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Workshop for Business


Super Success
Subconsciously deep down, everyone wants to reach at the
top of his career. But who reaches at the top? It is
common belief that to become a top doctor, top engineer,
top lawyer, and top administrator, one needs several years
of serious study and efforts. However, serious study and
efforts alone do not help us to become super Achiever in
our life. Learning management and development of
management skills is necessary to be successful as an
executive. However, this can make you an ordinary
executive only. But, we are interested in becoming Super
Executive. In order to become super executive or to have
a fast trac of success and Super achievements we have to
understand What the Super Executive Possess (SEP) and
what the ordinary executive lacks (OEL).
What are we going to do in this workshop?

1.    All of us will be exposed to the laws that govern our

success ( and failure ).
2.    We will try to discover the personality difference
between Ordinary Executive (OE) and Super
Executive (SE).
3. How an OE (ordinary executive) can transform
himself into SE ( super executive )
Request to the Participants:
You are about to learn to travel on the Grand
Highway of super success in your life. The Road Less
1.    Please be cooperative and receptive;
2.    During the workshop, please be teachable;
3.    Kindly control the temptation to oppose the new ideas.
Generally, there is resistance to new knowledge and ideas.
4.    You have a choice. You can pick up all or some of the
ideas which click you.
You have an option in your life.

You can opt for a mediocre life

Move on to Grand Highway of Super Achievements.
No other person can make a choice for you. Only you and
you alone can make this choice.
So, what is your choice? Do you want to be a mediocre
You want to be a man of great Achievements?
What is success?
Success is another name of positive
accomplishment. It may be gaining wealth,
status or rank and fame. It is continuous
realization of higher GOALS as we move
on our road to achieve Purpose of Life.
Three Keys to Growth and Development
Accomplishment is the result of our ability,
desire and human relations.
Accomplishment = (f) A+D+HR
A = Ability (Develop required ability achieve
high accomplishment in life)
D = Desire (Create sincere and strong desire as
against impotent desire)
HR = Human relations (Generate huge social
bank account)
We should find out where we stand in relations to
the above requirements for satisfactory results.

Are you ‘A’ type ( good at Ability )

Are you ‘D’ type ( good at Desire )
Are you ‘HR’ type ( good at Human relations )
Are you ‘A’ and ‘D’ type
Are you ‘A’ and ‘HR’ type
Are you ‘D’ and ‘HR’ type
Are you ‘A’ and ‘D’ and ‘HR’ type
You need to work on all these keys continuously
throughout your life to gain success ceaselessly.
Every one of us wants super accomplishments in
life. Yet, a vary large number of us remain
mediocre; Why? It is because we do not know
the secret of super achievements in life. And
even if we know them we do not believe in them.
And even when we believe them we do not
practise them. Each one of us need to Know
them, Understand them, Believe them and
Practice them.
Carnegie Andrew once remarked, “It is shame that each new generation
must find the ways to success by trial and error, when the principles are
clear-cut.” It becomes important that we know the rules that will
ultimately determine our success.
How many of you will agree to the following proposal:
“If you were given the opportunity to spend twenty years interviewing the
most accomplished and wealthiest men and women of your day, probing
their psyches thoroughly for finding out the secrets to the success, on the
condition that you will be paid no subsidy for your efforts except to
provide letters of introduction and payment for expenses while
interviewing great men of the day. The project is to be completed in 20

Napoleon Hill agreed that he would begin the job and complete it. His
answer came in 29 seconds.
Requirements for Super-Success
Napoleon Hill, after his study of most successful people in the world gave his
findings in his book, ‘The Laws of Success’. These are the characteristics of
successful people.
1. Definite Chief Aim
2. Self-Confidence
3. Habit of Shaving
4. Initiative & Leadership
5. Imagination
6. Enthusiasm
7. Self-Control
8. Habit of Doing More Than
Paid for
9. Pleasing Personality
10. Accurate Thinking
11. Concentration
12. Cooperation
13. Profiting by Failure
14. Tolerance
15. Practicing Golden Rule
Napoleon Hill Writes: The most successful people
on earth have had to correct certain weak spots in
their lives. The most outstanding of those
weaknesses which stand between people and
success are intolerance, greed, jealousy, suspicion,
revenge, egotism, conceit, tendency to reap where
they have not sown.
One of the most insightful discoveries that history’s
great teachers have given us previous century is what
the Earl Nightangle the famous broadcaster and
educator calls the ‘strangest secret’;
Eight Important Words:


We need to chose the Right Thought

Thoughts are powerful tools given to man.

