Russian Wind Loads

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1 General
The purpose of the program is generation of wind pressure forces on buildings and structures
together with vibration analysis under the turbulent wind pressure fluctuations.
According to Russian code for loads and actions SNiP 2.01.07-85* [1] (hereafter referred as the
Code) the wind load comprises mean wind pressure wm and quasi-static wind fluctuation component
w p  wm with fluctuation coefficient  , dependent on terrain roughness and the height above
ground. If the structure is susceptible to wind-induced resonance, then the additional dynamic
amplification factor (DAF)  should be introduced. The product  will take into account the wind
fluctuation together with resonance vibrations of the structure.

1.1 Theoretical background

The wind-induced vibration of the structures is treated as a stationary random process described
in terms of the spectral theory of random vibrations [2], [3]. The use of spectral theory in design
practice of the USSR was long ago communicated in [4]. Comprehensive theoretical and practical
description of wind load analysis according to Russian design code is found in the Design Guide [5].
The buffeting vibration, caused by the wind pressure fluctuation, is predicted from the dynamic
equilibrium equations. The random wind loading is represented by A. G. Davenport’s power spectral
density [6]. Normalized power spectral function reads as
4 u2 Lf
Su  f   ,u (1)

3 f 1 u2  43
where f is current frequency, Hz,
L  1200 m — longitudinal turbulence length scale,
V10 — basic wind velocity 10 m above ground.

The solution is obtained by modal expansion of structural equations of the oscillatory system
 M {y}   K { y}  {F (t )} (2)
Corresponding eigenproblem
 M {}   2  K {}  0 (3)

yields generalized modal displacements z i with y j  i z i  ji and a set of uncoupled equations


1 
zi   i2 z i  Fi , i  1,..., M (4)
mi   j m j  ji2 , Fi    j F j  ji

m j — mass, attached to the j-th degree of freedom (DOF),
 i — i-th natural frequency,
 ji — j-th component of the i-th mode shape vector,
F j  F j  t  — quasi-static wind pressure force, applied to the j-th DOF.
Dynamic response to the random wind loading can be obtained by means of generally accepted
spectral analysis technique [3]. The response of a structure to the random excitation is assumed
harmonic, in the form of modal expansion.
The format of solution sought for follows from the equations (2) to (4). In terms of amplitude
values of fluctuating variables, with no allowance for resonance effects, it can be formulated as

 ki Fk , i  1,..., M , j  1,..., N
i F
F j  m j  ji  z  m j  ji i   m j  ji k 
i i
mi mi
The resonance effect is determined by the RMS response to the wind fluctuation described by
spectral density (1). This results in dynamic amplification factor (DAF)  i ,

(2 / 3) 11 / 3
 
d (6)
0 (1   ) [ 4  2(1   2 / 2) 2  i2   i4 ]
2 4/3

1 V10
where  i   — non-dimensional natural vibration period,
ui L f i
    ,  — logarithmic vibration decrement.

To obtain the meaningful engineering solution, the RMS quantity should be multiplied by the
probability based peak wind pressure factor. It is taken  g  3.0 .
The correlation coefficient  of the wind pressures on different points of wind-exposed surface
is introduced in a similar way.
More sophisticated dynamic wind loading method [7] is proposed, but little is known about its
practical use in design practice.

1.2 Main assumptions and limitations

Some wind engineering problems cannot be solved by standard codified procedures. More
sophisticated design methods including non-linear and aeroelastic stability analysis, wind tunnel tests
and field measurements should be applied in such cases. Limiting assumptions and limitation are
present in the program for this reason.
 Dynamic action of the wind load is represented by the peak quasi-static values of
internal forces in the structure.
 The program automatically includes necessary number of natural vibration modes and
performes the SRSS summation of modal contributions if the number of modes is greater than
 For all vibration modes the same DAF is applied, as calculated for the first vibration
 Wind pressure correlation coefficient for the first vibration mode is applied. For higher
modes, the coefficient is taken unity.
 Dynamic wind action can be determined only on vertical or near-vertical surfaces and
cannot be applied to roofs.
 Design code does not contain recommendations about the vibrations of vertical surfaces
of flexible shells, such as cylindrical shells and cooling towers.
 The program is not applicable to aerodynamic and aeroelastic stability problems.

1.3 Computation algorithm

The basic wind pressure w0 is determined in the Code on the basis of measured wind velocity
at the height of 10 meters with the 10-minutes duration averaging and 50-year return period and
relates to the wind velocity by the eq (11.3) of the Code.
Wind pressure and wind force coefficients. The mean wind pressure wm is introduced with the
multiplier k  y e  determined by the Table 11.2, and pulsating pressure with the multiplier   y e  ,
determined by the Table 11.3 of the Code. Here y e is effective height, defined in the Code, 11.1.5.

Aerodynamic wind pressure coefficients for wind-exposed surfaces, or wind force coefficients for
entire structures, C x , depend on the shape of a structure, and are defined in the Annex D of the Code
for typical structural shapes.
If the structure is sufficiently rigid, then the quasi-static application of wind fluctuation pressure
is acceptable. Otherwise, the resonant action of fluctuating wind should be taken into account. The
dynamic rigidity of the structure is defined by its natural frequencies. The greater is the natural
frequency, the less susceptible to wind-induced vibrations is the structure. Limit natural frequencies
are presented in the Table 11.5 of the Code. They depend on the basic wind pressure in a region and
the logarithmic decrement of a structure. Dynamic calculation of the wind load must include all
vibration modes with frequencies less than limit value.
Static wind forces. The static wind force acting on the k-th DOF on the wind-exposed surface of the
structure is determined as
FkMEAN  Ak wm C x . (7)
Here Ak — wind pressure area, related to the k-th DOF of the wind-exposed surface,
C x — aerodynamic coefficient calculated in accordance with the Annex D of the Code, applicable
to both mean and pulsating pressure components.
X- and Z-components of modal dynamic wind forces at a joint are considered as different DOFs of
the oscillatory system.
The obtained mean value is summed with the dynamic components of the wind loads. If the
structure is not susceptible to wind–induced vibration, then the w p is considered as dynamic load
component, and calculation is completed with this.
Dynamic forces. If one or more of natural frequencies are below the code-defined limiting value
f lim then the dynamic calculation shall be performed. Dynamic amplification factor  is
determined from the graph in Fig. 11.1 as a function of the non-dimensional natural vibration period,
obtained by the eq (11.8) of the Code:
w0 k  y e   f
  (8)
940 f 1

w0 — basic wind pressure, Pa,
k  y e  — pressure coefficient at a reference height,
y e  0.7 H , H — reference height of the structure,
 f  1.4 — partial load reliability coefficient,
f 1 — fundamental natural frequency.
For all vibration modes, the same DAF is applied, as calculated for the lowest natural frequency.
The modal components of dynamic wind forces of the k-th DOF, corresponding to the i-th
natural mode, are
   ji  j F jMEAN
FkDYNAMIC  mk  ki i j , k  1, ..., N
 m j ji2

This equation is rewritten in the form of

i  mk  ki   i k  1, ..., N

i 
ji  j F jMEAN
i  j  1, ..., N
m 

is modal participation factor, independent of joint coordinates,

 i — is the wind pressure correlation coefficient for the first vibration mode; for higher modes it is
equal to unity. The coefficient  is obtained according to Table 11.6 of the Code.

