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devices 2030
Making a power play to avoid
the commodity trap
Thriving on disruption series

While the outlook for medical device companies

appears positive, unsustainable healthcare costs
and new competitive forces threaten to alter the
future industry landscape. If today’s manufacturers
fail to stake their claim in the evolving value chain,
they risk being caught in the middle and becoming
commoditized. Staying ahead means offering
value beyond the device and solving healthcare’s
problems – rather than contributing to them.

Roger van den Heuvel Chris Stirling

KPMG in the US KPMG in the UK
Global Strategy Group
Anuj Kapadia Jia Zhou
KPMG International KPMG in the US KPMG in China
Medical devices in 2030 –
being part of the solution
Reinvent, reposition, reconfigure!

The days of simply manufacturing a device, and –– new entrants, including competitors from unrelated
selling it to healthcare providers via distributors, have industries
long vanished. Value is the new byword for success,
–– new technologies, as technological innovation will
prevention the preferred clinical outcome, and
continue to outpace clinical innovation
intelligence the new competitive advantage. In this paper
we discuss the pathway to success in 2030 for medical –– new markets, as developing countries continue their
device companies, following a three-pronged strategy: high growth trajectories.

Reinvent Reconfigure
Medical device manufacturers should take a The traditional medical device value chain
closer look at their existing organizations and will rapidly evolve, and by 2030 companies
reinvent their traditional business and operating models will take on significantly different roles. Following their
to adapt to the future, by: reinvention and repositioning, medical device companies
–– integrating intelligence into their portfolios and offerings, will need to reconfigure their respective value chains
to positively influence the care journey and connect and define their place therein. Multiple value chain
with customers, patients and consumers ‘configurations’ will exist, requiring companies to make
fundamental strategic choices. As somewhat evidenced
–– delivering services beyond the device, and intelligence
today, manufacturers will continue to link themselves
beyond these services – a true shift from cost to smart
directly with patients and consumers, or combine with
providers or even payers through vertical integration. Value
–– investing in enabling technology – making the right chain reconfiguration choices will not be straightforward,
choices to support a wide range of parallel business and are likely to differ by company segment (device area,
models tailored by segment to customers, patients and business unit, geography). This will be further complicated
consumers (prospective patients) – and, ultimately, the by the fact that the value chain itself will be dynamically
financial ambition for the organization. evolving, as a result of other companies attempting to
reconfigure and meet their strategic aims. The right choices,
however, will create significant value for the end user – and
help the company avoid a future of commoditization.
It is equally important to prepare for the future by
considering an ‘outside-in’ perspective.
Industry executives need to challenge conventional
In 2030, the external environment will be extremely
thinking, and reimagine the roles their companies will
dynamic and medical device companies need to reposition
play in 2030. Accordingly, they will need to reconfigure
themselves in the newly envisaged competitive landscape,
today’s organization to shift from being a participant in the
to cope with tumultuous forces from:
value chain to being a solution provider for sustainable
healthcare costs.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 2

Don't get stuck in the middle
Unbearable pressures disrupt the status quo

The medical device industry is poised for steady Despite these apparently attractive prospects, a
growth, with global annual sales forecast to rise by over shadow hangs over the sector in the form of a
5 percent a year and reach nearly US$800 billion by relentless downward pressure on pricing. Governments
20301. These projections reflect increasing demand for around the world are desperately trying to reduce the
innovative new devices (like wearables) and services cost of healthcare – especially in the most expensive
(like health data), as lifestyle diseases become more part of the system: hospitals. They want to pay less for
prevalent, and economic development unlocks the medical devices and see proof of greater value in terms
huge potential in emerging markets – particularly China of better patient outcomes.
and India.
Responsibility for many purchasing decisions has
already moved from clinical to economic buyers. Short-
Global medical device sales forecast to 20302
term respites like the 2-year US excise tax moratorium
800 on medical devices notwithstanding, pricing appears
795 to be going in one direction only – down. Further
Revenues (US$ billion)

5.2 uncertainty lies ahead, with the new European Medical

600 617 Device Regulation in 2020 and regulations in China that
are designed to spark local innovation.
371 These developments present a quandary for medical
device companies that have historically concentrated
on manufacturing and research and development
(R&D), but are now seeing healthcare budget
0 restrictions and new reimbursement regimes continue
2015 2020F 2025F 2030F to snip away at margins. On top of this, new players –
some from entirely different industries – are disrupting
the sector by harnessing data to take ownership of
customers, patients and consumers. In this volatile
new marketplace, today’s device players are in serious
risk of being stuck in the middle of the value chain, as
mere commodity producers.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 3

The evolving
value chain
Making a power play across the medical device
value chain of the future

Traditionally, medical device Medical device companies will

companies have delivered value ultimately seek to play a larger role
primarily through manufacturing in the value chain and get closer to
and selling their products. But as customers, patients and consumers.
pressures on the healthcare system Done right, this will not only add new
mount, there are foundational shifts revenue streams for them, but also
in the care delivery model, and as a contribute to shorter, cheaper, and
result, the industry value chain is up fewer hospital visits – and thus lower
for a drastic overhaul. healthcare costs.

