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Online Shopping Application for Local Vendors.

Purva Lila, Rutuja Kirve, Sejal Kale, Shubham gavali, Prof. S. P. Pimpalkar
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Computer Department

Gandhi Pune.
Computer Department [email protected]

ABSTRACT 1. “The Advanced TOA Trilateration Algorithms with

In the era of online shopping with the online shopping Performance Analysis”, IEEE-2016 by Sajina Pradhan,
giants like Flipkart, Amazon dominating the shopping Seokjoo Shin, Goo-Rak Kwon, Jae-young Pyun, and
world, people are ignoring the local vendors who also Suk-seung Hwang states about the time of arrival
provide us with the same quality goods. And so, in an (TOA) trilateration, which is one of the representative
attempt to provide global platform to the local vendors localization algorithms, estimates the location of the
and to acquaint the people with the shops available in mobile station (MS) based on the received signals from
their locality, we are designing an online shopping at least three base stations (BS).
application for local vendors in Pune.
Keywords: Data Mining, Clustering, Indexing, Global 2. “Student Residential Distance Calculation using
Positioning System (GPS),Latitude, Longitude, Haversine Formulation and Visualization through
Application Programming Interface (API). GoogleMap for Admission Analysis”, IEEE-2016 by
Vinayak Hegde, Aswathi T S, Sidharth R. gives details
"I. INTRODUCTION" about Haversine distance formulation algorithm.
Google maps API is used to find out the latitude and
To develop a web service which will have longitude of each shop and customer.
product information and its related data in detail from
local markets in Pune. Depending upon customers, his
GPS location will be detected. Discounts will also be
off ered to the customer through the app which the DATA MINING BASED PAPERS
customer can avail using promo codes.
This application will use various techniques 3. ``An Efficient Approach for Clustering Uncertain
such as : Data Mining Based On Hash Indexing and Voronoi
Clustering", IEEE 2013 by Samir Ajani, Mangesh
Geofencing Wanjari gives details about the various clusters of data
Geofencing is based upon ``Trilateration Algorithm is formed from the uncertain and unstructured data.
with Performance Analysis" and ``Haversine There are various techniques for clustering of data such
Formulation and Visualization algorithm." It is used for as Rule based classification, DTL, Naive Bayes
location detection of customers as well as it will display Classification, etc. Generally K-means algorithm is
shops in 5-10 kms range of customer. used for clustering of data but that increases
Recommendation of Products computational time and so we use K-means with
The web service or android application will recommend Voronoi Clustering.
the products to the user according to the previous search
history of the user. GENERAL PAPERS
Data Mining techniques will also include indexing of
data. 4. ``Psychology Reactance to Online
Recommendations: the Influence of Time Pressure ",
II. SURVEY DETAILS IEEE 2012 by Wang Yanping and Cheng Yan shows
that psychological theories have proved that pressure on
LOCATION BASED PAPERS time for a task accomplishment has an effect on
people’s attitude to giving advises. Many e-commerce
application have brought this theory in practical and

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 38

have implemented this in their design of marketing and laptop, etc. and also product range (for ex-mobile range
promotions. 10000 to 20000), search on brand name or product
5. `` An Laboratory Experiment for Comparing name (ex- dell, hp, etc).
Effectiveness of Three Types of Online
Recommendations", IEEE 2008 by SHI Lin, WANG [4] System Details : Customer search history will be
Kanliang.states that increasing use of e-commerce has stored in a database. So, When user logs in again then
accelerated the development of this business. And so based on their last search and product likes, products
reduce information overload and help the customer to are recommended to them.
make easy and better decisions of purchasing a product
these e-commerce websites have introduced online [5] Android Part : User register and then Log in. The
recommendation systems. user is shown category and user selects category, then
the product is shown with shop Location, then user
6. ``The Impact of Information Factors on Online marks product for buying. Location Reminder is given
Recommendation Adoption", by Xiaobing Gan, Yanhua when a user enters the particular area, then
Zhang, Yanan Yu,Yanmin Jiao paper states that automatically gets notifications on user’s phone.
Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) is used to
demonstrate the important adoption factors on the [6] Constraints : Internet connection is required.
recommendation system.

7. ``Optimal Recommendation to Users that React:

Online Learning for a Class of POMDPs", IEEE 2016
by Rahul Meshram, Aditya Gopalan and D. Manjunath.
States that AOR (Automated online recommendation)
systems for different types of system content aim to
adapt to user’s preferences.

