68
37 56 08 18 09 77 53 84 46 47 31 91 18 95 58 24 16 74 11 53 44 10 13 85 57
61 65 61 68 66 37 27 47 39 19 84 83 70 07 48 53 21 40 06 71 95 06 79 88 54

■ 483

TABLE I Continued

93 43 69 64 07 34 18 04 52 35 56 27 09 24 86 61 85 53 83 45 19 90 70 99 00
21 96 60 12 99 11 20 99 45 18 48 13 93 55 34 18 37 79 49 90 65 97 38 20 46
95 20 47 97 97 27 37 83 28 71 00 06 41 41 74 45 89 09 39 84 51 67 11 52 49
97 86 21 78 73 10 65 81 93 59 58 76 17 14 97 04 76 62 16 17 17 95 70 45 80
69 92 06 34 13 59 71 74 17 32 27 55 10 34 19 23 71 82 13 74 63 52 52 01 41
04 31 17 21 56 33 73 99 19 87 26 72 39 27 67 53 77 57 68 93 60 6l 97 33 6l
61 06 98 03 91 87 14 77 43 96 43 00 65 98 50 45 60 33 01 07 98 99 46 50 47
85 93 85 86 88 72 87 08 62 40 l6 06 10 89 20 23 21 34 74 97 76 38 03 29 63
21 74 32 47 45 73 96 07 94 52 09 65 90 77 47 25 76 16 19 33 53 05 70 53 30
15 69 53 83 80 79 96 23 53 10 65 39 07 16 29 45 33 02 43 70 03 87 40 41 45
02 89 08 04 49 20 21 14 68 86 87 63 93 95 17 11 29 01 95 80 35 14 97 35 33
87 18 15 89 79 85 43 01 72 73 08 61 74 51 69 89 74 39 82 15 94 51 33 41 67
98 83 71 94 22 59 97 50 99 52 08 52 85 08 40 87 80 61 65 31 91 51 80 33 44
10 08 58 21 66 72 68 49 29 31 89 85 84 46 06 59 73 19 85 23 65 09 29 75 63
47 90 56 10 08 88 02 84 27 83 42 29 72 23 19 66 56 45 65 79 20 71 53 20 25
22 85 61 68 90 49 64 93 85 44 16 40 12 89 88 50 14 49 81 06 01 82 77 45 12
67 80 43 79 33 12 83 11 41 16 25 58 19 68 70 77 02 54 00 53 53 43 37 15 26
27 62 50 96 72 79 44 61 40 15 14 53 40 65 39 27 31 58 50 28 11 39 03 34 25
33 78 80 87 15 38 30 06 38 31 14 47 47 07 26 54 96 87 53 32 40 36 40 96 76
13 13 92 66 99 47 24 49 57 74 32 25 43 62 17 10 97 11 69 84 99 63 22 32 98
10 27 53 96 23 71 50 54 36 23 54 31 04 82 98 04 14 12 15 09 26 78 25 47 47
28 41 50 61 88 64 85 27 20 18 83 36 36 05 56 39 71 65 09 62 94 76 62 11 89
34 21 42 57 02 59 19 18 97 48 80 30 03 30 98 05 24 67 70 07 84 97 50 87 46
61 81 77 23 23 82 82 11 54 08 53 28 70 58 96 44 07 39 55 43 42 34 43 39 28
61 15 18 13 54 16 86 20 26 88 90 74 80 55 09 14 53 90 51 17 52 01 63 01 59
91 76 21 64 64 44 91 13 32 97 75 31 62 66 54 84 80 32 75 77 56 08 25 70 29
00 97 79 08 06 37 30 28 59 85 53 56 68 53 40 01 74 39 59 73 30 19 99 85 48
36 46 18 34 94 75 20 80 27 77 78 91 69 16 00 08 43 18 73 68 67 69 61 34 25
88 98 99 60 50 65 95 79 42 94 93 62 40 89 96 43 56 47 71 66 46 76 29 67 02
04 37 59 87 21 05 02 03 24 17 47 97 81 56 51 92 34 86 01 82 55 51 33 12 91
63 62 06 34 41 94 21 78 55 09 72 76 45 16 94 29 95 81 83 83 79 88 01 97 30
78 47 23 53 90 34 41 92 45 71 09 23 70 70 07 12 38 92 79 43 14 85 11 47 23
87 68 62 15 43 53 14 36 59 25 54 47 33 70 15 59 24 48 40 35 50 03 42 99 36
47 60 92 10 77 88 59 53 11 52 66 25 69 07 04 48 68 64 71 06 61 65 70 22 12
56 88 87 59 41 65 28 04 67 53 95 79 88 37 31 50 41 06 94 76 81 83 17 16 33
02 57 45 86 67 73 43 07 34 48 44 26 87 93 29 77 09 61 67 84 06 69 44 77 75
31 54 14 13 17 48 62 11 90 60 68 12 93 64 28 46 24 79 16 76 14 60 25 51 01
28 50 16 43 36 28 97 85 58 99 67 22 52 76 23 24 70 36 54 54 59 28 61 71 96
63 29 62 66 50 02 63 45 52 38 67 63 47 54 75 83 24 78 43 20 92 63 13 47 48
45 65 58 26 51 76 96 59 38 72 86 57 45 71 46 44 67 76 14 55 44 88 01 62 12
39 65 36 63 70 77 45 85 50 51 74 13 39 35 22 30 53 36 02 95 49 34 88 73 61
73 71 98 16 04 29 18 94 51 23 76 51 94 84 86 79 93 96 38 63 08 58 25 58 94
72 20 56 20 11 72 65 71 08 86 79 57 95 13 91 97 48 72 66 48 09 71 17 24 89
75 17 26 99 76 89 37 20 70 01 77 31 61 95 46 26 97 05 73 51 53 33 18 72 87
37 48 60 82 29 81 30 15 39 14 48 38 75 93 29 06 87 37 78 48 45 56 00 84 47

TABLE I Continued

68 08 02 80 72 83 71 46 30 49 89 17 95 88 29 02 39 56 03 46 97 74 06 56 17
14 23 98 61 67 70 52 85 01 50 01 84 02 78 43 10 62 98 19 41 18 83 99 47 99
49 08 96 21 44 25 27 99 41 28 07 41 08 34 66 19 42 74 39 91 41 96 53 78 72
78 37 06 08 43 63 61 62 42 29 39 68 95 10 96 09 24 23 00 62 56 12 80 73 16
37 21 34 17 68 68 96 83 23 56 32 84 60 15 31 44 73 67 34 77 91 15 79 74 58
14 29 09 34 04 87 83 07 55 07 76 58 30 83 64 87 29 25 58 84 86 50 60 00 25
58 43 28 06 36 49 52 83 51 14 47 56 91 29 34 05 87 31 06 95 12 45 57 09 09
10 43 67 29 70 80 62 80 03 42 10 80 21 38 84 90 56 35 03 09 43 12 74 49 14
44 38 88 39 54 86 97 37 44 22 00 95 01 31 76 17 16 29 56 63 38 78 94 49 81
90 69 59 19 51 85 39 52 85 13 07 28 37 07 61 11 16 36 27 03 78 86 72 04 95
41 47 10 25 62 97 05 31 03 61 20 26 36 31 62 68 69 86 95 44 84 95 48 46 45
91 94 14 63 19 75 89 11 47 11 31 56 34 19 09 79 57 92 36 59 14 93 87 81 40
80 06 54 18 66 09 18 94 06 19 98 40 07 17 81 22 45 44 84 11 24 62 20 42 31
67 72 77 63 48 84 08 31 55 58 24 33 45 77 58 80 45 67 93 82 75 70 16 08 24
59 40 24 13 27 79 26 88 86 30 01 31 60 10 39 53 58 47 70 93 85 81 56 39 38
05 90 35 89 95 01 61 16 96 94 50 78 13 69 36 37 68 53 37 31 71 26 35 03 71
44 43 80 69 98 46 68 05 14 82 90 78 50 05 62 77 79 13 57 44 59 60 10 39 66
61 81 31 96 82 00 57 25 60 59 46 72 60 18 77 55 66 12 62 11 08 99 55 64 57
42 88 07 10 05 24 98 65 63 21 47 21 61 88 32 27 80 30 21 60 10 92 35 36 12
77 94 30 05 39 28 10 99 00 27 12 73 73 99 12 49 99 57 94 82 96 88 57 17 91
78 83 19 76 16 94 11 68 84 26 23 54 20 86 85 23 86 66 99 07 36 37 34 92 09
87 76 59 61 81 43 63 64 61 61 65 76 36 95 90 18 48 27 45 68 27 23 65 30 72
91 43 05 96 47 55 78 99 95 24 37 55 85 78 78 01 48 41 19 10 35 19 54 07 73
84 97 77 72 73 09 62 06 65 72 87 12 49 03 60 41 15 20 76 27 50 47 02 29 16
87 41 60 76 83 44 88 96 07 80 83 05 83 38 96 73 70 66 81 90 30 56 10 48 59

Source: From Table XXXIII of Fisher (1948).


