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Intel Committee’s Long-Awaited Russia

Report “No Collusion”

The 2017 Trump

Presidency - #36
May 28th, 2018 to June 7th, 2018

Trump Foe Eric Schneiderman Resignes As NY AG

After Reports Of Sexual Misconduct
Articles Compiled From The Internet in Order By Date

By Fred James


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[Articles and Pictures & Cartoons Found On The Net]

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F.R.E.D. Productions
May 2018


GOP Ad Destroys Dems, Nancy Pelosi: ‘Democrats’
Midterm Message, MS-13 Killers…They Aren’t So Bad’
By Kristinn Taylor
May 29, 2018, 3:12 Pm

The Republican National Committee posted a video ad to

Twitter Tuesday that destroys House Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the Democratic Party for
defending MS-13 after President Donald Trump called the
vicious El Salvadoran gang, “animals”.

Video from Pelosi’s May 17 press conference defending

MS-13 posted by the GOP.

Screen images from GOP ad.

The one minute long video opens and closes with Pelosi
defending the humanity of MS-13 gang members. In
between are news accounts of horrendous MS-13 attacks Video also from May 17 of Trump explaining to the media
including one where a victim was stabbed over one why the day before he called MS-13 “animals” and always
hundred times, decapitated, dismembered and had his heart will.
cut out. Another report states two MS-13 gang members
kidnapped, sexually assaulted, shot and sacrificed a 15-
year-old girl to Satan.
The video closes with the unspoken message,
“Democrats’ Midterm Message, MS-13
Killers…They Aren’t Not So Bad.”

University President Laments
Trump’s ‘Degradation Of Our Culture’
Rob Shimshock - Education Reporter
3:38 PM 05/29/2018

Graduating students will be entering a

world in which invective, insult and
manipulation threaten to become the

Wesleyan University’s head emphasized intellectual

inquiry and diversity of thought in his column, but went on
to characterize life in the United States as life “under an
anti-education regime.”

“President Trump’s disregard for facts

U.S. President Donald Trump holds a rally with supporters at North didn’t prevent him from being elected, of
Side middle school in Elkhart, Indiana, U.S., May 10, 2018. course, but that doesn’t mean as educators
REUTERS/Leah Millis we should give him a pass when he lies,
when he incites hatred, or when he
A university president lamented the “degradation of our engages in reckless behavior that
culture” caused by President Donald Trump, in a Tuesday undermines the very notion of learning from
column. one’s mistakes,”

Wesleyan University President Michael S. Roth made this Roth explained, going on to note that many individuals
remark and others critical of Trump in a column for The who supported Trump in the election have shown disgust
Washington Post. at his “dangerous rhetoric” and his policies.

“The climate on campus [during graduation] “To call attention to this degradation of our
is always festive, but this year, we can’t culture is not to support political
help but be affected by the pollutants of correctness, but to support our ability to
cynicism and craven disregard for principle learn from one another.”
in our national atmosphere,” Roth noted.
He has served as a university president for The Washington Post’s education section frequently gives
nearly two decades, first at California column spaces to left-wing or anti-Trump teachers and
College of the Arts and now at Wesleyan in professors. An Iowa State University communications and
Connecticut. “The Trump White House has poetry writing professor took to its pages in April to
set the tone, and far too many politicians complain about a student who used the word “retard” in a
and pundits are dancing to the tune. poem.

The Clinton Tentacles Engulf Every Single Russian
Collusion Narrative - All Roads From Russia
Lead To Hillary Clinton
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
May 29, 2018

congressional measure that sanctions

Russia and Russian figures."

That same report described Akhmetshin as a

"former Soviet intelligence officer," and "a

superlative Washington political operator
who over the last two decades has
repeatedly been at the center of cases
involving corruption, dictators and
sometimes war."
With the recent release of the Senate Judiciary While the June 2016 meeting was the first and presumably
Committee's witness transcripts from those that attended the last time Akhmetshin met with any of the Trump
the June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting that has been the family or campaign member, what was exposed in his 242
subject of so many media stories that accused Donald page interview transcript (PDF) however, is yet another
Trump Jr. of some type of Russian collusion with the Russian involved in the meeting which the media held up
Trump campaign, not only did that narrative crumble when as some type of evidence of "collusion," with the Trump
the truth was revealed, but yet more Russia "connections" campaign, personally "knew" Hillary Clinton and some of
to Hillary Clinton have emerged. her 2016 presidential campaign members.
The Senate Judiciary Committee released the transcripts of Akhmetshin, also called Fusion GPS founder Glenn
co-founder of Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Donald J. Simpson a "colleague," but also admitted to knowing
Trump, Jr., Irakly “Ike” Kaveladze, Anatoli Hillary Clinton and members of her 2016 presidential
Samochornov, Robert Goldstone, Rinat Akhmetshin and campaign. He described his meetings with Clinton herself
the written answers from Natalia Veselnitskaya. as having been in a "social setting."
The long story short on the circumstances surrounding the On page 234 of the Akhmetshin transcript he was asked
meeting, by all accounts by those participants, was that
Donald Trump Jr. thought the other attendees, "Did you ever have any meetings with the
especially Natalia Veselnitskaya, had some type of Hillary Clinton campaign or campaign
opposition research on Hillary Clinton, but none was officials officials?"
provided at the meeting and the meeting ended up being
focused mainly on the Magnitsky Act. There was no His answer was "Not with officials, no." After some back
follow-up meeting scheduled. and forth with interviewers clarifying they were talking
about her presidential campaign, Akhmetshin was asked
"Well, regardless of whether you were
According to an Axios report involved, did you ever have any meetings?"
He answered "I knew her, I knew some
"Akhmetshin was apparently hired to work people who worked on her campaign."
with Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who
met with Trump on June 9, 2016, in a The questioner then followed up
lobbying effort against the Magnitsky Act, a

"So you did have meetings with her and -- the law firm Perkins Coie, which represented the Clinton
did you have meetings with Hillary campaign and the DNC.
Clinton?" His response was "I met her in a
social setting, not on a professional line."

Breitbart reports that Akhmetshin's personal relationship That unverified dossier was then used by the FBI to obtain
with Hillary Clinton dates back to the 1990s. FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) warrants to
spy on a Trump campaign member, Carter Page. The FBI
On Page 37 of that same transcript Akhmetshin admits to used the dossier without telling the FISA court that the
having a business relationship with Glenn Simpson, co- Clinton campaign and the DNC funded it.
founder of Fusion GPS, after being questioned about an
email in an unrelated matter, where he referred to Simpson Via the WSJ:
as a colleague in an email exchange.
The most troubling issue is that the
Page 38 shows the following exchange: surveillance orders were obtained by
withholding critical information about Mr.
Q. This is another email provided by your Steele from the FISA court. The court was
counsel . It's an email from Glenn Simpson not informed that Mr. Steele was personally
to Natalia Veselnitskaya , you , and Murat opposed to Mr. Trump’s election, that his
Glashev . It was sent on February 4 , 2016 efforts were funded by Hillary Clinton’s
. Mr . Simpson writes, "Natalia, I campaign, or that he was the source of
understand the meeting is tonight at 9 : 00 media reports that the FBI said
, but Rinat suggested we get together corroborated his dossier. These facts are
beforehand . Are you free later this essential to any judicial assessment of Mr.
afternoon or for dinner? " What is the Steele’s veracity and the applications’
meeting at 9:00 he refers to ? A. I don't merits.
remember exactly. Maybe dinner?
So, once again, Hillary Clinton is connected to yet another
Q. Did you meet with Mr . Simpson and Ms. piece of the puzzle that was used to spy on the Trump
Veselnitskaya along with the legal team campaign.
working on the Prevezon case at any time?
After questioning him at length about his association with FOUNDATION DONOR
Simpson, by page 231 he had denied that he spoke with
Simpson about the Trump Tower meeting with Donald The information contained within the text messages
Trump Jr. exposed by the DOJ's Inspector General investigation,
between FBI Agent Peter Strzok, and FBI special counsel
Lisa Page, showed extreme anti-Trump/pro-Clinton bias.

Strzok held key positions in both the Hillary Clinton

investigation, to the point where he helped change the
rough draft of James Comey's statement exonerating her
from using the term grossly negligent, which opened her
up to criminal charges to the term extremely careless, also
indicated that Strzok played a role in starting the Russia
probe, which he referenced as an "insurance policy," in the
even that Donald Trump won the election.

Strzok is also the agent that was tasked to meet with an

Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer, who in one
GLENN SIMPSON, FUSION GPS, THE STEELE version of the Mockingbird Media's ever-changing
DOSSIER AND HILLARY CLINTON accounts of how the Russia investigation began,
supposedly was told by a Trump campaign
The reason I highlighted the connection between member, George Papadopoulos, that Russia had emails
Akhmetshin and Glenn Simpson is because Simpson's that would embarrass Hillary Clinton. There was no
company, Fusion GPS, hired Christopher Steele to create indication of whether those alleged emails were the 33,000
the unverified Steele dossier. The dossier's information missing emails, or the ones published by Wikileaks from
admittedly came from Russia/Kremlin sources, and was the DNC and John Podesta.
paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC, via
Later reports revealed that while the initial NYT claimed it ENGULF ALL 'RUSSIA COLLUSION'
was emails that Russia had, Downer himself says he was NARRATIVES
only told Russia had "material," that could damage
Clinton, and on that basis, they claim, " Crossfire When news of the Trump Tower meeting hits the news, the
Hurricane," the counterintelligence investigation into media and Democrats (yes, I know, redundant) screamed
possible coordination between members of Trump’s Collusion, yet multiple members of that meeting were
campaign and the Kremlin. Russian, and one admits to having known Hillary Clinton
for years.
It was also later revealed that it was Peter Strzok who
interviewed Alexander Downer in London. When the unverified dossier hit the Internet, once again
everyone howled it proved collusion, a connection with
Coincidentally, or not, Alexander Downer was responsible Russia, to the point where even corrupt senior level
for arranging members of multiple intelligence agencies, knowing the
sources for the allegations were from the Kremlin, used the
"one of the largest foreign donations to Bill dossier, while lying to the FISA court about who funded it,
and Hillary Clinton’s charitable efforts," to to obtain warrants to spy on the Trump campaign.
the tune of $25 million, back in 2006.
The media's own narrative that Papadopoulos claimed
Once again, the FBI neglected to inform Congress of the Russia had "material" that would damage Hillary Clinton,
Downer/Clinton connection. Republicans reportedly have and passed that information on to Alexander Downer,
expressed deep concern that nearly all the evidence the includes the claim that Downer's information "prompted"
FBI used to justify the Russian probe, from their Crossfire the Russia investigation, and Downer arranged a $25
Hurricane investigation all the way to Robert Mueller's million donation to the Clinton Foundation.
special counsel investigation into collusion, were all
connected to Hillary Clinton in some way. The Clinton tentacles engulf every single Russian
collusion narrative, yet it is the Trump campaign under
investigation by Robert Mueller?

There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

Grassley: Fusion GPS Founder Gave ‘Extremely
Misleading’ Testimony About Trump Work
Chuck Ross - Reporter
3:45 PM 05/29/2018

“I had no client after the election.”

Grassley said Simpson’s denial was false.

“As we now know, that was extremely

misleading, if not an outright lie,” the
Republican wrote to his fellow Judiciary
Committee member, Delaware Sen. Chris

The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is “Contrary to Mr. Simpson’s denial in the
accusing Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson of giving staff interview, according to the FBI and
“extremely misleading” statements, if not telling “outright others, Fusion actually did continue Trump
lies,” during Senate testimony in 2017. dossier work for a new client after the
election,” Grassley said.
Simpson may have lied when he denied working for clients
to investigate President Donald Trump after the 2016 Grassley pointed to statements a former Senate
election, Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said in a May 24 letter Intelligence Committee staffer, Daniel Jones, gave to the
made public on Tuesday. FBI in March 2017 about his work alongside Fusion GPS
to investigate Trump’s possible Russia links.
Fusion GPS, which Simpson started in 2011, worked for
the Clinton campaign and DNC to investigate Trump’s A group of seven to 10 wealthy donors from California
possible ties to Russia. The opposition research firm hired and New York paid $50 million to fund the project, Jones
former British spy Christopher Steele, who would go on to told the FBI.
write a dossier alleging Trump’s campaign colluded with
the Kremlin. Jones’ consulting firm, the Penn Quarter Group, “had
secured the services Steele, his associate [redacted], and
Grassley noted that in his Aug. 22, 2017, testimony, Fusion GPS to continue exposing Russian interference in
Simpson claimed after the election, he was not working for the 2016 Presidential election,” he told the FBI.
a client to continue his Trump work.
The group planned to push the information from the
“So you didn’t do any work on the Trump independent investigation to lawmakers, the media and the
matter after the election date; that was the FBI, Jones also told the bureau.
end of your work?” Simpson was asked
during the interview. “So, despite the fact Mr. Simpson said he
had no client after the election, he in fact
Simpson responded, saying: did, and that client revealed himself to the
FBI,” Grassley said.

Giuliani: Trump Won't Sit With
Mueller Until He Gets Info On Informant
By Max Greenwood
05/29/18 03:45 Pm Edt

President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on Tuesday with three of Trump's campaign advisers in 2016 in the
that the president will not sit for an interview with special early months of the counterintelligence investigation into
counsel Robert Mueller's team until his legal team gets all Russia's role in the election.
documents related to the FBI's use of an informant.
Trump has claimed that the FBI planted a mole in his
“We need all the documents before we can decide whether campaign and sought to spy on his team for political
we are going to do an interview,” Giuliani told The purposes. No evidence has emerged to suggest that the FBI
Washington Post in an interview. improperly spied on Trump's campaign.

Giuliani added that the fact Mueller is trying to interview Last week, select lawmakers met with top Justice
the president suggests that the probe is coming to an end. Department officials to discuss the use of the informant
amid pressure from Trump.
“I don’t think they would have asked to
interview him until they are pretty much Trump has fired off a number of tweets in recent days
finished with everything,” he said. “They’re decrying the Russia probe and suggesting wrongdoing by
only going to get one shot at him. They the FBI, the Justice Department and special counsel
know that. You look pretty amateurish if investigators. On Tuesday, Trump tweeted that
you interview him and you don’t have all investigators were planning on "meddling" in the 2018
the facts gathered.” midterm elections.

Mueller has sought to negotiate an interview with Trump Giuliani told the Post on Tuesday that the president's
as part of his team's probe into Russian meddling in the attacks are "working."
2016 election and possible obstruction of justice. Trump's
lawyers, however, have been reluctant to grant such an “As an effective politician, you’re not going
interview. to do something that you don’t think is
working,” Giuliani told the Post.
Trump and his allies have raised concerns in recent weeks
about the FBI's use of a top-secret informant, who met

IT’S ON=> Senate Judiciary Committee
To Hold Hearing On Much-Anticipated IG Report June 5
By Cristina Laila
May 29, 2018, 5:56 Pm

Chairman @ChuckGrassley: @SenJudiciary Committee to

hold hearing entitled: “Examining the Inspector
General’s First Report on @TheJusticeDept Decisions
Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election” on Tuesday,
June 5 at 10:00 a.m.

The Senate Judiciary Committee

announced Tuesday evening it will be
holding a hearing on the Inspector
General’s report on June 5th.
The hearing will be live-streamed for
public viewing.

Fox News reported:

Justice Department Inspector General

Michael Horowitz is slated to testify before
congressional committees next month,
presumably after the release of his long-
awaited report on the FBI’s Hillary Clinton
investigation during the 2016 presidential
campaign, Fox News has learned.
Both the Senate Judiciary Committee and
the House Oversight Committee are
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley preparing to have Horowitz appear before
them in early June, according to a
On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary congressional source.
announced Chairman Chuck Grassley On Tuesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman
will be holding a hearing entitled: Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said his
“Examining the Inspector General’s committee would hold a hearing titled
First Report on the Justice “Examining the Inspector General’s First
Department’s Decisions Regarding the Report on Justice Department Decisions
2016 Presidential Election.” Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election”
on June 5.
The hearing will be live-streamed on the
In June, House Republicans also plan to website.
interview three FBI officials linked to the
agency’s handling of the Clinton email
probe, part of an ongoing joint investigation
by the House Judiciary and Oversight and because the IG report will be very
Government Reform committees. damning.
To be interviewed are: Bill Priestap,
assistant director of the FBI’s So far, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, an Obama-
counterintelligence division; Michael appointee has delivered.
Steinbach, former head of the agency’s
national security division; and Steinbach’s The Inspector General released a scathing report on former
predecessor, John Giacalone. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe in mid-April.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz

The report by the Office of Inspector General criticized
informed lawmakers two weeks ago on McCabe for “lack of candor” regarding his disclosure to
Capitol Hill his much-anticipated report Wall Street Journal reporters before the 2016 election.
on the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s
email investigation entered the final As a result of these investigations and reports, Andrew
stages. McCabe has been criminally referred to the Justice
Department twice.
Sources are saying the report on the
FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s
Directorship is absolutely damning and Unfortunately without an active Attorney
“worse than expected.” General, none of the criminal referrals
sent to the DOJ will result in
James Gagliano, a retired FBI agent who indictments.
left the bureau in 2015 said buckle up

WATCH: Ben Shapiro Gives
Democrats Really Bad News For 2018 Midterms
By Daily Wire
May 29, 2018

on the Israeli issue, demonstrating once again that all of

their coverage in the last couple of weeks after the
movement of the embassy to Jerusalem was just a lie. The
idea that Hamas was not promoting violence at the border,
and that this was all peaceful protests, and the idea that
Israelis were firing indiscriminately into crowds: it’s just
nonsense and every single day Hamas is just
demonstrating that it is a terrorist group and it is acting as
terrorist groups do.

Host Pete Hegseth asked why the media won’t cover what
Hamas actually does. Shapiro answered:
On Tuesday, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro
appeared live in New York with the hosts of Fox & It’s unbelievable; it really is, because it’s
Friends to discuss media bias, from the media’s bias not even as though Hamas is attempting to
against President Trump to their bias against Israel. He hide the ball. During that actual
ripped the Democrats who accused GOP members of conflagration there was a top member of
Congress of being “bums” for not opposing President Hamas who went on television and said
Trump, and concluded, virtually everyone who was killed was a
terrorist and the media kept reporting it as
“The problem for Democrats is that really, though Israel was firing indiscriminately into
all they have in 2018 is how much they crowds. If that isn’t actual fake news, I’m
hate President Trump. They do not have an not sure what is.
Host Ainsley Earhardt then asked about another example
Shapiro fired back at the media and the Democrats with of media bias, this time accusing President Trump of
some hilarious images, including President Trump being separating immigrant children from their parents on the
the earworm from “The Wrath of Khan” that has gotten border. On Monday, many media outlets published a
into the media’s brain, into the Democrats' brain, and picture of immigrant children in cages held there
warped them, to Adam Schiff, who was one of the supposedly while Trump was in office, but the actual
congressmen calling Republicans "bums," whom Shapiro picture was taken in 2014, while Barack Obama was
referred to as setting up president. Host Brian Kilmeade pointed out that celebrities
joined in to tweet the picture to attack Trump, and then
there was a mass deletion from the outlets and celebrities
“a pup tent at media centers, he doesn’t
after they found out the truth.
even go to Congress any more, he just sits
there in the green room and actually has
food brought to him by the boxload.” Shapiro noted that a former member of the Obama
Administration had also posted the picture. He added:
The discussion started with the panel of hosts asking about
the rockets Hamas has launched into Israel, including one It’s as though President Trump has
into an Israeli kindergarten. Shapiro noted that on Monday, become the earworm from “The Wrath of
Palestinian Arabs were caught attempting to break through Khan” that has gotten into the media’s
the border with knives and incendiary devices in order to brain, into the Democrat brain, and it’s
kill Israelis. He continued: completely warped them, because it is so
obvious that this has been a problem going
all the way back to the Obama
This is why the media bias has been so egregious,
Administration. He’s (Trump) not wrong:
particularly from other networks like CNN and MSNBC
When the president suggests that it’s not by the boxload. It’s unbelievable. And then
as though he has a choice about he’s the one who’s calling Republicans
separating parents from children, if he bums for actually attempting to get
actually wants to arrest illegal immigrants legislation done on a variety of issues. The
on the border, there is no choice, because problem for Democrats is that really, all
the 9Th circuit court of appeals has ruled they have in 2018 is how much they hate
that he has to separate children from their President Trump. They do not have an
parents. He can’t keep the kids with their agenda; they’ve fallen into the politics of
parents in detention. That’s the problem. If intersectional identity politics; it’s all nasty
the Democrats wanted a “solve,” if they stuff. There’s a reason that the generic
wanted a solution on this, they could get ballot lead has shrunk in the average polls
one tomorrow. They don’t want a solution from thirteen points down to about three.
on this because they do want these The momentum is not on their side. That
pictures; they want more of these pictures; blue wave looks like it’s barely more than a
they want more kids who are in a ripple at this point.
problematic situation like this so they can
blame President Trump and then claim that Video below:
it’s his cruelty that’s the cause of all of this.

Pete Hegseth then played a montage of two California

Democratic congressmen, Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell,
referring to GOP Senate and House members as “bums”
for not challenging President Trump’s will.

Shapiro quipped:

I do love that Adam Schiff, who’s actually

set up a pup tent at media centers
(laughter), he doesn’t even go to Congress
any more, he just sits there in the green
room and actually has food brought to him

Footnote In Grassley’s Letter Suggests Information
From Fusion GPS May Have Been Passed To Dianne
Feinstein, Senate Judiciary Dems
By Cristina Laila
May 29, 2018, 9:32 Pm

“Contrary to Mr. Simpson’s denial in the

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck staff interview, according to the FBI and
Grassley (R-IA) sent a scathing letter to others, Fusion actually did continue Trump
Minority member Senator Coons dossier work for a new client after the
accusing Fusion GPS founder Glenn election,” Grassley said.
Simpson of giving “extremely
misleading” statements during a 2017 Grassley then turned his attention to statements made by
Dianne Feinstein’s former Senate Intel staffer, Daniel
Senate testimony.
Jones, to the FBI in March of 2017 about his work for
Grassley also accused Glenn Simpson Fusion GPS to investigate ‘Trump-Russia.’
of ‘outright lying’ during his Senate
testimony. The Federalist first reported in February a former staffer
In a footnote at the bottom of the letter, for Dem Senator Dianne Feinstein, Daniel Jones was
Grassley says it is a possibility that working with Fusion GPS.
Feinstein’s former staffer, Daniel Jones
fed Fusion’s information to the Minority A group of about 7-10 wealthy donors from California
as a part of his ongoing campaign. (Silicon Valley) and New York spent $50 million to fund a
Trump-Russia investigation conducted by none other than
Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS and a former staffer for
Dem Senator Dianne Feinstein named Daniel Jones.

Grassley put an interesting footnote at the bottom of his

letter implying Daniel Jones may have fed Fusion’s
information to the Minority [Ranking member Dianne
Feinstein and other Minority Democrat members] as part
of his ongoing campaign.

Feinstein is corrupt. In January she unilaterally released

Glenn Simpson’s testimony transcript to the public then
blamed it on a bad cold.

Grassley wants answers on Daniel Jones:

That information detailed a March 2017

Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, Senator Dianne Feinstein meeting between Daniel Jones and the
FBI. Mr. Jones stated that he was leading a
Chairman Grassley said in his letter Glenn Simpson falsely research and investigatory advisory
claimed under oath that after the 2016 election he was no organization called the Penn Quarter
longer digging up dirt on Trump for a client. Group, which “had secured the services
Steele, his associate [redacted],
Glenn Simpson specifically said in his and Fusion GPS to continue exposing
Senate testimony he had “no client after Russian interference in the 2016
the election.” Presidential election.”7

Mr. Jones further told the FBI that the Penn Quarter Group
“was being funded by 7 to 10 wealthy
donors located primarily in New York and
California, who provided approximately $50
The report noted that Mr. Jones
stated he planned to push the
information he obtained from
Fusion and Steele to
policymakers on Capitol Hill,9
Read Grassley’s full letter to Senator Coons on next page.
the press, and the FBI.10 As with
statements to the Committee, statements
to the FBI, like Mr. Jones’, are subject to 18
U.S.C. § 1001. So, despite the fact Mr.
Simpson said he had no client after the
election, he in fact did, and that client
revealed himself to the FBI.

Screenshot of footnote:

DOT Repeals Enviro Rule Mandating
States Comply With Greenhouse Gas Policy
Chris White - Energy Reporter
10:37 PM 05/29/2018

States and other locals across the country can still pursue
similar actions locally. The repeal of the GHG measure
does not affect implementation of the other national
performance management measures states are responsible
for administering.

This is one of several regulations Trump’s administration

has sought to rollback.

Trump announced in April preparations to scrap an

President Donald Trump’s administration repealed a rule Obama-era rule that would have dramatically ratcheted up
forcing states to comply with a policy monitoring fuel efficiency guidelines over the course of a decade. The
greenhouse gas levels from tailpipes of American plan would also target California’s ability to set its own
automobiles. vehicle efficiency standards.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) signed a California’s high standards have forced automakers to
final rule May 22 that eliminates a mandate requiring state build more fuel-efficient vehicles, which ultimately effects
agencies to establish emission targets, calculate their national efficiency standards. Former President Barack
progress toward those targets, and determine a plan of Obama aimed to raise the average fuel economy of
action if they failed to make progress during a performance automobiles to more than 50 miles per gallon within 10
period. years.

The rule repealed the performance management measure The Golden State got permissions from the Obama
assessing the percent change in tailpipe carbon administration to issue its own, higher emissions standards.
dioxide emissions on the Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
measure. It also measured total annual tons of carbon They require cars get 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025. The
emissions from all on-road mobile sources. rules would cut 540 million metric tons of carbon dioxide
emissions and save consumers money, officials estimated.

Bozell & Graham Column:
Chuck Todd Sneers At Trump's 'Playbook'
By Brent Bozell And Tim Graham
May 29, 2018 11:12 PM EDT

On the Memorial Day weekend, NBC’s Chuck Todd calling Trump’s current standing a “crisis,”
opened his show Meet the Press by angrily lecturing his even as his polls are actually improving,
viewers about a so-called Trump “tactical playbook” on is....branding. Is Todd saying NBC would
how to spin the Mueller probe and the FBI sending an never dream of using “nefarious” terms that
“informant” into his presidential campaign. “resonate with the public”? Here’s Todd
leading off his MSNBC show on May 22:
Here’s the Todd list, with our commentary:
“Fatal distraction! Are the president's
systemic attacks on the Justice Department
undermining the rule of law as we know it?”
Fatal? Who died, Chuck? It sounds like he’s writing
Democrat direct-mail copy for his wife’s company,
Maverick Mail & Strategies.
The media also use branding in a positive way. For
example, illegal immigrants who arrived in America as
minors are typically framed as “Dreamers,” and with no
“so-called” warning necessary.
1. “Perhaps fearing that Mueller is closing in, the
president is applying a well-worn tactical playbook. 3. “If accused of wrongdoing, use the ‘I'm rubber,
Number one, distract with an invented crisis that you're glue’ defense, pinning anything you're
attacks the investigators without evidence to plant accused of on your opponents.” This is especially
a seed of doubt.” obnoxious, coming from journalists whose first rebuttal
is often “You can’t call us biased! You are biased!”
Let’s pick at two phrases here. Many of Trump’s
supporters and more than a few independents would tell We wonder if Chuck Todd slept through the Clinton years.
Todd that “distract with an invented crisis....without When the 1996 Clinton campaign took donations from
evidence” is a better description of ABC, CBS, and his Chinese communists and Indonesian businessmen,
own NBC offering about 1500 minutes of evening-news “everybody does it” became the dominant media spin.
hype about Russian “collusion” that still hasn’t surfaced. 4. “If still caught with irrefutable facts closing in,
Let that sink in: a full 25 hours of coverage about nothing assert that all facts are relative anyway.” Trump
much to date. lawyer Rudy Giuliani is worried about Trump walking
into a perjury trap. He told The Washington Post “truth
In contrast, what is “invented” about the FBI’s confidential is relative” and the Mueller team “may have a different
informant? You can spin about how he was really “spying version of the truth than we do.” At least those are the
on the Russians,” but was the New York Times making up quotes the Post used.
Stefan Halper?
When the irrefutable facts of Bill Clinton’s lying about
Instead of actually reporting on Halper and his attempts to having a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky were
“inform” on Trump aides, they would rather just call it a closing in, it was NBC’s Matt Lauer who enabled Hillary
“distraction” and therefore somehow a lie. Clinton to distract the country with warnings of
2. “Brand the crisis. According to the Associated “a vast right-wing conspiracy.”
Press, Mr. Trump wants to brand the FBI's
confidential informant a spy, believing the more Lauer even suggested this Lewinsky scandal could be
nefarious term would resonate more in the media “the worst and most damaging smear of the
and with the public. The president used some 20th century.”
version of the word ‘spy’ 24 times in 15 tweets over
ten days.” The liberal media have no right to lecture about
“distractions” and “branding” and treating facts as relative.
Earth to NBC: These are all well-worn moves in their own “tactical

FBI’s ‘Informant’ Was A Covert Spy, Mccarthy Warns
Why Didn't Bureau Officials Notify Trump Campaign Leaders About
Russia Concerns Instead Of Secretly Implanting A Snoop?
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 30 May 2018 At 6:23 AM

"I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what
my fellow citizens would want them to do when they got
the information they got," Gowdy told Fox News earlier
Tuesday, claiming that the FBI's information gathering had
"nothing to do with Donald Trump."

Fox News host Laura Ingraham wondered why the FBI

failed to offer Trump a defensive briefing if the bureau
FBI officials should have told President Donald Trump of harbored such deep concerns about whether Russia had
their concerns about alleged links between some of his compromised members of his campaign.
2016 campaign officials and Russian interests instead of
resorting to spying, former federal prosecutor Andrew "Why didn't the Obama administration, having this deep
McCarthy said Tuesday on Fox News’ “The Ingraham concern that they had about Russia … why didn't they go
Angle.” to President Trump?" Ingraham asked.

“If you were looking at a corporation and Although "it may well be" that Trump "was not personally
you thought that the corporation was being a target" of the FBI's scrutiny, McCarthy argued that
corrupted by three people, you would go to Americans still should be concerned about the bureau's
the CEO and say, ‘I think we have a methods.
problem here. We need your cooperation,'”
said McCarthy, a National Review "What they're saying was they think what
contributor and former assistant U.S. the FBI did was appropriate. So what
attorney for the Southern District of New they're saying is they had these guys who
York. they had concerns about who had some
“What they did instead was send covert Russia baggage, and it was appropriate for
operatives to pry information out,” the FBI to check that out," he paraphrased.
McCarthy (pictured above, left) noted.
“There’s no question that they spied on the

The New York Times first reported May 17 that the FBI
used an informant to befriend three Trump campaign
officials in 2016 and collect information from them.
Trump directed the Department of Justice (DOJ) May 20
to determine whether his campaign was infiltrated for
political purposes.

The DOJ inspector general, Michael Horowitz, was tasked

last week with investigating the controversy, now labeled
Spygate. "I don't think anyone in his right mind would
disagree with that," McCarthy added. "The
Former intelligence officials within the Obama question is how you go about doing that?"
administration took issue with the word "spying," and both
liberals and some conservatives defended the FBI's But Democrat Scott Bolden, a managing partner of the
infiltration of the Trump campaign, including House Reed Smith law firm, dismissed McCarthy's and
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ingraham's concerns about the FBI's conduct.
Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.).
"If I'm doing an internal investigation for a investigation," McCarthy noted that Trump
company … I am not starting at the top. I'm "has to look at this, as 'this affects my
starting at the source," Bolden (pictured ability to govern.'"
above, center) argued. "And what they did
"That's why the special counsel is such a
with this informant was went and talked
terrible institution, and it's been a terrible
and did outreach to two or three leaders in
institution to every president of either party
the campaign to test not whether Trump that it's ever been turned to," he warned.
was colluding with Russia but whether
Russia was doing outreach to the Trump
campaign, how deep they may have gotten An incensed Trump claimed in a tweet Tuesday that
in there." Mueller's team investigating the "rigged Russian Witch
Hunt" may end up "MEDDLING" in the upcoming 2018
midterm elections if the probe is prolonged indefinitely.

"The 13 Angry Democrats (plus people who

worked 8 years for Obama) working on the
rigged Russia Witch Hunt, will be
MEDDLING with the mid-term elections,
especially now that Republicans (stay
tough!) are taking the lead in Polls," Trump
tweeted. "There was no Collusion, except
by the Democrats!"

"And what would you want the FBI to do?

Unless you put a political overlay on it,
they're doing their job," Bolden added. "The
target was Russia. They were trying to
protect Americans."
But as special counsel Robert Mueller's
investigation into allegations of collusion
between the Trump campaign and Russia
shows few signs of ending anytime soon,
the nation is growing increasingly restless
for results, according to several polls.
Although Americans view Spygate "as an

Trey Gowdy: FBI “Did What Americans Would Want
Them To Do” By Spying On Opposition Party
In 2016 (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 8:10 Am

This guy can’t leave Congress soon


Trey Gowdy defended the FBI on Tuesday for spying on

the opposition party during the 2016 election. The FBI
infiltrated the Trump campaign and fed information back
to headquarters in 2016 and beyond.

This is likely the largest political

scandal in US history.
Gowdy approves.

FOX Insider reported: Democrat leaders heaped praise on

Gowdy after his statements.
“The FBI is doing what he told them to do,”
he said in regard to an alleged “spy” being
placed in his campaign by the bureau.
“I am even more convinced that the FBI did
exactly what my fellow citizens would want
them to do when they got the information
they got, and that it has nothing to do with
Donald Trump,” Gowdy, a South Carolina
Republican, said.
“It was Trump himself who said, ‘I didn’t
collude with Russia but if anyone did, I
want the FBI to find that out,'” Gowdy said.

President Trump Slams AWOL Jeff Sessions:
“I Wish” I Would Have Hired Somebody
Else For Attorney General
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 8:36 Am

case in the office, I would be frustrated

too…and that’s how I read that – Senator
Sessions, why didn’t you tell me before I
picked you. There are lots of really good
lawyers in the country, he could have
picked somebody else!” And I wish I did!

President Trump took to Twitter on

Wednesday morning to once again
attack his AWOL Attorney General Jeff

Sessions recused himself from the Russia collusion witch

hunt the day after he was sworn in as Attorney General.
Sessions has been a disgrace as Attorney General. His
behavior is out of character.

President Trump:

Rep.Trey Gowdy, “I don’t think so, I think

what the President is doing is expressing
frustration that Attorney General Sessions
should have shared these reasons for
recusal before he took the job, not
afterward. If I were the President and I
picked someone to be the country’s chief
law enforcement officer, and they told me
later, ‘oh by the way I’m not going to be
able to participate in the most important

Troubling Questions Emerge About FBI’s Strzok;
Father Worked In Africa For Companies
Linked To, Funded By CIA
By Investigative Bureau
Posted On May 30, 2018

Embattled FBI Agent Peter Strzok, embroiled in the spying Strzok stayed in Iran until Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
and wiretapping scandal of President Trump, grew up in was installed in 1979 in the hope of stabilizing the
Africa for a stint while his father worked for companies tumultuous region and political climate during the
that have long been linked as operational and funding cut- American hostage crisis as well, records show. After
outs for the Central Intelligence Agency, according to leaving Iran, Strzok took the African post with CRS. But it
records. was not Strzok’s first U.S.-backed mission in Iran. In a
recent 2016 article in the Fayetteville Observer, he detailed
Now, as the spying and wiretapping scandal of the FBI has an earlier mission in Iran — as well as his navigating
implicated former CIA Director John Brennan and Barack Russian influence in that country — predating his private
Obama’s CIA, questions have emerged about the FBI work in Iran by nearly two decades. Strzok wrote:
Strzok’s connections to the CIA. And that of his family
too. The Inspector General is probing many facets of FBI “In 1965, I was an Army
corruption, along with House and Senate committees. That engineer captain assigned to
includes CIA involvement in the FBI spying scandals. And the U.S. Military Mission to Iran.
Strzok’s alleged role as a clandestine liaison between FBI Fresh out of Persian language
and CIA.
studies at Monterey, California,
one of my jobs was to accept
True Pundit reported Brennan’s involvement in Sept. 2017
civic action schools being built
and now — nine months later — others are asking
from funds accrued from sales
questions about the FBI’s involvement with the CIA with
what amounts to an apparent clandestine operation to by Iran of food aid provided by
unseat President Trump — or make sure he was never the U.S. These schools were
elected in the first place. being built in border areas,
concentrating on nomadic
The FBI’s Strzok bragged in internal FBI text messages groups such as the Kurds,
about obtaining a CIA coin – often awarded for Balouch, Turkoman, Azeris and
meritorious service to intelligence agents — from and Afghans, under the theory that
personally signed by former CIA Director John Brennan in educated nomads tend toward
2017. Now Strzok is accused of working with CIA cut-out sedentary living with reduced
Stefan Halper to set traps for Trump associates. security concerns. One was
built in Marivan, a Kurdish
How did Strzok know John Brennan and what was his village hard up against the Iraqi
involvement with FBI operations linked to Trump
border. In October 1965, I flew
campaign skullduggery? FBI and CIA operations are
separated for a reason. from Tehran, in a de Havilland
Otter, to meet with contractors
and Tehran Engineer District
Peter Strzok Sr.. the father of the FBI’s Peter Strzok,
served 21 years in the Army before taking a post in Africa staff, to turn over the Marivan
for Catholic Relief Services, a charity with bonafide school for transfer to the
international links to the CIA and funding from the United government to Iran.”
Nations. According to records, Strzok worked for CRS
staring in 1981 and lived abroad with his family a young The program Strzok headed in Africa for CRS in the 1980s
Peter in Africa. Prior to taking the position in Africa, the was funded by federal aid to and from USAID, records
elder Strzok worked in Vietnam, the Middle East and show. USAID maintains it is an independent aid
specifically Iran for an unknown U.S. contractor. organization, however its history is entwined and
entangled deeply with the CIA. Just like Catholic Relief
Services. Both organizations have embedded covert CIA In 2017, Strzok was the top FBI agent assigned to Special
operatives in international outposts to carry out operations Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged collusion of
ranging from intelligence gathering to covert Ops. Trump’s presidential campaign and the Russian
government. But Strzok was fired from Mueller’s team
The CIA funds various covert operations through various when damaging text messages between Strzok and FBI
front organizations including known CIA operations lawyer Lisa Page surfaced where the duo were highly
groups which funnel funds to “various non-governmental critical of Trump. Often, they ridiculed Trump.
agencies” (NGOs) which then use such funds to achieve
American intelligence objectives worldwide. After working with USAID-funded programs for CRS in
Africa, the elder Strzok stayed active in Africa for the last
Often criticized for its involvement with the U.S. 30 years running the Agency to Facilitate the Growth of
intelligence apparatus, CRS is a documented CIA-linked Rural Organizations, records show. The non profit group,
NGO. And USAID is the government-funded equivalent. founded by the elder Strzok, has focused on working with
rural organizations in Africa and Haiti, according to the
corporation’s 2009 tax return filed with the IRS.
The CRS program in Africa headed by Strzok provided
school lunches to children and helped teach local how to
farm and raise cash crops, according to reports. In 2010, Strzok’s IRS tax filing said his Agency to
Facilitate the Growth of Rural Organizations organized
meetings with University of Minnesota agencies and
“forest product enterprises to provide safe, low cost fuel to
Haitian earthquake victims.

“Organized / provided briefings to World

Bank & Inter-American bank staff on
program of action” for Haitian earthquake

According to tax returns available for Agency to Facilitate

the Growth of Rural Organizations, the non-profit’s
income, expenses, revenue and assets between 2007 and
2010 were all under $2,000 US.

In 2003-2004, the group provided grants to schools in

northern Iraq for improvements, according to tax returns.
That year, the group took in $32,000 in contributions and
revenue along with an apparent $5,000 grant from the
USDA, filings show.
Archived 1983 newspaper article of Strzok Sr.’s work in Africa

In a data sheet included with the tax return, Strzok said the
The elder Strzok has never tried to hide his involvement Agency to Facilitate the Growth of Rural Organizations
with CRS. In fact in the 1980s, he often boasted about the was ceasing operations, after 19 years. (See attachment.)
work he was doing in Africa, as well as the fact Peter Jr. The data sheet detailed Strzok’s involvement in
was living in Africa before he came stateside at age 12 to international aid for decades. Tax returns for the group
enroll in prep school in the United States, according to prior to 2001 were not available. The group did
records. recommence operations after 2004 based on tax returns
filed from 2007 through 2010, records show.
Now, however, his son’s involvement in an apparent
intelligence plot aimed at harming Trump’s political career In 2013, Strzok Sr. was quoted by a TV news station
has thrust the elder Strzok’s career into the spotlight. reporting on African poverty and identified him as
president of the Agency to Facilitate the Growth of Rural
The FBI’s Strzok served as Chief of the Counterespionage Organizations.
Section during the FBI’s investigation into Hillary
Clinton’s email server, rising to become the Deputy Argo by True Pundit on Scribd:
Assistant Director of the division. He led the FBI’s
investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United
States elections.

Top Suspect In Russian Collusion Witch Hunt Is Likely
Western Intelligence Operative – Says He’s
‘Member Of Clinton Foundation’
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 9:41 Am

Intelligence. Julian Assange put out a Twitter thread noting

the connection between Mifsud and UK Intelligence.

Mifsud is a member of the European Council on Foreign

Relations (ECFR) whose top donor is the Soros Open
Society Foundation.

In the latest article on Joseph Mifsud by

Real Clear Investigations Mifsud
described himself as a “Clintonist” and
told Italian reporters the Clinton
Foundation is the only foundation he is
Joseph Mifsud is a Maltese academic, with high level a member of.
connections to the Russian state and UK politicians.
Mifsud is a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Real Clear Investigations reported:
Affairs of Malta, a former principal in the London Centre
of International Law Practice, a professorial teaching
(Read the whole thing. It is very interesting and thorough.)
fellow at the University of Stirling in Scotland, and
director of the Diplomatic Academy of London.
If Mifsud truly is a Russian agent – which is
key to the collusion narrative – he could
Mifsud went missing after his
prove to be one of the most promiscuous
connections to George Papadopoulos
spies in modern history. Western
went public.
intelligence agencies and European
politicians would have to spend the next
George Papadopoulos, the lower level campaign worker few decades repairing the damage he did
for the Trump campaign, appears to have been targeted by to global security by infiltrating key
three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S. institutions and personnel. As of yet,
Intelligence: however, there is no indication that any
intelligence service has begun the
Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and embarrassing, but highly important,
Stefan Halper. assessment of how it was penetrated and
how it can re-fortify the vulnerabilities that
Mifsud and Papadopoulos obtained positions at an Mifsud may have exposed. There has been
organization named the Centre for International Energy no public effort to arrest him.
and Natural Resources Law & Security. Papadopoulos was While most media accounts have simply
a ‘nobody’ and the Centre sketchy at best. repeated official claims that Mifsud is a
sketchy character whose visits to Russia
Mifsud vanished in early November and academic contacts suggest he is
2017, working for Russian intelligence, a look at
the available evidence challenges that
shortly after Papadopoulos was in the news and indicted. narrative. It also raises the possibility that
His whereabouts are still unknown. Mifsud, whose circles are tied to the
Clintons, may, like another professor
Although the common story is that Mifsud is a Russian recently in the news, Stefan Halper, have
Agent, many ties seem to lead [him] back to UK
actually been working for Western Papadopoulos’ wife, Simona Mangiante,
intelligence agencies… dismissed the idea her husband was a spy
in an Atlantic magazine article. Mangiante
…If they did know Mifsud and thought he
knew Mifsud as well. She reportedly started
was a Russian agent, why did the bureau
working for the Maltese academic at the
continue to send agents to teach at Link,
London Center for International Law
with which he had been affiliated for nearly
a decade by the time of the Papadopoulos Practice in September 2016, before she
met her future spouse.
Both the bureau and the CIA were constant In the January interview, Roh asked Mifsud
if he was working for MI6. “No,” said
presences at the school; surely they’d run
Mifsud, “no, never, I was never an agent.”
across Mifsud before.
According to Roh and Pastor’s book,
Many others that the FBI worked with knew
him — from high-level British intelligence however, he’s part of an international
clique that identifies itself with the
officials to members of the Italian cabinet. If
values and causes represented by the
Mifsud was a Kremlin-linked cut-out, why
didn’t the FBI warn the U.S.’s European Clintons and their various enterprises.
partners, or even U.S. government Mifsud, they write, “was always a
agencies, about the man who was at the ‘Clintonist.’”
center of Russiagate?
Mifsud said something similar in the
If He Is a Spy, Why No Action?… interview he gave to the Italian newspaper
La Repubblica shortly before he went into
…According to Roh and Pastor’s book,
Mifsud believes he was set up, and that hiding. “The only foundation I am a
member of,” he said, is “the Clinton
George Papadopoulos was part of the sting
operation. Roh and Pastor think so, too.

Scarborough Compares Trump To ‘A Four-Year-Old
Smearing Chocolate On The Wall’ Over Sessions Recusal
Julia Nista - General Assignment Reporter
9:49 AM 05/30/2018

“Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough compared President Trump tweeted Wednesday that he wishes he had picked
Trump to “a four-year-old smearing chocolate on the side someone else for attorney general:
of a wall” when discussing his relationship with Attorney
General Jeff Sessions.


Joe Scarborough compares President Trump to a four-year-old.

“I think it’s so cute that this president thinks
that attorney generals are supposed to be
their personal lawyers,” Scarborough. “And
by cute, I mean completely ignorant,
something that a four-year-old … smearing
chocolate on the side of a wall might think.”
“Not cute at all, actually pretty depressing,”
he added.

Sessions recused himself from Special Counsel Robert

Mueller’s Russia investigation into the 2016 presidential
election because of his close relationship with the Trump

POTUS Trump RIPS Disney CEO Bob Iger For Special
Treatment Of Valerie Jarrett
By Cristina Laila
May 30, 2018, 10:56 Am

President Trump blasted Disney CEO HORRIBLE statements made and said
Bob Iger Wednesday morning over his about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get
special treatment of Valerie Jarrett the call?
following the cancellation of

Trump supporters pointed out the liberal hypocrisy and

double standards.

Disney CEO Bob Iger phoned former Obama advisor Joy Behar disparaged Vice President Mike Pence for his
Valerie Jarrett to assure her that “ABC does not tolerate Christian faith and said Christians are ‘mentally ill.’
comments like those” referring to an incendiary tweet
posted by Roseannne Barr late Monday night. It tooks weeks for Behar to issue a fake apology and she
still has her job at ABC.
ABC announced Tuesday they cancelled
‘Roseanne’ almost immediately after Barr fired off a tweet Meanwhile Trump-basher Jimmy
about Valerie Jarrett. Kimmel STILL has a show on ABC.

Roseanne said this of Jarrett, And this is after he had women grope his crotch on air for
“muslim brotherhood and planet of the
apes had a baby=vj.”

Roseanne Barr apologized Tuesday morning for the

comment but that wasn’t good enough for the tyrannical
leftists who were looking for any excuse to cancel the
wildly popular pro-Trump television show.

Trump ripped Bob Iger Wednesday morning.

Trump tweeted:

Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let

her know that “ABC does not tolerate
comments like those” made by Roseanne
Barr. Gee, he never called President
Donald J. Trump to apologize for the
And Kimmel posted ‘jokes’ this year about abusing If it wasn’t for double standards, the left
children on his show. would have no standards at all.

Democratic Candidate Says Trump
As Big Of A Threat As Osama Bin Laden Was
Julia Cohen
12:02 PM 05/30/2018

“After 9/11, the greatest threat to our

democracy lived in a cave. Today, he lives
in the White House,” Helmer said in the ad
posted to YouTube.

Pictures of deceased al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and

Trump flashed across the screen during the voiceover.

“No one, even the president is above the

law,” Helmer continued.

This isn’t the first time Helmer has run into controversy.
LAS VEGAS NEVADA, DECEMBER 14, 2015: The candidate posted a video of himself buying an assault
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at rifle at a gun show “to find out how easy it is to buy” in
campaign event at Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino April.
the day before the CNN Republican Presidential Debate
Helmer is running against incumbent Republican Rep.
Democratic congressional candidate Dan Helmer Barbara Comstock in Virginia’s 10th district. Comstock
compared President Donald Trump to Osama bin Laden in “is a rubber stamp for the racist, sexist and xenophobic
an ad released Wednesday. agenda” of Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan, Helmer
tweeted in February.

Jason Chaffetz Blasts Jeff Sessions:
‘The Attorney General In Name Only’ [VIDEO]
Henry Rodgers - Political Reporter
1:06 PM 05/30/2018

Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz blasted Attorney “Does Jeff Sessions have a target back on
General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia him again or not?” Fox News anchor Bill
probe in an interview Wednesday. Hemmer asked Chaffetz.
“Jeff Sessions is the attorney general in
The former Utah congressman called Sessions “worthless” name only. He is worthless,” Chaffetz
and said he was “attorney general in name only” on responded. “The sooner the president
“America’s Newsroom.” Chaffetz’s criticism comes after names a new attorney general the better.
President Donald Trump took a shot at Sessions in a He should never have recused himself. He
Wednesday tweet, quoting Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy didn’t need to in a counter intelligence
of South Carolina. operation.”

WATCH: This was not Chaffetz’s first time criticizing Sessions. He

called for Sessions to leave the Department of Justice in
December 2017.

“It pains me to say this a little bit, [but] I

don’t think the attorney general is up to the
job he’s doing,” Chaffetz said at the time.
“The reason there is a special counsel is
because he had to recuse himself from
everything. I think it’s time for the Attorney
General to go.”

MUST SEE=> Little Boy Steals Hearts At President
Trump’s Signing ‘Right To Try’ Into Law (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 1:46 Pm

Oh my gosh! Then when the president spotted the

boy he grabbed him and gave him a
This is one of the cutest things you will
see in months!
A little boy joined his family today in the White House
where President Trump signed into law his “Right to Try”
Update: The boy’s name is Jordan McLinn and he is a
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patient.
The new law will allow those with potentially terminal
diseases to try experimental treatments and bypass the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration.
During the signing the little boy tried to
get the president’s attention.

This was so sweet!


The boy scooted up next to the

president but the president didn’t see

A young boy attempts several times to

nab Pres. Trump’s attention during
signing of the “Right to Try Act”—and
finally succeeds in getting a hug from
the president – ABC

Newest Congressional Polls
Show Republicans Gaining On Democrats
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
2:19 PM 05/30/2018

 Apr 24: Democrats +5.5 pts

 May 24: Democrats +4.0 pts*

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) leads Democratic

members of Congress, including Senate Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer (D-NY) (L), during their "Better Deal" platform rally at the
U.S. Capitol in Washington, May 21, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan

At the beginning of the year, Democrats were leading big Real Clear Politics
on a generic congressional ballot. That has all changed.
According to Sean Trende at Real Clear Politics, the swing
The accomplishments of the Trump administration in the upward has to do with presidential accomplishments:
early parts of the year mixed with a stabilizing economy
has bolstered GOP hopes of maintaining control of the
“There’s a couple of things going on. I think
House and potentially gaining in the Senate. According to
the good economic news is starting to
Fox News and Real Clear Politics, the margin for
break through. I think people are starting to
Democrats has shrunk from 13 points to 4 points on a
question where the Mueller investigation is
generic ballot.
going. I think it had kept the president down
for a while. And I think the tax cuts
RCP Avg –> Generic Congressional Ballot: energized the Republican base and are
playing a role in the president’s improving
 Dec 24: Democrats +13.0 pts fortunes.”
 Jan 24: Democrats +7.9 pts
 Feb 24: Democrats +8.0 pts
 Mar 24: Democrats +6.5 pts

First Lady Melania Trump Scolds Left-Wing Conspiracy
Cranks Speculating Over Her Whereabouts
Following Kidney Surgery
By Cristina Laila
May 30, 2018, 3:29 Pm

First Lady Melania Trump underwent She’s left the White House and moved back to New York
kidney surgery a couple weeks ago at City.
Walter Reed National Military Medical
Center in Bethesda, Maryland, and She’s cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller.
spent the week there recovering.
The left-wing conspiracy media began She’s holed up with the Obamas, working on a tell-all
speculating on Melania Trump’s book about her husband — unless she had a secret nip and
whereabouts after the First Lady shied tuck, in which case she’s just healing.
away from the spotlight during her
recovery. Melania Trump scolded the media on
Wednesday from her official FLOTUS
On Wednesday, First Lady Melania Trump scolded the Twitter account.
Melania Trump tweeted: I see the media is working
overtime speculating where I am & what I’m doing. Rest
assured, I’m here at the @WhiteHouse w my family,
feeling great, & working hard on behalf of children & the
American people!

Isn’t questioning a woman’s health sexist?

Conservative media were labeled conspiracy theorists for

The same far-left conspiracy media outlets that report on
questioning Hillary Clinton’s obvious ill health during and
the Trump-Russia collusion hoax began speculating on
after the election while the fake news media ignored her
First Lady Melania’s health and whereabouts following her
fainting spells and coughing fits.
kidney surgery.

The media is still covering for Hillary to this day as she

It is well known Melania Trump has a desire for privacy;
dons heavy coats and scarves in sweltering heat to hide a
her silence following surgery should come as no surprise
back brace or some other mystery contraption.
to the media.

But Melania Trump wanting a little privacy after having

Some of the crazier conspiracy theories drummed up by
kidney surgery means she’s flipping on Donald Trump and
left-wing cranks as reported by Politico:
cooperating with Mueller according to left-wing cranks.

TRUMP Rocks Tennessee Arena! NYT Skunks Say Only
1,000 People Were There – Then Are Forced To Make
Embarrassing Correction
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 4:28 Pm

President Trump held a rally for Senate Trump was right.

candidate Marsha Blackburn at the
The New York Times was off on their
Municipal Auditorium in Nashville on
numbers by thousands.
Tuesday night.
The local fire marshal estimated the
crowd at 5,500.

This forced the NY Times to make a correction.

The far left New York Times said only 1,000 people
showed up.
This is a common tactic by the left to
Trump blasted the Times on Wednesday always underestimate the support for
morning for their extremely low conservative candidates and causes.
estimates of the crowd size. Remember this moving forward!

When Trump Met Obama, He Joked About One Specific
Issue — It’s Gonna Drive Hillary Voters Insane
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
5:49 PM 05/30/2018

Senior Obama adviser Ben Rhodes,is writing a book on his surreal. Mr. Trump kept steering the
time in the White House. Rhodes served as Obama’s conversation back to the size of his rallies,
deputy national security adviser for strategic noting that he and Mr. Obama could draw
communications and saw the president up close and big crowds, but Mrs. Clinton could not, Mr.
personal for eight years of his administration. Rhodes writes.”

The book, titled “The World as It Is,” will paint an The Times writes that Obama said,
intimate look at some of the most controversial days of the
Obama administration. According to a New York Times “I’m trying to place him in American history”
sneek-peek book review, after the meeting. Trump was compared
to characters in Huckleberry Finn by
“Few moments shook Mr. Obama more Obama’s staff.
than the decision by voters to replace him “I don’t know,” Obama told aides at one
with a candidate who had questioned his point, frustrated with Trump’s victory.
very birth.” “Maybe this is what people want. I’ve got
the economy set up well for him. No facts.
The meeting of Obama and Trump at the White House is No consequences. They can just have a
described by Rhodes as “surreal.” Trump wanted to joke cartoon.”
with Obama about one topic:
The piece goes on to talk about how Obama struggled with
How both he and Obama could get more losing the support of so many Americans and how he was
people at their rallies that Hillary could. sure that Hillary Clinton would win.
“The day Mr. Obama hosted Mr. Trump at
the White House after the election seemed

Kim Kardashian Meets With
President Trump In Oval Office (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 6:24 Pm

The Queen of reality TV met with

President Donald Trump today in the
White House.

Via The Hollywood Reporter:

After months of back-channel talks

between Kim Kardashian and Jared
Kushner, the high priestess of reality
television is coming to the White House. By
late afternoon on Wednesday, Secret
Service agents will wave Kardashian and
her attorney through the southwest
appointment gate to the West Wing, where
they will meet Kushner to discuss prison
reform before he walks with them to sit
down with President Donald Trump, likely
in the Oval Office, along with White House
counsel. According to a person familiar with
the meeting, Kardashian plans to ask
Trump to pardon a woman serving a life
sentence without parole for a first-time drug
FOX News posted video earlier today of
Kim Kardashian entering the White …Kardashian, a more recent prison reform
House to speak with President Trump. evangelist, appears to be approaching the
White House meeting with equal
seriousness. She will not be bringing the
camera crew for her reality show, Keeping
Up with the Kardashians, nor will she bring
a publicist or her sisters, according to the
person familiar with the situation. (Her

husband, Kanye West, who recently
tweeted a photo of his red Make America
Great Again hat, will not be present either,
though there have been talks about him
making a White House appearance of his
own at a later, to-be-determined date.)
Instead, Kardashian hopes to make a legal
argument to President Trump for why he
should pardon Alice Johnson, a 62-year-
old great-grandmother serving a life
sentence without parole for a first-time
drug offense. More than 21 years after
Johnson went to prison, Kardashian came
across Johnson’s story on Twitter earlier
this year and reached out to Ivanka, who
connected her to Kushner, according to the
source. In an interview earlier this month,
Kardashian said that, if given the
opportunity, she would “explain to [Trump]
that, just like everybody else, we can make
choices in our lives that we’re not proud of
and that we don’t think through all the way.” posted video of Alice Marie
Johnson earlier today.

Between Trump And The Deep State
By Manuel E. Yepe
May 30, 2018

In the political lexicon of the United States, since the racism and who served as the White House’s chief
presidency of Donald Trump, the mysterious concept of a strategist.
“Deep State” has become fashionable. It’s understood as a
kind of mystical adversary that the president’s cabinet “The Deep State is here,” Ed Rogers, a Republican
must face. columnist in his Washington Post column, wrote a week
earlier. “It is a worrying phenomenon to have the anti-
The term has been used to refer to an allegedly secretly Trump organizations and Democratic officials aligned
operating network of public officials working to prevent conspiring to work actively against the government in
Trump from pursuing his policies. The expression is also office,” he said.
used to allude to a de facto power of public employees
whose stay in office is beyond the control of the president. However, there is no shortage of analysts who reject the
idea that in the US there can be a “deep state” acting in the
But its definition varies according to who uses it. It shadows. “The term comes from a kind of conspiracy
generally implies the existence of a secret and invisible theory that does not capture what is a normal tension
nebula that operates from the bowels of government and between bureaucrats who have been running political
that would be responsible for leaks of sensitive programs for years and who may want to change things
information from public offices, including those of themselves,” says Gordon Adams on BBC World.
intelligence and those of advisers and analysts directly
subordinate to the President. According to many analysts, the “Deep State” actions that
overwhelm Trump derive from the basic contradiction
“The deep state has to stop with its shit,” Roger Stone, between the federal government and the invisible power of
Trump’s old political adviser, told The New Yorker the military and corporations defined by former President
magazine on the eve of the president’s inauguration Dwight Eisenhower as the Military-Industrial Complex.
January 20. This tension is manifested, for the time being, as a
confrontation between the White House and the
He was referring to information published by The New intelligence community, in which the latter acts, by
York Times, citing U.S. officials, indicating that the FBI, definition, in a reserved manner.
CIA and other intelligence agencies were investigating
Stone and other Trump collaborators for alleged links to When he was Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon
Russia. defined the government’s goal as the deconstruction of the
administrative state, which he believed had been set up by
Stone denied having had such links, and blamed the “deep the political left to defend its interests through bureaucratic
state” for the information disclosed. regulations that must now be corrected.

Different media supporting the government have handled “If you look at the cabinet appointments, you’ll see that
the concept, especially after it was revealed that the they were made with a goal of deconstructing the
Micheal Flynn, Trump’s then- National Security Adviser, administrative state,” Bannon said in a meeting with
had withheld information about his contacts with Russia, conservative politicians.
which, according to the press, led to his having to resign
shortly after taking office. Proof of this is that many people chosen for Trump’s
Cabinet have had conflicting positions with those
“The deep state never sleeps. It’s always doing something traditionally assigned to the departments for which they
to undermine Trump’s administration,” said an article on were appointed.
Breitbart News, a right-wing Web site whose founder and
former executive, Stephen Bannon, a controversial Trump For example, for the Environmental Protection Pgency, he
trustee who was repeatedly accused of anti-Semitism and chose someone with interests linked to the fossil fuel
industry who doubts the existence of climate change. As
Education Secretary, he selected a millionaire who is an There are those who appreciate that this conflict of interest
enemy of public education and public schools. For the between senior government officials and civil service
Health Department, he chose a doctor who believes that officials supports the existence of a “deep state” operating
the problem is that “there is too much government against Trump as an unpredictable, ignorant person, one
involvement in health care. incapable of fulfilling the mandate of the dominant forces
of the system… much less the mandate of the citizenry.

Suggests Rosenstein Helped Provide Trump With Cover
Story For Comey Firing
By Cristina Laila
May 30, 2018, 7:19 Pm

Another day, another Deep State leak to In the document, whose contents have not
the New York Times. been previously reported, Mr. McCabe
described a conversation at the Justice
According to the New York Times, one
Department with the deputy attorney
of the memos McCabe penned last
general, Rod J. Rosenstein, in the chaotic
Spring reveals the former Deputy
days last May after Mr. Comey’s abrupt
Director of the FBI feared Rosenstein
firing. Mr. Rosenstein played a key role in
helped provide Trump with a cover story
the dismissal, writing a memo that rebuked
for his Comey firing.
Mr. Comey over his handling of an
Yes, the same Rosenstein who investigation into Hillary Clinton.
authorized Mueller to hunt down
President Trump and anyone and But in the meeting at the Justice
everyone connected to him. Department, Mr. Rosenstein added a new
detail: He said the president had originally
The President of the United States has asked him to reference Russia in his
the authority to fire the FBI Director memo, the people familiar with the
because he doesn’t like the color of his conversation said. Mr. Rosenstein did not
tie, but Mueller is investigating possible elaborate on what Mr. Trump had wanted
‘obstruction of justice’ now because he him to say.
has nothing on the junk Russia case.
To Mr. McCabe, that seemed like possible
evidence that Mr. Comey’s firing was
actually related to the F.B.I.’s investigation
into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia,
and that Mr. Rosenstein helped provide a
cover story by writing about the Clinton
One person who was briefed on Mr.
Rosenstein’s conversation with the
president said Mr. Trump had simply
The New York Times reported: wanted Mr. Rosenstein to mention that he
was not personally under investigation in
The former acting F.B.I. director, Andrew
the Russia inquiry. Mr. Rosenstein said it
G. McCabe, wrote a confidential memo last
was unnecessary and did not include such
spring recounting a conversation that
a reference. Mr. Trump ultimately said it
offered significant behind-the-scenes
himself when announcing the firing.
details on the firing of Mr. McCabe’s
predecessor, James B. Comey, according McCabe should not be taken seriously.
to several people familiar with the
The corrupt former FBI official is not a reliable witness.
He was just criminally referred to the Justice Department
Mr. Comey’s firing is a central focus of the by the Inspector General for LYING UNDER OATH
special counsel’s investigation into whether several times.
President Trump tried to obstruct the
This McCabe memo just shows how paranoid the Obama
investigation into his campaign’s ties to
holdovers became after Trump was elected. They are all
Russia. Mr. McCabe has turned over his
throwing each other under the bus because they were all
memo to the special counsel, Robert S.
involved in covering up Hillary’s many crimes.
Mueller III.

What The Media Overlooked In Trey Gowdy Interview
While Journalists Obsessed On The GOP Congressman's Rejection Of Spygate, They
Ignored His Rebuke Of Dem Rep. Adam Schiff For 'Disservice' To The Nation
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 31 May 2018 At 6:46 AM

May 20 to determine whether the FBI infiltrated his

campaign for political purposes.

When House Committee on Oversight and Government

Reform Chairman Trey Gowdy pushed back on President
Donald Trump’s Spygate concerns during a Fox News
interview Tuesday, mainstream media outlets and pundits
splashed the South Carolina Republican’s comments

But when Gowdy rebuked Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), The DOJ inspector general, Michael Horowitz, has added
the ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select the Spygate controversy to his already lengthy list of DOJ
Committee on Intelligence, for doing a “disservice” to the and FBI controversies to investigate.
nation by portraying Trump himself as a main “target” of
Russian collusion allegations, the same media figures But former Obama administration intelligence officials and
ignored or buried the comment. lawmakers rebuked Trump and downplayed his concerns,
insisting that the informant didn't infiltrate the Trump
“Schiff said he had evidence of collusion campaign and wasn't really spying. And if he was spying,
before we even began the investigation, it was against the Russians, not the Trump campaign, they
and 60 Democrats have voted to impeach insisted.
[Trump] before [special counsel Robert]
Mueller has come up with a single solitary After Gowdy gave his interview, CNN
finding,” Gowdy told Fox News host Martha published a piece titled "Gowdy Says FBI
MacCallum. 'Did Exactly What My Fellow Citizens
“But remember, Martha, it was President Would Want Them To Do' In Russia
Trump himself who said, number one, ‘I Investigation" and a video called "Rep.
didn’t collude with the Russians but if Gowdy Discredits Trump's Spy Claims."
anyone connected with my campaign did, I CNN even pulled Fox News into the mix
want the FBI to find that out.'” with a chyron proclaiming, "GOP's Gowdy
Refutes Trump, Nunes, Fox 'Spy'
“It looks to me like the FBI was doing what Conspiracy."
President Trump said I want you to do, find
it out. He is not the target,” Gowdy
ABC News published a piece titled "Gowdy Disputes
continued. “So, when Schiff and others Trump's 'Spy' Claim, Says FBI Acted Properly." The
don’t make that clear, they’re doing the Washington Post posted a piece titled "Trey Gowdy
disservice to our fellow citizens. He is not
Exposes The GOP's Cowardice." The Huffington Post
the target.”
published a piece called "GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy
Contradicts Trump On 'Informant' Claim."
The New York Times first reported May 17 that the FBI
used an informant to befriend three Trump campaign
Gowdy told MacCallum,
officials in 2016 and collect insider information from
them. Trump directed the Department of Justice (DOJ)

"I am even more convinced that the FBI did At the end of the day, lawmakers like Schiff will have a lot
exactly what my fellow citizens would want of walking back to do regarding their collusion claims,
them to do when they got the information former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), now a Fox News
they got. And that it has nothing to do with contributor, predicted.
Donald Trump."
"When you talk to a Democrat and you ask
But Gowdy admitted he found it odd that the FBI didn't him for what is their very best evidence that
offer Trump a defensive briefing during the campaign to there was this supposed collusion, they
notify him of his three campaign officials' Russian don't come up with anything," Chaffetz, the
contacts. former chairman of the House Committee
on Oversight and Government Reform,
"I think defensive briefings are done a lot. said Tuesday on Fox Business Network's
And why the [former FBI Director James] "Mornings with Maria."
Comey FBI didn't do it? I don't know, but "That's why the markets and I think most of
[FBI Director] Chris Wray and [Deputy the country looks at this and says, 'Adam
Attorney General] Rod Rosenstein have at Schiff, you promised an awful lot and
least made it clear to us, Donald Trump delivered nothing, because there's a big
was never the target of the investigation," 'nothing-burger' here,'" Chaffetz continued.
Gowdy said. "He is not the current target of
the investigation." Even Sen. Mark Warner (R-Va.), the vice chair of the
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, urged his fellow
Gowdy even said he believes that Wray and Rosenstein Democrats Wednesday to take a step back from making
Russian collusion and impeaching Trump their rallying cry
"are stunned whenever people think Trump going into the 2018 midterm elections.
is the target of their investigation."
"The notion for those who may be partisans
But the media were more concerned with Gowdy's defense in the crowd and say, 'Gosh, if the
of the FBI and how that may have undermined Trump than Democrats take control, they'll be able to
they were with his rebuke of Schiff. really ramp these up,' I think the American
public will be tired of it if this is not wound
Schiff became a media darling during the House down in this calendar year," Warner
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence investigation warned Wednesday during an appearance
into allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign at the Code Conference, a digital
and Russia and frequently appears on TV, radio, and technology industry trade event.
digital networks to rebut the panel's chairman, Rep. Devin
Nunes (R-Calif.) and his concerns about anti-Trump bias
within the FBI and Department of Justice.

Trump Pushing Repeal Of
Useless Obama Immigration Regulation
Critics Contend 'Entrepreneur' Initiative Was Unnecessary, An Open
Invitation To Blatant Fraud And Abuse By Foreigners
By Brendan Kirby
Updated 31 May 2018 At 7:20 AM

said in a statement last week the Trump administration’s

decision is “shortsighted” and would cost American jobs.

“The facts are clear: Our country needs

more entrepreneurship, which is exactly
what the International Entrepreneur Rule
would bring,” he stated. “We will continue
to explain to the administration why
immigrant entrepreneurship benefits our
Federal officials are seeking public comment on a proposal
country and must be supported by
to roll back an immigration regulation originally proposed
under President Barack Obama to encourage foreign
“entrepreneurs” to come to the United States.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), however, is
mulling ways to transition away from the program. And
The idea was to promote the formation of new businesses
it is hard to conclude that the IE rule has had a big impact.
here and thus accelerate creation of American jobs, but
The Obama administration projected the government
critics contend that the measure is unnecessary and ripe for
would get 2,940 applications each year. But the USCIS
abuse and fraud.
filing indicates that just 13 foreigners had applied; none
have been granted.
The so-called International Entrepreneur (IE) rule, which
took effect days before Obama was succeeded by President
“This is a program that never really got off
Donald Trump on January 20, 2017, allowed for the
the ground,” said David North, a fellow at
temporary entry of foreigners under a process known as
the Washington-based Center for
Immigration Studies (CIS).
Officials with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
North, who has extensively studied abuses associated with
Services (USCIS) under Trump endorse the notion that
various visa programs, told LifeZette that ending the IE
foreign entrepreneurs make positive contributions to the
rule would be a small step in the right direction. He said
domestic economy, but they argue that parole is not the
there are other options for foreigners who want to start
appropriate mechanism to promote business startups.
businesses in the United States.

“The IE Final Rule focused too narrowly on

“If you are an entrepreneur, you should be
the potential economic benefits that foreign
able to handle the immigration system,” he
entrepreneurs may bring, without giving
sufficient attention to the existing statutory
scheme wherein Congress has already
provided pathways for certain Stanley Renshon, a City University of New York (CUNY)
entrepreneurs to come to the United States professor who has written about the program, said the
to start and grow their business,” the administration appears to be “moving in a direction that
USCIS states in its formal rule proposal. makes some sense.” He said programs that focus on
drawing wealthy immigrants often have flaws.
The program has strong backing from technology interests
like the National Venture Capital Association, which went Renshon, coordinator of CUNY’s interdisciplinary
to court last year to challenge a delay in implementing it. program in the psychology of social and political behavior,
Bobby Franklin, president and CEO of the trade group, said wealth is not necessarily the best predictor of
entrepreneurship — particularly people who gained their

wealth from inheritance or in countries with rampant crony highest bidder,” said Chris Chmielenski,
capitalism. director of content and advocacy for the

Chmielenski attributed the program to the tech industry’s

unquenchable thirst for immigrant labor.

“They were trying to find creative ways the

“These people who have a lot of money Obama administration could find ways to
aren’t necessarily the most successful have people come in,” he said.
people … There are better ways to get,
let’s call it, the ‘best and the brightest,'” he North, the CIS fellow, said the IE program is one of a
said. number of areas where the Trump administration has
tinkered with the immigration system in ways that do not
Officials from NumbersUSA, which advocates for lower require congressional action.
levels of immigration, said the organization plans to direct
activists to weigh in on the proposed rule change in the “It’s something that wasn’t really needed,”
Federal Register during the 30-day comment period, which he said. “The Trump administration is just
began on Tuesday. cleaning it up and turning it off.”

“In general, we tend to oppose raffling off

or selling green cards or even visas to the

Trump Highlights Quote On Sessions Recusal:
‘An Unforced Betrayal Of The President’
By Julia Manchester
05/31/18 07:25 Am Edt

President Trump late Wednesday highlighted a quote from

a Washington lawyer once considered for his legal team
who said Attorney General Jeff Sessions's recusal from the
Russia probe was an "unforced betrayal" of the president.

"'The recusal of Jeff Sessions was an

unforced betrayal of the President of the
United States.” JOE DIGENOVA, former
U.S. Attorney,'" Trump tweeted.

The tweet comes after the president said on Sessions, who was the first sitting senator to endorse
Wednesday that he wished he had chosen someone else to Trump during the 2016 campaign, recused himself from
head the Department of Justice. the probe after it was revealed he had not disclosed
contacts with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. during the
The president made the comments on Twitter, citing House 2016 presidential race.
Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman
Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.). The president has since hit him for the move, viewing it as
the ultimate sign on betrayal.

DiGenova earlier this year had been considered for the

legal team defending Trump in special counsel Robert
Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling and
possible ties between the president's campaign on
Moscow, but he was ultimately not hired due to

Here We Go… Dem Congressional
Candidate Compares Trump To Osama Bin Laden
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 7:35 Pm

Dan Helmer: After 9-11 the greatest threat to our

democracy lived in a cave. Today he lives in the White

This is the today’s Democrat Party.

Absolute crazy.

Democrat Dan Helmer is running for US

Congress in Virginia.

