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Smarter Internet Searching: Using Boolean Operators



1. First, brainstorm with your partner some things you’d like to search for on the Internet.
You can use something you need to research or just something you’re interested in.
List some possible topics here:

2. Using AND

Choose one of your topics. What can you add to your search to get better results?

Try a general search on Google with just one word, and then trying adding AND and a
second word.

Draw a Venn diagram showing your search results. Make sure to label the circles with
the search terms you used. Give a specific example of one of your search results.
3. Now trying using OR. First try searching for one word. Then add a second word
using OR.

What did you search for? OR

Describe what happened when you used OR:

4. Using NOT.

Search on Google for “jaguar.” What’s the first result?

Now search for “jaguar NOT cars.” What happened? How did your results change?

Bonus Question:
Can you think of another example where you might want to use NOT?


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