Mosaic 1

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\- Gramática

Subject pronouns and Possessive have got.

adjectives Afirmath,a. Negativa
Pronombres sujeto Adjetivos posesivos l'vegot 1haven't got
1 my You'vegot You haven't got

you your He / She / lt's got He/ She / lt hasn't got

he/ she/it his / her / its We'vegot We haven·t got
we our You'vegot You haven't got
you your They'vegot They haven't got
they their Interrogativa Respuestas breves
Uso Havelgot. .. ? Yes,I have. No, 1haven't.
Los pronombres sujeto sustituyen a sustantivos y Have you got ... ? Yes, you have. No, you haven't.
nombres propios. Has he /she / it Yes, he / she / it No, he/ she/ it
Katy is English. She's from Manchester. got. .. ? has. hasn't.
Nota: los pronombres sujeto nunca se pueden Have we got ... ? Yes, we have. No, we haven't.
omitir. Have you got. .. ? Yes, you have. No, you haven't.
lt is on the desk. NO Is. on ~e deslc. Have they got ... ? Yes, they have. No, they haven't.
Los adjetivos posesivos se colocan delante de los Uso
sustantivos para indicar a quién pertenecen estos Have got se utiliza para indicar posesión o hablar de
últimos. los miembros de la familia.
My pencil is blue. This is our classroom. He's got a ruler.
We've got two pens.
Possessive 's I've got a sister.
Nota: en las r~spuestas breves no se incluye got.
La forma '.s se coloca detrás de los sustantivos en Have you gota calculator? Yes, 1have.
singular. NO :1/es, 1ha•.,e §Ot.
the teacher's desk Tom's book
Se añade 'a los sustantivos en plural acabados en s. lmperatives
the students' school bags my parents' laptop
Añadimos '.s a los sustantivos en plural que no Afirmativa Negativa
acaban ens. Look at the book. Don't look at the book.
the children's teacher the men's chairs Sitdown. Don't sit down.
Uso La forma de imperativo coincide con la del infinitivo
El posesivo en '.s se utiliza para indicar que algo sin to.
pertenece a alguien. la negativa se construye con Don't seguido del
Katy's dictionary the boys' notebooks infinitivo sin to.
El imperativo se utiliza para dar instrucciones y
Open your books. Read the text.
Don't talle. Don't eat that.

Mosaic 1 languáge Trainer Starter unit Gramática


Countries and nationalities The classroom

American (adj) /~'menk;m/ &S1adlxa!ÜUJIS4
bfn(n) /bm/ pa~ara
Argentina (n) /o:d3;m'ti:n:i/ Argenmia book (n) /buk/ libro
Argentinian (adj} /o;d3;)n'tmfan/ ary2111ino. ~ calculator (n) fka:lkjale1t;>(r)/ calculadora
Australia (n) /n'stre11i:;,/ Australia chair (n) /tJe.1(r)/ ~illa
Australian (adj} /n'stretli3n/ australiano. austrafiana desk (n) /desk/ 1118Sa. pupitre
Brazil (n} /br.>'zrl/ Brasil dictionary (n) /'d1kfnri/ diuionario
Brazilian (adj) /brn'z1li~n/ door (n) /d◊:(r)/ pue.rta_
British (adj) /'bnt1J/ prifánico, llritánlta taptop (n) /'Jreptop/ ordaladat portátil
Canada (n) /'kamad;i/ Canadá notebook {n) /'n;mtbuk/ cuaderno
Canadian (adj) fk3'ne1di~m/ ca11adie11se poster (n) /'p3usta(r)/ póster
China (n) /'tJam3/ Chilla school bag (n) /'s:ku:I ,breg/ mochila, bolsa
Chinese (adj) /tfru'ni:z/ tllino.ehina wall {n) /wo:1/ pared
Colombia (n) /b'lombfa/ Colo111bia whiteboard (n) /'wartb::>:el/ pizarra blanca
Colombian (adj) /k.>'lombi3n/ colombiano, colol!lbia11a window (n) /'wmd;xu ventana
England (n) /'uJgfand/ Inglaterra
English (adj) /'1ogl1J/ inglis, inglua Prepositions of place
France (n) /fro:ns/ Francia behind /b1 1hamd/ detrás (de)
French (adj) /frentJ/ ftattús, frallUi:a between /b1 'twí:n/ entre
German (adj) /'d33:m;m/ al&l!lán. alMll!na in /in/ en
Germany {n) /'d33:m3ni/ Alel!Wlia in front of /,m 'frAnt ;)V/ d&lantede
Greece (n) /gri:s/ Grecia nextto /'nekst t~/ julrto a
Greek (adj) /gri:k/ gri890, 9riaga on /on/ sobre, encima de
India (n) /'mdia/ India under / 1 A11da(r)/ Pajo, debajo de
lndian {adj) /'mdi;)n/ iná"io,india
lreland (n) /'m::>l;}nd/ ltlallda
lrish (adj} /'amJ/ itlaltdis, irlandesa
School subjects
ltalian {adj) II'treli;m/ italiano. italiana Art (n) /a:t/ arte
ltaly (n) / 11tali/ Italia English (n) / 11gghJ/ inglés
Japan (n) /d3a'pren/ Japón French (n) /frentJ/ francés
Japanese (adj) /d3repa'ni:z/ japoltis.japonesa Geography (n) /d3i 1ogr3fi/ geografía
Kenya (n) /'kenj~ ~ia History (n} /'h1stri/ historia
Kenyan (adj) /'kenjan/ unia110, bniafta Maths (n) /mre8s/ matemáticas
Mexican (adj) /'meks1kan/ memal!O,mmufta Music (n) /'mju~z1k/ lll~ica
Mexico (n) /'mekstk:}U/ MéXico PE (n) /,pi: 'i:/ educación fi!:iea
Pakistan (n) /pa!la's.tren, -'sta:n/ Paquistán Science (n) /'sai~ns/ ciencias naturales
Pakistaní (adj) /preki'sta:ni,
-'stami/ paquistaní Functional language
Portugal (n) /'portfugl/ Portugal
Portuguese {adj) /po:tfu'gi:z/ portugués.portuguesa Classroom language
Russia (n) l'rAJa/ Rusia Be-quiet!
Russian (adj) /'rAJnl ruso,
How do you spell 'goodbye'? ··-
Scotland {n) /'skotl;md/ Escocia Don't eat in lessons!
Scottish (adj) /'skoUJ/ 8SGOCÍS,8SCott~
South Africa (n) / ,sau9 'refnb/ !:udáfrfaa
What does 'notebook' mean?
South African {adj) /,saue Can you repeat that, please?
'a!frtk;in/ sudafricano,sudafricana Put your hands up!
Spain (n) /spem/ ~paña
Spanish (adj) /'spremJ/ español, española
the UK (n) /o:> ,ju: 'keú Rei"oUnido
the USA (n) /óa ,ju: ,es 'e1/ Estados Unidos
Turkey (n) /'t3:ki/ Turquía
Turkish (adj) /'ts:k1J/ turco, tutea