Helmer believes President Donald

Trump is as big a threat as Osamsa Bin

White House Official Feels ‘Duped’
By FBI Informant Who Sought Ambassadorship
Chuck Ross - Reporter
7:38 PM 05/30/2018

Halper maintained contact with Page from July 2016

through Sept. 2017, as The Daily Caller News Foundation
has reported. He met Clovis once, on Sept. 1, 2016. And
Halper paid Papadopoulos $3,000 to write a policy paper
that appears to have been cover to arrange a series of
meetings in London. Papadopoulos has told associates
Halper asked him during dinner one night whether he was
involved in Russian attempts to hack Hillary Clinton’s
Stefan Halper (YouTube screen capture/Wellesley College) | Stefan
Halper Tried To Enter Trump Admin | Navarro Feels Duped By
Stefan Halper President Trump has dubbed the FBI’s operation as
“Spygate.” Democrats and other Trump critics have
 White House trade czar Peter Navarro sought an pushed back on the label, saying the FBI was justified in
ambassadorship for FBI informant Stefan Halper in using an informant to find out whether Russia was
2017. attempting to penetrate the Trump campaign. The Halper
operation was focused solely on Russia’s activities and not
 Navarro said in an interview Wednesday he felt on Trump himself, Trump’s detractors have also argued.
“duped” by Halper and referred to him as a “spy.”
But Halper’s outreach to Navarro has tested that theory. It
 Halper was in contact with multiple Trump remains unclear whether Halper’s effort to enter the
campaign officials. administration was an extension of his FBI work or
whether he merely wanted the ambassadorship.
White House trade czar Peter Navarro said he feels
“duped” by Stefan Halper, the FBI informant who sought Navarro told Kilmeade he has met Halper only a few times
out members of President Donald Trump’s campaign and — first as part of a documentary Navarro was filming
applied for an ambassadorship in Trump’s administration. about China’s economic policies. Both Navarro and Halper
are highly regarded experts on the Chinese economy.
“I feel duped, yeah, pretty much,” Peter
Navarro told Fox Radio’s Brian Kilmeade Navarro sent a spreadsheet with 12 names on it, including
on Wednesday. Halper’s, to the White House’s personnel office, the trade
czar said.
“It’s baffling,” Navarro added.
“We were all duped by that and shame on,
Halper, a former Cambridge professor with deep ties to the this kind of thing shouldn’t be happening. It
CIA and MI6, approached Navarro in 2017, seeking a just shouldn’t be happening,” Navarro told
nomination to an ambassadorship to an unidentified Asian Kilmeade.
country, Axios reported on May 21.
Navarro went on to refer to Halper as a “spy” who
At the time he submitted his application for the infiltrated Trump’s campaign.
ambassadorship, Halper was working as an informant for
the FBI’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 “Having spies infiltrate into the Trump
presidential campaign. As part of that under cover campaign. I mean, come on. It’s like that
operation, Halper met with three Trump campaign just that shouldn’t take place,” he said.
associates — Carter Page, Sam Clovis and George

Trump Knocks News Outlets For Burying
‘Infiltration’ Of Campaign: ‘Surveillance Much?’
By John Bowden
05/31/18 08:45 AM EDT

President Trump lashed out at the national news media on

Thursday in a tweet questioning why news outlets hadn't Most news outlets have covered Trump's claims, which
covered his claims about supposed surveillance of his have included accusations that a spy was embedded by law
campaign. enforcement into the president's 2016 campaign.

In the tweet, the president claimed news organizations Several reports indicate an informant working with law
were "working overtime" to bury stories about "spies enforcement contacted three people on Trump's campaign
(informants) into my campaign." in 2016. But there has been no evidence of an embedded
spy or informant in the Trump campaign.
"The corrupt Mainstream Media is working
overtime not to mention the infiltration of Trump has argued the use of the informant is evidence that
people, Spies (Informants), into my the FBI's investigation was politically motivated, as it was
campaign! Surveillance much?" the administered under the Obama administration.
president asked.
The president has sometimes gone further with his
accusations. He made headlines last year when he tweeted,
without evidence, that the former president had wiretapped
phones used by his campaign.

Candace Owens RIPS Ben Shapiro For Attacking Trump’s
Meeting With Kim Kardashian As “Celebrity Worship”
By Cristina Laila
May 30, 2018, 8:46 Pm

#NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro used this as an opportunity to

attack President Trump.

Shapiro tweeted: Celebrity worship is stupid, whether it’s

being done by Obama or Trump

Kim Kardashian West met with President Donald Trump

Wednesday in the White House to discuss prison reform. Candace Owens OWNED Shapiro.

Kardashian also requested President Trump pardon a black Candace Owens tweeted in response to Ben Shapiro:
62-year-old great-grandmother serving a life sentence Kim has been working tirelessly to get a black woman
without the possibility of parole for a first-time drug pardoned from prison. He is not “worshipping” a celebrity,
offense, reported Vanity Fair. he is working with an American who is dedicated to prison
reform in the black community.
President Trump tweeted a photo of himself sitting in the
Oval Office next to Kim Kardashian.

And again…

Never trust Never Trump. Ben Shapiro sided with CNN’s Jim Acosta Wednesday in
attacking Trump’s meeting with Kim Kardashian. Gross.
CNN’s resident crybaby, Jim Acosta said Wednesday Kim
Kardashian shouldn’t be at the White House discussing
prison reform.

Rudy Giuliani: I Challenge Maxine Waters To “Say
Impeachment! Say It! Say It Sweetheart!” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 30, 2018, 8:47 Pm

Rudy Giuliani joined Sean Hannity to they are switching fast and the Democrats are running for
discuss the the ongoing Mueller witch cover. You don’t hear them say the words impeachment
hunt on President Donald Trump. anymore.
Rudy Giuliani called out Democrats for
their dwindling lead in the 2018 generic I challenge Maxine Waters so say
polls. impeachment! Say it! Say impeachment
Giuliani called out Democrat
mouthpiece Maxine Waters.
Via Hannity:

Rudy Giuliani: The people who will decide this are the
people of the United States in the 2018 election. And, boy

Barack Obama Lobbied Canadian Leader To Work
Against Incoming President Trump
By Jim Hoft
May 31, 2018, 8:23 Am

breaching protocol by meeting with Mr. Trump at Trump

Tower in Manhattan after the election. Mr. Obama urged
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada to take on a more
vocal role defending the values they shared.

The New York Times didn’t bat an eye reporting this news.

Maybe this is what liberals do all the

time and we just don’t hear about it?

Via Andrew Marcus–

The New York Times wrote a very sad piece on Thursday

morning on how the Obama regime took the news that
businessman Donald Trump shellacked Hillary Clinton in
the 2016 US election.

Not well.
Obama reportedly lobbied Canadian
Prime Minister and Castro supporter
Justin Trudeau to work against the
incoming US president.

Mr. Rhodes describes the reaction of foreign leaders.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan apologized for

Mark Levin DESTROYS ‘Slip And Fall Lawyer’ Trey
Gowdy’s Defense Of Obama’s Spygate Scandal
By Alicia Powe
May 31, 2018, 8:24 Am

the South Carolina congressman told Fox

News’ Martha MacCallum Tuesday.

Levin slammed Gowdy’s assessment, arguing that counter

intelligence agencies would have assigned informants to
the Clinton campaign and DNC after they claimed the
Russians hacked their server.

“Now where is the easiest place to try and

find the Russians? Is it in Trump world?
No. It’s at the DNC. Didn’t the Russians
hack the DNC emails? Didn’t we hear this
over and over again?” he said. “Did they
have an informant, aka a spy, at the DNC
Conservative talk radio host Mark Levin blasted “slip and
to chase down the Russians who were
fall lawyer” Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., Wednesday over
hacking the DNC’s emails? No. If they are
the lawmaker’s claims that the FBI did the right thing by
trying to protect us and the candidates and
planting a spy in the Trump campaign.
the election from the Russians, as we
pointed out last week, why weren’t there
Gowdy defended the FBI on multiple television informants in Jill Stein’s campaign, or
appearances for spying on the Trump campaign during the Hillary Clinton’s campaign, or Bernie
2016 election, arguing Sanders’ campaign?”

“the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens

would want them to do when they got the
information they got, and that it has nothing
to do with Donald Trump.”

Levin, the former chief of staff to Attorney General Ed

Meese, dismantled the congressman’s Spygate apologetics
point by point.

On his media tour defending the FBI insists the Russia

probe and the FBI’s surveillance of the Trump campaign
was never about targeting Trump, but was merely to
investigate Russia and Russian infiltration.
Contrary to Gowdy’s assertion, Levin argued, the entire
purpose of the FBI”s spying on Trump and the ongoing
“Chris Wray and Rod Rosenstein have Russia probe is to frame the president.
made it clear to us, Donald Trump was
never the target of the investigation, he’s
“Now [Gowdy’s] telling us look, Trump was
not the current target of the investigation.
never the target of this investigation. That’s
Keep in mind, that could all change
very slippery, like a slip and fall lawyer. Of
depending on what a witness says. But as
course Trump was the target of the
of now, Chris Wray and Rod Rosenstein
investigation. They just haven’t found
are stunned whenever people think that
anything on Trump,” he said. “You think
Trump is the target of their investigation. I’ll
Manafort was the target of the
leave it to them how to brief the president,”
investigation? Or Gates? Or

Papadopoulos? Or Lieutenant General “What does he mean he’s never heard the
Flynn. When we talk about Trump world, word ‘spy’ used? Is this a joke? It’s the
the Trump campaign, the Trump transition, proper nomenclature that people like me
the Trump presidency, who the hell do they and others who have heard the term used,
think the target is? That’s said, there’s apply to somebody who is used by the FBI
nothing on Trump. But they’d like nothing and other federal department or agencies,
more than to get something on Trump.” to spy on other individuals and provide
information to the government,” he said.
Why do you think they are taking Manafort
“Hey genius, it is a counter intelligence
to the gallows day in and day out? Why do
you think Mr. Gowdy, Mr. former federal investigation, it was not a criminal
investigation. Hello Trey, former federal
prosecutor, they’ve interviewed virtually
prosecutor, that is a word that they use,
every single person that’s ever worked for
however on the counter intelligence side of
Donald Trump – whether in the campaign,
the ledger, and it was a counter intelligence
in the transition or in his administration?”
he continued. “Why did Trump Inc. have to investigation. FISA is not part of a criminal
investigation, its part of a counter
turn over hundreds of thousands of pages
intelligence investigation. The informant, a
of information if they are not trying to get
Trump — it has nothing to do with him now word that you do use, spy a word you don’t
use – spy is often used in counter
because they didn’t find anything. But they
sure as hell have been trying. That special intelligence investigations.”
counsel who wants to take this to the brink We are not talking about the criminal
of a constitutional crisis, with 49 areas of justice context,” he added. ” This guy sits
questions that he wants to ask Donald on the damn intelligence committee and I
Trump ‘has nothing to do with Donald have to educate him? No wonder he is
Trump and only has to do with Russia.’” retiring.”
“The Left has what it wants” thanks to
Gowdy told CBS News that he had seen no evidence to Gowdy, Levin concluded, “Another putative
support Trump’s claims that a “spy” was improperly Republican, retiring so he’s free to ‘speak
inserted into his 2016 campaign. his mind,’ such as it is.”
“All these phoney civil libertarians, all these
“That is not a term I’ve ever used in the phoney quasi slip and fall lawyers. How
criminal justice system,” Gowdy said. “I’ve easy it is for them to dismiss the tyranny
never heard the term ‘spy’ used. out of government control – its
Undercover informant, confidential unbelievable when you put this stuff
informant, those are all words I’m familiar together, the unmasking that took place.
with. I’ve never heard the term ‘spy’ used.” The FISA application. The dossier, with
Hillary Clinton and the DNC funding it. The
Levin was aghast by how Gowdy, the former House endless leaks. — ‘this is what the American
Oversight Chairman, is apparently unaware that the FBI’s people would want, don’t ya know.’”
surveillance of Trump was a “counter intelligence
investigation” in which the term “spy” is regularly used,
not a “criminal” investigation,

Upcoming Release Of IG Report Hints That A Massive
False Flag Event May Be On The Horizon With Hammer
About To Drop Upon Corrupt Faction Of Deep State
- Our Founding Fathers Would Have Hung These Traitors For Treason
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
May 31, 2018

As CNSNews reported back on March 7th of 2017,

"FBI files obtained by the government

watchdog group Judicial Watch reveal that
the father, maternal grandfather, and
father-in-law of President Barack Obama's
closest adviser, Valerie Jarrett, were
hardcore Communists under investigation
by the U.S. government."

From their story:

According to Judicial Watch, Jarrett's

father, Dr. James E. Bowman, a
pathologist and geneticist, "had
extensive ties to Communist
In this new story over at the Daily Mail they report that associations and individuals." The FBI
Capitol Hill is now collectively holding its breath with the files obtained by Judicial Watch show
announcement that the release of the Inspector General that "in 1950, Bowman was in
report is expected within the next few days. And while the communication with a paid Soviet agent
left is hypocritically frothing at the mouth over recent Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after
comments made by Roseanne Barr on twitter about Valerie getting charged with espionage."
Jarrett (while neglecting to criticize themselves over
equally poor taste remarks made by many on the left about Dr. James Bowman "was also a member
President Trump himself), if there really is 'justice' in of a Communist-sympathizing group
America, Jarrett should be facing execution for treason one called the Association of Internes and
day. Medical Students," reported Judicial
Watch. "After his discharge from the
As this August of 2017 story over at Investor's Business Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman
Daily reported, comments which had been made by moved to Iran to work." Valerie Jarret
devious and deceitful anti-Trump deep state spy chiefs was born in Iran on Nov. 14, 1956.
proved the 'swamp must be drained' and the excrement
coming out of the mouths of John Brennan, James Clapper The Association of Internes and Medical
and other 'Clinton cronies' ever since have put an Students, according to the FBI files, is a
exclamation point on the Investor's Business Daily story. group that "has long been a faithful
And as we see detailed within this ANP story, between follower of the Communist Party line."
Valerie Jarrett's ties to Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, Bowman had "deep ties to Chicago,"
which Obama invited into the White House, and Obama reported Judicial Watch, "where he
'switching sides in the war on terror', 'enemies of America often collaborated with fellow
within' have gained vast amounts of previously classified Communists."
intel that have potentially put our entire nation in grave
danger. Valerie Jarrett's father-in-law, Vernon
Jarrett (1917-2004), "was also another

big-time Chicago Communist," As we reported on ANP back on May 19th, a baffling
according to FBI files obtained by series of school shootings have recently happened almost
Judicial Watch. "For a period of time as in lock step with the release of damning information
Vernon Jarrett appeared on the FBI's about the corruption which oozed from certain members of
Security Index and was considered a the Department of Justice and our nation's most pre-
potential Communist saboteur who was eminent law enforcement agency during the Obama
to be arrested in the event of a conflict administration. From that story.:
with the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics (USSR)," reported Judicial Back on February 12th, Susan Duclos
Watch. published this story on ANP titled
"Mysterious Insider Could Hold The Key
According to the FBI documents, That Brings The Whole Russian House
Vernon Jarrett's job was to "write Of Cards Down On Obama & Clinton
propaganda for a Communist Party front Minions In The Intelligence Community"
group in Chicago that would within which she referenced numerous
'disseminate the Communist Party line different reports which showed that the
among ... the middle class." entire 'Russia narrative' being pushed
by the 'deep state' and the mainstream
"Faithful to her roots, [Valerie Jarrett] media was a bunch of hogwash.
still has connections to many
Communist and extremist groups, Only two days later, the massive
including the Muslim Brotherhood," said shooting took place at Parkland High
Judicial Watch. "Jarrett and her family School in Florida which took the world's
also had strong ties to Frank Marshall attention away from this 'mysterious
Davis, a big Obama mentor and insider' and the still unfolding Russian
Communist Party member with an collusion scandal blowing up in the
extensive FBI file." deep state's faces.

Fast forward to 3 months later and this

Zero Hedge story which reported on
May 17th that the Inspector General's
report on the Hillary Clinton email probe
was about to drop, now being in its 'final
review' before release. With the report
allegedly finding that the FBI and DOJ
broke the law in the Clinton probe, with
referrals made to prosecutor John
Huber to prosecute, we shouldn't be the
least bit surprised about what happened

And just like clockwork and quite

conveniently for those who sold away
their allegiance to America and their
souls to the devil to get Hillary Clinton
With Inspector General Michael Horowitz spending over a elected, we have another massive
year investigating the FBI's handling of election probes school shooting down in Texas that may
and many House Republicans itching to interview FBI once again 'railroad' attention away
officials who handled the Hillary Clinton email scandal from the still slowly 'awakening masses'
based upon the results of his investigation, massive signs and focus it once again on the 'gun
of danger ahead for the corrupted deep state have been debate', where liberals are certain to go
thoroughly documented on ANP by Susan Duclos in crazy in the days and weeks ahead
numerous stories. Yet as we've also warned, we don't pushing their gun control agenda.
expect those who've committed treason against America to Anybody else starting to see the
go down without 'manufacturing' a 'final event' in an pattern?
attempt to get them out of the mess they created by selling
out America in a last gasp attempt to bring in their long Might another such 'event' soon be on the horizon should
worked towards Islamo-totalitarian 'new world order'. this report contain damning information against the corrupt
faction of the 'deep state' that put Hillary Clinton and party
above America? ANP certainly understands that not all
members of the DOJ or FBI have sold out America and we
thank each and every one of them. Yet it's long been Multiple reports suggest the report will
warned that a fish rots from the head down. be made public by the end of May.

As former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker reported

on Fox News back in March, President Trump’s long
running investigation into “Deep State” crimes against the
American people, officially known as the Department of
Justice Inspector General Report, is expected to contain
contents Swecker warns will be “Pure TNT” and will
“shake the American people to their core”. Is a mass
awakening about to take place? Bring it on, it's well

With the month of May now over and the IG report

expected to be released within the next few days, we urge
all Americans to have their eyes and ears wide open for
another potential and suspicious 'event' which takes the
From this May 17th Breitbart story which hinted then the
attention off of the information contained within this report
direction this was all going.
and refocuses it upon something else, with the 'gun control
agenda' the most likely topic.
A new report suggests an imminent
Inspector General (IG) report may rule
With the recent decision by a group of MKUltra victims to
that FBI and Justice Department
sue the government over the torture that they were put
officials broke the law in their handling
through under experiments led by the CIA giving us even
of the Hillary Clinton email
more proof that the 'deep state' had a strong interest in
carrying out mind control upon innocent people, who's to
say that Bill Cooper wasn't right in his 1991 book
Investigative reporter Paul Sperry said
"Behold, A Pale Horse" within which he warns the 'deep
Thursday that Justice Department
state' would use mind controlled slaves to carry out school
Inspector General Michael Horowitz has
shootings in America?
“found ‘reasonable grounds’ for
believing there has been a violation of
When you read this below, please keep in mind that
federal criminal law in the FBI/DOJ’s
Cooper was a former US Navy Intelligence officer. From
handling of the Clinton investigation/s,”
page 225 of his book.:
adding that the top watchdog official
has “referred his findings of potential
The government encouraged the
criminal misconduct to Huber for
possible criminal prosecution.” manufacture and importation of military
firearms for the criminals to use. This is
intended to foster a feeling of insecurity,
“Those invited to review the report were
told they would have to sign which would lead the American people
to voluntarily disarm themselves by
nondisclosure agreements in order to
passing laws against firearms. Using
read it, people familiar with the matter
drugs and hypnosis on mental patients
said. They are expected to have a few
in a process called Orion, the CIA
days to craft a response to any criticism
in the report, which will then be inculcated the desire in these people to
open fire on schoolyards and thus
incorporated in the final version to be
inflame the antigun lobby. This plan is
released in coming weeks,” the Wall
Street Journal reported. well under way, and so far is working
perfectly. The middle class is begging As then candidate Donald Trump stated in a viral speech
the government to do away with the 2nd back in October of 2016 that we've embedded as the final
amendment. video below, Trump knew back then what we're now
seeing unfolding before our very eyes. From that speech:

Our movement is about replacing a

failed and corrupt — now, when I say
"corrupt," I'm talking about totally
corrupt — political establishment, with a
new government controlled by you, the
American people.

There is nothing the political

establishment will not do — no lie that
they won't tell, to hold their prestige and
power at your expense. And that's
what's been happening.

Will the release of the Inspector General report bring down The Washington establishment and the
the Clinton crime family and lead to the imprisonment of financial and media corporations that
those who've sold out America while attempting to bring in fund it exist for only one reason: to
a totalitarian global government? Keep in mind that the protect and enrich itself.
charges of treason are no laughing matter and are reserved
for those who have sold out our nation. The establishment has trillions of
dollars at stake in this election. As an
As we see in the definition of treason from Cornell Law example, just one single trade deal
School as: they'd like to pass involves trillions of
dollars, controlled by many countries,
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United corporations and lobbyists.
States, levies war against them or
adheres to their enemies, giving them For those who control the levers of
aid and comfort within the United States power in Washington, and for the global
or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and special interests, they partner with
shall suffer death, or shall be these people that don't have your good
imprisoned not less than five years and in mind. Our campaign represents a true
fined under this title but not less than existential threat like they haven't seen
$10,000; and shall be incapable of before.
holding any office under the United
States. This is not simply another four-year
election. This is a crossroads in the
It's clear that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and many history of our civilization that will
others have all committed acts that could be considered determine whether or not we the people
treason with Obama and Hillary quite literally creating and reclaim control over our government.
arming ISIS with even President Trump admitting that

As William B Stoecker reported on ANP back on May


"From Covering Up The Crimes Of Obama,

Hillary, Comey And Comrades To Hiding
The Islamic Terror Network In America,
Robert Mueller And The Corrupt Faction Of
The Highly Politicized FBI Are Indeed The
'American Gestapo'".

So why are those who committed treason against America

Pointing out within his speech many of the very same
and have sold out our nation still walking free?
points that we argue within stories on ANP regularly, it's
time for the corrupt faction of the deep state to fall and for

the American people to take our country back from the
vermin that have stolen it away from us for should the IG
Report not bring the corrupt faction of the deep state down,
like the UK now facing fasco-Islamic tyranny, Americans
will forever be greeted with a boot stamping upon our
human faces.

In the first video below from Gary Franchi of the Next

News Network we hear that the corrupt members of the
deep state are running for cover with the IG Report soon to
be released while the 2nd video below from the X22Report
takes a look at what that release might mean. In the viral
final video below, we hear then candidate Trump tell us his
thoughts on globalism and how it and the corrupt faction
of the deep state, including Hillary Clinton, were leading
to the destruction of America, just as the 'enemies of
America within' have long planned and have for many
decades been diligently working towards.

President Trump To Pardon Author And Filmmaker
Dinesh D’Souza Thursday After Obama Political Hit Job
By Jim Hoft
May 31, 2018, 8:46 Am

On Thursday President Trump

announced he will pardon Dinesh
D’Souza later today.

Conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza

faced political persecution after he
directed and released anti-Obama film,
“2016: Obama’s America”. He was
indicted over illegal campaign

It was an obvious witch hunt.

Michael Flynn Jr. weighed in on the
In January, D’Souza said his FBI file, obtained by the announcement.
House Intel Committee shows the FBI red-flagged him as
a “critic of Obama” and subsequently allocated $100,000
to investigate a $20,000 case.

Barack Hussein Obama was allegedly the most corrupt

president in U.S. history. He weaponized every
government agency from the IRS to the DOJ to the FBI.

An official petition requesting President

Trump pardon Dinesh D’Souza was
created in April, seeking 100,000

Dinesh reacted positively to the petition.

Dinesh tweeted: Hey, someone here is standing up for me.

To try to undo the selective prosecution of petty vindictive
Obama. How cool!

Trump: ‘I Never Fired
James Comey Because Of Russia’
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
9:10 AM 05/31/2018

Trump is reacting to a recently revealed memo authored by

former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. McCabe
wrote in a confidential memo after Trump’s firing that he
was concerned deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein’s
recommendation to fire Comey was made under false
pretenses. McCabe claimed Rosenstein referenced the
investigation while ginning up his memo to the president
recommending the FBI director’s firing.
A combination of file photos show U.S. President Donald Trump in
the White House in Washington, DC, U.S. April 9, 2018 and former
FBI Director James Comey on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., June Trump has long battled back accusations that he fired
8, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria, Jonathan Ernst/File Photos Comey for the Russia investigation, particularly after he
gave an interview to NBCNews Lester Holt. The president
President Donald Trump reiterated his long-held official told Holt that when he made the decision to fire Comey,
position that he did not fire former FBI director James
Comey because of the investigation into his campaign. “I said to myself, I said ‘you know, this
Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a
made-up story, it’s an excuse by the
Democrats for having lost an election that
they should have won.'”

Every Day It Becomes More Obvious=>
AG Jeff Sessions Failed President Trump And The Nation
And Should Be Removed
By Jim Hoft
May 31, 2018, 9:15 Am

Then finally someone in the media

stated the obvious. Judge Jeanine
stated that Sessions is the most
dangerous person in the corrupt Deep
State. She said –

But what ladies and gentlemen is unmistakable in all of

this is that the single most dangerous person to the agenda
of President Trump, the Republican Party and ultimately
all Americans, is the Attorney General of the United States
himself, Jeff Sessions.
Last night on Hannity, the host Sean
Hannity was joined by legal experts Now last night the great Sean Hannity
Gregg Jarrett and Joe DiGenova. They and his guests, legal experts Gregg
all discussed the harmful and Jarrett and Joe DiGenova, all agreed,
illegitimate justification for Attorney that AG Jeff Sessions betrayed
General Jeff Sessions’ recusal which President Trump when he became AG
and the next day recused himself.
was never proper and has hurt the
President and the country ever since.
For months we have argued that Jeff
Sessions is dangerous. In November
2017 we called him the modern day
Benedict Arnold for not investigating
Obama and Clinton’s Uranium One

In March 2018 we listed the following 12 reasons why AG 6. Mueller’s entire team is made up of the likes of Strzok
Sessions should be removed from office – and Page. It’s a witch-hunt. The entire team is corrupt
and criminal. They should all be in jail.
1. After accepting the AG job, the next day Sessions 7. Hillary is still walking around – in India no less [in
recused himself from everything Russia and turned March 2018]. Her email fiasco was criminal. Much
over the US AG Office to the deep state. We now know evidence shows that she was let go before even being
that the law he quoted to recuse himself was the wrong interviewed. She destroyed evidence and obstructed
law and was provided by Obama attorneys. justice but she walks free. There is no investigation
2. Corrupt and criminal Rod Rosenstein is now running from AG Sessions to date covering the criminal
the AG Office, not Sessions. Rosenstein is connected Clintons.
to the Uranium One scandal. When asked, Sessions 8. Uranium One and the sale of 20% of US uranium is yet
stated to Congress that Asst AG Rosenstein can to be investigated by AG Sessions. This is the real
investigate himself in a Uranium One criminal probe. Russia collusion and Sessions won’t touch it.
3. It took Sessions months to fire FBI criminal Andy 9. Joe Biden and John Kerry are now embroiled in
McCabe finally on Friday evening [March 16]. McCabe another Obama – Clinton related play for pay scheme
should have been fired months ago. Maybe he wasn’t with China. The AG is nowhere to be found.
fired sooner because McCabe threatened to take 10. James Clapper, the former disgraced NSA Director
others down with him. was allowed to walk this past week [in mid-March 2018]
4. Corrupt and criminal Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are after lying under oath to Congress due to the statute of
still employed by the FBI [as of March 18th the date of limitations. His lying was depicted in the movie
this initial post – Lisa Page has subsequently resigned “Snowden”.
from the FBI, but Strzok is still employed]. They have 11. The IRS scandal under Obama involved Mueller and
numerous text messages that show criminal and yet Sessions has done nothing to address turning the
corrupt actions related to the Hillary email scandal, other way rather than seeking justice.
FISA abuse and the Mueller investigation. Most 12. Every day the DOJ and FBI are delaying evidence
recently, texts were uncovered by Congress that show being requested by Congress or Judicial Watch.
they had a relationship with the FISA Court judge who Names are redacted for no reason other than to cover
sentenced General Flynn and later was recused. They up Deep State crimes. Sessions allows this and his
should not be employed, they should be in jail! actions arguably show he is behind it.
5. Robert Mueller’s criminal and corrupt witch hunt is still
in place. It was created on a lie and is still in place after The country and the President deserve
millions of wasted tax payer money. The Mueller justice and a strong AG. Jeff Sessions
investigation is criminal but Sessions won’t shut it is the opposite. His actions are abysmal
down. Mueller is best friends with former FBI Director and non-existent. America needs justice
James Comey and he won’t recuse himself. This now. Jeff Sessions must go!
investigation is a farce.

Trump Pardons Dinesh D’Souza
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
9:21 AM 05/31/2018

House press secretary Sarah Huckabee

Sanders said in a statement, adding “in
light of these facts, the President has
determined that Mr. D’Souza is fully worthy
of this pardon.”

Trump also told reporters

“I called him last night first time I’ve ever

spoken to him I said I’m pardoning you.
Nobody asked me to do it,” adding “what
should have been a quick minor fine, like
Dinesh D'Souza exits the Manhattan Federal Courthouse after everybody else with the election
pleading guilty in New York, May 20, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas
Jackson stuff….what they did to him was horrible.”

President Donald Trump will issue a full pardon to D’Souza plead guilty in 2014 for making illegal campaign
conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza for his past charges donations to Republican candidate Wendy Long. D’Souza
of campaign finance violations. allegedly arranged donations to Long via friends and
acquaintances in the form of straw donations.

“At most, this was an act of misguided

friendship,” D’Souza’s lawyer Benjamin
Brafman told reporters at the time.

D’Souza knew Long from their time together at Dartmouth

University and was trying to assist her campaign in any
way possible, though he admitted doing so by straw
“Mr. D’Souza was, in the President’s donation.
opinion, a victim of selective prosecution
for violations of campaign finance laws. D’Souza has long maintained that he was unfairly targeted
Mr. D’Souza accepted responsibility for his by the Obama administration for his political activism
actions, and also completed community against the former president. He was sentenced to eight
service by teaching English to citizens and months living under supervision in California and a
immigrants seeking citizenship,” White $30,000 fine.

Sununu Shreds Obama
Admin, FBI Conduct In 2016 Election
The Former White House Chief Of Staff Slammed The FBI For Refusing To
Notify The Trump And Clinton Campaigns Of Russian Interference.
By NTK Staff
05.31.2018 @9:36am

“Obama did go to Congress,” she said.

“[Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell
said no and wasn’t interested in that.”

Sununu wanted no part of that explanation.

“It wasn’t the legislative branch’s

responsibility! The FBI was the one that
had this information. That’s executive
branch, and all Obama was doing by going
to McConnell was looking for political
cover,” the former chief of staff said.

In an appearance on CNN on Thursday, former New “[Obama] should have done what any
Hampshire Governor and White House Chief of Staff John leader should do and notify both
Sununu criticized the response of the Obama campaigns,” he added.
administration and FBI to Russian interference in the 2016
election, saying President Obama and law enforcement As for the FBI, Sununu claimed that if the organization
were “playing games” with the election. had acted “ethically,” they would have notified campaigns
of Russian interference before inserting informants into the
“I would have wanted the FBI and Trump campaign.
President Obama, who also knew that this
might be happening, to notify the Clinton “Right from the top of the Obama
campaign and the Trump campaign and to administration through the leadership of the
provide assistance to them,” he said. Justice Department into the FBI, they were
“Obama chose not to do this because he playing games with the election,” he said.
thought doing it would give a political
advantage to the Trump campaign.” The former chief of staff also pointed out that Russia spent
about $5 million in digital advertising, a “trivial” amount
CNN’s Alisyn Camerota argued that it was congressional compared to the $2 billion on the election in total.
Republicans’ fault that the government never notified
anyone of Russian interference.

Trump: North Koreans Coming To
Washington To Deliver Letter From Kim Jong-Un
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
10:08 AM 05/31/2018

Trump’s comments came after Secretary of State Mike

Pompeo met with a North Korean delegation in New York
City Thursday in a bid to save a summit between Kim
Jong-Un and Trump.

Trump initially canceled the planned summit after the

North Korean delegation stood up U.S. diplomats during
meetings and for its rhetoric threatening nuclear war.

FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump look on as he welcomes

South Korea's President Moon Jae-In in the Oval Office of the White
House in Washington, U.S., May 22, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin
Lamarque/File Photo - RC147C824AB0

President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday that a

delegation of North Korean diplomats will travel to Trump told reporters,
Washington, D.C., in the coming days to deliver a personal
letter from Kim Jong-Un.
“It’s a process. It’s all a process. We’ll see
and hopefully will have a meeting on the
12th that’s going along very well but I want
it to be meaningful. It doesn’t mean it gets
all done at one meeting. Maybe you have
to have a second third and maybe we’ll
have none, but it’s in good hands. That I
can tell you.”

Trump’s Pardoning Of Right Wing
Pundit Dinesh D’Souza Sparks Outrage, Mockery, Sadness
By Aidan Mclaughlin
10:21 Am, May 31st, 2018

If you’re old enough to remember, Dinesh D’Souza was

once considered something of a conservative luminary.
That is, before he plead guilty to using straw donors to
make illegal contributions to Wendy Long‘s unsuccessful
senate campaign in 2012.

Entering his new life as a convicted felon, D’Souza

dropped the conservative intellectual schtick and embraced
his new life as a full blown right-wing troll.

Since, he has mocked survivors of a school shooting,

praised Hitler, used photos of deceased soldiers without
permission to dunk on NFL anthem protestors, hawked
conspiracies about Obama’s family and the sex life of his
mother, claimed the deadly Charlottesville protest was
staged… the list goes on.

But if you kiss Trump’s ass vociferously enough, you

might just snag a pardon. Just ask concentration camp
warden Joe Arpaio.

Twitter had a torrent of emotions in response to the latest [Ed Note: The above are probably all true!]
pardon, in which a man convicted of election fraud was
pardoned by a president who constantly touts the
unfounded claim such fraud is an urgent epidemic.

Ted Cruz also weighed in, applauding the president for
the pardon. (Remember when Trump said Cruz’s dad
killed JFK and called his wife ugly? Good times):

Judge Napolitano On AG Sessions:
He ‘Shouldn’t Have Accepted The Job’
Julia Nista - General Assignment Reporter
10:33 AM 05/31/2018

pains me to be critical of a friend, but I

have to be intellectually honest,”
Napolitano began.
“Jeff Sessions shouldn’t have accepted the
job,” Napolitano said.

Napolitano added that Sessions should have told the

president-elect when Sessions was first nominated for the
position that he was

“going to be in the middle of this Russia

investigation, as illegitimate as I think it is,
and as you know it to be, it’s going to
Judge Andrew Napolitano commented on President happen, and I’m going to be a witness.”
Trump’s disapproval of Attorney General Jeff Sessions’
recusal from the Mueller Russia investigation Thursday,
The judge added,
saying Sessions should have shied away from the job
considering the context of the 2016 presidential election.
“We have hindsight, and it’s 2020. He didn’t
do that.”
Trump tweeted late Wednesday night:

“Jeff Sessions, in my view, and I say this as

a personal friend — we have a lot of mutual
friends and I’ve known him for years — it

Emmy Nominee And Comedienne Samantha Bee Calls
Ivanka Trump A “C*Nt” For Tweeting A Photo
Of Herself With Her Baby Boy
By Jim Hoft
May 31, 2018, 10:50 Am

Liberal hack Samantha Bee attacked social media, calling her a “feckless c—,“ and some
First Daughter Ivanka Trump after the predict the mainstream media won’t hold Bee accountable,
president’s daughter tweeted out a as they would a conservative comedian.
photo of herself with her little boy.
Ivanka Trump was criticized by several celebrities this
week for a snap she shared of her hugging her son amid
reports the Office of Refugee Resettlement lost track of
1,500 immigrant children in the last three months of 2017.

“Ivanka Trump, who works at the White

House, chose to post the second most
oblivious tweet we’ve seen this week,” Bee
said, citing Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet as
the first.
“You know, Ivanka, that’s a beautiful photo
of you and your child, but let me just say,
one mother to another, do something about
Samantha Bee called Ivanka a “c*nt.” your dad’s immigration practices you
feckless c—!
Bee followed this up by telling Ivanka to “He listens to you! Put on something tight
put ‘something tight’ on and go talk with and low cut and tell your father to f—ing
her father. stop it. Tell him it was an Obama thing and
see how it goes,” she concluded.
Samantha Bee has a show on TBS – Turner Broadcasting
System. From Gateway Pundit reader

Bee is an Emmy Award winner. Samantha Bee is up for an Emmy again?

So, I guess calling the President’s daughter
Liberals love her humor.
a c*nt and implying the President sleeps
with his daughter is a quick way to get
FOX News reported: liberal Hollywood to give you an award.
This is sick. You need to highlight this.
“Full Frontal” host Samantha Bee used an extreme
vulgarity to slam Ivanka Trump in her monologue on Here is the video…
Wednesday over a photograph the first daughter shared on

Giuliani: Sessions Isn’t Going
Anywhere Until Mueller Probe Is Done
Julia Cohen
10:56 AM 05/31/2018

Trump has asked multiple times if Sessions should have

been fired, Giuliani told The Associated Press Wednesday.
The president is not currently considering firing Sessions;
however, he still wonders if not previously firing him was
the right call, according to the news agency.

“There’s no doubt he’s complained about

him, there’s no doubt he has some
grievances,” Giuliani told reporters.

Giuliani’s protection of Sessions comes after Trump

tweeted Wednesday that he wished he picked someone
President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani said that else for attorney general
if the president wants to fire Attorney General Jeff
Sessions, he should wait until special counsel Robert
The president also tweeted that Sessions’s recusal of
Mueller’s investigation is over.
himself in the Russia investigation was
“He’s not going to fire him before this is
“‘an unforced betrayal of the President of
over,” Giuliani told reporters Wednesday.
the United States.'”
“Nor do I think he should.”

Clapper: No ‘Smoking Gun’
Evidence Of Collusion
Chuck Ross - Reporter
11:51 AM 05/31/2018

Clapper did say he was interested in the number of

contacts between members of the Trump campaign and
people linked to the Russian government. He wrote in
“Facts and Fears” that “the dashboard warning lights
were all lit.”

“I certainly wondered about [collusion]

when I saw the frequency of meetings
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper testifies to the between people in the Trump campaign
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on “Russia’s and people with ties to the Russian
intelligence activities" on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. January
10, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
government,” said Clapper, who now works
as a CNN analyst.
James Clapper, the former director of National
Intelligence, said he has not seen “smoking gun” or Clapper went on to say he hopes that Special Counsel
“direct” evidence of collusion between the Trump Robert Mueller will be able to get to the bottom of whether
campaign and Russian government. the campaign colluded with the Kremlin. The allegation is
laid out most directly in the infamous dossier written by
former British spy Christopher Steele, funded by
“I saw no smoking-gun evidence of Democrats.
collusion before I left the government, and I
still haven’t,” Clapper told Vox in an
interview Thursday to promote his new “The country badly needs a resolution on
book, “Facts and Fears: Hard Truths this issue because it hangs over us like a
From a Life in Intelligence.” “There is a cloud right now,” Clapper told Vox. “I’m
lot of circumstantial evidence and reasons certainly not saying there was no collusion;
to be suspicious, but no smoking gun as of I just haven’t seen any direct evidence of it
yet.” yet.”

Retired FBI Special Agent:
Why Is The DNC Resisting To Surrender Compromised
Servers For Forensic Examination?
By Cristina Laila
May 31, 2018, 11:56 Am

On Thursday, retired FBI agent James

Gagliano asked why the DNC is
resisting to surrender its compromised
servers if they were truly the victim of a
Round two: Why the resistance to
surrender the servers for forensic
Gagliano also said it’s unheard of for the US Govt to take examination?
the word of a “private forensics company” [Crowdstrike]
at trial.

The retired FBI agent also asked why isn’t the FBI
rigorously investigating the Clinton camp’s Ukrainian

Round one: What is difficult to

reconcile. If played straight, why didn’t:
1) FBI/DOJ compel DNC to turn over
compromised server? 2) Investigate, as
rigorously, Clinton campaign’s Ukraine
connections? 3) If Trump campaign’s Gagliano then asked, “When was last
“peripherals” compromised, not Trump, time you ever heard of the USG taking
why not read-in Sr Ldrs? the word of a “private forensics
company” at trial? Or in this instance, in
a matter of senstive NatSec
implications? Have no problem
w/outside entity doing their own
forensics harvesting. But not allowing
FBI to review? Um, ok.”

The answer is we have NEVER seen anything like this.
Former White House spox Ari Fleischer reacted to James The government sill has not done a forensic inspection of
Gagliano: the crime scene [DNC servers] yet the taxpayers have
forked out millions of dollars to pay for a special counsel
to ‘investigate.’

A special counsel was appointed to investigate ‘Trump-

Russia collusion’ without naming a crime.

We still don’t even have proof the DNC servers were

hacked, and if hacked, by whom?

FBI Spy Stefan Halper’s Media Contacts Could Pose A
Problem, Retired FBI Officials Say
Chuck Ross - Reporter
11:56 AM 05/31/2018

 FBI spy Stefan Halper interacted with the media Halper, 73, told the Financial Times that he resigned from
multiple times, according to a Cambridge the organization due to
 Former senior FBI officials said the interactions “unacceptable Russian influence on the
could be a cause for concern for the FBI, one group.” But the evidence of Russian
calling them “highly irregular” penetration was thin, and another
 Halper was reportedly an anonymous source on Cambridge professor, Christopher Andrew,
reports surrounding allegations about Michael dismissed Halper’s complaints as
Flynn’s relations with a Russian national “absurd.”

While working as a spy for the FBI, Stefan Halper Halper was also an unnamed source for allegations about
interacted on multiple occasions with the media, both on former national security adviser Michael Flynn, according
the record and, according to a University of Cambridge to a Russian-British researcher at Cambridge, Svetlana
researcher, as an anonymous background source. Lokhova.

Those media interactions, which occurred between Lokhova, who studies the history of Russian intelligence,
December 2016 and March 2017, could be cause for said multiple reporters have told her Halper was behind
concern for the FBI, according to two retired senior bureau allegations that she and Flynn had an improper relationship
officials who worked closely with confidential informants when he visited Cambridge in February 2014. Flynn
during their careers. served at the time as director of the Defense Intelligence
“This is something that is highly irregular
and not something that I would have ever “‘FBI confidential informant’ Halper
tolerated with any of the folks working for invented a false story which he passed on
me,” retired FBI investigator and CNN to official channels & Press, in full
analyst James Gagliano told The Daily knowledge [sic] his personal attack was
Caller News Foundation. “The road is going to cause me, an innocent party,
fraught with peril when somebody is enormous harm,” Lokhova wrote on
speaking off the cuff or speaking to the Twitter.
media and putting themselves in a position
where that can then be used as discovery She also told The (London) Times that
material when we do bring a case.”
“Halper told reporters he had seen me
Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund President Ron leaving the dinner with Flynn.”
Hosko, a former assistant director of the FBI’s criminal
investigative division, added that an informant’s
Reporters from three newspapers, The Washington Post,
interactions with the press could create circular reporting
The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal,
that would serve to make their information “appear more
approached Lokhova at around the same time in February
valuable or more true” than it actually is.
and March 2016 with allegations related to her interaction
with Flynn.
Halper, a former professor at Cambridge with extensive
ties to the CIA and MI6, was quoted on the record for a
According to The Journal, which was the only newspaper
Dec.16, 2016 article at the Financial Times about alleged
to publish a story on the matter, Lokhova sat next to Flynn
Russian infiltration of the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar,
at the dinner and showed him an erotic postcard that
a forum that convenes academics and current and former
Joseph Stalin sent in 1912. The Journal reported
spies to discuss intelligence issues.
that American authorities had been alerted to Flynn’s
interactions with Lokhova and that Flynn had failed to

disclose his contact with the researcher to the Defense Richard Dearlove, a close associate of Halper’s, convened
Intelligence Agency. the event, though he did not personally attend.

DIA official Dan O’Neil, who accompanied Flynn to and At the same time he was in contact with the media, Halper
from the event, said he saw nothing at the dinner that was also working as a spy for the FBI as part of its
warranted Flynn’s disclosure of the interaction with investigation of possible Russian infiltration of the Trump
Lokhova. campaign.

DIA spokesman James Kudla told TheDCNF this week As part of that operation, Halper was in contact with three
that officials are required to disclose contact with a foreign Trump campaign associates:
national that is of a “close and continuing nature,” but
“casual contact” does not need to be reported to the Carter Page, Sam Clovis and George
agency. Papadopoulos. The relationship with Page
began in July 2016 and lasted through
It has since been revealed that Halper, a veteran of three September 2017.
Republican administrations, first raised concerns about
Flynn and Lokhova’s interactions at the Cambridge event. Halper met Clovis once on Sept. 1, 2016. The next day,
Halper reached out to Papadopoulos and offered to fly the
The New York Times reported on May 18 that the FBI spy young Trump campaign aide to London to discuss work on
— which the newspaper did not identify but who is now an academic paper dealing with energy issues. Halper paid
known to be Halper — “was alarmed” by Flynn’s Papadopoulos $3,000 for the report.
“apparent closeness with a Russian woman who was also
in attendance” at the Cambridge seminar. Papadopoulos has told associates that during one dinner
they had in London, Halper randomly asked whether he
“The concern was strong enough that it was involved in Russia’s efforts to steal Democrats’
prompted another person to pass on a emails.
warning to the American authorities that
Mr. Flynn could be compromised by Halper also attempted to join the Trump administration.
Russian intelligence, according to two Axios reported on May 21 that Halper convinced White
people familiar with the matter,” reads the House trade czar Peter Navarro to submit his name for
report. consideration for an ambassadorship to an unidentified
Asian country.
Lokhova denies any impropriety between her and Flynn.
Navarro said Wednesday he felt “duped” by Halper, who
“They were throwing all sorts of things at is considered an expert on China.
me — love, sex, money. Obviously, I reject
them all,” Lokhova told The (London) Halper’s contacts with the press while working as an FBI
Times about her interactions with reporters spy could be problematic for the bureau for several
chasing the Flynn story. “I just want to add reasons, according to Hosko, a 30-year FBI veteran.
that I’ve never been interviewed by any
authorities and clearly if there were any
“The handling agents should be alert to
doubts about who I am and what I do, I
actions by a source that indicate they are
would have been [interrogated].”
trying to influence FBI credibility [and]
veracity assessments by engaging in acts
Lokhova said that reporters with The New York Times and that multiply their reporting,” Hosko told
The Washington Post declined to run stories about her and TheDCNF.
Flynn for lack of evidence.
Hosko said that in some cases, confidential sources could
The University of Cambridge has not responded to meet with the press if the topic is unrelated to their work
numerous requests for comment about Halper, Flynn or for the FBI.
Lokhova. But it appears that the university is not overly
concerned that Lokhova is a Russian agent, as Halper
“But, if the [confidential human source] is
initially feared.
meeting with the media in a manner that
raises questions about their motivation or
On May 18, Lokhova gave a presentation for her about their credibility (they fail to disclose
forthcoming book, “The Spy Who Changed History,” at same to the handling agent) then the FBI
the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar. Former MI6 head Sir should be reassessing the relationship.”

It is not known whether the FBI was aware of Halper’s conversations with reporters about the infamous anti-
media contacts. The bureau declined to comment, and Trump dossier he wrote during the campaign.
Halper could not be reached for comment.
At the direction of opposition research firm Fusion GPS,
Gagliano, the CNN analyst and 25-year FBI veteran, told Steele met with reporters from The Washington Post, The
TheDCNF that he would not New York Times, The New Yorker, Yahoo! News and
Mother Jones.
“in a million years … agree to allow a
source, an asset, cooperating witness to According to the Senate Judiciary Committee, the FBI
speak in the media.” severed its relationship with Steele just before the election
after finding out about his unauthorized contacts with the
Halper is not the only FBI source who worked on the media. Despite cutting ties, a Department of Justice
Russia investigation to have contact with the press. Former official named Bruce Ohr met numerous times with Steele
British spy Christopher Steele had multiple meetings and to discuss his reporting on Trump.

CNN’s Harlow And Darcy Blast Sam Bee For ‘Incredibly
Offensive’ Ivanka Remark: ‘Really Disgusting’
By Rachel Dicker
12:18 Pm, May 31st, 2018

being fired for making a racist remark, so

critics are saying if you’re going to
condemn that, why aren’t you condemning

(To those critics: Maybe because what Bee said wasn’t

racist and what Roseanne said was super-duper racist?)

“All the headlines are focused right now on

this vulgar term she used, so I’m not really
sure how effective this was,” Darcy said. “If
she was trying to make a larger point about
CNN anchor Poppy Harlow and senior media reporter immigration policies and trying to make a
Oliver Darcy are generally not ones to get riled up over serious point, right, because people are
the latest news, but this particular story struck a chord. now focusing on this vulgar remark.”
“That said, people are now talking about it
On Wednesday night, comedian Samantha Bee called and I think that might have been perhaps
Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt,” calling her out for doing something she was looking for,” he added.
nothing to stop the practice of separating children from
their parents at the border.
The two noted that Bee has used the c-word in her
monologue before, so people are likely particularly
“That’s the c-word, incredibly offensive,” incensed because she used it against the president’s
Harlow said. daughter. Meanwhile, the lines delineating appropriate
“It was a really disgusting remark,” Darcy behavior appear to be dissolving, they said.
agreed. “This comment is extremely crass
and critics are rightfully upset and saying “The president himself had made a lot of
that this is not something that should be inflammatory remarks from the campaign
used while discussing politics.” trail to the Oval Office,” Darcy noted.
“Ever,” Harlow added, asking if TBS, which “But you know what, what one person says
airs Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, has never makes what another person says
issued a statement yet. okay,” Harlow replied.
“We’re still waiting to see what happens
and how they react,” Darcy replied. “This Watch above, via CNN.
does come in the same week as Roseanne

Sarah Sanders Demands Action From TBS,
Time Warner Over Sam Bee’s ‘Vile
And Vicious’ Remarks
By Ken Meyer
12:24 Pm, May 31st, 2018

to this, in a statement to The Wrap, by asking Bee’s Time

Warner and TBS higher-ups to discipline her over the “vile
and vicious” remarks.

“The language used by Samantha Bee last

night is vile and vicious. The collective
silence by the left and its media allies is
appalling. Her disgusting comments and
show are not fit for broadcast, and
executives at Time Warner and TBS must
demonstrate that such explicit profanity
about female members of this
administration will not be condoned on its
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders network.”
has made a statement strongly condemning Samantha Bee
for the obscene remarks she made on her show last night The condemnation from Sanders comes as Time Warner
regarding Ivanka Trump. and AT&T continue to negotiate a possible company
merger — one which Trump has spoken out against. The
TBS is facing considerable blowback after Bee called the Bee controversy also comes after Sanders defended Trump
First Daughter a “feckless c*nt” while slamming and slammed the media “double standard” when he failed
President Trump on immigration. Sanders is responding to condemn Roseanne Barr over her show-cancelling
racist remarks.

IG’s Email Report Will Drop ‘Bombshell’ On Hillary?
Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General Tom Dupree Believes The Forthcoming
Review Of The FBI's Conduct 'Has The Potential For Changing The Narrative'
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 31 May 2018 At 1:53 PM
“I think the White House views this at least
as having the potential to turn the tables a
bit, to put the spotlight off of the White
House and the campaign staff and instead
put it on the Justice Department and what
went on behind closed doors in 2016,”
Dupree said.

When the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) inspector general

(IG) report is released, it “has the potential to be a
bombshell,” former Deputy Assistant Attorney General
Thomas H. Dupree Jr. said Wednesday on Fox News’
“Your World with Neil Cavuto.”

The report — expected to be made public June 4 and to Bartiromo noted that the last time that Horowitz released a
discussed during a June 5 meeting of the Senate Judiciary report, he recommended the termination of former FBI
Committee — will review the FBI’s investigation of 2016 Deputy Director Andrew McCabe after finding that
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s use of a McCabe lied to investigators. Attorney General Jeff
private email server to conduct official business as Sessions followed Horowitz's recommendation and fired
secretary of state. McCabe in March, hours before his retirement with a
generous tax-funded pension.
Then-FBI Director James Comey cleared Clinton, the 2016
Democratic presidential nominee against President Donald When Bartiromo asked Dupree if he believed Horowitz
Trump, of prosecution in July 2016 despite the presence of would issue more criminal referrals in his upcoming
hundreds of emails to and from her that contained report, Dupree replied,
classified information.
"Yeah, this is an IG who is clearly not afraid
“I think this IG report has the potential to to throw some punches. He is not afraid to
be a bombshell,” Dupree told guest host make strong recommendations."
Maria Bartiromo. “I think, depending on
what the IG finds went on behind the Dupree said he found Horowitz "absolutely independent"
scenes in 2016, it has the potential for from political pressure, despite some early concerns over
changing the narrative a bit.” his appointment by former President Barack Obama.

Although the IG report “obviously will not shut down” "They said, 'Is this, you know, an Obama
special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into appointee? Is this a holdover guy? Does he
allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and have the credibility and the independence
Russia, Dupree predicted the report “very well could to render an independent verdict?' And I
change the political conversation we’re having.” think his work so far shows that he does,"
Dupree insisted. "So I think I and many
Trump and his campaign have been the target of other folks are going to be very, very
mainstream media speculation. interested in what he reports next."
If Horowitz should issue some criminal referrals, Dupree probably going to lay all of his evidence,"
noted that it would be up to prosecutors to follow through Dupree emphasized.
on them.
Then the American people effectively will be looking over
"I think one difference is that normally when the prosecutor's shoulders and saying,
prosecutors make a charging decision, they
are doing it on the basis of evidence that is 'Hey, this looks like there might be
nonpublic. In this case, what's going to be something here. Why are you not going to
very interesting, Maria, is that the IG is indict?'"

Mueller’s Office Releases Statement Of Expenditures
Revealing MILLIONS Of Dollars Wasted
On Russia Witch Hunt
By Cristina Laila
May 31, 2018, 4:19 Pm

brings the figure even higher to what Politico estimates to

be $17 million total spent on the Russia probe.

Page one shows an itemized list of

expenditures for the period October 1,
2017 through March 31, 2018.

Over $2.7 million for salaries and benefits for Mueller’s

team of liberal hack lawyers in just a 6 month period!

Taxpayers are being punished simply because Trump won

The Office of Special Counsel released a the 2016 presidential election.
statement of expenditures on Thursday
revealing over $4.5 million has been
flushed down the toilet in just a 6 month Not to mention the lives devastated and destroyed by
period hunting Russian ghosts. Mueller.

This $4.5 million is in addition to the $6.7 million the

Special Counsel cost the first five months. Add to that
other Department of Justice costs ‘related to Russia’ which

Page two showing notes to statement of expenditures:

To this date, the FBI has not done a forensic inspection of
the crime scene–the DNC servers, yet here we are forking
out millions of dollars for an obvious witch hunt.

This entire witch hunt exists because AG Sessions decided

to recuse himself the first day on the job.

Mueller and Rosenstein should be fired and prosecuted not

only for their years of crimes and cover-ups, but for this
costly, unconstitutional witch hunt.

NY Times Lead Story:
'Conspiratorial' Trump's Corrosive
'Paranoia' Harming Faith In The Media
By Clay Waters
May 31, 2018 5:01 PM EDT

Tuesday’s New York Times led with Julie Hirschfeld Davis he dislikes is corrosive,” said Jon
and Maggie Haberman rushing to tar President Trump’s Meacham, a presidential historian and
criticism of the “deep state” and the mainstream press as biographer. “The diabolical brilliance of
corrosive, paranoid, and conspiratorial (while unwittingly the Trump strategy of disinformation is
strengthening his case) in “Trump’s Embrace Of that many people are simply going to
‘Spygate” Plot Sows Suspicions -- Eroding Public Trust hear the charges and countercharges,
-- Conspiracy Theories Are Brought From Fringes to and decide that there must be
the Oval Office.” The text box didn’t offer much benefit something to them because the
of the doubt: president of the United States is saying
“Ex-aides cite political opportunism and the
president’s paranoia”: ....
Last week, President Trump promoted
new, unconfirmed accusations to suit his But Mr. Trump’s willingness to peddle
political narrative: that a “criminal deep suspicion as fact has implications
state” element within Mr. Obama’s beyond the Russia inquiry. It is a vital
government planted a spy deep inside his ingredient in the president’s
presidential campaign to help his rival, communications arsenal, a social
Hillary Clinton, win -- a scheme he branded media-fueled, brashly expressed
“Spygate.” It was the latest indication that a narrative of dubious accusations and
president who has for decades trafficked in dark insinuations that allows him to
conspiracy theories has brought them from promote his own version of reality.
the fringes of public discourse to the Oval
Office. Students of Mr. Trump’s life and communication style
argue that the idea of conspiracies is a vital part of his
The reporters also whined about the deleterious effect of strategy to avoid accountability and punch back at
Trump’s rhetoric on the media’s reputation, while serving detractors, real or perceived, including the news media.
up still more reasons to distrust the press:
No thought was spared for the possibility that Trump may
Now that he is president, Mr. Trump’s baseless stories of have legitimate concerns about the intelligence
secret plots by powerful interests appear to be having a community:
distinct effect. Among critics, they have fanned fears that
he is eroding public trust in institutions, Former aides to the president, speaking
privately because they did not want to
undermining the idea of objective truth embarrass him, said paranoia
and sowing widespread suspicions predisposed him to believe in nefarious,
about the government and news media hidden forces driving events. But they
that mirror his own. also said political opportunism informed
his promotion of conspiracy theories.
For instance, two former aides said Mr.
They then found a fellow liberal journalist to make the
Trump had resisted using the term “deep
case -- former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham:
state” for months, partly because he
believed it made him look too much like a
“The effect on the life of the nation of a crank.
president inventing conspiracy theories
in order to distract attention from
legitimate investigations or other things
The Times conveniently lumped in bizarre notions like pre- conspiracy,” although the president himself
knowledge of the 9-11 attacks to reasonable concerns never used the word at the time.
about the FBI’s machinations against the Trump campaign
during the 2016 election cycle: Yet even when they quoted defenses of Trump, they were
couched in an eye-rolling tone:
Mr. Trump’s talk of conspiracies has
also gained currency within a Representative Peter T. King, a New
Republican Party establishment that York Republican who is sometimes a
once shunned it. critic of Mr. Trump, said one need not
believe in conspiracies to recognize that
Meanwhile, Davis and Haberman briefly nodded across the president was onto something with
the aisle: his seemingly far-fetched charges.

Mr. Trump is not the first public figure to Davis recently embarrassed herself by tweeting an
charge that he is the subject of a shadowy aggrieved defense of her profession against the charge of
plot. Mrs. Clinton memorably declared “fake news” after a kid yelled "Fake News!" at her at a
during impeachment proceedings against rally in Nashville. Then she promptly justified those very
her husband, Bill Clinton, that they were concerns by having to correct her reporting on that same
the victims of a “vast, right-wing rally, in which she massively understated the size of the
crowd (5,500, not 1,000).

HORROR! Trump Supporter’s Family Stalked By
Huffington Post Writer Luke O’Brien – Her Husband
Loses Job–Family Put In Danger!
By Jim Hoft
May 31, 2018, 6:16 Pm

Amy Mek is a top pro-Trump

conservative voice on Twitter.

Amy also is an outspoken critic of

radical Islam.

Because of this she remains

anonymous on Twitter.

Luke O’Brien

This is the modern day left. They are

nothing but violent fascists who are out
to destroy their opposition.

Because of her powerful voice and

amazing success Amy Mek is constantly
under attack.
Far left critics threaten to expose her
and her family. They know this puts
them all in mortal danger.
Huffington Post writer Luke O’Brien
recently discovered Amy’s true identity.
He harassed Amy, her husband and her
Luke O’Brien called her husband’s
employer and had him fired.


Unhinged Maxine Waters: ‘Resist’
Trump Or ‘Go Down With Him’ (VIDEO)
By Alicia Powe
May 31, 2018, 7:18 Pm

The country is getting to a point where the American counsel keep doing what he’s doing in
people will either “have to stand up and resist this order to connect the dots, for those people
president” or “go down with him,” warned Rep. Maxine who say we need the positive proof,” she
Waters (D-CA). said. “I think we are going to get to the
point where people are either going to have
Waters, the voice of the Democrat Party, in an appearance
to stand up and resist this president and
on MSNBC’s “All In” argued that President Trump must
talk about how he is dangerous for our
be impeached because
democracy, or they are going to go down
“he’s in bed with Russian President with him.”
Vladmir Putin.”
“Seventy percent of Democrats who have
been polled say that [Trump] should be
impeached, I’m with the 70 percent. I
understand the reticence of my colleagues
and the Democratic leadership who say
don’t feed the notion that is being
presented by the Republicans that say ‘all
they want to do is impeach the president,
because they are mad about the fact that “Racist” Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself
they lost the election.’ I get that I from the Russia investigation because he, the chief law
understand why that would cause them not enforcement officer, doesn’t want to go jail, Waters
want to talk about it. But I just don’t have insisted.
those fears,” the California Democrat said.
“At some point in time we have to deal with “We see what he said to Jeff Sessions and
reality.” the way that he’s treating Jeff Sessions
because Jeff Session said ‘listen I am
“The discussion must take place – we must recusing myself, I am not lying for you, I am
not allow the President of the United States scared of this stuff and I am not about to
of America who has this relationship with get myself into a position where I could be
the country that hates us and who’s indicted.’ And [Trump] is really upset with
undermined us and who has undermined him, he would love to get rid of him, but for
our democracy to not be talked about,” she the fact that he has friends over on the
continued. “It is dangerous, I think that we Senate side – these Republicans are
should stand up for our country.” saying ‘you better not do it Mr. President,’”
After a year, the Trump-Russia collusion investigation still she said. “The president does not care who
hasn’t produced any evidence of anything resembling the you are. If in fact he needs you and you do
conspiracy Democrats have alleged took place. In fact, not respond to him, if you do not protect
evidence now suggests that the only collusion with Russia him, if you do not lie for him, he will throw
was Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s collusion with Russian you under the bus. He will attack you. He
sources to take down Trump. has humiliated Jeff Sessions.”

But Americans who support Trump, Waters cautioned, will Newly released FEC filings, show
“go down with him” because Special Counsel Mueller will Waters has been paying her daughter a
ultimately prove Trump colluded with Russia. over $100k out of her campaign funds.
“This president has no respect for the
Constitution, he’s in bed with Putin and the
oligarchs of Russia, and the Kremlin and
it’s come out already. So let the special

Obama's Right-Hand Man:
Trump Used Our Playbook To Beat Clinton
By Gregg Re | Fox News
May 31, 2018

A forthcoming memoir by Obama confidant Ben Rhodes “What if we were wrong?” Obama
includes the startling admission that the 44th president’s reportedly asked aides, as he struggled to
inner circle should have seen Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss come to terms with Clinton's defeat.
coming – because President Trump was essentially using
the Obama playbook to discredit her.

The New York Times published excerpts of the book, "The

World As It Is," which describes outgoing President
Barack Obama’s shock and disbelief at Trump’s election

But Rhodes also seems to acknowledge that Trump used

some of the same lines of attack employed by Obama
during the hard-fought 2008 presidential primary against
Clinton – minus what Rhodes describes as the “racism and Ben Rhodes says in a forthcoming memoir that they should have seen
misogyny.” Hillary Clinton's loss coming. (AP)

Obama remained alternately optimistic and dejected,

according to Rhodes, who has been feted as an aspiring
novelist-turned national security wunderkind.

“Sometimes I wonder whether I was 10 or

20 years too early,” Obama told
aides, according to the memoir. “Maybe we
pushed too far. ... Maybe people just want
to fall back into their tribe.”

Rhodes was promoted from presidential speechwriter to

deputy national security adviser under Obama. He held
“I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should that post during the raid that killed Usama bin Laden, as
have seen it coming,” Rhodes writes in the well as the U.S. intervention in Libya and the signing of
book. “Because when you distilled it, the Iran nuclear deal.
stripped out the racism and misogyny, we’d
run against Hillary eight years ago with the
The possibility that Trump could unravel that legacy
same message Trump had used: She’s
apparently weighed on Obama, Rhodes writes.
part of a corrupt establishment that can’t be
trusted to bring change.”

Obama ran in 2008 as the “change” candidate, rallying an

enthusiastic base to defeat Clinton in the primary and later
GOP nominee John McCain. In 2016 as in 2008, Clinton
entered the race as the establishment favorite, only to be
sidelined by an insurgent political newcomer.

Despite that admission by Rhodes, the book describes how

Obama was distraught at the outcome.
“I feel like Michael Corleone," Obama alone outside on a bench, haltingly repeating that the
reportedly said, referencing "The situation was difficult to "process."
Godfather" character as he prepared to
hand over the White House to Trump. "I
almost got out.”

According to Rhodes, he and Obama were not aware that

the FBI had begun an investigation into the Trump
campaign's dealings with Russia until after the election.

The book also touches on some foreign-policy melodrama

as Obama made his exit from the world stage, amid a
shifting geopolitical climate that included Brexit and rising
disenchantment with globalism.

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany had a "single tear

in her eye" when she and Obama parted for the last time,
and Obama noted that "she's all alone" to defend his liberal
principles, according to Rhodes.

In footage from an HBO documentary recording on

election night in 2016, Rhodes himself was seen sitting

HERE WE GO=> Prosecutors Interview James Comey As
They Consider Whether McCabe Should Be
Criminally Charged
By Cristina Laila
May 31, 2018, 7:45 Pm

BREAKING NEWS. Investigators from the D.C. U.S. Attorney’s

Office recently interviewed former FBI
Prosecutors recently interviewed fired
FBI Director James Comey as they director James B. Comey as part of a
probe into whether his deputy, Andrew
investigate whether McCabe should be
McCabe, broke the law by lying to federal
agents — an indication the office is
seriously considering whether McCabe
should be charged with a crime, a person
familiar with the matter said.

Comey and McCabe have been throwing each other under

the bus in order save themselves.

It’s the battle of the dirty cops.

James Comey threw McCabe under the bus recently in an

interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Comey told Tapper he could be a potential witness against


When asked if he could be a witness, Comey responded,

Inspector General Michael Horowitz released a scathing
report on former Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew “Sure, given that the IG’s report reflects
McCabe in mid-April. interactions that Andy McCabe had with me
and other senior executives, I could well be
Horowitz accused McCabe of lying several times, a witness.”
including under oath; a criminal referral was subsequently
sent to the DC US Attorney’s office regarding McCabe. McCabe was reportedly “upset and disappointed” over
comments being made about him by Comey.
Now prosecutors are deciding whether McCabe broke the
law. Comey isn’t a reliable witness being that he himself is a
liar and a leaker.
The Washington Post reported:

Liberal Heads Explode! Kim Kardashian Praises Trump:
He ‘Really Understood’ My Clemency Plea
By Alicia Powe
May 31, 2018, 8:28 Pm

Reality super star Kim Kardashian West praised Donald

Trump after meeting with the president on Wednesday
afternoon at the White House to discuss prison reform.

Accompanied by her attorney Shawn Chapman Holley,

Kardashian asked Trump to grant clemency for Alice
Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old great-grandmother who has
been imprisoned for over 21 years and is serving a life
sentence in federal prison in Aliceville, Alabama for a
drug-trafficking charge.

“I think that he really spent the time to listen

to our case that we were making for Alice,”
the Keeping Up with the
Kardashians reality star told Mic in after the
meeting. “He really understood, and I am Kardashian also reportedly spent time at First
very hopeful that this will turn out really Daughter Ivanka Trump’s and Jared Kushner‘s home on
positively.” Thursday.

“I went in, me and Shawn, to really talk to

the president about Alice Johnson and
really explain to him why she would be
such a good person to grant clemency to,”
Kardashian West said. “The president
seems to have a passion for what
everything that Jared has been trying to do,
and that just makes me happy that that
conversation is just moving forward.”

Leftists are now losing their minds, outraged the mega

celebrity has positive words about the Republican

Liberal media outlets are slamming Kardashian for daring
to meet with “racist” Trump.

Headlines blared warnings such as The Independent’s

“Kim Kardashian Chatting Politics At

The White House Makes A Mockery Of
America’s Democracy.”

The Daily Beast chimed in,

“How Kim Kardashian Got Played By

Trump—Just Like Kanye.

Democrats and the media viciously
attacked Kardashian West’s husband,
Kanye West, last month after he
declared his support for Trump,
claiming the rapper is mentally ill. But
black male support for the
president stood at 11 percent, before
Kanye West announced his support for
Trump. After Kanye’s
endorsement black male support for
Trump shot up to 22 percent.

Breaking: Documents Reveal Obama White House
Attempted To Take Over Spygate Investigation (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 31, 2018, 9:15 Pm

Slow down. When you say the White

“The White House is running this.” House you mean the Obama White House-
THIS IS HUGE— they were attempting to take over the
John Solomon from The Hill told Sean Hannity on
Thursday night the Obama White House attempted to take John Solomon:
over the Russian-collusion investigation.
That’s what these messages say.

Sean Hannity:

These are FBI messages and this is the

Obama White House. How high up are we
talking about here?

John Solomon:

John Solomon: We don’t know the messages are just what

they are.
I’m putting finishing touches on a column Solomon said he was going to break his
that I think will come out tomorrow. And it story Friday morning.
will reveal two really important things. The This ought to be good.
efforts to begin targeting and reaching out
to Trump campaign officials to gain
intelligence on Russia that would ultimately
justify the investigation began weeks and
maybe months before the FBI had a formal The Gateway Pundit’s Cassandra
predicate. And that’s very important the Fairbanks is also breaking a huge
rules say you can’t use sources until you development in the Spygate scandal on
have a predicated investigation. The Friday morning.
investigation is July 31, 2016. My sources
and documents that I will be able to make Via Hannity:
public tomorrow will show that there were
contacts going on by people identified as
informers, informants, people who provided
information began much, much earlier than
July 31st. That’s the first part. The second
part is as the investigation was just starting
to ramp up there are internal FBI
documents showing FBI agents talking
about the White House trying to take over
the investigation. Fears that the Justice
Department were going to leak for political
reasons and their own personal fear…

Sean Hannity:

Wired Editor Claps Vigorously For Clapper,
Hypocritically Ignores Domestic Surveillance
By Clay Waters
May 31, 2018 9:31 PM EDT

Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper was Graff makes two contradictory arguments, both bashing
the subject of a long, sickly sweet interview for the conservatives: They’re bad both when they bust the
technology magazine Wired, posted on Wednesday: “How budget, and when they demand budget cuts.
A Former US Spy Chief Became Trump’s Fiercest
Critic.” Clapper is selling a memoir, Facts and Fears: In a chapter devoted to the capital’s budget
Hard Truths From a Life in Intelligence. dysfunction, he explains how intelligence
professionals and Pentagon leaders
The loving interview was penned by Garrett Graff, former increasingly view warily the country’s ever-
editor in chief of The Washingtonian and deputy national growing deficits and crushing national debt
press secretary for liberal Democratic governor and -- both of which have been dramatically
presidential candidate Howard Dean of Vermont. (MRC’s expanded in recent months by the
Brent Baker pegged Graff as a self-promoting liberal Republican congress’s massive tax cuts
journalist up-and-comer back in 2009.) and spending increases. He cites Joint
Chiefs Chairman Admiral Michael Mullen’s
Graff is fresh off buttering up Special Counsel Robert characterization of our national debt as the
Mueller (the subject of a pervious Graff book) a few weeks most prominent threat to national security,
ago. Isn’t it odd that the purportedly technology-loving, and Clapper calls out the Tea Party wing
privacy-embracing rebels who write for Wired are so of the Republican Party for “play[ing]
enthusiastically taking the side of the national security chicken” with our country’s
state and domestic surveillance? government, citing the mandatory
spending cuts known as
“sequestration” and unforced
Graff set the table for Clapper:
governance errors like the 2013 federal
....he says he felt called to write the book
after witnessing the first months of the
When Graff finally, reluctantly addresses Clapper lying to
behavior of the man elected during his
Congress in 2013 while under questioning from Sen. Ron
Oman trip. He has remained a public face
Wyden about domestic surveillance (something Wired
during the nearly 18 months since he left
readers are surely concerned about), he incredibly lets
office, becoming increasingly outspoken as
Clapper off the hook:
the president has both publicly attacked his
former colleagues in the intelligence
community and denied the increasingly And it doesn’t shy from recounting multiple
damning questions surrounding his instances in which Clapper “gets thrown
campaign’s contact with Russians during under the bus” by others or from
an election where Russian intelligence confronting his own mistakes, missteps,
agencies and propaganda outlets, like and verbal gaffes. He duly addresses his
the Internet Research Agency and the much-criticized and picked-over
state TV network, RT, spread comment in a 2013 hearing where he
disinformation and sowed conspiracies appeared to mislead Senator Ron
aimed at harming Hillary Clinton and Wyden about whether the NSA gathered
helping Trump. As Clapper writes, in call details on American citizens. He
explaining his decision to write a later said that he misunderstood which
memoir, Trump’s embrace of Russia program Wyden was asking about and that
“made me fear for our nation.” he couldn’t later correct the record because
of the demands for secrecy.
Meanwhile the behavior in office of Trump himself has
increasingly disgusted a world-weary Clapper.... One sees other hints why Clapper is a liberal media
darling, beyond his attacks on Trump.