In the new normal, companies

will need to step out of their
conventional manufacturing role.
Services and data intelligence
will need to be integrated with
products to offer holistic solutions,
requiring a ‘power play’ across the
value chain – strengthening existing
business-to-business (B2B) plays and
creating new ones, while introducing
business-to-consumer (B2C) plays.
These power plays will likely include
a continuous slew of deal activities
– mergers and acquisitions (M&A),
strategic alliances and partnerships.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are
affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 4

It's not just about the device

By 2030 the leading medical device players will be We are already witnessing ‘first time’ collaborations in
those that play an active role in delivering value by the industry proving this concept. Zimmer Biomet has
connecting with customers, patients and consumers partnered with technology platform provider HealthLoop
(end users). This will require a shift from treatment and to support patients awaiting joint replacement3.
cure to prevention through integrated ‘smart’ services HealthLoop’s patient engagement app educates
and solutions that bring down the cost of care and patients with pre-to-post-operative protocols, and
improve outcomes. Technology will have a significant collects data on outcomes and post-surgery therapy,
impact, resulting in prevention and, if still necessary, to help estimate reimbursement costs. Philips has
highly efficient, minimally invasive treatment options taken a different approach towards targeting the end
that decrease the time spent in hospital. user. Through its digital healthcare platform, Philips
HealthSuite, the company aims to increase market
Medical device companies will need to carefully share in a range of segments as wide as healthy living,
evaluate their business and operating models in order prevention and diagnosis, treatment, recovery and
to deliver value beyond the device in 2030, keeping in home care. The cloud-based platform uses Internet of
mind the following trends: Things (IoT) technology to collect and analyze data from
multiple devices, and could ultimately support hundreds
Connect with customers, patients and of millions of interconnected patients, devices and
We are in the midst of one of the most
In a bid to get closer to the end user, manufacturers
challenging times in health care history,
now, more than ever, should leverage data and build
facing growing and aging populations,
intelligence into their products – it is fast becoming
the rise of chronic diseases and global
an essential part of the new device value proposition.
resource constraints, and the transition
Data and analytics allows companies to directly and
to value-based care. These challenges
continuously connect with users, placing prevention
demand connected health IT solutions
ahead of treatment and cure, and giving patients
that integrate, collect, combine and deliver
greater control over their care. To quickly enhance their
quality data for actionable insights to help
technology capabilities and effectively introduce smart
improve patient outcomes, reduce costs
offerings to their portfolio, medical device companies
and improve access to quality care.
may consider partnerships with other players.
– Jeroen Tas,
Chief Innovation and Strategy Officer, Philips4

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 5

With devices increasingly being used in the home, or, work with payers to achieve effective commercialization,
in the case of wearables, at all times, the relationship and tangibly demonstrate how connectivity is bringing
with end users changes dramatically. Clinicians receive down healthcare costs. Furthermore, the care setting
intelligence to help them diagnose, monitor and prevent will move from away from the hospital and into the
diseases, while patients avoid unnecessary (and homes of patients and consumers. As a result, the
expensive) clinic or hospital trips, and both patients and customer base for medical device companies is
consumers can access valuable advice on lifestyle and expected to significantly alter and require a fundamental
diet. In 2016 the number of patients being monitored change of their commercial operating model, such as
remotely grew by 44 percent and is projected to exceed the impact on their future salesforce.
50 million by 20215, while the global market for remote
patient monitoring devices is expected to reach US$1.9 The proliferation of data also poses another grave
billion by 20256. threat to the industry in the form of cybersecurity risks.
Their connected nature makes certain medical devices
Manufacturers are also integrating intelligence into especially prone to hacking, and companies need to
their devices, offering real-time insights based on adhere to stringent standards to ensure patient privacy
patient data. AliveCor has developed a medical-grade and safety. Following a spate of cyber-attacks, the US
electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) band, which can be used Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently issued
by smartwatch wearers to detect cardiac arrhythmia specific guidance to handle vulnerabilities, in the form
conditions causing stroke and measure heart rate of Postmarket management of cybersecurity in medical
and rhythm7. The band works with a smart app that devices9.
processes the data from device sensors, and allows
its wearers to record voice memos to be sent along Risks notwithstanding, companies should be seeking
with the ECG/EKG to their doctor. And Portable Medical new methods and means of collecting data, in order to
Technology has developed an app that is CE approved build smart devices and connect with the end user. As
(EU certification) for conformance as a medical device8. preventative and personalized care becomes the new
Called ONCOassist, it offers clinical decision support treatment, technologies that support behavioral changes
tools for oncologists providing a suite of prognostic in patients and influence positive lifestyle changes will
and adjuvant tools for breast cancer, colon cancer, lung be in high demand going forward.
cancer and gastrointestinal stromal tumour.

