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Bobby Fischer
Robert James Fischer (March 9, 1943 – January 17, 2008) was an American chess
Bobby Fischer
grandmaster and the eleventh World Chess Champion. Many consider him to be the
greatest chess player of all time.[2][3]

Fischer showed great skill in chess from an early age; at 13, he won a brilliancy known
as "The Game of the Century". At age 14, he became the US Chess Champion, and at
15, he became both the youngest grandmaster (GM) up to that time and the youngest
candidate for the World Championship. At age 20, Fischer won the 1963–64 US
Championship with 11 wins in 11 games, the only perfect score in the history of the
tournament. His book My 60 Memorable Games, published in 1969, is regarded as a
classic work of chess literature. He won the 1970 Interzonal Tournament by a record
3½-point margin, and won 20 consecutive games, including two unprecedented 6–0
Fischer in 1960
sweeps, in the Candidates Matches. In July 1971, he became the first official FIDE
Full name Robert James Fischer
number-one-rated player.
Country United States
Fischer won the World Chess Championship in 1972, defeating Boris Spassky of the Iceland (2005–2008)
USSR, in a match held in Reykjavík, Iceland. Publicized as a Cold War confrontation
Born March 9, 1943
between the US and USSR, it attracted more worldwide interest than any chess
Chicago, Illinois, US
championship before or since. In 1975, Fischer refused to defend his title when an
agreement could not be reached with FIDE, chess's international governing body, Died January 17, 2008
over one of the conditions for the match. Under FIDE rules, this resulted in Soviet (aged 64)
GM Anatoly Karpov, who had won the qualifying Candidates' cycle, being named the Reykjavík, Iceland
new world champion by default. Title Grandmaster (1958)
World 1972–1975
After forfeiting his title as World Champion, Fischer became reclusive and sometimes
erratic, disappearing from both competitive chess and the public eye. In 1992, he
reemerged to win an unofficial rematch against Spassky. It was held in Yugoslavia, Peak rating 2785 (July 1972 FIDE
which was under a United Nations embargo at the time. His participation led to a rating list)[1]
conflict with the US government, which warned Fischer that his participation in the
match would violate an executive order imposing US sanctions on Yugoslavia, and ultimately issued a warrant for his arrest. After
that, he lived his life as an émigré. In 2004, he was arrested in Japan and held for several months for using a passport that had
been revoked by the US government. Eventually, he was granted an Icelandic passport and citizenship by a special act of the
Icelandic Althing, allowing him to live in Iceland until his death in 2008.

Fischer made numerous lasting contributions to chess. In the 1990s, he patented a modified chess timing system that added a
time increment after each move, now a standard practice in top tournament and match play. He also invented Fischerandom, a
new variant of chess known today as "Chess960".

Early years
Paul Nemenyi as Fischer's father
Chess beginnings
Impoverished childhood
The Hawthorne Chess Club
Young champion
Wins first US title
Grandmaster, candidate, author
Drops out of school
US Championships 1/45
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1962: success, setback, accusations of collusion
Accuses Soviets of collusion
Semi-retirement in the mid-1960s
Successful return
Withdrawal while leading Interzonal
Second semi-retirement
1969–1972: World Champion
Road to the World Championship
World Championship match
Forfeiture of title
Sudden obscurity
1992 Spassky rematch
Personal life
Religious affiliation
Life as an émigré
Comments on September 11 attacks
Detention in Japan
Citizenship and residency in Iceland
Death, estate dispute, and exhumation
Speculation on psychological condition
Contributions to chess
Opening theory
Fischer clock
Head-to-head record versus selected grandmasters
Internet Bobby Fischer theory
In popular culture
In film
Tournament, match, and team event summaries
Notable games
See also
Further reading
External links

Early years
Bobby Fischer was born at Michael Reese Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, on March 9, 1943.[4] His birth certificate listed his father as
Hans-Gerhardt Fischer, also known as Gerardo Liebscher,[5] a German biophysicist. His mother, Regina Wender Fischer, was a
US citizen,[6][7] born in Switzerland; her parents were Polish Jews.[8][9] Raised in St. Louis, Missouri,[4] Regina became a teacher,
registered nurse, and later a physician.[10]

After graduating from college in her teens, Regina traveled to Germany to visit her brother. It was there she met geneticist and
future Nobel Prize winner Hermann Joseph Muller, who persuaded her to move to Moscow to study medicine. She enrolled at
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, where she met Hans-Gerhardt, whom she married in November 1933.[11] In
1938, Hans-Gerhardt and Regina had a daughter, Joan Fischer. The reemergence of anti-Semitism under Stalin prompted Regina
to go with Joan to Paris, where Regina became an English teacher. The threat of a German invasion led her and Joan to go to the 2/45
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United States in 1939. Hans-Gerhardt attempted to follow the pair but, at that time, his German citizenship barred him from
entering the United States. Regina and Hans-Gerhardt had separated in Moscow, although they did not officially divorce until

At the time of her son's birth, Regina was homeless[12] and shuttled to different jobs and schools around the country to support
her family. She engaged in political activism, and raised both Bobby and Joan as a single parent.[13][14][15]

In 1949, the family moved to Brooklyn, New York City,[16] where she studied for her master's degree in nursing and subsequently
began working in that field.[14]

Paul Nemenyi as Fischer's father

In 2002, Peter Nicholas and Clea Benson of The Philadelphia Inquirer published an investigative report backed by detailed and
compelling evidence that indicated that Bobby Fischer’s biological father was actually Paul Nemenyi.[15][17][18] Nemenyi, a
Hungarian mathematician and physicist of Jewish heritage, was considered an expert in fluid and applied mechanics.

Throughout the 1950s, the FBI investigated Regina and her circle for her alleged communist sympathies, as well as her time living
in Moscow.[19] FBI files do not identify Nemenyi as Fischer's father, but note that Hans-Gerhardt Fischer never entered the
United States, while recording that Nemenyi took a keen interest in Fischer's upbringing.[17][20][21] Not only were Regina and
Nemenyi reported to have had an affair in 1942, but Nemenyi made monthly child support payments to Regina and paid for
Bobby's schooling until his own death in 1952.[22] In addition, Nicholas and Benson found letters by Nemenyi's first son, Peter,
identifying Bobby Fischer as his brother.

Chess beginnings

Impoverished childhood
In March 1949, 6-year-old Bobby and his sister Joan learned how to play chess using the instructions from a set bought at a candy
store.[23] When Joan lost interest in chess and Regina did not have time to play, Fischer was left to play many of his first games
against himself.[24] When the family vacationed at Patchogue, Long Island, New York, that summer, Bobby found a book of old
chess games and studied it intensely.[25]

Fischer biographer Frank Brady describes the family's move from Manhattan to Brooklyn in 1950:[26]

In the fall of 1950, Regina moved the family out of Manhattan and across the bridge to Brooklyn, where she rented
an inexpensive apartment near the intersection of Union and Franklin streets. It was only temporary: She was trying
to get closer to a better neighborhood. Robbed of her medical degree in Russia because of the war, she was now
determined to acquire a nursing diploma. As soon as she enrolled in the Prospect Heights School of Nursing, the
peripatetic Fischer family, citizens of nowhere, moved once again—its tenth transit in six years—to a $52-a-month
two-bedroom flat at 560 Lincoln Place in Brooklyn.

The family resided in a "small, basic, but habitable" apartment.[14] It was there that "Fischer soon became so engrossed in the
game that Regina feared he was spending too much time alone".[14] As a result, on November 14, 1950, Regina sent a postcard to
the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper, seeking to place an ad inquiring whether other children of Bobby's age might be interested in
playing chess with him. The paper rejected her ad, because no one could figure out how to classify it, but forwarded her inquiry to
Hermann Helms, the "Dean of American Chess", who told her that Master Max Pavey, former Scottish champion, would be giving
a simultaneous exhibition on January 17, 1951.[27][28] Fischer played in the exhibition. Although he held on for 15 minutes,
drawing a crowd of onlookers, he eventually lost to the chess master.[29]

One of the spectators was Brooklyn Chess Club President,[30] Carmine Nigro, an American chess expert of near master strength
and an instructor.[31] Nigro was so impressed with Fischer's play[30] that he introduced him to the club and began teaching
him.[32][33][34] Fischer noted of his time with Nigro:[35] "Mr. Nigro was possibly not the best player in the world, but he was a very
good teacher. Meeting him was probably a decisive factor in my going ahead with chess." 3/45
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Nigro hosted Fischer's first chess tournament at his home in 1952.[36] In the summer
of 1955, Fischer, then 12 years old, joined the Manhattan Chess Club, the strongest
chess club in the country.[37][38] Fischer's relationship with Nigro lasted until
1956,[39][40] when Nigro moved away.[40]

The Hawthorne Chess Club

In June 1956, Fischer began attending the Hawthorne Chess Club, based in master
John "Jack" W. Collins' home.[41] For years it was believed that Collins was Fischer's
teacher and coach,[42][43][44][45] even though Collins stated that he did not teach Bill Lombardy and Fischer
Fischer.[46] It is now believed that Collins was Fischer's mentor, not his teacher or analyzing, with Jack Collins looking
coach.[47][48][49][50] on

Fischer played thousands of blitz and offhand games with Collins and other strong
players, studied the books in Collins' large chess library, and ate almost as many dinners at Collins' home as his own.[51][52][53]

Young champion
In 1956, Fischer experienced a "meteoric rise" in his playing strength.[54] On the tenth national rating list of the United States
Chess Federation (USCF), published on May 20, 1956, Fischer's rating was 1726,[55] more than 900 points below top-rated Samuel
Reshevsky (2663).[56]

In March 1956, the Log Cabin Chess Club of West Orange, New Jersey (based in
the home of the club’s eccentric multi-millionaire founder and patron Elliot
Forry Laucks) took Fischer on a tour to Cuba, where he gave a 12-board
simultaneous exhibition at Havana's Capablanca Chess Club, winning ten
games and drawing two.[57][58] On this tour the club played a series of matches
against other clubs. Fischer played second board, behind International Master
Norman Whitaker. Whitaker and Fischer were the leading scorers for the club,
each scoring 5½ points out of 7 games.[59]

In July 1956, Fischer won the US Junior Chess Championship, scoring 8½/10
at Philadelphia to become the youngest-ever Junior Champion at age 13.[60][61]
Fischer in Cuba, March 1956
At the 1956 US Open Chess Championship in Oklahoma City, he scored 8½/12
to tie for 4–8th places, with Arthur Bisguier winning.[62] In the first Canadian
Open Chess Championship at Montreal 1956, he scored 7/10 to tie for 8–12th places, with Larry Evans winning.[63] In November,
Fischer played in the 1956 Eastern States Open Championship in Washington, D.C., tying for second with William Lombardy,
Nicholas Rossolimo, and Arthur Feuerstein, with Hans Berliner taking first by a half-point.[64]

Fischer accepted an invitation to play in the Third Lessing J. Rosenwald Trophy Tournament in New York City (1956), a premier
tournament limited to the 12 players considered the best in the country.[65] Although Fischer's rating was not among the top 12 in
the country, he received entry by special consideration. Playing against top opposition, the 13-year-old Fischer could only score
4½/11, tying for 8–9th place.[66] Yet he won the brilliancy prize[67] for his " 'immortal' "[68] game against International Master[69]
Donald Byrne,[65] in which Fischer sacrificed his queen to unleash an unstoppable attack. Hans Kmoch called it "The Game of the
Century",[70] writing: "The following game, a stunning masterpiece of combination play performed by a boy of 13 against a
formidable opponent, matches the finest on record in the history of chess prodigies".[71][72] According to Frank Brady, " 'The Game
of the Century' has been talked about, analyzed, and admired for more than fifty years, and it will probably be a part of the canon
of chess for many years to come."[73] "In reflecting on his game a while after it occurred, Bobby was refreshingly modest: 'I just
made the moves I thought were best. I was just lucky.' "[74]

In 1957, Fischer played a two-game match against former World Champion Max Euwe at New York, losing ½–1½.[75][76][77] On
the USCF's eleventh national rating list, published on May 5, 1957, Fischer was rated 2231—over 500 points higher than his rating
a year before.[78] This made him the country's youngest ever chess master up to that point.[79] In July, he successfully defended his
US Junior title, scoring 8½/9 at San Francisco.[80] As a result of his strong tournament results, Fischer's rating went up to 2298,
"making him among the top ten active players in the country".[81] In August, he scored 10/12 at the US Open Chess Championship 4/45
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in Cleveland, winning on tie-breaking points over Arthur Bisguier.[82][83] This made Fischer the youngest ever US Open
Champion.[84][85] He won the New Jersey Open Championship, scoring 6½/7.[86] He then defeated the young Filipino master
Rodolfo Tan Cardoso 6–2 in a New York match sponsored by Pepsi-Cola.[87][88]

Wins first US title

Based on Fischer's rating and strong results, the USCF invited him to play in the 1957–58 US Championship.[89] The tournament
included such luminaries as six-time US champion Samuel Reshevsky, defending US champion Arthur Bisguier, and William
Lombardy, who in August had won the World Junior Championship.[90] Bisguier predicted that Fischer would "finish slightly over
the center mark".[90][91] Despite all the predictions to the contrary, Fischer scored eight wins and five draws to win the tournament
by a one-point margin, with 10½/13.[92][93] Still two months shy of his 15th birthday, Fischer became the youngest ever US
Champion.[94] Since the championship that year was also the US Zonal Championship, Fischer's victory earned him the title of
International Master.[95][96] Fischer's victory in the US Championship sent his rating up to 2626, making him the second highest
rated player in the United States, behind only Reshevsky (2713),[97] and qualified him to participate in the 1958 Portorož
Interzonal, the next step toward challenging the World Champion.[87]

Grandmaster, candidate, author

Bobby wanted to go to Moscow. At his pleading, "Regina wrote directly to the Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, requesting an
invitation for Bobby to participate in the World Youth and Student Festival. The reply—affirmative—came too late for him to
go."[98] Regina did not have the money to pay the airfare, but in the following year Fischer was invited onto the game show I've
Got a Secret, where, thanks to Regina's efforts, the producers of the show arranged two round-trip tickets to Russia.[99][100]

Once in Russia, Fischer was invited by the Soviet Union to Moscow,[101] where International Master Lev Abramov would serve as
a guide to Bobby and his sister, Joan.[102] Upon arrival, Fischer immediately demanded that he be taken to the Moscow Central
Chess Club,[103] where he played speed chess with "two young Soviet masters", Evgeni Vasiukov and Alexander Nikitin,[104]
winning every game.[103] Chess author V. I. Linder writes about the impression Fischer gave grandmaster Vladimir Alatortsev
when he played blitz against the Soviet masters: "Back in 1958, in the Central Chess Club, Vladimir Alatortsev saw a tall, angular
15-year-old youth, who in blitz games, crushed almost everyone who crossed his path... Alatortsev was no exception, losing all
three games. He was astonished by the play of the young American Robert Fischer, his fantastic self-confidence, amazing chess
erudition and simply brilliant play! On arriving home, Vladimir said in admiration to his wife: 'This is the future world
champion!' "[105]

Fischer demanded to play against Mikhail Botvinnik, the reigning World Champion. When told that this was impossible, Fischer
asked to play Keres. "Finally, Tigran Petrosian was, on a semi-official basis, summoned to the club..." where he played speed
games with Fischer, winning the majority.[106] "When Bobby discovered that he wasn't going to play any formal games... he went
into a not-so-silent rage",[107] saying he was fed up "with these Russian pigs",[108] which angered the Soviets who saw Fischer as
their honored guest. It was then that the Yugoslavian chess officials offered to take in Fischer and Joan as early guests to the
Interzonal. Fischer took them up on the offer, arriving in Yugoslavia to play two short training matches against masters Dragoljub
Janošević and Milan Matulović.[109] Fischer drew both games against Janošević and then defeated Matulović in Belgrade by 2½–

At Portorož, Fischer was accompanied by Lombardy.[111][112] The top six finishers in the Interzonal would qualify for the
Candidates Tournament.[113] Most observers doubted that a 15-year-old with no international experience could finish among the
six qualifiers at the Interzonal, but Fischer told journalist Miro Radoicic, "I can draw with the grandmasters, and there are half-a-
dozen patzers in the tournament I reckon to beat."[114][115] Despite some bumps in the road and a problematic start, Fischer
succeeded in his plan: after a strong finish, he ended up with 12/20 (+6−2=12) to tie for 5–6th.[116] The Soviet grandmaster Yuri
Averbakh observed,

In the struggle at the board this youth, almost still a child, showed himself to be a full-fledged fighter,
demonstrating amazing composure, precise calculation and devilish resourcefulness. I was especially struck not
even by his extensive opening knowledge, but his striving everywhere to seek new paths. In Fischer's play an
enormous talent was noticeable, and in addition one sensed an enormous amount of work on the study of chess.[117] 5/45
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Soviet grandmaster David Bronstein said of Fischer's time in Portorož: "It was interesting for me to observe Fischer, but for a long
time I couldn't understand why this 15-year-old boy played chess so well".[118] Fischer became the youngest person ever to qualify
for the Candidates and the youngest ever grandmaster at 15 years, 6 months, 1 day.[119] "By then everyone knew we had a genius
on our hands."[120]

Before the Candidates' Tournament, Fischer won the 1958–59 US Championship (scoring 8½/11).[121] He tied for third (with
Borislav Ivkov) in Mar del Plata (scoring 10/14), a half-point behind Luděk Pachman and Miguel Najdorf.[122] He tied for 4–6th in
Santiago (scoring 7½/12) behind Ivkov, Pachman, and Herman Pilnik.[123]

At the Zürich International Tournament, spring 1959, Fischer finished a point behind future World Champion Mikhail Tal and a
half-point behind Yugoslavian grandmaster Svetozar Gligorić.[124][125][126]

Although Fischer had ended his formal education at age 16, dropping out of Erasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn, he
subsequently taught himself several foreign languages so he could read foreign chess periodicals.[127] According to Latvian chess
master Alexander Koblencs, even he and Tal could not match the commitment that Fischer had made to chess. Recalling a
conversation from the tournament: " 'Tell me, Bobby,' Tal continued, 'what do you think of the playing style of Larissa Volpert?'
'She's too cautious. But you have another girl, Dmitrieva. Her games do appeal to me!' Here we were left literally open-mouthed in
astonishment. Misha and I have looked at thousands of games, but it never even occurred to us to study the games of our women
players. How could we find the time for this?! Yet Bobby, it turns out, had found the time!' "[128]