No part of the life story of a grizzled military the cause of LGBT intelligence and military professionals
veteran comes across as more human and became Clapper’s own on February 2, 2010, when the
surprising than his recounting of his chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Mullen,
journey to being an “LGBT
ally.”....Despite being, as he describes told Congress “speaking for myself and
himself in a phrase that he probably myself only” that the Pentagon’s “don’t ask,
never expected to someday write, as a don’t tell” policy was morally bankrupt.”
“73-year-old, white, straight, cisgender

MRC’s Tim Graham Unloads On Attacks By MSNBC's
Hayes, Matthews On Conservatives, Trump Voters
By NB Staff
May 31, 2018 9:43 PM EDT

MRC Director of Media Analysis and NewsBusters Going back to MSNBC, however, Graham drilled home
executive editor Tim Graham stopped by the Thursday the point that the left worships life through the prism of
edition of the Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit race:
and tore into claims by MSNBC host Chris Hayes and
Chris Matthews that condemned Trump voters as racist But these people love talking about race. It
and Republicans as golf-swinging, Wall Street Journal- is not a mystery that they had all scheduled
reading, and sports-watching enthusiasts. an hour long town hall meeting to talk
about every — their title — Everyday
Concerning Hayes, he argued on the May Racism in America because they’re not
30 All In that the racist and vulgar behavior fond of America and they think that
by Roseanne Barr “speaks to a certain everyday American is a racist and there
part of the President's base” and was no time in those 60 minutes — I
specifically birtherism. He added in a tweet: watched most of it — to actually discuss,
“Roseanne’s problem turned out to be oh, speaking of racists in America, how
that she far too authentically about Farrakhan? How about people who
represented the actual worldview of a think, you know, how about anti-white
significant chunk of the Trump base.” racists? You know they are not taking time
on that. So, I mean, it’s — it’s — they just
love, love, love talking about race and they
love, love the idea that whites should feel
guilty all of the time.

Graham later sounded off on Matthews’s delusional

stereotype of Republicans offered on Tuesday’s Hardball:

Republicans are told, read The Wall Street Journal, play

golf and talk about pro sports. I mean, the men especially
are all programmed a certain way. They don’t have the too
many outliers, Republicans. They all behave basically the
same, right...You must play golf. You don’t play tennis.
Graham declared that Hayes’s comments
are “a big smear” and his implication was Taking note of how Matthews’s panelists
“that the average Trump voter would “were smiling like you’re such a
sign off on a Planet of the Apes tweet,” goober,” Graham credited WMAL host
which is “just absurd.” Vince Coglianese for astutely noticing that
“[Barack] Obama is two of those three”
Hayes then had the tables turned on him by Graham: in that “[h]e golfs a lot and he talks
about sports a lot.”
I mean, you know what’s less absurd is to say that when “I mean, these shows are supposed to
Chris Hayes went out on Memorial Day weekend and said be based, as you just suggested, facts
he was uncomfortable using word hero to describe our war would be good. Doing your actual
dead that he represented a significant chunk of the Obama research — your homework would be
voters. Is that fair? good...Chris Matthews does not do
research,” Graham added.
Speaking to Roseanne’s conduct, Graham adamantly stated
that it was “objectionable in the extreme.” To see the relevant transcript from FBN’s Evening Edit on
May 31:

FBN’s Evening Edit the media going wall-to-wall on stories like the Roseanne Barr
May 31, 2018 story when there are plenty of other stories to cover?
5:44 p.m. Eastern
GRAHAM: I think there is an obvious answer, this tweet was
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Edit Alert; Hayes: Trump Voters objectionable in the extreme. But these people love talking about
Racist] race. It is not a mystery that they had all scheduled an hour long
town hall meeting to talk about every — their title — Everyday
CHRIS HAYES [on MSNBC’s All In, 05/30/18]: Roseanne Barr, in Racism in America because they’re not fond of America and they
all her bile-laden Twitter glory, speaks to a certain part of the think that everyday American is a racist and there was no time in
President's base. It’s the part that Trump harnessed when he those 60 minutes — I watched most of it — to actually discuss,
launched himself into conservative politics in the first place with a oh, speaking of racists in America, how about Farrakhan?
laser focus, not on taxes or abortion or health care. But on one
issue. What did he do? The racist, conspiracy theory that first MACDONALD: Yeah.
black President was a secret Muslim from Kenya.
GRAHAM: How about people who think, you know, how about
anti-white racists? You know they are not taking time on that. So,
I mean, it’s — it’s — they just love, love, love talking about race
and they love, love the idea that whites should feel guilty all of
the time.

MACDONALD: Let’s get to another MSNBC star, Chris

Matthews, now saying, basically, effectively, he’s saying
Republicans are all programmed the same. Let’s listen.

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Edit Alert; Matthews: GOP


LIZ MACDONALD: MSNBC host Chris Hayes today fighting MATTHEWS [on MSNBC’s Hardball, 05/29/18]: Is that a cultural
critics who made his Hillary Clinton deplorables moments, his problem with the Republican Party as opposed to most
comment by claiming a majority of president's voters are racist. Americans? [SCREEN WIPE] Republicans are told, read The
Here’s his tweet: “Roseanne’s problem turned out to be that she Wall Street Journal, play golf and talk about pro sports. I mean,
far too authentically represented the actual worldview of a the men especially are all programmed a certain way. They don’t
significant chunk of the Trump base.” MSNBC parent company have the too many outliers, Republicans. They all behave
Comcast closing the day in the red, down almost a percent, down basically the same, right? [SCREEN WIPE] You must play golf.
more 22 percent year to date. Let’s bring in Media Research You don’t play tennis.
Center Director, Tim Graham. Great to see you, Tim.
MARGARET CARLSON [on MSNBC’s Hardball, 05/29/18]: Yes.
TIM GRAHAM: Thank you.
MATTHEWS [on MSNBC’s Hardball, 05/29/18]: You must watch
MACDONALD: What’s your reaction? sports and talk about the NFL. You must — and what else? Read
The Wall Street Journal and believe the op-ed page.
GRAHAM: That is a big smear. Look, it’s the part where he said it
authentically represents a significant big chunk of the Trump MACDONALD: Alright, Tim. Here are the facts, according to Pew
voter. It’s basically saying that the average Trump voter would — Pew Research Center. Four out of ten women read The Wall
sign off on a Planet of the Apes tweet. I mean, that’s just absurd. Street Journal and that more men read The Economist or
I mean, you know what’s less absurd is to say that when Chris Bloomberg versus The Wall Street Journal. What do you make of
Hayes went out on Memorial Day weekend and said he was Chris Matthews’s comments?
uncomfortable using word hero to describe our war dead that he
represented a significant chunk of the Obama voters. Is that fair?
GRAHAM: This is again why people — even the guests on his
show were smiling like you’re such a goober. You know, on
MACDONALD: It’s a great point you make, Tim. And you know, WMAL this morning, Vince Coglianese said Obama is two of
it’s really media deciding what news they think you should see. I those three. He golfs a lot and he talks about sports a lot and so
mean, by the way, what was not pointed out here was that they read The Wall Street Journal. I mean, these shows are
President Trump did get eight percent of the black vote, 28 supposed to be based, as you just suggested, facts would be
percent of Hispanics, 27 percent of minorities — of Asians, good. Doing your actual research — your homework would be
rather, more than Mitt Romney in 2012 or less than Obama, good —
George W., Reagan, and both Clintons. But what’s your take on

MACDONALD: Yeah, but their viewers are not getting that. they get that constant stream of this kind of you know some
critics say is poison. There’s no facts and research in here.

GRAHAM: Well, and I think that’s important, whatever news

channel you are watching is that, you know, are you actually
getting facts or are you just getting opinions and then there’s fact-
based opinions and then there’s opinions like this that are literally
just pulled out of then air like “ehhh, I think Republicans are
programmed to all read The Wall Street Journal” is just a classic
Chris Matthews-like, I didn't do research before I came on this
show, type of quote.

MACDONALD: Okay, Tim Graham, we love having you on. Can

you come back soon? You’re terrific. It’s great to see you.
GRAHAM: — Chris Matthews does not do research.
GRAHAM: Thanks.
MACDONALD: Tim, Tim, what’s happening to the viewers who
watch MSNBC shows like this? What’s happening to them when

John Brennan: Trump’s Tweets
Make Him Look Guilty
Amber Athey | Media And Breaking News Editor
1:33 am 06/01/2018

“paranoia” and “insecurity” that would not be present if he

were innocent of collusion or coordination with the

“I think Mr. Trump has demonstrated a

paranoia, an insecurity, as well as a real
concern about the investigation that is
underway,” Brennan asserted. “Certainly
his tweets do not seem like they’re coming
from a person of innocence and
Former CIA director John Brennan all but determined confidence.”
President Donald Trump’s guilt in the Russia investigation
during a Friday morning interview on MSNBC. In addition to making predictions about Trump’s guilt,
Brennan also defended the intelligence community from
WATCH: Trump trying to “discredit” them.

“Mr. Trump is going to promote his

narrative. He is certainly going to continue
to try to discredit the FBI, and the CIA, and
others,” he said. “But make no mistake
about it, the American justice system I think
is going to prevail in this endeavor to get to
the bottom of who might have been
collaborating and working with foreign
actors to try to undermine the integrity of
the election.”

Brennan insisted that Trump’s attacks on special counsel

Robert Mueller and his investigation demonstrate

Comey Interviewed As
Prosecutors Consider Charging McCabe
Tim Pearce | Energy Reporter
2:18 AM 06/01/2018

Comey’s questioning is a reflection of the seriousness with

which investigators are approaching the McCabe case,
according to WaPo.

“A little more than a month ago, we

confirmed that we had been advised that a
criminal referral to the U.S. Attorney’s
Office had been made regarding Mr.
McCabe,” McCabe lawyer Michael R.
Bromwich told WaPo in a statement. “We
said at that time that we were confident
that, unless there is inappropriate pressure
from high levels of the Administration, the
U.S. Attorney’s Office would conclude that
Investigators have questioned former FBI Deputy Director it should decline to prosecute. Our view
Andrew McCabe’s direct superior during his time at the has not changed.”
bureau, as part of a probe into whether McCabe broke the
law and misled federal agents, The Washington Post McCabe has consistently denied he mislead anyone while
reported Thursday. in his position.

Investigators with the D.C.-U.S. Attorney’s Office spoke Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz
to former FBI director James Comey about allegations accused McCabe in April of breaking federal law and
McCabe knowingly mislead federal agents, as well as misleading agents. Horowitz’s allegation does not
Comey himself, over authorizing leaks to the media. If guarantee charges will be brought, however.
charged and found guilty, McCabe faces a five-year prison
sentence for deceiving federal agents four times — Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe on March
including three times under oath. 16, on the Justice Department’s recommendation. McCabe
was fired two days before he was set to retire.

Mark Levin DESTROYS Trey Gowdy’s Defense Of FBI In
‘Spygate’ — ‘The Easiest Place To Find RUSSIANS
Was Clinton’s Campaign!’
Posted On June 1, 2018

(National Sentinel) Confusing: Earlier this week retiring “Now where is the easiest place to try and
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., gave a passionate defense of find the Russians? Is it in Trump world?
the FBI and Justice Department for their attempt to place No. It’s at the DNC. Didn’t the Russians
“informants” — spies — inside Donald Trump’s 2016 hack the DNC emails? Didn’t we hear this
campaign. over and over again?” he said.
“Did they have an informant, aka a spy, at
In multiple TV interviews, Gowdy defended the actions, the DNC to chase down the Russians who
saying “the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would were hacking the DNC’s emails? No. If they
want them to do when they got the information they got, are trying to protect us and the candidates
and that it has nothing to do with Donald Trump.” and the election from the Russians, as we
pointed out last week, why weren’t there
He incredulously insisted that the FBI’s Russia probe and informants in Jill Stein’s campaign, or
surveillance of the Trump team was all very legitimate, Hillary Clinton’s campaign, or Bernie
very normal, and something Americans should expect the Sanders’ campaign?”
bureau to be doing.
Levin noted further that the operation against Team Trump
“Chris Wray and Rod Rosenstein have was clearly to either keep Trump out of office or, as a
made it clear to us, Donald Trump was backup plan, undermine him so severely after he won that
never the target of the investigation, he’s he would either quit or be forced from office.
not the current target of the investigation.
Keep in mind, that could all change “Now [Gowdy’s] telling us look, Trump was
depending on what a witness says,” the never the target of this investigation. That’s
South Carolina congressman told Fox very slippery, like a slip and fall lawyer. Of
News’ Martha MacCallum Tuesday. course, Trump was the target of the
“But as of now, Chris Wray and Rod investigation. They just haven’t found
Rosenstein are stunned whenever people anything on Trump,” said Levin, the former
think that Trump is the target of their chief of staff to Attorney General Ed
investigation. I’ll leave it to them how to Meese.
brief the president,” he added. “You think Manafort was the target of the
investigation? Or Gates? Or
This left us stunned, quite frankly, given that one of Papadopoulos? Or Lieutenant General
Gowdy’s close colleagues in all of this, House Intelligence Flynn? When we talk about Trump world —
Committee chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has been as the Trump campaign, the Trump transition,
clear as he can be — and on multiple occasions — a) there the Trump presidency — who the hell do
was no actionable intelligence that justified the “Russian they think the target is? That’s said, there’s
collusion” probe, as it was entirely political; and b) the nothing on Trump, but they’d like nothing
only real ‘collusion’ appears to have been between more than to get something on Trump.”
Russian sources and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. “Why do you think they are taking Manafort
to the gallows day in and day out? Why do
Talk radio giant Mark Levin agrees that the was never any you think Mr. Gowdy, Mr. former federal
collusion involving the Trump team, but there was plenty prosecutor, they’ve interviewed virtually
involving Clinton, and he took Gowdy to task over it this every single person that’s ever worked for
week on his daily program. Donald Trump – whether in the campaign,
in the transition or in his administration?”
he continued.

“Why did Trump Inc. have to turn over easy it is for them to dismiss the tyranny
hundreds of thousands of pages of out of government control – its
information if they are not trying to get unbelievable when you put this stuff
Trump — it has nothing to do with him now together, the unmasking that took place,”
because they didn’t find anything. But they Levin went on. “The FISA application. The
sure as hell have been trying. dossier, with Hillary Clinton and the DNC
“That special counsel who wants to take funding it. The endless leaks. — ‘this is
what the American people would want,
this to the brink of a constitutional crisis,
don’t ya know.’”
with 49 areas of questions that he wants to
ask Donald Trump ‘has nothing to do with
Donald Trump and only has to do with As far as we know, Gowdy hasn’t refuted any of Nunes’
Russia,” said Levin. claims. So why did he say what he said? Why is he
defending the indefensible?
“All these phony civil libertarians, all these
phony quasi-slip and fall lawyers. How

Trump Hits Justin Trudeau
Square In The Jaw Over Trade
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
2:38 PM 06/01/2018

President Donald Trump hit back at Canadian Prime

Minister Justin Trudeau’s protests at the recent leveling of
tariffs on steel and aluminium imports to the U.S. from his

Trump’s tweet comes after the U.S. levied steel

and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and the
European Union. All three parties quickly announced that
retaliatory action would be taken reciprocally on the U.S.
in light of the tariffs. Trump also issued a statement on trade with Canada late
Thursday, saying,
Trudeau was particularly scathing in response, saying,
“The United States has been taken
advantage of for many decades on trade.
“We have to believe that at some point,
Those days are over. Earlier today, this
common sense will prevail. But we see no
message was conveyed to Prime Minister
sign of that in this action today by the U.S.
Justin Trudeau of Canada: The United
States will agree to a fair deal, or there will
be no deal at all.”

Imran Awan Allegedly Tried
‘To Hide His Money’ While DOJ Negotiates With Him
Luke Rosiak And Wajid Ali Syed | Contributor
3:13 AM 06/01/2018

 Former Democratic IT staffer Imran Awan allegedly lengths there are a lot of assets here,” he
tried to “hide his money” recently. said. “How much of this do [prosecutors]
 Awan’s lawyer claims his client “does not have a know? They should.”
pot to piss in.”
 Awan is currently under FBI investigation over On May 3, prosecutors said they were “currently exploring
“unauthorized access” House servers and is a possible resolution of this matter.”
indicted on charges of bank fraud.
“I can’t understand why [prosecutors would
Embattled former Democratic IT aide Imran Awan has as strike a plea deal], unless he’s not the
recently as weeks ago attempted to get someone to create biggest fish in the school,” King told
an LLC to hide the ownership of real estate, and two TheDCNF.
people to buy a $40,000 gold bar for him, sources told The
Daily Caller News Foundation. This while his lawyer has The allegations add another colorful twist to a story that
told The Daily Caller News Foundation that Imran already includes the suspect leaving a laptop with the
“doesn’t have a pot to piss in.” username RepDWS in a phone booth after he was banned
from the House network; an arrest at Dulles airport with a
“He is totally unable to work and does not suitcase full of cash; and the disappearance of the entire
have a pot to piss in,” Imran attorney Chris House Democratic Caucus server.
Gowen wrote in a Feb. 27 email to
TheDCNF. Disappearing money would be key because Republican
House officials close to the probe say that not only did
Imran, who along with wife Hina Alvi worked as a server huge quantities of House technology equipment disappear,
administrator for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has they suspect Imran ran a $7 million “ghost employee”
been the target of an FBI investigation since the House scheme where no-show employees — one of whom had
Inspector General alleged in September 2016 that he made been most-recently worked at McDonald’s — were added
“unauthorized access” to House servers and systematically to the House payroll as IT administrators.
falsified congressional financial records. Prosecutors have
charged Imran and Alvi with bank fraud related to a House In a deposition, Imran’s stepmom — who was interviewed
retirement account and a mortgage after the FBI said Imran by the FBI — said the bureau asked her where the money
impersonated his wife and initiated a $300,000 wire was going.
transfer to Pakistan, claiming it was for a funeral.
A source told TheDCNF the purpose of the new LLC
Investigators say the alleged congressional fraud may Imran wanted them to create was to hold assets, including
extend to millions of dollars. The FBI is in possession of real estate, but that the assets would remain under Imran’s
hundreds of “Suspicious Activity Reports” detailing control.
unusual transfers from Imran’s bank accounts, officials
The Awans owned numerous homes that operated as rental
properties. TheDCNF interviewed most of the tenants, and
“This is a national security issue… He all said the Awans demanded rent in the form of cash or
should have been locked up in jail a long blank money orders.
time ago with all his family members,” Rep.
Steve King, an Iowa Republican who
Virginia licensing documents show that Imran became a
serves on the Committee on the Judiciary,
licensed real estate broker during the time period he was
told TheDCNF after it briefed him on the
earning $160,000 from Congress. The licensing process
latest findings. “Anybody that’s hiding
requires certifying that the applicant was working “an
assets by buying gold bars and trying to get
average of at least 40 hours per week” as a real estate
people to set up LLCs, who knows what
agent at the time. Brokers typically supervise real estate
else is going on. If he’s going to those
agents and handle large amounts of money.
Two sources said that in recent weeks, Imran has discussed elderly mother-in-law. It is unclear what the “New Dawn”
providing third parties with money and having them travel in 2001 was; the company was created in 2011.
to New York City to buy and return with a 1-kilogram gold
bar. Gowen, Imran’s attorney, said he had “no idea” what the
companies did.
“He wants to hide his money,” one source
said in relation to the gold. The companies also include multiple purported car
dealerships, for which no physical presence could be
Those alleged requests occurred just weeks before Awan’s located, that were registered to Imran brother Abid Awan’s
next scheduled court date, on June 7. Ukranian wife, Nataliia Sova, who was also on the House
payroll. Another car dealership that did have a physical
Imran wears a court-ordered GPS ankle bracelet and is presence, registered to Abid, took $100,000 from an Iraqi
required to stay close to home– a restriction his lawyer has government official, Abid’s business partner Nasir Khattak
repeatedly asked prosecutors to lift. testified in a civil suit.

At least 14 limited liability companies have previously On mandatory House ethics disclosures, the Awans —
been registered to immediate family members or to the who were subject to restrictions on outside income — did
addresses of the Awan family’s residences. Those included not report any outside companies. LLCs associated with
companies such as New Dawn 2001, registered to Imran’s members of the Awan family or their addresses include:

Name Contact Address Date

New Dawn 2001 Hina Alvi; Imran Awan; Suraiya Begum 9667 Hawkshead Dr 07/29/11
Westmind Enterprise LLC Abid Awan 6924 Little River Tpke Ste C 11/02/10
Acg LLC Suraiya Begum 9667 Hawkshead Dr 06/28/11
Discover EZ Car Buying Co Nataliia Sova 7110 Falcon St 07/22/14
Regional Car Center Inc. Nataliia Sova 7110 Falcon St 03/23/15
Alain LLC Nataliia Sova 7110 Falcon St 04/28/09
Cars International A LLC Abid Awan 7110 Falcon St 10/07/09
Cars International LLC Abid Arfan Awan 624 S Washington Street 01/28/08
Awantech LLC lmran Awan 6314 Thomas Dr 09/27/06
lntl Sufi Educational Org Muhammad Awan 6314 Thomas Dr 04/29/10
Winfield Builder Corp Muhammad Ashraf Shah; Sampson T Winfield 6314 Thomas Dr 04/14/14
Express Services Corp Sampson Winfield 6314 Thomas Dr 01/27/12
A Winfield & Associates Corp Sampson T Winfield 6314 Thomas Dr 03/27/14
Winfield Real Estate Corp Sampson T Winfield 6314 Thomas Dr 03/27/14

TGP EXCLUSIVE: Former Intelligence Officers Find
‘Indisputable Evidence’ U.S. Intel Leaders Were
Linked To British In Spygate Scandal
By Cassandra Fairbanks
June 1, 2018, 5:00 Am

The Gateway Pundit investigative journalist According to one of the former intelligence officers who
Cassandra Fairbanks interviewed three spoke to The Gateway Pundit,
former intelligence officers with knowledge
of the corrupt – criminal activity of the “this was a coup attempt without firearms;
Obama CIA. relying instead on manufactured
intelligence designed to feed the meme
The former officers told The Gateway Pundit: that Trump surrogates were in contact with
the Russians.”
 The U.K.’s Joint Intelligence Committee was the venue The former intelligence officers agreed
used by the CIA and the DNI to share and receive that the U.K.’s Joint Intelligence
“intelligence” allegedly linking Trump to Russia. Committee was the venue used by the
 The sources believe that John Brennan and James CIA and the DNI to share and receive
Clapper used highly classified intelligence channels to “intelligence” allegedly linking Trump to
create a trail of fake evidence linking Trump to Russia. Russia.
 George Papadopoulos was targeted deliberately by
U.K. intel operatives in a plot to trick him. The Gateway Pundit spoke to the two former intelligence
 It was Joseph Mifsud, not Papadopoulos, who raised officers on the condition of anonymity because of the
the prospect of meeting with the Russians and sensitivity of the matter. We additionally spoke to Bill
introduced the claim that Russia had damaging Binney, a former high level National Security Agency
information about Hillary Clinton. official-turned-whistleblower, who confirmed that he
 Joeseph Mifsud was a British operative, not a Russian agrees with their conclusions.
 The only entity that could have coordinated the The former intelligence officers believe that John Brennan
entire operation was the Obama White House. and James Clapper used highly classified intelligence
channels to create a trail of fake evidence linking Trump to
Russia. Based on their years of experience in the
intelligence community, including overseas operations, it
appears highly likely that Joseph Mifsud was a MI6 asset
and that his role within the British spy service was
deliberately obscured to give the appearance of him
working for Russia.

Multiple sources report that British intel agencies were

involved actively in collecting information on Trump
associates and their contacts with persons linked to Russia.

According to the Guardian:

“Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role

Multiple former intelligence officers believe there is in alerting their counterparts in Washington
indisputable evidence that British Intelligence to contacts between members of Donald
organizations—GCHQ and MI6 in particular— Trump’s campaign team and Russian
collaborated with the U.S. intelligence community to intelligence operatives. . .GCHQ first
portray Donald Trump and his associates as pawns of the became aware in late 2015 of suspicious
Russians. ‘interactions’ between figures connected to
Trump and known or suspected Russian damaging information about Hillary Clinton.
agents, a source close to UK intelligence Papadopoulos in turn relayed this information via emails
said. This intelligence was passed to the and phone calls back to members of the Trump campaign.
US as part of a routine exchange of
information, they added.”

The New York Times also confirmed, citing three former

senior U.S. officials, that the United Kingdom was
collecting intelligence on meetings in European cities
between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s
president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of
President-elect Trump. In addition, those same three
officials confirmed that,

“American intelligence agencies had

intercepted communications of Russian
officials, some of them within the Kremlin,
discussing contacts with Trump
Although the FBI claims that Papadopoulos’ emails were
The former U.S. intelligence officers, who are familiar
recovered via a lawfully obtained search warrant, there is
with the operations and activities of the JIC, noted that
no doubt that the information was already in the hands of
such exchanges of information are anything but “routine.” the U.K. and the U.S. intelligence community. The
The CIA’s Chief of Station regularly meets with the JIC
documents leaked by Edward Snowden in 2013 show
and serves as a conduit for communication between the
definitively that such conversations were intercepted and
CIA Director and the UK. Generally, information derived
retained by both the GCHQ and the NSA. Obtaining
from intercepted conversations or emails would be passed
material for prosecution from intelligence sources that will
as SIGINT and normally would be classified as Top Secret
be allowed into a court proceeding is known as parallel
compartmented intelligence. construction.

The CIA’s London Chief of Station (COS) or their senior

“What Ray McGovern and I were
intelligence analyst posted to the London embassy would
thinking is that the whole conspiracy
attend weekly JIC meetings, according to one of the
about the Russian narrative was
sources. At time, the COS was Gina Haspel, who is now
concocted by Brennan and then most
the director of the CIA.
likely approved by Obama.

These intel community insiders believe that This is what I told Pompeo when I was in with him. It
the case of George Papadopoulos, a minor requires the NSA, CIA, FBI, DNI, DNC and the DOJ to be
official named to the Trump foreign policy coordinating — especially for things like the Steele
team on March 21, 2016, merits additional dossier. The only one place they all come together and can
scrutiny because it shows evidence that be ordered to coordinate and cooperate is the president —
Papadopoulos was targeted deliberately which was Obama. The DOJ doesn’t fall under the DNI or
by U.K. intel operatives in a plot to trick anybody else — only the president,” Binney told The
him into communicating information about Gateway Pundit.
possible approaches to Russia via
conversations with persons in the United
States. All of these raises very serious questions that require
In the Statement of Offense filed against Papadopoulos by
the U.S. Department of Justice, he is accused of lying  Who made the initial decision to collect information on
about his contact with Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese diplomat Trump Associates?
who was a member of the European Council on Foreign  How many classified SIGINT reports were sent to the
Relations and the Clinton Foundation. It was Mifsud, not U.S. intel community?
Papadopoulos, who raised the prospect of meeting with the  When did John Brennan and James Clapper share this
Russians and introduced the claim that Russian had information with President Obama?

Did This Central Figure In The “Spygate” Scandal Just
CLEAR Trump Of Russian “Collusion?”
By JD Heyes

Clinton — but whether Trump knew or

not?” Downer explained.
“He didn’t say Trump knew or that Trump
was in any way involved in this. He said it
was about Russians and Hillary Clinton; it
wasn’t about Trump,” Downer told The

Was he spoonfed the Clinton email lie?

The Trump adviser’s reference to Clinton’s material was

also very vague, Downer indicated.
Like an onion, once we peel back one layer of the stinking
Obama scandal involving efforts to spy on the 2016 Trump
“He didn’t say dirt; he said material that
campaign, there is so much more to reveal.
could be damaging to her. No, he said it
would be damaging. He didn’t say what it
As reported by The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross, former was,” Downer said.
Australian diplomat Alexander Downer spoke in public for
the first time about a barroom conversation he had with a
That encounter would later trigger the spying operation
minor foreign policy adviser to the campaign
that the FBI called “Crossfire Hurricane,” a juvenile
reference to a Rolling Stones song from the 1960s,
“that would serve as a catalyst for the FBI’s Jumpin’ Jack Flash. The Daily Caller noted further:
collusion investigation.”
Downer sent a cable back to Australian
In an interview with The Australian (paywall) April 28, government authorities within 48 hours of
Downer — former high commissioner to the United the Papadopoulos encounter. The
Kingdom — said he tasked another Australian diplomat information was not provided to the FBI
with contacting the campaign adviser, George until months later when Joe Hockey,
Papadopoulos, for the barroom meeting which took place Australia’s ambassador to the U.S., passed
around May 10, 2016, at London’s Kensington Wine it to American authorities in late July 2016.
Room. He was prompted to share the information
by WikiLeaks’ release of hacked DNC
Over drinks, Ross noted, Papadopoulos mentioned that emails.
Russia had information on Hillary Clinton that could be
“Crossfire Hurricane” was officially
damaging to her.
opened on July 31, 2016. It has since
folded into the investigation being
But there was no indication during the short conversation conducted by special counsel Robert
that Trump himself was even aware of that information, Mueller.
Downer told the paper.
“During that conversation, [Papadopoulos]
mentioned the Russians might use material
“By the way, nothing [Papadopoulos] said
that they have on Hillary Clinton in the
in that conversation indicated Trump
lead-up to the election, which may be
himself had been conspiring with the
damaging,” Downer told The Australian.
Russians to collect information on Hillary
Clinton. It was just that this guy,
[Papadopoulos], clearly knew that the
Russians did have material on Hillary
But how did Papadopoulos, a young campaign operative with Mifsud and a pair of the professor’s Russian
eager to make his mark, come into the Clinton email associates.
information in the first place?
There are some who believe that Papadopoulos was
He told the FBI on Jan. 26, 2017, that he had a spoonfed the claim that Russians had Hillary’s emails so
conversation on April 26, 2016, with Joseph Mifsud, a that he would repeat to others who would then report that
Maltese professor, and it was Mifsud who claimed to have back to FBI handlers in order to justify the spying.
been in contact with Russian agents who said they had
“dirt” on Clinton that included “thousands” of her House Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, R-
supposedly lost emails. Calif., has said there was never any intelligence suggesting
that Trump or anyone in his campaign may have been
It was a set-up. undermining the government by in some way “colluding”
with Russians — which is the legal standard for launching
Papadopoulos has been indicted by Mueller for lying to counterintelligence operations like “Spygate.”
FBI agents — a process crime. He pleaded guilty to
misleading the bureau about the time of his encounters So, why else was it launched? People with a functioning
brainstem know the answer.

House Intel Report: Jeff Sessions Supervised
Five Foreign Policy Experts During Campaign –
Including Carter Page And Papadopoulos
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 7:40 Am

oversaw the small team of five foreign

policy experts for the Trump campaign.
Included in this small group were Carter
Page and George Papadopoulos.

According to the House Intel report, the future President

was under pressure to put together a foreign policy team in
March of 2016. A number of seasoned Republican foreign
policy experts were unwilling to jump on the Trump train.

The Recent House Intel Committee Because of this pressure from the press to show he had
Report on Russia included a large experts on his team, candidate Trump named then
amount of information. The report Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as the chairman of his
notes numerous issues but hidden in National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC). A few
Issue #27 is an obscure piece of weeks later, candidate Trump released the names of five
information. Former Senator and people on his team. The list included Carter Page and
current Attorney General Jeff Sessions George Papadopoulos.

The House Intel Report states that – Trump campaign’s co-chairman, but the source of this
information remained anonymous.
There is no evidence that anyone on the
Trump campaign was aware of Page’s past It looks more likely that Jeff Sessions
ties to Russian intelligence services-or was responsible for hiring both Page
Papadopoulos’ more recent contacts with a and Papadopoulos for the Trump
Russian-connected professor-when these campaign because they reported to him
two individuals were included among the and because of Sessions’ actions of
advisors that were publicly announced on betrayal since becoming the nation’s
March 21. In fact, as [President Trump’s Attorney General.
son in law Jared] Kushner candidly put it,
“we put together that list because we vi1ere Were these two guys Deep State plants
getting a lot of pressure from the media to or outed to the Deep State after being
put out a list of foreign policy advisers.” hired under Sessions on the Trump
The Daily Caller reported that both Carter Page and
George Papadopoulos were hired by Sam Clovis, the

Why Aren’t They Firing Samantha Bee After
Calling Ivanka Trump A C*Nt?
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 7:52 Am

On Wednesday liberal hack Samantha

Bee attacked First Daughter Ivanka
Trump after the president’s daughter
tweeted out a photo of herself with her
little boy.

Samantha Bee called Ivanka a “c*nt.”

Bee followed this up by telling Ivanka to

put ‘something tight’ on and go talk with
On Thursday Samantha Bee was
her father.
honored by the Television Academy for
her “programming that advanced social
Samantha Bee has a show on TBS – Turner Broadcasting
System. change.”
On Friday morning President Trump
Bee is an Emmy Award winner. tweeted on Samantha Bee… Why aren’t
they firing Samantha Bee?
Liberals love her humor.
Here is the video…

MAGA: US Unemployment Numbers Released This
Morning – Rate At Near 20 Year Low
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 8:03 Am

The US unemployment rate reported

released this morning is now down to
3.8%! The US hasn’t seen
unemployment this low since 2000!

This morning the US unemployment rate dropped from

3.9% last month to 3.8% in May –

The US unemployment rate fell to 3.8 percent in May 2018

from 3.9 percent in the previous month, and below market
expectations of 3.9 percent. It was the lowest rate since The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reported 223,000 new
April 2000. Unemployment Rate in the United States jobs in April.
averaged 5.78 percent from 1948 until 2018, reaching an
all time high of 10.80 percent in November of 1982 and a President Trump’s economy is on fire.
record low of 2.50 percent in May of 1953.

CONFIRMED: Barack Obama Was Running The Entire
Spygate Operation That Violated Federal Law To Spy On
Trump Campaign Officials
By Jayson Veley

of course, I was planning on telling this

guy, thanks for coming, we’ve got an hour,
but with Bill (Priestap) there, I‘ve got no

Bill Priestap was the assistant director of

counterintelligence and Strzok’s immediate superior at the

In response to Strzok’s text message, Lisa Page replied:

“Yeah, whatever (re the WH comment).

In recent months, democrats have laughed in the face of We’ve got the emails that say otherwise.”
everyone that has even considered the possibility that
Barack Obama was involved in the counterintelligence Based on this short conversation between Strzok and Page,
investigation into the Trump campaign. Now, it appears as it sure seems as though what conservatives have been
though conservatives will have the last laugh after all. saying for months now is true after all – that the Obama
White House did, in fact, play a role in the
After an in-depth analysis of text messages sent between counterintelligence investigation into the Trump
FBI agent Peter Strzok and former FBI lawyer Lisa Page campaign.
around the time the investigation into Trump’s campaign
began, National Review’s Andrew McCarthy discovered Still, though, there are two important questions that need to
that the Department of Justice had redacted bits of be answered: First, who was the redacted official who
information that were damning for Barack Obama and his stated that the
“White House is running this” regarding the
Damning evidence investigation? And second, what is the
content of the emails referenced by Lisa
One of the most revealing text messages that McCarthy page “that say otherwise”?
highlighted came from Strzok, which appeared to indicate
that, contrary to what liberals have been saying for months In order to provide context to what already appears to be
now, the Obama White House was involved in the entire damning evidence against the Obama administration, these
anti-Trump operation. (Related: A deep state leak to the questions need to be answered sooner rather than later.
New York Times reveals that the Obama regime spied on
the Trump campaign without evidence of any crime.) One thing that we know for sure is that Obama’s spying on
Trump’s team is turning out to be a much bigger and more
The message, which related to a high-level meeting with significant scandal than the so-called “Russia collusion”
CIA officials on August 5, 2016, read: “And hi. Went well, narrative ever was. In fact, just this past weekend, Michael
best we could have expected. Other than (REDACTED) Barone of the New York Post made the argument that
quote: Obama’s spying scandal has reached a point where it is
now starting to resemble Watergate.
‘the White House is running this.’ My
answer, ‘well, maybe for you they are.’ And

“The crime at the root of Watergate was an wrongdoing whatsoever is quickly turning into one of the
attempt at surveillance of the DNC after most serious scandals in recent history. Highly unethical
George McGovern seemed about to win and potentially illegal acts were seemingly committed, and
the Democratic Party’s presidential now the liberals are desperately trying to cover their tracks
nomination, just as the government through lies and the perpetuation of misinformation.
misconduct in Russiagate was an attempt
at surveillance of the Republican Party’s Sadly, however, it’s far from guaranteed that anybody will
national campaign after Trump clinched its be held accountable. If history has taught us anything, it’s
nomination,” Barone wrote. that liberals have a knack for avoiding legal consequences
after committing crimes, even though they belong behind
Indeed, the Left’s behind-the-scenes efforts to tear down bars. Only time will tell if the United States justice system
President Trump without any significant evidence of any will prevail.

Sorry Not Sorry: Samantha Bee Tells
Hollywood Elites The Criticism Of Her Calling Ivanka
Trump A C*Nt “Was Overblown”
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 8:43 Am

On Wednesday liberal hack Samantha all should have spent the day incensed that
Bee attacked First Daughter Ivanka as a nation we are wrenching children from
Trump after the president’s daughter their parents.”
tweeted out a photo of herself with her
She’s not sorry.
little boy.

Samantha Bee called Ivanka a “c*nt.”

Bee followed this up by telling Ivanka to

put ‘something tight’ on and go talk with
her father.

Samantha Bee has a show on TBS – Turner Broadcasting


Bee is an Emmy Award winner.

Liberals love her humor.
Here is the video…

On Thursday Samantha Bee was

honored by the Television Academy for
her “programming that advanced social
During the ceremony Samantha Bee
continued to attack President Trump…
On a program started by Barack Obama.

Samantha Bee:

“We spent the day wrestling with the

repercussions of one bad word, when we
Hey Sessions, Arrest Obama Already!
Or Are You Too Scared?
Marty Gottesfeld | Freemartyg.Com
June 1, 2018

“’POTUS wants to know everything

we’re doing.”

How flimsy? Based on innocent sounding text messages

and/or phone conversations along with so-called “expert”
testimony from federal agents alone, people get convicted
of federal conspiracy charges all the time without any
physical evidence whatsoever. The feds can and do claim
that just about anything was a code word for just about any
illegal activity or controlled substance.

The attorney general and the dirty DOJ In one such infamous case, they convicted a guy of
probably already have enough to arrest, conspiracy to traffic drugs because he spoke about
try, and convict Barack Obama, but purchasing soy sauce and then in fact actually purchased
since they won’t, you can join nearly soy sauce. However, a DEA agent told jurors that in his
8,000 Americans who have signed the “professional experience,” he was sure that “soy sauce”
White House petition to fire Jefferson was code for drugs. The jury bought it even though the
Beauregard Sessions “for all the defendant was able to produce receipts for the soy sauce
obvious reasons” by clicking here. which he had really purchased and despite the glaring
reality that the feds hadn’t actually caught the defendant
First, let’s clear up some common with any drugs.
misconceptions. Former President Barack H. Obama no
longer has presidential immunity since that only protected Now compare that to the situation with the Steele dossier,
him while he was in office. On the other the FISA wiretap applications for Trump’s presidential
hand,current President Donald J. Trump does have campaign, and the Strzok-Page texts. It’s a federal crime to
immunity. Further, as a matter of law, the immunity which perjure a wiretap application or to otherwise perpetrate a
Obama previously enjoyed from the time of his fraud upon the court or merely to conspire to do such.
inauguration on January 20, 2009 until he left office on
January 20, 2017 does not stop the DOJ from
Yet, instead of making arrests and then squeezing people
prosecuting now for crimes in which he may have taken
to cooperate – as Mueller is trying to do in his so-called
part during his administration. Nor would it stop a local
“investigation” – Sessions does nothing. Nor will he hire a
DA from pursuing state/local charges against him.
second special prosecutor to do the job. And there’s
something really wrong with that.
Second, law enforcement would only needs to show
probable cause in order to make an arrest or to obtain
Meanwhile, the president has been very vocal (1 2 3 4)
either a wiretap or a search warrant and that’s a much
that he would have chosen a different attorney general if
lower burden of proof than “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Sessions had been upfront with him in the first place. To
In fact, that hurdle is so low in federal court that it is
be sure, firing Sessions now would be costly, but as I
commonly the subject of a cliché joke: they say the feds
argued in my article, “If You Love This Country Sign
can indict a ham sandwich and I’d like to add that they can
Here to #FireSessions,” it would also be worth it. I
convict it of being turkey.
understand that many people have lost faith in petitions as
drivers of change and I would doubt that any petition could
Indeed, I personally know a lot of people being held convince President Trump to do anything which he didn’t
without bail right now by the feds on much flimsier otherwise want to do.
evidence than what is known about the bogus Steele
dossier, the dishonest FISA wiretap applications, and the
However, this petition to fire Sessions isn’t meant to
contents of the Strzok-Page texts, which say that
convince President Trump that letting go of Session is the

right move. It’s about demonstrating that no matter what pioneered the use of metal clamps rather than leather
the pundits and legal advisers have to say against the idea, straps.
everyday Americans would back the president should he
do it. Eventually, he was released. But then in short order, he
was convicted of murder and wound up dying in the very
And there would also be a final, great, poetic justice as same electric chair that he had helped streamline.
well as cyclical irony about the DOJ arresting Obama.
Now, as I argued over at Red State more than a year ago,
You see, more than 100 years ago, there was an inmate before I lost faith in Sessions myself, the Obama
named Charles Justice serving time in the Ohio State administrations took the political weaponization of the
Penitentiary in Columbus. It was his job to clean out the Justice Department to new heights. President Obama and
execution chamber after each use of the electric chair. Attorney Generals Holder and Lynch made it a far more
efficient instrument of destruction. Now it’s Obama’s turn
After a bit, Charles Justice helped improve the device to to sit in it.
make the process smoother and less gruesome. He

Huffington Post Doxes Pro-Trump Writer, Gets Her
Husband Fired… And Now They’re Targeting Her
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 9:34 Am

He harassed Amy, her husband and her

Do Not Be Fooled — This is a Warning family.
Luke O’Brien called her husband’s
If you speak out against the left – You employer and had him fired.
will be destroyed. Your job will be
targeted. You will not work. Your family
will be targeted.

Let this be a warning!

Amy Mek is a top pro-Trump

conservative voice on Twitter.
Amy also is an outspoken critic of
radical Islam.
Because of this she remains
anonymous on Twitter.
Luke O’Brien

This is the modern day left. They are

nothing but violent fascists who are out
to destroy their opposition.
The left is through discussing the
They’ve switched tactics.
Now they are out to destroy you… AND
your family.

This is behavior we once witnessed in communist regimes.

Today it’s the Democrats.

Because of her powerful voice and Now this…

amazing success Amy Mek is constantly
under attack. Huffington Post not only doxed Amy Mek and put her
Far left critics threaten to expose her family in danger. They got her husband fired. And now
and her family. they are after her brother WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO
They know this puts them all in mortal
danger. From the comments at Huffington Post—
Huffington Post writer Luke O’Brien
Via Jeff Giesea:
recently discovered Amy’s true identity.
Liberals See Bad Motives, Obstruction In D’Souza Pardon
Former Career Civil Service Ethics Official Argues That It Would Have Been Better
Had Trump Waited Until End Of His Term, Like Bill Clinton
By Brendan Kirby
Updated 01 Jun 2018 At 9:55 AM

Schaub, diGenova said, is a "fool. He's a

partisan political hack who is really an
embarrassment to the ethics community."

Trump granted the reprieve to D'Souza, who pleaded guilty

to exceeding campaign donation limits in contributing to a
long-shot Republican Senate candidate in New York. The
president explained that he believed D'Souza had been
treated unfairly by the justice system.

Schaub was far from alone in seeing nefarious motives in

the pardon — along with other pardons Trump has not
even granted but has publicly mulled, such as for
businesswoman Martha Stewart and former Illinois Gov.
Of all of the predictably critical reactions to President Rod Blagojevich.
Donald Trump’s pardon of conservative filmmaker Dinesh
D’Souza, perhaps the strangest came from former federal Jed Shugerman, a Fordham Law School professor, even
ethics officer Walter Schaub, who suggested it should have suggested that the pardon might constitute obstruction of
been done at the end of the chief executive’s term. justice. He said the timing is "dramatic" because it comes
days after new revelations about the raids on his lawyer,
Schaub, the departed head of the Office of Government Michael Cohen. He said previous pardons for former
Ethics, told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin Thursday that there Maricopa County (Arizona) Sheriff Joe Arpaio and former
have been “bad pardons, but usually if a president was White House aide Lewis "Scooter" Libby fall into the
going to issue a questionable pardon, it’s at the end of the same category.
term of the president as they’re walking out the door.”
"It's almost like President Trump went
Pardoning D’Souza (shown above) now, Schaub said, is a through a list of potential crimes that he
“brazen act” that could send a message to figures in the and his White House could be charged with
investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 and found pardons for other people to lay
campaign. the groundwork," he said on CNN.

“So it just sends a message that the Susan Hennessey, a fellow in national security in
president is going to act outside the normal governance studies at the Brookings Institution,
bounds of how we go about giving these acknowledged on CNN that the president has unreviewable
kind of pardons,” he said. pardon authority.

Joseph diGenova, who served as U.S. attorney for the "But this still is an abuse of that power,"
District of Columbia under Ronald Reagan, said it is odd she said.
to suggest that presidents should wait until after they no
longer have to face voters before granting controversial Hennessey said the only consequence Trump faces is
pardons. political accountability.

"He's being brave and courageous," he "That's one of the reasons why it's so
said, referring to the D'Souza pardon. "He's disturbing that we're not seeing any
doing it now while he's accountable, before pushback or nearly enough pushback from
an election." congressional Republicans," she said.

In a separate CNN segment, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) said A frequent complaint repeated Thursday was that Trump
pardons can be an important tool of mercy. bypassed the normal procedures for considering clemency,
a process that typically involves investigation by the
"Instead, it looks like the president is government's pardon attorney and input from judges and
abusing his pardon power, either for sheer prosecutors who participated in the cases. Those same
political reasons, or to send a message to critics, however, generally did not mention that former
people under investigation, or because the President Bill Clinton bypassed that process more than 40
defendant happened to have high name times.
identification," he said.
DiGenova, the former federal prosecutor, told LifeZette
Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, whose office that going through the formal process is useful for low-
prosecuted D'Souza, also registered his disapproval on profile cases but unnecessary for well-known cases with
Twitter: extensive records. In D'Souza's case, diGenova said, the
president had good cause.
"The President has the right to pardon but
the facts are these: D'Souza intentionally "I expect him to do more of these," he said.
broke the law, voluntarily pled guilty, "He understands the pardon power
apologized for his conduct & the judge because it can do a lot of good."
found no unfairness. The career
prosecutors and agents did their job.

223,000 Jobs Added In May,
Unemployment Falls To 3.8 Percent
Tim Pearce | Energy Reporter
12:57 PM 06/01/2018

compete more for employees. The competition should

translate to rising wages for workers, though that has not
happened to the extent economists expect.

“This is the last shoe to drop in the labor

market,” Deutsche Bank chief international
economist Torsten Slok told The New York
Times. “It’s just a matter of time before
wages start going up more strongly, but
there’s frustration that it hasn’t happened
yet, even though unemployment is the
The Department of Labor reported Friday 223,000 jobs lowest it has been in almost 18 years.”
were added in the month of May, and unemployment
dropped to 3.8 percent.
Hourly wages lifted by eight cents last month, bringing the
average to $26.92. Revisions to past jobs reports resulted
Jobs growth outpaced economists’ predictions, who in a 15,000 job net gain. Jobs numbers for April and March
estimated the number would fall just short of 200,000. were changed to 159,000 jobs and 155,000, respectively.
Experts were also expecting the unemployment rate to stay So far in 2018, an average of 207,000 new jobs have been
steady from month to month at 3.9 percent. added every month.

May’s unemployment rate matches the April 2000 rate as

the lowest rate in the U.S. since 1969. The falls rate signals
a tightening labor market as employers are forced to

UNHINGED: John Brennan Vows
To Continue To Attack POTUS Trump ‘Until Integrity
Returns To The White House’
By Cristina Laila
June 1, 2018, 1:01 Pm

Former CIA Director-turned-Twitter-troll, Brennan was actually describing the Obama

John Brennan vowed to continue administration’s weaponization of law enforcement and
attacking President Trump on Friday in intel agencies, however; he projected it onto President
a Washington Post op-ed. Trump:

“This is why I speak out against Mr. For more than three decades, I observed
Trump and will continue to do so….” and analyzed the traits and tactics of
said Brennan in a tweet caption linking corrupt, incompetent and narcissistic
to his op-ed. foreign officials who did whatever they
thought was necessary to retain power.
Exploiting the fears and concerns of their
citizenry, these demagogues routinely
relied on lies, deceit and suppression of
political opposition to cast themselves as
populist heroes and to mask self-serving
By gaining control of
intelligence and security
services, stifling the
independence of the judiciary
and discrediting a free press,
these authoritarian rulers
Never have we seen the former administration undermine followed a time-tested recipe
and attack the current administration the way Obama and for how to inhibit democracy’s
his cronies do.
development, retard individual
freedoms and liberties, and
It is unprecedented.
reserve the spoils of corrupt
governance for themselves and
John Brennan compared President Trump to foreign
their ilk. It never dawned on me
dictators in his unhinged WaPo op-ed titled: “I Will Speak
Out Until Integrity Returns To The White House” that we could face such a
development in the United
What does that mean? Until Trump is removed from
office? “The impact of the Trump presidency will
be felt for many years to come,” said
The op-ed shows how narcissistic John Brennan is, Brennan.
claiming he had
Brennan notes many have harshly condemned his
“the rare privilege of directly serving four continued attacks on the current administration.
In response to the criticisms, Brennan claims he’s
Brennan continually calls President Trump a liar apolitical and nonpartisan.
throughout the piece and paints President Trump as a
power hungry dictator.

Many have condemned my public criticism of Mr. Trump, John Brennan is a leaker and a liar; he was directly
arguing that as a former CIA director, I should bite my involved in Spygate which is why he continues to attack
tongue. My criticisms, however, are not political; I have President Trump.
never been and will never be a partisan. I speak out for the
simple reason that Mr. Trump is failing to live up to the Brennan’s crimes are bubbling up to the surface; he is also
standards that we should all expect of a president. stuck in a perjury trap.

In conclusion, Brennan vows to “continue to speak out The former CIA Director knows there is a chance he can
loudly and critically until integrity, decency, wisdom — end up in prison just like other CIA officials who were
and maybe even some humility — return to the White jailed for leaking classified information.

BREAKING! Indictments Ready For McCabe And Others /
Trump Delivers On Life Extension Technology
President Trump Is Ready To Drain The Swamp
The Alex Jones Show
June 1, 2018

Alex Jones breaks down how Infowars

accurately predicted the indictment of
Andrew McCabe.

John Solomon Bombshell:
Obama Deep State Was Spying On Trump Campaign
With Human Sources Before Investigation Launched
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 1:50 Pm

Here’s what a congressman and an intelligence expert


“The revelation of purposeful contact

initiated by alleged confidential human
sources prior to any FBI investigation is
troublesome,” Rep. Mark Meadows (R-
N.C.), an ally of President Trump and
chairman of a House subcommittee that’s
taking an increasingly aggressive oversight
role in the scandal, told me. “This new
John Solomon dropped another information begs the questions: Who
were the informants working for, who
bombshell Friday on the historic Obama
were they reporting to and why has the
spygate scandal. [Department of Justice] and FBI gone to
such great lengths to hide these
According to Solomon new documents contacts?”
reveal the Obama deep state figures
contacted Trump campaign officials in Kevin Brock agrees that Congress has legitimate
Great Britain prior to the launch of any questions. The retired FBI assistant director for
FBI investigation. intelligence supervised the rewriting of bureau rules
governing sources, under then-director Robert Mueller a
decade ago. Those rules forbid the FBI from directing a
This spying on Trump campaign
human source to target an American until a formally
officials show the Comey FBI broke predicated investigative file is opened.
their own rules governing informants.
John Solomon from The Hill told Sean
The Hill reported: Hannity on Thursday night the Obama
White House attempted to take over the
The bridge to the Russia investigation wasn’t erected in Russian-collusion investigation.
Moscow during the summer of the 2016 election.

It originated earlier, 1,700 miles away in London, where

foreign figures contacted Trump campaign advisers and
provided the FBI with hearsay allegations of Trump-
Russia collusion, bureau documents and interviews of
government insiders reveal. These contacts in spring 2016
— some from trusted intelligence sources, others from
Hillary Clinton supporters — occurred well before FBI
headquarters authorized an official counterintelligence
investigation on July 31, 2016.

The new timeline makes one wonder: Did the FBI follow
its rules governing informants?

Black Unemployment Plunges To Record Low, Gap
Between White, Black Unemployment Smallest In History
Benny Johnson | Reporter At Large
1:58 PM 06/01/2018

Friday’s economic numbers were very good for America.

The numbers reveal that the U.S. economy is booming and

many key indicators of economic health are trending in the
right direction. According to the Labor Department, the
unemployment rate is 3.8 percent, the lowest in nearly two

223,000 jobs were created and the May increase in payroll

was bullish, surprising economists, according to NPR.
However, the most historic data points seem to be centered
around black unemployment. The unemployment rate for
African-Americans plunged to 5.9 percent in May. That is
a record low. Interestingly, the gap between white ad black
unemployment has shrunk to the smallest since these
numbers have been recorded. The white unemployment
(3.5%) and black unemployment (5.9%) is the smallest gap
since the release of these numbers, beginning in the early Early Friday morning, Trump sent a tweet saying
“Looking forward to seeing the employment
numbers at 8:30 this morning.”

MSNBC Panel Puts Negative
Spin On Excellent May Job Numbers
Amber Athey | Media And Breaking News Editor
2:29 PM 06/01/2018

An MSNBC panel on Friday worked overtime to put a

negative spin on the excellent May jobs report that showed
better-than-expected job growth and low unemployment.


“The president, he certainly wanted us to

pay attention,” anchor Stephanie Ruhle
said. “At 7:30 this morning he sent out this
tweet…I completely understand why the
economy is a win for the president but to
send this tweet out one hour before it
becomes public?”
“The security around these numbers is
incredible,” guest Brendan Greeley
affirmed. “If I were to before 8:30 text my
wife and say the job numbers look good…I
The jobs report showed that 223,000 jobs were added in would never work in financial journalism
May — more than economist predicted — and that again.”
unemployment dropped to 3.8 percent.
Ruhle and Greeley went on to fret over whether Trump’s
The MSNBC panel admitted that the numbers were great, “deeply suspect” and “unprecedented” behavior may have
but then quickly pivoted to criticize Trump for tweeting affected trading on the market.
that he was “looking forward to seeing the employment
numbers” before the report was released.
Greeley admitted again that the economy has been good
under Trump but knocked the president for “cherry-
picking” data to make himself look good.

‘Crumbs’ Pelosi Pans Latest Jobs Numbers As
“Meaningless” And “Bad For Middle Class”
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 2:34 Pm

working and middle class families to further

enrich the wealthy and big corporations
shipping jobs overseas. Thanks to the
massive windfall of the GOP tax scam,
Wall Street and wealthy corporations are
on track to spend $1 trillion on dividends
and stock buybacks while simultaneously
announcing tens of thousands of layoffs
and shipping jobs overseas and refusing to
Democrats are convinced if they say
raise workers’ wages.
middle class enough Americans will be
fooled into voting for them and their job- “Democrats know that the American people
killing, open borders policies. deserve A Better Deal, with Better Jobs,
Better Wages and a Better Future.
The US unemployment rate reported on
Friday morning is now down to 3.8%, We are committed to creating millions of
the lowest unemployment rate since new good-paying jobs and raising
2000! wages, lowering the soaring cost of
living for families and giving every
Black unemployment is at an all-time
American the tools to succeed in the
low. Wages are rising again.
21st Century economy.

The news was too much for “crumbs” Pelosi. Democrats will never stop fighting for the
hard-working middle class families who are
the backbone of our nation.”
The minority leader trashed the
unemployment number as meaningless Of course, Pelosi is lying.
and bad for the middle class. The Democrats have no plan. They can
She really IS insane. only bitch.

“May’s jobs report shows that strong employment

numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new
costs under the Republicans’ watch.

“Republicans’ cruel, cynical health care sabotage

campaign is already spiking families’ premiums by double
digits and pushing millions off their coverage, according to
the nonpartisan CBO. Big Pharma continues to hoard the
benefits of the GOP tax scam, using their handouts to
further enrich executives and shareholders instead of
lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and sick kids.
At the same time,

the President’s reckless policies are

exploding gas prices, wiping out the few
meager gains that some families should
have received from the GOP tax scam,
as wages remain stagnant.
“From day one, the White House and
Republicans in Congress have sold out
TOM FITTON: FBI Delays Release Of 16 Pages Of
Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Docs AGAIN
By Cristina Laila
June 1, 2018, 4:13 Pm

The FBI once again delayed the release of 16

pages of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
docs which were supposed to be given to
government watchdog groups Thursday.

As previously reported, after twice-denying

their existence, the Deep State admitted to
Jay Sekulow and Tom Fitton it magically
found more Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
docs and will be forced to turn them over to
the ACLJ and Judicial Watch by the end of
At the end of November, Judicial Watch released 29 pages
These Clinton-Lynch tarmac documents were located after of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting docs which revealed the
a THIRD ‘search’. The new documents consist of 16 FBI wasn’t even concerned about the scandalous meeting,
pages and 2 Strzok-Page text messages. all they cared about was hiding the details from the public!

The text messages were already released to the public; we FBI officials were also scrambling to find the
are still waiting for the FBI to release the other 16 pages of whistleblower, via Judicial Watch:
The previously released documents showed
It is now June 1st and the FBI is stonewalling and slow- FBI officials were concerned about a leak that
walking documents AGAIN. Bill Clinton delayed his aircraft taking off in
order to “maneuver” a meeting with the attorney
President of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton was furious on general. The resulting story in the Observer is
Friday after he found out the FBI wanted another week to seemingly confirmed and causes a flurry of
turn over the 16 pages of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting emails about the source of the article. FBI
docs. official(s) write “we need to find that guy”
and that the Phoenix FBI office was contacted
Fitton called on President Trump to ask what is going on “in an attempt to stem any further damage.”
with the FBI stonewalling. Another FBI official, working on AG Lynch’s
security detail, suggests instituting non-
Fitton tweeted: FBI told @JudicialWatch (and the court) disclosure agreements. The names of the
they would turn over “newly found” Clinton-Lynch tarmac emails authors are redacted. There are no
docs yesterday, but now they want another week! We documents showing concern about the meeting
already caught FBI lying about hidden records once itself.
before! @RealDonaldTrump should ask what is going on!

Sleepy Chuck Todd Blames President Trump For
Samantha Bee Calling Ivanka Trump A C*Nt (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 6:21 Pm

The Washington Times reported:

NBC’S Chuck Todd says President Trump is

culpable for the “tone” attached to a recent
attack on the first daughter by comedian
Samantha Bee.

The “Meet the Press” host told colleagues

Thursday night that Ivanka Trump can partially
thank her father for a personal attack in which
she was called a “feckless c—t.” The analysis
On Wednesday night far left comedienne came during a broadcast of MSNBC’s “Meet
Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a c*nt. the Press Daily” after Ms. Bee of the TBS’
“Full Frontal” apologized for her actions.
Her far left audience thought this was hilarious.
“There’s no defending Samantha Bee and yet
it’s hard to ever empathize with President
Trump when they’re asking, you know, for
empathy since he torches people all the time
too,” Mr. Todd said.

“But at the end of the day, I mean, you know,

it’s like — how is it that the president is not
responsible for this tone? You know, you can’t
help and say it starts at the top,” Mr. Todd
added, the conservative media watchdog
NewsBusters reported. “He regularly berates
and mocks the looks of any of us. I’ve been
one. And so when he expresses, I can’t believe
they said that about me, it’s hard to feel sorry
for him.”

Via NewsBusters:

NBC’s Chuck Todd blamed her actions on

President Donald Trump.


Donald Trump Jr. DROPS MOAB
On Democrats After ANOTHER Superior
Trump Jobs Report
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 7:02 Pm

After the numbers were released Donald Trump Jr.

dropped a MOAB on the Democrat Party!

Donald Trump Jr.: Black unemployment under 6% for

the first time in history! Democrats, tell me again why
anyone should vote for you and your economic policies
ever again?

Hate and BS isn’t a platform & will only get you so far.
These numbers matter and benefit all Americans. #maga

The US unemployment rate reported on

Friday morning is now down to 3.8%, the
lowest unemployment rate since 2000!

Black unemployment is at an all-time low.

Wages are rising again.

Minority leader Pelosi trashed the

unemployment number as meaningless and
bad for the middle class.

28 FBI Agents With Knowledge Of
Clinton Server Ask To Testify Against
Deep State Corruption (Video)
BY Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 8:45 PM

The word is that Giacalone quit the FBI in

protest over how the higher ups were killing
the investigation.

Giacalone resigned from the Hillary Clinton case and

retired from the FBI because he felt the case was going
“sideways”; that’s law enforcement jargon for “nowhere
by design.”

House Republicans are set to interview

three witnesses in early June regarding the
sham Hillary Clinton email investigation.

According to The Hill, Bill Priestap, the assistant director

of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael
Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security
division, will testify shortly after the release of the IG

Bill Priestap was the FBI official who changed the

wording in the James Comey July 2016 speech to remove
the word “President” and replace it with “another senior
government official” to hide this fact from the American

The third witness is John Giacalone who preceded

Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and
oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.

On Friday Sean Hannity told his audience 28

FBI agents have asked to testify against the
corrupt Deep State.

Sean Hannity:

We have an IG report coming out and I’m told

as many as 28 people that have knowledge of
the Clinton email server want to be subpoenaed

so that they can tell the story of corruption at
the highest levels of the bureau at that love.

Kerry Picket at The Daily Caller has more.

Via Hannity:

Former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon Speaks To
CNN: Defends Sessions And Bashes President Trump
By Alicia Powe
June 1, 2018, 9:27 Pm

issues at the Justice Department, I think that

Sessions has personally done an excellent

Bannon added that anyone associated with the Trump

campaign, including former New York City Mayor Rudy
Giuliani or former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, would
have also recused themselves from the Russia

Last July, after Trump characterized Sessions

Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon “beleaguered” and threatened to fire him, Bannon
publicly defended Attorney General Jeff Sessions from the reportedly led the effort to save the attorney general’s job
attacks he’s facing from President Trump. while he was still at the White House, warning that his
dismissal would exacerbate the Russia investigation.
Trump has privately and publicly blasted Sessions’
decision to recuse himself in the federal probe into Bannon left his White House post last August, but he and
possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Trump appeared to have reached a breaking point in
Russia, most recently on Wednesday, writing on Twitter January after Bannon was quoted disparaging the
he wishes he’d chosen someone other than Sessions. president’s children, asserting that Donald Trump Jr. had
been “treasonous” in meeting with Russians and calling
Ivanka Trump “dumb as a brick” in Michael Wolff’s
But the President is “wrong,” Bannon told CNN’s Fareed book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.
Zakaria in an interview set to air Sunday.
Trump responded to the controversy, with a statement
Trump pressured Sessions on at least four separate issued by the White House.
occasions last year to take back control of the Russia
investigation, but Session refused, Axios reported.
“Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or
my presidency,” Trump said. “When he was
Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his
probe “is not even an issue,” and that Trump should not mind.”
dwell on the matter, the former Breitbart News chief
The full interview will air on CNN on Sunday.
“If you look at what Jeff Sessions has done
on immigration on migration and all the key

Facebook To Launch Breaking News Feature With 80
‘Certified’ Publications Minus Top Pro-Trump Websites
By Jim Hoft
June 1, 2018, 11:33 Pm

committee chairman Sen. John Thune (R-SD)

— after it was revealed that the editors in
charge of Trending repeatedly discriminated
against news stories of interest to
conservatives, while promoting progressive

Facebook is not open about its approved

publications but the far left Washington Post,
The Verge and Vox are included on the list.

Pro-Trump publications Breitbart and The Gateway Pundit

were not asked to participate.

Facebook announced this week they are replacing their This shouldn’t come as a surprise.
“trending news” feature with a “breaking news” feature.
The new platform will include articles from 80 Facebook Tech Giants Google and Facebook are
approved publications. currently purging conservative content from
Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding
Allum Bokhari at Breitbart reported: conservative stories on Google — They are
shadow-banning conservative news on all
Facebook has announced the end of their social media.
controversial “trending news” feature. It is to be
replaced by a “breaking news” label that it is In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure
testing with a select group of 80 publications. that conservative news would not spread on the social
media platform.
Facebook has not yet said if the feature will
become available to all publications. This was after Facebook announced it was
losing 50,000,000 user hours a day in the
Facebook said they will replace trending news previous quarter.
— the list of “trending stories” that appear in
users’ sidebars — with three new features, one The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s
focused on breaking news, another on local engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping
news, and another on video. 45%.

Facebook indicated that they will discriminate In contrast, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and
against sources the platform doesn’t deem to Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a
be trustworthy, saying the system is designed to comparable decline in Facebook engagement.
keep users informed of “timely, breaking news”
while “making sure the news they see on Top conservative Facebook pages with daily traffic in the
Facebook is from trustworthy and quality millions have seen 75% to 95% drop in traffic.
sources.” Young Cons, Western Journalism,,
Independent Journal Review, Right Wing News, and
Trending news, the feature that Facebook plans several others have seen dramatic loss in traffic.
to replace, was the subject of intense
controversy in 2016 — including the threat of In 2016 we were one of the few conservative sites that
an investigation from Senate commerce supported candidate Trump – along with Breitbart, The
Drudge Report, Infowars, Zero Hedge and Conservative The study also found the The Gateway
Treehouse. We are proud of our efforts to report the truth Pundit was hit the hardest by these
that led to Trump’s historic win. changes.

In 2017 Harvard and Columbia Journalism Via The Outline:

Review found that The Gateway Pundit was
the 4th most influential conservative news Facebook’s January 12 announcement that it
source in the 2016 election. would begin to de-prioritize news publishers
and their posts in users’ News Feeds has had a
Because of this we were targeted and have surprisingly profound and partisan impact.
seen our numbers related to Facebook and According to The Outline’s analysis of
Twitter decline dramatically. Facebook engagement data obtained from
research tool BuzzSumo, conservative and
The Gateway Pundit does not rely on Facebook for our right-wing publishers (such as Breitbart, Fox
traffic numbers. News, and Gateway Pundit) were hit the
hardest in the weeks following the
Still, we saw a significant drop in Facebook announcement, with Facebook engagement
traffic in the last month. totals for February dropping as much as 55
percent for some, while the engagement
numbers of most predominantly liberal
And this past weekend Facebook shut down
publishers remained unaffected.
our traffic stream from the social media
Both liberal and conservative publishers of clickbait and
highly polarizing content also experienced a significant
This is corrupt, if not criminal, behavior.
drop in engagement following Facebook’s News Feed de-
prioritization announcement.
Meanwhile, liberal sites are doing fine.
The Outline drew these conclusions after analyzing the
Now this… Facebook engagement data of 20 publishers from March 5,
2017 to February 28, 2018.
A new report by the Outline organization
confirmed the conservative publishers were Here again is the Facbebook Conservative
hit the hardest by the recent Facebook news Blacklist:
feed changes.
Facebook Conservative Blacklist With Traffic Graphics–
UPDATED by Jim Hoft [pertaining portion shown below]

After Years Of Deep State Spying… James Clapper Admits
No ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence Of Russian Collusion
Mike LaChance
June 2, 2018, 7:31 Am

Every week, the left’s narrative about Russia Truths From a Life in Intelligence.” “There is a
stealing the election for Trump gets weaker lot of circumstantial evidence and reasons to be
and weaker. Obama’s intelligence director suspicious, but no smoking gun as of yet.”
James Clapper admitted recently that he still
hasn’t seen any real evidence. Clapper did say he was interested in the number of
contacts between members of the Trump campaign and
The Daily Caller reports: people linked to the Russian government. He wrote in
“Facts and Fears” that “the dashboard warning lights were
Clapper: No ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence Of all lit.”
“I certainly wondered about [collusion] when I
James Clapper, the former director of National saw the frequency of meetings between people
Intelligence, said he has not seen “smoking gun” or in the Trump campaign and people with ties to
“direct” evidence of collusion between the Trump the Russian government,” said Clapper, who
campaign and Russian government. now works as a CNN analyst.

“I saw no smoking-gun evidence of collusion This entire affair was about the inability of the Democrats
before I left the government, and I still haven’t,” to admit that they lost the 2016 election.
Clapper told Vox in an interview Thursday to They had to make it about something bigger to explain
promote his new book, “Facts and Fears: Hard their embarrassing loss.

Wapo: President Trump Tells Aides He Wants
Leaker-Liar James Comey “Investigated And Charged”
By Jim Hoft
June 2, 2018, 9:20 Am
“He’s going to be unflappable, he’s going to be
apolitical, he’s going to call it like he sees it,”
said Mary Jo White, a former U.S. attorney in
the Southern District of New York who
supervised Horowitz when he worked there.

The Washington Post reported on the highly anticipated

Inspector General report on the FBI Clinton email faux

A couple of lines stood out in the WaPo report.

The Washington Post admitted the use of a spy inside the

Trump campaign could be problematic for Democrats. Ya

Most recently, after Trump demanded the Justice

Department investigate possible political spying on his
campaign, the department again turned to Horowitz, asking
him to expand his review of the Page investigation to
encompass the president’s request. Trump’s demand
stemmed from the FBI’s use of a confidential source in the
Russia investigation. The source interacted with three
Trump advisers during the campaign, although it remains
unclear to what extent the bureau directed those
She added:
And then the WaPo says President Trump wants fired
“I think the public should have a very high
leaker James Comey “investigated and charged.”
degree of confidence in whatever he finds.
Now, that’s a different question than, ‘How will it
Trump also has repeatedly mused to associates and aides in be received?’ ”…
the Oval Office about Comey being investigated and
…But more recently, the president has seemed
to see the efficacy in using Horowitz’s findings
The Washington Post reported: to advance his line of attacks. After an inspector
general report faulted former FBI deputy
Those who know Horowitz say his findings will director Andrew McCabe for misleading
be as nonpartisan as they are thorough. But his investigators about his role in a media
work is almost certain to be weaponized by disclosure, Trump tweeted, “DOJ just issued the
President Trump against federal law McCabe report – which is a total disaster. He
enforcement, and some question whether it will LIED! LIED! LIED! McCabe was totally
quell the tension gripping Washington. controlled by Comey – McCabe is Comey!! No
collusion, all made up by this den of thieves and about Comey being investigated and
lowlifes!” charged, particularly amid the heat of his
book tour, according to administration
Even before the report, Trump had been a frequent critic of officials and advisers.
McCabe. The former No. 2 FBI official has claimed the
president’s attacks are meant to undermine the FBI and One of Trump’s lawyers, Rudolph W. Giuliani, said this
special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who is leading the week that the forthcoming Clinton email report could be a
Russia investigation. The D.C. U.S. Attorney’s Office is boon for the president — justifying his firing of Comey,
exploring whether McCabe should be charged with a and undercutting that as a piece of Mueller’s probe into
crime. whether the president obstructed justice. Giuliani said
Horowitz is “not a guy who is known to play politics,” and
Trump also has repeatedly mused to his report “could lay out an overwhelming case.”
associates and aides in the Oval Office

Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein’s Wife Also
Has Extensive Ties To The Clintons, Mueller And Comey
By Jim Hoft
June 2, 2018, 12:24 Pm

Senator Lindsey Graham sent a letter on narrative, but they know it is not true!” Trump
Thursday to Assistant Attorney General Rod tweeted.
Rosenstein about whether Rosenstein
should recuse himself from the Mueller See below for more information on Senator Graham’s
investigation due to his obvious conflicts request –
with the case.

Graham should also request information

about Rosenstein’s wife who represented
the Clintons in the past.

According to sources as reported at FOX News –

Top Republican Senator Lindsey Graham is

pressing Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein on whether the Justice Department
official should recuse himself from the Robert
Mueller investigation due to his own
connections to the case. In a letter obtained by
Fox News, Graham, R-S.C., asked Rosenstein
whether he considers himself a “potential
Rosenstein has many conflicts of interest related to the
witness” in the Mueller probe in connection with
Mueller investigation as well as Mueller and Mueller’s
the firing of FBI Director James Comey.
entire team as we pointed out in early May. The Mueller
investigation is arguably the most one-sided and conflicted
“If so, should you recuse yourself from further group of lawyers and investigators in history. They all are
interactions with and oversight of the Mueller conflicted.
investigation?” Graham asked.
But Rosenstein may be more conflicted than the entire
Graham, in the May 31-dated letter, cited reports that gang. Rosenstein wrote the letter for President Trump
Mueller’s investigation is looking at whether President recommending Comey’s firing. This alone should
Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey – and the fact disqualify him and the entire investigation from taking
that Trump relied on a Rosenstein-authored memo to place.
justify the firing. Rosenstein’s role was further detailed in
a New York Times report earlier this week on a memo
Rosenstein and Mueller were both heavily
written by ousted FBI official Andrew McCabe.
involved in the Uranium One case where the
Obama Administration and his Secretary of
Fox News has confirmed that the memo described a State Hillary Clinton allowed the sale of 20%
meeting where Rosenstein claimed Trump had asked him of the US’s uranium to Russia. This was the
to reference Russia in his recommendation to fire Comey. Russian scandal involving our government.
Rosenstein declined, and instead focused on Comey’s This is what the DOJ should be investigating
handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe. Trump pushed and Rosenstein should recuse himself from that
back on the account Thursday. as well.

