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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability

ISSN 1927-9566 | Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 1-10 (2014)

Management of Water Resources in the UAE

Meshgan Mohamad Al Awar

Research and Studies Center, Dubai Police Academy, Secretary General, Zayed International
Prize for the Environment, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the protection of the environment relies greatly on the recognition of
the threats and challenges posed by the involved ecosystems. Since the UAE has limited water resources
as it falls within the arid and semiarid region, the sustainable and balanced growth of the country requires
the management and conservation of the water resources through the consideration of several factors.
Experiences of over four decades relevant to the water sector are emphasized in relation to the
environmental policy and the development of institutional legal framework alongside the use of clean and
suitable technology. In addition, the importance of enhancing the environmental education and awareness
programs has been an area of major concern to many local organizations, such as the Zayed International
Prize for the Environment (ZP), along with other institutions, in the UAE’s environmental protection
strategy through partnerships and collaboration. With the evident interrelation between water and energy,
as the generation and production of one resource requires the use of the other, the UAE provides a strong
exemplification of the water and energy nexus in such regions.
Keywords: Water; Energy; Environmental Policy; Clean Technology; Environmental Education

1. Introduction
Since the 20th century, with the increased years (UNEP, 2011) in addition to the growing
dependence on natural resources including water, problems faced in terms of the lack of water access
gas, and raw materials, the prominence of environ- and sanitation, water protection matters, and the
mental issues and conservation was greatly growing demand over the control of water re-
amplified. Addressing the worldwide challenges sources by competing industries (Bigas, 2012).
posed by the environment requires the integrated
The response from the international arena in
management and interdisciplinary support involv-
recognizing the growing issue has been highlighted
ing the economic, hydrological, institutional, legal,
in various worldwide events since it was brought to
and policymaking aspects, along with the
their attention by the United Nations (UN) in the
pursuance of integrated solutions. As a main
1992 Rio Earth Summit. Since 1993, with the
component of these challenges, the management
inauguration of the first World Water Day by the
and conservation of water has become an issue of
UN, action was taken in acknowledgment of the
major worldwide focus due to its dramatic impact
significance of tackling and discussing the water
on the environment, the economy, and social
scarcity challenge from marking 2003 as the Inter-
health. The reasons behind water scarcity can
national Year of Fresh Water to announcing the
primarily be attributed to the rapidity of the
United Nations International Decade of Action, or
population growth and the increased living
Water for Life, in 2005 in compliance with the
standards associated with lifestyle changes over the
Millennium Development Goals (Bigas, 2012). In

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

2 © Al Awar 2014 | Management of Water Resources

2013, after the resolution was adopted by the

General Assembly, the UN has proclaimed this
year as the International Year of Water Cooperation
to promote internationally agreed upon action to be
taken regarding water-related goals through
cooperation (UN General Assembly, 2013).
1.1 United Arab Emirates (UAE)
The UAE lies within an arid region and is
comprised of a federation of seven emirates,
including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al
Khaymah, Fujeirah, Umm Al Qaywayn, and
Ajman, with a total area of about 83,600 km2 Figure 1: Water Consumption in the UAE
(FAO, 2013a). Due to its desert landscape, the
UAE climate features high temperatures and
humidity and infrequent precipitation (Szabo, 2. Water Protection and Management Stra-
A region’s water cycle heavily dictates the
The water protection and management strategy for
necessity of an integrated management strategy
sustainable growth in the UAE encompasses three
and availability of access in terms of the water
main global challenges, which are climate change,
resources. The UAE’s founders and leadership energy, and green economy. The implementation
have recognized the essence of addressing environ- of this strategy has been achieved through the
mental and water challenges and set it as one of the
integration of several factors, including policy and
government’s top priorities due to the major social legislation, institutional framework, innovative
and economic influence that providing clean and
technology, education and awareness programs,
safe water has on the sustenance of health and and partnerships.
security for the people (Szabo, 2011). Moreover,
the water protection and conservation strategy is a
precursor to sustainable, balanced, and inclusive
2.1 Policies and Legislations
growth. In the UAE, the three main types of water
supplies include ground water, desalinated water, 2.1.1 Legislations
and treated wastewater. Groundwater includes An integral aspect of the UAE’s approach towards
rainwater retained from dams, which were built in achieving a sustainable and balanced water pro-
order to preserve water resources. The supply is tection system is the adaptation of advanced
divided between various consumers, with the agri- environmental legislations through the integration
cultural sector comprising 60%, domestic con- of a number of individual laws at both the federal
sumption comprising 25%, industrial activities and emirate levels. Such laws are implemented
comprising 9%, and landscaping comprising 6% of through firm observation and enforcement in order
the total water consumption, as illustrated in Figure to ensure the equitable use of water resources
1 (UAE National Action Report, 2006). while taking the environmental impacts into consi-
In this regard, the identification of the impacts of deration.The employment of these laws allows for
certain global challenges, including climate long-term water protection management and the
change, technology, and energy on hydrology and minimization of the threats posed by the sur-
water use, provides a framework for the integrated rounding environment (Abed and Hellyer, 2001).
water resources management ( IWRM) strategy The UAE has recognized the importance of the
followed by the UAE. Furthermore,enacting and establishment of a legal framework in environ-
adapting these policies and legislative instruments mental preservation through the signing of “a
allows for the promotion of water management and number of conventions on the preservation of
conservation in an adequate and timely manner. environment, biodiversity, and marine and coastal
ecosystem. Several federal laws, presidential