TABLE II Critical Values of t

Level of Significance for One-Tailed Test

.10 .05 .025 .01 .005 .0005
Level of Significance for Two-Tailed Test
.20 .10 .05 .02 .01 .001
1 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657 636.619
2 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 31.598
3 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.641 5.841 12.941
4 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 8.610
5 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 6.869
6 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5.959
7 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 5.405
8 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355 5.041
9 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250 4.781
10 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 4.587
11 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 4.437
12 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 4.318
13 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012 4.221
14 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977 4.140
15 1.341 1.763 2.131 2.602 2.947 4.073

16 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 4.015

17 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 3.965
18 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.922
19 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.883
20 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.850
21 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 3.819
22 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.792
23 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.767
24 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.746
25 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3.725
26 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.707
27 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.690
28 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763 3.674
29 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.659
30 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.467 2.750 3.646
40 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 3.551
60 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 3.460
120 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617 3.373
∞ 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576 3.291

Source: Abridged from Table III of Fisher (1948).


TABLE III Critical Values of the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient

Level of Significance for One-Tailed Test

.05 .025 .01 .005 .0005
df = N – 2
Level of Significance for Two-Tailed Test
.10 .05 .02 .01 .001
1 .9877 .9969 .9995 .9999 1.0000
2 .9000 .9500 .9800 .9900 .9990
3 .8054 .8783 .9343 .9587 .9912
4 .7293 .8114 .8822 .9172 .9741
5 .6694 .7645 .8329 .8745 .9507
6 .6215 .7067 .7887 .8343 3249
7 .5822 .6664 .7498 .7977 .8982
8 .5494 .6319 .7155 .7646 3721
9 .5214 .6021 .6851 .7348 .8471
10 .4973 .5760 .6581 .7079 .8233
11 .4762 .6529 .6339 .6836 .8010
12 .4676 .5324 .6120 .6614 .7800
13 .4409 .5139 .5923 .6411 .7603
14 .4259 .4973 .5742 .6226 .7420
15 .4124 .4821 .6577 .6055 .7246
16 .4000 .4683 .6425 .5897 .7084
17 .3887 .4555 .5285 .5751 .6932
18 .3783 .4438 .5156 .5614 .6787
19 .3687 .4329 .6034 .5487 .6652
20 .3698 .4227 .4921 .5368 .6624
25 .3233 .3809 .4451 .4869 .5974
30 .2960 .3494 .4093 .4487 .5641
35 .2746 .3246 .3810 .4182 .5189
40 .2573 .3044 .3678 3932 .4896
45 .2428 .2875 .3384 .3721 .4648
50 .2306 .2732 .3218 .3541 .4433
60 .2108 .2500 .2948 .3248 .4078
70 .1964 .2319 .2737 .3017 .3799
80 .1829 .2172 .2565 3830 .3568
90 .1726 .2050 .2422 3673 .3375
100 .1638 .1946 .2301 .2540 .3211

Source: From Table VII of Fisher (1948).

