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Learner’s Material
Unit 4

Sculpture and 3D Works

  This instructional material was collaboratively developed

and reviewed by educators from public and private schools,
colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other
education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education at
[email protected].
MAPEH – Grade 3
Learner’s Material
First Edition, 2013

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Published by the Department of Education

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Undersecretary: Dina S. Ocampo, Ph.D.

Development Team of the Learner’s Material

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Table of Contents

Lesson 1
Finger Puppet……………………………………….. 4

Lesson 2
Hand Puppet ……………………………………….. 6

Lesson 3
Sock Puppet ………………………………………... 8

Lesson 4
Stick Puppet ………………………………………… 12

Lesson 5
String Puppet ……………………………………….. 15

Lesson 6
Puppet Show ……………………………………….. 18

Lesson 7
Mask Making ………………………………………. 20

Lesson 8
My Headdress ……………………………………… 23

Fourth Quarter  Sculpture/ 3D Works
Lesson No. I  Finger Puppet
Code A3EL-IVa  Identifies different styles of puppets made in
the Philippines

Think About This

Puppets are effective means of educational entertainment.

In the Philippines, Puppetry started since the time of Dr. Jose

Rizal, our national hero, when he staged the play entitled
“CARILLO” or shadow puppetry. He used a carton and a stick
and he placed this at the back of a white cloth. Then he used a
candle light at the back of the puppets.

Angono, is known to have the giant puppets . These are

made of Paper Mache and bamboo sticks. They used this to
celebrate the feast of St. Clementine every last Sunday of

Children are well amazed by the magic behind the puppetry


Be Creative

1. Prepare your materials: flat pieces of cardboard, and the

drawing and coloring materials.(DRAWING AND COLORING
2. Group yourselves into five groups. Talk about a story, a
legend, or a folktale you have heard from the old folks.
3. Think of a character who will play a particular role in the
story you want to portray: people, animal, or plant. You can
also personify things in the surroundings, for example plants,
trees etc.

4. Draw your characters on the flat piece of cardboard.
5. Use a marker or black crayon in drawing the details of the
different parts of the face and hair.
6. Wrap around the puppet any piece for its clothes.
7. Make a stage using a shoe box or anything hard which can
be placed in front of the fingers.
8. When all finger puppets are ready, Plan a presentation
where all of the puppets will be shown in the performance.
9. Make an interesting performance. Be Creative!

Take The Challenge

How do you show creativity in making your finger puppet?

Write your answer in the box.

  Larawan  ng mga taong may iba’t ibang laki 

Frame your Thoughts

A finger puppet is a miniature puppet fitting over and

manipulated by one finger or all fingers.

Be Proud


1. Does your puppet show 3 2 1

creativity? Very Evident Not
Evident Evident
2. Does your puppet show use
of different recyclable

3. Was the presentation


4. Did you work well with your


Fourth Quarter  Sculpture/ 3D Works
Lesson No. 2  Hand Puppet
Code A3PL-IVc  Appreciates variations of puppets in terms of
material, structure, shapes, colors, and
intricacy of textural details

Think About This

Puppetry is a form of performance that involves

using puppets  as characters in a show or a story.  Discarded
and recyclable materials can be used to make puppets.
Different colors, shapes, and textures of the recyclable and
discarded materials can create simple but beautiful

Be Creative
Activity no. 1

Paper Bag Hand Puppet

1. Prepare the materials to be used. Nasa TG po

2. Fold the top of a paper bag to make a flap.
3. On the upper flap of the paper bag, glue recyclable items to
show parts of the head of the puppet.

4. Give your puppet an interesting expression. It may be happy,

excited, or surprised.
5. Add other recyclable materials to the paper bag to make
your puppet as unique and different as possible.
6. Display your finished work in the assigned area.
7. Plan for a puppet presentation during break time. Together,
you can make an interesting performance.

Take the Challenge

1. How does your artwork show awareness of the environment?
2. How do your choices and use of different materials make
your puppet attractive and interesting?