Thoughts become things in accordance with the

nature and feelings of our thoughts.

Positive thoughts attracts success and negative

thoughts attract no success or failure
Thoughts are living magnets. You are, constantly
attracting things, people and circumstances that are in
accordance with your thoughts.

The first universal law of success is ‘Law of thought and

manifestation.’ Thought has two parts:
1.    The idea-statement of thought
2.    The feelings associated with thought.
Thoughts manifest as experience in your life in
accordance with the emotion and feelings you associate
with your thoughts.
The essence of the law of thought and manifestation is
that what You recognize ( in your thinking ) You
Energize ( in your feelings and emotions ) What you
Energize ( in your feelings and emotions) You Realize
( in your life experience ).
Back to your question:

Why are some able to achieve super success in life?

The answer to this question has been discovered.
The key to super success lies in your particular
manner of thinking.
When you change your THINKING
You change your beliefs
When you change your beliefs
You change your attitude
When you change your attitude
You change your behaviour
When you change your behaviour
You change your PERFORMANCE
How you perform in any given area of your
life is only a function of your potential in that
area. It is largely a function of your Deep-
seated beliefs. If you change the quality of
your thinking, you necessarily will change
the quality of your life.
The power of thoughts, depending on how it is used, is
the most dangerous and most beneficial force available
to man. People have problems with their thinking.


Our life is therefore in our hands. We can choose the
right thoughts. By choosing the right thoughts we can
make our life what we want it to be. We require choosing
the right thoughts to build our life a life of super
( accomplishment ) success.
Success must be in our mind ‘first’. It starts as a thought
in our mind.
You Can Control Your Thinking:
The Key to super success is to control what you
think about you for you always get what you keep telling
your mind you want. If you keep your conscious mind
focused on what you Desire rather than on what you
fear, on the person you want to become with the
attributes you want to have then this is what will evolve
in your experience. Success will result only when you
take systematic control of the thoughts you allow to
occupy your conscious mind from minute to minute,
from day to day. This ability to control what you think
about from minute to minute and day to day is the
THE POWER WITHIN: The power of mind

Who You Are. You are not this body. You are mind
housed in a body. You are a mental entity: You can
Think. Your most important characteristics is that you
can think. Your thinking takes place at three levels of
mind. Conscious Level (Conscious Mind); Subconscious
Level (Subconscious Mind); Supper-Conscious Level
(Superconscious Mind).
Superconscious Mind
Infinite Wisdom and endless
possibilities are hidden here.

Help is available through

Subconscious only

Works 24 hrs
  Store all information and experiences
Accepts Command without question and
Can not distinguish between actual and
imagined experiences

All accepted thoughts and

experiences enter

Think, Reason, Command, and

Interact with the external
Conscious Mind “I”

We use the sense organs and the brain in gathering

information and processing it. This is the job of conscious
mind. The conscious mind is the choosing mind; and also
directing mind. It is the rational mind. It argues. It uses
logical reasoning. It compares facts. The conscious mind is
endowed with the power of discrimination. The conscious
mind is also called the Master Mind, the mind that direct
and gives orders to the subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind is a mechanism a goal striving servo-mechanism
consisting of the brain and nervous system which is used and directed by
conscious mind. It is like software in computer. The subconscious is the
obeying mind. It is subject to the command of the conscious mind. It is
also called subjective mind or passive mind. It does not argue and it
simply obeys the command. It will believe anything that is impressed
upon it.