Until late 1959, Fischer "had dressed atrociously for a champion, appearing at the most august and distinguished national and
international events in sweaters and corduroys."[129] Now, encouraged by Pal Benko to dress more smartly, Fischer "began buying
suits from all over the world, hand-tailored and made to order."[130][131] He told journalist Ralph Ginzburg that he had 17 hand-
tailored suits and that all of his shirts and shoes were handmade.[132]

At the age of 16, Fischer finished equal fifth out of eight at the 1959 Candidates Tournament in Bled/Zagreb/Belgrade,
Yugoslavia,[133] scoring 12½/28. He was outclassed by tournament winner Tal, who won all four of their individual games.[134]
That year, Fischer released his first book of collected games: Bobby Fischer's Games of Chess, published by Simon & Schuster.[135]

Drops out of school

Fischer's interest in chess became more important than schoolwork, to the point that "by the time he reached the fourth grade,
he'd been in and out of six schools."[136] In 1952, Regina got Bobby a scholarship (based on his chess talent and "astronomically
high IQ") to Brooklyn Community Woodward.[137][138] Fischer later attended Erasmus Hall High School at the same time as
Barbra Streisand and Neil Diamond.[139][140] In 1959, its student council awarded him a gold medal for his chess
achievements.[141][142] The same year, Fischer dropped out of high school when he turned 16, the earliest he could legally do
so.[143][144] He later explained to Ralph Ginzburg, "You don't learn anything in school."[145][146]

When Fischer was 16, his mother moved out of their apartment to pursue medical training. Her friend Joan Rodker, who had met
Regina when the two were "idealistic communists" living in Moscow in the 1930s, believes that Fischer resented his mother for
being mostly absent as a mother, a communist activist and an admirer of the Soviet Union and that this led to his hatred for the
Soviet Union. In letters to Rodker, Fischer's mother states her desire to pursue her own "obsession" of training in medicine and
writes that her son would have to live in their Brooklyn apartment without her: "It sounds terrible to leave a 16-year-old to his
own devices, but he is probably happier that way".[7] The apartment was on the edge of Bedford-Stuyvesant, a neighborhood that
had one of the highest homicide and general crime rates in New York City.[147] Despite the alienation from her son, Regina, in
1960, protested the practices of the American Chess Foundation[148] and staged a five-hour protest in front of the White House,
urging President Dwight D. Eisenhower to send an American team to that year's chess Olympiad (set for Leipzig, East Germany,
behind the Iron Curtain) and to help support the team financially.[18]

US Championships
Fischer played in eight US Championships, winning all of them,[149][150] by at least a one-point margin.[151] His results
were:[149][152][153] 6/45
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US Champ. Score Place Margin Percentage Age

1957–58 10½/13 (+8−0=5)[154] First 1 point 81% 14

1958–59 8½/11 (+6−0=5)[155] First 1 point 77% 15

1959–60 9/11 (+7−0=4)[156] First 1 point 82% 16

1960–61 9/11 (+7−0=4)[157] First 2 points 82% 17

1962–63 8/11 (+6−1=4)[158] First 1 point 73% 19

1963–64 11/11 (+11−0=0)[159] First 2½ points 100% 20

1965[160] 8½/11 (+8−2=1)[161] First 1 point 77% 22

1966–67 9½/11 (+8−0=3)[162] First 2 points 86% 23

Fischer missed the 1961–62 Championship (he was preparing for the 1962 Interzonal), and there was no 1964–65 event.[163] In
eight US Chess Championships, Fischer lost only three games; to Edmar Mednis in the 1962–63 event, and in consecutive rounds
to Samuel Reshevsky, and Robert Byrne in the 1965 championship, culminating in a total score of 74/90 (61 wins, 26 draws, 3

Fischer refused to play in the 1958 Munich Olympiad when his demand to play first
board ahead of Samuel Reshevsky was rejected.[165] Some sources claim that 15-year-
old Fischer was unable to arrange leave from attending high school.[166] Fischer later
represented the United States on first board at four Men's Chess Olympiads, winning
two individual Silver and one individual Bronze medals:[167]

Individual US team
Olympiad Percentage Percentage[168]
result result

Leipzig 13/18[169] 72.2% Silver 72.5%

1960 (Bronze)

Varna 11/17[170] 64.7% Fourth 68.1%

1962 (Eighth)
Fischer at 17 playing 23-year-old
Havana 15/17[171] 88.2% Silver 68.4%
1966 World Champion Mikhail Tal in
Siegen 10/13[172] 76.9% Fourth 67.8%
1970 (Silver)

Out of four Men's Chess Olympiads, Fischer scored +40−7=18, for 49/65: 75.4%.[173][174] In 1966, Fischer narrowly missed the
individual gold medal, scoring 88.23% to World Champion Tigran Petrosian's 88.46%. He played four games more than
Petrosian, faced stiffer opposition,[175] and would have won the gold if he had accepted Florin Gheorghiu's draw offer, rather than
declining it and suffering his only loss.[176]

At the 1962 Varna Olympiad, Fischer predicted that he would defeat Argentinian GM Miguel Najdorf in 25 moves. Fischer actually
did it in 24, becoming the only player to beat Najdorf in the tournament.[177] Ironically, Najdorf lost the game while employing the
very opening variation named after him: the Sicilian Najdorf.[178]

Fischer had planned to play for the US at the 1968 Lugano Olympiad, but backed out when he saw the poor playing
conditions.[179] Both former World Champion Tigran Petrosian and Belgian-American International Master George Koltanowski,
the leader of the American team that year, felt that Fischer was justified in not participating in the Olympiad.[180] According to
Lombardy, Fischer's non-participation was due to Reshevsky's refusal to yield first board.[181]

In 1960, Fischer tied for first place with Soviet star Boris Spassky at the strong Mar del Plata Tournament in Argentina, winning
by a two-point margin, scoring 13½/15 (+13−1=1),[182][183] ahead of David Bronstein.[184] Fischer lost only to Spassky; this was
the start of their lifelong friendship.[185] 7/45
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Fischer experienced the only failure in his competitive career[186] at the Buenos Aires Tournament (1960), finishing with 8½/19
(+3−5=11), far behind winners Viktor Korchnoi and Samuel Reshevsky with 13/19.[187] According to Larry Evans, Fischer's first
sexual experience was with a girl to whom Evans introduced him during the tournament.[188][189] Pal Benko says that Fischer did
horribly in the tournament "because he got caught up in women and sex. Afterwards, Fischer said he'd never mix women and
chess together, and kept the promise."[190] Fischer concluded 1960 by winning a small tournament in Reykjavík with 4½/5,[191]
and defeating Klaus Darga in an exhibition game in West Berlin.[192]

In 1961, Fischer started a 16-game match with Reshevsky, split between New York and Los Angeles.[193] Reshevsky, 32 years
Fischer's senior, was considered the favorite, since he had far more match experience and had never lost a set match.[194] After 11
games and a tie score (two wins apiece with seven draws), the match ended prematurely due to a scheduling dispute between
Fischer and match organizer and sponsor Jacqueline Piatigorsky.[195] Reshevsky was declared the winner, by default, and received
the winner's share of the prize fund.[196]

Fischer was second in a super-class field, behind only former World Champion Tal, at Bled, 1961.[197] Yet, Fischer defeated Tal
head-to-head for the first time in their individual game, scored 3½/4 against the Soviet contingent, and finished as the only
unbeaten player, with 13½/19 (+8−0=11).[198][199]

1962: success, setback, accusations of collusion

Fischer won the 1962 Stockholm Interzonal by a 2½-point margin,[200] going undefeated, with 17½/22 (+13−0=9).[201][202] He
was the first non-Soviet player to win an Interzonal since FIDE instituted the tournament in 1948.[203] Russian grandmaster
Alexander Kotov said of Fischer:[204]

I have discussed Fischer's play with Max Euwe and Gideon Stahlberg. All of us, experienced 'tournament old-
timers', were surprised by Fischer's endgame expertise. When a young player is good at attacking or at
combinations, this is understandable, but a faultless endgame technique at the age of 19 is something rare. I can
recall only one other player who at that age was equally skillful at endgames – Vasily Smyslov.

Fischer's victory made him a favorite for the Candidates Tournament in Curaçao.[205][206] Yet, despite his result in the Interzonal,
Fischer only finished fourth out of eight with 14/27 (+8−7=12),[207] far behind Tigran Petrosian (17½/27), Efim Geller, and Paul
Keres (both 17/27).[208] Tal fell very ill during the tournament, and had to withdraw before completion. Fischer, a friend of Tal,
was the only contestant who visited him in the hospital.[209]

Accuses Soviets of collusion

Following his failure[210] in the 1962 Candidates, Fischer asserted, in an August 20, 1962 Sports Illustrated article, entitled "The
Russians Have Fixed World Chess", that three of the five Soviet players (Tigran Petrosian, Paul Keres, and Efim Geller) had a
prearranged agreement to quickly draw their games against each other in order to conserve their energy for playing against
Fischer. It is generally thought that this accusation is correct.[211][212] Fischer stated that he would never again participate in a
Candidates' tournament, since the format, combined with the alleged collusion, made it impossible for a non-Soviet player to win.
Following Fischer's article, FIDE, in late 1962, voted to implement a radical reform of the playoff system, replacing the
Candidates' tournament with a format of one-on-one knockout matches; the format that Fischer would dominate in 1971.[212][213]

Fischer defeated Bent Larsen in a summer 1962 exhibition game in Copenhagen for Danish TV. Later that year, Fischer beat
Bogdan Śliwa in a team match against Poland in Warsaw.[214]

In the 1962–63 US Championship, Fischer experienced his first single-game loss (to Edmar Mednis) in round one. Bisguier was in
excellent form, and Fischer caught up to him only at the end. Tied at 7–3, the two met in the final round. Bisguier stood well in the
middlegame, but blundered, handing Fischer his fifth consecutive US championship.[215]

Semi-retirement in the mid-1960s

Influenced by ill will over the aborted 1961 match against Reshevsky, Fischer declined an invitation to play in the 1963 Piatigorsky
Cup tournament in Los Angeles, which had a world-class field.[216] He instead played in the Western Open in Bay City, Michigan,
which he won with 7½/8.[217][218] In August–September 1963, Fischer won the New York State Championship at Poughkeepsie, 8/45
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with 7/7, his first perfect score,[219] ahead of Arthur Bisguier and James Sherwin.[220]

In the 1963–64 US Championship, Fischer achieved his second perfect score, this time against the top-ranked chess players in the
country.[159][216] This result brought Fischer heightened fame, including a profile in Life magazine.[221] Sports Illustrated
diagrammed each of the 11 games in its article, "The Amazing Victory Streak of Bobby Fischer".[222] Such extensive chess coverage
was groundbreaking for the top American sports magazine. His 11–0 win in the 1963–64 Championship is the only perfect score
in the history of the tournament,[223] and one of about ten perfect scores in high-level chess tournaments ever.[224][225][226] David
Hooper and Kenneth Whyld called it "the most remarkable achievement of this kind".[224] Fischer recalls:[227] "Motivated by my
lopsided result (11–0!), Dr. [Hans] Kmoch congratulated [Larry] Evans (the runner up) on 'winning' the tournament... and then
he congratulated me on 'winning the exhibition'."

Fisher's 21-move victory against Robert Byrne won the brilliancy prize for the tournament. Byrne wrote:

The culminating combination is of such depth that, even at the very moment at which I resigned, both grandmasters
who were commenting on the play for the spectators in a separate room believed I had a won game!

International Master Anthony Saidy recalled his last round encounter with the undefeated Fischer:[228]

Going into the final game I certainly did not expect to upset Fischer. I hardly knew the opening but played simply,
and he went along with the scenario, opting for a N-v-B [i.e., Knight vs. Bishop] endgame with a minimal edge. In
the corridor, Evans said to me, "Good. Show him we're not all children."

At adjournment, Saidy saw a way to force a draw, yet "sealed a different, wrong move", and lost.[228] "Chess publications around
the world wrote of the unparalleled achievement. Only Bent Larsen, always a Fischer detractor, was unimpressed: 'Fischer was
playing against children' ".[229]

Fischer, eligible as US Champion, decided against his participation in the 1964 Amsterdam Interzonal, taking himself out of the
1966 World Championship cycle,[230] even after FIDE changed the format of the eight-player Candidates Tournament from a
round-robin to a series of knockout matches, which eliminated the possibility of collusion.[221] Instead, Fischer embarked on a
tour of the United States and Canada from February through May, playing a simultaneous exhibition, and giving a lecture in each
of more than 40 cities.[231] His 94% winning percentage over more than 2,000 games is one of the best ever achieved.[232] Fischer
declined an invitation to play for the US in the 1964 Olympiad in Tel Aviv.[233]

Successful return
Fischer wanted to play in the Capablanca Memorial Tournament, Havana in August and September 1965.[234] Since the State
Department refused to endorse Fischer's passport as valid for visiting Cuba,[235] he proposed, and the tournament officials and
players accepted, a unique arrangement: Fischer played his moves from a room at the Marshall Chess Club, which were then
transmitted by teleprinter to Cuba.[236][237][238][239] Luděk Pachman observed that Fischer "was handicapped by the longer playing
session resulting from the time wasted in transmitting the moves, and that is one reason why he lost to three of his chief
rivals."[240] The tournament was an "ordeal" for Fischer, who had to endure eight-hour and sometimes even twelve-hour playing
sessions.[241] Despite the handicap, Fischer tied for second through fourth places, with 15/21 (+12−3=6),[242] behind former
World Champion Vasily Smyslov, whom Fischer defeated in their individual game.[240] The tournament received extensive media

In December, Fischer won his seventh US Championship (1965), with the score of 8½/11 (+8−2=1),[245] despite losing to Robert
Byrne and Reshevsky in the eighth and ninth rounds.[246][247] Fischer also reconciled with Mrs. Piatigorsky, accepting an
invitation to the very strong second Piatigorsky Cup (1966) tournament in Santa Monica. Fischer began disastrously and after
eight rounds was tied for last with 3/8. He then staged a strong comeback, scoring 7/8 in the next eight rounds. In the end, World
Chess Championship finalist Boris Spassky edged him out by a half point, scoring 11½/18 to Fischer's 11/18 (+7−3=8).[248][249]

Now aged 23, Fischer would win every match or tournament he completed for the rest of his life.[250]

Fischer won the US Championship (1966–67) for the eighth and final time, ceding only three draws (+8−0=3),[251][252] In March–
April and August–September, Fischer won strong tournaments at Monte Carlo, with 7/9 (+6−1=2),[253] and Skopje, with 13½/17
(+12−2=3).[254][255] In the Philippines, Fischer played nine exhibition games against master opponents, scoring 8½/9.[256] 9/45
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Withdrawal while leading Interzonal

Fischer's win in the 1966–67 US Championship qualified him for the next World Championship cycle.[245]

At the 1967 Interzonal, held at Sousse, Tunisia, Fischer scored 8½ points in the first 10 games, to lead the field. His observance of
the Worldwide Church of God's seventh-day Sabbath was honored by the organizers, but deprived Fischer of several rest days,
which led to a scheduling dispute,[257] causing Fischer to forfeit two games in protest and later withdraw, eliminating himself from
the 1969 World Championship cycle.[258] Communications difficulties with the highly inexperienced local organizers were also a
significant factor, since Fischer knew little French and the organizers had very limited English. No one in Tunisian chess had
previous experience running an event of this stature.[259]

Since Fischer had completed fewer than half of his scheduled games, all of his results were annulled, meaning players who had
played Fischer had those games cancelled, and the scores nullified from the official tournament record.[213]

Second semi-retirement
In 1968, Fischer won tournaments at Netanya, with 11½/13 (+10−0=3),[260] and Vinkovci, with 11/13 (+9−0=4),[261] by large
margins.[262] Fischer then stopped playing for the next 18 months, except for a win against Anthony Saidy in a 1969 New York
Metropolitan League team match.[263][264] That year, Fischer (assisted by grandmaster Larry Evans) released his second book of
collected games: My 60 Memorable Games, published by Simon & Schuster.[265] The book "was an immediate success".[266]

1969–1972: World Champion

In 1970, Fischer began a new effort to become World Champion. His dramatic march toward the title made him a household name
and made chess front-page news for a time. He won the title in 1972, but forfeited it three years later.

