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This work shall reveal and document Akose Ifa that can be used to attract financial
success and abundance. This work is fall into category of Osole Ajesinu. This work can
be used by anybody who is yearning desire is to make money. To prepare this preparation
you will need the following:
Odidi Alagemon Aye( a life chameleon)
Ewe alupayida , Alaparada tabi Apada mesan( Nine leaves of Uraria picta)
Ewe igbo mimu( leaves of Marijuana /Cannabis)
Odidi atare kan ( One full alligator pepper with scientific name Aframomum Melegueta)
Owo naira, dollar, Euro ati pound sterling( Naira , dollars , euro, pound sterling

You will place the life chameleon beside the aforementioned currency. That
aforementioned currency must be in their higher denomination. Let the chameleon take
the color of the currency in questions. Then after that use all the aforementioned currency
to wrapped the body of the chameleon and fling or throw it against the ground or wall to
get it killed. Then use a sharp knife or blade to dissect the stomach of the chameleon.
Then use all the aforementioned used currency to wrap the body of the of the alligator
pepper, and used the place it inside the stomach of the chameleon. Put the nine uriara
picta leaves and add marijuana inside it. Then use white thread and needle to stich it.
Then put inside a clean clay pot and burn it to fine powder. Grind the content and pour it
inside honey.
Take one small tea spoon of the honey once a week. This preparation is good for business
people and those who intend to take contract, and be favored financially by people.

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