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GANCAYO; March 15, 1990

G.R. No. 84507 March 15, 1990


CHOA TIEK SENG imported some lactose crystals from Holland. - The
importation involved fifteen (15) metric tons packed in 600 6-ply paper bags
with polythelene inner bags, each bag at 25 kilos net. The goods were
loaded at the port at Rotterdam in sea vans on board the mother vessel, and
thereafter aboard the feeder vessel of respondent Ben Lines Container, Ltd.
The goods were insured by the respondent Filipino Merchants' Insurance Co.,
Inc. against all risks under the terms of the insurance cargo policy.
Upon arrival at the port of Manila, the cargo was discharged into the custody
of the arrastre operator respondent E. Razon, Inc. prior to the delivery to
petitioner through his broker. Of the 600 bags delivered to petitioner, 403
were in bad order. The surveys showed that the bad order bags suffered
spillage and loss. Petitioner filed a claim for said loss.
Respondent insurance company rejected the claim alleging that assuming
that spillage took place while the goods were in transit, petitioner and his
agent failed to avert or minimize the loss by failing to recover spillage from
the sea van, thus violating the terms of the insurance policy sued upon; and
that assuming that the spillage did not occur while the cargo was in transit,
the said 400 bags were loaded in bad order, and that in any case, the van
did not carry any evidence of spillage. Insurance company filed a third-party
complaint against respondents Ben Lines and broker.
RTC dismissed the complaint, the counterclaim and the third-party
complaint with costs against the petitioner. Appealed in CA but denied.

Whether or not insurance company should be held liable even if the technical
meaning in marine insurance of an insurance against all risk" is applied
YES . In Gloren Inc. vs. Filipinas Cia. de Seguros, 12 it was held that an all
risk insurance policy insures against all causes of conceivable loss or
damage, except as otherwise excluded in the policy or due to fraud or
intentional misconduct on the part of the insured. It covers all losses during
the voyage whether arising from a marine peril or not, including pilferage
losses during the war. - In the present case, the "all risks" clause of the
policy sued upon reads as follows: "5. This insurance is against all risks of
loss or damage to the subject matter insured but shall in no case be deemed
to extend to cover loss, damage, or expense proximately caused by delay or
inherent vice or nature of the subject matter insured. Claims recoverable
hereunder shall be payable irrespective of percentage."
The terms of the policy are so clear and require no interpretation. The
insurance policy covers all loss or damage to the cargo except those caused
by delay or inherent vice or nature of the cargo insured. It is the duty of the
respondent insurance company to establish that said loss or damage falls
within the exceptions provided for by law, otherwise it is liable therefor.
An "all risks" provision of a marine policy creates a special type of insurance
which extends coverage to risks not usually contemplated and avoids putting
upon the insured the burden of establishing that the loss was due to peril
falling within the policy's coverage. The insurer can avoid coverage upon
demonstrating that a specific provision expressly excludes the loss from
coverage. - In this case, the damage caused to the cargo has not been
attributed to any of the exceptions provided for nor is there any pretension
to this effect. Thus, the liability of respondent insurance company is clear.
Disposition the decision appealed from is hereby REVERSED AND SET ASIDE
and another judgment is hereby rendered ordering the respondent Filipinas
Merchants Insurance Company, Inc. to pay the damages to petitioner with
legal interest from the filing of the complaint, plus attorney's fees and
expenses of litigation in the amount of P10,000.00 as well as the costs of the

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