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Md. Reaz Akter Mullick

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in
Water Engineering and Management

Examination committee: Dr. Mukand S. Babel (Chairperson)

Dr. Sylvain R. Perret (Co-chairperson)
Dr. Roberto S. Clemente (Member)
Dr. Vilas Nitivattananon (Member)

External Examiner: Prof. Bart Schultz

Department of Water Engineering
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft,
The Netherlands

Nationality: Bangladeshi
Previous Degree: Master of Science in Environmental Sanitation, Ghent
University, Belgium

Scholarship: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway

Asian Institute of Technology

School of Engineering and Technology
December 2011


I start in the name of Allah (God), the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficial. All my praises
be to Him, who has seen me through this work.

I owe deepest gratitude to a number of personalities who lent a hand to me in one way or
the other through the tough times of making this research work possible. First, my deepest
gratitude is to Dr. Mukand S. Babel. It’s an honor for me to have Dr. Babel as my
supervisor. He made available his support in this work in a number of ways, from
questioning the ideas to converting them into real application. His supervision,
systematical thoughts gave me leverage to conduct this research.

I am truly fortunate to have Dr. Sylvain R. Perret as my co-supervisor. My sincere

gratitude to him for helping me in several ways to explore through the maze of research at
my own, and at the same time provided support and guidance.

I am grateful to the examination committee members Dr. Roberto S. Clemente and Dr.
Vilas Nitivatananon for their insightful comments and constructive criticisms that helped
me improving the research work.

I am grateful to Professor Bart Schultz from UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
for his timely and constructive incisive comments as the external examiner that has
improved the dissertation considerably.

I gratefully acknowledge the support and help from the officers and staff of BWDB and
IWM in collecting data and information for the research on The Teesta Basin, Bangladesh
and support from UNPAR team and PJT-I officials for the work on Konto Basin,
Indonesia. I also acknowledge the help and support from many of my friends, relatives and
from a two local NGOs while conducting the primary survey at the Teesta site, a very rural

I am also indebted to the whole WEM family, importantly Khun Pajee (Tuk), for all
administrative support she provided during these years.

Most importantly, none of this would have been possible without the love, patience and
prayer of my parents, wife and my little son, Safwan.

Finally, I appreciate the financial support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and the grant of study leave from my employer CUET, Chittagong, Bangladesh for
completion of this study and research work.


The manipulation and alteration of river flow generate significant benefits as well as
impact upon ecosystem integrity with loss of ecosystem goods and services, including
riparian livelihoods. Poor communities in developing countries are particularly at stake as
their lives largely and directly depend on river flows through fishing, navigation and
farming activities. Such water-uses bear significant social and economic value, but are
often poorly accounted. Ensuring environmental flow (EF) can act positively in preserving
these values; nevertheless it results in more competition among water users. Hence,
economically efficient yet socially justifiable and environmentally sound water allocation
at a river basin scale is an issue of global importance. Tradeoff is obvious in the process
but question arises as to what extent the competing water demands can compromisingly be
satisfied. In this regard, the research develops a methodology to allocate water optimally
between competing sectors including the environment in a river basin scale considering the
marginal benefit that each water-use generates.

The dissertation comprises two interlaced topics, successively, i.e. (1) estimating total and
marginal benefit functions for the off- and in-stream water uses in a river basin and (2)
setting up a model that can allocate water optimally among the competing uses. Off-stream
water-use is mainly consumptive use of river water (e.g. for irrigation) that subsequently
changes the natural flow regime. In-stream water use refers to use that occurs directly onto
the water course (e.g. fisheries, navigation). Environmental flow requirements are
estimated and considered as constraints in the optimization model. The model is applied to
Teesta River, Bangladesh, and Konto River Basin in Indonesia.

The Teesta flow is modified through an irrigation barrage inside Bangladesh since 1990.
Water uses in the Teesta are irrigation, instream fishery and navigation. Konto has a
reservoir at the upstream since 1970. A series of three hydropower plants are fed from the
reservoir and all the plants use the same water. The water is then sent to an irrigation
project. Municipal and industrial uses as well as reservoir recreation and fishery also
generate benefits.

Residual imputation method and yield response to water stress form the basis for
establishing the benefit functions for irrigation water use. Income variation of the
beneficiaries with the variation of river flow within a year forms benefit functions for
instream fishery and navigation. Total benefit for irrigation, fishery and navigation are
developed as a quadratic relation with river flow that results in a downward slopping linear
marginal benefit function. Marginal benefit for hydropower water use is considered
constant slope, whereas a hyperbolic tangent function is developed for estimating benefit
for reservoir recreation and fishery. Benefit functions are used as input to the optimization
model ‘Aquarius’. Alternative scenarios are analyzed and tradeoff between benefit
maximization and environmental protection is evaluated for the Teesta and Konto River
Basin. Current water management practice in both the basins is found generating the
maximum benefit; however, EF is not ensured for any of the studied river. For Teesta site,
in existing scenario, irrigation benefit and instream benefits are US$ 43.24 million and
0.58 million respectively when only direct instream uses are considered; whereas ensuring
EF results in a benefit reduction of US$ 9.25 million. In case of Konto, overall basin
benefits are US$ 16.28 and 15.21 million without and with consideration of EF
respectively; however, benefits from instream flow have not been measured in this case.

Although the measured instream benefits from direct uses are much lower than offstream
benefits in particular for the case study sites, instream flow is critically important for the
socio-economy of the local people. Even satisfying the lowest level of EF results in higher
level of income for the poor who have flow-based livelihood; this is particularly marked
for the Teesta study site. Although non-use benefits and long term environmental benefits
of instream flow would change the optimization model outcomes, they have not been
considered. Overall benefit can only be increased if there is augmentation of flow and
improvement of irrigation efficiency.

This study can be considered as a pioneering work in valuing the marginal benefit of
instream flow and incorporating those benefits into a hydro-economic model. The study
also provides in-depth insight into the tradeoff between benefit maximization and
environmental protection through provisioning different levels of EF in rivers.

Publications from the Dissertation

A. Refereed international journal articles:

1. Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Perret S. R. 2010. Discharge-based economic valuation
of irrigation water: evidence from the Teesta River, Bangladesh. Irrigation and Drainage,
60 (4), 481 – 492.
2. Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Perret, S. R. 2011. Optimal water allocation based on
marginal benefits from selected uses in the Teesta River, Bangladesh. Submitted to Water
Policy (Under review).
3. Mullick, M. R. A., Perret S. R. & Babel, M. S. 2011. Marginal benefit functions for
instream water direct uses – a case of Teesta River, Bangladesh. To be submitted to
International Journal of Water Resources Development.
4. Babel, M. S.; Mullick, M. R. A.; Yudianto, D.; Prasad, K. C.; Perret, S. R., Wahid, S. M.
and Triweko, R. W. 2011. Drops cascading and successive value addition to water of
Konto River, Indonesia: optimal system operation considering environmental
sustainability. To be submitted to Journal of Hydro-environment Research.

B. Book Chapters
1. Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Perret, S. R. 2009. Managing the competing water
demands from offstream & instream users – a conceptual framework. In Blöschl, G., Van
De Giesen, N., Muralidharan, D., Ren, L., Seyler, F., Sharma, U., & Vrba, J. (eds.) (2009).
Improving integrated surface and groundwater resources management in a
vulnerable and changing world. IAHS publication no. 330, pp 327 – 333. ISBN 978-1-

C. Papers in refereed conference/congress/symposium/forum proceedings:

1. Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Perret, S. R. 2010. Hydro-economic modeling for
optimal water allocation among in- and off-stream uses in the Teesta River, Bangladesh. In
the Proceedings of the 5th Conference of Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water
Resources, Hanoi, Vietnam, 8 – 10 November 2010. pp. 329 – 339.
2. Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Perret, S. R. 2010. Flow characteristics and
environmental flow requirements for the Teesta River, Bangladesh. In the Proceedings of
International Conference on Environmental Aspects of Bangladesh, University of
Kitakyushu, Japan, September 4, 2010. pp.159 – 162.

D. Papers in workshops/Seminars
1. Mullick, M. R. A., Babel, M. S. & Perret, S. R. 2010. Incorporating discharge-based
marginal values of in- and off-stream water uses in optimal water allocation – a case study
from Bangladesh. Presented in the Workshop on Cooperation on the Ganges: Barriers,
Myths, and Opportunities held on 13 – 14 November 2010 at the National University of
Singapore, Singapore
2. Mullick, M. R. A. and Babel, M. S. 2011. Water resources development in Konto Basin,
Indonesia: is that environmentally sound? Paper presented 4th International Joint Student
Seminar on Civil Infrastructures. 1-2 August 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.

E. Abstracts/Presentations of paper
1. Mullick, M. R. A., Perret, S. R. & Babel, M. S. 2009. Instream water use – how much
value does it carry? Presented in the 12th Riversymposium, Brisbane, Australia, 21 – 24
September 2009.

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Table of Contents

Title page i
Acknowledgement ii
Abstract iii
Publications from the dissertation v
Table of Contents vii
List of Figures x
List of Tables xii
List of Abbreviations xv

Chapter Title Page

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Background 3
1.2 Problem statement 5
1.3 Research questions 6
1.4 Research objectives 6
1.5 Scope and limitations of the work 7
1.6 Dissertation outline 8
2 Review of literature 11
2.1 Water allocation in water resources management 11
2.2 Efficiency in water allocation – insight into value of water 12
2.3 Consideration for environment in water allocation 22
2.4 Modeling water allocation 32
2.5 Concluding remarks 38
3 Research approach and methodology 1
3.1 Research approach 41
3.2 Developing benefit functions for water uses 42
3.3 Consideration of environmental flow requirements 48
3.4 Optimization model for water allocation 48
3.5 Model application 52
4 Teesta River: study site in Bangladesh 57
4.1 The Teesta River, Bangladesh 57
4.2 Socio-economic condition 59
4.3 Water uses from the Teesta River 59
4.4 Teesta barrage and irrigation project 61
4.5 Water management of the Teesta 62
4.6 Data and information collection 62

5 Benefit function of offstream water use in the Teesta River 65
5.1 Agriculture and irrigation in Bangladesh – a brief overview 65
5.2 Data and methods 67
5.3 Results 74
5.4 Discussions and concluding remarks 80
6 Benefit functions of instream water uses in the Teesta River 81
6.1 Introduction 81
6.2 Benefit function for fisheries water use 83
6.3 Benefit function for navigation water use 91
6.4 Combined benefit function of instream water uses 96
6.5 Discussions and concluding remarks 97
7 Environmental flow for the Teesta River 99
7.1 Introduction 99
7.2 Long term flow characteristics of the Teesta 99
7.3 Environmental flow requirements 100
8 Optimal water allocation in the Teesta River 107
8.1 Introduction 107
8.2 Water allocation at the Teesta study site using HEM 108
8.3 Results – optimization model 110
8.4 Concluding remarks 122
9 Konto River Basin: study site in Indonesia 125
9.1 The Konto River Basin, Indonesia 125
9.2 Water resources development in the basin 128
9.3 Water uses in the Konto River Basin 130
9.4 Socio-economic condition 130
9.5 Water management of the Konto 131
9.6 Data and information collection 132
9.7 Estimation of environmental flow 141
10 Benefit functions of water uses in the Konto River Basin 145
10.1 Hydropower 145
10.2 Irrigation 146
10.3 Reservoir recreation and fishery 152
10.4 Municipal and industrial (M&I) uses 156
10.5 Discussion and concluding remarks 156
11 Optimal water allocation in the Konto River Basin 159
11.1 Water allocation in the Konto River Basin using HEM 159

11.2 Results – optimization model 162
11.3 Concluding remarks 173
12 Summary, conclusions and recommendations 177
12.1 Summary 177
12.2 Conclusions 180
12.3 Contributions of the research 182
12.4 Recommendations 183

References 187
Appendix A Discharge data of the Teesta river, Bangladesh 201
Appendix B Irrigation water requirements and irrigation water value at TIP 205
Appendix C Questionnaire survey and results for the instream water use benefit at Teesta 209
Appendix D Environmental flow assessment for the Teesta 213
Appendix E Input to Aquarius model for Teesta River study site 221
Appendix F Data and information for Konto River Basin 223
Appendix G Valuation of water in Konto River Basin 229
Appendix H Input to Aquarius model for Konto River Basin 233

List of Figures

Figure Caption Page

Figure 2.1 Typical demand-supply function 14

Figure 2.2 Full value of water with its components 16
Figure 2.3 ramework in linking instream flow, functions, services and value 16
Figure 2.4 Addition of rival and non-rival demand functions 18
Figure 2.5 Concept of development space considering negotiated limit of river basin
development 25
Figure 3.1 Methodological framework for the research 42
Figure 3.2 A representative fitted reservoir recreation total benefit curve 47
Figure 3.3 River basin node-link network 49
Figure 3.4 Sequential maximization of a concave objective function by Sequential Quadratic
Programming 52
Figure 4.1 Teesta River and Teesta Irrigation Project in Bangladesh 58
Figure 4.2 Mean monthly flow (MMF) for the pre-barrage (1967 – 1990) and post-barrage
period (1991 – 2006) at Kaunia Railway bridge of the Teesta river 59
Figure 4.3 Study site and location of riparian unions under primary survey 63
Figure 5.1 Crop calendar for Teesta Irrigation Project 68
Figure 5.2 Typical water balance for low land rice field 71
Figure 5.3 Total benefit functions for the irrigation water use at Teesta irrigation project 79
Figure 5.4 Marginal benefit functions for the irrigation water use at Teesta irrigation project79
Figure 6.1 Estimated total and marginal benefit function for individual fisherman working in
capture fisheries in Teesta 90
Figure 6.2 Estimated total and marginal benefit function for navigation water use for an
individual boatman for the Teesta study site 95
Figure 7.1 FDC and required EF for the month of January and February for the Teesta at
Kaunia 102
Figure 7.2 Mean monthly flow with RVA targets at Kaunia Point of the Teesta River for the
months of January and February 105
Figure 8.1 Schematic of the Teesta River Network at study site 109
Figure 8.2 Mean monthly flow (MMF) at Kaunia (D2) as obtained from model and the lower
RVA boundary 112
Figure 8.3 Change in Boro rice yield in different scenarios analyzed 115
Figure 8.4 Benefits for offstream (OSB) and instream uses (ISB) in different scenarios
analyzed for Case-I relative to Scenario S0, Case-I 117
Figure 8.5 Benefits for offstream (OSB) and instream uses (ISB) in different scenarios
analyzed for Case-II relative to Scenario S0, Case-I 118

Figure 8.6 Change in off- and in-stream benefits due to change in EF level 120
Figure 8.7 Tradeoff between economic efficiency and environmental protection based on
total benefit from Scenario S0, Case-I for the Teesta study site 121
Figure 9.1 The Konto River in the Brantas river system 126
Figure 9.2 The Brantas river system with main reservoirs 127
Figure 9.3 Schematic of the Konto study site 128
Figure 9.4 Observed and calculated flow of Konto meeting to Brantas 135
Figure 9.5 Monthly ET0 (mm) at Karangploso station near Konto irrigation area 136
Figure 9.6 Storage(S)–Area(A)–Elevation(E) relationship for the Selorejo reservoir 138
Figure 9.7 Average monthly fish production from Selorejo reservoir and corresponding
Selorejo storage 139
Figure 9.8 Average monthly number of tourists at Selorejo reservoir and corresponding
Selorejo storage 140
Figure 10.1 Crop calendar for Konto Irrigation Project 147
Figure 10.2 Total and marginal benefit functions for irrigation water use in the Konto
irrigation project 152
Figure 10.3 Monthly average Selorejo reservoir storage and number of tourists 154
Figure 10.4 Monthly average fish production and storage of Selorejo reservoir 155
Figure 10.5 Actual and modeled total benefit from reservoir recreation and fishery 156
Figure 11.1 Konto River network in Aquarius modeling platform. 160
Figure 11.2 Comparison between model output and observed Selorejo release 162
Figure 11.3 Estimated flow and environmental flow requirements at Mendalan Sabo dam 166
Figure 11.4 Ratio of actual to potential yield of Palawija (Dry-2) in different scenarios and
cases analyzed 169
Figure 11.5 Sensitivity of sectoral benefits of water uses from different scenarios analyzed 171
Figure 11.6 Change in basin benefit due to different level of EF provisioning 172
Figure 11.7 Tradeoff between benefit maximization and environmental protection for the
Konto basin in different scenarios analyzed 173

List of Tables
Table Title Page

Table 2.1 Commonly practiced bases in water allocation 12

Table 2.2 Dimensions of water uses 17
Table 2.3 Brief description of economic valuation techniques relating to water resources 19
Table 2.4 Categorical classifications and methods of environmental flow assessment 28
Table 2.5 Percentages of Mean Annual Flow (MAF) required for maintaining the specific
habitat quality as proposed by Tennant (1976) 29
Table 2.6 Indicator of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) parameters used in RVA analysis 30
Table 2.7 Relative proportion of environmental flow methodologies of each type 31
Table 2.8 A brief evaluation of few available hydro-economic models 39
Table 4.1 Socio-economic conditions of the Teesta study site based on selected criteria 60
Table 5.1 General Cropping Pattern in Bangladesh 65
Table 5.2 Agricultural land use patterns at TIP 67
Table 5.3 Climatic data and ET0 at TIP 69
Table 5.4 Average rainfall (mm) at TIP area (1998 - 2007) 70
Table 5.5 Crop coefficient and duration of different stages of rice 71
Table 5.6 Water required for land preparation (mm) in Ganges-Kabotak Irrigation Project in
Bangladesh 72
Table 5.7 Irrigation water requirement at field (WRF) for different types of rice crops
grown in Teesta Irrigation Project area 75
Table 5.8 Irrigation water requirement at field (WRF) for the dry season crops grown in
Teesta Irrigation Project area 75
Table 5.9 Irrigation water requirement at field (WRF), water withdrawal requirement
(WWR), available flow at the barrage and diversion to the Teesta Irrigation
Project 76
Table 5.10 Value of irrigation water for different crops grown in the Teesta Irrigation Project
area at no water-shortage condition 76
Table 5.11 Irrigation water value at the project level of Teesta Irrigation Project with no
water-shortage condition 77
Table 5.12 Monthly benefits (106 US$) to be imputed to irrigation water at different water
shortage levels in three different scenarios 78
Table 5.13 Regression analysis results based on Equation 3-1 and marginal benefit functions
of river water in irrigation use 78
Table 6.1 Rivers passing through Rangpur, Lalmonir Hat and Nilphamari District 82
Table 6.2 Fish production in study site of Teesta 83
Table 6.3 Number of households engaged in fishery work at the study site 87

Table 6.4 Average daily income of the respondent fishermen (n=91) at the Teesta study site
for different flow seasons 88
Table 6.5 Descriptive statistics of the fishermen based on questionnaire survey 89
Table 6.6 Total and marginal benefit for the fisheries water use for the Teesta at different
flow levels 90
Table 6.7 Number of people working in transport sector for the Teesta study site 93
Table 6.8 Average daily income of the respondent boatmen (n=21) at the Teesta study site
for different season and respective flow levels 94
Table 6.9 Descriptive statistics for the boatmen based on the questionnaire survey 94
Table 6.10 Total and marginal benefit for the navigation water use from Teesta study site 96
Table 6.11 Combined benefit for instream water uses as a function of flow in Teesta 96
Table 7.1 Long-term flow characteristic of the Teesta at Kaunia (unit: m /s) 100
Table 7.2 Environmental flow requirements for the Teesta based on Tennant method 101
Table 7.3 FDC based environmental flow requirements for the Teesta based on mean daily
flow at Kaunia for pre-barrage period (1967 – 1990) 101
Table 7.4 RVA targets (m3/s) and mean monthly flows (m3/s) for the Teesta at Kaunia 103
Table 7.5 Monthly hydrologic alteration values for the Teesta at Kaunia 104
Table 7.6 Results of monthly low RVA target values analyzing for +/- 0.5 SD, +/-1 SD and
+/-1.5 SD RVA target for the Teesta at Kaunia 106
Table 8.1 Scenarios considered for optimal water allocation in Teesta 111
Table 8.2 Monthly flow allocation and flow balance for all the demand sites of the Teesta
for the scenario S0, Case-I (Unit: m3/s) 112
Table 8.3 Monthly flow allocation and flow balance for all the demand sites of the Teesta
for the scenario S0, Case-II (Unit: m3/s) 113
Table 8.4 Comparison of off- and in-stream sectoral benefit (106 US$) for Case-I and Case-
II in baseline scenario (S0) 114
Table 8.5 Allocated flow (m3/s) to the sectors for different scenarios and cases 114
Table 8.6 Off- and in-stream water use benefits (in 10 US$) for the scenarios analyzed 116
Table 8.7 Offstream water use benefits (106 US$) for cases of groundwater supplemental
irrigation, reduction in crop coverage to meet full irrigation demand and crop
yield loss due to water stress at various scenarios 119
Table 8.8 Sectoral benefit and their changes at different level of EF provisioning for Teesta120
Table 9.1 Sub-basins with their areas of the Brantas river system 125
Table 9.2 Key water resources development structures with their main features in Konto
river basin 129
Table 9.3 Monthly average inflow (m3/s) to Selorejo reservoir (1999 - 2008) 133
Table 9.4 NRECA model estimated flow (m3/s) for Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan rivers for
1999 - 2008 134

Table 9.5 Past ten year (1998 - 2007) average rainfall (mm) at Karangploso station adjacent
to Konto irrigation area 135
Table 9.6 Basic information on Selorejo reservoir 136
Table 9.7 Average monthly release (m /s) from the Selorejo reservoir (1999 - 2008) 137
Table 9.8 Basic information on hydropower plants in Konto River Basin 138
Table 9.9 Monthly fish production (tonne) from Selorejo reservoir 139
Table 9.10 Monthly number of recreationists to the Selorejo reservoir 140
Table 9.11 Environmental flow requirement for the Konto at Mendalan Sabo dam point
based on Tennant method 142
Table 9.12 Environmental flow requirements for the entire Konto river basin based on
Tennant method 143
Table 10.1 Energy rate functions and marginal benefit functions for the three hydropower
plants in Konto river basin 145
Table 10.2 Agricultural land use patterns at Konto irrigation area 146
Table 10.3 Climatic data and ET0 at Konto Irrigation Project 147
Table 10.4 Crop coefficient and duration of different stages of rice and Palawija crop 148
Table 10.5 Water use requirement at field (WRF) (mm) for rice and Palawija crops grown in
the Konto irrigation area 150
Table 10.6 Irrigation Water Requirement (mm) for all Crops and By Months 150
Table 10.7 Value of irrigation water for different crops grown in Konto irrigation project 151
Table 10.8 Average monthly benefits to be imputed to withdrawn irrigation water at different
water shortage levels 151
Table 10.9 Average monthly storage of Selorejo reservoir, number of tourists and related
benefits 153
Table 10.10 Average monthly storage of Selorejo reservoir, fish production and related
benefits 154
Table 11.1 Scenarios considered for optimal water allocation in Konto river basin 162
Table 11.2 Monthly water allocation and flow balance at the Konto study site without EF
constraints (Scenario S0, Case-I) (Unit: m3/s) 164
Table 11.3 Monthly water allocation and flow balance at the Konto study site with EF
constraints (Scenario S0, Case-II) (Unit: m3/s) 165
Table 11.4 Water supply and related benefits from all water uses for Konto study site in
baseline scenario 167
Table 11.5 Optimal water allocation to different sectors in different scenarios 168
Table 11.6 Energy production (MWh) and its variation for different scenarios analyzed 169
Table 11.7 Benefits (10 US$) from water uses for the Konto study site in different
alternative scenarios analyzed 170
Table 11.8 Summary results of overall water use benefits for alternative scenario analysis for
Konto 172

List of Abbreviations

AC/TC Average Cost/ Total Cost

ANOVA Analysis of Variance
BBM Building Block Methodology
BBS Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BFRSS Bangladesh Fisheries Resources Survey System
BIWTA Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority
BWDB Bangladesh Water Development Board
CAS Catch Assessment Survey
CINI Change In Net Income
CS Consumer Surplus
CVM Contingent Valuation Method
DoF Department of Fisheries
DRIFT Downstream Response to Imposed Flow Transformation
EF Environmental Flow
EFA Environmental Flow Assessment
FAO Food And Agriculture Organization
FDC Flow Duration Curve
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GWP Global Water Partnership
HEM Hydro-Economic Model
IDR Indonesian Rupiah
IFIM Instream Flow Incremental Methodology
IHA Indicator of Hydrologic Alteration
IWM Institute of Water Modeling
IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management
MAF Mean Annual Flow
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
PHABSIM Physical Habitat Simulation Model
PJT-I Perum Jasa Tirta (public company) - I
PS Producer Surplus
RIM Residual Imputation Method
RVA Range of Variability Approach
TB/MB Total Benefit/Marginal Benefit
TC Total Cost
TCM Travel Cost Method
TEV Total Economic Value
TIP Teesta Irrigation Project
Tk Taka (Bangladesh National Currency)
UNESCAP United Nations Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific
WCD World Commission on Dam
WTA Willingness To Accept compensation
WTP Willingness To Pay
WUA Wetted Usable Area

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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Review of literature
Chapter 3: Research approach and methodology

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1.1 Background

River basins are cradles of many of the ancient civilizations on the earth where humanity is
endowed with numerous social and economic services that flowing water provides. The
seasonal flow patterns of rivers decide agricultural practices, replenish nutrients in the soil,
support fisheries that feed societies, provide transportation which is the cheapest and the
only mode of haulage in several places, supply power and basic water needs for daily life
and form the overall cultures and religions in a region. Such interdependencies between
lives and rivers are more pronounced in developing regions yet currently that relationships
are at peril largely owing to over exploitation of the rivers.

At present, demands and uses of freshwater outstrip the population and urbanization
growth and industrial development. In the last century, global population was quadrupled
whereas irrigated agricultural land and fresh water withdrawal was increased by six and
eight times respectively (Gleick, 1998). Postel et al. (1996) estimated an appropriation of
54% of earth’s available run-off from rivers for off-stream human uses and forecasted that
of 70% by 2025 for sustaining the current pace of development. Currently, the world has
more than 800,000 dams on its rivers (Rosenberg et al., 2000). Notwithstanding these
massive appropriation and alteration of the natural flow, water scarcity both in quantity and
quality is a major development challenge in several parts of the world. Irrigation water
demand is under a real threat in developing region where the economy largely depends on
agriculture. Irrigation is by far the largest water user with in general poor use efficiency
and low application of modern technologies in much of the world. An assessment by
Schultz et al. (2005) mention that to meet the increased food demand irrigated arable land
will reach to 50% from 18% with improved water management intervention such as
improved irrigation efficiency, drainage system, institutional reform etc. On the other
hand, Falkenmark (2004) shows that water requirement to meet only the irrigation demand
by 2050 will be seven times higher than the current demand. In any case, the key question
is how much of the natural flow can be diverted for consumptive uses when several
economic, technical and more importantly the environmental limits exist over the
freshwater supply and its augmentation.

Today’s society is living with the legacy of water management that predominantly focuses
to accrue benefits mostly through offstream uses meaning that water is abstracted from
river: namely, irrigated agriculture, assured water supply for domestic and industrial uses,
flood control etc. Such basin development practices are frequently observed in developed
countries (WCD, 2000) and increasingly being sought in developing regions aiming to
meet the United Nation’s goals for human development and poverty eradication (MDGs)
(King and McCartney, 2007). However, currently practiced water management in a basin
focusing more to offstream uses through alteration of flow regime often ignores the key
element of sustainable development – environmental and informal use interests (Kashaigili
et al., 2005; Richter et al., 2006). The alteration of natural flow from several hydraulic
structures in the rivers including injudicious exploitation of ground water already have
resulted an alarming degraded condition of the usable water bodies and associated

ecosystem in several places on the earth (Rosenberg et al., 2000). Flow alteration changes
the dynamic movement of water and sediment that exist in free flowing rivers (Poff et al.,
1997) and ultimately jeopardizes the ecosystem integrity (Naiman et al., 1995; Sparks,
1995; Lundqvist, 1998; Ward et al., 1999).

Losses in ecosystem integrity and degradations of rivers’ health critically affect the
provision of river-based numerous goods and services on which society depends on myriad
ways (Naiman et al., 2002). The ecological services provided by inland water ecosystems
are estimated at about US$6 trillion per year (Postel and Richter, 2003). Significance of
the ecosystem services has also been emphasized in international forums. Agenda 21
recognizes this issue of ensuring water supply for societal need while preserving the
functions of ecosystem. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) identifies,

“……any progress achieved in addressing the Millennium Development Goals

(MDGs) of poverty and hunger eradication, improved health and environmental
sustainability is unlikely to be sustained if most of the ecosystem services on
which humanity relies continue to be degraded” – Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment (2005).

Steps aiming to responding the environmental and ecosystem degradation widely focus on
ensuring environmental flows (EFs) in rivers (Naiman et al., 2002; Postel and Richter,
2003; Arthington et al., 2006) mostly through environmental impact assessment for the
new projects. The concept of EF in water resources management recommends the
provision of certain amount of flow in rivers to maintain the natural flow regime and the
aquatic ecosystem integrity. Using EF, water managers at present tries to establish a limit
up to which a river can be altered from its natural state while maintaining the ecosystem
integrity to a certain predefined level or allowing an accepted level of degradation
(Tharme, 2003). The objective of EF allocation also considers the social and economic
needs along with the environmental requirements at the design phase of any water
resources development project.

However, the attendant need to meet the environmental water requirements often leads to
competition among the water using sectors. Allocating a part of the flow for nature is
frequently observed contentious with offstream demands of irrigation, domestic and
industrial uses in several places (Hollinshead and Lund, 2006). Poff et al. (2003) pointed
out few of such conflicts, namely (i) Klamath basin of Oregon and California (USA) where
the conflict was raised between irrigation and fishery, (ii) in the Apalachicola-
Chattahoochee-Flint River basin (USA) where conflicting demands raise from the growth
of metropolitan Atlanta, agricultural irrigation, and the Apalachicola Bay oyster fishery,
(iii) in the Rangitata River basin, New Zealand where water allocation problem was noted
for the requirement of dairy industries and for the ecology, (iv) conflicts between water
requirements for irrigation and environment along the Lower Balonne River system in
Australia. Smakhtin et al. (2004) estimated the global environmental water scarcity and
found that about 1.4 billion people are living in river basins where current water uses are in
conflict with environmental water demands; they also mentioned that the Ganges river
basin would fall into such conflict if environmental water requirements are satisfied.

Advances in understanding and recognition of EF and progresses in developing EF

assessment methodologies are considerable. However, developing EF policies is still in its
infancy especially in developing countries (Tharme, 2003) and successful implementation

of those policies remains a challenge for all nations (Gleick et al., 2006). Yet recent
researches (e.g. Moore, 2004; Scatena, 2004; Gleick et al., 2006) argue that recognition of
the importance of flow to local livelihood and better understanding of benefits and costs
involved with instream water provision underpin the successful implementation of EF.
Realizing the economic value of instream water uses such as navigation, wetlands,
fisheries, and recreation is the fundamental to institute instream flow and that can offer an
appropriate balance between environmental needs and off-stream human consumption.
Satisfying all water-users including environment often demands reallocation of water
between sectors; however, such actions can be treated myopic, unless potential
repercussion towards the socioeconomic benefits and costs are well documented and

Sustenance of the economy, keeping pace of the national development and reducing the
hunger gap in one hand and an untapped supply of in-stream water goods and services
through protecting the increasingly degraded environment along with safeguarding the
livelihoods of the rural mostly the riparian poor on the other hand, water resources
management is currently facing a critical challenge (King and McCartney, 2007; United
Nations, 2007). Hence, in this changing world with rapidly growing human populations,
wise management of freshwater both for human and nature is an issue of global importance
(Gleick, 2002; Vörösmarty, 2002).

In this regard, allocating water among the competing users is the central to the
management of water resources. Richter et al. (2006) highlighted considerable controversy
surrounding inherent trade-off required to ensure instream flow; however, the issue can be
addressed through the economic value of water uses because the rationale of inter-sectoral
distribution of the resource is in general economic (Molle et al., 2007). Economic valuation
also plays role in equitable resource allocation, managing conflicts and for informed
decision-making (Farber et al., 2002; De Groot et al., 2006). Nevertheless, there is a
general lack of comprehensive information on economic value of all offstream and
instream water uses at basin scales and incorporating those values effectively in water
allocation decisions.

1.2 Problem statement

Allocating water efficiently to all water uses including environmental use is a critical issue
owing to challenges of valuing water uses in particular the instream uses. To date, there
have been a number of researches that have tried to value the instream water uses and
services rendered to society and associated ecosystem. Some examples include Duffield et
al. (1994), Douglas and Taylor (1998), Xu et al. (2003), Webber and Berrens (2006), Ojeda
et al. (2008) etc. Majority of these studies estimated the total value (total value averaged
over total available resource) particularly for instream water and/or associated ecosystem
which is often viewed insufficient because of its failure to provide information in
allocating water to its highest use-value on margin.

Total value may provide considerable justification for water investment decision (Young,
1996); however, the marginal value – explicitly indicating the change in total value due to
change in resource input – of alternative water uses is the most important parameter in
water allocation decision that often concerns trade-off analyses from the management
perspective (Gleick et al., 2006; Smakhtin et al., 2006; Moran and Dann, 2008). In this
context, an economically efficient water allocation that seeks to equate the marginal values

of water among all water demands remains a real challenge for the river basin

Moreover, water allocation is often focused on maximization of benefit or minimization of

shortage of water. In few cases, a fixed amount of instream water requirement is taken as a
constraint which fails to ensure the natural variability of flow as well as it falls short to
comprehend benefits accrued from instream flow. Suen and Eheart (2006) and Shiau and
Wu (2007) included instream flow in objective function in their multi-objective
optimization problem and presented the trade-off scenario of water supply to ensure
instream water demand. However, economic benefits with trade-off scenarios are not
considered which are extremely important for improved water allocation model and
informed decision-making at a river basin scale.

A number of studies carried out on hydro-economic modeling for water allocation

considering different allocation criteria such as improvement of basin water use efficiency,
economic impacts of policies analyzing water market and water transfer issue, alternative
water pricing, analyzing the existing allocation policy etc. Very recently a comprehensive
state-of-the-art review on hydro-economic model is given by Harou et al. (2009). In
several modeling studies the instream water use benefits are mainly considered as
hydropower generation and lake and reservoir recreation. However, it is apparent in many
developing countries that the poor’s livelihood carries significantly more economic value
than recreation. Studies estimating the marginal value garnered from the flowing water in
the river used by the riparian poor and considering that benefits into an integrated hydro-
economic model are very rare.

1.3 Research questions

The problems of water allocation between offstream and environmental uses are intriguing.
First, while the importance of instream water provision is known for decades, basin
managers are reluctant in recognizing and adopting the in-stream water requirements
especially in developing countries. Second, while the valuation and trade-off techniques
had been researched on quite broadly, their implementation in basin scale water resources
management had not been encouraging and degradation of ecosystem increased unabated.
This leads to the central research question of this study:

– Can we allocate water in economically efficient yet socio-environmentally

justifiable manner between offstream and instream sectors including environmental
water uses at a river basin scale?
– What would be the consequences to the overall benefits while we consider
environmental flow in water allocation process?

1.4 Research objectives

The overall objective of this research is to contribute to better water resources management
at river basin level by setting up a model for allocating water optimally among all users
considering economic and environmental aspects. To achieve the overall objective, the
specific objectives of the study are:

– To set up a mathematical model for optimal water allocation among the water-use
sectors using the marginal benefit function for each water-use as the allocation
criterion while environmental protection is simultaneously considered;
– To apply the model in two river basins, one from Bangladesh (Teesta river basin)
and another from Indonesia (Konto river basin).

The sub-objectives of the study are as follows:

(i) To review the methods for valuation of water in different uses and to develop the
marginal benefit functions for the water uses including (direct) uses of instream
flow that exist in the study site river basins;
(ii) To review the environmental flow assessment methods and to quantify
environmental flow requirements for the case study rivers;
(iii) To set up an optimization model for water allocation among all water-users that
simultaneously considers environmental flow demands for the river following the
natural flow regime; and
(iv) To elucidate the sectoral and overall benefits from water uses and tradeoff
between economic efficiency and ensuring environmental flow at the sectoral and
basin level after applying the model for the study basins: namely, the Teesta from
Bangladesh and the Konto river basin from Indonesia.

1.5 Scope and limitations of the work

The research covers a developing country perspective where the interests of the subsistence
users of river water are often neglected in water resources management and only gross
economic development (most of the cases through irrigation) is often focused in policy
formulation. Developing countries are in general data poor and provision of environmental
flow is not well established. Handling with such issues and challenges the research:

– Assesses instream flow requirement based on hydrological methods (Tennant, Flow

Duration Curve and Range of Variability Approach method) and set up the monthly
instream flow requirements;
– Estimates total and marginal benefit functions of offstream (e.g. irrigation,
domestic, industrial uses) and instream water direct uses (e.g. hydropower,
fisheries, navigation, recreation);
– Sets up an optimal water allocation model for water allocation based on the
developed marginal benefit functions;
– Applies the model to the study river basins (Teesta from Bangladesh and Konto
from Indonesia), verifies the model outputs and estimates the optimal benefit at the
(sub)-basin level. Model also runs for several scenarios and depicts the trade-off
picture between economic efficiency and environmental protection.

Provision of environmental flow ensures several ecosystem goods and services, which in
many cases are difficult to estimate their actual benefit due to lack of research and data.
However, the scope of the study is kept limited to consider the major/direct uses of in-
stream water. The study does not consider the water quality effect on water uses to

estimate their benefits. Analyses at few places are carried out based on several assumptions
and using simpler techniques due to paucity of data.

Floodplain activities, mainly the floodplain agriculture and fish culture which is especially
important for Bangladesh depends on monsoonal flow and retreat of the river water and
highly related to flood events. However present study is focused on water allocation, which
is more an important issue for the lean flow period (dry season), hence floodplain activities
are not considered in the model.

1.6 Dissertation outline

The dissertation is divided into four parts as described below.

Part I

This part includes three chapters: namely, Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Review of
literature and Chapter 3 Research approach and methodology. This first chapter introduces
the study by presenting the background of the research, the statement of the problem,
objectives, scopes and limitations of the research. Chapter 2 reviews water allocation
practices with presenting the context of existing theories of water valuation techniques and
water-use benefit functions for different traditional and non-tradition off- and in-stream
water uses. The chapter also reviews the literature related to environmental flow
estimation. Finally the state-of-the-art on hydro-economic modeling works is presented.
Chapter 3 describes the research approach and the overall methodological framework of
the study.

Part II

This part includes five chapters: namely, Chapter 4 Teesta river: study site in Bangladesh,
which describe the study site description, Chapter 5 and 6 respectively Benefit function for
offstream water use in Teesta and Benefit functions for instream water uses in Teesta
where benefit functions of water uses in the Teesta have been established; Chapter 7
Environmental flow estimation for Teesta and Chapter 8 Optimal water allocation in
Teesta where optimal water allocation for the Teesta using commercial software
‘Aquarius’ is carried out and benefits are estimated. Several scenarios are analyzed and
finally tradeoff between economic efficiency and environmental sustainability is examined.

Part III

This part includes three chapters: namely, Chapter 9 Konto river: study site in Indonesia
and data collection, which describes the Konto River basin, Indonesia with a brief narrative
of water resources development at the site and data collection for the research; Chapter 10
Benefit functions of water uses in Konto where the benefit functions for all the water uses
in the Konto river basin are established and Chapter 11 Optimal water allocation in Konto,
which provides optimal water allocation for maximization of benefit at the basin level
using Aquarius model. Different alternative scenarios are set and run, which in turn shows
the sensitivity and tradeoff for alternative water management options.

Part IV

This part contains only one chapter: Chapter 12 Summary, conclusions and
recommendations. This chapter concludes the study by providing a detailed discussions
and conclusions. A number of recommendations based on analyses and for future research
are provided. In addition, findings and contribution of this study are also presented in this

Finally, a list of all references cited in the dissertation report is presented.

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2.1 Water allocation in water resources management

Considering a shared resource, rivalry with river water is an age long history which can be
grasped looking into the etymology of the words, ‘rivalry’ and ‘river’, both originated from
the same Latin source ‘rivalis’. However, with the course of time the dimension of the
rivalry has been changed; it is no more only between the inhabitants of opposite banks
rather between different water using sectors and lastly human versus nature, where
efficient water resources management looks into water allocation issue.

“The simplest definition of water allocation is the sharing of water among users.
A useful working definition would be that water allocation is the combination of
actions which enable water users and water uses to take or to receive water for
beneficial purposes according to a recognized system of rights and priorities” –
as mentioned by UNESCAP (2000).

Water allocation thus indicates distribution of available water resources to its demanding
users subject to hydrological balance and preset management principles such as equity,
efficiency, sustainability. Owing to the time-varying characteristics of water availability,
acute importance spanning from basic human needs to national economy within a complex
web of interaction between climate, hydrology, society, environment, economy and
sustainable development, water allocation is a complicated process.

2.1.1 Water allocation criteria

The overall objective of water allocation is to maximize benefit from water related services
to the society as a whole. However, this general objective implies some specific aims to be
achieved such as social (equity), economic (efficiency) and environmental (soundness)
issues and interests as suggested by different donor agencies and management authorities.
Nevertheless achieving equity, efficiency and environmental protection at the same time is
a daunting challenge and largely depends on acceptability from all the stakeholders where
insight into the tradeoff is required. Therefore, water resources management seeks realistic
basis and elements for reasonable water allocation towards achieving those objectives to
the maximum possible level. Table 2.1 lists the commonly practiced elements/basis of
water allocation schemes.

2.1.2 Water allocation within a system approach

Due to the competing and complementary nature of water uses, water allocation often
needs a compromise between social and economic preferences while keeping in mind the
environmental needs. This complicated phenomenon calls for system modeling for water
resources management.

Table 2.1 Commonly practiced bases in water allocation
Basis of water allocation Brief description
Legal Water rights and legal framework for water uses in the basin
Institutional Government and non-government responsibilities and agencies which
promote and oversee the beneficial uses of water
Technical The monitoring, assessment and modeling of water and its behavior,
water quality and the environment
Financial/economic The determination of costs and recognition of benefits that
accompany the rights to use water, facilitating the trading of water
As public good The means for ensuring social, environmental and other objectives for
Structural and development Structural works which supply water and are operated, and the
base enterprises which use water
Source: UNESCAP, 2000

Both simulation and optimization models are frequently used by water managers in
managing the water resources system. Simulation models simulate the system behavior in
accordance to predefined allocation and operation rules. Such models give the economic,
social and environmental responses for alternative allocation scenarios. However,
simulation models can not achieve the optimal outcomes over a specified time period.
Optimization models therefore are used to optimize the system performance by allocating
water to the users. Nonetheless, in case of water allocation problems, optimization models
must be embedded with simulation component to calculate the hydrologic balance. Some
sort of integrated simulation-optimization models are used to solve the water allocation
problem in case of competition exists over the scarce resource. Assessment of system
performance can be well assessed through simulation models whereas optimization models
are helpful where enhancement of the system performance is targeted (McKinney et al.,
1999). Section 2.4 provides more detail discussion.

2.2 Efficiency in water allocation – insight into value of water

Traditionally water is regarded as ‘free’ resource and the out-of-stream users in general
pay a portion of the transportation, treatment and disposal cost of water. Opportunity costs
of water uses are often unnoticed and the users pay little attention to use the resource in an
efficient manner (Agudelo, 2001). However, efficient water resources management treats
water as an economic resource (Briscoe, 1996 cited in Rogers et al., 1998). Considering
such economic aspects, water allocation and use often follow the principle of economic
efficiency – water should go to its most valued uses; however, in that case the social value
of water should not be ignored.

For an example, in the past lot of efforts were put on irrigation sector to increase social
benefit; however, it needs to see whether the social marginal value of irrigation water
differ from other user groups; otherwise, a reallocation among the users is necessary to
maximize the overall social net benefit (Sampath, 1992). In case of an optimal allocation,
proper care and attention should go to the marginal values of all the uses including the in-
stream ones and particularly the water use by the marginalized poor riparian groups.

Realizing and recognizing value of individual water uses therefore appears most important
issue in water resources management. Dublin Statement mentioned –

“…..past failure to recognize the economic value of water has lead to wasteful
and environmentally damaging uses of the resource. Managing water as an
economic good is an important way of achieving efficient and equitable use, and
of encouraging conservation and protection of water resources.” – Principle no.
4, the Dublin Statement.

Increasing demands as well as various economic and technical limits over supply
augmentation often make the water a constraint in economic activity and require
meaningful decision in water allocation between competing users including the
environment or the river itself. Water managers therefore frequently seek the values and
demands of the water in its uses. Economic values in water uses provide insight into the
investment decision for waterworks required for water supply, for allocation or more
importantly reallocation of the scarce resource among competing sectors, in estimating
benefit for improved water quality and for policy formulation (Agudelo, 2001; Young,
2005; Hussain et al., 2007). Economic valuation indeed offers a common metric to
evaluation for one use and demand against another and gives insight into equitable
resource allocation with necessary trade-off (Loomis, 2000; Griffin, 2006). More
importantly, economic analyses of water demand and supply help water professionals in
shifting the concept of a discrete volumetric demand to a demand function. Shortcomings
of the terms like water requirements or needs are increasingly becoming evident in this
regard (Griffin, 2006).

Water allocation that follows an equal marginal value per unit of the resource across all
uses is economically the most efficient allocation (Dinar et al, 1997; Agudelo, 2001;
Turner et al., 2004; Gleick et al., 2006; Moran and Dann, 2008). Equality in marginal
values across the uses indicates no further redistribution is possible to make any sector
better off without making another user worse off, which shows a Pareto optimal situation.
However, the Pareto optimal theory is based on the underlying assumption that all the
demands are competitive. Nevertheless, in reality not all the water demands are
competitive or rival; there are complementarities or non-rivalness as well e.g. the instream
water uses. To find the Pareto optimal allocation the non-rival and rival demands need a
vertical and horizontal addition respectively (Griffin, 2006) (as discussed in section to develop a single demand function when they exist at a certain use-node.

2.2.1 Value, economic value and willingness to pay

The term ‘value’ indicates an action or object to a user-specified objective or goal

(Costanza, 2000). Value covers a wide spectrum in its conceptual meaning. However, the
economic value is in focus here. Welfare economics – the science that determines the best
possible use of the available resources for human welfare – provides the foundation to the
economic concept of value. Nevertheless, such anthropocentric focus does not preclude the
interest of the other species which offers the basis for non-use values (Freeman, 1993). The
functionality of economic value in deed counts the individual welfare changes where the
individuals have their own scale to measure the relative utility of a goods and service
usually in a monetary term. In some cases it measures the well being loss due to inadequate
or excessive supply of the resources, whether or not market prices exist for the well beings
or preferences (Young, 2005; Hussain, 2007).

In the foundation of both anthropocentric and utilitarian notions, economic value
conceptualizes the idea of resources scarcity. Economic value of the resources in such a
scarcity context implies the willingness to pay (WTP) by the individuals for goods and
service provided by the resources or the maximum amount an individual is agreed to
forego (willingness to accept compensation [WTA]) in receiving other goods and services
to obtain the same level of commodity (Young, 2005). WTP or WTA is therefore the
fundamental measures of economic value; however, both of these two measures need not
be of equal by principle mainly due to human psychology (Agudelo, 2001). Considering
individual WTP (or WTA) for the goods and services as the measuring unit, total economic
value of a good to society indicates the aggregated WTP of all individuals’ (Young, 1996;
Turner et al., 2004).

2.2.2 Demand-supply function, consumer and producer surplus

In a perfectly competitive market, the price of a commodity interprets the expression of

WTP at the margin. However, for the non-marketed goods and services, WTP or WTA acts
as the theoretical basis to determine the value of a good which is normally referred as the
shadow price (Hussain, 2007). The market price is determined from the equilibrium point
of supply and demand curves – the point at which the consumer’s WTP for the next unit
equals the marginal cost of production of that commodity. Consumer’s marginal WTP for
all previous units purchased exceeds this market price (Agudelo, 2001). A conventional
demand-supply curve (Figure 2.1) comprehends this phenomenon in a clear way.

Price, P

Supply Curve

PS Demand Curve

O Quantity, Q
Figure 2.1 Typical demand-supply function

A typical demand-supply function elucidates several terms: total economic value (TEV),
average value (AV), total cost (TC), average cost (AC), marginal value (MV), consumer
surplus (CS) and producer surplus (PS). A supply function describes the marginal
production cost for the producers; on the other hand a demand curve illustrates the
marginal benefit that a consumer or a group of consumers can obtain. In other words the
demand curve shows the WTP by the consumers for the commodity. Consumers are
willing to purchase Q* amount of goods at a price P* where consumers’ payment is the
area bounded OP*BQ*. Consumers are paying less in compare to what they are willing to
pay (area ABQ*O). The difference in the amount of consumers’ WTP and what they are
actually paying is the consumer surplus (area AP*B). Consumer surplus provides

significant conceptual basis for many non-market valuation approach (Saliba and Bush,

Total economic value equals the total WTP of all individuals i.e. the area ABQ*O.
Average value for this case is (area ABQ*O)/Q*. Producers cost is the area bounded by
OCBQ*, whereas the consumers are paying the amount bounded by OP*BQ*. The
difference between these two amounts is the producer surplus (area BCP*). The sum of
producer surplus and consumer surplus provides the basic approximation of the net benefit
garnered from the goods and services originating from the resource. Marginal value
explicitly indicates the benefit acquired from using one more unit of resource which is
measured by the slope of demand curve (dP/dQ) at any point. In a competitive market
equilibrium, price P* represents the marginal value for a unit of resource at Q*.

2.2.3 Economic valuation of water as a natural resource

Several researchers argue that economic valuation of natural resources is either impossible
or unwise and some are even distrustful of economists’ efforts in this regard (Freeman,
1993; Costanza et al., 1997). Moral perspective is an added dispute in this field, which tells
that the conservation of natural resources should be from the moral point of view
diminishing the economic interests. However, Costanza et al. (1997) were advanced in
their statement that both the perspective of economic and moral issues are not mutually
exclusive rather they should go in parallel. Costanza (2003) argued for valuation of the
ecosystem services that originate from the individual and social purpose to which a society

Humanity depends on natural capital (natural resources) and associated ecosystem services
in myriad ways (Costanza, 2003). Realizing and apposite understanding of the potential
value that the natural resources carry is requisite for proficient resource management (De
Groot et al., 2006). Along this line economic valuation of natural resources provides
insight in finding the trade-off involved in decision making process (Farber et al., 2002).

Several concepts of values and then terminologies are available in literature and being
practiced and used in valuation of natural and environmental resources; e.g. De Groot et al.
(2002) divided the value of environmental resources into ecological value, socio-cultural
value and economic value; Young (2005) mentioned about extrinsic (instrumental) and
intrinsic value; Rogers et al. (1998) describes as economic value and intrinsic value; King
et al. (2003) and Smith et al. (2006) distinguished the value into use (direct and in-direct)
and non-use (existence, bequest and philanthropic) value.

Most often the policy decisions neglect the ecosystem services owing to the inability of
those service-values to be fully captured into commercial market (Costanza et al., 1997).
However, the value of these services may be as high as infinite when services are treated as
life support system. Costanza et al. (1997) advocated considering the marginal value of
these services while making a contrast between normal substitutable goods and ecosystem
goods in demand-supply function. Howarth and Farber (2002) mentioned the value of
ecosystem services as multiplication of services with corresponding shadow prices where
its operationalization is constrained by the limitation of non-market valuation methods.

15 Economic value of water

As the most important natural resource, water and in particular the naturally flowing water
provides life support system as well as contributes to economic development with
numerous goods and services. All these services carry enormous value to the society in
different dimensions. Global Water Partnership (GWP) has specified that the full value of
water comprises of direct use value, indirect use value, social objective value and intrinsic
value (Figure 2.2); where the economic value is specified as the summation of all the
values except the latter one. De Groot et al. (2002) put emphasis on ecosystem functions
and services in finding the total value of flowing water. They mentioned that the ecological
value, socio-cultural value and economic value in together composed of the total value
(Figure 2.3). Chowdhury (2005) mentioned about system value which is the aggregated
average value that a unit of water generates as it moves through the river system.

Intrinsic values

Adjustment for
social objectives
Net benefit from Total Value
indirect uses Economic
Net benefit from
return flow
Value to users of

Figure 2.2 Full value of water with its components

Source: Rogers et al., 1998

Instream Flow of water Ecological value

Aquatic ecosystem Total

Socio-cultural value
functions value

Aquatic ecosystem
Economic value
goods and services

Figure 2.3 Framework in linking instream flow, functions, services and value
Source: De Groot et al., 2002

16 Water value at its use-dimension

Water-use value arises from the direct uses of water by consuming it or its services in any
form. However, the use has several dimensions (such as place, time and form of water
uses) and considering those dimensions are especially important when comparing the
values of water against different uses. For fair comparison, adjustment might be required
between uses from other dimensions. Table 2.2 demonstrates different dimensions of water
uses. ‘Location’ specific water use is of more interest for the research, where a water-use is
considered as off-stream when water is taken out from the river and after the use the water
does not return back to the main course of the river at the point of its previous uptake.
Examples include, municipal and industrial uses, agricultural uses. The opposite holds true
for instream use case where water is not abstracted for use, examples are fishery,
navigation etc.

Table 2.2 Dimensions of water uses

Sub-classification Examples of uses
Location (i) Off-stream use Agriculture, Industry, Domestic
(ii) Instream use Navigation, Fishery, Hydro-power, Casual
uses etc
Economic role (i) Use as private good
- Producers’ good Agriculture, Industry, Hydropower etc.
- Consumers’ good Domestic
(ii) Use as public good Navigation, Pollution abatement etc.
Subtractability (i) Consumptive use Agriculture, Industry, Domestic etc.
(ii) Non-consumptive use Navigation, Fishery, Hydropower etc.
Realizing total value (i) Direct use Agriculture, Industry, Domestic, Navigation,
Fishery etc.
(ii) Indirect use Recreation, Biodiversity conservation etc.
(iii) Non-use Existence (Option value, bequest value),
spiritual and cultural value
Source: Based on Agudelo, 2001 & Emerton and Bos, 2004

Water quality is an important characteristic for water uses. Every use of water has its own
quality criterion. Changes in quality due to one use restrains some other beneficial use of
that water in other places while the value of water changes. Quantity of water use is also a
necessary criterion in valuing water since water withdrawal and consumption does not
necessarily same across the uses. Water use often faces competition (rival uses) and
complementarities (non-rival uses) and that affects to its overall value. Water can be used
repeatedly or even simultaneously in different uses such as in-stream uses of hydropower,
fishery, navigation etc. In defining the marginal benefit functions for non-rival and rival
uses, demand functions need a vertical and horizontal addition respectively to develop a
single demand function when they exist at the same use-node (Griffin, 2006). Figure 2.4
demonstrates the horizontal and vertical addition process of the demand function. For
simplicity, the demand functions are considered linear.