1.4 Notation
In subsequent parts of the Report, the following notation is used.
i — vibration mode number,
j — number of DOF,
Aj — wind contribution area, m2,
y e — reference height of the joint according to design code, 11.1.4,

k  y e  —wind pressure vertical variation coefficient according to Table 11.2 of the Code,

  y e  — wind pressure pulsation coefficient according to Table 11.4 of the Code,

 — dynamic amplification factor, determined from the graph in Fig. 11.1 of the Code,
m j — mass, related to the j-th DOF, kg,

i — component of the modal j-th DOF force for mode i, kN,

2. Full-scale building
TYPE OF THE PROBLEM: wind load generation on the full-scale building
REFERENCE: control hand calculations.
2.1 Main parameters of the building structure
The structure is situated in the III wind loading region, characteristic wind pressure is w0  0.38
kPa. Terrain category is A. Wind is directed along the x-axis, the width of the wind-exposed side of
the building is B  18.0 m. Building plan dimensions are B  D  18.0  7.2 m, height is H = 63.0
Natural frequencies of the structure (Hz): f 1  0.750, f 2  0.904, f 3  1.131, f 4  2.518 .
Logarithmic decrement is   0.30 . The structural model of the building comprises 96 joints with
the attached masses which represent design loading. Total mass of the structure is 2177370 kg.
According to the Table 11.5 of the Code, the limit natural frequency for buildings in the III wind
region is f lim  1.20 Hz. Three lowest vibration modes shall be taken into account to assess the
resonance effect of wind-induced vibrations.

Fig. 2.1
To assess the possible interaction between the translational and rotational vibrations, the distribution
of masses is assumed asymmetrical in the YZ plane. Mode shapes 1 and 3 are interconnected due to
mass asymmetry. The mode 2 is pure translational mode in the YX plane (Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.2 Along-wind vibration mode

Fig. 2.3 Cross-wind vibration mode

Fig. 2.4 Rotational vibration mode

2.2 Dynamic wind load analysis

Fig. 2.5. Wind contribution areas

The main assumption of the analysis is that the building behaves as a rigid in the horizontal
plane. The wind drag force, produced by the wind velocity pressure, is distributed over the joints of
the windward façade of the building. The wind contribution areas in Fig. 5 are related to the
windward joints of the building. But the aerodynamic wind force coefficients relate the wind velocity
pressure to the wind drag force as a whole, including both windward and leeward façades.
Intermediate and final results of dynamic wind load generation are presented in the tables 1 and
2 below. The final results are the static wind forces F j in the Table 1, and the dynamic modal
wind force components F ji in the Table 2 (i = 1, … 3, j = 1, … 96). Since the number of
modes is more than one, the modal effects (section forces, stresses or displacements) must be
summed by use of the SRSS procedure.
It should be remembered that index values j here are the joint numbers, not the DOFs.

Table 2.1

j Aj y ye k  ye  F jMEAN  j Q j1 Q j2 Q j3

1 12.60 0.00 18.00 1.20000 13.27430 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

2 0.00 0.00 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
3 18.90 4.20 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 0.15513 -0.00468 0.43985
4 0.00 4.20 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
5 18.90 8.40 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 0.39008 -0.00599 1.03105
6 0.00 8.40 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
7 18.90 12.60 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 0.67723 -0.00571 1.68034
8 0.00 12.60 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
9 18.90 16.80 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 1.00485 -0.00571 2.36228
10 0.00 16.80 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
11 18.90 21.00 21.00 1.26250 13.97970 0.68650 1.41092 -0.00566 3.15829
12 0.00 21.00 21.00 1.26250 0.00000 0.68650 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
13 18.90 25.20 25.20 1.31500 14.56100 0.67180 1.85878 -0.00606 3.98091
14 0.00 25.20 25.20 1.31500 0.00000 0.67180 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
15 18.90 29.40 29.40 1.36750 15.14230 0.65710 2.35359 -0.00597 4.83690
16 0.00 29.40 29.40 1.36750 0.00000 0.65710 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
17 18.90 33.60 33.60 1.42000 15.72370 0.64240 2.87857 -0.00596 5.69164
18 0.00 33.60 33.60 1.42000 0.00000 0.64240 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
19 18.90 37.80 37.80 1.47250 16.30500 0.62770 3.44587 -0.00532 6.55754
20 0.00 37.80 37.80 1.47250 0.00000 0.62770 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
21 18.90 42.00 42.00 1.52000 16.83100 0.61600 4.03525 -0.00508 7.40079
22 0.00 42.00 42.00 1.52000 0.00000 0.61600 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
23 18.90 46.20 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 4.89140 -0.00462 8.63792
24 0.00 46.20 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
25 18.90 50.40 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 5.49285 -0.00418 9.34566
26 0.00 50.40 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
27 18.90 54.60 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 6.10825 -0.00418 9.99696
28 0.00 54.60 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
29 18.90 58.80 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 6.69933 -0.00253 10.54990
30 0.00 58.80 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
31 6.30 63.00 63.00 1.72250 6.35775 0.57700 2.41809 -0.00015 3.66842
32 0.00 63.00 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
33 12.60 0.00 18.00 1.20000 13.27430 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
34 0.00 0.00 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
35 37.80 4.20 18.00 1.20000 26.57520 0.70400 0.33279 -0.00019 0.02825
36 0.00 4.20 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
37 37.80 8.40 18.00 1.20000 26.57520 0.70400 0.83064 -0.00037 0.07147
38 0.00 8.40 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
39 37.80 12.60 18.00 1.20000 26.57520 0.70400 1.43725 -0.00019 0.12460
40 0.00 12.60 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
41 37.80 16.80 18.00 1.20000 26.57520 0.70400 2.12442 0.00019 0.18597
42 0.00 16.80 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
43 37.80 21.00 21.00 1.26250 27.95930 0.68650 2.97609 0.00038 0.26277
44 0.00 21.00 21.00 1.26250 0.00000 0.68650 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
45 37.80 25.20 25.20 1.31500 29.12200 0.67180 3.91081 0.00039 0.34805
46 0.00 25.20 25.20 1.31500 0.00000 0.67180 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
47 37.80 29.40 29.40 1.36750 30.28460 0.65710 4.94348 0.00000 0.44298
48 0.00 29.40 29.40 1.36750 0.00000 0.65710 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
49 37.80 33.60 33.60 1.42000 31.44730 0.64240 6.03279 -0.00040 0.54444
50 0.00 33.60 33.60 1.42000 0.00000 0.64240 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
51 37.80 37.80 37.80 1.47250 32.61000 0.62770 7.21251 -0.00020 0.65543
52 0.00 37.80 37.80 1.47250 0.00000 0.62770 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