“Not that it matters but I never fired James But one other conflict of interest that Rosenstein has is
Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt related to his wife.
Mainstream media loves to keep pushing that

Rosenstein’s wife, Lisa Barsoomian, Lisa Barsoomian works for R. Craig Lawrence, an attorney
represented Bill Clinton in a case in the who has represented Robert Mueller three times, James
1990’s. This alone should be enough for Comey five times, Barack Obama forty-five times,
Rosenstein to be unqualified for any role Kathleen Sebellius fifty-six times, Bill Clinton forty times,
related to the Clintons, Obama or their and Hillary Clinton seventeen times between 1991 and
cronies. 2017.

Barsoomian participated in some of this work personally

and has herself represented the FBI at least five separate
times. It would be great to research the specifics of the
cases she worked in, many of the documents from the
Court Docket relating to these cases have been removed
from the D.C. District and Appeals Court, including her
representation for Clinton in 1998’s case Hamburg. V.

Her loyalties are clearly with the entities that make up the
Deep State, as are her husbands.

They are a DC Globalist Power Couple, and they mean to

destroy Donald Trump under the bidding of their Globalist
Masters. Rod Rosenstein should not have any position in
President Trump’s administration, let alone one with so
much power to harm the Office of the Presidency.

The rules for recusal are clear. There are

legal statutes for this. The fact that this
case has so many material conflicts of
Roger Stone reported the following on Lisa Barsoomian in interest automatically makes it a sham and
2017 – farce.

Enter Lisa Barsoomian, wife of Rod Rosenstein. Lisa is a The entire Mueller investigation should be
high-powered attorney in Washington, DC, who thrown out just for Rosenstein’s conflicts,
specializes in opposing Freedom of Information Act let alone the rest of the Mueller team of
requests on behalf of the Deep State, err, I mean, the thugs. Rosenstein’s wife is enough reason
Intelligence Communities. for him to recuse himself!

POTUS Trump Retweets Dan Bongino’s Epic
Takedown Of Deep State Hack John Brennan (Video)
By Jim Hoft
June 2, 2018, 1:15 Pm

On Saturday morning conservative President Trump took the opportunity to pile

commentator and former Secret Service on John Brennan.
agent Dan Bongino joined FOX and Friends
to discuss the latest spygate developments.
Trump laid into the deep state hack John
During the conversation Bongino took a few swipes at
unhinged Deep State hack John Brennan.

Dan Bongino: What are we paying for? We’re paying for

a 1001 charge on George Papadopoulos for fibbing to the
FBI. I mean this is what we paid $17 million dollars for
and shut the country down for what, almost two years
now? Now listen, obviously I’m passionate about this but
this is really upsetting. I was a federal agent and this is a
serious thing to have the power to take away someone’s
freedom. And the American taxpayer, me included, is
paying for a total sham.

POTUS Trump SCOOPS New York Times —
Hits Liberal Paper Hard Before
They Can Publish Latest Mueller Leak
by Cristina Laila
June 2, 2018, 2:30 pm

In our conversation of January 8, your office identified the

On Saturday, the fake news New York Times following topics as areas you desired to address with the
published all 20 pages of a confidential President in order to complete your investigation on the
memo Trump’s lawyers sent Robert Mueller subjects of alleged collusion and obstruction of justice:
in January.
1. Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael
Flynn — information regarding his contacts with
Ambassador Kislyak about sanctions during the
transition process;
2. Lt. Gen. Flynn’s communications with Vice President
Michael Pence regarding those contacts;
3. Lt. Gen. Flynn’s interview with the FBI regarding the
4. Then-Acting Attorney General Sally Yates coming to
the White House to discuss same;
5. The President’s meeting on February 14, 2017, with
then-Director James Comey;
On Saturday, The New York Times published a confidential
6. Any other relevant information regarding former
memo written by Trump’s lawyers to Mueller dated
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn;
January 29, 2018.
7. The President’s awareness of and reaction to
investigations by the FBI, the House and the Senate
Mr. Trump’s lawyers hand-delivered a 20-page into possible collusion;
confidential letter to Mr. Mueller in January. The letter 8. The President’s reaction to Attorney General Jeff
was a response to his request that Mr. Trump agree to be Sessions’ recusal from the Russia investigation;
questioned about allegations that he committed obstruction 9. The President’s reaction to Former FBI Director
of justice. The lawyers argued that Mr. Mueller does not James Comey’s testimony on March 20, 2017,
need to talk to the president and laid out a series of claims before the House Intelligence Committee;
that foreshadow a potential fight over a subpoena, were the 10. Information related to conversations with intelligence
special counsel to try to force the president to testify. officials generally regarding ongoing investigations;
11. Information regarding who the President had had
The Times obtained a copy of the letter as well as an conversations with concerning Mr. Comey’s
earlier one sent to Mr. Mueller in June 2017, a month after performance;
he was appointed, which argues that “there is no statutory 12. Whether or not Mr. Comey’s May 3, 2017, testimony
or constitutional basis for any obstruction charge” based lead to his termination;
on Mr. Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. 13. Information regarding communications with
director. Ambassador Kislyak, Minister Lavrov, and Lester
The intro of the letter via the NY Times: 14. The President’s reaction to the appointment of
Robert Mueller as Special Counsel;
15. The President’s interaction with Attorney General
Sessions as it relates to the appointment of Special
Counsel; and,
This letter will address the recent request by your office 16. The statement of July 8, 2017, concerning Donald
for an interview with the President and our discussions Trump, Jr.’s meeting in Trump Tower.
with you concerning the same on November 21, 2017,
and January 8, 2018.

It is our understanding that the reason behind the request The President fired off his tweet before the New York
for the interview is to allow the Special Counsel’s office to Times dropped their piece.
complete its report. After reviewing the list of topics you
presented, it is abundantly clear to the undersigned that NY Times reporter Michael Schmidt
all of the answers to your inquiries are contained in the complained the president tried to preempt
exhibits and testimony that have already been voluntarily them….
provided to you by the White House and witnesses, all of
which clearly show that there was no collusion with
Russia, and that no FBI investigation was or even could
have been obstructed.

President Trump fired off a tweet shortly before the New

York Times published the confidential memo from his

Trump asked if the DOJ or the Office of Special Counsel

leaked his lawyers’ letters to the New York Times.

Trump tweeted:

There was No Collusion with Russia (except by

the Democrats). When will this very expensive
Witch Hunt Hoax ever end? So bad for our
Country. Is the Special Counsel/Justice
Department leaking my lawyers letters to the
Fake News Media? Should be looking at Dems
corruption instead?

Mueller’s witch hunt has cost taxpayers over $17 million

to date. Leaks about the Russia witch hunt have plagued
President Trump the entire year Mueller has been
conducting his unconstitutional witch hunt.

Of course, this is all by design to undermine President


SHOCK: Top Comey Aide Predicts IG Report Will ‘Slam
FBI For Violating Policies, Procedures In
Clinton Email Investigation’
By Kristinn Taylor
June 2, 2018, 2:42 Pm

Josh Campbell, a former FBI special agent who served as

special assistant to former FBI Director James Comey,
posted on Twitter Saturday that he believes the Inspector
General report set to be released this month will “slam the
FBI for violating policies and procedures in handling the
Clinton email investigation.” As Comey’s assistant,
Campbell would be in a position to know how the Clinton
investigation was handled–or mishandled.

Campbell’s “prediction” of FBI violations is a sharp

reversal of his full-throated defense of the FBI just months
ago when he retired from the Bureau, explaining in a NY
Times op-ed that he was leaving to defend the integrity of
the FBI:
Screen image via the Daily Caller.
“After more than a decade of service, which
included investigating terrorism, working to
The report by Justice Department IG Michael Horowitz is rescue kidnapping victims overseas and being
expected to be released within the week, with a Senate special assistant to the director, I am reluctantly
Judiciary Committee hearing on the report set for June 11. turning in my badge and leaving an organization
I love. Why? So I can join the growing
Campbell, who was with Comey in California when he chorus of people who believe that the
was fired by President Donald Trump last year, wrote a relentless attacks on the bureau undermine
pre-release spin on the IG report that while “predicting” a not just America’s premier law enforcement
finding of violations by Comey and the FBI still tried to agency but also the nation’s security. My
smear Trump: resignation is painful, but the alternative of
remaining quiet while the bureau is
“Prediction: The independent IG will slam tarnished for political gain is impossible.“
the FBI for violating policies and procedures
in handling the Clinton email investigation. Campbell’s former boss Comey praised him on Twitter,
The President will then find a way to make it
about him and twist it into an attack on “Special Agent Josh Campbell will be missed at
Mueller. Standby.” the FBI, but his voice is an important addition to
the national conversation.”

Manhattan, Director Comey has a story, and it’s

“Prediction: The independent IG will slam the FBI for

violating policies and procedures in handling the
Clinton email investigation.”

Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary for

President George W. Bush, highlighted Campbell’s
“prediction”, prompting a spin push back from Campbell.

“Forget the prediction re Mueller and recognize that a top

aide to Comey just said he thinks the IG will find the FBI,
under Comey, “violated policies and procedures in
handling the Clinton email investigation.” He’s an insider.
A Comey loyalist. Even he thinks the FBI did wrong.”

“Nice try with that crafty spin-filled last sentence. But

you’re a pro at this. For my part, I’m going to wait and
read what the professionals at the IG concluded before
formulating an opinion on whether I think there was
wrongdoing. You should try that.”

After leaving the FBI in early February, Campbell was “Just quoting you verbatim. That’s all.”
immediately hired by CNN to be a law enforcement
analyst. An invitation to Campbell’s farewell party said he
was going to be “defending the Bureau”, reported the
Daily Caller.

Last summer while still with the FBI, Campbell penned a

paean to Comey published by USA Today that began and
ended enshrining Comey for sainthood:

“I wonder what her story is,” FBI Director James Comey

said to no one in particular as our motorcade rolled
through Lower Manhattan, past an elderly woman on a
bench embracing a swaddled child.

“Everyone has a story and I bet her story is incredible.”

This was not an unusual musing from our now departed

leader — a giant of a man with an even bigger heart,
whose focus was always on trying to understand and
improve the lives of others.

…It’s strange writing about Comey in the past tense,

because it feels like writing an obituary. In a way I am
doing just that, because despite curious observations from
outsiders regarding Comey’s standing among our FBI
family, we are very much an organization in mourning.
Fortunately for the FBI, his legacy of leadership and
service will permeate our great institution for generations
to come as the countless young leaders he touched rise in
the organization. Although we must eventually move on
and accept recent events — the security of the American
people demands our focus on mission — many of us will
never stop celebrating the legacy of our seventh director.
Like the woman on the bench we passed that day in
After Comey was fired, Campbell finished his FBI career
as ‘chief of public and congressional affairs at the FBI Los
Angeles Field Office’.

Campbell’s professional bio can be read here. The bio

mentions Campbell is an officer in the Navy Reserve.

Terrific! Trump RIPS
Futile “Resistance” In Weekly Address
By Jim Hoft
June 2, 2018, 5:23 Pm

And this is why we love him. “Senate Democrats call it ‘the resistance,’ ” he
We finally have a president who is strong
enough to hit back at the communists, the “From day one, Senate Democrats have
open border fanatics and America-haters. shamelessly obstructed, stalled, and filibustered
the confirmations of hundreds of talented men
and women who are eager to come to
Washington, D.C., to make a difference,” he
said. “They want to serve our country.”

Trump also blasted the party’s opposition to his hard-line

demands on border security and immigration. He said that
Democrats were withholding support for his policies
because the party is

“afraid it’s going to make me and the

Republicans look good.”

“They have blocked every effort to close deadly

loopholes, to keep out vicious criminals, and to
In his Weekly Address President Trump slammed “the stop the flow of illegal immigrants and drugs,”
resistance” and their commitment to resist the will of the Trump said. “They are a disaster at the border.”
American people.

The Hill reported:

In his weekly address, Trump blamed

Democrats for slow-walking many of his
nominees through the confirmation process,
saying that Senate Democrats had
“shamelessly obstructed” hundreds of qualified

Giuliani Reacts To Latest Leak To New York Times “If
Mueller Tries To Subpoena Us, We’re Going To Court”
By Cristina Laila
June 2, 2018, 6:31 Pm

On Saturday, the fake news New York Times

published all 20 pages of a confidential
memo Trump’s lawyers sent Robert Mueller
in January.
Rudy Giuliani then confirmed the contents
of the memo published by The New York
Trump asked if the DOJ or the Office of Special Counsel
leaked his lawyers’ letters to the New York Times.

Former US Attorney, Joe diGenova blasted Robert Mueller

over his presidential subpoena threat in his Fox News
appearance with Tucker Carlson recently.
The liberals went crazy after The New York Joe diGenova even taunted Mueller and told him to go
Times published a 29-page confidential memo Trump’s ahead and issue Trump a subpoena because it will be
lawyers sent to Mueller in January. unconstitutional and illegal.
The memo reveals Trump’s lawyers argued the President “There is no authority under federal law to issue
cannot be subpoenaed and that even actions that impede a subpoena to a president of the United States
the investigation are within his constitutional authority and to get testimony from him so it can be used at
therefore cannot be obstruction of justice. an impeachment proceeding,” diGenova
ABC reporter Tara Palmeri said Giuliani confirmed the continued.
contents of the letter to Mueller published by The New Mark Levin recently told Hannity the
York Times. President should take Mueller all the way to
Giuliani also said, the Supreme Court:

“If Mueller tries to subpoena us, we’re going to

Giuliani confirmed the contents of the letter
to Mueller obtained by the New York Times.
He says it’s still their legal strategy, telling
me “If Mueller tries to subpoena us, we’re
going to court.”
President Trump fired off a tweet shortly before the New
York Times published the confidential memo from his

Sean Hannity: I’m The Next
Target Of The Deep State (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
June 2, 2018, 9:27 Pm

It would be no surprise if the Deep State was targeting

Sean Hannity said Friday evening that he is the Sean Hannity.
next target of the Deep State, referencing a new
book written by Dr. Jerome Corsi. Video via the Examiner:

On Friday night, Sean Hannity promoted a book written by According to previous reports, Fox News’
Dr. Jerome Corsi, “Killing the Deep State,” that claims Sean Hannity was also caught up in the
that Hannity himself is the “next target of the deep state.” Obama administration’s surveillance and
unmasking scandal.
“Wow, isn’t it so great to know that these
corrupt officials with their backs against the wall Sean Hannity was a guest on ‘Rose
that are desperate …desperate people do Unplugged‘ and said this in April of 2017:
desperate things. The people who have the
most powerful tools of intelligence, are now
…And I will say this, if it ever does turn out to
going after me?” Hannity said. “It doesn’t
be true, I will be filing suit because, you know
surprise me.”
they can’t say that is incidental surveillance
because that would be that there was no
“I promise you one thing. I’m never stopping,” way…because I don’t do anything nefarious
Hannity added. and that would mean that I would have been a
target of a political….you know if political
Sean Hannity is very close to President Trump; according surveillance took place of me, I will sue
to reports they talk everyday. everybody involved. I promise you.”

BOMBSHELL: Leaker, Liar And Former FBI Head
Comey Likely Caught In Another Lie – FBI Russia
Investigation Started Before July 2016
By Jim Hoft
June 3, 2018, 8:31 Am

— means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of

an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential
race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump.

But Comey appears to have lied about this.

First we should note that Internet sleuth, Jeff Carlson at

themarketswork, provided a summary of events taken from
the FISA Court Ruling and Senate Testimony.

In March of 2016, NSA Director Rogers became aware of

improper access to raw FISA data (Page 83 of Court

In April of 2016, Rogers directed the NSA’s Office of

Compliance to conduct a “fundamental baseline review of
Another Internet sleuth has uncovered compliance associated with 702” (Senate testimony &
another bombshell surrounding the fake Page 83-84 of Court Ruling).
Trump-Russia investigation. Leaker, liar
and former FBI Director James Comey
stated that the investigation started in July On April 18, 2016, Rogers shut down all outside contractor
of 2016, but evidence found in the public access to raw FISA information – specifically outside
domain proves that the investigation started contractors working for the FBI. The discovery that
much earlier. outside contractors were accessing raw FISA data is
probably the event that precipitated Rogers ordering a full
compliance review (Page 84 of Court Ruling).
Manny at Politics Central released a post this weekend that
shows information that corrupt Comey apparently lied
again. On April 18, 2016, both the FBI and DOJ’s NSD become
aware of Rogers’ compliance review. They may have
known earlier but they were certainly aware after outside
According to far left Politico, Comey stated in March of contractor access was halted.
2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump
– Russia scandal started in July 2016 –
What was uncovered this weekend is related to the actions
taken by Admiral Rogers noted above. Internet sleuth D.
FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that Manny notes that the Strzok and Page text messages show
his agency has been investigating possible coordination that on April 30th, 2016, the corrupt former FBI
between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since investigator Strzok text to Page the following,
last July [2016].
“And now we’ve switched from the Patriot Act to
The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a a wire carrying current. [Redacted]”
much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing

According to Manny, the Patriot Act is the broad If this is true, it COMPLETELY blows the entire
legislation that the government used to do much of its “Papadopoulos started the investigation in July” theory out
information on Americans through eavesdropping via 702 of the damn water.
queries. So when Admiral Rogers put a halt to the 702’s
on April 18th, the FBI had to change its methods for Don’t let former President Obama tell you
spying on Trump associates. A ‘wire carrying current’ that you only get fake news on the Internet.
may actually mean a spy, a wire carrying agent or someone The Internet is where the lies are uncovered
literally wearing a wire for the FBI. Manny states – and the truth always wins.

Schumer Tells The Media To Cover Up Spygate
By Jim Hoft
June 3, 2018, 8:58 Am

mainstream media via tweet. The chief Democrat of the

U.S. Senate wants President Donald Trump to be taken to
task for using the term “Spygate” and insists that there is
“absolutely no evidence of a spy” being placed in the 2016
Trump campaign.

Chuck Schumer is now barking orders at the media. He

wants the press to stop covering Spygate or to at least call
it a lie when they do mention it.

First, to quote the great Mark Levin,

the evidence is overwhelming” that there was an informant

involved in disseminating intelligence about the Trump
campaign to the CIA and the FBI. Both the New York
Times and the Washington Post reported it. The Daily
Caller connected the dots and identified Stefan Halper, a
Cambridge professor with ties to the CIA and the British
intelligence agency MI-6, as the “informant.” The
argument over whether an “informant” is the same thing as
a “spy” is semantics. Halper was tasked by the FBI to meet
Trump campaign officials and report any evidence of
Conservative Review reports: Russian collusion (there is still no evidence so far). An
individual who gathers intelligence and reports it sounds
Up-Chuck Schumer orders media to cover an awful lot like a spy.
up ‘Spygate’
Will the media follow Schumer’s orders?
On Monday, while most Americans were remembering the
sacrifice of fallen service members, Senate Minority Probably.
Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., gave instruction to the

Rep. Devin Nunes:
The Drudge Report Is Being Censored
Today On Twitter (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 3, 2018, 9:46 Am

internet… I just looked on Twitter. Drudge,

The Drudge Report is being censored today
on Twitter. So for the last 3 to 4 days
I haven’t been able to get on The
Drudge Report.

Via Sunday Morning Futures:

Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on

Sunday Morning Futrures today.

Nunes was asked about internet censorship of US

conservatives and conservative websites.

Devin Nunes dropped this bomb…

Rep. Devin Nunes:

What the American people need to understand,

there is bias against conservatives all across
this country. And now as you see things it’s
always been there with newspapers and
television. But now you see it getting into the

BOOM! Rep. Devin Nunes: Aussie Ambassador Downer
Lied About Launch Of Deep State Spying On Trump
Campaign (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 3, 2018, 10:46 Am

into the Trump campaign. And you said to us, based on the
Five Eyes Intelligence of all of our partners across the
world, that there was NO intelligence that you could find
that launched that investigation…

Rep. Devin Nunes: … There’s new information this week

that the media is ignoring. So The New York Times has
reported in the past that the Australian ambassador, the
Australian High Commissioner, is the one that brought this
to the attention of the United States government. Now
typically that would have gone through FBI channels, it
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday would have gone through the embassy in London, it would
Morning Futures this morning. have come across officially. It would have come across the
pond officially. And it didn’t. And that’s what we would
The interview was full of interesting nuggets including the like to have seen.
fact that Aussie Ambassador Alexander Downer lied about
the launch of the Spygate scandal. Nunes says Donwer lied Now this week we now know that Mr.
about giving the Papadopoulos information to the Downer, the former Australian ambassador,
Australian ambassador in the US to launch the spying on high commissioner in London, said that he
the Trump campaign. had given the information to the Australian
ambassador in the US. Well, now we know
that that’s not true.

So, Mr. Downer now has claimed that in an Australian

newspaper. But we now know from sources that have now
spoken to different media outlets that the Australians are
denying that that’s how this happened. The Australian
ambassador in the United States had nothing to do with

Via Sunday Morning Futures:

Rep. Devin Nunes: We know that the counter intelligence

investigation was opened in July. Well that’s fine so if
that’s all the information you have then why are there all
of these strange activities leading up to late July,
particularly in the spring?

Maria Bartiromo: I’m trying to understand this because

you broke the news on this program more than a month
ago that you’ve looked for reasons and catalysts to
understand how an investigation was opened and launched

Leaked Confidential Letter From Trump’s Lawyer
To Mueller On Jan. 29 Likely Spells Doom
For Liar Sally Yates
By Jim Hoft
June 2, 2018, 11:56 Pm

The leaked letter could spell doom for

former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

According to the contents of the letter Sally Yates lied to

federal investigators about the Mike Flynn probe.
Attorney Nick Short pointed out the former Deputy
Attorney General’s deceit.

From the report…

On Saturday, the fake news New York Times On January 24, 2017, Lt. Gen. Flynn was interviewed in
published all 20 pages of a confidential the White House by FBI.
memo Trump’s lawyers sent Robert Mueller
in January. The FBI operatives believed Flynn provided truthful

On January 26, 2017, Sally Yates met with White House

Counsel Dan McGahn and told him Flynn lied.

On Saturday, The New York Times published a confidential

memo written by Trump’s lawyers to Mueller dated
January 29, 2018.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers hand-delivered a 20-page

confidential letter to Mr. Mueller in January. The letter
was a response to his request that Mr. Trump agree to be
questioned about allegations that he committed obstruction
of justice. The lawyers argued that Mr. Mueller does not
need to talk to the president and laid out a series of claims
that foreshadow a potential fight over a subpoena, were the
special counsel to try to force the president to testify.

The Times obtained a copy of the letter as well as an

earlier one sent to Mr. Mueller in June 2017, a month after
he was appointed, which argues that “there is no statutory
or constitutional basis for any obstruction charge” based
on Mr. Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I.

On January 27, 2017, Sally Yates and McGahn had
another meeting and Yates lied about the ongoing witch
hunt against the Trump team and she threw Michael Flynn,
an innocent man, under the bus.

Then deep state hacks later charged him

with lying to federal investigators.
Later the FBI told Michael Flynn he would
not be charged and they were closing out Sally Yates should find a good lawyer.
his investigation.

President Trump Quotes Democrat Mark Penn:
Mueller Staff Uses “Stormtrooper Tactics”
By Jim Hoft
June 3, 2018, 12:55 Pm

President Trump quoted former Clinton adviser Mark Penn

on Sunday after Penn accused Mueller of using The stormtroopers were the infamous Nazi paramilitary
“stormtrooper” methods to harass and frighten his targets. wing that played a significant role in disrupting,
threatening and attacking opposition members.
Mueller sent FBI agents to storm the homes of former
Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort in the early On Sunday President Trump repeated Penn
morning hours AFTER Manafort was already cooperating and accused Dirty Cop Mueller of using
with Mueller’s far left team. stormtrooper tactics.

Mark Penn has repeatedly called out Robert Mueller for

using stormtrooper tactics against Trump campaign

BREAKING: Giuliani To Mueller Team:
Release Spygate Memos Or NO INTERVIEW
With Trump (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 3, 2018, 1:14 Pm

Trump attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Rudy insisted this was important before they will agree to
Giuliani went on ABC’s ‘This Week’ on Sunday morning. sit down with Mueller for a sham interrogation.

Giuliani told ABC the Trump lawyers want to see all of the FOX News reported:
Spygate documents before the President will agree to
testify with the Mueller witch hunt team. Giuliani says he still wants to see documents
related to the FBI informant who had contact
In May it was first revealed that the Obama Deep State with members of President Trump’s campaign
was using “human informants” (spies) to spy on the Trump during the election. Right now from Giuliani, at
campaign during the 2016 election. least the question of whether or not he will
agree to let his client sit down with Special
Of course, this criminal activity puts several Counsel Robert Mueller seems to really hinge
Obama officials in serious danger of on whether or not they can have access to the
prosecution. documents related to the FBI informant.

On Sunday Rudy Giuliani told ABC the Trump team want

the Spygate documents.

In Leaked Letter, Trump's
Lawyers Tell Mueller To Go Pound Sand
By Tyler Durden
Sun, 06/03/2018 - 14:55

A 20-page confidential letter from President Trump's legal and the president’s reaction to Attorney General Jeff
team leaked to the New York Times argues that President Sessions’s recusal from the Russia investigation. -NYT
Trump could not have obstructed justice at any point
during his presidency due to his Constitutional authority, "It remains our position that the president's
and that he cannot be compelled to testify in front of actions here, by virtue of his position as the
Special Counsel Robert Mueller due to his Constitutional chief law enforcement officer, could neither
powers as President. constitutionally nor legally constitute
obstruction because that would amount to
him obstructing himself, and that he could, if
he wished, terminate the inquiry, or even
exercise his power to pardon if he so desired,"
writes President Trump's former attorney John
Dowd, who left the team in March.

The leaked letter effectively reveals Trump's trump card in

the event Mueller proceeds with a subpoena.

“We are reminded of our duty to protect the

president and his office,” wrote the lawyers,
The letter, crafted by Trump's legal team, reveals that the who stressed that “Ensuring that the office
White House has been waging a quiet campaign for several remains sacred and above the fray of
months to prevent Mueller from trying to subpoena the shifting political winds and gamesmanship
president - contending that because the Constitution is of critical importance."
empowers him to "if he wished, terminate the inquiry, or
even exercise his power to pardon," Trump could not have
illegally obstucted any aspect of the investigation into Translation - this is a clown show, go pound sand.
potential collusion between his campaign and Russia
during the 2016 US election. Mueller's office has told Trump's lawyers they need to
speak with the president to determine whether he
Mr. Trump’s defense is a wide-ranging interpretation of criminally obstructed any aspect of the Russia
presidential power. In saying he has the authority to end a investigation. If Trump refuses to be questioned, Mueller
law enforcement inquiry or pardon people, will be forced to choose whether or not to try and
subpoena him - which, as Trump's lawyers have made
abundantly clear, will result in a Constitutional crisis.
his lawyers ambiguously left open the
possibility that they were referring only to
the investigation into his former national They argued that the president holds a
security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, which he special position in the government and is
is accused of pressuring the F.B.I. to drop — or busy running the country,
perhaps the one Mr. Mueller is pursuing into
Mr. Trump himself as well. making it difficult for him to prepare and sit for an
Mr. Dowd and Mr. Sekulow outlined 16 areas they said the
special counsel was scrutinizing as part of the obstruction They said that because of those demands on
investigation, Mr. Trump’s time, the special counsel’s
office should have to clear a higher bar to
including the firings of Mr. Comey and of Mr. get him to talk.

Mr. Mueller, the president’s attorneys argued, needs to which he also asked if the Mueller team or the DOJ is
prove that the president is the only person who can give leaking his lawyers' letters to the "Fake News Media."
him the information he seeks and that he has exhausted all
other avenues for getting it. -NYT

“The president’s prime function as the chief

executive ought not be hampered by
requests for interview,” they wrote. “Having
him testify demeans the office of the
president before the world.”

Trump's attorneys also argued that the president did

nothing to technically violate obstruction-of-justice
Trump's attorneys have also attacked the credibility of
“Every action that the president took was taken former FBI Director James Comey, while also contesting
with full constitutional authority pursuant to what they believe are Mueller's version of significant facts.
Article II of the United States Constitution,” they
wrote of the part of the Constitution that created
the executive branch. “As such, these actions
cannot constitute obstruction, whether viewed
separately or even as a totality.”

According to legal experts cited by the Times, the

president wields broad authority to control the actions of
the executive branch, which includes the Department of
Justice and the FBI. The Supreme Court, however, has
ruled that Congress can impose some restrictions on that
power, including limiting a president's ability to fire
certain officials.
Mr. Giuliani said in an interview that Mr. Trump
is telling the truth but that investigators
"As a result, it is not clear whether statutes
“have a false version of it, we believe, so
criminalizing obstruction of justice apply to
you’re trapped.”
the president and amount to another legal
limit on how he may wield his powers," notes
the Times. And the stakes are too high to risk being interviewed under
those circumstances, he added:
About that Russia probe...
“That becomes not just a prosecutable offense,
but an impeachable offense.” -NYT
And while Trump's team works to make the case against
testifying, media reports and Congressional investigations
have revealed what appears to be grave misconduct by the They argue that Trump couldn't have
FBI and Department of Justice in order to prevent Trump intentionally obstructed justice anyway based on the fact
from winning the 2016 US election, and then once he won that he did not know that Mike Flynn was under
– investigation when Trump spoke to Comey.

discredit him with a Russia “There could not possibly have been intent to
allegations fabricated by US Intelligence obstruct an ‘investigation’ that had been neither
agencies, UK intelligence assets - in confirmed nor denied to White House counsel,”
collusion with the Clinton campaign and the the president’s lawyers wrote, adding that FBI
Obama administration. investigations generally do not qualify as the
type of "proceeding" covered by an obstruction-
of-justice statute.
We now know that Trump campaign aides were likely fed
rumors that Russia had damaging information on Hillary
Clinton, and then used as patsies by Clinton-linked “Of course, the president of the United States is
operatives in what appears to have been a set-up, not above the law, but just as obvious and
something Trump once again hinted in his latest tweet, in equally as true is the fact that the president
should not be subjected to strained readings
and forced applications of clearly irrelevant believe Mueller is focusing on (via CBS
statutes,” wrote Mr. Dowd and Mr. Sekulow. News)

The Times, however, suggests that their argument may be 1. Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael
outdated, as a 2002 law passed by Congress makes it a Flynn -- information regarding his contacts with
crime to obstruct proceedings that have not yet begun. Ambassador Kislyak about sanctions during the
transition process;
But the lawyers based those arguments on an outdated 2. Lt. Gen. Flynn's communications with Vice President
statute, without mentioning that Congress passed a broader Mike Pence regarding those contacts;
law in 2002 that makes it a crime to obstruct proceedings 3. Lt. Gen. Flynn's interview with the FBI regarding the
that have not yet started. same;
4. Then-Acting Attorney General Sally Yates coming to
the White House to discuss same;
Samuel W. Buell, a Duke Law School professor and white-
5. The president's meeting on Feb. 14, 2017, with then-
collar criminal law specialist who was a lead prosecutor
Director James Comey;
for the Justice Department’s Enron task force,
6. Any other relevant information regarding former
National Security Advisor Michael Flynn;
said the real issue was whether Mr. Trump 7. The president's awareness of and reaction to
obstructed a potential grand jury investigations by the FBI, the House and the Senate
investigation or trial — which do count as into possible collusion;
proceedings — even if the F.B.I. 8. The president's reaction to Attorney General Jeff
investigation had not yet developed into one Sessions' recusal from the Russia investigation;
of those. 9. The president's reaction to former FBI Director James
Comey's testimony on March 20, 2017, before the
He called it inexplicable why the president’s legal team House Intelligence Committee;
was making arguments that were focused on the wrong 10. Information related to conversations with intelligence
obstruction-of-justice statute. officials generally regarding ongoing investigations;
11. Information regarding who the president had had
Regardless, it appears Trump's team is going to tell conversations with concerning Mr. Comey's
Mueller to take a hike if he tries to subpoena the president, performance;
and that it will simply further embarrass the United States 12. Whether or not Mr. Comey's May 3, 2017, testimony
on the world stage. lead to his termination;
13. Information regarding communications with
"We write to address news reports, purportedly Ambassador Kislyak, Minister Lavrov, and Lester Holt;
based on leaks, indicating that you may have 14. The president's reaction to the appointment of Robert
begun a preliminary inquiry into whether the Mueller as Special Counsel;
president's termination of former FBI Director 15. The president's interaction with Attorney General
James Comey constituted obstruction of Sessions as it relates to the appointment of Special
justice," the June 2017 memo from Trump Counsel; and,
attorney Marc Kasowitz to Mueller reads - while 16. The statement of July 8, 2017, concerning Donald
a more recent memo outlines the 16 areas they Trump, Jr.'s meeting in Trump Tower.

Trump Questions Why Comey,
FBI Never Alerted His Campaign
About Manafort Investigation
Virginia Kruta | Contributor
3:13 PM 06/03/2018

President Donald Trump attacked former FBI Director

James Comey on Sunday morning, saying that he never
would have hired his now-indicted former campaign
manager Paul Manafort if the FBI had come clean about
their investigations at the time.

President Trump has been very critical of the FBI’s

recently revealed use of a “confidential human source”
within the campaign, claiming that if the motive was to
uncover Russian attempts to influence his campaign, he
should have been informed.

Newt Gingrich Predicts
'Red Wave' In November
By Gabby Morrongiello
June 03, 2018 05:02 PM

deregulation, on trade negotiations, what

he's done with North Korea, I think people
now have a sense that we're moving in the
right direction," he said.

Gingrich's prediction comes on the heels of several polls

that have shown Republicans' generic ballot average
improving, in some cases to where the party is polling
ahead of Democrats.

A Reuters poll released late last month found the GOP

holding a 1-percentage point lead over congressional
Democrats in a generic ballot among registered U.S.
voters. Another 15 percent of voters surveyed indicated
"I actually believe we are closer to a 'red wave' than a 'blue wave,'"
Newt Gingrich told Fox News. (AP Photo)
they were unsure which party's candidate they would
choose in the November midterms.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted on
Sunday that Republicans will see a "red wave" in the "We're likely to end up being somewhere
midterm elections this fall, claiming the party's chances of between plus-2 and plus-6 in the Senate.
holding onto its congressional majority has improved How can you talk about a 'blue wave' if
substantially in recent weeks. we're gaining votes?" Gingrich said on
Sunday, suggesting Republicans will add
between two and six seats to their current
"I actually believe we are closer to a 'red
Senate majority.
wave' than a 'blue wave,'" Gingrich told Fox
News, admitting he was nervous for GOP
lawmakers earlier this year. Gingrich was serving as speaker of the House in 1998
when Democrats avoided a beating in the midterm
"But starting with passing the tax cuts, with elections, which have traditionally proven to be
what President Trump has done devastating for the party that controls the White House.
consistently on conservative judges, on

Judicial Watch Sues To Expose DOJ FISA Abuses And
Continued Stonewalling Of Congress Relating To Spygate
By Cristina Laila
June 3, 2018, 5:24 Pm

campaign (Judicial Watch v. U.S.

Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-
The suit was filed after both the Justice Department and
the FBI, a division of the DOJ, failed to respond to
separate February 9, 2018, FOIA requests seeking:
 Any records of communications between DOJ officials
and Members of the U.S. Senate Committee on the
Judiciary (“USSCJ”) and/or their staff members
Once again Judicial Watch is doing the
regarding USSCJ’s attempts to acquire the applications
heavy lifting.
and renewals for FISA warrants against Carter Page
Conservative watchdog group Judicial and any other members of President Trump’s
Watch announced this week it filed a presidential campaign, as well as any records relating
lawsuit against the Department of to or forming the basis of those FISA warrant
Justice to expose its FISA abuses and applications/renewals from June 1, 2016 to the present.
continued stonewalling of Congress on
 Any records of communications between DOJ officials
records relating to the Russian witch
and Members of the House Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence (“HPSCI”) and/or their staff
Latest lawsuit seeks DOJ’s members, regarding HPSCI’s attempts to acquire the
Communications with Congress about applications and renewals for FISA warrants against
FISA Warrants against Carter Page and Carter Page and any other members of President
other Trump presidential campaign Trump’s presidential campaign, as well as any records
staff, says JW. relating to or forming the basis of those FISA warrant
applications and renewals from June 1, 2016 to the
Tom Fitton had this to say about the obstructionists in the
Justice Department:
“Judicial Watch’s latest federal FOIA
lawsuit aims to uncover details of the
DOJ/FBI obstruction and contempt for
Congress on Spygate. The Deep State
doesn’t want Congress, Judicial Watch or
the American people to see the full extent
Via Judicial Watch:
of its abuses targeting the Trump campaign
and now President Trump.”
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed
a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is doing
lawsuit against the U.S. Department of everything he can to hide pertinent Spygate documents
Justice for all records of communications from Chairman Nunes.
between both the DOJ and the Federal Rosenstein is also fighting to keep his 2-page memo
Bureau of Investigation with members of detailing Mueller’s scope from Chairman Nunes and Trey
the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Gowdy.
House Permanent Select Committee on
President Trump should declassify all documents relating
Intelligence regarding the Foreign
to Spygate and the Russian collusion witch hunt.
Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)
warrants against foreign policy advisor
Carter Page and other members of Trump
Christie: ‘If The President Were
To Pardon Himself, He’d Get Impeached’
Robert Donachie | Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
6:05 PM 06/03/2018

everyone wants to read that into it. I think

this is a president who is not a lawyer, who
has not held executive office before, when
he sees what he deems to be an injustice,
he wants to fix it immediately.”

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday

Morning that he does not believe the president will pardon
himself in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation
into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.

“There is no way that will happen. And the Christie’s comments come off the heels of the president’s
reason it won’t is because it then because lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, comment that the U.S. Constitution
a political problem, George. If the president does not forbid the president from pardoning himself.
were to pardon himself, he’d get “He’s not, but he probably does”” Giuliani
impeached,” Christie told ABC’s George told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos as to
Stephanopoulos Sunday morning. whether or not the president can pardon
himself. “He has no intention of pardoning
Stephanopoulos then asked whether the president was himself, but that doesn’t say he can’t.”
“sending signals” with a series of recent presidential “That’s what the Constitution says, and if
pardons, like Scooter Libby and Dinesh D’Souza. you want to change it, change it,” Giuliani
“You know, the president I think is
executing the pardon authority in a more The New York Times reported Saturday that the president’s
aggressive way than most presidents have legal team is floating the possibility that the president
in the past,” Christie said. “But I don’t think might invoke executive privilege to avoid a grand jury
you can then read that into it. I think subpoena.

Giuliani: Even If Trump Had
Shot Comey He Couldn't Be Prosecuted
By Julia Manchester
06/03/18 06:28 Pm Edt

Norm Eisen, a former White House ethics lawyer under

President Obama, told HuffPost that Giuliani's claims were

“A president could not be prosecuted for

murder? Really?” he told the publication. “It
is one of many absurd positions that follow
from their argument. It is self-evidently

Special counsel Robert Mueller is currently investigating

President Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani said in
alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia's
a new interview on Sunday that even if Trump had shot
meddling in the 2016 election.
former FBI Director James Comey, he still couldn't have
been indicted.
Mueller has told Trump's lawyers that investigators need to
speak with the president to determine whether he sought to
“In no case can he be subpoenaed or
obstruct the probe.
indicted,” Giuliani told HuffPost. “I don’t
know how you can indict while he’s in
office. No matter what it is.” However, Trump's legal team has been reluctant to allow
such an interview out of concern that prosecutors could use
the president's words against him.
The former New York City mayor went on to say that
impeachment would be the course of action if Trump
committed a crime, even in the extreme hypothetical Giuliani said earlier on Sunday that Trump most likely has
circumstance that he shot Comey. the power to pardon himself.

“If he shot James Comey, he’d be "He’s not [going to], but he probably does,"
impeached the next day,” Giuliani told he told ABC News.
HuffPost. “Impeach him, and then you can "He has no intention of pardoning
do whatever you want to do to him.” himself," he continued. "That’s another
really interesting constitutional question:
The comments come one day after The New York Can the president pardon himself?"
Times obtained a letter from Trump's legal
team arguing that the Constitution gives the president the "It would be an open question. I think it
authority to, "if he wished, terminate the inquiry, or even would probably get answered by, 'gosh,
exercise his power to pardon." that’s what the Constitution says.’ And if
you want to change it, change it. But,
yeah," Giuliani added.

Sarah Sanders Slaps Paul Krugman
For ‘Great Recession’ Prediction Under Trump
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
6:28 PM 06/03/2018

fragile state much of the world is still in,

eight years after the great financial crisis.”

Sanders linked to a New York Times article with the

headline “We Ran Out of Words to Describe How Good
the Jobs Numbers Are” and referenced the significant
drop in the unemployment rate under the Trump

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders

once again took aim at New York Times columnist Paul
Krugman for predicting global recession under the Trump

The White House frequently has made fun of Krugman for

his November 2016 prediction that

“if the question is when markets will

recover, a first-pass answer is never.”

The Nobel Prize-winning economist continued:

“Putting an irresponsible, ignorant man who

takes his advice from all the wrong people
in charge of the nation with the world’s
most important economy would be very
bad news. What makes it especially bad
right now, however, is the fundamentally

Bill Clinton: Trump Would Be
Impeached Already If He Were A Democrat
By Alicia Powe
June 3, 2018, 6:33 Pm

After investigating allegations that the Trump campaign

The scandal-ridden 42nd president argued that he was
coordinated with Russia to steal the 2016 election from
unjustifiably impeached for lying under oath during his
Hillary Clinton, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe
presidency about an affair he had with then-White House
has yet to produce a single iota of evidence proving
intern Monica Lewinsky.

“I knew [impeachment] wouldn’t succeed. It

The hysterical left-wing media continues to bombard the
wasn’t a pleasant experience but it was a
American public with propaganda that Trump’s presidency
fight that I was glad to undertake,” he said.
is illegitimate.
“I knew there was nothing impeachable and
so we fought it to the end and I’m glad.”
But if Trump were a Democrat and were being treated
fairly by the press, former President Bill Clinton argued in
Clinton slammed Trump for “embarrassing” people like
an interview that aired Sunday, the current Commander-in-
“Crooked Hillary” on Twitter.
Chief would have “already been impeached.”

“I don’t like all of this. I couldn’t be elected

The media “have tried, by and large to
to anything now because I just don’t like
cover this investigation based on the facts.
embarrassing people,” he said. “My mother
If the roles were reversed – now this is me
would have whipped me for five days in a
just talking based on my experience – if it
row when I was a little boy if I spent all of
were a Democratic president and these
my time bad mouthing people like this.”
facts were present, most people I know in
Washington believe impeachment hearings
would have been done already,” Clinton The former president was accompanied by bestselling
CBS Sunday Morning’s Mo Rocca. author, James Patterson, promoting their new book, The
President is Missing, which hits the shelves Monday.
If Trump were a Democrat
Patterson also criticized Trump’s rhetorical style.

“It’s unbelievable that he became

president,” Patterson lamented. “But he
figured some things out. I think most
people do not like these tweets. They just
wish that it wouldn’t go that way.”

James Woods Pounds Pelosi Into Dirt After She Pans
Latest Jobs Numbers As “Meaningless” And
“Bad For Middle Class”
By Cristina Laila
June 3, 2018, 7:52 Pm

Democrats are convinced if they say

middle class enough Americans will be
fooled into voting for them and their job-
killing, open borders policies.
The US unemployment rate reported on
Friday morning is now down to 3.8%,
the lowest unemployment rate since
Black unemployment is at an all-time
low. Wages are rising again.
James Woods then tweeted a New York Post cover
The news was too much for “crumbs” Pelosi. celebrating the jobs numbers

The minority leader trashed the “We’re in the Money,” and reminded
unemployment number as meaningless Americans to remember in November
and bad for the middle class. “Pelosi wants to end this.”
She really IS insane.

Of course, Pelosi is lying.

The Democrats have no plan. They can

only bitch.

James Woods slammed lying Pelosi and Democrats over

the weekend.

Woods tweeted: #Pelosi is terrified that Americans are

working again, of course. The entire #Democrat strategy is
based on welfare, illegal immigration, and taxing those
who work and create. Misery and poverty are the
recruiting engine of the Democratic Party.

James Woods is 100% correct.

The Democrats have no message for Americans which is

why their platform consists of protecting illegal aliens
(including MS-13 killers) and buying votes with a
permanent welfare class. Pathetic.

Poll: Key Midterm Voters Don’t
Know Who Leads The Democratic Party
Peter Hasson | Reporter
9:17 PM 06/03/2018

Voters who said the Democratic Party does have a leader,

couldn’t agree on who that leader is.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer received with 16

percent of the vote; House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
received 15 percent; and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a
socialist independent who ran for president as a Democrat
in 2016, received 13 percent.

Seven percent named former Secretary of State Hillary

Clinton, the twice-failed presidential candidate, as the
Just five months out from November’s midterm elections, leader of the party, while another four percent listed
voters in competitive battleground districts don’t have a someone else.
clear idea of who leads the Democratic Party, a new poll
reveals. The midterm battle for control of the House of
Representatives is currently a toss-up, the poll found.
When voters in those key districts were asked who the
party’s leader is, the most popular answer was, The poll was conducted over May 24 – 30 and has a
margin of error of plus or minus 1.6 percent.
“There isn’t one,” according to a
CBS/YouGov poll released on Sunday.

Forty-five percent of midterm voters say Democrats are

leaderless, the poll found.

Trump-Appointed AG Demands Unethical
Search Of FBI Employee Emails, Texts On 'Billions'
By Callista Ring
June 3, 2018 10:45 PM EDT

Showtime’s Billions continues its vendetta against Jeffcoat: The Lord knows all, madam. Took
Attorney General Jeff Sessions by characterizing its Jeff- care of that for you. As for the rest, I want a
Sessions parody character, Attorney General Waylon hard-target search of every e-mail, text
“Jock” Jeffcoat (Clancy Brown), as a man who message, and online footprint so we know
“recognizes no legal or moral authority, no justice but his who's trustworthy and who needs to be
own” and deserves “assassination.” purged.
Director Lynch: I'm just not sure it's strictly
In Sunday night’s episode, “Kompenso,” a suspicious legal for us to undertake this ourselves, or
Jeffcoat demands that the FBI perform a “hard-target if it's too gray of an area. Maybe it would be
search of every e-mail, text message, and online footprint” best to have a court order first—
of its employees in order to determine “who’s trustworthy
and who needs to be purged.” Connerty: We can do it. And if you want to
stay out of the deep gray, Director Lynch, I
can lead the review myself. You know,
chart a-- a whiter shade of pale.
Jeffcoat: Impressive. All too often I am told
of obstacles and regulations when what I
really wanna hear is "Sí, se puede."

In last week’s episode, “Redemption,” U.S. Attorney

Chuck Rhoades (Paul Giamatti) sought out any
incriminating allegations on Jeffcoat that could lead to his
removal from office. He learns that Jeffcoat is hiding how
much money he’s worth, since he attained his great wealth
through unlawful means and then covered it up through
Jeffcoat: That thing was like cleaning out charitable donations to his church.
intestines before you eat 'em, a giant
fucking waste of time. But I'm here to speak Unfortunately for Chuck, the witness who provided him
of something more concerning. It has come with this information is unreliable, meaning the testimony
to my attention that there are men and won’t hold up in court. Tonight, Chuck comes up with a
probably women, within the Federal b-I, new plan—let Jeffcoat find out about the case, and then
perhaps even within this very office, who bait him into obstructing justice. Chuck will then use the
are undermining our sacred purpose. obstruction of justice charges to remove Jeffcoat from
Director Lynch: Which is...
Jeffcoat: I don't know if it's some Deep Fortunately, for those of us who are interested in TV
State bullshit, or just some vigilantes who shows that refrain from ridiculing half of the
think they know better, leaking to the press, country, there's only one episode left in this season of
and causing Lord knows what other ruckus. Billions. Unfortunately, it has been renewed for a fourth
Director Lynch: I will keep a lookout for season.
what the Lord knows.

House Democrats Try To
Shoot Down Trump’s Low-Yield Nukes
By Travis J. Tritten
June 03, 2018 12:00 AM

The Republican-held Rules Committee chaired by Rep.

Pete Sessions, R-Texas, would have to agree to allow a
vote on the nuclear weapons amendment, and it remains
unlikely Democrats could summon the votes if it does. The
committee meeting on amendments is slated for

A similar proposal by Blumenauer and Garamendi was

rebuffed by the House’s Republican majority during
passage of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act
last month.
The proposal is the latest effort by Democrats on both sides of
Capitol Hill to block development of a low-yield nuclear warhead for “To pretend that we can control nuclear war
Trident missiles on Ohio-class submarines and sea-launched cruise
missiles. (Lt. Rebecca Rebarich/AP)
— and that a “small-scale” nuclear war can
stay small — flies in the face of common
sense,” Blumenauer wrote a “Dear
A group of House Democrats will take another run this Colleague” letter to House lawmakers
week at stopping President Trump and the Pentagon from urging support before the amendment was
developing low-yield nuclear weapons. defeated.

The new warhead program would be defunded by $65 Meanwhile, Democrats on the Senate Appropriations
million in the coming year under an amendment to a Committee tried but failed to add a measure prohibiting the
Department of Energy appropriations bill proposed by weapons to that chamber’s Department of Energy spending
Reps. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., bill when it passed the panel on May 24.
John Garamendi, D-Calif., and Dan Kildee, D-Mich.
“While I’m disappointed the bill includes
The spending bill could hit the House floor late this week unnecessary funding for new nuclear
following Rules Committee meetings on Tuesday and weapons, this bill is the result of a truly
Wednesday to decide if their amendment will get a vote. bipartisan process and I look forward to
bringing it to the Senate floor,” Sen. Dianne
The proposal is the latest effort by Democrats on both Feinstein, D-Calif., the ranking member of
sides of Capitol Hill to block development of a low-yield the energy and water subcommittee, said
nuclear warhead for Trident missiles on Ohio-class in a statement for the Democrat minority.
submarines and sea-launched cruise missiles.
The bills are among the first annual appropriations
The weapons are a new initiative in the Pentagon’s legislation to head to the House and Senate floors and
Nuclear Posture Review released this year. The represent an opportunity for Democrats. Neither chamber
administration says the smaller nuclear warheads are has yet published 2019 defense spending bills, which could
needed to deter Russia, which believes it could deter the also draw a fight over the low-yield nuclear weapons.
U.S. by using its own version of the weapons in an
“escalate to de-escalate” scenario.

EXCLUSIVE: Kellyanne Conway
Talks ‘500 Days Of American Greatness’
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
3:59 AM 06/03/2018

Conway rejected the notion that

“Making America Great Again” is simply a

rollback of former President Barack
Obama’s legacy, saying, “one thing I noted
recently to someone is how infrequently
President Obama’s name is mentioned
during our workday.” She explained: “It’s
not so much that we say ‘oh let’s get rid of
what President Obama was doing,’ it’s
more what do we do for the 30 million
Americans who have no health insurance?
Who were promised and lied to that you
could keep your doctor and keep your
Conway regaled TheDC in detail with what the White coverage.”
House considers its accomplishments to date, noting that
The presidential counselor pointed more towards Trump’s
“people are more prosperous, they’re more willingness to do what several of his predecessors were
secure, the country is more respected on unable to do such as move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem
the world stage. Everything from the and sign into law legislation like the Right to Try Act, as
consumer confidence among small well as increasing health care choice for veterans.
business owners, manufacturers,
consumers, major employers in this On Midterm Elections
country, is up.”
“It’s a different approach of a business TheDC asked Conway what Trump’s message was to the
man, who has signed the back and front of country in his bid to elect more Republicans to Congress in
a paycheck, who understands risk and the midterm elections and to what end he would use such
reward, who understands how to create a votes.
job,” she said.
“If the president gets more votes and
The presidential counselor also pointed to ongoing support in the Congress he will be able to
diplomatic talks with North Korea, exiting the Paris push for his immigration agenda, he’ll be
Climate Accords, imposing tariffs on several countries, able to do more on NAFTA, he will be able
and diminishing ISIS. to get even more judges confirmed even
more swiftly,” Conway said.
The Trump Administration’s Greatest Setback
On The Trump Administration And The Media
TheDC pressed Conway on what the administration’s
greatest setback was in the last 500 days of the Trump “My grievance from the beginning is not so
administration, which she considered “not having enough much biased coverage, but incomplete
votes to pass even more legislation more quickly.” The coverage which doesn’t connect
presidential counselor noted that Trump has attempted to information to the people who need it,”
go as far around this impediment as he can through Conway said, adding, “we want to make
existing powers and executive actions. sure Americans are getting the information
they need, the news they can use. We
On Undoing Obama’s Legacy want people to know the specifics, we want
them to understand what the implications of
a policy is for them and their lives.”
TheDC asked Conway to respond to critics of the White rather than learn the ins and outs of policy,”
House who say the legacy of Trump’s 500 days in office she said. “Fundamentally it is easier to
has been “leaks, chaos, and staff turnover.” She explicitly write those stories than it is to learn the ins
rejected the characterization, telling TheDC, and outs of trade with China, the history of
North and South Korea, what the waters of
“Respectfully, your question presumes it’s the United States is; it’s just easier to do
relevant or true.” that. I think the president has made some
people lazy and crazy that cover him.”
“It’s not relevant or true. I keep hearing
about these leaks. Secretary Pompeo went “People who cover the president are going
to North Korea twice and nobody found out to have to make a fundamental decision.
until he was on his way back. There is a lot ‘How do I cover this president, do I cover
of information that never sees the light of him substantively, do I cover him with the
day. Leaks are often a way for people to bark and snark I use on social media that
settle personal scores or to shiv each would never pass an editor’s desk?'”
other,” she said.
She added:
Conway referenced a recent article about White House
leaks from the 1980’s. “Another big problem that’s happening is
that what some reporters would say on
“I guess it exists in every White House,” Twitter would never pass editorial muster
she said, and took aim at members of the and I would say they often don’t have the
media. “What I think is going is that people courage to say it in person. I call it social
can cover ‘chaos, churn, palace intrigue’ media muscle and cable news cojones.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing On Much-Anticipated
IG Report Gets Pushed Back ANOTHER WEEK
By Cristina Laila
June 4, 2018, 7:00 Am

Justice Department’s Decisions Regarding the 2016

Presidential Election.”

The hearing will be live-streamed on

the website.

Fox News reported:

Justice Department Inspector General

The Senate Judiciary Committee Michael Horowitz is slated to testify before
hearing on the Inspector General’s congressional committees next month,
report that was supposed to be held on presumably after the release of his long-
awaited report on the FBI’s Hillary Clinton
June 5th just got pushed back another
investigation during the 2016 presidential
week. campaign, Fox News has learned.
The Senate Judiciary hearing will now
take place on Monday, June 11th; it will Both the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House
be live-streamed for public viewing. Oversight Committee are preparing to have Horowitz
appear before them in early June, according to a
congressional source.

On Tuesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley,

R-Iowa, said his committee would hold a hearing titled
“Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on Justice
Department Decisions Regarding the 2016 Presidential
Election” on June 5.

In June, House Republicans also plan to interview three

FBI officials linked to the agency’s handling of the Clinton
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley email probe, part of an ongoing joint investigation by the
House Judiciary and Oversight and Government Reform
Byron York of the Washington Examiner reported the committees.
Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the IG report has
been moved to June 11. To be interviewed are: Bill Priestap, assistant director of
the FBI’s counterintelligence division; Michael Steinbach,
former head of the agency’s national security division; and
Steinbach’s predecessor, John Giacalone.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz

informed lawmakers three weeks ago on
Capitol Hill his much-anticipated report on
the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s email
investigation entered the final stages.
Sources are saying the report on the
Last Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary announced Chairman
FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s
Chuck Grassley will be holding a hearing entitled:
Directorship is absolutely damning and
“Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on the
“worse than expected.”
Nunes: Australian Amb. Downer
LIED About Start Date Of Trump
Posted On June 4, 2018

(National Sentinel) Deep State: On Sunday House one that brought this to the attention of the
Intelligence Committee chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., United States government. Now typically
peeled back another layer regarding the witch hunt that would have gone through FBI
investigation into Team Trump during the 2016 election. channels, it would have gone through the
embassy in London, it would have come
It looks like the story former Australian across officially,” Nunes said.
Ambassador Alexander Downer told about the state date of “It would have come across the pond
the Spygate probe was, um, not correct, regarding the officially. And it didn’t. And that’s what we
Papadopoulos information he said he gave to the would like to have seen,” he continued.
Australian ambassador in the U.S.
“Now this week we now know that Mr.
Downer, the former Australian
Nunes, who appeared on “Sunday Morning Futures” with ambassador, high commissioner in
Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business Network, said the story London, said that he had given the
and the intelligence he has seen don’t match. information to the Australian ambassador in
the U.S. Well, now we know that that’s
“We know that the counterintelligence not true,” he said.
investigation was opened in July,” he told
Bartiromo. “So, Mr. Downer now has claimed that in
an Australian newspaper. But we now
“Well, that’s fine so if that’s all the know from sources that have now spoken
information you have then why are there all to different media outlets that the
of these strange activities leading up to late Australians are denying that that’s how this
July, particularly in the spring?” happened. The Australian ambassador in
“I’m trying to understand this because you the United States had nothing to do with
broke the news on this program more than this…
a month ago that you’ve looked for reasons
and catalysts to understand how an Watch:
investigation was opened and launched
into the Trump campaign,” she replied.
“And you said to us, based on the Five
Eyes Intelligence of all of our partners
across the world, that there was NO
intelligence that you could find that
launched that investigation…”

Nunes said new information has been found that the

Pravda media is dutifully ignoring.

“So The New York Times has reported in

the past that the Australian ambassador,
the Australian High Commissioner, is the

HERE IT IS=> Complete List Of President Trump’s
Historic Accomplishments After First 500 Days In Office
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 7:14 Am

The US stock market is a barometer of economic activity

and since President Trump was elected it has skyrocketed.

The stock market is currently up more than 33% (or a

third) since President Trump won the election. The Dow
has reached more than 26,000 points for the first time in its

The Dow broke the record for the fastest

500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000,
6,000 and 7,000 point increases between
major milestones in the history of the
President Donald J. Trump’s Dow since Donald Trump was elected
accomplishments his first 500 days in President.
Office are arguably the best first 500 The Dow today stands at 24,635. It had
days of any President in US history more all-time closing highs in 2017 and
since Washington. In spite of massive the Dow increased more in 2017 than
headwinds from the actions of the any year in history.
corrupt and criminal prior
administration, the Democrat Party and President Trump enjoys 95 all-time highs since his election
their MSM, the President has stuck to and 78 since his inauguration. The Dow, S&P 500 and
Russell 2000 all set record highs since the election.
his campaign promises! Below is a list
of his major accomplishments.
Americans of all walks of life are seeing
their 401k’s explode because of President
President Trump was inaugurated on January 20th, 2017, Trump.
500 days ago. Since then his accomplishments are nothing
short of miraculous. In spite of massive attacks from the Today there are more people working
MSM, an investigation created through the efforts of the than at any time in US history.
prior corrupt administration, and a Democrat Party that
does all they can to derail him, the President kept his Under President Trump the US has set the record for the
promises and did all he could to Make America Great most Americans in the work force nine times. More than
Again. The results speak for themselves. 155 million people are working in the US today and only 6
million Americans are unemployed, an amount not seen
since 2001. Nearly 3 million jobs have been created since
President Trump took office and more than 600,000 of
these are related to manufacturing and construction.

The GDP growth rate is expected to be 4.8% in the 2nd

Quarter this year according to the Atlanta Fed.

At the end of the 1st Quarter 2018 the

national GDP reached nearly $20 trillion for
the highest recorded GDP in US history.

The President’s tax plan passed in late December and is

The Economy – already benefiting Americans and American companies.
Employees are seeing increases in their pay due to lower US Policy
Federal taxes being deducted from their paychecks.
The President confirmed the most
Millions of Americans have received circuit court judges of any President in
bonuses due to the tax cuts and major his first year, and secured Justice Neil
companies have announced plans to Gorsuch’s confirmation to the United
move capital and operations to the US States Supreme Court.
due to these cuts.
He signed more than 90 executive actions in his first 100
The benefits of these cuts haven’t even transpired yet but days alone. The actions included –
the excitement amongst workers and companies is
electric. The years ahead are poised to be some of the  Dismantling Obama’s climate change initiatives.
most prosperous years in US history!  Travel bans for individuals from a select number of
countries embroiled in terrorist atrocities.
Overall consumer confidence is at a 17 year high as  Enforcing regulatory reform.
optimism about American prosperity grows!  Protecting Law enforcement.
 Mandating for every new regulation to eliminate two.
Foreign Policy  Defeating ISIS.
 Rebuilding the military.
President Trump vowed to destroy ISIS. Despite President  Building a border wall.
Obama saying that ISIS will be around for a generation,  Cutting funding for sanctuary cities.
these murderers and terrorists in the Middle East were  Approving Keystone and Dakota pipelines.
decimated by the end of the President’s first year in office.  Reducing regulations on manufacturers.
 Placing a hiring freeze on federal employees.
 Exiting the US from the TPP.
Both Syria and Iraq have declared victory
over ISIS and due to President Trump’s The list of POTUS 45’s successes goes on and on.
resolve, less than 1,000 ISIS fighters are
estimated remaining.
Undoubtedly there is more to do. The wall is only
beginning to be built and Democrats are doing all they can
President Trump met with the Pope, leaders of 50 Muslim to stop the President’s agenda. The FBI and DOJ are
countries and Israeli and European leaders in his first trip headed by Obama leftovers who are involved in corrupt
abroad. He demanded that the Muslim leaders remove and criminal activities. A bogus investigation was created
radicals from their countries. by these scoundrels and the current AG who recused
himself from anything Russia appears to be inept and
On President Trump’s successful trip to Asia he bundled sleeping. But based on President Trump’s performance to
an estimated $300 billion in deals for the US. He met with date, he will address these issues successfully in due time
Asian leaders and was the first US President and foreign as well.
leader to dine in China’s Forbidden City since the
founding of modern China. Overall President Trump’s first 500 days
in office were outstanding. He was
Under President Trump, the United States has led an attacked from all sides at times and
unprecedented global campaign to achieve the peaceful stood tall and to his principles. America
denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. His leadership is stronger and greater than ever
has contributed to the return of 17 Americans held before. The economy is growing and
overseas. In May 2018 alone, Venezuela released one the world is safer. 2017 was certainly
American and North Korea released three Americans who one of the greatest years in US history
all came home to the United States. and 2018 is heading on the same track.
President Trump kept his promises and
The President followed through on his promise to move in his first 500 days has truly Made
the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Now the America Great Again!
President is preparing for a summit with North Korea next
week that may end in a de-nuclearized Korean Peninsula,
something unimaginable for 70 years.

MSNBC Is Aghast That Its OWN Poll Shows Most
Americans See Mueller Probe As A Witch Hunt
Posted On June 4, 2018

(National Sentinel) Bogus: They say if you don’t want to This conviction doesn’t seem to point to
hear the answer, don’t ask the question. MSNBC is no Russian collusion during the campaign,
doubt now wishing they hadn’t asked Americans what they mostly because Flynn wasn’t even involved
think of special counsel Robert Mueller’s witch hunt with the campaign at any significant level.
Oh yes, there’s George Papadopoulos, the
low-level staffer whose drunken ramblings
Because the network did not get the answer it likely are the basis for so many conspiracy
sought. theories. He also made false statements to
investigators — and still, no evidence of
“The Robert Mueller investigation has collusion with the Russians.
yielded many indictments and convictions,
but a recent poll shows most Americans And Mueller’s indicted 10 Russians and three Russian
believe Donald Trump’s pronouncement companies in a case many say he never expected to have to
that the Russia probe is a baseless defend — which is why when those Russian companies
‘witchhunt,’” said the network in got a lawyer and went to court, Mueller asked for a delay.
announcing the poll’s results.
As reported by The Daily Caller:
More on those “many indictments and convictions” in a
Lawyers for Russian company Concord
Management and Consulting, LLC, formally
According to the poll, only 41 percent of people believe entered a “not guilty” plea in federal court
the Mueller investigation has uncovered crimes, compared Monday in a case special counsel Robert
to 59 percent who believe that it hasn’t, Conservative Mueller probably never thought would
Review reported. happen. …
Mueller may now have to try the case, and
That’s an 18-point difference. That’s substantial. Concord’s lawyers have put the special
counsel on notice. The Russian company’s
But that’s amazing, say MSNBC hacks because lawyers intend to invoke “discovery” to
Mueller has convicted people of crimes. obtain U.S. intelligence about what they
knew of Russian activities.
Sort of.
The only ones surprised by MSNBC‘s poll results are the
Conservative Review notes: hacks at MSNBC.

Only one major figure thus far — Michael Most Americans with a functioning brain stem realize
Flynn, the former national security adviser Mueller’s got nothing on POTUS Trump and that he’s
to Trump — has pleaded guilty to the crime engaged in one giant fishing expedition in an empty lake.
of making false statements to investigators.

I Have Absolute Right To Pardon Myself
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 8:10 Am

On his 500th day in office President Donald Trump The tweet followed The New York Times’ publication of a
tweeted out agreement with his attorneys that, confidential letter over the weekend

“I have the absolute right to pardon myself.”

This comes as Dirty cop Mueller’s witch hunt against the

president heats up in Washington DC.

Mueller is hoping to indict President Trump on some kind

of sham charges to remove him from office.

The witch hunt was launched to look at non-existent

Russian collusion.

But months later the 13 angry Democrats on Mueller’s

team have not been able to find any collusion or
relationship between President Trump and Vlad Putin.

Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
12:37 PM 06/04/2018

Trump’s tweets follow comments from his personal lawyer

Rudy Giuliani on ABCNews that Trump “probably does”
have the authority to pardon himself but carefully added,

President Donald Trump affirmed his belief that he can “He has no intention of pardoning himself.”
pardon himself for any crime but said he would never do
“I think the political ramifications of that
so because he has done nothing wrong.
would be tough. Pardoning other people is
one thing. Pardoning yourself is another.
Other presidents have pardoned people in
circumstances like this, both in their
administration and sometimes the next
president even of a different party will come
along and pardon,” Giuliani added.

James Woods Demolishes
Obama With Trump Jobs Meme
Obama Once Asked If Trump Had A Magic Wand
June 4, 2018

Image Credits: Stephane Cardinale - Corbis/Corbis via Getty


In the wake of another record jobs

report, actor James Woods tweeted the
perfect meme destroying ex-President
Obama’s statements that Trump
wouldn’t be able to spur a market
recovery. [see next page]
On Friday, the Labor Department reported an
unemployment rate of 3.8%, “its lowest level since the
heady days of the dot-com boom in early 2000,” reported
the New York Times.

According to the report, 223,000 jobs were added,

shattering the expectation of 188,000 new jobs, and black
and hispanic unemployment rates also again hit record


Did Sally Yates LIE To Federal Investigators?
Leaked MEMO Provides Clues
Posted On June 4, 2018

(National Sentinel) Deep State: Remember Sally Yates?

She was the Left-wing Obama appointee who, as acting
attorney general, refused to defend President Donald
Trump’s first travel ban, becoming an early “hero” of the

Trump fired her for that blatant act of insubordination, but

like the rest of Obama’s FBI, Justice Department, and
intelligence community hacks, she’s since been on a
campaign to trash the current president and his

Now, following The New York Times’ publication of a

leaked 29-page memo from POTUS Trump’s legal team
sent to special counsel Robert Mueller in January outlining
all the reasons why he cannot subpoena or indict a sitting
Then, on January 27, 2017, Yates and McGahn met once
president for “obstruction,” new details have emerged that
more. Yates appears to have lied about the ongoing
may put Yates in hot water with the law.
investigating against Team Trump, while at the same time
throwing an innocent man, Flynn, to the Deep State
According to the contents of the letter, Yates may have wolves:
intentionally misled federal investigators regarding the
investigation into Trump’s first national security advisor,
retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Attorney and Michelle Malkin Investigates contributor

Nick Short pointe out the former Deputy Attorney
General’s deceit (see tweet below).

On January 24, 2017, Flynn was interviewed in the White

House by FBI. The agents who interviewed him believed
that he was “confused” about some things but overall
“truthful” and they decided there was nothing to charge
him with.

But then on January 26, 2017, Yates met with White

House Counsel Dan McGahn and told him Flynn lied,
per the memo.
Later still, Flynn was informed that the FBI would not be
And: charging him and that their investigation was closed:

Perhaps it’s time for Sally Yates to find a good attorney?

Sometime afterward, however, the Obama cabal indicted

Flynn anyway,

and he was somehow forced into an

admission though the FBI had initially
concluded that he had not misled them
in a criminal manner.

THEY’RE RUNNING SCARED: Montana Democrats Sue
To Remove Green Party Candidate From Senate Race
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 1:12 Pm

Admiral Ronny Jackson was the

If the Greens are on the ballot jon Tester physician for George W. Bush, Barack
can’t win. Obama and then Donald Trump for one
So, Democrats are suing to keep the
Greens off the ballot. Jackson received excellent reviews by the Bush and
Obama administrations.
Democracy is only valid when Democrats win.
Tester’s accusations were complete
Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) was garbage but Jackson was forced to
Democrat point person this week behind resign from his promotion because the
the smears and destruction of Trump damage by Jon Tester and the Democrat
VA pick Admiral Ronny Jackson. media was too extensive.
Senator Jon Tester is up for reelection
this year in Montana.
Now this…

Montana Democrats sued to remove the

Green Party candidate from the 2018

The Washington Times reported:

Sen. Jon Tester of Montana was already

facing a tough re-election battle in a state
that Donald Trump won by a landslide —
and then the Green Party made the
Democrat’s job that much tougher by
Tester accused Admiral Jackson of being repeatedly
qualifying for the ballot.
drunk while on duty
Now the Montana Democratic Party is
“where his main job was to take care of the scrambling to oust the Greens. It has asked
most powerful man in the world.” a judge to decertify the left-wing party by
declaring 180 petition signatures invalid for
reasons such as bad handwriting, use of
Tester also told CNN that Jackson was known as “the
initials instead of full names and failure to
candy man” inside the White House and that during
write in cursive.
official overseas trips he would hand out drugs to
passengers to
The lawsuit, filed April, 2 has the Greens seeing red. They
accuse state Democrats of trying to disenfranchise voters
“put them to sleep and then give them the
in a politically motivated attack.
drugs to wake them back up again.”

Trump: Mueller Probe
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
1:40 PM 06/04/2018

for any crimes but that he would never do so because he

believes himself not to be guilty.

President Donald Trump took aim at special counsel

Robert Mueller’s probe as a unconstitutional in a Monday
morning tweet.

The appointment of the Special Councel is

Trump appeared to allude that he has not taken steps to fire
the special counsel despite his belief that the investigation
that, we play the game because I, unlike
has overstepped its bounds and is not legitimate. The
the Democrats, have done nothing wrong!
president referenced the “13 very Angry and Conflicted
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) Democrats” in his tweet citing the lawyers assigned to the
June 4, 2018 Mueller investigation with past affiliation with the
Democratic Party.
Trump previously tweeted about the special counsel probe
by noting that he had absolute authority to pardon himself

AYATOLLAH KHAMENEI Threatens To “Eradicate”
Israel, Orders Atomic Agency To Ramp Up Uranium
Levels “Without Any Delay”
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 1:45 Pm

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali

Khamenei has ordered the Atomic Energy Organization of
Iran (AEOI) to make preparations for enrichment of
uranium up to a level of 190,000SWU without any delay.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks in a ceremony held

at the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum in south Tehran to
commemorate the 29th anniversary of the passing away of
the founder of the Islamic Republic while talking about
Iran’s nuclear deal with the P5+1 group of countries,
which is officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan
of Action (JCPOA).

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah “It seems from what they say that some
Khamenei threatened to eradicate Israel European governments expect the Iranian
from the world in a Sunday tweet. nation to both put up with sanctions and
give up its nuclear activities and continue to
observe limitations [on its nuclear
program]. I tell those governments that this
bad dream will never come true,” the
Leader said.

Stressing that the Iranian nation and government cannot

tolerate to be both sanctioned and be put in the “nuclear
custody,” Ayatollah Khamenei ordered the AEOI to take
rapid steps to make preparations for starting uranium
enrichment “up to a level of 190,000SWU for the time
being within the framework of the JCPOA” and take other
Then on Monday evening Supreme
preliminary steps that the president has ordered from
Leader order the country’s Atomic tomorrow.
Energy Organization to ramp up
production of uranium levels “without US President Donald Trump announced on May 8 that
any delay.” Washington was walking away from the nuclear
agreement, which was reached between Iran and the five
permanent members of the UN Security Council – the US,
Britain, France, Russia and China – plus Germany.

Trump also said he would reinstate US nuclear sanctions

on Iran and impose “the highest level” of economic bans
on the Islamic Republic.