Although these developments generate vast amounts

of useful data, the key challenge for device companies
lies in how to monetize this information. Revenues from
consumers themselves are likely to be minimal as they
increasingly see such information as a given and are not
prepared to pay for it. It will therefore be necessary to

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 6

Shift focus from cost US$4 billion, as well as the most
profitable one, with 19% margins.
to value
These high margins are largely
attributed to their innovative service
Although margins in services may
offerings, which include managed
not currently be as high as those
services, consulting and technology
in pure device manufacturing,
solutions12. They are doing this by
companies that do not integrate
entering into strategic alliances
value added offerings to their
and partnerships. One recent
portfolios risk giving up market
agreement with Turkish hospitals is
share, and competing in a
focused on managing their clinical
commoditized market.
laboratory service operations, and
is expected to benefit more than
Already, more and more medical
92 million patients over the next
device manufacturers are offering
five years.
a range of services supplementing
the product. Fresenius Medical
operates a chain of 3,690 dialysis
This project combines our
centers, making them a global
expertise in equipping
leader in both manufacturing (with
laboratories with our
50 percent of all hospital dialysis
service portfolio. It is a
machines worldwide) and clinic
milestone for us and, at
operations (as of June 2017, the
the same time, also a
company treated over 315,000
proof point for how we
patients)10. And with its US$2 billion
enable our customers
deal to acquire US home dialysis
to meet their current
equipment maker NxStage Medical
challenges and to excel
Inc., Fresenius is aiming for a big
in their respective
role in the growing home treatment
environments. The
new business model is
designed to support our
Siemens has rebranded its
customers in increasing
healthcare business as 'Siemens
efficiency and containing
Healthineers'. Over the last quarter
costs right from the
of 2017, Siemens Healthineers was
the largest segment for the global – Bernd Montag, CEO,
conglomerate, with sales of over Siemens Healthineers13

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 7

Siemens Healthineers has also entered into a strategic To successfully collect and report meaningful,
alliance with IBM Watson Health, focusing on population measurable outcomes data, medical device companies
health management and value based healthcare should invest in a digital strategy and technology
solutions for hospitals14. This partnership will allow infrastructure that allows them to clearly link data with
Siemens to leverage its imaging business and clinical the device, consistently define outcomes and increase
solutions and analyze the volume of data generated by transparency across healthcare stakeholders. For this
medical technology to better understand diseases. to really work, the starting point should be the user
experience and corresponding pain points rather than
Although many companies have established their the device, so 'user-back' instead of 'device-forward' – a
services businesses as separate entities, we see these perspective that may be new to traditional players, but
being folded in over time as they become part of a truly familiar to technology entrants.
integrated core offering.
Reinvention may not come naturally to all medical
Additionally, services and intelligence will drive device companies, with the need to make business
concepts like value-based pricing from hype to reality. and operating model choices that will be fundamentally
In a cost contained healthcare system, manufacturers different by 2030. Additionally, each company segment
are already dealing with economic buyers in addition and geography will need be individually evaluated –
to clinical buyers, and there is a clear need to balance choices for orthopedics will differ from those for
innovation with value. For each device area in their diagnostic imaging, as will those in the US compared
portfolio, companies must define what value means to China. Companies will need to carefully research the
to each of their stakeholders – payers, providers, care journey for each device area and in each market
patients and even consumers to a certain degree. This they operate in, to determine what their future business
will allow them to identify opportunities for enhanced should look like.
product differentiation through broader customer
solutions, complementary services and value-focused
smart devices. This in turn will drive significant
portfolio decisions (including divestitures of lower
margin segments) as well as channels for care (online,
telemedicine, remote monitoring, etc.). The need to
demonstrate robust clinical and economic data will
mean that by 2030, value-based pricing and innovative
risk sharing contracts will be the norm for medical
device manufacturers.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 8

A case study in reinvention: Medtronic

Medtronic has taken bold steps in recent years, settings such as cath labs, operating rooms and
cementing its status as the world’s largest medical intensive care units (ICUs), as well as chronic
device company. By embracing reinvention, the conditions. Partners include global healthcare
company continues to make fundamental shifts in its providers such as University Hospital of South
global business model. Manchester, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical
Center and Atlas General Hospital in Serbia18 19 20.
Connecting with customers, patients and IHS also offers educational programs for healthcare
consumers professionals and consulting services to patients.
Medtronic has partnered with Fitbit to integrate
health and activity tracking for patients living Additionally, Medtronic has created a ‘direct to
with diabetes15. A mobile app collects data from consumer’ e-commerce platform called Nayamed,
continuous glucose monitors and Fitbit activity selling simple (and perfectly functional) pacemakers
trackers – enabling patients to manage their and defibrillators in certain cost-sensitive European
glucose levels, and physicians to optimize therapy. markets. Instead of having multiple settings for
The app also provides meaningful insights on how physicians to manage, the devices adjust to a
exercise impacts glucose levels. In another notable patient’s heartbeat and configure themselves. The
partnership, Garmin’s wearable device data is to be units are only sold online, and physician and nurse
integrated into Medtronic’s remote patient monitoring training and support is delivered virtually, helping
mobile application. This will not only enable self- Nayamed contain costs while delivering unique
care for patients, but also allow physicians to better value21.
manage patients’ health at home and thus reduce
hospital stays16. Additionally, through its partnership To address global challenges and help
with IBM Watson, Medtronic has developed a healthcare system leaders deliver
diabetes management app, Sugarwise, which links better value for money, Medtronic is
with glucose meters and insulin pumps to predict transforming and broadening its presence
hyperglycemia, and encourages food choices based from devices alone to technologies,
upon their impact on the patient’s body17. services and solutions that encompass
the entire patient-care continuum. We can
Shift from cost to value help providers and payers adopt value-
Medtronic’s Integrated Health Solutions (IHS) enhancing innovations to ensure affordable
business develops long-term partnerships with healthcare22.
hospitals, physicians, payers and health systems.
– Frederic Noel, Vice President, Hospital Solutions,
It provides managed services for specialized care

