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Bailey bridge BB
Balance bal
Baloch Regiment’s battalion Baloch
Bandsman; bandsmen bdsm
Barrak bk
Base ammunition depot BAD
Base ordnance depot BOD
Base workshop B Wksp
Base supply depot BSD
Battalion bn
Battalion routine orders BRO
Battery bty
Battery command post B CP
Battle dress; bomb disposal BD
Battle Efficiency Test BET
Battlefield B fd
Beach head B hd
Bearing bg
Bearing picket; boundary pillar BP
Bench mark BM
Beyond economical repair BER
Beyond local repair BLR
Binocular bino
Biological warfare BW
Bivouac biv
Boat off loading point BOLP
Bomb line BL
Bombing report bomrep
Border defence area BDA
Border out post BOP
Boundry bdry
Boundry pillar; bearing picket BP
Bridge, (d); bridging br
Bridgehead br H
Bridger marshalling harbour BMH
Brigade bde
Brigade administrative area BAA
Building bldg
Buld breaking point BBP
Butchery bchy

Calculate, (d); calculation calc
Calibrate; calibration; calibre cal
Camouflage,(d) cam
Cantonment cantt
Capability cap
Carrier carr
Casualty; casualties cas
Casuality car post CCP
Casuality clearing station CCP
Categoristation;categorised;Category cat
Cavalry, as a unit designation; eg 11 C C
Cease fire line CFL
Centigtram cg
Centimetre cm
Central discussion CD
Central mechanical transport and CMT&SD
stores depot
Central Officers Record Office CORO
Central ordnance depot COD
Central vehicle depot CVD
Centre line; confinement to lines CL
Certificate,Certified, Certify cert
Certificate issue voucher CIV
Certificate receipt voucher CRV
Check post, command post. contact CP
Chemical warfare, continous wave CW

Compiled by

Chief Inspectorate of Armament CIA

Chief Instructor/Counter Intelligence CI
Circuit and landing cct & ldg
Civil; civillian civ
Civ affairs, current affairs CA
Civil Armed Forces CAF
Civil defence CD
Class, (fication), (ified),(ify) centilitre cl
Clerk clk
Close quarter battle CQB
Close support CS
Clothing clo
College of Army Education CAE
Colon (in message only) CLN
Column colm
Combat cbt
Combat air patrol; company aid post CAP
Combat Operation Centre COC
Combat zone CZ
Combine, (d), combination comb
Combined military hospital CMH
Comma (in message in only) CMM
Command, (ed), (er) comd
Command and Staff College C&SC
Commando cdo
Command Post Officer CPO
Command vehicle CV
Commitment,commit,committed, cmt
Communicate, (d), communication comm
Commenication Centre comcen
Company Coy
Company aid post; combat air patrol CAP
Commensate; compensation compen
Compensation in lieu of quarter CILQ
Competent financial authority CFA
Composite comp
Composition composn
Compute,(d);computing; computation cpt
Concealment clt
Concentrate, (d); conclusion; conclusive concl
Conference conf
Confidential confd
Confinement to lines; centre line CL
Confirm,(ation), (ed) cfm
Conjuction conjuc
Conservancy consy
Construct, (ed),(ion) const
Contaminate,(d); contamination contaim
Contigency ctgy
Continue (d); Continuation cont
Continuous wave; chemical warfare CW
Control, (led) con
Control and Reporting (as applied to C&R
air defence)
Control tower con twr
Cooperate,(d); cooperation;cooperative coop
Co-ordinate,(d); co-ordination; coord
Corps of Artillery Arty
Corps administrative area CAA
Corps of Electrical and Mechanical EME
Corps of Engineers Engr
Corps of Military CMP
Corps of Signals Sigs
Ciros if troops C tps
Correspondence corres
Correction Corrn
Corrigendum corr

Compiled by

counter ctr
Counter-attak c attk
Counter intelliegence,Chief Instructor CI
Counter-bombardment CB
Counter mortar C mor
Counter penetration C pen
Court of Inquiry C of I
Craftsman; Craftsmen cfn
Crossing (applied to roads,rivers etc) Xing
Crossing control organisation/ CCO
crossing control officer
Cross roads X rds
Cubic cu
Current affairs;civil affairs CA
Cryptographic, Cryptographer crypto