Iran Press News reported:

Sara Carter: Allies’ Five Eyes Global
SPY Arrangement Exposed Over
Trump-Russia Hoax
Posted On June 4, 2018

(National Sentinel) Exposure: The so-called “Five Eyes” What’s more, Carter says she’s been told that Germany,
intelligence-sharing arrangement between the U.S., Poland, and Estonia have also shared communications
Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand was related to members of the Trump campaign with the
implemented after World War II as a global surveillance United States.
network aimed at keeping track of the Soviet Union.
So it seems as though everyone but the
At the end of the Cold War, the alliance remained intact Trump campaign knew about it —
and had since been functioning about the same. including the Clinton campaign.

Here’s how it works: Carter writes:

Each nation’s spy agency tracks threats Investigations conducted by Congressional

around the world and then shares it with and Senate committees are entering the
the collective. second year and what has been pieced
together by investigators – battling for
It’s been a pretty effective alliance but it seems it, too, may documents every step of the way –
soon become a casualty of Obama corruption. challenges the information the FBI and
former senior Obama administration have
revealed about the investigation.
As noted by investigative journalist Sara A. Carter, the
alliance may have been used and abused in order to Their evidence is at odds with the DOJ/FBI
fabricate the Trump-Russia “collusion” narrative and timeline leaked to various news outlets
hence to justify a counterintelligence investigation into his indicating the investigation began in late
2016 campaign. summer of 2016. These discrepancies
make it all the more important that the DOJ
She notes that in recent days there have been many articles and FBI turn over documents to the
referencing the timeline regarding Obama’s “Spygate” Congressional oversight committees who
operation into Team Trump. are investigating what looks like an abuse
and weaponization of the tools used by
U.S. federal law enforcement and the
It seems as though new evidence leaked to the media
intelligence community.
contradicts a previous timeline offered up by the FBI and
Justice Department. In a December 2017 article, I interviewed
numerous intelligence officials and
Carter says that sources have told her the whistleblowers, who say what happened in
investigation began in Great Britain, not the Trump campaign is a microcosm of
in the U.S. — which would help explain ongoing abuse of the intelligence
why DoJ and the FBI are stonewalling apparatus and explain why the American
House Intelligence Committee chairman public has a right to know what happened.
Devin Nunes’ subpoena requesting to But the FBI’s Russia/Trump investigation
see specific evidence that led them to open has become more of a Pandora’s box and
the Trump probe. the revelations lead to multiple unanswered
questions on the part of all the players
She also notes that John Brennan, James Clapper, involved.
Samantha Power, Loretta Lynch were all briefed by James What was the evidence that allowed the
Comey on the alleged Russian interference into the Trump Obama administration to open a
campaign, but not the president-to-be or any of his staff. counterintelligence investigation into the
Trump campaign? We still don’t have an The FBI was even paying Steele, so since the bureau
answer but we’re closer than ever to obviously knew what he was up to and why he was doing
unraveling what happened and why. If the what he was doing, why not keep an eye on Clinton
FBI was truly concerned that Russians and her people?
were trying to influence the campaign,
why didn’t the Bureau give a defensive What was Barack Obama’s role in all of this, and what part
briefing to alert the campaign about these did any of the Five Eyes allies play in all of this?
concerns? What role did the offices of the
Director of National Intelligence, the CIA
This is a scandal of epic proportions. No wonder it’s
and NSA have in the investigation?
taking so long to get through it all. And in the end, we’re
likely to find out that several systems, institutions, and
Here are some more questions. spying alliances were all compromised or abused by the
Obama regime in the process.
Why wasn’t the Clinton campaign placed under
surveillance since it hired a firm — Fusion GPS — which
hired a former British spook, Christopher Steele, who
used Russian sources for his bogus “dossier?”

John Brennan Unhinged=> Blasts Trump Over Tweet
Calling Mueller Witch Hunt “Unconstitutional”
By Cristina Laila
June 4, 2018, 2:30 Pm

On Monday, former CIA Director John

Brennan hammered President Trump’s
claims Mueller’s witch hunt is
unconstitutional saying, “his tweets are
not the tweets of an innocent

In Trump’s second tweet, he ripped the

Special Counsel as “totally

On his 500th day in office President Donald Trump

tweeted out agreement with his attorneys that,

“I have the absolute right to pardon myself.”

This comes as Dirty cop Mueller’s witch hunt against the

president heats up in Washington DC. John Brennan blasted the President in an appearance on
“MSNBC Live with Hallie Jackson.”
Mueller is hoping to indict President Trump on some kind
of sham charges to remove him from office. Via The Hill:
The witch hunt was launched to look at non-existent
Russian collusion. “So [Deputy Attorney General Rod]
Rosenstein, Bob Mueller and others are
But months later the 13 angry Democrats on Mueller’s now looking into this and for the president
team have not been able to find any collusion or at this point to say it’s unconstitutional, I
relationship between President Trump and Vlad Putin. think it just shows how worried he is, how
fearful he is about what the special counsel
The tweets followed The New York Times’ publication of a is uncovering,” Brennan said.
confidential letter over the weekend. “And his tweets are not the tweets of an
innocent individual. So I think it really
In Trump’s first Monday morning tweet demonstrates just how desperate he is
he said he has the absolute right to getting, grasping at straws, and Rudy
pardon himself. Giuliani as well,” he added, referring to the
president’s lawyer.
“Neither Rudy nor his boss feel
encumbered by facts, truth or common
sense and so I think that’s why they’re

throwing these things out now to try to get Brennan and Clapper are both spinning like tops as their
whatever traction among their base as crimes bubble up to the surface.
The two corrupt former Obama officials were heavily
John Brennan is once again projecting. involved in Spygate; they are also caught in perjury traps
which is why they continue to attack the President.

CBS To Obama Speechwriter: Is Trump Just Trying To
Destroy The ‘Work You Accomplished?’
By Scott Whitlock
June 4, 2018 4:36 PM EDT

Talking to a top Obama speechwriter, CBS This Morning One can see why journalists wouldn’t want to talk about
hosts on Monday avoided a potentially awkward that with Rhodes. In another example of the revolving
conversation about journalists shilling for Barack door, the political operative just signed on as an NBC
Obama's Iran deal. While talking to Ben Rhodes, the News contributor. Speaking of another connection, This
reporters instead worried about Donald Trump dismantling Morning co-host John Dickerson at least informed viewers
the agenda of the ex-Democratic president. of connection between a Democrat and the liberal media:
“Ben Rhodes is the brother of CBS News president David
Co-host Gayle King worried, Rhodes.”

“The larger project of believing that To his credit, Dickerson pressed Rhodes on North Korea:
America is a better place. when you look at
the Trump administration, many people Let’s start with North Korea before we get to the book.
believe that they're trying to unravel and The meeting is back on on the12th. I know you're not a fan
undo everything that the Obama of President Trump, but doesn't he get his due in getting
administration did.” She fretted, “ Does he this to where it’s gotten so far?
feel that way and do you members of the
administration feel that everything you did, A partial transcript is below:
the work that you accomplished, that
they're now trying to take it all apart? Do
CBS This Morning
you feel that?”
8:33:31 to 8:40:14

JOHN DICKERSON: One of President Obama’s closest advisers

is pulling back the curtain on U.S. foreign policy during the
Obama administration. Ben Rhodes was a speech writer during
Mr. Obama's 2008 presidential campaign. After the election, he
became deputy national security adviser for the president. He
was closely involved on key decisions on Syria, Iran, and Cuba.
In his new book, The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama
White House, Rhodes takes us behind the scenes of the biggest
moments during the Obama presidency. Ben Rhodes is the
brother of CBS News president David Rhodes. Welcome, Ben.
While the co-hosts brought up Trump’s efforts in North
Korea, the Obama administration’s Iran nuclear deal did BEN RHODES: Hi, John.
not get a specific mention. Perhaps the reason for that is
Rhodes in 2016 portrayed some in the media as stooges DICKERSON: Let’s start with North Korea before we get to the
for the Iran deal. Speaking of how they pushed talking book. The meeting is back on on the12th. I know you're not a fan
points, Rhodes bragged: of President Trump, but doesn't he get his due in getting this to
where it’s gotten so far?
All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus.... Now
they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s RHODES: Well, look. I think diplomacy is compared to military
happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are conflict. The question is what does that diplomacy produce?
reporting on world events from Washington. The average What I think is most likely is you’ll see North Koreans made
reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting commitments to denuclearize in the future. But in the past we’ve
experience consists of being around political campaigns. seen them make those commitments and not follow through. The
That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing. follow through is the question, John.

DICKERSON: Let me turn to the book. Because starting with had to analyze it. And that’s what I’m talking about there in the
President Trump, there's a line that has already gotten a lot of book.
press. I know this is about the entire administration, but let's start
on this comment from President Obama. What if we were wrong? DICKERSON: This line has been focused on by critics of the
What exactly does that mean? President, President Obama, because they say it repeats a flaw
that they've seen in him throughout public life, which is he meant
RHODES: Well, President Obama wasn't unlike a lot of in that question, “What if we were wrong,” is not about his own
Americans after the election. He was trying to figure out. We mis-perceptions. But about the electorate. That they were just too
went through different theories. Was it the Russian meddling. slow to catch his kind of change and that’s the criticism. What’s
Was it the campaign that the Democrats ran? And we were on your response to that?
the last foreign trip and I was sitting with him in his presidential
limousine and he read a column that saying Democrats maybe RHODES: Oh, absolutely not, John. What President Obama has
pushed too far in an embrace of globalization and maybe got said his entire political career is his bet was always on the
away from the sense of identity that's important to people, part of American people. He couldn't become the first African-American
which was what President Trump had stoked. But I think, frankly, president, two-term president without the confidence of the
the reality of any number of causal factors led to President American people. I think what he's getting at is a bigger
Trump. And what I answer in the book is that question: I don’t phenomena in the world.
think we were wrong.
O’DONNELL: Well, actually, what you say in the book is that you
should have seen it, because when you distilled it, stripped out
the racism and misogyny, we’d run against Hillary eight years
KING: This book was so personal to it seemed to me about you,
ago with the very same message Trump had used. She’s part of
Ben. I mean, you really talked about your place in the
a corrupt establishment that can’t be trusted to change.
administration, questioning what you were doing there, when do
you fit in, and being a speech writer for some of the most iconic
RHODES: Well, I woke up after election night kind of shell speeches. Hwow do you write for someone you didn't know very
shocked, and that's when it hit me. well and how you navigated those waters?

O’DONNELL: Is that what he won on? A change election? A ...

corrupt message?
KING: You said we didn't always get things right but the larger
RHODES: Well, that was his message. The racism and misogyny project of believing that America is a better place. when you look
was also a part of the message. And that’s important, Norah. But at the Trump administration, many people believe that they’re
I think — I remember election night sitting there in my friend's trying to unravel and undo everything that the Obama
apartment, Cody Keenan, who is a speech writer for President administration did. Does he feel that way and do you members of
Obama too, and President Obama called us to talk about what he the administration feel that everything you did, the work that you
was going to say the next day and we're all just absorbing this accomplished, that they’re now trying to take it all apart? Do you
news and new reality. I do realize in that moment I don't think we feel that?
had inhabited the likelihood of Trump winning. We hadn’t put
ourselves in that place. And You had that shell shock and the
next morning you start to analyze it. And the next morning you

‘D’OH!’ The Idea Of A Presidential Self-Pardon Wasn’t As
Frowned Upon A Couple Years Ago
By Doug P.
Posted At 4:46 Pm On June 4, 2018

President Trump’s tweet this morning about pardoning

himself raised some eyebrows:

Well, maybe the Dems would say that would be totally

Resistance media and others immediately flipped, but
before the 2016 election the same type of question, albeit
hypothetical, was explored and wasn’t considered to be as

Go figure!

Let’s go to “Earth 2” for a moment and go back in time a



Ben Stein: “Mr. Trump Has A Kind Of A Magic He Gives
Off” — Manufacturing Jobs Up 322,000 Since
Trump Took Office (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 5:23 Pm

Author, actor and lawyer Ben Stein joined FOX Business

Network on Monday to discuss the Trump jobs boom.

Ben Stein praised President Trump for the manufacturing


Ben Stein: The magic wand is optimism. Business runs on

optimism. Optimism is the heartbeat of the economy. I
think everyone in the hiring end of that world is optimistic
now that the government is not going to stomp on their
oxygen hose and is not going to do anything tricky to
256,000 manufacturing jobs were stamp them down, to keep them down… It’s been sort of a
miracle. I mean, I hate to think maybe I’m dreaming this
created over the past two months.
and I’m going to wake up and it’s not true but it is a
miraculous recovery… Mr. Trump has a kind of a magic
This is more than the last 30 months combined! he gives off.

322,000 since Donald Trump took office.

BREAKING: Peter Strzok’s Boss At FBI Bill Priestap To
Testify In Front Of Congress On Tuesday
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 6:26 Pm

Bill Priestap was the FBI official who changed the

wording in the James Comey July 2016 speech to remove
the word “President” and replace it with “another senior
government official” to hide this fact from the American

Priestap was also Peter Strzok’s boss at the FBI.

According to The Hill’s John Solomon at

The Hill Bill Priestap will testify on
Capitol Hill on Tuesday about the
Clinton email scandal and the Russia-
House Republicans are set to interview Trump case.
three witnesses in early June regarding
the sham Hillary Clinton email This is very big news!
Via Lou Dobbs:
According to The Hill, Bill Priestap, the assistant director
of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael
Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security
division, will testify shortly after the release of the IG

The third witness is John Giacalone who preceded

Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and
oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.

Leaker Comey Slams Trump As A ‘Demagogue And Liar’
In Desperate Tweet As FBI Agents Set To
Testify In Front Of Congress
By Cristina Laila
June 4, 2018, 6:39 Pm

Leaker James Comey slammed

President Trump Monday from his
Twitter account in a cryptic tweet.
James Comey is growing desperate as FBI agents prepare
to testify in front of Congress on the FBI’s handling of the
Clinton email scandal.

James Comey is getting desperate as we near the release of

the damning IG report.
House Republicans are set to interview
three witnesses in early June regarding
the sham Hillary Clinton email
Peter Strzok’s boss Bill Priestap will
James Comey is a leaker and a liar. testify on Capitol Hill on Tuesday about
The fired FBI Director leaked contents of memos he the Clinton email scandal and the
penned stemming from several confidential conversations Russia-Trump case.
he had with President Trump to his ‘friend’ Daniel The third witness is John Giacalone who preceded
Richman to leak to the press. Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and
Comey leaked the memos to prompt a Special Counsel oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.
investigation into President Trump. The word is that Giacalone quit the FBI
James Comey is crooked and should spend the rest of his in protest over how the higher ups were
life in prison for leaking classified information. Instead killing the investigation.
he’s on a book tour smearing President Trump. Last month, James Gagliano, a retired
Comey slammed Trump on Monday, shortly after the FBI agent who left the bureau in 2015
President said he has the power to pardon himself and said buckle up because the IG report
accurately stated the Mueller witch hunt is “totally will be very damning. In fact, his
unconstitutional.” sources are saying “it’s worse than
Comey tweeted: Just finished Jon Meacham’s “The Soul
of America.” Good reminder that facts and the essential
goodness of the American people always triumph. It can
take a while, but decency and the rule of law inevitably
win over demagogues and liars. So long as we all stand up
and speak out.
Comey didn’t call out the President by name but it is
obvious he is referring to Trump.

James Woods Destroys Nancy Pelosi
After She Pans Latest Jobs Numbers As
'Bad For Middle Class'
Byjoseph Curl @Josephcurl
June 4, 2018

wiping out the few meager gains that some

families should have received from the
GOP tax scam, as wages remain

Pelosi, who famously called tax cuts of thousands of

dollars for middle-class Americans "crumbs," could only
see a glass half empty. So actor James Woods dropped by
to help the career politician make sense of the numbers,
and to explain why the San Francisco liberal is so negative
about the booming economy.

Rep. Nancy "Crumbs" Pelosi (D-Wacko) doesn't really

seem to like Americans.

The multimillionairess, who flies home to California

nearly every weekend in a private plane on the taxpayers'
dime, thinks the massive tax cuts pushed through by the
Republican Congress and signed into law by President
Trump are bad for the middle class.

But despite Pelosi's pessimism, the economy is booming

— so much so that after the release of economic data on
Friday, The New York Times actually wrote a story

"We Ran Out of Words to Describe How

Good the Jobs Numbers Are."

The stats show payrolls gained 223,000 in May, well

above market expectations of 188,000, and the
unemployment rate hitting an 18-year low of 3.8%. The
stock market is booming and real take-home wages are up
for the first time since 2009. Some economists now
estimate the second quarter could show growth of up to
4.8%. Staggering.

But all that was bad news to Pelosi.

"May’s jobs report shows that strong Woods had more to say.
employment numbers mean little to the
families hit with soaring new costs under
the Republicans’ watch," she said in a
statement Friday. “The President’s
reckless policies are exploding gas prices,
And he even dropped a bomb on former president Barack
Obama, who famously said a lot of jobs were never
coming back to America.

Pardoned US Sailor Sues Obama And Comey For Going
Easy On Crooked Hillary But Tossing Him In The
Slammer For Taking 6 Pictures
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 7:23 Pm

The ex-Navy Sailor also unleashed on Crooked Hillary and

Obama’s corrupt DOJ.

Saucier said a prosecutor and a couple of FBI agents

destroyed his life for no reason.

“It was a clear attempt by the Department

of Justice under President Obama to use
me as a scapegoat to take the heat off of
Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified
information,” Saucier said.
In March, President Donald Trump
pardoned former U.S. Navy Now this…
sailor Kristian Saucier, who served a
one-year prison stint for taking six
Kristian Saucier is suing Barack Obama and Jim Comey
pictures of “classified areas inside a
for jailing him but allowing Crooked Hillary to walk.
nuclear submarine,” said White House
press secretary Sarah Huckabee
Sanders. The Daily Mail reported:

A former U.S. Navy seaman who spent a

year in federal prison for photographing a
classified area of a nuclear submarine
plans to sue former President Barack
Obama and fired FBI director James
Comey for selectively prosecuting him.
Donald Trump issued a presidential pardon
this year to Kristian Saucier, whose lawyer
Ronald Daigle told Fox News on Monday
that the pending lawsuit will also name the
Justice Department as a defendant.
Daigle says former Secretary of State
Trump previously said he believed the one year sentence Hillary Clinton was given a free pass by
being served by Saucier was harsh. avoiding prosecution for mishandling
classified information on her infamous
private email server.
In an interview with ‘Varney and Co.’ last year, the
former sailor blasted the double standard surrounding his Saucier, 31, believes Comey and Obama
case relative to Hillary Clinton mishandling classified should be held responsible for treating him
information. unequally.
‘They interpreted the law in my case to say
After his pardon, Kristian Saucier spoke with Fox & it was criminal,’ he told Fox, ‘but they didn’t
Friends in an exclusive interview about the moment he prosecute Hillary Clinton. Hillary is still
found out he was pardoned. walking free.’

New Evidence Emerges On Trump’s
Actions Regarding Ex-Adviser Michael Flynn
By Petr Svab
June 4, 2018 18:45, Last Updated: June 4, 2018 20:19

In late 2016 and early 2017, as part of Flynn’s transition

work, he was asked to talk to foreign diplomats to lay
some groundwork for future relations, including three calls
with Kislyak.

U.S. intelligence agencies intercepted the calls, officially

as part of routine spying on Kislyak, and at least some
parts were leaked to the media. One such revelation was
that on Dec. 29, 2016, Kislyak and Flynn had discussed
sanctions imposed on some Russian individuals and
entities by then-President Barack Obama.
Michael Flynn, former national security adviser to President Donald
Trump in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 1, 2017. (Chip In response to the leak, Flynn was questioned by some
Somodevilla/Getty Images) administration officials and, apparently, didn’t portray the
conversations accurately. That led to Pence going on
President Donald Trump was led to believe his newly record as saying that Flynn didn’t discuss the sanctions.
appointed national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael
Flynn, was not under investigation when he fired him last Court documents later revealed that Flynn asked Kislyak
year, according to legal memos sent by Trump’s lawyers to not to escalate the situation further after the sanctions were
special counsel Robert Mueller. imposed.

The issue is significant because then-FBI Director James On Jan. 24, 2017, only four days after Trump’s
Comey later accused Trump of pushing him to close an inauguration, two FBI agents, one of whom was special
investigation of Flynn by saying to him: agent Joe Pientka, visited Flynn at the White House and
asked to speak with him.
“I hope you can see your way clear to
letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a
good guy. I hope you can let this go.”

The White House stated Comey’s account was

“not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the


But however the conversation went, the memos make clear

Trump was given very different information about Flynn’s
situation than Comey.

The confidential memos were leaked to The New York

Times, which published them on June 2. The memos
provide some details that had not previously been released.
Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak at the
Russian embassy in Washington on May 13, 2017. (Brendan
Trump accepted Flynn’s resignation on Feb. 13, 2017, Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)
after then-Acting Attorney General Sally Yates informed
White House counsel Don McGahn that Flynn misled Vice “Agents saw no change in [Flynn’s]
President Mike Pence about the content of his calls with demeanor or tone that would say he was
Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. being untruthful,” according to notes taken
by the Senate judiciary committee, which
questioned Comey about the Flynn there was an ongoing investigation but did
interview in March last year. Comey then indicate that the DOJ would not object to
denied making the statement. the White House taking action against
On Jan. 26, 2017, Yates came to McGahn saying
McGahn further stated that
“that Flynn may have made false
representations to others in the “Yates also indicated that the DOJ would
administration regarding the content of the not object to the White House disclosing
calls”; “that Flynn’s potentially false how the DOJ obtained the information
statements could make him susceptible to relayed to the White House regarding
foreign influence or blackmail because the Flynn’s calls with Ambassador Kislyak.”
Russians would know he had lied”; and
“that Flynn’s statements to the FBI were On Feb. 8, 2017, as McGahn, then-Chief of Staff Reince
similar to those she understood he had Priebus, and others grilled Flynn about the calls, Flynn
made to [then-White House press secretary said
Sean] Spicer and the vice president,”
according to McGahn’s memo dated Feb.
“he either was not sure whether he
15, 2017, quoted in the leaked legal
discussed sanctions, or did not remember
doing so,” McGahn wrote.

McGahn briefed Trump and some other officials the same

Flynn also said that
day, but they didn’t have enough information about what
was actually going on at the Department of Justice
regarding Flynn. They decided to first get more “FBI agents met with him to inform him that
information before acting on the information. their investigation was over.”

“Part of this concern was a recognition by Flynn was asked about the calls again on Feb. 10, and he
McGahn that it was unclear from the said
meeting with Yates whether an action could
be taken without jeopardizing an ongoing “that the FBI told him they were closing it
investigation,” McGahn wrote. out.”

Later that day, McGahn and Priebus concluded that Flynn

needed to go and recommended so to Trump. The
following Monday, Trump accepted Flynn’s resignation.

Comey testified that the next day, Trump asked to speak

with him alone. Comey was keenly aware of Flynn’s

“General Flynn at that point in time was in

legal jeopardy. There was an open FBI
criminal investigation of his statements in
White House Counsel Don McGahn in National Harbor, Md., on Feb. connection with the Russian contacts, and
22, 2018. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) the contacts themselves, and so that was
my assessment at the time,” Comey
McGahn asked for another meeting with Yates, and they testified before the Senate intelligence
met the next day. committee on June 8, 2017.

“During the meeting, McGahn sought

clarification regarding Yates’s prior
statements regarding Flynn’s contact with
Ambassador Kislyak,” McGahn wrote.
“Among the issues discussed was whether
dismissal of Flynn by the president would
compromise any ongoing investigations.
Yates was unwilling to confirm or deny that
but truthful; decided not to investigate him
further; and let him retain his clearance,”
one of the legal memos states.

It was then that Trump allegedly asked Comey to “let it

go,” which Trump denies.

In any case, Comey said he didn’t let it go. It was Trump

who did. Neither the president nor anybody from the
White House ever brought up the issue again with Comey,
the memo states.
Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before the Senate
Intelligence Committee in the Hart Senate Office Building on Capitol On Nov. 30, 2017, Flynn pleaded guilty to one count of
Hill in Washington, D.C., on June 8, 2017. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty lying to the FBI.

Mueller’s team has requested to delay Flynn’s sentencing

But based on what Trump knew at the time, Flynn’s case several times. In February, the judge in the case demanded
was already over. The DOJ wouldn’t say if Flynn was that the prosecutors produce all exculpatory evidence.
investigated or not, but, according to Flynn, the FBI closed
the case. He was even allowed to keep his security
Epoch Times reporter Ivan Pentchoukov contributed to
this report.
“For all intents, purposes, and
appearances, the FBI had accepted Flynn’s
account; concluded that he was confused

Wife Of George Papadopoulos Pleads With President
Trump To Pardon Her Husband (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 8:20 Pm

fellow at the University of Stirling in Scotland, and

director of the Diplomatic Academy of London.

Mifsud went missing after his

connections to George Papadopoulos
went public.

Mifsud and Papadopoulos obtained positions at an

organization named the Centre for International Energy
and Natural Resources Law & Security. Papadopoulos was
a ‘nobody’ and the Centre sketchy at best.

Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos joined Tucker Mifsud vanished in early November

Carlson on Monday night to speak out in defense of her 2017,
shortly after Papadopoulos was in the news and indicted.
George and Simona met in England and His whereabouts are still unknown.
were married this year.
George Papadopoulos is now under a Although the common story is that Mifsud is a Russian
gag order until his sentencing. Agent, many ties seem to lead [him] back to UK
Intelligence. Julian Assange put out a Twitter thread noting
George Papadopoulos, the lower level campaign worker the connection between Mifsud and UK Intelligence.
for the Trump campaign, appears to have been targeted by
three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S. Brian Whitaker at put together this map of
Intelligence: Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan Mifsud’s connections and organizations.
Mifsud has many suspect relationships with British and
Joseph Mifsud is a Maltese academic, with high level Russian operatives. Mifsud is a member of the European
connections to the Russian state and UK politicians. Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
Mifsud is a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Malta, a former principal in the London Centre The ECFR’s top donor is the Soros Open Society
of International Law Practice, a professorial teaching Foundation.

Again, Mifsud went missing in 2017 after
his relationship with George
Papadopoulos was exposed.

Tonight Simona Papadopoulos pleaded

with President Trump to pardon her
husband who was set up by Obama
spies during the 2016 campaign.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

CNN Analyst: Trump 'Obsessing' Over
Pardoning Himself Means He Has
A 'Guilty Conscience'
By Bill D'Agostino
June 4, 2018 8:30 PM EDT

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin twisted himself into himself, can he be indicted – I mean,
knots on Monday in an attempt to prove that President what’s going on?” he asked with mock
Trump was guilty of – well, something. While on The befuddlement. For bonus snark points, he
Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, Toobin insisted that the added, “It’s just weird.”
President was “obsessing” over the idea of pardoning
Host Wolf Blitzer decided not to point out that the
himself and inferred that that was itself evidence of guilt.
President was probably discussing the scope of his
“You have to ask yourself why he pardoning power because it had become a ubiquitous news
is raising this subject,” Toobin topic. Instead, he asked CNN analyst Phil Mudd to discuss
began disingenuously. “Is there a guilty “the impact” that the President’s statements about the
conscience at work? This is a bizarre Mueller probe could have on “the American public.”
subject for him to be tweeting about,” he
“I don’t think they understand how
profound this is,” Mudd complained.
Toobin's rhetorical question misleadingly implied that
After reminding viewers that he’d worked for the CIA, he
Trump was responsible for initially raising the issue of a
went on to compare the Trump administration to a third-
potential presidential self-pardon. In fact, the topic had
world dictatorship, and Toobin's mendacious arguments
surfaced after the New York Times released a letter written
were left unchallenged.
by the President’s then-lawyer John Dowd to Special
Counsel Robert Mueller back in January. Read a transcript of Toobin's full answer below:
A portion of Dowd's letter had read in part: “It remains our CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer
position ...that he could, if he wished, terminate the 06/04/2018
inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon if he so 6:37:41 – 5:38:49 p.m. EDT
desired.” This line was particularly interesting to the 1 minute, 8 seconds
media, who used it as a springboard to launch into
WOLF BLITZER: Jeffrey Toobin, you’re our legal analyst.
a Sunday afternoon of frenzied tirades about potential
The President asserting he has the absolute right to
future abuses of power by the President.
pardon himself. His lawyers arguing the sitting president
can't be inindicted. Are those real possibilities that they
are preparing for now?
JEFFREY TOOBIN: I think it is an uncertain legal
question about whether a president can pardon himself.
That has never been resolved. You have to ask yourself
why he is raising this subject. Is there a guilty conscience
at work? This is a bizarre subject for him to start tweeting
about. At the same time, the issue of whether a sitting
president can be indicted is a live legal controversy. The
Justice Department policy is that the president cannot be
indicted. Kenneth Starr, when he was the Independent
Ignoring reassurances offered by Trump lawyer Counsel, he had a legal analysis that reached a different
Rudy Giuliani only a day earlier (“He has no intention of conclusion, that said a president could be indicted. It's
pardoning himself,”), Toobin continued with his wildly never been resolved. But the fact that the President is
speculative analysis. obsessing about these issues – can he pardon himself, can
he be indicted – I mean, what’s going on? It’s just weird.
“The fact that the President is obsessing
about these issues – can he pardon

Dirty Cop Mueller Raids Manafort Icloud Account –
Demands Jail For Former Trump Campaign Manager
…Update: Here Is Full Document
By Cristina Laila
June 4, 2018, 8:42 Pm

Mueller, who is investigating possible collusion between

the Trump campaign and Russia, asked the judge
overseeing the case in U.S. District Court for the District
of Columbia to revoke or revise an order releasing
Manafort ahead of his trial.

Manafort was released to home confinement after his

arraignment in October.

FBI Special Agent Brock Domin, in a declaration filed

with Mueller’s motion, said Manafort had attempted to
BREAKING NEWS. call, text and send encrypted messages in February to two
people from “The Hapsburg Group,” a firm he worked
with to promote the interests of Ukraine.

The FBI has documents and statements

from the two people, as well as
telephone records and documents
recovered through a search of
Manafort’s iCloud account showing that
Trump’s former campaign manager
The Special Counsel accused Trump’s attempted communication while he was
out on bail, according to Domin.
former campaign chairman Paul
Manafort of attempting to tamper with
The communications were “in an effort to influence their
potential witnesses, in a court filing testimony and to otherwise conceal evidence,” Domin
Monday. wrote. “The investigation into this matter is ongoing.”
Dirty Cop Mueller raided Manafort’s
iCloud account to obtain phone records See the full 90 page document via Techno Frog at end of
and other documents. this article.
This is a deflection by dirty cop Mueller
because Bill Priestap is set to testify on Paul Manafort previously filed motions to dismiss the
Capitol Hill on Tuesday about the Special Counsel’s cases against him in two different
Clinton email scandal and the Russia- courts.
Trump case.
US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson
Reuters reported: upheld Mueller’s authority to prosecute
Paul Manafort after she recently
dismissed a motion filed by Manafort’s
President Donald Trump’s former
campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who
has been indicted by U.S. Special Counsel
Robert Mueller, attempted to tamper with Amy Berman Jackson is an far left radical, Obama-
potential witnesses, Mueller said in a court appointed judge who is on Paul Manafort’s case involving
filing on Monday.
charges of money laundering and failing to register as a Judge T.S. Ellis is on the bank fraud case and has not yet
foreign agent for a Ukrainian political party. issued a ruling on a similar motion filed by Manafort’s
legal team.
There is a second, separate case against Paul Manafort
involving allegations of bank fraud stemming from a bail Mueller deflects every time he’s under the gun.
package Manafort submitted after his first indictment.
See the full 90 page document via Techno Frog starting on
next page.

Wasserman Schultz Assisted Imran Awan With Land Deal
– Screamed “F*Cking Islamophobe!” At House Official
Investigating Her Dear Imran
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 9:53 Pm

Remember: Democrats will kill this Imran’s wife, Hina Alvi, who was employed as a staffer
investigation if they win back the House. since February 2007, was paid 168,300 in 2016. Rao
Abbas was paid $85,049 in 2016.

Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were

barred from computer networks at the
House of Representatives in February.

Most of the House Members fired the

Awans subsequently.

Only Debbie Wasserman Schultz kept

Imran Awan on the pay roll up to the day
he got arrest for Bank Fraud after trying
to flee the country.
The rest of the family fled to Pakistan
along with hundreds of thousands of
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Pakistani IT “expert” Imran
Awan were very close. funds they mysteriously were able to
The more you learn about Democratic IT Democrats were willing or unwillingly
scammer Imran Awan — the more you compromised by the Awans and
see the profile of a bold and careless sensitive information may have been
criminal mind. leaked to foreign enemies!
Imran Awan worked for Debbie
Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years (Muslim Brotherhood – Yemen Raid with dead soldier for
since she came into office in 2004 as a example?) Many of the Democrats have Seats on
Florida representative. She would have Committees that handle highly sensitive information.
kept paying her “IT expert” even when
he was living in Pakistan. Imran Awan’s trial has been delayed several times.

Three Pakistani brothers who managed the IT affairs for More information is coming out on Imran Awan and his
several Democratic government officials were relieved of criminal activities.
their duties in February 2017 on suspicion that they
accessed specific computer networks without permission, Awan pretended to be his wife when
also known as hacking. requesting a loan from the
Congressional Federal Credit Union and
Imran Awan, who started working for Wasserman got it! He had the credit union wire
Schultz in 2005, received $164,600 in 2016, with close to $165,000 to PAKISTAN – no questions
$20,000 of that coming from Wasserman Schultz. asked.

His brother Jamal, who started working as a staffer in And now we know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz helped
2014, was paid $157,350.12 in 2016. Abid, who started Imran Awan in a Pakistani land deal.
working in 2005, was paid $160,943 in 2016.

We also know that Wasserman Schultz election, Wasserman Schultz became
screamed profanities at a House official “frantic, not normal,” “making the rounds” to
who was investigating Imran Awan. House officials in an attempt to kill the
investigation, one House employee told
The Daily Caller News Foundation.
And…. We now know that they were so
close that Wasserman Schultz picked Awan told people Wasserman Schultz
out the name for his daughter Leza. chose the name for his daughter, Leza — a
Jewish name — and that the Florida
congresswoman’s daughter regularly rode
Luke Rosiak at The Daily Caller reported: a horse that Awan kept at a boarding
facility, sources with knowledge of the
Ex-Democratic National Committee head relationship told TheDCNF.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she
Wasserman Schultz cornered House
intervened in a Pakistani land deal
Chief Administrative Officer Phil Kiko
involving her then–IT aide Imran Awan,
and called him a “fucking
according to two House employees. The
Islamophobe,” saying “you will not so
dispute came after Awan’s father was
much as take away their parking spots,”
charged with fraud in relation to the deal,
the two House employees said Kiko told
and the mysterious exertion of political
influence resulted in Pakistani authorities
instead targeting the elderly alleged
victims, according to a local report. Previously:
And when a House Office of Inspector
It Has to be Asked: Was Wasserman
General cybersecurity investigation found
Schultz Having Affair with Criminal IT
that Awan made “unauthorized access” to
Staffer Imran Awan?
House servers, including the House
Democratic Caucus’ shortly before the

Breaking: Senate Releases Unredacted Strzok-Page Texts
Showing FBI Initiated MULTIPLE SPIES In Trump
Campaign In December 2015
By Jim Hoft
June 4, 2018, 11:20 Pm

FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers

Monday that his agency has been
investigating possible coordination between
the Trump campaign and Russian officials
since last July [2016].

The newly revealed timeline — which

Comey detailed in a much-anticipated
House Intelligence Committee hearing —
means the FBI probe was occurring during
the peak of an alleged Russian campaign
to destabilize the presidential race and
eventually help elect President Donald
The US Senate today released over 500
pages of information related to the
But Comey appears to have lied about
Spygate scandal.
Hidden in the information are
A text message released today by the
unredacted Strzok – Page texts US Senate showed words that were
that show the FBI initiated redacted when the FBI released the
actions to insert multiple spies same texts long ago. The texts show
in the Trump campaign in evidence of collusion and wrongdoing
December 2015. by Obama’s FBI.

The texts released today from corrupt

FBI investigator Peter Strzok to corrupt
FBI attorney Lisa Page state the
Once again Internet sleuths unearthed following –
damning evidence that the FBI was
engaged in Spygate long before they let BOMBSHELL- From DECEMBER 2015–The word
on. LURES is redacted by FBI but not OIG; OCONUS
LURES; OCONUS= Outside Contiguous US LURES=
As we reported previously, according to far left Politico, In this context LURES = SPIES – multiple – Is this an
Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI admission that the FBI wanted to run a baited Sting Op
investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in using foreign agents against Trump?”
July 2016:

This is only the first day of the 500
pages of documents being released by
the US Senate.
Give this a few more days. God only
knows what’s here and what tomorrow’s
Senate Hearing with corrupt Obama FBI
agent Bill Preistap will reveal.

See complete 500 page list of emails in Book 36a-


Sources: Wasserman Schultz Screamed
At House Officials To Kill Hacking Probe, Intervened In
Pakistani Criminal Matter
Luke Rosiak | Investigative Reporter
1:05 AM 06/05/2018

said. A spokesman for Kiko declined to comment on this


A 2009 article in the Pakistani publication Dawn,

headlined “Influential Expat Shields Father From Long
Arm Of Law,” said Awan’s father was facing criminal
fraud charges involving a land deal, but Awan used
political connections to pressure the police into targeting
the alleged victims instead.

Awan’s father purchased “huge chunks of land from

different farmers in 2008,” but all the checks bounced, the
report said.
Ex-Democratic National Committee head Debbie
Wasserman Schultz said she intervened in a Pakistani land
deal involving her then–IT aide Imran Awan, according to “The police high-ups are ‘ominously’
two House employees. The dispute came after Awan’s indifferent to proceed against Awan,” and
father was charged with fraud in relation to the deal, and it’s “noteworthy” how they were “complying
the mysterious exertion of political influence resulted in with the desires of” Awan, who the paper
Pakistani authorities instead targeting the elderly alleged described as a “White House employee.”
victims, according to a local report. “About a dozen farmers of Chak 7-JB,
Panjor, including five siblings — all aged
And when a House Office of Inspector General between 57 and 70 — have given up hope
cybersecurity investigation found that Awan made of justice after they sold their agricultural
“unauthorized access” to House servers, including the lands to Ashraf Awan of Bole De Jhugi,
House Democratic Caucus’ shortly before the election, who is father of White House employee
Wasserman Schultz became “frantic, not normal,” Shahid Imran,” Dawn reported. Imran Awan
“making the rounds” to House officials in an attempt to also goes by Shahid Imran Awan, Virginia
kill the investigation, one House employee told The Daily court records show.
Caller News Foundation.
The police harassed the 19 would-be victims, including the
Awan told people Wasserman Schultz chose the name for five elderly brothers and even their lawyer, and charged
his daughter, Leza — a Jewish name — and that the them with “frivolous” cases, apparently to get them to stop
Florida congresswoman’s daughter regularly rode a horse trying to get the money they say they were owed, the paper
that Awan kept at a boarding facility, sources with said.
knowledge of the relationship told TheDCNF.
“Mohammad Abid, a victim of [Ashraf]
Wasserman Schultz cornered House Chief Awan’s alleged high-profile swindling, said
Administrative Officer Phil Kiko and called that [Ashraf] Awan’s son had easy access
him a “fucking Islamophobe,” saying “you to the corridors of power and that’s why he
will not so much as take away their parking was able to [pressure] the police to dance
spots,” the two House employees said Kiko to his tunes,” Dawn reported.
told them.
The article details a series of people who say they were
The congresswoman also told Kiko she had invited then subject to retaliation, including widow Bushra Bibi
Awan’s whole family to her daughter’s bat mitzvah and who said
said she had “helped him with a land deal,” the sources
“now Imran was threatening her with dire 17 — 12 days after Alvi went to Pakistan with $12,000 in
consequences.” a suitcase.

A third source, who’s familiar with Imran Awan, told Her actions so rattled the Administration Committee’s
TheDCNF that Awan recounted the intervention in the Democratic staff director, Jamie Fleet, that he planted a
foreign criminal matter and that Awan said it was negative story in Politico that revealed Wasserman
Wasserman Schultz who intervened. A fourth source — a Schultz, his fellow Democrat, was continuing to pay the
fellow House IT aide — previously told TheDCNF that suspect, two House sources said. The story also said
Awan said now-Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Wasserman Schultz had a “friendly personal relationship”
was involved. with Awan and Alvi.

Dr. Zafar Iqbal, one of the alleged victims, told TheDCNF Fleet did not respond to a request for comment.
Kiko said in an April 2018 hearing spurred by the
“Imran came to Pakistan to get [his father] scandal that he was powerless to stop members
out of jail, since he had some [connections] who refused to fire a bad actor.
in the Congress.”
“Termination, now it’s the member’s
Ashraf Awan’s business partner in the land deal, Rashid responsibility … We can revoke everything
Minhas, told TheDCNF that the elder Awan gave a USB to but they could still be employed,” he said.
a Pakistani senator who is a former head of He added that his office should have the
a Pakistani intelligence agency, and that Imran claimed his authority to override members who would
IT position in Congress gave him the power to “change the want to keep a rule-breaker on the
U.S. president.” Minhas is in prison for an unrelated fraud government network.
Wasserman Schultz became fixated on finding out
On July 25, 2016, the House Inspector General notified the everything investigators knew about Awan, the House
Committee on House Administration that investigators had sources said. House investigators briefed her extensively
detected major cybersecurity violations by the Awan with significant evidence about Awan and his family,
family. Awan, his wife, two brothers, his brother’s wife, including improper computer evidence.
and even his elderly father were all being paid by various
Democrats to manage their servers, with many of the Yet Wasserman Schultz said in a statement, “my office
members from Wasserman Schultz’s Florida. was provided no evidence to indicate that laws had been
broken, which over time, raised troubling concerns about
The finding came at a critical time for Democrats: It was due process, fair treatment and potential ethnic and
three days after WikiLeaks published the first emails from religious profiling.”
a hacked on the DNC, setting the stage for Wasserman
Schultz to lose her position as party chair and for Wasserman Schultz was defending someone investigators
Democrats to begin electioneering on a theme of Russian allegedly told her was suspected of cybersecurity
hacking. violations, despite having resigned from her position as
DNC head following a devastating hack during the 2016
In February 2017, Kiko and the House’s top law election.
enforcement official, Paul Irving, outlined serious
violations in a letter to the committee, and the family was Despite Wasserman Schultz’s relationship with Awan, in
banned from the House computer network. The letter also April 2017 — two months after he was banned from the
noted that the House Democratic Caucus server computer network — the IT aide appeared to put the
disappeared soon after the IG report named it as key congresswoman at risk. Capitol Police found a laptop with
evidence. the username RepDWS in a phone booth at midnight along
with a copy of Awan’s ID, a letter to prosecutors and a
But Wasserman Schultz refused to fire Awan, with her note that said “attorney client privilege,” according to a
spokesman saying he would work on “websites” and police report. Awan’s ID caused police to tie it to a
“printers,” which a cybersecurity expert previously told criminal suspect and seize it, but the note kept them from
TheDCNF would presumably involve network access. looking at it.

The congresswoman also added Awan’s wife, Hina Alvi, That led to a tense exchange recorded on video in May
to her payroll in late 2016, after the investigation was in 2017, in which Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of
full swing, but before the family was banned from the the Capitol Police with “consequences” for not returning
network. Wasserman Schultz kept paying her until March the laptop. When he refused, she mulled attempting to
restructuring the Capitol Police’s entire board so that her In August 2017, Imran and Hina were charged with four
committee would have more leverage over it. felony counts for gathering up money under allegedly false
circumstances before wiring $300,000 to Pakistan in
House sources told TheDCNF these exchanges were only a January. Prosecutors said the timing suggests that the
public glimpse into numerous such interactions, which Awans had learned of their investigation, which a
were frequently profane, with every official she could spokeswoman for Speaker of the House Paul Ryan,
buttonhole. One source said she also went to the AshLee Strong, told TheDCNF was supposed to be secret.
Department of Justice and “made a stink.” Capitol Police

Wasserman Schultz hired the House’s former top lawyer, “requested that the shared employees be
Bill Pittard — who had recently quit the House — to try to allowed to continue to use their IT
block prosecutors from seeing evidence, TheDCNF credentials until February [2017] because
previously reported. Awan obtained legal representation they didn’t want to tip off the employees,”
from two lawyers who began their careers in Miami — one she said.
with experience in espionage cases and the other a former
aide to Hillary Clinton. Wasserman Schultz’ district Wasserman Schultz’s brother is a prosecutor in the same
includes much of Miami. office handling the case and has tweeted about it.

One of Awan’s lawyers told a judge he felt “very strongly” Gowen said the wire transfer instead had to do with the
that prosecutors should not be able to look at the RepDWS land deal, which he told the Washington Examiner was
laptop, mounting an attorney-client privilege argument. “quickly souring.”
Prosecutors did not challenge the argument before the
judge. Wasserman Schultz did not respond to a request for

CNN’s Don Lemon Reacts To Record Low Black
Unemployment By Taking A Swipe At Trump
By Michael Lachance
June 5, 2018, 7:26 Am

does not mean a thing so long as black

Americans still do not have “full respect”
during President Donald Trump’s
“There’s no question today’s job report is
good news, including the news that we’re
as closest we’ve ever been to full
employment in the black community,”
Lemon conceded before asking, “But
what’s full employment without full

As Breitbart News noted, the unemployment rate for black

Americans dropped from the previous record low of 6.6%
There is just no pleasing some people. Especially people at
in April to 5.9% in May, according to the Labor
CNN when anything having to do with Trump is in the
Department’s jobs report that was published on Friday.
news. The unemployment rate for black Americans is now
at a record low, but Don Lemon still can’t resist the urge to
bash Trump. Earlier in the week, Lemon accused Trump of trafficking
in the same type of “racism” as Roseanne Barr. And last
month, Lemon said that it was his obligation as a left-wing
Breitbart reports:
CNN journalist to call Trump a “racist.”

Don Lemon on Record Job Numbers for

Lemon just can’t help himself.
Blacks: ‘What’s Full Employment
Without Full Respect?’ He has full blown Trump Derangement
CNN anchor Don Lemon suggested on
Friday evening that the record-low
unemployment rate for black Americans

President Trump Praises “Great Sport” NASCAR And
Hits Eagles Team Again: “No Escaping To Locker Room”
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 8:10 Am

On Monday night President Trump cancelled the Super

Bowl Champion Philadelphia Eagles visit to the White
House on Tuesday.

The president cancelled the visit after most players on the

team decided not to attend the event.

On Tuesday morning President Trump continued his attack

on the kneeler league —“No escaping to the locker

And President Trump reminded Americans that numerous

championship teams have attended the White House
Far left Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney following their wins.
attacked the president after the
announcement calling him a “fragile

Trump triggered a backlash from the City of Brotherly
Love after he rescinded his invitation for the Super Bowl
champions amid the controversy over national anthem

The White House is instead hosting a “Celebration of

America” event on Tuesday.

“We will proudly be playing the National

Anthem and other wonderful music
celebrating our Country today at 3 P.M.,
The White House, with the United States
Marine Band and the United States Army
Chorus. Honoring America! NFL, no
escaping to Locker Rooms!” Trump
tweeted early Tuesday.

FOX News reported:

President Trump fired back Tuesday amid

the Philadelphia furor over his decision to
disinvite the Eagles from a White House
event, touting a patriotic ceremony being
held instead and declaring: “No escaping to
Locker Rooms!”

FBI Counterintelligence Chief Bill Priestap, Comey’s ‘Fall
Guy’ Who Ran SPYGATE And Hillary EMAIL Case, To
Dish Details To CONGRESS
Posted On June 5, 2018

(National Sentinel) Dirt: FBI counterintelligence chief Bill

Priestap is going to Capitol Hill today to talk to lawmakers
in a closed-door session.

Priestap ran the Hillary Clinton classified email fiasco and

the “Spygate” surveillance operation into alleged “Russian
collusion” with the Trump campaign.

He’s got all the details regarding both of these Notes Zero Hedge:
investigations. And he’s going to dish them to lawmakers,
according to The Hill’s John Solomon. Priestap will be answering questions about the Hillary Clinton
email case as well as the counterintelligence operation on the
“I think tomorrow is going to be a pivotal Trump campaign – both of which he oversaw. Priestap was the
day. I think Congress is going to learn a lot direct supervisor of Peter Strzok – the FBI agent whose anti-
of new information tomorrow during these Trump / pro-Clinton bias was revealed after 50,000 text
interviews,” Solomon told Fox Business‘ messages to his FBI-attorney mistress, Lisa Page, were
Lou Dobbs on Monday. discovered by the DOJ’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz.
“He is going to be speaking candidly about
his employer, the FBI, and those who were All accounts say that Priestap is a cooperating witness. In other
running the agency during that period,” words, if there’s one person who can confirm that the FBI
Dobbs responded. counterintelligence operation on the Trump campaign was
politically motivated – or that malfeasance occurred during the
“He was very high up. Had a bird’s-eye process, it’s Bill Priestap.
view of everything that went on in both of
these investigations,” Solomon answered.
The Conservative Treehouse had this to say about Priestap in
The game is over. The jig is up. Victory is
certain… the trench was ignited… the
enemy funneled themselves into the
valley… all bait was taken… everything
from here on out is simply mopping up the
details. All suspicions confirmed.
Why has Devin Nunes been so confident? Why did all GOP a twitter thread about him last year and wrote about him
HPSCI members happily allow the Democrats to create a 10- extensively, because it seemed unfathomable his name has not
page narrative? All questions are answered. been a part of any of the recent story-lines.

Fughettaboudit. [The rest can be seen in article on next page.]

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Grab some popcorn.

member Chris Stewart appeared on Fox News with Judge
Jeanine Pirro, and didn’t want to “make news” or spill the beans,
but the unstated, between-the-lines, discussion was as subtle as
a brick through a window. Judge Jeannie has been on the cusp
of this for a few weeks.

Listen carefully around 2:30, Judge Jeanine hits the bulls-eye;

and listen to how Chris Stewart talks about not wanting to make
news and is unsure what he can say on this…

Bill Priestap is cooperating.

When you understand how central E.W. “Bill” Priestap was to

the entire 2016/2017 ‘Russian Conspiracy Operation‘, the
absence of his name, amid all others, created a curiosity. I wrote

Game Over – Judge Jeanine Interview
With HPSCI Rep. Chris Stewart…
By Sundance
Posted On February 10, 2018

The game is over. The jig is up. Victory is certain… the

trench was ignited… the enemy funneled themselves into Bill Priestap is cooperating.
the valley… all bait was taken… everything from here on
out is simply mopping up the details. All suspicions When you understand how central E.W. “Bill” Priestap
confirmed. was to the entire 2016/2017 ‘Russian Conspiracy
Operation‘, the absence of his name, amid all others,
Why has Devin Nunes been so confident? Why did all created a curiosity. I wrote a twitter thread about him last
GOP HPSCI members happily allow the Democrats to year and wrote about him extensively, because it seemed
create a 10-page narrative? All questions are answered. unfathomable his name has not been a part of any of the
recent story-lines.

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

member Chris Stewart appeared on Fox News with Judge
Jeanine Pirro, and didn’t want to “make news” or spill the
beans, but the unstated, between-the-lines, discussion was
as subtle as a brick through a window. Judge Jeannie has
been on the cusp of this for a few weeks.

Listen carefully around 2:30, Judge Jeanine hits the

bulls-eye; and listen to how Chris Stewart talks about not
wanting to make news and is unsure what he can say on
E.W. “Bill” Priestap is the head of the FBI
Counterintelligence operation. He was FBI Agent Peter
Strozk’s direct boss. If anyone in congress really wanted
to know if the FBI paid for the Christopher Steele Dossier,
Bill Priestap is the guy who would know everything about

FBI Asst. Director in charge of Counterintelligence Bill 2016 the time the operation began, oversight was the
Priestap was the immediate supervisor of FBI responsibility of this group, the Gang of Eight:
Counterintelligence Deputy Peter Strzok.

Bill Priestap is #1. Before getting demoted Peter Strzok

was #2.

The investigation into candidate Donald Trump was a

counterintelligence operation. That operation began in July
2016. Bill Priestap would have been in charge of that,
along with all other, FBI counterintelligence operations.

FBI Deputy Peter Strzok was specifically in charge of the

Trump counterintel op. However, Strzok would be
reporting to Bill Priestap on every detail and couldn’t
(according to structure anyway) make a move without
Priestap approval. Obviously, based on what we have learned since March
2017, and what has surfaced recently, we can all see why
the FBI would want to keep it hidden that they were
On March 20th 2017 congressional testimony, James running a counterintelligence operation against a
Comey was asked why the FBI Director did not inform presidential candidate. After all, as FBI Agent Peter
congressional oversight about the counterintelligence Strzok said it in his text messages, it was an “insurance
operation that began in July 2016. policy”.

FBI Director Comey said he did not tell REMINDER – FBI Agent Strzok to FBI Attorney Page:
congressional oversight he was
investigating presidential candidate
Donald Trump because the Director of
Counterintelligence suggested he not
do so. *Very important detail.*
I cannot emphasize this enough.
*VERY* important detail. Again,
notice how Comey doesn’t use
Priestap’s actual name, but refers to his
position and title. Again, watch
“I want to believe the path you threw out
for consideration in Andy’s office that
there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m
afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an
insurance policy in the unlikely event
you die before you’re 40.”

So there we have FBI Director James Comey telling

congress on March 20th, 2017, that the reason he didn’t
inform the statutory oversight “Gang of Eight” was
because Bill Priestap (Director of Counterintelligence)
recommended he didn’t do it.

FBI Director James Comey was caught entirely off guard Apparently, according to Comey, Bill Priestap carries a
by that first three minutes of that questioning. He simply great deal of influence if he could get his boss to NOT
didn’t anticipate it. perform a statutory obligation simply by recommending he
doesn’t do it.
Oversight protocol requires the FBI Director to tell the
congressional intelligence “Gang of Eight” of any Then again, Comey’s blame-casting there is really called
counterintelligence operations. The Go8 has oversight into creating a “fall guy”. FBI Director James Comey was
these ops at the highest level of classification. In July ducking responsibility in March 2017 by blaming FBI
Director of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap for not
informing congress of the operation that began in July Below him:
2016. (9 months prior).
Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Jim Rybicki,
At that moment, that very specific moment during that Trisha Beth Anderson and Mike Kortan.
March 20th hearing, anyone who watches these hearings
closely could see FBI Director James Comey was Parallel to Priestap:
attempting to create his own exit from being ensnared in
the consequences from the wiretapping and surveillance
In main justice his peer:
operation of candidate Trump, President-elect Trump, and
eventually President Donald Trump.  John P Carlin resigned,
 Sally Yates fired,
In essence, Bill Priestap was James Comey’s fall guy. We
 Mary McCord quit,
knew it at the time that Bill Priestap would likely see this
the same way. The guy would have too much to lose by  Bruce Ohr was busted twice,
allowing James Comey to set him up. and most recently
 Dave Laufman resigned.
Immediately there was motive for Bill Priestap to flip and
become the primary source to reveal the hidden All of them caught in the investigative
machinations. Why should he take the fall for the net….
operation when there were multiple people around the Only Bill Priestap remained, quietly
upper-levels of leadership who carried out the operation. invisible – still in position.

Our suspicions were continually confirmed because there The reason was obvious.
was NO MENTION of Bill Priestap in any future
revelations of the scheme team, despite his centrality to all Likely Bill Priestap made the decision after James
of it. Comey’s testimony on March 20th, 2017, when he realized
what was coming. Priestap is well-off financially; he has
Bill Priestap would have needed to authorize Peter Strzok too much to lose. He and his wife, Sabina Menschel, live a
to engage with Christopher Steele over the “Russian comfortable life in a $3.8 million DC home; she comes
Dosssier”; Bill Priestap would have needed to approve of from a family of money.
the underlying investigative process used for both FISA
applications (June 2016, and Oct 21st 2016). Bill Priestap While ideologically Bill and Sabina are aligned with
would be the person to approve of arranging, paying, or Clinton support, and their circle of family and friends
reimbursing, Christopher Steele for the Russian Dossier likely lean toward more liberal friends; no-one in his
used in their counterintelligence operation and subsequent position would willingly allow themselves to be the scape-
FISA application. goat for the unlawful action that was happening around
Without Bill Priestap involved, approvals, etc. the entire
Russian/Trump Counterintelligence operation just doesn’t Bill Priestap had too much to lose… and for what?
happen. Heck, James Comey’s own March 20th testimony
in that regard is concrete evidence of Priestap’s
With all of that in mind, there is essentially no-way the
participating members inside the small group can escape
their accountability with Mr. Bill Priestap cooperating with
Everyone around Bill Priestap, above and below, were the investigative authorities.
caught inside the investigative net.
Now it all makes sense. Devin Nunes interviewed Bill
Above him: Priestap and Jim Rybicki prior to putting the memo
process into place. Rybicki quit, Priestap went back to
James Comey, Andrew McCabe and work.
James Baker.

(page 5 – Complete letter can be seen after this article)

Bill Priestap remains the Asst. FBI Director in charge of

counterintelligence operations.

It’s over.

I don’t want to see this guy, or his family, compromised.

This is probably the last I am ever going to write about
him unless it’s in the media bloodstream. I can’t fathom
the gauntlet of hatred and threats he is likely to face from
the media and his former political social network if they
recognize what’s going on. BP is Deep-Throat x
infinity… nuf said.

The rest of this entire enterprise is just joyfully dragging

out the timing of the investigative releases in order to
inflict maximum political pain upon the party of those who
will attempt to excuse the inexcusable.

Then comes the OIG Horowitz report.

Then the grand jury empaneled (if not already); and while
Democrats attempt to win seats in the 2018 election,
arrests and indictments will hit daily headlines.

Oh, lordy…

HERE IT IS=> Top 10 Reasons Why The Mueller
Investigation Is Unconstitutional (June Update)
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 9:07 Am

Gregg Jarrett at FOX News wrote when Mueller initially

brought charges against Manafort that Mueller is tasked
with finding a crime that does not exist in the law. It is a
legal impossibility. He is being asked to do something that
is manifestly unattainable because there is no such thing as
the crime of collusion with foreign countries in the US
statutory code.

Jarrett wrote the most succinct article about the Trump –

Russia Collusion investigation to date. In his post Jarrett
makes many statements that are almost shocking, but none
more than the fact that the entire investigation is lawless.
Jarrett states the following about the recent charges
reported in the Russia collusion story –
Legal scholar, author and radio host,
George Papadopoulos pled guilty to a single charge of
Mark Levin was on Sean Hannity’s show
making a false statement to the FBI. He was not charged
on FOX News last night. He stated what
with so-called “collusion” because no such crime exists in
we at TGP detailed some time ago – the
American statutory law, except in anti-trust matters. It
Mueller investigation is
has no application to elections and political campaigns.

It is not a crime to talk to a Russian. Not that the media

In the video below, Levin stated –
would ever understand that. They have never managed to
point to a single statute that makes “colluding” with a
The defect here is not that every Special foreign government in a political campaign a crime, likely
Counsel’s appointment is unconstitutional. because it does not exist in the criminal codes.
Every Special Counsel’s appointment is not
unconstitutional. This Special Counsel’s
appointment is unconstitutional. Because 2. Mueller’s investigation exceeds the scope of special
counsel law which requires the scope of a special counsel to
the Deputy Attorney General Mr.
be specific. Rosenstein created the special counsel with a
Rosenstein hasn’t educated himself against
scope that is so broad it is not supported by this law.
the appointment’s clause. He does not
have the power to substitute his will for the
President and the Senate. Paul Manafort sued the DOJ, Mueller and Rosenstein
because what they are doing is not supported by US Law
The Mueller investigation is criminal and as noted previously by Jarrett. Manafort’s case also argues
corrupt and above all unconstitutional. in paragraph 33 that the special counsel put in place by
We agree with Levin and provided a list crooked Rosenstein gave crooked and criminal Mueller
of 10 reasons in April describing why powers that are not permitted by law –
the Mueller investigation is
unconstitutional. (Levin’s argument is
in item #2 below) But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purports to
grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and
Here is our list – prosecute

1. Rosenstein’s special counsel order identifies collusion as “any matters that arose or may arise
the crime but no such crime exists in US Law. directly from the investigation.”

That grant of authority is not authorized by DOJ’s special and the FBI. They have a mentor-protégé relationship. The
counsel regulations. It is not a “specific factual statement likelihood of prejudice and favoritism is glaring and
of the matter to be investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary severe.
power to address efforts to impede or obstruct
investigation under 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a). So, it is incomprehensible that the man who is a close
friend of the star witness against the president… will now
After Rosenstein and Mueller provided a document to the determine whether the president committed a prosecutable
court this past week, Gregg Jarrett tweeted that it was crime in his dealings with Mueller’s good friend.
additional support that Mueller’s investigation is
unconstitutional – 4. Rosenstein and Mueller’s entire team have known
conflicts of interest.

Rod Rosenstein signed a FISA application to spy on

Trump but he never recused himself from the Mueller
investigation. In addition, Mueller brought in a team of
Obama and Clinton lackeys to form his investigative
team who had no intention of performing an independent
and objective investigation. The entire team is corrupt
lefties who have represented the Clinton Foundation or let
Hillary go in her obvious crimes related to her email
scandal. This group included the texting FBI scoundrels
Peter Strzok and Lisa Page whose texts lead to bias and
3. Mueller accepted the special counsel position with known potential criminal actions. (This past Friday Senator
conflicts of interest. Graham sent Rosenstein a request to respond why he is not
recused from the investigation. A response has not yet
Gregg Jarrett also called for Mueller to resign in June of been received.)
2017 stating the special counsel has an egregious conflict
of interest. 5. The Investigation exceeds the scope of Jeff Sessions’
recusal of only 2016 campaign related matters. Mueller’s
In a previous Fox News column, Jarrett stated: scope is much broader.

The Washington Post reported that that Attorney Robert Barnes tweeted this argument this past
Robert Mueller is now investigating week –
President Trump for obstruction of justice,
examining not only the president’s alleged
statement to James Comey in their
February meeting, but also the firing of the
FBI Director.

If true, this development makes the argument even more

compelling that Mueller cannot serve as special counsel.
He has an egregious conflict of interest.

The special counsel statute specifically prohibits Mueller

from serving if he has

“a personal relationship with any person

substantially involved in the investigation or

The language is mandatory. He “shall” disqualify himself.

Comey is substantially involved in the case. Indeed, he is
the central witness. 6. Rosenstein’s original authorization to Mueller extended to
“Russia government collusion” in 2016 campaign only. By
pressing charges against Manafort for 2006 actions,
The two men and former colleagues have long been
Mueller’s scope is much broader.
friends, allies and partners. Agents have quipped that they
were joined at the hip while at the Department of Justice

9. By Rosenstein issuing his expanded authorization to
Mueller in secret, Rosenstein created a secret inquisitor,
unelected and un-appointed by elected officials, with all the
powers of the federal criminal law enforcement, but none of
the democratic checks and balances.

7. Rosenstein does not have authorization over tax crimes.

Only the Assistant Attorney General in charge of Tax
Division can authorize indictments of tax crimes.

10. The special counsel law requires that the Attorney

General create the special counsel when a criminal
investigation is warranted. There was no reason for
Rosenstein to create the special counsel that could not have
been addressed with other means, if necessary.

According to the Cornell Law School, the law states that

the grounds for setting up a special counsel require the
following –

The Attorney General, or in cases in which the Attorney

General is recused, the Acting Attorney General, will
appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that
criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted.
8. Rosenstein’s letter tells Mueller only to look to Rosenstein
for clarification of Mueller’s authorization. Rosenstein is not Because President Trump had committed no crimes, there
the Attorney General of the United States, and could not was no reason to create the special counsel in the first
monopolize supervision of Mueller for matters that did not place. Some may argue this and say Rosenstein had every
relate to Sessions’ recusal. right to create the special counsel but now we know that
Rosenstein created the special counsel and appointed
former FBI Head Robert Mueller to lead the investigation
because they wanted unlimited resources to investigate the
President and to remove him from power by any means

For political reasons President Trump is that he does not have authority to act
not shutting down the unconstitutional outside of campaign-related cases protects
and corrupt Mueller investigation at this against the inappropriate use of the federal
grand jury that defendant Manafort now
time but AG Jeff Sessions has every
rightly complains about.
right and even the duty to reign in on it
or shut it down. Sessions limiting Mueller to the 2016
campaign would also be restoring
confidence in democratic institutions, and
Robert Barnes wrote at Law and Crimes that – restore public faith that democratically
elected officials.
Paul Manafort‘s legal team brought a
One thing to remember about Sessions’
motion to dismiss on Tuesday, noting that
recusal: Sessions only recused himself
Rosenstein could not appoint Mueller to
from “any existing or future investigations
any investigation outside the scope of the
of any matters related in any way to the
2016 campaign since Sessions did not
campaigns for President of the United
recuse himself for anything outside the
States.” This recusal letter limits the scope
campaign. I agree with this take on
of Sessions’ recusal to the 2016
Mueller’s authority. If we follow that
campaigns; it does not authorize Sessions’
argument that would mean Sessions
recusal for anything beyond that.
himself has exclusive authority to appoint a
Constitutionally, Sessions has a “duty to
special counsel for non-collusion charges,
direct and supervise litigation” conducted
and Sessions has taken no such action.
by the Department of Justice. Ethically,
Sessions himself should make that clear to
professionally, and legally, Sessions
Mueller, rather than await court resolution.
cannot ignore his supervisory obligations
Doing so would remove three of the four
for cases that are not related to the
areas of inquiry from Mueller’s requested
“campaigns for President.”
interview with President Trump.
For the above reasons, we are
Sessions formally notifying Mueller that he
does not have authority to act outside of still in a constitutional crisis. If
campaign-related cases and cases related AG Sessions will not uphold the
to obstruction of Mueller’s investigation law per his duties per the
would be doing what the Constitution constitution, then Sessions
compels: enforcing the Appointments should go! America cannot
Clause of the Constitution. Additionally, stand with an AG that does not
Sessions notifying Mueller that he does not uphold his duties and
have authority to act outside of campaign-
obligations and who allows this
related cases would be exercising
unconstitutional witch hunt to
Sessions’ court-recognized Constitutional
obligation to “direct and supervise litigation” continue!
conducted by the Department of Justice.
Furthermore, Sessions notifying Mueller

Will Today Be The Day Spygate Officially Shifts Its Focus
From Trump To Obama? FBI Director Of Counter
Intelligence Preistap In Front Of Congress Today
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 9:37 Am

As reported on Monday FBI Director of

Counter Intelligence Bill Preistap is
scheduled to appear in front of
Congress today. Depending on his
testimony, this could be the day that
Spygate officially moves it focus from
Trump to Obama?

Preistap is the former boss of corrupt investigator Peter


He is suspected of being the mastermind behind Spygate.

He also is suspected of having ‘flipped’ and some believe It’s more than time that the corrupt and
he is giving information on the corrupt and criminal criminal actors in Obama’s government
investigations and actions that led to the Mueller
be brought to justice. Will today be the
day that light starts to shine on the dirty
and dark world of former President
Barack Hussein Obama?
Anti-Trump Elitists Lovebirds Strzok And Page
Slammed Hillbillies In Virginia…. And Kentucky
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 10:32 Am

In newly-released text messages between FBI officials

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, residents of Loudoun County,
Virginia, are branded as “ignorant hillbillies.”

Strzok and Page, who were involved in an extramarital

affair, exchanged more than 50,000 texts during the
presidential campaign, transition and first months of the
Trump presidency.

Now this…
Strzok and Page also mocked Kentucky
Lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page hillbillies.
were top FBI agents involved in spying
on the Trump Campaign and Transition In the messages released on Monday the lovebirds also
Team in an effort to link the campaign to mocked rural Kentuckians.
the Putin government.
Text message:
The pair exchanged 50,000 text messages including a hit
on rural Virginia voters.
Did you see the pics of the guy who
accompanied the KY country clerk who
FOX Insider reported: wouldn’t issue gay marriage licenses when
she was released from jail? Total caraciture
(sp) of what you’d expect.

The elitist lovebirds misspelled “caricature” in their


Here is the photo they were talking

They hate them some rural Americans.

Cable Fearmongering:
Everything Is A 'Constitutional Crisis'
By Bill D'Agostino
June 5, 2018 10:04 AM EDT

Todd’s dire warning was a reaction to an entirely different


The President’s demand for an

investigation into whether the FBI had used
an informant to spy on his 2016 campaign.
This also sparked an emotional diatribe by
CNN analyst Max Boot, who ranted that
Trump’s behavior was “a shocking breach
of democratic norms,” and an “assault on
the Constitution.”

The Chicken Littles of cable news are in a full-scale panic What follows is a compilation of clips from the past
over the latest fantasy disaster that hasn’t happened yet. month's cable news coverage demonstrating the liberal
Over the weekend, TV talking heads burst into flame in media’s attempts to frighten viewers with conjecture about
anticipation of the supposed “constitutional crisis” that the “constitutional crisis” that supposedly lurks just around
might ensue if President Trump were to pardon himself –
every corner. Watch below:
which he has not done, and which his lawyer has flatly
stated he “has no intention” of doing.

If it seems cable TV is perpetually consumed with

speculation about a non-existent “constitutional crisis,”
that’s because they are. Two weeks ago, Chuck Todd led
off MSNBC's MTP Daily by proclaiming:

“The constitutional crisis alarm bells are

ringing,” and asked with apparent concern,
“Is anybody listening?”

‘Hope Report Isn’t Being Changed’ POTUS Trump
Furious With Delays On IG Report On ‘Crooked Hillary
And Slippery James Comey’
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 12:25 Pm

Sources are saying the report on the

President Trump unleashed fury from FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s
his Twitter account Tuesday morning. Directorship is absolutely damning and
“worse than expected.”
The President asked ‘what is taking so
long with the IG report?’ then slammed
AG Sessions for recusing himself on the On Tuesday, President Trump expressed his frustration
first day of the job. with the nonstop delays.

POTUS Trump tweeted: What is taking so long with the

Inspector General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and
Slippery James Comey. Numerous delays. Hope Report is
not being changed and made weaker! There are so many
horrible things to tell, the public has the right to know.

Where is the the IG report on the FBI’s (mis)handling of

Crooked Hillary’s private server? We keep hearing it will
be released this month to only be disappointed by another
set back.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz

informed lawmakers three weeks ago on
Trump then slammed AWOL Jeff Sessions again.
Capitol Hill his much-anticipated report
on the FBI’s handling of Hillary Clinton’s
email investigation entered the final Trump tweeted: The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax
stages. continues, all because Jeff Sessions didn’t tell me he was
going to recuse himself…I would have quickly picked
The Senate Judiciary Committee someone else. So much time and money wasted, so many
hearing on the Inspector General’s lives ruined…and Sessions knew better than most that
report that was supposed to be held on there was No Collusion!
June 5th just got pushed back another
The Senate Judiciary hearing will now
take place on Monday, June 11th; it will
be live-streamed for public viewing.

Last Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary announced Chairman

Chuck Grassley will be holding a hearing entitled:
“Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on
the Justice Department’s Decisions Regarding the 2016
Presidential Election.”
Trump Hopes Hillary Investigation
Report Is Not Being ‘Changed’ And ‘Weakened’
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
12:48 PM 06/05/2018

President Donald Trump expressed concern about the

release date of an impending inspector general report into The report is expected in the coming weeks and reviews
the FBI’s conduct during the Hillary Clinton email the conduct of former FBI director James Comey and other
investigation. top FBI executives during the Clinton email investigation.

Trump has long-demanded an investigation into the FBI’s

conduct and has hammered his attorney general for not
opening his own investigation rather than referring matters
to the inspector general.

A previous inspector general report on the conduct of

former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe
recommended his termination for lying to the inspector
general and leaking classified information without

McConnell Cancels August Recess Due To “Historic
Obstruction By Senate Democrats” On
POTUS Trump’s Nominees
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 1:17 Pm

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

(R-KY) canceled the Senate’s August
recess on Tuesday.
McConnell cited “historic obstruction by
Senate Democrats” on the president’s
nominees and the need to pass
spending bills.

McConnell released a brief statement on Tuesday

afternoon on cancelling the August recess.

“Senators should expect to remain in

session in August to pass legislation,
including appropriations bills, and to make
additional progress on the president’s
“Due to the historic obstruction by Senate
Democrats of the president’s nominees, As it stands right now, Republicans hold a 51-49 seat
and the goal of passing appropriations bills advantage in the Senate.
prior to the end of the fiscal year, the
August recess has been canceled,” That ‘advantage’ is narrow given the amount of RINO’s in
McConnell said. the Senate like Jeff Flake and John McCain (to name a
couple) who have fought Trump’s agenda along the way.
The Senate Majority Leader followed up by saying: Senate
Democrats have already forced 100 cloture votes on The good news is that the overwhelming majority of seats
President Trump’s nominees in his first two years vs. 24 up for election this year are held by Democrats — many in
combined for the previous 6 presidents in theirs states President Trump won, reports Fox News.

The Dems will likely argue McConnell’s move to keep

them working through August is a strategy to keep them
off the campaign trail fighting for their seats.


Trump Slaps Nancy Pelosi
With This New Nickname
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
1:53 Pm 06/05/2018

Trump has targeted Pelosi repeatedly since she defended

the humanity of MS-13 gang criminals calling her an “MS-
13 lover.” He also told supporters at a recent rally that
Democrats are

“more interested in taking care of criminals

than they are in taking care of you.”

