Trump Presidency 35 - May 21th, 2018 To May 29th, 2018

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Intel Committee’s Long-Awaited Russia

Report “No Collusion”

The 2017 Trump

Presidency - #35
May 21th, 2018 to May 29th, 2018

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May 2018

More Than Two-Thirds Of Americans Credit President
Trump With Record Economy – Employment
Optimism At 17 Year High
By Jim Hoft
May 21, 2018, 2:16 Pm

And… 67% of Americans believe now is a good time to

find a quality job. This is the highest percentage in 17
years of Gallup polling.

Optimism about availability of good jobs

is up 25 percentage points since Trump
was elected president.

Via Robert Barnes and Charles Payne:

More than two-thirds of Americans

credit President Donald Trump with the
record economy.

A new CBS poll shows 68% of Americans rightly credit

Trump with the record economy.

FEC Records Show DNC Issued Checks TO
Crowdstrike Day After Murder OF
Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas
BY Alicia Powe
May 21, 2018, 2:25 PM

Federal Election Commission records show that

CrowdStrike, an FBI contractor and private cyber security
firm, received a $98,849.84 check from the Democratic
National Committee the day after slain DNC staffer Seth
Rich was murdered.

Rich, 27, worked as the voter expansion data director at

the DNC for two years. Rich had been working for the
DNC at a time when emails from the organization were
provided to WikiLeaks for publication.

The series of emails revealed that high-ranking DNC

officials and the Clinton team sabotaged Sanders’ Private investigators, however, have previously claimed
candidacy, used racist, anti-gay and sexist slurs when Rich was the source WikiLeaks used to obtain thousands
referring to constituents. The emails, indicating the party of DNC emails released on the eve of the party’s
was manipulating the primary race in favor of Clinton, led presidential nominating convention last July.
to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s resignation as DNC
chair. Less than a month after Rich was murdered, attorney
Shawn Lucas, 38, was found dead in his bathroom on Aug.
Seth Rich had just accepted a job with Hillary Clinton’s 2nd, 2016.
presidential campaign before he was killed near his
apartment in an affluent Washington, D.C. neighborhood. The next day, CrowdStrike received a
check for $113,645.77 from the DNC.
In the summer of 2016, in the heat of a
highly contentious presidential Lucas delivered a lawsuit to DNC headquarters for a local
campaign, Rich was fatally shot twice in court in early July 2016. The suit alleged the Democratic
the back, and his wallet, credit cards, Party committed fraud by rigging their primary election in
watch and phone were left in his favor of Hillary Clinton.
possession. Still, the Metropolitan Police
Department has described his murder as a The source of the checks is the Federal Election
“botched robbery.” Commission (FEC).

According to Heavy, the Office of Chief Medical CrowdStrike was the only one to access the DNC’s
Examiner of Washington, D.C., said in November 2016 computer systems. DNC officials refused to avail to the
that Lucas’ Aug. 2 death was accidental and was caused by FBI.
the “combined adverse effects of fentanyl [a synthetic
opioid pain medication], cyclobenzaprine [a muscle Google, which gave millions of dollars to the Clinton
relaxant], and mitragynine [better known as kraton].” campaign and was under fire during the election for
manipulating and suppressing negative search results for
CrowdStrike’s computer software customers include Clinton, is one of CrowdStrike’s primary investors.
Congress, the White House, the State Department,
Democratic National Committee, SONY, and Google. Rich and Lucas are among 33 people associated with the
Clintons who have died mysterious and often violent

Jon Meacham Predicts A Democrat House
Will Impeach Trump As 'Season Finale'
By P.J. Gladnick
May 21, 2018 2:36 PM EDT

Psst! Hey Jon Meacham! Haven't you gotten the liberal one Nixonian element here that hasn't
message that you are not supposed to mention gotten a whole lot of attention actually at
impeachment (for now) in case the Democrats win back least explicitly is both Nixon and Trump
the House this November? have an ongoing obsession with their
former opponents in a way that [inaudible]
Perhaps historian and failed Newsweek editor Meacham is what they do in deleterious ways to say the
so eager for that impeachment that he just couldn't hold least. Remember Nixon was always
back on Monday's Morning Joe. They were discussing the thinking about... One of the reasons he
horror of President Donald Trump wanting the DOJ to justified the taping is FDR had done it, LBJ
investigate intelligence agencies spying on his 2016 had done it, he was always obsessed with
presidential campaign which led to Meacham eagerly what President Kennedy had gotten away
invoking the I-word that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer with in his view and remember of course
prefer to not be mentioned (for now). that's clearly true with with President Trump
with an obsession with both Obama and
with Secretary Clinton.
If you earn a dollar for every time host Joe Scarborough
and Meacham say "Nixon" or "Nixonian" in the following
video culminating in Meacham's impeachment fantasy, Did Nixon tape his opponents via a FISA warrant based on
you will end up with a nice bit of spending money. Here's opposition research paid for by a political party? Here's
the exchange: more from Meacham:

My own sense is, and this may sound kind

of League of Women Voters-y, but the
most important political story in the
country right now in many ways are
those 435 House races. Because I've
been skeptical of this but I would now bet
a good bit of money this is gonna end
up in the House with some kind of
impeachment proceeding and the
makeup of that body and then ultimately
the reaction of the United States Senate
which is supposed to be the great
SCARBOROUGH: I do wonder if there is deliberative check and the great final
any other description for what happened hammer on these things is... I think we're
this past weekend than suggesting that it's gonna end up. That's gonna be the
Nixonian. Suggesting that it appears at season finale of this.
least to be, we appear to be on the eve of
where Nixon was before he launched a Will Jon Meacham bet the same amount of money on
Saturday Night Massacre. impeachment that Newsweek lost when he was editor-in-
MEACHAM: I think we are. I think that's chief there when he introduced a novel "counterintuitive"
right. I don't think that's hyperbolic when economic concept by thinking he could increase its
you have a president who's basically revenue by purposely slashing it's circulation in half? How
engaging the Justice Department at this did that work out, Jon? Well, I think we know because
level of political detail and calling on after he left Newsweek, it sold for only a buck. Not a dollar
investigating his predecessors. You know per issue. The entire Newsweek company sold for a buck.

Eric Holder Lashes Out At Trump For
Calling On DOJ To Investigate FBI Campaign Spies
By Cristina Laila
May 21, 2018, 2:51 Pm

The most corrupt Attorney General in US history, Eric

Former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Holder came out swinging and called Trump’s move
Furious’ Holder lashed out at Trump on “dangerous” and a threat to our democracy.
Monday after the President called on the
DOJ to investigate the FBI’s infiltration We have never seen members of the prior administration
of his 2016 campaign. protest the current administration like this; it is

Holder tweeted: Trump demand for DOJ investigation is

dangerous/democracy threatening. DOJ response is
disappointing.There is no basis/no predicate for an It ’s time to stand for time honored DOJ
independence.That separation from White House is a
critical part of our system.

The Deep State corruptors and criminals have come

unhinged since Trump called on the Justice Department to
investigate Obama’s illegal spy campaign.

Trump tweeted Sunday: I hereby demand, and will do so Perhaps Eric Holder should take his
officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look own advice because in 2011, on
into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled Obama’s orders the DOJ stopped
the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes – and if any defending the Defense of Marriage Act
such demands or requests were made by people within the (DOMA):
Obama Administration!

On Sunday evening, hours after Trump’s tweet, the Justice
Department asked Inspector General Horowitz to
investigate whether there was “impropriety or political
motivation” into the FBI’s infiltration of Trump’s

Rep. Mark Meadows and other members of the Freedom

Caucus turned up the heat on the Deep State and
demanded Rosenstein hand over pertinent, unredacted
documents because the DOJ cannot be trusted to
investigate themselves.

Trump supporters blasted Eric Holder…

CBS reported in 2011,

President Obama has instructed the

Justice Department to no longer defend
the constitutionality of the Defense of
Marriage Act, or DOMA, the legal
prohibition on federal recognition of same-
sex marriages.

Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement that the

department will stop defending the policy because it has
now been challenged in the Second Circuit,

“which has no established or binding

standard for how laws concerning sexual
orientation should be treated.”

Chris Wray And Rod Rosenstein Look Somber As They
Arrive At White House For Trump Meeting On Deep
State Spies In Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
May 21, 2018, 3:15 Pm

President Donald Trump held a meeting

at the White House today with Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and
FBI Director Chris Wray.
DNI Director Dan Coats was also
expected to attend the meeting.

Chris Wray and Rod Rosenstein looked

somber as they entered the White
House today.

The meeting at the White House comes the day after

Trump shook the Capital with his demand that alleged
spying on his presidential campaign by the Obama
administration be investigated.

FOX Business says they will discuss

Obama Deep State spying on the Trump
campaign during the 2016 election.

Keith Ellison: Republicans Doing
Bible Studies In Jails Are Making It Harder
For Dems To Win
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
4:31 PM 05/21/2018

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison said at a Democratic event

“You know, back when I was in Minnesota
Monday that Republicans doing “Bible studies” in prisons
State Legislature, I got the impression that
is hurting Democrats’ chances at winning voters.
maybe Democrats could possibly have an
advantage with folks in this area who might
WATCH: vote for us,” Ellison said. “Not true. We will
have to fight for their vote like we do with
every other vote because I learned that a
lot of Republicans will go to jails and do
Bible studies and other things.”
“So my caveat to Dems is that if we win
here, we have to court this electorate the
same way we would any other electorate.
There’s no just, ‘Oh, yeah, they’re going to
vote for us.’ Not necessarily. And there’s a
lot of folks in rural Georgia, a lot of white
people, a lot of people of all different
backgrounds who are disenfranchised
because of this,” he added.

JUST IN: DOJ Agrees To Allow Congress To Review
Requested Classified Docs After Trump Meets With
Rosenstein, Wray
By Cristina Laila
May 21, 2018, 4:20 Pm

DOJ, and DNI together with Congressional

President Donald Trump held a meeting at Leaders to review highly classified and other
the White House today with Deputy Attorney information they have requested,” White House
General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director says.
Chris Wray.

DNI Director Dan Coats was also expected

to attend the meeting.

After meeting with Rosenstein and Wray, the White House

asked the Inspector General to investigate any
irregularities with the FBI’s or DOJ’s tactics concerning
Trump’s campaign.

The DOJ also agreed to allow Congress to review the

requested documents relating to the FBI’s infiltration into
Trump’s campaign.

President Trump has had enough of the stonewalling and

took matters into his own hands Monday.

AG Session is AWOL so it’s Trump and a handful of GOP

lawmakers versus the Deep State.

The Department of Justice finally acquiesced and agreed to

hand over pertinent documents Congress has been
requesting for months.
DOJ Spox said there will be no readout on their end about
ABC reported: Monday’s meeting with Trump, Rosenstein and Wray.

ABC also reported Congressional leaders will be able to

review the highly classified documents.

“White House Chief of Staff Kelly will

immediately set up a meeting with the FBI,

DOJ Agrees To Allow
Congress To Review Requested Documents
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
4:47 PM 05/21/2018

investigation to include any irregularities

with the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
or the Department of Justice’s tactics
concerning the Trump Campaign,” Sanders
“It was also agreed that White House Chief
of Staff Kelly will immediately set up a
meeting with the FBI, DOJ, and DNI
together with Congressional Leaders to
review highly classified and other
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein speaks at Freedom Forum
information they have requested,” she
Institute, May 1, 2018. (YouTube screen capture/Freedom Forum continued.
President Donald Trump met with Director of National
The Department of Justice will allow Congress to review Intelligence Dan Coates, FBI Director Wray, and Deputy
highly classified requested documents relating to the FBI’s Attorney General Rod Rosenstein Monday afternoon to
investigation into the Trump 2016 campaign in discuss congressional requests. Conservative lawmakers
conjunction with the White House and other agencies, have pressed the DOJ for weeks to turn over highly
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said classified documents relating to the FBI’s 2016
Monday. investigation, particularly to discern abuse of power or the
use of a confidential informant to infiltrate the campaign.
“Based on the meeting with the President,
the Department of Justice has asked the
Inspector General to expand its current

‘SCUSE US? Donna Brazile Must Have ‘A HUGE Set Of
Balls’ If She Thinks She Can Get Away With THIS
By Sarah D.
Posted At 4:58 Pm On May 21, 2018

Donna Brazile has never struck us as terribly self-aware,

but this is sad, even for her:

Donna. Donna.

No kidding!


FBI ‘Informant’ Stefan Halper Pitched Himself For Senior
Position In Trump White House
By Cristina Laila
May 21, 2018, 5:21 Pm

Via Axios:
It has been widely reported that the Obama
administration had a spy working inside the President Trump’s top trade adviser, Peter
Trump campaign. Navarro, recommended appointing Stefan
Halper, an academic and suspected FBI
The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a informant on the Trump campaign, to a senior
total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work role in the Trump administration, Axios has
with the US government that included learned.
spying on the Trump campaign.
Behind the scenes: During the presidential transition
It was a lucrative business for Stefan Halper. Navarro recommended Halper, among other people, for
ambassador roles in Asia. A White House official said
A new report on Monday revealed Halper Halper visited the Eisenhower Executive Office Building
pitched himself for a senior Trump admin last August for a meeting about China.
Context: During the transition everyone involved in
Trump’s presidential campaign were asked to submit
resumes for administration positions.

Halper, who already knew Navarro in the

context of being a China scholar and
interviewing for his anti-China book and
film, pitched himself for an ambassadorship
in Asia, according to a source briefed on
their interactions.

Navarro says he submitted Halper’s name for the Asian

ambassadorship — we have not been able to confirm the
country — along with around a dozen other people for
Stefan Halper roles in the region.

According to a new scoop from Jonathan Swan at far left Also, as previously reported, it looks like
Axios, Stefan Halper was pushed for a senior position in Halper was still working for the Deep State
the Trump administration by Trump’s top trade advisor, well into 2017 after President Trump was in
Peter Navarro. office.

In December of 2016, President-elect Trump tapped Peter Carter Page, who was spied on by the
Navarro, an economic adviser to his campaign, to lead a Obama DOJ and FBI, published an email he
newly formed White House National Trade Council. received from Stefan Halper in July 2017.

Peter Navarro is a staunch Trump supporter so certainly Halper was still reaching out to Carter Page
there has to be more to this story. well into 2017.

Did someone from the swamp tell Navarro to

recommend Stefan Halper be appointed to a
senior position in Trump’s administration?


Chris Bedford Rips Apart DOJ,
FBI For Spying On Trump Campaign [VIDEO]
Henry Rodgers - Political Reporter
6:14 PM 05/21/2018

someone [who] went out there fishing,”

Bedford said.


Chris Bedford:Mornings With Maria:Fox Business News:Screen

Shot | Chris Bedford Rips DOJ Spying On Trump

The Daily Caller News Foundation Editor-in-Chief Chris

Bedford blasted the FBI and DOJ in a Monday morning
interview for allowing a top-secret CIA and FBI source to
spy on two campaign advisers for President Donald
“That sounds like a spy, Christopher. You
Bedford’s comments come as news broke Friday the mention this goes all the way up the latter
informant is said to be Cambridge University Professor potentially up to President Obama calling
Stefan Halper, who reportedly contacted Trump advisers the shots. We know for a fact that Sally
Carter Page, George Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis during Yates and Loretta Lynch were briefed. A
the 2016 campaign, as an informant for the CIA and FBI. couple of months later, we learned of a
dossier; then we learned that Loretta Lynch
On Fox Business News’ “Mornings With Maria,” told Jim Comey to refer to the investigation
Bedford called out Halper for spying on the Trump as a matter, not as a criminal investigation;
campaign, mentioning Halper was not just an informant; it was all coordinated,” Maria Bartiromo
he was someone “searching for questions” and even responded.
invited Page to his Virginia farm.
Trump has since commented on the news, saying Halper
“What’s interesting about that is he seems was “implanted” on the campaign “for political
to have done more than simply inform; he purposes.” It still remains unclear when Halper started
wasn’t somebody [who] was quietly present surveillance on the Trump campaign, if he was paid for his
and then said, ‘you know, I saw some work, and who directed him to build information on the
suspicious activity.’ He reached out to Trump team.
Carter Page; he reached out to George
Papadopoulos; he asked searching “It stinks all the way up to the very top,”
questions; he invited them back to his farm. Bedford added.
He wasn’t just a fly on the wall; he was

Byron York: When Did Trump-Russia Probe Begin?
Investigators Focus On Mystery Months
By Byron York
May 21, 2018 06:30 PM
Revelations that an FBI informant insinuated himself into The question has pointed investigators back to the issue of
the Trump campaign have led some congressional when the probe began — not when a piece of paper was
investigators to rethink their theories on how and why formally signed but when the FBI, and perhaps other U.S.
former President Barack Obama's Justice Department intelligence agencies, began investigating the Trump
began investigating the 2016 Trump presidential effort. campaign.

Most reporting has focused on the July 31, 2016, creation And that has taken them back to March 21, 2016, when
of a document formally marking the beginning of the FBI candidate Donald Trump met with the editorial board of
counterintelligence probe targeting the Trump campaign. the Washington Post.
The document, known as the electronic communication, or
EC, is said to have focused on the case of George At the time of that meeting, Trump had been under
Papadopoulos, the peripheral Trump adviser who has criticism for not having the sort of lists of distinguished
pleaded guilty to lying to special counsel Robert Mueller advisers that most top-level campaigns routinely assemble.
about his contacts with people connected to Russia. That was particularly true in the area of foreign policy. A
frustrated Trump ordered his team to compile a list of
foreign-affairs advisers.

Trump was preparing to announce his advisory board

when he met with the Post. The paper's publisher asked
Trump if he would reveal the names of his new team.

"Well, I hadn't thought of doing it, but if you want I can

give you some of the names," Trump said. He then read a
brief list, among them Page and Papadopoulos.

Trump's announcement did not go unnoticed at the FBI

and Justice Department. The bureau knew Page from a
Most of the key events of the Trump-Russia investigation previous episode in which Russian agents had tried,
— the Carter Page wiretap, the wiretap of Michael Flynn's unsuccessfully, to recruit him. It's not clear what the FBI
conversations, the presentation of Trump dossier knew about the others. But then-Director James Comey
allegations to the president-elect — took place after the and number-two Andrew McCabe personally briefed
formal start of the FBI counterintelligence investigation. Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the list of newly-
named Trump foreign policy advisers, including Page,
But now comes word of the FBI informant, described in according to U.S. officials familiar with the matter.
various accounts as a retired American professor living in
England. The Washington Post reported that, "The Lynch told the House Intelligence Committee that she,
professor's interactions with Trump advisers began a few Comey, and McCabe discussed whether to provide a
weeks before the opening of the investigation, when Page "defensive briefing" to the Trump campaign. That would
met the professor at the British symposium." entail having an FBI official meet with a senior campaign
official "to alert them to the fact that … there may be
A few weeks before the opening of the investigation — efforts to compromise someone with their campaign,"
those are the words that have raised eyebrows among Hill Lynch said.
investigators. If it was before the investigation, then what
was an FBI informant doing gathering undercover It didn't happen, even though it was discussed again when
information when there was not yet an investigation? Comey briefed the National Security Council principals
committee about Page in the "late spring" of 2016,
according to Lynch's testimony. (The principals committee
includes some of the highest-ranking officials in the speech in Moscow. Also in July, FBI officials say they
government, including the secretaries of State, Treasury, learned about Papadopoulos' meeting a few months earlier
Defense, and Homeland Security, the attorney general, the with a Russian-connected professor. And still in July,
head of the CIA, the White House chief of staff, U.N. hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee
ambassador, and more.) were released.

So the nation's top political appointees, law enforcement, Somewhere around the time all that was happening,
and intelligence agencies were watching Trump campaign according to the latest reporting, the FBI informant began
figures in the spring and early summer of 2016. his work.

In early July, Trump dossier author Christopher Steele, the And that was all before what is called the formal beginning
former British spy, approached the FBI with the first of the Trump-Russia investigation. It is in those mystery
installment of the dossier. (It was the part that alleged months — late March, April, May, June, and early July of
Trump took part in a kinky sex scene with prostitutes in a 2016 — with the presidential campaign going at full force,
Moscow hotel in 2013.) Also in early July — just a few that the Obama administration's surveillance of the
days later — Page made a much-watched trip to deliver a Republican candidate geared up.

Grassley Turns Up The Heat – Sends Letter To DOJ
Demanding Communications Between Bruce Ohr And
Dossier Author Christopher Steele
By Cristina Laila
May 21, 2018, 6:44 Pm

instructions to avoid contact with the press

about his work.

please provide all records related to Mr. Ohr’s
communications about these matters, including:

(1) emails from Mr. Ohr’s personal and work accounts,

(2) phone logs,
(3) handwritten notes, and
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley
(4) text messages from personal and work accounts.
(R-IA) sent a letter to the Department of
Justice Monday afternoon demanding
communications between former Associate Additionally, within one week after the
Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr and complete production of all relevant
dossier author, former British spy, documents, please have your staff contact
Christopher Steele. the Committee to schedule Mr. Ohr for a
transcribed interview with Committee staff.
In addition to asking for communications
from Bruce Ohr, Grassley requested the Bruce Ohr was demoted in December of
DOJ arrange for the former Associate 2017 following an investigation into his
Deputy AG to be interviewed by Committee suspicious contact with opposition research
staff. firm Fusion GPS.

Bruce Ohr’s wife was also involved in the Fusion GPS-

dossier scandal.

Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department

official Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion GPS
for the purpose of digging up dirt on then-
presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Bruce Ohr Also, Nellie Ohr is listed as working for the CIA’s Open
Source Works department in a 2010 DOJ report.
Grassley asked for the following communications:
On Friday, Grassley sent a scathing letter to the
Department of Justice demanding Rosenstein’s unredacted
The documents previously reviewed by the memo detailing Mueller’s scope and other pertinent
Committee raised a number of important classified documents.
questions. One set of those questions concern
the role played by Associate Deputy Attorney
General Bruce Ohr in communicating with Screenshot of Grassley’s letter:
dossier author Christopher Steele and
continuing to funnel information from Steele to
the FBI after the FBI had terminated Steele as a
source for his failure to abide by FBI

Senator Wants Bruce Ohr Records, Interview
Chuck Ross - Reporter
7:05 PM 05/21/2018

commissioned the dossier on behalf of the Clinton

campaign and DNC.

Simpson had another connection to Ohr. Nellie Ohr, the

wife of the DOJ official, worked for Simpson’s firm,
Fusion GPS, on the team investigating Trump’s campaign.

Grassley is questioning Ohr’s contacts with Steele because

the FBI has claimed it cut ties with Steele in October 2016
because of unauthorized disclosures he made to the media
in September 2016.
Bruce Ohr (Youtube screen capture) | Grassley Asks For Bruce Ohr
Steele and Simpson briefed several reporters that month
about some of the allegations in the dossier. Yahoo! News’
The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is asking Michael Isikoff published one article on Sept. 23, 2016
the Justice Department for a trove of records regarding a laying out some of the unfounded claims in Steele’s report.
former top agency official’s contacts with Christopher Steele’s FBI contacts were upset by his media contacts and
Steele, the former British spy who wrote the salacious and decided to part ways.
unverified dossier alleging collusion between President
Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia’s government.
“One set of those questions concern the
role played by Associate Deputy Attorney
Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley is also asking Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr in communicating with
General Rod Rosenstein to make the official, former dossier author Christopher Steele and
Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, available continuing to funnel information from Steele
for a transcribed interview following the production of the to the FBI after the FBI had terminated
documents. Steele as a source for his failure to abide
by FBI instructions to avoid contact with the
Grassley, a Republican, wants Ohr’s personal and work press about his work,” Grassley wrote to
emails, phone logs, handwritten notes and text messages Rosenstein.
related to his interactions with Steele.
The FBI and Justice Department relied heavily on the
Ohr met with Steele numerous times before and after the dossier to obtain Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
2016 election regarding the ex-MI6 officer’s investigation warrants to spy on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign
of Trump. He also met after the election with Glenn adviser. The agencies used the document, even though the
Simpson, the founder of the opposition research firm that allegations about Page were unverified. They also did not
disclose Clinton’s campaign and DNC paid for the dossier.

Chuck Schumer Blasts Trump For
‘Autocratic Behavior We’d Expect In
A Banana Republic’
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
7:11 PM 05/21/2018

Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer accused President Trump

of “autocratic behavior we’d expect in a Banana Republic”
on Monday.

The Washington Examiner reports that Schumer said at the


“President Trump seems to have the

terribly misguided view that the Department
of Justice is there to protect his political
interests and prosecute his enemies. Well, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) speaks at the
it’s not.” Milken Institute 21st Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California,
U.S., April 30, 2018. REUTERS/Mike Blake – RC1C6918C690
“The president’s demand is a blatant abuse
of executive power, an ill-informed, sloppy
attempt to discredit the duly-constituted President Trump tweeted Sunday that he would order the
investigation led by the special counsel,” he Department of Justice to investigate possible spying on his
added. “The president’s behavior is the campaign.
kind of grossly autocratic behavior we’d
expect in a banana republic, not a mature

Watchdog Report Blames Comey
And FBI For Slow-Walking Clinton Probe
Before Election
Chris White - Energy Reporter
7:48 PM 05/21/2018

Department. Democrats believe Clinton’s chances would

have improved had the FBI acted quicker.

The IG report is expected to hit Comey and others in the

agency for not moving fast enough to examine the trove of
emails on former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s laptop, sources
familiar with the matter told The AP on the condition of
anonymity because they are not authorized to speak
Former FBI Director James Comey testifies before a Senate publicly about the report.
Intelligence Committee hearing on Russia's alleged interference in
the 2016 U.S. presidential election on Capitol Hill in Washington, The FBI discovered Clinton’s emails while conducting an
U.S., June 8, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst | DOJ Dings Comey
Over Clinton Emails investigation into Weiner’s contact with an under-aged girl
in September 2016. The email probe, which had been
closed in July 2016, was reopened on Oct. 28. It was
Federal officials are expected to criticize former FBI
closed again on Nov. 6 — two days before the election —
Director James Comey for delaying a review of former
after FBI officials determined none of the emails on the
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails two weeks prior
laptop would warrant criminal charges.
to the election, The Associated Press reported Monday.

Comey wrote in his book, “A Higher Loyalty,” that he

Clinton supporters blamed Comey’s announcement of a
learned in early October, not September, Weiner’s laptop
review of emails discovered before the election for her
might hold a connection to the Clinton email investigation.
loss. The FBI’s review in November and subsequent
It wasn’t until Oct. 27 when FBI officials asked his
decision not to pursue criminal charges against Clinton
permission to seek a warrant for the Clinton emails,
were disclosed two days before voters were set to make
Comey said.
their decision.

He regained some of his standing among Democrats

Agency officials knew in September 2016 of the emails,
shortly after President Donald Trump fired the former FBI
but the bureau did not obtain a warrant until a month later,
according to an inspector general report from the Justice

Rep. Meadows SLAMS Rosenstein’s Referral To Inspector
General ‘He Knows Exactly What The FBI Did,
This Is A Ruse’
By Cristina Laila
May 21, 2018, 8:44 Pm

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows Rosenstein knows what’s in these documents, says
(R-NC) ripped Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein on Meadows.
Monday for requesting the Inspector
General investigate irregularities with the Meadows tweeted: Rod Rosenstein knows exactly what
FBI’s and DOJ’s tactics concerning Trump’s happened and what is in the documents requested by
campaign. Congress. Either the matter warranted investigation long
ago and he did nothing, or he’s seen the facts and believes
It’s a “ruse”, says Chairman Meadows. nothing is wrong.
Rosenstein has known all along what is in
these documents so his belated referral to His belated referral to the IG is not news… it is a ruse
the Inspector General is not news.

Earlier Monday, President Trump held a

meeting at the White House with Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI
Director Chris Wray.

DNI Director Dan Coats also attended the


After the meeting, Rosenstein bent the knee and asked the
Inspector General to investigate any irregularities with the
FBI’s or DOJ’s tactics concerning Trump’s campaign.

The DOJ also agreed to allow Congress to review the

requested documents relating to the FBI’s infiltration into
Trump’s campaign.

Chairman Meadows was not impressed.

Of course Rosenstein knows what is in It’s also important to note the Inspector General has no
these documents. He signed off on the subpoena power.
fourth FISA application renewal to spy on
Carter Page and penned the memo detailing Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova: Here’s the problem
Mueller’s scope. with Mr. Horowitz. He cannot interview any of the people
who have left the Department of Justice or FBI. He has no
Concealed FISA docs may hold the key to Trump’s subpoena authority. So all of the people who were part of
surveillance, says investigative reporter, Sara Carter: the plot and were in DOJ and FBI are gone. He can’t talk
to them.
 The most crucial aspect of the meeting will be the
House Intelligence Committee’s request for classified Any criminal findings from the Inspector General are sent
documents connected to the FISA application to spy on to the Obama-appointed special prosecutor John Huber.
Carter Page and whether the President will demand the
DOJ turn them over AG Sessions is AWOL; we need a real Attorney General
 Rosenstein signed off on the fourth FISA warrant, he who is ready and willing to go to battle.
should know what evidence they used to continue the
surveillance on Page

Witness Said Awan Wiretapped Her,
Then Bank Account She Controlled Was Drained
Luke Rosiak - Investigative Reporter
8:56 Pm 05/21/2018

case since, including by threatening them not to cooperate

with authorities, TheDCNF previously reported.

In April 2016, the House’s Chief Administrative Officer

(CAO) detected allegedly falsified purchase orders, and
the Inspector General quickly expanded the scope to
investigate cyber violations, finding that members of the
Awan family improperly accessed congressmen’s servers
and the House Democratic Caucus server thousands of
 Former Democratic IT aides Imran, Abid and Jamal times.
Awan are suspected of committing a cyber-breach
and theft on Congress Though House officials suspected that equipment was
 While the investigation continues, a potential being stolen, the Capitol Police did not search their homes,
witness in the case said Abid stole nearly $6,000 The Daily Caller News Foundation learned, and did not
from a bank account she controls ban them from the network until nearly a year later. In the
 Her email account is being accessed by third meantime, evidence appears to have been compromised: In
parties, and Abid’s attorney knew she emailed the December 2016, the CAO notified congressmen that the
FBI on specific dates caucus server had physically disappeared.

After former Democratic IT aide Imran Awan allegedly Though Abid played a prominent role in the late-2016 IG
threatened his stepmother not to talk to police, her email report, he has not been arrested, with congressmen saying
account was accessed in suspicious ways and a lawyer for a criminal investigation is ongoing.
one of Awan’s brothers found out she emailed the FBI on
specific dates and lashed out at her:
In January 2017, in the days around his father’s death,
Abid removed Gilani as the beneficiary of his father’s life
“You’re a liar, aren’t you?” insurance and replaced her with himself, which led to a
lawsuit, TheDCNF previously reported.
Days after that, a bank account the stepmother controlled
was almost completely drained through a payment to Abid’s attorney, Jim Bacon, used the life insurance lawsuit
Imran’s brother, Abid Awan, bank records show — but she to force Gilani to sit for a sworn deposition Oct. 4, 2017 in
said she is too afraid to press criminal charges because she which he told her to reveal what she told the FBI about the
claims he has threatened her. The stepmother, Samina congressional criminal probe and tried to get her to find
Gilani, also previously said Imran stole two laptops from out details from investigators.
In one exchange, Bacon knew that she had emailed with
Imran, Abid and Jamal Awan — along with Imran’s wife, the FBI.
Hina Alvi, and a friend — worked as IT administrators for
1 out of every 5 House Democrats and could read all their
BACON Q: [redacted] is your email
emails and files until police banned them from the network
address, isn’t it? And you send emails from
in February 2017 for
that address including two emails to the
FBI, didn’t you?
“numerous violations of House security
policies.” GILANI A: Yes, a long time ago.
Q: No, not a long time ago. March 5th,
Months later, none of the family is in jail, and the 2017. March 6th, 2017. Ma’am, you lied to
stepmother and other witnesses have said Imran and Abid me, didn’t you? You lied to me, didn’t you?
have used their freedom to try to steer the outcome of the You’re a liar, aren’t you?

A: I forgot about that. It was not in my mind. Gilani’s attorney, Michael Hadeed, said that was because
the bank recognized that Abid had taken the money
BACON: Ah. I think we need to take a
without authorization.
break before I explode.

Bacon did not respond to questions from the TheDCNF Gilani told TheDCNF that Abid used a computer to make
about how he knew Gilani had emailed the FBI on those the transfer.
“He used the online method and the PIN,”
Gilani previously said in court documents that she said. “It is another fraud of Abid Awan.”
“Abid Awan is threatening me,” Gilani
“Imran Awan threatened that he is very continued, noting that she was too afraid to
powerful and if I ever call the police again press criminal charges. “They can hurt my
[he] will do harm to me and my family relatives in Pakistan.”
members back in Pakistan.”
The account is registered to a nonprofit, the International
Gilani testified in the deposition for that lawsuit that Imran Sufi Educational Organization, and only Gilani and her
wiretapped her. deceased husband were authorized to make withdrawals,
according to bank account documents. The transaction
occurred after Abid’s lawyer forced Gilani to disclose
“He has connected my phone, my house
personal details, including her Social Security number, in
phone, with his own phone,” Gilani testified.
the deposition.
“Whenever I talked to someone in
Pakistan, he told me later on that ‘you told
this, you said this.'” Bacon did not respond to questions about the email usage
or the funds drained from the bank account.
Those allegations underscored fellow House IT aides’
concerns that the Awans could have used House members’ Imran was arrested at Dulles airport in July 2017 and he
emails for blackmail. and Alvi — who both worked for Rep. Debbie Wasserman
Schultz — were indicted for bank fraud for money moves
Gilani said in court documents that Imran acknowledged that allegedly occurred six months earlier. Prosecutors said
surveilling her, that she saw him remove a device from they believe the dual Pakistani-American citizens had
behind her printer and that Imran took two laptops from learned of the House investigation shortly before they
her. made the money transfers and that given Imran’s

To test whether surveillance might also extend to her “attempt to depart to Pakistan while
email, TheDCNF sent emails to Gilani with a tracker that knowing he was under investigation, the
reported where the messages were opened. The emails government asserts that Awan is a flight
were opened in London, Pakistan and Texas. risk.”

Gilani’s sister, who lives in Pakistan, said she manages Imran’s attorney said at the time that he thought the bank
Gilani’s email since Gilani does not speak English. fraud charges were a “placeholder.” But no additional
Gilani’s sister also said there is no reason the emails charges have been brought.
should have been opened in the other locations.
Even as Democrats have frequently talked about the
TheDCNF later emailed Gilani to ask for comment on this important of enforcing cybersecurity and dedicated
story, but she did not respond. The email was opened in significant monies for that purpose, prosecutors said this
month that they are negotiating a possible “resolution”
London and Independence, Kansas, but never in Virginia
with Awan and for months have said they are turning over
or Lahore, Pakistan.
“voluminous discovery” to Imran’s attorney, despite his
not having been charged with anything related to the
Two weeks after the deposition, on Oct. 19, 2017, an House investigation.
account Gilani controlled was drained of $5,952 — nearly
its entire balance — via a transfer to Abid Awan, bank
Meanwhile, House IT aides have told TheDCNF they have
statements obtained by TheDCNF show. On Feb. 21, 2018,
Bank of America credited the amount back to the account knowledge of misconduct but fear retaliation from
as a “claims processing transaction” — phrasing banks Democrats if they come forward to law enforcement, and
typically use when returning fraudulent transfers. tenants of a rental property Alvi owns who were
mentioned in an FBI affidavit told TheDCNF Imran
ordered them not to cooperate with police.

Another witness who turned over hard drives to the FBI, In April 2017, police found a laptop with the
Andre Taggart, received a letter from Imran’s username RepDWS that Imran left in a phone
attorney demanding money, and Alvi filed a lawsuit in booth. Wasserman Schultz subsequently threatened the
Pakistan saying her husband threatened her with violence, Capitol Police chief with “consequences” if he didn’t
TheDCNF previously reported. relinquish the evidence. Imran is in possession of a copy of
the laptop’s hard drive.

Obama Employees — That’s Why Rosenstein Asked Him
To Investigate Spying On Trump
By Jim Hoft
May 21, 2018, 8:56 Pm

Now we know why Rosenstein gave this investigation to

the Inspector General.

Rosenstein knew the IG investigation could take months to


And… Rosenstein knew the IG has no power to subpoena

former Obama employees involved in the scandal.

Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova:

On Sunday evening, Justice Department Deputy Attorney Here’s the problem with Mr. Horowitz. He
General Rod Rosenstein asked Inspector General Horowitz cannot interview any of the people who have
to investigate whether there was “impropriety or political left the Department of Justice or FBI. He has no
motivation” into the FBI’s infiltration of Trump’s subpoena authority. So all of the people who
campaign. were part of the plot and were in DOJ and FBI
are gone. He can’t talk to them.
This came just hours after President Trump demanded a
review of whether Obama’s Deep State FBI did indeed spy Via Hannity:
on his campaign.

Rod Rosenstein asked Inspector General

Horowitz to investigate the spying on the
Trump campaign.

The Pentagon Is About To Do Something Stupid
Derek Hunter - Contributor
9:12 PM 05/21/2018

everything by accessing one system. Well, they used to

have a decentralized system, but in a boneheaded move
only the government could concoct, the Pentagon is
looking to create a single, giant database for our nation’s
secrets in the cloud.

Being the government, they don’t have the ability to create

their own cloud; they’re farming it out. Just imagine: the
most important bits of intelligence our nation gathers —
A combination photo shows Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos (L) in New
York and U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House in
names, dates, spy satellite photos, bank accounts,
Washington, DC, U.S. on December 14, 2016 and on December 20, everything required for our intelligence agencies to keep
2017 respectively. REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton (L) Jonathan Ernst us one step ahead of our enemies, to keep us safe — all
(R) | Oracle Lobbies Trump Against Amazon entrusted to one company.

By now, there’s a fairly good chance your personal And which company? Amazon. It’s not yet official, but the
information has been exposed, to one degree or another, to Pentagon has a “winner-takes-all” bidding process they’re
hackers. Personally, I’ve received notifications from advancing that even the other competitors for the contract
several companies and my college about hacking attempts admit Amazon will win.
they’ve suffered that made my personal information
vulnerable to identity thieves, and you or someone know
This decision is, quite simply, crazy. Why would the
likely has, too. It’s the reality of living in the 21st century
government award a contract, this contract, to a company
— hackers are constantly attempting to access our
the president routinely puts in his crosshairs? As it turns
information, which requires us to take extra precautions to
out, you can thank President Barack Obama for that.
protect our important information. If only government
were so concerned.
“To reward tech companies that supported
his campaign, Obama populated the
In 2013, 40 million customers of Target stores had their
government’s digital services with their
credit and debit card information stolen. The Equifax hack
flunkies,” the Weekly Standard reported,
exposed nearly half the country, almost 150 million
including the fact that the Defense
people’s personal information to hackers. Even the federal
Innovation Board is “chaired by Bezos’s
government suffered a breach when, in 2015, it was
partner and fellow Clinton supporter Eric
announced that the records of 21.5 million government
employees and others who had gone through background
checks for security clearances for the Office of Personnel
Management had been stolen, likely by Chinese hackers. The swamp didn’t become so swampy by itself. As the
Standard put it, this situation
If it’s digital, it vulnerable.
“created an environment where political
enemies of President Donald Trump can
That truth presents the federal government with a special
continue to give kickbacks to the groups
problem. The feds amass more data than just about anyone.
and individuals who opposed him,
And, more importantly, more sensitive data than anyone.
undermining his ability to lead our national
And that sensitive data is a prime target for hackers, both
security efforts.”
from hostile states and anyone willing to sell to them. The
potential rewards for bad actors are limitless, which makes
the danger limitless as well. So, we have a national security system on the verge of
consolidating all of its intelligence in one place, making it
a prime target for hacking. And the company set to get the
The federal government is left scrambling to stay one step
multi-billion-dollar, multi-year contract to house all of
ahead of the hoard seeking to breach those secrets. This
those secrets is owned by the richest man in the world,
race had led to some necessary innovations and strategic
who just happens to be one of President Trump’s targets
thinking, like a decentralized system so no one can access
for criticism. Add to that the fact that the government
bureaucracy that set this in motion is populated with all under one umbrella while trusting Amazon with them
people loyal to the previous administration and you begin makes even less sense.
to see the scope of this mess.
This is the swamp President Trump promised to drain.
With all that has come to light about the intelligence
community in the past month, the exposure of the Obama The president, at a minimum, needs to stop the centralizing
administration’s spying on the Trump campaign, the idea of our national security data. Unless and until we can
of trusting his appointees with protecting our nation’s protect our personal data and our credit card transactions,
secrets seems, at a minimum, ill-advised. And putting them we should not put the biggest prize in international
intelligence in one place. That would just be stupid.

CNN’s Van Jones Praises Trump’s
Prison Reform Plans, Takes Jab At Obama
Scott Morefield - Reporter
9:33 PM 05/21/2018

are saying if we can’t get everything …

we’ll just take nothing,” Jones said. “Well,
the problem is, we’ve been saying that now
for eight years. We said everything or
nothing under Obama and we wound up
with nothing. And so I think continuing
to do the same thing [and] expecting a
different outcome is the definition of
“Prison reform is an issue that unites
President Trump’s endorsement of a bi-partisan prison people from across our political spectrum,”
reform plan has made an unlikely, albeit temporary, ally in Trump said Friday. “It’s an amazing thing.
CNN’s Van Jones. Our whole nation benefits if former inmates
are able to re-enter our society as
Jones, a frequent Trump critic, reportedly visited President productive, law-abiding citizens.”
Trump and Jared Kushner at the White House on Friday to “Send a bill to my desk,” the president said.
discuss the proposed bill, which would, among other “I will sign it.”
things, improve prison conditions as well as the reentry
process for prisoners getting released. A group consisting of 48 lawmakers from both parties
called the Problem Solvers Caucus has endorsed the First
During an interview on CNN Monday morning, Jones Step Act, which the House Judiciary Committee approved
called the experience of meeting and even getting teased last week by a 25–5 margin, according to CNN.
by the president “surreal” after disagreeing with him on 99
percent of issues. And yet, on this issue, they have “And wouldn’t it be amazing, if the one area
managed to find common ground. of bipartisan thought and cooperation in the
entire country was to help the least of
“On this issue, he has been tough,” said these…?” Jones said.
Jones, noting that the president showed
compassion for prisoners “that most liberal WATCH:
Democrat would have agreed with.”
“If we can’t get together for liberty and
justice for all, something’s wrong with this
country,” Jones said on Friday, according
to CNN. “We’ll do something on this issue;
we’ll fight about everything else, but on this
issue, let’s get together.”

Jones was asked Monday whether it was a problem that

sentencing reform, another issue he’s passionate about,
wasn’t included in this bill.

“I think the civil rights community right now

is actually a little bit divided. Some people

‘I Hate To Inject Common Sense Into This…’
— Tucker Embarrasses Dem Who Claims
To Have Evidence Of Collusion
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
9:37 PM 05/21/2018

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson got into it with Democratic “Well, let’s let the Mueller investigation
California Rep. Eric Swalwell Monday night over Russian continue,” Swalwell said.
“Okay, maybe Mueller’s in contact with the
Russians, but Trump didn’t come up with
WATCH: those from the Russians, so that didn’t
happen,” Carlson said.
“There is still an attempt there, right? You
can attempt to do something and fail, and it
can still be a crime,” Swalwell said.
“I hate to inject common sense into this…”
Tucker joked. “If you’re trying to make
secret contact with Russia, your handlers
back in Moscow, wouldn’t you dial them up
on the short wave in the basement? Would
you really sent a coded message in the
middle of a joke at a press conference?”
“I’m not saying he’s the smartest guy in the
Tucker played a clip from July 2016 where Trump joked world, Tucker. Never accused him of
about Russia finding Hillary Clinton’s emails that she that,” Swalwell said.
deleted. “So that’s — that’s the smoking gun right
there?” Carlson said.
“Do we have the 30,000 emails, did Russia “No, it’s part of the evidence. An invitation
ever come up with those? Oh, no they, they
made by the candidate, telling them it’s
didn’t actually,” The Daily Caller co-founder okay. He’s not the smartest guy in the
said. world,” Swalwell replied
“Do you know that for a fact?” Swalwell “Okay so, he’s both a secret agent for
Putin but he’s so dumb he spills his secrets
“Well, we haven’t seen them,” Carlson said. at a press conference on TV.”

Alan Dershowitz Asks The Key Question:
What If This Had Happened To Hillary?
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
10:27 PM 05/21/2018

CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin and Harvard professor “I have to tell you, if this had happened to
emeritus Alan Dershowitz went head to head over the FBI Hillary Clinton, the ACLU would be jumping
allegedly spying on the Trump campaign on “Anderson up and down the way they did when I was
Cooper 360” Monday. on the board of the ACLU, when
undercover agents were put into the anti-
WATCH: war movement, into Civil Rights
movement,” Dershowitz said.
“All they were there was to listen–into
Muslim churches. Civil libertarians are
generally a little bit suspicious when
undercover agents go ‘just to ask
questions.’ And I think we as civil
libertarians ought to be suspicious of this.
Allay our suspicions, and then we’ll be
fine,” Dershowitz said.

Trump tweeted Sunday that he wanted to investigate

FBI/DOJ spying into his 2016 campaign.

Carter Page Says Obama Spy Stefan Halper Didn’t Groom
Him But He Doesn’t Remember How They Met (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 21, 2018, 10:40 Pm

He then added this.

Laura Ingraham:

Question, who started the conversation?

Did he approach you? Did he mention
Russia collusion first? How did it go down?

Carter Page:

You know we had, it was a multi-day

conference and there were scholars and
Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page joined Laura people from government and both from the
Ingraham on Monday to discuss his interactions with United Kingdom…
Obama Deep State spy Stefan Halper. Halper is accused of
infiltrating and spying on the Trump Campaign during the Laura Ingraham:
2016 election.
I know but stay focused with me. Did he
Carter Page told Laura Ingraham he was not sure when he approach you first? Did you approach him?
met Stefan Halper. But Page did tweet out this exchange How did you first start speaking?
with Halper in July 2016.
Carter Page:

See, I don’t even recall. We spent a couple

days together and…

Laura Ingraham:

Couple days together?

Carter Page:

Yeah, it was a long event. Over several

days and… I didn’t feel groomed.

On July 11-12, 2016 Carter Page was invited to the Carter Page then said he did not remember who mentioned
conference: the Russia issue first.

2016’s Race to Change the World: How the That’s interesting.

U.S. Presidential Campaign Can Reshape
Global Politics and Foreign Policy at Most people would remember who made the initial contact
Cambridge University. Stefan Halper was a with a speaker at a conference — especially if it was less
speaker at the conference. than two years ago.

Carter Page told Laura he was invited to participate in the Hmm.

conference – but he was not slated to speak at the event.
Either Carter Page was a very soft target
— or he was lying.

Via The Ingraham Angle:

BREAKING=> Former Trump Aide Michael Caputo
Drops Bombshell: ‘I Was Approached By SECOND
Informant’ (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
May 21, 2018, 10:41 Pm

Former Trump campaign aide Michael

Caputo appeared on Fox News’ VIDEO:
Ingraham Angle Monday evening and
dropped a bombshell–he says he was
approached by a SECOND informant
during the 2016 election.
Caputo said he’s waiting for clearance
from his attorney before he offers more

The stenographers at the New York Times are in spin mode

ahead of the damning IG report which is due to be released
to the public in a few weeks.

The New York Times claimed the spy embedded in

Trump’s camp wasn’t spying; he was there to protect
Trump from the Russians. Unbelievable.
Michael Caputo unleashed on Obama’s Deep State spy
campaign Monday night. In the very same New York Times FBI puff piece, it is
revealed the Deep State informant spy [Stefan Halper]
FIREWORKS! lured in George Papadopoulos with cash–$3,000 and a trip
to London.
“Let me tell you something that I know for a
fact, this informant, this person that
planted, that they tried to plant into the The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a total of $411,575
campaign and even into the administration, in 2016 and 2017 for work with the US government that
if you believe Axios–he’s not the only included spying on the Trump campaign.
person who came into the campaign!”
Caputo exclaimed. “And the FBI is not the A new report on Monday revealed Halper pitched himself
only Obama agency who came into the for a senior Trump admin position.
campaign,” Caputo continued.
“I know because they came at me. And I’m Certainly other spies infiltrated Trump’s campaign; Caputo
looking for clearance from my attorney to is right, this is only the beginning.
reveal this to the public. This is just the
beginning and I’ll tell ya, when we finally The Deep State lies and lies and lies… And then lies some
find out the truth about this–Director more.
Clapper and the rest of them are gonna be
wearing some orange suits,” Michael
Caputo said as he concluded his rant.
Special Report: John Brennan’s Plot
To Infiltrate The Trump Campaign
George Neumayr
May 22, 2018, 12:05 Am

But if his role had truly been passive, the “inter-agency

taskforce” wouldn’t have been meeting at CIA
headquarters. By keeping its discussions at Langley,
Brennan could keep his finger wedged in the pie. Both
before and after the FBI’s official probe began in late July
2016, Brennan was bringing together into the same room
at CIA headquarters a cast of Trump haters across the
Obama administration whose activities he could direct —
from Peter Strzok, the FBI liaison to Brennan, to the
doltish Jim Clapper, Brennan’s errand boy, to an
assortment of Brennan’s buddies at the Treasury
It came out of his “inter-agency
Department, Justice Department, and White House.
taskforce” at Langley.
The bogus tip from Estonia led the group into its first
As Trump won primary after primary in 2016, a rattled cock-up: sending FBI agents to sniff around the computer
John Brennan started claiming to colleagues at the CIA server connected to Trump Tower. After that effort
that Estonia’s intelligence agency had alerted him to an flopped, Brennan’s group had to go back to the drawing
intercepted phone call suggesting Putin was pouring board (on the electronic intelligence front, it had already
money into the Trump campaign. The tip was bogus, but hatched plans for national security letters and FISA
Brennan bit on it with opportunistic relish. warrants). Someone in the group must have proposed
blasting a swampy old CIA source and Hillary supporter,
Out of Brennan’s alarmist chatter about the bogus tip came Stefan Halper, into the Trump campaign orbit to see if he
an extraordinary leak to the BBC: could catch a couple of minor campaign volunteers out in
That Brennan had used it, along with later
half-baked tips from British intelligence, as Halper had entered the Deep State through a door opened
the justification to form a multi-agency spy by his father-in-law, Ray Cline, whose work for the CIA
operation (given the Orwellian designation was legendary. Behind that door Halper found a treasure
of an “inter-agency taskforce”) on the trove of jobs and government contracts, making his life as
Trump campaign, which he was running a transatlantic jet-setting academic possible. Brennan’s
right out of CIA headquarters. Langley group had access to Halper’s file and sized him up
as the perfect embed: a Republican-oriented foreign policy
The CIA was furious about the leak, but never denied the scholar who could plausibly interact with Trump officials
BBC’s story. To Congress earlier this year, Brennan while serving as a nexus between the CIA and Brennan’s
acknowledged the existence of the group, but cast his role friends in British intelligence. Halper’s ties to Richard
in it as the mere conduit of tips about Trump-Russia Dearlove, a former head of British intelligence, are well
collusion: known, and Halper knows Alexander Downer, the pub-
crawling Aussie diplomat, through a mutual association
“It was well beyond my mandate as director with Cambridge University.
of CIA to follow on any of those leads that
involved U.S. persons. But I made sure that That Halper came out of the brainstorming of Brennan’s
anything that was involving U.S. persons, group is clear from the fact that his first known meeting
including anything involving the individuals with Carter Page preceded the formal opening of the FBI’s
involved in the Trump campaign, was probe. The Washington Post hinted at the role of
shared with the bureau.” Brennan’s group in hatching Halper:

Many questions about the informant’s role of luring him into a London meeting); another involved
in the Russia investigation remain sex (Halper’s assistant, with a name out of a bad spy novel,
unanswered. It is unclear how he first Azra Turk, tried to coax information from Papadopoulos at
became involved in the case, the extent of flirty bar outings, according to the Daily Caller’s Chuck
the information he provided and the actions Ross).
he took to obtain intelligence for the FBI. It
is also unknown whether his July 2016 Like Brennan, Halper didn’t bother to hide his support for
interaction with [Carter] Page was brokered Hillary even as he conducted this infiltration. He told the
by the FBI or another intelligence agency press that he feared a Trump presidency, as it could harm
[italics added]. the “special relationship” between the United States and
The FBI commonly uses sources and Great Britain. That rationale must have figured into
informants to gather evidence and its Alexander Downer’s motivation for working with
regulations allow for use of informants even Brennan’s Langley group too. Downer traveled in the same
before a formal investigation has been elitist circles as Christopher Steele, Halper, and John
opened. In many law enforcement Kerry. It appears he sent word of his boozy evening with
investigations, the use of sources and Papadopoulos back to Brennan’s group through these
informants precedes more invasive circles — either through Hillary partisans at the State
techniques such as electronic surveillance. Department or through Clinton Foundation channels, for
whom he had worked as a kind of bag man.
A veteran of the intelligence community tells TAS that
Brennan’s CIA was full of Hillary supporters, some of Halper had come up empty, so Brennan’s group at Langley
whom decorated their desks with her campaign went with Downer’s tale, as feeble as it was. But it at least
paraphernalia. Brennan, whom the press noted would walk had the advantage of coming from a “diplomat.” Yet if
the halls of the CIA in an LGBT rainbow lanyard, Congressman Nunes is right and the originating document
encouraged this open political atmosphere. While Brennan for the FBI probe doesn’t even contain a reference to an
knew his spying operation on the Trump campaign was an official intelligence product passed to Brennan from the
“exceptionally, exceptionally sensitive” matter (as reported Australian government, Downer’s hearsay must have been
by journalists David Corn and Michael Isikoff), he exceedingly flaky, so flaky no one would want to be on the
assumed its machinations would never come to light. record treating it as “evidence” for something as
momentous as a probe into a presidential campaign.
The members of Brennan’s working group at Langley
“were just a bunch of out-of-control idiots,” says a former According to press accounts, Downer’s bumptiousness
high-ranking CIA official to TAS. He finds it caused a diplomatic row of sorts between the two
flabbergasting that Brennan would bring CIA officials and countries. Who resolved it? John Kerry? Susan Rice? Or
FBI officials into the same room to cook up schemes to was this another case of Obama leading from behind —
send a spy into the Trump campaign’s ranks. One of those behind a CIA director briefing him daily on “Russian
schemes involved money (Halper paid George interference” while running an anti-Trump spy ring out of
Papadopoulos $3,000 for a phony research paper as a way Langley.

Disloyal Subversion Has Severely Damaged
Our Justice System
John D. O'Connor - The Attorney Who Revealed Mark Felt As Watergate's Deep Throat
12:06 AM 05/22/2018

House disapproved. He soft-soaped Clinton Foundation

corruption, apparently not examining thousands of Clinton
emails, then sanctioned the destruction of 30,000 of them
in the later, more public Hillary Clinton email
investigation. He then threw the FBI’s strong tradition of
independence behind his partisan, legally questionable
exoneration of Clinton, certainly to gain the winking
approval of a woman he thought would be the incoming

Disappointed with the election of Donald Trump, a man he

We should all agree with James Comey’s assertions in A clearly loathed before ever meeting him, Comey set up
Higher Loyalty that our system of justice needs to Trump for a leak of the horrid Steele Dossier, while
maintain a reservoir of public trust in the independence of churning up a phony “Russian Collusion” investigation
the Department of Justice, especially its investigative that roils our country to this day. He then, he admits,
branch, the FBI. Unfortunately, Comey’s book sneakily caused the appointment of a Special Counsel to
demonstrates that, both as deputy attorney general in the carry out the Russian collusion investigation he had
Bush administration and as FBI director during the Obama knowingly trumped (please excuse) up.
and Trump presidencies, he has played underhanded,
partisan games which have drained that reservoir dry. His biggest deception is his self-description as an
independent, down-the-middle FBI law enforcer without,
In a January 22, 2017 dinner with President Trump, when he pains to tell us, a “Democratic pedigree.” In fact, he
Trump asked Comey if he could count on him to be conceals from the reader that he was at the time of his
“reliable,” Comey replied, appointment in 2013 a registered Democrat, along with his
ardent Obama-supporting family, and had taken strong
partisan, anti-conservative positions since 2003. There is
“I didn’t do sneaky things… and I don’t
nothing wrong with that, if he had not concealed his
leak.” In fact, those are two of Comey’s
partisan views from the Bush administration when
favorite activities.
appointed deputy attorney general in 2003, and now
conceals his partisan affiliation from the readers of his
In the tumultuous, finger-pointing aftermath of the 2003 book. Radical transparency? It doesn’t seem so. The Bush
Iraq Invasion, no one did more to throw the country into White House, Comey proudly admits, came to view him as
partisan turmoil than Deputy Attorney General Comey, by a “loaded gun,” after Comey spent his tenure undermining
his dishonestly causing the Special Counsel’s investigation the anti-terrorist policies of the administration he was
and conviction of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, Vice President supposedly serving.
Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff.
Throughout his book, Comey dissembles, very cleverly,
While Comey was perjury-trapping Libby in a crimeless about the substance of his key actions. He tells us six
investigation, he cleverly threw monkey wrenches into times, for example, that Valerie Plame, the CIA agent
various anti-terrorist programs supported by Cheney, as to involved in the Libby prosecution, was a “covert agent,”
whom, to gain appointment, he had previously disguised from a layman’s point of view perhaps arguably correct,
his partisan disgust. since she had assumed false identities on several postings.
But, as the Special Prosecutor eventually admitted, Plame
During the Obama administration, as director of the FBI, was not a covert agent as defined by the Intelligence
Comey whitewashed the egregious harassment by the IRS, Identities Protection Act, on which the crimeless
via Lois Lerner, of conservative groups (p. 186, A Higher investigation was falsely premised by Comey.
Loyalty) seeking to support causes of which the White
Such crimeless investigations, of which Comey is a examples, such as the public exoneration of Lois Lerner,
devious master, were clearly designed as perjury traps. which were, he claims, in the public interest. Simple logic
Libby was motivated to falsely deny speaking to reporters therefore shows that he was encouraging, by his refusal to
about Plame because he thought that was a crime, which it exonerate Trump, the false public inference of Trump’s
wasn’t. Michael Flynn when questioned by Comey’s FBI guilt, refusing the same public exoneration afforded
agents in December 2016 ostensibly about possible seeming perpetrators Clinton and Lerner.
violations of the Logan Act (private parties pursuing
foreign policy), Flynn falsely denied discussing sanctions There is much more evidence in Comey’s book of his
with the Russian Ambassador, even though this was not devious spinning of webs. For example, his leak of his
illegal, and the Logan Act was a dead letter. Minor Trump Trump conversation memos were neither, he claims, FBI
Campaign official George Papadopoulos, similarly, denied documents (even though he put them in FBI files and
speaking to Kremlin-connected Russians, likely for fear of discussed them with his FBI team), nor classified (even
admitting to “Russian collusion,” an amorphous non-crime though they concerned national security conversations
if unconnected to an otherwise truly illegal scheme. with the sitting president, protected by the president’s
executive privilege). You know, the executive privilege
In contrast to his work with Bush, Comey pulled his frequently invoked, with Comey’s approval, by President
punches on the investigations in which he, as FBI Director, Obama.
exonerated Obama/Clinton officials. But what, if anything,
did Comey do in these investigations that was provably Comey contends that the ostensibly leaked Steele Dossier
unethical? For one, the FBI should not be making charging story was not a leak because Buzzfeed could have obtained
decisions, because they can be seen as political, and the document from non-government sources. But he
therefore are clearly the province of DOJ prosecutors, not conceals from the reader that there was a leak to CNN of
an independent FBI. For another, he recommended no the private Comey-Trump meeting about the same
Special Counsel for any of them, even though the conflicts salacious allegations and that Comey and DNI James
were clear. He even admits in his book that he should have Clapper were obvious sources. Likely suspecting Comey,
recommended one for the Clinton email investigation, Trump thereafter asked Comey if he could have his
marred by the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton tarmac meeting. loyalty, a reasonable request given this breach of
If so, why didn’t he? Because, he tells us, continuing the confidentiality.
investigation through a Special Counsel might cause some
to think the presidential candidate was guilty, which would While Comey also portrays that request as Mafia-like, he
be, he said, “a lie.” Wasn’t this a partisan, not apolitical, should know that all government and corporate employees
owe duties of loyalty to their organizations. Not only is
demanding organizational loyalty not criminal, it is highly
He did not apply the same standards to his subversion of appropriate, especially of a leaking subordinate. But rather
conservative administrations. He appointed his child’s than give Trump due institutional loyalty as the Chief
godfather, Patrick Fitzgerald, as special counsel in the Executive of his country, Comey sneakily prepared memos
Plame/Libby investigation (explaining to his readers that of his confidential conversation with the president,
Fitzgerald had “independence” because he lived in discussed them with his team, and later leaked them.
Chicago) even though Comey knew there was no crime,
which, by the way, he concealed from the readers of his
Apropos of Mafia-like loyalty, does anyone on the planet
book. Years later, he importuned Deputy Attorney General believe, as Comey claims, that he did not tell Attorney
Rod Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel (the General Loretta Lynch or Deputy Attorney General Sally
unimpeachable Robert Mueller), even though he knew
Yates of his planned exoneration of Hillary Clinton? Are
there was no crime causing a potential conflict, that is, no
we to believe that he was free to reach a prosecutorial
Russian electoral interference collusion, and that the Steele
decision, not his to make, without coordinating with the
Dossier was opposition research rubbish. The partisan prosecutors who did have that authority? So, yes, Comey
provenance of this dossier he concealed from President reveals a dishonest Mob loyalty. But its practitioners
Trump as he sought seeming “leverage” (which he denies)
include various Clinton, Obama and FBI officials who
over Trump. So, to Comey, special counsel appointments
likely conspired with Comey to exonerate Clinton and
are appropriate, even with no crime, if used to investigate
wrongly pursue Trump, while concealing this likely
Republicans, but inappropriate where there was probable
criminality causing a conflict with Clinton/Obama
Throughout his book, Comey unintentionally reveals his
unethical loyalty to this partisan cabal, while publicly
Comey snarkily refused President Trump’s several
denying anything other than loyalty to an exalted higher
requests for a public FBI statement exonerating him,
truth. So, at bottom, A Higher Loyalty is an unctuous
explaining to the reader that the requests reminded him of defense of his many years of subversion of our most
Mafia doings. But to justify his public exoneration of valued governmental institutions. Comey, like a clever
Hillary Clinton, Comey gives his readers several similar
Mafioso, will likely not be convicted for his deviousness “sneaky things” and leaking. His supposedly higher
because, as a mob soldier might boast, the case against him loyalty, it turns out, was in fact a lower loyalty to his own
is only circumstantial. personal agenda, causing harm to the system of justice he
was sworn to uphold.
But we can convict him in the court of public opinion of
taking the actions he flatly denied to the president: doing

Trump Economy Sets More Records: 1st Quarter Profits,
Earnings Reach All-Time Highs – Largest Monthly Surplus
In History – Far Left Media Silent
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 7:22 Am

The Russell 2000 and other market indices have good

reasons for reaching all-time highs.

Corporate earnings have never been


The 1st Quarter results for the companies in the S&P 500
increased more than 25% over the same period in the prior
year. S&P 500 Aggregate Estimates and Revisions are
reported as follows –

 First quarter earnings are expected to

The biggest lies from the Mainstream increase 25.7% from Q1 2017. Excluding the energy
Media are not only what they tell us, the sector, the earnings growth estimate declines to 23.7%.
biggest lies are what they don’t tell us!
 Of the 409 companies in the S&P 500 that have
The liberal MSM is obsessed with the fake “Trump-Russia reported earnings to date for Q1 2018, 79.2%
Collusion” story and have been for nearly two years. They have reported earnings above analyst
love everything about this sham story because it keeps the expectations. This is above the long-term average of
truth about President Trump from being told. 64% and above the prior four quarter average of 72%

The President has many success stories under his belt  The Q1 2018 blended revenue growth estimate is
already in less than a year and a half in office, but probably 8.4%. Excluding the energy sector, the revenue growth
no story is as important and stunning as the Trump estimate declines to 8.0%.
 75.9% of companies have reported Q1 2018
Under President Trump the economy is revenue above analyst expectations. This is
on fire and set for more record earnings above the long-term average of 60% and above the
and results. prior four quarter average of 69%.

Yesterday, on May 21, 2018, the Russell 2000 hit a new These numbers are even understated.
all-time high – 500 of the largest US Companies’ profits
are 25% greater than prior year in the 1st
Quarter. This is unheard of in US
The Russell 2000 index of small-
capitalization stocks rose on Monday, history! When, if ever, have the 500
advancing to its latest in a series of records largest companies in the US increased
their ‘bottom line’ earnings by 25%.
as investors cheered an easing of U.S.-
China trade tensions. While smaller This is simply record breaking!
companies are seen as having less
exposure to trade issues, due to their Even before the 2016 Presidential election, the MSM
higher concentration of U.S. revenue claimed that if Trump were to be elected President, the
exposure, the market segment has rallied markets would collapse as a result of trade wars instigated
consistently for weeks, easily by President Trump who was running on free trade but
outperforming its larger-cap peers. fair trade. This too turned out to be a farce.
According to reports today, the President has renegotiated
trade deals with China that will result in a reduction of the
trade deficit with China by $380 Billion.

This is the largest annual trade deficit

reduction in US history.

On top of all this, the CBO reported the largest monthly

surplus in history in April –

The Congressional Budget Office is reporting that the

federal government took in $515 billion in April. With
outlays of only $218 billion, the $190-billion surplus
represents the largest in history.

Because of President Trump, American optimism is at an

Although the MSM will not tell you, we
all-time high –
are currently enjoying arguably the best
US economy and outlook in US history!
Corporate profits are at all-time highs
(by far) and the economic outlook keeps
getting better and better every day!

Manafort’s Lawyers Suggest
Key Mueller Deputy Is Leaking To Media
Richard Pollock - Reporter
7:27 Am 05/22/2018

disclosing alleged money laundering made

by the former and now-embattled Trump
campaign chairman.” Manafort’s attorneys
finger Weissmann as the leaker to the AP

Downing reported in the filing that “the meeting did not go

over well with FBI officials, who issued a complaint to the
Justice Department suggesting that the attorney did not
follow normal procedures for dealing with journalists.”
Federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann speaks to the press
REUTERS/Jeff Mitchell On May 14, Mueller personally rejected Manafort’s
request for a hearing on media leaks, charging that the
A senior assistant special counsel to Robert Mueller’s April 30 motion did not address any media leaks regarding
investigation is facing allegations he leaked information to secret grand jury testimony. However, they did not address
reporters concerning the Russian collusion leaks that disclosed internal deliberations by his staff or
investigation, according to a Monday court filing. any other Special Counsel discoveries.

Paul Manafort’s defense attorney Kevin Downing Weissmann’s political loyalty has been scrutinized. He
officially leveled the leaking allegation against key “attended Hillary Clinton’s election-night party at the
Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann as part of a new legal Jacob K. Javits Center in New York,” according to The
offensive against Mueller’s indictment of Manafort, who Wall Street Journal, for example.
served briefly as Trump’s campaign manager. Downing
charges that a flood of media leaks has prevented his client The lawyer also supported acting Attorney General Sally
from getting a fair trial. Downing asked presiding federal Yates’ opposition to Trump’s initial immigration ban.
Judge T.S. Ellis III on April 30 to convene a hearing on
media leaks. The judge has yet to rule on the request.
“I am so proud,” Weissmann wrote about
Yates in an email the conservative group
In the latest filing, Downing charged that a senior Justice Judicial Watch uncovered. “And in awe.
Department official — identified as Weissmann in exhibits Thank you so much.”
attached to the filing — briefed Associated Press reporters
in spring 2017, which led to four breaking stories about the
Rep. Devin Nunes, a California Republican and chairman
government’s investigation into alleged Trump-Russian
of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
collusion and Manafort.
has asked the Justice Department to provide information
on the claim Weissmann met with news reporters.
“There is strong evidence that the highest-
level FBI and intelligence officials
When he met with the reporters, Weissmann headed the
authorized leaks to the press and, in fact,
fraud section of the Justice Department’s Criminal
leaked themselves,” Manafort’s filing
Division. He was one of the first attorneys Mueller hand-
picked to join the special counsel team in May 2017.
According to the filing, a
Weissmann has a reputation for pushing the boundaries on
prosecutions. The New York Times last October called him
“senior Justice Department prosecutor” met a “pit bull” who used “scorched-earth tactics” against
with the AP reporters “last spring to discuss opponents.
an investigation into Paul Manafort’s
financial records, a day before the wire
service published a major exposé
Weissmann was also Mueller’s attorney on the ground Howell now oversees Mueller’s grand jury in Washington,
who oversaw the pre-dawn raid on Manafort’s home. D.C. It was Howell’s chambers that approved the raid on
the home and law office for Trump’s personal lawyer,
In the 1990’s, Chief Judge Charles P. Sifton Michael Cohen.
reprimanded Weissmann as “reprehensible” during a trial
regarding the Colombo crime family for withholding Manafort’s lawyers claim the multitude of leaks coming
evidence. from Mueller’s office

“The judge described then [Assistant U.S. “constitute outrageous government conduct
Attorney] Weissmann’s conduct as the intended to deprive Mr. Manafort of his
‘myopic withholding of information’ and Fifth and Sixth Amendment Constitutional
‘reprehensible and subject, perhaps, to rights to due process and a trial by an
appropriate disciplinary unbiased jury of his peers.”
measures,'” according to a February 2018
article by investigative reporter Sara Carter. They charge that Manafort could never get a fair trial due
to the leaks.
Weissmann also has allies within the Justice Department
and in the federal court system. Weissmann became “In light of the mass media coverage of
friends with Loretta Lynch who then headed the U.S. these leaks in print, on television, radio and
Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District for New York. the internet, it seems unlikely that there is a
jury questionnaire, instruction or change of
“He was very friendly with Loretta,” a venue that could cure the irreparable harm
former federal prosecutor who worked in to Mr. Manafort’s Constitutional rights
Brooklyn while Weissmann was there resulting from leaks by the highest-level
told the Daily Beast. “They were all part of government officials,” Downing wrote.
a little gang together – they would go out
for lunch, they would go out for dinner.” The FBI and the Special Counsel’s office both declined to
Weissmann also became friends with fellow attorney Beryl
Howell who later joined the federal bench as a judge.

Sen. Ron Johnson Sends Letter To FBI –
Discovers Secret Deep State “Sensitive Matter Team”
Behind Phony Dossier
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 7:59 Am

aware of the phony dossier used to spy

on candidate Trump.

FBI has a hell of a lot of explaining to do.

On Monday Senator Ron Johnson (R-

WI) sent a letter to the FBI Director
regarding phony Steele Russia dossier.

Explosive new e-mails show FBI brass

discussed dossier briefing details with

Senator Johnson accused the FBI of having a “sensitive

matter team” as reference by FBI Chief of Staff Jim
Rybicki in an January 6, 2017 email to unspecified

Johnson wants to know the members of See complete letter on next page.
the “sensitive matter team” who were

Trump, McConnell Conspired
To Force Blankenship Out In West Virginia
Robert Donachie - Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
8:36 AM 05/22/2018

Blankenship ultimately came in third and Trump’s

endorsement, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Morrisey, won the Republican nomination. Morrisey will
Donald Trump teamed up to ensure GOP Senate candidate take on Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin in November.
Don Blankenship did not make it through the Republican
primary earlier in May. The failed candidate attributes his loss to Trump, claiming
he lost as much as 10 percent of the vote after Trump sent
“And so he said, ‘Well what if I just make out the tweet. Blankenship is also not a fan of McConnell.
the case that Blankenship would lose in He called him “Cocaine Mitch,” “Swamp Captain” and
November?'” McConnell told The made a campaign out of attacking the majority leader. For
Washington Post Tuesday. “And I said, his part, McConnell mostly laughed it off, saying after
‘That’d be great.'” Blankenship lost that “didn’t seem to work out well.”

The play wasn’t necessarily a secret after Trump took an Blankenship is now running as a third-party candidate in
eleventh-hour swipe at Blankenship on Twitter the day the race, announcing Monday he will run as the
before West Virginia Republican voters headed to the representative of the Constitution Party. West Virginia
ballot box. He called out Blankenship for exactly what he laws have it that a candidate who failed to win the
reportedly told McConnell leading up to the election. nomination in one of the two major parties cannot enter the
race as a third-party candidate, but Blankenship claims he
“To the great people of West Virginia we is ready to challenge the court.
have, together, a really great chance to
keep making a big difference. Problem is, Trump and McConnell understand that maintaining the
Don Blankenship, currently running for majority, and potentially picking up more seats to add to
Senate, can’t win the General Election in their slim 51-seat majority, is key to pushing the
your State…No way! Remember Alabama. Republican agenda in Congress. While the House has been
Vote Rep. Jenkins or A.G. Morrisey!” able to pass nearly every facet of the president’s agenda
Trump tweeted the day before the primary, (tax reform, repealing and replacing Obamacare and
May 7. deregulation), the Senate has had a more difficult time
with little-to-no wiggle room for losing Republican votes.

Deep State James Clapper: Embedding Spy Inside Trump
Campaign Is “Standard Investigative Practices –
Goes On All The Time”
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 8:38 Am

The Deep State got caught spying on On Monday Clapper doubled-down saying spying on the
Candidate Trump — Now they’re opposition candidate is “standard investigative practices.”
spinning this as a good thing and Via The New York Times:
normal procedure.
James R. Clapper Jr., who was the director
of national intelligence under President
Barack Obama, said that Mr. Trump is
trying to distort standard investigatory
practices to insinuate wrongdoing.
“I didn’t know about this informant,” said
Mr. Clapper, whose memoir, “Facts and
Fears: Hard Truths From a Life in
Intelligence,” will be published Tuesday.
“No one in the White House knew.
Certainly the president didn’t know. This is
a routine thing that goes on all the time.
We’re making a huge mountain out of a
molehill. The purpose was to understand
what the Russians were doing.”

Obama’s former DNI Chief James

Clapper said Thursday evening on CNN,
“It’s a good thing,” the Deep State FBI
was spying on Trump’s campaign.

This was after Clapper initially denied the intelligence

community was spying on Donald Trump.

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe Warns
Dems Pushing Trump Impeachment:
‘You Have To Shoot To Kill’
By Aidan Mclaughlin
9:00 Am, May 22nd, 2018

Tribe explained that the impeachment is not about “garden

variety crime,” but “abusing the authority that we give to
high officials like the president.” The professor went on to
give examples of offenses that Trump could commit that
would not constitute crimes, but would be impeachable,
including failing to protect the country in favor of
enriching himself personally.

“But it will be available only if we don’t use

it loosely, and ring the bell every time
something looks amiss,” Tribe said. “You
can’t be the boy who cried wolf and have a
Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe appeared on viable impeachment power. You can’t use it
CNN’s New Day to discuss his new book, To End a over and over again against the same
Presidency: The Power of Impeachment, and the president.”
#Resistance Twitter influencer warned Democrats against
throwing down the impeachment card too hastily. “If you’re going to shoot him, you have to
shoot to kill,” Tribe said. “And that requires
CNN’s Chris Cuomo noted that Tribe’s book an overwhelming majority of a bipartisan
kind. Otherwise you’re just going to nick the
guy, and make him feel empowered and
“comes with a note of political caution,” that vindicated.”
“Democrats shouldn’t be rushing down the
road of impeachment.”
Watch above, via CNN.

EXCLUSIVE: Human Rights Activist
Files RICO Suit Against Fusion GPS Founders
Chuck Ross - Reporter
9:19 AM 05/22/2018

because he has provided information about an alleged

Derwick bribery scheme to federal authorities.

“Thor’s got a righteous case,” G. Robert

Blakey, a former federal prosecutor who
drafted RICO back in 1970, told The Daily
Caller News Foundation.

Human Rights Foundation president Thor Halvorssen. (YouTube Blakey, a Notre Dame law professor, said that the
screen capture/Fox Business) approach of Halvorssen’s lawyer to the RICO case is a
novel one that hasn’t been tested much in federal court.
 President of the Human Rights Foundation is suing But he noted that the attorney, Howard Foster, is one of the
two founders of Fusion GPS under the RICO top-five RICO attorneys in the country.
 Thor Halvorssen claims two reporters who founded “It’s a good case,” said Blakey.
Fusion GPS engaged in a conspiracy to retaliate
against him for blowing the whistle on one of Under a civil RICO cases, plaintiffs must show that
Fusion’s clients. defendants engaged in two incidents of racketeering within
 The Fusion founders were hired to produce a 10 years of each other. To support that element of the case
dossier and a media campaign to depict Halvorrsen against Fusion, Halvorssen’s lawsuit cites the oppo firm’s
as a pedophile and addict, according to the lawsuit. work against himself and two other men, Alek Boyd and
Bill Browder.
A prominent human rights activist is suing two of the
founders of Fusion GPS and several Venezuelan Fusion went after Browder, the leading force behind the
businessmen under a statute usually associated with the Magnitsky Act, on behalf of a Russian businessman who
Mafia. faced penalties because of the sanctions law. Fusion GPS
technically worked BakerHostetler, a law firm that
Thor Halvorssen, the president of the Human Rights represented a Russian businessman named Denis Katsyv.
Foundation, claims that Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch,
two former Wall Street Journal reporters who founded As part of its work, Fusion produced research alleging that
Fusion, engaged in a conspiracy to retaliate against him for Browder laundered money out of Russia and evaded taxes.
blowing the whistle on one of Fusion’s clients, a
Venezuelan power plant company called Derwick In a bizarre twist, some of Fusion’s research was taken into
Associates. the June 9, 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Donald
Trump Jr. and a group of Russians. Fusion was working at
The two Fusion founders were hired to produce a dossier the time with two of the Russian attendees, Natalia
and a media campaign “to depict Halvorrsen as a Veselnitskaya and Rinat Akhmetshin.
pedophile, heroin addict, and embezzler of the
Foundation’s money,” reads Halvorssen’s lawsuit, which Halvorssen’s suit does not mention Fusion GPS’s most
he filed under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt infamous project:
Organizations Act (RICO) statute.
The Steele dossier. Working for the Clinton
Mostly linked to organized crime cases, RICO can also be campaign and DNC, Fusion hired former
used in civil cases against legitimate businesses. British spy Christopher Steele in June 2016
Halvorssen’s case rests on the theory that Derwick and to investigate Donald Trump and members
Fusion GPS engaged in a conspiracy to intimidate a of his campaign.
whistleblower, which Halvorssen considers himself to be

The result is a 35-page report full of salacious allegations, The goal, according to Halvorssen, was to force his
the most serious of yet have yet to be proven. removal from the Human Rights Foundation. He claims
that he lost $5 million in business deals because of the
Boyd was allegedly targeted by Fusion GPS because of his allegations against him.
investigations against Derwick. A former Halvorssen “It’s time Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch and
associate, Boyd has claimed that Fusion passed around a the Venezuelans who own Derwick pay for
dossier that, similar to the one against Halvorssen, accused what they did to Thor Halvorssen. Fusion
him of rampant drug use and pedophilia. GPS is a smear operation which tried to
Both Browder and Boyd have publicly blasted Fusion GPS ruin his career,” Foster, the lead attorney
and Simpson. for Halvorssen, said in a statement.

Browder has called Simpson a “professional smear “It has consistently tried to destroy others
campaigner.” while it hides behind reporters and its
clients’ law firms. Our hope is that this
“Fusion is basically a pen-for-hire shop, litigation will bring it all to light.”
whose owners are prepared to concoct
completely spurious stories that are fed to Halvorssen says that Fusion GPS struggled to put together
media contacts developed over years of its dossier on him because
legitimate work in reputable outlets,” Boyd “nobody would provide such information for
told The Daily Caller last year. attribution because the allegations Fusion
Halvorssen claims that Fusion GPS targeted him on behalf GPS wanted to publicize were false.”
of Derwick because of an investigation he started in 2011 He alleges that sources were promised anonymity “and
into Derwick’s contracts with the Venezuelan government. encouraged to exaggerate and speculate.”
Halvorssen, who was born in Venezuela, says he
uncovered a multi-billion dollar kickback scheme “Fusion GPS either found someone who
involving Derwick executives and Venezuelan officials. invented a story that Halvorssen regularly
used heroin, had been in rehab, and was
He claims in the lawsuit that Francisco D’Agostino, a high at Foundation events, or it invented
Derwick executive, described the bribery operation to him the story out of whole cloth.”
in 2013.
The firm also fabricated allegations that Halvorssen
Halvorssen brought the alleged bribery operation to the embezzled money from the Human Rights Foundation and
attention of the U.S. government in 2013, leading to had sex with minors, he says.
several federal investigations, he says.
Halvorssen suggests in the lawsuit that he has evidence
As retaliation, Halvorssen says that Derwick tapped that Derwick’s D’Agostino made contact with Simpson
Fusion GPS to wage a smear campaign against him. and Fritsch to discuss the smear campaign against him.
“Simpson and Fritsch promised to pass The lawsuit refers to a “series of calls” that D’Agostino
along the dossier to friendly journalists who placed in Aug. 2015 to discuss the hit-job.
would use the negative information, even if
the information came from hostile sources Joshua A. Levy, a lawyer for Fusion GPS,
and not for attribution, into a profile of says that the lawsuit is “a farce.”
Halvorrsen for wide publication in the In a statement to The Daily Caller News Foundation, Levy
media and particularly on the internet,” the claimed that the suit “repeats false allegations Mr.
lawsuit alleges. Halvorssen has peddled unsuccessfully for more than a
Halvorssen points to an article and social media postings year.”
written by independent journalist Ken Silverstein. “Mr. Halvorssen has well-documented ties
Silverstein wrote the Sept. 28, 2015 article for the website, to Peter Thiel, Erik Prince and Rebekah Mercer, three of Donald Trump’s biggest
Though Shadowproof is a small website, the article about supporters. This bogus lawsuit is yet
Halvorssen pops up on the first page of a Google search another desperate attempt by the
for his name. Halvorssen claims that Fusion GPS used President’s allies to retaliate against Fusion
search engine optimization, known as SEO, to ensure that GPS for exposing Trump’s ties to Russia,”
article’s prominent placement. he continued.

FBI Not Only ‘Obama Agency’ Spying On Trump In 2016?
Former Campaign Aide Michael Caputo Told Laura Ingraham He Knows Others
Did — 'They Came At Me' — While Carter Page Wants DOJ 'To Own Up'
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 22 May 2018 At 9:20 AM

DOJ. Yates said Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that


“has taken his all-out assault of the rule of

law to a new level, and this time he is
ordering up an investigation of the
investigators who are examining his own
Former President Barack Obama’s FBI wasn’t “the only
Obama agency that came at” President Donald Trump’s Clapper said Monday on CNN’s “New Day” that Trump is
2016 campaign, one of his former aides warned Monday leading
on “The Ingraham Angle.”
“a very disturbing assault on the
“Let me tell you something that I know for a independence of the Department of
fact — that this informant, that this person Justice.”
that they planted, tried to plant into the
campaign … he’s not the only person that
came at the campaign,” Michael Caputo
told Fox News host Laura Ingraham. “And
the FBI is not the only Obama agency that
came at the campaign. I know because
they came at me.”

Caputo said he was “looking for clearance” from his

attorney before he reveals what he knows to the public.

“This is just the beginning,” he warned.

“And I’ll tell you, when we finally find out "So you see a pattern here?" Ingraham
the truth about this, [former CIA] Director asked Caputo. "Former Obama
[James] Clapper and the rest of them are administration officials justifying spying on
going to be wearing some orange suits.” — surveilling, whatever you want to call it,
putting a mole in — on an opposing
campaign in a hotly contested election
Caputo’s comments followed Trump’s weekend tweets on
multiple media reports that the FBI had an informant in his
presidential campaign, including his demand that the
Department of Justice (DOJ) open an official investigation Caputo said that the Obama administration's surveillance
to determine whether the Obama administration of the Trump campaign mirrored the Russian government's
“infiltrated or surveilled” his campaign. own

The DOJ swiftly responded by tasking DOJ Inspector "national security leadership that secretly
General (IG) Michael Horowitz with examining whether spies on the entire citizenry of Russia."
inappropriate political bias fueled the FBI’s "And here we are in the United States with
counterintelligence investigation. our own" government-sanctioned spying
"underneath President Obama," Caputo
Ingraham played clips showing Clapper and former lamented. "This is really sick and twisted
Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates ripping Trump for stuff."
demanding a review of the FBI’s surveillance from the
Ingraham and Caputo were joined by former Trump Page also claimed he
campaign adviser Carter Page (shown in the article image
above). The FBI used the infamous Trump-Russia dossier, "never knew anything about" the FBI
compiled by ex-British spy Christopher Steele and funded informant he spoke to, "who was a
by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) on behalf university professor at Cambridge in the
of 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's U.K. at the time," noting that "everything
campaign, to justify and renew surveillance warrants seemed totally normal."
against Page.
"Part of why I'm somewhat open about my
communications with [the FBI informant] is
"President Trump, during the campaign, that it will lead to some truth, finally, from
would often say, 'This is not about me. This the Department of Justice," Page said. "I've
is about us,'" Page said, predicting that "all been asking for, you know, DOJ to own up
of the terrible things that have happened to to these things."
so many" Trump campaign officials will
come to light.

Trump Advisor Eric Bolling Attacks Jeff Sessions
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
9:39 AM 05/22/2018

unwillingness to curb or assist conservative lawmaker’s

efforts to shed more light on the probe.

Judge Jeanine Pirro, a Fox News personality and

presidential advisor, similarly blasted Sessions Saturday
night calling him

“the most dangerous man in America,”

“The most of powerful prosecutor in the
NEW YORK, NY - FEBRUARY 26: Co-host Eric Bolling attends world, the man who holds the scales of
FOX News' "The Five" at FOX Studios on February 26, 2014 in New justice in his hands, hides behind the coat
York City. (Photo by Noam Galai/Getty Images)
tails of a Rod Rosenstein.”

Former Fox News host and close presidential advisor Eric

Bolling took aim at Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a
tweet Tuesday.

Bolling’s direct shot at Sessions is the latest in a series of

attacks from close presidential advisors in the media
directed at the attorney general. The anger of these
advisors centers on Sessions’ original recusal from the
investigation of the 2016 presidential election and his

Freedom Caucus Chair Meadows SLAMS Rosenstein’s Doj
IG Referral; ‘He KNOWS What FBI Did; This Is A Ruse’
Posted On May 22, 2018

But Meadows was not having it.

He tweeted:

“Rod Rosenstein knows exactly what

happened and what is in the documents
requested by Congress. Either the matter
warranted investigation long ago and he
did nothing, or he’s seen the facts and
believes nothing is wrong. His belated
referral to the IG is not news… it is a ruse.”
(National Sentinel) Not Fooled: House Freedom Caucus
chairman Mark Meadows is not at all happy about Deputy
AG Rod Rosenstein’s decision to refer to the Justice
Department inspector general an investigation into DoJ’s
and the FBI’s involvement in the Team Trump spying

He’s angry because he believes Rosenstein is just trying to

play everyone.

That’s because while DoJ Inspector General Michael

Horowitz is a fair and honest man — and is preparing to
drop a bombshell report about how the bureau and DoJ
intentionally tanked the Hillary Clinton email investigation Of course, that’s true. Let’s remember that Rosenstein
— he can’t indict anyone or call them to appear before a signed off on the fourth FISA court application allowing
grand jury. the FBI and DoJ to continue spying on Team Trump even
after the president was sworn into office.
So, the North Carolina Republican believes the referral “is
just a ruse” to placate an angry President Donald Trump. Some believe the keys to this mystery lie in the FISA court
What’s more, Meadows says Rosenstein knows all the
secrets already. He knows what the DoJ and FBI did. Others, like House Intelligence Committee chairman
Devin Nunes, R-Calif., believe that the key lies in the
But he’s making a BS referral to the IG instead of talking. document that originally launched the entire operation
sometime in the spring of 2016, and he wants it.
On Monday, the president summoned Rosenstein and FBI
Director Christopher Wray to the White House to officially Rosenstein’s got it. Trump should order him to turn it
order an investigation into the Obama-era spy scandal. over.
Reports said that Director of National Intelligence Dan
Coats also attended the meeting. As for Horowitz, he — like all IG’s — may not have the
power to indict. But he has the authority to make criminal
In addition to agreeing to refer the matter to the IG, referrals, and he’s reportedly already done that.
Rosenstein also agreed to give lawmakers a look at
requested documents related to the FBI’s attempts to The Deep State gets more desperate by the day, but
infiltrate the Trump campaign. Trump’s not going to be denied.

Mark Meadows will make sure of that.

Jimmy Carter Would Endorse A Nobel Peace Prize
For Trump Over North Korea Talks
Julia Nista - Associate Editor
10:01 AM 05/22/2018

starving to death primarily because the

United States withholds food aid, for
instance, just giving them surplus food that
we can’t ever use, then I can understand
how they feel.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has recently met with

Kim Jong Un twice, and earlier in May, Pompeo brought
home three Americans held in a North Korean prison.
They first landed in Alaska, and Trump met them as they
landed in Washington, D.C. The peace negotiations
between North Korea and South Korea with the U.S. as an
Former President Jimmy Carter said he would endorse a intermediary has recently slowed and almost backfired as
Nobel Peace Prize for President Trump Tuesday if all goes North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un threatened to
well with North Korean peace talks. withdraw from an upcoming summit with President Trump
over U.S. military activity in South Korea.
“If President Trump is successful in getting
a peace treaty that is acceptable to both “I think that the next mediator, next
sides with North Korea, I think he certainly negotiator — maybe President Trump, I
ought to be considered for the Nobel Peace hope — will reassure them that we’re
Prize,” Carter told Politico. willing to give up some of those things —
the threat of attack on them and to lift the
Carter took aim at Trump’s morals and truthfulness, embargo. That would be a cheap price, in
saying, my opinion, to pay for a cessation of their
nuclear program,” Carter said of U.S.
“I’m not here to criticize, but I think that, negotiations with North Korea.
you know, telling the truth is one of the
basic moral values that’s important,” and Mixed reports from North Korean state media have alleged
added, “obeying the law is an oath that all that Kim Jong Un is willing to denuclearize, only later to
of us take before we assume public office.” say he is not willing to denuclearize, providing a fickle
display of diplomacy by the North Koreans.
Carter also said that the U.S. has withheld potentially
helpful aid from North Koreans, especially in aiding them “I think it would be a worthy and a
with food supplies. momentous accomplishment that no
previous president has been able to
“If they’re under constant belief that the realize,” Carter said of Trump’s potential to
United States wants to attack them, even received a Nobel Peace Prize.
using nuclear weapons — which many
Democrats and Republican leaders in our Though Kim Jong Un threatened not to meet with Trump
country have mentioned as a possibility,” for peace talks, the date is still set for a meeting between
Carter said, “and that we are destroying the two on June 12th in Singapore.
their economy, and they know that they’re

Exclusive — Roger Stone: ‘John Brennan
Should Pop The Glass Capsule And Take The Cyanide
Now; He’s Going To Die In A Federal Penitentiary’
Kristina Wong
22 May 2018

Recently, Cambridge Professor Stefan Halper was outed

by former and current officials leaking to the Washington
Post and the New York Times as an FBI and CIA informant
who approached and befriended several members of the
Trump campaign.

Halper had reached out to members of the campaign weeks

before FBI officials said they first learned of allegations of
collusion — calling into question why the Obama
administration was surveilling the Trump campaign.

Brennan, now an NBC News contributor, was deeply

involved in fueling the allegations of collusion with Russia
while in office, as Breitbart News has covered.

Roger Stone, veteran political strategist The former CIA director has since been active on Twitter
and longtime confidant of President attacking the president. Stone suggested he already knows
Trump, said in an exclusive interview much of what Mueller could find.
with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily on
Tuesday morning that former CIA
“He goes on Twitter and threatens the
Director John Brennan will “die in a
President of the United States. He’s
federal penitentiary.”
constantly foreshadowing what Robert
“John Brennan should pop the glass Mueller has,” Stone said.
capsule and take the cyanide now,” Stone
“Mr. Brennan, you’re out of government.
told host Amanda House, Breitbart News’s
How would you know? John Brennan is the
deputy political editor. “He’s the perp who
number one criminal perp in this entire
started the entire Russian dossier matter.
matter, and it’s only a matter of time before
He’s lied about it under oath. He’s going to
justice catches up with him,” he said.
die in a federal penitentiary.”
Brennan and the Obama intelligence community’s roles in
the investigation of the Trump campaign have come under
increasing scrutiny.

Napolitano Says FBI Spying
On Trump Is An Unprecedented Crime Of
‘Enormous Magnitude’ [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
10:08 AM 05/22/2018

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew

Napolitano expressed concern about the FBI possibly
spying on the Trump presidential campaign and said it
would be a crime of “enormous magnitude.”