Dacagram dag
Dacametre dam
Daily allowance DA
Daily messing allowance DMA
Dangerously ill DI
Decigram dg
Decimetre dm
Decontaminate,(d); Decontamination decontam
Decrease (d) dec
Defence,defend,(ed);defensive def
Defensive fire; direction finding DF
Defence Service Guard DSG
Defence Service Officer’ Provident Fund DSOP
Degree deg
Deliver, (ed), (y) del
Delivery Point DP

Demi-official DO
Demolish,(ed);demolition dml
Demonstrate,(d);demonstration demo
Depart, (ed),(ure); depot dep
Department, (al) dept
Deploy,(ed), (ment) depl
Depot;depart,(ed),ure) dep
Deputy dy
Desert warfare;Director of Works DW
Desired ground zero DGZ
Despatch Rider DR
Detach,(ed),(ment) det
Develop,(ed),(ment) dev
Diesel fuel; desiel oil DIESO
Direct, (ed),(tion) dir
Direct support DS
Direction finding; defensive fire DF
Directorate dte
Discharge,(d) disch
Disposition disposn
Distance dist
Distributary disty
Distribute, (d);distribution distr
District dist
District Armed Service Board DASB
Division, (al) div
Divisional adminstrative area DAA
Cistrict court martial DCM
Document, (ary),(ation) docu
Draft for approval DFA
Draughtsman; draughtsmen dtmn
Driver dvr
Dropping zone DZ

Compiled by

Ear,nose and throat (as applied to ENT
Early warning; electronic warfare EW
Echelon ech
Education edn
Effect, (ed),(live),(lively),(liveness) eff
Effects of Controls (as in aviation) EOC
Electrical and Mechanical E&M
Electrial and mechanical engineering EMER
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering EME
(corps of )
Electrion, electricity elec
Electronic counter measures ECM
Electronic support measures ESM
Element(s) Elementary elm
Embark, (ed), (ation) emb
Employ,(ed),(ment) emp
Enclose,(d); enclosure encl
Enemy en
Engineer engr
Engineer construction battalion ECB
Engineer report Engrep
Engineer stores depot ESD
Enrol, (led),ment enrl
Equipment eqpt
Equipment collecting point ECP
Essential elements of information EEI
Establish, (ed), (ment) estb
Estimate,(d); estimation est
Estimated time of arrival ETA
Estimated time departure ETD
Etcetera etc
Evaluate,(d),evaluation;evaluating eval
Evacuate, (d); evacuation evac
Examination; examine, (d) exam
Exchange exch
Exclude,(d),excluding ;exclusive excl
Execute,(d);execution;exective exec
Exercise,(d) ex
Expedite, (d) expd
Expense,)s), expenditure exp
Explode,(d); explosion;explosive expl
Extra regimental employment ERE

Field fd
Field general courtr martial FGCM
Field of fire F of F
Field intelligence unit FIU
Field pay office; field post office FPO
Field security; field service FS
Field security section FS Sec
Field service marching order FSMO
Field service pocket book FSPB
Field service regulation FSR
Field transfusion team FIT
Fighter (aeroplance) F
Fighter ground attak FGA
Fighting Echelons F ech
Fingure fig
Financial year FY
Fire control equipment FCE
Fire control instruction FCI
Fire Control Radar FCO
Fire order FO
Fire order line FOL

Compiled by

Fire support plan FSP

Firing table FT
Fixed wing FW
Flight flt
Folding boatr equipment FBE
Follow, (ed); (ing) fol
Foot; feet ft
Forenoon RN
For example eg
Fore commander northern area, Forece FCNA
command northern area
Formation fmn
Forming up placed FUP
Fortified Position F Posn
Forward fwd
Forward airfield supply organisation FASO
Forward ammunition depot FAD