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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability | Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 1-10 3

decrees, and local orders by municipalities have and protection mandate in terms of the
been issued since its formation in 1971” (Ministry environment (Abed and Hellyer, 2001).
of Agriculture and Fisheries, 2001).
– Federal Environment Agency (FEA): The
Examples of the legal framework followed by the FEA, founded in 1993, had the authority to
UAE are described below: control and regulate water pollution (FAO,
– Federal Law No. (7) of 1993 for the establish-
ment of the Federal Environment Agency: The – Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF):
agency aimed to set the appropriate plans and The MAF (1971-2006) was responsible for the
corresponding policies in place and to take management and planning of groundwater, soil
action in order to ensure the preservation and and agriculture, irrigation resources, and
protection of the environment from damage quality investigation. Additionally, MAF con-
that affects the wellbeing and health of the trolled the maintenance and operation of
population in addition to the air, water, land, systems involved in these sectors, including
and wildlife resources (Abed and Hellyer, the construction of dams, irrigation network
2001). operation, and groundwater recharge (FAO,
– Federal Law No. (23) for 1999 for Protection
of the Marine Environment: This law is – Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW):
concerned with the exploitation, protection, In 2006, the MOEW was launched with en-
and development of living aquatic resources in vironmental and water security and sustenance
the UAE waters (Ministry of Agriculture and as its main goal. In addition, it aims to achieve
Fisheries, 2001). sustainable water, biological and food security,
promote environmental security, and provide
– Federal Law No. (24) for 1999 for Protection
administrative services effectively and effi-
and Development of the Environment: The
ciently (Aspinall, 2001).
objective of this law was to protect the overall
UAE environmental quality, particularly in Other Governmental Bodies (Individual Emi-
terms of its water (Abed and Hellyer, 2001), rates) (Aspinall, 2001)
and to develop and conserve biodiversity and
– Environment Agency of Abu Dhabi (EAD)
natural resources through the control and
prevention of harmful environmental impacts – Department of Tourism and Commerce
caused by several sectors, including agri- Marketing, Dubai
culture, economy, and urban development, as – Department of Environment and Protected
well as many others (Abu Dhabi Government, Areas (DEPA), Sharjah
– Municipalities
2.1.2 Institutional Framework
– Local government water departments and
The UAE has established a strong legal framework authorities
to safeguard its water resources since institutional
responsibility will help various public and private These authorities are independently
sector organizations achieve their commitment to- responsible for the supply of drinking water
wards water protection and conservation. and all water affairs in their respective
The institutional framework, which exists in the
UAE as a federation as well as in each of the seven 2.1.3 Agriculture
emirates in relation to water, is highlighted below. Since the agricultural sector in the UAE takes up
Federal Governmental Bodies the major portion of the total water consumption,
further enhancements to the regulatory framework
– Higher Environment Council: The formation was required in order to more effectively conserve
of this council in 1975 marked the UAE as the and preserve water in this area. The MAF was
first governmental body with any conservation formerly responsible for the planning and imple-
mentation of this framework, the efforts of which