8. ``User Preference Learning for Online Social

Recommendation", IEEE by Zhou Zhao, Deng Cai,
Xiaofei He and Yueting Zhuang states that social
networking sites like Twitter and Facebook are popular
platforms through which users give their opinions for
various products and these are found to have an impact
on the sale of the product positively or negatively. Also
in various shopping applications, recommendations are
provided for purchasing various products.


The previous Recommendation system or online

shopping portals and is not feasible to show the location
based product which has a higher recommendation or
the higher review. Those systems are not able to send
the information of the product which is nearby


[1] Admin Module : Admin of the application will

register only once. Admin can register/add a shop, edit
and delete shop.

[2] Shop Module : Shop user can login using user id

and password which is registered by admin. Shop user
can add product, edit and delete a product.

[3] Customer Module : Customer registers and then logs

in, and first time sees all products. Search based on
products category can be done. For example, mobile,

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 39



Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 40

The outcome of our final year project is that it will
boost the market of local vendors. As Location of the
customer will be detected successfully and then
according to geofencing range provides, it will also
result in early delivery of the products as compared to
existing online shopping systems. Customer will
get the appropriate review of the particular product. Our
system will provide various recommendations to the
customer about the products and their respective offers
based on his/her previous search history.


Customers, Shop users and Admin
can log-in into their respective accounts using this first
log-in page. This log-in service will take the users to
thier respective dashboards. the dashboard presents the
inforation according to the type of user i.e. Customers,
Shop users or Admin. 3. SHOP PAGE
This page also provides registration This page provides adding of products
services for a new Customer. from the shop user log-in. The products added are
visible to the shop user respectively. Shop user can edit
/ delete the product details.

This Admin dashboard page is only 4. CUSTOMER PAGE
for the registered admins of the application. Admin can Customer can view all the products
add / delete / edit the shops. Admin need to put the added by all the different shop users.
correct location and address of the shop so that its Customer can also like and unlike the products. These
longitude and latitude values are detected automatically likes may be used by another users for viewing the
and useful while customer location detection and products according to other customers reviews.
geofencing range.
igh value, we check the performance of the model by taking Scene", 2015 15th International Conference on
similar comparisons. Such a comparison gives us an accuracy Intelligent Sysems Design and Applications (ISDA) .
of around 70% for both models which is considered as pretty

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 41

If a user wants to view the
product details, the customer can click on the product
and view the specified details of the products.

Various products can be
searched according to product search or product
categories. User can specify price starting and ending
range too.


This page provides adding of
products from the shop user log-in.

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 42

When user turns on the location services from android
phone, he/she will get the shops sorted according to the [10]
geofencing range in the specifies range.



Recommender System are new generation internet tool

that help user in navigating through information on the
internet and receive information related to their
preferences. To overcome the product overload of
Internet shoppers, we introduce a recommendation
procedure which is more efficient. Using this
application we get the product information and also
give the notification to the customer through GSM. This
system will be used in local market for electronic
product recommendation for users.


[1] Sajina Pradhan, Seokjoo Shin, Goo-Rak Kwon, Jae-

young Pyun, and Suk-seung Hwang, ``The Advanced
TOA Trilateration Algorithms with Performance
Analysis", IEEE-2016.

[2] Vinayak Hegde, Aswathi T S, Sidharth R, ``Student

Residential Distance Calculation using Haversine
Formulation and Visualization through GoogleMap for
Admission Analysis", IEEE-2016.

[3] Mangesh Wanjari, Samir Ajani, ``An Efficient

Approach for Clustering Uncertain Data Mining Based
On Hash Indexing and Voronoi Clustering", IEEE-

[4] Wang Yanping and Cheng Yan, ``Psychology

Reactance to Online Recommendations: the Influence
of Time Pressure ", IEEE 2012.

[5] SHI Lin, WANG Kanliang, ``An Laboratory

Experiment for Comparing Effectiveness of Three
Types of Online Recommendations", IEEE 2008.

[6] Xiaobing Gan, Yanhua Zhang, Yanan Yu,Yanmin

Jiao, ``The Impact of Information Factors on Online
Recommendation Adoption", IEEE.

[7] Rahul Meshram, Aditya Gopalan and D. Manjunath,

``Optimal Recommendation to Users that React: Online
Learning for a Class of POMDPs", IEEE 2016.

[8] Zhou Zhao, Deng Cai, Xiaofei He and Yueting

Zhuang, ``User Preference Learning for Online Social
Recommendation", IEEE.

Volume: 3 Issue: 2 April - 2018 43

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