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Curriculum Vitae

Alan Douglas DeSantis, Ph. D.

Professional Address: Home Address:

Department of Communication 545 Alderbrook Way

234 Grehan Building Lexington, KY 40515
University of Kentucky Home: (859) 271-0386
Lexington, KY 40506-0042 Cell: (859) 552-7552
(859) 257-1975
E-mail: [email protected]
Web page:


Ph. D.
 Indiana University, Bloomington, IN (1988-1993)
o Communication (emphasis on rhetorical theory & criticism)

 University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL (1986-1988)
o Communication (emphasis on qualitative methodology)

 James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA (1984-1986)
o Communication

 Widener University, Wilmington, DE (1982-1984)
o Liberal Arts

Employment History

 University of Kentucky

o Director of the College of Communication and Information Living and Learning

Program—CI Connect (2014-Present)
o Full Professor, 2009-Present
o Associate Professor of the Department of Communication, 1998-2009
o Assistant Professor of the Department of Communication, 1993-1998
o Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA and the SEC, 2005-Present
o Member of the Athletic Board of Directors, 2005-Present
o Graduate Faculty of the College of Communications and Information Studies, 1996-

o Affiliated Member of the Department of Linguistics, 2000-Present
o Affiliated Member of the Committee on Social Theory, 2000-Present


I. Classes Taught

 Graduate Courses:
 CJT 780: Critical and Social Theory
 CJT 667/664: Qualitative Research Methods
 CJT 601: Introduction to Graduate Studies
 COM 591: Whiteness: An Introduction to Race Theory
 COM 553: Film Theory and Criticism (offered to undergraduates)
 Undergraduate Courses:
 COM 462: Intercultural Communication
 COM 454 (Honors Seminar): Ethnography
 COM 454 (Honors Seminar): A Study in Racism and White Privilege
 COM 454 (Honors Seminar): Rhetorical Theory Honors Seminar (taught with Dr. Tom
Peters, U of Louisville)
 COM 453: Social Issues and the Mass Media
 COM 453: Film Theory and Criticism
 COM 351: Communication Theory
 COM 350: Language and Communication
 COM 287: Advanced Persuasive Speaking
 COM 249: Mass Media and Society
 COM 252: Interpersonal Communication
 COM 181: Public Speaking
 COM 101: Introduction to Communication Studies (Mass-Lecture Format)
 Additional Courses Taught at Indiana University:
 Parliamentary Procedure (Returning-Studies Program)
 Business and Professional Communication
 Group Decision Making


University of Kentucky’s “Best Professor”:

-Voted by the University student body as the outstanding University professor (Sponsored by the
Student Developmental Council & the university newspaper, the Kentucky Kernel)
 Awarded 1998-1999
 Awarded 1999-2000
 Awarded 2002-2003
 Awarded 2003-2004
 Awarded 2004-2005
 Awarded 2005-2006
 Awarded 2006-2007
 Awarded 2007-2008

 Awarded 2008-2009
 Awarded 2010-2011

United States Professor of the Year Award

Nominated in the Spring of 2009 by the University of Kentucky’s Provost Committee. United
States Professor of the Year Award honors the nation’s best teachers for their achievements in
teaching undergraduate students. Sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching and supported by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

Alumni Award for Outstanding Teaching at the University of Kentucky:

 Awarded 1997
 Nominated 2010

Panhellenic Council’s Distinguished Professor Award:

(Panhellenic Council is the governing body for the UK’s Greek sorority system, with over 25
organizations and 1,900 member)
 Awarded 2010
 Awarded 2011

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars’ 2010 Inspire Integrity Award:

 Nominated 2009

James Madison University’s School of Communication Studies Distinguished Alumni Award:

 Awarded 2009

Golden Key Society’s Honorary Member Recipient Award:

 Awarded 1998. The NSCS Inspire Integrity Award is the nation’s only collegiate, student-
nominated faculty award; the award focuses specifically on integrity.

College of Communications and Information Studies:

 Outstanding Teacher Award Awarded 1996
 Faculty Community Service Award Awarded 2006
 Faculty Excellence in Research Award Nominated 2008

University of Kentucky’s Interfraternity Council’s Great Teacher Award:

(Interfraternity Council is the governing body for the UK’s Greek fraternity system, with over 19
organizations and 1,500 members)
 Awarded 1997
 Awarded 2005
 Awarded 2008

Indiana University Tradition Award for Excellence in Teaching:

 Awarded 1989

Media Outreach and Exposure
(University Public Relations)

Here are some of the media outlets that have either featured my published research or have
interviewed me about my work on ADHD stimulants on college campuses:

 Local/Regional Media (selective): Channel 36 News (ABC affiliate) / WEKU (Public Radio) /
Lexington Herald Leader / The Stanford Daily (CA) / McGill Daily (Canada) / Quinnipiac
Chronicle / The Oregonian / Kansas City Star and reprinted in The Columbus Dispatch /

 National Media (selective) that have cited my research: NBC’s “The Today Show” / “Chronicle
of Higher Education” / USA Today / CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 (7/21/11) / CNN (9/4/11) /
CNN.Com (9/5/11) /

 National/International Media (selective) that have interviewed me:

 Print/Internet: Slate Magazine (Washington Post) (2013) / Harper’s Magazine by Kyle

Paoletta (2013) / / The National Jurist Magazine (2013) / Eidé Magazine (2014)

 Radio: Wall St. Journal Radio (9/6/11) / NPR’s On Point (2013) / American Student Radio
by Leah D. Johnson (2013) / NPR’s Radio Health Journal with Reed Pence (2013)

 TV: CBS’s “60 Minutes” (4/25/10) with 11.38 million U.S. viewers / Swedish Public
Television, SVT by Lisa Carlsson (2013)

Scholarly Research

I. Book

DeSantis, A. D. (2007). Inside Greek U: Fraternities, sororities, and the pursuit of pleasure,
power, and prestige. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky.

o Reviewed: New York Times (Sunday) / Library Journal / Journal of Law and Education /
Educational Policy Institute / Journal of College Student Development / Inside Hazing /
Adjunct Advocate Magazine / Pitch Magazine / Lexington Herald Leader / /
The Daily (University of Washington) / The Muleskinner (University of Central Missouri)
/The Indiana Daily Student (Indiana University) / Oklahoma Gazette / Wisconsin State
Journal (Madison, WI) / Black Greek Network

o Interviewed: Newsweek / ABC News / Playboy / Inside Higher Education (reprinted by and / CBS affiliate WKYT / FOX affiliate
WKKY / Public Radio WEKU (Richmond, KY) / Public Radio WFPL (Louisville, KY) /
Louisville Courier-Journal / Cincinnati Enquirer / Mississippi Clarion Ledger / Kentucky
Kernel / Sigma Pi International Emerald / Opelika-Auburn News / Des Moines Register /

II. Articles

DeSantis, A. D., (2014). Observing the story: Interpretive research is systematic and
rigorous. In Davis, C (Ed). Conversations about qualitative communication research:
Behind the scenes with leading scholars. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, Inc.
(About this chapter: My article, “Smoke Screen (2002),” was selected by the editor as one of
the top twelve qualitative research articles in our discipline. This edited book both
reprinted my original article and asked me to speak on the topic of qualitative methodology
as it relates to my 2002 work)

DeSantis, A. D., Anthony, K., & Cohen, E.L. (2013) Illegal college ADHD stimulant
distributors: Characteristics and potential areas of intervention. Substance Use &
Misuse, 48.

DeSantis, A. D., Noar, S. M., & Webb., E. (2010). Speeding through the frat house: A
qualitative Exploration of nonmedical ADHD stimulant use in fraternities. Journal of
Drug Education, 40, 157-171.

DeSantis, A. D., & Hane A. (2010). “Adderall is definitely not a drug”: Justifications for the
illegal use of ADHD stimulants. Substance Use & Misuse, 45, 31-46.

DeSantis, A. D., Noar, S. M., & Webb., E. (2009). Non-medical ADHD stimulant use in
fraternities. Journal of Studies on Alcohol & Drugs, 70, 952-955.

DeSantis, A. D., Webb., E., & Noar, S. M. (2008). Illicit use of prescription ADHD medications
among college students: A multi-methodological approach. Journal of American
College Health, 57, 315-323.

DeSantis, A. D., & Colman, M. (2008). Not on my line: Homosexuality in Black fraternities. In
T. L. Brown, G. S. Parks, & C. M. Phillips (Eds.) African American Fraternities And
Sororities: The Legacy And The Vision, Vol. II. Lexington, KY: University Press of

DeSantis, A. D., & Morgan, S. (2004). American civil liberties and conspiracy theory in pro-
smoking campaigns. Communication Studies, 55, 319-339.

DeSantis, A. D. & Morgan, S. (2003). Sometimes a good cigar [magazine] is more than just a
good cigar [magazine]: Pro-smoking arguments in Cigar Aficionado, 1992-2000.
Health Communication, 15, 457-480.

DeSantis, A. D. (2003). A couple of white guys sitting around talking. Journal of

Contemporary Ethnography, 32, 432-466.

DeSantis, A. D. (2002). Smoke screen: An ethnographic study of a cigar shop’s collective

rationalization. Health Communication, 14, 167-198.

