The Use of Film As A Medium To Improve Students Speaking Skill at Tenth Grade Students of Sma Negeri 2 Kasimbar

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Nur Rahma1, Nur Sehang Thamrin2, Shalehuddin3
English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Tadulako University

The objective of this research is to prove if the Speaking skill can be improved by using Film
as a Medium. The researcher employed a pre experimental research design. The sample of
this research was the grade tenth students of SMAN 2 Kasimbar selected by using purposive
sampling. The experimental group was tenth B consisting of 23 students. The instrument of
data collection was a test which was given to the research sample as pre-test and post-test. The
pre-test was used to measure the students’ speaking skill before the researcher gave the
treatment; and the post-test was used to measure the students’ speaking skill after the treatment
was given. The data were analyzed statistically. The result of data analysis shows that the
hypothesis is accepted by regarding to the analysis that t-counted (5.81) is greater than t-table
(1.717). The degree of freedom (df) of the table is 23-1 =22. The level of significance counted
was set up 0.05. It means the use of Film as a media can improve the students’ speaking skill at
tenth grade of SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar.

Keywords: Improving, Speaking, Skill, Film

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan apakah kemampuan siswa dalam
berbicara bisa meningkat dengan menggunakan film sebagai media pembelajaran. Peneliti
mengaplikasikan model penelitian pre-experimental. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah
siswa-siswa kelas sepuluh di SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar. Sampel dari penelitian ini diambil
dengan mengaplikasikan teknik purpovive sampling di kelas X B yang berjumlah 23 siswa
sebagai objek dari penelitian ini. Alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah tes yang
diberikan kepada sampel penelitian dalam bentuk pre-test dan post-test. Pre-test digunakan
untuk mengukur kemampuan berbicara siswa sebelum diberikan tindakan, dan post-test
digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan berbicara siswa detelah diberikan tindakan. Data di
analisi secara statistic. Hasil dari penganalisisan menunjukan bahwa hipotesis diterima
berkaitan dengan hasil dari analisis menunjukan bahwa nilai t-counted (5.81) lebih besar dari
nilai t-table (1.717). Derajat kebebasan (df) pada table adalah 23-1=22. Kesimpulannya,
penggunaan film sebagai media pembelajaran bisa meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siwa
kelas sepuluh di SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar.

Kata Kunci: Meningkatkan, Kemampuan berbicara, Film

advanced, and of business”. It means that
Speaking is one of language skills speaking is important to be improved because
besides listening, writing and reading. It is an it is used to communicate with other people
activity of expressing ideas between two or from different background and society.
more people who are called speaker and Teaching English as a foreign language
listener. Generally, in this era every person is not an easy matter. As we know that
wishes to speak English well because they speaking skill is one of difficult parts in
want to share their ideas with a special way. learning English because there are many
Bygate (2013) argues “it is the vehicle components of speaking skill that students
praexcellence of social solidarity, of social need to improve before they master speaking
ranking, of professional skill such as fluency, accuracy, and
comprehensibility. By using appropriate
strategy or medium, the learners can enjoy the
English Education Study Program,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education teaching process. It is the role of the teacher
Tadulako University to choose appropriate strategy of teaching.
e-mail: [email protected] The teacher should use various technique,
© 2018 – Universitas Tadulako method, or media in helping students to speak

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 1

English as well because in this era, English students to see an object directly so it can
becomes one of languages that can be used to help students to understand the material as
understand the advanced technology and well. Third, film is interesting since it
make communication in the international entertains them, so the students enjoy
community. It means that it is important for teaching and learning process, and the last
students to have sufficient ability about reason is teacher in this school never try
English. Especially in speaking, it is stated in teaching by using medium such a film.
national curriculum called KTSP curriculum Based on the explanation above, film is
(Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) an audio-visual medium which consists of
2006, at the standard competence point 4 and motion pictures and always entertained. Using
basic competence point 4.2 in syllabus. The film as kinds of teaching media is expected to
standard competence in English subject point build students’ ability in speaking. So that, it
4 is that students are expected to express can involve the students’ speaking skill and
meanings in short functional essay and extend their ideas or suggestions in front of
monologue in a form narrative, recount and the class and also improve their self-
procedure in the context of daily life and to confidence because most of students are still
access knowledge. The basic competence in afraid and nervous to express their English
English subject point 4.2 is to express the orally.
meaning of short monologue by using various
spoken language accurately, fluently, and RESEARCH METHOD
appropriately in the context of daily life and In this research, the study applied pre-
to access knowledge in narrative, recount, and experimental research design. In this class,
procedure. the researcher gave the pre-test before the
treatment and post-test after the treatment.
The tenth grade students at SMA Negeri 2 The pre-test was conducted in order to
Kasimbar got difficulties when they spoke measure students’ speaking skill before
English. Based on researcher interview to a giving the treatment. After the treatment, the
teacher of SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar, it is researcher gave the post-test in order to
found that students still had insufficient measure the effectiveness of the treatment.
vocabulary, they also felt unfree to express The research design that applied in this
what they want to say, as they often feel shy research was proposed by . Best (1981:69) as
for making the listener will not understand follows:
their expression.

