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I, _____________________, of legal age, Filipino, married, and residing at

______________________________, after having been duly sworn to in accordance
with law, hereby depose and state, that:

1. That I am the President and duly authorized representative of the University

Savings Bank, a banking corporation duly organized and existing under and by
virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with principal and office address at 1479
Dapitan St., Sampaloc, Manila.

2. That on 19 November 1992 and 30 March 1993, Sps. Reynaldo T. Nava and
Eldeliza A. Nava obtained a loan with University Savings and Loan Bank in the
amount of Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (P500,000.00) and Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand Pesos (P250,000.00), respectively;

3. That as a security for the payment of the said loan, Sps. Nava executed a Real
Estate Mortgage (REM) in favour of the University Savings Bank (formerly
University Savings and Loan Bank) over the real property embraced in and
covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 138322 and registered under the
spouses name which property is more particulary described as follows:

TCT No. 138322

A parcel of land (LOT 21, Blk 5-F of the subd., plan (LRC) Psd 110835 Sheet 1,
being a portion of Blk 3-K (LRC) Psd-108692, LRC Rec. No. 6137), situated in the
Mun. Of Muntinlupa, Prov. Of Rizal, Isalnd of Luzon. Bounded on the NE., points
5 to 6 by Lot 25; on the SE., by points 6 to 1 by Lot 24; and points 1 to 2 by Lot 22;
on the SW., points 2 to 3 by Lot 19, and on the NW., points 3 to 5 by Street Lot 3,
all of the subd., plan. Beginning at a point marked “1” on the plan being S. 74 deg
43”W., 418.96 m. From Mon. 51, Muntinlupa Estate; Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY TWO (262) SQUARE METERS,
more or less.”

4. That due to non-payment of the loan, UNIVERSITY SAVINGS foreclosed on the

Real Estate Mortgage (REM) and caused to be sold at public auction held on
October 1998 the above-described parcel of land therein mortgaged including
improvements existing thereon;

5. That the City Sheriff of Muntinlupa City sold the above-described property with all
the improvements and buildings thereon to the undersigned Affiant as the highest
bidder for the sum of One Million Five Hundred Sixty Five Hundred Eighty Seven
Pesos and Eighty Nine Centavos (P1,560,587.89), Philippine Currency

6. That the Certificate of Sale dated 24 November 1998 in favour of UNIVERSITY

SAVINGS BANK as the highest bidder at the auction sale was registered with
Registry of Deeds for Muntinlupa, Metro Manila on February 1999 as Entry No.
23409 on the aforementioned title;
7. That a Certificate of Sale at Public Auction was issued by the said Sheriff in favor
of the undersigned Affiant and the same was duly registered with the office of the
Registry of Deeds of _____________ on _____________ as Entry No.
_____________ on the aforementioned title;

That the one (1) year period for redemption has already expired without the Mortgagor or
any person in his representation having exercised their right of redemption over the said
property and therefore, the consolidation of title and ownership over the said property in
favor of the undersigned Affiant is proper and in accordance with law;

WHEREFORE, by failure of the Mortgagor to redeem the said property, I am executing

this Affidavit for the purpose of consolidating title and ownership over the above-described
property with all improvements and buildings thereon, as provided for by law, and I hereby
request the Office of the Register of Deeds to register the same and issue a new title in
the name of the undersigned Affiant.

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