2.2.4 Water valuation techniques and their applications

Classification of water use based on economic role (as presented in Table 2.2) shows two
types of water uses namely: public (non-rival) and private (rival). In general, public-use
indicates the use by one individual does not diminish the water availability to other users.
Valuation methods differ for public and private uses of water and several methods are in
practice to value the water. The available methods for water valuation can broadly be
categorized into two: inductive method and deductive method. Inductive
techniques/methods – most often applied for public goods valuation – are based on the
principle of observation to general relationship (Young, 2005). In contrary the deductive
techniques are of most suitable to producers’ good valuation. Deductive techniques are
based on construction of behavioral and/or empirical model from which the shadow prices
are deduced (Young, 2005). Table 2.3 describes the most commonly used water valuation

Adding up
horizontally for
offstream rival uses



Two MB functions
Adding up
vertically for
instream non-rival

Figure 2.4 Addition of rival and non-rival demand functions

Source: Based on Griffin, 2006 Water valuation studies

A number of techniques for measuring the economic value of water uses are available as
discussed above. These techniques call for a wedding of economic theory and applied
economic practices (Young, 2005). Theoretical development of non-market valuation
techniques with application in actual cases for environmental resources are well-
developed; however, application of the valuation techniques for water uses as intermediate
or producers’ goods such as industrial water use, irrigation use, hydroelectric power are
found to have received less attention (Young, 1996).

Several studies estimated the value of in-stream water uses focusing mainly the
recreational uses applying principally contingent valuation method (CVM) predominantly

applied in developed countries; examples include, use of CVM in Cache la Poudre River,
Northern Colorado, USA by Daubert and Young (1981); in Montana’s Big Hole and
Bitterroot Rivers, USA by Duffield et al. (1992); for Colorado River by Booker and Colby
(1995); in Idaho and California by Loomis (1998).

Table 2.3 Brief descriptions of economic valuation techniques relating to water resources
Valuation Brief description of the to generate
for valuing Remarks
technique technique MB
water as:
1.1 Inductive techniques - Direct market valuation approach
Producer or Based on historical water use Intermediate Yes Large body of
consumer behavior across variations in real and final use literature available
demand price. Theoretically the technique e.g. Hanemann,
function is sound; however application is 1997 (cited in
challenging (Walker et al., 2000). Lange, 2006)
Three different techniques
commonly applied to derive
demand function, viz. Production
function; Price elasticity and
Econometric approach.
Water market Trading of water in a competitive Transaction Yes Needs institutional
transactions market representing the marginal between all support.
(rentals and value (MV), practiced in sectors. Competitive
sales) Australia, USA, Chile etc. markets are not
available and
transaction prices
do not reflect MV.
1.2 Inductive techniques - Indirect market valuation approach
Revealed preference
Hedonic Based on individual perception Final and No* Widely used for
price and observed data. Value of intermediate recreation and
water is the difference in the (irrigation) irrigation water
price of marketed goods due to uses valuation.
water attributes. It needs a freely Koundouri and
functioning and efficient property Pashardes (2002)
market with perfect information (cited in Lange,
and mobility for individuals. It 2006) applied this
can capture only part of total technique in
value. Cyprus to estimate
irrigation water
Travel cost Costs of travel (transportation + Final use No* Difficulty in
method time) incurred in reaching a (direct and measuring the
(TCM) recreation site are used as WTP. indirect uses) value of travel
The method reflects consumer time. Can not be
choice behavior and assumes that employed for non-
water is likely to be the only use value.
attractive attribute of a site. TCM
measures only the use value and
is limited to recreational uses.

Table 2.3 Cont’d
Valuation Brief description of the to generate
for valuing Remarks
technique technique MB
water as:
Cost based approach
Replacement Taking a “shadow Project” where Waste water No
cost services from water can be treatment
replaced by manmade systems. plant
Better to use where benefits
cannot be estimated easily.
Damage cost The costs that would be incurred Flood control No Hajkowicz and
avoided in absence of the services. The structure. Young (2002)
technique only measures lower Cost in (cited in Lange,
bound of WTP. technology to 2006) estimated
prevent water marginal damage
pollution cost for increasing
salinity in Murray
river, Australia
Factor Services provide for the
income enhancement of incomes.
Benefit Benefit measured in one context Adaptable in No
transfer can be transferred and used in principle for
other context where suitable private uses
comparison studies are available. and
1.3 Inductive techniques - ‘Constructed market’ valuation approach
Stated preference
Contingent Based on a hypothetical market Final use, Yes Popular technique
valuation by direct surveying of a sample non-use value for valuing non-
method of individuals asking individual market
(CVM) WTP and aggregation to environmental
encompass the relevant goods.
Conjoint Same concept of CVM; however, Ecosystem Yes
analysis/ individuals are asked to rank the services
contingent importance of each attribute.
2. Deductive techniques
Residual Budget analysis that seek the Intermediate No Suitable when
imputation return attributable to water after use, does not water is a large
method subtracting all non-water measure non- input e.g.
(RIM) expenses assigned by market use value irrigation. Cost of
force. all inputs should
be accounted
Change in CINI is a variant of RIM Intermediate Yes
net income especially applied for multi- use
(CINI) product operation.

Table 2.3 Cont’d
Valuation Brief description of the to generate
for valuing Remarks
technique technique MB
water as:
Value added Static input-output model of Intermediate No Seriously biased,
production. Based on a sectoral use (mainly normally
production function rather than for agriculture overestimate the
isolating only the contribution of and industry). value
the water resource.
Alternative Benefit from best alternative Intermediate No Re-circulation of
cost/ project is assigned as value to (agriculture water creates
opportunity water in a water related project. and industry) problem in
cost Some analysts see the technique and final accounting the
as a cost-effectiveness analysis instream uses value
Mathematical Using optimization model to Intermediate Yes
programming estimate the shadow prices of all use especially
constraints including water. for multi-
Shadow prices give the marginal product,
value of water under the optimal multi-
condition. technology
Note: MB = Marginal Benefit; * According to Griffin (2006) it can be adaptable, but it tests the limits of
commonly available data
Source: adopted from Agudelo, 2001; De Groot, 2002; Griffin, 2006; Turner et al., 2004; Young, 1996 and
Young, 2005.

Loomis (1998) listed different techniques such as TCM and CVM for non-market
valuation of instream flow and mentioned five such case studies from USA. He stated that
the dollar value of instream water and its uses can favorably be compared with the
traditional out of stream uses.

Douglas and Taylor (1998) applied CVM and TCM method to study the non-market
benefit of Trinity River in California. Trinity River has lost its original flow due to Trinity
Dam constructed in 1963.

Webber and Berrens (2006) estimated instream recreation value for the Sonoran Desert
Canyon and associated instream flow in Southern California through a travel cost analysis.
Several studies value in-stream water for endangered and at-risk fish species e.g. Berrens
et al. (1996); Loomis (1998); Hickey and Diaz (1999); and a number of studies estimated
bequest and existence values e.g. Loomis (1987); Brown and Duffield (1995).

Xu et al. (2003) estimated total economic value of ecosystem services using CVM in China
whereas Ojeda et al. (2008) found total economic value of environmental services from in-
stream flow in Mexico using CVM.

Studies related to valuation of water for navigational uses are not many. Gibbons (1986)
provided a comprehensive treatment of the topic and she mentioned six estimates of short-
run average value of water for navigation in the USA.

On the other hand, several studies are found estimating irrigation water value by applying
different techniques e.g. econometric valuation from primary (e.g. Turner et al., 2004) and
secondary (e.g. Moore, 1999) data, residual imputation method by Speelman et al. (2008),
use of hedonic property value by Butsic and Netusil (2007) etc.

Most of these water valuation studies estimated average aggregated value of the resource;
however, few of them found only a single-point estimate of marginal benefit of water use.
Studies measuring explicitly the marginal benefit function i.e. indicating the change in
value due to change in resource input are rarely observed; Daubert and Young (1981) and
Duffield et al. (1992) are among few studies estimated marginal benefit function for
recreational uses of water. Water valuation studies at the study sites

Studies related to valuation of water resources in Bangladesh are rare. Alam and Marinova
(2003) estimated total economic value of Buriganga River cleanup project using CVM
technique and Chowdhury (2005) estimated the scarcity value of irrigation water to
farmers of Bangladesh dividing the whole country into several regions and compares the
value with that of India for in the Ganges-dependent districts of both the countries.

No study is found estimating water value for Konto basin; however, few studies measured
water value for the Brantas River basin for water allocation and management purpose.
These studies include Rodgers and Hellegers (2005); Rodgers and Zaafrano (2002).

2.2.5 Marginal value analysis

Aggregated measure of total economic value at a given level of water use is typically
inadequate (Griffin, 2006) and provides little help to water managers due to its failure in
reflecting equitable distribution of gains and losses among individual uses (Turner et al.,
2004). Total value quantification may provide limited justification for water investment
decision (Young, 1996); however, efficient resource allocation – water in particular case –
concerning trade-off analyses, requires equating marginal values of the resource in its
alternative uses (Dinar et al, 1997; Agudelo, 2001; Turner et al., 2004; Gleick et al., 2006;
Moran and Dann, 2008). Moreover, only single point assessment of the marginal value
does not enable the same level of managerial power as does knowing the full marginal
value function (Griffin, 2006). Marginal value functionally depends on the availability of
water for the concerned use (Gillian and Brown, 1997).

2.3 Consideration for environment in water allocation

Dealing with ever increasing demands for freshwater and economic and technical
constraints and limits over supply augmentation, human has manipulated and altered the
natural flow regime to a large extent using several hydraulic structures building across the
rivers. The prime role of the river and in fact, the reason of its existence is the natural
drainage, where drained water from upstream comes to river and the river-channel carries

it to downstream. A minimum flow is critically important for maintenance of the channel
for maintaining drainage function of the river system. However, this functionality of the
river channel has been largely affected due to altered flow regime. The engineering
advancements have brought humanity many benefits; nevertheless, the fundamental
characteristic of the rivers – the natural flow regime – has been changed which has had the
unforeseen consequences of leading to the worldwide degradation of the rivers (Bunn and
Arthington, 2002; Hughes, 2003; Tharme, 2003; King and Brown, 2006). Changing flow
regime has far reaching consequences not only on the loss of ecosystem integrity but also
on the links between human and rivers. Especially the human-river linkage are well-built in
developing countries, where rural livelihoods respond to the annual hydrological cycle and
many cultural, religious and recreational ties to the river bear deep meaning that all have
had affected due to traditional basin development practices (King, 2009).

However, increasing concerns and growing awareness over environmental sustainability

and maintaining ecosystem integrity and river’s functionality (natural drainage) persuade
the water managers to recognize the need of providing certain amount of flow in the river
with an acceptable level of quality while allocating water to various sectors. Such flows are
often considered as environmental flow or instream flow which tries to mimic the natural
flow regime in order to ensure the environmental sustainability as well as the provision of
ecosystem goods and services provided by the rivers on which humanity relies in
numerous ways.

2.3.1 Global crisis and today’s imperative

Alike the history of over thousand years, still the river flow that drains into the sea is often
viewed as wastage and in several places the entire river water is shared among the off-
stream users leaving the rivers dry. The circumstances remind once again the well known
quote from Winston Churchill in 1908 (cited in Postel and Richter, 2003):

“One day, every last drop of water which drains into the whole valley of the Nile
… shall be equally and amicably divided among the river people, and the Nile
itself … shall perish gloriously and never reach the sea” – Winston Churchill.

Water requirement for the natural environment is in general ignored in the traditional water
management and planning (Gleick, 1996; Gleick, 2003; IWMI, 2005) even though the
environment is showing a continuous degradation. The repercussions of such practices in
managing the river basins change the dynamic movement of water and sediment of a free
flowing water body, which results an alteration of habitats for aquatic and riparian species
with an ultimate loss of the ecosystem goods and services those a flowing water body
provides (Poff et al., 1997; King and Brown, 2006). World Commission on Dams (2000)
reports at least 20% of the world’s freshwater fish have become extinct, threatened or
endangered. Gleick (1996) noted that in global scale there are more than 700 species of
fish which are considered to be threatened with extinction. Degradation of the freshwater
habitat and the rate of species loss are estimated to be five times greater in aquatic
ecosystems than in terrestrial ecosystems (Ricciardi et al., 1999).

Unabated degradation of the natural water bodies urged the scientists started thinking on
provision of flow for those water systems. Researchers came up with the concept of
limiting the flow diversion for human use up to a point that can maintaining the integrity of
the ecosystem or an accepted level of degradation (Tharme, 2003). First initiated in late

1940s in the USA for the interest of a single issue of recreational fishermen, the concept of
environmental flow (EF) actually gained the momentum in 1970s mainly owing to
legislative changes at the peak of dam building era in the USA. Outside the USA, aquatic
scientists also took the assignment to defining the water requirement for the environment
and ecosystem around late 1980s (King et al., 2003). Australia and South Africa is the
pioneer in defining and applying this knowledge in the field (Tharme, 2003). European
Union established the Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000) in October 2000 to
achieve good qualitative and quantitative status of all water bodies (including marine
waters up to one nautical mile from shore) by 2015. The WFD sees water management as a
single system: River basin management where a general protection of the aquatic ecology,
specific protection of unique and valuable habitats, protection of drinking water resources,
and protection of bathing water are integrated for each river basin. At present in many
places, environment is treated as a competing user of the fresh water with other human
needs in several countries of the world (King and Brown, 2006).

At the early stage, environmental flow was mainly focused and set based on single species
or single issue-need such as ensuring the salmon/trout number for the recreational
fishermen. However, preserving the habitat for the target species, several biological and
ecosystem factors need to be considered and ensuring flow without consideration of those
factors might fail in achieving the target. Besides some argument on ensuring flow for the
critical species will probably serve most other ecosystem needs, a vast body of scientific
literature reveals that it may not necessarily be so. Environmental flow therefore should
focus the entire ecosystem’s need. In line with this concept and increasing awareness and
interest for restoration and protection of the riverine ecosystem, environmental flow
assessment (EFA) methodologies increasingly took a holistic approach (Instream Flow
Council, 2002; Brown and King, 2003). A further shift in EFA has taken place from
objective based prescriptive approach to an interactive approach for establishing
relationship between river and river system (Tharme, 2003). This relationship between
river and riverine ecosystem may then be used to describe environmental/ecosystem
implications for further translating into socioeconomic implication for various flow
scenarios. Thus, interactive methodologies assist in exploration of tradeoff of several water
allocation alternatives.

The current paradigm of water resources management is to rethink water use with the
objective of increasing the productive use of water in all use sectors including
environmental uses (King, 2009). Water scientists are continuously working in defining the
development space where a limit on flow modification is imposed to maintain certain level
of ecosystem integrity (Figure 2.5). Environmental flow provides an opportunity to make a
compromise between river basin development in one hand and keeping the river health to
an agreed level on the other. The key question here is to define the development space;
however, sustainable use of the resource can provide the opportunity of shifting the
development space towards right by pulling up the ecosystem integrity line (dotted one in
Figure 2.5) upwards. Along this line of sustainable use of the resource, a new way of
thinking beyond ‘business as usual’ is imperative. Unsustainable use of river and
subsequent loss of ecosystem integrity through non-ensuring environmental water
requirement would result several heavy-medium and long-term cost to the society such as
public health risks, loss of food security and damage to livelihood, loss of biodiversity, and
increased water-related conflicts (IWMI, 2005).

Acceptable Unacceptable change

Development space
(shaded area)

Ecosystem integrity
Flow modification

Present day Agreed trade-off

level of development point for river condition
Level of basin development
Figure 2.5 Concept of development space considering negotiated limit of river basin
Source: Adapted from King (2009)

2.3.2 Competition for fresh water – Conflict between human and nature

Approbation and recognition for environmental water requirements already have received a
substantial momentum; however, rivers are still showing the sign of drying up (Das Gupta,
2008). Ever growing demands of water for human and developmental needs are
increasingly generating pressure on environmental allocation. David Molden from IWMI
correctly noted –

"It is possible to reduce water scarcity, feed people and address poverty, but the
key trade-off is with the environment” – CGIAR News Release, August 21, 2006.

Reallocation of water from off-stream use to environmental use are observed in few places
(Hollinshead and Lund, 2006); however, conflicts based on the perceived needs of
ecosystems versus human for fresh water are increasingly reported in the news and came in
several literature. Globally agriculture consumes the largest share of freshwater and the
demand is expected to be doubled by 2050 (Falkenmark and Galaz, 2007). The ever-
growing demand for more water to grow more food, under poor irrigation use efficiency in
general, is a real threat in several water-stressed developing countries. Keeping adequate
water in the rivers to sustain the ecosystems makes the situation further complicated. In the
second World Water Forum this issue was raised and discussed deeply while Global Water
partnership (2000) noted the rising conflict between agriculture and environment would be
one of the most serious problems to be undertaken in the early 21st century.

Smakhtin et al. (2004) might be the first in estimating the global environmental water
scarcity and they stated that about 1.4 billion people live in river basins where current
water uses are in conflict with environmental water demand. Smakhtin et al. (2004)
reported several major river basins including the Ganges would move into a higher
category of human water scarcity, if environmental water requirements are to be satisfied.
Any transition from the environmentally scarce to environmentally safe will only be

possible if water productivity is significantly increased in agricultural sector and if the
allocation of water for environmental purposes is made a common practice in river basin

2.3.3 Environmental flow and water allocation

Water resources related threats are increasingly being observed from water scarcity, heavy
pollution loads, wide spread public health problems, and serious damage to world’s
ecosystem. In finding new and innovative approaches international community recognized
and reached to a consensus in favor of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
as an appropriate approach to address the threats posed to water resources even though
countries implementing IWRM is rare and in fact they do only integrated water
management, which deals with multi-faceted issues of a sectoral water use. However,
several countries are trying to reach out to bring the process for implementing IWRM.
Integrated water resources management promotes overall water resources development in
the view of maximizing resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner
without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems (GWP, 2000). Progress of
IWRM implementation during the last decade points towards growing global concern
related to lack of practical basis of IWRM concepts. Forging a right balance between
competing human uses of water, while ensuring environmental health and productivity, is a
cornerstone of sustainable development and implementing IWRM, where environmental
flow plays the central role. With the concept of environmental flow, IWRM identifies the
environment as an individual sector with its own right of using water at a basin scale.

Within the framework of IWRM environmental flow helps ensuring water allocation for
the environment in development planning, especially involving large infrastructure, and is
seen as an integral to sustainable water management. With a better understanding of
environmental requirements and the potential trade-offs with other uses, decision-makers
are able to make informed decisions on water allocation to competing users. The trade-off
point is not a technical one but a societal choice – a value judgment of how much people
are willing to lose in terms of ecosystem services in order to gain the benefits of
development. Environmental flow approach provides the roadmap in defining negotiated
in-stream flow requirements, considering the implications for infrastructure development,
assessing costs and benefits, nurturing a supportive institutional and policy framework and
generating political consensus for changes.

Policy formulation related to EF implementation in water resources management is still in

its infancy in much of the world, especially in developing countries (Tharme, 2003; Moore,
2004). In particular for Asia, main challenges to adopting EF include lack of understanding
of socio-economic benefits and costs involved with environmental water allocation, lack of
political will to support EF implementation along with management, legal and institutional
constraints, explored through primary survey to water professionals (Moore, 2004).

Factors likely to limit the adoption of EF also include lack of awareness from the key
stakeholders. In addition to just recognition of the concept, awareness should be extended
to various aspects including awareness of the costs and benefits of implementation, the
consequences if the concept is not considered, and the trade-off between social, economic
and environmental objectives within a river basin. It is therefore extremely important to
realize the societal cost and benefit from environmental water allocation by all the
stakeholders. This concept gets reinforcement when analyzing the reasons behind

successful implementation of EF in some countries where importance of flows to local
livelihoods is taken with due regards (Moore, 2004). Community members and social
organizations, as well as other key actors within a river basin, therefore need to be
meaningfully engaged in the development of an EF program.

2.3.4 Methods to assess environmental flow

In general, an environmental flow assessment needs to include (i) the goal (such as non-
degradation), (ii) resources (such as fish species), (iii) unit of measurement (such as cusec
discharge or habitat in weighted usable area (WUA)), (iv) benchmark period (such as a 10-
year period of record), and (v) protection statistic (such as the median habitat value for
April). Estimation of EF gives the direction to water managers understand the amount of
flow necessary for sustainable river ecosystem and enable them to integrate this need with
other human needs, because trade-offs are often required for meeting the both demands
(Richter et al., 2006).

Since 1960s and 1970s an assortment of methods to assess the EF requirement has been
developed mainly by the agencies having regulatory responsibility related to water
development and management. The methods differ in scope of application and data
requirements. Not having a clear and widely accepted definition of EF, different methods
are practiced by the scientists to assess the environmental flow for different water
resources system planning. Tharme (2003) reported 207 methods from 44 countries in her
recent study and she grouped them into four categories. In addition to this, documentation
from IUCN and World Bank are also available on environmental flow assessment
methodologies and presented into some categorical ways. Environmental flow
methodologies with its categorization are represented in Table 2.4.

Stalnaker et al. (1995) divided environmental flow assessment problems into two
categories depending on the objectives of the decision process: standard-setting or
incremental. The analyst therefore in a standard-setting problem is called on to recommend
an instream flow requirement to guide general and usually low-intensity decision setting, a
limit below which water cannot be diverted. This process might be called preliminary
planning. An incremental problem on the other hand refers to a high-stakes negotiation and
high-intensity decision making over a specific development project. The term
‘incremental’ implies the need to answer the following question: what happens to the
variable of interests (e.g. aquatic habitat, recreation value) when the flow changes?

The categorization by IWMI (Tharme, 2003) is based on the biophysical input data
requirement rather methodological characteristics, which seems most logical and followed
for brief discussion.

Table 2.4 Categorical classifications and methods of environmental flow assessment
Categorical classification Method (Prominent example)
& Author
IWMI Hydrologic index Tennant method
(Tharme, Hydraulic rating Wetted perimeter method
Habitat simulation IFIM
Holistic methodologies BBM, DRIFT, expert panel, bench marking method
IUCN Look up table Hydrological method (Q95 index)
(Dyson, Ecological method (Tennant method)
2003) Desktop analysis Hydrological method (Richter method)
Hydraulic method (wetted perimeter method)
Ecological method
Functional analysis BBM, Expert Panel Method, Benchmarking Method
Habitat modeling PHABSIM
Approach type Expert team approach, stakeholder approach
Framework type IFIM, DRIFT
World Bank Prescriptive approach Hydrologic index method (Tennant method)
(Brown and Hydraulic rating (wetted perimeter method)
King, 2003)
Expert panel
Holistic (BBM)
Interactive approach IFIM, DRIFT Hydrologic index methods

These are the most simple, less resource and data intensive, rapid and widely used, but low
resolution assessment of environmental flow. Hydrological methods correspond to
standard setting problems (Stalnaker et al., 1995 classification) mainly related to fisheries.
These methods are also categorized as desktop, lookup table (Table 2.4). The techniques
are considered suitable for long-range planning of instream flows for fisheries in a low-
intensity situation when not much detail is required and where a quick, reconnaissance-
level, office-type approach would be used. These methods use only historical flow data,
usually in the form of naturalized, historical monthly or daily flow records.

The most renowned method in this group is the Tennant (1976) method originated from
USA where eight classes of flow classifications were established by Tennant after
analyzing a series of field measurements and observations to correlate habitat quality with
various percentages of mean annual flow (MAF). His recommendation for instream flow
for various condition of habitat quality on a seasonal basis is presented in Table 2.5. Seven
of these classifications characterize habitat quality for fish and wild life and the eighth
provides a flushing flow.

Table 2.5 Percentages of Mean Annual Flow (MAF) required for maintaining the specific
habitat quality as proposed by Tennant (1976)
Environmental status or Percentage of MAF
Habitat quality Low flow season High flow season
Flushing flow 200 200
Optimum range 60-100 60-100
Outstanding 40 60
Excellent 30 50
Good 20 40
Fair or degrading 10 30
Poor 10 10
Severe degradation <10 <10

Other hydrologic methods include flow duration curve (FDC) method, constant yield
method (Jowett, 1997; Karim et al., 1986) and Range of Variability Approach (Richter et
al., 1997). The FDC method utilizes historical records to construct flow duration curves for
each month to provide cumulative probabilities of exceedence for various flows. Based on
at least 20 years of daily flow records, a flow recommendation is made for each month.
This method includes the provision to eliminate abnormal events, after which the
recommended flow for instream protection may be set at 90th percentile for low flow
months and the 50th percentile during high flow months. Since the level of protection is
implicit in the magnitude of percentage, different exceedence probabilities have been used
in specifying EF, e.g. in New Zealand the flows that equaled or exceeded 96% of the time
have been used to assess ‘minimum’ flows.

The Range of Variability Approach (RVA) is intended for setting flow target on rivers
where protection of the natural ecosystem is the primary objective. A fundamental
principle is to maintain integrity, natural seasonality and variability of flows. The method
identifies the important components of a natural flow regime for the river, indexed by
magnitude (of both high and low flows), timing (indexed by monthly statistics), frequency
(number of events) and duration (indexed by moving average minima and maxima). RVA
takes account 32 hydrologic parameters as the Indicator of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) to
assess the environmental flow. RVA is the only method in this group which supports the
flow regime concept given by Poff et al. (1997). The 32 statistical hydrologic parameters
used in RVA are presented in Table 2.6. Hydraulic rating methods

These methods are little more than basic standard setting techniques but not quite
incremental. Commonly used hydraulic methods consider the variation in wetted perimeter
with discharge. It establishes a function between wetted perimeter and discharge, depth and
velocity to set minimum discharge for fish production and rearing (including spawning).
The wetted perimeter technique selects the narrowest wetted bottom of the stream cross-
section that is estimated to protect the minimum habitat needs. It is relatively a quick and
cost-effective method and useful as a planning tool at catchment scale or greater. The
Wetted Perimeter Method developed by Reiser et al., (1989) is the most commonly used
hydraulic rating method.

Table 2.6 Indicator of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) parameters used in RVA analysis
IHA Unit No of parameters
Mean flow of each calendar month m /s 12
Annual 1 day maximum and minimum flow m /s 2
Annual 3 day maximum and minimum flow m /s 2
Annual 7 day maximum and minimum flow m /s 2
Annual 30 day max and min flow m /s 2
Annual 90 day maximum and minimum flow m /s 2
Base flow condition (annual 7 day minimum flow divided by ---
annual mean flow)
Julian date of annual 1 day maximum and minimum flow 2
Number of high pulses and low pulses in each year 2
Mean duration of high pulse and low pulse days 2
Rise rate m3/s/d 1
Fall rate m3/s/d 1
Number of flow reversal 1
Total parameters 32
Source: Richter et al., 1996. Habitat simulation methods

Unlike the assessment by hydrological or hydraulic methods of single instream flow

recommendation, habitat simulation methods allow the analyst to display impacts on the
resource of interest for any given flow. However, hydrological or habitat methods are
better to use when the ecosystem is poorly understood and a better level of protection is
needed because of the single species focus or a specific instream use treated by the habitat
methods (Jowett, 1997).

This method uses two types of tools, either statistical analyses to correlate environmental
features of a stream with fish population size, an example of this analysis is habitat quality
index (HQI) or to link open channel hydraulics with known element of fish behavior, like
Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM). The main component of IFIM is Physical
Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM), presented by Bovee (1982). PHABSIM is the
most commonly applied habitat simulation methodology. Holistic methodologies

This group of methods is fully ecosystem-based and incorporates hydrologic, hydraulic and
habitat simulation models. This is an integrated assessment of flow need based on expert
judgment or collective experience of an expert panel. The panel of experts normally
comprises of hydrologist, geo-morphologist, aquatic botanist, fish biologist and in most
cases one or more community representatives.

The Building Block Methodology (BBM) developed in South Africa (King et al., 2000)
and Holistic Approach (Arthington et al., 1992) in Australia are most widely used holistic
methods which were developed in collaboration and share of the same basic tenets and
assumptions. Recently another holistic methodology has been developed in South Africa

which comprises of four modules (biophysical, social, scenario development, and
economic) with the name of DRIFT (Down stream Response to Imposed Flow
Transformations) (King et al., 2003).

In addition to these four broad groups of methodological classification, Tharme (2003)

noted some other individual methods which are not exactly fitting under any of these four
groups and she grouped them as ‘combined’ and ‘others’. Based on her calculation the
relative proportions of total 207 methods grouped in the six types are shown in Table 2.7.

Table 2.7 Relative proportions of environmental flow methodologies of each type

Methodology type Percentage
Hydrological 29.5
Habitat simulation 28.0
Combination 16.9
Hydraulic rating 11.1
Holistic 7.7
Others 6.8
Total 100 (207 individual)
Source: Tharme, 2003

2.3.5 Evaluation of the EF assessment methods

Although the environmental flow is not an old concept, a chronological analysis shows that
there is a clear but distinct difference between the initial stage and the recently used
methods for environmental flow assessment. At the beginning, EF was centered on a
minimum flow concept for an entire season (wet or dry) e.g. Tennant method developed in
1976. EFA methods were then turned from minimum flow to species need objective. The
development period of hydraulic rating (Wetted Perimeter method on 1989) and habitat
simulation (PHABSIM on 1982) are almost in the same period of time (80s decade) which
were mainly focused on some fish species.

A seminal publishing by Poff et al. (1997) “The Natural Flow Regime” brought significant
change in EF concept. He pointed out the flow regime (quantity, duration, timing and
variability of flow) is the key driver for river as well as riverine ecosystem (Poff et al.,
1997; Richter et al., 1997; Bunn and Arthington, 2002). On the same time Richter et al.
(1997) developed the Range of Variability Approach (RVA) – a hydrology based method
which takes care of flow regime by introducing 32 ecologically relevant hydrologic
parameters in EFA method.

Methodologies then turned into the holistic approach in this decade (BBM in 2000 and
DRIFT in 2003) which consider the whole ecosystem need rather than flow requirement
only for the rivers. In conclusion the evolution trend of EFA techniques can be
summarized as (i) from a single issue to river flow regime (ii) from single species need to
holistic ecosystem approach, (iii) from instream to riverine ecosystem requirement and (iv)
from a hydrological field of research to an interdisciplinary one (Shiau and Wu, 2007).

Another important concern is choosing of the right EFA method. Protection of flow regime
for every water resources management project is a unique challenge and the existing EFA

methods may not suit always to the specific country, region or basin problem (Smakhtin et
al., 2006). Choosing EFA method also depends on the technical consideration such as data
availability (only flow data to whole ecosystem information), extent of the study area,
expertise available, prevailing time (which can vary from ½ month to about 36 months)
and financial constraints and level of confidence required. Mainly, the purpose of flow
assessment and the intended use of the results act as guiding criteria in selection of
environmental flow assessment method. Considerable negotiation and trade-off between
environment and development issues might be required for large and controversial projects
whereas a single value may satisfy the planning purpose.

Especially for the developing country perspective, Tharme and Smakhtin (2003) (cited in
Smakhtin et al., 2006) noted that there are distinct gaps in environmental flow knowledge
and practice in water resources management and most of the cases there exists the lack of
technical and institutional capacity to establish environmental water allocation practices.
However, to promote the environmental flow concepts, it is very important to change the
current perception on the interest for environment along with an increased awareness and
country specific case studies (Smakhtin et al., 2006).

2.4 Modeling water allocation

The uneven distribution of precipitation and river flow (i.e. water supply) over the spatial
and temporal scale is being affected synergistically with climate change and/or variability
phenomenon. In contrary, water demands are more of a time-varying event. Very often the
high water consumption period does not coincide with the times of abundant rainfall or
stream flow. Along with this uneven distribution of water supply and demand, the ever
increasing freshwater demands from growing population, urbanization and
industrialization frequently result conflicts between users with the scarce water resources
in many places. Water management is therefore becoming increasingly controversial in
many places of the world. Involvement of wide variety of interests, stakeholders and
management options have posed challenges to traditional approaches to managing the
water resources; hence integrated water management is increasingly apparent (Heinz et al.,

Reduced flow and water scarcity in rivers result loss of integrity of the aquatic ecosystem
and reduced supply of freshwater sustained goods and services to the society, which has a
far reaching impact on poverty eradication, regional to national economy and lastly on
sustainable development. In line with managing such problem, reallocation of water from
offstream use to environmental and instream uses might be required, prescribed and has
been taken place in few cases. However, such actions can be considered myopic unless it is
based on concrete and acceptable allocation strategy and plan. Hence, water allocation not
only among offstream users but also between in- and off-stream sectors currently becomes
central in managing the water resources properly.

Water allocation in general aims to maximize the benefits to the society from the resource.
However, the general objective has implication to the more specific objectives such as
social, economic and environmental with the corresponding principles of equity, efficiency
and sustainability, respectively (UNESCAP, 2000). Equity indicates a fair sharing of water
resources in river basin at all level (local, national and international) and among all users.
Since different people may have different perceptions for the same allocation (Young,
1994), a pre-agreed tenet is important to be placed for allocation of water, especially under

water scarce situation. Efficiency guides to a financially sustainable use of water resources;
however, it also implies the fair compensation for water reallocation between users.
Sustainability on the other hand advocates the environmentally sound use of the resource.
Water allocation follows either of the principles of water right such as riparian right, prior
appropriation rule, public ownership (Savenije and Van der Zaag, 2000) along with a
number of mechanisms such as administrative, user-based, marginal cost pricing and water
market (Dinar et al., 1997).

2.4.1 Water allocation models

Simulation and optimization models are common and widely used in the field of water
resources management and in particular for allocation practices. Simulation models
simulate water resources behaviors in accordance with a predefined set of rules; e.g.
AQUATOOL (Andreu et al., 1996) that allows user-defined nodes, links, operation rules
and targets. Water quality simulation models are also available such as QUAL2E (EPA,
1996). MIKEBASIN (DHI, 2001) coupled with GIS is a comprehensive hydrologic
modeling tool that provides basin scale solution. Optimization models optimize the overall
system performance based on predefined objectives and constraints. However, such models
are often embedded with simulation component to calculate hydrologic flows and mass
balance. Optimization models are useful when improvement of the system performance is
the target (McKinney et al., 1999).

From intra sectoral to inter-sectoral and from single objective to multi-objective

optimization problems came across the literature with the use of different techniques (like
Linear Programming, Non-Linear Programming, Dynamic Programming, and recently
Genetic Algorithm) to solve the optimization problem. Optimization models concerning
irrigation water use received considerable attention due to high importance and
consumption of freshwater in irrigation sector (Brouwer and Hofkes, 2008).

Amir and Fisher (1999) developed an optimizing model for analyzing agricultural
production under various water quantities, qualities, timing, pricing and pricing policies.
Reservoirs are important component in water resources system. Several models dealing
optimal reservoir operations and water allocation are found in literature with single or
multi-objective goals; examples include Loucks et al., 1981, Vedula and Mujumdar, 1992;
Vedula and Kumar, 1996; Chatterjee et al., 1998.

Goulter and Castensson (1988) proposed a model that maximizes the total output from
allocating water shortage among three competing users (hydro-power, irrigation, urban
supply) in the Svarta River Basin in Sweden using method-of-weights.

Deshan (1995) worked for optimal allocation of water resources through large-system
Hierarchical Dynamic Programming (LHDP) where the net economic benefit for a river
basin is maximized from the water allocation among consumptive uses. The study
considered the non-consumptive uses as constraints and these uses were prevention of
flood, carrying silt off, prevention of ice, hydropower and navigation.

Cardwell et al (1996) developed a multi-objective optimization model to satisfy fish and

human water needs. Maximize fish population and minimize the water supply shortfall
were the objective functions.

Yen and Chen (2001) used Linear Programming for optimization of water allocation based
on forecasted demand in South Taiwan. They optimized the allocation problem using three
strategies namely priority of water use benefit, water right and purpose of usage where
instream flow was taken as one of the constraints.

Ndiritu (2003) used a multi-population genetic algorithm to optimize a system of two

reservoirs in Mkombo catchment from South Africa. Optimization was aimed at
minimizing the penalty from non-supply of water and four cases were analyzed. The cases
were generated with various combination of optimizing reservoir capacity, demand and
rule curve.

Wang et al. (2004) worked on a fair allocation objective for the Amu Darya river basin by
Lexicographic Minimax approach. Instream flow requirement is taken as one node point in
the minimax approach. The large linear programming problem was solved by GAMS
coded algorithm.

Chang et al. (2005) used both binary and real coded genetic algorithm for optimizing the
reservoir operating rule curve where curves were assumed piecewise linear function. They
did not take in to account the environmental flow requirement to develop the rule curve.

By using EPIC software Schluter et al. (2005) determined optimal water distribution
between competing water users in the complicated network of the Amu Darya River under
physical and management constraints.

Suen and Eheart (2006) used Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) for
the multi-objective optimization of water allocation from a reservoir. They came up with
the optimal trade-off between human needs and ecological flow regime maintenance.
Based on the intermediate disturbance hypothesis they calculated the ecosystem water
needs and they applied Fuzzy set theory to represent the degree of disturbance levels.

Shiau and Wu (2007) employed multi-objective genetic algorithm to determine the Pareto-
optimal solutions for environmental flow schemes for a weir operation where they
incorporated inter and intra-annual flow variability. They used range of variability
approach to estimate the environmental water requirement.

Due to the complexity of water allocation at the regional or basin level, economic
efficiency is an interesting and increasingly being used criterion to the basin managers in
allocating water optimally among the competing users. Several custom built models
including generalized DSS are available on economic efficiency based water allocation
model, details are provided in the following sections.

2.4.2 Economic efficiency and hydro-economic modeling in water allocation

Because of the scarcity of the resource, water needs to be allocated efficiently, i.e.
maximizing the value that water resource provides to society (Harou et al., 2009). While
allocating water, economics offers methods in appraising efficiency and equity. In this
vein, water is increasingly considered as an economic good (Briscoe, 1996; Young, 2005).
Water engineers are becoming interested looking into not only how water resources policy
affects the entire economy but also how economics affects water resources management.

Engineers traditionally estimate the water requirements and evaluate the cost of
infrastructures planned and built to garner the benefit from water uses. In a non-economic
system model, water-use demand is considered as fixed water “requirements” based on the
static view of water demand that leads to over-design of infrastructures. However, a wider
view is essentially required in managing the scarce water resources in particular when the
resource is entering into the ‘mature’ phase – the ‘mature water economy’ (as defined by
Randall, 1981). Economics helps water professionals in shifting the concept of a discrete
volumetric demand to a demand function. In this concept, benefit from water use changes
with the quantity and type of water use. Shortcomings of the terms like water requirements
or needs are increasingly becoming evident in this regard (Griffin, 2006).

Since the traditional engineering system operation and resource allocation faces difficulty
in meeting the sustainability issue of the resource system at basin scale, innovative system
oriented analysis deems necessary from the science community (Cai, 2008). The inherent
intricacy of the water system with many interdependent components and the interactions
between water and economy can suitably be captured using mathematical models linking
relevant hydrology and economic ‘laws’ of supply and demand. Such integrated hydrologic
and economic models hereafter called ‘hydro-economic model (HEM)’ are well suited to
support decision making, benefit valuation, plan design, alternative evaluation and
institutional design with policy issue (McKinney et al., 1999; Lund et al., 2006; Cai, 2008;
Harou et al., 2009) Features of HEM

Including the economic concept at the heart of the water resources management, HEMs
represent the hydrologic, economic, engineering and environmental aspect of a water
resources system in a coherent framework (Harou et al., 2009). Hydro-economic models
can be characterized as economic optimization model embedded with hydrologic
simulation models to allocate water optimally and efficiently with consideration of
spatially distributed water resources systems, demand sites, management options and
water-use benefits in an integrated manner. Such models also provide a framework for
policy design incorporating the economic aspects such as water pricing in particular for the
water-stressed basins (Ward and Pulido-Velazquez, 2008).

The individual demand function of each water use determines the water allocation in
hydro-economic modeling. In general, the model is schematized as a node-link network
representing the spatial relation between various demands sites in the river basin.
Economic demand functions are incurred at each node. Including such economic water
demands distinguishes HEMs from the engineering models that focus on mainly cost-
benefit analysis. Hydro-economic models also differ from economy-wide economic
models by at least two points; (i) economy-wide economic models account the shocks that
affect the entire economy due to water resources policy; however, HEMs consider the
effects that economics results on water resources system, (ii) economy-wide models do not
represents spatially distributed water resources system (Harou et al. 2009). HEM design

In designing HEMs, water resources systems are modeled as network of storage and
junction nodes. The conveyance links join the junctions and represent the river reaches,
canal, pipelines etc. The demand sites that incur a cost or benefit from water use are

presented as node. Economic benefit functions for water uses (i.e. at each node) provide
the economic information to the model for a particular model time-step.

Estimating the net benefits of individual water use at each node and incorporating those
benefit functions with the hydrological components are the fundamental in designing
HEMs. Two approaches are common; (i) first estimating the benefit functions for the water
demand sites and include them in the HEMs as separate input commonly known as
modular or compartmental approach (e.g. Draper et al., 2003), or (ii) the economic benefit
estimation process endogenously embedded within the model known as holistic modeling
(e.g. Cai et al., 2003). Estimating the net benefit functions for the first case often use either
empirical water demand functions obtained by using econometric approaches (e.g. Diaz et
al. 1997; Rosegrant et al. 2000; Ringler 2001) or by external simulation or optimization
models that take account details of the production processes within the demand sites (e.g.
Booker and Young 1994; Mahan 1997; Reca et al., 2001). The advantages of the modular
approach include ability to go into more detail of each sub-model and individual update or
development of the sub-models as required.

Since optimization is the unifying paradigm for most of economic analyses, HEMs
commonly use optimization technique solved analytically, with mathematical
programming or by heuristic approach such as evolutionary algorithms. Hydro-economic
models are in general deterministic in nature (Harou et al., 2009). Such models tend to
implement variations of deterministic optimization that provide results from time series
operation of optimal allocation such as storages or flows. The spatial domain of the HEMs
varies from a single farm to a sub-basin or an entire river basin that often crosses political
boundary. Economic models of natural resources are normally spatially lumped; however,
HEMs are in general semi-distributed (lumped as sub-basin/regional scale) and presented
as node-link. The temporal domain ranges from few days to even decades for planning
purposes. Often HEMs consider the time horizon as one year subdivided into time-steps
such as months. Application of HEM for efficient water allocation

Hydro-economic modeling applications cover a wide range of water resources problems at

different locations with a variety of water uses covering both off- and in-stream uses. The
offstream uses are usually consumptive e.g. municipal, industrial and irrigation. The
instream uses include hydropower, recreation and navigation. Inclusions of economic
benefit function for environmental water uses and for minimum environmental flow in the
HEMs are very rare in literature. Water quality is rarely explicitly incorporated in HEMs
owing to the difficulty and complexity in quantitative assessment of economic effect of
this issue to the overall modeling system.

Several basin scale hydro-economic modeling studies are available through literature; e.g.
Conway et al. (1996) worked on the Nile Basin, Egypt. Their analyses focused into three
scales: global depicting climate change issue, regional deals with land use patterns, and
water management at basin scale.

De Wit (2001) developed model (PolFlow) for the Rhine and Elbe river basins in Europe
showing policy analysis related to nutrient pollution. Ward et al. (2006) estimated the
economic impact of alternative policies for drought management for the Rio Grande river

Rosegrant et al. (2000) and Cai and Rosegrant (2004) presented the HEM for the Maipo
river basin in Chile. Salinity balance and crop growth are embedded within the
optimization model, reservoir operation and irrigation scheduling. The developed model
reflects the interrelationships among essential hydrologic, agronomic, and economic
components and finally reveals the economic and environmental consequences of
alternative policy choices.

Rosegrant et al. (2000) for Maipo river basin, Draper et al. (2003) and Jenkins et al. (2004)
for California water supply system and Ward et al. (2006) for the Rio Grande Basin
analyzed water transfers and water markets and estimated the social and economic gains
from improvement in the allocation and efficiency of water use through HEMs.

Fisher et al. (2002) included social policies and institutional realities as constraints within
the HEM. Babel et al. (2005) allocated water according to maximize equity and net
economic benefits. Using HEM, Ward and Pulido-Velazquez (2009) suggested for two-
tiered water pricing system for the basic needs with a low price and full marginal cost for
the discretionary uses.

HEM studies (e.g. Draper et al. 2003; Harou and Lund, 2008) also adopted the
sustainability criteria such as requiring storage at nodes to be the same at both the
beginning and end of the period of analysis

Babel et al. (2005) demonstrated hypothetical example of optimal water allocation between
competing users by SICCON technique where socio-economic, environmental and
economic aspects were considered and environmental sector’s economic return was taken
as the average of all other sectoral returns for the illustration.

Predominantly the HEMs considered the environmental water requirements as a low-flow

constraint due to difficulties in valuing the environmental services, e.g. Jenkins et al.
(2004). However, Diaz et al. (1997) considered the environmental and recreational services
with value function in water allocation. Software application in HEM

Hydro-economic models in general run in either of the two different environments; custom
(user defined) built model or use of model platform or generalized Decision Support
System (DSS). Custom models are widely used and are commonly formulated within a
generic modeling system (commercial examples of such systems include GAMS, APML)
and that links to some commercial solver, e.g. MINOS, CONOPT. Advantages of this
system embrace flexibility, transparency and self documenting facilities. On the other
hand, model platform links the existing custom model to a generic user-interface and data
manager. A few generalized water resource DSS purposely made for hydro-economic
modeling application are also available and can be used when custom model formulation is
not required; examples include MITSIM (Strzepek et al., 1989), AQUARIUS (Diaz and
Brown, 1997), AQUAPLAN (Tilmant et al., 2008). Few other DSS exist which can be
configured to include hydro-economic components such as AQUATOOL (Andreu et al.,
1996), MODSIM (Labadie and Baldo, 2000), MIKE BASIN (DHI, 2001), WEAP (Yates et
al., 2005). A brief evaluation of some available HEM is presented in Table 2.8.

2.5 Concluding remarks
– It is evident that currently allocation of water resources is an important global issue
where management seeks to maintain efficiency, equity and sustainability while
allocating water among various uses.
– Vast body of literature is available on several allocation criteria/bases using both
simulation and/or optimization techniques. However, since water economy is
already at its mature phase, it needs a wider perspective for water allocation
process. Especial attention is required on how economics rules water resources
demand and supply for an efficient solution. Incorporating marginal benefit of
water uses is essentially required along this line.
– Again several researches are available on ecosystem and instream water services
valuation based on established economic theories, but the work incorporating the
values of instream water uses in an integrated water allocation model is rare.
– Water allocation models incorporating scientifically assessed environmental water
requirements that mimic natural flow regimes are also dearth.

Research gap also exists in valuing and considering the value of flowing water in a river
into the allocation model. In the existing HEM studies, researchers have mainly focused on
lakes and reservoirs rather than the river flow in estimating the instream water benefits.
Harou et al. (2009) identified no application of economic benefit estimation of instream
flow in HEM.

Table 2.8 A brief evaluation of few available hydro-economic models
Addressing Application to Open
Model Design Sector addressed Time step Remarks Reference(s)
env water basin source
Custom model Optimization Irrigation, M&I, Mostly Monthly Several Depends on Application Rosegrant et al.,
hydropower constraint author(s). specific, mostly 2000; Cai et al.,
At least two coded in GAMS 2003; Babel et al.,
are found and link to a solver 2005; Ringler & Cai,
open source (MINOS/NEOS) 2006 etc.
CALVIN Optimization Irrigation; urban; Constraint Monthly California Yes Application Draper et al., 2003
hydropower specific
Hydroplatform Links external - - - - Yes Neither a Model Harou et al., 2009
model nor a DSS. It’s a
model platform.
Not yet released
MITSIM Simulation Irrigation and M&I xxx Monthly South Western --- Strzepek et al., 1989
Skane, Southern
AQUAPLAN Optimum Hydropower, objective Monthly Tigris & Euphrates, On request Mat Lab tool is Tilmant et al., 2008
allocation from irrigation; M&I, Zambezi, Mekong, used
reservoir (based environment Mile, Mahaweli,
on MV) Hanjiang, Tana
AQUARIUS Optimization of All off- and in- Objective Monthly Yes Full deterministic Diaz et al., 1997
total value stream uses optimization
AQUATOOL Simulation and constraint Monthly Segura and Tagus, Yes Optimizes storage Andreu et al., 1996
Optimization Spain and risk of failure
of each element
WEAP Simulation All Daily to Yes Yates et al., 2005
Hydroplatform – a new type of modeling software. Unlike a modeling system, model platforms do not support model formulation and solution. The model platform scope is
limited to entering, visualizing and managing model input and output data

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3.1 Research approach

Since aggregated measure of the total economic value at a given level of water use is
typically deficient in managing the resource efficiently as well as only single-point
measurement of the marginal value does not enable the same level of managerial power as
does knowing the marginal benefit function (Griffin, 2006), this study, therefore aims to
develop the total and marginal benefit functions of offstream (such as irrigation, domestic,
industrial uses) and instream water direct-uses (such as fisheries, navigation, recreation).
Those functions are subsequently used in the water allocation optimization model as the
allocation criterion. Moreover, environmental flow requirements for the river are estimated
and used as a constraint while allocating water to the uses in several scenarios.

Several water allocation models are found optimizing reservoir rule curve and maximizing
benefit or minimizing shortage of water where environmental flow have not been
considered properly. Majority of the studies considered a certain amount of flow and often
a minimum flow for the river in a yearly basis as a constraint. However, such consideration
does not ensure natural variability of flow and fail to maintain the flow regime. This study
estimated the monthly environmental flow requirement that mimics the natural flow
regime and used in the optimization model.

Finally, the optimization model for water allocation is set up incorporating the developed
marginal benefit functions, monthly environmental flow requirement and the water balance
in the system and is applied to the study basins. The analyses finally depict the trade-off
scenarios between with and without ensuring environmental flow in the system. Figure 3.1
presents the methodological framework coherent with the stated objectives and research
approach. Details of the methodology are described in the subsequent sections.

The model is applied to the Teesta river basin in Bangladesh and to the Konto river basin
in Indonesia.

Figure 3.1 Methodological framework for the research

3.2 Developing benefit functions for water uses

Offstream water demands such as municipal and industrial demands are documented from
secondary sources. In case of irrigation demands, secondary source data is collected,
alternatively analytical approach of estimating the irrigation water requirements is applied
(such as using CROPWAT model by FAO). Instream water demand is documented from
secondary sources or from primary survey of the water users.

Empirical estimation of demand functions using econometric approaches are often

employed in estimating the benefit functions for water users at different demand sites
(Diaz et al., 1997; Ringler, 2001). Use of external simulation and optimization models are
also common in developing the water-use demand and benefit functions where detail of the
production process and characteristics of the demand sites are considered; examples

include Booker and Young (1994); Mahan (1997) for the case of irrigation water benefit

In this study, the relationship between river flow and net economic benefit from each
water-use sector are examined. Different approaches of economic analysis e.g. value
added, residual imputation (for irrigation and fishery use), direct pricing (for industrial and
domestic use), and revealed preference technique for the non-marketed goods and services
(e.g. recreational, navigation and casual uses) are adopted based on the data availability of
the concerned water use for estimating the total benefit. Using the concept of typical
production function, variations in benefit levels due to changes in water availability are
estimated and that forms the basis to develop the total benefit function. Quadratic total
benefit function as represented by Equation 3-1 is considered for all water uses except
hydropower and reservoir recreation, which would facilitate technical consistency for the
model when compares the trade-off among all uses across a wide hydrology and policy
space. Quadratic benefit function is used earlier by Wang et al. (2008), Ward and Pulido-
Velazquez (2008) and others. Marginal benefits of water uses are obtained by taking the
first order derivative of the pre-established flow-benefit (total benefit) functions. When
several users exist at a single node, the aggregated benefit function for offstream and
instream uses are developed by adding vertically the non-competitive instream demands
and horizontally the competitive offstream demands (as shown in Figure 2.4).

B j ,t = b0 ( j ,t ) + b1( j ,t ) * Q( j ,t ) + b2 ( j ,t ) * Q(2j ,t ) (3-1)

Where, Bj,t is the water-use benefit at node j and time period t; Q(j,t) is the discharge
dedicated to the particular water-use at demand site j in time period t; and b0, b1 and b2 are
the coefficients. Valuation techniques are employed to find these coefficients.

Since water availability and supply may fall limited at any stage/time period within a year
or during production period, water allocation based on seasonal or yearly water quota (e.g.
Mahan, 1997) seems failing to accomplish desired goal. Consideration and allocation
practices therefore are being shifted to allocate water optimally among the stages within a
season or year. For example, Rosegrant et al. (2000), Ringler (2001), Cai et al. (2003)
worked for economic optimal water allocation considering a monthly time step. For this
research all the water use benefits are estimated for monthly time step for the individual
demand sites.

3.2.1 Municipal and industrial demand site

The terms “community”, “municipal”, “residential” and “domestic” are often and
inconsistently used in the literature indicating the household uses of water; however, this
includes some non-residential uses as well. In this subsection the term “municipal” is used
to represent the residential and non-residential water uses. Industrial water uses are
considered in separate. It is worth noting that both municipal and industrial water uses are
private use; however, municipal uses are used as consumers’ good and industrial uses are
as producers’ good (as discussed in Table 2.2). However, market approach is adopted in
estimating for both the water uses where the benefit is estimated from an inverse demand

The value of water delivered to municipal and industrial users significantly relates with the
quality of water. Often water is supplied to these users as treated to the desired level that
involves a huge amount of treatment and conveyance cost. This indicates that the value of
this commodity is not directly comparable with instream uses unless the treatment and
conveyance costs are properly accounted for. In the current study of valuation and
allocation of water, it has been assumed that all the municipal and industrial users receive
the treated water.

