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1-Which of the following are examples of indirect costs?

(A) Salaries of corporate executives

(B) Salaries of full time project staff

(C) Overhead costs

(D) both (A) and (C)

2-Which of the following contract types places the greatest risk on the seller?
(A) Cost plus fixed fee contract

(B) Cost plus incentive fee contract

(C) Fixed price incentive contract

(D) Firm fixed price contract

3-The following is not an element(s) of procurement management?

(A) Purchasing

(B) Acquisition

(C) Marketing

(D) Both (B) and (C)

4-Distribution channel aims of moving products from producer to

(A) Ultimate consumer

(B) Retailers

(C) Stockists

(D) Brokers

5-‘Supply creates its own demand’ is known as

(A) Keyresian law

(B) Say’s law

(C) Veblen law

(D) Griffin’s law

6-________ is the general term for a buying and selling process that is supported
by electronic means
(A) Internet commerce

(B) Web commerce

(C) Computer commerce

(D) Electronic commerce

7-______ factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer graphs.
(A) Geographic

(B) Demographic

(C) Psychographic

(D) Behavioural

8-The following is the last stage of the selling process.

(A) Approach

(B) Handling objections

(C) Closing

(D) Follow up

9-Double entry principle means

(A) Having debit for every credit and similarly credit for each debit

(B) Writing all the entries twice in the book

(C) Maintaining the double account for all business transactions

(D) Writing two times the same entry

10-The preparation of a trial balance helps in

(A) Locating errors of principles

(B) Locating errors of omission

(C) Locating clerical errors

(D) Locating compensating errors

11-Petty cash may be used to pay

(A) The expenses relating to postages and conveyance

(B) Salaries and wages to the final staff

(C) For the purchase of furniture and fittings

(D) None of these

12-‘Theory X’ and ‘Theory Y’ is given by

(A) Maslow

(B) Vroom

(C) Herzberg

(D) McGregor

13-Hawthrone studies have underlined the importance of which of the following?

(A) Contingency approach to management

(B) Scientific approach to management

(C) Modern approach to management

(D) Human relations approach to management

14-Job evaluation is used for

(A) Determining wage rate differentials

(B) Study of job evaluation

(C) Rating of employee merit

(D) Determining production cost

15-The most complicated but widely used method of job evaluation is

(A) the job ranking method
(B) the job classification method

(C) the market pricing method

(D) the points method

16-Which one of the following styles of leadership is the most effective for a job order
(A) Participation leadership

(B) Free-rein leadership

(C) Transformational leadership

(D) Authoritarian leadership

17-Demand can be defined as

(A) Desire to pay

(B) Willingness to buy

(C) Ability to pay

(D) Desire and willingness to buy backed by adequate purchasing power;

18-………… , weakness, threats, opportunities are the long form SWOT analysis.
(A) Strength

(B) Structure

(C) Supervision

(D) Services

19-In management process, the most misinterpreted word is _____ .

(A) Organizing

(B) Delegating

(C) Staffing

(D) None

20-The objective(s) in corporate governance is (are)

(A) Growth

(B) Stability

(C) Shareholders value maximization

(D) All of the above

21- The word________denotes a function, a task, a discipline.

(A) Management

(B) Leadership

(C) Organization

(D) Productivity

22-The factor(s) coming under philosophy of scientific management is (are)

(A) Co-operation

(B) Maximum output

(C) Harmony

(D) All of the above

5. Which of the following is generally not true about a manager?

a. He or she can punish or reward others.
b. He or she has legitimate power.
c. He or she should ideally be a leader.
d. His or her influence is based on formal authority or position.
e. He or she emerges from a group.

6. ______ isolate characteristics that differentiate leaders from non leaders.

a. Trait theories
b. Behavioral theories
c. Contingency theories
d. Transactional theories
e. Situational theories
7. Which of the following traits is not among those that differentiate leaders from non leaders?
a. job-relevant knowledge
b. self-confidence
c. enthusiasm
d. intelligence
e. honesty and integrity
8. The ______ style of leadership behaviour can be further classified in two ways:
consultative and participative.

a. autocratic
b. delegative
c. democratic
d. laissez-faire
e. free-reign

9. A leader who tends to centralize authority, dictate work methods, and make unilateral decisions is
a(n) _____ leader.
a. democratic
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. free-reign

10. A leader who involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, and gathers input
from employees, but makes the final decision herself is using the style of leadership.
a. democratic-participative
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. democratic-delegative

11. A leader who involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, and allows the
employees to have direct input into the final decision, with the leader serving as only one input
from the group is using the style of leadership.
a. democratic-participative
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. democratic-delegative
12. A leader who allows his employees complete freedom to make decisions and to complete work
in whatever way they think is best is using which leadership style?
a. democratic-participative
b. laissez-faire
c. autocratic
d. democratic-consultative
e. democratic-delegative

13. According to Tannenbaum and Schmidt, in the long run, which leadership style should managers
move toward?
a. autocratic
b. laissez-faire
c. democratic-participative
d. democratic-consultative
e. boss-centred

14. Jake always consults with his employees and uses their suggestions before making a decision. He
is demonstrating which type of leadership style, according to House?
a. directive
b. achievement-oriented
c. participative
d. supportive
e. cooperative

15. Women tend to use a more style of leadership.

a. autocratic
b. laissez-faire
c. democratic
d. directive
e. transactional

16. Men tend to use a more _______ leadership style.

a. employee-centred
b. task-centred
c. organization-centred
d. customer-centred
e. management-centred

17. The most critical dimension in determining another's trustworthiness is:

a. integrity.
b. loyalty.
c. competence.
d. consistency.
e. openness.

18. ______ is a positive expectation that another will not act opportunistically.

a. Integrity

b. Followership

c. Trust

d. Loyalty

e. Openness
19. The ______ dimension of trust refers to the willingness to protect and save face for others.

a. integrity

b. competence

c. openness

d. loyalty

e. consistency

20. As the new manager explained the recent sales trend, others began to wonder if he really knew
what he was talking about. Their doubt relates to the dimension of trust.
a. integrity

b. competence

c. openness

d. loyalty

e. consistency

21. Not all leaders are managers, nor are all managers leaders.
a. True

b. False

22. Managers are people who are able to influence others and who possess managerial authority.
a. True

b. False
23. Charisma and enthusiasm are traits that have been found to consistently differentiate leaders from
non leaders.
a. True

b. False

24. Lewin explored three leadership behaviours autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire.

a. True

b. False

25. An autocratic leader would allow employees to participate in decision making.

a. True

b. False

26. A democratic-participative leader gathers information from employees but makes the final
decision alone.
a. True

b. False

27. Tannenbaum and Schmidt suggested that in the long run managers should move toward an
employee-centred leadership style.
a. True

b. False

28. Susan tells employees exactly what is expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives
specific guidance on how the tasks should be completed. She is a supportive leader.
a. True

b. False

29. Team leaders' responsibilities include coaching, facilitating, handling disciplinary problems,
reviewing team/individual performance, training, and communication.
a. True

b. False

30. Men tend to use a more democratic leadership style than women.
a. True

b. False
31. Leadership may not always be important in an organization.
a. True

b. False

32. Trust implies familiarity and risk.

a. True

b. False

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