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 9

A new competitive landscape

The competitive landscape for medical devices in 2030 By capturing and analyzing data from smart devices,
is poised to look completely different than it does today, new competitors are entering the arena, offering ways to
thanks to new and non-traditional entrants, disruptive measure performance and outcomes more accurately, and
technologies, and players with global ambitions emerging ultimately improve diagnosis and treatment. To illustrate
from high growth markets. this, several companies are working on smart eye lenses
and smart inhalers that wirelessly transmit information to
New entrants smartphone apps, and to physicians through the cloud. A
prominent technology company has even gone on record
The often-mentioned, ubiquitous forces of disruption are stating their wearable device will become the ‘holy grail’
hard at work in healthcare, a trend that is likely to continue in healthcare. Established companies should be wary of
to 2030. Driven by the need to support quality care at dismissing such new offerings as mere loss-leaders, and
lower costs, the medical device sector is likely to see reflect on how incumbents in other sectors have been
continued entry of new players from all industries over the superseded or sidelined by new, intelligence focused
coming decade. By utilizing technology, it is very likely that companies. Although technology companies are likely to
these new competitors could cause redundancies in the pose the greatest competitive threat, new entrants could
value chain of today – just like other platform businesses also emerge from unexpected industries such as gaming,
have done already. from players that are willing to forgo profits in order to
establish market share.
E-commerce giant Alibaba has already entered the
market, leveraging their vast logistics capabilities and There is plenty of room for collaboration in this space,
huge customer base23 (please see pages 16-17 for the as traditional medical device companies can marry their
'New markets' section and 'Rise and Rise of China in the clinical expertise with innovative offerings from other
global medical device industry'). US-based online retailers players. Johnson & Johnson has partnered with a leading
are set to follow this example, with some companies technology company, adopting their 3D printing capabilities
featuring a vast selection of medical supplies like infusion to develop customized orthopedic products, leading to
pumps, catheters, IV bags, sutures, forceps, hospital better healthcare outcomes while reducing costs. Google
beds, scalpels and other lab items. They could undercut has collaborated with Ethicon (subsidiary of Johnson &
margins by as much as 20 percent, putting pressure on Johnson) to start a new venture company called Verb
established medical supply distributors and manufacturers. Surgical – they are developing safer, cost-effective and
Over time, it is expected that these new entrants will smarter surgical robots that use artificial intelligence
overcome regulatory barriers and move upmarket to sell software for image data analysis and machine vision24.
higher-end products – we are already witnessing this trend
in the pharmacy segment. Additionally, some of these Consolidation and vertical integration are also ways in
businesses are partnering with life sciences and genomics which healthcare companies are attempting to create
companies and hiring their own healthcare experts, bundled offerings for patients and consumers, and
signaling their intent to create new value propositions for increase their relevance in the new external environment.
patients and consumers. For instance, CVS Health's proposed US$69 billion bid for
Aetna could result in more efficient and effective health

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 10

coverage by combining health insurance plans, care New technologies
services and retail pharmacies all in one entity – as well as
help them ward off the “e-threat” of online pharmacies25. Technology has the potential to both propel and disrupt the
medical device industry, with exciting new developments
In order to combat the growing challenge from new emerging at a previously unimagined pace. Making the
players, device manufacturers need to think more broadly right bets will not be straightforward, and companies
than existing revenues, and take a step back to understand will need to carefully evaluate, and experiment with,
how the 'pie' itself is changing. They need to not only a constant stream of innovations. We believe that the
harness data from devices, but turn it into intelligence. following five technologies will help embed intelligence
And they must keep abreast of the competitive landscape, into the portfolio, and hence be widely adopted by
instituting a robust process to monitor disruptive trends winning companies in 2030: wearables, smart device
and identify strategic partners. Coopetition – alliances with apps, IoT, cloud-based data and analytics, and blockchain.
competitors – could well be the business model of choice Collectively, we call these 'Patient and consumer data
for many medical device companies in 2030. sharing technologies'.


Blockchain’s potential for medical devices may be as great – or life sciences companies are already investing in blockchain
even greater – than its impact on the global financial services capabilities. Gem, a US-based startup, has partnered with
sector. Preventative maintenance of devices, a strengthened Philips Healthcare to launch Gem Health26, a network for
manufacturing process, digitized business processes and ‘smart developing applications and shared infrastructure for a
contracts’, enhanced safety measures and evidence for value- patient-centric approach to healthcare. Companies that
based payments – these are just a few ways blockchain can are early adopters of this breakthrough technology could
disrupt the industry across the product lifecycle. Several potentially enjoy significant first mover advantages in 2030.