DeSantis, A. D. (2001). Caught between two worlds: Bakhtin’s Dialogism in the exile
experience. International Journal of Refugee Studies, 14, 1-19.

DeSantis, A. D. (1999). An Amostic prophecy: Frederick Douglass’ ‘The meaning of the July
fourth for the Negro.’ Journal of Communication and Religion, 22, 65-92.

DeSantis, A. D. (1998). Selling the American dream to black America: The Chicago Defender
and the great migration, 1915-1919. Western Journal of Communication, 62, 474-511.

DeSantis, A. D. (1997). From Modernity to Postmodernity: The recontextualization of

communication theory. In J. L. Owen (Ed.), Context and Communication Behavior. (pp.
59-77). Reno, Nevada: Context Press.

DeSantis, A. D. (1997). A forgotten protest leader: Robert S. Abbott and the Chicago
Defender. Journalism History, 23, 63-71.

DeSantis, A. D. (1993). Under fire: A rhetorical analysis of Marcus Garvey's apologia. African
Americans in New York Life and History, 17, 7-32.

III. Entries in Academic Encyclopedias

DeSantis, A. D. (2007). The Chicago Defender. In W. A. Darity (Ed.), International

Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (2nd Ed.). New York: Macmillan.

DeSantis, A. D. (2006). Chicago Defender and the great migration north. In S. A. Reich (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of the Great Black Migration of the Twentieth Century. Westwood, CT:
Greenwood Press.

DeSantis, A. D. (2006). Robert Abbott and the first Chicago migration. In S. A. Reich (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of the Great Black Migration of the Twentieth Century. Westwood, CT:
Greenwood Press.

DeSantis, A. D. (2006). Great Migration. In R. Walter & J. Upton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of

American Race Riots. Westwood, CT: Greenwood Press.

DeSantis, A. D. (2006). The Chicago Defender. In R. Walter & J. Upton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of
American Race Riots. Westwood, CT: Greenwood Press.

VI. Workbook

DeSantis, A. D. (2010). University of Kentucky’s Introduction to Communication Workbook

(10th Ed.).

VII. Select Conference Papers

DeSantis, A. D., (2013). “The evolution of qualitative research.” Presented at the meeting of
the National Communication Association National Conference, Washington, DC.

Anthony, K.E., Cohen, E.L., & DeSantis, A.D. Characteristics of college students who
illegally distribute to peers. (2012). Public Health Education and Health Promotion.

American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 27,

DeSantis, A. D., & Hane A. (2008) “Adderall is definitely not a drug”: Justifications for the
illegal use of ADHD stimulants. Presented at the meeting of the National
Communication Association National Conference, San Diego, CA.

DeSantis, A. D. (2006). “The state of college athletics: A perspective from a college

professor.” Presented as a member of a four-person panel (with NCAA president
Miles Brand and past NCAA president Joseph Crowley) televised on CSPAN, Orlando,

DeSantis, A. D., & Hane, A. (2004). “Greek sex: Understanding conceptions of sex and gender
in fraternities and sororities.” Presented at the meeting of the National
Communication Association National Conference, Chicago, IL. (Top 4 Paper)

DeSantis, A. D., & Morgan, S. (2003). “Conspiracy logic in pro-smoking arguments.”

Presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association National
Conference, Miami, FL.

DeSantis, A. D. (2002). “What prevention researchers need to know about pro-smoking

messages of at-risk smokers.” Invited presenter at the University of Kentucky’s
Tobacco Summit. Sponsored by the UK Medial School and the Center for Prevention
Research, Lexington, KY.

DeSantis, A. D. (2002). “Spot-light panel on James R. Andrews: The 2000 National

Communication Association’s Distinguished Scholar Recipient.” Presented at the
meeting of the National Communication Association National Conference, Seattle,
WA. (Organizer, chair and respondent).

DeSantis, A. D. (2001). “Smoke screen: An ethnographic study of the collective

rationalization of a smoke shop: Pro-smoking arguments in Cigar Aficionado, 1992-
2000.” Presented at the meeting of the National Communication Association National
Conference, Atlanta, GA.

DeSantis, A. D. (1999).“Racism on campus: Strategies for a more inclusive learning

environment.” Keynote Address at the Mid-South Regional Conference on Academic
Advising, Lexington, KY.

DeSantis, A. D. (1998). “Caught between two worlds: The simultaneity of Bakhtin’s

Dialogical Theory in exile discourse.” Presented at the meeting of the National
Communication Association National Conference, New York City, KY.

DeSantis, A. D. (1998). “The limitations of monological analysis of narratives.” 7th

International Conference on Narrative, Lexington, KY.