Road to the World Championship

The 1969 US Championship was also a zonal qualifier,
with the top three finishers advancing to the Interzonal.
Fischer, however, had sat out the US Championship
because of disagreements about the tournament's format
and prize fund. Benko, one of the three qualifiers, agreed
to give up his spot in the Interzonal in order to give
Fischer another shot at the World Championship;
Lombardy, who would have been "next in line" after
Benko, did the same.[267][268][269][270][271][272]

In 1970 and 1971, Fischer "dominated his contemporaries

to an extent never seen before or since".[273]

Before the Interzonal, in March and April 1970, the

world's best players competed in the USSR vs. Rest of the Fischer's scoresheet from his round 3 game against Miguel
World match in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, often referred to as Najdorf in the 1970 Chess Olympiad in Siegen, Germany
"the Match of the Century". There was much surprise
when Fischer decided to participate.[274]

With Evans as his second,[275] Fischer flew to Belgrade[276] with the intention of playing board one for the rest of the
world.[277][278] Danish grandmaster Bent Larsen, however, (due to his recent tournament victories) demanded to play first board
instead of Fischer, even though Fischer had the higher Elo rating.[278][279] To the surprise of everyone, Fischer agreed.[280][281]
Although the USSR team eked out a 20½–19½ victory, "On the top four boards, the Soviets managed to win only one game out of
a possible sixteen. Bobby Fischer was the high scorer for his team, with a 3–1 score against Petrosian (two wins and two
draws)."[282] "Fischer left no doubt in anyone's mind that he had put his temporary break from the tournament circuit to good use.
Petrosian was almost unrecognizable in the first two games, and by the time he had collected himself, although pressing his
opponent, he could do no more than draw the last two games of the four-game set".[278] 10/45
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After the USSR versus the Rest of the World Match, the unofficial World Championship of Lightning Chess (5-minute games) was
held at Herceg Novi. "[The Russians] figured on teaching Fischer a lesson and on bringing him down a peg or two".[283] Petrosian
and Tal were considered the favorites,[284] but Fischer overwhelmed the super-class field with 19/22 (+17−1=4), far ahead of Tal
(14½), Korchnoi (14), Petrosian (13½), and Bronstein (13).[284][285] Fischer lost only one game (to Korchnoi, who was also the
only player to achieve an even score against him in the double round robin tournament).[286][287] Fischer "crushed such blitz kings
as Tal, Petrosian and Vasily Smyslov by a clean score".[288] Tal marveled that, "During the entire tournament he didn't leave a
single pawn en prise!", while the other players "blundered knights and bishops galore".[288][289] For Lombardy, who had played
many blitz games with Fischer,[290] Fischer's 4½-point margin of victory "came as a pleasant surprise".[291]

In April–May 1970, Fischer won at Rovinj/Zagreb with 13/17 (+10−1=6), by a two-point

margin, ahead of Gligorić, Hort, Korchnoi, Smyslov, and Petrosian.[292][293] In July–
August, Fischer crushed the mostly grandmaster field at Buenos Aires, winning by a 3½-
point margin, scoring 15/17 (+13−0=4).[294] Fischer then played first board for the US
Team in the 19th Chess Olympiad in Siegen, where he won an individual Silver medal,
scoring 10/13 (+8−1=4),[172] with his only loss being to World Champion Boris
Spassky.[295] Right after the Olympiad, Fischer defeated Ulf Andersson in an exhibition
game for the Swedish newspaper Expressen.[296] Fischer had taken his game to a new

Fischer won the Interzonal (held in Palma de Mallorca in November and December 1970)
with 18½/23 (+15−1=7),[298] far ahead of Larsen, Efim Geller, and Robert Hübner, with
15/23.[299][300] Fischer finished the tournament with seven consecutive wins.[301][302]
Setting aside the Sousse Interzonal (which Fischer withdrew from while leading),
Fischer's victory gave him a string of eight consecutive first prizes in tournaments.[303]
Former World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik was not, however, impressed by Fischer's
results, stating: "Fischer has been declared a genius. I do not agree with this... In order to
Fischer in Belgrade for the
USSR vs. Rest of the World rightly be declared a genius in chess, you have to defeat equal opponents by a big margin.
match in 1970 As yet he has not done this".[304] Despite Botvinnik's remarks, "Fischer began a
miraculous year in the history of chess".[305]

In the 1971 Candidates matches, Fischer was set to play against Soviet grandmaster and concert pianist Mark Taimanov in the
quarter-finals. The match began in mid-May in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.[306] Fischer was generally favored to
win.[306][307] Taimanov had reason to be confident. He was backed by the firm guidance of Botvinnik, who "had thoroughly
analysed Fischer's record and put together a 'dossier' on him", from when he was in talks to play Fischer in a match "a couple of
years earlier".[308] After Fischer defeated Taimanov in the second game of the match, Taimanov asked Fischer how he managed to
come up with the move 12. N1c3, to which Fischer replied "that the idea was not his—he had come across it in the monograph by
the Soviet master Alexander Nikitin in a footnote".[309] Taimanov said of this: "It is staggering that I, an expert on the Sicilian,
should have missed this theoretically significant idea by my compatriot, while Fischer had uncovered it in a book in a foreign
language!"[310] With the score at 4–0, in Fischer's favor, the fifth game adjournment was a sight to behold.[311] Schonberg explains
the scene:[283]

Taimanov came to Vancouver with two seconds, both grandmasters. Fischer was alone. He thought that the sight of
Taimanov and his seconds was the funniest thing he had ever seen. There Taimanov and his seconds would sit, six
hands flying, pocket sets waving in the air, while variations were being spouted all over the place. And there sat
Taimanov with a confused look on his face. Just before resuming play [in the fifth game] the seconds were giving
Taimanov some last-minute advice. When poor Taimanov entered the playing room and sat down to confront
Fischer, his head was so full of conflicting continuations that he became rattled, left a Rook en prise and
immediately resigned.

Fischer beat Taimanov by the score of 6–0.[312] There was little precedent for such a lopsided score in a match leading to the
World Championship.[313]

Upon losing the final game of the match, Taimanov shrugged his shoulders, saying sadly to Fischer: "Well, I still have my
music."[314] As a result of his performance, Taimanov "was thrown out of the USSR team and forbidden to travel for two years. He
was banned from writing articles, was deprived of his monthly stipend... [and] the authorities prohibited him from performing on 11/45
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the concert platform."[315] "The crushing loss virtually ended Taimanov's chess career."[316]

Fischer was next scheduled to play against Danish grandmaster Bent Larsen. "Spassky predicted a tight struggle: 'Larsen is a little
stronger in spirit.' "[317] Before the match, Botvinnik had told a Soviet television audience:[318]

It is hard to say how their match will end, but it is clear that such an easy victory as in Vancouver [against
Taimanov] will not be given to Fischer. I think Larsen has unpleasant surprises in store for [Fischer], all the more
since having dealt with Taimanov thus, Fischer will want to do just the same to Larsen and this is impossible.

Fischer beat Larsen by the identical score of 6–0.[319] Robert Byrne writes: "To a certain extent I could grasp the Taimanov match
as a kind of curiosity–almost a freak, a strange chess occurrence that would never occur again. But now I am at a loss for anything
whatever to say... So, it is out of the question for me to explain how Bobby, how anyone, could win six games in a row from such a
genius of the game as Bent Larsen".[320] Just a year before, Larsen had played first board for the Rest of the World team ahead of
Fischer, and had handed Fischer his only loss at the Interzonal. Garry Kasparov later wrote that no player had ever shown a
superiority over his rivals comparable to Fischer's "incredible" 12–0 score in the two matches.[321] Chess statistician Jeff Sonas
concludes that the victory over Larsen gave Fischer the "highest single-match performance rating ever".[322]

On August 8, 1971, while preparing for his last Candidates match with former World Champion Tigran Petrosian, Fischer played
in the Manhattan Chess Club Rapid Tournament, winning with 21½/22 against a strong field.[285][323]

Despite Fischer's results against Taimanov and Larsen, his upcoming match against Petrosian seemed a daunting task.[324]
Nevertheless, the Soviet government was concerned about Fischer.[325][326] "Reporters asked Petrosian whether the match would
last the full twelve games... 'It might be possible that I win it earlier,' Petrosian replied",[327] and then stated: "Fischer's [nineteen
consecutive] wins do not impress me. He is a great chess player but no genius."[328] Petrosian played a strong theoretical novelty
in the first game, gaining the advantage, but Fischer eventually won the game after Petrosian faltered.[329][330][331] This gave
Fischer a run of 20 consecutive wins against the world's top players (in the Interzonal and Candidates matches), a winning streak
topped only by Steinitz's 25 straight wins in 1873–1882.[332][333] Petrosian won the second game, finally snapping Fischer's
streak.[334] After three consecutive draws, Fischer swept the next four games to win the match 6½–2½ (+5−1=3).[335] Sports
Illustrated ran an article on the match, highlighting Fischer's domination of Petrosian as being due to Petrosian's outdated system
of preparation:[336]

Fischer's recent record raises the distinct possibility that he has made a breakthrough in modern chess theory. His
response to Petrosian's elaborately plotted 11th move in the first game is an example: Russian experts had worked
on the variation for weeks, yet when it was thrown at Fischer suddenly, he faced its consequences alone and won by
applying simple, classic principles.

Upon completion of the match, Petrosian remarked: "After the sixth game Fischer really did become a genius. I on the other hand,
either had a breakdown or was tired, or something else happened, but the last three games were no longer chess."[337][338] "Some
experts kept insisting that Petrosian was off form, and that he should have had a plus score at the end of the sixth game..." to
which Fischer replied, "People have been playing against me below strength for fifteen years."[339] Fischer's match results
befuddled Botvinnik: "It is hard to talk about Fischer's matches. Since the time that he has been playing them, miracles have
begun."[340] "When Petrosian played like Petrosian, Fischer played like a very strong grandmaster, but when Petrosian began
making mistakes, Fischer was transformed into a genius."[340]

Fischer gained a far higher rating than any player in history up to that time.[341] On the July 1972 FIDE rating list, his Elo rating of
2785 was 125 points above (World No. 2) Spassky's rating of 2660.[342][343][344] His results put him on the cover of Life
magazine,[345] and allowed him to challenge World Champion Boris Spassky, whom he had never beaten (+0−3=2).[346][347]

World Championship match

Fischer's career-long stubbornness about match and tournament conditions was again seen in the run-up to his match with
Spassky. Of the possible sites, Fischer's first choice was Belgrade, Yugoslavia, while Spassky's was Reykjavík, Iceland.[348] For a
time it appeared that the dispute would be resolved by splitting the match between the two locations, but that arrangement 12/45
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failed.[349] After that issue was resolved, Fischer refused to appear in Iceland until the prize
fund was increased. London financier Jim Slater donated an additional US$125,000,
bringing the prize fund up to an unprecedented $250,000 ($1.46 million today) and Fischer
finally agreed to play.[350]

Before and during the match, Fischer paid special attention to his physical training and
fitness, which was a relatively novel approach for top chess players at that time. He had
developed his tennis skills to a good level, and played frequently during off-days in
Reykjavík. He had also arranged for exclusive use of his hotel's swimming pool during
specified hours, and swam for extended periods, usually late at night.[351] According to
Soviet grandmaster Nikolai Krogius, Fischer "was paying great attention to sport, and that
he was swimming and even boxing..."[352]

The match took place in Reykjavík from July to September 1972. Fischer was accompanied
Fischer in Amsterdam in 1972,
by William Lombardy; besides assisting with analysis,[353] Lombardy may have played an on a visit to discuss the World
important role in getting Fischer to play in the match and to stay in it.[354] The match was Chess Championship details
the first to receive an American broadcast in prime time.[355][356] Fischer lost the first two with the then FIDE president
games in strange fashion: the first when he played a risky pawn-grab in a drawn endgame, Max Euwe
the second by forfeit when he refused to play the game in a dispute over playing
conditions.[357] Fischer would likely have forfeited the entire match, but Spassky, not
wanting to win by default, yielded to Fischer's demands to move the next game to a back
room, away from the cameras whose presence had upset Fischer.[358][359] After that game,
the match was moved back to the stage and proceeded without further serious incident.
Fischer won seven of the next 19 games, losing only one and drawing eleven, to win the
match 12½–8½ and become the 11th World Chess Champion.[355]

The Cold War trappings made the match a media sensation.[360] It was called "The Match of
the Century",[361][362][363] and received front-page media coverage in the United States and
around the world.[364][365] Fischer's win was an American victory in a field that Soviet
players had dominated for the previous quarter-century; players closely identified with, and
subsidized by, the Soviet state. Kasparov remarked, "Fischer fits ideologically into the
context of the Cold War era: a lone American genius challenges the Soviet chess machine
and defeats it".[366][367] Dutch grandmaster Jan Timman calls Fischer's victory "the story of
a lonely hero who overcomes an entire empire".[368] Fischer's sister observed, "Bobby did all
this in a country almost totally without a chess culture. It was as if an Eskimo had cleared a
tennis court in the snow and gone on to win the world championship".[369]
Fischer in Amsterdam in 1972
Upon Fischer's return to New York,[370] a Bobby Fischer Day was held.[371] He was offered
numerous product endorsement offers worth "at least $5 million" ($29.3 million today), all
of which he declined.[372] He appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated[373] with American Olympic swimming champion Mark
Spitz. Fischer also made an appearance on a Bob Hope TV special.[374] Membership in the US Chess Federation doubled in
1972,[375] and peaked in 1974; in American chess, these years are commonly referred to as the "Fischer Boom". This match
attracted more worldwide interest than any chess championship before or since.[376]

Forfeiture of title
Fischer was scheduled to defend his title in 1975 against Anatoly Karpov, who emerged as his challenger.[377] Fischer, who had
played no competitive games since his World Championship match with Spassky, laid out a proposal for the match in September
1973, in consultation with FIDE official Fred Cramer. He made three principal (non-negotiable) demands:

1. The match continues until one player wins 10 games, draws not counting.
2. No limit to the total number of games played.
3. In case of a 9–9 score, the champion (Fischer) retains the title, and the prize fund is split equally.[378]
A FIDE Congress was held in 1974 during the Nice Olympiad. The delegates voted in favor of Fischer's 10-win proposal, but
rejected his other two proposals, and limited the number of games in the match to 36.[379] In response to FIDE's ruling, Fischer
sent a cable to Euwe on June 27, 1974:[380][381][382] 13/45
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As I made clear in my telegram to the FIDE delegates, the match conditions I proposed were non-negotiable. Mr.
Cramer informs me that the rules of the winner being the first player to win ten games, draws not counting,
unlimited number of games and if nine wins to nine match is drawn with champion regaining title and prize fund
split equally were rejected by the FIDE delegates. By so doing FIDE has decided against my participation in the 1975
World Chess Championship. Therefore, I resign my FIDE World Chess Championship title. Sincerely, Bobby

The delegates responded by reaffirming their prior decisions, but did not accept Fischer's resignation and requested that he
reconsider.[383] Many observers considered Fischer's requested 9–9 clause unfair because it would require the challenger to win
by at least two games (10–8).[384] Botvinnik called the 9–9 clause "unsporting".[385] Korchnoi, David Bronstein, and Lev Alburt
considered the 9–9 clause reasonable.[386][387][388]

Due to the continued efforts of US Chess Federation officials,[389] a special FIDE Congress was held in March 1975 in Bergen,
Netherlands,[390] in which it was accepted that the match should be of unlimited duration, but the 9–9 clause was once again
rejected, by a narrow margin of 35 votes to 32.[391] FIDE set a deadline of April 1, 1975, for Fischer and Karpov to confirm their
participation in the match. No reply was received from Fischer by April 3. Thus, by default, Karpov officially became World
Champion.[392] In his 1991 autobiography, Karpov professed regret that the match had not taken place, and claimed that the lost
opportunity to challenge Fischer held back his own chess development. Karpov met with Fischer several times after 1975, in
friendly but ultimately unsuccessful attempts to arrange a match since Karpov would never agree to play to 10.[393]

Brian Carney opined in The Wall Street Journal that Fischer's victory over Spassky in 1972 left him nothing to prove, except that
perhaps someone could someday beat him, and he was not interested in the risk of losing. He also opined that Fischer's refusal to
recognize peers also allowed his paranoia to flower: "The world championship he won ... validated his view of himself as a chess
player, but it also insulated him from the humanizing influences of the world around him. He descended into what can only be
considered a kind of madness".[212]

Bronstein felt that Fischer "had the right to play the match with Karpov on his own conditions".[394] Korchnoi stated:[395]

Was Fischer right in demanding that the world title be protected by a two point handicap – that the challenger
would be considered the winner with a 10–8 score and that the champion would retain his title in the event of a 9–9
draw? Yes, this was quite natural: the champion deserves this, not to mention the fact that further play to the first
win in the event of an even score would be nothing short of a lottery – the winner in that case could not claim to
have won a convincing victory.

Soviet grandmaster Lev Alburt felt that the decision to not concede to Fischer's demands rested on Karpov's "sober view of what
he was capable of".[396] Years later, in his 1992 match against Spassky, Fischer said that Karpov refused to play against him under
Fischer's conditions.[397]

Sudden obscurity
After the 1972 World Chess Championship, Fischer did not play a competitive game in public for nearly 20 years.[398] In 1977 in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, he played three games against the MIT Greenblatt computer program, winning them all.[399]

He moved to the Los Angeles area and associated with an apocalyptic cult known as the "Worldwide Church of God" for a
time.[400][401] On May 26, 1981, while walking in Pasadena, Fischer was arrested by a police patrolman, because he resembled a
man who had just committed a robbery in the area.[402] Fischer, who alleged that he was slightly injured during the arrest,[403]
said that he was held for two days, subjected to assault and various types of mistreatment,[404] and released on $1,000 bail.[405]
Fischer published a 14-page pamphlet detailing his alleged experiences and saying that his arrest had been "a frame up and set

In 1981, Fischer stayed at the home of grandmaster Peter Biyiasas, where, over a period of four months, he defeated Biyiasas
seventeen times in a series of speed games.[409][410] In an interview with Sports Illustrated reporter William Nack, Biyiasas
assessed Fischer's play:[408][411] 14/45
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He was too good. There was no use in playing him. It wasn't interesting. I was getting beaten, and it wasn't clear to
me why. It wasn't like I made this mistake or that mistake. It was like I was being gradually outplayed, from the
start. He wasn't taking any time to think. The most depressing thing about it is that I wasn't even getting out of the
middle game to an endgame. I don't ever remember an endgame. He honestly believes there is no one for him to
play, no one worthy of him. I played him, and I can attest to that.

In 1988–1990, Fischer had a relationship with German chess player Petra Stadler, who had been put in touch with Fischer by
Spassky. When Stadler later published a book about the affair,[412] Spassky apologized to Fischer.[413]

1992 Spassky rematch

Fischer emerged after twenty years of isolation to play Spassky (then tied for 96th–102nd on the FIDE rating list) in a "Revenge
Match of the 20th century" in 1992. This match took place in Sveti Stefan and Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in spite of a United Nations
embargo that included sanctions on commercial activities. Fischer demanded that the organizers bill the match as "The World
Chess Championship", although Garry Kasparov was the recognized FIDE World Champion. Fischer insisted he was still the true
World Champion, and that for all the games in the FIDE-sanctioned World Championship matches, involving Karpov, Korchnoi,
and Kasparov, the outcomes had been prearranged.[414] The purse for the rematch was US$5 million, with $3.35 million of the
purse to go to the winner.[415][416]

According to grandmaster Andrew Soltis:[417]

[The match games] were of a fairly high quality, particularly when compared with Kasparov's championship
matches of 1993, 1995 and 2000, for example. Yet the games also reminded many fans of how out of place Fischer
was in 1992. He was still playing the openings of a previous generation. He was, moreover, the only strong player in
the world who didn't trust computers and wasn't surrounded by seconds and supplicants.