TABLE IV Critical Values of F

n1 degrees of freedom (for greater mean square)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 20 24 30 40 50 75 100 200 500 ∞
1 161 200 216 225 230 234 237 239 241 242 243 244 245 246 248 249 250 251 252 253 253 254 254 254
4,052 4,999 5,403 5,625 5,764 5,859 5,928 5,981 6,022 6,056 6,082 6,106 6,142 6,169 6,208 6,234 6,258 6,286 6,302 6,323 6,334 6,352 6,361 6,366
2 18.51 19.00 19.16 19.25 19.30 19.33 19.36 19.37 19.38 19.39 19.40 19.41 19.42 19.43 19.44 19.45 19.46 19.47 19.47 19.48 19.49 19.49 19.50 19.50
98.49 99.00 99.17 99.25 99.30 99.33 99.34 99.36 99.38 99.40 99.41 99.42 99.63 99.44 99.45 99.46 99.47 99.48 99.48 99.49 99.49 99.49 99.50 99.50
3 10.13 9.55 9.23 9.12 9.01 8.94 8.88 8.84 8.81 8.78 8.76 8.74 8.71 8.69 8.66 8.64 8.62 8.60 8.58 8.57 8.56 8.54 8.54 8.53
34.12 30.82 29.46 28.71 28.24 27.91 27.67 27.49 27.34 27.23 27.13 27.05 26.92 26.83 26.69 26.60 26.50 26.41 26.35 26.27 26.23 26.18 26.14 26.12
4 7.71 6.94 6.59 6.39 6.26 6.16 6.09 6.0 6.00 5.96 5.93 5.91 5.87 5.84 5.80 5.77 5.74 5.71 5.70 5.68 5.66 5.65 5.64 5.63
21.20 18.00 16.69 15.98 15.52 15.21 14.98 14.80 14.66 14.54 14.45 14.37 14.24 14.15 14.02 13.93 13.83 13.74 13.69 13.61 13.57 13.52 13.48 13.46
5 6.61 5.79 5.41 5.19 5.05 4.95 4.88 4.82 4.78 4.74 4.70 4.68 4.64 4.60 4.56 4.53 4.50 4.46 4.44 4.42 4.40 4.38 4.37 4.36
16.26 13.27 12.06 11.39 10.97 10.67 10.45 10.27 10.15 10.05 9.96 9.89 9.77 9.68 9.55 9.47 9.38 9.29 9.24 9.17 9.13 9.07 9.04 9.02
6 5.99 5.14 4.76 4.53 4.39 4.28 4.21 4.15 4.10 4.06 4.08 4.00 3.96 3.92 3.87 3.84 3.81 8.77 3.75 3.72 3.71 3.69 3.68 3.67
13.74 10.92 9.78 9.15 8.75 8.47 8.26 8.10 7.98 7.87 7.79 7.72 7.60 7.52 7.39 7.31 7.23 7.14 7.09 7.02 6.99 6.94 6.90 6.88
7 5.59 4.74 4.35 4.12 3.97 3.87 3.79 3.73 3.68 3.63 3.60 3.57 3.52 3.49 3.44 3.41 3.38 3.34 3.32 3.29 3.28 3.25 3.24 3.23
12.25 9.55 8.45 7.85 7.46 7.19 7.00 6.84 6.71 6.62 6.54 6.47 6.35 6.27 6.15 6.07 5.98 5.90 5.85 5.78 5.75 5.70 5.67 5.65
8 5.32 4.46 4.07 3.84 3.69 3.58 3.50 3.44 3.39 3.34 3.31 3.28 3.23 3.20 3.15 3.12 3.08 3.05 3.03 3.00 2.98 2.96 2.94 2.93
11.26 8.65 7.59 7.01 6.63 6.37 6.19 6.03 5.91 5.82 5.74 5.67 5.56 5.48 5.36 5.28 5.20 5.11 5.06 5.09 4.96 4.91 4.88 4.86
9 5.12 4.26 3.86 3.63 3.48 3.37 3.29 3.23 3.18 3.13 3.10 3.07 3.02 2.98 2.93 2.90 2.86 2.82 2.80 2.77 2.76 2.73 2.72 2.71
11.56 8.02 6.99 6.42 6.06 5.80 5.62 5.47 5.35 5.26 5.18 5.11 5.00 4.92 4.80 4.73 4.64 4.56 4.51 4.45 4.41 4.36 4.33 4.31
10 4.96 4.10 3.71 3.48 3.33 3.22 3.14 3.07 3.02 2.97 2.94 2.91 2.86 2.82 2.77 2.74 2.70 2.67 2.64 2.61 2.59 2.56 2.55 2.54
10.04 7.56 6.55 5.99 5.64 5.39 5.21 5.06 4.95 4.85 4.78 4.71 4.60 4.52 4.41 4.33 4.25 4.17 4.12 4.05 4.01 3.96 3.93 3.91
11 4.84 3.98 3.59 3.36 3.20 3.09 3.01 2.95 2.90 2.86 2.82 2.79 2.74 2.70 2.65 2.61 2.57 2.58 2.50 2.47 2.45 2.42 2.41 2.40
9.65 7.20 6.22 5.67 5.32 5.07 4.88 4.74 4.63 4.54 4.46 4.40 4.29 4.21 4.10 4.02 3.94 3.86 3.86 3.74 3.70 3.66 3.62 3.60
12 4.75 3.88 3.49 3.26 3.11 3.00 2.92 2.85 2.80 2.76 2.72 2.69 2.64 2.60 2.54 2.50 2.46 2.42 2.40 2.36 2.35 2.32 2.31 2.30
9.33 6.93 5.95 5.41 5.06 4.82 4.65 4.50 4.39 4.30 4.30 4.16 4.05 3.98 3.86 3.78 3.70 3.61 3.56 3.49 3.46 3.41 3.38 3.36
13 4.67 3.80 3.41 3.18 3.02 2.92 2.84 2.77 2.72 2.67 2.63 2.60 2.55 2.51 2.46 2.42 2.38 2.34 2.32 2.28 2.26 2.24 2.22 2.21
9.07 6.70 5.74 5.20 4.86 4.62 4.44 4.30 4.19 4.10 4.03 3.96 3.85 3.78 3.67 3.59 3.51 3.42 3.37 3.30 3.27 3.21 3.18 3.16
n1 degrees of freedom (for greater mean square)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 20 24 30 40 50 75 100 200 500 ∞
14 4.60 3.74 3.34 3.11 2.96 2.85 2.77 2.70 2.65 2.60 2.56 2.53 2.48 2.44 2.39 2.35 2.31 2.27 2:24 2.21 2.19 2.16 2.14 2:18
8.86 6.51 5.56 5.03 4.69 4.46 4.28 4.14 4.03 3.94 3.86 3.80 3.70 3.62 3.51 3.43 3.34 3.26 3.21 3.14 3.11 3.06 3.02 3.00
15 4.54 3.68 3.29 3.06 2.90 2.79 2.70 2.64 2.59 2.55 2.51 2.48 2.43 2.39 2.33 2.29 2.25 2.21 2.18 2.15 2.12 2.10 2.08 2:07
8.68 6.36 5.42 4.89 4.56 4.32 4.14 4.00 3.89 3.80 3.73 3.67 3.56 3.48 3.36 3.29 3.20 3.12 3.07 3.00 2.97 2.92 2.89 2.87
16 4.49 3.63 3.24 3.01 2.85 2.74 2.66 2.59 2.54 2.49 2.45 2.42 2.37 2.33 2.28 2.24 2.20 2.16 2.13 2.09 2.07 2.04 2.02 2.01
8.53 6.23 5.29 4.77 4.44 4.20 4.03 3.89 3.78 3.69 3.61 3.55 3.45 3.37 3.25 3.18 3.10 3.01 2.96 2.89 2.86 2.80 2.77 2.75
17 4.45 3.59 3.20 2.96 2.81 2.70 2.62 2.55 2.50 2.45 2.41 2.38 2.83 2.29 2.23 2.19 2.15 2.11 2.08 2.04 2.02 1.99 1.97 1.96
8.40 6.11 5.18 4.67 4.34 4.10 3.93 3.79 3.68 3.59 3.52 3.45 3.35 3.27 3.16 3.08 3.00 2.92 2.86 2.79 2.76 2.70 2.67 2.65
18 4.41 3.55 3.16 2.93 2.77 2.66 2.58 2.51 2.46 2.41 8.87 2.34 2.20 2.25 2.19 2.15 2.11 2.07 2.04 2.00 1.08 1.95 1.98 1.92
8.28 6.01 5.09 4.58 4.25 4.01 3.85 3.71 3.60 3.51 3.44 3.37 3.27 3.19 3.07 3.00 2.91 2.83 2.78 2.71 2.68 2.62 2.59 2.57
19 4.38 3.52 3.13 2.90 2.74 2.63 2.55 2.48 2.43 2.38 2.34 2.31 2.26 2.21 2.15 2.11 2.07 2.02 2.00 1.96 1.94 1.91 1.90 1.88
8.18 5.93 5.01 4.50 4.17 3.94 3.77 3.63 3.52 3.43 3.36 3.30 3.19 3.12 3.00 2.92 2.84 3.76 2.70 2.63 2.60 2.54 2.51 2.49
20 4.35 3.49 3.10 2.87 2.71 2.60 2.52 2.45 2.40 2.35 2.31 2.28 2.23 2.18 2.12 2.08 2.04 1.99 1.96 1.92 1.90 1.87 1.85 1:84
8.10 5.85 4.94 4.43 4.10 3.87 3.71 3.56 3.45 3.37 3.30 3.23 3.13 3.05 2.94 2.86 2.77 2.69 2.63 2.56 2.53 2.47 2.44 2.42
21 4.32 3.47 3.07 2.84 2.68 2.57 2.49 2.42 2.37 2.32 2.28 2.25 2.20 2.15 2.09 2.05 2.00 1.96 1.93 1.89 1.87 1.84 1.82 1.81
8.02 5.78 4.87 4.37 4.04 3.81 3.65 3.51 3.40 3.31 3.24 3.17 3.07 2.99 2.88 2.80 2.72 2.63 2.58 2.51 2.47 2.42 2.33 2.36
22 4.30 3.44 3.05 2.82 2.66 2.66 2.47 2.40 2.35 2.30 2.26 2.23 2.18 2.18 2.07 2.03 1.98 1.93 1.93 1.91 1.87 1.84 1.80 1:78
7.94 5.72 4.82 4.31 3.99 3.76 3.59 3.45 3.35 3.26 3.18 3.18 3.02 2.94 2.83 2.75 2.67 2.58 2.58 2.53 2.46 2.42 2.33 2.31
23 4.28 3.42 3.03 2.80 2.64 2.53 2.45 2.38 2.32 2.28 2.24 2.20 2.14 2.10 2.04 2.00 1.96 1.91 1.88 1.84 1.82 1.70 1.77 1.76
7.88 5.66 4.76 4.26 3.94 3.71 3.54 3.41 3.30 3.21 3.14 8.07 2.97 2.89 2.78 2.70 2.62 2.53 2.48 2.41 2.37 2.32 2.28 2.26
24 4.26 3.40 3.01 2.78 2.62 2.51 2.43 2.36 2.30 2.26 2.22 2.18 2.13 2.09 2.09 1.98 1.94 1.89 1.86 1.82 1.80 1.76 1.74 1.73
7.82 5.61 4.72 4.22 3.90 3.67 3.50 3.36 3.25 3.17 3.09 3.03 3.03 2.85 2.74 2.66 2.58 2.49 2.44 2.36 2.33 2.27 2.23 2.21
25 4.24 3.38 2.99 2.76 2.60 2.49 2.41 2.84 2.28 2.24 2.20 2.16 2.11 2.06 2.00 1.96 1.92 1.87 1.84 1.80 1.77 1.74 1.72 1.71
7.77 5.57 4.68 4.18 3.86 3.63 3.46 3.33 3.31 3.13 3.05 2.99 2.89 2.81 2.79 3.62 2.54 2.45 2.40 2.32 2.29 2.23 2.19 2.17
26 4.22 3.37 2.98 2.74 2.59 2.47 2.39 2.32 2.27 2.22 2.18 2.15 2.10 2.05 1.99 1.95 1.90 1.85 1:82 1.78 1.76 1.72 1.70 1.69
7.72 5.53 4.64 4.14 3.82 3.59 3.42 3.29 3.17 3.09 3.02 2.96 2.86 2.77 2.86 2.58 2.50 2.41 2.36 2.28 2.25 2.19 2.15 2.13
TABLE IV Continued
n1 degrees of freedom (for greater mean square)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 20 24 30 40 50 75 100 200 500 ∞

