Lesson 1: Lodging Industry

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CHAPTER 1: RECEIVING RESERVATION REQUEST  Single Suite – has a living or dining area and a

LESSON 1: LODGING INDUSTRY separate bedroom with a single bed.

Lodging Industry – visited by the travelers who love to  Double Suite – has a living and dining area and
rest and relax with the blend of convenience of the a separate bedroom with a double bed.
modern facilities and experience the comfort of values  Duplex Suite – a two-story suite with a
and traditions offered by the industry. connecting stairwell.
- Residential accommodation either hotel, motel,  Executive Suite – fitted for business executives
hostel, or a private home. with additional features like internet, computer
1794, city hotel, with 73 rooms in New York City, first points, minibar, etc.
lodging facility that is a precursor of today’s modern 3. Room Categories – must be taken into account is
hotel. the category of rooms, wherein, room rates will
1829, Tremont House in Boston, the first five-star hotel differ depending on room categories.
with a highly trained staff and luxurious  Standard – room with basic amenities and its room
accommodations. size is relatively small in scale.
Philippines, Hotel de Oriente in Binondo, Manila, first  Superior – basic, just has additional features such as
hotel being established. coffee and tea maker and the likes.
ROOMS  Deluxe – upgraded for it presents amenities such as
1. Types of Bed – the reservation officer must be branded toiletries, butler service, and much finer
able to describe the type of bed for it is an room décor.
important feature that guests would primarily  Executive or Club Floor – designed for business
ask. executives that is located on a separate floor.
 Single – a bed designed for one person.  Suite – named according to a theme a room has
 Twin – a bed designed for one person but slightly offer. Very unique depending on the classification of
wider that a single bed. suite.
 Double – A bed designed for two persons. 4. Room Locations – important and should be
 Queen – refers to a large double bed. known to the guests by the reservation officer
 King – larger than a queen-sized bed. because room locations are linked to guests’
 Roll-away Cot – can be removed from the room and convenience.
is usually found and pulled under a bed.  Connecting Rooms – next to each other with a
 Sofa Bed or Hideaway – will form a full-sized bed direct access to both rooms through a private
for one to two persons depending on the width. connecting door.
 Baby Cot – for a baby with high sides.  Adjoining Rooms – located next to each other but
2. Types of Room – important that a reservation has no connecting door.
officer must carry out the information to the  Adjacent Rooms – close to each other such as
guest to avoid wrong details. across he corridor.
 Single Room – a room and bed designed for one  Inside Rooms – faces the inner part of the hotel.
person.  Outside Rooms – faces the outer side of the
 Double Room – a room designed for two persons building facing the urban highways, city lights
that one double bed, or a king or queen-sized bed. during evening, or the sea.
 Twin Room – has two single beds.  Corner Rooms – located at the corner of the
 Triple Room – has either three single beds or one building.
double bed and one single bed for 3 persons.  Siberia Rooms – undesirable room; sold only when
 Studio Room – small room with a sofa bed. no other room are available.
 Room for Handicapped – that cater the needs of  Near of Away from Elevator – situated bear or far
handicapped guest. the elevator.
 Suite – large room with a living or parlor are  Low or High Floor – situated on the lower or the
separated from the bed room. higher floors of the building.
 Junior Suite – no separate bedroom but has a
seating parlor and bed.
1. Rack or Published Rate – this is the rate based 1. In-room service
on the market trend that ranges from the 2. Transportation
maximum to the minimum to the maximum 3. Valet service
rate during peak and off-season respectively. 4. Laundry and dry-cleaning service
Usually quoted to walk-in guest 5. Currency exchange.
2. Promotional Rate – offered to any guests Guest Room Amenities
especially on a low or lean season. 1. Television set
3. Corporate Rate – discounted rate charged to 2. Refrigerator or minibar
companies or business professionals who are 3. Hot and cold shower
travelling for business. 4. Hairdryer
4. Contracted Rate – special rate negotiated 5. Wi-Fi and LAN access
between the hotel industry and travel agencies 6. Complimentary toiletries
for their clients upon agreement of some terms 7. Sitting are
and conditions provided. 8. Complimentary drinks
5. Group Rate – a discounted rate that is lower HOTEL POLICIES
than the hotel’s rack rates offered to group A. Booking Arrangements – booking can be done
bookings in view of number of volume it through telephone, fax, e-mail, and computer
reserves at a time. reservation system of the hotel or reservation
6. Monthly Rate – offered to a guest who will stay center.
for a minimum of one month. B. Cancellation and no-shows – must be done in
7. Day Use Rate – checks in and checks out on the formal. (Rebookable, Non-rebookable,
same day without staying overnight. Refundable, and Non-refundable).
8. Package Plan Rate – package proposal of rooms C. Rebooking – shall be done in advance and duly
and meals introduced by hotels themselves at acknowledged by the reservation officer prior