In general municipal and industrial sectors use much less water than agriculture; however,
their willingness to pay (WTP) is relatively high. A number of studies used non-market
approach to value the municipal and industrial water uses mainly through estimating the
economic cost of urban water scarcity based on optimization models or by analyzing the
WTP to avoid shortage using CVM. Several empirical studies used market based approach
and indicate that the municipal and industrial users are less sensitive to price. The
municipal and industrial water demands therefore can be treated relatively inelastic with an
elasticity value normally higher than –1 (Diaz et al., 1997) and in general falls between
zero to -2. The main challenges in estimating the price-elasticity is block-rate schedule,
dataset size, level of disaggregation and price specification (Young 2005).

An easy form and widely used technique to characterize the municipal and industrial water
use demand curve is the ‘point expansion method’ using an observed price and water-use
data along with a long-run constant price-elasticity. The demand curve is calibrated for a
two parameter functional form by solving the resulting two identities. Assuming constant
price elasticity during the time period t, the net benefit function for M&I uses is derived
from an inverse demand function of water using the market price of the commodity. Such
inverse demand function is used in few earlier works such as Ringler (2001) and Babel et
al. (2005). The benefit function (Equation 3-2) is calculated as water use benefit minus
water supply cost including cost of water treatment in monthly basis.

⎡ 1 ⎛ w j ,t ⎞ 1 ⎞⎤⎥
⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎛
B j ,t = w0 ( j ,t ) * P0 * * + ⎜ 0.743 − ⎟ − w j ,t * wc j ,t (3-2)
⎢ 1 + α ⎜⎝ w0 ( j ,t ) ⎟⎠ ⎝ 1 + α ⎠⎥
⎣ ⎦

Where, Bj,t is the benefit from M&I sector at node j and time period t; wo(j,t) is the
maximum normal monthly withdrawal at node j (in 106 m3); Po is the price of water at full
use; w(j,t) is the actual water withdrawal at node j and time period t; e is the price elasticity
of demand, α is the inverse of e; wc(j,t) is the cost of water supply at node j in time t.

For different w (actual water withdrawal) benefit can be calculated and then feed to
Equation 3-1 which will finally give the benefit function.

3.2.2 Irrigation demand site

In general, market plays an insufficient role in case of irrigation water; developing

countries are particular cases in point. Such situation demands special attention from the
economists to value irrigation water using non-market valuation techniques (Young, 1996;
Agudelo, 2001). Empirical estimation of the economic value of the irrigation water
indicates the farmers’ ability to pay for irrigation water (Young, 2005a). Agricultural water
is therefore often valued using the crop-productivity related benefits at the local level or by

considering the production related benefit at national level; even though recent studies
show that the total benefit would be much larger when the indirect benefits from the water-
induced farm and non-farm activities are accounted for (Hussain et al., 2007). Both the
average and marginal values are used in performance evaluation of the irrigation water
related projects. Several studies investigated the gross average value of irrigation water;
however, a few of them (e.g. Booker and Colby, 1995; Agudelo and Hoekstra, 2001) found
the point estimate of marginal value (not the marginal benefit function) of irrigation water.

Several non-market valuation methods including inductive (observation based) and

deductive (using logical and mathematical rules) techniques are available to measure the
value of irrigation water (inductive and deductive methods are mentioned in Table 2.3). In
case of irrigation water valuation, inductive techniques principally include direct
observation on water right market (used by e.g. Anderson, 1961 cited in Young, 2005a),
land value method (proposed by the U.S. Water Resources Council), hedonic property
value (used by e.g. Faux and Perry, 1999; Butsic and Netusil, 2007) and econometric
valuation from primary (e.g. Turner et al., 2004) and secondary (e.g. Moore, 1999) data.
Residual imputation method (RIM) is on the other hand frequently used a deductive
technique and recently used by several researchers e.g. Agudelo and Hoekstra (2001),
Speelman (2008; 2009) etc.

Residual imputation method accounts for the incremental contribution of each input in a
production process. In the market with competitive equilibrium, when correct prices –
equal to their marginal returns – are assigned to all input resources used in production
process except one (water in this particular case), the remainder of total value of the
product is imputed to the remaining or the residual input resource (Young, 1996; Agudelo,
2001). Assuming that the prices of the agricultural inputs are not distorted by subsidies,
taxes etc, the total value of production can be divided into shares, in such a way that each
resource is paid according to its marginal productivity and the total product is completely
exhausted (Young, 1996). Following this principle the total value of production (TVP)
equals the opportunity cost of all the inputs (Agudelo, 2001) as expressed in Equation 3-3a.

TVP = ∑ VMPi * Qi + VMPw * Qw (3-3a)

Where TVP is the total value of the commodity produced; VMPi is the value of marginal
product of input i; Qi shows the quantity of input, i used in production, w for irrigation
water. From Equation 3-3a, VMPw, the shadow price of water, can be obtained; it indicates
the maximum amount the farmer could pay for irrigation water and still can cover the cost
of production when the marginal value product of all inputs are considered at their market
price. Therefore, Equation 3-3a can be rearranged and presented as Equation 3-3b to
estimate the VMP of water:

TVP − ∑ Pi * Qi
VMPw = (3-3b)

Where Pi is the price of input i.

Value derived from RIM coupled with water-crop production-function estimating the crop
yield in relation with varying level of water-shortage form the basis to find the total and
marginal benefit functions for irrigation water use. Using the concept of yield response to

water stress is used in this study, which gives benefit at different water availability levels.
Benefits obtained from different water availability levels are used to develop the total
benefit function using Equation 3-1. It is worth noting that in general irrigation benefit is
derived for the cropping season or year; however, in this research the benefits are extended
for smaller time period, months by uniformly distributed the benefits over the irrigation
season months.

Residual Imputation Method and its use for irrigation water valuation are discussed more
in depth in Chapter 5 under Section 5.2.2.

3.2.3 Hydropower

Power generation in a certain time period from a hydropower plant is a function of its
installed capacity, flow through the power plant, the productive hydraulic head, and its
production efficiency. The generated electrical energy, P (kW) is approximated by
Equation 3-4.

P(kW ) = 9.8ηQH (3-4)

Where, Q is the discharged through the power-plant in cubic meters per second, H is the
net (or effective) hydraulic head on the turbines in meters, η is the overall (turbine-
generator) efficiency. Customarily, the capability of a power-plant to produce energy is
expressed by the energy rate function (erf), which calculates the amount of energy (in
kilowatt hours) generated by the plant per unit volume of water released through its
turbines (in cubic meters) during a unit period of time (one hour), which is expressed in
Equation 3-5.

erf kWh / m 3 =) 1
ηH (3-5)

After multiplication of erf with the energy price (US$/kWh) the value of water (US$/m3) is

Detailed method of valuation of water used in hydropower with its application is discussed
in Chapter 10 under Section 10.1.

3.2.4 Reservoir recreation and fishery

For an already existed reservoir (meaning that its size was determined by other water uses)
the recreation activity is assumed to be a function of reservoir water level. In this manner,
the total benefit function for reservoir recreation and fishery is assumed to be a hyperbolic
tangent function (mentioned in Equation 3-6) as stated in Diaz et al 1997.

[ ( ) ]
B j ,t = a tanh b S j ,t − c + 1 (3-6)

Where, Bj,t is the recreation benefit from reservoir j at time period t, S j ,t is the average
storage during time period t for the j reservoir, and a, b, c are the coefficients of the model.

Reservoir activities is assumed limited between a maximum and minimum reservoir level.
An example of hyperbolic benefit function is depicted in Figure 3.2.

The hyperbolic benefit function is asymptotic to the lowest and highest reservoir recreation
levels. In order to establish the benefit function the lowest and highest recreation storage
level is needed to be defined first. Afterwards the coefficients, a, b, and c can be set with
the help of pre-established maximum total benefit value. Parameter a is estimated as the
half of the maximum benefit, b is the small scaling coefficient (often considered as 0.001)
that controls the slope and c is the initially estimated average storage multiplied by b.
Finally the function needs a calibration.

Figure 3.2 A representative fitted reservoir recreation total benefit curve

Source: Diaz et al., 1997

Method of valuation of water used in reservoir recreation with its application is discussed
in Chapter 10 under Section 10.3.

3.2.5 River recreation and instream flow direct uses

Since the instream recreational activities are non-marketed goods, unique economic
valuation approaches such as travel cost method (TCM) analysis or contingent valuation
(CV) are required and widely used. Daubert and Young (1981) and Duffield et al. (1992)
identified quadratic relation of total recreational benefits for instream flow which shows an
increasing benefit at the beginning then it stabilizes and then decreases with further
increase on flow rate. For example, at low flow rate the rapids are not a challenge for the
whitewater boaters, floating quality increases with further increase in flow rate, but at very
high flow rate the rapids become washed out. Same principle is applied for all instream
flow recreation activities.

The analytical form of the total and marginal benefit function for instream flow
recreational activities adopted in this study is followed as Diaz et al. (1997). The gross
benefit function is represented as a quadratic function that results a linear marginal benefit

Using the same analytical approach of instream flow recreation, the instream water direct
uses, such as capture fishery and navigation which are of especial interest in the poor
socio-economic settings, a quadratic function is established for estimating the total benefit.
In such cases, incomes of the fishermen and boatmen are treated as the overall benefit on
the instream water use and the income variation against the flow fluctuation can act as a
basis for developing this function.

The functional form of the total benefit function for instream water recreation and instream
water direct uses are again same as Equation 3-1.

Method of valuation of instream water direct uses such as river fishery and navigation with
its application are discussed more in depth in Chapter 6 under Section 6.2 and Section 6.3.

3.3 Consideration of environmental flow requirements

Several methods to assess the EF requirements are available as mentioned in Section 2.3.4.
The methods differ in scope of application and data requirements. However, maintaining
the natural variability of flow while estimating EF is the prime concern. Since the study
deals with hydrological data very closely, application of hydrological methods for
assessing EF is a good choice. Hydrological methods are simple, less resource- and data-
intensive, rapid and widely used. These methods correspond to standard setting problems
(as classified by Stalnaker et al., 1995). In this category, the methods use only historical
flow data, usually in the form of naturalized, historical monthly or daily flow records.
Prominent hydrological methods include the Tennant method (Tennant, 1976), Flow
Duration Curve method, Constant Yield method (Jowett, 1997; Karim et al., 1986) and the
Range of Variability Approach (Richter et al., 1997).

Three different hydrologic methods namely, Tennant method, Flow Duration Curve (FDC)
method and the targeted RVA (Range of Variability Approach) boundaries using IHA
(Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration) software are used to estimate EF requirements for the
case study rivers.

Tennant method deals with mean annual flow (MAF). In this case, mean annual flow is
estimated based on daily or monthly flow data. Environmental flow is fixed for different
season as percentage of MAF as suggested by Tennant. In FDC method, monthly FDC is
developed using mean daily flow of the concern downstream location and EF is fixed from
the FDC as a certain percentage of exceedence probability. In RVA method, mean daily
flow data for at least 20 years is required. Using IHA software, 32 RVA parameters are
estimated. In the base case, +/-1 SD (standard deviation) is used as RVA target.
Afterwards, obtained results from the three methods are analyzed and a certain flow is
fixed as EF (often as lower limit) for monthly basis. Detailed method of EF estimation is
given under Section 2.3.4.

3.4 Optimization model for water allocation

The river is schematized as a node-link network representing the spatial relation between
various off- and in-stream demands in the basin in the optimization model as represented in
Figure 3.3. Nodes represent the demand sites and links represent the linkage between river
reaches. Flow balances are calculated for each node for each time period endogenously

within the model, and flow transport in the basin is calculated based on the spatial linkages
in the river basin network. The model incorporates both offstream and instream water uses.
Water demands are determined separately. Instream water requirement is assessed by using
hydrologic methods. Water supplies are determined through the hydrologic simulation.
Water supply and demand are balanced based on the objective of maximizing economic
benefits to water use. Time horizon is considered one year in a monthly step. Consumer
surplus for each water use is maximized in the optimization module of the model from the
pre-established marginal benefit functions.

Reservoir with
and/or recreation
demand site

demand site Tributary

demand site
demand site In-stream
demand sites

Return flow

Figure 3.3 River basin node-link network

3.4.1 Model formulation

Water allocation throughout a system and for a time period or planning horizon (e.g. one
year) is based on a global objective; to maximize the overall economic benefit from all off-
and in-stream water uses under a specified set of constraints. The individual benefit
functions are developed beforehand, what remains is to combine those individual benefit
functions into a total benefit function TB that reflects all water uses in the basin and all
time periods in the optimization horizon. The overall objective is to maximize the total
benefit function TB as presented in Equation 3-7.

nt nj
Maximize TB = ∑∑ Bt j (3-7)
t =1 j =1

Where nj is the number of water uses generating revenue in the basin and nt is the number
of time periods (optimization horizon). The equation considers all possible benefits (B)

from water uses. B is a function of flow for all uses, where allocation of the available flow
to a specific user and at a specific time is the decision variable. Hence, the decision
variables can be expressed mathematically in Equation 3-8,

⎡Q11Q21 K Qnt1 ⎤
⎢ 2 2 2

⎢Q1 Q2 K Qnt ⎥
Q = ⎢⎢Q13 Q23 K Qnt3 ⎥⎥ (3-8)
⎢M ⎥
⎢ nj nj nj

⎢⎣Q1 Q2 K Qnt ⎥⎦

Where, nt is the number of time periods and nj is the number of users and Q is the flow.

The problem of maximizing the objective function is subjected to physical, operational and
institutional constraints as listed in Equation 3-9(a) – (h). The constraints are:

– Hydrologic flow balance at any node, j at any time period t

Flowd/s = Flowu/s+ local drainage + return flow – withdrawals – losses (3-9a)
– Constraints for reservoir

Conservation of mass

S t j+1 = S t j + I t j + PPt j − Rt j − EVt j − Ltj ; (3-9b)

j j
Where, S t and S t +1 represent reservoir storages at the beginning of time periods t and
t+1 in volume units, respectively. I t j , PPt j , Rt j , EVt j & Ltj are inflow, precipitation over
the reservoir, reservoir release, evaporation, and water leakage through dam
respectively from reservoir j

Useable storage capacity

Si ≤ Smax - Sdead (3-9c)

Average elevation

( )
ht j = k tinitial + k t final * 0.5 (3-9d)
Here k tinitial & k t final are the initial and final fore-bay elevations for the time period t
associated with the power station installed with reservoir j respectively.

Upper limit on power production for the plants

ρg( k t j − Tt j − H j )* Qt j * η j ≤ Pcap (3-9e)

Where, Pcap is the maximum power production capacity of power plant j; ρ and g
represent their conventional meanings of water density and acceleration due to gravity
respectively. The head for power generation is given as the difference between the fore
bay elevation k and the tail-water elevation T at time interval t and for plant j; Hj is head

loss due to friction in the tunnel and the penstock. Q is the discharge through penstock j
for time interval t and η is the overall efficiency of the plant j.

Operation rule curve

Lower limit ≤ k t j ≤ Upper limit (3-9f)

– Water supply to a user
0 ≤ Qtu ≤ demandmax (3-9g)
Where, Q is the allocated flow to user, u in time period t.
– minimum instream flow demand,
EFt ≥ EFmin (3-9h)
Where, EF is the environmental flow or any other instream flow demand at any
instream point and at a time period t.

Generalized hydro-economic model, Aquarius is used to solve the optimization model for
water allocation.

3.4.2 AQUARIUS – a generalized hydro-economic model

Diaz et al. (1997) introduced a computer-based model “Aquarius” devoted to the spatial
and temporal allocation of water among uses in a river basin. The model finds the
economic efficiency of the system that entails a reallocation of the stream flows until the
net marginal return in all water uses is equal. All the water uses are represented by a
demand curve i.e. the marginal benefit function either by exponential, linear or constant
type. This modeling platform is used to solve the optimization problem of the case study

Aquarius supports modeling of both groundwater and surface water sources; several water
control structures, e.g. reservoir, diversion, junctions etc.; two types of conveyance
structures (natural river reach or man-made canals/pipelines); seven different water uses
namely: irrigation, hydropower, instream flow protection, instream recreation, reservoir
recreation, municipal and industrial supply and flood control areas.

The use of demand functions involving exponential, linear or constant type requires a
complex non-linear objective function. However, the solution technique uses a special case
of the general nonlinear programming problem by reducing the objective function into
quadratic form using Taylor Series expansion and all the constraints are linear.
Optimization problem is solved using sequential quadratic programming (SQP) starting
with an initial feasible solution until the quadratic problem reaches the optimal solution
that involves with a systematic examination of the viability of reallocating the marginally
valuable unused or storage water in favor of alternative uses. An efficient quadratic
programming (QP) code is a basic requirement for the success of the proposed solution
method. The routine ‘QPTHOR’, based on the general differential algorithm is used in
Aquarius model. A succession of the approximations is performed until the solution of the
quadratic programming problem reaches the optimal solution, which is when successive
optimal values do not differ by more than the stipulated tolerance limit, or when the

maximum limit on the number of iterations is reached. Figure 3.4 illustrates the sequential
procedure of successively solving quadratic programming problem, known as SQP.

Figure 3.4 Sequential maximization of a concave objective function by Sequential

Quadratic Programming
Source: Diaz et al, 1997

The optimization model is coded using an object-oriented programming (OOP) language

C++. Water systems are ideal candidates for modeling under an OOP framework, where
each water system component is an object in the programming environment. The model
runs on a personal computer under the Microsoft Windows operating system. By using the
inherent capability of the graphical presentation of the OOP, the ‘Network Worksheet
Screen (NWS)’ gives access to users’ interaction with the model that represents the water
system of interest. Each water system component – a node or link – in the NWS is
pictorially indicated by an icon which can be used from the menu bar by dragging and
dropping. Components can be removed or relocated any where in the NWS. Once the
‘nodes’ are placed, they are connected through ‘links’ or the conveyance structures.

Two prime sets of data – physical and economic – are given as input to the model. The
physical data comprise the information associated with the water demand, return flow,
reservoir characteristics, power plant efficiency, operational characteristics and the
dimensions of the system components. Economic data involves with mainly the demand
functions or the marginal benefit functions of the various water uses. Currently available
version (version 05) of the ‘Aquarius’ simulates the water allocation in a monthly time
step; therefore the input data are organized in monthly basis.

3.5 Model application

The developed water allocation optimization model is applied to the Teesta River from
Bangladesh and to the Konto River from Indonesia to allocate water optimally and
subsequently to estimate the optimal benefit from the water uses in the basins. Two river

basins are chosen from two countries having different set of development, management
and water uses.

Teesta in Bangladesh is a transboundary river shared with India. The portion falls inside
Bangladesh is the downstream part of the river and only this portion has been considered
for this study. No reservoir or any other hydraulic structure exists on the study site of
Teesta except one irrigation purpose barrage. Irrigation water withdrawal is the only
offstream use and capture fishery and navigation are the instream water direct uses. On the
other hand, Konto in Indonesia is a sub-basin of a large river system, Brantas. Konto has
one reservoir and a series of hydropower project. Water used in one hydropower plant is
again used by another plant and finally the water does not flow back to the main course of
Konto rather the water is used for irrigation purpose. Stepwise value addition to a unit of
water released from the reservoir is the main feature of the Konto. Direct instream uses are
reservoir fishery and recreation. Offstream water uses are economically far more beneficial
than instream water direct uses for both Teesta and Konto.

Detailed description of the Teesta and the Konto are given in Chapters 4 and 9

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Chapter 4: Teesta River: study site in Bangladesh

Chapter 5: Benefit function of offstream water use in the Teesta River
Chapter 6: Benefit functions of instream water uses in the Teesta River
Chapter 7: Environmental flow for the Teesta River
Chapter 8: Optimal water allocation in the Teesta River

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4.1 The Teesta River, Bangladesh

Teesta, the forth major river in terms of flow in Bangladesh is chosen as the case study
river to apply the water allocation model. The Teesta originated from the glaciers in the
Indian state Sikkim at an elevation of 7,128 m in the Eastern Himalayas. Flowing for
almost the entire length of the state, the emerald-colored Teesta then forms the boundary
between West Bengal and Sikkim (states of India) before entering into Bangladesh at
Chatnai, Nilphamari district. The river finally meets with the Jamuna River in Bangladesh.
Total length of the Teesta is about 315 km of which about 113 km falls inside Bangladesh
(Bari and Marchand, 2006).

Teesta is the main source of water in the northwestern drought-prone but agriculturally
high potential region of Bangladesh. Figure 4.1 shows the location map of the Teesta River
in Bangladesh and the Teesta Irrigation Project (TIP) boundary. The river flow has been
regulated since 1987 when India constructed an irrigation barrage at Gazaldoba. Another
barrage with same purpose was commissioned at Dalia-Doani inside Bangladesh in 1990 to
supply water to the TIP. Daily flow is measured above the TIP barrage by the Bangladesh
Water Development Board (BWDB). Downstream of the barrage and before the
confluence of Teesta with Jamuna, there is another flow gauge station at Kaunia Railway
Bridge point (Figure 4.1). The section of Teesta River between the TIP barrage at the
upstream to and Kaunia at the downstream, which is about 70 km in length is considered as
the study site. The river reach crosses three administrative districts of the country, namely:
Rangpur, Nilphamari and Lalmonir Hat. For administrative purposes, Bangladesh is
divided into districts, Upazila (sub-districts) and unions while the latter one is the smallest
administrative unit. To fix the lateral boundary of the study site one riparian union is
considered along the bank and 26 such riparian unions are found at the both banks of
Teesta in the study site reach.

The Teesta is a sandy braided river with steep slope, exhibiting high seasonal flow
variability and cause inundation of floodplains in monsoons and very low flow conditions
in the dry season. Based on the last forty years (1967 – 2006) mean daily flow at Kaunia as
obtained from BWDB, mean annual discharge at Kaunia is 863 m3/s. Mean annual
discharge has fallen to 831 m3/s in the post barrage period (1991-2006) from 885 m3/s in
the pre-barrage (1967 – 1990) period. Figure 4.2 presents the mean monthly flow at Kaunia
for the pre- and post-barrage periods. It is evident from the Figure 4.2 that the mean
monthly flow has been reduced in the post-barrage period for all months except August.
The figure also shows the flow variation within the year. Teesta flow can be divided into
three seasons, namely: wet season (June - September), dry season (December – March) and
intermediate flow season (April, May, October and November). Rainfall is mostly
concentrated in the wet (monsoon) season. Average annual rainfall in the Teesta region is
about 2,400 mm/yr, of which more than 70% occurs in wet season four months and more
than 90% falls in between May to October.

at Dalia

Figure 4.1 Teesta River and Teesta Irrigation Project in Bangladesh


Mean flow (m /s)




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 4.2 Mean monthly flow (MMF) for the pre-barrage (1967 – 1990) and post-barrage
period (1991 – 2006) at Kaunia Railway bridge on the Teesta river

4.2 Socio-economic condition

Overall socio-economic condition of the study area (the riparian unions) is very poor.
Agriculture is central to the economy of the study site and the main occupations of the
inhabitants are farming, labor selling, fishing and rickshaw pulling. Total population of the
26 riparian unions at the study site is 555,302 with average literacy rate of 34.4%. Out of
total 125,415 households in the riparian unions, number of households involved in
agriculture, forestry and livestock works are 53,655 (43%), in agriculture labor selling are
40,817 (32.5%), in fishery are 920 (0.7%) and in transport related jobs are 2,028 (1.6%).
Only 14,803 (11.8%) households have access to sanitary latrine and 10,054 (8%)
households have the electricity connection. However, 112,479 (90%) households use
groundwater for their drinking purpose. The adjacent areas of the river banks are
completely rural with poor accessibility due to less developed transportation system. No
data and information related to the livelihood activities and their life and income pattern
with river flow of the instream water users as well as monthly fish production is directly
available from any source. Salient features of the socio-economic condition of the study
site are reported in Table 4.1.

4.3 Water uses from the Teesta River

The main water use from the Teesta is irrigation use. In addition, Teesta is important for
fishery and small scale navigation. The river flow is also necessary to maintain and
safeguard proper functioning of the river including several subsistence uses such as
subsistence irrigation, washing and bathing of riparian people and livestock etc. However,
in-stream water requirements have not been assessed the instream flow requirements set
forth in different management plans until now are based on some crude judgment (Bari and
Marchand, 2006).

Table 4.1 Socio-economic conditions of the Teesta study site based on selected criteria
Total HH with HH HH HH HH
Riparian Litera- Total HH with HH with HH HH
District Upazila pop- sanitary Agri/forest- agri trans- other
Union cy rate HH* tube well electricity fishery service
ulation latrine ry livestock labor port works*
Rangpur Ganga- Alam Biditar 30,983 28.19 7,820 6,972 200 539 3,189 49 3,049 62 217 1,254
chara Gangachara 33,197 45.99 7,445 6,684 1,583 1,750 2,866 52 2,111 284 494 1,638
Gajaghanta 28,018 37.07 6,244 5,809 475 1,109 2,819 21 1,478 230 282 1,414
Kolkanda 24,415 32.61 5,428 4,642 813 728 2,292 82 2,084 68 166 736
Lakshimari 17,379 30.66 4,095 3,708 206 238 1,995 31 1,309 94 100 566
Nohali 21,428 25.04 5,276 4,964 188 173 2,516 75 1,999 35 93 558
Marania 25,176 20.78 5,869 5,415 439 500 2,273 6 1,135 51 116 2,288
Kaunia K. Bala Para 30,740 42.50 7,014 6,339 2,316 1,564 2,687 93 1,574 174 552 1,934
Nilphamari Dimla Jhuna-Chapani 25,146 28.6 5,529 4,627 358 509 1,777 32 2,500 40 144 1,036
Khali-Chapani 24,549 34.69 5,301 3,725 244 236 2,177 51 1,730 44 177 1,122
Jaldhaka Kaimari 34,824 29.7 8,010 7,140 554 322 3,089 37 3,481 172 151 1,080
Saulmari 20,245 27.52 4,573 4,008 356 391 2,299 9 1,657 25 108 475
Daoabari 10,025 28.81 2,169 1,913 19 15 1,011 8 789 47 39 275
Lalmonir Hat Aditmari Mohiskocha 24,493 33.35 5,290 4,881 115 302 2,454 6 1,484 73 159 1,114
Palashi 28,177 42.30 6,042 5,666 138 240 2,511 57 2,083 162 125 1,104
Hatibanda Doabari 17,475 31.38 3,866 3,573 189 78 2,326 11 979 54 68 428
Goddimari 16,209 38.84 3,605 2,988 346 137 1,369 84 1,147 99 201 705
Patikapara 10,528 30.79 2,464 2,087 39 56 1,367 9 654 21 65 348
Sindurna 11,520 36.37 2,450 2,333 672 72 917 7 746 93 122 565
Kaliganj Bhotemari 20,735 28.40 4,929 4,778 525 57 2,217 25 1,661 17 116 893
Kakina 28,780 37.84 5,947 5,542 1,303 157 2,463 92 1,928 38 205 1,221
LH Sadar Gokunda 29,564 54.41 6,454 5,843 2,163 648 2,323 42 1,938 110 324 1,717
Khuniagachh 25,717 28.35 5,917 5,251 368 125 2,561 25 2,211 31 166 923
Rajpur 15,979 52.75 3,678 3,591 1,194 108 2,157 16 1,144 4 64 293
Total 555,302 34.45 125,415 112,479 14,803 10,054 53,655 920 40,871 2,028 4,254 23,687
(% of total HH) 89.7% 11.8% 8.0% 42.8% 0.7% 32.6% 1.6% 3.4% 18.9%
Source: BBS (2005); *HH=House-hold; other works include non agriculture labor, hand loom, industry, business, hawker, construction, religious, remittance work
Along both the banks of the river, no major domestic and industrial abstractions of water
from the river came across the documents from different organizations. The adjacent area
is completely rural with poor socio-economic condition where a number of people are
engaged in fishing and boating as their prime livelihoods. Irrigation at the off-stream side
and river fishery and small scale navigation at the in-stream side are three major direct uses
of water from the Teesta which have been considered for the study and water allocation

4.4 Teesta barrage and irrigation project

Due to the flat topography of the country, canal irrigation system does not possess
significant potentiality in Bangladesh. However, BWDB has 376 small and large-scale
surface water irrigation projects and the Teesta Irrigation Project is the largest. The idea of
irrigation from the Teesta was first conceived in British regime (1935); however, the
barrage construction was started in Eighty’s and commissioned on August 1990. It is
located on Teesta River at Duani in Hatibanda Upazila of Lalmonir Hat district. The
project has a design capacity to supply water to 540,486 ha of agricultural land through one
canal head regulator having discharge capacity of 283 m3/s. The project command area
covers seven administrative districts in the north-west Bangladesh. The main canal systems
of the TIP consist of four main canals i) Teesta main canal, ii) Dinajpur secondary major
canal, iii) Rangpur secondary major canal and iv) Bogra secondary major canal. Length of
the Teesta main canal, total secondary major canal, secondary canal and tertiary canal are
33.67 km., 74.85 km, 224.91 km and 356.53 km respectively. Natural river system serves
the drainage of the project and ultimately the return flow drains to Jamuna River that helps
Teesta river water free from intensive agricultural pollution.

To gain early benefits, the project was planned to be implemented in phases, viz. Phase-I
and Phase-II. However, the only implemented phase, Phase-I of the project has a gross
command area of 154,250 ha and net irrigable area of 111,732 ha (BWDB, 2005). Rice is
by far the most important crop grown all the year round. Three different varieties of rice
are grown in the TIP area (i) Aman, grown in mid August to mid December, (ii) Boro,
grown in mid December to mid April, (iii) Aus, cultivated from May to August. Mostly
being high yielding varieties (HYV), these rice varieties are low-land transplanted type and
require irrigation either fully or partially in their life cycle. Aman and Aus need
supplemental irrigation at their final and initial stages of growth respectively whereas Boro
has the highest yielding potential and requires continuous irrigation during its growth
period. Double-cropped areas are predominant accounting for 82% while 18% areas are
triple cropped which makes the total cropping intensity of TIP is 218% (BWDB, 2005).
The whole project is at the right side of the river and fed through only one diversion.

Primary objective of TIP was to provide supplemental irrigation to post-monsoon Aman

field; however, currently it supplies water for irrigation in the entire dry season based on
the flow in the river at the barrage (BWDB, 2008). Present agricultural practice has widely
changed from that conceived during project planning and farmers are now more interested
to grow HYV Boro rice, which demands huge irrigation supply. Since the available water
at the barrage does not often meet the irrigation demands in dry months, farmers extract
groundwater for irrigation. Groundwater potential and use in the TIP area is quite
considerable. In a study, Wahid (2003) reported 51,094 shallow tube wells (STW) and 639
deep tube wells (DTW) in the TIP area in 2000. Wahid (2003) also calculated the average

annual abstraction over the area to be 641 mm, actual recharge 682 mm and maximum
allowable abstraction 624 mm.

4.5 Water management of the Teesta

Teesta is flowing across the region having very high potential for agricultural production
and the TIP aims to accelerate the agricultural production up to its full potentiality by
supplying irrigation water. At the same time the project also aims socio-economic
enhancement by introducing multiple development program viz. fisheries, duck culture,
grass cultivation, afforestation etc. Hence, multiple government organizations are involved
to attain the project objectives. The involved organizations are Bangladesh Water
Development Board (BWDB), Directorate of Agriculture Extension (DAE), Directorate of
Fishery, Directorate of Livestock, and Directorate of Forestry. However, BWDB is solely
responsible for managing the water resources that includes diversion and distribution of
irrigation water, maintenance of river and irrigation canals and keeping all the related data
and information records.

Bangladesh Water Development Board works under the Ministry of Water Resources,
Government of Bangladesh. BWDB is responsible for construction of dams, barrages,
embankments, drainage systems, irrigation canals, as well as it negotiates with upper
riparian countries for the management of the water of common rivers. The board has a
chairman and five members. BWDB has five wings, namely: administration, planning,
finance, implementation, Operation & Maintenance (O&M). O&M wing is responsible for
operation and maintenance of the existing large project (area over 5,000 ha). Teesta
irrigation project is run under O&M wing of BWDB. A project office of BWDB is situated
close to the barrage for operation and maintenance of the barrage.

4.6 Data and information collection

4.6.1 Hydrological data

Daily average discharges for both the stations (Dalia and Kaunia) within the study site
river reach were collected from BWDB database. Data on flow at Dalia was available for
the period of 1986 – 2006 and for Kaunia the data was available for a longer period of
1967 – 2006. The data is processed as mean monthly flow and are reported in Appendix A,
Tables A.1 and A.2. The flow data is used for estimating the environmental flow
requirements and in hydrological simulation of the water allocation model.

4.6.2 Irrigation and crop production

Irrigation and crop production related data along with rainfall information were collected
from BWDB database, TIP project evaluation report (BWDB, 2005) published by BWDB
planning section and from Institute of Water Modeling (IWM). Prices of inputs and outputs
of agricultural production are based on market price as of 2008 at or near TIP. All these
data is reported in Chapter 5.

4.6.3 Instream water direct uses

Instream water direct uses for the Teesta are fisheries and small scale navigation. However,
data and information related to the water uses and users are not available from any source.
Towards finding the instream water direct use benefits, estimating total number of such
water users are the primary concern. In line with this concern, the lateral boundary of the
study site is considered as one riparian union at both the banks of the river reach. The
underlying assumption in such consideration is that the Teesta river instream water users
i.e. the fishermen and boatmen live only in the riparian unions either of the sides of Teesta.

Instream water use related benefits are revealed for the study using a primary survey
conducted on the fishermen and boatmen group in the riparian unions. Out of 26, 11
riparian unions are selected arbitrarily for the primary survey. The unions are Gangachara,
Lakshimari, Marania and Kaunia Bala Para from Rangpur district, Kaimari from
Nilphamari district and Palashi, Bhotemari, Kakina, Gokunda, Khuniagachh and Rajpur
from Lalmonir Hat district. Location of the riparian unions under primary survey is shown
in Figure 4.3. Detailed discussion on and outcomes from the primary survey are reported in
Chapter 6 under Sections 6.2 and 6.3.

Figure 4.3 Study site and location of riparian unions under primary survey

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Water uses from the Teesta are already discussed in Chapter 4. The main offstream use of
the Teesta water is for irrigation purpose in the Teesta Irrigation Project. This chapter
presents the estimation of the total and marginal benefit function of the irrigation water use
from the Teesta. A brief discussion of agriculture, irrigation and irrigation water pricing
system in Bangladesh and particularly at Teesta Irrigation Project is provided at the
beginning of the chapter.

5.1 Agriculture and irrigation in Bangladesh – a brief overview

5.1.1 Agricultural practices

Agriculture is the most important economic sector in Bangladesh. It accounts for about
22% of the overall GDP and provides 51% of the total employment for the country (BBS,
2005). The country grows a wide variety of crops and those are classified into two major
groups according to the seasons in which they are grown, namely: Kharif (further sub-
divided into Kharif-I from mid March to mid July and Kharif-II from mid July to mid
October) and Rabi (mid October to mid March). Kharif season spreads over spring up to
late summer whereas Rabi is from early winter to early spring. Rice stands as the main
crop among more than 80 crops grown in the country (Year book of Agricultural Statistics
of Bangladesh, 2005). Different varieties of rice grow both in Kharif and Rabi season.
Being the main crop, rice dominates the cropping patterns; however, cropping pattern also
depends largely on land type, soil characteristics, and water availability. Table 5.1 shows
the general cropping pattern of the country for various seasons.

Table 5.1 General cropping pattern in Bangladesh

Agriculture Cropping Season
condition Rabi Kharif-I Kharif-II
Rain fed Wheat/ Potato/ Pulses/ Boro rice/ Aus rice/ Jute Fallow
Oilseeds/ Sugarcane
Irrigated Boro rice/ Wheat/ Potato/ Aus rice/ Fallow Aman rice/ Fallow
Tobacco/ Vegetables
Source: Banglapedia, National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, 2009 (online).

5.1.2 Rainfall and irrigation

Bangladesh is endowed with a high rainfall of annual 2,666 mm in average (FAO,

Aquastat, 2009); however, about 95% of the rainfall is concentrated in the monsoon during
May to October, leaving the winter months i.e. November to March dry. Therefore,
irrigation is a prerequisite for obtaining stable high yields especially for Rabi crops.
Supplemental irrigation is also needed in the event of water shortage for the Kharif crops.
The irrigated land area of Bangladesh was 5.03 million ha in 2004-2005 (BBS, 2005) and
the agricultural water withdrawal was 76,400 Mm3 in 2000 (Aquastat, 2009). Due to its flat

topography, Bangladesh does not have a good potential of canal irrigation. Groundwater
irrigation using tube well (both shallow and deep) are therefore widely used. Teesta
irrigation project is the largest surface water irrigation project in the country; however,
farmers use groundwater in dry season when supply from the river water does not satisfy
the demand, which has already been mentioned in Chapter 4.

Since rainfall is very low in the dry season, Boro needs almost a full time irrigation;
however, Boro yields the most stable and the highest. Net irrigation requirement for Boro
from experimental field study is about 620 – 700 mm from transplanting to harvest
whereas an extra about 240 mm of water is required for seed bed and land preparation
(Karim et al., 1996), even though in the real cases, water requirement for land preparation
might be higher. Supplementary irrigation is required for Aman. Depending on location
and severity of water shortage, Aman needs 80 – 400 mm of irrigation (Karim et al., 1990).
Aus needs irrigation at its early stage in particular for the north-west region of the country.
Karim and Akhand (1982) reported 195 mm irrigation requirement for Aus rice at and
around the north-west part of Bangladesh.

5.1.3 Irrigation water pricing

According to ‘the East Pakistan irrigation water rate ordinance’, formulated in 1963 and
promulgated on 1966, the water rates were fixed at 10% of increased benefit of crop
production. However, the collection of water charges was started on 1976-77 at a nominal
rate of 3% of the increased benefit. In early eighties the donor agencies prescribed the
Government of Bangladesh (GoB) to realize a significant part of the O&M cost of
irrigation from the project beneficiaries. Supporting the donor agencies recommendations,
GoB promulgated the new ‘Irrigation Water Rate Ordinance’ in 1983 together with the
new ‘Water Rate Rules’ in 1984. Few years later the donor agencies observed that
practiced water rates was not enough to realize the O&M cost of the projects and they
suggested to revise the irrigation water rates. Following such prescriptions, GoB issued
‘The Amendment of the Irrigation Water Rate Ordinance’ in 1990 with the modified rules
of Irrigation Water Rates in 1992 (Sattar, 1999).

Since rice is the prevalent crop for all projects, its benefit was considered as the yardstick
of estimating the water rates in different seasons. The water rate was set by considering the
yield and water consumption by the crop. According to the latest regulation on 1992, water
users committees would be formed and the committee is responsible for irrigation
management at farm level and for collection of the water charges.

In the Teesta Irrigation Project (TIP) the price of irrigation water was imposed recently in
2004 based on the land area irrigated rather than the quantity of water used by different
crops or farmers. The water rate at TIP is fixed by BWDB as US$ 16.90 (Tk11,200) per
hectare per year whereas individual farmers need to pay US$ 24.37 (Tk 1,730) to the
Water Users Association (WUA). However, BWDB is still working to form the WUA for
the entire TIP and to bring all the farmers under the payment system (BWDB, 2008).

Tk indicates Taka, the national currency of Bangladesh worth 71:1 US$ in January 2011

5.2 Data and methods

Considering the present context and data availability, residual imputation method (RIM)
based on the actual market prices of the inputs and outputs is chosen and applied in
estimating the economic value of water used for agricultural purpose at TIP. For this study,
information on the quantity of water used in the project area or water applied to the
specific crop was not available. The production cost information was available as
aggregated over the crop growing period and for the whole project area rather than the
individual farm level. In such a situation, irrigation water requirements over the existing
whole project irrigated area are considered as a proxy of the actual irrigation water use at
farm level. Input costs and output benefits are estimated using residual imputation
approach to impute economic value to the water used at project level. A production model
estimating the crop yield due to the assumed hypothetical water shortage with different
quantities is considered as the basis to estimate the marginal benefit function of water used
in agriculture.

Irrigation water requirements for the crops and the aggregated demand at the project level
are estimated using CROPWAT model for all the crops except rice. A water balance model
(Mohan et al., 1996) is used to estimate the irrigation water requirement for the lowland
rice. Information on the input quantities required for and the output (yield) from the
production process of the individual crops are available at the project level from the TIP
evaluation study by BWDB (2005). Residual imputation method (RIM) is then applied for
estimating the irrigation water value. Scenarios with different level of water-shortage are
assumed and RIM is applied for all scenarios, which depicts the value of irrigation water at
different water availability levels. This relationship in fact forms the total benefit function
for the irrigation water use at TIP. The first order derivative of this total benefit function
gives the marginal benefit function.

5.2.1 Estimation of water requirement Land use and cropping pattern at TIP

Information of the current land use and cropping patterns are collected from BWDB. Three
different types of rice (Aus, Aman, and Boro) and other main crops like maize, tobacco,
potato, oil seeds, pulse and vegetable are grown in the project area. Based on the season,
the crops grown and area cultivated and irrigated under each crop are presented in Table
5.2. Figure 5.1 shows the crop calendar for irrigated crops at the Teesta Irrigation Project.
Only the dry season crops (cabbage, cauliflower, potato, tobacco, tomato and wheat) along
with the three different varieties of rice need irrigation.

Table 5.2 Agricultural land use patterns at TIP

Cropping Pattern Net Irrigated
% of Net
irrigated cropped
Kharif -I Kharif -II Rabi Area
area (ha) area (ha)
Aus HYV Aman HYV Fallow 941 1,882 0.84
Fallow Aman HYV Wheat 13,167 26,334 11.78
Aus HYV Aman HYV Fallow 5,342 10,684 4.78
S. Vegetables Aman HYV Fallow 2,188 4,376 1.96

Cropping Pattern Net Irrigated
% of Net
irrigated cropped
Kharif -I Kharif -II Rabi Area
area (ha) area (ha)
Others Aman HYV Fallow 977 1,954 0.87
Fallow Aman HYV Kaon 1,222 2,444 1.09
Aus HYV Others Fallow 1,745 3,490 1.56
Fallow Aman LV Others 576 1,152 0.52
Fallow Aman LV Boro HYV 7,347 14,694 6.58
Others Aman LV Fallow 3,350 6,700 3.00
Fallow Aman HYV Boro HYV 53,490 106,980 47.87
Fallow Aman HYV Maize 370 740 0.33
Fallow Aman HYV Tobacco 552 1,104 0.49
Fallow Aman HYV Oil Seeds 353 706 0.32
Sub-total of Double Crops 91,620 183,240 82.00
Aus HYV Aman HYV Pulses 483 1,449 0.43
Aus HYV Aman HYV Oil Seeds 250 750 0.22
Jute Aman HYV Tobacco 9,219 27,657 8.25
S. Vegetables Aman HYV Potato 7,665 22,995 6.86
Others Aman HYV W. Veg 2,495 7,485 2.23
Sub-total of Triple Crops 20,112 60,336 18.00
Total Cropped Area 243,576
Net Area 111,732
Cropping Intensity (%) 218
Note: LV = local variety; HYV = high yield variety
Source: BWDB, 2005

Figure 5.1 Crop calendar for Teesta Irrigation Project

Source: BWDB, 2005

68 Potential evapotranspiration (ET0)

Potential evapotranspiration is calculated using the Penman-Montieth method. The mean

monthly temperature, relative humidity and wind speed of Dinajpur district (the district
inside TIP) is used from FAO database. The potential evapotranspiration is calculated
using CROPWAT (version 4.3 for WINDOWS) model and shown in Table 5.3.

Table 5.3 Climatic data and ET0 at TIP

Max Temp Min Temp Humi- Wind speed Sunshine Solar radiation ET0
(oC) (oC) dity (%) (km/d) (hr) (MJ/m2/d) (mm/d)
January 24.9 10.3 75 26 8.7 15.8 2.06
February 27.3 12.3 67 43 9.0 18.3 2.88
March 32.3 16.7 56 60 9.7 21.8 4.20
April 35.4 21.2 59 86 9.6 23.6 5.36
May 33.8 23.7 74 104 8.4 22.6 5.19
June 32.2 25.3 82 95 5.4 18.2 4.19
July 31.6 26.2 85 86 4.7 17.0 3.88
August 31.6 26.0 85 69 4.4 16.1 3.63
September 31.4 25.5 85 60 5.2 16.0 3.49
October 31.2 22.3 81 35 7.9 17.6 3.39
November 28.8 16.1 76 26 8.9 16.4 2.52
December 25.9 11.7 76 35 9.0 15.3 2.05
Source: IWM, 2003 Soil characteristics and Seepage & percolation (S&P) rate

Teesta Irrigation Project falls within the Agro-Ecological Zone – 3 (AEZ-3) ‘Teesta
Meander Flood Plain’, with a small part in AEZ-25 ‘Barind Tract’ and AEZ-27 ‘North
Eastern Barind Tract’; where the whole country is divided into 30 Agro-Ecological Zones.
Soil type in Teesta Meander Flood Plain (AEZ-3) is in general Eutric Gleysols type which
is a non-calcareous grey soil (Banglapedia, 2009). This type of soil consists of 6% sand,
6% clay and 88% loam (FAO, 2004). Institute of Water Modeling (IWM, 2003) conducted
a study on TIP soil characteristics. Soil samples from 12 locations were collected and
tested. The soil texture was found varies between silt, silt loam, sandy silt, sandy loam to
loamy sand.

Seepage (S), the lateral subsurface flow of water from a bunded rice field and percolation
(P), the downward flow of water below the root zone occur simultaneously during land
preparation and crop growth period and are governed by the water head (depth of pounded
water) on the field and the resistance to water movement in the soil. Due to the difficulty in
separation between seepage and percolation in the field, S and P are often taken together as
one term, S&P. The S&P value for TIP region is assumed as 3 mm/d based on literature
(e.g. IWM, 2003).

69 Mean aerial Rainfall at Teesta Irrigation project area

Observed rainfall data from six stations in and around TIP for the last ten years (1998 to
2007) are collected from BWDB central database. Station weighting factors are calculated
from Thiessen Polygon method. The monthly mean aerial rainfall (mm) for all these
stations and the mean rainfall for TIP area are shown in Table 5.4.

Table 5.4 Average rainfalls (mm) at TIP area (1998 - 2007)

Station ID Wt Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Badargonj CL153 0.16 6.3 10.1 31.1 112.4 173.8 385.3 449.8 330.1 323.9 340.6 8.1 6.9
Bagdorga CL154 0.20 1.3 5.3 9.5 105.4 207.9 420.0 481.6 279.1 291.8 292.5 1.8 0.0
Dimla CL167 0.27 9.5 4.3 30.2 135.7 255.4 620.6 538.0 492.6 431.7 301.0 6.6 2.1
Kaligonj CL177 0.08 12.3 13.6 48.0 152.7 253.8 489.4 510.5 380.2 328.8 207.8 12.2 13.0
Mahipur CL188 0.05 1.3 16.8 31.5 83.7 335.7 442.6 735.4 248.2 277.9 292.6 2.1 5.4
Saidpur CL210 0.24 8.3 11.4 16.0 166.9 306.3 581.7 592.0 342.9 328.7 190.7 4.0 2.1
Weighted Mean 6.9 8.5 24.3 132.1 248.9 514.1 533.2 366.7 345.8 271.3 5.5 3.5
Source: BWDB database, 2008 Irrigation requirement

In addition to the dominant rice crop, several crops are grown in TIP area. However, only
the dry season crops along with the three rice varieties need irrigation water and are
considered for the irrigation water estimation in this study. The dry season crops in the TIP
area are cabbage, cauliflower, potato, tobacco, tomato and wheat. Irrigation water
requirements for the crops except the rice are estimated using CROPWAT model for
WINDOWS version 4.3 (FAO, 1998). A water balance approach is employed to estimate
the irrigation water requirement for rice crop (as shown in Figure 5.2). All the rice varieties
in the project area are of the lowland type, therefore the water balance approach
encompassing the field water balance components (Equation 5-1), proposed by Mohan et
al. (1996) fits well and used here in estimating irrigation water requirements for the rice.

St = St - 1 + It - ETct + ERt - SPt (5-1)

Where, St indicates storage in the bund at the end of time period t; St-1 is the storage at the
beginning of time period t; It refers applied irrigation during the period t; ETct is actual
evapo-transpiration by the rice crop during the period t; ERt refers to effective rainfall
during the period t and SPt indicates seepage and percolation losses during time period t.
One day is considered as the unit time period in water balance simulation calculation. All
the components of field water balance are in mm.

Figure 5.2 Typical water balance for low land rice field

The concept of standing water is explicitly incorporated in this water balance. The method
assumes that the paddy field can store additional rainfall up to the level of field-bund
(spillway). Seepage and percolation loss (3 mm/d) is assumed to occur for the first 105
days when the ponding condition exists and afterwards the rice field is considered in a
drained condition for last 15 days where the total growth period of the rice crops are 120
days. Featuring the typical local practices, ponding depth in rice field is assumed to be at
least 50 mm with a maximum up to 100 mm. In case of excess rainfall beyond the field-
bund capacity, the excess rainwater goes out from the system as runoff. In addition, water
requirement for nursery (nursery is assumed in 5% of respective rice area cultivated) and
land preparation are accounted for. Crop coefficient of rice for different stages of crop
growth and corresponding length in days are used as mentioned in Table 5.5.

Table 5.5 Crop coefficient and duration of different stages of rice

Stage Crop coefficient Length (day) Total length (day)
Land preparation …. 20 20
Nursery 1.20 30 30
Initial stage 1.10 20
Development stage 1.10 30
Mid season 1.25 40
Late season 1.00 30
Source: IWM, 2003 Water requirement for land preparation

Water used for land preparation varies widely; however, literature suggests this
requirement as about 150 – 250 mm for the tropical and sub-tropical Asian countries
(Bhuiyan 1992; Guerra et al., 1998). Ghani et al. (1989) reported the water requirement for
land preparation in G-K (Ganges-Kabotak) Irrigation project, Bangladesh is as high as
1,500 mm. Ghani et al. (1989) did the study both in farmer-managed (tertiary) field and
researcher-managed field and the results are presented in Table 5.6. However, water
requirement for land preparation for this study is assumed 180 mm for a period of 20 days.

Table 5.6 Water required for land preparation (mm) in Ganges-Kabotak Irrigation Project
in Bangladesh
Aus Aman
Year Farmer-managed Researcher- Farmer-managed Researcher-
plot managed plot plot managed plot
1983 110 – 970 (465) --- 150 – 1,075 (510) ---
1984 190 – 1,865 (733) 175 – 275 (235) 200 – 695 (485) 95 – 315 (260)
1985 205 – 5,120 (1,460) 230 – 255 (248) 175 – 115 (440) 170 – 260 (215)
Note: Figure in parenthesis is the average
Source: Ghani et al. (1989)

Two measures of water are of interest, namely: water use requirement at field (WRF) and
water withdrawal requirement from the source (WWR). Water use requirement at field
refers to the amount of water actually required at the field level, which includes
evapotranspiration, seepage and percolation, land preparation as well as maintaining
ponding condition in case of rice. Requirements for leaching of salts and pre-irrigation are
not considered. Water withdrawal from the source refers to the amount of water required to
be diverted at the barrage which is met by available surface water otherwise farmers
abstract groundwater. Water withdrawal requirement would be always higher than WRF
due to losses in conveyance. The ratio of WRF to WWR is defined as the overall efficiency
of the irrigation project.

Although rapid expansion of the irrigated area has been reported over the country in the
recent past, water use efficiency is still poor (Dey et al., 2006). On the other hand data on
overall irrigation efficiency is scarce and no specific information on irrigation efficiency
for TIP is found in the literature. Dey et al., (2006) reported the average distribution loss is
45% all over the country. IWM (2003) used application efficiency as 70% while
developing decision support services for the irrigation systems and management for the
TIP. For this study, overall efficiency (including conveyance, field channel and field
application) of the TIP irrigation system is assumed to be 40%.

5.2.2 Estimation of water value – Residual Imputation Method (RIM)

The residual imputation method accounts the incremental contribution of each input in a
production process. Using the market mechanism, if the correct prices – equal to their
marginal returns – are assigned to all input resources used in a production process except
one (water in this particular case), the remainder of total value of the product is imputed to
the remaining or the residual input resource (Young, 1996; Agudelo, 2001). Residual
valuation thus assumes that total value of production can be divided into shares, in such a
way that each resource is paid according to its marginal productivity and total product is
completely exhausted (Young, 1996). Following this principle the total value product
(TVP) equals the opportunity cost of all the inputs (Agudelo, 2001) as expressed in
Equation 5-2.

TVP = ∑ VMPi * Qi + VMPw * Qw (5-2)

Where, TVP implies total value of the commodity produced; VMPi indicates the value of
marginal product of input i; Qi is the quantity of input i used in production, w stands for

Following Equation 5-2, shadow price of water can be obtained; it indicates the maximum
amount the farmer could pay for water and still can cover the cost of production when the
marginal value product of all inputs are considered as their market price. Therefore,
Equation 5-2 can be rearranged to estimate the VMP of water (Equation 5-3):

TVP − ∑ P i *Qi
VMPw = (5-3)

Where, Pi is the price of input i. Information on the quantities of inputs for and output from
the crop production process are taken from TIP evaluation report (BWDB, 2005). Market
prices as of June 2008 for the agricultural inputs and outputs are considered in the residual
imputation analyses.

5.2.3 Estimation of total and marginal benefit function of irrigation water

Values of water at different assumed water availability levels incorporating with the water
availabilities form the basis in estimating the total and marginal benefit functions for
irrigation water (based on Equation 3-1). Three different scenarios are also employed (i)
conjunctive use of groundwater to meet the shortage in available river water, (ii) reduction
in irrigated land area to execute full irrigation with reduced supply from river and (iii)
yield response to water stress when insufficient water supply covers fully the existing
irrigated crop area. Five different levels of water shortage (10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50%)
from the maximum water withdrawal requirement are considered. Residual imputation
method gives the irrigation water value for each level of water shortage for all three

Groundwater abstraction volume and irrigated land area reduction are proportionate to
water shortage at diversion point in the river. However, efficiency in using groundwater
can be considered higher than river water because of its small scale management, less
conveyance and immediate and high payment requirement. An efficiency of 70% is used in
case of groundwater irrigation. Concerning the cost of groundwater abstraction, farmers
within TIP area as well as at the left bank of Teesta where the farmers depend fully on
groundwater were asked at the time of field visit. It was revealed that the groundwater
abstraction cost is about US$ 0.0085 (Tk0.60) per m3. Normally farmers rent the pump to
irrigate their field, hence the cost indicates the cost of pump (annualized capital cost) and
pumping (operation) in together. Chowdhury (2005) mentioned the groundwater irrigation
cost is about US$0.0076 (Tk0.54) per m3 in Northwest region of Bangladesh; however,
taking into consideration of oil price hike in the recent past, farmers’ estimation is
considered for the study.

