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An Academic Management Schematic 

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TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand written
English. There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part.
Directions: You will see a sentence with a missing world. Four possible answers follow the sentence.
Choose the best answer to the question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet.

101. Travelers are advised to send ______ 108. Timekeepers will soon have their incentive
requests for which room they would like at the completion reports ______ employees can
hotel as soon as possible. check whether they have completed their
(A) themselves (B) they required hours.
(C) their (D) them (A) whereas (B) so
(C) nor (D) except
102. For further ______ on completing a
project/partner search, visit our webpage. 109. What makes Mr. Yansen such an ______
(A) information speaker is that he is smart and self-aware.
(B) inform (A) effectiveness
(C) informational (B) effected
(D) informed (C) effective
(D) effectively
103. Please complete and return this form
______ the enclosed envelope, along with any 110. By the time a machine is successfully
required documentation, by August 1. reproduced and diffused throughout an
(A) at (B) to industry, it may ______ be outdated.
(C) on (D) in (A) rarely (B) already
(C) never (D) less
104. Tiffany Rings offers a complimentary
______ service to keep your ring as beautiful 111. ______ Friday staff meetings used to begin
as it was the day you received it. at 8:00 a.m., they now begin one hour later.
(A) clean (B) cleaning (A) Instead
(C) cleanest (D) cleaned (B) However
(C) Although
105. Online Ticket Shop gives you the chance to (D) Therefore
buy your tickets at a ______ rate.
(A) reduction (B) reduces 112. All you have to do is register and you are
(C) reduce (D) reduced ready to ______ posting and browsing for
106. Wine sales have increased ______ the (A) to begin
chain began featuring a specific California (B) beginning
Chardonnay last fall. (C) began
(A) onto (B) beside (D) begin
(C) along (D) since
113. Please fill out the part below so you can
107. For more information about specific claim your complimentary one-year ______ to
requirements, see the installation guide that Maxim.
______ the product. (A) subscription
(A) accompanies (B) duration
(B) accompaniment (C) partnership
(C) accompany (D) agreement
(D) accompanying

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

114. If you participate in online forums or attend 121. Please submit your report at once ______
events ______ , you will get to know other we can go it over by the end of this week.
members a lot better. (A) some of (B) so that
(A) regularly (C) such as (D) so as
(B) regular
(C) regulars 122. ______ your convenience, we have
(D) regularity compiled a short list of examples below, all of
which are related to the best employment
115. Security directors must monitor the opportunities available for someone with a BA
performance of security staff, conduct in psychology.
performance appraisals and make (A) Of (B) For
recommendations for hiring ______ staff. (C) By (D) About
(A) additionally
(B) additions 123. Prepare comprehensive, timely and ______
(C) additional researched responses to consultations relating
(D) addition to advisory services.
(A) highly (B) wholly
116. If coming from Salt Lake City, take the (C) thoroughly (D) exactly
Bonneville Speedway (Exit #4), ______ is the
first exit west of the rest area. 124. A ______ discount offered by a supplier
(A) what (B) which may provide an opportunity for a retailer to
(C) where (D) who increase its profit by selling more units at a
lower price.
117. All students interested in the seminar must (A) temporary
sign up no later than July 23 in order to get (B) bargained
______ to attend it. (C) factual
(A) permissible (D) prepared
(B) permission
(C) permitted 125. Since distance learners cannot meet with
(D) permissive their supervisors ______ due to logistical
problems, so it is necessary for the educational
118. Singapore Airlines will ______ an institution to facilitate two-way communication
advertising campaign this year to promote its channels.
new super jet, which will fly non-stop to (A) frequents
Australia as of early 2012. (B) frequent
(A) strike (C) frequently
(B) pass (D) frequency
(C) launch
(D) spend 126. Employees at L&K are asked to provide
timely ______ of requirements and other
119. The price reform bill has been proceeding pertinent information to the Director of Human
______ through Congress, resulting in a Resources.
substantial increase in real energy prices. (A) estimates
(A) steadiness (B) deposits
(B) steadiest (C) averages
(C) steadily (D) finances
(D) steadies