Mosaic 1 language Trainer Starter unit Vocabulario


Present simple: be there is/ there are + a, an, some

Afirmativa Negativa and any
Forma Forma Forma Forma Afirmativa
completa contracta completa contracta
Forma completa Forma contracta
1am l'm 1am not l'm not
Singular There is a/ an .. . There's a / an ...
You are You're You are not You aren't
Plural There are sorne .. . -
He is/ He's/ He is not / He isn't /
She is/ lt is She's / lt's She is not/ She isn't / Negativa
lt is not lt isn't
Forma completa Forma cont racta
Weare We're Weare not We aren't
Singular There is nota / There isn't a/
You are You're You are not You aren't an ... an ...
They are They're They are not They aren't Plu ral There are not There aren't
Uso any ... any ...
El verbo be se utiliza para dar información sobre Uso
una persona, un lugar o un objeto. La estructura there +bese utiliza para indicar si
1am English. algo existe o no.
Vigo is in Spain. There is a lift at school.
The books are on t he desk. There isn't a swimming pool.
La forma contracta se utiliza en el registro informal Cuando el sustantivo está en pl ural, se utiliza la
de la lengua oral y escrita . forma de plural del verbo be.
lt's Monday tod ay. There are sorne cha irs.
You're late. There aren't any wi ndow s.
Interrogativa Respuestas breves En el registro informal de la lengua oral y escrita, se
Ami .. . ? Yes, 1 am. No, l'm not. utilizan las formas contractas.
Are you .. . ? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. Nota: no existe una forma contracta para There are.
There's a big desk in my bedroom.
Is he .. . ? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
There isn't a sofa and there aren't any cha irs.
Is she ... ? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
There are fou r posters on t he wall.
Is it ... ? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.
Los artículos a y an se utilizan con los sustantivos
Are we ... ? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
en singular.
Are you ... ? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. There's a big TV.
Are they ... ? Yes, they are. No, they aren't. There's an o ran ge door.
Uso Sorne y any se utilizan con los sustantivos en plural;
La interrogativa con be se utiliza para formular sorne en oraciones afirmativas, y any en frases
preguntas sobre una persona, un luga r o un objeto. negativas.
Nota: en las respuestas breves afirmativas, no se There are some books in my bag.
utiliza la forma contracta del verbo (Yes, 1am. NO There aren't any pens.
Ves, l'll'l.)
'Is Harry in your class?' 'Yes, he is:
'Are those pens b lue?' 'No, t hey aren't:

Mosaic 1 Language Tra iner Unit 1 Gramá tica


4ii.., Family ~ Extra vocabulary

aunt (n) /o:nt/ tía amazing (adj) fa'memg/ ilttreíble
brother (n) /'brAifa(r)/ llerlll8110 beautiful (adj) /'bju:tlfl/ pruioso
child (n) /tfaild/ -flijo. hija, niiio, niña fantastic (adj) /fren' trest I k/ fantástico
children (n) /'tf ildran/ hijos, l!ijas; niños, 11iiias strange (adj) /stremd:y extraño
cousin (n) /' kAzn/ primo, prima ugly (adj) /' Aglil fe.o
dad (n) /dred/ padre.papá unusual (adj) IAn'ju:3u::il/ peculiar, poco COMÚl1
daughter (n) /'d:>:t.1(r)/ hija
father (n) /'fo:oa(r)/ padre (g). Extra vocabulary
grandfather (n) cat (n) /ka!t/ gato
/'grrenfO!Od(r)/ abuelo dog (n) /dog/ perro
grandma (n) /'grrenmo:/ abuela fish (n} /ftJ/ pez.pues
grandmother (n) pet {n) /pet/ mascota
/'grrenmAO;,(r)/ abuela rabbit (n) /'rrebrt/ conejo
grandpa (n) /'grrenpo:/ abuelo reptile (n) /'reptad/ reptil
husband (n) l'hAzband/ 111atido snake (n) /snedc/ serpiente
mother (n) /'mA~r)/ Madre
mum (n) lmAml madre,mamá • Functional language
par.ents (n) /'pear::ints/ padres, padre y 111adr~
Giving personal information
sister (n) /'s1st.J(r)/ hermana
son (n) /s/1.n/ llijo What's your first name / sumame / date of birth /
uncle (n) l'Agkl/ tío nationality?
wife (n) /warfJ mujer, esposa
What's your address / postcode / phone number / email
(.it. Extra vocabulary address?
different (adj) /'d1fr:mt/ diferente
end (nl /end/ fi11al Can I have an emergency contact number, please?
new (adj) /njm/ nuevo
old {adj) fauld/ viajo, {del edad
principio H0-w do you speU that, please?
start (n) /sto:t/
same (adj) /se1m/ MisMo, misma
Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
~~ Rooms and homes
balcony (n) /'brelkdni/ balcón
bathroom (n) /'ho;8rll!m. ~ Extra vocabulary
-rumí <cuarto del baiio alarm dock (n) fa'lCl!m k.lok/ daqJertador
bedroom (n) /'bedru:m, bed (n) /bed/ Gallla
-rom/ dormitorio bedside table (n)
dining room (n} /'dmml) /'bedsa1d 'te1bl/ mesma
,ru:m., ,runi/ comedor chair (n) /tfea(r)f silla
fireplace {n) rfa1dple1s/ tl!Ül'IMU desk (n) /desk/ 111esa. uelitorio
garage (n) /'grero:3, -nd3/ garaje laptop (n} /'Jceptop/ ordenador portátil
garden {n) /'go:dn/ jardín sota (n) / •~fa/ m
kitchen (n) /'k1tf1n/ cocina TV (n) /,ti: 'vi:/ tele
lift {n) /hft/ a.sce,isor wardrobe (n) /'w:mlr:,ubl .anirario
living room (n} /'hvuJ
,ru:m, ,rum/ sala dt. t.Star
patío {n) rpreti;m/ patio
stairs (n) /steazl escaleras
toilet (n) /'t:>dat/ baiio,aseo

Mosaic 1 language Trainer Unit 1 Vocabulario


Present simple: affirmative and Present simple: questions

negative ~----------
Respuestas breves /
~ - - - - - - -- - - - - - 7¡
Afirmativa Do
·r - ·
¡ 1/ you /
, - · , --- ·- · •r·
: eat fruit? : Yes, 1/ ¡ No, 1/ ¡ 1

1/You/We/They ¡eat ifruit. ¡ ¡ we/they ¡ ' you/we/ ¡ you/we/ ¡

He/ She / lt '. eats . .. !fruit_ ____-_-___~j i j , they do. i they-- don't. ¡i
·~-- --------- -----·•··--·-··
. --·----- ---- -~
l Does ¡ he/ she /

i eat fruit?
--- -~----- - .•.
¡ Yes, he/ ¡ No, he/
~¡~~~¡:~ ÍTh;y_;;~'t eat --=~_:___Tr~Ít --_ ---~ _¡
it l she / it
¡ she lit

--~~ /~~:!~ -~ ---~-~~:5_n.!~~t=----1tr-~it:... Uso

1La forma interrogativa del present simple se
utiliza para formular preguntas sobre hábitos y
El present simple se utiliza para referirse a hábitos y
acciones que se repiten, o para descubrir si algo es
acciones que se repiten.
permanente o cierto.
1watch TV every day.
Do you make your bed?
He gets up at seven o'clock.
1 Does she live in the UK?
También se emplea el present simple para hablar de
cosas permanentes y ciertas. j En las respuestas breves afirmativas, se utiliza do o
We live in Africa.
¡ does; en las respuestas breves negativas, se emplea
Elephants make a lot of noise.
; don't o doesn't.
l¡ Do they speak Spanish?
La forma afirmativa del present simple se construye l Yes, they do.
con el infinitivo sin to. En la tercera persona del l Does he listen to music?
singular (he/she/it), se añade -s o -es al verbo. ll No, he doesn't.
1clean - he deans
En preguntas encabezadas por Wh-, la partícula
you go - she goes
interrogativa se coloca al comienzo. Estas frases
Nota: cuando el verbo acaba en -y, esta se elimina
siempre incluyen do o does. 1

antes de añadir -ies; si acaba en -sh o -ch, se añade What do you eat? 1
NO 'Nhat yot:J eat? 1
you study - she studies When does she watch TV? _ _ _ _ _ _ _J
they wash - it washes
1te~ch - she teaches
Subject and object pronouns
La forma negativa del present simple se construye
con do noto does not + el infinitivo sin to. En el 1Pronombres sujeto Pronombres objeto :
f . - '" ¡ ¡
registro informal de la lengua oral y escrita, se
utilizan las formas contractas. i ~~-u---------~----··-·-•..-:-:-:----------!
1 don't eat fruit.
l She doesn't make brea_ld_a_st_._ _ _ _ _ _ _~
! him
------~--------- ---,.------------
¡her -:1

-it-----·- - - - - - - + t .-,t-----·----1
-----~----------- . +-, --··---------,
-·· -
we : us
you you
they . them
Los pronombres objeto siguen a un verbo o una
1like chocolate. 1like it.
1play with my friends. 1play with them._______ _
Mosaic t Language Trainer Unit 2 Gramática

listen to music (v) /,hsn t.)