53 37.80 42.00 42.00 1.52000 33.66190 0.61600 8.42950 0.00021 0.77116
54 0.00 42.00 42.00 1.52000 0.00000 0.61600 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
55 37.80 46.20 63.00 1.72250 38.14650 0.57700 10.20640 0.00066 0.93985
56 0.00 46.20 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
57 37.80 50.40 63.00 1.72250 38.14650 0.57700 11.44130 0.00022 1.05959
58 0.00 50.40 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
59 37.80 54.60 63.00 1.72250 38.14650 0.57700 12.70790 -0.00044 1.18307
60 0.00 54.60 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
61 37.80 58.80 63.00 1.72250 38.14650 0.57700 13.91720 -0.00022 1.30148
62 0.00 58.80 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
63 25.20 63.00 63.00 1.72250 25.43100 0.57700 10.03450 0.00029 0.94161
64 0.00 63.00 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
65 12.60 0.00 18.00 1.20000 13.27430 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
66 0.00 0.00 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
67 18.90 4.20 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 0.17673 0.00440 -0.41160
68 0.00 4.20 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
69 18.90 8.40 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 0.44049 0.00561 -0.95977
70 0.00 8.40 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
71 18.90 12.60 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 0.75936 0.00552 -1.55584
72 0.00 12.60 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
73 18.90 16.80 18.00 1.20000 13.28760 0.70400 1.12037 0.00580 -2.17641
74 0.00 16.80 18.00 1.20000 0.00000 0.70400 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
75 18.90 21.00 21.00 1.26250 13.97970 0.68650 1.56538 0.00605 -2.89581
76 0.00 21.00 21.00 1.26250 0.00000 0.68650 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
77 18.90 25.20 25.20 1.31500 14.56100 0.67180 2.05355 0.00636 -3.63316
78 0.00 25.20 25.20 1.31500 0.00000 0.67180 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
79 18.90 29.40 29.40 1.36750 15.14230 0.65710 2.59032 0.00597 -4.39423
80 0.00 29.40 29.40 1.36750 0.00000 0.65710 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
81 18.90 33.60 33.60 1.42000 15.72370 0.64240 3.15730 0.00556 -5.14741
82 0.00 33.60 33.60 1.42000 0.00000 0.64240 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
83 18.90 37.80 37.80 1.47250 16.30500 0.62770 3.76707 0.00512 -5.90252
84 0.00 37.80 37.80 1.47250 0.00000 0.62770 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
85 18.90 42.00 42.00 1.52000 16.83100 0.61600 4.39792 0.00529 -6.62984
86 0.00 42.00 42.00 1.52000 0.00000 0.61600 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
87 18.90 46.20 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 5.31486 0.00517 -7.69873
88 0.00 46.20 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
89 18.90 50.40 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 5.95114 0.00440 -8.28663
90 0.00 50.40 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
91 18.90 54.60 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 6.59842 0.00374 -8.81488
92 0.00 54.60 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
93 18.90 58.80 63.00 1.72250 19.07320 0.57700 7.21623 0.00231 -9.24948
94 0.00 58.80 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
95 6.30 63.00 63.00 1.72250 6.35775 0.57700 2.59761 0.00029 -3.19809
96 0.00 63.00 63.00 1.72250 0.00000 0.57700 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
∑ 1134.00 965.9131 188.06452 0.00012 17.24477

NOTE. In the above table 2.1, j values are referred to the X-direction, associated to j-th joint.