The ratio of actual to maximum evapotranspiration quantifies the yield response to water
stress. Equation 5-4 shows the relationship which was proposed by Doorenbos and Kassam

⎡ ⎛ ETa ⎞⎤
Ya = Ymax ⎢1 − k y ⎜⎜ 1 − ⎟⎟⎥ (5-4)
⎣ ⎝ ETmax ⎠ ⎦

Where, Ya is the actual harvested yield (t/ha), Ymax is the potential yield (t/ha), ky is the
average yield response factor (non-dimensional) for the overall growth period and ETa and
ETmax refers to actual and maximum evapotranspiration (mm) respectively. Value of Emax is
taken from CROPWAT model calculation. However, Equation 5-4 can be applied for crops
other than rice because water requirement for lowland rice does not refer only the
evapotranspiration. An empirical study on Indian lowland rice by Bouman and Tuong
(2001) provides the production function (Equation 5-5) in terms of water input.

Ya = Ymax 1- e (
- b waterinput - 300)
) (5-5)

Where, Ya and Ymax are the actual and potential yield (t/ha) respectively, b is the initial
factor (water in this case) use efficiency or the initial slope (dimensionless value in the
range of 0.00175 – 0.00275), waterinput is the water application that includes applied
irrigation water including effective rainfall (mm). The figure 300 in Equation 5-5 indicates
the minimum amount of water input for any yield at all. Potential yield values (Ymax) are
taken from the TIP evaluation report (BWDB, 2005).

Microeconomics considers the firm’s production process through the relationship between
the input requirement and the production output. For many purposes it is useful to
represent the relationship between inputs and outputs using a mathematical function often
termed as the production function that maps vectors of inputs into a single measure of
output. A production function is often approximated using polynomials. For the case of a
single input, such as river discharge, with a single output per firm (i.e. crop production), a
quadratic production function (synonymously used as total benefit function hereafter)
would reflect appropriately the usual shape of the relationship: while input use increases,
output first increases then stabilizes, then decreases. In this study a quadratic relation
(Equation 3-1) between net benefits and river flow is considered to obtain the total benefit
(TB) function for river water diverted to irrigation use where flow indicates the river
discharge. The first order derivative of the total benefit function (Equation 3-1) with
respect to flow (Q) gives the marginal benefit function.

5.3 Results
5.3.1 Irrigation water requirements and water availability

Tables 5.7 and 5.8 present the net irrigation water requirements at field along with the
effective rainfall for rice and other crops respectively. In case of rice, the effective rainfall
is estimated from the field water balance study (Equation 5-1) pertaining to maintain the
ponding condition in the field after transplantation of the rice plants. Dry season rice, Boro
needs the highest irrigation requirement of 1,019 mm at field level. Effective rainfall for
other crops is estimated using the USDA soil conservation service method embedded in the
CROPWAT modeling. Other than rice, cauliflower needs the highest amount of water for
irrigation, i.e. 346 mm, whereas cabbage needs 228 mm.

Table 5.7 Irrigation water requirements at field (WRF) for different types of rice crops
grown in Teesta Irrigation Project area
Water requirement and rainfall at field
Rice (growing period) Total WRF Effective Net WRF Total
(mm) rainfall (mm) (mm) (mm)
Aman (D2 Jul – D2 Dec) Nursery 136 353 0
LP 180 215 0
Growing stage 783 633 150 150
Aus (D1 Apr – D3 Aug) Nursery 193 105 88
LP 180 70 110
Growing stage 979 924 52 250
Boro (D2 Nov – D2 Apr) Nursery 83 4 79
LP 180 2 178
Growing stage 834 72 762 1,019
Note: LP = Land preparation; CWR= Crop water requirement including the water requirements to maintain
ponding condition; D1, D2 and D3 are 1-10, 11-20 and 21-30 dates of each month

Table 5.8 Irrigation water requirements at field (WRF) for the dry season crops grown in
Teesta Irrigation Project area
Water requirement and rainfall at field
Crop (growing period) Total WRF Effective rainfall Net WRF
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Cabbage (D1 Nov – D2 Feb) 228 0 228
Cauliflower (D1 Nov – D2 Mar) 367 21 346
Potato (D1 Nov – D1 Mar) 334 10 324
Tobacco (D1 Dec – D3 Mar) 310 22 288
Tomato (D1 Nov – D1 Mar) 340 10 330
Wheat (D2 Nov – D3 Mar) 297 22 275
Note: D1, D2 and D3 are 1-10, 11-20 and 21-30 dates of each month

Table 5.9 presents the WRF and WWR on monthly basis for the irrigation season. Water
withdrawal requirement is further converted into flow (m3/s) with an appropriate
conversion from its depth unit (mm) based on the water requirement for each crop in
specific month with the consideration of area irrigated under the individual crops. Details
on crop wise monthly irrigation requirements are given in Tables B.1 and B.2 of Appendix
B. Month of December needs the highest irrigation supply, which is about 466 mm at the
project level, corresponds to 194.4 m3/s of flow diversion. November, February, January
and March follow subsequently according to the demand for irrigation water withdrawal.
Boro rice shares the largest part of this irrigation demand. Monthly share of the irrigation
demand is also presented in Table 5.9. Daily mean discharge for the last three years at the
TIP barrage provides the water availability, which is compared with the WWR. Even
though TIP authority did not reveal the actual water diversion information, the personal
communication with the field engineer at the barrage site provides an idea on water
diversion practices especially for the water shortage period. In general 90% of the available
water at the barrage is diverted to the irrigation canal if the WWR goes higher than the
availability otherwise diversion follows the actual WWR. Based on this statement, the last

two columns in Table 5.9 represent the monthly WWR that is fulfilled from the river water

Table 5.9 Irrigation water requirement at field (WRF), water withdrawal requirement
(WWR), available flow at the barrage and diversion to the Teesta Irrigation Project
Share for Water
WRF WWR WWRa Diversionc Diversion
Month Boro rice availabilityb
(mm) (mm) (m3/s) (m3/s) (mm)
(%) (m3/s)
November 154 384 165.7 20 237.1 165.7 384
December 186 466 194.4 78 149.2 134.3 322
January 128 320 133.6 80 65.4 58.8 141
February 139 348 160.9 78 65.6 59.0 128
March 123 308 128.3 89 77.1 69.4 166
April 26 64 28.6 66 236.8 28.6 66
Total 756 1,890 --- --- --- 1,207
a 3
Note: Unit conversion of WWR from mm to m /s is based on water requirement for each crop in specific
month with the consideration of irrigated area under each crop
Water availability is based on last five years (2002 - 2006) flow at the TIP barrage
When WWR>Water availability, diversion = 0.9*Water availability;

5.3.2 Value of irrigation water

Table 5.10 presents the irrigation water value for each crop based on the RIM calculation.
The details of the RIM calculation with each input and output price is reported in Tables
B.3 and B.4 of Appendix B. Water value estimation presented in Table 5.10 considers no
water-stress to the crops implying highest possible yield and the case of entire irrigation
supply from the river water diversion.

Table 5.10 Value of irrigation water for different crops grown in the Teesta Irrigation
Project area at no water-shortage condition
Area irrigated Input cost Harvest value WWR Value of water
(ha) (US$/ha) (US$/ha) (m3/ha) (US$/103 m3)
Aman LV 11,273 406 562 3,750 41
Aman HYV 98,714 481 733 3,750 67
Aus 7,820 467 567 6,250 16
Boro 60,837 656 852 25,475 8
W.Veg 2,495 593 901 7,533 41
Potato 7,665 901 1,056 8,093 19
Tobacco 9,771 733 1,056 7,195 45
Wheat 13,167 385 775 6,875 57
Weighted average 111,732 1,041 1,484 18,900 24
Note: LV = Local variety; HYV = High yield variety; W.Veg = Winter Vegetables: cabbage, cauliflower and
tomato in together; WWR = Water withdrawal requirement at source (TIP barrage)

Among all the crops grown in the TIP using irrigation water, Aman HYV rice generates the
highest irrigation-water value of US$ 67 per 103 m3 (Tk4.75 per m3). Boro rice shares the

largest part of irrigation water and results the lowest irrigation water value of US$ 8 per
103 m3 (Tk0.55 per m3). Chowdhury (2005) calculated the irrigation water value US$ 8 per
103 m3 (Tk0.54 per m3) for Boro rice in the Northwest region of Bangladesh.

Table 5.11 represents the summary results of RIM analysis for the whole TIP project.
Average net income from the crop production using irrigation water of 1,890 mm is US$
444 (Tk 31,510) per ha which shows an average value of diverted irrigation water US$ 24
per 103 m3 (Tk1.67 per m3). However, Table 5.9 recalls that the present status of flow at
the barrage does not support the diversion of the entire WWR. For the irrigation season six
months total 1,207 mm of water is available for diversion out of the total requirement of
1,890 mm. The deficit in irrigation water supply from the river is met by groundwater
abstraction which amounts [(1,890-1,207)*0.4/0.7=] 390 mm to be applied evenly over the
full irrigated area and season. In a study, Wahid et al. (2007) showed the groundwater
abstraction in TIP is in the range of 296 to 860 mm. Accounting the cost of groundwater
irrigation [3,900(m3/ha)*0.0085(US$/m3) = 32.95 US$/ha equivalent to 2,340 Tk/ha] as an
individual input in RIM yields the diverted river water value of [(444–32.95)/12,070=]
US$ 0.034 (=Tk 2.42) per m3.

Table 5.11 Irrigation water value at the project level of Teesta Irrigation Project with no
water-shortage condition

Parameter Value

Net irrigated area (ha) 111,732

Average input cost (US$/ha) 1,041 (Tk73,879/ha)
Average harvest value (US$/ha) 1,484 (Tk105,390/ha)
Net income from entire project (106 US$) 49.59 (Tk 3,520 mil)
Total water use at field (m /ha) 7,560
Total WWR (m /ha) 18,906
Average monthly discharge requirement at barrage (m /s) 136
3 3
Avg. value of irrigation water used (US$/10 m ) 59 (Tk 4.17/m3)
Avg. value of irrigation water diverted (US$/103 m3) 24 (Tk 1.67/m3)
Marginal value of diverted discharge at full supply (106 US$ per m3/s) 0.06 (Tk 4.17x106)
Note: average input cost and harvest value are calculated by adding up the cost/values for individual crops
and then averaged over net irrigated area

5.3.3 Total and marginal benefit function

Following RIM, the overall benefit from agricultural production using irrigation water at
the TIP is calculated for five different water shortage levels in three different scenarios.
Total benefits are distributed over the year uniformly and presented on monthly basis.
Deducting the hypothetical water shortages from the entire WWR represents the water
availability levels in the river. Water availability is further reported as the mean flow over
six months of the irrigation period.

Table 5.12 represents the water availability and monthly benefit at different water shortage
levels and scenarios. The water availability and monthly benefits are used to develop the
quadratic total benefit function (Equation 3-1) for the irrigation water for the three

different scenarios as presented in Equation 5-6 (a) – (c). The TB values obtained from
Equation 5-6 are in million US$ per month.

Table 5.12 Monthly benefits (106 US$) to be imputed to irrigation water at different water
shortage levels in three different scenarios
Water shortage in % of Water withdrawal requirement from river
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Water availability, m /s 135.8 122.2 108.6 95.0 81.5 67.9
(mm) (1,890) (1,701) (1,512) (1,323) (1,134) (945)
S1 8.26 8.09 7.92 7.75 7.58 7.41
S2 8.26 7.44 6.61 5.79 4.96 4.13
S3 8.26 7.42 6.51 5.54 4.48 3.33
Note: *present water availability level in the river; S1 = scenario 1 – groundwater abstraction meets the
shortage in river water availability; S2 = Scenario 2 – execution of full irrigation to reduced land in case of
insufficient flow in river; S3 = Scenario 3 – yield loss due to water stress in case of insufficient flow in river

For S1, TBirr = 0.013 * flow + 6.565 (5-6a)

For S2, TBirr = 0.061* flow − 0.0005 (5-6b)
For S3, TBirr = −0.0002 * flow 2 + 0.115 * flow − 3.493 (5-6c)

Table 5.13 presents the coefficient values of the total benefit function as well as the last
column reports the marginal benefit functions. In the first two scenarios, conjunctive use of
groundwater and reduced irrigated land, the coefficients of flow2 and flow appear zero and
positive non-zero value respectively indicating a straight line with positive slope for the
TB functions and with zero slopes MB functions. However, for the third scenario, yield
response to water stress, the coefficient of flow2 is negative and for flow it has positive
value that indicates a quadratic TB function and a MB function having downward slope
with a positive MB value initially. Figures 5.3 and 5.4 represent the total benefit and
marginal benefit functions for three different scenarios respectively. Results show that in
case of less water available for diversion at the barrage, filling the demand by groundwater
is the most profitable and that is currently under practice.

Table 5.13 Regression analysis results based on Equation 3-1 and marginal benefit
functions of river water in irrigation use
Parameter values of TB function
Scenario Marginal benefit function
β0 β1 β2
S1 6.5649 0.0125 0 MB = 0.0125
S2 0.0005 0.0609 0 MB = 0.0609
S3 -3.4925 0.1145 -0.0002 MB = -0.0004*flow + 0.1145
Note: S1 = scenario 1 – groundwater abstraction meets the shortage in river water availability; S2 = Scenario
2 – execution of full irrigation to reduced land in case of insufficient flow in the river; S3 = Scenario 3 –
yield loss due to water stress in case of insufficient flow in the river

S1 S2 S3

Total benefit (10 US$/Month)


60 80 100 120 140
River flow (m /s)

Figure 5.3 Total benefit functions for the irrigation water use at Teesta irrigation project
Note: S1 = scenario 1 – groundwater abstraction meets the shortage in river water availability; S2 = Scenario
2 – execution of full irrigation to reduced land in case of insufficient flow in river; S3 = Scenario 3 – yield
loss due to water stress in case of insufficient flow in river

S1 S2 S3
Marginal benefit (10 US$/Month per m /s)


60 80 100 120 140
River flow (m3/s)

Figure 5.4 Marginal benefit functions for the irrigation water use at Teesta irrigation
Note: S1 = scenario 1 – groundwater abstraction meets the shortage in river water availability; S2 = Scenario
2 – execution of full irrigation to reduced land in case of insufficient flow in river; S3 = Scenario 3 – yield
loss due to water stress in case of insufficient flow in river

Analyses based on residual imputation method indicate that the average value of
withdrawn irrigation water for TIP, US$ 24 per 103 m3 (Tk 1.67 per m3) is much higher
than the current irrigation fee of US$ 1.3 per 103 m3 (Tk 0.09 per m3) considering US$
24.36 (Tk 1,730) is paid for 18,900 m3 of withdrawn irrigation water per hectare of land.
An average monthly flow of 136 m3/s can meet fully the irrigation demand of TIP and can
generate the maximum total benefit of about US$ 50 million (Tk 3,520 million) for the
whole irrigation season over the entire project. Since the irrigation season is only for six
months, the benefit is distributed uniformly over the irrigation season and that results the
total benefit of US$ 8.33 million (Tk 587 million) per month. At the full supply level (full
demand met from river water) the marginal benefit is about US$ 0.059 million (Tk 4.16
million) per m3/s as monthly basis. In the same scenario, the marginal benefit would
increase to US$ 0.087 million (Tk 6.15 million) per m3/s per month when the flow
decreased to half (68 m3/s).

5.4 Discussions and concluding remarks

The study develops the total and marginal benefit functions with respect to withdrawn
flow, such approach is rarely reported in literature. Since most in-stream uses relate with
flow rather than volume of water, using flow as the basis to develop the economic benefit
functions enable to compare the benefit of off-stream uses with in-stream uses in the
optimization model. Part of the withdrawn flow is not actually used in irrigation system
and it goes either to surface drainage system or percolates down into the ground and meets
to groundwater aquifer; these issues, however, have not been considered in estimating the
value of water in this study. The study reveals that the value of withdrawn water for
meeting the irrigation demand is US$ 0.024 (Tk 1.67) per m3 and US$ 0.058 million (Tk
4.16 million) per m3/s per month at the full supply level.

Average values of diverted and applied irrigation water for TIP are respectively estimated
as about US$ 0.024 (Tk1.67) and US$ 0.06 (Tk 4.17) per m3. Hussain et al. (2007)
reported the values of irrigation water having different denominators for several irrigation
systems in different countries; e.g. they mentioned the value per m3 of supplied irrigation
water for Mahi Kadana system, India as US$ 0.04-0.07 (for all crops in year 1995-1996);
per m3 of diverted water for Kirindi Oya basin, Sri Lanka as US$ 0.027 (for rice in year
1999); per m3 of supplied water in Chistian Sub-division, Pakistan as US$ 0.04 (for all
crops in 1993-1994); per m3 of diverted water for Nam Thach Han system, Vietnam as
US$ 0.045 (for all crops in 2001-2003).

Two principal axioms are embedded with RIM analysis: the prices of all resources are
equated to returns at the margin (competitive equilibrium market) and the total value of the
product is divided into shares. However, for the developing countries in general, the
agricultural sector is subsidized through some of its inputs mainly the fertilizer, pesticide
and irrigation water. This issue has not been considered in estimating the value of
irrigation water in this study. This may have resulted in overestimation of the value of
irrigation water. Water quality aspect of water withdrawn for irrigation is not considered.

The assumed water shortages applied at the field level is synonymous to deficit irrigation;
however, economics and management of deficit irrigation are not addressed and that might
have resulted in underestimation of the value of water in this study. Present study only
estimates the value of irrigation water based on the existing situation keeping the present
circumstances unvarying including the inputs to the crop production system.


The instream water direct uses for the Teesta are capture fishery and navigation as already
mentioned in Chapter 4. This chapter illustrates the estimation of the total and marginal
benefit functions for the instream water uses.

6.1 Introduction

Despite considerable progress on understanding and recognition of in-stream water

requirements, successful cases of environmental flow implementations are quite few.
Developing countries are particular cases in point. Reallocation of water among sectors is
often demanded and prescribed; however, such actions can be myopic, unless potential
repercussion towards the socioeconomic benefits and costs are well documented and
addressed. Moreover, a number of researches (e.g. Moore, 2004; Scatena, 2004) argue that
better understanding of socio-economic benefits and costs involved with instream water
provisioning is essentially required to justify sustaining in-stream flow.

Relatively accurate information on marginal value of offstream uses is available; however,

measuring economic value of in-stream uses for alternative flow levels is a different
problem. To date, there have been a number of researches that have tried to value in-
stream water uses, mainly recreational boating, fishing, rafting, and the like. Majority of
these researches applied contingent valuation method (CVM) and travel cost method
(TCM) predominantly in developed countries. Examples include: use of CVM in Cache la
Poudre River in Northern Colorado, USA (Daubert and Young 1981); Montana’s Big Hole
and Bitterroot Rivers, USA (Duffield et al. 1992); Colorado River (Booker and Colby
1995); in Idaho and California (Loomis 1998); application of CVM and the Travel Cost
Method (TCM) in California, USA (Douglas & Taylor 1998); use of TCM in California,
USA (Weber & Berrens 2006). Some studies valued in-stream water for endangered and
at-risk fish species for example, Berrens et al. (1996); Loomis (1998); Hickey and Diaz
(1999); and some studies estimated the bequest and existence values e.g. Loomis (1987);
Brown and Duffield (1995). Xu et al. (2003) estimated total economic value of ecosystem
services in China whereas Ojeda et al. (2008) found the economic value of environmental
services from in-stream flow in Mexico; both studies used the CVM.

Majority of instream water-use valuation studies estimated the total economic value of the
in-stream water and associated services rendered to society rather than explicitly the
benefit functions showing the changes in benefits at alternative flow levels. Daubert and
Young (1981) and Duffield et al. (1992) are among few studies estimated the marginal
benefit function for the recreational uses of instream water in the USA. Again, gap exists
in measuring the value of several informal and ill-documented yet life supporting instream
uses, which predominantly exist in poor and developing countries like Bangladesh and

Fisheries in Bangladesh and fish production from the Teesta

The fisheries sector with its high level of biodiversity plays a significant role to the overall
economy of Bangladesh. The sector contributes 60% of the animal protein to the daily diet,
5.24% of country’s gross domestic product (GDP), 7% of export earning, and provides
livelihood to about 10% of the total population (Oliver, 2002; Ahmad, 2005). Rich in
protein, minerals (mainly calcium) and vitamin-A, fishes in Bangladesh are considered a
high value food and essential part of the diet (Dugan et al., 2004). Unlike many countries,
size of the capture fishery is larger than the culture fishery in Bangladesh. In 2006-2007,
capture and culture fisheries account 41% and 39% of the total fish production respectively
with the remaining part coming from marine fisheries (BFRSS, 2008).

Department of Fisheries (DoF) under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock of the
Government of The People’s Republic of Bangladesh is solely responsible for providing
the fish catch statistics. DoF publishes each year the Bangladesh Fisheries Resources
Survey System (BFRSS) yearbook which was initiated in 1983-84 to provide a more
systematic and sharper focused fisheries statistics collection services. DoF estimates the
fish production using CAS (catch assessment survey) at selected fish landing points or big
markets for riverine fisheries and report at district level (BWDB, 1994; Roos et al. 2007).
Therefore, this statistics fails to reflect the fish production from a specific river because of
either the presence of more than one river in a district or traversing of a river through
several districts. In case of Teesta study site, it crosses through Rangpur, Nilphamari and
Lalmonir hat districts; however, some other small rivers exist in these districts. Table 6.1
mentions those rivers with some characteristics.

Table 6.1 Rivers passing through Rangpur, Lalmonir Hat and Nilphamari District
District River Characteristics/Remark
Rangpur Teesta Largest tributary to Brahmaputra-Jamuna River system. Teesta
is the accumulated flows of the Karatoya, Atrai and
Jamuneshwari rivers
Karatoya Four parts: Bogra-Karatoya, Rangpur-Karatoya, Dinajpur-
Karatoya and Jamuneshwari-Karatoya. All of them carry very
little water now. Downstream name of Dinajpur-Karatoya is
Atrai. Falls to Bangali river. Jamuneshwari-Karatoya falls into
Bangali. Karatoya was a big river in the past, after 1820’s flood
its flow declined and now it is a small river.
Chikli Small river
Ghagot Distributary of Teesta, joins to Brahmaputra; sluggish river,
flow is in between 1.50-50 cumec.
Atrai Distributary of Teesta and tributary of Brahmaputra.
Lalmonir Hat Teesta Large river
Dharala Originated from Jaldhaka river. Full during the monsoon but
has only knee-deep water in summer. It’s a braided river.
Sarnamati Small river, almost silted up
Trimohoni Small river, presently almost silted up
Ratnai Small river, presently almost silted up
Sati Small river, presently almost silted up

District River Characteristics/Remark
Nilphamari Teesta Large river
Jamuneshwari Part of Karatoya
Chikli Small river
Dhaigan Small river

Among all the rivers, Teesta is the main and largest in the region with considerable flow all
over the whole year. The other rivers are very small and do not have enough flow, which
do not possess significant potential for fish production. Therefore, 70% of fish production
of these districts can safely be assumed as originating from Teesta and this assumption is
considered based on some discussion with the officers of the DoF field offices while
collecting data for the study. Fish catch data for the last twelve fiscal years2 (1995-96 to
2006-07) of Rangpur, Lalmonir Hat and Nilphamari districts are collected from BFRSS
and are presented in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Fish production in study site of Teesta

Fish catch Fish catch Total Catch
Fish catch Value Value
(river) in (river) in from
Year (river) in catch (million (million
Lalmonir Nilphamari Teesta
Rangpur (t) (t) Tk) US$)
Hat (t) (t) (t)
1995-96 111 55 68 234 163.8 20.15 0.284
1996-97 139 67 73 279 195.3 24.01 0.338
1997-98 150 67 53 270 189.0 23.21 0.327
1998-99 150 67 47 264 184.8 22.69 0.320
1999-00 160 107 49 316 221.2 27.31 0.385
2000-01 189 104 46 339 237.3 29.21 0.411
2001-02 203 149 46 398 278.6 34.45 0.485
2002-03 181 157 43 381 266.7 33.07 0.466
2003-04 164 164 114 442 309.4 38.42 0.541
2004-05 155 149 123 427 298.9 37.09 0.522
2005-06 92 126 126 344 240.8 29.99 0.422
2006-07 90 76 105 271 189.7 23.49 0.331
Average 149 107 74 330 231.3 28.6 0.403
Note: Value of fish is calculated with average fish price, which is the market price as of May 2008 obtained
from DoF, Dhaka. Average fish price for Lalmonir Hat is Tk 120/kg, for Nilphamari is Tk129/kg and for
Rangpur is Tk 123.5/kg.
Source: BFRSS issues from 1995-96 to 2006-07.

6.2 Benefit function for fisheries water use

6.2.1 Concepts

Two basic approaches as already mentioned, namely: revealed preference and stated
preference are predominantly used to determine economic benefit of environmental goods

Fiscal year is from July to June in Bangladesh. BFRSS uses fiscal year in their analyses.

and services. The former approach involves analyzing relevant market transactions in
goods and services whereas the latter one uses survey to identify individual’s WTP.
Despite having advantages and disadvantages for obtaining economic value using those
approaches, most economists prefer to use market data, since such analyses are based on
actual behavior rather than hypothetical situation. This study uses actual market benefit of
fish production to estimate the instream flow benefits where fishermen income data form
the basis for the analysis.

Towards estimating fish production at different flow levels in the river a deep-rooted
hydrologic-ecological link is requisite; however, such link is not yet well established in
contemporary literature (IWMI, 2005; Arthington et al., 2006). Physical Habitat
Simulation system (PHABSIM) developed by Bovee (1982) calculates an index related to
the amount of microhabitat available for different life-stages at different flow levels. The
method was especially focused at protecting a single species (sport fisheries in North
America). Nevertheless, developing a relation between river discharge and all species’
habitats, in an integrated form for a complex tropical fishery, with high level of
biodiversity using PHABSIM is again challenging to apply.

Instead, the overall habitat can be considered as a proxy to total fish production or catch
which can easily be incorporated further into an economic term. It therefore needs a
relation between overall habitat and hydrological parameters; however, such a relation is
rare in the existing literature. Recently the World Bank (2004) developed a “feeding
opportunity index” for the Mekong as a surrogate of fish production and tested for the
Cambodian Dai fisheries. This index calculates the productive habitat as the product of
area inundated (from water level) and number of inundation days. Baran et al. (2001)
modeled water level (in log scale) versus catch relation for the Cambodian Dai fisheries.
Such researches provide a background on hydrology and habitat inter-dependency. This
paper considers the link among flow (hydrology)-habitat-production for fishery water

6.2.2 Method

Value of the fish production is considered equal to fishermen income for a certain time
period e.g. month or year. A primary survey was conducted to the riparian fishermen to
find their income as well as income variation at different flow level in the river. Total
numbers of beneficiaries are deduced from demographic information. Total income of the
groups in different instream flow levels map out the total instream flow benefit function.
First order derivative of the function is the marginal benefit function.

Fishing effort and its associated cost is the fundamental economic component in the
biological production of a fishery (Ahmed, 1991; Tietenberg and Lewis, 2009). Each unit
of effort is composed of a standard size of labor, gear, vessel, and some other necessary
inputs per unit of time. The market prices of these inputs constitute the cost of the effort.
Since each unit of effort is capable of catching certain amount of fish, the cost of a
particular unit of effort is equivalent to the cost of producing the corresponding amount of
fish. Operating costs for fishing are not considered since those are mainly time and labor
related and opportunity cost of time and labor can be considered negligible considering the
poor socio-economy of the site.

Similar to irrigation water total benefit function, a quadratic function is considered to
reflect suitably the usual shape of the fisheries production. Theoretical discussion as well
as empirical estimating of instream water value using quadratic function is found in earlier
literature, e.g. Daubert and Young (1981), Bishop (1989 cited in Booker and Colby 1995).
Moreover, the Tennant (1976) method for assessing environmental flow requirement (such
as 50 and 40% of mean annual flow is respectively ‘excellent’ and ‘good’ for fish habitat
even in high flow season) implicitly indicates that fishes do not need complete virgin flow
but the virgin flow is not at all detrimental, which indicates a decreasing marginal utility of
flow for fish habitat. Brown (1991) mentioned that this perception can be applied for any
time or over an entire year assuming a favorable time distribution of flow. Considering all
these arguments, total benefit function is developed as a quadratic function as Equation 3-
1. The average income of the respondents for a specific time period and mean discharge for
the stated period is used in estimating the benefit functions. Theoretical setup of such
model is quite robust; however, empirical validation is really tricky. No literature is found
at this moment based on fisheries. This research firstly attempts to validate the model
while faced with several challenges such as small sample size, very limited number of data
points to carry out the regression analysis, scarcity of resources and secondary information.

6.2.3 Questionnaire survey

A semi-structured primary survey was administered (in local language) to the fishermen in
arbitrarily selected 11 out of 26 riparian unions in May and June 2008. Ninety seven
fishermen and 23 boatmen were approached randomly where responses were collected
from 91 fishermen and 21 boatmen.

The questionnaire was focused on two parts, firstly the dependency of the target groups on
river discharge and the variations of their income level with the changes in river flow
within a year (open ended), secondly the socio-demographic with few other questions
(close ended). Questionnaire is included in Appendix C. An in-depth conversation was
held with the individuals for the first question issue and the latter part was structured and
focused into specific questions on name, address, age, experience, education, sex, working
days per week, family size and fishing mode (individual or group fishing) of the
respondents. Instead of analyzing fishing gears, individual or group catching was queried
for the fishermen for the simplicity since it was observed at the site that individual catching
relates with simpler gears than group catching. For the first part, individuals were asked to
respond on their income within a year dividing into as small time slice (e.g. month or
season) as possible. Questions were also asked on alternative employment opportunity and
corresponding income in case of regular income falls very short. Income value is then
made related with corresponding flow for that time slice from secondary source.

6.2.4 Assumptions

Following assumptions are made in establishing the benefit function for fishery water use
in the Teesta:

– An intercept indicating zero benefit from a certain flow is an obvious case and is
considered in establishing the TB functions. Such intercept is found in earlier
researches related to instream water use e.g. Ringler and Cai (2006), Baran et al.
(2001) for fishery, Jager and Bevelhimer (2007) for hydropower. This critical flow
value for fishery use is taken from the PHABSIM study for the Teesta River by

Bari and Marchand (2006). The study presented the monthly habitat duration curve
for the main fish species (Boirali, Aspidoparia morar) of the Teesta River and
Weighted Usable Area (WUA) against different discharge level. For the 100%
habitat exceedence probability (i.e. zero habitat) for the driest month February, the
WUA was determined and the corresponding discharge was found about 50 m3/s.
The present study therefore considers an average flow of 50 m3/s as the critical
flow that results zero catch meaning zero benefit for fishermen.
– The average daily income in a season answered by an individual fisherman is
considered uniform over the entire season.
– Estimating the total benefit from the fishery sector requires the total number of
fishermen working in the study area. However, information related to the number
of fishermen living within the study corridor was not readily available. Information
based on national demographic survey is used with few underlying assumptions.
National demographic survey data (BBS, 2005) provides the number of households
engaged in fishery sector at the union (the lowest administrative unit) level. Hence,
it is assumed that (i) the fishermen who are working at the Teesta study site live in
the riparian unions, (ii) this fishermen are engaged only in capture fishery and (iii)
one person from each household is engaged in fishery work. The assumptions
seemed valid while comparing the socio-demographic information collected during
the field survey.

6.2.5 Sampling for field survey

Based on the assumptions mentioned in the earlier section, total number of fishermen is
found. Numbers of household working in fisheries sector from the riparian unions in the
study site are reported in Table 6.3.

A total of 920 households are working in fishery sector in the riparian unions. Following
the assumptions, the total number of fishermen at the study site is 920.

Sample size estimation

Based on Equation 6-1 (Israel, 2009), the sample size for the primary survey of the
fishermen group is estimated.

n= (6-1)
1 + N (e 2 )

Where n is the sample size, N is the population size, and e is the level of precision which is
considered as 10% in this case. Calculation based on Equation 6-1 yields the sample size of

Table 6.3 Number of households engaged in fishery work at the study site
Total no of No Household
District Upazila Riparian Union
House-Hold in fishery
Rangpur Gangachara Alam Biditar 7,809 49
Gangachara 7,383 52
Gajaghanta 6,238 21
Kolkanda 5,428 82
Lakshimari 4,089 31
Nohali 5,222 75
Marania 5,865 6
Kaunia Kaunia Bala Para 6,886 93
Sub-total Rangpur District 409
Nilphamari Dimla Jhunagachh Chapani 5,422 32
Khalisa Chapani 5,279 51
Jaldhaka Kaimari 7,957 37
Saulmari 4,572 9
Daoabari 2,168 8
Sub-total Nilphamari District 137
Lalmonir Hat Aditmari Mohiskocha 5,278 6
Palashi 6,032 57
Hatibanda Doabari 3,864 11
Goddimari 3,596 84
Patikapara 2,460 9
Sindurna 2,448 7
Kaliganj Bhotemari 4,919 25
Kakina 5,941 92
LH Sadar Gokunda 6,407 42
Khuniagachh 5,888 25
Rajpur 3,676 16
Sub-total Lalmonir Hat District 374
Total 920
Source: BBS, 2005.

6.2.6 Results

In total, 97 fishermen were surveyed from 11 out of 26 riparian unions at the study site,
whereas responses were obtained from 91 individuals. Survey unions and individuals were
chosen arbitrarily. All the respondents identified three seasons in a year while answering
the questions related to income. The seasons are (i) dry or low flow season from December
to March, (ii) wet or high flow season from June to September, and (iii) intermediate flow
season for the months of April, May, October and November. Even though they identified
three seasons, four income values were revealed from the survey. Exception happened for
the dry season. To all the respondents dry season is favorable for fishing; however, very
dry condition which is occurring in the recent years is not at all good. According to the

respondents early dry season (December and January) follows the highest income whereas
income falls to the lowest in the middle (February). The late dry season month, March
normally follows an income pattern similar to intermediate flow season. Income in the wet
season again falls from the intermediate flow season. The average daily income for the
seasons in a year of the responded fishermen is tabulated in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4 Average daily income of the respondent fishermen (n=91) at the Teesta study
site for different flow seasons
Average daily income Average Flow
Season Months
in Tk (US$) (m3/s)
Dry (Low flow) December and January 207 (2.92) 152
February 54 (0.76) 88
March 123 (1.73) 107
Intermediate flow April and May; October 123 (1.73) 466
and November
Wet (High flow) June – September 73 (1.03) 1,918
Average 115 (1.61) 835

The descriptive statistics of the other variables for the fishermen are presented in Table 6.5
where average age of the fishermen group is found 37 years, average experience of 20
years and the education level of very low – most of them have not completed even the
primary school. Average family size is 5 persons. Most of them work seven days a week
and prefer to catch fish in group. All of the respondent fishermen are male.

The post barrage period (1991-2006, 16 years) average flow is considered to develop the
quadratic benefit function. Respondent fishermen responses and existing literature
provided sufficient ground to accept the significant correlation between the respondents’
income (surrogate to fish production) and river discharge. However, to find any effect on
the response variable ‘income’ from other factors considered in primary survey, a general
linear model (GLM) with repeated measure was employed. GLM repeated measure is used
to analyze a response variable which is measured at different times on the same subject.
Here, seasonal income data is considered to be measured as a response at different times.
The analysis involves both 'within-subjects' factors (incomes at different seasons/time
periods) and 'between-subjects' factors (other factors with income). Incomes at different
seasons are leveled as ‘income’ in GLM analysis. Tables C.1 and C.2 in Appendix C
present the GLM repeated measure analysis results, which shows that only ‘intercept’ in
the test of Between-subjects Effects and ‘income’ in the test of Within-Subjects Effects is
significant. In the test of Between-subjects Effects ‘intercept’ corresponds to the ‘income’
main effect. The interaction with other factors and ‘income’ is not significant.

The fishermen were asked to acquire their views on the low income at high flow season.
Fishes breed and migrate to floodplain in wet season and the local group is aware of the
fact. However, the fishermen added that the number of fish catchers increase in the wet
season. The modest agricultural activity in the wet season as well as frequent flooding
constrain the poor’s livelihood and impel them to go for fishing or boating for the
livelihood in high flow season. Increased numbers of fishermen and/or low concentration
of fish in high flow are the main reasons of low per capita income in the high flow season.
Some research (Nehring, 1988 cited in Brown, 1991) found that usually high flow tends to

wash the young fishes. Moreover, the inherent meaning of value implies a resource
scarcity which is not a considerable issue for Teesta in wet season. Balance of this
argument implies that the wet season income of the fishermen might be affected by some
other factors rather than flow itself and of less in interest for economic valuation, therefore
this income value is dropped in estimating the TB function of fishery water use.

Table 6.5 Descriptive statistics of the fishermen based on questionnaire survey

Variable Label Value Label n Average (n=91)
Respondent Age (year) 1 20-29 15
2 30-39 44 37
3 >=40 32
Experience (years) 1 10-14 12
2 15-20 39 20
3 >20 40
Education 0 No edu 29
1 <primary 48 2 yrs of schooling
2 >=primary 14
Family size (persons) 4 14
5 33 5
6 29
7 15
Working days in a week 6 16
7 75
Individual or group fishing 1 Individual fishing 29
2 Group fishing 62
Sex 1 Female 0
2 Male 91

The TB function is then established with the mean flow for a season/time period and
respective average income of the fishermen which has been converted into monthly
income. Estimated TB function is given in Equation 6-2 and respective MB function is in
Equation 6-3. Figure 6.1 portraits the TB and MB functions for the instream water use,
fisheries in the study area. TB and MB values from the equations are values in US$ per
month for an individual fisherman.

TB F = −0.002 * flow 2 + 1.344 * flow − 66.784 (6-2)

MBF = −0.005 * flow + 1.344 (6-3)

Since it is considered that 920 fishermen are working at the study site, the aggregated total
and marginal benefit for the whole group is estimated and presented in Table 6.6 at
different flow levels. At a very low flow such as 50 m3/s fishermen income practically
becomes zero whereas it becomes negative from the model calculation. Around a flow of
290 m3/s benefit becomes maximum for the fishermen group.

160 1.5


Marginal benefit (US$/mon per m /s)

Total benefit (US$/mon)

80 0

0 -1.5
0 100 200 300 400 500
River Flow (m3/s)

Figure 6.1 Estimated total and marginal benefit function for individual fisherman working
in capture fisheries in Teesta

Table 6.6 Total and marginal benefit for the fisheries water use for the Teesta at different
flow levels
Flow Individual TB Aggregated TB Individual MB Aggregated MB
(m3/s) (US$/month) (US$/month) (US$/month per m3/s) (US$/month per m3/s)
50 -5.33 -4903 1.11 1,025
100 44.63 41,056 0.88 813
150 83.08 76,435 0.65 602
200 110.04 101,233 0.42 390
290 129.58 119,209 0.00 0.00
300 129.45 119,090 -0.04 -33
400 102.86 94,628 -0.50 -456
500 30.27 27,845 -0.96 -879
Note: TB = Total Benefit; MB = Marginal Benefit

The quadratic TB function was found the best fit; however the numbers of observations are
few. The negative coefficient of flow2 in the TB function indicates a downward sloped MB
functions and the positive value coefficient for flow in the same function indicates an initial
positive marginal benefit. Based on the established TB function, 50m3/s flow generates a
negative benefit to the fishermen. The optimum flow for this group is about 290 m3/s,
which is little higher than the mean December flow.

Calculation based on the daily incomes of an individual fisherman for the three seasons
gives the annual income for a fisherman is about US$ 581 (Tk 41,250) and the total
income for the whole fishermen group becomes US$ 534,507 (Tk 37,950,000).

Considering the average fish price for the study site US$ 1.75 (Tk 124) per kilogram, the
total income value indicates an amount of 305 metric tons of fish production per year from
the study site stretch of the Teesta. DoF provides the annual fish production the study site
of the Teesta River is 231 metric tons which is based on CAS and from landing points as
BFRSS follows. The catch value obtained from primary survey includes the whole
fishermen catch, which would be higher than CAS based value.

6.3 Benefit function for navigation water use

Navigation is an important mode of transportation especially in a country like Bangladesh

having many wide rivers and poorly developed road networks. The sector supports
livelihood to a considerable part of population in particular to the riparian poor
communities. The main advantage of inland water transport (IWT) is its low operating
cost; although subject to slow travel and periodic closure in some cases. In Bangladesh,
transport accounts for about 8% of the overall GDP and water-transport generates about
15% of total transport-GDP (World Bank, 2005). However, no data and information on
navigational use of Teesta water is available from any organization and secondary source.

6.3.1 Data and methods

For short-run and at-source valuation of water for inland transport, all operating costs
subtracted from the estimated gross benefits of the water transport facilities yield the
economic benefits for water in navigational use (Gibbons, 1986). The short-run value
would be justified due to the high seasonality of navigation, where a negligible marginal
value is realized at the high flow period and vice versa. Based on these principles water
value for navigation is derived. The boatmen income is considered as the gross benefit
from navigation water use.

A semi-structured primary survey was administered (in local language) to the boatmen
group along both the banks of the Teesta study site at the same way the fishermen were
surveyed with same focus questionnaire and mostly at the same spots. All the boats are
manually operated at the site where the operating costs are very minor and the only costs
are time and labor related. Opportunity costs of time and labor of the concerned group are
regarded negligible in the context of poor socio-economic condition of the study area and
considered as zero. Capital cost has not been accounted for since the short run benefit is
only concern in this study.

6.3.2 Assumptions

Following assumptions are made in estimating the benefit for navigation water use:

– Based on the responses of the boatmen group, in the driest condition people cross
the river by walking and their income goes closer to zero. They further added that
such situation occurred in the recent years most likely in February. Considering
this, mean flow of the driest month, February (24 m3/s) for the period of 2001 –
2006 is considered as critical flow when boatmen daily income is considered zero.
– The average daily income in a season answered by an individual boatman is
considered uniform over the entire season.

6.3.3 Sampling for field survey

The boundary of the study corridor is kept identical as for fishery sector benefit estimation
which is defined earlier in Section 4.1. Since no data and information is available on the
total number of boatmen working at the Teesta, The total number of boatmen at the study
site is calculated based on a proportionate principle. The study considered first the number
of people working in transport sector in each union at the study site which is available from
demographic survey data and secondly, the ratio of number of people working in
navigation (non-motorized) to number of people working in overall transport sector. BBS
(2005) reported the number of people working in the transport sector at the union level as
mentioned in Table 6.7.

Bangladesh labor force survey (2008) provided the number of people engaged in transport
sector as well as inland water transport separately for mechanized and non-mechanized
groups. Since the boats in the study site are mostly non-mechanized, the proportion of the
number of people working in inland water transport non-mechanized sector to total number
of people working at the transport sector was used in estimating the total number of
boatmen in the study area following Equation 6-4.

TNB = ∑ PWTU *
j PWTC (6-4)

Where, TNB is the total number of boatmen, PWT indicates the people working at transport
sector, PWWTNM is the number of people working in inland water transport non-
mechanized sector, U is the riparian union, C indicates whole country, j = 1, 2, ….,n the
number of riparian unions. The values of PWTC and PWWTNM are 2,670,000 and 56,587

Using Equation 6-4, the total number of boatmen at the study site is found to be 51.
Calculation based on Equation 6-1, the sample size for primary survey came as 34
considering e=10%. However, Israel (2009) mentioned that if the population is small, the
sample size can be reduced slightly. This is because a given sample size provides
proportionately more information for a small population than for a large population. In
such cases, the sample size (n0) can be adjusted using Equation 6-5 (Israel, 2009).

n0 = (6-5)
n −1
Where, n0 is the adjusted sample size, n is the previously calculated sample size, N is the
population size.

The population size 51 can easily be considered small and in this case using Equation 6-5,
the adjusted sample size for the primary survey on the boatmen group appears to be 20.

Table 6.7 Number of people working in transport sector for the Teesta study site
Total People
HH working
District Upazila Riparian Union House- Working in
in transport
Hold transport
Rangpur Gangachara Alam Biditar 7,809 62 63
Gangachara 7,383 284 296
Gajaghanta 6,238 230 258
Kolkanda 5,428 68 69
Lakshimari 4,089 94 109
Nohali 5,222 27 35
Marania 5,865 51 57
Kaunia Kaunia Bala Para 6,886 174 205
Sub-total Rangpur district 48,920 990 1,092
Nilphamari Dimla Jhunagachh 5,422 40 51
Khalisa Chapani 5,279 44 69
Jaldhaka Kaimari 7,957 172 190
Saulmari 4,572 25 34
Daoabari 2,168 47 60
Sub-total Nilphamari district 25,398 328 404
Lalmonir Hat Aditmari Mohiskocha 5,278 73 95
Palashi 6,032 162 217
Hatibanda Doabari 3,864 54 59
Goddimari 3,596 99 110
Patikapara 2,460 21 24
Sindurna 2,448 93 117
Kaliganj Bhotemari 4,919 16 17
Kakina 5,941 38 51
LH Sadar Gokunda 6,407 110 174
Khuniagachh 5,888 31 31
Rajpur 3,676 4 8
Sub-total Lalmonir Hat district 50,509 701 903
Total 2,399

6.3.4 Results

Twenty three boatmen were approached for the primary survey; however, responses were
obtained from 21 individuals. Alike the fishermen group, all the respondent boatmen also
told about three seasons (dry, wet and intermediate flow season) in a year while answering
the questions related to income. According to the respondents, wet season is the most
favorable for boating whereas income becomes the lowest in the dry season. Three income
values for the three seasons are recorded for this group. The respondents also added that at
severe low flow condition people cross the river by walking. Income falls tremendously in
the driest month and in recent years it became zero for some individuals. In this dry period

some people shift their work to agriculture field by selling labor. Changing the job mainly
occurs for those who operate the boat with two persons for the usual time. In that case one
goes for agriculture labor and other remains with the boat because they do not want
someone to enter their own area of work. Table 6.8 presents the average daily income of
the boatmen group at the study site.

Table 6.8 Average daily income of the respondent boatmen (n=21) at the Teesta study site
for different season and respective flow levels
Average Daily Income Flow
Season Months
in Tk (US$) (m3/s)
Dry (Low flow) December – March 68 (0.96) 125
Intermediate flow April, May, October, 190 (2.68) 466
Wet (high flow) June – September 464 (6.54) 1,918
Average 241 (3.40) 835

Descriptive statistics of other variable from the questionnaire are presented in Table 6.9,
where the average age of the respondents were found 31 with average experience of 18
years. Education level is very low, average year of schooling was found only one. Average
family size was seen five.

Table 6.9 Descriptive statistics for the boatmen based on the questionnaire survey
Variable Label Value label n Average (n=21)
Respondent age (year) 1 20-29 12
2 30-39 4 31
3 >39 5
Experience (year) 0 <10 4
1 10-14 3 18
2 15-20 8
3 >20 6
Education 0 No education 6
1 <Primary 15 1 yr of schooling
2 >Primary 0
Family size (persons) 4 7
5 8 5
6 3
7 3
Working days in week 6 4
7 17
Sex 1 Female 0
2 Male 21

Similar to the fishery benefit estimation, the post barrage period 16 years average flow is
considered to develop the total benefit function for navigational water use. The core

assumption of this research was – income varies with flow within the year. Moreover, to
find any effect on the response variable ‘income’ from other factors considered in primary
survey, a general linear model (GLM) with repeated measure was employed in the similar
manner of fishery benefit estimation. In this case also, incomes at different seasons are
leveled as ‘income’ in GLM analysis. Tables C.3 and C.4 in Appendix C present the GLM
repeated measure analysis result, which shows that only ‘intercept’ in test of Between-
subjects Effects and ‘income’ in test of Within-Subjects Effects is significant. In the test of
Between-subjects Effects ‘intercept’ corresponds to the ‘income’ main effect. The
interaction with other factors and ‘income’ is not significant.

The approximated quadratic function between individual boatman income and mean flow
for the respective income period represents the TB function for the navigation water use
(Equation 6-6). Equation 6-7 presents the marginal benefit function of this sectoral water
use. Figure 6.2 represents the total and marginal benefit function for the instream water in
navigation use. Values from TB and MB functions are in US$ per month for individual

TB N = −0.00005 * flow 2 + 0.202 * flow − 0.948 (6-6)

MB N = −0.0001* flow + 0.202 (6-7)

200 0.2


Marginal benefit (US$/mon per m /s)


Total benefit (US$/mon)

100 0.1

0 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
River flow (m3/s)
Figure 6.2 Estimated total and marginal benefit function for navigation water use for an
individual boatman for the Teesta study site

The maximum benefit generating flow level for the boatmen group is quite high and it
occurs in the wet season. The MB function for navigation becomes zero at a flow level
about 2000 m3/s. However, the highest marginal benefit lies at low flow level that calls for
especial attention in flow management in this season when the irrigation demand is also
very high. The total and marginal benefit of the whole boatmen group (for 51 boatmen) is
presented for different flow levels in Table 6.10.

Table 6.10 Total and marginal benefit for the navigation water use from Teesta study site
Flow Individual TB Aggregated TB Individual MB Aggregated MB
(m3/s) (US$/month) (US$/month) (US$/month per m3/s) (US$/month per m3/s)
50 9.01 459 0.20 10.03
100 18.71 954 0.19 9.77
150 28.17 1,437 0.19 9.52
200 37.37 1,906 0.18 9.26
300 55.03 2,807 0.17 8.75
400 71.69 3,656 0.16 8.24
500 87.35 4,455 0.15 7.73
2000 202.25 10,315 0.00 0.00

Marginal value for navigation is lower than the fishery use which demonstrates and
confirms the low navigation potential of the study river. The results also imply that
navigation at the study river can only support few livelihoods as complementing other
activities, while fisheries have large potential for sustaining livelihoods.

6.4 Combined benefit function of instream water uses

The fishery and navigation use of instream water are measured at the same demand point
which ask for a combined total benefit function and consequently the demand function.
Both the water uses are public and non-rival in nature; therefore a vertical addition of the
individual benefit function will generate the combined benefit function as discussed in
Section Table 6.11 presents the combined benefits from fishery and navigation use
of instream water from the Teesta at some representative flow levels, which gives the TB
function for the instream water direct uses for the Teesta. From Table 6.11 it is observed
that the maximum benefit generating flow is around 300 m3/s. The TB and MB functions
are given in Equations 6-8 and 6-9, where TB is in US$/month and MB is in US$/month
per m3/s.

Table 6.11 Combined benefits for instream water uses as a function of flow in Teesta
Flow Fishery benefit Navigation benefit Total benefit
(m3/s) (US$/month) (US$/month) (US$/month)
50 -4903 459 -4,444
100 41,056 954 42,010
150 76,435 1,437 77,872
200 101,233 1,906 103,139
300 119,090 2,807 121,897
400 94,628 3,656 98,284
500 27,845 4,455 32,300

TBinstream = −2.119 * flow 2 + 1246.9 * flow − 61490 (6-8)

MBinstream = −4.237 * flow + 1246.9 (6-9)

6.5 Discussions and concluding remarks

Low flow season, except severe low flow, for the fishermen and high flow season for the
boatmen are economically beneficial. Monthly maximum benefits that can be realized from
the fisheries and navigation are about US$ 119,209 at flow 290 m3/s and US$ 10,315 at
flow 2000 m3/s respectively. Analyses show that fishery benefit is more than ten times
higher compare to navigation benefit for the Teesta and fisheries sector therefore controls
the instream benefit. Maximum benefits from both sectors are not achieved simultaneously
due to the opposite seasonal occurrence of the maximum benefits of individual uses.
Nevertheless, the highest marginal benefit for both groups lie at very low flow such as US$
1,025 (Tk 72,616) per m3/s per month for fishery (Table 6.6) and US$ 10.03 (Tk 715) per
m3/s per month for navigation (Table 6.10) at a flow level of 50 m3/s. Such situation
demands special attention in flow management for the low flow season when the offstream
demand is also very high.

In estimating the fishery benefit, floodplain fishery, which is completely river hydrological
phenomenon, is overlooked. Floodplain fishery is more important in monsoon and post-
monsoon period mostly related to flood events from high flow season; however, this study
is more focused on estimating the benefit and allocating water for the low flow season
when all off- and in-stream uses carry high marginal benefit.

The dimension and signaling to economic value of instream uses are markedly at variance
with offstream uses. Instream flows are not subjected to the same economic forces as those
for out of stream uses (Daubert and Young, 1981). Values of water used as private goods
are available in literature, however, literature on water value is rare when it concerns for
the uses of water as public goods. Valuation of ecosystem services has been done in many
places, but value per unit of water used in fishery or navigation is rare. In a study of fishing
activities and distribution of benefits in Bangladesh, Rahman (1989) estimated based on
primary survey that the average implied gross value added per fishermen in a 8-hour
working day is Tk 51 in dry season from four rivers (Padma, Jumuna, Narissa-padma and
Meghna-Nayabhangni); adding average 6% inflation for 20 years over this amount appears
to be Tk 165, whereas this study obtained daily income as Tk 207 for the dry season.

Instream water use particularly the fisheries also depends on water quality; however, the
water quality aspect is not considered explicitly in this study for the economic valuation. In
the study site no major industrial or urban activities exist; water quality issues may
therefore only arises from agricultural pollution. However, the return flow path of the
Teesta Irrigation Project is looked into, which is found draining to the Jamuna River.

In addition, the study focuses the short term benefits calculated based on only cross-
sectional data set on a yearly basis. Time series data for each season can generate more
accurate results for the benefit function. However, due to financial and time constraint long
term survey could not be carried out as part of the study. Alternatively, fish production
information obtained from DoF was not worthy enough because the fish production
information is only yearly and districts based.

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7.1 Introduction

Increasing concerns over environmental protection and maintaining ecosystem integrity in

rivers persuade the water managers to recognize the need of allowing certain amount of
flow with an acceptable level of quality in the rivers which is often regarded as
environmental flow (EF) (Tharme, 2003). Such flows are now recommended for all the
regulated rivers to maintain the river health at least to a specified level. Through
mimicking the natural flow regime, EF ensures provisioning of instream flow goods and
services that rivers generally provide on which humanity relies in myriad ways.