“If the FBI and we have the texts from

[Peter] Strzok and his friend, so we know
the attitude that some of them had about
Donald Trump, used the power of the
government’s law enforcement facilities to
interfere with or frustrate the Trump
campaign, that would be a crime of
enormous magnitude,” Napolitano said on Republican Rep. Ron DeSantis of Florida claimed he
“Fox & Friends” Tuesday. “The like of might have discovered the identity of the mole within the
which I don’t believe we have never seen in campaign on May 14, but called for a full investigation and
American history”. the appointment of a special counsel to discover the truth.


Poll Shock: GOP Takes Lead In 2018
Generic Poll By 6 Points —
Nine Point Reversal In One Week!
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 10:12 Am

campaign with at least one informant


For all the media hype about the upcoming ‘Blue Wave’
sweeping Republicans from power in November, a
comprehensive Morning Consult poll last week showed a
Republican wave in the making in U.S. Senate elections
across the country with five Democrat incumbents
decisively losing by at least five percent and four other
Democrat incumbents in statistical ties.

Democrats are hoping for a blue wave to

take down Republicans in the 2018
midterm elections.

Then they can focus on impeaching President Trump over

his mean tweets.

But the latest Reuters generic poll

shows Republicans suddenly with a 6
point lead!

That’s a 9 point swing in one week.

This comes after more record economic
news (ignored by the liberal mainstream
And this week’s dip also occurred after
news broke that the Obama intelligence
community had infiltrated the Trump
FYI – Poll updated with correct date.

Major Paper: We’ve Got Proof Obama
Spying On Trump Began Months Before FBI Admits
By Ben Marquis
May 22, 2018 At 10:27am

For the past 18 months, the liberal media has dismissively It would appear that the list of names was then noticed by
mocked claims that then-candidate Donald Trump’s the FBI, Department of Justice and broader Obama
campaign was spied upon during the 2016 election for administration, as it is believed that then-Director James
alleged contacts and collusion with Russians, even as Comey and then-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe briefed
they’ve constantly hyped reports of alleged contacts and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch about that list shortly
collusion. thereafter.

That suddenly changed in recent weeks after it was York reported that Lynch informed the House Intelligence
revealed via FBI leaks that the bureau utilized an Committee that she had discussed with Comey and
“informant” to question a handful of marginal campaign McCabe holding a “defensive briefing” with the Trump
figures — George Papadopoulos and Carter Page — about campaign to “alert them” that the campaign may have been
their contacts with Russia during the 2016 campaign. compromised, but that briefing never took place.

That revelation initially seemed to align with evidence of Such a briefing was reportedly even discussed and
an “electronic communication” discovered by House dismissed again among broader company in the “late
Intelligence Committee investigators dated July 31, 2016, spring” of 2016 during a meeting of the Obama
which appeared to mark the official beginning of the FBI’s administration’s National Security principals committee,
counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign. which included the likes of the attorney general and the
heads of the CIA, Defense Department, Homeland
But Byron York of the Washington Examiner conducted a Security, State Department, Treasury Department, U.N.
review of the timeline of all that has been made known ambassador, White House chief of staff and more.
about that investigation over the past year or so, and
reached the conclusion that the FBI’s investigation actually Thus, we can deduce that no later than the “late spring” of
appears to have begun, perhaps unofficially, several 2016 — which would essentially encompass the months of
months prior to that official communication in late July. March through the “official” opening of the investigation
in late July — the highest levels of the Obama
A recent story in The Washington Post asserted that the administration were already keeping a close eye on the
informant — a professor living in London named Stefan Trump campaign.
Halper — began to interact with Trump advisers “a few
weeks before the opening of the investigation, when Page It wasn’t until some point in July that the infamous anti-
met the professor at the British symposium.” Trump dossier complied by former British spy Christopher
Steele — on behalf of Democrat-funded opposition
If that meeting and intelligence gathering occurred prior to research firm Fusion GPS — was initially submitted to the
the official opening of the investigation, that would FBI.
indicate some sort of unofficial investigation was already
underway, in York’s assessment. It was also allegedly at some point in July that the FBI was
made aware of a drunken conversation Papadopoulos
York, following the work of Congressional investigators, allegedly had with an Australian diplomat in London in
traced steps back to March 21, 2016, when then-candidate late May with regard to Russia’s supposed possession of
Trump met with the editorial board of The Post and Hillary Clinton’s emails.
revealed to them a list of his foreign policy advisers — an
admittedly thin list, given how the Republican The dossier, the Papadopoulos conversation, as well as a
establishment collective of foreign policy experts had speech delivered in Moscow by Page in July, had all
largely shunned Trump’s campaign — which included the previously been pointed to as the foundational impetus for
names of Papadopoulos and Page. the investigation into the Trump campaign. But as York
pointed out, the investigation appears to have begun prior
to all of that.
Given how much the timeline of when the investigation In other words, it wouldn’t be the least bit surprising —
into Trump started has already shifted so much over the though still quite shocking and scandalous — if we
past year, it would not be out of the question to wonder if eventually learn that Obama’s people were using the
it unofficially began even prior to the date pinpointed by powerful tools of the government to spy on Trump and his
York in March 2016. campaign from the get-go in 2015, if not earlier.

Sinkhole Appears In White House Lawn
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 11:47 Am

We President Trump was a man of action but we never

would have expected this…

President Trump campaigned on Draining the DC Swamp.

Trump wasn’t kidding.

A sinkhole appeared in the White House lawn overnight.

Via Charlie Spiering:

Dem Lawmaker: We Will
Impeach Trump If We Retake The House
By Aris Folley
05/22/18 11:56 Am Edt

that there will be members who are going

to wait for someone else if that someone
else, doesn’t matter who it is, is declining to
do it.”

Last week, Green doubled down on his push to impeach

Trump against the wishes of Democratic leadership,
arguing there is "bigotry emanating from the presidency.”

During an impassioned floor speech last week, the Texas

Democrat cited the president’s travel ban, his opposition to
transgender people serving in the military and his
Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) is promising that Democrats will immigration policy as reasons to impeach Trump.
impeach President Trump if the party wins the House in
November. Some House Democrats have signed on to an effort to
introduce articles of impeachment against Trump, but the
"There’s a good likelihood there will be movement has yet to gain traction with Democratic
articles of impeachment” brought against leadership.
Trump, Green said Tuesday while
appearing on C-SPAN. Pelosi has tried to dismiss efforts to pursue impeachment
proceedings. In April, Pelosi called Democrats' efforts to
When asked about the likelihood that House Minority impeach Trump a "gift" for Republicans ahead of
Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would introduce articles of November's midterm elections.
impeachment against the president, Green pushed back,
saying that “I don’t think we should be talking about
impeachment. I’ve been very clear right
“every member of the House is accorded from the start,” Pelosi said during a press
the opportunity to bring up impeachment.” briefing last month.

“This is not something the Constitution has “On the political side I think it’s a gift to the
bestowed upon leadership,” said Green, Republicans,” she added. “We want to talk
who previously introduced two articles of about what they’re doing to undermine
impeachment that failed on the House working families in our country and what
floor. “It’s something every member has the we are doing to increase their payrolls and
right and privilege of doing. I am not sure lower their costs.”

Watch Alan Dershowitz Smackdown CNN Legal Analyst
Over FBI Spying On Trump Campaign
By Cassandra Fairbanks
May 22, 2018, 11:59 Am

Harvard professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz defended “civil libertarians are generally a little bit
President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice demand suspicious when undercover agents go
while appearing on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 on ‘just to ask questions.’ And I think we as
Monday. civil libertarians ought to be suspicious of
this. Allay our suspicions, and then we’ll be

Toobin asserted that

“this was a legitimate investigation”

and Dershowitz shot him down saying that he does not

actually know that.

“You have no evidence that it wasn’t,”

Toobin said.

Dershowitz faced off against CNN legal analyst Jeffrey “Let’s find out,” Dershowitz fired back.
Toobin regarding the FBI spying on the Trump campaign.
Dershowitz went on to remind CNN that when agents were
sent in to spy on Martin Luther King Jr. they claimed that
“I have to tell you, if this had happened
it was to protect him.
to Hillary Clinton, the ACLU would be
jumping up and down the way they did
when I was on the board of the ACLU, “They always say they’re doing it to protect
when undercover agents were put into the good people from the bad
the anti-war movement, into Civil Rights people,” Dershowitz said.
movement,” Dershowitz said.

He added that

Drops “Strong Evidence” Exposing
FBI Leaker [Video]
May 22, 2018

According to a court filing, a key deputy in the Mueller investigation into Paul Manafort’s financial
investigation is facing allegations he leaked information to records, a day before the wire service
reporters concerning the Russian collusion investigation: published a major exposé disclosing
alleged money laundering made by the
Paul Manafort’s defense attorney Kevin Downing former and now-embattled Trump
officially leveled the leaking allegation against key campaign chairman.” Manafort’s attorneys
Mueller deputy Andrew Weissmann (photo below) as part finger Weissmann as the leaker to the AP
of a new legal offensive against Mueller’s indictment of meeting.
Manafort, who served briefly as Trump’s campaign
manager. Downing reported in the filing that “the meeting did not go
over well with FBI officials, who issued a complaint to the
Justice Department suggesting that the attorney did not
follow normal procedures for dealing with journalists.”

On May 14, Mueller personally rejected Manafort’s

request for a hearing on media leaks, charging that the
April 30 motion did not address any media leaks regarding
secret grand jury testimony. However, they did not address
leaks that disclosed internal deliberations by his staff or
any other special counsel discoveries.

Downing charges that a flood of media leaks has prevented POLITICAL LOYALTY…CLINTON CRONY:
his client from getting a fair trial.
Downing presiding federal Judge T.S. Ellis III on April 30
to convene a hearing on media leaks. The judge has yet to Weissmann’s political loyalty has been
rule on the request. scrutinized. He attended Hillary Clinton’s
election night party in New York City, for
DC reports:
In the latest filing, Downing charged that a
senior Justice Department official —
identified as Weissmann in exhibits The lawyer also supported then-acting
attached to the filing — briefed Associated Attorney General Sally Yates’ opposition to
Press reporters in spring 2017, which led to Trump’s initial immigration ban.
four breaking stories about the “I am so proud,” Weissmann wrote about
government’s investigation into alleged Yates in an email the conservative group
Trump-Russian collusion and Manafort. Judicial Watch uncovered. “And in awe.
“There is strong evidence that the highest- Thank you so much.”
level FBI and intelligence officials
authorized leaks to the press and, in fact, Rep. Devin Nunes, a California Republican and chairman
leaked themselves,” Manafort’s filing of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence,
asserted. has asked the Justice Department to provide information
on the claim Weissmann met with news reporters.
According to the filing, a “senior Justice
Department prosecutor” met with the AP
reporters “last spring to discuss an When he met with the reporters, Weissmann headed the
fraud section of the Justice Department’s Criminal
Division. He was one of the first attorneys Mueller hand- Just how rough special counsel Robert
picked to join the special counsel team in May 2017. Mueller is playing with Paul Manafort goes
back before this week’s indictment — to
Weissmann has a reputation for pushing the boundaries on the FBI’s no-knock raid in July.
prosecutions. The New York Times last October called him
a “pit bull” who used “scorched-earth tactics” against It has been reported that the agents checked Mr.
opponents. Manafort and wife Kathleen for guns as they broke into the
Alexandria condo pre-dawn by picking the lock.
Weissmann was also Mueller’s attorney on the ground
who oversaw the pre-dawn raid on Manafort’s home. A source familiar with the case told The Washington Times
the search was even more intrusive:
Weissmann also has allies within the Justice Department
and in the federal court system. Weissmann became An agent patted down Mrs. Manafort before she was
friends with Loretta Lynch who then headed the U.S. allowed to get out of bed.
Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District for New York.
“Agents felt up Mrs. Manafort lying in bed
DEEP STATE CRONYISM: to see if she had guns,” the source said of
the intimidation.
“He was very friendly with Loretta,” a
former federal prosecutor who worked
in Brooklyn while Weissmann was there
told the Daily Beast. “They were all part
of a little gang together – they would go
out for lunch, they would go out for

Weissmann also became friends with fellow attorney Beryl

Howell who later joined the federal bench as a judge.
Howell now oversees Mueller’s grand jury in Washington,
D.C. It was Howell’s chambers that approved the raid on
the home and law office for Trump’s personal lawyer,
Michael Cohen.

Manafort’s lawyers claim the multitude of leaks coming In all, 12 FBI agents entered the home, guns drawn, and
from Mueller’s office stayed for hours.

“constitute outrageous government conduct The aggressive search of a prone sleepy woman is, the
intended to deprive Mr. Manafort of his source said, a hallmark of Mr. Mueller’s top prosecutor,
Fifth and Sixth Amendment Constitutional Andrew Weissmann. A former mob prosecutor in New
rights to due process and a trial by an York, he specializes in turning witnesses against bigger
unbiased jury of his peers.” prey and is not afraid to make things rough for spouses,
Weissman’s reputation precedes him…he’s known to be a
slippery lawyer. We have to agree! “Weissmann will want to maximize the
trauma to his family,” said Sidney Powell, a
THERE IS A QUESTION REGARDING Dallas appeals attorney critical of his
TACTIC TO SEND A MESSAGE TO A spokesman for the special counsel’s office declined to

The intimidation tactics of Mueller’s FBI are way off base

according to reports that claim Mrs. Manafort was

Weiner Laptop Comes Back To
Haunt FBI Brass In IG Report On Hillary Case
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 12:20 Pm

The Inspector General is set to release As previously reported, then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew
his much-anticipated report on the FBI’s McCabe knew about Hillary’s emails on Weiner’s laptop
handling of Hillary Clinton’s email as early as September of 2016 and didn’t alert the bureau
investigation and Weiner’s laptop has for an entire MONTH.
come back to haunt the FBI brass.
The FBI waited over a month to obtain a warrant to review
emails on Weiner’s laptop.

After the State Department released the latest round of

Weiner emails in January showing Huma Abedin
completely disregarded basic security protocols, President
Trump said Hillary’s aide should go to jail.

According to the Associate Press, inside sources say

Inspector General Horowitz’s much-anticipated report set
to be released in the next couple of weeks will fault the
FBI brass for sitting on the emails found on Weiner’s

FBI agents found a trove of emails on Anthony Weiner’s Inspector General Horowitz announced to lawmakers on
laptop as they were conducting an investigation into lewd Capitol Hill last week he completed a draft of his report on
text messages the disgraced politician exchanged with an the FBI’s handling of the Clinton investigation.
underage teenager.
The report was given to lawyers to prepare rebuttals;
Judicial Watch counted over a dozen classified emails on according to Sara Carter, the final IG report should be
Weiner’s laptop, including the name of a CIA official. released in the next two weeks.

Democrats Yesterday:
Trump’s Claim Of Embedded Spy Is Nonsense…
Democrats Today:
The Use Of Embedded Spy Is A Vital Technique
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 12:54 Pm

The use of informants is vital for


This sure moved fast…

Democrats Yesterday–
Former DNI Chief James Clapper:
Rep. Adam Shiff tweeted this on
Sunday: Embedding spies is “a standard
investigative practice.”
Trump’s claim of an embedded “spy” is

Washington Post:
If the FBI was spying on Trump “It was to
protect him.”

Democrats Today–
Rep. Ted Lieu:
It’s True, Democratic Midterm Advantage Nearly Gone
The Latest Polls Confirm Trend Indicating Earlier Advantage In 'Generic
Ballot' Has Shrunk, While Republicans Appear To
Be On The Upswing
By Brendan Kirby
22 May 2018 At 12:56 PM

incumbent retirements, and the results of special elections

had created a consensus that a blue wave would crest over
the country from sea to shining sea.

The main thing in doubt was whether Democrats would

regain a House majority by large or small margins.

To counter the trend, the Republican National Committee

(RNC) has set fundraising records on the way toward a
midterm election goal of $250 million. That gives the GOP
a significant advantage over the cash-strapped Democratic
National Committee (DNC).

"The Republican National Committee

knows what we're up against this
November," party Chairwoman Ronna
Fresh polls this week confirm a trend that is getting harder McDaniel wrote in The Hill Sunday. "We
to deny — the Democrats’ once-formidable lead in the so- know we're facing tough historical trends,
called generic congressional ballot has shriveled to a single and many in the mainstream media have
point in one survey half a year before midterm elections. all but called this election a loss for
Republicans. But we've defied history
The latest evidence comes from Reuters/Ipos, which before, and the Republican Party is in
published a poll Monday indicating that Democrats lead by prime position to do it again in 2018."
a single percentage point on the question of which party
voters favor for Congress. An Economist/YouGov survey Much can happen in six months, but the latest round of
released Monday pegged the Democrats’ lead at 5 points. polling must have Republicans feeling better about their
prospects than they were earlier this year. Consider:

 The 5-point advantage for Democrats in the

Economist/YouGov poll compares with 9 points in a
previous survey released the first week of May.
 The 1-point advantage in the Reuters/Ipsos poll is
down from 6 points in a survey conducted the last week
of April.
 A Rasmussen Reports poll in early May, showing a 6-
point lead, was up 1 point from one the company
conducted the previous month. But Rasmussen on
Monday pegged President Donald Trump's approval
rating at 50 percent.
That’s a far cry from the winter, when some polls were
 A CNN poll in early May showed Democrats with a 3-
forecasting a double-digit lead for the donkeys. A lead that
point lead, half of the party's advantage in March and
big, if it held up on Election Day, would produce a
down from 16 points in February.
wipeout of historic proportions.
A Gallup poll on Monday also provided a boost to
Polling, the historical performance of the party in the
Republicans who hope to run on an improving economy
White House during midterms, numerous Republican
since Trump took office. The venerable polling
organization reported that 67 percent of respondents "However, with Trump's election,
indicated that they believe now is a good time to find a Republicans gained confidence that the
quality job in the United States. economy would produce quality jobs, and a
sizable percentage of Democrats held onto
That is the most optimistic response Gallup has gotten the belief that decisions made during
since it first started asking the question in 2001. Never Obama's presidency created the conditions
before, in fact, had it reached even 15 percent. It has needed for the economy to prosper,"
improved 25 points since Trump won the 2016 presidential Gallup contributor Jim Norman wrote on
election. the company's website.
"With unemployment continuing to drop,"
Majorities of both men and women and all age, income he continued, "Americans now survey the
and education groups expressed optimism. job market with a higher level of confidence
that jobs are available and that the jobs are
Even as the unemployment rate started to tumble toward ones worth having."
the end of Barack Obama's presidency, according to
Gallup, many people remained skeptical about whether the
newly created jobs were good ones.

GOP Lawmakers Unveil Resolution Officially Calling For
Second Special Counsel To Investigate The Investigators
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 1:02 Pm

On Tuesday, House Republicans House Republicans also want a second special counsel to
unveiled a resolution officially calling investigate the FBI’s decision to end Hillary’s email
for a second special counsel to investigation and how and why the Trump-Russia probe
investigate misconduct at the highest began.
levels of the DOJ and FBI.
On Monday, President Trump met with Deputy AG Rod
Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher Wray to discuss
the FBI’s infiltration of his campaign.

Following the meeting, the DOJ agreed to allow

Congressional leaders to review pertinent classified
documents they have been requesting for months.

Rosenstein also requested Inspector General Horowitz

probe any irregularities in the FBI’s and DOJ’s tactics on
Trump’s campaign.

The Inspector General does not have subpoena power to

interview DOJ and FBI officials and he would also have to
refer findings to the Obama-appointed prosecutor, John
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) stands at the lectern flanked by House Huber.
We need a second special counsel or independent
Fearless warriors in the Freedom Caucus are demanding a prosecutor with subpoena power to conduct a real
second special counsel to investigate the FBI and DOJ investigation.
because the Justice Department cannot be trusted to
investigate themselves.

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) led the charge Tuesday as he was

surrounded by approximately a dozen GOP lawmakers
during a press conference Tuesday.

“The Justice Department cannot be

expected to investigate itself,” Zeldin said,
echoing fellow members of the Freedom

Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, Reps. Ron Read the 12-page resolution on next page.
DeSantis, Louie Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, Jody Hice, Jim
Jordan and others were present at the press conference.

‘Bias’ Of NY Times Editors
Is So Obvious Even CBS Notices
By Scott Whitlock
May 22, 2018 1:09 PM EDT

The aggressive, biased coverage of The New York Times editor staring at the screen as if they're watching a funeral.
against Donald Trump is so obvious that even the liberal Won't people watching this think this confirms every
journalists at CBS noticed it. On Tuesday, CBS This feeling I have about The New York Times being biased
Morning hosts talked to Times Executive Editor Dean about this president?
Baquet and Washington Bureau Chief Elisabeth Bumiller
about their appearance in the new Showtime documentary Baquet casually replied that, of course, everyone was in a
series The Fourth Estate. bad mood:

Asked why the paper would allow cameras inside the “First off, it was a grim inaugural speech. It
Times’s operation, Baquet insisted the program will show: was meant to be grim. It's hard not to have
had a grim reaction.”
“...That we have a mission, that we make
mistakes. But that we work extremely
hard, that we're not biased.” This is the
same man who once insisted it was
important to call Trump a liar, but that
Hillary Clinton merely “exaggerates.”

This Morning co-host Gayle King — who donates to

Democrats and has encouraged her liberal friend
Oprah Winfrey to run for president — seemed to think
that the Times hiring new journalists means the paper isn’t
out to get Trump:
CBS This Morning co-host John Dickerson didn’t seem to
buy Baquet’s claims of neutrality. Regarding the If you listen to President Trump, it would
Showtime documentary series, Dickerson described: seem that The New York Times tries on a
daily basis just to take him down, to try to
find things that are negative about him, to
take him down. In fact, you've expanded
the bureau to get it right.

Bureau chief Bumiller proudly touted the beefed up Times


The bureau's now almost 100 people. On

election day, 2016, it was 70. So, you can
see what we've done..... There's six White
House reporters now. There used to be
four. We've added an investigations team.
This series opens up on inauguration day, it's a cloudy day. We've added more editors, more visual
But it opens up with clouds over the White House and the journalists.

Question: Where was this investigative, curious zeal funeral. Won't people watching this think this confirms every
during the Obama administration? Why, only now, does feeling I have about The New York Times being biased about this
the Times want to hold truth to power? Could it be the president?
same reason that The Washington Post waited for the
Trump era to add “Democracy Dies in Darkness” to the BAQUET: Except right after that scene, as I recall — and it was
front page? unrehearsed — I sort of break into a grin and just acknowledge
how big a story it is. I mean, I really don't think so. I really don't
A partial transcript of the segment is below. think so. First off it was a grim inaugural speech. It was meant to
be grim. It's hard not to have had a grim reaction.
CBS This Morning
5/22/18 DICKERSON: The actual text of the speech and how it was
8:32AM ET delivered.

JOHN DICKERSON: The New York Times coverage of BAQUET: Yes. That's right. I mean, this was the “American
President Trump is the subject of a new documentary series. In Carnage” speech. But I also think people saw a newsroom
The Fourth Estate, viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at suddenly sort of turn up the volume and get ready to cover it and
Times journalists investigating and reporting the biggest see the joy in reporting.
headlines of the administration's first year. The preview features
Washington bureau chief Elisabeth Bumiller editing with a D.C..- GAYLE KING: And say we're going to get it right. The thing that
based correspondent as they face a changing news cycle and a struck me — to follow up on what you said, Dean. A, you show
tight deadline. how hard it is to work. And at one point, I think it was Mazetti who
said we want to be first, but more importantly, we want to be
[Clip from The Fourth Estate] right. And there were times a story was delayed while you were
working hard to make sure you get it right.
DICKERSON: A calling from New York with suggestions for
Washington. Familiar to anybody? Elisabeth Bumiller joins us
now along with executive director Dean Baquet, who is also ELISABETH BUMILLER (NYT Washington bureau chief): Right. I
featured in the series. The Fourth Estate airing will air on think that was one of the Michael Flynn stories. And we delayed,
Showtime, a division of CBS. Welcome to both of you. New York and the Post beat us on that story. And we — I think we came
and Washington, that great tension at the heart of any journalistic back really strongly the rest of the year and right after that. You
enterprise. Dean Baquet, why did you let cameras into The New see the tension that we have and the competition. There's just a
York Times? lot of stresses on us.

KING: Because if you listen to President Trump, it would seem

that The New York Times tries on a daily basis just to take him
down, to try to find things that are negative about him, to take him
down. In fact, you've expanded the bureau to get it right.

BUMILLER: Right. The bureau's now almost 100 people. On

election day, 2016, it was 70. So, you can see what we’ve done.
We've added — There’s six White House reporters now. There
used to be four. We've added an investigations team. We've
added more editors, more visual journalists. We're out of desks in
the bureau basically.

DEAN BAQUET (NYT executive editor): Because I thought if ...

people got a glimpse inside a newsroom, a modern newsroom
they would understand that we're human beings, that we have a NORAH O’DONNELL: Elisabeth, you've been a longtime
mission, that we make mistakes. But that we work extremely Washington reporter. We've worked together, covering
hard, that we're not biased. I thought that the days when we campaigns in the White House and Pentagon together. Now
would not allow people to see that process should be over. I you're editing. For many who say where do the sources come
thought it would help us. from? And the term leaking from the White House, it always
suggests that someone has an agenda. Explain how you get
DICKERSON: I want to get to the idea of human beings in a information from the White House and the administration.
second. But as you both know, any good story starts with a
strong lead. This series opens up on inauguration day, it's a BUMILLER: Well, there's a lot of different ways, as you know.
cloudy day. But it opens up with clouds over the White House You cover it -- outside-in strategy. You cover the hill. You cover
and the editor staring at the screen as if they're watching a
the agencies, and then you check with the White House. The O’DONNELL: Yes. How in terms of sourcing do you find your
idea that leaking is sort of this passive thing, that we sit there and reporters find it?
receive information — this is not true. These reporters — one of
the things I've learned as an editor is to watch so many reporters BUMILLER: It's hard because you hear the exact opposite from
work so many sources in different ways. They're amazing. It's a senior people at the White House in the same hour. You've got to
lot of hard work. It's a lot of getting people to trust you. It's balance out what is true and what is not. It's a much bigger
digging and putting stories together. reporting challenge. That said, I was saying we're not passive
recipients of leaks. The federal bureaucracy is very leaky right
O’DONNELL: And different white houses have treated — all now because it's — it's a bureaucracy that's been there for a
treated the press antagonistically. George W. Bush, Clinton -- the long time. And many of them are not happy with what Trump is
Obama administration was extremely antagonistic. doing. So we're finding that — also at the White House, there's a
lot of different agendas and different -- different people fighting
BAQUET: This one, of course is — with each other. So that creates —

O’DONNELL: Is publicly antagonistic O’DONNELL: Game of Thrones.

BAQUET: And more antagonistic. BUMILLER: A lot of information.


Scrambling Holder Pushes DOJ
To Defy President’s Order To Investigate FBI
By Ben Marquis
May 22, 2018 At 1:15pm

As the Donald Trump-Russia collusion narrative designed Trump’s tweeted order on Sunday and subsequent White
to smear and stymie the Trump presidency continues to House meeting led to Holder’s Monday evening tweet.
unravel, some members of the previous administration
have become even more outspoken and shrill in their “More DOJ norms being eroded. Trump-a
condemnations of how things are being run than they SUBJECT of the investigation-wants
already were. access to material related to the inquiry,”
the former attorney general tweeted.
The latest to do so publicly is former Obama
administration Attorney General Eric Holder, who took to
Twitter to express his grave concern over Trump’s demand
that the Department of Justice look into whether former
President Barack Obama’s FBI/DOJ investigated his 2016
campaign for “political purposes.”

However, Holder urged the DOJ to “simply say no” to

what he viewed as a demand from Trump that was outside
“DOJ norms.”
“His Congressional supporters want
Trump had tweeted Sunday, evidence connected to an ongoing
investigation. Time for DOJ/FBI to simply
“I hereby demand, and will do so officially say no-protect the institutions and time
tomorrow, that the Department of Justice tested norms,” Holder added.
look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ
infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Holder, who served as head of the DOJ from 2009-2015,
Campaign for Political Purposes – and if has been an especially vocal critic of Trump since the 2016
any such demands or requests were made campaign season, and has even intimated that he is
by people within the Obama considering mounting a presidential challenge against
Administration!” Trump in 2020.

This most recent criticism of Trump came on the heels of

revelations via FBI leaks that the bureau had utilized at
least one “informant” during the election season to “spy”
on the Trump campaign and dig up dirt on alleged
connections to and collusion with Russia.

Unfortunately for Holder and his urging of the DOJ to

disobey an order from the president, White House press
secretary Sarah Sanders announced following the Monday
meeting that the DOJ had asked Inspector General Michael
On Monday, Trump hosted a meeting at the White House Horowitz’s office to “expand its current investigation to
with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI include any irregularities with the Federal Bureau of
Director Christopher Wray, according to The Hill. The Investigation’s or the Department of Justice’s tactics
meeting’s goal was to no doubt discuss the specifics of the concerning the Trump Campaign.”
order from the president.
Furthermore, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly was
set to arrange a meeting involving top law enforcement

officials and top members of Congress to “review” certain above board and beyond reproach, as has been insisted,
“highly classified materials” related to the FBI’s why are they protesting any inquiry into those actions so
investigation of the Trump campaign that have been much? Surely they have nothing to hide, right?
sought by lawmakers, Sanders said.
To paraphrase a line from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” that
The question that must be asked, given the shrill tweet by seems particularly relevant at this point, the former
Holder and others in recent days and weeks, is that if the attorney general doth protest too much, methinks.
actions of the DOJ and FBI under Obama were entirely

Clapper Was ‘Thinking Of Something
Else’ When He Lied To Congress
Julia Nista - Associate Editor
1:19 PM 05/22/2018

When co-host Meghan McCain pressed him on whether it

was a lie, he doubled back on his first answer.

“No, it isn’t a lie. I was thinking about

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper something else, another program” —
claimed Tuesday that he “made a mistake,” but that he Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence
didn’t lie when he told Sen. Ron Wyden in 2013 that the Surveillance Act, he said.
National Security Agency doesn’t collect data on
He added that Sen. Wyden asked the question in a
“euphemistic way”:
Clapper was defending himself on “The View” after
President Donald Trump called him a “lying machine.”
“I didn’t break the code.”
Clapper continued,

“Had I still been on the same page with him

and understood what he was asking me, I
would have still been at a bad place
because at the time that program was

A report from The Guardian later that year showed that

Clapper’s statement was false, that the NSA does collect
phone metadata on millions of Americans.

Trump tweeted in April:

“He was asking me about one [thing], and I
was thinking about another,” Clapper said
of Wyden. “So, I made a mistake, but I
didn’t lie.” Wyden’s question, however, was simple and clear:

“Does the NSA collect any type of data at Clapper has this week defended an FBI informant nested in
all on millions or hundreds of millions of the Trump campaign. The former Director of National
Americans?” Intelligence said last week that the informant was “a good
thing.” During his interview with “The View” Tuesday, he
“No, sir,” Clapper responded at the time.
said Trump should be glad that an FBI informant was
“Not wittingly. There are cases where they
secretly observing his 2016 campaign for possible Russian
could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but
not wittingly.” interference.

FBI’s Anti-Trump Spying Was ‘Running Out Of Gas’
Sam Clovis, Target Of Agency’s Attempt To Penetrate Campaign, Describes His
Four Interactions With The FBI's Mole, Said Talks Were Strictly Academic
By Brendan Kirby
22 May 2018 At 1:29 PM

“It was an academic discussion,” he said.

“It wasn’t anything substantive. It wasn’t
anything mechanical about the campaign. It
was like two faculty members in the lounge
talking about research.”

Clovis said he believes Halper used the meeting to gain

access to Carter Page and later George Papadopoulos, two
low-level Trump advisers who have come under suspicion
Increasingly desperate efforts by the FBI to penetrate
for their contacts with Russians.
President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign indicate the
bureau was getting desperate to keep the
counterintelligence operation going, according to an Papadopoulos last year pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI
adviser who was the target of a government informant. about those contacts. And Page, though he has not been
charged with a crime, was the subject of a surveillance
warrant granted under the Foreign Intelligence
Sam Clovis, who joined the Trump campaign as an adviser
Surveillance Act (FISA).
in 2015, recounted Tuesday his interactions with Stefan
Halper — the man reported to be working as an FBI
informant. Clovis said he and Halper exchanged about four emails.
One of those messages had attachments that Clovis claims
not to have read.
Clovis (pictured above) said on “The Laura Ingraham
Show” that he views the FBI’s use of Halper as a sign that
a “small cabal” of agents and Department of Justice (DOJ) “To this day, I’ve not opened those
officials were trying to avoid failure after months of attachments,” he said. “I have no idea
fruitless efforts to identify a conspiracy involving the what’s in ’em. And I never reported on my
campaign. meeting.” to superiors in the campaign.

The FBI hoped Halper’s interactions with the campaign Clovis said he believes Halper was trying to find a
would produce probable cause to keep surveillance “weakness or a soft spot” in the campaign in order to
operations going, Clovis said. create an “audit trail” back to the emails of Democratic
candidate Hillary Clinton that the Russians supposedly
“They were running out of steam,” he said.
“September [2016] — if you remember,
September’s only six weeks or eight weeks Halper was the key to keeping a sputtering investigation
away from the election, and they were going, Clovis said.
running out of gas.”
“I think they were scrambling even at this
Clovis recalled that Halper, who had served in previous point in time, trying to find justification for
Republican administrations and had been a CIA source in furthering the investigation,” he said. “And I
the past, contacted him during the campaign. He said the really think this is the doing of a very small
two men set up a September 1 meeting over coffee. cabal of people at the FBI and the DOJ,
who isolated themselves, who created
circumstances to create this investigation.”
Clovis described the ensuring conversation as a high-
minded back and forth between two academics that had
little to do with the campaign. He said Halper talked about Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), in a separate appearance on
his academic research and offered it to the campaign. the radio show, said Halper’s role seems almost to cross
the line on entrapment. He said Congress needs to see
precisely how Department of Justice officials directed him.
Clovis said he thought little of the meeting at the time.
“It seems to me that some of his Despite a string of indictments and guilty pleas racked up
interactions, it was almost as if he was by independent counsel Robert Mueller, DeSantis said the
trying to manufacture additional quote- probe has failed to produce evidence of collusion.
unquote ‘contacts’ between these kind of
tangential figures of the Trump campaign “He’s gotten convictions about things
and people who may be affiliated with having nothing to do with the underlying
Russia somehow,” he said. reason that he was appointed,” he said.

Liberals Are Curiously Incurious
About This Part Of The Russia Investigation
Derek Hunter - Contributor
1:46 PM 05/22/2018

the Russians were trying to

mess with the election, so
much so that they felt the need
to spy on the Trump campaign,
why didn’t they spy on the
Clinton campaign for the same

The answer seems pretty clear, and we dissect it.

Was there a second informant? Did the Obama

administration attempt to send more spies into the Trump
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton hugs U.S. President campaign? A former campaign aide says they did.
Barack Obama as she arrives onstage at the end of his speech on the
third night of the 2016 Democratic National Convention in
Philadelphia, July 27, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Young Why don’t liberals care?

On today’s episode of The Daily Daily Caller Podcast… We tell you why.

Isn’t it odd how liberals have no desire to see any evidence What the hell is happening with people? A man was
as to why the entire Russian collusion investigation started arrested for urinating on the back of a seat on a flight from
in the first place? They simply don’t care to know what Colorado to South Carolina because, well, we don’t know
caused the Obama administration to launch a spying but have to assume (or hope) he was drunk out of his mind.
operation against the Trump campaign or use the system How does something like this come about? It’s because
created to spy on foreigners against American citizens. people have become selfish monsters in the age of social
They’re cool with all of it because it’s against their media. When you obliterate the line between being famous
political enemies. But what if it had been turned on Hillary and infamous the only thing that matters is getting
Clinton? That’s a question Alan Dershowitz had for CNN attention. And when that happens, social norms get
hack Jeffrey Toobin. To no one’s surprise, Toobin dodged destroyed. Maybe these jerks were always around and we
the question, preferring to toe the party line rather than be didn’t notice before, but it seems more likely society is
intellectually honest. changing for the worse. We explain.

Finally, Starbucks has transformed itself into America’s

bathroom. A new company policy allows anyone,
customer or not, to use their bathrooms and hang out in
their stores. What could go wrong? Who wouldn’t want to
buy an $8 latte where homeless junkies shower in the
bathroom sink? How long until people using their tables
and free wifi start ordering food to be delivered to their
“mobile office”? This is weapons-grade stupid.
Jeffrey Toobin and Alan Dershowitz debate on CNN. CNN
screenshot The Daily Daily Caller Podcast is a daily look and
mocking of the news from a conservative perspective.
But the question must be asked
Hosted by Derek Hunter, it is available in audio form
— if the concern from the Monday-Thursday and will have a video option on
Obama administration was that Fridays.
Why Hasn't Mueller
Indicted Anybody For The DNC Hack?
By Tyler Durden
Tue, 05/22/2018 - 14:32

During his one year leading the probe into the alleged "If there are Americans involved, whether
misdeeds of President Trump and his associates, Special or not they have anything to do with the
Counsel Robert Mueller has issued a number of campaign, then I would expect an
indictments, including against 13 Russian nationals who indictment," said Steven Cash, a lawyer at
will likely never find their way into US custody. But as the Day Pitney.
Hill pointed out Tuesday, there's one election-related crime
that Mueller has apparently been reluctant to pursue: That While leaks in recent months have suggested that Mueller
is, the hacking of the Democratic National Committee's does, in fact, have enough evidence to bring charges
emails by Guccifur 2.0, a hacker who has been tenuously related to the DNC hack, the DOJ hasn't produced
linked to the Russian GRU. anything conclusive to link Russia to the incident.
Furthermore, the sophisticated Russian "disinformation
Some legal experts say Mueller could be campaign" carried out through Facebook and other social
holding off on an indictment for the end media through the placement of "fraudulent" ads bearing
of the investigation because going controversial messages has also been exposed as a gross
public would be too damaging. It's exaggeration.
possible that it could reveal "the
information they might posses to prove Even if Mueller had an iron-clad case, pursuing charges
the case," said Mark Zaid, a Washington against a Russian national - Russia is not obligated to
attorney specializing in national security extradite its citizens - would be a futile exercise, since they
issues. would likely just modify their behavior to avoid traveling
to jurisdictions where they'd be vulnerable.

Still, rumors persist that Mueller has

identified senior Russian officials who
were somehow involved in the hack. US
media reported that Guccifer 2.0, the
hacker responsible for the attack, was
working for Russia's GRU.

Of course, there has been plenty of suspicious activity by

Democrats that might deter Mueller from looking too
closely. If the Democrats were, in fact, victimized by
Russians, why did they refuse the FBI access to their
Others said an indictment for the DNC hack could've been servers?
filed under seal so the target wouldn't be aware of the
charges - and thus might unwittingly travel to a jurisdiction Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the
where they could be extradited to the US. House Intelligence Committee, which
famously found no conclusive evidence of
And for what it's worth, Roger Stone, an early Trump collusion between the Trump campaign
political advisor who once bragged about his direct and Russia, said he expects Mueller to
contact with Wikileaks, has been saying that he expects indict the people behind the DNC hack.
to be indicted by Mueller. One of the major unanswered
questions when it comes to the DNC hack is whether The only question, Schiff says, is whether the indictment
Mueller can link it to an American suspect or suspects. will be limited to Russians, or will also include US

"Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe
Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination
Over Steele Dossier
By Tyler Durden
Tue, 05/22/2018 - 15:11

Several new strings have been tacked across the corkboard

in the rapidly unraveling 2016 election scandal. Recently CNN's bombshell report on Jan. 10 of last year includes a
obtained FBI emails shed light on what appears to have claim that Comey gave Trump a two-page summary of the
been high-level coordination between the FBI and CNN dossier - which Comey denies. Regardless,
surrounding the release of the infamous "Steele" dossier.
the fact that CNN knew about the
Comey-Trump briefing and a specific
claim about a two-page memo begs the
question; who leaked to CNN?

New FBI emails obtained by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)

provide a look behind the scenes surrounding Comey's
briefing of Trump, as well as what was discussed after the
CNN report - suggesting that former Deputy
director Andrew McCabe - who was fired for leaking to
the press,

had specific knowledge of CNN's plans

to publish.
In an April leak of the Comey memos, we learned that the
former FBI Director briefed then-President-Elect Donald
Trump on the dossier on January 6, 2017 after he wrote in Hours before Comey briefed Trump,
a memo that various news outlets - "CNN in particular" -
were "looking for a news hook," and would soon be FBI chief of staff James Rybicki e-
reporting on it. mailed staff that Comey “is coming into
HQ briefly now for an update from the
“I said media like CNN had [the dossier] sensitive matter team.”
and were looking for a news hook,” Comey
wrote of his interaction with Trump. Just as the same officials dubbed the Clinton e-mail
investigation the “mid-year exam” and the anti-Trump
CNN, on the other hand, considered
counterintelligence investigation “Crossfire Hurricane,”
Comey's meeting with Trump to have
they also used various phrases using “sensitive” to refer
legitimized the document - making it
obliquely to the dossier.
their journalistic responsibility to report
on it.
Two days after the briefing, on January 8, 2017,
Thus - any coordination between the FBI
and CNN surrounding its report on the
former FBI deputy director Andrew
Steele dossier is highly relevant,
McCabe, who earlier this year was fired
and then referred for criminal prosecution
since the Jan. 10, 2017 release of the dossier by by the DOJ inspector general for
Buzzfeed immediately after CNN's report - along with the repeatedly lying about media leaks, wrote
subsequent firing of James Comey on May 9, an e-mail to top FBI officials with the
subject, “Flood is coming.” -The
prompted the launch of special counsel Federalist
Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation.
“CNN is close to going forward with the
sensitive story,” McCabe wrote in an

email to Comey, Rybicki, and two others. "first learned that media outlets,
“The trigger for them is they know the including CNN, may have possessed the
material was discussed in the brief and Steele dossier. "
presented in an attachment.”
As The Federalist notes,
McCabe does not reveal how he knew CNN’s “trigger”
was Comey's briefing to Trump. "To date, there is no public evidence that
the FBI ever investigated the leaks to
McCabe shot off a second email shortly thereafter to media about the briefing between Trump
then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates along with her and Comey. When asked in a recent
deputy, Matthew Alexrod, with the subject line "News." interview by Fox News Channel’s Bret
Baier, Comey scoffed at the idea that the
“Just as an FYI, and as expected,” FBI would even need to investigate the
McCabe wrote, “it seems CNN is close to leak of a secret briefing with the incoming
running a story about the sensitive president."
reporting.” Again, how McCabe knew this “Did you or your subordinates leak that?”
is unclear and begs investigation. Baier asked.
“No,” Comey responded. “I don’t know who
In a Monday letter to FBI director Christopher Wray, Sen.
leaked it.”
Johnson, chair of the Senate Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Committee, provides a timeline of “Did you ever try to find out?” Baier asked.
events which correspond to the newly obtained FBI emails, “Who leaked an unclassified public
and asks the agency to provide a list of all the members of document?” Comey said, even though
the "sensitive matter" team referenced in Rybicki's January Baier’s question was about leaking details
6 email. of a briefing of the incoming president, not
the dossier. “No,” Comey said.
Johnson also wants to know when FBI officials
Johnson's letter can be seen below. He has requested a
response by Wray no later than 5:00 p.m. on June 4.

POTUS Trump Smacks Down Reporter Asking About Rod
Rosenstein “What’s Your Next Question, Please?”
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 3:07 Pm

On Tuesday, President Trump hosted South
Korean President Moon Jae-In at the White
House and took questions from reporters.

One reporter decided that it was a good time

to ask a question about Rod Rosenstein
which prompted President Trump to scold

Earlier Monday, President Trump held a

“Do you have confidence in Rod Rosenstein?” a
meeting at the White House with Deputy
reporter rudely asked the President while
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI
ignoring Moon Jae-In.
Director Chris Wray.
President Trump, visibly annoyed, looked away
After the meeting, Rosenstein bent the knee and asked the
and said, “Uh, what’s your next question,
Inspector General to investigate any irregularities with the
FBI’s or DOJ’s tactics concerning Trump’s campaign.
The reporter attempted to repeat her question so Trump
The DOJ also agreed to allow Congress to review the
scolded her.
requested documents relating to the FBI’s infiltration into
Trump’s campaign.
“No, excuse me, I have the President of South
Korea here, okay? He doesn’t want to hear
Rosenstein knows what is in these documents. He signed
these questions,” Trump said to the reporter
off on the fourth FISA application renewal to spy on
who continued to shout out her question.
Carter Page and penned the memo detailing Mueller’s

Sarah Sanders Nukes
The Press Over Reporting On Iran Deal
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
3:30 PM 05/22/2018

Iran strategy yesterday. POTUS will ensure

Iran has no path to a nuclear weapon.”
Sanders was referring to the plan unveiled Monday by the
Secretary of State Pompeo. In a speech to the Heritage
Foundation, Pompeo said that the administration would
bring Iran to its knees with “unprecedented financial
pressure on the leaders of the regime,” and sanctions.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders hit back at

reports that the administration had no plan after the Iran
nuclear deal was terminated.

Sanders tweeted Tuesday that the

“Iran deal was one of the worst deals in

history and didn’t guarantee the safety of
There were multiple criticisms in the press that the Trump
administration had no plan. The Nation published this
and stated that that was why Trump terminated it.
month that Trump has no plan on Iran other than “war.”

“Media said we had no plan,” Sanders said,

“Wrong! Sec Pompeo unveiled our new

‘The Last One We Would Call On To Make A Deal’ —
Sarah Sanders Blasts Chuck Schumer Into Orbit
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
3:59 PM 05/22/2018
White House press secretary Sarah Sanders slammed
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer during the Sanders’ response held nothing back.
briefing Tuesday.
“Like I said before, Senator Schumer is not
WATCH: somebody that this White House will ever
take advice from on how to negotiate or get
a good deal on anything based on his track
record and his weakness when it comes to
“We finally have a president that is actually
calling out China on their unfair trade
practices and not just calling them out but
actually doing something about it. And
aggressively pushing forward in
negotiations. Something we haven’t seen in
decades. Senator Schumer is probably the
last one we would call on to make a deal.”

A reporter asked about Schumer’s comments that ripped

Trump over recent negotiations with China.

Rep. Matt Gaetz: There Was
No “Legal Or Factual Basis” For
Jeff Sessions Recusal (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 4:15 Pm

He betrayed the president. He knew when he

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Jake Tapper was sworn in that he was going to recuse
Tuesday afternoon there was no “factual himself and the very next day he put the recusal
basis” for Jeff Sessions recusal. in motion. He never told the president about
that. And by the way he cited the regulation in
Gaetz also said Sessions is essentially his recusal… He cited the wrong law. It didn’t
confined to a corner of the Justice apply.
Department because he’s being played by
Rosenstein. The DOJ regulation Sessions cited — 28 CFR 45.2— says

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Congressman Gaetz to elaborate “no DOJ employee may participate in a criminal
on his criticism of Jeff Sessions and his decision to recuse investigation or prosecution if he has a personal
himself from his duties as Attorney General. or political relationship with any person or
organization substantially involved in the
Gaetz slammed Jeff Sessions. conduct that is the subject of the investigation
or prosecution, or who would be directly
“I think Mr. Rosenstein is deeply conflicted. I affected by the outcome.”
think that in many cases he is playing Jeff
Sessions. I think Jeff Sessions has been VIDEO:
functionally set off into a corner of the Justice
Department on these critical issues. I don’t think
there was a legal or factual basis for his recusal
and I think that it has really hurt the country,”
Gaetz said.

Congressman Gaetz is correct. In fact, Jeff

Sessions cited the wrong law when he
recused himself from the Russia witch hunt.

In March 2017 Attorney General Jeff Sessions

announced he will recuse himself from investigations
related to the 2016 presidential campaign including the
alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Sessions made the announcement the day after he was

sworn in as Attorney General after advice from Obama
lawyers in the Department of Justice.

FOX News contributor and legal expert Gregg Jarrett told

Sean Hannity recently that Sessions used the WRONG
LAW when announcing his recusal. He took advice from
OBAMA OFFICIALS and they misled him.
Sessions’ decision to recuse himself allowed Rod
Gregg Jarrett: Rosenstein to takeover which ultimately led to Mueller’s
FACT CHECK: CNN Claims There
Aren’t 13 Democrats On The Mueller Probe
David Sivak | Fact Check Editor
May 22, 2018

Republicans like Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy began to say

that many of Mueller’s hires were Democratic donors,
leading fact checking websites to evaluate the claim.

Politifact found that while Mueller himself is a registered

Republican, nine of the publicly-known lawyers had
donated to Democratic candidates, according to filings
with the Federal Elections Commission.

In February, TheDCNF found two additional Democratic

donors by searching through campaign finance records at
Chris Cillizza, editor-at-large for CNN, fact-checked a the state level. (All told, we found nearly $74,000 in
series of “untruths” and “exaggerations” tweeted by contributions to Democratic candidates and $2,750 to
President Donald Trump Sunday. Republican candidates.)

In one of those tweets, Trump claimed that there are “13 As part of this analysis, TheDCNF also identified the voter
Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats” on special registration status of all 16 publicly-known lawyers, the
counsel Robert Mueller’s team of lawyers. first time the full composition of the team had been
reported. Thirteen were registered Democrats, three were
Cillizza disputed the tweet. registered as independents and zero were registered
“Trump’s claim that there are 13 Democrats
on Mueller’s team is also false,” he Trump began tweeting about “13 hardened Democrats”
asserted. weeks later, prompting The Washington Post, The New
York Times and others to fact check the claim.
Verdict: False
Cillizza relies on these outlets to dispute Trump, but he
cherry picks sentences from their articles that imply there
Cillizza cites incomplete and outdated findings. The Daily are fewer than 13 Democrats on the Russia probe.
Caller News Foundation first reported that there were 13
registered Democrats and zero Republicans known to work
for Mueller in February. The probe brought on a 14th He cites WaPo, for example, writing,
Democrat in May.
“According to The Washington Post’s Fact
Fact Check: Checker, five of the 16 known members of
Mueller’s team donated to Hillary Clinton’s
2016 campaign.”
Since the early days of the Russia probe, conservatives
have questioned whether members of the investigation
were politically conflicted. But this finding only deals with a small subset of the
lawyers – those who donated specifically to Clinton.
The Wall Street Journal reported in December that one of
the lawyers, Andrew Weissmann, attended the election More importantly, Cillizza overlooks a key sentence in the
night party for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. WaPo article that supports Trump’s claim:
Revelations that FBI agent Peter Strozk, a former member
of the team, exchanged anti-Trump text messages with “The Daily Caller said voter registration
another FBI employee fueled further speculation. records indicate that 13 of the attorneys are
Democrats and three have no party
A subsequent fact check by WaPo substantiates the “13 “the people that have been hired are all
Democrats” claim as well. Hillary Clinton supporters.”

Cillizza makes the same oversight with a fact check from And defenders of the special counsel investigation point
the Times. out that Mueller may not legally consider political
affiliation when making hiring decisions.
“The New York Times says that nine of the
17 known lawyers on Mueller’s team have But the basic claim that Mueller brought on 13 registered
donated to Democratic campaigns in the Democrats is not only true – Trump actually understates
past,” he writes. the number.

But the NYT goes on to say that an additional four lawyers Since TheDCNF first reported the registration status of the
are either registered Democrats or have identified as one lawyers, another attorney has been added:
online, for a total of 13 Democrats.
Uzo Asonye, a registered Democrat who donated to
Trump has at times exaggerated the political leanings of Hillary Clinton’s presidential election campaign.
the team; he once claimed that

Secret FBI Team That Coordinated Set-Up Of Trump
Was Pressured By CNN – Guess Who Was
CNN DOJ Reporter At The Time?
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 4:28 Pm

Director Comey memorialized his discussion

with President-elect Trump via an email to
senior FBI leadership. Director Comey wrote, “I
said there was something that Clapper wanted
me to speak to PE [President Elect] about alone
or in a very small group.” Director Comey wrote,
“I then executed the sessions exactly as I had
planned,” and “I said media like CNN had them
and were looking for a news hook.”

4. January 8, 2017, 12:08 p.m.

On Monday Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) Then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe sent
sent a letter to the FBI Director regarding an email to senior FBI leadership with the
phony Steele Russia dossier. subject line “Flood is coming.” Mr. McCabe
wrote, “CNN is close to going forward with
Explosive new e-mails show FBI the sensitive story. … The trigger for them
brass discussed dossier briefing [CNN] is they know the material was discussed
details with CNN. in the brief and presented in an attachment.”

Senator Johnson accused the FBI of having a “sensitive 5. January 8, 2017, 12:55 p.m.
matter team” as reference by FBI Chief of Staff Jim
Rybicki in an January 6, 2017 email to unspecified Mr. McCabe emailed then-Deputy Attorney
recipients. General Sally Yates and then-Principal Deputy
Attorney General Matthew Axelrod with the
Senator Johnson outlined the time line of subject line “News.” Mr. McCabe wrote, “Just an
events and communications between FBI FYI, and as expected, it seems CNN is close to
officials, President-elect Trump and CNN. running a story about the sensitive reporting.”

1. January 6, 2017, 9:44 a.m. Two days later on January 10, 2017, CNN ran the story
about the unverified and salacious allegations made in the
FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki sent an email anti-Trump dossier with BuzzFeed publishing the dossier
to unspecified recipients stating, “the director is within a couple hours of CNN’s report.
coming into HQ briefly now for an update from
the sensitive matter team.” So how do you suppose James Comey knew
that CNN was about to run the salacious
2. January 6, 2017, afternoon. anti-Trump dossier back in January 2017?

Director Comey met with President-elect And who could have been pressuring leaker
Trump. James Comey with the discredited dossier?

3. January 7, 2017. Guess who started working at CNN covering

the DOJ around this time?

Valerie Jarrett’s daughter Laura!

Laura Jarrett was hired by CNN in the fall of The network announced in a press release that
2016 to cover the Justice Department. Valerie Jarrett’s daughter Laura would be one
of four reporters to cover the Justice
CNN made the announcement in January 2017. Department in 2017. The New York Post broke
the news that Jarrett had been hired in
September, though a formal announcement
Via American Lookout:
about her beat did not come until Thursday.
CNN Hires Valerie Jarrett’s Daughter
Jarrett has long wanted to work in television news, though
being an objective reporter was not her original goal. She
CNN has assigned the daughter of one of told Vanity Fair in a 2009 “Bright Young Things” profile
President Obama’s top advisers to cover the that her chief ambition was to “work as a TV-news legal
Department of Justice. analyst.” Her favorite cause was “promoting civil rights
and social equality for women and minorities.”

BREAKING: Michael Cohen’s Business Partner Flips –
Dirty Cop Mueller Hopes To Use Him
To Squeeze Trump Lawyer
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 4:52 Pm

FBI agents raided Michael Cohen’s office and residence

Evgeny A. Freidman, Michael Cohen’s recently looking for ways to get Trump’s lawyer to flip.
business partner in a taxi cab venture
quietly decided to cooperate with the Since the raid, Cohen’s bank records have leaked to the
government as a potential witness to avoid public through Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti.
jail time.
Others in Cohen’s inner circle have been a target of
Robert Mueller could then use this as investigators in an effort to get Cohen to cooperate with
leverage to pressure Trump’s personal Robert Mueller.
lawyer, Michael Cohen to work with the
Special Counsel investigation into ‘Russian
Mr. Freidman has been Mr. Cohen’s partner in
the taxi business for years, managing cabs for
him even after New York City regulators barred
Mr. Freidman last year from continuing to
manage medallions.

Mr. Freidman, who was disbarred earlier this

month, had been accused of failing to pay more
than $5 million in taxes and faced four counts of
criminal tax fraud and one of grand larceny —
The New York Times reports: all B felonies. Each carries a maximum prison
sentence of up to 25 years in prison.
A significant business partner of Michael D.
Cohen, President Trump’s personal lawyer, has Instead, he appeared in court in Albany on
quietly agreed to cooperate with the Tuesday and pleaded guilty to a single count of
government as a potential witness, a evading only $50,000 worth of taxes; he faces
development that could be used as leverage to five years of probation if he fulfills the terms of
pressure Mr. Cohen to work with the special his agreement, the judge, Patrick Lynch of
counsel examining Russian interference in the Albany County court, said during the roughly
2016 presidential election. 20-minute proceeding.

Under the agreement, the partner, Evgeny A. Since Mueller has nothing on President Trump and his so-
Freidman, a Russian immigrant who is known called collusion with the Russians, his team of hack
as the Taxi King, will avoid jail time, and will lawyers have focused on anyone connected to Trump in an
assist government prosecutors in state or effort to destroy people’s lives.
federal investigations, according to a person
briefed on the matter.

Rep. Gaetz Fact Checks
CNN’s Tapper On FISA Abuse
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
5:33 PM 05/22/2018

Republican congressman Matt Gaetz fact checked CNN “We have received briefings from the FBI
anchor Jake Tapper Tuesday over alleged FISA warrant regarding the elements of their application,”
abuses by the Department of Justice. Gaetz said. “We’ve also read the memo from
the House Intelligence Committee…and that
memo laid out pretty clearly that the principle
WATCH: piece of evidence, the first piece of evidence,
was this dossier that was paid for by the DNC.”

Tapper shot back that George Papadopoulos’ meeting with

an Australian diplomat was the impetus for the
investigation into the Trump campaign.

“No, that was a memo from Peter Strzok that

did initially launch the investigation but that
didn’t lead to the application before the FISA
court,” Gaetz explained.

Gaetz added of the FISA application,

Gaetz is alleging that the DOJ improperly obtained a FISA “They gave no indication that the DNC was
warrant to spy on the Trump campaign using the involved in paying for [the Steele dossier], no
unverified Steele dossier. indication that Christopher Steele was involved,
there was only a vague reference to Glenn
Tapper asked how Gaetz knows that anything improper Simpson.”
occurred before the FISA court since he is not a member of
the House Intelligence Committee.

Mike Flynn Jr. Lights Up Twitter With Cryptic Tweet
“You’re All Going Down”
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 5:34 Pm

General Flynn’s son, Mike Flynn Jr. lit up

Twitter after he fired off a cryptic tweet this
“You’re all going down,” Flynn Jr. said. “Mark
my word”

Things moved quickly.

On Monday, President Trump held a meeting
at the White House with Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director
Chris Wray.
After the meeting, Rosenstein bent the knee and asked the
Inspector General to investigate any irregularities with the
FBI’s or DOJ’s tactics concerning Trump’s campaign.
Mike Flynn Jr. sent a message to the Deep State criminals The DOJ also agreed to allow Congress to review the
on Monday. requested documents relating to the FBI’s infiltration into
Flynn Jr.’s hard hitting tweet went viral and galvanized his Trump’s campaign.
family’s supporters. Monday evening, Trump’s former campaign aide Michael
Mike Flynn Jr. tweeted: You’re all going down. You Caputo dropped another bombshell and revealed a
know who you are. Mark my word…. SECOND informant approached him during the 2016
Caputo said another agency besides Obama’s FBI planted
a spy inside of Trump’s campaign then immediately called
out former DNI Chief James Clapper.
Deep State corruptors and criminals such as Brennan and
Clapper have gone into panic mode as their crimes bubble
up to the surface.
The gloves are off. It was recently revealed former FBI Director
James Comey and former acting Attorney
President Trump knows he has to take matters into his own General Sally Yates targeted General Flynn
hands since AG Sessions is AWOL. with a counterintel investigation ONE YEAR
On Sunday, Trump unleashed and demanded the DOJ before his December 2016 phone call to
investigate the FBI’s infiltration of his campaign. Russian Ambassador Kislyak during the
Trump transition.
Obama’s corrupt agencies had a counterintelligence
operation open on General Flynn during the Trump
transition and kept it going because of an illegal media
leak about his call to Russian Ambassador Kislyak.
Mike Flynn Jr. is right; they’re all going down.

Clapper Goes After Ryan And McConnell In New Book,
Says They Didn’t Care About Russian Interference
Julia Cohen
5:42 PM 05/22/2018

refused to sign a statement condemning foreign

interference in elections.

In his book, “Facts and Fears, Hard Truths from a Life

in Intelligence,” Clapper claims the two Republican
leaders did not want to sign anything that would hurt their
party’s nominee. Clapper was “disappointed, but not
surprised,” he also wrote. Ryan and McConell have not
responded to the claims.

During his appearance on “The View,” Clapper insisted

the FBI was not spying on President Donald Trump’s
campaign rather “on what the Russians were doing.” This
James Clapper, former director of National Intelligence for was in response to Trump’s recent tweet calling for a
former President Obama, claims in his new book Speaker Department of Justice investigation into whether or not his
Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell campaign was under unethical surveillance by the FBI and
the Department of Justice.

BOOM! Former Trump Campaign Aide Michael Caputo:
Federal Agency Attempted To GIVE ME
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 6:00 Pm

Neil Cavuto: So when you say May of 2016 you have the
Former Trump campaign aide Michael discovery of somebody penetrating the campaign or what?
Caputo dropped a bomb on the Ingraham
Angle Monday night. Michael Caputo:

Caputo told Ingraham: “I was approached by a SECOND Actually I was approached by an

government informant.” intermediary who had been talking to a
government official, a former government
Michael Caputo said he’s waiting for clearance from his official who told him that they had Hillary
attorney before he offers more details. Clinton related emails at that government
On Tuesday Michael Caputo joined Neil
Cavuto on FOX News. Oh my!

Caputo told Neil a SECOND FEDERAL This does not look good for the Obama
AGENCY offered to give him HILLARY Deep State hacks!
It’s time to drag out the paddy wagon.

** Conservative Treehouse has more… Including this:

“The intermediary is willing to go on record

explaining the contact from the government
agency and the contractor therein.”

Via Neil Cavuto:

Neil Cavuto: So you’re convinced there was more than

one individual?

Michael Caputo: Absolutely, mostly because I was

approached as well. But this time, what’s remarkable here
to my approach is it happened in the first week of May in
2016. Very far off the timeline very far off the timeline
that the Mueller investigation and others are trying to hold
to when the investigation into the Trump campaign
actually began.

Bitter Scarborough: ‘Change The Channel’
If You Don't Want The Truth
By Randy Hall
May 22, 2018 6:07 PM EDT

During Tuesday’s edition of Morning Joe, MSNBC co-

host Joe Scarborough had a surprising recommendation for Before going to a commercial, Scarborough felt the need
viewers: to state:

“If you don’t want to hear the truth, you can If you’re thinking it’s just one note. Morning
change the channel!” Joe is just one note. Yeah! Yeah, guess
what? A fire department has one focus
Scarborough made the remark after fiancé and fellow co- when there’s a four-alarm fire, alright? So if
host Mika Brzezinski finished an interview with anti- you don’t want to hear the truth, you
can change the channel!
Trump Republican Max Boot, who noted in a Washington
Post opinion column “
It didn’t take long for former NewsBusters colleague Mark
Finkelstein to call the outburst an example of
the five political norms that President
Trump violated in just the past week.”
“One-Note Trump Hatred.”
Of course, the discussion centered around items boldly
displayed on the TV screen for all to see. The first one was Finkelstein also noted that the MSNBC co-host “surely had
in mind” columns like one from Republican strategist Alex
Castellanos entitled
“revealing intelligence sources,” which
Brzezinski stated “involves Congressman
Devin Nunes demanding the name of an “IT’S OFFICIAL: Morning Joe Is Dead.”
FBI informant.”

By the end of the segment, the list had expanded to include

politically motivated prosecutions, mixing private and
government business, foreign interference in U.S. elections
and undermining the First Amendment.

“You can’t get used to this,” Brzezinski said

before asserting: “You see shock, and
you see horror in our voices. It’s
because we love this country, and we’re
not going to get used to this.”
In that column, Castellanos noted that Morning Joe used to
It apparently didn’t dawn on her that no one sees anything
be “great television,” and the co-hosts’ “clashing views”
in another person’s voice, but the co-host nevertheless
gave the show “dramatic power.” Now, however, the
program “has become a sea of sameness,” he stated.
“Coming up: how to rig an election. Brian
“The performers play indistinguishable
Klaas will take us through his new book
parts, predictable bobble-head dolls that
and why he compares elections to a game
hate Donald John Trump.”
of Whac-A-Mole, and [Presidential
historian] Jon Meacham joins the “Castellanos is anything but a big Trump
conversation” to predict that Trump’s fan,” Finkelstein noted. “He’s co-founder,
administration will reach its “season finale” with Dem strategist Steve McMahon, of a
with impeachment. consulting group called Purple Strategies,

which, as its name suggests, is a middle- “anything sharp because you will hurt
of-the-road outfit.” yourself because you are too incompetent
actually to use any basic household
NewsBusters has followed the MSNBC program since appliances.”
2007, when Scarborough said he wanted to “write a
campaign check” for former Senator Bob Kerrey because However, it’s still hard to top Scarborough when it comes
“we need” the Nebraska Democrat “in Washington very to slamming the President. On May 18, the MSNBC co-
badly.” host almost seemed happy that the President’s planned
summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un might not
Of course, it doesn’t take long to find examples of liberal pan out because Trump is “allergic to complexity” and
bias from the Morning Joe co-hosts. “contemptuous of history.”

In early April, Scarborough attempted to take President Perhaps the MSNBC co-host could have a part in a remake
Donald Trump to task by reciting a slew of negative words of A Few Good Men since Jack Nicholson’s character in
that had appeared in his Twitter posts over the previous 24 that movie was also fond of a similar phrase
hours, after which he suffered a full-scale meltdown over
Trump’s most recent tweet storm. “[y]ou can’t handle the truth!”

Soon after that, the former Republican claimed that Trump

supporters should not handle

Jack Posobiec At OANN: Second Deep State
Government “Informant” Claimed To Be With NSA
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 6:22 Pm

the beginning and I’ll tell ya, when we finally

Former Trump campaign aide Michael find out the truth about this–Director
Caputo dropped a bomb on the Ingraham Clapper and the rest of them are gonna be
Angle Monday night. wearing some orange suits.”

Caputo told Ingraham: “I was approached by Michael Caputo confirmed to One America
a SECOND government informant.” News reporter, Jack Posobiec the second
informant claimed to be from the NSA.
On Tuesday, Caputo revealed to Fox News’ Neil Cavuto a
second federal agency offered him Hillary’s emails. Posobiec tweeted: SCOOP: Fmr Trump Advisor Michael
Caputo confirms to @OANN that the second informant
The second informant claimed to be from the NSA, who reached out to him and offered Hillary’s missing
reported OANN’s Jack Posobiec. emails claimed to be from the NSA.

Posobiec followed up with: Key read: Claimed to be

NSA. Typically NSA does not run informants, FBI/CIA
Neil Cavuto: So you’re convinced there was more than does
one individual?

Michael Caputo: Absolutely, mostly because I was

approached as well. But this time, what’s remarkable here
to my approach is it happened in the first week of May in
2016. Very far off the timeline very far off the timeline
that the Mueller investigation and others are trying to hold
to when the investigation into the Trump campaign
actually began.
Here again is the video of Michael Caputo on
Neil Cavuto: So when you say May of 2016 you have the Neil Cavuto this afternoon:
discovery of somebody penetrating the campaign or what?

Michael Caputo: Actually I was approached

by an intermediary who had been talking to
a government official, a former government
official who told him that they had Hillary
Clinton related emails at that government

Caputo called out former DNI Chief James

Clapper Monday night and said, “this is just
Chicken Little Talk: Chuck Todd Panics Over
‘Constitutional Crisis,’ ‘Fatal Distraction’ By Republicans
By Curtis Houck
May 22, 2018 6:46 PM EDT

Deep breaths, people. Leading off Tuesday’s MTP Daily Department to Hillary Clinton. The Republican chairman
on MSNBC, moderator Chuck Todd let loose on some of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Ron
hyperbole and self-righteous speculation that America is Johnson, is trying to dig up more dirt about the FBI's
amidst a “constitutional crisis” and “fatal” attack on handling of the Steele dossier.
“the rule of law” caused by Republicans demanding an
investigation into alleged spying of the Trump campaign in As a reminder, the liberal media were hellbent on truly
the early stages of the Russia probe. undermining the Ken Starr investigation of then-President
Bill Clinton in the 1990s. It’s quite a change to 2017 and
“If it's Tuesday, the constitutional crisis 2018 where even asking for oversight is seen as a betrayal
alarm bells are ringing, but is anybody of American values.
listening? Tonight, fatal distraction. Are
the President's systemic attacks on the Following spin about an FBI informant working to
Justice Department undermining the infiltrate the Trump campaign, Todd unleashed a tangent
rule of law as we know it,” stated the about this
smug NBC political director at the top of the
show with the accompanying chyron “Fatal
“constitutional crisis”:
Folks, if this was happening in another
country, what would we say? If a country's
ruling party was being investigated for
potential election corruption and responded
by attacking that investigation, launched its
own counter investigation into the Justice
Department itself, called for the
imprisonment of those in the minority party
and pressured leaders in law enforcement
to lock them up. If that were happening in
any other country, we'd probably call it a
constitutional crisis for said country. What
do we call it here, other than Tuesday?

He added that Not sure about any of you, but America seems to be
humming along just fine.
“[w]e begin tonight with a politically
motivated investigation, which is out to Of course, this is the person who’s wife made over a $1
prove that Bob Mueller's investigation is million off the Bernie Sanders campaign and donated to
politically motivated” and he implored Democratic Senator Tim Kaine (VA) but Todd has refused
viewers to “wrap your head around that to disclose that to viewers. Talk about a journalism ethics
for a moment.” problem!

Todd rhetorically wagging his finger at Republicans and Following all that, Todd showed where his true allegiances
dismissed the merit of their questions lie by bringing on former Obama administration counsel
Bob Bauer for a friendly interview. Thankfully, Louisiana
Folks, right now the President and his allies in Congress Republican Senator John Kennedy came next and talked
continue their campaign to distract from the Russia some sense into Todd.
investigation and they hope, discredit it. A group of House
Republicans today introduced legislation to appoint a Kennedy first explained that, contrary to what many
special counsel to investigate essentially any number of the (including the liberal media) are arguing,
president's political enemies, from leaders in the Justice
“the President has the right to request Since Trump took office, NewsBusters has documented
an investigation” just as any of the many numerous instances where the word “constitutional crisis”
people who’ve “ask[ed] the FBI to look has appeared. Links to examples can be found here, here,
into the activities and behavior of the here, here, and here.
shooter in Parkland in Florida have the
right.” To see the relevant transcript from MSNBC’s MTP Daily
on May 22:
The Louisiana Senator then made the crucial distinction,
which is that MSNBC’s MTP Daily
July 22, 2018
“[n]one of us have the right, including 5:00 p.m. Eastern
the President, to influence an
investigation and try to tell the FBI and
the Justice Department how the results
should be of an investigation.”

Moments later, Kennedy dropped a truth bomb aimed

directly at Todd and his apocalyptic language:

I want to see the facts and here's what we

know, or here's what I think I know. Russia
tried to influence the 2016 elections. Did
they succeed? We don't know yet. So we
have a member of the FBI, he's specially-
appointed, Mueller, who is supposed to get CHUCK TODD: If it's Tuesday, the constitutional crisis alarm
the facts. We also know we have Mr. bells are ringing, but is anybody listening? Tonight, fatal
Horowitz, the Inspector General at Justice, distraction.
looking into it as well. Everything else is
just spin and rumor and speculation and
innuendo, on both sides, including the [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Fatal Distraction?]
President, but he's got the right to his
opinion, just like those who hate him have Are the President's systemic attacks on the Justice Department
the right to their and I'm prepared to wait undermining the rule of law as we know it?
for the facts. I don't think Mr. Mueller ought
to be fired. I don't think he's a bad guy. I (....)
have confidence in the Inspector General. I
just want the facts and then, I'll let the [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Breaking News; Headed for a
American people decide. They're smart Constitutional Crisis]
enough to figure this out. They're plenty
smart. They will figure this out, but
TODD: We begin tonight with a politically motivated investigation,
everything else, Chuck, is just —
which is out to prove that Bob Mueller's investigation is politically
sometimes it's — it’s interesting to listen to
motivated. So wrap your head around that for a moment. Folks,
and I'm not saying anybody's wrong to do
right now the President and his allies in Congress continue their
it, but it's all speculation. You know, the
campaign to distract from the Russia investigation and they hope,
gentlemen that you just had on, I don't
discredit it. A group of House Republicans today introduced
remember his name. He seemed to be very
legislation to appoint a special counsel to investigate essentially
intelligent, but, you know, talking about this
any number of the president's political enemies, from leaders in
has provoked a constitutional crisis, I don't
the Justice Department to Hillary Clinton. The Republican
see it, you know? I just don't see it. But we
chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Ron
don't have any facts yet.
Johnson, is trying to dig up more dirt about the FBI's handling of
the Steele dossier. Now, this all follows the President's recent
To be clear, it’s only a constitutional crisis for outlets like move ordering the Justice Department to investigate parts of the
CNN and MSNBC when someone (e.g. Republicans) are Russia investigation that, of course, is looking into him. The
not in lockstep with what they want investigated to President has seized on reports that the FBI used an informant to
advance the Resistance. And, don’t try and argue that make contact with members of his campaign, and he's hyping
they’re not on one side of the aisle. that revelation with what you might call Trumpian levels of

documents opened up. A lot of people are saying they had spies either trust Rod Rosenstein and Chris Wray or you don't. What I
in my campaign. If they had spies in my campaign, that would be said on Scarborough's show this morning, and I'll say it again, the
a disgrace to this country. That would be one of the biggest President has the right to request an investigation. You have the
insults that anybody's ever seen and that would be very illegal, right to request an investigation. I have the right. The people who
aside from everything else. It would make every political event ask the FBI to look into the activities and behavior of the shooter
ever make look like small potatoes. in Parkland in Florida have the right. None of us have the right,
including the President, to influence an investigation and try to
TODD: We're scratching our head on the biggest insult comment. tell the FBI and the Justice Department how the results should be
Everything else sort of made sense there in Trumperbole. But of an investigation. I don't see any evidence that the President
there was no evidence that this was trying to spy on the has done that. He didn't try to hide his meeting. I think
campaign. But there is evidence that this alleged informant was Rosenstein and Wray were both there. If he does try to influence
part of an effort by the Justice Department's effort to spy on the it, I will speak out against it, but he has the right to ask for an
campaign and infiltrate. But there is evidence that this alleged investigation and I don't — honestly, Chris, I realize there are
informant who worked for Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush was always two sides to every story — or, Chuck —
part of the Justice Department’s effort to spy on what Russia was
doing to protect the Trump campaign from being infiltrated by TODD: That's alright.
Russians. Now, the White House yesterday brokered an
agreement through its Chief of Staff, John Kelly, which would KENNEDY: But that's his prerogative. Now, you may not like the
allow House Republicans, but not Democratic counterparts, mind way he does it, and you may not like the tweets that he uses,
you, to view highly classified information related to the Russia Chuck, about it, but that's a separate issue from whether he has
investigation. That meeting is now planned for Thursday. The the right to say, okay, the FBI or the Justice Department or
President's Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, has somebody sent an informant into my campaign and, hey, I would
resisted those efforts so far. By the way, in case you're like to know what's going on. I would kind of like to know myself.
wondering what the president's view of him is. By the way, in
case you're wondering what the President's view of him is. Take
a listen.


in Rod Rosenstein?

TRUMP: What's your next question, please?

KENNEDY: Well, I can only give you my point of view. I mean, I

don't hate anybody. I know that's rare up here, but I really don't. I
want to see the facts and here's what we know, or here's what I
think I know. Russia tried to influence the 2016 elections. Did
they succeed? We don't know yet. So we have a member of the
FBI, he's specially-appointed, Mueller, who is supposed to get
TODD: Wow. Make it a bit more obvious. Folks, if this was
the facts. We also know we have Mr. Horowitz, the Inspector
happening in another country, what would we say? If a country's General at Justice, looking into it as well. Everything else is just
ruling party was being investigated for potential election
spin and rumor and speculation and innuendo, on both sides,
corruption and responded by attacking that investigation, including the President, but he's got the right to his opinion, just
launched its own counter investigation into the Justice like those who hate him have the right to their and I'm prepared
Department itself, called for the imprisonment of those in the
to wait for the facts. I don't think Mr. Mueller ought to be fired. I
minority party and pressured leaders in law enforcement to lock don't think he's a bad guy. I have confidence in the Inspector
them up. If that were happening in any other country, we'd General. I just want the facts and then, I'll let the American
probably call it a constitutional crisis for said country. What do we
people decide. They're smart enough to figure this out. They're
call it here, other than Tuesday? plenty smart. They will figure this out, but everything else, Chuck,
is just — sometimes it's — it’s interesting to listen to and I'm not
(....) saying anybody's wrong to do it, but it's all speculation. You
know, the gentlemen that you just had on, I don't remember his
name. He seemed to be very intelligent, but, you know, talking KENNEDY: I mean, wish they would —
about this has provoked a constitutional crisis, I don't see it, you
know? I just don't see it. TODD: I know that's a crazy idea.

TODD: Fair enough. KENNEDY: — I do wish they would hurry up. I think all
Americans who are in good faith would like to see these
KENNEDY: But we don't have any facts yet. investigations concluded sooner rather than later. They're
important, but they do suck up a lot of oxygen. I mean, there are
TODD: But I think your warning about let the investigators finish times up here on the Hill that that's all folks want to talk about.
their investigation before we question their investigation. That's okay, except there are other important issues, too. I'm not
saying that the investigation is not important, but it is — it does
take up a lot of oxygen.

Targeted Trump Aide Sam Clovis Speaks Out: Obama Spy
Stefan Halper Used Trump Camp To Build
Fraudulent Russia Case (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 8:19 Pm

And Clovis said Stefan Halper was probing

Trump Campaign aide Sam Clovis spoke out to find a weak spot in the campaign.
for the first time tonight since being targeted
by Obama spy Stefan Halper during the 2016 Sam Clovis: I really believe that is what his task was to
campaign. create an audit trail back to those emails from someone in
the campaign or someone associated with the campaign so
Clovis believes Obama spy Stefan Halper that they could build a stronger case of probable cause to
used him in his quest to build an espionage continue to issue warrants and to further an investigation.
trail for the corrupt Obama deep state.
I really felt after hearing all these other
things and listening to the reports that I read
that this truly was an effort to build
something that did not exist. And I really
think that is what his mission was.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

Sam Clovis told Tucker Stefan Halper sent him several

emails and said he wanted to come in and discuss foreign
policy. His research was focused mostly on China. Clovis
goes on to say he believes Halper used his meeting as a
bona fides to contact George Papadopoulos.

NYT Columnist Worries Mueller
Investigation Actually Helping Trump
Peter Hasson - Reporter
8:30 PM 05/22/2018

“Without Mueller and Russia, Scott Pruitt

would be closer to center stage, with an
even brighter, harsher spotlight on him,”
the liberal columnist continued.
“He’s not exactly evading scrutiny, but he’s
being spared the relentless top-of-the-
screen, start-of-the-newscast treatment
that he would likely endure if lawmakers,
journalists and other watchdogs weren’t so
mesmerized by the convoluted twists of
Mueller v. Trump.”
New York Times columnist Frank Bruni expressed his
alarm on Tuesday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s Bruni also expressed his concern the Mueller investigation
investigation into Russian meddling could actually be might not find evidence of collusion between Trump and
helping President Donald Trump. Russia.

The Mueller investigation, Bruni argued, is dominating Trump “knows that if he sets the bar at
media coverage to the extent it’s crowding out coverage of incontrovertible evidence of him and Putin
what Trump and his administration are actually doing. huddled over a Hillary Clinton voodoo doll,
he just might clear it,” the columnist wrote.
“Maybe the just-published Politico report of “And he knows that if Americans are
Trump’s deliberate, cavalier use of a fixated on collusion, they aren’t
cellphone that doesn’t have strict security concentrating on much else. That’s good
safeguards would be getting extra for him and terrible for the country.”
attention” if not for the Mueller
investigation, Bruni pondered.

Trump Goes Scorched Earth On FBI Spy Campaign:
‘Follow The Money, The Spy Was Only There To
Help Crooked Hillary Win’
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 8:36 Pm

Trump then slams Crooked Hillary:

President Trump unleashed on the FBI’s
infiltration of his campaign Tuesday evening
in a pair of tweets. …Follow the money! The spy was there early in
the campaign and yet never reported Collusion
with Russia, because there was no Collusion.
The President said, “Follow the money!” the He was only there to spy for political reasons
spy wasn’t there to find ‘Russian collusion,’ and to help Crooked Hillary win – just like they
he was there to help Crooked Hillary win the did to Bernie Sanders, who got duped!

President Trump, please never stop The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a
tweeting! total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work
with the US government that included
spying on the Trump campaign.
President Trump lit up Twitter Tuesday evening after he
tweeted what we are all thinking–the spies infiltrated his
campaign for political purposes to help Hillary Clinton win It was a lucrative business for Stefan Halper.
the election.
Now the Democrats are in spin mode.
Trump tweeted:
They went from ‘there was no spy inside of Trump’s
If the person placed very early into my camp’ to ‘the informant was there to help protect Trump
campaign wasn’t a SPY put there by the against the Russians.’
previous Administration for political purposes,
how come such a seemingly massive amount of Former DNI Chief James Clapper is claiming
money was paid for services rendered – many embedding spies is “a standard
times higher than normal… investigative practice.”

Hillary Clinton wanted to spy on her political opponent

and she accomplished her goal with help from Obama’s
weaponized intel agencies.

President Trump is right; Spygate is worse than Watergate.

Earlier Tuesday, President Trump told reporters,

“If they had spies in my campaign, that would
be a disgrace to this country.”

NBC’s Full-Blown Panic Over
IG Investigation Into DOJ Demanded By Trump
By Nicholas Fondacaro
May 22, 2018 9:20 PM EDT

question, is the President threatening

the long-standing independence of the
Justice Department,” she proclaimed as
she began her report.
“And it's not just the president,” Welker
warned, figuratively clutching pearls. “His
allies on Capitol Hill are also trying to
discredit the investigation with a group
of Republicans calling for a second
special counsel to investigate the
Justice Department and FBI.”

The Department of Justice's internal watchdog has opened For what it’s worth, NBC was the only network in the big
an investigation into the conduct of the FBI regarding their three (ABC, CBS, and NBC) to mention this latest move by
reported use of an “informant” or “spy” in the Trump congressional Republicans.
campaign after the President officially demanded the
matter be looked into on Monday. Come Tuesday evening,
NBC Nightly News was in a hysterical panic over the
development with claims President Trump was trying to
“insert himself” into Russia investigation.

As anchor Lester Holt led into their hyperventilating

segment, he declared,

“while he was speaking in the Oval

Office today, President Trump also took
new aim at the Russia probe and raised
new questions about whether he is
inserting himself into the investigation.”
Welker also leaned on comments from former Director of
National Security James Clapper (made on The View of all
This was alluding to the hyperbolic liberal media assertion places) to defend the Justice Department:
that Trump is acting like a dictator by investigating his
JOY BEHAR: Was the FBI spying on
Trump's campaign?
The only problem? Trump was not orchestrating or
running the investigation, so if they find nothing they find JAMES CLAPPER: No, they were not.
nothing. It's worth noting that the last time the Inspector They were spying on -- a term I don't
General looked into alleged misconduct by the FBI, it particularly like -- but on what the Russians
resulted in the firing of Deputy FBI Director Andrew were doing.
Of course, Welker failed to mention that Clapper was
But that fact didn’t stop NBC White House correspondent caught lying to Congress and the American people about
Kristen Welker from making what sounded like doomsday the NSA’s wide-reaching domestic spying program.
The NBC reporter also talked with former Obama-era FBI
“Tonight President Trump is escalating Assistant Director Frank Figliuzzi to fling speculation
his assault on the investigators who are about the President’s motives.
investigating him, prompting a critical
“If this continues, there will be more WELKER: The fiery words come after President Trump
than a standoff. There will be a demanded his deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein find out
constitutional crisis. I believe that's whether that FBI informant was used for political purposes. Mr.
exactly what the President may want,” Trump even refusing to say whether he has confidence in
he bitterly surmised. Rosenstein.

The liberal media was desperately trying to paint Trump’s UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you have confidence in Rod
actions in calling for an IG investigation as somehow Rosenstein.
inappropriate even though within his purview as President.
There very well could be no “there” there and the TRUMP: What's your next question, please?
investigation will end with nothing happening. But again,
the last time the FBI was investigated for misconduct,
WELKER: And it's not just the president. His allies on Capitol Hill
there was a firing. Ironically, they’re behaving in the same
are also trying to discredit the investigation with a group of
Trumpian fashion they complain the President does. Republicans calling for a second special counsel to investigate
the Justice Department and FBI.
The transcript is below:
MARK MEADOWS: It is time for transparency, and it's time to
NBC Nightly News allow the American people to know the truth.
May 22, 2018
7:06:15 PM Eastern [1 minute 49 seconds] WELKER: Former Director of National Intelligence James
Clapper insisting there was no wrongdoing by the FBI.
LESTER HOLT: And while he was speaking in the Oval Office
today, President Trump also took new aim at the Russia probe JOY BEHAR: Was the FBI spying on Trump's campaign?
and raised new questions about whether he is inserting himself
into the investigation. We get more from NBC News White House
correspondent Kristen Welker. JAMES CLAPPER: No, they were not. They were spying on -- a
term I don't particularly like -- but on what the Russians were
[Cuts to video]
WELKER: Tonight law enforcement experts warn –
KRISTEN WELKER: Tonight President Trump is escalating his
assault on the investigators who are investigating him, prompting
a critical question, is the President threatening the long-standing FRANK FIGLIUZZI: If this continues, there will be more than a
independence of the Justice Department; amid revelations an standoff. There will be a constitutional crisis. I believe that's
FBI informant had contact with his campaign during the 2016 exactly what the President may want.
WELKER: Kristen Welker, NBC News, the White House.
DONALD TRUMP: If they had spies in my campaign, that would
be a disgrace to this country. That would be one of the biggest
insults that anyone's ever seen. It would be very illegal.

Trump: Spy Was Put In My
Campaign ‘To Help Crooked Hillary Win’
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
9:56 PM 05/22/2018

President Trump tweeted Tuesday night that a spy was put

in his 2016 campaign to “help Crooked Hillary win.”

Trump said:

Trump said at the White House Tuesday that it would be

“very illegal” if there were spies in his campaign.

“A lot of people are saying they had spies

in my campaign. If they had spies in my
campaign, that would be a disgrace to this
country. That would be one of the biggest
insults that anyone has ever seen, it would
be very illegal aside from everything else,”
he said.

Newt Gingrich: People Like Clapper,
Brennan… “Are In Danger Of Going To Jail” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 22, 2018, 9:57 Pm

Newt Gingrich:

People like Clapper and the former Director of

Former Speaker New Gingrich joined Laura Ingraham on the Central Intelligence Agency, all these guys
Tuesday night to discuss the ever expanding Obama Deep thought they could get away with this… Now
State scandal. In the last week we have learned that the you are watching people who I think in every
Obama campaign inserted spies inside the Donald Trump case are in danger of going to jail. If the system
presidential campaign and used them to try to entrap works and people are actually tested on, “Did
Trump campaign officials in a fake Russia conspiracy. you tell the truth under oath?” Clapper’s a
perfect example.
Now the Trump campaign officials are speaking out and it
looks like there was more than one Obama spy inside the
Trump campaign. Lock them all up and throw away the key!

This is unprecedented in the history of the United States. Via The Ingraham Angle:

And, of course, these Obama hacks tried desperately to

hide this from the American people.

From Covering Up The Crimes Of Obama, Hillary, Comey
And Comrades To Hiding The Islamic Terror Network In
America, Robert Mueller And The Corrupt Faction Of The
Highly Politicized FBI Are Indeed The 'American Gestapo'
By William B Stoecker - All News Pipeline
May 22, 2018
The Special Counsel “investigation” of whatever they are Heinrich Muller, often called “Gestapo Muller.” Robert
pretending to investigate has gone on for over a year now, Mueller was Director of the FBI from 9/4/2001 to9/4/2013,
wasting tens of millions of our tax dollars, and finding no and the corrupt, murderous, and highly politicized FBI is,
evidence of collusion (which is not a crime) between the indeed, an American Gestapo.
Trump campaign and the Russians, who are only our
enemies if we make them so. If we accept the official story of his background, at first he
seems to be one of the “good guys.” He was born into a
When dear old Uncle Joe Stalin, torturer, tyrant, and mass well-to-do family in New York City. In 1968 he joined the
murderer, ruled the Soviet Union our leftists adored him US Marines and went through OCS and the Basic School,
and Russia. But now that Russia is ruled by a relatively and, allegedly, graduated from the US Army’s Airborne
benign nationalist, our leftists have become caricatures of School and the incredibly grueling Ranger School before
Joe McCarthy. The “investigators” are a band of partisan leading a USMC infantry platoon in Vietnam and being
Demoncraps and supporters of the Witch Hillary, wounded and decorated.
including Andrew Goldstein, a prosecutor with a long
record of overzealousness and misconduct, who has seen If any of this is true, he at one time was at least an
several of his convictions overturned by appeals courts. incredibly brave, tough, and determined young man. But,
since then, he has served the NWO (New World Order
But that didn’t stop him from ruining lives and destroying globalists) elites and has done evil and more evil. After his
jobs, and the current “investigation” has bankrupted at USMC service Mueller attended the University of Virginia
least two people (convicted of nothing) with legal fees. School of Law, and, in a typical pattern, has moved ever
Federal prosecutors usually secure convictions, whether since between jobs with the Department of “Justice” and
the accused are guilty or not, and even when their victims private sector law firms.
are not convicted, they are harassed and stressed out and
impoverished. The “investigation” seems intended In 1982 he became Assistant US Attorney in Boston, and
primarily to discredit and distract President Trump and was there during much of the time that the murderous
destroy his supporters. gangster Whitey Bulger was being protected as an
“informant” by local FBI official John Connolly. Connolly
eventually went to prison for this. Patriot writer Kelleigh
Nelson and US Representative Louis Gohmert, also a
noted patriot, believe that Mueller knew all along what
was going on, and helped to cover up the truth, going so
far as to railroad innocent men into prison as part of the
cover-up. And this, if true, is but a small part of the evil
this creature has done.

Herr Gestapo Mueller became FBI Director one week

before the false flag known as 9/11, when honorable field
agents were trying to warn the higher ups in the FBI about
the terrorists who allegedly carried out the attacks. Their
pleas fell on deaf ears…none deafer than Mueller’s. And
Gestapo Mueller orchestrated the cover-up that followed
Leading this effort is a creature I call Herr Gestapo the attacks. For this alone he deserves the death penalty.
Mueller, a.k.a. Robert Swan Mueller III. The head of
Hitler’s Nazi Gestapo during most of WWII was one
Herr Mueller zealously prosecuted Republicans for campaign committed any crimes. So what we have here is
imaginary crimes. Just prior to the 2008 election he a gang of criminals (Mueller and his team) ignoring the
investigated Congressman Curt Weldon for influence crimes of their fellow criminals and persecuting innocent
peddling (never proven), causing him to lose the election. citizens. This is Luciferian inversion on steroids.
Mueller also prosecuted conservative Alaska Senator Ted
Stevens, and withheld exculpatory evidence…more What ought to happen is an end to this farce, and real
prosecutorial misconduct. Nominally a Republican, investigations of the Witch and the other actual
Mueller “investigated” many (mostly conservative) criminals…including Gestapo Mueller. But it looks as
Congressmen, apparently hoping to find something he though Little Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein, who
could use to prosecute or at least discredit them. control the “Justice” Department, will never do the right
thing. Their stonewalling Congressional requests for
information and documents gives Trump ample excuse (as
if any excuse was needed) to fire both of them and appoint
true patriots in their place to begin a thorough house
cleaning at DOJ and the FBI (and the CIA could stand a
little cleaning up as well).

He and his corrupt crony James Comey prosecuted

microbiologist Dr. Steven Hatfill for the anthrax attacks on
Congressional offices, although there was no real evidence
of his guilt (the crime may have been carried out by Dr.
Bruce Ivins and/or persons unknown, possibly Islamic
terrorists). Mueller and Comey also prosecuted “Scooter”
Libby for allegedly “outing” CIA agent Valerie Plame,
even though they knew her identity had first been made
public by Richard Armitage…whom they never
prosecuted. Plame, by the way, was never undercover in a
hostile country, and never in any real danger.

And Mueller, like so many of the Western elites, simply But Trump appointed Little Jeff to begin with, and he has
adores Muslims. On becoming Director of the FBI, he thus far refused to remove him and Rosenstein, contenting
stopped all training that correctly identified Islamic himself with tweets complaining about their inaction. Note
terrorism as the main threat, and even formed a partnership to President Trump: we elected a Commander in Chief, not
with CAIR (Committee for American/Islamic Relations), a a Tweeter in Chief. Take charge and do your duty.
US based Islamic organization that rails against
“Islamophobia” and is closely connected to the terrorist The views and opinions expressed in this article are those
Muslim Brotherhood. Mueller even went so far as to of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of ANP.
persecute “Islamophobic” FBI agents, ruining more than
one career…perhaps this behavior is only to be expected of
a creature who ignored the pre-9/11 warning signs.

