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Human Rights Report: Human Rights of a Refugee

Since the 2nd World War, it was only in the Summer of 2015 that the world
has encountered another sudden influx of refugees. Syria, an ancient land, was
ruled by the Al-Assad family which governed the Country as Quasi-Dictators. A
revolution sparked but Al-Assad refused to step down and even started a brutal
civil war. It was then that different ethnicities and civil groups started to take
arms including a military jihadist group ISIS. All sides committed horrible war
crimes including the use of chemical weapons, mass executions, torture and a
lot more. The Syrian population was now trapped between the regime, the rebel
goups and the extremists. This event was the cause of the sudden influx of
refugees in Europe and eventually within the world.

Who is a Refugee?
A refugee is a person who "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for
reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political
opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear,
is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country ... "
- The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees
Protecting refugees is the core mandate of UNHCR. This booklet answers some of the
most commonly asked questions about refugees themselves and how the agency
attempts to help them. Who, for instance, can qualify as a refugee and on what
grounds? Can people be excluded and why? - a particularly sensitive issue given the
international preoccupation with terrorism. What rights does a refugee enjoy and what
obligations? What is the role of governments and of UNHCR itself? It also explores
related issues including the development of ‘temporary protection’, the future of millions
of so-called internally displaced persons and statelessness.

How are refugees protected?

Governments normally guarantee the basic human rights and physical security of
citizens. But when civilians become refugees this safety net disappears. UNHCR’s main
role in pursuing international protection is to ensure that states are aware of, and act on,
their obligations to protect refugees and persons seeking asylum. However, it is not a
supranational organization and cannot be considered as a substitute for government
Countries may not forcibly return (refoulement) refugees to a territory where they face
danger or discriminate between groups of refugees. They should ensure that refugees
benefit from economic and social rights, at least to the same degree as other foreign
residents of the country of asylum. For humanitarian reasons, states should allow a
spouse or dependent children to join persons to whom temporary refuge or asylum has
been granted. Finally, states have an obligation to cooperate with UNHCR.

What rights does a refugee have?

A refugee has the right to safe asylum. However, international protection comprises
more than physical safety. Refugees should receive at least the same rights and basic
help as any other foreigner who is a legal resident, including freedom of thought, of
movement, and freedom from torture and degrading treatment.
Economic and social rights are equally applicable. Refugees should have access to
medical care, schooling and the right to work.
In certain circumstances when adequate government resources are not immediately
available, such as the sudden arrival of large numbers of uprooted persons,
international organizations such as UNHCR provide assistance. This may include
financial grants, food, tools and shelter and basic infrastructure such as schools and
clinics. With projects such as income-generating activities and skill training
programmes, UNHCR makes every effort to ensure that refugees become self-sufficient
as quickly as possible.

What are the obligations of a refugee?

Refugees are required to respect the laws and regulations of their country of asylum.

Who decides who is a refugee?

Governments establish status determination procedures to decide a person’s legal
standing and rights in accordance to their own legal systems. UNHCR may offer advice
as part of its mandate to promote refugee law, protect refugees and supervise the
implementation of the 1951 Refugee Convention. The agency advocates that
governments adopt a rapid, flexible and liberal process, recognizing how difficult it often
is to document persecution.
UNHCR’s 57-member Executive Committee sets non-binding guidelines that may be
useful in this respect and the agency’s “Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for
Determining Refugee Status” is an authoritative interpretation of the 1951 Convention.
In countries which are not party to international refugee instruments but who request
UNHCR’s assistance, the agency may determine a person’s refugee status and offer its
protection and assistance.

Are persons fleeing war or war-related conditions such as famine and ethnic
violence refugees?
The 1951 Geneva Convention, the main international instrument of refugee law, does
not specifically address the issue of civilians fleeing conflict, though in recent years
major refugee movements have resulted from civil wars, ethnic, tribal and religious
However, UNHCR considers that persons fleeing such conditions, and whose state is
unwilling or unable to protect them, should be considered refugees. Regional
instruments such as Africa’s OAU Convention and the Cartagena Declaration in Latin
America support this view.
Some countries, particularly in western Europe, argue that civilians fleeing generalized
war or who fear persecution by non-governmental groups such as militias and rebels,
should not be given formal refugee status. It is UNHCR’s view that the origin of the
persecution should not be decisive in determining refugee status, but rather whether a
person deserves international protection because it is not available in the country of
Who helps the internally displaced
Internally displaced persons (IDPs)flee their homes for the same reasons as refugees,
but remain within their own country and are thus subject to the laws of that state. In
some crises, and though it does not have a specific mandate in this area,UNHCR
assists several million, but not all of the estimated 20-25 million IDPs worldwide.
These operations are initiated at the request of the U.N. Secretary-General or the
General Assembly, with the consent of the country involved and have included recent
crises in the Middle East, the Balkans, Africa and Afghanistan.