Owing to its geographic location, rivers in Bangladesh have very high flow in monsoon
and low flow in dry season. Historically, water resources and the rivers in Bangladesh have
been managed from a supply perspective, particularly putting emphasis on flood
management and irrigation development. In contrary, less attention was paid on low flow
and environmental flow management. However, with increasing awareness and
approbation for maintaining environmental sustainability, focus in water management is
being turned into a year round water management (Bari and Marchand, 2006).

First analyzing the long-term flow characteristics of the Teesta, this chapter estimates the
environmental water requirements in monthly basis. The results of environmental flow
estimations are essentially required in comparing the natural water demand for the river
with instream water use demands. In addition the monthly environmental water
requirements serve as constraint in the water allocation model.

7.2 Long term flow characteristics of the Teesta

The flow characteristics of the Teesta are analyzed based on last 40 years (1967 – 2006)
mean daily flow at Kaunia railway bridge point, which was obtained from BWDB. The
data covers both pre and post TIP barrage period. Table 7.1 presents the mean monthly
maximum (MMX), mean monthly minimum (MMN) and mean monthly flow (MMF) for
three seasons and for five period covering 40 years. Average values of MMX, MMN and
MMF of the three seasons for pre- and post barrage period are also calculated and
presented. It is evident from Table 7.1 that flow in the post-barrage period has been
decreased for all seasons; however, low flow season has been affected more than high and
intermediate flow season. It is also evident that in the period of 2000-06, flow has been
reduced more in compare to 1991-00 period. This considerable flow reduction in the dry
season affects the natural flow regime and jeopardizes instream water uses. Environmental
flow assessment is therefore, required to safeguard proper functioning of the river
including subsistence uses by the riparian population.

Table 7.1 Long-term flow characteristic of the Teesta at Kaunia (unit: m3/s)
Flow Pre-barrage period Post-barrage period
charac- Season Avg pre- Avg post-
teristics 1967-70 1971-80 1981-90 1991-00 2001-06
barrage barrage
MMX HFS 3,652 3,650 3,704 3,674 3,647 2,259 3,121(85*)
IFS 1,358 1,075 1,156 1,159 926 770 869(75)
LFS 161 253 235 228 226 114 187(82)
MMN HFS 966 957 1,123 1,031 1,271 966 1,155(112)
IFS 243 350 301 310 275 174 237(77)
LFS 94 149 149 139 110 50 89(64)
MMF HFS 1,999 1,896 2,032 1,970 2,140 1,548 1,918(97)
IFS 481 549 504 519 500 408 466(90)
LFS 121 175 183 169 152 80 125(74)
Note: MMX – Mean monthly maximum flow; MMN – Mean monthly minimum flow; MMF – Mean
monthly flow; HFS – High flow season (June - September); IFS – Intermediate flow season (April, May,
October & November) LFS – Low flow season (December – March); *values in parenthesis in last column is
the % change in average flow in post-barrage from pre-barrage period
Source: Calculated based on mean daily flow data obtained from BWDB database, 2008

7.3 Environmental flow requirements

Since hydrological methods for EFA correspond to standard setting problems and mainly
related to fisheries (Stalnaker et al., 1995), easy to use and require only historical flow
records of the stream concern, this method is adopted for Teesta considering the initial
stage of research on this river. Mean daily discharge of pre-barrage 24 years period (1967-
1990) for Kaunia railway bridge point is used to assess the environmental water
requirements. Data is obtained from BWDB database (2008) and reported in Appendix A,
Table A.2 Under the category of hydrological methods, three different methods namely:
the Tennant method (Tennant, 1976), the Flow Duration Curve (FDC) method and the
Range of Variability Approach (RVA) (Richter et al., 1997) are used in the study.
Environmental flow assessment using Tennant method provides flow requirements as
percentage of mean annual flow, FDC prescribes a flow based on a specified exceedence
probability and for RVA corresponds with a target (e.g. +/- 1SD) from mean the flows for
each month.

7.3.1 Tennant method

Based on various condition of habitat quality, Tennant method proposes eight flow classes
as environmental flow requirements for two different seasons, namely: high and low flow
season and the eight classes of flow are based on mean annual flow (MAF). For the case of
Teesta, the MAF at Kaunia is 886 m3/s for the pre-barrage period (1967 – 1990), on which
further calculations are based on. Results from Tennant method analysis are tabulated in
Table 7.2. The first column lists the required percentage of mean annual flow (MAF) and
their qualitative criterion of fish habitat as defined by Tennant for high flow season and
second column presents the flow values that are calculated by multiplying the Tennant
percentages and MAF value. Following next columns present the same calculations for the
low flow season.

Table 7.2 Environmental flow requirements for the Teesta based on Tennant method
High flow season Low flow season
% of MAF Flow (m /s) % of MAF Flow (m3/s)
200% Flushing flow 1,772 200% Flushing flow 1,772
60-100% Optimum range 532 – 886 60-100% Optimum range 532 – 886
60% Outstanding 532 40% Outstanding 354
50% Excellent 443 30% Excellent 266
40% Good 354 20% Good 177
30% Fair or degrading 266 10% Fair or degrading 89
10% Poor 89 10% Poor 89
<10% Severe degradation <89 <10% Severe degradation <89
Note: MAF = mean annual flow, based on the pre-barrage period (1967 – 1990)

7.3.2 FDC method

Twelve monthly FDC are first developed based on the daily mean flow at Kaunia for the
period of 1967 – 1990. Environmental flow is considered from the monthly FDC, which is
considered as 50th percentile for the high and intermediate flow season and 90th percentile
for the low flow season. Since the level of protection is implicit in the magnitude of
percentage, different exceedence probabilities have been used in specifying EF. However,
90th percentile as minimum flow is practiced in Brazil, Canada and UK (Tharme, 2003)
and 50th percentile for the high and intermediate flow season and 90th percentile for the low
flow season is used by Bari and Marchand (2006) in an earlier EF assessment study in
Bangladesh. Table 7.3 presents the seasonal EF requirements for the Teesta at Kaunia.
Results show that 108 – 151 m3/s flow is necessary to provide as EF for the low flow
season. Figure 7.1 (a) and (b) shows representative FDC for the month of January and
February. Both of the months are in dry season and 90th percentile flow is considered as
EF. All other monthly flow duration curves are documented in Appendix D, Figures D.1,
D2 and D3.

Table 7.3 FDC based environmental flow requirements for the Teesta based on mean daily
flow at Kaunia for pre-barrage period (1967 – 1990)
Flow Season (months) Percentile value Flow (m3/s)
High flow (Jun – Sep) 50th 1,280 – 2,180
Intermediate flow (Apr, May, 50 228 – 803
Oct, Nov)
Low flow (Dec - Mar) 90th 108 – 151

7.3.3 RVA method

The Range of Variability Approach uses statistics of time series of the flows and suggests
for a flow target to protect the natural ecosystem. The method takes account 32 hydrologic
parameters as mentioned in Table 2.6 and gives analytical output of hydrologic alteration
for any flow modification. The RVA method is therefore suitable for assessing the impact
of any existing dam or diversion scheme. This method is applied for Teesta where last 40
years (1967 – 2006) daily discharge data at Kaunia is used. Year 1990 is taken as the end
of pre-impact period. The method provides a flow target with the primary objective of

protecting natural ecosystem by resembling the natural flow regime. Mean monthly flow
for the pre-barrage and post-barrage period with the RVA targets are reported in Table 7.4.
RVA targets are set at +/- 1 standard deviation (SD), in setting such target it is implicitly
assumed that values within these limits from the mean are not expected to have significant
impact on stream ecology.


Flow (m /s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Exceedence Probability (%)
(a) January

Flow (m /s)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Exceedence Probability (%)

(b) February
Figure 7.1 FDC and required EF for the month of January and February for the Teesta at

Since the research is concern on monthly flows and its allocation in a monthly time step,
RVA boundaries and hydrologic alteration for 12 months (12 parameters) are analyzed
instead of analyzing 32 RVA parameters. Table 7.4 presents mean monthly flows for post-
barrage periods and compares the values with high and low RVA targets as obtained from
RVA analysis. It becomes evident from Table 7.4 that the flows in the post-barrage dry
season became affected and in particular for the period of 2001-06 the impact is very high.

Table 7.4 RVA targets (m3/s) and mean monthly flows (m3/s) for the Teesta at Kaunia
MMF for MMF for post-barrage
High RVA Low RVA pre-barrage period
Season Months
Target target period
1967-1990 1991-2000 2001-2006
Low flow December 279 149 214 199 200
January 200 118 159 144 40
February 168 119 143 126 24
March 190 134 162 138 57
Intermediate April 315 199 257 235 146
flow May 675 413 544 535 335
High flow June 1,847 1,013 1,430 1,497 1,182
July 2,875 2,015 2,445 2,596 1,978
August 2,757 1,583 2,170 2,527 1,669
September 2,207 1,466 1,836 1,938 1,362
Intermediate October 1,278 602 940 898 864
flow November 460 250 355 333 289
Note: MMF = Mean monthly flow

In RVA analysis, the full range of pre-impact data for each IHA parameter is divided into
three categories, namely: high, middle and low. The boundaries between the categories are
based on RVA target setting, which is +/-1 SD in this study. IHA software then computes
the expected frequency with which the “post-impact” values of the IHA parameters should
fall within each category (expected frequency). The program then computes the actual
frequency with which the “post-impact” values of IHA parameters fell within each of three
categories (observed frequency). Hydrologic alteration is then calculated using Equation 7-
1 separately for the three categories. Table 7.5 presents the hydrologic alteration of the
Teesta at Kaunia for the 12 IHA parameters related to mean monthly flow. A positive
hydrologic alteration value means that the frequency of values in the category has
increased from the pre-impact to the post-impact period, while a negative value indicates
that the frequency of values has decreased.

observed frequency − expected frequency

HA = (7-1)
expected frequency
where, HA is the hydrologic alteration.

From Table 7.5 it is observed that hydrologic alteration for the low category for each
month has a positive value except the month of June, which clearly shows that mean
monthly flow has fallen in a high number of frequencies in the post-barrage period in
compare to pre-barrage period. Whereas for the middle category except June all months

have negative alteration values and dry season months also have negative alteration for
high RVA category. Mean monthly flows for January and February are also shown in
Figure 7.2 (a) and (b) with the three RVA categories and hydrologic alteration values.
Mean monthly flow with RVA targets for the other months are reported in Appendix D,
Figure D.4.

Table 7.5 Monthly hydrologic alteration values for the Teesta at Kaunia
Middle RVA Category High RVA Category Low RVA Category
Season Month
Exp. Obs. Alter. Exp. Obs. Alter. Exp. Obs. Alter.
Low flow December 13.33 10 -0.25 2.00 2 0.00 0.67 4 5.00
January 13.33 8 -0.40 2.00 0 -1.00 0.67 8 11.00
February 10.00 7 -0.30 2.67 0 -1.00 3.33 9 1.70
March 10.67 7 -0.34 2.00 0 -1.00 3.33 9 1.70
Intermediate April 9.33 10 0.07 3.33 0 -1.00 3.33 6 0.80
flow May 12.00 6 -0.50 2.00 2 0.00 2.00 8 3.00
High flow June 10.67 11 0.03 2.67 3 0.13 2.67 2 -0.25
July 10.67 8 -0.25 2.67 3 0.13 2.67 5 0.88
August 12.67 10 -0.21 2.00 3 0.50 1.33 3 1.25
September 11.33 7 -0.38 2.67 3 0.13 2.00 6 2.00
Intermediate October 11.33 13 0.15 2.67 1 -0.63 2.00 2 0.00
flow November 14.00 12 -0.14 1.33 1 -0.25 0.67 3 3.50

Pre-barrage Post-barrage

(a) January

Pre-barrage Post-barrage

(b) February
Figure 7.2 Mean monthly flow with RVA targets at Kaunia Point of the Teesta River for
the months of (a) January and (b) February

7.3.4 Setting environmental flows

The environmental flow requirements are estimated using the Tennant method, FDC
method and RVA method and the results are presented in Tables 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4.
Reasonable consistency is observed among the EF assessment results obtained from the
three different methods. FDC method recommends a flow range of 108 – 151 m3/s for the
low flow season which is in between ‘Fair or degrading’ to ‘Good’ status according to
Tennant method as well as it complies with (lower) RVA targets for the months of
December to March (dry season). A PHABSIM study on EF assessment for the Teesta
carried out by Bari and Marchand (2006) showed that for 75% habitat exceedence
probability (which is reasonably a lower limit of the habitat and around the inflection
point); the required flow for the dry season should be in the range of 115 – 280 m3/s.
Assessment of EF from PHABSIM study is within the RVA target and also in the range of
FDC suggested EF as well as it shows a ‘fair or degrading’ to ‘good’ status as estimated by

Managing the flow in the low flow season is the main concern and a considerable flow
reduction is observed particularly in low flow season in the post-barrage period. In the
period of 2001-2006 the flow reduction is extremely high, mean monthly flow of the low
flow season is observed only 80 m3/s (Table 7.1) which indicates severe degradation
according to Tennant method. The individual mean monthly flow for January, February
and March for the above period (Table 7.4 last column) is far beyond the least
recommended level of 89 m3/s by the Tennant method. Considering the analyses using
three different hydrological methods, low RVA target is used further in optimization model
as the required flow for the Teesta River at the downstream point, Kaunia since it defines a
specific value for each month. This low RVA boundary is used as the constraint in the
water allocation model when environmental protection is considered to be maintained.

However, the lower boundary of the RVA analysis for the dry season months does not
reach up to the level when the instream use benefit becomes the maximum. Maximum
fishery benefit is achieved at 290 m3/s flow (Table 6.6) and for navigation the maximum
benefit lies at a flow of 2000 m3/s (Table 6.10), which demands a higher flow in the river.
On the other hand, basin managers might not feel much interest to maintain such a lower
limit at the downstream point since it will reduce flow for the irrigation. In such a situation
more dynamic decision in terms of EF provisioning is necessary to realize the maximum
instream use benefits by providing more instream water or might be keeping environment
happy to a little extent by reducing instream flow and maximize irrigation benefit.

For managing such situation, two more analyses are performed in RVA analysis taking +/-
0.5 and +/- 1.5 SD. The former case results a higher RVA boundary whereas the latter case
produces a lower boundary for EF. Results are reported for these two analyses in Table 7.6.
Sensitivity of the optimization model due to EF provisioning would be tested using these

Table 7.6 Results of monthly low RVA target values analyzing for +/- 0.5 SD, +/-1 SD and
+/-1.5 SD RVA target for the Teesta at Kaunia
Low RVA Target Low RVA Target Low RVA Target
Season Months
using +/- 0.5 SD using +/- 1.0 SD using +/- 1.5 SD
Low flow December 181 149 116
January 139 118 98
February 131 119 106
March 148 134 120
Intermediate April 228 199 169
flow May 478 413 347
High flow June 1,221 1,013 804
July 2,230 2,015 1,800
August 1,877 1,583 1,777
September 1,651 1,466 1,528
Intermediate October 771 602 433
flow November 303 250 198


8.1 Introduction

The uneven distribution of rainfall and hence river flow (i.e. water supply) as well as water
demands in spatial and temporal scales make the water resources management often
complicated. In addition, the ever increasing freshwater demands from growing
population, urbanization and industrialization and various limits over supply augmentation
frequently result in conflicts between and among users with the scarce water resources at
many places. Besides the offstream demands, increasing awareness and approbation for
environmental water requirements makes the situation more critical. Often conflicts are
observed between human (offstream uses) and nature (environmental flow). Hence,
efficient and acceptable water allocations not only among offstream users but also between
in- and off-stream sectors are becoming central in managing the water resources effectively
and efficiently.

Allocation of water would be efficient while the value that water resources provide to
society is maximized. Economics offers methods in appraising efficiency and equity while
allocating water to the competing sectors. Economics helps water professionals in shifting
the concept of a discrete volumetric demand to a demand-function. The inherent intricacy
of the water system with many interdependent components and the interactions between
water and economy are suitably be captured in hydro-economic models where relevant
hydrology and economic ‘laws’ of supply and demand are linked together. The individual
demand function of each water use determines the water allocation in hydro-economic
modeling. Hydro-economic models (HEM) are characterized as economic optimization
model embedded with hydrologic simulation to allocate water optimally and efficiently in
a spatio-temporal scale. Incorporating the economic aspects such models provide important
insight in policy formulation (Ward and Pulido-Velazquez, 2008).

In general, in designing HEM, water resources systems are modeled as network of storage
and junction nodes. The conveyance links join the junctions and represent the river
reaches, canal, pipelines etc. The demand sites that incur a cost or benefit from water use
are presented as node. Economic benefit functions for water uses (i.e. at each node)
provide the economic information to the model for a particular time-step. Details on hydro-
economic modeling are provided in Section 2.4.

An evaluation of the currently available generalized modeling system to set up an HEM for
the study basin is carried out based on a number of criteria as presented in Table 2.8.
Evaluation criteria include: design of HEM, major problem addressed, addressing the
environmental water need, time-step, application to basin and availability of the model in
the public domain. Accordingly, the Aquarius model (Diaz et al., 1997) is selected for
solving the optimal water allocation problem for the Teesta site. Aquarius is an open wired,
Microsoft PC based model which considers:

– marginal benefit function as the allocation criterion,

– monthly time step for water allocation,

– instream water uses,
– modular type HEM modeling.

8.2 Water allocation at the Teesta study site using HEM

8.2.1 Objective function

Since water supply may become limited at any stage within a year, water allocation based
on seasonal or yearly water quota constraints in the earlier allocation models (e.g. Mahan,
1997) does not reflect the actual scenario of solution to water allocation problem. At
present, HEMs are practiced to allocate water optimally among the stages within a season
or year, e.g. Rosegrant et al. (2000), Ringler (2001), Cai et al (2003). These researches
worked on economic optimal water allocation considering a monthly time step. The current
research formulates a hydro-economic model for optimal water allocation in a river basin
based on derived benefit functions for several demand sites. Equation 8-1 represents the
objective function of the hydro-economic model.

⎛ ⎞
max⎜ ∑∑ Bnt : X ∈ Ω ⎟ (8-1)
⎝ n t ⎠

Where, Bnt is the benefit (consumer surplus) for demand node, n during time period, t and
X ∈ Ω presents the set of constraints of the model as mentioned in Equation 3-9.

In this study, the marginal benefit functions for the water use sectors are derived externally
and then are incorporated into the optimization model, which is solved using Aquarius
modeling software. Detailed description of Aquarius is provided in Section 3.4.2.

8.2.2 Teesta river study site network

Two water users namely: irrigation water supply for the TIP as offstream and instream
capture fishery and navigation as the instream users are considered for optimal water
allocation at the Teesta river study site. There is one flow measuring station (Dalia) above
the irrigation diversion and the other flow measuring station is located at the downstream
point Kaunia. The river network is schematized in Figure 8.1. Instream demand site is
considered at the point of flow measurement station at the downstream.

Teesta R
Dalia Flow
A gauge station
Demand site1
(TIP) Barrage

Demand site2 Kaunia flow
(In-stream/EF) gauge station


Jamuna R

Figure 8.1 Schematic of the Teesta River Network at study site

8.2.3 Physical and economic data for ‘Aquarius’ Physical data

– Dalia inflow: observed flow at Dalia (upstream of the barrage) for last 16 years of
the post-barrage period is entered as input for inflow, named as ‘Dalia inflow’.
– Local flow in between Dalia and Kaunia: in general, at the downstream point,
Kaunia the flow is higher than the remaining flow after irrigation diversion. The
difference between the observed flow at Kaunia and the remaining flow after
irrigation diversion is given as separate input with the name of ‘Kaunia local flow’
to satisfy the hydrological flow balance.
– Irrigation demand site, TIP: minimum irrigation demand is considered as zero and
maximum irrigation demand is taken from the monthly irrigation demand as
calculated in Table 5.9. Operation constraint is considered as maximum flow,
which means the diversion for irrigation would occur up to the maximum irrigation
– Instream demand site: maximum and minimum flow is entered as calculated in low
and high RVA target (Table 7.4). In case of environmental flow (EF) demand is
considered in water allocation, minimum flows (i.e. the low RVA target) for each
month are considered as the operational constraint.

109 Economic data

Economic data input involves in defining the demand functions for each water use through
giving input of the necessary coefficient values to specify the demand curve.

– Irrigation demand site, TIP: two options are available in defining irrigation water
use demand curve in Aquarius, namely: exponential decaying price and constant
price. However, the established demand function (or marginal benefit function, as
given in Table 5.13 and Figure 5.4) for TIP is linear. The linear demand curve is
converted into a fitted flat exponential curve (discussed and shown in Appendix E,
Table E.1 and Figure E.2) and the coefficient values are used in the model.
Coefficient values for a and b are respectively 46,000 and 490 where a and b is as
defined in Aquarius.

– Instream demand site: options for defining instream demand function in Aquarius
are either linear or constant price function. The established marginal benefit
function for instream uses is linear and the coefficient values are used directly to
the model. Coefficient values for a and b are respectively 495 and 0.66 where a and
b is as defined in Aquarius (discussed in Appendix E).

8.2.4 Solving the water allocation problem

– Selecting optimization technique: Aquarius uses Sequential Quadratic

Programming (SQP). Two groups of parameters value are required, namely:
sequence parameter (that control sequential approximation) and Accuracy
parameters (that control the accuracy of the calculations). Values for sequence and
accuracy parameters are used as suggested in the Aquarius manual to solve the
optimal water allocation problem for the Teesta.
– Model boundary and verification of the output: Only a certain reach of the Teesta is
considered for the study, which is bounded by the TIP barrage at the upstream to
Kaunia Railway Bridge at the down stream. Flows are measured both at these two
points, which are obtained from BWDB database. These two gauging stations are
the upstream and downstream boundary for the model. The model is verified with
the monthly flows at downstream (Kaunia) point for 16 years (1991 - 2006) post
barrage period with the mean monthly observed flows at the same point for the
same time period. The model output and observed discharge is compared (shown in
Figure E.3 in Appendix E), which fits with an r2 value of 0.97.

8.3 Results – optimization model

The model is first run for the existing operation policy, which refers to maximization of
economic benefit without any constraint. Monthly irrigation demands are the only
operational constraints (maximum diversion) and no EF constraint is considered. This
scenario is termed as baseline scenario (S0, Case-I). The baseline scenario is also run with
the constraints of monthly EF requirements, which is termed as scenario S0, Case-II.

Several alternative scenarios (as mentioned in Table 8.1) are also run and the sensitivity of
the model is carried out. For each individual alternative scenario, two cases are considered,
namely; Case-I: economic efficiency (without EF constraint meaning that water is

allocated to maximize overall benefit) and Case-II: environmental protection (i.e. ensuring
environmental flow demand at the downstream).

Table 8.1 Scenarios considered for optimal water allocation in Teesta

Scenario Description
S0 Baseline (existing operation policy)

S1 Change in flow level

S1-a Dry year flow (25% lower flow than the average year flow)
S1-b Wet year flow (25% higher flow than the average year flow)
S2 Improvement of irrigation efficiency
S2-a Irrigation efficiency 0.5
S2-b Irrigation efficiency 0.6
S3 Change of irrigable area
S3-a 25% decrease in irrigated area
S3-b 25% increase in irrigated area
S4 Change in EF level
S4-a S4-a: increased level of EF based on RVA target +/- 0.5 SD
S4-b S4-b: decreased level of EF based on RVA target +/- 1.5 SD

The minimum EF values in the baseline scenario (S0, Case-II) are considered as the lower
RVA boundary analyzed with +/- 1 SD, which does not reach to the maximum instream
water-use benefit level. A higher flow level is therefore necessary to maximize the
instream water use benefits. Again, ensuring EF results huge benefit reduction in irrigation
sector, which might act negatively on providing EF where basin managers might look for a
lower EF values. Keeping such issues in mind, scenario S4 is considered with two cases of
higher and lower EF levels. Environmental flow values for these two cases are reported in
Table 7.6.

8.3.1 Baseline optimal solution

In the baseline, mean monthly flows for the post-barrage 16 years are considered as the
inflow to the system and benefits are calculated for mean flow for the above mentioned 16
years flow. Irrigation withdrawal capacity is fully utilized in the scenario S0, Case-I. Table
8.2 presents the monthly water allocation as well as the flow balance for the study site river
system. The first and last months of irrigation season (i.e. November and April) have
excess of inflow and other months fall in deficit to satisfy irrigation demands. Total
satisfied irrigation demand is 1,637 mm out of 1890 mm. It is observed that Monthly EF
requirements are not fulfilled for the months of January till March in this case. Mean
monthly flow at Kaunia as obtained from the model for the analyzed period 16 years and
the lower RVA target is shown in Figure 8.2.

Table 8.2 Monthly flow allocation and flow balance for all the demand sites of the Teesta
for the scenario S0, Case-I (Unit: m3/s)
Demand site-1 Local Demand site-2
(TIP) flow (Instream/EF demand)
Flow Demand Diversion Flow at between
Flow at C Flow at D2
at A for TIP D1 B B to C
Irrigation season (November - April)
Nov 312 166 166 146 170 316 316
Dec 167 194 167 0 178 178 178
Jan 113 134 113 0 81 82 82
Feb 98 161 98 0 88 88 88
Mar 124 128 124 0 76 76 76
Apr 224 29 29 196 39 234 234
Average 173 135 116 57 105 162 162
6 3
Total (10 m ) 2,105 1,807
(mm) (1,890) (1,637)
Non irrigation season (May - October)
May 535 0 0 535 49 584 584
Jun 1,409 0 0 1,409 162 1,572 1,572
Jul 1,804 0 0 1,804 647 2,451 2,451
Aug 1,972 0 0 1,972 475 2,447 2,447
Sep 1,580 0 0 1,580 286 1,866 1,866
Oct 716 0 0 716 166 882 882
Average 1,336 0 0 1,336 298 1,634 1,634
Note: A, B, C, D1 and D2 are the locations as shown in Figure 8.1
Low RVA boundary





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 8.2 Mean monthly flow (MMF) at Kaunia (D2) as obtained from model and the
lower RVA boundary (Note: Location, D2 is as shown in Figure 8.1)

In this baseline scenario, total irrigation benefit of US$ 43.242 million (Tk 3,070.2 million)
and instream water use benefit of US$ 0.588 million (Tk 41.8 million) composed of the
total benefit of US$ 43.830 million (Tk 3,111.9 million) for the Teesta study site river
system. Maximum irrigation benefit can reach up to US$ 49.587 million (Tk 3,520.7
million as shown in Table 5.11) if the full irrigation supply is secured from the river. In
case of less flow is available for diversion to TIP, farmers in general use groundwater to
irrigate their field to meet the irrigation demand. In such situation, using Equation 5-6(a)
the irrigation benefit is estimated, which yields the off-stream benefit of US$ 48.210
million for the baseline scenario. If in case farmers opt for reduced crop coverage to have
full irrigation with this less flow, the benefit would be US$ 42.97 million (based on
Equation 5-6(b)).

Since, this baseline scenario does not satisfy EF requirements at the downstream as
depicted in Figure 8.2, the baseline scenario is again run with the constraint of satisfying
the minimum instream flow as obtained from RVA analysis (taking RVA boundary +/- 1
SD), which is termed as Scenario S0, Case-II. For this run, the water allocation and flow
balances are presented in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3 Monthly flow allocation and flow balance for all the demand sites of the Teesta
for the scenario S0, Case-II (Unit: m3/s)
Demand site-1 Local Demand site-2
(TIP) flow (Instream/EF demand)
Flow at Demand Diversion Flow between Flow at Flow at
A for TIP D1 at B B to C C D2
Irrigation season (November - April)
Nov 312 166 166 146 170 316 250 316
Dec 167 194 167 0 178 178 149 178
Jan 113 134 76 37 81 118 118 118
Feb 98 161 67 31 88 119 119 119
Mar 124 128 66 58 76 133 134 134
Apr 224 29 29 196 39 234 199 234
Average 173 135 95 78 105 183 162 183
6 3
Total (10 m ) 2,105 1,480
(mm) (1,890) (1,325)
Non irrigation season (May - October)
May 535 0 0 535 49 584 413 584
Jun 1,409 0 0 1,409 162 1,572 1,013 1,571
Jul 1,804 0 0 1,804 647 2,451 2,015 2,451
Aug 1,972 0 0 1,972 475 2,447 1,583 2,447
Sep 1,580 0 0 1,580 286 1,866 1,466 1,866
Oct 716 0 0 716 166 882 602 882
Average 1,336 0 0 1,336 298 1,634 1,182 1,634
Note: *This demand is the EF constraint in the model; A, B, C, D1 and D2 are as shown in Figure 8.1

Assuring environmental flow causes a net reduction in benefit by US$ 9.247 million (Tk
656.5 million) that comprises US$ 9.349 million (Tk 663.8 million) reduction from

irrigation sector and US$ 0.102 million (Tk 7.2 million) increase from instream uses
(Table 8.4). ensuring EF results decrease in irrigation benefit by 21.33%, whereas increase
in instream benefits by 0.23% on the basis of the total benefit as estimated for S0 Case-I.
However, it is worth noting that the highest instream benefit lies around a flow of 300 m3/s
(as shown in Table 6.11) whereas low RVA target prescribes a flow of 120 – 150 m3/s in
the dry season (as presented in Table 7.4), which indicates that increase in instream flow
level will increase instream water-use benefits.

Table 8.4 Comparison of off- and in-stream sectoral benefit (106 US$) for Case-I and
Case-II in baseline scenario (S0)
Change in benefit in
Sector Benefit in Case-I Benefit in Case-II
Case-II from Case-I
Offstream (TIP) 43.242 (98.66) 33.893 (77.33) – 9.349
Instream (capture 0.588 (1.34) 0.690 (1.57) +0.102
fishery & Navigation)
Total benefit 43.830 (100.00) 34.583 (78.90) – 9.247
Note: Number in parenthesis is the percentage to total benefit as obtained from S0 Case-I

8.3.2 Alternative runs – sensitivity analysis

The optimization model is run for all the above mentioned scenarios (S1 – S4) with Cases I
and II. Optimal allocations of water in between offstream and instream sectors are
estimated and presented for two seasons namely irrigation season (November to April) and
non-irrigation season (May to October) in Table 8.5. In baseline scenario, S0 Case-I, 85%
of the irrigation demand is met, whereas in the same scenario with Case-II the level of
meeting demand comes down to 70%. In wet year scenario and in the scenario of improved
irrigation efficiency the level of meeting irrigation demand may rises to as much as 96%
and 98% when EF is not considered.

Table 8.5 Allocated flow (m3/s) to the sectors for different scenarios and cases
Case-I Case-II
For the months of For the months of For the months of For the months of
Nov-Apr May-Oct Nov-Apr May-Oct
Offstream Instream Offstream Instream Offstream Instream Offstream Instream
S0 116 (85) 162 0 1,634 95 (70) 183 0 1,634
S1-a 93 (68) 115 0 1,215 47 (35) 161 0 1,215
S1-b 130 (96) 221 0 2,025 125 (92) 226 0 2,025
S2-a 104 (96) 176 0 1,634 87 (81) 193 0 1,634
S2-b 89 (98) 191 0 1,634 79 (87) 201 0 1,634
S3-a 98 (96) 183 0 1,634 83 (81) 197 0 1,634
S3-b 123 (72) 157 0 1,634 102 (60) 178 0 1,634
S4-a --- --- --- --- 87 (64) 193 0 1,634
S4-b --- --- --- --- 104 (76) 176 0 1,634
Note: Scenarios and cases are as defined in the text; values in parenthesis indicates % demand met

Since all the scenarios are run considering yield loss due to water stress for the crops
grown in irrigation season, insight into the change in crop yield would be intriguing for the
irrigation planner. The main crop in the dry season is the Boro rice and it shares the largest
amount (around 70% as mentioned in Table 5.9) of the irrigation water supplied. Hence,
only the change of Boro rice yield is analyzed as the representative crop and shown in
Figure 8.3.

The potential yield of Boro rice considered in this study is 4.5 t/ha (as mentioned in
Chapter 5) however, for any scenarios and cases this yield was not achieved. The most
affected scenario is the dry year scenario with consideration of EF (S1-a, Case-II), where
the yield is reduced to as low as 23% of the potential yield. It is due to very less flow is
allowed for diversion to TIP in dry year. In baseline or existing scenario, irrigation demand
is not fully satisfied from the river water and the yield reduced to 90 and 77% respectively
for the case of EF not considered and considered. Once again expansion of irrigation area
might not be a good decision when the Boro yield is considered. 81% of potential yield can
be achieved when irrigated area is increased by 25% (Scenario S3-b, Case-I). Ensuring
lower EF level (S4-b, Case-II) than the baseline scenario (S0, Case-II) results higher yield
(83% rather than 77%) than baseline case due to allowance of more flow to divert to TIP.
Overall, increased inflow, improvement of irrigation efficiency and less amount of EF
provisioning affect positively to crop yield as it is observed for Boro rice from Figure 8.3.

100 96 96 98 96
90 91
87 88
80 77
% of potential yield for Boro






S0 S1-a S1-b S2-a S2-b S3-a S3-b S4-a S4-b

Scenario with Case I & II

Figure 8.3 Change in Boro rice yield in different scenarios analyzed

Note: Scenarios and cases are as explained in the text

Offstream and instream benefits are estimated for each scenario and case, which are
presented in Table 8.6. Higher benefit can only be achieved when more water is available
either outside of the model boundary (higher inflow) or within the model boundary (by
conserving water). Increase in flow level simultaneously increases both off- and in-stream
benefits for both Cases of I and II. Same results come when water becomes higher due to

increase in irrigation efficiency. Improving irrigation efficiency to 0.6 results the highest
irrigation benefit and in this case the irrigation benefit (US$ 49.560 million) reaches almost
to the maximum (US$ 49.587 million). Dry year scenario in Case-I results US$ 34.260 and
0.454 million for the off- and in-stream uses respectively, which are the lowest level of
benefits from any scenario analyzed.

Table 8.6 Off- and in-stream water use benefits (in 106 US$) for the scenarios analyzed
Offstream benefit Instream benefit
Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II
S0 43.242 33.893 0.588 0.690
S1-a 34.260 8.884 0.454 0.651
S1-b 48.537 46.493 0.655 0.697
S2-a 48.361 40.791 0.612 0.691
S2-b 49.560 44.676 0.644 0.694
S3-a 35.331 28.778 0.624 0.692
S3-b 45.575 35.027 0.587 0.691
S4-a --- 30.660 --- 0.724
S4-b --- 38.073 --- 0.655
Note: Scenarios and cases are as defined in the text

With respect to the off- and in-stream benefits obtained from Scenario S0, Case-I (i.e.
existing condition) the relative off- and in-stream benefits obtained in other scenarios
analyzed (Case-I) are compared and presented in Figure 8.4. The increase in flow level
always results higher benefit as evident from Figure 8.4. However, without consideration
of EF at the downstream, TIP area can still be increased and it might result a higher
irrigation benefit. It is due to the fact that in the month of November and April, all the
available flow is not being used for irrigation since the demand is less at those months. It is
evident from Figure 8.4 that the proportion of instream water use benefit reduction is
higher than offstream benefit reduction when flow is reduced. In dry year scenario, the
offstream benefit reduction is 17% whereas instream benefit reduction is 23%.
Improvement of irrigation efficiency results higher benefit both from offstream and
instream sectors. Improvement of irrigation efficiency up to 50% (baseline 40%) results
eight and four percent benefit increase from off- and in-stream sector respectively.


120 112 111 112 115

104 106 105
100 100 100
Benefit relative to S0, Case-I (%)
79 77




S0 S1-a S1-b S2-a S2-b S3-a S3-b
Figure 8.4 Benefits for offstream (OSB) and instream uses (ISB) in different scenarios
analyzed for Case-I relative to Scenario S0, Case-I
Note: Scenarios are as explained in the text

Figure 8.5 presents the relative benefit from off- and in-stream sector as obtained from
different scenario analyzed to the off- and in-stream benefits obtained from Scenario S0,
Case-I (i.e. existing condition). As discussed in Chapter 4 that TIP was planned to be
developed in phases and currently Phase-I is developed and Phase-II is under consideration
of development. However, if EF is considered, expansion of TIP area might not be possible
as it is shown in Figure 8.5, Scenario S3-b. Dry year scenario analysis (S1-a) indicates that
current flow level is at margin to irrigation and EF demands. Currently instream flow
benefits are mainly due to local flow from the area in between barrage to Kaunia.
Nevertheless, if a small amount of flow is allowed for instream uses at the barrage point, it
can generate a higher (11%) instream benefit and this becomes clear from Figure 8.5,
Scenario S4-b. The figure shows that even if the Teesta water management authorities are
not willing to provide baseline EF (i.e. RVA target based on +/- 1 SD), scope is available
to accrue more instream benefit by ensuring less EF (as shown in Figure 8.5 Scenario 4-b).

117 118 118 118 118
120 115
Benefits relative to S0, Case-I (%)
100 94
80 71



S0 S1-a S1-b S2-a S2-b S3-a S3-b S4-a S4-b
Figure 8.5 Benefits for offstream (OSB) and instream uses (ISB) in different scenarios
analyzed for Case-II relative to Scenario S0, Case-I
Note: Scenarios are as explained in the text

Since framers in general irrigate their field by groundwater when river flow falls short,
irrigation benefit from such case for all the scenarios are also analyzed. Farmers may
choose to reduce the crop coverage to fulfill 100% irrigation demand with less available
flow. Irrigation water use benefits for this case are also calculated and presented in Table
8.7. Previously calculated benefit for all the scenarios considered based on yield loss due to
water stress are also given in Table 8.7 in the last column to compare the benefits obtained
from other cases. Use of groundwater as supplement to surface water based irrigation at
TIP results the highest benefit level, whereas reduction in crop coverage to get 100%
irrigation water from the river results almost the same level of benefit as obtained from the
yield loss case (also shown in Figure 5.3).

Analyses show that groundwater use requirement ranges from 7 to 741 mm for the entire
irrigation season. In a study, Wahid et al. (2007) showed that the groundwater safe
abstraction potential in TIP is in the range of 296 to 860 mm, which indicates in some area
farmers might not be able to meet their irrigation demand by ground water pumping.
However, their practices of groundwater use is worthy in economic sense as well as within
the limit of safe abstraction to some area. For example in dry year scenario, highest amount
of groundwater withdrawal is required (311 and 703 mm respectively for Cases I & II),
which is still within the safe limit of groundwater abstraction, however it can hold the
irrigation benefit to better level than reduction in crop coverage or yield loss due to water
stress case. Improvement in irrigation efficiency results less amount of groundwater to be
withdrawn such as only 54 and 7 mm (for Case-I) is required for 0.5 and 0.6 irrigation
efficiency respectively. Expansion of irrigation land is also possible using groundwater
supplemented irrigation and in that case 503 and 741 mm of groundwater are required for
case I and II respectively. This amount of groundwater withdrawal is still within the range
of safe abstraction limit for some places and beyond the limit for some place within the

TIP area. Proper planning is required to adopt conjunctive use of groundwater and surface
water irrigation in TIP for a sustainable irrigation and crop yield.

Table 8.7 Offstream water use benefits (106 US$) for cases of groundwater supplemental
irrigation, reduction in crop coverage to meet full irrigation demand and crop yield loss
due to water stress at various scenarios
Economic benefit with
GW req GW supplement to Reduced crop coverage to Crop yield loss
Scenario Case
(mm) meet full irrigation meet full irrigation due to water
requirement supply from river water stress
S0 I 145 48.210 42.970 43.242
II 317 46.582 35.040 33.893
S1-a I 311 46.642 35.334 34.260
II 703 42.941 17.299 8.884
S1-b I 36 49.232 47.951 48.537
II 79 48.827 45.977 46.493
S2-a I 54 49.068 47.815 48.361
II 286 46.879 40.213 40.791
S2-b I 7 49.512 49.312 49.560
II 156 48.109 43.465 44.676
S3-a I 63 36.745 35.951 35.331
II 330 34.852 30.691 28.778
S3-b I 503 56.047 45.485 45.575
II 741 53.241 37.689 35.027
S4-a II 373 46.061 32.500 30.660
S4-b II 243 47.286 38.468 38.073
Note: Scenarios are as explained in the text; Case-I: minimum environmental flow demand at downstream is
not considered; Case-II: minimum environmental flow demand at downstream is considered

8.3.3 Environmental flow – a societal choice

Environmental flows can be regarded as not exactly empirically determined figures, but
they are more value judgments depending on the aim of river management. Specific
physical situation and the expected state of the ecosystem should control the EF decision
making. Without limiting the economic growth, keeping nature happy by protecting
environment is the main challenge along this line and this can be done within the context
of wider assessment framework that contributes to river basin planning and management.
Bearing in mind such issues, three different levels of EF namely, low, medium and high EF
are considered in optimal water allocation in Teesta. In low EF level, RVA target is set at
+/-1.5 SD, whereas in medium and high EF level RVA target is set at +/-1 SD and +/-0.5
SD respectively. Detailed results on EF requirements for the three levels of EF are
presented in Table 7.6.

Table 8.8 presents the sectoral benefit and their percentage with respect to total benefit as
estimated in S0 Case-I for different level of EF provisioning. At low EF level (i.e. RVA
target set at +/- 1.5 SD), the dry season flow is in between 116 – 120 m3/s, which is in

between ‘good’ and ‘fair’ status as defined by Tennant. With this level of EF, optimization
model gives the total benefit of US$ 38.728 million (US$ 38.073 million from offstream
and US$ 0.655 million from instream). Increasing EF level at medium (i.e. RVA target set
at +/-1.0 SD) level needs 134 – 150 m3/s of flow, which is again in the same status given
by Tennant. Provisioning this level of EF results reduction in benefit level and overall
benefit goes down to US$ 34.583 million. However, instream water use benefits increase
here from the previous case by US$ 0.035 million. Further increase in EF level (i.e. RVA
target set at +/- 0.5 SD) prescribes a flow of 150 – 181 m3/s, which is about to reach the
‘good’ status based on Tennant method. In this EF level overall benefit goes down to US$
31.384 million which is US$ 3.199 million lower than the benefit achieved from EF-
medium level. Instream water use benefit increases by US$ 0.034 million from the
previous case.

Table 8.8 Sectoral benefit and their changes at different level of EF provisioning for Teesta
Sectoral benefit (106 US$) Benefit as % total benefit of S0 Case-I
EF level
Offstream Instream Total Offstream Instream Total
Low 38.073 0.655 38.728 86.87 1.49 88.36
Medium 33.893 0.690 34.583 77.33 1.57 78.90
High 30.660 0.724 31.384 69.95 1.65 71.60

Comparison of the benefits achieved from both in- and off-stream uses for all three cases
are depicted in Figure 8.6. From the Figure 8.6 and Table 8.8 above, it is evident that
increase in EF level results overall decrease in benefit level. However, percentage change
is offstream benefit is higher than instream benefit, which again reflects the higher
marginal benefit of offstream sector than instream sector.

40 0.8
Offstream Benefit
Instream benefit

Offstream Benefit (10 US$)

Instream benefit (10 US$)






30 0.6
EF low EF medium EF high

Figure 8.6 Change in off- and in-stream benefits due to change in EF level
Note: EF low = RVA target set at +/-1.5 SD, EF medium = RVA target set at +/-1.0 SD; EF high = RVA
target set at +/-0.5 SD

8.3.4 Tradeoff analysis

The flow in river is crucially important for the agricultural production and subsequently for
poverty alleviation and reduction of hunger gap. However, river flow also maintain the
ecosystem, keeps the river clean by flushing the waste, replenish nutrients in the soil,
support fisheries that feed the society and provide transportation which is the cheapest and
the only mode of transportation in the rural site of Teesta river. Achieving benefits from
both sides ask for tradeoff to certain extent. Without and with consideration of monthly
environmental water demands at the downstream, total benefits for different scenarios are
analyzed and the tradeoff for maintaining EF is found out.

Benefits from several scenarios are compared with the benefit garnered from Scenario-0
case I (i.e. baseline without considering EF). Figure 8.7 depicts the tradeoff picture
between economic efficiency and environmental protection for the Teesta study site.
Severe situation occurs in dry year scenario where reduction in benefit is 57% if
environmental protection is ensured through providing EF. In baseline scenario, society
has to compromise about 20% reduction in overall benefit if EF is ensured. However, the
benefit reduction level can be improved to 12% if a low level of EF is maintained (S4-b).
Improvement of irrigation efficiency to 0.5 (baseline 0.4) results 12% (S2-a) increase in
benefit from baseline if EF is not provided, however, reduction in overall benefit after
having EF is only 5% (S2-a) from baseline scenario. If irrigation efficiency can go up to
0.6 overall benefits would be increased by 4% (S2-b) from the baseline scenario even after
ensuring EF.

Case-I Case-II

120 112 112 115

108 105
Benefit relative to S0, Case-I (%)

100 95
82 81
79 79
80 72



S0 S1-a S1-b S2-a S2-b S3-a S3-b S4-a S4-b
Figure 8.7 Tradeoff between economic efficiency and environmental protection based on
total benefit from Scenario S0, Case-I for the Teesta study site
Note: Scenarios are as explained in the text

Overall, maintaining environmental protection reduces the total benefit in any scenario
analyzed. This is due to high offstream benefit and low instream benefit. However,

increase in basin benefit without decrease in either off- or in-stream sector can only be
possible by having more inflow outside of the model boundary or by improving irrigation
efficiency and conserving more water within the model boundary.

8.4 Concluding remarks

The outcomes of the analyses clearly show the sectoral benefits and tradeoff scenario while
allocating water to in- and off-stream water users. Decision makers in many developing
countries often overlook the required balance between allocating water for out of stream
direct uses namely: domestic supply, agriculture, industry etc. and allocating water for
instream uses. However, the optimal water allocation and related benefits as estimated in
this chapter will help water management authorities in realizing in particular the benefit
from instream water direct uses, which will eventually promote EF provisioning. It has
been pointed out that the current operation does not satisfy EF demands at the downstream
part of Teesta; hence, ensuring EF is recommended at least to the lower level as considered
in the study. Since the instream water users are mainly the poor and their livelihood is
entirely based on the flow in the river, ensuring a certain flow level will eventually help in
socio-economic development of the region, which will ultimately lead to a pro-poor water

Das Gupta (2008) mentioned that since withdrawals of water increase, many river basins
will face the challenge of maintaining the critical levels of environmental flows in near
future. The process is unlikely to be reversed until agriculture uses water more efficiently
and environmental flow allocation is integrated into river basin management plan.
Analyses and results in this chapter also depicts that improvement in irrigation efficiency is
vital to sustain economic benefit and river health protection simultaneously.

Finally, the analyzed results provide a reasonable starting point for reconciling the
competing needs of the instream and offstream water uses and will act as a basis for
informed policy decision and adopting pro-poor and environmentally sound water
management particularly in Bangladesh context.


Chapter 9: Konto River Basin: study site in Indonesia

Chapter 10: Benefit functions of water uses in the Konto River basin
Chapter 12: Optimal water allocation in the Konto River basin

This page has been left blank intentionally


9.1 The Konto River Basin, Indonesia

The Konto River Basin in the Java Island, Indonesia is selected as the other study site for
this research. The river is a tributary of the Brantas River. The Brantas Basin,
approximately 11,800 km2 in areal extent, lies entirely within the province of East Java,
Indonesia, between 110030' and 112055' East Longitude and 7001' and 8015' South Latitude.
The length of Brantas is about 320 km and has its headwaters in the Arjuno volcanic
massif, a major topographic feature dominating the southeast -central portion of the basin.
It courses clockwise around the massif, south through the Malang Plateau (elevation 400
M), then west through the major dam and reservoir complex consisting of Sengguruh,
Lahor, Sutami, Wlingi and Lodoyo, respectively. Figure 9.1 presents the Konto river basin
within the Brantas river system and Figure 9.2 presents the Brantas river system with its
main reservoirs mentioning the year of commissioning of the reservoirs. At the confluence
with the Ngrowo River in the Southwestern portion of the basin, the Brantas turns north
through the agriculturally productive plains region and finally east through the delta, also
an important paddy growing area, where it discharges into the Madura Strait. Primary
tributaries above the delta include the Lesti (Southeast), Ngrowo (Southwest), Konto
(Central), Widas (Northwest) and Surabaya (Northeast) Rivers (Rodgers and Zaafrano,
2002). Table 9.1 presents the sub-basin areas of the Brantas river system

Table 9.1 Sub-basins with their areas of the Brantas river system
Brantas river Sub-basin Catchment area (km2)
Lesti 625
Konto 687
Widas 1,539
Brantas 6,719
Ngrowo 1,600
Surabaya 631
Total Brantas basin 11,800
Source: Subijanto et al. (2009)

The upper part of Konto catchment is located about 25 km northwest of the city of Malang
in East Java and constitutes one of the important headwater areas of the Brantas River
system. The eastern part of the catchment (Pujon area) consists of an inter-volcanic plain
surrounded by hilly (950–1,300 m a.s.l.) and mountainous (up to 2,889 m) landforms. The
western part (Ngantang area) consists of three adjoining gently sloping inter-volcanic
plains at an elevation of 620–800 m a.s.l. bordered by the foot-slopes of Mounts Kelud
(1,731 m) and Kawi (2,631 m) on the one hand and by the western spurs of the Anjasmoro
mountains on the other. The two plateaux are connected by the narrow gorge of the Konto
River cutting through the respective foothills of Mt Kawi and the Anjasmoro range
(Rijsdijk et al., 2007). Konto then meets with Lake Selorejo. The Konto at the downstream
of Selorejo flows towards north-west and finally drains into the Brantas River.


Figure 9.1 The Konto River in the Brantas river system

The total basin area of the Konto is 687 km2 which can be divided into two parts upper
(above Selorejo reservoir) and lower (downstream of Selorejo reservoir). Catchment area
for the upper part is about 236 km2 that comprises Konto River 148 km2, Kwayangan River
12.5 km2, Pinjal River 44.3 km2 and Selorejo reservoir 31.3 km2. Lower part of the Konto
basin has an area of 451 km2. Three small tributaries are found meeting the Konto in this
lower part, namely: Sambong (catchment area 3.13 km2), Nogo (catchment area 1.35 km2)
and Nambaan (catchment area 3.69 km2) (Solihah, 2011). Average annual rainfall in the
basin is about 2,700 mm whereas annual average evaporation is about 1,470 mm. The
annual average temperature is 23.50C, with maximum monthly temperature of 24.50C in
January, and a minimum temperature of 22.70C in July. Annual average relative humidity

is 79.9%, with a minimum humidity of 75% in January, and maximum of 83% in
September (Solihah, 2011). Figure 9.3 shows the schematic of the lower part of the Konto
River (the study site) including the water uses.

Figure 9.2 The Brantas river system with main reservoirs

Source: Subijanto et al. (2009)

Owing to the location of the entire Brantas basin in the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone,
the semiannual reversal of prevailing winds results in distinct wet (November -April) and
dry (May-October) seasons in the region; on average the wet season encounters around 25
rainy days per month, compared to seven or fewer during the dry season (Rodgers and
Zaafrano, 2002). Roughly 80% of the rainfall occurs in the wet season. The plains and
delta which consist of alluvial soils (silt, clay loams) are well suited to paddy cultivation.

Figure 9.3 Schematic of the Konto study site
Note: Discharge values mentioned in the figure are the capacities of tunnel/pipes

9.2 Water resources development in the basin

Selorejo dam and reservoir is the main important infrastructure in the Konto river basin.
The reservoir is situated at the upper part of Konto having a catchment area of 236 km2. In
addition to Konto inflow, the reservoir is fed by Pinjal and Kwayangan rivers.
Commissioned in 1970, the reservoir is equipped with a hydropower plants named Selorejo
hydropower plant. The reservoir is also used for recreation and fishery purposes. The
capacity of the reservoir is about 40x106 m3 with a water surface area of 4 km2 at the

normal maximum capacity. The Selorejo hydropower started operating since 1972 having
an installed capacity of 4.5 MW and the design discharge of 14.8 m3/s. The release from
Selorejo hydropower plant was redirected to the Konto until 2003 before the construction
of two hydropower plants.

The topography of the region resonates well in terms of getting considerable heads in
building two other hydropower plants, namely: Mendalan and Siman. These two plants are
run-off-river type power plant and came into operation in 2003. The tail water elevation of
the Selorejo power plant is 582.00 m a.m.s.l. Part of the release from Selorejo plant is
taken through a 3.25 km long tunnel to Sekuli daily retention pond which stabilizes the
discharge from Selorejo and supplies water to Mendalan hydropower plant having an
installed capacity of 7.0 MW and design discharge of 8.5 m3/s. The tunnel capacity that
feeds Sekuli retention pond is 9.25 m3/s. A 5.55 m3/s capacity pipe sends back the extra
discharge from Selorejo to Konto. Water elevation of the Sekuli pondage is 573.17 m
a.m.s.l. and the tail-water elevation of Mendalan power plant is 422.90 m a.m.s.l. (PJT-I,

The release from Mendalan power plant goes through a 3.2 km long tunnel and feeds
Siman Retention pond where Siman Hydropower plant is installed with the capacity of 9.0
MW and with design discharge of 8.5 m3/s. The effective head of Siman hydropower plant
is 106.4 m. At the point of confluence of Mendalan River with the Konto, provision of 2 –
3 m3/s flow diversion to Siman pond is installed to stabilize the power production from
Siman plant (Solihah, 2011). The water used in Siman power plant goes to Siman reservoir
from where the Konto irrigation area (including Srinjing and Right Konto irrigation area as
shown in Figure 9.3) projects gets supply of irrigation water. The key water resources
development information is documented in Table 9.2.

Table 9.2 Key water resources development structures with their main features in Konto
river basin
Water resources
Year installed Main feature
development structure
Selorejo dam and 1970 Capacity: 40x106 m3
reservoir Equipped with hydropower, reservoir is also used
for fisheries and recreation
Selorejo hydro-power 1972 Installed capacity: 4.5 MW
plant Equipped with Selorejo dam
Max head: 40.00 m
Mendalan hydropower 2003 Installed capacity: 7.0 MW
plant Runoff river type
Effective head: 150.27 m
Siman hydropower plant 2003 Installed capacity: 9.0 MW
Runoff river type
Effective head: 106.40 m

9.3 Water uses in the Konto River Basin

The main water uses in the Konto river basin are:

Hydropower – the foremost water use in the basin is power generation and it starts from
the Selorejo reservoir. A series of hydropower plants are operating beside the river Konto.
Outflow from one power plant is fed into another plant. Since the water is actually not
consumed for hydropower production, the same water is used three times to produce power
and then the water is finally used for irrigation.