Mueller and Rod Rosenstein failed to stop the Witch

Hillary’s “Uranium One” sale of US uranium deposits to
Russia…strange behavior from people who now pretend
that Russia is our enemy. Since then, Herr Gestapo
Mueller and his comrades have carefully ignored the
crimes of the Witch (Uranium One, Benghazi, etc., etc.),
Eric Holder (Fast and Furious), Loretta Lynch (why did
she meet at the airport with Slick Willy Clinton?), and
Hussein Obama itself (all the above and more). Some of us
are becoming somewhat disillusioned with President
Trump, but there is no evidence that he or anyone in his
LEVIN DROPS A MOAB: New Revelation Mueller’s
Lawyers Obtained ‘Special Status’ Show Probe Is
Unconstitutional Under Article II (VIDEO)
By Cristina Laila
May 22, 2018, 10:04 Pm

Since Mueller’s lawyers have dual status as US Attorneys,

Constitutional expert Mark Levin dropped a that makes Mueller a US Attorney rather than a Special
MOAB on Mueller’s witch hunt Tuesday Counsel. Only a President can appoint a US Attorney. By
evening, arguing the ‘special status’ obtained by appointing Mueller, Rod Rosenstein usurped the
the special counsel’s lawyers show the probe is President of the United States.
unconstitutional under Article II.

Via Fox News:

Levin said the attorneys in the case before an

Alexandria, Va. federal judge are
simultaneously considered “Special Assistant
U.S. Attorneys.”

He said that therefore, their direct supervisor —

Mueller — should be lawfully considered a
“roving” U.S. Attorney.
As previously reported, Robert Mueller and
He said the Constitution designates the president as the
his team of liberal hack lawyers know they
person who must nominate all “principal officers” —
don’t stand a chance in Judge Ellis’ court so
including U.S. attorneys and cabinet members.
they are running a shady, legal shell game
to salvage their case against Paul Manafort.
But, Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein and was not confirmed by the Senate, as
Mueller’s lawyers filed for, and obtained an
anyone working as a U.S. attorney should be by law,
obscure special status giving them dual
according to Levin.
roles as not only special counsel
prosecutors, but also as ‘Special
Assistant US Attorneys (SAUSAs) which Levin said that the scenario therefore “violates the
could make it difficult for Judge Ellis to hand the Constitution [via] the Appointments Clause” in Article II.
case over to other prosecutors.
“Rosenstein usurped the authority of the
According to Politico’s reporting, this special status given president of the United States to nominate
to Mueller’s lawyers theoretically allows them to rove whoever he wants as a prosecutor,” Levin said.
around and pursue matters outside of the special counsel’s
mandate. “Mr. Mueller is serving unconstitutionally in
violation of the Appointments Clause of the U.S.
This bombshell revelation may be the key to dismantling Constitution because of the way Rod
Mueller’s entire operation, says Mark Levin. Rosenstein appointed him.”

Watch Mark Levin break it down.


FBI Agents Want Congress To Issue
Them Subpoenas So They Can Reveal The Bureau’s Dirt
Kerry Picket - Reporter
10:08 PM 05/22/2018

Many agents in the FBI want Congress to subpoena them DiGenova — who along with his wife, Victoria Toensing,
so they can reveal problems caused by both former FBI has represented government whistleblowers in the past —
Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director agreed, telling TheDC,
Andrew McCabe, three people in direct contact with active
field agents tell TheDC. “It’s an intelligent approach to the situation
given the vindictive nature of the bureau under
“There are agents all over this country who love Comey and McCabe. I have no idea how to
the bureau and are sickened by [James] read Chris Wray, who is not a leader and who
Comey’s behavior and [Andrew] McCabe and has disappeared from the public eye during this
[Eric] Holder and [Loretta] Lynch and the thugs entire crisis. You know, he may be cleaning
like [John] Brennan–who despise the fact that house but if he’s doing so, he’s doing it very
the bureau was used as a tool of political quietly.”
intelligence by the Obama administration
thugs,” former federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova He added,
told The Daily Caller Tuesday. “They are just
waiting for a chance to come forward and “I don’t blame them. I don’t blame the agents
one bit. I think that the FBI is in a freefall.
James Comey has destroyed the institution he
Ahead of the release of the Department of Justice (DOJ) claims to love. And it is beyond a doubt that it is
inspector general report on how the FBI handled the going to take a decade to restore public
Clinton email investigation, TheDC spoke with Digenova, confidence because of Comey and Clapper and
a former Trump official who maintained contact with rank Brennan and Obama and Lynch.”
and file FBI agents and a counter-intelligence consultant
who conducted an interview with an active special agent of The special agent out of WFO alleged that rank and file
the FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO). FBI agents are fed up and desperately want action from the
DOJ, according to the transcripts.
TheDC independently confirmed the veracity of the
consultant’s position and access, and reviewed detailed
“Every special agent I have spoken to in the
transcripts of his Q&A with the special agent, who Washington Field Office wants to see McCabe
requested the arrangement due to internal dragnets and fear
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They
of vicious retribution. feel the same way about Comey,“ the special
agent said, according to transcripts provided
These agents prefer to be subpoenaed to becoming an TheDC.
official government whistleblower, since they fear political
and professional backlash, the former Trump “The administrations are so politicized that any
administration official explained to TheDC. time a Special Agent comes forward as a
whistleblower, they can expect to be thrown
The subpoena is preferred, he said, under the bus by leadership. Go against the
Muslim Brotherhood, you’re crushed. Go
“because when you are subpoenaed, Congress against the Clintons, you’re crushed. The FBI
then pays…for your legal counsel and the has long been politicized to the detriment of
subpoena protects [the agent] from any national security and law enforcement.”
organizational retaliation…. they are on their
own as whistleblowers, they get no legal The special agent added,
protection and there will be organizational
retaliation against them.” “Activity that Congress is investigating is being
stonewalled by leadership and rank-and-file FBI
employees in the periphery are just doing their
jobs. All Congress needs to do is subpoena According to an analysis in Time Magazine earlier this
involved personnel and they will tell you what month, the FBI has struggled with conviction rates for
they know. These are honest people. several years now after they send cases to the DOJ for
Leadership cannot stop anyone from prosecution. In less than half the cases the FBI sent to the
responding to a subpoena. Those subpoenaed Justice Department, the conviction rate was only 47
also get legal counsel provided by the percent in 2017. This number is far below the mean of the
government to represent them.” 72 percent average for all other government agencies,
according to Time.
The former Trump administration official explained the
problems at the bureau go beyond just two people. In the meantime, DiGenova and the others who spoke to
TheDC believe it is time for Congress to issue subpoenas
“They know that it wasn’t just Comey and to FBI agents who are willing to talk. According to
McCabe in this case. That’s too narrow a net to DiGenova, the House and Senate Judiciary Committees
cast over these guys. There’s a much broader can issue these subpoenas.
corruption that seeped into the seventh floor at
the bureau.” “Either one of those [committees] would be fine.
I’m sure the committees could hold hearings in
“They ruined the credibility of the bureau and a New York minute,” he said.
the technical ability of the bureau, so
systemically, over the past several years, He added,
they’re worried about their organizational
reputation and their professional careers,” this “I can assure you I’ve been approached by
former Trump administration staffer said, noting agents who want to be subpoenaed for the
the bureau’s difficulty in prosecuting cases same reason the guys in the field,” adding, “All
these days. over this country there are agents but the big
ones the ones that matter New York–
“They go to court and they’re just laughed at.” Washington I can assure you I’ve spoken with
agents who want to come forward.”

Democrats Steal Trump’s Message,
Now Claim They Will ‘Drain The Swamp’
Stephanie Hamill
10:57 PM 05/22/2018

Democrats are adding the “drain the swamp” message to

“Democrats want to use drain the swamp
their 2018 midterm messaging. Their new slogan is
as a part of their 2018 midterm campaign,
where have I heard this phrase before?
“A Better Deal for Our Democracy,” Who’s used this phrase before? Of course,
President Trump has used it, “ Coglianese
and the party pledges to implement new ethics laws, explained.
reduce the influence of lobbyists and tighten rules around
fraud convictions. Coglianese added that it’s hilarious that the Democrats
think they can seize this — if anything, they’re just going
So why the messaging shift? The Daily Caller’s Vince to push more people over to Trump’s side.
Coglianese and Stephanie Hamill discuss this move and
other topics in this episode of The DC Today. “You gotta love how desperate the
Democrats are. All that had to run on was
Watch: impeaching Trump, then they realized that
wasn’t going to work for them. So now
they’re stealing Trump’s message. The
Democratic Party is the swamp,” said

Robert Mueller IS The
Creature From The Black Lagoon
Bill Thomas - Writer Living In Washington, D.C.
2:35 AM 05/23/2018

The movie tells the story of a scientific expedition to South

America that encounters an amphibious humanoid. And
this should sound familiar: The “gill-man” gets angry
when outsiders intrude on its turf. This is exactly what
happened in 2016, when Trump was elected and the
largely Democratic and tactically ruthless Washington
deep state set out to get rid of him.

During the fifties, with mutually assured destruction on

everyone’s mind, Hollywood responded with a flood of
Fans of 1950s horror movies have to like what they’re “B” movies that dramatized doomsday in every
seeing in Washington. conceivable form, from space aliens occupying small
towns to prehistoric reptiles terrorizing entire countries.
The nation’s capital, which started out as a swamp, has
produced a throwback monster from one of Hollywood’s But there was something else happening that audiences
creepiest classics, a bottom-dwelling menace that’s had the may not have noticed. Given Cold War politics at the time,
city on the edge of its seat for a full year and counting. many pictures had a not so subtle Russian subtext.
Whether intended or not, another masterpiece of horror
Special Counsel Robert Mueller: “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (1956) has long been
seen as a movie about what happens when commies take
Creature from the Black Lagoon! over people’s minds.

It’s hard to believe no one has ever made a sequel. Maybe It would be hard to find better all-purpose bad guys. Of
the right lead actor could never be found. Until now. course, it helped that Russians (aka “Soviets”) were good
at causing trouble. They were also hard to catch and bring
to justice. Which made it easy to blame them for anything.
Half-man, half-freak of government, Mueller has shown he
will stop at nothing to get what he’s after. At least that’s
been the storyline so far. Obviously, it still is. And that’s where Robert Mueller
enters the picture.
His style is to scare victims into submission, particularly
when he starts squeezing them for information about Following in the muddy footsteps of Sen. Joseph
someone higher up the Washington food chain. That would McCarthy, he and his assistants, most of them donors to
be President Donald Trump, who promised to “drain the the losing side, have been trying for a year to prove that
swamp” only to be pursued by one of its most territorial candidate Trump was helped by Russians, with nothing to
defenders. show for the effort but swamp gas.

Earlier this month a federal judge unloaded on Mueller for Meanwhile, there’s plenty of evidence that the Obama
going after Paul Manafort, briefly Trump’s campaign administration used corrupted federal intelligence agencies
manager, to get to the president. That’s clearly the plan, to spy on Trump during the campaign, then to undermine
but it will take more than a courtroom lecture to end his presidency after he won.
Mueller’s free-range Russia probe.
Now one of the Russian companies indicted by Mueller for
When it premiered in 1954, at the height of the McCarthy interfering with the 2016 election has spoiled everything
era, “Creature from the Black Lagoon,” started a by actually appearing in court, where the prosecution will
nationwide fear of swamp monsters. Even though the one have to present proof it’s never had of a crime that never
in the film lived in the Amazon, kids everywhere were happened.
afraid it was under their beds.

Mueller’s whole case, along with his reputation for upright from again, Mueller, who’s compromised up to his neck in
competence, is falling apart the way things often do at the dirty politics and conflicted interests, is sinking fast in the
end of monster movies. Like the defeated creature in the same swamp he came from.
film who vanishes into the Black Lagoon never to be heard

Carter Throws Left For A Loop…
Trump Nobel Prize Makes Sense
By Cillian Zeal
May 23, 2018 At 6:38am

Imagine if you had gotten Vegas odds on President Donald “I think that the next mediator, next
Trump winning a Nobel Peace Prize back in January or so. negotiator — maybe President Trump, I
You could have had a shot at being rich — like, Steve Jobs hope — will reassure them that we’re
rich. willing to give up some of those things —
the threat of attack on them and to lift the
After all, nobody would have predicted Trump would have
embargo. That would be a cheap price, in
won the award, not even the most MAGA-cap wearing
my opinion, to pay for a cessation of their
Trump fan there is. Now, plenty of respectable people —
nuclear program.”
people far removed from the basket of deplorables — are
tipping Trump for the award due to his efforts to secure Carter’s praise for Trump was hardly unalloyed, as was to
peace with North Korea. be expected (I don’t think Trump would particularly want
it, either, given Carter’s record of success with anything
And one of them is one of America’s most famous (and
not involving Anwar Sadat and/or Menachem Begin.)
liberal) winners.
Carter said that Trump had dealt “a damaging blow to
In an interview with Politico’s “Off Message” podcast,
peace” by moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem,
former President Jimmy Carter — the 2002 winner of
as required by law; given that Carter is a Palestinian
the award — threw liberals for a loop when he said he
partisan this was hardly surprising.
believed Trump could be deserving of the Nobel for his
work with Kim Jong Un’s regime. He also said that
“If President Trump is successful in getting “(t)here’s a general feeling, on a global
a peace treaty that’s acceptable to both basis, that democracy has reached its peak
sides with North Korea, I think he certainly and is declining,” when asked about
ought to be considered for the Nobel Peace whether Trump’s election was “a challenge
Prize,” Carter told Politico. to democratic ideals.”
“I think it would be a worthy and a That’s right, the democratic will of the electorate as
momentous accomplishment that no spelled out in the Constitution has somehow weakened
previous president has been able to democracy.
Like so many things that come out of the mouths of
The man who negotiated the peace between Egypt and Democrats, I shall just leave that nugget of smugness out
Israel also said Pyongyang’s threats were to be expected. there for summary judgment.
“If they’re under constant belief that the Nevertheless, you can almost see the suzerains of the
United States wants to attack them, even Democratic Party trying to surgically lift their jaws off the
using nuclear weapons — which many floor from this. Jimmy Carter, their malaise-tinged hero,
Democrats and Republican leaders in our thinks Donald Trump is Nobel material.
country have mentioned as a possibility —
You could almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
and that we are destroying their economy,
and they know that they’re starving to Facebook has greatly reduced the distribution of our
death primarily because the United States stories in our readers' newsfeeds and is instead promoting
withholds food aid, for instance, just giving mainstream media sources. When you share to your
them surplus food that we can’t ever use, friends, however, you greatly help distribute our content.
then I can understand how they feel,” Please take a moment and consider sharing this article with
Carter said. your friends and family. Thank you.

LOL: Democrats Steal
New Campaign Message From Trump,
Want To “Drain The Swamp”
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 7:19 Am

The strategy marks an expansion of the

Democrats’ midterm agenda, “A Better
Deal,” which up until now has focused
almost exclusively on kitchen-table
economic issues in lieu of the controversies
surrounding President Trump and a
growing list of people in his orbit.
In extending their message to include an
anti-corruption component, the Democrats
are painting the Trump administration —
and its Republican supporters on Capitol
Hill — as an unscrupulous group that’s
using power to pad its own pockets while
peddling policies to the highest corporate
bidder. The Democrats are promising
Democrats have been scrambling to find a new message
voters they’d be an alternative: The party
for the 2018 midterms. They have finally settled on
that would clean the place up.
stealing Trump’s line about draining the swamp.
Apparently, no one told Chuck Schumer that he is part of “President Trump has embraced the most
the swamp. egregious establishment Republican norms
and appointed the most conflict-of-interest-
The Hill reports: ridden Cabinet in my lifetime,” Senate
Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
said Monday at a press briefing on the
Dems expand 2018 message to ‘draining
steps of the Capitol.
the swamp’
This is the best Democrats could do?
Democrats are turning their campaign
How pathetic!
message to the many scandals swirling
around the Trump administration, betting
that vows to “drain the swamp” will attract
voters to their side in November.

CNN Water Boy Don Lemon Calls BS On Trump’s Spying
‘Conspiracy’ – Then James Clapper Tells Him
Spying On Trump “A Good Thing”
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 7:40 Am

Life comes at you fast.

Then former DNI Chief under Obama came on and told
On Monday CNN water carrier for the water boy Don Lemon “it was a good thing” Obama spied
DNC Don Lemon called BS on Trump on Donald Trump during the election.
advisor’s “conspiracy theory” that
Obama was spying on Trump.

‘SPYGATE:’ Trump Rails
Against FBI Informant In His Campaign
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:47 AM 05/23/2018

U.S. President Donald Trump gestures as he delivers remarks during

the Prison Reform Summit at the White House in Washington, U.S.,
May 18, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque - RC1EFB82BDD0

President Donald Trump railed against FBI efforts to

gather information on associates of his 2016 campaign in a
series of tweets Wednesday.

Trump is reacting to recent revelations that an FBI

informant made contact with several members of his
campaign and efforts by conservative lawmakers to review
documents relating to the probe. These efforts will come to
fruition Thursday when Congressman Devin Nunes and
Congressman Trey Gowdy will be allowed by the
Department of Justice to review the documents after
months of oversight efforts.

Several lawmakers have called for a second special

counsel to be appointed to investigate the FBI’s efforts
during the 2016 election along with alleged FISA abuse on
Carter Page.

Honest FBI Agents Step Forward:
Want To Testify Against Their Deep State Masters
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 9:19 Am

Director Andrew McCabe, three people in

direct contact with active field agents tell
“There are agents all over this country who
love the bureau and are sickened by
[James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew]
McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta]
Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–
who despise the fact that the bureau was
used as a tool of political intelligence by the
Obama administration thugs,” former
Well, what do you know? There are federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The
honest men and women in the FBI after Daily Caller Tuesday. “They are just waiting
all! for a chance to come forward and testify.”
Several agents from the Federal Bureau
of Investigation want Congress to Ahead of the release of the Department of Justice (DOJ)
subpoena them so they can rat out fired inspector general report on how the FBI handled the
Director James Comey and former Clinton email investigation, TheDC spoke with DiGenova,
Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. a former Trump official who maintained contact with rank
and file FBI agents and a counter-intelligence consultant
They are sick of the public stain the immoral and criminal who conducted an interview with an active special agent of
former leaders have placed on the FBI. the FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO)…

Via Kerry Picket at The Daily Caller: …These agents prefer to be subpoenaed
to becoming an official government
whistleblower, since they fear political and
Many agents in the FBI want Congress to
professional backlash, the former Trump
subpoena them so they can reveal
administration official explained to TheDC.
problems caused by former FBI Director
James Comey and former Deputy FBI

Trump Hits Back At James Clapper:
‘I Am Not Happy’
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
9:20 AM 05/23/2018

Clapper claimed in a recent interview on “The View” that

Trump should be grateful that the FBI had an informant in
his campaign. The former DNI director insisted that the
FBI was not spying on the Trump campaign, saying,

“What they were trying to do was protect

our political system and protect the

He then added,

“They were spying — a term I don’t

particularly like — on what the Russians
President Donald Trump struck back at former Director of were doing, trying to understand, were the
National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper’s statement Russians infiltrating?”
that Trump should be glad the FBI was making contact
with his campaign. When pressed by ABC as to why Trump is not supporting
the FBI’s action, Clapper said,

“Well, he should be.”

President Trump Slams Nancy Pelosi For Her Embrace Of
MS-13 Gang-Bangers: “We’re Not Going To Release
Violent Criminals Into Our Country”
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 9:38 Am

President Trump slammed Democrat

leader Nancy Pelosi for her embrace of Via Jack Posobiec—
MS-13 gang-bangers last night in his
speech to the Susan B. Anthony List Stronger Together

This came after Pelosi defended the

brutal animals for their “spark of

President Donald Trump:

Just the other day, Nancy Pelosi came out

in favor of MS-13. That’s the first time I’ve
heard that. She wants them to be treated
with respect as do other Democrats. That’s
not going to be happening. We’re not going
to release violent criminals into our country.

Pelosi’s pals.

Trump Is Ready To 'Take Out The Trash' As He Green-
Lights Plan To Stop Leaks By FIRING Mid-Level
And Junior Communications Aides
 Chief Of Staff John Kelly Has Plan In-Hand To Go On Firing Spree For Trump
 President Is Impatient With Press Leaks And Angry Enough To Swing The Axe
 Senior-Level People Like Sarah Sanders And Mercedes Schlapp Appear Safe
 Stems From Controversy Over Mid-Level Aide's Insensitive Remark About John
McCain's Cancer Battle – Which Promptly Leaked
By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.Com
Published: 09:43 EDT, 23 May 2018 | Updated: 10:51 EDT, 23 May 2018

President Donald Trump has signaled to his top fire some of their underlings in a bid to stop leakers from
communications aides that he's ready to send some of their talking to reporters
less senior staffers packing – a move he hopes will cut
the White House's culture of leaking off at the knees.

Chief of Staff John Kelly has signed off on the plan,

according to Politico, a direct consequence of this month's
leak of an insensitive comment about Sen. John McCain's
brain-cancer battle.

That episode, a White House official told,

was a public black eye that focused the president's
attention on his porous West Wing.

The president realizes that

'it's time to take out the trash,'

Massacre to come? The White House could soon be the
scene of a mass-sacking
the official said Wednesday.

'Some of these kids are more trouble than

they're worth, with all the leaks. This is the
White House, not a seventh-grade lunch

Already dressed for mourning: White House Press

Secretary Sarah Sanders' job appears safe but she's bound
to lose some of her staff
Career death warrants: President Donald Trump has
signaled to his top communications aides that he's ready to
It's not clear when the axe will swing at mid-level and 'they're not all in the press and comms
junior employees, or how many Kelly plans to fire. [communications] shop either – and they're
not all junior folks.'
But it appears press and messaging leaders like Press She suggested the White House is trending toward
Secretary Sarah Sanders and Director of Strategic
Communications Mercedes Schlapp are safe. 'smaller, tighter meetings' where senior
staff are 'just telling people [information] on
Senior Trump-whisperer Kellyanne Conway said last a need-to-know basis.'
week, however, that the White House had identified some Conway said most leaks from inside the West Wing are
secret leakers, and 'they're not all junior folks.' meant to hamstring rivals and settle scores, and
emphasized that
The administration has suffered from a culture of leaks '99.8 per cent of the information that we
since before Inauguration Day, with top-shelf officials
know, that some of us know in this place –
initially being the most sieve-like among disloyal White that never gets leaked.'
House staff.
The president himself sometimes lets a proverbial cat out
Lower-level staffers are thought to be behind more recent of the bag himself by venting to longtime New York City
breaches, however, including the embarrassing McCain business friends who have their own motives – and vibrant
episode. relationships with the press.

While Trump has blasted disloyal staffers, he also claims

much of the dirt they dish is false, and exaggerated by Leaking has recently become a more pedestrian sport,
reporters in order to paint him in a bad light however, with low- and mid-level aides throwing vicarious
shade at one another to settle scores or hobble their
internal competition for limelight and plum assignments.
The McCain scandal involved communications deputy
Kelly Sadler, who reportedly told colleagues in a closed-
door meeting that they shouldn't worry about whether
Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain planned to vote
against CIA director nominee Gina Haspel.
He's 'dying anyway,' Sadler said, a suggestion that he's too
ill to cast a vote in person. That turned out to be an
accurate prediction.
McCain, a Republican Senate institution and a Vietnam-
era war hero, is recovering from brain cancer surgery.
Politico reported Wednesday that the president had
Kellyanne Conway said Monday that malicious leaks are
personally spoken with Sadler, and expressed frustration
less common than they were in 2017, and that the White with how her comment was leaked.
House knows who some of the offenders are
The White House has been tight-lipped, though, about
Kellyanne Conway told 'Fox & Friends' that she whether officials are angry about the jab at McCain.
'somewhat' knows who's leaking, and

Leaker James Comey Speaks! Blasts President Trump,
DEFENDS SPIES Inside His Campaign
By Kristinn Taylor
May 23, 2018, 9:57 Am

Fired FBI Director James Comey spoke

out on Twitter Wednesday morning
about the latest developments on the
Obama administration spying on the
Trump campaign.

This was the first time Comey has

responded to the allegations of an FBI
informant inside the Trump campaign. Comey’s tweets came after it was reported honest FBI
agents want to come forward under protection of
subpoenas to testify about how “sickened” they were by
Comey’s behavior as director.

Via Kerry Picket at The Daily Caller:

Many agents in the FBI want Congress to

subpoena them so they can reveal
problems caused by former FBI Director
James Comey and former Deputy FBI
Comey admitted leaking FBI documents of his Director Andrew McCabe, three people in
conversations with President Trump to get a special direct contact with active field agents tell
counsel appointed to investigate Trump. TheDC.
“There are agents all over this country who
Comey, as his is style, spoke in condescending platitudes: love the bureau and are sickened by
[James] Comey’s behavior and [Andrew]
“Facts matter. The FBI’s use of Confidential McCabe and [Eric] Holder and [Loretta]
Human Sources (the actual term) is tightly Lynch and the thugs like [John] Brennan–
regulated and essential to protecting the who despise the fact that the bureau was
country. Attacks on the FBI and lying about used as a tool of political intelligence by the
its work will do lasting damage to our Obama administration thugs,” former
country. How will Republicans explain this federal prosecutor Joe DiGenova told The
to their grandchildren?” Daily Caller Tuesday. “They are just waiting
for a chance to come forward and testify.”
“Dangerous time when our country is led by
those who will lie about anything, backed Comey’s tweets also came after President Donald Trump
by those who will believe anything, based tweeted this morning on what he called “Spygate.”
on information from media sources that will
say anything. Americans must break out of
that bubble and seek truth.” “SPYGATE could be one of the biggest
political scandals in history!

Fmr. Comey Aide Tries To Explain
Difference Between A Spy And Confidential Informant
Former FBI Official Josh Campbell Tried To Push Back On The President's
Criticism Of The Russia Investigation.
By NTK Staff
05.23.2018 @9:59am

“It’s easy for the president to say, ‘They’re

spying. They’re spies. It’s Spygate,” he
complained. “It’s very hard to have a sober
discussion to refute those points.”
“In order to say someone’s a spy, that
conjures up images of people skulking
around in the shadows with questionable
motives,” Campell said.

He contrasted this with the image of a “confidential

informant,” someone who was

“working under the auspices of a

In an appearance on CNN on Wednesday, Josh Campbell,
predicated counterintelligence
a former aide to former FBI Director James Comey,
investigation, was working to mitigate a
attempted to explain the difference between a spy and a
national security threat.”
confidential informant. The former FBI official criticized
President Trump’s accusations that law enforcement “[It’s] a big difference,” the former FBI
placed a “spy” in his campaign. official added.
“Or it’s a semantic difference,” Cuomo shot
“There is no deep state,” he told CNN’s back.
Chris Cuomo.

Campbell said that Trump was deliberately attacking

prosecutors to distract from the Russia investigation.

Rush Limbaugh Bombshell:
DNC Hack ‘Had To Be An Inside Job’
By Alicia Powe
May 23, 2018, 10:15 Am

The establishment media has strategically ignored the

months-long House IT scandal rocking congressional
Democrats. This is even after the FBI’s investigation into
the matter became public and Democratic Rep. Debbie
Wasserman Schultz’s top IT aide Imran Awan was
arrested trying to flee to Pakistan after wiring almost
$300,000 to the country, Limbaugh pointed out.

“If you Google the Awan brothers from

Pakistan, you won’t find many stories. It’s
being totally ignored. But there were three
The Russia probe is premised on the claim that the brothers from Pakistan, and they were hot
Russians hacked the Democratic National Committee’s to trot computer specialists. They were IT
server during the 2016 election. stars. Debbie ‘Blabbermouth’ Schultz hired
them and put them on the payroll,” he
continued. “The story has been completely
and totally covered up. It was very
embarrassing to the DNC when it
happened, and so the Drive-Bys have
ignored the story.”

The Awan family are likely the culprits behind the DNC
data breach, Limbaugh argued.

“I will not be surprised if it is eventually

learned that these guys did it. They’re gone
now. They are back in Pakistan. They were
But we have never seen any evidence of it because the fired when it was discovered what they had
server was likely deliberately breached by a DNC staffer done. Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz hires
and never hacked, warns Rush Limbaugh. them, these kids from Pakistan made off
with all kinds of computer data from all over
the DNC, and anywhere from 44 to 80
“We still don’t know the data that was
Democrat congresspeople had their data
hacked from the DNC. They haven’t even
stolen, and in some cases, even the
told us that. They’ve just told us the
hardware, the computers themselves were
Russians did it and that CrowdStrike
proved it and that’s it. They’ve shown no
evidence,” Limbaugh argued. “I’m gonna
tell you who I think did hack the The special counsel investigation into Russian interference
Democrat server. In fact, I think we in the 2016 election has entered its second year, but the
already know. People have just American people are still in the dark about whether the
forgotten. It was Democrat National DNC server was actually hacked.
Committee employees. People hired by
Debbie “Blabbermouth” Schultz. It was “The important thing is that this
the Pakistanis, folks. The Pakistanis investigation, if you really, really want to get
hacked the Democrat National back to the starting point was when
Committee servers.” Democrats said that the Russians hacked
their servers. Same time the RNC servers
were attacked but unsuccessfully,” he said. speeds, Limbaugh explained. Instead, someone with
“They’ve just told us the Russians did it and physical access to the network must have copied them in
that CrowdStrike proved it and that’s it. person to a USB drive.
They’ve shown no evidence…There has
yet to be — do not doubt me — there has “The maximum transfer speeds can be
yet to be any evidence furnished that the easily calculated. Well, the transfer speeds
Russians did the hacking,” he said. “One of that were reported by CrowdStrike are
the most telling pieces of information, impossible over the internet. If you spend
CrowdStrike was the third-party outfit that time Googling this and delving into this, you
the Democrats hired to forensically will stumble across this fact. The speed at
examine their server. And CrowdStrike is which the data that was stolen from the
who said that it looked to them like Russia server was transferred are speeds that are
or Guccifer 2.0, some people pretending to impossible over the internet,” he said. “The
be the Russians maybe did it.” speeds that were reported, the speeds that
CrowdStrike reported from data transfer is
Democrats’ refusal to let the FBI forensically examine any identical to the speed if you’re writing
of the network data that would contain digital footprints something to a DVD or a thumb drive over
identifying who came in and hacked data, is an indication USB. You can copy massive amounts of
that the server was not ever actually hacked, Limbaugh data very fast over USB to either a DVD or
noted. a thumb drive. You can transfer a couple
terabytes in not very long. But over the
“Not to be redundant, but the Democrats internet, it would take impossibly longer.”
refused to let the FBI forensically examine The forensic data is there. The transfer
any of the network data that would, you speed data is there. And it simply is not
know, have digital footprints that would possible over the internet. So what does
maybe identify who came in and hacked this mean? It means it had to be an inside
data,” he said. “The hardware was there. job, it had to be somebody with access to
Nobody made off with the server, nobody the hardware, to the server, to computers,
made off with the hardware of the network. it had to be somebody who could plug in a
It was all there. Just the data had been thumb drive or an optical drive with DVD or
hacked and stolen. We’ve been told from what have you, a CD, and write the data
the get-go the Russians did the hacking, that way, because if it’s over the internet,
and they did it to help Trump win. And the amount of data we’re talking about here
everybody just accepted it.” — and we still don’t know specifically what
was even hacked.”
It would have been impossible for information from the
DNC to have been hacked due to upload and download

‘Morning Joe’: You’re ‘Too Stupid To Handle Household
Appliances’ If You Think The FBI Was Against Trump
Justin Caruso - Media Reporter
10:23 AM 05/23/2018

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said

Wednesday that if you don’t understand Trump went on a tweet storm Wednesday over the spying
how the FBI hurt Hillary Clinton and not on his campaign.
Donald Trump in the 2016 election,
you’re “too stupid to handle household


“Everything the FBI did in the home stretch

was to Donald Trump’s benefit and Hillary
Clinton’s detriment. Clinton’s detriment,
including McCabe’s leak,” Scarborough

He continued,

“Now, for somebody not to understand that,

I mean, seriously, suggests only one thing
— and that is, they are either intentionally
lying or they are too stupid to handle
household appliances.”

Pres. Trump Slams Clapper, ‘Criminal Deep State’ In
Tweet Storm: ‘SPYGATE Could Be One Of The Biggest
Political Scandals In History!’
By Kristinn Taylor
May 23, 2018, 10:28 Am

President Donald Trump slammed the ‘criminal deep state’

in a series of tweets Wednesday morning, including a
mention by name of Obama DNI James Clapper, saying,
“SPYGATE could be one of the biggest
political scandals in history!”

“Look how things have turned around on

the Criminal Deep State. They go after
Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up
Scam, and end up getting caught in a
major SPY scandal the likes of which this
country may never have seen before! What
goes around, comes around!”
““It’s clear that they had eyes and ears all
over the Trump Campaign” Judge Andrew
““Trump should be happy that the FBI was
SPYING on his campaign” No, James
Clapper, I am not happy. Spying on a
campaign would be illegal, and a scandal
to boot!” Trump’s tweets come in the wake of reports and
allegations over the past week that the Obama
“WITCH HUNT!” administration used spies to try to infiltrate and set-up the
Trump campaign.

Scarborough Demands To Know
If Anti-Mueller Clinton Aide Works For Fox News
Amber Athey -
Media And Breaking News Editor
10:34 AM 05/23/2018

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough angrily demanded to know “What exactly is Mark Penn selling?”
Wednesday if a former Clinton aide is working for Fox Scarborough whined. “Here’s a guy who
News because the aide published an op-ed criticizing lost Hillary Clinton’s campaign. … He left
Special Counsel Robert Mueller. that campaign responsible for her loss to
Barack Obama. What is Mark Penn selling
WATCH: coming to the defense of Donald J.

Scarborough alleged that Penn is angling for some

conservative favor and maybe a contract with Fox News.

“In Washington, D.C., often when people

do strange things like this — creatures of
the swamp — they’re doing it for a reason,”
Scarborough said. “Does he got a Fox
News contract? Does he show up on Fox
News a lot?”

Penn worked on Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign

During Wednesday’s edition of “Morning Joe,” and his op-ed was published in The Hill.
Scarborough brought up Mark Penn’s recent article saying
Mueller’s Russian investigation should be stopped.

BREAKING=> FBI Agent At Mike Flynn Interrogation Is
Ready To Testify Against Mccabe, Strzok And Comey!
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 10:45 Am

1. The information requested in our February 15, 2017

letter, including the transcripts of the reportedly
intercepted calls and any FBI reports summarizing
them; and
2. The FBI agents’ 302s memorializing their interview of
Flynn and 1A supporting docs, including the agents’

In addition, please make Special Agent Joe Pientka

available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff
no later than one week following the production of the
requested documents.
On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman
Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director
Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating Investigative reporter, Sara Carter stated a couple weeks
Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied. ago that according to numerous law enforcement sources,

Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was neither Strzok or Pientka believed Flynn
the second FBI agent who joined Peter was lying during their interview with him, as
Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an reported.
ambush style interview to take down Special Agent Joe Pientka and another
General Flynn. “non-partisan” law enforcement officer
were present in the Flynn interview per
Grassley demanded the FBI and DOJ produce the Sara Carter’s sources.
transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian
Ambassador Kislyak and the related 302’s by May 25th. Legal expert, attorney and former special investigator, Joe
(302’s are reports FBI agents take to summarize an DiGenova, believes that Pientka may be a good cop based
interview with a subject.) on his actions related to the General Flynn case (see video
below at the 6:00 mark) –
The recently unredacted portion of the House Intel report
revealed Comey testified to House Intel members the FBI Chairman Grassley quite properly wants to see the
agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any deception. underlying 302 forms of the FBI agents who did the
The report also revealed the illegal leak of Flynn’s phone interview,
call with Kislyak is what allowed the FBI/DOJ to keep a
counterintel operation open on General Flynn. the ambush interview of Flynn,

Chairman Grassley is demanding at the White House during the transition period rather
answers from the FBI and DOJ by this shortly after the inauguration.
Friday the 25th.
It’s pretty obvious that Comey and
In the last paragraph of Grassley’s letter, he requests McCabe got together and decided they
Special Agent Joe Pientka be available for a transcribed wanted to frame Flynn because they
interview with Committee staff: believed, they believed, believe it or not,
that he was a danger to the
Accordingly, no later than May 25, 2018, please provide: Constitution, not them.

He was a danger, when all he was doing was
communicating with people that he had a legitimate right
to communicate with, both as a candidate Foreign Policy
Advisor, and as the National Security Advisor Designate,
and as a National Security Advisor.

So Grassley wants to see the notes of these people and he

wants to interview the one agent who was there who was
very, very, very serious about how Flynn did not deceive.

That agent that he wants to interview is

the agent who went to the Inspector
General and complained about the Corrupt and fired former Heads of the
conduct of Strzok and McCabe. FBI Comey and McCabe can’t be in jail
soon enough!

President Trump Slams 'Criminal Deep State' As Spy
Scandal Blows Up In The Faces Of The Vermin Who
Fabricated It And Former Trump Advisor Warns:
'This Is Just The Beginning'
- Will Obama Birth Certificate Fraud Come To Light?
President Trump Noted Mysterious Death 5 Years Ago
By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die
May 23, 2018

During Barack Obama's 'reign of terror' over America I From the deaths of Seal Team 6 to Andrew Breitbart to
was once asked by a friend who was a long-time US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia to former
government employee why I 'hated' the government so presidential and Pentagon aide John Wheeler to Donald
much and my answer to them was clearly unexpected. "I Young, an openly gay friend of Obama's who was
don't hate the government, I merely despise CORRUPT murdered at the Trinity Church in Chicago, the 'Obama
government" I replied though this person chose not to see body count' goes on and on and while not as huge yet as
the corruption that I spoke of. the trail of dead bodies that still follow around Bill and
Hillary Clinton everywhere they go, that 'body count'
But on December 12th of 2013, now President Trump saw began long before Obama was a presidential thought.
the corruption I saw clearly when he put out the tweet seen
below the day after a mysterious plane crash killed Loretta And while the mainstream media will surely continue to
Fuddy, the former Hawaii State Health Director who just call the 'Clinton body count' and all of the corruption
happened to have been the person who "verified" Barack within the Obama government a 'conspiracy theory' (as
Obama's "birth certificate". Trump also mentioned the they've been covering up Obama and Clinton corruption
mysteriousness of Fuddy being the only person killed in for decades!), as Susan Duclos reported on May 20th on
that crash after the pilot landed the plane on the water, ANP, still emerging information confirms that a major
getting everybody else out alive, except for the very person political and legal reckoning is on the horizon. And with
who had officially declared Obama to be a US citizen. even the Wall Street Journal recently putting out a story
asking where Barack Obama had been through this still
unfolding 'S' storm, one political insider has warned that
the 'S' is getting ready to 'HTF'.

While Fuddy's death was 'officially' determined to be an

accident, her death was also just one in a string of And now we learn that this morning, President Trump has
mysterious deaths that surrounded Obama during his time quite literally called out the 'criminal deep state', putting
in office and a continuation of the seemingly never-ending out a tweet saying
string of mysterious deaths that followed Obama's
Democratic presidential predecessor, Bill Clinton, and his "Look how things have turned around on
wife Hillary as has been steadfastly documented. the Criminal Deep State", directly calling
them out for falling for the phony Russian

collusion narrative while warning them: treason listed as the very highest crime
"What goes around comes around". that can be committed in civil society,
yet they do it over and over again
For those who think that President Trump doesn't have a unpunished.
vicious but seemingly righteous revenge streak, we suggest
you watch the final video below, an audio book excerpt By Section 110 of Article III of the
from his books in which we hear about President Trump's Constitution of the United States, it is
penchant for carrying out revenge upon those who have declared that: "Treason against the
wronged him. As even CNN reported back in 2017, United States shall consist only in
levying war against them, or in
"President Trump's love of getting even has adhering to their enemies,
come to Washington DC". One such book giving them aid and comfort. No
excerpt: “Go for the jugular so that people person shall be convicted of treason
watching will not want to mess with you.” unless on the testimony of two
witnesses to the same overt act, or on
confession in open Court. The Congress
shall have power to declare the
punishment of treason."

Treason has ever been deemed the highest

crime which can be committed in civil society;
since its aim is an overthrow of the Government
and a public resistance by force of its just powers, its
tendency is to create universal danger and alarm, and on
this account it has often been visited with the deepest
public resentment. Hence, by the common law, the the
punishment of high treason was accompanied by all the
refinements in cruelty which were oftentimes literally and
As Owen Shroyer from Infowars reports in this story and studiously executed. But under the Constitution of the
we hear from him in the 1st video below, we may be United States the power of punishing the crime of treason
closing in on the point in time where Barack Obama against the United States is exclusive in Congress; and
worrying about his 'legacy' is the very least of his the trial of the offence belongs exclusively to the Federal
problems. tribunals. A State cannot take cognizance or punish the
offence, whatever it may do in relation to the offence of
As we had reported on ANP back on March 5th of 2018 in treason committed exclusively against itself.
our story titled "A Plague Has Been Unleashed On
America And We May Not Be Able To Survive It -
Colossal Red Alert Issued As Globalists Prepare 'Final
Event' To Complete Their 'Take Down' Of America", very
clear evidence exists that treason had been committed
against America. From that story.:

According to the definitions furnished in

this January 25th of 1861 story from the
NY Times (not a spelling error in the
date), treason against the United States
of America has been committed against
the United States over and over again in
recent years by those who had chosen
to arm our enemies and sell America
secrets to enrich themselves.

Yet as we see in this description below

that outlines Congress having the
power to declare the punishment of
treason we have a huge problem, what if
it were huge numbers of Congress
members who are also committing that While former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich
treason? From that 1861 story we see recently said that the FBI having a spy (or two or three!)
embedded within the Trump campaign is unfolding into places, not yet weeded out. Though investigative journalist
the biggest political scandal in U.S. history, former Trump Sharyl Attkisson recently tweeted the "flood is coming"
campaign advisor Michael Caputo recently told Fox News with newly-examined FBI emails between high-ranking
that what we're learning about Obama FBI/DOJ espionage US intel officials referencing a 'sensitive matter
is "just the beginning". And should this scandal lead team' while Front Page Mag recently reported former CIA
directly back to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama as head John Brennan is now in a panic mode with his dirty
many believe it will, might those who've committed deeds coming to light.
treason against America while arming our enemies finally
be held responsible for their actions?

According to Mark Penn, a man who previously worked

for Bill Clinton and was one of the primary architects of
his 1996 presidential campaign, Robert Mueller must be
stopped to protect us all. Warning within his story over at
The Hill that the 'deep state' is in a 'deep state of
desperation' with the Russian collusion narrative blowing
up in the faces of those who created it, these blunt words
of truth from a former 'Clintonite' are a surprising but very
welcome warning. From the Hill story.:

At this point, there is little doubt that the

highest echelons of the FBI and the
Justice Department broke their own
rules to end the Hillary Clinton “matter,”
but we can expect the inspector general
to document what was done or, more
pointedly, not done. It is hard to see
how a yearlong investigation of this
won’t come down hard on former FBI
Director James Comey and perhaps
even former Attorney General Loretta
Lynch, who definitely wasn’t playing Have we witnessed treason against America before our
mahjong in a secret “no aides allowed” very eyes under the direction of Obama and Hillary?
meeting with former President Clinton
on a Phoenix airport tarmac. As we reported on ANP back on January 23rd, what has
been called 'the globalists 16-year plan to destroy America'
With this report on the way and was progressing right on schedule with Barack Obama's 8
congressional investigators beginning years coming to a close and Hillary looked at as a
to zero in on the lack of hard, verified guaranteed win in 2016 before President Trump and the
evidence for starting the Trump probe, deplorables swept to what could only be described as
current and former intelligence and shocking victory to the elite who never thought Hillary
Justice Department officials are would lose.
dumping everything they can think of to
save their reputations. While the MSM will surely call this '16-year plan' a
deranged 'conspiracy theory', just look at what the
But it is backfiring. globalists goals were and just how close we've come to
having all of them being fullfilled here before our eyes
Yet despite the fact that the entire Russia investigation is with rogue political operatives being installed into the very
now 'fruit from the poisonous tree' after the 'Steele Dossier' highest levels of our Justice Department, FBI, CIA, NSA
was determined to have been a creation attributed to the and DHS while military commanders who were loyal to
'Hillary-supporting-deep state' and paid for by Hillary America were purged under Obama, our enemies and
Clinton and the DNC, the sham investigation goes on and terrorists were funded and armed by Obama,
with the 'corrupt faction of the FBI' proving themselves to Conservatives, Christians and Constitutionalists were
be nothing more than 'America's gestapo' as William B. demonized by Obama while the middle class was
Stoecker reported in this recent ANP story. destroyed.

And while the globalists were unable to complete their And while some still claim that President Trump hasn't
plans of destroying America during Obama's term in office done enough, would they prefer that Hillary have been
and clearly needed Hillary in office to complete the job, it's given 8 years to complete what Obama and the globalists
clear that there are still 'enemies of America within' in high before him here in America had started? Had Hillary been
elected, many changes we've witnessed would have never All that was left for the globalists was the 'end game' for
happened. Certainly nobody would have ever found out America that would have been guaranteed with 8 years of
about her buddy Harvey Weinstein nor would have Back Hillary, an end game that would have led to the completed
Page been shut down, the US would have remained destruction of the US Constitution, the complete gutting of
cemented in the Paris climate change agreement and a both the 1st and 2nd Amendment's, and the total opening
world war 3 with Russia or North Korea would possibly of our borders to the 'MS-13 animals'.
have led to widespread destruction.

Also surrendering our national sovereignty to some global and as this recent story at Esquire reported, not just some
government totalitarians who care nothing about the rights guns but ALL guns, the danger that America faces in the
of human beings, we see in the numbers being forecast for days and weeks ahead should not be underestimated and
America by for 2025 a look at exactly what will likely continue to increase the more the 'deep state'
the globalists had envisioned America to resemble after tumbles.
Obama and Hillary were done with us, a once proud
country transformed into a 3rd world nation. And as we As Real Clear Politics recently reported, the
reported on ANP yesterday, despite the positive changes 'Constitutional crisis' long warned of is now here in
President Trump has brought in, we're still well on our America, a crisis that many have warned could lead to
ways there. civil war in America. With Harvard Law Professor
Laurence Tribe recently imploring the Democrats to
impeach President Trump with this statement: "You have
to shoot to kill", we'll continue to pray that 'the truth'
finally emerges and cooler heads prevail and that another
civil war will be forever avoided in America.

Yet should that very corrupt faction of the deep state that
sold out America in an attempt to get Hillary elected show
that they could care less about the 'rule of law' and are
more than happy to ignore the will of the American people
in the 2016 election and commit treason against our nation,
we pray that nothing will stop 'the pain' that should be
coming to them.

And in closing, since former Clinton advisor Penn recently

Yet with what could very well be one false flag after warned that stopping the witchhunt of Robert Mueller is
another still being concocted by the deep state in an protecting us all while its become ever more clear that
attempt to take away the 2nd Amendment here in America, Mueller and that corrupt faction of the deep state truly are
America's gestapo here in 2018, we hope that everybody is
ready for the potential repercussions of the 'flood that is


Wikileaks To Trump:
Obama Already Did It To The French, Ordered CIA To
Hack Le Pen And Other Candidates
By Cassandra Fairbanks
May 23, 2018, 11:17 Am

Responding to a tweet from President Donald Trump, (FN) and Union for a Popular Movement
WikiLeaks pointed out that the Obama administration (UMP) together with current President
ordered the CIA to hack Marine Le Pen and other Francois Hollande, then President
candidates during the French election in 2012. Nicolas Sarkozy, current round one
presidential front runner Marine Le Pen,
and former presidential candidates
Martine Aubry and Dominique Strauss-
Khan,” the WikiLeaks release explains.
The documents released by WikiLeaks are marked as
“NoForn” which means that they are to be viewed by
people within the US intelligence community only.
The spying order was justified by the agency because it
was to “prepare key US policymakers for the post-election
French political landscape.”

On Wednesday morning, President Trump tweeted that

“SPYGATE could be one of the biggest
political scandals in history!”
In response, WikiLeaks noted that his presidential
campaign wasn’t the first one to be targeted, as
“Obama already did it to the French.”

The tweet linked to a WikiLeaks release that revealed all “Significantly, two CIA opposition
major French political parties were targeted for infiltration espionage tasks, “What policies do they
by the CIA’s human and electronic spies. The CIA promote to help boost France’s economic
espionage operation was active for roughly 10 months, growth prospects?” and “What are their
from November 2011 to September 2012. opinions on the German model of export-
led growth?” resonate with a U.S.
“The revelations are contained within economic espionage order from the same
three CIA tasking orders published year. That order requires obtaining details
today by WikiLeaks as context for its of every prospective French export contract
forth coming CIA Vault 7 series. Named or deal valued at $200m or more,” the
specifically as targets are the French WikiLeaks statement adds.
Socialist Party (PS), the National Front

‘NOT The Onion’: James Comey Frowns Upon Deplorable
Deep State Skeptics Living In A Bubble Of Delusion
By Doug P.
Posted At 11:41 Am On May 23, 2018

A tweet from James Comey this morning defending the Perhaps he’s a little nervous for some reason.
FBI’s use of “confidential human sources” while saying
critics of the FBI’s actions under Comey would do “lasting
damage” to the United States was dismantled by Byron
York. Not long after that, Comey published a follow-up
tweet that almost sounds like he’s taking a page from
Hillary Clinton’s notorious rhetoric about Trump

Comey has always had a flair for the dramatic, and he also
dabbles in comedy too.

Comey’s tweet got plenty of support from The Resistance,

minus the ones still angry at him over what happened in

Rep. Gaetz And Hallie Jackson
Spar Over Trump Spying Allegations
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
11:43 AM 05/23/2018

MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson and Republican “What evidence do you have that it was a
congressman Matt Gaetz sparred on Wednesday over political rivalry, congressman? I guess
allegations that the FBI planted a spy within the 2016 that’s what I’m getting at,” she added.
Trump campaign.
“The evidence I would have is are the text
messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa
Gaetz argued that, regardless of whether the FBI was Page saying the White House wants to be
spying on Trump or simply using an informant to gather involved, the White House is running
information about Russian meddling, using that type of everything,” Gaetz retorted. “If one of the
intelligence collection on a political campaign is a tools that was used was the collection of
“slippery slope.” intelligence … my concern is that that
crosses a red line.”
“The FBI should not be collecting
intelligence on a presidential campaign,” he WATCH:
said. “There’s a slippery slope there, Hallie.
Once you go down the road of allowing
political opponents to weaponize the
intelligence community against each other,
that’s bad for Republicans and Democrats.”

Jackson shot back that intelligence officials have called the

collection “standard procedure” and asked,

“how do you distinguish between a spy …

and an informant doing the work of an

President Trump: “I Think It’s Going To Be Pretty
Obvious” That Obama Likely Knew
About #Spygate (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 11:48 Am

President Trump spoke with the liberal White House Reporter: President Obama?
reporters this morning on his way to New York to discuss
President Trump: Would he know? I
MS-13 animals.
would certainly hope not. But I think it’s
going to be pretty obvious after awhile.
Earlier today Trump slammed the Deep State and their
“Spygate” scandal against his campaign. And that would make it the biggest
political scandal in US history.

Barack Obama has a legacy after all!

He was asked if President Obama knew about the spies

inside his campaign. Trump said it was likely he did.


Reporter: (inaudible)
President Trump: Well I don’t want to get
into it yet but I will tell you after we look at
the proof…

‘Obama White House Is Running This’ Exchange Between
FBI Lovebirds Prompts Grassley To Seek
Unredacted Strzok-Page Text Messages
By Cristina Laila
May 23, 2018, 12:18 Pm

Committee, the price of Andrew McCabe’s

On Wednesday, Senate Judiciary $70,000 conference table was redacted.[1]
Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a
letter to the DOJ seeking the removal of In another, an official’s name was
remaining redactions on Strzok-Page redacted in reference to a text about the
text messages. Obama White House “running” an
investigation, although it is unclear to
which investigation they were
Grassley gave the Justice Department referring.[2]
until June 6th to hand over the
requested documents to the Committee. In order to see under the redactions,
Committee staff had to travel to main
Justice to review a lesser redacted
version. When viewing the still redacted
portions in context with the unredacted
material, it appeared that the redacted
portions may contain relevant information
relating to the Committee’s ongoing
investigation into the manner in which the
Department of Justice and FBI handled the
Clinton and Russia investigations.[3]

Congress, and the public, have a right to

An exchange between Peter Strzok and know how the Department spends taxpayer
Lisa Page quoting a redacted official money. I am unaware of any legitimate
saying “the White House is running basis on which the cost of a conference
this,” prompted Senator Grassley to table should be redacted. Embarrassment
seek the removal of remaining is not a good enough reason. The manner
redactions to give more context to the in which some redactions have been used
conversation. casts doubt on whether the remaining
redactions are necessary and defensible.
Grassley said in a letter to Deputy AG Rosenstein:
Here is some more context of this exchange between Peter
Strzok and Lisa Page via Andrew McCarthy:
On May 1, 2018, and May 18, 2018,
Committee staff reviewed in camera less
redacted versions of the Strzok and Page ‘The White House Is Running This’
text message productions provided to the Strzok was back in Washington by 7 p.m.,
Committee. On several occasions, my staff in a cab headed to FBI headquarters. His
have requested that the Department of texts with Page, then and the next
Justice provide the Committee with a afternoon, discussed the various other
redaction key, to no avail. Thus, the high-ranking officials who had to be briefed
Committee is still in the dark about the — including Bill Priestap and George
justification the Department is relying upon Toscas, the deputy attorney general in
to withhold that information from charge of the Justice Department’s
Congress. As one example of redacted National Security Division.
material, in a text message produced to the
On the afternoon of August 5, Strzok and
Page engaged in a tense conversation
which involved an imminent meeting with
“agency people” — an apparent reference
to the CIA. Strzok suggested that, for the
new case, they should conduct Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday morning meetings
“with [REDACTED]” just “like we did with
mye” — Mid Year Exam, the Clinton probe.
Finally, after some back-and-forth over who
should be invited to a major meeting about
the new case, a meeting was held. In the
aftermath, at about 4:30 p.m., Strzok and
Page had the following exchange:
Strzok: And hi. Went well, best we could
have expected. Other than [REDACTED]
quote: “the White House is running this.”
My answer, “well, maybe for you they are.”
And of course, I was planning on telling this
guy, thanks for coming, we’ve got an hour,
but with Bill [Priestap] there, I’ve got no
Page: Yeah, whatever (re the WH
comment). We’ve got the emails that say
FBI lawyer Lisa Page recently resigned
from her post; Peter Strzok is still
employed by the FBI.
Former White House Press Secretary Ari
Fleischer recently brought attention to
this exchange from his Twitter account.

Screenshot of the letter on next page:


Irony: Brian Williams Worries
About Claims Trump Is Discrediting Journalism
By Scott Whitlock
May 23, 2018 12:20 PM EDT

Journalists are freaking out over an alleged admission by CBS This Morning's Norah O'Donnell on Wednesday
Donald Trump that he attacks the press simply to blandly recounted Stahl’s new claims and played the
“discredit” reporters and so that “no one will believe you.” video:
CBS This Morning, CNN, ABC’s The View and MSNBC
have all fretted over the quote. 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl
said President Trump told her that he
Appearing at an event in New York on Monday, journalist attacks the press to erode the public’s trust
Lesley Stahl recounted an alleged off-camera comment by in journalists. Stahl spoke at an awards
Trump from December of 2016. Trump told her: ceremony, Monday, about her conversation
with then-President-Elect Trump right after
“You know why I do it? I do it to discredit the 2016 election. She said he made the
you all and demean you all so when you comments during an off-camera exchange.
write negative stories about me, no one will
believe you.”

Hill reporter Joe Concha wondered about the timing of

Stahl’s revelation:
Now, it’s unclear why Stahl decided to not bring the
remark up at the time or why it’s coming up 17 months
later. However, it’s amusing that disgraced ex-Nightly
News anchor Brian Williams played the clip on Tuesday
night and worried about it’s impact. Naturally, he fretted
over whether it could intimidate the Robert Mueller

Mueller, while not a monastic environment totally,

something close — they all keep their head down and do
their work. Are they likely to see, are they likely to react to
a remark like that?

Considering that Williams is the man who falsely claimed

he was shot down over Iraq in 2003 and told tales about
seeing dead bodies during Hurricane Katrina, maybe he
shouldn’t be so concerned about others trying to discredit
the press. Williams has done a good job of that himself. On The View, co-host Meghan McCain voiced skepticism:

I like Lesley Stahl. She has a 45 year career on 60 Minutes.

She actually came to my family's ranch in Sedona and did
a whole interview with my dad. And there were parts off
the record, and we hung out with her. Off the record is off 11th Hour
the record.... I would assume they were maybe talking on 5/22/18
background. I have issues with the way Trump treats the 11:15
media. But there is also on this end, like, the breakdown of
trust and the traditions of journalism are maybe going out BRIAN WILLIAMS: I want to play a piece of an interview with
the window. I don't know if this is on or off the record, but Lesley Stahl. This is Lesley Stahl talking about when she first
this sounds off the record. went over to interview Donald Trump in Trump Tower. This is
December 2016, after he won the election, something he told her
Partial transcripts are below. then. We'll discuss it on the other side.

CBS This Morning


NORAH O’DONNELL: 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl

said President Trump told her that he attacks the press to erode
the public’s trust in journalists. Stahl spoke at an awards
ceremony, Monday, about her conversation with then-President-
Elect Trump right after the 2016 election. She said he made the
comments during an off-camera exchange.

LESLEY STAHL: I said, you know, “That is getting tired. Why are
you doing this? You're doing this over and over. It's boring. It's [Clip]
time to end that. You've won the nomination. And why do you
keep hammering at this?” And he said, “You know why I do it? I STAHL: Lesley Stahl, as said to Judy Woodruff, two giants of the
do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write television news business. Jill, the question to you becomes,
negative stories about me, no one will believe you.” He said that. you're always appropriately talking about the focus of the feds.
How Mueller, while not a monastic environment totally,
O’DONNELL: The White House did not respond for our request something close, they all keep their head down and do their
for a comment. work. Are they likely to see, are they likely to react to a remark
like that?

Rassley Calls For The Release Of All Strzok-Page Texts
Robert Donachie - Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
12:23 PM 05/23/2018

The chairman claims one redaction covered the costs of

former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s $70,000
conference table. He also points to one text exchange
wherein an official’s name is redacted in reference to the
“Obama White House ‘running’ an investigation,” making
it unclear what investigation the FBI employees were

The DOJ released 49 pages, or around 300 text messages,

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley (R- between FBI special agent Peter Strzok and FBI counsel
IA) arrives beside Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) before
Christopher Wylie, former Cambridge Analytica research director, Lisa Page, who were in an ongoing, intimate relationship.
testified before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing titled, The DOJ was able to recover the text messages, which
"Cambridge Analytica and the Future of Data Privacy" on Capitol were exchanged between Dec. 16, 2017 and May 23, 2017,
Hill in Washington, U.S., May 16, 2018. REUTERS/Al Drago - after they were believed to be missing from a technological
failure on the part of FBI-issued cell phones.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley called
The Daily Caller News Foundation exclusively obtained
Wednesday for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to release
the texts, illustrating just how many are redacted and how
unredacted copies of the texts between two former FBI
difficult it is to ascertain meaning from them. Grassley’s
employees who were highly critical of President Donald
committee is attempting to wade through the unredacted
copies in order to glean insight into what Strzok and Page
were discussing and any motives behind the message.
“Please provide unredacted copies of all
text messages produced to the Committee
Republican lawmakers are concerned with texts that show
no later than June, 6, 2018,” Grassley, a
Strzok texted Page to tell her that senior FBI officials
Republican from Iowa, wrote in a letter to
“water(ed) down the reference to President [Barack]
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Obama,” using “senior government official” instead. At
“Should the Department continue to refuse
the time the statement was made public, the lawmakers
to provide fully unreacted copies to
argue, references to Obama and to a “senior government
Congress, please provide a privilege log
official” were washed from the record.
describing the legal basis for withholding
that information from Congress.”

Wapo Columnist: Trump And Nunes Care More About
Themselves Than The American People [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
12:29 PM 05/23/2018

Washington Post columnist and CNN analyst Max Boot

accused President Donald Trump and House Intelligence
Committee Chairman Devin Nunes of caring more about Boot said Trump is being authoritarian by scrutinizing
themselves than the American people Wednesday on “New government investigators and accused the president of
Day.” trying to derail the probe on purpose.

“As FBI director Chris Wray said, the day “This week Donald Trump is trodding out
that we can’t protect confidential sources is the tried-and-true authoritarian tactic of
the day that the American people start investigate the investigators. He is trying to
being less safe,” Boot said. “What you’re impede the investigation of his campaign
seeing is that people like Devin Nunes and by trying to launch a Department of Justice
Donald Trump care much more about the investigation of the FBI,” Boot concluded.
security of Donald Trump than they do “This is outrageous.”
about the security of the American


Liberal Harvard Prof. Owns CNN
Hack Trying To Defend FBI’s Spying On Trump
By Ben Marquis
May 23, 2018 At 1:20pm

Toobin stated that this was a “legitimate investigation” and

asserted that there was “ample evidence of collusion”
between Russia and the Trump campaign, though he failed
to provide any examples. He insinuated that it was wrong
for President Trump to order an “investigation of the

Dershowitz replied,

“So you’re saying there was already

evidence of collusion so it was legitimate to
It was recently confirmed through leaks to prominent put an informer in the FBI to see if, a) there
legacy media outlets that — despite protests to the contrary was enough evidence to warrant further
for more than a year — the Obama Justice Department and investigation, maybe to ask some hard or
FBI really did spy on the Trump campaign in the 2016 provocative questions that would get them
election. to give incriminating answers.”
“That does sound like a pretty fulsome
This spying was carried out via at least one “informant” investigation,” he continued. “I want to
asking probing questions of marginal campaign associates know what the evidence was. No judge has
about connections to Russia. found probable cause.”
“I think the American public has to be
That revelation was the topic of discussion Monday on assured that there was a basis, it’s not
CNN host Anderson Cooper’s program, where liberal enough for Jeffrey Toobin to say ‘there was
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz squared off collusion already at that time.’ I want to
against CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. Unsurprisingly, know what the facts were to justify that,”
the anti-Trump hack Toobin defended the surreptitious FBI added Dershowitz.
spying activity.
Cooper interjected and shared the new narrative from the
Dershowitz came out firing on all cylinders, stating, liberal media that the actions by the FBI were actually
intended to protect the Trump campaign and not spy on it,
“I have to tell you, if this had happened to a notion that Dershowitz wasn’t buying.
Hillary Clinton, the ACLU would be jumping
up and down the way they did when I was “When they sent agents in to Martin Luther
on the board of the ACLU, when King during the Kennedy campaign, they
undercover agents were put into the anti- said they were doing it to protect Martin
war movement, into (the) Civil Rights Luther King from the influence of
movement.” communists,” Dershowitz said. “They
“All they were there for was to listen,” he always say they’re doing it to protect the
continued, tongue-in-cheek. “Civil good people from the bad people.”
libertarians are generally a little bit “That may be true. Let’s get the facts,” he
suspicious when undercover agents go continued. “I’m not willing to accept an
‘just to ask questions,’ and I think we as assumption that law enforcement is always
civil libertarians ought to be suspicious of legitimate, that without judicial oversight,
this. Allay our suspicions and then we’ll be that what they do is always correct.”

“I want to apply the shoe on the other foot “And if your apartment has nothing to fear,
test, if this had been an intrusion into the it’s OK if the FBI searches the place.”
Hillary Clinton campaign, would people be
saying the same thing, or is this special Dershowitz flipped that right back on Toobin and
lack of concern because it is Donald insinuated that if the investigation was all above board,
Trump. I just want to be sure,” he added. then the FBI had nothing to fear from the additional
Toobin nevertheless reiterated his belief that Trump’s
directive to investigate the investigators was an effort to Alan Dershowitz is absolutely right to question the
destroy the initial investigation against him. Dershowitz methods used by the FBI to investigate the Trump
disagreed and said the move wouldn’t destroy the campaign, particularly given the fact there is still no
investigation but was merely meant obtain all of the facts. evidence of collusion to provide a legitimate basis for the
investigation in the first place.
Toobin snidely stated,

Schumer Takes Out The Knife:
Trump Pressuring DOJ Is An ‘Unprecedented
Abuse Of Power’
Robert Donachie - Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
1:30 PM 05/23/2018

Schumer added that he, along with House Minority Leader

Nancy Pelosi, will send a letter to Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Christopher
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer joins Democratic Senators Wray Wednesday afternoon requesting they hold a
at a forum on gun violence at the CapitolVisitors Center in meeting with Republicans and Democrats on the House
Washington, DC, U.S., March 7, 2018. REUTERS/Brian Snyder
and Senate Intelligence Committees.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Wednesday
Trump called on the DOJ to release documents related to
President Donald Trump urging the Department of Justice
the FBI or DOJ’s reported spying on his campaign in 2016.
(DOJ) to release all documents related to an investigation
into his presidential campaign is an absolutely “gross and
unprecedented abuse of power.” “If the FBI or DOJ was infiltrating a
campaign for the benefit of another
campaign, that is a really big deal. Only the
“For the President of the United States to
release or review of documents that the
pressure the Justice Department to reveal
House Intelligence Committee (also,
details and documents pertaining to an
Senate Judiciary) is asking for can give the
active investigation of the President’s
conclusive answers. Drain the Swamp!”
campaign, for the purpose of denigrating it,
Trump tweeted Saturday.
is a gross and unprecedented abuse of
power,” Schumer tweeted Wednesday.
“Today @NancyPelosi & I will be sending House Freedom Caucus leadership is also calling on
a letter to Deputy Attorney General Trump to order the DOJ to release all relevant documents
Rosenstein & FBI Director Wray later today regarding potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
to request they reconsider holding a abuses, the impetus for the investigation into the Trump
meeting at all, and if they do move forward, campaign and documents that lay out the scope of the
to do so in a bipartisan fashion, with the special counsel’s probe.
Gang of 8.”

EXCLUSIVE: Proof That Twitter’s Bot-Catching
Algorithm Targets Trump Supporters — WITH VIDEO
By Cassandra Fairbanks
May 23, 2018, 1:37 Pm

Next, the user created an account with the name “Resist

Trump Tards” and used the “top liberal hashtags” to create
the bio. The account was not locked and was allowed to
tweet, follow other users and be followed.

The accounts were set up using identical methods, VPN

locations and throwaway email providers.

When asked why they decided to do this experiment,

“Brave Saint” explained that they had attempted to make
an anonymous pro-Trump account and it was instantly
locked. This sparked their curiosity and lead to them
conducting the tests.

The Gateway Pundit has been provided with additional “So, I stumbled upon this by accident,
evidence that Twitter is specifically censoring supporters actually. I’m a fan of big data, analysis,
of President Donald Trump. all that sort of stuff. I wanted to run
some little ‘tests’ to try and understand
how the Zeitgeist of Twitter functions on
In a video provided to the Gateway
a deeper level,” the video creator told
Pundit, a Twitter user attempted to
The Gateway Pundit.
create two different accounts — one for
a Trump supporter and one for a “I made an anonymous pro-Trump
Democrat who is “resisting” the account and got immediately locked out
administration. of my account before I was able to tweet
anything or follow anyone. I got
interested in finding out what tripped
their systems, so I did the same thing
with a liberal account.”

One of the fake liberal accounts they created was the first
to publish the fake Starbucks reparations flyers that went

“Not only did this account not get locked,

but even after being in the spotlight of a
major viral news story, that account was
still not locked down,” they explained.
The video was created and provided to The Gateway
Pundit by Twitter user who goes by “BraveSaint1.” They
The Gateway Pundit has reached out to Twitter for
have asked that we withhold their actual identity.
comment and will update this story if one is provided.
While attempting to create the first account, the person
A New York federal judge ruled on Wednesday that
doing the experiment attempted to use the name
President Trump cannot block Twitter users over their
“American Trump Supporter.” The account was
political views because it is a violation of their First
immediately locked and they were unable to even use the
Amendment rights.
platform at all.

REVEALED: Obama WH Emails
Plotting Strategy Two Days After Sandy Hook
Tim Pearce - Energy Reporter
2:10 PM 05/23/2018

Former President Barack Obama’s education secretary and Emanuel: “Go for a vote this week before it
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel were planning how to turn fades. Tap peoples’ emotion. Make it
a national tragedy into a legislative victory for the simple assault weapons.”
administration two days after the 2012 mass shooting in
Duncan: “Yup- thanks.”
Newtown, Conn.
Emanuel: “When I did Brady bill and
That’s according to emails obtained under a Freedom of assault weapons for Clinton, we always
Information request from a reporter from the Baltimore made it simple. Criminals or war weapons.”
Post. Duncan: “Gun show loophole? Database?
Cop-killer bullets? Too complicated?”
On the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, a 20-year-old man killed Emanuel: “Cop killer maybe. The other
his mother in their home then traveled to Sandy Hook no.”
Elementary School — a semi-automatic rifle and two
pistols in tow. He broke into the school and killed another Duncan: “Got it.”
26 people — 20 of them first-grade students. The gunman
committed suicide after authorities arrived on the scene. At the time of the shooting, Newtown was the second most
deadly mass shooting on a school campus after a 2007
Two days later, on the evening of Dec. 16, former- shooting at Virginia Tech where 32 students and teachers
Education Secretary Arne Duncan emailed Emanuel under were killed.
the subject line, “CT shootings,” seeking advice on
pushing gun reform legislation, according to The Emanuel served as an advisor to former-President Bill
Baltimore Post. Clinton from 1992 to 1998. Emanuel worked with Clinton
to push Congress to pass the 1993 Brady bill that imposed
The complete exchange took place between 6:57 p.m. to a five-day waiting period for purchasing a handgun.
7:08 p.m. It follows as first reported by The Baltimore Emanuel also worked in the White House when Congress
Post: passed the 1994 federal assault weapons ban that made
illegal 18 specific firearms along with some gun features
and modifications. The weapons ban timed out after 10
Duncan: “What are your thoughts?”

Huh? Bill Clinton Nominated Judge Rules
Donald Trump Cannot Ban Liberal Trolls From His
Personal Twitter Account
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 2:12 Pm

Americans from viewing his tweets on

Judge Naomi Buchwald ruled on @realDonaldTrump.
Wednesday that Donald Trump cannot
ban liberal trolls from his Twitter The social media platform, Buchwald said, is a
account. “designated public forum” from which Trump cannot
exclude individual plaintiffs.
Buchwald was nominated by Bill
Clinton. The judge’s ruling was in response to a lawsuit filed last
July by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia
University, as well as seven other plaintiffs who said they
had been blocked on Twitter by Trump.

James O’Keefe responded to today’s


So if Donald Trump cannot ban liberal

trolls how does Twitter get away with
banning conservative content?

CNBC reported:

President Donald Trump cannot block

users on his Twitter feed, a federal judge in
New York City ruled Wednesday.
Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald said in her
ruling that Trump is violating the U.S.
Constitution by preventing certain

JUST IN: Dirty Cop Robert Mueller
Moves Towards Sentencing George Papadopoulos
By Cristina Laila
May 23, 2018, 2:21 Pm

Robert Mueller told the court

Wednesday he’s ready to move forward
with the sentencing of former Trump
campaign volunteer, George
Papadopoulos previously plead guilty to
making a false statement to the FBI.

George Papadopoulos

According to the New York Times, Papadopoulos was paid

for writing a research paper and never heard from the
informant again.

It was also reported the informant brought up Hillary’s

hacked emails and the Russians again in a separate
conversation over drinks and once again Papadopoulos
denied knowing anything about the Russians attempts to
meddle in the election.
The Hill reported:
Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller reported on this September
“The parties respectfully request that the 2016 exchange in London between the FBI informant,
Court refer this case for the preparation of Stefan Halper and George Papadopoulos:
a presentence investigation report,” the
filing from Mueller’s team reads. According to a source with knowledge of
the meeting, Halper asked Papadopoulos:
The development shows that Mueller’s
“George, you know about hacking the
team could be looking to kickstart the
emails from Russia, right?”
sentencing process.
Papadopoulos told Halper he didn’t know
Papadopoulos pled guilty to lying to the FBI
anything about emails or Russian hacking,
last year and has cooperated with Mueller’s
said the source, who spoke on the
team, according to court filings cited
condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity
by ABC News.
of the investigations into Russian meddling
He has also been free on bond since in the 2016 campaign. The professor did
pleading guilty. not follow up on the line of inquiry.
It was recently revealed in a New York
Times FBI puff piece, the Deep The Deep State lies and lies and lies… And then lies some
State informant spy [Stefan Halper] more.
lured in George Papadopoulos with
cash–$3,000 and a trip to London. Because of the spy ring set up by Obama’s Deep State
FBI, anyone and everyone involved in Trump’s 2016
campaign is getting ensnared by Mueller.

Pompeo Sidesteps Trump Comments
On Deep State In State Department
Julia Nista - Associate Editor
2:49 PM 05/23/2018

asking Pompeo if he believed there was a “deep state” in

his department.

Pompeo said he had not seen Trump’s comments at the

time of his testimony but he commented,

“I don’t believe there is a deep state at the

State Department.”

As for his former agency, the CIA, Pompeo said,

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Mike Pompeo testifies
during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on "Worldwide “Nearly uniformly we’re aimed at the
Threats" on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, U.S., February 13, president’s objectives and America’s
2018. REUTERS/Leah Millis/File Photo | Pompeo Promises To Fix
Busted State Dept

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that he Pompeo added,

doesn’t believe there is a “deep state” within the State
Department at a House Foreign Affairs Committee “There’s always exceptions to the rule, I’ve
hearing. never ran an organization that didn’t have
bad actors.”
Trump tweeted Wednesday:

California Rep. Ted Lieu extended a Trump tweet on the

“Criminal Deep State” to include the State Department,

FBI Agents Spill Beans On Comey & McCabe-Era Threats
Against The President: “Trump And Friends
Better Watch Their F*Cking L…”
By Investigative Bureau
Posted On May 23, 2018

sources during a subsequent meeting of

top FBI brass.

Many agreed.

McCabe, who had declared war previously on Trump and

Flynn, had expanded the FBI’s hit list to include any and
all of Trump’s friends, sources said.

This was one of several such meetings held in seclusion

More threats against President Trump and his associates among key FBI leaders after Trump was elected president,
are emerging from well-placed FBI sources who are now FBI sources confirm. At the congregation where McCabe
coming forward to spill the beans on fired embattled went off the political rails and vowed to destroy Flynn and
former Bureau leaders Andrew McCabe and James Trump, there were as many as 16 top FBI officials, inside
Comey. intelligence sources said. No lower-level agents or support
personnel were present. Sources said that mix of FBI
And the revelations are not pretty for the already- personnel was present for McCabe’s threat against Trump
embattled FBI. associates.

In March 2017, True Pundit detailed a meeting of FBI Both meetings were in early 2017.
Brass where then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
threatened President Trump and Gen. Mike Flynn, It’s little wonder that the Deep State are guarding
Trump’s national security adviser at the time. McCabe, the McCabe’s texts and emails. And where was Comey while
second highest ranking FBI official at the time, these threats were being waged by his deputy director?
emphatically declared at the invite-only gathering with Comey did not attend these meetings, sources said, but he
raised voice: was notified of McCabe’s threatening anti-Trump rhetoric.

“Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump,” “He absolutely knew about what was being
said,” a FBI source said of Comey.
according to direct sources. Many of his top lieutenants
applauded and cheered such rhetoric. A scattered few did McCabe was never disciplined by Comey for threatening
not. Trump and White House personnel, sources confirm.

Flynn was ultimately indicted at McCabe’s request and Look at what has happened to Trump and his associates
now we know the FBI — at the time — was spying on since McCabe reportedly warned they
both Flynn and Trump. For months.
“better watch their fucking little asses:”
Now comes details of a subsequent FBI meeting where
McCabe threatened Trump and other White House
 Flynn resigned and plead out to a felony charge.
 Paul Manafort is under indictment
 Michael Cohen is now the target of an FBI probe
“Trump and his friends better watch their
 Donald Trump Jr. has been harassed by lawmakers
fucking little asses,” McCabe rhetorically
and media
warned, according to well-placed FBI
 Trump fired Comey intelligence apparatus and FBI are working
 Mueller was appointed Special Counsel to investigate for or against Trump, this is the first
Trump definitive proof that the country’s once-
 Anti-Trump FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page — premiere law enforcement agency has
McCabe disciples — worked for Mueller gone rogue.
 And the list goes on and on of harassed ex-Trump
staffers who have departed the White House We were never more right.

In March 2017, True Pundit wrote in the original McCabe McCabe was fired and is the target of several ongoing
“Fuck Flynn” story: investigations.

If you are among the millions of Americans

who have pondered in recent months
whether the Obama-era “Deep State”

Clapper Said Two Different Things On Russian
Interference — One Of Them Has To Be A Lie
John Wellington - Digital Content Manager
3:14 PM 05/23/2018

argue that it had profound impact and

probably turned the election.”

This bold assertion by Clapper comes only a few days after

he stated it’s “a good thing” that the Trump campaign was
being monitored by an FBI informant.

Former United States Director of Intelligence James

Clapper said he thinks Russian meddling “turned the
election” on Wednesday’s episode of “1A.”

Clapper’s idea that Russian meddling

“turned the election” contradicts the

statement he made in February, saying
Russian interference didn’t have “any
impact on the outcome of the 2016
election.” he said it “stretches
“Having some understanding of the
massive effort, the multi-dimensional effort,
the aggressive effort, unprecedented that
the Russians embarked on in the run-up to
our election” Clapper argued to “1A.”
“To me, and when you consider that the
election was settled on less than 80,000
votes in three key states,” he continues,
“and when you look at the volume, and the
sophistication of the messages and the
messaging that the Russians did — to me,
it stretches logic and credulity to think that
all that they did has no impact. I would

Giuliani Reverses: Trump Should
Interview With Mueller
By Jacqueline Thomsen
05/23/18 03:16 Pm Edt

President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani in a reversal on “Then he goes right back to, ‘why shouldn’t
Wednesday said that he now believes that Trump should I?’” he added.
interview with special counsel Robert Mueller.
Giuliani also said that he is concerned that a Trump
“I guess I’d rather do the interview. It gets it interview with Mueller could be set up to catch the
over with it, it makes my client happy,” president on a possible perjury charge because “truth is
Giuliani told The Washington Post. “The relative.”
safe course you hear every lawyer say is
'don’t do the interview,' and that’s easy to “They may have a different version of the
say in the abstract. That’s much harder truth than we do,” Giuliani said.
when you have a client who is the
president of the United States and wants to The lawyer also said that he believes Mueller's team
be interviewed.” wouldn't ask about any events that took place during
Trump's presidency. CNN reported Tuesday that the
Giuliani has cast doubt on Trump interviewing with president's lawyers are seeking to limit questions on
Mueller in the past. He told The Wall Street Journal in an Trump's conduct after his inauguration and on possible
interview published Tuesday that if he were to make a obstruction of justice.
decision on the interview at that time, he would decide
against it.
Trump has said in the past that he would be willing to sit
down with Mueller and reportedly believes doing so would
The former New York City mayor told the Post that Trump clear his name.
has vacillated over whether he wants to interview with
Mueller in the probe into Russian meddling in the 2016
“I would love to speak, but I have to find
presidential election and possible collusion between
that we’re going to be treated fairly
Trump's campaign and Moscow.
because everybody sees it right now and it
is a pure witch hunt,” the president told
“There have been a few days where he reporters last month.
says, ‘maybe you guys are right,’” Giuliani
said, referring to members of Trump’s legal Mueller reportedly suggested to Trump's lawyers earlier
team who have warned him against talking
this year that he would subpoena Trump if he did not agree
with Mueller. to an interview.

Gowdy Issues Warning To
Dems Who Want To Meet With Trump
Julia Nista - Associate Editor
3:19 PM 05/23/2018

“In other words, don’t leak like a sieve

when we get through with the meeting,”
Gowdy continued.

The South Carolina Republican said that many members of

the House have already moved to impeach the president
before Special Counsel Robert Mueller released any report
on his investigation.
WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 28: House Benghazi Committee
Chairman, Trey Gowdy (R-SC), participates in a news conference Gowdy added that he is willing to sit down with “a
with fellow Committee Republicans after the release of the Democrat who is serious about what our law enforcement
Committee's Benghazi report on Capitol Hill June 28, 2016 in agencies did in 2016,” but added that it’s not his meeting
Washington, DC. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others and he is not in charge of the invite list.
were killed during an attack on a U.S. outpost and CIA annex in
Libya on September 11, 2012. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy issued a warning
Wednesday to Democrats who wish to attend a Thursday
meeting with President Trump and the House Intelligence

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority

Leader Chuck Schumer sent a letter requesting that a
meeting between Trump and the House Intelligence
Committee be bipartisan.

Gowdy said he doesn’t care who attends the meeting, but

the only thing he would ask is

“if you’re going to show up, show up with

an open mind and closed lips.”

SEKULOW: We Have Uncovered Thousands Of Docs
Showing Pay-To-Play Between Hillary State Department
And Clinton Foundation
By Cristina Laila
May 23, 2018, 3:22 Pm

An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow These documents, only now being
announced Wednesday the American uncovered through our FOIA request and
Center for Law and Justice uncovered subsequent litigation, show extensive
thousands of documents showing communications exchanged between
Clinton Foundation pay-to-play with Clinton or her senior staff at State
Hillary’s State Department through a Department and Doug Band – a senior aid
FOIA lawsuit. at the Clinton Foundation and creatorof the
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).
In recent court filings, the State Department
has revealed that more than 8,700
documents exist in Cheryl Mills’ and/or
Huma Abedin’s files which contain the
single search term, “Doug Band.” It is
possible, and indeed likely, that each
document consists of several pages
placing the number closer to 18,000 pages
or more.
The ACLJ has also learned through our
litigation that another 22,000 documents
exist in Cheryl Mills’ and Huma Abedin’s
We have uncovered a ‘favor factory’ the files (not including attachments) mentioning
ACLJ reported on Wednesday. or referring to the Clinton Foundation or a
There was no firewall between the State related term referencing the foundation.
Department and the Clinton Foundation
as Hillary previously claimed to the Newly released documents show Doug Band served as a
public. liaison for Clinton Foundation donors looking for favors
and official acts from the Clinton-run State Department,
Via the ACLJ: the ACLJ reported.

As part of our Freedom of Information Doug Band was the ‘go-to’ guy for Clinton Foundation
Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Deep State donors. If they needed anything from Hillary Clinton, they
Department, we have been informed that would email Doug Band and within minutes he would
the State Department has located – and forward the message to Huma Abedin and or Cheryl Mills
will be forced to turn over to the ACLJ – to help expedite the favor.
literally thousands of documents to and
about the Clinton Foundation, its For example:
subsidiaries, and its senior operatives
during the duration of Hillary Clinton’s time An email dated December 6, 2010 (tucked
as Secretary of State. away at the very end of the State
The shear volume alone – some 30,000 Department’s most recent production)
emails – debunks the specious assertion reveals that Secretary Clinton, upon
that there was any kind of firewall receiving information that we now know to
whatsoever between Clinton’s State be classified from a State Department
Department and the Clinton Foundation. employee, forwarded the classified
information via her private email account
([email protected]) on to various “You need to read this to believe it.”
individuals outside the State Department
including senior associates at the Clinton
Foundation – Justin Cooper and Doug
Band. She writes in her email to “print for
Of course most of the information
contained in the email has been redacted
(and won’t be unclassified until 2025) but it
appears that the classified communications
relate to the investigation into Nobel prize
winner Muhammad Yunus’s alleged
diversion of foreign aid from the non-profit
Bank he chaired (a bank specifically
fashioned to provide loans to the poorest of
people on easy terms). It is of no surprise –
given what we know about the former
Secretary’s abuse of her office to grant
favors to Foundation donors and
supporters – that Yunus was also
a donor to the Clinton Foundation.

The ACLJ stated they will be receiving Clinton documents

at a pace of approximately 300-600 pages per month.

Jay Sekulow sounded off on Twitter.


Trump’s Roundtable On MS-13
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
3:38 PM 05/23/2018

from the roundtable, although MSNBC did briefly mention

them in a chyron.

CNN instead chose to cover Jared Kushner’s security

clearance being restored, Steve Bannon’s remarks about
MLK Jr. and Trump, Mueller preparing to sentence
George Papadopoulos, a 30-year-old man being evicted
from his parents’ home, Van Jones’ work with Trump on
prison reform, Trump’s allegations that the FBI spied on
him, Kim Jong Un reportedly being afraid of an ambush if
CNN and MSNBC opted not to cover President Donald he meets with Trump, Secretary of State Pompeo
Trump’s Wednesday roundtable on immigration and MS- defending the CIA and the NFL discussing a proposal for
13. punishing players who kneel for the anthem.

The president met with acting ICE director Thomas MSNBC covered Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
Homan, Department of Homeland Security director defending the Department of Justice, Kushner’s security
Kristjen Nielsen, and other members of the administration clearance being restored, Michael Cohen’s business
to discuss the threat of the MS-13 gang. partner agreeing to cooperate with the government, the
Georgia gubernatorial race and Trump’s allegations that
Fox News carried Trump’s opening remarks at the event the government spied on him.
and then turned away to cover other stories about 15
minutes past the start of the roundtable. The entire roundtable lasted for just about an hour, but
apparently neither CNN or MSNBC could find time to
However, CNN and MSNBC chose not to show any of the give it some coverage.
roundtable. CNN didn’t even report on any of the remarks

BREAKING: FBI Spy Stefan Halper
May Have Bled Info Into Hillary’s Phony Dossier
By Cristina Laila
May 23, 2018, 4:13 Pm

FBI —> Halper —> Steele —> dossier —> FBI


Hill sources are saying the FBI spy who

infiltrated Donald Trump’s campaign in
2016, Stefan Halper bled information into
Hillary’s phony dossier, reported Paul

President Trump was correct when he

unleashed on Obama’s spy campaign in a
pair of tweets Tuesday evening.

The President said, “Follow the money!” the

spy wasn’t there to find ‘Russian collusion,’
he was there to help Crooked Hillary win the

Trump tweeted:
The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a
total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for work If the person placed very early into my
with the US government that included campaign wasn’t a SPY put there by the
spying on the Trump campaign. previous Administration for political purposes,
how come such a seemingly massive amount of
It was a lucrative business for Stefan Halper. money was paid for services rendered – many
times higher than normal…
Now the Democrats are in spin mode.

They went from ‘there was no spy inside of Trump’s

camp’ to ‘the informant was there to help protect Trump
against the Russians.’

Former DNI Chief James Clapper is claiming

embedding spies is “a standard
investigative practice.”

Trump then slams Crooked Hillary: …Follow the money!
The spy was there early in the campaign and yet never
Paul Sperry tweeted: BREAKING: Hill sources say
reported Collusion with Russia, because there was no
Halper may have bled into dossier in a positive feedback
Collusion. He was only there to spy for political reasons

and to help Crooked Hillary win – just like they did to If Stefan Halper bled info into Hillary’s
Bernie Sanders, who got duped! dossier as sources are claiming, it will
DESTROY the left’s claims the informant
was purely working to ‘protect Trump from
the Russians.’

This is a huge development.

This Is Rich: Crooked Hillary Clinton Says If You Want To
‘Stand For Rule Of Law’ You Have To
Vote Democrat (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 4:27 Pm

On Wednesday Trump attorney Jay Sekulow announced

the American Center for Law and Justice uncovered
thousands of documents showing Clinton Foundation pay-
to-play with Hillary’s State Department through a FOIA

Also on Wednesday Hillary Clinton told New

York Democrats if you want to stand for the
rule of law you must vote Democrat.

The irony was lost on the far left crowd.

James Comey Lashes Out At Republicans:
‘Dangerous Time’ For America
Peter Hasson - Reporter
4:31 PM 05/23/2018

A combination of file photos show U.S. President Donald Trump in

the White House in Washington, DC, U.S. April 9, 2018 and former
FBI Director James Comey on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., June
8, 2017. REUTERS/Carlos Barria, Jonathan Ernst/File Photos

Former FBI Director James Comey lashed out at

congressional Republicans on Wednesday and defended Screenshot/Twitter
the FBI’s use of a confidential informant to spy on “Facts matter. The FBI’s use of Confidential
members of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign. Human Sources (the actual term) is tightly
regulated and essential to protecting the
Republican congressional leaders are expected to meet country. Attacks on the FBI and lying about
with current FBI Director Christopher Wray and its work will do lasting damage to our
Department of Justice officials on Thursday to review country,” Comey wrote in a pair of blistering
classified information regarding the informant, Cambridge tweets. “How will Republicans explain this
University professor Stefan Halper. Some Republicans to their grandchildren?”
have been critical of the FBI’s decision to spy on members
of the Trump campaign. “Dangerous time when our country is led by
those who will lie about anything, backed
by those who will believe anything, based
Comey on Wednesday accused congressional Republicans on information from media sources that will
of “lying” about the FBI’s work. say anything,” he continued.
“Americans must break out of that bubble
and seek truth.”


Mueller Rejects Speedy Trial
Law To Delay Russian Collusion Trial
Richard Pollock - Reporter
5:20 PM 05/23/2018

justice served by taking such action outweigh the best

interest of the public and the defendant in a speedy trial,'”
Mueller wrote.

“This case also warrants a continuance and

exclusion of time to accommodate the
voluminous discovery at issue and to allow
sufficient time for the Court to resolve
certain outstanding procedural issues
unique to discovery in this case,” he

Former federal prosecutor and National Review

Special Counsel Robert Mueller departs after briefing members of
the U.S. Senate on his investigation into potential collusion between
Contributing Editor Andrew C. McCarthy told
Russia and the Trump campaign on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, TheDCNF it was too late for Mueller to claim that the
U.S. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Photo complexity of the case warranted a delay.

 Special Counsel Robert Mueller requested his “Speedy trial rights belong to the
Russian collusion trial be delayed indefinitely defendant, and if the defendant pushes for
 This is the second time Mueller has requested a a trial within the 70 days, the government
delay has little cause to complain,” McCarthy
 Mueller previously flooded the court with two said. “If the case was too complex, the
terabytes of Russian social media government had the option of holding off on
seeking an indictment until it was ready to
Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked a federal proceed to trial. When a prosecutor files an
judge Tuesday to reject the four-decade-old speedy trial indictment, it is tantamount to saying, ‘We
law in the case against 13 Russians and three Russian are ready to go.'”
companies and has asked for an indefinite delay to the
Russian collusion trial. Mueller originally filed the indictment against the Russians
on Feb. 16, charging that they “engaged in a multi-year
It is the second time Mueller tried to delay the trial. Judge conspiracy” to interfere with the 2016 presidential
Dabney L. Friedrich, a Trump appointee, rejected the election. Because none of the defendants were U.S.
earlier request without comment and ordered the case to go citizens, law experts said it appeared unlikely that the case
forward. would ever go to trial.

One of the Russian companies — Concord Management McCarthy called the indictment “more
and Consulting — entered the U.S., hired American theater than prosecution.”
lawyers, and demanded a speedy trial. The Speedy Trial
Act is a 44-year old federal law that dictates that a federal On May 9, Eric A. Dubelier, a partner with Reed Smith, a
criminal case must begin within 70 days from the date of prestigious American law firm that represents Concord,
the indictment. entered a not guilty plea in the U.S. District Court for the
District of Columbia. He also repeated his client’s interest
The “complexity” of the case warrants excluding the for a speedy trial.
speedy trial law and delaying the trial, Mueller argued in
Tuesday’s court filing. Dubelier has repeatedly notified the court he would insist
on using “discovery” to review the “evidence” the special
A “district court can, on its own motion or at the request of counsel had accumulated about their charge of Russian
a party, grant an excludable continuance if ‘the ends of
collusion. His use of discovery would compel Mueller to mountains of foreign language materials
turn over the U.S. intelligence about Russian activities. without an understanding or explanation of
their relevance to the case, that is a
In response, Mueller informed the court on May 16 his delaying tactic and an attempt to chew up
office was prepared to enter two terabytes of Russian the defendant’s resources.”
social media into the record, thereby flooding the docket The tactic “is apt to make the presiding
with a huge amount of evidence, all of it in Russian. The judge very angry,” he added.
volume could fill 3,000 CD-ROM discs.
Dubelier contended the voluminous evidence against the
It’s “inappropriate for a prosecutor to 13 Russians did not apply to Concord.
manufacture complexity and then contend
that things are too complex,” McCarthy told Friedrich has yet to rule on Mueller’s request for a delay.
TheDCNF. “If a prosecutor is disclosing

Smackdown: Jim Jordan Destroys Chris Cuomo Over
Claims There’s ‘Tons Of Proof’ Of ‘Potential Collusion’
By Curtis Houck
May 23, 2018 5:31 PM EDT

Wednesday saw the latest edition of CNN’s New Day co- But Chris, when you couple it with what we do know they
host Chris Cuomo throwing down with Ohio Republican did, five of the top people at the FBI have been fired, like
Congressman Jim Jordan as the topics du jour featured James Comey or Andrew McCabe. Andrew McCabe
calls for a second special counsel, Russian collusion, and a actually faces a criminal referral. Three, like Jim Baker,
Thursday meeting of congressional Republicans having Peter Strzok and Lisa Page has been demoted and
access to some of the most sensitive documents related to reassigned and two of the three retired in just the last three
the Trump-Russia probe. weeks. So, when you have five of the top people who oh
by the way, happen to be the same people who ran the
Cuomo kept trying to shout down Jordan, telling him that Clinton investigation and then launched the Trump-Russia
some of his points were “demonstrably false” and there’s investigation, that should be pause for concern[.]
“tons of proof of potential collusion” between Russia
and the Trump campaign but has been clouded by The first two of tense exchanges surfaced when Jordan
“partisans” (read: Republicans). Alas, Jordan reacted as included in his rationale for a second special counsel that
most viewers would at this lunacy. the intelligence community used

“a disproven, salacious dossier to a

secret court to get a secret warrant to
spy on a fellow American citizen and
when they go to the court, they don't tell
them two important facts, namely who
paid for it.”