Frame your Thoughts

By reusing materials that can be recycled, we help protect our


Be Proud
Check or rate your output based on the given rubric below.


Indicators 3 2 1
Very Evident Not
Evident Evident
1. I showed creativity in using
recyclable materials.
2. My puppet shows an
interesting expression.
3. My work was appreciated
by my classmates.
4. I cooperated with my
groupmates in putting up an
exhibit of our hand puppets.

Fourth Quarter  3D and Sculpture
Lesson No. 3  Sock Puppet
Code A3PR-IVc & d  Creates a puppet design that would give
a specific and unique character

Applies designs of varied shapes and

colors on puppets to show the unique
character of the puppets

Think About This

Puppets today are widely considered as entertainment for

children. More and more people are discovering that puppets
have always held a place in entertainment for all ages.
In this lesson, we will make a hand puppet out of socks. You,
as a puppeteer, will wear the sock puppet on your hand as if you
are wearing a glove.

Look at this picture

    A picture of a hand puppet sock in a mini show 

Be Creative
Activity 1: Hand Puppet

1. Find an old clean sock. (Preferably, the sock should reach

the elbow.)


2. Check your recycled box of materials. Plan the design and

the puppet character using the objects on hand.
3. Wear the sock on a hand as if it were a glove to try it out.
4. Determine the shape and color of your puppet’s mouth. Cut
this out from a cardboard.



5. Bend the cardboard in half and glue it at the center of the

sole part of the sock.


6. Add something to the mouth of your puppet to make it

unique and different.


7. Work with a seatmate and plan a short story for your puppet
8. Be ready for a mini-hand puppet show.

(Pupils will take turn in presenting their puppets.)

Activity 2: Mini-Hand Puppet Show

1. After making the hand puppets, be ready for the mini-hand

puppet show.
2. Get a small table and a cloth to cover you as puppeteers.
3. Wear your decorated hand puppet as if it were a glove.
4. Hide behind the stand and raise the hand above it so that
only the puppet is visible on top of the table.
5. Begin your presentation and enjoy the mini show.

Frame Your Thoughts

A hand puppet is a type of puppet that is controlled

by the hand in presenting a show.

Be Proud

Inside the circle Draw a             if your answer is YES  

and if your answer is NO.

1. Do I understand the art of making a sock puppet?

Yes No Explain______________

2. Did I follow the steps in making a sock puppet?

Yes No Explain_______________

3. Did I use found objects to decorate my sock puppet?

Yes No Explain_______________

4. Did I share materials with my classmates?

Yes No Explain_______________

5. Did I enjoy doing the activity?

Yes No Explain_______________ 


Fourth Quarter Sculpture/3d Works

Lesson No. 4 Stick Puppet
Code A3PR-IVe Constructs a simple puppet based on a
character in a legend, myth or story using
recyclable materials and bamboo sticks or

Think About This

Puppeteers can create a small theater for doing shows using

finger puppets or stick puppets. The puppeteer holds the puppet
with one hand and uses the other hand to move other puppets
involved in the puppet show.

Some sample shows using stick puppets.

Some sample puppet shows and stick puppets

Be Creative

Activity 1
Making a Stick Puppets

1. Work with a group. Share stories on myths and

legends you know that can be entertaining.

2. Decide on a character from a legend or myth that

will be used for your stick puppet.

3. Prepare several pieces of popsicle sticks preferably
bought from the craft store. These will be enough to
make many puppets.

4. Draw a face on one end of the popsicle stick. You

can glue on small wiggly eyes, if you have them. Feel
free to use large wiggly eyes too!

5. Add hair, arms and clothes using yarn, pipe

cleaners, colored paper, and fabric scraps. A pom-
pom could be used for the puppet's hair. Think of
alternate things you could use items for, too--fur for
hair, a small plastic cup for a skirt. Give your puppet
a name.

6. Make several Popsicle characters and put up a mini-

puppet play!