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are now being continued by the MOEW in the without adversely affecting the environment or
investigation and management of groundwater food security.
resources, soil salinization and quality, dam con-
struction, irrigation network operation, and main-
tenance through the promotion of irrigated 2.2 Technology
agriculture. This green plot required the appli-
Highlighting the water-energy nexus is integral in
cation of drip-fed irrigation, which is mainly
discussing the associated clean water technologies.
generated from recycled water sources including
The importance of this concept is stressed by the
desalination (Bigas, 2012).
World Bank as it considers hydropower to be the
An overall agricultural policy framework to lowest carbon emitting source of renewable
support local farmers, by focusing on water- energy. To reduce energy consumption in provid-
conservative irrigation technologies and the use of ing water services, it urges governments and
wastewater, has already been developed, parti- environmental entities to appropriately manage the
cularly in Abu Dhabi (Szabo, 2011). Furthermore, energy efficiency and water relationship (World
a mandate was recently declared in order to Bank, 2013a).
enforce the conversion of all irrigated areas in the
2.2.1 Water – Energy Nexus
Emirate of Sharjah to modern irrigation systems
that preserve water more effectively. The prepa- The intertwined relationship between water and
ration and training of the involved technicians and energy relies on the basis of two important
farmers was organized by the Directorate of concepts. First of all, energy generation is greatly
Irrigation and Soils through training sessions to dependent upon water, particularly since it is used
allow for more effective handling of the newly in the cooling of power stations. Secondly, the
introduced systems (FAO, 2008). water sanitation and supplication processes greatly
consume energy.
The lack of effective irrigation methods and
dependence on traditional flood methods for Transitioning to a green economy requires the
agricultural land irrigation was realized in 1976. A planning and management of the integrated water-
great deal of research was conducted since then to energy nexus. The progress and success towards
1981 to identify new and more water-conservative achieving a green economy can be identified and
irrigation systems. In 1983, localized irrigation measured through the water footprint, efficiency of
systems and sprinklers were introduced to a pilot water consumption and supply in the agricultural,
farm, which managed to save around 60 percent of urban, and industrial sectors, and through the
the water used for irrigation (FAO, 2008). investment in the sanitation sector (UNEP, 2011).
Dams An important illustration of technological advance-
ments in the environmental sector is water
In 1982, the UAE embarked on the construction of
desalination. In addition, renewable energy techno-
its first dams, and in 2013, with a total of 130 dams
logies, such as solar energy, that address water
constructed, they have been documented to have
energy security and climate change can also
collected over 132 billion gallons of water. They
improve the management of natural resources.This
have a total capacity of 120 million cubic meters in
clean source of power is suitable to integrate in the
order to sustain and enhance the quality of water in
UAE region due to the availability and abundance
addition to strengthening the underground water
of solar energy.
resources and averting the threats posed by floods
on residential and industrial areas (FAO, 2013b). Desalination
From a climate change perspective, guaranteeing An important advantage of desalination is its
increased food security requires addressing the climate independence. Technology advancements
water-agriculture nexus. From a green economy in the field have addressed the issues associated
perspective, in order for water to be used in other with the high cost and large energy requirements of
sectors, it is significant to increase the productivity the process. As claimed by the World Bank,
of irrigated agriculture to create new jobs but advancement in desalination technologies have
allowed for a decrease in desalinated water costs

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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability | Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 1-10 5

up to half their value a few years ago. The Gulf ment’s renewable energy company, Masdar, along
Region accounts for over 40 percent of the total with a French energy company, Total, and Spain's
water produced by desalination globally. In the energy infrastructure company Abengoa. The plant
UAE, the fast increase in the need for water has serves as a major contributor towards diversifying
given rise to the policy that directs increased the UAE’s energy sources, reducing the carbon
reliance on desalination, as it currently has 70 footprint, and, ultimately, achieving the 7 percent
desalination plants which are located across all the renewable energy power generation capacity by the
emirates, mainly in Abu Dhabi and Dubai (Szabo, year 2020 (Masdar Energy, 2012).
2011). In 2011, a total of 1,725 million cubic
Solar Park:
meters were produced from desalination, as shown
in Figure 2. The 16 percent rise in the quantity of The Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy decrees the
consumed water from 2007 can be attributed to diversification of Dubai’s fuel mix by 2030. This
population growth, varying consumption patterns, will be achieved through the incorporation of 71
and economic projects (UAE National Bureau of percent from gas, 12 percent from clean coal, 5
Statistics, 2013). percent from renewable energy, including solar
power, and 12 percent from nuclear power. The
legal framework to facilitate the incorporation of
solar energy has been developed, and the Moham-
med bin Rashid Solar Park in Dubai was initiated
as a result, the first phase of which is to be
completed by 2013 (WAM, 2012).
An example of the outcomes of incorporating
green technologies is the Dubai municipality’s
solar irrigation system, which aims to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions and operational costs of
irrigation using solar energy. It received the best
innovative technology award in the Middle East
Electricity Award ceremony (Dubai Municipality,
Figure 2: Capacity of Desalination Water Plants in 2013).
the UAE (UAE National Bureau of Statistics,
2.3 Education and Awareness
Research is progressing in order to lower the costs Another important aspect of water management in
and negative environmental impact of this process. the UAE is the building of platforms for the
The UAE has begun in the incorporation of such creation and exchange of knowledge through
environmentally friendly technologies and has environmental education and awareness, which
managed to lower operational costs of these desali- includes several forms highlighted below.
nation plants (Szabo, 2011). Adopting clean desali- Education
nation is in compliance with the governmental
demands for energy diversification, which need to – Academic and Research Institutes
be further researched and invested in to produce Arab Water Academy (AWA)
more innovations in the field.
In 2008, theArab Water Council (AWC) ini-
Solar Energy tiated the AWA, which was established in Abu
Shams 1: Dhabi as a center of excellence to tackle the
water shortage issue in countries in the Arab
The Shams Power Company’s largest worldwide region by integrating several key water
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plant, Shams 1, is management aspects and providing executive
a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi govern- training to create more capability in these