Clinical Manufacturing Distribution Marketing

Patient enrollment Data sharing & tracking Smart contracts with Digital track and Smart patient health
CROs, CMOs, etc. traceability profile
e-Consent Verification – smart
contracts Manufacturing process Counterfeit protection Connected ecosystem
Trial Documentation
Records management Inventory management Secure medical device
Data sharing
– methods & results Payment transactions systems data
across supply chain
IP registration and Effective & efficient Preventive device
exchange Regulatory compliance targeted recalls maintenance
Proof of existence for Payment transactions Healthcoin and health
patents filing across supply chain insurance

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 11

Technology innovation at an unprecedented pace

Patient and consumer data sharing technologies will be developing connected inhalers. These smart devices
further complemented by a host of innovations across will not only send the patient medication reminders
the following medical device categories: (thereby improving adherence) but also transmit
data to their physicians, enabling more personalized
Innovative surgical interventions like autonomous and preemptive care. Novartis has partnered with
surgical robots and intelligent balloon catheters Qualcomm Life to develop an internet-connected
will enhance outcomes of complex surgeries and inhaler (known as the next generation Breezhaler) that
enable new forms of minimally invasive surgeries. can send information to a cloud-based big data analytics
Stryker has placed large bets in this space, given platform which healthcare providers can use to treat
their strong orthopedics focus. In March 2017, the patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
company launched the robotic-arm assisted total knee (COPD). The company plans to launch the Breezhaler
arthroplasty application for use with its Mako robot in 2019 following manufacturing, testing and regulatory
system. The technology is the first of its kind for total approval29.
knee replacement, gained FDA approval in 2015 and is
now commercially available for use in the US27. Assistive care and therapy services – like the bio-
hybrid kidney – will minimize the need for certain
Ingenious diagnosis and imaging will utilize DNA, services (e.g. dialysis) and also reduce many of
nanobots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to speed up the patient risks associated with today’s systems.
diagnosis, imaging and importantly, subsequent care Researchers at the University of California have
decisions. Some of the aforementioned new entrants developed a first prototype of an artificial implantable
will be at the forefront of introducing AI into healthcare kidney the size of a coffee cup. It contains microchip
delivery. Already, Google is working on using deep filters developed by silicon nanotechnology and living
learning, a branch of AI to recognize patterns in a huge kidney cells that will be powered by a patient’s own
number of digital representations of images in order heart, further ensuring a zero percent chance of organ
to detect signs of cancer in breast cancer biopsies28. rejection30.
The technology is still in its nascent stage of R&D but
has the potential to make a big impact on the imaging These are just some of the many exciting ways in which
segment. technology will impact the medical devices sector by
2030. Deal strategies over the coming decade should
Drug delivery and patient monitoring will personalize therefore include cross-sector opportunities, to identify
and minimize invasiveness of drug delivery, through winning partnerships that can radically transform
devices like biostamps and smart inhalers. Several healthcare delivery through better care at lower costs.
pharmaceutical and technology companies are currently

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 12

Medical Devices Technology Roadmap to 2030

ill complement the four m

logies w edic
no al d
t ech ev
in g ice
a r Ing ca
s h s en te
ta ion iou go
da n t s rie
r ve di
er agn











Virtual reality

catheters diagnostic











Artificial Nanobots
3D printed
surgical Eye
planning imaging
models and visual
Autonomous instruments Miniature system
surgical retinal
robots PiXL scanners
2015 2030
Smart Deep Brain 5 years 10 years 15 years
contact Stimulation
Bio- Virtual reality inhalers
hybrid visual devices
kidney Biostamps



bionic lenses



Neuroprosthetics combination




d based drug


th delivery d
ap Advanced devices an
yd bionic eyes er
ev eliv
ice gd
s Dru

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 13

Technology expands medical device companies’ role
in the care journey

New technologies do not only Companies will leverage

produce efficiency, savings and technological progress to better
better outcomes for providers and connect with customers, patients
patients; they also help medical and consumers and provide them
device companies play a wider with intelligence-powered solutions
role in the care journey, through across all major medical device
improved prevention, diagnosis, segments.
treatment and care.

Over the coming decade, we The table on the following

expect the care journey for most page highlights how different
medical device categories will technologies will impact the
be fundamentally altered with care journey across multiple
the introduction of numerous device areas.
innovations. Treatment protocols
will significantly evolve, enabled by
advances in technologies such as
3D printing and Augmented/Virtual
Reality, and the launch of several
'smart' devices. Developments
in areas such as AI will result
in improved diagnosis and care
options, driving down healthcare
costs. Ultimately, as time spent
in the hospital is reduced, the
focus will shift to preventative
technologies - an area with exciting
promise for the future.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are
affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 14

Future impact of innovative technologies across the care journey

Prevention Diagnosis Treatment Care

Autonomous surgical robots/
Robotic eye surgery
Innovative surgical

3D printed surgical planning

models and instruments

Augmented reality assisted


Intelligent balloon catheters

Photorefractive intrastromal

Artificial intelligence
Ingenious diagnosis

Thread-based diagnostic devices

and imaging

DNA nanobots

Eye imaging visual systems

Miniature retinal scanners

patient monitoring
Drug delivery and

Smart inhalers

Nanodiamond based drug

delivery systems
Contact lens-eyeglass

Leadless pacemakers
Assistive care and therapy devices


Bio-hybrid kidneys

Deep brain stimulation

Ultrasound therapy

Implantable bionic lenses/

Advanced bionic eyes

Smart contact lenses

Virtual reality devices

Cardiovascular Neurology Diabetes Orthopedics Ophthalmic Nephrology Respiratory Oncology