27 4.21 3.35 2.96 2.73 2.57 2.46 2.37 2.30 2.25 2.20 2.16 2.13 2.08 2.03 1.97 1.93 1.88 1.84 1.80 1.76 1.74 1.71 1.68 1.67
7.68 5.49 4.60 4.11 3.79 3.56 3.39 3.26 3.14 3.06 2.98 2.93 2.83 2.74 2.63 2.55 2.47 2.38 2.33 2.25 2.21 2.16 2.12 2.10
28 4:20 3.34 2.95 2.71 2.56 2.44 2.36 2.29 2.24 2.19 2.15 2.12 2.06 2.02 1.96 1.91 1.87 1.81 1.78 1.75 1.72 1.69 1.67 1.65
7.64 5.45 4.57 4.07 3.76 3.53 3.36 3.23 3.11 3.03 2.95 2.90 2.80 2.71 2.60 2.52 2.44 2.35 2.30 2.22 2.18 2.13 2.09 2.06
29 4.18 3.33 2.93 2.70 2.54 2.43 2.35 2.28 2.22 2.18 2.14 2.10 2.05 2.00 1.94 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.77 1.73 1.71 1.68 1.65 1.64
7.60 5.42 4.54 4.04 3.73 3.50 3.33 3.20 3.08 3.00 2.92 2.87 2.77 2.68 2.57 2.49 2.41 2.32 2.27 2.19 2.15 2.10 2.06 2.03
30 4.17 8.32 2.92 2.69 2.53 2.42 2.34 2.27 2.21 2.16 2.12 2.09 2.04 1.99 1.93 1.89 1.84 1.79 1.76 1.72 1.69 1.66 1.64 1.62
7.56 5.39 4.51 4.02 3.70 3.47 3.30 3.17 3.06 2.98 2.90 2.84 2.74 2.66 2.55 2.47 3.38 2.29 2.24 2.16 2.13 2.07 2.03 2.01
32 4.15 3.30 2.90 2.67 2.51 2.40 2.32 2.25 2.19 2.14 2.10 2.07 2.02 1.97 1.91 1.86 1.82 1.76 1.74 1.69 1.67 1.64 1.61 1.59
7.50 5.34 4.46 3.97 3.66 3.42 3.25 3.12 3.01 2.94 2.86 2.80 2.70 2.62 2.51 2.42 2.34 2.25 2.20 2.12 2.08 2.02 1.98 1.96
34 4.13 3.28 2.88 2.65 2.49 2.38 2.30 2.23 2.17 2.12 2.08 2.05 2.00 1.95 1.89 1.84 1.80 1.74 1.71 1.67 1.64 1.61 1.59 1.57
7.44 5.39 4.42 3.93 3.61 3.38 3.21 3.08 2.97 2.89 2.82 2.76 2.66 2.58 2.47 2.38 2.30 2.21 2.15 2.08 2.04 1.98 1.94 1.91
36 4.11 3.26 2.86 2.63 2.48 2.36 2.28 2.21 2.15 2.10 2.06 2.08 1.98 1.93 1.87 1.82 1.78 1.72 1.69 1.65 1.62 1.59 1:56 1:55
7.39 5.25 4.38 3.89 3.58 3.35 3.18 3.04 2.94 2.86 2.78 2.72 2.62 2.54 2.43 2.35 2.26 2.17 2.12 2.04 2.00 1.94 1.90 1.87
38 4.10 8.25 2.85 2.62 2.46 2.35 2.26 2.19 2.14 2.09 2.05 2.02 1.96 1.92 1.85 1.80 1.76 1.71 1.67 1.63 1.60 1.57 1:54 1.53
7.35 5.21 4.34 3.86 3.54 3.32 3.15 3.02 2.91 2.82 2.75 2.69 2.59 2.51 2.40 2.32 2.22 2.14 2.08 2.00 1.97 1.90 1.86 1.84
40 4.08 3.23 2.84 2.61 2.45 2.34 2.25 2.18 2.12 2.07 2.04 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.84 1.79 1.74 1.69 1.66 1.61 1.59 1.55 1:53 1:51
7.31 5.18 4.31 3.83 3.51 3.29 3.12 2.99 2.88 2.80 2.73 2.66 2.56 2.49 2.37 2.29 2.20 2.11 2.05 1.97 1.94 1.88 1.84 1.81
42 4.07 3.22 2.83 2.59 2.44 2.32 2.24 2.17 2.11 2.06 2.02 1.09 1.94 1.89 1.82 1.78 1.73 1.68 1.64 1.60 1.57 1.54 1.51 1.49
7.27 5.15 4.29 3.80 3.49 3.26 3.10 2.96 2.86 2.77 2.70 2.64 2.54 2.66 2.35 2.26 2.17 2.68 2.02 1.94 1.91 1.85 1.30 1.78
44 4.06 3.21 2.82 2.58 2.43 2.31 2.23 2.16 2.10 2.05 2.01 1.98 1.92 1.88 1.81 1.76 1.72 1.66 1.63 1.58 1.56 1.52 1.50 1.48
7.24 5.12 4.26 3.78 3.46 3.24 3.07 2.94 2.84 2.75 2.68 2.62 2.52 2.44 2.32 2.24 2.15 2.06 2.00 1.92 1.88 1.82 1.78 1.75
46 4.05 8.20 2.81 2.57 2.42 2.30 2.22 2.14 2.09 2.04 2.00 1.97 1.91 1.87 1.80 1.78 1.71 1.65 1.62 1.57 1.54 1.51 1.48 1.46
7.21 5.10 4.24 3.76 3.44 3.22 3.05 2.92 2.82 3.73 2.66 2.60 2.50 2.42 2.30 2.22 2.13 2.04 1.98 1.90 1.86 1.80 1.76 1.72
48 4.04 8.19 2.80 2.56 2.41 2.30 2.21 2.14 2.08 2.03 1.99 1.96 1.90 1.86 1.79 1.74 1.70 1.64 1.61 1.56 1.53 1.50 1.47 1.45
7.19 5.08 4.22 3.74 3.42 3.20 3.04 2.90 2.80 2.71 2.64 2.58 2.48 2.40 2.28 2.20 2.11 2.02 1.96 1.88 1.84 1.78 1.73 1.70
n1 degrees of freedom (for greater mean square)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 20 24 30 40 50 75 100 200 500 ∞
50 4.03 3.18 2.79 2.56 2.40 2.29 2.20 2.13 2.07 2.02 1.98 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.78 1.74 1.69 1.68 1.60 1.55 1.52 1.48 1.46 1.44
7.17 5.06 4.20 3.72 3.41 3.18 3.02 2.88 2.78 2.70 2.62 2.56 2.46 2.39 2.26 2.18 2.10 2.00 1.94 1.86 1.82 1.76 1.71 1.68
55 4.02 3.17 2.79 2.54 2.38 2.27 2.18 2.11 2.05 2.00 1.97 1.93 1.88 1.83 1.76 1.72 1.67 1.61 1.58 1.52 1.50 1.46 1.43 1.41
7.12 5.01 4.16 3.68 3.37 3.15 2.98 2.85 2.75 2.66 2.59 2.53 2.53 2.35 2.23 2.15 2.06 1.96 1.90 1.82 1.78 1.71 1.66 1.64
60 4.00 8.15 2.76 2.52 2.37 2.25 2.17 2.10 2.04 1.99 1.95 1.92 1.86 1.81 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.59 1.56 1.50 1.48 1.44 1.41 1.39
7.68 4.98 4.13 3.65 3.34 3.12 2.95 2.82 2.72 2.63 2.56 2.50 2.40 2.22 2.20 2.12 2.03 1.93 1.87 1.79 1.74 1.68 1.63 1.60
65 3.99 3.14 2.75 2.51 2.36 2.24 2.15 2.08 2.02 1.98 1.94 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.73 1.68 1.63 1.57 1.54 1.49 1.46 1.42 1.39 1.37
7.04 4.95 4.10 3.62 3.31 3.09 2.93 2.79 2.70 2.61 2.54 2.47 2.47 2.30 2.18 2.09 2.00 1.90 1.84 1.76 1.71 1.64 1.69 1.56
70 3.93 3.13 2.74 2.50 2.35 2.23 2.14 2.07 2.01 1.97 1.93 1.89 1.84 1.79 1.72 1.67 1.62 1.66 1.53 1.47 1.45 1.40 1.37 1.35
7.01 4.92 4.08 3.60 3.29 3.07 2.91 2.77 2.67 2.59 2.51 2.45 2.35 2.28 2.15 2.07 1.98 1,88 1.82 1.74 1.69 1.62 1.56 1.53
80 3.96 3.11 2.72 2.48 2.33 2.33 2.12 2.05 1.99 1.65 1.91 1.88 1.82 1.77 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.54 1.51 1.45 1.42 1.38 1.35 1.32
6.96 4.88 4.04 3.56 3.25 3.04 2.87 2.74 2.64 2.55 2.48 2.41 2.32 2.24 2.11 2.03 1.94 1.84 1.78 1.70 1.65 1.57 1.52 1.49
100 3.94 3.09 2.70 2.46 2.30 2.19 2.10 2.08 1.97 1.92 1.88 1.85 1.79 1.75 1.68 1.63 1.57 1.51 1.48 1.42 1.39 1.34 1.30 1.28
6.90 4.82 3.98 3.51 3.20 2.99 2.82 2.69 2.59 2.51 2.43 3.36 2.26 2.19 2.06 1.98 1.89 1.79 1.73 1.64 1.59 1.51 1.46 1.43
125 3.92 3.07 2.68 2.44 2.29 2.17 2.08 2.01 1.95 1.90 1.86 1.83 1.77 1.72 1.65 1.60 1.55 1.49 1.45 1.39 1.36 1.31 1.27 1.25
6.84 4.78 3.94 3.47 3.17 2.95 2.79 2.65 2.56 2.47 2.40 2.33 2.23 2.15 2.03 1.94 1.85 1.75 1.68 1.59 1.54 1.46 1.40 1.37
150 3.91 3.06 2.67 2.43 2.27 2.16 2.07 2.00 1.94 1.89 1.85 1.82 1.76 1.71 1.64 1.59 1.54 1.47 1.44 1.37 1.34 1.29 125 1.22
6.81 4.75 3.91 3.44 3.14 3.92 2.76 2.62 2.53 2.44 2.37 2.30 2.20 2.12 2.00 1.91 1.83 1.72 1.66 1.56 1.51 1.43 1.37 1.33
200 8.89 8.04 2.65 2.41 2.26 2.14 2.05 1.98 1.92 1.87 1.83 1.80 1.74 1.69 1.62 1.57 1.52 1.45 1.42 1.35 1.32 1.26 1.22 1.19
6.76 4.71 3.88 3.41 3.11 2.90 2.73 2.60 2.50 2.41 2.34 2.28 2.17 2.69 1.97 1.88 1.79 1.69 1.62 1.53 1.48 1.39 1.33 1.28
400 3.86 3.02 2.62 2.39 2.23 2.12 2.03 1.96 1.90 1.85 1.81 1.78 1.72 1.67 1.60 1.54 1.49 1.42 1.38 1.32 1.28 1.22 1.16 1.13
6.70 4.66 3.83 3.36 3.06 2.85 2.69 2.55 2.46 2.37 2.29 2.23 2.12 2.64 1.92 1.84 1.74 1.64 1.57 1.47 1.42 1.32 1.24 1.19
1000 3.85 3.00 2.61 2.38 2.22 2.10 2.02 1.95 1.89 1.84 1.80 1.76 1.70 1.65 1.58 1.53 1.47 1.41 1.36 1.30 1.26 1.19 1.18 1.08
6.66 4.62 3.80 3.34 3.04 2.82 3.66 3.53 3.43 2.34 2.26 2.29 2.09 2.01 1.89 1.81 1.71 1.61 1.54 1.44 1.38 1.28 1.19 1.11
∞ 8.84 2.99 2.60 2.87 2.21 2.09 2.01 1.94 1.88 1.83 1.79 1.75 1.69 1.64 1.57 1.52 1.46 1.40 1.35 1.28 1.24 1.17 1.11 1.00
6.64 4.69 3.78 3.32 3.02 2.80 2.64 2.51 2.41 2.32 2.24 2.18 2.07 1.99 1.87 1.79 1.69 1.52 1.52 1.41 1.36 1.25 1.15 1.00

