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FACTS: M.B. Lending Corporation extended a loan to spouses Osmeña and Azarraga, together with
petitioner Palmares, in the amount of P30,000.00, with compounded interest of 6% per annum to be
computed every 30 days from the date thereof. On four occasions after the execution of the
promissory note and even after the loan matured, petitioner and the Azarraga spouses were able to
pay a total of P16,300.00, leaving a balance of P13,700.00. No payments were made after the last

Respondent corporation filed a complaint against Palmares to the exclusion of the principal debtors,
by reason of the insolvency of the latter. RTC of Iloilo City dismissed the complaint CA reversed the
decision of RTC and held petitioner liable to pay respondent corporation declaring Palmares as a
surety since she bound herself solidarily liable with the principal debtors when she signed as a co-

ISSUE: Whether the defendant Estrella Palmares is only a guarantor with a subsidiary liability and
not a co-maker with primary liability.

HELD: Yes. A contract of suretyship is wherein one lends his credit by joining in the principal
debtor's obligation, so as to render himself directly and primarily responsible with him, and without
reference to the solvency of the principal. Several attendant factors support the Court’s finding that
petitioner is a surety. When petitioner was informed about the failure of the principal debtor to pay
the loan, she immediately offered to settle the account with respondent corporation. Obviously, she
knew that she was directly and primarily liable upon default of her principal. For another, petitioner
presented the receipts of the payments already made, from the time of initial payment up to the last,
which were all issued in her name and of the Azarraga spouses. This can only be construed to mean
that the payments made by the principal debtors were considered by respondent corporation as
creditable directly upon the account and inuring to the benefit of petitioner. The concomitant and
simultaneous compliance of petitioner's obligation with that of her principals only goes to show that,
from the very start, petitioner considered herself equally bound by the contract of the principal

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