DeSantis, A. D. (1998). “Social responsibility in the age of technology.” Keynote Address at

the Golden Key Honor Society’s Annual Award Ceremony, Lexington, KY.

DeSantis, A. D. (1997). “Forced expulsion from the homeland: The discourse of exiles and
Bakhtin’s dialogical principle.” Presented at the meeting of the 6th International
Conference on Narrative, Lexington, KY.

DeSantis, A. D. (1996). “The Color of Fear: Facilitating race relations in large lecture-hall
classrooms.” Presented at the meeting of the Speech Communication Association
National Conference, San Diego, CA.

DeSantis, A. D. (1995). "Developing the undergraduate communication canon: A working

session." Presented at the meeting of the Speech Communication Association
National Conference, San Antonio, TX.

DeSantis, A. D. (1994). "Frederick Douglass and the Prophet Amos: The Fourth of July
Oration of 1852." Presented at the meeting of the Speech Communication
Association National Conference, New Orleans, LA.

DeSantis, A. D. (1994). "Breaking the rules: A textual analysis of Frederick Douglass' 4th of
July Oration." Presented at the meeting of the Southern Speech Communication
Conference, Norfolk, VA.

DeSantis, A. D. (1994). "The American Dream and the promise deferred: The Chicago
Defender and the Great Migration of 1915-1919." Presented at the meeting of the
Southern Speech Communication Conference, Norfolk, VA.

DeSantis, A. D. (1991). "A first step in multicultural understanding." Keynote Presentation

at James Madison University's Annual Communication Criticism Conference,
Harrisonburg, VA.

DeSantis, A. D. (1990). "Under fire: A rhetorical analysis of Marcus Garvey's apologia."

Presented at the meeting of the Speech Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
(Selected as one of the top debut papers by the Black Caucus)

DeSantis, A. D. (1988). "An untold story: Tuscaloosa's civil rights struggle." Presented at the
meeting of the National Association of Oral History, Baltimore, MD.

VIII. Select Presentations, Lectures, and Workshops

“Speeding through Greek life: Stimulant abuse in fraternities and sororities.” Keynote
speaker for the annual meeting of the Fraternity Executive Association (FEA). The
FEA is the professional organization for the executives of North America’s fraternities
and sororities (Chicago, IL 2011).

“Understanding the darker side of brotherhood: Groups and the loss of the individual.”
Keynote speaker for fraternity and sorority life advisors of North Carolina (Charlotte,
NC 2011).

Workshop on “Inside Greek U.” Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity International selected “Inside Greek
U” to be their annual “common reading” for the organization’s executives and
traveling consulting staff. Pi Kappa Phi has 142 active chapters, 93 alumni groups, 21
colonies, and more than 100,000 initiated members.

“ADHD stimulants on college campus.” One of six invited speakers at the “Town Hall
Meeting at UK,” an annual event organized by the Society for Neuroscience and the
Department of Physiology (Lexington, KY 2011).

“Hooking-up: Interpersonal relationships at college.” Invited speaker at annual spring

public lecture at Transylvania University (Lexington, KY, 2011).

“ADHD stimulant use on college campuses: Motivations and justifications.” Invited

presenter to the Louisiana Center Addressing Substance Use in Collegiate
Communities (Baton Rouge, LA. 2010).

“The use of ADHD stimulants on college campuses.” Presented to the Provosts and the Vice
Presidents of Student Affairs for the University of Tennessee system (Nashville, TN.

“Slang in America: An exploration of its purposes and uses.” Presented to the Lincoln
Country Chamber of Commerce (Spring 2010).

“Understanding gender dynamics in the workplace.” Presented to the UK’s Women’s Forum
Conference (Fall 2009).

“The Social construction of gender in the American Greek system: How fraternities and
sororities create notions of hyper masculinity and femininity for their members.
 University of Kentucky College of Education (Fall 2008)
 Eastern Kentucky University (Fall 2008)
 James Madison University (Spring 2008)
 Transylvania University (Spring 2009)
 University of Tennessee (Spring 2010)

“What to expect in a college classroom: Rights, responsibilities, and advice for first-year
students.” Presented to all incoming first year and transfer student entering the
University of Kentucky, i.e., K-Week. Sponsored by the Office of New Student and
Parent Programs (Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Spring 2008—Spring 2011).

“Being smart at college: Rights, duties, and responsibilities of a college student.” Presented
to all (approximately 700) first-year sorority women at the University of Kentucky
(Fall 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008).