Table 2.2

j mj F jX 1 F jZ 1 F jX 2 F jZ 2 F jX 3 F jZ 3

1 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00

2 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00

3 16921.50 1.7143E-01 5.4165E-03 -1.5082E-09 1.9109E-07 4.0020E-02 -1.5899E-02
4 16921.50 1.7143E-01 -5.4165E-03 1.4780E-09 1.9109E-07 4.0020E-02 1.5908E-02
5 16921.50 4.3105E-01 1.1345E-02 -1.9305E-09 4.1261E-07 9.3812E-02 -3.6803E-02
6 16921.50 4.3105E-01 -1.1345E-02 1.9003E-09 4.1267E-07 9.3812E-02 3.6803E-02
7 16921.50 7.4836E-01 1.8446E-02 -1.8400E-09 6.4384E-07 1.5289E-01 -5.9537E-02
8 16921.50 7.4836E-01 -1.8446E-02 1.8400E-09 6.4387E-07 1.5289E-01 5.9528E-02
9 16921.50 1.1104E+00 2.5326E-02 -1.8400E-09 8.7716E-07 2.1494E-01 -8.3292E-02
10 16921.50 1.1104E+00 -2.5326E-02 1.8701E-09 8.7713E-07 2.1494E-01 8.3292E-02
11 16921.50 1.5197E+00 3.3231E-02 -1.7797E-09 1.1158E-06 2.8010E-01 -1.0812E-01
12 16921.50 1.5197E+00 -3.3158E-02 1.8400E-09 1.1157E-06 2.8010E-01 1.0813E-01
13 16921.50 1.9642E+00 4.0697E-02 -1.8701E-09 1.3507E-06 3.4638E-01 -1.3327E-01
14 16921.50 1.9642E+00 -4.0697E-02 1.9003E-09 1.3507E-06 3.4638E-01 1.3327E-01
15 16921.50 2.4451E+00 4.8822E-02 -1.8098E-09 1.5846E-06 4.1375E-01 -1.5872E-01
16 16921.50 2.4451E+00 -4.8895E-02 1.7495E-09 1.5846E-06 4.1375E-01 1.5871E-01
17 16921.50 2.9459E+00 5.5995E-02 -1.7797E-09 1.8088E-06 4.7960E-01 -1.8346E-01
18 16921.50 2.9459E+00 -5.6069E-02 1.6892E-09 1.8088E-06 4.7960E-01 1.8345E-01
19 16921.50 3.4803E+00 6.4559E-02 -1.5685E-09 2.0320E-06 5.4534E-01 -2.0802E-01
20 16921.50 3.4803E+00 -6.4486E-02 1.5685E-09 2.0320E-06 5.4534E-01 2.0803E-01
21 16921.50 4.0232E+00 7.1220E-02 -1.4780E-09 2.2390E-06 6.0756E-01 -2.3111E-01
22 16921.50 4.0232E+00 -7.1074E-02 1.5987E-09 2.2391E-06 6.0756E-01 2.3113E-01
23 16921.50 4.5944E+00 7.9199E-02 -1.2669E-09 2.4396E-06 6.6805E-01 -2.5343E-01
24 16921.50 4.5944E+00 -7.9272E-02 1.4177E-09 2.4396E-06 6.6805E-01 2.5341E-01
25 16921.50 5.1593E+00 8.5054E-02 -1.1462E-09 2.6179E-06 7.2278E-01 -2.7340E-01
26 16921.50 5.1593E+00 -8.5201E-02 1.1161E-09 2.6178E-06 7.2278E-01 2.7338E-01
27 16921.50 5.7374E+00 9.2008E-02 -1.1462E-09 2.7809E-06 7.7315E-01 -2.9158E-01
28 16921.50 5.7374E+00 -9.1935E-02 9.0491E-10 2.7808E-06 7.7315E-01 2.9160E-01
29 16921.50 6.2926E+00 9.7132E-02 -6.9376E-10 2.9145E-06 8.1591E-01 -3.0679E-01
30 16921.50 6.2926E+00 -9.7059E-02 5.7311E-10 2.9145E-06 8.1591E-01 3.0681E-01
31 16921.50 6.8138E+00 1.0218E-01 -1.2065E-10 3.0163E-06 8.5113E-01 -3.1871E-01
32 16921.50 6.8138E+00 -1.0226E-01 3.0164E-10 3.0163E-06 8.5113E-01 3.1869E-01
33 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
34 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
35 36289.50 3.9432E-01 1.0046E-02 -6.4688E-11 3.9984E-07 2.7562E-03 -3.2546E-02
36 36289.50 3.9432E-01 -1.0046E-02 -6.4688E-11 3.9990E-07 2.7562E-03 3.2546E-02
37 36289.50 9.8424E-01 2.3546E-02 -1.2938E-10 8.7336E-07 6.9727E-03 -7.6627E-02
38 36289.50 9.8424E-01 -2.3546E-02 -1.2938E-10 8.7342E-07 6.9727E-03 7.6627E-02
39 36289.50 1.7030E+00 3.8459E-02 -6.4688E-11 1.3695E-06 1.2157E-02 -1.2509E-01
40 36289.50 1.7030E+00 -3.8616E-02 -6.4688E-11 1.3696E-06 1.2157E-02 1.2507E-01
41 36289.50 2.5173E+00 5.4314E-02 6.4688E-11 1.8699E-06 1.8144E-02 -1.7576E-01
42 36289.50 2.5173E+00 -5.4314E-02 6.4688E-11 1.8699E-06 1.8144E-02 1.7574E-01
43 36289.50 3.4373E+00 7.0953E-02 1.2938E-10 2.3821E-06 2.4989E-02 -2.2882E-01
44 36289.50 3.4373E+00 -7.0796E-02 1.2938E-10 2.3820E-06 2.4989E-02 2.2884E-01
45 36289.50 4.4314E+00 8.7749E-02 1.2938E-10 2.8861E-06 3.2473E-02 -2.8258E-01
46 36289.50 4.4314E+00 -8.7749E-02 6.4688E-11 2.8861E-06 3.2473E-02 2.8260E-01
47 36289.50 5.5070E+00 1.0486E-01 0.0000E+00 3.3883E-06 4.0632E-02 -3.3712E-01
48 36289.50 5.5070E+00 -1.0502E-01 -6.4688E-11 3.3882E-06 4.0632E-02 3.3708E-01
49 36289.50 6.6201E+00 1.2181E-01 -1.2938E-10 3.8695E-06 4.9193E-02 -3.9013E-01
50 36289.50 6.6201E+00 -1.2181E-01 -1.2938E-10 3.8695E-06 4.9193E-02 3.9009E-01
51 36289.50 7.8113E+00 1.3877E-01 -6.4688E-11 4.3490E-06 5.8447E-02 -4.4282E-01
52 36289.50 7.8113E+00 -1.3861E-01 -6.4688E-11 4.3491E-06 5.8447E-02 4.4286E-01
53 36289.50 9.0120E+00 1.5462E-01 6.4688E-11 4.7937E-06 6.7884E-02 -4.9242E-01
54 36289.50 9.0120E+00 -1.5446E-01 6.4688E-11 4.7937E-06 6.7884E-02 4.9245E-01
55 36289.50 1.0280E+01 1.7000E-01 1.9407E-10 5.2249E-06 7.7941E-02 -5.4042E-01
56 36289.50 1.0280E+01 -1.7016E-01 1.2938E-10 5.2249E-06 7.7941E-02 5.4039E-01
57 36289.50 1.1523E+01 1.8398E-01 6.4688E-11 5.6083E-06 8.7871E-02 -5.8348E-01
58 36289.50 1.1523E+01 -1.8429E-01 6.4688E-11 5.6083E-06 8.7871E-02 5.8345E-01
59 36289.50 1.2799E+01 1.9716E-01 -1.2938E-10 5.9591E-06 9.8111E-02 -6.2271E-01