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 15

New markets

Although the US will continue to dominate the medical The diverse nature of different emerging markets calls for
device industry in 2030, crossing US$300 billion in individual entry strategies tailored to specific in-market
sales31, the top five markets will also include China (in needs. Key success factors include localizing innovation
second place, with more than 25 percent of the global and manufacturing, adapting to country-specific
market at over US$200 billion32) and India (fifth largest, distribution models and sales channels, investing in local
with over US$40 billion in revenues33). China and India technology infrastructure and collaborating with domestic
are already growing at twice the pace of the overall value chain stakeholders. Medical device companies will
market, driven by healthcare reform, local government need to be prepared to invest for the long run, adding
incentives and overall rising demand for healthcare34 35. complexity and uncertainty to their expected pay-offs –
Both countries are also fast becoming innovation hubs but inaction could see them missing out on potentially
– India is already known as the global center for frugal lucrative opportunities. While China and India are
engineering, producing a number of indigenous (and low obvious choices to establish and strengthen presence,
cost) devices with global market potential. other markets should consistently be evaluated as they
continue to grow over the coming decade.

Top 7 global medical device markets by forecast revenues in 203036-42


Revenues (US$ billion)






US China France Germany India Japan UK

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 16

Rise and rise of China in the global medical device industry

Boosted by favorable regulations and local incentives, They are also attempting to push the application of
Chinese medical device players have expanded AI in diagnostics and healthcare, to make medical
significantly in the past 5 years, growing at a double treatment more accessible, timely, and affordable.
digit annual rate. Domestic companies account for Through its cloud subsidiary, the company is actively
approximately 70 percent of market share (in 2016), working on AI-powered solutions to tackle heathcare
and span all segments – IVD, diagnostic imaging, problems not just in China but also globally. Other
cardiovascular, nephrology, orthopedics, hearing aids large companies are also looking to participate in
and even wearables43. Larger companies are now China’s growing market. Baidu has launched a doctor
turning their attention to the world stage, with ripe app where patients can get consultations and work
potential for M&A activity. with doctors online46 and Dalian Wanda group has
branched out into hospital operations to tap into the
The Chinese government has laid out multiple rising demand for private healthcare47. The Internet of
initiatives to support long-term growth and innovation Medical Devices will further drive smart penetration
in healthcare delivery, but the policy landscape is in China, encouraging both patient adherence and
in constant flux and needs ongoing monitoring. preventative care through remote monitoring.
That said, we expect future regulations (13th Five
Year Plan, Healthy China 2030, Made in China 2025) As the local market transitions quickly from
to continue to favor local innovation, and thereby ‘frugal manufacturer’ to ‘innovation hotbed’, many
fundamentally alter the competitive landscape. companies are vying for a share of the high-
Additional complications, such as the recent growth medical device market. Consequently,
introduction of the ‘Two Invoice Distribution’ model multinationals need to consider how to contend with
have considerable implications for multinational local technology firms holding distinct competitive
companies in China44. advantages and better access to data intelligence.
Complications aside, medical device companies
Technology will play a huge role in healthcare, with simply cannot ignore China’s growth potential – they
several internet giants in the country that are already will need to continue making local investments and
making inroads. As online medical sales continue to partnerships to carve out their share in this massive
grow, Alibaba has opened many internet pharmacies, market, in order to remain relevant in 2030.
offering medical devices through their platforms45.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 17

Staking a claim in the future value chain

With the market evolving ever faster, incumbents need need to consider brave, but essential, power plays to
to consider their positions in the 2030 medical device reconfigure their value chain. Different segments of
value chain, to avoid becoming commodity providers. the business are likely to require different value chain
Even the strongest and largest players are vulnerable to configurations, necessitating a careful evaluation and
disruptive entrants, global competition and technological alignment of options. We believe several configurations
leaps. With a firm focus on the value they bring to will exist by 2030, including the following:
future health systems, medical device manufacturers

1. Creating a new B2C play

Suppliers Manufacturer Patients/Consumers

This configuration involves connecting directly with Given that the B2C play is unexplored territory for
patients and consumers, bypassing other value most medical device companies today, they will need
chain players and offering intelligence that promotes to be open to experimentation. Partnerships with
self-diagnosis and preventive care. The shift to the companies who have closer existing connections with
consumer is enabled by digital health solutions patients and consumers (both within and outside the
including wearables, mobile applications and remote healthcare ecosystem) may be an avenue towards this
monitoring. Intelligence and ease of access will be the configuration. However, in addition to a shift in mindset,
key differentiators, enhanced through non-traditional medical device leaders should be willing to invest in this
partnerships with businesses like healthy food customer-centric approach (and not focus on immediate
companies, fitness and sporting firms, and gaming returns), while simultaneously enhancing their core B2B
companies. Ultimately, as the device by itself becomes businesses. The mantra of ‘move first, monetize later’
a commodity, smart data will be ever more critical with is likely to pay off in the longer term as the value of
interoperability and integration as driving factors. intelligence as a core offering is realized.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 18

2. Strengthening and consolidating the B2B play

Suppliers Manufacturer + Distributor/Manufacturer + Patients/Consumers

Provider/Manufacturer + Payer

These companies will shift their influence across health network. Medical device companies will need
the value chain, through strategic alliances with, or to be willing to bring more to the table in terms of
acquisitions of, healthcare providers, distributors, services and intelligence for their value chain partners,
and even payers. Higher levels of convergence in the in exchange for increased influence across the care
industry will result in increased deal activity and vertical journey. Relationship management will be critical in
integration, with companies seeking to control a greater order to achieve the desired outcomes of improved care
number of end user touchpoints in the care journey. at lower costs. This means an ideal way to approach
this configuration may be through existing strategic
Creative deal-structuring will be key to this customers. Also, it will be essential for the collaborating
configuration, supported by robust data and analytics parties to define value upfront, and to demonstrate
capabilities that translate into value for the entire ongoing commitment towards realizing such value.