Fischer won the match with 10 wins, 5 losses, and 15 draws.[418] Kasparov stated, "Bobby is playing OK, nothing more. Maybe his
strength is 2600 or 2650. It wouldn't be close between us".[419] Yasser Seirawan believed that the match proved that Fischer's
playing strength was "somewhere in the top ten in the world".[420]

Fischer and Spassky gave ten press conferences during the match.[421] Seirawan attended the match and met with Fischer on
several occasions; the two analyzed some match games and had personal discourse. Seirawan later wrote: "After September 23
[1992], I threw most of what I'd ever read about Bobby out of my head. Sheer garbage. Bobby is the most misunderstood,
misquoted celebrity walking the face of the earth."[422] He added that Fischer was not camera shy, smiled and laughed easily, was
"a fine wit" and "wholly enjoyable conversationalist".[423]

The US Department of the Treasury warned Fischer before the start of the match that his participation was illegal, that it would
violate President George H. W. Bush's Executive Order 12810 imposing United Nations Security Council Resolution 757 sanctions
against engaging in economic activities in Yugoslavia.[424] In response, during the first scheduled press conference on September
1, 1992, in front of the international press, Fischer spat on the US order, saying "this is my reply".[425] His violation of the order
led US Federal officials to initiate a warrant for his arrest upon completion of the match,[426] citing, in pertinent part, "Title 50
USC §§1701, 1702, and 1705 and Executive Order 12810".[427][428]

Prior to the rematch against Spassky, Fischer had won a training match against Svetozar Gligorić in Sveti Stefan with six wins, one
loss and three draws.[429]

Personal life

Religious affiliation
Although Fischer's mother was Jewish, Fischer rejected attempts to label him as Jewish.[15][430][431] In a 1984 letter to the
Encyclopaedia Judaica, Fischer requested that they remove his name from their encyclopedia. He added: "I suggest rather than
fraudulently misrepresenting me to be a Jew [...] you try to promote your religion on its own merits — if indeed it has any!"[432] 15/45
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In an interview in the January 1962 issue of Harper's, he was quoted as saying, "I read a book lately by Nietzsche and he says
religion is just to dull the senses of the people. I agree."[430][433]

Fischer associated with the Worldwide Church of God in the mid-1960s. The church prescribed Saturday Sabbath, and forbade
work (and competitive chess) on Sabbath.[434] According to his friend and colleague Larry Evans, in 1968 Fischer felt
philosophically that "the world was coming to an end" and he might as well make some money by publishing My 60 Memorable
Games;[435] Fischer thought that the Rapture was coming soon.[436]

During the mid-1970s Fischer contributed significant money to the Worldwide Church of God.[437] In 1972 one journalist stated
that "Fischer is almost as serious about religion as he is about chess", and the champion credited his faith with greatly improving
his chess.[438][439] Yet, prophecies by Herbert W. Armstrong went unfulfilled,[440] and the church was rocked by revelations of a
series of sex scandals involving Garner Ted Armstrong.[441] Fischer eventually left the church in 1977, "accusing it of being
'Satanic', and vigorously attacking its methods and leadership."[409]

Fischer made numerous anti-Semitic statements and professed a general hatred for Jews since at least the early 1960s.[430][442]
Jan Hein Donner wrote that at the time of Bled 1961, "He idolized Hitler and read everything about him that he could lay his
hands on. He also championed a brand of anti-semitism that could only be thought up by a mind completely cut off from
reality."[186] Donner took Fischer to a war museum, which "left a great impression, since [Fischer] is not an evil person, and
afterwards he was more restrained in his remarks—to me, at least."[186]

From the 1980s on, Fischer's comments about Jews were a major theme in his public and private remarks.[443] He openly denied
the Holocaust, and called the United States "a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards".[444] Between 1999
and 2006, Fischer's primary means of communicating with the public was radio interviews. He participated in at least 34 such
broadcasts, mostly with radio stations in the Philippines, but also in Hungary, Iceland, Colombia, and Russia. In 1999, he gave a
radio call-in interview to a station in Budapest, Hungary, during which he described himself as the "victim of an international
Jewish conspiracy". In another radio interview, Fischer said that it became clear to him in 1977, after reading The Secret World
Government by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that Jewish agencies were targeting him.[445] Fischer's sudden reemergence was
apparently triggered when some of his belongings, which had been stored in a Pasadena, California, storage unit, were sold by the
landlord, who claimed it was in response to nonpayment of rent.[446] Fischer was also upset that UBS bank had liquidated his
assets and closed his account without his permission. When asked who he thought was responsible for the actions UBS had taken
Fischer replied, "There's no question that the Jew-controlled United States is behind this — that's obvious."[447][448]

Fischer's library contained anti-semitic and racist literature such as Mein Kampf, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The
White Man's Bible and Nature's Eternal Religion by Ben Klassen, founder of the World Church of the Creator.[449][450] A
notebook written by Fischer contains sentiments such as "12/13/99 It's time to start randomly killing Jews".[451] Despite his
views, Fischer remained on good terms with Jewish chess players.[452]

Life as an émigré
After the 1992 match with Spassky, Fischer, now a fugitive, slid back into relative obscurity, taking up residence in Budapest,
Hungary, and allegedly having a relationship with young Hungarian chess master Zita Rajcsányi.[408][453] Fischer claimed that
standard chess was stale and that he now played blitz games of chess variants, such as Chess960. He visited with the Polgár family
in Budapest and analyzed many games with Judit, Zsuzsa, and Zsófia Polgár.[454][455][456] In 1998/99 he also stayed at the house
of young Hungarian grandmaster Peter Leko.[457]

From 2000 to 2002, Fischer lived in Baguio City in the Philippines,[458] residing in the same compound as the Filipino
grandmaster Eugenio Torre, a close friend who had acted as his second during his 1992 match with Spassky.[458] Torre introduced
Fischer to a 22-year-old woman named Marilyn Young.[459] On May 21, 2001, Marilyn Young gave birth to a daughter named
Jinky Young, and she claimed that Fischer was the child's father.[460][461]

Comments on September 11 attacks 16/45
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Shortly after midnight on September 12, 2001, Philippines local time (approximately four hours after the September 11, 2001
attacks in the US), Fischer was interviewed live by Pablo Mercado on the Baguio City station of the Bombo Radyo network.
Fischer stated that he was happy that the airliner attacks had happened, while expressing his view on United States and Israeli
foreign policy, saying "I applaud the act. Look, nobody gets ... that the US and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians ... for
years."[462][463][464][465] He also said "The horrible behavior that the US is committing all over the world ... This just shows you,
that what goes around, comes around even for the United States."[462][463] Fischer also referenced the movie Seven Days in May
and said he hoped for a military coup d'état in the US, "[I hope] the country will be taken over by the military—they'll close down
all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders."[466][467] In response to Fischer's
statements about 9/11, the US Chess Federation passed a motion to cancel his right to membership in the organization.[468]
Fischer's right to become a member was reinstated in 2007.[469]

Detention in Japan
Fischer lived for a time in Japan.[470] On July 13, 2004, acting in response to a letter from US officials, Japanese immigration
authorities arrested him at Narita International Airport near Tokyo for allegedly using a revoked US passport while trying to
board a Japan Airlines flight to Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila, Philippines.[471][472][473] Fischer resisted arrest,
and claimed to have sustained bruises, cuts and a broken tooth in the process.[474] At the time, Fischer had a passport (originally
issued in 1997 and updated in 2003 to add more pages) that, according to US officials, had been revoked in November 2003 due
to his outstanding arrest-warrant for the Yugoslavia sanctions violation.[471] Despite the outstanding arrest-warrant in the US,
Fischer said that he believed the passport was still valid.[475] The authorities held Fischer at a custody center for 16 days before
transferring him to another facility. Fischer claimed that his cell was windowless and he had not seen the light of day during that
period, and that the staff had ignored his complaints about constant tobacco smoke in his cell.[474][476][477][478][479][480]

Tokyo-based Canadian journalist and consultant John Bosnitch set up the "Committee to Free Bobby Fischer" after meeting
Fischer at Narita Airport and offering to assist him.[481] Boris Spassky wrote a letter to US President George W. Bush, asking "For
mercy, charity", and, if that was not possible, "to put [him] in the same cell with Bobby Fischer" and "to give [them] a chess
set".[482] It was reported that Fischer and Miyoko Watai, the President of the Japanese Chess Association (with whom he had
reportedly been living since 2000) wanted to become legally married.[471] (It was also reported that Fischer had been living in the
Philippines with Marilyn Young during the same period.[458]) Fischer applied for German citizenship on the grounds that his
father was German.[483] Fischer stated that he wanted to renounce his US citizenship, and appealed to US Secretary of State Colin
Powell to help him do so, though to no effect.[484][485] Japan's Justice Minister rejected Fischer's request for asylum and ordered
his deportation.[486][487][488]

Citizenship and residency in Iceland

Seeking ways to evade deportation to the United States, Fischer wrote a letter to the government of Iceland in early January 2005,
requesting Icelandic citizenship.[489] Sympathetic to Fischer's plight, but reluctant to grant him the full benefits of citizenship,
Icelandic authorities granted him an alien's passport. When this proved insufficient for the Japanese authorities, the Althing (the
Icelandic Parliament), at the behest of William Lombardy,[490][491] agreed unanimously to grant Fischer full citizenship in late
March for humanitarian reasons, as they felt he was being unjustly treated by the United States and Japanese governments,[492]
and also in recognition of his 1972 match, which had "put Iceland on the map".[493][494]

After arriving in Reykjavík, Fischer gave a press conference.[495][496] He lived a reclusive life in Iceland, avoiding entrepreneurs
and others who approached him with various proposals.[497]

Fischer moved into an apartment in the same building as his close friend and spokesman, Garðar Sverrisson.[498] Garðar's wife,
Kristín Þórarinsdóttir, was a nurse and later looked after Fischer as a terminally ill patient. Garðar's two children, especially his
son, were very close to Fischer.[499] Fischer also developed a friendship with Magnús Skúlason, a psychiatrist and chess player
who later recalled long discussions with him on a wide variety of subjects.[500]

On December 10, 2006, Fischer telephoned an Icelandic television station that had just broadcast a chess game in which one
player blundered such that his opponent was able to mate on the next move. Although he tried to change his mind upon seeing the
mate, the touch-move rule forced him to play the blunder. Fischer pointed out a winning combination that could have been played
instead of the blunder or the other attempted move, but had been missed by the player and commentators.[501] 17/45
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In 2005, some of Fischer's belongings were auctioned on eBay. Fischer claimed, in 2006, that the belongings sold in the US
without his permission were worth "hundreds of millions of [US] dollars; even billions of dollars."[447][502] In the same interview,
Fischer also said that UBS Bank had closed an account of his and liquidated his assets against his wishes, transferring the funds to
a bank in Iceland.[448]

Death, estate dispute, and exhumation

On January 17, 2008, Fischer died at age 64 from renal failure at the
Landspítali Hospital (National University Hospital of Iceland) in Reykjavík.
He had been suffering from degenerative renal
failure.[503][504][505][506][507][508] He originally had a urinary tract blockage
but refused surgery or medication.[509][510][511] Magnús Skúlason reported
Fischer's response to leg massages: "Nothing soothes as much as the human

On January 21, Fischer was buried in the small Christian cemetery of

Laugardælir church, outside the town of Selfoss, 60 kilometres (37 mi)
southeast of Reykjavík, after a Catholic funeral presided over by Fr. Jakob Church of Laugardælir, Fischer's resting place
Rolland of the diocese of Reykjavík. In accordance with Fischer's wishes,
only Miyoko Watai, Garðar Sverrisson, and Garðar's family were

Fischer's estate was estimated at 140 million ISK (about 1 million GBP, or
US$2 million). It quickly became the object of a legal battle involving claims
from four parties, with Miyoko Watai ultimately inheriting what remained of
Fischer's estate after government claims. The four parties were Fischer's
Japanese wife Miyoko Watai; his alleged Filipino daughter Jinky Young and
her mother Marilyn Young; his two American nephews Alexander and
Fischer's grave
Nicholas Targ and their father Russell Targ; and the US government
(claiming unpaid taxes).[515][500][516][517]

Marilyn Young claimed that Jinky was Fischer's daughter, citing as evidence Jinky's birth and baptismal certificates, photographs,
a transaction record dated December 4, 2007, of a bank remittance by Fischer to Jinky, and Jinky's DNA through her blood
samples.[460][518][519] On the other hand, Magnús Skúlason, a friend of Fischer's, said that he was certain that Fischer was not the
girl's father.[515] In addition, the validity of Miyoko Watai's marriage to Fischer was challenged.[520][460]

On June 16, 2010, Iceland's supreme court ruled in favor of a petition on behalf of Jinky Young to have Fischer's remains
exhumed.[521][522] The exhumation was performed on July 5, 2010, in the presence of a doctor, a priest, and other officials. A DNA
sample was taken and Fischer's body was then reburied.[523]

On August 17, 2010, it was announced that results of DNA testing had ruled out Fischer as the father of Jinky Young.[524][525] On
March 3, 2011, an Icelandic district court ruled that Miyoko Watai and Fischer had married on September 6, 2004,[526] and that,
as Fischer's widow and heir, Watai was therefore entitled to inherit Fischer's estate.[527] Fischer's nephews were ordered to pay
Watai's legal costs, amounting to ISK 6.6 million (approximately $57,000).[526]

Speculation on psychological condition

While as far as is known Fischer was never formally diagnosed,[18] there has been widespread comment and speculation
concerning his psychological condition based on his extreme views and unusual behavior.[528] Reuben Fine, psychologist and
chess player, who met Fischer many times, said that "Some of Bobby's behavior is so strange, unpredictable, odd and bizarre that
even his most ardent apologists have had a hard time explaining what makes him tick" and described him as "a troubled human
being" with "obvious personal problems".[529]

Valery Krylov, advisor to Anatoly Karpov and a specialist in the "psycho-physiological rehabilitation of sportsmen", believed
Fischer suffered from schizophrenia.[528] Psychologist Joseph G. Ponterotto, from second-hand sources, concludes that "Bobby
did not meet all the necessary criteria to reach diagnoses of schizophrenia or Asperger syndrome. The evidence is stronger for 18/45
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paranoid personality disorder."[528] Magnús Skúlason, a chess player, psychiatrist and head doctor of Sogn Mental Asylum for the
Criminally Insane, befriended Fischer towards the end of Fischer's life. From Endgame, Fischer's 2011 biography by Frank

[...] Skulason was not "Bobby's psychiatrist", as has been implied in the general press, nor did he offer Bobby any
analysis or psychotherapy. He was at Bobby's bedside as a friend, to try to do anything he could for him. Because of
his training, however, he couldn't fail to take note of Bobby's mental condition. "He definitely was not
schizophrenic", Skulason said. "He had problems, possibly certain childhood traumas that had affected him. He was
misunderstood. Underneath I think he was a caring sensitive person."

Contributions to chess

Opening theory
Fischer's opening repertoire was narrow in some ways. As White, Fischer almost exclusively played 1.e4 throughout his career.[530]
He played 1.d4 with White only once in a serious game, during a blitz tournament.[531] In spite of this narrowness, he was
notorious, particularly among his rivals, for being unpredictable in his opening play, and a difficult opponent to prepare for.[532]

As Black, Fischer would usually play the Najdorf Sicilian against 1.e4, and the King's Indian Defense against 1.d4, only rarely
venturing into the Nimzo-Indian (1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4), Benoni, Grünfeld or Neo-Grünfeld.[533] Fischer acknowledged
difficulty playing against the Winawer Variation of the French Defense (1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4), but maintained that the
Winawer was unsound because it exposed Black's kingside, and that, in his view, "Black was trading off his good bishop with
3...Bb4 and ...Bxc3."[534] Later on Fischer said: "I may yet be forced to admit that the Winawer is sound. But I doubt it! The
defense is anti-positional and weakens the K-side."[535]

Fischer was renowned for his opening preparation and made numerous contributions to chess opening theory.[536] He was one of
the foremost experts on the Ruy Lopez.[537] A line of the Exchange Variation (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.0-0) is
sometimes called the "Fischer Variation" after he successfully resurrected it at the 1966 Havana Olympiad.[538][539] Fischer's
lifetime score with the move 5.0-0 in tournament and match games was eight wins, three draws, and no losses (86.36%).[540]

Fischer was a recognized expert in the black side of the Najdorf Sicilian and the King's Indian Defense.[541] He used the Grünfeld
Defense and Neo-Grünfeld Defense to win his celebrated games against Donald and Robert Byrne, and played a theoretical
novelty in the Grünfeld against reigning world champion Mikhail Botvinnik, refuting Botvinnik's prepared analysis over the
board.[542][543] In the Nimzo-Indian Defense, the line beginning with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 b6 5.Ne2 Ba6 was named
after him.[544][545][546]

Fischer established the viability of the so-called Poisoned Pawn Variation of the Najdorf Sicilian (1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4
4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Bg5 e6 7.f4 Qb6). This bold queen sortie, to snatch a pawn at the expense of development, had been
considered dubious,[547][548][549] but Fischer succeeded in proving its soundness.[550] Out of ten tournament and match games as
Black in the Poisoned Pawn, Fischer scored 70%, winning five, drawing four, and losing only one: the 11th game of his 1972 match
against Spassky.[551] Following Fischer's use, the Poisoned Pawn Variation became a respected line, utilized by many of the
world's leading players.[552] Fischer's 10.f5 in this line against Efim Geller quickly became the main line of the Poisoned Pawn.

On the white side of the Sicilian, Fischer made advances to the theory of the line beginning 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6
5.Nc3 a6 (or e6) 6.Bc4,[550][553] which has sometimes been named after him.[554]

In 1961, prompted by a loss the year before to Spassky,[555] Fischer wrote an article entitled "A Bust to the King's Gambit" for the
first issue of the American Chess Quarterly, in which he stated, "In my opinion, the King's Gambit is busted. It loses by force."[556]
Fischer recommended 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 d6,[557] which has since become known as the Fischer Defense, as a refutation to the
King's Gambit.[558][559][560] Fischer later played the King's Gambit as White in three tournament games, winning them all.[561]

Endgame 19/45
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Fischer had excellent endgame technique.[562] International Master Jeremy Silman listed him as one of the five best endgame
players (along with Emanuel Lasker, Akiba Rubinstein, José Raúl Capablanca and Vasily Smyslov), calling Fischer a "master of
bishop endings".[563] The endgame of a rook, bishop, and pawns against a rook, knight, and pawns has sometimes been called the
"Fischer Endgame" because of several instructive wins by Fischer (with the bishop), including three against Mark Taimanov in
1970 and 1971.[564][565][566]

Fischer clock
In 1988, Fischer filed for U.S. Patent 4,884,255 ( for a new type of chess clock,
which gave each player a fixed period at the start of the game and then added a small increment after each completed move.[567]

Used in the 1992 rematch between Fischer and Spassky,[568][569] the "Fischer clock" soon became standard in most major chess
tournaments.[570] Fischer would later often complain that he was cheated out of the royalties for this invention.[571]

Fischer heavily disparaged chess as it was currently being played (at the highest levels).[572] As a result, on June 19, 1996, in
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fischer announced and advocated a variant of chess called Fischerandom Chess (later known as
Chess960). The goal of Fischerandom Chess was to ensure that a game between two players is a contest between their
understandings of chess, rather than their abilities to prepare opening strategies or memorize opening lines.[573][574]

In a 2006 Icelandic Radio interview, Fischer explained his dissatisfaction with the current chess:[575]

[In] chess, so much depends on opening theory, so the champions before the last century didn't know nearly as
much as, say, I do and other players know about opening theory. So if you just brought them back from the dead
they might not do too well, because they'd get bad openings. You cannot compare the playing strength, you can only
talk about natural ability, because now there is so much more opening theory, so much more memorization.
Memorization is enormously powerful. Some kid of fourteen today, or even younger, could get the opening
advantage against Capablanca, or especially against the players of the previous century, like Morphy and Steinitz,
easily. Maybe they'd still be able to outplay the young kid of today, but maybe not. Because nowadays when you get
the opening advantage, not only do you get the opening advantage, but you know how to play the opening
advantage – they have so many examples of what to do from this position. So it's really deadly, it is very deadly...
that's why I don't like chess anymore... It's all just memorization and prearrangement, it's a terrible game now. A
very un-creative game now.