120. Please contact us today so that we may 127. You will be informed of the results of the
begin ______ candidates to interview for your investigation ______ ten business days after
available positions. you contact Husky Card's offices.
(A) participating (A) within
(B) selecting (B) until
(C) performing (C) now that
(D) occurring (D) up to

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

128. AT&T Wireless announced a small but 135. Department of Music features an annual
______ increase in revenue in the third ______ of musical performances by guest
quarter, largely due to its new wireless artists, faculty members and music students.
models. (A) orchestra
(A) significant (B) theater
(B) signify (C) series
(C) signifying (D) procession
(D) significantly
136. National Enzyme is pleased to announce
129. ______ diversify its healthcare product line, that Richard Mihalik will ______ the title of
AmoPacific, Inc. has entered into a partnership Director of Quality Assurance.
with Suunto Pharma Technology. (A) undertake
(A) In order to (B) become
(B) As far as (C) assume
(C) Furthermore (D) devote
(D) Consequently
137. The goal of the Employee Assistance
130. The postmark on the parcel delivered from Program is to provide free professional and
headquarters was not ______ enough to tell confidential counseling services to employees
whether it was posted in the E or EC district. and ______ of their immediate family.
(A) fastened (B) distinct (A) association
(C) approximate (D) certain (B) relationships
(C) members
131. Our technology solutions let customers track (D) unity
shipments more ______ , allowing us to
provide better customer service, and process 138. Scientists from York have discovered how to
shipments faster. help crops ______ in cold climates.
(A) extremely (B) originally (A) will flourish
(C) efficiently (D) officially (B) would flourish
(C) flourish
132. The presentation given by the head of (D) flourished
judicial affairs was very long but very
______ . 139. A commercial delegation of prospective
(A) obligated (B) informative investors from the U.S. is ______ to visit India
(C) advisory (D) helping very shortly.
(A) likeness
133. Powershot Inc.'s new digital camera ______ (B) like
clear images at every time of day whenever it (C) likable
is used. (D) likely
(A) creates
(B) appears 140. Managing project risks and developing
(C) interests ______ plans to keep projects on track are
(D) results critical competencies for today's project
134. After spending his childhood on a farm (A) suspension
without electricity, he had difficulty ______ to (B) prevalence
city life. (C) evacuation
(A) adjusted (B) adjust (D) contingency
(C) adjustment (D) adjusting

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Directions: You will see four passages, each with three blanks. Under each blank are four answer
option. Choose the word or phrase that best completes the statement.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr. Rodriguez,

We are pleased to inform you that your ______ for a loan has been approved.
141. (A) invoice
(B) invitation
(C) receipt
(D) application

This approval is subject to the special conditions as set out in this letter being met. Please
note that this letter does not constitute a binding contract to lend. Full terms and conditions
are set out in your Loan Contract, which is ______ being processed. Your Loan Contract
142. (A) currently
(B) highly
(C) properly
(D) usually

and all relevant security and ancillary documentation will be forwarded to you shortly by
our solicitor. If you are refinancing your loan, we request that you advise your existing
financial institution of your intention to discharge your mortgage. This will assist First
Mortgages in the ______
143. (A) time
(B) timely
(C) timing
(D) timelier

settlement of your new mortgage.

Respectfully yours,

Harold Bent
Vice President of Loan Operations
NTS Bank

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 144-146 refer to the following e-mail.

Our January-May 2011 Segment 1 class schedules are NOW AVAILABLE! A limited
Segment 2 class schedule is also now ______ .
144. (A) avail
(B) available
(C) availability
(D) avails

NOTE: A few classes listed below do not have class dates yet due to instructor and space
availability issues. Each class will be held during the month time frame that is indicated.
After enrolling in a class, we will send you updates as soon as the information is available.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, our range practice sessions for November and
December for the Kalamazoo area will now ______ at Comstock High School. We are
145. (A) be held
(B) hold
(C) holding
(D) held

sorry for any inconvenience this change may cause.

If a class is full, you may still call our office to be placed ______ the wait list. When you
146. (A) on
(B) in
(C) by
(D) for

call, we will give you all the class details and your chances of being placed on the active
class roster.

The EZ Way Building is located at 126 Peekstock St, Kalamazoo, Ml.