Forward area Arming and Refuelling FAARP

Forward Army Air Defence Centre FADC
Forward assembly area FAA
Forward brigade marshalling harbour FBMH
Forward defended locality FDL
Forward line of own troops FLOT
Forward looking infra-red FLIR
Forward observation base FOB
Forward raft marshalling harbour FRMH
Frequency freq
Frequency modulated/modulation FM
Frontier Corps FC
Frontier Force Regiment’s battalion FF
Frontier warfar FW
Frontier Works Organization FWO
Functional test tight FIF

Gallon gal
Garrison gar
Gasoline gas
General, (ly) gen
General court martial GCM
General duties GD
General Headquarters GHQ
General list GL
General Staff; guidance system GS

General Staff (Branch),(Matters),(Staff) G (Branch)

G (Matters)
G (Staff)
This may be qual intelligence; eg:- Intelligence
Operations G (Ops)
Training G (Trg)
General staff publication GSP
General transport company GT Coy
Geographjic,(ally); geography geo
Good service pay GS Pay
Government govt
grade, (d) grtd
Ground gr
Grant,(ed) gt
Grenaded gren
Grid reference GR
Ground;gram gr
Ground attack GA
Ground control intercerpjtion (station) GCI
Ground liaison section Gl Sec

Compiled by

Ground observer team GOT

Ground zero GZ
Group,(ed) gd
Guard,(ed) gd
Guerrilla warfare GW
Gioded ,osso;e GM
Gun cotton slab GCS
Gun Fire area GFA
Gun Missile Regiment GM Regt
Gunner gnr

Harassing fire; high frequency HF
Harbour har
Harbour area HA
Hard standing HS
Headquarters HQ
Heavy hy
Heavy anti tank battalion HAT
Heavy machine gun HMG
Hectogram hg
Hectolitre hl
Helocopter hel
Helicopter borne heliborn Helicopter pad
High explosive HE
High frequency; harassing fire HF
High level HL
History; historical hist
Honorary hon
Horse,in unit designation only H
Horse power HP
Hospital; hospitalization hosp
Hostile battery HB
Hot photographic interpretation HOTPHOTOREP
Hour hr
hovercraft hov
Hovering hvg
Howitzer how
Hundredweight cwt
Hygience hyg
Hypothesis H

Identity,identification,identified ident
Identification Friend or Foe IFF
Illuminate,(d);illumination; ill
Immediate photographic IPIR
interpretation report
Important; importance imp
inch in
incharge (of);internal combustion IC
Include,(s),(d);including;inclusive include
Increase, (d) inc
Independent, (ly) indep
Independent Ammunition Platoon IAP
Independent Infantry Brigade Group IIBG
Independent Armoured Brigade Group IABG
Individual, (ly) indl
Individual Exercise IE
Individual Research Paper IRP
Individual running ledger account IRLA
Infantry inf
Infiltrate,(d),(ing),infiltration infil
Inform,(ation),(ed) info
Infra-red IR

Compiled by

Inspecdt,(ed),(ing),(ion) insp
Instal, (led),(lation),(ment) instl
Instructor pilot,instructional practice IP
Instrument inst
Intelligence int
Intelligence and counter bombardment ICB
Intelligence report intrep
Intelliegence Qualified IQ
Intelligence summary intsum
Intercommunication intercom
Interdict,(ed),(ing),(lion) intd
Intermdeiate intmed
Internal combustion;incharge(of) IC
Internal distribution ID
Internal office note ION
Internal security IS
International Intl
Interrogate,(d);Interrogation; intg
Inter service public relation ISPR
Inter service selection board ISSB
Inter service signal unit ISSU
Issue voucher IV

Jamming report jamrep

Joint Air Attac Team JAAT
Joint Operations JO
Joint Operation Centre JOC
Joint Operation Directorate JO Dte
Joint warfare; jungle warfare JW
Judging distance JD
Junction junc
Jungle warfare;joint warfare JW

Kerosine K2
Killing zone KZ
Kilocycle kc
Kilogram kg
Kilolitre kl
Kilometre KM
Kilometre in 2 hours km2h
Kilometres per hour kmph
Kiloton KT
Kilovolt amperes KVA
Kilowatt KW

Laboratory, labour lab

Lancers,in unit designation L
Landing ground LG
Landing zone LZ
Last pay certificate LPC
Leader ldr
Leading ldg
Lecture lec
Left, light lt
Left out of battle LOB
Letter ltr
Level lvl
Light aid detachment LAD
Light Air Defence Lt AD
Light Anti Tank Battalion LAT
Light machine gun LMG