Daily routine 1
mju:z1k/ escuchar música
brush your hair (v) /,brAJ play an instrument (v) /,ple1
,j::>: 'he::>(r)/ ptin~e ;m 'mstr:,m:,nt/ tocar un i11stru111t11to
dean your room (v) /,kli:n play computer games (v)
,j::>: 'ru:m, 'rum/ limpiar la haflifaGión /,ple1 k;)m'pju:ta ,ge1mzJ jugar ton jUtgos elutró11icos
eat fruit (v) /,i:t 'fru:t/ comer fruta sing in a choir (v) /,s10 ,rn a
feed an animal (v) /,füd 'kwaia(r)/ cantar 811 UII coro
;m ';emml/ dar de co111er a u11 a11i111al watch TV (v) /,wntJ ,ti: 'vi:/ verla tefe
get changed (v) / ,get
tJemd3d/ wlft'lfñarse @ Ext ra vocabulary
get up early (v) / ,get ,Ap
boring {adj) /'b:>ml)/ aburrido
'3:li/ levantarse temprano
dangerous (adj)
go for a walk (v) /,g;ru ,far
/ 'dernd3ar;,,s/ peligroso
~ 'w::>:k/ dar un paseo
exciting (adj) /ik1 sa1t11J/ e111oeiona11te
go home (v) /,g::>u 'h::>um/ irse a casa
have a bath / shower (v) fun (adj) /fAnl divertido
interesting (adj)
/,hrev a 'bo:0, 'Jaua{r)/ darse un baíio
make breakfast (v) /,me,k /'mtrastIJJ, 'mtrest1u/ interesa)lte
'brekfost/ preparar el desayuno scary (adj) /' skeori/ que da Miedo
makethe bed (v) /,me,k óa
'bed/ hater la eall!a r~---
-~-~Extra vocabulary
washyourhands(v) /,woJ autumn (n) /'o:t~m/ otoño
,j::>: 'hrendz/ lavarse las ~ floras da los árboles
blossoms (n) / 'blosamz/
boat (n) /b;'Jut/ bari;o, bari;a
{~ Extra vocabulary costumes (n) /'kostju:mz/ trajes, disfrateS
get paid (v) /,get pe1d/ cobrar fireworks (n) /'fa1a,w3:ks/ fuegos artificiales
in danger (prep + n) / ,m harvest (n) /'hmv1st/ eosuha
'demd3;c,(r)/ en peligro spring (n) /spno/ prilll3Wlra
lake (n) /le1k/ lago summer (n) /'sAm::,(r)/ veraKo
noise (n) /n::>1z/ ruido winter (n} /'wmt;,,(r)/ invierno
volunteer (n) /vol.m't1a(r)/ volUl!fario, vokuttaria
iJ Functional language
,".,;'_?) Free time activities Making invitations
chat online (v) / ,tJret What do you do on Fridays? _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
on' lam/ chatear 011 line
What timedoes it start / finish? _ _ _ _ ----·--·-
do free running (v} /,du:
How about Saturday? _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
'fri: ,rAntlJ/ praeticardfreeru1111i11g
go orienteering (v) / ,gau When can we meet? _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __
::>:ri:m't1arn)I practicar la oritmación Do you wantto ••. ? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
go shopping (v) /,g~ Are you free on Wednesdays? _
'JupnJ/ irdecompras
Accepting and refusing invitations
go to the beach {v) /,gdU ta
Sorry. l'm busy. ______ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
o:, 'bi:tJ/ ir a la playa
go to the cinema (v) /,g~ ta 1playthe pianoon Fridays. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
óa 'sm;,,ma/ ir al ci11a Yes, that's fine. _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __
hang out with friends (v)
/,ha:o ,a ut ,WIÓ 'frendz/ sa!it-canlasamigos That's good forme. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 2 Vocabulario

- Gramática

Adverbs of frequency like + -ing / noun

1/You/We/They like listening to
He/She/lt likes music.
1/ You / We /They like science lessons.
He /She/ lt likes

• Do 1/you/
like listening
1/You /

love it.
Does he/she/ He/She/
it lt loves it.

often Do 1/you/ like science 1/You /

we/they lessons? We/They

-- .

lt loves

la estructura Jike + verbo en -ing / sustantivo se

utiliza para indicar que algo nos gusta.
never l like swimming.
He likes after-school clubs.
Uso Para responder a preguntas que comienzan por
Estos adverbios se utilizan para indicar con qué Do you like ... ?, no se repite la forma en -ing o el
frecuencia realizamos las acciones. sustantivo. En singular se utiliza it, y en plural, them.
Cuando acompañan al verbo be, se colocan detrás Doyou likeswimming? 1love it.
deél. Do you like exciting sports? 1love them.
1am always in the canteen at 12.45. También podemos expresar en qué medida nos
Assemblies are usually interesting. gusta o no nos gusta algo.
Sin embargo, los adverbios de frecuencia se l'm crazy about photography. ©
colocan delante del resto de los verbos. 1love photography.
We sometimes watch TV befare school.
l like photography.
Harry never goes to bed early.
1don't mind photography.
En la forma interrogativa, los adverbios de .
frecuencia siguen al sujeto.
Are science lessons always fun?
1hate photography.
1can't stand photography. ®

Do you often go to the library at break?

• Mosak 1 Ll>nguage T,aóne, Unót 3 Gromát;ca

- Vocabulario

9 School ~ Extra vocabulary

canteen (n) /kren'ti:n/ cafetería (d8f lnffltuto} can't stand (v) /,ka:nt 'stamd/ no soportar
changing room (n) hate (v) /he1t/ odiar, detestar
/'tJemd3uJ ,ru:m, ,rurn/ vestuario love (v) flAv/ enGantar
coach (n) /k.wtJ/ entrenador,entrenadora (not) be crazy about (v)
hall (n) /h:,:1/ entrada /(not) bi 'kre1zi a,baot/ (no) volver loco
head teacher (n) /,hed director. directora de (not) like (v) /(not) 'laik/ (no) gustar
'ti:tJél(r)/ instituto not mind {v) /(not) 'marnd/ tioimportar
ICT suite (n) /,ai ,si: 'ti:
library (n) /'latbrori/
sala de infomática
e Extra vocabulary
playground (n) / 1 ple1grauod/ patio meet (v) /mi:t/ verse, quedar
playing fields {n) /'plemJ
ride (v) /rmd/ iren
zOfla deportiva spend (v) /spend/ pasar (tiempo)
science lab (n) / 1sa1ans ,lreb/ laboratorio da cienei~ stay (v) /ste1/ alojarse
sports hall (n) /'spo:ts ,h::>:1/ gillll\aSio wear (v) /wea(r)/ llevar (pusstol
staffroom (n) /'sto:fru:m,
-rurn/ sala de profesores C, Functional language
Making suggestions
(1 Extra vocabulary How about playing ice hockey? .. __.,________ ________
bell (n) /bel/ tilnbre Let's do street dance. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
break (n) /brelk/ daseanso. rureo
dream (n) /dri:rn/ sueño Shall we do fashion desíqn? _______ _
luck (n) /'IAk/ sume
Why don't we go to the music dub? _ _ _ __ __
registration (n)
/red31'strc1fn/ control de asistencia Giving opinions

e Sports and sports equipment That's a good / bad idea. _ _ _ __

That sounds interesting / boring / dangerous.