There are many techniques, methods, or Q1 X Q2

media in teaching speaking that can develop
students speaking skill, such as conversation, Where:
drama, short dialogue, role play, film, picture, Q1 = Pre-test
and so on. It is expected that teachers have to X = Treatment
be able to vary their teaching media in order Q2 = Post-test
to anticipate students’ boredom toward the
teaching method. For instance, we can vary Population is needed by every
our media in teaching in order to give researcher when conducting research. Best
something new to the students so that they and Khan (2006:13) define, “a population is
will be more interested in our teaching. As any group of individuals that has one or more
everyone knows that, there are many media characteristics in common and that are of
which can be used to teach language. One of interest to the researcher”. The population of
them is film. In this case the researcher is this research was the tenth grade students of
interested in using the film as a medium to SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar. It consisted of 3
improve students’ speaking skill. The classes as presented in table 1
researcher chooses this medium in teaching
speaking for several reasons. First, a film
provides students with examples of English
used in ‘real’ situations. Second, a film is
presented in audio-visual mode that make the

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 2

research, the scoring system goes from 1 up
Table 1 to 5 at each scope. Therefore, the maximum
The Distribution of Population score was fifteen. It was gotten from the score
of scope which consists of three scopes, they
Classes Number of Students are fluency, accuracy, and, comprehensibility.
The researcher used statistic to analyze the
XA 20
data. It was used to analyze the result of the
XB 23
XC 22 test instrument (pretest and posttest). The
Total 65 researcher used the formula proposed by
Arikunto (2006:306) in calculating the
Best and Kahn (2006:13) defines individual score of the students, the mean
“Sample is a small proportion of the score, the sum of mean deviation, the sum of
population that is selected for observation and square deviation and the t-counted value. First,
analysis”. The sample of this research was the researcher calculated the individual score
taken through purposive sampling technique. of each student. Second, after getting the
In this research, the study selected X B as the students’ individual score, the researcher
sample of this research because this class has counted the individually. Third, the researcher
the characteristics to be the sample. The counted the sum of mean deviation. Fourth,
characteristic that the researcher found was the researcher counted the sum of square
the students’ weakness in producing words in deviation. Afterward the researcher calculated
the class room. This class was the most the value of t-counted to see of significant
appropriate class, compared with another difference between the mean score of the pre-
class of the tenth grade students. The test and post-test.
dependent variable is students’ speaking skill
while the independent variable is Film FINDINGS
In collecting the data, the research In presenting the data, the researcher
instrument used a test as the instrument of the analyzed the data taken from pre-test and
research. The test consisted of pre-test and post-test. It means that the data collection of
post-test. Pre-test was used to measure the research was in form of numeric data. Pre-
students’ ability in speaking before the test was conducted in order to know the
treatment, while post-test was given after the student’s prior speaking skill before they got
treatment. The treatment was conducted in six the treatment. After the pre-test, the
meetings. Time allocation for each meeting researcher conducted the treatment by using
was 2x45 minutes. The researcher playing film as a medium in six meetings to the
film for the students relating to the material students. After finishing six meetings, the
on the syllabus. The topics were narrative text post-test was conducted in order to find out
and expression of happiness. The researcher the progress of students’ speaking ability after
recorded all of the students’ voices to get the treatment. Furthermore, the purpose of the
accurate scores, both in pre-test and post-test. post-test was to compare the result of the
Furthermore, the researcher used the students’ achievement in speaking skill
scoring system adapted from Heaton between pre-test and post-test. The result of
(1988:100). Based on the scope of the the pre-test is presented on table 2.