Compiled by

Limited ltd
Line of bomb release LBR
Line of communication L of C
Line of control LOC
Line of weapon release LWR
Line schoot down to LSDT
Line telegraphy; low tension LT
Litre lit
Local purchase LP
Locality; locate,(d);locating loc
Local warning LW
Location report locrep
Location state loc stat
Logistics loc
Logistics requirement log R
Lorried; lorry-borne lor
Low level air defence LLAD
Low tension; line telegraphy LT

Machine gun MG
Magazine; magnetic mag
Main dressing station MDS
Main supply route MSR
Maintain,(ed); maintenance maint
Maintenance area MA
Major maj
Manceuvre mnvr
Manual of Pakista Military Law MPML
Manually Controlled Gun MCG
Manufacture;manufacture; mft
Map reading MR
Mark,(ed) mk
Mathematical; mathematics math
Maximum max
Mean point of burst mpb
Mean point of impact mpi
Mean sea leavel MSL
Mechanic, (al);mechanized mech
Mechanical transport;megaton MT
Medical, medium med
Medical inspection room MI Room
Medium Air Defence MAD
Medium anti-tank MAT
Medium machine gun MMG
Memorandum memo
Message msg
Meteorological;metecrology met
Metre m
Miles per gallon mpg
Miles per hour mph
Milligram mg
Milimetre mm
Military mil
Military College of Engineering MCE
Military College of Signals MCS
Military Engineering Service MES
Military forwarding organisation MFO
Military hospital MH
Military intelligence MI
Military Police MP
Military veterinary hospital MVH
Mili amperes ma
Minimum; minute min
Ministry of Defence mindef
Miscellaneous misc
Missile msl

Compiled by

Mission msn
Mission report MISREP
Mobile;mobility;mobilization mob
Mobile ammunition repair section MARS
Mobile dental unit MDU
Mobile laundry and bath company MLBC
Mobile surgical team MST
Monthly security intelligence report MSIR
Mortar mor
Mortar bombing report mortrep
Motor,(ized) mot
Motor ambulance company (ASC) MAC
Motor cycle MC
Mountain, (ous) mtn
Mountain Artillery MA
Mounted mtd
Mountain warfare MW
Mounting mtg
Move,(d), (ment) mov
Movement order mov O
Mujahid mjd
Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher MBRL
Multi Launch Rocket System MLRS
Muzzle velocity MV
Muzzle velocity variation MVV

Nap of earth NOE
National Cadet Corps NCC
National Military Operation Centre NMOC
National Guard NG
Nautical mile NM
Naval Headquarters NHQ
Navigate,(d);navigation;navigational nav
Necessary;necessity;necessitate,(d) nec
Negative neg
Net identification sign NIS
Neutralise,(ed), (ation) neut
Next of kin NOK
Night ni
No further action NFA
Nomenclature nomen
Not applicable;not available NA
Note for consideration NFC
Nothing to report NTR
Not on orginal NO
Nuclear nuc
Nuclear;biological and chemical NBC
Nuclear,biological and NBCW
chemical warfare
Nuclear warfare NW
Number, (ed) no

Objection objn
Objective obj
Observation obsn
Observation post OP
Observer obsr
Observer post to target OT
(imaginary line)
Obstacle, (s) obs
Officer offr
Officer Training School OTS
Officiating offg
One time process;one time pad OTP
Operate,(d);operation,(all) op

Compiled by

Operation order OO
Opposition oppn
Order group O gp
Order of battle orbat
Ordnance Ord
Ordnance maintenance park OMP
Ordnance aviation depot OAD
Ordnance depot ordep
Organisation and Methods O&M
Ordnance stores distribution depot OSDD
Organise,(d); organisation org
Other ranks OR
Ounce oz
Out of action OA
Overhead cover OHC
Overhead protection OHP