Kasparov calls Fischer "perhaps the most mythologically shrouded figure in chess".[576][577][578][579] Some leading players and
some of Fischer's biographers have ranked him as the greatest player who ever lived.[2] Other writers have said that he was
arguably the greatest player ever, without reaching a definitive conclusion.[3] Leonard Barden wrote, "Most experts place him the
second or third best ever, behind Kasparov but probably ahead of Karpov."[206]

Some grandmasters compared Fischer's play to that of a computer;[580][581] a player without noticeable weaknesses.[582]

Although international ratings were introduced only in 1970, Chessmetrics (a website that uses algorithms to rank performances
retrospectively and uniformly throughout chess history) determined that Fischer's peak rating was 2895 in October 1971—the
highest in history. His one-year peak (1971) average was 2881, the highest of all time. His three-year peak average was 2867, from
January 1971 to December 1973—the second highest ever, just behind Garry Kasparov. Fischer was ranked as the number one
player in the world for a total of 109 different months, running (not consecutively) from February 1964 until July 1974.[583]

Fischer's great rival Mikhail Tal praised him as "the greatest genius to have descended from the chess heavens".[584] American
grandmaster Arthur Bisguier wrote "Robert James Fischer is one of the few people in any sphere of endeavour who has been
accorded the accolade of being called a legend in his own time."[585] Former World Champion Tigran Petrosian stated that Fischer
put more time into chess than the entire Soviet team.[586]

Biographers David Edmonds and John Eidinow wrote:[587] 20/45
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Faced with Fischer's extraordinary coolness, his opponents [sic] assurance would begin to disintegrate. A Fischer
move, which at first glances looked weak, would be reassessed. It must have a deep master plan behind it,
undetectable by mere mortals (more often than not they were right, it did). The US grandmaster Robert Byrne
labeled the phenomenon "Fischer-fear". Grandmasters would wilt, their suits would crumple, sweat would glisten
on their brows, panic would overwhelm their nervous systems. Errors would creep in. Calculations would go awry.
There was talk among grandmasters that Fischer hypnotized his opponents, that he undermined their intellectual
powers with a dark, mystic, insidious force.

Kasparov wrote that Fischer "became the detonator of an avalanche of new chess ideas, a revolutionary whose revolution is still in
progress".[588] In January 2009, reigning World Champion Viswanathan Anand described him as "the greatest chess player who
ever lived".[589] Serbian grandmaster Ljubomir Ljubojević called Fischer, "A man without frontiers. He didn't divide the East and
the West, he brought them together in their admiration of him."[497]

German grandmaster Karsten Müller wrote:[578]

Fischer, who had taken the highest crown almost singlehandedly from the mighty, almost invincible Soviet chess
empire, shook the whole world, not only the chess world, to its core. He started a chess boom not only in the United
States and in the Western hemisphere, but worldwide. Teaching chess or playing chess as a career had truly become
a respectable profession. After Bobby, the game was simply not the same.

Fischer won the Chess Oscar (an award, started in 1967, given to the best chess player, determined through votes from chess
media and leading players) for 1970, 1971, and 1972.

Fischer was a charter inductee into the US Chess Hall of Fame in Washington, D.C. in 1985. After routing Taimanov, Larsen, and
Petrosian in 1971, Fischer achieved a then-record Elo rating of 2785.[342][343] After beating Spassky by the score 12½–8½ in their
1972 match, his rating dropped to 2780.[343]

St. Louis philanthropist Rex Sinquefield offered a $64,000 Fischer Memorial Prize for any player who could win all nine of their
games at the 2009 US Chess Championship. By the fifth day of the championship, all 24 participants became ineligible for the
prize, having drawn or lost at least one game.[590]

Head-to-head record versus selected grandmasters

(Rapid, blitz and blindfold games not included; listed as +wins −losses =draws.)[591]
Players who have been World Champions in boldface

Pal Benko (US) +8−3=7 Miguel Najdorf (Argentina) +4−1=4

Mikhail Botvinnik (USSR) +0−0=1 Tigran Petrosian (USSR) +8−4=15
David Bronstein (USSR) +0−0=2 Lev Polugaevsky (USSR) +0−0=1
Max Euwe (Netherlands) +1−1=1 Samuel Reshevsky (US) +9−4=13
Efim Geller (USSR) +3−5=2 Vasily Smyslov (USSR) +3−1=5
Svetozar Gligorić (Yugoslavia) +7−4=8 Boris Spassky (USSR) +17−11=28
Paul Keres (USSR) +4−3=3 Mark Taimanov (USSR) +7−0=1
Victor Korchnoi (USSR) +2−2=4 Mikhail Tal (USSR) +2−4=5
Bent Larsen (Denmark) +9−2=1

Internet Bobby Fischer theory

In 2001, Nigel Short wrote in The Sunday Telegraph chess column that he believed he had been secretly playing Fischer on the
Internet Chess Club (ICC) in speed chess matches.[592][593] Subsequently others claimed to have played Fischer as well.[594]
Fischer denied ownership of the account.[595]

In popular culture
The musical Chess, with lyrics by Tim Rice and music by Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson, tells the story of two chess
champions. The musical is loosely based on the 1972 World Championship match between Fischer and Spassky, and in later 21/45
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stage productions the American player is named "Freddie Trumper", a reference to Fischer.[596]
During the 1972 Fischer–Spassky match, the Soviet bard Vladimir Vysotsky wrote an ironic two-song cycle "Honor of the
Chess Crown". The first song is about a rank-and-file Soviet worker's preparation for the match with Fischer; the second is
about the game. Many expressions from the songs have become catchphrases in Russian culture.[597]
In a season 21 episode of Saturday Night Live, in a sketch set at a chess tournament, the Spartan cheerleaders, played by
Will Ferrell and Cheri Oteri, sang a cheer with references to Fischer and his reclusion, including the lyrics "Where is he?/I
don't know/I don't know".[598]
In episode 6 of season 3 of Drunk History, titled 'Games', comedian and author Rich Fulcher retold the story of the 1972
World Chess Championship match between Fischer and Spassky. In the episode, Tarran Killam plays Fischer, and Jake
Johnson plays Spassky.

In film
The 1993 film Searching for Bobby Fischer uses Fischer's name in the title, even though the film is about the life of chess
prodigy Joshua Waitzkin.[599] Outside of the United States, it was released as Innocent Moves.[600] The title refers to the
search for Fischer's successor after his disappearance from competitive chess. The author feels that his son could be that
successor. Fischer never saw the film and complained bitterly that it was an invasion of his privacy by using his name without
his permission.[601] Fischer never received any compensation from the film, calling it "a monumental swindle".[602]
In April 2009, the film Me and Bobby Fischer, about Fischer's last years as his old friend Saemundur Palsson gets him out of
jail in Japan and helps him settle in Iceland, was premiered in Iceland. The film was produced by Friðrik Guðmundsson with
music by Guðlaugur Kristinn Óttarsson, Björk and Einar Arnaldur Melax.
In October 2009, the biographical film Bobby Fischer Live[603] was released, with Damien Chapa directing and starring as
In 2011, documentary film-maker Liz Garbus released Bobby Fischer Against the World, which explores the life of Fischer,
with interviews from Garry Kasparov, Anthony Saidy, and others.[604]
On September 16, 2015 the American biographical film Pawn Sacrifice was released, starring Tobey Maguire as Fischer, Liev
Schreiber as Boris Spassky, Lily Rabe as Joan Fischer, and Peter Sarsgaard as William Lombardy.[605]

Bobby Fischer's Games of Chess (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1959). ISBN 0-923891-46-3. An early collection of 34
lightly annotated games, including "The Game of the Century" against Donald Byrne.
"A Bust to the King's Gambit" (American Chess Quarterly, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Summer 1961), pp. 3–9).
"The Russians Have Fixed World Chess" (Sports Illustrated magazine, August 20, 1962). This is the controversial article in
which Fischer asserted that several of the Soviet players in the 1962 Curaçao Candidates' tournament had colluded with one
another to prevent him [Fischer] from winning the tournament.
"The Ten Greatest Masters in History" (Chessworld, Vol. 1, No. 1 (January–February 1964), pp. 56–61). An article in which
Fischer named Paul Morphy, Howard Staunton, Wilhelm Steinitz, Siegbert Tarrasch, Mikhail Chigorin, Alexander Alekhine,
José Raúl Capablanca, Boris Spassky, Mikhail Tal, and Samuel Reshevsky as the greatest players of all time. Fischer's
criteria for inclusion on his list was his own subjective appreciation of their games rather than their achievements.[606]
Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess (1966), co-written with Donn Mosenfelder and Stuart Margulies.[607] The extent of Fischer's
contribution has been questioned.[608]
"Checkmate" column from December 1966 to December 1969 in Boys' Life, later assumed by Larry Evans.
My 60 Memorable Games (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1969, and Faber and Faber, London, 1969; Batsford 2008
(algebraic notation)). Studied by Kasparov at a young age;[609] "A classic of painstaking and objective analysis that modestly
includes three of his losses."[610]
I Was Tortured in the Pasadena Jailhouse! (1982) a self-published "essay in a fourteen-page booklet" on Fischer's time in a
Pasadena jail—he was "booked for vagrancy".[611]

Tournament, match, and team event summaries 22/45
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Tournament record[152][612]
Year Tournament Location Wins Draws Losses Points Games Ranking Players Percentage

US Amateur Lake below

1955 ? ? ? ≤3 6 75 ≤ 50%
Championship Mohegan 32nd[613]
US Junior
1955 Lincoln 2 6 2 5 10 20th 25 50%
1955 New York ? ? ? 5 8 15th 60 56%
Square Park
Greater New
1956 York City Manhattan 5[614] 0[614] 2[614] 5 7 5th-7th 52 71%
Chess Club 1st-
1956 New York ? ? ? 7.5 10 11 75%
Championship 2nd[615]
Manhattan 'A'-
1956 League New York 4 1 0 4.5 5 90%
Team top
(team event)
US Amateur
1956 Asbury Park 3 2 1 4 6 21st 88 67%
US Junior
1956 Philadelphia 8 1 1 8.5 10 1st 28 85%
1956 US Open 5 7 0 8.5 12 4th–8th 102 71%
1956 Montreal 6 2 2 7 10 8th–12th 88 70%
1956 New York 2 5 4 4.5 11 8th–10th 12 41%
Eastern Washington,
1956 4 3 0 5.5 7 2nd–5th 56 79%
States Open D.C.
Chess Club
1956 New York 2 1 2 2.5 5 4th 6 50%
Log Cabin
1957 West Orange 4 0 2 4 6 6th-14th 61 67%
Log Cabin
1957 West Orange 3 2 0 4 5 unknown 80%
Manhattan team,
1957 League New York 5 0 0 5 5 100%
played at board
(team event)
New Western
1957 Milwaukee 5 2 1 6 8 6th–12th 122 75%
US Junior San
1957 8 1 0 8.5 9 1st 33 94%
Championship Francisco

1957 US Open Cleveland 7[618] 4 0 9 11 1st 176 82%[619]

New Jersey
1957 East Orange 6 1 0 6.5 7 1st 81 93%
State Open
North Central
1957 Milwaukee 4 2 1 5 7 5th–11th 93 71%
1957 New York 8 5 0 10.5 13 1st 14 81%
1958 Interzonal Portorož 6 12 2 12 20 5th–6th 21 60%
1958 US New York 6 5 0 8.5 11 1st 12 77%
Championship 23/45
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1959 Mar del Plata 8 4 1 10 13 3rd–4th 14 71%

1959 Santiago 7 1 4 7.5 12 4th–7th 13 63%
1959 Zürich 8 5 2 10.5 15 3rd–4th 16 70%
Bled, Zagreb
1959 Candidates 8 9 11 12.5 28 5th–6th 8 45%
& Belgrade
1959 New York 7 4 0 9 11 1st 12 82%
1960 Mar del Plata 13 1 1 13.5 15 1st–2nd 16 90%
Buenos Aires 13th–
1960 Buenos Aires 3 11 5 8.5 19 20 45%
International 16th
1960 Reykjavík 3 1 0 3.5 4 1st 3 88%
1960 New York 7 4 0 9 11 1st 12 82%
1961 Bled 8 11 0 15 19 2nd 20 71%
1962 Interzonal Stockholm 13 9 0 17.5 22 1st 23 80%
1962 Candidates Curaçao 8 12 7 14 27 4th 8 52%
1962 New York 6 4 1 8 11 1st 12 73%

1963 Western Open Bay City 7 1 0 7.5 8 1st 161[620] 94%

New York
1963 Poughkeepsie 7 0 0 7 7 1st 57 100%
State Open
1963 New York 11 0 0 11 11 1st 12 100%
1965 Havana 12 6 3 15 21 2nd–4th 22 71%
1965 New York 8 1 2 8.5 11 1st 12 77%
1966 Santa Monica 7 8 3 11 18 2nd 10 61%
1966 New York 8 3 0 9.5 11 1st 12 86%
1967 Monaco 6 2 1 7 9 1st 10 78%
1967 Skopje 12 3 2 13.5 17 1st 18 79%
1967 Interzonal Sousse 7 3 0 8.5 10 withdrew 22 85%
1968 Netanya 10 3 0 10.5 13 1st 14 88%
1968 Vinkovci 9 4 0 11 13 1st 14 85%
Manhattan team,
1968 League New York 1 0 0 1 1 100%
played only one
(team event)
Blitz (5-minute
1970 Herceg Novi 17 4 1 19 22 1st 12 86%
Tournament of
1970 Rovinj/Zagreb 10 6 1 13 17 1st 18 76%
Buenos Aires
1970 Buenos Aires 13 4 0 15 17 1st 18 88%
Palma de
1970 Interzonal 15[621] 7 1 18.5 23[621] 1st 24 80%[622]
Mallorca 24/45
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Match record[623][624][625]
Year Opponent Location Tournament Wins Draws Losses Result Percentage
1957 Max Euwe New York match 0 1 1 lost 25%
Dan Jacobo
1957 New York training match ? ? ? won 70%[626]
Rodolfo Tan
1957 New York match 5 2 1 won 75%
1958 Belgrade training match 0 2 0 tied 50%
1958 Milan Matulović Belgrade match 2 1 1 won 63%
Samuel New York & Los
1961 match 2 7 2 unfinished 50%
Reshevsky Angeles
1971 Mark Taimanov Vancouver Candidates 6 0 0 won 100%
1971 Bent Larsen Denver Candidates 6 0 0 won 100%
1971 Buenos Aires Candidates 5 3 1 won 72%
1972 Boris Spassky Reykjavík 7 11 3[627] won 60%[628]/63%[629]
Sveti Stefan &
1992 Boris Spassky match 10 15 5 won 58%[630]/67%[631]

International Team events[632]

Individual Team Individual
Year Event Location Wins Draws Losses Opponent Board
ranking ranking percentage
1960 Leipzig 10 6 2 various 1 Bronze Silver 72%
1962 Varna 8 6 3 various 1 Eighth Fourth 65%
Poland vs Bogdan Game Team
1962 Warsaw 1 0 0 1 100%
USA Match Sliwa won won
1966 Havana 14 2 1 various 1 Silver Silver 88%
best world
USSR vs. Tigran Team
1970 Belgrade 2 2 0 2 team 75%
World Match Petrosian lost
1970 Siegen 8 4 1 various 1 Silver Fourth 77%

Notable games
Donald Byrne vs. Fischer, New York 1956, Grünfeld, 5.Bf4 (D92), 0–1 (
8361) Played when Fischer was 13 years old, "this game appeared in chess magazines around the world, provoking the
delight of the public and the amazement of the experts."[633] It was dubbed "The Game of the Century" by Hans Kmoch in
Chess Review.[634]
Svetozar Gligoric vs. Fischer, Bled 1961, King's Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation. Classical System Misc. Lines (E98), ½–
½ ( "A genuine drawn masterpiece" according to Garry
Kasparov.[635] Andrew Soltis rated it as one of "The 100 Best Chess Games of the 20th Century".[636]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.Be2 e5 7.0-0 Nc6 8.d5 Ne7 9.Ne1 Nd7 10.Nd3 f5
11.exf5 Nxf5 12.f3 Nf6 13.Nf2 Nd4 14.Nfe4 Nh5 15.Bg5 Qd7 16.g3 h6 17.Be3 c5 18.Bxd4 exd4 19.Nb5
a6 20.Nbxd6 d3 21.Qxd3 Bd4+ 22.Kg2 Nxg3 (diagram) 23.Nxc8 Nxf1 24.Nb6 Qc7 25.Rxf1 Qxb6
26.b4 Qxb4 27.Rb1 Qa5 28.Nxc5 Qxc5 29.Qxg6+ Bg7 30.Rxb7 Qd4 31.Bd3 Rf4 32.Qe6+ Kh8 33.Qg6
½–½ 25/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

a b c d e f g h

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

a b c d e f g h
Position after 22...Nxg3

Robert Byrne vs. Fischer, 1963–64 US Championship, Neo-Grünfeld, 0–1 (

=1008419) annotated ( From an almost symmetrical position, Fischer
beats a strong grandmaster in just 21 moves—"a game that was immediately recognized as an all-time classic".[637]
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 c6 4.Bg2 d5 5.cxd5 cxd5 6.Nc3 Bg7 7.e3 0-0
a b c d e f g h
8.Nge2 Nc6 9.0-0 b6 10.b3 Ba6 11.Ba3 Re8 12.Qd2 e5 13.dxe5
8 8
Nxe5 14.Rfd1 Nd3 15.Qc2 Nxf2 16.Kxf2 Ng4+ 17.Kg1 Nxe3 18.Qd2
(diagram) Nxg2 19.Kxg2 d4 20.Nxd4 Bb7+ 21.Kf1 Qd7 0–1 7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
Position after 18.Qd2