Cuomo smugly shot back that Jordan was simply

“flooding the zone” (presumably to distract viewers) and
implored him to tell the truth that Christopher Steele was
trustworthy, it was disclosed where the dossier came from,
and the dossier isn’t false.
Cuomo stacked the deck prior to Jordan by mocking the
assertions offered by the President and Jordan in that When Jordan told Cuomo that,

“there’s a nefarious group of officials “a year and a half later,” there’s “not one
that are out to spy on you and do you bit of evidence” of “any type of
harm” and pled with him for “help” collusion” or “any type of coordination
explaining why his position matters. between the Trump campaign and
Jordan asserted that, on the surveillance claim,
Cuomo lost it:
“if you read The New York Times piece
they talk about this individual, give all CUOMO: Jim, that is demonstrably false.
kinds of details about this individual” We have tons of proof.
JORDAN: What do you mean
and Thursday’s meeting involving House Intelligence demonstrably false? Even Democrats are
Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) will hopefully saying —
provide more information on that subject. He continued
CUOMO: We have tons of proof.
(click “expand” to read more):

JORDAN: — even The New York Times CUOMO: But we know it wasn't an implant.
said that last week, Chris. You know that’s You know already. They told you it wasn't.
the case.
JORDAN: They told — the same
CUOMO: Listen, talking over me does not Department of Justice who — when they
silence the points. They have to come out. gave us documents, had redacted —
We have to have this conversation, so between Page and Strzok text messages
people who think independently can make had redacted the fact that Peter Strzok was
decisions. There is tons of proof of friends with one of the FISA court judges
potential collusion. who also happened to be the same judge
who heard Michael Flynn's case. We're
So, to be clear, Cuomo is parroting claims from CNN supposed to start trusting that Department
buddy and Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff (CA) of Justice who was trying to hide that —
that there’s evidence of collusion. And thus we’re in a trying to hide that information from us?
guilty until proven guilty scenario with the Trump
campaign. There is or there isn’t collusion, so anything in See the full transcript of the Cuomo vs. Jordan debate from
between is hyperbole. That, of course, is not how any of CNN’s New Day on May 23.
this works.
CNN’s New Day
Jordan responded that “potential May 23, 2018
collusion is not collusion” but Cuomo 7:19 a.m. Eastern
CHRIS CUOMO: Alright, got to keep checking Twitter. So far, no
“There are no conclusions of collusion. new tweet in the last seven minutes. But we do know this — the
The investigation is not over, but there’s context of why we’re seeing the president kind of gin up into high
plenty of proof of it. I see proof as gear this notion that there’s a nefarious group of officials that are
potential. I don't see dispositive out to spy on you and do you harm. The context is we have more
crimes.” than a dozen house Republicans calling for the appointment of a
second special counsel. Why? To take a closer look at alleged
Later, Cuomo flashed his partisan stripes when, first, he abuses carried out by the FBI into the Trump campaign and
told Jordan point blank that he doesn’t trust him or his Hillary Clinton's e-mail server, one of the people making the case
Republican colleagues to tell him the truth about is House Republican Jim Jordan of Ohio. Jim, always good to
documents related to the Russia investigation. Following see you and I need your help this morning.
that, he bemoaned the country’s partisanship while OHIO REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN JIM JORDAN: Alright. I’ll
knocking Jordan’s colleague Trey Gowdy as “Captain try to provide some help here this morning.
Benghazi.” Again, Jordan was ready:
CUOMO: Always a plus. So, let’s use the President’s tweets as a
CUOMO: We can’t have more partisanship spine for the discussion —
than we have right now. The chasm would JORDAN: Alright.
swallow us both up, and we're capable
guys. How do you go in there tomorrow CUOMO: — and you answer in context any way you want.
with just Nunes, who is so compromised JORDAN: Alright.
and Trey Gowdy who for, despite his recent
rhetoric of being fair and disgusted with CUOMO: The President is now calling the use of this confidential
everything, is known as Captain Benghazi source who apparently contacted people in the campaign or
to the Democrats and they don't have related to, as satellites of the campaign Spygate. Do you believe
anyone from the other side. How can this that we have any factual basis for saying there was a spy in the
help what happens tomorrow? How can it Trump campaign?
help. JORDAN: Well, if you read The New York Times piece they talk
JORDAN: The question, Chris, is real about this individual, give all kinds of details about this individual.
simple. We want to know if, in fact — and it That he —
sure looks like this was the case — if, in CUOMO: Not as a spy.
fact, there were informants around the
edges of the Trump campaign talking to JORDAN: — that, well, and he met with all kinds of folks on the
people loosely affiliated with the Trump kind of periphery of the trump campaign. But I think — so it sure
campaign, if it was some kind of spy, some looks like that was the case. But we're going to wait and see.
kind of informant, some kind of plant, we That's why Chairman Nunes has been requesting information to
want to know. actually show this took place and the Department of Justice has
been reluctant to give it to him. So, let's hope that actually
happens. But Chris, when you couple it with what we do know
they did, five of the top people at the FBI have been fired, like CUOMO: So they can do the job. Why —
James Comey or Andrew McCabe. Andrew McCabe actually
JORDAN: But they can’t prosecute
faces a criminal referral. Three, like Jim Baker, Peter Strzok and
Lisa Page has been demoted and reassigned and two of the CUOMO: — try to create another politicized mess? Why?
three retired in just the last three weeks. So, when you have five
of the top people who oh by the way, happen to be the same JORDAN: Because — cause, according to the attorney general,
when you have extraordinary circumstances, that's when you
people who ran the Clinton investigation and then launched the
Trump-Russia investigation, that should be pause for concern name special counsel. If this is extraordinary circumstance where
and, again, when you couple it with what we know about the five people of the top people at the FBI, have been, as I said,
fired or demoted and many of them have retired. And when you
dossier and how that was used, I think all of this points to why we
need information and why, months ago, we called for a second have all of that going on and you have those people, the FBI take
special counsel to get to the bottom of all of this and why now we a disproven, salacious dossier to a secret court to get a secret
have 25 individuals in the House of Representatives who warrant to spy on a fellow American citizen and when they go to
supported Mr. Zeldin's resolution. the court, they don't tell them two important facts, namely who
paid for it? The Democratic National Committee. And the author
CUOMO: Alright. Now, I wanted you to be able to get out your full of the dossier, Christopher Steele, had been fired by the FBI
case there. Thank you for doing so. One, 25, not an impressive because he was out leaking information. They didn’t tell the court
number, especially with how many people you have who are those two important pieces of information.
trying to support the President's theories, no matter how wild they
are. It seems to me — Jim, if you were right about this — CUOMO: Alright.

JORDAN: Chris, the chairman of the Judiciary has called for it, JORDAN: Chris, you go to the court, I go to court —
the chair of the Oversight Committee. CUOMO: You’re flooding the zone.
CUOMO: — right but you only have 25 people. JORDAN: — we got to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth and the FBI should have to do the same darn thing.
JORDAN: We just introduced it yesterday. Majority Whip has
called for it. The Majority Leader has called for it. So, this is — CUOMO: Well, you’re flooding the zone and if you want to tell the
this is a number of people who have real influence in the House whole truth —
of Representatives are calling for a second special counsel to get
into this. JORDAN: I’m telling the truth.

CUOMO: But the rank and file is slow on it because they know it CUOMO: — then don't shade everything. They did trust Steele.
seems to be something that would take us down the road of more They didn’t like that he went out. That severed the relationship,
of the same in terms of politicized nonsense. But this is why I say but it wasn't that they didn't trust his sourcing or his work. They
that, Jim. Let me give you a chance to respond to this. If what did disclose where the dossier came from. It is not all false
you said was not true, that these people hadn't been removed, allegations in that dossier. You know this to be the case even
people who were identified as being in this way negative though you have never seen a FISA application yourself.
influences on the administration of justice, if they hadn’t been
dealed with — if they were still there, then you would have
something, my friend. You’d be able to say how is McCabe still
there? How are Strzok and Page and Brennan and these other
ones — how are they still in office? How can you say they're
there and this is fair? But none is there. They’ve all been moved
away and you have an inspector general who’s got way more
staff —
JORDAN: Chris —
CUOMO: — than you will ever be able to put together for a
special counsel —
JORDAN: Chris, here we are, a year and a half later —
JORDAN: But he didn’t have the —
CUOMO: Hold on.
CUOMO: who outed McCabe —
JORDAN: — not one bit of evidence —
JORDAN: — I understand.
CUOMO: — who has done a review with what happened with the
Clinton e-mail schedule which you guys keep saying is damning JORDAN: — any type of collusion —

CUOMO: Hold on.
JORDAN: And he’s the guy who gave us the Strzok/Page text
JORDAN: — any type of coordination between the Trump
messages. You’re right. The Inspector General has done good
campaign and Russia, but we know that the Democratic National
Committee —
CUOMO: Jim, that is demonstrably false. We have tons of proof. to have them, but I see no other remedy here. Here's the reason.
Can Rod Rosenstein oversee an investigation of potential
JORDAN: What do you mean demonstrably false? Even
obstruction of justice in the firing of James Comey when he’s the
Democrats are saying —
one who wrote the memo for firing James Comey? I mean, that's
CUOMO: We have tons of proof. where we're at.
JORDAN: — even The New York Times said that last week, CUOMO: So you're bothered by the fact that he's on your side of
Chris. You know that’s the case. an argument —
CUOMO: Listen, talking over me does not silence the points. JORDAN: No.
They have to come out. We have to have this conversation, so
CUOMO: — so you don't want him to do the investigation?
people who think independently can make decisions. There is
tons of proof of potential collusion. We don’t know — JORDAN: I'm bothered by what I just stated. Can he really do
that? So, that’s just one of many reasons why you — I believe
JORDAN: Oh, I lost Chris. Oh, I lost you for a second. I got you
you need this remedy, a second special counsel. It’s why we
called for it ten months ago. Chris, I’ve been on your show —
CUOMO: Sure you did. No.
CUOMO: But you're not asking for anybody to look into why
JORDAN: Yeah, I did. I did. Say it again? Trump fired Comey, are you?
CUOMO: No. I believe you, brother. I believe you. There’s tons of JORDAN: I’m looking into — I’m asking — no, no, no. But that's
proof of potential collusion. The things that were said, the things what the special — Mueller has said he's looking into potential
that were done were in bad discretion, bad choices and then you obstruction of justice in the firing of James Comey.
have to look at what the motivations are. We don't know the
CUOMO: So that’s why you have Mueller.
conclusions on those by this special counsel to get ahead of the
conclusions is misleading. JORDAN: Rosenstein oversees that investigation and he's the
one who wrote the memo
JORDAN: Chris —
CUOMO: But Mueller is the one who draw —
CUOMO: — but FISA, as a tool, was created by Congress to
make sure you don't have secret, that it must be vetted by a JORDAN — saying why it’s appropriate to fire James Comey.
judge. So that process in and of itself is a safeguard and what I
CUOMO: — Mueller is the one who draws the conclusions about
don't get about special counsel is what he said in the memo,
it. That's why Rosenstein is insulated. He oversees. He does not
Rosenstein. I read it five times last night to try to understand
conduct and Mueller will do the investigating, the man who was
where you guys were coming from. The extraordinary
celebrated by so many in your party.
circumstance was that the DOJ couldn't properly investigate this
President because of what was clear in the dynamic. He got rid JORDAN: Chris, think about this. Chris, think about this. If he’s
of Comey. He was asking questions about the investigation. so insulated, why did he write a second memo on August 2nd
Sessions had to recuse himself. That is what triggered changing the parameters, modifying the parameters of the
Rosenstein to bring in the Special Counsel. You don't have that investigation and why won't he show that memo to the American
here because you have all your own people in charge, Jim. people? May 17, one year ago, we had the memo outlining
here’s the framework work for Bob Mueller's investigation into the
JORDAN: Here’s — here’s — here’s —
President that the American people elected. That was the
CUOMO: The attorney general, the head of the FBI, all the framework and it was modified on August 2nd and — and Rod
people there are your people. Rosenstein won't show us that — that modification —
JORDAN: — a couple things. Now you're filibustering. A couple CUOMO: Modified how?
JORDAN: — and a federal — we don't know. We haven't seen it.
CUOMO: Just respond. Go ahead.
CUOMO: But what do you want to assume about the
JORDAN: When you use the word collusion, you use potential in modification?
front of it. That — Potential collusion is not collusion. That’s
JORDAN: Because the American people have the right to know.
proving my point. There is no collusion. There’s been no
The parameters of any —
evidence of that.
CUOMO: — I agree. Look, I'm all about transparency.
CUOMO: There are no conclusions of collusion
JORDAN: I am too.
JORDAN: Second —
CUOMO: The American people show know everything because,
CUOMO: — because the investigation is not over, but there’s
clearly, the partisans can't be trusted to tell them the full truth
plenty of proof of it. I see proof as potential. I don't see
about this.
dispositive crimes.
JORDAN: We want transparency.
JORDAN: Chris, how about this fact. Here’s the reason you need
a second special counsel. I don’t like ‘em. I wish we didn’t have
CUOMO: You can't have any political oversight right now. That’s known as Captain Benghazi to the Democrats and they don't
clear. have anyone from the other side. How can this help what
happens tomorrow? How can it help.
JORDAN: Tomorrow, Devin Nun — Chairman Nunes is to DOJ to
get transparency. JORDAN: The question, Chris, is real simple. We want to know if,
in fact — and it sure looks like this was the case — if, in fact,
CUOMO: With no Democrats.
there were informants around the edges of the Trump campaign
JORDAN: I want to see — well, you know what? I — if they want talking to people loosely affiliated with the Trump campaign, if it
to come, let them come. I’m all for transparency. was some kind of spy, some kind of informant, some kind of
plant, we want to know.
CUOMO: With Why weren't they invited?
JORDAN: I don't know. You’d have to ask them.
CUOMO: You don't know, Jim?
JORDAN: I don’t know if Adam Schiff goes. I’m not chairman of
the Intelligence Committee. But I do know is that — that Rod
Rosenstein wrote a memo August 2nd that a federal judge four
weeks ago said he wanted to see and he got to see it.
CUOMO: But you don’t even know what it says. You're
speculating on what it might mean, when it could just be a pro
forma procedural indication of expanding the probe as the facts
and issues arise.
CUOMO: But we know it wasn't an implant. You know already.
JORDAN: Why — come on, Chris. They told you it wasn't.
CUOMO: You don’t know what it means. JORDAN: They told — the same Department of Justice who —
JORDAN: You just — you just — you just said you want when they gave us documents, had redacted — between Page
transparency. I want transparency. and Strzok text messages had redacted the fact that Peter Strzok
was friends with one of the FISA court judges who also
CUOMO: I want to see it. Don't get me wrong. happened to be the same judge who heard Michael Flynn's case.
JORDAN: More importantly — We're supposed to start trusting that Department of Justice who
was trying to hide that — trying to hide that information from us?
CUOMO: I certainly don't want to hear from you guys what it
says. I certainly don’t want to have two of your guys go into a CUOMO: It’s run by your guy, Christopher Wray. It's overseen by
meeting — your guy, Jeff Sessions, and Rod Rosenstein. These are all your
JORDAN: — I’m not — I’m not saying — Chris — I’m not saying
what it says. JORDAN: All I’m — Chris — all I’m saying, Chris, is the
Department of Justice — the credibility of the Department of
CUOMO: — with the feds and come out and tell me what it Justice, in light of that fact, the fact that they’re dragged their feet
means. I certainly don't want that. to get us the information we’re entitled to as a separate and
JORDAN: I'm not saying what it says. All I want — all I’m saying equal branch of government. They tried to hide the fact that Peter
is I want to see it. We’ve asked. I asked Rod Rosenstein in Strzok had a relationship with one of the FISA judges who was
person to see it. We’ve sent him a letter and they sent us a letter the same judge who heard Michael Flynn's case and recused
back saying, sorry we're not going to show to you, but a federal himself, by the way after — after —
judge wants to see it and he got to see it. CUOMO: But you only know that because of what the I.G. has
CUOMO: Alright, Jim, I hear you on that. I believe there should been figuring out. That's my point, Jim, is you have the inspector
be transparency. I’ve never argued differently to you. I’ve never general.
even asked you a question against those kinds of intentions in JORDAN: He figured it out —
encouraging transparency, assuming it doesn’t reveal sources
and methods or anything that compromise anybody’s life or the CUOMO: You know that they can do this job. They have a big,
integrity of the investigation. capable staff.

JORDAN: Of course, of course. JORDAN: — Chris, you're missing the point.

CUOMO: But this is the last point. I don't get what's going to CUOMO: Why politicize it? That was what my question was.
happen tomorrow. We can’t have more partisanship than we JORDAN: Of course, the I.G. — the I.G. found the text messages
have right now. The chasm would swallow us both up, and we're but when the Department of Justice gave us those copies of the
capable guys. How do you go in there tomorrow with just Nunes, text messages, they redacted what I just described as —
who is so compromised and Trey Gowdy who for, despite his
recent rhetoric of being fair and disgusted with everything, is CUOMO: That's not unusual and you know that.

JORDAN: Well — CUOMO: We've had this struggle with them my entire career.
CUOMO: It's not true proof of perfidy. JORDAN: — no, it was embarrassing to them.
JORDAN: But why would you redact that? It had nothing to do CUOMO: It doesn't mean that it's necessarily —
with an ongoing investigation, it wasn't classified information.
JORDAN: Come on.
CUOMO: Because they have intelligence considerations.
CUOMO: — perfidious — that it's dishonest. Look, we'll have to
JORDAN: No, because it was — know more. It's just about the mechanism and you know we'll
keep talking about this with you. I'm anxious for you to make the
case and I don't know how tomorrow's going to make anything
better but let's see what happens. Let's be almost irrationally
optimistic about it and then let's come back together and figure
out what we know. Jim Jordan —
JORDAN: We'll do it.
CUOMO: — thank you for making the case.
JORDAN: You bet.
CUOMO: I appreciate it.
JORDAN: You bet, thanks.

Trump: I Did A ‘Service’
To Country By Firing Comey
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
5:58 PM 05/23/2018

President Trump took questions on his way to Marine One “then let’s see what James Comey has to
Wednesday as he departed the White House for New York. say.”

A gaggle of reporters asked a number of questions about The president claimed that he
Trump’s recent revelations that there was a spy monitoring
his campaign for the FBI. “did a great service to this country by firing
James Comey.”
Trump was asked if the use of the word “spy” was
appropriate. At that point, a reporter attempted to interrupt Trump, who
was having none of it.
“Former FBI Director, James Comey, said
to use the word ‘spy’ is the wrong word,” a “Excuse me,” Trump said. “A lot of people
reporter shouted. have said it. And you go into the FBI, and a
lot of those great people working in the FBI,
Trump did not hesitate, saying they will tell you, I did a great service to our
country by firing James Comey.”
“I think James Comey has got a lot of
problems.” The president continued, “If you Trump went on to call the controversy “Spygate,” saying,
look at what at he did, if you look at all of
the lies — the tremendous lies — if you “We now call it ‘Spygate.’ You’re calling it
look at all that’s going on, I think James “Spygate.” A lot of bad things have
Comey has got a lot of problems.” happened.”


Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Trump noted an Inspector General report will be released

on Comey,

Exclusive: Bannon Says
Rosenstein Could Be Fired 'Very Shortly'
By Niall Stanage
05/23/18 06:00 AM EDT

President Trump’s former chief strategist Stephen Bannon “Martin Luther King would be proud of him
predicts that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — what he’s done for the black and
could be fired “very shortly,” in an interview that will be Hispanic community for jobs.”
broadcast Wednesday evening in the United Kingdom.
And Bannon blamed the media for boosting the profile of
the kind of white nationalist figures with whom the former
strategist has sometimes — wrongly, he insisted — been
said to harbor sympathy.
“These guys don’t exist unless you make
them a big deal,” Bannon told Maitlis. “First
off, they’re all cranks … [Richard] Spencer
and [David] Duke — these guys are cranks.
The only reason they exist is because
MSNBC and BBC is down there with a
camera, giving them a platform. If you cut
them off, nobody would ever hear from

Bannon said that Rosenstein Bannon’s remarks on Rosenstein and the Mueller probe
will be closely parsed because he and other Trump
loyalists have been reported, by The Washington Post
“either … is going to take the direct order of among others, to be pressing the president to adopt a more
the president of the United States or I think aggressive strategy.
Rosenstein will be fired.”
One of the most combative defenders of Trump has been
Bannon also said that the president should give evidence in
his attorney Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York
writing — but not in person — to special counsel Robert
City. But Giuliani has also caused consternation, even
Mueller. Bannon praised Mueller as an “honorable guy.”
among White House staff, with some of his television
The comments, which come amid increasing pressure on interviews.
Rosenstein from Trump and his allies, were made in a
“Rudy’s had some media hits that are
wide-ranging interview with the BBC's "Newsnight,"
better than others, right?” Bannon said in
which was conducted on Tuesday in Prague.
his BBC interview.
The Hill obtained an audio recording of the unedited
But he went on to confirm long-standing rumors that
interview between Bannon and the BBC's Emily Maitlis.
Trump had once been interested in appointing Giuliani to
The hourlong conversation saw the strategist and former be attorney general.
Breitbart executive stepping back into the public spotlight
Bannon told Maitlis that Giuliani had declined the offer
— and stirring controversy again.
because he wanted to be secretary of State.
Bannon was exiled from Trump’s immediate orbit in
“Remember, Rudy was the guy that we first
January after he was quoted making several incendiary
went to to be attorney general before [Jeff]
comments in Michael Wolff’s best-selling book "Fire and
Sessions. … And Rudy turned us down,”
Fury: Inside the Trump White House." At the time,
Bannon said. "He says, ‘Hey it’s too much
Trump said that Bannon had "lost his mind."
for me, I don’t want to do it, I would want to
Bannon had departed from the White House before that. be Secretary of State.'”
He left the administration in August 2017, soon after John
But, Bannon added,
Kelly replaced Reince Priebus as chief of staff.
“Rudy is a wartime consigliere and I think
Pushing back on charges of racism leveled against Trump,
he’s exactly what the president needs.”
Bannon insisted that
Bannon was in the Czech capital to engage in a public conservatives that the loss of control of the lower chamber
debate with Lanny Davis, who served as special counsel to is increasingly likely.
President Clinton.
Bannon has long been a difficult figure to characterize: a
During his BBC interview, he also relitigated some old wealthy former Goldman Sachs banker who often blasts
arguments, in part blaming Trump's son-in-law Jared the “global elite”; a fervent Trump loyalist who lost favor
Kushner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R- after criticizing Trump family members in Wolff’s book;
Ky.) for the loss of a Republican Senate seat in Alabama and someone who mixes hard-line stances on issues such
last year. as immigration with the kind of pro-working class
economic arguments heard more often on the left.
According to Bannon, Kushner and McConnell were
among those who “went to Trump and convinced Trump” To “Newsnight,” he contended that one reason why non-
to back then-Sen. Luther Strange in the GOP primary. white Americans were underrepresented in Silicon Valley
Despite Trump’s endorsement, Strange lost the primary to and in other high-paying industries was because of lax
former state Chief Justice Roy Moore. immigration policies.
McConnell, Bannon complained, “Why in the hell should some kid in
Baltimore have to compete against a guy in
“would rather see a Democrat in the United
India?” he asked rhetorically.
States Senate. He would rather have
control of his caucus and not have a Roy At another point, he contended:
“Mass illegal immigration is a scam of the
Moore, backed by Bannon, was dogged by allegations of globalists. … Because it is there to
sexual assault and inappropriate sexual behavior with suppress the wages of the black and
teenage girls and young women. Hispanic working class by giving unlimited
competition on labor.”
Asked by Maitlis if he now accepted he had
backed “the wrong horse,” Bannon replied, He went on to say that it was “not right” to allow “this
“Absolutely not." unlimited immigration, illegal immigration, that comes up
from the southern border, that’s low skill. It’s just not. It
Despite that setback, Bannon remained bullish about the
destroys the education system, it destroys the health-care
GOP’s chances in November’s midterm elections.
Even though Trump continues to struggle with mediocre
Even as he insisted that “identity politics is a dead end for
poll ratings, Bannon said that the best way for Republicans
the Democratic Party,” he made a qualified defense of
to counter an energized Democratic base was to cast the
Trump’s deeply controversial comments in the wake of
midterms as a referendum on the president — and on his
violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.,
possible impeachment.
last year in which one woman was killed.
“To bring the base out, to bring the
Bannon called the neo-Nazis and Ku Klux Klan supporters
‘deplorables' out, you’re going to have a
who descended on Charlottesville “thugs” who were
proposition: It’s a national election,”
“looking for trouble.”
Bannon said. "Donald Trump is on the
ballot in every congressional district. You’re “But, however, the antifa guys are just as
not voting for a congressman versus bad,” he said. “They come fully loaded,
another congressman. You’re voting for they’re looking for a fight.”
Donald Trump versus Nancy Pelosi.
Bannon insisted that he had no political ambitions of his
Because the first thing that she’s going to
do is impeach him.”
“I am not a politician. I’m a street fighter …
Bannon predicted that Republicans would hold both the
I have no interest in being a politician,” he
Senate and the House, despite gathering gloom among
told Maitlis.

Pathetic. Mueller Begs Trump-Appointed Judge For
Indefinite Delay In Junk Russian Bot Case
By Cristina Laila
May 23, 2018, 6:26 Pm

On Tuesday, Robert Mueller begged a One of the Russian companies — Concord

federal judge to indefinitely delay his trial Management and Consulting — entered the
against Concord Management and U.S., hired American lawyers, and demanded a
Consulting. speedy trial. The Speedy Trial Act is a 44-year
old federal law that dictates that a federal
This is the second time Mueller has criminal case must begin within 70 days from
requested a delay in his junk Russian bot the date of the indictment.
The “complexity” of the case warrants excluding
Obviously Mueller rolled out the indictment the speedy trial law and delaying the trial,
of 13 Russians and 3 Russian companies as Mueller argued in Tuesday’s court filing.
a PR stunt and now it’s coming back to
haunt him. A “district court can, on its own motion or at the
request of a party, grant an excludable
continuance if ‘the ends of justice served by
taking such action outweigh the best interest of
the public and the defendant in a speedy trial,’”
Mueller wrote.

“This case also warrants a continuance and

exclusion of time to accommodate the
voluminous discovery at issue and to allow
sufficient time for the Court to resolve certain
outstanding procedural issues unique to
discovery in this case,” he continued.

Judge Dabney L. Friedrich, a Trump-appointee smacked Former Federal Prosecutor, Andrew McCarthy told the
down Mueller the first time he requested a delay. Daily Caller that it’s too late for Mueller to claim that the
complexity of the case warrants a delay.
Former US Attorney, Joe DiGenova said it best,
The federal judge has not yet ruled on Mueller’s second
request for a delay.
“They did it for one reason only. Mueller
needed something Russian–like dressing on
a salad to make his investigation look good Mueller is a pathetic man and a disgrace to this country.
so he indicted 13 people and corporations in
another country that he thought would never Another embarrassing development was watching
show up and BINGO one shows up and says Mueller’s team offer to give Concord Management’s
‘PROVE IT MOTHER.’ lawyers a massive amount of social media data from those
dangerous trolls who sought to influence the US election
The Daily Caller reported: and the majority of it is in RUSSIAN.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked a federal Mueller’s lawyers admitted that they don’t even have
judge Tuesday to reject the four-decade-old English translations for the Russian social media posts.
speedy trial law in the case against 13 Russians
and three Russian companies and has asked Concord Management’s lawyer’s previously said Mueller
for an indefinite delay to the Russian collusion indicted “the proverbial ham sandwich.”
The reason the Concord Management Mueller begging the judge for an indefinite delay is more
attorneys called the case a ‘proverbial ham proof he rolled out this indictment of Russians as a PR
sandwich’ was because one of the stunt to justify his witch hunt; his team is not prepared to
entities indicted by the Mueller try this case and it’s hilarious to watch as they struggle.
team, Concord Catering, was not in
existence at the time the crimes
were alleged to have taken place.

Kushner’s Lawyer: ‘There’s Nothing
That Merits Charges’ After Mueller Interview
Julia Nista - Associate Editor
6:27 PM 05/23/2018

Lowell said the terms

“witness or a subject or target of the

investigation” were in fact “words that you
guys in the media report and they make no
sense to people who are practicing
lawyers.” He added that simply doesn’t
“use those terms and never has.”
U.S. United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley (C) White House senior
adviser Jared Kushner (L) and Jason Greenblatt (R), U.S. President “Let me pin you down. Has he been told
Donald Trump's Middle East envoy wait for a meeting of the UN he’s not going be charged?” Blitzer asked.
Security Council at UN headquarters in New York, U.S., February
20, 2018. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson “Why would anybody ask that question?”
Lowell responded. “The Special Counsel
Abbe Lowell, lawyer for the president’s son-in-law, Jared nor any other prosecutors indicated that
Kushner, got heated Wednesday when CNN’s Wolf Blitzer they have any intention to believe that Mr.
asked about any potential charges that Kushner may be Kushner has done anything that would
facing following his interview with Special Counsel remotely merit being charged.”
Robert Mueller.
Lowell continued to sidestep the question of whether
Kushner was a target, subject, or witness, saying,

“Nobody has indicated they have any

intention of saying to him, you’ve done
something wrong that would merit any

Kushner is set to regain top security clearance, and has

been interviewed by Mueller about Russian interference in
the 2016 presidential campaign.

Mollie Hemingway: ‘Rarely
The Case’ When James Clapper Tells The Truth
By Randy Hall
May 23, 2018 6:55 PM EDT

While a guest during Wednesday morning's Fox & “He’s right,” the Fox & Friends co-host said
Friends, The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway slammed before asking Hemingway: “Where’s the
former Director of National Intelligence Director James coverage?”
Clapper by stating that it’s “rarely the case” when the
former director of national intelligence under Democratic Hemingway responded:
President Barack Obama tells the truth.
“We’re two years into a probe of
Hemingway made the comment when asked about supposedly treasonous collusion with
Clapper’s appearance on The View a day earlier, where he Russia. We have no evidence to support
said that President Donald Trump “should be happy” that that.”
the FBI was spying on his 2016 presidential campaign.
However, she added:

“We have learned, in that same period of

time -- through the dogged work of a few
investigators and a few journalists -- that
there are all sorts of problems with how the
DOJ handled that probe.”

Hemingway also stated:

This is a huge scandal, but because it goes

against that narrative that the media put
in place and really pumped for many
Co-host Steve Doocy began the morning segment by
years, I think there’s a reticence to
playing a clip of CNN commentator Carl Bernstein
investigate because it will make the media
look bad, as well as making some people in
the Department of Justice look bad.
“What the President did today is really to
abuse his authority, as he has been doing
Their opposition is not surprising, that they don’t want
to intervene in a legitimate investigation.”
sunlight on what happened, they don’t want transparency
Another video showed Clinton-era Deputy Assistant
Attorney General Harry Litman asserting that the Justice
“But you know,” Doocy noted, “you’ve
heard people on talk radio and read things
online where, to some people, it looks like
“is under a shelling from the White House. the fact that they’re not covering it is
It’s like London 1941 there.” because they’re trying to cover for the
Obama administration.”
Doocy then responded by stating that
“We don’t know all the details,” Hemingway
replied, “but it does seem that the Obama
“the media is in full-blown panic mode” administration behaved in a really
before reading a Twitter post from Trump: reckless fashion.”
“SPYGATE could be one of the biggest
scandals in history!” “Spying on an opposing party’s political
campaign is something that shouldn’t be
done without really good cause,” she
continued, “and we’re not seeing any
evidence that there was good cause or “If it’s true -- if what James Clapper is
anything approaching it, and the manner in saying is true, which is rarely the case,
which it was going about.” but if it were true that they were really just
spying on Russia and they were doing it
The senior editor also stated: through the Trump campaign, that’s
obviously problematic enough.”
“Obviously, the American people need to “But then there should be nothing to be
understand what happened, why it fearing about a really good investigation of
happened and make sure that it never what happened,” she continued.
happens again.” “They say they did nothing wrong?” the
“We should not criminalize political guest then asked. “Well then, let us see, let
differences,” she added, “and that’s a very us determine, let people who are
important thing in order to have a Justice independent make that determination that
Department-law enforcement-intelligence these intelligence chiefs have made.”
apparatus that people can take seriously
and trust.” Hemingway and her commentary would not be welcome
on CNN or MSNBC. Instead, they prefer comparing
Concerning Clapper, Hemingway ripped him: conservatives to Nazis. Is it any wonder why their
viewership keeps getting smaller?

Tom Fitton: Comey, Clapper, Brennan, The Rest Of Them
Face Civil And Criminal Liability For
Spying On Trump (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 6:59 Pm

Judicial Watch founder and chairman Tom Tom Fitton:

Fitton joined Lou Dobbs on Wednesday to
discuss the latest developments in the Remember Comey or Clapper were saying they
historic Democrat #Spygate scandal. were spying, or something like that, but it was
all done by the book. Which is kind of like what
Susan Rice wrote a few weeks after that
infamous Oval Office meeting with Barack
Obama where they were talking about using
that dossier and going after Trump with it… It
was spying but it was all by the book. So
everyone go back to sleep. That’s Comey’s

Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and the rest of

them face civil and criminal liability because
of this.

Democrats went from scoffing at the idea They’re going to have to account and there’s
that the Obama administration was spying got to be a process for getting them to account.
on the Trump campaign to praising the
spies inside the Trump Campaign in a two Via Lou Dobbs Tonight:
day period.

Judge's Ruling That Trump Can't Block Twitter Trolls
Could Be A Huge Win For Right-Wingers
Chris Menahan - Informationliberation
May. 23, 2018

communicate news and information to the

public, and members of the public use the
reply function to respond to the president
and his aides and exchange views with one
another," the lawsuit said.

Justice Department lawyers countered that Trump was

within his rights to block certain people in the same way
he can ignore certain people in a crowd.

But Buchwald rejected that argument,

saying the President's Twitter feed
amounted to a public forum and he can't
A liberal federal judge's ruling against President Donald cut off those with divergent views.
Trump in favor of liberal Twitter trolls could be a major
win for right-wingers who've been censored and banned "The viewpoint-based exclusion of the
from social media. individual plaintiffs from that designated
public forum is proscribed by the First
From NY Daily News, Amendment," wrote Buchwald, who was
appointed by President Clinton.
"Trump can no longer block users on
Twitter as judge declares his feed a public This is what right-wingers like Chuck Johnson and Jared
forum": Taylor who are suing Twitter for banning them over their
political views have been arguing for months.
President Trump can't block Twitter users
from viewing his prolific feed, a federal
judge ruled Wednesday.

Manhattan Federal Court Judge Naomi

Buchwald ruled that Trump's Twitter
account, @realDonaldTrump, is a
"designated public forum" and
protected by the First Amendment.

But the judge stopped short of ordering

Trump to unblock his critics, saying she
did not want to "enter that legal thicket."
While liberals are cheering this ruling thinking they pulled
[...]The first-of-its-kind suit, filed last July by a group of one over on "Drumpf," ruling these heavily censored social
Trump critics blocked from reading his tweets, claimed media sites are designated public forums and must respect
that the President was violating the First Amendment by the First Amendment is what everyone on the right with a
taking such action because they expressed views he didn't brain has been pushing for months.
Here's the judge's full statement:
"The @realDonaldTrump account is a kind
of digital town hall in which the president MEMORANDUM AND ORDER:
and his aides use the tweet function to
Granting in part and denying in part 34
Motion for Summary Judgment; granting in
part and denying in part 42 Motion for
Summary Judgment. We conclude that we
have jurisdiction to entertain this dispute.
Plaintiffs have established legal injuries
that are traceable to the conduct of the
President and Daniel Scavino and, despite
defendants' suggestions to the contrary,
their injuries are redressable by a favorable
judicial declaration. Plaintiffs lack standing,
however, to sue Sarah Huckabee Sanders,
who is dismissed as a defendant. Hope
Hicks is also dismissed as a defendant, in
light of her resignation as White House
Communications Director.

Turning to the merits of plaintiffs' First

Amendment claim, we hold that the
speech in which they seek to engage is
protected by the First Amendment and
that the President and Scavino exert
governmental control over certain
aspects of the @realDonaldTrump
account, including the interactive space
of the tweets sent from the account.
That interactive space is susceptible to
analysis under the Supreme Court's
forum doctrines, and is properly
characterized as a designated public
forum. The viewpoint-based exclusion
of the individual plaintiffs from that
designated public forum is proscribed
by the First Amendment and cannot be
justified by the President's personal
First Amendment interests.

In sum, defendants' motion for summary

judgment is granted in part and denied in
part, and plaintiffs' cross-motion for
summary judgment is granted in part and
denied in part. The Clerk of the Court is
directed to terminate the motions pending
at docket entries 34 and 42. SO

(Signed by Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald on 5/23/2018)

(ama) (Entered: 05/23/2018)


BOOM! Former Trump Campaign Aide: I Told Mueller
Team About Informant Approaching Me And THEY
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 7:25 Pm

Now this…
Former Trump campaign aide Michael
aputo dropped a bomb on the Ingraham Wednesday night on Tucker Carlson Tonight
Angle Monday night. Michael Caputo told Tucker that he told the
Mueller Team about the informant who
Caputo told Ingraham: approached him during the 2016 election.

“I was approached by a SECOND government Michael Caputo says the Mueller team of 13
informant.” Angry Democrats didn’t even take notes!

Michael Caputo said he’s waiting for clearance from his They weren’t interested!
attorney before he offers more details.
Michael Caputo:
On Tuesday Michael Caputo joined Neil
Cavuto on FOX News. I gave the information to the House Intelligence
Committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee
Caputo told Neil a SECOND FEDERAL and the Mueller invetigators, when I sat with
AGENCY offered to give him HILLARY them two weeks ago, three weeks ago, and
CLINTON EMAILS! they didn’t seem in the least bit interested…
The investigators weren’t interested. They
The informant was from the NSA. didn’t even take notes.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

Lying Left-Wing Media In Total PANIC As Deep State
Conspiracy Against Trump Unravels
By Mike Adams

Now, the entire house of cards is unraveling by the day,

and the complicit left-wing media — which is really just
the propaganda wing of an organized crime operation
known as “the Democratic party” — is in a complete

That’s because several left-wing operatives who are

pretending to be “journalists” are likely going to be
indicted for treason. And many deep state actors — such as
John Brennan and possibly even Obama himself — are
going down with them.
The lying left-wing media is in a total panic over the
collapse of the Russia collusion narrative. Even worse (for Here, I’m posting three podcasts that bring you a wealth of
them), the media has been complicit in the conspiracy to details on this exploding story: the most outrageous
overthrow the election and fraudulently frame President political scandal in the history of our nation. (No
Trump for totally made-up “crimes” that never happened. wonder the lying left-wing media is desperately trying to
pretend this isn’t happening…)

FBI Source: Special Agent At Mike Flynn Interrogation Is
Ready To Testify — Says “It Was All Comey”
By Cristina Laila
May 23, 2018, 7:29 Pm

As previously reported, Special Agent, Joe Chairman Grassley is demanding answers

Pientka, who was present during the from the FBI and DOJ by this Friday the
interrogation of General Flynn is ready to 25th.
testify against Comey, McCabe and Strzok.
In the last paragraph of Grassley’s letter, he
On Wednesday, an FBI source told One requests Special Agent Joe Pientka be available for a
American News reporter, Jack Posobiec that transcribed interview with Committee staff.
the agent Pientka says “it was all Comey.”
Investigative reporter, Sara Carter stated a couple weeks
ago that according to numerous law enforcement
sources, neither Strzok or Pientka believed Flynn was lying
during their interview with him, as reported.

Special Agent Joe Pientka and another

“non-partisan” law enforcement officer
were present in the Flynn interview per
Sara Carter’s sources.

The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft previously

reported this bombshell:

Legal expert, attorney and former special investigator, Joe

DiGenova, believes that Pientka may be a good cop based
On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman on his actions related to the General Flynn case (see video
Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent a letter to FBI Director below at the 6:00 mark) –
Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating
Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General Flynn lied. Chairman Grassley quite properly wants to see the
Grassley also revealed underlying 302 forms of the FBI agents who did the
interview, the ambush interview of Flynn, at the White
Joe Pientka was the second FBI agent who House during the transition period rather shortly after the
joined Peter Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in inauguration.
an ambush style interview to take down
General Flynn. It’s pretty obvious that Comey and McCabe
got together and decided they wanted to
Grassley demanded the FBI and DOJ produce the frame Flynn because they believed, they
transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian believed, believe it or not, that he was a
Ambassador Kislyak and the related 302’s by May 25th. danger to the Constitution, not them.
(302’s are reports FBI agents take to summarize an
interview with a subject.) He was a danger, when all he was doing was
communicating with people that he had a legitimate right
The recently unredacted portion of the House Intel to communicate with, both as a candidate Foreign Policy
report revealed Comey testified to House Intel members Advisor, and as the National Security Advisor Designate,
the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any and as a National Security Advisor.
deception. The report also revealed the illegal leak of
Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak is what allowed the So Grassley wants to see the notes of these people and he
FBI/DOJ to keep a counterintel operation open on General wants to interview the one agent who was there who was
Flynn. very, very, very serious about how Flynn did not deceive.
That agent that he wants to interview is the Comey is sweating bullets as his crimes bubble up to the
agent who went to the Inspector General surface.
and complained about the conduct of Strzok
and McCabe. On Wednesday morning, the fired FBI Director lashed out
on his Twitter account defending #Spygate:
Now this…

Posobiec tweeted:

SCOOP: FBI Source tells @OANN: FBI Agent

Joe Pientka who interviewed General Flynn
plans to testify against Comey and McCabe,
adds “It was all Comey”

Jack Posobiec followed up with:

Joe Digenova: Comey, Clapper, And Brennan Are
Psychotics And Can’t Stop Lying (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 8:19 Pm

Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova joined

Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night to
discuss the latest developments in the
historic Spygate Scandal.

Democrats and the liberal media went from

scoffing at the idea that the Obama
administration was spying on the Trump
campaign to praising the spies inside the
Trump Campaign in a two day period.

Joe DiGenova went off on the crooks on


If they were not spying on the Trump campaign

why not just tell the Trump people the Russians
are coming after you, be careful. Because that’s
not what they’re doing. They were spying on the
Trump Campaign… Comey and Clapper and
Brennan are a group of psychotics who now
can’t stop lying.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight:

The Crossfire Hurricane has switched directions and the

deep states hacks are spinning like crazy.

FBI Informant Stefan Halper Accused Of Making ‘False’
And ‘Absurd’ Allegations About Russian
Infiltration At Cambridge
Chuck Ross - Reporter
8:53 PM 05/23/2018

Former U.S. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn departs after a

plea hearing at U.S. District Court, in Washington, U.S., December 1,
 FBI informant Stefan Halper said Russians infiltrated 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts
the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar
 He flagged interactions between a Russian researcher Meanwhile, Halper made contact with Trump campaign
and Mike Flynn advisers Carter Page, George Papadpoulos and Sam Clovis
 People involved called Halper’s claims “false” and during the campaign to gather intelligence about their
“absurd” involvement with Russia.

The FBI informant who made contact with members of the It was revealed Friday that Halper, a veteran of three
Trump campaign has made allegations of Russian spy Republican administrations, was a longtime CIA and FBI
infiltration at the University of Cambridge that people source who provided information that has been used in the
involved in the matters have called “false” and “absurd.” FBI and special counsel’s investigation of possible
collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.
A Russian academic who worked at Cambridge with the
informant, Stefan Halper, said he made “false allegations” It remains unclear what information Halper provided his
about her interactions with former national security adviser FBI and CIA handlers about the campaign. He met with
Michael Flynn at an event the Cambridge Intelligence Page numerous times over the course of 14 months
Seminar (CIS) hosted in February 2014. through September 2017. He and Papadopoulos met
several times in mid-September 2016. Halper and Clovis
Halper’s claim in December 2016 that Russians infiltrated met once on Sept. 1, 2016 to discuss their mutual interest
CIS has also been called “absurd” by Christopher Andrew, in foreign policy towards China.
the official historian for MI5 and head of CIS, the
Financial Times reported. Halper also asked Peter Navarro, the White House’s top
trade adviser, to submit his name for consideration for an
Halper told the Financial Times that he was resigning from ambassadorship in the Trump administration.
CIS because of “unacceptable Russian influence on the
group.” The evidence of Russian penetration was scant, “SPYGATE,” is what President Trump has
with news reports citing a nearly $2,700 contribution to called the FBI and CIA’s Halper operation.
CIS from a Russia-based company called Veruscript.
A historian and Russian intelligence researcher at
Cambridge, Svetlana Lokhova, told TheDCNF that Halper
is behind allegations made about her and Flynn during the
retired general’s visit to Cambridge in 2014, when he Defense Intelligence Agency about his contacts with a
served as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Russian national, according to The Journal’s news story.

“Stef Halper, who is currently under The agency’s liaison in London, Dan O’Brien, dismissed
[Department of Justice] investigation for his the idea that Flynn should have reported his contact with
activities, has been revealed by [The New Lokhova. O’Brien, who attended the February 2014
York Times] as the source of the false dinner, said “nothing rose to the level” of requiring such a
allegations about me and General Flynn,” disclosure.
said Lokhova, who was born in Russia and
has British citizenship. According to The Journal, Flynn sat next to Lokhova at the
CIS dinner. At one point, she showed Flynn an “erotic
Halper is not himself under a Justice Department postcard” from 1912 of a young woman with Joseph
investigation. Instead, the agency ordered the Office of the Stalin. Flynn also mentioned hiring Lokhova as his
Inspector General to investigate the FBI’s use of Halper as translator for a trip to Russia he planned to make. He and
a confidential informant to make contact with Trump Lokhova remained in email contact for a short time after
campaign advisers. the Cambridge event.

The New York Times reported Friday that Halper was the There was no evidence presented that Flynn or Lokhova
first to raise concerns about interactions Flynn had with did anything wrong other than arouse suspicions from a
Lokhova at a dinner for CIS, a forum for former dinner attendee now known to be Halper.
intelligence officials.
Lokhova declined Tuesday to comment about Halper
According to NYT, Halper, who was not beyond her short statement. But she referred back to an
identified by name in the report, “was interview she gave to the BBC on May 12, 2017 in which
alarmed by the general’s apparent she denied allegations that she was a Kremlin agent or a
closeness with a Russian woman who was “honey pot,” a spy term used to describe a woman used to
also in attendance.” Halper’s complaints seduce a target in order to gather intelligence.
prompted a person close to him “to pass on
a warning to the American authorities that “In Britain, I am now being accused of
Mr. Flynn could be compromised by being a Russian spy. In Russia, some think
Russian intelligence.” I am a British spy. And I am
neither,” Lokhova told BBC. “I am just a
But Lokhova said Halper’s assessment of her interaction historian who writes about an area that has
with Flynn was inaccurate. become incredibly politicized.”
“I felt betrayed that suddenly I had been
She also suggested on Twitter that Halper was a source for turned on in such a horrible way for …
journalists who investigated stories about her interactions attending a dinner to help Western
with Flynn. Her Twitter post linked to a March 18, 2017 intelligence services understand Russia
article published by The Wall Street Journal, which made better,” she continued.
the first allegations about Flynn’s encounter with Lokhova.
Other Cambridge academics appear not to have shared
TheDCNF has also confirmed that Washington Post Halper’s concerns about Lokhova.
columnist David Ignatius looked into the allegations but
did not run a story. On Wednesday, Ignatius published a
Lokhova, who is the author of the forthcoming book, “The
column defending Halper as a “middleman” in a justified
Spy Who Changed History,” presented research at CIS
investigation of the Trump campaign.
on Friday. Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6
and close colleague of Halper’s, is listed as a convener of
The Journal story touched off widespread speculation the event.
about Flynn and Lokhova. Lokhova has said that she was
widely accused of being a Russian agent and of attempting
Halper could not be reached for comment. The Cambridge
to trap Flynn in a “honey pot” scheme.
Security Initiative also did not respond to a request for
Flynn’s interactions with Lokhova were reported to
American authorities and Flynn should have notified the

Democrats Attempt To Block Nunes And Gowdy From
Viewing Unredacted Documents On FBI
Spying On Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 8:56 Pm

House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and Oversight The two GOP leaders will meet with FBI Director Chris
Chairman Trey Gowdy will meet with senior Justice Wray, National Intelligence Dan Coats and Principal
Department, FBI and intelligence officials on Thursday. Associate Deputy Attorney General Edward O’Callaghan.

Nunes demanded the Justice Department hand over the

unredacted memo outlining the scope of Special Counsel
Robert Mueller’s authority and the name of the FBI secret
informant inside Trump’s campaign in 2016.

Democrat (and leaker) Adam Schiff attacked Nunes for not

allowing Democrats into the meeting.

Democratic leader Chuck Schumer called the meeting

totally inappropriate.

FINALLY! After Most Major Conservative Sites
Are Completely Throttled By Facebook —
GOP Leaders Speak Out (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 9:27 Am

Since January 2017 top conservative voices on Facebook

and social media have been targeted and silenced by tech
giants Google, Facebook and Twitter.

On Thursday RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and

President Trump’s 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale
wrote Facebook and Twitter and demanded answers on
targeting of conservative publishers.

Here is a copy of the GOP letter sent to

Facebook and Twitter.

Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook Headquarters
1 Hacker Way
Menlo Park, CA 94025

McDaniel and Parscale joined FOX and Friends this morning. Jack Dorsey
Twitter, Inc.
legitimate fear. Brad and I hear it all the time as we’re San Francisco, CA 94103
traveling the country. People are very concerned that
conservative voices are going to be suppressed on social Dear Mr. Zuckerberg and Mr. Dorsey,
media. Of course, many of their users are conservatives
and so Brad and I feel preemptively, we have to get out We are writing on behalf of the Republican National
ahead of this, talk to Facebook, talk to Twitter, ask them Committee and President Donald Trump’s 2020 re-
for transparency, let us know what you’re going to do to election campaign to request information about efforts
make sure that every voice has a say on these social media by Facebook and Twitter to prevent political bias on
platforms especially before this critical midterm. the social media platforms.

BRAD PARSCALE: Well I mean, main thing about the Concerns have been raised in recent years about
letter is we’ve had so much incoming about Diamond and suppression of conservative speech on Facebook and
Silk being blocked, other conservative voices. Every day I Twitter, including censorship of conservative news
receive thousands of messages saying, “I’m being shadow- stories from news feeds and “trending” news sections.
banned.” And what we want to do in this letter is make We are alarmed by numerous allegations that
sure that we understand what’s happening. We want to ask Facebook has blocked content from conservative
them for transparency. I think the public deserves that journalists and groups, and Twitter has hidden such
transparency and we need to know that conservative voices content from conservative users’ followers.
have a chance to get their message out. This is a big
In 2016, former Facebook workers reported that they
manipulated the “trending” section to exclude news
tailored to conservative users, despite those topics
trending on their own. A former trending news curator
admitted in an interview that nearly all members of the As you conduct reviews to assess bias against
trending news teams identified as liberal – and had the conservative content, we ask for your assurances that
authority to approve topics. Moreover, some Facebook transparency, neutrality, and protection of all speech
employees in 2016 reportedly pushed to ban then- will be core tenets of Facebook and Twitter operations,
candidate Donald Trump’s Facebook posts and label now and in the future.
them as hate speech.
We ask for your response by June 18, 2018, and look
During congressional testimony, Facebook apologized forward to hearing from you.
for suppression of content from conservative bloggers
and personalities, notably “Diamond & Silk,” Sincerely,
entertainers who were deemed “unsafe to the
community” for no reason. In response to these
Ronna McDaniel
revelations, Facebook said it will use a new system
Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee
that ranks news organizations by level of user trust,
promoting the highly scored outlets on users’ news
feeds while suppressing those with lower scores. We Brad Parscale
are concerned about potential misuse of this system. Campaign Manager for President Trump’s 2020
Meanwhile, conservative Twitter users have accused
the company of unfairly targeting them, purging Most top conservative publishers have
thousands of their followers in an attempt to stem already seen their traffic eliminated or
“fake news” content, and unnecessarily prompting severely diminished on Facebook and
them to confirm their identity. Twitter claims its tools Twitter.
are free from political bias, but has allegedly targeted
predominantly Republicans as part of a “shadow As our loyal readers know — The
banning” practice, which covertly limits those Gateway Pundit has been speaking
accounts’ visibility on the platform. about about the elimination of
conservative content on Facebook for
We recognize that Facebook and Twitter operate in over a year now.
liberal corporate cultures. However, rampant political
bias is inappropriate for a widely used public forum. In 2016 conservative Americans rejected
What’s more, the consequences to our democratic
the far left and corrupt mainstream
society are profound. This is why special attention is
necessary to address issues such as Facebook’s use media and fled to the internet for their
of liberal organizations to fact-check content, the information.
access to user profiles it gives to some employees, In 2016 The Gateway Pundit was one of
and Twitter’s manipulation of content that appears for the few conservative sites that
the site’s users. supported candidate Trump – along with
Breitbart, The Drudge Report, Infowars,
It has also come to our attention that Facebook is Zero Hedge and Conservative
working with a third party to encourage voter Treehouse.
registration. Though we agree that this is an admirable
task in theory, we ask for transparency over how We were and still are proud of our efforts to report the
Facebook determines who sees these advertisements truth that led to Trump’s historic win.
in their news feeds. This is to make sure that the new
feature does not become essentially an in-kind
In 2017 Harvard and Columbia Journalism
contribution to liberal candidates.
Review found that The Gateway Pundit
was the 4th most influential conservative
Since Facebook and Twitter are platforms used widely news source in the 2016 election among
by the majority of voters, we request an explanation conservative publishers.
about how you will ensure all content is managed
equally and fairly. How will you safeguard voters’
access to fair content on your platform? How will you
guarantee that conservative voices are no longer
censored, and conservative news no longer buried or
otherwise hidden?

Young Cons, Western Journalism,, Independent Journal
Review, Right Wing News, and several
others have seen dramatic loss in

The Gateway Pundit does not rely on Facebook for our

traffic numbers but Facebook is a significant part of every
major publication’s strategy today.

Still, we saw a significant drop in

Facebook traffic since the beginning of
the year– And in March Facebook shut
down our traffic stream from the social
media platform.
Our Facebook traffic went from 33% of
our total traffic to 3% of our total traffic
since the beginning of 2018.
This is corrupt, if not criminal, behavior.
Because of this we were targeted and
have seen our numbers related to Meanwhile, liberal sites are doing fine.
Facebook and Twitter decline
dramatically. A recent report by Outline organization confirmed the
Tech Giants Google and Facebook are conservative publishers were hit the hardest by the recent
currently purging conservative content Facebook news feed changes.
from Facebook and YouTube — They
are hiding conservative stories on The study also found the The
Google — They are shadow-banning Gateway Pundit was hit the
conservative news on all social media. hardest by these changes.

In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure Via The Outline:

that conservative news would not spread on the social
media platform. Facebook’s January 12 announcement that
it would begin to de-prioritize news
This was after Facebook announced it publishers and their posts in users’ News
was losing 50,000,000 user hours a day Feeds has had a surprisingly profound and
in the previous quarter. partisan impact. According to The Outline’s
analysis of Facebook engagement data
obtained from research tool BuzzSumo,
The algorithm change caused President Donald Trump’s
conservative and right-wing publishers
engagement on Facebook posts to plummet a whopping
(such as Breitbart, Fox News, and Gateway
Pundit) were hit the hardest in the weeks
following the announcement, with
In contrast, Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Facebook engagement totals for February
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) do not appear to have suffered a dropping as much as 55 percent for some,
comparable decline in Facebook engagement. while the engagement numbers of most
predominantly liberal publishers remained
Top conservative Facebook unaffected…
pages with daily traffic in …The Outline drew these conclusions after
the millions have seen 75% analyzing the Facebook engagement data
to 95% drop in traffic. of 20 publishers from March 5, 2017 to
February 28, 2018.
This is how Democrats fight back — Not
with better ideas but with smash-mouth The Gateway Pundit published a report
fascist tactics to ruin any threats to their in April that shows how top
total dominance. conservative publishers have been

targeted and their content eliminated on In March Facebook shut down our
Facebook. content. You cannot even share a
Gateway Pundit story without getting a
The Gateway Pundit report have over
warning now.
And this is after we spent tens of
In March Facebook shut down our
thousands of dollars advertising on
content. You cannot even share a
Gateway Pundit story without getting a
warning now. We are not alone.
And this is after we spent tens of
thousands of dollars advertising on It may be too late for the GOP — They should have acted
Facebook. sooner.

We are not alone. Facebook Conservative Blacklist With Traffic Graphics–

UPDATED by Jim Hoft on Scribd can be seen on next
It may be too late for the GOP — They should have acted page.

North Korea Slams Pence,
Threatens To Scrap Trump-Kim Summit
Ryan Pickrell - China/Asia Pacific Reporter
9:32 PM 05/23/2018

comparisons between North Korea — a nuclear-armed

state with the ability to strike the U.S. — and Libya, a
country that abandoned its nuclear weapons program early
on in the development process. Libya’s vulnerable
leadership was then overthrown and brutally executed by
Speaking to reporters on May 17, the president threatened
Kim with the Libya model.
North Korea is once again lashing out at senior Trump “That model would take place if we don’t
administration officials; this time, it appears Vice make a deal most likely. But if we make a
President Mike Pence is the one in the rogue regime’s deal, I think Kim Jong un is going to be
sights. very, very happy,” Trump said, laying out
both the carrot and the stick
After President Donald Trump threatened North Korean
leader Kim Jong Un with violent regime change “We can also make the U.S. taste an
reminiscent of the horrific fate that befell Libya’s appalling tragedy it has neither
Muammar Gaddafi should he fail to make a nuclear deal, experienced nor even imagined up to now,”
the vice president doubled down Monday in an interview Choe explained in his statement, without
with Fox News. elaborating.
“As the president made clear,” Pence Interestingly, North Korean officials have not attacked
explained, “This will only end like the Libya Trump the way they have other administration officials.
model ended if Kim Jong Un doesn’t make They have, however, threatened to cancel the Trump-Kim
a deal.” summit.
“As a person involved in the U.S. affairs, I “In case the U.S. offends against our
cannot suppress my surprise at such goodwill and clings to unlawful and
ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out outrageous acts, I will put forward a
from the mouth of the U.S. vice- suggestion to our supreme leadership for
president,” Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs reconsidering the DPRK-U.S. summit,”
Choe Son Hui said in a statement carried Choe said Thursday. “We will neither beg
by North Korean state media Thursday. the U.S. for dialogue nor take the trouble to
persuade them if they do not want to sit
“If he is vice president of ‘single together with us. Whether the U.S. will
superpower’ as is in name, it will be proper meet us at a meeting room or encounter us
for him to know even a little bit about the at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely
current state of global affairs and to sense dependent upon the decision … of the
to a certain degree the trends in dialogue U.S.”
and the climate of detente,” he added. “We
could surmise more than enough what a After weeks of increasingly peaceful rhetoric, North Korea
political dummy he is as he is trying to suddenly changed its tone last week, criticizing Trump’s
compare the DPRK, a nuclear weapon administration for certain statements — particularly those
state, to Libya that had simply installed a comparing the North to Libya. Since that time, tensions
few items of equipment and fiddled around have been steadily rising between Washington and
with them.” Pyongyang, with both sides casting uncertainty over the
future of the upcoming summit.
Both White House National Security Adviser John Bolton
and Pence have made references to the so-called Libya There is a “substantial chance” the meeting may not occur,
model, infuriating North Korea. Pyongyang objects to the president said Tuesday.
Flashback: Barack Obama Tells Stockholm Audience
“We Do Not Surveil Our Own People” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 9:48 Pm

President Barack Obama traveled to Stockholm, Sweden Via The Ingraham Angle:
before the G20 meeting in St. Petersburg back in
September 2013.

Obama told the Swedish crowd he does not spy on


Barack Obama:

What I can say with confidence is that when it

comes to our domestic operations, concerns
that people have back home in the United
States of America, that we do not surveil the
American people or persons within the United
States. That there are a lot of checks and
balances in place designed to avoid a
surveillance state.

'Outrageous Abuse Of Our Intelligence Agencies':
Ingraham Blasts Clapper For Trump Spy 'Lie'
As Seen On The Ingraham Angle
May 23, 2018 – 10:27pm

In her Angle commentary, Laura Ingraham ripped Obama- "No sir, not wittingly," Clapper said.
era Director of National Intelligence James Clapper for
purportedly lying about surveilling members of the Trump Ingraham said that exchange was contradicted by Clapper's
presidential campaign. interview on "The View" where he appeared to admit to
surveilling Trump associates.

"It's amazing to me that Clapper continues

to go on national TV and... denies what we
know to be true," she said.

She called Clapper's actions, and reports a federal spy was

placed inside the Trump campaign, an

"outrageous abuse of our intelligence and

law enforcement agencies."

Ingraham said the Obama administration likely knew about

Ingraham said a key exchange involving Clapper occurred the allegations involving Trump, and were
in 2013 under oath before Congress.
"desperate to wrap up the Hillary [email]
Oregon Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden asked Clapper if his probe" in order to "collect dirt on Trump."
agency collected or retained information of private
citizens, to which Clapper answered in the negative.

Sedition: Former Attorney General Eric Holder Urges DOJ
Employees To Defy Trump Administration
By Jim Hoft
May 23, 2018, 11:00 Pm

Holder joined James Clapper, James Comey

and John Brennan as the latest Obama
official to freak out over the spygate

Via The Washington Times:

Former Attorney General Eric Holder publicly

urged his former employees at the Justice
Department to defy President Trump’s request
for transparency and public disclosures of
information related to the unprecedented spy
operation launched in 2016 against the Trump
Former Attorney General Eric ‘Fast and Furious’ Holder
Holder’s insistence that the DOJ and FBI
lashed out at Trump on Monday after the President called
“protect the institutions” rather than carry out
on the DOJ to investigate the FBI’s infiltration of his 2016
their constitutional duties and protect the
constitution, the document they actually swear
to protect when entering their federal positions
is telling and rather frightening.

If one ever searched for a “deep state” smoking gun it

appears Holder has offered it up. Protect the “Institution”
of the Justice Department at the expense of the US
Constitution. Defy the President’s orders for the sake of
the governmental apparatus.

Intelligence expert Tony Shaffer calls this

sedition — and he’s right!

Holder followed that up with a tweet urging

Department of Justice employees to defy the
Trump administration.

After 17 Indictments And Five Guilty Pleas, We KNOW
The Kremlin Interfered With The 2016 Election
Jennifer Horn - Former Chairman, New Hampshire Republican Party
2:24 AM 05/24/2018

law two decades later. Echoing the man in the White

House, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson consistently decries the
Mueller investigation as a “partisan witch hunt,” claiming
it is “designed to topple a president.”

If Mueller is indeed a “partisan” Democrat, then he’s done

a remarkable job of hiding it. A longtime Republican,
Mueller led the Justice Department’s criminal division
under President George H.W. Bush and served as Director
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation under his son,
President George W. Bush. He has never once criticized
Mueller time Shutterstock/Michael F Hiatt President Trump on the record.

We recently marked the one-year anniversary of special Pro-Trump Republicans should be ashamed of themselves
counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged for slandering an honest man and smearing his
Russian collusion—an investigation that has yielded 17 investigation to score cheap political points. For decades,
indictments, five guilty pleas, and constant headaches for the Republican Party has stood for the rule of law,
Donald Trump’s presidential administration. cognizant of the need to hold our elected officials to a
higher standard of accountability. It is one of the reasons
President Trump commemorated the occasion as only he why I myself am a Republican.
could, with another angry, misleading tweet intended to
rile up his base, denouncing the Russia investigation as a Regardless of whether the Trump campaign actually
“witch hunt.” colluded with the Russian government, the investigation
must run its course. After 17 indictments and five guilty
In an attempt to delegitimize the Mueller probe, the pleas, we know that the Kremlin interfered with the 2016
president has tweeted about a “witch hunt” 39 times since election. The special counsel must be given as much time
it began. His supporters, meanwhile, continue to levy as necessary to determine if and to what degree the Trump
personal attacks against Mueller to erode the special campaign may have been involved.
counsel’s longstanding support among Republicans.
Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway recently Republicans have always pursued the truth. After the 2012
appeared on Fox and Friends with a clear threat: Benghazi attack that cost four American lives, Republicans
demanded an investigation into then-Secretary of State
“I think those who have been digging and Hillary Clinton’s role in our failure to defend the U.S.
conjecturing for over a year should be embassy. As Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) put it:
careful what they wish for.”
“I remain convinced our fellow citizens
Pro-Trump journalist Sara Carter made the ludicrous deserve all of the facts of what happened
accusation that Mueller protected Mafia informant Whitey before, during, and after the attacks in
Bulger while serving as a federal prosecutor in Boston Benghazi and they deserve an investigative
during the 1980s. She then shared the unfounded process worthy of the memory of those
allegations with Sean Hannity. Adam Gingrich, who who died and worthy of the trust of our
worked for the Trump campaign in Pennsylvania, fellow citizens.”
introduced the Twitter hashtags #RiseUp and
#FireMueller. And he got one:

The conservative media — a constant thorn in President The Benghazi investigation lasted two
Bill Clinton’s side during Ken Starr’s investigation in the years and cost more than $7 million.
1990s — has been all too willing to undermine the rule of
When Clinton’s 2016 email scandal suggested gross The rule of law is the rule of law. It holds no blind
negligence on her part, Republicans again demanded the allegiance to party. Our public servants must uphold the
truth. At a rally in my home state, then-candidate Donald rule of law universally with an unyielding dedication to
Trump claimed Clinton’s “corruption is on a scale we have discovering the truth, not to protecting their fellow
never seen before,” describing her mishandling of 33,000 Republicans or Democrats.
emails as “bigger than Watergate.” Even now, House
Republicans continue to probe Clinton’s use of a private In fact, it is because a Republican is at the center of this
email server for State Department business years ago. probe that it is incumbent upon Republicans to protect the
integrity of the investigation.
Surely the integrity of American elections is worthy of a
tireless pursuit of the truth. Democrats abandoned the moral high ground long ago.
America cannot afford to have Republicans follow suit.

FBI Had No ‘Clear Criminal
Predicate’ For Trump Campaign Snoops
Retired Special Agent James Wedick Warned That The Bureau's Placing An
Informant In The President's 2016 Staff Was A Blatant Violation
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 24 May 2018 At 6:22 AM

But Obama-era intelligence officials such as former FBI

Director James Comey, former CIA Director John
Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence
(DNI) James Clapper blasted Trump for demanding
accountability and transparency while claiming any spying
was done for national security purposes.

The New York Times reported deep in a May 17 story that

the FBI placed an “informant” inside Trump’s campaign
Spying on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign for
who “met several times with Mr. [Carter] Page and
“national security” purposes would not provide the “clear
[George] Papadopoulos,” two of Trump’s former low-level
criminal predicate” required to authorize such surveillance,
campaign advisers.
retired FBI Special Agent James Wedick said Wednesday
on “The Ingraham Angle.”

“You need to know that the guidelines say:

If you’re going to use an informant to
infiltrate a political organization, you need a
clear criminal predicate,” Wedick (pictured
above right) told Fox News host Laura
Ingraham. “National security is not a
criminal predicate.”

Wedick’s comment points to the most basic mystery of the

“Spygate” scandal — What was the original justification
Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI officials used to
justify spying on multiple Trump campaign staffers? Senate Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs Chairman Ron Johnson (R-Wis.)
Former U.S. Secret Service agent Dan Bongino told told Ingraham,
Ingraham that “the biggest open question” in this entire
Trump campaign surveillance controversy is, "It doesn't take much of an imagination to
look at this and say, 'This is a setup,'"
“What was the genesis moment in this against the Trump campaign.
campaign? What’s point zero?”
"And again, when you see the [Obama]
“Nobody can seem to explain that,” White House is running this, 'POTUS wants
Bongino said. to know everything we're doing,' you have
to start putting two and two together," said
Trump demanded Sunday that the Department of Justice Johnson (pictured above left), referring to
investigate whether the Obama administration “infiltrated anti-Trump text messages exchanged
or surveilled” his presidential campaign for “political between FBI agent Peter Strzok and former
purposes” after multiple media reports last week claimed it FBI lawyer Lisa Page.
had been. The task was promptly added to the already
lengthy to-do list of the DOJ inspector general, Michael Strzok was temporarily one of special counsel Robert
Horowitz. Mueller's top investigators in the Trump-Russia probe

before being removed after thousands of such biased texts accept transparency and accountability and the
became public. increasingly troubling revelations that have trickled out.

Ingraham slammed the "ever-expanding "Think about the [Trump-Russia] dossier.

surveillance state" in the U.S. as a "threat We first hear about the dossier, it's kind of
to our freedom," saying that "some" within fishy, then we find out later it was funded
these government agencies "think that they by the Clinton campaign," York said. "Then
are omnipotent and above the law." we find out later the FBI actually wanted to
hire the author of the dossier to continue
"They are not," Ingraham said. "We the
the work during the campaign. Then we
people and our elected officials should not
be endlessly trailed and treated like find out it was used to get a wiretap warrant
for Carter Page."
dangers to the state. And we certainly
should not be spied upon for political "We just find out more and more and all the
reasons." time, every step of the way the FBI and the
Justice Department are dragging their feet
Fox News contributor Byron York, the chief political and resisting efforts to find out those things
correspondent for the Washington Examiner, noted that I just mentioned," York warned. "The same
there's a pattern between the DOJ's and FBI's refusal to thing is happening now."

THE LIST: At Least 6 And Potentially 7
Known And Suspected Intelligence Informants Now
Known To Have Spied On Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 7:51 Am

Sperry’s list includes US and foreign

agents as well.

Christopher Steel

We’ve known for over a year that the Clinton campaign

and the FBI worked with former UK MI6 spy Christopher
Steele, who authored a dossier of salacious statements
about President Trump. Steele was reportedly paid by
As the Russia meddling into the 2016 Fusion GPS for the document.
US election unwinds, the meddling by
the Obama Administration’s CIA and Steele was paid $168,000 by Glenn Simpson’s company
FBI, is becoming surprisingly more and Fusion GPS for the series of memos containing
more clear. information that was selectively briefed to journalists
approved by Simpson and used by the FBI.
Internet sleuth, former D.C. Bureau Chief for Investors
Business Daily, author and Hoover Institution Media The Steele dossier was never verified and is suspected of
Fellow, Paul Sperry, tweeted a list of 6 or 7 individuals being a total fiction. This act alone by a spy from the UK
that worked for or were suspected of working for the is troubling enough, but that is not it.
FBI/CIA and who were involved in spying on President
Trump. Joseph Mifsud

Sperry tweeted – George Papadopoulos, the lower level campaign worker

for the Trump campaign, appears to have been targeted by
three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S.
Intelligence: Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan

Mifsud and Papadopoulos obtained positions at an

organization named the Centre for International Energy
and Natural Resources Law & Security. Papadopoulos was
a ‘nobody’ and the Centre sketchy at best.

Mifsud vanished in early November

2017, shortly after Papadopoulos
was in the news and indicted. His
whereabouts are still unknown.

Although the common story is that

Mifsud is a Russian Agent, many ties
seem to lead [him] back to UK
Intelligence. Julian Assange put out a
Twitter Thread noting the connection
between Mifsud and UK Intelligence.

Alexander Downer Halper met with Carter Page just days after
Page’s Moscow trip.
Although, not a Brit, Alexander Downer is the Australian
individual who apparently overheard Papadopoulos talk Other Internet sleuths tied Halper to the Obama team of
about Trump and Russia in a bar which alerted the FBI to crooks. Halper was paid more than $400,000 in 2016 for
the story and their eventual spy program on Trump. This his efforts to set Papadopulos up and get him to sing to the
story has been refuted for months. Australia diplomat about Hillary’s emails being held by
Russia. Halper and others planted this information on
The Papadopoulos/Downer meeting has been portrayed as Papadopulos before he shared this with the Aussie in a
a chance encounter in a bar. That does not appear to be the drunken London pub discussion.
Additional research shows that Halper was a classmate of
Downer has direct ties to UK impeached President Bill Clinton. Halper apparently knew
Intelligence firm Hakluyt where he Bill Clinton well in their days at Oxford. He later worked
served on the Advisory Board from as an Advisor to the Clinton Administration.
Glenn Simpson and Nellie Ohr
Shortly after the Papadopoulos and Downer chance
encounter, Peter Strzok was in London per texts released Nellie Ohr is in the middle of the FBI/CIA scandal –
by the FBI.
Nellie Ohr is the “dossier” spying scandal’s woman in the
“Strzok texts suggest he was in London on middle.
August 3, 2016.”
To one side of Ohr, there is the Fusion GPS team,
The corrupt FBI’s investigation into Trump officially including fellow contractor Christopher Steele. To the
started a few days earlier. other, there is husband Bruce Ohr, who, until his
“dossier”-related demotion, was No. 4 man at the
Stefan Halper Department of Justice, and a key contact there for Steele.

One individual all over the Internet and social media by Glenn Simpson is the co-founder of the
the name of Stefan Halper has been identified as a opposition research firm Fusion GPS.
potential FBI spy into the Trump campaign. (Note that His firm is at the center of the entire
some believe that Obama may have had more than one spy Trump-Russia fairy tale. According the
on the Trump campaign). The most intriguing individual failing liberal New York Times –
related to Papadopoulos is Halper.
From the start, he was a central casting misfire — the dark
According to Jeff Carlson at theMarketswork – artist slicing through the capital by electric scooter, a
cloak-and-dagger digger better known to former
colleagues for scratching his bare belly in plain office
My guess is Papadopoulos never knew what hit him. A
young man, suddenly thrust into a position beyond his
experience, Papadopoulos made for an easy intelligence
target. In a past career, Glenn R. Simpson had been a reporter’s
reporter, tenacious through two decades in journalism,
often driving the Washington story of the day —
Carter Page almost certainly discussed the just completed
congressional corruption, fund-raising shenanigans, sundry
Moscow trip with his host, Stefan Halper, during the
misbehavior — but never becoming it himself.
London symposium.

It’s now being reported that Devin Nunes has learned the “It’s not news when things go right,” he told
identity of a “top secret intelligence source” that was part a group of students in 1991, describing his
of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Investigation. craft. “When things go right, it’s boring.”

Mr. Simpson’s life has not been boring for some time now.
I think there’s a decent chance that source is Stefan Halper.
It has, perhaps inevitably, become news.
Halper had contact with both Papadopulos
As investigators circle President Trump’s administration
and Carter Page. Halper has connections
over ties to Russia during the 2016 campaign, Mr.
to UK Intelligence and US Intelligence.
Simpson, a 53-year-old Wall Street Journal veteran-
turned-master of high-dollar research, has arrived at the According to the report, Jones, who runs an investigative
biggest story of either of his careers, lurching to the center outfit called the Penn Quarter Group (PQG), told the
of the Russia-tinged scandal that clouds the presidency. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in March of 2017
that he had retained the services of Fusion GPS and
Mr. Trump knows his work intimately. Mr. Simpson is the Christopher Steele to “continue exposing Russian
man behind an explosive dossier — produced at his firm, interference” in the 2016 election. Steele is the former
Fusion GPS, with a former British spy, Christopher Steele British spy who authored the infamous unverified dossier
— outlining possible connections between the president, of allegations against President Donald Trump.
his associates and Russian officials.
Although Jones’ name is redacted in the report, the
Mr. Simpson’s dossier has never been proven as true. No biographical details plus previous reporting on the matter
independent information to date supports the dossier and it make clear that he is the individual referenced. The report
is suspected to be pure fiction. Fusion is being sued for also revealed that Jones told federal investigators that he
libel related to the dossier. had raised $50 million from “7 to 10 wealthy donors
located primarily in New York and California.”
Daniel Jones
Sperry indicates that there may be a 7th individual who
spied or manipulated the Trump campaign as well.
Corrupt and sneeky Jones worked with Senate Democrat
Feinstein –
These people are crooks who along with
their corrupt liberal press and the
A declassified congressional report confirms prior Democrat party worked diligently to
reporting by The Federalist that Daniel Jones, a former overthrow the elected President of our
staffer for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), hired Fusion good nation. They are an outrage and
GPS and Christopher Steele after the 2016 election to push need to be prosecuted to the fullest
the anti-Trump Russian collusion narrative. extent of the law.

Saboteur Bolton Succeeds:
Trump Cancels Nuclear Summit With Kim Jong-Un
Chris Menahan - Informationliberation
May. 24, 2018

outrageous acts, I will put forward a

suggestion to our supreme leadership for
reconsidering the DPRK-U.S. summit," she

[...]Choe singled out U.S. Vice President

Mike Pence, lambasting him for mentioning
a Libya-style approach and military option
against the North in a recent media

"U.S. Vice-President Pence has made

unbridled and impudent remarks that North
Korea might end like Libya, military option
for North Korea never came off the table,
John Bolton has succeeded in sabotaging peace talks with the U.S. needs complete, verifiable, and
North Korea. irreversible denuclearization, and so on,"
she said. "As a person involved in the U.S.
North Korea threatened to cancel negotiations early affairs, I cannot suppress my surprise at
Thursday after Mike Pence reiterated Trump's statements such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing
about giving Kim the Gaddafi treatment. out from the mouth of the U.S. vice-
From Yonhap News:
Trump beat Kim to the chase and canceled the summit on
SEOUL, May 24 (Yonhap) -- North Korea Thursday.
will reconsider the planned summit with the
United States if Washington sticks to Sadly, I was forced to cancel the Summit
"unlawful and outrageous acts," its vice Meeting in Singapore with Kim Jung Un.
foreign minister said Thursday.

In a statement carried by the Korean — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)

Central News Agency, Choe Son-hui, a May 24, 2018
North Korean vice foreign minister, said
that whether the June 12 summit between From CNBC:
its leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President
Donald Trump will happen as scheduled President Donald Trump canceled his historic nuclear
entirely rests on the decision and behavior summit with Kim Jong Un on Thursday, accusing North
of the U.S. Korea of "tremendous anger and open hostility."

"Whether the U.S. will meet us at a meeting The meeting, which would have marked the first face-to-
room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear face encounter between a sitting U.S. president and a
showdown is entirely dependent upon the North Korean leader, was set for June 12 in Singapore.
decision and behavior of the United
States," Choe said. "Sadly, based on the tremendous anger
and open hostility displayed in your most
"In case the U.S. offends against our recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate,
goodwill and clings to unlawful and at this time, to have this long-planned
meeting," Trump wrote in a letter to Kim, That aged well!
which was released Thursday morning.
Neocon puppet Marco Rubio similarly celebrated the
Stocks fell and gold rose after news of the cancellation move:

Much of the letter was written in seemingly friendly terms,

including praise for North Korea's recent release of three
American prisoners. In contrast, Trump also appeared to
issue a threat that conjured memories of his war of words
with Kim last year.

"You talk about your nuclear capabilities,

but ours are so massive and powerful that I
pray to God they will never have to be
used," Trump wrote.

Bolton is praying to a different god that they will be used. It's too bad Trump doesn't watch Tucker Carlson instead of
Sean Hannity or this whole debacle could have been
Bolton's last tweet was an article from the War Street
Journal saying how Trump needs his great negotiating
skills on North Korea.

Liar James Clapper: Russians Not Only
Affected Outcome Of Election –
They Decided It (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 8:34 Am

Deep State Clapper reaches depths of Since I left government in my informed

hell. opinion that given the massive effort the
Former Director of National Intelligence Russians made and the number of citizens
that they touched and the variety and
James Clapper went on with PBS on
multidimensional aspects of what they did
Wednesday to promote his new book.
to influence opinion and affect election and
given the fact that it turned on less than
Clapper told PBS Russia decided the 2016 election. 80,000 votes in three states, to me it
exceeds logic and credulity that they didn’t
If the GOP Congress was worth a crap they’d haul this liar affect the election. And it’s my belief that
in for questioning. they actually turned it.

Clapper told the PBS host that Trump’s questioning of the What baloney.
Deep State spying on his campaign is dangerous.
This guy is lying every time he opens his mouth.

Pray for justice and pray that this crook sees his day in

Via PBS Newshour:

James Clapper:

‘SPYGATE’: Trump Takes
More Shots At James Clapper
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:35 AM 05/24/2018

that the FBI had an informant in his campaign. Clapper

insisted that the FBI was not spying on the Trump
campaign, saying,

“What they were trying to do was protect

our political system and protect the

He then added,

President Donald Trump once again took aim at former “They were spying — a term I don’t
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper alleging particularly like — on what the Russians
that he confirmed a confidential informant who was used were doing, trying to understand, were the
to gather information on his 2016 campaign. Russians infiltrating?” When pressed by
ABC as to why Trump is not supporting the
FBI’s action, Clapper said, “Well, he should

Trump is generally reacting to recent revelations that an

FBI informant made contact with several members of his
campaign and efforts by conservative lawmakers to review
documents relating to the probe. These efforts will come to
fruition Thursday when several members of Congress will
be allowed by the Department of Justice to review the
documents after months of oversight efforts.

The president has been particularly incensed with Clapper

after the former DNI’s recent appearance on ABC’s “The
View,” where he claimed that Trump should be grateful

BREAKING: Trump Administration Pulls Out Of North
Korean Summit In June – Thanks Regime
For Releasing Hostages
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 8:49 Am

BREAKING— THE TRUMP President Trump thanked the North

ADMINISTRATION PULLS OUT OF Koreans for releasing the US hostages.
SINGAPORE President Trump: Some day I look very forward to
meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the
release of the hostages who are now home with their

On Wednesday North Korea said they

would not beg for a summit with
President Trump.
Now it looks like they won’t have to.

See copy of the letter on next page:

Trump Praises Agents Speaking Out
Against ‘Terrible And Corrupt’ Comey
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:53 AM 05/24/2018

President Donald Trump praised FBI agents speaking out

against former FBI director James Comey and former The president reacted specifically to the tweet in a
deputy director Andrew McCabe in a Thursday tweet: Thursday morning interview with “Fox & Friends,”

“How is he going to explain to his

grandchildren all of the lies, the deceit, all
of the problems he has caused for this
country. I think, of the things that I’ve done
for the country, the firing of James Comey
is going to go down as a very good thing.”

Comey appeared back in the news in recent days for

defending the FBI’s use of a confidential informant to
gather information on the Trump 2016 campaign.

Watch Live: Deep State On
The Run As Trump Unleashes The Hounds!
Lawmakers Begin Looking Into Intelligence Agencies Spying On Trump Campaign
Infowars.Com –
May 24, 2018

Top Republican lawmakers are set to

meet with Deputy Attorney General Rod
Rosenstein Thursday, as they begin
questioning about the FBI spying on the
2016 Trump campaign.

In world news, Kim Jong-un has allegedly followed

through with his promise to destroy a nuclear test site
ahead of his summit with President Trump.

In economics, the average U.S. home value is up 8.7% in

the last year.

‘It Certainly Bothers Me’ — Sarah Sanders
Hits Back At Critics Who Accuse Her Of Lying
Justin Caruso - Senior Media Reporter
9:06 AM 05/24/2018

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders hit Donald Trump’s school safety proposal which includes ‘hardening’
back at those who accuse her of lying in a new report. schools, strengthening background checks for gun purchases and
mental health program reform but does not include raising the age
from 18 to 21 for gun purchases. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty
In a New York Times article published Wednesday, Images)
Sanders is quoted:

“‘It certainly bothers me,’ she said of the

‘liar’ rap. ‘Because one of the few things
you have are your integrity and reputation.'”

Sanders also told the Times,

“‘There’s a difference between misspeaking

or not knowing something than maliciously

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 17: White House Press Secretary

Sarah Huckabee Sanders answers questions during the daily briefing
at the White House January 17, 2018 in Washington, DC. Sanders
fielded a range of questions relating to pending immigration
legislation, continued funding of the federal government, and U.S.
President Donald Trump’s recent physical examination. (Photo by
Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Despite frequent criticism of her in the establishment

media, Sanders’ profile and popularity with the American
people has risen dramatically.
WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 12: White House Press Secretary
Sarah Huckabee Sanders conducts a news conference in the Brady According to one poll, she is one of the top 10 most
Press Briefing Room at the White House March 12, 2018 in admired women in America.
Washington, DC. Sanders faced many questions about President

TRUMP Calls Off North Korean Nuclear Summit —
HOURS AFTER North Korea Blows Up
Its Nuclear Testing Tunnels
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 10:02 Am

President Trump thanked the North

Koreans for releasing the US hostages.
President Trump: Some day I look very forward to
meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the
release of the hostages who are now home with their
This also comes HOURS AFTER North
Korea blew up its nuclear testing



North Korea followed through on a pledge to blow up

tunnels used for nuclear testing on Thursday.

SPYGATE: Trump Says Comey
Was “Terrible And Corrupt”; “Inflicted Great Pain”
“I’ve Done A Great Service For This Country By
Getting Rid Of Him, By Firing Him.”
Steve Watson | Infowars.Com
May 24, 2018

“How is [Comey] going to explain to his

grandchildren all of the lies, the deceit, all
of the problems he has caused for this
country?” Trump pondered.
“The FBI is great. I know so many people in
the FBI. The FBI is a fantastic institution,
but some of the people at the top were
rotten apples,” Trump said.
“James Comey was one of them. I’ve done
a great service for this country by getting
rid of him, by firing him.”
President Trump took to Twitter again
Thursday morning to continue his
messages regarding what he is calling
Spygate, the now documented deep
state infiltration of his 2016 presidential

The President hit out at former FBI head James Comey,

noting that the rank and file of the FBI are eager to speak
out against the man Trump fired.

The President described Comey as “a terrible and corrupt

leader who inflicted great pain on the FBI!”
In a further tweet, Trump hit out again at former Director
of National Intelligence James Clapper:

In a separate interview with “Fox and Friends,” Trump

said that The President slammed Clapper Wednesday, after he
appeared on The View and said Trump should be ‘happy’
“I think of the things that I’ve done for the that the FBI monitored his campaign.
country, the firing of James Comey is going
to go down as a very good thing.” “No, James Clapper, I am not happy,”
Trump tweeted.

“Spying on a campaign would be illegal,
and a scandal to boot!” he added.

Earlier in the evening Clapper appeared on CNN and

claimed that spying on Presidential candidates constitutes
“standard investigative practices”:

“A lot of people are saying they had spies

in my campaign. If they had spies in my
campaign, that would be a disgrace to this
country. That would be one of the biggest
insults that anyone has ever seen, it would
be very illegal aside from everything else,”
he said.

Trump said at the White House Tuesday that it would be

“very illegal” if there were spies in his campaign.

The Deep State
Gives Everyone ‘The Clapper’
Derek Hunter - Contributor
10:48 AM 05/24/2018

afraid someone is attempting something

nefarious to the point that you’d spy on
Americans to “protect” them, wouldn’t you
do the ultimate “heading them off at the
pass” and inform them so they wouldn’t
even risk accidentally falling down that
rabbit hole? Not if you wanted to gather dirt
on them, which seems to be what the
“deep state” really has as its objective.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies

about potential Russian interference in the presidential election
before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill.
REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein

On today’s episode of The Daily Daily Caller Podcast…

Former Director of National Intelligence has

a story to sell you, more accurately, he has
a book to sell you. James “the Clap”
Clapper is on a book tour that is being
greeted by the liberal media like two other
recent book tours for James Comey and
Michael Wolfe, who were treated as
conquering heroes of the #Resistance that
were going to deliver a death blow to the
Trump administration…only to see the
wheels come off soon after hitting book
stores. Like Wolff and Comey, Clapper is
having difficulty backing up his assertions
— in this case that the intelligence
community spied on the Trump campaign
to protect it.

Listen to today’s show:

The idea that the FBI needed to spy on the On his book tour, The Clap is saying he believes the
Trump campaign in order to save it is like Russians not only tried to interfere with the election, but
Nicolas Cage in “National Treasure,” they actually flipped it and won it for Trump. Hillary
where he had to steal the Declaration of Clinton’s campaign spent nearly a billion and a half
Independence in order to save it from being dollars, more than 2 to 1 what Trump spent, and still lost.
stolen by a really bad guy. Unlike “National Was it because of the several thousands of dollars alleged
Treasure,” where Cage tried to warn the Russian agents spends on ridiculous Facebook memes, or
National Archives of the gathering threat, was it because she was an awful candidate the public had
Clappy and his fellow travelers didn’t gotten to know over 30 years and decided they wanted no
bother to inform anyone in the Trump part of? We answer that question on today’s show.
campaign that the Russians, allegedly,
were trying to infiltrate them. Why? If you’re

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is attempting to block the Listen to find out why.
trial of Concord Management and Consulting, one of the
companies charged by him as members of the conspiracy
to influence the election. By law, they are entitled to a
speedy trial. But Mueller is trying to deny them that
because he never expected any of the 13 defendants he
charged to actually want a trial, he expected them to hide
in Russia. But Concord called his bluff, and now Mueller
is in panic mode, saying he needs more time than the
legally required 70 days after filing charges. Either he has
the goods or he doesn’t, either the indictments were
legitimate and backed up by evidence, or they were for
show so his office could claim an accomplishment and
advance a narrative. What is Mueller afraid of? We

And the NFL thinks they’ve solved their National Anthem

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell speaks during a news conference
problem. The league has introduced a fine and penalty for following the NFL owners meeting in New York City, October 17,
teams where anyone does not stand at attention for the 2017. REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
song before the start of any game. Are Roger Goodell and
the gang trying to have it both ways? Will it work, will
fans return? Probably not.

Rep. Louie Gohmert: The Fed Did All It Could To Help
Obama – Now Doing All It Can To Hurt Trump (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 10:58 Am

Four times the Fed has increased rates

on President Trump in 2017 after doing
so only once during the Obama years.

The Fed Funds Rate greatly impacts the economy:

Lower interest rates usually spur the economy by making

corporate and consumer borrowing easier. Higher interest
rates are intended to slow down the economy by making
borrowing harder.

If the Federal Reserve was

political and wanted to prevent
The Federal Reserve under Janet Yellen Republican Presidents from
in December 2017 announced another successful economic growth
Fed Fund rate increase of 0.25%. This and debt decreases, then the
was the fourth such increase since Fed would increase the Fed
Donald Trump was elected President. Funds rates during Republican
The Fed increased rates only one time
Presidents’ terms while
under Obama until the 2016 election.
decreasing the Fed Funds rates
under Democratic Presidents’
After Barack Obama was elected President, on December
16, 2008, the Federal Reserve (The Fed) lowered the Fed terms. This appears to be
Funds rate by an entire percent, from 1% down to 0% . exactly what the Fed is doing.
The Fed had not lowered the Fed Funds rate by such a Increases in the Fed Funds Rate
large amount (1% ) since at least before 1990, if ever. The increase the cost of borrowing and the
Fed kept this 0% rate for most of Obama’s eight years in largest borrower in the world is the US
office. government. With $20 trillion in debt, a
1% increase in interest payments equals
CNBC reported in December 2015 that $200 billion in annual interest payment
President Obama oversaw “seven years increases.
of the most accommodative monetary
Obama increased the US Debt
policy in U.S. history” (from the Fed).
amount by nearly $1 trillion
more than President Trump in
The Fed Funds rate was at zero for most of Obama’s time
the first eleven months of his
in office. Finally, in December 2015 after the Fed
announced its first increase in the Fed Funds rate during Presidency.
the Obama Presidency. The Fed has increased interest rates by
1% in 2017 after President Trump’s
The only Fed Funds Rate increases election win. With no rate increases in
since 2015 were after President Trump interest rates, President Trump would
was elected President. arguably have a balanced budget to
date. (Although the short term
The Fed increased the Fed Funds Rate on December 14, implications may not dictate this, the
2016, on March 15th, 2017, on June 14, 2017 and again on long term implications are clear.)
December 13, 2017.