Parking material,punjabi muslim PM
Pakistan Air Force PAF
Pakistan Army Pak Army
Pakistan Army Act PAA
Pakistan Army Order PAO
Pakistan Military Academy PMA
Pakistan National Guards PNG
Pakistan Navy PN
Pakistan Railway;Pakistan Rangers PR
Paper Under Considerations PUC
Parachute, paragraph para
Passive air defence PAD
Patrol, (led) ptl
Pathan ptn
Pay and allowances P&A
Penetrate, (d); penetration pen
Per month pm
Per day; period ` pd
Periodical intelligence repoprt perintrep
Personel pers
Petrol Point PP
Petroleum pet
Petroleum, oils and lubricants POL
Petroleum refilling point PRP
Phase line PL
Photograph,(er),(ic),(y) photo
Photographic reconnaissance ph R
Physical efficiency test PET
Physical training PT
Pick up point; pull up point PUP
Picq uet,(ed) pqt
Pioneer pnr
Platoon pl
Point pt
Portable ptbl
Position posn
Post office PO
Pound (weight) ib
Pounder pr
Preliminary prelim
Practical,(ly);practice; prac
Predict, (ed),(lion) pred
Prepare, (d);preparation; prep
President’s Body Guard PBG
Prority pri
Prisoner of war PW
Private pte
Project,(ed),(ile),(or) proj
Promote,(d);promotion prom
Provost pro

Compiled by

Psyschological warfare psy W

Public, (ity),(ation);publish,(ed) pub
Public relation PR
Pull up point;pick up point PUP
Punjab Regiment’s battalion Punjab

Qualification; qualified;quality qual
Qualified flying instructor QFI
Quanity qty
Quarter qtr
Quartering qtg
Quarterly qtly
Quartermaster General Q (Branch) Q(Matters
(Branch),(Matters),(Staff) Q (Staff)
This may be qualified;eg:- Q (log)
Quartering Q (Qtg)
Question mark (in message only) QUES
Quotation marks (in messages only) QUOTE UNQUOTE
Radar controlled gun RCG
Radar/Radio counter measures RCM
Radioactive rad A
Radio direction finder;radio RDF
direction finding
Radio frequency RF
Radiological warfare RW
Radio telephony;recruit test RT
Rads per hour r/hr
Railhead rl H
Railway rly
Range efficiency test RET
Ranging rg
Rate of advance ROA
Ration rat
Ration allowance RA
Rear airfield supply organization RASO
Receipt voucher; rendezvous RV
Recoilles rifle;radio relay RR
Reconnaissance;reconnoitre,(d) recce
Reconnaissance and support battalion R&S bn
Recover,(ed),(y) rec
Recruit;recruitment;recruiting rect
Recruit test; radio telephony RT
Refer,(red),(ence),(s) ref
Reffiling point;regimental police RP
Regiment, (al) regt
Regimental aid post RAP
Regimental command post RCP
Regimental headquarters RHQ
Regional Air Command RAC
Registered regd
Registration regn
Regular;regulate,(d),regulation reg
Reinforcement rft
Relative height;rest house RH
Release,(d); relief; relieve,(d) rel
Release point rel P
Relinquished relq
Remount,Veterinary and Farms Corps RV&FC
Repeated rptd
Represent,(ed), (ative) rep
Require,(d) (ment) req
Research and development R&D
Requision rqn
Reserve, (s) res
Reserve supply depot RSD
Responsible, Responsibility resp
Restricted restd

Compiled by

Retired retd
Return,(ed) to unit RTU
Returned stores sub depot RSSD
Reversion; rivert,(ed) rvt
Right rt
Rigorous imprisonment RI
Riverine warfare RW
Road. round rd
Roadhead rd H
Rocket rkt
Rocket launcher RL
Rotary wing RW
Rounds per gun (per minute) rpg (pm)
Rounds per mortar (per minute) rpmor (pm)
Routine order RO