Dates and times are TENTATIVE upon final approval from the school.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 147-149 refer to the following instructions.

Set up conference calls quickly, simply and at minimum cost with 3+.

In a world where bringing people together for meetings is an essential part of the decision-
making process, conference calls offer a cost-effective ______ to meeting with people
147. (A) alternative
(B) alternation
(C) alternating
(D) alternate


When the logistics of getting everyone together in the same place and at the same time
proves expensive, stressful and often impractical, a 3+ conference call can provide a simple

With a range of services and unrivalled technical expertise, our professional and
experienced staff ______ to ensure that every stage of your conference call runs as
148. (A) aim
(B) fail
(C) allow
(D) persuade

smoothly as possible.

However, many people you want to talk to and wherever they are in the world, 3+ has a
conference call solution to ______ your needs.
149. (A) meet
(B) target
(C) fulfill
(D) prepare

With a 3+ Open account - our on-demand reservationless service - you can make
conference calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click on the 3+ Open option below to find
out more.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 150-152 refer to the following announcement.

Fundraising is the act of ________ donations from donors - donations that will help you
150. (A) soliciting
(B) providing
(C) managing
(D) occurring

carry out your organization's projects and programs. At many small non-profit
organizations, ________ staff member is somehow involved in the fundraising process.
151. (A) all
(B) most
(C) few
(D) every

Specific staff members and departments devoted to fundraising are referred to as

"development." No matter what official role you have as part of your non-profit job, it
is a good idea to understand how to raise funds for a non-profit organization.

There are three major types of non-profit fundraising: individual donations, foundations
and government grants, and corporate partnerships. Some organizations also have
memberships or other earned income funding that is slightly different. Virtually all types
of non-profit fundraising also involves special events ______ charity auctions, cocktail
152. (A) for
(B) such as
(C) with
(D) regarding

parties and athletic events like 5km or 10km races.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIIC (Englissh for Commmunicatioon) --- R E A D I N G [EC4

ns: You will see
s single annd double reading passages followed d by several questions. Ea ach
question has four ansswer choices.. Choose the best answer to the question and fill inn the corresp
oval on your
y answer sheet.
ons 153-154
4 refer to th
he following advertiseement.

53. How cann customers reeceive a disccount?
(A) By ordeering 30 minutes before closing
(B) By ordeering more thhan $25 wortth of
(C) By ordeering more thhan $10 worrth of
(D) By ordeering over the phone

54. When is delivery posssible?
(A) Onlyy during lunch hours
(B) On Sunday
S at 10
0:30 p.m.
(C) On Sunday
S at 100:30 a.m.
(D) On Monday
M at 1
10 p.m.

ons 155-157
7 refer to th
he following announceement.

1555. What is being

b announnced?
A) A job openning
(B) A new museeum
C) A research project
D) An art exhibit 

156. Whhat will most likely happeen on 57. What is indicated ab

15 bout Daisy De
Marcch 15? (A) She manages a gallery.
(A) An
A exhibition will be over.. (B) She teaches at a university.
(B) A scholar will visit Joseph Stein
S Libraryy. (C) She is a memberr of the Speccial
(C) A reception will
w be held. Colleections Centeer.
(D) A group of ed ducators will tour Chicagoo. (D) She studies roma antic art.

hai Cooperatte in Academ
mic Program
ms (TCiAP)
iAP 33
3 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phhahonyothin 5, Sa
  TEL. 02-619-7272 2 Mobile 093
amsane Nai, Phayyathai, Bangkok 1

TOEIIC (Englissh for Commmunicatioon) --- R E A D I N G [EC4

ons 158-159 refer to th
he following article.

158. Whhat is suggessted about Trreestone 159. Where is i The Treestoone Store currrently
Storees? headquarteered?
(A) It has recentlyy experienced d customer's (A) In Southh Africa
uppgraded tasttes. (B) In Bostoon
(B) It recently clossed some of its
i stores. (C) In Florid
(C) It will start selling children's clothing. (D) In Germ many
(D) It moved its main
m office to Orlando.

ons 160-161 refer to th
he following invoice.