Irrigation – following the water used in three hydropower plants installed in series, the
water goes to irrigation project. There are two parts of the project located at the two sides
of Konto, namely: left- and right-Konto irrigation area with a total area of 30,461 ha. The
main crop in the project area is paddy (lowland rice). Other crops include coffee, cassava,
maize, peanuts and soybeans. The irrigated dry season crop including maize, soybeans and
peanuts, are collectively known as Palawija. Three seasons are predominant in agricultural
practices; namely: wet season (November – February), first dry season (March – June) and
second dry season (July – October).

Reservoir fisheries and recreation – the water in Selorejo reservoir is also used for fishery
and recreational purposes. Annual average fish production from the reservoir is about
113.5 tonne (DoF, Malang, 2010) and annual average recreationists to the reservoir are
about 173,212 person based on last eight years (2001 – 2008) information.

In addition to the use of the water for hydropower, irrigation, fishery and recreation the
flow in the Konto is also used for municipal and industrial purposes. Drinking water
supply from the Konto is about 0.04 m3/s whereas for industrial is 0.66 m3/s, which makes
a total M&I supply of 0.70 m3/s. Besides all these uses, flow in the Konto is important for
maintaining proper functioning of the riverine system including few subsistence uses
(mainly subsistence irrigation and fishery) by the riparian population.

9.4 Socio-economic condition

Information referring to socio-economic condition of Konto Basin is very rare; however,

overall socio-economic condition of the Brantas basin is available in few literature.
Population density in the Brantas basin is 1,248.7 inhabitants/km2, which is quite dense
compared to the Java island population density of 918.9 inhabitants/km2 and East Java
population density of 724.3 inhabitants/km2. Total population in the basin is close to 15.2
million people according to 2000 census data, which counts for about 42% of East Java
population. Renewable water in Java is only 1,540 m3/person/year, compared to the
Indonesian average of 15,600 m3/person/year due to high population density in the Java
(Rodgers and Hellegers, 2005).

Besides the population, the Regional Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) for the basin is
quite high, valuing approximately US$ 10.97 billion (IDR 98.8 trillion) in 2000
(ADB/IFPRI, 2003) that is 58% of the RGDP for East Java (Sunaryo, 2001). This
prosperity is supported among others by the water availability related to the infrastructures
in the basin. Agriculture is the mainstay in economic activity of this region. Rice is the
principal crop grown all over the whole year. In the year 2004, rice production in Brantas

basin was 2.99 million tonne whereas the production for the entire East Java was 9.22
million tonne (Subijanto et al., 2009).

The Brantas basin is a very well developed river basin in Indonesia in terms of water sector
investment and water resource utilization, next to the Citarum River basin in West Java. It
is also the best-managed river basin in Indonesia where a holistic approach to basin water
resource management has been adopted. Investment in flood control and water
infrastructure has helped development of an industrial belt at the downstream Surabaya-
Gresik area and has increased agricultural production of the basin. In last three decades,
rice production has doubled while non-rice crop production has seen a ten-fold increase.
Hydropower generation capacity has increased from 4.5 MW in 1972 to 263 MW
(Subijanto et al., 2009). All such developments contribute positively in socio-economic
development to a large extent in the basin. Brantas basin covers nine regencies and five
municipalities. Starting at the upper regions of the river they are Malang, Blitar,
Tulungagung, Kediri, Nganjuk, Jombang, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo, and Surabaya City,
including portions of Pasuruan and Gresik (Subijanto et al., 2009).

9.5 Water management of the Konto

The water resources in the Brantas basin including Konto are principally managed and
maintained by Perum (Perusahan Umum) Jasa Tirta-I Public Corporation (PJT-I). PJT-I
established in 1990, based on Government Regulation No. 5/1990 is charged with
managing the water resources in 40 of the more important benefit producing rivers
(including the Brantas River) in Java. The Corporation is responsible to protect the river
morphology, for operating, maintaining, and managing the major infrastructure in these
rivers and managing flood.

The corporation, however, has no policy power in areas such as basin planning, basin
infrastructure development and investment, off-stream water quality improvement, tariff
fixing etc. In these areas where it is not permitted to make policy decisions, PJT-I works
through the administrative and consultative channel to influence decisions. As an
organization PJT-I has been very effective in most aspects of the WRM decision-making,
coordination, improving resource base, and working with other basin agencies and
stakeholders by adopting a proactive management style and having a good working
relationship with both formal and informal institutions.

The activities of the corporation cover (i) bulk water supply for irrigation systems, (ii) raw
water for domestic and industrial purposes, (iii) water supply for hydropower plants, (iv)
land rent and limited sand mining, (v) tourism in its working area, and (vi) construction
and consulting services (Subijanto et al., 2009). The main functions of PJT-I are (i) water
quantity management, (ii) water quality management, (iii) flood control management, (iv)
river environment management, (v) watershed management, (vi) water resources
infrastructure management, and (viii) research and development. In carrying out these
activities, the corporation coordinates with stakeholders such as the State Electricity
Corporation, municipal water supply corporations, private and public sector industries,
NGOs, and experts.

PJT-I is supervised by a supervisory board composed of central and provincial government

representatives and is managed by a board of directors headed by a president director.
Being a national corporation, the authority to oversee the management and functioning of

PJT-I lies with the center through the Ministry of Public Works, with the Ministry of State-
owned Corporation (MoSC) exercising a fiscal oversight role.

The corporation is not responsible for irrigation system management but provides bulk
water. Irrigation management and decision making is primarily a provincial subject
matter. Irrigation services are managed by Dinas Pengairan, which works closely with
East Java provincial water office. In cases where water supply is made from the irrigation
system for non-irrigation functions (water supply to industry), the corporation coordinates
with the concerned irrigation agency. Thus, much of the management decisions are based
on a consultative process through a proactive approach. The corporation is authorized to
make most of the technical policy decisions and some policy decisions related to WRM,
such as release of reservoir water for flushing, changes in water allocation during times of
shortage, reservoir operation, awareness campaign etc.

The hydro-electric power plants are owned and operated by the state electricity company
(PLN) while PJT-I operates the dams and provides the bulk water for power generation.
Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB), a subsidiary company of PLN is responsible for managing
power production including hydropower plants in East Java and Bali Island. Established in
1995, PJB is intended to decentralization program, enhance efficiency and increase quality
service delivery to the public. PJB pays PJT-I a tariff for water supply, which is reviewed
each year and is approved by the Ministry of Public Works, based on the recommendation
of the Ministry of Finance (MOF).

In the Brantas basin, raw water for domestic purposes is provided for fourteen regional
water supply enterprises known as Perusahaan Daerah Air Minimum (PDAMs) that
provide treated drinking water to urban areas. PDAM are managed as public corporations
under the authority of the district government. The East Java Water Resources Office is
the responsible agency (on behalf of provincial governor) for issuing licenses for raw water
abstraction based on the recommendation of PJT-I while PJT-I is responsible for water
allocation. The industrial water supply is regulated by licenses issued by the East Java
Water Resources Office based on the recommendation of PJT-I.

9.6 Data and information collection

Several data and information related to hydrology, reservoir and its operation, hydropower,
irrigation and agriculture, fishery and recreation are collected mainly from PJT-I and
department of fisheries (DoF).

9.6.1 Hydrological data Inflow to Selorejo reservoir

Mean monthly inflow to Selorejo reservoir was collected for past ten years (1999 - 2008)
and presented in Table 9.3. The inflow is calculated based on measured water level in the
reservoir. Even though the reservoir is operated since 1970, only ten years inflow data was
made available from PJT-I for this research. Based on the collected inflow data (Table 9.3)
average annual inflow to Selorejo reservoir is about 10 m3/s. Months of February and
March have the maximum flow whereas August and September have the lowest flow.

Table 9.3 Monthly average inflow (m3/s) to Selorejo reservoir (1999 - 2008)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
1999 14.31 17.87 16.73 14.37 9.51 7.49 7.37 6.65 6.28 8.09 10.63 16.78 11.34
2000 16.26 18.82 16.59 16.58 13.57 10.75 8.38 7.56 7.48 7.79 9.63 8.26 11.81
2001 11.88 18.50 15.03 13.97 10.05 9.62 8.06 7.06 6.96 10.83 9.31 9.44 10.89
2002 13.19 26.97 15.45 12.96 10.43 8.25 7.50 6.75 6.32 5.96 8.10 10.48 11.03
2003 8.93 15.27 14.82 8.51 8.13 6.70 5.89 5.51 5.55 5.40 8.21 8.03 8.41
2004 9.66 15.82 17.91 11.35 9.94 7.27 6.62 5.54 6.79 6.16 8.85 13.78 9.97
2005 9.68 8.73 10.42 12.25 7.73 6.87 7.00 6.10 6.16 6.73 7.14 11.05 8.32
2006 14.35 14.09 13.15 12.79 12.00 8.29 6.36 5.74 5.42 6.37 6.96 9.47 9.58
2007 6.93 13.52 14.35 13.93 8.99 8.23 7.10 6.56 6.18 7.55 9.51 17.07 9.99
2008 13.70 19.00 21.25 15.69 12.68 9.73 8.42 8.13 8.02 8.62 9.81 10.94 12.17
11.89 16.86 15.57 13.24 10.30 8.32 7.27 6.56 6.52 7.35 8.82 11.53
Source: PJT-I database, 2010 Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan river flow

The three small tributaries, namely: Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan river meet with Konto
before the Mendalan Sabo∗ dam. However, there is no observed flow data for these rivers.
As part of this research, the flows of these rivers are estimated using NRECA (Fritz, 1984)
model. NRECA model calculates the monthly flow using meteorological data. On
ungauged streams where stream flow measurements are not available, precipitation and
potential evapotranspiration records can be used to calculate continuous flow. The
calculation uses monthly precipitation and potential evapotranspiration data to calculate
monthly streamflow based on following water balance equation:

Precipitation – actual evapotranspiration + storage = runoff

Following steps are involved in calculating monthly runoff:

– Assembling concurrent monthly rainfall and potential evapotranspiration data

– Estimating watershed characteristics of the basin
– Calculating monthly streamflows based on rainfall and evapotranspiration data
(using a spreadsheet)

Three coefficients represent the watershed characteristics, namely: NOMINAL, PSUB and
GWF. NOMINAL is an index to the soil moisture storage capacity in the watershed
measured in mm; PSUB is the fraction of runoff that moves out of the watershed as
baseflow or groundwater flow, which is dimensionless and GWF is an index to the rate of
discharge from the groundwater storage to the stream, dimensionless. These watershed
characteristics are estimated from limited field data based on historic streamflows.
NOMINAL controls the runoff with an inverse relationship. GWF controls the low

Sabo dam is a kind of silt arresting dam

streamflows between storms, whereas PSUB increases or decreases the volume of water
moving on the subsurface flow paths. Having the watershed characteristics, monthly
runoffs are calculated using a spreadsheet, detail calculations are based on Fritz, 1984 and
carried out as part of this research by Triweko et al. (2010). Values of the watershed
characteristics coefficients, NOMINAL, PSUB and GWF are considered as 643.6 mm,
0.80 and 0.10 respectively for all the three tributaries. The estimated monthly flow for
Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan rivers for past ten years (1999 – 2008) are presented in
Table 9.4. The annual average flow for the three river in combined is about 0.4 m3/s
whereas the maximum monthly flow is estimated 0.66 m3/s in February and minimum flow
is estimated to be 0.25 m3/s for the months of September and October. Detail data on
monthly flow for past ten years for individual rivers are reported in Table F.1 Appendix F.

Table 9.4 NRECA model estimated flow (m3/s) for Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan rivers
(1999 – 2008)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1999 0.91 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.58 0.54 0.47 0.42 0.39 0.46 0.53 0.76 0.64
2000 0.77 0.99 0.79 0.73 0.59 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.37 0.33 0.45 0.30 0.56
2001 0.60 0.72 0.76 0.66 0.45 0.49 0.38 0.34 0.32 0.41 0.41 0.28 0.49
2002 0.59 1.14 0.64 0.52 0.43 0.40 0.35 0.31 0.29 0.25 0.24 0.27 0.45
2003 0.28 0.50 0.61 0.33 0.28 0.26 0.23 0.21 0.19 0.17 0.25 0.25 0.30
2004 0.30 0.59 0.69 0.35 0.31 0.29 0.25 0.23 0.21 0.18 0.19 0.25 0.32
2005 0.19 0.25 0.26 0.25 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.28 0.18
2006 0.42 0.48 0.42 0.27 0.38 0.25 0.22 0.20 0.19 0.16 0.15 0.24 0.28
2007 0.14 0.37 0.42 0.41 0.24 0.22 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.16 0.23 0.43 0.26
2008 0.47 0.71 0.90 0.51 0.43 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.26 0.30 0.35 0.44
Monthly 0.47 0.66 0.64 0.49 0.39 0.35 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.25 0.28 0.34 0.39
Avg Local flow for Konto downstream of Selorejo reservoir

Using NRECA model, the flow of the Konto River downstream of Selorejo that meets
Brantas River is also estimated by Triweko et al. (2010) and compared with the observed
flow. Sufficient data and information regarding the watershed characteristics coefficients
were not available to estimate the local flow of Konto. Coefficient values similar to
Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan are therefore used to estimate the local flow of Konto.
Mean monthly flows of Konto that meets Brantas for past five years (2004 – 2008) were
obtained from PJT-I (2010a) as observed data and reported in Table F.2 in Appendix F.
Table F.3 (Appendix F) presents the NRECA model calculated flows for 2004 – 2008.
Figure 9.4 shows the observed and NRECA model calculated Konto local flow. Difference
in flow between observed and estimated (Figure 9.4) is considerable particularly in wet
season. It is due to use of incorrect values of watershed characteristics coefficients, which
has already been mentioned.

Calculated Observed

Flow (m /s)


Jan-04 Jul-04 Jan-05 Jul-05 Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08

Figure 9.4 Observed and calculated flow of Konto meeting to Brantas Rainfall and evaporation

Last ten years (1999-2008) rainfall data of Karangploso station, which is close to Konto
irrigation area is collected from PJT-I and reported in Table 9.5. Annual average rainfall is
about 2,700 mm whereas potential evapotranspiration (ET0) is around 1,450 mm. Monthly
ET0 values are shown in Figure 9.5. Maximum rainfall occurs in the months of February
and March (more than 500 mm) and the minimum in August and September (less than 15

Table 9.5 Past ten year (1999 – 2008) average rainfall (mm) at Karangploso station
adjacent to Konto irrigation area
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1999 750 468 554 465 27 17 11 38 2 348 403 706 3,789
2000 570 689 441 318 199 57 15 53 30 112 335 113 2,932
2001 603 529 610 381 135 209 77 7 16 317 268 0 3,152
2002 635 1,057 344 173 95 0 0 0 0 0 93 276 2,673
2003 274 541 636 83 81 7 0 0 11 20 373 280 2,306
2004 337 661 695 83 4 11 9 0 7 0 161 400 2,368
2005 170 227 288 245 12 131 73 0 33 33 149 619 1,980
2006 542 434 360 120 318 0 0 0 6 0 67 396 2,243
2007 101 481 492 363 89 36 18 21 6 158 289 623 2,677
2008 486 651 837 190 149 32 0 23 0 150 219 323 3,060
Average 447 574 526 242 111 50 20 14 11 114 236 374 2,718
Source: PJT-I database, 2010

145 146 146
140 131 135
120 112 112
ET0 (mm) per month




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 9.5 Monthly ET0 (mm) at Karangploso station near Konto irrigation area
Source: PJT-I database, 2010

9.6.2 Data and information related to Selorejo Reservoir

Major features of the Selorejo reservoir are collected from PJT-I and presented in Table
9.6. Selorejo reservoir has a catchment area of 236 km2. It has a maximum capacity of
about 42x106 m3; however, the effective capacity is 39.59x106 m3 with an area of 4 km2.
The maximum and minimum operating elevations are 622 and 607 m a.m.s.l. respectively.

Table 9.6 Basic information on Selorejo reservoir

Reservoir name Selorejo
Drainage Area 236 km2
Maximum Capacity (in 2007) 41.867x106 m3 (planned 62.3x106 m3 in 1970)
Effective capacity (in 2007) 39.59x106 m3 (planned 54.6x106 m3 in 1970)
Area at effective capacity 4 km2
Maximum operating elevation 622 m a.m.s.l
Dead water elevation 598 m a.m.s.l.
Minimum operating elevation 607 m a.m.s.l.
Tail water elevation 582 m a.m.s.l.
Crest length 450 m
Crest width 8m
Crest elevation 625 m a.m.s.l.
Base Length of dam 312 m
Height 49 m

Number of gate 3
Diameter 5.5 m
Discharge capacity 360 m3/s
Source: PJT-I, 2007

Average monthly release from the Selorejo for the period of 1999 – 2008 is collected from
PJT-I and presented in Table 9.7. Average annual release from Selorejo is 10.3 m3/s.
maximum release occurs in the months of February to April (more than 12 m3/s) and
lowest release in July – September (around 8 m3/s).

Figure 9.6 shows the storage-area-elevation relation for the dam, detail dataset is reported
in Appendix F, Table F.4. Release from Selorejo is principally going to the Selorejo power
plant. In case when a release higher than the plant capacity is necessary, the extra flow is
redirected to the main stream of Konto.

Table 9.7 Average monthly release (m3/s) from the Selorejo reservoir (1999 - 2008)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
1999 11.54 14.46 13.38 12.70 9.09 8.74 9.25 8.86 8.60 8.53 8.08 13.96 10.60
2000 14.85 19.52 16.73 15.91 12.13 11.36 9.63 8.95 9.94 10.65 10.90 9.73 12.53
2001 9.95 13.02 12.48 13.65 8.73 10.59 9.25 9.25 9.11 10.15 10.71 9.50 10.53
2002 10.37 22.07 14.63 12.54 9.84 9.23 9.18 9.20 9.10 9.18 8.50 8.68 11.04
2003 9.62 8.22 13.43 6.97 6.91 7.97 6.76 7.65 8.06 8.68 8.89 9.04 8.52
2004 7.27 10.27 13.49 11.74 7.73 8.92 7.94 7.50 9.11 9.72 9.43 13.07 9.68
2005 8.11 6.72 5.85 9.90 5.89 7.50 8.37 8.60 8.61 10.27 8.94 9.10 8.16
2006 11.69 13.18 10.05 11.36 11.15 8.82 7.48 7.50 7.56 9.01 10.02 7.54 9.61
2007 7.58 8.81 9.65 13.88 8.15 9.40 8.50 8.50 8.57 9.25 10.67 10.48 9.45
2008 14.19 16.42 19.53 14.85 12.02 10.33 9.25 9.25 10.00 11.91 12.16 10.97 12.57
10.52 13.27 12.92 12.35 9.16 9.29 8.56 8.53 8.87 9.74 9.83 10.21
Source: PJT-I database, 2010

Area (km2)
5 4 3 2 1 0

Elevation (m) amsl

E-S Relation

610 E-A Relation


0 10 20 30 40 50
Storage (MCM)
Figure 9.6 Storage (S)–Area (A)–Elevation (E) relationship for the Selorejo reservoir
Source: Based on data obtained from PJT-I database, 2010

9.6.3 Hydropower and power production

Three hydropower plants, namely: Selorejo, Mendalan and Siman are operating in the
study basin as mentioned earlier. Basic information related to power plant such as installed
capacity, design discharge, effective head and power production information is collected
from PJT-I. Efficiencies of the plants are estimated as part of the project of this study.
Table 9.8 presents the basic information related to the plants. Monthly power production
data for last ten years (1999 - 2008) for Selorejo plant and for last six years (2003 – 2008)
for Mendalan and Siman plants are presented in Appendix F, Table F.5. Mendalan plant
has the maximum effective head of 150.2 m among the three plants; however, maximum
overall efficiency of 0.82 is estimated for Selorejo plant. Average annual power
productions from Selorejo, Mendalan and Siman power plants are respectively 23,939,
76,881 and 55,646 MWh.

Table 9.8 Basic information on hydropower plants in Konto River Basin

Installed Design Average Annual
Hydropower Effective Overall
capacity discharge energy production
plant head (m) efficiency*
(MW) (m3/s) (MWh)
Selorejo 4.5 14.9 35.2a 0.82 23,939
Mendalan 7.0 8.5 150.2 0.73 76,881
Siman 9.0 8.5 106.4 0.74 55,646
Note: Average water elevation in the reservoir is taken as 617.2m whereas tail water elevation is 582m
Source: PJT-I, 2007; *Triweko et al. (2010)

9.6.4 Reservoir fishery and recreation

Fish production data was collected from the Department of Fisheries (DoF) at Malang;
however, only three years (2008 – 2010) monthly fish production data was available at the
DoF office. The production information is based on region specific e.g. Malang and shown
as source specific e.g. river, lake, reservoir, swamp etc. Not exactly from Selorejo
reservoir, rather overall fish production from reservoirs in Malang is obtained from DoF.
Malang has only two main reservoirs that produce fish and they are almost same in size.
Therefore, half of the production data obtained for reservoirs is considered as fish
production from Selorejo reservoir. Table 9.9 presents the fish production data from
Selorejo. Average monthly fish production is around only 10 tonnes (113.5 tonnes
annually) from the Selorejo reservoir. Monthly average fish production is plotted against
monthly Selorejo storage and presented in Figure 9.7. However, the data range is too short
to draw some statistical interpretation.

Table 9.9 Monthly fish production (tonne) from Selorejo reservoir

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2008 5.39 6.02 3.09 5.29 2.09 1.89 12.42 4.59 1.57 4.43 5.65 7.93 60.36
2009 13.23 20.34 19.92 14.62 16.30 12.48 2.78 3.00 2.15 8.63 7.47 11.67 132.59
2010 12.93 13.97 12.31 14.41 14.36 10.81 10.86 10.23 11.06 11.31 11.94 13.35 147.54
Avg 10.52 13.44 11.77 11.44 10.92 8.39 8.69 5.94 4.93 8.12 8.35 10.98 113.49
Source: DoF, Malang, 2010

16 40
Fish production

12 30
Storage (MCM)

8 20

4 10

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 9.7 Average monthly fish production from Selorejo reservoir and corresponding
Selorejo storage

Due to its natural beauty, Selorejo reservoir attracts tourists from inside and outside
Malang. The beauty of the dam which is surrounded by hills and mountains namely Mount
Anjasmoro, Mount Kelud, and Mount Kawi, those add air coolness that can be felt. The
average temperature of 220C makes people feel at home there. The site is mainly used for
sight seeing; however, boating and skiing are also done by the recreationists. Monthly
number of recreationists to the Selorejo reservoir was collected from PJT-I. PJT-I has the
data only for the period of 2001 to 2008, which is reported in Table 9.10. Average annual

number of recreationists is about 173,215 at the reservoir site. Maximum number of
tourists are found in the month of July (dry season) whereas the lowest in February (wet
season). February is the month with highest rainfall, which is probably the reason for less
number of recreationists. On the other hand, June-July is the school holiday time, which
might affects the recreational activities and results highest number of tourists in June and
July. The number of tourists are plotted against Selorejo reservoir storage and presented in
Figure 9.8. However, no significant relation is found between reservoir storage and number
of tourists visiting the reservoir site.

Table 9.10 Monthly numbers of recreationists to the Selorejo reservoir

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2001 17,069 8,359 15,358 10,611 13,736 22,322 20,851 11,156 13,151 15,757 8,312 17,482
2002 18,671 8,964 13,551 12,275 13,076 21,390 18,642 10,385 10,593 11,472 3,995 26,507
2003 18,743 6,621 6,661 11,874 14,615 16,749 18,246 10,557 9,691 9,078 13,045 19,906
2004 11,412 8,554 8,043 10,157 13,776 19,428 19,721 13,200 12,388 6,589 23,655 11,240
2005 22,666 10,780 10,408 11,513 14,011 18,567 26,698 11,349 14,730 4,051 28,226 10,068
2006 19,047 4,942 9,191 13,292 12,329 22,482 26,985 14,719 11,698 13,801 13,691 16,154
2007 19,538 7,668 12,186 10,801 17,929 23,136 23,716 15,549 8,371 13,262 11,185 17,023
2008 23,409 10,340 13,073 9,434 16,543 18,917 22,886 13,093 13,590 13,324 13,213 18,495
Avg 18,819 8,279 11,059 11,245 14,502 20,374 22,218 12,501 11,777 10,917 14,415 17,109
Source: PJT-I Database, 2010

Storage (MCM) or Tourist ('000)

# of Tourist
35 Storage
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Figure 9.8 Average monthly number of tourists at Selorejo reservoir and corresponding
Selorejo storage

9.6.5 Agricultural data

The agricultural economy of the basin is centered on the cultivation of paddy, nearly all of
which is low land rice and irrigated. More than half of all paddy produced in Indonesia is
harvested on Java. Javanese rice yield is about 15 percent higher than the overall
Indonesian average mainly due to good irrigation system, favorable soils and climate along
with historical experience in paddy cultivation in the region (Rodgers and Hellegers,
2005). Other crops include coffee, cassava, maize, peanuts, soybeans, sugarcane, and

tobacco. The irrigated dry season crop including maize, soybeans and peanuts, are
collectively known as Palawija. The prevalent rotation in the Konto basin is paddy-paddy-
palawija. Three seasons are predominant in agricultural practices; namely: wet season
(November – February), first dry season (March – June) and second dry season (July –

Data related to agricultural practices, land use, crop calendar, climate and crop production
are collected from secondary sources, mainly from the reports made available by PJT-I.
Detailed data is reported in the next chapter in Section 10.2.2.

9.6.6 Economic data

To estimate the benefit for each of the water uses, economic data was collected as listed:

– Water tariff to be paid by PJB to PJT-I for production of hydropower (obtained

from PJB)
– Agricultural input and output price (farm gate price obtained from PJT-I)
– Fish price (market price as obtained from DoF, Malang)
– Entrance fee to the reservoir for recreational purpose (obtained from PJT-I)

Details on all these data and information are provided in the next chapter where the
economic benefit functions are established.

9.7 Estimation of environmental flow

Information related to flow in the Konto at natural condition i.e. the flow before
commissioning Selorejo reservoir on 1970 is not available from any source. However,
inflow to Selorejo is calculated by PJT-I using water level in the reservoir and past ten
years (1999 – 2008) mean monthly inflow data was made available for the study by PJT-I.
In addition, for the period of 2004 – 2008 the mean monthly flow of Konto that meets with
Brantas is obtained from PJT-I. The monthly flow of the three tributaries to Konto,
namely: Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan rivers are estimated as part of this research by
Triweko et al. (2010). Based on all these data, the virgin flow of Konto is estimated and EF
requirements for the river are assessed for two locations, namely: at Mendalan Sabo dam
(after abstraction to Siman daily retention pond) and at the last downstream point of Konto
before it meets Brantas.

9.7.1 EF at Mendalan Sabo dam

The inflow to Selorejo can suitably be considered as the natural flow in the Konto up to
Selorejo dam if the reservoir would not been there. At the downstream of Selorejo dam,
three very small (in terms of flow) tributaries met with the Konto (as shown in Figure 9.3).
Up to Mendalan Sabo dam, the length of Konto is about eight km. At this Sabo dam point,
there is a water abstraction structure with the capacity of 2 – 3 m3/s to Siman daily
retention pond to stabilize the flow to Siman power plant. Environmental flow
requirements are considered at the downstream point to Mendalan Sabo dam point after
abstraction for Siman daily retention pond.

Environmental flow is estimated based on the inflow to Selorejo (as reported in Table 9.3)
with the addition of flow of the Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan river that meets to Konto
before Mendalan Sabo dam point (as reported in Table F.1 of Appendix F). Scope of this
study is kept limited within estimation of EF by hydrological methods. However, several
hydrological methods are available as discussed in Section 2.3.4. Three different
hydrological methods, namely: Tennant method, FDC method and RVA method was
applied for the case of Teesta, the other study site of this research. Average daily flow data
at least for 20 years is required to estimate EF using FDC and RVA method. On the other
hand, Tennant method is based on mean annual flow (MAF). In case of Konto, only ten
years average monthly flow data is available, which gives MAF for using Tennant method.
The mean annual flow (MAF) for the Konto at Mendalan Sabo dam point is estimated to
be 10.74 m3/s (based on data for 1999 – 2008). The EF requirements based on Tennant
method are then presented in Table 9.11.

Table 9.11 Environmental flow requirements for the Konto at Mendalan Sabo dam point
based on Tennant method
EF requirement (m3/s)
Environmental status as
defined by Tennant High flow season Low flow season
(November - April) (May - October)
Flushing flow 20.48 (200%) 20.48 (200%)
Optimum range 6.44 – 10.74 (60 – 100%) 6.44 – 10.74 (60 – 100%)
Outstanding 6.44 (60%) 4.30 (40%)
Excellent 5.37 (50%) 3.22 (30%)
Good 4.30 (40%) 2.15 (20%)
Fair or degrading 3.22 (30%) 1.07 (10%)
Poor 1.07 (10%) 1.07 (10%)
Severe degradation <1.07 (<10%) <1.07 (<10%)
MAF= mean annual flow; values in parenthesis are the percentage of MAF

Based on Tennant method to maintain a ‘good’ environmental (habitat) status, high flow
season requires a flow of 4.30 m3/s where as low flow season needs a flow of 2.15 m3/s. If
the authority choices one status down to ‘good’ that is ‘fair or degrading’ status, then it
needs 3.22 m3/s flow for high flow season and 1.07 m3/s flow for the low flow season. In
case a ‘poor’ status is opted for, 1.07 m3/s flow needs to be maintained all the year round.

9.7.2 EF above the confluence with Brantas

Estimating EF just above the confluence of Konto with Brantas requires the virgin flow of
the basin. After the abstraction of water to Siman daily retention pond at Mendalan Sabo
dam, no other major abstraction exists at the downstream part of the Konto except 0.7 m3/s
of M&I supply. Flow at Mendalan Sabo dam point is available from the simulation of the
hydrological system carried out as part of this research and reported by Triweko et al.
(2010). Flows of Konto draining to Brantas for five years are known from PJT-I (2010a).
Summing up the inflow to Selorejo, observed flow of Konto draining to Brantas and M&I
supply with deduction of flow at Mendalan Sabo dam generate the Konto original flow.
Detailed dataset is reported in Appendix F, Table F.6.

Based on the estimate given in Table F.6, the mean annual flow (MAF) for the Konto
River is 18.77 m3/s. Using Tennant method the EF requirements for the Konto basin is
estimated and documented in Table 9.12.

Table 9.12 Environmental flow requirements for the entire Konto river basin based on
Tennant method
EF requirement (m3/s)
Environmental status as
defined by Tennant High flow season Low flow season
(November - April) (May - October)
Flushing flow 37.54 (200%) 37.54 (200%)
Optimum range 11.26 – 18.77 (60 – 100%) 11.26 – 18.77 (60 – 100%)
Outstanding 11.26 (60%) 7.51 (40%)
Excellent 9.38 (50%) 5.63 (30%)
Good 7.51 (40%) 3.75 (20%)
Fair or degrading 5.63 (30%) 1.87 (10%)
Poor 1.87 (10%) 1.87 (10%)
Severe degradation <1.87 (<10%) <1.87 (<10%)
MAF= mean annual flow; values in parenthesis are the percentage of MAF

To maintain a ‘good’ environmental (habitat) status as defined by Tennant, high flow

season requires a flow of 7.51 m3/s where as low flow season needs a flow of 3.75 m3/s. If
the authority choices one status down to ‘good’ that is ‘fair or degrading’ status, then it
needs 5.63 m3/s flow for high flow season and 1.87 m3/s flow for the low flow season. In
case a ‘poor’ status is opted for, 1.87 m3/s flow needs to be maintained all the year round.

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This chapter describes and estimates the benefit functions of water uses in the Konto using
the concept, methodology and application as described in Part-I, Chapter 3 and Part-II,
Chapters 5 and 6. To avoid the repetition, only empirical assessment of the benefit
functions of the water uses are described in this chapter with reference to previous

10.1 Hydropower

Benefit from water used in power production is estimated using Equation 3-4 and Equation
3-5. Since, no information was available related to the peak, off-peak and at night
operation time and related power production, a constant slope total benefit function i.e. a
horizontal marginal benefit function is established using the water price for energy
production that is paid by PJB to PJT-I. Currently the price is US$ 21.76 per MWh (IDR
196 per kWh).

The energy rate functions, erf (kWh/m3) and subsequently the benefit functions for the
three hydropower stations have been estimated and presented in Table 10.1.

Table 10.1 Energy rate functions and marginal benefit functions for the three hydropower
plants in Konto river basin
Energy rate function, erf Marginal benefit for water
Hydropower plant
(kWh/m3) (US$/103 m3)
Selorejo 1
erf sel = * 0.82 * h MBSel = 1.72
= 0.079 (considering
average observed effective
head, h = 35.2 m)
Mendalan 1
erf Mndl = * 0.73 * h MBMndl =6.50
= 0.299 (considering
effective head, h = 150.2 m)
Siman 1
erf siman = * 0.74 * h MBSiman = 4.67
= 0.215 (considering
effective head, h = 106.4 m)

Mendalan plant has the highest effective head among the three plants and it produces the
maximum marginal benefit of US$ 6.5 per 103 m3 of water. Selorejo plant generates the
lowest marginal benefit of US$ 1.72 per 103 m3 of water.

10.2 Irrigation
10.2.1 Irrigation water pricing

Farmers using irrigation water in the Brantas currently do not pay a volumetric tariff for
water; however, they pay an irrigation service fee (ISF) payable to local Water User
Association (WUA). PJT-I recovers recurring costs from the higher tariffs from municipal
and industrial water supplies that has a double edge, i.e. farmers get water in a low cost,
however, when water is scarce, farmers are the first to see supplies curtailed (Subijanto et
al., 2009). The ISF is placed only to generate operating funds for system maintenance and
rehabilitation. ISF is based on flat, area-based fee calibrated to reflect (i) desired level of
O&M, (ii) land productivity and (iii) the ability of farmers to pay. Currently ISF per
hectare of land and per season falls in the range of US$1.4–1.6 (IDR 12,000–14,000) for
wetland crops, mostly rice, and a lesser amount for dry-footed crops. Most of the irrigated
crops in the second dry season are considered unauthorized, that is, they do not necessarily
receive required irrigation water to maintain their crops. Since farmers are not currently
paying for bulk-water deliveries and they do not have license, they are not compensated if
they receive less water for their crops. Such a situation happened in Citarum Basin in West
Java in 2003 drought when canal-full water was passing to Jakarta leaving the agricultural
lands dry and farmers had to watch without any recourse for the imposed rationing system,
apart from social unrest (Rodgers and Hellegers, 2005).

10.2.2 Data and methods Irrigation water requirement

Land use and cropping pattern at Konto irrigation area

Information of the current land use and cropping patterns are collected from PJT-I. Rice in
three seasons (Dry-1, Dry-2 and Wet) and Palawija in two seasons (Dry-1 and Dry-2)
mainly are grown in Konto irrigation area that includes Srinjing irrigation area and right
Konto irrigation area as shown in Figure 9.3. The crops grown in different seasons and
area irrigated for each crop are documented in Table 10.2. Figure 10.1 shows the crop
calendar for irrigated crops at the Konto Irrigation Project.

Table 10.2 Agricultural land use patterns at Konto irrigation area

Crop 1 Crop 2
Season (Duration) Cropped % of net Cropped % of net
Crop Crop
area (ha) area area (ha) area
Dry-1 (March – June) Paddy 11,835 39 Palawija 10,638 70
Dry-2 (July – October) Paddy 2,438 8 Palawija 21,336 35
Wet (November - Paddy 23,275 77 ---- ----
Total cropped area (ha) 69,522
Net area (ha) 30,431
Crop intensity (%) 2.28
Source: PJT, 2010

Figure 10.1 Crop calendar for Konto Irrigation Project
Source: PJT-I, 2007

Potential evapotranspiration (ET0)

Potential evapotranspiration is calculated with Penman-Montieth method. Using the

climatic dataset for the closest station, Karangploso of the irrigation area, the potential
evapotranspiration is calculated and reported in Table 10.3.

Table 10.3 Climatic data and ET0 at Konto Irrigation Project

Avg Temp Humidity Wind speed Sunshine Solar radiation ET0
(oC) (%) (km/d) (h) (MJ/m2/d) (mm/d)
January 24.5 75 74 7.2 18.5 3.62
February 23.1 80 79 3.0 13.3 2.80
March 23.3 82 160 4.1 15.6 3.27
April 23.1 78 168 6.5 19.5 3.94
May 23.0 79 225 7.4 20.3 4.04
June 23.1 80 242 8.7 23.2 4.38
July 22.7 76 352 10.1 24.0 4.69
August 23.9 82 256 10.7 25.5 4.72
September 23.8 83 307 11.5 27.0 4.85
October 23.8 82 259 9.5 23.2 4.34
November 24.0 81 67 7.0 18.3 3.49
December 23.8 81 74 7.2 18.0 3.61
Source: PJT-I database, 2010

Seepage & percolation (S&P) rate

Seepage (S), the lateral subsurface flow of water from a bunded rice field and percolation
(P), the downward flow of water below the root zone occur simultaneously during land
preparation and crop growth period and are governed by the water head (depth of pounded
water) on the field and the resistance to water movement in the soil. Due to the difficulty in
separation between seepage and percolation in the field, S and P are often taken together as
one term, S&P. The S&P value for Konto irrigation area is considered as 2 mm/d as used
in earlier studies (e.g. PJT-I, 2007).

Mean aerial Rainfall

Past ten years (1999 – 2008) rainfall data collected at Karangploso station as documented
in Table 9.5 is used for irrigation water requirements calculations.

Irrigation requirement

Irrigation water requirements for Palawija crops are estimated using CROPWAT model
version 4.3 (FAO, 1998). Since rice is not included in CROPWAT 4.3, similar approach of
field water balance as mentioned in Chapter 5, Equation 5-1 is employed to estimate the
irrigation water requirement for paddy. All the rice types in the project area are considered
to be of lowland type. In the water balance approach S&P loss (2 mm/d) is assumed to
occur for the first 105 days when the ponding condition exists and afterwards the rice field
is drained for last 15 days where the total growth period of the rice crops are considered
120 days. Ponding depth in rice field is assumed to be at least 50 mm with a maximum up
to 100 mm. In case of excess rainfall beyond the field-bund capacity, the excess rainwater
goes out from the system as runoff. In addition, water requirement for nursery (nursery is
assumed as 5% of respective rice area cultivated) and land preparation are accounted for.
Crop coefficient of rice for different stages of crop growth and corresponding length in
days are used as mentioned in Table 10.4.

Water requirement for land preparation

Water requirement for land preparation for rice at the Konto irrigation area is assumed 180
mm for a period of 20 days i.e. 9 mm/d.

Table 10.4 Crop coefficient and duration of different stages of rice and Palawija crop
Length (day) Crop coefficient
Rice Palawija Rice Palawija
Land preparation 20 --- --- ---
Nursery 30 --- 1.20 ---
Initial stage 20 20 1.10 0.45
Development stage 30 30 1.10 – 1.25 0.45 – 1.00
Mid season 40 40 1.25 1.00
Late season 30 30 1.25 – 1.00 1.00 – 0.45
Total 120 120
Source: Solihah, 2011

Irrigation efficiency

Two measures of water are dealt, namely: water use requirement at field (WRF) which is
the actual irrigation requirement for plants at the field level and water withdrawal
requirement from the source (WWR). Water withdrawal requirement would be always
higher than WRF due to several losses. The ratio of WRF to WWR is defined as the overall
efficiency of the irrigation project. For the Konto irrigation area, overall irrigation
efficiency (including conveyance, field channel and field application) is considered to be
55% based on several studies (e.g. Rodgers and Hellegers, 2005) for the Brantas basin.

148 Irrigation water value using Residual Imputation Method

Irrigation water value for the Konto Irrigation area is estimated using RIM. The theory of
RIM is already described and discussed in Chapter 5 under Section 5.2.2. Residual
imputation method accounts for the incremental contribution of each input in a production
process. In the market with competitive equilibrium, when correct prices – equal to their
marginal returns – are assigned to all input resources used in production process except one
(water in this particular case), the remainder of total value of the product is imputed to the
remaining or the residual input resource (Young, 1996; Agudelo, 2001). Inputs for
agricultural production are considered as labor, tractor, seed, fertilizer, pesticide and
equipments. Information on the quantities of inputs for and output from the crop
production process are mainly collected through PJT-I. Market prices as of December 2010
for the agricultural inputs and outputs are considered in the residual imputation analyses. Total and marginal benefit function

Similar approach as mentioned in Chapter 5 is again adopted here. Yield response to water
stress due to five different levels of hypothetical water shortage form the basis in
estimating the total and marginal benefit functions for irrigation water. Residual imputation
method gives the irrigation water value for each level of water shortage. Yield loss for the
Palawija crops are estimated using Equation 5-4 whereas for rice Equation 5-5 is used.
Potential yield values (Ymax) are taken from Rodgers and Hellegers, 2005.

10.2.3 Results and discussion Irrigation water use requirements

Dry season six months (May - October) mainly need irrigation supply. Table 10.5 presents
the net irrigation water requirements at field along with the effective rainfall for paddy and
Palawija. Paddy in Dry-1 and wet season needs less amount of irrigation water of 230 and
214 mm respectively in compare to Paddy in dry-2 season, which needs as much as 1,080
mm of irrigation supply. In dry-2 season rainfall amount is very small, which results higher
irrigation demand.

In case of rice, the effective rainfall is estimated from the field water balance study
(Equation 5-1) pertaining to maintain the ponding condition in the field after
transplantation of the rice plants. Effective rainfall for other crops is estimated using the
USDA soil conservation service method embedded in the CROPWAT modeling.

Table 10.5 Water use requirement at field (WRF) (mm) for rice and Palawija crops grown
in the Konto irrigation area
Water requirement at field and effective
Crops rainfall
(growing period) Effective
Total WRF Net WRF Sum
Paddy Dry-1 Nursery 114 436 0
(D1 Feb – D3 Jun) LP 180 294 0
Growing stage 810 580 230 230
Paddy Dry-2 Nursery 162 11 151
(D1 Jun – D3 Oct) LP 180 7 173
Growing stage 905 149 756 1,080
Paddy Wet Nursery 152 88 64
(D1 Oct – D3 Feb) LP 180 70 110
Growing stage 750 710 40 214
Palawija Dry-1
Growing stage 541 419 122 122
(D1 Mar – D3 Jun)
Palawija Dry-2
Growing stage 440 108 332 332
(D1 July – D3 October)
LP = Land preparation; CWR= Crop water requirement including the water requirements to maintain
ponding condition; D1, D2 and D3 are 1-10, 11-20 and 21-30 dates of each month

Table 10.6 presents the WRF and WWR in monthly basis and by crop wise. Total
irrigation water requirement at field is calculated to be 464 mm. Considering the overall
irrigation efficiency of 55% (ADB/IFPRI (2003) reported the overall efficiency for Konto
irrigation system is 0.53 – 0.59), water withdrawal requirements stands for 843 mm.

Table 10.6 Irrigation Water Requirement (mm) for all Crops and By Months
Paddy Paddy Paddy Palawija Palawija Total Total
Dry-1 Dry-2 Wet Dry-1 Dry-2 WRF WWR
Area under 39 8 77 35 70
crop (%)
May 75 0 0 47 0 45 83
June 155 325 0 75 0 88 160
July 0 220 0 0 50 53 96
August 0 239 0 0 130 110 201
September 0 225 0 0 132 110 201
October 0 72 213 0 20 57 104
Sum 230 1,081 213 122 332 464 843
WRF=Water requirement at Field; WDR=Water diversion requirement Value of water for irrigation

The value of irrigation water is estimated based on residual imputation method and the
results are presented in Table 10.7 for each crop. The details of the RIM calculation with

each input output price is reported in Tables G.1 and G.2 of Appendix G. The value of
water value estimation presented in Table10.7 considers no-water-stress to the crops
implying highest possible yield. Among all the crops grown in the Konto irrigation project
area using irrigation water, Paddy Dry-1 generates the highest irrigation-water value of
US$ 86 per 103 m3 of water (IDR 777 per m3). Due to less rainfall, paddy grown in the
second dry season requires the largest part of irrigation water and results in the lowest
irrigation water value of US$ 24 per 103 m3 of irrigation water (IDR 214 per m3). The
average value of water for irrigation is estimated as US$ 65 per 103 m3 (IDR 584 per m3)
of water diverted and US$ 117 per 103 m3 (IDR 1,061 per m3) of water used at field level.

Table 10.7 Value of irrigation water for different crops grown in Konto irrigation project
Area Input cost Yield Harvest value WWR Value of water
irrigated (ha) (US$/ha) (t/ha) (US$/ha) (m3/ha) (US$/ 103m3)
Paddy Dry-1 11,835 958 5.4 1,319 4,184 86
Paddy Dry-2 2,438 975 5.9 1,441 19,645 24
Paddy wet 23,275 1005 5.1 1,246 3,876 62
Palawija Dry-1 10,638 689 2.25 875 2,224 84
Palawija Dry-2 21,336 704 2.25 875 6,045 28
Average value of withdrawn irrigation water 65
Average value of irrigation water used at field level 117 Total and Marginal benefit functions

Following RIM, the overall benefit from agricultural production using irrigation water at
the Konto irrigation site is calculated for five different water shortage levels. Total benefits
is distributed over the irrigation season uniformly and considered on monthly basis. Water
availability is further reported as the mean flow over six months of the irrigation period.
Table 10.8 represents the water availability and monthly benefit at different water shortage
levels. Using the water availability and monthly benefits in the quadratic function
(Equation 3-1) the total benefit function from irrigation water is established. Equations 10-
1 and 10-2 present the total and marginal benefit function for the irrigation water use in
monthly basis. Values of TB and MB in Equations 10-1 and 10-2 respectively are in
million US$ per month. The total and marginal benefit function is also presented in Figure

TB = -0.0009*flow2 + 0.2033*flow – 0.3456 (10-1)

MB = -0.0018*flow + 0.2033 (10-2)

Table 10.8 Average monthly benefits to be imputed to withdrawn irrigation water at

different water shortage levels
Water shortage in % of water withdrawal requirement
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Water availability m /s 16.5 14.9 13.2 11.6 9.9 8.3
(mm) (844) (759) (675) (591) (506) (422)
Benefit (106 US$) 2.771 2.476 2.184 1.887 1.583 1.271

Analyses based on residual imputation method indicate that the average value of supplied
irrigation water for Konto irrigation project, IDR 584 per m3 is much higher than the
currently practiced irrigation service fee (ISF) of IDR 5.0 per m3 considering IDR 42,000
(3 seasons*IDR 14,000 per season) is paid for 8,430 m3 of diverted irrigation water per
hectare of land per year.

An average monthly flow of 16.5 m3/s meets fully the irrigation demand and generates the
maximum total benefit of US$ 16.62 million (IDR 149.66 billion) from the whole
irrigation season, which generates a monthly benefit of US$ 2.771 million (IDR 24.95
billion). At the full supply level the marginal benefit is about US$ 0.174 million per month
per m3/s. The marginal benefit would become US$ 0.188 million per month per m3/s when
the flow decreased to half (8.25 m3/s).

3 0.19

MB (10 US$/month per m /s)

TB (10 US$/month)

2 0.18

Total Benefit (TB)
Marginal Benefit (MB)
1 0.17
5 10 15 20
Flow to irrigation project (m /s)

Figure 10.2 Total and marginal benefit functions for irrigation water use in the Konto
irrigation project

10.3 Reservoir recreation and fishery

10.3.1 Reservoir recreation

The number of tourists visiting Selorejo reservoir is already reported in Tables 9.10. In
estimating the total benefit from reservoir recreation a travel cost approach is considered;
however, no information and data is available regarding the travel of the tourists to the
Selorejo reservoir site. Based on personal communication to the PJT-I officials establishing
the benefit function for recreation is attempted. According to PJT-I officials, Selorejo
reservoir attracts mainly the local tourists where 50% normally do not stay overnight at the
reservoir site. Average travel distance is considered 40 km, four persons in a vehicle and
10 km per liter of fuel (petrol; IDR 5,000/liter) give an average fuel cost of IDR 5,000 per
capita. Considering average one meal per person of IDR 10,000 with an entrance fee of
IDR 7,300 per person as provided by PJT-I generate a total benefit of IDR

5,000+10,000+7,300 = 22,300 (US$ 2.5) for a person who does not stay overnight at the
Selorejo reservoir site. Opportunity cost of leisure time is considered zero, which is
contended by some researchers even though some researchers accounted the opportunity
cost of time in different formats as mentioned by Young (2005). Average accommodation
charge at the Selorejo site is around IDR 150,000 per person per night which gives the
benefit of IDR 178,300 including two more meals (US$ 19.8) for the tourists who stay
overnight at the site. Table 10.9 presents average monthly number of tourists based on past
eight years data as reported in Table 9.10 and related their benefits. Average monthly
benefit from Selorejo reservoir site recreation is about US$ 160x103. Maximum benefit is
observed in July, which is almost US$ 250x103, whereas minimum benefit generating
month is February with the benefit value of US$ 92x103. Corresponding storages in
Selorejo are 34.11x106 m3 in July and 24.91x106 m3 for February. Minimum storage in
Selorejo normally occurs in the month of November when benefit for recreation is about
US$ 160x103.

Table 10.9 Average monthly storage of Selorejo reservoir, number of tourists and related
Selorejo Storage Recreational benefit
Month No of tourists
(106 m3) (103 US$)
January 16.55 18,819 209.62
February 24.91 8,279 92.21
March 31.65 11,059 123.18
April 35.46 11,245 125.25
May 37.90 14,502 161.53
June 37.19 20,374 226.93
July 34.11 22,218 247.47
August 29.19 12,501 139.24
September 23.47 11,777 131.17
October 17.32 10,917 121.59
November 12.76 14,415 160.56
December 13.63 17,109 190.57
Average 26.18 14,435 160.78
Source: PJT-I database, 2010

Average monthly number of tourists visiting Selorejo site is plotted against the average
monthly Selorejo storage and presented in Figure 10.3. A concave shape function is
observed (r2 = 0.27) which indicates high and low storages in Selorejo attract higher
number of tourists compare to medium storage. However, seasonal and few other factors
(e.g. end of school vacation) might affect on recreational activity, which has not been
explored within the scope of this research.

10.3.2 Reservoir fishery

Past three years (2008 – 2010) monthly fish production from Selorejo is estimated from the
data and information obtained from DoF, Malang, which has already been reported in
Table 9.9. Fish price information is also obtained from DoF, Malang. Benefit from fish
production in detail is documented in Appendix G Tables G.3 and G.4. Table 10.10

presents the average monthly Selorejo storage and corresponding fish production and their


Average monthly tourist ('000)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Average monthly storage (MCM)

Figure 10.3 Monthly average Selorejo reservoir storage and number of tourists

Table 10.10 Average monthly storage of Selorejo reservoir, fish production and related
Selorejo Storage Fish production Fishery Benefit
(106 m3) (t) (103 US$)
January 16.55 10.52 11.08
February 24.91 13.44 14.35
March 31.65 11.77 12.56
April 35.46 11.44 12.21
May 37.90 10.92 11.42
June 37.19 8.39 8.79
July 34.11 8.69 8.81
August 29.19 5.94 6.06
September 23.47 4.93 5.07
October 17.32 8.12 8.90
November 12.76 8.35 8.98
December 13.63 10.98 11.56
Average 26.18 9.46 9.98
Source: DoF, Malang, 2010

Average monthly fishery benefit is about US$ 10,000. Maximum fishery benefit
generating month is February (mid of wet season) with the benefit of US$ 14,350 when
reservoir storage is about 25x106 m3. Such storage is about the mid level of reservoir
(estimated average maximum and minimum storages in Selorejo are 12.76 and 37.9x106

m3). Minimum fishery benefit is observed in September (end of dry season) when storage
is still in mid level. Seasonal effect as well as catching behavior might affect fish
production and related benefit.

Average monthly fish production is plotted against the average monthly Selorejo storage
and presented in Figure 10.4. A concave shape function is also observed (r2 = 0.04) in this
case which indicates high and low storages in Selorejo produce more fish in compare to
medium storage. However, other factors (e.g. water quality, fish concentration) might
affect on fish production, which has not been explored within the scope of this research.
Also statistical behavior based on only three years data would be very rough.

Average monthly fish production (t)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Storage (MCM)
Figure 10.4 Monthly average fish production and storage of Selorejo reservoir

10.3.3 Combined benefit function for reservoir recreation and fisheries

The recreational activity and fish production and consequently related benefits are
considered as a function of reservoir storage. In both cases of recreation and fishery
benefit, the obtained function is a concave shape, which indicates that low and high
storages generate higher benefit in compare to mid level of storage. However, the obtained
functions are found very poorly fit. To have a total benefit function combining reservoir
recreation and fishery and which is compatible to Aquarius, a hyperbolic tangent function
is finally considered and established using Equation 3-6 based on average monthly
reservoir storage and corresponding total benefit of recreational activity and fish
production. The total benefit function (hyperbolic tangent function) for reservoir recreation
and fishery is estimated and mentioned in Equation 10.3. Values of TB in this equation are
in US$.

[ (
TBrec + fish = 170000 tanh 0.001* S j ,t − 0.05 + 1 ) ] (10-3)

Where, the values of the coefficients a, b and c are 170,000; 0.001 and 0.05 respectively as
Aquarius prescribed.

The actual values of benefit from reservoir recreation and fisheries with the modeled
values are presented in Figure 10.5. The solid line is the linear trend line for the actual
estimated benefits.

Linear (Actual)
Total benefit (103 US$)



0 10 20 30 40
Selorejo storage (MCM)

Figure 10.5 Actual and modeled total benefit from reservoir recreation and fishery

10.4 Municipal and industrial (M&I) uses

Water supply for M&I uses are quite small in amount, only 0.04 m3/s for municipal and
0.66 m3/s for the industrial uses. Information available on M&I uses are the average supply
and average price (water service fee) per unit volume of water. Seasonal variation of
demand and supply are not available in this case. Therefore, the water service fee is
considered as the marginal benefit function (constant slope) for M&I uses. The M&I water
service fee in Konto is IDR 84.50/m3 (US$ 0.009/m3) for municipal use and IDR
188.10/m3 (US$ 0.021/m3) for industrial uses. The weighted average of service fee of the
municipal and industrial uses is US$ 0.02/m3, which has been considered as the marginal
benefit for M&I uses in the Konto.

