TCW MIdterm Exam

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I. Enumeration. Answer what is asked correctly to get the full point for the item. Examinee
shall either get the the full five(5) points or zero (0) per item. There is no need to explain
your answer.

1. The four elements of the state.





2. What are the three dimensions of globalisation according to the article Globalisation and
the State.




3. The three branches of the government.

a. b. c.

II. Essay. Ten Points each item.

1. Does globalisation dilute the power of the state? Explain your answer.

2. Is Recognition by other states as an independent state necessary element of a state to be

considered as a sovereign state?

3. Differentiate state and nation.

III. Identification. Write the correct answer. Three points each.

___________________ 1. It refers to the supreme power of the state, its power or freedom
from external influence.

____________________2. Its the institution or agency through which the state manifest its

____________________3. Its a political organism, or a group of people occupying a definite

territory having their independent government and free from external influence.

____________________4.If communism is to government owning the means of production,

capitalism then is to?

____________________5. The process of integration and interaction among and between

people, states, firms etc.

I. Modified True or False. Write True if the answer is true. If false, underline the word/s
that makes the statement false and write the correct word/s to make the statement true.
(Three points each.)

__________________1. New World Order is the process of interaction and integration

among the people, companies, and governments of different nations.

_________________ 2. The book of Karl Marx , Communist Manifesto, encouraged the free
movement of labor, capital, money, and goods.

_________________ 3. A Capitalist system implies the state owning the means of

production, while communism refers to endless accumulation of capital.

__________________4. The Core are the dependent countries to the semi-periphery


__________________5. Semi Peripheral states have weak state or leadership that tends to
accept their role as a state, these state are unable to change the axial division of labor.

__________________6. Economies of Scale means that the price of producing a good will
cost less if the same goods’ production is increased.

__________________7. A corporation is an artificial being created by operation of law,

having the right of succession and the powers, attributes and properties expressly
authorized by law or incident to its existence.
__________________8. If a country wants to join the World Bank it is not necessary for that
country to be a member of the the IMF.

__________________9. The loan a state may get from the WB or IMF depends on his

__________________ 10. Under Bretton Woods Agreement a currency or money has value
directly linked to gold. The country declares the fixed price of gold to money for buying and

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