Source: From Snedecor and Cochran (1967).


TABLE V Critical Values of U in the Mann-Whitney Test

n1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
12 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
3 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8
4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 13
5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20
6 10 11 13 14 16 17 19 21 22 24 25 27
7 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
8 15 17 19 22 24 26 29 31 34 36 38 41
9 17 20 23 26 28 31 34 37 39 42 45 48
10 20 23 26 29 33 36 39 42 45 48 52 65
11 23 26 30 33 37 40 44 47 51 55 58 62
12 26 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69
13 28 33 37 41 45 50 54 59 63 67 72 76
14 31 36 40 45 50 55 59 64 67 74 78 83
15 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 70 75 80 85 90
16 37 42 47 53 59 64 70 75 81 86 92 98
17 39 45 51 57 63 67 75 81 87 93 99 105
18 42 48 55 61 67 74 80 86 93 99 106 112
19 45 52 58 65 72 78 85 92 99 106 113 119
20 48 55 62 69 76 83 90 98 105 112 119 127

Source: Adapted and abridged from Tables 1, 3, 5, and 7 of Auble (1953). For additional Mann-
Whitney U tables for values corresponding to other ns and other α (p) levels, see Siegel (1956).

TABLE VI Critical Values of rs, the Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient

Significance Level (one-tailed test)

.05 .01
4 1.000
5 .900 1.000
6 .829 .943
7 .714 .893
8 .643 .833
9 .600 .783
10 .564 .746
12 .506 .712
14 .456 .645
16 .425 .601
18 .399 .564
20 .377 .534
22 .359 .508
24 .343 .485
26 .329 .465
28 .317 .448
30 .306 .432

Source: Adapted from Olds (1938, 1949).


TABLE VII Critical Values of Chi-Square

Level of Significance for One-Tailed Test

.10 .05 .025 .01 .005 .0005
Level of Significance for Two-Tailed Test
.20 .10 .05 .02 .01 .001
1 1.64 2.71 3.84 5.41 6.64 10.83
2 3.22 4.60 5.99 7.82 9.21 13.82
3 4.64 6.25 7.82 9.84 11.34 16.27
4 5.99 7.78 9.49 11.67 13.28 18.46
5 7.29 9.24 11.07 13.39 15.09 20.62
6 8.56 10.64 12.59 15.03 16.81 22.46
7 9.80 12.02 14.07 16.62 18.48 24.32
8 11.03 13.36 15.51 18.17 20.09 26.12
9 12.24 14.68 16.92 19.68 21.67 27.88
10 13.44 15.99 18.31 21.16 23.21 29.59
11 14.63 17.28 19.68 22.62 24.72 31.26
12 15.81 18.55 21.03 24.05 26.22 32.91
13 16.98 19.81 22.36 25.47 27.69 34.53
14 18.15 21.06 23.68 26.87 29.14 36.12
15 19.31 22.31 25.00 28.26 30.58 37.70
16 20.46 23.54 26.30 29.63 32.00 39.29
17 21.62 24.77 27.59 31.00 33.41 40.75
18 22.76 25.99 28.87 32.35 34.80 42.31
19 23.90 27.20 30.14 33.69 36.19 43.82
20 25.04 28.41 31.41 35.02 37.57 45.32
21 26.17 29.62 32.67 36.34 38.93 46.80
22 27.30 30.81 33.92 37.66 40.29 48.27
23 28.43 32.01 35.17 38.97 41.64 49.73
24 29.55 33.20 36.42 40.27 42.98 51.18
25 30.68 34.38 37.65 41.57 44.31 52.62
26 31.80 35.56 38.88 42.86 46.64 64.06
27 32.91 36.74 40.11 44.14 46.96 55.48
28 34.03 37.92 41.34 45.42 48.28 56.89
29 35.14 39.09 42.69 46.69 49.59 58.30
30 36.25 40.26 43.77 47.96 50.89 59.70
32 38.47 42.59 46.19 50.49 53.49 62.49
34 40.68 44.90 48.60 53.00 56.06 65.25
36 42.88 47.21 51.00 56.49 58.62 67.99
38 45.08 49.51 53.38 57.97 61.16 70.70
40 47.27 51.81 55.76 60.44 63.69 73.40
44 51.64 56.37 60.48 65.34 68.71 78.75
48 55.99 60.91 66.17 70.20 73.68 84.04
52 60.33 65.42 69.83 75.02 78.62 89.27
56 64.66 69.92 74.47 79.82 83.51 94.46
60 68.97 74.40 79.08 84.58 88.38 99.61

Source: Adapted from Table IV of Fisher (1948).


