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Smart Planet 4 Unit 2 Extra Grammar

Name  Class  Date

1 Complete the sentences with the correct 4 Look at the pictures and complete the
reflexive pronouns. sentences with the present perfect
1 I’m going to cook myself some dinner. continuous form of the verbs in the box.
2 The boys are going to hurt themselves if they’re
not wait ​talk ​work ​not snow ​ride
not careful.
3 That boy looks like he is enjoying himself .
4 Nobody is going to do this for us, so we have to
do it ourselves .
5 Did you and your classmates make this model
yourselves ?
6 My sister spends a lot of time looking at
herself in the mirror. 1 She ’s been talking 2 They ’ve been riding
on the phone for an their bikes all morning.
7 Please help yourself to sandwiches, Peter –
they’re on the table.

2 Rewrite the sentences. Use each other,

ourselves, yourselves, or themselves.
1 He writes to her, and she writes to him.
They write to each other .
2 I like you and you like me.
We like each other .
3 We haven’t been 4 He ’s been working
waiting for very on his project for four
3 She hurt herself, and he hurt himself too.
long. hours.
They hurt themselves .
4 I enjoyed myself, and you enjoyed yourself.
We enjoyed ourselves .
5 You know him, and he knows you.
You know each other .
6 You look after yourself, and your friend looks
after himself too. 5 It hasn’t been snowing
You look after yourselves . very much today.

3 Complete the questions with the present 5 Complete the email with the present perfect
perfect simple form of the verbs in the box. simple or present perfect continuous form of
the verbs in the box.
invite ​
walk go ​
send ​
see ​
do (x2) ​not do ​not hear ​study 
1 How many text messages have you not sleep ​sign up ​not drink
sent this week?
2 How many films have you seen this From:  Barney To: Tom
Hi Tom
3 How far have we walked today? How are you? I 1 haven’t heard from you for
4 How much coffee has Diana drunk days. What 2 have you been doing ?
this morning? I 3 have been studying for exams all morning and
5 How many times have you gone/been on I’m bored. I hate exams! We 4 ’ve already
done three this week, and there are four more to do.
holiday this year?
I 5 haven’t been sleeping very well at night
6 How many people have Sam and Sara because I’m worrying. Mum told me to relax, but she
invited to their party? 6
hasn’t done an exam for more than twenty years
and she can’t remember what they’re like!
I 7 ’ve signed up for some yoga classes. Maybe they’ll
help. Also, I 8 haven’t been drinking as much coffee as
I usually do. I just need to sleep!

PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Cambridge University Press 2015 Unit 2 Extra Grammar 

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