60 36289.50 1.2799E+01 -1.9700E-01 -1.2938E-10 5.9590E-06 9.8111E-02 6.2275E-01
61 36289.50 1.4017E+01 2.0799E-01 -6.4688E-11 6.2475E-06 1.0793E-01 -6.5562E-01
62 36289.50 1.4017E+01 -2.0768E-01 -1.2938E-10 6.2475E-06 1.0793E-01 6.5566E-01
63 36289.50 1.5160E+01 2.1663E-01 1.2938E-10 6.4677E-06 1.1713E-01 -6.8249E-01
64 36289.50 1.5160E+01 -2.1678E-01 6.4688E-11 6.4678E-06 1.1713E-01 6.8245E-01
65 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
66 0.00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
67 19368.00 2.2352E-01 4.9430E-03 1.6227E-09 2.1871E-07 -4.2864E-02 -1.8208E-02
68 19368.00 2.2352E-01 -4.9430E-03 -1.7953E-09 2.1875E-07 -4.2864E-02 1.8217E-02
69 19368.00 5.5713E-01 1.2902E-02 2.0715E-09 4.7230E-07 -9.9952E-02 -4.2134E-02
70 19368.00 5.5713E-01 -1.2986E-02 -2.2786E-09 4.7233E-07 -9.9952E-02 4.2134E-02
71 19368.00 9.6044E-01 2.0861E-02 2.0370E-09 7.3693E-07 -1.6203E-01 -6.8154E-02
72 19368.00 9.6044E-01 -2.0945E-02 -2.1751E-09 7.3696E-07 -1.6203E-01 6.8145E-02
73 19368.00 1.4170E+00 2.9909E-02 2.1405E-09 1.0040E-06 -2.2666E-01 -9.5344E-02
74 19368.00 1.4170E+00 -2.9909E-02 -2.1060E-09 1.0040E-06 -2.2666E-01 9.5344E-02
75 19368.00 1.9299E+00 3.8706E-02 2.1751E-09 1.2771E-06 -2.9395E-01 -1.2376E-01
76 19368.00 1.9299E+00 -3.8706E-02 -1.9679E-09 1.2771E-06 -2.9395E-01 1.2377E-01
77 19368.00 2.4838E+00 4.8173E-02 2.2441E-09 1.5460E-06 -3.6182E-01 -1.5255E-01
78 19368.00 2.4838E+00 -4.8173E-02 -2.0715E-09 1.5460E-06 -3.6182E-01 1.5255E-01
79 19368.00 3.0801E+00 5.7221E-02 2.0715E-09 1.8137E-06 -4.3023E-01 -1.8169E-01
80 19368.00 3.0801E+00 -5.7221E-02 -2.0370E-09 1.8137E-06 -4.3023E-01 1.8167E-01
81 19368.00 3.6983E+00 6.6940E-02 1.8989E-09 2.0703E-06 -4.9645E-01 -2.1000E-01
82 19368.00 3.6983E+00 -6.7023E-02 -2.0715E-09 2.0703E-06 -4.9645E-01 2.0998E-01
83 19368.00 4.3548E+00 7.5317E-02 1.7262E-09 2.3258E-06 -5.6184E-01 -2.3811E-01
84 19368.00 4.3548E+00 -7.5234E-02 -1.8989E-09 2.3259E-06 -5.6184E-01 2.3813E-01
85 19368.00 5.0188E+00 8.4701E-02 1.7608E-09 2.5628E-06 -6.2296E-01 -2.6453E-01
86 19368.00 5.0188E+00 -8.4617E-02 -1.7953E-09 2.5628E-06 -6.2296E-01 2.6455E-01
87 19368.00 5.7139E+00 9.1906E-02 1.6227E-09 2.7924E-06 -6.8149E-01 -2.9009E-01
88 19368.00 5.7139E+00 -9.1989E-02 -1.4846E-09 2.7924E-06 -6.8149E-01 2.9008E-01
89 19368.00 6.3980E+00 1.0003E-01 1.3810E-09 2.9964E-06 -7.3354E-01 -3.1296E-01
90 19368.00 6.3980E+00 -1.0020E-01 -1.2429E-09 2.9964E-06 -7.3354E-01 3.1293E-01
91 19368.00 7.0938E+00 1.0598E-01 1.1738E-09 3.1830E-06 -7.8030E-01 -3.3378E-01
92 19368.00 7.0938E+00 -1.0590E-01 -1.1738E-09 3.1830E-06 -7.8030E-01 3.3380E-01
93 19368.00 7.7580E+00 1.1168E-01 7.2502E-10 3.3359E-06 -8.1877E-01 -3.5119E-01
94 19368.00 7.7580E+00 -1.1151E-01 -7.5954E-10 3.3359E-06 -8.1877E-01 3.5121E-01
95 19368.00 8.3779E+00 1.1461E-01 2.7620E-10 3.4524E-06 -8.4929E-01 -3.6485E-01
96 19368.00 8.3779E+00 -1.1469E-01 -2.7620E-10 3.4525E-06 -8.4929E-01 3.6484E-01
∑ 2177370.0 4.2540E+02 -1.6850E-04 -3.0200E-10 2.2300E-04 1.2918E+00 -3.4000E-05

NOTE In the tables 2.1 and 2.2 the quantities j have different meaning, than in the text; They are the
joint numbers, not DOFs. To distinguish the different DOFs for each joint, additional notation jX and
jZ, relating to x- and z-direction is used.
2.3 Main loading parameters and computation formulas
Mean wind force is
F jMEAN  A j wm C x

C x  k  c x.  1.54177 — aerodynamic force coefficient, calculated in accordance with the Annex D
of the Code. For rectangular building, c c. depends on the ratio B D  2.5 and according to plot in
the Fig.D.19 equals to c c.  2.25237 . End effect coefficient k   0.68451 from the plot in
Fig.D.23, when the height/width ratio is H B  63.0 18.0  3.50 .

Dynamic amplification factor for wind resonance effects,   1.478 is determined from the
graph as a function of the argument by the eq (11.8) of the Code:

w0 k  y e   f 380.0 1.541 1.4
    0.04063
940 f 1 940  0.750
where w0 — characteristic wind pressure, Pa,
y e  0.7 H , H — height of the structure,
 f  1.4 — partial load reliability coefficient.

Modal dynamic wind forces on the k-th DOF, corresponding to the i-th natural mode, are
FkiDYNAMIC  mk  ki   i k  1, ..., N
i  j
ji  j F jMEAN
i  j  1, ..., N
m 

is modal factor, independent of joint coordinates,

  0.7081 — is the wind pressure correlation coefficient for the first vibration mode; for higher
modes it is equal to unity. The coefficient  is obtained according to Table 11.6 of the Code.
In Table 2.1, the quantities
Q j1   i  ji  j F jMEAN

are contributions of each joint to the modal factors  i i  1,... 3 .

Q j
1    2.9266  10  4
m 
j1 642600.0

Q j

2   0.00
m 

Q j
3    3.4031 10 5
m 
j3 506440.0

j  1, ..., 96 , j values here are referred to the joint numbers.

3 Full-scale lattice steel tower
TYPE OF THE PROBLEM: wind load generation on the full-scale lattice steel structure.
REFERENCE: control hand calculations for selected DOFs of the system.
3.1 Main parameters of the structure
Height of the tower H = 45.0 m. Wind is directed along the x-axis. Terrain category is A. The
structure is situated in the III wind loading region, characteristic wind pressure is w0  0.38 kPa.
The structural model of the building comprises 64 joints with the attached masses. It is assumed that
that asymmetric behavior of the structure can be neglected and only pure translational vibration in the
XY plane is considered. Wind-exposed envelope region of the tower, divided into joint-related
contributory areas with x-directed notional mass forces, is shown in the figure below.

Fig. 3.1. Wind contributory areas and notional mass forces

Natural frequencies of the structure (Hz) are f1  2.299, f 2  8.126 . Logarithmic decrement
for steel structure is   0.15 . According to the Table 11.5 of the SP 2011, the limit natural
frequency for steel structures, in the III wind region is f lim  3.80 Hz. Only the first vibration mode
should be taken into account to assess the resonance effect of wind-induced vibrations.