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 3

Table 2 Table 3
The Result of the Pre-test The Result of the Post-test
Score Score
No Initial Components Obtained Max Standard No Initial Components Obtained Max Standard
1 ASR 2 4 3 9 15 60.00
1 ASR 1 1 1 3 15 20.00
2 AES 4 5 5 14 15 93.33
2 AES 4 4 3 11 15 73.33
3 AA 3 4 4 11 15 73.33
3 AA 2 2 3 7 15 46.66
4 AT 4 5 4 13 15 86.66
4 AT 4 3 4 11 15 73.33
5 A 3 4 4 11 15 73.33
5 A 2 3 2 7 15 46.66 6 AFZ 2 3 3 8 15 53.33
6 AFZ 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 7 AFR 3 3 3 9 15 60.00
7 AFR 1 2 1 4 15 26.66 8 FA 3 4 3 10 15 66.66
8 FA 2 1 1 3 15 20.00 9 F 2 3 3 8 15 53.33
9 F 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 10 H 3 3 4 10 15 66.66
10 H 1 1 2 4 15 26.66 11 I 2 3 3 8 15 53.33
11 I 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 12 MK 3 3 4 10 15 66.66
12 MK 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 13 MN 3 4 4 11 15 73.33
13 MN 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 14 M 3 3 4 10 15 66.66
14 M 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 15 NA 3 3 4 10 15 66.66
15 NA 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 16 NH 3 4 5 12 15 80.00
16 NH 1 1 2 4 15 26.66 17 N 3 3 4 10 15 66.66
17 N 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 18 PA 3 4 5 12 15 80.00
18 PA 2 3 3 8 15 53.33 19 P 3 3 3 9 15 60.00
19 P 1 1 1 3 15 20.00 20 RC 3 4 4 11 15 73.33
20 RC 1 2 3 6 15 40.00 21 SSR 3 4 4 11 15 73.33
21 SSR 1 2 2 5 15 33.33 22 SW 2 3 4 9 15 60.00
22 SW 1 1 2 4 15 26.66 23 WA 2 3 3 8 15 53.33
23 WA 1 1 1 3 15 20.00
Total score 1.367
Total score 679.96
Mean score 59.43
Mean score 29.56

After looking at the list of the pre-test As shown on the table above, the
scores, it can be seen that the highest score of highest score of the post-test is 93.33 and the
the pre-test is 73.33 and the lowest one is lowest one is 53.33. To compute the mean of
20.00. To find out the t-test value in order to students’ speaking scores on post-test, the
prove whether the use of film as a medium is researcher used the same formula as one used
effective or not in improving students in the pre-test. The mean score of students’
speaking skill. The researcher used formula speaking score for post-test is 59.43. It
stated on the previous chapter to find out the confirm that there is a significant progress of
mean score of students’ pre-test. The mean the students’ score after getting the treatment
score of students’ pre-test is 29.56. The score which is from 29.56 on pre-test become 59.43
shows that the ability of students in speaking on post-test. Moreover, the researcher
was relatively low before getting the calculated the mean deviation and square
treatment. Meanwhile, the result of post-test deviation. It would be done after looking for
is presented on table 3. the sum deviation of students’ score firstly by
analyzing student’s individual score in post-
test minus student’s in pre-test. It is shown
on table 4.