It is absolutely necessary to understand this particular characteristics of

the subconscious mind. Let me explain it with another example. The
subconscious mind can be compared to fertile soil. The soil simply
receives whatever the farmer choose to sow. It has only the power of
accepting and no power of rejection. It is up to the farmer to choose
whether he wants to sow barley or wheat seeds. Similarly, it is up to your
choosing mind to select the thoughts (the seeds) to sow or drop in the
subconscious mind (the fertile soil).
Subconscious is amenable to SUGGESTIONS
Another law of subconscious mind is that t is amenable
to change by suggestions. Suggestions can come from
outside or from the person himself. When you give
carefully selected suggestions to the subconscious mind it
is called Auto-Suggestions.
Actual Experience Vs Synthetic Experience
The subconscious mind does not know the difference
between an actual experience and synthetic experience.
It can not distinguish between actual experience and
other experience. Both have same impression on
subconscious mind.
Power of Imagination
The subconscious mind receives very well what you
imagine. It accepts them and truly obey them.
Imagination is the workshop of the subconscious mind.
Bring anything you want within your imagination, it will
manifest. What you imagine, dream, or see before your
mind’s eye is going to appear as your experience, events,
and circumstances. If you imagine yourself to be
successful, you will become successful. On the other hand
if you imagine yourself to be unsuccessful, you will
become unsuccessful. On the other hand if you imagine
yourself to be a failure, a good-for-nothing person, the
subconscious will definitely work hard to make your
dream come true.
Subconscious has Extra-Sensory Perception
Superconscious Conscious Mind
Mind Higher Power
The Source
Infinite Intelligence

Link Line Subconscious

Subconscious Mind
Is There an Infinite Storehouse of Ideas, Knowledge, and

Many great thinkers of all ages have believed that man’s ‘stored
information’ is not limited to his own memories of past
experiences, and learned facts. ‘There is one mind common to all
individual men’, called Universal Mind. Edison believed that he
got some of his ideas form a source outside himself. He said,
‘Ideas are in the air.’ When we set out to find a new idea, or the
answer to a problem we must assume that the answer exists
already – somewhere and set out to find it. Once a scientist
attacks a problem which he knows to have an answer, his entire
attitude is changed. He is already fifty percent on his way to the
answer. You have access to Universal Mind via subconscious.
This means you have access to a power greater than you -- the
infinite source of all knowledge.

You can hope to operate your human

success system properly. You need to
know the basic laws that determine
your behaviour and affect your very
being. Understanding the mental laws
will help you get what you do want
more often.
First Mental Law is called
The law of ‘cause and effect’ is a basic law of the Universe.
It says that for every action or event in your life, there is
first a prior cause.
In the human system, your thoughts are the cause
and your circumstances are the effect. Your particular
manner of thinking will always be the primary cause of
your station in life, of the effects or results you are now
experiencing. If you want your life to change in future, you
have to change how you are thinking in the present. You
are continually changing and growing in the direction of
what you keep telling your mind you want.
Second Mental Law is
The Law of Control says: Whatever you first decide to
accept as responsibility, you are able to control. Control of
your life requires accepting 100% responsibility for all your
thoughts and actions. Whatever your decide to accept ‘your
responsibility,’ you are able to control it.
Third Mental Law is
The Law of Belief says, ‘Whatever you come to believe,
becomes your ability. They form a screen of logic or a screen
of prejudice that creates your world. You allow only that
information to get in which is consistent with your
innermost beliefs.