basketball (n) /'bo:skrtbo:1/ balonc11stu
belt (nl /belt/ GilJ!urÓl'I
goggles (n) /'goglz/ gafas {para nadar) l'm not sure. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
hockey (n) /'hoki/ llocuy
hoop (n) ihu:p/ aro.canasta No, thanks! 1don't want to do that. _ _ _ _ _ __
ice skating (n) /'a1s ,ske1t1JJ/ patinajs salir& hielo
judo (n) /'d3u:dau/ judo
racket (n) /'rrekit/ raqueta
running (n) /'rAnnJ/ correr
scuba diving (n) /'sku:bél
,daIVIIJI (practicar> submarinis1110
skates (n) /sketts/ patines
stick (n) /stdú palo, sticfc
swimming {n) / 1swrm11J/ natación
tennis (n} /'tems/ tenis
trainers (n) /'tretn-Jz/ z.apatillas deportivas
wetsutt {n) /'wetsurt/ traj8 l1g lllWJlnlR>

• Mosaic 1 Language T,ainer Unit 3 Vocabulario


Comparative adjectives
Formación Adjetivo Comparativo ..
. •--·- - -- -- -· - - . . - ..., - .:......--·-··•-____.,,_ . - . --- ····- -- ~
-- "- ·-·-··• ....~,

Adjetivos breves fast faster

Adjetivos breves acabados en -e strange stranger
Seañade -r
-----------~---·-·---- ------------- -----~-
Adjetivos breves acabados en vocal+ consonante big bigger
la consonante se duplica, y se añade -er
.. . -- . ---· -- .. -- - -- - - - - - ---
Adjetivos acabados en -y scary scarier
La -y se elimina antes de añadir -ier
Adjetivos largos frightening more frightening
Se añade more delante del adjetivo
.. ·- ·- - · ··· • --- --~ -- -- ------- --
Adjetivos irregulares good better
¡Hay que aprendérselos! bad worse
Los adjetivos en grado comparativo se utilizan para comparar dos personas, lugares o
La partícula than a menudo sigue al adjetivo en grado comparativo.
l'm older than you.
London is bigger than Madrid.
Books are more interesting than films.

Superlative adjectives
---- ____ ___ Adjetivo C-omparativ~-- _
Adjetivos breves
- ----..------ ......_.

cold coldest
Se añade -est
·-----· ·- ---··~· -~ ·-··~· - . -· • -••· - -- --- ·-·-· ------ -
Adjetivos breves acabados en -e strange strangest
···- ----
Adjetivos breves acabados en vocal + consonante hot hottest
La consonante se duplica, y se añade -est
--- ------
Adjetivos acabados en -y dry driest
La -y se elimina antes de añadir -iest
Adjetivos largos popular most popular
Se añade most delante del adjetivo
---··------ --·------- · -·- - -- - - - -·--· ····- - --- ·•• ···-·· ---•---· -
-- ---- - ........._
Adjetivos irregulares good best
¡Hay que aprendérselos! bad worst
Los adjetivos en grado superlativo se utilizan para comparar una persona, un lugar o una
cosa con otros dos elementos o más.
El artículo the se añade delante del adjetivo en grado superlativo.
l'm the youngest person in my family.
Galicia is the wettest region in Spain.
Maths the most difficult subject I study.
--~---··-- ·

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 4 Gramática


@: Adjectives 4) Extra vocabulary

boring (adj) / b:"J:ri9' aburrido cloud (n} /k:laud/ nub&
cheap (adj) /tJi:p/ barato fog (n) /fog/ niebla
crowded (adj) /'krauchd/ lleno d& gente heat (n) /hi:t/ calor
dangerous (adj) /'demd3drds/ peligroso ice (n) /a1s/ hielo
difficult (adj) /'d1f rblt/ dificil rainy (adj) /'remi/ lluvioso
easy (adj) /' i:zi/ fácil snowy (adj) /'sn::rui/ 11ieve
enjoyable (adj) /m'd3:"Jwbf/ agradable, storm (n) /'st:,:m/ to111W1ta
exciting (adj) /Ik'sa1t1uf emocionante, stormy (adj} /'st~:mi/ (haber) tormenta
expensive (adj) /ik'spens1v/ e.aro sun (n) /s11.n/ sol
fast {adj) /fa:st/ rápido wind (n) /wmd/ viento
frightening (adj) / 1fra1tnuJ/ que da miedo
high (adj) /hai/
long (adj) /lol)/
@: Extra vocabulary
low (adj) /1~/ bajo bring (v) /bnl)/ traer, llevar
near (adj} /m'<>{r)/ cerca de camera (n) /'kremarn/ cámara
noisy (adj) /'n:"JIW ruidoso fly (v) /flalÍ volar
quiet (adj) /'kwa,dt/ callado, (guardar) silfflGio forget (v) /fa'get/ olvidar
safe (adj) /se1f/ seguro headphones (n) /'hedfounz/ auriculares
short (adj) /Jo:t/ bajo, pgqusño joumey (n) /'d33.n.i/ viaje
slow (adj} /slao/ le11to ride (n) /rrucl/ iren
surprising (adj} /sa'praizu_¡/ sorprendisnte travel (v) /'trrevl/ viajar
trip (n) /tnp/ viaje
~ Extra vocabulary
Functional language
queue (n) /kjm/ fila, cala
ride (n) /rrud/ iren Asking for travel information
roller coaster (n)
/'mol:) ,kaost:"J(r)/ montaña tusa What's the best way to get there?
show (n) /fau/ espectáculo, función --····-·- ·-·····
theme park (n) /'0i:m ,po :k/ parque temático When's the next train?

@ Weather How long does the journey take?

ctoudy (adj) /'klaodi/ nublado, nuboso
cold (adj) /k:mlcl/ trio lt takes about ...
dry (adj) /dra1/ seco
foggy (adj) /'fogi/ 01aber) niebla
hot (adj} /hot/ calisnt&, (llaut) calor How often do the buses/ trains leave?
icy (adj) /'a1si/ helado
rain (n) /rem/ lluvia They go every 20 minutes / hour / two hours.
snow (n} /sn-.m/ nieve
sunny (adj) /'sAfli/ saludo
How much is a ticket?
thunderstorm (n)
/'9And:ist;,:m/ tormenta eléctrica
warm (adj) /w:,:m/ cali81rte Single/ return
wet (adj) /wet/ MOjado. húl!Máo
wlndy (adj) /'wmdi/ ventoso, ton viento