“The construction of femininity in the media.” Inaugural speaker in The Final Word Lecture
Series sponsored by UK’s SAB. (Fall 2007)

“From flappers to rappers: A century of slang in American.” One of four invited UK
professors to speak at UK’s Alumni Winter College, Naples, FL. (February 2006)

“Language philosophy made easy.” Keynote Speaker for the University of Kentucky Alumni
Club Dinner. (February 2005)

“Race conflict in America.” Presented at Transylvania University’s Black History Month

Celebration. (February 2004)

“Effective communication emerging leaders.” College of Agriculture’s Leadership Program

sponsored by Philip Morris, Inc. (Fall 2001 & Spring 2004)

“Civic responsibility after college.” December graduation ceremony for the Department of
Communication. (December 2001)

“What to expect in an American classroom.” International Undergraduate Student

Orientation Program. (Fall 1998 & Fall 2000)

“Effective presentational speaking.” University’s Emerging Leader Institute. (Spring 2000)

“Understanding issues of race in the classroom.” Center for Athletic and Tutorial Services at
UK. (Summer 1999)

“Racial understanding in the classroom.” Delivered to all incoming University of Kentucky’s

teaching assistants. (Fall 1998)

“Creative uses of technology in the classroom.” Teaching and Learning Center. (Spring

“Effective use of Parliamentary Procedure.” Student Government Officers. (Spring 1995)

“Incorporating oral-communication skills in your classroom.” Presented to the Modern-

Studies Faculty of the College of Arts and Science. (Spring 1995)

IX Professional Consulting

 Consultant to Mark R. Bocci, Attorney at Law (2012)

o Hired by Bocci’s Law Firm to be their expert on a highly publicized fraternity
rape case at Oregon State University.

 Consultant Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity International (2011)

o Hired to consult Pi Kappa Phi’s directors and traveling consultants on
potential at-risk behaviors within their 142 active university chapters.



 Committee member on Sabrina Billings' Gaines Fellowship thesis (Spring 1995)

 Committee member on Chris Macliqus’ Gaines Fellowship thesis (Spring 1996)
 Committee member on Rickey Pack’s Gaines Fellowship thesis (Spring 2006)
o Note: The Gaines Fellowship is a highly selective honors programs


 Co-directed (with Dr. Knuf) Li-Han Chang's Master's thesis (Spring 1995)
 Committee member for Andre' Zoch's Master's thesis (Fall 1995)
 Committee member for Charles Williams’ Master’s thesis (Fall 1997)
 Committee member for Ranja Fayne’s Master’s thesis (Fall 1997)
 Committee Chair for Lisa Foster (Spring 2000)
 Committee Chair for Sara Hatfield (Spring 2000)
 Committee member for Rachel Ross (Spring 2000)
 Committee member for Tim Buckingham (Spring 2002)
 Committee Chair for Erin Foley-Reynolds (Fall 2002)
 Committee Chair for Anupa Arya (Spring 2003)
 Committee member for Lenora Underwood (Spring 2003)
 Committee member for Whitney Boyles (Spring 2003)
 Committee member for Kristi Martin (Fall 2004)
 Committee Chair for Molly Longnecker (Spring 2005)
 Committee Chair for Elizabeth Webb (Spring 2005)
 Committee member for Alan Lowhorn (Spring 2005)
 Committee member for David Willis (Spring 2005)
 Committee Chair for Jamie Fielding (Fall 2005)
 Committee Chair for Brad Arterburn (Spring 2008)
 Committee member for Brianna Bodine’s Master’s thesis (Fall 2008)
 Committee member for Jennifer Bustle’s Master’s thesis (Spring 2009)
 Committee member for Caitlin Dixon (Spring 2009)
 Committee member for Kelly McAninch Master’s thesis (Spring 2009)
 Committee member for Kelley Cowden (Spring 2009)
 Committee Chair for Matt Reno (Fall 2012)
 Committee member for Tim Bill Thesis (Fall 2014)

Ph. D.

 Committee member for Maki Takahashi’s Doctoral Dissertation (Fall 1998)

 Committee member for Robert Thompson’s Doctoral Dissertation (Fall 1998)
 Committee member for Rana Johnson’s Doctoral Dissertation (Fall 1998)
 Chair for Shawn Long’s Doctoral Exams and Dissertation (Spring 2000)
 Committee member for Clint Baldwin’s Doctoral Exams and Dissertation (Spring 2000)
 Committee member for Kevin Miller’s Doctoral Exams and Dissertation (Spring 2002)
 Committee member for Gina Francies’ Doctoral Dissertation (Spring 2002)

 Committee member for Stephen Yungbluth’s Doctorial Dissertation (Spring 2003)
 Committee member for John Youngblood’s Doctoral Exams and Dissertation (Spring
 Committee member for Kelly Dixon’s Doctoral Exams and Dissertation (Spring 2006)
 Chair for Dean Abbott’s Doctoral Exams and Dissertation (Spring 2009)
 Committee member for Denise Damron’s Doctoral Exams and Dissertation (Fall 2012)
 Committee member for Sarah Riley’s Doctoral Dissertation (Spring 2013)
 Committee member for Anna (Rankin) Kerr’s Dissertation (Spring 2014)
 Chair for Kelly Cowden’s Exams & Dissertation (in process)
 Chair for Elizabeth Webb’s Exams & Dissertation (in process)