Fischer vs. Mark Taimanov, Vancouver Candidates Final 1971, 4th match game, Sicilian Defense: Paulsen. Bastrikov
Variation (B47), 1–0 ( Fischer's patient and accurate handling of
bishop vs. knight, first in the rook and minor piece endgame, and then after rooks were exchanged, has become a staple of
endgame instructional literature.[638]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Qc7 5.Nc3 e6 6.g3 a6 7.Bg2
a b c d e f g h
Nf6 8.0-0 Nxd4 9.Qxd4 Bc5 10.Bf4 d6 11.Qd2 h6 12.Rad1 e5
8 8
13.Be3 Bg4 14.Bxc5 dxc5 15.f3 Be6 16.f4 Rd8 17.Nd5 Bxd5 18.exd5
e4 19.Rfe1 Rxd5 20.Rxe4+ Kd8 21.Qe2 Rxd1+ 22.Qxd1+ Qd7 7 7
23.Qxd7+ Kxd7 (diagram) 24.Re5 b6 25.Bf1 a5 26.Bc4 Rf8 27.Kg2 6 6
Kd6 28.Kf3 Nd7 29.Re3 Nb8 30.Rd3+ Kc7 31.c3 Nc6 32.Re3 Kd6 5 5
33.a4 Ne7 34.h3 Nc6 35.h4 h5 36.Rd3+ Kc7 37.Rd5 f5 38.Rd2 Rf6 4 4
39.Re2 Kd7 40.Re3 g6 41.Bb5 Rd6 42.Ke2 Kd8 43.Rd3 Kc7
3 3
44.Rxd6 Kxd6 45.Kd3 Ne7 46.Be8 Kd5 47.Bf7+ Kd6 48.Kc4 Kc6
2 2
49.Be8+ Kb7 50.Kb5 Nc8 51.Bc6+ Kc7 52.Bd5 Ne7 53.Bf7 Kb7
54.Bb3 Ka7 55.Bd1 Kb7 56.Bf3+ Kc7 57.Ka6 Ng8 58.Bd5 Ne7 1 1
59.Bc4 Nc6 60.Bf7 Ne7 61.Be8 Kd8 62.Bxg6 Nxg6 63.Kxb6 Kd7 a b c d e f g h
64.Kxc5 Ne7 65.b4 axb4 66.cxb4 Nc8 67.a5 Nd6 68.b5 Ne4+ Position after 23...Kxd7
69.Kb6 Kc8 70.Kc6 Kb8 71.b6 1–0 26/45
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Fischer vs. Tigran Petrosian, Buenos Aires Candidates Final 1971, 7th match game, Sicilian Defense: Kan. Modern Variation
(B42), 1–0 ( This game includes "22.Nxd7+!!" which is "perhaps
Fischer's most famous and instructive move and is still being cited today".[639]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 Nc6 6.Nxc6 bxc6 7.0-0
a b c d e f g h
d5 8.c4 Nf6 9.cxd5 cxd5 10.exd5 exd5 11.Nc3 Be7 12.Qa4+ Qd7
8 8
13.Re1 Qxa4 14.Nxa4 Be6 15.Be3 0-0 16.Bc5 Rfe8 17.Bxe7 Rxe7
18.b4 Kf8 19.Nc5 Bc8 20.f3 Rea7 21.Re5 Bd7 (diagram) 22.Nxd7+ 7 7
Rxd7 23.Rc1 Rd6 24.Rc7 Nd7 25.Re2 g6 26.Kf2 h5 27.f4 h4 28.Kf3 6 6
f5 29.Ke3 d4+ 30.Kd2 Nb6 31.Ree7 Nd5 32.Rf7+ Ke8 33.Rb7 Nxf4 5 5
34.Bc4 1–0 4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
a b c d e f g h
Position after 21...Bd7

Fischer vs. Boris Spassky, World Chess Championship 1972, 6th match game, Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (D59),
1–0 ( Further analysis on the 1972 match page Fischer called
this game his best of the match.[640]
Boris Spassky vs. Fischer, World Chess Championship 1972, 13th match game, Alekhine Defense: Modern, Alburt Variation
(B04), 0–1 ( Further analysis on the 1972 match page Botvinnik
called this game "the highest creative achievement of Fischer". He resolved a drawish opposite-colored bishops endgame by
sacrificing his bishop and trapping his own rook. "Then five passed pawns struggled with the white rook. Nothing similar had
been seen before in chess."[641]
Fischer vs. Boris Spassky, 1992, 1st match game, Spanish Game: Morphy Defense. Breyer Defense Zaitsev Hybrid (C95),
1–0 ( Further analysis on the 1992 match page Fischer's "fine"
victory in his first competitive game in 20 years "made a great impression on the chess world", although in Kasparov's view,
Spassky's play was below the standard of the leading grandmasters of the time.[642]

See also
List of books and documentaries by or about Bobby Fischer

1. "Fischer, Robert James" ( 3. Arguably greatest player ever:
yer/Fischer,%20Robert%20James.html). Böhm & Jongkind 2003, pp. 133–34.
Retrieved September 18, 2015. Divinsky 1990. p. 67.
2. Greatest player ever: Eade 2011, p. 308.
Böhm & Jongkind 2003, pp. 47 (Ree interview), 91
Euwe 1979, p. ix.
(Timman interview), 113 (Short interview).
Golombek 1977. p. 117.
Hartston 1985, p. 157.
Kasparov 2004, p. 490.
Levy 1975, p. 9.
Mednis 1997, p. xiii.
Lombardy 2011, p. 220.
Soltis 2003, p. 9.
Müller 2009, p. 23.
Wolff 2001, p. 273.
Schonberg 1973, pp. 271, 302.
4. Brady 1973, p. 2.
Waitzkin 1993, p. 275 (quoting Kasparov).
5. Staff (March 2004). "WHO WAS FISCHER'S FATHER?".
Wilson 1981, p. 171.
Chess Life. US Chess Federation. p. 10.
6. Reitwiesner, William Addams. "Ancestry of Bobby Fischer
(Extracts from the U.S. Federal Decennial Census)" (http://
Retrieved January 28, 2014.
7. Quinn, Ben; Alan Hamilton (January 28, 2008). "Bobby
Fischer, chess genius, heartless son" (
ece). The Sunday Times. Retrieved September 14, 2008.
(subscription required) 27/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

8. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 313. 25. Brady 1973, p. 5.

9. "...she appears to have been religiously unobservant". 26. Brady 2011, p. 12.
Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 27. 27. Fischer 1959, p. xi.
10. Schulz, Von André (October 8, 2004). "Mutmaßungen über 28. Brady 1973, pp. 5–6.
Fischer" (
29. "A crowd of spectators gathered around the board as the
d=3433). Retrieved October 17, 2008.
diminutive Bobby faced the self-assured, tweed-jacketed
11. Brady 2011, pp. 7–8. Max Pavey. The boy was so serious about what he was
12. Brady 2011, p. 8. doing that the game attracted more and more onlookers....
13. "The family lived in [California, Idaho, Oregon, Illinois, and Pavey, who excelled at playing rapidly... seemed to zoom
Arizona] before moving to New York. Regina's flexibility around the room hardly studying the other boards as he
and desperation led her to a surprising gamut of jobs. She made his moves, returning to Bobby's game in such a
was a welder, schoolteacher, riveter, farm worker, short time that the child couldn't calculate as deeply or as
toxicologist's assistant, stenographer, all throughout the carefully as he wanted... In about fifteen minutes... Pavey
early and mid-1940s." Brady 2011, p. 9. captured Bobby's queen, thereby ending the game...
Bobby stared at the board for a moment. 'He crushed me',
14. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 5.
he said to no one in particular. Then he burst into tears."
15. Nicholas, Peter (September 21, 2009). "Chasing the king Brady 2011, pp. 17–18.
of chess" (
30. Brady 2011, p. 18.
Los Angeles Times. Retrieved January 28, 2014. 31. Brady 2011, p. 20.
16. "In early 1949 Regina Fischer took the least expensive 32. Fischer 1959, pp. xi–xii.
housing she could find when she moved the family— 33. Brady 1973, p. 7.
Bobby, Joan, and herself—to East 13th Street in 34. Brady 2011, pp. 19–21.
Manhattan, facing the kitchen back entrance of the famed
35. Fischer 1959, p. 2.
Luchow's restaurant, where many of the best chess
players would occasionally dine. The Fischers could never 36. Brady 2011, p. 21.
afford to eat there. The apartment's entrance was marred 37. Fischer 1959, p. xii.
by a rusty fire escape running up the front, and there was 38. Brady 2011, pp. 38–39.
only one small bedroom—but the rent was $45 a month." 39. Brady 2011, p. 52.
FBI report, August 24. 1953 (SAC, New York, 100-
40. "Carmine Nigro, 91, Bobby Fischer's First Chess Teacher"
102290). Quoted in Brady 2011, p. 10.
17. Nicholas, Peter; Clea Benson (November 17, 2002). "Files bobby-fischer-s-first-chess-teacher.html). The New York
reveal how FBI hounded chess king" ( Times. September 2, 2001. Retrieved August 24, 2013.
m/inquirer/news/13896736.html). The Philadelphia
41. Brady 2011, p. 6.
Inquirer. Retrieved July 9, 2018.
42. Dylan Loeb McClain (December 4, 2001). "John W.
18. Nicholas, Peter; Benson, Clea (February 9, 2003). "Life is
Collins, 89, Dies; Was Fischer's Chess Tutor" (
not a board game (page 3 of 7)" (
as-fischer-s-chess-tutor.html). The New York Times.
3891951.html). The Philadelphia Inquirer. Archived from
Retrieved January 4, 2014.
the original (
html) on January 23, 2008. Retrieved July 10, 2010. 43. Brady 1973, p. 12.
19. Laurence, Charles (November 24, 2002). "FBI targeted 44. Brady, 2011, p. 50.
chess genius Bobby Fischer and his mother" ( 45. " 'He taught Bobby Fischer to play chess' " is the way I am sometimes publicly and privately introduced. Collins 1974,
ius-Bobby-Fischer-and-his-mother.html#). London: p. 47. Retrieved September 13, 2008. 46. "Collins, for his part, said that he never 'taught' Bobby in
20. Böhm & Jongkind 2003, p. 22. the strictest sense" and that Fischer "knew before
21. Regina Fischer entry, passenger manifest, SS Manhattan, instructed". Collins 1974, pp. 48–49. Quoted in Brady
January 18, 1939, p. 74, line 6, accessed January 20, 2011, p. 52.
2008 via 47. Collins was Bobby Fischer's "mentor". Edmonds & Eidinow
22. Böhm & Jongkind 2003, pp. 22, 135. 2004, pp. 6, 30, and 221.
23. "In March of 1949, on a rainy day when Bobby had just 48. Collins was Fischer's "mentor". Donaldson & Tangborn
turned six, his sister, Joan... bought a plastic chess set for 1999, p. 27.
$1 at the candy store [located just below their apartment]... 49. "Collins was my friend and mentor but not my teacher".
Neither Joan nor Bobby had ever seen a chess set before Lombardy 2011, p. 24.
but they followed instructions printed on the inside of the 50. "Fischer was also extremely fortunate in having John W.
top of the box..." Parade, October 27, 1957, p. 22., Bobby (Jack) Collins, a chess master, who was a friend, guide,
Fischer Autobiographical Essay, p. 1. Quoted in Brady and mentor to him during his early formative years".
2011, pp. 10–11. Bisguier, in Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 44.
24. Brady 2011, pp. 10–12. 51. Brady 1973, pp. 10–11. 28/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

52. Collins 1974, pp. 34–35. 87. Brady 1973, p. 19.

53. Fischer 1959, p. xiii. 88. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 135–37.
54. Brady 2011, p. 53. 89. Harkness 1967, p. 272.
55. Chess Life, May 20, 1956, p. 4. Also available on DVD (p. 90. Brady 1973, p. 20.
76 in "Chess Life 1956" PDF file"). 91. A writer in Chess Life, apparently Editor Fred M. Wren,
56. Chess Life, May 20, 1956, p. 1. Also available on DVD (p. expected Fischer to score about 50%. "The Monday-
73 in "Chess Life 1956" PDF file"). Morning Quarterback Speaks", Chess Life, January 20.
57. Brady 1973, p. 15. 1958, p. 4. Also available on DVD (p. 12 on Chess Life
1958 PDF file).
58. Collins 1974, pp. 55–56.
92. Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 51.
59. The New York Times, March 5, 1956, p. 36. Quoted in
Brady 2011, p. 49. 93. Di Felice 2010, p. 196.
60. Chess Life, July 20, 1956, p. 1. Also available on DVD (p. 94. Brady 1973, pp. 20–21.
105 in "Chess Life 1956" PDF file"). 95. Edward Winter, Chess Note 6428 (
61. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 100. com/winter/#6424._Quiz_question) (citing Chess Life,
February 5, 1958).
62. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 101.
96. Edward Winter, Chess Note 6436 (
63. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 105.
com/winter/#6434._St_Petersburg_1895-96) (citing FIDE
64. Di Felice 2010, p. 76. Revue, April 1958, p. 106).
65. Brady 1973, p. 16. 97. Chess Life, March 5, 1958. Quoted in Müller 2009, p. 92.
66. Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 108. 98. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 8.
67. Brady 2011, p. 65. 99. Brady 2011, pp. 89–90.
68. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 7. 100. Footage of Bobby Fischer on I got a Secret (
69. Brady 2011, p. 61., March 26, 1958
70. Di Felice 2010, p. 48. (begins at 17:40)
71. Chess Review, December 1956, p. 374. Also available on 101. "The Soviet Union had agreed to invite Bobby to Moscow,
DVD (p. 418 on Chess Review 1956 PDF file). and generously pay all expenses for him and his sister..."
72. "While, objectively, it is not one of the greatest games ever Marshall Chess Foundation Archive, Letter from Regina
played, it is certainly the finest game ever produced by one Fischer to Bobby Fischer, c. June 1958. Quoted in Brady
so young". Wilson 1981, p. 170. 2011, p. 93.

73. Brady 2011, p. 64. 102. Brady 2011, p. 91.

74. AP wire story, February 24, 1957. Quoted in Brady 2011, 103. Brady 2011, p. 92.
p. 64. 104. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 9.
75. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 123. 105. Linder V.I. & Linder I.M. 1994. Quoted in Plisetsky &
76. Brady 1973, p. 17. Voronkov 2005, pp. 120–21.

77. "To wrest a draw from a former World Champion was 106. Golombek, Golombek's Encyclopedia, pp. 236–37. Quoted
neither small cheese nor minor chess, but Bobby was in Brady 2011, p. 93.
unhappy since he'd lost the match, 1½–½." Brady 2011, p. 107. Brady 2011, p. 94.
67. 108. Johnson 2007, p. 128. Quoted in Brady 2011, p. 94.
78. Chess Life, May 5, 1957, p. 3. Also available on DVD (p. 109. Brady 2011, pp. 94–96.
67 in "Chess Life 1957" PDF file"). 110. Wade & O'Connell 1972, pp. 163–64.
79. Wall, Bill (August 2002). "Bobby Fischer Trivia" ( 111. Brady 2011, pp. 98–100.
112. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 26. Retrieved October 4, 2008.
113. Brady 1973, p. 25.
80. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 127.
114. Leonard Barden, "From Portorož to Petrosian", in Wade &
81. Brady 2011, p. 73.
O'Connell 1973, p. 332.
82. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 130.
115. Just before Larsen played Fischer in their individual game,
83. Collins 1974, p. 56. Larsen predicted that he would be victorious, only to find
84. Chess Review, September 1957, p. 260. Also available on out quite the opposite: "Once we were well into the
DVD (p. 294 in "Chess Review 1957" PDF file). tournament, Larsen, Fridrik Olafsson and I were engaged
85. "No one as young as Bobby had won the United States in a friendly debate over Fischer's performance. 'Lucky to
Open before, and no one had ever held the United States have 50%!' quipped Larsen, who went on to say, 'I will
Junior and Open titles concurrently. When Bobby returned spank that baby!'... With wisdom Fridrik supplied a thought
to New York, both the Marshall and Manhattan chess clubs for me, 'Watch out the baby doesn't spank you!' At that
conducted victory celebrations, and he was lauded as comment, Larsen waved his hand. In the very next round,
America's new chess hero." Brady 2011, p. 75. Fischer crushed Larsen..." Lombardy 2011, p. 87.
86. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 138–40. 116. Wade & O'Connell 1972. pp. 332–34, 347. 29/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

117. Kasparov 2004, pp. 225–26. 146. "In his junior year Bobby left school for good because 'the
118. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 20–21. stuff they teach you in school I can't use one way or the
other.' " Schonberg 1973, p. 261.
119. This record stood until 1991, when it was broken by Judit
Polgár. Forbes 1992, p. 171. 147. Ginzburg 1962, p. 55.
120. Interview with Allen Kaufman in the television documentary 148. "Probing into the activities of the American Chess
"Anything to Win: The Mad Genius of Bobby Fischer". April Foundation, she demonstrated that some players (such as
9, 2006. Reshevsky) received support while others (such as Bobby)
did not... she sent out indignant press releases, [and]
121. Di Felice 2010, p. 301.
letters to the government demanding a public accounting."
122. Di Felice 2010, p. 340. Brady 2011, p. 131.
123. Di Felice 2010, p. 356. 149. Bisguier & Soltis 1974, pp. 282–84.
124. Brady 1973, p. 28. 150. Hooper & Whyld 1992, pp. 136–37.
125. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 27. 151. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 51 (1-point margin in 1957–
126. Wade & O'Connell 1972, pp. 165, 171, 176. 58), 57 (1-point margin in 1958–59), 62 (1-point margin in
127. The Chess Games of Robert J. Fischer, edited by Robert 1959–60), 67 (2-point margin in 1960–61), 71 (1-point
G. Wade and Kevin J. O'Connell, London, Batsford 1973; margin in 1962–63), 77 (2½-point margin in 1963–64), 82
special article by Paul Keres, entitled From the Opposite (1-point margin in 1965), 87 (2-point margin in 1966–67).
Side of the Board. 152. Müller 2009, pp. 399–400.
128. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 41. 153. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 51, 57, 62, 67, 71, 76, 82, 87.
129. Brady 1965, p. 34. 154. Müller 2009, p. 85.
130. Brady 1965, p. 35. 155. Müller 2009, p. 104.
131. "At 16 he was able to earn his living from chess, and soon 156. Müller 2009, p. 148.
began to dress well, with suits tailored in London and New 157. Müller 2009, p. 181.
York." Hooper & Whyld 1992, p. 136.
158. Müller 2009, p. 231.
132. Ginzburg 1962, pp. 53–54.
159. Müller 2009, p. 243.
133. Di Felice 2010, p. 310.
160. Müller 2009, p. 262.
134. Wade & 'Connell 1972, p. 356.
161. Müller 2009, p. 263.
135. Brady 2011, pp. 105, 125.
162. Müller 2009, p. 285.
136. Ponterotto, p. 29.
163. Bisguier & Soltis 1974, p. 283.
137. "Attempts by Regina and Joan to engage Bobby in
164. Mednis 1997, pp. x–xi, 179–83, 202–11.
schoolwork were usually fruitless. Bobby could concentrate
on puzzles or chess for hours, but he fidgeted and grew 165. Larry Evans, in Müller 2009, p. 7.
restless when confronted with reading, writing, and 166. The Games of Robert J. Fischer, Batsford, 1973, section
arithmetic... he was accepted by Community Woodward on chess Olympiads by Robert Wade.
with the understanding that he'd teach the other students 167. "Fischer, Robert James, Men's Chess Olympiads" (
to play, and also as a result of his astronomically high IQ olimpbase.
test score of 180." Brady 2011, p. 25. 2015. Retrieved September 23, 2015.
138. It has been reported that Fischer scored 180 on an IQ test 168. "United States (USA) Men's Chess Olympiads" (
while a student at Erasmus Hall. "The Mind of Bobby olimpbase. 2015.
Fischer" ( Retrieved Retrieved September 23, 2015.
September 3, 2018.
169. Di Felice 2010, p. 485.
139. Andersen 2006, pp. 15, 41. Streisand later said that
170. Di Felice 2013a, p. 251.
Fischer was "always alone and very peculiar ... But I found
him very sexy". Id. at 41. 171. Di Felice 2013b, p. 326.