Salvage, (d) sal

Save our Souls,Struck off Strength SOS
School of Armour and Mechanised SA&MW
School of Army Air Defence SAAD
School of Artillery S of A
School of Infantry and Tactis SI&T
School of Military Intelligence SMI
Second; section; sector sec
Sector operation centre SOC
Secretary secy
Secretariat sectt
Select, (ed), (ion) sel
Self-propelled; start point SP
Sequence; Sequential seq
Seriously ill SI
Service, (d) svc
Service dress; staff duties SD
Shelling report shelrep
Short take off and landing STOL
Sick in quarter SIQ
Signal,(ler),(man),(men) sig
Signal centre sigcen
Signal despatch service SDS
Signal intelligence report SINREP
Signal Training Centre STC
Signals sigs
Sindhi Baloch SB
Sind Regiment’s battalion Sind
Situation sit
Situation report sitrep
Slidex slx
Small arms SA
Small arms ammunition SAA
Smoke smk
Special; specialist spec
Special despatch rider SDR
Special Investigation Branch SIB
Special Pakistan Army Order SPAO
Special Service Group SSG
Squadron sqn
Square sq
Staff duties; service dress SD
Standard, (ise),(ised) std
Standard distribution list SDL
Standing operating procedure SOP
Standing signal instruction SSI
Start line SL
Start time ST
Station,(ed),(ary),(ery) sta
Station supply depot SSD
Statistics; statistical stat

Compiled by

Stores distribution depot SDD

Straight and level st&lvl
Strategic,(al); strategy strat
Strategical reconnaissance strat R
Street st
Strength, (en),(ened),;strong str
Striking force SF
Struck of duty SOD
Struck of ration strength SORS
Struck of strength SOS
Subject subj
Sub machine carbine SMC
Sub machine gun SMG
Subcription; substantive subs
Summary Court Martial SCM
Summary General Court Martial SGCM
Summer Collective Training sct
Super high frequency SHF
Supplementary intelligence report supintrep
Supplied; supply sup
Supply and Transport S&T
Supply point sup P
Supply refilling point SRP
Support, (ed),(ing) sp
Surface to air guided weapon SAGW
Surface to air missile SAM
Surface to underwater missile SUM
Surface to surface missile SSM
Surgeon; surgery; surgical surg
Surplus sur
Surveillance surv
Survey svy
Switchboard swbd
Synchronise;Synchronization sync
Syndicate syn

Table of organisation and equiptment TO&E

Tactical;tactics tac
Tactical air force TAF
Tactical Control Radar TCR
Tactical Air Support Centre TASC
Tactical exercise without troops TEWT
Tactical reconnaissance tac R
Taken on strength TOS
Take off T/O
Tank tk
Target tgt
Target director post TDP
Task force TF
Technical; technician,technique tech
Telecommunication telcomm
Technical manual TM
Telegram; telegraph, (ic) tg
Telephone tel
Telephone conversation telcon
Teleprinter; transporter tptr
Temperature; temporary temp
Tentacle tcl
Terminal equipment vehicle TEV
That is i.e
Time of Flight TOF
Time on target (artillery); time over TOT
target (air)
Time past a point TPP

Compiled by

Topographic, (al), topography topo

Top Secret topsec
Toxic incident report toxrep
Track, (ed) tr
Tradesman, tradesmen tdn
Trafic,(ability) tfc
Trafic control TC
Trafic post TP
Trailer tlr
Training trg
Transfer, (red) tfr
Transport, (ed) tpt
Transporter; teleprinter tptr
Trigonometrical; trigonometry trig
Troop tp
Troops carrying vehicle TCV

Ultra-high frequency UHF
Unclassified unclass
Underground UG
Undermentioned u/m
Underwater to air missile UAM
Underwater to surface missile USM
Unexploded bomb UXM
Unit repair organization URO
Unpaid UP
Unserviceable unsvc

Variable time VT
Vehicle veh
Vehicle machine VM
Vehicle per kilometre vpkm
Vehicle sub depot VSD
Velocity vel
Veneral disease VD
Verbal order VO
Very important person VIP
Veterinary vet
Village vill
Visibility;visible;visual,visualisation vis
Visual reconnaissance VR
Vital ground VG
Volume; vulnerability vuln
Vulnerable area VA
Vulnerable point VP

Wagon line WL
Warning wng
Warning order wng O
Water point WP
Water proof wpf
Water tank w/tk
Water trailer w/tlr
Weapon wpn
Weapon training; wireless telegraphy WT
Weight wt
Welfare wel
Wheel, (ed) wh
Winter Collective Training wct
Wireless wrls
Wireless set WS
Wireless telegraphy; weapon training WT
Withdraw, (n); (al) wdr