Fig. 3.2. Fundamental mode shape. Natural frequency 2.299 Hz
Wind drag forces, applied to the wind exposed joints, are determined by the exposure factors,
which reduce the gross area of the wind exposed envelope of the lattice structure (Fig. 3.1) to the
effective wind contributory area, including main structural members, gusset plates, service elements
(such as ladders, platforms, railings) and special equipment. Exposure factors are supplied by the user
and should be implicitly multiplied by aerodynamic wind force coefficients for spatial lattice
structures defined in the Annex D.1.14 of the design code.
3.2 Dynamic wind load analysis
Intermediate and final results of dynamic wind load generation are presented in the Table 3.1
below. The final results are static wind forces F j and dynamic modal wind force F j1 , kN.
The joint numbers coincide with the DOF numbers, j = 1, … 64.

Table 3.1

j Aj j y k y F jMEAN  j mj Q j1  j1 F jDYN

1 0.000 0.1781 0.00 0.7500 0.000 0.8500 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000
2 0.000 0.1781 0.00 0.7500 0.000 0.8500 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000
3 12.604 0.1781 0.00 0.7500 1.072 0.8500 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000
4 12.604 0.1781 0.00 0.7500 1.072 0.8500 0.000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000
5 0.000 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 0.000 0.8050 505.167 0.0000 0.0133 0.009
6 0.000 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 0.000 0.8050 505.167 0.0000 0.0133 0.009
7 7.708 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 0.810 0.8050 505.167 0.0069 0.0133 0.009
8 7.708 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 0.810 0.8050 505.167 0.0069 0.0133 0.009
9 0.000 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 0.000 0.8050 505.167 0.0000 0.0135 0.009
10 0.000 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 0.000 0.8050 505.167 0.0000 0.0133 0.009
11 30.833 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 3.241 0.8050 505.167 0.0280 0.0135 0.009
12 0.000 0.3161 7.50 0.8750 0.000 0.8050 505.167 0.0000 0.0133 0.009
13 0.000 0.3976 15.00 1.1250 0.000 0.7250 759.280 0.0000 0.1148 0.120
14 0.000 0.3976 15.00 1.1250 0.000 0.7250 759.280 0.0000 0.1148 0.120
15 15.391 0.3976 15.00 1.1250 2.616 0.7250 759.280 0.1730 0.1148 0.120
16 15.391 0.3976 15.00 1.1250 2.616 0.7250 759.280 0.1730 0.1148 0.120
17 0.000 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 0.000 0.6988 256.051 0.0000 0.1702 0.060
18 0.000 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 0.000 0.6988 256.051 0.0000 0.1702 0.060
19 3.073 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 0.537 0.6988 256.051 0.0508 0.1702 0.060
20 3.073 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 0.537 0.6988 256.051 0.0508 0.1702 0.060
21 0.000 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 0.000 0.6988 256.051 0.0000 0.1701 0.060
22 0.000 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 0.000 0.6988 256.051 0.0000 0.1698 0.060
23 12.292 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 2.150 0.6988 256.051 0.2029 0.1701 0.060
24 0.000 0.3776 18.75 1.2188 0.000 0.6988 256.051 0.0000 0.1698 0.060
25 0.000 0.3820 22.50 1.2813 0.000 0.6813 504.148 0.0000 0.2599 0.181
26 0.000 0.3820 22.50 1.2813 0.000 0.6813 504.148 0.0000 0.2599 0.181
27 8.438 0.3820 22.50 1.2813 1.569 0.6813 504.148 0.2207 0.2599 0.181
28 8.438 0.3820 22.50 1.2813 1.569 0.6813 504.148 0.2207 0.2599 0.181
29 0.000 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 0.000 0.6681 251.055 0.0000 0.3529 0.122
30 0.000 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 0.000 0.6681 251.055 0.0000 0.3529 0.122
31 2.552 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 0.489 0.6681 251.055 0.0916 0.3529 0.122
32 2.552 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 0.489 0.6681 251.055 0.0916 0.3529 0.122
33 0.000 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 0.000 0.6681 251.055 0.0000 0.3529 0.122
34 0.000 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 0.000 0.6681 251.055 0.0000 0.3525 0.122
35 10.208 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 1.956 0.6681 251.055 0.3663 0.3529 0.122
36 0.000 0.3796 26.25 1.3281 0.000 0.6681 251.055 0.0000 0.3525 0.122
37 0.000 0.2993 30.00 1.3750 0.000 0.6550 500.171 0.0000 0.4726 0.327
38 0.000 0.2993 30.00 1.3750 0.000 0.6550 500.171 0.0000 0.4726 0.327
39 6.875 0.2993 30.00 1.3750 1.075 0.6550 500.171 0.2644 0.4726 0.327
40 6.875 0.2993 30.00 1.3750 1.075 0.6550 500.171 0.2644 0.4726 0.327
41 0.000 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 0.000 0.6419 249.320 0.0000 0.5943 0.205
42 0.000 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 0.000 0.6419 249.320 0.0000 0.5943 0.205
43 2.031 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 0.442 0.6419 249.320 0.1340 0.5943 0.205
44 2.031 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 0.442 0.6419 249.320 0.1340 0.5943 0.205
45 0.000 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 0.000 0.6419 249.320 0.0000 0.5945 0.205
46 0.000 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 0.000 0.6419 249.320 0.0000 0.5938 0.205
47 8.125 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 1.769 0.6419 249.320 0.5361 0.5945 0.205
48 0.000 0.4029 33.75 1.4219 0.000 0.6419 249.320 0.0000 0.5938 0.205
49 0.000 0.4259 37.50 1.4688 0.000 0.6288 498.131 0.0000 0.7313 0.503
50 0.000 0.4259 37.50 1.4688 0.000 0.6288 498.131 0.0000 0.7313 0.503
51 5.313 0.4259 37.50 1.4688 1.263 0.6288 498.131 0.4613 0.7313 0.503
52 5.313 0.4259 37.50 1.4688 1.263 0.6288 498.131 0.4613 0.7313 0.503
53 0.000 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 0.000 0.6175 298.063 0.0000 0.8675 0.357

54 0.000 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 0.000 0.6175 298.063 0.0000 0.8675 0.357
55 1.510 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 0.399 0.6175 298.063 0.1696 0.8675 0.357
56 1.510 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 0.399 0.6175 298.063 0.1696 0.8675 0.357
57 0.000 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 0.000 0.6175 298.063 0.0000 0.9347 0.385
58 0.000 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 0.000 0.6175 298.063 0.0000 0.8667 0.357
59 6.042 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 1.595 0.6175 298.063 0.7314 0.9347 0.385
60 0.000 0.4594 41.25 1.5125 0.000 0.6175 298.063 0.0000 0.8667 0.357
61 0.000 0.5555 45.00 1.5500 0.000 0.6100 349.151 0.0000 1.0000 0.483
62 0.000 0.5555 45.00 1.5500 0.000 0.6100 349.151 0.0000 1.0000 0.483
63 2.005 0.5555 45.00 1.5500 0.656 0.6100 349.151 0.3179 1.0000 0.483
64 2.005 0.5555 45.00 1.5500 0.656 0.6100 349.151 0.3179 1.0000 0.483
∑ 202.500 32.567 22920.767 5.6446 12.544