Worksheets for Performing

Standardized Tests

■ Figure I: t-Test Worksheet

Group 1 2


ΣX =

ΣX2 =


1. Calculation of group variances.


2. Calculation of t-value.


1. = -------------------------

2. = -------------------------

3. (Step 1 × Step 2) =--------------

4. =------------------------
__ __
5. X1 – X2 =-----------------------

■ 495

6. t = = ------------------- df = N1 + N2 – 2 = -------------

7. Look up t-value in Table II, Appendix A.* ρ = --------------

* If t-value in Step 6 exceeds the table value at a specific ρ level, then the null hypothesis (i.e., that
the means are equal) can be rejected at that ρ level

■ Figure II: Correlation Worksheet


Formula Steps Calculations

1. N (Number of pairs)
2. ΣX
3. ΣX2
4. ΣY
5. ΣY2
6. ΣXY
7. NΣX2 – (ΣX)2
8. NΣY2 – (ΣY)2
9. Step 7 × Step 8
11. NΣXY – (ΣX)(ΣY)
12. Step 11 ÷Step 10 = r
13. df = N – 2
14. ρ (from Table III, Appendix B)*

*If r obtained in Step 12 exceeds the r given in Table III, Appendix A for df (Step 13) at a specific
ρ level, then the null hypothesis that the variables are unrelated may be rejected at that ρ level.

■ Figure III: Analysis of Variance (p × q Factorial) Worksheet

(with Unequal ns)

ρ1 ρ2 ρi

q1 ΣX =
(ΣX)2 =

SS* =


A1 = ___________ A2=__________ Ai =_________

( ΣX ) 2
*SS = ΣX 2 − (This and the above terms should be calculated for each cell.)
A1, 2, i = sum of means in columns 1, 2, i, respectively.
B1, i = sum of means in rows 1, i, respectively
G = sum of A’s = sum of B’s = __________
p = number of columns =_______________
q = number of rows = _________________

1. Add together all the SS _____________ = SSw
2. Add together all the ______________
3. pq/Step 2 = ______________ = ñ
4. G2/pq = ___________________
5. Square each Ai and add the squares together = _____________ = ΣA2
6. Step 5/q _______________
7. Square each Bj and add the squares together = _____________
8. Step 7/p_____________
9. Square every X and add the squares together = ____________
= ΣX 2

SSA = Step 3 [Step 6 – Step 4]

SSB = Step 3 [Step 8 – Step 4]
SSAB = Step 3 [Step 9 – Step 6 – Step 8 + Step 4]
MSA = =______________

MSB = = _______________

MSAB = = ______________

MSW = = ___________

FA =

FB = = ___________

FAB = = ___________

From Table IV, Appendix A

dfA = ρ – 1 = ___________
dfW = total of n’s – pq = _____________ ρ = _____________.
dfAB = (p – 1) (q – 1) = ______________
dfw = _____________ ρ =_____________

* If an obtained F value exceeds the value given in Table IV, Appendix A (for the appropriate df’s)
at a specific ρ level, then the null hypothesis that the variables are not related can be rejected at
that ρ level.

■ Figure IV: Worksheet for Mann-Whitney U-Test

Rank all data (both groups combined)

Observation Rank Group* Observation Observation
(in decreasing order) Rank Group Rank Group
1. 13. 25.
2. 14. 26.
3. 15. 27.
4. 16. 28.
5. 17. 29.
6. 18. 30.
7. 19. 31.
8. 20. 32.
9. 21. 33.
10. 22. 34.
11. 23. 35.
12. 24. 36.

*E = experimental group; C = control group.

If two or more scores are tied, assign each the same rank—that being the aver-
age of the ranks for the tied scores.

E score Rank (R1) C score Rank (R2)

Σ R1 =_____________ Σ R2 = ______________
n1 = _______________________ n2 = _____________

U = n1n2 + – R1 = ________________
p = __________________†
U = n 1 n2 + – R2 = _______________

Rule: Use as U whichever of the two computed U values is smaller. Look up this value in the table
of critical values of U (Table V, Appendix A) to determine significance. If the smaller obtained
U value is smaller than the table value at a given p level, then the difference is significant at that
p level.

■ Figure V: Worksheet for a Rank-Order Correlation (rs)

rs = 1 –

Rank for Rank for Difference

Subject Test 1 or Test 2 or Between
or Object Judge 1 Judge 2 Ranks (d) d2

1. Σd2 =_________
2. 6 × Step 1 = _____________
3. N = number of subjects or objects = ___________
4. N 3 – N =____________
5. Step 2 ÷ Step 4 = _____________
6. rs = 1 – Step 5 = ______________
7. p (from Table VI, Appendix A) = __________†

*This technique can be used for any number of subject or objects. For this illustration. N = 12.

If rs exceeds the table value at a given p level, then rs is significant at that p level.

■ Figure VI: Worksheet for a Chi-Square (χ2) Test for Two

Independent Samples (2 × 2 Contingency Table)

A = __________ B = ______________ A + B = ___________

C = __________ D = ______________ C + D = ___________

A + C = ___________ B + D =_________ N = __________

1. (A+B) (C+D) (A+C) (B+D) = _________
2. A × D= _________
3. B × C = _________
4. Step 2 – Step 3 = __________
5. Step 4 – =___________
6. (Step 5) =_____________
7. N × Step 6 = _________
8. Step 7 ÷ Step 1 = χ2 = ____________
df = (number of rows – 1) (number of columns – 1) = (2 – 1) (2 – 1) = 1
p (from Table VII, Appendix A) = ____________

*If the obtained χ2 value exceeds the value given in Table VII, Appendix A, at a given p level, then
the obtained χ2 value can be considered significant at that p level.

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abstracting journals, 41–42, 49 certainty, 6, 8, 60, 125, 140, 144, 177,

abstracts, 49–50, 350 369, 374–375, 441, 450–454, 462–464,
achievement batteries, 216–217 471–477
acquiescence response bias, 264 character and personality tests, 217;
alpha error (or level), 310, 269 nonprojective, 217; projective, 217
alternate form (test) reliability, 207 checklist response mode, 254, 257–258
analysis of covariance, 133, 136, 144, 165, chi-square test, 254, 256–257, 279, 296,
167, 379, 456 200, 301, 309, 334, 352, 354, 463, 475–
analysis of variance, 47, 156, 301–302, 476, 494, 501
334–335, 338, 351, 361, 370, 379, 447, classroom observation techniques, 89,
456 150, 211, 235, 237, 290, 376–378, 385,
anonymity, 14 390, 403, 407–408
applied research, 3–4 classroom research, 29–35, 89, 100, 171,
aptitude batteries, 216, 222 184, 192, 211, 222, 235, 316–319, 325–
attitude measurement, 7, 16, 111, 131, 326, 333–334, 341, 376–378, 390–398,
205, 223–224, 226, 228–229, 244–246, 401, 403
250, 254, 262–266, 300, 332, 373, 379, code study. See qualitative research
382–383, 455 coding, 34–37, 94, 199, 233–238, 244, 248,
attitudes towards school achievement, 69, 251, 254, 256–257, 277, 280–284, 291,
71, 160 294–298, 395, 403, 412–413
autobiography, 403 cohort study, 197–199
comparative method, 181, 195–199, 394
basic research, 3 comparison groups, 10, 303, 366, 375, 382
behavior, learning-related, 27, 32, 35 comprehension, 33, 52, 165, 188, 299,
behavioral objectives, 253, 369, 370–374 322–323, 461, 466
behavioral sampling, 205, 211 conceptualizing, 90–92, 115
beta error, 311 conceptual level, 90–91
blind technique, 124–125, 173, 209 conceptual models. See conceptualizing
conclusions, 3, 5–7, 10–11, 16, 42–43, 52,
categorical response mode, 254 61–64, 106, 125, 128–129, 136, 159,
categorical variable. See discrete variable 206, 232, 268, 289, 293, 321, 340–346,
causality, 194, 198, 200 350, 360, 403, 458–459, 477