On Thursday Rep. Louie Gohmert called
out the Federal Reserve for punishing
Trump and stifling the Trump economy.
Rep. Gohmert: The Fed loved the Obama administration,
loved Obama, they kept the rates just so low and lower
than that was appropriate for one reason, to keep Obama
from looking like the worst president in history. Trump
comes in, the economy turns around because of the things
that he’s doing and so what does the Fed do as Obama’s
best friend and not being a friend of Trump? They
immediately start raising rates as things start going well.

POTUS Trump Takes A Blowtorch To Corrupt Liars
Comey And Clapper AGAIN Over #Spygate
By Cristina Laila
May 24, 2018, 11:21 Am

scandals in U.S. history. SPYGATE – a

President Trump is a fighter; this is why terrible thing!
we elected him.
On Thursday morning, President Trump
took a blowtorch to former DNI Chief
James Clapper and fired FBI Chief
James Comey.
Trump is not letting up. He keeps
bringing the punishment.

Trump then slammed Comey and McCabe:

Not surprisingly, the GREAT Men &

Women of the FBI are starting to speak out
against Comey, McCabe and all of the
political corruption and poor leadership
found within the top ranks of the FBI.
Comey was a terrible and corrupt leader
who inflicted great pain on the FBI!
James Clapper and James Comey are both corrupt leakers
and liars.

Both men continue to bash President Trump and both have

admitted there was a spy (spies) planted inside of Trump’s

The latest whopper from Clapper? On Wednesday, he told

PBS that Russia decided the 2016 election.

Comey is also sweating bullets. He lashed out at Trump Trump is correct. Large amounts of
from his Twitter account Wednesday and defended money were spent on Obama’s and
Obama’s Deep State spy campaign. Hillary’s Spygate.
The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a
Trump slammed the liars in a pair of
total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for
tweets Thursday morning.
work with the US government that
included spying on the Trump
Trump tweeted: campaign.
It was a lucrative business for Stefan
Clapper has now admitted that there was
Spying in my campaign. Large dollars were
paid to the Spy, far beyond normal. Starting
to look like one of the biggest political
CNN’s Brian Stelter’s Hypocrisy
On Trump Spying
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
11:30 AM 05/24/2018

reporting back to Fox News about me. She

was reporting back about what I thought of
her and about CNN and MSNBC and Fox.
Because I was a reporter on the beat, they
were actually spying on me that way.”

He added that Fox was “sending out private investigators”

to tail other reporters.

So was Stelter’s date a spy or was Fox simply using a

“confidential source to talk” to him? Interesting.

CNN’s Brian Stelter has called President Trump’s claims

that the FBI was spying on his campaign a “conspiracy
theory,” but that doesn’t square with Stelter’s own history
with spies.

Trump has suggested that the FBI was using an informant

to spy on his campaign during the 2016 election. Stelter
wrote on CNN Wednesday morning that the spying claim
is a “full-fledged conspiracy theory” and repeated the
common spin that the FBI was simply talking to Trump
advisers rather than spying on them.

Interestingly enough, as Matt Wolking pointed out on

Twitter, Stelter once lobbied his own accusations of spying
at Fox News.

In 2016, Stelter claimed that when he was merely a college

student, Fox News sent a “low-level staffer” on dates with
him so she could spy on him.

“I thought these were dates. They were not

dates,” Stelter said. “She was actually

Trump Jogs Over To Law
Enforcement, Shakes Officers’ Hands
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
11:37 AM 05/24/2018

President Trump traveled to New York Wednesday for a

series of meetings and events.

The president’s schedule was breakneck, but that did not

stop Trump from taking a detour and jogging over to a line
of local law enforcement to shake their hands. The video,
posted on Twitter by the White House social media
manager, shows the president jogging over to law
enforcement officers to salute them and shake their hands.




In a roundtable with law enforcement and victims of the

ultra-violent gang MS-13 earlier in the day, Trump
lamented that the gang targets police officers specifically.

“Crippling loopholes in our laws have

enabled MS-13 gang members and other
criminals to infiltrate our communities, and
Democrats in Congress refuse to close
these loopholes, including the disgraceful
practice known as catch and release,”
Trump said, before doubling dow on his
comments calling members of the gang
“I called them ‘animals’ the other day,” the
president said. “And I was met with rebuke.
They said, ‘They’re people.’ They’re not
people. These are animals.” The room filled
with families brutalized by the gang erupted
into applause and cheers.
“And we have to be very, very tough,”
Trump said.


Judge Napolitano: Both Democrats And Republicans Will
Spin Intel Findings To Their Advantage [VIDEO]
Nick Givas - Media And Politics Reporter
11:58 AM 05/24/2018

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano

said both Democrats and Republicans will find a way to
spin any intelligence findings to their political advantage
Thursday on “Fox & Friends.”

“It’s a dangerous area, and I’ll tell you

why,” Napolitano said. “It’s very unfortunate
if politicians use raw intelligence or raw law
enforcement data for political narratives.”
“So, if you were to ask me, will they get
what they’re looking for? It depends on who
they are, because the Republicans are
looking for a narrative that will undermine Napolitano said he believes there was more than one
the beginning of the Mueller investigation,” confidential mole informing on the Trump campaign, but
he said. “The Democrats are looking for a thinks that information won’t be made public.
narrative which will justify the continued
Mueller investigation. Will they get what “If Bob Mueller has presented something or
they’re looking for? Probably each side one of his prosecutors has, to a grand jury,
will.” it’s unlawful for them to share it with
Congress. If there’s information about a
WATCH: confidential informant — whether it’s this
person we’ve been talking about all week
or somebody else, my guess is there’s
more than one confidential
informant,” Napolitano concluded.
“That information can’t be shared with
members of Congress. If you were to ask
me what’s going to be shared? That, I don’t
know. I have no idea.”

Deep State Spy And Trump-Basher Stefan Halper Openly
Advocated For Hillary In 2016 While Spying On Trump
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 12:10 Pm

close military, intelligence and economic

“I believe [Hillary] Clinton would
be best for US-UK relations and
for relations with the European
Union. Clinton is well-known,
deeply experienced and
predictable. US-UK relations will
remain steady regardless of the
winner although Clinton will be
less disruptive over time,”
Halper, who served as deputy
assistant secretary of state for
political-military affairs and
senior adviser to the Department
It has been widely reported that the of Defense and the Department
Obama administration had a spy of Justice, said.
working inside the Trump campaign.
On June 24, Clinton stated that the US
The informant, Stefan Halper, was paid a respects the choice of people in the United
total of $411,575 in 2016 and 2017 for Kingdom to leave the European Union, and
work with the US government that underscored the need to make clear the
included spying on the Trump commitment of the United States to “the
campaign. special relationship” with London.
After the election Halper pitched On the same day, the Republican nominee
himself for a senior Trump admin stated that the United Kingdom and the
position. United States would remain great allies
regardless of Brexit, adding that
Now this… Washington never had a better ally in
Stefan Halper was promoting Hillary Both countries are members of NATO and
Clinton publicly while he spied on the share intelligence through the United
Trump Campaign. Kingdom – United States of America
Agreement (UKUSA). The two countries
have also been allies in numerous conflicts,
Sputnik News reported:
including the two World Wars. As for
economic cooperation, the United States is
Both US presidential candidates have the UK’s largest source of FDI (foreign
repeatedly stressed the special character direct investment) and vice versa.
of US-UK relations, which is reflected in

Polling Proves That The Longer Michael Avenatti
Speaks, The More Popular Trump Gets
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
12:29 PM 05/24/2018

A report by the LA Times reveals that a judge ordered a

law firm managed by Michael Avenatti to pay $10 million
in damages, and Avenatti is personally responsible for
millions in payments and back taxes that remain unpaid.
Reporting by the Daily Caller revealed that Avenatti lost a
sexual discrimination case to a pregnant employee and has
yet to pay the $130,000 he owes her.

A recent poll created by Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics

shows that President Donald Trump’s approval ratings
directly correlate with pornstar lawyer Michael Avenatti’s
cable TV appearances.

Avenatti has been a media darling since announcing his

lawsuit against the president.

Avanatti had a near-permanent seat in MSNBC and CNN

green rooms over the past months, racking up hundreds of
Scientific correlation? Probably not. Interesting? Yes,
cable news media hits and glamming around D.C. cocktail
parties. Avenatti’s stardom has vanished over the past
week, however, after disturbing revelations about his past
prove he may not be the champion of bullied women and Research by Tom Bevan reveals that as Avenatti was
the free press he claimed. racking up 174 cable TV appearances, Trump’s poll
numbers were steadily rising:

Former WH Spox: Obama Knew About #Spygate – No FBI
Director Would Put Spies Inside Of A Campaign Without
By Cristina Laila
May 24, 2018, 12:46 Pm

He dropped this bombshell…

BREAKING: Bush press secretary Ari

Fleischer said “I guarantee the answer
is yes” to whether Obama knew Halper
& others were deployed to spy on
Trump campaign. Fleischer explained
that no FBI director would put
informants inside a presidential
campaign w/o the prez authorizing it

Obama knew; the fish rots from the

head down.
Obama knew about the spies planted
into Trump’s campaign.
Obama knew about Hillary’s phony

On Wednesday, President Trump was

asked if President Obama knew about
the spies inside his campaign. Trump
said it was likely he did. Wow!
Reporter: (inaudible)
President Trump: Well I don’t want to get
into it yet but I will tell you after we look at
the proof…
Former White House Press Secretary for George W. Bush, Reporter: President Obama?
Ari Fleischer broke down why Obama must have known President Trump: Would he know? I
about the informants spies planted in Trump’s campaign. would certainly hope not. But I think it’s
going to be pretty obviousafter awhile.
In fact, Ari Fleischer says Obama AUTHORIZED it.
And that would make it the biggest
Ari Fleischer appeared on Fox News’ Outnumbered political scandal in US history.
Thursday morning to discuss #Spygate.
Barack Obama has a legacy after all!

DEVELOPING: Nunes Meets With Rosenstein,
Wray And Gang Of 8 To Discuss #Spygate
By Cristina Laila
May 24, 2018, 1:31 Pm

House Intelligence Chairman Devin

Nunes and Oversight Chairman Trey
Gowdy headed into a meeting at 2 PM
EST with senior Justice Department, FBI
and intelligence officials on Thursday to
view classified documents and discuss
Fox News Senate reporter, Chad
Pergram caught Nunes walking into the
briefing. Nunes did not respond to any

Deputy AG Rosenstein heads into briefing with gang of 8; photo via

Emma Loop

The two GOP leaders will meet with FBI Director Chris
Wray, National Intelligence Dan Coats and Principal
Associate Deputy Attorney General Edward O’Callaghan.

Nunes demanded the Justice Department hand over the

unredacted memo outlining the scope of Special Counsel
Robert Mueller’s authority and the name of the FBI secret
informant inside Trump’s campaign in 2016.

Two meetings transpired Thursday.

At noon EST, Nunes and Gowdy met

with DOJ and FBI officials as well as
Intel Chief Dan Coats.
Chairman Nunes then headed to a
second meeting with the gang of 8
which began at 2 PM; Gowdy did not
All main participants arrived, reports
Fox News:

Buzzfeed White House reporter, Emma
Loop caught Rod Rosenstein heading
into the briefing:

Update: Gang of 8 meeting breaks at

3:30 PM EST.
Fox News reporter Chad Pergram
catches FBI Director Christopher Wray
FBI Director Christopher Wray heads
leaving the briefing. Rosenstein, Nunes
into the briefing:
and Coats also left. No comment to the
press from either.

CNN reporter Manu Raju says one of

Trump’s lawyers was present at the
beginning of the meeting:

Here is the list of people attending the

gang of 8 briefing Thursday per Fox
News’ Chad Pergram:

Editor’s note: Gowdy only attended the first meeting with
the DOJ; he did not attend the second meeting with the
gang of 8.

Only Nunes attended both meetings, reported Chad


This story is developing…

Pompeo Trashes Dem Senator
For Asking About Trump’s Tax Returns
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
3:24 PM 05/24/2018

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went off on Democratic “Given that the president refuses to
New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall on Thursday over what he disclose his tax returns, how can you
deemed to be an “outrageous” question about President assure the American people that American
Trump’s tax returns. foreign policy is free of his personal
conflicts of interest?” Udall asked.
WATCH: “Senator, I find that question bizarre,”
Pompeo responded.
“You don’t want to answer it then?” Udall
pressed. “You want to describe it as bizarre
and not give me an answer?”
“Yes I do,” Pompeo said angrily. “I think
that’s indicative of my answer, Senator. I’ve
been incredibly involved in this
administration’s policy now for some 16
months and I’ve seen literally no evidence
of what you are scurrilously suggesting.”
“It is an outrageous suggestion,” Pompeo
Pompeo appeared in front of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee when Sen. Udall suggested Trump could have Udall argued that “many people” have raised questions
conflicts of interest between American foreign policy and about Trump’s business interests abroad and Pompeo shot
his own business dealings. back that such people are only doing so because they are
politically opposed to the president.

Adam Schiff Releases Absurd Statement After Gang Of 8
Meeting With Nunes To Discuss #Spygate
By Cristina Laila
May 24, 2018, 3:47 Pm

House Intelligence Chairman Devin

Nunes and Oversight Chairman Trey Nunes’ meeting with the gang of 8 ended at 3:30 PM EST.
Gowdy headed into a meeting at 2 PM
EST with senior Justice Department, FBI Adam Schiff wasted no time releasing an absurd statement
and intelligence officials on Thursday to
after the meeting.
view classified documents and discuss
Schiff is spinning like a top.

Chad Pergram reported:

Schiff after Gang of 8 mtg: I won’t be able

to take any questions today, but I’ve been
asked to read a brief statement on behalf of
Senator Schumer, Leader Pelosi, Vice
Chairman Warner and myself.

Deputy AG Rosenstein heads into briefing with gang of 8; photo via

Emma Loop

Two meetings transpired Thursday.

At noon EST, Nunes and Gowdy met with DOJ and FBI
officials as well as Intel Chief Dan Coats.

Chairman Nunes then headed to a second meeting with the Schiff then claimed he has seen no
gang of 8 which began at 2 PM; Gowdy did not attend. evidence a spy was planted inside of
Trump’s camp.
The list of Democrat hacks in attendance Thursday
included: Minority ranking member of the House Intel Pergram tweeted: Schiff:
Committee, Adam Schiff, House Minority Leader, Nancy
Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer and vice Today’s Gang of 8 briefing was conducted
Chairman of the Senate Intel Committee, Mark Warner. to ensure protection of sources and
methods..Nothing we heard today has
changed our view that there is no evidence
to support any allegation that the FBI or
any intelligence agency placed a spy in the
Trump campaign

Chad Pergram also reported it is “very Here is Shiff’s remarks to reporters after
murky” as to what was discussed in the Gang of 8 meeting today.
Thursday’s Gang of 8 and DOJ
meetings. Will there be leaks? It is
unclear whether lawmakers were briefed
on matters or were actually presented
with documents and or evidence.

It’s important to note leaker and liar

Adam Schiff went into Thursday’s
meeting hours after tweeting these
blatant lies about the Deep State spying
campaign on Trump: Someone needs to tell Schiffty that his fellow leakers and
liars, James Clapper and James Comey both admitted spies
were planted inside of Trump’s camp.

Chairman Nunes didn’t release a statement at the time of

this publication.

Former Trump Aide Opens Legal Fund
To Others Ensnared In Russia Probe
Chuck Ross - Reporter
3:47 PM 05/24/2018

June 2016, told The Daily Caller News

“We’re not looking for hedge fund guys and

Caputo’s focus on veterans is one reason he picked J.D.

Gordon, a former naval commander, Pentagon spokesman
and director of Trump’s national security advisory

Gordon has been interviewed by the special counsel’s

office as well as the House Intelligence, Senate
 Michael Caputo is opening up his legal defense Intelligence and Senate Judiciary Committees. Though he
fund to other campaign aides has been told he is not a target of the investigations, his
 The former Trump aide spoke with The Daily Caller role on the campaign put him at the center of several of the
News Foundation areas being scrutinized in the parallel probes.
 “We’re looking for people who can’t afford their
legal fees,” he said The costs of document production and consultation with
attorneys has led to legal bills in the “low five-figure”
Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo is range, Gordon said.
opening up his legal defense fund to other campaign aides
ensnared in the multiple investigations into possible “I’m delighted to see so many thousands of
collusion with Russia. grassroots activists from around America
answer your call to help a true patriot who
Caputo, a longtime Republican political consultant, started has been victimized by the witch hunt of
the fund to help cover $125,000 in legal bills he’s racked the century,” Gordon wrote to Ralph Lorigo,
up over the course of the Russia investigation, which he one of the attorneys helping with Caputo’s
considers a “witch hunt.” legal fund.
“Though my personal legal costs have
The grassroots fundraising campaign has far surpassed been relatively minor compared to others
Caputo’s initial goal, drawing in over $330,000 from more also wrongly targeted for a political
than 6,400 donors. inquisition, as Michael knows, these funds
are coming directly out of my military
Caputo said he’s opening up the Michael Caputo Legal pension as a retired Navy Commander,”
Fund to witnesses interviewed by special counsel Robert Gordon added.
Mueller and the three congressional committees
investigating the campaign. In addition to raising funds for Trump associates, Caputo
and Gordon are planning to tour the country giving
Military veterans and Trump associates with more limited speeches to grassroots organizations about their
financial means are a priority, he said. experiences at the center of the Russia firestorm.

“We’re looking for people who can’t afford Their main message will be that if Democrats gain control
their legal fees because we think that is in of Congress in November, they expect immediate
keeping with the wishes of the people who impeachment proceedings against Trump. Democrats such
donated in the first place,” Caputo, a as California Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking member on
Buffalo, N.Y., native who served on the House Intelligence Committee, have already signaled
President Donald Trump’s campaign until
they plan to expand the Russia investigation if they take “I couldn’t afford the legal fees. Now that
control of Congress. people have got my back I’m able to go out
and speak freely because I don’t care if
Besides helping Trump associates avoid legal debt, Caputo they call me back in. I don’t care,” Caputo
said he hopes his legal fund will help witnesses come told TheDCNF.
forward to talk more openly about the Russia
investigations. The fund is controlled by three trustees, Caputo said and
that he is only able to access funds for his own legal fight.
Witnesses have been afraid of speaking out for fear of
being called back to testify before Congress or to meet the Caputo also revealed on Wednesday that he will offer
special prosecutor, he said. Each appearance can easily financial support to any FBI agents willing to speak to the
generate thousands of dollars in lawyers’ fees. Justice Department’s inspector general, which is
investigating the bureau’s handling of the Russia
The usually outspoken Caputo is a prime example of that investigation.
reticence to discuss his interactions with investigators,
especially those on the special counsel’s team. “We’ll pay their legal fees. If they go to
the inspector general, reveal
After his interview with Mueller’s prosecutors earlier this what happened, we’ll pay their legal fees,”
month, he was uncharacteristically reserved in his Caputo said on Fox News’ “Tucker
comments about what was discussed in his three-hour Carlson Tonight.”
meeting. He praised prosecutors for their professionalism
and issued vague warnings about the seriousness of the Caputo was responding to a report in The Daily Caller that
probe. He withheld his true thoughts about the lack of FBI agents are hoping for subpoenas from the inspector
evidence of collusion; that is, until he raised enough general in order to share what they know about how top
money to pay his attorney, a former Justice Department FBI officials handled the investigation.

Mueller Tries To Weasel Out Of Trying Russian
Companies And Russian TV Laughs At His Attempt To
Delay The Case Indefinitely
By Susan Duclos - All News Pipeline
May 24, 2018

forcing team Mueller to move forward with a court case

they never expected to have to argue.

The company, Concord Management and

Consulting LLC, will be represented by Eric
Dubelier and Katherine Seikaly of the law
firm Reed Smith, the filings say. Dubelier
and Seikaly both specialize in handling
government investigations.

Mueller's chosen prosecutor, Jeannie Rhee, who had

formerly represented the Clinton Foundation, filed a
motion to delay. The delay was opposed by the lawyers
In mid-February 2018, the DOJ, on behalf of special representing Concord Management, and the trial
counsel Robert Mueller, announced indictments against 13 judge, Judge Dabney L. Friedrich, denied Mueller's
Russians and three Russian companies, with much fanfare team and scheduled the first hearing for May 9, 2018.
from the Mockingbird media. Those indictments were the
only indictments to date, by team Mueller, that related to Former federal prosecutor Andrew C. McCarthy told the
the 2016 election, which was his original mandate in the Daily Caller at that time
DOJ's press release from May 2017.
"I guess Mueller thought it was a freebie,
Deputy Attorney General Rod J. for sure. He thought it could make this
Rosenstein today announced the association (of Russian collusion) and it
appointment of former Department of would never be challenged in court."
Justice official and FBI Director Robert S. McCarty also stated "One thing you never
Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to want to do is to indict in a case that you’re
oversee the previously-confirmed FBI not prepared to try."
investigation of Russian government
efforts to influence the 2016 presidential Related, via McCarthy: Mueller’s Tough Week in Court
election and related matters.
On May 9th, the parties presented themselves in court,
At the time of the announcement by the DOJ regarding the where Concord's lawyer Eric A. Dubelier entered a not
indictment of the Russian nationals and the three Russian guilty plea and imposed his client's right to a speedy trial,
companies, many considered this a optical win for Robert which is a right provided to defendants by federal law,
Mueller to justify the millions of dollars already spent on which dictates a criminal trial must begin within 70 days
the Russia investigation. He finally produced actual from the date of the indictment.
results that related to his initial mandate, and by choosing
individuals and companies that Mueller assumed would At that hearing the defense was asked if they were also
never present themselves in an American court, it should representing another Russian company named in the
have been a slam dunk. indictment, Concord Catering, to which Dubelier told the
court he was not, because team Mueller had
Then one of those Russian companies, Concord
Management and Consulting LLC, unexpectedly hired a "indicted a 'proverbial ham sandwich'
Washington-based law firm to represent them in court, because the entity did not exist during the

time the alleged misconduct occurred," as "Another way to measure the quantity of
reported by Reuters. information is that Mueller’s social media
content could fill nearly 1,500 CD-ROMS."
The next hearing date was set for May 16th. During that
hearing Politico reported that Judge Friedrich scheduled the next hearing for June 15th.

"Eric Dubelier, complained to Friedrich that

the government hadn’t responded to or
even acknowledged more than 70
discovery requests he made last month,"

but Mueller's team did offer 1.5 to 2 terabytes of social

media data they claimed were from fake accounts set up to
influence the 2016 presidential election. The data,
according to the court transcripts, was in Russian and had
not been translated.

Via Politico:
The fireworks at Wednesday’s hearing RUSSIAN COMPANIES TO COURT
came after one of those defense lawyers,
Eric Dubelier, complained to Friedrich that
Which brings us to the most recent attempt by Robert
the government hadn’t responded to or
Mueller to weasel out of having to actually argue the case
even acknowledged more than 70
in court, when he has filed yet another motion to delay the
discovery requests he made last month.
case indefinitely, asking the Judge to ignore the Speedy
Instead, prosecutors have offered a
Trial Act, in the name of "justice." Mueller claims the
massive quantity of social media data from
"complexity" of the case justifies excluding the speedy
accounts that were allegedly set up under
trial law.
fake identities for the purpose of influencing
American politics.
Via Daily Caller:
“We had a very brief call on Friday initiated
by the government,” Dubelier said. He said The “complexity” of the case warrants
prosecutors told him much of the excluding the speedy trial law and delaying
information was in Russian, but they had the trial, Mueller argued in Tuesday’s court
no translations. “I said, ‘How do you know filing.
what’s in it?’”
A “district court can, on its own motion or at
“I anticipate we are going to get this the request of a party, grant an excludable
massive dump of social media accounts in continuance if ‘the ends of justice served
Russian. This is an American court,” the by taking such action outweigh the best
defense attorney added. “That’s not what interest of the public and the defendant in a
we’ve asked for. What I’d like to get is speedy trial,'” Mueller wrote.
information that actually helps us defend
our client.” “This case also warrants a continuance and
exclusion of time to accommodate the
Prosecutor Jeannie Rhee disputed that voluminous discovery at issue and to allow
prosecutors were being recalcitrant. sufficient time for the Court to resolve
certain outstanding procedural issues
“We’ll get to what they asked for. … It is not unique to discovery in this case,” he
a ‘data dump,’ Your Honor,” Rhee said. continued.
She said the social media accounts in
Attorney Jonathan Turley, professor of law at the George
question were a key part of the effort to
interfere in the 2016 election. Washington University Law School, points out that
Mueller does not want to produce the discovery the
defense has demanded, as is their right under the law, so he
is attempting to delay the case, saying
The Daily Caller provides context of how much data Rhee
is attempting to flood the court with,

"Thus far the defense is doing an excellent delay, why they would think the judge would grant this
job in setting Mueller’s team back on its one, but it is clear to the legal experts quoted above, that
heels." while Robert Mueller took a victory lap in February for
finally offering up indictments that had any relation to his
He continues on his website: original mandate of Russian interference in the 2016
presidential election, now that they are actually being
"As a general rule, the desire of the forced to argue the case in court, against defendants that
defense for a speedy trial should carry the are prepared to fight back, he is attempting to weasel out
day. The prosecutors control when to issue of it.
an indictment. That triggers the Act and the
clock ticking. The danger for Mueller is that, This gives Mueller's team the appearance of incompetence,
if he is unwilling to show the evidence or go and coming on the heels of being very publicly criticized
to trial, he could face the embarrassing by another Judge in the Paul Manafort case, accused by the
prospect of pulling the indictment. judge of lying, and not caring about Manafort, but really
Conversely, if he is not ready, his matinee only caring "about what information Mr. Manafort can
case could prove a flop in whole or in part give you to lead you to Mr. Trump and an impeachment, or
with acquittals or hung juries." whatever," shows that while Mueller has had free reign in
his investigations, the courts are not prepared to let him
Andrew C. McCarthy is far more critical in a statement to walk all over them.
the Daily Caller, saying
To show Russia's response to having called Mueller's bluff
"Speedy trial rights belong to the by forcing him to argue in court with the defendants being
defendant, and if the defendant pushes for represented, here is a RT interview where they are literally
a trial within the 70 days, the government laughing at Mueller's latest attempt to desperately get out
has little cause to complain. If the case was of having to hand over discovery and argue the case in a
too complex, the government had the court of law.
option of holding off on seeking an
indictment until it was ready to proceed to
trial. When a prosecutor files an indictment,
it is tantamount to saying, ‘We are ready to

It’s “inappropriate for a prosecutor to

manufacture complexity and then contend
that things are too complex,” McCarthy told
TheDCNF. “If a prosecutor is disclosing
mountains of foreign language materials
without an understanding or explanation of
their relevance to the case, that is a
delaying tactic and an attempt to chew up
the defendant’s resources.”

The tactic “is apt to make the presiding

judge very angry,” he added. Mueller Continuence Request May 22, 2018 by Daily
Caller News Foundation on Scribd on next page.
It is unclear, after being denied Mueller's first motion to

Grassley Defends Whistleblower Law,
But FBI Agents Want Assurances That Legal Fees
Are Covered If Dept. Retaliates
Kerry Picket - Reporter
4:05 PM 05/24/2018

Grassley’s floor speech disagreed with the agents’

assumption that a subpoena would better protect them
from agency retaliation than the Whistleblower law that he
spearheaded, saying,

“I’ve worked hard to strengthen legal

protections, especially for FBI employees.
You have a right to cooperate with
Congressional inquiries, just as you have a
FILE PHOTO: U.S. Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) arrives for the right to cooperate with the Inspector
weekly Republican party caucus luncheon at the U.S. Capitol in General. Anyone who tells you otherwise is
Washington, U.S., January 17, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley The Iowa Republican added,
disputed claims Thursday that a congressional subpoena
would be necessary in certain cases for a government
employee to give lawmakers testimony about wrongdoing “FBI agents and all federal law
while being ensured appropriate legal protections from enforcement are protected for providing
their agency. information to Congress. That’s true
whether it is by a subpoena or not. If
that is news to you, I encourage you to
“I want to clear up a few things. I have research the law yourself. It is found at
been seeing reports that individuals within title 5, United States Code, section
our federal law enforcement agencies want 2303.”
to talk to Congress about problems they
have seen on the job. But, the reports say
these individuals want to be subpoenaed Chairman Grassley made no mention in his remarks,
by congressional committees, rather than however, about the issue about attorneys’ fees that official
coming forward voluntarily,” Chairman government whistleblowers must pay. The Daily Caller
Grassley said in a floor speech. contacted Sen. Grassley’s office about the issue related to
legal fees government workers, who step forward to reveal
wrongdoing, must pay and is waiting on a response.
He went on to say,
Sources explained that a subpoena can serve as financial
“There is a perception that without a protection for the agents, should their agency attempt to
subpoena, they have no legal protection retaliate against them and the agents require legal
against retaliation for cooperating with representation in court to defend themselves.
Congress. That is nonsense and a
misperception that has been fomented by
FBI and DOJ leadership for many years.” “It would force whatever agency the
[government worker] is from to pay for
attorney’s fees should they retaliate,” one
The Daily Caller first reported late Tuesday night that FBI congressional source said noting the
agents would be willing to testify before lawmakers on employee was called in before Congress in
Capitol Hill about the problems plaguing the bureau if they the line of duty.
receive a subpoena, arguing that Congress would have to
pay their legal fees if they are mandated to reveal what
they know.

Hyperbolic Jiggery-Pokery: Lemon Warns
Trump Has Caused 'An Extreme Crisis' In America
By Curtis Houck
May 24, 2018 4:10 PM EDT

For some time, it’s been evident that much of the liberal Relying heavily on the incredibly dishonest-yet-heralded
media have come down with cases of Trump Derangement James Clapper to refute the President, Lemon cautioned
Syndrome. One sign that it’s grown is when someone his masses with rhetoric that could have sent people to
starts throwing out words like “crisis,” “impeachment,” their doomsday shelters (click “expand” to read more):
“constitutional crisis,” and “conspiracy theory” to either
describe our discourse or something the President or his This is not just an angry President popping
supporters may have said. off, this is a deliberate and coordinated
effort to save his presidency, to cast doubt
Wednesday’s CNN Tonight showcased how host Don on the Russian investigation by repeating a
Lemon has been grappling with it. Suffice to say, it’s not lie. Repeating it every chance he gets and
going well as he informed viewers that that repetition is a key part of the strategy
here because if you hear him say the same
“[o]ur country is in the middle of an thing over and over and over, it gets into
extreme crisis, a crisis that threatens your head. You may even start to wonder if
our foundation, a crises that threatens there's some truth to it and that's exactly
the values we all hold — hold dear, a what the President and his allies want, to
crisis created to blind us to the truth” put that question in the back of your mind.
caused by Trump. It is a strategy he's used since he first
stormed into the national political stage
with his utterly false and racist birther
claims that President Barack Obama was
not born in this country.

Lemon read an excerpt from anti-Trump Republican and

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake again riding his high horse in a
speech at Harvard before concluding that this notion that
the country is in a “crisis” is not up for debate because,
you know, Facts First...or something.

“Very strong words, but this is not just

about talk, this is about facts. Facts do
matter, the truth matters, and the truth
Lemon continued, staring into the camera and warning that is under daily assault from the President
Trump’s working to of the United States and that is a crisis
and that is the truth,” he proclaimed.
“destroy the very existence of a shared
truth in this country” by intentionally To see the relevant transcript from May 23's CNN Tonight
“lying to us over and over and over and with Don Lemon.”
over again” whether it’s on television or
Twitter. CNN Tonight with Don Lemon
May 23, 2018
Either way, Lemon’s melodramatic screed was only just 10:00 p.m. Eastern
getting started, stating as supposed fact that Trump’s
“undermining our nation's traditions and norms in [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE #1: Don’s Take; The President Is
real-time” with perhaps “the biggest lie of all” being that Lying to Us]
the Trump campaign was spied on in the early stages of the
Russia probe during the 2016 election.
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE #2: Don’s Take; America is in the
middle of a crisis]
DON LEMON: An important and informative town hall with Nancy what the — which campaign. It had nothing to do with spying on
Pelosi tonight. But I want to go to the big picture now for you. the campaign per se, it was about the Russians, which is what
Take a moment to do that and this is really important. Our we all should be concerned about to include President Trump.
country is in the middle of an extreme crisis, a crisis that
threatens our foundation, a crises that threatens the values we all LEMON: And then there is the President’s own Secretary of
hold — hold dear, a crisis created to blind us to the truth. Indeed, State, Mike Pompeo. Listen to what he said today when asked if
to destroy the very existence of a shared truth in this country. there was a so-called deep state at the State Department.
The President of the United States is lying to us over and over
and over and over again. We've all seen it with our very own
eyes and we heard it with our own ears. He relies on our
you believe there's a so-called criminal deep state at the State
airwaves to play the lies to you and uses the airwaves of other
networks to amplify those lies and pile more and more upon
them. He uses Twitter to recklessly tweet them out to you, to all
of us, telegraphing his every thought, including to those who MIKE POMPEO: I haven't seen comments from the President. I
mean this country harm, undermining our nation's traditions and don't believe there's a deep state at the State Department.
norms in real-time. But, what we've seen and heard from the
President in the past five days may be the biggest lie of all. LEMON: And yet, President Trump doubles down on his
Repeatedly and with no facts to back him up, making the baseless claims of spies and a deep state.
outrageous claim that the so-called deep state spied on his
campaign, he did it again today. [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Don’s Take; President Is Deliberately
Repeating a Lie Hoping You’ll Believe Him]

This is not just an angry President popping off, this is a deliberate

and coordinated effort to save his presidency, to cast doubt on
the Russian investigation by repeating a lie. Repeating it every
chance he gets and that repetition is a key part of the strategy
here because if you hear him say the same thing over and over
and over, it gets into your head. You may even start to wonder if
there's some truth to it and that's exactly what the President and
his allies want, to put that question in the back of your mind. It is
a strategy he's used since he first stormed into the national
political stage with his utterly false and racist birther claims that
President Barack Obama was not born in this country.
[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE #2: Don’s Take; President’s Unproved
Claim of So-Called ‘Spies’ May Be the Biggest Lie of All] TRUMP [on ABC’s The View, 03/23/11]: I want him to show his
birth certificate. There's something on that birth certificate that he
doesn't like.
DONALD TRUMP: When they look at the documents, I think
people are going to see a lot of bad things happen. I hope it's not
so, because if it is, there's never been anything like it in the
history of our country. I hope, I mean, if you look at Clapper, he
sort of admitted that they had spies in the campaign yesterday
inadvertently, but, I hope it's not true but it looks like it is.

LEMON: It's not true. It's a lie. James Clapper, the former
Director of National Intelligence did not — did not in any way
admit to the false charges, spies in the Trump campaign. In fact,
he said the opposite. I want you to listen to what he told Jake
Tapper today.

JAKE TAPPER: Did the intelligence community spy on President

Trump and his campaign? LEMON: That was a lie. A lie he told for years. A lie he reportedly
still clings to today but it served Trump's purpose, he rose to
JAMES CLAPPER: No, we did not and that is a distortion of what prominence on it. Do you think he regrets it in any way? I doubt
I said. I — in fact, I had an aversion of the use of the term and I it. What lesson do you think he learned from it? I wonder and you
thought I made that clear and the important thing is here what may wonder. You may have been wondering through all of this
was this all about? Well, what it was about was trying to why doesn't his own party stand up against this blatant disregard
determine what the Russians were doing. Were they trying to for the truth. It's telling that the few Republicans who are
gain access, infiltrate a political campaign? Didn't matter what — speaking out against the President are leaving Congress like

Arizona Senator Jeff Flake. In his Harvard Law School [ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: Don’s Take; The Truth Is Under Daily
commencement address today here is what he said. This is a Assault from the President and That Is a Crisis]
quote, “Our presidency has been debased by a figure who has a
seemingly bottomless appetite for destruction and division and Very strong words, but this is not just about talk, this is about
only a passing familiarity with how the Constitution works. I do facts. Facts do matter, the truth matters, and the truth is under
not think that the Founders could have anticipated that the daily assault from the President of the United States and that is a
beauty of their invention might someday founder on the rocks of crisis and that is the truth.
reality television and that the Congress would be such willing
accomplices to this calamity.”

MORE DEEP STATE LIES! Lawmakers Nunes And
Gowdy DID NOT RECEIVE Unredacted Documents They
Sought From DOJ-FBI Today
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 4:13 Pm

Nunes demanded the Justice

Department hand over the unredacted
memo outlining the scope of Special
Counsel Robert Mueller’s authority and
the name of the FBI secret informant
inside Trump’s campaign in 2016.

There were two meetings today.

One meeting was at noon with Nunes, Gowdy and DOJ

and FBI officials.

House Intelligence Chairman Devin The second meeting was with the Gang of 8 bipartisan
Nunes and Oversight Chairman Trey leaders and the FBI and DOJ.
Gowdy headed into a meeting at 2 PM
EST with senior Justice Department, FBI According to Sarah Westwood, the CNN
and intelligence officials on Thursday to White House reporter, Representatives
view classified documents and discuss Nunes and Gowdy were not given the
Spygate. documents they were promised.
Devin Nunes was spotted earlier today
entering the meeting at the Department
of Justice.

BREAKING: FBI Spy Stefan Halper And
Aussie Diplomat Alexander Downer Go Way Back
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 5:14 Pm

Stefan Halper (on left) and Alexander Downer go way back.

On October 18, 2010, the 5th William Pitt Seminar was
hosted at Emmanuel College. The speakers were Robert
Stefan Halper is the FBI spy inserted into the Trump
Cooper, Brendan Simms, Stefan Halper and Alexander
presidential campaign.
Alexander Downer is the Australian individual who
apparently overheard Papadopoulos talk about Trump and
Russia in a bar which alerted the FBI to the story and their
eventual spy program on Trump. This story has been
refuted for months.

The two have a long history.

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier this
week that a foreign government
meddled in the 2016 US Election. But
the government identified is the UK, not

The War Economy Twitter page discovered the distant

links between Stefan Halper and Alexander Downer.

Via Mike Cernovich:

Tom Fitton: “You Can Bet” Obama Knew
About FBI “Informant” Spying On Donald Trump
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 5:50 Pm

Judicial Watch founder and president Tom Fitton went on FBN reporter David Asman: Could the
FOX Business Network Thursday afternoon to discuss the FBI have implanted this person within a
Deep State spying on the Trump campaign and Transition presidential campaign without some kind of
Team. approval or at least knowledge by a sitting
president which was Obama?
Tom Fitton told FBN that Barack Obama knew about the Tom Fitton: The president was briefed on
“informants” (spies) inside the Trump campaign. And their the dossier. You can bet he was briefed on
justification is we did it by the book. We did it by the this operation against the campaign,
rules. And nobody buys this. especially given its sensitive nature. And
President Obama should disclose what he
knew about that.
Earlier today former White House
spokesman Ari Fleitcher said the same
thing – that Obama knew about the
spying on Trump.

Tom Fitton: All of these Democrats, all of

these Obama officials are confirming, they
were running an informant, running a spy
inside the Trump campaign… The Justice
Department has been undermining the
oversight of Congress repeatedly over the
past year. A Republican Justice
Department attacks Devin Nunes and his
oversight repeatedly and I guarantee you
they didn’t give him enough information
today. There are still documents they’re

Once-Curious Media That Exposed
Watergate Now Playing Role Of Co-Conspirator In
Covering Up Obama Spying On Trump
By JD Heyes

investigative journalists like Sara A. Carter, John

Solomon, and Paul Sperry.

It’s not the only time the media has either lied about the
president or been in collusion with the Deep State to fool
the American people and help bring down a duly-elected
president, simply because they don’t like him.

It’s also worth noting that Comey knew the dossier was
bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign — that it was
opposition research — which the media also knew. But no
one reported that.

The now-infamous “Russia dossier” had been floating Obama ‘wiretapping’

around in establishment media circles for weeks during the
summer of 2016 when the presidential campaigns of In a series of tweets on March 4, 2017, Trump accused the
Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump were heating up. Obama administration of “wiretapping” him at Trump
Tower. It was a clumsy, old-fashioned way of saying that
But no one thought to publish the 35 pages of often the Obama regime was ‘spying’ on him — keeping him
salacious claims about Russian hookers, motel rooms, under surveillance.
“golden showers,” and other wild allegations made against

That’s because no one could verify what was in the dossier

— or so that’s what the American people were told.

It turns out, however, that its author, Christopher Steele,

had attempted to shop the document to various media
outlets, which is what eventually got him fired by the FBI.
So the media knew the document was out there, what it
contained, and where it came from — bought and paid for
by the Clinton campaign. Mind you, president Trump is privy to all kinds of
information that 99.99 percent of Americans will never see
or even know about, so it only makes sense to take him at
When CNN first reported the existence of the ‘as yet
his word when he makes such claims.
unverified’ dossier, it was after then-Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper leaked the fact that it had been
presented to President-elect Trump by FBI Director James But few did.
Comey (Clapper would later become a paid analyst at the
network). Early on, I posited the opinion that someone in
government or the media was lying about the Trump
The American people were never told any of this. We ‘wiretapping story.’ Turns out it was both.
found out much later, thanks to honest brokers on the
House Intelligence Committee and a few good After initially reporting information that could have only
been gleaned from a counterintelligence operation against

the Trump campaign (ergo, spying, surveillance) many in But yet, for more than a year the Pravda media has pushed
the Pravda media began to backtrack and call the president the story, in one form or another, that Russia did just that
out (accused him of lying). — affected the outcome of the election against Hillary and
for Trump.
Then-White House spokesman Sean Spicer pointed out to
the media that they were the first to report it. For months after the 2016 election the story was pushed
daily — and by all the Pravda media outlets — though
The media even went so far as to report that Comey called always without evidence and frequently based on fake
Trump “crazy” for making the claim that he’d been information spoon-fed them by Obama Deep State
‘wiretapped’ by Obama. The New York Times reported: holdovers and operatives.

After President Trump accused his There’s never been any evidence to prove that Russia
predecessor in March of wiretapping him, “hacked” the election. There never was, because, as the
James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director, was 44th president so vehemently stated, it’s simply impossible
flabbergasted. The president, Mr. Comey (though Hillary still believes it).
told associates, was “outside the realm of
normal,” even “crazy.” But you’d be hard-pressed not to find dyed-in-the-wool
Democratic voters to this day who won’t swear to you that
What a narrative. Remember that the Times was the paper it did happen, thanks to the big lie spread by the Pravda
that reported the “wiretapping” in the first place — and media.
even used that term in a headline in print editions.
The big spy lie
And of course, after all these months, we now know for
sure that Trump was right all along and that Comey, In recent days it has become clear that corrupt Democrats
Clapper, John Brennan, et. al. and the Pravda media lied and their equally corrupt Pravda media are changing their
about it every step of the way. stories and narratives so fast it’s like they’ve set a new
record for lying.
Obama: ‘No way’ Russians could hack/steal the election
Last week The New York Times and The Washington Post
In a snarky October 2016 press conference, Obama was published leaked information detailing how Trump’s
asked about Trump’s comments that an outsized number of campaign was not only under surveillance but that it had
illegal voters could shift the balance in Clinton’s favor in also been infiltrated by spies.
states like Florida, where there is a heavy immigrant
population. Naturally, the stories garnered much attention, and from
the president as well, as one can imagine.
Not only did Obama criticize Trump over those remarks,
he went on to claim that no election rigging was possible So incensed was Trump that he summoned Deputy
at all because of the vastly decentralized nature of the Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director
American electoral process. Christopher Wray to the White House on Monday and
ordered them to conduct an investigation into the extent of
That means if illegal aliens could not affect an outcome, the spying and the reason why the counterintelligence
neither could a few hundred Russian trolls. Or a few operation was begun in the first place (since, according to
thousand. Or Russia’s entire counterintelligence service. the head of the House Intelligence Committee, there was
no intelligence evidence whatsoever upon which to
launch a probe).

But some of the same media that had just reported all the
details about the spying operation then backtracked,
claiming that, no, there were no “spies” only “informants.”
As though the entire operation was legitimate in the first
place, which of course is false.

What’s another word for an unknown, undercover


That would be ‘spy.’

And that’s precisely the term the Democrats and their that Team Trump was doing something
Pravda media would be using if, say, George W. Bush had nefarious with Russia.
devised a bogus “counterintelligence” operation for the
There is no evidence to support that claim
express purpose of keeping tabs on a rival (Obama)
because there was never any
collusion. The entire investigation was part
of a scheme to keep Trump out of the
As The National Sentinel reported: White House or undermine him so badly if
he won he could be driven from office.
What’s even more grotesque about the
Times’ piece is it attempts to convince us The Pravda media has been in on these various Obama-era
that the underlying counterintelligence scandals involving Team Trump from the outside. What’s
investigation was some real thing — as sad — and dangerous — is that a large plurality of the
though there really was legitimate evidence country will never believe, or be convinced, that they’ve
been lied to.

JUST IN=> North Korean Regime Still Open To Talks –
Willing To Talk To US “Anytime”
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 6:04 Pm

OUT OF PLANNED JUNE 12TH SUMMIT Korea blew up its nuclear testing

So Kim Jong Un gave up his US

hostages and destroyed his nuclear
testing tunnels… And the US gave up

On Thursday night (Friday morning in Korea) the North

Korean government released a statement:
– North Korea is still willing to sit down at “any time”
– The U.S. decision is not in line with the “ideals of
mankind” and was unexpected by North Korea considering
the preparations
President Trump thanked the North
Koreans for releasing the US hostages. North Korea announced it was still open
to talks with the United States.
President Trump: Some day I look very forward to
meeting you. In the meantime, I want to thank you for the
release of the hostages who are now home with their

Trump, Sylvester Stallone Spar
At The White House
Benny Johnson - Reporter At Large
6:41 PM 05/24/2018

President Donald Trump sparred with longtime friend “Well, no pressure here, right?” Stallone
Sylvester Stallone at the White House Thursday. joked, to laughter.

Stallone was at the White House to witness the pardon of

the first black heavyweight boxing champion, Jack

Johnson was convicted of transporting a white woman

across state lines for immoral purposes in 1931, violating
the Mann Act. The posthumous pardon was granted by
Trump in the Oval Office as the president was surrounded
by boxing champions and family members of Johnson.

Trump said,

“I am taking this very righteous step, I

believe, to correct a wrong that occurred in Stallone said one of the most famous characters he ever
our history, and to honor a truly legendary wrote was based on Johnson:
boxing champion, legendary athlete and a
person that, when people got to know him,
“I want to thank you, Mr. President. It’s
they really liked him and they really thought
incredible that you’ve done this because —
he was treated unfairly.”
it’s one thing, I’ve been so blessed with the
‘Rocky’ situation and playing that
In the remarks, Trump turned to Stallone to compliment character. And actually, when I was writing
him on pushing for the pardon over many years. it, I’m thinking about inspirations for this
Apollo Creed, and that was Jack Johnson
“Now, you know, everybody knows Sly and — this bigger than life, incredible character,
what a job he’s done,” the president said. and who is, you know, treated so unfairly
“But Sly is a special guy, and he’s more — his prime was taken away — but
shy than you would think. So I won’t even somehow he still managed to persevere
tell him, but if you want to say a word, you and kept a smile on his face, and he’s truly
can, Sly.” an inspirational character. So this has been
a long time coming. So it’s an honor to take

a fictional character like Rocky, and do
something in the world of reality.”

Trump chimed in, noting that a humble Stallone never

wanted the credit.

“The beautiful thing about Sly — and I’ve

known him for so long, such a great guy —
he didn’t want to have any press,” Trump
said, “He didn’t want anything. He just
wanted Jack Johnson to be recognized.”

Stallone joked,

“I have stage fright. Can you believe it?

After all these years, I just discovered it.”

“I don’t think you have any fright,” Trump

said, “I’ll tell you what.”
“I do. I do,” Stallone said.

The group then gave Trump a boxing glove and Stallone


“They expect you to start training


Trump said,

“Yeah, we’ll start training.”

“Getting ready for a rematch,” Stallone

SARA CARTER: FBI Agent At Mike Flynn Interrogation
Ready To Testify In Defense Of Flynn
By Cristina Laila
May 24, 2018, 6:49 Pm

joined Peter Strzok on January 24th,

2017 in an ambush style interview to
take down General Flynn.

Grassley demanded the FBI and DOJ produce the

transcript of Flynn’s intercepted calls with Russian
Ambassador Kislyak and the related 302’s by May 25th.
(302’s are reports FBI agents take to summarize an
interview with a subject.)

The recently unredacted portion of the House Intel

As previously reported, Special Agent, report revealed Comey testified to House Intel members
Joe Pientka, who was present during the FBI agents who ambushed Flynn did not detect any
the interrogation of General Flynn, is deception. The report also revealed the illegal leak of
ready to give testimony regarding Flynn’s phone call with Kislyak is what allowed the
circumstances surrounding the ambush FBI/DOJ to keep a counterintel operation open on General
interview. Flynn.

Investigative reporter, Sara Carter says Pientka, if issued a Sara Carter says Special Agent Joe Pientka is ready to
subpoena, testify if issued a subpoena.

will discuss how forthcoming Flynn was Pientka is ready to discuss a very
about very specific sensitive information specific piece of sensitive information
that Flynn could not have possibly known Flynn provided during the interrogation
the investigators already knew, which may that will further prove Flynn is being
give additional insight into Flynn’s veracity truthful.
and willingness to tell the truth.
Sara Carter reported:

FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, if

subpoenaed, will provide testimony
regarding the circumstances surrounding
his interview with former National Security
Advisor Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn,
sources with knowledge have been telling
this reporter for more than a year.
It’s this reporters understanding that
Pientka will account for what Flynn said in
the interview and will give context to the
Investigative reporter Sara Carter FBI’s accusation that he lied during the
On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary interview. If asked, Pientka will also give
Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) sent his personal opinion as to whether or not
a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray that was actually the case. He will also
and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating discuss how forthcoming Flynn was about
Comey testified the FBI didn’t think General very specific sensitive information that
Flynn lied. Grassley also revealed Joe Flynn could not have possibly known the
Pientka was the second FBI agent who investigators already knew, which may give
additional insight into Flynn’s veracity and Special Agent Joe Pientka isn’t the only
willingness to tell the truth. FBI official willing to testify; many
others want to come forward.
Pientka, however, will only testify about the
circumstances regarding the Flynn
interview and the issues that pertain to that Several agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation
interview, according to two sources with want Congress to subpoena them so they can rat out fired
knowledge. There is no reason to believe Director James Comey and former Deputy Director
that Pientka has any information on Andrew McCabe.
Comey’s role in the Trump Russia
investigations but wants the opportunity to They are sick of the public stain the immoral and criminal
“state the truth” what has been said about former leaders have placed on the FBI.
Flynn, said the source, with direct
knowledge. General Flynn was targeted by the Deep State criminals
There was also another “non-partisan” simply because he was connected to President Trump.
law enforcement officer were present in
the Flynn interview per Grassley’s letter
to the DOJ.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough
Again Slams Opponents As ‘Too Stupid'
By Randy Hall
May 24, 2018 7:06 PM EDT

Put simply, MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host Joe from the FBI 10 days beforehand that was
Scarborough has a very nasty habit. When someone absolutely devastating to her campaign.
disagrees with him, he often resorts to hammering that
person as being either “too stupid” or “too incompetent” to Everything the FBI did in the home stretch was to Donald
be taken seriously. Trump’s benefit and Hillary Clinton’s detriment.

That pattern of behavior continued on Wednesday, when “Now, for somebody not to understand that
the former Republican stated that -- I mean, seriously -- suggests only one
thing,” he told co-anchor Willie Geist, “and
“you’re too stupid to handle household that is they are either intentionally lying or
appliances” that you’re too stupid to handle
household appliances. I’ll leave it to you,
if you believe there was a conspiracy by the Justice Willie, to decide which it is.”
Department, the FBI and the administration of former “I can’t believe it’s the appliance part,”
President Barack Obama to rig the 2016 presidential Geist responded. “Toasters aren’t that
election. hard, so it has to be the willful thing.”
“I mean, these are the same people who
celebrated James Comey coming out with
that letter” stating Hillary Clinton was being
investigated over use of a private email
server while doing work for the federal
government, the co-anchor said.
“Remember, James Comey was the
boogeyman for the Clinton campaign and
the reason a lot of people around her and
supported her think she lost, and now that
narrative has been flipped on a total 180 by
the Trump White House.”

Scarborough laughed while making the accusation that the The Morning Joe staff was responding to a series of
concept of planting spies in Donald Trump’s campaign is Twitter posts made by President Trump earlier that day,
“absolutely ludicrous.” one of which read:

“If that were the case,” he noted, “and they “Look how things have turned around on
were all characters out of Mike Judge’s the Criminal Deep State.”
Idiocracy” -- a science-fiction comedy “They go after Phony Collusion with
about two people who hibernate for 500 Russia, a made up Scam, and end up
years and awake in a dystopian society -- getting caught in a major SPY scandal the
they “probably water their grass with likes of which this country may never have
Gatorade.” seen before!” the Republican official added
before noting: “What goes around, comes
The MSNBC co-host continued: around!”

[A]fter all, the investigation into Donald However, Trump is not the only GOP president
Trump’s possible contact with Russia was Scarborough has criticized. In August of 2006, the MSNBC
kept quiet while Hillary Clinton got a letter

host called George W. Bush an “idiot” and went so far as At the end of that month, Scarborough asserted that only
to claim the Republican occupant of the White House “very, very stupid” people questioned the validity of
Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation into
“is in a league by himself. I don't think he whether Trump colluded with the Russians during the
has the intellectual depth as ... other 2016 presidential campaign.
“Anybody that writes an op-ed and
As NewsBusters previously reported, Scarborough lashed suggests that Donald Trump has not put
out at critics in June of 2010 for his coverage of a political himself directly in the target of an
angle regarding the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. obstruction charge is just fooling
themselves and some very, very stupid,
ill-informed readers,” he charged.
Referring specifically to Twitter users, the
MSNBC anchor called them “stupid” and
“dumb,” and instructed them to “shut up.” In mid-April, Scarborough argued that anyone who
subscribes to the idea that former FBI Director James
“The people on Twitter who are whining Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe
about us covering a very important part of have an animus against President Trump should not handle
this story are whiners and beyond that,
they’re just stupid,” he fumed.
“anything sharp because you will hurt
yourself because you are too
Things hadn’t improved by early January, incompetent actually to use any basic
household appliances.”
when Scarborough called Trump a
“bumpkin” and “some stupid old Whether the MSNBC host considers you to be
blubbery man” whom his staff treats “like
he’s just a fool,” making him “the weakest
leader on the planet.” “too stupid” or “too incompetent,” that’s
a badge of honor he only reserves for
“Well, you really can’t trust anything coming those who don’t agree with him while
out of Donald Trump’s mouth,” the MSNBC resorting to name-calling as his last line of
host said at the time. defense.

Clapper Said Spying On Trump A “Good Thing”…
Now #Fakenews Media Says Clapper “Has
Not Admitted FBI Was Spying”
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 7:48 Pm

Now the liberal media is working OT to persuade

Americans Clapper did not say this two days ago.

James Clapper also told Joy Behar on The View that the
FBI was spying on the Trump campaign.

NPR has a piece up titled: FACT CHECK: No, Clapper

Has Not ‘Admitted That There Was Spying’ On
Trump Campaign

Obama’s former DNI Chief James

Clapper told CNN last Thursday “it was
a good thing” the FBI was spying on
Trump’s campaign.
This was after he initially denied the
Intelligence Community was spying on
Donald Trump.

Clapper told CNN it was a good thing if the FBI had

someone “observing” the Trump’s campaigns interaction
with the Russians because the “

Russians posed a threat to the very basis Of course this is a complete lie — as the
of our political system.” above video clearly shows.

Liberal reporter Maggie Haberman attacked President

Trump for stating the obvious.

Intel expert Tony Shaffer took Maggie to The liberal mainstream media is so far
the woodshed. gone that they are now trying to refute a
man’s own words on video!
They are worse than Pravda.

President Trump: How Will James Comey Explain ‘All Of
The Lies’ To His Grandchildren? (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 8:22 Pm

Brian Kilmeade asked Trump about

Comey’s Twitter attack.
Trump threw the insult right back at


“I would actually say how is he going to

explain to his grandchildren all of the lies,
the deceit, all of the problems he’s caused
for this country”
On Thursday morning President Donald
Trump joined Brian Kilmeade on FOX
and Friends in an exclusive interview.

During the conversation Brian Kilmeade asked President

Trump about James Comey’s latest tweets.

Comey lashed out at President Trump

after the FBI was caught spying on

SHUT IT DOWN=> Mueller Investigating Roger Stone’s
Finances – Including His Tax Returns
By Cristina Laila
May 24, 2018, 8:51 Pm

“The special counsel having found no

SHUT IT DOWN. evidence or proof whatsoever of Russian
Robert Mueller is now reportedly collusion, trafficking in allegedly hacked
probing Roger Stone’s finances, emails with WikiLeaks or advance
including his tax returns. knowledge of the publication of (then-
Clinton campaign chair John) Podesta’s
Mueller has zero evidence of Trump- emails now seems to be combing through
Russia collusion so he’s harassing every molecule of my existence including
anyone and everyone connected to the my personal life, political activities and
President. business affairs to conjure up some offense
to charge me with either to silence me or
induce me to testify against the President,”
Stone told CNN. “I have no intention of
being silenced or turning my back on
President Trump.”

Roger Stone also said Mueller’s team has contacted 8

people connected to him, however; he didn’t divulge
anymore information.

Mueller probing Stone’s finances comes after the special

counsel issued Grand Jury subpoenas to two of his
associates including Stone’s driver.
It is unclear why Mueller is seeking
Stone’s finances; he may be pursuing Last Wednesday it was reported Robert Mueller issued two
unrelated charges. grand jury subpoenas to Roger Stone’s social media
consultant, Jason Sullivan.
CNN reported:
Mueller is investigating whether Trump’s longtime advisor
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has Roger Stone or anyone in Trump’s inner circle had
been probing Roger Stone’s finances as it advance knowledge of the Russians hacking Podesta’s
summons a series of witnesses to gather emails and sending them to WikiLeaks.
more information about one of President
Donald Trump’s longtime advisers, Roger Stone has repeatedly denied he was aware of any
according to people familiar with the collusion between Trump’s camp and the Russians.
Mueller’s team has questioned To this date, the FBI still has not done a forensic
associates about Stone’s finances, inspection of the DNC’s servers to confirm the Russians
including his tax returns. even hacked the servers.

[…] Mueller is a pathetic man and a disgrace to this country.

Capitol Police Accidentally Gave Evidence
To House Hacking Suspect’s Defense Attorney
Luke Rosiak - Investigative Reporter
9:06 PM 05/24/201

 The House IG said Democratic IT aides made copies,” the source, who’s familiar with The
unauthorized access to data, but prosecutors Awans, told TheDCNF.
haven’t charged them
Awan, three relatives and a friend ran IT for one in five
 Democrats appear to want to keep the case out of House Democrats and could read all their emails and files
court; a trial could expose their reckless IT until they were banned on Feb. 2, 2017, for
practices “numerous violations of House security policies.” The
violations alleged by the House Office of Inspector
 Capitol Police didn’t make arrests despite General include logging into the House Democratic
numerous red flags and then ‘inadvertently’ gave Caucus server thousands of times without authorization.
evidence to defense attorneys that was supposed This allegedly occurred during the same period in 2016 the
to go to prosecutors DNC was hacked.

Prosecutor Michael Marando alluded to the disclosure of

 Prosecutors appear to be sharing info with
evidence in court on Oct. 6, 2017.
someone on Capitol Hill who is leaking details to
the hacking suspect’s lawyer
“Earlier this week, there was
the inadvertent disclosure of law
enforcement materials to defense counsel,”
Marando told the judge. “There may be a
motion on that.”

Another disclosure may have occurred after TheDCNF

emailed the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of
Columbia for comment on this story. Three hours after
spokesman Bill Miller was contacted, Gowen emailed
Imran Awan entering federal court for his arraignment Sept. 1, 2017. TheDCNF.
(Screenshot from One America News used with permission) | Imran
Awan Explained On Fox News | Cops Accidentally Gave Evidence To
“I hear you are writing another article about
me — I assume you don’t want to fact
check it?” Gowen wrote. “From what I hear,
The Capitol Police turned over a trove of evidence in the
you have it totally wrong as usual.”
alleged Imran Awan House cyberbreach and theft case to
the defense attorneys when they were supposed to deliver
it to prosecutors instead, according to court documents and TheDCNF had not told anyone other than the spokesman
a source. about an upcoming story involving Gowen. TheDCNF
followed up with Miller to ask if prosecutors had provided
that information to Gowen.
And hours after The Daily Caller News Foundation asked
prosecutors about the disclosure, Awan’s lawyer said he
had learned of the forthcoming story from a source on “I’m not going to get into what we do
Capitol Hill. TheDCNF had not told anyone other than internally,” but “I really don’t know why that
prosecutors about it. would be the case,” Miller told TheDCNF. “I
communicate with the prosecutors regularly
when I get media inquiries.”
“The cop came to [Awan’s defense
attorney] Chris Gowen’s office with a stack
of papers … Then he came back and said, Gowen — a former aide to failed Democratic presidential
‘I thought you guys were the other party.’ candidate Hillary Clinton — said he learned of the story
He was very, very angry. But Gowen made through someone on Capitol Hill. “I have been told by my
source on the Hill,” he said.
If true, this would imply congressional staff, or possibly Protective Order require the defendant to return all
even members, are feeding information to the attorney of a copies of such material to the Government.”
hacking suspect.
Gowen didn’t say whether he returned all the material
Awan exclusively worked for Democrats, including Rep. when TheDCNF asked.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who formerly headed the
DNC and whose brother is an assistant U.S. attorney in the Nonetheless, prosecutors said in court documents filed on
D.C. office. May 3 that the “parties are currently exploring a possible
resolution of” the criminal charges against Imran.
Republicans have told TheDCNF they’ve been led to
believe they must stay out of the investigation. On Everly previously told TheDCNF that she believed Awan
Thursday, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said, was a national security threat and that she had a duty to
assist in his prosecution by providing evidence, however
“I don’t want to get into the details of a small. But she also said she worried that Awan would
police investigation.” somehow wind up with even more information about her.

Democrats, meanwhile, have publicly underscored the Numerous fellow IT aides in the House who say they have
importance of cybersecurity, expressing outrage at what knowledge of misconduct involving Awan — and in some
they say is President Donald Trump’s involvement with cases, his relationship with members — have expressed to
the 2016 hack on the DNC. TheDCNF reluctance to come forward, citing similar fears.
They said they perceive that prosecutors will not pursue
Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, have been charged with the leads vigorously and that the Awans and Democrats
bank fraud for gathering $300,000 and wiring it to will learn about their allegations and become angered.
Pakistan. Prosecutors said
“I’d do it if the right thing would happen,”
“based on the suspicious timing of that one said. “But it’s going to be all risk, no
transaction, Awan and Alvi likely knew they reward … If they actually wanted to pursue
were under investigation at” the time they this case, they would have approached
made that transfer. me.”

It could be an offense punishable by jail time for Awan if The director of investigations for conservative watchdog
he sought help from members. Any former senior group Judicial Watch, Chris Farrell, said the disclosures
congressional staffer, who “within 1 year after the are
termination of that employment,” communicates with his
former office to “seek[] action by a Member, officer, or “disgraceful and amateurish. What were
employee” can be jailed for a year. Awan and his brothers the consequences for this misconduct?
were among the highest-paid in Congress. Who was disciplined or fired?”

Gowen said the evidence inadvertently disclosed to his Capitol Police’s role appears to be “to bury, constrain and
office was a copy of a laptop Awan’s former tenant, Laurel minimize the Awan case” and points to the need for “a
Everly, turned in to the Capitol Police in hopes of seeing legitimate, full investigation by a competent law
whether Awan had hacked her. enforcement agency,” he continued.

Everly previously complained of her landlord’s allegedly The House’s Inspector General — an internationally
suspicious behavior and called him an “extortionist.” renowned cybersecurity expert — found that the Awans
made “unauthorized access” to House servers, were taking
“I was told there was nothing on it and was data off the House network and were covering their tracks.
a giant waste of time, and the laptop was
returned,” Gowen told TheDCNF. But the investigation now is under the purview of
prosecutors, the FBI and Capitol Police.
On Oct. 6, 2017, prosecutors wrote: “During the course of
this voluminous discovery, the Government might More than a year later, no one has been charged with
inadvertently produce material that is not subject to the anything in the IG reports.
Government’s discovery obligations or that was not
intended to be produced in a particular form. In such “The only reason you’re not seeing charges
circumstances, the Government requests that the Proposed is because the Democrats who employed
him are not cooperating,” a senior
Republican congressional official with “shocking lack of IT and hardware security
direct knowledge of the probe told on Capitol Hill,”
while another lawyer for Imran alleged that congressmen
Farrell said wanted the Awans to falsify financial documents.

“This matter is too serious to be left to Gowen said prosecutors have repeatedly asked Imran’s
political operatives.” legal team to respond to TheDCNF’s reporting, according
to a May 4 Fox News article.
Prosecutors have said they have turned over “voluminous
discovery” to Awan and his lawyers. A court filing shows “We are trying to be as helpful as possible
that documents turned over include a copy of the hard to law enforcement to provide them any
drive of a government laptop with the username RepDWS information or access they need,” Gowen
— placing the contents of a government computer in told Fox.
Awan’s hands even though he was banned from the House
computer network as a security risk. After House officials flagged allegedly fraudulent financial
records and unauthorized server access, law enforcement
It is unclear why prosecutors would give over evidence in began monitoring the Awans in late 2016. During that
the House matter because Awan and Alvi have not been period, the following occurred, all without triggering
charged with any wrongdoing in the cyber probe. arrests or searches of their homes:
Defendants are entitled to evidence to defend themselves
against specific charges in court.  A server containing evidence allegedly disappeared;
 Awan and his wife both left the country without
Capitol Police declined to execute search warrants on the apprehension — his wife with $12,000 in cash and
Awans’ homes when the chief administrative officer after refusing to speak to FBI agents at the gate;
notified the Committee on House Administration in  Awan left a congressional laptop with the
December 2016 that the House Democratic Caucus server username RepDWS in a phone booth two months after
— at the time a key piece of evidence in the cybersecurity he was banned from the House computer network,
probe — had disappeared. according to a Capitol Police report; and
 The Awans’ stepmother called the police on the
Police told Capitol Hill staff in June 2017 that they had no Awans and said in court documents that Imran had
plans to conduct any more interviews – even though wiretapped her and was trying to use her to gain
many of Awan’s colleagues in House IT told TheDCNF access to money overseas.
that they believed they had knowledge of wrongdoing but
were never approached. Despite that, Administration Awan wasn’t arrested until July 2017 and was charged
Chairman Gregg Harper continued to defer to prosecutors, only with the alleged bank fraud, which occurred six
telling TheDCNF in April 2018 that “this is still in months prior.
the hands of the Department of Justice.”
Farrell said the repeated delays in the case indicate that
Republicans on Capitol Hill said, despite Democrats prosecutors may be looking to make it go away as quietly
publicly saying they abhor cyberbreaches such as the DNC as possible — even if it means accepting a plea deal to far
hack, prosecutors may be bowing to Democrats’ wishes to more minor or even unrelated crimes — in order to keep
avoid a trial at which members of Congress would be the case out of public court where Democratic
forced to testify about their relationship with the Awans congressmen might have to testify.
and the IG’s allegation many failed to take cybersecurity
seriously in their own offices. Kendra Arnold, a lawyer with the Foundation for
Accountability & Civic Trust, said:
An attorney for Imran’s brother, Abid Awan, previously
said there was a
“If he was Joe Smith from Idaho this is not
how the prosecution would be proceeding.”

ABC Downplays North Korea’s Role
In Sabotaging The Nuke Summit With U.S.
By Nicholas Fondacaro
May 24, 2018 9:39 PM EDT

“But North Korea expressed revulsion at

demands by U.S. officials that they give
up their entire nuclear program before
getting anything in return,” he reported.
“But after Vice President Pence
suggested dire consequences if Kim
doesn't give up his nukes, North Korea
lashed out, calling pence a, quote,
‘political dummy.’”

On Thursday, President Trump announced that he was

calling off the greatly anticipated U.S.-North Korea
summit because the other party was acting in bad faith
going into it, something the President promised to do
weeks ago. Of course, many in the liberal media used the
opportunity to suggest it was somehow a diplomatic
blunder on his part despite overnight nuclear threats by the
regime. ABC seemed to be in that camp as they
downplayed North Korea’s recent hostile actions.
But Karl failed to mention that in that same letter, North
ABC kicked off World News Tonight with a report about Korea threatened nuclear action against the U.S., which
these latest developments and seemed to suggest President both of ABC’s broadcast competitors did.
Trump had bad timing:
“The President wrote in a letter to
And we begin with those major dictator Kim Jong-un, the North's
developments on North Korea and our new ‘Tremendous anger and open hostility’
reporting. President Trump calling off the scuttled the summit, a reference to
summit on its nuclear program, citing North North Korea's statement last night
Korea's, quote, “tremendous anger and calling vice president pence a ‘political
open hostility.” It came just hours after dummy’ and warning of nuclear
North Korea invited journalists to witness conflict,” CBS White House correspondent
what they say was the planned destruction Major Garret reported on CBS Evening
of their nuclear testing site. News.
“A senior administration official says the
The network’s chief White House correspondent, Jon Karl, President made the decision to cancel
attacked Trump’s letter calling off the summit as the summit after North Korean
“wistful,” huffed about how it was addressed to “His statements overnight threatening the
Excellency,” and for writing: “Dear Mr. Chairman. We U.S. with a nuclear-to-nuclear
greatly appreciate your time, patient and effort." Of course, showdown and referring to Vice
he automatically wondered if a new war on the Korean President Pence as a ‘political dummy,”
Peninsula was approaching. NBC White House correspondent Kirsten
Welker said on NBC Nightly News.
While Karl noted the release of American hostages, he
made it sound like the U.S. was being the unreasonable Karl also gave credit to the North for
one. making an effort with the “overture” of

“blowing up a nuclear test site in the and effort." But he wrote, due to North Korea's "Tremendous
presence of western journalists.” anger and open hostility," "I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to
have this long-planned meeting." He also issued a dark warning -
But many experts suggested the gesture was hollow - "You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so
because the facility might have been too damaged to be massive and powerful that I pray to god they will never have to
used after their most recent nuclear test, which they be used."
claimed was a hydrogen bomb. He also omitted how the
North Koreans had failed to show up to a planning meeting DONALD TRUMP: I've spoken to General Mattis and the Joint
with the U.S. in Singapore with no notice. Chiefs of Staff, and our military, which is by far the most powerful
anywhere in the world, is ready, if necessary.
The ABC report also omitted China’s possible influence in
sinking the summit. Both CBS and NBC noted their KARL: I asked the president if that could mean war. Mr.
possible meddling via pressure on the North. President, does the breakdown of this summit raise the risk of
war with North Korea?
“They feel a break in the relationship
between themselves and North Korea if TRUMP: Well, we’ll see what happens.
this summit goes forward without
Chinese participation,” KARL: The breakdown comes after a mind-boggling thaw in
U.S./North Korean relations, including two meetings between
Adm. James Stavridis (Ret.) told NBC chief foreign affairs Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Kim Jong-un. And the
correspondent Andrea Mitchell. release of three American prisoners. The President even relished
talk of a Nobel peace prize.
Back when the prospect of a Trump-Kim summit was in its
infancy, President Trump made it clear that the summit (…)
could be called off at any time if the North acted up in
anyway given their history. But now that Trump had made KARL: But North Korea expressed revulsion at demands by U.S.
good on the promise, many are trying to claim it was a officials that they give up their entire nuclear program before
failure on his part. getting anything in return. President Trump tried to show some
flexibility on that.
The transcript is below:
TRUMP: I don't think I want to totally commit myself. But all in
ABC's World News Tonight one would be a lot better.
May 24, 2018
6:31:47 PM Eastern [3 minutes 35 seconds] KARL: But after Vice President Pence suggested dire
consequences if Kim doesn't give up his nukes, North Korea
TOM LLAMAS: And we begin with those major developments on lashed out, calling pence a, quote, “political dummy.” But in his
North Korea and our new reporting. President Trump calling off letter, President Trump told Kim, quote, "I felt a wonderful
the summit on its nuclear program, citing North Korea's, quote, dialogue was building up between you and me."
“tremendous anger and open hostility.” It came just hours after
North Korea invited journalists to witness what they say was the (…)
planned destruction of their nuclear testing site. These images
just coming in. And on both sides, tough talk. President Trump KARL: Today, North Korea made another overture, blowing up a
reminding North Korea today of America's overwhelming nuclear nuclear test site in the presence of western journalists. And the
might. So tonight, the question of today’s developments, do they president is still holding out hope, writing to Kim, "If you change
increase the risk of war? ABC's Chief White House your mind, please do not hesitate to call me or write." Do you
correspondent Jonathan Karl with the President's answer. expect him to call you, Mr. President? Do you expect him to call
[Curs to video]
[Cuts back to live]
JON KARL: President Trump warned ominously the collapse of
the summit is bad news for the entire world. LLAMAS: Jon Karl joins us from the White House. And Jon, you
were there in the room there when President Trump announced
(…) the June 12 summit was off. But he later told the world not to be
anxious, saying, it might happen on that date after all. Is that still
KARL: The President pulled out in a wistful letter to Kim Jong-un, realistic?
addressing the North Korean dictator as "His Excellency," writing,
"Dear Mr. Chairman. We greatly appreciate your time, patient
KARL: No, that's not going to happen, Tom. White House officials the President would like to see this summit get back on track at
made that clear after the President spoke. But there is no doubt some point, but it won't be on June 12.

Congress Must ‘Fight For Its
Rightful Role’ In Overseeing Spy Agencies
Former CIA Officer John Kiriakou Warned That The Deep State Will Always
Resist Transparency Following Bipartisan Congressional Briefing
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 25 May 2018 At 7:14 AM

from the intelligence community amid highly politicized


"We have that responsibility. Nothing

should be redacted from Congress.
[Lawmakers] need to get to the facts,"
Russell (above, second from left) said.

Congress must “fight for its rightful role in oversight” of Among Russell's major concerns is whether or not the
the intelligence community and demand unredacted lawmakers present at the classified briefings Thursday
documents it is entitled to review, former CIA official were able "to look at the information without redactions."
John Kiriakou said Thursday night on Fox News’ “The
Ingraham Angle.” "We see these problems where they will
redact things, withholding it from
Top Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI officials held Congress," he warned.
classified briefings for both GOP and Democratic
lawmakers Thursday amid escalating tensions regarding
the bureau’s investigation into President Donald Trump’s
2016 presidential campaign. The briefings came after
Trump demanded Sunday that the DOJ investigate whether
the FBI planted a spy within the Trump campaign.

Kiriakou, who confirmed the CIA’s waterboarding

practices during interrogations in 2007 and was sentenced
to 30 months of prison in 2013 after disclosing classified
information to the press, told Fox News host Laura
Ingraham that the deep state is resisting Congress’
constitutional oversight authority.
Following the briefing, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the
“That’s the deep state,” Kiriakou (pictured ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee,
above, third from left) said. “It’s there, it’s insisted in a statement that
unelected, and it’s in power forever.”
"nothing we heard today has changed our
Noting that the intelligence community “pushes back on view, that there is no evidence to support
congressional oversight” as “a part of its very nature,” he any allegation that the FBI, or any
warned that intelligence officials will “provide to Congress intelligence agency, placed a spy in the
as little as they can get away with.” Trump campaign or otherwise failed to
follow appropriate procedures and
"That's where Congress has to fight for its protocols."
rightful role in oversight," Kiriakou said.
But Robert Driscoll, the former deputy assistant attorney
Rep. Steve Russell (R-Okla.), a member of the House general and chief of staff of the Department of Justice's
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told civil rights division, noted that Schiff's statement was
Ingraham that congressional members "have that "very carefully worded."
responsibility" to demand transparency and accountability
"He said 'no evidence' that they placed a "He's almost playing a mediating role
spy in the campaign. Now, that could still between two branches of government
mean that [the FBI] had a confidential rather than acting as the head of the
information contact with people in the executive branch, saying, 'Look, Congress
campaign and record their conversations," has got a point. There needs to be more
Driscoll (pictured above, left) noted. "But transparency here. I'm not going to force
that means they didn't have an imbed in you to disclose everything because there
the campaign." may be some interests that are so strong
that it's justified,'" Driscoll said.
"OK, I get that, but I don't think that's
necessarily what's of most concern to
Congress," Driscoll added. But Ingraham warned that the U.S. has

Driscoll said he finds it quite "interesting" that Trump "created a surveillance superstate in this
"could declassify all this stuff himself with the stroke of a country."
pen," but is instead choosing to show "a little bit of "People at the top also think they're beyond
deference to DOJ" amid heightened political tensions. reproach, and they're so confident that
they're right," Ingraham said. "They want to
do what they want to do with impunity."

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Campaign Aide
Apologizes To Papadopoulos For ‘Coffee Boy’ Jab
Chuck Ross - Reporter
9:42 AM 05/25/2018

macchiato over a regular American coffee

in conversations with his barista.”

Caputo joined the White House and numerous other

Trump backers in downplaying Papadopoulos’s role on the
campaign, seemingly as a way to put distance between the
young adviser’s activities on the campaign and Trump.

That characterization was somewhat off base given that

Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo is apologizing for Papadopoulos did make some substantive contributions to
calling George Papadopoulos a "coffee boy." (Photo: LinkedIn) the campaign. He helped arrange a meeting in September
2016 between Trump and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah
 Michael Caputo is apologizing for calling George al-Sisi at the United Nations General Assembly.
Papadopoulos a “coffee boy”
 Caputo wrote in an open letter to Papadopoulos Papadopoulos, 30, admitted to lying to FBI agents during a
and the former Trump campaign aide’s wife Jan. 26, 2017 interview about the timeline of his
 “Calling George a ‘coffee boy’ on national interactions with a Maltese professor named Joseph
television was uncalled for,” he wrote Mifsud and two of his Russian associates. Mifsud told
Papadopoulos on April 26, 2016 that he had learned from
Former Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo is Russian government officials that the Kremlin had “dirt”
apologizing for calling George Papadopoulos a “coffee on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the form of
boy.” “thousands” of her emails.

“Calling George a ‘coffee boy’ on national Papadopoulos’s conversation with Australian diplomat
television was uncalled for and surely hurt Alexander Downer two weeks later is said to have been the
you both even more after our country failed catalyst for the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into
you,” Caputo wrote Friday in an open letter possible coordination between the Trump campaign and
to Papadopoulos and the former Trump Russian government.
campaign aide’s wife, Simona
Mangiante. “I hope history quotes my Mangiante, Papadopoulos’s wife, responded aggressively
heartfelt apology along with those two to Caputo’s remarks, suggesting in some interviews that
harsh words I regret today. I’m sorry for Papadopoulos had information that could undercut the
making this terrible chapter in our nation’s White House.
history even worse for you and your
family.” “He never took any initiative, as far as I
know, [that was] unauthorized. All the
Caputo, who served on President Donald Trump’s initiatives had [the] blessing of the
campaign until June 2016, made the “coffee boy” remark campaign,” Mangiante told ABC News on
in an interview on Oct. 31, just after Papadopoulos pleaded Dec. 8.
guilty to lying to the FBI about his interactions with a
Maltese professor and two Russian nationals. Mangiante said in a Jan. 22 interview:

“He was the coffee boy,” Caputo said in an “I believe history will remember
interview on CNN. “You might have called [Papadopoulos] like John Dean,” a
him a foreign policy analyst, but if he was reference to the Nixon White House
going to wear a wire, all we would have counsel who exposed part of the Watergate
known now is whether he prefers a caramel coverup.

Sources familiar with Papadopoulos’s private remarks Read Caputo’s letter in full:
have told The Daily Caller News Foundation he has told
people close to him that he was not involved in any Dear George and Simona:
collusion and did not see, handle or disseminate emails
stolen by Russians.
Knowing much more today about how an FBI lied to you,
set you up and abused you, I know I owe you an apology.
Caputo said his assessment of Papadopoulos has changed Calling George a “coffee boy” on national television was
in the wake of revelations that an FBI informant spied on uncalled for and surely hurt you both even more after our
Papadopoulos during the campaign. country failed you.

“Knowing much more today about how an They wanted to stop President Trump at all costs, and
FBI informant lied to you, set you up and you were expendable. That’s sick.
abused you, I know I owe you an apology,”
Caputo wrote in his letter. We all make mistakes, and I guess you made a few. I’ve
made my own, including not waiting to hear the truth
The informant is Stefan Halper, a former Cambridge about what the spy Stefan Halper did to you before I
professor who lured Papadopoulos to London in opened my big mouth and insulted you to all the world.
September 2016 while serving as an informant for the FBI
and CIA. Halper also made contact with two other Trump I hope history quotes my heartfelt apology along with
advisers, Carter Page and Sam Clovis. those two harsh words I regret today. I’m sorry for making
this terrible chapter in our nation’s history even worse for
“We all make mistakes, and I guess you you and your family.
made a few. I’ve made my own, including
not waiting to hear the truth about what the Sincerely,
spy Stefan Halper did to you before I Michael R. Caputo
opened my big mouth and insulted you to East Aurora, NY
all the world,” wrote Caputo, who called the May 25, 2018
entire spy operation “sick.”

Three FBI Agents Set To Testify:
Including Lead Investigator In Clinton Email Probe Who
Quit In Protest Over Sham Investigation
By Jim Hoft
May 24, 2018, 9:56 Pm

The word is that Giacalone quit the FBI

in protest over how the higher ups were
killing the investigation.

Giacalone resigned from the Hillary Clinton case and

retired from the FBI because he felt the case was going
“sideways”; that’s law enforcement jargon for “nowhere
by design.”

House Republicans are set to interview

three witnesses in early June regarding
the sham Hillary Clinton email

According to The Hill, Bill Priestap, the assistant director

of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, and Michael
Steinbach, the former head of the FBI’s national security
division, will testify shortly after the release of the IG

Bill Priestap was the FBI official who changed the

wording in the James Comey July 2016 speech to remove
the word “President” and replace it with “another senior
government official” to hide this fact from the American

The third witness is John Giacalone who preceded

Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and
oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.


Giuliani: Trump More Likely To Meet
With Kim Jong Un Than Robert Mueller
Scott Morefield - Reporter
10:14 PM 05/24/2018

President Trump reportedly decided to cancel the

scheduled meeting with the North Korean leader after the
U.S. advance team was “stood up” for a meeting about

“On Secretary (of State Mike) Pompeo’s

second trip to Pyongyang, North Korea
promised that the two sides would meet in
Singapore last week, to jointly work on the
logistical preparations for the summit,” said
a senior White House official to Yonhap
Rudy Giuliani told The Washington Post Thursday that the News reporters.
chances of President Trump sitting down for a talk with Giuliani and Trump allies believe that Mueller’s
Kim Jong Un is still higher than a presidential interview investigation into possible collusion between Russia and
with special counsel Robert Mueller. the Trump campaign has widened to include allegations
that the president may have tried to obstruct justice, and
“I think it is more inevitable than a Mueller that the president speaking with Mueller could lead to a
interview,” said the former New York City perjury trap.
mayor and Trump legal team member. “At
least they’re not going to try to trap him into
Korean perjury.”

Columnist: ‘The DEMOCRATS
Now Have THEIR Own Watergate!’
Posted On May 25, 2018

Yesterday, Trump met with FBI Director

Christopher Wray, Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein and Director of National
Intelligence Dan Coats to inquire if Brennan’s
CIA and the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential
campaign, as reported by The New York Times
and other media last week.
If it’s confirmed that the Obama administration
used U.S. intelligence agencies and the Justice
Department to go after political opponents — to
keep Democrats in power through a presidential
election cycle — Attorney General Jeff
Sessions should immediately un-recuse himself
from the Russia “collusion” witch hunt, shut it
(National Sentinel) Scandal: At a technology conference down and open a criminal investigation into all
in Las Vegas earlier this week, former President Barack parties involved.
Obama actually told an audience that his administration
was scandal-free. And to think that Democrats and their puppets
in media have been calling Trump the greatest
Never mind that it was scandal-plagued from the outset, threat to democracy all this time when their
beginning with the “Fast and Furious” gun-walking party may have been using authoritarian tactics
scandal where former AG Eric Holder oversaw the against the leader of the opposition party and
massive export of American guns to Mexican drug cartels his associates.
with the hope they’d be used in U.S. crimes so Democrats
No doubt. But like Obama can say his administration was
could pass more gun control legislation.
scandal-free with a straight face, Democrats can now
What sick, twisted men Holder and Obama are. pretend like nothing has happened and that Obama’s
spying on President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign was
Now, however, we’re beginning to see the granddaddy of
perfectly legitimate.
all Obama scandals: Spygate.
When everyone knows it wasn’t.
And it’s beginning to shape up to be the Democrats’ own
version of a Republican scandal they love to reference: The There was no “Russia collusion.”
Nixon administration’s “Watergate” scandal.
There never has been — not regarding the Trump
Columnist Adriana Cohen has written about this at campaign, anyway.
the Boston Herald:
But of course, the Hillary Clinton campaign bought a
A Democratic Watergate is unfolding before our bogus “Russia dossier” from a former British spook,
eyes. Christopher Steele, who got his ‘information’
from Russian sources.
It’s no wonder Obama’s former CIA chief John
Brennan is tweeting like a madman, attacking Watergate? No, this scandal is much bigger than that
President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan because it involves the politicization and utter corruption
and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. of the FBI, Justice Department and the Deep State
intelligence community.
Brennan’s running scared because it’s starting
to look like he may have been a co-conspirator All Nixon did was try to cover up a burglary.
in the biggest political scandal since, well,

Playing Softball With Clapper
Is All The Rage On TV
By Tim Graham
May 25, 2018 6:40 Am Edt

“Help me understand here how I should

think about that.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper had the same sympathetic, explain-

the-wackos-to-me tone, but at least he was trying to nail
some facts down as Clapper weirdly insisted they weren't
spying on Trump, just the Russians.
Obama’s director of national intelligence James Clapper
went on a tour of Very Supportive Liberal Networks on
Wednesday, starting with the PBS NewsHour. Judy “To be fair, whoever the confidential
Woodruff threw marshmallows like sources were and we know of one of them
and I don't know if there were others, but
they were trying to find out not just what the
“The president, as you know, has been just Russians were doing, but what any
constantly critical of the intelligence members of the Trump team might have
community since he’s been in been doing with the Russians too, right?”
office….What is the effect of these
cumulative comments by the president?”
This question only seemed bizarre in contrast to the rest of
And “Is the intelligence community destined
The Lead, where Tapper and his panel compared the
to be undermined, misunderstood, not
spying-on-Trump revelations as loony. Amanda Carpenter
said it was akin to “birtherism.” Tapper worried about
eroding norms -- and the CNN norm is complete panic that
Clapper made “news” by claiming it was his “informed Trump was elected president.
opinion” that Russia “turned” the election with their
“massive effort” to influence the voters. “That’s a stunning
conclusion,” replied Soft Touch Judy. He could have told Actually, the sap began flowing on Tuesday night on
MSNBC, on The Rachel Maddow Show.
her Ed Schultz’s show on RT did it all, and she would have
nodded and cooed.

NPR also lined up for Clapper Softball on All Things

Considered. Anchor Audie Cornish offered this:

“You had the president essentially tweeting

criticism since he's been in office. Is the
intelligence community just in a bad place
right now?” And: “Is it good enough for the
intelligence community to hunker down,
stay out of the politics, provide information
and hope it gets used in a wise way?” And:
“how does the intelligence community get
that trust back, of the American people or MADDOW, quoting the Clapper book on Trump:
the White House? "
“He has set a new low bar for ethics and
Cornish actually said this out loud: morality. He has caused damage to our
societal and political fabric that will be about your history as a nonpartisan
difficult and will require time to repair. And intelligence and military professional,
close to my heart, he has besmirched the your decades of service. It is it -- is striking
intelligence community and the FBI, pillars to hear the strength of your critique there of
of our country, and deliberately incited the president. Was that a hard decision to
many Americans to lose faith and make?
confidence in them.”
None of these seasoned interviewers could be as tough as
And it goes on from there. Joining us once again is James Meghan McCain, who reminded the audience on The View
Clapper, former director of national intelligence. that Clapper lied to Congress in 2013 about domestic
spying on American citizen “metadata.” Instead, Clapper
Sir, I wanted to quote that to you, because I was treated as the essence of nonpartisan wisdom and
am -- I know a lot from reading the book experience.

Obama Takes Jab At Trump:
“I Did Not Have Scandals As President”
…(Benghazi, IRS Targeting, Spygate, Fast And Furious…)
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 8:06 Am

screwing up as long there wasn’t malicious

intent behind it,” he said.
A federal judge awarded a $3.5 million
settlement to Tea Party groups two
weeks ago for Obama IRS targeting.

The Spygate scandal may be the largest political scandal in

US history.

Newsweek failed to correct Obama for

his lies — which goes hand-in-hand with
his “scandal free” claims.