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 4

Table 4. level of significance of one tailed of test, the
The Deviation Score of Pre-Test and Post- researcher found that the t-table value is 1.717.
Test It shows that the t-counted value (5.81) is higher
than t-table value (1.717). It means that the
Standard research hypothesis is accepted because the
Score Deviation Square value of t-counted is higher than the value of
No Initial (d) deviation
Pre- Post-
(y-x) (d2)
t-table. In the other words, the use of film as a
test test medium can improve students speaking skill
(x) (y)
1 ASR 20.00 60.00 40.00 1.600
at tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 2
2 AES 73.33 93.33 20.00 400 Kasimbar.
3 AA 46.66 73.33 26.67 711.28
4 AT 73.33 86.66 13.33 177.68 DISCUSSION
5 A 46.66 73.33 26.67 711.28 The objective of this research is to
6 AFZ 20.00 53.33 33.33 1.110 find out whether or not the use of film as a
7 AFR 26.66 60.00 33.34 1.111 medium can improve students speaking skill
8 FA 20.00 66.66 46.66 2.177
at tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 2
9 F 20.00 53.33 33.33 1.110
10 H 26.66 66.66 46.66 2.177
Kasimbar. The researcher focused on fluency,
11 I 20.00 53.33 33.33 1.110 accuracy, and comprehensibility because
12 MK 20.00 66.66 46.66 2.177 these components become the problem faced
13 MN 20.00 73.33 53.33 2.844 by the students. Before the treatment, the
14 M 20.00 66.66 46.66 2.177 researcher tried to find primary data about
15 NA 20.00 66.66 46.66 2.177 real situation of the class by doing
16 NH 26.66 80.00 53.34 2.845
17 N 20.00 66.66 46.66 2.177 observation first. By doing preminary
18 PA 33.33 80.00 46.67 2.178 research, the researcher saw that some of
19 P 20.00 60.00 40.00 1.600 students’ seemed boring and did not pay
20 RC 40.00 73.33 33.33 1.110 attention to their teacher. This situation
21 SSR 33.33 73.33 40.00 1.600 indicated the students had problem in learning
22 SW 26.66 60.00 53.34 2.845
23 WA 20.00 53.33 33.33 1.110
English, this research was a pre-experimental
Total ∑x = 679.95 ∑y = 1.367 687.05 33.948 research. The researcher gave the students a
pre-test before the treatment result of the pre-
test showed that students’ speaking skill was
The table confirms that the highest low in fluency, accuracy and
deviation (d) score is 53.34 and the lowest comprehensibility.
one is 13.33. For the square deviation (d2), the
highest score is 711.28 and the lowest one is In this research used film as a
400. The total score of students’ deviation is medium in teaching and learning process to
687.05 while the total score of students’ improve students’ fluency, accuracy,
square deviation is 33.948. comprehensibility in speaking. There were
After gathering all the data of problems of the research, firstly some
students’ pre-test and post, the researcher students could not achieve the minimum score
counted the mean score of deviation and standard score and felt unconfident to express
square deviation. The researcher found that their idea in speaking, so they could not speak
the mean score of deviation is 29.87 and the English fluently, accuracy, and
sum of square deviation is 13.423 . comprehensibility. In making students more
Furthermore, the researcher calculated the confident to speak than before, the researcher
value of t-counted by using t-test formula as divided students into 6 groups, than
proposed by Arikunto (2006) to see the researcher played the film and asked students
significant difference between pre-test and to discuss the film in their groups and then the
post-test. By applying the t-test formula, the representative of their groups would present
researcher found that the t-counted value is 5.81. it. Every students had a chance to present the
Afterwards, the researcher compared result of their discussion because the
the value of t-counted to the value of t-table in representative of the groups in every meeting
order to find out the significant difference should be change. So at the post test most of
between pre-test and post-test. By applying students felt confident to express their idea
N-1=23-1=22 degree of freedom (df) and 0.05