Self-limiting beliefs, whether based on fact or fiction,
become true for you to the extent you believe in them. You
then end up performing at a level consistent with your
beliefs and not at a level consistent with your potential.
Fourth Mental Law is
The Law of Concentration says, ‘Whatever you think upon
grows in your experience. You can develop a success
consciousness by concentrating on successful outcome;
equally you can develop a failure consciousness by
concentrating on unsuccessful outcomes. You must first
mentally create what you want to bring about physically
for you. When you adopt the mental view of what you
want, you move more than halfway toward your goal.
Fifth Mental Law is
The Law of Attraction says that whatever grows
in your consciousness you attract into your life.
You always attract people and circumstances that
harmonize with your current dominant thought.
PICTURE IMAGES: Your picture images in
your mind are very important ‘cause’ which
effect your level of success. Average people are
average only to the extent they have average
picture images dominating their subconscious
minds. Likewise, exceptional people have
exceptional picture images dominating their
subconscious minds. This is the principle
difference between people who achieve only
average results in their lives and those who
achieve exceptional results (peak performance).
What is the most effective tool to create New Picture
Images in the subconscious mind. It may be Re-
framing and Re-creation of oneself. It involves
changing the way you see yourself in your mind –
The goals that our own subconscious mechanism seeks to
achieve are our MENTAL IMAGES, or MENTAL
PICTURES, which we create by the use of
The key goal-image is our Self-image. Our Self-image
prescribes the limits for the accomplishment of any
particular goals. It prescribes the ‘Area of the Possible’.
By expanding self-image and you expand the area of the
possible. If we feed information and data into our creative
mechanism to the effect that we ourselves are unworthy
inferior, undeserving, incapable (a negative self-image)
this data is processed and acted upon as any other data in
giving us ‘answer’ in the form of objective experience.
Your program for getting more living out of life consists in
first of all, learning something about this subconscious
mechanism as a Success Mechanism, rather than as a
Failure Mechanism.
Self-image is key to Personal Development
The ‘Self-image’ is the key to human personality and
human behaviour. Change the Self-image and you change
the personality and the behaviour. But more than this.
The self-image sets the boundaries of individual
accomplishment. It defines what you can and cannot do.
Expand the self-image and you expand the ‘area of the
possible’. The development of an adequate, realistic self-
image will seem to imbue the individual with new
capabilities, new talents and literally turn failure into
Finding Your Best Self
This same subconscious mechanism within you can help you
achieve your best possible ‘Self’ if you will form a picture in
your imagination of the self you wanted to be and see
yourself in the new role. This is necessary condition to
personality transformation, regardless of the method used.
Somehow, before a person can change, he must ‘see’ himself
in a new role.
The Success Instinct
A squirrel does not have to be taught how to
gather nuts. Nor does it need to learn that it
should store them for winter. A bird does not
need to take lessons in nest-building. Nor does it
need to take courses in navigation. Yet birds do
navigate thousands of miles, sometimes over open
sea. In attempting to explain such things we
usually say that animals have certain ‘instincts’
which guide them. Analyze all such instincts and
you will find they assist the animal to successfully
cope with its environment. In short animals have
success instinct.
Man too has a success instinct. Man, on the
other hand, has something animals have not –
Creative Imagination. He is also a creator. With
his imagination he can formulate a variety of
goals. Man alone can direct his Success
Mechanism by the use of imagination, or
imaging ability.