Here’s a short list of Obama scandals and lies:

Former President Barack Obama of
Spygate fame took a swipe at President OBAMA LIES, SCANDALS & QUOTES:
Trump in a Wednesday speech. (***not a comprehensive list)

Obama bragged to an audience that he 1. "I will have the most transparent administration."
“did not have scandals” as president. 2. "I have shovel ready jobs."
3. "The IRS is not targeting anyone."
4. "If four Americans get killed…uh…. it is not optimal."
Newsweek reported: (Benghazi)
5. "ObamaCare will be good for America."
President Barack Obama took a light swing 6. "If you like your doctor, you can keep him, period."
at his successor during a tech conference 7. "Premiums will be lowered by $2500"
in Las Vegas on Wednesday. His eight 8. If you like your health insurance, you can keep it,
years in office were scandal free, he told period.
the audience. 9. "I did not say you could keep your health care."
“I didn’t have scandals, which seems like it (Regardless that 29 recorded videos show I did)
shouldn’t be something you brag about,” 10. "No one making less than $250,000 will see their taxes
Obama joked. raised one dime."
11. "Benghazi was because of a youtubevideo."
President Donald Trump’s presidency has 12. "If I had a son…"
thus far been racked with scandalous 13. "I am not a dictator."
allegations, but Obama later hedged his 14. "I will put an end to the type of politics that “breeds
barb. “But actually,” he said, “if you look at division, conflict and cynicism".
the history of the modern presidency, 15. "You didn't build that."
coming out of the modern presidency 16. "I will restore trust in Government."
without anybody going to jail is really good. 17. "The Cambridge police acted stupidly."
It’s a big deal.” 18. "I am not after your guns."
The reason his presidency was relatively 19. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising
controversy free, he said, was because he America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure."
was accepting of bad news. “No one in my (Senator BO of 2006)
White House ever got in trouble for
20. "I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it 61. Taking all credit for SEAL Team 6 success
was like Special Olympics." 62. Forcing businesses to violate their abortion religious
21. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good beliefs with obamacare
for everybody." 63. Obamacare website no-bid contract website-cronyism
22. "The Public Will Have 5 Days To Look At Every Bill that cost $634Mto build (and the website NEVER
That Lands On My Desk" worked), cost < $50M to build
23. "It's not my red line it is the worlds red line." 64. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists with arms
24. "Whistleblowers will be protected." and money in Syria, on the taxpayer's dime
25. "We got back every dime we used to rescue the banks, 65. NSA acting as Obama Gestapo, spying in ALL
with interest." AMERICAN telephone calls.
26. "I will close Gitmo." (Guantanamo) 66. Proposed amnesty for illegal law breakers
27. "The point I was making was not that Grandmother 67. Spying on Americans, on American soil, with drones
harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't, -- but she is 68. NEVER having a balanced budget
a typical white person." 69. CONSTANTLY contracting economy under Obama
28. "I am not spying on American citizens." 70. The Russians invaded Ukraine, (and obama does
29. Nelson Mandela funeral smart-phone "selfies" NOTHING)
30. Govnt shutdown is allll the GOP's fault 71. 6 million people losing their healthcare thanks to
31. Still on vacation in Hawaii on the first day obamacare is obamacare.
supposed to begin 72. "The United States maintains a 'rock-solid' commitment
32. "ObamaCare will lower costs for everyone." to Israel"
33. "More Americans will be insured under obamacare" 73. Illegal fundraising for obamacare by Katherine Sebelius
34. "Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance….Muslims (solicitation of money from the companies she
are our friends" (then he bows to the muslim leaders) regulates) (and obama does NOTHING)
35. “That’s thegood thing about being President, I can do 74. Katherine Sebelius TOTAL incompetence in rolling out
whatever I want,” obamacare (and obama does NOTHING)
36. "my father served in WW2" 75. ex-IRS official Lerner takes 5th
37. 2011 Arab spring FAIL 76. Failed to fund our Nation’s military
38. America's 2010 Summer of recovery FAIL 77. Higher Spending and No Balanced Budget—EVER
39. Hiring a known palestinian terrorist to work on 78. $1.2 Trillion in Higher Taxes
Obamacare in Illinois. Didn'tbother to check her on e- 79. known obama supporter appointed to investigate IRS
verify targeting scandal
40. “I promise 100% transparency in my administration.” 80. Buying clothes at The Gap: "Oh wow; credit card
41. "Buying health care insurance will be like using machines had electronic signature pads"
Amazon." 81. former Soviet union laughs at Obama's ukraine
42. “I will end Income Tax for seniors making less than sanctions.
$50K a year.” 82. >70% of obamacare signups from people who LOST
43. "I will bring ALL of our troops home within ONE year." their insurance BECAUSE OF obamacare in the first
44. “I’ll put the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN so place!!
everyone can see who is at the table!” 83. In Maryland: Obama celebrates 60,000 obamacare
45. “I’ll have no lobbyists in my administration." signups…. BUT 73,000 lost insurance BECAUSE OF
46. DOJ spying on the free press telephone calls Obamacare!!
47. Blockingveterans from seeing their own WWII 84. Obama did NOTHING to prevent some 150,000 people
memorials during shutdown being killed in Syria, and he and the LIBERALS are
48. Allowing illegals to protest on mall during the same silent on the matter.
govt shutdown 85. On April 6th, 2014 obama gave a speech on the 20th
49. Shutting down white house (people's house)tours anniversary of the genocide in Rwanda lecturing about
50. Solyndra bankruptcy cost to taxpayer's “the world’s failure to respond more quickly” and that
51. "Obamacarewill not be used to fund abortions." “we always have a choice . . . we must never be
52. Eric Holder -- tooooo much to list with this liar- indifferent.”
incompetent 86. Obama demands "equality" but only pays women 88
53. Millions losing health care coverage percent of what it pays men
54. RECORD welfare rolls 87. "We're focused like lasers on job creation!!!"
55. RECORD hollywood parties on the taxpayer's dime 88. "Jobs are our number one priority!!!!"
56. RECORD campaign tours on the taxpayer's dime 89. 6 million full time US workers sustain 149 million
57. RECORD exorbitant vacations on the taxpayer's dime "benefit takers" in the USA under the "obama
58. RECORD number of golf games of any president, on recovery."
taxpayer's dime 90. "Republicans still can’t bring themselves to admit that
59. RECORD secret service agents compared to ANY the Affordable Care Act is working."
other president, on the taxpayer's dime
60. Unconstitutional obama recess appointment
91. "If Republicans want to spend all their time talking at the hospital shredded documents and faked
about repealing a law that’s working, that’s their evidence to make it seem as if waiting times were
business." under control.
92. 169th round of golf on 4/19/14 while Putin re- 102. New Horizons in Presidential Dignity: President Obama
assembles the USSR and jews are being ordered to does the "Shake Shack Shimmy" during his visit to the
report in the Ukraine. sandwich joint in Washington Friday May 17th 2014.
93. Syria uses chemical weapons crossing obama's "red U6 unemployment rate: 17.8%
line" and Obama is SILENT on the matter. 103. May 17th 2014: Greater than Fifty million working-age
94. 04/21/2014 Obama delays the keystone pipeline for the Americans aren’t working, according to the labor
45th time. department, and Obama pushes immigration plan.
95. China has become the #1 economy with 104. "STINKBURGER"
"ObamaNomics." 105. King Barry's "executive actions"
96. Iran WILL have a nuclear bomb under Obama. 106. Russia signs a contract with Iran to build two more
97. there are 92 million unemployed (may 2014) THAT IS nuclear reactors at its Bushehr power plant as part of a
51% UNEMPLOYMENT RATE, including retirees broader deal for up to eight reactors in the Islamic
98. in 2013, under the direction of Barack Obama, The state.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody 36,000 107. New Record: Price of Gas Above $3 Gallon for 1,245
illegal immigrants who had been convicted of murder, Days…
sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault, 108. Incomprehensible!! 5-30-14 ILLEGAL negotiation with
and drunk or drugged driving. terrorists: 5 gitmo Taliban terrorist leaders ILLEGALLY
99. incompetence at the Veterans Affairs Administration. released for one American ARMY DESERTER: BOWE
Our veterans died…..obama hires a "coverup" BERGDAHL
specialist Rob Nabors to assist in the White House’s 109. Obama negotiates with terrorists to release an army
reputation for deception. deserter because "we can't leave an American
100. Almost every photo of Obama at the White house Behind" but does nothing for the Marine being detained
shows obama with his feet on the historically significant illegally in Mexico, less than 1 mile away.
antique furniture….no respect for its historical
101. >40 veteran patients die after being placed on a hidden
waiting list that could last for up to a year, while officials

Obama Just Lied About His Scandal-Marred Presidency
But Here’s Why He Always Gets Away With It
Posted On May 25, 2018

If that made you a little nauseous, it’s because you

remember all the Obama scandals, from Fast and Furious
to Benghazi to the IRS targeting of conservative groups to
the Democrats’ own version of Watergate — Spygate.

Speaking of the IRS targeting, a federal judge just awarded

the targeted groups $3.5 million for this Obama ‘non-

Mind you, it’s not unusual for Obama to lie like this; he’s
very accomplished at that particular ‘skill.’

What’s pathetic is that the like-minded Left-wing liars in

the “mainstream media” keep letting him get away with it,
(National Sentinel) Liar-in-Chief: Former President
just like Newsweek did — again.
Barack Obama has such a massive problem telling the
truth he should seek treatment.
The reporter, Nicole Goodkind, never challenged Obama
on that massive lie. The closest she got was this passage:
Earlier this week the liar-in-chief actually told a
technology conference in Las Vegas that his two terms in
office were “scandal-free.” The former president’s foes would disagree with
that analysis, pointing to the 2012 Benghazi
attack, his failure to close Guantanamo Bay, an
Newsweek reported:
IRS plan to scrutinize tax-exempt political
groups based on the particulars of their politics
President Barack Obama took a light swing at and problems with the Affordable Care Act
his successor during a tech conference in Las website.
Vegas on Wednesday. His eight years in office
were scandal free, he told the audience. Of course, those were scandals — and
that’s a very short list.
“I didn’t have scandals, which seems like it
shouldn’t be something you brag about,” What’s more, there should be far more disagreement from
Obama joked. people other than his “foes” — like from those in the
pathetic Pravda news media who are supposed to speak
President Donald Trump’s presidency has thus truth to power.
far been racked with scandalous allegations,
but Obama later hedged his barb. “But actually,” Obama gets away with telling these massive lies because
he said, “if you look at the history of the modern the adoring media let him.
presidency, coming out of the modern
presidency without anybody going to jail is
really good. It’s a big deal.”

Trump Slaps Dems For
‘Rooting Against’ North Korea Summit
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:37 AM 05/25/2018

Trump appears to be referencing comments by Democratic

House leader Nancy Pelosi who remarked that the
president’s letter read “kind of like a Valentine” and

“when you got this letter from the president

saying, ‘okay, never mind,’ [Kim Jong Un]
must be having a giggle fit right there now
in North Korea.”

Pelosi also defended MS-13 gang criminals recently and

President Donald Trump hit back at his Democratic critics derided Republican-led tax cut legislation as “crumbs.”
for allegedly cheering on his cancellation of a summit
between himself and North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.
Trump canceled the summit in a Thursday letter saying,

“Sadly, based on the tremendous anger

and open hostility displayed in your most
recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate,
at this time, to have this long-planned

Trump noted that he still hopes to meet Kim Jong-Un at

some point if their regime agrees to the terms set out by
the U.S. and said if he changes his mind that they should
not hesitate to reach out. The president thanked the North
Koreans for releasing three U.S. hostages detained by the
regime under false pretenses.

Deep State Bill Priestap Visited London During Same Time
Period As Downer’s Meeting With Papadopoulos
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 8:43 Am

Bill Priestap, the FBI Assistant Director On Thursday The Hill reported that Bill
for Counterintelligence, traveled to Priestap will testify in June in front of
London in May 2016. Congress.

This was around the same time as Aussie politico and Also set to testify is John Giacalone who preceded Michael
Clinton supporter Alexander Downer met with young Steinbach as the bureau’s top national security official and
George Papadopoulos for drinks. oversaw the first seven months of the Clinton probe.

Investigative journalist Undercover Huber put this Giacalone reportedly quit the FBI in protest over how the
together— higher ups were killing the Clinton email investigation.

Undercover Huber ended with this:

What was one of the FBI’s top counterintel

officers doing in London in mid-May, if the
FBI counterintel probe supposedly didn’t
open until Jul 31 2016 & the FBI didn’t
receive the Downer “tip” *until* July? At the
same time DOWNER is chatting to

Dear New York Times:
Call A Spy A Spy [VIDEO]
Anders Hagstrom - Justice Reporter
8:47 AM 05/25/2018

The question now is, did the FBI instruct Halper to

infiltrate the Trump administration after the election?

Trump thinks so, and if he’s right, this could be one of the
biggest political scandals in American history.

Stefan Halper was spying on President Donald Trump’s

campaign, and it’s high time The New York Times
acknowledge it.

The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Anders Hagstrom

explains the difference between a “spy” and an
“informant,” and why Halper is clearly the former, despite
claims from the Times. His actions toward Trump
campaign advisors George Papadopoulos and Carter Page
are totally disqualifying, but the Times continues pushing
the idea that the FBI was working totally above board with
no abuse of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts.

COLUMNIST: ‘A Democratic Watergate
Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes’
Mike LaChance
May 25, 2018, 9:06 Am

It’s no wonder Obama’s former CIA chief John Brennan is

tweeting like a madman, attacking President Trump, House
Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch

Brennan’s running scared because it’s starting to look like he

may have been a co-conspirator in the biggest political scandal
since, well, Watergate.

Yesterday, Trump met with FBI Director Christopher Wray,

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Director of
National Intelligence Dan Coats to inquire if Brennan’s CIA and
the FBI spied on his 2016 presidential campaign, as reported by
For months now, Democrats and their media allies have The New York Times and other media last week.
been saying that Trump colluded with Russia and has
threatened American democracy. But it’s starting to look If it’s confirmed that the Obama administration used U.S.
like the opposite is true. It looks like the Democrats and intelligence agencies and the Justice Department to go after
the Obama administration are the guilty ones. political opponents — to keep Democrats in power through a
presidential election cycle — Attorney General Jeff Sessions
Adriana Cohen has a column on the subject that is going should immediately un-recuse himself from the Russia “collusion”
viral. witch hunt, shut it down and open a criminal investigation into all
parties involved.
She writes at the Boston Herald:
And to think that Democrats and their puppets in media have
been calling Trump the greatest threat to democracy all this time
Democrats’ Russia truth coming out when their party may have been using authoritarian tactics
against the leader of the opposition party and his associates.
A Democratic Watergate is unfolding before our eyes.
This could get really ugly, folks.

Trump Points Out
Hypocrisy On ‘SPYGATE’
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
9:18 AM 05/25/2018

Meeting of the President of the United States Donald Trump with the
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in New York -- ShutterStock
Drop Of Light

President Donald Trump once again became incensed on

Twitter Friday amid reports that a confidential informant
made contact with his 2016 campaign.

Trump is generally reacting to recent revelations that an

FBI informant made contact with several members of his
campaign and efforts by conservative lawmakers to review
documents relating to the probe.

Several lawmakers who reviewed the documents during

Thursday meetings at the Department of Justice though
Democratic lawmakers said they did not change their view
that a spy infiltrated the campaign. Republican lawmakers
did not discuss the meeting.

President Trump HAMMERS Democrats And Their Deep
State Partners On #Spygate Lies And Omissions
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 9:30 Am

with the expenditure of far more money,

LOST! Everyone knows there was a Spy,
and in fact the people who were involved in
the Spying are admitting that there was a
Spy…Widespread Spying involving multiple
people.” Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist
Senior Editor But the corrupt Mainstream
Media hates this monster story!

President Donald Trump hammered

Democrats and their Deep State
partners in government and the media
on the Obama Spygate scandal on
Friday morning.

The president called out the Democrat-

Media Complex on their ‘spy-informant’
word games. Democrats and their
mainstream media are working
feverishly to downplay the spying inside
the Trump Camapaign in 2016.
President Trump also called out the
media for ignoring and lying about the
timing of the investigation.
It looks like all of the lies may be
catching up with the Democrats.

President Trump:

The Democrats are now alluding to the

concept that having an Informant placed in
an opposing party’s campaign is different
than having a Spy, as illegal as that may
be. But what about an “Informant” who is
paid a fortune and who “sets up” way
earlier than the Russian Hoax? Can
anyone even imagine having Spies placed
in a competing campaign, by the people
and party in absolute power, for the sole
purpose of political advantage and gain?
And to think that the party in question, even

Nolte: ‘Trump Hate Has
Finally Killed Off The 1960s’
Posted On May 25, 2018

campaign; they are all rolling over like whipped

dogs to believe everything the intelligence
community tells them, most especially when it is
coming from the CIA — the CIA! — and the FBI.
Basically, Trump has driven the hippies and
their offspring so crazy they are not only A-okay
with the CIA’s spying on American citizens,
totally cool with FBI spies infiltrating a rival
campaign, and feeling warm all over about
wiretaps, unmasking, and lying to federal
judges, they do not want any of this
The other day, Carl Bernstein of Watergate
fame was on CNN fuming over the fact that
(National Sentinel) Lapdog Hypocrites: You may not
there will now be an investigation of the Obama
have lived through the turbulent 1960s, but there is plenty
administration, the Department of Justice, the
of material on YouTube, Netflix, and other platforms if
CIA, and the FBI, after it was discovered they
you care to research the period.
are all guilty of spying on the political rival of a
sitting president.
They were shape-shifting times for certain. The Vietnam
War was in full-swing and increasingly unpopular. Carl freakin’ Bernstein does not want the
watchmen watched.
The old societal norms were being destroyed by Left-wing Bernstein, you may recall, was one half of The Washington
academics and rising cultural icons revolted against “The Post reporting team who, with partner Bob Woodward,
Establishment,” which was primarily a reference to exposed the Watergate scandal, which led to the
‘government’ in general, but the federal government in indictment of some 40 White House officials and President
particular, and all of its various law enforcement and Nixon’s resignation.
intelligence agencies which had been unleashed against
people Martin Luther King, Jr., and others. Oh but…wait. Nixon and his staffers were Republicans.
Got it.
My, how times have changed, writes Breitbart‘s John
Nolte. Yesterday’s Left-wing, establishment-hating hippies Nolte notes further:
are, today, quite content with the same establishment that After the civil rights movement, the best thing to
once persecuted their cultural heroes. come out of the ’60s was a healthy skepticism
And President Donald Trump is the cause of their sudden of our national intelligence apparatus and a
change of heart, he notes in a column: vigilance against its abuses. The era of the
unquestioning ’50s was finally over. But now,
Here is what I never thought I would see… because of Trump, all of that has vanished. The
hippies have become the squares, the round
The children of the ’60s — you know, the
haircuts, the unquestioning white bread, middle
hippies — and their ideological offspring in
class, Ward Cleaver 50s dads who blindly
academia, politics, and, most especially, the
salute their G-Men.
media, are now not only okay with a sitting
president’s weaponizing the intelligence The more things change, the more they stay the same when
community against a rival presidential it comes to the Left.

Obama Admin Attorneys Team With Seth Rich’s Brother –
Sue Private Eye Team Investigating Seth Rich
By Alicia Powe
May 25, 2018, 9:43 Am

Boies has been involved in various high-profile cases in

the United States, including United States v. Microsoft
Corp., Bush v. Gore and the defense of Harvey
Weinstein against sexual abuse allegations.

In an interview with Gateway Pundit, Couch questioned

how Rich, whose family couldn’t afford a private
investigator, is able to afford the high powered legal team
comprised of Obama’s White House counsel.

“This is who Aaron Rich gets to represent

against our team – can you imagine what it
would charge to hire Harvey Weinstein’s
defense lawyer? I don’t know how Rich
hired these attorneys – the Rich family
A team of private eyes investigating the
couldn’t even afford a private investigator,
death of Seth Rich are facing two major
that’s why Ed Butowski offered to pay for
lawsuits prosecuted by high powered
Rod Wheeler,” he said. “But now they can
Democratic establishment attorneys for
afford the most expensive and powerful
uncovering evidence that insinuates the
Democratic law firms in the country – how
slain DNC staffer’s murder have been
does that happen?”
politically motivated.
The suit is the Democratic establishment’s attempt to stifle
Aaron Rich, the brother of Seth Rich, filed a lawsuit in
independent investigations, Couch argued, because if the
April in US District Court in the District of Columbia,
DNC truly wanted to justice for Rich they would have
against America First Media accusing conservative activist
offered reward money to find Rich’s killers and would
Matt Couch and other individuals and media organizations
have availed its server to the FBI after the alleged hack.
for peddling “false and unfounded claims” about him and
acting “with reckless disregard for the truth.”
“They thought Hillary would win and they
would move on with business as usual, and
The lawyer representing Aaron Rich, Michael J. Gottlieb,
this would never be talked about. The bike
recently concluded four years of service with the Obama
rack – that’s the only thing they’ve ever

He served as Special Assistant to the President and It’s amazing, we haven’t seen anyone
Associate White House Counsel from 2009- 2010, where from the DNC – no one – has cried out
he focused on national security law and judicial for justice in this murder. Not one
nominations. Democratic politician has mentioned
Seth Rich, think about that,” he said.
In January 2010, he left the White House to serve as “Out of all the Democrats in Congress,
Senior Civilian and Deputy Director of Combined Joint Senate, the Department of Justice, not one
Interagency Task Force 435 in Kabul Afghanistan. Democrat has ever mentioned wanting to
Following his time in Afghanistan, Gottlieb returned to the see justice done the Seth Rich case.”
White House Counsel’s Office, where he served until the
end of February 2013. Couch’s investigative team is comprised of former veteran
law enforcement officers who have longstanding
A second attorney prosecuting Aaron Rich’s case is David background investigator credentials, including Frank
Boies, chairman of the law firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner. Whalen, former head of NYPD Homicide for 23 years, Bill
Pierce, who has worked as a private investigator for 24 they have spent on the investigation has been devoted to
years in multiple states, Hannibal Moot, Investigative dismissing speculation surrounding Rich’s murder as
researcher and editor of Bull Truth Magazine and the “conspiracy.
current Metro SWAT Commander whose is name Couch
won’t disclose for safety. But it’s not a conspiracy theory that the DNC issued
checks to the cyber security CrowdStrike hours after Rich
“The DNC destroyed the servers,” he said. was fatally shot, Couch contends.
“If you really thought you were hacked by a
foreign entity, would you not go to the FBI? “We found the two large payments. One,
Why would you go to an outside firm?” the day after Seth Rich was murdered and
the other the day after Shawn Lucas was
Rich was murdered July 10, 2016, near his affluent found mysteriously dead, face down, in his
neighborhood in Washington, D.C. He was shot in the bathroom at 38 years old in DC. Both
back with a handgun at 4:18 a.m. while he walked home, connected to the DNC, Lucas with the
and nothing was taken from him. He was transported to a DNC lawsuit and Rich was a DNC
local hospital and was pronounced dead at 5:57 a.m. employee. You start putting all of this
together – how am I a “conspiracy theorist”
On July 22, just 12 days after Rich’s death and days before for presenting you with the facts?”
the Democratic Party Convention in Philadelphia,
WikiLeaks began publishing 44,053 emails and 17,761 The “hurtful conspiracies” surrounding Rich breaching
attachments from top DNC officials, leading to speculation DNC data would end if law enforcement would release the
that Rich was the source of party emails turned over to autopsy, ballistics report and medical examiner report,
WikiLeaks. documents that are typically made public in homicide
investigations, Couch argued.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has not only repeatedly
denied that Russia or any “state party” was involved in the “The MPD insists that they have lost all
leaking of DNC emails, he has also appeared to hint that leads. If they have exhausted all leads, why
Rich might have been the source. don’t they hand investigators and
journalists he ballistics report, why don’t
The Rich family’s insistence that they give us the autopsy, why don’t they tell
investigating whether Rich leaked emails is us the caliber of weapon that was used,
“hurtful” and “defamatory,” is alarming, why don’t they give us the surveillance
video? If they really want to hush the
“conspiracy” stuff up, why are they hiding
Couch explained.
all of this information? Where is the body
cam footage of the 4 or 6 officers.”
“They don’t want this solved – I get in
trouble for saying that, but I am a father. If Couch is facing a second lawsuit that
something happened to one of my kids, I was filed Monday by Brad Bauman, a
would not rest until I find out who killed Democratic political crisis consultant
them, regardless of where it leads. Anyone with the Pastorum Group and former
who has kids, there’s no way you would roll spokesperson for the family of Seth Rich.
over and accept a scenario of ‘we’ll never
know what happened to him,’” he said. According to CNN, Bauman, filed the lawsuit in US
“They are not giving any information.” District Court for the District of Columbia seeking
monetary relief and court-ordered solutions, known as
“They wouldn’t give their [private
injunctive relief, asking for “false and defamatory
investigator] Rod Wheeler Seth’s phone,
materials to be removed from any websites over which
the phone records, the laptop.” he
defendants have control.”
continued. “I just don’t understand why they
don’t want to know who killed their son,
their brother? Whether or not you believe Couch has yet to be served, he first learned about
their botched robbery narrative – I don’t – Bauman’s lawsuit from CNN.
there is still a murderer on the loose.”
“How in the world does CNN have a 15 or
20 graph article up before I’ve even been
served papers?” he wondered. “Bauman is
upset that I called him a crisis management
The mainstream media networks have ignored recent
expert, according to the CNN article – it’s
revelations concerning Rich’s case. The little coverage
pretty remarkable. You are talking about a
guy from the Pastorum Group, their own of the press. Everything that we have
website states that they are professional reported has been 100 percent from our
crisis management – that’s what they do. sources. Aaron claims that we doxed
where he worked – a complete fallacy. He
“The reason I called him a crisis expert is
had a professional LinkedIn profile and it
because on August 11, 2016, Julian
showed where he works, Northrop
Assange and WikiLeaks, guess what they
called him? A ‘professional crisis’ fixer. Our Grumman on a defense contract. It was on
Reddit, it was in the Jewish Free Press –
team is always used the same terminology
all of these different publications have all of
that WikiLeaks used and Julian Assange.
WikiLeaks put that out about Brad Bauman, this information out there. Yet, he is suing
us for reporting where he worked and they
that was the day after Assange first
all put the information out first.”
mentioned Seth Rich on that TV show.”

He continued:

“I am a conservative journalist, I was

‘permanently banned’ from monetization on
Periscope and cannot be a super
broadcaster a month or two after I started
Periscoping. We have never made a dime
on Periscope, we’ve never made a dime on
YouTube. I don’t have a platform of a Sean
Hannity or a Tucker Carlson.
Couch denied Bauman and Rich’s claims that he is
benefitting monetarily from YouTube and Periscope by How in the world is a guy from Arkansas
“peddling conspiracies” about Seth. who has a group of 10 patriots from
around the country with no TV, no radio
“It’s frivolous what we are fighting here platform on a national level. How are we
with these lawsuits. We have a freedom that big of a threat to these folks?”

Richard Painter Desperately Trying
To Distance Himself From Bush, GOP
Robert Donachie - Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
10:06 AM 05/25/2018

A longtime lawyer for former President George W. Bush “Took a leave of absence from teaching at
who is running for U.S. Senate in Minnesota as a the University of Illinois College of Law to
Democrat is really trying to distance himself from the serve as Associate Counsel to the
Republican party. President and chief White House ethics
lawyer. The White House ethics lawyer’s
Richard Painter, 56, is listed a Democratic candidate for job is not a policy or political job. The fact
U.S. Senate in the state of Minnesota on the that Mr. Painter often disagreed with the
FEC website and has raised nearly $15,000 as of March policy preferences of the contemporary
31. Republican Party was irrelevant. His
consistent theme for decades has been
that ethics is not political,” Painter’s website

Painter lists a number of accomplishments since leaving

the Bush administration, like pushing for same-sex
marriage in Minnesota, fighting the NRA in a New York
Times op-ed after the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook
elementary and writing another op-ed pushing for the
immediate Senate confirmation of former President Barack
Obama’s failed nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to
the United States Supreme Court.

Painter notes that he went on to become the vice chairman

of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
(CREW). Painter is on a leave of absence from CREW,
Painter plays out his journey to the Senate race on his which he announced in early March, coinciding with the
campaign website, a journey he wants voters to see as launching of his exploratory committee for a potential
characterized by ethical behavior, fighting the Republican Senate bid.
establishment (dating back to former President Ronald
Reagan) and a commitment to public service. CREW was the group behind the lawsuit against Trump in
which lawyers argued that the president violated the
The timeline dates back to 1980 while Painter was at Constitution’s emoluments clause when he did not sell or
Harvard. In 1981, Painter says he put his assets behind a blind trust. The case was dismissed
in December, but the group notified the U.S. District Court
“spoke out against President Reagan’s aid for the Southern District of New York in February of its
to the oppressive right-wing government in plans to appeal.
El Salvador.” The following year he called
out “Reagan’s reckless deficit spending When Painter notes his involvement with CREW, he refers
and cuts to social programs.” to the president as “Donald Drumpf,” a reference to a bit
on HBO’s “Last Week Tonight” in which host John
Painter goes on to say how, during his time in Illinois, he Oliver started a campaign to call Trump by his reported
spoke out against corruption in both political parties, original family name.
mentioning two Republican examples and one Democratic
instance. In 2016, Painter

He labels his time serving in the Bush administration as “became Vice Chair of Citizens for
one of public service but without a political agenda. Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a
bipartisan government ethics watchdog

group that later filed a lawsuit against “Without compensation, appears as an
President Donald Drumpf for his receipt of expert on hundreds of news shows for
profits and benefits from foreign CNN, MSNBC, BBC, PBS, NPR, I-24,
governments in violation of the WCCO and many other television and radio
constitution,” his website states. outlets to condemn ethics violations,
obstruction of justice and constitutional
Painter also wants voters to know that he selflessly violations by President Trump and his
contributes to major news networks, offering his best legal administration,” his website states.
takes on the current affairs of the Trump administration.

President Trump Knocks Obama Repeatedly In Annapolis
Speech: “We Are Not Going To Apologize For America.
We Are Going To Stand Up… America Is Back!”
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 10:14 Am

“We are not going to apoligize for

America. We are going to stand up for

This was an obvious knock on Barack Obama’s policy of

apologizing and appeasement.

President Trump also told the crowd,

“We’ve gained the respect that we used

to have long ago. Yes, they’re
respecting us again. America is back!“
President Donald Trump delivered the
commencement speech at the Naval
Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

President Trump took several swipes at

his predecessor Barack Obama during
his speech to the pro-military crowd.

President Trump:

Wild ‘Hardball’ Panel Calls Trump Presidency ‘Fake’;
Supporters ‘Buying Into A Total Hallucination’
By Curtis Houck
May 25, 2018 10:20 AM EDT

For those keeping score at home, this is the third post on Just fake facts to get out there to distract
Thursday’s Hardball, so that should tell you plenty about from the core issue, Russia attacked this
the straight jacket-worthy craziness that unfolded on country and while Russia was attacking this
MSNBC from start to finish. country during the 2016 campaign, the
Trump campaign was sending out positive
It began at the top with ringleader/host Chris Matthews signals to Russia and denying to the public
setting a grim picture of the country’s future down to that this attack was under way and every’s Heidi Przybyla seeming to question the moment they throw up one of these, you
intelligence of those in flyover country for not know, confusing narratives, it distracts and
understanding the ramifications of the Russia probe. keeps us from talking about the real thing
itself and now it's degrading the Justice

Matthews showed his habit of not realizing the irony in his

statements when he moved to Przybyla and, while
condemning the President’s ugly birtherism beliefs,
suggested that Trump

“is running a fake presidency” that

“doesn’t exist.”

The MSNBC pundit also took aim at conservatives, talk

radio, and Trump supporters by observing that, on the
Matthews set the tone in his opening lines: claims of Trump campaign surveillance,

This week, President Trump proved he's “they’re eating it up” and “buying into a
willing to destroy this country's law total hallucination and that scares me.”
enforcement institutions in order to protect
himself from justice. Using a conspiracy Well, when you put it that way, it sounds like it’s time to
theory to trash the Justice Department and run down to an old nuclear fallout shelter.
the FBI, he's attempting to extort
information about the investigation of him As for Corn, behold this incredible level of hypocrisy on
and his campaign. the issue of civil discourse:

Mother Jones’s David Corn was another character of note, How had do you break through that? How
first ranting about how supposedly fake every story from do you have a set of facts that you can talk
unmasking to Uranium One was and concocted by about and deal with them and have a true
national discourse? Trump is doing
“Donald Trump and all his minions, everything possible to make sure we can't
including people in Congress, have an honest debate because he can't
Republicans creating alternative survive one.
realities” that was all so reckless that “[t]o
just call it a conspiracy theory is to give If Corn wants to go down this road of incivility, let’s do
too much credit.” that. Here’s a sampling of NewsBusters headlines from
over the years with Corn playing a starring or supporting
Corn went on a tangent about how “Russia attacked this role in spewing venom:
country” and the Trump White House has, somehow, kept
American from getting to the bottom of what happened:
 April 6, 2017: Disgusting: MSNBC’s Corn, Matthews trash the Justice Department and the FBI, he's attempting to
Think Action in Syria Is Distraction from Russia extort information about the investigation of him and his
Probe campaign. Today, in an apparently effort to placate the President,
 April 4, 2017: MSNBC’s Matthews, Corn Meltdown, the Department of Justice took some steps to yield to his
Claim Susan Rice ‘Unmasking’ Controversy Is demands. In two separate meetings, top Justice Department and
Racist and Sexist intelligence officials met with Trump's congressional allies and
 May 4, 2014: David Corn: 'For Many Conservatives,' other lawmakers to go over confidential materials about the use
Benghazi Like a 'Candy Store,' But 'The Bins Are of an FBI informant in the Russia probe. Afterwards, speaking on
Empty' behalf of the Democrats, Congressman Adam Schiff said there
 May 31, 2013: MSNBC's David Corn Sneers: I was nothing in the briefings to support the President's conspiracy
Thought 'Charlton Heston Wrote' Ricin Attack theory.
 January 11, 2013: MSNBC's David Corn: Rush (....)
Limbaugh Is 'Calling For John Wilkes Booth'
7:03 p.m. Eastern
Finally, Przyzbyla took a page from Showtime’s Alex
Wagner by lashing out at Trump having “a far-right DAVID CORN: Well, it’s extraordinary but it's a continuation of
media echo chamber” unlike Richard Nixon with what we've seen for over a year now. First they said unmasking
supporters not sharing the same feelings as the liberal was the real scandal. It wasn't. Then they said Obama bugging
media about the Russia investigation affecting our daily Trump was the scandal. No, it wasn't. Then it was FISA warrant,
lives: Uranium One and now it's this phony baloney story about a spy
on the campaign. This is Donald Trump and all his minions,
Chris, I was in the heartland this past week including people in Congress, Republicans creating alternative
in Cadillac, Michigan, and every place that I realities. To just call it a conspiracy theory is to give too much
walked into had those chryons up at the credit. Just fake facts to get out there to distract from the core
bottom of Fox News talking about spies issue, Russia attacked this country and while Russia was
infiltrating the Trump campaign. No matter attacking this country during the 2016 campaign, the Trump
what they say, 30 percent of the people are campaign was sending out positive signals to Russia and
going to believe it and this is why it's denying to the public that this attack was under way and every
working, Chris, because at the end of the moment they throw up one of these, you know, confusing
day, no matter what Mueller's narratives, it distracts and keeps us from talking about the real
recommendations are, it's not up to him to thing itself and now it's degrading the Justice Department.
take action. Who is up to? It's up to
Congress. Congress will have to look at
those findings and decide whether or not to
impeach. You have that question out there
still about whether you can indict a sitting
president. That leaves it to Congress. So, if
they can throw up enough of a fog and just
exhaust people about what the truth is,
they've succeeded because when the
findings come out, 30 percent at least will
not believe them.

Yeesh. Tell us how you really feel.

MATTHEWS: Heidi, how do you as a straight reporter keep the
To see the relevant transcript from MSNBC’s Hardball on focus on reality away from this bogus reality that Trump keeps
May 24, click “expand.” creating? He, in many ways, is running a fake presidency. This
doesn’t exist. This whole thing doesn't exist any more than the
MSNBC’s Hardball birther thing existed. It's made-up stuff, all the stuff David just
May 24, 2018 mentioned is fabricated, fake. And yet, it's covered because the
7:00 p.m. Eastern President of the United States deserves daily press coverage.
How do you stop covering what is fake itself? Is it possible?
CHRIS MATTHEWS: Trump at his worst. Let’s play Hardball.
[HARDBALL OPENING CREDITS] Good evening. I'm Chris HEIDI PRZYBYLA: And if no one is stopping in his own party,
Matthews up in Boston. This week, President Trump proved he's Chris, and that is why is this is continues to happen and now
willing to destroy this country's law enforcement institutions in Rosenstein is doing his level best. He’s making a calculation here
order to protect himself from justice. Using a conspiracy theory to that he's going to try and in the end, save this investigation by
mollifying this President in terms of even agreeing to this meeting Iran-Contra, even the Monica Lewinsky stuff and the campaign
in the first place. But what happened? As soon as he agreed to finance scandals of the Clinton years and, of course, WMD stuff
the meeting, Chris, a day later is when the President began this and there never was a dispute over some basic realities. There
whole Spygate tweeting conspiracy. And so the President, what was a break-in at Watergate. Arms were sold to Iran and money
he's doing, is taking any and every advantage when that sliver given to the Contras and people accepted these things once they
opens in the door to throw up the fog like David said. This is emerged. People tried to keep them hidden, but once they came
round three. We saw the wiretapping allegations, we saw the out, and the question was who knew what, was there a violation
unmasking allegations. All of it bogus. And today, now no one of law. There time around, Donald Trump has, I guess learned
coming out of that meeting and saying that there was any the lesson of marketing that the truth doesn't matter. So he gets
credibility to these accusations there was a spy in his campaign. out there and says there was no attack. You know, it's all a hoax.
On the contrary, what was confirmed by James Clapper was that It's all a witch hunt and he knows 30 percent of his people, the
someone, an informant, was needed because of evidence-based people who he said would stick with him even if he shot someone
investigation showing that there was a need for someone to go on Fifth Avenue will accept his and I heard this frustration in
into the campaign and find out what the heck was going on with Heidi's voice when she spoke a few minutes ago. How had do
the Russians trying to communicate with the potential future you break through that? How do you have a set of facts that you
President of the United States. can talk about and deal with them and have a true national
discourse? Trump is doing everything possible to make sure we
(....) can't have an honest debate because he can't survive one.

7:09 p.m. Eastern (....)

7:12 p.m. Eastern

PRZYBYLA: But to the previous point of why this is different, I

want to address that, Chris. What Nixon did not have was a far-
right media echo chamber


PRZYBYLA: — that is allowing this to happen. Chris, I was in the

heartland this past week in Cadillac, Michigan, and every place
that I walked into had those chryons up at the bottom of Fox
News talking about spies infiltrating the Trump campaign. No
MATTHEWS: David, let's go back to something we've been matter what they say, 30 percent of the people are going to
before — been through together this [sic] and that's the ability of believe it and this is why it's working, Chris, because at the end
a president to create reality, to create something because he is of the day, no matter what Mueller's recommendations are, it's
president that people begin to believe must it be sort of real. So not up to him to take action. Who is up to? It's up to Congress.
had you Bush getting us into the war in Iraq based upon Congress will have to look at those findings and decide whether
whatever, a cold creation of stuff he created where he never or not to impeach. You have that question out there still about
really admitted his own motive so he came up with a motive for whether you can indict a sitting president. That leaves it to
the country, something called WMD and how they had it and Congress. So, if they can throw up enough of a fog and just
blah, blah, and there were meetings in Prague, blah, blah, blah exhaust people about what the truth is, they've succeeded
and all kinds of stuff and Cheney lied and all that and they because when the findings come out, 30 percent at least will not
created a reality. Here's a President who uses words like spy and believe them.
Spygate and people out there in the talk shows, I just know
they're eating it up. They’re eating it up the columnists on the MATTHEWS: Well, the question arises when is the party of
right. They’re buying into a total hallucination and that scares me. Lincoln going to be represented by someone like Lincoln? And
What are we going to do in our democracy as we move forward loyal to that tradition. Asked whether the meeting today was
to prevent presidents from not — from creating something out of appropriate, House Speaker Paul Ryan backed calls to
nothing just for their political survival? investigate the investigators and defended Trump's actions in the
name of transparency.
CORN; Trump is doing something new here. You and I have
been through a bunch of scandals whether it was Watergate,

Did Trump’s NAFTA Play Just Work Itself Out?
Vandana Rambaran
10:23 AM 05/25/2018

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto is in talks with The Trump administration announced Wednesday that it
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to get the ball was launching a national security investigation into car and
rolling again on North American Free Trade Agreement truck imports that may be “weakening our internal
negotiations that benefit Mexico, Canada and the U.S. economy” and “impair national security,” according to
U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

Trudeau responded in an interview with Reuters.

“I am – even more than I was with steel

and aluminum – trying to figure out where a
possible national security connection is,” he

Still, both leaders from Canada and Mexico insist they

will not reach a deal until the agreements prove they
protect the interests of each country respectively.
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau shakes hands with Mexico's
President Enrique Pena Nieto during a meeting at the VII Summit of
the Americas in Lima, Peru, in this handout photograph released to “If an agreement is reached, it will be one
Reuters by Mexico Presidency on April 13, 2018. Mexico
that truly benefits Mexico. If these
IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY - conditions don’t exist, Mexico will not move
RC1CE5AACAC0 forward,” said Pena Nieto’s spokesman,
Eduardo Sanchez.
The nations have been at a standstill in coming to an
agreement on trade despite nine months of talks, because Trump’s new investigation could be the key to reach an
Mexico and Canada refuse to meet America’s demand for agreement on NAFTA.
wage increases in the auto industry and push to expand
North American content in cars, Reuters reported “NAFTA is very difficult. Mexico has been
Thursday. President Donald Trump has been unwavering very difficult to deal with. Canada has been
on these stipulations in an effort to create jobs in the U.S., very difficult to deal with … but I will tell you
a promise he made to the American people during the 2016 that in the end we win,” Trump told
campaign. reporters at the White House on
Wednesday. “We will win, and we’ll win
Trump’s “America First” trade agenda prioritizes big.”
reclaiming American manufacturing jobs that were lost to
overseas competitors and renegotiating NAFTA to return
more auto production to the U.S.

Comey On Trump Spy Claims:
‘I Know It Not To Be True’
Ian Hanchett
25 May 2018

biggest scandal since Watergate. My guess is,

two weeks from now, there will be something
different than this. But I don’t know anything
about those facts.”

Host Conan O’Brien then asked,

“[D]o you find that to be at all possible or

probable…that there was a spy inserted into his
campaign by an intelligence agency?”

Comey responded, “I don’t find it possible, and I

On Thursday’s broadcast of TBS’ “Conan,” former FBI know it not to be true.”
Director James Comey stated that he knows President
Trump’s claim that there was a spy inserted into his
He continued,
campaign is untrue.
“And the facts are knowable, and I gather today
Comey responded to the president’s tweet on the subject
there was a meeting on Capitol Hill where
by saying,
Democrats and Republicans got to see the
actual facts, which is why I’m confident that
“I — as best I can tell, it’s made up. I don’t know something else will be bigger than Watergate
where he’s getting that from, honestly. And, a next week.”
number of things he’s announced were the

Obama Brags At Tech Conference:
‘I Did Not Have Scandals As President’
Virginia Kruta
10:35 AM 05/25/2018

“That’s so laughable. First of all, we’re

sitting on the mother of all scandals
spygate. When this onion is unpeeled, it
will go all the way to the top of the
resistance movement — to Valerie Jarrett
and Barack Obama himself. They will get
there if the press lets us do that in real
time. The Obama legacy is one of using the
tools of government to ruthlessly take down
opponents. That’s what he did. The IRS
Scandal. He used the DOJ And FBI, by the
way, to go after Donald Trump. Those
three institutions … [have] destroyed the
Former President Barack Obama called out President credibility of those institutions, which is a
Donald Trump while he spoke at a Las Vegas tech scandal in and of itself.”
conference on Wednesday, claiming that his time in office
had been free of scandals. Campos-Duffy also mentioned Operation Fast and
Furious, and Smith mentioned the attack in Benghazi, but
“I didn’t have scandals, which seems like it Williams fought back in Obama’s defense:
shouldn’t be something you brag about.”
“I’m listening with a smile. It seems to me,
Obama later clarified the comment, admitting that a amusing. What a different magnitude of
scandal-free presidency could be a difficult scandal we’re talking about. We have a
accomplishment. president in office who was revealed to be
… have knowledge and have lied about
“But actually, if you look at the history of secretly paying money to a porn star.”
the modern presidency, coming out of the
modern presidency without anybody going Smith pointed out that Obama was referencing his time in
to jail is really good. It’s a big deal.” office, and the president’s alleged affair with Stormy
Daniels occurred over a decade ago. Williams responded
quickly, referencing the indictments of Manafort,
Papadopoulos, and Cohen and suggesting that the Trump
administration was a contrast to that.

“That’s what I’m saying. We already have

in the Mueller investigation indictments of
President Trump’s first national security
advisor. We don’t have that in the Obama

Campos-Duffy got the last word, saying again that

Obama’s claim was “ridiculous.”
A Fox News panel hosted by Sandra Smith and featuring
Juan Williams and Rachel Campos-Duffy addressed the “He knew about Hillary Clinton’s server,”
comments on Thursday morning, and Duffy quickly let Campos-Duffy explained, “and emailed her
loose on the former president: on it and he had his AG work to call it just a
matter and he had a compliant press.”
Chris Matthews To Schiff Staffer:
'You've Got To Say Something That Leads To
By P.J. Gladnick
May 25, 2018 11:12 AM EDT

Have you noticed how frustrated much of the liberal media Wednesday in MSNBC's Washington, D.C.,
has become over the lack of any evidence of Trump-Russia greenroom. Rep. Adam Schiff, who just
collusion? Well, Thursday's Rolling Stone devoted a long wrapped up an appearance on The Beat
article by Tessa Stuart giving one excuse after another why With Ari Melber, is getting his TV makeup
no such collusion has been discovered, How the House wiped off, while Matthews offers some
Intelligence Committee Collapsed on Adam Schiff. political wisdom to Schiff's deputy
communications director. "You've got to
say something that leads to
impeachment," Matthews urges.
"Anything. That's the business we're

Yeah, because for over a year, Adam Schiff has become a

repetitive borefest during his numerous appearances on
Hardball and other shows. He reveals absolutely nothing
new as to Trump-Russia collusion. This has caused Chris
Matthews to inform Schiff's communications director what
is really needed to keep the audience from tuning out:

"Something that leads to impeachment.

The subtitle is "The Inside Story Of The California Anything."
Democrat's Failed Crusade To Investigate Donald
Trump." However the big story here is contained in the Oh, and as to Tessa Stuart wondering why the House
very first paragraph in which it is revealed that Chris Intelligence Committee "collapsed" on Adam Schiff,
Matthews, obviously frustrated by Adam Schiff's perhaps it is the same reason that the Senate Intelligence
appearances on Hardball in which nothing new is ever Committee as well as Special Counsel Robert Mueller has
revealed as to collusion, tells a Schiff staffer what is really found no evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. And that
needed: reason is simply because there was no Trump-Russia
collusion. A shocking but sad fact for liberals such as
"Here's some advice," says Hardball host Chris Matthews.
Chris Matthews. It's 6:30 p.m. on a

McCain Admits Iraq War Was A Mistake
Robert Donachie - Capitol Hill And Health Care Reporter
11:14 AM 05/25/2018

Republicans to get behind it. The Arizona senator has

previously stated that his support for the Iraq War rested
with his experience during Vietnam, where he was
captured as a prisoner of war. McCain believes America
could have won.

“I will defend the decision to destroy

Saddam Hussein’s regime as I criticized
the failed tactics that were employed for too
long to establish the conditions that will
Sen. John McCain heads to the Senate floor ahead of votes on Capitol allow us to leave that country with our
Hill in Washington, U.S., December 6, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. country’s interests secure and our honor
intact,” McCain said in a 2008 speech. “We
are in Iraq and our most vital security
GOP Sen. John McCain of Arizona admitted Friday that interests are clearly involved there.”
the Iraq War was a mistake.
He continued to hold that opinion even years later.
“The principal reason for invading Iraq, that
Saddam had WMD, was wrong,” McCain
“I came out of the Vietnam War convinced
wrote in his new book. “The war, with its
that frankly we could have won, and we
cost in lives and treasure and security,
had it won,” McCain told Politico. “Just as I
can’t be judged as anything other than a
believed we had the Iraq conflict won after
mistake, a very serious one, and I have to
the surge—and for which I sacrificed
accept my share of the blame for it.”
everything, including my presidential
ambitions, that it would succeed.”
McCain was one of the biggest supporters of the initial
surge into Iraq in 2003 and was actually one of the first

Trump To Stick Around,
Shake Hands Of Every Naval Academy Grad
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
11:43 AM 05/25/2018

“I was given an option. I could make this

commencement address, which is a great
honor for me, and immediately leave and
wave goodbye. Or I could stay and shake
hands with just the top 100. Or I could stay
for hours and shake hands with 1,100 and
something. What should I do? What should
I do?” he jokingly posed to the crowd that
chanted, “Stay.”
“Ok, I’ll stay,” he declared.
President Donald Trump will spend hours at the U.S.
Naval Academy shaking the hands of the nearly 1,100 Trump delivered a triumphant speech during the
graduates after delivering a commencement address, he ceremony, saying,
said Friday.
“We are not going to apologize for America.
We are going to stand up for America. No
more apologies. We are going to stand up
for our citizens. We are going to stand up
for our values. And we are going to stand
up for our men and women in uniform.”

The president continued to tout his record in passing a

$700 billion increase in military spending and a recall of
American accomplishments culminating the section of his
address with a simple declaration:

“America is back.”

‘You’re Fired!’ — Trump Drops Classic Line,
Naval Academy Crowd Goes Wild
Justin Caruso - Senior Media Reporter
11:50 AM 05/25/2018

“Now, if you don’t do a good job, you don’t

take care of our vets, they look at you right
in the eye and they say, ‘Jim, you’re fired.
Out, out! You’re fired. Get them out of

President Trump was talking about veterans’ issues during

his speech at the Naval Academy graduation Friday.

He dropped his classic line,

“You’re fired!” and the crowd absolutely

loved it.

WATCH: The audience burst into applause and laughter.

“We are taking care — finally, after “They all said you couldn’t get that. They
decades — we’re taking care of our tried to get it for 35 years. We just say, ‘Get
veterans. We passed V.A. Accountability. them out of here. He doesn’t take care of
Everybody said it couldn’t be done. That’s if our vets.'”
you don’t do a good job, you couldn’t get

Deep State Mueller’s FBI Gave Orgy Island Billionaire
Epstein Light Sentence – And Now Suspected
Of Using Him As Informant
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 12:41 Pm

In June 2016 TGP reported that Bill Clinton visited the

infamous Orgy Island (as reported by ZeroHedge) – In 2008 Epstein was hit again, this time with a $50 million
civil suit after another victim, a woman, made a filing in a
federal court claiming that she was “recruited” by Epstein
If you can name it — it has likely taken place this the
to give him a “massage” but was essentially forced into
lavish private island off the coast of Puerto Rico which
having sexual intercourse with him for $200, which was
boasts a beautifully landscaped plush luxury estate
complete with its own helipad, privy only to certain payable upon completion.
members of the global elite.
Additionally it is important to point out
Owned by Jeffery Epstein, a wealthy American financier that Bill Clinton has been mentioned by
and convicted sex offender, Little St. James Island appears the press often over the years — and
to be somewhat of a gathering place and is a well desired not just for his controversial
hangout among key figureheads, actors and royalty to the relationship with Monica Lewinsky, but
rather his friendship with Jeffery
likes of former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey
and even Prince Andrew.
In fact, flight records indicate that ol’
However, the people attending the lavish residence are Billy-boy would frequent the island
likely do not go there to discuss “cutting edge scientific paradise around the 2002 and 2005 era,
and medical research” as the Epstein VI Foundation would while Hillary, Bill’s wife, was a Senator
like you to believe, but rather go there to experience full- in New York.
on sexual encounters with underage girls as young as
fourteen. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

That’s right, just like a scene out of the Hollywood Now we find out that corrupt Mueller
blockbuster film Eyes Wide Shut, starring Tom Cruise, from the phony Russia – Trump hoax,
from wild parties to prostitution, orgies and even underage was the Head of the FBI at the time
sex, Little St. James reportedly has it all and is seemingly a Epstein’s case was prosecuted.
gathering point frequented by prominent jet-setters, and it
is all being exposed. The cat is out of the bag so to
speak… It looks like Mueller was even involved in the case.

Back in 2005 police conducted an 11-month-long The Epstein case was run out of DC:
undercover investigation on Jeffery Epstein and his estate
after the mother of a 14-year-old girl went to police after
suspecting her daughter was paid $300 for at least one
sexual act on the island in which she was ordered to strip,
leaving on just her panties while giving Epstein a massage.

Although police found tons of photos of

young women on the island and even
interviewed eyewitnesses, Epstein was
hit with a mere slap on the wrist after
“pleading to a single charge of
prostitution.” Epstein later served 13-
months of his 18-month service in jail.

Five months after the plea deal was reached, FBI agents
still haven’t interviewed all the victims/witnesses. FBI
agents haven’t even seen all the physical evidence.

Mueller’s FBI required Epstein to provide information to

the FBI –

More support on Mueller corruption –

his FBI never interviewed all the victims.

Now there are questions whether Epstein was an informant

for the FBI –

Corrupt Mueller destroyed the FBI with
years of corruption. This man in no way
should be leading an investigation into
anything on behalf of this great country.

CNN Touts HBO Doc On McCain,
Says Trump Calls Him 'Traitor' To GOP
On Obamacare
By Tim Graham
May 25, 2018 12:42 PM EDT

Rubbish. As Robert Robb summarized in the Arizona


This is one instance in which President

Trump's criticisms of McCain are well-
founded. McCain did run, as Trump is
drumming, on a strong repeal-and-replace
platform. In fact, it was the principal
distinction he drew with his Democratic
opponent, Ann Kirkpatrick. He would vote
to repeal Obamacare. She would not.
McCain did not say that he would vote to
CNN’s New Day on Friday promoted the gushy new HBO
repeal Obamacare, provided Democrats
documentary on John McCain, with substitute host David
agreed. If he had, his Republican primary
Briggs lamenting that President Trump “perpetuated...that
with Kelli Ward might have turned out
John McCain is in a sense almost a traitor to the
Republican Party.” Peter Kunhardt, the HBO film’s
creator, bizarrely claimed the hallmark of McCain’s career
is “the consistency of his message.” But he also said the CNN began by playing gushy praise of McCain from the
“culmination” of the film is McCain flip-flopping on the film by Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and David Brooks.
repeal of Obamacare. Then came the “traitor” passage:

In 2016, McCain ran for re-election on repealing the

health-care mandate. But in 2017, after his cancer
diagnosis, he voted against repeal. But CNN promoted
McCain as heroically unifying:

DAVID BRIGGS: All right, Peter, if you look

through John McCain's life, a pilot, a
prisoner of war who refused early release,
a congressman, a senator, a presidential
candidate, is service the common thread
throughout his life?
PETER KUNHARDT: Service and country BRIGGS: Perhaps Memorial Day will give
above party and courage. He's always had people a little perspective on what he's all
the courage to stand up to whatever the -- about. I mentioned that service throughout
whatever the issue is or the person is who his entire life, but he, Peter, has become
he's against. So he's -- one of the things probably the most divisive figure in politics,
we found most interesting is the and I don't mean Democratic politics, I
consistency of his message. You know, mean among Republicans, because of one
what he's saying today to kind of bring the thing, this thumbs down vote on health
Senate together resonates today because care.
of all the turmoil in Washington, but he's
The president has perpetuated this, that
been saying it for decades. And if you go
John McCain is in a sense almost a
back in his career, he's been very
traitor to the Republican Party. What
does he make of that, being so -- a And we, as filmmakers, knew that if we didn't kind of keep
divisive figure as he fights for his life? our blinders on and look at his narrative story without
getting caught up in the political noise of the day, we
KUNHARDT: You know, I think what he
would never kind of focus in on the true McCain.
makes of it -- and the thumbs down is kind
of the culmination of the film. What he
makes of it is, it's noise, and he's trying to They put on the "blinders" all right. The "political noise of
filter out the noise. When we first went to the day" is that McCain flip-flopped. As Politico gushed,
Sedona to interview him, Trump was down he
there for a rally and there were a lot of calls
-- catcalls against McCain. He's saddened "dealt the fatal punch to the GOP’s seven-
by it. He's put off by it. But he doesn't want year campaign promise to shred
to address them point by point. He thinks Obamacare apart. He's now become a
when something comes out that's highly hero for Democrats, effectively voting to
outrageous, he'll -- or wrong, he'll address protect the chief legislative achievement of
it. President Barack Obama, his opponent in
the 2008 presidential campaign."

Sandwich But I’m Not Interested In Being His Lunch
By Assistant Editor
May 25, 2018, 1:08 Pm

the television cameras he could read the wording of the

Committee document request and would know this. This
Shelby Holliday is the epitome of Fake News.

Having come up empty-handed in their attempt to find

evidence or proof of Russian Collusion, trafficking in
allegedly hacked emails with WikiLeaks or any advance
notice of the publication of John Podesta’s emails, the
Special Counsel is now clearly engaged in an effort to
conjure up some other offense perhaps even
mischaracterizing independent efforts that I took to
successfully elect Donald Trump, at the same time sifting
through my financial records, bank accounts and personal
and family life.
By Roger Stone

Both The Hill and CNN are now reporting that Special I am mindful of the Alan Dershowitz claim that the
Counsel Robert Mueller is interrogating at least eight of average American inadvertently commits at least three
my current and former associates and is asking questions felonies a day and I am facing an ad hoc federal
about my personal life, my political activities, my pro- prosecutorial juggernaut, with an unlimited budget and
Trump activism, my book sales, my personal business and apparently no effective limitations on anything it does nor
even my family relationships. Wait! I thought this was any subject matter or area of inquiry that it has not been
about Russian Collusion, WikiLeaks and the bogus claim broadly-empowered to aggressively scrutinizing, picking
that I had advance notice of the content, source and exact and probing through every molecule of my personal and
release date of the DNC emails which so rocked the 2016 professional life, deploying federal agents to conduct fine
Presidential race? tooth microscopic review of my political and personal
activities. Including badgering at least eight of my current
or former associates.
That the Special Counsel is now examining the minute
details of my personal finances and taxes according to The
Hill and CNN proves precisely my point; this is not about I recognized Mr. Mueller could indict a
Russian Collusion or misdeeds in 2016, this is about ham sandwich but I’m not interested in
fabricating any infraction in order to indict, silence and being his lunch.
punish me for my support for Donald Trump.
I recognized that this partisan witch hunt is very much
This comes on the heels of a fake news assault in which driven by this fake news media outlets like MSNBC,
the Wall Street Journal’s Shelby Holliday took exculpatory CNBC, Huff Po, Slate, Salon, Vice, The Daily Beast and
e-mail I provided her that fell outside the precisely worded the despicable Raw Story engaged in a constant drum beat
scope of the House Intelligence Committee document of misinformation in a relentless attempt to contradict what
request which confirms my claim that I never dealt directly Anderson Cooper called “total consistency” in my claims
with WikiLeaks or Assange but had a back-channel. My about WikiLeaks and the 2016 election.
September request that this source find out if WikiLeaks
had any information on the murder of Qadaffi is a These people scream for my blood on a
legitimate journalist inquiry that the WSJ tries to make daily basis.
seem improper in some way.
Now I know how the Christians felt in the Roman
Adam Schiff’s claim that I was obligated to turn this e- Coliseum when the crowd called for them to be fed to the
mail exchange over to the House Intel Committee and did lions.
not is false and if he could take a five-minute break from

In addition to badgering my associates about my finances efforts to bankrupt me and punish me solely for the act of
they also seem focused on the most intimate aspects of my being for Donald Trump. It is also to issue a report that
personal life, my business and personal relationships. will serve for the basis for an impeachment drive in the
increasingly unlikely event that the rabidly Democratic
Private detective services have captures control of The House. The President must wake
confirmed that my cell phone and text up to the true nature of the Mueller juggernaut which has
messages are under surveillance and been aided and abetted by the de facto Attorney General
access to my email was obtained Rod Rosenstein. The President’s enemies’ enmity towards
through an illegal FISA warrant that the him is rank and their resolve to remove him should not be
New York Times reported I was subject underestimated.
to on January 20th of 2017.
Politico has introduced a new potential goal of the Mueller
Surveillance without probable cause, hoping an offense team, which is to threaten to indict me unless I flip and
can be confected. testify against the President who has been my friend and
who I have wanted to run for President for nearly thirty
The agenda of the Mueller inquisition is clear. It is to years. Although the New York Times has reported that
silence me as a critic of the partisan nature of their inquiry President Trump is “afraid” of me, he has nothing to fear
and the Gestapo tactics that they employ as well as their as I am his most loyal and steadfast supporter.

White House Lauds Three Big Wins On Capitol Hill
New Laws Will Make The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau More
Accountable, Help Veterans Get Better Care Faster And Open Access
To More Treatments For The Terminally Ill
By Connor Wolf
Updated 25 May 2018 At 3:22 PM

chambers this week and were sent to the

president’s desk,” Short said during the
call. “I think often with all that’s going on
internationally and I think some of the
coverage of continuing investigations and
perhaps palace intrigue, there is a lack of
focus on what’s actually getting
accomplished legislatively.”

The Dodd-Frank Act was implemented in response to the

Great Recession of 2008 and established the Consumer
White House Director of Legislative Affairs Marc Short Financial Protection Board (CFPB) to enforce multiple
highlighted a long list of legislative accomplishments new provisions to prevent dangerous lending practices by
Friday, including major three bills that were approved in major banks.
just the last week.
But critics have contested that the reforms went too far by
“We want to take a few minutes at the end hindering smaller banks and making it harder for people
of a very productive work session here to and businesses to access capital. The CFPB has also been
highlight a couple of bills that passed both plagued by mismanagement, personnel problems and
chambers this week and were sent to the excessive intrusions on consumer privacy.
president’s desk,” Short said during a
conference call with reporters. The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer
“I think often with all that’s going on Protection Act was passed to ease up on regulations that
internationally and I think some of the impact smaller banks and make the CFPB subject to
coverage of continuing investigations and congressional oversight. Opponents argued the
perhaps palace intrigue, there is a lack of reforms could allow for the same dangerous practices that
focus on what’s actually getting led to the 2008 crisis. The president signed the measure
accomplished legislatively,” he said. into law Thursday.

President Donald Trump entered office with an ambitious The Veteran’s Choice Accountability Act aims to help
policy agenda and fierce resistance from Democrats, the veterans to have private sector healthcare choices rather
liberal mainstream media, non-profit advocacy community than just the troubled U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
critics and others who back or benefit from activist The bill scraps the current choice program outright while
government. He has promised to help struggling workers, streaming the process and lowering barriers for veterans
clamp down on illegal immigration, reduce burdensome seeking outside medical help.
regulations, and make trade fairer, among much else.
The Right to Try Act was passed to help patients who have
Short singled out three bills passed this week that were been diagnosed with a terminal illness. The bill allows
designed to rollback some financial sector regulations, them to obtain unapproved drugs when they’ve exhausted
make available access to experimental drugs for terminally approved treatment options and are unable to participate in
ill patients and provide veterans with more healthcare a clinical trial. Critics say it undermines the Food and Drug
options. Administration (FDA) ability to protect against bad drugs.

“We want to take a few minutes at the end “I think these three big bills have given us
of a very productive work session here to the chance to reflect, not just on the last
highlight a couple of bills that passed both week, but what we view as a very
productive Congress with historic tax Short added that lawmakers and the president have also
reform, the repeal of the individual been able to get some funding for the border wall, increase
mandate, the largest funding increase for the budget for border patrol agents, rollback regulations
the military since the Reagan years, the from the last administration, and confirm U.S. Supreme
first pay raise in 10 years for our troops.” Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

Deep State Clapper’s Latest Line: We Weren’t Spying – It
Was “Benign Information Gathering”
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 3:57 Pm

James Clapper also told Joy Behar on The View that the
FBI was spying on the Trump campaign — but he didn’t
like to use “that word.”

Now this…

Clapper is continuing to change his story. Today he told

Axios the deep state spying on Trump was actually

“Benign version of information gathering.”

Via Zero Hedge:

“He deliberately spun it, distorted it. I mean this

is George Orwell — up is down, black is white,
peace is war. That’s exactly what I didn’t say. I
Obama’s former DNI Chief James Clapper took aversion to the word spy, it was the most
told CNN last Thursday “it was a good benign version of information gathering. The
thing” the FBI was spying on Trump’s important thing is the whole reason the FBI was
campaign. doing this was concern over what the Russians
were doing to infiltrate the campaign, not spying
This was after he initially denied the on the campaign.
Intelligence Community was spying on
Donald Trump. So now they’re calling if “benign
information gathering.”
Clapper told CNN it was a good thing if the FBI had
someone Until Clapper’s next interview.

“observing” the Trump’s campaigns interaction

with the Russians because the “Russians
posed a threat to the very basis of our political

Dissecting Lies From The Deep State Media
Derek Hunter - Contributor
4:12 PM 05/25/2018

ways the media manipulate their audience by not only

what they say, but how they say it.

On today’s episode of The Daily Daily Caller Podcast…

The summit with North Korea is off, or is it? As the

situation is in flux, Democrats are scrambling to accuse
President Trump of dropping the ball and giving Kim
Jong-Un a victory on the international stage. They’re
cheering, actually. But this is the “Art of the Deal,” this is
what Trump does. And now North Korea is saying they
want to meet again, which makes Democrats look even
worse. In the past few weeks, liberals have sided with
Hamas against the U.S. and Israel, with MS-13 against
Trump calling them “animals,” and now the North Koreans Hillary Clinton won’t go away. After lecturing women on
against the United States. How long till Kim is declared how they disrespected themselves by voting for Donald
the Democratic Party’s nominee for 2020? We mock them Trump, and standing on stage laughing hysterically as
roundly. Madeleine Albright said,

WATCH: “There’s a special place in hell for women

who don’t support other women,” Hillary
endorsed New York Governor Andrew
Cuomo for re-election over challenger
Cynthia Nixon. Is there an extra special
place in hell for hypocrites?

Jake Tapper delivered a monologue Thursday, couched as

a report, on how members of Congress were “aghast” by
the White House sending Chief of Staff John Kelly and
deputy White House Counsel Emmet Flood attended the [ED Note:There is a special place in hell for women like hillary
classified briefing of the “Gang of 8” intelligence heads in
Congress. So who was “aghast”? An anonymous Democrat
staffer. But that didn’t stop CNN from framing it as if it Democrats attempted a hit-job on a Trump judicial
was the sentiment of many, if not most, people in nominee Thursday, trying to paint Wendy Vitter as a racist
attendance. We dissect it thoroughly and expose the subtle who doesn’t support Brown vs. Board of Education. It’s

standard practice for judicial nominees to not comment on Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion of the
specific cases, already decided or not, because it could world, was pardoned Thursday by President Trump.
compromise their objectivity should a similar case come Convicted of violating the Mann Act, a racist law passed
before them. Democrats, knowing that, chose Vitter and by Democrats to target inter-racial couples, Johnson served
the landmark civil right case specifically to try to create 10 months in prison. He’s now been pardoned. Since
outrage over Vitter to claim a scalp. We tell you how it everything is political, some liberals tried to make this
happened, play you the clips from the hearing, and rip it pardon about Barack Obama, saying he didn’t pardon
apart. It’s pretty disgusting. Johnson because he was very worried about the pardon
process being seen as political. Of course, Obama
commuted the sentences of terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera
and traitor Bradley Manning for political purposes, but
why let the facts stand in the way of a good narrative?

Screen capture from

The land down under is thinking about banning books

from school libraries that use gender-specific pronouns.
Why? Because liberals won’t stop until everyone is
wearing the same unitard, has the same bowl-cut hairdo,
and gender no longer exists. The party of science sure likes
to deny biology.

Screen capture from Twitter

Finally, from the “don’t be an idiot” file, a man in a kayak

picked a rattle snake out of the water and swung it around,
getting bitten in the process. He nearly died. Why did he
pick up a poisonous snake? Because he thought is was an
alligator. Don’t be an idiot.

It’s Time To Impeach The President (Obama)
By Assistant Editor
May 25, 2018, 5:51 Pm

Obama didn’t just authorize illegal spying, surveillance

and FISA warrants based on fraud, paid for by Hillary and
the DNC. He ordered it all.

Somehow this must all be getting through. Despite 93%

negative news coverage from the mainstream media,
President Trump is sitting pretty at 50% approval at
Rasmussen (the most accurate pollster of the 2016
election). More shockingly, Reuters generic Congressional
poll has shifted from Democrats winning by 16 points back
in February, to Republicans up by 6 points this week.
YES, I said Republicans are now leading by 6 points.
Liberals will be shocked to hear this. Yes, I finally agree.
You’ve won over Wayne Root with evidence and common
sense. It’s time to impeach the president. That’s a 22-point swing in a matter of months. And a 9-
point swing in a week. The supposed “blue wave” is
However, it’s not President Trump I’m talking about. It’s
time to impeach former President Barack Obama. And of
course, prosecute him too. Why do you think this is? Because the average American
now understands what happened. It isn’t Trump who did
anything wrong. He was clearly framed by Obama, Hillary
Many are starting to come to this conclusion. Tom Fitton, and their minions in the DC Swamp (FBI, DOJ, CIA and
the legal genius behind Judicial Watch (the number one NSA).
government watchdog in America), has come to the same
conclusion. Fitton said this week that amidst a climate of
impeachment fervor, the actual evidence points to But far worse is the reason for the framing. First, Obama
Obama’s actions warranting impeachment far more than had a personal hatred and obsession with Trump- for
Trump. Fitton reports that ordering surveillance and daring to ask questions about Obama’s birth certificate,
sending spies into the Trump presidential campaign are all place of birth and college records. Second, Obama was on
grounds for post-Presidency impeachment and more the hook for his own crimes: spying, surveillance, criminal
importantly, prosecution. weaponization of government agencies like the IRS. And
he was also on the hook for allowing Hillary’s crimes,
including the Uranium One deal, where the Clinton
None other than greatly respected former White House Foundation received $140 million in donations from
Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said this week, Russia.

“I guarantee the answer is yes” But that was only one of many corrupt deals while Hillary
served as Obama’s Secretary of State. Jay Sekulow of the
as to whether Obama knew the FBI had planted spies into American Center for Law and Justice reported days ago his
the Trump campaign. He says no FBI Director would dare organization has uncovered THOUSANDS of docs
infiltrate a presidential campaign without the direct showing Pay-to-Play between Hillary’s State Dept and the
approval and authorization of the sitting president. Clinton Foundation. He called Hillary’s State Dept a
“favor factory.”
Welcome to my world. I’ve screamed about Obama’s
illegal actions for years. Starting of course with his attempt Sekulow found 30,000 emails between Hillary, her top
to use the IRS to destroy my life. But I’m just one of staff and the Clinton Foundation. This is crime on a
thousands of victims. I have always understood the lengths massive unprecedented scale. The State Dept became a
Obama would go to, to destroy his political opposition. division of a private company (a charity scam), using

taxpayer money to dole out government contracts to Obama ordered the CIA to spy on all of France’s
Hillary’s donors. presidential candidates.

How much money changed hands? Billions? How many Who else did Obama spy on? What other world leaders did
crooked deals? Hundreds? How many other members of he try to frame just like Trump? How about American
Obama’s administration got cut in on the bribes? Could politicians, like his 2012 opponent Mitt Romney? Obama
President Obama have had a piece of the action? Obama and Hillary tried to fix the 2016 election. Is it possible
desperately needed Hillary to win, or he’d face criminal Obama fixed the 2012 election with spying and
prosecution. Remember what Truman said, “The buck surveillance vs. Romney?
stops here.”
Yes, the media is right. It’s time to start talking about
And then there was this news: WikiLeaks reports Obama impeachment and prosecution of a president…
was a veteran of illegal spying. They claim to have proof

Assange Reportedly Offered To Meet Adam Schiff,
Congressman Refuses ‘Unless He Is In US Custody’
By Cassandra Fairbanks
May 25, 2018, 6:59 Pm

“our committee would be willing to interview

Julian Assange when he is in US custody, not

In yet another example of how Rep. Adam Schiff does not

actually want to know the truth about how WikiLeaks
obtained leaked emails from the Democratic National
Committee, the Congressman has denied an invitation to
meet with Julian Assange — unless he is in US custody.

Appearing on MSNBC on Friday, Randy Credico, a

personal friend of Assange, announced that he had met
with Schiff on Wednesday to extend the offer for a

“I had gone there with a mandate from

Assange for Mr. Schiff to go over there and
interview him,” Credico said. “I got the okay
from Assange for him to do that.”

Credico asserted that Assange had sent him on a “secret

mission” to invite Schiff so that he could clear everything

“If he wants to go over there… he’s waiting for

him,” Credico said of Assange.

However, in a response to Credico’s announcement, Assange has now been without phone, internet or visitors
Schiff’s office sent Ari Melber a cowardly statement other than his lawyers for nearly two months. This is
declaring that reportedly due to pressure from the US government to
drive him out of the embassy where he has political

BREAKING=> Presidential Attorney Rudy Giuliani:
Trump Legal Team Wants Briefing On FBI Spies In
Trump Campaign
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 7:49 Pm

BREAKING: Presidential Attorney Rudy

Giuliani says the Trump legal team wants to
be briefed on the Obama FBI campaign
spying scandal.

The AP reported:

President Donald Trump’s legal team wants a

briefing on the classified information shared
with lawmakers about the origins of the FBI
investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016
presidential election and may take it to the
Justice Department as part of an effort to scuttle
the ongoing special counsel probe.

Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s attorneys, told The

Associated Press on Friday that the White House hopes to
get a readout of the information next week, particularly
about the use of a longtime government informant who
approached members of Trump’s campaign in a possible
There were at least four Trump campaign bid to glean intelligence on Russian efforts to sway the
operatives who were approached during the election.
2016 campaign by FBI spies to set up the
Trump campaign.
The FBI won’t be able to lie during this
briefing — if they want to stay out of prison.

Disgraceful. Mitch McConnell Tells
Reporters He Supports The Mueller Witch Hunt
By Jim Hoft
May 25, 2018, 8:40 Pm

briefing that he continues to support special

counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into
Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential
election, including possible collusion between
the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McConnell told NPR that Mueller’s investigation and a

separate probe by the Justice Department’s inspector
general into the FBI’s actions during the 2016 election will
ultimately provide answers to a number of questions
swirling around the presidential race.

Senate Majority leader is no friend of “The two investigations going on that I think will
President Trump or his supporters. give us the answers to the questions that you
raise — the [inspector general] investigation in
the Justice Department and the Mueller
The Kentucky Republican told the media he investigation,” McConnell told NPR.
supports the Mueller witch hunt on

This was after Democrat and Republican

leaders were briefed on Thursday on the
Obama deep state spying on the Trump


The Hill reported:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-

Ky.) said Thursday after attending a classified

Tucker Battles Progressive On Gas Price Hikes
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
9:43 PM 05/25/2018

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson took a progressive radio host to Progressive radio host Chris Hahn argued,
task on Friday for Democratic hypocrisy on rising gas
prices. “Trump should be attacking himself…he said [in
2011] blame the party in power for high gas
WATCH: prices.”

“I think that’s fair,” Carlson conceded, “but that

doesn’t change the fact that Democrats as of
last week…are calling for gas tax increases.
They’re for a higher gas tax — it’s in the
Democratic platform.”

“What kind of sick person do you have to be to

attack someone for what you’re calling for?”
Carlson asked incredulously.

Hahn retorted that Democrats are calling for a “useful” tax

that will go to “other projects” rather than Trump’s
The Daily Caller co-founder started the segment by noting policies, which Carlson again noted that Democrats have
that Democrats have been calling for higher gas prices for previously supported.
decades because they think it will “somehow help fight
global warming.” However, now that gas prices are higher “He’s doing what Democrats have called on the
under President Donald Trump, Carlson explained that country to do and it’s having an effect they
Democrats now oppose the idea. agree with,” Carlson asserted. “It’s all so
dishonest. It’s mind-blowing.”

CNN Discovers Devin Nunes
Is Well-Liked Back Home
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
10:06 PM 05/25/2018

his work investigating potential FISA abuses and partisan

corruption in the FBI.

However, when CNN reporter Kyung Lah got to his

district, she discovered that most of the constituents she
spoke to really appreciated the job he is doing in Congress.

“Here, all we can do is vote for someone hoping

they can do something there,” Lillian Krider
said, asserting that she thinks Nunes is the guy
CNN visited House Intelligence Committee Chairman who can “do something.”
Devin Nunes’ district in California and found out that most
of his constituents actually like him.
“For Devin Nunes, these registered
Republicans are squarely in his corner,” Lah
WATCH: said in a voice-over as the camera panned over
a group of elderly women eating in a diner.
“Especially when he’s an attack dog for Trump.”

“I like that he does stick up for our president,”

Krider added. “I mean, the president is our
leader whether we agree with him or not.”

“I appreciate his honesty and his being open

with the people,” another supporter explained.

When the report ended, anchor Jim Sciutto wondered if the

Democrat challenging Nunes for reelection would be able
to put up a close race.
CNN opened the segment by noting that Nunes is “often
accused of carrying water for President Trump” because of

Key Facts Of The Trump-Russia
Investigation That Shouldn’t Be Ignored
Stephanie Hamill
10:35 PM 05/25/2018

Did the Obama administration take more action to stop point. Here are just a few of the steps taken by members of
Donald Trump from winning the election than it did to the Obama administration to stop Trump:
stop Russia from interfering in it?
 Susan Rice, then-National Security Advisor, unmasked
That’s what former White House press secretary Ari members of the Trump transition team.
Fleischer thinks. On Twitter he called out the Obama  The FBI had an information source close to the Trump
administration for the events that took place in the summer campaign.
of 2016.  John Brennan, then-CIA director, had information about
the dossier and allegedly funneled it through unofficial
WATCH: channels to help it get out.
 James Comey, then-FBI director, may have “slow-
walked” the Clinton investigation — and was convinced
to publicly refer to it as a “matter” rather than an
investigation — for political reasons.
 Then we have Vice President Joe Biden who admitted
that both he and President Obama were aware of
Russia’s attempts to influence the election, yet the
administration didn’t take bold action to prevent it.

One year later, investigators have come-up empty handed.

The effort to prove Donald Trump’s campaign colluded
with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election is
backfiring for the Democrats. What we are learning is that
the bigger threat to our democracy may be coming from
As more and more information comes out regarding who some in the Democratic Party and from some in our
knew what and when, it appears that Fleischer may have a nation’s most powerful agencies.

President Trump Stands And Shakes Over 1,000 Navy
Graduates’ Hands For Over An Hour – Hillary Sits And
Receives Harvard Attendance Prize
By Jim Hoft
May 26, 2018, 7:43 Am

Yesterday we saw on video the difference

between President Trump and Hillary Clinton.
President Trump stood in the summer sun for
over an hour and a half to shake the hand of
every graduate from the Navy Academy. Hillary
Clinton sat for an hour while receiving an award
from Harvard for her ‘battles won and lost’.

President Trump spoke at the Navy Academy’s Graduation

Ceremony for the Class of 2018. After his speech he
stayed and honored the graduates by shaking the hand of
each and every young graduate. This required the President
to stand in the sun and shake hands for an hour and a half.
(Quite an accomplishment for anyone, yet alone a man in
his early 70’s.)
Hillary Clinton was also in the news
yesterday. She donned a winter coat while
sitting and receiving an award from Harvard

Eighteen months after she lost the presidential election to

Donald Trump, Hillary Rodham Clinton received
something of a hero’s welcome Friday, as she accepted the
Radcliffe Medal, an award given annually to an individual
who has had a transformative effect on society.

“We honor her today for all of her battles, won

and lost,” said Lizabeth Cohen, dean of the
Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at
Here is the video of the President shaking all the graduates Harvard University, which presents the award.
hands in 41 seconds –

Hillary’s outfit is thought to cover the fact that she is The two events yesterday show the extreme
wearing a medical related back brace. Although the differences between President Trump and
temperatures were in the high 80’s, she wore the winter Presidential candidate Clinton. Healthy
coat. President Trump honors graduates for work
well done, while sickly Hillary is given an
There were no pictures of Hillary being carried up stairs at attendance prize from far left academics at
this event. Harvard for losing an election. And there it

Porn Star Lawyer Avenatti Accused By Courts Of Acting
“With Malice, Fraud And Oppression” – Suddenly
Disappears From CNN
By Jim Hoft
May 26, 2018, 8:14 Am

Avenatti may not be in the news due to information he

received this week –

On Tuesday, a federal bankruptcy court judge in Southern

California ordered a law firm managed by Michael
Avenatti to pay $10 million to an attorney who claimed
that the firm stiffed him on the first installment of a $4.85
million settlement — resulting in critics labeling him a
“tax cheat” on social media.

 Maybe CNN found out that Avenatti didn’t pay taxes for
three years in spite of making $30 million. This was
uncovered by the courts who stated he acted with

There are many reasons why CNN would “malice, fraud and oppression”.
stop airing broadcasts with slimy porn star
lawyer Michael Avenatti – if CNN sincerely
wanted to set a standard for truth they never
would have had him on!

According to FOX News, Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for

porn star Stormy Daniels, was a regular on CNN and other
MSM (Mainstream Media) outlets over the past two
months –

Last week, Rich Noyes and Bill D’Agostino of the Media

Research Center reported that from March 7 to May 15,
Avenatti was interviewed on national television a
whopping 147 times – with 74 of the appearances on Jeff
Zucker’s CNN.

Avenatti appeared on TV another seven times since the

study was conducted, but only one of the appearances was
on CNN – a May 22 appearance on “Anderson Cooper
360,” according to the MRC, which noted it was the  Maybe CNN is not interviewing Avenatti on the air
lawyer’s 22nd appearance on “AC 360.” because the state bar in California is investigating him
for taking taxes from his employees but not paying the
CNN and the MSM aired creepy Avenatti in an attempt to government with these taxes collected.
disparage President Trump. Instead, this may have hurt the
MSM as many Americans see through their efforts to  Perhaps CNN is not putting Avenatti on the air because
attack the President. The fact that the porn star story is not he is suspected of defrauding a million dollar Newport
working may be the reason Avenatti is no longer the voice Beach property owner. Avenatti lived in a $12 million
of the radical left. But then again, it may be Avenatti home for free as a squatter while a mysterious Swiss
himself. company brought a false claim against the owner of the
home whom was unable to remove Avenatti until the

fake case was over. The Swiss company never showed  But perhaps the biggest reason CNN is not airing
for any court case after a year of Avenatti living in the creepy Avenatti is that he recently was tied to the FBI
property rent free.lived in a $12M home for free as a spies in the Spygate scandal. We reported over the
squatter while a mysterious Swiss company brought a weekend that there is evidence that Avenatti is
false claim against the owner of the home whom connected to the FBI spies in Spygate through a Saudi
#Avenatti welched on. While #Avenatti evaded taxes & Prince. Avenatti raced on a team with the Prince’s son
stiffed employees, lived in a $12M home for free as a and the Prince is connected to one of the suspected
squatter while a mysterious Swiss company brought a FBI spies. This may have been the relationship that
false claim against the owner of the home whom deep state most wanted to cover up about Avenatti.
#Avenatti welched on. While #Avenatti evaded taxes &
stiffed employees, CNN and the MSM never should have had
Avenatti on the air. He is creepy and has a
horrible record that includes not paying his
employees, his taxes, his childcare and his
ex-wife. But then again, maybe he is the
perfect creepy crook to represent the liberal
media and deep state.

Trump Frees US Hostage
In Venezuela Without Exchanging Pallet Of Cash
By Jim Hoft
May 26, 2018, 9:29 Am

On January 17, 2016, a cargo plane with

$400 million in foreign currencies was
secretly sent to Iran in the dead of night.

This was the same day the Iranian regime released four
American hostages held in Tehran.

US officials held the ransom cash until the

hostages were released.

Two days after Obama sent Iran the ransom cash the US
government wired 13 individual payments for
$99,999,999.99 , each with an independent MICR, totaling
L to R: Matt Trevithick (Photo Credit Robin Wright) Amir Hekmati, $1,299,999,999.87.
Jason Rezaian (Photo Credit AP), Saeed Abedini (News 4).

Cash from Obama’s ransom payment to Iran

Barack Obama later told reporters this was has since been tracked to terrorist groups in
not a ransom payment. the region.

Obama lied. On Saturday President Trump announced the failed

Socialist regime in Venezuela has released US hostage
Former US Iranian Hostage Saeed Abidini Josh Holt.
told FOX Business Network the Iranian
regime WOULD NOT let his plane
leave Tehran until the ransom
plane arrived.

Trump Just Made It Easier
To Fire Bad Federal Employees
Thomas Phippen - Reporter
10:07 AM 05/26/2018

a Postal worker was arrested and convicted of using illegal

drugs during her lunch break, after which she was fired.
The employee appealed to the Merit Systems Protection
Board, which ordered her to be reinstated with only a 90-
day suspension.

The second order restricts the amount work time

employees can use to conduct union business. Currently,
some federal employees are allowed to spend nearly all of
their time on union business — some even during a
President Donald Trump mouths the words, "You're fired," during a government shutdown. Trump’s order would restrict
signing ceremony for the Department of Veterans Affairs
Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017 in the East
government employees from spend more than 25 percent
Room of the White House June 23, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Photo: of government time on union business.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
Finally, the third order calls on agencies to streamline the
President Donald Trump issued three executive orders collective bargaining procedures to, hopefully, save
Friday to prevent unions from protecting government taxpayer money. The government often pays both agency
employees who don’t perform in their jobs. and labor union negotiators’ salaries, and the agreements
can take years to finalize. In 2016 alone, the government
Critics say Trump is stripping unions of their power by spent $16 million on union negotiator salaries.
changing how federal agencies approach collective
bargaining agreements, but the administration says the The vast majority of our employees are dedicated public
goal is to protect taxpayers from overspending on labor. servants who are dedicated to their missions and service to
the American people. It is essential that we honor their
“By holding poor performers accountable, commitment, and these measures reflect just that. Looking
reforming the use of taxpayer-funded union ahead, our focus will be on continuing to leverage
time, and focusing negotiations on issues that technology to digitize our federal human resources
matter, we are advancing our efforts to elevate infrastructure, build modern public human resources
the federal workforce,” Jeff T.H. Pon, Director of systems for the 21st century, and celebrate the
the Office of Personnel Management, said. hardworking federal employees who serve our great
Nation each and every day.”
Each of the three executive orders address a part of federal
labor practices that conservatives have criticized for years. “These executive orders make it easier for
The first reinforces the government’s commitment to agencies to remove poor-performing employees
merit-based employment by directing agency heads to and ensure that taxpayer dollars are more
make swifter firing decisions based on the individual’s efficiently used,” Andrew Bremberg, director of
record, not standards of “progressive discipline.” It also the White House Domestic Policy Council told
directs departments to share an employee’s disciplinary reporters in a briefing. Trump urged Congress
records with other agencies, a practice that is currently during the State of the Union address “to
prohibited. empower every Cabinet secretary with the
authority to reward good workers and to remove
As an example of the kind of dismissal practice Trump those that undermine the public trust or fail the
wants to change, the White House mentioned a case where American people,” Bremberg noted.

Cornyn: FBI’s Culture
Of Corruption Is COMEY’S Fault
Posted On May 26, 2018

in a counterintelligence investigation, I presume

and used somebody who had contacted various
subjects of their investigation to communicate
back to the FBI what they found out. I guess for
all practical purposes, for most people, it
wouldn’t be any different.”

Said Hewitt:

All right, now it’s a time of great controversy for

the FBI, which I’ve always held in the highest
esteem. I worked with them when I was at DOJ.
(National Sentinel) Ruination: By now it’s become And you’ve got Director Comey, his reputation’s
obvious that under the “leadership” of Barack Obama and in tatters in the eyes of many people.
attorneys general Eric Holder, Jr., and Loretta Lynch, the
Justice Department’s hierarchy was transformed into a You’ve got Andrew McCabe referred to the DOJ
West Wing political operation. for prosecution. He’s got his admirers as well.
You’ve got Page and Strzok and their texts.
And while Holder and Lynch were politicizing the DoJ, You’ve got Bruce Ohr over at the DOJ.
James Comey was doing the same to the FBI, according to
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. You will remember, you’re my age, so you will
remember just reading about the dark days of
During an appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s MSNBC program COINTELPRO and J. Edgar Hoover. Are we
Saturday, Cornyn laid the blame for the FBI’s dramatic fall back in those dark days?
from grace during the Obama years at the large feet of
Comey. “Right. Well, unfortunately, I think Director
Comey helped create a culture at the FBI that
When asked by Hewitt if the agency had been allowed to they were accountable to no one,” Cornyn said.
lapse back into a culture that existed under one of Comey’s
predecessors, J. Edgar Hoover, Cornyn said that Comey “And unfortunately, that created, I believe, this
had allowed for the creation of a “culture” within the FBI situation we find ourselves with. [Current FBI
accountable to no one. Director [Christopher] Wray, I have to tell you, I
think is doing an outstanding job,” Cornyn
“Now Senator, you’ve been a trial judge, you’ve continued.
been a Texas Supreme Court justice. You’ve
been the Texas Attorney General. Can you “But it’s going to be a long time before the
explain for us the difference between a reputation of the FBI regains its reputation as a
“confidential informant” and a spy?” Hewitt law enforcement organization that has integrity
asked. and is above politics.”

“Well, it’s, you really can’t,” Cornyn responded. Barack Obama once said he wanted to “fundamentally
transform” our country. In many ways, he did. And none
“I mean, a spy is typically, I think of in terms of of it for the better.
foreign powers. But here, the FBI was involved

The Important Questions About ‘Spygate’
Chuck Ross - Reporter
10:38 AM 05/26/2018

2016 to Sept. 2017. The pair met multiple times, including

at Cambridge and at Halper’s farm in Virginia.

That 14-month window leaves open numerous possibilities

for Halper’s intelligence-gathering activities.

But Page tells The Daily Caller News Foundation that in

his conversations with Halper, he never departed from
what he has said publicly in response to the allegations
made about him in the infamous Steele dossier.

“I never did anything even remotely wrong [or]

similar to what’s alleged in the Dodgy Dossier,”
 There is a debate over whether former Cambridge
Page says was his general message to Halper
professor Stefan Halper, who kept tabs on three
when the subject of collusion came up in
Trump campaign advisers, was an FBI informant or
a spy.
 One of the key questions to the debate is: Who
tasked Halper with contacting Trump campaign The dossier, written by former British spy Christopher
advisers Carter Page, Sam Clovis, and George Steele and funded by Democrats, accuses Page of being
Papadopoulos? the Trump campaign’s main back channel to the Kremlin
 Carter Page holds the key to many questions for the purposes of collusion. The dossier claims that Page
surrounding Halper. met with two sanctions Kremlin insiders, Igor Sechin and
Igor Diveykin. Page has vehemently denied the
A battle of semantics has dominated the revelation that the
FBI used a Cambridge professor named Stefan Halper to
keep tabs on three Trump campaign advisers. The Halper’s interactions with Clovis and Papadopoulos were
argument is over whether Halper was a mere FBI more limited than those he had with Page. Clovis, the
informant or a spy, as President Trump has asserted. campaign’s national co-chairman, met with Halper once on
Sept. 1, 2016 over coffee to discuss the campaign and their
mutual interest in geopolitical issues.
But the debate has overshadowed more important
questions about Halper’s role in “Crossfire Hurricane,” the
code name for the FBI’s investigation of possible collusion The next day, Halper reached out to Papadopoulos through
between the Trump campaign and Russian government. email — unbeknownst to Clovis — to offer to fly the
young Trump aide to London to discuss writing an
academic paper about Mediterranean energy
The core questions are: Who tasked Halper, a former issues. Papadopoulos accepted and flew to London on
University of Cambridge professor, with contacting Trump Halper’s dime. He was paid $3,000 for the paper, which he
campaign advisers Carter Page, Sam Clovis, and George submitted in early October 2016.
Papadopoulos? What did they tell Halper, and what did he
in turn tell his FBI/CIA handlers? And how was that
information used by government officials in their During one dinner conversation, Halper asked
investigation of possible Russian meddling in the 2016 Papadopoulos whether he was involved in Russian hacking
election? Was Halper a credible source? of Democrats’ emails. Papadopoulos vigorously denied the
allegation, much to Halper’s frustration.
Carter Page holds the key to many of those questions.
Halper’s approach to Page was much softer, Page says.
They met multiple times, and Page says he never felt that
An energy consultant and former Naval officer, Page was Halper was trying to pump him for information about the
the first Trump associate known to have made contact with campaign.
Halper. He also stayed in touch with the 73-year-old the
longest of any of the three Trump advisers — from July
But it is now clear that Halper was collecting Russian intelligence, were also shared with American
some information on Page. And there has been speculation authorities. The entire saga was first reported on May 17,
that whatever information he collected was provided to the 2017 by The Wall Street Journal.
FBI for use in Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
(FISA) warrants granted against Page. But Lokhova, a historian of Russian intelligence agencies,
says that Halper was behind the “false allegations.” She
During a press conference on Tuesday, Speaker Paul Ryan has vigorously denied having anything close to an
linked the issue of allegations about FISA abuse to the improper relationship with Flynn.
revelation of a Trump campaign informant.
In December 2016, Halper also resigned from the
“FISA abuse is a serious issue,” Ryan said Cambridge Intelligence Seminar after claiming he was
when discussing House Republicans’ request worried about Russian infiltration of that program. But
for information about the FBI’s top-secret Christopher Andrew, the convener of the seminar and the
source. chief of historian of Britain’s MI5 intelligence service,
called Halper’s concerns “absurd.”
The first FISA warrant authorizing surveillance on Page
was granted on Oct. 21, 2016. Three renewals were Asked whether Halper could have provided false
granted in January, April and June 2017. They expired in information to the FBI about him, Page was open to the
September 2017, the same month that Page and Halper fell possibility.
out of contact. As has been widely noted, FISA renewals
require additional evidence showing probable cause that a “He may very well have,” he told TheDCNF.
surveillance target is acting as an agent of a foreign power.
“The reality is there are a lot of lies in there. So
What Page and Halper discussed in their encounters looms whether it was him or whoever, they came to
large over those FISA warrants as well as over “Crossfire the wrong conclusion.”
There is virtually no visibility into what information
Page says he can’t recall many details of what he and Halper collected on Page or any of the other Trump
Halper discussed over their 14 month relationship. But he advisers. It’s also unknown what he passed to the FBI. But
says that nothing he said would support the idea that he there is one piece of correspondence that suggests that
was involved in collusion on behalf of the Trump Halper was sympathetic and supportive of Page and that he
campaign with Russia. presented himself as critical of the collusion allegations.

“I’m not concerned about this other stuff,” Page “It seems attention has shifted a bit from the
told TheDCNF, referring to the Halper angle. ‘collusion’ investigation to the ‘contretempts’
[sic] within the White House,” Halper wrote on
Though Page says he never had conversations with Halper July 28, 2017.
in which he said anything that would support allegations in
the dossier, what Halper may have relayed to the FBI is “I must assume this gives you some relief,” he
another matter. And Halper’s track record as an continued, signing off with “be in touch when
intelligence gather has already been called into question. you have the time. Would be great to catch up.”

