Solutions For Week 8

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1. A set of reasons for engaging in a particular behaviour, especially human behaviour is known
as ________
(a) Values
(b) Vision
(c) Entrepreneurship
(d) Motivation

2. The development of a new venture based on an inventor’s work often requires__________

(a) Expertise of an entrepreneur
(b) Heavy investment from financers
(c) Skilled Human resources
(d) Highly educated staff

3. Entrepreneurs are
(a) High risk takers
(b) Moderate risk takers
(c) Small risk takers
(d) Doesn’t matter

4. What is the role of incubator in the process of entrepreneurship?

(a) Incubator provides financial support to start up.
(b) Incubator provides mentorship support.
(c) Incubator provides networking opportunities with venture capitalists.
(d) All of the above

5. How an Organization does deliver value?

a) By knowing what business they are into?

b) By knowing what the World is doing?

c) By knowing the politics of their Country.

d) By understanding the people around.

6. How does an organization create value?

a) By knowing their customers well

b) By knowing their employees well

c) By knowing themselves well

d) By knowing their successors well

7. Single largest factor associated with a Business Model Failure is:

a) Incoherence with the Business Environment

b) Unavailability of regular banking and finance support

c) Powerful Competition

d) Complacency of the Organization and the team

8. One of the most important remedies of a business model failure is:

a) Consistency and Persistence of the organization and the leadership

b) Market Analysis

c) Competitor’s Analysis

d) Product analysis

9. How should India or similar markets look at the future?

a) On the basis of Needs and Resources.

b) On the basis of pattern set by the developed markets.

c) On the basis of the neighbouring markets.

d) On the basis of the desire of the entrepreneurs.

10. Looking at things with the innovative and innovation perspective India should be looking at
the market growth with reference to products/areas of business/services like

a) Energy and Food

b) Entertainment

c) Shipping

d) Financial Management

1. D 2. A 3.B 4. D 5.A 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.A

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