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 4 Vocabulario


Present continuous: affirmative Present continuous: questions

and negative be+ sujeto + forma en -ingdel verbo
Sujeto+ be(not) +forma en-ingdel verbo Interrogativa . i Respuestas breves --
______ j
E- --- -
• Negativa
Am lflying? Ves,lam.
¡No, l'm not. f
l'm : flying.
1 - - - - - - -----'---''-----
_ !fm not ___ _Tj flying.
-. -·-- -----
Are you ~y~n~? Yes, you are.
: No, you_aren't.
1 Is he flying? Yes, he is. ¡ ~o, he isn't.
~~IJ!:. __ --·· ~in~ · You aren't ___ ¡ flymg. '-•~-~v- ----· - ---- -1
~~~ ___ __ _ ; flyi~g._ _j
__ _ _f:!e isn't___ _ flying. _ Js she flying? - Yes,she is. !-No,¡---.
she isn't. ¡
She's flying. i She isn't _Is it flying? _ Yes, itis. ____ ___ ¡ No, it isn't.
i No,wearen_.;t.:_ ...-!-1
l flying.
lt's flying. i lt isn't . flying. Are we flying? Yes, weare.
- - j - .. -- -- --
We're f)ying. __ · We aren't i flying. Are you flying? Yes, you are. ____¡.______
No,youare n't. 1

You;~ flying. j Yo; ~~n't - Tflyi,;g. ¡ Are they flying? Yes, they are. ¡ No, theyaren't. _¡1
They're flying. 1 They aren't Iflying. .. ____ _
Preguntas encabezadas por partículas en Wh-
Nota: forma en -ing deJ verbo Wh;t are you d~~g? - 1l'm pl~ying c~mputer
Con la mayoría de los verbos, se añade -ing. [ ~_ames.
fly - flying eat - eating Uso
Cuando el verbo acaba en --e, esta vocal se elimina ' La forma interrogativa del present continuous se
antes de añadir -ing. utiliza para preguntar acerca de acciones que se
dive - diving practise - practising están desarrollando mientras hablamos.
Con verbos acabados en vocal + consonante, la Nota: en respuestas breves, se incluye el verbo be,
consonante se duplica, y se añade -ing. pero no la forma en -ing del verbo. ¡
sit - sitting swim - swirnming 'Are you studying?' 'Yes, 1am: ¡
Uso 'Is he sailing a boat?' 'No, he isn't:
-------- ---___ I
El present continuous se utiliza para describir
acciones que se están desarrollando mientras
l'm watching TV.
He's writing an email.
They're playing hockey.

Present continuous and Present simple

Present continuous = acciones que se dan mientras hablamos
Present simple - rutinas y acciones que se repiten
Las frases en present continuous suelen contener expresiones como now y at the moment.
We'ré having dinner now.
What are you doing at the moment?
Las frases en present simple suelen incluir adverbios de frecuencia.
We often have dinner at 7.00 p.m.
What do you usually do on Saturdays?
Nota: verbos como think, like, /ove, hate y want no se utilizan en present continuous.
1think sport is fun. We like football.
l:Jg l'f:1_~!l'lki!i~ -~j3~rt is ft:!~- We.'Fe lil~iAg,,__fo
_o_t_b_a_ll_. - - - - - - - - - -

Mosaic 1 language Trainer Unit 5 Gramática


~ Action verbs 0 Functional language

build (v) /bild/ construir Having a phone conversation
carry (v) /'kreri/ llsvar Can I speak to ... ?
climb (v) /kla1m/ ~ir
close (v) /kl:mz/ urtat
He / She isn't here at the moment.
dive (v) /da1v/ zamllullin.:s, metsn.:e
draw {v) /dr-:J:/ dibujar
Who's calling?
fly (V) /fla1/ volar
hold (v) /hauld/ sttjetar
lt's ....
jump (v) /d3J\lllp/ saltar
open (v) /'aupan/ abrir
Do you want to leave a message?
p@ctise (v) /'pnekt 1s/ t11sayar
saíl (v) /se1V navegar
Can you ask him / her to call ... ?
{r; Extra vocabulary
Please tell him / her .. .
balloon (n) /bd'lu:n/ globo
blog (n) /blog/ 11log
huge (adj) /hju:d:;/ enorme
model (n) /'modl/ maqueta
tiny (adj} /'tamil minús:culo

w Equipment
backpack (n) /'brekprek/ mochila
binoculars (n) /b1'nokjdldz/ prismáticos
compass (n) / 1k1,.mpas/ brújula
first-aid kit (n) /,f:3:st 1e1d botiquín de primeros
1 k1t/ auxilios
insect repellent (n) /'msekt
n,pel;mt/ repehmte de insectos
map (n) /mrep/ mapa
sleeping bag (n) / 1slhp1g
,breg/ saco de dorMir
sunscreen (n) /'s,rnskri:n/ ctt.111a de protuc:ión solar
tent (n) /tent/ ti8ftda de campaña
tools (n) /tu:lz/ herra111ie11tas
torch (n) /to:tf/ linterna
waterproof jacket
/,w-:J:t.}pru:f 1d3rek1t/ anorak, impermeable

~ Extra vocabulary
audition (n) /'.):'d.Jfn/ casting, audició11
charity (n) /'tfrerdti/ asociación bsnitiGa
live:ly (adj) /'larvli/ alagre, anifflatltt
musician (n) /mju'ziJn/ IIIÚSiGO, música

r ~, try (v) /tra1/ probar, intem-ar

l ~, ', Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 5 Vocabulario

- Gramática

can I can't Countable and uncountable nouns

·Afirmativa ,,
.· .,.
- ,..- ;,í-
., . ;:,· ·sustantivos eij,,,¡,- ;;_ :SÚStápJivo~ -
,e ', a,.·. . ~t.;i'_cf' ;,;•, :.,_

1/You/He/She/ 1can 1go to the cinema " · ~-'>~ ,, : ... , ~111abtes~n:piu~1 ·: .l~toritabl~ .. ·
lt/We/They tonight. Afirrmitiva,· •i' There are sorne/ There's sorne/
.N~ati~: •'' ....:- -·
. i
·;, ,, ....
., _,
· · · ~. · :. a lot of grapes. a lot of water.
' ,Í" -~- . ". :,.. · ~
-~~fi.!r.!.:,;..., There aren't any / There isn't any /
I/You /He/ She,, can't 1wear trainers to "f ,;,, _.. ·• ,. many books. much rice.
lt/We/They school.
.. lnttrrogatiya How Thereare How There's
lnter.r:ógativá · ,,_,
" -~

' .:,;
__Bespu~b~ '
_;:,.¡ _ " · _ _ many much ...
• .,. • '·': e·._ ,•· R.~· people bread is
Can 1/you/he/ goout? Yes, I /you/ he/ she/ jfI: ~!
,-.,:, •· ': are there? there?
she / it / it / we / they can.
-i! ,,... • Are there Yes, lsthere Yes,
we/they No, 1/you /he/ she/
it / we / they can't ~ ,~~ any there any there
people? are. bread? is.No,
No, there
Can/can't se utilizan para dar y pedir permiso, y aren't. isn't.
también para describir capacidades.
Nota: los sustantivos contables tienen una forma
Permiso Capacidad para el singular y otra para el plural; los incontables,
Can I open the window? 1can speak English. sin embargo, tienen una única forma. Con los
He can't go to the party. Can you play an sustantivos incontables no se utilizan a/ an ni los
instrument? números.
Nota: can!can't siempre van acompañados del Sustantivos Sustantivos
infinitivo sin to. contables incontables
He can ride a bike. NO He eaA ~e Fiee a ailEe. a cap two caps salt h'<>'ª salts
an onion tour onions fruit t:l=tree fruit:s
must / mustn't Uso
Sorne, any y a lot of se utilizan con sustantivos
Afir'n)ativa ,.
contables en plural y sustantivos incontables.
Some se utiliza en frases afirmativas para describir
una cantidad indefinida de algo.
There are some people in the room.