Why is everyone not doing this to the Syrian refugees? There are fears that stop
the countries from doing it. Islam, high birth rate, crime, and the collapse of the
social system. Some fear that the asylum population might take over the
population in a few decades

Must every refugee undergo individual status determination?

People who apply for refugee status normally need to establish individually that their
fear of persecution is well-founded. However, during a mass exodus such as occurred
from Kosovo or Africa’s Great Lakes, it may not be possible to carry out individual
screening. In such circumstances, particularly when civilians are fleeing for similar
reasons, it may be appropriate to declare ‘group’ determination of refugee status,
whereby each civilian is considered as a refugee, prima facie - in other words, in the
absence of evidence to the contrary.

How does UNHCR distinguish between a refugee and an economic migrant?

An economic migrant normally leaves a country voluntarily to seek a better life. Should
he or she elect to return home, they would continue to receive the protection of their
government. Refugees flee because of the threat of persecution and cannot return
safely to their homes in the prevailing circumstances.

May governments deport persons who are found not to be refugees?

Persons who have been determined, under an equitable procedure, not to be in need of
international protection are in a situation similar to that of illegal aliens, and may be
deported. However, UNHCR does urge that protection be granted to people who come
from countries devastated by armed conflicts or generalized violence. The agency also
advocates that rejected asylum seekers be granted the right to a review before being

Can a draft evader be a refugee?

Every country has the right to ask its citizens to bear arms in periods of national
emergency. However, citizens should have an equal right to conscientious objection. In
cases where the option of conscientious objection is not observed, or where a conflict
violates international norms, draft evaders who fear persecution on political or other
grounds may be eligible for refugee status.

Can a criminal be a refugee?

A criminal who has received a fair trial for a common law offense and who flees his
country to escape jail is not necessarily a refugee. However, a person accused of these
or other non-political crimes, whether innocent or guilty, may also be persecuted for
political or other reasons, and is thus not necessarily excluded from refugee status.
Furthermore, people convicted of the ‘crime’ of political activism may well be refugees.

Can a war criminal be a refugee?

Persons who have participated in war crimes and violations of international
humanitarian and human rights law - including the crime of terrorism - are specifically
excluded from the protection accorded to refugees.
In practice, especially during a mass exodus, it is sometimes difficult to separate
persons suspected of serious human rights violations from bona fide refugees
especially for a humanitarian organization such as UNHCR which is neither a police
force or a judicial body. In the 1990s, for instance, known violators were living in the
huge refugee camps for Rwandans established in surrounding countries.
The most viable solution is to provide support initiatives such as the international
tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, to bring war criminals to justice.
UNHCR is obligated to share with these and other relevant U.N. organizations pertinent
facts on such issues while sensitively handling information which refugees have
confidentially divulged to field staff.

Can a soldier be a refugee?

A refugee is a civilian. A person who continues to pursue armed action against his or
her country of origin from the country of asylum cannot be considered a refugee.

Can women facing persecution because they refuse to comply with social
constraints be refugees?
Women, like men, may be persecuted for political, ethnic or religious reasons. In
addition, someone fleeing discrimination or severe persecution for her failure to conform
to strict social codes has grounds to be considered for refugee status. Such persecution
may emanate from a government authority or, in the absence of adequate government
protection, from non-state actors. Sexual violence, such as rape, may constitute
Such discrimination should have consequences that are significantly prejudicial. A
woman who fears attack for her refusal to wear a chador or other restrictive clothing, or
because of her desire to choose her own spouse and live an independent life, may
qualify to be a refugee.
In 1984, the European Parliament determined that women facing cruel or inhumane
treatment because they seemed to transgress social mores should be considered a
particular social group for the purposes of determining refugee status. The United
States and Canada have exhaustive guidelines relating to gender-based persecution,
and there has been similar progress in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

Can a woman who fears that she, or her infant daughter, will be genitally
mutilated claim refugee status?
In France, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States, it has been officially
recognized that genital mutilation represents a form of persecution and that this can be
a basis for refugee status. In one case, a woman who feared persecution in her country
because of her refusal to inflict genital mutilation on her infant daughter was recognized
as a refugee.

Is a person who fears persecution because of sexual orientation eligible for

refugee status?
Homosexuals may be eligible for refugee status on the basis of persecution because of
their membership of a particular social group. It is the policy of UNHCR that persons
facing attack, inhumane treatment, or serious discrimination because of their
homosexuality, and whose governments are unable or unwilling to protect them, should
be recognized as refugees.

What is temporary protection?