As TheDCNF reported, Halper has been accused in the Page has discussed another encounter with Halper in
past of making “absurd” and “false” claims about Russian which he says the professor seemed to dismiss the
infiltration at Cambridge, where he oversees the allegations of collusion.
Cambridge Security Initiative, a group that brings together
academics, businesses and former intelligence officials. It was Summer 2016 after then-Senate Minority Leader
Harry Reid sent a letter to then-FBI Director James Comey
As The New York Times reported on May 18, Halper was accusing Page of being a Russian agent. The letter, it is
who expressed concerns back in February 2014 about now known, relied heavily on allegations from the Steele
then-Defense Intelligence Agency Director Michael dossier.
Flynn’s interactions at a Cambridge event with a Russian
academic named Svetlana Lokhova. Page said that when he and Halper discussed the letter,
Halper “rolled his eyes” as if he disapproved of the Reid
Those concerns, which were that Flynn’s interactions with allegations.
Lokhova suggested that he could be compromised by
Angry Joe Biden Trashes Trump And His Supporters:
Trump’s “Phony Populism And Fake Nationalism” Is
Hurting Us (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 26, 2018, 11:11 Am

Former Vice President Joe Biden attacked So maybe Joe Biden is right. Trump is “hurting us”
President Trump and his supporters Friday especially if you’re an America-hating liberal.
during a speech in support of New York
Governor Andrew Cuomo. Joe Biden:

Biden claims President Trump’s policies This is not your father’s Republican Party that is
“are hurting us.” hurting us with this phony populism and this
fake nationalism.

The US currently has the strongest economy in decades, a

shrinking Chinese trade debt, peace talks with North
Korea, record low unemployment rates, better trade deals
and respect from the international community.

Instead of “leading from behind” President

Trump is taking charge.

Clapper: ‘Obama Had No Knowledge’
Of FBI Informant In The Trump Campaign
Julia Nista - Associate Editor
11:27 AM 05/26/2018

“I am sure President Obama had no knowledge

whatsoever of an informant,” Clapper said,
adding that the FBI has many informants who
play various roles within the department “who
provide very valuable information and do so in a
legitimate way.”

Ari Fleischer, former press secretary for President George

W. Bush, asked on Fox News, “What role did Barack
Obama have, did he know that the FBI was keeping
informants there, and I’ll guarantee the answer is yes.” He
continued to say that the FBI must have gone through the
James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, White House first before putting an FBI informant in a
said Friday that former President Barack Obama had “no presidential campaign.
knowledge” of an FBI informant in the Trump campaign
during the 2016 presidential election.
Clapper has also said “it’s a good thing” there was an FBI
informant in the Trump campaign during the 2016
WATCH: presidential election cycle, and that President Trump
should be glad an informant was embedded there.

Foreign Meddling In 2016 Election Was From
UK… NOT Russia
By Jim Hoft
May 26, 2018, 12:03 Pm

Since this tweet, the Russia fairy tale has

fallen apart! Corrupt Mueller and his team of
conflicted, biased and corrupt and angry
Democrat investigators and attorneys have
found nothing related to their target,
President Trump, and now their indictments
are unraveling.

As the Russia meddling into the 2016 US

election unwinds, the meddling by the UK, is
becoming more and more apparent.

Christopher Steel

We’ve known for over a year that the Clinton campaign

As Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported and the FBI worked with former UK MI6 spy Christopher
earlier this week —- There is now solid Steele, who authored a dossier of salacious statements
evidence that proves a foreign government about President Trump. Steele was reportedly paid by
meddled in the 2016 US Election. But the
Fusion GPS for the document.
government identified is the UK, not Russia!
Steele was paid $168,000 by Glenn Simpson’s company
After more than a year of the Mueller investigation,
Fusion GPS for the series of memos containing
millions of dollars and the Mainstream Media’s (MSM)
information that was selectively briefed to journalists
relentless attack on President Trump, what do we have?
approved by Simpson and used by the FBI.
Nothing really.
The Steele dossier was never verified and is suspected of
President Trump tweeting in February that if the goal of
being a total fiction. This act alone by a spy from the UK
Russia was to create discord in the US then they have
is troubling enough, but that is not it.
Joseph Mifsud
“They are laughing their asses off in Moscow.
Get smart America!”
George Papadopoulos, the lower level campaign worker
for the Trump campaign, appears to have been targeted by
three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S.

Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and Stefan


Mifsud and Papadopoulos obtained positions at an

organization named the Centre for International Energy
and Natural Resources Law & Security. Papadopoulos was
a ‘nobody’ and the Centre sketchy at best. Mifsud
vanished in early November 2017, shortly after

Papadopoulos was in the news and indicted. His It’s now being reported that Devin Nunes has learned the
whereabouts are still unknown. identity of a “top secret intelligence source” that was part
of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Investigation.
Although the common story is that Mifsud is
a Russian Agent, many ties seem to lead I think there’s a decent chance that source is Stefan Halper.
[him] back to UK Intelligence. Julian
Assange put out a Twitter Thread noting the Halper had contact with both Papadopulos and Carter
connection between Mifsud and UK Page.
Halper has connections to UK Intelligence
Alexander Downer and US Intelligence.

Although, not a Brit, Alexander Downer is the Australian Halper met with Carter Page just days after Page’s
individual who apparently overheard Papadopoulos talk Moscow trip.
about Trump and Russia in a bar which alerted the FBI to
the story and their eventual spy program on Trump. This
Other Internet sleuths tied Halper to the Obama team of
story has been refuted for months.
crooks. Halper was paid more than $400,000 in 2016 for
his efforts to set Papadopulos up and get him to sing to the
The Papadopoulos/Downer meeting has been portrayed as Australia diplomat about Hillary’s emails being held by
a chance encounter in a bar. That does not appear to be the Russia. Halper and others planted this information on
case…. Papadopulos before he shared this with the Aussie in a
drunken London pub discussion.
Downer has direct ties to UK Intelligence
firm Hakluyt where he served on the Additional research shows that Halper was a classmate of
Advisory Board from 2008-2014. impeached President Bill Clinton. Halper apparently knew
Bill Clinton well in their days at Oxford. He later worked
Shortly after the Papadopoulos and Downer chance as an Advisor to the Clinton Administration.
encounter, Peter Strzok was in London per texts released
by the FBI. Robert Hannigan

“Strzok texts suggest he was in London on Hannigan had been Head of the GCHQ and he suddenly
August 3, 2016.” resigned in January of this year –

The corrupt FBI’s investigation into Trump officially Hannigan only took over at the UK’s surveillance agency
started a few days earlier. in November 2014 to oversee a more open approach after
revelations by the National Security Agency whistleblower
Stefan Halper Edward Snowden put GCHQ on the defensive in 2013.

One individual all over the Internet and social media by His sudden resignation – he informed staff
the name of Stefan Halper has been identified as a just hours before making this decision
potential FBI spy into the Trump campaign. (Note that public – prompted speculation that it might
some believe that Obama may have had more than one spy be related to British concerns over shared
on the Trump campaign). The most intriguing individual intelligence with the US in the wake of
related to Papadopoulos is Halper. Donald Trump becoming president.

According to Jeff Carlson at theMarketswork – But the GCHQ press release stressed his decision was
exclusively for family reasons. As well as his ill wife,
My guess is Papadopoulos never knew what hit Hannigan has two elderly parents to look after. He will
him. A young man, suddenly thrust into a remain in post until a successor is appointed.
position beyond his experience, Papadopoulos
made for an easy intelligence target. It’s still not known, what, if any connection
to the Trump – Russia collusion fantasy,
Carter Page almost certainly discussed the just completed Hannigan may have had.
Moscow trip with his host, Stefan Halper, during the
London symposium. On Friday reporter Paul Sperry posted more
evidence of the UK was meddling in the
2016 election.
The British Deep State feared Donald Trump like they And all of the Deep State hacks took turns
feared Brexit. traveling to the UK during the election “for

In Summary

Based on information to date, the UK had

more to do with interfering with the US 2016
Presidential election than Russia. The
Obama team and the Clinton campaign
spied on the Trump Administration and used
the entire government apparatus, including
the CIA, FBI, the DOJ and others, to do so.
It appears, they also had help from the UK.

These crooks were willing to risk World War

Dossier author Christopher Steele opposed III with Russia rather than face a Trump
Brexit like he opposed Trump. Presidency. This all leads to the question –
What is so damn damning that
these many individuals would go to
such brazen lengths to remove
President Trump from office?

This is clearly 100 times worse than


Tucker Hammers Lindsey Graham For ‘Lying’ About
Confidential Informant Not Being A Spy
Scott Morefield - Reporter
12:39 PM 05/26/2018

“They are liars,” said the Daily Caller founder,

before speaking directly to recent statements by
Graham. “Senator Lindsey Graham of South
Carolina, as reliable a barometer of mindless
conventional wisdom as exists on planet Earth,
explained it this way in a recent interview,
quote, ‘a confidential informant is not a spy.’
Well Senator Graham did not explain what
exactly a confidential informant is, if not a spy,
because of course they are one and the same.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson took on Lindsey Graham’s A confidential informant is someone who is
definition of the word “spy” on his Friday night show, informing confidentially, in other words, spying.
saying the South Carolina senator was “prevaricating, or in Any senator who pretends otherwise is
other words, lying.” prevaricating, or in other words, lying.”

“We’re gonna start with the FBI’s efforts to spy WATCH:

on the Trump campaign back in 2016,” Carlson
said. “That happened, and there is a lot more
evidence for it than there is for collision with
Russia, but not surprisingly the media response
has been particularly dishonest.”

Tucker then played a montage of media figures stating that

President Trump’s contention that there was a spy in his
campaign is “baseless,” a “fake issue,” and a “phony
baloney story

The Dummies Guide To The Russia Collusion Hoax:
Who, What, Where, When, & Why
Authored By Roger Kimball Via Spectator USA,
Sat, 05/26/2018 - 22:10

diplomat in London and had let slip that “the Russians”

For your eyes only: A short history of had compromising information about Hillary Clinton.
Democrat-spy collusion When Wikileaks began releasing emails hacked from the
Democratic National Committee in June and July, news of
How highly placed members of one the conversation between Downer and Papadopoulos was
administration mobilised the intelligence communicated to the FBI. Thus, according to the Times,
services to undermine their successors... the investigation was born.

There were, however, a couple of tiny details that

the Times omitted. One was that Downer, an avid Clinton
supporter, had arranged for a $25 million donation from
the Australian government to the Clinton Foundation.
Twenty-five million of the crispest, Kemo Sabe. They also
neglected say exactly how Papadopoulos met Alexander

As it turns out, George Papadopoulos made several new

friends in London. There was Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese
professor living in London who has ties to British
intelligence. It was Mifsud - who has since disappeared -
who told Papadopoulos in March 2016 that the Kremlin
had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.
Who, what, where, when, why? The desiderata school
teachers drill into their charges trying to master effective Then there is Stefan Halper, an American-born
writing skills apply also in the effort to understand that Cambridge prof and Hillary supporter. Out of the blue,
byzantine drama known to the world as the Trump-Russia- Halper reached out to Papadopoulos in September 2016.
collusion investigation. He invited him to meet in London and then offered
Papadopoulos $3,000 to write a paper on an unrelated
topic. He also pumped him about “Russian hacking.”
Let’s start with “when.” When did it start? We know
“George, you know about hacking the emails from Russia,
that the FBI opened its official investigation on 31 July
right?” Halper is said to have asked him. He also made
2016. An obscure, low-level volunteer to the Trump
sure Papadopoulos met for drinks with his assistant, a
campaign called Carter Page was front and centre then.
woman called Azra Turk, who flirted with him over the
He’d been the FBI’s radar for a long time. Years before, it
Chardonnay while pumping him about Russia.
was known, the Russians had made some overtures to him
but 1) they concluded that he was an “idiot” not worth
recruiting and 2) he had actually aided the FBI in Halper also contacted Carter Page and Sam Clovis,
prosecuting at least two Russian spies. Trump’s campaign co-chair.

But we now know that the Trump-Russia investigation Is Stefan Halper, the “spy” on the Trump
began before Carter Page. In December 2017, The New campaign, at the origin of the Trump-Russia
York Times excitedly reported in an article called “How the meme?
Russia Inquiry Began” that, contrary to their reporting
during the previous year, it wasn’t Carter Page who Not really. The real fons et origo is John Brennan,
precipitated the inquiry. It was someone called George Director of the CIA under Obama. As Trump’s victories
Papadopoulous, an even more obscure and lower-level in the primaries piled up, Brennan convened a “working
factotum than Carter Page. Back in May 2016, the twenty- group” at CIA headquarters that included Peter Strzok, the
something Papadopoulous had gotten outside a number of disgraced FBI agent, and James Clapper, then Director of
drinks with one Alexander Downer, an Australian
National Intelligence, in order to stymie Trump’s But Hillary did not win. For the last 16 months, we’ve
campaign. watched as that exiled cabal shifted its efforts from
stopping Trump from winning to a desperate effort to
So much of this story still dwells in the destroy his Presidency. Thanks to the patient work of
tenebrous realm of redaction. But little by Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence
little the truth is emerging, a mosaic whose Committee, and a handful of GOP Senators, that effort is
story is gradually taking shape as one piece now disintegrating.
after the next completes now this face, now
another. What is being exposed is the biggest
political scandal in the history of the United
There are details yet to come, but here is the States:
bottom line, the irreducible minimum...
the effort by highly placed - exactly how highly
A cabal of CIA and FBI operatives, including the placed we still do not know - members of one
Director of the CIA, John Brennan, along with other administration to mobilise the intelligence
members of the intelligence “community,” prominently services and police power of the state to spy
including James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, upon and destroy first the candidacy and then,
and various members of the Obama administration, when that didn’t work, the administration of a
colluded to undermine Donald Trump’s campaign. political rival.

Like almost everyone else, they assumed It is banana republic behaviour, but it looks
that Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in, so they now as if those responsible for this effort to
were careless about covering their tracks. undermine American democracy and repeal
the results of a free, open, and democratic
election will be exposed. Let’s hope that they
If Hillary had won, the department of Justice would have
are also held to account.
been her Department of Justice, John Brennan would still
be head of the CIA, and the public would never have
known about the spies, the set-ups, the skulduggery.

POTUS Trump Unleashes On #Spygate ‘Why Didn’t The
FBI Contact Me About The Russia Problem?’
By Cristina Laila
May 26, 2018, 3:15 Pm

President Trump brought another punishing

round to the Deep State over the FBI
infiltration of his campaign on Saturday.

The President asked a very simple yet

powerful question, “Why didn’t the crooked
highest levels of the FBI or “Justice”
contact me to tell me of the phony Russia

Trump slammed Crooked Hillary in round


Trump tweeted: This whole Russia Probe is Rigged. Just

an excuse as to why the Dems and Crooked Hillary lost the
Election and States that haven’t been lost in decades. 13
Angry Democrats, and all Dems if you include the people
who worked for Obama for 8 years. #SPYGATE &

The answer to that is simple. The spies implanted in

Trump’s campaign were there to gather information and
pass it onto Hillary Clinton.

The notion that an informant was buzzing around Trump’s

camp to protect him as Clapper and the fake news claim is

Trump tweeted: With Spies, or “Informants” as the

Democrats like to call them because it sounds less sinister
(but it’s not), all over my campaign, even from a very early President Trump is taking the fight to the Deep State head
date, why didn’t the crooked highest levels of the FBI or on demanding the DOJ hand over classified documents
“Justice” contact me to tell me of the phony Russia relating to Spygate.
On Friday evening, President Trump’s
Attorney Rudy Giuliani says the Trump legal
team wants to be briefed on the Obama FBI
campaign spying scandal.

I Spy: The Media And
President Lyndon Baines....Obama?
By Jeffrey Lord
May 26, 2018 5:06 PM EDT

it may, CBS had said it was so until it was clear it wasn’t.

Goldwater was still fuming about this media
characterization of him as some sort Nazi decades later
when writing his memoirs.

But there was another story from that 1964 campaign - and
it comes to mind as the media goes crazy over the Trump
charge that the FBI and CIA were busy implanting spies in
his campaign - “Spygate” as the branding President has
named it. None other than the redoubtable Dr. Lee
Edwards, now of the Heritage Foundation but in 1964 a
Goldwater staffer and later the Senator’s biographer
Hmmm. President Lyndon Obama? (Goldwater: The Man Who Made a Revolution) has
stepped forward to remind - not for the first time - that in
1964 America in fact had a president who was using both
So finally, someone stands up to remind the media that
the FBI and the CIA to spy on his opponent. Writing in the
when it comes to the FBI and CIA spying on a political
Wall Street Journal, Dr. Edwards dips back into his
opponent of a president - America has in fact been here
Goldwater biography to remind in his headline:
The FBI Spied for LBJ’s Campaign
Admittedly, it helps to have been around at the time of the
Johnson-Goldwater election in 1964. Not to call attention
to age, but I was an eager-beaver eighth grader from a On the president’s orders, the bureau wiretapped Barry
Republican family who, wonderfully ignorant about the Goldwater’s plane and headquarters.
history of the American Left, crusaded in my own fashion
for LBJ. To my parents’ eye-rolling, head-shaking Writes Edwards:
resignation. The GOP nominee, the “Mr. Conservative,”
Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, was taking all kinds of In 1971 Robert Mardian, who had been a
flak of a type I would later come to understand in vivid regional director in the Goldwater campaign,
fashion. The media of the day was ripe with suggestions became (in the Nixon administration) assistant
that the libertarian Goldwater was a racist (horrifically attorney general for internal security. During a
untrue) and, but of course, had an affection for Nazis. two-hour briefing with Hoover, Mardian asked
about the procedures for electronic surveillance.
Indeed, the very week Goldwater was nominated in San To Mardian’s amazement, Hoover confessed
Francisco, CBS’s Daniel Schorr went on the air with a that in 1964 the FBI had wired the Goldwater
report that once the GOP Convention was over, Goldwater campaign plane, under orders from the White
will be House. When Mardian asked Hoover why he
had complied, the director answered,
“starting his campaign…in…..Bavaria, center of
Germany’s right wing.” Where specifically in “You do what the president tells you to do.”
Bavaria? Why, but of course, “Berchtesgaden,
Hitler’s onetime stamping ground.” In a later conversation with Mardian, William C. Sullivan,
the bureau’s No. 2 man, verified the FBI’s spying
The story was false from beginning to end. Goldwater operation against the Goldwater campaign. In a 1992
wasn’t going to Germany, much less to “Hitler’s onetime interview, Mardian told me that Sullivan was appalled at
stamping ground.” A particularly insulting attack on a man LBJ’s partisan use of the bureau.”
who was not simply a senator and presidential nominee but
had served as a U.S. Army Air Force pilot in World War And also:
II, later retiring with the rank of Major General. Be that as
(President) Johnson also illegally ordered the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck
FBI to conduct security checks of Goldwater’s Grassley, R-Iowa, drew particular attention to
Senate staff. Cartha “Deke” DeLoach, the FBI’s one text that suggested the Obama ‘White
liaison with the White House and a top aide to House is running this,’ in reference to an
Director J. Edgar Hoover, denied at a 1975 unspecified investigation.
Congressional hearing that the bureau had
investigated Goldwater’s staff. But through the But, like in so many of the files, a name was
Freedom of Information Act, I obtained copies redacted and the context was unclear, though
of FBI memoranda detailing the results of the one report suggests that was related to the
bureau’s illegal file check of 15 Senate staffers. Russia probe.
“No derogatory information was located
concerning” any of the people in Goldwater’s
In a letter sent Wednesday to Deputy Attorney
Senate office, stated one memo that bore
General Rod Rosenstein, Grassley called for all
DeLoach’s initials.”
redactions to be removed.

Of the CIA, Edwards notes:

‘The manner in which some redactions have
been used casts doubt on whether the
Former intelligence officer E. Howard Hunt, best remaining redactions are necessary and
known for his role as an orchestrator of the defensible,’ Grassley wrote.”
Watergate bugging, told a Senate committee in
1973 that his CIA superior had ordered him to Then there was also the text from Lisa Page on September
infiltrate the Goldwater campaign. Hunt claimed 2, 2016, which said to her lover, Strzok, that:
to have questioned the order, only to be told
that it had been a personal request of President
Johnson and that the information he recovered "potus wants to know everything we’re doing.”
would be delivered to a White House aide. “POTUS”, of course, is the acronymn for
“President of the United States.”
CIA Director William Colby confirmed the White
House’s role in the illegal surveillance while And the media reaction here? Ho-hum.
addressing a congressional hearing in 1975.
That the CIA is prohibited by law from operating Here is a central fact, a fact that Dr. Edwards’ reminder
within the U.S. didn’t matter to the Johnson raises and should raise. America has already had a
campaign. The Goldwater people never president who used the FBI and the CIA to spy on his
suspected that one of them was a spy for the political opponent. And the media of the day had not the
Democrats.” slightest curiosity -- then or later -- to investigate. No,
there was no such thing as Fox news or even cable news in
Now. Question. Where was the liberal media in 1964 on that time, much less talk radio and the Internet. Which
this hot story? Answer, all too predictably, exactly makes it all the more curious -- make that predictable --
nowhere. Not a peep of this made the liberal media of the why the mainstream media of the day didn’t investigate
day, much less did this explode into a massive scandal LBJ’s abuse of the FBI and CIA for political purposes.
along the lines of what Dr. Edwards once called, quite
accurately, “Johnson’s Watergate.” Why? The liberal That being the case, this reminder of events from Dr.
media of the day was the only media of the day. Edwards should serve as a prod for today’s media to take a
hard look at these texts from the FBI’s star-crossed anti-
Be that as it may, the fact that a president would use the Trump-hating lovers Strozk and Page that pose the obvious
FBI and CIA to spy on his opponents is established. With question about President Obama that was once famously
that in mind, where is the liberal media feeding frenzy on asked by the late Tennessee Republican Senator Howard
this news from, yes, not 1964 - but today? Fox News (but Baker during Watergate.
of course!) has done its due diligence and headlines:
That question: “What did the President know-
This jewel of a story says, in part, this, bold print supplied: and when did he know it?”

A top Senate Republican is challenging the One can be justifiably suspicious that the reason for all the
Justice Department over extensive redactions bureaucratic foot-dragging by the Justice Department and
made in files showing text messages between the FBI today is nothing more than a stall, a slow-walking
anti-Trump FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa obstruction to get past a supposed “Blue Wave” election in
Page. which Democrats will supposedly take charge and remove
the power to investigate from the Devin Nunes’ and

Charles Grassleys of the House and Senate, effectively the LBJ use of the FBI and CIA to spy on the 1964
shutting the investigation of “Spygate” down. Goldwater campaign.

With a compliant media cheering them on in a campaign President Lyndon Obama? One way or another, the
of silence surrounding any serious investigation into a American people have a right to know. And the media has
possible abuse of the FBI and CIA by the Obama White an obligation to report the truth.
House -not at all unlike the media silence that surrounded

Fact-Checking The White House
‘Truth Seekers’ On North Korea, Mueller Probe
Stephanie Hamill
7:16 PM 05/26/2018

The Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill, Julia Nista and

Vince Coglianese are calling out some of the White House “Why did the U.S. guarantee the safety of a
press corps for their blatant biases against President dictator whose regime is a serial human rights
Donald Trump and his administration. During a recent abuser and is responsible for the recent death
White House press briefing reporters took issue with of an American college student? Why is that the
President Trump’s effort to meet with North Korean morally right thing to do,” asked Pamela Brown,
dictator Kim Jong Un, and they also wanted to know why CNN’s senior White House correspondent.
Democrats weren’t invited to a meeting they never asked
to go to. Hamill highlighted the stark difference between the
treatment of the Obama administration and the Trump
WATCH: administration when it comes to handling dictators who
engage in horrible human rights violations.

“Where were these reporters when President

Barack Obama was cozying up to dictators?
They were around, they just weren’t asking
these types of questions. This my friends is
what I call selective outrage. Do you remember
when Obama was bending over backwards to
appease the Castros. I’ll never forget when
Obama and Michelle were caught on video
doing the wave at a baseball game with the
tyrant. Cuba’s human rights record is terrible,
apparently that didn’t matter to them at the
time,” said Hamill.

Josh Holt Joins President Trump At White House –
Thank You President Trump!
By Jim Hoft
May 26, 2018, 8:11 Pm

President Trump announced on Saturday

morning that US hostage Josh Holt would
be released from prison in Venezuela.

Josh Holt was in prison for two years in


Josh Holt joined President Trump on

Saturday night in the White House.

Josh Holt was joined by his parents and wife

and Senator Orrin Hatch, Senator Bob
Corker and Rep. Mia Love.

Lindsey Graham: We’re Calling On Comey, Mccabe,
Lynch And Ohr To Testify This Summer (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 26, 2018, 9:53 Pm

Lindsey Graham told Judge Jeanine Pirro on Judge Jeanine: When? When is this going to happen?
Saturday the Senate will be calling Comey,
McCabe, Lynch and Ohr to testify before Sen. Lindsey Graham: It will be happening this summer.
committee this summer. But the bottom line is we’re not prosecutors. Some people
need to be candidates for going to jail.

Judge Jeanine: They need to be taken out in cuffs.

Via Judge Jeanine:

Judge Jeanine: When is this going to happen?

Sen. Lindsey Graham: There’s two lanes. Congress can

tell you about what happened. But we can’t prosecute
people. We’re not an adequate substitute for a Special
Counsel when it comes to DOJ corruption, FBI corruption.
I want Comey to come in. I want McCabe to come in. I
want Lynch to come in. I want all of these people, Ohr, to
come in and talk about what happened…

Juan Williams Errs On Military Spending
As He Condemns Trump's 'Wrapped
In The Flag' Navy Speech
By Tom Blumer
May 26, 2018 10:53 PM EDT

On Friday's The Five on Fox, Juan Williams sharply What's interesting to me is to come and listen to
criticized President Donald Trump's speech that morning at you guys, and you know there were protesters
the Naval Academy's graduation ceremony. outside, a couple protesters, I don’t think a
whole lot. But people standing there —
Williams condemned Trump's speech as
JESSE WATTERS: Those are for you, Juan.
"wrapped in patriotism ... the flag, and ... the
military," and claimed that his appearance was WILLIAMS: Okay. And then inside the kids ("Kids?" —
really about co-opting the military's "high Ed.) were pretty respectful, but that was about it. But you
approval ratings among the American people to guys call it rousing. I’m interested.
transfer to him."
But let me just say,
Williams's attack, though predictable, was accompanied by
a significant distortion of U.S. military spending compared this speech was about America first. It was
to the rest of the world which the remaining show panelists wrapped in patriotism. He wrapped himself
did not challenge. in the flag. He wrapped himself in the
Before getting into his rant, Williams thought it necessary
to mention protesters outside of Trump's speech. Even I think that’s, Jesse, why he spent time. He
Michael Shear at the New York Times, who wrote a 1,250- wants them and their stamp of approval and
word story on the event, saw no reason to mention them, their high approval ratings among the
likely because they numbered only "about" 10 to 20: American people to transfer to him.

But when you think about —

WATTERS: Do you think he's giving a

rousing patriotic speech because he wants
to boost his approval ratings?


WATTERS: Maybe he's just proud of the country and

wants to address the cadets.

Transcript: GUILFOYLE: Through the cadets?

KENNEDY: (This speech was) somewhat refreshing. WILLIAMS: No, because let’s look at the, let's look at the
substance of it. When he talks about oh, we’re going to
make the military stronger and all that —
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE: You know, a lot of people
enjoyed this, Juan. I hope you did, too.
Wait a minute, our military is the strongest
in the world!
JUAN WILLIAMS: No. (panel laughs)
WATTERS: And we’re going to make it even stronger.
What’s wrong with that?
WILLIAMS: When you suggest, when he suggests that — while the second is from the Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI):
GUILFOYLE: Rebuilding it.

WILLIAMS: — somehow, oh somebody didn’t believe in


Who didn’t believe in the military? Obama,

Bush, Clinton?

WATTERS: Oh, we — The last President didn't fund it

fully, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh please. That's not true ... (unintelligible)

... That's —

GUILFOYLE: He's right It was underfunded under

President Obama, the Nobel Peace Prize guy, that every
day he was in office we were at war.

WILLIAMS: Let me just tell you something. That is an

echo in the conservative chamber. But the fact is we have a
military that Sunday funded at 20 —

I think the top 20 other militaries in the world

don’t have as much funding as our military.
That's just a fact. The two lists differ sharply on Mainland China, partially
because of that country's weak transparency, and
partially because "Chinese official figures do not account
for a number of military-related outlays that are often
included in the budgets of other countries."

Additionally, funding is hardly the sole comparative

benchmark for military might. China has an active military
contingent of 2.2 million, despite having "no bases on
foreign soil" and forces which are "primarily focused
within the Asia-Pacific." That's far larger than the USA's
1.35 million active force, which maintains a global
We can't know for sure, but when Williams referred to military presence.
"why he (Trump) spent time," he was likely referring to
Trump's decision to remain after the speech to shake hands As to which presidents believed in the military, it's fair to
with every one of the 1,042 graduating cadets. If that's say that Bill Clinton and Barack Obama did not:
true, Williams believes that Trump's much-appreciated
gesture was merely another cynical political ploy. According to the liner notes for Dereliction of
Duty by Robert Patterson, a White House
As to Williams's claim that "the top 20 other militaries in military aide who carried the "nuclear football"
the world don’t have as much funding as our military," it's for two years, Clinton "treated our nation’s
amazing how he turned an "I think" speculation into "just a most sensitive secrets and powerful
fact" in about five seconds. weapons with cavalier disregard, while his
aides regarded the military as just another
Whatever you want to call it, it's wrong. tool for domestic politics."

U.S. military spending is greater than the total of the top 7 Obama left his presidency with U.S. military
or top 10 other nations, depending on the measuring source preparedness "at a dangerous low." Among the
referenced. The first source listed in the following table is many major shortcomings, in early 2017 "The
from the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Navy’s fleet ... (was) the smallest it has been
in nearly 100 years."
Sanctimonious 'Morning Joe'
Crew Goes Full Religion To Blast Trump
By P.J. Gladnick
May 27, 2018 6:18 AM EDT

Liberals love to lecture us about not mixing politics with willing that, well to paraphrase Jesus to be the salt and the
religion. Apparently this holds true for them except when light of this world.
they can use religion to blast conservatives and President
Donald Trump. Especially Trump. Such was the case on See, it's beyond political according to liberals now. It is
Thursday's Morning Joe, which sounded more like Holy actually heresy and many of them, including those on the
Joe, when they used heavy dollops of religious imagery to Morning Joe set, would love to play the part of latter day
slam Trump to the extent that it was suggested that you are Torquemadas to rid the world of what they consider to be
committing idolatry if you even dare to support him. political heresy.

Holy Joe Scarborough set the tone by reading from an E.J. EDDIE GLAUDE: Yeah Joe. They they are exemplifying
Dionne column which also shamelessly used religion as a what you've been talking about on this show for a while
basis to criticize Trump. He was followed by guest Eddie and those are those Matthew:25 Christians and so here we
Glaude, a professor of religion and African-American have Bishop Currie and Jim Wallace of sojourners
studies at Prince who -- as MRC's Nicholas Fondacaro organizing a candlelight vigil on the White House in order
pointed out on May 14 -- went on an extreme anti-Israel to suggest that the way in which Trump has and
tirade for that nation daring to defend itself against
violence organized by the Hamas terrorist organization.
some evangelicals who support Trump have
enlisted, drafted Jesus and his ministry to
support his policies to support his mean-
spiritedness actually represents in some
ways a kind of idolatry

and they want to put forward a vision of Jesus, a vision of

Christianity that is really concerned with the least of these.
This really concern with matters of justice and love
because in fact justice is what love looks like in public.

Get it? The sore loser left is so upset that they lost the
election that they now mean-spiritedly brand Trump
supporters as committing idolatry. And now we have the
JOE SCARBOROUGH: You flagged a column by EJ economics-challenged former Newsweek editor Jon
Dionne in the Washington Post and it's about Christian Meacham who fully agrees that supporting Trump makes
leaders who are calling out what they're calling the you guilty of idolatry.
heresy of Trumpism and it's been led in large part by the
Reverend Michael Curry who we just heard there JON MEACHAM: Well, to me it's a fascinating moment.
preaching of course for the royal couple this past weekend. Brings up you know what what profited a man to gain the
Now today a group of Christians are going to be marching whole world if you if you lose your soul. The broad
on the White House for a candlelight vigil and they've evangelical movement as we're describing it basically has
released a joint joy declaration about the quote dangerous made a really shrewd political bet but it is a political bet.
crisis of moral and political leadership at the highest levels They are playing a 40-year strategy at the expense of their
of our government. The opening paragraph reads quote we integrity for four years. They're supporting President
believe the soul of the nation and the integrity of faith are Trump for the Supreme Court for the judiciary and they
now at stake. Let's bring in Pulitzer Prize-winning want to get these young appointees they want to get them
historian Jon Meacham. He's the author of the new best- for decades and they're willing to really put their otherwise
selling book The Soul of America the Battle for Our consistent views aside for that purpose and
Better Angels. And Jon, we'll get you in one moment but
Eddie there's a great find with EJ's column because it does
I think Eddie used exactly the right word. It's
appear that there are some evangelical leaders that are
idolatry. It's putting a temporal force, a
temporal advantage ahead of spiritual The rest of the segment features Holy Joe and Glaude with
integrity. Mike Barnicle chiming in to join a hallelujah chorus in
their role as liberal dueling pastors to sanctimoniously
Sheesh! Get over it, Jon! Your side lost and now you can't condemn Trump and those idolaters who dare to support
accept the election results. So as whiny sore losers you him.
shamelessly use religion to attack Trump and lash out at
those who do support him as succumbing to idolatry.

On NPR, NR's Reihan Salam Says Democrats
See Russia Obsession As Losing Political Steam
By Tim Graham
May 27, 2018 7:31 AM EDT

On Friday night's All Things Considered, NPR anchor Ari had been months earlier, it doesn't seem
Shapiro broke out the euphemisms for the FBI sending a ridiculous to me. So perhaps President Trump
spy (or an "informant") into the Trump campaign....just to is trying to bait his opponents into focusing on
spy on the Russians. He called it "an FBI source who met this story rather than on other stories that might
with Trump campaign officials early in the Russia prove more damaging for Republican political
investigation." Reihan Salam of National Review, not prospects. It's really hard to say.
exactly a Trump booster, said the ground is shifting under
the Democrats' feet on Russia-gate: SHAPIRO: Do you think he's that canny?

SHAPIRO: And, Reihan, this narrative is SALAM: Well, I think that he is very shrewd
interesting because a lot of Democrats see the about creating media firestorms and about
FBI as having thrown the campaign to President driving the news cycle. So in that sense, I
Trump...So, Reihan, how do you interpret think...
President Trump's attacks on the FBI that
Democrats had been attacking not long ago? SHAPIRO: Kimberly, you're nodding your head

SALAM: ...That he's pretty shrewd.

KIMBERLY ATKINS, Boston Herald: Yeah. He

can read polls. And he's saying that people are
losing faith in the Mueller investigation. And he's
pushing that forward.

Meanwhile, over at the PBS NewsHour, liberal analyst

Mark Shields called the spying-on-Trump facts a "total
fabrication" and complained Trump "has moved
Republicans on the FBI, Republican voters were far more
SALAM: Well, what we know is that President
favorable toward the FBI before he started his harangue
Trump is a very impetuous figure. He often
and his canard...But I don’t think he’s moved public
reacts emotively, immediately, rashly to
opinion. I really don’t." Shields is ignoring the CBS News
criticisms and what have you. But what I'm
poll (where a majority now see the Mueller probe as
struck by is this – there are a number of
politically motivated)....just like CBS News tried to ignore
Democrats who now believe that this
relentless focus on the Mueller
investigation, on the possibility of collusion
with Russia, et cetera, is actually far less Naturally, David Brooks signed up with the liberal analysis
advantageous for Democrats than a focus that this story is somehow fictional:
on bread-and-butter issues – on the state of
the economy, on wage growth, on the prospects "The problem is, Daniel Boorstin wrote a book
for health care and what have you. in 1962 saying you can’t beat a pseudo-story
with a fact. We have facts. No, this didn’t
And I must say, when you're looking at the fact happen. He has got a story. And somehow
that in the generic ballot House Democrats we’re stuck in this, where his story trumps our
seem to be doing somewhat worse than they facts."

Corrupt Obama Appointed Judge Amy Berman Jackson
Does It Again: Puts Politics Before Law In Manafort Case –
Should Be Removed
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 7:46 Am

In 2017 Judge Jackson dismissed the wrongful death suit

against Hillary Clinton filed by two of the families who
lost loved ones in Benghazi. The families argued that
Clinton had done little to help their sons and then lied to
cover it up.

Then on January 19th of this year, a Paul Manafort’s case

was reassigned to Judge Jackson on January 19 th, a few
weeks after being filed.

It is unknown why she was assigned to this

It sure seems like every Obama appointed
case or by whom.
judge is a far left radical who puts their own
distorted interpretation of reality ahead of
the US Constitution. In this respect, US What is clear is that with her atrocious and slanted record
District Judge Amy Berman Jackson is a to date, the Deep State and the Mueller team certainly
case study. This past week she again wanted Judge Jackson overseeing the Manafort case and
showed that she puts politics before the law. this is supported by her record to date.

Her actions with Paul Manafort alone are On January 3rdwe reported that Paul
cause for her to be removed or impeached. Manafort filed a suit against the “Deep
State” DOJ (Jeff Sessions), Assistant AG
Rod Rosenstein and Corrupt Investigator
We reported two months ago and again earlier this month,
Robert Mueller that would possibly shut
that Obama appointed liberal activist Judge, Amy Berman
down Mueller’s corrupt investigation!
Jackson, was assigned to the most important court case in
US history. Sadly, Judge Jackson has a horrible far left
record on the bench. In 2013 Judge Jackson rejected We reported for months on the many criminal and corrupt
arguments from the Catholic Church that Obamacare’s actions taken by numerous parties related to the Mueller
requirements that employers provide cost free coverage to investigation. Mueller never should have taken on the job
contraceptive services is contrary to their religious beliefs in the first place due to numerous conflicts. He is best
and violated their religious and free speech freedoms. This friends with fired leaker and former FBI Director James
was overturned by the Supreme Court. Comey. He met with Comey shortly before Comey
testified with Congress and stratigized with him. For this
alone he should have recused himself. The team Mueller
built to attack President Trump and have him removed is
all Deep State liberal attorneys and crooks. Mueller’s
record in the past is scattered with actions that let the
Clintons off scot-free on numerous occasions when they
should have been put in jail.

We now know that the FBI had an

investigation into the Clintons and moneys
they received from Russia in return for
giving Russia 20% of all US uranium.

Prior to the Obama administration approving the very true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what
controversial Uranium One deal in 2010 handing Russia Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.
20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that
Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but
bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions
order to benefit Vladimir Putin. have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it
could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was
The FBI approved the deal anyway. We also conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign
know that Rosenstein and Mueller were the finance laws with impunity.
ones who allowed the Uranium One deal to
go forward. This was the real Russia But that’s not all.
collusion story involving the US
Damning new evidence appears to show
that Clinton used her office as Secretary of
We know that Mueller’s team illegally obtained emails State to confer benefits to Russia in
related to the Trump transition team and these emails were exchange for millions of dollars in donations
protected under attorney-client privilege. Mueller and his to her foundation and cash to her husband.
entire team should have resigned after this.
Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records,
But perhaps one of the most damning and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian
aspects of the Mueller investigation is that it nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time
is not legal. The corrupt Mueller Hillary presided over a governing body which
investigation is tasked with finding a crime unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s
that does not exist in the law. It is a legal uranium supply to Russia.
impossibility. Mueller is being asked to do
something that is manifestly unattainable.
If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it
would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18
FOX News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett explained this in USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud
an article last year that the entire Mueller investigation is (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering
lawless. Jarrett argued that: charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is
determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise.
… George Papadopoulos pled guilty to a single
charge of making a false statement to the FBI. The US statutory law is clear and Jarrett points it out. He
He was not charged with so-called “collusion” concluded with the following –
because no such crime exists in American
statutory law, except in anti-trust matters. It
Until now, no one had legal “standing” to argue
has no application to elections and political
in court that the appointment of Mueller was
illegal. The criminal charges [against Manafort
and Papadopoulos] change all that. The two
It is not a crime to talk to a Russian. Not that the media defendants will be able to argue before a judge
would ever understand that. They have never managed to that Mueller’s appointment by Acting Attorney
point to a single statute that makes “colluding” with a General Rod Rosenstein violated the special
foreign government in a political campaign a crime, likely counsel law.
because it does not exist in the criminal codes.
As I pointed out in a column last May, the law (28 CFR
Jarrett then turned his attention to Corrupt Hillary: 600) grants legal authority to appoint a special counsel to
investigate crimes. Only crimes. He has limited
It is against the law for the Clinton campaign jurisdiction. Yet, in his order appointing Mueller as special
and the Democratic National Committee to counsel (Order No. 3915-2017), Rosenstein directed him
funnel millions of dollars to a British spy to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the
and to Russian sources in order to obtain Russian government and individuals associated with the
the infamous and discredited Trump campaign of President Donald Trump.” It fails to identify
“dossier.” any specific crimes, likely because none are applicable.

The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) To put it plainly, Mueller is tasked with
prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or finding a crime that does not exist in the
receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the law. It is a legal impossibility. He is being
filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the
asked to do something that is manifestly … the judge also expressed some concern
unattainable. about “overlap” between the Washington case
and the Virginia one, although she said
Manafort sued the DOJ, Mueller and ultimately the burden of two successive trials is
Rosenstein because what they are doing is likely to fall most heavily on the defense.
not supported by US Law.
“It seems the government is setting itself up to
Manafort’s case also argued in paragraph 33 of its filing put on the same evidence twice in different
that the special counsel put in place by crooked Rosenstein courtrooms,” Jackson said. “There’s a risk of
gave crooked and criminal Mueller powers that are not inconsistent [rulings] on the motions and
permitted by law. Mueller was given the latitude to evidentiary rulings and jury findings.”
investigate whatever he wanted to and that is not permitted
by the law. Manafort’s filing paragraph 33 stated – Ultimately, though, Jackson said she didn’t view the
parallel cases as a big problem.
But paragraph (b)(ii) of the Appointment Order purports to
grant Mr. Mueller further authority to investigate and “The burden is at its least on the courts. We can
prosecute “any matters that arose or may arise directly handle two trials,” she said.
from the investigation.” That grant of authority is not
authorized by DOJ’s special counsel regulations. It is not a Prosecutor Greg Andres stressed that Mueller’s team gave
“specific factual statement of the matter to be Manafort the option to face a single case in Washington on
investigated.” Nor is it an ancillary power to address all the charges, but Manafort declined to waive his right to
efforts to impede or obstruct investigation under 28 C.F.R. have the tax charges brought in Virginia, which is where
§ 600.4(a). he lived when he filed the tax returns at issue.

Manafort’s case was solid but the judge was Manafort was smart in moving his case out
Obama’s corrupt liberal Judge Jackson. On from under Judge Jackson to Virginia. It
April 27, 2018, Judge Jackson dismissed looks like this move and having his case in
Manafort’s plea. front of a judge not appointed by corrupt
Obama was a great move.
It is very clear that Manafort’s argument was valid. There
is no crime in US law for collusion and Rosenstein’s order Judge Jackson is not only wrong in her judgements, she is
allowing Mueller to look at whatever he wants was also overly abusive to Manafort. She scolded Manafort and
challenged in another Manafort case that Mueller filed his team for a statement his spokesman issued maintaining
against him in Virginia. his innocence and said the comments appeared to run afoul
of the order she issued in November limiting public
Judge T.S. Ellis blasted prosecutors, saying statements about the case by lawyers involved and by the
he believes Robert Mueller is effectively defendants. Of course she says nothing about the many
using the Paul Manafort case to provide leaks from the corrupt Mueller team.
material that would lead to Trump’s
“prosecution or impeachment”. He also Judge Jackson set the court date for Manafort’s case that
condemned the investigation for having no she oversees for mid-September, right before the mid-term
barriers. elections. Clearly she is trying to have this publicized and
negatively impact Republican chances in the election.
What a piece of rotten work!

On Friday of this week Judge Jackson

addressed another argument from the
Manafort team and basically threw it out as
well. (There’s no way Manafort is getting a
fair trial with Judge Jackson overseeing his

Judge Jackson actually expressed concerns about Manafort A federal judge delivered a setback to President Trump’s
being indicted in two different courts. Far left liberal former campaign chairman Paul Manafort on Friday by
Politico even reported in February – refusing to throw out some of the criminal charges against

Manafort’s legal team had argued in a Washington, D.C., The judge dismissed the motion from Manafort without
court that he was being charged twice for the same offense prejudice, meaning he can revisit it after his trial in the
of lying to federal officials. Manafort maintained that the case, which is scheduled for September, the AP noted.
stacking up charges could negatively influence a jury
against him, The Associated Press reported. Obama’s Liberal Judge Jackson is a real
piece of work. Let’s hope and pray for the
U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson, however, said sake of the Union that at some point soon,
in a ruling Friday that any harm or prejudice Manafort the Mueller investigation is called out for
could face would be handled by giving the jury “proper” what it is, a corrupt attempt by an elite few
instructions, according to the AP. to overthrow the government.

President Trump Hurls A SECRET WARNING To
Corrupt Mueller Team In His Saturday Tweet
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 8:11 Am

will “indelibly be written into” due to “their

disqualifying Conflicts of Interest”… “along
with the fact that the only Collusion is with
the Dems, Justice, FBI and Russia”.

President Trump went on a tweet storm

yesterday attacking the corrupt Mueller team
for its many conflicts of interest but in doing
so he refers to a report?

As reported yesterday, the President’s first tweet referring

to the Mueller team addressed the conflicts of interest by So what is President Trump saying in this tweet? And why
the associates within the team. – did he capitalize “Report”?

“This whole Russia Probe is Rigged. Just an It’s been clear from the start that the Mueller
excuse as to why the Dems and Crooked Hillary team has numerous conflicts of interest
lost the Election and States that haven’t been starting with Mueller himself.
lost in decades. 13 Angry Democrats, and all
Dems if you include the people who worked for What is unclear is what “report” the President is referring
Obama for 8 years.” to. The IG report on the FBI’s actions related to the 2016
Clinton email scandal is in the final draft stages. So this
can’t be the report the President is referring to.

So what report is it that the Mueller team

could be remembered in throughout

We can only hope that a report supporting

indictments for criminal actions leading to
time in prison is in the works for the corrupt
and conflicted team of Mueller misfits and
Hillary supporters.

But in the President’s next tweet he refers to

“the Report” that the corrupt Mueller team

Wonderful! Senator Orrin Hatch Heaps Praise On
President Trump After Release Of US
Hostage Josh Holt (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 8:43 Am

President Trump announced on Saturday During the remarks Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) heaped
morning that US hostage Josh Holt would praise on President Trump for his amazing leadership.
be released from prison in Venezuela.
Sen. Orrin Hatch: Mr. President I can’t tell you how
Josh Holt was in prison for two years since much I appreciate you. As you know I was the one guy
2016 in Venezuela. who didn’t support you 100%. But I do now. I think you’re
doing a terrific job. This shows why, basically you. You
actually, these folks did a great job. I was really thrilled the
way Bob handled himself. Caleb and others did such a
good job. We have good people working with us. And the
folks in this delegation all very sincerely wanted to get
Josh out of it. And the parents are just as good of people as
I’ve ever met in my life. And you better really live a good
life… But this wouldn’t have happened without you. We
just want you to know that when you look back over your
tenure and the presidency, this is just one of the many
Josh Holt joined President Trump on great things you’re doing. But it’s really a great thing. And
Saturday night in the White House along I know that we can rely on you and count on you and talk
with his family and Senators Orrin Hatch, to you and meet with you. These are all very important
Bob Corker and Steve Lee and things. We love you boy and just want to support you any
Representative Mia Love. way we can.

Deep State Confession: 2017 UK Article Indicates
Obama’s Spygate Started In 2015 – Much
Earlier Than Currently Reported
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 9:11 Am

to the US as part of a routine exchange of

information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a

number of western agencies shared further
information on contacts between Trump’s inner
circle and Russians, sources said.

GCHQ is the Government Communications Headquarters

(GCHQ) is an intelligence and security organisation in the

Another Internet sleuth (REX) put together [It’s unknown who in the Trump campaign was
some more pieces to Spygate over the even remotely linked to Russia in 2015.
weekend. The sleuth’s analysis shows that General Flynn visited Moscow in December
Obama’s Spygate scandal started much 2015 but this was no reason to spy on
earlier than expected and Deep State leaks President Trump.]
support this claim.
After noting that Germany, Poland, Estonia, Australia, the
On April 13, 2017, the far left Guardian posted an article Dutch and the French were all involved in the scandal and
about Trump and Russia collusion that began by making a passing information on to the [Obama Administration in
couple now key assertions, the] US, the Guardian article pointed out that the UK spy
agency was at no point carrying out a targeted operation
1) British spies played a crucial role in the against Trump or his team or proactively seeking
Trump – Russia conspiracy information. –
2) Trump – Russia scandal began in at
least 2015 It is understood that GCHQ was at no point carrying out a
3) The UK was involved targeted operation against Trump or his team or
4) The UK and US worked together for the proactively seeking information. The alleged conversations
were picked up by chance as part of routine surveillance of
next six months
Russian intelligence assets. Over several months, different
agencies targeting the same people began to see a pattern
Via The Guardian: of connections that were flagged to intelligence officials in
the US.
Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in
alerting their counterparts in Washington to This on face value is a lie. The investigation
contacts between members of Donald Trump’s was a targeted hit and not something
campaign team and Russian intelligence “picked up by chance.”
operatives, the Guardian has been told.
The article goes on to report that President Trump’s Press
GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of Secretary at the time, released information that Trump was
suspicious “interactions” between figures wired at Trump Tower and that it was the UK that wired
connected to Trump and known or suspected the future President –
Russian agents, a source close to UK
intelligence said. This intelligence was passed

The issue of GCHQ’s role in the FBI’s ongoing
investigation into possible cooperation between
the Trump campaign and Moscow is highly
sensitive. In March Trump tweeted that Barack
Obama had illegally “wiretapped” him in Trump

The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer,

claimed the “British spying agency” GCHQ had
carried out the bugging. Spicer cited an
unsubstantiated report on Fox News. Fox later
distanced itself from the report.

The claims prompted an extremely unusual

rebuke from GCHQ, which generally refrains
from commenting on all intelligence matters.
The agency described the allegations first made
by a former judge turned media commentator,
Andrew Napolitano, as “nonsense”.
We also now know that a number of FBI Agents traveled
“They are utterly ridiculous and should be
to and from London in 2016. @JohnWHuber wrote an
ignored,” a spokesperson for GCHQ said.
excellent thread noting the visit of Comey’s FBI crooks to
London in May 2016 at the same time as Downer
One source called the British eavesdropping agency the (Australian) was ‘meeting’ with Papadopoulos. This is
“principal whistleblower”. consistent with the Guardian post above.

So according to the sources in the article It’s now very clear that the UK spied on the
the UK began spying on President Trump in Trump team starting at least as early as
late 2015 but Judge ‘Nap’ and Sean Spicer 2015.
were incorrect to say so because the UK spy
agency said this was ‘utterly ridiculous’.
They were sharing information with the US
from at least that time going forward.
We’ve been told by the MSM and even the
article above that the Trump – Russia story
Maybe this is why former British Spy Head
started in mid-2016. But this Guardian
Robert Hannigan resigned from the GCHQ in
article pushes the spying back into 2015:
January 2017. This was shortly before
Spicer’s comments about the British spying
on President Trump.

Once again, it appears the UK meddled in

the 2016 election — NOT Russia.

Mark Penn: Deep State
Conducted A Sting Operation On Trump
By Trent Baker
27 May 2018

Former Clinton pollster Mark Penn examined the “out of Cats Roundtable” host John Catsimatidis
hand” Robert Mueller investigation into President Donald on his Sunday broadcast.
Trump, saying the
He continued,
“deep state is clearly in a deep state of
desperation.” ” And now, we’re finding out on top of that
“Every day we discover more and more … perhaps they were even setting up a
potential abuses — that the investigation sting operation even before the
didn’t have a foundation, that they used this investigation to try to entrap the Trump
flaky dossier, you know, that was never campaign, and you’re wondering, ‘Is that
substantiated as part of their investigation,” the American government?'”
Penn told New York AM 970 radio’s “The

CHELSEA CLINTON Tells The Guardian: I’d Protest
Trump In Great Britain – He Has Mainstreamed
And Mainlined Hate
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 9:38 Am

Chelsea Clinton echoed her mother this

weekend in an article in the far left Guardian
newspaper insisting that President Trump
has “mainstreamed hate.”

Her mother Hillary Clinton used the same insult in August


And it didn’t help her mother either.

Chelsea also told The Guardian that she

would protest Trump in Great Britain if she
had the chance. What a disgrace.

Via FOX and Friends:


ABC Whines: Trump Getting A
‘Boost’ From Bringing Americans Home
By Nicholas Fondacaro
May 27, 2018 10:04 AM EDT

who have just been released from captivity

overseas. Before this, it was the Americans
who were freed from North Korea. How
much of a boost do these stories give to the
president,” he asked.

During Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC News’ cast

of characters exposed just how politically petty they were
when they actually complained about President Trump
getting positive coverage when he brings American
hostages home. Between Tara Palmeri’s sympathies for
Venezuela in her report and Martha Raddatz’s huffing
about Trump getting a “boost,” their reporting was “Donald Trump, trumpets all of these
downright obnoxious. releases. It’s very unusual, of course, for
someone to be released and go straight to
The American who was released Saturday was Joshua the White House for a photo opportunity,”
Holt, a man imprisoned on trumped-up charges of
espionage and terrorism for two years and subjected to Raddatz opined. But that’s not entirely accurate. President
inhumane conditions. Obama had his own press conference to “trumpet” the
release of Bowe Bergdahl, the infamous Afghanistan
“The 26-year-old Mormon imprisoned shortly deserter, which ultimately blew up in his face. Obama
after marrying a Venezuelan woman he met actually traded five Taliban commanders for Bergdahl
online,” Palmeri reported. while Trump gave nothing in return for Holt.

But her tone turned skeptical when talking about “So I would say it is pretty obvious it does
America’s reaction to the charges, saying, give him a boost,” Raddatz continued to
whine. “I'm not sure many Americans knew
“The U.S. government, however, contending about Joshua Holt and he was held in
these charges were inflated.” Venezuela…”

Using “inflated” instead of saying, “fabricated” or It’s interesting and tragic that she would surmise how
“trumped-up” gives a sense there was a grain of truth to many Americans knew about Holt because according to a
the socialist regime’s assertions. Nexis search of ABC broadcasts from 2016, they never
mentioned his capture.
When co-anchor Dan Harris brought on Foreign Affairs
correspondent Martha Raddatz to discuss the political Palmeri also seemed to suggest America was the one at
news, he prompted her to knock how Trump was getting fault of the U.S.’s combative relationship with Venezuela:
positive coverage for once.
The U.S. relationship with Venezuela has been poor, the
“This is the second time in a few weeks White House referred to Maduro’s last re-election as a
we’ve seen Donald Trump next to Americans sham. The people of Venezuela are living without food
and medicine. But the U.S. just imposed more sanctions
this past week and the White House says they will stay in and grenades. The U.S. government, however, contending these
place. charges were inflated. Holt saying he endured inhumane
conditions without trial.
There was no mention of how most of the world
considered Maduro’s election as illegitimate as well or (…)
how the government there was the cause of its people’s
problems. [Cuts back to live]

Raddatz may say they're "all always happy PALMERI: The U.S. relationship with Venezuela has been poor,
when Americans prisoners are released," the White House referred to Maduro’s last re-election as a sham.
The people of Venezuela are living without food and medicine.
but they have a bizarre way of showing it. It’s truly But the U.S. just imposed more sanctions this past week and the
disgusting that ABC would use even a second of airtime to White House says they will stay in place. Dan, Paula?
cry about Trump getting positive coverage from the media
when they should be focused on Holt and his family. It just DAN HARRIS: It was amazing they were able to get him out in
goes to show just how petty the liberal media can be. this context. Tara, thank you so much.

The relevant portions of the transcript are below: So many political issues to talk about on this Sunday morning.
So, let's bring in ABC's Martha Raddatz in Washington, where
ABC she is going to be hosting This Week later this morning. Martha
Good Morning America good morning to you. This is the second time in a few weeks
May 27, 2018 we’ve seen Donald Trump next to Americans who have just been
8:08:24 AM Eastern released from captivity overseas. Before this, it was the
Americans who were freed from North Korea. How much of a
PAULA FARIS: In those comments from President Trump boost do these stories give to the president?
overnight about the negotiations for the North Korean summit you
may have noticed he was sitting next to someone. That man right MARTHA RADDATZ: I think you just saw there in Tara's report,
there, his name is Josh Holt. And he was at the White House late extraordinary, they're very thankful to the President, they say it
on a Saturday night under some dramatic circumstances. again and again. Donald Trump, trumpets all of these releases.
It’s very unusual, of course, for someone to be released and go
(…) straight to the White House for a photo opportunity.

TARA PALMERI: The 26-year-old Mormon imprisoned shortly So I would say it is pretty obvious it does give him a boost. I'm
after marrying a Venezuelan woman he met online. Venezuelan not sure many Americans knew about Joshua Holt and he was
police arresting him on charges of terrorism. U.S. linked held in Venezuela but we're all always happy when American
espionage, and illegal possession of weapons including a rifle prisoners are released, all of us are.

Giuliani: ‘I Don’t’ Believe
Mueller Probe Is Legitimate
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
10:04 AM 05/27/2018

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on CNN’s “State of the made him believe that the impetus for the investigation
Union” Sunday that he no longer believes Special Counsel was illegitimate.
Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion is
legitimate. “You get the Comey thing, which is a leak of a
confidential memo, which is illegal for an FBI
WATCH: official to do, and that becomes the basis for
appointing Mueller,” Giuliani explained. “I’m not
saying Mueller is illegitimate, I’m saying the
basis on which he was appointed was

“So you think the Mueller probe is legitimate?”

Bash asked for clarification.

“Not anymore,” he responded. “I don’t. I did

when I came in but now I see Spygate…”

Bash interjected to say that Spygate happened before

Mueller was appointed, to which Giuliani argued,
Giuliani told CNN’s Dana Bash that he thought the probe
was legitimate before joining Trump’s legal team. “but it has to inform the decision to appoint
However, seeing scandals like “Spygate” and former FBI Mueller — either it’s evidence or not.”
director James Comey leaking his memos to the press

Oops!… Hillary Campaign Official Accuses Trump Of
Offering Children To Human Traffickers …
But It Was An Obama Policy!
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 10:24 Am

This weekend Hillary advisor Zac Petkanas accused

President Trump of selling children to human traffickers.

Jack Posobiec captured the tweet by Petkanas.

Zac Petkanas

Zac Petkanas was the director of the “Trump

War Room” for the Democratic National
Committee during the 2016 election.

Petkanas is still very active in Democrat politics after

Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss.

This weekend liberals and their media

accused President Trump of losing track of
almost 1,500 juvenile aliens who have been
“lost” in the system.

Trump responded by noting this was a Democrat policy.

Via Zac Petkanas:

Of course, President Trump is correct. Democrats have

refused to budge on immigration reform even when
President Trump promised them DACA amnesty in
exchange for a border wall.

But that doesn’t stop Democrats from continuing to lie and

smear this president.

But then this happened… Jack Posobiec unearthed a Washington
Post article from 2016 that put the blame on

Flake: ‘Constitutional Crisis’
If Trump Fires Rosenstein
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
10:27 AM 05/27/2018

Chuck Todd, host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” noted

during an interview that Flake has become “more alarmed”
with Trump’s behavior over the past year and asked why
his Republican colleagues haven’t shown the same

“I can tell you behind the scenes there is a lot of

Sen. Jeff Flake Warns Of Constitutional Crisis (NBC: May 27, 2018) alarm,” Flake said. “There is concern that the
president is laying the groundwork to move on
Senator Jeff Flake warned on Sunday that the country [Special Counsel] Bob Mueller or [Deputy
would be thrown into a constitutional crisis if President Attorney General Rod] Rosenstein.”
Donald Trump fires Robert Mueller or Rod Rosenstein.
“If that were to happen obviously that would
WATCH: cause a constitutional crisis,” he asserted.

Flake added that he thinks his colleagues are not stepping

up because they are worried about getting through the
primaries in their midterm elections and therefore won’t
stand for “empirical truth.”

Law Professor Insists Mueller ‘Has No Clothes’
Federalist Society Co-Founder Steven Calabresi Argues That Everything
The Special Counsel Has Done Is 'Null And Void'
By Brendan Kirby
Updated 27 May 2018 At 10:28 AM

Whether any of that will actually come to pass is hard to

predict. It would require a target of the Mueller
investigation to challenge the constitutionality of his
appointment and then the courts — and most likely the
Supreme Court — would have to adopt Calabresi's

A Northwestern University law professor who clerked for

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is causing a stir as
he makes the rounds of national media and lays out his
case that special counsel Robert Mueller’s entire operation
is unconstitutional.

Steven Calabresi, the Clayton J. and Henry R. Barber

professor of law and a co-founder of the Federalist Several factors weigh against that, most prominently the
Society, reiterated that view Friday on a conference call extreme reluctance of federal courts to issue decisions that
with reporters and legal professionals. He said the would be as disruptive as one that would declare Mueller's
appointment of Mueller violates the appointments clause appointment unconstitutional and invalidate every action
of the Constitution. his team has taken over the past year.

The consequences of that conclusion, should it prove And there is a Supreme Court precedent upholding the
accurate, could be sweeping for Mueller’s open-ended constitutionality of the law allowing for the appointment of
investigation into allegations of Russian interference in the a special prosecutor by a three-judge panel. That law,
2016 presidential election and possible collusion with which eventually lapsed because Congress declined to
President Donald Trump’s campaign. renew it, was more suspect than the current statute because
it involved questions of separation of powers — could
“All actions taken by Mueller since his another branch appoint an official of the executive branch
appointment on May 17, 2017, are, who is completely independent of it?
therefore, null and void,” he said.
The Supreme Court answered that question in 1988, with a
That would include all the indictments Mueller has 7-1 ruling in a case involving a special prosecutor who
brought, the plea bargains he has negotiated, the investigated possible false statements to Congress by
controversial searches his team has conducted, and the Theodore Olson, who at the time was an official in the
referral he made of records seized from the home and Environmental Protection Agency. (Olson later went on to
offices of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen. serve as solicitor general in the George W. Bush
administration, representing the federal government in
Calabresi predicted the courts would throw out any matters before the Supreme Court.)
evidence given to the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan
as the Calabresi sees six votes on high court. But Calabresi —
who clerked for Scalia when the late justice wrote the
“fruit of a poisonous tree.” dissent in that case — said he believes there are five, and

possibly six, votes on the high court to strike down extremely broad scope with nationwide jurisdiction, a
Mueller's appointment. large staff and no genuine limits on his budget. He said
that in power and prestige, Mueller greatly exceeds the 93
Liberal Justice Elena Kagan, speaking at a Stanford U.S. attorneys. The special counsel functionally is much
University event in 2015, called Scalia's contrary opinion more like an assistant attorney general, a position that must
be nominated by the president and confirmed by the
"one of the greatest dissents ever written,
and every year it gets better."
"It's just absolutely clear that
Calabresi pointed to a Supreme Court ruling in 1976 … Mueller is not an inferior
striking down a law that had allowed for the speaker of the officer," he said. "He is a
House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of principal officer, and since he
the Senate to make appointments to the Federal Election has not been nominated by the
Commission. Only the president could make those president and confirmed by the
appointments, the court ruled. Senate, everything he has done
since May 17, 2017, has been
Under interpretation of the appointments clause, a unconstitutional and has been
"principal officer" must be nominated by the president and illegal."
confirmed by the Senate. If he is an inferior officer, he can
be appointed by another government official without input
from the president or confirmation by the Senate. The constitutional solution for the problem of how to
investigate potential wrongdoing by a president is for
Congress to create a standing office of special counsel
headed by an official appointed by the president and
confirmed by the Senate, Calabresi said. He said the
approach has historical roots.

In response to the Teapot Dome scandal in the 1920s,

Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in a 1997 case, laid Congress created two special counsel officers, one
out a test for analyzing whether an officer is a principal or Republican and one Democrat, who both had to agree
an inferior. An inferior officer must have a boss who before charges could be brought.
directs and supervises his work. Rehnquist, in a separate
case, wrote that an inferior officer also must have limited Calabresi's view has not exactly caught fire in the legal
jurisdiction and a job with a fixed ending point. community. Although some scholars have argued that the
statute governing Mueller — and proposals in Congress to
Calabresi offered the example of a U.S. attorney, who restrict Trump's ability to fire him — are unconstitutional,
must be appointed by the president and confirmed by the many others disagree.
Senate. But a U.S. attorney can hire prosecutors who are
not subject to confirmation because they are working U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson earlier this year
under the direction and supervision of the principal officer. rejected attempts by former Trump campaign Chairman
Paul Manafort to throw out charges against him brought by
Calabresi argued that the special counsel in the Olson case Mueller. She ruled that Mueller's efforts to prosecute him
was more like a front-line prosecutor. He said it was a for conduct unrelated to Russian election meddling fall
narrow matter, involving two charges against a single within the mandate that Rosenstein gave him.
subject, who by then was not even in the government
anymore. Calabresi drew a parallel to the fable of "The Emperor's
New Clothes."
Mueller, theoretically, has a boss in Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein and is subject to supervision by "I really think Mueller has no clothes,
him. But in practice, Calabresi said, Mueller is a lone and that everything he's done since May
operator who has no real supervision. 17 of last year has been unconsti-
tutional and illegal," he said.
"Mueller is not an inferior officer." In addition,
Calabresi added, Mueller (pictured above) has an

Former CIA Dir. Hayden Calls Out Clapper
For ‘Unknowable’ Russia Claim
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
10:44 AM 05/27/2018

Clapper wrote in his new book that he has “no doubt”

Russian meddling swung the election in favor of Trump,
but during a Friday night CNN interview he all but
admitted he has no evidence for the claim.

Hayden told Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week” that

it is “unknowable” how much Russians influenced the
election and he knocked the former director of national
intelligence for claiming otherwise.

“I agree that the Russians affected the election

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden called out James but how much they affected is not just unknown,
Clapper on Sunday for claiming to know that Russians it is unknowable and so we should stop talking
decided the 2016 election. about it,” Hayden asserted. “Donald Trump is
the president.”
“You invite folks like us on your show because
we’re the fact witnesses, not because we have
opinions,” he added.

US Officials Cross Into
North Korea For Summit Preparations
Ryan Pickrell - China/Asia Pacific Reporter
10:47 AM 05/27/2018

North Korea “would like to make known to the U.S. side

once again that we have the intent to sit with the U.S. side
to solve [the] problem regardless of ways at any time,” the
North Korean foreign ministry said in an official statement
carried in a state media report. The North’s “warm” and
“productive” response led Trump to reconsider his
decision to cancel the summit.

The U.S. and North Korea were in talks to save the

landmark summit, the president announced May 25.

U.S. officials reportedly traveled to North Korea Sunday to “We are having very productive talks with North
prepare for a possible summit between President Donald Korea about reinstating the summit,” he
Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. tweeted. The summit might still be held in
Singapore on June 12, he suggested.
The American delegation was led by Ambassador to the
Philippines Sung Kim, the former ambassador to South
Korea and an experienced nuclear negotiator, The
Washington Post reported Sunday. The U.S. team met with
North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, a
senior North Korean official who recently criticized
Trump’s administration, causing the president to cancel his
summit with Kim.

“Bringing in Sung Kim is a good idea — looks

like Pompeo is really trying to make this
happen,” North Korea expert Jeffrey Lewis “There are meetings going on as we speak,”
tweeted in response to the newest Trump revealed Saturday night.
News of the U.S. team’s trip to North Korea follows a
Trump sent a letter to Kim Thursday canceling the summit. surprise inter-Korean summit between Kim and South
Korean President Moon Jae-in Saturday, marking the
“I was very much looking forward to being there second summit between the two leaders in a month and the
with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous fourth inter-Korean summit overall. Despite recent
anger and open hostility displayed in your most tensions following a decision by Pyongyang to cancel talks
recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this with Seoul, the two Korean leaders embraced one another
time, to have this long-planned meeting,” the as friends at the border.
president explained.
Both Kim and Moon expressed a commitment to the
North Korea responded quickly, calling the move denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and a desire to
regrettable while expressing a strong desire for dialogue. see talks between Washington and Pyongyang succeed.

Clapper Answers Why Trump Campaign
Wasn’t Alerted To Russian Effort
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
11:11 AM 05/27/2018

During an interview with Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of

the Union,” Clapper seemed to argue that the Russian
threat “had [not] reached the point” where the FBI would
alert the campaign, but apparently had reached the point
where the FBI would send in an informant.

“The first thing is just to determine what was

going on,” Clapper said. “If there wasn’t a
concern about the Russians…perhaps no
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper reason to do that. You know, the FBI has rules
tried to explain on CNN Sunday why the Trump campaign and protocols for when they decide to do
wasn’t warned about Russian meddling efforts. something like that and I don’t think that at that
point it had reached the point where it would be
WATCH: appropriate to engage the head of the
campaign or the nominee.”

Clapper also denied any knowledge of the operation,

explaining that it would not be “appropriate” for the DNI
to know the identities of any informants working with the

Giuliani: FBI, DOJ Are Being ‘Hypocritical’
Amber Athey - Media And Breaking News Editor
11:34 AM 05/27/2018

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on Sunday that he spying on the Russian end. But spying on the
believes the FBI and DOJ are being “hypocritical” in the Russian end if they thought there was collusion
way they are handling information about the Trump meant spying on the president’s campaign.”
campaign informant.
He also noted that the FBI and DOJ have claimed that
WATCH: releasing the identity of the informant would put him in
danger. Yet, Giuliani argued, the FBI and DOJ have failed
to provide the informant with protection even after his
identity was reported by the press.

“The name here has already been put out there

and I don’t know if it’s true. But if it is true and
it’s dangerous to this man, he better be
protected already,” Giuliani asserted. “I don’t
believe he’s being protected. It says to me that
maybe the FBI and the Justice Department is
being a little hypocritical here?”

Bash asked Giuliani to clarify why he thinks the FBI and

Giuliani told CNN’s Dana Bash during a “State of the DOJ are being “hypocritical.”
Union” interview that the explanations for why the
informant was placed in the campaign have “Well, they said he can’t be revealed because
“contradictions.” it’s dangerous. Now he’s been revealed — Wall
Street Journal, several other newspapers — if
that man is the man he better be protected…I
“I see contradictions,” Giuliani said. “I see
hear he’s not. What’s going on?” Giuliani
Clapper saying that there was a spy but he was

Alexander Downer Describes Barroom Meeting With
Trump Adviser George Papadopoulos
Chuck Ross - Reporter
11:59 AM 05/27/2018

In a little-noticed interview in April, former Australian Downer sent a cable back to Australian government
diplomat Alexander Downer spoke publicly for the first authorities within 48 hours of the Papadopoulos encounter.
time about his barroom conversation with President The information was not provided to the FBI until months
Donald Trump’s campaign adviser that would serve as a later when Joe Hockey, Australia’s ambassador to the
catalyst for the FBI’s collusion investigation. U.S., passed it to American authorities in late July 2016.
He was prompted to share the information by WikiLeaks’
Downer, the former high commissioner to the U.K., said release of hacked DNC emails.
he asked another Australian diplomat to contact the Trump
aide, George Papadopoulos, for the meeting, which “Crossfire Hurricane” was officially opened on July 31,
occurred around May 10, 2016, at London’s Kensington 2016. It has since folded into the investigation being
Wine Room. conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller.

Over drinks, Papadopoulos mentioned Russians had “During that conversation, [Papadopoulos]
information on Hillary Clinton that could prove damaging, mentioned the Russians might use material that
Downer told The Australian in an April 28 interview. they have on Hillary Clinton in the lead-up to the
election, which may be damaging,” Downer told
There was no indication in the short exchange with The Australian.
Papadopoulos that Trump was aware of the damaging
information, Downer also said. Downer said he felt the information

“By the way, nothing [Papadopoulos] said in “seemed quite interesting” and “was worth
that conversation indicated Trump himself had reporting.”
been conspiring with the Russians to collect
information on Hillary Clinton. It was just that Papadopoulos, an energy consultant who joined the
this guy, [Papadopoulos], clearly knew that the campaign in March 2016, had other discussions about
Russians did have material on Hillary Clinton — Clinton information during the campaign.
but whether Trump knew or not?” Downer
explained. He told the FBI back on Jan. 26, 2017, about a
conversation he had on April 26, 2016, with Joseph
“He didn’t say Trump knew or that Trump was in Mifsud, a Maltese professor. Papadopoulos said Mifsud
any way involved in this. He said it was about claimed to have been in contact with Russian government
Russians and Hillary Clinton; it wasn’t about officials who said they had “dirt” on Clinton in the form of
Trump,” Downer told The Australian. “thousands” of her emails.

Papadopoulos’s reference to Clinton material was vague, Papadopoulos has pleaded guilty to the special counsel’s
Downer suggested. office for lying during that FBI interview. While he told
the truth about Mifsud’s remarks about Clinton dirt,
“He didn’t say dirt; he said material that could Papadopoulos lied about the timing of his encounters with
be damaging to her. No, he said it would be Mifsud and two of the professor’s Russian associates.
damaging. He didn’t say what it was.”
It is still unknown whether Papadopoulos told anyone on
Downer’s encounter with Papadopoulos would later the Trump campaign about Mifsud’s remarks. But sources
prompt the FBI to open “Crossfire Hurricane” — the close to Papadopoulos have told The DCNF he believed
counterintelligence investigation into possible coordination Mifsud was referring to 30,000 emails Clinton had deleted
between members of Trump’s campaign and the Kremlin. from her private email server. The whereabouts of those
deleted documents was a hot topic of debate during the

Papadopoulos has also privately denied allegations he Papadopoulos to Thompson. The trio met several times in
colluded with Russia. He has told associates he did not see, London during April 2016.
handle or disseminate Clinton emails, according to the
source with information on the Downer meeting. Downer also suggested the meeting was brief and
Papadopoulos was not drunk, as has been widely reported.
In his interview, Downer confirmed several details According to the profile, Downer and Papadopoulos spoke
TheDCNF previously reported, including about how the over a “single short drink.”
Papadopoulos meeting came about and what else was
discussed. Downer also confirmed he confronted Papadopoulos over
his comments about then-British Prime Minister David
He said Erika Thompson, a counselor to the high Cameron. Papadopoulos was quoted in the British press a
commission, accompanied him. week before the Kensington Wine Room meeting, calling
on Cameron to apologize for making negative comments
“Downer, or Thompson at Downer’s request, about Trump.
made contact with Papadopoulos through an
Israeli contact in early May 2016.” Downer said he and Papadopoulos also discussed foreign
policy issues, including Trump’s position on the Trans-
That Israeli contact is Christian Cantor, an Israeli embassy Pacific Partnership and policy toward China.
“We didn’t know anything about Trump and
Sources familiar with Papadopoulos’s activities in London Russia, and we had no particular focus on that,”
at that time have told TheDCNF that Cantor introduced Downer said in his interview with The

Here Are The 17 Prisoners
Trump Has Freed Since He Took Office
Ryan Pickrell - China/Asia Pacific Reporter
12:36 PM 05/27/2018

Since President Donald Trump took office, his intervened on her behalf, securing a pardon and De
administration has secured the release of 17 prisoners Sousa’s freedom in March of the same year.
foreign governments had detained.
Aya Hijazi and her husband Mohamed Hassanein:
“We’ve had 17 released, and we’re very proud
of that record. Very proud. And we have others
coming,” Trump said Saturday evening as he
welcomed home Joshua Holt, an American
citizen who had been detained in Venezuela for
two years without trial.

Unlike his predecessor, the president has managed to bring

these prisoners home without freeing terrorists or paying
millions of dollars in suspected ransom payments.

Sabrina De Sousa:

[Aya Hijazi and her husband Mohamed Hassanein, founders of

Belady, an NGO that promotes a better life for street children, talk
inside a holding cell as they face trial on charges of human trafficking
at a courthouse in Cairo, Egypt, March 23, 2017. Picture taken
March 23, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany]

During a period of particular unrest in Egypt, authorities

raided a non-governmental organization dedicated to
helping street children in 2014 and arrested Egyptian-
American Aya Hijazi, her husband and five other activists
on false charges of human trafficking, kidnapping and

[Former CIA agent Sabrina De Sousa speaks during an interview Not long after Trump met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah
with Reuters in downtown Lisbon, Portugal, March 8, 2017. el-Sisi in April 2017, an Egyptian court cleared all seven
REUTERS/Rafael Marchante]
detainees of all charges. The president personally sent a
Portuguese-American Sabrina De Sousa, a former CIA U.S. government plane to Cairo to retrieve Hijazi and her
agent, was arrested and detained in Portugal in 2015 after husband, and he greeted them both at the White House
being convicted in absentia in 2009 of kidnapping. De upon their long-awaited return to the U.S.
Sousa was sentenced to four years in prison for her alleged
involvement in the kidnapping of radical Muslim Sandy Phan-Gillis:
cleric Osama Mustafa Hassan Nasr, also known as Abu
Omar, in Milan, Italy, in 2003. Although De Sousa argued China arrested Texas businesswoman Sandy Phan-Gillis in
she played no part in the abduction, failed appeals had her 2015 on charges of espionage and held her for two years
on the fast track to becoming the first American without a public trial. Her husband, Jeff Gillis, insisted the
intelligence official to serve jail time for a role in former allegations were “absolutely false.” He pleaded with the
President George W. Bush’s administration’s “War on Obama administration to bring her home. While the
Terror.” administration pressed Beijing on the issue, it was
ultimately unable to secure her release.
But before she could be extradited to Italy in February
2017 to serve her sentence, Trump’s administration
Following a meeting between former Secretary of State Coleman had three children during her and her husband’s
Rex Tillerson with Chinese leadership in March 2017 and time in captivity.
a summit between Trump and Chinese President Xi
Jinping in Mar-a-Lago in April 2018, Phan-Gillis was In October 2017, the U.S. pressured Pakistan into rescuing
finally freed from prison. the family after they were spotted near the border.
Pakistani authorities were able to recover the five captives,
China sentenced her to three and a half years in prison but and the family returned to North America last fall.
deported her before she could serve any additional jail
time. Numerous questions continue to surround the captives,
particularly Boyle.
Otto Warmbier:
UCLA basketball players LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley
and Jalen Hill:

[FILE PHOTO: Otto Frederick Warmbier (C), a University of

Virginia student, who was detained in North Korea since early
January, is taken to North Korea’s top court in Pyongyang, North [UCLA basketball players Cody Riley, LiAngelo Ball and Jalen Hill
Korea, in this photo released by Kyodo March 16, 2016. Mandatory speak at a press conference at UCLA after flying back from China
credit REUTERS/Kyodo/File Photo] where they were detained on suspicion of shoplifting, in Los Angeles,
California, U.S. November 15, 2017. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson]
University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier was arrested
During a team trip to Hangzhou, China, in November
for allegedly pilfering a propaganda poster while on a tour
2017, three players — Li Angelo Ball, Cody Riley and
of North Korea in January 2016. The young student was
Jalen Hill — were arrested and detained for shoplifting at a
sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for his crimes at a
local Louis Vuitton department store, stealing
tearful show trial in March that same year.
sunglasses. For their alleged crimes, the players were
reportedly facing up to 10 years in Chinese prison, but
Through a series of back-channel negotiations with Trump intervened. During the president’s first state visit to
Pyongyang, Trump’s administration managed to secure China, Trump brought up the issue in talks with Chinese
Warmbier’s release in June 2017. But his return home was President Xi, who promised to look into the situation.
bitter sweet, as the Cincinnati native returned in a coma
after having suffered a traumatic brain injury — details of
The Chinese leader assured Trump the three players would
which remain unclear. Warmbier passed away just one
be “treated fairly and expeditiously,” and the three players
week after his release.
were freed shortly thereafter.
Both the president and the Warmbier Family have
“I would like to thank President Trump and the
suggested the outcome might have been different if the
United States government for the help they
previous administration had acted more quickly to save the
provided,” Ball said in a statement upon his
now-deceased student.
return to the U.S. “I am grateful to be back
home, and I will never make a mistake like this
Joshua Boyle, Caitlan Coleman and their three again. I am extremely sorry for those that I let
children: down.”

Canadian-American couple Joshua Boyle and Caitlan Kim Dong-Chul, Kim Hak-Song and Kim Sang-Duk:
Coleman were kidnapped in 2012 while backpacking
through Afghanistan and held captive by the Haqqani
Kim Dong-Chul, a businessman and purported Christian
network for five years. The Haqqani network, an offshoot
missionary, was arrested in North Korea in 2015 on
of the Taliban, demanded the release of prisoners in
charges of espionage. He was sentenced to 10 years of
exchange for the hostages — a demand that was not met.
hard labor for his crimes. Kim Hak-Song and Kim Sang-

Duk were professors at Pyongyang University of Science
and Technology before they were arrested in May and
April 2017 respectively for unspecified hostile acts.

[U.S. President Donald Trump talks to the media as he greets Josh

Holt, an American missionary released by Venezuela, in the Oval
Office of the White House in Washington, U.S., May 26, 2018.
REUTERS/Yuri Gripas]

[The three Americans formerly held hostage in North Korea gesture President Trump announced his administration had secured
next to U.S.President Donald Trump upon their arrival at Joint Base Holt’s release Saturday morning.
Andrews, Maryland, U.S., May 10, 2018. REUTERS/Jim Bourg]

Trump’s administration secured the release of these three
prisoners during Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s second
trip to North Korea in early May. The three men received a More On The Way…
heroes welcome when they returned home.
“We have others coming. We’re in the midst of some very
Joshua Holt: big negotiations to get others out. In most cases, they’re
Americans, but we can try and help other countries too,
where there’s injustice. So we’ve been working very hard
Joshua Holt, a 26-year-old Utah native, and his
on it,” Trump said Saturday evening, making references to
Venezuelan wife, Thamy, along with their
four Americans held captive in Iran and a North Carolina
daughter, returned to the U.S. Saturday evening for a
pastor held hostage in Turkey.
tearful reunion with Holt’s mother and father. Holt was
arrested on charges of espionage when he traveled to
Venezuela in June 2016 to marry Thamy.

Rudy Giuliani: The Spying On Trump By The Obama
Administration “Completely Taints” The
Entire Mueller Probe (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 12:51 Pm

Rudy Giuliani made the rounds this morning

on the Sunday talk shows.

Rudy told FOX News Sunday that the spying on Trump by

the Obama administration and deep state players
completely taints the investigation.

Rudy Giuliani: The whole thing with this investigation

that was going on which we consider spying was done
before Mueller got involved but it completely taints his

He’s right.

The Obama administration and cohorts in the British

intelligence community were spying on Trump since 2015
and never were able to find collusion between any Trump
official and the Russian government.

Report: Top Iranian Official, John Kerry Meeting Partner,
Caught Chanting, ‘Death To America’
Peter Hasson - Reporter
2:19 PM 05/27/2018

Zarif’s call for the destruction of America came less than

two months after he secretly met with former Secretary of
State John Kerry in mid-April to try and save the Iran
nuclear deal.

Kerry’s “unusual shadow diplomacy” was ultimately

unsuccessful, as President Donald Trump announced on
May 8 the U.S. would be withdrawing from the deal.
Iranian lawmakers responded that same day by setting an
American flag on fire on the floor of parliament and

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, a key architect of the “Death to America!”
2015 Iran nuclear deal, was caught on camera chanting
“Death to America,” “Death to Britain” and “Death to Kerry and Zarif were considered to be among the
Israel,” Israeli outlet Ynetnews reported on Saturday. frontrunners for 2017’s Nobel Peace Prize for their work
on the Iran deal.
Zarif participated in the violent chants on Thursday after
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivered
a speech in Tehran, according to Ynetnews.

Former CIA Director Hayden DESTROYS James
Clapper’s Claims That Russia Changed Election Outcome
Posted On May 27, 2018

knocked the former director of national intelligence for

claiming otherwise, The Daily Caller reported.

“I agree that the Russians affected the election

but how much they affected is not just unknown,
it is unknowable and so we should stop talking
about it,” Hayden asserted. “Donald Trump is
the president.”

“You invite folks like us on your show because

we’re the fact witnesses, not because we have
opinions,” he added.
(National Sentinel) Flat-out False: Though he told
Congress in 2017 that there is no evidence proving that James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan and everyone
Russian trolls affected the outcome of the 2016 election, else asserting that POTUS Trump and his team “colluded”
serial liar James Clapper is now telling everyone who will with Russia are the true stooges of the Kremlin. They are
listen that they did. the ones doing Vladimir Putin’s bidding, which is to sow
distrust in our political processes.
But former CIA Director Gen. Michael Haden (retired)
blasted that notion out of the water during an interview That’s what they accused Trump of doing. But that’s
with ABC News on Saturday. what they’re doing with all this running around and telling
Americans lies about what did and did not happen in the
Clapper wrote in his new book that he harbors “no doubt” 2016 election.
Russian meddling swung the election in favor of Trump,
but during a Friday night CNN interview he all but The Democratic Party and its allies are now officially
admitted he has no evidence for the claim. aligned with the Russian government’s effort to undermine
our republic.
Hadden told ABC’s Martha Raddatz it is “unknowable”
how much Russians influenced the election and he That makes them the true enemies of the state.

POTUS Trump: Mueller Phony Russia Witch Hunt Has
Devastated And Destroyed Many Lives
By Cristina Laila
May 27, 2018, 2:48 Pm

The gloves are off.

President Trump slammed Robert Mueller

and his team of hack lawyers AGAIN Sunday
morning in a pair of tweets.

The President said many lives have been

devastated and destroyed by Mueller’s
phony Russian collusion witch hunt.

The President then slammed Crooked Hillary and

brought up the DNC’s servers.

Round two: Why didn’t the 13 Angry Democrats

investigate the campaign of Crooked Hillary Clinton, many
crimes, much Collusion with Russia? Why didn’t the FBI
take the Server from the DNC? Rigged Investigation!

Robert Mueller is a dirty cop.

Mueller and his team of Hillary-Obama donors have hunted

down anyone and everyone in Trump’s inner circle for the
sole purpose to destroy lives.

To this date, the FBI has not done a forensic inspection of

the DNC servers to determine if they were hacked, and if
hacked, by whom?
For no legitimate reason, Mueller has made life hell for
Mike Flynn, a three-star General who served this country
Yet here we are two years later with an unconstitutional
honorably for decades.
witch hunt costing taxpayers millions of dollars.
Because of Mueller’s witch hunt, General Flynn got buried
President Trump says Mueller has destroyed
in mounting legal fees causing him to sell one of his
many lives.
Trump tweeted: Who’s going to give back the young and
beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and
destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt?
They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in In a recent interview with the New York Post’s Paul Sperry,
their eyes and wanting to help our nation…They went back Carter Page says the FBI witch hunt ruined his life.
home in tatters!
FBI surveillance of former Trump campaign advisor Carter
Page cost him business, income and even his girlfriend.

Page tells The Post that during the media barrage he faced MICHAEL COHEN
in late 2016, he visited his girlfriend at her London flat,
where she was “freaking out with the fake news about me.” One of Trump’s personal lawyers was recently raided by
the FBI on Rosenstein’s orders with Mueller’s blessing.
The only reason Cohen is being hunted down is because he
Trump campaign adviser Michael Caputo says Mueller has is connected to President Trump.
made life hell for him and his family.
As a result his financial records have been leaked to the
Caputo went off on the Senate Intel panel recently. public.

“Forget about all the death threats against my family. I Cohen has also become of target of Mueller’s investigation.
want to know who cost us so much money, who crushed
our kids, who forced us out of our home, all because you ROGER STONE
lost an election,” Caputo said. “I want to know because
God damn you to hell.” Stone is one of Trump’s longtime friends and advisors and
also a target of Mueller’s witch hunt along with his aides.
The Special Counsel has recently probed Stone’s finances
Papadopoulos was a Trump campaign volunteer who was including his tax returns.
enticed by cash and a trip to London by FBI informant
Stefan Halper.
In a recent op-ed for The Gateway Pundit, Roger Stone
As a result he plead guilty to making a false statement to
the FBI and will receive his sentence very soon.
“Mueller can indict a ham sandwich but I’m not
interested in being his lunch.”
These are just a few people who are caught up in Mueller’s
Trump’s former campaign Chairman, Paul Manafort was political witch hunt.
raided by the FBI at gunpoint last summer and indicted on
charges that have nothing to do with Russian collusion.
Many other lives have been affected including members of
Trump’s family.
As a result, Manafort has lost his freedom and is fighting
Mueller in two different cases which of course is costing Just as Tom Fitton always says, “SHUT IT DOWN!”
him a lot of money.

Rudy Fears Trump/Mueller
Interview Is A Trap [VIDEO]
Kevin Daley - Supreme Court Reporter
3:01 PM 05/27/2018

“Let me emphasize,” Giuliani added, “he wants

to explain that he did nothing wrong.”


Rudy Giuliani speaks on Fox News Sunday on May 27.

(Screenshot/Fox News) | Rudy Sees Perjury Trap In Trump

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor who now
leads President Donald Trump’s defense team, told Fox
News Sunday Trump will not interview with special
counsel Robert Mueller if he believes the meeting is a trap
for perjury.

A perjury trap refers to a practice in which prosecutors

question witnesses under oath with the intent of catching
them in a prosecutable lie.

“The reality is we’re not going to sit him down if

it’s a trap for perjury,” Giuliani told Bill Hemmer,
who sat in for regular host Chris Wallace. “And
until we’re convinced of that … we’re just going
to have to say no.”

POTUS Trump Rips Obama For Doing Nothing About So-
Called Russian Meddling ‘He Thought Crooked Hillary
Was Going To Win’
By Cristina Laila
May 27, 2018, 4:49 Pm

President Trump continued to hammer the

phony Russian collusion witch hunt on
Twitter Sunday afternoon.

This time, the President called out Obama


The simple answer is any attempts by the Russians to

‘influence’ the 2016 election was so infinitesimal, Obama
didn’t act.

Very few people saw social media posts by Russian troll

farms. The notion that the Russians tipped the election in
favor of Donald Trump is laughable at best. The majority
of the Russian ads were posted after the election and they
didn’t favor any particular candidate.
Please, Mr. President, never stop tweeting.
The bottom line is Trump wasn’t supposed to win.
Trump took it straight to Obama Sunday afternoon.
What we are seeing is an attempted coup by the Deep State
Trump tweeted:
simply because Trump is a threat to business as usual in
Why didn’t President Obama do something
about the so-called Russian Meddling when he
The Russian collusion hoax was the ‘insurance policy’ the
was told about it by the FBI before the Election?
Trump-hating FBI agents were discussing in McCabe’s
Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going
office; it was created by Obama and Hillary.
to win, and he didn’t want to upset the apple
cart! He was in charge, not me, and did nothing.
Earlier Sunday, President Trump slammed the phony
Russian collusion witch hunt, accurately stating Mueller
has devastated and destroyed many people’s lives.

Marco Rubio Defends Deep State: I Have Seen ‘No
Evidence’ FBI Spied On Trump Campaign (Video)
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 4:50 Pm

ABC News reported:

Earlier this month Marco Rubio joined
Nancy Pelosi and trashed the Trump tax Republican Sen. Marco Rubio said he sees “no evidence”
cuts. to support President Trump’s claims that the FBI used an
informant to gather information on his campaign, but that
instead the federal probe was focused on

“individuals with a history of links to Russia that

were concerning.”

“What I have seen is evidence that they were

investigating individuals with a history of links to
Russia that were concerning,” Rubio, a Florida
senator who sits on the Senate Intelligence
Committee told ABC News Chief Global Affairs
Correspondent and “This Week” Co-Anchor
Martha Raddatz on Sunday.
On Sunday Marco Rubio told ABC’s “This
Week” he has seen no proof the Obama
administration was spying on the Trump

The Deep State was spying on the Trump

campaign since 2015 without any proof of
Russian penetration into the campaign.

Marco Rubio believes it is acceptable to use

paid government officials to spy on the
opposition campaign.

DEMOCRAT Calls For Stopping Robert Mueller And
Draining The Swamp, Or Public Faith In Government
“Justice” Will Be Shattered Forever
By JD Heyes

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of “But it is backfiring,” he notes.