1/You/He /She / There's sorne food on the table.
A lot of se utiliza en frases afirmativas e indica que
Uso hay una gran cantidad de algo.
Must / mustn't se utilizan para expresar obligación y There are a lot of magazines.
prohibición. There's a lot of bread.
Obligación Prohibición Any se utiliza en negativa e interrogativa.
1must get up at 6.45 a.m. You mustn't take photos There aren't any pens. There isn't any water.
in the pool. Are there any pens? Is there any water?
They must wear We mustn't use our
Many acompaña a los sustantivos en plural en
a uniform. phones in class.
frases negativas.
Nota: must / mustn't siempre van acompañados del
There aren't many spices.
infinitivo sin to.
Much se utiliza con sustantivos incontables en
You must wear goggles. NO Yot:J ffil:lst te 'ñ'eaF
geggles. oraciones negativas.
There isn't much meat.

• Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 6 Gramátim

- Vocabulario

e Food $ Extra vocabulary

beans (n) /bi:nz/ judíll!: canvas (n) /'krenv:ls/ liMzo
beef (n) /bí:f/ carne de vaca cartoon (n) /ka:'tu:n/ dibujos animados, viíietas
bread {n} /bred/ pan graphic designer (n)
cheese (n) /tf¡:z/ queso /'grre.ák d1 1zamü{r)/ diseñador/a gráfico/a
chicken (n) /'tJrkm/ pofto sculpture (n) /'sktJptJ~r)/ escuttura
chickpeas (n) /'tJ1kpi:z/ garbanzos spray paint (n) /'spre1 ,pemt/ pintura e11 spray
chilli sauce (n) /,tfdi 's'J:s/ ~li:a de chile stencil (n} /'stensl/ plantilla
grapes (n} /gre1psl uva
jam (n) /d3rem/ mermelada. confitura $ Extra vocabulary
mushrooms (n) /'mAJrumz,
-ru:mz/ c:hampiíiones add (v) /red/ aíiadir
oíl (n) h11/ aceite chop (v) /tfop/ trouar
onion (n} /'Anjan/ cebolla cook (v} /kuk/ co~nar, preparar
rice (n) /ra1s/ arroz heat (v} /hi:t/ calor
salt and pepper {n) /,solt an mix (v) /mrks/ Mezclar
'peJY.)(r)/ sal y pimienta
spices (n) /'spais1z/ especias C) Functional language
sugar (n) /'Juga(r)i azúcar
Ordering in a restaurant
yoghurt (n) /'jog:lt/

e Extra vocabulary Thewaiter

Are you ready to order?
crunchy (adj) /'krAntJi/ crujiMte --···-·-··-··········· - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
healthy (adj) /'hel9i/ sano, saludable
What can I get you?
salty {adj) /'s:,:lti/ salado
spicy (adj) /'spatsi/ picante, especiado -------------------------•-..·····-··
sweet (adj) /swi:t/ dulce What would you like (to drink)?
tasty (adj) /'te1sti/ sabroso

(8 At the market And to drink/for dessert?

a battery (n) /a 'bretari/ una pila

a cap (n} fa 'krep/ unagon-a The customer
chewing gum (n) i'tfuao
,gAIIll chicle, goma de mascar l'd like / 1'11 have ... , please.
chocolate (n) l'tfoklat/ chocolate
hair gel (n) /'hea ,d3el/ go111ína
Can I have ... ?
an ice cream {n) Jan ,a1s
'kri:m/ un helado
jewellery (n) /'d3u:alri/ joyas
Is there any ... ?
a key ring (n) /a 'ki: ,no/ un llavuo
a magazine {n) fa mreg:>'zi:n/ UJla revista
a mobile phone case (n) Does it come with ... ?
/a ,maoba1l 'faun ,ke1s/ una fwlda de teléfono móvil
nail varnish (n} /'netl ,vo:mJ/ lacad&uñas
a purse (n) /-a 'p3:s/ una cartera Can we have the bill, please?
sweets (n) /swi:ts/ dulces
water{n) /'w~:ta(r)/ agua

• Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unlt 6 Vocabulario


was / were Past simple: verbos regulares

Afirmativa Afinnativa
1/ He / She /lt was small. I /You /He /She/ lt/We / 1 talked.
You /We /They were They

Negativa Negativa
1/ He /She /lt wasn't small. 1/You /He/ She / 1didn't 1talk.
You / We /They weren't l Uso
Interrogativa Respuestas breves El past simple se utiliza para describir acciones y
Was I /he/ she / small? Yes, 1/ he/ she / it situaciones del pasado.
it was. We watched TV last night.
No, 1/ he/ she / 1visited London in 2012.
Were you / we / Yes, you / we / they Past simple afirmativa: formación
they were. Con la mayoría de los verbos regulares, se añade
No. you / we / they -ed.
weren·t. walk - walked explain - explained
Con verbos regulares acabados en -e, se añade -d.
Was I were se utilizan para dar información sobre describe - described phone - phoned
una persona, un lugar o un objeto en el pasado.
Max wasn't at school. Con verbos acabados en vocal + consonante, la
The beach was crowded. consonante se duplica y se añade -ed.
Miniskirts were popular. rob - robbed travel - travelled

Nota: there was / there were son las formas de Con verbos regulares acabados en -y, esta se omite
antes de añadir -ied.
pasado de there is/ there are.
carry- carried try-tried
There was a beautiful dress in the shop.
There weren't many people in the park. Las oraciones en post simple a menudo incluyen
expresiones temporales de pasado.
1talked to Jenna yesterday.
Last week we travelled to Australia.
They sailed a boat at the weekend.

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 7 Gramática


®1 Clothes blond (adj} /blond/ rubio
boots (n) /bu:ts/ batas brown (adj) /braun/ tastaño
cap (n) fkrep/ gorra dark (adj) /da:k/ oscuro
cardigan (n) /'ko:d1g~n/ chaqueta de pu11to ginger (adj) /'d3md3-;;i(r)/ pelirrojo, rojizo
dress (n) /dres/ v~do grey (adj) /gre1/ G.1110

hat (n) /hret/ sombrero white (adj) /wa1t/ blanc.o

hoodie (n) /'hudi/ sudadua c.on capuc.ha Special features
jacket (n) /'d3rek1t/ chaqueta beard (n) /bJ:)d/ barba
jeans (n) /d3i:nz/ vaqueros freckles (n) /'freklz/ pecas
leggings (n) / 1 leg11Jz/ 1t1alla!: glasses (n) /'glo:s1z/ gafas
sandals (n) /'srendlz/ sandalias moustache (n) /md'sto:f/ bigote
shirt (n) IJ 3:t/ camisa
shoes (n} /fu:z/ zapatos ~ Extra vocabulary
shorts (n) /f':i:ts/ pantalones cortos
skirt (n) /sk3:t/ falda arrest (v) fa'rest/ detenu. arr~r
socks (n) /soks/ calcetines rob (v) /rob/ robar
sweatshirt (n) /'swetf3:t/ sudadera robber (n) /'rob;}(r)/ ladrón, ladrona
top (n) /top/ top, camiseta suspect (n) l'sAspekt/ sospechoso,sospecllosa
trousers (n) /'trauz-;;iz/ pantalones
T-shirt (n) /'ti:f3:t/ camisda de 111a11ga corta @ Extra vocabulary
s.}: Extra vocabulary breathe (V) /bri:o/ respirar
float (v) /floot/ flotar
baggy (adj) /'bregi/ holgado gloves (n) /glAvz/ guantes
collar (n) /'kola(r)/ cuello gravity (n) /'grrevati/ gravedad
fashionable (adj) helmet (n) / 1helm1t/ casco
/'frefnabl/ de. moda. land (v) /lrend/ aterrizar
hood (n) /hud/ capucha orbit (v) /'::,:bit/ girar alrededor de
sleeves (n) /sli:vz/ mangas space station (n) /spe1s