Nations at times offer ‘temporary protection’ when they face a sudden mass influx of
people, as happened during the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990s
and later in Kosovo, when their regular asylum systems would be overwhelmed. In such
circumstances people can be speedily admitted to safe countries, but without any
guarantee of permanent asylum.
Thus ‘temporary protection’ can work to the advantage of both governments and asylum
seekers in specific circumstances. But it only complements, and does not substitute for
the wider protection measures, including refugee asylum, offered by the Convention.
Temporary protection should not be prolonged, and after a reasonable period of time
UNHCR advocates that people benefiting from this should be given the right to claim full
refugee status. Those rejected should, nonetheless, be allowed to remain in a country
of aslyum until it is safe to return.
What does UNHCR do to protect refugees from physical assault?
Refugees, especially the elderly, women and children, are often vulnerable to violence.
Rape, in particular, is a common element in the pattern of persecution that drives
refugee families from their homes, as civilians increasingly become the deliberate
targets of sectarian warfare. Civilians may also be sexually assaulted during their flight
and on arrival in their country of asylum, by officials, locals, or other refugees.
UNHCR field staff attempt to prevent conditions that may encourage such assaults,
offering victims special care and ensuring a proper legal follow-up which could include
trials for suspected perpetrators. Preventive measures include improving camp layout or
upgrading basic facilities such as lighting and walls and encouraging refugees to
institute night patrols.

How can unaccompanied children find their families?

An unaccompanied minor is one “who is separated from both parents and for whose
care no person can be found who by law or custom has primary responsibility.” The
number of unaccompanied child refugees varies widely, but often comprise 2 to 5
percent of a refugee population.
UNHCR works with other agencies such as the Red Cross, UNICEF and Save the
Children, to ensure that unaccompanied children are identified and registered, and their
families traced. In the Rwandan crisis in the mid 1990s, an estimated 67,000 children
were reunited with their families.

What is UNHCR’s policy on resettlement?

Voluntary repatriation is the preferred long-term solution for the majority of refugees.
However, because of an ongoing threat of persecution or other reasons, some civilians
cannot repatriate and are unable to live permanently in their country of asylum. In those
circumstances, resettlement in a third country may be the only feasible option.

Can refugees request resettlement in a specific country?

In normal circumstances, no. But in the interests of family reunification, refugees may
request resettlement in countries where their close family members are living.

Which countries maintain a resettlement quota?

Of the 189 member states of the U.N., only a handful establish annual resettlement
quotas, including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway,
Sweden, the Netherlands and the USA. Other countries may consider submissions from
UNHCR on a case by case basis, normally because of family reunion or strong cultural

Why are quotas not always filled by UNHCR?

Governments are not always ready to adapt their quotas to rapidly changing needs, and
often establish them in response to domestic interest groups, targeting specific
nationalities. Resettlement countries may also turn down cases such as families with
pressing medical problems, who may be more costly in terms of welfare payments, or
who may have limited ability to integrate rapidly. In general, although some countries do
accept difficult to place hardship cases, most resettlement countries prefer educated
refugees with strong family and cultural links, an intact family structure, and a high
likelihood of rapid integration. Such families may not always correspond to the pressing
protection cases which UNHCR attempts to resettle.

Are there asylum guidelines on stowaways or people rescued at sea?

Shipmasters have an obligation under international law to rescue any persons in
distress at sea. In some cases, such as the exodus of Vietnamese boat people, such
persons were asylum seekers. Clandestine stowaways may also be asylum seekers.
Persons rescued at sea should be disembarked at the next port of call, where they
should be admitted, at least on a temporary basis, pending resettlement. Some flag
states of rescuing ships have provided guarantees of resettlement for persons rescued
at sea.
There is no binding international convention relating to stowaway asylum seekers and
their reception varies very widely. UNHCR advocates that, wherever possible,
stowaways should be allowed to disembark at the first port of call, where their refugee
status may be determined by the local authorities. If a port state does not allow a
stowaway to disembark, and the ship’s next port of call is in a state where the
stowaway’s life is threatened, then the action is tantamount to forcible return
In such cases, UNHCR officials try to arrange an on board interview and if the asylum
seeker is found to be a refugee, they assist in finding a permanent solution - usually
third country resettlement.

What does UNHCR do to prevent statelessness?

The right to a nationality is widely recognized in international law and constitutes a
status from which other rights may derive. However, several million people worldwide
probably remain statelessness especially in some countries of the former Soviet Union.
The problem may be particularly acute among children of parents of mixed origin, or
who are born in a country other than their parents’ country of origin, since they do not
necessarily gain citizenship of the place where they are born.
There are several international documents which deal with the issue including the 1948
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of
Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness which
underlines that a person may not be deprived of nationality on racial, ethnic, religious or
political grounds. It sketches out measures to prevent statelessness resulting from the
transfer of territory; and establishes rules for the granting of nationality to persons born
in a country who would otherwise be stateless. The U.N. General Assembly has
entrusted UNHCR with overseeing the Convention.

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