President Donald J. Trump and members of his 2016
campaign has dragged on for a year with nothing to show Knock Comey Out
in terms of its original stated intent: To find evidence of
criminal or nefarious behavior that involved a foreign
power — Russia. Instead of implicating Trump and his associates for actions
directly related to the 2016 campaign and political
subterfuge committed in concert with Moscow, more
As such, it’s time for Mueller to wrap it up or have it Americans are learning by the day that Mueller’s probe is
wrapped up for him, according to Mark Penn, a former based on a lie built on falsehoods all wrapped in fictitious
pollster and adviser to President Bill Clinton from 1995- allegations.
2000, a period of time that included Clinton’s
impeachment trial.
And as such, “this process must now be stopped,
preferably long before a vote in the Senate,” he writes.
Last Monday, in a column for The Hill, Penn — now
manager of the Harris Poll — said that ending the
investigation is the best way to save the republic and “Rather than a fair, limited and impartial
protect not only the integrity of national elections but the investigation, the Mueller investigation became
office of the presidency as well. a partisan, open-ended inquisition that, by its
precedent, is a threat to all those who ever want
to participate in a national campaign or an
“The ‘deep state’ is in a deep state of administration again.”
desperation,” he writes. “With little time left
before the Justice Department inspector
One of the most damning conclusions congressional
general’s report becomes public, and
Republicans, the White House, and tens of millions of
with…Mueller having failed to bring down
Donald Trump after a year of trying, they know Americans are reaching is that the entire probe of Team
a reckoning is coming.” Trump, which began sometime in early-to-mid 2016, was
based on an as-yet-unproven claim that Russia “hacked”
the Democratic National Committee’s email server and
He writes that by now most rational Americans are well nabbed every byte of information that was on it.
aware that the Obama Justice Department and FBI
intentionally tanked Hillary Clinton’s email investigation
though it was rather obvious she violated statutes The public doesn’t know whether that’s true or not because
governing the handling of classified information on the DNC never allowed the FBI to examine its server and,
multiple occasions — even to the point of breaking their amazingly, then-FBI Director James Comey never insisted
own rules to clear the person they all believed would be on it, like, via a subpoena.
the next president.
Despite the false premises upon which the investigation is
Penn also notes that, as evidenced by unhinged tweets based, Penn acknowledges that it won’t be easy for Trump
from Obama’s CIA director, Jon Brennan, and leaked to simply end it. So he’ll have to essentially render it moot.
stories to The New York Times and Washington Post
admitting that the Obama administration launched a spying “Step one here is for the Justice Department
operation against Trump’s campaign, everyone involved inspector general report to knock Comey out of
appears to be panicking and trying to get out in front of the witness box. Next, the full origins of the
what DoJ IG Michael Horowitz’s report will reveal, “to investigation and its lack of any real intelligence
save their reputations.” needs to come out in the open,” Penn writes.

“The president’s lawyers need to extend their Penn also believes Trump himself could prove to be the
new aggressiveness from words to action, filing “final stopper” — agreeing to a televised two-hour session
complaints with Justice Department’s Office of whereby he provides Mueller with testimony.
Professional Responsibility on the failure of
Mueller and Rosenstein to recuse themselves, Stopping the probe “isn’t about one president or one
and going into court to question the tactics of party,” it’s about “cleaning out and reforming the deep
the special counsel” for a variety of reasons he state so that our intelligence operations are never used
adds. against opposing campaigns without the firmest of
evidence,” Penn notes.

Poll: Despite Conspiracy Media’s Best Efforts – 59% Of
Americans Know Mueller Probe Is A Far Left Witch Hunt
By Jim Hoft
May 27, 2018, 6:11 Pm

There is no collusion with Russia. And yet the Democrats and their media have made the
country suffer through their mental breakdown for a year-
There never was any collusion with Russia by and-a-half now since Hillary got shellacked in the election.
the Trump campaign.
A new poll finds 59% of Americans
The only collusion with Russia was the the understand the crimes uncovered by Mueller
Clinton campaign, Fusion GPS, and Russian are political hit jobs and meaningless
operatives. indictments.

Mueller even indicted a company

that didn’t even exist at time of
the alleged crimes.

This disappoints the liberal conspiracy


Attorney Robert Barnes added: Media annoyed that

#Mueller unrelated indictments didn’t work to sell public
on bogus Russia collusion delusion narrative. Imagine
what happens when #Mueller gets one dismissed or jury

Rudy Hits Another Home Run:
Mueller’s Team Is Rigged So Bad Some Of His Team
Were “At Hillary Clinton’s Funeral!”
By Jim Hoft
May 28, 2018, 9:13 Am
Rudy – Gee, maybe they should wake up
and realize that the President is innocent.
That’s why he wants to testify, and
because of them [the Mueller team] we
don’t want him to testify because they’re
not fair.
They have rigged this
investigation against him, 13
Democrats, angry as heck, and
some of them there at Hillary
Clinton’s funeral. I mean
terrible. Wait, when she was
Former Federal Prosecutor and New
supposed to have a victory
York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was on
FOX News Sunday with Bill Hammer
yesterday. He again hit another home Hammer – We are a long way from an
run. No wonder the MSM is terrified of interview, aren’t we?
Rudy – Well, maybe we’re not a long way
from deciding we won’t have one. And then
Rudy and all of America know there is no collusion they’re going to have to go on what they
between President Trump and Russia and so Rudy again have and everybody’s going to find out
encouraged the corrupt Mueller team to wrap it up. they don’t have anything.

Rudy discussed the corrupt Mueller investigation that has

now been going on for a year. But at the beginning of the
below segment of the interview Hammer asked if President
Trump was too eager to have to North Korea summit
happen and Rudy answered by stating –

Oh sure he is and I think he’s positioned it brilliantly, even

his opponents tell you that!

Rudy then talked at length about the “totally rigged”

Mueller Special Counsel. He said it is completely tainted.
He called Former FBI Director James Comey
Boom! Rudy is outstanding again –
calling the corrupt Mueller investigation
“one of the biggest liars in the history of what it is – while doing it with a smile.
Washington”. Simply outstanding!

Rudy kept hitting the corrupt Mueller team with a smile,

and at the 8:10 minute mark of the video said this –

Clapper Weaves Tangled New Web On Spygate
If The FBI's Trump Campaign Informant Found Real Evidence, Shouldn't It Have
Been Used In The Bureau's FISA Warrant Applications?
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 27 May 2018 At 9:38 PM
“Well, I think the first thing is [to] determine
just what was going on.”

The FBI, according to The New York Times, placed an

informant, Professor Stefan Halper, inside Trump’s
campaign early in the spring of 2016. Halper subsequently
met with former Trump advisers Carter Page, George
Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis during the campaign.

Trump directed the Department of Justice last week to

investigate whether the Obama administration improperly
“infiltrated or surveilled” his campaign for “political
purposes.” The task quickly fell to the DOJ’s inspector
President Donald Trump’s campaign wasn’t told of the general, Michael Horowitz.
FBI’s worries about Russian efforts to influence the 2016
election because such concerns had not “reached the point
where it would be appropriate” to alert them, said James
Clapper, the former director of national intelligence (DNI).

“The FBI has rules and protocols on when

they decide to do things like that. And I
don’t think at that point that it had reached
the point where it would be appropriate to
engage with the head of the campaign, or
the nominee,” Clapper said Sunday
morning on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Clapper was responding to CNN’s Dana Bash, who asked

him about complaints from Trump and his attorney, former If the FBI's "concern" about the Russians "could be
New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, that the FBI didn’t allayed," then perhaps there was "no reason" to alert
notify Trump or his top campaign aides about Russia’s Trump or his campaign, Clapper suggested.
efforts to influence his campaign.
Trump tweeted Saturday on the issue, asking:
“I want to ask you:
"With Spies, or 'Informants' as the
One of the things that Rudy Giuliani
Democrats like to call them because it
brought up, and that the president has
sounds less sinister (but it's not), all over
been tweeting about this weekend as well
my campaign, even from a very early date,
— which is if this was — if there was
why didn't the crooked highest levels of the
enough concern about people penetrating
FBI or 'Justice' contact me to tell me of the
the Trump campaign, why not contact
phony Russia problem?"
him?” Bash asked Clapper. “Why not
contact the campaign, instead of sending
an informant or a confidential source in?
What’s the answer to that?”

Clapper replied,

The FBI relied heavily upon the infamous anti-Trump
dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele
alleging collusion with Russia to renew surveillance
warrants against Page. The dossier was funded by the
Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee
(DNC) she controlled.

Clapper wasn't asked, and didn't volunteer information,

about whether the FBI's informant discovered significantly
compromising information about the Trump campaign's
dealings with Russians and whether the information was
used in the FISA warrant applications.
When Bash asked Clapper if he knew about the operation
at the time, Clapper replied, When Bash asked Clapper about the Trump legal team's
request for a briefing from the FBI regarding the
informant, Clapper insisted it wouldn't be a "good idea at
"Absolutely not."
all" to grant it.
Clapper's comments are likely to intensify questions from
But Giuliani insisted during an interview on "Fox News
Trump and congressional Republicans about the
Sunday" that the FBI should have reached out to Trump
legitimacy of the FBI investigation.
and his campaign. The failure to do so "completely taints"
special counsel Robert Mueller's probe, Giuliani claimed.
If, as Clapper claimed, the reason for putting Halper in the
Trump campaign was to determine if the FBI's concerns
about Russian interference were justified, then why did the
bureau rely almost entirely on opposition research paid for
by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to justify its
application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
(FISA) warrant to monitor Page? "The whole thing with this investigation that
was going on, which we consider spying,
was done before Mueller got involved. But
If no such evidence is gleaned by Halper, it suggests the it completely taints his investigation,"
possibility the FISA warrant was sought for reasons not Giuliani said.
linked to the Russian activities. Trump and congressional
Republicans have argued for months that the purpose of
the FBI investigation was to help Clinton win the election. Giuliani also said during an interview on "State of the
Union" on CNN that he no longer believes the Mueller
probe is legitimate.
But Bash failed to press Clapper for details regarding the
informant's discoveries. Clapper also didn't volunteer any
information about the nature of the informant's discoveries "I did when I came in, but now I see
and whether or not the initial infiltration and further Spygate," Giuliani said.
expansion of the FBI's Trump campaign investigation
ultimately were justified.

When Do Americans Say It
Isn’t Right To ‘Spy On A Campaign’?
Rep. Mark Meadows Said Dept. Of Justice Lacks The Transparency Required
To Respect Lawmakers' Constitutional Oversight Prerogatives
By Kathryn Blackhurst
Updated 27 May 2018 At 10:37 PM

and surveilled the chief executive’s campaign to help his

opponent, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Although top U.S. intelligence community officials briefed

GOP and Democratic lawmakers Thursday amid escalating
tensions on the government’s actions against Trump’s
2016 presidential campaign, Meadows insisted that more
questions remain unanswered because there is too little
transparency in the DOJ.

"There was a briefing ... yet there were no

documents that were shown," Meadows
Americans should know when and “at whose direction” an said. "We're hopeful that that will happen in
FBI informant began interacting with three of President the coming days as long as we can protect
Donald Trump’s campaign officials, “what were they the sources and methods that are
collecting and who were they reporting to,” House important to all Americans."
Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said "At the same time, we continue to see this
Sunday. dragging out of a narrative, you know,
where we're not seeing documents, where
“What we do know is that there was indeed we're not getting the type of transparency
a confidential human source, is what the that, really, members of Congress have
FBI would call it, that was actually giving requested for seven or eight months," he
intel,” Meadows said on CBS News’ “Face added.
the Nation,” noting that “you have to ask
the question, when did it start?” But there is "no question" that the FBI's "confidential
“We know that actually they initiated the human sources" were engaging with Trump campaign
contact between members of the Trump officials "prior to the official FBI investigation" into
campaign — and at whose direction?” Russia's election interference and collusion allegations,"
Meadows added. “And at what point do we Meadows emphasized.
as Americans say it is not right to spy on a
campaign whether it’s Donald Trump’s or "So the question begs — at whose
[Sen.] Bernie Sanders’ [I-Vt.]? It’s not right.” direction, you know — what were they
collecting and who were they reporting to?"
The FBI placed an informant, Cambridge University he said. "Because that was happening
professor Stefan Halper, inside Trump’s campaign early in before the FBI actually opened an
the spring of 2016, The New York Times reported earlier investigation."
in May. Halper, who has years of experience working for "There is no question that there was a spy
the FBI and CIA, talked with former Trump advisers that was collecting information. The
Carter Page, George Papadopoulos and Sam Clovis during definition of that — somebody who does
the campaign. something in secret without the knowledge
of another person," Meadows said.
At Trump’s direction, the Department of Justice (DOJ)
announced last week that Inspector General Michael But former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James
Horowitz will investigate if Halper’s activities are Clapper shied away from the use of the term "spy" during
evidence the Obama administration improperly infiltrated an interview Sunday on "Face the Nation."
"I have an aversion to the use of the word "had information on you and went to the
'spy,'" Clapper said. "But let's just for the FBI and said, 'You know, listen we have
sake of discussion use that term, which this wrongdoing, we're giving you some
conventionally means the use of tradecraft information where it was not directed or
using a formally trained case officer who where the initiation of it was not from the
would mask identity, who would attempt to informant.'"
"So none of the classical attributes of But if the FBI "knew what was going on," then the bureau
spycraft, if [we] can use that term, were should have given a "defensive briefing" to Trump and his
present here," Clapper insisted. "This is the campaign, Meadows insisted.
most benign form of information gathering.
So to characterize it as a spy or Spygate is, "Why did they not go to the nominee and
of course, part of the narrative." say, 'By the way, here is a problem?'"
Meadows wondered. "'We want to make
Meadows rejected Democrats' attempts to label the "spy" you aware of it.' Why was that never
as a mere "informant," saying that an informant would be done?"
someone who

REVEALED: Joseph Mifsud – The Man Who Set Up
Papadopoulos – Is Member Of Soros-Funded European
Council On Foreign Relations
By Jim Hoft
May 28, 2018, 10:15 Am

Joseph Mifsud, Alexander Downer and

Stefan Halper.

Mifsud and Papadopoulos obtained positions at an

organization named the Centre for International Energy
and Natural Resources Law & Security. Papadopoulos was
a ‘nobody’ and the Centre sketchy at best.

Mifsud vanished in early November

2017, shortly after Papadopoulos was in
Joseph Misfud with Saudi operative Tarek Obaid the news and indicted.

Joseph Mifsud is a Maltese academic, with high level His whereabouts are still unknown.
connections to the Russian state and UK politicians.
Mifsud is a former employee of the Ministry of Foreign Although the common story is that Mifsud is a Russian
Affairs of Malta, a former principal in the London Centre Agent, many ties seem to lead [him] back to UK
of International Law Practice, a professorial teaching Intelligence. Julian Assange put out a Twitter thread noting
fellow at the University of Stirling in Scotland, and the connection between Mifsud and UK Intelligence.
director of the Diplomatic Academy of London.
Mifsud went missing after his Mifsud has many suspect relationships with British and
connections to George Papadopoulos Russian operatives. Mifsud is a member of the European
went public. Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

George Papadopoulos, the lower level campaign worker The ECFR’s top donor is the Soros Open Society
for the Trump campaign, appears to have been targeted by Foundation.
three individuals with ties to British and/or U.S.

Again, Mifsud went missing in 2017 after This Mifsud character is very
his relationship with George interesting. Too bad he went missing.
Papadopoulos was exposed.
Mifsud also has connections to Saudi Brian Whitaker at put together this map of
operatives. Mifsud’s connections and organizations.

Salient Facts: The Tangled Web
Around Joseph Mifsud
2 January 2018

“Professor” Joseph Mifsud was a key figure in the ● Mifsud attended the Moscow-based Valdai Discussion Club in
Trump/Russia affair—a middleman who provided George 2016; on his return, he informed Papadopoulos that he had met
Papadopoulos, one of Trump’s foreign policy advisers, high-level Russian officials and said the Russians had “dirt” on
with Russian contacts and told him the Russians had “dirt” Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails”.
on Hillary Clinton in the form of “thousands of emails”.
● Mifsud is a “good old friend” of Prasenjit Kumar (aka Prasenjit
Maltese-born Mifsud,who has since disappeared, is a Kumar Singh), owner of the London School of Executive
puzzling figure — an active networker who had multiple Training. It appears to be through the Kumar connection that
links to universities and other “educational” bodies but Mifsud became acquainted with Alok Sharma MP and later met
appears to have done little academic work himself. Britain’s foreign secretary, Boris Johnson.

Mifsud obtained a PhD from Queens University, Belfast, London Centre of International Law Practice (LCILP)
in 1995 with a thesis on “Managing educational reform”.
Although he has often been referred to as “Professor ● Mifsud was described by LCILP as its “board adviser” and
Mifsud” it is doubtful whether he has ever held the formal “Director of International Strategic Development”. After his
title of “Professor”. During his brief spell at Stirling involvement in Trump/Russia became known, LCILP removed
University he was described as a “professorial teaching the names and details of all staff from its website.
fellow” — which, according to the university, meant he was
employed full-time in a “teaching and advisory” capacity.
● Papadopoulos was head of the “Centre for International
Energy and Natural Resources Law & Security” at LCILP from
This is a compilation of established facts about Mifsud and February to April 2016.
his connections …
● Nagi Idris, who founded LCILP in 2014, claims to be a visiting
Joseph Mifsud professor at Link Campus University in Rome.

Mifsud’s multiple roles: ● The first conference organised by LCILP after its formation
was held at the London Academy of Diplomacy where Mifsud
● Director of London Academy of Diplomacy from 2014 until its was director.
closure in 2016; previously described as an “external adviser”.
Other interesting facts:
● “Board adviser” and “Director of International Strategic
Development” at London Centre of International Law Practice ● When LCILP came under media scrutiny the “our team” page
(LCILP). giving details of its staff disappeared from its website.

● “Professorial teaching fellow” at University of Stirling and a full- London Academy of Diplomacy (LAD)
time employee.
● Mifsud was the academy’s director from 2014 until its closure
● “Consultant” for INTO University Partnerships, a private in 2016; he was previously described as its “external adviser”.
company. A list of INTO’s shareholders shows “J Mifsud” owning
● Its most recent owner was INTO University Partnerships.
● Frequent visitor to Link Campus University in Italy. Link’s
● From 2010 onwards, the academy was housed at a campus in
website describes him as “Dean of the Bachelor of Arts degree
central London which had been jointly developed by the
program in political sciences and international relations”, though
University of East Anglia and INTO University Partnerships.
his exact role is unclear.

Other interesting connections:

● From 2010 to 2014 the academy’s courses were validated by Thursday and Norwich on the Friday. There was none of
the University of East Anglia and subsequently by the University the stress that is usually created by travelling. We could go
of Stirling. at any time we needed to, and as the aircraft can land on
short grass runways if required we often can use smaller
Other interesting connections: airfields to get closer to our destination.”

● In 2014 the academy hosted the first conference organised by Link Campus University
Link Campus University in Rome began in 1999 as a
● In 2015 the academy hosted a lecture by Alok Sharma MP. subsidiary of the University of Malta but is now an
independent (for-profit) institution accredited by the Italian
● The academy often received foreign visitors but one visit that education ministry.
has attracted notice was by a delegation from the Lomonosov
Moscow State University, accompanied by counsellor Ernest Its president is 84-year-old Vincenzo Scotti, a former
Chernukhin from the Russian embassy. government minister and a member of the Christian
Democracy party. Another of its directors is Italian
● Another Russian visitor to the academy was Alexey Klishin politician Gianni Pittella.
from the International Law Faculty at Moscow State Institute of
International Relations (MGIMO) — an academic institution run by Its website lists 25 partner universities, of which seven are
the Russian foreign ministry. Klishin, who had been invited by Russian:
Mifsud, gave a lecture on 25 January 2016 about the relationship
between national and international law. In 2011, while head of  Lomonosov Moscow State University
Emuni, Mifsud had given a presentation at MGIMO and signed a  Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport
“memorandum of understanding”. and Tourism
 Kaliningrad State Technical University
INTO University Partnerships  Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities
 Ural State University of Economics
INTO University Partnerships is a company that makes its  Baikal State University of Economics and Law
money from establishing partnerships with universities —  Saint Petersburg State University of Services and
 helping them to “attract lucrative students from new Economics
markets” and jointly investing in the construction of new
campus facilities. In 2013 a private equity deal valued the The three British institutions listed are London Academy
business at more than £200 million. of Diplomacy, the University of East Anglia and LSE
Enterprise (the “business and consultancy arm” of the
● INTO’s first partner, in 2005, was the University of East London School of Economics).
Anglia and together they developed a satellite campus in
central London which later housed the London Academy Interesting connections:
of Diplomacy.
● Joseph Mifsud was described on Link’s website as “Dean of
● Stirling University became a partner of INTO in 2014 the Bachelor of Arts degree program in political sciences and
and validated course at the London Academy of international relations”. After his involvement in Trump/Russia
Diplomacy after the University of East Anglia pulled out. became known, references to his connection with Link were
removed from the website.
● In February 2013, Mifsud visited Malta acting as a
consultant for INTO. ● George Papadopoulos is known to have visited Link at least
once while working for Trump’s election campaign. A photograph
● A list of INTO’s shareholders filed at Companies House posted on Twitter by Nagi Idris (of LCILP) on 25 May 2016 shows
in July 2017 shows “J Mifsud” owning 37,000 shares. him among a LCILP delegation visiting the campus.

Interesting fact: ● Nagi Idris (of LCILP) claimed to be a “visiting professor” at

Link. He was listed on Link’s website as a “foreign teacher” of
In 2007, INTO acquired its second Pilatus P-12 corporate economic history (here and here) but those mentions have since
aircraft. Company chairman Andrew Colin said: “It really been deleted.
has transformed the way we can do business. In one week
we attended meetings in Glasgow and Newcastle on the ● On a visit to Link (date unkown), Prasenjit Kumar of LSET (see
Monday, Oxford and London on the Tuesday, Exeter and below) met Olga Polonskaya, the Russian woman who posed as
Birmingham on the Wednesday, Glasgow again on the
President Putin’s niece during one of Mifsud’s meetings with ● An annual report from the university’s Institute of Aquaculture
Papadopoulos. described Mifsud as a “high profile” visitor to the institute in
● On 16 February 2016, Stephan Roh, a Swiss lawyer officially
resident in Monaco, registered a new “educational activities” ● On 8 April 2016 a Stirling University official circulated an email
company called Drake Global. Drake Global has since been boasting of Mifsud’s international connections, including those
reported to be investing in Link Campus University. with Russia. A second email, sent by the university’s deputy
principal, John Gardner, said Mifsud had “truly global contacts in
London School of Executive Training (LSET) the world of diplomacy and is on first name terms with a wide
variety of ambassadors from across the globe”.
● In 2014 LSET told inspectors from the British Accreditation
Council that it was “working in partnership” with the London ● On 13 April 2016 Mifsud gave a public lecture at the university
Academy of Diplomacy. entitled “Controlled or uncontrolled migration — a fortress EU or a
global response?”
● On Facebook, LSET’s owner, Prasenjit Kumar (aka Prasenjit
Kumar Singh) described Mifsud as one of his “good old friends” ● A university press release in July 2017 said Mifsud’s expertise
and posted a photo of himself and Mifsud in Albania, after a had “helped to refine the final recommendations” in a British
dinner with the Albanian deputy prime minister and an Albanian Council document on Brexit.
● Stirling embarked on a partnership with INTO in 2014.
● One of LSET’s governors, Charles Chatterjee, was “a visiting
academic” at London Diplomatic Academy and has also spoken ● Vincenzo Scotti, president of Link Campus University in Rome
at an event organised by LCILP. is an honorary professor at Stirling.

● Another of LSET’s governors is Prem Sharma, father of Alok Prasenjit Kumar

Sharma MP.
● Prasenjit Kumar (aka Prasenjit Kumar Singh) owns the London
Interesting facts: School of Executive Training (LSET) which was “working in
partnership” with the London Academy of Diplomacy.
● LSET had only five students at the time of its inspection by the
British Accreditation Council. ● On Facebook, Kumar described Mifsud as one of his “good old
friends” and posted a photo of himself and Mifsud in Albania,
● After attracting media attention LSET deleted the list of after a dinner with the Albanian deputy prime minister and an
governors from its website. Albanian MP.

University of East Anglia (UEA) ● On a visit to Link Campus University (date unkown), Kumar
met Olga Polonskaya, the Russian woman who posed as
President Putin’s niece during one of Mifsud’s meetings with
● UEA was the first university to establish a partnership with Papadopoulos.
INTO, in 2005.
● Around August/September 2017, met Polonskaya again, at the
● From 2010 to 2014 UEA housed the London Academy of Westfield shopping centre in London.
Diplomacy and validated its courses.
● Kumar has been involved in a succession of failed education
● UEA is a partner of Link Campus University in Rome. businesses. In 2009 one of these companies, Halifax College
(UK) Limited, made donations to the Conservative party in
University of Stirling Reading West amounting to £5,000. At the time, Reading West
was a marginal constituency held by Labour. The following year,
● Joseph Mifsud was a “professorial teaching fellow” at Stirling. Alok Sharma captured it for the Conservatives.
The university initially said he had been a full-time employee
since May 2017 but later said he had resigned on 23 November ● On 19 October 2017 Kumar and Mifsud attended a
2017. Conservative party fundraising dinner in Sharma’s constituency
where they were photographed side by side with Boris Johnson,
● Stirling validated courses at the London Academy of the British foreign secretary. Johnson had previously denied
Diplomacy from 2014 until its closure in 2016. “knowingly” meeting Mifsud.

Interesting fact:
After attracting media attention, Kumar deleted all relevant the British foreign secretary. Johnson had previously denied
posts from his Facebook page. “knowingly” meeting Mifsud.

Alok Sharma, MP ● Sharma admits to having met Mifsud “a couple of times” and to
having “briefly greeted” Mifsud at the fundraising dinner on 19
Alok Sharma has been Conservative MP for Reading West October 2017 but says he did not introduce Mifsud to Johnson.
since 2010 and briefly served as a junior minister in the
Foreign Office. Nagi Idris

● A few months before Sharma was elected, a company in which ● Nagi Idris founded the London Centre of International Law
Kumar was involved — Halifax College (UK) Limited — made Practice (LCILP) where Mifsud and Papadopoulos were both
donations to the Conservative party in Reading West amounting working between February and April 2016.
to £5,000.
● Idris claims to be a visiting professor at Link Campus
● In 2015 Sharma gave a public lecture at the London Academy University in Rome.
of Diplomacy where Mifsud was director.
● On 25 May 2016 Idris posted a photo on Twitter showing
● Alok Sharma’s father, Prem Sharma, is a governor of Kumar’s Papadopoulos among a delegation from LCILP visiting Link
London School of Executive Training. Campus University.

● On 19 October 2017 Kumar and Mifsud attended a

Conservative party fundraising dinner in Sharma’s constituency
where they were photographed side by side with Boris Johnson,

Film Director: ‘Buffoon’ Trump
Becoming President Is Proof ‘Deep State’
Doesn’t Exist
By Geoffrey Dickens
May 28, 2018 10:42 AM EDT

James Gunn, the director the of the blockbuster Marvel

movies Guardians of the Galaxy I and II, mocked those
who believed in an all-powerful deep state as he took to his
Twitter account to blast:

“If you believe in the Deep State, you really

think they’d let a buffoon like Trump
become President?”

Gunn, in a Twitter rant on May 23, slammed Trump as a

“nutjob” conspiracy theorist:

“We have an honest-to-goodness Tin-Foil-

the-Earth-Is-Flat-Is-Dead nutjob conspiracy
theorist as President of the United States.”

Gunn also ranted that Trump

“shamelessly lies on a daily basis” and is

“doing great damage to our Republic and
our Constitution.”

The following outbursts are taken from Gunn’s official

Twitter account:

Jonathan Turley Slams Crooked Cop Sally Yates –
President Trump Piles On (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 28, 2018, 2:41 Pm

On Memorial Day Monday attorney Jonathan Turley President Trump piled on Sally Yates
joined FOX and Friends to discuss the ongoing Mueller before his visit to Arlington Cemetery.
witch hunt and Obama spygate scandal.

During the interview Turley ripped former DOJ official

Sally Yates who shockingly opposed the Commander in
Chief during her tenure as acting Attorney General.

Turley told Griff Jenkins:

Roughly half of this country voted for this

president. We now find out that the Obama
administration put the opposing campaign’s
presidential candidate or his campaign
under investigation… The president
deserves some answers.

Judge Janine Unleashed: Comey, Clapper, Obama Are ‘All
Liars’ Trying To Ruin POTUS Trump
Posted On May 29, 2018

Left says…was put into or made contact

with the Trump campaign.

For his part, Clapper told ABC’s “The

View” that he doesn’t even like to use the
term “spy” in the context of placing them in
Trump’s campaign — though as DNI, he
was in the business of spying for the U.S.

That was too much for Pirro.

She said Clapper

(National Sentinel) Owned: Judge Janine Pirro slashed
and burned what was left of the reputations of several “lies whenever he opens his mouth”
Deep State figures and President Obama in an Opening
Statement during her weekend program.
and said the former DNI was guilty of leaking information
to CNN before going to work at the network as a paid
As Fox News reported, Pirro said Americans have to come contributor.
“face to face” with recent evidence indicating very clearly
that the Obama administration sought to “destroy Donald
Brennan, meanwhile, has said that by Trump labeling a
Trump” prior to the 2016 election.

“confidential human source” a “spy” does a

She noted further that there is
“disservice to that individual.”
“hard evidence that the deep state planned
Right. Calling a spy a spy is…wrong.
to take down our duly-elected president,”
adding that those responsible go from
“President Obama, on down.” “They’re all liars,” Pirro blasted, adding
that Obama and his administration were
“I for one am sick and tired of these “so determined to get Hillary Clinton
liars, leakers, and liberals attacking our elected that they let [her] skate on her
President when they are the ones who criminal activity” and instead created a
tried to frame him,” she noted. “narrative” against Trump.

Those leakers and liars include former Director of National This is all so obviously true it’s comical to see these Left-
Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John wing losers deny it at this point, using Orwellian language
Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey, and others. to distort what happened.

In particular, Pirro noted that Comey, Pirro goes on to note that we’ve not seen the limits of this
Clapper, and Brennan are three “liars who massive Spygate scandal yet. The FBI and Justice
can’t get their stories straight.” Department continue to fight Congress over the release of
She went on to play video of Comey telling comedian information that would finally lay out all the details and,
Conan O’Brien that he for some reason, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is
allowing the stonewalling of information that would not
“doesn’t find it possible and know[s] it not only clear his boss, but name those responsible for this
to be true” that a spy…or ‘informant,’ as the

Hopefully, in the coming months POTUS Trump fixed the Watch the Judge:
one mistake in judgment he’s had so far: Appointing

CNN’s April Ryan DRAGGED For Tweeting Conspiracy
Theory Claiming President Trump Runs A
Child Sex-Trafficking Ring
By Lucian Wintrich
May 28, 2018, 3:28 Pm

“If you’re a journalist w many followers & a

@CNNPolitics contributor…is it ok to
retweet any headline you want, regardless
of if it’s true? Remember:
“The core purpose of a journalist is to
research, document, write, & present the
news in an honest, ethical, & unbiased

CNN’s resident crackpot “analyst”, and White House

correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, April
Ryan took a break from re-tweeting complements to post
an article alleging President Trump runs a sex-trafficking
ring. In the still up, and undeleted tweet, April Ryan linked
to an article on race-baiting site “The Root” titled “Is the
Trump Administration Running a Child-Trafficking
Ring or Nah? Follow Me Down the Rabbit Hole”.

Fox News Media reporter Brian Flood and Fox 5 DC

reporter Britt McHenry also chimed in:

Ryan’s tweet caused outrage enough to catch the attention

of Melania Trump’s Comms Director, Stephanie Grisham Unsurprisingly, Ryan attempted to double down in
who took note of April Ryan’s more than 300k followers response to a Fox News article covering the controversial
and remarked: tweet,

“So apparently fox just wants to slam me
for clicks. and never read the article I
retweeted either. Lol! So sad! Hello it said
the conspiracies were unfounded. You just
need me to hate. Thank you!!”

Brian Flood wasn’t having it:

Why Did Michael Flynn Plead Guilty? Sara Carter Says
FBI Agent Pientka Wants A Chance To ‘State The Truth’
About Fateful Interview
Posted On May 28, 2018

pleading guilty to making false statements to the FBI

during his Jan. 24 questioning.

And as of yet, there are no answers as to why.

Investigative journalist Sara A. Carter writes that the agent

who accompanied Peter Strzok to interview Flynn, Joe
Pientka, may soon be able to provide some of those

She also notes that some parts of the Pientka tale as it

(National Sentinel) Testimony: For months there have pertain’s to Comey’s role in all of this are not accurate.
been renewed questions regarding why retired Army Lt. She writes:
Gen. Michael Flynn, POTUS Trump’s first national FBI Special Agent Joe Pientka, if
security advisor pleaded guilty to one count of lying to FBI subpoenaed, will provide testimony
agents. regarding the circumstances surrounding
his interview with former National Security
According to various reports, the two agents who Advisor Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn,
interviewed Flynn in January 2017 as he and the rest of sources with knowledge have been telling
Trump’s transition team were preparing to take the reins of this reporter for more than a year.
power never thought he was being dishonest with them And recent reports scattered across social
regarding conversations he had the previous month with media and some news outlets claiming
Russia’s ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak. that Pientka’s testimony will bring down
former FBI Director James Comey, are
Reports have said that Flynn was interviewed without a not true. For nearly a year, I have reported
lawyer present. Some have suggested that Flynn had no that Pientka, who at the time I addressed
idea he was being interrogated has part of a Deep State as the second agent in the interview with
probe into the Trump campaign. Flynn, would testify if subpoenaed. But so
far Pientka, has not been subpoenaed for
“According to two sources familiar with the his testimony. Pientka and embattled FBI
meetings, Comey told lawmakers that the Special Agent Peter Strzok, interviewed
FBI agents who interviewed Flynn did not Flynn on Jan. 24, 2017 about his
believe that Flynn had lied to them, or that conversation with former Russian
any inaccuracies in his answers were Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, as first
intentional,” reported by the Washington reported here.
Examiner‘s Byron York in February. “As a Pientka, who has never spoken to a
result, some of those in attendance came journalist, according to several sources
away with the impression that Flynn would with knowledge, is expected to speak to
not be charged with a crime pertaining to members of the Senate Judiciary
the Jan. 24 interview.” Committee if subpoenaed to discuss the
circumstances regarding his role in the
However, nine months later — with Comey having been investigation into Flynn and the interview
fired by Trump and special counsel Robert Mueller now in that he was a part of at the White House.
charge of the Russia-Trump probe — Flynn wound up Highly classified information regarding
Flynn’s conversation with Kislyak was
leaked to columnist David Ignatius of Is he cooperating with Mueller? If so, what information is
the Washington Post in January, 2017 he providing? Mueller already has a guilty plea so it’s not
which spurred the controversy around a matter of going to court and losing.
Flynn and eventually led to his firing in
February, 2017. Is Mueller pushing back Flynn’s sentencing because he
It’s this reporters understanding that knows the accusation is bogus, and thus the plea is bogus?
Pientka will account for what Flynn said
in the interview and will give context to Time will tell.
the FBI’s accusation that he lied during
the interview. If asked, Pientka will also Fed up with stonewalling by the Justice Department and
give his personal opinion as to whether FBI, Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Charles
or not that was actually the case. He will Grassley has demanded that the agencies comply with
also discuss how forthcoming Flynn requests made over a year ago for all documents related to
was about very specific sensitive their investigation into Flynn.
information that Flynn could not have
possibly known the investigators
The Committee has also requested that Pientka be made
already knew, which may give additional
insight into Flynn’s veracity and willingness
to tell the truth.
“for a transcribed interview with Committee
staff no later than one week following the
It’s worth noting that despite Flynn’s guilty plea, his court
production of the requested documents.”
date for sentencing has been pushed back on more than
one occasion, leading to even more speculation as to
what’s going on with Flynn and his case.

Viral “First Look” Photo Of Caged
Children At ICE Detention Center Sets Off Liberal Fire-
Storm… Only It Happened Under Obama
By Lucian Wintrich
May 28, 2018, 5:38 Pm

Sunday, liberal Twitter users including prominent far-left

figures such as Linda Sarsour, hack writer Jon Favreau,
and journalists such as CNN’s Hadas Gold set off on an
outrage campaign over a photo of two illegal immigrant
children sleeping in a cage at an ICE detention center…
there’s only one problem…

The “First Look” article published by AZ

Central was published back in 2014…
when Obama was president. It took awhile
for the liberals who were pushing the image
to realize this, with some tweets now
deleted but others still up after having been
retweeted tens of thousands of times.

Shaun King wasted no time in militarizing the Obama-era

photo against the Trump administration, tweeting

“I saw this photo floating around and didn’t

know if it was real. It is. Children of
immigrants are being held in cages, like
dogs, at ICE detention centers, sleeping on
the floor. It’s an abomination.”

Linda Sarsour kept her remarks a little simpler:

Hadas Gold deleted her previous tweet where she used the
photo against the Trump administration before being
corrected, pretending that she merely “gave the
impression” the photos were recent:

Hate-Filled Liberals Attack
Ivanka Trump For Posting Picture With Her Son
By Cristina Laila
May 28, 2018, 5:57 Pm

Never mind this also happened during the Obama years.

Liberals are only outraged over this because Trump is
president and Ivanka is evil for celebrating her love for her

In 2014, nearly 70,000 unaccompanied migrant children

from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala flooded the
US-Mexico border. This surge of minor migrants created a
crisis for US detention centers and overwhelmed state
municipalities. Because of the vast number of illegal
minors surging the border, many of them weren’t even
processed and the Office of Refugee Resettlement lost
track of many of them.

But only Trump is at fault when federal authorities lose

track of illegal alien children.

Liberals were also outraged this weekend over photos of

children in cages–only it happened under Obama. Again,
where was the outrage when Obama was president?

Take a look at the grotesque attacks by liberals:

Ivanka Trump posted a picture of herself

holding her youngest child on Sunday and
the liberals immediately went into attack
Ivanka Trump tweeted a picture of herself
holding her toddler son with the caption: My
♥️! #SundayMorning

Sane people would look at this picture and find it beautiful.

The hate-filled liberals on the other hand were angry with

Ivanka Trump because federal authorities lost track of
migrant children.


Trump Mocks Dem Lawmaker
For Introducing Bill To Repeal GOP Tax Cuts
By Morgan Gstalter
05/28/18 06:02 PM EDT

President Trump took to Twitter on Monday to mock a Polis hit back at the president on Twitter, accusing the
Democratic lawmaker for introducing a bill to repeal the president and Republicans of standing up for "corporate
GOP tax cuts, writing the move was special interests" with their legislation.

“too good to be true for Republicans.”

“A Democratic lawmaker just introduced a
bill to Repeal the GOP Tax Cuts (no
chance),” Trump tweeted on Memorial Day.

His bill is the first that would move to entirely reverse the
GOP tax cuts and is unlikely to receive serious
consideration while Republicans control both chambers of

Trump was responding to Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) who House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and
introduced a bill Wednesday that would undo the tax cuts Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
passed by Republicans last year. unveiled a proposal Tuesday that would eliminate a tax cut
for the top 1 percent of earners.
Polis’s legislation, titled the Students Over Special
Interests Act, would repeal the GOP tax law and redirect That money would be used to invest in pay raises for
the additional taxpayer money toward erasing student loan teachers.
debt and making college more affordable.
—Updated at 6:36 p.m.

Former CIA Chief Michael Hayden: Russian Impact
'Unknowable,' 'Trump Is The President'
By Tom Blumer
May 28, 2018 6:42 PM EDT

By the way, all of those were wrong. All

of those are incorrect. All of those are
stunningly normal in -- in -- in the
development of intelligence and law
enforcement. But you know what, I talk to a
lot of people in the country. And for a lot of
people in the country, one or another or
many of those things have already
MARTHA RADDATZ: It -- it totally

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden appeared on Hayden's argument comes across as,
ABC's This Week on Sunday. Hayden criticized President
Donald Trump's behavior during the on-off-on North "The intelligence community didn't do any
Korean negotiations, and claimed Trump is of things Trump described" (despite
substantial contrary evidence), "but even if
"trying to delegitimize the Mueller they did, it's all perfectly normal."
investigation, the FBI, (and) the
Department of Justice." Raddatz might have believed that Hayden's North Korea
and Trump-Spygate comments meant that he would agree
Host Martha Raddatz then asked about statements made in with Clapper on Russian election influence. It didn't
a new book and on TV this past week by former Director happen. Hayden effectively said that what Clapper should
of National Intelligence James Clapper, who wants the not have said what he said, and then uttered five words
public to believe that Russian influence swung the 2016 which seemed to catch the host off-guard:
presidential election to Trump.

If Raddatz expected Hayden to confirm Clapper's

assessment — Why else would someone who couldn't hold
back her tears on Election Night 2016 ask about it? —
he forcefully disappointed her.

On Trump-Mueller, Hayden contended that Trump will

"throw almost anything against the wall" to delegitimize
Mueller. Then, in an astonishing and contradictory pair of
statements, he said in one breath that all of Trump's claims
about the Obama administration's alleged abuse of its
surveillance and spying authority are false, but in the next
breath claimed that what they're accused of doing is MARTHA RADDATZ: And just very quickly,
"stunningly normal" anyway: I want to ask you about a comment from
former director of National Intelligence
James Clapper, who did work under -
wiretapping Trump Tower, unmasking U.S. MICHAEL HAYDEN: Yes.
identities, FISA applications that were RADDATZ: - President Obama. Listen to
abused and now we have -- now we have what he said on Wednesday.
JAMES CLAPPER: Knowing what I know
of what the Russians did, there's a massive
effort that they undertook. It stretches HAYDEN: I, I, I do not say that.
credulity, as I said in the book, and logic RADDATZ: -- without, without evidence.
that -- not to think that they didn’t help
swing the election given the fact that HAYDEN: There - Look. We are here. You
that it turned on less than 80,000 votes invite folks like us on your show
in three states. because we’re the fact witnesses, not
because we have opinions.
RADDATZ: I don’t know whether you agree
with him or not. RADDATZ: OK. Thanks very much for
joining us, Director Hayden, this morning.
HAYDEN: I - look. I, I agree that the
Russians affected the election. But how HAYDEN: Thank you.
much they affected it is not just While Hayden wouldn't personally call out Clapper, his
unknown, it is unknowable and so we statement that "we should stop talking about it"
should stop talking about it. Donald accomplished that task anyway.
Trump is the President.
RADDATZ: Which I was just going to ask
you. So you think it is inappropriate from a
former --

GROSS. CNN Pours On The Hate – Blames Lovely Ivanka
Trump For Obama Migrant Scandal
By Jim Hoft
May 28, 2018, 6:54 Pm

And CNN even ran a segment attacking Ivanka for the

lovely photo.

As Jack Posobiec says,

“CNN connecting Ivanka’s photos to

Obama scandals is pure communist

Ivanka Trump posted a picture of herself

holding her youngest child on Sunday and
the liberals immediately went into attack
Ivanka Trump tweeted a picture of herself
holding her toddler son with the caption: My
♥️! #SundayMorning

Sane people would look at this picture and find it beautiful.

The hate-filled liberals on the other hand were angry with

Ivanka Trump because federal authorities lost track of
migrant children.

Several leftists attacked Ivanka over the lovely picture

trying to tie her to an Obama immigrant scandal.

So, Who Hired Stefan Halper,
Alleged Trump Campaign ‘Informant?’
Posted On May 29, 2018

(National Sentinel) Mystery: By now, everyone who is officials later alleged that Halper had used
paying any attention at all to the Trump-Russia collusion former CIA agents to run an operation
witch hunt and resulting “Spygate” revelations knows the against Carter. Halper called the reports at
name Stefan Halper. the time “absolutely false” and has long
denied the accusations.
He’s been identified by The Washington Post as the
‘informant’ who contacted three Trump campaign officials According to the Post’s reporting, Halper as an FBI asset
in 2016 before would have been under very deep cover; the only ones
who would know he was on assignment were the few FBI
“he began providing information to the FBI.” agents actually working the case — and the brass at the
time (that would very likely have included Obama).
The Post noted as well that Halper is a
So we know four things:
“retired American professor and foreign
policy expert for Republican presidents.” 1) Halper is a Republican operative;
2) He’s likely experienced in spying on political
The paper also reported, as have others, that Trump’s campaigns;
National Trade Council adviser Peter Navarro 3) He’s worked for the FBI; and
4) He’s a CIA asset.
recommended Halper for a senior administration position
such as U.S. ambassador to China (which would have been
a big deal). What we don’t know at this juncture is:

The Post reported: who tapped him to spy on or otherwise

infiltrate the Trump campaign?
That Halper would be considered for a job
in a Republican administration isn’t Who would tap a Republican operative to spy on
surprising. He worked in the Richard a Republican presidential campaign? It would have had to
Nixon and Ronald Reagan have been someone who has used Halper in the past and
administrations and on a George H.W. who trusted him — and who, perhaps, was like-minded
Bush campaign. In the Reagan and equally offended that a “rogue” like Trump could win
administration, he was deputy assistant the GOP nomination, let alone the White House.
secretary of state for political-military
affairs, a job that would make him a key Was it ‘Republican’ James Comey?
presidential adviser on military strategy and ‘Republican’ Rod Rosenstein? And just
international security. how does ‘Republican’ Robert Mueller, who
would eventually be named special counsel
In a separate profile story, the Post further noted that after Comey admitted he purposely
Halper has been involved in ‘controversy’ before — leaked his memos to spur a special
involving spying on a rival political campaign: counsel investigation, fit into this
After the 1980 race, Halper was caught up
in a scandal concerning alleged political Comey and Mueller are long-time buds; they go way back.
spying. Aides to Reagan, including Halper, They all go ‘way back.’ So does Halper. And the folks
were accused of having spied on Carter’s who put together this scam would want to be familiar with
campaign and obtaining private documents each other’s work; they wouldn’t want any ‘amateurs’ on
that Carter was using to prepare for a an operation of this magnitude. They’d only want people
debate. Some Reagan White House they could trust, people who were part of ‘the club.’

And from our vantage point, the operation to infiltrate If we knew who tapped Halper to reprise his role as
Trump’s campaign, to launch Spygate, features a whole campaign spy, that would tell us a great deal about how
bunch of establishment Republicans who got involved at this phony operation began in the first place.
various points along the way.
We’re betting you all would recognize many of those
And that may be the biggest scandal of all: That Trump’s names.
own party functionaries were working with Obama to
conspire against him as well.

With The DOJ IG’s Report Forthcoming – We’ll Soon
Know If IG Horowitz Is Honest Man Or Deep State
By Jim Hoft
May 29, 2018, 8:32 Am

former FBI Lead Inspector Peter Strzok and counterpart

Lisa Page’s text messages that the FBI said were lost –

In a letter to congressional leaders, Inspector General

Michael Horowitz said his office “succeeded in using
forensic tools” to recover messages between senior FBI
agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page during a key
five-month period ending the day special counsel Robert
Mueller III was appointed to investigate possible
coordination between the Kremlin and Trump’s campaign.
The missing messages have sparked a political firestorm in
recent days, as GOP leaders and the president have
questioned how the FBI failed to retain them.

As we noted in January, there are a few Mueller hired both Strzok and Page on his team of corrupt
heroes to date in the Obamagate and conflicted Trump-Russia investigators. They were part
scandal – the Republicans in the House of the biased group of far left Obama and Clinton
including Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan, Matt supporters hired by Mueller. Strzok and Page were
Gaetz, and others; Senator Charles removed from the team after his text messages were
Grassley from Iowa and his Senate selected in an investigation carried out by the IG. When
Judiciary Committee; patriots in the identified, the IG notified Mueller who then removed
media like Sean Hannity and others at Strzok and Page from his team. The claim was that they
FOX News; and, the growing were biased against President Trump and therefore
conservative websites on the Internet removed, however, this didn’t hold water because
like this one. Mueller’s whole team is that way.

We will soon know whether the DOJ IG Horowitz is credited with pushing for more transparency in
is a hero as well. Let’s hope this guy is the government and assisted in setting up a website to
good. provide up to date IG report releases to the public.

In January we said that many in the media were getting Horowitz also released a report related to the 2016 election
excited about the upcoming release of the IG’s report into and this was in relation to Andrew McCabe. The IG’s
his investigation of abuses at the DOJ. But if it turns out report appeared fair and well written. He subsequently
that Horowitz is part of the deep state, the report may be recommended charges against McCabe. (But in the report
disappointing. itself, the IG reported that Obama’s DOJ tried to throw
McCabe under the bus in the months leading up to the
It’s now been another five months since the above election. So if no other corrupt government individuals are
comments were first posted and we have yet to see the outed for their obvious crimes in the upcoming report,
IG’s report. Some expect that the report may finally come Horowitz would appear to be just another member of Deep
out this week. Once it’s released we should finally know
for sure if IG Horowitz is a good guy or just another Deep
State slug. Is IG Horowitz a Card Carrying Member of Deep
Is IG Horowitz a Good Guy?
Horowitz was nominated by President Obama in July 2011
There’s reason to believe that Horowitz is a good guy. In to be Inspector General of the DOJ. Before this he was at
January Horowitz announced that he located the corrupt
Harvard where he was groomed by the likes of individuals Rosenstein acted as if he knew that IG Horowitz was going
like former corrupt US Representative Barney Frank. to give him and the DOJ a pass.

Prior to working in private practice, Mr. Horowitz worked

in DOJ from 1991 to 2002. In the early 1990s, he worked
for former fired FBI Director Comey while the two of
them were in the Southern District of New York.

The fact that Horowitz was IG at the DOJ

since 2012 under the Obama
Administration is concerning.

There is no evidence that he ordered an inspection into AG

Lynch when it was reported that she met with President
Clinton on a tarmac in 2016 and then a week later when
Hillary Clinton was given a pass by crooked FBI Director
Comey. We don’t know that the IG looked into any IG Horowitz stated that he has located all the text
number of Obama era crimes and corrupt actions. We messages that the FBI reported as missing but we really
don’t know that he looked into the reasons for why the don’t know yet whether he has them all and what is in
DOJ is delaying emails and documents to Congress or them. We also don’t know what is in his report into DOJ
Judicial Watch concerning scandals during the Obama abuse.
years. The biggest and highest risk areas of the Obama era
were never touched or never had any issues identified and In January Horowitz cancelled his meeting in front of
reported to the public. Congress after Congress sent the four page FISA report to
the President for release. Did the IG cancel because he
(Subsequent to our January post, many wanted to determine what was in the FISA memo so that
readers commented to suggest that his investigation’s report was not materially different?
Horowitz had his hand’s tied by Obama’s
former AG Holder who changed the rules We should know soon whether the DOJ
by allowing government officials to decide IG is a good guy or just another member
which documents to hand over to the IG of the Deep State. Obama was so
and his team when requested.) corrupt! There is still much to do to
drain the swamp!
When crooked Rod Rosenstein was in front of Congress he
kept referring to the IG’s pending report into the DOJ and

Trump Didn’t Lose 1,500 Immigrant Kids,
But Obama ‘Lost’ 4,159
By Joe Saunders
May 29, 2018 At 8:33am

Instead, they have been placed in the custody of relatives

inside the United States who have not responded to follow-
up efforts by the Department of Health and Human
Services — often because they are illegal immigrants
themselves, who have little interest in contact with
immigration officials.

In other words, there are not 1,475 children wandering

around the U.S.-Mexico border like some kind of
dysfunctional Peter Pan story. They’ve been placed with
families in the interior of the United States.

More to the point, an even greater number of children —

As far as media double standards go, it’s a double helping almost three times as many — were “lost” in the same way
of hypocrisy. by the allegedly all-good and all-caring Obama
administration, according to The Times.
For the past week, the mainstream media has been filled
with headlines claiming that the Trump administration has “Losing track of children who arrive at the
“lost” almost 1,500 illegal immigrant children who were border alone is not a new phenomenon,”
detained while crossing the border into the United States The Times reported. “A 2016 inspector
— from a widely circulated USA Today column to the old general report showed that the federal
#Resistance standby CNN. government was able to reach only 84
percent of children it had placed, leaving
But in the latest media misfire aimed at making President 4,159 unaccounted for.”
Donald Trump look bad, it’s the liberal hero Barack
Obama who ends up looking even worse — and the truth is Does anyone remember CNN, USA TODAY or other
coming from surprising sources. mainstream media outlets attacking the Obama
administration for deplorable treatment of illegal aliens?
The basic — and completely wrong — liberal narrative is
that a Trump get-tough policy that separates children from The answer to that would be “no,” because the media and
illegal immigrants who have been caught trying to enter the Democrat Party didn’t have a vested interest in
the country has ended up with authorities losing track of skewing the truth.
Things are different in the Trump years. And Trump’s new
But according to The New York Times — the house organ “zero tolerance” policy on illegal immigration — which
of the Democrat Party and chief propaganda outlet for the includes criminal charges against every adult caught trying
anti-Trump movement — the real story is much different. to enter the country illegally — is the latest front where
liberals are attacking.
First of all, the children in this particular subset of illegal
immigrants weren’t even with their families when they And if that means making up a lie that Trump’s policy has
were caught. They were traveling unaccompanied by their resulted in almost 1,500 kids being “lost,” that’s just part
parents, so there was no separation. of the #Resistance strategy.

Second, they haven’t even been “lost” in the sense the As reported by The Washington Post (another mainstream
media is implying. media enemy of the Trump administration):

“As mentioned before, the 1,475 children Well, there are a couple of things more shameful than that.
were not separated from their parents at
the border. However, many who have Lying to the American public, like Bahara is
expressed outrage online about family doing, is one of them. (For a layman to
separations have been appending their confuse immigration policies is one thing.
tweets with the hashtags For a former federal prosecutor to get a key
#WhereAreTheChildren or element of an accusation wrong almost
#MissingChildren, intentionally or requires deliberate malice.)
unintentionally linking the two issues.
“Some who should have been better For liberals in the media to denounce a sitting president for
informed also conflated the two, implying alleged inhumanity toward illegal immigrants for one
that federal officials had lost 1,500 problem, while ignoring a problem three times as big when
immigrant children who had been taken his predecessor was in office is another.
from their parents, when this was not the
case.” The reality is, Trump and his
administration haven’t “lost” 1,475
Preet Bahara, the former United States attorney for the children in the way the media
Southern District of New York — a liberal hero who was desperately wants Americans to believe.
fired by Trump in 2017 — was among those who, as The
The other reality is that Obama officials
Post delicately put it, “should have known better.”
really did lose 4,159 children by the
current standards of the media /
Democrat industrial complex. And the
currently outraged liberals never
breathed a word about it.

Even in the Trump years, it’s a double standard that’s

tough to beat.

Trump Worries Mueller Team
May ‘Meddle’ In Midterm Elections
Saagar Enjeti - White House Correspondent
8:59 AM 05/29/2018

U.S. President Donald Trump sits in the Oval Office of the White
House in Washington, U.S., May 26, 2018. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas Trump referenced the number of registered Democrats and
former operatives on Mueller’s investigatory team and
President Donald Trump accused special counsel Robert singled out Andrew Weissmann in particular. Weissman is
Mueller and his team of investigators of attempting to a Mueller team investigator who attended Hillary Clinton’s
meddle in the 2018 midterm elections. election night party at the Jacob Javits center in November

Weissman also sent congratulatory emails to former acting

Attorney General Sally Yates for refusing to comply with a
presidential order to implement his travel ban order in the
early days of the Trump administration.

Kellyanne Conway On Michelle Wolf’s Sarah Sanders
Jokes: I Remember ‘When Comedians Were Funny’
Justin Caruso - Senior Media Reporter
10:19 AM 05/29/2018

and speaking to America on what is a very

fast-moving agenda here,” Conway said.
“The sheer velocity and volume that goes
on in this White House, the things that the
president wants to work on — we just
reviewed them this morning. So, I hate to
dignify it. I would say, generally speaking,
not about that woman, but generally
speaking, I’m old enough to remember
White House counselor Kellyanne Conway hit back at when comedians were funny,” she added.
Michelle Wolf after her attacks on Sarah Sanders Tuesday.

Conway said that she remembered “when comedians were

funny” on “Fox & Friends.”


Wolf used her new Netflix show to attack Sarah Sanders

for having an “ugly personality.”

“I hardly saw that, but all I can talk about is

Sarah. I love working with her every single
day here at the White House. She does a
wonderful job representing the president

CNN Really Soiled Their Sheets
This Weekend – The Daily Daily Caller Podcast
Derek Hunter - Contributor
11:17 AM 05/29/2018

On today’s episode of The Daily Daily Caller Podcast … weekend … until someone realized the pictures they were
upset about were taken during the Obama administration.
It was not a good weekend for CNN. Not ratings-wise, Suddenly, tweets by liberal activists decrying the practice
they don’t make good ratings ever, but from a journalistic started disappearing. Even former Obama administration
standpoint. officials were pretending the “outrage” they were blaming
on Trump didn’t happen at a time when they were
responsible and could have done something to stop it. You
On Sunday, James “the clap” Clapper was on State of the
can’t make this stuff up, and we mock them roundly for it.
Union with host Dana Bash and she asked the former
Director of National Intelligence a basic question – if the
intelligence community was so concerned that Russians
were attempting to infiltrate the Trump campaign, why
didn’t you warn them? Clapper was completely unprepared
for this basic question because he’d been living in a world
where even mildly challenging questions are not asked of

Former DNI James Clapper gives his excuse as to why he lied to the
Senate Intelligence Committee. ABC/ Screenshot | James Clapper:
Kim Jong Un Met His Match

Clapper’s answer was pathetic, and basically boiled down

to “We had to send in spies in order to find out if we
Screen capture from Twitter
needed to send in spies.” This “logic” means any
American can be spied on to find out if there’s a reason to
spy on them, which is incredibly dangerous. Finally, CNN declared an outrage over a picture of Ivanka
Trump with her 2-year-old son because illegal alien
children are being separated from their illegal alien parents
Clapper also claimed he wasn’t told of the spying, saying
at the border. In typical CNN fashion, this “outrage” was
he shouldn’t have been told in order to “protect the
basically a few liberal activists who complain about
source.” Apparently Clapper doesn’t think he should be
anything anyone named Trump does. But that didn’t stop
trusted with the identity of spies because why? Does he
CNN from devoting an entire segment to the “backlash”
just become a fountain of information to anyone within
Ivanka was facing, even though no source for this
earshot after a couple of glasses of chardonnay? It was a
“backlash” was mentioned in the segment. Where was it
shockingly bad performance and we have all the audio for
coming from? CNN doesn’t say, because citing your own
you on the show.
newsroom doesn’t look particularly good, probably.
There was an outrage explosion over the weekend by
liberals upset at the conditions in which sweet, sweet,
nourishing illegal alien children were being held by the
Trump administration. Forced to sleep in cages, these
children became THE liberal cause of the Memorial Day

MITT ROMNEY Goes On NBC To Slam Trump:
He Is Not A Role Model – President Departs
“From The Truth” (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
May 29, 2018, 11:47 Am

It’s safe to say we know what Mitt Romney will be like as

a US Senator.

He’s a #NeverTrumper to the core.

On Tuesday Mitt Romney went on NBC to slam

Republican President Donald Trump.

The Washington Times reported:

Mitt Romney said Tuesday that President

Trump is not the role model he would want
for his grandchildren.
“I don’t think I would point to the president
as a role model for my grandkids on the
basis of his personal style. He has
departed in some cases from the truth, and
has attacked in a way that I think is not
entirely appropriate,” Mr. Romney said to
NBC News. Mitt Romney is running against Utah Doctor Rep. Mike
Kennedy for the US senate seat.
The former Republican presidential candidate is running
for the Republican Senate nomination in Utah. The seat
will be vacated by longtime Sen. Orrin Hatch.

Mr. Romney said there are policy points he and Mr. Trump
agree on such as tax policy and regulatory policy, but said
he would have liked to see more effort on the Trans-
Pacific Partnership. He said some of the policies are “a
good deal better” than he expected.

And His Team Of “13 Angry Democrats”
In Epic Tweetstorm
By Cristina Laila
May 29, 2018, 11:55 Am

President Trump unleashed another

tweetstorm attacking Mueller and his
team of liberal hack lawyers Tuesday
The President’s attacks on the Russia
witch hunt are becoming a daily routine
at this point. It appears he’s gearing up
to make an aggressive move to fight the
unconstitutional special counsel.

Round two:

The 13 Angry Democrats (plus people who

worked 8 years for Obama) working on the
rigged Russia Witch Hunt, will be
MEDDLING with the mid-term elections,
especially now that Republicans (stay
tough!) are taking the lead in Polls. There
was no Collusion, except by the

Over a dozen Democrat lawyers are working with Mueller

to remove President Trump from office.

Many of Mueller’s lawyers donated to Hillary Clinton and

Barack Obama yet the media refuses to report on this
blatant bias.

President Trump let them have it Tuesday morning.

Round three:
Round one:
Why aren’t the 13 Angry and heavily
“This investigation involved far more conflicted Democrats investigating the
surveillance than we ever had any idea totally Crooked Campaign of totally
about. It wasn’t just a wiretap against a Crooked Hillary Clinton. It’s a Rigged Witch
campaign aide…it was secretly gathering Hunt, that’s why! Ask them if they enjoyed
information on the Trump Campaign… her after election celebration!
people call that Spying… this is
unprecedented and scandalous.” -Mollie

cronies. As we reported over the past year Mueller’s team
consists of the following:

 Rush Atkinson, an attorney on detail from the Criminal

Division’s Fraud Section at the Department of Justice
— Donated $200 to Clinton in 2016
 Peter Carr – DOJ spokesman under Barack Obama.
 Andrew Goldstein, a public corruption prosecutor on
detail from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern
District of New York— Worked under Trump-basher
Preet Bharara in the liberal New York southern
Round four:
 Adam Jed, an appellate attorney on detail from DOJ’s
Sorry, I’ve got to start focusing my energy Civil Division. — Defended Obamacare at the DOJ.
on North Korea Nuclear, bad Trade Deals,  Elizabeth Prelogar, an appellate attorney on detail
VA Choice, the Economy, rebuilding the from the Office of the Solicitor General. -Fluent in
Military, and so much more, and not on the Russian; former law clerk to Justices Ruth Bader
Rigged Russia Witch Hunt that should be Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.
investigating Clinton/ Russia/ FBI /Justice  James Quarles, a former partner at WilmerHale and a
/Obama /Comey /Lynch etc. former assistant special prosecutor for the Watergate
Special Prosecution Force. –Former assistant special
prosecutor on the Watergate Special Prosecution
 Jeannie Rhee, a former partner at WilmerHale who
has served in the Office of Legal Counsel at DOJ and
as an assistant U.S. attorney for the District of
Columbia. — Rhee is a Clinton Foundation
Lawyer and former Deputy Assistant Attorney
General in the Office of Legal Counsel under
Barack Obama.
 Brandon Van Grack, an attorney on detail from the
Justice Department’s National Security Division.
Round five: — Led a grand jury inquiry in Northern Virginia
scrutinizing former Trump associate Michael
The Fake Mainstream Media has, from the Flynn’s foreign lobbying.
time I announced I was running for  Aaron Zebley, a former partner at WilmerHale who
President, run the most highly has previously served with Mueller at the FBI and has
sophisticated & dishonest Disinformation served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the Eastern
Campaign in the history of politics. No District of Virginia. — Worked with Robert Mueller at
matter how well WE do, they find fault. But the WilmerHale firm.
the forgotten men & women WON, I’m  Zainab Ahmad, a top national security prosecutor on
President! detail from U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District
of New York.
 Michael Dreeben, an appellate attorney on detail from
the Office of the Solicitor General, described by former
colleagues as one of the brightest criminal law experts
of the past two generations.

Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page were thrown off of
the investigation after Trump-hating text messages
between the two FBI agents were discovered by the IG.

Mueller’s witch hunt needs to be shut down; a special

The Gateway Pundit relentlessly reports Mueller’s team is counsel should be appointed to investigate Mueller and
a who’s who of corrupt and conflicted Obama and Hillary Rosenstein.

State Dept. Asks Judge For 45 Years
To Review Fake Dossier Docs
By Ben Marquis
May 29, 2018 At 12:40pm

seeks “All e-mails sent and received” by Nuland between

March 1, 2016 and January 25, 2017, as well as telephone
message slips and call logs — a request that has largely
been ignored by the department since that time.

The request has since transformed into a lawsuit, and a

federal judge has ordered the State Department to produce
the documents requested by Citizens United, but a recent
filing revealed that the government bureaucrats are
dragging their feet at such a slow rate that they literally
asked for several decades worth of time to comply with the
While much has been said about the roles played by the
Obama-era Department of Justice and FBI in utilizing the According to a Joint Status Report filed in the case on May
Democrat-financed anti-Donald Trump dossier compiled 23, attorneys for the State Department complained that
by a former British spy to open a counterintelligence some 104,629 documents could be considered “potentially
investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign, less has been responsive” to the request, and even if some were excluded
said about the possible role played by State Department using certain keywords, they’d still need to sift through
officials. roughly 95,000 documents.

The Washington Times reported in March on a book The State Department’s attorneys complained that the
written by two liberal authors — Yahoo News reporter department “has faced a heavy FOIA workload for some
Michael Isikoff and Mother Jones magazine founder David time” and stated that they could only produce about 300
Corn, who have themselves been implicated in the documents per month in this case, due to several other
formation of the dossier — titled “Russian Roulette,” FOIA requests they also were court-ordered to comply
which delved deep into the Trump/Russia collusion with.
conspiracy theory.
As an aside, maybe if the previous heads of that
That book alleged that a former top State department hadn’t engaged in so many shady activities —
Department official at the time, Victoria such as using unauthorized and unsecured email servers —
Nuland, granted clearance and gave the they wouldn’t have such a large FOIA workload.
green light for an FBI agent to meet with
dossier author Christopher Steele in Rome But attorneys for Citizens United noted in their portion of
in July 2016. This is believed to have been the filed report the urgent nature of their request. It relates
the start of the FBI/Steele relationship in not only to the prior 2016 election, but also the upcoming
terms of the collection of unverified anti- 2018 and 2020 federal elections, as well as the right of the
Trump memos. public to know about the alleged political activities of
State Department officials.
That book seemed to confirm suspicions that Nuland, and
other State Department officials in her orbit as well, were As such, they pointed out that the department’s requested
involved in the effort to prevent then-candidate Trump minimum production level would essentially require 45 to
from winning the 2016 election, or hamstring his 66 years for them to produce less than one year’s worth of
administration and lead to his impeachment if he documents from one individual at the department, an
succeeded in taking office. unjustifiable request in their view.

Those suspicions led to the filing of a Freedom of

Information Act request with the State Department by the
group Citizens United in October 2017. The FOIA request
done nothing for six months since the filing of the FOIA
request other than conduct an initial search to determine
how many documents would be “potentially responsive” to
the request.

“Furthermore, as our nation approaches

the upcoming 2018 federal elections, and
then as our nation will turn to the
presidential primary season for the 2020
elections, it will be extremely important for
the American people to have a more
complete picture of the State Department’s
alleged political activities, including any role
in opposition research of a presidential
candidate during the 2016 elections,” the
Instead, the plaintiffs requested the judge set a deadline of Citizens United attorneys concluded.
one year for the State Department to fully produce — or
adequately explain why they were withholding — the This request by the State Department to take at least 45 to
requested documents. 66 years to produce less than one year’s worth of emails
from one former official is indeed entirely unacceptable.
It’s a request that should be slapped down by the judge,
The attorneys further argued that the State Department had and it should earn an internal rebuke, if not worse, from
already breached a statutory deadline and appeared to have current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Warren Says Trump Invented
‘Spygate’ Because He’s Afraid Of Mueller
Virginia Kruta
1:15 PM 05/29/2018

Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts “You know, look, Trump is figuring out what
claimed that “Spygate” was an fantasy of President works, and that is the more he is afraid of
Donald Trump’s invention, used to distract people from what the special prosecutor, Mueller, is
the Mueller investigation that might be getting a little too doing, the more Trump is worried about
close for comfort. where that investigation is going. And
remember, that investigation has already
She said he has figured out what “works” to distract the produced 16 indictments or guilty pleas, so
American people, and “he’s throwing everything he can in this is a serious — A serious criminal
the road” investigation. As Trump hears the hoof
beats that that’s getting closer to him, he’s
throwing everything he can in the road
including, oh, let’s undermine the FBI.”

Warren, who admitted that she wasn’t quite ready to say

that Trump should be impeached, said that her main
priority was to make sure that Mueller was allowed to
finish his investigation without political interference. She

“I take this very seriously. This is a serious

constitutional move. My view on this is
protect the special prosecutor, let him finish
his work without political interference. Let
Joy Behar first raised the question of “Spygate,” saying
him make a full report to the American
that President Trump appeared to be “making it up as he
people and then collectively we can make
goes along,” and lamented that “people are believing him.”
the decision about what the appropriate
next step is.”
Warren explained that President Trump’s ability to tap into
the public conversation was working to his advantage as he
used misdirection to keep people focused on anything but
the Mueller investigation.

Is This The Biggest 'Criminal Deep State' Cover-Up In
History? Long List Of Dead Bodies And Circumstantial
Evidence Tell A Tale The 'Elite' Will Never Tell
And Harvey Weinstein And NXIVM Are
Just TheTip Of The Iceberg
By William B Stoecker - All News Pipeline
May 29, 2018

Recently a rumor has been floating on the internet that, on sixties, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City, the first WTC
the dark web, there is a snuff video of the Witch Hillary bombing, 9/11, and Benghazi were deliberately
and her longtime aide Huma Abedin torturing a little girl orchestrated by our would-be masters, along with any
to death. Bear in mind that this video may not even exist, number of school shootings and other atrocities.
and, if it does, could easily be faked. There is not one atom
of proof that the Witch has ever directly harmed a child. I and others, including patriots who write for ANP, have
But, on the other hand, it is a virtual certainty that the written about these events numerous times and supported
Witch is a lesbian, and that Huma Abedin is her girlfriend. our conclusions with hard facts. Anyone who wishes can
And it is a fact that Huma’s mother is tied to the terrorist read of the terrible suffering of the victims of the OKC
Muslim Brotherhood…Huma and the Witch are certainly bombing, and the row of dead babies lying on broken
very, very unpleasant people. glass. Either of the two WTC bombings could have killed
up to ten or even twenty thousand people; as it was, 9/11
I have always said that skeptics may dismiss this or that killed nearly 3,000. Our elites are most certainly evil
piece of evidence as a hoax, mistake, or coincidence, but enough to rape and even torture and murder small children.
when you look at the overall pattern surrounding an event
like Dallas or the OKC bombing, the truth becomes Many of the “movers and shakers” in the
painfully obvious. Remember that people can be convicted US and Europe belong to obviously cult-
in court with a pattern of circumstantial evidence. And like organizations: the Masons, the Lucis
there is a pattern indicating that many of the NWO Trust, Skull and Bones, and the
globalist elites, probably including the Clintons, are, Bohemian Club, among others. The
indeed, involved in child sex and in Satanic human Bohemians, at their annual event at the
sacrifice. Bohemian Grove in Northern California,
conduct a “mock” child sacrifice…or is it?

And these are the elites who have legalized the abortion of
nearly sixty million unborn children and forced us peasants
to help pay for it by sending our tax dollars to Planned
“Parenthood.” If this is not child sacrifice on a
monumental scale, what is? These same elites are forcing
the insane Glibbet (GLBT) agenda on us, and, especially,
on our children in the indoc centers formerly known as

Even the Washington Pest reported in 1987 on a shadowy

child sex ring called the “Finders,” operating mainly in
the DC area but also in other parts of the US and beyond.
Anyone who at this late date doubts that the Deep State
The cult had at least 40 members and was led by a man
operatives and their Luciferian masters are utterly evil,
named Marion Pettie. Despite the fact that two men were
sadistic sociopaths is willfully blind. I will not here cite the
found with hungry, dirty, half-naked children (not their
evidence that Dallas and the other assassinations of the

own) the DC police and DA refused to charge them with
any crime.

Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan operated (where else?) in

San Francisco during the sixties and later. That city is a
It was rumored that the Department of “Justice” had center of occult evil. Note that the “Reverend” Jim Jones
pressured the DC authorities not to charge them, citing was made Director of Public Housing in San Francisco
“national security.” Allegedly the DOJ did this at the (despite a complete lack of qualifications for the job) by
behest of the CIA, and even Pettie admitted that his late the city’s leftist elites…who included Diane
wife had worked for the CIA and his son for Air America, Feinstein…and this enabled him to recruit many of his
the CIA’s airline. The Finders performed occult rituals and victims. The actual Bohemian Club headquarters building
did blood sacrifice, at least of animals. The police found is also in San Francisco…I have myself seen the occult
photos of the animal sacrifices and nude children. symbols on its front door. One of LaVey’s followers was
an Army officer stationed at the Presidio, Michael
In 1992 John W. De Camp published The Franklin Aquino.
Coverup, the story of what began as an investigation of
the corrupt Franklin Savings and Loan Company and led He broke away and founded his own Luciferian cult in
to revelations of child sex abuse and probably murder by 1975, the Temple of Set, which included a number of
many of America’s elites, including people in the military. other US Army officers and enlisted personnel. The Army
The manager of Franklin was one Lawrence King, a Black was notified of this by the San Francisco Police
Republican, and almost $40 million was missing from the Department…and they were okay with it. In 1987
credit union, clearly stolen by King and his associates. But investigators learned that a worker at the Presidio Child
soon evidence of child sex trafficking, rape, drug dealing, Development Center (a daycare facility), one Gary Willard
child prostitution, and money laundering was found. There Hambright, was abusing very small children of both sexes.
were credible accusations of sexual abuse of minors by the In fact, the Army admitted that there was credible evidence
Omaha police chief and a local judge. King procured under of child sexual abuse at ten percent or more of their
age boys from the infamous Boy’s Town, as did a daycare centers across the country. Note that witnesses had
homosexual pimp in DC, one Craig Spence, who was told the Franklin investigators that Satanic child abuse also
“suicided” in 1989. took place at a number of US military bases, although this
has never been proven. Also unproven is the claim by one
George Bush I attended at least one of Lawrence King’s child at the Presidio that she was sexually abused by
infamous parties (Bush I and II, remember, are Bonesmen Michael Aquino and his wife.
and also attend events at the Bohemian Grove). An
investigator for the Nebraska Legislature, Gary Canadori, Recently the public has learned of the bizarre NXIVM sex
who was investigating the matter, died (along with his cult, led by a man named Keith Raniere, who was assisted
eight year old son) in a mysterious plane crash on 7/11/90. by Unholywood actress Allison Mack, who branded his
There were unverified claims by children that they had female sex slaves. The cult is supported by the Bronfman
witnessed child rape, torture, mutilation, and murder, and sisters in Canada, Sara and Clare, heirs to the Seagram
Satanic rituals. Seven fortune. Their grandfather had made a great deal of
that fortune by selling liquor to Detroit’s murderous Purple
Author John De Camp knew former CIA Director William Gang during Prohibition. The Bronfmans support a variety
Colby and stated that Colby was trying to find and expose of leftist causes in the US and Canada, including the
the truth…but he died mysteriously in April, 1996. De Clinton Global Initiative. There are rumors that the cult
Camp’s main investigator was retired FBI agent Ted sold children to the Clintons and the Rothschilds, but there
Gunderson; I spoke with Mr. Gunderson a year or two is no real evidence.
before his death, and he at least appeared to be sincere, and
he believed that most of the allegations were true and that Clinton henchman Larry Nichols, some years ago, said that
this was but the tip of the proverbial iceberg. the Witch Hillary often attended meetings of a witches’
coven in California. Of course, such witches always claim Washington,” a rather odd title for a pizza store owner. He
that they are not Satanists, but harmless pagans, or visited the Hussein White House at least five times.
Wiccans. Yet these covens are where radical feminism,
lesbianism, leftist politics, and the occult are combined And the plot continues to thicken. John Podesta’s emails
into one malevolent brew. In 4/18 the Witch joined a often mention Comet Ping Pong; apparently it has some
coven (their own description) of exclusively female major significance for him. The Witch’s ex chief of staff,
witches called “The Wing.” Their official symbol is an Tamera Luzzatto, emailed John Podesta about transporting
inverted, Satanic pentagram, and they have posted her own underage children to the “farm in Lovettsville”
drawings of witches sacrificing babies to Satan, and where they could swim in the pool to provide
slogans like “Hex on NRA” and “Curse for Trump.” One “entertainment.” “Farm Circuit” is a code for child
of the members has openly admitted to sacrifices and pacts trafficking and prostitution. And, again and again we see
with demons, and, interestingly, leftist Senators Kristin connections to the Clintons…that charming couple with
Gillibrand and Diane Feinstein have attended Wing events. the long trail of dead bodies behind them.

Yes, the evidence is circumstantial. But people can be

convicted in court with strong enough circumstantial
evidence. Remember that individual facts can form very
real patterns, which combine into larger patterns, and so
on. We need to wake up to the fact that we are literally
ruled by Satanists and that there is no crime too foul for
them. Things will certainly get worse before they get
better, and, at some point, we are going to have to fight for
our freedom and prosperity, for our lives…and for our

Then there is the “Lolita express” to Little St. James

Island in the Caribbean, called “Orgy Island.” The express
refers to the private jet of billionaire leftist Jeffrey Epstein,
a Clinton crony who kept a virtual harem of underage girls
on the island. Slick Willy Clinton travelled with him to the
island a number of times, and there is a rumor that the
Witch went with them at least once. Epstein was caught
and convicted, but the FBI and the DOJ got him a reduced
sentence by claiming that he was a useful
informant…right, him and Whitey Bulger. The DOJ
attorney who helped to orchestrate this sordid deal was
Alexander Acosta…and Trump made him Secretary of
Labor. So much for draining the swamp.

The Witch’s former campaign chairman (and Hussein

Obama’s counselor, and Slick Willy’s Chief of Staff) is
one John Podesta, whose brother, Tony Podesta, is a
lobbyist representing, among others, China and Saudi
Arabia. Tony’s home is decorated with pictures of naked
teenagers, and he is a close associate of the self-mutilating
witch Marina Abramovic, who practices “spirit cooking” a
mixture of blood, semen, urine, and human breast milk, a
recipe provided by the late Aleister Crowley, leader of the
Satanist OTO (Order of the Temple of the Orient). Tony
and John Podesta often hang out with well-known
Washington homosexual James Alefantis, who owns
Comet Ping Pong Pizza in DC; its storefront is decorated
with occult symbols like a star and a crescent Moon. GQ
lists Alefantis as “one of the 50 most powerful people in

Loyal Trump Supporters Wait In Line
For EIGHT HOURS Before Rally [VIDEO]
Tim Pearce - Energy Reporter
2:15 PM 05/29/2018

“President Trump’s Nashville rally isn’t

scheduled to begin for another 8.5 hours,
but people are already lining up outside,” a
reporter with The Washington Post

The attendees in line may be tested by heavy residual

rainfall from Tropical Storm Alberto, which made landfall
late Monday in Florida and headed inland from the Gulf of
U.S. President Donald Trump holds a rally with supporters at North Mexico, Nashville’s Fox 17 reports.
Side middle school in Elkhart, Indiana, U.S., May 10, 2018.
REUTERS/Leah Millis
The doors to the event will open at 4 p.m. and Trump is
Supporters of President Donald Trump began lining up scheduled to speak three hours later. Some people began
roughly 8.5 hours before the scheduled start time of a rally lining up as far out as a day before the official start time,
in Nashville, Tenn., Tuesday. according to Fox 17.

Trump aims to raise money and rally support for

Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who is running for
one of Tennessee’s Senate spots against former-
Democratic Gov. Phil Bredesen.

The race is tight for a state Trump won with 61 percent of

the vote. Recent polls have reflected a slight to
comfortable lead for Bredesen between 3 and 10
percentage points, NBC News reports.

Tom Steyer: Dems Who Don’t Back
Impeachment Crusade Are On The
Wrong Side Of History
Chris White - Energy Reporter
2:20 PM 05/29/2018

His tour to boot Trump kicked off less than a week after
his political group, NextGen America, announced a $30
million campaign structured around pushing young people
into voting. Steyer is forging ahead with his effort despite
lacking evidence of the president’s wrong-doing.
“The Founders gave us impeachment to
answer a reckless, lawless, and dangerous
president; and every day that his behavior
Tom Steyer, a hedge fund manager and a prominent Democratic is accepted, every day that you don’t
fundraiser who has mounted a high-profile advertising campaign oppose it, it becomes enshrined as the way
advocating the impeachment of U.S. President Donald Trump, holds things are done. You have normalized this
a news conference to announce plans for his political future, in
Washington, U.S., January 8, 2018. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts | presidency; you have normalized his
Steyer Doesnt Know Why Dems Ignore Him behavior,” Steyer explained.

Billionaire Tom Steyer suggested Tuesday Democrats who Democratic leaders worry whispering “impeachment”
are hesitant to jump aboard his impeachment campaign are threatens to make swing House districts unwinnable while
at risk of normalizing what he believes is President Donald all-but erasing their opportunity to retake control of the
Trump’s bad behavior. House. Republicans, meanwhile, appear overjoyed with
Steyer’s push. The National Republican Campaign
Democrats who maintain a wide berth from campaigns to Committee is licking its chops at the prospect of accusing
impeach Trump are alienating a large swath of liberal Democrats of overreaching ahead of the mid-term
voters, Steyer told Politico on Tuesday. Rebuking the elections in November.
campaign also places vulnerable Democrats on the wrong
side of history, Steyer said, responding to his crusade to “Tom Steyer is stoking the flames of this
oust the president. ludicrous progressive pipe dream, further
complicating Nancy Pelosi’s plan to regain
“If you look at the civil rights movement, the the majority,” NRCC press secretary Jesse
pushback was not, ‘You’re not telling the Hunt said.
truth;’ the pushback was, ‘We’re dealing
with it in time. Stand down so we can deal Hunt and his fellow Republicans might have a reason to
with it in tie [sic],” said Steyer, a former celebrate if Steyer keeps beating his drum, recent polls
hedge fund manager who poured tens of indicate.
millions of dollars into Democratic coffers Nearly 47 percent of registered voters say they would
over the past six years. definitely oppose a candidate who promised
Steyer, who often suggests without evidence Trump impeachment, while 42 percent would definitely vote for
conspired with Russia to win the election, used various one, according to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll
social media platforms in October 2017 to launch a “need conducted in April. Calls for impeachment track at higher
to impeach” Trump movement. More than 5 million people levels among the younger voters whom Steyer has courted
have signed his petition so far, but House Democrats think over the past year, the polls showed. Young people are not
the wealthy activist is wearing out his welcome. traditionally reliable voters.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, for instance, called Young adult voters between the ages of 18 through 24
an impeachment campaign impractical in March and consistently voted at lower rates than all other age groups
suggested it distracts from special counsel Robert in every presidential election since 1962, according to a
Mueller’s investigation and could jeopardize Democratic 2014 report from the U.S. Census Bureau. On average, less
efforts to take back Congress in 2018. than half of young voters actually make it to the polls for a
national presidential election, the bureau’s voting data also

Trump Asked Sessions To Retain
Control Of Russia Inquiry After His Recusal
By Michael S. Schmidt And Julie Hirschfeld Davis
May 29, 2018

only the president’s interactions with and firing of the

former F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, but also his
relationship with Mr. Sessions.

Investigators have pressed current and former White

House officials about Mr. Trump’s treatment of Mr.
Sessions and whether they believe the president was trying
to impede the Russia investigation by pressuring him. The
attorney general was also interviewed at length by Mr.
Mueller’s investigators in January. And of the four dozen
or so questions Mr. Mueller wants to ask Mr. Trump, eight
relate to Mr. Sessions. Among them: What efforts did you
make to try to get him to reverse his recusal?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in March 2017 that he was
recusing himself from oversight of the Russia investigation and any
other campaign-related matters.CreditDoug Mills/The New York The president’s lead lawyer in the case, Rudolph W.
Times Giuliani, said that if Mr. Trump agreed to answer the
special counsel’s questions — an interview is the subject
WASHINGTON — By the time Attorney General Jeff of continuing negotiations — he should not be forced to
Sessions arrived at President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort discuss his private deliberations with senior administration
for dinner one Saturday evening in March 2017, he had officials. Talking about the attorney general, Mr. Giuliani
been receiving the presidential silent treatment for two argued, would set a bad precedent for future presidents.
days. Mr. Sessions had flown to Florida because Mr.
Trump was refusing to take his calls about a pressing
decision on his travel ban.

When they met, Mr. Trump was ready to talk — but not
about the travel ban. His grievance was with Mr. Sessions:
The president objected to his decision to recuse himself
from the Russia investigation. Mr. Trump, who had told
aides that he needed a loyalist overseeing the inquiry,
berated Mr. Sessions and told him he should reverse his
decision, an unusual and potentially inappropriate request.

Mr. Sessions refused.

The confrontation, which has not been previously reported, Mr. Trump had dinner with Mr. Sessions at his Mar-a-Lago estate in
is being investigated by the special counsel, Robert S. Palm Beach, Fla., days after the recusal was
Mueller III, as are the president’s public and private announced.CreditStephen Crowley/The New York Times
attacks on Mr. Sessions and efforts to get him to resign.
Mr. Trump dwelled on the recusal for months, according to Mr. Giuliani said that he had not discussed Mr. Sessions’s
confidants and current and former administration officials recusal with Mr. Trump but that a request that Mr.
who described his behavior toward the attorney general. Sessions reassert control over the Russia investigation
would be within the bounds of the president’s authority.
The special counsel’s interest demonstrates Mr. Sessions’s
overlooked role as a key witness in the investigation into “‘Unrecuse’ doesn’t say, ‘Bury the
whether Mr. Trump tried to obstruct the inquiry itself. It investigation.’ It says on the face of it: Take
also suggests that the obstruction investigation is broader responsibility for it and handle it correctly,”
than it is widely understood to be — encompassing not Mr. Giuliani said on Tuesday evening.

A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment.

In a Twitter post early on Wednesday, Mr. Trump said he

wished he had picked another lawyer to be his attorney
general. The president was responding to remarks made
earlier by Representative Trey Gowdy, a Republican of
South Carolina, on “CBS This Morning.” Mr. Trump
quoted him as saying that the president had plenty of good
lawyers to choose from when he named his attorney

“And I wish I did!” Mr. Trump wrote.

Mr. Sessions’s recusal came in the middle of public scrutiny over his
testimony at his Senate confirmation hearing.CreditDoug Mills/The
New York Times

Mr. Trump immediately recognized the potential effect of

a recusal. He had his White House counsel, Donald F.
McGahn II, lobby Mr. Sessions to retain oversight of the

To the president, no decision has proved more devastating To Justice Department officials close to Mr. Sessions, the
during his time in office than Mr. Sessions’s recusal. In request by the president made through Mr. McGahn was
Mr. Trump’s view, Mr. Sessions, who had been one of his inappropriate, particularly because it was clear to them that
closest political allies and earliest prominent supporter in Mr. Sessions had to step aside. After Mr. Sessions told Mr.
Washington, never would have appointed a special McGahn that he would follow the Justice Department
counsel, as the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, lawyers’ advice to recuse himself from all matters related
did last May after the president abruptly fired Mr. Comey. to the election, Mr. McGahn backed down. Mr. Sessions
recused himself on March 2.
Before the recusal, the president and his attorney general
were friends, often sharing meals and talking on the phone. When Mr. Trump learned of the recusal, he asked advisers
Today, they rarely speak outside of cabinet meetings, whether the decision could be reversed, according to
current and former White House officials and others people briefed on the matter. Told no, Mr. Trump argued
briefed on their relationship said. They even flew that Eric H. Holder Jr., President Barack Obama’s first
separately in March from Washington to the same event in attorney general, would never have recused himself from a
New Hampshire. Mr. Trump complains to friends about case that threatened to tarnish Mr. Obama. The president
how much he would like to get rid of Mr. Sessions but has said he expected the same loyalty from Mr. Sessions.
demurred under pressure from Senate Republicans who
have indicated they would not confirm a new attorney
Some people close to the president have said privately that
they believed the recusal was overly broad and done too
hastily in the middle of public scrutiny over Mr. Sessions’s
Because of his recusal, Mr. Sessions has been mostly congressional testimony.
absent from the president’s ire toward the investigation
and the Justice Department. He has enforced Mr. Trump’s
The day after the recusal, as the president prepared to
agenda more successfully than perhaps any cabinet
travel to Florida, Mr. Trump was seen through the
member, imposing conservative policies on immigration
windows of the Oval Office by news cameras,
and violent crime that are popular with Mr. Trump’s core
gesticulating angrily as he argued with top advisers who
had gathered to determine how to go forward with the
travel ban, which had been blocked by a federal judge.
Pressure on Mr. Sessions to step aside from the Russia Justice Department officials had concluded the policy must
investigation began building almost as soon as he took be withdrawn and revised, a move that Mr. Trump was
office, culminating in a Washington Post report on March resisting because he thought it was watered down.
1 that he had not been forthcoming during his Senate
confirmation hearing about his contacts with Russian
But, preoccupied with Mr. Sessions’s decision and
officials during the campaign. Career lawyers at the Justice
determined to find a way forward, he spent the first 10
Department had advised Mr. Sessions to step aside, citing
minutes of the meeting venting about it, a former White
ethics guidelines about impartiality and his role as a
House official said.
prominent supporter of the Trump campaign.

The meeting ended without a resolution about the travel days later, a Washington Post report about Mr. Sessions’s
ban. And after Mr. Trump flew to Florida, his advisers campaign discussions with Russia’s ambassador sent Mr.
decided that the only way to get the president’s signoff to Trump into another rage. Aboard Marine One that
revise the immigration order — a time-sensitive matter Saturday, the president told his chief of staff, Reince
because of pending litigation — would be to dispatch the Priebus, to get Mr. Sessions to resign by the end of the
attorney general to Mr. Trump’s Palm Beach, Fla., retreat, weekend, according to a person briefed on the
to implore him in person, the current and former conversation.
administration officials said.
Unnerved and convinced the president wanted to install a
Comments new attorney general who could oversee the Russia
investigation, Mr. Priebus called Mr. Sessions’s chief of
The Times needs your voice. We welcome your on-topic staff at the time, Jody Hunt, who said that the president
commentary, criticism and expertise. would have to ask Mr. Sessions himself to resign. Unsure
how to proceed, Mr. Priebus simply waited out the
president, who never called Mr. Sessions but did attack
It was at Mar-a-Lago the next evening that Mr. Trump him that week on Twitter.
brought up the Russia investigation with Mr. Sessions and
asked him to change his mind about stepping aside, the
people said.

Prosecutors rarely go back on recusals. Legal experts said

that occasionally, prosecutors who handed off a case to
colleagues over concerns about a possible financial
conflict of interest would take the decision back after
confirming none existed. But the experts said they could
think of no instance in which a prosecutor stepped aside
from a case in circumstances similar to Mr. Sessions’s.
Justice Department guidelines on recusal are in place to
prevent the sort of political meddling the president tried to Days later, Mr. Priebus was out as chief of staff. The
engage in, they said. special counsel has told the president’s lawyers that he
wants to ask Mr. Trump about those discussions with Mr.
Priebus and why he publicly criticized Mr. Sessions.
“It’s yet more behavior that tramples on the
line between law and politics,” said Samuel
W. Buell, a professor of law at Duke Mr. Trump brought up the recusal again with associates
University and former federal prosecutor. later last year, expressing a desire for Mr. Sessions to
reassert control over an investigation that has since
resulted in the indictment of his former campaign
As the months wore on, Mr. Trump returned again and
chairman and guilty pleas by two other campaign aides and
again to the recusal. his former national security adviser.

In July, he told The New York Times that he never would

have nominated Mr. Sessions if he had known that Mr.
Sessions would not oversee the Russia investigation. Two

Joy Behar: Trump ‘Can’t Really Take
Credit’ For The Economy, It Was Obama [VIDEO]
Katie Jerkovich - Entertainment Reporter
2:25 PM 05/29/2018

Meghan McCain called the tweet

“so tone-deaf and so insulting to every

veteran who died”

and praised CNN anchor Jake Tapper for posting pictures

of fallen soldiers on his social media feed all weekend.

“I think the greatest point is that we should

be talking about our fallen soldier who have
lost their lives for our country,” McCain
responded. “I actually think that — I was
Joy Behar said President Donald Trump “can’t really take actually taken aback. I was sick in bed on
credit” for the economy and that it was Barack Obama my computer and when I saw it I was
who made it what it is today. actually shocked by it.”
“People like Jake Tapper were going over
The comment came during a panel the weekend posting photos and the
discussion on “The View” Tuesday about names of fallen soldiers and I think we
the tweet Trump sent out on Memorial Day need to say the names. Matthew Stanley is
touting the accomplishments of his a guy who died in 2006 in Baghdad,” she
presidency, noting “the best economy in added.
decades” and the “lowest unemployment
“My father wears his bracelet every day. I
numbers for Blacks and Hispanics ever.”
think we should say the names on
Memorial day. And next Memorial Day he
[Trump] should say the names of every
soldier who has been killed in Iraq and
tweet it back and forth. It was so tone-deaf
and so insulting to every veteran who died.

“What is so odd to me is that he calls
himself sort of this law and order president
and talks so much about his support of the
military and, you know, never talks about
the fact that he had these five deferments
“First of all Obama pulled the U.S. out of because of bone spurs in the knee,” Sunny
the great recession and the economy has Hostin said. “Never served, but then does
been steadily improving since,” Joy Behar something like this that is so very tone-
explained. “So he can’t really take credit for deaf. He’s sort of making Memorial Day a
anything that he’s done. He also inherited day about him, a day about fallen soldiers
low unemployment numbers from Obama. and when he was never a soldier.”
The unemployment rate for Blacks and
Hispanics declined dramatically under


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