7. Glue leftover Popsicle sticks together to make a mini

puppet area. Use a piece of fabric for curtains and
you can put on a show anywhere.



Fourth Quarter  3D and Sculpture

Lesson No. 5  String Puppets
Code A3PR-IVf  Manipulates a puppet to act out a
character in a story together with other
Frame Your Thoughts

A stick puppet is a simple type of puppet made of cardboard

and sticks. It is an artwork which gives joy to children of all

Be Proud
Put a star ( ) in the circle if your answer is YES and a half moon

( ) if your answer is NO.

1. Did I make a stick puppet based on a character
in a legend?
2. Did I use my puppet to entertain others?

3. Did I show appreciation for puppet making by

enjoying making one?
4. Did I willingly participate and cooperate in our
group project?

Think About This

You learned that puppets are widely used nowadays.

Puppets are like magical little people that can laugh, cry, jump
or dance. But puppets need puppeteers, without puppeteers
they are nothing. Puppets depend on little puppeteers to
make them come.

Be Creative
Activity 1
Story Making on Filipino Values

1. Each group is assigned a situation to portray.

2. Create a short story based on the suggested situation .
Each situation manifests a Filipino value.
3. Different characters must be seen in the story that you will
4. Each member must share his/her experiences to come up
with a story showing the importance of the assigned
Filipino value.
5. This activity must be finished within five minutes only.
6. Be reminded that you will be working as a group. Show
respect to the other groups by working quietly.

Group I - The Kind Child

Group II – The Helpful Handicapped Child
Group III – An Industrious Child
Group IV – The Respectful Special Child

Note: Ask for teacher’s assistance if you find difficulty in coming up with a
short story.

Write your story here.

Title of the Story

Take The Challenge

Puppet Show
1. Let each of your groups present a short puppet show
based on the story you created.
2. Be aware that the groups are given only 2 minutes to
present the puppet show.
3. Other groups shall observe the performance of the
performing group so that you can give your honest
rating after the performance.
4. Rate the group performance using the rubric below:

Skills to Measure 3 2 1
1. The performance was well planned.
2. The performers expressed their feelings
and emotions during the presentation.
3. The presentation portrayed the Filipino
values assigned.
4. Cooperation and participation among
each member were observed.
5. Manipulation of the puppets was
creatively shown in portraying a
6. Finished the performance within the
given time.

Legend: 3Very Evident, 2 Evident, 1 Not Evident

Frame Your Thoughts

Puppets can be used to tell a story in an interesting way.
Careful handling of a string puppet is effective in telling a


Fourth Quarter  3D and Sculpture 

Lesson No. 6  Puppet Show 

Code A3PR-IVg  Performs as puppeteer together with others, in a

puppet show to tell a story using the puppet he/she

Think About This

A puppet show is a form of entertainment in which the performers

or characters are puppets. A person who manipulates a puppet is
called a puppeteer.

There are different ways of preparing for a show:

- Cover a table with cloth.

- Use a cardboard box
- Use a window for a performance

Illustrator may illustrate the 3 ways

Be Creative

Activity 1
Planning the Puppet Show (Session 1)

1. Form groups of 5-8 members to plan for the activity.

2. Tell each other to share the stories they have heard, seen or
read from books. It may be a good or funny stories, fable or
folk tales presentation.
3. Today, your teammates will write a short script of the chosen
story then agree on a presentation.
4. Use your hands to make the puppets move and your hands
to make them talk. Practice talking in the puppet’s voice
and move them correctly according to planned script of the
5. You can use musical sounds and props to make the show
more interesting.
6. Prepare to be called for the puppet show.

Activity 2
The Puppet Show (Session 2)

1. Get your number from the box prepared by the teacher to

know when to present.
2. Observe the standards in watching the show like giving
respect to the performers.
3. Perform the puppet show with confidence.
4. Enjoy watching each other’s puppet show.