Outside Graduate (Ph.D.) Committee Member

1. Committee member for Douglass Patko / Music (Fall 1998)

2. Committee member for Ginny Carney / English/Social Theory (Fall 2000)
3. Committee member for Francis Kumor / Music (Fall 2002)
4. Committee member for Robert Park / Music (Fall 2003)
5. Outside Examiner for Chuck Ruot / Kinesiology (Fall 2003)
6. Committee member for Michael Aukofer / Music (Spring 2004)
7. Outside Examiner for Vicki McVay / Music (Fall 2004)
8. Committee member for Brian Mason / Music (Spring 2008)
9. Committee member for Melissa Inouye / Kinesiology (Spring 2008)
10. Outside Examiner for Jennifer Sgroe / Music (Spring 2008)
11. Committee member for Susan Hart / Education (Spring 2010)
12. Committee member for Brad Meyer / Music (Spring 2010)
13. Committee member for Lindsey Jayne Jasinski / Psychology (Summer 2010)
14. Committee member for Robert Parks / Music (Fall 2010-Spring 2011)
15. Committee member for Collin Hill / Music (Spring 2011)
16. Committee member for Brad Meyer / Music (Spring 2011)
17. Outside Examiner for Ben Stiers / Music (Spring 2011)
18. Committee member for Michael Aukofer / Music (Spring 2011)
19. Committee member for John McCluskey/ Music (Spring 2013)
20. Committee member for Colin Hill / Music (Spring 2013)
21. Committee member for Brandon M. Arvay / Music (Spring 2014)
22. Outside Examiner for Travis Grosser / College of Business (Spring 2014)
23. Outside Examiner for Maryanne Edmundson / Psychology (Summer 2014)

University Service

I. Faculty Athletics Representative to the SEC and the NCAA (2005-2009)

In April of 2005, President Todd appointed me to a four-year term as the University of Kentucky’s
Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) for the SEC and the NCAA. The FAR serves as the liaison

between the University’s academic concerns and its athletic interests. Specifically, the FAR’s
responsibilities are six-fold:

1. Advise the president on matters in which academics and athletics intersect.

2. Oversee academic and institutional integrity and compliance.
 Serve as the president’s “eyes and ears” in the athletic department
3. Serve as a delegate to the NCAA and the SEC at deliberative and legislative meetings.
4. Develop, assess, and propose new SEC/NCAA academic legislation and policies that
protect the mission of higher education and promote student-athlete welfare.
 Since 2005, these proposals have included missed-class policy, progress-
towards-graduation, illicit drug use, minimum GPA, racial and gender
equality, and identifying fraudulent high and prep schools.
5. Advise coaches and athletic administrators.
6. Champion student-athlete rights.
 Observe on-campus practices and away-travel competitions and/or
tournaments with all 22 NCAA teams.

 Faculty Athletics Representative Ex Officio Responsibilities:

o Member of the University of Kentucky’s Athletic Board of Directors (2005-2009)

 The Board’s responsibility is to oversee all significant decisions made by the
Athletic Department.
o Chair of the Athletic Integrity Committee (2005-2009)
 The committee’s charge is to oversee the academic integrity of the
University’s athletic program. The committee members include the provost
and the directors of UK’s financial aid, admissions, and academic and tutorial
o Member of the Frank G. Ham Societas Virtutis Committee (2005-2009)
 The Societas Virtutis award is the athletic department’s most prestigious
honor and is given to the student athletes that have consistently
demonstrated virtue in the community and excellence in the classroom.
o Member of the Student-Athlete Welfare Committee (2006-2009)
 The committee, working independently of athletics, oversees all issues that
pertain to the welfare and wellbeing of UK’s student athletes.
o Chair of the Student-Athlete Transfer Appeal Committee (2006-2009)
 The committee, working independently of athletics, handles all appeals by
student athletes on transfer issues.
o Lyman T. Johnson Awards Selection Committee (2005-2009)
 The committee selects African American Student Athletes and Alumni for the
L. T. Johnson Award. This award is given annually to African Americans who
exemplify service, scholarship, and integrity.