tight (adj) /t art/ ajustado 'ste1fn/ estación espacial
space suit (n) /spe1s su:t/ traje espacial
~ Appearance take off {v) / 1te1k 'of/ despegar
General appearance
fat (adj) /fa:.t/ gordo
tt)·· Functional language
of average height (adj) Shopping for clothes
fav 1revond3 ,han/ de altura media
Shop assistant
short (adj) /f':i:t/ flajo. pequeiío
slim (adj) /shm/ delgado, esbtllto Canlhelpyou? _ _
tall (adj) /t:,:1/ alto What size are you? ··-··
well-built (adj) /, wel 1b1lt/ corpulento What colour would you like?
Hair style / type The changing rooms are .. .
bald (adj) /b:,:ld/ calvo Doesitfit?
curly (adj) /'k3:1i/ ñzado
long {adj) /lng/ largo Customer
medium-length (adj) l'm looking for (a new jacket).
/'mi:diam ,leo0/ ni corto ni largo l'm a Small / Medium / large..
short (adj) /f:,:t/ e.orto
straight (adj) /stre1t/ liso Can I try it / them on?
wavy(adj) /'wc1vi/ ondulado lt's too big / small.
Can I try a smaller / bigger size? -··-
How much is it / are they?

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 7 Vocabulario


Past simple: irregular and Past simple: questions

regular verbs Interrogativa ¡Respuestas ----¡
r Sujeto ' Afirmativa : Negativa7 r·--, ¡ ~~ev~---
1 1/ You /He/ · dimbed. didn't climb.
Did ¡ 1/you/he/ 1go?___ - ; Yes, l /you /he/
regulares She / lt / !1 lived didn't live.
l she/it/ ¡ ;she/it/
We /They ! stopped. didn't stop.
we/they ¡ ;we / they did.
l t No, 1/ you / he /
El past simple se utiliza para describir acciones y
¡ ; she/it/
__ +--- - -- .... _ ___ __ . ~e/ they didn't.
situaciones del pasado. Whatdid\ l!you/he/ ¡ do?
La forma de post simple es la misma para todas las , she/ it/
personas del verbo. l we/they
¡--------'-- ---'--__,_--~'----· --·····-
1climbed the mountain. Uso
He climbed the mountain. La interrogativa del past simple se utiliza para
They climbed the mountain. preguntar acerca de acciones y situaciones del
Con la mayoría de los verbos regulares, la forma de pasado.
past simple se construye añadiendo -ed. Did you climb the mountain? Yes, 1did.
walk - walked explain - explained Did they go into the cave? No, they didn't.
La negativa se forma colocando didn't delante del i What did you do last week? We went to London.
infinitivo del verbo sin to.
1didn't go to the beach.
We didn't swim in the river.

Sujeto Afirmativa ! Negativa --¡

- - - - -- - -- ~- ----i---- ___ j
Verbos 1/You /He/
went. ¡didn't go.
irregulares She / lt / : bought. [ didn't buy.
, We/They . Í
-~ - -
Los verbos irregulares tienen sus propias formas de
post simple.
go - went buy- bought meet - met
swim - swam come - carne make- made

Mosaic 1 language Trainer Unit 8 Gramática


6~) Landscape places

ff9 Extra vocabulary
beach {n) /bi:tf/ playa alone (adj) /.>'lwn/ solo
cave (n) /ke1v/ cueva far away (adv) /,fu:r ;:i' we1/ lejos
cliff (n) /khf/ acantilado leave home (v)
coral reef (n} /'koral ,ri:f/ an-uifs da coral / 1li:v 'hoom/ marcl!arse de usa
desert (n) /'dezat/ dssiuto lonely (n) /'launli/ s:olo
forest (n) /'for1st/ bos:que
island (n) /'ailand/ isla ~ Extra vocabulary
jungle (n) / 1d3Augll jungla, Sffia
mountain (n) / 'maunt;:in/ montaña goods (n) /gudzJ mercancías, productos
ocean (n) l'élufn/ OGGanO grid (n) /gml/ cuadrícula
rainforest (n) /'remfonst/ bogqut pluvial/tropical ruins (n) /'ru:mz/ ruinas, restos
river (n) /'nva(r)/ ño site (n) /sa1t/ lugar
valley (n) /'vreli/ valle stone (n) /st:}UJI/ piedra
waterfall (n) /' w::,:t~f::,:1/ cas:cada underground (adj)
/,t.nda'graund/ fajo tierra, subterráneo
f.J Extra vocabulary
~ · Functional language
ant (n) /rent/ hormiga
crab (n) /krreb/ cangrejo Finding the way
crocodile (n) /' krok;:ida1!/ cotadrilo Excuse me, how do I get to ...• please?
elephant (n) /'ehfant/ elefante - - - -•·••• ••••-••••••·•··-·••••-~ • - •••••H••--···•••·•-·

mosquito (n) /m;:i'ski:t;:¡u/ mosquito Can you tell me the way to . .. , please?
shark (n) /Jo:k/ tiburón
squid (n) /skwrd/ calamar
Tum left / right .•. (at the traffic lights).
t¾;/ Places in town ...................................
Go straight on.
bakery (n) /'berk;:¡ri/ panaderia
bookshop (n) /'bukfop/ libruia
chemist's (n) /'keausts/ farmacia Go to the end of this street.
church (n) /tJ3:tJ/ iglesia
cinema (n) /'smama/ cine
Take the first / second / third left / right.
department store (n)
/d1'po:tmant ,st:,:(r)/ gra11des al111aee11es - -- -·-··..--..-····-..
newsagent's (n) lt's on the comer/ at the end of the street / on the
/'nju:zerd3onts/ quiosco left / right.
office block in) /'of1s
,blok/ bloque de oficinas:
petral station (n) /'petral nextto _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _
,ste1Jn/ gasoú11era
post office (n) /'p;:iust between _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ._____
,ohs/ (otieina del Co1Teos on the left / right of _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _
shopping centre {n) opposlte _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
/'JopllJ ,sent;:i(r)/ centro comercial
behind ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __
sports centre (n) /'sp:,rts
,sent.>(r)/ polideportivo infrontof_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
sweet shop (n) /'swi:t
.fop/ tienda de chuches
takeaway (n) /' te1kawer/ local dt comida para llevar
train station {n) /'trem
,ste1.fn/ estación de ferrocarril

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 8 Vocabulario
.• Gramática

wi/1 I won 't be going to: affirmative

and negative
Sujeto + be (not} + going to+ infinitivo sin to
.Áfirmáihrct:c :N ~:,
l'm goingto fly. l'mnot goingto fly.
1/You /He/ She / 1 won't go. You're goingto fly. You goingto fly.
lt/We/They aren't
- ,:;._- '- .."
l_nt~m~gativa "' º He's goingto fly. He isn't goingto fly.
Will 1/you / go? Yes, 1/ you /he/ she / She's goingto fly. Sheisn't goingto fly.
he /she/ it / we / they will. lt's goingto fly. lt isn't goingto fly.
it/we/ No, l /you /he/ she / We're goingto fly. Wearen't goingto fly.
they it / we / they won't.
You're goingto fly. You goingto fly.
Uso aren't
Will se utiliza para expresar predicciones sobre el
They're goingto fly. They goingto fly.
futuro. aren't
"Wi/1 + infinitivo sin to" se utiliza con todas las
personas del verbo.
be going to: questions
1will build a computer.
lt will be hotter. be+ sujeto+ going to+ infinitivo sin to
They will move house.