Frame Your Thoughts

A puppet show is a form of entertainment show where in the

performers are puppets manipulated by a person called a

Be Proud

Take the Challenge

Answer the following question below:

1. Did I show my cooperation in planning the puppet

show? How?
2. Did I show appreciation of the advantages of
team effort in doing a puppet show? How?
3. Did I take pride in the puppet show performance
of the group? How?
4. Have I expressed my thoughts and feelings when
performing as a puppeteer? How?

Fourth Quarter  3D and Sculpture
Lesson No. 7  Mask Making
Code A3PR-IVh  Design and create a mask or headdress with
the use of recycled or natural objects
inspired by best festivals
Think About This
In other places, masks are used by the people for
merrymaking and special occasions. Masks range from simple bag
masks to more elaborately-shaped and painted ones.

Be Creative
Activity 1
Paper Mask Making

1. Get a used cardboard or old folder just big enough to fit your
2. Sketch a shape you want for your mask on the cardboard.
Cut out the shape using scissors.

3. Put the shape on your face and mark the location of your
eyes, nose and mouth with a pencil.
4. Make holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth using scissors.
5. Draw the eyebrows and enhance the eyes, nose, and mouth
parts by using your crayons.
6. You can also make the nose higher by cutting 2x2 inches
cardboard or folder. Paste it on the place where the nose is
7. Add more shapes and colors to make your mask more
8. Paint your mask using watercolor.
9. Make small holes for the rubber bands near the ear.
10. Put your mask on your face and present it to your teacher.

Frame Your Thoughts

  Mask making is fun. One can create a mask artistically by using

different shapes, colors, and textures. Masks can be made of papers,
cardboard, paper plates, and old folders, String, yarn, straw, and other
materials can be added to decorate the mask.

Take the Challenge

Answer the questions by shading the box of the correct
answer with any of the primary colors.

1. What material can be used in mask making?

a. used folder b. paper c. galvanized iron
2. Which should be done first in mask making?
a. Make holes for the eyes, nose, and mouth.
b. Cut any shape you like from a piece of card board.
c. Put rubber bands on the holes near the ears.
3. How will you add texture to your mask?
a. Cut the shapes.
b. Add more lines and colors.
c. Put holes in the mask.

4. Why is Masskara Festival celebrated in Bacolod? YES.
a. to encourage people go to their place
b. to sell masks
c. to show happy spirit of the Negrenses
5. If you were to design a mask for merry making, which of
these should you make?

a. b. c.

Be Proud
  Draw the mask you created inside the box. Then, answer the
questions below . 

1. What colors did I use in my mask?

2. What recyclable materials did I use?
3. Would I make more masks and headdresses? Why?
4. Should I be proud of our festivals? Why?
5. What I learn about our festivals?

Fourth Quarter  Sculpture/3d Works
Lesson No. 8  My Headdress 
Code A3PR -IVi Creates a mask or headdress that is
imaginary in design using found and
recycled materials, inspired by local Festivals

Think About This

Headdress has a variety of uses throughout the world.

Different styles of headdress are worn over the head for
celebration/festivals, performances, and entertainment.
There are also headdresses that are worn mainly for
protection (e.g. helmet, bonnet, etc.).

picture of children
wearing headdress in
a festival

Be Creative
Activity 1
Making a Headdress for Festivals
1. Think of any happenings or festivals in your province/region
where you can use a headdress.
2. Design a headdress for that particular activity.
3. Use a variety of shapes and colors to make your headdress
4. Help one another adjust measurements of the headdress to
fit your head.

5. Use found or recyclable/indigenous materials available in
your province or region in making your headdress.
6. Help your seatmate in finishing his/her headdress when
7. Give a title to your work.

Space for illustrations of # 4

and 5 instructions

Be Proud

Activity 2

Check the column that corresponds to your answer.

Abilities/Skills Yes No
1. I showed my creativity in making my
2. I used recyclable/indigenous materials
in my project.
3. I shared my knowledge of the festivals I
observed in my province or region.
4. I helped my seatmate in finishing his/her


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