In a recent public appearance, Trump declared,

President Donald Trump gave a new nickname to
Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi in a tweet encouraging “I notice, recently, [that] Democrats like
California Republicans to turn out for House Majority Nancy Pelosi, as an example, are trying to
leader Kevin McCarthy. defend MS-13 gang members. I called
them ‘animals’ the other day. I was met
with rebuke.
They said, ‘They’re people.’ They’re not
people. These are animals.

OMG! Anti-Trump Deep State Spy
Stefan Halper Was Busted On
Crack Cocaine Charges!
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 2:00 Pm

Deep State spy Stefan Halper was

arrested on crack cocaine charges in

Via TechnoFrog:

This is the anti-Trump informant

spying on the Trump campaign.
A crack addict.

It has been widely reported that the

Obama administration had a spy
working inside the Trump campaign.
The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a
total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for
work with the US government that
included spying on the Trump
After the election Halper pitched
himself for a senior Trump admin

And Stefan Halper was promoting

Hillary Clinton publicly while he spied
on the Trump Campaign.

Now this…

See document on next page.

Newly Unredacted Texts Between FBI Lovebirds Reveal
Peter Strzok Admitted He Was Handling A
“Confidential Human Source”
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 2:19 Pm

Social media is buzzing after the Senate As TGP’s Joe Hoft previously reported, hidden in the
released over 500 pages of informa- information are unredacted Strzok – Page texts that show
tion related to the Spygate scandal. the FBI initiated actions to insert multiple spies in the
Trump campaign in December 2015.

Now this…

In a text message sent November 22, 2016, Peter Strzok is

talking about Bill [Priestap] wanting him to handle the
“CHS” (Confidential Human Source). Strzok also
mentions #Spygate “CH” or “Crossfire Hurricane” a
couple messages down.

“But I had been doing all of the CH when

Jon was focusing on the broader election
stuff. I need to talk to him,” Strzok said in a
text to Lisa Page. (Screenshot below)

It has been widely reported that the And Stefan Halper was promoting
Obama administration had a spy, AKA a Hillary Clinton publicly while he spied
“confidential human source” working on the Trump Campaign.
inside the Trump campaign.
No doubt there were other spies planted in the Trump
The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a
total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for
work with the US government that
included spying on the Trump H/T: Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller
After the election Halper pitched
himself for a senior Trump admin

Surprise, The Media Lied Again!
#Spygate Is Real And It Is Worse Than Anyone Thought As
Multiple New Revelations Are Uncovered
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
June 5, 2018

has brought them from the fringes of public

discourse to the Oval Office.

Now that he is president, Mr. Trump’s

baseless stories of secret plots by powerful
interests are having a distinct effect,
eroding public trust in institutions,
undermining the idea of objective truth and
sowing widespread suspicions about the
government and news media that mirror his
On May 23, 2018, after news reports outed Stefan Halper,
the Cambridge professor with major ties to U.S. and Politico called it a "claim," while Rolling Stones declared
British intelligence agencies, as having been sent to strike SpyGate a hoax, and the New Yorker called it
up relationships with a Trump campaign advisors Cater "propaganda," with the others using some reiteration of the
Page, George Papadopoulos, and Sam Clovis in order to same.
obtain information for the FBI, President Trump tweeted
"SPYGATE could be one of the biggest
political scandals in history!"
The Mockingbird Media immediately converged on two
sets of talking points, in an attempt to control the narrative:
1) An operative sent by the FBI to covertly obtain
information from a a person or persons within a
presidential campaign of the opposing party cannot be
called a 'spy," they must be called a "Human Source,"
or an "informant," or an "intelligence gatherer;
2) Since the media declared Halper couldn't be called a
spy, therefore, using the term SpyGate meant that the
President was "pulling conspiracy theories from the I know, it really isn't a huge surprise anymore to find out
fringe," which is part of the actual headline from NYT that the liberal media in America lied, yet again, but they
( link here) did. Recently more information has been revealed which
not only shows that President Trump once again played the
Last week, President Trump promoted
media, setting them up so they could expose their own lies,
new, unconfirmed accusations to suit his
but that SpyGate is real, and it is worse than anyone even
political narrative: that a “criminal deep
imagined, as well as having started long before the
state” element within Mr. Obama’s
"official" Russia investigation supposedly began in July
government planted a spy deep inside his
presidential campaign to help his rival,
Hillary Clinton, win — a scheme he According to USA, since 2012 the U.S.
branded “Spygate.” It was the latest government has paid Stefan Halper up to $1 million on
indication that a president who has for contracts for his services, but the specific dates shown in
decades trafficked in conspiracy theories 2015 through 2018 is of high interest in regards to
SpyGate. For example, one contract ended in July 2015,
while the next began September 24, 2015 and lasted until The long-awaited and highly anticipated report due out any
September 27, 2016, and he was awarded $244,960 for day now, is his findings after more than a year of
services rendered . The next began the day before the last investigating, in regards to
one ended, start date September 26, 2016 and lasted
"Allegations that Department or FBI policies
through March 29, 2018, and he was awarded $411,575.
or procedures were not followed in
Donald J. Trump announced his candidacy for President in connection with, or in actions leading up to
June 2015. or related to, the FBI Director’s public
announcement on July 5, 2016, and the
Halper was a spy, no matter how many times the liberal
Director’s letters to Congress on October
media claims it is a "conspiracy," anyone paid money to
28 and November 6, 2016, and that certain
covertly infiltrate a campaign, before and after the
underlying investigative decisions were
election, in order to obtain information to hand over to
based on improper considerations."
those paying him, is a spy. Period. Stop.
This relates to the FBI/DOJ alleged misconduct in their
investigation into the Hillary Clinton private
server/classified information.
On May 20, 2018, President Trump had learned enough
The IG is also investigating leaks from intelligence
about SpyGate to demand an investigation, which he
community members to the press, FISA abuses in using an
warned he was going to do in a tweet, stating
unverified, Kremlin sourced dossier that was paid for by
"I hereby demand, and will do so officially Hillary Clinton and the DNC to obtain FISA warrants to
tomorrow, that the Department of Justice surveil Carter Page, and the SpyGate review.
look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ
What is significant about all of these investigations is that
infiltrated or surveilled the Trump
the IG is investigating many of the same people in each of
Campaign for Political Purposes - and if
the reviews, since the same members of the intelligence
any such demands or requests were made
community were involved in each of those issues. The
by people within the Obama
same people worked on the Clinton investigation, the
Russia investigation and signed off on the FISA warrants
President Trump didn't need to "officially" do so because without telling the FISA judges that it was the Clinton
within hours, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein campaign and the DNC that paid for it, nor that the dossier
asked DOJ Inspector General (IG), Michael Horowitz, to was unverified.
investigate whether the spying on the Trump campaign
Which is where the new information just revealed comes
was politically motivated.
in and why it has come to light.
Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur announced,
When the DOJ/FBI handed information over to
"The Department has asked the Inspector congressional oversight committees, they redacted a
General to expand the ongoing review of significant amount of information, generally done for
the FISA application process to include security purposes, but we have seen that some redacted
determining whether there was any information, once exposed, had nothing to do with security
impropriety or political motivation in how at all, but was to save the FBI/DOJ embarrassment.
the FBI conducted its counterintelligence
For example: The FBI redacted the cost of a conference
investigation of persons suspected of
table purchased by Andrew McCabe, to which Chuck
involvement with the Russian agents who
Grassley highlighted in a letter to Deputy AG Rosenstein
interfered in the 2016 presidential election."
in May:
She then added "As always the Inspector
General will consult with the appropriate On May 1, 2018, and May 18, 2018,
U.S. Attorney if there is any evidence of Committee staff reviewed in camera less
potential criminal conduct." redacted versions of the Strzok and Page
text message productions provided to the
The DOJ IG has a number of investigations already in the
Committee. On several occasions, my staff
works, some concluded, and has issued one report already
have requested that the Department of
on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, accusing
Justice provide the Committee with a
him of lying multiple times, including under oath and
redaction key, to no avail. Thus, the
unauthorized disclosures to the media. Along with that
Committee is still in the dark about the
report, the IG also handed a criminal referral against
justification the Department is relying upon
McCabe to the appropriate prosecutors, who are already
to withhold that information from Congress.
following up on his recommendation.
As one example of redacted material, in a
text message produced to the Committee,
the price of Andrew McCabe’s $70,000

conference table was redacted.1 In This was first exposed by a researcher that calls himself
another, an official’s name was redacted in Falco over on Twitter, with screen shots from page 31 of
reference to a text about the Obama White the newly unredacted portions of the report released by the
House “running” an investigation, although HSGAC: His message along with the screen shots shown
it is unclear to which investigation they below, was:
were referring.2>
In order to see under the redactions, 2015–The word LURES is redacted by FBI
Committee staff had to travel to main but not OIG
Justice to review a lesser redacted version.
When viewing the still redacted portions in
context with the unredacted material, it OCONUS= Outside Contiguous US
appeared that the redacted portions may
contain relevant information relating to the LURES= In this context LURES = SPIES -
Committee’s ongoing investigation into the multiple
manner in which the Department of Justice Is this an admission that the FBI wanted to
and FBI handled the Clinton and Russia run a baited Sting Op using foreign agents
investigations.> against Trump?"
3 Congress, and the public, have a right to
know how the Department spends taxpayer
money. I am unaware of any legitimate
basis on which the cost of a conference
table should be redacted. Embarrassment
is not a good enough reason. The manner
in which some redactions have been used
casts doubt on whether the remaining
redactions are necessary and defensible.
It is now public knowledge that the FBI was redacting
information that was not for the purpose of national
security, which explains why a recent release by the Senate
Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee
(HSGAC), offers more information. While the previous
502 pages whcih included the original drafts of the Hillary
Clinton exoneration letter, dated months before Clinton
herself was even interviewed, and the long list of text
messages between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI special
counsel Lisa Page, was heavily redacted, this release
offered some more unredacted information, because it
came via the IG. (On top was the original redaction/Below the word unredacted from
new report)
The IG has handed over certain documentation to
Congress in preparation for a hearing by the Senate Retired intelligence operative Tony Shaffer says
Judiciary Committee, titled Examining the Inspector "I'd call this evidence of collusion and
General's First Report on The Justice Dept. Decisions wrongdoing..."
Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election," originally
slated for June 4, but postponed until June 11, in which IG ANOTHER HUGE LIE EXPOSED
Horowitz will be testifying. Another important find by Vlogger Tracy Beanz, was in a
The fact that Horowitz unredacted information, indicates it text message between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, dated
will be information addressed in one of his upcoming April 30, 2016, over a month before the Obama
reports, and perhaps will also be addressed at the hearing. administration and the intelligence agencies under him
"officially" started the Russia probe.
One of those pieces of information shows conclusively that
despite all the news reports to the contrary, and the denials The message stated
of those involved, the "investigation" that supposedly "So now we've switched from the Patriot
began in July 2016 into Russian collusion with the Trump Act to a wire carrying current (redacted)."
campaign, was planned six to seven months before the
official investigation even began or has been
acknowledged publicly.

(Found on page 232 of the new HSGAC release- Embedded at the
bottom of the article)

Beanz explains the significance of this:

"The Patriot Act is the broad legislation that
the government used to conduct much of
it's "eavesdropping" via 702 queries on the
American public-- and Donald Trump. We
know that because of the valiant efforts of
Admiral Rogers, the 702 queries were BOTTOM LINE
abruptly halted on April 18, 2016 when
Consistently the President has thrown out assertions just to
widespread and suspicious abuse was
have the media claim he lied, then months later we find out
found- abuse we have widely attributed to
those claims were true, then he highlights how often the
contractors and others in the #Spygate
media lied about them, all the while tossing them red meat
so they can go chase their tails regarding whatever the
She then highlights something that was previously pointed issue of outrage is of the day.
out by The Markets Work website:
He literally lives rent free in their heads and seemingly
"The {Redacted} contractors had access to enjoys watching them spin like mad so he can expose them
raw FISA information that went well beyond for the propaganda machines they have allowed
what was necessary to respond to the themselves to become.
FBI’s requests. The FBI discontinued the
In the meantime, as is discussed below, President Trump
above-described access to raw FISA
continues along his merry way doing the job we elected
information as of April 18, 2016."
him him to do.
What is a wire carrying current in terms of spying? Could
that be Wire taps?
Which highlights another huge lie by the Obama
administration, and intelligence community, along with
their puppets in the liberal media.
Anyone remember back in March 2017 when President
Trump said "Just found out that Obama had my 'wires
tapped' in Trump Tower" and how the media instantly
accused him of lying, while Obama officials mocked him?
Once again he set them up to expose themselves as liars.

BOOM! Watch Top Economist Kevin Hassett
THUMP April Ryan At White House Presser (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 2:28 Pm

Hassett also mentioned the

unemployment claims were at their
lowest rate since World War II.

Kevin Hassett, the chairman of the CCouncil of Economic

Advisers in the Trump White House opened the daily press
conference today at the White House.

Hassett was sent out to promote the record economic

numbers under President Trump.

If the president or his staff do not promote these numbers

they will go unnoticed. The mainstream media is so
conflicted and biased these days that they will not report
the excellent news coming from this White House on a
daily basis.
After his comments Kevin Hassett took
a few questions from the liberal
Hassett mentioned the record
unemployment rate.
April Ryan tried to stump Hassett with a
question on black unemployment rate.
Hassett thumped her.
This was a thing of beauty.

SARA CARTER: Lawmakers Warn IG Is Being Pressured
Of Much-Anticipated Report
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 2:50 Pm

Lawmakers warned Tuesday the surprise that they are putting pressure on Horowitz.
Inspector General is being pressured to According to the official,
slow walk and redact significant
portions of his much-anticipated report “They continue to slow roll documents, fail
on the FBI’s (mis)handling of the Clinton to adhere to congressional oversight and
investigation. concern is growing that they will wait until
summer and then turn over documents that
are heavily redacted.”
Inspector General Michael Horowitz
informed lawmakers three weeks ago on
Capitol Hill his much-anticipated 400
page report on the FBI’s handling of
Hillary Clinton’s email investigation
entered the final stages.

The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the Inspector

General’s report that was supposed to be held on June 5th
just got pushed back another week.

The Senate Judiciary hearing will now take place on

Monday, June 11th; it will be live-streamed for public
According to investigative reporter, Sara Carter, the
DOJ and the FBI are deliberately attempting to slow roll Sources are saying the report on the
and redact significant portions of IG Horowitz’s report on FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s
the bureau’s (mis)handling of the Hillary Clinton email Directorship is absolutely damning and
investigation. “worse than expected.”

We knew this was happening; the President even tweeted On Tuesday, President Trump expressed his frustration
about this very thing Tuesday morning. with the nonstop delays.

Sara Carter reported: POTUS Trump tweeted:

The Department of Justice and the FBI are What is taking so long with the Inspector
deliberately attempting to slow roll and General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and
redact significant portions of DOJ Inspector Slippery James Comey. Numerous delays.
General, Michael Horowitz’s report on the Hope Report is not being changed and
bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton made weaker! There are so many horrible
investigation, according to numerous things to tell, the public has the right to
congressional officials and investigators. know. Transparency!

Another congressional official, who’s been fighting to

obtain documents from the DOJ and FBI, said it is no
The President should declassify all documents relating to
Spygate and Russiagate.

Chairman Nunes can also put pressure on the DOJ and FBI
by demanding all documents be delivered to the House
Intel Committee in unredacted form.

The DOJ and FBI will never stop obstructing oversight

unless they are threatened by Congress with contempt

Report: Pompeo Froze Bolton Out
Of Oval Office Meeting With North Korean Official
Allahpunditposted At 3:31 Pm
June 5, 2018

worked behind the scene to soothe ruffled feathers and

bring the parties back together. If Trump’s North Korea
policy seems chaotic lately, that’s why. His top diplomat
and his top national-security guy are at loggerheads on the
value of talking to the NorKs. Go figure that when Pompeo
wrangled an invite for Kim Yong Chol to come to the
White House, he might not have wanted Bolton anywhere
in the neighborhood for fear that his belligerence would
spook the negotiations again. Or so says CNN:

Pompeo told Trump it would be

“counterproductive” to allow Bolton to
attend the Oval Office meeting with
You don’t need any anonymous sources to convince you
visiting North Korean official Kim Yong
that this is plausible. What you already know about
Chol, two people familiar with the matter
Pompeo and Bolton is enough. The North Korea
said, citing an escalating feud between the
negotiations are Pompeo’s baby; he’s so invested in the
top diplomat and Bolton. The simmering
process that he’s already met face-to-face twice with Kim
tensions between two of the President’s top
Jong Un in Pyongyang. As chief diplomat, he’s all-in on
foreign policy advisers reached a boiling
dialogue between the two countries. Bolton, meanwhile, is
point after Bolton went on television last
as vocal a skeptic of diplomacy with the North as it gets on
month and cited the Libya model when
the right. He was rolling his eyes on TV about the
talking about North Korea abandoning its
possibility of a peace deal before he became NSA,
nuclear program — and in doing so, also
believing that North Korea has sunk far too much of its
raising the specter of Libya’s subsequent
prestige into a nuclear equalizer with the United States to
invasion and its leader’s brutal murder…
ever give up its weapons.
Pompeo views Bolton skeptically, two
Bolton’s also the guy who infuriated the NorKs by talking people familiar with their relationship say,
about the “Libyan model” of denuclearization a few weeks and doesn’t trust his motives on North
ago on American television. That led to a series of Korea. The two men barely knew each
belligerent statements from Pyongyang, which in turn led other before Bolton’s arrival as national
to Trump pulling out of the summit. Remember who security adviser, but Pompeo has grown to
encouraged him to do that, per NBC? dislike his approach and believes he is
“trying to advance his own agenda,” one
official said.
Bolton, who has led the effort on the White
House side, has worked unilaterally to
shape the summit. One person familiar with Supposedly there was a confrontation between them after
the summit preparations said it was Bolton Bolton’s “Libyan model” comments and “considerable
who drove the decision to cancel and that tension between them ever since.” CNN’s not the only
he had convinced Trump to make the outlet to hear of tensions either. That NBC report I linked
move. Trump then relayed his decision to up top claimed that Pompeo “blamed Bolton for
Pompeo, who felt blindsided, according to torpedoing the progress that had already been made” in
multiple officials. convincing Trump to bail out of the summit and that the
two have been at odds about it since it was proposed.
Some foreign-policy smart guys think this is a sign that
Bolton thinks the negotiations are a charade and a waste of
Bolton’s on thin ice and we could be headed for a
time so he prevailed upon Trump to show “strength” by
fourth(!!!) National Security Advisor in Trump’s first two
walking away. But suddenly, just like that, the summit was
years as president.
back on again — the fruit of Mike Pompeo’s labors as he

I highly doubt it, though. Bolton, I suspect, is happy to especially galling to Trump and Bolton since it’s a dual-
play the long game here, assured that Trump will come edged act of defiance. Assad won’t be intimidated by
around to his more hawkish point of view. If he’s right that Trump into staying away from North Korean nuclear
the NorKs won’t ever meaningfully denuclearize, and he know-how and Kim won’t be intimidated by him into
almost certainly is, then Trump will end up turning on staying away from shopping it to other rogue leaders.
Pompeo for having sold him a bill of goods. Let Trump get
this diplomatic infatuation out of his system, Bolton’s What Pompeo has going for him is that Trump famously
probably thinking, and eventually he’ll realize that only likes and trusts him. He was forever being compared to
force will remove the North Korean threat. Already there H.R. McMaster when he was CIA chief for having a
are things he can point to in order to show Trump that he’s rapport with Trump in his briefings that McMaster never
being suckered. Did Kim really destroy his nuclear facility managed to achieve. That’s probably partly why Pompeo’s
or was that a stunt for reporters? Why is the United States strategy is prevailing right now: Trump knows him better,
quietly looking to arrange payment for Kim Jong Un’s and has more reason to trust him at this point, than he does
hotel in Singapore, an embarrassing favor for a monstrous Bolton. But partly too it’s natural that diplomacy would be
thug? How comfortable do you feel about Kim meeting exhausted before contemplating a cataclysmic war. It’s
with Bashar Assad, who tried once before to import NorK prudent of Trump to stick with the Pompeo approach as
nuclear bomb-making technology to Syria before the IAF long as he can. It’s just that, if Bolton’s right, it won’t last
paid him a visit? The Kim/Assad meeting must be forever. Maybe even not for much longer.

CNN’s April Ryan Falsely Reported Pres. Trump Was
Booed At Celebration Of America Event
By Kristinn Taylor
June 5, 2018, 3:38 Pm

Ryan deleted her original tweet, but a screen capture

shows it went quickly viral with over 3,600 retweets and
How bad a reporter is April Ryan? After being rude to her over 11,000 likes.
colleagues and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
to grandstand on the canceled Eagles event at Tuesday’s Nick Short made screen caps:
press briefing, CNN analyst Ryan took to Twitter to falsely
report President Donald Trump was booed by attendees at
the Celebration of America event scheduled in place of the
Eagles’ Super Bowl victory reception on the South Lawn.

April Ryan and Sarah Sanders, screen image from May 3, 2018 .

“Breaking: Reporters on the South Lawn

have confirmed the @realDonaldTrump Ryan followed up with two corrections,
was heckled and booed when he came out
to celebrate America.” “Breaking: reporters are rewatching the
event and found a heckler in the crowd
Ryan’s CNN colleague Noah Gray corrected Ryan a few started asking questions of
minutes later, @realDonaldTrump and the heckler was
booed. The heckler was escorted out of the
“This is not true. There was a protester who event. The booes were for the heckler”
shouted at Trump and was booed.

“The original breaking boo tweet was

deleted as reporters on the South Lawn
who told of the booing and heckling did not

see all of what happened on the other side
of the lawn. After the tape was watched the
heckler was booed not

Gray posted a photo of the protester and video of him, not

the President, being booed and heckled.

“After the anthem, this man shouted “stop

hiding behind the armed services & the
national anthem.” He was booed then
called a Cowboys fan”
“After being called a cowboys fan after
shouting @ POTUS, protestor shouted
“let’s hear it for the Eagles!”

How bad is April Ryan’s reporting? Her CNN colleague

has to correct her.

The Selflessness Of Trump
By Christopher Brauchli
June 5, 2018

It has been a period of exciting ups and downs for the Had the June 12 meeting been cancelled, Mr. Trump’s
average United States citizen, as well as for Kim Jong Un. peace prize opportunity would have vanished. The fault
The reasons are, of course, different. The ups and downs would have rested squarely on the shoulders of three men:
for Kim Jong Un were first the possibility that he would be Kim Jong Un, John Bolton and Michael Spence. Mr. Kim,
able to have a summit conference with Mr. Trump, and put it turns out, is easily offended, and he was offended by the
one over on this self-proclaimed master negotiator at that comments of Messrs. Bolton and Spence. John Bolton, a
meeting. That was followed by the cancellation of the notable hawk and a man inspired by venom rather than
meeting by Mr. Trump, followed by its reinstatement thought was the creator of thoughtless comments about the
thanks to Mr. Kim’s great negotiating skill that included summit, that were mimicked by Mindless Michael, a man
sending a conciliatory letter to Mr. Trump expressing described by one North Korean as a “political dummy.”
optimism about the outcome of the summit. For the Those words were the cause of the summit’s temporary
American citizen, the exciting thing was quite different. collapse. Here is what happened.

When Mr. Trump first announced that the meeting with Mr. Bolton, famously and irrationally, as is his wont, said
North Korea was to take place on June 12, many of us only weeks before the highly anticipated meeting between
began eagerly looking forward to the 2019 Nobel Mr. Kim and Mr. Trump, that for the talks to be successful,
ceremonies in which, we had all been led to believe by Mr. they were going to have to be “the Libyan model.” That
Trump, he would be the recipient, and a worthy one at that, view was echoed by Mr. Spence in an interview on Fox
of the Nobel Peace Prize. News. A short hand version of the Libyan model goes
something like this.
For Mr. Trump to receive the prize would be exciting for
all of us under any circumstances, but it would be In the spring of 2003, Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s
especially exciting since no American President since president, agreed to permit American and British observers
Barack Obama has been the recipient of that prize, and that into all the country’s nuclear-related sites. The observers
award took place more than 10 years ago. In addition to could see for themselves that Libya was following through
Mr. Obama, only three other United States presidents have on its commitment to denuclearize. As a result, Libya got
received the prize: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, relief from the sanctions that had been imposed on it, and
and Jimmy Carter. The pride that accompanies the agreed to pay $5 million to each of the families of the 270
bestowing of the award would be even greater since no victims of the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 for which
other leader of the free world has been awarded that prize Gaddafi took responsibility. In 2011 the United States and
since it was given to Mr. Obama, and that fact alone, European nations helped topple the Libyan government
would make it very special. The bestowing of the prize and Mr. Gaddafi was slaughtered by the country’s
would cause the entire nation to swell with pride, seeing insurgents. Kim Jong Un’s response to that as the model to
yet another United States President standing on the be followed by North Korea, could have been anticipated
podium, and being awarded the prize to what would surely by wiser people. He did not take kindly to contemplating
have been world-wide acclaim. what most people would not view as a happy ending to
what Messrs. Bolton and Spence referred to as the
It is a tribute to the selflessness of Mr. Trump that he was successful “Libyan model.”
willing to take a principled stand in dealing with North
Korea, even if that principled stand cost him the Choe Son Hui, a North Korean vice minister, said of Mr.
opportunity to go to Oslo to receive the peace prize. He Pence’s comments:
knew that foregoing the prize and the trip to Oslo required
that he put aside his own ambitions and prove himself the “As a person involved in the U.S. affairs, I
statesman he perceives himself to be by cancelling the cannot suppress my surprise at such
opportunity fate had presented him-the June 12 summit ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out
meeting. Nothing less than such self-sacrifice was from the mouth of the U.S. vice president.”
expected of the leader of the free world.
That shows how little Mr. Choe understands about the
United States even though he is involved in U.S. affairs.
No one I know is surprised at any “ignorant and stupid vice-president or his surrogates. We hear them every day.
remarks” that come out of the mouths of Mr. Trump, his Would it were not so.

Bill Priestap Grilled By Congress –
Asked About Trip To London Prior To
Spying On Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 6:26 Pm

 Bill Priestap was the FBI official who changed the

wording in the James Comey July 2016 speech to
remove the word “President” and replace it with
“another senior government official” to hide this fact
from the American public.
 Priestap was also Peter Strzok’s boss at the FBI.
 Bill Priestap took a suspicious trip to London during the
same time period that Aussie Ambassador Alexander
Downer met with George Papadopoulos
 Bill Priestap testified before Congress behind closed
doors today on Capitol Hill.
House Republicans are set to interview
Priestap was reportedly asked about his trip to London
three witnesses in early June regarding
during the 2016 primary.
the sham Hillary Clinton email
Freedom Caucus chairman Mark Meadows spoke with
reporters after the private hearing. Meadows could not
discuss the hearing but from his comments it is clear this
was something to keep an eye on.

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:

According to The Hill, Bill Priestap, the assistant director

of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael
Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security
division, will testify shortly after the release of the IG

The third witness is John Giacalone who preceded

Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and
oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.

McCabe Seeks Immunity From Prosecution
In Exchange For Testimony In Congressional Hearing
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 6:52 Pm

In a letter sent to Chairman Grassley that the OIG has made a criminal referral to
Monday, [can be seen at end of this article] the United States Attorney’s Office for the
Andrew McCabe’s attorney Michael District of Columbia. As you know, the
Bromwich requested the Senate grounds for such a referral is the very low
Judiciary Committee grant the former standard of “reasonable grounds to believe
FBI official immunity from prosecution there has been a violation of Federal
in exchange for testifying at next week’s criminal law.” 5 U.S.C. App. 3 § 4(d). Even
Congressional hearing on the FBI’s so, and even though Mr. McCabe
handling of the Clinton investigation. committed no crime, these leaks have
forced us to acknowledge the criminal
referral. And, unfortunately, the stream
of leaks has continued: As recently as
last Thursday, additional leaks led to the
reporting of specific investigative steps
allegedly taken by the United States
Attorney’s Office in response to the
referral. We are outraged by
these leaks and last Friday
requested an investigation by the
Department of Justice’s Office of
Professional Responsibility into the
source(s) of the leaks.
Chuck Grassley requested Andrew McCabe testify next
week at a Congressional hearing on the FBI’s and DOJ’s On page 3, Bromwich requests the Senate Judiciary
(mis)handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Committee grant McCabe immunity from prosecution in
exchange for his testimony because of his criminal referral.
(screenshot below)
In a 3 page letter to Chairman Grassley,
McCabe’s attorney Michael Bromwich
ironically complains about leaks from the If McCabe is not granted immunity, he will invoke his 5th
DOJ doing damage to his client. Amendment rights, continued Bromwich.

On page 2 of Bromwich’s letter, the lawyer McCabe can invoke his 5th Amendment rights, however;
argues destructive leaks about McCabe’s this can prompt lawmakers to issue him a subpoena and
criminal referral by the IG have done ultimately threaten contempt charges.
damage to the former FBI Deputy Director.
Chairman Grassley responded to
Bromwich then states McCabe’s legal team requested an Bromwich’s letter stating he would
investigation into the DOJ’s source of leaks. consider granting McCabe immunity:

Oh the irony. I am willing to discuss with the Ranking

Member your request that the Committee
consider seeking a court order compelling
Excerpt of page 2 Bromwich to Grassley: you to testify under a grant of immunity.
However, under 18 U.S. Code § 6005,
He [McCabe] has a credible and seeking such an order requires a two-thirds
compelling story to tell. However, as the vote of the Committee, and even if that
result of a stream of leaks from the were to occur, the Justice Department
Department of Justice, it is now well-known would then have a formal opportunity to

delay any testimony and attempt to nondisclosure he signed that is blocking him from
persuade the Committee not to releasing emails and documents to the Committee.
proceed. Before even beginning to
consider whether to initiate that process, The Senate Judiciary hearing will now take place on
the Committee would need to know a lot Monday, June 11th; it will be live-streamed for public
more about the anticipated scope, nature, viewing.
and extent of your testimony. The
Committee could then informally consult
Sources are saying the IG report on the
with the Department to solicit its views
FBI’s 7th floor under Comey’s
before deciding whether to proceed
Directorship is absolutely damning and
“worse than expected.”

Grassley also wrote a letter to the FBI on Tuesday

requesting Andrew McCabe be released from a

DEEP STATE Tried To Lure Trump Speech Writer
Stephen Miller To London – Invited Him To
Infamous Cambridge Meeting
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 8:08 Pm

Carter Page was not the only Trump

campaign adviser invited to a July 2016
event at the University of Cambridge, the
storied British institution where “Spygate” is
believed to have originated.

The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned that an

invitation to attend the campaign-themed event was
extended to Stephen Miller, another Trump campaign
adviser who currently serves in the White House. Miller
did not attend the event, which featured former Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright as a keynote speaker.

Carter Page was not the only Trump J. D. Gordon, the director of the campaign’s national
Campaign official invited to the security advisory committee, told TheDCNF he believes
infamous University of Cambridge the invitation from Cambridge to Miller was sent in May
conference in 2016. 2016. That’s a month before a graduate assistant of FBI
informant Stefan Halper sent an invitation to Page to visit
Trump speech writer Stephen Miller was the campus.
also invited to the London meeting.
Deep State spy Stefan Halper made “The invitation was to Stephen Miller who
contact with Carter at this London could not attend,” Gordon, a former
conference. Pentagon spokesman, told TheDCNF. “In
the midst of our policy office search for a
Stefan Halper, who approached George Papadopoulos and surrogate, Carter Page informed me that
Carter Page, was likely the man behind the invite to he had also been invited and would like to
Stephen Miller. attend.”

Halper was paid over $400,000 for his work with the US Gordon said he told Page the campaign preferred he did
government that included spying on Trump officials. not attend the Cambridge conclave.

Western Journal reported, via The Daily Caller News


Trump Goes Off On “Incompetent And Corrupt FBI
Lovers” After Newly Unredacted Texts Reveal
Spygate Began In 2015
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 8:31 Pm

The texts released today from corrupt

FBI investigator Peter Strzok to corrupt
FBI attorney Lisa Page state the
following –
The word LURES is redacted by FBI but
Outside Contiguous US LURES= In this
context LURES = SPIES – multiple – Is
this an admission that the FBI wanted to
run a baited Sting Op using foreign agents
As previously reported by TGP’s Joe against Trump?”
Hoft, the US Senate released over 500
pages of information related to the Mr. President, please never stop tweeting.
Spygate scandal.
Trump tweeted:
Hidden in the information are
unredacted Strzok – Page texts that Wow, Strzok-Page, the incompetent &
show the FBI initiated actions to insert corrupt FBI lovers, have texts referring to a
multiple spies in the Trump campaign in counter-intelligence operation into the
December 2015. Trump Campaign dating way back to
December, 2015. SPYGATE is in full force!
On Tuesday evening, Trump went off on the “incompetent Is the Mainstream Media interested yet?
and corrupt FBI lovers” over newly unredacted texts Big stuff!
revealing Spygate goes all the way back to 2015.

EAGLES EAT CROW: Super Bowl Champs Try To Punk
President – Trump Hits Them Back TWICE AS HARD
By Jim Hoft
June 5, 2018, 8:40 Pm

changed their commitment at the last

Super Bowl Champs Try to Punk minute from 80 players down to 2-3
President – Trump Hits Them Back players and a mascot.

On Monday night President Trump

cancelled the Super Bowl Champion
Philadelphia Eagles visit to the White
House on Tuesday.
The president cancelled the visit after most players on the
team decided not to attend the event.

They thought they would get one over

on President Trump.
Instead President Trump hit them twice
as hard.
Trump celebrated the US National
Anthem and the US military instead.

On Tuesday afternoon we learned why

President Trump cancelled the team’s visit
to the White House.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters
on Tuesday the Eagles football team

Rosie O’Donnell Sends Donald Trump Unhinged Threat —
Sends It To Wrong ‘Donald Trump’ Twitter Account
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 9:41 Pm

Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell sent President Trump an

unhinged, threatening tweet Monday night, only she President Trump’s twitter handle is @realdonaldtrump not
tweeted at the wrong ‘Donald Trump.’ @therealdonaldtrump so Rosie O’Donnell’s tweet went no
This woman needs help, she is suffering from a severe case
of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The President recently unblocked several people from his
personal Twitter account after federal judge in New York
Rosie O’Donnell tweeted: unblock me u deemed his Twitter feed a public forum.
creepy crispy cretin @therealdonaldtrump
u cowardly liar – u criminal oaf – u will not Now Rosie is demanding Trump unblock her account.
get away with this u freaky feeble fraud – Maybe she should have said “please” at the beginning of
the woke are coming – her unhinged tweet?
and ur ass is fried now donald
soon ur sexual deviance will be exposed –
ur perverted nature laid bare
fuck u
Screenshot in case of deletion:

BREAKING: McCabe & Comey Cleared Sally Yates To
Use Strzok’s Dubious 302 Flynn Report To Get Him Fired
By Cristina Laila
June 5, 2018, 10:52 Pm

BREAKING NEWS. deception. The report also revealed the illegal leak of
Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak is what allowed the
Dirty cops McCabe and Comey cleared Sally Yates to use FBI/DOJ to keep a counterintel operation open on General
Peter Strzok’s 302 summary report of the interrogation Flynn.
with General Flynn to brief White House Counsel and
pressure Flynn’s firing. Now this…

Because Flynn was no longer under active investigation Investigative journalist, Paul Sperry reported Tuesday
Trump could not have “obstructed” an investigation that night Sally Yates, with Comey’s and McCabe’s blessing
was no longer open, reports Paul Sperry. used Peter Strzok’s 302 summary report of the
interrogation of General Flynn to brief the White House
counsel to pressure Flynn’s firing.

Trump could not have “obstructed” an investigation that

was no longer open, Sperry continued.

Sperry tweeted:

BREAKING: McCabe & Comey cleared

Sally Yates to use Strzok’s 302 summary of
interview with Gen. Flynn to brief WH
counsel & pressure Flynn’s firing, because
Flynn was no longer under active
On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman investigation. Trump could not have
Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director “obstructed” an investigation that was no
Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating longer open.
Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied.

Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was

the second FBI agent who joined Peter
Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an
ambush style interview to take down
General Flynn.
On February 13th, 2017, General Flynn
was fired (forced out) as NatSec

Grassley demanded the FBI and DOJ produce the

Strzok’s 302 report on Flynn’s interrogation may have
transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian been altered.
Ambassador Kislyak and the related 302’s by May 25th.
(302’s are reports FBI agents take to summarize an
interview with a subject.) As previously reported, according to Mike Cernovich,
McCabe altered far left FBI investigator Peter Strzok’s
notes on his interview with General Michael Flynn.
The recently unredacted portion of the House Intel
report revealed Comey testified to House Intel members
the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any And then McCabe destroyed the evidence.

Just wait until we find out what’s really in those 302

Comey Trashes Trump In
Canada Days Before Quebec G7 Meeting
By Kristinn Taylor
June 6, 2018, 12:51 Am

16 April 2018 (Ottawa) – Former FBI

Director James Comey will speak at
Canada 2020, Canada’s leading
progressive think-tank, on June 5th in
Ottawa. Mr. Comey will be one of the
keynote speakers at this year’s 5th Annual
Canada 2020 Conference, an annual
gathering of Canada’s progressive policy
community. Speakers in the past have
included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Sir
Richard Branson, and former U.S.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Fired FBI Director James Comey trashed President Donald
The themes of this year’s conference
Trump in front of a Canadian audience days before Trump
mirror that of the G7 Leaders Summit,
will be attending the G7 summit in Quebec, saying the
happening later that week in Charlevoix,
world is less secure, the other G7 leaders could not trust
Trump and that long-standing relations don’t matter to
Trump because, Mr. Comey’s memoir, A Higher Loyalty:
Truth, Lies & Leadership will be released
“It’s all about him.” tomorrow. For more information about the
event, please visit
Comey, who secretly investigated Trump and then set him
up for a Special Counsel investigation with leaks after he
was fired, also demeaned Trump as being obsessed with The media was not allowed to make video or audio
him, recordings of Comey’s remarks, according to CTV News
reporter Glen McGregor, “Former FBI director James
Comey speaks at Canada 2020 event in Ottawa today.
“President Trump tweets about me like I’m
Journalists are not allowed to broadcast video or audio of
some relationship he can’t get over.”
his remarks. (Trying to imagine reaction if this was in the
Canadian headlines reflected Comey’s trashing of Trump.

The Globe and Mail: G7 leaders can’t trust Trump, former

FBI director James Comey says Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself:


Comey, who was fired by Trump a year Photographs and notes were allowed.
ago May, spoke at the Canada 2020 fifth
annual conference. Canada 2020 bills itself
as “Canada’s leading progressive think-
tank”. The think tank tied Comey’s
appearance to the G7 summit in it’s April
press release.
“Appeals to patriotism, to standards in
norms and traditions and the productivity
of, you know, the centuries old relationship
between countries and the effectiveness
and lives saved, none of that matters,”
Comey said in response to a question
about how he would profile the U.S.

When asked by iPolitics to elaborate on that remark

following his discussion, Comey declined.”

Excerpt from the Globe and Mail:

James Comey says the world is less

secure since Donald Trump won the U.S.
election and that G7 leaders cannot trust
anything the President says.
The former FBI director, who was fired by
Mr. Trump last year, cautioned world
leaders to be “very, very careful” in their
interactions with the U.S. President.
“He has a craving for affirmation that I’ve
“Comey on Trump: “He has a craving for never seen in an adult before,” Mr. Comey
affirmation I’ve never seen in an adult said during an appearance at the left-
before…. It’s all about what’s going to fill a leaning Canada 2020 conference in Ottawa
hole (within Trump).” Says fellow G7 on Tuesday.
leaders cannot trust him.”
“It’s all, ‘What will fill this hole inside me?’”
…When asked by CTV journalist Evan
Solomon, who was moderating Tuesday’s
discussion, if fellow G7 leaders can trust
what Mr. Trump says, Mr. Comey replied,
“That doesn’t mean he’s not telling the truth
from time to time. That also doesn’t mean
that he’s not going to make a decision that
an objective person would consider
Excerpt from the iPolitics report: ethical,” Mr. Comey said.
“It’s just he’s never going to make it for the
Little matters more to the current U.S. reasons that an ethical leader would make
president than Donald Trump himself, says it.”
a former FBI director — including
important, long-standing relationships with The result, Mr. Comey argues, is that the
allies. world has become less secure.

“It’s all about him,” James Comey told …“President Trump tweets about me like
attendees at the annual Canada 2020 I’m some relationship he can’t get over,”
conference in Ottawa Tuesday. Mr. Comey said.”

Trump “is a person who has a craving for affirmation … The 44th G7 summit starts on Friday and ends the
that I have never seen in an adult before,” the former FBI following day. Leaders from the U.S., Canada, U.K.,
director explained. France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the E.U. will be
It’s a reality those who advise and deal
directly with him must take into account.
Trump’s Economy Demolishes
The Progressive ‘New Normal’
White House Adviser Kevin Hassett Points To Substantial Data
On Economic Growth Since This Presidency Began As Evidence
Things Have Changed Radically For The Better
By Connor Wolf
Updated 06 Jun 2018 At 6:20 AM

“One of my favorite ways to just look at

how the economy is doing is to look at
GDP growth over the previous year. And
you might recall, when President Trump
ran for office … when he came in, and
when I first started at the CEA almost a
year ago, that we were looking ahead at 3
percent growth, and everyone said no, we
have a new normal,” Hassett told White
House reporters during the daily briefing.

Trump has seen steady economic growth but not yet at 3

percent over a year, despite solid indicators and
White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) significantly increased confidence in the economy. Obama
Chairman Kevin Hassett demolished claims Tuesday that reached 3 percent annual growth for a few quarters but
former President Barack Obama’s eight years in the White never for a full year.
House established an unavoidable “new normal” of slow
growth, scarce job creation, and burdensome federal “If you look at this chart, you can see a
regulation. clear trend rate. We went from a ‘new
normal’ of low growth to just normal, which
President Donald Trump was elected by promising to help is the 3 percent growth Americans used to
everyday workers by lowering taxes and reducing expect,” Hassett said.
bureaucratic regulation to encourage economic growth.
Hassett sees the growth under Trump as a rebuke to The unemployment rate under Trump has fallen to 3.8
Obama’s policies. percent, and a slight increase in the labor force
participation rate shows people re-entering the workforce
Obama was elected during the Great Recession of 2008, after extended time without jobs. Hassett pointed to the
and he launched a massive $800 billion public spending historically low unemployment rates for blacks, Hispanics
economic stimulus program in 2009. The economy and women as examples of economic progress under
improved but at an unusually sluggish 2 percent annual Trump.
pace, which prompted Obama and aides to label the trend
the “new normal” because the 3.4 percent annual average
since World War II was no longer achievable.

Sarah Sanders Unloads On White House Press Corps:
Americans ‘Don’t Care’ About The Stories You Cover
By Cillian Zeal
June 6, 2018 at 6:59am

probing before Trump started campaigning, much less

became president.

Sanders responded in the frank manner which has become

a hallmark of her tenure as press secretary.

“On the first question, certainly you guys

would be the first to know if the president
comes out here,” Sanders said. “But
thankfully, he does address the press in a
number of ways and in a number of
If there’s one trait White House press secretary Sarah venues. And we’ll see if it happens here.
Huckabee Sanders has become known for, it’s her frequent We’ll certainly let you know.”
contempt for the relatively poor example of America’s “In terms of Twitter, the president uses
fourth estate she gets to meet with on certain weekdays. Twitter to communicate directly to the
Apparently, this is perceived as a bug by some members of American people,” she continued.
the mainstream media. I personally view it as a feature —
a particularly wonderful feature. “Frankly, you have the ability to choose
what you want to write about, and you guys
choose to write about things the American
After yet another question about President Donald
people don’t care about — day in and day
Trump’s Twitter habits (nobody’s ever asked those!) at a
out,” she added. “That’s a decision you
White House news conference Monday, Sanders was her
make, and frankly, I think it’s the wrong
usual epigrammatical self, noting that the media chooses to
write about things Americans “don’t care about.”
“But we don’t have the ability to ask him a
“Has anyone in this administration ever question in regards to that,” the reporter
asked the president — last week, you had, shot back at Sanders, trying to cut off her
on your agenda — you had an agenda answer. “We do not have the opportunity to
where you have more jobs coming out — I ask him a question about that, though,
mean, lower unemployment coming, and Sarah.”
you also had — the Second Chance Act, I
think it was,” one reporter asked. The reporter again tried to interrupt Sanders by asking,
“Can we at least get an opportunity to ask him a question
“And instead of those, we had to respond
about what he tweets?” as she was calling on another
to presidential tweets. Has anybody ever in
this administration asked him to back away
from Twitter just for a day?”
Well, there are several reasons why the answer to that is
no. The first is that, again, I don’t think Trump needs to be
This is right after the same reporter asked, “Is there any
constantly in a room with preening journalists who are still
chance we could ever see the president come out here and
asking questions about his Twitter account as if that’s
take some questions from us in this briefing room?”
cutting-edge journalism.
I don’t see why Trump doesn’t venture down to the Brady
Second, given that this reporter was talking over the
Room more often. I’m sure the role of president is so
answer he was getting from the press secretary, it’s not
boring and thankless that he’d love to waste some time
really clear that he was interested in hearing the answer.
with reporters who ask questions about his tweeting in
He was interested in being heard. If he wants to hear the
2018. Those weren’t even particularly new or

sound of his own voice, Trump doesn’t even need to be in They chose to cover what they wanted to cover in the way
the room for that. (For that matter, neither does Sanders.) they felt like covering it — which is the point Sanders tried
to make. The reporter was still interested in getting the
And finally, the reporter seemed to think the media has to president on the record when it came to those tweets,
respond to presidential tweets. No, they don’t. They could because the media thinks America automatically cares
have chosen to cover the stories the reporter mentioned about it because that’s what they’re reporting. I think you
(some of which were also tweeted about by the president, can perhaps identify the problem here.
in case you were wondering).

Dem Party IT Aide Imran Awan And Wife
Hina Alvi Strike Deal With Prosecutors –
Hearing Set For July 3rd
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 7:47 Am

Most of the House Members fired the

Awans subsequently.

Only Debbie Wasserman Schultz kept

Imran Awan on the payroll up to the day
he was arrested for bank crowd after
trying to flee the country.
The rest of the family fled to Pakistan
along with hundreds of thousands of
funds they mysteriously were able to
Democrats were compromised by the
Awans and sensitive information may
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Pakistani IT aide Imran Awan have been leaked to foreign enemies!
were very close.
(Muslim Brotherhood – Yemen Raid with
dead soldier for example?) Many of the
Imran Awan worked for Debbie Democrats have Seats on Committees that
Wasserman Schultz for thirteen handle highly sensitive information.
years since she came into office in
2004 as a Florida representative. Awan pretended to be his wife when
requesting a loan from the
Congressional Federal Credit Union and
Three Pakistani brothers who managed the IT affairs for got it! He had the credit union wire
several Democratic government officials were relieved of $165,000 to PAKISTAN – no questions
their duties in February 2017 on suspicion that they asked.
accessed specific computer networks without permission,
also known as hacking.
And now we know that Debbie Wasserman Schultz helped
Imran Awan in a Pakistani land deal.
Imran Awan, who started working for Wasserman
Schultz in 2005, received $164,600 in 2016, with close to
$20,000 of that coming from Wasserman Schultz. We also know that Wasserman Schultz
screamed profanities at a House official
His brother Jamal, who started working as a staffer in who was investigating Imran Awan.
2014, was paid $157,350.12 in 2016. Abid, who started Earlier this week the case was
working in 2005, was paid $160,943 in 2016. postponed for another month.

Imran’s wife, Hina Alvi, who was employed as a staffer Alex Pappas at FOX News reported on the latest delays.
since February 2007, was paid 168,300 in 2016. Rao
Abbas was paid $85,049 in 2016.
Since November, a judge has postponed Awan’s court
hearing in U.S. District Court five times at the request of
Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were the prosecution and defense. The latest postponement
barred from computer networks at the came Thursday, when the judge pushed Friday’s scheduled
House of Representatives in February hearing to June 7.

In an interview Thursday with Fox News, Awan’s The reports suggest Awan, who worked for former
attorney, Christopher J. Gowen, blamed the delays on the Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie
steady stream of allegations against Awan that have been Wasserman Schultz and others, could have been involved
published online, especially by The Daily Caller, and in a cyber breach operation, something his legal team
pushed by President Trump and Republican members of vigorously denies.
Gowen — who argues his client is a victim of “made up
allegations” — said federal prosecutors have repeatedly
asked them to provide information in response to these
stories. The defense has been cooperative in turning over
“evidence, documentation,” Gowen said, but the process
has slowed the case.

And now this…

It appears Imran Awan and his wife Alvi

struck a plea deal this week.

Another Trump Economic Miracle:
US Debt Over Past 2 Months Decreased
By More Than $30 Billion!
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 8:18 Am

According to the amount of US Debt recorded daily at the

US Treasury website the amount of US debt outstanding
on April 2nd, 2018 was $21,119,428,167,134. On June 1st,
2018, the amount of US debt had decreased to

The amount of US debt

outstanding decreased by over
$36 billion over the past two
President Trump has managed to
reduce the amount of US debt in spite of
It’s another Trump economic miracle! the increased interest rates on the
The US debt over the past two months Federal debt initiated by the Fed since
has actually gone down. Looks like the his election. The Fed has increased
Trump tax cuts actually decreased the rates more than 1% since the 2016
US debt after all. election which on $20 trillion of debt
amounts to additional interest payments
of $200 billion. In spite of this, the
Fortune, USA Today, the Brookings Institute and all the
amount of US debt has decreased over
liberal MSM outlets and all the far left politicians said that
the past couple months.
the Trump tax cuts were selfish and going to increase the
amount of US debt. Today we see that they were all President Trump’s economy is on fire.
wrong….again. It is working and Americans are working
too. Now even the debt burden on
Americans is being reduced as well.

WOW: Deep Staters Comey And McCabe
LET Sally Yates SET UP Michael Flynn
Posted On June 6, 2018

(National Sentinel) Dirty: Day by day we’re not only how

corrupt the Obama administration really was, but how easy Sperry tweeted: “BREAKING: McCabe & Comey cleared
it became to turn career federal law enforcement officials Sally Yates to use Strzok’s 302 summary of interview with
into third-rate political hacks worthy of a banana republic. Gen. Flynn to brief WH counsel & pressure Flynn’s firing,
because Flynn was no longer under active investigation.
Trump could not have ‘obstructed’ an investigation that
Simply because they didn’t like a man who decided to
was no longer open.”
leave his billion-dollar business life to serve his country
wanted to be president.

According to investigative journalist Paul Sperry, corrupt

cops James Comey and Andrew McCabe, the FBI’s two
most senior officials, allowed then-acting Attorney
General Sally Yates to set up POTUS Trump’s first
national security advisor, Michael Flynn — whom FBI
officials and even Comey would testify did not lie to
them during questioning.
Was the original 302 altered — by McCabe?
More than that, however, Sperry notes that because Flynn
was no longer under active investigation, there’s no
possible way Trump could have obstructed justice in Investigative journalist Mike Cernovich has said as much.
asking Comey to ‘go easy’ on his top security advisor.

You may recall that on May 11 Senate Judiciary

Committee chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, sent a
letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG
Rod Rosenstein noting that Comey has testified under oath
that the bureau did not believe Flynn was lying to them.

In the letter, Grassley also noted that FBI agent Joe Pientka
accompanied Peter Strzok on Jan. 24, 2017, to interview
Flynn ambush-style, in order to take him out. Investigative
journalist Sara A. Carter was all over that request.
And another thing:
Flynn was fired by POTUS Trump Feb. 13, 2017; actually,
he was forced out. Fired McCabe is now seeking immunity
(from prosecution) ahead of a
Now, Sperry reports that Yates, with the approval of congressional hearing on the FBI’s
Comey and McCabe, used Strzok’s 302 summary report of handling of the Clinton classified email
the Flynn interrogation to brief the White House counsel case.
and bait the administration into firing him.
That hearing is timed for the release — finally — of DoJ
But if that’s true, then there’s no way Trump could have Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s long-awaited
“obstructed” any investigation — because there wasn’t investigation report into the same topic.
one at that point into Flynn.
It had been dropped. Flynn had been It’s expected to name names, and it sure sounds now
cleared already. like McCabe — who’s already been referred to DoJ for
criminal prosecution for lying — will be one of them.
McCabe Went From “I’m Innocent!… I’m Going To Sue
Trump!” To Offering A Plea Deal For Immunity In
A Little Less Than 3 Months
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 8:38 Am

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired in

March a little more than 24 hours before he was set to

McCabe was accused of leaking unauthorized material to

the news media and then lied about it.

But that was in March.

This week Andrew McCabe reportedly is

offered to strike a plea deal in exchange
for immunity.
McCabe said the Justice Department’s decision to fire him That was quick.
just two days before his retirement is part of the Trump
administration’s “war on the FBI.”

McCabe claimed he was innocent and started a GoFundMe

page to help pay his legal fees.

Tucker Slams Liberal Media For
Finding Melania ‘Guilty’ Of Being A Trump
By Nicholas Fondacaro
June 6, 2018 10:00 AM EDT

“There have been questions about her

surgery, her time at Walter Reed and now
her invisibility,” Stelter suggested in a clip
from his Sunday show that Carlson played.
Carlson accurately pointed out that those
were not serious questions that serious
people were asking. “Who is asking those
questions? Brian Stelter didn't say because
he couldn't say. Those are not real
questions and this is not reporting, it’s a
passive-aggressive attack.”

Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson was on fire from the

get-go Tuesday night, as he took the liberal media to task
for pushing outlandish and wicked conspiracy theories
regarding Melania Trump’s health and suggesting her
marriage was abusive.

The liberal media have been weaving their web of baseless

conspiracy theories because Melania had been taking time
away from public life after undergoing a kidney procedure.

“But over at CNN, they are not buying “CNN’s point was that Melania Trump is a
that story. They are proud journalists at liar and she's doing something immoral.
CNN, self-consciously proud,” Carlson She must be, look who she is married to,”
mocked. he added.

His first target for ridicule was media televangelist Brian Carlson then took on the darker and sinister suggestions by
Stelter: the liberal media, that the reason Melania was hiding from
them was that she was nursing the scares from a violent
So CNN did not buy a word of that and the encounter with her own husband:
network has assigned their most dogged
journalist to crack the case, the squeak and Over at Rolling Stone which apparently still exists,
persistent Brian Stelter, who hosts some someone called Jamil Smith speculated that Melania
kind of weekend show no civilian television Trump was in hiding to conceal signs of physical abuse. At
viewer has ever actually seen. The Atlantic, David Frum agreed and then suggested that
the President may have punched Melania and then ordered
Carlson continued to poke fun at the CNN media the Secret Service to cover it up.
sycophant by teasing him about the hollow conspiracy he
was spinning. The Fox News host slammed Frum for his Lifetime-movie-
plot of an explanation for Melania’s absence by reminding
“Stelter understood immediately that the viewers how
whole ‘kidney operation’ story was just
a cover for something darker and more “that at one time David Frum was a serious
sinister, likely another international intellectual, or what passed for one in
scandal emanating from that dark lord Washington. Now he is merely a buffoon.”
Vladimir Putin himself,” he scoffed.

Carlson also identified how the liberal media had a visceral who she is married to. Stephen Colbert came to the same
hatred for Melania and defended her by noting how she conclusion, watch.
didn’t have the qualities of an “overbearing public figure”
like Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama. STEPHEN COLBERT: As of the time we are taping the show
right now, the first lady has not been seen in public for 25 days.
“She married Donald Trump, and that is Well, I'm not surprised, I took that Shawshank guy years to
her only sin in the eyes of the press tumble out. Melania is supposedly reemerging to attend an event
corps. And yet it's enough to disqualify in the White House tonight. But who can be sure because the
her from even the most basic event will be close to the press? But the White House did release
consideration of decency,” Carlson the official photo proving the first lady was totally there.
argued as he went on to play a clip of
liberal sock-puppet Jimmy Kimmel mocking CARLSON: Over at Rolling Stone which apparently still exists,
the First Lady for her accent. “So do you someone called Jamil Smith speculated that Melania Trump was
think Kimmel would be okay mocking the in hiding to conceal signs of physical abuse. At The Atlantic,
accent of one of his many Guatemalan David Frum agreed and then suggested that the President may
housekeepers? (…) Well, she’s Trump. have punched Melania and then ordered the Secret Service to
Therefore, she’s guilty.” cover it up.

The transcript is below: Keep in mind that at one time David Frum was a serious
intellectual, or what passed for one in Washington. Now he is
FNC's Tucker Carlson Tonight merely a buffoon. And even more buffoonish, as of last night,
June 5, 2018 when the actual Melania Trump showed up at a veterans’ event,
8:00:32 AM Eastern very much alive and unscathed, so much for all those questions
that Brian Stelter pretended to care about.
TUCKER CARLSON: But first tonight, you probably heard that
Melania Trump had a kidney operation last month, that kind of What's so interesting about all of this is how much journalists
thing happens to 48-year-olds, even famous ones. She took a hate Melania Trump. Imagine hating Melania Trump. Whatever
few weeks to recover, stayed off TV, didn't give any speeches. else she is, Melania is not an overbearing public figure. She's not
All pretty typical for someone who just got out of the hospital. lecturing you about your weight or trying to control your personal
life. She doesn't weigh in on, I don’t know, tax rates or global
But over at CNN, they are not buying that story. They are proud warming. It's unlikely she will run for Senate from New York when
journalists at CNN, self-consciously proud. And if there's one this is all over. Nobody thinks she’s one her husband's key
thing they knew for certain, one thing that was drummed into political advisors. You may never even have heard Melania
them at the top-shelf schools they attended, it’s that Republican Trump’s voice. Many people haven’t. She doesn't talk much in
first ladies lie a lot and are evil and for the sake of civilization public.
must be destroyed.
Melania Trump has done absolutely nothing wrong to you, or
So CNN did not buy a word of that and the network has assigned anyone you know, or anyone you will ever meet. She married
their most dogged journalist to crack the case, the squeak and Donald Trump, and that is her only sin in the eyes of the press
persistent Brian Stelter, who hosts some kind of weekend show corps. And yet it's enough to disqualify her from even the most
no civilian television viewer has ever actually seen. Stelter basic consideration of decency. Here, for example is super
understood immediately that the whole “kidney operation” story sensitive modern- guy comedian Jimmy Kimmel making fun of
was just a cover for something darker and more sinister, likely her accent which he thinks is silly and foreign sounding, alien,
another international scandal emanating from that dark lord really.
Vladimir Putin himself. Stelter hinted as much his viewers, watch.
BRIAN STELTER: One thing the President of the White House
have been quiet about is Melania Trump and her status. The last CARLSON: So do you think Kimmel would be okay mocking the
time we caught a glimpse of her was on May 10th, 24 days and accent of one of his many Guatemalan housekeepers? How
more than three weeks. There have been questions about her about of an MS-13 member? Please, that would be racist. But
surgery, her time at Walter Reed and now her invisibility. Melania? Well, she’s Trump. Therefore, she’s guilty.

CARLSON: Questions about her surgery, questions about her There was a time when the left used to argue that people outta
time at Walter Reed? What questions exactly? Who is asking be judged for what they do not for who they’re related to. “We’re
those questions? Brian Stelter didn't say because he couldn't all individuals” liberals were forever telling us. And thank God
say. Those are not real questions and this is not reporting, it’s a they were. Collective punishment is wrong, it is immoral. That's
passive-aggressive attack. CNN’s point was that Melania Trump what they said. Did they ever really believe that? Who knows, but
is a liar and she's doing something immoral. She must be, look they don't believe it now.

President Trump Blasts ‘Vicious’ Fake News Media Over
Gossip As First Lady Recovered From Kidney Surgery
By Kristinn Taylor
June 6, 2018, 10:11 Am

President Donald Trump blasted the media Wednesday

morning over “vicious” gossip about his wife First Lady
Melania as she kept a low profile while recuperating from
kidney surgery.

Here is a prime example of what the President is speaking

about, from Rolling Stone Senior Writer Jamil Smith.

“The Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious, to Jamil Smith on right.
my wife and our great First Lady, Melania. During her
recovery from surgery they reported everything from near “I wish that I didn’t suspect that the
death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or prolonged, poorly explained public absence
Virginia, to abuse. All Fake, she is doing really well!” of Melania Trump could be about
concealing abuse. I wish that it was a
ludicrous prospect. I wish that the
“…Four reporters spotted Melania in the White House last @POTUS wasn’t a man with a history of
week walking merrily along to a meeting. They never abusing women, including those to whom
reported the sighting because it would hurt the sick he is married.”
narrative that she was living in a different part of the
world, was really ill, or whatever. Fake News is really
CNN’s Brian Stelter caught flak for running a calendar
graphic suggesting Melania had “disappeared.” even
though, as the President said, several reporters had seen
her in the White House.

Stelter whined on Twitter after the President called out the

media, “Trump is conflating random Twitter commenters
with “the media” here. A common tactic of bad faith
critics. But disappointing to see POTUS do it.”

CNBC’s Eamon Javers reported that he and NBC’s Kristen

Welker had seen Melania in the White House last week,

“Not that this will deter the conspiracy

theorists, but I saw the First Lady walking
with her aides in the West Wing yesterday
afternoon…Yes. There was another
reporter with me in the hallway at the time:
@kwelkernbc . It was just a brief
encounter- she walked past with an aide
and secret service agents.”

LEAK: Strzok’s Role In Clinton,
Spygate MUCH LARGER Than Previously Known
Posted On June 6, 2018

On Jan. 30 of that year, Strzok emailed

Priestap and another FBI colleague
expressing dismay about statements made
by then-White House Press Secretary Josh
Earnest claiming Clinton was not a target of
the FBI probe into her private email server
that she kept while secretary of state.
“Below not helpful,” Strzok wrote. “Certainly
the WH is going to do whatever it wants,
but there is a line they need to hold with
regard to the appearance of non-
Strzok was reassigned to the FBI’s human
(National Sentinel) Deep Stinking State: The first leak resources division following revelations that
following closed-door testimony of FBI agent Bill he was romantically involved with Page
Priestap, who was anti-Trump counterterrorism official and exchanged politically charged text
Peter Strzok’s boss, has surfaced: Seems like the now- messages. An FBI spokesperson told Fox
demoted Strzok had a much larger role in two key News last month that Page had “resigned”
investigations than previously reported. to “pursue other opportunities.”
In addition to his work on the Mueller
As noted by Fox News, an anonymous lawmaker said that probe, Strzok was the lead agent on the
assessment was based on the most recent records and Clinton email case known inside the bureau
congressional testimony, including from Priestap. by the code name “Mid Year Exam” or
The network’s Cathrine Herridge and Samuel Chamberlain
reported: Congress is set to interview two more FBI officials later
this month: Michael Steinbach, former head of the
Priestap was interviewed Tuesday as part agency’s national security division; and Steinbach’s
of an ongoing joint investigation by the predecessor, John Giacalone.
House Judiciary and Oversight committees.
Priestap was Strzok’s supervisor and In addition, lawmakers want to talk to DoJ Inspector
oversaw both the Russia and Clinton General Michael Horowitz after he releases his long-
investigations. awaited report into the FBI’s handling of Clinton’s email
The trip was referenced by Strzok in a May case.
4, 2016 text message to FBI lawyer Lisa
Page that said “Bill” would be “back from You may recall it’s been reported that Giacolone quit the
London next week.” investigation in protest because it was going “sideways”
— nowhere by design.

MORE FBI LIES: Bureau Redacted
Strzok-Page Texts To Omit 2015 Overseas
Spying On US Citizens
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 10:34 Am

Once again, it appears the FBI redacted

documents to Congress in order to hide
illicit behavior.
The original text from a December 2015
The FBI hid that they were using sources to “lure” US conversation was redacted.
citizens (Trump officials?) in the UK.

Via Nick Falco:

The unredacted conversation was

released this week.
The FBI hid that they were using spies
back in 2015.


REPORT: Doj IG Found James Comey
‘Defied Authority’ As FBI Director
Posted On June 6, 2018

Suddenly an investigation that has been devoid of leaks —

very unusual in today’s leaky environment in the Age of
POTUS Trump — has sprung one: ABC News is reporting
that Horowitz notes that fired FBI Director-turned-Trump
antagonist James Comey “defied authority” at times during
his tenure.

The network noted:

The Justice Department’s internal

watchdog has concluded that James
(National Sentinel) Out-of-Bounds: Members of the Deep Comey defied authority at times during his
State must be getting antsy and anxious over the pending tenure as FBI director, according to
release of Justice Department Inspector General Michael sources familiar with a draft report on the
Horowitz’s impending release of a report 15 months in the matter.
making. One source told ABC News that the draft
report explicitly used the word
In January 2017, Horowitz’s office was tasked “insubordinate” to describe Comey’s
with reviewing the actions and behavior of the FBI and the behavior. Another source agreed with that
department in the months leading up to the November characterization but could not confirm the
elections, an investigation that included how DoJ and the use of the term.
FBI handled the Hillary Clinton email probe.
In the draft report, Inspector General
Michael Horowitz also rebuked former
It’s been noted that his report has been finished for some Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her
time now and it is currently being pored over by the DoJ handling of the federal investigation into
and FBI, as well as those who are named in the document Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, the
— all of which is customary and standard operating sources said.
Okay, so we knew this already, right? We knew that when
Last month in a “breaking news” tweet, investigative Comey gave his extremely unusual press conference
journalist Paul Sperry reported that Horowitz had found exonerating Hillary in July 2016 that was
“reasonable grounds” that the FBI and/or DoJ broke laws inappropriate for an FBI director.
during their investigation into Clinton’s mishandling of
classified emails and thus referred the matter to the U.S.
Remember, Comey said “no reasonable prosecutor” would
attorney AG Jeff Sessions appointed to handling
take Hillary’s case — that wasn’t a decision for Comey to
prosecutions related to various findings.

It was Lynch’s decision.

But she had taken herself out of the loop, so to speak, after
she agreed to meet privately with Bill Clinton at an
airport in Arizona just days before Comey’s people spent
just a few hours with Hillary and his unusual presser
exonerating her.

What Americans want are details we’re not We know that Clinton mishandled
yet aware of — specifically, were any laws classified information because she
broken and if so, by whom? exchanged emails with POTUS Obama,
and every communication by the president
Everyone with a functioning brain stem who isn’t a Left- is automatically classified.
wing hack knows Hillary violated Espionage Act
provisions routinely by sending classified information over Someone likely leaked this tidbit of information as a
an unsecured email server. We all know that Americans means of letting the Deep State know they’re getting tired
who’ve done less are currently in jail for said violations. of waiting for a report that is long overdue.

BREAKING: DOJ Inspector General Report Finds Fired
FBI Director Comey “Defied Authority”
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 10:49 Am

In the draft report, Inspector General

Michael Horowitz also rebuked former
Attorney General Loretta Lynch for her
handling of the federal investigation into
Hillary Clinton’s personal email server, the
sources said.
On Tuesday morning, President Donald
Trump complained of “numerous delays” in
the release of Horowitz’s final report, which
is expected to run several hundred pages
long and be released in the coming days.
According to DOJ leaks to ABC News the upcoming The sources who spoke to ABC News were
Inspector General report does not look good for fired willing or able to address only a portion of
former Director James Comey. the draft report’s complete findings.
“What is taking so long with the Inspector
The IG report found that Trump-basher Comey “defied General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and
authority” and was “insubordinate” in his behavior at the Slippery James Comey,” Trump said on
bureau. Twitter. “Hope report is not being changed
and made weaker!”
James Comey trashed President Trump
during his Canadian trip this week —
just days before the upcoming G7
conference in the country.

ABC News reported:

The Justice Department’s internal

watchdog has concluded that James
Comey defied authority at times during his
tenure as FBI director, according to
sources familiar with a draft report on the
One source told ABC News that the draft
report explicitly used the word
“insubordinate” to describe Comey’s
behavior. Another source agreed with that
characterization but could not confirm the
use of the term.

5 Media Figures Speculating
Trump Is Abusing Melania
By Katie Yoder
June 6, 2018 11:17 AM EDT

The rumors began flying particularly after Rolling Stone

senior writer Jamil Smith tweeted about Melania on June

“I wish that I didn’t suspect that the

prolonged, poorly explained public absence
of Melania Trump could be about
concealing abuse,” he typed. “I wish that it
was a ludicrous prospect. I wish that the
@POTUS wasn’t a man with a history of
abusing women, including those to whom
he is married.”
The first lady’s absence might just be because President
Trump is abusing her – according to media figures who
offered no proof whatsoever.

Since the end of May and into June, several media figures
have suggested President Trump is abusing First Lady
Melania Trump after she stayed out of the public eye
following her kidney surgery. A Rolling Stone writer
suggested Trump was “concealing abuse” while a Salon
writer agreed it “could be an abuse thing.” One professor
even asked the president in a tweet, “Break her jaw? An
eye socket? Did you kick her in the back?"

On Wednesday, President Trump addressed the Salon writer Bob Cesca added that,
accusations on Twitter.
“it's not out of line to imagine the worst
“The Fake News Media has been so unfair, about Melania's disappearance.”
and vicious, to my wife and our great First
“Something's definitely wrong,” he tweeted.
Lady, Melania,” he tweeted. “During her
Could be a marriage thing, could be a
recovery from surgery they reported
cosmetic surgery thing, could be an abuse
everything from near death, to facelift, to
thing. Absent a valid explanation,
left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or Virginia,
speculation runs amok.”
to abuse. All Fake, she is doing really well!”

New York journalist Natalia Antonova, who has written
for outlets including The Guardian and Vox, made the
same assumption.

“You don’t have to be a Melania fan to be

suspicious/concerned right now,” she
tweeted May 30. “For all we know, she’s
fine. But we *also* know how Trump
treats/views women.”

While a Georgetown associate professor, C. Christine Fair,

has written for The Atlantic and appeared in media reports
by The Washington Post. Her Melania tweet was even
more presumptuous.

“Hey Don the Con @realDonaldTrump!

What did you do to your complicit wife
Melania? We know you have a long history
of ‘domestic’ abuse,” she typed June 3.
“Break her jaw? An eye socket? Did you
kick her in the back? We know you did
somwthing.... [sic].”

Atlantic senior editor David Frum tweeted about Melania

June 2.

“Suppose President Trump punched the

First Lady in the White House (federal
property = federal jurisdiction), then
ordered the Secret Service to conceal the
assault,” he suggested.

POTUS Trump Commutes Alice Johnson’s
Life Sentence After Kardashian Meeting
By Cristina Laila
June 6, 2018, 11:55 Am

President Trump signed a commutation of parole for a first-time drug offense, reported Vanity
for 63-year-old Alice Johnson, a woman Fair.
who was serving a life sentence for a
nonviolent drug offense. Shortly after her meeting with President Trump,
Kardashian praised the president and the liberals went

“I think that he really spent the time to listen

to our case that we were making for Alice,”
the Keeping Up with the Kardashians
reality star told Mic in after the meeting.
“He really understood, and I am very
hopeful that this will turn out really
“I went in, me and Shawn, to really talk to
the president about Alice Johnson and
really explain to him why she would be
such a good person to grant clemency to,”
Axios reported: Kardashian West said. “The president
seems to have a passion for what
President Trump has signed a everything that Jared has been trying to do,
commutation for Alice Johnson, currently and that just makes me happy that that
serving a life sentence for a nonviolent conversation is just moving forward.”
drug offense, according to a source with
direct knowledge. CNN reported Trump haters Ben Shapiro and Jim Acosta complained
earlier today that the White House had about Kardashian’s meeting with the President.
prepped the paperwork for a pardon for
Johnson while The Washington Acosta said the meeting wasn’t serious.
Post reported last night that he had been
considering doing so. Ben Shaprio accused Trump of “celebrity
Kim Kardashian West visited the White House last
Wednesday to address prison reform. President Trump isn’t waiting until the last few days of his
presidency to issue pardons and commutations. He is
The reality star headed to the White House Wednesday to correcting injustices as he sees them which adds to his
request President Trump pardon a 62-year-old great uniqueness.
grandmother serving a life sentence without the possibility

UNREAL: Leaker McCabe’s Lawyer Ticked Off About
LEAKS Regarding His Client’s Criminal
Referral To U.S. Attorney
Posted On June 6, 2018

On page two of the letter, however, Bromwich launched

into a criticism of the leak that his client’s case has been
referred to the U.S. attorney. He argues that the leaks were
destructive to his client and he’s demanding an

He [McCabe] has a credible and

compelling story to tell. However, as the
result of a stream of leaks from the
Department of Justice, it is now well-
known that the OIG has made a criminal
referral to the United States Attorney’s
(National Sentinel) Hypocrisy: This is why the vast Office for the District of Columbia.
majority of Americans believe many of our governing
institutions are hopelessly corrupt. As you know, the grounds for such a
referral is the very low standard of
“reasonable grounds to believe there has
In a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman been a violation of Federal criminal law.” 5
Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, fired FBI Deputy Director U.S.C. App. 3 § 4(d). Even so, and even
Andrew McCabe’s attorney, Michael Bromwich, says he though Mr. McCabe committed no crime,
and his client are outraged — outraged, mind you — over these leaks have forced us to
the leak that McCabe’s serial lies to federal investigators acknowledge the criminal referral.
have been referred for prosecution to the U.S. Attorney’s
Office in D.C. And, unfortunately, the stream of leaks
has continued: As recently as last
What did McCabe allegedly lie about? Thursday, additional leaks led to the
reporting of specific investigative steps
allegedly taken by the United States
Media leaks! Attorney’s Office in response to the
referral. We are outraged by these leaks
Previous reports have noted that Bromwich’s letter to and last Friday requested an investigation
Grassley was a request that the Judiciary Committee grant by the Department of Justice’s Office of
his client “use immunity” in exchange for testimony Professional Responsibility into the
regarding the Clinton email investigation, Spygate, and source(s) of the leaks.
other related matters.
Just. Wow. You really can’t make up this kind of stuff.
Use immunity essentially means that nothing McCabe says
during testimony can later be used against him to pursue But it proves once more how out-of-touch and tone-deaf
legal matters. these swamp creatures really are, and why POTUS Trump
is now sitting in the Oval Office instead of Queen Swamp
The request itself means that McCabe is Creature Hillary Clinton.
willing to flip in order to stay out of jail
himself. Bad news for people like, And by the way, who’s Bromwich?
say, James Comey and Loretta Lynch.
He’s the goombah lawyer who got a federal court to
appoint him to “monitor” (spy on) Apple over a bogus
anti-trust case blaming the tech giant for fixing e-Book Many believe that Amazon was guilty of that, but Amazon
prices. — which began selling e-Books long before Apple —
never got a look by a federal court.