II. Service to the University

 Elected to the University of Kentucky’s Faculty Senate (2011-2014)

 Member of the Faculty Senate’s Academic Programs Committee (2011-2014)

o The Senate's Academic Programs Committee (SAPC) is charged with recommending
action to the Senate on all new academic programs approved by the Undergraduate
Council, the Graduate Council, or the Academic Council for the Medical Center.
Specifically, the SAPC shall review the academic excellence, the need, and the
impact, desirability, and priority of the new academic program in relation to other

 Academic Area Advisory Committee for the Social Sciences (appointed by President Todd).
o Responsible for reviewing tenure and promotion cases in the Social Sciences and
making recommendations to the University Provost and President (Fall 2010-Spring
o Appointed to a second term by President Capilouto (Fall of 2012 to Present)

 Review Committee for the Division of Student Affairs (appointed by Provost Subbaswamy).
o Reviewed all aspects of the Division of Student Affairs prior to search for the new
Vice President and establish clear outcome goals for UK’s Top 20 Initiative. (Spring

 Chair of the External-Review Team for the University-Studies Program

o Appointed by the University Provost to “generate a series of innovated ideas that
would transform the university’s undergraduate mission.”
o As part of the university’s “Top 20 Initiative,” the report was released in the Fall of
2006 during a series of university-wide forums intended to stimulate debate and
refine the committee’s proposal.
o In the Spring of 2006, with the feedback from the university faculty and
administration, the committee completed its final document. The report is now
being used to help reform the University’s undergraduate curriculum.

 Gaines Center for the Humanities Breathitt Lecture Reader

o Reader and selection judge for the annual Breathitt Undergraduate Lectureship in
the Humanities. (Fall 2003)

 Featured University Speaker

o Selected by President Todd, in coordination with the Vice President for External
Affairs and UK’s Public-Relations Director, to be one of ten featured speakers to
represent the University of Kentucky at state and national events. (2002-present)
o Featured speaker for the University of Kentucky 2006 fund raiser for our Florida
Alumni Organizations. (Naples, FL)

 University Studies Program (USP) Committee Member

o The USP committee is responsible for designing a “well-balanced liberal arts
program” that all students at the University are required to take before graduation.
Appointed by the Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Studies. (Fall 1996—Spring

III. Pedagogical Service to University

 Chellgren Center for Undergraduate Education. Committee on the University of Kentucky’s
attendance policy rules for undergraduate education. (Spring 2009)

 Social-Science Honors Program Committee

o One of seven founding members of the Social-Science Honors Program.
Responsibilities included conceiving, developing, and implementing the University’s
first social-science honors program. Funded by a $25,000 University Grant. (2003)

 Undergraduate Courses Director (Fall 95 to Spring 2000)

o From the Fall of 1995 through the Spring of 2000, I was course director for the
Department of Communication’s Introduction to Communication Studies (COM 101)
and Persuasive Speaking (COM 287). As director, I was responsible for 1) course
design, 2) text selection, and 3) graduate-student training and supervision.

 Global Studies Faculty

o One of twelve faculty members, under the direction of Dean Edwards (Arts and
Sciences), whose mission was to construct a curriculum that offers a balanced
liberal-arts education from a global perspective. (Spring 1997)

 Director of Oral Skills Across the Curriculum

o In cooperation with the Teaching and Learning Center, I consulted, facilitated, and
conducted workshops to help other departments and professors incorporate oral-
communication skills and theories into their programs and classes. (1995-97)

IV. Student-Body Service

Involvement with undergraduate student organizations since the Fall of 1993

 Communication Student Association

 Communication Honors Society
 Greek Organizations:
o Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority Faculty Advisor
o Alpha Delta Pi Sorority Faculty Advisor
o Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Faculty Advisor
o Alpha Xi Delta Sorority Faculty Advisor
o Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity Faculty Advisor
o Alpha Chi Omega Fraternity Faculty Advisor
o Delta Gamma Sorority Faculty Advisor
o Pi Beta Phi Sorority Faculty Advisor
o Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Faculty Advisor
o Kappa Alpha Order Fraternity Faculty Advisor
o Phi Sigma Kappa Fraternity Faculty Advisor
o Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Faculty Advisor
o Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sorority Faculty Advisor
o Sigma Chi Fraternity Faculty Advisor

o Sigma Pi Fraternity, Chapter Director and Faculty Advisor
o Inter-Greek Programming Assembly Faculty Advisor
o Inter-Fraternity Council Faculty Advisor
 Student Activities Board Faculty Advisor
 Black Student Union Faculty Advisor
 University of Kentucky’s Chapter of the NAACP Faculty Advisor
 University of Kentucky Hockey Team Faculty Advisor
 University of Kentucky Women’s Lacrosse Team Faculty Advisor
 Ski Club Faculty Advisor
 Photography & Photojournalism Club Faculty Advisor
 Relay For Life Faculty Advisor
 Faculty Advisor for the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity (2012 to Present)