3. Going after a mega-play across the value chain

Suppliers Manufacturer + Distributor + Provider + Payer Patients/Consumers

A small number of companies, including those that This configuration will require heavy capital outlay, and
may not be in the medical device industry today, will eventually, the ability to provide complete solutions
leverage their financial weight and transform into across a wide range of device segments and disease
‘one-stop-shops’ for care. They will reconfigure to fully states. Solutions will be broadly defined, requiring
own the value chain, offering a comprehensive suite of companies to adopt a more consultative mindset. The
products, services and intelligence. This configuration is decision to make a mega play will not be grounded in
likely to be complex (possibly eliminating distributors), financial projections, but rather deep customer insights
and will enhance the overall customer journey through and connectivity, and backed up by brand. It is likely
preventive and personalized care both in the hospital to be a high stakes race, requiring careful balance
and home settings. Manufacturers following this between a diversified portfolio and a de-risked business.
path will build trusted healthcare brands and create
customized care solutions powered by the latest These three configurations are unlikely to be the only
technologies, like 3D printing, blockchain, and robotics. ones that will exist in 2030. Global industry executives
These ‘mega players’ will create new revenue streams need to boldly reimagine the device company of the
and gain market share through integrated offerings future, considering multiple possibilities – including
that are designed to minimize costs and maximize configurations that extend beyond the boundaries of
experience. today’s value chain.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 19

Staying ahead in 2030
So what does this all mean for your medical device company?

Reinvent Reposition

Connect Invest in enabling Shift focus New entrants New New markets
with end technology from cost technologies
user to value


Suppliers Manufacturers Distributors Providers Payers Patients/Consumers

What can you do to kick-start your journey towards delivering value far beyond the device – increasingly
2030, and realize the ‘Reinvent-Reposition-Reconfigure’ to consumers, in addition to physicians and patients.
strategy? In order to create a winning configuration The value proposition in 2030 will not translate solely
going forward, medical device companies should into revenues and margins – it will mean protecting and
consider the following recommendations: creating market share. And it will involve relationships
based on trust, where medical device companies are
Define your new value proposition not just servicing their customers, but advising them
along each step of their individual care journey.
Decide the combination of products, services and
intelligence which differentiate your company in Invest smartly
the minds of customers, patients and consumers.
Offerings should be designed following a ‘user-back’ Proactively understand the impact of future
rather than a ‘device-forward’ approach. Constantly technologies on your global business. Be open to new
evaluate and ‘upgrade’ the global portfolio. Prevention ideas and pilots in order to test concepts, with the
should be considered more important than treatment corresponding ability to fail fast and scale quickly as
and cure over the coming decade, with companies needed. By investing in a strong interoperable digital

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 20

infrastructure and harnessing Adopt a flexible, modular
data, companies can both expand
organizational structure
their business models and
position themselves to compete
This doesn’t mean that large multi-
in a transformed environment. A
billion dollar corporates should
strong decision framework should
operate as a start-up, but it requires
support build versus buy choices,
active steps towards a more agile
and a robust technology roadmap
and nimble organizational structure.
should inform the pathway from
In a dynamic environment, medical
data to intelligence. Medical device
device companies will need to react
companies should also continuously
quickly to market opportunities
incorporate learnings from industry
and move at ‘deal speed’ to realize
peers as well as best practices from
value from growth transactions.
other sectors.
Processes should be streamlined
and people empowered. While
Collaborate and establish ensuring adequate levels of
an ecosystem governance by segment, allow for
faster decision making – especially
Executing on business and as it relates to the portfolio
operating model choices will (products, services and intelligence)
likely require capabilities from an and technology.
expanded external network. While
M&A activity intended to build Don’t let your past dictate
scale and diversify portfolio will
your future
continue, the shift to services and
intelligence should generate deal
Challenge the traditional ways
activity focused on establishing
of operating your business, and
corresponding capabilities, both
try novel approaches. Develop a
within and outside the value chain.
deeper understanding of the end
Companies will need to institute
user, their emerging needs and
a systemic process to identify
create different scenarios of how
strategic alliance partners and an
your business might look like in
internal capability to effectively
2030. By attempting to disrupt
manage their ecosystem.
themselves, medical device
Collaborate widely, including cross-
companies can stay a step ahead of
sector, conduct joint experiments
emerging competitors and not wait
and even consider coopetition to
for the ‘how to win’ playbook to be
meet the goals for your chosen
rewritten. It is entirely possible (and
probable) that in the future, a multi-
thousand dollar machine will be
displaced by a portable device that
costs less than US$100.

Stake your claim in the medical device value chain of 2030 today to
avoid the commodity trap.

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are
affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 21

1. Market size extrapolated from World Preview 2016, Outlook to 2022,
EvaluateMedTech, October 2016

& notes
2. Ibid.