Leaker McCabe “Outraged” By DOJ Leaks About His
Criminal Referral To US Attorney’s Office
– Demands Investigation
By Cristina Laila
June 6, 2018, 12:50 Pm

from the Department of Justice,

You can’t make this stuff up. it is now well-known that the
Leaker McCabe is “outraged” by DOJ OIG has made a criminal
leaks about his criminal referral to the referral to the United States
US Attorney’s office so his lawyer, Attorney’s Office for the District
Michael Bromwich requested an of Columbia. As you know, the grounds
investigation into the source of the for such a referral is the very low standard
leaks. of “reasonable grounds to believe there has
been a violation of Federal criminal law.” 5
U.S.C. App. 3 § 4(d). Even so, and
even though Mr. McCabe
committed no crime, these
leaks have forced us to
acknowledge the criminal
referral. And, unfortunately, the
stream of leaks has continued:
As recently as last Thursday, additional
leaks led to the reporting of specific
investigative steps allegedly taken by the
United States Attorney’s Office in response
to the referral. We are outraged by
As previously reported, in a letter sent to Chairman these leaks and last Friday
Grassley Monday, Andrew McCabe’s attorney Michael requested an investigation by
Bromwich requested the Senate Judiciary Committee grant the Department of Justice’s
the former FBI official immunity from prosecution in
Office of professional
exchange for his testimony.
Responsibility into the
source(s) of the leaks.
In a 3 page letter to Chairman Grassley, McCabe’s
attorney Michael Bromwich ironically complains about
leaks from the DOJ doing damage to his client. You cannot make this stuff up.

On page 2 of Bromwich’s letter, the lawyer argues Andrew McCabe is in hot water for authorizing media
destructive leaks about McCabe’s criminal referral by the leaks then lying about it under oath.
IG have done damage to the former FBI Deputy Director.
The Inspector General released a scathing report on
Bromwich then states McCabe’s legal team requested an McCabe in mid-April accusing the former FBI official of
investigation into the DOJ’s source of leaks. lying under oath several times.

Excerpt of page 2 Bromwich to Grassley: The IG then criminally referred Andrew McCabe to the US
Attorney’s office.
He [McCabe] has a credible and
compelling story to tell. However, as McCabe has no self awareness whatsoever. Only he’s
the result of a stream of leaks
allowed to leak, but when the shoe is on the other foot he
cries foul.

Sanctimonious Cuomo:
Doesn't Trump 'Need To Be A Better Man?'
By Alec Sears
June 6, 2018 12:52 PM EDT

Tuesday marked the second edition of Chris Cuomo’s new conceding that if peace was achieved on the Korean
show, Cuomo Prime Time. It’s quickly becoming clear that Peninsula it would be Nobel Prize worthy.
the show will just be another platform for liberal anger on
CNN. Anthony Scaramucci, former White House Press Scaramucci doubled down on the unfair media coverage,
Secretary, joined Cuomo for a discussion about Donald reiterating the 90% statistic. Cuomo refused to budge from
Trump rescinding the invitation of the Super Bowl the anthem topic:
champion Philadelphia Eagles to visit the White House.
Scaramucci took the opportunity to call out Cuomo for not
Truth is not about psychiatry. It's about
highlighting President Trump’s recent and meaningful
facts and respect. It is not about
personality. It's whether he tells the truth. I
don't care about his personality. I care
whether he tells the truth to the American
people on the matters that are important.
That's not psychology.

Ironic that Cuomo does not care about personality when he

opened his discussion with attacks on Trump’s character.
CNN had the opportunity to switch from their massive
amount of coverage on the Eagles and highlight the good
happening in America, and yet they refused. I suppose they
needed to keep their 90 percent negative press score.

Read the full transcript from June 5 below:

Cuomo began by attacking Trump’s character:
Cuomo Prime Time
“Does this president ever have to be a
better man? Does he ever have to rise 6/05/18
above any perceived indignity?”
9:11:31 PM EST
The ex-White House aide responded with a statistic from a
NewsBusters’ study on how much of the press coverage
CHRIS CUOMO: We're going to talk about this in a larger way.
on Donald Trump is negative:
Does this president ever have to be the better man? Does ever
he have to rise above any any perceived indignity?
But here's the problem with the whole
narrative. He is taking in 93, 90% enemy
ANTHONY SCARAMUCCI: Here's the problem. I'm going to
incoming constant barrage of attacks,
answer that question in a way that will surprise you. I'll say of
barrage of criticisms, we don't give him
course he does. But here's the problem with the whole narrative.
credit on anything. He's about to meet the
He is taking in 93, 90% enemy incoming constant barrage of
North Korean president. He's working on
attacks, barrage of criticisms, we don't give him credit on
the Middle East. The economy is rising. So
anything. He's about to meet the North Korean president. He's
let's talk about real economic data. We
working on the Middle East. The economy is rising. So let's talk
have the lowest African-American, Hispanic
about real economic data. We have the lowest African-American
unemployment in the history of those
hispanic unemployment in the history of those numbers.

CUOMO: You're saying because he's doing good things, it is

Cuomo refused to acknowledge the positive jobs numbers
okay if he does bad things. And it's okay if he's trying to divide
and shrinking unemployment. Instead, he switched to
the country.
accusing Trump of “trying to divide the country,” though
SCARAMUCCI: I'm not saying that. I'm saying, he's counter higher ground and be a better person. Why is he having a hard
punching against a very heavy onslaught of negative incoming, time doing that in situations like this, and I answered it. I said he's
that's coming from the mainstream media. having a hard time because he's getting a 90% incoming of
negativity from the media and no one is giving him credit for the
CUOMO: He gets peace on the peninsula, I said when the first success.
word came out. I said this is a huge if. If it happens, this is the
stuff of a Nobel peace prize. CUOMO: I think it's about a relationship with the truth. I think we
see it here where he is saying it is about the anthem.
SCARAMUCCI: Can I get invited back on that night?
SCARAMUCCI: The universities still like you, they're gonna give
CUOMO: God willing. Who doesn't want peace? This is a man you the PhD in Psychiatry. I'm not getting a PhD. In psychiatry.
and an administration that does what you're doing right now. It
doesn't matter what we do wrong. Look what we do right. And if CUOMO: Truth is not about psychiatry. It's about facts and
we do anything wrong, other people do things wrong. And if you respect. It is not about personality. It's whether he tells the truth. I
say we're doing something wrong you got it wrong and it's fake don't care about his personality. I care whether he tells the truth
news. to the American people on the matters that are important. That's
not psychology.
SCARAMUCCI: With all due respect, this is the second night on
the show. So I'll be super respectful to you. But what you're SCARAMUCCI: You're like everybody else in the media. The
saying is totally unfair to what I am saying. You said number one, president is a liar. The president is a liar.
should the president be a better person? Yes. He has to rise to

Sara Carter Reports: IG Horowitz IS
Being Pressured To CHANGE
His Clinton Email Report
Posted On June 6, 2018

Ace investigative journalist Sara A. Carter reported

Tuesday that indeed IG Horowitz is getting lots of pressure
to change or water down portions of his report. And from
none other than the cesspool at DoJ and FBI.

It must be a doozy.

She writes:

The Department of Justice and the FBI are

deliberately attempting to slow roll and
redact significant portions of DOJ Inspector
General, Michael Horowitz’s report on the
bureau’s handling of the Hillary Clinton
(National Sentinel) Running Scared: On Tuesday investigation, according to numerous
President Donald Trump tweeted out a ‘concern,’ if you congressional officials and investigators.
will, that Justice Department Inspector General Michael The 400-page report, which was completed
Horowitz’s long-anticipated report was overdue. several weeks ago and addresses Clinton’s
use of her private server for government
He also wrote that he hoped that the report wasn’t “being business, is currently being reviewed by
changed and made weaker” because “there are so many the DOJ and FBI. According to sources,
horrible things to tell, the public has a right to know.” individuals mentioned in the reports are
also allowed to review the document. It is
expected to be “long and thorough” and will
criticize the handling of the investigation by
former FBI Director James Comey, who
has spent the better part of the past several
months promoting his book A Higher
“It’s been almost a year and a half and it is
time that Congress receives the IG report,”
said Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-FL),
who has been on the front lines of the
battle against the DOJ and FBI’s
stonewalling of lawmakers requesting
When POTUS Trump says such things in his tweets, we documentation. “This has gone on long
always wonder whether or not he’s just making an enough and the American people’s
observation or an informed observation. patience is wearing thin. We need
accountability,” said DeSantis.
The man does get briefed every day on the goings-on
Another congressional official, who’s been
inside his administration.
fighting to obtain documents from the DOJ
and FBI, said it is no surprise that they are
Turns out this particular tweet was an informed putting pressure on Horowitz. According to
observation, most likely. the official, “They continue to slow roll
documents, fail to adhere to congressional
oversight and concern is growing that they Sounds like it’s even hotter than we thought.
will wait until summer and then turn over
documents that are heavily redacted.” We never expected the creatures hiding behind layers of
Former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew bureaucracy and Deep State cover to openly embrace the
McCabe is also expected to come under sunlight. They’ll have to be dragged into it kicking and
fire in Horowitz’s latest Clinton report. In screaming.
April, McCabe was fired by Attorney
General Jeff Sessions after the inspector And we’re okay with that — just so long as they’re
general released a scathing report and a exposed.
criminal referral for lying under oath.
Tick tock, boys and girls.
We told you this report was hot. And that it would name

MSNBC Compares Ceremony By
Trump ‘Regime’ To RFK Assassination
By Scott Whitlock
June 6, 2018 12:56 PM EDT

When people think of the liberal venom coming from Also appearing with Stephens was liberal XM host Mark
MSNBC, many would single out Chris Matthews, Rachel Thompson. Thompson somehow connected the White
Maddow or Lawrence O’Donnell. But the 9am hour has House event with... RFK’s assassination:
quietly become another home on the network for angry
rants. On Wednesday, guests compared Donald Trump to a Fifty years ago, Bobby Kennedy walked
dictator and somehow linked Trump’s White House speech into the kitchen of the Ambassador
on Tuesday to the assassination of Robert Kennedy. hotel, on his right was a great African
American athlete, a gold medalist, Rafer
Talking about Trump’s patriotism event in the wake of Johnson. On his left, a former NFL player,
cancelling the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Rosey Grier. They took him to the podium.
Eagles' appearance at the White House, New York Times They walked him off the podium where he
columnist Bret Stephens linked: lost his life. Literally 50 years to the day
Trump holds his ceremony. It’s a part of
“This reminds me of certain regimes his overall movement to attack African
around the world. The Maduro regime in American athletes and cause division.
Venezuela comes to mind that pumps out
its followers to create an appearance of The 9am hour of MSNBC has also featured co-host
unity and celebration when it's simply not Stephanie Ruhle comparing Trump to The Godfather.
A transcript is below.

9:32am ET

[On the White House ceremony yesterday]

Nicolas Maduro is the authoritarian, socialist leader of

Venezuela. While many disagree with Trump’s decision to
disinvite the Eagles, it’s hard to see how that makes Trump
like a socialist human rights violator.

STEPHANIE RUHLE: There are stories they were asking people

in the crowd who's the quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles,
and people couldn't answer. I mean, listen, I might not be an
Eagles fan. But if I was an eagles fan I sure as heck would know.
There was even one who was walking towards the press line,
and his friend said, “No, no, no, remember, we're not allowed to
talk to them.” Sounds a little —

BRET STEPHENS: I'm sorry, but this reminds me of certain hotel, on his right was a great African American athlete, a gold
regimes around the world. The Maduro regime in Venezuela medalist Rafer Johnson. On his left, a former NFL player Rosey
comes to mind that pumps out its followers to create an Grier. They took him to the podium. They walked him off the
appearance of unity and celebration when it's simply not there. podium where he lost his life. Literally 50 years to the day Trump
What always stuns me, and it shouldn't stun me because we've holds his ceremony. It’s a part of his overall movement to attack
had two and a half, three years to get used to this, which is the African American athletes and cause division. We just talked
continual weaponization of differences when we should have about the pork farmers in the Dakotas. Bobby Kennedy won
conciliation that is the stocking trade of this presidency. California and South Dakota and said at the Ambassador hotel, if
we can win a state like California, win a rural state like South
... Dakota we can have unity. What's Trump doing? Dividing
America. That's what he's about.
MARK THOMPSON: (XM radio host, Make It Plain): Fifty years
ago, Bobby Kennedy walked into the kitchen of the Ambassador

POTUS: The Fake New Media
Has Been So Unfair And Vicious To My Wife
'Four Mainline Reporters Witness Melania Walking To A Meeting But Failed To
Report The Sighting Because It Would Hurt Their Sick Narrative'
By Staff Writer -
June 6, 2018 @12:58 Pm, Wed

WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — President Donald J. Tweet 2/2 continues:

Trump fired out several tweets deep into Twittrland on
Wednesday morning in which he pointed out just how “..Four reporters spotted Melania in the
fake, unfair, and vicious U.S.-based media reports White House last week walking merrily
typically are. along to a meeting. They never reported
the sighting because it would hurt the sick
“The Fake News Media has been so unfair, narrative that she was living in a different
and vicious, to my wife and our great First part of the world, was really ill, or whatever.
Lady, Melania,” President Trump tweeted Fake News is really bad!”
in part 1 of 2 tweets. “During her recovery
from surgery they reported everything from
near death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and
me) for N.Y. or Virginia, to abuse. All Fake,
she is doing really well!”

It just goes to show how fake the fakestream media truly


Rest assured, Melania Trump is doing just fine.

Paul Ryan: FBI Did Nothing
Wrong Spying On Trump (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 1:06 Pm

Speaker Paul Ryan, who is set to retire

in 2019, told reporters today he saw
nothing wrong with the FBI spying on
Donald Trump’s campaign in the 2016

Paul Ryan: Chairman Gowdy’s initial assesment is

accurate. But we have some more investigation to do… I
have seen no evidence to the contrary of the initial
assessment that Chairman Gowdy has made. “I think Chairman Gowdy’s initial
assessment is accurate,” Ryan said in
Ryan apparently agrees with Trey Gowdy with his support of his colleague Rep. Trey Gowdy
remarks. (R-SC), who recently told Fox News that he
sees no wrongdoing in the FBI’s use of an reported: informant.
“I have seen no evidence to the contrary of
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan told the initial assessment Chairman Gowdy
reporters Wednesday he believes the FBI has made,” he said, adding that
acted appropriately in using an informant to investigators still “have some more digging
contact Trump campaign members during to do.”
the 2016 presidential election.
Last week, Rep. Gowdy told Fox News host Martha

“I am even more convinced that the FBI did

exactly what my fellow citizens would want
them to do when they got the information
they got and that it has nothing to do with
Donald Trump.”

Kim Kardashian Thanks POTUS For Commuting Alice
Johnson’s Life Sentence – Liberals Go Ballistic
By Cristina Laila
June 6, 2018, 1:40 Pm

The reality star took to her Twitter account to thank

President Trump and celebrate.

President Trump signed a commutation

for 63-year-old Alice Johnson, a woman
who was serving a life sentence for a
nonviolent drug offense.

Kardashian said she’s grateful to President Trump and

Jared Kushner.

Kim Kardashian West visited the White House last

Wednesday to address prison reform.

The reality star headed to the White House Wednesday to

request President Trump pardon a 62-year-old great
grandmother serving a life sentence without the possibility
of parole for a first-time drug offense, reported Vanity
Fair. Kardashian says she wants to continue this important
Shortly after her meeting with President Trump,
Kardashian praised the president and the liberals went

Well here we are again.

Kim Kardashian was ecstatic after President Trump

commuted Alice Johnson’s life sentence.

Kim Kardashian then described the phone call she had
with Alice Johnson:

The liberals on the other hand were not happy because

they hate everything to do with President Trump.

#NeverTrumper Ben Shapiro joined the liberals hating on

President Trump’s decision to commute Alice Johnson’s
life sentence then slammed Kim Kardashian in an article:

Kim Kardashian’s visit to the Oval Office got Johnson out

of prison. If Trump really wants to reconsider the drug
war, he should go ahead and do that — it’s long beyond
reconsideration. But if he just wants to cater to whatever
big names with a sex tape wander into his office, that’s bad

Mueller Demands Cell Phones From
Trump Witnesses To Swipe Encrypted Messages
By Cristina Laila
June 6, 2018, 2:10 Pm

conversations between associates linked to

President Donald Trump, sources told
Since as early as April, Mueller’s team has
been asking witnesses in the Russia probe
to turn over phones for agents to examine
Special Counsel Robert Mueller is now private conversations on WhatsApp,
Confide, Signal and Dust, according to the
demanding witnesses turn in their
sources, who spoke on condition of
personal cell phones so his team of anonymity.
liberal hack lawyers can inspect
Fearing a subpoena, the witnesses have
encrypted messages.
complied with the request and have given
Fearing a subpoena, and probably a pre- over their phones, the sources said.
dawn KGB FBI raid, the witnesses all While it’s unclear what Mueller has
complied with dirty cop Robert Mueller’s discovered, if anything, through this new
request. request, investigators seem to be
convinced that the apps could be a key to
exposing conversations that weren’t
previously disclosed to them.
The Special Counsel accused Trump’s
former campaign chairman Paul
Manafort of attempting to tamper with
potential witnesses, in a court filing
Dirty Cop Mueller raided Manafort’s
iCloud account to obtain phone records
and other documents.

Mueller is out of control; he will not stop until he is

stopped by force.

President Trump should declassify all documents relating

CNBC reported: to Spygate and Russiagate and shut this farce down once
and for all.
Special counsel Robert Mueller‘s team is
requesting that witnesses turn in their Just like Rep Gohmert previously said, Mueller and
personal phones to inspect their encrypted Rosenstein should both be fired and a second special
messaging programs and potentially view counsel should be appointed to investigate their crimes.

HAPPENING NOW: Senate Hearing
On Restoring War Powers To Congress
By Cassandra Fairbanks
June 6, 2018, 2:26 Pm

Senator Rand Paul held a hearing on Wednesday afternoon “Bush originally asked for more expansive
exploring the financial and constitutional implications of language but Congress insisted on
open-ended war under the existing Authorization for Use narrowing the mandate to use force against
of Military Force (AUMF) and the potential ramifications only those who either attacked us or
if Congress adopts the revised authorization proposed by planned the attack or harbored the
Senators Bob Corker and Tim Kaine. attackers.”

Senator Paul repeatedly asserted that the authorization was

specific and meant to be directed at those who attacked us
on 9/11, not for a worldwide war on “terrorism” that would
go on for decades. So, basically the expansion of the “war
on terrorism” really has occurred without the required
Constitutional authorization.

“Senators Corker, Kaine and others wish to

rectify the lapse in Constitutional
declaration of war by passing a new
authorization for force,” Senator Paul said
of the proposed AUMF. He explained that
“the Corker/Kaine Authorization does not
limit the scope of war it merely codifies the
status quo and I would argue actually
expands the current theaters of war.”
The hearing was entitled, “War Powers and the Effects
of Unauthorized Military Engagements on Federal The Corker/Kaine proposal authorizes war against at least
Spending” and featured testimonies from Judge Andrew eight groups that are known to operate, all- together, in
Napolitano, Deputy Director of the ACLU Washington over 20 countries.
Legislative Office Christopher Anders, and Georgetown
Professor Jonathan Turley. The line to get into the hearing Appearing on Fox News on Tuesday, Senator Paul had
was so long that wrapped around the corner of the hall. asserted that he believes President Trump agrees with him.
He said,
Senator Paul explained in his opening remarks that the
debate before Senate comes down to “does it matter who “I do think the president is with me on this
wields the power to initiate war” and “when and where — on the Constitution. Our founding fathers
should we be at war”? are with me on this too.”
“The constitution is flipped on its head.
“After the attacks of 9/11, President Bush This authorization fundamentally transfers
did his Constitutional duty. He asked the delegated power of war declaration
Congress to authorize war against the from Congress to the President,” Senator
people who attacked us on 9/11 or anyone Paul declared during the hearing.
who harbored or aided and abetted those
who attacked us,” Senator Paul explained.
Turley has testified before Congress many times, but
believed this hearing was so important that he pulled both
The Kentucky Senator told the Senate that if you read the of his children out of school to attend it.
authorization, it’s actually very specific.

During his testimony, Turley argued that the new AUMF
amounts to a statutory revision of one of the most defining
elements of the United States Constitution.

“Putting aside the constitutionality of such a

change absent a formal amendment, the
proposed legislation completes a long
history of this body abdicating its core
responsibilities over the declaration of war,”
Turley stated.
Napolitano, during his testimony, gave a mini history
lesson on the Constitution and separation of powers. He
He said in conclusion that also testified that he believes President Trump’s attacks on
Syria were unconstitutional.
“the new AUMF would codify the long-
sought desire of Congress to be a mere “The Constitution is clear that only
pedestrian to the prosecution of wars by Congress can declare war and only the
the United States. Rather than seek to president can wage it. Federal law and
amend the Constitution to affirmatively international treaties provide that — short
surrender its institutional authority, of defending the country against an actual
members are constructively rewriting attack — without a congressional
Article I, Section 8 in a more user-friendly declaration of war, the president can only
form that does not require express constitutionally use military force to repel
declarations or even reauthorizations. It an enemy whose attack on America is
would combine this abdication of authority imminent or to defend U.S. citizens and
with its long-standing failure to limit the use property in foreign lands from foreign attack
of appropriated funds. This blank check or in aid of an ally pursuant to a treaty with
therefore will have not only an unstated that ally,” Napolitano stated.
purpose but an unstated amount. Under
those conditions, we have already had
roughly 17 years of war and could just as He added that,
well have 170 more.”
“in the case of the President’s bombing of
Anders began his testimony by asserting that no decision Syria in April, none of those conditions was
by government is graver or more consequential than the met.”
decision to go to war. “The Constitution, written in war’s
aftermath, strictly limits war’s offensive use
To be clear, Anders said that under the new AUMF the only to when the people’s representatives
president would have full control to declare war on any in Congress have recognized a broad
group or nation — including America itself. national consensus behind it. John Quincy
Adams, in his July 4, 1821 address,
“Historically, the most certain route to cautioned that America ‘goes not abroad, in
Congress claiming its constitutional search of monsters to destroy.’” Napolitano
authority and asserting its will is to use its testified.
power of the purse. Eliminating funds for
unauthorized military engagements, and Napolitano argued that
prohibiting any rebudgeting of existing
funds, cuts off the activity. If done “the legislation under scrutiny today would
consistently, defunding should dissuade a give the president far more powers than he
president from taking similar action, and has now, would directly violate Congress’
helps restore the role of Congress in war-making powers by ceding them away
deciding whether to take the country to to the president, would defy the Supreme
war. Congress should use the power of the Court on the unconstitutionality of giving
purse to defund unauthorized military away core governmental functions, would
engagements,” Anders testified. commit the U.S. to foreign wars without
congressional and thus popular support,
and would invite dangerous mischief by
any president wanting to attack any enemy
— real or imagined, old or new — for

foreign or domestic political purposes, Senator Sanders passionately listed wars and conflicts that
whether American interests are at stake or were engaged without Congressional approval, including
not.” the intervention in Vietnam. Speaking on Iraq, he asserted
that the Bush administration lied to the American people
about weapons of mass destruction leading to the deaths of
thousands of soldiers. He stated that this happened because
Congress was not asking the hard questions and the White
House had a blank check to go to war.

“I think it is very clear that the time is long

overdue for the US Congress to respect the
constitution of this country,” Senator
Sanders said.
Senator Bernie Sanders also spoke at the hearing, declaring
that Congress must reassert their authority and ask tough Senator Sanders as well as Senator Mike Lee are not on the
questions about the wars that we are currently in. committees, but Senator Paul allowed them to come speak
as they are passionate about the issue.
“Let me assure every person here that the
abdication of Congress on the Senator Paul is the chairman of the Federal Spending
responsibility of war has had horrific Oversight and Emergency Management (FSO)
ramifications,” Senator Sanders said. Subcommittee for the Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC).

Dem Rep Warns Party To
Stay Away From Impeachment
Amber Athey | Media And Breaking News Editor
3:40 PM 06/06/2018

Democratic congressman Gerry Connolly warned his party “Do you think that your fellow Democrats
on Wednesday that if they run too hard on impeaching should be wary heading into the midterms
President Trump it will cost them elections. of running too much on impeachment?”
Harlow asked during a Wednesday
WATCH: morning interview.
“Absolutely. I believe that voting for a
Democrat should not be seen as
tantamount to a vote for impeachment. In
fact, if it is then I think we’re gonna lose
elections we otherwise might win,”
Connolly said.
“Even Trump voters agree in many cases
that this president needs adult supervision,
and that means Democrats,” he added.
“And they’re willing to vote for Democrats
or at least entertain voting for Democrats
so long as we separate ourselves from the
‘I’ word.”
CNN anchor Poppy Harlow noted that Connolly is an avid
Trump critic but wondered if he thinks parroting
impeachment is a step too far.

Giuliani Says Mueller’s Team
Is Trying To ‘Frame’ Trump
Hanna Bogorowski | Contributor
4:10 PM 06/06/2018

anything wrong,” according to a report by

the Associated Press.

Giuliani claimed Trump has the legal power to pardon

himself, but won’t because he is innocent.

These comments follow a string of remarks from Giuliani,

who serves as one of Trump’s top lawyers and has been in
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani the news for a flurry of interviews on the Russia probe.
said Wednesday in Israel that special counsel Robert
Mueller is trying to frame President Donald Trump over Giuliani disputed to CNN’s Chris Cuomo Monday that the
the Russia probe. White House lied when representatives said Trump
dictated a statement about a meeting with Donald Trump
Giuliani told an audience at the Globes capital markets Jr. and a Russian lawyer in June 2016, despite previously
conference in Tel Aviv that Mueller’s team consists of saying the opposite.

“13 highly partisan Democrats … (who) are “It was a mistake,” he said. “I swear to God
trying very very hard to frame him to get it was a mistake,” Giuliani said of the shift
him in trouble when he hasn’t done in comment.

Al Sharpton: Trump On Course To Win In 2020 Because
Dems Are ‘Too Tame’ To Deal With Him
By Luis Sanchez
06/06/18 04:19 Pm Edt

Rev. Al Sharpton reportedly said Wednesday that would have listened if he just gave
President Trump is set to win reelection in 2020 because speeches.”
Democrats are
According to Sharpton, one candidate who "could beat
“too tame to deal with an untamed Trump in a heartbeat" in 2020 is Oprah Winfrey because
opponent." she is capable of speaking to poor workers. Winfrey has
repeatedly said she has no interest in a White House bid.
The reverend told The Guardian during a visit to the U.K.
that Democrats likely to face off against Trump in 2020 Sharpton also said black voters would likely support
are failing to excite opposition to the president. former Vice President Joe Biden if he were to run for
president because
He said a lack of leadership would lead to a bad result for
Democrats in the midterm elections and noted that “he covered Obama’s back for eight years.”
mobilization is needed for a landslide win.
Sharpton said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) failed to get
“They’ve lost the ability to dramatize,” black support during his 2016 Oval Office run because he
Sharpton said. “He understands spectacle focused on class and not race. He predicted Sen. Elizabeth
and drama and they don’t.” Warren (D-Mass.) could get more support from blacks
because she was more attuned to the “racial dimension.”
Sharpton said that Democrats should be deliberately
“getting themselves arrested” by Immigration and Customs Democrats need to get an effective message based on
Enforcement over the current controversy concerning the “rights, jobs and healthcare” instead of going after Trump
policy of separating migrant parents from their children at for his scandals, Sharpton told The Guardian.
the border.
“You got to get the message right; then
“What was the Civil Rights movement if not you’ll get the messenger,” he said, adding
drama? Martin Luther King was the master that Democrats can’t just wait for the
of street theatre,” Sharpton said. “No one president to self-destruct.

REPORT: Comey Was ‘Insubordinate’ As FBI Director,
Loretta Lynch ‘Rebuked’ For Handling Of Clinton Emails
Justin Caruso | Senior Media Reporter
4:28 PM 06/06/2018

tenure as FBI director, according to

sources familiar with a draft report on the

ABC also explains that according to one source, the draft

report said Comey was “insubordinate.”

The other bombshell in the report contains criticism

of Loretta Lynch for the way in which she handled the
Clinton email case:
A new ABC report indicates that a draft DOJ internal
report states that James Comey overstepped his authority
“Inspector General Michael Horowitz also
as former FBI director.
rebuked former Attorney General Loretta
Lynch for her handling of the federal
It also states that Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s personal
handling of the Clinton email case was rebuked by email server, the sources said.”
Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
It’s unclear exactly what criticism of Lynch is contained in
ABC News writes: the DOJ’s draft report.

“The Justice Department’s internal

watchdog has concluded that James
Comey defied authority at times during his

Figures. Fake News Conspiracy Site Axios Runs Hit Piece
On Gateway Pundit — But Can’t Refute Our Findings
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 4:35 Pm

Other false stories pushed by The Gateway Pundit, per The

Washington Post:

Parkland survivor and activist David Hogg

had been coached on anti-Trump rhetoric,
which the site linked to his father, a former
FBI agent.
Actually this is what the Washington Post
wrote about The Gateway Pundit and teen
tyrant David Hogg.

Burn it all down.

Stef Kight at Axios ran a hit piece on The Gateway Pundit

on Wednesday.

Go deeper: Digging into Trump’s latest “Spygate” tweet

Paul Farhi wrote this article at the Washington Post in


Kight got his story from John Podesta‘s Think Progress The entire article including the headline was a lie.
We have never used the term ‘crisis actors’ in any of our
Think Progress got their story from New York Mag. reports on the Parkland high school activists.

This is how the liberal media echo Not once.

chamber works. Now Axios and the liberal media echo
chamber continues to hit The Gateway
Axios then attacked The Gateway Pundit for a fake news Pundit for a completely made up article.
WaPo report.

And for the record…

Axios and Think Progress did not refute

our article or our facts.
They can’t.

The FBI released unredacted text messages from lovebirds

Strzok and Page that show the DOJ redacted the fact that
they were discussing FBI overseas informants in 2015 —
before the summer of 2016 which was originally the claim.

The liberal media refused to refute this

fact. Instead they attack The Gateway
Pundit with bogus accusations.
This is the world we live in.
NEVER TRUST the liberal media.

Grassley BLASTS Rosenstein In Scathing Letter For
Giving Senate Judiciary Committee ‘Insufficient
Documents’ Relating To Flynn Interview
By Cristina Laila
June 6, 2018, 4:56 Pm

The Senate Judiciary Chairman also said the DOJ resisting

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Congressional oversight only further indicates they have
Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI something to hide.
Director Christopher Wray and Deputy
AG Rod Rosenstein on May 11th stating Presuming that the facts are consistent
Comey testified the FBI didn’t think with the plea agreement, there is absolutely
General Flynn lied. nothing for the Department to hide and no
reason to act like it has something to hide.
Grassley demanded the FBI and DOJ Resisting Congressional oversight only
produce the transcript of Flynn’s serves to further undermine public trust in
intercepted calls with Russian the Department.
Ambassador Kislyak and the 302’s by
May 25th. Grassley then concludes his letter by reiterating his request
Rosenstein refuses to give the Senate to schedule an interview with the second special agent who
Judiciary Committee the requested was present at Flynn’s interrogation, Joe Pientka after push
documents. Instead, Rosenstein back from the DOJ.
provided “insufficient” documents
prompting Grassley to send a scathing Finally, it is disingenuous and extremely
letter to the Deputy AG. disturbing that the Department would imply
that a request to interview a fact witness,
such as Special Agent Pientka, has
anything whatsoever to do with “allegations
against” that witness. As you well know,
seeking information from a fact witness is
not the same thing as an allegation of
wrongdoing. Quite the contrary, it seems
he is likely to be an objective, reliable, and
trustworthy witness, which is precisely why
the Committee would benefit from his
Please let me know when you will provide
the requested documents, so that we can
begin scheduling an interview with Special
Agent Pientka. Thank you for your prompt
On Wednesday, Chuck Grassley sent Deputy Attorney attention to this important matter.
General Rod Rosenstein a second scathing letter stating the
documents on Flynn’s testimony the DOJ provided to the It comes as no surprise that Rosenstein doesn’t want
Senate Judiciary Committee are “insufficient” and further Special Agent Pientka to testify.
warned there will be problems “if the facts are inconsistent
with the plea agreement.” Investigative reporter, Sara Carter says Pientka, if issued a
Grassley accused Rosenstein of providing ‘evidence’ that
is already publicly available. Typical of Rosenstein to will discuss how forthcoming Flynn was
stonewall, and play these types of games. about very specific sensitive information
that Flynn could not have possibly known
the investigators already knew, which may that will further prove Flynn is being
give additional insight into Flynn’s veracity truthful.
and willingness to tell the truth.
Pientka is ready to discuss a very Rosenstein should be impeached and held in contempt of
specific piece of sensitive information Congress.
Flynn provided during the interrogation
Read Grassley’s 3 page letter starting on next page:

Kellyanne Conway: John ‘Libya Model’ Bolton Will Be At
The Trump-Kim Summit In Singapore
Ryan Pickrell | China/Asia Pacific Reporter
5:55 PM 06/06/2018

Trump later made clear that the Libya model was not
under consideration, but not before Pyongyang expressed
its dissatisfaction.

In response to his statements, North Korea slammed

Bolton in a series of critical statements that also bashed
other Trump administration officials, although Bolton was
the primary target.

“We shed light on the quality of Bolton

already in the past, and we do not hide our
feeling of repugnance towards him,” the
North Korean foreign ministry said in a
White House national security adviser John Bolton will
reportedly attend President Donald Trump’s summit with After North Korea lashed out at the U.S., the president
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. decided to cancel his summit with Kim, but the meeting
was salvaged after a week characterized by a flurry of
diplomatic activity. Trump announced that the summit was
“The national security adviser is going. back on after a rare meeting with Kim’s right-hand man
He’s going to Singapore. He’s going to be a Kim Yong Chol at the White House, a meeting at which
part of those talks,” White House Bolton was not present.
counselor Kellyanne Conway told reporters
Wednesday, dismissing rumors that Bolton
had been sidelined after he infuriated the Rumors have since circulated that there is a rift between
North Koreans. Bolton and Pompeo, who is said to have told the president
that inviting Bolton to participate in relevant talks would
be “counterproductive,” CNN reported Monday.
White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Secretary of
State Mike Pompeo, who will be taking the lead on
negotiations, will also be in attendance at the summit, The The White House has denied the existence of tensions
Hill reported. between these senior administration officials.

The Trump administration envisioned the “Libya model” “Any rumor of a confrontation between
for North Korean denuclearization, Bolton told Fox News Ambassador Bolton and Secretary Pompeo
in April. Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was is categorically false,” a spokesman for the
violently overthrown and executed after he abandoned his National Security Council told reporters.
nuclear program, and North Korea has long cited Libya’s
tragic fate as justification for its relentless pursuit of The state of the relationship between Bolton and Pompeo
nuclear weapons is unclear, but Bolton is apparently still involved in efforts
to diplomatically engage North Korea.

GSA General Counsel Gave All Of Trump Transition Team
Communications To Mueller – Then He Died
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 5:57 Pm

emails were handed to the Mueller probe

without consent or warrants.
At the time, it was one of the more
controversial moments of Robert Mueller’s
probe: Late last year, news broke that a
federal agency turned over tens of
thousands of private emails of Trump
transition team officials to the special
counsel’s team—without a warrant, and
without getting the officials’ permission.
Now, according to communications
reviewed by The Daily Beast, the transition
team is fighting back. They are threatening
to call for an inspector general’s
Richard Beckler was General Counsel of investigation of the General Services
the General Services Administration. Administration (GSA), which gave the
emails to Mueller, and to potentially try to
The GSA promised Trump Transition Team officials that have officials there sanctioned by the D.C.
their communications on phones and laptops would be safe Bar.
with the General Services Administration (GSA). The transition team also charges that the
GSA is trying to cover up the involvement
Then in September the GSA handed all of the Transition of controversial FBI agent Peter Strzok in
team’s communications over to Dirty Cop Mueller. the allegedly illegal seizure of their emails.
A lawyer for the transition team wrote that
Shortly after this Richard Beckler died on September 25, Strzok “played a larger-than-previously
2017. known role in unlawfully seizing our client’s
Now the Transition Team is demanding an investigation …According to the transition team
on the illicit deep state transfer of information to Mueller. communications reviewed by The Daily
Beast, the GSA’s then-General Counsel
The Daily Beast reported: Richard Beckler assured the transition
team that it was merely housing the
materials, and that any communications
The Trump transition team may demand an would be locked securely away from prying
investigation after tens of thousands of eyes.

BREAKING: Alice Johnson Released From Prison –
“Thank You President Donald John Trump,
By Cristina Laila
June 6, 2018, 6:31 Pm

President Trump signed a commutation Alice Johnson first thanked her

for 63-year-old Alice Johnson, a woman
“Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” and cited
who was serving a life sentence for a
Philippians 4:13. Johnson then screamed
nonviolent drug offense.
“Hallelujah!” and thanked President Trump
On Wednesday afternoon, Alice and Kim Kardashian, whom she called her
Johnson was released from prison and “little angel.”
reunited with family.

The 63-year-old grandmother wore all white as she ran to

family members waiting to greet her with hugs.
Alice Johnson spent over 20 years behind bars.
Watch the emotional reunion as she hugs family members
outside of a prison for the first time in decades.

Kim Kardashian headed to the White House last

Wednesday to request President Trump pardon a 62-year-
old great grandmother serving a life sentence without the
possibility of parole for a first-time drug offense, reported
Vanity Fair.
Kim Kardashian was ecstatic after President Trump
commuted Alice Johnson’s life sentence.
The reality star took to her Twitter account to thank
President Trump and celebrate.
Kim Kardashian then described the phone call she had
with Alice Johnson:

Rep. Matt Gaetz DROPS BOMB On Paul Ryan:
Today Was The First Time I Heard Lawmakers Call For
Removing Speaker Ryan (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 6:46 Pm

This was devastating. Special Counsel. And for goodness sakes, stop defending
the FBI’s collection of intelligence on the Trump
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R_FL) went on with
campaign when they refuse to give us the documents to
Lou Dobbs on Wednesday and called
show whether or not they broke the law… As you know I
out Speaker Paul Ryan for defending the
run in the conservative circles of the House. And I have
deep state and refusing to defend
Republican congressional investigators. never up to this point heard a single person talk removing
Speaker Ryan from the speakership.
Earlier today Paul Ryan defended the
Obama FBI for spying on the Trump Today for the first time I was
campaign during the 2016 election. hearing colleagues say, “Well if
Speaker Ryan won’t stand with
This was unbelievable. us in this fight over the
essentials of our democracy,
not weaponizing the
intelligence community against
a presidential campaign, do we
need to look at other choices?”

So I think that remains a lingering question.

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:

Rep. Matt Gaetz: There is no defense

today for Paul Ryan siding with the FBI
and Department of Justice against those
of us in the Congress who are working
for transparency and accountability…

We need the Speaker to be an institutionalist of the

Congress and not to be a defender of the Deep State… The
silence from our very own Speaker is deafening. He needs
to speak up. He needs to join us in a call for a second

STUNNING: AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions
REFUSES To Bring Charges Against Pakistani
Awan Brothers (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 7:55 Pm

Daily Caller investigative journalist Luke Rosiak joined weak, you know how tenuous it is, how
Lou Dobbs to discuss the latest in the Imran Awan backed by nothing it is. You throw into the
Pakistani hacking scandal. mix arrests by Pakistanis hired by
Democrats and unvetted for a similar hack
Imran Awan worked for Debbie at an identical time the narrative about
Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years Russia would have been impossible to
since she came into office in 2004 as a secure… What the Democrats did here was
Florida representative. treason. They allowed the United States t
continue to be hacked by these guys so
they could spin this Russian narrative…
Three Pakistani brothers who managed the IT affairs for
several Democratic government officials were relieved of …The DOJ under Jeff Sessions is covering
their duties in February 2017 on suspicion that they up a scandal that exposes the entire
accessed specific computer networks without permission, Russian narrative as a hoax. It is in Jeff
also known as hacking. Sessions’s power to demolish this
Russian narrative and once and for all
Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were charge the Pakistanis with hacking
barred from computer networks at the Congress and exposing Democrats
House of Representatives in February hypocricy and negligence. He has a list
2017. of witnesses and his FBI is refusing to
interview them… They have all the
goods. It’s in the server logs. This case is
Imran had his court case rescheduled until next month.
open-and-shut. And Jeff Sessions is
refusing to bring the charges.
Imran Awan and his wife Alvi reportedly
struck a plea deal this week. Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:

Luke Rosiak:

There was a second hack that occurred the

same week that the DNC was breached.
The same week that Wikileaks started
putting up those DNC emails the House of
Representatives Inspector General briefed
authorities that there was this ongoing hack
by Pakistanis who the Democrats hired as
IT guys. Ordinarily they would have been
arrested on the bat obviously but, think
about it, that Russian narrative that they
just decided to start pitching that very

Trump Is Better Than Reagan
By Wayne Allyn Root
June 6, 2018, 8:45 Pm

Let’s start with the May jobs report. US job growth sharply

 Nonfarm payrolls increased by 223,000, smashing

expectations by 33,000 jobs.
 Manufacturing gained 18,000 jobs.
 Construction gained 25,000 jobs.
 Mining gained almost 6000 jobs.
 The jobless rate is now 3.8%, the lowest since
November of 1969. Yes, I said 1969.
 Black unemployment is the lowest ever.
 Hispanic unemployment is the lowest ever.
It’s time for a victory lap. As the great Mohammed Ali  Female unemployment is the lowest in over half a
said, century.
 I’m sure gays and Muslims are enjoying record low
unemployment too- there just isn’t a measurement
“It ain’t bragging if you can back it up.”
for those groups.
 Wages are up 2.7% for the year. Happy Days are
At Fox News Opinion, I predicted back in July 2015 (days here again. A wage increase of any size was just a
after Trump declared for president) that Donald Trump rumor in eight years under Obama.
would be the greatest jobs creator ever- for black
Americans, Hispanic Americans, females, gays, Muslims.
But wait. I haven’t gotten to the really good news yet!
In short, I predicted President Trump would create jobs for
EVERYONE including his worst critics. See:
 The number of full-time jobs rose by 904,000 for the
month of May. That’s the biggest monthly increase
this century.
 We also lost 625,000 low quality, low wage part-
time jobs. I call them “Obama jobs.” Good
I predicted under President Trump there’d be a job in riddance.
every pot.
When liberals praised Obama for creating jobs, I pointed
And not just any jobs. Obama created nothing but crappy out his own former Chief Economic Advisor proved an
part-time, low-wage jobs. I predicted Trump would overwhelming majority of those jobs created under Obama
produce full-time middle class jobs. were crappy, low-wage, part-time jobs. In the Obama era
every new job required food stamps and free healthcare to
Don’t look now, but it’s all happened. Trump is our survive.
generation’s Reagan. Reagan was my hero. I can’t believe
I’m saying this, but… “The Trump Miracle” produces the exact opposite of
Obama. With Trump’s economy, its all about full-time,
Trump may actually be better than Reagan. high-wage jobs.

Reagan produced millions of good-paying middle class But wait, there’s more good news.
jobs, unprecedented prosperity and the greatest economic
expansion in world history. Trump is on track to surpass  GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is the only real way to
Reagan’s economic success. measure if an economy is healthy, or not. The Fed just
predicted GDP for the 2nd quarter will be a blistering

That’s a number not seen since the days of Reagan. Which means I spend my life pitching deals and hustling
24/7. I’m the perfect laboratory experiment to tell you if
 The USA has moved back to #1 in the world in the the economy is working, or not.
global economic competitiveness index. Thanks to
President Trump’s massive tax cuts and killing of Under Obama I pitched many deals, but never raised one
regulations, we’re now ahead of booming economies dollar in eight long years. Nothing. Zip. Nada. Zero. There
like Singapore, Hong Kong and Switzerland. was no life, no pulse, no hope under Obama for
 A record 35% of small businesses reported paying entrepreneurs like me.
higher wages to employees last month. 74% of
employers plan to pay $11 per hour or higher, It was a dynamic economy for illegal aliens, and people on
compared to 53% a year ago. Small business is welfare or food stamps. But for the job creators, financial
exploding under Trump. risk-takers and business owners, it was a disaster.

Why is all of this happening? First, Trump cut taxes Everything has changed under Trump. The world of
dramatically, so now business owners can afford to share money has opened up. Everyone is buying again. Everyone
the wealth. is writing checks again. I’m the living proof. I’m raising
money for business deals- and groups are banging down
Secondly, Trump is killing regulations at the fastest pace my doors to invest. Investors are begging me to take their
of any president in history, so business owners can spend checks. That never happened in eight long years under
our money on paying higher wages, instead of on lawyer Obama.
And third, here’s the big one: Trump’s strict immigration
policies are working overtime (excuse the pun). 40% of It’s a new day under President Trump. We are free to make
employers are using E-verify to hire only legal American money again. We are free to practice capitalism without
citizens- up from 25% last year. Trump’s policies are guilt. The sun is out. The skies are blue. There’s a job in
super-charging the economy for American citizens, not every pot. The Trump Miracle lives.
President Donald J. Trump should be the runaway winner
Now to a little personal example. I’m on the front lines of of the 2018 Nobel Economic Prize.
the economy. I have no safe job, no safe paycheck, no
pension. I am a small businessman and entrepreneur. And yes, so far, he’s even better than Reagan.

The Real Mueller: He Let Four Innocent
Men Rot And Die In Prison To Protect A Mafia Source
By Jd Heyes

Mueller is culpable

Carr notes:

Within days of the murder, Boston FBI

agents knew the identities of the actual
murderers, and reported the information to
J. Edgar Hoover in Washington. But they
allowed a Mob hitman they had flipped,
Joseph Barboza, to settle some old scores
by falsely testifying that the four men had
Special counsel Robert Mueller has received plenty of taken part in the gangland murder he had
criticism regarding his “witch hunt” investigation into helped arrange with others.
allegations that then-GOP candidate Donald Trump
“colluded” with Russians to “steal the election” in 2016 In 2002, lawyers for one of the innocent men, Louie Greco
and then obstructed justice to hide it. — a decorated World War II vet who was living in Florida
at the time of the murder — were attempting to get a
These allegations are nothing more than Deep State posthumous pardon from Massachusetts officials (he died
fabrications and Mueller knows it. Everyone involved in prison in 1995 after serving 28 years). Barboza’s
knows it. President Trump knows it. perjured testimony put him and the other three behind bars.
(Related: Rudy attacks Mueller’s corrupt witch hunt:
However, not everyone knows that Mueller has a Rigged so bad SOME of his prosecutors ‘were at Hillary’s
scurrilous, scandalous history involving four innocent men funeral’ on election night)
he allowed to either rot or die in prison just to protect a
mafia source named Joseph “The Animal” Barboza. After the initial trial, another Boston-area gangster would
tell a congressional committee that one FBI agent bragged
As radio host Howie Carr, writing for The Daily Caller, about framing Greco. He said the agent exclaimed,
recounts, newly revealed FBI documents note that in 2002,
when Mueller was director of the FBI, he instructed agents “How does Louie Greco like going from
to oppose the pardons of the four men — Louie Greco, Miami to Death Row? He wasn’t even
Henry Tameleo, Peter Limone and Joe Salvati — because, there!”
he said, exculpatory evidence that had long existed was
just “fodder for cross-examination,” one document shows. For more than three decades, the FBI, citing “national
security” concerns, refused to release the exculpatory
Four years after that memo was written, all four men or evidence. Finally, it was released in 2000 as part of an
their estates were collectively awarded $102 million by a investigation at the time into FBI corruption in the Boston
federal court in Boston over their wrongful imprisonment office, Carr noted.
— for decades — thanks to FBI misconduct.
Despite the fact that the evidence indicated without
The pardon was related to a request to Mueller from the question that the four men were innocent, Mueller’s FBI
Massachusetts Advisory Board of Pardons, which sought nevertheless claimed that they might still be guilty, in spite
an “official version” of the imprisonment of the four men of the FBI’s own reports to the contrary.
for a gangland-style murder in Chelsea, Mass., in March
1965. The men were eventually convicted in state court for Deegan was murdered on March 12, 1965. The FBI at the
allegedly killing Edward “Teddy” Deegan, a low-level time sent memos to headquarters in Washington, D.C., on
hoodlum, during an attempted bank robbery. March 15 and 19 identifying the real killers. None of the

four men who were eventually convicted for the crime “After all those years,” Cavicchi said
were mentioned in those memos. Sunday, “the feds still couldn’t admit that
they had engineered this gross miscarriage
But in an effort to stonewall the Massachusetts parole of justice. Why couldn’t Mueller, who was in
board, Mueller insisted to them that the bureau’s own Boston while this frame up was going on,
memos did not mean that the four were innocent. admit the Bureau’s culpability, then
apologize and just settle the civil suit?”
John Cavicchi, the Greco attorney who found Mueller’s
FBI letter in his case files last week, said it had “outraged” Read the entire account on next page in DC article.
him all over again.

Not So Honorable: Docs Show Mueller’s
FBI Denied Justice To Four Innocent Men
Howie Carr | Host, 'The Howie Carr Show'
4:18 AM 06/05/2018

As FBI director in 2002, Special Counsel Robert Mueller the state of Massachusetts. Greco, a decorated World War
directed his agents to oppose the pardons of four II veteran, had been living in Florida at the time of the
wrongfully imprisoned men because exculpatory evidence murder, but was nevertheless convicted on Barboza’s
was merely “fodder for cross-examination,” newly perjured testimony.
revealed FBI documents show.

Four years later, the four men, or their estates, were

awarded $102 million by a federal judge in Boston for
their wrongful decades-long imprisonment due to FBI

Mueller ordered the Boston FBI office to answer a request

to him from the Massachusetts Advisory Board of Pardons
for an “official version” of the imprisonment of the four
men for a gangland murder in Chelsea MA in March 1965.

The four men – Louie Greco, Henry Tameleo, Peter

Limone and Joe Salvati – were convicted in state court in
Boston of murdering Edward “Teddy” Deegan, a small-
time hoodlum, in an alley during a bank burglary.

Lou Greco in uniform (courtesy of Howie Carr)

Greco died in 1995 after serving 28 years in prison for a

crime he did not commit.

Another Boston gangster later testified to a Congressional

committee that after the 1967 trial, one of the FBI agents
bragged about framing Greco and said, “How does Louie
Greco like going from Miami to Death Row? He wasn’t
even there!”

For 35 years, the FBI refused to release the evidence

Within days of the murder, Boston FBI agents knew the exonerating the wrongfully imprisoned men on the
identities of the actual murderers, and reported the grounds of “national security.” It was finally released in
information to J. Edgar Hoover in Washington. But they 2000 as part of an investigation into corruption in the
allowed a Mob hitman they had flipped, Joseph Barboza, Boston office of the FBI.
to settle some old scores by falsely testifying that the four
men had taken part in the gangland murder he had helped After the state pardons board asked Mueller for the
arrange with others. Bureau’s version of its actions, a Boston FBI agent,
Charles Prouty, wrote back on May 9, 2002 that “FBI
In 2002, lawyers for one of the innocent men, Louie Headquarters in Washington, D.C. has directed the office
Greco, were seeking a posthumous pardon for him from to respond.”

Mueller directs response to Greco’s John Cavicchi, the Greco attorney who found Mueller’s
posthumous pardon FBI letter in his case files last week, said it had “outraged”
him all over again.
While conceding that the damning FBI reports contained
“impeachment material,” Mueller’s FBI still contended “After all those years,” Cavicchi said
that the innocent men might in fact be guilty, despite the Sunday, “the feds still couldn’t admit that
FBI’s own reports to the contrary. they had engineered this gross miscarriage
of justice. Why couldn’t Mueller, who was in
“This does not necessarily mean, however, Boston while this frame up was going on,
that Limone or any of the other defendants admit the Bureau’s culpability, then
is innocent – it merely means that they are apologize and just settle the civil suit?”
entitled to a new trial.”
In Boston, the four men were always widely known to be
Deegan was murdered on March 12, and the FBI office innocent. As early as 1973, a Mafia turncoat wrote in a
sent memos to Bureau headquarters in Washington on local best-selling book how they were framed by the FBI
March 15 and March 19 identifying the real killers – and and its star Mob informant, hitman Joe “the Animal”
with no mention of the four men who later won the $102 Barboza, one of the actual killers of Deegan.
million judgment.

Mueller, however, tried to convince the Massachusetts

authorities that his own Bureau’s documents did not mean
that the four men had been railroaded.

“Much of the FBI confidential source

information relates to the individuals who
were involved in the Deegan murder as
principals,” Mueller’s deputy said,
underlining the word. “This information is
not necessarily inconsistent with the crimes
for which the defendants were convicted.”

Prouty did not mention the fact that Greco had moved
from Boston to Florida before the murder. Mueller’s agent
also did not point out that the siblings of victim Deegan,
who had grown up in Boston’s West End with Limone,
had earlier written the state parole board in support of
Limone’s release. The Deegan siblings told the Parole
Board that Limone had warned his childhood friend
Deegan to be careful because of the murder contract out on

Michael Albano, a former member of the MA parole board

and one-time mayor of Springfield, worked for years to
free the innocent men.

“Even after the facts of the FBI cover up Joe “The Animal” Barbazo through the years (Massachusetts State
were revealed,” he said last week on “The Prison)
Howie Carr Show” after reading the letter,
“the FBI continued the cover up with the Barboza had turned against the local Mafia, and decided to
approval and authorization of Director put several of their members and associates into the
Robert Mueller III.” Deegan murder plot, while protecting a friend of his,
another serial killer named Jimmy “the Bear” Flemmi.
This newly rediscovered letter is the latest indication of
Mueller’s role in what may have been the FBI’s greatest One of the men Barboza fingered, Joe Salvati, had drawn
scandal ever, at least until the current Spygate controversy the wrath of the Animal by refusing to contribute $300 to
which has led to Mueller’s ongoing “investigation” of his bail fund. So Barboza testified that Salvati was in the
President Trump. front seat of the car the killers used on the hit.

The problem was, witnesses had seen the man in the front Gertner said she had been asked by the innocent men to
seat – he was bald, like Jimmy Flemmi. So Barboza said hold the FBI in contempt of court and that she had taken
that Salvati had been wearing a “bald wig” that night. their motion “under advisement.”

Mueller was an assistant US attorney in Boston in the “In order to make that decision,” she wrote,
1980’s as the imprisoned men futilely tried to get their “the Court ORDERS that this matter be
convictions overturned. Greco passed a lie detector test on brought to the personal attention of the
live national TV. Director of the FBI.”

But the FBI was adamant that they should remain behind In other words, Robert Mueller III.
bars. Mueller served briefly as US attorney in Boston in
1986-87. Both his predecessor and his successor as US Six days later, attorneys for the Justice Department filed a
attorney wrote letters to state authorities demanding that notice of compliance, saying,
the innocent men not be released.
“This matter has been brought to the
Albano, the former parole board member, has said that he personal attention of the Director of the
has seen a similar letter written by Mueller during his brief FBI; counsel for the United States have
stint as US attorney. But that letter, if it ever existed, been provided with unredacted copies of
appears to have disappeared from state files. the FBI documents on plaintiffs’ trial exhibit
Still, Alan Dershowitz, the retired Harvard Law School
professor, recently described Mueller as And so Mueller avoided being cited for contempt for court.

“the guy who kept four innocent people in During the 1980’s, in addition to the annual letters from
prison for many years… right at the center the US attorney in Boston, local FBI agents lobbied state
of it.” authorities to keep the innocent men behind bars.
According to Albano and others, two local G-men would
Nancy Gertner, the now-retired federal judge who presided go directly to the State House to lobby members of the
over the civil case for damages that ended with the $102 Governor’s Council, which considered commutations and
million award, then wrote an op-ed piece in The New York pardons.
Times accusing Dershowitz and Fox News host Sean
Hannity, among others, of “smearing” Mueller. Another former member of the Governor’s Council
recalled how the two agents liked to speak directly to the
Gertner, who was appointed to the bench by her Yale Law politicians, rather than leave behind a paper trail.
School classmate Bill Clinton, claimed Mueller “had no
involvement in that case.” The two FBI agents were John Morris and John “Zip”
Connolly. Morris has since admitted taking $7,000 in
However, in December 2006, during the civil trial, Judge payoffs from gangster Whitey Bulger and his partner
Gertner wrote a show-cause order accusing Mueller of Stevie Flemmi, the younger brother of “the Bear,” who
stonewalling production of exculpatory evidence – “a actually murdered Deegan in 1965.
serious problem,” she wrote.
Both Flemmi and Bulger, whose brother was the Democrat
“This is a case about, inter alia, informant president of the Massachusetts state Senate, were longtime
abuse, about the failure to disclose “top-echelon” informants of the FBI. Flemmi has testified
exculpatory evidence bearing on the to the Drug Enforcement Administration that he and
innocence of the four plaintiffs, about FBI Bulger at one time had six Boston G-men on their
agents allegedly ‘hiding the ball,’ not underworld payroll. Both Flemmi and Bulger are serving
disclosing critical information that would life sentences in federal prison; Bulger was convicted of 11
have exonerated the plaintiff… and not murders and Flemmi of five.
doing so for nearly 40 years.”
At Bulger’s 2013 trial, Morris admitted telling Connolly
She continued, about a gangster who was about to flip and testify against
Bulger in 1981. Connolly, despite being a mid-life student
“Given those accusations, the position the at Harvard at the time, got the message to Bulger, and the
FBI is taking is chilling… This Court is not gangland chieftain gunned down the informant and another
remotely satisfied.” man in South Boston.

Connolly, the Harvard man, is currently serving a 40-year a Congressional and Justice Department
sentence in a Florida prison after being convicted of investigation. It is time for Massachusetts
orchestrating a different gangland hit in Miami, to cover to officially acknowledge the wrong done to
up still another organized-crime murder, at a golf course in Mr. Greco and his family and remove this
Tulsa OK. blot from his name.”

That Oklahoma murder was set up by a third corrupt But after receiving the letter from Mueller, the Board
Boston FBI agent, H. Paul Rico, who was one of the two rejected the family’s petition in July 2003.
agents who engineered the frame up of the four innocent
men back in 1965. Rico died in a prison hospital in Tulsa Finally, in the waning days of his administration in
in 2003 after being arrested in Florida and brought back to December 2014, Gov. Deval Patrick issued a proclamation
the Sooner state to stand trial on murder charges. laying out the facts of the corrupt frame up by the FBI and
Greco’s innocence.
Asked for a statement about the 2002 letter Mueller
authorized to be sent to the Advisory Board of Pardons, “Any stigma and disgrace,” the governor
Mueller’s office on Friday declined comment. wrote, “is hereby removed.”

In the Greco family’s 2002 plea for a posthumous pardon, Globe-Walker-Proclamation

their lawyer wrote:
Greco had been dead 19 years. He spent the last 28 years
“Louie Greco died an innocent man, of his life in prison for a crime he did not commit – a fact
despite numerous unheeded pleas of Robert Mueller knew but adamantly refused to
innocence. His innocence was known prior acknowledge even after Greco’s death behind bars.
to trial, yet he was tried, convicted and
sentenced to death. Now, the truth is being “Even the dead,” Michael Albano said,
revealed and those responsible are facing “can’t rest in peace with this FBI memo.”

Grassley Sends Letter To Christopher Wray Demanding
Unredacted Version Of FBI’s “Confidential Human
Source” Policy Guide
By Cristina Laila
June 6, 2018, 9:15 Pm

Hill sources are saying the FBI spy who

infiltrated Donald Trump’s campaign in
2016, Stefan Halper, bled information
into Hillary’s phony dossier.

Now the Democrats are in spin mode. There may have

been a second and even a third spy planted in Trump’s

The Dems and media sycophants went from ‘there was no

spy inside of Trump’s camp’ to ‘the informant was there to
On Wednesday, Senate Judiciary help protect Trump against the Russians.’
Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent
FBI Director Christopher Wray a letter Former DNI Chief James Clapper is
requesting an unredacted version of the claiming embedding spies is “a
FBI’s “confidential human source” standard investigative practice.”
policy guide.
Grassley wants the FBI’s policy guide on using
FBI Director Wray must hand over the “confidential human sources” AKA spies.
requested documents to the Senate
Judiciary Committee by June 20th. Grassley wrote to Wray:

We are writing to request that the FBI provide the

Committee with a fully unredacted copy of the version of
the FBI’ s Confidential Human Source Policy Guide
(CHSPG) currently in force. If a different version was in
force in 2016, please provide a fully unredacted copy of
that as well.

Please provide the CHSPG by June 20, 2018. To the extent

the CHSPG is classified, please deliver it to the Office of
Senate Security. Although the Committee complies with
Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley (R-IA) all laws and regulations governing the handling of
classified information, it is not bound, absent its prior
Senator Grassley wants answers on Spygate. agreement, by any handling restrictions or instructions on
unclassified information unilaterally asserted by the
Executive Branch. Therefore, if you have any specific
The “confidential human source” AKA
requests with regard to the Committee’s
Stefan Halper, was paid a total of
handling of unclassified material, we ask that you raise
$411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work with
those with us in advance of production.
the US government that included spying
on the Trump campaign.
Screenshot of letter on next page:
It was a lucrative business for Stefan
Grassley Blasts ‘Insufficient’ DOJ
Over Request For Michael Flynn Docs
Chuck Ross | Reporter
10:06 PM 06/06/2018

from transcripts of Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak were

illegally leaked to the media. Grassley also noted that one
of the FBI agents who interviewed Flynn is Peter Strzok,
the deputy counterintelligence official who was removed
from the special counsel investigation because of his anti-
Trump text messages.

Grassley also pointed to “inconsistent” statements from

former FBI Director James Comey about Flynn’s case.

In a May 11 letter to Rosenstein, Grassley said that Comey

had contradicted himself in media interviews about Flynn.
Comey told the Judiciary Committee and the House
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is Intelligence Committee that the FBI agents who
accusing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein of interviewed Flynn did not believe that he was lying during
providing an “insufficient” response to requests for the January 2017 interview.
documents about the investigation of former national
security adviser Michael Flynn. Comey told ABC News and Fox News in interviews for
his book tour that he never said he believed that Flynn did
“This is no ordinary criminal case,” Iowa not lie to the FBI.
Sen. Chuck Grassley wrote in a letter
Wednesday to Rosenstein, who is Flynn was forced to resign as Trump’s national security
overseeing the special counsel’s adviser on Feb. 14, 2017. The White House said it was
investigation. “It is at the heart of a political because Flynn lied to Vice President Mike Pence about his
firestorm over the President’s alleged conversations with Kislyak.
statements about it to the former FBI
Director, whom he later dismissed. Grassley said his committee has the right to review records
Congress has a right to know the full story that could get to the bottom of what Flynn said in his FBI
and to know it now.” interview.

Grassley, a Republican, has requested documents and “The Committee has waited patiently for
interviews to help figure out whether the FBI believed that much more than a year for the criminal
Flynn lied during a Jan. 24, 2017 interview about his inquiry related to Lt. General Flynn to
contacts a month earlier with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian conclude,” Grassley wrote to
ambassador to the U.S. Rosenstein. “It has been more than five
months since his guilty plea. Thus, there is
Flynn pleaded guilty on Dec. 1 to lying to FBI agents no longer any legitimate reason to withhold
about those contacts. He reportedly denied discussing facts from the Senate about the
sanctions with Kislyak, though it has been reported that circumstances of his conversations with the
sanctions were mentioned in their conversation. Russian ambassador and his FBI
Grassley wants to see a transcript of the Flynn-Kislyak
interaction as well as notes from Flynn’s first FBI Grassley also criticized Rosenstein for refusing to make
interview. Joe Pientka, one of the FBI agents believed to have
interviewed Flynn, available for an interview with the
The Republican noted “public skepticism” towards the Judiciary panel.
Justice Department and FBI because of the fact that details
Sergei Millian – The Source Behind Anti-Trump Steele
Dossier – Offered Papadopoulos $30K A Month To Be His
Trump White House Operative
By Jim Hoft
June 6, 2018, 10:19 Pm

1. 10 – 11 April – George Papalopoulos (GP) emails the

Russian female contact trying to set up a ‘foreign policy
trip’ , which she agrees to eagerly.
2. 26 April – GP meets Russian woman who tells him they
can arrange a Putin-Trump meeting & have ‘dirt’ on
HRC -/…
3. The Russians have another go. On June 9, the Trump
Jr sting. A Russian woman promises dirt on HRC, but
never delivers. Sound familiar?
4. And here’s an interesting fact. GP had another contact
he never disclosed,- Sergei Millian.
Former Trump Campaign volunteer
George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty for And from an anti-Trump tweeter (Louise Mensch) who
making false statements to FBI agents. connects the two on 15 Aug 2017, but doesn’t quite get the
significance: George Papadopoulos, who repeatedly tried
to set up a Putin-Trump meeting per @WashPost, is tied to
Papadopoulos was a low level volunteer Sergei Millian… YES. Millian of Steele Dossier fame, see
who was approached by Deep State Sergei Millian.
informant Stefan Halper in London.
Sergei Millian is one of 240 GP’s Facebook friends.

Millian told several people that during the campaign and

presidential transition he was in touch with George
Papadopoulos, a campaign foreign policy adviser,
according to a person familiar with the matter. Millian is
among Papadopoulos’s nearly 240 Facebook friends.

** Here is a copy of the Papadopoulos indictment that was

filed back on October 5, 2017.

George Papadopoulos was in contact

with Sergei Millian, who was the Steele
“source” for the anti-Trump dossier.

According to Reddit contributor GeminiSi:

From the Statement of Offense.

In January 2017 ABC News identified Sergei Milian as the Mangiante also said that Papadopoulos and Millian met
key source of the Fusian GPS anti-Trump Dossier. multiple times in Chicago and New York City before the
election. In one encounter in Chicago, Millian offered
Papadopoulos a substantial sum of money as part of an
energy-related business deal.

The catch was that Millian said Papadopoulos would have

to remain in the Trump administration while carrying out
the work.

The business offer has been previously reported by The

New York Times and NBC News. However, Mangiante is
providing new details, saying that Millian offered

“$30,000 a month to work as a

And Chuck Ross from The Daily Caller reported on consultant while with Trump.”
Wednesday that Sergei Millian, the source of the anti-
Trump Steele Dossier, offered George Papadopoulos
$30,000 a month to work as a “consultant” (spy) in the
Trump White House.

DOJ Tells Graham Rosenstein Won't Recuse
From Mueller Probe Unless Officials Deem It Necessary
By Samuel Chamberlain | Fox News
June 6, 2018

"Otherwise," Boyd continued, "[Rosenstein]

has a responsibility to fulfill his oath to well
and faithfully execute the duties of his

Graham sent a letter to Rosenstein last week asking the

deputy attorney general whether he considered himself a
"potential witness" in the Mueller probe due to his role in
the firing of FBI Director James Comey. President Trump
cited a memo authored by Rosenstein to justify Comey's
dismissal in May 2017.

Fox News reported last week that Rosenstein claimed to

since-ousted FBI official Andrew McCabe that Trump had
asked Rosenstein to reference Russia in his
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller recommendation to fire Comey. Rosenstein declined, and
as special counsel in May 2017. (AP/Andrew Harnik) instead focused on Comey's handling of the Hillary
Clinton email probe.
The Justice Department signaled Wednesday in a letter to
Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham that Deputy Attorney A source with knowledge of the investigation told Fox
General Rod Rosenstein will not recuse himself from News that Trump just wanted Rosenstein to mention that
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation Comey told him he was not under investigation in the
unless department officials find it necessary. Russia case. Trump himself, though, also has cited the
Russia probe in explaining his decision to fire Comey.
Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd wrote that
Rosenstein "would recuse from all or part of any matter if Rosenstein appointed Mueller to oversee the Russia
recusal were deemed appropriate by Department officials investigation after the recusal of Attorney General Jeff
who are informed about the matter. Sessions, a move that repeatedly has drawn Trump's ire.

Critics Blame Trump For The Hurricane Maria Death Toll
And Response But The Facts Tell A Different Story
Will Racke | Immigration And Foreign Policy Reporter
1:10 AM 06/07/2018

 “The Shame in Puerto Rico,” — The New York Times

Editorial Board
 “Trump is responsible for Puerto Rico” — Jennifer
Rubin, The Washington Post
 “On Trump’s watch, the single most deadly natural
disaster in modern America” — Juliette Kayyem,
national security analyst, CNN, again

Perhaps predictably, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz

has seized the opportunity to reprise her role as Trump’s
 The Trump administration’s response to Hurricane bete noire in various cable news appearances. Speaking to
Maria is facing a fresh round of criticism MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt on Monday, Cruz accused the
 The response to the disaster has largely been administration of “total neglect” and implied that
evaluated in terms of partisan politics Washington’s handling of the crisis in Puerto Rico
 “Frankly, I would fault the Puerto Rican amounted to a “violation of human rights.”
commonwealth government significantly more than
the federal response,” a source said Congressional Democrats have gotten in on the act, too.

The Trump administration’s response to Hurricane Maria Citing the 4,645 figure, 14 Democratic
is facing a fresh round of criticism following the May 29 members of the House Committee on
publication of a Harvard study that says the death toll in Natural Resources sent a letter to the
Puerto Rico might be as many as 70 times higher than the committee’s chair, Republican Rep. Bob
official tally. Bishop of Utah, asking for a “timely”
hearing to investigate, among other things,
Commentators have seized on one number from the study: “the shortcomings of the Trump
administration’s response to this disaster.”
For its part, the White House has resorted to hyperbole in
The number is an estimate of the total additional deaths in defense of its handling of the Maria recovery.
Puerto Rico in the months after Maria made landfall on
Sept. 20. Nearly every prominent news outlet has reported “The federal response once again was at a
the stunning figure as a hard statistical fact, despite strong historic proportion,” White House press
caveats from the authors of the Harvard study themselves secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters
about the imprecision of the estimate. Tuesday.