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countries in terms of water management. The National Environment Day

AWA is hosted by the Environment Agency-
The National Environment Day, which was first
Abu Dhabi (EAD) in partnership with the
celebrated in 1998 and is held under the
International Center for Biosaline Agriculture
patronage of HH Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al
(ICBA). The increased challenges faced by
Nahyan, President of the UAE, annually, marks
governments and countries due to the growing
February 4th as an environmental awareness
demand of the limited water resources in the
day to stimulate public action in relation to
Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region
pressing UAE environmental issues. Moreover,
requires the management of complex solutions
it supports environmental initiatives, whether
and the promotion of innovative perspectives
individual or collective, across all sectors of the
through the offered advanced education and
community (Abed and Hellyer, 2001).
capacity development programs to regulate and
establish effective water management services. Heroes of the UAE
In addition to enhancing integrated skills and The Heroes of the UAE campaign promotes a
knowledge required for the development of nationwide research and implementation plat-
water management strategies, the academy aims form that covers complex environmental issues,
to go beyond conventional training and provide including water resource management. Further-
support and assistance throughout the active more, it contributes to dialogues with theWorld
implementation of strengthened environments Water Council (WWC), International Union for
towards the development of institutional the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and other
frameworks, promotion of policies, and entities. It aims at bridging between the re-
increasing organizational capacity after search and public policy sector to address the
completing a program (Szabo, 2011). global water threat effectively (Heroes of the
Emirates University, Al Ain UAE, 2013).
Dubai Police Academy
The Dubai Police Academy (DPA) offers an
environmental security course as part of the
2.4 Public Private Partnership and Collabo-
Bachelor of Law and Policing Sciences prog-
ram to enhance knowledge and skills required ration
in the management of water and environmental The alliances between varying institutions, both
security. nationally and internationally, play a major role in
Research &Studies Center, (DPA) the implementation of an effective water manage-
ment and protection strategy in compliance with
– Awareness global standards. On an international level, the
National Ecological Footprint Initiative (Al Basma UAE’s MOEW shares a strong relationship with
Al Beeiya) the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) and the United Nations Environment
This initiative is a joint project of the Ministry Program (UNEP). Cooperation with countries with
of Environment and Water, the Abu Dhabi abundant water resources, along with other
Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI), countries and cities facing similar water scarcity
the Emirates Wildlife Society—World Wide issues, is important (Szabo, 2011). Furthermore,
Fund for Nature (EWS-WWF), and the Global there is an increased collaboration between the
Footprint Network (GFN) and aims at creating ministries and environmental agencies and institu-
a resource- efficient and aware society (Szabo, tions nationally. The countrywide projects that
2011). An important objective of this initiative have increased operational efficiency and sustain-
serves as a broad national program for data ability are a result of collaborative commitment
collection of different sectors including water, and leadership across its project owners, which
energy, and agriculture. include DEWA, DUBAL, and Union Cement

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Figure 3: Progress towards Achieving the MDG’s Sanitation Target to Reduce the Number of People
with a Lack of Sanitation by 2015 (UNEP, 2011)

Dubai Carbon Arab Gulf Cooperation Council (AGCC)