full period to increase demand for guest rooms. to arrival date.
 European Plan (EP) – room accommodation D. Payment and billing procedures – payment can
only. be, cash, credit card, or cheque.
 Continental Plan (CP) – room accommodation E. Other terms and conditions – no bringing of
and continental breakfast. foods, no pets, smoking and non-smoking. Etc.
 Full American Plan (FAP) – room  Cash – common type of hotel payment
accommodation and full three meals. (fullboard)  Credit card – making advance and
 Modified American Plan (MAP) – room guaranteed reservation.
accommodation plus breakfast and other one  Voucher – issued by travel provider, given
meal either lunch or dinner. (halfboard) to a guest as incentives or reward.
 Bed and Breakfast Plan (BB) – room  Personal check – as advance deposit but
accommodation and full breakfast. not as direct payment for the
Hotel Facilities
1. Banquet and events room
2. Conference room
3. Specialty shop
4. Massage and Spa Area
5. Gym or fitness center
6. Swimming pool
7. Gaming or casino
8. Concierge area
9. Porter service area
10. Business center
Front Office – it is the first and last place wherein a LESSON 1: DETAILING RESERVATION
guest interacts with the establishment that mainly Office Terminologies
focuses on helping and giving support services to the Reservation – used in the context of a hotel means an
needs of the guests. advanced request for any room accommodation.
1. Pre-arrival stage – booking or reservation of rooms  Allowances – reversal of changes that was posted
are done between front office and guest. before current system.
2. Arrival stage – check-in and registration, room  Amendments – changes made in records with
assignment, key distribution, and baggage handling. reference to a guest’s stay.
3. Occupancy stage – use of hotel services and  Cancellation – booking withdrawn by the guest.
amenities inside guest room and use of concierge  Confirmation – finalizing the booking
for services outside the hotel.  Check-in – register their arrival at hotel
4. Departure stage – check out of the guest, bill  Double occupancy – two guests staying in room
settlement, baggage handling using proper services,  Group rate – fifteen persons and above
and transportation request.  Guaranteed booking – confirmed by a guest.
Front of the house – sell guest rooms, provide  Guest – client of a hotel
information in hotel services, coordinate guest services,
 Guest history – guest hotel record for references
settle of guest accounts.
 Free sale – room available for booking
Back of the house – Chatroom status reports, maintain
 On-request – room status w/in its subject for room
guest accounts, construction guest history file.
 Overbooking – accepting more reservations.
 Pax – person or guest
 Room blocking – the process of reserving
Reservation Request
1. Receive reservation request using the minimum –  Sale – a room space sold
minimum information (1) guest name, (2) type of  Fully booked – status w/in all rooms have been
room, (3) length of stay, (4) arrival date. sold.
2. Determine the room availability – check the  Wash down – blocking fewer rooms than num req.
availability of the rooms prior requested date under
three categories: fully booked, waiting list, free sale. LESSON 2: DIFFERENT TYPES OF RESERVATION
3. Accepting or denying the request – (1) gently A. Guaranteed Reservation – very useful to a
inform and apologize, (2) gently speak saying “all guest who may be arriving late at night, or even
bookings on the date you requested are wait- early the next morning to make him/her
listed”, (3) the res officer will be pleased to reserve assured that the reserved room won’t be
a room for you. cancelled.
4. Documenting the reservation details – should be 1. Advance deposit guaranteed reservation or
written or encoded in the reservation form. partial payment
5. Confirming the reservation – confirmed by the 2. Prepayment guaranteed reservation
guest through advance deposit or any other various 3. Credit card guaranteed reservation
modes of payment. 4. Travel agent guaranteed reservation
6. Maintaining the reservation record – properly filled 5. Corporate guaranteed reservation
for future references. Details attached and updated. B. Nonguaranteed reservation – also called as
7. Compiling the reservation report – his very last provisional reservation that means that the
step is also necessary in preparing the guest guests have not secured their room booking. Ex.
reservation history, etc. After the cut-off time, automatically cancelled.
Modes of Reservation Inquiries
1. Letter – Old method for advance booking
2. Telephone – most common mode of
3. Fax (facsimile) – cheaper than telephone convo
4. E-mail – faster transaction requirements
5. Intermediary – tour operators, travel agents,
hotel booking agents.
6. Online booking – advance way of reservation
7. Personal or Walk-in – face-to-face contact
Minimum Information of Reservation Inquiry
1. Name of guest
2. Arrival date
3. Length of stay
4. Type of room
5. Contact details
-additional information
*flight details
*smoker or nonsmoker
*frequency club member
*credit card number
*other room request
Group Reservations – 15 persons or more involved.
 Pre-booking - 18-24 months before the
expected arrival that will entail pre-booking
 Pre-arrival – will take place to minimize loss
incurred by both the hotel and the key sponsor.

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