News coverage of the study has provided fodder for the The federal response
professional commentariat, who have used it to excoriate
the federal government, and President Donald Trump in The renewed political spin cycle over Maria has once
particular, for supposed indifference to the devastated again sucked up most of the oxygen in the national
island. discussion about what really happened after the storm hit
Puerto Rico — and why. As a result, the Trump
A non-exhaustive survey of opinion and “analysis” administration’s response to the disaster has largely been
headlines illustrates the national reaction: evaluated in terms of partisan politics, not in terms of the
severity of the storm or the unique challenges of post-
 “Puerto Rico will be an enduring stain on Trump’s disaster recovery on the island.
presidency” — Gregory Krieg, CNN
 “Trump Failed The Americans Of Puerto Rico” — A disaster response plan from the Federal Emergency
Jonathan Bernstein, Bloomberg Management Agency (FEMA) shines a light on how the
government approached post-Maria recovery, and why has participated in every one of his organization’s major
Puerto Rico presented such a challenge to disaster relief disaster operations since the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
efforts. The planning document, produced by a FEMA
contractor in 2014, was published in March after the open- “In my time in the field, I haven’t seen the
information website MuckRock obtained it through a federal government forcing the states [to
Freedom of Information Act request. prepare],” he said. “Typically, the
government incentivizes states to be more
An in-depth review of the plan by POLITICO found two prepared, but there’s no punitive action
general deficiencies that would end up giving FEMA taken.”
problems in the aftermath of the hurricane. The plan
underestimated the scope of damage that a severe storm ‘An already overwhelmed system’
like Maria would bring to Puerto Rico, and it relied too
heavily on local agencies and private sector entities to As much of the reporting on Puerto Rico’s recovery from
handle cleanup and restore critical services. Maria has noted, the island’s electric and
telecommunications systems were not close to being strong
The plan anticipated a Category 4 hurricane and estimated enough to withstand a storm as intense as Maria.
Puerto Rico would shift from disaster response to recovery
mode after about a month. As it turned out, Maria was a In fact, FEMA’s hurricane response plan anticipated that
“high-end” Category 4 storm, and certain locations on the PREPA — Puerto Rico’s troubled, government-owned
island were whipped by Category 5 winds. electric utility — would run into problems, because many
of its transmission lines run over mountainous terrain,
The document also assumed Puerto Rican agencies would making “repair and restoration difficult and lengthy.”
be capable of restoring the island’s power and
telecommunications systems in a reasonably brief time “It is anticipated that infrastructure of
frame. What really transpired was almost exactly the essential utilities will be out of service for
opposite scenario: Puerto Rico’s already ailing power grid extended periods of time,” the plan stated.
failed almost completely, leaving huge swaths of the island
without power in what was the largest blackout in U.S.
history. When the power grid went down, PREPA lacked the
capacity to bring it back online. Astonishingly, the utility
declined to ask for assistance from mainland utilities that
“The plan truly didn’t contemplate the event routinely deploy workers to help other states recover from
the size of Maria,” one person involved with damage caused by natural disasters.
FEMA’s response to Maria reportedly told
POLITICO. “They made assumptions that
people would be able to do things that they FEMA ultimately tasked the Army Corps of Engineers
wouldn’t be able to do.” with repairing Puerto Rico’s entire power grid because of
PREPA’s financial and operational mismanagement,
which had left the utility without replacement parts and
FEMA’s miscalculations aide, much of the blame for other critical supplies. Even that was not enough to quickly
Puerto Rico’s sluggish recovery lies with commonwealth bring Puerto Rico’s mismanaged grid back to pre-storm
and local governments, according to a disaster relief expert condition — More than 50,000 people remained without
who worked on the ground in Puerto Rico in the three power more than six months after Maria made landfall.
months after Maria’s landfall.
The state of Puerto Rico’s power and communications
“Frankly, I would fault the Puerto Rican systems was reminiscent of Haiti’s after the massive
commonwealth government significantly earthquake in 2010, the disaster relief expert told
more than the federal response,” he told TheDCNF.
The Daily Caller News Foundation,
speaking on the condition of anonymity
because he was not authorized to publicly “Basic service provision was a challenge
discuss the political aspects of his work. for some number of years [before the
hurricane],” he said. “Not that different from
“[FEMA Administrator] Brock Long has Haiti, if you go back that far, it just placed a
been pretty clear that the federal burden on an already overwhelmed
government is not a first response system. They were in crisis trying to figure
organization,” he added. out how to respond.”

Puerto Rico was woefully unprepared to work within

FEMA’s model, which makes state and local agencies as
the lead actors in disaster response, added the expert, who
About that study … additional deaths due to Maria, and compared it to the
mortality rate from the same time the year before.
After the initial burst of coverage and commentary, some
media outlets began to examine more closely the Havard The result was anything but a precise death toll, as the
study that had prompted a fresh round of outrage at the authors themselves conceded. With a 95 percent
Trump administration. confidence interval, the number of Maria-related deaths
ranged between 793 and 8,498, according to the study.
Washington Post fact check editor Glenn Kessler
published a detailed examination of study’s methodology The most widely reported fatality count — 4,645 — was
on June 1, concluding that most media outlets were simply the midpoint between the outer limits of the
sensationalizing a highly speculative death count. estimated range, the statistical analysis website
FiveThirtyEight noted in its own report on the Harvard
“All too often, the news media grabs onto a study.
number in an academic report and puts it in
headlines, ignoring the caveats deep in the Under intense pressure from media and federal authorities,
report,” he wrote. “Given that this report is Puerto Rico’s department of health finally released on June
based on a survey, with potentially huge 1 the long-hidden statistics for monthly deaths on the
margins of error, it should be treated island. The figures show 1,397 more deaths in the four
cautiously.” months after Maria than in the same four months of the
prior year.
The Havard study did not arrive at its figures through
a verified number of death records. Until last week, that “The reason this is exploding now is
method would have been impossible because the death because the commonwealth government
figures were kept under wraps by the Puerto Rican sought to suppress accurate reporting [on
government, which claimed the death toll from Maria was the death toll],” the disaster relief expert
just 64. said, referring to the Puerto Rican health
department’s refusal to release death
Instead, researchers surveyed about 3,300 randomly figures for more than seven months after
selected households across Puerto Rico and asked them the storm.
how many family members had died as a result of the “That was a deliberate attempt to preserve
storm. the tourism industry,” he added. “It had
nothing to do with the federal government.”
Using one number — 38 deaths in those 3,300 households
— the researchers then extrapolated a possible range of

Poll: Trump’s Approval
Rating Rises To 44 Percent
Henry Rodgers | Political Reporter
1:19 am 06/07/2018

Journal poll showed. As well as the positive approval

rating, 60 percent of voters said they are satisfied with the
U.S. economy.

Trump’s 44-percent approval is the same as former

Presidents Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan in June of
2010 and 1982, Politico reported.

The results also showed a majority of voters are 45 percent

less likely to support a candidate who would support
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as speaker, if
Democrats were to take back the majority in the House.

The positive approval ratings might be bad news for

President Donald Trump’s approval rating has risen to 44 Democrats who are hoping to win big in the midterm
percent, up four points from April, according to a elections in 2018.
new poll released Thursday.
The poll was conducted through 900 registered voters
Forty-four percent of Americans approve of the way nationwide from June 1 through 4, most of whom were
Trump is handling the presidency, which is up nine points contacted through cell phone. The margin of error was
since February, the NBC News/Wall Street plus-or-minus 3.3 points.

Tucker Goes After Democratic Rep
Over Trump Campaign Spy
Julia Nista | General Assignment Reporter
1:41 AM 06/07/2018

“What really bothers me is the Orwellian

lying going on around this,” Carlson said.

Swalwell attempted to define spying as “what you do

against an enemy,” to which Carlson responded that that is
not always the case.

“No, you can spy on people you love, you

can spy on your own children, it doesn’t
Fox News host Tucker Carlson got into a heated debate need to be an enemy,” Carlson elaborated.
with Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell Wednesday over “You’re expanding the definition into some
whether or not there was a spy in the Trump campaign. made-up land.”
“Why is that not spying? If I am watching
WATCH: you without your knowledge, gathering
information without your knowledge, don’t
tell you about it, I’m spying on you,”
Carlson stated.

The pair then continued the argument, with Swalwell

saying the government should do everything it can to stop
a potential adversary.

Rudy Giuliani Says First Lady
‘Believes Her Husband,’ Not Stormy Daniels
Scott Morefield | Reporter
1:59 AM 06/07/2018

analyst Joey Jackson contended in April that there was a

“0.0 percent chance” of the case proceeding.

“Wolf, there’s a 0.0 percent chance of this

case moving forward, let’s talk about why.
When you talk about defamation, you’re
speaking about a false factual assertion
that impugns reputation,” said Jackson.
“How is her reputation impugned? Are
people really saying, because of Trump’s
tweet, she’s a liar, she’s subject to scorn, to
Donald Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said Melania Trump ridicule, to shame, oh, my goodness!
believes her husband over allegations that he had an affair Really, Stormy Daniels?”
with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006.
While stating he didn’t believe Stormy Daniels’ story, the
“She believes her husband and she doesn’t moderator interrupted Giuliani by saying,
think it’s true,” Giuliani said on Wednesday
at the “Globes” Capital Market Conference
“on this stage, we respect women,” The Hill
in Israel, according to The Hill.
Daniels has alleged that she had an affair with Trump in “I respect women — beautiful women and
2006, after he and Melanie had been married for about a women with value — but a woman who
year, and is looking to undo a $130,000 nondisclosure sells her body for sexual exploitation I don’t
agreement she signed with Trump attorney Michael Cohen respect,” said the former New York City
before the 2016 presidential election. mayor. “Tell me what damage she suffered.
Someone who sells his or her body for
money has no good name.”
While Daniels is also suing President Trump and Cohen
for defamation for denying the allegations, CNN legal

Trump Ridicules ‘Humiliated’ Jeff Flake
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
2:15 PM 06/07/2018

President Donald Trump ridiculed Arizona Republican

Sen. Jeff Flake by implying that he could never run for
office again due to his political record.

Flake has long been a thorn in the side of the president,

opposing his trade initiatives and consistently decrying his
personal character. Flake is not running for re-election in
Arizona after approval ratings showed an uphill battle if he
chose to pursue the office again.

Sarah Sanders Wipes The
Floor With CNN’s Chris Cuomo
Amber Athey | Media And Breaking News Editor
2:28 PM 06/07/2018

for America, the president says we are

enemies of America, do you think that that
works for you long-term?” Cuomo asked.
“What I think is important to remember is
that you guys get to ask the questions, but
you can’t always complain about the
answers,” Sanders shot back. “You
constantly ask the same question over and
over and over again and expect different
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders knocked answers and then get mad when the
CNN’s Chris Cuomo on Thursday and accused his network answers don’t change.”
of reporting opinion rather than the news.
Sanders continued to criticize CNN and alleged that they
WATCH: have avoided reporting the news in order to constantly
attack the president.

“Unfortunately, you guys quit reporting the

news. When I can read a news story and I
have no idea what side of the story the
reporter is on, that’s a good news story,”
she said. “You’ll be hard-pressed to find a
lot of news that looks like that.”

Cuomo bristled at Sanders’ suggestion that he is an

opinion journalist and claimed that she doesn’t answer the
public’s questions during White House press briefings.

“I answer questions all day, every day,”

Sanders touted the strong economy and President Trump’s
Sanders retorted. “It’s what I spend every
recent legislation benefiting veterans during an interview
minute of the day doing. It’s why I’m sitting
with Cuomo, and Cuomo wondered if the president’s
here at 9 o’clock at night answering
contention with the media is sustainable.
questions to you.”

“Do you think that by saying, ‘We stink,’

that we don’t like veterans, that we are bad

Senate Republicans Propose Bill
To Tackle Alleged DOJ Misconduct
Kerry Picket | Reporter
2:38 AM 06/07/2018

General Act of 1978 by eliminating the mandate that the

DOJ OIG refer all allegations of DOJ attorney misconduct
to the Office of Professional Responsibility.

Grassley, who is chairman of the Senate Judiciary

Committee noted the importance of the independence of an
investigatory entity charged with evaluating DOJ

“Misconduct by DOJ attorneys is a serious

matter and should be investigated by an
independent Inspector General, not by
other Department attorneys, so there is no
Republican senators introduced a bill Wednesday that real or perceived conflict of interest. This
would increase the jurisdiction of the Department of bill ensures that the Justice Department’s
Justice’s Office of the Inspector General to include alleged inspector general is able to access and
DOJ attorney misconduct. independently evaluate allegations of
misconduct by Justice Department
The legislation — known as the Inspector General Access attorneys.”
Act of 2018 and proposed by Republican Sens. Mike Lee
of Utah, Chuck Grassley of Iowa, and Lisa Murkowski of Others have noted the current limitations of the Justice
Alaska — comes at a time when the Justice Department’s Department’s Office of Inspector General during the
Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to release current FBI probe, which was first launched by Horowitz
a report about the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email back in January 2017.
Last April, Horowitz sent a criminal referral to the U.S.
“Our federal government inspectors attorney’s office for the District of Columbia in relation to
general do a valuable job providing the an IG report released on fired FBI deputy director Andrew
information voters and lawmakers need to McCabe. However, the referral does not guarantee that
hold federal government agencies McCabe will necessarily ever be charged for lying to
accountable. Unfortunately, the authorities about revealing information to the media.
Department of Justice OIG currently does
not have the power to review the conduct “We are confident that, unless there is
of DOJ attorneys, an oversight which this inappropriate pressure from high levels of
legislation corrects,” Lee said in a joint the administration, the US Attorney’s Office
statement with his fellow Republican co- will conclude that it should decline to
sponsors of the bill. prosecute,” McCabe’s attorney Michael
Bromwich said in a statement back in April.
The Inspector General Access Act of 2018 matches the
bipartisan Inspector General Access Act of 2015. Both However, McCabe is now seeking legal immunity for any
pieces of legislation amend Section 8E of the Inspector testimony capitol hill lawmakers may want from him.

James Clapper Casts Doubt On
Obama Official’s Claims About ‘Unmasking’
Chuck Ross | Reporter
2:42 am 06/07/2018

Asked about Power’s explanation by Hewitt, Clapper

suggested that it is cause for concern.

“If that happened, if people usurped the

authority to request unmaskings, would that
concern you, Director Clapper?” Hewitt
“Yeah, it would,” said Clapper.
“I don’t know quite how that would happen,
you know, because the only way you can
James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, make an unmasking request is that you
expressed doubt on Thursday at former U.N. ambassador have authorized access to the report in
Samantha Power’s claims about her role in unmasking question in the first place.”
Americans’ identities in intelligence reports.
“So I don’t know how that, quite how that
would work,” he added.
Clapper was asked about Power during an interview on
Thursday with political radio host Hugh Hewitt.
Clapper also said he made unmasking requests “every
couple of weeks” in order to understand what was being
It was revealed in October that Power made 260 discussed in intelligence reports that landed on his desk.
unmasking requests during her final year in office, a rate
that far surpassed her previous rate of unmaskings.
“I’d come across reports that, and I felt, you
know, that it was my duty to understand,
The names of Americans picked up in surveillance are my obligation as the director of national
typically redacted from intelligence reports provided to intelligence, to understand these
government officials. Certain high-level officials have the interactions when U.S. persons were
authority to request that the names be unredacted in order interacting with valid foreign intelligence
to better understand the intelligence reports. targets, particularly Russians, our
Power told the House Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence in an interview in October that others in
government made the unmasking requests under her name.

Irony: FBI Leaker McDabe Outraged
After DOJ Leakers Finger Him For Criminal Referral
By Benjamin Arie
June 7, 2018 At 3:30pm

Call it cosmic payback or reaping what you sow — either deputy director essentially whined to lawmakers and
way, life has a way of swinging back like a boomerang and declared that he was “outraged” that leaks about a criminal
hitting people with a strong dose of reality. investigation of his alleged wrongdoings were taking
That’s what former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
just found out, but he seems oblivious to the irony. The “(A)s the result of a stream of leaks from
bureau figure who was fired for leaking to the press is now the Department of Justice, it is now well-
complaining about how unfair it is that there are leaks known that the (Office of Inspector
from the FBI, at the same time as he’s demanding General) has made a criminal referral to
immunity in exchange for his testimony to the Senate the United States Attorney’s Office for the
committee investigating the bureau’s handling of the District of Columbia,” the former deputy
Hillary Clinton email investigation. complained through his attorney.
“As you know, the grounds for such a
McCabe is one of the figures in the middle of several referral is the very low standard of
political bias scandals at the FBI, including the discredited ‘reasonable grounds to believe there has
“Trump dossier” and apparent spying by the FBI against been a violation of Federal criminal law,'”
Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. the letter continued, bizarrely implying that
reasonable suspicion of a federal crime
Back in March, the second-in-command at the FBI was was a bad reason to investigate someone.
fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The reason was “Even so […] these leaks have forced us
simple: McCabe repeatedly leaked sensitive information to to acknowledge the criminal referral,” the
the media and then lied about it. letter admitted.

A report from the Department of Justice’s inspector The complaining and finger-pointing over the same type of
general explained that McCabe was funneling details about leaking that McCabe was fired for doing didn’t stop there.
a Clinton Foundation investigation to The Wall Street
Journal, and was then dishonest about where the leak had
come from… namely, himself. “And, unfortunately, the stream of
leaks has continued: As recently as last
Thursday, additional leaks led to the
“The report states that McCabe authorized reporting of specific investigative steps
another FBI agent to leak information about allegedly taken by the United States
an ongoing investigation into (the) Clinton Attorney’s Office in response to the
Foundation to The Wall Street Journal, not referral,” the document stated.
in the interest of the public, but for his own
personal gain,” summarized The Federalist. “We are outraged by these leaks and last
Friday requested an investigation by the
That official report goes on to explain in detail how Department of Justice’s Office of
McCabe “lacked candor” — bureaucrat-speak for “lied” — Professional Responsibility into the
about leaks at least three times, including under oath. source(s) of the leaks,” McCabe’s attorney
Now, showing just how tone-deaf the former bureau
official truly is, McCabe is complaining about leaks from That’s right: Apparently, leaking information to the media
the FBI… yes, the same organization where he was fired and then lying about it is completely fine when it can
for leaking like a sieve. damage Donald Trump, but McCabe is suddenly
“outraged” when similar leaks start actually hurting him.
In a letter sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee by
McCabe’s attorney on his behalf, the disgraced former FBI Maybe he’s just upset that he’s not the only snitch in town.
Incredibly, the former deputy director then demanded If there was still any doubt about why cronies like James
immunity from prosecution in order to testify to Congress Comey and Andrew McCabe needed to go, this should
about matters related to the crimes — leaking and lying — clear it up.
that he’s accused of committing.
They see themselves as special and above the law, and
“Mr. McCabe is willing to testify, but can’t seem to even comprehend that their own actions —
because of the criminal referral, he must and the culture of leaking that they created — have
be afforded suitable legal protection,” the consequences.
letter declared. “Accordingly, we hereby
request that the Judiciary Committee
authorize a grant of use immunity to Mr.
McCabe,” it stated.

Judicial Watch Uncovers Hidden Strzok Emails In Latest
Production Of Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Docs—
Strzok Email Suggests Clinton Investigation
Decision Made In April 2016
JUNE 07, 2018

FBI Security Official Reacts to Tarmac aforementioned investigation. This request includes,
Meeting: Job is To Protect Comey from but is not limited to, any related communications with
Embarrassment any official, employee, or representative of the
Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 16 President, the Democratic National Committee, and/or
pages of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
documents related to the June 2016 tarmac meeting
between former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and  All records related to the meeting between Attorney
former President Bill Clinton showing involvement of the General Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on
FBI’s former Chief of Counterespionage Peter Strzok. June 27, 2016.

The FBI originally informed Judicial Watch they could not In a previously unseen email, on July 1, 2016, Strzok
locate any records related to the tarmac meeting.  forwarded to Bill Priestap, assistant director of FBI
However, in a related FOIA lawsuit, the Justice counterintelligence, and other FBI officials an article in
Department located emails in which Justice Department The New York Times titled then
officials communicated with the FBI and wrote that they
had communicated with the FBI.  As a result, “Lynch to Remove Herself From Decision
by letter dated August 10, 2017, the FBI stated, Over Clinton Emails, Official Says.”
Priestap comments on it, saying: “The
“Upon further review, we subsequently meeting in PX is all over CNN TV news this
determined potentially responsive morning …” Strzok replies: “Timing’s not
documents may exist. As a result, your ideal in that it falsely adds to those seeking
[FOIA] request has been reopened …” the ‘this is all choreographed’ narrative. But
I don’t think it’s worth changing … later
This is the second batch of documents the FBI produced won’t be better.” Priestap responds
since telling Judicial Watch they had no tarmac-related “Agreed.”
In November 2017, Judicial Watch revealed 29 pages of
The new documents were obtained by Judicial Watch in FBI documents showing officials were concerned about a
response to an October 2016 Freedom of Information Act leak that Bill Clinton delayed his aircraft taking off in
(FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of order to “maneuver” a meeting with the attorney general.
Justice (No. 1:16-cv-02046)) filed after the Justice The resulting story in the Observer was discussed in this
Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA production of documents. The Strzok email was absent
request seeking: from this production.

 All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Another Strzok email suggest the decision on the Clinton
Bureau of Investigation’s investigation of former email matter has been under discussion since April 2016—
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e- three months before then-FBI Director James Comey
mail server during her tenure. announced he would recommend no prosecution.

 All records of communications between any agent, On July 3, 2016, an email with the subject line “Must
employee, or representative of the Federal Bureau of Read Security Article” someone from the FBI’s Security
Investigation regarding, concerning, or related to the
Division (SECD) forwards the article in the Observer and judgement. Nothing good would come from
reveals concern: that. Her staff should have avoided that
scenario. The bu[reau] will be fine but
I believe that the source quoted in the obviously disappointed on how this is
article is one of the local Phoenix LEO’s happening. Unfortunately, she’s taking heat
[law enforcement officers]. Needless to say from all over the place and I feel bad for
that I have contacted the Phoenix office her. I know she didn’t want this on her plate
and will contact the local’s [sic] who or for this to happen.” The colleague then
assisted in an attempt to stem any further concludes by saying that he/she thought
damage. This is exactly why our Discretion the leaker was “a Phoenix cop assisting
and Judgement are the foundation of the with the motorcade.”
AG’s trust in our team, which is why we can “These emails are astonishing, no wonder
never violate that trust, like the source did the FBI hid them from Judicial Watch and
in this article.” [Emphasis in original] the court,” stated Judicial Watch President
Tom Fitton. “They show anti-Trump, pro-
A July 1, 2016, email from an unidentified official in the Clinton FBI Agent Peter Strzok admitting
FBI Security Division sent to officials in several FBI the decision not to prosecute the Clinton
offices with the subject line “Media Reports***Not for email issue was made back in April 2016 –
Dissemination***”, sent in the wake of the tarmac long before even Hillary Clinton was
meeting, an FBI official warns his colleagues (with interviewed. And the new emails show that
emphasis) the FBI security had the political objective
of protecting then-Director Comey from
“Our job is to protect the boss from harm ‘embarrassment’—which is, frankly,
and embarrassment.” [Emphasis in original] disturbing.”
He emphasizes that FBI officials should
ask themselves “What issues are currently On June 27, 2016, Attorney General Loretta
being reported in the media? And what Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on board a
actions/interactions/situations that the parked plane at Sky Harbor International Airport in
Director may be in could impact them.” The Phoenix, Arizona. The meeting occurred during the then-
official then cites an example of a public ongoing investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email server, and
relations disaster near-miss when Comey’s only a few days before she was interviewed the Justice
plane “literally just missed Clinton’s plane” Department and FBI. (Judicial Watch filed a request on
when they flew into the White Plains, NY June 30 that the U.S. Department of Justice Office of the
airport (HPN) a few months earlier, and Inspector General investigate that meeting.)
saying, “Imagine the optics and the
awkward situation we would have put the The tarmac meeting also came just days before former FBI
Director in we would have been at the FBO Director James Comey held the July 5, 2016, press
at the same time as Secretary Clinton.” conference in which he announced that no charges would
be filed against Mrs. Clinton. In his subsequent, May 3,
In a July 1, 2016 email exchange FBI Section Chief Rachel 2017, testimony before the Senate Judiciary
Rojas warns a colleague to “stay away” from discussion of Committee, Comey said the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting
the Clinton Lynch tarmac meeting following publication of was the “capper” among “a number of things” that had
the meeting, unless they hear from a “higher up”. The caused him to determine that Department of Justice
colleague responds the next day, telling Rojas not to worry leadership
“could not credibly complete the
“I know better <winking.>” He/she adds that investigation and decline prosecution
“it was DOJ opa [Office of Public Affairs] without grievous damage to the American
who threw us under the bus.” Rojas replies people’s confidence in the justice system.”
“Doj is likely overwhelmed so in [sic] hoping
it wasn’t intentional. I know it wasn’t you ###
guys because I know you have great

Reporter: Jeff Sessions ‘Covering Up’
Scandal That Will ‘Demolish’ Dems’
Russia Narrative
By Cillian Zeal
June 7, 2018 At 5:29am

Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions helping the Democrats You know how tenuous it is, how backed
cover up a scandal that could “demolish” the Russia by nothing it is.
narrative? One reporter thinks so now that Imran Awan,
“You throw into the mix arrests of
the former tech guy for former DNC head Rep. Debbie
Pakistanis hired by Democrats and
Wasserman Schultz, is being given a reprieve.
unvetted for a similar hack at the identical
time, the narrative about Russia would
Awan, regular readers might remember, was arrested at have been impossible to secure. And that’s
Washington Dulles Airport trying to fly back to his native all they care about is the narrative.”
Pakistan one day after smashed hard drives were recovered
from his home by federal officials. He was charged, along Dobbs was frustrated that we didn’t see the Trump
with his wife, with bank fraud and conspiracy in the administration DOJ taking more action on this. Instead, as
matter. Fox News had reported, Awan may be offered a plea deal
from the looks of things.
However, the case has been subject to repeated delays and
seems to have mysteriously disappeared from the radar of “The parties are currently exploring a
practically anyone but investigative reporter Luke Rosiak possible resolution of this matter,”
with The Daily Caller. As a plea deal seems to be prosecutors wrote in a June 3 filing before
imminent, Rosiak has noted that Awan has been hiding a district judge in Washington. “Therefore,
assets and that his former business partner claims that data the parties are requesting additional time in
was given to the Pakistanis government by the Awan which to explore that resolution.”
family, among other claims.
Check out the Dobbs-Rosiak interview here. (Rosiak’s
Rosiak claims that Awan may be behind a second data “covering up” charge comes about the 5:10 mark.)
breech that hit the DNC before the election — something
that could seriously damage the “Russia collusion”
narrative for the Democrats.

“There was a second hack that occurred

the same week that the DNC was
breeched, the same week that WikiLeaks
started putting up those DNC emails,”
Rosiak said in an appearance on Lou
Dobbs’ Fox Business Network show
Tuesday. “The House of Representatives
inspector general briefed that there was
this ongoing hack by Pakistanis who the
Democrats have hired as IT guys.”

That, obviously, would be the Awan family. Now, Rosiak “Where is the Justice Department now?
says Awan is being protected for political reasons. Why in the world aren’t we hearing about
this from Jeff Sessions?” Dobbs asked.
“Obviously, they would have been arrested “What it is, is that the handling of this case
(off) the bat, obviously,” Rosiak said. “But disproves the entire Russia narrative,”
think back, that Russia narrative they just Rosiak responded. “They don’t care about
decided to start pitching that very week. hacking, they don’t care about foreign
meddling. What they did in this case is Yet, these are the guys that the Justice Department seems
knowingly allow the United States more or less willing to pursue a plea deal with. I’d like to
government to be hacked by Pakistanis for believe that the DOJ knows a bit more than I do about
six months until right after the election so Awan’s level of culpability in this matter, but Rosiak’s
that they could peddle a phony narrative.” reporting seems to indicate this is a case they might want
to pursue with all due urgency instead of just going for a
Rosiak was even willing to go far enough to say that plea deal.

“what the Democrats did here is treason. And Rosiak isn’t mincing his words about what’s really
They allowed the United States to going on:
continuously be hacked by the bad guys so
that they could spin this Russia narrative.” “The DOJ, under Jeff Sessions, is covering
up a scandal that exposes the entire
That’s a bit of a jump, but not as much of leap as one Russia narrative as a hoax,” he told Dobbs.
might hope. The Democrats have been willing to shield “It is within Jeff Sessions’ power to
Awan nearly continuously, with Wasserman Schultz, the demolish this Russia narrative once and for
Florida Democrat, going as far as to label speculation over all, charge the Pakistanis with hacking
Awan before his arrest “Islamophobia.” Congress, and expose the Democrats’
hypocrisy and negligence… This case is
In spite of the fact that the Awan family were suspects in open and shut, and Jeff Sessions is
this hacking, Rosiak reports they had access to the House refusing to bring the charges.”
of Representatives’ computer network until Feb. 2, 2017
— nearly two weeks after Donald Trump was inaugurated. It’s a disturbing accusation.
He also reported that physical evidence in the case kept
disappearing — except, of course, for the laptop with the Unless Awan can somehow provide the United States
user name “RepDWS” which was left in a phone booth in some evidence about the hack that leads to bigger things
the House Rayburn by Awan. We also know that Awan (preferably back in Pakistan or with the initials DWS) ,
had all the passwords to Debbie Wasserman Schutz’s this is a very big fish to simply let swim back into the lake
devices, as proved by the emails posted by WikiLeaks. with a mere plea deal.

This is what a member of academia might call


Rand Paul: Obama Admin Sought
To Criminally ‘Entrap’ Trump Campaign
By Randy Desoto
June 7, 2018 At 6:45am

(event),” Paul stated. “That’s entrapment.

That’s something we’re not supposed to be
involved with.”

The FBI used Papadopoulos’ statement to the diplomat in

May 2016 that Russia had dirt on Democrat candidate
Hillary Clinton as justification to launch its
counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign
in the summer of 2016, according to The New York

Paul noted that while Trump’s campaign was the target of

Sen. Rand Paul charged the Obama administration’s FBI these activities by the FBI, the Obama administration did
and CIA with seeking to “entrap” members of Donald not appear to target the Clinton campaign, though it did, at
Trump’s presidential campaign during the 2016 race. least through an intermediary, work with Russians.

Fox News host Neil Cavuto asked the Kentucky “She was talking to a British spy, and that
Republican on Wednesday whether he agreed with British spy was paying Russians for
Trump’s characterization of controversy regarding the use information to try to dig up stuff — true or
of at least one FBI informant interaction with Trump untrue — on President Trump.”
campaign associates as “Spygate.”
Paul went on to voice his disapproval with special counsel
“Do we really want the FBI and the CIA … Robert Mueller’s investigation.
involved in presidential campaigns?” Paul
asked. “I’m a big believer that the special
prosecutors have way too much power,” he
“I think it’s unseemly that the FBI was
putting informants in there trying to extract
and entrap members of the Trump “Can you imagine the entire force of a team
campaign,” he added. “I think it’s incredibly of 20 or 30 lawyers that can investigate
inappropriate and an abuse of power.” your entire life for the last 20 or 30 years?”
Paul asked.
Paul made references to specific actions reportedly taken
by FBI informant Stefan Halper, a Cambridge professor He continued,
with ties to both American and British intelligence.
“Bring you in to ask you questions, and if
“He’s going and asking leading questions they can get you to make a misstatement
of people,” the lawmaker said. “He’s paying based on historical fact of something you
people money to get them to London.” don’t remember correctly, that you can go
to jail for that?”
The latter was a reference to Trump campaign associate
George Papadopoulos, who is said to have met with Halper On Tuesday, Trump tweeted a quote from Judicial Watch’s
in London. Christopher Farrell, who served as an Army
counterintelligence officer.
“There is even some who say that the
whole running into the Australian deputy “They were running an operation to
ambassador over drinks with undermine a candidate for President of the
(Papadopoulos) was not sort of a random U.S. These are all violations of law. This is
intelligence tradecraft to steer an election. Farrell continued,
There’s nothing more grave when it comes
to abuse of our intelligence system,” Farrell “This is a level of criminality beyond the
said. pale. This is such a grave abuse of power
and authority, it’s like nothing else we’ve
seen in our history. This makes the Nixon
Watergate burglary look like keystone cop

Trump wrote after the quote,

“The greatest Witch Hunt in political


Charges In Pakistani SPYING Case Linked To
‘Treasonous’ Democrats
Posted On June 7, 2018

Awan and his wife reportedly cut a plea bargain deal with
the government this week, but there is still plenty of
criminal activity to pursue. In fact, Rosiak — in an
appearance with Fox Business Network‘s Lou Dobbs,
explained it on Wednesday, saying flat out that Democrats
are committing treason.

And all for the political purposes of hanging that bogus

“Russian collusion” story around POTUS Trump’s neck:
Rosiak: There was a second hack that
occurred the same week that the DNC was
breached. The same week that Wikileaks
(National Sentinel) Scandal: We’re used to bringing our started putting up those DNC emails the
readers information regarding the myriad of scandals House of Representatives Inspector
perpetrated by the Obama administration, especially as General briefed authorities that there was
those scandals pertain to attempts to thwart President this ongoing hack by Pakistanis who the
Donald Trump. Democrats hired as IT guys.
Ordinarily, they would have been arrested
But sadly we have to bring you news of the first real on the bat obviously but, think about it, that
scandal under the Trump administration. Russian narrative that they just decided to
start pitching that very weak, you know how
That said, we should note up tenuous it is, how backed by nothing it is.
front: POTUS Trump has nothing at all to
do with it. You throw into the mix arrests by
Pakistanis hired by Democrats and
unvetted for a similar hack at an identical
Once again, this is all on his AWOL attorney general, Jeff time the narrative about Russia would have
Sessions. been impossible to secure… What the
Democrats did here was treason. They
For months The Daily Caller’s Luke Rosiak has been allowed the United States t continue to be
reporting details of a massive espionage scandal hacked by these guys so they could spin
involving Pakistani information technology contractors this Russian narrative…
and leading Democrats including Rep. Debbie Wasserman
Schultz. …The DOJ under Jeff Sessions is covering
up a scandal that exposes the entire
Russian narrative as a hoax.
Here it is in a nutshell:
It is in Jeff Sessions’s power to
A small group of Pakistani citizens led demolish this Russian narrative and
by Imran Awan has allegedly been spying once and for all charge the Pakistanis
on the U.S. by stealing data from multiple with hacking Congress and exposing
House Democrats while pretending to be IT Democrats hypocrisy and negligence.
managers. He has a list of witnesses and his FBI is
refusing to interview them…
Rosiak has been following this story for months, and They have all the goods. It’s in the server
we’ve reported some of his findings [here]. logs. This case is open-and-shut. And

Jeff Sessions is refusing to bring the

Just unreal. AG Sessions continues to disappoint as

POTUS Trump’s worst Cabinet pick.


STUNNING NY TIMES LIE: Trump Aired At Least ‘One
Ad Spreading Conspiracy Theories On Hillary’s Health’ –
Here’s The Ad In Question…
By Jim Hoft
June 7, 2018, 7:46 Am

But anytime you mention her frail

The far left New York Times posted another hit piece on health, her broken bones, her back
President Trump littered with lies and misrepresentations. brace, her collapsing in public, you are
labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”
This time the NY Times claimed President Trump spread
rumors on Hillary Clinton’s health concerns. This is the insane world we live in today.

“Trump’s campaign also aired at least one

TV ad that pointed to conspiracy theories
about Mrs. Clinton’s health.”
As Matt Wolking discovered, the ad in
question showed Hillary Clinton
collapsing on September 11th and being
chucked into a van like a side of beef.

Rosenstein Refuses To Recuse Himself In Response To Sen
Graham Request – Continues To Break Law While Not
Complying With DOJ Standards Of Conduct
By Jim Hoft
June 7, 2018, 8:17 Am

Department officials who are informed about the matter,”

wrote Boyd. “Otherwise, he has a responsibility to fulfill
his oath to well and faithfully execute the duties of his

The problem with the corrupt DOJ’s

response is that as we noted previously,
the crooked, dishonest and criminal
Rosenstein has numerous conflicts of
interest related to the Russia hoax.
Rosenstein, Mueller and Mueller’s entire
team as we pointed out numerous times
The current Deputy AG Rosenstein has are severely and obviously conflicted.
broken the law since he took over the
Russia investigation and assigned The Mueller investigation is
crooked Mueller the Special Counsel in arguably the most one-sided
the bogus and fraudulent investigation and conflicted group of lawyers
into Trump-Russia collusion. Yesterday and investigators in history.
he again refused to recuse himself as he They all are conflicted.
absolutely must do to comply with the
law and the DOJ’s Standards of But Rosenstein may be more conflicted
than the entire gang.

Yesterday the Washington Examiner reported – Rosenstein wrote the letter for President Trump
recommending Comey’s firing. This alone should
disqualify him and the entire investigation from taking
A top Justice Department official has told place. Rosenstein also signed off on a FISA warrant to spy
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., that Deputy on President Trump after the election. Then this year
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will Rosenstein signed off on a raid of President Trump’s
continue in his oversight role of special personal attorney, Michael Cohen. How can he possibly
counsel Robert Mueller, and will only not recuse himself?
recuse himself if “deemed appropriate by
department officials.”
Rosenstein and Mueller were both
The South Carolina Republican had written heavily involved in the Uranium One
to Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller’s case where the Obama Administration
probe, asking if he should recuse himself and his Secretary of State Hillary
due to a conflict of interest. Clinton allowed the sale of 20% of the
US’s uranium to Russia.
In a Wednesday letter obtained by the Washington
Examiner, Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd This was the Russian collusion scandal. This is what the
writes that “investigations of ongoing efforts by foreign DOJ should be investigating (and Rosenstein should recuse
agents to influence our government are complex and himself from that as well).
extraordinarily important.”
But one other conflict of interest that Rosenstein has is
“Nonetheless, [Rosenstein] would recuse from all or part related to his wife.
of any matter if recusal were deemed appropriate by

Rosenstein’s wife, Lisa Barsoomian, his conflicts of interest. Anyone who would do this would
represented Bill Clinton in a case in the be subject to legal consequences no doubt due to
1990’s and reportedly represented the Rosenstein’s numerous conflicts. The only superiors over
Clintons and Obama numerous times – Rosenstein are President Trump and AG Jeff Sessions. If
Rosenstein doesn’t have either of their authorizations, then
Lisa Barsoomian works for R. Craig Lawrence, an attorney he is committing a crime by not recusing himself from the
who has represented Robert Mueller three times, James Russia farce.
Comey five times, Barack Obama forty-five times,
Kathleen Sebellius fifty-six times, Bill Clinton forty times, Finally, the DOJ provides a conflict statement to all
and Hillary Clinton seventeen times between 1991 and employees annually that states the following in regards to
2017. conflicts of interest –

This alone should be enough for Rosenstein to be Employees may not engage in outside activities that create
unqualified for any role related to the Clintons, Obama or or appear to create a conflict of interest with their official
their cronies. Even if Barsoomian didn’t have anything to duties. Such a conflict exists when the outside activity
do with the cases noted above, the fact that the appearance would: (1) require the recusal of the employee from
of impropriety exists is enough for Rosenstein’s recusal. significant aspects of his or her official duties (5 C.F.R.
§ 2635.802(b)); (2) create an appearance that the
The law states the following regarding DOJ employees employee’s official duties were performed in a biased or
with conflicts of interest – less than impartial manner (5 C.F.R. § 2635.502); or (3)
create an appearance of official sanction or endorsement (5
C.F.R. § 2635.702(b)).
5 C.F. R. § 2635.501 – 503 (Subpart E –
Impartiality in Performing Official
Duties) Again, the point is that whether Rosenstein has actual
conflicts of interest or not (which he clearly does), the fact
In addition to the impartiality regulation, 28 C.F.R. § 45.2 that there is even the appearance of conflicts disqualifies
prohibits a DOJ employee, without written authorization, Rosenstein from his oversight over the DOJ. Rosenstein is
from participating in a criminal investigation or breaking the law and does not comply with the DOJ’s
prosecution if he has a personal or political relationship Standards of Conduct.
with any person or organization substantially involved in
the conduct that is the subject of the investigation or (Also note that the DOJ code of conduct applies to Mueller
prosecution, or any person or organization which he knows and his team of corrupt cronies too since they arguably
has a specific and substantial interest that would be work for the DOJ.)
directly affected by the outcome of the investigation or
prosecution. Crooked and criminal Rosenstein is
breaking the law and is clearly not in
Based on this the only way Rosenstein could legally compliance with the DOJ’s Standards of
oversee the Mueller investigation is if someone in a Conflict. Drain the Swamp, Dammit,
position to do so would have provided written Now!
authorization to participate in the investigation and ignore

Deep State FBI Leaks Michael Cohen Emails To Buzzfeed –
Implicates Ivanka Trump In Nothingburger
By Jim Hoft
June 7, 2018, 8:34 Am

According to sources and emails reviewed by the news

outlet, Ivanka Trump communicated with an athlete during
the presidential campaign who had offered to introduce
President Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin to
facilitate the building of a Trump Tower in Moscow.

Dirty cops at the FBI and Southern District of New York

leaked more emails from Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to
the press.

These people have no morals – only a thirst for power.

The latest leaked emails to Buzzfeed show that Michael

Cohen had a short discussion with a former Russian
weightlifter who was hoping to build a Trump Tower in

And Ivanka Trump was urging Cohen to speak with the

Ivanka Trump told Cohen he should speak with the former
This is all they got. Nothingburger after Nothingburger. Olympic weightlifter, Dmitry Klokov, in November 2015
and Cohen then had at least one conversation with him,
according to sources who spoke with BuzzFeed.
The deal fell through after a few text messages were
The bodybuilder reportedly told Cohen in an email that he
could set up a meeting between President Trump and Putin
The liberal conspiracy media is running with this nonsense to facilitate building the Moscow Trump Tower, but Cohen
today. later refused and said the Trump Organization already had
an agreement and that he would stop communicating with
The Hill reported: Klokov.

White House senior adviser Ivanka Trump connected The emails showed that Klokov lashed out at Cohen and
President Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, with a questioned his authority to make decisions for the Trump
Russian who offered help with a Moscow Trump Tower, Organization. Ivanka Trump was also frustrated at Cohen’s
BuzzFeed News reported. refusal to communicate with Klokov, according to

Senate Majority Leader McConnell Cancels Most Of
August Recess – Prevents President Trump From
Replacing AWOL AG Sessions
By Jim Hoft
June 7, 2018, 9:25 Am

confirming President Trump‘s nominees

and funding the government.
“We have a lot of important work to do. …
The president’s made it quite clear he
doesn’t intend to sign another omnibus,
and in order to prevent that obviously we
should do our work, which is to pass
individual appropriations bills,” McConnell
told reporters. Under McConnell’s plan,
senators will be on break the week of Aug.
6 before returning to Washington the
following week and staying in session the
rest of the month. Senators were previously
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell expected to leave town on Aug. 3 and not
concelled most of the Senate’s recess in return until early September, after Labor
August announcing that the Senate had Day.
work to do. This is a given but he also
may have done it to prevent the It is clear that McConnell’s worthless Senate has much
President from replacing corrupt and work to do. But it is more likely that McConnell is
inept Attorney General Jeff Sessions cancelling the majority of the Senate’s recess to prevent
the President from replacing his ultra worthless and
According to the Hill – crooked AG Sessions.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch For a year now McConnell has blocked President Trump
McConnell(R-Ky.) announced Tuesday that from replacing Sessions during a recess. For him to now
he would cancel most of the August recess, claim he is holding the Senate in session to get work done
allowing him to keep vulnerable Democrats and not preventing a recess appointment of a new AG is
off the campaign trail months before the doubtful.
midterm elections.
McConnell said working three weeks in With friends like fellow Republican
August was necessary because of “historic Representative Gowdy, Speaker Ryan
obstruction” by Democrats, arguing the and Senator McConnell, who needs
chamber needs to play catch-up on enemies? They clearly are not fighting
for America first.

Watch Liberal Heads Explode=>
President Trump Tweets Out Real News Reported
At Gateway Pundit
By Jim Hoft
June 7, 2018, 10:09 Am

that they accessed specific computer networks without

permission, also known as hacking.

Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were

barred from computer networks at the
House of Representatives in February

Imran had his court case rescheduled recently until next


Imran Awan and his wife Alvi reportedly

struck a plea deal this week.
FOR REAL NEWS– In his interview last night Luke Rosiak mentioned that
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is refusing to bring up
charges against Wasserman Shultz’s IT expert Imran

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:

Daily Caller investigative journalist Luke Rosiak joined

Lou Dobbs on Wednesday to discuss the latest in the
Imran Awan Pakistani hacking scandal.
On Thursday morning President Trump
Imran Awan worked for Debbie tweeted out our same concerns.
Wasserman Schultz for thirteen years
since she came into office in 2004 as a
Florida representative.

Imran and his two Pakistani brothers managed the IT

affairs for several Democratic government officials. They
were relieved of their duties in February 2017 on suspicion

The Gateway Pundit was the only major So does President Trump.
publication to report on this very
important development. Thank you, President Trump for your
support for real news!
We saw the need to bring this story to
the masses.

CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Requests Presidential
Pardon, Calls Obama An ‘Enemy Of Transparency’
By Cassandra Fairbanks
June 7, 2018, 10:15 Am

CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou is requesting a

presidential pardon after being the only person to go to jail
in relation to the Bush administration’s torture program.

Kiriakou was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison

in 2013 after becoming the first CIA official to publicly
confirm and detail the agency’s use of waterboarding.
Brennan had been the one pushing for Kiriakou to be
The former CIA analyst had accepted a plea deal in which charged with espionage. When he was told that Kiriakou
he admitted to a single count of violating the Intelligence had not committed espionage, Brennan reportedly
Identities Protection Act, by providing a name of someone responded saying “charge him anyways, make him defend
involved in the torture to a reporter — though their identity himself,” in what was seemingly an effort to attack him
was never revealed. financially.

Appearing on Fox & Friends, Kiriakou explained that the Kiriakou said that he would be “forever in debt” to
Bush administration had determined that he did not President Trump if he pardoned him.
commit a crime, but under Barack Obama they reopened
the case and charged him with five felonies. “I would be forever indebted to the
president for a pardon. This president is
The former CIA analyst stated that Obama had an unlike other presidents. You know, Barack
“Nixonian obsession” with leaks and was the enemy of Obama and Bill Clinton, they gave pardons
transparency and the press. He explained that John and commutations as they were running
Brennan was the same way. out the door at the end of their term. So
they didn’t have to face any political fallout.
“[John Brennan] had this insane This president is different. This president
obsession with leaks, except when he accepts political responsibility for his
was leaking – then it was ok,” Kiriakou decisions. He has been pardoning people
said. since he got into office because he knows
that he’s doing the right thing. He sees an
injustice and he corrects it. And I’m humbly
asking him to correct this,” Kiriakou said on
Fox & Friends on Thursday.

Brian Kilmeade responded by saying,
“open up the case and if what you say is
true, I think you certainly have a strong

BOOM! GOP Rep Matt Gaetz Doubles Down – Hits Paul
Ryan For His “Shameful” Support For Deep State
Spying On Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
June 7, 2018, 10:37 Am

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R_FL) went on with

Lou Dobbs on Wednesday and called
out Speaker Paul Ryan for defending the
deep state and refusing to defend
Republican congressional investigators.

Earlier Wednesday Paul Ryan defended

the Obama FBI for spying on the Trump
campaign during the 2016 election.

On Thursday morning Rep. Matt Gaetz doubled-down

with a statement to supporters.

U.S. Congressman Matt Gaetz (FL-01) today issued the

following statement in response to Speaker of the House
Paul Ryan’s dismissal of President Donald Trump’s
ongoing assertions that the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) acted with impropriety when it used spies to monitor
and surveil members of Trump’s campaign staff in 2016.

Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted the Republican Speaker for his “It is shameful to see House Republican
shocking remarks. Leadership emphasize support for FBI
and DOJ intelligence collection on the
Trump Campaign. Our leadership should
Gaetz told Lou Dobbs Wednesday was the first time he
be setting impeachment hearings for those
was hearing colleagues say,
who refuse to produce documents. Instead,
some are carrying water for a Justice
“Well if Speaker Ryan won’t stand with Department that has already resisted
us in this fight over the essentials of our congressional oversight, misrepresented
democracy, not weaponizing the material facts to a FISA court, improperly
intelligence community against a redacted documents and failed to disclose
presidential campaign, do we need to spying on a presidential campaign. Sad!,”
look at other choices?” Rep. Gaetz said.

Via Lou Dobbs Tonight: Earlier last night, Rep. Gaetz appeared on the Fox Business
Network’s Lou Dobbs Tonight to further discuss the issue.

Senator Rand Paul Blasts John Brennan, Demands He
Testify Before Congress About British Intelligence
By Cassandra Fairbanks
June 7, 2018, 11:00 Am

Senator Rand Paul blasted John Brennan on Twitter, The former intelligence officers believe that John Brennan
demanding that he testify before Congress about what and James Clapper used highly classified intelligence
information he received from British intelligence sources channels to create a trail of fake evidence linking Trump to
about President Donald Trump or his campaign. Russia. Based on their years of experience in the
intelligence community, including overseas operations, it
appears highly likely that Joseph Mifsud was a MI6 asset
and that his role within the British spy service was
deliberately obscured to give the appearance of him
working for Russia.

“What did John Brennan know and

when did he know it? We deserve
answers. Of course, last time he
testified in Congress he perjured
himself, but it’s certainly worth dragging
him in here and trying,” Doug Stafford,
Chief Strategist for Rand Paul, told The
“BIG question for John Brennan, who has Gateway Pundit.
become such a vocal spokesman. Did you
receive any secret info on candidate Trump The intel community insiders who spoke to the Gateway
or his campaign from European or British Pundit believe that the case of George Papadopoulos, a
intelligence sources? Brennan should be minor official named to the Trump foreign policy team on
brought before Congress & made to testify March 21, 2016, merits additional scrutiny because it
under oath, NOW!” Senator Paul tweeted shows evidence that Papadopoulos was targeted
on Thursday. deliberately by U.K. intel operatives, specifically Mifsud,
in a plot to trick him into communicating information
about possible approaches to Russia via conversations with
persons in the United States.

Disobedient Media, who first exposed the British

involvement, has been diligently uncovering information
about the ‘mysterious Maltese Professor,’ Mifsud’s
connections to UK intelligence.

As The Gateway Pundit exclusively reported, CIA

Director Gina Haspel has been dodging questions from
Senator Paul about her involvement or knowledge of the
Last week, a former US intelligence officer explained to spying. Haspel was the CIA’s London Chief of Station
the Gateway Pundit that he believes the CIA collaborated (COS) while this was going on.
with British intelligence to form a “coup without weapons”
against President Donald Trump during his candidacy over
his policies on Syria and NATO.

Adam Schiff Caught In HUGE LIE About Carter Page’s
March 2016 Interview With FBI Officials
By Cristina Laila
June 7, 2018, 11:26 Am

In an effort to justify using a FOREIGN intelligence spy

warrant on an American citizen [Carter Page], leaker and
liar Adam Schiff claimed the former Trump campaign
advisor was long on the FBI radar for his shadowy ties to
Russia. In fact, Schiff said in his 10-page junk memo that
Carter Page was grilled by the FBI in March of 2016,
before the Russia dossier was compiled, about his Russian

“The FBI interviewed Page multiple times

about his Russian intelligence contacts,
including in March 2016. The FBI’s concern
Leaker, liar and ranking member of the
about and knowledge of Page’s activities
House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff (D- therefore long predate the FBI’s receipt of
CA) has some explaining to do. Steele’s information,” Adam Schiff and
Carter Page says his interview with the House Dems argued in the 10-page junk
FBI in March of 2016, before the Russia memo they released in response to Nunes’
dossier was compiled, had nothing to devastating FISA abuse memo.
do with Russian collusion or the Trump “In order to understand the context in which
campaign, rather he was questioned the FBI sought a FISA warrant for Carter
about events that transpired in 2013 in a Page, it is necessary to understand … what
case where he was a witness in support the FBI knew about Page prior to making
of the FBI, reports Paul Sperry. application to the court — including Page’s
This statement by Page directly previous interaction with Russian
contradicts Adam Schiff’s 10-page intelligence operatives,” Adam Schiff said.
memo wherein he claims the former
Trump campaign advisor was grilled by This is a complete lie according to an interview
the FBI in March of 2016 about his ties investigative reporter, Paul Sperry conducted with Carter
to Russia. Page.

Paul Sperry reported:

In an interview with
RealClearInvestigations, Page insists that
the [March 2016] interview in question –
held at then-U.S. attorney Preet Bharara’s
office in New York — had “absolutely
nothing” to do with the Trump campaign or
Russian collusion. Instead of being grilled
about shadowy ties, he says he answered
questions “related to events in 2013, in a
case where I had served as a witness in
support of the FBI.”
Obama’s FBI/DOJ obtained 4 FISA warrants on former
Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. One FISA warrant In 2013, a Russian national working as an
and three subsequent renewals on Page allowed Obama’s unregistered foreign agent at a Russian
thugs to spy on Trump’s campaign. bank in Manhattan sought information from
Page, a longtime energy consultant, related
to U.S. efforts to develop alternative energy witness in the case. Far from being a Russian spy, Page
resources, according to court papers filed was characterized to the court as someone who helped the
by the FBI. Although Page thought the man FBI catch Russian spies.
was a legitimate banker after meeting him
at an energy symposium in New York City, The government turned on Carter Page [perhaps it’s an act]
he was a Russian agent under federal simply because he chose to work with Trump.
investigation. He was later caught on
surveillance dismissing Page as an “idiot.”
All of a sudden Carter Page became a national security
The FBI informed Page in 2013 that the threat–enough of a threat that the FBI used a foreign court
Russians might be trying to recruit him. to spy on him as if he was a double agent.
A U.S. Naval Academy alumnus, Page
cooperated as a witness in that case, which Carter Page’s revelation that his March 2016 FBI
was coordinated with the bureau’s interview had nothing to do with Russians or the Trump
Counterespionage Section Chief Peter campaign is another blow to the Russian collusion hoax.
Strzok in Washington, and he helped the
government convict the Russian spy. Page’s role in all of this is highly suspicious as well. Was
Evgeny Buryakov pleaded guilty to he a plant?
espionage-related charges on March 11,
2016. FBI agents, as well as federal
prosecutors, huddled with Page around
that time to tie up loose ends, he said. “It
had absolutely nothing to do with the
election interference story, which surfaced
months later,” Page said.

Page’s March 2016 interview with the FBI was conducted

several days BEFORE Trump announced he chose Page as
an advisor, further poking holes in Schiff’s claims.

Schiff claims Carter Page was on the FBI’s radar due to his
prior run-in with Russians, even though they never
successfully recruited Page.
Paul Sperry is the former D.C. bureau chief
for Investor’s Business Daily, Hoover
In the end, the Russians were unable to recruit Page and
Institution media fellow, author of several
never received any state secrets from him. Monaghan did
books, including bestseller INFILTRATION
not recommend espionage or any other charges against
Page, who by all accounts acted as a reliable and trusted
Read Paul Sperry’s full report starting on next page:

Pre-Dossier Carter Page:
Russian Spy ... or FBI Honor Scout?
By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations
June 07, 2018

after meeting him at an energy symposium in New York

City, he was a Russian agent under federal investigation.
He was later caught on surveillance dismissing Page as an

The FBI informed Page in 2013 that the Russians might be

trying to recruit him.

A U.S. Naval Academy alumnus, Page cooperated as a

witness in that case, which was coordinated with the
bureau’s Counterespionage Section Chief Peter Strzok in
The FBI’s interview with Carter Page in March 2016 is Washington, and he helped the government convict the
one of the seminal events of the Trump-Russia probe. Russian spy. Evgeny Buryakov pleaded guilty to
Democrats have long pointed to it as evidence of the espionage-related charges on March 11, 2016. FBI agents,
bureau’s longstanding fears that Page might be a Russian as well as federal prosecutors, huddled with Page around
spy and to downplay the role of the Clinton-financed that time to tie up loose ends, he said. “It had absolutely
dossier compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele in nothing to do with the election interference story, which
securing a FISA surveillance warrant against Page. surfaced months later,” Page said.

“The FBI interviewed Page multiple times Court records appear to back him up. Buryakov was
about his Russian intelligence contacts, sentenced in May 2016 and deported to Russia early last
including in March 2016,” Rep. Adam Schiff year. Schiff maintains that Page "remained on the radar of
and other Democrats on the House Russian intelligence and the FBI” due to the prior case,
Intelligence Committee argued in their 10- which gave them grounds to spy on him “independent" of
page memo defending the Obama Justice the dossier.
Department’s monitoring of Page. “The
FBI’s concern about and knowledge of “In order to understand the context in which
Page’s activities therefore long predate the the FBI sought a FISA warrant for Carter
FBI’s receipt of Steele’s information.” Page, it is necessary to understand … what
the FBI knew about Page prior to making
But new information challenges that account. In an application to the court — including Page’s
interview with RealClearInvestigations, Page insists that previous interaction with Russian
the interview in question – held at then-U.S. attorney Preet intelligence operatives,” Schiff said.
Bharara's office in New York -- had "absolutely nothing"
to do with the Trump campaign or Russian collusion. The Democrat's narrative, which hinges on the suggestion
Instead of being grilled about shadowy ties, he says he that the bureau interviewed Page because of his role in
answered questions Trump's campaign, is also challenged by the fact that the
meeting took place several days before Trump publicly
“related to events in 2013, in a case where named Page as an adviser, on March 21, 2016.
I had served as a witness in support of the
FBI.” Records indicate the FBI never viewed him as a potential
foreign intelligence agent for Moscow. Court documents
In 2013, a Russian national working as an unregistered also show that Page fully cooperated with the FBI as soon
foreign agent at a Russian bank in Manhattan sought as he learned he had been duped by Russian agents. In his
information from Page, a longtime energy consultant, sworn 2015 complaint against Buryakov, FBI special agent
related to U.S. efforts to develop alternative energy Gregory Monaghan portrays Page — referring to him as
resources, according to court papers filed by the FBI. "Male-1” -- as a guileless victim, and described how
Although Page thought the man was a legitimate banker Buryakov and other Russian agents tried to take advantage
of the American businessman, who was unaware he was taking it seriously, Page wrote a letter to Comey
dealing with foreign spies. complaining he was the subject of a “witch hunt” and
demanding he “look into this matter.”
The FBI agent further attested that the Russians never told
Page they were “connected to the Russian government,” He also volunteered to meet with FBI agents to put the
and that Page was only “interested in business rumors to rest.
opportunities in Russia,” where he had worked for years
for Merrill Lynch and as an independent energy consultant. “Although I have not been contacted by any
member of your team in recent months, I
In the end, the Russians were unable to recruit Page and would eagerly await their call to discuss
never received any state secrets from him. Monaghan did any final questions they might possibly
not recommend espionage or any other charges against have in the interest of helping them put
Page, who by all accounts acted as a reliable and trusted these outrageous allegations to rest,” Page
witness in the case. Far from being a Russian spy, Page wrote. Comey never responded to his Sept.
was characterized to the court as someone who helped the 25, 2016, letter.
FBI catch Russian spies. “I didn’t hear from the FBI again until over
five months later, in March 2017 — after
But the government’s attitude toward Page turned cold the FISA warrant application and first
after Trump publicly announced his name along with other renewal had already been submitted,” he
members of his foreign policy team. Only then was Page said. He said the “dodgy dossier was the
treated as a possible national security threat. Not long after foundation of their questions.” Page noted
Trump’s March 21, 2016, announcement, FBI Director that the FBI agents who contacted him then
James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, held a were not the same ones he worked with
meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss earlier on the Buryakov case.
the news of Page joining the Trump campaign and how he
may be “compromised” by the Russians, according to a In April 2017, as the Justice Department was renewing its
recently declassified memo. FISA warrant on Page for a second time, it publicly
identified Page as the anonymous witness in the 2013-
Then, sometime in the “late spring” of 2016, Comey held 2015 Russian case involving Buryakov.
an unusual briefing concerning Page, and the alleged risk
he posed, with the Obama administration’s highest-ranking “On April 3, 2017,” Page said, “reporters at
national-security officials, who, in addition to Lynch, ABC News and BuzzFeed requested to
included National Security Adviser Susan Rice, CIA meet in order to inform me that U.S.
Director John Brennan, and National Intelligence Director government operatives had unlawfully
James Clapper. disclosed my identity as Male-1 in this 2015
By autumn, in the heat of the presidential election
campaign, the FBI had Page under constant surveillance, The media leak came just weeks after Bharara, an Obama
vacuuming up all his text messages and emails and appointee, was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
listening in on his phone calls, including communications Bharara, who formerly served as Democratic Sen. Chuck
with Trump officials. The surveillance was predicated Schumer’s aide, could not be reached for comment.
chiefly on an unverified allegation in the dossier, quoting
third-hand sources claiming that Page traveled to Moscow
in July 2016 to hatch an election plot with Kremlin As surveillance warrants on Page continued to be renewed,
officials. the FBI also shadowed him using a confidential human
source. The informant, Stefan Halper – who reportedly
reached out to other Trump campaign figures including
Page has denied under oath ever meeting with the two George Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis -- befriended Page.
Kremlin officials named in the dossier, and says he was in They struck up a relationship that lasted, Page said, until
Moscow at the time to give a commencement address at a September 2017 -- the same month the fourth and final
university, the New Economic School, where President FISA spy warrant against the former Trump aide expired.
Obama had previously spoken. The charge, attributed to
anonymous sources, was written in the dossier by ex-
British intelligence officer Steele, who was paid $168,000 In their rebuttal, Democrats stated that the FBI and Justice
by the Clinton camp to gather derogatory information on Department “cited multiple sources to support the case for
Trump from Russian sources. surveilling Page.” It’s not immediately clear if Halper is
named in any of the four FISA warrant applications
submitted on Page. The documents remain classified.
After the still-unsubstantiated rumor was leaked to the
press in September 2016, along with reports the FBI was
Page disagrees. Page filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the
Justice Department on May 21, 2017 seeking the FISA
“There was no basis for their FISA applications and "all information gathered pursuant to the
warrants,” he asserted, adding that the warrants” authorizing his electronic surveillance issued by
Obama Justice Department “abused” its the FISA court, as well as the warrants themselves. He also
authority to obtain such warrants, which are seeks all communications between Justice Department
the most intrusive means of collecting officials and employees of the Clinton campaign related to
information on U.S. citizens. him.

Schiff’s office said it would have no comment beyond the He says he has received no relevant documents in the year
“minority memo” defending the monitoring of Page. since he sent the FOIA request by certified mail.

Some former federal prosecutors and FBI investigators Page can only speculate about how political forces seem to
who have worked counterintelligence cases say Page has a have transformed him from a cooperating witness into a
valid grievance. They argue that the FISA warrants lacked possible Russian spy. But he says he is firmly convinced
the requisite "probable cause" to spy on an American that
citizen like Page, which requires the Justice Department to
not only show the citizen is knowingly engaging in “until DOJ discloses full information about
clandestine activities on behalf of a foreign power, but it the dodgy dossier, amends their court
must also demonstrate probable cause that such activities filings that led to extensive abuse of
involve a violation of federal criminal law. process, and discloses details on the other
sources of their lies, it will be impossible for
Americans to fully trust them again."

Law Professor Alan Dershowitz Tells Media To Stop
Slamming Trump For Pardons [VIDEO]
Nick Givas | Media And Politics Reporter
12:20 PM 06/07/2018
Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz criticized the all the others are good. I wish he’d give
media’s reaction to President Donald Trump’s recent more pardons,” Dershowitz said.
pardons and accused them of blowing the story out of
“President Obama did it to people who had
got excessive drug sentences. This
president is looking more generally. I like
“It’s the most ridiculous thing to constantly the idea of a president serving as ultimately
say the president is saying is he’s above the last authority on justice. The president,
the law,” Dershowitz said on “Fox & this president, has a real gut for justice. I
Friends” Thursday. “The president’s know, I have discussed pardons with him,”
spokesmen have said over and over again, he concluded.
‘no one is above the law.’ What he’s saying
is, ‘the law gives me certain authority.'”
“What President Trump’s people are
saying is, we think the law authorizes the WATCH:
president to pardon, to fire and that’s not
above the law,” Dershowitz continued.
“That’s within the law. So let’s cut this
cliché of above the law.”

Dershowitz claimed Trump acted in a similar manner to

former President Barack Obama and supports the idea of
the president being the final authority on justice.

“Every pardon [Trump] has given with one

exception I think, Arpaio — I disagree with,

WATCH=> POTUS Trump Stomps On Obama And
Hillary In New Video Celebrating 500 Days In Office
By Cristina Laila
June 7, 2018, 12:27 Pm
President Trump tweeted out a video The rest of the video touts record jobs numbers, record low
Thursday morning celebrating 500 days unemployment and market optimism all because of
in office. Trump’s policies.

Trump absolutely crushed Obama and Take that Obama and Hillary.
Hillary by showing clips of the two
Democrat failures claiming in 2016 a
President Trump makes Obama and Hillary look like fools
Trump presidency would lead us into a
in this video.

Some may argue it’s not too difficult to do.


The video begins with a clip of Hillary Clinton on the

campaign trail from August of 2016 claiming a Trump
presidency would be doom and gloom for the economy.

“Trump’s policies would throw us into a

recession, the last thing we need,” says a
As previously reported, 256,000
shrill Crooked Hillary to an audience of
useful idiots. manufacturing jobs were created over
the past two months.
Next is a clip of Obama in June of 2016 bumbling around
on a stage like a confused fool asking how Trump would This is more than the last 30 months combined!
be able to negotiate better deals to bring jobs back to the
US. 322,000 since Donald Trump took office.

“Some of those jobs of the past are just not Ben Stein praised President Trump for the manufacturing
gonna come back–He [Trump] just says miracle.
‘well I’m just gonna negotiate a better
deal’–well how? How exactly are you Ben Stein:
gonna negotiate that? What magic wand do
you have?” Obama asks an audience full of
lemmings. The magic wand is optimism.
Business runs on optimism. Optimism is

the heartbeat of the economy. I think maybe I’m dreaming this and I’m going to
everyone in the hiring end of that world is wake up and it’s not true but it is a
optimistic now that the government is not miraculous recovery… Mr. Trump has a
going to stomp on their oxygen hose and is kind of a magic he gives off.
not going to do anything tricky to stamp
them down, to keep them down… It’s been
sort of a miracle. I mean, I hate to think AND OBAMA!

Judge Napolitano Thinks IG Report May Have Been
Scrubbed To Remove Damaging Information [VIDEO]
Nick Givas | Media And Politics Reporter
12:55 PM 06/07/2018

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew “If [Inspector General Horowitz] gives a
Napolitano said the Inspector General report surrounding different version under oath than he gave in
James Comey may have been scrubbed to remove writing — then the scrubbing is going to
damaging information about the federal government. become the issue. Wait a minute, you
found this about Jim Comey. You’re telling
“We really have to see the whole report. us about it now, but didn’t put it in the
This is going to be a long and detailed report? Was it in the report and did you
report,” Napolitano said on “Fox & Friends” take it out? And if you took it out did
Thursday. “We’re looking for law-breaking. somebody tell you to take it out?”
Did [Comey] lie under oath when he gave “I don’t know where this is going to go. I’m
different versions of events. Events glad we have these leaks. Some leaks are
involving Andrew McCabe. And we’re good leaks,” Napolitano concluded. “The
looking for very serious, probably politically public needs to know that this might not be
motivated errors of judgment. Like we can’t a truthful document.”
prosecute Mrs. Clinton for espionage
because we can’t prove intent.”

Napolitano thinks it’s possible DOJ officials tried to scrub

the report of damaging information and said the American
people deserve to know the full truth.


“If Joe [diGenova] is correct, this is an

outrage and it is a neutering of a very
highly respected inspector general who
was appointed by George W. Bush and by
Barack Obama,” Napolitano continued.

Mueller Ahead Of G-7 Conference
Saagar Enjeti | White House Correspondent
1:36 PM 06/07/2018

The president also tweeted support for Alan Dershowitz’s

legal analysis saying the special counsel was never needed
and highlighted the number of Democratic-Party-affiliated
lawyers on Mueller’s team.

President Donald Trump took aim at special counsel

Robert Mueller’s investigation Thursday ahead of his
appearance at the G-7 conference Friday.

Trump is scheduled to appear at the G-7 Friday with other

heads of state from where he will depart for Singapore
where a historic summit between himself and Kim Jong-
Un will take place. Trump’s tweets indicate he is furious to
have the cloud of the special counsel over his head as he
pursues his duties as head of state.

WE WERE RIGHT! Senate Investigators Suspect McCabe
Altered Flynn’s 302 Report From Ambush Interview
By Cristina Laila
June 7, 2018, 1:30 Pm

As TGP previously reported in February,

according to Mike Cernovich, McCabe Sperry tweeted: Senate investigators suspect Gen. Flynn’s
altered far left FBI investigator Peter 302s were edited by McCabe, referred matter to IG
Strzok’s 302 notes on his interview with Horowitz
General Michael Flynn.
And then McCabe destroyed the

To make matters worse, dirty cops McCabe and Comey

cleared Sally Yates to use Peter Strzok’s altered 302
summary report of the interrogation with General Flynn to
brief White House Counsel and pressure Flynn’s firing.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley is the one who

pressured the FBI and DOJ to turn over the 302 notes on
General Flynn’s investigation.
Now Senate investigators suspect
McCabe altered his 302 notes on On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman
General Flynn and have referred the Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director
matter to Inspector General Horowitz. Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating
Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied.

Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was

the second FBI agent who joined Peter
Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an
ambush style interview to take down
General Flynn.
Rosenstein refused to give the Senate
Judiciary Committee the requested
documents. Instead, Rosenstein
provided “insufficient” documents
prompting Grassley to send a second
scathing letter to the Deputy AG.

It appears Senate investigators have finally received the

According to investigative reporter, Paul 302 notes or evidence confirming Cernovich’s February
Sperry now Senate investigators scoop that the FBI summary on Flynn’s interview was
suspect McCabe edited General Flynn’s altered by McCabe.

McCabe is now requesting immunity in exchange for his
testimony. No deals. Prosecute and put him in prison.

CNN's 'New Day' Ironically
Slams Fox For Being Propagandists
By Peter Sifre
June 7, 2018 1:47 PM EDT

On Thursday’s edition of CNN’s New Day, co-hosts John that viewers know the difference between the primetime
Berman and Alisyn Camerota “reported” on an interview hosts that he takes exception with and the great reporters.
that Anderson Cooper conducted the night before with There are a lot of ethical issues that he brings up and we
former Fox News contributor, Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters. hope to be able to talk to him about them.
There, Peters laid out his grievances with Fox News that
lead to his decisions to leave the network to the approval She continued,
of CNN and their anti-Fox obsession:
“not everyone there is following the rules of
For years I was glad to be associated with journalism. And so if you're not, you don't
Fox. It was a legitimate conservative and have to adhere to the truth and the facts.
libertarian outlet and a necessary one. But Again, I'm not sure that viewers know when
with the rise of Donald Trump, Fox did the truth button is on and when the truth
become a destructive propaganda button is off.”
machine. And I don't do propaganda for
anyone. And frankly, as a former military It is easy to point out the irony of this condemnation of
officer, I took an oath to support and journalistic ethics violations coming from Alisyn
defend the Constitution of the United Camerota on New Day. This program, along with CNN,
States. And I saw in my view Fox,
has been notorious for its political bias and journalistic
particularly the primetime hosts, attacking ethics violations that result from it.
our constitutional order, the rule of law, the
justice department, the FBI, Robert
Mueller, and oh, by the way, the Take for example this past May when Camerota gave
intelligence agencies. And they're doing it former Obama senior advisor Valarie Jarret a softball
for ratings and profit and they’re doing it interview without disclosing that Jarret’s daughter is a
knowingly in my view, doing a great, grave CNN Justice correspondent.
disservice to our country.
Speaking of softball interviews, on May 1 this year,
Camerota had on former Planned Parenthood
president Cecile Richards where she brought such
incredibly tough questions like how she feels about leaving
Planned Parenthood and if she thinks the current state of
abortion rights is moving backwards or forwards. As
NewsBusters contributing blogger Brad Wilmouth pointed

“The CNN host did not bring up the

argument that the government could take
the money that it currently gives to Planned
Parenthood and transfer it to health clinics
Instead of simply reporting this story, Camerota decided to that provide medical care to women and do
act as all objective journalists do, which is taking a clear, not perform abortions. She also did not
partisan side and continue her seemingly never-ending point out that any money received by
crusade against her former longtime employer. Planned Parenthood -- either tax dollars or
otherwise -- is tacitly propping up every
Like Ralph Peters, I too was upset about the blurring of aspect of what the group does, including
lines between propaganda and journalism. So Ralph now -- abortions, just by helping them to stay in
Colonel Peters feels he can speak freely now that he’s business and recruit lifelong customers
there. I think some would say, what took you so long? who might later go to them for abortions.”
There's been a blurring of lines obviously. I don't know
Lastly, Camerota and the New Day team CAMEROTA: Well, in that interview Peters also added that he
employed their expert journalistic discretion feels the Mueller investigation is the most important of his
by choosing to report on Trump’s lifetime. So --
reported habit of drinking lots of Diet
Coke just forty minutes after the December JOHN BERMAN: So --
eleventh attempted suicide bombing in
New York City was still developing.
CAMEROTA: I have a lot of thoughts about this.

Readers can check out our extensive NewsBusters archive

BERMAN: And you're willing to share?
documenting the bias of New Day and CNN as a whole.
CAMEROTA: Well, I even wrote a book about this theme called
A full transcript of this June 7th segment is below.
Amanda Wakes Up

New Day with Alisyn Camerota and John Berman

BERMAN: Almost available in paperback. Now available in
CAMEROTA: As of Tuesday. Because, like Ralph Peters, I too
7:41:46 AM - 7:44:07 AM (2 min and 20 sec) was upset about the blurring of lines between propaganda and
journalism. So Ralph now -- Colonel Peters feels he can speak
ALISYN CAMEROTA: Listen to this. In his first interview since freely now that he’s there. I think some would say what took you
leaving Fox News, long-time military analyst Lt Colonel Ralph so long? There's been a blurring of lines obviously. I don't know
Peters slammed the network saying that he feels Fox has lost its that viewers know the difference between the primetime hosts
way. that he takes exception with and the great reporters. There are a
lot of ethical issues that he brings up and we hope to be able to
LT COL RALPH PETERS: For years I was glad to be associated talk to him about them.
with Fox. It was a legitimate conservative and libertarian outlet
and a necessary one. But with the rise of Donald Trump, Fox did BERMAN: The word he used that is the most damning is
become a destructive propaganda machine. And I don't do knowingly. That things are being done knowingly and deliberately
propaganda for anyone. And frankly, as a former military officer, I to spread information that in some cases the truth is
took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United questionable, shall we say.
States. And I saw in my view Fox, particularly the primetime
hosts, attacking our constitutional order, the rule of law, the CAMEROTA: Yeah. Not everyone there is following the rules of
justice department, the FBI, Robert Mueller, and oh, by the way, journalism. And so if you're not, you don't have to adhere to the
the intelligence agencies. And they're doing it for ratings and truth and the facts. Again, I'm not sure that viewers know when
profit and they’re doing it knowingly in my view, doing a great, the truth button is on and when the truth button is not on.
grave disservice to our country.


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