140. Boyer, David (March 11, 2001). "NEIGHBORHOOD 172. Di Felice 2013c, p. 366.
REPORT: FLATBUSH; Grads Hail Erasmus as It Enters a 173. Kažić 1974, pp. 75, 81, 94, 108.
Fourth Century" ( 174. "Fischer, Robert James" (
gion/neighborhood-report-flatbush-grads-hail-erasmus-as-i s/q8aycaol.html). Wojciech Bartelski & Co. August 2003.
t-enters-a-fourth-century.html). The New York Times. Retrieved February 17, 2014.
Retrieved August 15, 2009. 175. "Fischer... scored a remarkable 15 out of 17 (+14, =2, −1).
141. Brady 1965, pp. 1, 25. Unfortunately... his winning percentage of 88.23% was
142. Collins 1974, p. 52. 0.23 of a point lower than Petrosian's 88.46%, although
143. Arthur Bisguier, in Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 47. Bobby had played four more games and faced, overall,
stronger opposition than [Petrosian]". Müller 2009, pp.
144. Brady 1965, p. 25.
145. Ginzburg 1962, p. 51. 30/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

176. "Later Gheorghiu stated that when he offered Fischer the 203. Brady 1973, p. 51.
draw, he was convinced he actually had a won game but 204. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 81.
that he wanted Fischer to be awarded the gold medal. It
205. Brady 1973, pp. 53–54.
was obvious that Fischer was trying too hard and had tired
and overextended himself. He lost the game decisively. 206. Barden, Leonard (January 18, 2008). "Obituary, Bobby
Nevertheless, all of the players and spectators considered Fischer" (,,2
Bobby to be the real hero of the most magnificent chess 243089,00.html). The Guardian. Retrieved January 28,
event in history". Brady 1973, p. 120. 2014.

177. Brady 1973, p. 65. 207. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 82.

178. Müller 2009, pp. 224–25. 208. Kažić 1974, pp. 188–89.

179. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 286–87. 209. Benko & Silman, p. 155.

180. " 'It is important to draw a distinction between the myth of 210. According to Lombardy, Fischer's lack of a sole second
the 'extravagant, capricious, uncontrollable' Fischer and "proved a main reason for his failure": "As a second,
those actions that he undertook quite consciously. Many of Grandmaster Arthur Bisguier had to divide his talents
his demands in Lugano were absolutely justified. 'It was between Bobby and Pal Benko... Bobby was hopping mad
not only Fischer who did not like the conditions,' writes over the miserable arrangement made by the American
Petrosian. 'This also applied to me and my colleagues. Chess Foundation, which was responsible for the funding
Imagine a hall, in which three thousand players, trainers for the American participants at Curaçao". Lombardy 2011,
and spectators are gathered, a hall without any ventilation p. 122.
and in addition with poor lighting. I have never complained 211. Böhm & Jongkind 2003, pp. 29–30, 37, 40, 83.
about my eyesight, but I only needed once or twice in a 212. "Victim of His Own Success: The Tragedy of Bobby
game to think intensively over a move, and my eyes began Fischer", Wall Street Journal, January 22, 2008, p. D8.
to hurt.' " Kasparov 2004, p. 335. 213. Wade & O'Connell 1972, pp. 331–46.
181. "Fischer was clearly the best and highest rated U.S. player 214. Wade & O'Connell 1972, pp. 207–08.
and also the U.S. Champion. But in consideration of his
215. Bisguier, in Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 49.
lifelong prestige, Reshevsky would not yield first board".
Lombardy 2011, p. 184. 216. Arthur Bisguier, in Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 49.
182. Müller 2009, p. 156. 217. "At the time he was also writing for Chess Life, a column
called "Fischer Talks Chess," and he made some very
183. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 183.
favorable comments about the overall quality of the
184. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 12. opposition he faced as well as the organization of the
185. Bronstein wrote of their first meeting at Mar del Plata, tournaments". Müller 2009, p. 237.
"They became friends instantly and have remained so until 218. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 49, 149–51.
this day". Bronstein & Fürstenberg 1995, p. 121.
219. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 49, 152–53.
186. Donner 2006, p. 228.
220. Brady 1973, p. 70.
187. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 189.
221. Levy 1975, p. 91.
188. Benko & Silman 2003, p. 422 (interview with Evans).
222. "The Amazing Victory Streak of Bobby Fischer" (
189. "One of his rivals in that tournament was American
grandmaster Larry Evans, and the story goes that he found ak-of-bobby-fischer). Sports Illustrated. January 13, 1964.
a Bovaryan lady prepared for a small sum to surround Retrieved May 12, 2007.
Fischer with her charms. This approach proved successful
223. Bisguier, in Wade & Connell 1973, pp. 49–50.
for Evans, as Fischer finished thirteenth in the
tournament..." Donner 2006, p. 228. 224. Hooper & Whyld 1992, p. 81.
190. Benko & Silman, pp. 426–27 (interview with Benko). 225. Soltis 2002, pp. 81–83.
191. Wade & O'Connell 1972, pp. 196–97. 226. Sunnucks 1970, p. 76.
192. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 198. 227. Fischer 1969, 2008, p. 305.
193. "The officers of the American Chess Foundation 228. Müller 2009, p. 248.
maintained that Reshevsky was the better player, and they 229. Chess Life, August 1964, p. 202. Quoted in Brady 2011, p.
arranged to have him prove it." Brady 2011, p. 135. 155.
194. Brady 1973, p. 42. 230. Brady 1973, pp. 80–81.
195. Brady 1973, pp. 43–46. 231. Donaldson 2005, pp. 7, 11.
196. Brady 1973, p. 46. 232. Donaldson 2005, p. 11.
197. Di Felice 2013a, p. 17. 233. Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 285.
198. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 68. 234. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 127–28.
199. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 199. 235. Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 209.
200. Di Felice 2013a, p. 223. 236. Bisguier & Soltis 1974, p. 213.
201. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 75. 237. Brady 1973, pp. 86–89.
202. Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 369. 238. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 127–31. 31/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

239. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 160, 209. 273. Sonas, Jeff (May 25, 2005). "The Greatest Chess Player of
240. Pachman 1975, p. 215. All Time – Part IV" (
241. Brady 1973, pp. 88–89.
Retrieved February 23, 2014.
242. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 127.
274. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 82.
243. Brady 1973, pp. 86–88.
275. "I was acting as Fischer's second..." Evans, Larry Melvyn
244. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 209. (April 20, 1970). "The Rest Of The World Sort Of Strikes
245. Di Felice 2013b, p. 167. Back" (
246. Brady 1973, pp. 92–94. 9). Sports Illustrated, cited on Retrieved
247. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 82–86. September 19, 2015.

248. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 134. 276. Brady 2011, p. 164.

249. Kashdan 1977, p. v. 277. "Fischer was intrigued and agreed to play on first board for
the '"Rest of the World"' team".
250. Kasparov 2004, p. 322.
278. Müller 2009, p. 321.
251. Müller 2009, pp. 284–85.
279. "USSR vs Rest of the World: Belgrade 1970" (
252. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 87–91. Wojciech Bartelski & Co.
253. Di Felice 2013b, p. 396. August 2003. Retrieved September 19, 2015.
254. Di Felice 2013b, pp. 423–24. 280. "[Fischer] announced that he would relinquish his board
255. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 236–47. one position and allow Larsen the top spot on the World
256. Wade & O'Connell 1972, pp. 450–53. team '"as a matter of principle"' Everyone was
astonished..." Brady 1973, p. 161.
257. "[At the Sousse Internzonal], Fischer quit at the halfway
mark... faced with four games in four consecutive days... 281. "To even greater amazement, when the Danish
for religious reasons, [Bobby] will not play between grandmaster Bent Larsen demanded that he play on Board
sundowns on Friday and Saturday. He objected to the One for the Rest against the leading Soviet, pointing out
consecutive playoffs, claiming that the judges were taking quite reasonably that he had achieved the best tournament
advantage of him, subjecting him to cruel and inhuman results over the previous two years, Fischer yielded the
punishment. He also pointed out, correctly, that he had point and agreed to step down to Board Two. It meant that
entered the tournament with the assurance that such he played Petrosian rather than Spassky". Edmonds &
conditions would not prevail. But the judges would not Eidinow 2004, pp. 82–83.
change their ruling..." Schonberg 1973, pp. 256–57. 282. Brady 2011, p. 165.
258. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 161–66. 283. Schonberg 1973, p. 267.
259. The World Chess Championship: A History, by Al 284. Chess Digest 1971, p. 83.
Horowitz, Macmillan, New York, 1973 285. Denker & Parr 1995, p. 105.
260. Di Felice 2013c, pp. 56–57. 286. Chess Digest 1971, pp. 83–92.
261. Di Felice 2013c, p. 91. 287. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 188–89.
262. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 248–59. 288. Kasparov 2004, p. 343.
263. Müller 2009, pp. 320–21. 289. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 183.
264. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 154–55. 290. "I was among the best blitz players around [due to the fact
265. Donaldson & Tangborn 1999, p. 170. that] I trained regularly with Bobby since he was 11-years
266. "In this new book, his first—and, ultimately, only—serious old". Lombardy 2011, p. 90.
work as an adult, Fischer was anything but sparse... what 291. "As for Bobby's ability at speed chess, it came as no shock
he produced was one of the most painstakingly precise that Bobby would win the world blitz championship in 1970
and delightful chess books ever written, rivaling the works in Belgrade. I expected Bobby to win by a wide margin, but
of Tarrasch, Alekhine, and Reti... If Fischer had never his winning by a margin of 4½ points ahead of Tal did
played another game of chess, his reputation, certainly as come as a pleasant surprise!" Lombardy 2011, pp. 90–91.
an analyst, would have been preserved through its 292. Kasparov 2004, p. 342.
publication." Brady 2011, pp. 162–63.
293. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 263–70.
267. Benko & Silman, p. 426.
294. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 271–78.
268. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, pp. 84–86.
295. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 201–02.
269. Müller 2009, p. 343.
296. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 279.
270. Leonard Barden, in Wade & O'Connell 1973, p. 342.
297. Kasparov 2004, pp. 342–44.
271. Brady 1973, p. 174.
298. Di Felice 2013c, pp. 320–21.
272. "The only condition I asked for stepping down was for
299. Weeks, Mark (1997–2008). "World Chess Championship
Fischer to agree not to withdraw from the Interzonal or the
1970 Palma de Mallorca Interzonal Tournament" (
ensuing matches should he qualify for them – and he$iix.htm). Printer. Retrieved
fulfilled this condition". Chess Life & Review, July 1975,
October 4, 2008.
Vol. XXX, No. 7. 32/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

300. Fischer's 3½-point margin set a new record for an 326. " 'Karpov: It was already clear that the winner [of the
Interzonal, beating Alexander Kotov's 3-point margin at Petrosian-Korchnoi Semi-Final Candidates Match] would
Saltsjöbaden 1952. Kažić 1974, pp. 171–72. have to play Fischer, who on the other staircase was
301. Panno refused to play in protest of the organizers' rapidly ascending to the chess throne. There was
rescheduling of the game to accommodate Fischer's desire practically no doubt that Spassky would be able to deal
not to play on his religion's Sabbath. Panno was not with him, but in the Sports Committee they decided that it
present when the game was to begin. Fischer waited ten was better if it didn't come to this... And so the officials
minutes before playing his first move (1.c4) and went to summoned Petrosian and Korchnoi and asked them
get Panno to convince him to play. Forty-five minutes later, directly which of them had the better chances against
Panno came to the board and resigned. Brady 1973, p. Fischer. Korchnoi said that the 'generation beaten by
179. Fischer' had practically no chances. But Petrosian said that
he believed in himself. After this it was suggested to
302. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 344, 410.
Korchnoi that he should allow Petrosian to win, and in
303. Hooper & Whyld 1992, p. 137. compensation they promised to send him to three major
304. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 214. tournaments (which for a Soviet player in those times was
305. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 86. a princely reward).' " Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 273.
306. Brady 2011, p. 167. 327. Brady 2011, p. 169.
307. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 88. 328. Brady 1973, p. 195.
308. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 220–22. 329. Kasparov 2004, pp. 408–17.
309. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 225–26. 330. Jan Timman, The Art of Chess Analysis, R.H.M. Press,
310. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 226. 1980, pp. 36–42. ISBN 0-89058-048-0.

311. " 'What happened next during the resumption of the 5th 331. Soltis 2003, pp. 259–62.
game,' Tal wrote later, 'had to be seen to be believed. It is 332. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, pp. 311–12.
simply incredible that three grandmasters could have left a 333. Soltis 2002, p.?
rook en prise a mere three moves after the resumption of 334. Mednis 1997, pp. 266–70.
the game.' " Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 232.
335. Reuben Fine, The Final Candidates Match Buenos Aires,
312. Wade & O'Connell 1973, pp. 412–16. 1971: Fischer vs Petrosian, Hostel Chess Association,
313. "The record books showed that the only comparable 1971, pp. 13–32.
achievement to the 6–0 score against Taimanov was 336. Cantwell, Robert (November 8, 1971). "Bobby Clears The
Wilhelm Steinitz's 7–0 win against Joseph Henry Board For The Title" (
Blackburne in 1876 in an era of more primitive defensive 612506/bobby-clears-the-board-for-the-title). Sports
technique." Leonard Barden, From Portorož to Petrosian, Illustrated. Retrieved March 12, 2016.
in Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 345.
337. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 96.
314. Brady 1973, p. 188. Quoted in Brady 2011, p. 168.
338. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 289.
315. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, pp. 91–92.
339. Schonberg 1973, p. 269.
316. Brady 2011, p. 168.
340. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 293.
317. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 92.
341. Alexander 1972, p. 74.
318. Cafferty 1972, p. 102.
342. Chess Informant, Volume 14, Šahovski Informator, 1973,
319. "...the chess world... was positively sent reeling by Bobby's pp. 302–07.
crushing 6–0 defeat of Larsen". Müller 2009, p. 360.
343. "All Time Rankings" (
320. Byrne & Nei 1974, p. 19. 000035/
321. Kasparov 2004, pp. 405–06. html). Archived from the original (
322. Sonas, Jeff (April 28, 2005). "The Greatest Chess Player k/Chess/Trivia/AlltimeList.html) on November 26, 2009.
of All Time – Part II" ( Retrieved March 8, 2017.
l.asp?newsid=2354). Retrieved 344. Elo 1978, p. 43.
November 1, 2009. 345. Life, November 12, 1971, "The Deadly Gamesman".
323. Di Felice 2014, pp. 48–49. 346. Kasparov 2004, p. 429.
324. "Petrosian's opponents have declared him to be 'the 347. "[Petrosian:]'...I must warn Spassky that Fischer is armed
hardest player in history to defeat.' " Steiner 1974, p. 21. with all the new ideas in chess. As soon as Fischer gains
325. Karpov 1991, p. 114. even the slightest advantage, he begins playing like a
machine. You cannot hope for some mistake. Fischer is a
quite extraordinary player. His match with Spassky will be
tough.' " Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 336.
348. Gligorić 1972, pp. 10–11.
349. Gligorić 1972, pp. 11–12.
350. Gligorić 1972, p. 13.
351. Gligorić 1972, p. 47. 33/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

352. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 308. 377. Karpov beat Lev Polugaevsky in a Candidates quarter-final
353. Brady 1973, p. 225, p. 253. match in January–February 1974 (+3−0=5). Byrne 1976, p.
19. In the semi-finals, held in April–May 1974, he beat
354. Brady 1973, p. 248.
Spassky (+4−1=6). Id., p. 79. In the finals, held in
355. Alexander 1972, p. 141. September–November 1974, he beat Viktor Korchnoi
356. Moss, Stephen (January 19, 2008). "Death of a madman (+3−2=19). Id., p. 113.
driven sane by chess" ( 378. Kasparov 2004, p. 471.
2008/jan/19/ The Guardian. Retrieved
379. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 412–13.
January 4, 2016.
380. Brady 2011, pp. 218–19.
357. Alexander 1972, pp. 84–87.
381. Kasparov 2004, p. 472.
358. Gligorić 1972, p. 37.
382. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 413–14.
359. Alexander 1972, p. 87.
383. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 414.
360. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, pp. 271–73.
384. Grandmaster Hans Ree remarked of Fischer's demand
361. Byrne & Nei 1974, p. vii.
that the champion keep his title in the event of a 9–9 tie,
362. Perhaps the best-selling book on the match was subtitled "They [FIDE] thought that this demand was too severe. It
The New York Times Report on the Chess Match of the was rejected, understandably". Böhm & Jongkind 2003, p.
Century 46.
363. "Even before a move has been made, this breathtaking, 385. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 417–18.
blood-curdling and heartrending encounter is justly being
386. Korchnoi and Alburt observed that Karpov, in later securing
labelled as 'the Match of the Century'". Donner 2006, p.
the right to a rematch if he lost the World Championship,
136 (originally published in De Tijd, June 28, 1972).
was given a greater advantage by FIDE than Fischer had
364. Roberts, Schonberg, Horowitz & Reshevsky 1972, pp. asked for. Over two matches, Korchnoi was required to
195–96. beat Karpov by at least 6–5 and 6–5: an aggregate score
365. Müller 2009, p. 370. The match made the covers of Time of +2 and a minimum win requirement +2 greater than
and Newsweek. Id. at 19. Karpov would have needed in 1975. This scenario nearly
366. Kasparov 2004, p. 206. materialized since the 1978 match was tied 5–5 after 31
367. Müller 2009, p. 15. games before Karpov won the 32nd game. Korchnoi could,
in theory, have won 6–0 in the first match and lost 5–6 in
368. Böhm & Jongkind 2003, p. 89.
the second, with an aggregate win total of 11 games to
369. Müller 2009, p. 13. Karpov's 6. Recognizing this, FIDE president Euwe
370. Soltis 2003, pp. 10–11. proposed that the champion should only have a rematch in
371. "Wearing city's gold medal and accompanied by Mayor the event he lost 5–6, but Karpov rejected this proposal.
John Lindsay, Bobby shakes hands with some 3,000 fans Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 418–19.
attending..." Saidy & Lessing 1974, photo on pp. 224–25; 387. In a letter to Larry Evans, published in Chess Life in
captions on p. 227. November 1974, Fischer claimed the usual system (24
372. Larry Evans, in Müller 2009, p. 13. games with the first player to get 12½ points winning, and
the champion retaining his title in the event of a 12–12 tie)
encouraged the player in the lead to draw games, which
m/vault/issue/43123/1/1). Sports Illustrated. August 14,
he regarded as bad for chess. Not counting draws would
1972. Retrieved May 12, 2007.
be "an accurate test of who is the world's best player".
374. Cavett, Dick (February 8, 2008). "Was It Only a Game?" (h Donaldson & Tangborn 1999, p. 159.
388. Former US Champion Arnold Denker, who was in contact
a-game/?_r=0). The New York Times. Retrieved
with Fischer during the negotiations with FIDE, claimed
January 4, 2014.
that Fischer wanted a long match to be able to play himself
375. "2016 US Chess Yearbook" ( into shape after a three-year layoff. Denker & Parr 1995,
s/stories/Yearbooks/2016yearbook.pdf) (PDF). pp. 110–11. 2016. Retrieved August 30, 2018.
389. Mednis 1997, p. 282.
376. "The 1972 championship will become immortalized in film,
390. Bozidar Kazic. 1975. "Anatoly Karpov New World
on the stage, in song. It will remain incontrovertibly the
Champion." Chess Informant 19.
most notorious chess duel in history. There will never be
another like it... A lone American star was challenging the 391. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 414–16.
long Soviet grip on the world title. His success would 392. Kasparov 2004, p. 473.
dispose of the Soviet's claim that their chess hegemony 393. Karpov 1991, pp. 159–165.
reflected the superiority of their political system..."
394. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, pp. 419–20.
Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, pp. 2–3.
395. Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 418. 34/45
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396. " 'Karpov... knew he could hardly draw a game with 415. Seirawan & Stefanovic 1992, p. 8.
Fischer, never mind score one or two wins. His only 416. "Bobby Fischer arrives in Iceland" (
chance was to disrupt the match. So a whole arsenal of hi/asia-pacific/4374811.stm). BBC News. March 25, 2005.
tricks was worked out, designed to upset the sensitive Retrieved January 28, 2014.
American, unaccustomed to such methods. As Karpov
417. Soltis 2003, p. 280.
himself said, 'This match cannot end normally. Either I'll be
taken to hospital (Anatoly weighed only 48kg at the time 418. Müller 2009, p. 382.
and even at the end of his Moscow match with Korchnoi he 419. Waitzkin 1993, p. 298.
required pep pills to keep him going) or else he'll be taken 420. Seirawan & Stefanovic 1992, p. 283.
to a lunatic asylum.' " Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 419. 421. The tenth press conference was not transcribed. Seirawan
397. "Roger Cohen: Why, after turning down so many offers to & Stefanovic 1992, p. 272. The content of the other nine
make a comeback, did you accept this one? Bobby press conferences can be found, in full, in id. at pp. 13,
Fischer: That's not quite true. As I recall, for example, 15–21, 53–57, 86–90, 114–18, 149–54, 170–75, 208–14,
Karpov in 1975 was the one who refused to play me under 227–31, 256–60.
my conditions..." Brady 2011, p. 247. 422. Seirawan & Stefanovic 1992, p. 291.
398. Seirawan & Stefanovic 1992, p. 22. 423. Seirawan & Stefanovic, pp. 85, 96, 303.
399. Bisguier, Arthur (June 22, 1988). "When Bobby Fischer 424. Brady 2011, pp. 243-4.
took on a computer" (
425. Cohen, Roger (September 2, 1992). "Bobby Fischer Ends
14/1988/0622/lchs22.html). Christian Science Monitor.
Silence With Rancor" (
Retrieved January 27, 2014.
2/arts/bobby-fischer-ends-silence-with-rancor.html). The
400. [Sveti Stefan, September 1, 1992, First Press Conference] New York Times. Retrieved January 28, 2014.
"Marc Taverson, Le Point: Are you still a member of the
426. Labaton, Stephen (December 16, 1992). "FISCHER IS
Worldwide Church of God? How do you feel about
religion? Fischer: I was never a member of the Worldwide
Church of God. I'm not terribly religious at the moment."
html). The New York Times. Retrieved January 28, 2014.
Seirawan & Stefanovic 1992, p. 20.
427. "Indictment" (
401. "His connection to the Church was always somewhat
s2/2004/fischer10.pdf) (PDF). U.S. District Court for the
ambiguous. He was not a registered member, since he
District of Columbia (Federal Circuit). December 15, 1992.
hadn't agreed to be baptized by full immersion in water by
Retrieved January 28, 2014.
Armstrong or one of his ministers. And since he wasn't
considered a duly recognized convert, he was sometimes 428. "On December 15, 1992, a single count indictment in
referred to as a 'co-worker' or, less politely, as a 'fringer'— federal court in Washington, D.C., was handed down by a
someone on the fringes or edges of the Church but not grand jury against Bobby Fischer for violating economic
totally committed to its mission. The Church imposed a sanctions, through an executive order issued by President
number of rules that Bobby thought were ridiculous and George Bush. A letter to that effect was sent to Bobby in
refused to adhere to [...]" Brady 2011, p. 210. Belgrade, and upon announcement of the indictment,
federal officials issued a warrant for his arrest". Brady
402. Fischer 1982, p. 1.
2011, p. 255.
403. Fischer 1982, p. 2.
429. Winter, Edward. "Fischer v Gligorić Training Match (1992)
404. Fischer 1982, pp. 3–14. (
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&player2=&movescomp=exactly&moves=&opening=&eco= of its novelty is the ability to add available time whenever a
C68-69&result=). Retrieved player makes a move. He suggested that each player
January 29, 2014. should begin with one hour on the clock and that two
541. Andrew Soltis, in Müller 2009, pp. 29, 32–33. minutes be added each time the clock is pressed, thus
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543. Andrew Soltis, in Müller 2009, p. 25.
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545. Pliester 1995, p. 272. to be specially manufactured for the match, and [Jezdimir]
546. Gligorić 1985, p. 65. Vasiljevic had it made. Bobby insisted that it be used in the
547. Watson observed that 7...Qb6 "is an astonishing move that match. The game would start with each player having
those raised with classical chess principles would simply ninety minutes, and upon his making a move, two minutes
reject as a typical beginner's mistake. Black goes running would be added to each player's time. Bobby's theory was
after a pawn when he is undeveloped and already under that in this new system, players would never be left to
attack." Watson 2006, p. 199. scramble to make their moves at the end of the time
allotment with only seconds to spare, thereby reducing the
548. "Referring to the Poisoned Pawn Variation ... the brilliant,
number of blunders under time pressure. The pride of the
classically oriented grandmaster Salo Flohr commented,
game was the depth of its conceptions, Fischer contended,
even as late as 1972: 'In chess, there is an old rule: in the
not triumph by mechanical means". Brady 2011, p. 246.
opening, one must make haste to develop the pieces, and
must not move the same piece several times, particularly 569. "In the 1992 match both players start with one hour and
the queen. This ancient law holds good even for Bobby fifty-one minutes. Each move played earns a one-minute
Fischer.' " Watson 1998, p. 18. bonus. After 40 moves, both players get a 40-minute gift,
after 60 moves, 30 minutes and after 80 and each
549. The Poisoned Pawn Variation "was considered dubious by
succeeding 20 moves, 20 minutes. The gifts are in addition
certain GMs and crazy by Bent Larsen". Polugaevsky,
to the regular bonus of one minute a move. The time
Piket & Guéneau 1995, p. 83.
controls correspond with the older competition limits of 40
550. Andrew Soltis, in Müller 2009, p. 30. moves in two and a half hours". Müller 2009, p. 382.
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machinelike, with 'terrifically accurate positional play but
564. Müller & Lamprecht 2001, p. 304.
never boring... His opening repertory is encompassing...
565. Mayer 1997, p. 201. His end game is practically flawless. Bobby is the most
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unexpected position, Fischer took not longer than fifteen or 598. "Spartan Cheerleaders at a Chess Tournament" (
twenty minutes to make his move; other grandmasters
might take twice as long. Nor did Fischer appear to be at-a-chess-tournament/3505907?snl=1).
governed by any psychologically predetermined system or Retrieved September 20, 2017.
technique". Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 22.
599. Ebert, Roger (August 11, 1993). "Searching for Bobby
582. "[Fischer's] play approached so close to perfection that it Fischer review" (
seemed to transcend style". Winter 1981, p. 118. dll/article?AID=/19930811/REVIEWS/308110301/1023).
583. "Player Profile: Bobby Fischer" ( Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved January 29, 2014.
om/cm/CM2/PlayerProfile.asp?Params=199510SSSSS1S 600. "Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)" (
038178000000111000000000000010100). m/title/tt0108065/releaseinfo#akas). Retrieved March 26, 2005. Retrieved January 29, January 29, 2014.
601. "Bobby was indignant and then irate when he heard about
584. Saidy & Lessing 1974, p. 226. it, proclaiming the film a misrepresentation of his name
585. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 43. and, therefore, an invasion of his privacy". Brady 2011, p.
586. "Petrosian: 'Fischer is exceptionally hard-working. Without 267.
fear of over-exaggerating, I am prepared to compare the 602. "Bobby Fischer Moves to a Satisfying Peace," Chicago
amount of time spent by him at the board between Sun-Times, September 26, 1993. Quoted in Brady 2011, p.
competitions with the hours devoted to chess by all the 268.
members of the Soviet national team taken together.' " 603. ppantazis (October 1, 2009). "Bobby Fischer Live (2009)"
Plisetsky & Voronkov 2005, p. 143. (
587. Edmonds & Eidinow 2004, p. 23. imdb. Retrieved August 5, 2015.
588. Kasparov, Garry (January 26, 2008). "The Chessman" (htt 604. Edmonds, David (July 4, 2011). "Bobby Fischer: Chess's
p://,9171,1707222,0 beguiling eccentric genius" (
0.html). TIME. Retrieved January 29, 2014. gazine-14013115). BBC News. Retrieved January 4, 2016.
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590. "All participants at U.S. Chess Championship now officially 607. Bantam Books, May 1972, ISBN 0-553-26315-3.
ineligible for $64,000 Fischer memorial prize for a 'sweep' "
608. Soltis writes that Fischer "contributed some ideas, but
chiefly his name, to Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess". Soltis
2003, p. 10.
GIBLE-FOR-FISCHER-PRIZE.html). Retrieved January 29, 2014. 609. Kasparov, Gary (March 10, 2011). "The Bobby Fischer
Defense" (
591. "chess games" (
by-fischer-defense/?pagination=false). The New York September 22, 2015. Retrieved
Review of Books. Retrieved January 4, 2016.
September 22, 2015.
610. Hooper & Whyld 1992, pp. 138–39.
592. Allerson, Andrew (September 9, 2001). "Bobby Fischer
takes on all comers – in cyberspace" ( 611. Brady 2011, pp. 227–28. 612. Verwer 2010, pp. 116–18.
-comers-in-cyberspace.html). London: The Telegraph. 613. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 92
Retrieved January 29, 2014. 614. Atlantic Chess News (
593. "The third coming of Bobby Fischer?" ( N-AprilSept2010.pdf) Sept 2010
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616. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 98
January 29, 2014.
617. Wade & O'Connell 1972, p. 122
594. Shabazz, Daaim (February 24, 2008). "Did R.O. Mitchell
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595. "Chess960 (FRC): Fischer and 'Wild Variant 22' " ( 621. includes one game where opponent refused to play and resigned on the first move
2.html). Retrieved June 14,
622. Includes one forfeit: 18.5/23
623. Verwer 2010, p. 118.
596. William Hartston, Chess: The Making of the Musical,
Pavilion Books, 1986, p. 10. ISBN 1-85145-006-8. 624. Wade & O'Connell BFCG Doubleday 1972, p. 11. 41/45
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625. Müller 2009, p. 400. 636. The 100 Best Chess Games of the 20th Century, Ranked,
626. Donaldson & Tangborn 1999, pp. 51–52. 2006, McFarland & Company, ISBN 0-7864-2741-8
627. Fischer lost second game on forfeit 637. Brady 1973, p. 74.
628. Includes one forfeit : 12.5/21 638. Kopec, IM, Dr. Danny; Kostovetsky, Daniel (March 2014).
"The Fischer Ending". Chess Life: 39–43.
629. Only played games counted: 12.5/20
639. "Annotating a Short–Svidler game from the 2002 Russia-
630. Includes all games
World match, the magazine 64 commented that even a
631. Only decisive games counted; percentage = won ÷ superbly placed Black knight on an open file will interfere
(won+lost). with heavy pieces and therefore should be removed in 'the
632. Verwer 2010, p. 116. classic example of the seventh game of the Fischer–
633. Kasparov 2004, p. 213. Petrosian match.' " Soltis 2003, p. 264.
634. Chess Review, December 1956, p. 374. 640. Kasparov 2004, p. 438.
635. Kasparov 2004, p. 281 641. Soltis 2003, p. 271.
642. Kasparov 2004, p. 488.


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Pachman, Luděk (1975). Pachman's Decisive Games. Pitman. ISBN 0-273-31812-8.
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Silman, Jeremy (2007). Silman's Complete Endgame Course: From Beginner to Master. Siles Press. ISBN 1-890085-10-3.
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Soltis, Andrew (2002). Chess Lists (2nd ed.). McFarland and Company. ISBN 0-7864-1296-8.
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Steiner, George (1974) [1973]. Fields of Force. Viking. ISBN 978-0-670-31178-1.
Verwer, Renzo (2010). Bobby Fischer for Beginners. New In Chess. ISBN 978-90-5691-315-1.
Wade, Robert G.; O'Connell, Kevin J. (1973) [1972]. Bobby Fischer's Chess Games (2nd ed.). Doubleday. ISBN 0-385-
Waitzkin, Fred (1993). Mortal Games: The Turbulent Genius of Garry Kasparov. G.P. Putnam's Sons. ISBN 0-399-13827-7.
Watson, John (1998). Secrets of Modern Chess Strategy: Advances since Nimzowitsch. Gambit Publications. ISBN 1-
Watson, John (2006). Mastering the Chess Openings, Volume 1. Gambit Publications. ISBN 978-1-904600-60-2.
Wilson, Fred (1981). A Picture History of Chess. Dover. ISBN 0-486-23856-3.
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Wolff, Patrick (2001) [1997]. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess (2nd ed.). Macmillan. ASIN B00AR16QPU (

Further reading
Agur, Elie (1992). Bobby Fischer: A Study of His Approach to Chess. Cadogan. ISBN 1-85744-001-3.
Dautov, Petra (1995). Bobby Fischer – wie er wirklich ist: Ein Jahr mit dem Schachgenie. P. Dautov California-Verlag. ISBN 3-
Hübner, Robert (2008). Chessbase Monograph: World Champion Fischer. Chessbase. ASIN B007J8Z8E4 (
Verwer, Renzo (2010). World Chess Champions. New in Chess. ISBN 978-90-5691-315-1.

External links
Bobby Fischer ( player profile and games at
A list of books about Fischer and Kasparov ( compiled by
Edward Winter
Archive of Fischer's personal homepage (
Bobby Fischer Live Radio Interviews (1999–2006) ( 44/45
01/11/2018 Bobby Fischer - Wikipedia

Extensive collection of Fischer photographs, Echecs-photos online (

"Bobby Fischer's Pathetic Endgame" (, Rene Chun, The Atlantic, December

Preceded by World Chess Champion Succeeded by
Boris Spassky 1972–1975 Anatoly Karpov
Preceded by United States Chess Champion Succeeded by
Arthur Bisguier 1958–1960 Larry Evans
Preceded by United States Chess Champion Succeeded by
Larry Evans 1962–1966 Larry Evans

Preceded by FIDE world No. 1 Succeeded by
None July 1, 1971 – December 31, 1975 Anatoly Karpov
Youngest chess grandmaster
Preceded by Succeeded by
Boris Spassky Judit Polgár

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