10.5 Discussion and concluding remarks

This chapter estimates the total and marginal benefits and develops the benefit functions of
the water uses (hydropower, irrigation, reservoir recreation and fisheries and municipal and
industrial use) in the Konto river basin. Value of water in hydropower generation is found
US$ 1.71x10-3, 6.5x10-3 and 4.67x10-3 per m3 of water passing through the turbine of
Selorejo, Mendalan and Siman plants respectively. Hydropower generation depends of
topography (for gaining head) and size of reservoir (for discharge). Selorejo is a small
reservoir and other two plants are run-off-river types; however, the latter two have higher
effective head than Selorejo plant due to topography. Moran and Dann (2008) calculated

the water value for hydropower generation for Scotland using alternative cost approach and
they found the value is about US$ 2.89x10-3 per m3 when compare to coal generated
power. On the other hand, Kadigi et al. (2008) reported the value of water in hydropower
generation using power price for Tanzania and they found the value is in the range of US$
0.06 to 0.21 per m3.

Value of irrigation water for the Konto irrigation project appears to be US$ 0.065 per m3
diverted and US$ 0.117 per m3 applied water in the field whereas the figures for the TIP
are US$ 0.024 and US$ 0.06 per m3 respectively. As mentioned in Chapter 5, Hussain et
al. (2007) reported the values of irrigation water from several irrigation systems in
different countries and the values are in the range of US$ 0.02 to 0.07 per m3 (details are
given in section 5.4). Comparing with these values as obtained from TIP and as reported
by Hussain et al. (2007), Konto irrigation project produces higher value for irrigation water

Value of water from reservoir recreation and fisheries is not very high in case of Selorejo.
According to PJT-I officials, the Selorejo reservoir is not in fact designed for recreational
purposes and also not used for fisheries. The existing fisheries are actually a subsistence
activity by the local people.

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This chapter describes and estimates the optimal water allocation among the water-users in
the Konto basin using hydro-economic model (HEM) and the related benefits using the
benefit functions developed in Chapter 10. Background concept of HEM, model
development and its applicability are already discussed in Part-I, Chapter 3 and Part-II,
Chapter 8. To avoid the repetition, only empirical estimation of water allocation and
related benefits for the water uses are described in this chapter.

11.1 Water allocation in the Konto River Basin using HEM

Water uses in the Konto basin is quite intriguing; water released from Selorejo reservoir is
diverted to a series of power plants. Since hydropower use of water is non-consumptive,
the water released from the last power-plant is used in irrigation and does not go back to
the main course of Konto River. In addition, Selorejo reservoir is also used for recreational
purposes and for fisheries. Small scale domestic and industrial (M&I) uses from Konto is
also exist at the downstream.

11.1.1 Objective function

Maximization of economic benefit from all the water uses in the basin considering a
monthly time step is carried out. Equation 11-1 is used to represent the optimization
function of the water allocation. In this study, the benefit functions for the water use
sectors are derived externally and then are incorporated into the optimization model.

⎛ ⎞
max⎜ ∑∑ Bnt : X ∈ Ω ⎟ (11-1)
⎝ n t ⎠

Where, Bnt is the benefit (consumer surplus) for demand node, n during time period, t and
X ∈ Ω presents the hydrologic and economic constraints of the model. The set of
constraints are considered according to Equation 3-9. Optimization problem is solved using
Aquarius modeling software. Description on Aquarius is provided in section 3.4.2.

11.1.2 The Konto River Basin schematic

Four water users, namely hydropower, domestic and industrial water supply, irrigation
water supply and reservoir fishery and recreation are considered for optimal water
allocation in the Konto basin. Selorejo reservoir is the upstream boundary of the river
network. Inflow to Selorejo acts as the model boundary. Using the water system
component palette in Aquarius, the Konto river study site is assembled and presented in
Figure 11.1.

4 11

6 10 13


7 9 9

Figure 11.1 Konto River network in Aquarius modeling platform

11.1.3 Physical and economic data for ‘Aquarius’ Physical data

– Inflow: inflow to the Selorejo reservoir and flow of the three tributaries, namely
Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan for past 10 years (1999 – 2008) are given as input
for inflow (data sets are presented in Table 9.3 and in Table F.1 of Appendix F).
The local flow of Konto is also given as a separate input (dataset is reported in
Table F.6 (column 5) of Appendix F).
– Reservoir: for the Selorejo reservoir following data are given as input:
Elevation versus storage function (as a power function);
Surface area versus storage function (as a power function);
Initial and final storage;
Minimum and maximum storage (based on power plant operational
(All the above data is reported in Table H.1 in Appendix H).
– Hydropower: data related to installed capacity and design discharge for the
Selorejo, Mendalan and Siman hydropower plants are given input as obtained from
PJT-1. Energy rate functions are calculated and given as input. (All the input data
are reported in Table H.2 in Appendix H).
– Irrigation demand site: minimum irrigation supply is considered as zero and
maximum irrigation supply is taken from the monthly irrigation demand as
calculated in Table 10.6. Operation constraint is treated as maximum flow, which
means the diversion for irrigation would follow up to the maximum irrigation
– Municipal and Industrial (M&I) demand site: Minimum supply to M&I site would
be zero and the maximum supply follow the demand, which is 0.7 m3/s for all

– Instream demand: minimum instream flow (equals EF) requirements at two points
(as calculated in Section 9.7 and Tables 9.11 and 9.12) are considered as constraint
in water allocation model. Minimum instream flow demand at Mendalan Sabo dam
is taken as 3.22 m3/s for the high flow season (November to April) and 1.07 m3/s
for the low flow season (May to October) to maintain a ‘fair or degrading’ status as
defined by Tennant. Whereas, at the confluence point of Konto with Brantas, the
instream demands are considered as 5.63 m3/s for high flow season and 1.87 m3/s
for the low flow season. Water allocation is carried out for both consideration of
without and with environmental flow constraints.
– Reservoir recreation and fishery: based on the analyses and function for fishery and
recreation benefit in Figure 10.5, minimum and maximum storage for this purpose
is considered and input as 10 and 38x106 m3 respectively. Economic data

Economic data required for optimization involves in defining the demand functions for
each water use through giving input of the necessary coefficient values to specify the
demand curve.

– Hydropower: constant price function is chosen for this study. US$ 21.76 per MWh
is the rate here, which corresponds to IDR 196.69 per kWh.
– Irrigation: two options are available in defining irrigation water use demand
function, namely: exponential decaying price and constant price. However, the
established demand function (or marginal benefit function, as shown in Figure
10.2) is linear The linear demand curve is converted into a fitted exponential curve
(as discussed and shown in Appendix H, Table H.3 and Figure H.5) and the
parameter values are used in the model. The values of the parameters a and b for
the exponential function (y=ae-x/b) are respectively 78900 and 265 and given as
– Reservoir recreation and fishery: based on the benefit function as developed earlier
in Equation 10-3, the parameter values are given as input to the Aquarius model.
Parameters a, b, and c values are respectively 170,000; 0.001 and 0.05.
– M&I uses: a constant price function is considered for this study. Weighted average
value of municipal and industrial water service fee is calculated, which is US$ 0.02
per m3 (IDR 182.20/m3) and this number is given as the input for demand function
of M&I uses.

11.1.4 Verification of the water allocation model

Inflow to Selorejo reservoir is known and acts as the upper boundary of the model.
Reservoir operation is constrained on minimum and maximum storage. Based on this
boundary and constraints, the model is set up in Aquarius and run with six years (2003 -
2008) mean monthly dataset to maximize overall basin benefit. Six years data is used
because only in this period all the users are in operation. Downstream of Selorejo, only
observed information is the Selorejo release and observed power productions, which are
compared with the Aquarius output. The model output of Selorejo release fits with the
observed release data with an r2 value of 0.79 (Figure 11.2), which is considered to be a
satisfactory fit. Difference in observed and modeled released data is might be due to not
having a well fitted power relation between elevation versus storage and area versus

storage for Selorejo (as shown in Figures H.1 and H.2 in Appendix H); however, Aquarius
deals only with power relation.

Model output
Obs data

Selorejo Release (m /s)



Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08

Figure 11.2 Comparison between model output and observed Selorejo release

11.2 Results – optimization model

The optimization model is first run for the existing operation policy, which refers to
maximization of economic benefit without any constraint. Minimum and maximum storage
for the Selorejo and maximum discharge capacity to the power plants are the operational
constraints (maximum diversion) used. This scenario is termed as the baseline scenario
(S0, Case-I). Several other alternative scenarios (as tabulated in Table 11.1) are also run
and the sensitivity of the model is carried out.

Table 11.1 Scenarios considered for optimal water allocation in Konto river basin
Scenario Description
S0 Baseline (existing operation policy)
S1 Dry year flow (25% lower flow than the average year flow)
S2 Wet year flow (25% higher flow than the average year flow)
S3 Maintaining high water level (620 m) in the Selorejo reservoir to facilitate
reservoir recreation and fishery
S4 Maintaining low water level (610 m) in the Selorejo reservoir to observe the
loss from reservoir recreation and fishery
S5 Low level of EF
S6 High level of EF

For each individual scenario including the baseline, two cases are considered, namely;
Case-I: benefit maximization (without EF constraint meaning that water is allocated to

maximize overall benefit) and Case-II: environmental protection by ensuring
environmental flow requirements at Mendalan Sabo dam point.

In the above mentioned scenarios of S0 to S4, Case-II is run with an EF level of ‘fair or
degrading’ status as defined by Tennant. However, another two other alternative cases are
also considered one with one step lower than the ‘fair’ level and another with higher than
the ‘fair’ level of EF. In case of lower level of EF (Scenario 5), a ‘poor’ condition for the
high flow season (with a flow of 1.07 m3/s at Mendalan Sabo dam and 1.87 m3/s for most
downstream point) and ‘severe degradation’ for the low flow season (with a flow of 0.75
m3/s at Mendalan Sabo dam and 1.50 m3/s for the confluence point with Brantas) is
considered (Tables 9.11 and 9.12). In case of a higher level of EF (Scenario 6), ‘good’
environmental status is considered, which corresponds flow of 4.3 and 2.15 m3/s for high
and low flow season respectively at Mendalan Sabo dam (Table 9.11) and 7.51 and 3.75
m3/s of flow for high and low flow season respectively at the most downstream point (at
confluence with Brantas) (Table 9.12). Scenarios 5 and 6 are run with an average flow year

11.2.1 Baseline optimal solution

The baseline scenario is run with mean monthly inflows for six years (2003 – 2008) to the
Selorejo reservoir without any restriction in water allocation, which implies an allocation
of water to maximize economic benefit. Six years data is used because the Mendalan and
Siman power plants came into operation since 2003 meaning that all the water-users came
into operation from 2003. Diversion of Selorejo water to hydropower plants to maximize
the power production is fully utilized here. Table 11.2 presents the monthly water
allocation to the water users as well as the flow balance for the river system for high and
low flow season. It is evident from Table 11.2 that current operation of the system does not
satisfy EF at Mendalan Sabo dam point whereas at the most downstream point EF is
satisfied due to local flow and no major abstraction of river water after Mendalan Sabo
dam. The estimated flow and environmental flow requirements at Mendalan Sabo point for
the entire analysis period are shown in Figure 11.3. The figure depicts that particularly in
dry season the river becomes almost dry with zero flow.

The baseline scenario, therefore, is again run with the constraint of minimum EF
requirements at the Mendalan Sabo dam point as well as at the most downstream point.
The EF values are already mentioned earlier. ‘Fair or degrading’ condition is considered
for all scenarios except Scenarios 5 and 6. This run is terms as Scenario 0, Case-II and for
this run, the water allocation and flow balances are checked and presented in Table 11.3.

Table 11.2 Monthly water allocation and flow balance at the Konto study site without EF constraints (Scenario S0, Case-I) (Unit: m3/s)
Flows Flow Flow to Konto flow
Flow in Return Supply D/S of Local
Inflow SR release Sambong above Flow to Siman Supply before
Month Konto flow from to Siman Mndln flow of
to SR to SHP Nogo, & Mndln MHP HP=irr to M&I meeting to
d/s SR SHP DRP Sabo Dam Konto
Nambaan Sabo dam supply Brantas
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
High flow (wet) season
Nov 8.61 8.42 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.28 8.42 0.08 8.50 0.20 10.70 0.70 10.20
Dec 10.95 8.38 0.00 0.34 0.00 0.34 8.38 0.12 8.50 0.22 10.38 0.70 9.90
Jan 11.62 8.61 0.00 0.47 0.11 0.58 8.50 0.00 8.50 0.58 9.72 0.70 9.60
Feb 16.75 13.47 0.00 0.66 4.97 5.63 8.50 0.00 8.50 5.63 6.27 0.70 11.20
Mar 15.44 14.78 0.00 0.63 6.28 6.91 8.50 0.00 8.50 6.91 5.59 0.70 11.80
Apr 13.11 13.33 0.00 0.49 4.83 5.32 8.50 0.00 8.50 5.32 7.43 0.70 12.05
Average 12.75 11.17 0.00 0.48 2.70 3.18 8.47 0.03 8.50 3.14 8.35 0.70 10.79
Low flow (dry season)
May 10.39 10.27 0.00 0.39 1.77 2.16 8.50 0.00 8.50 2.16 8.59 0.70 10.05
Jun 8.41 8.63 0.00 0.35 0.13 0.48 8.50 0.00 8.50 0.48 9.52 0.70 9.30
July 7.26 8.51 0.00 0.30 0.01 0.31 8.50 0.00 8.50 0.31 8.69 0.70 8.30
Aug 6.55 8.35 0.00 0.27 0.00 0.27 8.35 0.15 8.50 0.12 8.68 0.70 8.10
Sep 6.54 8.36 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 8.36 0.14 8.50 0.11 9.29 0.70 8.70
Oct 7.27 8.35 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 8.35 0.15 8.50 0.10 10.6 0.70 10.00
Average 7.74 8.75 0.00 0.30 0.32 0.62 8.43 0.07 8.50 0.55 9.23 0.70 9.08
Note: SR = Selorejo reservoir; SHP = Selorejo hydropower plant; MHP = Mendalan hydropower plant; DRP = daily retention pond; Column numbers are the locations as
shown in Figure 11.1

Table 11.3 Monthly water allocation and flow balance at the Konto study site with EF constraints (Scenario S0, Case-II) (Unit: m3/s)
Flows Flow Flow to
Flow in Return Supply D/S of Local Flow before
Inflow SR release Sambong above Flow to Siman Supply
Month Konto flow from to Siman Mndln flow of meeting to
to SR to SHP Nogo, & Mndln MHP HP=irr to M&I
d/s SR SHP DRP Sabo Dam Konto Brantas
Nambaan Sabo dam supply
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
High flow (wet) season
Nov 8.61 5.20 3.22 0.28 0.00 3.50 5.20 0.28 5.48 3.22 10.70 0.70 13.22
Dec 10.95 5.16 3.22 0.34 0.00 3.56 5.16 0.34 5.50 3.22 10.38 0.70 12.90
Jan 11.62 5.39 3.22 0.47 0.00 3.69 5.39 0.47 5.86 3.22 9.72 0.70 12.24
Feb 16.75 10.25 3.22 0.66 1.75 5.63 8.50 0.00 8.50 5.63 6.27 0.70 11.20
Mar 15.44 11.56 3.22 0.63 3.06 6.91 8.50 0.00 8.50 6.91 5.59 0.70 11.80
Apr 13.11 10.11 3.22 0.49 1.61 5.32 8.50 0.00 8.50 5.32 7.43 0.70 12.05
Average 12.75 7.95 3.22 0.48 1.07 4.77 6.88 0.18 7.06 4.59 8.35 0.70 12.24
Low flow (dry) season
May 10.39 9.20 1.07 0.39 0.70 2.16 8.50 0.00 8.50 2.16 8.59 0.70 10.05
Jun 8.41 7.56 1.07 0.35 0.00 1.42 7.56 0.35 7.91 1.07 9.52 0.70 9.89
July 7.26 7.44 1.07 0.30 0.00 1.37 7.44 0.30 7.74 1.07 8.69 0.70 9.06
Aug 6.55 7.28 1.07 0.27 0.00 1.34 7.28 0.27 7.55 1.07 8.68 0.70 9.05
Sep 6.54 7.29 1.07 0.25 0.00 1.32 7.29 0.25 7.54 1.07 9.29 0.70 9.66
Oct 7.27 7.28 1.07 0.25 0.00 1.32 7.28 0.25 7.53 1.07 10.6 0.70 10.97
Average 7.74 7.68 1.07 0.30 0.12 1.49 7.56 0.24 7.80 1.25 9.23 0.70 9.78
Note: SR = Selorejo reservoir; SHP = Selorejo hydropower plant; MHP = Mendalan hydropower plant; DRP = daily retention pond; Column numbers are the locations as
shown in Figure 11.1

Estimated flow

Flow (m3/s)

Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08
Figure 11.3 Estimated flow and environmental flow requirements at Mendalan Sabo dam

Total 308x106 m3 of water passes through the Selorejo power plant turbine that produces
25,951 MWh energy annually with a value of US$ 0.567 million (IDR 5,106 million)
(Table 11.4). From this 308x106 m3 of water, 45x106 m3 water is again diverted back to
Konto and remaining 263x106 m3 of water is being used by Mendalan power plant that
produces 78,844 MWh energy with the value of US$ 1.722 million (IDR 15,506 million)
in annual basis. Again 5x106 m3of water is diverted to Siman power plant from Mendalan
Sabo dam point. Total 268x106 m3water is used in Siman power plant where 57,611 MWh
energy is produced with a value of US$ 1.258 million (IDR 11,328 million). Cumulative
benefit from power generation by water at this point is US$ 3.547 million (IDR 31,940
million). From the released water of Siman power plant, 157x106 m3water is used in Konto
irrigation project based on monthly demand of irrigation. However, irrigation benefit is
higher than power production benefit. Irrigation benefit in this scenario is US$ 10.219
million (IDR 92,018 million). Benefit from reservoir recreation and fishery in this scenario
is US$ 2.080 million (IDR 18,730 million) and M&I uses is US$ 0.435 million. Total basin
benefit in this scenario without considering EF (S0, Case-I) is US$ 16.282 million (IDR
146,610 million).

The baseline scenario is also run with the constraint of satisfying the minimum EF
requirements downstream to Mendalan Sabo dam. Ensuring river health through
provisioning EF causes a net benefit reduction of US$ 1.067 million (IDR 9,608 million)
that comprises US$ 0.558 million reduction from power production and US$ 0.509 million
from irrigation sector. Table 11.4 represents sectoral water use and benefits for this
scenario and for both the cases.

Table 11.4 Water supply and related benefits from all water uses for Konto study site in
baseline scenario
Energy Benefit/unit Cumulative
Water supply Total benefit
Water user generation vol of water Benefit
(106 m3/yr) (106 US$/yr)
(MWh/yr) (US$/103 m3) (106 US$/yr)
Case I: Without consideration of Environmental flow requirements
Selorejo HP 308 25,951 1.841 0.567 0.567
Mendalan HP 263 78,844 6.541 1.722 2.289
Siman HP 268 57,611 4.694 1.258 3.547
Total HP 162,406 13.076 3.547
Irrigation 157 65.020 10.219 13.766
M&I 21.8 20.000 0.435 14.201
RRF 31.5 65.908 2.080 16.281
Case II: With consideration of Environmental flow requirements
Selorejo HP 245 20,653 1.847 0.444 0.444
Mendalan HP 227 68,109 6.544 1.463 1.908
Siman HP 235 50,538 4.697 1.081 2.989
Total HP 139,300 13.088 2.989
Irrigation 139 71.781 9.710 12.699
M&I 21.8 20.000 0.435 13.134
RRF 31.5 65.908 2.080 15.214
Note: RRF = Reservoir Recreation and Fishery

11.2.2 Alternative runs – sensitivity analysis

The optimization model is run for all the above mentioned scenarios (S0 – S6) with both
Cases I and II. Optimal allocation of water between the sectors for the scenarios considered
are estimated and presented in Table 11.5. Maintaining EF at the downstream (Case-II)
results less allocated water compare to non-maintaining EF (Case-I) to all users except
M&I uses at the downstream part of the basin for all the scenarios considered. EF
requirements at the most downstream point of Konto are mostly met by local flow,
therefore, EF requirements at Mendalan Sabo dam point controls the allocation for the
Case-II analysis. The highest amount of water is used by the Selorejo power plant followed
by Siman and Mendalan plants, irrigation, reservoir recreation and M&I use.

The power production variations across the scenarios analyzed are examined. Table 11.6
presents the power production from each hydropower plant and for all scenarios and cases
analyzed; the table also shows the change in power production for each scenario and case
with respect to the baseline scenario (S0, Case-I). Ensuring EF causes a decrease in power
production for all the scenarios, whereas increased flow level results higher production.

Table 11.5 Optimal water allocations to different sectors in different scenarios
Optimal water allocation to user (106 m3)
Scenario Case
Hydropower and Irrigation M&I RRF
S0 I 308* (MHP = 308 – 45 = 263, SHP = 263 + 5 = 268, 21.8 31.5
Irr = 268 – 111 = 157)Ω
II 241 (MHP = 241 – 17 = 224, SHP = 224 + 6 = 230, 21.8 31.5
Irr = 230 – 95 = 135)
S1 I 252 (MHP = 252 – 3 = 249, SHP = 249 + 5 = 254, 21.8 25.8
Irr = 254 – 111 = 143)
II 185 (MHP = 185 – 0 = 185, SHP = 185 + 9 = 194, 21.8 25.8
Irr = 194 – 77 = 117)
S2 I 370 (MHP = 370 – 102 = 268, SHP = 268 + 0=268, 21.8 34.8
Irr = 268 – 111 = 157)
II 315 (MHP = 315 – 61 = 254, SHP = 254 + 5 = 259, 21.8 34.8
Irr = 259 – 111 = 148)
S3 I 301 (MHP = 301 – 56 = 245, SHP = 245 + 5 = 250, 21.8 33.0
Irr = 250 – 107 = 143)
II 241 (MHP = 241 – 28 = 213, SHP = 213 + 6 = 219, 21.8 33.0
Irr = 219 – 97 = 122)
S4 I 323 (MHP = 323 – 72 = 251, SHP = 251 + 3 = 254, 21.8 11.7
Irr = 254 – 111 = 143)
II 262 (MHP = 262 – 35 = 227, SHP = 227 + 5 = 232, 21.8 11.7
Irr = 232 – 110 = 122)
S5 II 279 (MHP = 279 – 34 = 245, SHP = 245 + 5 = 250, 21.8 31.5
Irr = 250 – 106 = 144)
S6 II 206 (MHP = 206 – 7 = 199, SHP = 199 + 10= 209, 21.8 31.5
Irr = 209 – 90 = 119)
Note: Scenarios and cases are as defined earlier; * water allocated to first power plant, Selorejo; Ω distribution
of water which is released from Selorejo, number with –ve sign indicates flow going out of the system and
vice versa, MHP is Mendalan power plant, SHP is Siman power plant; RRF = average Selorejo storage for
recreation and fishery

Variation in power production is higher for the Selorejo plant (55 – 122%) than the other
two plants (70 – 102% for Mendalan and 72 – 100% for Siman plant). The lowest power
production is observed in dry year scenario when inflow to Selorejo is less and the
opposite case happens in wet year scenario. Variation in Mendalan and Siman plants are
less because of their run-off-river type nature, their production varies only with flow,
however, Selorejo production varies with flow and water level in Selorejo reservoir.
Maintaining low water level at Selorejo also results low power production from Selorejo
plant due to low effective head. Overall power production varies within the range of 69 –
105% across the scenarios and cases analyzed.

For the agricultural practices in Konto, Dry-2 (Jul - Oct) is the driest part in the year and in
this time Palawija (Dry-2) is the main crop. These crops shares almost 70% of all the
irrigation water. The change in yield of Palawija (Dry-2) is analyzed for each scenario
considered and presented in Figure 11.4. The yield is observed reaching maximum in
baseline (S0, Case-I) as well as in Wet year Scenario (Case-I). Ensuring EF at downstream
results less flow diversion to power plants and subsequently less water to irrigation project
which results decreased yield of the crop. Highest loss in yield is observed while keeping

Selorejo water level to a fixed position and ensuring EF simultaneously (Scenarios S3 &
S4, Case-II).

Table 11.6 Energy production (MWh) and its variation for different scenarios analyzed
Hydropower plant Total energy
Scenario Case
Selorejo Mendalan Siman production
S0 I 25,951 78,844 57,611 162,407
II 20,344 (78) 66,987 (85) 49,511 (86) 136,843 (84)
S1 I 19,413 (75) 74,554 (95) 54,541 (95) 148,508 (91)
II 14,362 (55) 55,391 (70) 41,740 (72) 111,494 (69)
S2 I 31,694 (122) 80,257(102) 57,612 (100) 169,562(104)
II 26,971 (104) 76,181 (97) 55,640 (97) 158,791 (98)
S3 I 25,570 (99) 73,299 (93) 53,540 (93) 152,409 (94)
II 20,401 (79) 63,476 (81) 46,991 (82) 130,868 (81)
S4 I 20,174 (78) 74,926 (95) 54,439 (94) 149,538 (92)
II 16,365 (63) 67,679 (86) 49,738 (86) 133,782 (82)
S5 II 23,556 (91) 73,354 (93) 53,723 (93) 150,633 (93)
S6 II 16,868 (65) 58,818 (75) 44,360 (77) 120,046 (74)
Note: value in parenthesis is % energy production with respect to production of S0, Case-I

93 93
89 89 88
87 85 85
% of Potential yield for Palawija

78 78




Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-II Case-II

S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Figure 11.4 Ratio of actual to potential yield of Palawija (Dry-2) in different scenarios and
cases analyzed

Benefits from each water-using sector for all the scenarios and cases considered are
estimated and presented in Table 11.7. It is evident from the analysis that the baseline
scenario or the existing operation policy is probably the most efficient setup in terms of
achieving water use benefits in economic terms at the basin scale. Higher the inflow (wet

year scenario, S2) still generates higher benefit than average flow year, which indicates
that there is shortage of flow in average flow year. Ensuring EF results benefit reduction
from existing water uses since the users receive less water and water goes for river
maintenance; however, benefits from direct or indirect use of instream flow has not been
revealed here. Maintaining certain water level in Selorejo does not affect much on
reservoir related benefits rather it causes reduction in power production and overall
benefits. Highest benefit generating water-use is again the irrigation in this basin; however,
due to cascading use of the same water, value of unit volume of water increases
considerably along its use path of hydropower followed by irrigation; which might result
conflict between the current water use practice and provisioning of environmental flows.

Table 11.7 Benefits (106 US$) from water uses for the Konto study site in different
scenarios analyzed
Benefit (106 US$) from water-use sector Total
Scenario Case Hydropower basin
Irrigation RRF M&I benefit
Selorejo Mendalan Siman
S0 I 0.567 1.722 1.258 10.219 2.080 0.435 16.281
II 0.444 1.463 1.081 9.710 2.080 0.435 15.214
S1 I 0.424 1.628 1.191 9.418 2.068 0.435 15.164
II 0.314 1.210 0.912 8.553 2.068 0.435 13.492
S2 I 0.692 1.753 1.258 10.219 2.086 0.435 16.443
II 0.589 1.664 1.215 9.992 2.086 0.435 15.981
S3 I 0.559 1.601 1.169 9.687 2.083 0.435 15.534
II 0.446 1.386 1.026 9.174 2.083 0.435 14.550
S4 I 0.441 1.637 1.189 9.687 2.039 0.435 15.428
II 0.357 1.478 1.086 9.174 2.039 0.435 14.569
S5 II 0.515 1.602 1.173 9.834 2.080 0.435 15.639
S6 II 0.382 1.302 0.980 9.142 2.080 0.435 14.321
Note: RRF = reservoir recreation and fishery; Scenarios and cases are as described in the text

Sectoral water use benefits with respect to benefit received from the same sector in the
baseline scenario (S0, Case-I, i.e. maximum possible benefit without considering
environmental water requirements) is plotted and presented in Figure 11.5, which provides
insight into the sensitivity of the model and scenario that affects on achieving benefit from
a particular sector. Hydropower benefit is observed the most sensitive for any change in
operation policy and particularly it is due to Selorejo power plant, whose benefit depends
on two factors, namely Selorejo release and its water level simultaneously. For other two
hydropower plants, power generation depends only on flow since they are run-off-river
type. Benefit from reservoir recreation and fishery is observed as the least sensitive to any
scenario analyzed. It is due to the developed benefit function for reservoir recreation and
fishery (Equation 10-3), which is almost a flat line and does not vary considerably with
Selorejo storage but in actual cases the benefits are found in a concave shape with reservoir
storage. However, Aquarius only deals with hyperbolic tangent function as developed in
Equation 10-3. Irrigation sector depends on power plants flow and its benefit also varies
with almost similar manner like in power production benefit. M&I uses always receive
water according to the demand and the benefit from this sector does not have any change
across the scenarios and cases.


Benefit relative to S0, Case-I (%)



Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-I Case-II Case-II Case-II

S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

Figure 11.5 Sensitivity of sectoral benefits of water uses from different scenarios analyzed

11.2.3 Basin benefits at different EF levels

Since ensuring EF results decrease in flow to the power plants followed by irrigation
project and subsequent reduction in economic benefit from the basin, three levels of EF is
evaluated to realize the variation in overall benefit, which will eventually help the basin
managers to take decision in adopting EF for the basin. Three EF levels are namely; ‘poor
(high flow season)-to-severe (low flow season)’, ‘fair’ and ‘good’ status as define by
Tennant. For the three levels EF requirements at Mendalan Sabo dam are 1.07, 3.22 and
4.3 m3/s for the high flow season (November – April) and 0.75, 1.07 and 2.15 m3/s for the
low flow season (May – October) respectively; similarly the EF requirements at the most
downstream point of Konto (above its confluence with Brantas) are 1.87, 5.63 and 7.51
m3/s for high flow season and 1.5, 1.87 and 3.75 m3/s for low flow season respectively for
three levels of EF.

Analysis shows that, increase in EF level directly affects in negative direction on the basin
overall benefit particularly when only the direct offstream water use benefits are
accounted. For the ‘poor to severe’, ‘fair or degrading’ and ‘good’ levels of EF
provisioning, the overall benefits are respectively US$ 15.638, 15.214 and 14.321 million
as shown in Figure 11.6. Increase in EF level by one step (as defined by Tennant) results
6% reduction in economic benefit, whereas decrease in EF level by one step increase the
economic benefit by 3%. Such analysis provides insight into the cost of EF provisioning in
the basin. In this benefit estimation, only direct water uses are considered and in Konto
basin no major direct instream water (EF) use is observed or documented to the water
management authorities. Accounting the benefits of environmental and indirect use of EF
is beyond the scope of this study. Including all benefits in the allocation model might
change the optimal allocation pattern and overall benefit.

16 105.0



Benefit relative to 'Fair or degrading' level

Basin benefit (106 USD)
15 100.0

14 95.0

13 90.0
Poor to severe deg Fair or degrading Good

EF Level

Figure 11.6 Change in basin benefit due to different level of EF provisioning

11.2.4 Tradeoff analysis

Without and with consideration of monthly environmental water demands, total benefits
for different scenarios are analyzed and the tradeoff for maintaining EF is found out by
comparing the benefit garnered from baseline scenario (S0, Case-I). Table 11.8 presents
the basin wide benefit for both the cases of EF consideration and not EF consideration.
Figure 11.7 depicts the tradeoff situation between benefit maximization and environmental
protection from the Konto river basin for different scenarios analyzed.

Table 11.8 Summary results of overall water use benefits for alternative scenario analysis
for Konto
Basin benefit (106 US$)
Scenario Without consideration of EF With consideration of EF
(case-I) (case-II)
Baseline (S0) 16.281 15.214
S1 (dry year) 15.165 13.491
S2 (wet year) 16.444 15.982
S3 (Selorejo WL 620 m) 15.534 14.550
S4 (Selorejo WL 610 m) 15.428 14.570
S5 (‘Poor’ EF level) --- 15.638
S6 (‘Good’ EF level) --- 14.321
Scenarios and case as defined in the text

Maintaining environmental flow reduces the total economic benefit in each scenario
analyzed as depicted in Figure 11.7. In case of dry year and ‘good’ EF level the difference
is the maximum whereas in wet year the difference becomes low since flow increases in

wet year. This indicates that inflow to the reservoir is the controlling factor/variable to the
overall benefit.

Total benefit W/O EF
Total benefit with EF
Benefit relative to S0, Case-I (%)

95.4 96.1
93.4 93.1

89.4 89.5



S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
Figure 11.7 Tradeoff between benefit maximization and environmental protection for the
Konto basin in different scenarios analyzed

11.3 Concluding remarks

The outcomes of the analyses clearly show the power production, sectoral and overall
benefits in different scenarios and cases considered. Existing operation policy
predominantly focuses on maximization of power production and does not satisfy EF
requirements at Mendalan Sabo dam point which is about ten kilometers downstream of
Selorejo reservoir. Environmental flow is met at the most downstream part of Konto since
there is no major abstraction of water from the river, but a local flow is observed.
Maintaining EF for the entire river results reduction in overall economic benefit. However,
the optimal water allocation and related benefits as estimated in this chapter will help water
management authorities in realizing the tradeoff between power productions, benefit
maximization and maintaining EF. The benefit from reservoir recreation and fisheries are
small and Selorejo water level does not influence much on the benefit of this sector.
Maintaining certain water level to facilitate reservoir recreation and fishery will not be
efficient in terms of overall benefit maximization. However, at least lower level of EF (as
analyzed in this chapter) at Mendalan Sabo dam point is strongly recommended to
maintain river health and environmental protection of the river and aquatic ecosystem

Stern data paucity was the biggest challenge for this study. No data and information was
found on instream water uses (direct or indirect use). Environmental flow is only estimated
by Tennant method since other methods (FDC or RVA) need daily flow data for at 20
years. Reservoir recreation and fishery data was only for eight and three years respectively,
which is not enough for any statistical analysis. Building up strong database is also

recommended for accurate analysis and efficient management of the water resources for
the Konto river basin.

Das Gupta (2008) mentioned that since withdrawals of water increase, many river basins
will face the challenge of maintaining the critical levels of environmental flows in near
future. The process is unlikely to be reversed until environmental flow allocation is
integrated into river basin management plan. Analyses and results in this chapter carries
importance in providing insight into economic loss and gain of ensuring EF for the river,
which will facilitate in integrating EF into water management plan of the river. Finally, the
analyzed results provide a reasonable starting point for reconciling the competing needs of
the environmental and other water uses and will act as a basis for informed policy decision
and adopting environmentally sound water management particularly for the Konto river


Chapter 12: Summary, conclusions and recommendations

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12.1 Summary

Water requirements for the environment or for the river itself are becoming vital in basin
water resources management in particular for water allocation process. Efficient water
allocation requires information on water use value in different uses; however, daunting
challenge of accurate valuation of water for both off- and in-stream uses often lies. A
water-use is considered offstream when water is extracted from the river for consumptive
use such as municipal and industrial use or agricultural use. Conversely, instream uses
refer to non-consumptive water uses that take place onto the river stream itself, examples
include fisheries, navigation etc. In many cases, instream uses – often indirect or small
scale subsistence uses – are ill-documented and bear small economic value as compared to
offstream uses, but carry considerable social and environmental importance. Analyzing the
tradeoff between the sectors is essential whilst management constantly seeks to maximize
the benefit from the limited resource. To support an economic efficiency orientation to this
crucial issue of water allocation, the doctoral research, reported in this dissertation,
undertook to establish the total and marginal benefit functions for off- and in-stream water
uses in the case study rivers, to assess the environmental water requirements and to
formulate an optimal water allocation model that elucidates sectoral and overall benefits as
well as the tradeoff between benefit maximization and environmental protection. The
Teesta River from Bangladesh and the Konto River from East Java Island of Indonesia are
taken as case study sites.

Teesta is the forth main river in terms of flow in Bangladesh; it supplies water to the
largest irrigation project in Bangladesh through the Teesta barrage. The river exhibits high
seasonal flow variability and causes inundation of floodplains in monsoon and extremely
low flow conditions in dry seasons. Largely ignoring the in-stream flow requirements, river
flow is diverted to irrigation resulting in severe low flow condition downstream to the
barrage, which critically affects the in-stream flow direct-uses, namely capture fisheries
and small scale navigation. On the other hand, Konto is a tributary and sub-basin of
Brantas river system in East Java, Indonesia. Total basin area of Konto is 687 km2. River
flow is regulated through Selorejo reservoir which was commissioned on 1970. A
cascading series of three successive hydropower plants that use the same water is the main
feature of this basin. Water released from the most downstream power plant is further used
for irrigation. The reservoir system is operated to obtain maximum possible hydropower
production without due consideration to river maintenance flow at the downstream.
Hydropower generation, irrigation, reservoir recreation and fisheries and small scale
municipal and industrial supplies are the main water uses in the Konto river basin.

The research comprises two interlaced subject matters – developing benefit functions for
all the off- and in-stream water direct uses in a river basin and setting up a model that
considers temporal and spatial allocation of water among all the users to maximize overall
benefit. Several tools and analysis techniques are used in developing the benefit functions
for the water uses, whereas ‘Aquarius’ modeling platform is used for optimization.

Monthly environmental water demands are assessed separately and treated as constraints to
the optimization model.

For both the case study sites, irrigation water requirements for the crops and the aggregated
demand at the project level are estimated using field water balance approach for the
lowland rice and CROPWAT model for the other upland crops. Residual imputation
method is employed to calculate the value of irrigation water. The average value of
diverted irrigation water is estimated US$ 0.024 and 0.065 per cubic meter for the case of
Teesta and Konto respectively. Water-crop production-function estimating the crop yield
in relation with varying level of assumed water-shortage forms the basis towards
establishing the total and marginal benefit function for irrigation water with the underlying
consideration that the non-water inputs in the production process would be same for all the
water-shortage cases. Total benefit function is considered to be a quadratic function that
results in a linear downward slope marginal benefit function. Analysis showed that an
average monthly flow of 136 m3/s can meet the full irrigation demand for TIP and
generates the maximum total benefit of US$ 49.6 million and the marginal benefit of about
US$ 0.36 million per m3/s of diverted flow. Marginal benefit would become US$ 0.48
million per m3/s when the flow decreased to half i.e. 68 m3/s. In case of Konto, an average
monthly flow of 16.5 m3/s is required to satisfy irrigation demand. If full supply is ensured
irrigation water benefit reaches US$ 16.62 millions, which corresponds to a marginal
benefit of US$ 1.044 million per m3/s of diverted flow.

For hydropower water use benefits, a zero slope (horizontal) marginal benefit function is
considered and used for the optimization model. Energy rate function (erf in kWh/m3) for
each hydropower plant is developed first and then multiplied with water price for power
production (US$/kWh), which gives the benefit from hydropower generation. The value of
water use in the Selorejo power plant appears to be US$ 1.71 per 103m3 (IDR 15.42 per
m3) of water, for Mendalan US$ 6.50 per 103m3 (IDR 58.56 per m3) of water and for
Siman US$ 4.67 per 103m3 (IDR 42.05 per m3) of water.

The concept of flow-habitat-fish production relation is used for valuing water for fisheries
use for the Teesta. Value of the fish production is considered equal to fishermen daily
income for a certain time period e.g. month or year. Similarly, boatmen income is
considered as the gross benefit from navigation water use. A quadratic relation between
benefits in various seasons and corresponding flow is established, which actually serves as
the total benefit function. Low flow season for the fishermen and high flow season for the
boatmen are economically beneficial; however, severe low flow condition (which is
currently taking place in February at the Teesta site) is not good for the fishermen group.
Monthly maximum benefits that can be realized from the fisheries and navigation are about
US$ 0.12 million at a flow of 290 m3/s and US$ 0.01 million at a flow of 2000 m3/s
respectively. However, the maximum benefit generating flow level from both sectors does
not coincide in time over a year. Nevertheless, the highest marginal benefit (US$ 1,237 for
fisheries and US$ 10 for navigation per month at flow level zero) and subsequently the
lowest total benefit for both the groups lie at very low flow level, when the off-stream
irrigation demand is also very high.

A hyperbolic-tangent function is developed for the Selorejo reservoir recreation and

fisheries benefit estimation. Using such function implies that benefit from reservoir
activities entirely depends of reservoir storage for an already built reservoir. Maximum
operating storage in Selorejo (i.e. 39.59x106 m3) generates US$ 0.175 million benefit in a

monthly basis whereas the lowest operating storage (i.e. 8.09x106 m3) generates US$ 0.169
million; which shows that the variation in benefit due to change in Selorejo storage is quite
small. In other words, elasticity of benefit to storage level is very small.

With the developed marginal benefit functions, optimal water allocations for both the study
sites are identified using ‘Aquarius’ water allocation modeling platform. Aquarius is
devoted to the spatial and temporal allocation of water among uses in a river basin. The
model finds the economic efficiency of the system that entails a reallocation of the stream
flows until the marginal return of all water uses are equal. The model is run and optimal
water allocation is obtained for two cases, namely economic efficiency (water is allocated
in order to maximize economic benefit, ignoring EF demand downstream) and
environmental protection (with the constraints of EF demands). Several scenarios are
developed and analyzed to realize the optimal as well as environmentally sound operation
of the system. Analyses show the tradeoff between achieving two basic criteria of
economic efficiency and environmental protection. Since EF is not a static choice, several
EF values are also tested as constraints to see how the overall benefit changes due to
change in EF levels.

In the case of Teesta, benefits from in-stream water direct uses are much smaller than off-
stream irrigation benefit; hence instream uses cannot compete with offstream uses. The
optimization model is first run with a medium level of EF (considered as +/- 1 RVA
target); however, maximum in-stream water use benefit is observed lying to a higher flow
level than this EF level. A higher EF is therefore provided to maximize in-stream benefits.
Maintaining environmental flow results in considerable reduction in overall benefit for
each scenario analyzed. In baseline scenario (existing operation policy i.e. maximum
possible diversion to irrigation without considering EF) the overall benefit is US$ 43.830
million that comprises US$ 43.242 million from irrigation sector and US$ 0.588 million
from instream sector. Instream water direct use benefit is only 1.36% of the overall benefit.
The benefit reduced to US$ 34.58 million if EF (medium level with +/-1 SD RVA target)
is ensured at the downstream. Overall benefit decreases by US$ 9.25 million in the
baseline scenario which comprises a decrease in irrigation benefit of US$ 9.35 million and
increase in in-stream benefit of US$ 0.10 million. When EF is not considered, options exist
to increase overall benefit by augmenting flow, improving irrigation efficiency, or
increasing irrigation land to some extent (analysis is done for 25% irrigation area
extension). Considering EF, overall benefit can only be increased by improving irrigation
efficiency to 60% (baseline: 40%). Groundwater use as supplemental to surface water
irrigation is a solution to uphold the overall benefit, which is now been practiced in the TIP
region. Groundwater potential for the region is also found satisfactory from the existing
literature. Sound farm-support policy is required with regards to adoption of groundwater
supplemental irrigation practice. In order to ensure EF, farmers might need to pay for
groundwater irrigation and still cover the cost of production. Constraints with a lower level
of EF downstream (with +/-1.5 SD RVA target) is also tested and it is observed that such
EF provisioning results in less benefit reduction in irrigation (US$ 5.17 million loss) with
still an increase in in-stream benefit (US$ 0.07 million gain) compared to baseline

Arguing for the minimum flow is in fact indicative of the resistance to allow water for in-
stream uses. River ecosystems struggle with low flow and ultimately decline, which
subsequently affects both the poor’s livelihood (especially fishermen) and the
environment. Even though the estimated in-stream benefit is relatively small compared to

irrigation benefit, in-stream flow still provides livelihood to about 1,000 people without
requiring massive capital investment nor O&M cost from any water management
authorities or from the public sector. On the other hand, securing benefit from irrigation
costs massive capital investment as well as O&M costs, all of which have been ignored in
this research. Irrigation benefits consider net benefit gained from production at farm level,
and ignored costs incurred at whole system level. After having developed the irrigation
project with all the costs, TIP is providing livelihood to around 0.35 million farmers. The
net benefit from TIP of US$ 165.85 million (Table B.4 in Appendix B); per capita income
of the farmers per day is around US$ 1.23, which is easily comparable to per capita per
day income of a fisherman (US$ 1.61, Table 6.4) or a boatman (US$ 3.39, Table 6.8). All
such figures help realizing the actual value of water for each use and subsequently
guarantee river flow for all uses to ensure socio-economic stability of the region. Also, the
approach used here ignored the non-use, indirect benefits usually drawn from EF, which
refer to biodiversity value, socio-cultural value, various supporting and regulating river
ecosystem services (e.g. groundwater recharge, nutrient recycling, pollution and salinity
control). Those may generate high benefits to society and change drastically the diagnosis
on EF economic scope, magnitude and impact.

Current practice of water allocation in Konto produces maximum benefit but it also does
not satisfy the environmental water requirements. Ensuring EF causes decrease in overall
benefit in all the scenarios considered; however, benefit from flowing water is not
accounted in this study. Since water use from hydropower is not redirected to the main
course of river, the use should be treated as off-stream. No other direct use of in-stream
flow is observed at Konto. Only in-stream uses are considered as reservoir recreation and
fisheries; however, maximizing instream benefit results in overall decrease in basin
benefit. For Konto basin, overall benefit in the baseline case (existing operation) is US$
15.85 million. Ensuring EF incurs a reduction in benefit of US$ 1.07 million from the
existing uses.

In contrast between the two case study basins, Teesta produces about three times higher
benefit than Konto. However, unit water value (from off-stream sector) in Konto (US$
0.078/m3) is more than three times than that of Teesta (US$ 0.024/m3). Teesta flows over
almost a flat land having a high flow (mean annual flow more than 800 m3/s) where
construction of reservoir is not feasible but there is distinct in-stream uses. In contrast,
topography of Konto basin is mountainous. Konto River has steep slope and less flow
(mean annual flow about 10 m3/s); it has a reservoir with hydropower. Management of
water resources of the two rivers are again quite different. Konto is managed by PJT-I
which is an individual body to manage water resources in Java Island, whereas Teesta is
managed by the central body of Water Resources Management Authority in Bangladesh,
namely BWDB. Implementing any change in operation can be thought much easier in
Konto than in Teesta.

12.2 Conclusions

Following conclusions are drawn from the Teesta river study site:

– Water requirements for irrigation, capture fishery and navigation are estimated for
monthly basis and benefit functions for the water uses are established. Off-stream
water use (irrigation) benefits are observed considerably higher than in-stream
water use (fishery and navigation) benefits. However, indirect and non-uses

benefits of in-stream water have not been accounted. Further, the capital and O&M
costs of irrigation have been ignored while estimating irrigation benefit function.
Considering those costs will probably significantly reduce the actual benefits
yielded by the irrigation sector;
– Assessment of EF requirements shows that currently EF is not maintained at the
downstream point of the Teesta study site;
– From the water allocation model optimal benefits from the users are estimated. In
the case of environmental protection, EF is used as a constraint in the allocation
model. Three different levels (high, medium and low) of EF are tested to assess the
change in benefit due to EF provisioning. Since in-stream benefits cannot compete
with off-stream benefits for the Teesta site with the existing offstream uses,
minimum EF requirements actually governs the allocation;
– For the case of water allocation with environmental or river health protection, it
results in considerable reduction in water-use benefits, at least when in-stream non-
use benefits and irrigation true costs are not accounted;
– Several scenarios are considered and it is found that improving irrigation efficiency
is imperative to simultaneously fulfill irrigation demands and cater for
environmental and other in-stream water uses;
– Even though the estimated in-stream benefit is much lower than off-stream benefits
in particular for the case study sites, in-stream flow is critically important for local
and regional socio-economy. Even allowing minimum EF helps sustaining
livelihood for a considerable number of people, which will eventually leads to pro-
poor water management.

Following conclusions are drawn from the Konto river study site:

– Water requirements and benefit functions for the water uses in the Konto River,
namely hydropower, irrigation, M&I use and reservoir fishery and recreation are
estimated. Water used in hydropower does not return back to the main course of
Konto River and the released water from the most downstream hydropower plant is
sent to Konto irrigation project. In this case hydropower water-use can be
considered as offstream. No direct use of instream flow has been found in Konto
– Environmental flow requirements are assessed at Mendalan Sabo dam point and at
most downstream point of Konto before it meets with the Brantas. It is observed
that currently EF is not maintained at the Mendalan Sabo dam point round the year;
however, since there is no major abstraction after Mendalan Sabo dam except small
scale M&I uses, EF requirements at the most downstream point are normally met;
– Optimal water allocation model is set up and benefits after the water allocation are
estimated. For the case of environmental protection, EF is used as constraint in the
allocation model. Three different levels (high, medium and low) of EF are tested to
realize the changes in benefits due to EF provisioning;
– For the case of water allocation with environmental or river health protection, it
results in considerable reduction in basin benefits, at least when no instream flow
use and related benefits are taken into consideration.

Overall conclusion:

– Successful implementation of EF is a challenge especially in developing countries

where irrigation often gets priority to ensure food security; however, in-stream
flow-dependent livelihood mainly for a poor section of the society is also
significant, as the Teesta case has revealed in this study. Present study can be
treated as a starting point to addressing such a challenging issue to consider food
security as well as poor’s livelihood in parallel by revealing water value for each
uses and tradeoff between benefits from without and with consideration of EF;
– In-stream flows are not subjected to the same economic forces as those for off-
stream water uses. The mathematical representation of social and environmental
objectives is a complex phenomenon, which frequently leads to off-stream favored
water management and that results in often irreversible degradation of the river
health. Dyson et al. (2003) have rightly pointed out that “the absence of
environmental flow puts at risk the very existence of ecosystems, people and
economies. The question is thus not whether environmental flows can be afforded,
but whether and for how long a society can afford not to provide environmental
flows”. Results from the research will significantly influence in forging connection
between the ‘triple bottom line parameters’: economy, society and ecosystem.

12.3 Contributions of the research

A good number of researches have estimated the total value of the water uses in particular
the in-stream uses and associated services rendered to society. Such valuation provides
justification for water investment decision in general. However, total values are deficient to
provide information in allocating water to its highest use value on margin. Hence, marginal
benefit functions of all water uses are essentially required in this regard and the novelty of
this study lies here.

In case of irrigation water valuation, many studies have measured the average value of
water, or one single marginal value of water, such as a monetary value per cubic meter of
water consumed, applied to field or withdrawn from a source. The value per unit of
withdrawn/diverted-flow is very seldom considered, while river flow more realistically
determines the amount of water that could be withdrawn or diverted for irrigation. Analysis
showing the value of the discharge would be intriguing to the basin managers concerning
water allocation decision in particular between off- and in-stream uses. Discharge is a
critically important parameter for in-stream uses such as hydropower, fisheries, navigation
and environmental flow demands, whereas off-stream demands mainly deal with certain
volume of water. Hence, comparing the values of water for both sides (off-stream and in-
stream) with a common denominator (discharge) is more interesting and easier to interpret
even though discharge is location specific and care needs to be taken when comparing the
discharge values at different locations. This dissertation contributed by estimating the
marginal benefit function of irrigation water use in terms of discharge.

In the existing HEM studies, researchers have focused principally on hydropower

generation and lake/reservoir recreations as the two main instream uses; however, those
uses do not actually represent the benefit from instream flow. A literature review by Harou
et al. (2009) could not find any estimation or application of economic benefit function of
instream flow in any HEM study. In many developing countries, livelihoods of the poor are
based upon instream flow, which therefore carries significant economic value as well as

social importance. This study constitutes a first attempt to determine the marginal benefit
functions for instream water uses (fisheries and navigation) and then to incorporate them
into optimization modeling for water allocation.

12.4 Recommendations
12.4.1 Recommendations from the study

Following recommendations are made based on the results of the study:

For the Teesta Study site:

– Considering the importance of local livelihood and maintaining environmental and

river health, environmental flow is recommended to provide in the downstream
(Scenario S0 Case-II). Necessary policy formulation in participation with off- and
in-stream water users is recommended to the Bangladesh Water Development
– Both National Water Policy and National Water Management Plan recognize the
environmental water requirements for the rivers in Bangladesh; however, river
specific analysis was necessary due to inherent tradeoff involved. After this study
implementation of EF at Teesta is recommended where the necessary tradeoff
(comparison between Case-I & II for all scenarios considered) has been revealed;
– Improving irrigation efficiency is recommended for Teesta Irrigation Project
management to increase the benefit level from both off-and in-stream sectors;
– There exists a huge data gap at the study site especially when it relates to in-stream
water uses. Characteristics of the in-stream water uses and users need to be
documented. River specific (not administrative unit wise) data collection for the in-
stream water uses is necessary and recommended to the management authorities.

For the Konto River Basin study site:

– Even though the study did not recognize any instream water use, provisioning EF at
the downstream part of Konto is recommended (S0 Case-II) to keep the river
healthy and to maintain ecosystem integrity. Tradeoff is involved and that has been
revealed, which will help the basin managers in provisioning EF;
– There exists a huge data gap for hydrological and especially for in-stream water
uses. Hydrological data namely, inflow to reservoir, flow at different points at the
downstream of Selorejo reservoir are required for hydrological modeling for the
basin and hence recommended for collection to the PJT-I. Characteristics of the in-
stream water uses and users need to be documented. Reservoir specific data
collection for the reservoir recreation and fishery uses are necessary and
recommended for collection to PJT-I.

12.4.2 Recommendations for future research

This dissertation cannot be seen as an end point in the analysis of optimal water allocation
among competing water uses particularly for the case study rivers. There are several ways
in which the performed analysis can be extended or fine-tuned:

– In this research benefits for water uses are estimated for seasonal or annual basis
and then equally distributed into months to obtain monthly benefit function;
however, this research provides some methodological options for future research
and recommends field level study for water valuation which would lead to develop
the monthly total benefit function for each water-use;
– Further research is also recommended to estimate the effect of water quality to
water uses and subsequently to use-values and incorporation of those values to
– Estimated water-use benefits are short-term; however, long term environmental and
social benefits of water use would be different. Moreover, for in-stream water uses,
research needs to be extended to incorporate the benefit from non-use or in-direct
in-stream water uses (such as flood mitigation, nutrient recycling and sediment
redistribution, groundwater recharge, pollution dilution, maintaining biodiversity
and ecosystem integrity etc.) and further incorporation of those benefits to the
optimal water allocation model; economic valuation of ecosystem services is a
daunting yet necessary task, and a hot spot in current research on ecosystems and
resource use
– Possible distortion of the agricultural inputs market has not been taken into account
in this research; however, this might affect the irrigation water benefit estimation.
Future research should account this issue in RIM calculations;
– Estimated EF is based on hydrological methods; however, ecology based
assessment of EF might change the EF demands and subsequently water allocation
and benefits, which is strongly recommended for future research;
– Several scenarios are considered but achieving the scenarios (e.g. improving
irrigation efficiency) involves different level of costs. However, such cost has been
ignored in estimating the overall benefit for the scenarios considered. Future
research is recommended to consider the cost of achieving the scenarios;
– The allocation model deals with the average demand and supply of water based on
historical data set. However, both demand and supply are dynamic and subjected to
change. Time value of money is also a dynamic parameter. Considering and
incorporating those changes, dynamic HEM is further recommended.