Dubai Carbon is a regional knowledge repository In 1981, the Saudi Arabia based AGCC, which is
on carbon matters that aims at making Dubai in the an intergovernmental body that deals with common
UAE the lowest carbon economy in the area economic, political, and environmental interests of
through the reduction of the region’s carbon its member constituents, including Kuwait, Saudi
footprint. The Dubai Carbon Repository can be Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, and Oman, was
accessed by all its stakeholders and decision created. The Council of Environmental Affairs
makers for the development of environmental Ministers holds annual meetings with the AGCC
strategies and climate change funds. Additionally, ministers to discuss common environmental issues,
the public and private sectors will be provided with such as ozone depletion, hazardous chemicals,
the expertise required in the implementation of international agreements, and an action plan for the
environmental advances and initiatives (DCCE, development of an AGCC Regional Strategy for
2013). Protection of the Environment.
Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) The World Health Organization (WHO), United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
Prior to the opening of its UAE office in 2011, the
UNEP, and UNDP, serve as advisers to
institute was initiated by Sheikh Abdullah Bin
governments and organizations in these regions to
Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, as
ensure the enhancement and agreement with
the UAE joined the GGGI as a founding and
environmental standards. Many of the United
council member. Under a Memorandum of
Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
Understanding (MOU) between the UAE and the
Organization (UNESCO) and Arab League
institute, the GGGI opened its Abu Dhabi office
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
for the Middle East and Mena regions (Abdul
(ALESCO) and UNEP initiatives rely on the
Kader, 2013).
collaboration and alliance across multiple sectors
in regard to mutually concerning environmental
matters (Aspinall, 2001).

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Figure 4: Statistics on UAE Access to Water Resources and Sanitation Facilities, Energy Consumption,
and Carbon Dioxide Emissions Since 1990 (World Bank, 2013b)

World Wide Fund (WWF) worldwide towards the attainment of the MDG’s
sanitation target. As can be illustrated in the figure,
The WWF for Nature plans for a permanent
the UAE is on track towards the target of the MDG
establishment in the UAE after the signing of a
to halve the number of people receiving inadequate
MOU with ERWDA which permits the WWF to
sanitation by 2015.
operate privately through an alliance with the UAE
government as well as non-governmental entities Furthermore, the UAE’s water management
(Aspinall, 2001). strategy aims at incorporating the population
growth as a resource for the country’s socioeco-
A joint project between the UAE and UNDP aims
nomic growth rather than a threat to its water
at reducing harmful carbon dioxide emissions by
resources. As published in the 2013 Little Data
1.3 million tons over the next 10 years through the
Book by the World Bank, Figure 4 shows statistics
five newly developed projects by the UNDP and
regarding environmental aspects in relation to
the Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence (DCCE).
access to water sources and to improved sanitation
This project doubled the UAE’s project portfolio
facilities, which has managed to remain consistent
under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM),
over the past two decades and increase by one
which are productive collaborative projects be-
percent in the case of sanitation facility access.
tween the Dubai Carbon Center for Excellence and
Moreover, it can be noticed that the energy use, as
the UNDP. These projects aim at reducing Dubai’s
well as the carbon dioxide emissions per capita,
carbon footprint in a structure created under the
have greatly reduced since 1990 and 2000, which
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
can be attributed to the enforcement of the
(UNFCCC) (UNDP, 2012).
appropriate environmental legal framework and
legislations over the years.
2.5 Conclusion
The future of the food, energy, and industrial 2.6 Recommendations
production industry relies greatly on the access to
safe and clean water resources, which further The management of water resources and the use of
stresses the global importance of providing the technological innovations in achieving clean water
appropriate sanitation services, which has been are of utmost importance in achieving sustainable
recognized by the UN, as it has set it as one of the development. Succeeding in creating a balance
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Figure 3 between the increasing need for water access and
shows a mapping of the progress of countries quality by the population and the industrial,

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International Journal of Environment and Sustainability | Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 1-10 9

agricultural, and growth sectors is a key aspect in these growing global problems, as highlighted in
environmental sustainability. Although creating a section 2.6. The sharing of experiences and
water management methodology and strategy that innovations through publications, dialogues, and
can sustain the rapidity of the changes in action can outline opportunities for societies to
development, climate change, and population transition to a green economy through the efficient
growth remain a challenge, the UAE’s water- management of water resources and to ultimately
energy nexus can be considered a best practice in achieve the MDGs and the new sustainable
combatting water and environmental issues to development goals (SDGs).

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