3. The biggest takeaway from the annual meeting of orthopedic surgeons (AAOS),
MedCity News, 21 March 2017

4. Philips tackles biggest health IT challenges with connected health software,

solutions and services at HIMSS 2016, 25 February 2016, accessed through
Philips website

5. mHealth and Home Monitoring, Berg Insight, 2017

6. Remote Patient Monitoring Devices Market expected to reach USD 1.9 billion by
2025, PR Newswire, 22 May 2017

7. New Kardia™ Band for Apple Watch Delivers Medical-grade Electrocardiogram

(EKG) Anytime, Anywhere, 16 March 2016, accessed through AliveCore website

8. OncoAssist becomes latest app to be classified as a medical device, PM LiVE,

19 February 2013

9. Postmarket management of cybersecurity in medical devices, US Food and Drug

Administration, 28 December 2016

10. Fresenius website, accessed on 15 November 2017
11. Fresenius Medical banks on home dialysis with $2 billion NxStage acquisition,
Reuters, 7 August 2017

12. Siemens unit to be Germany’s largest IPO since 1996, Financial Times,
29 November 2017

13. Siemens Healthineers signs strategic partnership for laboratory services,

2 February 2017

14. Siemens Healthineers, IBM Watson Health Forge Alliance On Population Health,
Med Device Online, 12 October 2016

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client
services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are
affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 22

15. Medtronic and Fitbit Partner to Integrate Health and Activity Data Into New CGM Solution for Simplified Type 2 Diabetes
Management, Medtronic press release, 7 December 2016

16. Medtronic Syncs Garmin® Activity Tracker Data Directly into Remote Patient Monitoring Mobile Platform, Medtronic press
release, 13 April 2017

17. Medtronic Announces Diabetes Partnerships With IBM Watson, Nutrino, Glooko, Med Device Online, 14 June 2016

18. Medtronic Announces Formation of Hospital Solutions Business Aimed at Driving Efficiencies and Cost Savings, Medtronic
Press Release, 2 September 2013

19. New Partnership Between Medtronic and Atlas General Hospital Brings Advanced Surgical Technologies and Treatment
Options to Serbia, Medtronic Press Release, 15 March 2017

20. University Hospitals, Medtronic partner to improve care delivery, Crain’s Cleveland Business, 29 November 2016

21. Five Approaches When You Need Costovation, Not Innovation, CMO Network, 10 December 2013

22. Bringing cost-reducing innovations to healthcare delivery, Medtronic website, January 2014

23. Alibaba’s healthcare unit invests $35M in a medical imaging company, Tech Crunch, 30 March 2016

24. J&J and Google’s Verb Surgical looks to define, lift robotic surgery, Mass Device, 20 October 2016

25. CVS agrees to buy Aetna in $69 billion deal that could shake up health-care industry, The Washington Post, 3 December 2017

26. The Blockchain for Healthcare: Gem Launches Gem Health Network With Philips Blockchain Lab, Bitcoin Magazine,
26 April 2016

27. Stryker launches Mako robotic platform total-knee application, Mass Device, 14 March 2017

28. Google Can Help Detect Breast Cancer Using Artificial Intelligence, MIT Technology Review Pakistan, 6 March 2017
29. Qualcomm expands collaboration with Novartis for connected COPD therapy, Qualcomm Press Release, 5 January 2016

30. No More Dialysis, Scientists Have Developed A Bionic Kidney, Medical-Online, 3 April 2017

31. USA - Overview of medical device industry and healthcare statistics, Emergo website, accessed on 15 November 2017

32. China - Medical Devices, China Country Commercial Guide, US website, accessed on 15 November 2017

33. India can be among world's top 5 medical devices markets, Business Standard, 15 February 2017

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 23

34. China - Medical Devices, China Country Commercial Guide, US website, accessed on 15 November 2017

35. Medical Devices Manufacturing in India: A Sunrise Segment, Khaleej Times, 30 January 2017

36. USA - Overview of medical device industry and healthcare statistics, Emergo website, accessed on 15 November 2017

37. China - Medical Devices, China Country Commercial Guide, US website, accessed on 15 November 2017

38. France - Medical Equipment, France Country Commercial Guide, US website, accessed on 15 November 2017

39. Germany - Medical Equipment, Germany Country Commercial Guide, US website, accessed on
15 November 2017

40. Medical Devices Manufacturing in India: A Sunrise Segment, Khaleej Times, 30 January 2017

41. Japan Medical Market, Pacific Bridge Medical, accessed on 15 November 2017

42. United Kingdom - Medical Equipment, United Kingdom Country Commercial Guide, US website, accessed on
15 November 2017

43. 2016 China's medical device business revenue, net profit, market value list released, Medical Online, 4 May 2017

44. The Chinese Medical Sector, Switzerland Global Enterprise, 30 April 2017

45. Alibaba’s healthcare unit invests $35M in a medical imaging company, Tech Crunch, 30 March 2016

46. Baidu launches medical chatbot to help Chinese doctors diagnose patients, The Verge, 11 October 2016

47. Dalian Wanda to invest $10 billion in China healthcare hub, Reuters, 10 April 2017

© 2018 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent
member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.

Medical devices 2030 24

Anuj Kapadia Roger van den Heuvel About KPMG's
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Publication name: Medical devices 2030
Publication number: 135111-G
Publication date: January 2018

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