160. What is sug ggested

about this buyyer?
(A) HHe often shopps at TMI
Consumer Wa arehouse.
He works for a delivery
(B) H
(C) HHe has a neww mailing
(D) HHe will purchase a car
next month.

161. If another $50

$ item is
purchased, ho ow much
would the totaal amount
be With the same
(A) $1500.00
(B) $140
(C) $2000.00
(D) $1800.00

hai Cooperatte in Academ
mic Program
ms (TCiAP)
iAP 33
3 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phhahonyothin 5, Sa
  TEL. 02-619-7272 2 Mobile 093
amsane Nai, Phayyathai, Bangkok 1

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 162-164 refer to the following advertisement.

162. What is mentioned in the advertisement? 164. What time does the store usually close on
(A) All of the products are imported from Saturdays?
overseas. (A) 4:00 p.m.
(B) The store will soon go out of business (B) 5:00 p.m.
(C) Free delivery service is available to (C) 6:00 p.m.
non-profit organizations (D) 7:00 p.m.
(D) Some of the products are used.

163. What is the special price for the leather

(A) $300 (B) $500
(C) $700 (D) $1,500

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 165-167 refer to the following notice.

165. What is the purpose of this notice? 167. What kind of support is provided to users?
(A) To request assistance (A) Prevention of identity theft
(B) To advertise merchandise (B) Minimal support on checking if the
(C) To publicize a service network is functional
(D) To provide support information (C) Information on where the service is
166. What does the notice state about the (D) Information on how to connect to the
wireless internet service? service
(A) It is available for a small fee.
(B) It is available 24 hours a day.
(C) It is located in the SC Sleep Center.
(D) It is available free of charge.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 168-171 refer to the following document.

168. What is the purpose of the document? 170. What is Mr. Whitman required to do when
(A) To list the main duties for a job he leaves his job at BioGene Pharmaceuticals?
(B) To describe employee incentives (A) Return company papers
(C) To specify dates of employment (B) Submit a report with details describing
(D) To detail the terms of an agreement his job
(C) Take an inventory of company
169. What is NOT specified as confidential? property
(A) Information about pricing (D) Destroy any technical documents
(B) Information about company employees
(C) Computer programs 171. The word 'disclosed' in line 4 is closest in
(D) Technical procedures meaning to
(A) made
(B) revealed
. (C) opened
(D) prioritized

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 172-175 refer to the following memo.

172. What is stated about the ASP Division of 174. The word 'embarks' in paragraph 4, line 2 is
Overtures? closest in meaning to
(A) They are well regarded in their field. (A) goes up
(B) They manufacture insurance products. (B) sets out
(C) They are an international company. (C) burns out
(D) They are altering division names. (D) calls out

173. Why does the ASP Division have a problem? 175. What does the committee recommend ASP
(A) Their advertisements are not popular. Division employees do?
(B) Few of their business strategies have (A) Use the new names from here on out
been effective. (B) Vote on the name changes
(C) The quality of their products has (C) Merge with another company
decreased. (D) Seek partnerships to strengthen ties to
(D) Those outside the company have been Overtures
confused by the name.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 176-180 refer to the following e-mail.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

176. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
(A) To publicize the All Our Crafts Contest
(B) To explain how to enter a contest
(C) To promote an art school
(D) To order some handmade craft items

177. Who most likely is Ms. Lee?

(A) A tourist
(B) A store employee
(C) A musician
(D) A craftsperson

178. What is indicated about the All Our Crafts Company?

(A) Their readers are mostly female.
(B) They print reader creations every month.
(C) Their products are all made by master craftsmen.
(D) They put out a monthly.

179. The word 'expedited' in paragraph 3, line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) rushed
(B) finished
(C) accepted
(D) serviced

180. What is NOT stated about the All Our Crafts Contest?
(A) Publication decisions are posted online.
(B) Mail submissions must include a self-addressed envelope.
(C) Submissions must include detailed instructions.
(D) Online submissions are completed faster than regular mail submissions.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

181. When will hiring decisions be made?

(A) By August 3
(B) By August 24
(C) By September 1
(D) By September 24

182. If Mr. Witten is interested in Mr. Alvarez's application, how will he probably respond?
(A) By asking Fred Alvarez to contact him
(B) By requesting an interview with him
(C) By making him a job offer
(D) By conducting a background check

183. What qualifications does Mr. Alvarez NOT indicate in the e-mail?
(A) He can program computers.
(B) He is adept at keeping records.
(C) He is capable of making stock reports.
(D) He has experience from a similar job.