V. Campus Student Service

 Charity Events
o Emcee for Greek Sing, 1999, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
 Draws an audience of 8,000 and raises over $100,000 per year for the Make-
A-Wish Foundation.
o UK Fusion Team Leader, 2008.
o Judge for the Mr. University of Kentucky Pageant, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009,
o Judge for the Ms. University of Kentucky Pageant, 2005 & 2006
o Judge for “Battle of the Bands” Fundraiser, 1998-2003, 2006.
o Emcee Greek Auction for the victims of Hurricane Katrina sponsored by IGPA, 2005.
o Emcee (with Ashley Judd) the Youth Aids basketball charity tournament, 2005.
o Emcee for the Interracial Fraternity Hip Hop Talent Show, 2001.

 Student-Life Activities
o Panelist for campus forum addressing issue of racial tension at UK. (2007)
o Presenter at the CATSPYS Awards honoring UK’s student athletes with highest GPA.
(2005 & 2006)
o Moderator for the Student Activities Board: Spotlight on the movie cast of “Napoleon
Dynamite.” (2005)
o “Celebrity Faculty Member” selected for Crunch Brunch. (2001-2004)
o Moderator for campus forum on interracial dating. (2003)
o Judge for Annual Homecoming Parade. (1999 & 2003)
o Emcee for University Athletic Department Football Pep Rallies. (2002 & 2003)
o Faculty Representative and Judge for the University Homecoming Court. (1996 &
o Moderator for Student Government Association’s “Forum for Student Concerns.”
o Reviewer for the Merit Scholarship Program. (1995 & 1997)
o Election Debate Moderator for Student Government Association. (1997)

VI. Departmental Standing Committee Work

 Chair of the Curriculum Committee. (1993-1996)
 Academic Personnel Committee (elected position) (1996-98, 2003-05, 2007-09, 2012-
 Chair of the Admission and Appeals Committee. (1999-2004)
 Member of the Financial Resource Committee. (2004-2005)
 Member of the Recruitment and Retention Committee (2012 to Present)

VII. College Standing Committee Work

 Parliamentarian for the College of Communications and Information Studies. (Fall

 Faculty Council (elected position) (1996, 2003, 2006)
 Admissions Committee Member for the Graduate Program. (1999-2000)
 Recruitment Committee Member for the Graduate Program. (2003-2004)

Service Outside the University (regional, national, international)

I. Professional Organizations & National Professional Service

 National Communication Association, member.

o Critical-Theory Division’s Secretary 1999
o Reviewer for Pre-Conference Panels, NCA, Chicago, 1997

 Southern Speech Communication Association, member.

o Placement Chair 1999 & 2000
o Local Arrangements Chair for the SSCA 2001 Conference in Lexington, KY
o Reviewer for Southern States Communication Association’s Undergraduate
Conference, 2000, 2001, & 2002

 External Review Accreditation Member.

o Member of the academic external accreditation and review team for the School of
Communication Studies at James Madison University. (Spring 2000)

 Alumni Advisory Council to the School of Communication Studies at James Madison

o Founding member charged with advising faculty, students, and staff on matters
pertaining to curriculum, career preparation, community standards, and outreach.

II. Reviewer for Academic Book Presses

 Paid reviewer for Oxford University Press (African Americans History series, 2002)
 Paid reviewer for McGraw-Hill Press (Communication Division, 2002)
 Paid reviewer for Indiana University Press (Higher Education Series, 2006)
 Paid reviewer for Oxford University Press (Communication/Media series, 2007)
 Paid reviewer for Fairleigh Dickinson University Press (Higher Education Series, 2008)

III. Editor/Reviewer for Academic Journals

 Editorial board member of Communication Studies (editor, James Query)

 Editorial board member of Communication Teacher (editor, Deanna Sellnow)
 Invited reviewer for Journalism History (editor, Barbara Cloud)
 Invited reviewer for Communication Quarterly (editor, Trevor Parry-Giles)
 Invited reviewer for Southern Speech Communication Journal (editor, Joy Hart)
 Invited reviewer for Feminist Media Studies (editor, Cynthia Cater)
 Invited reviewer for Health Communication (editor, Teresa Thompson)
 Invited reviewer for Journal of Applied Social Psychology (editor, Andrew Baum)
 Invited reviewer for Journal for Illinois History (editor, Evelyn Taylor)
 Invited reviewer for Health Communication (senior editor, Mohan J Dutta)
 Invited reviewer for Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental (editor, Anne
 Invited reviewer for Journal of Applied Communication Research (editor, Laura Stafford)
 Invited reviewer for Substance use and Misuse
 Editorial Board of Communication Teacher
 Invited reviewer for Addiction Research & Theory


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