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Appendix A. Discharge data of the Teesta River, Bangladesh
River name: Teesta Station name: Dalia Station ID: 291.5R
Table 12.1 Observed mean monthly discharge (m3/s) at Dalia for the period of 1986 - 2006
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1986 210.7 159.4 135.8 256.0 423.6 1076.7 2048.7 1710.3 1729.0 897.7 388.5 252.6 774.0
1987 177.6 134.9 174.1 330.2 428.1 1280.7 2143.7 2889.7 1921.7 947.1 369.8 230.3 919.0
1988 163.0 165.3 193.7 268.9 474.4 928.8 2669.7 3607.7 1996.7 680.5 297.0 205.0 970.9
1989 183.2 189.0 200.3 270.3 905.2 2195.3 2861.3 1395.7 2302.7 1078.8 387.3 253.3 1018.5
1990 176.0 174.3 228.3 328.3 579.0 1790.0 2401.7 2483.0 1987.0 916.5 243.0 266.3 964.5
1991 239.3 201.0 352.7 408.3 591.3 1780.0 2500.0 2186.7 2360.0 747.3 382.7 273.3 1001.9
1992 193.7 137.0 180.0 270.3 664.7 798.0 1960.0 2017.4 1470.0 897.0 355.0 203.7 762.2
1993 210.0 174.7 165.7 187.3 652.0 1406.7 1870.0 2453.3 1613.3 1095.3 361.3 222.0 867.6
1994 134.7 154.3 154.0 263.3 422.7 1546.7 1227.7 1806.7 1283.3 669.7 378.7 241.3 690.3
1995 144.9 114.2 185.3 243.7 1166.3 1770.0 1810.0 1910.0 1923.3 712.7 650.0 190.3 901.7
1996 190.0 173.7 244.0 473.3 652.3 954.3 2166.7 2253.4 1306.7 745.0 344.7 282.0 815.5
1997 176.3 134.0 179.3 204.4 345.0 1280.5 2056.4 1700.0 1513.3 498.7 212.7 70.6 697.6
1998 40.4 50.6 72.5 156.0 302.3 1433.3 1140.0 2546.7 1692.7 653.3 233.3 258.7 715.0
1999 70.3 74.7 37.8 113.8 514.2 958.3 1807.8 2427.1 1285.0 838.4 229.5 80.3 703.1
2000 107.9 74.5 73.5 247.4 659.0 1955.9 3057.8 3766.4 4365.6 798.6 209.5 91.8 1284.0
2001 20.2 21.8 12.5 69.8 648.5 3633.6 1492.6 2101.2 1440.1 966.7 382.2 49.5 903.2
2002 33.1 24.7 46.8 145.4 257.7 1269.6 2272.8 1704.8 961.3 362.7 248.3 58.2 615.4
2003 48.1 28.3 46.2 96.3 253.6 1171.1 1785.4 1545.7 1466.6 931.1 294.1 195.7 655.2
2004 78.2 77.7 94.2 418.1 682.5 983.5 1239.0 1317.4 830.7 541.8 228.0 172.7 573.8
2005 70.2 71.1 96.9 192.3 444.6 762.8 1170.5 801.6 544.6 441.0 207.4 125.6 410.7
2006 47.7 48.0 40.2 99.9 308.9 842.6 1306.0 1052.9 1221.2 558.1 276.0 150.0 498.4
Avg 129.3 113.5 138.8 240.2 541.7 1419.9 1951.8 2079.9 1676.9 760.9 318.0 184.4 796.3
Max 239.3 201.0 352.7 473.3 1166.3 3633.6 3057.8 3766.4 4365.6 1095.3 650.0 282.0 1284.0
Min 20.2 21.8 12.5 69.8 253.6 762.8 1140.0 801.6 544.6 362.7 207.4 49.5 410.7
Source: BWDB Database, 2008

River name: Teesta Station name: Kaunia Station ID: 294
Table 1.2 Observed mean monthly discharge (m3/s) at Kaunia for the period of 1960 - 2006
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1967 141.5 114.4 131.0 169.0 413.8 1964.7 2236.5 1414.3 1568.5 995.9 348.4 165.5 805.3
1968 134.4 110.9 140.8 188.6 439.0 1258.5 2914.8 2245.1 1839.7 1794.4 353.3 201.9 968.4
1969 137.1 118.6 112.0 193.2 497.0 1834.2 2333.9 1790.0 1344.8 228.8 43.8 17.0 720.9
1970 9.4 83.2 124.8 221.6 465.3 1895.6 2898.1 2385.5 1608.0 983.7 306.6 195.2 931.4
1971 138.9 151.1 169.7 275.3 646.4 1557.0 2503.9 2192.3 1514.0 817.6 305.8 185.9 871.5
1972 139.7 141.3 178.9 329.0 827.4 1218.5 2109.7 1999.0 1420.0 651.5 305.1 176.5 791.4
1973 140.6 131.4 188.0 273.0 527.0 2243.2 1568.0 2313.9 1828.3 787.7 328.1 211.5 878.4
1974 165.9 150.2 170.2 264.3 663.0 1526.2 3130.0 2382.9 1999.7 1506.8 394.0 159.4 1042.7
1975 136.4 112.3 119.3 293.4 634.2 1181.3 2205.2 1314.8 2052.3 1007.6 411.5 257.8 810.5
1976 168.1 166.0 172.9 178.3 471.8 1187.8 2430.0 2597.3 1476.7 829.3 392.4 227.8 858.2
1977 186.0 159.2 145.6 330.4 677.2 1778.3 2391.3 3442.9 1600.3 1409.1 497.2 280.6 1074.8
1978 208.4 181.5 179.5 256.2 641.2 1541.6 2143.5 2137.2 1698.2 722.7 329.4 258.4 858.2
1979 168.1 134.4 111.9 203.9 372.4 540.3 1936.1 1801.0 1753.6 1009.5 348.5 293.7 722.8
1980 201.9 160.1 187.4 350.0 538.2 1296.9 1991.6 2105.8 1760.7 803.1 311.3 201.5 825.7
1981 155.0 131.0 156.4 243.4 499.0 803.3 2095.8 2269.7 1738.1 556.7 288.6 194.4 760.9
1982 148.8 147.1 161.4 236.5 343.8 1302.6 2547.6 1634.2 1482.3 470.8 323.6 216.7 751.3
1983 161.3 174.7 214.9 252.3 545.0 1268.9 2583.2 1726.8 1884.0 913.1 290.8 179.3 849.5
1984 175.3 134.9 154.6 181.2 525.7 1493.7 2721.6 1773.2 2854.3 886.2 394.6 245.5 961.7
1985 179.0 182.7 195.7 295.3 488.0 1591.9 3345.5 1786.8 2227.0 1363.9 643.8 378.0 1056.5
1986 231.4 161.9 151.9 226.8 362.5 893.1 1681.6 1681.6 2023.0 784.7 316.3 226.0 728.4
1987 185.9 126.5 168.4 285.8 464.6 1247.3 2730.3 3224.2 2461.3 1135.9 457.6 260.9 1062.4
1988 177.0 149.6 182.0 338.1 476.9 907.9 2738.0 3658.1 2033.1 730.3 301.3 178.1 989.2
1989 156.6 151.1 166.6 210.8 847.2 1919.0 2567.4 1951.0 2408.7 975.6 390.2 232.4 998.0
1990 169.5 159.0 199.5 366.7 642.1 1710.4 2485.8 2368.7 1397.3 932.8 321.7 177.3 910.9
1991 158.8 165.2 141.8 214.3 433.3 1854.3 2385.2 2584.2 3156.0 975.3 338.9 216.5 1052.0
1992 148.9 145.3 166.8 225.1 388.9 760.3 2351.0 2113.3 1278.7 757.0 295.4 206.4 736.4
1993 158.8 155.8 126.1 201.9 541.4 1111.8 2235.5 2716.5 1738.3 1183.3 407.2 233.6 900.8

Table A.2 Observed mean monthly discharge (m3/s) at Kaunia for the period of 1960 – 2006 (Cont’d)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1994 175.8 149.5 188.5 234.2 377.5 1154.9 1463.9 1441.2 1286.9 653.6 282.1 173.5 631.8
1995 140.7 138.8 177.5 257.5 729.5 1911.2 3154.5 2288.4 1975.7 878.9 451.1 257.3 1030.1
1996 198.1 155.8 175.2 202.8 620.7 1166.4 3650.0 2656.0 1990.0 870.7 359.1 243.9 1024.1
1997 162.6 130.7 169.4 241.1 368.4 1228.0 1707.0 1724.0 1716.9 843.7 312.3 180.4 732.0
1998 60.5 48.8 72.5 228.2 459.9 1815.1 3442.1 3766.0 2288.5 1239.0 313.6 313.4 1170.6
1999 94.5 83.4 41.1 123.1 588.9 1724.9 2573.1 2822.9 1659.9 1135.6 328.1 121.9 941.5
2000 142.0 94.7 116.5 304.8 843.4 2100.2 2640.4 3029.4 2366.0 607.7 207.5 77.9 1044.2
2001 20.6 16.4 10.9 42.4 293.8 1398.0 1330.5 1441.5 1897.0 1010.3 382.2 153.0 666.4
2002 35.0 34.1 32.1 172.3 379.0 1062.4 2404.0 1898.9 1000.7 508.2 178.5 100.1 650.4
2003 36.0 18.7 36.3 135.1 322.6 1495.2 2845.2 1970.0 1454.2 776.4 379.9 400.8 822.5
2004 40.0 25.0 183.6 172.4 170.2 1170.2 1922.6 1651.4 1435.7 901.6 240.0 184.0 674.7
2005 48.0 29.2 67.6 201.5 429.2 1088.3 2110.7 1989.7 1186.3 908.6 264.9 130.7 704.6
2006 62.2 18.5 44.2 151.4 429.3 883.9 1253.3 1062.0 1196.0 574.6 290.3 219.2 515.4

Avg 137.5 121.1 140.8 231.8 509.6 1402.2 2394.0 2183.8 1790.0 903.1 335.9 208.3 863.2
Max 231.4 182.7 214.9 366.7 847.2 2243.2 3650.0 3766.0 3156.0 1794.4 643.8 400.8 1170.6
Min 9.4 16.4 10.9 42.4 170.2 540.3 1253.3 1062.0 1000.7 228.8 43.8 17.0 515.4
Source: BWDB Database, 2008

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Appendix B. Irrigation water requirements and irrigation water value at TIP
Table 1.3 Monthly irrigation requirements (mm) for the crops grown at TIP (Total irrigated area of TIP is 111,732 ha)
Aman Aus Boro Cabbage Cauliflower Potato Tobacco Tomato Wheat Total Total irrig Total irrigation
% area 4.92 98.4 0.39 7 2.7 54.5 0.7 0.7 6.9 8.7 0.8 11.8 irrigation requirement requirement
require- (mm) with (mm/d) with
Month Nur LP + CWR Nur LP + CWR Nur LP + CWR
ment 40% 40% efficiency
(mm) efficiency
Jan 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 188.0 84.8 80.3 93.1 79.9 92.9 88.0 128.1 320.3 10.3
Feb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 199.6 37.8 98.5 101.5 107.1 102.3 105.8 139.4 348.4 12.4
Mar 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 65.1 37.2 69.4 39.4 39.3 123.0 307.5 9.9
Apr 0.0 0.0 88.0 110.0 0.0 32.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.6 64.0 2.1
May 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 9.1 0.3
Jun 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Jul 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Aug 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sep 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Oct 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nov 0.0 120.9 0.0 46.0 53.1 45.0 48.1 32.2 0.0 38.6 11.6 153.7 384.4 12.8
Dec 0.0 28.9 0.0 33.1 266.7 60.3 54.0 59.8 31.4 57.0 30.3 186.4 465.9 15.0
subtotal 0.0 149.8 88.0 162.1 79.1 939.7
Total 149.8 250.1 1018.8 227.9 346.0 323.7 287.8 330.1 275.0 756.2 1890.6

Nur = Nursery
LP = Land preparation
CWR = crop water requirement
SP = Seepage and percolation

Table 1.4 Monthly irrigation requirements in terms of discharge (m3/s) for the crops grown at TIP (Total irrigated area of TIP is 111,732 ha)
Month Aman Aus Boro Cabbage Cauliflower Potato Tobacco Tomato Wheat Total Total with
Jan 0.00 0.00 42.74 0.3 0.23 2.7 2.9 0.3 4.3 53.5 133.6
Feb 0.00 0.00 50.25 0.1 0.32 3.2 4.3 0.4 5.8 64.4 160.9
Mar 0.00 0.00 45.48 0.0 0.19 1.1 2.5 0.1 1.9 51.3 128.3
Apr 0.00 3.85 7.57 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.4 28.6
May 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 4.3
Jun 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Jul 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Aug 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sep 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Oct 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Nov 51.30 0.00 13.01 0.1 0.14 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.6 66.3 165.7
Dec 11.86 0.00 61.01 0.2 0.16 1.7 1.1 0.2 1.5 77.8 194.4

Average 135.8

Table 1.5 Crop Budget analysis for the irrigated crops at TIP
Agriculture production Input Labor Bullock Seed seed unit Urea TSP MP Zinc Sulfur Pesticide Total input Input Input
(unit) man.d/ha pair.d/ha require- price kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha kg/ha cost cost cost
Agriculture production Input 130 120 ment tk/kg 12 80 60 8.4 6 280 (10 Tk) for the for
unit price (Tk) kg/ha crops the
(Tk/ha) crops
Crops Area irrig- Input requirements for the crops (except seed unit price column) ($/ha)
ated (ha)
Aman LV 11,273 149 30 25 30 60 35 20 0 0 1.5 325.34 28,860 406
Aman HYV 98,714 165 35 21 30 100 50 30 5 50 2 3,374.24 34,182 481
Aus HYV 7,820 170 35 21 30 120 35 20 5 30 2 259.25 33,152 467
Boro HYV 60,837 200 45 23.5 30 200 90 50 7.5 65 5 2,832.45 46,558 656
W.Veg 2,495 201 50 1.5 1200 80 50 30 0 0 5 105.02 42,090 593
Potato 7,665 185 45 1200 20 80 60 50 0 60 5 490.33 63,970 901
Tobacco 9,771 240 50 0.1 59,900 100 50 35 3 20 5 508.44 52,035 733
Wheat 13,167 100 30 90 35 80 60 30 0 0 0 359.59 27,310 385
Total Cropped Area (ha) 211,742
Net Area (ha) 111,732
Total cost (106 Tk) 8,254.65
(106 US$) (116)
Cost per ha (Tk/ha) 73,879
($/ha) (1041)
Source: BWDB, 2005

Table 1.6 Crop wise and at the project level irrigation water value
Crops Area Yield Unit output Total output Output Output value Input cost WRF WWR Diverted
irrigated (t/ha) value (Tk/kg) value value including rice (Tk/ha) (m3/ha/yr) (m3/ha/yr) water value
(ha) (106 Tk) (Tk/ha) straw (Tk/m3)
T. Aman LV 11,273 2.67 14 421.38 37,380 39,930 28,860 1,504 3,760 2.94
T. Aman HYV 98,714 3.85 13 4,940.64 50,050 52,050 34,182 1,504 3,760 4.75
Aus HYV 7,820 3.19 12 299.35 38,280 40,280 33,152 2,500 6,250 1.14
Boro HYV 60,837 4.5 13 3,558.96 58,500 60,500 46,558 10,190 25,475 0.55
W. Veg 2,495 8 8 159.68 64,000 64,000 42,090 3,013 7,533 2.91
Potato 7,665 15 5 574.88 75,000 75,000 63,970 3,237 8,093 1.36
Tobacco 9,771 1.25 60 732.83 75,000 75,000 52,035 2,878 7,195 3.19
Wheat 13,167 2.5 22 724.19 55,000 55,000 27,310 2,750 6,875 4.03
Rice Straw LV 11,273 1.7 1.5 28.75 2,550 -------
Rice Straw HYV 167,371 2 1 334.74 2,000 -------
Total cropped area (ha) 211,742
Net irrigated Area (ha) 111,732
Total output value (106Tk) 11,775.39 (165.85x106 US$)
Output value Tk/ha 105,390

Net income (Tk/ha) = 105390 – 73879 = 31,511 (full supply from river) ($444/ha)
Total water diversion requirement (m /ha/yr) = 18,906
Value of water (Tk/m ) = 1.67 ($0.023/m3)
River water availability (m3/ha/yr) = 12,077
GW pumping requirment (m /ha/yr) = (18,906 – 12,077)*0.4/0.7 = 3,900 [GW use efficiency 70%]
Cost of GW pumping (Tk/ha) @0.6 Tk/m3) = 2,340 ($33/ha)
Net income with GW use (Tk/ha) = 29,171 ($411/ha)
Value of water value with GW use (Tk/m ) = 2.42 ($0.034/m3)

Appendix C. Questionnaire survey and results for the instream water use
benefits at Teesta
Questionnaire used for the primary survey on instream water users at the Teesta site
Survey design
Selection of focus group – two principal groups were targeted, (i) subsistence fishermen and (ii)
Mode of survey – personal interview and individual questionnaire.
Elicitation method – amount of income each individual receives from fish-catching or boating.
Questionnaire in detail
Dependency on river flow:
How do you define flow level within a year?
Seasonal distribution? (how many season? Season spreading over which months in
calendar year?)
Monthly distribution?
What is your income per day in different flow levels as you mentioned in answer to the last
In each season …?
In each month…..?
What is your alternative occupational choice if income falls very short or to an
unsatisfactory level to you?
Agriculture labor sell
Rickshaw pulling
No shift from this occupation
Any other occupation
Do you have any agricultural land?
Name & address
Age (years)
Occupation – fisherman or boatman
Experience in current occupation (years)
Education (years of schooling)
Family size (number of family members)
Sex – male or female
Working days per week (number of days)
Individual or group fishing (only for fishermen)

Main results from General linear model (GLM) repeated measures for fishermen group
The dependent variables, income measured for multiple times are presented as a factor name
‘income’ in the GLM. Predictor variables are the factors except flow. The GLM repeated measures
model is employed to test the main effects on repeated measures of between-subjects (grouping)
factors and the main effects of within-subjects factors. Results are presented in Tables C.1 and C.2.
Results show that there are no significant interaction between income and other factors.
Table 1.7 Test of between subject factors used in GLM (case of Fishermen group)
Transformed Variable: Average
Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Intercept 2316411.029 1 2316411.029 2972.003 .000
Age 113.865 2 56.932 .073 .930
Experience 394.564 1 394.564 .506 .482
Education 1746.316 2 873.158 1.120 .339
Fam_size 6846.380 3 2282.127 2.928 .049
Activity_day 1247.284 1 1247.284 1.600 .215
Catch_mode 333.015 1 333.015 .427 .518

Table 1.8 Tests of within subject effect (case of Fishermen group)

Source Type III sum of Df Mean square F Sig
Income Sphericity Assumed 477050.883 4 119262.721 715.950 .000
Greenhouse-Geisser 477050.883 2.072 230285.225 715.950 .000
Huynh-Feldt 477050.883 4.000 119262.721 715.950 .000
Lower-bound 477050.883 1.000 477050.883 715.950 .000
Income * Age Sphericity Assumed 1060.723 8 132.590 .796 .607
Greenhouse-Geisser 1060.723 4.143 256.020 .796 .536
Huynh-Feldt 1060.723 8.000 132.590 .796 .607
Lower-bound 1060.723 2.000 530.361 .796 .460
Income * Sphericity Assumed 891.971 4 222.993 1.339 .259
Experience Greenhouse-Geisser 891.971 2.072 430.578 1.339 .270
Huynh-Feldt 891.971 4.000 222.993 1.339 .259
Lower-bound 891.971 1.000 891.971 1.339 .256
Income * Sphericity Assumed 6231.660 8 778.958 4.676 .000
Education Greenhouse-Geisser 6231.660 4.143 1504.095 4.676 .002
Huynh-Feldt 6231.660 8.000 778.958 4.676 .000
Lower-bound 6231.660 2.000 3115.830 4.676 .017
Income * Sphericity Assumed 6276.394 12 523.033 3.140 .001
Fam_size Greenhouse-Geisser 6276.394 6.215 1009.928 3.140 .008
Huynh-Feldt 6276.394 12.000 523.033 3.140 .001
Lower-bound 6276.394 3.000 2092.131 3.140 .039
Income * Sphericity Assumed 209.218 4 52.304 .314 .868
Activity_day Greenhouse-Geisser 209.218 2.072 100.995 .314 .739
Huynh-Feldt 209.218 4.000 52.304 .314 .868
Lower-bound 209.218 1.000 209.218 .314 .579
Income * Sphericity Assumed 1858.616 4 464.654 2.789 .029
Catch_mode Greenhouse-Geisser 1858.616 2.072 897.204 2.789 .067
Huynh-Feldt 1858.616 4.000 464.654 2.789 .029
Lower-bound 1858.616 1.000 1858.616 2.789 .105

Main results from General linear model (GLM) repeated measures for boatmen group
Similar manner of fishery, the dependent variables, income measured for multiple times are
presented as a factor name ‘income’ in the GLM. Predictor variables are the factors except flow.
The GLM repeated measures model is employed to test the main effects on repeated measures of
between-subjects (grouping) factors, the main effects of within-subjects factors, interaction effects
between factors. Results are presented in Tables C.3 and C.4. Results show that there are no
significant interaction between income and other factors except the catching mode.
Table 1.9 Tests of between-subjects effects for factors used in GLM (case of Boatmen group)
Transformed Variable: Average
Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Intercept 2186913.617 1 2186913.617 481.633 .000
Age 16.667 1 16.667 .004 .955
Experience 13275.000 2 6637.500 1.462 .334
Education .000 0 . . .
Fam_size 21549.784 3 7183.261 1.582 .326
Activity day 208.333 1 208.333 .046 .841

Table 1.10 Tests of within-subjects effects (case of Boatmen group)

Source Type III Sum of df Mean Square F sig
Income Sphericity Assumed 1064730.772 2 532365.386 412.486 .000
Greenhouse-Geisser 1064730.772 1.991 534713.505 412.486 .000
Huynh-Feldt 1064730.772 2.000 532365.386 412.486 .000
Lower-bound 1064730.772 1.000 1064730.772 412.486 .000
Income * Age Sphericity Assumed 2033.333 2 1016.667 .788 .487
Greenhouse-Geisser 2033.333 1.991 1021.151 .788 .487
Huynh-Feldt 2033.333 2.000 1016.667 .788 .487
Lower-bound 2033.333 1.000 2033.333 .788 .425
Income * Sphericity Assumed 11050.000 4 2762.500 2.140 .167
Experience Greenhouse-Geisser 11050.000 3.982 2774.685 2.140 .167
Huynh-Feldt 11050.000 4.000 2762.500 2.140 .167
Lower-bound 11050.000 2.000 5525.000 2.140 .233
Income * Sphericity Assumed .000 0 . . .
Education Greenhouse-Geisser .000 .000 . . .
Huynh-Feldt .000 .000 . . .
Lower-bound .000 .000 . . .
Income * Sphericity Assumed 18919.080 6 3153.180 2.443 .121
Fam_size Greenhouse-Geisser 18919.080 5.974 3167.088 2.443 .121
Huynh-Feldt 18919.080 6.000 3153.180 2.443 .121
Lower-bound 18919.080 3.000 6306.360 2.443 .204
Income * Sphericity Assumed 1979.167 2 989.583 .767 .496
Activity_day Greenhouse-Geisser 1979.167 1.991 993.948 .767 .495
Huynh-Feldt 1979.167 2.000 989.583 .767 .496
Lower-bound 1979.167 1.000 1979.167 .767 .431

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Appendix D. Environmental flow assessment for The Teesta
Monthly flow duration curves at Kaunia point


Flow (m /s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Exceedence Probability (%)
Figure 1.1 Flow Duration Curves for the low flow season (December - March) for the Teesta at Kaunia
based on daily flow for the period of 1967 – 1990

2000 Nov

Flow (m /s)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Exceedence Probability (%)
Figure 1.2 Flow Duration Curves for the intermediate flow season (December - March) for the Teesta
at Kaunia based on daily flow for the period of 1967 – 1990

6000 Aug


Flow (m /s)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Exceedence Probability (%)
Figure 1.3 Flow Duration Curves for the high flow season (December - March) for the Teesta at
Kaunia based on daily flow for the period of 1967 – 1990

Mean monthly flows with RVA targets for the months of March to December at Kaunia point.

Figure 1.4 Mean monthly flows with RVA targets and IHA values for the months of March to
December at Kaunia of the Teesta River

Figure D.4 Mean monthly flows with RVA targets and IHA values for the months of March to
December at Kaunia of the Teesta River (Cont’d)

Figure D.4 Mean monthly flows with RVA targets and IHA values for the months of March to
December at Kaunia of the Teesta River (Cont’d)

Figure D.4 Mean monthly flows with RVA targets and IHA values for the months of March to
December at Kaunia of the Teesta River (Cont’d)

Figure D.4 Mean monthly flows with RVA targets and IHA values for the months of March to
December at Kaunia of the Teesta River (Cont’d)

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Appendix E. Input to Aquarius model for Teesta River study site
The developed quadratic total benefit (TB) function for irrigation water use in the Teesta is
given in Equation 5-6(c), where the unit of TB is million US$ and flow is in m3/s.
However, for Aquarius compatibility the TB needs to be converted into US$ and flow into
MCM/month. With the necessary conversion, the data are presented in Table E.1 and the
quadratic TB function is shown in Figure E.1.
Table 1.11 Flow and respective total benefit for irrigation water use in the Teesta site
TB ($/month)
m3/s MCM/m
135.79 352 8260000
122.21 317 7420000
108.63 282 6510000
95.05 246 5540000
81.47 211 4480000
67.90 176 3330000

TB y = -31.039x 2 + 44347x - 4E+06

R2 = 1
TB ($/month)


100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Flow (MCM/month)

Figure 1.5 Total benefit function for irrigation water use in Teesta site
From the above shown TB function in Figure E.1, the estimated MB function is linear (MB
= -62.078*x+44347), which needs to be converted into exponential function (y = ae-x/b) to
use in Aquarius. Here x is flow.
The linear and fitted exponential MB function is shown in Figure E.2. In this fitted
exponential MB function, the coefficient values for a and b is used as 46,000 and 525.


Benefit ($/month per MCM)




150 200 250 300 350 400
Flow (MC M/month)

Figure 1.6 Actually developed (quadratic) and fitted exponential Marginal benefit curve
Instream water (Fisheries and navigation) benefit function is developed and given in
Equations 6-8 and 6-9, where the unit of TB is US$/month and MB is US$/month per m3/s.
However, for the compatibility of the Aquarius model, the flow unit needs to be changed
into MCM/month. After the necessary conversion to Equation 6-9, the obtained MB
function is MB = 481-0.63*x; where x is flow.
From the above equation, the coefficient values of a and b are respectively 481 and 0.63
and given as input to Aquarius.
Model verification
Model output
4500 Obs flow


Flow at Kaunia (m /s)



















































Figure 1.7 Verification of Aquarius output with observed flow at Kaunia, Teesta

Appendix F. Data and information for Konto River Basin
Table 12.1 Flow (m3/s) from Sambong, Nogo and Nambaan river (1999 – 2008)

Nogo River Sambong Nambaan

Year/month Total Flow
Basin River Basin River Basin

January 0.15 0.35 0.41 0.91

February 0.15 0.34 0.40 0.88
March 0.14 0.33 0.39 0.87
April 0.14 0.33 0.39 0.87
May 0.10 0.22 0.26 0.58
June 0.09 0.21 0.24 0.54

July 0.08 0.18 0.21 0.47

August 0.07 0.16 0.19 0.42
September 0.06 0.15 0.18 0.39
October 0.08 0.18 0.21 0.46
November 0.09 0.20 0.24 0.53
December 0.13 0.29 0.34 0.76
January 0.13 0.29 0.35 0.77
February 0.16 0.38 0.45 0.99
March 0.13 0.30 0.36 0.79
April 0.12 0.28 0.33 0.73
May 0.10 0.23 0.27 0.59
June 0.08 0.20 0.23 0.51

July 0.07 0.17 0.20 0.45

August 0.07 0.15 0.18 0.40
September 0.06 0.14 0.17 0.37
October 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.33
November 0.07 0.17 0.20 0.45
December 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.30
January 0.10 0.23 0.27 0.60
February 0.12 0.28 0.32 0.72
March 0.13 0.29 0.34 0.76
April 0.11 0.25 0.30 0.66
May 0.07 0.17 0.20 0.45
June 0.08 0.19 0.22 0.49

July 0.06 0.15 0.17 0.38

August 0.06 0.13 0.16 0.34
September 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.32
October 0.07 0.16 0.18 0.41
November 0.07 0.16 0.18 0.41
December 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.28
January 0.10 0.23 0.27 0.59
February 0.19 0.44 0.51 1.14
March 0.11 0.25 0.29 0.64
April 0.09 0.20 0.24 0.52
May 0.07 0.16 0.19 0.43
June 0.07 0.15 0.18 0.40

July 0.06 0.13 0.16 0.35

August 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.31
September 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.29
October 0.04 0.10 0.11 0.25
November 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.24
December 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.27
January 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.28

February 0.08 0.19 0.23 0.50

March 0.10 0.23 0.27 0.61

Nogo River Sambong Nambaan
Year/month Total Flow
Basin River Basin River Basin

April 0.05 0.12 0.15 0.33

May 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.28
June 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.26
July 0.04 0.09 0.10 0.23
August 0.03 0.08 0.09 0.21
September 0.03 0.07 0.09 0.19
October 0.03 0.06 0.08 0.17
November 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.25
December 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.25
January 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.30
February 0.10 0.23 0.27 0.59
March 0.11 0.26 0.31 0.69
April 0.06 0.14 0.16 0.35
May 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.31
June 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.29

July 0.04 0.10 0.11 0.25

August 0.04 0.09 0.10 0.23
September 0.03 0.08 0.09 0.21
October 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.18
November 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.19
December 0.04 0.10 0.11 0.25
January 0.03 0.07 0.09 0.19
February 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.25
March 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.26
April 0.04 0.10 0.11 0.25
May 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.17
June 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.16

July 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.14

August 0.02 0.05 0.06 0.13
September 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.12
October 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.10
November 0.02 0.04 0.05 0.11
December 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.28
January 0.07 0.16 0.19 0.42
February 0.08 0.18 0.22 0.48
March 0.07 0.16 0.19 0.42
April 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.27
May 0.06 0.15 0.17 0.38
June 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.25

July 0.04 0.09 0.10 0.22

August 0.03 0.08 0.09 0.20
September 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.19
October 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.16
November 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.15
December 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.24
January 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.14
February 0.06 0.14 0.17 0.37
March 0.07 0.16 0.19 0.42
April 0.07 0.16 0.18 0.41

May 0.04 0.09 0.11 0.24

June 0.04 0.09 0.10 0.22
July 0.03 0.07 0.09 0.20
August 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.18
September 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.16

Nogo River Sambong Nambaan
Year/month Total Flow
Basin River Basin River Basin

October 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.16

November 0.04 0.09 0.10 0.23
December 0.07 0.17 0.20 0.43
January 0.08 0.18 0.21 0.47
February 0.12 0.27 0.32 0.71
March 0.15 0.34 0.40 0.90
April 0.08 0.20 0.23 0.51
May 0.07 0.16 0.19 0.43
June 0.06 0.15 0.18 0.39

July 0.06 0.13 0.15 0.34

August 0.05 0.12 0.14 0.30
September 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.28
October 0.04 0.10 0.12 0.26
November 0.05 0.11 0.13 0.30
December 0.06 0.13 0.16 0.35

Table 1.2 Observed mean monthly flow (m3/s) in Konto that meets with Brantas (2004 – 2008)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004 7.3 10.3 13.5 11.7 7.7 8.9 7.9 7.5 9.1 9.7 9.4 13.1 9.68
2005 9.07 6.88 4.8 9.36 6.23 7.93 8.73 9 9 10.8 9.19 8.74 8.31
2006 11.4 13.44 10.25 11.28 11.72 9.38 7.96 7.2 7.09 8.59 9.85 7.65 9.65
2007 7.26 8.71 9.43 13.55 12.57 9.25 8 8 8.04 8.92 10.6 9.69 9.50
2008 13.2 16.6 21.2 14.3 12 10.9 9.1 9 9.7 12.1 12 10.7 12.57
Monthly 9.65 11.19 11.84 12.04 10.04 9.27 8.34 8.14 8.59 10.02 10.21 9.98 9.94

Table 1.3 NRECA model estimated Konto flow (m3/s) that meets with Brantas (2004 – 2008)
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2004 11.25 24.66 31.98 16.70 11.42 11.33 9.25 8.32 8.55 8.14 7.52 12.85 13.50
2005 11.66 15.75 17.31 19.33 10.66 12.08 9.14 8.45 7.86 8.54 9.38 26.89 13.09
2006 22.54 27.39 21.16 15.64 20.66 12.22 10.14 9.13 8.49 8.07 8.54 12.01 14.67
2007 6.96 18.35 21.39 24.70 10.94 11.30 9.05 8.15 7.64 8.39 13.65 23.76 13.69
2008 28.06 41.91 52.32 29.06 23.36 19.50 16.14 14.61 14.39 15.64 17.96 19.36 24.36
Monthly Avg 16.09 25.61 28.83 21.08 15.41 13.29 10.74 9.73 9.39 9.76 11.41 18.97 15.86

Table 1.4 Selerejo Dam - Storage-Area-Elevation Relation
Elevation (m) Storage (m3) Area (m2) Elevation (m) Storage (m3) Area (m2)
591.5 6,000.48 683,549.31 609 10,364,954.13 1,712,169.95
592 17,384.13 692,882.17 609.5 11,002,848.45 1,770,510.04
592.5 33,658.10 703,116.34 610 11,670,397.68 1,830,795.62
593 55,221.23 714,044.37 610.5 12,368,644.97 1,893,308.47
593.5 482,490.02 725,944.74 611 13,098,652.63 1,957,843.19
594 615,898.76 738,609.83 611.5 13,861,502.18 2,024,682.19
594.5 755,899.49 752,318.41 612 14,658,294.34 2,093,619.81
595 902,962.11 766,863.11 612.5 15,490,149.15 2,164,938.99
595.5 1,057,574.38 782,522.69 613 16,358,205.95 2,238,433.91
596 1,220,241.97 799,090.18 613.5 17,263,623.43 2,314,387.96
596.5 1,391,488.51 816,844.29 614 18,207,579.72 2,392,595.33
597 1,571,855.62 835,578.20 614.5 19,191,272.36 2,473,339.59
597.5 1,761,902.97 855,571.02 615 20,215,918.39 2,556,415.12
598 1,962,208.29 876,615.89 615.5 21,282,754.37 2,642,105.71
598.5 2,173,367.44 898,992.16 616 22,393,036.44 2,730,205.75
599 2,395,994.45 922,493.13 616.5 23,548,040.33 2,820,999.30
599.5 2,630,721.53 947,398.34 617 24,749,061.46 2,914,280.97
600 2,878,199.17 973,501.13 617.5 25,997,414.89 3,010,334.85
600.5 3,139,096.10 1,001,081.40 618 27,294,435.47 3,108,955.83
601 3,414,099.41 1,029,932.54 618.5 28,641,477.77 3,210,428.13
601.5 3,703,914.54 1,060,334.63 619 30,039,916.22 3,314,546.78
602 4,009,265.37 1,092,081.17 619.5 31,491,145.09 3,421,596.14
602.5 4,330,894.19 1,125,452.50 620 32,996,578.55 3,531,371.55
603 4,669,561.80 1,160,242.33 620.5 34,557,650.71 3,644,157.36
603.5 5,026,047.55 1,196,730.93 621 36,175,815.67 3,759,749.14
604 5,401,149.34 1,234,712.50 621.5 37,852,547.55 3,878,431.46
604.5 5,795,683.70 1,274,467.17 622 39,589,340.54 4,000,000.00
605 6,210,485.81 1,315,789.53 622.5 41,387,708.93 4,124,739.49
605.5 6,646,409.57 1,358,959.74 623 43,249,187.15 4,252,445.80
606 7,104,327.59 1,403,772.55
606.5 7,585,131.29 1,450,508.47 Source: PJT-I, 2007
607 8,089,730.89 1,498,962.24
607.5 8,619,055.50 1,549,414.52
608 9,174,053.10 1,601,660.29
608.5 9,755,690.67 1,655,980.46

Table 1.5 Monthly power production (MWh) from three hydropower plants
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Selorejo Hydropower plant
1999 1,839 1,766 2,558 2,097 1,842 2,469 2,342 2,555 2,028 1,380 1,551 761 23,188
2000 1,758 2,869 3,272 2,637 2,458 2,303 2,262 2,001 1,623 1,694 1,442 1,038 25,357
2001 2,501 2,467 2,516 2,051 2,489 1,808 1,712 1,827 1,694 1,675 1,396 2,043 24,179
2002 1,731 2,349 2,777 3,178 2,534 2,137 1,877 1,844 2,030 2,712 2,307 1,579 27,055
2003 2,067 2,945 3,287 3,177 2,619 2,201 1,896 1,885 1,770 316 2,199 1,842 26,204
2004 2,469 2,971 3,111 3,171 2,672 1,963 1,879 1,896 1,761 1,445 2,195 1,305 26,838
2005 1,510 2,182 2,355 2,791 2,320 2,217 1,945 1,839 1,742 2,047 1,990 1,815 24,753
2006 1,530 1,758 2,468 2,366 1,898 1,757 1,808 1,732 1,363 1,720 2,169 1,983 22,552
2007 2,020 2,332 2,281 2,180 1,919 1,816 1,737 1,693 1,471 1,136 969 462 20,016
2008 452 266 1,622 2,311 1,733 2,019 2,132 2,011 1,628 1,342 2,235 1,501 19,252
Avg 1,788 2,191 2,625 2,596 2,248 2,069 1,959 1,928 1,711 1,547 1,845 1,433 23,939
Mendalan hydropower plant
2003 7,120 5,818 7,768 5,719 5,701 6,157 5,922 6,878 6,578 6,995 8,674 6,089 79,419
2004 6,140 6,570 7,082 6,448 6,099 6,681 6,608 6,565 6,600 6,800 6,367 6,667 78,627
2005 6,511 5,083 4,982 6,741 4,924 6,129 6,628 6,449 6,272 6,789 6,265 6,921 73,694
2006 7,226 6,541 7,149 6,870 6,855 6,156 6,138 6,269 6,224 6,890 6,778 6,584 79,680
2007 6,126 5,945 6,701 6,512 5,545 6,315 6,223 6,320 6,020 6,401 6,193 6,446 74,747
2008 6,392 5,923 6,482 6,222 6,312 6,291 6,438 6,487 6,293 6,073 6,092 6,113 75,118
Avg 6,586 5,980 6,694 6,419 5,906 6,288 6,326 6,495 6,331 6,658 6,728 6,470 76,881
Siman hydropower plant
2003 5,581 4,641 6,288 4,339 4,318 4,823 4,240 4,514 4,514 4,536 4,972 4,342 57,108
2004 4,451 4,474 5,713 5,435 4,530 4,765 4,449 4,513 4,652 5,214 4,504 4,856 57,556
2005 4,765 3,831 4,028 4,994 3,705 4,580 4,892 4,778 4,540 5,095 4,656 5,108 54,972
2006 5,679 5,275 5,474 5,631 5,615 4,628 4,598 4,600 4,473 4,698 4,533 3,877 59,081
2007 4,295 4,164 4,583 4,003 3,834 3,271 4,201 4,170 2,655 4,399 4,517 4,654 48,746
2008 3,151 4,400 4,865 4,893 4,964 4,599 4,831 4,781 4,556 4,875 5,028 5,467 56,410
Avg 4,654 4,464 5,159 4,883 4,494 4,444 4,535 4,559 4,232 4,803 4,702 4,717 55,646

Table 1.6 Estimation of original flow of Konto river

Inflow to Flow at Mendalan dam Konto flow before Local flow of
Original flow in
Month Selorejo after abstraction to Brantas Konto d/s to
Konto (m3/s)
(m3/s) Siman pond (m3/s) (Observed) (m3/s) Selorejo (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6
Jan-04 9.66 0.00 7.3 7.30 17.66
Feb-04 15.82 2.37 10.3 7.93 24.45
Mar-04 17.91 5.67 13.5 7.83 26.44
Apr-04 11.35 3.60 11.7 8.10 20.15
May-04 9.94 0.00 7.7 7.70 18.34
Jun-04 7.27 0.71 8.9 8.19 16.16
Jul-04 6.62 0.00 7.9 7.90 15.22
Aug-04 5.54 0.00 7.5 7.50 13.74
Sep-04 6.79 0.81 9.1 8.29 15.78
Oct-04 6.16 1.40 9.7 8.30 15.16
Nov-04 8.85 1.11 9.4 8.29 17.84
Dec-04 13.78 4.82 13.1 8.28 22.76
Jan-05 9.68 0.00 9.07 9.07 19.45
Feb-05 8.73 0.00 6.88 6.88 16.31
Mar-05 10.42 0.00 4.8 4.80 15.92

Inflow to Flow at Mendalan dam Konto flow before Local flow of
Original flow in
Month Selorejo after abstraction to Brantas Konto d/s to
Konto (m3/s)
(m3/s) Siman pond (m3/s) (Observed) (m3/s) Selorejo (m3/s)
Apr-05 12.25 1.65 9.36 7.71 20.66
May-05 7.73 0.00 6.23 6.23 14.66
Jun-05 6.87 0.00 7.93 7.93 15.50
Jul-05 7.00 0.00 8.73 8.73 16.43
Aug-05 6.10 0.23 9 8.77 15.57
Sep-05 6.16 0.22 9 8.78 15.64
Oct-05 6.73 1.88 10.8 8.92 16.35
Nov-05 7.14 0.55 9.19 8.64 16.48
Dec-05 11.05 0.89 8.74 7.85 19.60
Jan-06 14.35 3.61 11.4 7.79 22.84
Feb-06 14.09 5.16 13.44 8.28 23.07
Mar-06 13.15 1.97 10.25 8.28 22.13
Apr-06 12.79 3.12 11.28 8.16 21.65
May-06 12.00 3.03 11.72 8.69 21.39
Jun-06 8.29 0.58 9.38 8.80 17.79
Jul-06 6.36 0.00 7.96 7.96 15.02
Aug-06 5.74 0.00 7.2 7.20 13.64
Sep-06 5.42 0.00 7.09 7.09 13.21
Oct-06 6.37 0.67 8.59 7.92 14.99
Nov-06 6.96 1.67 9.85 8.18 15.84
Dec-06 9.47 0.00 7.65 7.65 17.82
Jan-07 6.93 0.00 7.26 7.26 14.89
Feb-07 13.52 0.68 8.71 8.03 22.25
Mar-07 14.35 1.57 9.43 7.86 22.91
Apr-07 13.93 5.79 13.55 7.76 22.39
May-07 8.99 0.00 12.57 12.57 22.26
Jun-07 8.23 1.13 9.25 8.12 17.05
Jul-07 7.10 0.19 8 7.81 15.61
Aug-07 6.56 0.18 8 7.82 15.08
Sep-07 6.18 0.23 8.04 7.81 14.69
Oct-07 7.55 0.91 8.92 8.01 16.26
Nov-07 9.51 2.40 10.6 8.20 18.41
Dec-07 17.07 2.42 9.69 7.27 25.04
Jan-08 13.70 5.97 13.2 7.23 21.63
Feb-08 19.00 7.73 16.6 8.87 28.57
Mar-08 21.25 11.02 21.2 10.18 32.13
Apr-08 15.69 6.01 14.3 8.29 24.68
May-08 12.68 3.94 12 8.06 21.44
Jun-08 9.73 2.22 10.9 8.68 19.11
Jul-08 8.42 1.09 9.1 8.01 17.13
Aug-08 8.13 1.06 9 7.94 16.77
Sep-08 8.02 1.79 9.7 7.91 16.63
Oct-08 8.62 3.67 12.1 8.43 17.75
Nov-08 9.81 3.95 12 8.05 18.56
Dec-08 10.94 2.82 10.7 7.88 19.52
MAF 18.77
Note: Columns 2 and 4 are obtained data from PJT-I, column 3 is simulated and taken from Triweko et al.
(2010), column 5 = Column 4 – Column 3; Column 6 = column 2 + Column 5 + 0.7, where 0.7 m3/s is the
M&I use

Appendix G. Valuation of water in Konto River Basin
Table 1.7 Crop Budget analysis for the Konto Study Site

Agriculture production Input Labor Tractor Seed seed unit Fertilizer Equipment NPK Pesticide Land rent Total input Per Per
(unit) man.d/ha unit require- price kg/ha unit kg/ha kg/ha unit cost hectare hectare
Agriculture production Input 28,200 300,000 ment IDR/kg 4,900 25,000 4,750 25,000 3,700,000 (10 IDR) input cost input cost
unit price (IDR) kg/ha (IDR/ha) (US$/ha)
Crops Area irrig- Input requirements for the crops (except seed unit price column)
ated (ha)
Paddy Dry-1 11,835 50 1.25 40 5000 1 44 350 7 1 102.1 8,627,750 958
Paddy Dry-2 2,438 58 1 40 5000 1 44 350 7 1 21.4 8,778,406 975
Paddy wet 23,275 57 1.5 40 5000 1 50 350 7 1 210.6 9,050,199 1005
Polowija Dry-1 10,638 35 0.75 25 5500 0.5 30 250 5.5 0.75 65.9 6,202,195 689
Polowija Dry-2 21,336 40 0.75 25 5500 0.5 30 250 5.5 0.75 135.3 6,343,230 704
Total Cropped Area (ha) 69,522 Total cost (109IDR) 535.4
Net Area (ha) 30,431 Cost (IDR/ha) 17,596,289

Table 1.8 Crop wise and at the project level irrigation water value
Crops Area Potential Unit output Total Per hectare Per hectare WRF WWR Value of Value of
irrigated Yield price output output input cost (mm) (mm) diverted diverted
(ha) (t/ha) (IDR/kg) value value (IDR/ha) water water
(109 IDR) (IDR/ha) (IDR/m3) (US$/m3)
Paddy Dry-1 11,835 5.4 2200 140.6 11,880,000 8,627,750 230 418 777 0.086
Paddy Dry-2 2,438 5.9 2200 31.6 12,980,000 8,778,406 1080 1,965 214 0.024
Paddy wet 23,275 5.1 2200 261.1 11,220,000 9,050,199 214 388 560 0.062
Polowija Dry-1 10,638 2.25 3500 83.8 7,875,000 6,202,195 122 222 752 0.084
Polowija Dry-2 21,336 2.25 3500 168.0 7,875,000 6,343,230 332 604 253 0.028
Total cropped 69,522 Total output value 685.2
area (ha) (109 IDR)
Net irrigated 30,431 Output value IDR/ha 22,516,046 Water value (IDR/m3) 584 0.065
Area (ha)

Table 1.9 Fish price at the Konto Study site

Fish type Mas/Tombro Tawes Nila Mujahir Lele Belut Ikan Lain Udang
Unit price
(IDR/kg) 12,500 11,000 9,000 8,500 9,500 14,000 11,000 19,000

Table 1.10 Monthly fish production (tonne) and fishery benefit (106 IDR) from Selorejo Reservoir
Year 2008
Fish type Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Mas/Tombro 0.082 0.0765 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.1855 0.0585 0.0075
Tawes 0.5 0.6125 0.5375 1.725 0.425 0.325 0.325 0.325 0.3 0.25 0.25 0.2475
Nila 3.9825 4.147 1.3375 2.0125 0.5 0.5 9.5 2.2 0.45 3.244 4.589 3.85
Mujahir 0.775 1.1 1.05 1.1 1.1 1 2.525 2 0.75 0.75 0.75 3.825
Lele 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Belut 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ikan Lain 0.0525 0 0.095 0.3875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Udang 0 0.0825 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Production 5.392 6.0185 3.085 5.29 2.09 1.89 12.415 4.59 1.565 4.4295 5.6475 7.93
Benefit 49.5 55.9 28.7 51.5 19.3 17.4 111.4 41.2 14.5 40.6 51.2 70.0
Year 2009
Mas/Tombro 0.45 1.42 1.16 0.87 1.08 0.90 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.22 0.40
Tawes 2.74 4.46 4.16 3.44 2.10 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89
Nila 6.99 9.82 9.96 6.62 10.27 7.53 2.68 3.00 2.15 3.77 3.85 6.20
Mujahir 2.48 3.11 3.14 2.52 2.54 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.63 1.54 2.13
Lele 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Belut 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ikan Lain 0.59 1.53 1.50 1.17 0.32 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.57 0.79 0.93
Udang 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31 1.08 1.14
Total production 13.23 20.34 19.92 14.62 16.30 12.48 2.78 3.00 2.15 8.63 7.47 11.67
Benefit 126.0 198.4 193.0 142.5 154.0 119.7 25.4 27.0 19.4 94.3 79.6 120.3

Year 2010
Mas/Tombro 0.53 0.59 0.49 0.63 0.64 0.22 0.39 0.35 0.35 0.38 0.41 0.64
Tawes 2.65 2.90 2.67 2.12 2.11 1.68 0.83 1.01 1.22 1.32 1.19 0.00
Nila 6.89 7.21 6.29 8.14 8.15 6.32 7.16 6.50 7.32 7.41 7.59 8.84
Mujahir 2.21 2.70 2.34 2.89 2.98 2.50 1.79 1.76 1.80 1.85 1.99 3.23
Lele 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Belut 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ikan Lain 0.66 0.57 0.53 0.64 0.50 0.10 0.69 0.63 0.38 0.35 0.77 0.64
Udang 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total production 12.93 13.97 12.31 14.41 14.36 10.81 10.86 10.23 11.06 11.31 11.94 13.35
Benefit 123.7 133.3 117.7 135.9 135.2 100.4 101.3 95.6 103.0 105.5 111.8 122.0

Avg Monthly production 10.52 13.44 11.77 11.44 10.92 8.39 8.69 5.94 4.93 8.12 8.35 10.98
Avg. Monthly fishery benefit 99.7 129.2 113.1 110.0 102.8 79.1 79.3 54.6 45.6 80.2 80.9 104.1
Avg benefit (103 $) 11.08 14.35 12.56 12.21 11.42 8.79 8.81 6.06 5.07 8.90 8.98 11.56

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Appendix H. Input to Aquarius model for Konto River Basin
Table 1.11 Physical data set for Selorejo reservoir as input in Aquarius
Parameter Parameter value Remark
Elevation vs storage function Coefficient values Elevation vs storage relationship is
c1=596.87; d1=0.0094 established based on the data
provided in Table E.1 and as
established in Figure G.1.
Area vs storage function Coefficient values Area vs storage relationship is
c2=0.8468; d2=0.3414 established based on the data
provided in Table E.1 and as
established in Figure G.2
Initial and final storage 14.5 MCM
Minimum storage 8.09 MCM Based on lowest operating level for
Maximum storage 39.6 MCM Based on maximum operating
capacity of the reservoir

Elevation (m)

Series1 y = 596.87x
570 2
(Series1) R = 0.8934
0 10 20 30 40 50
Storage (MCM)
Figure 1.1 Elevation vs Storage relationship for Selorejo reservoir


Area (km )

y = 0.8468x
1 2
R = 0.8495
Fitted line
Power (Series1)
0 10 20 30 40 50
Storage (MCM)
Figure 1.2 Area vs Storage relationship for Selorejo reservoir

Table 1.12 Input data for Hydropower to Aquarius model for Konto
Parameter Hydropower plant
Selorejo Mendalan Siman Remark
Installed capacity 4.5 MW 7 MW 9.9 MW As obtained from PJT-I
Design Discharge 14.8 m3/s 8.5m3/s 8.5 m3/s As obtained from PJT-I
Efficiency 0.83 0.73 0.74 As mentioned in Section 10.1
Energy rate vs a1=53.4 a1=298.9 a1=211.6 First erf is calculated based on
Storage b1=0.97766 b1=0.000 b1=0.000 Equations 3-3 & 3-4. Then erf vs
storage is plotted in Figure G.3


erf (MWh/MCM)


y = 0.9776x + 53.4
20 Data
Data 2
R = 0.9825
0 10 20 30 40 50
Figure 1.3 Energy rate vs storage function for Selorejo power plant

The developed quadratic total benefit (TB) function for irrigation water use in the Konto is
given in Equation 10-1, where the unit of TB is million US$ and flow is in m3/s. However,
for Aquarius compatibility the TB needs to be converted into US$ and flow into
MCM/month. With the necessary conversion, the data are presented in Table H.3 and the
quadratic TB function is shown in Figure H.4.
Table 1.13 Flow and respective total benefit for irrigation water use in the Teesta site
TB ($/month)
m3/s MCM/m
16.51 42.79 2770926
14.86 38.51 2475716
13.21 34.23 2184167
11.56 29.95 1886826
9.90 25.67 1582687
8.25 21.39 1270515

y = -131.84x + 78431x - 345649
TB $/month


10 20 30 40 50
Figure 1.4 Total benefit function for irrigation water use in Konto river basin
From the above shown TB function in Figure H.4, the estimated MB function is linear (MB
= -263.68*x+78431), which needs to be converted into exponential function (y = ae-x/b) to
use in Aquarius. Here x is flow.
The linear and fitted exponential MB function is shown in Figure H.5. In this fitted
exponential MB function, the coefficient values for a and b is used as 78,900 and 265.

MB ($/MCM)


10 20 30 40 50

Quantity (MCM)
Figure 1.5 Actually developed (quadratic) and fitted exponential Marginal benefit curve


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