■ 509
510 ■ INDEX

concurrent (test) validity, 209, 222 direct-indirect questions, 245

content (test) validity, 33, 210, 218, 221– directional hypothesis, 94, 102, 310
222, 331, 372–373 discrete variable, 447, 470
contingency table, 279, 282, 352, 501 discriminability (of test items), 265–266
continuous variable, 68–69, 191–192, 301, discussion (section), 152, 340–349,
447, 470, 476 458–478
control group, 8, 80, 94, 123–128, dissertation, 38, 49–52, 58–62, 272, 315–
132–137, 140–142, 150–159, 163–169, 319, 335–336, 349–350, 358
173–178, 312–313, 335, 348–350, 366, distractability, 219–221
373–378, 384, 472–474, 499. See also documents, 46–63
nonequivalent control group design, double-blind technique, 125–127, 137, 140
true experimental designs
control variable, 375–383, 136, 154, 167, effect size, 94–99, 311–312, 336–339, 458
260, 268–270, 297, 378, 447, 454, 470, equivalent time-samples design, 160–170
472, 475 ethics, 12–15
conversations, 106, 211, 404 ethnography. See qualitative research
correlated measures, 225, 335 ethnoscience, 393–394
correlated design, 75, 335 evaluation: formative, 334, 365–367,
correlation (Pearson), 16, 69, 75, 172, 373; naturalistic, 376; summative, 17,
181–207, 222, 266, 300, 305–308, 327, 365–367, 373, 376
351, 454, 487 expectancy effects, 127, 175, 382
counterbalancing, 135, 138–139 experience bias, 125, 136, 140, 451–452
covariate, 133, 136, 154, 332, 335, 379 experimental designs. See factorial
cover letter, 271–273, 277 designs; quasi-experimental designs,
criterion group, 172, 177, 192–196, 200, true experimental designs
218, 373–374 experimental group, 123–145, 151–153,
criterion referenced test, 217–218 164–174, 338–339, 364, 373–375
critical incidents, 398–399, 406 experimenter bias, 127
cross-sectional design, 194–199 ex post facto designs: co-relational
designs, 172, 181–203, 305, 454;
data: analysis, 72, 94, 118, 154–161, 196– criterion group design, 172, 192–200,
201, 257, 297, 334–335, 426, 444, 463, 218, 373–375, 454; cross-sectional
471 (see also statistical tests); coding, design, 194–201; longitudinal design,
34–37, 94, 199, 205, 213, 228, 234–238, 181, 197–200
254–257, 271, 280–284, 294–298, 412– external validity: design to control for,
413 125–130; factors affecting, 130–177,
deduction, 10–11, 85–90 450
demonstration, 4, 365, 372
dependent variable: in classroom fact-opinion questions, 246
research, 67–83; definition, 68; factor, 68–81, 125–139
in problem statement, 23–25; factor analysis, 225
relationship to independent variable, factorial designs, 155–156, 454
68–83; use in statistics, 308–309, 376, fieldnotes, 406–408
456, 475–476 figures, 336–337, 352–356
depositions, 395 fill-in response mode, 249–250
descriptors, 47–58, 143 follow-up letter, 274–275
differentiated outcomes, 32 free-response mode. See unstructured
difficulty (of test items), 219–221 response mode
INDEX ■ 511

Friedman’s two-way analysis of variance, interaction, statistical, 31, 62, 73, 81, 130–
335 131, 136, 152–154, 161, 169, 173–175,
335–343, 351, 453, 476
gender, 67, 175, 295 interest areas, 17, 27, 42–43, 54–57
general hypothesis, 15–60, 85–92, interjudge agreement. See interrater
generality, 6, 8, 60, 130, 138, 140, 144, reliability
450, 452–453, 459, 473 internal validity, 5–8, 11, 19, 60, 112, 125–
graphs. See figures 130, 136–141, 161–164, 169, 171, 184,
195–196, 200, 230, 268, 375, 425, 450;
halo effect, 230 designs to control for, 158–175; factors
Hawthorne effect, 132, 137, 172–177, affecting (see certainty; history bias,
382; design to control for, 172–174 instrumentation bias; mortality bias;
history bias, 125–126, 137, 141, 151–153, selection bias; statistical regression
159, 161–163, 167–169, 195–198, 382 toward the mean; testing bias)
hypothesis, 3, 10, 15–16, 75, 77, 85–88, Internet, 55
100–102, 107, 114, 281, 302, 310, 322, interrater reliability, 230, 232, 425, 427
335–342, 366, 368, 370, 440, 448, 470, interval scale, 212, 222
476, 496, 498; alternatives, 88–90; intervening variable, 76–80, 209, 441, 444,
classroom, 100–101; directional, 447–448, 470
94, 101–102; evaluation, 366, 368; interview, 9–10, 16, 17, 18, 129, 150, 196,
examples, 116–117; formulation, 3, 10, 201, 211, 243–24, 245–247, 254–258,
15–16; general, 86–88; null (see null 260, 267, 272, 274, 277–285, 388, 390,
hypothesis); operational restatement, 393–410; child, 400–402; coding,
336; positive, 102–104; rationale, 277–285; construction of, 16, 254–255;
322; specific, 85–88; testing, 101–102, example, 393–410; question formats,
114–116 245–247, 255–258; response modes,
implementation check, 142–143. See also interviewers, 129, 201, 255–256, 276–282,
manipulation, success of 400, 427
independent variable: definition, 67–68; introduction, 316–317, 322–325, 427, 429,
in evaluation, 142–143; examples, 442, 469–470
68–71; identification, 15; in problem item analysis, 218–222, 225, 266
statement, 76–80; relationship to
dependent, 68–69; use in statistics, journals and books, 49–54, 58–59, 358–
260, 269, 297, 300, 308–311; writing 359, 425, 439
up, 329–331
index sources, 46–52, 58, 60 knowledge, 11–12, 33, 216–218
induction, 85–90 Kuder-Richardson (test) reliability, 208;
informed consent form, 12–13, 199 formula, 208
instructional materials, 24, 30–32,
328–329 learning: activity, 31; environment, 31;
instructional program, 4, 24, 29–35, materials, 32, 365
328–329, 373, 403 level, 62, 69–82, 90–92, 109, 113, 124,
instrumentation bias, 125, 129–130, 206, 134–136, 142, 152, 155–156, 170, 193,
230, 276, 282, 455; controlling for, 130 195, 211, 304–305, 310–352
intact group, 157, 165, 375, 474 Likert scale, 192, 222–226, 262, 264,
intact-group comparison, 176, 474 305, 403. See also rating scale; scaled
intelligence tests, 109. 209, 216–217 response mode
512 ■ INDEX

literature reviews, 3, 38, 41–46, 49, nonparametric statistics, 308–309. See

55–56, 60–63, 319–320, 424, 440–469; also statistical tests
abstracting, 49, 60; conducting, 55–56; normal curve, distribution, 215, 302
evaluation, 440–469; organization, norm-referenced test, 215, 218
319–320, 424; process, 61–63; purpose, norms, 34–35, 215–218
41–46 null hypothesis, 85, 101–102, 305, 310,
literature sources, 46–63, 424; abstracting 496, 498
journals, 41, 49; ERIC, 49; indexes,
46, 50–52, 63; reviewing journals, 43, objectives, 367–374. See also behavioral
49–59, 425 objectives
longitudinal designs, 197–203 observation, 86–90, 107, 145, 150, 156,
162, 172, 176, 192, 194, 205–237,
manipulation, success of, 142–146 289–292, 309, 331, 376–378, 385,
Mann-Whitney U test, 300–301, 492, 499 388–390, 394, 403–408, 421–427,
mastery learning, 79, 92, 93, 113–114, 455, 475, 499; recording devices (see
118, 142, 165, 268 behavior sampling; coding; rating
matched-group technique, 135, 260 scale)
matched-pair technique, 134 observer checklist, 232–233
materials, 30–32, 328–329 one-group pretest-posttest design, 126,
maturation bias, 127–129, 135, 151–153, 133, 151–176
159, 168–169, 451 one-shot case study, 150
mean, 128, 135, 152, 154, 164, 215, 232, operational definitions, 105–118, 142,
266, 291–294, 297, 302–305, 310–311, 258, 323–324, 366, 369, 371, 440, 449,
316, 332, 335–339, 351, 353, 355–356, 471
431–432, 451, 458, 461, 473, 475 operational level, 90
measurement, 9, 16, 33–34, 118, 126, operational treatment (of hypothesis),
128–130, 158, 161, 168, 170, 205–237, 114, 142–143
298–300, 318, 367–370, 454–455, 475 ordinal scale, 211–212
measurement scales, 210–213. See also
interval scale; nominal scale; ordinal panel study, 197, 198
scale; ratio scale parametric statistics, 251–253, 289, 298,
median, 292–293, 300, 327, 333 300–301; assumptions of, 300–301.
meta-analysis, 94–100, 316 See also statistical tests
moderator variable, 67, 71–74, 79–83, participant bias, 125, 127, 132, 150, 375,
125, 136, 138, 144, 155–158, 331, 356, 451, 472. See also selection bias
379, 382, 384, 447, 454, 456, 470, 472, patched-up design, 169–170
476, 478 percentage, 9, 142, 171, 209, 213, 219–
mortality bias, 163–164, 471–472 221, 432, 463, 466
multiple range tests, 379 personality tests. See character and
personality tests
naturalistic study. See ex post facto phi coefficient, 192
designs; qualitative research pilot testing, 265–266
Newman-Keuls multiple range, 335, 339, placebo, 124
379 population, 37, 50, 131, 135–137, 144,
nominal scale, 211, 257–258 191, 197, 215–216, 243–244, 267–271,
nondesigns. See pre-experimental designs 375, 425, 451–452; defining, 135–137;
nonequivalent control group design, limiting of, 144
163–166, 168–169, 375, 378, 474 post hoc analysis, 342
INDEX ■ 513