Compiled by

With effect from wef

Workshop wksp

Yard yd
Young officer YO

Zone Z

Word(s) in Full Abbreviation

Abbreviatrion abvn
Above Ground Level AGL
Above Mean Sea Level AMSL
Above mentioned a/m
Above quoted a/q
Absent without leave AWOL
Accommodation accn
Account, (ed) acct
Acknowledge,(d), (ment) ack
Additional addl
Addressed addsd
Adjutant General’S (Branch),Matters), (Staff) A Branch, Matters, A Staff
This may be qualified, eg:- A(PA)
Personal Administration
Personal Services A (PS)
Administration; administrative adm
Administrative order adm O
Advance, (d) adv
Advance base ordnance depot ABOD
Advance dressing station ADS
Advance Landing Ground ALG
Aerobatic Aero
Aerodynamics Adym
After mission report AMR
Afternoon AN
Airborne AB
Air control team ACT
Aircraft ac
Air defence; air despatch AD
Air defence operation centre ADOC
Air Headquarters AHQ
Airmanship A/Ship
Air raid AR
Air raid precautions; ammunition ARP
refilling point
Air support operation centre ASOC
Air support signals unit ASSU
Air to air missile AAM
Air to surface missile ASM
Air to underwater missile AUM
Air Trafic control ATC
Allocate, (ed), (ion) aloc
Alloment ` almt
Allotted altd
Allowance allce
Alternate, (ly); alternative altn
Altitude alt
Ambulance amb
Ammendment amdt
Ammunition ammo
Ammunition point;armour piercing AP

Compiled by

Ammunition refilling point; air raid ARP

Amphibian; amphibious amph
Amplitude AM
Animal transport AT
Annex anx
Annual confidential report ACR
Anti-heliborne operation A hel op
Anti-personal A pers
Anti-tank A tk
Anti-tank guided missile ATGM
Appendix appx
Appoint,(ed),(men) appt
Approach, (ed) apch
Approximate,(ly); approximation approx
Armament armt
Armed Force Medical College AFMC
Armed Force Nursing Service AFNS
Armour piercing; ammunition point AP
Armour replacement group ARG
Armoured armd
Army Air Defence AAD
Armour Armr
Armoured Command Vehicle ACV
Armoured Corps AC
Army Air Defence Exective AADX
Army Air Defence Corps AADC
Army Air Defence Operation Room AADOR
Army Air Defence Centre AAD Cen
Armoured fighting vehicle AFV
Armoured infantary battalion AIB
Armoured personal carrier APC
Armoured recovery vehicle ARV
Armoured vehicle launched bridge AVLB
Army Air Transport Organization AATO
Army Aviation Corps AAC
Army Corps of Clerks ACC
Army Dental Corps ADC
Army Education Corps; Army AEC
Certificate cert
Army health unit AHU
Army High Altitude and Snow Warfare AHA&SWS
Army Instruction Pakistan AIP
Army Medical Corps AMC
Army Officers Benevolent Fund AOB Fund
Army photographic interpretatioin unit APIU
Army photographic interpretation APIS
Army Physical Training Corps APTC
Army Post Office APO
Army School of Physical Training and ASPT&S
Army School of Music ASM
Army Service Corps ASC
Army Standing Establishment ASEC
Army Training Instruction ATI
Army training note ATN
Artillery arty
Artillery reconnaissance Arty R
Assault, (ed) aslt
Assault across a water obstacle AWO
Assembly assy
Assembly area assy A
Assign, (ed),(ment) asg
Assist, (ance),(ant),(ed) asst
As soon as possible ASP
Attach, (ed), (ment) att

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Attack, (ed),(ing),(er) attk

Attack Helicopter AH
Attention attn
Authorise,(ed);authorisation,authority auth
Automatic,(ally) auto
Automatic data processing system ADPS
Auxiliary aux
Available, availability aval
Aviation avn
Away on duty AOD
Azad Kashmir Regiment’s battalion; AK
Azimuth az

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