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 5

because they have been pass these situation present the result of their discussion to the
before. other group. At the first meeting in giving
treatment most of the group gave wrong
The second problem was, the students explanation about the film and some of
had insufficient vocabulary, during the film is groups could not present their result of
played, the researcher asked students prepare discussion because most of them is passive
dictionary and write the word that the do not students. Every meeting during the treatment
know and ask some conversation that the do most of students more active than first
not understand from the film and they meeting and they could explain the result of
discussed all the vocabulary with their their discussion about the film that related
groups. When they have known all the word it with the material that the researcher always
would make them easy in doing the exercises explain before playing the film. At sixth
that the researcher gave to them. Indirectly meeting in treatment before giving the post-
their vocabulary will be improved. The last test almost every group can present and
problem was they often feel shy for making explain about the film.
the listener will not understand their
expression. They got very confused to express Based on the result of the post-test
their opinions on their mind even not active after administrating the treatments, the
enough on their speaking class. This problem researcher concluded that it was easy for
could be solved by asking the students to join students to speak English including retell their
with their groups and made good relationship experiences. They felt confidence while
with them. In dividing the students, the retelling their experiences in front of the class
researcher mix proficient and less proficient without afraid making mistakes. It caused by
students, so the problem students could help interesting media which were amusing
the less proficient students to speak, and they students who watch it. In addition, students
could active students in speaking class. In acquired some new vocabularies, pronounced
their groups the discussed about the film and word as well, understanding in grammar, and
the material that the researcher teach to them got motivation after watching film. It was
during the class. happened because in the first when the film
was played, the researcher gave students
. The process of instructional chance to ask some conversation that they did
treatment was open by ask the previous not understand and then, they asked by the
materials. After knowing the materials which researcher to repeat the conversation. After
had been taught by their teacher, the she pronounced the sentence on the
researcher gave some questions related to the conversation, then she asked the students to
topics to get their attentions and also told pronounce that sentence again. In the second
them about the instructional objectives. To time when the researcher played the film, the
get their interest in learning speaking the students had a chance to write down the
researcher told them that the researcher use words that they got after watching the film
film as media in teaching during the and they asked to the researcher how to
treatment. Before watching the film the pronounce some words that they did not know
researcher explained the material from their how to pronounce it better. At the third time
books. After giving clearly explanation to the researcher played the film the students
them, the researcher played the film and asked to made some conclusion about the film
asked students to observe it. It was play for that related with the material that researcher
±5 minutes. It was the best part of the film or has been explain at the beginning before
their trailer. Before watching the film the playing the film and present it orally in front
researcher divided students into 6 groups of the class. After all of the groups presented
which is consist of 4-5 students. In order to result of their discussion about the film the
had better understanding about the material researcher fixed some answer who missed and
that related with the film that the students some words that missed.
have been watched, the researcher asked them
to discuss the film that related with the The post-test conducted after
material with their group. After the students treatment that had been given to show
discussed with their group one of them should students’ progress in speaking. The kinds of

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 6

the pre-test and post-test were the same but the research question that using film as a
different result. The researcher computed the media improves students’ speaking skill at
mean score of students’ post-test by applying tenth grade of SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar.
the formula design that used in the pre-test. In
the post-test, the students’ individual score is REFFERENCES
better than the pre-test. From the calculation, Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur
the researcher can interpret that the result of Penelitian:Suatu Pendekatan Praktek
post-test is higher than pre-test and it is (Edisi Revisi 4). Jakarta: Rinaka Cipta
widely that the students speaking skill
improved after giving the treatment by using Best, W.J and Kahn, V.J (2006) Research in
film as a media in teaching. After that, the Education (Tenth Edition). Pearson
researcher computed the deviation score to Education Inc. United States of
compare the students’ score in post-test and America.
pre-test, by computing the students’
individual score in the post-test minus the Bygate, M (2003) Language Teaching, A
students’ individual score in the pre-test. scheme for Teacher Education. New
After obtaining the deviation score, the York: Oxford University Press
researcher counted mean deviation of the
score. Having counted the mean deviation, Department Pendidikan Nasional (2006).
then the researcher computed the square Syllabus tingkat SMA and MAN.
deviation by computing the score deviation Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
(d2) minus by the result of deviation. Pendidikan Nasional Pusat
Furthermore, the researcher computed and Kurikulum.
analyzed the data in order to know the
significant difference between pre-test and Heaton, J.B.(1998) Writing English Language
post-test. Test .Hongkong: Longman Group.

The effectiveness of film as a media

has been proved by Prabawadanti (2014), she
has proven that using cartoon films is
effective in improving the students’ speaking
skill at the year VIII students of SMP Negeri
4 Pasaangkayu. The result of her research
shows that t-counted is higher that t-table. It
means that the hypothesis of the research is
accepted. Additionally, similar with
Prabawadanti, the researcher has proven that
using film as a media in teaching is effective
in improve students’ speaking skill of X grade
students of SMA Negeri 2 Kasimbar, the
result of her research t-counted (5.81) is
higher that t=table (1.717), it means that the
researcher hypothesis is accepted.


The researcher concludes that using

film as a media improves students’ speaking
skill at tenth grade of SMA Negeri 2
Kasimbar. The result of data analysis shows
that the t-counted (5.81) was higher than t-
table (1.717), by looking at the result of t-
counted and t-table, it can be said that there is
a significant improvement of the students’
achievement. The previous statements answer

E-Journal of English Language Teaching Society (ELTS) Vol. No. 7

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