Every living thing has a built-in guidance system or goal-

striving device, put there in by the Creator to help it
achieve its goal which is in broad terms is to ‘Live’. The
built-in mechanism in animals is limited to finding food
and shelter avoiding or overcoming enemies and hazards,
and procreation to insure the survival of the species. In
man, the goal ‘to live’ is more than mere survival. Man has
certain emotional and spiritual needs which animals do not
have. Man’s built-in Success Mechanism also is much
broader in scope than an animal’s. In addition, the Success
Mechanism in man can help him get answer to problems,
invent, write poetry, run a business, sell merchandise,
explore new horizons in science, attain more peace of mind,
develop a better personality, or achieve success in any
other activity which is intimately, tied to his Living.
The science of ‘Cybernetics’ has furnished us with
convincing proof that the so-called ‘Subconscious Mind’ is
not a ‘mind’ at all, but a mechanism—a goal-striving servo-
mechanism which is used by, and directed by mind. The
latest and most usable concept is that man does not have
two ‘minds’, but a mind, or consciousness, which ‘operates’
an automatic, goal-striving machine. This is called Creative
Mechanism within you. It works automatically and
impersonally to achieve goals of success and happiness, or
unhappiness and failure, depending upon the goals which
you yourself set for it. Present it with ‘success goals’ and it
functions as a ‘Success Mechanism. Present it with negative
goals, and it operates impersonally and faithfully as a
‘Failure Mechanism’.
The first law of success is
The Law of Thought and Manifestation
The essence of the law of thought and manifestation is that What you
Recognize (in your thinking) You Energize (in your feelings and emotions)
What you Energize (in your feelings and emotions) You Realize (in your life
The three primary areas covered by the Law of Thought and Manifestation:
1.                 Thoughts you have about yourself (your self-image)
2.                 Thoughts you have about others (your attitude)
3.                 Thoughts you have about your world perspective (your outlook on life)
Self-image: You attract thoughts, people, and experiences which are
congruent with how you think and feel about yourself.
The three main things that affect your self image
1.                 Thoughts, emotions and feelings developed in your life.
2.                 Environment.
3. Associations.
The second law of success is
The Law of Change
You can change your life from whatever it is right
now to anything you want it to be, by changing your
thinking, your fame of reference about yourself.
The law of change has three fundamental aspects:
faith, choice, and desire.
The third law of success is
The Law of Vision
The third law of success is Law of Vision. What you recognize (your
vision) you Energize (through your feelings); What you Energize (through your
feelings) you Realize (in your life experience).
The Law Of Vision has two aspects: Specificity and Imagination.
You must be specific about your vision. It is far easier to hit a target
you can see than to hit one you cannot see.
The second aspect of Law Of Vision is Imagination. Your imagination
is the connecting link between your own human consciousness and the universal
consciousness. Your power of imagination is used to see beyond the appearances
of your present situation, to the possibilities of who you really are, and what you
can become. This requires that you bring yourself to a rested and peaceful
(alpha) state, and create visual images in your mind of each and every aspect of
your vision.
There are two type of imagination:
1. Synthetic Imagination
2. Creative Imagination
The fourth law of success is
The Law of Command
The fourth law of success is The Law of
Command. The law of command is most often expressed
as the law of affirmation. The law of command works
positively or negatively.
The fifth law of success is
The Law of Human Magnetism
The fifth law of success is The Law of Human
Magnetism. It is also called the law of radiation and
attraction. A simple statement of the law is ‘Like
Attracts Like’. You attract what you are, and you are
what you think about most of time.
The sixth law of success is
The Law of Focus
The sixth law of success is The Law Of focus. Your
attention must always be focused on your goals, vision and
purpose and your thoughts, emotions and actions must be
under your control.
The seventh law of success is
The Law of Relationship
Every step of your success journey will involve
relationships. You should be able to develop ‘Positive,
Gratifying, and Empowering’ relationships to achieve
your goals and visions.
Four Relationships:
Relationship with God
Relationship with Self
Relationship with Others
Relationship with Things
Are you aware that you have within you a ‘serving’
mechanism which you can programme with your words,
thoughts, and actions. This serving mechanism is like a
computer. It cannot reason. It simply performs exactly as
you have programmed it.
Science has proven conclusively that each of us possesses
infinitely more talent than we ever use. However, the degree
of success we attain is determined not by how much talent
we possess, but rather by how much of that talent we use.
Why then we do not employ every ounce of talent we
possess towards achieving success? The answer is simple.
The amount of talent we expend in any area is controlled by
our thoughts, along with our attitude, self-image and our

The creative imagination, creative wording, and absolute

faith, are the tools you must learn to use to create your
future successes. We actually create with our words and our
thoughts; and when we believe in them without doubt, these
‘tools’ become power which can move even mountains. No
matter what you do, whether you are a carpenter or work
in an office, whether you work on computers or
automobiles, whether you are a dentist or a plumber; or
whether you are a politician or a labour, you can achieve
greater successes each and every day of your life by using
these tools.

You as an individual are never limited in any way, unless

you limit yourself. You have placed these limitations on
yourself if they are there. And most people do have them.
To become successful individual you must understand
many things about yourself. You must understand how you
have been conditioned in the past.

Most people never realize why they think and act as they
do. They do not know how or why they acquired their
present beliefs and attitudes – the hopes, fears, preferences,
prejudices, ambitions and desires which comprise the
particular personality they are. It is absolutely necessary
for you to know what your present beliefs are and know
and understand the influences which created them, which
have moulded and forged the present you. What we are
today is the consequence of our past condition.
Past conditioning and the way you have reacted to it, has
created your present personality, your attitude, your self-
image or to sum up your beliefs. You should also be
aware now, that many of your beliefs are inconsistent
with the reality of now. They are based on situations or
circumstances which no longer exist. You, now, have the
maturity and the wisdom to discard and remove any
influence, limitation, or control which these false beliefs
have placed upon you.

Your current beliefs, whether true or false, were actually

created within you without effort. Have you ever tried to
break an unwanted habit and found you could not. You
were defeated mainly because you tried to break it; you
tried to use will power or effort and you failed. The same
hold true when learning a new habit. The conscious mind
only makes the decision. It cannot force anything to be done
immediately. You have to depend on your subconscious to
do it for you.
You should understand and believe that you can change
your habits, your self-image, your attitudes your beliefs, not
by conscious efforts, but without conscious efforts.

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