3.3 Main loading parameters and computation formulas

Mean wind forces acting on the wind exposed joints, are computed as
F jMEAN   j A j wm
where wm — mean wind pressure,
A j — wind contributory area, related to the j-joint.
Product  j A j is effective area, catching the wind pressure. The multiplier  j is supplied by
the user as an exposure factor. It implies the wind force multiplier.
Dynamic amplification factor   1.4606 is determined from the graph, Fig. 11.1, as a function
of the argument obtained by the eq (11.8) of the design code:
w0 k  y e   f 380.0 1.394 1.4
    0.0126
940 f 1 940  2.299
taking   0.15 for the steel structure.
Here w0 — characteristic wind pressure, Pa,
y e  0.7 H  0.7  45.0  31.5 m — reference height,
 f  1.4 — partial load reliability coefficient,
f 1 — fundamental frequency.
X-components of modal dynamic wind forces on the k-th joint, corresponding to the i-th natural
   ji  j F jMEAN
FkDYN  mk  ki i j , k  1, ..., N
 m j ji2

Here only the fundamental mode i = 1 is considered.

This equation is rewritten in the form of
i  m k  ki   i i  1, k  1, ..., N
i 
ji  j F jMEAN
i  i  1, j  1, ..., N
m 

is modal factor, independent of joint coordinates,

 i  0.7943 — is the wind pressure correlation coefficient for the first vibration mode. The
coefficient is obtained from the Table 11.6 of design code.

In Table 1, the quantities
Q j1   i  j1  j F jMEAN

are contributions of each joint to the modal factor. Resulting modal factor is
Q j
1    0.00094622
m 
j1 5965.39

4. Reinforced concrete chimney
TYPE OF THE PROBLEM: along-wind vibration of cylindrical chimney.
REFERENCE: control hand calculation.
4.1 Main parameters of the structure
In this verification example, the dynamic calculation of the full-scale reinforced concrete
chimney wind load is presented. Height of the chimney H = 415.0 m. Terrain category is A. The
structure is situated in the II wind loading region, characteristic wind pressure is w0  0.30 kPa. The
structural model of the building comprises 10 joints with the attached masses connected by beam
members with variable cross sections. The model of a structure with the attached mass forces is
shown in the picture below. The outside diameters of the chimney are introduced through the
exposure command lines.

Fig. 4.1 Structural model; notional mass forces, expressed by weight units

Natural vibration frequencies of the chimney, are f1  0.23892; f 2  0.68945; f 3  1.47074 ,
Hz. Limit frequency, according to the Table 11.5 of the Code is f lim  1.1 Hz, when w0  0.30 kPa
and   0.30 for RC structure. Hence two lowest vibration modes should be taken into account.

Fig. 4.2 Natural frequency f 1  0.239 Hz

Fig. 4.3 Natural frequency f 2  0.689 Hz

4.2 Dynamic wind load analysis

The chimney is considered as stick-type cylindrical structure with zero horizontal dimensions
of the structural model. The outside diameters of the chimney is defined as the set of exposure
parameters. The roughness of the surface is defined as the CONFIGURATION parameter of load
application command.
The summary of calculation is in the tables below. Wind contribution areas are determined as
products h j D j . Wind pressure correlation coefficient  is determined for an equivalent rectangular
wind pressure area beq  H , where beq   j h j D j H  9286.5 415.0  22.38 m. According to the
Table 11.6 of the Code,   0.50643.

Table 4.1 Calculation of static forces

j yj hj hjDj k  ye  Re k  c x F jMEAN

1 0.0 27.5 1163.25 0.750 6.6066E+07 0.6644 248.7570

2 55.0 50.0 1785.00 1.650 8.2702E+07 0.6722 593.9590
3 100.0 45.0 1363.50 2.000 7.7280E+07 0.6699 548.0470
4 145.0 45.0 1161.00 2.225 6.9405E+07 0.6662 516.2540
5 190.0 45.0 958.50 2.410 5.9634E+07 0.6607 457.8910
6 235.0 45.0 837.00 2.590 5.3985E+07 0.6571 427.3410
7 280.0 45.0 715.50 2.710 4.7205E+07 0.6521 379.3030
8 325.0 45.0 594.00 2.750 3.9477E+07 0.6451 316.1430
9 370.0 45.0 472.50 2.750 3.1402E+07 0.6359 247.8650
10 415.0 22.5 236.25 2.750 3.1402E+07 0.6359 123.9330
∑ 415 9286.5 3859.493

Table 4.2 Calculation of dynamic forces

j yj  j mj Q j1 Q j2 F jDYNAMIC

1 0.0 0.8500 0.0000E+00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000

2 55.0 0.5900 9.7160E+06 1.2192 -9.0307 12.0796 56.6958
3 100.0 0.5400 7.1100E+06 3.6945 -25.0488 31.7173 136.2680
4 145.0 0.5130 5.3080E+06 7.9052 -47.0114 56.6175 213.3550
5 190.0 0.4940 3.8905E+06 13.4109 -65.4685 82.4253 254.9750
6 235.0 0.4760 2.7995E+06 21.4263 -77.1286 105.3740 240.3610
7 280.0 0.4640 1.9465E+06 30.2367 -66.1342 119.5010 165.6250
8 325.0 0.4600 1.4040E+06 38.0219 -27.1525 131.1730 59.3586
9 370.0 0.4600 1.1725E+06 42.8693 33.0276 157.5330 -76.9069
10 415.0 0.4600 5.5600E+05 28.8713 57.0090 100.6200 -125.8990
∑ 3.3903E+07 187.6553 -226.9381 797.0407 923.8325

Notation in the tables:

h j — height of the interval, m,

Dj — outside diameter, m,
Re — Reynolds number, Re  0.88D w0 k  y e   f  10 according to D.1.11 of the Code.

c x — aerodynamic coefficient according to plot in Fig. D.17 of the Code, as a function of Re and
relative roughness of the stack (assumed zero, CONFIGURATION = 0 in command line).
k  — end effect multiplier, D.1.15 of the Code.

See also notations in the sec. 2.4.

Static forces. The mean wind pressure wm is determined by the eq (11.5) of the Code. The static
wind force acting on the node k on the wind-exposed surface of the structural model is
FkMEAN  Ak wm C x .