184. In the e-mail, the word duties' in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) jobs
(B) incentives
(C) responsibilities
(D) reports

185. To what department is Mr. Alvarez most likely to apply?

(A) APLUS Accounting
(B) APLUS Janitor Department
(C) Warehouse Clerk Department
(D) Warehouse Cleaning

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIIC (Englissh for Commmunicatioon) --- R E A D I N G [EC4

ons 186-190 refer to th
he following form and
d e-mail.

hai Cooperatte in Academ
mic Program
ms (TCiAP)
iAP 33
3 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phhahonyothin 5, Sa
  TEL. 02-619-7272 2 Mobile 093
amsane Nai, Phayyathai, Bangkok 1

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

186. What is Ms. Lopez applying for?

(A) A permanent vendor's license
(B) A permit to sell food for an event
(C) A health certificate from the city
(D) A building permit

187. What event is mentioned on the application?

(A) The Topeka city festival
(B) An international art fair
(C) An artistic exhibition
(D) The opening of a new restaurant

188. When will the event begin?

(A) On April 13
(B) On April 23
(C) On May 1
(D) On May 18

189. What is the purpose of the e-mail?

(A) To request an appointment
(B) To give directions
(C) To confirm attendance at an event
(D) To request state inspection requirements

190. According to the two documents, what is true about Ms. Lopez?
(A) She lives next door to the exhibit site.
(B) She is a renowned cook.
(C) She will not store her food in a freezer.
(D) She will open an exhibit at the event.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 191-195 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

191. What is being promoted in the advertisement?

(A) Free next-day shipping on orders
(B) Extended warranty on dry-cleaning equipment
(C) A new line of cleaning products
(D) A price discount on all cleaning services

192. How much did Mr. Carhartt pay initially for his promotional credit?
(A) $6.99
(B) $35
(C) $70

193. What service did Mr. Carhartt most likely buy?

(A) Laundry service
(B) Next-day laundry pickup service
(C) Special stain cleaning
(D) Dry cleaning

194. According to the e-mail, when did Carhartt register with Garment One Day?
(A) May 10
(B) May 11
(C) May 17
(D) May 20

195. What does Mr. Carhartt ask customer service for?

(A) A $70 refund
(B) A free service and guarantee details
(C) An account correction and a $10 credit
(D) A refund and a service termination

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

Questions 196-200 refer to the following e-mails.

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

TOEIC (English for Communication) --- R E A D I N G [EC4T5R]

196. What is the main reason for Mr. Kerry's e-mail?

(A) To ask about business practices in the Czech Republic
(B) To discuss tourist attractions in Santa Domingo
(C) To ask a colleague about a business meeting in Asia
(D) To request advice about a business trip to the Czech Republic

197. What is suggested about Mr. Kerry?

(A) He will move to another country in Europe in a few months.
(B) He has not visited the Czech Republic yet.
(C) He has visited the Czech Republic for corporate training.
(D) He has just been introduced to Mr. Plau.

198. Why does Mr. Plau say Mr. Kerry was right in his e-mail?
(A) Mr. Plau was almost finished with his business trip.
(B) Mr. PIau was satisfied with a completed deal.
(C) Mr. Kerry is eager to go to the Czech Republic.
(D) Mr. Kerry believes the Czech Republic is a great place to visit.

199. What is NOT one of Mr. Plau's suggestions?

(A) Explore a historic castle
(B) Eat at a restaurant near a castle
(C) Go during off-peak tourist times
(D) Reserve a room at a ski resort in the winter.

200. In the second e-mail, the word 'hectic' in paragraph 3, line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) worried
(B) quiet
(C) loud
(D) busy

Thai Cooperate in Academic Programs (TCiAP)

  33 Rajchakru Bldg. (4th Floor)., Soi Phahonyothin 5, Samsane Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400
  TEL. 02-619-7272 Mobile 093-452-4463

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