La forma contracta 'JI se utiliza en el registro
lnteriogatív:aS ¡.. .¼;_,.,. Respuei!~s bre"es:.-. '"'
Am I going to fly? Yes,lam. No,l'm not.
informal de la lengua oral y escrita.
Are you going to fly? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
He'II be late tomorrow.
You'II enjoy the film. Is he going to fly? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
Is she going to fly? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
La negativa se construye con won't + el infinitivo
del verbo sin to. Is it going to fly? Yes, itis. No, it isn't.
People won't live in space. Are we going to fly? Yes,weare. No, we aren't.
We won't buy a computer. Are you going to fly? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
La interrogativa con wi/1 se utiliza para hacer Are they going to fly? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.
preguntas sobre predicciones de futuro. Uso
Nota: en las respuestas breves afirmativas no se Be going to se utiliza para hablar de planes de
utilizan las formas contractas. (Yes, 1will. futuro.
NO~) l'm going to play ten nis this afternoon.
Will computers be smaller? We aren't going to go to the cinema.
Yes, they will. La interrogativa de be going to se utiliza para hacer
Will you fly aplane? preguntas sobre planes de futuro.
No,lwon't. Nota: en las respuestas breves solo se incluye el
verbo be, sin going to.
Are you going to travel by bus? Ye s,lam.
Is he going to work tomorrow? No, he isn't.

• Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 9 Gramática

- Vocabulario

t) Computers / technology (1 Extra vocabulary

digital camera (n) cast (n) /ka:st/ equipo de actores y actrices
/,d1d31tl 'ka:m;mi/ úmata digital director (n) /da'rekta(r),
e-book (n) /'i: ,buk/ e-book. libro elutrónfoo d1-, da1-/ dirutor, directora
games console (n) /'ge1mz role (n) /raul/ papel, personaje
,konsaul/ videoconsola scene (n) /si:n/ esce11a
keyboard (n} /'ki:bo:d/ tulado
memory stick (n) - Extra vocabulary
/'memari ,st1k/ lápiz de t1ie111oria
mobile phone (n) audience (n) /'o:dhms/ público
/'maubail foun/ t81éfono 111óvil novel (n) /'novl/ novela
mouse (n) /maus/ ratón perform (v) /p:,'fa:m/ actuar
printer (n) /'prmta(r)/ i111presora sign (v) /sa1n/ firmar
remote control (n) thrilling (adj) /'0nho/ 8111ocionant11, apasionante
/n,m:mt bn'traul/ IIW!do a dirlaneia title (n) /'tattl/ titulo
speakers (n) /'spi:kaz/
tablet (n) /'treblat/
webcam (n) /'webkrem/
tabl8ta, tablet
e Functional language
Wi-Fi (n) /'wa1 ,fa1/ wi-fi Making arrangements
What are you doing at the weekend?
f) Extra vocabulary ....
···-············· --··········-·--···-·-·-·-·····-····-·
Are you doing anything on Saturday evening?
engineer (n) /,en31'nra(r)/ illgeniero, ingeniera
invention (n) /m'venfn/ blve11to
inventor (n) /m'venta(r)/ inventor, inventora What are you up to on Saturday night?
light (adj) /lait/ ligua
prediction (n) /pn'd1kJn/ predicción What else are you doing?
share (v) /Jea(r)/ eompartir
touch screen (n) /t,\tJ skri:n/ pa11talla táctil ............................................
true (adj) /tru:/ cierto, vudad l'm going shopping / having a party / going away for the
(8 Films ·················•·····•···........_.............-..._, _____~---···········-···-····· . ·--··
aetion / adventure film (n) película de acción /
/'rekfn, ad'ventfd ,ftlm/ aventuras
animation (n) /rem'me1fn/ a11imació11
comedy (n) /'kom.>di/ com6dia
documentary (n)
/dokju'mentri/ docume.ntal
drama (n) /'dra:mo/ pef'ICU!a ck género dramático
fantasy film (n) /'frentosi película ds ginero
,film/ fantástico
historical drama (n)
/h1 1stnnkl ,dra:ma/ drama históri<.o
horror film (n) /'hora(r) ,f,hn/ película de terror
musical (n) /'mju:.zrkl/ musical
romantic film (n) /r;,u'mrent1k
1 f1lm/ película romántica
science fiction film (n) / 1sa1;ms
'f1kJn ,fdrn/ película ds ciencia ficción
thriller (n) /'0nfa(r)/ thriller, pelítula d8 suspense
western (n) /'westan/ película de vaqueros

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Unit 9 Vocabulario

Verbos irregulares
lnfinitive Past si,;nple Past p.irtidpte
ser/ estar be /bi/ was/were /woz / w3:(r)/ been /bi:n/
volverse become /b1'kAml became /b1'kerm/ become /b¡'Jwn/
e111pezar begin /bt'gm/ began /b1'gren/ begun /b1'9,rn/
ro11tpet break /bre1k/ broke /braok/ broken /'br;,uk:m/
construir build /btld/ built /b1lt/ built /b1lt/
comprar huy /ba¡/ bought /b:i:t/ bought /b:i:t/
poder can /ka:.n/ could /kad/
coger catch /kretJ/ caught /b:t/ caught /k::,:t/
venir come /k:..m/ carne /keun! come /lwn/
hacer do /du:/ did /d1d/ done /dAnl
beber drink /dnuk/ drank /drreuk/ drunk /drAl)k/
comer eat /i:t/ ate /ell/ eaten /'i:tn/
caer fall /fa:1/ fell /fel/ fallen l'fa:lan/
encontrar find /famd/ found /faund/ found /faund/
volar fly /fla1/ flew /flu:/ flown /flaun/
coMeguir get lgetl got /got/ got /got/
levantarse getup /get Apl gotup /got Ap/ gotup /gol t>.p/
dar give /91v/ gave /gerv/ given /'91vn/
ir go /gou/ went /went/ gone/been /gon / bi:n/
tener have /hrev/ had /hred/ had /hred/
esconder hide /hatd/ hid /lud/ hidden /'ludn/
saber know /nao/ knew /nju:/ known /naun/
aprender leam /b:n/ leamt / leamed /h:nt / b:nd/ leamt / leamed /13:nt / b:nd/
salir leave /li:v/ left /lcft/ left /le.ft/
perder lose /lu:z/ lost /lost/ lost /lost/
hai;er make /merk/ made /me1dl made /me1d/
conocer meet /mi:t/ met /met/ met /met/
leer read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/
correr run /rt>.nl ran /rren/ run lrAnl
decir say /sei/ said /sed/ said /sed/
ver see /si:/ saw /so:/ seen /si:n/
vender sell JseU sold /s:xild/ sold /sauld/
enviar send /send/ sent /sent/ sent /sent/
se11targe sit /srt/ sat /sret / sat ls::etl
donnir sleep /sli:p/ slept /slept/ slept /slept/
hablar speak /spi:k/ spoke /sp;iuk/ spoken /'spaok:m/
pasar (tiempo} spend /spend/ spent /spenl/ spent /spent/
nadar swim /swun/ swam /swrem/ swum /swMD/
tomar take /te1k/ took /tuk/ taken /'terk:m/
enseñar teach /tj:tf/ taught /t:J:t/ taught /t::,:t/
GOlltat tell /tell told /t~uld/ told /t:,uld/
pe11sat think /011Jkl thought /8-::,:t/ thought /0::,:t/
vestir wear /we:,{r)/ wore /w-:,:(r)/ worn /wo:n/
escribir write /rait/ wrote /~t/ written l'ntn/

Mosaic 1 Language Trainer Verbos irregulares

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