posttest only control group design, question format, 255–258; choice of, 255–
152–154, 164 256. See also direct-indirect questions,
predetermined questions, 247 fact-opinion questions; predetermined
prediction, 116–117, 324–325 questions; response-keyed questions;
predictive (test) validity, 208–209 specific-nonspecific questions
pre-experimental designs, 150–151; intact questionnaires, 243–282; administering,
group comparison, 157, 165, 375, 474; 243–247, 271–272; choice of, 243–247;
one-group pretest-posttest design, coding, 277–282; construction of, 254–
151, 159, 167, 169–170; one-shot case 266; examples, 249, 254, 261–263; pilot
study, 150–151, 159 testing, 265–266; scoring, 277–282.
pretest-posttest group design, 151–154, See also cover letter; question format;
163–170 response mode
privacy, 13–14
probability level, 271, 401 random assignment, 127, 133–135, 144,
problem, 3, 7–12, 15, 23–27, 29–38, 153–155, 164, 375, 451, 472
44–46, 85–92, 126–130, 195, 316–320, randomization. See random assignment
350, 374, 393, 395, 427–428, 439– random sampling, 267–268
446, 456, 468–470; characteristics, random selection. See random sampling
23–24; classroom research, 29–35; ranking response mode, 257–258
considerations in choosing, 36–38; rating scale, 111, 205, 212, 228–233, 277–
context, 46, 316–317; evaluation, 412– 278, 403. See also Likert scale; scaled
413; hypotheses, 85–87; identification, response mode
3, 15, 195; statement, 317–318 ratio scale, 212
procedures, 11–12, 15, 126–129, 140, 150, reactive effects, 130–131, 172, 174–177;
163–164, 205, 207, 267–282, 333–335, design to control for, 172, 174–177; of
387, 392, 400, 404 experimental arrangements, 131–132;
programmatic research, 36–37 of teacher expectancy, 176–177
proposal. See research proposal recommendations, 17, 321, 346, 359, 402
protocol analysis, 412–413 references, 41, 46, 49–51, 58, 60–61, 217–
psychometrics, 130 218, 322, 331, 336, 349, 446, 469, 475
publishing (an article), 358–359 regression analysis, 72, 128, 151, 153, 167,
190, 301, 305–308, 346, 451
qualitative research, 17, 387–413; reliability. See test reliability
analyzing data, 408–413; characterisics repeated measure, 170–172, 335
of, 387–388; conducting, 387–413; reports, 54, 59, 172, 315–359
data sources, 395–404; methodology, research: applied, 3–4; basic, 3;
393–395; problems, 390; themes, characteristics of, 10–11; definition
389 of, 3–4; ethics, 12–15; steps in, 15–17;
quasi-experimental designs, 158–172; survey, 9–10, 243–244
equivalent time-samples design, research proposal: introduction section,
160–163; nonequivalent control 316–326; method section, 326–336
group design, 163–166; patched-up research report: abstract, 350; discussion
design, 169–170; separate sample section, 340–349; of evaluation
pretest-posttest design, 167–169; study, 365–366, 375, 378, 381,
single subject design, 170–172; 384–385; figures (graphs), 353–358;
systematically assigned control group introduction section, 316–326; method
design, 166–167; time-series design, section, 326–336; references, 349;
159–160 results section, 336–359; tables, 351
514 ■ INDEX

response bias, 226, 258, 264–265, 278 skewness, 292–293

response-keyed questions, 247, 255–260, social desirability response bias, 246, 258,
276 265
response mode, 247–265; choice of, Spearman-Brown formula, 207
256–258. See also categorical response Spearman rank correlation, 232, 300
mode; checklist response mode; fill-in specific hypothesis, 86–88, 116
response mode; ranking response specific-nonspecific questions, 245–246
mode; scaled response mode; tabular split-half (test) reliability, 207–208
response mode; unstructured response stability, 170–171
mode standard deviation, 214–215, 293–294
responsibility, 115–116 standardized tests: of achievement, 216–
results, 336–359 217; of aptitude, 216–217; of character
reviewing journals,15, 41–63, 401, 423 and personality, 217; of intelligence,
review of literature. See literature reviews 216–217; of sensory motor, 216–217;
of vocations, 216–217
sampling: behavior, 235–237; in standard score, 215
classroom research, 235–237, 376, stanine score, 215, 327
385; distribution, 290–294, 300–304, static-group comparison, 151
309–311, 458, 472; from population, statistical errors, 310–311
201, 244, 267–271, 451; procedures, statistical power, 311–312
200–201, 235–237, 267–275, 376–377, statistical regression toward the mean,
385, 451; random, 267–274; size, 199, 451
267, 308, 311, 355, 425, 433, 462, 476; statistical tests: carrying out, 301–311;
stratified random, 273–274 choosing, 298–300; one-tailed,
satisfaction, 260, 264–265, 373, 379 310–311; tables of, 351–352 (see also
scale construction, 222–228 tables); two-tailed, 310–311; writing
scaled response mode, 250–251, 257–258. up, 316–369
See also Likert scale; rating scale stratified sampling, 267–270
scatter diagram, 185, 187–189 student characteristics, 31–32
Scheffe test, 379 subject matter tests, 32–33
scoring: of questionnaires, 277–282; of subjects, 326–328
tests, 130, 167, 218–220 subjects as own controls, 135
selection bias, 127–154, 164–169, 195, survey research, 9–10
197–198 systematically assigned control group
self-concept, 34, 93, 332 design, 127, 139, 156, 166–167
semantic differential, 225–228 systematic randomization, 139
sensory-motor tests, 217
separate-sample pretest-posttest design, tables, 351–352
165–169 tabular response mode, 248–250, 257
significance level. See probability level tasks, 328–329
significance of a study, 325–326 teacher: attitude, 29–33; characteristics,
significance testing. See statistical tests 32; effect, 126, 138–141; performance,
sign test, 291 234; style and strategy, 26, 31, 320
single subject design, 170–172 test construction, 218, 221–222
site visit, 406–407 testing bias, 153–154
INDEX ■ 515

test reliability, 206–208 unobtrusive measures, 126

test-retest reliability, 206–207 unstructured response mode, 247–250
tests. See standardized tests U test. See Mann-Whitney U test
test validity, 208–210
theory, 81, 92–93, 345–346 validity, 4–8
Thurstone scale, 226–228 values, 25
time-series design, 8, 159–160 variables, 67–102, 105–142
transcription, 404 variance, 156–157, 175, 196, 293–294,
treatment, 7–8, 29, 32–36, 68–69, 99–100, 300–305, 334–339, 346, 351, 379, 382,
114, 123–144, 150–178, 193–194, 211, 432, 447, 476, 497; analysis of (see
297–308, 328–338, 373–376, 384 analysis of variance); homogeneity of,
trend study, 197–198 336
true experimental designs, 152–154 violent incident study, 8–9
t-test, 196–197, 300, 302, 308, 334, 432, visitation schedule, 406
495 vocations tests, 217
Tukey test, 351 volunteers, 164–165, 393
About the Authors

Bruce W. Tuckman is professor of educational psychology at The Ohio State

University, where he is also founding director of the Walter E. Dennis Learn-
ing Center.

Brian E. Harper is associate professor of educational psychology at Cleveland

State University.

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