Here Ak — wind pressure contribution area, related to the k-th node,
C x  k  c x — the aerodynamic coefficient calculated in accordance with the Annex D of the Code,
applicable to both mean and pulsating pressure components.
Dynamic forces. Dynamic wind forces are the pulsating components of the wind load, multiplied by
the dynamic amplification factor (DAF). Dynamic wind pressure is determined by the eq (11.7) of the
w p  w0 k  y e    y e  

Here ξ is DAF, obtained from the digitized function shown in the plot of the Fig.11.1 of the Code.
The function depends on the logarithmic decrement δ of a structure. For buildings and concrete
structures δ = 0.30. The argument of the function is:
w0 k  y e   f
   0.15075
940 f 1
where w0  300 . 0 Pa is characteristic wind pressure,
y e  0.7 H  290.5 m,
 f  1.4 — load reliability coefficient,
f 1  0.23892 Hz — the lowest natural frequency.
Resulting DAF is   1.92695 .
Dynamic resonant response of the structure is obtained as the expansion into the natural
vibration modes, defined by the eigenvectors  ji , where i are the natural vibration modes and j are
the global numbers of the degrees of freedom. In this example, the vibrations only in x-direction are
considered and the node numbers coincide with the global degrees of freedom.
Amplitude values of dynamic wind forces for the k-th degree of freedom, corresponding to the
i-th natural mode, read as [2]:
 i   j Q 0j  ji
FkDYNAMIC  mk  ki . j, k = 1, …, N
 m j ji2

Here N = 10 is total number of DOFs equal to the number of nodes, because only vibration in the x-
direction is considered,
m j — the mass, related to the j–th node,

 — dynamic amplification factor (DAF),

 i the wind pressure correlation coefficient for the first vibration mode; for higher modes it is equal
to unity.
Above equation for dynamic modal forces is rewritten in the form of
i  mk  ki  i . k = 1, …, N
 i   j Q 0j  ji
i 
m  j

is the modal factor, not depending on the degrees of freedom.

5 Sign Board

TYPE OF THE PROBLEM: wind load generation on the plane structure
REFERENCE: control hand calculations for selected DOFs of the system.
5.1 Main parameters of the structure
Layout of the structure conforms with the picture D.2 in the Annex D.1.1 of design code, Fig.
5.1 below. Load generation method can be applied if the board is elevated above the earth surface not
less than z g  0.25d . It is assumed by default that the wind is directed along the x-axis and the plane
structure is in the YZ plane. The compliance of the STAAD.Pro model with geometric requirements
of the code is checked programmatically.
The resultant of the wind pressure shall be placed at a distance 0.25b from the centre of the
board. The reference height for wind pressure is z e  z g  0.5d .

Fig. 5.1 Standard layout of the sign board.

Main dimensions of the structure are b  3.2 m, d  5.0 m, z g  1.5  0.25d m.

The structural model of the sign board and the wind pressure contribution areas, related to the
joints, 3 to 10, is shown in the picture below. The masses of the structure are distributed over the
joints 3, 6, 7 and 10. Natural frequencies of the structure (Hz) are
f 1  1.25714, f 2  3.42621, f 3  12.05394 . Logarithmic decrement for the steel structure is
  0.15 .
The building is situated in the III wind loading region, characteristic wind pressure is
w0  0.38 kPa. Category B of terrain conditions is assumed. According to the Table 11.5 of design
code, the limit natural frequency for structures with   0.15 in the III wind region is f lim  3.80
Hz. Hence, two lowest vibration modes shall be taken into account to assess the resonance effect of
wind-induced vibrations.
These two mode shapes describe the interaction between the translational and rotational vibrations of
the structure.

Fig. 5.2 Structural model of the sign board

Fig. 5.3 Translational mode shape.

Fig. 5.4 Rotational mode shape.

5.2 Dynamic wind load analysis

Aerodynamic wind force coefficient for the sign board is taken C x  2.5 k  where k   0.649484 is
the end effect multiplier, determined by the Annex D.1.15. In order to introduce the required wind
pressure eccentricity, the wind contribution areas A j were changed by the multipliers 1   z j 

where z j are joint coordinates, referenced to the centre of the wind-exposed surface.
Table 5.1

j Aj  z 0j ` F jMEAN  j1  j2 Q j1 Q j2 F jDYN
1 F jDYN

1 0.00 -0.61896 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

2 0.00 0.61896 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
3 0.75 -0.99033 0.00224 0.09281 0.20757 0.00022 0.00053 0.20266 -0.26733
4 3.25 -0.61896 0.80385 0.09073 0.11125 0.03627 0.04876 0.00000 0.00000
5 3.25 0.61896 3.41532 0.09073 -0.11125 0.15409 -0.20716 0.00000 0.00000
6 0.75 0.99033 0.46052 0.09281 -0.20757 0.04472 -0.10966 0.20266 0.26733
7 0.75 -0.99033 0.00224 1.00000 1.00000 0.00255 0.00280 2.18358 -1.28791
8 3.25 -0.61896 0.80385 0.99661 0.63748 0.43423 0.30454 0.00000 0.00000
9 3.25 0.61896 3.41532 0.99661 -0.63748 1.84493 -1.29392 0.00000 0.00000
10 0.75 0.99033 0.46052 1.00000 -1.00000 0.52520 -0.57585 2.18358 1.28791
∑ 16.00 9.36386 3.04221 -1.82996 4.77248 0.00

Notation in the table 5.1:

j — number of joint, corresponds to DOF number.
A j — wind contribution area, m2,

 z 0j ` —wind pressure vertical variation coefficient according to Table 11.2 of design code,

F jMEAN — mean wind force, kN

 j — wind pressure pulsation coefficient according to Table 11.4 of design code,

Q ji — joint contribution to modal participation factor, kN,

mj — mass, related to the j-th joint, kg,

 ji — mode shape vector,

F jiDYN — dynamic modal force at the j-th joint, kN,

here i = 1,2, are the mode numbers.

1. SP 20 13330.2011. Loads and Actions. Actualized edition. SNiP 2.01.07-85*. (In Russian)
2. E.Simiu, R.H.Scanlan. Wind Effects on Structures: an Introduction to Wind Engineering.
Wiley, 1996.
3. D.E.Newland. An introduction to random vibrations, spectral and wavelet analysis.
Longman, 1993, 477 p.
4. M.F.Barstein. Theoretical Basis for the Method Adopted in USSR for the Dynamic Design of
Tall Slender Structures for Wind Effects. Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures. Vol. 2.
Univ. of Toronto Press, 1968.
5. Kucherenko CNIISK USSR. Wind Actions on Buildings and Structures. Calculations Manual.
Moscow, 1978. (In Russian).
6. A.G.Davenport. The Spectrum of Horizontal Gustiness Near the Ground in High Wind. J.
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7. CNIISK. Recommendations on elaborated dynamic calculation of buildings and structures
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